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No. 1461708
>>1461680I was just thinking about how I've been enjoying Dreamworks' recent (animated) movies more than Disney's.
Disney created some of my favorite movies, but that time has long since passed.
No. 1461732
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>>1461729sorry, but pinocchio came out in 2022?????
No. 1461788
>>1460966I absolutely hate that I can’t open my door or help people who might be in need when I hear screaming or crazy shit at night. (I don’t live in Portland, but in a big city in CA.)
A few months ago in my apartment complex, there was a woman going around at night knocking on doors, saying she needed help and asked to borrow a phone because she was trying to get away from her
abusive husband. A guy eventually opened his door, and when the woman was being let inside, two men appeared from the dark and tried to strong arm their way into the apartment! The guy fought and was able to kick them out and call the cops, but holy shit. Apparently they were a bunch of meth heads who had broken into houses and apartments before.
I absolutely hate that now we can’t open our doors for someone who might legitimately need help. I hope they burn in hell
No. 1461804
>>1460966Ok, I promise you - if a homeless fucker on the streets of Portland is screaming “help me” they’re either gonna ask you for money or for a ride to their smack dealers house as soon as you actually get over to them. People come to portland TO BE homeless, and a huge population of the homeless class were people who were locked up in the Oregon mental institutions before they closed them down (for God knows what reason) a few years ago. And most of the “shelters” here only have 14-20 beds, and there’s obviously more than 20 homeless “people”.
The only time I offer “help” to a homeless body is when they’re already dead and their body is blocking the sidewalk, (which I’ve had to do more times than I’d like to admit) So don’t feel bad for these psychos and smackheads and pedo scrotes who beg for your attention and cash all day. They can literally die of gangrene for all I care.
No. 1461897
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>>1461680>other than Mulan and Beauty and the Beast their movies are nothing out of the ordinaryLion King was their absolute ZENITH. Dreamworks, their only good film was Prince of Egypt. Now THAT was a beauty.
No. 1461935
>>1461894It's a figure of speech for when someone is insanely beautiful to you, esl anon. Sorry for trying to be poetic. I don't watch porn and am morally against it. The really funny part is if you could see the woman I'm talking about you would see why i am keking at your armchair theory. I almost wish you were right though because having an explanation would be satisfying.
>>1461931Well I don't know her irl so I feel like a retard saying yeah, but yeah
i'm getting the sense that I've set myself up for hate by even posting any of this which feels bad man. Don't know what I expected though. Guess I was just feeling lonely about not understanding myself.
No. 1461983
>>1461935Some anons
really don't like bi women, think twice about posting anything related to the topic next time
No. 1461990
>>1461978Anon I don't nescessarily disagree with everything you said but
>Idg women who even care>I never even get the opportunity to be in a relationship with someone in the first placeYou sound a little experienced and like you still have some maturing to do
No. 1461995
>>1461978I agree with you on some level in theory but in real life I felt
intensely disrespected which then led me to feel repulsed by the man.
No. 1462010
>>1461999Ayrt, it was supposed to say *inexperienced, but I think you understood me.
What I meant was, it comes off as a bit edgy to say you don't get why other women even care, but I think I understand where you are coming from. I'm sorry you haven't gotten the chance to be with someone you find cute yet. I hope you'll find someone eventually. I have a similar attitude to you. It's not that I don't care if someone cheats (have been cheated on in the past and it sucked), but I don't take responsibility for other people's actions whether it's a bf, friend or family. I try to have a good time while not depending too much on someone and set appropriate boundaries.
No. 1462013
>>1462010Because of my life experiences I feel like being pumped and dumped is way worse than being cheated on.
>>1462012Not all friends need to be close friends. Let’s say a scrote cheats but he still likes me so he buys me food, clothes, comes over to drink etc even after we break up. I’d stay friends with a cheating scrote like that I’d just never fuck him or be in a relationship again with him.
No. 1462135
>>1462115>carpenter ants>no real pestsanon i
also you'll probably end up getting pests that eat your clothes.
No. 1462203
>>1462161Based, most of the "skincare" I've done with my face is use one of those Korean towels to get the dead skin off my face and the scars from hyperpigmentation fade away more smoothly.
If I eat like shit I sure as hell expect acne to appear, so definitely. Most skincare exists because of the damage makeup does to your skin either way.
No. 1462276
>>1462272kill yourself
Is that good enough?
No. 1462278
>>1462275That is your problem, not mine,
nonny. Go to crystalcafe if you want to be around like-minded retards.
No. 1462282
>>1462276I’d much rather see someone be funny and tell me to kill my self instead trying to be cute and friendly. It’s boring.
>>1462272They don’t understand not everyone needs a “safe space”
No. 1462284
>>1462282I love ypu
nonny ♥ sending kisses and smoochies and hugs your way. I hope life treats you well. I hope sanic grants your wishes. And most importantly of all I hope you find light in life. Bitch.
No. 1462288
>>1462282It seems so incredibly disingenuous too, like those "Don't forget, ur a
valid honeypie ♥" posts on tumblr
No. 1462297
>>1462291Nothing is wrong with being inflammatory. I don’t need anyone to kiss my widdle booboos.
>>1462288It makes me want to vomit anytime I post a vent or bad experiences and some anon is sending me love. Act like a grown woman kek
No. 1462299
>>1462273, you can talk like actual normal humans without resorting to something like
>>1462284. Compare it to threads from three or four years ago, not nearly as combative but also not so overly sugarly sweet you'd get a toot ache if you read it for more than two minutes.
No. 1462306
>>1462303Tard-chan, I know it is hard to understand but… things change.
No. 1462315
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>>1462306>Tard-chanLMAO gonna use this from now on
No. 1462343
>>1462327>Women are being gloriously bitchy to and about you IRL bc you’re a smelly socially-maladjusted hoLol good
>>1462338That’s you. I like being blunt and unfriendly to people anonymously because that’s my genuine reaction.
No. 1462345
>>1462341I love you too
nonny. You are my bestest friend <3
No. 1462356
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>>1462352I love you
nonny. I hope you get that baby barf thing checked out, I can imagine it must not be very fun!
No. 1462391
worst" learn the difference
No. 1462401
>>1462393Huh? I was just correcting
nonnie, seems a lot of anons have a issue with "Worse" and "Worst".
My unpopular is opinions is nonnies need to pick up a dictionary, it gets annoying.
No. 1462408
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As long as its not breeding hundreds of animals in metal cages for generation after generation, I don't give a fuck about saving teh poor animuls. I love real fur, fuck a "vegan leather", that shit is literal plastic. The average activist will "save" rabbits/minks/deer/etc. from hunters only for them to die by pollution, eating plastic, oil spills, a natural predator the same day. Instead, we can gas burrows, destroy native plants, build a concrete factory on top,dig up the soil for electric lines and pipes, dump our toxic waste into nearby rivers, and make plastic jackets that will leech chemicals into the ground when you buy a new one next month! All that vs animals who's meat will be eaten, bones used in broth or bone meal and beads/combs, fur for decades-lasting clothes, nutrients given back into the soil.
No. 1462434
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>>1462433poopoo bait
anyway I LOVE these dogs
No. 1462547
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"Sure Jan" should be included in this image. Everytime I see it I get immediate flashbacks to pull being the only meme any of them seemed to use before migrating here.
No. 1462567
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She's 100 correct
No. 1462580
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>>1462575Samefag but her scrote is Arab. Her being against men crying makes sense now.
No. 1462589
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I really like how stretch marks look. I love how old ones turn white and get kind of shimmery when light hits them and I think the textures in new ones (especially the ones of pregnant women) have really cool textures, it reminds me of cracked ground in a desert. It's just cool how many ways skin can look.
No. 1462802
>>1462741NTA but I legit will vomit if I eat anything with "weird textures" anon, I remember my parents making me eat that kind of stuff and I'd always vomit all over the table no matter the age. It's not even about the taste if you grinded the stuff up or cooked it more it'd be fine.
I wish it'd be just picky eating, I knew a family member with the same condition that had to be IV fed in the hospital cause her body would just reject everything as well, so it's not just about waiting a few days.
No. 1462857
>>1462515The way women are so strictly judged by their looks and normal stuff like cellulite and stretch marks are made fun of– this is why we should have body positivity on stuff women cant control, but obese lardwhales have taken over. I thought it was meant for burn
victims or cancer survivors and other types of women who had to change their body physically. Men never have to put up with this.
No. 1462866
>>1462862It is mentally deranged. Peak moid behaviour that just reeks of insecurity
>>1462858Kek exactly this. Such an apex predator that lives on pepperoni pizza and McNuggets and takes an hour to take a shit
No. 1462872
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>>1462869>>1462866nta also meat related ads are absolutely fucking unhinged, they tend to be misogynistic and objectify women, if not go as far as comparing women to the burger.
No. 1462874
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>>1462872samefag, it's concerning how meat is culturally linked to men so much and how they're encouraged to basically view women on the same level as animals they consume.
No. 1462881
>>1462874Ever heard men refute women's advice on relationships with "You don't ask the fish how to catch it"?
None of this is a mistake. They tell on their own predatory nature.
No. 1462890
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>>1462877iirc "the pornography of meat" by Carol J. Adams builds on theory on pornography already provided by Andrea Dworkin. Afaik Carol Adams is a radfem, she's also vegan, but if it gets too preachy you can just skip those parts.
No. 1462900
>>1462885>Do women experience systemic sexism there?Yes. To varying degrees based on your financial class, race ethnicity age and looks etc. But every single woman in the world faces systematic sexism. It just manifests in different ways.
Don't believe it when scrotes tell you that western women have it easy or that it doesn't exist here - yes we have more opportunities than other women in other countries, but the oppression against women is global.
No. 1462906
Yes, I am aware of sexism based on skin color, appearance and stuff. These MRA assholes now argue that women in the west "hide" behind their physical attributes to demonstrate that sexism still exists. And that women can't really prove in what ways they're being treated worse.
And to prove that they use this video of antifeminist debates: "liberal" and "leftist" self-proclaimef "feminist" men gave a chip on their shoulder about western society being aggressive towards men. Sorry for my haphazard speech, I'm not a native speaker.
