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No. 1507975
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
>do not respond to bait. do not respond to trolls or obvious maleposters. report and move on, please.
>remember this thread is about unpopular opinions, not the debate thread, or the politics thread. if you want to get upset, that's on you. No. 1508094
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Skirts are very comfy, fuck pants and jeans, men and women should use skirts that flow with the wind and are comfortable, not those crotch oppressing, soul crushing pants
No. 1508102
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I won't ever say this out loud because women get torn down enough about their bodies and my input is unneeded but I will always always always in my heart think that curvy and full figures are so much hotter than being thin. I grew up during heroin chic being the thing and I just didn't get it. I still really don't. I recognize that its fashionable (I've heard the argument that thin is easier for high fashion bc the body is supposed to be like a hanger and the focus is on the clothes…which feels like BS but idk) and know that its what most people strive for but for whatever reason I just always felt like thicker looks so much better. I'm not attracted to men but even them too I find bigger bodies to just look nicer than when they're thin I can't really explain it.
I feel like mentally I'm back in like the 1800s or whatever where being fat meant you had a lot of food and wealth so everyone was like hell yea.
No. 1508137
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Ngl it’s annoying how people online are so quick to diagnose anyone with FAS even if they only fit 1-2 of the facial descriptions and just use it as a blanket justification for saying somebody’s ‘dumb’ without acknowledging the motor issues, health issues, learning difficulties etc associated with FAS. Idk just makes me weirdly annoyed in particular especially seeing that weird Moid said that a female actor in the last of us live action series looked like she had FAS because she wasn’t ‘fuckable’. Ditto for when moids were harassing Greta for looking like she had FAS because she looked like an average teenage girl
No. 1508313
dykes are objectively the trannies of the LGB community.
>both constantly crying about how everyone hates them and wants to fuck and/or kill and/or silence them the most out of any group ever despite very little evidence proving it or despite evidence proving other groups are even more at risk than they are
>whenever you bring up that their communities are full of violent retards (hello, domestic violence statistics!) there's always an excuse or it's never true, ACKSHUALLY, and and and others are worse than us anyway!
>both hate women: trannies biological women, dykes bisexual women and/or self-proclaimed femmes
>there is, of course, always a reason to hate these groups, even if it's 'WELL A WOMAN DUMPED ME 6 YEARS AGO AND I'VE BEEN POSTING ABOUT WANTING HER TO DIE EVER SINCE'
>spend extensive periods of time ranting about how much they hate said women
>'um… isn't that kind of bigoted?'
>it's not about being equal to [bisexual] women, it's about being BETTER than them - keffals meets every dykeposter on any radfem-aligned space meets every 17 year old terminally online zoomer with a lesbian flag in their social media icon
>absolutely no accountability as to how they've ruined the LGB community - trannies by existing, dykes by being the very leaders of allowing men in dresses to call themselves lesbians and enter our spaces
>get to use whatever offensive language they want but the second someone says the dreaded t-word or d-word it's LITERALLY genocide
>attracted to women? okay, well you can't stay anything bad about the moid in the dress or it's transmisogyny
>attracted to femininity in women (a shocker, i know)? okay, well you can't say anything bad about the 5'1 dumpy FTM looking ass bald fat butch or you hate butches
>always expecting strangers to tongue their assholes for existing while a tranny/lesbian while never having anything good to say about any other group
dykes are the trannies of the LGB.
No. 1508350
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>>1508337Phone edit for versatility
plus a sad apostrophe for you, nonny No. 1508426
>>1508313i agree, also dykes that are overly misogynistic towards femmes really grind my gears, like they're copying
toxic masculinity but it's a soft doughy woman with a bad haircut and it's really jarring.
No. 1508656
>>1508643You're literally expressing yourself in the way you dress
>I literally don't give a fuck what I'm wearing as long as it's clean, comfortable and practicalBoom bitch, you're a "practical no-nonsense bitter betty" and no doubt your outfits reflect that. You're expressing yourself via clothes without even realizing it. LMFAO.
No. 1508769
>>1508656>Boom bitch, you're a "practical no-nonsense bitter betty"Not really, upon seeing my room you would never assume that because it's full of weird things I created like my art; sculptures and traditional paintings, prints of digtal art and even some pots. Because those are the things I
created and they tell something about
me, my imagination, feelings, ideas etc.
>>1508650Your taste is just consumerist bullshit. I love gundam shit for example, but I don't believe I EXPRESS myself through buying and owning gundam figurines even though I buy and own them. They aren't practical in any way either, yet I own them. Do I express myself through them? Of course not, that would be retarded.
>>1508657Woman moment
>>1508698I don't need to buy words, I just… speak them. They come from me. If little babies learned how to sew and created their own clothes just like the learn the spoken language used by people for thousands of years, I would probably assume you're right. Now you'll probably want to play some eristics with me and say "but even if I sewed the clothes and expressed myself through that, I still wouldn't be the one who created the fabric itself, therefore your argument is wrong! If the silk was created by silkworms, I would have to be a silkworm for your argument to work!", but I'm not going to play with you.
Just as I expected, the responses are just petty normies who basically never created anything themselves. You think things equal your value,
you. You're one step from mental 10 year old bullying others for not following trends promoted by rich faggots and influencers or some shit. Your retardation is the reason why people even started to gender damn CLOTHES and pushing people into boxes because of what they wear. Pure cringe. Change your lives and focus on something with actual value, I don't know, start reading bible or something. Boom, I expressed a
highly unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion thread, and I'm not gonna change my mind.
(no one cares. stop infighting.) No. 1508773
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cp on homepage, be careful nonas
No. 1508776
>the responses are just petty normies who basically never created anything themselvesI make clothing and have a plethora of other creative hobbies, and I still feel like your opinion is retarded. You don't actually understand fashion and I doubt you've tried to, because if you did you probably would be making your own clothes, which automatically makes this opinion invalid. So does the "women moment" (go back to whatever hole you crawled out of) and "your the reason people gender clothes!!" (whatever the fuck that means). It's fine to not be into fashion, but to act like other people are vapid and wrong for buying clothing that they like and connect with is dumb. It's the same as people connecting with music and feeling as though their favorite songs and artists can express their emotions and thoughts.
>You think things equal your value, youNo, but people can still feel a connection with clothing and feel like they express their personal taste.
>Change your lives and focus on something with actual valueIronic.
No. 1508777
>>1508776>I make clothingThere, that already means my post wasn't directed at you, as I mentioned people who made their own clothes in OP. So you're not part of the discussion.
I don't aim at "understanding" worthless, petty things.
No. 1508781
>>1508777>that already means my post wasn't directed at youSo? I still buy clothes but even if it didn't apply to me, I can't disagree with the shit you typed just because it doesn't include me? Would I also not be able to disagree with a post like
>>1508438 just because I'm not a monsterfucker? Not to mention, you literally said the only people who disagreed were people who have "basically never created anything themselves". You're painfully slow.
No. 1508782
>>1508781>I can't disagree with the shit you typed just because it doesn't include me? You can, but it's pointless. It's like virtue signalling for people of different race when you're white (not baiting, that's just how it looks).
>Not to mention, you literally said the only people who disagreed were people who have "basically never created anything themselvesBecause that was the truth
until 1 person (you) mentioned you created something. I'm not the one who's slow here kek.
No. 1508813
>>1508800Creating a painting is creating an image from the scratch on literally white canvas. Making an "outfit" out of previously existing clothes is not comparable. This analogy doesn't make sense.
>>1508795Sorry I should've said "stereotypical woman moment". Fags who care about fashion and whether women can or cannot "dress themselves" also have woman moments. No difference to me. It's so stereotypical it's almost funny.
No. 1508822
>>1508814The clothes were wearable before you put them into a certain outfit, you didn't make them wearable (unless you sew them yourself), you didn't give them form, you only put them together. For example, it's like comparing a shirt and a pair of jeans to two tubes of paint. And then comparing the person who simply put the shirt and jeans on their body to someone who used the two tubes of paint to paint an original image. This is so dumb.
Yes, you can think my view on art is narrow if you want. I also despise postmodern art, ah the crime
No. 1508825
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I stumbled across this again, today and it seems like a silly thing.. but it's always stuck in my mind and appealed to me, and it's very true. Our face adapts and conforms and can be 'read', to a degree and by those with eyes to see, accordingly.
No. 1508837
>>1508822Not always, but you can absolutely perceive someone's else personality or even mental health situation by seeing the way they dress. I like baggy clothes but my mom doesn't, why? Because we are different and our personalities differ on that aspect, she's more "put together" and professional, while I'm more casual and relaxed, you can literally notice our differences right away. Goths and preps look massively different from each other because
they're different from each other and have different perspectives on life.
Clothes communicate age, mood, culture, etc, kids usually like bright colors so their clothes are colorful for example.
No. 1508851
>>1508825This image doesn't even make sense, because having "good thoughts" doesn't make you a good person. You can be funny, positive, the life of the party, a beam of sunshine, and still a selfish piece of shit when it comes to close relationships or when it's time to make difficult decisions.
This just-world fallacy is so ugly, you only like it because it's a comfortable thought. But it's completely untrue. What's so cruel about your theory is the fact that a lot of ugly older women look worn out with 11 lines and "angry/concern wrinkles" because they've been through heavy shit throughout their lives. And what are the chances you'll see a depressed older lady walking around with a goofy grin on her face like your illustration? She's more likely to appear skeptical with a scowl on her face.
The one with a goofy ole grin, a pep in their step and their head held high might just be someone who always got their way through selfish actions and who got the privilege of staying in their own comfortable positive vibes only bubble.
No. 1508859
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>>1508643they're mad because you're right anon.
unrelated but my unpopular opinion is that photography is only legitimate if everything in the frame was hand-crafted by the artist, including the camera. any human subjects involved must be birthed and raised by the photographer as well.
No. 1508861
>>1508839Most of the population doesn't have the tools, money or time to make their own clothes, they barely afford food. I'm not the one to make accusations, but you sound very privileged, to believe you just can buy some damn cloth and everything to begin with. Even as an artist and a highly "manual" person myself, I can't afford making my own clothes, it is very costly at least where I live.
>Some of the most creative people I met wore plain black clothesOkay? That's literally the point, its their preference to wear those clothes, not everyone likes black or basic clothes, but they like it, because is their preference
No. 1508872
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>>1508333>>1508337I love this reaction pic but agree that it desperately needs a comma
Here's my edit, I tried to find the same font so the comma wouldn't be randomly sticking out
No. 1508876
>>1508861Did I say anything bad about people who buy clothes? No, then why do you need to tell me that it is a privilege to make your own clothes? I know that. I also think that being so invested in fashion and following trends and being able to afford to follow newest trends is a privileged middle to upper class people thing and another reason I despise it. I came from a working class background and a single parent home where we didn't always have money for food or to pay the bills, I was not privileged. From my point of view, paying attention to clothes is extreme vanity. I know that poor people usually can't make their own clothes, and that doesn't change the fact that I don't believe you can truly express yourself through wearing things envisoned and designed by other people, doesn't matter if you're poor or rich. If a rich person buys only designer clothes and doesn't make anything of their own I have the same opinion. If you don't have enough money to express yourself then… Well, you just
can't. I know that from experience since I had to work hard in a non art related field in order to earn money for a better graphic tablet for example, paint is very expensive too. I remember being so afraid to waste paint on learning that it blocked me for months until I felt financially secure enough to just allow myself to practice
No. 1508915
>>1508912I never touched a scrote in my life, gross
>>1508914Another woman moment. I could use any other store, Shein itself isn't the argument here, it's the fact you can't compare expressing yourself through words to expressing yourself through clothes
>>1508915You don't need to touch a scrote to sexually covet them in all their ugliness, aping their dull-minded lack of enlightenment and taste.
>doesn't deny hating beautyAll I need to know.
No. 1508945
>>1508931I'm selling my digital art and the money from commissions is enough to pay my bills so I can spent the money from my "regular" job on art supplies and other things I like and also save some, I have more savings than most people my age and my own apartment, and I didn't even start that long ago.
>>1508934I never said anything about not liking the way women dress? Lmaooo you can't stop making up new shit just to attack me. Now it's just mindless rage NPC protocol kek.
No. 1508963
>>1508960The above post was made by someone with an addiction to degrading,
abusive porn. You can smell it.
No. 1509006
>>1508985>Imagine responding for hoursMultiple people have been popping in to mock you.
>Btw Solanas would purge you for revolving your life around scrotes.In reality, this is what you're doing. You can't even go four posts without reusing scrote talking points and insults because you have no original thoughts in your head. This sort of self-contradictory fake radfem brainrotted shit is the result of living, breathing and worshiping male, and making flimsy attempts at pretending you don't. No one's fooled but other dumb pickmes and the loser men you follow.
No. 1509012
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Based and true, but I'm scared to bring the RGB CYMK debate back.
No. 1509022
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>>1509015That's just how they work.
No. 1509072
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No. 1509074
>>1509000Denying reality of my sex won't change the fact you have no argument
>>1509006>multiple peopleMore like multiple personalities.
I haven't seen even one male shitting on fashion industry as much as I do, actually men are more into fashion now than before. You only call me a scrote because you disagree with me and for the average poster here 'everything I don't like = a scrote'. I'm not a pickme because I never talk to men about my ideas and I never count on their approval, and the basic purpose of a pickme is literally to be
picked by a scrote, you retard. Even if a woman hurts your feefees by using words you don't like and shitting on other women, as long as she's celibate and stays away from men, she's still not as harmful to women in general as women who willingly date/fuck/marry/share their lives/personal space/money/house/children/time with men. You can't change that, no matter how many times you call me "sexist" or whatever on a forum.
