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No. 1522345
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
Previous thread:
>do not respond to bait>do not respond to trolls or obvious maleposters. report and move on, please.
>remember this thread is about unpopular opinions, not the debate thread, or the politics thread. if you want to get upset, that's on you. No. 1522351
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Thank you nonny I just came here to say that it’s better than real ramen
No. 1522458
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>>1522394Some people confuse hotness for flavor
I am uncultured swine, my favorite insta ramen is the soupless seaweed noodles
No. 1522472
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this is the tastiest.
No. 1522509
>>1522493what about ramen related trauma
extremely spicy ones make me shit bricks No. 1522594
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>>1522472Fucking peasant korean ramen trash. Repent, try the nissin singapore line of japanese style ramen, and you wil go to real instant noodle heaven.
No. 1522782
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i think men who are too fixated with ass and anal are gay
No. 1522831
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>>1522799This, I’m not your mommy friend, little street urchin. Fetch my coffee and shut the fuck up.
>>1522757More male strip clubs too. Throw that ass in a circle, college boi!
No. 1522887
>>1522822Exactly. XY are wired differently. Male prostitution is incomparable to women doing it. I think if this were an option, I’d ditch dating altogether and just hire an experienced guy whenever I was touch-starved and wanted to satisfy my physical needs.
I think the presence of male prostitutes would force men try harder. Possibly why it’s not a thing in the U.S.
No. 1522984
>>1522979NTA, but even children are taught that two wrongs don't make a right, kek. Wanting to be left alone is one thing, but there are so many needlessly bitter, malicious older women who seem to despise younger women. Don't even get me started on the older women who simp for disgusting old scrotes who creep on younger women and
victim-blame. So much for female solidarity I suppose
No. 1523055
>>1523017>Man cheats on his wifeFoul! Dickless! Reprehensible! Fatherless behavior!
>Woman cheats on her husbandLol. Lmao.
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>>1523063if gas station druggie is sexy, sure
No. 1523079
>>1523077>>1523076Scrote hatred towards Justin Bieber and Twilight just seems so absurd and petty in retrospect, and sort of mean considering their target audience consists of young teenage girls. It's the equivalent of a 12 year old boy laughing at a 4 year old for watching Teletubbies. Scrotes get to have their dumb shooter bibleo games and Shonen anime power fantasies that they enjoy right into adulthood with zero criticism, but they collectively spent half a decade relentlessly bullying young girls for liking media they didn't understand.
Maybe I'm out of touch, but it seems like that's all finished now and girls are free to enjoy girl things.
I only watched the first twilight movie, and it was okay, a solid 6/10 fun summer flick. Even my brother I watched it with seemed to enjoy it just as a casual movie. Justin Bieber was similarly harmless.
No. 1523089
>>1523063>>1523076Currently he's not bad physically but his current style is repulsive to me, but apparently you like it. I don't even date scrotes and I hate it when they hate on anything that women like (even if it's something I criticize myself for other reasons like K-pop), so I don't know what the hell that has to do with me not finding him attractive. What a way to overreact.
>>1523086Even so didn't his Batman get a lot of fangirls and gay shipping because of his emo portrayal? I hope moids are seething about that too and the sigma shit is just a cope kek.
No. 1523109
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I speak 4-5 languages and I can say with a doubt and I can say without a doubt that English is the dumbest global language in the world, literally the tribal dialect that my grandparents speak which was exclusively spoken and developed by isolated inbred illiterate is more consistent then English
No. 1523145
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>>1523084Even grown women liked Twilight and Justin Bieber. Must've boiled their blood.
No. 1523172
>>1523086Pattinson is such a bitch and I hate him. He said (paraphrasing) he hated Twilight and suffered because he had to act as Edward so that moids and NLOGs would still call him based. He's an ungrateful asshole because that movie made him, reminds me of how HP actors thrown JKR under the bus.
I also remember an interview in which Kristen said she can't imagine life without her cat and he replied something like 'well your cat is gonna die soon so good luck'.
No. 1523188
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>>1523174>>1523153both English and French are essentially bastard languages, like language take from others but there are a handful of languages that are uniquely inconstant such as Vietnamese, Maltese, Czech and some other minor languages
English is a Germanic langauge at core with an inconsistent Latinized pronunciation
No. 1523696
>>1523634>The French […] are horrible to people learning their languageThey're (We're?) also horrible towards each other when learning foreign languages. My teachers in primary school convinced my mother to not teach me her first language because they're racist fucks and they thought learning two languages at the same time will make me perpetually confused and yes they are two very separate reasons, so I couldn't interact with my cousins until they learned French in middle school when I was visiting them abroad, and teachers and students alike would ALWAYS shit talk anyone who would willingly participate in class when we were studying English. If you didn't have the most posh britbong accent someone would laugh at you. Even French presidents who are fluent in English get shit talked for their accents, although tbh they do the bear minimum and they're presidents so fuck them anyway. I didn't notice that in my German classes for some reason but tbh I don't remember anything about them. It stopped as soon as I started learning an optional language in high school and when I started studying languages more seriously in uni.
tldr; the French are pessimistic little shits, so making fun of others for everything is basically tradition.
No. 1523697
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>>1523647>english speakers are incredibly kind.>There's a reason why it's the most spoken second language in the world.Anons… Those are unrelated, separate statements, right? Right?
No. 1523731
>>1523716I've struggled financially to the point of homelessness and still feel like being forced to sell your body for sex is a very low point and society coersing women to do it is disgusting. Society is doing a great job coaching girls into thinking it's okay to do that now though. Good for them if they can do that long term without getting trauma, most can't as you can see on this very website.
I don't get the comparison between being married (assume you're legally married, you're entitled to 50% of whatever your Nigel has) or having parents (once they die you inherit whatever they have) with being a sex worker, a job that has an expiration date and no safety in case you can't perform it anymore.
Are you a sex worker trying to cope or a consumer of sex work? I truly don't get it.
No. 1523800
>>1523794Not sure whether this is an unpopular opinion or not but I am extremely uncomfortable talking about anything sexual around my family or even watching movies or shows with sex scenes near or with them. Is that considered unpopular? If it helps, they traumatized me, though not sexually, so maybe it's a trust or boundaries thing
My father tries too hard ever since he learned I was bisexual to be chummy with me and I repeatedly have to tell him I'm not comfortable with certain jokes or comments he's made. I think it's a weird way of trying to relate to me, but I just feel like I've heard more things I don't want to out of that man. They both have horrendous taste in partners and never shoudlve procreated and the fact that I'm uncomfortable speaking about sex in front of them solidifies it
No. 1523814
>>1523808You have raised the bar. I wonder if our fathers met if their annoying would collide and nullify the problem.
After getting to know my formerly workaholic father better as an adult, though he is the less traumatizing, I realize was my stopped clock crazy mother was right once a day.
No. 1523824
>>1523818I've known my fair share of people who have both good and bad relationships with their parents who've been far more lax about mentioning sex
meanwhile my father walked in on me watching Shape of Water and Yes Man during the blowjob scene. I almost died of secondhand embarrassment
No. 1523829
>>1523800Its probably an unpopular opinion for the freaks of today but I'm on board with this. I'm not saying you cant speak on anything sexual when with relatives but personally if someone feels comfortable with sharing such stuff with their parents it skeeves me out.
I also dont see the problem with being uncomfortable with watching sex scenes (even if simulated) with family when sex is an incredibly personal thing in the first place. I wouldn't want to watch someone do it with my relatives around just as I wouldn't want my relatives seeing me doing it. I dont watch porn but sex scenes are in virtually everything nowadays.
No. 1523845
>>1523800A niece of ours is in an interracial relationship and around the breakfast table my father makes the most abhorrent and vile "jokes" about it. Cackling about how his dog would gobble their future child up like vegemite. It's like borderline fetishistic as well the way he goes on about it, it's like /pol/ with their "ironic" posting of interracial porn all over 4chan.
But once I asked him to stop he did stop. He seen it was hurting me and it ended all at once. I just felt awkward at any family breakfast now still and have since stopped going.
I believe they genuinely do think this sort of thing is funny. I can't understand it, it's really gross and makes me feel sick, but it's some bizarre form of humor I don't understand.
No. 1523848
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>>1523086I hate how out of all comic book heroes batman is singled out to be this edgy brooding character when he has such a rediculous costume and campy villains.
They need to start painting the brows on the eyebrow ridges of his mask to show how stupid his costume is. Micheal Keaton was peak batman, and it's all been downhill from there.
No. 1523849
>>1523833In my personal experience it was undergraduates (young people 18-24) that were the worst for this behavior. Old European people are actually pretty soft on foreign speakers because they grew up during a time when English wasn't the undisputed global tongue. They'll claim their language is better and refuse to speak English, but they won't be douche-bags to your face about using the wrong gender on an indefinite article.
I remember being pretty hurt by it when I was younger.
No. 1523850
>>1523845It's always like it's the man. Must be the generational gap. Even as recently as the 2000s it was still considered acceptable for men to harass women in public.
Were they not raised to spare what they shared with their parents? Then why are they casually making sex jokes at the expense of their own young relatives?
This is why I never brought any of my ex partners around my parents. My father met one of my ex boyfriends when he showed up to the house unannounced, I was still asleep when he popped in. Once was enough.
>>1523848I only want to see Joker 2 because I assume it'll be campy. Joker 1 wasn't, but who's to say there can't be a mood whiplash. It would be nice to see more fun comic book movies that aren't just marvel crap
I actually really only love Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn as much as I do because she's unapologetically fun, even in bad movies.
No. 1523962
>>1523863it really is. when i started seeing my boyfriend and we kissed, i was grossed out but would still do it because i wanted to see if i would get used to it, science experiment. generally fine/meh with it now, but sometimes after if i think about it i get grossed out again. human mouths are incredibly unsanitary, there's a reason human bites can be dangerous.
kisses on his cheek or forehead or hand are ok though.
No. 1523967
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She’s ugly coomershit and all her figures are trash, I genuinely have no idea why teen girls are so obsessed with Sonico crap.
Naitou is cute though.