No. 1462908
Have a chip
No. 1462911
>>1462901I am not the one praising the west. It's this and other whiny scrotes who keep saying they're oppressed and that the west is under the women's thumb now.
I haven't been there so idk how to reply to such claims
No. 1462956
>>1462885It’s different but yes, women are still oppressed. You can have a career but it’ll be fucked up if you have kids because the accommodations for mothers are shit. Even if you have no interest in having any, your employer will assume you will and not waste opportunities and promotions on you. Also, most women still do far more domestic labour than men despite ‘equality’. You can date who you want and hang out with scrotes but if you get assaulted or abused, it’s very unlikely the perpetrator will face consequences. Healthcare is still based on the average male patient because women are just mini men, right? You’re dismissed for everything from autism (symptoms tend to be different in women), to autoimmune diseases (affect mostly women so are obviously made up), to women’s health issues (because periods are supposed to hurt so shut up and take a painkiller).
I’m thankful for being born in a progressive country but finding out how we’re still so unequal fucked me up. There’s so far to go yet scrotes are already whining about it.
No. 1462975
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She's very talented and I'll always be a fan. Most people who hate her are just moids or tinfoilers anyway.
No. 1463004
>>1462956Excellent,thank you. It'd really be hard for moids to argue against these points.
I'll also add to this the fact that men are more likely to forsake their partners/wives who get seriously ill or who become crippled, while wives are more likely to stick around with their husbands in such situations and take care of them.
>>1462963Huh, indeed.
No. 1463008
>>1462975People worshipped Kurt cobaine for some reason and even as a kid growing up in the 90s, I never understood that shit. It always felt like pure sexism to me to hate on Courtney Love with no
valid reasons.
No. 1463152
>>1462508I'm saying that people should focus on eating local products instead of relying so much on products that need to be imported to the point of ruining it for others like quinoa. I didn't say vegans are worse, just that I'd never consume things the way they do because I think they have a stupid sense of priorities.
>do you think vegans are the only people who eat fruits and vegetables kek. Do you know the bare minimum about the law of demand and supply?
>literally everyone who buys produce from grocery chains is complicit in the mistreatment of those peopleNo clue where you live but where I am most people try to buy fruits and vegetables produced by farmers in our region, or at the very least in our country.
No. 1463166
>>1463008You don't understand anon she dragged him into the bad life it's not at all like he was a lowlife drop-out junkie long before he met her or anything no no
>>1463011Kekk based
No. 1463258
>>1462135Ayrt yeah i guess carpenter ants are pests, they are basically termites. I rent, and my landlord is well aware but doesnt care.. so I will move before the place falls in kek. At least they stay in the walls/in the wood outside. Dont gotta see them. But as far as bugs that eat clothes.
Nonnie whachu mean? What eats clothes?
No. 1463606
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crocs are the least comfortable shoe ever developed. you feel every weird little texture on the bottom of your feet even through socks, if you don't wear socks with them your feet get all wet with sweat and slip around in the shoe, and there's no arch support. anyone who shills them as the 'comfiest thing theyve ever worn' is a damn liar
No. 1463608
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>>1463454>>1463362>>1463217>>1463233lmfao I couldn't think of another way to phrase it. Closing the bathroom door upsets the cats. I don't watch him but the living room where I sit and have coffee is right next to the bathroom and I do go in and grab a hairbrush or something sometimes and he's always just shitting.
I forgot nonas are easily ick'd by shidding, sorry. You all close the lid before you flush so the poo particles don't get in your mouth or whatever (I'm teasing)
No. 1463626
>>1463611no lol
>>1463621very relatable
No. 1463696
>>1463671I liked his songs because I was fascinated with his realistic tuning and they were catchy, but ever since he did that weird sell-out song about how great capitalism is and how buying things fulfills you (NON IRONICALLY) for some (Chinese??????) company (I don’t fucking remember it’s been too long) i can’t see him as anything but super lame and soulless
No. 1463754
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>>1463723Either your hair is really greasy right now cause of your constant stripping of its natural oils without replenishing it with moisture or your hair is dry and frizzy cause you’ve stripped your hair of its natural moisture barrier.
If you don’t give a shit about your hair sure but if you do you’re fucking it up in the long run
No. 1463761
>>1463754nta but
>stripping of its natural oils without replenishing it with moisturei relate but how to you replenish it with moisture? my hair gets so greasy so fast and i have tried not washing it but it doesn't work, fancier shampoos make my hair fall out etc. i use the basic wash and go and i wash it every two days and my hair is finally okay but i know this shampoo is hella drying. how can i help my scalp be less dry?
No. 1463794
>>1463789there's really nothing wrong with children learning how to use technology when it's apparent technology will be our future. the analog age isn't coming back anytime soon and bad parenting is bad parenting, it has nothing to do with how much or how little tech children are exposed to.
>>1463792if you are older than 25, you will remember being berated for being a nerd or staying inside with your books instead of playing outside. these people existed, and it's not my fault you are clearly too young to have experienced that kind of ignorance.
>>1463793so was i, technically. and apparently that isn't a bad thing considering most americans can't read past an 8th grade level.
No. 1463796
>>1463795that never happened to me. i used to get yelled at in school for reading too much by adults and not wanting to play. i actually got pulled into the principal's office to meet a psychologist cause my teacher was convinced i had "issues". even my own fucking dad hated me because i read too much and wasn't extroverted.
it sucked growing up and that's why i posted what i did. sorry if i seemed kind of angry but that shit was hell.
No. 1463801
>>1463794ntayrt but children arent learning how to use technology, people is more technologically inept than 10 years ago and its thanks to technology becoming idiot friendly. No children is going to learn new skills just from browsing the net like us 10 years ago. They are all going to grow up to be ADHD retards who cant even google.
>>1463796sorry but your experience is like one in a million, kek.
No. 1463823
>>1463801the point i was trying to make is that children shouldn't be bullied or shamed for being "different" or not conforming to what dumbass adults think you should be doing. i realize i should have explained my point more clearly because i realize it comes off as more of a defense of tech which isn't what i was really intending. i just see the same mentally in people today that i went through when i was young and it upsets me to see kids getting bullied because they're intellectually curious and intelligent.
>sorry but your experience is like one in a million, kek.maybe, maybe not, but i hated being judged as a child because i was considered "weird". it didn't help that when i was a teenager and started tinkering with tech, people still whined about "oh she needs to be outside more playing with other kids!", and how i was going to grow up mentally stunted because i wasn't super social. which never happened. any issues i did have were related to being emotionally abused by my father, not the time i spent reading or playing around on my computer. of course no one ever acknowledged how horrible he was to me or how maybe that was the reason i was so quiet.
>>1463818finally someone gets it. i also had my books snatched from me as a child by a teacher, then she called up my mother to gleefully tell her how she threw them out. or being snarked on by my father's shitty friends because oh no one is going to date a nerd like you.
No. 1463837
>>1463829i understand, and i apologize if it isn't making sense, but i don't really know how else to explain myself at this point. i am
not talking about kids who are just fucking around on an ipad mindlessly or watching tiktok videos all day. i mean children who show an actual general interest in technology, who are being told there's something wrong with them because they aren't playing baseball or running around outside all day, or being bullied by their family for being different. this is something i have been seeing a lot of from older people, and some people in my age range (30's), and it bothers me because it just screams ignorance and hypocrisy.
i am tired of talking about this so, i am just going to leave it at that. have a great day everyone.
No. 1463991
>>1463960>degerate freak enbyWoman, she's a woman, a groomed minor at that, grow up
>>1463975This, people are sadistic and miserable and they
will hurt or bully any vulnerable groups if the law allows them
No. 1464018
>>1463993Are you high? All I said was that you couldn’t pay me to give a shit about ve/vim’s who run away and then get all the media attention they so desperately crave for going MIA
>>1463991Yeah a woman who I don’t feel bad for kek, and will not pretend to.
No. 1464024
>>1464022Running away, make themselves go missing
Potato fucking potato girl
No. 1464032
>>1464015Women are automatically smarter and better at handling stressful situations than men. Most women are sexually assaulted at some point in their life, but dont make it their entire life and move forward to continue. Obviously every person and situation in different, but I have never seen a story about a woman being sexual abused and then growing up to kill and hurt other people because of it. Only men do this.
Men are incapable of learning from an experience. Instead they just project it onto innocent
Also notice how men who are CSA
victims have to deal with older men who did it to them. How many women diddle kids or assault them vs men? Men are emotional and weak.
No. 1464036
>I don’t give a shit about enbies who be running away to get attention you:
>so you don’t care about sex trafficking victims? I’m just gonna say yes so that you’ll stop responding. Hopefully your autism will break momentarily.
No. 1464045
>>1464040I don’t care about their home lives though, and I’m not going pretend to.
Most women get abused and don’t troon out! or try to pull off some excursion.
No. 1464058
>>1464037 it sounds like you wanted to go to this bar and grill thing but couldn’t afford it, so you lied to your friend. Then your bf helped you out and you went with him instead. Your friend saw you there and probably was a bit hurt at you lying, so now you are actually devaluing your friend and friendship in general to avoid having to feel bad/awkward about having hurt her. It’s a typical narcissistic defense. I should be a psychoanalysis.
No. 1464109
>>1464105I just end up sitting the dish down and it forget about it then I end up with a sink full of dishes to wash. No ty.
>>1464104I’ve never seen paper forks and spoons. I use paper plates to microwave but then I have to teenager my food to the plastic because it’s more sturdy than paper.
No. 1464229
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>>1464225i dont think this is unpopular here, i think a bunch of oldschool nerds are starting to realize this though, but its too late
No. 1464411
>>1464339True tbh. There is that theory that males dont even have sexual orientations so much as just being extremely desperate and opportunistic when it comes to shagging. I actually believe that for the most part. Men have sort of proven this to us given that they will shag exhaust pipes, chicken sandwiches and other men in jail despite being "straight".
I wish women could just reproduce without the need for males. Hopefully we evolve to that point.
No. 1464668
>>1464653I feel this way about Ghostemane and Pouya. Im curious,
nonnie, who do you listen to?
No. 1464718
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Men should embrace a bald head more. Male pattern hair loss is hideous to look at and holding onto those last couple strands / dying it fools absolutely no one.
