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No. 1426945
Cry and shout here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1420829 No. 1426949
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Another day were i did absolutely nothing but daydream about the things i want to do but i am too depressed to
No. 1427127
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Just had a look at the Standing For Women protests and seeing the amount of gangly, autistic greasy pornsick scrotes attacking and shouting in women's faces infuriates me. It fills me with such a primal rage I cannot even describe it, that type of rage that you can't shake off for ages. Why are these males like this? Women are using their right to free speech to speak about things that concern them and these absolute degenerates immediately become hostile because of it. I just cannot understand it.
The women at that protest have never said they want to kill trannies, or physically harm them - all they're doing is standing up for their safety and privacy and the disgusting moids literally chimp out and attack them. This is really what they think of women who have boundaries and dare to defend themselves, huh?
You'd think that, if you were so desperate to be a woman so bad, that you'd adopt and learn the traits that women typically have: intelligence, empathy, self-control and willpower as well as introspection. But no, they're proving that they will never be women by literally attacking and screaming at REAL women who are exercising their right to free speech. I can't fucking stand them. What's worse, is that women are getting fired and having their lives ruined for "misgendering" some hulking xy ogre and even getting arrested - meanwhile women are killed every day because they are women, at the hands of men, and no one does or says anything about it. Literally no one fucking cares - not a peep, it's crickets when women and girls are kidnapped, raped and murdered all over the world yet as soon as you call a male a male suddenly you are the equivalent of a Nazi. I hate this shit, and I hate how normal it is now. I hate how it's now suddenly transphobic and bigoted to say the same shit that was basic common sense up until 6ish years ago. Why the fuck have we let society crumble away this far to the point that there are now males in women's prisons, shelters, gym changing rooms, bathrooms. They will not stop, every year they make up some vague rule about how "this thing is transphobic" and everyone eats that shit up like it's the gospel. I'm so tired of it, I'm tired of desperately seeking female-only communities only to find that 50% of the members are trannies called Jezebel or Luna. Lolcor is the only saviour in times like this and I'm so tired. Social media will allow cp, gore, videos of "empowering and kinky" women getting raped and beaten and shocked yet if you are a woman and say that you only want biological woman in your space then you are instantly banned or get sent rape/death threats. Just FUCK OFF. YWNBAW, cope seethe dilate mald and go wash your dirty fucking thigh-highs.
No. 1427145
>>1427135haha she sounds like the paper bear from gumball innit
>>1427140i don't think it's attention seeking, i think people who do that are just controlling in a way that stems from anxiety.
No. 1427160
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@ job hunting hell, I hope other anons are in a better place. I just need some positivity/good news rn….
No. 1427180
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I made a magic circle and stitched in the loose end of yarn that tightens the circle so now I can't completely close it. It's annoying me but not enough to frog the project and start over. I'll probably just sew some yarn over it once I'm done to make it look like it's closed, even though no one will really see it.
No. 1427320
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No. 1427397
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My sister is 18 and has never had a job, that alone isn’t much of an issue but she spends all the money she gets from her student loan on shitty Kpop merch and has to ask my dad who is already struggling financially for clothes and toiletries when she should be learning to buy these things for herself and saving up. I’ve gotten her several opportunities to work a part time weekend job including my work. I’m not angry at her if anything I’m worried, my mum has poor money management skills and is impulsive with purchases and I don’t want her to make that a habit that’s almost impossible to break down the line. What also kinda sucks is I was pretty much pushed to work from the age of 14 and forced to move out at 18 struggling to get by without any help. yet my parents are so lenient on her. She’s a good kid, quiet and keeps to herself I just want her to have a better start in adulthood thanI had but she really needs a big kick up the ass.
No. 1427445
>>1427432He had a birthday like a few days ago and he mentioned to me his housemate gave him a funko. I would feel kinda lazy and dumb for buying him another one
>>1427433We gifted him a steam giftcard for his birthday lol.
Every year we gather in a room for christmas dinner and that's when we give the gifts to each other and people usually open them right away and I'm stressed about my gift looking shitty compared to others. I wish I had a girl instead, it would be easier. Like, I like nerd shit too but it's hard to buy something cool for that money
No. 1427777
Has anyone experienced having their parents, or people you live with in general, have no clue on how to clean, or atleast make their home look clean? My parents are so annoying when it comes to cleaning. They have so many things in the house and weird rules. Who puts their perfume and makeup next to the dish rack? When I put it in their room, she gets mad cause she'll have "a hard time looking for it" and i'm like "???". Another thing is they wouldn't buy another container for tupperwares, so everything's just spilling out on the counter. She doesn't wanna buy another laundry basket, so you just see dirty laundry outside the basket, and even in the kitchen. Another thing is she wants every clothing put on a hanger and has a weird hatred of folding clothes for some reason, but it only ends up with clothing AND hangers being all scattered in places cause there isnt enough space for us to hang ALL the clothes in the closets. My dad does the same too with his things, which are in the living room drawers. He barely uses them yet he doesnt want me putting them in his room because he "might not find it when he needs to use it". We could have put other things in the drawers that we use all the time but they just end up becoming missing and we often have to look for them because instead of the tv remote being in the drawer, Its filled with tools and tape and unused electronics (ugh). They do clean but not so often since they ARE busy with jobs, but why won't they want to make things easier? I get envious of other people's homes looking neat, even when I casually just visit without warning. Then our home in comparison looks cluttered and messy. And imo our house (the area itself) isn't even ugly and looks easy to decorate. But we couldnt even do that cause it looks so messy. How do I manage this? hopefully I can get some advice here too other than from searching etc.
TLDR. I try to help with cleaning but my parents have weird rules and policies in the house about it, which makes it hard to clean and its getting very irritating.
No. 1427784
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in the last few months I've
>been publicly humiliated
>literally tried to de escalate and avoid it as much as possible
>why can't self projecting idiots just shut the fuck up about a woman having a trauma response to a very bad situation
>instead of holding it over her head for the rest of time?
>last I checked
>it's not like any of them bothered to get to properly know me
>they gossiped about someone they never bothered to associate with for who she befriended like a bunch of highschool mean girls
>and the reasons they hated my friend were entirely based on lies and heresy spread by a higher ranking person in that sphere of influence
>rehashed my self mutilation habit to a damaging extent
>carved up like a turkey
>think someone is cyberstalking me and have no proof whatsoever it's happening but I swear it's there
>barked down the wrong rabbit hole and no way to escape it
>I literally know too much about something I'm afraid will kill me
>fear for my life on account of all this
>grown to hate the thing I used to adore and now scream at it to dissolve into earth
>made a coworker, albeit an abusive crazy one, leave her job when my bipolar ass told her what I truly thought
>crashed my car
>no money for new one
>forced to rely on other people and now have no way to escape and joyride when things get bad
>neglected by and forget to contact friends during dissociative fugue
>loneliness galore
>lose contact with one friend for almost a month and think she died until she messages me again
>a single sigh of relief in this
>cut off my mother after 18 years of abuse and still feel horrible about it
>fret she's going to have an episode and end up hospitalized without someone there
>discovered my already neglectful father who doesn't notice his daughters illness is eating her alive is leaving me alone for xmas
>to visit my fucking estranged sister
>guess I'll be home alone for christmas
>why do I fucking hate myself so much
>because clearly I am the problem clearly I am insufferable otherwise I wouldn't be going through this
>a lot of this I just made worse by existing
>anyone want to kill me already
being fucking unmedicated I just know I'm going to have a seizure or stomach ulcer one day and there'll be nobody there. or maybe someone will "accidentally" hit me with a car. the only reason I haven't offed myself is wanting to not hurt the people I do love, few as they are. but I feel like a burden to them. I don't deserve to be here alive right now
No. 1427795
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>>1427686I've slammed down 2 liters of decaf today.
I doubt it's healthy but I've accepted my fate.
No. 1427800
>>1426949At least I feel slightly better now realising that there are other people with this issue.
In my defense a lot of times it's much more fun to daydream about an action instead of doing it, and you never even know if you will get the results you desire. What I want are reality bending powers.
No. 1427812
>>1427687I especially hate the random assumptions (like being a trans and such) or accusations of being a twitter user or something.
It's what already fucked over /a/ because at some point people will only use it to derail or be ad hominem. Like I have never used reddit in my life and I am 30+ but I am accused being a redditor and zoomer every week or so. Honestly I hate some websites too but don't care if someone uses them as long as the person makes good posts on the boards I am active in.
No. 1427879
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I'm still sort of fresh (a few months) out of an LTR and I've gone on a couple dates with this guy who's pretty decent. I don't want to hurt his feelings but I realized he's not that interesting and is just a body to me. He wants to meet up again but he's talked about being chronically indecisive which is just a pain cause I have to plan what we do and I'm too socially awkward to navigate the dynamics at play here. To be totally honest if I told him idgaf about dinner I just wanted to fuck and cuddle and go home the next morning I hope it wouldn't be too crass. I guess he is a moid after all so that should be a great for him. The worst part is knowing that a man wouldn't feel guilty for using a woman like this at all.
No. 1427996
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>>1427653The water absorbed my pee? Wha?
No. 1427997
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i just erupted in tears after an argument with a friend where i stated that although i am newly vegan and support the individual choice as the most just one, i dont think its realistic for all americans. they refuted this and called me retarded and said there are no excuses and made logical arguments and i just feel a wave of guilt. ive been allowing seafood temporarily cause i was concerned for my health, in the past i failed at veganism and wasnt getting enough nutrients. i do not eat enough as is 700-900 calories a day with exercise 3-5x a week, and so i just wanted to make sure id get solid protein. i even got some supplements that arrived today. anyway i realize this is just an excuse and i support animal killing by not being fully vegan. i was scared to try again for many years, and now i want to punish and hurt myself. i understand how irrational this sounds but how can i live my life knowing i contributed to so much animal torture? when i indulged or had binge eating disorder or ate animal products shamelessly. i do not want to eat anymore out of fear i may reach for something nonvegan when i get hungry (i mean exhausted, short on money no nutritious vegan stuff rare times) or by accident and guilt because i indulged so much in the past.
i feel bad i couldnt even logically defend myself, im. sober now but dabbled in drugs for almost a year so i think i fried my brain. i just feel hopeless adter so much progress with sobriety and mental health i realize im just a huge burden and awful person that hid behind kindness. my mental issues (ptsd, anxiety, depression) burdened my mother as a child, i contributed to animals being killed for fucking tasty food, i ruined my brain dabbling with different drugs, im not suicide baiting i wont do anything but i really feel i shouldnt exist and im just venting and wishi could justify my past but i cant, i know this is the cold hard truth. i wish i was never a bad person and im so sorry to the world. i even work at a restaurant which makes it worse. (the money is good) so now i just feel so lost, brain fried, like a sick stupid murderer.
No. 1428036
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My mom fell the other night trying to get off the couch. Her legs were asleep and she didn't realize. Fucking believes she was hexed and goes on a full on rant about all the evil in the world but it's okay because trump is going to save us all. I'm so tired of her inserting her deranged trump talk into everything. I want to jump onto a spiked fence.
No. 1428090
>>1427997you're not singlehandedly at fault for the cruelty of the meat industry just because you sometimes eat seafood and work at a restaurant,
nonnie. follow
>>1428018 's advice and please don't be so hard on yourself.
No. 1428109
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>>1428094Absolutely. Moids don't virtue signal like that, they will troon out or become themlets in a misguided attempt to weasel their way into getting pussy, but they don't care about being 'inclusive' or 'kind' by including their pronouns.
No. 1428125
>>1428094Same, I think this is because women (both he/him and she/they) are the only ones socially obliged to agree with the tranny cult lest they be called an evil
terf, men who aren't troons don't give a fuck about offending anyone or appeasing anyone and strangely all that hate directed at terfs seems to miss them.
No. 1428133
>>1427812I really don't understand those random accusations, they're not the 'gotcha' those anons think they are, they just derail and annoy. Even more so when someone makes an interesting point but some
nonnie decide to denounce anything they wrote because they used "y'all" once in the said post without even considering it could be a southerner writing or an ESL that picked it up somewhere else. I'm ESL myself and used to use that phrase at times before it became some sort of autistic tell for twitter users for paranoid anons to harp on.
No. 1428142
>>1428094Kek, i do the same thing. I don't even think it's virtue signalling per say, i feel like they are begging us to see them as a man.
>>1428112All men with pronouns in their bios are predators.
No. 1428147
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>>1428140You know what we are going to say right?
No. 1428153
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>>1428140Go read the MTF and FTM threads on /snow/, peak properly and never worry about accepting trannies again
No. 1428163
>>1428159Update us when you finally stop caring and the emotions of emotionally unhinged and
abusive people.
No. 1428164
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The world can't handle mixed race people. A lot of men treat mixed women like a fetish that they're either super into or not at all. I get asked where I'm from and I can tell there's some weird objectifying thing going on. It's doubly awkward that one of my parents is native white and both were born here, so I'm not gonna give an exotic answer.