No. 1509082
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This is so fascinating. Based mother nature
No. 1509098
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>>1509087Pop them in front of one of these bitches and ask them what they see
No. 1509326
>>1509291This is true. But I don't think its a lack of self awareness, I think its active cultural brainwashing that doesn't truly validate, teach, or explain women's actual sexuality (outside Libfem ideology and porn culture, aka male centric bullshit) and how it's supposed to feel for a woman to actually crave intimacy with a man they have a deep erotic desire for. So much of sex with men is violence, discomforting, and self loathing. It makes total sense that a woman would think that "man is nice + man loves me + man is decent looking = attraction" when sexual attraction/chemistry is completely unrelated to how good looking or kind your partner is, which women aren't told. We're literally told that if men are good boys (clean up after themselves, love us, help with kids,ect) it makes us want to fuck them. Even women believe this, but it's a bullshit cultural narrative that lies to us about our sexuality. Sure, being a good partner is essential, but sexual chemistry isn't based on good behavior. Even the best guy in the world won't sexually click for every woman out there. But women know that men they can tolerate don't come often, so they settle with the man in their life who they care about and who treats them decently without knowing their sexual attraction to him is it's own component. I think most women do have the self awareness to know something is wrong eventually, they just aren't given the concepts or even the language to describe what it is. Most women probably die without experiencing a genuinely rewarding and passionate sexual relationship that matches their secret longings. This is how women's own sexuality is alienated from them under patriarchy. It's fucked up.
No. 1509337
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>>1509331Please stop. We all know the best choco is a good smooth milk choco from a brand like lindt or delicious, berry flavored ruby chocolate (which is a white chocolate, but way better than the regular kind)
No. 1509380
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>>1509337wrong, best chocolate are the one with fruits, nuts or even more chocolate on them.
No. 1509398
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>>1509380back off, here comes belgian praline
No. 1509412
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APPLE HEAD DOGS ARE THE CUTEST Fuck everyone who says otherwise
No. 1509430
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>>1509412Aw, the cutest.
My unpopular opinion is that there's nothing wrong with chihuahuas and they're not little vicious assholes. People just don't know how to raise and train dogs, especially small ones.
No. 1509440
>>1509430I don’t have one but as far as I know the only thing wrong with them is their teeth fall out and it’s a terrible health problem
I used to be a mail carrier and there was one on a route I carried that would go after me if I went near their open door, and another group of them that for some reason were allowed to roam in a little aggressive pack which was so fucking cute even though it was a huge nuisance and meant some people didn’t get their mail because I didn’t go near loose dogs of any kind (better for me and the dogs not to get in trouble)
No. 1509589
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I hate ghibli so much, everyone's recommendations always include a god awful ghibli movie, they are objectively not bad, but I don't like them. Only one I've enjoyed and liked was grave of the fireflies. Most of them seem like "too much magic and pretty colors" and almost no succession of understandable events.
Also I hate Chuu from Loona, her face is punchable, shut up with the whole "Chuu, ice spice and Hatsune Miku are hated by no one, they are loved by the whole internet"
No. 1509813
>>1509793Disagree on the beauty threads - skincare is 5th thread going strong, makeup 4th, and catalog and crtl+f exist, the other stuff, husbando threads, don't care about so no comment. The color threads are kinda cute though. What's so bad about threads not being super active, face it, the site just doesn't have that many active users. Honestly, I really don't think anons making threads and using them is what's killing the site, it's the retarded infighting, taking bait and responding to moids that's killing the site, along with (what used to be, getting better now) poor moderation during raids.
No. 1509818
>>1509793>/g and /mDon't do that and don't space out your post.
This trend of having hyperspecific threads with minor or none differences in my opinion started after the bunker. It has to be an idiot to want to make a fucking yellow only thread or blue or green or red or white or black… An idiot who did this thinks that /m/ is fucking pinterest board apparently. The countless music genre threads that is just fucking useless since the music genre is over a thousand total with subcategories and all, they should have just made an music general thread like the movie thread. but no there are now a bunch of music genre thread or music related that gained either no traction or a small following that quickly phased out.
Lets take the clown thread as an example the only reason it thrived as a thread
from /m/ standards was because the op had said anything clown related here instead of just pierrots which would severely limit what would be posted and hamper anons from using and most likely start infights for posting clown, jesters, mimes, harlequins and arlecchinos
the last two are the same but some anons wouldn't know>>1509813I looked at that husbando thread that thread that some anons were complaining about the state of and honestly they are just a bunch of cry babies that can't even follow their own thread rules and refuse to use the other husbando threads and post shit that would better fit there.
No. 1509826
Capitalism, men, transhumanism, porn, darwinism, racism, determinism, scientific god complex, Elon Muskrat, tech bros, the patriarchy= satanism, evil, anti nature, sodomy, darkness.
Women, nature, earth, anti capitalism, humanism, feminism= good, light, life, happiness, God, holiness.
Moids need to be eradicated.
Good day.
No. 1509830
>>1509818I guess you could specify that a thread should be its related genres
like rock and metal, emo and "dark" music in general could have its own thread, while also being a thread for hot alt dudes
No. 1509834
>>1509829I also think "unconventional male attractions" should go back to its "men you're
ashamed to admit you'd fuck" origins.
No. 1509851
>>1509829I didn't like browsing /ot/ much before the bunker for personal reasons and mostly just /m/ and dramaboards, so I wouldn't know but those threads are over 20+ threads each.
>>1509830>like rock and metal, emo and "dark" music in general could have its own threadYes like that even though some anons would complain that their favorite music genre are different it , at least the the thread wont be dead after 30+ posts
>>1509827>those posters should have just been redtexted and/or banned for a short enough time and redirected to the /m/ husbando threads which were always supposed to be free for all regardless of content.I honestly don't see the discord between anons in the horny posting thread on /g/ and the devotion to your husbando. Anons in there are sperging out on others for being "filthy casuals" and not loving enough to be in the thread even though they are in the hornyposting, shitposting thread. And i honestly just think they should be back in /m/ instead of /g/ were real men and women, relationships, fashion and beauty and more /g/ typical thing are being discussed about
No. 1509862
>>1509856>de/g/enerates memeThat I think only came about because of sexual fantasies thread and when people would post men they were ashamed too fuck thread too. Otherwise its a fine board that should not have the fictional character husbando threads since they are that fictional and better suited for /m/ instead of /g/ where you talk about make up, fashion, sexuality, relationships and more /g/ related topics.
I honestly got a bit of whiplash when I saw the first thread created as it was like I was in /snow/ and suddenly saw the plastic surgery thread there
>the /m/ husbando threadsThe people in the husbando thread should just go back to /m/ with their anime men
No. 1510439
>>1509311Idk, not dating as a teenager is way more common than people think, ime it's not rare for college students to have little dating experience or not at all. Many teenagers (especially girls) are simply not into it or have fears related to dating (12 is too young anyway). Having self esteem issues or struggling with your appearance in the first place can lead to never forming romantic relationships, so it's a vicious circle. I agree though that at 20+ years old you start doubting yourself a lot if you have zero experience (also because of social pressure) but I'd say that it "fucks you up mentally" when you're also lonely/insecure in general.
>>1509589>Most of them seem like "too much magic and pretty colors" and almost no succession of understandable events.You must be into the slice of life type then lol, because I feel like this describes most anime series, including some of the most popular ones. In comparison, Ghibli movies' stories are pretty easy to understand if you're okay with fantasy settings and at least there's no fanservice/filler, but I understand that it's not to everyone's taste.
>>1510374Nta and I don't particularly agree but there's literally "gay moid"/"moid gayness" in every single sentence with examples of their "culture" being extremely misogynistic, clearly this is not about lesbians.
No. 1510705
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Human Beast looked good. No fuck that he was the BEST looking Disney prince, you furfags will not gaslight me
No. 1510845
>>1510705Based taste. Human beast is hot af. He was the hottest prince.
I still prefer him in Beast mode, but I'll take him either way. He is top tier.
No. 1510857
>>1510783This. It reminds me of those schizo straight women who are genuinely paranoid about having their coomer Nigel whacking it to chaser porn cucked by a HSTS and that's why they act like homosexuality is an ideology or a disease created to specifically attack them.
>>1510829Sadly there are a lot of anons who are genuinely homophobic trads. They sometimes claim to have nothing against lesbians (because they're not a threat to them) but only when they're straight passing and of course butch4butch is cringe and gross to them. I'll get accused of "caping for faggots" in the replies but they know I'm right. In my entire life I haven't met a person who was genuinely okay with female homosexuality but not the male one.
No. 1510878
File: 1677520540680.jpg (38.22 KB, 400x527, trumptimecover.jpg)

in retrospect, i actually find donald trump to be an interesting personality. i think his only downfall as a president was how already polarized american politics had become since the bush is a retard era and that all the crazy white trash types decided to latch on to him (i don't think he gives a rat ass about them, he just knew they were easy and insecure suckers to exploit for quick change). i think he's way, way more intelligent than people give him credit for, not einstein level intelligent but the kind of shrewd cunning you rarely see in leaders today, especially not politicians. i've been watching a lot of his old interviews after randomly remembering that one of his favorite movies is "citizen kane" and it's fascinating watching him talking to people. whatever you may think about him, he's very charismatic, personable, and knows how to draw people in.
i don't think he is this diabolical neo-hitler leader who was hellbent on sending america back to the middle ages like liberals tried to shill him as, nor do i think he was just this upstart smartass like the snooty new york elites portrayed him as being when he was just a quirky media tycoon…in fact, i don't really know what his intentions are and i think that's what scared people the most about him. at times i think he was a very self-aware troll who wanted to expose the hypocrisy of the american political game, which he did a very good job at, and at times i think he just saw an easy opportunity to make loads of cash off of dumbasses, but overall i just don't know. his persona is actually very mysterious he and doesn't reveal much about himself or his thoughts, his family, particularly his kids like ivanka and that ugly son of his, are actually the true source of whatever lolcow tendencies people ascribe to him. he just stands in the back and does that stupid smile with the thumbs up in the air and says jack shit unless he has to. i hated though how a lot of people did suffer from stage 4 trump derangment syndrome and couldn't objectively approach him without acting like twelve-year-old kids. that just goes to show how much power he had over people, literally living rent free in so many mofos' heads. it would be cool to meet him, i know my grandfather would explode with joy lol.
No. 1510913
>>1510846You think straight men won't do all of that
and brutally rape you in addition to it? What kind of insane drivel is this? Imagine malding over a bunch of gay men dressing in heels so much you think it's worse than sex crimes.
No. 1511118
>>1510783>>1510792>>1510857except we're on lolcow where you can often find anons who claim that
>men do not have sexual orientations, there are just holes to them, as evidenced by men fucking objects/food or switching sexual orientations when they become trannies>straight men are not attracted to women but to the performance of femininity (hence the tranny chasers and TRAs)>men are all inherently pedos and rapistsetc. these theories on lolcow exist about all men and sexual orientations, even if it's sometimes retarded at least there are no double standards kek because anywhere else you can't say shit about gay moids
No. 1511403
>>1511034>>1511173My unpopular opinion in response to this is why the hell shouldn't I look at BL and high quality yaoi?? It is too fucking satisfying to turn the tables. Even though its a the bucket, and watered down and romantic compared to coomer porn.. thin skin entitled men always throw hypocritical fits when the female gaze is turned back around on them. All the haters treat the subjects as such
victims uwu, but it's not real, and clearly the only haters are the same moids gaming women every chance they get. Yaoi is subversive and radical in that way. All women should get into it it is priceless and perfect in pretty much every way. And I don't mean the worshipping of gay guys, I mean the worship of the female gaze in general.
It's not real and it's not supposed to be and that is PERFECT. Such a nice deviation from the headache of heterosexual love.
The same men that hate it are the same shitbulls that turn around and use womens bodies. What difference does it really make.
No. 1511451
>>1511034no matter how you look, if a man tries to get into a relationship with you, he will obviously hide the darker facets of his personality at first, so all women get their time wasted imo. men are sexually aggressive and blunt with the women they see only as a potential hook up and when they don't care about being rejected (which probably does happen more to women not fitting the beauty standard).
>>1511415nta but there are zero politics (at that level) who aren't in it at least partly for the money and "power".
No. 1511573
>>1511527>there's zero chance a lesbian would say thisNah girl, fuck off with that mentality. Lesbians aren't a hivemind, just like women are not a hivemind, especially on lolcow. They are not harmless and I hate that women think this shit.
The same gay men are okay with grooming young boys to be drag queens and faggots and will put down real women, calling them hysterical. The same gay men are okay with pedo shit while actual lesbians and other women are the ones who marched against it. The same gay men who spread STDs and other issues but don't want to face it and rather stay quiet. They also love to try to fuck straight men and get up in arms when rejected. They also call women horrible names like fish and cunt. Gay men are not harmless.
No. 1511620
>>1511541Not that anon but nobody's "defending gay men", I don't see anyone denying that their culture is based on weird female skinwalking and womb envy that breeds HSTSs but going as far as saying they're "worse than straight men" is absurd. Straight men will do all the bad things gay men do to women and children but amp them up to 100 and murder and rape you on top of it. It has a homophobic undertone to it and everyone sperging out about faggots being pedorapists never stop at male homosexuals but will always set boundaries for what is acceptable as a lesbian, and salami slice the issue into all homosexuality being degenerate.
>And lesbians are pretty much worshiped on lolcow, it's the only sexual orientation that won't get you shit onKek I wish we were worshiped here. I wouldn't have to deal with the suspicious amount of bitterness towards lesbians and the gay panic over butches and GNC women here otherwise.