No. 1523968
>>1523967They’re naive. I remember being a dumb tween girl and thinking anime girls were so cute and kawaii and that their sexiness was interesting, cool, titillating, counterculture, and aspirational. Gen Z kids just now also have to pretend to ascribe to puritan values so they instead have to hold the stance of “it’s just cute, it’s not sexual unless YOU objectify this plastic softcore porn object! It can be completely pure and harmless to collect figurines of Asian women whose bodies are warped beyond recognition to make men more aroused.”
Half these kids who own sonico figures also own other weird coomer shit from hentai games and pedo anime.
I met some girl at a random completely non nerd related event last summer, she looked and acted totally normal, gave me her Instagram and it was full of several dozen figurines of sonico and 5 year old looking cat girls in bikinis, kids with giant boobs in school swimsuits, things like that. Genuinely horrifying and all the captions were like “so happy to add this new precious cutie to my family, she’s so adorable.” There’s a kind of denial that comes from them spending so much time in a subculture that normalizes the most batshit crazy weird gross stuff.
No. 1523985
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>>1523968Legit today I saw some girl being like ‘my loli anime girl sitting on a toilet figure is not sexual at all!’
I get they’re kids but this is pretty obviously meant to be a fetish figure.
>>1523979I presume it’s because her figures are mostly prize figures (so cheap as hell) and they like the Gloomy bear one.
No. 1524096
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>>1524070My god anon, i had a bunch of female weeb friends when i was younger and they really wanted me to watch the Monogatari series despite the fact that i didn't like it, even when i was in middle school i could see how fetishy it was but i could never find the words to explain it to them, i endured it just because the animation and the style were nice.
I still regret spending my time watching it and i always hated how praised and popular it was when it's literally some pathetic fantasy anime that attempts to be deep, unique and funny, it all seriously disgusts me, some songs and music are nice but i just can't appreciate them since i know what's behind them.
No. 1524139
>>1524096The best characters in Monogatari was Kaiki, Sodachi or Rouka, Kaiki was an edgy cranky weirdo, Sodachi had an intriguing arc and Rouka was under utilized. None of them got enough screentime versus the boobed monsters, the loli and the perverted MC. My favorite characters were the least sexualized and story driven ones (although I had the hots for Kaiki, who looks like a haunted ghoul). I would've liked Suruga if she weren't so perverse. In hindsight having watched a good portion of Monogatari up until I quit anime, there were grains of a competent storyline smothered by sleaze. The fetishes really remove you from the potential of the series. It's surrealist and it's strange, but it actually does have potential, and I'll never understand the fetish shit. It adds nothing. Why does it have to surround the MC and his girlfriend, they're both perverts and the least interesting in the series?
>>1524083When it comes to Haruhi the storyline felt concentrated around an actual story. Monogatari series was compartmented and all over the place, and filled to the brim with fetishism to where the story was overwhelmed. In Haruhi they tended to at least focus on the storyline sans Mikuru harassment or random shots of shirtless Kyon, what the fuck was Endless Eight. My dream was always for KyoAni to animate another season since I read light novel chunks of latter Haruhi and enjoyed the latter arcs, and they never did before I quit watching anime altogether
No. 1524162
>>1524117It's crazy. They're not the types of people to see how bad things are overall. Maybe their lives are fine and they're well off, but they're worse than doormats.
I'm, personally, a whitepiller. I'll see those specs of optimism in the midst of all the suffering our society goes through. The thing is, optimism comes with hope that everyone else takes their part in leading a better life to their individual selves. I do know there's people out there that don't want to do the work, but they can do their own thing and not bother everyone else and guilt them or anything. That's just hope people are more assertive and selfish.
No. 1524187
>>1524166>Europeans know more than one language because their countries are smaller and closerNot really, third and fourth languages are actively taught in school and most people forget them once they're out of school because we don't use them in our daily lives, well at least not in my country. I would not be able to even properly introduce myself in my neighbouring countries if I hadn't been taught their languages in school. I have a hunch that people from large countries vastly overestimate how much people from small countries really interact with each other, crossing the border a couple of times a year is not enough to pick up a language.
>>1524163True, I can't really hold a proper conversation in my third and fourth languages (if you can even call it that).
No. 1524303
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>>1524253they really don't. exceptions would be people living on borders, where they generally interact with citizens of another country more often and may cross over back and forth often for grocery shopping, entertainment, friends. but just like any other country, most probably only know the national or regional language to communicate fluently, with people in tourist areas knowing English, and younger people typically (but not always) also knowing enough English to communicate because of English-speaking media (movies, tv, vidya, social media, schooling).
No. 1524317
>>1524253A closer relationship in what sense? We're not oblivious or ignorant about our neighbours, sure, but most people's day to day lives don't extend over the border. Like
>>1524303 said that's mostly reserved for people who live in border regions. (Not trying to speak for all of Europe but this is my perspective as someone living within hours driving distance from multiple countries)
No. 1524372
>>1524362how is it bait?
>>1524367um what…i dont eeven like boy kpop groups.
No. 1524380
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the word kpop/k-pop should be banned or filtered to something like dung beetle
No. 1524381
>>1524357Go back to choachan. You have an entire imageboard for your retardation, is it so hard to stay contained?
>>1524380I vote cockroach
No. 1524414
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>>1524357I don't care about kpop but I will tolerate and encourage your korean cryptid spam on occasion, because it makes moids seethe so much kek. I think most nonnies don't like it because it unfortunately also makes twitterfags feel welcome in case of making actual kpop threads.
No. 1524418
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>>1524415kekkk that fits so nicely
No. 1524568
I love PJ Harvey's music, but whenever I read interviews with her from the 90s, she makes me sad. She gave such pickme vibes, repeatedly downplaying the lyrics of her songs, mentioning how she prefers men to women, claiming lyrics don't/shouldn't even matter, etc. Maybe she had to be that way because of the time period, but her songs feel so raw and even painful at times, and when she talks about them, it's like "H-Haha I was totally just laughing at myself". She's amazing, but it's such a letdown. I really love how she expressed feelings of dysphoria without ever actually trooning out, lampooned stereotypical femininity and just seemed so unapologetically…real in her art, no need for explanation. I just wish she was even more unapologetic.
No. 1524610
>>1524608NTA but no you can't lol
>It wasn't me, it was all my swarthier brother!Loool
No. 1524683
>>1524666You're a projecting American incel piece of subhuman shit or a deluded pickme obsessed with massaging the mayo pole, and I can smell it because I've had far more exposure to those freaks than you're insisting. They are diverse, but also overwhelmingly WHITE. Go ahead and insist otherwise so I can start responding with face pics of well-known incel figures you'll jump to insist are "j-just exceptions". Autistic German cromagnons and Balkan troglodytes internally raging that their mothers did not abort them and constantly bashing and harassing black/brown women for being "ethnic bitches".
All men are garbage, no white nigels. Kys. Currycels and Sotomayor clones spamming "JBW" are bottom of the fucking barrel, but don't think that takes the heat off of the pig-complexioned cuckolds and nonces polluting the web with their filth.
No. 1524686
>>1524682You are presumably a woman (ie an actual human). Men are not, don't be confused. Serbian men are some of the fucking worst on the internet about race shit. Almost no one in the international community gives a fuck about them, so they fixate on being white to flex on the other incels.
Only "normal" ones are Finns, and even they are disproportionately trannies.
No. 1524687
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Uh oh, is it about to be a European smackdown in here?
No. 1524699
>>1524692I speak from personal experience. Arabs and Koreans are just below shit, but thanks to their small brains, their English is so poor that anyone can laugh them out of a conversation.
Moids from the irrelevant/shitty countries of Europe = racist out of perceived necessity. This is the simple fact of the matter. These are men who have no claim to fame apart from aryan LARPs, much like the broke, mentally retarded, morbidly obese pigshit white scrote of burgerland.
No. 1524738
>>1524723This. It lowkey makes me think that every denier here is a white moid
Like how can you actually be oblivious to white male racism? Literally all you have to do is visit 4chan for 5 minutes.
No. 1524754
>>1524751>muh buzzwordsTry Reddit or Twitter or a BBS forum if you're so
triggered by imageboard lingo.
No. 1524757
>>1524754That's not imageboard lingo, faggot
How can I tell?
They didn't say faggot one single time
No. 1524771
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I'm not a homophobe-chan, I think gay men have a right to exist and not be persecuted but I don't think there's any reason for a gay male couple to have child(either through adoption or surrogacy) I just don't trust them and there's no social or biological compulsion for gay men to have children
No. 1524784
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like this shit, Skin to skin with two men that are completely foreign to the babies, they need their mother
No. 1524789
>>1524771I think they should be left alone in their seedy nightclubs, dogging spots, grindr apps and bathhouses where they can infect each other with STDs to their hearts content, but there's not any reason to tolerate their lifestyle in the public sphere.
Their lifestyle and mentality is just totally incompatible with the interests society. They gave up advocating for open pedophilia during the 80s begrudgingly, and you just know that if the winds changed, they'd let NAMBLA back into the pride parade.
No. 1524807
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>>1524796>>1524756It's not complicated, I'm a Jatt and I have pride in being a Jatt and my children will be Jatts
>>1524806 I belong to a specific tribe with a 400 year recorded history, that history is in me and will be part of my children
what tribe are you part of If you don't mine me asking ?
No. 1524813
>>1524807I'm afraid I'll doxx myself if I name it
It's a Montenegrin tribe
But if I tell you what it is you can guess my surname
No. 1524942
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>>1524925"desis" aren't a thing, its a term by urdu/hindi speaking dispora, see Indian is like European, a region with some shared history but vastly different
an Italian has as much as common with a German as much as a Tamil has in common with a Pashtun
No. 1525098
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I prefer phonecalls to any written communication. Sending emails is like pulling teeth, I hate them so much. Texting is tolerable.
No. 1525145
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>>1525107What if they murder the moid and keep the fortune?
No. 1525208
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>>1525071>I can see this in how women act in relationships, while the woman is being reasonable and helpful the man is usually plotting on how much he can get what and what she can used for. Women will probably never be the gender in power for this reason.Women have wielded a lot of political power historically and typically have been brutal with it when they have it. Bipartisanship, moderation and compromise doesn't really come into effect for women rulers. The women in the Ottoman harems typically killed each other's children violently and were sociopathic animals.