No. 1428168
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I lost contact with my main friend group 2,5 years ago. I have a couple other friends but they have their own main groups. I'm so lonely. I've been thinking about contacting them again, but it would be really embarrassing as it was me who was in the wrong. We were friends for 9 years before the "break up" happened, but idk how trying to speak to those people again after so many years would go. It would be super awkward.
Idk if they really even liked me as I was not into anime or shit like that, and I think they know I'm a terf and they have pronouns. I just really miss them and I would honestly pander to their troondom to be friends again.
No. 1428169
>>1427812"Reddit spacing" isn't even a thing anymore (I say anymore because maybe it was a thing at some point where there was a large influx of Redditors discovering 4chan for the first time years ago)
If you look at ancient 4chan screenshots you'll see that every second post had that kind of spacing and no one gave a fuck
Those who accuse others of being redditors because of the spacing, especially here where actual redditors are unlikely to come (unlike on 4chan), are just bitter tards who are desperate to fit in, prove how much of a true oldfag they are, and to win an argument that they got mad about
The twitterfag and tiktoker accusations are more
valid but only like half of the time
No. 1428173
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Made a topic on a forum I frequent where I was making light of how much I'm panicking because I'm trying to reach a branch to get some important documents, but they are only open between 9am and 11am and I've been on spot 12 for 40 minutes. I made a note at the end of the post that I got placed in the queue at 9:01am, so I couldn't have called much earlier unless I had been obsessively gripping my phone and knew which button to press on the call menu to get to the right queue. And people are still fucking telling me that I should have called earlier, I thought they were fucking with me at first but nope - they think I should have tried harder and called even earlier as if calling in at 8am to a closed phone line would fucking help.
No. 1428177
>>1428169True, I believe the ‘touch grass’ phrase applies to those who complain of reddit spacing
>>1428168Give it a shot
nonnie. It’s not every day you find a group that you really vibe with. They could miss you too. And if they didn’t, it would’ve been cool that you tried.
No. 1428191
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you know what grinds my gears? the fact that as a woman i can't even be nice to random homeless men without them asking for a kiss or trying to hit on me. even the old man with dementia i met the other day "joked" that i should marry him so he can be more youthful and motivated. men will say "this isn't harassment!!" and yeah, it isn't, but it wears you down when you're always reminded that men don't see you as a person.
No. 1428196
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>>1428186>>1428177Thank you for your insight nonas, maybe I will. There was a really stupid fight on my part and I left the group chat and never talked to them again. I was in contact with one of them for a while but then she stopped responding, so I don't know if I did something weird. Maybe I will try with her at first to see if there is any chance of rekindling the friendship. None of the others tried to contact me during these years (I did not try to talk to them either) so idk if it means I was annoying and they just did not like me. Can't know unless I try I guess! I'll have to try and look up their numbers somewhere since I deleted them bc I was so upset.
No. 1428214
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>>1428196>>1428168Update to my retardation, I found that one friends number and now I should just message her but it's scary. I admit I shed a few tears I'm so nervous and embarrassed.
>>1428199I hope so. Thanks for sharing
nonnie it makes me feel a bit better. Have you tried contacting her? I had a fight with other friends in middle school and similar thing happened, I randomly saw one of them in a bar years later and talked to her and we both cried a bit. We never talked after that but it was nice to have some "closure".
No. 1428216
>>1428214message her!! bury the hatchet, if she doesn't respond you at least have an answer.
be brave, clench fists!
No. 1428223
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>>1428220sweet nona, your hands still created something. every mistake is a lesson learned. sorry about your cake though, is it really not salvageable?
is there a way you can slice it and toast it like it is bread?
(also drop the recipe if you can, banana walnut pear sounds interesting)
don't beat yourself up! I'm sorry your week has been shitty, I hope it gets better.
sending the best of vibes, do you feel them?
No. 1428240
>>1428220It's ok
nonny, I'm a professional baker and me and my coworkers mess up products all the time! It happens
No. 1428243
>>1428240omg yes baker nonas, are you the pigeon-bun baker?! if not your baker-sisters walk among you
>>1428241damn good bloody good idea. like a nice cheesecake crust?
No. 1428246
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>>1428239Thank u
nonny I luv u
No. 1428249
>>1428244she's amazing omg pigeon-bun baker where you at? I miss youuuu
she made these cute chocolate (I think) buns shaped like pigeons!!
>>1428246love you more my girl you got this. if not, she'll buff out. feel good, you're doing something good.
No. 1428266
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I still can't stop feeling guilty and horrible for having had sex, like I've ruined myself somehow. I know most of it is my Islamic upbringing but I've gotten so paranoid that someone will just Know from looking at me that I sucked a dick once. Thing is, it only happened once years ago, it was so shit that I kind of got over desiring sex at all, which is great, but the fact that I'm not a virgin anymore, hence of 'no value', according to my family, if they knew. I feel like a disappointment of a child, my mom worked so hard to raise me and yet I did something that'll probably give her a heart attack if she knew, like I took advantage of her trust in me so whenever we talk and she's feeling particularly sentimental I feel so much guilt, like I don't deserve the love she has for me. I try to tell myself I'm being a little melodramatic here, but it's so hard when this is the prominent thought here, where I live. That it's time for me to pack it up, that I've no chance at happiness and fulfillment, that I am useless now. I think other anons who've had a religious upbringing might be able to relate, do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this?
No. 1428297
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>>1428223>>1428240>>1428241Thank you nonnies. Toasting it did nothing and I don't think I can process it, although the pie crust idea is definitely something I'll keep in mind for future mishaps. It's quite dense and moist as it has yogurt in it (it's like eating blu tack kek) so there's no salvaging it unless I buried it in ice cream or something. Here's the recipe: next time though I think I'll use my usual yogurt-free banana bread recipe and just add the pear slices on top. Definitely a learning experience in reading the recipe properly. The best of vibes will help me sleep. Onwards and upwards.
No. 1428417
>>1428334He feels out of touch, still using the same tired tropes as the 80s.
>>1428348It's true and so disappointing since she has played a suffragette not just once but twice in films.
No. 1428536
>>1428426>I stayed with aunts and uncles whom I didn't know too well for a few months after turning eighteenI obviously don't know all the details so I could be missing something but tbh this line in itself kinda explains how it might not be their idea of a great set up. Sometimes family do this shit for each others kids but.. they don't love having to take it on or open their house up to a family member thats not already close.
When I was a kid my 18 year old cousin came to stay with us. We'd no spare room so he slept on the couch. He was from the countryside and we lived in the city so he was using it as an oppurtunity to go to some job interviews and set himself up in the city if he got one. His stay wasn't meant to be long but then it dragged out. My mom wasn't happy with having him there as she barely knew him. It was a favor but she felt like she already had one teenage son and didn't need to be playing the same role to some guy she otherwise had barely interacted with before this. I remember years later she was saying she felt very put out by having to say yes to his stay. She did it for my dads sake but felt taken advantage of. I've never seen that cousin again. There was other fmaily members on my dads side who again used our house as way to avoid paying for a hotel while visiting the city. You'd only ever see them when they wanted a place to stay.
No. 1428630
>>1428624it's when men grip their penis too hard when masturbating so they eventually lose sensitivity/most feeling to it. sorry its hard to explain:
>they keep jerking off to porn>eventually lose sensitivity to the penis>they grip their penis harder to reclaim some of that feeling>keep having to do it and it gets so bad that a vagina feels like nothing in comparison i hope that explains it
nonnie No. 1428634
nonnie. Men are so dumb I can't believe it.
No. 1428643
>>1428570Don't worry,
nonny. One day this experience will be a mere memory that means nothing in comparison to the beauty of your future life.
No. 1428650
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Nothing better than to have the remaining parts of your "family" remind you that you are soon so super old "that no employer wants you anymore", shortly before your 29th birthday. I fucking hate all of you and I can't wait to cut you off and live my best life, far far away from your miserable ones.
No. 1428677
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>>1428667They can usually fix it by just not watching porn and not wanking obsessively but you know what moids are like, they act as if it's impossible to stop that and as if jerking off to jailbait 3x a day is "natural and healthy"
Most of them lack the self awareness to ever see it as an issue. My pornsick ex had really bad death grip to the point my knuckles would be white. Yes I'm ashamed and yes I didn't know any better kek it's such a huge issue with scrotes and they act as if we can't tell they watch porn
No. 1428681
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Nonnies, I'm having such an awful day. I got stood up by an acquaintance and all the pent up feelings inside me exploded, I spend every day alone. My closest friends ditched me a few months ago and I'm lonelier than ever. I don't have anyone else and even casual friendships don't work out as demonstrated today. I think once both my parents pass I'm going to join them.
No. 1428703
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>>1428661You're right, thank you for your kind words nonna.
No. 1428717
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>at washateria drying clothes
>all bundled up in warm clothes
>wore a mask today to keep face warm because it's really cold today
>sounds of the dryers start making me sleepy
>am cozy and warm
>start dozing off
>hear footsteps but I don't bother looking
>get woken up
All I responded with was, "okaayy.." But I guess I didn't react the way he expected because he looked disappointed and started bothering an employee who was working. Idgaf about the mask thing, but he saw me with my eyes closed yet he still had the nerve to wake me up. Why do men have to make their existence known. Once again proving to me they're chimps.
No. 1428721
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Honestly I need to go back to orthorexia soo bad like. It had its merits. And I was too focused on that to care about anything else
No. 1428732
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Life is beating the brakes off me
No. 1428847
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Annoying tranny that's kinda in my friendgroup decided now he has one of those fucking schizo multiple personality system things. I'm so tired of this dude.
No. 1428883
>>1427142Bongland…? Is that Canada?
Do it though
nonny I support you
No. 1428933
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Most of my social interactions are so awkward. It's getting worse as I'm getting older and less willing to keep up the mask of being normal. Ever since I can remember, I've always felt one step behind everyone else, especially other girls and then other women. I never understood things they did or things they talked about. I don't understand people's figures of speech or peoples motives most of the time. I constantly feel naive and like I'm just not "getting it" like something just isn't clicking socially.
I rely on humour to mask it but it comes off as embarrassing and over the top sometimes. I'm almost 25 and my mask is slipping, not in a le edgy Patrick bateman way but more like a shy retarded potential autist way.
I'm quite smart which is a curse here because then I always clock when I've embarrassed someone or myself. I can almost feel the cringe in the air and it makes me want to kermit. I really need to just stay shut the fuck up unless absolutely necessary.
No. 1428958
>>1428939It's a giant cope, they think that if they're ugly it's because they're the wrong sex but just end up being trans and hideous. The hugbox online reinforces the idea that if you're trans you'll look better which is why they all 41% when they actually venture into daylight and see how the real world views them.
It does seem like the biggest fuggos are the most narcissistic when it comes to posting pictures of themselves. I don't know if it's because average looking people just have better stuff to do or what.
No. 1428960
>>1428876Not as bad because it wasn't partners or anything but friends but I feel this. I had two friends getting depressive and at some point I cut off the connection because I could never talk freely anymore, it was all about them all the time and I could never vent even when a close one died or when I was being bullied in my job. It's not their fault I guess but relationships work both ways. It was frustrating as fuck because as you say I only needed to breathe to be met with self-pitying that gets worse and worse and everything I do would get me accused of bullshit I didn't intend, even when I tried to help it was just self-pity and accusations against me. Welp.
I guess therapy helps but most people are so convinced that the problem are just the others not themselves that they won't go I guess.
Maybe if you can try to get some distance for a while so that he gets the chance to learn that it hurts and stresses you.
I honestly believe that many of these people aren't just depressive but narcist or borderliners as well. I am not a psychology expert so I might be wrong, but there is surely some self-centrism going on that actively tries to ignore everything that isn't about them.
No. 1428969
>>1428933This sounds exactly like me anon.
Maybe we are both shizoid or autistic. I mean that seriously, because a lot of these issues are symptoms of that and I know I am at least shizoid.
Most of those I know irl either do small talk, talk about some childish shit I am not into, spends hours narrating about their families or talk about health shit all day. I cannot hold small talk because "talking" to me means delving into a subject and analyzing it, I hate retellings of mundane things because they bore me and I especially do not care about family or health issues and I have neither of them.
>as I'm getting older and less willing to keep up the mask of being normalBecause you learn there is no point. They will notice it anyway and even if they didn't all you get from it is participation in dialogues you aren't interested in. You are better off daydreaming about something sexy or fantastic and talk to people you actually relate to online and maybe find friends in your state that way.
No. 1428997
>>1428958That explains why they view all kinds of things as transphobic. I see it in the vents of multiple discords. They talk about panic attacks and mental breakdowns because it isn't the hugbox. Some shit is literally just innocent old people asking questions because it's something new to them and they talk about it as if they got assaulted by a group of neonazis with guns.
They generally always get panic attacks and mental breakdowns, I am surprised that not enough people are looking into that. The trans stuff is mostly just a reaction and form of coping, the central problem with most of those I see online is that they are so damn weak they have the self-control and emotional development of a baby.