No. 1511889
>>1511620>nobody's "defending gay men"how else would you call it? claiming they're pretty much harmless, just gossiping about celebrities while straight men rape and murder, and that criticizing them is homophobic.
>Straight men (…) amp them up to 100 and murder and rape you on top of it.i don't get it, gay men also rape, murder and all that shit, the only difference is that the
victims are children and men instead of women for anything that's sexually motivated.
>everyone sperging out about faggots being pedorapists never stop at male homosexualsbut
all men here are called pedos, rapists and sexual opportunists, why would it be homophobic to say it about gay men. it's like saying that it's racist to say that men of X race can also rape. i have yet to see anons claiming that lesbians are also pedos/rapists, and we all know that that anon would immediately be dogpiled, come on.
No. 1511952
>>1511930Lmao I agree. Had to grow up with italian food and it was never complicated to make at all. My family made it because it was so cheap and filling. I was so bored of it and it was all they ever wanted to eat.
It makes me pretty salty whenever someone wants to grab italian food at a restaurant cause I know for a fact that being charged $20-30 for whatever plate they're serving can be made by the vat for the same pricepoint at home haha.
No. 1512001
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>>1511993>no free healthcare>no free university >the only free thing you get is a governor deciding if you can get an abortion or not>school shootings >literally just shootings everywhere>bipartisanship, no change can really happen>corporations keep dumping shit everywhere and destroying nature and dumping shit on the water that makes tap water undrinkableI could go on, btw enjoy your student debt, nonita
No. 1512011
>>1512001>no free healthcareGood insurance is easy to get through any half-decent employer and arguably it's better than anything you get for "free" in Canada or the EU. Canadians and Europoors constantly complain about their "free" healthcare which isn't free anyway as your taxes pay for it.
>no free university If your parents give a shit about you they'll save up and cover the cost. There's also scholarships. Student debt makes people think twice before they go to college to get a useless degree. Most people with good degrees from great universities don't struggle with repaying their loans, it's largely a myth perpetuated by people with degrees in like idk gender studies and liberal arts.
>the only free thing you get is a governor deciding if you can get an abortion or notYou realize you can just go and get an abortion in a different state, right?
>school shootings This is so dumb lol school shootings and shootings in general are extremely uncommon in good areas.
>corporations keep dumping shit everywhere and destroying nature and dumping shit on the water that makes tap water undrinkableUS has the most beautiful and diverse nature in the world, we're in all climate zones.
Your post proves that Europoors just want everything for free. US rewards hard work and punishes mediocrity and that's why we're so successful. It's a country for people that strive to be better every day, Euros just sit on their asses and wait for handouts.
No. 1512045
>>1511993>US is the best and most important country on Earth, the whole world is envious of us,That's just some deep-seated belief Americans have, to justify their imperialism perhaps, which is why they're known to be pretentious and ignorant of other cultures all around the world. You realize that what's "best" and "important" is entirely subjective? However, loving the country you live in is obviously a good thing, so that's good for you (no sarcasm), people who reek of white-guilt and pretend to hate their country while still living there comfortably are so annoying.
>Our culture is the de facto standard modern culture across the worldAmerican culture is literally made up of European culture and the culture of other immigrants. The US has always relied on importing technologies and people (e.g. scientists, researchers, artists moving to the US because they've been offered better funding or whatever) so it's funny when Americans claim to be "the best" like they're part of some homogeneous group of superior people lol.
>People literally die for a chance to live and work here.This is true of every Western country and some developed Asian countries. Most of this can be summed up by "I don't know about other countries". But I do agree that people demonize the US like crazy, it's obviously better to live there than in a 3rd world country.
No. 1512051
>>1512047saemfag, Amber Heard and her actions are a blow against women and abuse
victims everywhere. If she had just published the op ed but maintained that they had an
toxic relationship and ended it there, she would have been in the green. She chose to embellish and make up more and more extreme claims, and got caught in her own lies. the trial will be used as precedence by actual physically
abusive scumbags for decades to come.
No. 1512136
>>1512135Are you new here or something or did the word slutty just
trigger you? She's right. Especially about the discord losers the starcy larping there is fucking hilarious and they are extremely messy. It's sad
No. 1512140
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>>1512127Agreed. Women can sometimes pull off short hair, better than men in any case, but ideally something like picrel should be the minimum for both men and women.
Moids that are past a certain point of balding are unsalvageable however and are best off becoming hermits to shield them from the public eye.
No. 1512143
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>>1512127>>1512140Yes any men and any women will look better with longer hair. I think it's very rare to see someone pull off a very short hair or buzzcut look, like you have to be a model or have very specific features.. but that's just me. Picrel is my personal ideal starting length for both sexes
One of my exes (male) always kept a buzzcut and it was so sad because he had nice thick hair… I felt it lessened my attraction to him somewhat
No. 1512156
>>1512143>One of my exes (male) always kept a buzzcut and it was so sad because he had nice thick hair… I felt it lessened my attraction to him somewhatMy bf always had short to very short hair and when we got together I convinced him to let it grow out since I told him I liked long hair. He thinks it looks messy but still doesn't cut it short because he wants to please me, feels pretty good.
My ex also had this buzzcut mostly because he was balding and it sucked.
No. 1512201
>>1512134Okay but FDS actually helps women.
No. 1512219
>>1512047It's because women like you see a
victim and try to find flaws she has so you can rationalize that she deserved what happened and since you yourself dont possess the same flaws, a similar situation won't happen to you.
The first court said 10/11 of her claims or so were true so she really was abused but ugly women who simped for Depp and misogynistic men still supported him, knowing full well even if both were
abusive, he would've surely done more damage as an obese alcoholic man twice her age.
Normal women who saw the texts where be detailed how he wanted to kill and burn her body before raping the corpse agree he's mentally ill but some women like you still go and defend those men and unsurprisingly the women who defend him admit they've been with multiple
abusive men before. Coincidence? I think not.
No. 1512276
>>1512047It's sad that this is unpopular. Everyone who paid attention to the trial (internet poisoning red flag to begin with) read their own agenda into what was happening, which in reality was nothing more than a messy relationship between two cluster Bs. The ''''discourse'''''' around it seems to be an annoying combination of the 'perfect
victim' myth (in reality mutually
abusive relationships are extremely common) and severe political polarization. I immediately lose respect for anyone who is not only emotionally invested in Depp vs Heard but takes a side.
No. 1512286
>>1512276Bitch whatever. Depp is a junkie. Amber heard wrote an editorial or whatever and didn't even name the cunt or go into specifics. Depp sued her because of his own financial issues and that he was getting dropped from jobs. In the UK when all the details and evidence came out he was found guilty of abuse. The America trial was a complete circus and the witnesses were getting turn 2 to misconstrue and try and get Johnny that sweet publicity. It was so fucking embarrassing and any woman that has suffered in a physically
abusive relationship with a power dynamic should have been reeling at the outcome. It was ridiculous.
No. 1512289
>>1512247listen..i support amber but you dont have to resort to lies to backup Amber because it just makes people who support amber look like liars.
His daughter never defended amber, instead she just stayed silent and the reason for that is because she got hate when she defended her father years ago.
No. 1512312
>>1512276Do you genuinely believe a woman who's half a man's age and size can be as
abusive as him? Most abused women fight back, that doesn't magically make the relationship equally
abusive or simply messy. A man who has a history of being with barely legal/minor girls and associating/defending pedos isn't ever going to be innocent in my eyes and the fact that most women who defend him then go on to get abused by men they choose to date shows that you guys just have a soft spot for men that'll abuse you.
No. 1512344
>>1512285The media circus is an entity unto itself; I was just talking about the relationship and the people who got super invested in it.
>>1512312>Do you genuinely believe a woman who's half a man's age and size can be as abusive as him?Not as physically
abusive, no. But as you can see from the endless daily 'my mother/father/scrote ruined my life' threads, physical abuse is only one form.
>>1512323I think the buzz around the relationship is a microcosm of polarization in US culture. People can't even disengage from black-and-white thinking over a stupid relationship scandal.
No. 1512395
>>1512344Anything a woman says to a physically
abusive moid is abyoos it’s just desserts. Kys.
>>1512389What proof is there she cheated? She didn’t. Cheating also isn’t a crime or abuse. Even if she had she’d be right to cheat on a pedo rapist abuser.
No. 1512413
>>1512391posting this on a site that was literally built on hating on mentally ill and abused women is so funny.
There is literally a thread in w/ gossiping about a woman who got abused by her mother, married to a older guy when she was barely 18, has a shitty relationship with a middle aged pimp who is much older than her.
Hell even the original lolcow of this site was a fat woman with autism/schizophrenia which everyone though it was so funny to troll her and gossip about her.
fuck off with your fake bullshit feminism. Amber is a abuser and no you are not a based ''dark triad stacy'' for supporting her. You are a loser.
No. 1512422
>>1512413%99 anons think what venus went through isn't deserved, there's like only one or two vendrttafags that hatepost on threads like venus' and they're on different boards than us so your gotcha is useless.
You're a much bigger cow than any co/w/s for defending a pedophile sympathizer abuser man.
No. 1512430
>>1512422Never defended him, you operate on black and white thinking which makes it impossible for someone to have a conversation with people like you.
>>1512417Very nice middle schooler insult, very feminist.
No. 1512436
>>1512430>Never defended himntayrt, but you can't just say this after vehemently spouting that he's an amber abuse
victim and shes a POS. it's a really lame reply and you might as well have not bothered at all. there was so much more to respond to lol
No. 1512439
>>1512432I saw a video on youtube of a woman getting into an argument with a man (no context provided, ofc) and she threw his phone and yelled at him. So many little bitch men in the comments saying 'see!? women can abuse us too but they always play
victim.' like holyshit– actual violence statics and women being murdered for rejecting a man doesn't exist. I do not believe a woman can abuse a man. they can always walk away. they are physically stronger and society believes men over women daily. Especially hand maidens.
No. 1512444
>>1512437just because your life revolves around cock doesn't mean mine does, If you have any other insults that doesn't revolve around boyfriends, appearance or sex that would be great.
I get it your a trashy bitch with middle school tier insults.
No. 1512453
>>1512448No because i didnt call you a cocksucker even though you sounded like one. Also inb4 your
>nooo you should be the bigger person only i am allowed to be a piece of shit''No fuck that, you insult me with misoginy im insulting back.
No. 1512459
>>1512440again you're taking the lame way out of responding to the real content of anyones replies
>%99 anons think what venus went through isn't deserved, there's like only one or two vendrttafags that hatepost on threads like venus' and they're on different boards than us so your gotcha is useless.though, the way youre screaming misogyny and shitposting about this makes me think you're just a moid playing woman
No. 1512589
>>1512389my whole take on the situation personally is that it's two druggies getting into a bit of beef over a missing crack rock. The case should have been thrown out, especially since i am pretty sure when Johnny initially tried to take Amber to court in the UK, his argument was that an article featuring an interview with Amber defamed his as an abuser because she mentioned being in an
abusive relationship, but did not actually ever say it was him, people just assumed it was. It just goes to show how you can buy innocence in the US legal system. But while i don't think Amber is without fault, she absolutely did not deserve that level of backlash she got, i actually still feel terrible for her over it. And then after all that, Johnny is still an alcoholic mess who if i recall correctly, a director he was working with recently found him insufferable, meaning he did more damage to his career more than the little article with Amber could ever do. Honestly, i hate everyone who support Johnny and treats him like an uwu angel more then i hate either of them.
No. 1512593
>>1512570Does anyone think otherwise??? Banana April supremacy. She and the detective from Gargoyles were my childhood crushes.
I'd never seen 2012 April I'm mad now.
No. 1512608
>>1512593wait until you see the new reboot april
>fans asks for adult april again>get middle aged fat april insteadthey should have at least made an adult version of Rise's April, she was fun and had energy, the only con was her being a child for some reason. Also, what the fuck is this design, looks like those weird
poc genderqueer twitter ocs.
No. 1512610
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>>1512608oops, forgot to attach image. Also idk it just feels so weird to have such an older april hanging out with the torts, specially considering the reboot designs they made them look like preteens
No. 1512626
>>1512608what the fuck… I didn't know April got changed so much over the years I can't handle this information lol. where did you find this
>>1512610 image? We should move this to an /m/ thread we're derailing
No. 1512663
>>1512659If towards a woman, you're wrong. If towards a man you're right because they can never be trusted
too much.
No. 1512897
>>1512659I disagree hard. I feel like everyone deserves to have some kind of privacy regardless of their relationship. What privacy is differs from person to person
the things I would want privacy on are actually very petty kek and I will agree that some things you absolutely should be sharing with your partner, but if I got married and they told me I wasn't "allowed" to have my own privacy or personal space, I would feel extremely disrespected. Not necessarily because I have anything to hide, but because I feel like that's just my right and I don't think you have to share everything. And there are some things that if my partner required me to share with them, I would feel like they're being controlling.
After writing this, I do think whether or not this opinion is right just depends on your view of marriage. I don't see it as becoming one person, I see two married people as their own people who both deserve basic respect.
No. 1513046
>>1512958This is cope. Most men treat beautiful women better both in casual settings and while dating them. A lot of men will fuck ugly girls just to do weird kinky stuff that they wouldn't do with the women they loved, that's the actual Madonna Whore complex. The Madonna is a woman they adore and feel attracted to while the Whore is a woman they see below them and only good to be used and thrown away. It's like a classic case of beautiful wife getting cheated on for an ugly mistress.
If you constantly get guys who try to use you, you're the "whore" unfortunately and they probably don't see you as pretty enough to date.