It's more when women become mothers that this side comes out.
No. 1525227
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>>1525226>only brag about it if the man is hot and age appropriateSo true anon. I can't stand women showing their disgusting pig husbands who have money like that's a lifestyle anyone should be jealous of
No. 1525232
>>1525227A lot of these women have no standards for men other than them paying the bills and not beating their face in everyday. It teaches men that all they need to do is have money and not be physically
abusive but everything else is fine.
No. 1525233
>>1525226What are the real downsides to marrying a rich seventy year old? He's so old he can barely manage to have sex, you're just there on his side for social events for him to show off like a rolex. He'll age into a rocking chair at the age of 80 and you'll be free to do whatever you want until he passes away.
Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like an easy and safe way through life.
No. 1525264
>>1525250They are
abusive and careless when they are young because they can be. They know that they can have fun, treat women like garbage and fuck because they can just easily settle down when they are old which is something women can’t do. I bet if that 70 year old had his 20 year old looks despite having low testosterone he would be up to his same bullshit.
No. 1525275
>>1525208is this bait? individual women rulers in an extreme patriarchal system (and are extremely male-identified) who are the exception, is not the same as regularly having women in power.
>The women in the Ottoman harems typically killed each other's children violently and were sociopathic animals. Do you seriously consider being a ruler's whore a meaningful position of power? of course they acted like this because they had no real power in male-dominated systems. men owning and raping multiple women is sociopathic behavior in and of itself.
No. 1525298
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People who intentionally have a lot of kids are selfish and too focused on their own fantasy of having a large family, and don't consider how the children will be affected psychologically. IMO three kids is fine in most cases, four is kinda pushing it but can turn out okay under the right circumstances. But I don't think you can realistically raise five or more children without any of them developing psychological issues related to parentification (especially older girls), emotional neglect, enmeshment, lack of privacy, lack of identity, sibling rivalry, either getting disciplined too harshly or never facing any consequences (bonus points if the rules are unfair towards girls or older kids), you get the idea. Like sure you might have the resources to keep 5+ kids alive and physically healthy, but there's no way you'll have enough time and energy to give all of them an adequate amount of personal attention and emotional attunement. Raising kids to be well-adjusted and mentally healthy requires more than just keeping them fed and alive. Large families are breeding grounds for people pleasers, attention seekers and personality disorders
No. 1525321
>>1525298It's sad this isn't considered a popular opinion but so many people will say you're infantilizing women by not trusting them to decide for themselves how many kids they should want or some shit.
>>1525313My sister is 13 years older than me. The thing is, she wasn't really forced to babysit me, but we definitely don't really have a relationship because with that kind of age gap the older one moves out of the house when the younger is still barely sentient. I wouldn't ever do it myself.
No. 1525492
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This anon has a point, but they've worded it horribly. Some black people genuinely are hostile to any and all white people, but that stems from trauma. I'm not trying to justify it, but I think if someone's gone through so much racism that they are that bigoted, that is something to be pitied instead of mocked. Not all black people hate white people and not all white people are unempathethic to black people. You have to find the ones who will accept you for who you are.
No. 1525555
>>1525298this sounds autistic, but I love looking up random countries fertility rates. Google provides a nice chart and almost all of them (except Africa) are dropping. Even MENA/South Asia. My own family is an example of that. My grandmother had 6 kids, my mom had 2, my sister has 1, and I plan on having none.
Women and the earth are finally catching a break.
No. 1525560
>>1525555I do the same kek, it's pretty autistic but it's a subject that fascinates me.
France went through the demographic transition early (They were the first to hit sub replacement iirc) and their birthrates are noticeably higher than the rest of western Europe now, especially Germany. It's theorized by some that there's going to be a resurgence in birthrates once people like me and you are weeded out of the gene pool, and the breeders are all that's left.
No. 1525674
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Religious Christian folk who refuse to "believe" in evolution have no real faith because denying reality or science supported by facts & proof just to believe in God and his teachings is a massive cope.
True believers understand that God's plan involved taking the time to make humans just right.
Evolution is the how we came to be, God is the why.
No. 1525729
>>1525725i spent seven years in incel communities, long before the term was ever popular and used as an insult by zoomers, and in that time i had seen probably no less than 80 woman who offered to have sex with anyone if they came to them. some of them
fakecels took them up on the offer, they had sex with these women, being cured of their inceldom, and many did not because they didn't want to "be with a whore". and that's where the divide comes from. you have people believing inceldom comes from plainly not having free (as in monetary) sex, then you have the belief that is not JUST about sex, it's about being in a relationship and having sex. And if it is the latter, then females can be incel in abundance.
No. 1525978
>>1525854Dating apps were really bad for me when I had shit self-esteem and was poor because it made my decisions around scrotes very naive and desperate.
Once I developed my career, obtained nice things, and got rid of the scarcity mentality, I had a way better time and actually chose to be around pretty cool dudes cause I enforced boundaries with my standards. I could at least count on them to take me on nice dates, get me pretty good drugs, and not sexually assault me. The whole point was to have fun and I lost sight of that when I was a pickme who tried too hard to be loved.
No. 1526026
nonnie! Hope Dublin is lovely
No. 1526586
>>1526470Why are you so mad about a hypocritical rich brown girl when most brown girls are probably broke and forced to marry men they don't like without even having the chance to get proper education nevermind have rich surgeon parents?
If you're white and living in a first world country yet you failed to get a good career or got born to shitty parents, that's %100 your issue. Don't drag a random woman into your own shortcomings.
No. 1526597
>>1526582I do think that some women making girls feel like losers for having weird taste and hobbies may be part of the reason they troon out, but it's obviously not the main cause. The real cause is rampant misogyny and objectification of girls and women in society at large, like
>>1526587 said, though I'd also add the fact that troonery is being officially endorsed by health orgs and governments worldwide. You sound like you live in an online bubble and are completely unaware of what women (including yourself) experience in real life on a daily basis or just don't notice that what they experience is wrong to begin with. You must be pretty lucky to have never been sexually abused, have had misogynistic parents, or discriminated against at work or school to think video games and anime are the main factor in a TIF's self-hatred. Please go outside, read a book, touch grass, talk to women, get a job, whatever the fuck other than sitting on your ass all day posting about cartoons on imageboards before blaming these imaginary radfems that are supposedly making all girls everywhere hate themselves according to you. The extent to which you care about women's issues is just consoomer hobbies and that's ok, just don't try to lecture anyone beyond that as if you knew more than women who actually care about real life lol.
>everything is icky and moidish to themAnd there's nothing wrong with that because it is a fact that most media is made by and for moids, and women in it are naturally going to be depicted in a distorted and sexist way, which isn't going to sit right with a lot of women. You can continue to consoom moid media and even discuss it, no one can stop you anyway, but they're right about it and you know it. There is nothing wrong with admitting that what you like is flawed.
I'll agree with this though. Even if I'm sympathetic to radfem ideas, I'm not a radfem either, just gender-critical, and I don't know if there's a more formal name for "pinkpilled" but I'm that also.
>>1526586NTA but systemic issues affect anyone, not just non-white women, although they are often the most affected. It's not an either/or matter, just because there are women who have it worse it doesn't mean you have to lack empathy for poor and vulnerable white women, much less blame them for "their own shortcomings" which are things they have no control over. The same arguments are used to blame third-worlders for being poor, in both cases it shows an incredible lack of nuance and critical thinking. Extremely braindead take.
No. 1526613
>>1526582Kek, you are an idiot.
Girls want to become tifs because of how much life fucks women over. Even as a teenager girls would be bullied for enjoying something out of the "norm" in a chunk of non western countries. What is this bait.
No. 1526762
>>1526672>they have access to beautiful women who barely have any standardsAre you retarded? Beautiful women do have standards and most guys keep obsessing about thatone pretty girl that hugged them once because of that, because most of them can't ever get a pretty girl to like them.
That's why dating apps make them mad, they do want to believe that they can get any pretty woman just by being a man but once they use a dating app and see that they can't keep any woman's attention and that women actually also want attractive men, they lose their minds.
Stop repeating male logic and acting like men can have any woman they like, it's fucking disgusting.
No. 1526802
>>1526617>Stop playing oppression olympics.The post you're replying to is literally saying this.
The claim that non-white women are more privileged and white women have it worse, that's something you pulled out of your ass and no one has said anything close to that, no one is "shitting on minority women", the first poster, who does seem to have a poor understanding of what "intersectional", just said she doesn't believe a rich woman with a comfortable life that happens to belong to an ethnic minority is more oppressed than an ethnic majority girl who didn't choose to be born in a poor region and family, which is absolutely a
valid opinion. Do you not see the difference between that simple statement and saying white women in general are more oppressed?
It's strange how you defend the very few exceptions of "minority" women (they're not a minority in their family's country of origin and I'm sick of the word being used as a replacement for "not white" because it shows a very US-centric worldview) that come from a rich family, but insist on shitting on white women who have shitty lives, just because there's other groups of women who have it worse. Rich non-white women are oppressed but so are poor white women (of which there are more than rich minority women, it's not individual cases of autism and laziness like you claim), there's no reason to fight over who's more oppressed when they both are
victims of misogyny, one of them suffers the effects of racism and the other the effects of poverty and classism, which you blame them for inflicting on themselves. Meanwhile you say nothing about poor women who aren't white who actually face the same challenges as both of those women, it's like you're only focusing on the racism part but not the poverty part as if poverty wasn't a systemic issue too or didn't exist at all.
No, what you are doing is the definition of oppression Olympics. Again, you use the same arguments as racists when they say "third worlders are broke because they're autistic lazy neets with no education or qualfication" only instead of third worlders you say white women. I should know, I am a third worlder and have heard that argument used against us and against poor people in my country countless times by rich and racist people from here and other countries. Like obviously they're all going to have a shit education and few job opportunities due to the system fucking them over, that's what being oppressed means.