No. 1429004
>>1428966I think I might be honestly, I can carry myself along most social interactions but I also have a lot of sensory issues. I'm considering getting a diagnosis, I think I probably am but dont want to put labels on shit. My mom said I was really smart and advanced when I was a baby but then I suddenly regressed and it was like I unlearned most stuff. I don't know if that's normal or a sperg thing.
nonnie its really hard for me to keep up, agree with or feign real interest in something that I dont agree with or am not interested in. I'll nod and hum along to not offend anyone but my brain just gets bored and switches off. I've always had a really big imagination and I thought that was just because I like RPG games kek but yeah i know what you mean, i have female friends but never feel like i truly click with them anymore. I've always felt a bit inferior or one step behind them, like I was just their little retard monkey tagging along who occasionally makes a funny joke.
No. 1429046
>>1429032for the past month it's been a lot of
>perriot sis it's the makeup-shaming for me ugh>can you stop being mean to trannies btw>emplwering wholesome nose job discourseno more twitterfags and tiktok libfem on my lawn
No. 1429095
>>1429091then you haven't seen it
nonnie, you have been blessed
No. 1429101
>>1429098Damn I use twitter as well.
But I swear I only use it to post my fanart and save fanart from Japan.
No. 1429119
>>1429088I hate to talk about it but at the same time it fucks up every damn fandom space I am in so I am constantly annoyed about it and will probably vent.
Just now I talked about why some people like antagonists and one of my arguments was something like "some people cannot relate to popular characters the story and world is siding with" (aka heroes) and antags are usually lonely or hated but do their thing regardless which makes them great.
And the users that agreed with me hijacked the talk and turned it about trans stuff. Being hated for being trans, doing their thing regardless like trans, trans here trans there trans everywhere. It's literally impossible to talk about anything at all today without turning it into trans shit.
I am so fucking mad, WHAT about the rule of not bringing in too much personal shit into fandom channels? Can I PLEASE talk about a fucking anime I like in the discord or place that was created to discuss SAID ANIME instead of hearing about people's genitals and trans issues all fucking day?
No. 1429126
>>1429116I think i've called people a twitterfag…maybe 3 times my whole lolcow career, including me hinting at some people being twitterish in this thread.
>>1429119I don't care if nonnies want to complain about troons, people need to understand why it happens. Like you said, it does seep into every fucking thing online, then you are almost definitely going to be silenced or told to leave when you talk about it. If the internet wasn't like this then yeah, it'd be annoying but there's like maybe 5 places I can think of you can freely talk about this shit and only 2 of them are for women.
No. 1429150
>>1429149I know what you mean, I was watching Jerma and noticed that one of the viewers exclusively posted the "trans rights emote" and seemed to do it every five mintues, then sometimes it'd start random spam.
It's like, "Stop whining about the troons" okay, try being a woman being interested in anything thats semi-popular in 2022. You gonna see troon shit. There's not a lot of places to whine about it
No. 1429164
>>1429150Yeah, honestly to me it's as if someone would try to categorize characters as commies and far-righters at any given opportunity.
It might make sense for a few fictive rulers, but if they would do it all the time with every character and let's say call one far-left because he's chill and sometimes taking drugs and another one far-right because he loves steaks it would essentially turn all discussion off-topic and into politic territory and discussions about political infighting.
Every mod would interrupt them in this case and force them to get back on topic and the rest of the users would consider them insane or trolls, but nobody dares to do it with trans stuff for the reasons mentioned above.
No. 1429226
>>1429224It was my fault for how I said it, but I also don't get how they thought it was race bait, because "Brown"? I'm talking about a bird, after talking about the blue bird. I'd assume they'd think, "Oh what else has a bird logo thats green?" but it's my fault.
Also not everyone is kiwi-fags
No. 1429230
>>1429226Kek your description was weird
nonny I kind of thought it was racebait too or describing 4chan and I was very confused but that makes sense now
No. 1429231
>>1429228oh makes sense then, I added that just to add on to the twitterisms.
Damn, now i understand how it could come off as racebait, but I didn't mean it that way
I'm black anyway. Sorry nonnas
No. 1429309
>>1429296What the fuck. Absolutely report it to the police immediately,
especially if there’s video evidence. I am so sorry that happened to you.
No. 1429336
>>1429329I hope you get relief
nonnie. The injections aren't fun, but I've seen how much they've helped people. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon!
No. 1429344
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>>1429336Thank you sweet nonna. Your kind words lift me up and make me hopeful. Here's a kitty in a pumpkin.
No. 1429380
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>>1429344You're welcome
nonnie! Here's a picture of my kitty with her favorite toy.
No. 1429447
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>>1428847samefag but he posted this shit. I censored all I could just in case. Bridget is the fucking name of one of his alters (yes he named it after the Guilty Gear character! And yes, he hadn't shown interest in it beyond coomer shit until the tranny shit)
No. 1429455
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I remember when i used to think tranny/pronouns crap was just a dumb 2010's fad, i can't believe how quickly things change and evolve for the worst. I miss my 2014 innocence and i miss when it was cool to dunk on these people.
No. 1429457
>>1427888I hope so nona
My car just crashed on the way to the shop today and had to get a tow. My dad was insisting it was still drivable, drove it then called me in a dull whine saying it was smoking.
On my way to work we were just marinating in awkwardness, no music, old man blathering on a work call.
if I reveal all the information I know all at once regarding the thing that scares me, I may be targeted. If I don't it'll feast on me to the point where I die under its pressure. I don't care enough anymore. my intuition is the only remaining sharp thing about me. The rest of my edges are filed down to the nubs
Nothing like female madness to drive your sensory issues up the wall. Maybe I am the problem, but I didn't cause it. The people who were supposed to love me blame me. I've tried to take a stride to improve my life and it flattened me. The thing was supposed to be escapism and now the thing is my enemy
They can't protect me from the thing it it decides to aim for me. Peak schizoposting if I end up wrong, nothing happens. Maybe the thing will permit me to move on realizing I'm young and vulnerable, but it's killed before. It's killed someone like me, young vulnerable and abused. I'm weak under that thought.
No. 1429541
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Holy shit the internet keeps getting worse and worse i cant even download most pictures anymore without having to convert them to png before posting them here. Whoever invented jfif and webp i hope they fucking kill themselves i cant even download a fucking gif from tumblr anymore.
No. 1429608
i wonder if
>>1428785 and
>>1426963 are connected…
No. 1429668
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I wanted to watch Wednesday because I think Jenna Ortega is gorgeous but I got 20 minutes in and already it reeks of zoomer nonsense. had to stop after they referenced tiktok
No. 1429681
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I'm so fed up of having these pushy attempted interactions from total strangers who are always male and usually older. I'm not inviting males into my life and yet here we are. A ongoing pain in my arse anyway. An anon the other day was saying that alot of the male hate on here is because nonnies are dating or still hanging onto the possibility of dating them and finding a rare good one but I'm not. I'm not dating men. I'm not thinking about dating males. I'm not befriending males or inviting them into my life. I'm dodging them mostly, doing the whole thing of living my own life and males aren't in the plan. But just being in a public space equals the possibility of being randomly harassed or bothered by them. I've noticed an increase in it happening lately. Wtf is up with men being desperate to disturb your peace. Offended when you're not in the mood to talk to any man at any opportunity.
I'm not young, I'm not the most feminine. I don't think off an inviting vibe. I'm a butch leaning woman in my thirties and this is still the reality of being a woman standing at a bus stop, waiting in a queue or walking to the store. You can ignore them but they throw a strop if you do that. As if you're not allowed have some quiet time. Why are you so insulted? I don't owe you a chat. I mean I've obviously randomly chatted with strangers before (including scrotes) because they seemed ok. But if I'm giving off leave me alone vibes its for a reason. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood, sometimes you give off creep vibes. I like to think I've gotten good at reading people and knowing when not to entertain randos.
You ever try to make small talk with someone because you both happen to be waiting around for a train or in a waiting room and they're just not receptive?.. I have and I shut up at that point. They're allowed to reject the offer of some chit chat. Its that easy to not push yourself on someone or take it super personally. Oh no a total stranger wants to be left alone. We can't have that be respected now can we?
Anyone else noticing an increase in this?
No. 1429754
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I hate when you guys have bad days, I wish I could help somehow. this thread is cathartic and frustrating all at once.
love you guys, hope everyone's days/lives get better. I'm rooting for you all.
No. 1429760
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Nonnies, I just realized I'm a fucking loser.
>30 years old
>BPD and bulimiafag
>attempted suicide twice last month because I hate living like this
>freelance job no longer enough to support me, getting more broke by the day
>struggling to afford food
>bank with my savings blocks access for no reason, can't unlock it without calling, can't call without paying my phone bill, can't get in my savings to pay phone bill without unlocking my bank account
>huge pile of overdue work
>keep getting stress sick which makes me work less
>still manage to gain weight
>now getting stress pimples too
No. 1429770
>>1427997Society needs to put more blame and hold corporations accountabl instead of individuals. Coca Cola, Nestle, P&G, etc, all of those corporations do lifetimes of damage in seconds. You changing your diet isn't gonna do actual jack shit. It's like donating food or money to a homeless shelter when we could end a high percentage of homelessness altogether by forcing the government to eliminate income tax.
You may view it a pessimistic view of life, but things are fucked simply because the government doesn't care and we shouldn't give the government any amount of power as it's shown nothing is being solved. I feel more hopeful if we gave individuals the power of controlling where their money goes. I trust trailer trash and schizos more with deciding on where $2,000 goes towards the programs instead of rich elites.
No. 1429793
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>>1429651Jfc you’re still with that moid? It’s obvious that you’re nothing but some sugar mommy to him because someone who actually cares about their gf would not pull this shit. I know scrotes who were embarrassed asking for money from their gf and their family even when they were homeless and living in their car.
No. 1429811
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>>1429760>>1429762Why hello there my fellow dead-end job loser bulimics. I'm getting close to 30, no education, can't drive, and live with my mommy wommy.
No. 1429848
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I know it sounds bad and juvenile but I really wish I never had to deal with my parents again. My father is an alcoholic who doesn't care, he complains he never gets to see me but never makes the effort to spend time with me or even so much as call or text me, yet he can find all the time in the world to spend time with my male cousin… My mother is a complete narcissist who is exhausting to be around, and nothing you do is ever good enough for her. All she does is pick fights and criticize me every time I see her, and take credit for my career success even though she was a horrible parent to me growing up and had no hand in my career at all. Throughout my life she has belittled me, invaded my privacy, and isolated me from the few friends I have had, and when I was a child she would physically hit me too. I can't even go non-contact with her for practical irl reasons but god I really wish she would just leave me alone. My life is actually in a good spot at the moment and yet she is determined to try and bring me down. I'm just sick of being associated with these weights that just want me to be as miserable as they are!!
No. 1429884
>>1429696It sounds like you're still pretty young so I can assure you with a lot of confidence that it does get better. There will be steps back, but they won't erase all of your progress. In your early twenties, everything seems like it's going nowhere. When you're in university or doing your unpaid internship, you're working towards these goals that everyone keeps saying will pay off some day, but it's all nebulous and vague and nothing ever seems to change but you still struggle every day.
But if you keep slogging, all of your plans start happening. You graduate and that's relieving, but then you have to struggle with bullshit volunteering and internships, but then you your internship leads to a paid position with another company and your paychecks start rolling in and that's where it starts getting good.
You no longer wake up stressed and dreading work every day and your bank account gets padded enough that when your car breaks down you frown at the expense but you don't break down sobbing like you would have a few years ago. And then you reach your thirties and your thirties are the freedom and health of your twenties, but now with money and stuff starts getting really sweet.
It's going to suck, I will not lie to you there, I was widowed by 26 and had my life savings embezzled at 30, but if you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you can make it. I can tell you the major rules if you want, but I don't want to derail the vent thread too much.
Also, you don't have to make meals, you can just eat the raw ingredients. Instead of making a sandwich with meat, cheese, dressing, bread, and lettuce, you can just grab slices of meat and cheese and eat them. Plus, you don't have to heat instant microwave oatmeal, just pour water into it raw and eat it. This actually lead to me pouring cold milk on raw steel cut oats and eating that for dinner for most days. I still like it as a lazy meal though nowadays I'll put cinnamon and let it sit for a while so the oats absorb the milk.
No. 1429888
>>1427997 >argument with a friend where i stated that although i am newly vegan and support the individual choice as the most just one, i dont think its realistic for all americans. they refuted this and called me retarded and said there are no excuses and made logical arguments and i just feel a wave of guiltI don't get this type of shit between friends. When someone makes an effort to change an aspect of their life because either animals or the planet or whatever is a concern to them.. and others just keep raising the bar so that you can't ever escape feeling guilty. Its not good enough that you're vegan.. you also have to police or condemn the actions of others in order to please your friend? You can only control your own choices, today. You can't change your past and you're not responsible for anyone else and what they eat. You'll drive yourself mad being around people like that. Letting them put the weight of the world on you when.. you're already trying to do what you think is right and you already deal with enough stress and mental health shit.