No. 1513102
>>1513072No cheating has nothing to do with looks but I've heard a lot of men claim they love their wives and fuck ugly women on the side because they don't wanna do filthy or humiliating stuff to the mother of their children.
No. 1513109
>>1513101I just mean the thing about the "Madonna" is that according to the whole idea, being attracted to someone isn't a requirement or prerequisite. Adored and respected, yes, but men's attractions don't always have to do with love. In fact, the "Madonna-Whore complex" concept outright claims the opposite.>"The whole sphere of love in such persons remains divided in the two directions personified in art as sacred and profane (or animal) love".[5] In order to minimize anxiety, the man categorizes women into two groups: women he can admire and women he finds sexually attractive. Whereas the man loves women in the former category, he despises and devalues the latter group.[6]The whole thing being Freudian does make me raise an eyebrow, but whatever it is, scrotes will scrote. I personally don't think looks play a huge role. There are beautiful women who get cheated on, and also beautiful women who are selfish, have low self-esteem, simply don't care if a scrote they decide they "want" is already with a woman, and/or are pickmes. There are also ugly women in both categories. Men's ideas of "beautiful" and "ugly" can be wild, too.
No. 1513132
>>1513124you're not saying that at all in the post i just replied to, but whatever.
>>1513125 we're talking about generalizations here and mainly a woman's perception of her attractiveness based on external opinions. of course naturally attractive women have totally different experiences than women who had to get surgery to achieve it. a woman who's never perceived herself as unattractive isn't going to have self esteem issues related to that perception, but a woman who's gotten plastic surgery will.
No. 1513137
>>1513125Nta but what percentage of attractive women you see in real life go through deadly procedures? Even the most extreme procedures like nosejobs or lip fillers are less deadly than the average makeup routine in 1800s which consisted of
toxic substances. It's weird to act like hot women give everything up to be hot when that's just not the reality today.
It's just truth that ugly women are more insecure in real life. The celebrities you see that get a ton of beauty procedures don't reflect on average women you live with.
No. 1513145
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>>1512389You can hit a guy but it will never be the same as him hitting you. r/pussypassdenied is proof moids like seeing women get "what they deserve" and "Karen's getting owned" aka women being berated. They get giddy at things like this but then turn around and say "there's totally a double standard! How will I defend myself from an evil Karen?!" The only reason a woman would be violent with a man is if she was scared.
No. 1513164
>>1513155Majority of women don't enable that, you're literally accusing all women of doing everything for men's approval which is just not true. Like do you literally believe me choosing to buy bootcut jeans instead of skinny jeans is because I want some chad to fuck me and not because I just like the style? Or that me getting my hair cut is just so some random guy will be more likely to ask me out?
It seems like you yourself live for men's approval and you're just projecting it to beautiful women who can get it the way you never ever will be able to.
No. 1513184
>>1513179>>1513181%10 or so women are like that at mosy while at least 1/3 of men have sexually abused one woman in his lifetime. You can't just blame all women and claim women do everything for male approval just because it fits your narrative.
I'm sorry, you're ugly and telling yourself those pretty girls are deeply unhappy with themselves and competing for men's approval probably makes you feel better about yourself but it seems like you're the one who's a pickme since you've been putting down pretty women for their feminine interests, the way they want to spend money and their ideologies while trying to make yourself sound like a better woman yourself.
No. 1513196
>>1513190NTA but why do you think most women are like that? Yes, there are a lot of pickmes, and no surprises, men tend to give those women the most say, but it's a stretch to say that's the
majority of women. If that were true, feminism never would've gotten anywhere. This almost sounds like some blackpill "All of women's suffering is actually 100% their own fault" thing.
No. 1513199
>>1513186I'm the anon that also disagreed with most women being pickmes and I think your reasoning makes sense.
>>1513187I didn't put you down. You're the one who admitted to being ugly yourself before going on a rage attack claiming all attractive women live and breath for male approval which seems like your own projection.
>>1513193Yeah it literally sounds like that anon hates women.
No. 1513226
>>1512958OK the og anon and I don't understand what this arguement has devolved into. I worded it badly I should've said extra "sexualized" not extra attractive. Women can be incredibly beautiful but still fall into the mom/wife material.
What I mean is how men can degrade porn stars and ig models to their hearts content, say that they will never be worth marrying and are only good for sex. Yet those are the women they waste time jacking off too. Meanwhile they praise the "wife/mom" women for being modest and faithful but after a while start degrading them for not being exciting enough and fitting into their fantasies.
It's not about pretty women vs ugly women. It's about the way men dehumanised women into categories that only serve them and mistreat them for not fitting into these categories or fitting into them too well.
No. 1513320
>>1512127Fucking based. It's tragic that long hair stopped being the default for men when so many of them look better with longer hair. It's one of the things I like about historical media, I swear to god the actors almost always look better with the long hair than how they look irl with short hair. I'll never understand how ugly ass short haircuts have such a chokehold on men/society in general (since I've seen some women getting
triggered over men having hair that's "too long" and saying they need haircuts). Thankfully longer hair (or, at least not super short hair) is coming into fashion for guys and shit like fades aren't as popular. At the very least guys should hair that's long enough that it can flop around like
>>1512143, which is still short, but it's leagues better than fades or buzzcuts or whatever.
No. 1513376
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>>1513298I'm sick of seeing every punk adjacent moid post picrel. Like don't No True Scotsman a fucking music genre, I know punk has always been pretty political but it's just so feeble idk
No. 1513399
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I don't get the mentality of continuing to use a platform when you have to constantly train the algorithm. Once in a while fine, but if I have to do it continuously I will just search what I want or stop wasting my time and quit the website all together.
No. 1513446
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I hate when straight women try to push their love for ugly men on everyone. Like when they were pushing kevin and I just saw a video of a woman claiming women are attracted to jon favreau…no bitch that’s you kek
No. 1513594
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>>1513578Bihet moids don't usually actually have sex with men and are consistently more attractive than straight moids
No. 1513638
>>1513565Why do
you care? Some women will criticize male depravity regardless of their sexual orientation, whereas faghags will scream 'yass queen sex positivity'. Whatever. On average, having irresponsible sex and a lot of partners is obviously riskier though. Haven't really noticed gay men's sex lives being a big topic in a while except around the time of the monkey pox thing.
No. 1513792
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I think Skyward Sword Link is the cutest Link since OOT. He’s an innocent boarding school himbo twink. His ass is perfect. I like to headcanon him as getting frequently teamrailed by his classmates. I also love the light hearted nature of the game and the subplot with Zelda and Impa (wish they would make that game next). The game has got the Wind Waker-spirit with a bit more mature graphics. I think it’s underappreciated maybe cause of the gimmicky controllers, but it’s one of my favorite Zelda games. Legit cired at the end. Skyward Sword Link is superior to BotW-Link 365.242199 days of the year every year.
No. 1513797
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>>1513792Honestly not a fan of any depiction of Link that isn't a kid or young teenager, also I hate how moids have ruined his character by making into some femboy tranny, same with ultra coomer moids who make porn of goddam Mario characters
also don't use terms created by gay male pedophiles
No. 1513802
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>>1513797I'm sorry but you can't stop my thirst anon
No. 1513803
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>>1513797Idk why everyone here keeps insisting BOTW link is femboy. Just don't look at fanart with him in the gerudo outfit, he has like 20 other outfit combinations and he looks handsome in every other one of them. Moids are just idiot coomers with an agp fetish
No. 1513812
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>>1513803The femboy thing is retarded wishful thinking lmao. BotW Link just not my cup of tea tho
No. 1513822
>A lot of beauty standards are rooted more in exclusivity, classism, and maintenance than any "true" form of beauty.Holy shiit Yes, yes, yes, you're so right. And the thing about colorism is spot on too.
Blogpost, but I live in Asia, and all my life as a kid, I was bombarded by skin-whitening commercials day and night on TV. We even had this little children's game where we would compare each other's skin colors, and anyone who was the lightest was deemed the prettiest or most handsome, and obviously the kid who was dead last on the spectrum would get teased and made fun of. I know it's messed up, but that's how it was.
I consumed this mentality unquestioned in my younger years until I started looking at other countries' beauty standards and realized that beauty standards really
aren't about beauty but, like you said, more of a way to imitate the "exclusive group" (ie, the upper-class).
For example, in many places in Asia, being dark-skinned or even just a tad bit tanned is a sign of doing labor under the scorching sun instead of lazing around comfortably inside your home. While in the West, tanned skin indicates that you can afford to have the money and privilege to go on vacations in sunnier parts of the world.
No. 1513837
>>1513648 nta but why would you want to be racist against anyone when you can criticize and hate them without this just fine? kek.
loosely related to previous talk, but there are so many douchebags who look super punk but are just your average dudes who think they’re somehow political by plastering themselves with studs and tattoos and anarchy signs and whatnot. The really political ones don’t give much fucks about style and are actually busy with irl activism like helping less privileged people in crisis regions instead of sharing dumb memes and virtue signaling on social media about the newest polarizing topic lmaoo. Anyway idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I hate how consumerist and bland much about this subculture is, you have such a huge dissonance between for example punk bands from the middle east who have to practice their music in secret and sing about their hate for religion and oppressive regimes and western dudebros covered in studs who live in a completely different reality on the other hand who will go “s-stop generalizing uwu~” when someone criticizes religious scrotes from different countries. For the latter it’s often all about getting as many clout and hot gurls as possible while everything else is second priority, sad. It’s just so weird how you have those “criticizing religions that are not christianity is a no-no” guys here while women who have to live under it aren’t afraid to voice their hatred as much as they can under risk of being persecuted.
No. 1513868
>>1513811>>1513822They literally taught this in my sociology course, historically lighter skin and taller height were indicators of a higher class, even in insular communities where people were all related the actual land owners would be taller and lighter skinned due to better diet and not having to perform back breaking labor that fucked up their bodies
This all changed in western europe and America cause of the Industrial revolution, floods of workers came in, who workerd factory jobs that required staying indoors all day which made them a lot paler, meanwhile the rich people fucked off to thr country side and played cricket and polo and got tanner
No. 1513909
>>1513903Lawyers and medics wouldn't be a thing if it wasn't for the competent teachers that helped them understand basic math and taught them how to read.
Do you seriously believe that mothers and fathers are willing to sit down and teach their children those things? Do you even know what it means to teach a toddler, a kid or a teenager or how completely different is it like to teach each group?
No. 1513914
>>1513884I agree, a lot of anons here seem to have either no female relationships at all or very
toxic and shallow ones based on competition. The huge amount of young women here who a.) have a bad relationship with their mothers and b.) rely on their boyfriends/husbands as their only IRL social contact is outright scary, bitches really need to get some female friends and fast. Real friends too, none of that "we're only acquaintances because we have something else than genuine friendship to gain from it" shit.
No. 1513923
>>1513909This. People undermine teachers all the time yet praise the people
who wouldn't be shit without their skilled teachers. Teaching is an extremely valuable skill and especially combined with being able to do it at an age appropriate level and take care of their pedagogic duties too is something that takes real effort to do correctly and I've always admired it. Bad and unmotivated teachers can ruin a student forever. They should definitely be paid well and treated with respect, and I'm saying this as someone who's working in STEM.
No. 1513949
>>1513900Honestly it's not enough to increase pay, education as a whole needs heavy heavy reforms because of the way it shapes kids. School has instilled hatred for so many subjects in many people and often you only discover the joy of learning way after you leave school.
And there really should be heavy psychological vetting of people who become teachers.
No. 1513955
>>1513949I mean, that's kind of the idea, if you advocate for teachers you advocate for competent teachers. Actually, in some universities even you have to do a some sort of test that's an essay in which you tell everything about your life, it's a way to make sure you're not insane.
Like if teaching was taken seriously, and just not anyone could get access to a classroom, we could get the pay we deserve.
It means fixing many things, from making sure not anyone teaches, to finding ways to get better psychological support for the kids, and even making sure the parents aren't fucking everything up at home. Hell, schools should be allowed to say no whenever a government wants to do stupid shit with the programs, and put indoctrinating content.
And teachers need psychological help as well because of the shit some of us have to witness, like suicides, death threats, rapes and so on.
No. 1513963
>>1513954nta but then why do you care about appearance so much if you are asocial
I understand that said woman is being shitty towards you but the "dressed up and thought I looked cute" makes you sound so insecure and pathetic.
No. 1513996
>>1513975Let's get retarded in here
And the bass keeps runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin'
And runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and
No. 1514069
>>1514055This, also
>>1513985>>1513993How is that bait? The average normie European descends from commoner peasant families that had nothing to do with colonialism, had no say in it and most certainly didn't benefit from it. The absolute vast majority of Europeans didn't even have voting rights until the 20th century and by then colonisation was already very unpopular.
I feel like only in the US will a random-ass person in the street get called a coloniser just because they're white, this is why I hate burgers and their shitty uneducated discourse.
No. 1514085
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>>1513985>>1513990>>1513996>>1514061NTA but I don't get what's the big deal here, calling people "colonizers" like some insult is beyond cringe and unnatural sounding, plus is feels weirdly "fetishistic" on occasions, like non-white women on tiktok calling their boyfriends "my colonizer"
No. 1514174
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>>1513975>>1514055Related to this, my unpopular opinion is that everyone(European, Asian, African, Aative American) has a right to celebrate their countries/people's empire or period of dominance regardless of how shitty it may have actually been, my people's "Empire| only rose cause Timur had destroyed every other state in the Indian subcontinent and my group of tribals managed to lead the tribals into a confederacy of plunders that lasted for 40 years and then fell into in-fighting but for my tribe its a symbol and part of our heritage, its something to aspire to and motivate you for the betterment for your nation, your people and your self
No. 1514184
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I’m rewatching Daria today and I really don’t get why this character is considered bad ass and feminist
>always dragging her friend Jane down and making her feel like a loser whenever she wants to try something new
>constantly throwing shade at her little sister and seems kind of jealous
>looks down on everyone at school even though most of them are nice to her and she doesn’t get bullied
>lives in a mansion
>is rich
>fucks her best friends boyfriend
>two loving parents whom love each other
Daria really just seems like a bitch looking at this from sn adults eyes.