The system doesn't magically exclude an entire race from all oppression, poor white women are just as likely to be sold into prostitution and sex slavery as any other poor woman, it's just that white women are less likely to be poor but that doesn't mean they're always rich either. You
are capable of getting this simple fact, right? It's not a fucking competition to see who has it worse, the rich one or the white one.
Do you lack reading comprehension or something? Oh wait no, you're just bored and looking for a fight. But if you're gonna reply seriously please at least read the post carefully instead of skipping important words before you formulate your counterargument again kek.
No. 1526816
>>1526617South Asian women in America are actually usually financially successful, and many often come from the upper class in their home countries. There’s so many that even claim to have lived in mansions with servants back home.
Except when they come to America, or are born and raised here to immigrant parents, they conveniently pull the race card and talk down to poor white women.
No. 1526917
>>1526909I’m outside and phone posting rn, keep projecting.
>>1526910Black men murder white women far more than black men are murdered by the police. If you didn’t know this, then idk how we can even continue to have this conversation. You have zero depth and all your arguments are basic as fuck lmao
No. 1526938
>>15269331) I never said anything about rich white women (an extreme minority because the vast majority of white women aren’t rich)
2) by your logic, a rich Asian woman isn’t anymore oppressed than a poor white man, since poor white men are more likely to be killed by the police
No. 1526939
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>>1526926because they kill each other and cultivate a life where you do illegal things to have status. and cities exist mate.
No. 1526955
>>1526946Drive by racism and being called a slur doesn’t make your life harder than being a woman (of any race) in poverty.
Black men aren’t more oppressed than white women, and there’s far more cases of black men hurting or killing white women than white women hurting or killing black men.
No. 1526960
>>1526955NTA, but you keep ignoring the fact tha globally, white people are still richer than brown people. There are more white richfags than there are brown or black richfags, but because there's at least one brown girl in the world who's richer than you, you want to throw
all non-white women under the bus out of bitterness. Intersectional femininity is "bullshit" because of the extreme minority of rich brown women who've never experienced racism except in your "poor white hick in a car" fantasy.
Also funny that you still wouldn't dare tell a white woman who happens to be rich that she "doesn't face sexism". All this, and we're still somehow meant to take away that racism isn't a real issue and that women aren't oppressed on a racial basis. Very funny. The lack of empathy is astounding.
No. 1526968
>>1526962I know a white woman that was sexually assauted by a black man there's no way you can convince me black moids are the perpetual
victim and never excercise their moid tendency to rape and beat and abuse women. Kek go back. Maybe one day a black man will pick you.
No. 1526972
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minimalist lifestyles are for deranged serial killers and proto serial killers
No. 1526986
>>1526983Why are you more annoyed at that poster than the anon who unironically thinks non-white women don't have
valid issues because "muh wealthy brown women", lmao?
No. 1526997
>>1526889I agree, but most white feminists are wealthy/privileged and would never advocate for poor white women.
>>1526952rich brown women are oppressed for being women, because women are
victims of violence far more than men, but they're not more oppressed than poor white women, because poor white women are more likely to be
victims of violence than rich brown women. do you still not get what I'm saying?
>>1526951Sexism is real, but let's not act like being called exotic by a creepy white male peer is on equal terms with, idk, bouncing around in the foster care system and getting molested by your meth head white trash uncle.
>>1526960I'm talking about in America/the West. Of course some impoverished low caste woman in India has a harder life than a white woman in America.
Similarly, a Ukrainian child prostitute has a much harder life than a brown/black woman with a normal life in America.
>>1526986I never said they don't have issues
No. 1527006
>>1527002You literally said it right here
>>1526887. Are you going to deny that now, or apologize, or what? What is this piss-poor attempt at gaslighting, lmao? You lost long ago.
No. 1527015
>>1527004this is
valid and true, but it has nothing to do with race. the black community in particular has issues it needs to solve.
No. 1527017
>>1527009That just means that by her logic, it's perfectly okay to say it's
not oppression to sexually harass a white woman. Not much better, and she'll still take offense at getting called out on this lmao.
>>1527013Do you think that's the only racism brown women face? And how exactly can you decide whether a completely different demographic of women is systematically oppressed on a racial basis when you aren't a minority and think intersectional feminism is invalid? Once again, is it okay to tell a white woman, "Sorry sweety, you as a woman aren't oppressed just because you get sexually harassed by scrotes"?
No. 1527022
>>1527017>Do you think that's the only racism brown women face?What systemic racism do brown people face in America? Actual arguments and not "umm their food gets called stinky". Do you think a brown man has it harder than a white woman?
>>1527016I'm not poor lmao
And I'm measuring suffering by actual acts of violence, not snarky remarks by peers.
No. 1527023
>>1527022As a
poc woman who is upper middle class. You don’t know the career opportunities or promotions she’s been passed up for in favor of white people, you don’t know about the rude comments she gets from the white in her life destroying her self esteem because she’s around nothing but white people and your peers getting to go around doing drugs, partying and putting in the bare minimum and you have to work 10x harder than them to be taken seriously etc just because she’s not being oppressed by poor white people doesn’t mean she’s not being oppressed by the white people in her socioeconomic group at all.
No. 1527029
>>1527022>snarky little commentsYou make it seem like racial slurs and bullying isn’t a big deal if it’s against rich brown women but do you not think sexist comments to rich white women are big deal? You’ve yet to answer that question. You seem to think violence is the only form of racism that’s
valid but do you think white women don’t experience sexism unless it’s literal rape or murder?Idgi kek
No. 1527030
>>1527023>as upper middle classpeople simply aren't gonna feel sorry for you, you have to accept that.
maybe people traveling/moving to other countries should never have become a thing, it always only creates problems. people from different nationalities/races will never not clash, it has always been like that and will never stop being that way.
No. 1527033
>>1527020>but most likely in higher numbersblack people, not brown (mena/desi) people, sure.
but again, that's not due to race. the black community is horrendously fucked up with internal issues that they need to solve on their own. they are their number one oppressors. why should poor white women be thrown to the back burner because they as a culture can't get their shit together? do you know who oppresses black women? black men. but black feminists don't want to say this, they'd rather exclude white women and act like we're privileged, even poor white women. black feminists will even vouch for their men when their men are accused of heinous things against white women.
>>1527023>rude comments is nothing comparable to what poor white women go through. the only difference is that you can advocate for your demographic without being canceled irl lmao
>>1527026I don't really care about rich white women, I said that several times already. You are trying to back me into a corner and I'm not gonna get the b8
No. 1527039
>>1527033take* not get why did I say that
>>1527034I am measuring sexism by actual acts of violence. poor women are more likely to be
victims of scrote violence than wealthy women. race has nothing to do with this.
>>1527034>Rich white women have more privilege than rich poc women by what metric? they're all equally privileged.
>>1527038again, AGAIN, I'm talking about the brown diaspora in America. do you seriously think an Indian-american medical student lives the same life as some illiterate slum dwelling Dalit back home? lmao
No. 1527043
>>1527038You could also say that a poor
poc woman in Murica has it better than some toothless peasant in bumfuck Romania…
No. 1527045
>>1527043Yeah so sexism, racism or any ism doesn’t exist. The only
valid ism is classism.
No. 1527047
>>1527045why do you keep lumping racism with sexism. sexism obviously exists, just look male on female violence.
white on
poc violence isn't really a common thing. race based hate crimes, when they happen, get nonstop news coverage.
No. 1527048
>>1527045in normal countries, meaning not murica, to an extent yes?
i'm not rich (and assholes exist in every nation) but nevertheless only being surrounded by people who look like you definitely makes things more easy and peaceful
No. 1527052
>>1527049In america socially being an Indian man is so much worse than being a white woman. You’re full of shit if you say you’d have no problem trading lives with an Indian man. You as a white woman would trade spots with a Indian scrote just because he’s a man? I don’t buy it
>>1527047Ok so basically sexism exists but racism doesn’t? Got it.
No. 1527058
>>1527053women are targets of violence for being women more than
poc are targets of violence for being
poc. this is undeniable.
No. 1527063
>>1527059this, Elliot rodger literally went on a shooting spree targeting white women because he couldn't find any blondes that wanted to fuck him
brown/asian men acting oppressed is a joke
No. 1527073
>>1527068You think socially you’d have an easier time as a dark skin
poc woman?
No. 1527074
>>1527058POC women face more violence than white women when in the same social/financial positions. White women are statistically richer and better off than
POC women.
No. 1527080
>>1527074wrong. east/south/mena women are all statistically richer than white women.
>>1527069similarly, British police refused to investigate decades long Pakistani grooming gangs in the uk that specifically preyed on poor white children. by your logic, that's racism. but I'm sure you also believe that racism against white people doesn't exist, so it would be silly to argue over it.
No. 1527084
>>1527033Btw the "every black issue is just black people's fault" is just a massive cope, black people in the US didn't magically end up that way on their own, but you already know this, and I see no point in rehashing your country's entire history and culure to you.
>do you know who oppresses black women? black men. but black feminists don't want to say this, tThey literally do. You don't know anything about black feminists, you probably can't even name any. They talk about black men all the time, which is why black men hate black feminists.
>they'd rather exclude white women From what? You've already said intersectional feminism is bullshit, meaning you exclude non-white women, so when black women focus on their own community and issues, you're mad because you're not the one being centred?
>act like we're privileged, even poor white womenYou are, you even admitted this. A poor black woman has it worse than a poor white woman.
> black feminists will even vouch for their men when their men are accused of heinous things against white women.Just like white feminist will vouch for white tranny rapists like Eli Erlick and Synthia China Blas when they rape black and brown women and little girls. When we're centering libfems, pickmes are always the standard, but somehow you think only non-white women are the problem.
No. 1527090
>>1527085There are 3 kinds of racial oppression imo
>social Micro-aggressions, people not wanting to date you or befriend you because of your race
>violentFor example rapists and serial killers going after black women because they are less likely to be looked for
>systematic Having a harder time progressing in school, work etc because of race
And socially…I wouldn’t want to be an Indian man.
No. 1527091
>>1527078Adding to this: It's so weird how east asian
poc are happy/proud and feel superior because they're doing well when it comes to economy, education and so on, while americans and europeans try to downplay what they have and try to feel sorry for themselves or get others to feel sorry for themselves.