Honestly its weirdly similar to trans cult shit. "Oh you're trans/an ally but you don't hate and attack every person that isn't lining up with every belief around that… guess you're a filthy
terf yourself" If friends have to bully you into matching their exact beliefs and meeting them at their standard right down to the small details then thats not friendship. That cult mentality. When the bar just keeps getting raised and you have to agree with them every time it raises or else theres a row over it. I think given you've been through alot of struggles that they could cut you a break and not burden you with having to join them in freaking out about what anyone else chooses to eat
No. 1429904
>>1427997Nonna sorry to hear that. But your friend just wants to start arguments and be a morally superior warrior who is above all peasants who still have to eat meat because they live in a food desert or a different climate. They are vegan “activists” because their life would be empty without pushing their ideology on other people and arguing non stop ..
No. 1429919
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>>1429892Sounds like you planted some good bait, from a dark triad stacy perspective should be proud of yourself
No. 1429948
>>1427997It's not all or nothing. Every little bit you can do helps. I've been vegan for over a decade and I think after such a long time it's easy to forget how much you learn in that time. I have no difficulty making cheap nutritious meals, because I have the knowledge and experience. Plus I don't live in a food desert and can literally walk 10 minutes to a farmer to get vegetables and potatoes.
before someone wants to sperg about muh health and that all women totally need to eat lots of animal products; I have no deficiencies besides the kind everyone in this climate has and I originally went plantbased after an elimination diet, because animal products made me end up in the ER with extreme constipation which hurt a lot, doctors say my plantbased diet is great The reality is though that a large portion of the population going flexitarian and switching to plant milks occasionally has done more damage to the meat and dairy industry than vegans have done alone. So you shouldn't beat yourself up so much about it, if you eat plantbased 90% of the time or whatever, you're already doing enough. It's impossible to live in capitalistic patriarchal society without relying on the suffering of other people and animals, we're all in the same boat. Really the entire system has to be torn down and we can't do that alone. Your friend is retarded and unnecessarily hostile.
No. 1429955
>>1429938>>1429892There was a time when everyone was calling me a tranny cp poster lol. Apparently someone was spamming some boards with cp, and people were paranoid. Then some anon came up with the theory that this “tranny cp poster” was accusing nonnas for being a tranny in multiple threads to stir up the boards. And then mods finally joined the chat and deleted the tranny’s posts but mine remained because surprise surprise I’m not him. They were still rude to me after that and didn’t accept that what they were doing was bullying. Wild times
I think it’s best for your mental health to not log in to lolcow if you’re going through a sensitive period nonna.
No. 1430043
>>1429884Yes please for the major rules. I struggle with the struggling part even though I know showing up for myself everyday will pay off, part of it is my mild doomer shit but it also feels like a lot of it is me struggling with what feels like basics to my peers - time management, knowing what's even out there, standing up for myself at least when push comes to shove, talking to family without activating my fight/flight instincts, etc. I keep getting back on the wagon tho so that's got to lead to something…
I hope you're doing a ton better than 30 now, i think it's really admirable that you kept going and bounced back despite it all. I'll try the ingredients and oatmeal trick, ty!
No. 1430092
nonnie im gonna look for some before i buy more senna tablets
No. 1430115
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I have a stupid work gathering/party that's supposedly to be celebrating Christmas and the world cup and whatever but I hate these kind of stuff so, so much. I just wanna go back home, man. It wasn't even optional. Please, let me leave
No. 1430198
>>1430111nona you're not retarded, its hard trying to escape
abusive relationships. I don't have any good advice but I really hope you can leave and stay safe, you deserve to be treated respectfully and you deserve a peaceful life
No. 1430312
>>1430261lol so true though. i started getting into DIY we bought a house, and started fixing all the broken stuff around the house that my bf kept putting off. i was surprised that it took me a surprisingly short time although i had to Google some stuff.
after i was done and putting the tools away, i made a passing remark that 'men insist that only they can fix things because they don't want women to find out how easy it is', he didn't like that lmao
No. 1430358
nonny. It is easy. They try to gatekeep this knowledge from women or say "Uhh but I don't want you to, you don't have to you know" acting like they're doing you a favor or "women shouldn't HAVE to do that" some sort of bullshit chivalry but we learn it anyway and we discover we don't understand what the fuck they were complaining about, talking about all this "hard work" like it's rocket science when it's actually really simple in order to try to inflate their own usefulness lmao.
No. 1430391
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About to have a manic episode and honestly just debating if I should just commit death for the simple reason I can’t be bothered with it any more kek
No. 1430433
nonny, I’m so sorry. I just had my baby and the first trimester morning sickness phase so I’ll gives me nightmares. You’ll get through it soon, just remember I am here wishing for pain and torment on your shitty professor.
No. 1430517
>>1430476I second this
>>1430505I was never interested in romances on principle and so far and surprisingly they always understood when I told them that I am basically asexual.
No. 1430588
>>1430150Technically it was during working hours, but not paid. I bet that if you asked my boss she'd say it was optional and no one needed to be there, but you know, "optional". I work in a very, very small store (4 active employees) and not going without a good reason would be insanely frowned upon.
To be completely fair, the food was great and it wasn't super bad because I kept talking with my co-workers instead of socializing with my boss' family, and the secret Santa thing actually had a nice gift imo.
But I got home at 21:15 when I am usually at home by 17:30. And I'll have to work tomorrow morning. And that fucking sucks.
No. 1430589
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I spent most of this year being sick and trying to get myself diagnosed, only to end up finally getting my diagnosis by august. By october they had to give me stronger pills but they barely work either. I am tired. I am so sick of everything. I am feeling so petty around people IRL who whine over something incredibly stupid that can be fixed in a span of 5 minutes, but they have to be overdramatic about it because of their victim complex, when i never spoke about my chronical illness to anyone, suffering through pain, sleepless nights and tears without whining. Man it just fucking sucks huh. But at least, when i felt like 'its over for me', i spent great 4 days on a vacation, went to a big event to which i never been to, met two of my idols. Man, the year wasn't too bad if you think of those 4 good days, but that still sounds extremely sad.
No. 1430665
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Nobody listens to me, seriously. I'm trying to make sure all of the evaluations I got from my teacher are in my reports, I told her that I was sure that I needed two sets of sheets filled up because I was quite sure that she didn't fill them up, now I'm on the deadline, I thought she was right and that I had those two sets of sheets, I don't have them, I can't ask for her to fill two more for me, they have to be signed, I want to die.
I really hope my tutor is as incompetent as he was on the first internships I had to go through so I just get them approved without him proofreading the reports I made about them, I'm just sick of this shit, I hate teaching, it doesn't fill me with anything, I don't even dislike it, I'm just tired already, I don't want to teach anyone anything because it's a waste of time.
Like have you seen any schools nowadays? They weren't any good when I was a kid but hell, they're a mess, the kids won't stop looking at their phones or listening to whatever they're listening to during the class, then they get all shocked when /wow/ they had to study some shit or do homework or a project, and they didn't listen to anything that was said because they're too busy talking to who the fuck knows who.
Like what? They're 15 years olds, they can't be talking to anyone outside of school if they're in school, and what are they doing to talk about with their classmates? "Hey bruh, my class suckzzz" "ayy lmao mine too kek" that's it? I don't know, teaching has only managed to make me feel older like, mentally than I felt before, I will develop dementia or something if this shit keeps going.
No. 1430763
>>1430741Because men aren't punished by being unironic coomers. We should really force some type of male purity and chastity myth in the west, not because it mattere, just so we don't have to
hear and read about their retarded wanking habits.
No. 1430779
>>1430741Yeah I often see women put up with the scummiest men and I always judge both of them. I've seen way too many "my pornsick boyfriend makes me clean the house while he plays video games after he put a paper bag over my head and fucked my ass while hitting me in the ribs" posts and it's like, just leave him. You're an adult and no one is forcing you to be with him.
Might be just me but as soon as any man were to imply I should do something degrading I'd be out of the door.
Men are disgusting, what is new. It's up to women not to accept them so that they're forced to change into decent human beings.
No. 1430795
>>1430787That is awful, I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I hope the man who did that to you gets everything that's coming for him. Fuck him and I pray that he rots in hell. Depending on where you were maybe there were cameras and you could see who drugged you?
Just looked up information about it and it seems like the first flare-up is the worst, and more than 10% of the population has it. But I bet that still doesn't make you feel any better, as no one should go through what you experienced. Just know there are are a ton of people with genital herpes in happy long-term relationships.
Are there any support groups you could go to or join online communities for it?
No. 1430843
>>1430787I'm sorry this happened to you nonna. That piece of shit deserves to die. I just want you to know though, that genital herpes does not mean you are broken.
My friend has it, and she was in the same spot as you at first, but since that initial flare up it's been almost non existent for her. It absolutely will get better for you and there is antiviral medicine and cream you can take too. I wish you all the best.
No. 1430850
>>1430787Did you see the girl who came out a few weeks ago with her story, 18 years old, lost her virginity to a guy. He gave her hiv, herpes and trich. She was on social media sharing her story from the hospital. In agony. Described similar to you with the herpes and then had a crazy level of uti thats part of the hiv infection. I swear men are getting off on spreading this stuff to young women. This guy had all his friends dragging her through the mud, acting like clowns trying to defend him. His reaction certainly didn't scream innocent with all his equally woman-hating pals butting in and telling on themselves.
I'm sorry this happened to you. These men are twisted.
No. 1430924
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How many fucking times do I need to explain to these old retards (nigels parents) that we do not have the money to go out and do something with them. No, I cannot afford to go out to some shit old persons pub and drink all day because you already know that I have very little disposable income as it is. Every fucking time it's like
>They come over to drop something off
>They make a snarky little comment about how I "never go out and do things"
>I have to explain for the 100th time in a row that we do not have the money to go out and splurge on alcohol every weekend even more so because uh cost of living crisis??
>They act surprised because they haven't felt the effects of being poor since like 2005
I fucking hate this shit. And more than that, I don't give a fuck about going out anyway until I start getting more money. It's just a waste otherwise, and you cannot enjoy things like that when you're poor and aware of your poverty. I work, I go to the gym and take care of my cat, just leave me alone and let me do my thing instead of trying to constantly shoehorn me into every single social outing when I've already told you I cannot afford it. Just fuck off!
No. 1431022
>>1430787Please stay with us
nonny and update us. I wish I could send money to help treat you. I’m so sorry that happened to you
No. 1431034
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I feel like I'm so fucked up by workplace politics. I can't find my place or how to do it, I guess. I wish I could just stay out of it and focus on my job, but my coworkers take it as a personal insult and I'm disrespected several different ways each day for it. And if I try express a boundary or preference it's like they go out of their way to make sure it doesn't go my way but they do it perfectly to have plausible deniability. How do they do it? I could never be smart that way, even if trying to be petty. I've been told I need to be more social but they do their best to make sure I know I'm rejected. For example me asking if they want to go to lunch all together, they say they're not hungry and 10 minutes later leave all together for lunch while I'm in the bathroom. "Oh we thought one of us asked you, miscommunication I guess!" yeah, right. Having several of these incidents a week wears me down.
I've tried to be friendly as in thinking we might be casual friends, but as soon as I revealed personal stuff she went ahead and told all of our coworkers. It was trivial things not work related or particularly embarrassing or showing bad character, just private, so I do believe it's specifically because I asked her to keep it between us.
I really can't play the backstabbing besties role. I don't have the social skills for subterfuge like that. I'd like to be friendly and helpful and do my job and be respected and heard. I got a taste of the nice office life. The dynamic with the staff who were here a few years was healthier, more of a "you do you and I'll do mine, we'll have the odd drink together but it's clearly a courteous coworker thing". And I thought it was so refreshing I had the freedom to join when I liked and be alone when I didn't. Then they left, and newer, younger coworkers came in and turned it into this mess that I see so often in dysfunctional workplaces and either way I go I can't win, or even tread water. I leave daily feeling frustrated to the point of tears and wondering what exactly am I doing to earn this disrespect.
No. 1431048
>>1431026>It feels like he’s committing psychological warfare. I feel guilty for jumping away from him even thought I wasn’t even awake. >I almost feel like he’s doing this on purpose to fuck with my head even more.That's because it is psychological manipulation and he is trying to fuck with your head so you feel guilty when you don't fuck him.
The exact same thing happened to me with my ex when I simply didn't want to have sex with him every single day, he would either ignore me or say something to make me feel inferior along the lines of "wah wah you never want to fuck me". You have absolutely no reason to apologise or feel bad for this nonna, it is emotional abuse and he absolutely should not be touching you while you're asleep anyway. If you ever feel like you're being pressured into sexual things with him because you feel guilty otherwise, that's also a form of sexual abuse - by coercion or persuasion. He can't persuade you or guilt-trip you into consenting because then it isn't consensual at all.
He should be there for you while you're dealing with being upset about your mom but he clearly does not give a fuck about you or what's going on in your life - men like this will manipulate your every emotion to suit your sexual needs, I speak from years of experience here. Go home to see your mom asap, because that shit will just keep on getting worse, trust me.
No. 1431051
>>1430787Nona I'm so sad for you. All the details add insult to injury and I hope the perpetrator chokes on his bile. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with you as a person, the perpetrator did something inhumane and is the broken one. I hope you physically heal quickly and find the resources and support groups you need to heal mentally. What happened to you will probably change the trajectory of your life and your outlook, but you can get better and move on, that pig should be the one to suffer.