No. 1514209
>>1514069Europeans alive today have benefited in many ways from colonialism:
Some major examples:
> Exported criminals, orphans, and the destitute to reduce population of undesirables especially, but also overpopulation in general, in Europe. Otherwise they'd be in the same situation as China and India.> Imported an insane amount of wealth in resources such as spices, precious metals, etc., which still funds most European prosperity.> Countries like the UK are STILL importing resources from their colonies while the people who natively live in those colonies live in utter squalor.> Oh yeah they also use the people from the colonies as cannon fodder in their retarded wars so not as many of them have to die. No. 1514220
>>1514209Nta but prison colonies aren't uniquely European phenomenon, the Ottoman Empire did that at various points and only England and France set those systems up
> Oh yeah they also use the people from the colonies as cannon fodder in their retarded wars so not as many of them have to die.It's a little more complicated then that, the people who joined colonial forces were often from neglected ethnic groups were from former Empires, my people the jats were in that position and there wasn't any conscription that your implying
Are you that baiting bunkertranny
No. 1514226
>>1514220I literally never said anything about it being uniquely European?
>It's a little more complicated then that, the people who joined colonial forces were often from neglected ethnic groups were from former Empires, my people the jats were in that position and there wasn't any conscription that your implying Forcing a people to live in such poverty that signing up to fight in a retarded war thousands of miles from their home is a good option is not that different from conscription.
And no, I'm not a tranny. I'm sick of the "but I was born recently so how can I possibly have benefited from the power structures that benefit me in easily definable ways and have existed all my life????" bullshit. No, it's not their
faults, but to say they don't benefit is completely retarded.
No. 1514227
>>1514219I started doing SW during the darkest part of my life when my mental illness was running hog wild. I had to be wasted to do it. I didn’t make much but I couldn’t get a normal non degrading job I could keep. I’d get blackout drunk every night on cam. I had never even sent nudes to SOs before I started camming. In reality I should be getting disability money but that’s next to fucking impossible in my country.
Even most cam whores and OF thots are doing it because they’re mentally ill and can’t keep or acquire a regular job. They’re the ones that are too mentally and/or physically disabled to handle being actual strippers. If I step foot in a strip club I’ll go into autismo mode from the loud music and weird lighting and scary scrotes all around me.
No. 1514254
>>1514217I think it's fair to say that not every sex worker, especially in western countries, are downtrodden and suffering. A lot of these women came from privilege and should have no issues earning a decent living by working a normal job. Let's remember that cam girls and onlyfans thots are still sex workers and they have the loudest voices on the internet. Most of them genuinely are terminal attention whores and are straight up deranged pick-mes.
>>1514226>>1514069Different anon, but European colonialism was in recent enough history that there are still millions of people who remember it very clearly and are not even considered pensioners yet. I just think they want to deflect, but it's incredibly ignore not to think that everyone on this earth no matter where they live doesn't have the privileges they have right now without somebody suffering horrifically.
>>1514174it would be pretty pathetic to celebrate the fact that your country is a shell of its former glory and it could only achieve greatness by acting like immoral animals.
No. 1514264
>>1514201I'm a sex worker/stripper and I disagree. Im a minority in an area that is typically racist and while I prefer working a normal job even for less pay, it was basically impossible to do here because of no job security meaning employers can fire me for reasons including discrimination for the first 90 days, I couldn't hold down a job to literally save my life and the only way I'm able to make a living to afford today's economy is sex work or just job hop hoping one job will give me enough hours and not fire me within the first couple of weeks. If I could change it I would.
I agree on this for girls who live in California or Washington with better laws revolving around job security and wages, but even then the price of living is insane so I could see why someone would do it as a side hustle, but even then if it was up to me I'd rather work in a restaurant or door dash part time even if it means spending 80% of my paycheck on rent
No. 1514439
>>1514226nonna we were already peasant farmers, literally nothing changed for my people 2000 years except roads were build and that's it, and it did end up benefiting my people in the long term, cause it finally gave my people the chance to rise above urdu speakers
what do you think pre-colonial empires were like, they were just as bad if not worse for 99% of the population
>>1514254tell my why someone in Poland and Sweden have to feel about something France did 100 years ago
Colonialism was not worse then the usual empires, its just weak moids that they lost, but my people have never lost, we have jealously kept our mountain valleys to ourselves and never given them up without a fight
No. 1514452
>>1513863Am the anon you're replying too. No, my mom didn't really give me that; if anything,
I was the one using it myself during that time. But honestly, how could I not have? Dark-skinned people are really treated harshly where I'm from (even though we're all literally born brown)
especially if you're a girl. I've seen little girls mock another girl's skin color; a teacher "jokingly" calling a student numerous slurs for his skin color; and my aunts and uncles "joking" of locking up a cousin (inside the basement) who just came back from the sunny countryside so she can regain her "uwu pwetty light skin" back.
If I hadn't swallowed that beauty mentality, then I could've been subjected to the things I've just written above. Not anymore, though; I've moved past the "light is right" mentality, thankfully, and don't see being brown as some horrid sin anymore.
It's insane (and, like you said, sad) how I never realized how fucked up these situations were… and disappointingly, while I think we've made
some progress in people unthinking this (for example, I don't hear kids playing the "skin color game" I wrote above), colorism is still very much alive here.
No. 1514472
>>1514465Some anon asked if anons here would give up all of their friends for an ideal bf and they said yes, how is it my projection? Also I already have a bf.
What's the difference between a husbando and a bf?
No. 1514492
>>1514463I, and I think a lot of other anons, hate men because they've hurt us (or people we love) again and again. If they talked to men irl, I feel like any warm feelings would evaporate, kek.
>>1514482That's crazy, glad I missed it actually. I think it may be because they didn't have a solid support network in the first place, which is a lot more important than a single partner, imo.
No. 1514505
>>1514472Tbf anons on here have shitty families/friends to begin with so it’s not surprising they’d choose that option. Also you can hate men and still want a decent bf, it’s not like you can change your sexuality or stop craving affection.
I personally hate men because I’ve witnessed some awful things IRL and because there’s a lot of femicide in my home country. The tranny epidemic isn’t helping either.
No. 1514510
>>1514472>>1514463That's not really a fair hypothetical though, an 'ideal' moid is a fantasy that would fulfil all your needs and be perfect in every way. Not surprising if that's more appealing than regular imperfect friends, if anyone even have any. But ofc perfect men like that don't exist so in reality most anons probably wouldn't ditch their friends to jump on a dick.
Personally I don't really prioritise friendship over anything but I'm very close to my family, I wouldn't pick an ideal fantasy bf over them. Even in my imagination I can't fathom a moid loving me more than my dad does.
No. 1514625
>>1514602TRAs and libfems use the exact same 'argument'
go outside!!1!1 to pretend like their bullshit ideologies aren't widespread so yeah, try something else maybe. When you see the shit that happens in the US (e.g. Evergreen State College controversy, "be less white" diversity training at major companies like Coca-Cola etc), denying that white guilt and retarded racial theories are ingrained in academia/media is comical.
>>1514615There's one anon who said that she could only see it happening in the US and everyone used that to dismiss everything else, the point was simply that there's an online trend of using the term 'colonizer' and it's retarded. inb4 'go outside', half of lolcow is about ranting about things happening online.
No. 1514659
>>1514656it was clearly about the retarded "go outside" argument, used to shot down people whenever they criticize something that (supposedly) only happens online. and this comment
>>1514602 was replying to comments that were clearly not about people getting called colonizer IRL.
No. 1515660
>>1515642Im okay with if people hate fat people or fat women but some of the posts here towards fat women sound so mean, unhinged and moid-like that it takes it too far.
Many anons here love to make fun of fat women because they see them as easy targets. I can totally understand if you want to make fun of a fat woman but some of the posts about fat women i see here sound way too hateful that it makes me wonder if its a moid since this site is already infested with them.
No. 1515830
>>1515811Uber based,
nonnie, now I kind of want to learn how to deepfake some moids I like, can you imagine? Get some random moid to film some videos and shoop the face of some crush on top of it.
No. 1515844
>>1515670>“I’m fat but if you don’t find me fuckable you’re discriminating”. It's always about being fuckable.How? This line of 'reasoning' might work with troons, but men (and even women tbh) would never take this seriously coming from fat women. Men are much more likely to send nasty comments to "body positive" accounts on social media than feel guilty. Imo the main issues with the movement are acting like obesity is not an issue when it is, and turning it into a marketing strategy like you said.
>>1515813So, so true. Fat men act unbothered, use humor a lot, or justify their weight/sedentary lifestyle with "I'm a sad introverted loner into gaming" but this would not fly for women. Even though, if anything, women have more actual justifications for their weight gain (pcos, hormonal contraception, pregnancies, the fact than women gain weight more easily etc).
No. 1515850
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regardless how you feel about her politics, Gina Carano should unironically be the physical standard for female action stars, One of the things I adored about the Mandalorian was that so many of the female cast members were MMA fighters/ fit women of some kind. Cara Dune both looks and acts like she could actually knock someone out, and it was great to see instead of the usual "waif-fu."
No. 1516118
>>1516073I saw a post on ig that made me feel sick. A teenage girl carrying her baby onto the school bus and people applauding her in the comments. Saying she was brave.
My unpopular opinion is girls under 21 should be forced to get an abortion. Teenage moms are awful for both the baby and society. It's not cute for a 17 year to have a kid.
No. 1516134
>>1516121I don't support teenage pregnancy, but it's an overgeneralization, anon. There're grown-ups that are just as much stupid and
abusive, and there're teens who can be kind and attentive parents, especially with the support of adults. Still, surely it'd be better if teenage girls spent this time on studying and getting life experience in general. Personally I think better sex education and more accessible protection is the only solution, forced abortion is some tyrannical SS shit.
No. 1516136
>>1516134I agree
nonnie. Obviously I don't think teens should be having kids, but then again I've seen people wait until 30 to have kids & be awful parents & kids who got knocked up at 16 who end up being amazing parents. It can totally be the opposite too which is the generalization, but people are gonna be shitty parents doesn't matter how old they are at the end of the day.
No. 1516194
>>1516168>So they're only good parents because real parents step in and reduce the burden?No, it's a combination of their personality and help they receive, by support I mostly meant what adults teach them about child-rearing. Good parents or in-laws do that anyway, not only for teens. Women (even young like this) should be able to decide, forcing something so invasive on another person is just too severe and vile. Once again, I don't think it's great for teens to have children, but is it much better to let government have control over women's bodies like that and make them bear the consequences alone and basically "punish" them for having sex and getting pregnant? It's honestly just the same crap as pro-life. I'm pretty sure that there would still be those that wouldn't want to get abortion even without pressure from religious anti-choice people. And even though 17 or 18+y.o. are very young, they're not literal kids, and I know a few women that gave birth at that age and it turned out fine. It's not ideal, but nothing in this world is. It'd probably be better to forbid having sex at all for teens in this case, but everyone knows they'll do it anyways. I just think it's weird and illogical when you can have sex but can't have children. Things like that can't have such a primitive solution, it's much more complex. And it leads to all sorts of bans: if it's so bad to have children when you're broke and stupid that it requires enforcing mandatory abortions, the next step would be to forbid having children for various groups of people, unless they pass some sort of test on intelligence or have certain education or certain kind of job and income or are perfectly healthy.
No. 1516205
>>1516118I agree but I know government should never be involved in neither forcing women to be pregnant or to not be.
For as easily as they could mandate abortions, they could mandate pregnancies too.
Barring that hurdle: I just don't believe baby culture will ever change.
Capitalism has no incentive to discourage teenagers from having babies who will likely (sorry to say) grow up to be losers at best for lack of resources and supports.
Capitalism needs unstable, stupid people who will work long hours at dead end jobs for crumbs.
No. 1516215
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>>1516194>by support I mostly meant what adults teach them about child-rearing.Sorry Nona, but I stopped reading there because of the delusion of this sentence. One, if you have a pregnant teenager, you're not one to be giving out good parenting advice. And two, who babysits the kid while the teenager goes to class? Who pays the money to buy the baby food? Who pays the mortgage to keep the child sheltered? Only by the parents stepping in and taking on the vast majority of the childcare duties is a teenage mother able to survive, let alone thrive. Without a financially stable set of grandparents, the baby's outcomes are horrendous, because teenagers inherently make terrible parents in our complex societies.
>>1516179This. There are bad adult parents, but your chances of not being able to support your child and giving it what it needs are far higher if you have it when you're 16 compared to having it at 25.
No. 1516252
>>1516215>One, if you have a pregnant teenager, you're not one to be giving out good parenting adviceAnon do you seriously believe there're perfect parents that are able to bring up perfect children that do everything as they're told and don't make any mistakes? It also doesn't mean that a person doesn't know anything about parenting, there're lots of aspects to it, regarding feeding, health care, teaching basic skills and things like that.
Regarding your second set of questions, there're grandparents that are able and willing to help. Without them, yes, it's better to consider abortion, just like adults who don't have a place to live and a stable income.