No. 1464733
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>>1464718Don’t understand how they think picrel looks better. It just ages them worse.
No. 1464767
>>1464750william absolutely didn't lose his hair "suddenly". he started going bald almost as soon as he was out of his teens lol.
(harry also went bald quite early but people really aren't ready for the "harry is just as bald as william, he just uses spray on hair" conversation, because they're still holding on to him as the "cool prince" for some reason)
No. 1464875
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men only look good with long hair, the reason why so many zoomer women are becoming asexual(outside of moids being pornsick) its because they somehow managed to ruin themselves with their atrocious fashion choices this last decade. A buzzcut will ruin even the prettiest faced man.
No. 1464877
inb4 some sperg jumps in to start calling women pedos for liking attractive men
No. 1464891
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>>1464880i just hate that every single moid has that ugly as fuck haircut now, its either zoomer ramen hair or pic rel. Whoever allowed men to be ugly needs to be stoned to death, i wish tv/movie cuties being always depicted with long, wavy hair.
No. 1464900
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>>1464893when do you think men fashion started to dwindle? i feel like in the 2010's, even boybands looked like shit
No. 1464962
>>1464891I'm a military brat and I hate buzzcuts so much because every moid there had it and you'd have to kill me to date a guy that reminds me even tangentially of this environment.
Now that you say it, I thought I was asexual in my late teens because I had no sex drive, turned out I was just never attracted to any normie guy around me and I had my awakening to metal dudes
and then I went the husbando road and never went back lol No. 1464971
>>1464900I'd say it starts in the 80's and just keeps getting worse from there. Or maybe hippies are to blame, dunno. My main problem with men's fashion is it lost any structure and concept of dressing up proportionaly, except for straight up suits, with female fashion understanding your body type and what kinds of clothes make you look wider, taller, accentuates this or that is the most basic of things. In the 80's men's casual clothes still had structure and sense of proportion, but these concepts started to dissolve. In the 90's wearing oversized clothes became trendy and I feel that still lingers in male fashion to this day, except that at least back in the 90's they went to really oversized stuff and was arguably a stylistic choice, while now men just wear stuff that is kinda too big, so it's just ill fitting without having any thought into it. On top of all that every alternative fashion (or that presents itself as alternative) or fashion that was a little more daring starting from the 00's is super same facey and, with exception from emo I guess, completely lacked any edge, they were just quirky but non-threatening, here I'm thinking
oof stuff like scene and those insufferable hipster fashion trends.
No. 1464975
>>1464971Lmao I meant to type stuff and somehow wrote
oof instead
No. 1465033
>>1464668Agree with pouya and ghostemane. Think its so hilarious ghostemane is a fatty now kek.
Absolutely love Bones, though i think he's kinda lost it, not a huge fan of his midlifecrisiscore Also like x, city morgue…hmmm maybe I dont like that many after all, just a huge fan of bones
No. 1465120
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>>1465092Samefag and also anons expect me to believe the type of woman who spends the amount of a new car on her looks every month cares about anything other than shit that benefits herself?women like that definitely like the power and privilege they get from spending a shit ton of money on tanning, plastic surgery, botox, hair treatments without any regard of how that will impact all women as a whole. And I get why they wouldn’t care but they aren’t feminists.
No. 1465134
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>>1465127Samefag but I just violently hate this style so much, why does every single man my age look like this reeee
No. 1465160
>>1465128>coming after other women and their choicesgo back to tiktok/twitter. i've seen multiple people like you crop up in the past week whenever vain shit like surgery/makeup/beauty crops up and you all start crying about muh choices. no one is forcing you away from this shit - if anything, society encourages you to waste all your wage on pointless shit, so go ahead and do it.
>speaking out about FGM and period poverty and pink taxes Better yet why aren’t you debating them and getting them to see the real issues.literal libfem talking point, you can care about fgm period poverty and global oppression of women and you can
also care about the fact that women are now putting thousands into dumb shit like cosmetic surgeries botox and obsessive beauty rituals which set the standard for women
everywhere. you sound like a massive choice feminist and it's embarrassing, if you enjoy spending your money on these things then you do you w/e but don't come here and pull the "women and their choices uwu" shit because nonnas here know the majority of those choices do not exist in a vacuum.
No. 1465169
>>1465163Just because you have the choice to do something doesn’t mean it’s not a bad one.
>scrotes are becoming more and more demanding with their standards>scrotes preferring to look at bimbos on instagram over their own wives and gfs>women getting sick or dying from botched surgeries because they can’t afford to go to good surgeons >spending 1000s of dollars on 20 step skin routines>getting Botox in their teens and 20s because it’s normalized now >women going into debt to get procedures or escorting because their self esteem is so low that they feel they have no other option but to blow some 60 year old to afford it >women who don’t have plastic surgery not allowed into certain spaces or jobs because they don’t fit the “aesthetic”>some women will never be able to fit that look because no matter what they do they just suck at makeup and fashion Now a days unless a woman is naturally pretty she will get called lazy and unkempt for not doing all this shit even though she literally can’t afford it.
No. 1465172
>>1465163the issue is then that sets the standard for women everywhere. i used to think the same about lip fillers and bbls etc "well it's their choice" until i started seeing women and girls getting teased or mocked because they had thin lips or didn't have a fat ass. i don't have a problem with skincare and stuff like self-grooming (getting haircuts or treatment for skin issues) but we're at a point now where the beauty standard for women is literally unattainable without filters and surgery.
>scrotes can do whatever they want and don't have to deal with this shit from other scrotesthe thing is, when scrotes act anywhere remotely similar to the average woman in obsessing about their appearance, they get called weird or that they have BDD. it's not considered normal for men because they're allowed to exist in their default state, yet women are expected to constantly change, alter and "improve" themselves.
No. 1465177
>>1465169This is also all caused by
>>men in media and power and in charge of these companies. Scrotes shoved sponges and glass orbs in womens breasts in the 18th century. This shit isn’t new.
No. 1465182
>>1465178 society and a bunch of things we do to people in day to day life.
I don’t wear it, but I’m also not going to insult other women when there’s men doing way worse and claim it’s feminism.
No. 1465189
>>1464900Started after the 70s when men stopped wearing form-fitting clothing, accelerated in the 90s when it became acceptable for men to look unwashed and homeless.
I can only describe modern men as sexless and sexually aggressive, they want women to appeal to them sexually without making any effort to appeal to us(except for meme shit pushed by other men like chinmaxxing and injecting their balls with saline).
No. 1465204
>>1465200So think you can be so privileged you escape all oppressin?
Hyper individuality for the win. Good luck with that and changing social classes that way.
No. 1465239
>>1465232the shit about scrote standard becoming to high, them wanting to look at women online instead of their wives and girlfriends sealed to me what this conversation really is about tbh. I can even agree with stuff like this>>1465225
But who cares about scrote standards and shitty coomer scrotes looking at women's social media instead of their real life partners? Thats on the scrotes, not the women.
No. 1465277
>>1465267How? Tell me? Without a social classpush that can’t be ignored? No group push together? How? One women will change the world? Is she the hero of a novel anon? I agree just like the little girl with her starfishes we need to throw them anyway, but you can’t pretend if the women putting lipstick on stopped the scrotes would suddenly treat us like people.
Women can make change together. The scrote psy-op is thinking dividing women will help you beat the moids in the first place.
No. 1465280
>>1465247>without empathy you can’t make a meaningful changeThis is really juvenile and simplified.
>>1465236Isn’t this no true Scotsman?
No. 1465283
>>1465280Why is it juvenile? Empathy is what makes our society functional.
>>1465278NTA but why how does holding the opressors accountable equate to 'make scrotes feel bad about us'? Do you think suffragettes won us rights by attacking women who wore corsets and blush?
No. 1465290
>>1465283Because there’s nothing you can do to hold them accountable. They are aware that they are oppressing you but they don’t care.
>Do you think suffragettes won us rights by attacking women who wore corsets and blush?Women did go against corsets and there were women who pushed back against no corsets. 70 years ago a rich white woman who feels women shouldn’t work would’ve told a feminist that she’s separating women and scaring women away from feminism by telling women they should strive for their own income. We are allowed to call out the retards of our gender, you being a woman doesn’t make you a child.
No. 1465295
>>1465283Empathy is really important, yes. Saying it’s what keeps our society functional is a nice poetic way of saying things but it’s just a juvenile statement in a ‘friendship is magic’ way.
>>1465283Yeah they actually kind of did. There were a lot of women who didn’t want us to have the right to vote and yes suffragettes did push back at them.
No. 1465297
>>1465295Nta but
>There were a lot of women who didn’t want us to have the right to vote How is this the same as women who wore corsets and blush
No. 1465309
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>>1465302did you watch Carrie? What pisses me off is in every actress who played her imo was pretty. Give me a movie where a real ugly bitch like me, gets a make over and is only
slightly less ugly and the boy she likes still pays her no attention and then she says fuck it and moves on.
>Attractive actress throws on glasses, or has Shayna quality hair>now she's uglywhen she's still pretty or cute, even in that shit.
No. 1465310
>>1465303You're right that suffragettes fought against corsets, but the way you wrote it was weird and that's what confused me.
>they kind of didMade it seem like you thought that by fighting against women who didn't want the right to vote they were fighting against corsets
No. 1465313
>>1465310Okay, sorry it came out unclear.
>>1465298NTA but no one itt said even a one time we shouldn’t hold scrotes accountable.
No. 1465316
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>>1465309The nerdy girl "she took off her glasses and straightened her hair, now she's hot!" trope is the worst.
No. 1465325
>>1465258>Women are not losing their reproductive rights because some women were “sluts”.That is correct. However, when women do not band together and fight against stuff like OnlyFans, and instead groom girls into producing porn when they are eighteen, those women are reinforcing the cultural idea that women are objects to be bought and sold. And when women vote for men who will strip all of us of our rights because those men are also anti-abortion, then those women are using their internalized misogyny to hurt me and destroy women's liberation.
To be fair, now I think on it a little bit more, I would not consider being anti-abortion, by itself, to be internalized misogyny, but the idea that men should be allowed to be involved at all. That ethical problem should be entirely decided by women. It should be illegal for men to even voice their opinion on reproduction.