I wish I could send you some chocolates, that's really terrible. I'm sure you can always find support here, at least.
No. 1431065
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>>1431026Why do women date men? Is this really better than a bit of loneliness that can be mitigated with a half decent friend?
No. 1431070
>>1431042>>1431054I know I shouldn’t do that. But it does sound tempting..
>>1431045I’m making arrangements to see her next week. Then I’m going to break up with him while I’m at their place.
>>1431048This is literally what I’m going through right now. I do feel sexually abused too. He’s does this thing where he says he doesn’t want to sexually assault me but will make me feel bad for not wanting sex. I can’t even get wet with him and asked him if we could do more foreplay or get lube and he acts extremely offended over that. So sex is just uncomfortable anyways. He’s so selfish. Yesterday when I found out the news about my mom I mentioned it a few times because I wanted comfort and all he said was “hmmm” and kept playin on his phone.
No. 1431076
>>1431034I’ve worked a lot of jobs with a lot of people and what i think I can take away from it all is this: a lot of people can’t survive without a punching bag to work off their petty frustrations. They feel incredibly empowered by this passive aggressive sort of conflict, the fact that
everyone likes them more than
someone else. when they move on they will just latch on to someone else. The workplace bully is like a modern day vampire. The funny thing is, when you’re not their current
victim, they will do everything in their power to gossip about the person who is, they can’t resist bringing it up every five seconds and they make you feel like you are stuck in a position where you either agree or become their next misery project. Most people are either dumb shits or sadistic themselves so they don’t get it. They don’t see it and situations evolve into yours.
My advice is stop caring all together. Grey rock all the way. They either get bored or escalate their campaign of narc rage. When they escalate you might get some dirt that you can take to Human Resources and they will be reprimanded or fired.
No. 1431088
>>1431074Based I could’ve written your post
nonny. Men are fun for dating when they’re nice and serve you. I’ve yet to find one that match the level of closeness and joy I have with my best friend.
No. 1431109
>>1431099I hope you get one
nonny. Women need to stick together. I get so sad when I think of women dating men and those men being their only best /closest friend. I think it’s a nice thing to want, but when you actually have a female friend who you are close to, I swear men pale in comparison. Especially when women’s self worth plummets because they like a guy who’s not making her feel her best. When you have a friend who treats you like the best you can both just laugh at that shitty guy and move on and find a guy who’s a nice Nigel and will treat you wonderfully.
No. 1431190
When I was alot younger and alot more naive I remember thinking that women who were in commited relationships were doing well in life. That was the message I got. That commitment is something women chase and if men are so kind as to propose then you're good, life is good, the guy is good. Younger me was dumb. Ate that shit up. She's winning at life with her commited partner.
I hate that there's this whole thing where men are doing women a favor by proposing and therefore making their fairytale dream come true. I hate that commitment is this carrot for men to dangle in front of women as if it's automatically a good deal. A blessing they bestow when they decide you're worthy. And socially people treat it that way. Women are blessed when a man puts a ring on it. In reality.. it's a trap. We're the ones who are taken for granted as soon as nigel feels like he has you locked down. Signing a lease together, getting engaged, buying a house, getting married, having a child.. more often than not you'll see him push boundaries after that, stop being as sweet, stop looking after himself, put more workload on you, demand more of you. There's your prize. Men who commit aren't the be all and end all. They're not automatically the good ones. Achieving marriage by a certain age isn't winning the life lottery. Flakey bfs and 'muh hubby' are two sides of the same shit coin.
I wish I had someone to spell this out to me a long time ago. Like before I got married ideally kek
No. 1431378
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I just wish I was good at art, or like, any other creative thing. I feel like I've built up artistic skill but that I don't really have the talent needed to actually make my shit good. I feel like I'm cursed to always be mediocre at best, in all the hobbies I take on.
No. 1431419
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>>1428168>>1428196>>1428214She did not respond and I don't think she will. But it's ok, at least I know now.
(avatarfagging) No. 1431498
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I really like cute and girly slips/nightgowns as nightwear but my roommates' boyfriends are always around and sleep over often and I don't want men to see me in anything other than regular clothes or sweats so I only ever wear super baggy/ugly stuff as nightwear because I'm only comfortable with other women seeing that.
also I'm afraid it'll cause an interpersonal problem of some variety even though I'm a lesbian because I'm paranoid. tldr I want to be cute in peace but moids exist
No. 1431551
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>>1431515I used to be a /cgl/ poster but then it got flooded with /r9k/ moids so I moved here, but this website seems to be heading towards the same fate. Certain threads/posts reek of ballsack, and our posts get screenshotted and used as woman hate fuel and posted to /r9k/ so I'm sure lots of nonnies are uncomfortable posting.
In general there's been a mass exodus to more private communication, I've seen complaints about how stuff like video games or niche hobbies that used to have dedicated forums are now mainly discussed in some impossible-to-find Discord. Men have truly made the internet absolutely inhospitable outside of walled gardens. I don't even bother checking social media anymore because despite keeping extensive blocklists and curating my feed as well as I can I'm still inundated with woman hate, porn, and trannies.
No. 1431552
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GODDAMNIT the moment I get my ps4 back hoping its fixed so I can finally continue playing Yakuza 4 and immediately find out its been factory reset. Doesnt help that today was the day i found out that SONY DOESNT HAVE THEIR SHIT TOGETHER LIKE MICROSOFT WHEN IT COMES TO SAVED DATA FOR ACCOUNTS. THESE FUCKERS EXPECT ME TO PAY MONEY TO SAVE MY OWN GAME ON MY OWN CONSOLE TF IS THIS EA TIER SHIT. Even with xbox no matter how many times i would delete the game itself the saved data was always tied to my fucking account and I didnt even have to pay for cloud storage these fuckers had my back. Im so pissed I want to sperg out but now Im just sitting infront of my ps4 crying because I put in a good 80+ hours in this fucking game and when I play I take forever to collect/fight/grind through areas like a big autist.
No. 1431557
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I hate that cookie thing that got lawlied in the begginning of the year. Before I can read anything, I'll have to remove 47592472 popups denying all the cookies, sometimes one by one for dozens of purposes, and Japanese websites often won't even let me access it at all, which means I have to open up opera to use the VPN just to be able to read some shitty responses on chiebukuro. I guess I know it's better they ask, but I'd rather delete cookies after every session, like I do for websites I don't use regularly every single time anyways, than having to click through fifty options before skim reading a page for the five seconds it takes to realize this isn't what I'm looking for. Props to Uta Ten, clicking on nahh toutelli not akseßing from ze ei-oo des leads me to the webpage at least.
No. 1431566
I wish the internet didn't exist anymore. Obviously that's not ever going to happen in my lifetime, we are stuck in this hell of our own creation. Tell me how we've "progressed" when we are now programmed to be watching each other, waiting to pull out a camera and violate other people's privacy for literally any reason. The clothes they wear, the way they act, any and all unusual behavior including mental distress, if the person recording finds them attractive and wants to humiliate them sexually. etc. It bothers me that recording someone is sold to us and this thing that will protect you legally, yet instead of keeping videos privately for the authorities if it becomes necessary as evidence, they are uploaded to the machine, because public opinion and having an audience on your side is all that matters today.
I am so scared of being filmed. Even "consensually". If one more fucking future employer wants photos of me for "pr" I s2g I am going apeshit and taking them to court. There should be a legal precedent that you should be allowed to opt out of having your face catalogued. I do not want millions of eyes on me. I try to act as normal and inconspicuous as possible but I'm always afraid. I will stop using the internet soon because it isn't good for my health, but knowing that all those people would ruin my life if someone decided to film me, it scares me so much.
Yeah I know I'm having a schizo moment but I feel like this doesn't belong in the tinfoil thread because this is something that really happens, and often.
No. 1431569
>>1431535I feel this. I am silent and live in a huge ass city, so I could never keep relationships and everything moves and changes so fast. It's like the whole city is being rebuilt every few years. Some things are cool, like seeing new skyscrapers emerging every year, but losing places dear to me is sad, houses I was in disappear and so on.
And friendships never last. It's ironic how online friendships I made in some anime forums last longer than those with people I spent my the most important years of my childhood with. Best friends and just few years later it was like we never met. Or someone moved to another part of the city or I moved and nobody saw each other again.
My current friends are few and I barely see them because the closest one lives four cities away and neither me nor him have the money to pay for city railway trips to eat kebab together and talk every few days. Others are in whole different countries and one is childless but she's married for 10 years by now and they play games together all day so she doesn't have much time for me.
I know a lot of people that are still talking to friends they met in the kindergarten and I cannot grasp how this even works. Maybe because they come from towns and their parents own houses, so moving isn't as common as it is here and there is a smaller pool of people and possible friends.
>just feel like a blob moving through time watching others live their lives.I cope with everything in my life by drawing art, fan art or by thinking up and noting down own story ideas or whole stories in which I thematize things that bother me in some metaphorical-fantastical way.
Maybe that could help you? You don't need to publish anything, just thinking up stories and constructing them and coping through them. Maybe one day you will even refine them enough to consider them genuinely good and upload them or show them to someone irl.
>>1431515The whole internet seems to die down for me, even /a/ slowed down horribly few years ago and feels dead now. Tumblr is dead for a while, I feel humanity is just disappearing or something (unless they are all on instagram or tiktok).
No. 1431577
>>1431566It’s okay nonna, I understand. Only yesterday I was watching a lovely film with a group of people in my college and some negative-IQ teenage scrotes interrupted it to yell stupid questions at us and film our reactions, I assume for their TikToks or something. It freaks me out that people see this as acceptable behaviour now. Even if you want to opt out there are retards like this wandering about.
>>1431569I think most of them are on TikTok now. I don’t use it myself but sometimes I see screenshots of TikToks posted on other sites and the amount of views/likes they get in comparison to things on Reddit/tumblr/twitter is unreal. I hate to think about it for too long, makes me antsy.
No. 1431580
>>1431566I just read an article about it and couldn't agree more.
I hate how the internet was the biggest blessing but also the biggest curse. And while the early years were the best thing that ever happened to me now it seems like humanity has to pay for that tenfold. Bubbles have fried everybody's brains, even those accuse one side of being brainwashed are just as them it's just a different flavor of brainwashing because the bubble is slightly different.
In the end it all bowls down to "Me good, everything that isn't me bad", the more hateful something is the bigger and closer the userbase, everything is a hivemind and hiveminds are like virtual brands. You don't wear them exclusively means you are a traitor and traitors get killed, bullied, cancelled whatever.
All the while every place turned from a hobby fandom space to a giant crap of superficially sanitized, data-mining, ad-ridden hellhole of bullshit scrolling controlled by some shiteating mega corp that is just part of an even bigger corporation that is about to buy off the rest to turn the net and people's minds into some monopolist battleground for propaganda and living advertisement.
I want to go back to forums and angelfire fan shrines.
No. 1431584
>>1431577>I don’t use it myself but sometimes I see screenshots of TikToks posted on other sites and the amount of views/likes they get in comparison to things on Reddit/tumblr/twitter is unrealGod yeah I saw it too. I have no idea how this shit can be so popular it's almost satanic or something (I am not even religious).
Speaking of it I think it destroys people. I see them everywhere, even in restaurants. Instead of eating the food they just paid for they stare at this fucking phone. And I am really trying hard to not get violent when I see someone doing it with audio. "Hearing" tiktok is the worst shit on earth. It's an mayhem of different noises, screams, shitty rap and explosions switching every two seconds as the tiktok zombie is scrolling through them.
No. 1431596
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I don't understand what part of my brain makes me so retarded. I don't know why I am so clueless in social situations and have no idea what to say 99.99% of times but when it comes to writing characters and their dialogue, even in rps, I have absolutely no problem to make them talk in all the different ways they are intended to. I would be so fucking successful if I could be as confident with words as I write certain characters to be.
No. 1431628
>>1431566>If one more fucking future employer wants photos of me for "pr"My manager during my internship took pics of me and coworkers in ugly christmas sweaters and I thought it was just meant for some fun and would "just" be published on the company's intranet but the bitch posted it on linkedin too. I wanted to strangle her. It never happened again after that with my next jobs thought, thank god and I was in a vulnerable situation so I had to metaphorically lick her ass for 6 months so I'd graduate on time but if anyone tries that shit with me again I'll harass whoever the poster is to take down the picture or the whole post.
I think we can blame FB for that first, even though other social media made that even more common, especially youtube and tik tok. I was forced to make a FB account in 2016 because of classmates in uni not wanting to send me directly their notes by email in 5 seconds when I missed classes because of hospital appointments because their excuse was always "ugh you don't even have an fb account? ew… anyway, I can't send you notes because…. uh…. because…. I-I don't have your email address bye!"
god I wish I were joking about that and as soon as I made an account a friend of mine started posting a shit ton of pics of me and other friends and tagged us all without even asking if we'd be ok with having our privacy violated like that. I noticed only later that this way my fb friends who weren't friends with that girl could see her post through my profile and one of my sister borderline stalked me for a few months that way.