>>1516227Some manage to bring up kids fine, they're inexperienced, yes, but not necessarrily braindead, and yeah, they need a good support system. Once again, it's not an ideal situation, and I don't think teens absolutely should be having kids. I just personally don't think mandatory abortions is a good solution and I've already explained why. As I said earlier, sex ed and more accessible protection is a key, imo, as well as spreading information about the hardships of pregnancy, giving birth and child-rearing instead of romanticizing it. If abortion is normalized, I'm pretty sure much more people will consider it instead of having kids they don't really want or can't afford.
No. 1516320
>>1516298It's clearly not the same generation of teachers though, unless you're an older zoomer yourself and your teachers were starting their careers. From my experience the horrible,
abusive teachers were respected and would let kids bully me just because I was the wrong skin color and happened to have better grades than the others and it rubbed them the wrong way, but the very nice, competent and respectful teachers who weren't at the end of their careers were the ones treated like garbage by their students. No clue why that was always this way, it's almost automatic, and I remember it happening in my first year of high school with a young maths teacher starting her very first year of teaching and being treated like a retard or a party pooper because she wasn't assertive enough when giving his homework to do despite the students being bougie rich kids who were taught good manners all their lives by their super rich parents.
No. 1516331
>>1516298agree with
>>1516320 most of today's teachers are millennials, 25-40 years old. at worst they were the ones bullying you, at best they were just another kid.
No. 1516573
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>>1516528Are you going to ban coffee too?
No. 1516592
>>1516573NTA but I would ban all caffeine including coffee and most tea.
Did you know caffeine can make your boobs hurt? Found that out from my doctor after I complained to her.
No. 1516662
>>1516521>white women like them are never going to be true feminists. they will never get the treatment of minority women.Doesn't seem like an unpopular opinion to me and I genuinely wonder why do white feminists keep trying so hard with the "intersectionalism" and the constant self-blaming when people have decided from the start that it will never be enough. They should stop wasting their time, and focus on women's rights which would obviously benefit all women. The idea that you can only be a "true feminist" (highly subjective) if you're a racial minority doesn't make sense, especially if you try to apply this reasoning to any country that isn't the US. And just because someone is a minority doesn't mean they understand and support all minorities, in fact they often dislike/compete with other minorities (e.g. colorism, racism between two minorities in the US e.g. asian and black etc) or openly focus on their own race because it's not seen as
problematic. You can pick "bad feminists" of any race and use it to make similar generalizations.
No. 1516676
>>1516665I agree with this, but I think that wealth is the factor here.
>>1516669And it seems like you missed the "they will never get the treatment of minority women". If this was only about them or their wealth, then the comment would not have focused on race/minority status.
No. 1516770
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Women who spend a lot of time and money on their looks but have fat ugly bfs are funny to me. I just know those women think women should be beautiful and keep up their looks but it’s ok for scrotes to be ugly and fat if they have a good personality. They judge other womens looks super harshly but are screaming in pleasure every night when their ugly scrote is balls deep in them.
No. 1516832
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A lot of light haired and light eyed white people would be considered 10000x uglier if they had dark hair and dark eyes, like nobody literally look their way twice because their features are actually incredibly offputting, fugly, or at best plain without the eurocentric coloration and the fetishism attached to it
it's so retarded because some of these people are ugly as fuck anyway, yet they're considered ideal? coming from a dark haired white person I'd rather look at a pretty dark haired person than an ugly blonde any day of the week
No. 1516839
>>1516836I wouldn't say this inlays with the brown versus blue debate which yes I've seen here before
more like I'm tired of my fellow women dyeing their hair the ugliest color to appease male invented constructs. marilyn monroe was naturally a brunette so the entire thing is a moid invented sham and blonde in general is a hideous hair color on most people
No. 1516842
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>>1516770he's not ugly he's just fat
No. 1517086
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So I live in the mediterranean area and recently in Italy a ship of immigrants sank and a lot of people died. I don't feel anything meanwhile I see italian people crying over their unnamed caskets and I can't understand why.
I've been feeling like this for so long, since I was in my teenage years, that I convinced myself either I have some kind of autism or pd that prevents me to feel empathy for these things.
I feel for natural disasters, I fee l for countries actually being destroyed by war, I feel for everything out of control of the single person but…these people know what are they doing.
They know. They know there's a fucking sea, they know they're gonna get cramped in a ship with 100 other persons and they're the most entitled fucks ever.
Last year, when the ukraine situation broke down, a lot of refugees came (and some even went back because they left their families/home whatever there) but they're not running around in cities, pissing and shitting on the streets and attacking girls in the night.
When I turn on the tv, half of sexual harrassment cases it's by "irregular african immigrants" and why the fuck are they even here? And even if they come here or in other mediterranean zones, they're not gonna integrate in the slightest.
They're not gonna get used to our customs, glaring at girls that are not veiled, they don't want to speak our language, they want their spaces…stay in your fucking country.
I know I sound like a boomer but really I can't understand why people are so welcoming for other people that have a tons of sources or proof that they just bring nothing but bad things.
I'm not happy that the ship sank and shame on those women who are so mentally stunted they think that sailing with a newborn is a good idea, I'm just… neutral. They saw what was coming, so no pity.
Plus thinking that those kids or moids were probably gonna end up sleeping in our parks, shitting in our water canals and sit at the train stations asking for money, it makes me feel even more like nothing.
They bring nothing to us, nothing was lost.
I don't care if I sound unhinged, as a woman, I feel safer knowing that these young moids that feel entitled to rape girls because they don't have a cloth on their head are at the bottom of the sea. There are no cases of an immigrant doing actual great things.
No. 1517098
>>1517086Careful anon, jannies love to ban anything someone says that even vaguely sounds negative against immigration.
I agree though entirely. The fact that I can’t even take the train without some mouth-breathing creep staring at me, not realizing that in most countries, staring at a woman and making disgusting sexual faces isn’t appropriate. Say something to complain about it though and it’s ‘oh, well they aren’t used to our culture yet’.
No. 1517099
>>1517095By actual survival instincts, you don't put newborns on a ship with a risk of dying of starvation. Why not travelling by earth to reach another country that's better that your own? For example Morocco, Egypt? I feel like they either have been stunted due to religion (once you grow up with a mindset it's difficult to think otherwise) or either they're forced by shitty men that think that dying in the fucking sea for days is the more reasonable thing to do.
Again, I'll say it another time and if it's not clear it's not my fault: It's not being an immigrant per se, I have no problem with immigrants if they come, respect the locals and try to adapt to our customs, I have problems with people that only see the fucking sea as the only way out, get fucking surprised if they or little children (poor souls) die of starvation or thirst while the land it's fucking there and once they here they made no effort to be good people, robbing and raping people. That's the problem.
No. 1517120
>>1517116You know what makes me sad, nonnas? I live in a city with a district where most of people of other countries come to live, I guess because they feel better living in a block where you can understand each other by at least speaking english or chinese and you can see who came here and successfully integrated and is well respected and who is here and refuses to do that because yes but if you point that out, you're racist.
"Their country is at war, they don't know any better,
Well, start by not robbing people, raping girls, stealing in houses, molesting people on public transportation…that could be a start, maybe. yes, this happens even with european people but they don't get the "muslim immigrant get out of jail" card.
No. 1517199
>>1517194It's not a non-sequitur when you read my reply as a response to the original post, which is that
>There are no cases of an immigrant doing actual great things.there are plenty of cases like that, they just don't see those as being immigrants because they're also European
No. 1517201
>>1517199So the answer is yes.
>Only Europeans ever do great thingsBeyond help, goodbye and go back
No. 1517280
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If you don't like tomatoes you seriously need to grow up. And fast.
No. 1517283
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>>1517280Imagine looking at this photo and not wanting to devour this. Immature.
Btw, I've noticed a link between people who don't like tomatoes and people who cheat on their significant other. Just saying.
No. 1517292
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>>1517280This is me with mushrooms
No. 1517298
>>1517292I disagree, I don't care for shrooms. If only they had a different texture, I would like them.
>>1517294They should get over that then. Having allergies is also immature as hell.
No. 1517303
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If you're over the age of 10 you just need to stop having allergies. You're letting this beat you?
No. 1517306
>>1515844Sorry for the late reply. I was speaking in hyperbole, what I mean is body positivity should be about anti-discrimination and self-love regardless of your appearance or whatever handicap you possess. You should be able to say, “I’m ugly but I still have worth”, rather than “I am XYZ but I’m still beautiful”, because the latter puts an emphasis on beauty as a virtue = we still are pressured to be beautiful = more incentive to consoom usless shit. I’m saying this as an ugly woman who used to be fat. Some women are just a bit more uggo, but it's still possible to live.
>Imo the main issues with the movement are acting like obesity is not an issueThis is also true
No. 1517411
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Yeah yeah yeah. Be quiet before I blow some dust your way and make you break out in hives.
No. 1517559
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Plushies made for children are way cuter than those japanese kawaii plushies that are made with adult collectors in mind. They look more cuddly and inveting. You want to squish them when you see themunlike kawaii plushies which look like they would break if you touched them they also don't look soft to hug. I know that they have soft stuffing inside but something about them makes them look rock solid.
Children's plushies takes cute elements from real animals and then stylise them while kawaii plushes looks like cartoon characters and barely resemble what animal they are suppose to be. I also hate hate haaaaate bubbleheads and don't understand why it's so common in kawaii character design. A fat body gives you maximum hugability.
I collect cute things and I just don't understand why other cute collectors goes for these soulless plushies that are difficult to obtain depending on where you live. I guess there is a thrill in getting something shipped from Japan but nothing about Sanrio and similar plushies registers as cute to me. It all looks too try-hardI do like some of their merch though but their plushies says me nothing. Their characters just don't work as toys they where meant to be on notebooks and other crap
No. 1517581
>>1517559I love those plushies too, they do look cuter to me especially for their realistic look, and cuddly appearance!
I find it ironic how much less childish these look, probably because of their natural colors and simple shapes. They look kind of vintage, and make good decorations.
I couldn't stand having one of those sanrio plushies in my house, they're have really loud designs and obnoxious colors… Even though they're made for adults, I think they look way more childish, so I find it a bit weird seeing adults actively collecting them.
And I also agree that sanrio characters look better on stationery items, like stickers and notebooks. Maybe because they're small items that aren't constantly in display?
No. 1517821
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>>1517788I posted this before, There was German author who saw the rise of the Nazis and noted how stereotypically non "aryan" germans were typically the most fanatical Nazis because they knew that they were on the fringe of being considered racially acceptable. Note how the entire high command of the nazi apparatus were men who were mostly dark-haired, brown-eyed and somewhat short by German standards and who personally proved the lunacy of the Aryan "race" as a concept by their mere existence, picrel
No. 1517840
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>>1517833I mean Rudolf hess was the only who looked half away decent, but then again he was weird even by Nazi standards, he considered Native Americans, North Indians and Iranians to be fellow Aryans, but hated Arabs and Jews and believed in a great war against the whole "Semitic race" who he blamed for all the problems in the entire world
No. 1517861
>>1517788Ironically, you're the one who equates being "white" with very light skin, light hair, and light eyes, and thinks that people "don't look white" if they don't have these characteristics. But hardly anyone in Europe believes this (especially in countries where dark features are literally the most common), and people identify with their culture rather than "whiteness" as in the US (although US racial theories are coming to Europe). Also, there is
so much immigration in France that you're probably thinking of immigrants being racist among themselves, because actual French people are less tanned than Italians and Spaniards. Anyway, the tired comparison with Aryans is retarded, racism in Europe is mainly related to religious and cultural differences. The European countries you've mentioned have been quite diverse for a long time now, and if you look at the models in advertisements or fashion, they don't look like Aryans so I'm not sure how you can claim that it's the beauty standard there. Most of the time, Europeans have problems with Muslim or North African men for cultural reasons. They don't have issues with Asians or other Europeans even if they're not blondes and don't look like Aryans (which is supposed to be the problem according to you).
No. 1517872
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>>1517861same applies even with "brown" countries(which I'm sure is what nonna would think of us) like its so obvious she's american, religious and cultural identities are what matters, yes there is of course homogeneity of certain national identities but culture is what matters more, even though an Italian and Morrocan might have the same skin tone they could be more different when it comes to culture and again even with them same country there will be a range of phenotypes
No. 1517904
>>1517788I think this is actually an interesting take. Of course white people have dark features, but I think light features are most commonly associated with white people and kind of hailed as the most "special". Idk about Europe but I think what you're saying is true for America.
>>1517812>sims language lol
No. 1517944
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I think those restaurants that do deliberately rude service, eg “Karen’s diner” etc are so cringe. I also find it ironic, they look like they’re staffed by snowflake gender specials who would flip out at you for not using their pronouns, way more reactive and insufferable than any “karen” I’ve met
No. 1517947
>>1517904well that's a thing, its simply cause those features are rarer, we have people here in the far north in Pakistan who are naturally blonde/red haired, tall and have colored eyes but they usually keep to themselves and are isolated peasant farmers, yet every couple morons some moral talent agent goes there and tries to recruit them and they shooo them off
these people get fetishized and not treated like actual human beings
No. 1518146
>>1518141No but people probably insulted your appearance because they associate it with cultural traits not because of your color
>>1517788>I once had a literal Arabic looking "Italian" man call me slurs when I told him my ethnicity even though he himself would get searched at every airport he entered while I can pass as European myself even though I'm mixed. This kinda proves the point. You say you pass as European but once he heard your ethnicity he obviously had some bias against it
No. 1518149
>>1518146I'm the original OP and my mother was Arabic and father was slavic, I'm largely white passing with pale skin and naturally blonde hair but whenever I mention I'm partially Arabic, some brown looking European uggo will call me a terrorist or monkey. It's pure insecurity and projection because I've never had other slavic people call me slurs but brown Europeans seem to call me slurs much more often.