No. 1465326
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>>1465316Sissy didn't even do shit in her version of Carrie (The best one) she just did her hair better and still looked the exact same way IMO just better styled. Carrie was supposed to be ugly and fat, I guess they made her into a weirdo instead of "ugly" because none of the carries are ugly. Carrie 2002 was the only Carrie i'd say was an "Required taste" but I think she's fucking adorable but pulled off the "Weird shy awkard sheltered girl" and even in her 'Glow up" it was kind of realistic because she's not SIssy or Chloe she looked like a cute girl who just needed a little styling, they are attractive women who don't even look unattractive during the movie.
No. 1465465
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I miss the kpop thread. It was nice when it started. Seeing so many users seethe at male idols was fun.
No. 1465629
>>1465541They're banned because they bring a ton of twitterfags and newfags in. They leak into other threads with their retardation and brainrot with no shame, refuse to integrate etc.
Kpop stans are next level retarded, and it's a shame because I'd be down for a kpop critical thread, or I'd be totally fine with mentioning a kpop idol here or there in celebricows if only the stans knew how to behave, but they're all rabid and juvenile.
>>1465608Why can't both be true? "Sweet summer child" appeared in got in 1996 (in the book) it's totally possible that some book reader spread it online.
No. 1465637
>>1465633Nta but you just reminded me of the gay comic that meme is from
oof, I wonder if it’s even online anywhere now
No. 1465639
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>>1465633Sorry anon but… I don't believe it
No. 1465671
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There's no use in sauce packet drawers. I've never kept a sauce drawer. Those sauces are not being saved for anything, they are likely going to sit there for months or even years before you remember them and throw them away. Get leftover sauce with your meal? Throw it away. You don't need to save it. You will not use it. Just buy regular bottles of the common sauces like soy sauce, ketchup, ranch, etc…
No. 1465675
>>1465671Samefag, the reason why I say buy full size bottles is because you're more likely to remember you have a bottle of something in your fridge than remember you have a packet in a random drawer.
Also another unpopular opinion, stop buying pepper if you won't get the pepper crackers. Pre ground pepper literally adds nothing and doesn't taste like anything.
No. 1465682
>>1465671Speak for yourself, miss rich fatcat, I use my sauce bucket all the time. Places like Taco Bell and Arby's just give them out by the handfuls.
>just buy regular bottlesNo. Stop hating just because you have dementia specific to sauce packets that prevents you from using them
No. 1465685
>Places like Taco Bell just give them out by the handfulsWtf, why is my Taco Bell so stingy with the sauce then?
No. 1465688
>>1465679It's not a bait. I'm just frustrated with those women and the fact they're actively helping to uphold this system through their behavior, from performing femininity and wearing make up to having sex with men and giving birth to sons. I know it's an upopular opinion that's why I express myself in this thread so maybe no handmaiden will jump on me and say that I'm '
victim blaming' and 'women dindu nothin' bad, ever, because they're women.
No. 1465697
>>1465693I interact with het women every day lol. Female solidarity doesn't exist as long as their men are involved and it's obvious those women won't leave their men and sons so I don't want their fake solidarity and fake friendship. I don't want to get anywhere with 'this logic'. I want to stay with the people I choose myself. Let het women die in their own stink, constantly fighting for the same stuff and getting nothing out of it and crying about their shitty men and double standards and 'oppressive' beauty ideals and abortion laws and domestic abuse and pornsickness etc.
Fags at least don't lie about their own nature. Het women often lie. Even many het men lie (because I believe the inner nature of most men is indeed a faggot, in one way or another).
No. 1465720
>>1465716Truth hurts huh. Go listen to some Black obsidian and repent
>>1465718There's more than one and I'm glad that at least some anons agree with me, even when they're a small minority
No. 1465730
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>>1465725>>1465726terminally online radfem extremists wondering why they're getting backlash after they just called straight women prostitutes and prioritized faggots over them in the name of hecking female liberation
No. 1465736
>>1465730What do you mean by terminally online? I have irl life, I even openly stated my opinions a couple of times, like I said that marriage is basically prostitution and I gave my arguments and the women I was talking to couldn't even refute it and just got frustrated. I don't care. See, you think some of us only state our opinions online but I'm past the point of caring and I do it irl too
Also, I know that female liberation will never happen so I'm not doing anything in the name of it.
No. 1465751
>>1465740>It just doesn't make sense from a radfem standpointI'm not a radfem though, I prefer to just call myself a separatist and I don't associate myself with anything feminist since feminism was created to be just a form of therapy for het couples and the majority of feminists, including radfems, don't care about actually liberating themselves from men, they care about bettering the relationships between men and women and finding the good man who doesn't watch porn etc. I never said I love fags, I don't have any close gay male friends right now, I just said it would be easier for me to befriend a gay dude, as long as he doesn't support lgbt and surrogacy, than to befriend a straight woman in a relationship with a guy. I wish more men became faggots and fucked each other, including trannies, and leave actual women alone. I wholeheartedly support male trannies as long as they decide to cut their dicks off and eliminate their potential of fucking women and spreading their genes
No. 1465763
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>>1465148I noticed it too. They usually have a recognizable writing style too. They come off as tiktok users to me. There is a way of hyperfeminine women on tiktok repeating some radfem points and some of them name drop lc. It keeps happening in the unpopular opinions threads too for some reason.
>>1465191This. No matter how many times women repeat that they're only doing it for themselves, examine why they feel the need to do it. Why is there not a wave of men doing it? Why do women feel disgusted by or shame women who don't fit the standard of femininity? Why do women got o such extreme lengths to change/preserve their appearance? Why would a confident person without bdd, self worth issues or otherwise poor mental health obsses over every wrinkle? This doesn't even make them feel any better in the long run. But even all this aside, saying something is unfeminist is not the same as saying this woman is responsible for the patriarchy or something. Hyperfemininity is not feminist, because the goal of feminism is the liberation of women and getting a bbl and contouring your face is conforming to the patriarchal standards, not freeing yourself from them. Criticizing women is not 'tearing them down'. We can only free ourselves when we stop conforming. This doesn't mean you have to go full butch, it means you should stop trying to conform to beauty standards.
No. 1465766
>>1465751You are a bitter retard NLOG and I can’t believe I’m about to say the most moid thing ever but get laid or have an orgasm cause you sound like the most miserable person to walk this earth. I can’t believe this delusional diatribe you’re blathering on about is what you base your entire existence and view of the world upon. It’s narrow minded and pathetic and makes my myopic misanthropic ass seem sane.
Telling you to kys would be merciful. Read a book go outside and experience the world cause you sound like a shut in that’s so far up your own ass that kind feel joy or genuine human connection. Go live in the woods or something. Society is better off without fucked up people like you infecting every conversation with your bitterness and overall ignorance.
No. 1465782
>>1465766>you just need good dicking durrYeah, as you can see, another example of het women aka handmaidens being utterly depraved by male logic. If you say anything that goes against the status quo, you just need a man to fuck you into
the right mindset a.k.a. submission, or just masturbation and orgasm, like alcohol or netflix and chilli, something to distract you from the unpleasant nature of this society, something to
cope. This is the perfect example that doesn't require further commentary because it speaks for itself. I read many books and listened to many women, both handmaidens and separatists, and with age I'm only getting more radical and hateful towards men and het women and that won't change. Go read some Gyn/ecology, like an actually valuable book, and educate yourself.
Society is slowly killing itself regardless of the existence of someone like me, I'm in a minority unable to make a change on a bigger scale. And yet society is dying out anyway and that's a good thing, because a man-made and depraved society like this never deserved to exist in the first place lol.
No. 1465791
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>>1465782>hateful towards menBut you just licked the boots of faggots and also male trannies as long as they end up dickless? That's a pretty big percentage of men you seem to be not very hateful towards. You also claimed that feminism was to make het women feel better when it was feminism that ensured you got the right to vote, have reproductive healthcare, have a job etc. Hm it's almost like your way of thinking is entirely unrealistic and inconsistent. Can you give me some examples of what
you do for the women around you and your community? Or do you just spend your time on here calling women corrupted prostitutes and penis-worshippers?
No. 1465792
>>1465782You don't have to get laid or have an orgasm with a man though kek
Straight women will always be more worth befriending and listening to than fags, it's so sad you don't feel that way
No. 1465837
>>1465791How am I licking the boots of fags and trannies? Quote an example right now or perish. I don't even see male trannies as human, I just love when they cut their dicks off and I wish all trannies could do that and more men took the tranny pill
if that meant they would chop off their weenies. Basic principles of feminism were good but then it merged into something useless
No. 1465842
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>>1465837>Quote an example right now or perishNot ayrt but that settles it you're autistic
No. 1465918
>>1465838There's just something batshit about judging women based on if they have partners or not, life seriously isn't that black and white. You're going to cross paths with many married women throughout your life who will affect you in a positive way (and likely already have), so I just can't comprehend why one wouldn't want to associate with a) someone of your own sex, b) a huge chunk of the human population.
I'll just never understand people that speak with such hardheaded certainty and make sweeping statements that in this case shun almost all women and mothers ever. I can only scratch my head to this. You do you though, it won't get you far in life.
No. 1465949
>>1465743To be fair, which thread do I even write about my radfem actions? It's pretty dark. "Hey girls! Want to lose all hope of humanity and become a numb shell of a woman? Volunteer to work with female prisoners! Watch as you see every woman in prison never had a chance. Childhood sexual assault, absolute poverty, teenage mothers, and
abusive fathers, these women have it all! Stand helplessly at the side as you pour everything you have into saving a woman, only to watch her destroy herself due to deep seated issues that are too complex to be solved after a lifetime of abuse. Or, try our deluxe package and spend a year teaching a forty year old woman to read and do basic math so that she can survive outside, only to realize that there's 30,000 more in this state alone, and you can't save them all!"
Even I gave up under the onslaught and now work with domestic abuse
victims instead.
Plus, half of feminists on the internet are under 21 so they have no money or time to make a big difference.
No. 1465963
>>1465949Idk if you are OP but I'm sorry to hear you feel like a shell of a woman. That said, I would honestly rather learn about experiences such as yours than the constant celibacy sperging.