No. 1431655
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A recruiter for a new job I applied for set up a phone interview with me yesterday at noon BUT NEVER FUCKING CALLED ME and now they're not answering my calls and idfk what to do atp I hate my current job
No. 1431667
>>1431603I 100% agree. It's depressing and creepy how humanity turns into a hivemind. You can basically ask people which websites/apps they use all day and can predict their entire personality and behavior just knowing this.
>until you turn the screen off and feel weirdly empty because you’ve been forcefully reminded that you are actually a person separate from everything onlineWell said. Yeah. And with all that we still don't know the long-time effects of all that shit. People are so online they get invested in irrelevant shit that no normal human has ever even heard about. Then they disconnect because they are forced to (sometimes) and meet real people and lose their shit because their grandparents don't agree about their opinions on fan content for nonbinary bi-trans-lesbian pairings or call out culture because they don't know what the hell it even is.
>I also think that it creates an unnatural mind/body divide, in that if you spend too much time online the version of you in your head becomes more real than the combination mind-body you that actually exists in the real world. This is linked to the rapid increase in gender dysphoria Again, an interesting possible explanation.
No. 1431670
>>1431623The sensation/stimulation distinction is interesting, I hadn’t thought about it in that way before. Another dichotomy for the list!
>You seem very perspective though, all I can say is be strict about what you let yourself read and be exposed to onlineThanks nonna. It’s so difficult, though. I get off the internet for a while only to get sucked right back in when I feel lonely. I switched to a nokia feature phone a while ago, though, and it’s helped a huge amount in putting some distance between me and the net.
No. 1431714
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I saw this on instagram, I commented "I hate this generation of men" and got like 40 replies in 10 mins.
No. 1431769
>>1431714>40 repliesGood And they can literally die mad about it.
I will always remind moids how theyre shit
No. 1431822
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>>1431794Try and relax if you can nonna! I had alot of pregnancy scares too and have a form of pcos so sometimes periods can be two weeks late for me when that happens. Stressing over it can cause your period to delay because it can mess with your hormones and will instead make your body focus on ruminating on things. If you truly feel scared about being pregnant just wait to take a pregnancy test and order abortion pills if you can. Most areas in the US have abortions legal to 11 weeks so you can definitely figure out conception dates and be able to set up an appointment on time. Here is a site that can be accessed by all and some in picrel if you need any other sites!
No. 1431833
>>1431794Hey nona, I’m going through the same thing right now! Well, my period isn’t late yet, it'll be late if I don’t get it next week. You are not alone, and you are in my thoughts.
I’m not sure about you, but I have been freaking myself out over every pregnancy symptom I read about online, whereas most symptoms are the same as PMS, so testing is really the best way to determine anything. Have you tested yet?
I also took a plan B, but it was on the exact day of my expected ovulation according to my period tracker app… let’s hope the best for both of us!
No. 1431919
>>1431416Generally telling is the nice thing to do, but unless you were the only woman there i wouldn’t have told a moid in a Shisha lounge. Maybe it’s country dependent but I’ve found only scummy men go there (and tbh as a woman would never go, just the men hanging around outside creep me out).
He was a dick, obviously.
No. 1431947
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>>1431931SA but now I am 100% sure it's him because I found a post where his mother mentioned his full name in a family photo, which matches the name on his paypal account linked to his online screenname. I won't do anything with this information but god it is so easy to dox someone lmao
I've always wondered how doxing can happen and now I know. I am almost enjoying this as a hobby but at the same time this is giving me more awareness on internet privacy and security
No. 1431951
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>>1431596>I don't know why I am so clueless in social situations and have no idea what to say 99.99% of times but when it comes to writing characters and their dialogue, even in rps, I have absolutely no problem to make them talk in all the different ways they are intended to. I would be so fucking successful if I could be as confident with words as I write certain characters to be.damn are you me? this is such a common concern of mine. if it's a character, i can make them sound moderately normal – if it's me, ooc, i'm borderline illiterate.
where do you rp by the way. forums? discord?
No. 1431959
>>1431847another for the moids ruining online spaces
>>1431757also this place really needs to open up mod applications
No. 1432068
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> uni student but lives at home because it's convenient for everyone
> before accepting we agreed that I will only have to pay for half of the rent
> still offer to help by bringing home toiletries, food and cooking/cleaning after others
> the only areas that I use are my room, the bathroom and kitchen.
> keep lending parents money when they ask with the request that they pay me back
> generally they do, otherwise I take it off from the next rent payment and they're understanding
> get asked to put in 20 euros for the gas
> go "sure, as long as you pay me back"
"why can you never help us out" "do you know how much it hurts when you ask for the money back"
Can they not understand that I need to start saving money so that I can move out once I finish uni? I'm actually worried about how they'll do after I do.
No. 1432290
>>1432068My parents did this to me. When i moved out,
magically, they were able to do tons of expensive things despite them telling me they had all these money issues. Like other anons said, you're just another source of income for them. Gather exactly how much you give them each month and decide if living in an apartment with multiple people would be cheaper overall and start making the move out. This will not stop, you have to make this independent choice of leaving your parent's house. I'm really sorry you're dealing with this. Also, keep this in mind if you feel homesick, they're going to put you into debt.
No. 1432318
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I don’t know what to do. I used to be so sure of everything when I was a teen. I knew what I wanted to be. I thought it’d get better even with time, that I’d become more self-assured. But it’s like you stop at a certain point and instead of linear progress you start going around in circles at one point of your life and you never stop. I don’t know if I’m in the right job or career. I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, why I’m studying this or looking at that or spending time doing this. And if I sit down and try to listen in to what I want to do, there’s nothing. I have no idea. And it’s shit because you see so many people around you doing their own thing and getting there, whatever there is, but they are on their way from making it here to the rest of this big world, and I just have no idea about anything. I don’t know. I am at a complete loss. It’s like I spent it everything I had up when I was a teenager and now I’m walking my own shadow around. It sounds so whiny and dumb but it’s true. I have no idea what to do or what to be in every sense of the word. How do other people do it? Everything I even try to do, I just feel like I’m play-acting at it. The only thing that is true is lying down.
No. 1432320
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>I have a thing for nurses hehe
How quirky, did I fucking ask? I have a thing for rich and very tall men. I don't want to hear what you have "a thing for" or what you find hot in women unless I am that or have that. Moids shut the fuck up about other women when talking to a woman you like challenge. Oh wait you can't because porn is playing on a loop in your head 24/7. Men just can't contain their scroteness. I know you're all disgusting, but please try to hide it. Please try to act like a sweet human being for the few hours we hang out. It's like autistic masking but for men, masking their maleness. Then you can go home and "goon" and edge to whatever repulsive shit you watch for hours until your dicks is broken. Just save your fetishes and "preferences" for when you're alone, and when we're together, you can larp a healthy human being and tell me I'm beautiful and shit (the person you're trying to get into bed)
No. 1432341
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The more I think about this show the angrier I get. It’s literally a kids’ show where every second thing out the characters’ mouth is sexually explicit. It feels like something made by pedos. And they can put all the “omg this is totes for adults” they want, this shit is made to cater to internet kids’ tastes, you only need eyes and two functioning braincells to tell. I watched it with a friend and it felt deeply uncomfortable, like I was watching something meant to groom.
No. 1432342
>>1432316>SpoiledAnon, no. I don't believe you were being spoiled. Your parents know their boundaries between their child and they lived within their means.
Honestly, so many anons lives would be easier if schools stopped trying to push college on students so hard who clearly cannot afford to attend and prioritize entering the workforce first. It's so much easier to get assistance when you're not living under your parent's roof. College can wait.
Also, parents should stop buying into the meme that college will guarantee a 150k job and your child will be richer than you are and they can help you out eventually, meanwhile you expect them to still help while they're working entry level jobs to pay off $25k a year in tuition fees.
No. 1432354
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>third worlder
>shit family
>living in on of the worst decades
No. 1432371
>>1431968They get so
triggered over every insignificant thing but when they themselves do something they would threaten to murder their family over it’s suddenly no big deal
No. 1432385
>>1432353thank you anon, this means a lot. I hope this will happen one day but I can’t rush her. She’s got a lot of processing to do. They were together for a really long time, like since teenagers. And everyone still thinks he’s such a good guy, pillar of the community, etc. She got a drinking problem from the years of emotional abuse & so even most of her friends are like “oh well, you know [x], she is kind of a nightmare, she’s probably exaggerating.” She’s actually really nice. But yeah, she just wants to put it all behind her for now and I understand that.
I did recently reported him anonymously through a service we have in my country for tipping authorities about crimes done to other people. So at least somewhere, in some small way, he’s on a file.
No. 1432425
I wish we had a college in my town. I feel like myself at home and like I can act and look how I want, at school it's a completely different city and I just feel like everyone's judging me. They're probably not because they have more things on their mind kek but I feel homesick even though I don't even live there.
>>1432419The image of this has me dying what the hell kek
No. 1432554
>>1432540>>1432540the people here are not a monolith, there are different types of users posting depending on the therad and that applies to even the offtopic threads.
Like for example the tinfoil thread is like 90% male posters and pickmes trying post covert racebait (recent exmaple the anon who posted about the replacement which is a nazi dogwhistle) or defend male murderers by calling everything a psyop.
Some of that shit in that thread is so obviously male that i wouldnt be surprised if even andrew anglin ends up getting redtexted in that thread kek.
No. 1432677
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Just reread messages from two years ago and I'm so nauseous at how I used to behave. I was genuinely such a foul person and I'm scared I'll forever be remembered in that way by that person. Does anyone look at their past self and not even recognize the person they were? What the fuck was wrong with me
No. 1432689
>>1432677Honestly I can relate a lot. I was raised in a violent household (doesn't excuse my behavior), and I was honestly quite horrid to some people who were my friends in high school. I would say and do anything that would get my attention. Now years later I shudder to think of the kind of person I was back then. It's difficult for sure.
While you can't always fix all of your old relationships, you can always try to do better in your next one. That's what I always tell myself, at least.
No. 1432690
>>1432677all the time, it genuinely haunts me. there's a chance you always will be remembered in that way and it's just something that needs to be accepted. moving forward all we can do is be better people. was mid typing this as
>>1432689 replied to which i also relate to and agree
No. 1432693
I can't stop thinking about Elisa Lam.
It's not in a weird way. I saw the footage a couple months back, of her in the elevator, with strange body language. The way the footage seems to cut out, that makes the case suspect to some speculators.
But on a more personal note, I guess the case just made me really sad. I really relate to her, in that she was bipolar, and had breaks from reality. As someone who is schizoaffective and currently managing it well, I really feel sad, because I know how isolating the breaks from reality are. You don't know when they're coming, you can't be sure of anything. The ever present fear, the way your brain lies to you, and isolates you, it's so hard. From her blog, she seemed like such a reflective, creative and gentle spirit, who had many burdens. I really wished you'd lived a full life, Elisa. Even if you never knew me. Maybe you would've liked this website, full of strange and opinionated women. I hope, wherever your spirit is, you are unburdened, at peace, and finally on the adventure that you wanted to have. You deserved to feel safe. You had nothing to be ashamed of and were very brave for taking on the world and new things with such a burden as bipolar disorder. May you rest well in God's light, Elisa.
No. 1432704
I wish i had something. I am not pretty, i am not funny, i am not talented, i am not intelligent. I have nothing to base my self steem on, everytime a man confesed to me they never said anything positive about me, they always say i make THEM feel good, like i am just an accesory. I am so tired, my two friends are either really funny or super charismatic, meanwhile i just exist. I hate it, i hate it so much and i know that those things are things you are born with, so i cant even do something about it. Sucks more than my mom is most of those things, and she's a bitch to me. I just wish i could jump off a bridge right now.
No. 1432723
>>1432551I feel you anon. I don't really mind not having friends, but knowing the luxuries having contacts and people who will help you out is not within reach can be distressing something. I feel awful for asking favors or help because i don't want to come across that I am just using them. I find it hard to express gratitude or show any emotion even if i feel a lot of emotions on the inside, only the most extreme emotions manage to trickle through.
>>1432536>>1432589I align myself with radfems, as long as we have the cows board this will never be a radfem board. A lot of things that people regard as radfem are just normal thoughts and observations women in general tend to have that we are forced to repress or else you get dog piled by moids and pickmes.
No. 1432773
>>1432746She deserved better. I think she's at peace at least.
>>1432762 I can't stand people who treat crime cases like a 'hobby' or some hot gossip. She was a real person.
No. 1432782
>>1432677I think anyone who doesn't is probably a psychopath.
We're all constantly learning and evolving as people, I have old msn chats saved from like 15+ years ago with my best friend, sometimes and read them and realise how fucking shitty I used to talked to people. You're just like that when you're young, you're so swept up with how people perceive you, you just don't realise what how what you're saying affects other people.
I'm sure 10 years from now I'll look back on chats now and realise that there's things I could've done better. That's a good thing; it means you've progressed, hopefully every day you become a slightly better person.