Black and Eastern European people have been the least racist people I've interacted with while ugly Europeans with dark hair, skin and eyes tend to be most racist towards me.
No. 1518163
>>1518156What your mother went through is terrible anon, I hope she's doing better now and doesn't have aby trauma from the undeserved treatment she got.
Eastern European countries have a very big Muslim population so I sadly don't think it's that. I've also had two bfs from there who we weren't racist at all and pretty chill along with several friends. Again in my experience, the worst kind of racism I've received was from Western Europeans that don't fit in beauty ideals themselves but maybe it's simply because people who have been outcasts are more likely to be racist, misogynist etc.
No. 1518214
>>1518203My mother was a beautiful brown woman and I never once mocked her features? She also didn't have the big nose you Mediterraneans seem to have if that's the feature you think I'm mocking.
How is being brown a literal insult unless you're colorist? I'm just saying it's ironic for brownies like you to be racist to brownies like us.
Also scandi-chan said central euros look brown to her so I'm not alone with that one.
It's literally general knowledge that slavs look whiter compared to average Mediterranean because Mediterraneans are more mixed. If you told anyone a slav man looks whiter than a italian one, they'd agree. That's why I think them being racist towards me stems from insecurity as they don't fit the ideals they try to force upon me themselves either.
And don't bring my culture into it, the white men that were racist to me were the ones who were hostile and sexual towards me so it's not like me being a nasty rapist middle eastern was the reason of their hatred. One of the guys resorted to mocking me after I turned him down which defeats your argument that it's about their disdain for my culture.
No. 1518226
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>>1518201yes, the only over the top neo nazi people (proudly calling themselves and identifying as nazi, unironically owning flags n stuff, speaking of common talking points with the ideology, etc) I've ever met in the meatspace were east or southeast asian, and were likely undiagnosed spergs. i can look at twitter for a half hour and see 50 blue checks talking about the scary boogyman that is white male neonazis out to lynch minorities any second, erasure of the many non-whites who would only hope they got that attention. internet addiction and mental illness/mental deformity definitely has a play with any extreme political or social take.
No. 1518269
>>1518236I said ugly Europeans who don't fit European beauty standards themselves are more likely to be racist, I didn't call brown people ugly, I called you guys ugly because that's my personal opinion. I don't find you guys or your men attractive, is there anything wrong with that? Are you going to lynch me for daring to not be attracted to peoples that'll call me a terrorist when they get mad?
Also the Italian retard that was hitting on me told me he didn't find Italian women attractive himself and he stupidly chased after asian or eastern euro women only to get rejected, most of you guys are selfhating yourselves and it's obvious.
No. 1518276
>>1518269i didnt see your deleted reply but from that anons post to you it seems like you a brown person were bragging about looking more white that ''ugly brown'' white people, that to me seems like self-hate.
also you sound like a pakichan wannabe, where the fuck are you cockroaches coming from.
No. 1518291
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American racism is not even racism, its so utterly "passive aggressive" that I genuinely can't take it seriously and I don't understand how americans take it serious, "oh white people like mayo" "oh n-word" like where I'm from(and much of the world) racism is not backhanded, people outright say they don't like another race or just remove them, my father has talked about how great my country could be, If certain ethnic groups were just removed and never come back, and its a popular opinion among even younger generation
also its just way funnier, like this interaction between north africans and africans is funnier then any form of america race humor
No. 1518308
>>1518276>where are these cockroaches coming from?Wow totally not racist of you. Also pakichan loves western whites and argues western men do no wrong while my main argument wad that I faced harsh racism from westerners who look brown themselves. Especially western men when I reject them.
Anyways I was saying it's weird for white people who can pass as nonwhite to be racist because you can't tell them apart from the people they're being racist to, anon got mad because she's probably one of those people.
No. 1518312
Maybe not unpopular in real life but definitely unpopular in certain online groups: the lesbian incel stereotype exists for a reason. It makes sense. Statistically, there are fewer lesbians than any other sexuality, and the overwhelming majority of SSA women are bisexuals and again, taking a purely statistical view, most bisexual women will end up het-partnered because there are simply more straight men, even ignoring things like social pressure. So lesbians are more likely to be incels in the classic sense of the word (which was coined by a lesbian) in that they're celibate and they don't want to be. But lesbians are also more prone to being incels in the pejorative sense. No, lesbians aren't out there killing people like moid incels, but yeah there's definitely a big chunk of the lesbian population that hold incel-type beliefs and attitudes. I've been stalked by lesbians before who were furious because I "led them on" by being bisexual and talking to them without wanting to jump into a relationship. Lesbians will also become aggressive towards women who reject them and say very incel-like things, such as calling the woman who rejected them a whore, dick-obsessed, addicted to cock, stuff like that. If you're a lesbian and you don't act like this you're fine. But I'm tired of people pretending like this never happens and the only reason you'd compare lesbians to incels is because you're a terrible bigot. No, some of them are literally incels lol.
No. 1518314
>>1518305come on you know what i'm talking about
>my father has talked about how great my country could be, If certain ethnic groups were just removed and never come back, and its a popular opinion among even younger generationyou're so easy to spot
No. 1518366
>>1518320You're a literal femcel who's never ever had a bf or even got asked out by anyone but her cousin. You're someone who never goes out, doesn't work, doesn't get an education, etc. How are you planning on meeting a potential husband/bf to have kids with when you spend your time online worshipping ugly white men?
I wouldn't be this rude to you if you weren't racist and misogynistic but you do deserve it, especially after you said western women don't deserve rights for abortion.
No. 1518474
>>1518366>You're a literal femcel who's never ever had a bf or even got asked out by anyone but her cousin. okay and, what do you expect me to do about that in fucking Pakistan
>You're someone who never goes out, doesn't work, doesn't get an education, etc. How are you planning on meeting a potential husband/bf to have kids I used to go out with my friends when I lived in Karachi, I live in a backwater right now where I don't even the speak same language and don't know anyone accept a few neighbors
No. 1518485
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I still believe that pakichan is medusa
>both have a pathological hatred of Islam above all else
>both hate democracy and liberal governments
>both are extremely heterosexual and especially fond of muscular tall white men with facial hair
>both whitewash the Soviet Union and consider its fall the worst tragedy in history
>both are subtly anti-Semitic by going after "Zionists"
>both dislike rap music
>both hate America
>and both have a visceral disdain for obese people.
No. 1518513
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Chicken wurst meat
No. 1518565
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stop responding to bait, fellow anons
No. 1518575
>>1517715I have only seen her mentioned on lolcow kek no one irl seems to care about her. Anyway the comments on that video are so bleak. She is literally paid to sing and be on a stage but she fails hard and yet everyone in the comments are praising her because "she is trying her hardest".
My unpopular opinion is that I wish that the music industry and it's fans had any standard. If a singer can't perform live they should get extreme backlash. Record companies should not give concerts to people who can't sing live. I'm tired of this coddling of singers. If I was so bad at my job it would damage my career
No. 1518583
>>1518575I am with you, but to be fair it would mean that they need to do less concerts and live performances because doing all that causes a lot of strain. Along with that, you have singers being made to perform when they sick and their ability to sing well is greatly impaired. I honestly understand the coddling in that regard, especially since concerts is where 99% of most musicians incomes come from anyways if they don't do anything outside the music industry. The issue is that people will cry about the fact that they wasted their money on a flight and imo, i don't really feel bad for those people? Those people are human, who knows if they could drop dead before ever hitting the stage, those people really need to organise a backup plan so that their vacation doesn't go to waste.
As for ice spice, she will fade away quick, there's always random fad rappers popping up here and there. Very soon her main source of income will be fashionova brand deals.
No. 1518629
>>1517715People used to get famous by doing crazy stuff/ being funny/ stunningly attractive/ talented…but nowadays? You can literally be
boring as hell, zero talent, no charisma, barely looks: nothing and people will hype you up to the extreme. I seriously don't get it, she's boring as hell, I would rather watch paint dry
No. 1518739
>>1518474Pakistani women do get married and have children, don't they? Stop acting like your romantic failures are because of your country when in reality it's because you're ugly, useless, unemployed, racist and mentally ill. You literally hate all men in your country and all people of color as if you're not a person of color yourself.
You're too broke to ever step foot in America and even if you did, you wouldn't be able to find a place to work because you're massively disqualified.
No. 1518785
File: 1678340383735.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.67 MB, 4096x3072, 20230309_101612.jpg)

I can't believe you morons made me do this again
>>1518485she seems somewhat based but her takes are rather basic and to much of an unironic tankie for my taste, but thanks for the compliment
>>1518739what are you on about? the reason I'm not married curranty is cause of various issues in my family(which have worked out well for me) basically due to my living situations I have to take care of my mother and brother, which is why I'm home all day and again I live in small city so there's not much to do either way
now I have to leave and buy groceries and then make the day's meal, like I do everyday
No. 1518828
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>>1518811>>1518795not fat, I just have good forearms due to Jatt genetics and having to hand cook meals everyday
>>1518814thank you
No. 1518873
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>>1518785not the hammer thumb and dirty nails
No. 1518938
>>1518934well she's home all day like she said so she's bored.
>>1518785will we get a selfie?
No. 1518943
>>1518785Never post your hands on here. Even though this is the off topic board, this is still a website about tearing people down and making fun of their appearance. I see this exact same thing happen every time.
Let this be a lesson to everyone else. It doesn't matter if you're a hand model, never post your hands for the hyenas.
No. 1518981
>>1518943KEK anon don't you know this is the second time she's posted her hand? Last time she posted her little brother's hands too for comparison what an autist
>>1518785No one "made" you do anything you absolute moron, you could have ignored the conversation. Let your brother use the computer, though I still believe that rancid moidy Twitter account you doxed through a screenshot was yours
No. 1519197
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>>1518785Why are you built like an overweight 12 year old boy? How do you fix those shrek fingers to talk about how feminists are fat and ugly? I bet you have the third world belly button going on, umbilical cord hanging free and all. Anything but Varg's paki dwarf talking BS all over this site, go shit in a hole in the ground
No. 1519208
>>1519194Organic fabrics such as cotton lose shape after several washes, that's why most fabrics have synthetic mixes. A lot of people are too stupid to understand that so they buy %100 organic fabric products, wash and throw them in a dryher instead of hanging to dry them and then lose their minds when the product gets fucked although they didn't follow the proper care guide.
Also you must be rich to be able to buy wool and silk so casually for daily outfits which I doubt you are.
No. 1519210
>>1519204Not even Forever21 and H&M are churning out collections at the rate Shein is though.
Also fast fashion in general has been critized a lot in recent years from what I've seen, there's just so many brands you can't name them all individually but there's only one no-middleman company that everyone orders from straigth from China.
No. 1519224
>>1519221Your country is literally world-renowned for poor taste and ill fitting clothes. I can tell without fail which tourists in my city are from the US just by their horrendous outfits.
Either way, no, nobody in Europe is retarded enough to not know that heat destroys clothes and barely anyone even owns a washer-dryer in the first place, it's a typical retarded US thing.
No. 1519232
>>1519217not only americans are stupid anon kek
>>1519224my 70 year old neighbour lady has a washer-dryer, you don't seem to actually know people
No. 1519339
>>1519326Because a sense of superiority feels really nice, I'd wager to guess. It's obnoxious and very transparent but whatever. Let them have it if they need it so bad.
No. 1519341
>>1519326"Americans build their houses out of cardboard!"
"why do Americans tile their roofs with felt?"
No. 1519348
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Shut up about the dryers. My europoor family moved to the US and the rules here didn't even let our run down apartment complex have clothes hanging on the balcony to dry because it was deemed a trashy eyesore. We started using a dryer and if you use the right settings clothes come out fine. It made my mom's life easier too. You just need clothes clean and dry asap without being a snob or worrying about how to deal with the rain or the frozen shirts left outside in perpetual T-pose because the weather here turns in an instant.
No. 1519466
>>1519456Kek I worked at a thrift store and they told us to immediately throw shein shit away, why? Because it's so fucking cheap. Certain clothing items from shein has been found to have up to 20x more than the acceptable amount of lead allowed for clothes. It's
toxic junk. Why the fuck would you buy some shein shit at a thrift store? Buy it from and it's cheaper. Just say you love your shitty smelly
toxic clothes.
No. 1519506
>>1519466 I work at a thrift store too and we are told to throw Shien away as a company policy now. We dont know what's getting donated since it's always huge black bags, but gen z is causing so much waste. We used to sell good clothing, but it's less and less now.
>>1519499Yeah, it went downhill after 2019, when everyone 'bored' from the pandemic started thrifting. I've been thrifting for years and never ran into such low quality clothing as badly as I have now a days.
No. 1519539
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probably not an unpopular opinion on here going from the general public opinion:
moids who think that if they're balding they can just shave their head and it'll be fine because it's masculine are wrong. most of them look like picrel and literally no man in history ever looked good with a bald head. not even the most handsome man i can imagine would look good with it. it just isn't a thing. i laugh at these ugly scrotes with weird head shapes thinking they're vin diesel and that they're manly men when all of them look like shit no matter what. most men aren't masculine enough to "pull it off" anyways (not that it's a thing) and even if they are masculine they're still 100% unattractive.
on the other hand some women look good with a shaved head so it's absolutely laughable how much they're judged if they go for it.