No. 1527099
>>1527084>Jamals grandma couldn't drink from the same water fountain as white people so therefore he's allowed to kill a white female uber driver just trying to make a living lmao
>you're mad because you're not the one being centred?actually, I wouldn't care if black women strictly talked about black women issues, it's that you make it a competition with white women when we're talking about our own issues, and stick your noses in our spaces.
>but somehow you think only non-white women are the problem.nope, I literally said multiple times in this thread that I don't like rich white women/white feminists (same thing, really)
>>1527087in their own countries, by their own men? sure. the same has happened in Europe for thousands of years and still happens, just look at rape being used as a weapon of war in the Yugoslav wars, the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, etc.
>>1527091retarded post
No. 1527106
>>1527099people like you simply love being unhappy
you live in a country in which you have internet and you have the free time to post on lc? you should feel lucky instead
No. 1527119
>>1527112So instead of eliminating the root problem (sons/male children) you prefer to get rid of the
victims so they don't have to suffer at the hands of the oppressor you choose to reproduce again and again?
No. 1527129
>>1527119If you weren’t a female autistic you probably would’ve understood that I am saying
I’d rather reproduce well-behaved men. Also if we rid the world of male children entirely we wouldn’t be able to make more people. Surely if I choose to only have sons, that doesn’t change the fact that there are millions of other family units on this planet who have mostly reproduced daughters
No. 1527133
>>1527111>White scrotes might not give a shit about whites men beating white women but they do get pissed off over black men abusing “their women” and go bat shit over men are 6% of the population but do something like 50% of violent crime. yes, their
victims are usually other black men, but black men, more than men of any other race, can't seem to keep their hands off of women. did you not see the video of a black guy body slamming a small asian woman over her wallet?
No. 1527134
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I don't care if it directly interferes with you ambition/passion/dream, if you are from a family where you had the opertunity or privilege of taking over a family business that's been passed down for generations and you let it die/sold it off because you didn't want it, then you deserve iminse misfortune.
No. 1527135
poc and female, literally everybody on earth stands above you
No. 1527143
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>>1527137Why are they still violent then if they don't have any privileges?
No. 1527146
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>>1527137well, at least she still had her white privilege..
No. 1527149
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I think all men should be oppressed more.
No. 1527154
>>1527144> every woman is more oppressed than every man. That’s your opinion. I’m black so I have to deal with
abusive black scrotes and was raised by them. I got my teeth knocked out by a black scrote as a teen and have permanent damage from it but I still would pick being a white woman over a black man in america. Black men objectively have it worse than you.
No. 1527160
>>1527154black men ruin their own lives, and that somehow makes them more oppressed than their white female
victims lmao.
>>1527157my sides lol
No. 1527161
>>1527151>potentially ill behaved boys instead of well-behaved girls Yep that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’d rather have a basement dwelling incel son who’s never looked at or touched anyone in his life that everyone thinks is weird and unbecoming instead of an “angel” of a daughter who’s a doormat CSA
victim just like I was as a child. I actually would prefer that and I don’t feel bad for feeling that way, never will.
No. 1527166
>>1527154>Black men objectively have it worse than you.Black men in my country can rape me and threaten to kill my whole family and get away with it. So yeah, black men are more priviledged than me.
>got my teeth knocked out by a black scrote as a teen and have permanent damage from it but I still would pick being a white woman over a black man in americaYeah, you'd rather be a white woman who can get brutally murdered and raped by a black man rather than a black man. Sure.
No. 1527172
>>1527161Your basement dwelling incel would steal your underwear and jack off to it and then rape you when you get old and weak. Meanwhile the "doormat CSA
victim" won't have to be a "doormat CSA
victim" because the incel male pedophiles you'd want as sons wouldn't exist. There is a special place in hell for boymoms.
No. 1527182
>>1527175>the education system is totally differentwow go figure, schools where students perform poorly and behave poorly don't get gov bucks. truly a shocking revelation.
also, white and asian students in these poor inner city schools you speak of STILL out perform black students, particularly black boys.
No. 1527199
>>1527193Who’s 7 year old is gonna labor 12 hours a day in a factory to produce the precious technology you’re authoring your posts off of if there are no more people in the world,
nonnie? If you were an antinatalist than you would’ve already started by ridding yourself
No. 1527210
>>1527203Yeah this is actually exactly how I feel, and so far he hasn’t caused anyone any suffering, so…
>>1527204Too late
No. 1527214
>>1527208kek she's so profoundly retarded i can't even begin to understand the thought process. makes you wonder how much time she put into consideration. really does not give a fuck at all about girls but pretends she does because she was personally a
victim meanwhile the sons she would choose over them would make even more of her examples. genius alert!!!!
No. 1527216
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white women don't make more money than black men because the system likes us more. white women make more money than black men because we actually seek education and/or employment and don't drain the economy.
No. 1527219
>>1527214She called herself a crone
>>1527217>black men somewhat objectified by white peoplewhat are you saying this time. Are you referring to porn? Porn made by men?
No. 1527220
>>1527197I'm not in that argument. I'm just saying black women have no logistical reason to side with black men. Again, are black women murdering and raping? No.
If the "violent black scrote" argument is extended to black women, it means the person speaking is a retarded, racist pickme who probably is fine with the knowledge that she and other white women are getting abused and murdered by their deranged, incel-tier white trash /pol/ scrotes, and she's also a hypocrite because she has the exact same mentality as a "ride or die" black woman simping for
abusive ghetto scrotes.
No. 1527229
anybody who has ever gone to an inner city school knows that black boys don't take their education seriously and often talk back to teachers. it was one of the biggest culture shocks for me when I moved to america as a kid.
and when those kids grow up to be thugs, their women will defend them lmao
No. 1527232
>>1527227Yeah, the doormat SA
victim will lead her little nigel down a bad path!!
No. 1527241
>>1527197According to that logic you technically also would have no reason to resent white men because you're more likely to be raped by a black men. But in reality it simply doesn't work like that.
>>1527217Statistically asian women win. Are asian women not oppressed? Or are they maybe simply very hard-working?
>black men are some what objectified by white people.Okay, white women suffering from sexism doesn't exist, and white women are socially oppressive by refusing to date black men, and indian men being considered ugly in America is the worst fate ever (these were all arguments so far in this thread) but a small percentage of white people being attracted to black men makes them objectified?
It seems like nothing will ever not be either too little or too much attention. Meanwhile as a white woman foreign men harassing me means I once again that I'm privileged for fitting white enforced universal beauty standards.
No. 1527247
>>1527243>lack of foodit's literally impossible to go hungry in America. black America has an obesity epidemic if anything
>school suppliesah yes, that child is telling his teacher to shut the fuck up because he doesn't have the latest edition phonics book
No. 1527248
>>1527244I wrote that because it was used as an example for oppression here
Plus the many posts about indian men being considered ugly
>>1527090>There are 3 kinds of racial oppression imo>social >Micro-aggressions, people not wanting to date you or befriend you because of your race No. 1527261
>>1527255no, have you even followed this thread?
>black men are more oppressed than white women because they don't have the same education opportunities white and asian kids perform better than black kids, black boys in particular
>black boys do badly in school because their schools are underfundedthey're underfunded because black boys don't take education as seriously as other kids. why would anyone want to fund a little shit like that?
>you're just racist!!!zzzz
No. 1527271
>>1527267black girls also perform poorly compared to asian and white girls. is that what you wanted me to say? it's not a secret.
my grip is specifically with black men, because black men hurt white women more than black women hurt white women.
>>1527269that little kid isn't worth caring about. he will probably grow up to be a woman beating/thug if he's already behaving like that at a young age.
No. 1527295
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my unpopular opinion is that having owned both, rats are much cuter and more sociable pets than hamsters, especially dwarf hamsters. I had one teddy bear hamster who was a chill fat fuck though, and he was all right
No. 1527299
>>1527290you're gaslighting and making yourself the
victim. how embarrassing!!
>>1527291poor parenting
>>1527293what does this comment even mean lmao
europeans don't care about crybaby black Americans using the race card, that's why I love going back home every summer. I don't have to worry about getting raped by a feral black dude and having his women support their kang because I'm just an oppressing white woman kek
No. 1527305
>>1527289Samefag but I just wanted to say that the main factor behind schools not getting funding is class based. The poor kid from a poor area is gonna have a similar situation whether they’re in an area mostly with poor
POC or poor white people. The US hates poor people and wants us to be prisoners aka slaves because we’re more useful to them that way.
No. 1527309
>>1527294(NTA) So, does the same apply to black girls, with
>>1527271 in mind? Do black girls bring all the abuse and rape they face on themselves for being retarded, and why/why not?
I'm sure you're ready to throw black women under the bus, but it's funny to me because whatever you might say also applies to white girls and women from places like the Appalachians raised/surrounded by meth heads, poor Eastern European and Balkan women/girls getting beaten by moids and going full pickme, etc etc. No. 1527315
>>1527312So you're saying that because black men abuse black women more than they abuse white women, that somehow means they are oppressed by white women? White women not being
victims to these specific men as much creates privilege? Women cannot feel bad for other women because we are not direct
victims of the same men? Even though all women face the same abuse by all men? Do you think maybe black men abuse black women more than white women because black men are their fathers, brothers, sons, cousins, uncles, neighbors?
No. 1527334
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No. 1527339
>>1527333>'white' women have less rights than 50+ years ago>are as bad as white men?
>implies women would rape and murder as much as men if we were strong?
No. 1527363
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yes may Gezo be rebirthed and slaughter neighboring tribes by the thousands once more amirite
No. 1527365
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>>1527351>>1527357Wives of men in power were frustrated because black women were refusing to work and they made a law forcing them to go back into domestic labor
No. 1527370
>>1527366>weirdos insisting non-white women in general aren't oppressed.the entire fight since probably 2 hours now was about black men vs white women having more power, nothing of that sorts happened
and all of that should just be taken to the murican thead if all arguments for the evilness of white women are just things an american pickme did in 1950, nothing about that is on me or most other anons here
No. 1527372
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>>1527368Can you make like a good tradwife and stop using the computer? Those things are for white men only, you know.