No. 1432844
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I hate my apartment complex so fucking much. Just about every other person here is the ghetto stereotype. Yelling all hours of the day, loud music blasting, gun shots in the parking lot, off leash pitbulls, mom’s hitting their kids out in public, and throwing their trash everywhere because they’re too lazy to walk to the dumpster. Like I get it, I’m poor too but at least I don’t act like a fucking moron and respect my neighbors and living area.
No. 1432866
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I don't think I can ever forgive my parents for saving me from killing myself, I still love and respect them but I will never forgive them for that. I was so close to leaving all current and future suffering but I was forced back because "it would make them sad", I truly don't own my life and the only point of my existence is to serve others. What a fucking joke lmao.
No. 1432871
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I hate that when I'm stressed out I don't sleep and my tummy constantly rumbles. The latter is so offensive to me, like damn body, I'm already all jittery and now you gotta make me wanna toot and poop when I have a presentation to do? Am I not cringe enough? Is the shame of being a struggling loser not punishment plenty??
No. 1432920
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>>1432878I hope it's me anon!
No. 1432924
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I just graduated from college, so much stuff has happened since my last post, I feel at peace now, I'm glad I'll no longer have to think about school and I'm exciting to spent the holidays on Disney world, it's going to be fun.
No. 1432945
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Fuck Johns Hopkins University for rejecting me after that fucking interview. Probably was for the best I didn't work for such a tranny-loving institution anyways.. God fucking damnit.
No. 1432956
>>1432866I feel ya
nonny. The only thing keeping me alive right now is my family because I know they’d be devastated if I killed myself. Let’s hope it gets better, we can do this.
No. 1433022
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No. 1433056
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it feels like everyone is either a normie or a weeb and i fit in with neither of them
No. 1433067
I'm going blind, my feet are going numb, my kidneys are failing, and I've been denied for disability 3 times in three years, now my case is going federal.
No one will help me because of my trashy piece of shit misspelled name. They think I'm just another morbidly obese do-nothing darkie and that I'll start popping out kids any minute for welfare. Every time I talk to anyone for food stamps or anything else, they ask 100 fucking times how many kids I have, well but what about kids in foster care, well but what about kids you don't see, well but what about kids you had adopted out.
Just fucking kill me already, I know you want to.
I want to kill myself more every single day. The only feasible way out is death or marriage.
I could be white, they have no idea, none of these people have ever seen me in person, even the trial was over the fucking phone because of covid. They could be letting a white lady with an unfortunate name die like this, wouldn't that be tragic?
No. 1433079
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NOTHING EVER WORKS. I hate automatic electronic systems used for important bureaucratic shit. It just doesn't give me the option now, I immediately mailed about it, hopefully it can be resolved soon enough. This happened last time too and they said that they wouldn't be lenient with me again for being late. It should've opened up at 2am and I still see nothing in the dashboard. I also hope I won't get snarky comments like "oh same topic again, maybe you should just give up". Like you can't even just mail a general IT person about it, because they have assumed the system is so perfect, that it's not really necessary. No you immediately have to mail the coordinator, so you can feel awkward that you're there again, because it fucked up last time too.
No. 1433081
>>1433067Are you fucking shitting me? How the fuck is this racebait? Because I called
myself a darkie when that's how I'm being treated? Fuck you fucking bitch.
No. 1433089
>>1433084Thank you
nonny, god damn, we aren't even allowed to vent in the vent thread
>>1433085Ah, yup, that is the more obvious answer isn't it
No. 1433121
>>1433114Twitter is a trashfire. I use it for the same reason as you, to find and post fanart but the sort of people who use the site are insufferable and get offended and cancel people over the dumbest shit. I'm not joking in that every single week someone is called out and cancelled for trivial things like not using tone tags, following "
problematic" people, etc. Not to mention that it's tumblr turned up to 100 in most fandoms with the amount of fakebois and xe/xyrs
No. 1433125
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damn. i binged 3 bags of haribo gummies and also just remembered that i spaced calling a potential client. she was offering me a job 40 hrs/wk for 20/hr. i was supposed to call her after my class but i was so focused on getting home and was so damn tired and just collapsed into my couch when i got home. i hope i can safe face somehow tomorrow morning when i text her and apologize for not calling her.
No. 1433139
>>1432457I feel you
nonnie, my boobs are like swollen balloons and I'm also having crying fits for no reason I WANT MY PERIOD TO COME AND END ALL OF THIS PLEASE
No. 1433164
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This is a weird vent that sounds like a humblebrag but I seriously feel burned out by all the romantic interest I've received over this year and ironically it's making me feel very lonely and sad
People describe me as magnetic and I am thankful for that as I love human connection but the typical problems occur: I can't have friendships with men without them falling for me, had several female friendships disintegrate from bubbling insecurities, and I never feel like I can truly relax when I'm in public because random men have approached and hit on me in all kinds of mundane settings regardless of how done up or dishevelled I look.
And as someone who grew up a sheltered overly-online nerdy teen there's a huge cognitive dissonance at how I'm sought out now. Based on the evidence I have to accept that I'm attractive now but I really don't see myself as being hot enough to garner this kind of attention so it feels extra wrong and an affront to my logical framework…
I feel so much disgust at the men I trusted to respect me as a friend or peer or student (!). And I feel so awful for the women who get hurt by their boyfriends trying to chase or impress me. I'm tired of not being able to make eye contact with men when I go outside. But I don't want to sacrifice looking nice and being friendly just because it makes people fall for me???? ugh if anyone can relate please talk to me
No. 1433179
>>1433164Can relate
I just remember I'll get old and wrinkly soon enough and will probably miss the attention
Sounds like a scrotey thing to say I know, but that really is how I feel, so I'm just letting myself bask in the attention for now
I also really don't get it either, I get told I look like a fairy, a pageant queen, a movie star, that I'm beyond pretty into gorgeous, that no one is out of my league etc and it's not even just men telling me this
Definitely humble brag but like I said fuck it, I'll be considered an old hag in no time, I'm just riding the wave while I still can
No. 1433228
>>1433222You should get checked for OCD, maybe you
do need medication but for your anxiety issues. Getting a diagnosis and treatment helped me with those invasive thoughts
No. 1433229
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>>1433179Kek not necessarily. I’m 32 and still get this shit on an almost daily basis from strangers. Most people think I’m still in my early/mid twenties, including super young scrotes who I constantly have to tell to go back to daycare lmao. Legit the Taco Bell drive thru girl said oh my god you’re so pretty when i pulled up to the window the other day. If you have a good skincare routine and are healthy/take care of yourself plus good genes, you can look pretty enough to be complimented for a long time. My mom is 55, has had not even one syringe of Botox and still gets stopped w compliments. Sorry to prettybrag nonnas it genuinely is so unbecoming, but I was very much a late bloomer who only became a Stacy in my twenties and it’s nice to have the privilege.
No. 1433240
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>be me
>find interesting female YTer
>she turns out to be a massive handmaiden for troons
>unironically defends that fetishist teacher with those huge prosthetic tits
I have given up nonnies
No. 1433245
I feel so jealous of hot anons. Puberty hit me with the largest shitball ever and the cute child was never seen again. I don't want compliments on my personality, my skills, or my accomplishments. I want to be pretty. I want to be a hot girl. I want people to like my looks.
>>1433232> Try being average or fat and you'll see men will give you the exact same compliments They won't. At best they will act in appropriate situations, but randoms will never compliment you.
No. 1433248
>>1433232People complimenting women is more of a question of how approachable and open to compliments one looks. Like if you obviously put a lot of effort into your looks, people will compliment you because it's obvious you want to have that effect. If you smile at strangers and are generally friendly, people will compliment you too. I used to be told how pretty I was (or be told how pretty I'd
be if I just lost weight when I was moderately overweight). I'm much more conventionally attractive, but I just go about my business without smiling like an clown or making small talk to comfort people, and people just leave me the fuck alone. I think it's mainly a mistake of misattibution for the origin of the behavior for anons.
No. 1433275
>>1433249I care because I want to be validated. I hate my looks and the facts that I was never approached and even got called "young man" a few times solidifies my belief that I am undesirable uggo not worthy of any sympathy and that I will die alone and my corpse will be eaten by my cats before the neighbors will call the police. I don't forget pretty people. I still remember this stunning girl in the grocery store or that guy in the metro. I can think about them at least for a day because they were STUNNING and so out of this world and they were just special.
> They don't respect their wives or girlfriends.Idc. I don't want to date them. I want validation and attention and that's all. To get compliments on your work or skills you just have to wake up and do shit like a normal human being. Nothing special, I get them constantly without real effort. But I am yet to get a single comment on my appearance, no matter how hard I try.
No. 1433454
>>1433229OP here and same nonna, I'm a late bloomer approaching 30 and as overwhelming as it is it's nice to know my genetics and lifestyle allow for a long stint of pretty privilege
>>1433245Barring deformity, there's a lot you can do to look hotter! I'm definitely not model attractive but I think I get noticed because I style my hair and clothes in a way that's slightly uncommon but pleasing. Finding a personal style, exercising regularly, and being warm and approachable really changed how people saw me (and the way I perceive others and the world too)!
No. 1433505
>>1433362It’s not pathetic
nonnie. It’s rare to find a bond as close as sisterhood, I can understand why you miss her. Not everyone fits into this world as well as others, it doesn’t diminish your value. As long as you’re trying your best x
No. 1433609
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When was the last time you guys felt genuine happiness? I just couldn't help feeling a bit hopeless and pessimistic since I'm graduating soon and it's been 3 months since I quit my job. The guilt and shame of being financially dependent on my mom make me so embarrassed. I just hope things will eventually be better soon.
No. 1433893
>>1433879in high school i went through a very self destructive phase I was 19 at the time, yes I was held back in my early years because I kept fighting and missing school. Anyway
I brought two scrotes to my house and had sex with both of them, one of them dick literally smelled like old musty arm pit dipped in garbage juice I got tested afterwards and it stopped my self destructive phase, but yes, dicks do stink and can stink.
No. 1433918
>>1433835They aren't properly washing their clothes because none have ever been shown how to do it nor do they have the self awareness enough to realize it is a problem and learn themselves.
Mildew towel smell is a classic "I overstuff my laundry into the machine and then leave it there for days before I switch it over."
True their genitals can cause them to stink too but it is usually their clothes that carry the body odor.
No. 1434000
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I've always been in love with offensively feminine styles like lolita, even just normie girly clothes but I have to accept they will always look like shit on me. I'm tall, lanky with no curves, wish I had silky long hair but it never grows out past my shoulders so I keep it very short instead. I dress masc because it's what suits my body best and I get complimented all the time but I absolutely hate it. Men's clothes are so boring, I wish I was cute! Instead I'm going to find a cute, feminine gf who wears those styles and buy her whatever she wants kek
No. 1434005
>>1433992I’m sorry you saw that
nonny. I feel bad for cc (the actual women who use it). They seem to get raided every day now by degen moids. They think saving gross porn and gore makes them like le epic trolls or whatever instead of showing how psycho they seem when they do that. As long as they get their goal (making women uncomfortable) they’ll save what ever degenerate shit they can
No. 1434026
>>1433992>Is it that satisfying to see women in distress?Apparently. I clicked through one of the /r9k/ threads discussing a cc raid once and after one of them posted a cc anon saying the images made her sad there were like fifty replies of moids saying it's based. That's literally all it takes to get them excited, that's why they do it over and over again.
Makes the idea of cc being all larping males funnier though; imagine males raiding a website full of other males pretending to be girls, posting gore and the male larpers have to pretend to be offended, then the raiders post their reaction and go haha womens gay, rinse and repeat like some kind of perpetual moid motion machine.
No. 1434068
>>1434004I go there because I like female centred spaces. Yeah I know there are men and trannies obviously but there are in every public space, I don't got anywhere else to go.
Every anon I've added from CC and confirmed female are all really nice, nicer than LC anons I've added.
No. 1434070
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>>1434000I'm sure you're way cuter than you think you are anon. Dress up with your future gf instead! It's more fun together
No. 1434324
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my partner has started sending me articles and instagram posts with titles like "signs of autism in adult women" and like… alright, i get the hint, fuck you
i genuinely dont think im a retard though, am i right or hardcore in denial????
No. 1434352
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>>1434295oh nona you dont even want to know. when i was way too young i was exposed to some fucking awful /r9k/ servers and its all just a massive circlejerk of pedophiles and girls as young as 11/12 who seek validation there because they are ‘outcasts’ and think they cant get anything else. its just an echo chamber of pedophiles and a lot of them do some horrific stuff that i’m not even going to mention
No. 1434354
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I hate my life. Its 4 am and i was sitting in my room in complete darkness when I suddenly saw a small black shape on my bed so I grabbed it with my bare hands out of pure curiosity. It was a baby cockroach.
No. 1434448
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I hate that phase when you start to like someone and they could sit there with their face covered in gravy and speaking to you with a mouth filled to the brim with mashed potatoes and you'll just sit there all like "oh my god they're so CUTE!!!" even though you know they look and sound stupid right now
No. 1434474
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I feel anxious and strssed, I pick at my skin, I feel anxious and stressed, I pick at my skin, I feel anxious and stressed, I pick at my skin, I feel anxious and
No. 1434497
>>1434493Honestly even I didn't believe it but he was the type of guy who only found who they are dating attractive. Which yes I know sounds bullshit, I don't believe men on a lot of shit and am very wary but after many years he gained my trust.