No. 1519645
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>>1519641I agree but I am biased because I am a burger. I literally don't want to eat a burger if it does have American, that's the best cheese to me. For a lot of sandwiches in general I prefer American cheese.
No. 1519686
>>1519645>that pictureWhy
nonnie why
No. 1519757
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civilization needs autists to progress
No. 1519809
>>1519798arabic has sounds you make with your tongue and teeth upfront or up against the hard palate of your mouth, french has a lot of sounds that start behind the tongue.
I can't speak either language so I'm not an authority but that's what seems like the difference to me from listening and repeating the words sometimes
No. 1519840
>>1519834I like Arabic, especially songs.
Portuguese however… very troubling sounds coming out of people's mouths. It's like german/russian/spanish, I can't wrap my ears around it to pick out the words. Sounds very nice in a song though, fado is beautiful.
No. 1519940
>>1519928Ayrt and I guess my post was
triggered by your reply but I've actually wanted to post this for a while. And I kindly disagree with your assessment, some women just don't attract men at all and I know what I'm talking about since I'm one of those.
No. 1520308
>>1520235Nta but if anyone wants to vicariously experience that- watch a few seasons of Alone; people break by day 100. Its not ideal unless you chose the patchouli drenched path to a commune of “like minded people”.
Or, Into the Wild, covers a similar plot- but read the book.
No. 1520442
>>1520235You have to get away from thinking within the current system. I would even go as far as thinking of a society without the typical money in exchange for work scheme. I know it's very utopian so moving towards a 4 day work week
>>1520224 would be a step in the right direction. However, my country seriosly discusses even more work hours per week even though research shows that productivity goes up if people work less hours. Braindead politics.
>>1520345Or you'd have to find a safe way to prevent these people from doing that
No. 1520464
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>>1520459>Inbreeding isn't bad per seStopped reading here.
No. 1520485
>>1520483Yeah. There's nothing wrong with having
consensual sex with your brother.
No. 1520490
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>>1520485It just gets worse
No. 1520494
>>1520459This is whay they thought in pakistan and now their average iq some places is 60
Anecdotal, a guy I know whos parents are first cousins have a hapsburg jaw and conjoined toes
so I dunno about that, sounds like a cope
No. 1520507
>>1520494Anecdotal evidence and notions of racial supremacy. Yeah, I'll pass.
>their average iq some places is 60Omg wow, who'd have thought children who don't have access to educations or jobs would have lower IQs??
No. 1520590
>>1520577Not a lesbian but if sounds like you haven't actually dealt with moids enough to realize that women talking about sexy women they find attractive isn't the same as a moid sexually assaulting and harrassing women. Anyway I think they can be annoying when they sperg about bisexuals
ONLY because I've never heard a bisexual women say or do even half the shit they claim they say and do. Once again, harmless shit that's kind of annoying. They're nothing like moids tf.
No. 1520592
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>>1520548Google is your friend sweetie
>>1520550Qatar tests before marriage, yet their average IQ is still 78. What does that mean?
>>1520574Iceland is high IQ. There's also lots of incest in Japan and China and they are also high IQ. So that changes nothing
No. 1520623
>>1520467>>1520479this is a pretty good post for the unpopular opinions thread but it's also kinda babby's first edgy take. Yes it takes a while to to go full Habsburg and a little inbreeding isn't gonna end the world but that's sort of a moot point because there are so so many social and emotional reasons we don't do it.
Not to mention there's a power imbalance in families so when close inbreeding is allowed girls are even more prone to being groomed at a young age and trapped my men in their own house. Very gross. I'm glad it's culturally taboo.
I don't know if you're arguing about it because you're insecure about your parents but you are right it doesn't mean you're retarded just because your parents are cousins. There's literally no proof it causes issues that fast.
>>1520595LMAO so true
No. 1520628
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>>1520459>My parents were literally cousins and I turned out fineKEK clearly you didn't because you're on here.
>>1520592This is retarded because you can bet for the Asian countries it's probably because of abuse.
No. 1520665
>>1520462>>1520464>>1520470>>1520472>>1520507nta but she's right, dating/marrying your cousin one time isn't gonna result monsters, its once you do it for more then 2-3 generations do the genetic defects start being born
t.source my dad's family has some cousin marriages but they also marry out and there's no one with any major or minor health issue but my mom's family mostly marries with in their family and they have so many genetic defects, I have 4 cousins who died before reaching the age of 2 and other cousins who were born deformed ears and hands, and suffer from various mental conditions, that's because they are the products of generation of incest
No. 1520693
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>>1520684Most people who cousin fuck are fugly.
No. 1520740
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I don't want to sound like a retarded conservative but why is everything so sexualized these days? Actually I know why, because every thing is on sale and sex sells best. But what's the point of sexualizing stuff for women? Even toys for little girls look like whores with silicon ass. The only women who like it are retarded straight pick mes. If you try to defend this design on the pic I will fight you.
No. 1520761
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>>1520740That's the doll in her underwear posed in a sexy pose, the doll looks like this normally with her clothes on. The dolls DO have a very curvy stylized body, but I think the ass is photoshopped to be even larger on that pic. However, the baby doll version of this line has had some questionable design choices like fucking lingerie
No. 1520794
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No. 1520807
>>1520794Yeah I think this
>>1520740 is def edited
No. 1520891
>>1520862I expect most men to be into it. I refuse to date or see any that do as human.
> man a human being of the male variety that doesn’t consume porn > moid subhuman animal that consumes porn and is unfit for human relationships of any kind. Hope that clears it up ♥
No. 1520971
love raw tomatoes and I cheated on my ex. Could be the exception that proves the rule though.
No. 1520995
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I think “Stacies” are cool, I wish I looked like one, and I can’t blame men for preferring them.
No. 1521066
I guess my unpopular opinion is that
>>1520995 is not a Stacey. A true Stacey doesn't give a fuck about men and dresses for comfort and practicality.
No. 1521176
>>1521167in elementary school my brothers tried to pimp me out (just kisses because we were 6 and 7 and 8) for
videogames. I was so pissed. There was a boy bothering me and my dad had a whole talk with my brothers about how they were gonna protect me from him, then the little shit actually talked my brothers into this. I learned in that moment men are useless.
No. 1521209
>>1521187I stopped liking anime after realizing how much of it had turned me into a handmaiden and seeded certain patriarchal and anti feminist ideals in me. plus anime nerd men are just a special kind of degenerate. it was like no matter what I did I could no longer stomach the genre after a decade of watching it and had gotten increasingly bored with the genre. I don't miss it much, but it's sad that I hardly remember and try and bury my weeb years.
It's not to say it's all bad and there's some series I probably still would rewatch, but most of it was irredeemable, sexualized and childish trash in hindsight. Even some of the series I liked I realize had gross fetishes
No. 1521221
>>1521213It hurts having incorporated something into part of your identity then to lose it overnight to disinterest and anger
It becoming mainstream in the west worries me
No. 1521249
>>1521232This is a really interesting post nona. I haven't heard of anyone who went from an active social life to unsocial otaku. Did something else happen in your life at the same time, or was it only the anime that created this effect on you?
I do have noticed myself, that with the more constant and highly polished media I passively consume, the less is my urge to create things on my own and go out and do things irl. Going out irl to meet people is what makes me the most happy though.
No. 1521307
>>1521283Deep diving on a celebrity you like is a very painful stab to the chest if they're revealed to be a lecherous, disgusting pervert. Or far beyond that, a serial abuser. Consuming anything in too high a volume is bad enough, but especially seeking its flaws. My heart aches everytime I look at him now, sometimes I end up crying, I can't even watch his movies, it's a panic response. I'm actually terrified of what I used to love and what I associate him with, and I don't think it's unjustified.
Far beyond that I regret ever liking this man or considering his talent was worth more than whatever horrific actions he's committed. It's not. him and so many other evil, thinly disguised creatures are praised by the masses. There is a soul destroying addiction to obsession. Drawn to something you can't have, thinking it cannot hurt you, and then realizing its flaw cuts deeper than the fallout of your normal relationships. Like what the fuck is wrong with me that I can't enjoy anything fully anymore and let go of my prejudices. It hurts my life. He's just one man. He's never even touched me. Hopefully he's never interacted with me or seen my comments despite my sickeningly thirsty former ways. Why does that knife bury itself in my back, then?
I don't think anyone who doesn't have an obsessive personality can fathom how hard it is, the way this addiction manifests itself. Everyone thinks addiction is tangible, alcohol, drugs, sex, not euphoric or parasocial. I'm like this because of a deeply seeded trauma with people, I don't want to be. I used to be able to make my psychosis creative, at least? Now, not so much. One day I hope I will find a healthy relationship with celebrity again. And the moid I now hate will die.
No. 1521337
>>1521318Well the celebrity I was obsessed with had an addictive energy. It just became corrosive when I learned how he'd treat a woman like me. Or all women, really. There was something very charming and charismatic there ignoring all the obvious flaws. I wish I could remember and not forget half the good it taught me and utilize my creative ideas, but he's now tethered to my personal pain. He inspired me a lot and strengthened my resolve to want to see the entertainment industry become a better place. I wanted to work there too. I wanted to meet him. used to love what he did. Too bad he's horrible to work with. Hypocrisy aside, I do find myself picking up some of his manners and absorbing aspects of his persona. In due time I may abandon him and find a replacement. Not like I tangibly met him, but I liked the idea of him, understood it, that he was a traumatized person who craved fame, who was corrupted. Fame could not put his past to rest. His story is unique, his talents are meaningful, yet he's pieces of other people, derivative, his corruption of power is not. Kept me clinging to life when I wanted to die, and I don't want to loathe him the way I do.
I will be sad if he dies buried in his own infamy and inactivity, and I will mourn his death, but I'll also be smiling and cackling at it. Fate long deserved. I guess life is a double edged sword of pleasure and pain. Cant have one without the other. Laugh without crying. Laughter is just medicinal for my pain. That's what I always do. Like I'm sensitive and a childish empty void but I always manage to turn everything into a joke and live, or else I wouldn't be here. All that money could never nurture his happiness, or make him laugh without crying. There was always a sadness in his eyes. I took that little human contradiction, nurtured it, praised it, investigated it, regretted it, possibly may have run into it at some point online, for all I know, had my life consumed and ruined by it, and now it's a part of me like all my other ghosts. I'm a cabinet of ghosts who's always collecting more. Everyone and everything sticks with me one way or another, and I hope one day I can create something sweet with it, and no longer cry more than I laugh. I want to be happy and to be inspiration, and I realize for most humans, our inspiration comes from others. Nothing wrong with that. We're all pieces of other people, but uniquely ourselves, it's what we do with those fragments.
No. 1521363
>>1521307>>1521337I like the way you write,
nonny. I can relate to everything you’re saying about obsession, I once had a ‘relationship’ with a coworker that took place entirely in my head and it surprised me how much it started to hurt as time went on and I found out how many issues he had, and it didn’t match the version in my mind…your posts are kinda helping me process this
No. 1521390
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>>1521363It's a cheesy example but I think watching Wandavision helped me actualize a lot of my issues, because Wanda in the show does similar, sort of creating a deralized fake sphere around her trauma
that materializes into a television show. She gradually starts to erode and remember her past. For a capeshit show I actually thought it was a well done representation of depersonalization, which you don't see a lot of in media. I like Ingrid Goes West as well, she was a little cold and aloof at times. I also liked Not Okay where the female protagonist builds her entire life around a lie even though I wish they'd Danni more sympathetic, but the whole idea was built on her being unlikable. I like seeing female characters who are imperfect, cringey, a little twisted or mentally broken, who do bad things, and lie to themselves without feeling like they're over sexualized or written solely by scrotes. It makes me feel a little more secure with myself when I see or find media I can relate to. So with me gradually getting back to normal I'm trying to find projects far removed from my actor that are captivating or remind me that what happened to me wasn't okay, I didn't deserve it, limerance was just a trauma response, because deep down I know where it comes from.
I think I actually did make several right assumptions about him, and I may have even butterfly effected or dominoed some fucked shit. My obsession was potent and I put myself out there. When the sun sets, he's never met me in real life and would probably find me either repulsive or use once and destroy. Celeb is an obsessive type himself too, so my greatest fear is that he ever saw me, he found any interest in me. Because he grosses me out now. Legit sad that in another life someone like this would be my soulmate had he not been corrupted. Too late to take all of it back, I guess.
It's okay to find truths in unreality, just as long as it doesn't harm you or the people around you. When it starts to overwhelm your reality, it bites the hardest. All reality comes from actions we dictate from thoughts, thoughts are just precursors to what we want. I don't believe in that crazy New Thought shit, but thoughts often determine our actions. And if you're mentally ill or traumatized or desperate like me, be a little delusional. Just don't let it hurt you. It's addictive though, I understand. I used to have better coping mechanisms, sure I can find them again. If I've lived with all this pain I can start again, I can fix it. Cant fix him. It wasn't my job to fix him, I realize that now
No. 1521615
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Angel wing back pieces are sick
No. 1521637
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I think Brittany Venti is incredibly pretty. not a knockout, just so pretty to me. I could see her being a silent movie actress with her bizarre look. I also like her fashion sense and her style cycle. the pastel blue phase she had was beautiful and really suited her.
No. 1521645
>>1521638what do you think of the opinion that urban-decay photography is taking advantage of poverty?
like there were a lot of photographers going to Detroit when the auto industry collapsed and it really bothered the people who still lived there (in their severely devalued homes if they had homes, or who were just living in a state of general economic collapse), watching hipsters come and photograph their "beautiful urban decay" factories and houses etc. I never really thought about it personally since I grew up in the woods (lol), but talking to people from certain American cities it's a real sore spot.