This is ofc assuming you aren't just pic related
No. 1527374
>>1527371Where are white women mentioned in
>>1527365>>1527372Dayum when did Chris-chan take this?
No. 1527375
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>>1527365>>1527348this sounds like history rewriting unless you got some solid texts to back that up
on the other side, i often see some american blacks saying food stamps and government money is a ploy to keep black people down because it encourages single parent families. there's like 400 videos on youtube of BHI preaching about just this
No. 1527376
>>1527370You should scroll up to see how the entire argument began, sounds like you have no clue what happened. And since the anons are defending the actions of 50s pickmes today in posts like
>>1527368>>1527371It is on them, unfortunately. I digress, this whole thread is kind of blackpilling regarding feminism or women's unity kek. Everything is just tranny libfem bullshit and brainrotted 4chan pickmes.
No. 1527380
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>>1527375How is pay from your husband dying and fighting in war the same as welfare? Why were black women forced to work during a time when it was common for men to go to work and women to stay home? These laws eventually went on to fuck up the black community in many ways.
No. 1527391
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Oh my god, all this derailing and racebaiting just because of some retard who doesn't actually know what intersectional feminism is. I hate this site. Hellweek please! More jannies please! Too many race obsessed freaks shitting up too many threads with infights.
No. 1527402
>>1527381You're the problem too if you think African-American culture is destructive for reasons you ""will probably get banned for"" lol.
>>1527390>It was another anon!But you don't actually disagree with them, and that's why you're getting at me for saying these things are shitty instead of the racebaiter(s). Why would any sane woman try to align herself with either men or those sorts of women? Also, nice job getting pissy over someone not respecting your anonymous individuality, while still implying I'm the anon you were arguing with kek. And really nice job mocking another woman for getting physically abused by moids, feminism stronk.
No. 1527409
>>1527404It's an imageboard,
nonny. Are you going to demand that the mods disable post deletion so your 'tism doesn't get
triggered? Kek
No. 1527415
File: 1679180466844.gif (3.45 MB, 300x240, 1670612328981333.gif)

>black nonnie said her men are more oppressed than white women
>"white women are so creepy"
>uses an irrelevant example that literally didn't mention white women at all in a random bumfuck town
>white women defend ourselves
>"smh you're all 4chan pick me's, see this is why we can never have female unity!!!"
No. 1527418
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>>1527410>>1527415Note that you're more angry at her and anyone who's disappointed by these things than at the /pol/spergs shitting up this whole site. You're fine with white women who bash black women, brown women, Asian women, etc, but the moment a woman from one of those groups says she doesn't trust you (I'm not talking about her reasons or why before you start foaming at the mouth and strawmanning), you write seethe posts like this and make fun of her for being abused.
No. 1527422
>>1527415Wait and watch them pull the "ALL WHITE WOMEN THINK THEY'RE PERPETUAL
VICTIMS" card like they love to do.
No. 1527430
>>1527417>I also know white women are above them sociallyand physically
and emotionally
and financially
and of course also when it comes to education. Life is great!
No. 1527431
>>1527424Again, I'm not addressing her reasons why. I'm pointing out how easily all the race shitheads came out of the woodwork to show their true colors, and you lot pretending that's totally not happening, that she's 100% the issue and everyone else in the conversation dindu nuffin, lmao. Yes, it is 4chan pickme behavior. I don't care about any "perpetual
victim" argument, it's just disgusting.
No. 1527434
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>>1527418>You're fine with white women who bash black women, brown women, Asian women, etc,that doesn't happen lol! white women who are racist irl will make national news, their neighbors would be interviewed by good morning America.
No. 1527436
>>1527418Who is making fun of her for being abused? They're bringing up how retarded it is that she capes so hard for scrotes after getting the shit beaten out of her by one. Look in the vent thread and you will see worse
victim blaming in there any day of the fucking week. Give me a break.
No. 1527446
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>black men only ever suffer because they are black
>implying if a black man suffers it's never his fault
Stop. He is a moid.
No. 1527448
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>>1527442it most certainly does not. pictures of bunnies would
No. 1527449
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>>1527434>that doesn't happen lol! Then you're new.
>>1527435Because 4chan moids love to shit on black people (black women included), and either those involved in that came in to show what they've learned from their /pol/ daddies, or they're intentioanlly turning a blind eye to the moids lurking this place.
>>1527436Maybe actually read the thread next time, this is what I'm referring to:
>>1527390>Look in the vent thread and you will see worse victim blaming in there any day of the fucking week.That's also wrong. Anyone without a Y chromosome or terminal pickme brain disorder calls
victim blaming out when they see it. Funny that everything changes depending on the race of the woman involved, or scrotes start popping up and you just pretend not to see it.
No. 1527460
>>1527449That doesn't make sense, the black anon is the only pickme. She's directly defending moids.
>>1527451He is still privileged based on being a male in your example
No. 1527463
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>>1527451>Black men get less consequences for rape and killing women because they are doing it to black, it is because american black culture of not being a snitch. why do you think most unsolved murders in cities are unsolved? people know who did it.
No. 1527465
>>1527449aint no way you're comparing a couple of autistic white women on an anonymous image board site to what black women say brazenly about white women in real life lololol
>>1527456nope, this started because she said white women are snakes, creepy, more privileged than black men, etc. Don't flip the script now, kek.
No. 1527478
>>1527465I've literally never seen a black woman shit on white women in real life, they don't care. All your proof otherwise will probably be weird liberal freaks in white colleges and autistic Twitter users with white mother in-laws or otherwise dating white men.
>nope, this started because she said white women are snakes, creepyWhen you defend /pol/ scrotes, you only prove her correct. No one's flipping the script.
No. 1527479
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No. 1527494
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>>1527470Most offensive opinion in this thread. Pepperoni completely lacks the subtle taste of a good salami.
No. 1527495
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>>1527485that's pretty racist anon, dont be going on twitter and telling an american that, dont you know their personal secluded problems are the entire worlds problems
No. 1527499
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i think we need hellweek on this thread
No. 1527501
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>>1527490I don't care what you think if you hate women of any race.
No. 1527504
>>1527496if this thread showed me anything, it's that non-white women, especially black women, will defend their men over white women. I always knew this, but it's interesting to see it happen in real time.
People are inherently tribalistic at the end of the day.
No. 1527508
>>1527504This thread showed me that even if tribalistic non-white women do it openly and stress that they will not lie to you, the tribalistic white women prefer to do the same, then hide their hands behind their back and pretend to be your sister so they can stab you in the back more later.
Glad I'm not like any of you, but I'll only ever support my friends. Feminism in the modern day seems like a massive waste of time.
No. 1527510
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>>1527508feminism is being a man
No. 1527522
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stfu omg
No. 1527524
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glad you agree blacque males have more privilege and agency than any female
No. 1527526
>>1527507Exactly this. It's "We don't hate you", but then they'll insist you getting sexually harassed by their moids is "no big deal".
inb4 one of them responds to this accusing me of being the black anon
No. 1527531
>>1527527I fixed my typo kek
See here
>>1527519 No. 1527533
>>1527530you're shitting and pissing and vomiting all over yourself because me and the other
nonnie don't fit into any mold you created
No. 1527540
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>>1527535shes suffering from potassium deficiency
No. 1527546
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>>1527544your comment contradicts itself
No. 1527549
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>>1527544we get it, you'll defend black moids until your very last tooth
No. 1527559
>>1527544Women of any race and social class are subject to being
victims of rape, domestic violence and femicide.
No. 1527564
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>>1527553You think this is a fucking joke?
No. 1527571
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No. 1527573
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no boyfriends no husbands, only mummy childs
No. 1527576
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No. 1527580
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they should have gotten matching tattoos when they were alive
No. 1527584
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>>1527571>>1527573>>1527576>>1527580the fuck is this? what are you posting?
No. 1527590
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>>1527568You're thinking it absolutes when it's more complex than that.
Does a disabled white women have more privilege than an able bodied black man?
Does a white sex trafficking
victim from eastern europe have more privilege than a black man from Chicago?
Does a white girl living in a trailer in Appalachia with her meth addicted mother have more privilege than a black boy living with both parents in New Jersey?
Yes on average black people are more oppressed in America than other groups. However it's more nuanced than simply being a case of race, there's many other factors that influence a person's quality of life beyond race.
No. 1527592
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Oh lord we are still going. Why not just stay on lipstick alley lmao. I am sure you are banned there too.
No. 1527601
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I can't wait for this thread to hit the limit. I just want us to love each other again.
No. 1527607
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>>1527601I don't like it when we fight
No. 1527608
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furries are the largest oppressed group in america
No. 1527610
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It’s okay to let your pets sleep on your bed as long as you keep them clean.
No. 1527611
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>>1527610Bed and couch are ok, but I will never ever agree with pets on the counter
No. 1527628
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>>1527620I don't really eat at restuarants often for personal reasons and I wash all of my produce so..
>>1527622I know some pets just don't listen and I feel bad for owners who have cats that just jump on counters with no regard for their stinky little feeties
No. 1527655
>>1527650You don't have to be dirty at all, it's extremely easy to get them and you can pretty much get them from anything/anywhere.
>Where do they lay their eggs, in the mattress?On any furniture that you're near most often.
No. 1527673
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Anons if you think you have bedbugs, please buy some kind of powder or diatomaceous earth to eradicate them. Inspect your home and see if you can figure out where they're living and spread it there. Amazon has a lot of brands. Tame it before it gets out of control. They're worse than roaches, literally traumatizing.
No. 1527678
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every night i wish my bf a "good night sleep tight dont let the bedbugs bite" for his safety
No. 1527679
>>1527673Samefag but also there's like a smell that bedbugs release when they feel threatened and it's so bad. I'd rather slit my wrists than ever deal with bedbugs ever again in my life. They can even live in books. Do you hear me? BOOKS!
>>1527676You're probably a bedbug mad that people are speaking out against your terrorism.
No. 1527680
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No. 1527683
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>>1527681if you get them just tell them its not cool to squat in your home and they'll go.