>Plus, half of feminists on the internet are under 21 so they have no money or time to make a big difference.Maybe it'd set a better example for those feminists to read about women doing important work like yours rather than this
>>1465676 every day. I know this is the unpopular opinion thread, but I swear lately I see that anon going off every day and it's obviously bait at this point. They constantly derail and refuse to acknowledge legitimate arguments.
No. 1465979
>>1465808You know there were female only communes which got ruined because women started bringing their sons and shit? You don't have to agree, just don't say that no one was willing to make an effort, because women tried not just one time. I'm not gonna sacrifice my resources for women who can at any time suddenly come and say 'you know I changed my mind and wanted to have sex and now I'm pregnant so please give my son the resources we reserved only for other women'. I only befriend women who are celibate and my dream is to buy a house for me and a few other women when we're old so we can support each other and have fun with gardening in shit. But I won't put my time and money into an actual commune now when I'm still young. The best way to practice separatism is to revolve your life around other likeminded women and push men out of your private life.
>>1465918>You're going to cross paths with many married women throughout your life who will affect you in a positive way (and likely already haveLiterally never ever happened. The only women who helped me and who somehow changed my life for the better were widows, or divorced and currently alone, or lesbians. And even if some married women helped me, that still wouldn't change what I think about general het female population. Also, all the celibate women I knew told me the same thing; they're betternoff alone and males are a nuisance. Only married women were nagging me to get a bf and other useless things. Also only married women brag about their social life in public, like they're trying to cope constantly
>>146596You don't have legitimate arguments
No. 1466046
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I know blonde hair vs dark hair is colorism for white people and they think anyone saying they should dye their hair are jealous but some people do look better with darker hair. Zooey deschanel for example is a natural blonde but looks better brunette.
No. 1466051
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>>1466046my unpopular opinion is that she's prettier blonde with no bangs. and i usually like dark hair more
No. 1466057
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>>1466051She looks way better with dark hair and tbh if she stayed blonde her career would’ve went no where
No. 1466071
>>1466063Their is a social hierarchy with white women and eye color and hair. That’s why they will be bald headed with two strands of
Hair from years of bleach damage just to be blonde.
No. 1466111
>>1466095Most neets will never have normal friends or a boyfriend that's not an obese neet like them.
>>1466100>I want a rich handsome bf but I'm a neet>Femcels and incels are totes different!Kek.
No. 1466137
>>1466128I don’t feel they are oppressed but hair color and eye color is white peoples version of colorism but it’s not as extreme as what
poc do to each other in that regard. White people with lighter hair colors and eye colors do feel they look better than white people with dark eyes and dark hair a lot of the time.
No. 1466177
>>1466145Dicks aren't supposed to be good looking. And men are disgusting on average regardless, they just need to shower.
> it’s probably a blessing that the circumcision rate is as high as it is in the states.I'll never get how it's so popular despite it not usually being done for religious reason. Religions are retarded so I get why religious parents would mutilate their kids because their fictional sky husbando told them to in a badly translated book. What I understand is that it got popular in the USA because of some pseudo science and the Kellogg guy said masturbating was physically and mentally unhealthy, right? I've even read that he thought making the process as painful as possible for baby girls and boys would traumatize them and thus they wouldn't masturbate once they're older so I don't get how anyone thought this was acceptable to begin with.
I once had an argument with my sister because I told her I'd never do that to my son if I ever decided to have kids and she lost her mind because muh islam despite her not practicing. No. 1466180
>>1466169Male right activists would applaud you for that one. You probably shouldn't look up what doctors do to a woman while she's giving birth though because that also isn't the gentlest kind of touch.
>>1466177>pretending men not being able to masturbate is a bad thingKek.
No. 1466181
>>1466177>Dicks aren't supposed to be good lookingWomen aren't supposed to be eternal, hairless lolis with massive breasts yet here we are
>they just need to showeryeah right, only scrote would think a shower could fix most scrotes, who are fugly as sin
No. 1466187
>>1466182No I'm an exmuslim woman who will never date a angry retarded muslim man even if my life depended on it.
>>1466181>Women aren't supposed to be eternal, hairless lolis with massive breasts yet here we areI agree with you on that. Now what? As for the shower part I was only talking about hygiene and good health, not about looking good.
No. 1466251
>>1466243NTA but some women do develop a higher sex drive with age, some nonnies
are just immature.
No. 1466257
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>>1466242>am I having an aneurysm?Yes. How dare you.
No. 1466289
>>1466192Men don’t need a reason to inflict trauma onto women. I’m from a country where circumcision is very rare, yet they’re just as fucked up as American men.
I don’t believe in taking a scalpel to a baby’s dick unless it’s a serious medical necessity. At the same time, I’m not going to focus my attention on that with all the shit that happens to women.
No. 1466297
>>1466251See how you worded it? Some women have an increase in sex drive later in age yeah, but op said that anyone not into dick will learn to love it later and they're just immature "little girls". That's disgusting.
>>1466284Nta but while children should be protected, I also can't ignore the fact that a lot of 12 year old boys frequently consume porn (by their choice) and harass their female peers.
No. 1466302
>>1466194Trauma causes brain changes in babies, so the long tradition of not using anaesthetic when cutting open babies and mutilating their genitals contributed to raising generations of emotionally unbalanced men.
Men can still be shit for cultural or other reasons, but it probably increases the incidence of sexual and mental disorders.
No. 1466312
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>>1466289Come on, anon, prove your commitment to women's wellbeing by circumcising this baby.
No. 1466316
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>>1466100I would give up my fucking parents to have Edward Furlong
No. 1466352
>>1466145Circumcised penis hurt me with its dryness and jackhammering. I think uncut ones are much cuter and I praise the lord every day because I live in a country where circumcision is not part of our culture. I find it ironic that a bunch of seemingly gay anons are discussing dick aesthetic, but you're all entitled to your opinions.
>>1466150That would be the circumcised dick.
No. 1466415
>>1466405Omg i mad a email in protest when i was younger
pluto_iz_sad@xxxxx i cant log into it anymoreeee now its me; im sad
No. 1466420
>>1465979nytart, but women are still putting in the effort
right now. laughing my ass off that my hettie-hating ass does actual separatist activism on the women's land with the other lesbians and celibate women, while you sit on your ass seething and denying any affirmative action. stamping your feet and refusing to volunteer because a straight woman might benefit is intentionally sabotaging and robbing other women in need of activism and feminist resources. yeah het women provide their oppressor with resources that keeps this shit going, but refusing to do any affirmative action at all because of that portion of straight women MAY access those resources is pants on head retarded. one of us is doing something tangible for separatism, and it isnt the one denigrating straight women online
No. 1466426
>>1466421nta but she is unpredictable, like the whirling winds atop a mountain. She is multi-faceted, like the many faces of the moon. She is black-and-white, like the spots upon the milkiest cow. She is The Elusive
Nonnie, and she will remain cloaked in mystery.
No. 1466458
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>>1466039But I love my wojaks . . . I just wish there were as many female ones as there are male ones. I tried taking the complex male ones and photo shopping then into women for a while, but nonas kept thinking I was a Nazi because there would be all this hidden Nazi symbolism in them and I didn't know so didn't take it out. I just thought a dragon was a dragon . . .
No. 1466554
>>1466545are they tanking?
it is way too expensive.
No. 1466562
>>1466187>exmuslim>spends her time defending men, their dicks and pleasure onlineKek. Even hardcore Muslim women aren't as brainwashed as you. Imagine arguing with your sister about how you're not gonna cut your son so he can jerk off comfortably.
>>1466312Why would anyone have issues with that? It means he'll be less likely to have possibly infertility inducing stds in the future.
No. 1466616
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>>1466307I’ve heard about boys as young as ten raping their younger siblings. Not to mention…
Abort males. They are evil from cradle to grave.
No. 1466671
>>1466651and it was mother who essentially pimped her to her degen male clients
>>1466657>The mother was a prostitute who exploited Mary at every turn for financial gain. She was also arguably a headcase herself who to her dying day refused to tell Mary who her real father >Mary Bell's accomplice received very different treatment before, during, and after the trial. Sereny suggests that beyond actual culpability, there were many psychological factors at play that may have biased the courts, media, and jury against Mary and in favor of her accomplice, who was ultimately found not guilty. For example, the accomplice came from a supportive (and relatively normal) family. And while older than Mary, her demeanor in public was more fragile and nervous. Whereas Mary seemed more hardened. Sereny who attended the trial seems to think that opinions were formed about these girls based more on their appearance and their behavior in court and less on the facts.>Bell does not claim she was wrongly convicted and freely admits the abuse she suffered as a child does not excuse her crimesanyway she doesn't even remember the act but she knows what she did was awful, she got married, had a kid and lived her life, she didn't seem to hate or even dislike men as much as she seemed to hate her own mother
No. 1466685
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>>1466679Yawn keep enjoying numb and crusty jackhammer dick
No. 1466686
>>1466679Found the
nonnie with HPV kek
No. 1466693
>>1466685>Putting pleasuring a man before protecting yourself from stdsLibfem mindset. I bet you also think fucking random men is empowering and based.
>>1466686I'm literally telling you HPV isn't the only std that you should protect yourself from and you're still trying to mock me because you can't come up with a better argument. For your information though, I don't have HPV and most women who get cancer from HPV are 35+ married women who get it from their husbands since your immune system can fight the virus when you're young.
No. 1466697
>>1466695Condoms don't protect you against all stds, such as herpes syphilis and hpv, retard. Also cut and uncut don't make that big of a difference if you're making him wear protection so you make no sense.
>>1466694Nta but the way you got so butthurt you spent time picking out that many posts means you're the one that needs to touch grass.
No. 1466700
>>1466696This feels like celibate-chan still larping lmao
>>1466697>cut and uncut don't make that big of a differenceThis is not true but obviously you wouldn't know
No. 1466726
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kfc>burger king>mcdonald nuggies and fries>literal shit>mcdonalds everything else
No. 1466728
>>1466697There's no point in talking to those pickme retards, they don't even value their own health.
>>1466707A man doesn't have to be promiscuous to have hpv or other STD. He could catch if from his first sexual partner if she wasn't a virgin. In america like 45-50% of men carry active genital hpv infections. Good look finding one who doesn't.