No. 1527760
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Vtubers are overhated just for some bad apples. It's a genuinely fun hobby that introduced me to a bunch of other women who i know otherwise wouldnt have felt comfortable to stream/make internet content. It's also really creative and i love to see it evolve and see my favourite vtubers get new outfits.
No. 1527779
>>1527763Yeah, I like it. Ugly people, especially ugly girls, should be allowed to be the focus of stories that aren’t about how ugly they are and how their body image is bad and how people should see past it and love them or they should gain confidence or whatever. It should just be irrelevant to telling an actual compelling story.
At first I found it jarring how she looks nothing like game Ellie, but hey, neither does Ellen Page anymore, kek. And over the show she grew on me.
No. 1527823
>>1527112I'm not the same eugenics person but I honestly wonder about eugenics as well. If you had the ability to birth a child without any physical/mental deformities would you do it?
I saw this short on yt which I cannot find that got me thinking. It was a disabled woman holding her equally disabled child that honestly looked lucky to be alive. Someone in the comments said she knew she had the possibility of passing her problems down to her child and yet still did it anyway. Then she was making this short saying to be proud of your disabilities. It honestly seemed like she was using her child as a tool for empathy like a munchausen's parent. It was honestly gross and shocking.
And this isn't the only example. I first started pondering all this after learning about david vetter, the literal boy in the bubble. His mom ended up learning he could be born with no immune system but due to her religious beliefs chose to have him anyway. He lived his entire short life in a bubble. What kind of a life is that? He would have no way to make friends, explore, and grow. He would've been a literal adult child being taken care of by his mother. Until she got too old or died, and then a stranger would've been taking care of him. In a single room in a home he has only seen the outside of a number of times in his life. That sounds like hell.
And think about kids with hereditary diabetes, they have to spend their entire lives monitoring their blood glucose levels, taking shots, restricing diet, and if they don't they will literally die.
Theres thousands of people all throughout the world living with disorders, disabilities, and disfigurements they were born with that greatly impair the quality of their lives. And despite these people having such impairments many if fertile still choose to have children that could be born with the same problems. And I'm not even just talking about physical, many mental illnesses are hereditary and can be passed on in families. Children wouldn't have to struggle with mentally ill
abusive parents and potentially grow into mentally ill abusers themselves.
I already know this is an absolute shit take but at this point I'm never gonna be changed. Why do people selfishly decide to bring others into the world they know will suffer and live lower quality lives? I know that theres other ways living can be unbearable but if there was a way you knew you could prevent at least one form of suffering wouldn't you want to do it?
And I'm not even saying eugenics should be implemented bc it's been used for all the wrong reasons in history just to commit genocide I'm just saying that people shouldn't treat it as if it's this completely evil belief that has no good points. I know that ultimately I would be on the chopping block here but I grew up in a shitty situation and still suffer in ways I ultimately cant control. But life is not easy. It continues on and you get to experience all that horrible shit and wish you could escape but at least you could have the decency to not put it on another. If it's not shunned to say that you shouldn't have kids you can't physically/financially take care of then why's it wrong to believe in eugenics where healthy able bodied children would be the standard? I honestly believe humanity could improve far better if PROPER eugenics were applied. But I know it would never turn out that way so I would never advocate for it. I just believe in it. I know it makes me a shitty person.
I'm half asleep so I may have gotten my point across poorly. And I swear I'm not a scrote. Just a very retarded woman.
No. 1527854
>>1527740%99 of men in Hollywood are uglier than her but only she's getting called ugly for some reason. It's almost as if misogyny has got to do something about it.
>>1527779Ugly men already get lead roles and stories, I'd argue most films have average or ugly male main characters rather than handsome actually which is probably because they want the watchers to be able to self insert easily
No. 1527874
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Madoka and Tutu are the only two magical girl animes I genuinely think are well written and entertaining, there’s some others that are entertaining but I wouldn’t call well written but Madoka and Tutu succeed at both.
No. 1527885
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>>1527874based Princess Tutu enjoyer
No. 1528002
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It makes sense to avoid broke people, not because of classism, but because they tend to have some of the worst personalities and complexes. It seems like any sort of bigotry is compounded 10x by poverty. Most bitter, deranged misogynistic moids, worst pickmes and most braindead tradthots and idiotic libfems I've ever seen have either been poor or dipping heavily in lower middle class. Some of the most insufferable were those on neetbux who believed they were the world's ultimate victims when they were born in welfare-generous countries that enabled them to browse imageboards and watch YouTube all day. There are also rich assholes and pickmes, but the stress of poverty can absolutely bring out a person's worst traits, and some of them don't even change if they end up in a better position.
Poor people who aren't shitheads are often the first to complain that the people around them suck, too. If you're a woman, it's simply not wrong to avoid broke people. They are not your friends. Many of them will hate you not because of anything you did/said to them, but because they think you belong below them (this is especially clear if you're in any sort of minority goup, it's insane). It's not worth it.
No. 1528441
>>1528435It's definition gets extended to silence
victims accusing them of being too weak or lacking social skills to work it out like invoking a greater authority is underhanded when really the
victim was left with no choice because they aren't being engaged in good faith
No. 1528564
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>>1528383But I like stealing their art to draw character designs or just those specific meme images as other things
No. 1528566
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>>1528383Samefag apology but I meant I like stealing from ""ai artists""
No. 1528597
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>>1528566this looks like shit just find irl to study from. Here, have a trad animu artist that's miles better than that crap.
No. 1528648
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>>1528601it's drawn by a woman
>>1528607how? you sound like a retarded crab if you think those ugly stiff shit drawings are even comparable to ibu's art
No. 1528729
>>1528721The best response is to pretend you don't remember them or just block them
Why should they get to feel good about themselves from me one last time
No. 1528837
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no matter how much people claim I don't see Bjorn Andersen being an IRL anime boy/bishounen, he looks like a regular big jawed awkward Swedish kid, he just has a cold glare and was placed into the mainstream by pedos.
No. 1528847
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>>1528825hey at least it's harmless
No. 1528880
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>>1528854nta, I guess he was an attractive kid but not "divinely beautiful" the way people described him or tried to illustrate him as, he looked like an average 15 year old boy, you can find boys in Iran, Germany, Italy, Norway who look like him(just with different hair color)
the main point I think OP was trying to make was that he looked almost nothing like the illustration portrayed him as, I mean just compare the two faces, it has more in common with a young adult woman then what he looked as a teenager
No. 1528903
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>>1528837He looks a lot better as an elderly man imo.
No. 1528911
Little revenge? I dont get it… polluting mother earth and causing large amounts of her animals to dwindle in numbers is revenge for.. dying? Polar bears die too and dont take it out on their envirnment. Either your logic is broken or im misunderstanding your point.
No. 1528926
>>1528904Yeah, I know plenty of people who don’t care at all that animals are skinned alive for furs for instance and say things like “it’s the natural order of things, death just happens on earth” and then shit themselves when they see someone insinuate that an early stage fetus is half sentient at best, or that most human physical suffering isn’t unique to us. Some people refuse to look beyond what’s in front of them and acknowledge the wider world and things like that wildlife keeps suffering horrific deaths at our hands, baby animals burning to death in fires we caused, many creatures die in unusual agonizing ways that we cause.
Humans are like horrible parasites on earth destroying the entire planet’s ecosystems and then we smugly say the only clear solution to other invasive species like cats is to slaughter them. Of course something has to be done but we are so quick to jump to the easiest violent solution for others rather than more compassionate ones, while we are infinitely worse than them and grant ourselves infinite chances to “improve” and actually make everything worse. I love humans in many ways, our consciousness is so amazing and our capacity for curiosity and learning and art and poetry are phenomenal and precious. But we allot ourselves an almost infinite allowance for cruelty and blind destruction. When I run through the numbers of conscious creatures we have needlessly killed and destroyed, and think about the sheer volume of pain we’ve inflicted, sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it or ever can be. A lot of people say it is always worth it, and that the opposing view is pessimistic, simply because in general we are intentionally kept in ignorance about the actual scale and degree of human cruelties.
I used to have some great hope about it but now I don’t, I just eke out my little existence in my corner of the world trying to do what I can and improve nature around me and help other creatures, even knowing it has almost no impact really.
No. 1528933
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This is old milk but I really always felt like Amina dujean was more retarded than micky and Barbie even though everyone sided with her. They kind of had an excuse to be pick me sluts because they had family that didn’t really give a fuck about them and they were uneducated but Amina had no excuse.
>parents paid for her education and supported her going to japan
>she can speak Japanese fluently
>she gets there and immediately starts escorting, failing classes and fucking below average looking scrotes
>ends up pregnant by a poor Japanese scrote and he refused to let her get an abortion but luckily for her she had a miscarriage
>moves to the uk and becomes a escort and spends all day advocating for sex work online
>ends up moving back to America and is now married to an old scrote 20 years older
No. 1528947
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>>1528937She’s always been retarded and annoying. What is annoying about her is she always wants to paint her stupid opinions as intellectual.
No. 1528959
>>1528947That’s not at all a hot take kek, every scrote who wants to fuck women younger than their own daughters screams that line from the damn rooftops.
I feel pity for women who are too disabled to hold a job and come from poor families who end up with gross old scrotes. I can only feel disgust for women who happily get involved with nasty moids old enough to be their dads when there’s no fucking reason for it because they aren’t disabled and come from wealthy loving families. Yuck.
No. 1528963
>>1528933Schizo thought here, but during first Admin(and probably second one) there was no discussions on Amina allowed, which I find insane. At one point, her thread was automatically autosaged.
I know it's because of the unhinged Micky and Himeka posting, but at the same time, I do believe she did things to first Admin, kinda like ShoeOnHead did.
Schizo coffee ramblings over.
No. 1529071
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>>1529068This will never happen because the women who have the power/clout to push for it benefit directly from being able to opt out of reproductive labour. It's like expecting business owners to support living wages.
No. 1529073
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>>1529060that's firestone, you can't use her to gauge the opinion of the average radical feminist, she believed that the problem with the sexual revolution was that it didn't go far enough by not removing love and long term relationships from sexual encounters, and despite claiming there should be no distinction between the sexes she she still argued that society should be still segregated not between the sexes but between "aesthetics"
>The feminist revolution will end the split between the "Aesthetic Mode" (feminine, intuitive, and artistic) and the "Technological Mode" (masculine, empirical, and aimed at the control of nature through the comprehension of its mechanical laws). The end of sexual repression will free Eros to diffuse throughout and humanize the entire culture. Eventually it will lead not only to the end of alienated labor but of labor as such, defined as activity which is not performed for its own sake. Technology will eliminate domestic and other drudgery, leaving everyone free to do work which is intrinsically rewardingThis reads like the shit you'd expect with some troon supporting libfem
No. 1529083
>>1528933The funniest thing about Amina was how she'd constantly stalk her dead autosaged threads to whiteknight herself pretending to be her friend or fan or whatever while trying to report anons calling her fat for 'cowtipping' kek
>>1528963I wouldn't be surprised if she was fucking one of the old admins since she also fucked the genshiken guy to get some guided meditation shit recorded
No. 1529289
>>1529276In your 20s there's really no justification. They're throwing other women and their future selves under the bus, and enabling yet another male who thinks he is too good for a woman his age. And for what? Some extra leverage in a relationship, to feel secure that you're the hot one in the couple? It's clear insecurity.
ofc moids are more at fault, but they don't respond to criticism and will just laugh at it thinking it's coming from bitter, jealous old hags. They will always value youth/looks over literally everything else and they don't feel empathy or guilt or logic when it comes to women, the only power we have is to reject them. Enabling them is the worst thing we can do and should be avoided at all costs.
No. 1529305
It's like
>Uwu I'm a young femme fatale Lana del Rey song princess. I can steal old men from their wivesAnd then they end up a single mom at a young age with a kid that has a whole handful of physical and mental issues because they thought it was a good idea to fuck a scrotes twice their age with zero protection
If the scrotes in question was talking to her when she was like 5-15 then I agree it's grooming though, but so many people want to pretend like women in their 20s have the same mindset as a teenager
No. 1529404
>>1529360I made the mistake of using faceapp for god knows how long. I don't know how it is from chat bots but image AIs segment the pictures to where according to someone I talked to who works with them, it's hard to piece images in them back together. I don't know if it's similar for text AI, but I assume the devs don't have time to go over everything you feed it, even if it's not segmented. As someone who regrets using this technology from the standpoint that it's used so much for explication, it has much more to do with the abuse of users than developers. Minus the users who might become developers and use it for nefarious means.
Unfortunate because the technology itself is interesting in small bouts and in human assistance but should not serve as a replacement for humanity itself. That's what we're afraid of happening
No. 1529478
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I don’t like ketchup and don’t trust people who eat insane amounts of it, used to eat it alot as a kid and after going to a mcdonalds playground when I was 10 I never could stomach it again. Everytime I smell ketchup I’m reminded of dirty indoor playgrounds, grubby hands, and stale fast food cheeseburgers. Also hate fatties for this exact same reason, they all smell like sickly sweet ketchup to me and now my brain can’t stop connecting the two together without feeling sick
No. 1529570
>>1529561Unpopular opinion but I don’t think older women can groom young men (18+)unless they are sociopaths but most of the time older women end up being the
victims of young men. Younger men will attach themselves to emotionally immature older women and bleed them dry.
No. 1529764
>>1529734If you're asking that, you might as well question what's the use of human relationships anyways?
Dating (for me) just goes down to company. Like it's nice having friends, it's nice to have someone close that I can be with romantically.
No. 1529778
>>1529776Obviously not because that post really
triggered you kek
No. 1529856
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The 'Not my Type's type' thread is just racebait
No. 1529958
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>>1529953Anime characters do look like pretty Japanese women. Round heads, small noses, teeth and lips.
No. 1530112
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>>1529053Well call me a Suffregette, because I think women should have the right to vote AND alcohol should be banned
No. 1530120
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>>1528933I mean her husband isn’t that bad but he is old
No. 1530123
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>>1530120Same fag but she is clearly into pedo stuff because now she writes news artles and this is the stuff she write
No. 1530131
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If a story is just suffering porn, then it has every reason to be called trash and if you like it and try to defend it you should be called trash too
In general I just hate it when people claim
>you can't criticize a story if it's not made ((((for you))))
No. 1530327
>>1530249I get the distinct feeling people here (and elsewhere honestly) don't understand what
>Right Wing>Feminism>Conservative>Centristeven mean, especially because it seems some other group is the one claiming
>group X believe in Y, and cannot believe in Zkinda nonsense all the time.
I think I see it with religion too occasionally.
No. 1530461
>>1530376Right wing feminists just want to renegotiate the patriarchal bargain to be slightly more favorable. They want to throw ssa women, unmarried women,
woc, poor women, and everyone else under the bus in exchange for Nigels that don't watch porn and hate trannies.
No. 1530594
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There is literally nothing wrong with the end pieces of bread, why are people so autistic about this?
No. 1530928
>>1530916? Literally where the fuck have you been? Hating fujoshis is based now, there are so many anons who will sperg about fujoshis and how they're antifeminist fail-women and etc etc. It's really strange how there seemed to be this massive shift in attitudes towards run of the mill boyXboy lemon smut loving weeb women.
Shotafags kill yourselves btw.
No. 1530929
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>>1530924You know how you can look at a man’s face and tell he’s a fag sometimes without him even opening his mouth? She just has a lesbian look to her
No. 1530930
>>1530928>Shotafags kill yourselves btw.based anon
>>1530929Maybe it's the eyes. I think her eyes are sexy, if only she wasn't a mega retard (and straight)
No. 1530934
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>>1530916I’m probably gonna get shat on but fujos are self righteous and feel like they have the moral high ground for consuming pornographic media that exploits (cartoon men) men and objectifies them and reduces said cartoon men into disposable fap fodder just like men do to women (actual human women)
I notice a lot of fujos are radfem adjacent and will accuse you of being a handmaiden if you dare criticize their degeneracy.
Tbh porn content is bad on all levels even if the clear imbalance between women being exploited is extremely apparent engaging gross male behavior just causes porn brainrot and addiction that will fuck you over in the long run.
Don’t get me wrong erotic art can be tasteful and beautiful to look at and admire but how many times can you repeatedly look at girly twink uke number 69669 get rammed in the ass constantly by mister big seme and not get tired of it?
I guess there can be good love stories that could potentially come out of it but all the recommendations for yaoi are all the same premise: angst, misogyny, casual rape, twink jackhammered in the asshole and acting super stereotypically feminine.
The more I think about it the more I realize yaoi is the only erotica that’s specifically targeted for the female gaze and that’s sad as fuck. I mean shojo and josei manga exist but romance and erotic wise they aren’t as ubiquitous as yaoi.
Tl;dr yaoi is bad for the soul but there isn’t anything else “ethical” enough for women to get off too.
No. 1531070
>>1530934Honestly same. Porn in general isn't healthy and fujos are a stereotype about said media.
I dislike fujos and gays but will get off to yaoi porn like once every couple months maybe because it's the only porn that allows the men to emote, but unlike straight erotica I don't want to actually know the story because I just find it gross.
>shojo and josei manga exist butYeah I roll my eyes every time I try to read erotic josei manga and they focus the sexual gaze on the woman more than the man.
Like damn I don't give a shit if she's getting fingered so good her brain is melting I just want to see the guy blush.
No. 1531090
>>1531025Exactly. Women do not cheat on men for the same reasons men cheat on women. Men cheat on women cause they’re dumbass selfish coomers. When a women is cheated on by her man it doesn’t reflect badly on her, it reflects badly on him in 99/100 cases.
Women cheat on men when the man is being a selfish piece of shit. When a man is cheated on by a woman, it reflects badly on him in 99/100 cases.
Men cheat because they’re selfish assholes with no real reason to cheat. Women cheat because men are selfish assholes who drive them into infidelity through incessant moid bullshit.
No. 1531212
>>1531090Literally though. Some men will just make up or over exaggerate them getting cheated on just for the sake of backfooting someone.
My first boyfriend when I was a teenager was exactly like this. He basically made his entire personality around his ex cheating and claimed he dated multiple cheating women before. Used it as a reason to constantly suspect me of cheating and would try to ask me about guys I'm attracted too, even tried to ask me if I enjoyed getting sexually assaulted in high school then ghosted me for a day or so because I said no wtf.turned out 1) he never got cheated on, apparently his ex simply just had a simp from my understanding of how he explained things
2) never even dated anyone else who's cheated
3) cheats back simply for the sheer suspicion that someone cheated, which is anything from sleeping in on the weekends, to me becoming more mature, changing my hair or makeup, and being interested in something other than church
4) instead of offering solutions such as allowing him to see my location and get access to all my passwords, he'd rather just accuse me of cheating multiple times a week, instead of working it out, would just do the whole "it's fine" type thing and then ghost
I won't ever make any exception for a moid who's been cheated on. Maybe if it happened once in high school, but if he sits around sulking about it I'm out. If a moid seems to constantly get cheated on they need to take a good hard look at themselves
No. 1531217
>>1531098>>1531107I said 99/100 times, not 100/100 times. My point still stands.
>>1531103This is such a weird one off and honestly I doubt she was perfectly happy with the moid anyway, chances are he watched rape on tape regularly like most moids do, which is literally cheating. I’d honestly rather a moid physically cheat with another women than be a porn addict, both are cheating but one literally causes brainrot.
No. 1531328
>>1531214Not a particularly famous guy (he's also in the fashion business) but he was from Japan so it was definitely a one in a lifetime opportunity.
>>1531217She was super enthusiastic in the beginning but she admitted she's not a very romantic person, I think she rushed to be officially with the guy just because she likes moid attention. Whatever, it's not like cheating is a crime and besides I never liked him that much anyway, he was a bit of a dumbass.
No. 1532060
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I don't know whether this goes here or in dumbass shit but 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is just nautical-themed proto yaoi. Nemo is the troubled but hot experienced kidnapper and Aronnax is the wide-eyed innocent guy who develops Stockholm Syndrome for his kidnapper just because he's hot and smart.
No. 1532106
>>1532081Lmao I don't consume any porn but ok.
>>1532062The ending is pretty bittersweet, warning you now anon.