No. 1466732
>>1466728>>1466697Why are you fucking random men? Just get one FWB, both of you take STD tests and you're done.
This is some advanced pickme shit.
No. 1466749
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>>1466538I do not wish to integrate with the Nazis so I can learn all their secret codes.
>>1466615Baby girl, I am so old, you can not blame my love of reaction imagines on zoomers. They're like tone indicators, except not retarded.
No. 1466751
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>>1466726I don’t understand how people can enjoy mcdonald burgers with how dry and sad they look. Can only stomach their nuggets and fries
No. 1466755
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>>1466749stop larping you are max 14
No. 1466757
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>>1466671This reminds me of the fact that Jon Koppenhaver(aka War Machine) an MMA fighter who nearly beat his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend to death got married while he was in prison and has a son, his wife actively posts on instagram. He is very religious heavy now and posts reflections
No. 1466807
>>1466803Keep coping celibaby-chan
>I only expressed my disdain for women who don't value their own healthThat's not true though you just ignore all the sane arguments
No. 1466808
>>1466798Men are already born with permanent brain damage lol.
>Circumcised men compared with uncircumcised men have also been shown in clinical trials to be less likely to acquire new infections with syphilis (by 42%), genital ulcer disease (by 48%), genital herpes (by 28% to 45%), and high-risk strains of human papillomavirus associated with cancer (by 24% to 47% percentNOOOOOOOO not the foreskinooo, the precious skin with delicious cheese and STDerinooos!
No. 1466810
>>1466803Maybe women just don't want mentally ill scrotes with even less empathy because their dicks were mutilated when they were babies. Guess who suffers the brunt of the low empathy? The women and children in their lives. Guess who you don't need to have sex with? Untested men, men who refuse to wear condoms and men who think FGM is no big deal.
What's your answer for
>>1466792, by the way? Surely, the rates should be lower if circumcision is so important?
>>1466808>Men are already born with permanent brain damage lol. So it should be made even worse because dick addiction is too powerful?
No. 1466813
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>>1466792>>1466810Eastern Europe, Sub Saharan Africa and Latin america have the highest HPV rates. Prevalence of male circumcision is 90% for Israel and muslim countries, 86% for South Korea, 80% for USA and ONLY 45% in South Africa. So what the fuck are talking about? Anyway I'm done with you retards
No. 1466815
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>>1466388I dunno the 24 hour clock seems easier to me? At least in spreadsheets and things it makes it easier to keep track of exactly when things happen because my job is round the clock. People are retarded and will literally confuse 7pm with 7am on important documents, it also helps to have the exact time when working with other countries. 24 hour clock is superior and I’m glad it makes normies mad, all my clocks are on 24 hour time. If it confuses you then you are a baka and I laugh at you
No. 1466816
>>1466728You are literally more at risk of all sorts of shit sleeping with some deranged, circumcised coomer who is incapable of getting off to anything sane/normal as a result of having fewer nerve endings. They will also refuse condoms more often. You're not just at risk of STDs, but of being forced or pressured into acts and/or pandering to fetishes you don't want.
Reminder: Circumcised moids categorically CANNOT receive as much pleasure from PIV. They are basically signed from birth to be porn-addicted, low-empathy monsters. In-tact moids are bad enough, and you're so deluded you believe in making it worse.
No. 1466827
>>1466823Circumcised scrotes are doomed to be porn addicts.
>If a man carries an active high risk HPV strainLike this?>Circumcised participants in a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association were twice as likely as their uncircumcised counterparts to have either of two HPV strains associated with penile cancer, researchers said. No. 1466829
nonnie he was French don’t pretend moids aren’t all disgusting fucks especially euros
No. 1466837
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>>1466820I guess when I look at the state of the relationship advice thread I'm not surprised anons here would sleep with moids that literally don't even know how to clean their own dick
No. 1466838
>>1466833I'm not obsessed with dicks, unlike het posters here. I care for female health.
I could post equal, if not higher, amount of studies showing the opposite and that circumcised men are at lower risk of spreading STDs. So? anon who said countries with higher CM rates have higher HPV rates simply lied.
No. 1466844
>>1466838>I could post equal, if not higher, amount of studies showing the opposite and that circumcised men are at lower risk of spreading STDs. So?And they are are based on low quality information and bias.>The claim that circumcision reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections has been repeated so frequently that many believe it is true. A systematic review and meta-analyses were performed on studies of genital discharge syndrome versus genital ulcerative disease, genital discharge syndrome, nonspecific urethritis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital ulcerative disease, chancroid, syphilis, herpes simplex virus, human papillomavirus, and contracting a sexually transmitted infection of any type. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and human papillomavirus are not significantly impacted by circumcision. Syphilis showed mixed results with studies of prevalence suggesting intact men were at great risk and studies of incidence suggesting the opposite. Intact men appear to be of greater risk for genital ulcerative disease while at lower risk for genital discharge syndrome, nonspecific urethritis, genital warts, and the overall risk of any sexually transmitted infection. In studies of general populations, there is no clear or consistent positive impact of circumcision on the risk of individual sexually transmitted infections. Consequently, the prevention of sexually transmitted infections cannot rationally be interpreted as a benefit of circumcision, and any policy of circumcision for the general population to prevent sexually transmitted infections is not supported by the evidence in the medical literature. No. 1466847
>>1466844Samefag. Some pieces:
>The earliest report of circumcision status as potential risk factor for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) was published in 1855 by Hutchinson, who noted that in men who were treated for STIs (primarily gonorrhea and syphilis), Jews were less likely to have syphilis [1]. This report is still referenced by circumcision proponents as a validation of their claim that circumcision prevents STIs, but the converse of Hutchinson's finding, namely that when compared to Gentiles, Jews were at greater risk for gonorrhea, is typically ignored.
>Previous analyses have found that the studies of HPV were prone to two forms of bias [16, 26–28]. The first was sampling bias. Several studies have found that circumcised men are more likely to have genital warts or have positive lesions or positive swabs on the penile shaft than intact men [29–35]. Consequently, studies that sampled only the glans or the urethra would underestimate the incidence and prevalence of HPV infection in circumcised males.
>For example, in the study published by VanBuskirk et al., if only the glans is sampled, only 66.1% of the intact men with genital HPV would be identified, while only 45.2% of the circumcised men with genital HPV would be identified [32]. To adjust for the impact of this sampling bias, separate analyses were performed by multiplying the number of infections identified in studies that only sampled the glans by 1.514 in intact males and 2.212 in circumcised males.
>The second is misclassification bias. Studies that rely on the patient report of circumcision status can often inaccurately identify the circumcision status of the participants. This has also been found to be a significant factor in previous analyses of HPV infections [16, 27, 28]. Finally, a separate analysis was conducted of studies of the prevalence of high-risk HPV in which the circumcision status of males was determined by physical examination and HPV was diagnosed by either serology or culture, biopsy, or polymerase chain reaction, with multiple site sampling including the shaft of the penis.
>A systematic review of the incidence and prevalence of genital HPV infections as they relate to circumcision status in males is fraught with a variety of pitfalls. This may explain why several systematic reviews with meta-analysis have been published with inconsistent results [16, 18, 20]. HPV has many subtypes, some of which have been demonstrated to be oncogenic, while others are benign and self-limited infections. The oncogenic types have been strongly linked to cervical cancer in women and may be responsible for about half of the cases of penile cancer in men. Some studies reported their results for HPV infections without specifying the types of HPV identified, some reported only infections with oncogenic HPV, and some studies reported results on all HPV infections and also infections with oncogenic HPV. Consequently, two analyses were run (any HPV and high-risk HPV). Since oncogenic HPV is more concerning clinically, the second analysis may be the more relevant of the two. In the analysis that focused on high-risk HPV, there was no significant difference in the prevalence by circumcision status.
>Previous analyses have found that sampling bias and patient report of circumcision status significantly effect the odds ratio reported in a study [16, 26–28]. For this reason, a third analysis (selective HPV) was run on the studies of prevalence in the second analysis (high-risk HPV) in which studies with the potential for sampling bias and misclassification bias were excluded.
>Finally, the two randomized clinical trials that reported their results on HPV infection both failed to adjust for sampling only the glans and to adjust for lead-time bias.One study being referenced in the excerpt you posted (Uganda by Tobian et al) is literally criticized here:
>Perhaps most concerning is the results reported from the group of researchers from Johns Hopkins, who have after publication of their studies become vociferous advocates of the benefits of circumcision [5, 6]. At the beginning of their randomized clinical trial of circumcision of adult male “volunteers” in Rakai, Uganda, “two subpreputial and shaft swabs were also obtained for future testing of human papillomavirus infection.” [103] In 2011, Tobian et al. reported the results of the HPV cultures of the glans and penile shaft at the 12-month visit of participants in their randomized clinical trial [104]. So, it is not clear why, in 2009, Tobian et al. reported the results of the difference in HPV infections incidence using only samples obtained from the preputial cavity of intact men and the coronal sulcus of circumcised men [82]. Why would Tobian and the research group from Johns Hopkins collect samples from the penile shaft and glans but only report the results from the glans? No. 1466877
>>1466868Since you're blind and allergic to reading, let me put it again for you:
>In studies of general populations, there is no clear or consistent positive impact of circumcision on the risk of individual sexually transmitted infections. Consequently, the prevention of sexually transmitted infections cannot rationally be interpreted as a benefit of circumcision, and any policy of circumcision for the general population to prevent sexually transmitted infections is not supported by the evidence in the medical literature.This is based on actual reviews of the studies you insist back up your points. It's all taken into account, and the pro-circumcision takes are determined to be BS pushed by people who really, really like circumcision.
>y-you liedEveryone in this thread is not the same person. Again, cry more. Nice projection btw, you've spent hours now literally defending dicks. This is most likely because you own one. No one here will ever start to think your cut dick is less nasty. Disgusting male use a condom and/or stick with your hand and stop bothering women.
No. 1466879
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>>1466875I never even had sex with a man. You were probably talking to more than one person. I said like two times already that we should combine more methods of preventing STDs. The only dirty person itt was some muslim obsessed with the piece of dick skin and how much "pleasure" it gives.
>>1466873Yeah dude, your "everything is biased" study made my dick cheese lovers and dirty scrotes definitely applies to all stats made on HPV prevalence per region.
No. 1466908
>>1466896Keep moving the goal posts
>>1466888This is totally true. I wish women would at least choose those a little less disgusting than others. But most het women have no self preservation instinct. This forum is another example, women constantly crying about their shitty boyfriends and then defending relationships and living with scrotes in one house and nuclear families and other scrote inventions
No. 1466942
Children should be encouraged to fight back against their bullies, if I had a kid I and they were being bullied I'd tell them to hit back, unless I had a boy and the bully was a girl, in that case he must just tell an adult.
>>1466930I was going to say that at least Brazil doesn't have argies, but the people from Brazilian south region have the same "I'm sooo european" complex, so I guess it makes no difference.
No. 1466968
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>>1466956cultural factors brought upon by the Industrial revolution, then and now workers usually spent their times in doors all day, while the rich could afford to stay in the countryside mansion playing idle outdoor sports where they would have a healthy tan
>>1466959don't know what your on about, slight tan on men and women has always been promoted since the 19th century
No. 1466975
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Anons… I was talking about like our love lives with my sisters and how I'm never, ever dating a guy from my ethnicity because the very vast majority of them are retarded muslims and then the topic of circumcision came up because they asked me if I'd do it if I had a son even if it would go against my hypothetical husband's wish. I said no fucking way I'm allowing anyone to do unnecessary surgery on a newborn and they lost their minds, it reminded me of this thread.
No. 1466987
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>>1466974Fox news anchors
No. 1466990
>>1466956Tan skin makes you look more toned. It's also a noticeable change in your body so you are looking at it differently and noticing the details.
>>1466959I would say women may not think blonde hair is masculine because for a lot of white people their hair is blonde as a child but gets darker and darker over time.
>>1466971It depends on the level of tanness. If you're in the fields all day every day, your skin will look like leather. If you're out for a few hours every few days or so, you'll have a "healthier" tan and less skin damage over time.
No. 1466993
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you are probably a troll, but how do you reckon the fact that the Irish who were light brown and red haired, Green eyed and had skin so pale than looking it wrong give it a sunburn were historically treated in England and America as second class citizens and portrayed as ape-like in propaganda and pseudoscientific racial illustrations
No. 1466997
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No. 1466999
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No. 1467000
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No. 1467002
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No. 1467005
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No. 1467041
>>1467029You can also see it with northern Europe vs Southern Europe. Anyone vaguely Mediterranean looking risks being mistaken for Turkish or Moroccan, which is a massive disadvantage in many ways, but there are enough prejudices towards southern Europeans themselves too. Many people will just say shit like southern Europeans are "naturally lazy", don't know how to work hard and are moochers. It's obviously not on the same level of discrimination as the other shit, but it's there.
Your very presence if you look Mediterranean could be
triggering to boomers who will complain about ausländer, buitenlanders or whatever, but they wouldn't give a shit about a blonde hair blue eyed Croatian. And it's pretty damn common, not like a small select group of turbo racists who act like this.
No. 1467044

Regarding the hair color debate, I'd like to give my perspective as someone from a country that is 95% dark haired, skintone colorism is probably the most common type of discrimination here but skintone ranges wildly mostly based on ethnicity, if someone has light hair they are usually the one's that have naturally normal non-dark skin
for e.g I am dark brown with straight black hair, while my younger brother is lighter skinned, has light brown hair and green eyes
however the few communities that have these features(tall and fair haired) are extremely isolated, only interesting thing that ever happens with those groups is some talent or modeling agent goes there hoping to get a modeling contract with the locals and always getting sent away, because their features are considered very rare here and so many people want them to appear at mainstream but those groups are religious and tribal of societies, plus I'm sure it sucks to be fetishized, good example, one of my father's family members came to visit one time, and one of my cousins(who was 13 at the time) was tall(taller then the average men), fair skinned, and blonde and so people literally started following him everywhere, girls, boys and adult men and women, it was so creepy and kinda scary
and as stated people fetishize these features cause they are rarer, If you see a tall person with different colored hair for the first time in your life, It would be like a different human being
No. 1467051
>>1467048well in my country we already have people who are black, but people like my cousin were tall and had golden hair while speaking urdu and punjabi so that causes people to swarm to him
>>1467049kek that's true all over the world, hell my dad's people unironically hate southern kashmiris and consider them the scum of the earth
No. 1467069
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There's a billion things that are wrong with my country, but I feel the way we categorize race is a lot better and makes more sense the west
in Pakistan, ethnicity are considered spectrums, for eg a Pashtun can be anyone who is tall light haired person to a light brown-ish and medium height person, and a sindhi can be anyone whose light-brown ish to dark brown-ish, that's something an illiterate villagers can understand
No. 1467087
>>1467073>>1467079>>1467080my father is a tall bereded light skinned man who married my dark skinned short darker mother, he never wanted to my mother(he didn't hate her, just met her a couple times in his life and had to marry her cause his dad decided it) but the way he describes it, he considers most other pakistani groups as what he calls "half eunuchs'" is that they hate every aspect about themselves, their bodies and their appearance and other then trying to improve their own selves, they hope by getting white women they can change their bloodlines and hope that their children no inherent their patheticness
its how he thinks of it anyway
No. 1467142
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I dislike blurry lineart trend because it's a gimmicky tip that usually beginner tier artists follow to improve their art. It doesn't. It gives me the same vibes as shading with your finger because you don't know how shadows or lighting works.
No. 1467205
>>1467199They definitely out themselves when anons discuss something
triggering. Like an anon could say how much his bf changed for her and this man will come arguing that all men are porn addicted neets and anon's bf is definitely gonna dump her or use her for her money because she's already hit the wall or some shit.
Another thing that
triggers them is women liking men they don't look like for some reason. Like a woman could say she finds Asian men attractive and the white male neet will shit up the thread calling her every insult known to humankind.
No. 1467289
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>Men let you take their money, literally kill them, and own them
>You don't have to worry about mansplaining, and moid tendencies
Why are dommes so based and pinkpilled? Besides annoying men, they have no downsides
No. 1467311
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>>1467289where do i meet men that can take a good beating, men are kinda faggy nowadays, i bet they cry if you stab them
No. 1467324
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>>1467320but that makes the fun shortlived, if you are planning for a long time relationship then he has to be able to survive
No. 1467325
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>>1467289>moid tendenciesModern submissive men are also insanely annoying and perverted so they still carry the same moid tendencies especially after the whole "mommy dommy milkers gf" shit became a trend. The only acceptable submissive male is the stoic dutiful knight type where he is still masculine and physical but will also die for you - a male's only true purpose: manual labour and die.
No. 1467359
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Pretty feminine guys are cute but at the same time I think about being out late at night and some unhinged scrotes approach us and he can easily get his ass beat or he runs leaving me alone with them and I’m turned off. He would need to get a gun so he can still protect me from other scrotes.
No. 1467386
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Some of the worst NLOG behavior I've seen on this site is in the fujo cringe thread. I'm not sure what happened because 2 years ago it was less neurotic and baity, like there used to be less baiters and instead people actually serious about critiquing the culture.
No. 1467419
>>1467413But most of what you talked about was passivity, some being fat, etc. Did they botch your treatment specifically or bad mouth you?
I can only relate in that I had a pretty good time at hospitals personally, but when my mom went I had to command a few nurses to adjust her bed when she was in pain because her first request was ignored.
No. 1467432
>>1467412NTA but for whatever reason, there are a lot of
abusive nurses. It's a common knowledge thing, like police officers generally being assholes.
No. 1467444
>>1467419I called them fat because I was confused that they're in a healthcare profession and always saying how overworked they are I thought it was evidenced as to not. They can't all have medical issues why they're overweight.
>>1467432Two of the nurses each of one gender were such ass holes. I had to have a female nurse present during certain examinations. A few times I asked her direct things and she just ignored me and looked annoyed she had to be there.
I just get annoyed because I've had a few bad experiences and a lot of it is down to bad bed manner. I get it's a draining job but it's very well compensated compared to other professions in all honesty. I'm working in a stem field. Nurses here get grants and bursarys and hands held through the courses and a very direct career path and security and they get paid while in education and a better wage than most stem graduates. Shit loads in my course left for the easy track into nursing.
No. 1467451
>>1467444Kek, ok, I'm sorry
nonny. They do seem mean, your other post made it seem like they were just passively aggressively zoning out.
No. 1467551
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>>1467382>>1467385You mean this one,
also he seems to be a teenager not a manlet No. 1467657
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>>1467339Couldn't be me desu I kinda hope my husband dies early so I can remarry a younger man
jk..maybe… No. 1467660
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>>1467551when the cat buttplug falls of his manpurse
No. 1467688
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>>1467686Go seethe somewhere else no moid has high standards or even a brain so stop acting as if they do
No. 1467712
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Posting screencaps taken on desktop fullscreen should be a permabannable offence
No. 1467731
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IMO the way all these “narcissistic abuse” articles talk about narcissists is unfairly cruel. How can they paint people in such absolutes, as if there’s this hegemonic evil in the world and every narcissist has the same goals, desires, motivations? No two people on Earth are the exact same and these brutal overly specific articles feel like hard projections.
No. 1467758
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>>1467731Did somebody get their NPD diagnosis or maybe a BPD with narcissistic tendencies?
No. 1467767
>>1467731Your picrel is correct though, no matter how much you want to cry about muh narcissists. They make terrible parents, no narcissist should be a parent, especially the mothers who emotionally abuse their daughters.
No two narcissists will have the same goals but the outcome is the same: prioritise themselves over everyone else even if it results in their loved ones suffering. I hate seeing this shit I've seen recently where we need to empathise with or give narcs compassion or something…no? Why should we? If they're so desperate to be seen as NLON and good human beings then they should start that journey by going to therapy to fix themselves. It's not up to the general public to look at shit like your picrel and think "aww not all of them are like that" it's retarded.
No. 1467769
>>1467726True. No woman should ever propose to a moid - male animals will bring gifts and do complicated dance routines for their female mates and we've got women getting down on one knee and proposing to
males? No. That's not how nature works.
>>1467759Ngl this is exactly something a pick-me would do.
>Look at me boys I'm proposing to my man bc he deserves the world and men's rights men suffer too that's why I'm getting my knees dirty and proposing to a man that will go home in 3 hours and watch women get exploited on pornhub No. 1467921
>>1467786True, so many men complain they can't do shit because they're married now. The cringe types who are like "Now I'm tied down and a slave to my wife" like bitch weren't you the one who proposed? Or sometimes they feel compelled to propose because they got their girlfriend pregnant instead of being smart and pulling out, well now sure you should be happy you procreated regardless of it being a mistake, why are you making a post ironic joke about suffering? And I bet the wife is so happy to raise a child while the father is all "Oh great, oh great I dunno what to do."
Sorry, I'm sperging out now. I'm just glad my Nigel has been committed to marrying me early on in the relationship, compared to another man I've dated who after about 5 years was saying, "Well, it's been long enough. I think I'll propose soon." While he simultaneously quits his job and another year passes until I leave and he questions why I up and left him. That's not even the jist of my ex, but it was a miserable time.
Men need to show their commitment or the relationship will go nowhere and your time is waisted.
No. 1467925
>>1467913>>1467922Your the one projecting hard
nonnie, just cause you have the advantage over your bf doesn't mean they're living off your dime
No. 1467976
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>>1467967you can do whatever you want but you are obviously seething and you should spend your time doing something better like actually watching stuff you like. Reminds me of anita serkeesian scamming her followers out of 400k to whine about misogyny in videogames instead of actually doing something like investing on indie female projects. Whinners are the lowest of the low.
No. 1467981
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>>1467974that's the point dumbass, we all know. You arent an enlightened creature who is the only one to realize the cartoons with big tits who say kyaa and senpai are sexist. 99% of the anime critical thread is ''this anime targetted at moids made by a moid is SEXIST''. Just read something made by a woman instead of screaming at clouds.
No. 1467985
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>>1467982anime is a psyop by japan to decline birth rates in the west
No. 1467992
>>1467978Kek most of the recommendations I got were actually quite awful, some of them even featuring pedo shit and
toxic dynamics
>>1467985And is also, simultaneously, used as a tool to help birthrates on Japan. There are even animes shilling marriage and kids
>>1467990How's scrote logic to hate on anime? Moids literally love it wtf
No. 1467997
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>>1467993i still dont understand why people like marvelshit the actors are hideous and all the trailers look the same. I like comics but the idea of seeing guys in spandex suits treated as something serious is so cringe inducing. I only like DC adaptations because they keep it goofy and fun.
No. 1467999
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Boys should not be allowed in schools. 6 year old boy shoots his teacher. There is no age period in which they're safe to have around normal people.
No. 1468001
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>>1467978There's no use arguing. These types even have a problem with Chi's sweet home or the Polar Bear Café. Everything has to be secretly coomer shit, just because it's anime.
No. 1468003
>>1467999the news I heard on tv but cant find online is that he showed up to school ready to have "an altercation" with her hence the gun
and by altercation they must mean moid rampage for being told "no" once before
No. 1468016
>>1468005well… you got shit for it in this thread right now because you're posting about it in reply to an opinion that anime-haters are tiresome and annoying. the people who are annoyed by you were here first, you saw taht and jumped in. kind of your own fault.
the unpopular opinions thread isn't supposed to be an infighting/bait/debate thread. it's just fun to see truly unpopular opinions and occasionally ask someone to explain the really weird ones if they can. you're using the thread wrong.
No. 1468017
>>1468005nta most of media in general is shit and you always have to cherry pick to actually find anything good. You're going to get more pushback on anime here, because of the history of this place.
If you want shit for hating capeshit, you should go to reddit and argue with the scrotes there instead.
No. 1468018
>>1467999You're right tbh, some kids (boys) at a school I used to teach at would hit the teachers with their books and chimp out when they were just 6 years olds, one of them even broke a window and is now getting sedated like a wild animal because of his anger issues.
When has that ever happened with girls? I seriously haven't read or heard of the first news story about a 6 years old girl murdering her teachers, or a 7 years old girl stabbing a teacher with scissors unprompted or because the teacher gave her a bad grade or scolded her.
And it's always the boys the ones sexually harassing their classmates too, like they're literally the most disfunctional kids in any school in any part of the world.
Sex segregated schools, from preschool until at least highschool should be mandatory, and the teachers should be sex segregated as well, let the moids make their own mistakes and enjoy their male violence in their own cages.
No. 1468035
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>>1468033yeah, cowboy bebop, serial experiments lain, hajime no ippo, yuru camp, such ecchi classics, anime is just for coomers you are so right
nonny No. 1468040
>>1468038The anon (you or maybe not) was complaining about "getting shit" here
>>1468005 first. I'm just pointing out why that's dumb.
No. 1468046
nonnie those are some of my favs too
No. 1468047
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>>1468044lain is for women
No. 1468067
>>1468059So, we've moved from the show itself being "coom" (it isn't) to it actually being "coom" because scrotes and trannies waifufag the character. Be real, anon. We might as well not like anything, including Precure, 99.9% of American media, etc. Don't even get me started on how trannies jump on anything women like to feel "affirmed uwu".
IIRC the creator never even watched anime before making the series.
No. 1468075
>>1468059kek, lain isnt loli she's just a normal student what's wrong with you
>>1468066trannies dont understand lain, they think she's a terminally online troon like them. I will not let troons steal Lain from me, she's actually the reason i got really into PC building as a teen and it was really cool to finally see a PC autist female represantation, i will not let troons take that from me, ever.
No. 1468076
>>1468018My best friend is a director at a very prestigious Montessori school. Rich kids, those with educated nannies so no "poor kids without opportunities to learn better" excuse. Still, she vents to me with tears in her eyes about the males who do nothing but disrupt class and give her employees mental breakdowns. Even at the age of 5, the girls will be looking around with a "what the fuck.." expression while at least one boy is rampaging , yelling, throwing, or even taking his dick out and pissing on the girls naptime mats.
She's told me of her dream to open a preschool as well as k-12 secular Montessori for girls only aimed at flexible education so no one's held back by others. But it would get so much hate because 100% chance someone would sue or something… schools that are segregated are only allowed if they've existed for a long time and even so they bend for troons. As a girl, you can have your entire day at school disrupted by one moid and you didn't learn anything because the teacher had to fo ychromo wrangling.
No. 1468083
>>1468076She's impressively patient, I would've resigned at the first testerics show! It's honestly such a shame, they were meant to do manual labor in the trenches and we now have to clicker train them into society. I'm middle eastern and even our religious sex-seperated schools have segregated classrooms for males now so no one is
actually safe. I'm so lucky for having missed out on my k12 education. As unlikely as it is, I think she can find a market for her dream in regions similar to mine.
No. 1468085
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>>1468075>she's just a normal girlYeah…i've seen this type of frame so many times, it's almost stereotypical, even the white dress
No. 1468097
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>>1468087>>1468089Japan's track record says otherwise. It's normal for women not to see anything wrong here, but it's put in for men. Just like innocent movies like Kiki putting in scenes like this. No one can convince me that this is harmless. It's their culture to sexualize little girls.
No. 1468103
>>1468097people that arent terminally online dont get off or even know to this shit.
>>1468096weakass bait
No. 1468119
>>1468061I have had “radical feminist” weebs defend fucking
made in abyss as wholesome. All weebs have brain rot.
No. 1468132
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>>1468123Most movies for all ages, cartoons for kids and TV shows have things put in for men.
No. 1468173
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>>1468158you arent the target demographic + you are a westerner, your opinion and ''critque'' literally doesnt matter. You complaining about Nami having unrealistic proportions doesnt lead to nowhere other than you focusing on things you dont like instead of supporting female mangakas and other creators that are actually trying to make a something new. If you whine about animu being sexualized and mysoginistic but dont support female artists or try to make a change then you are just a whiny baby and your opinion is worth jack-shit and deserves to be mocked and ignored. I am so fucking tired of women complaining about muh male gaze, muh sexualization, muh sexism but refusing to step out of their confort zone and look for good anime/manga, worse yet are the artfags who complain about the same shit and instead of actually drawing their own manga they focus on ''fixing'' coomer designs. I am doing my part and making my own games and art with cute boys and cool buff women and people who whine but dont want to put in effort are pathetic and worse than the moids they complain about, because at least those moids are making the fetishy mango of their dreams.
>2023 and still the only artists who draws cute men and cool women is kaneoya sachikofucking useless, all of you
No. 1468191
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>>1468177who are you, the CEO of opinions? a bunch of anime with ''big boobies '' are regarded as classics
No. 1468202
>>1468184>>1468190>>1468197you can do whatever you want but you are just seething and coping instead of trying to fix the problem, meanwhile the moids will keep making their manga with big tits and you will still be seething over it. Literally these moids coomer mangas are living rent free in your head. You are just perpetuating a circle, women have been complaining about sexualization and weak coombait female characters for so long and doing absolutely nothing to make a change. I used to be like that too, thankfully i am actually trying to make a change unlike you.
>>1468189my problem is obviously only over people who whine but do nothing to make a change, good for you for actually doign something about it.
No. 1468205
>>1468201Having a black and white totalizing view of things usually comes with low intelligence.
Just because something is associated with something bad or contains bad aspects doesn't mean it's objectively bad, and how people feel about it depends on how much weigh the various aspects of it have in their subjective consideration.
No. 1468214
>>1468202Wow shit man I didn’t realize refusing to watch and support gross shit and shaming and refusing to communicate with the dumbasses that watch it on a normal basis did nothing.
I also didn’t realize that if I’m actively criticizing something that it automatically sucks all 168 hours of my week away. Thanks for clearing up! Wow the world is really black and white and you’re single handly saving it bigtittywaifudefender69
No. 1468217
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>>1468211Are you the Precure anon who said Lain was bad because moids on /a/ thirst over the main character? I just went to check on /a/ and this was the first thing I saw. Even if you're not her, if she comes back to this thread, hopefully she won't be hypocritical about this.
No. 1468222
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>>1468202>you will have to cope and seethe!! the moids will keep making their manga with big tits and you will still be seething over it!! >Literally these moids coomer mangas are living rent free in your headit smells in here