Either way I feel so used.
No. 1434502
>>1434495We had a fight but made up so I thought we were right, we talked normally but I noticed him giving me short answers while giving his family in a chat I can see long answers. He would send me flowers and handwritten notes and I noticed he didn't even want to say I love you which was strange for him (he's a big romantic) so I asked him. He claimed it was nothing and then the very next day sent me a message saying "hey if we spilt —-" I asked if that was him breaking up with me and he went on and on about how he loves me
Later on he sent me a think about how "if we spilt I'd have 30 days to get out of our apartment" but also went on about how he doesn't want to because he 'loves me too much'
No. 1434507
>>1434504Honestly I'm already getting rid of stuff I don't need. Unfortunately it's a lot because as far as I was aware we were going to be married and together many years.
I'm not even a stranger to the cruelty of men and I still thought if he was loyal for many years he was different, guess not
No. 1434513
>>1434492 > started sending me huge hints he wants to seperateWhat are the hints?
I married my 'first love' I thought the one area of my life that was going well was me finding that person so early in life and all signs being good. He left one day, very suddenly. I've posted about it before and anons insisted that there must've been signs I missed but.. dude kept up a good facade right til the text message break up.. of our marriage. In later relationships I at least got signs so I told myself I'd always get ahead of the situation and leave before a guy ever texts me 'we're done' again. The fickle nature of men is hard to process still.
The fact that men can play the good guy for so long and then peace out with little explanation is a headfuck.
No. 1434520
>>1434513I'm not married (am engaged) but
you honestly sound like you understand what I'm going through, any advice?
No. 1434534
>>1434513NTA but start spending a lot of time at work, or with friends to avoid you and normal routine things.
On phone a lot. Taking phone to the bathroom.
Big gestures like trips and shit or jewelry after the hot and cold avoidance tactics. (“Because they’re really trying to make it work, it’s definitely not guilt gifts because they want to fuck their coworker)
Little comments.
Not coming to bed at the same time
No. 1434575
>>1434492I’m sorry to hear that nonna.
Take this as sisterly advice, you can be with men but you cannot, sadly place your blind trust in them ever. I wish we could. I wish we could all live a life without doubts and what if’s but this the truth. Some extreme radfem nonnas may think men are not suitable to be a partner but let’s be realistic, a lot of nonna’s have partners or husbands. Have fun with them, make sure you use them to leverage your life, and make him be a provider. But always put yourself and your interests first.
No. 1434640
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I hate greedy/cheap people. My mom complains that every man she meets is cheap but yet she's a cheap bitch herself. She would rather buy 10 cheap products than one good one, and it ends up rotting on the larder because it tastes gross. We have 10 packages of chocolate powder from like 10 years ago that are probably filled with bugs at this point. I think her being like this is also the reason why i gained so much weight when i got a job, i ate everything i could and i stopped depriving myself from actually high quality food. She also forces herself to eat expired food to not throw it away. Mind you, we arent starving and living in a cardboard box under a bridge, she bought 3 bicycles, 2 violins and some shitty small guitar and doesnt use any of them, but gets mad at me when i tell her to stop buying shit quality fooda and to buy me at least one package of nesquik so i can drink cocholate milk in this fucking summer.
No. 1434716
>>1434295Probably a combination of pedo. You also have to remember that incels "rank" the value of women in their minds. According to many male spaces, single mothers are the lowest category of women, and so imagine when a collective of single mothers reject men that their rage stems from believing that these women should be so desperate as to beg to be picked. Single mothers "going their own way" is a threat to scrotes because it destroys the narrative of necessity of having men in our lives as breadwinners, protectors, or parental figures. Women doing it alone and being happy is a threat because men
need us, even when we have birthed another man's offspring.
No. 1434744
>>1434728Sees you and your friend: They must be fucking!
Sees a man and a small child holding hands: They must be fucking!
No. 1434762
>>1434707Listen I don't get and will never get partners who do the whole "looking at your partners phone" thing.
That's bullshit to me and should not be allowed. He's not your parent. Your privacy is your paradise. His issues are HIS issues, not yours to suffer through. Please think about this.
No. 1434791
>>1434737It was when we were just stepping out but still talking, he was dead serious though. Thinking of telling my friend but with the way he says it to me (we met only once before) she might know already, makes me really uneasy. I saw some pastel anime crap when he opened his phone too, so I doubt it's a coincidence. I feel fucking freaked out that my friend knows people like this. I'm never speaking to that man again though, thats for sure.
No. 1434809
>>1434640My mom is a little the same. She'll buy terrible quality everything because it's on deal. Clothes, kitchen appliances, gadgets. I got my first well paid job not too long ago and the difference quality makes on the longevity of a product blows my mind, I actually got a little mad because maybe my feet wouldn't be fucked up if I had good quality shoes. Maybe I'd have a better palette instead of still identifying new vegetables when I'm over 30. Maybe I'd feel more confident in my body if I could've had a few well fitting clothes etc etc.
But then I think about the fact that my mom grew up in an eastern European country under a soviet regime from birth until she was around 30 years old, and there are things and no doubt traumas going on in her head that I wouldn't be able to understand. My family is quite poor, but in a western country with a heavy focus on consumerism and so many deals and cheap things, I get it in a way and can only watch as she does what she does. The fact that I've moved on from those habits myself is more than enough for me. Maybe I'm going on a tangent here but I do think the minimalism movement and all that comes from a place of privilege. If you're poor enough then junk food and a tacky t-shirt with rhinestones IS the dream. It's possible that in her mind she thought she was giving me the best.
No. 1434815
>>1434799wow I was your coworker 5 years ago. if my trajectory was any indication then I'm sorry to say she will not get better until she burns out and quits. sorry on her behalf for being extremely rude and annoying.
unless you guys work in an ER it's not life and death. wish I'd learned sooner.
No. 1434931
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I hate my body so much and I've gained weight in the thigh/breast area which makes me sick, I can't look at my ugly pudgy face and I just got my period so that's probably why I'm breaking out but I still feel like it's never going to go away. I'm bloated and constantly hungry and i look both fat and underweight, I just want to be free from this prison and enjoy looking feminine
No. 1434937
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My body dysmorphia has been acting up for real real lately yo, feels bad to skip meals but I can't help myself. The thought of being seen naked when my body is this ugly makes me freak out
No. 1434958
>>1434954Sorry for attacking you,
nonnie. I hope you feel better about your body, I'm going through a similar thing as well
No. 1434977
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I don't know why I even bother making friends online anymore. Everything is fun and all in the beginning until they start to show their ugly faces (not literally). It sucks because so far I've only found people who have the same niche interests as me online because I live in a small town but I'm so tired of being disappointed. I guess being terminally online turns some people into cows.
No. 1434992
>>1434640My mother was like this too - my shoes and school uniform would be cheap tat and I never had a savings account (I'm talking £5-10 a month) for me growing up. Food was always cheapest shit she could find. She always complained about being a poorfag and didn't fix the upstairs toilet or shower yet she was happy to go shopping, have parties and drink and smoke every weekend and spend her money on reckless pointless shit.
When you leave home and live on your own it really hits you how fucked up it is.
No. 1435087
>>1434728Yet again I wonder if the source of their problems isn't maybe selfhate because of the gender or something.
It's totally common for men to walk with their kid in a buggy or do something with them when they are older like going to a festival or park while the mother works or is doing other things. He either comes from a weird place where this isn't something people do or he has issues with men and it's the reason he wants to be a woman.
Also that example is so weird. Only to explain why two women come off as lesbians? Why not saying it was something about the chemistry or something?
No. 1435100
>>1434977I live in a huge city and even I have the same issue.
I find online people incredibly hard to deal with. They are so complicated I dunno I never meet such persons in real life. You can basically talk to a random stranger in the streets three times and it's a friendship but online people are fun at first because of the same interest they have, but the more I talk to them the more I either realise that they are shizos with anger problems or they are just incredibly tiring and you have to walk on eggshells everyday and cannot predict their thoughts or actions because they never make any sense and they will turn every harmless thing anybody in the same fandom is doing into a giant cringe drama.
No. 1435116
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>>1435101my friend who shills AI straights up admits he's lazy. Nothing good will ever come out of AI. I am glad that some of the most popular pieces of media started as one-person projects and are succesful thanks to meritocracy. I honestly dont believe anyone who is lazy/insecure enough to use AI can create something good, i belive if your idea is good enough it can stand on its own despite not being ''professional studio level polished'', like Shingeki no Kyojin, One punch man, Touhou, etc.
No. 1435117
>>1435066>No matter how much of a sociable normie mask I try to wear, I still end up being the kind of a weird outcastSame
I was bullied alot as a kid in school and by family and I find it hard to trust people. I can't tell if people are being genuinely nice or of they're just being polite but secretly hate me and waiting for a chance to embarass me in some way. If I didn't have a girlfriend I wouldn't have anyone to talk to IRL.
No. 1435167
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I'm sick of having only 19-22 year old dudes hitting on me. I'm not gonna humblebrag here, I'm happy I look much younger than my actual age, but when it comes to potential love interests, it fucking sucks. I'm too asocial to hit on men, and the only men who hit on me are still basically kids and they have nothing to offer to me. They're broke, dumb, they don't have any real interests or hobbies or ideas or deeper thoughts about the world around them, they don't read, they only care about smoking pot or going to gym or partying, they dress like shit, they don't own anything of their own, they don't have any actual savings, like how the fuck do you expect me to build my life together with you. They all wear the same clothes and have the same haircut with shaved sides and they all listen to shitty rap music. They're like blank slates with brains still forming, not actual people with personalities. I know they assume I'm their age, but that doesn't change shit. I think that girls who are actuly their age also don't deserve something as shitty as those boys. I feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for myself
No. 1435178
>>1435167You are so right, nona. Anons on here preach how much young boys are better than older men but in reality this is exactly how young boys are. Older men are shit but young guys tend to be hollow husks and barely alive. They have the brain of a mouse and can't even do any fucking housework or change a car tire. At least older men can do THAT.
>>1435168You sound like you need help. Focus on what you like.
No. 1435205
>>1435178I had some genuine conversations with one of the guys who hit on me, he was 21, I actually gave him a chance and we were friends and housemates. He admitted he couldn't do many of the stereotypically "male" things because his father never taught him anything, how to fix stuff and shit, and he was aware of it and he felt really bad about it, saying how meek yet absent many parents of zoomers are. He can do stuff around cars though, but he learned that from his male friends born in early 90s. His father didn't teach him shit.
I think young guys are equally as bad as older guys, just in different ways. Older guys who haven't been taken yet are always broken in some way and there's a reason they're still alone. Young guys at least have some potential, still. And their bodies are better than those of older guys. But all men are ruined by porn, regardless of age. Anon I just want a decent looking male virgin who has some personality and thinks seriously about life, why is it so hard…
No. 1435206
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>>1435189>you also get to see the true face of humanity that is hidden from the rest of the tired of seeing ''true'' faces i just want to be treated like a human being with some dignity.
>moids back off.This is not true you are still a target, there are moids who want to rape everything so they even target ugly women because they know there are benefits to raping a ugly woman (most ugly women get humiliated when they report rape so because of that most of them stay silent if they experience it)
No. 1435226
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I've got a year left to live, I'm not doing anymore legal anything, I'm not seeing another doctor, fuck all of everything, fuck all of you, this life was worthless and I hated it and it was all for absolutely nothing
This student debt is getting paid off by a credit card in a fake name, come after my corpse, I implore thee.
I'm gonna see if I can do enough drugs to kill me faster than cancer can.
I'm gonna fuck all the body builders I possibly can, I don't have to worry about getting married anymore. I get to be a fucking ho now.
I'm gonna find the hottest drug dealer I can and get fucked on crazy coked up dick and do pills and see if I can kill people with a machete.
I'm not taking one more fuckign mood stabilizer all that shit does is make me retarded, not a single one has ever made me feel less like shit, all they do is make me too tried to punch out the drywall, well baby it's time for me to tear the fuckign house down if I want to.
I am absolutely done trying now, I am gonna walter white the rest of this utterly wasted existence.
My advice? Worry about nothing, because in the end that's all it's worth.
Do fucked and fucked up, peace out you healthy pieces of shit. I nursed type one diabetes for 20 years only to be eaten alive by cancer, God hates all of us, that's why he lets us suffer. And God is absolutely a man because no mother would want her children to suffer like this.
I can't wait to get to hell, I bet the parties are fucking baller as fuck. I bet hell is better than this life ever was.
Peace the fuck out you absolute pieces of shit, I will see you again one day when we're all eating flames.
No. 1435229
nonnie, just fuck. you go have the best fucking finale you can girl and we'll see you sooner or later you goddamned gigastacy legend
No. 1435252
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>>1435229>>1435231>>1435232>>1435235I love all of you. You were better friends than I ever made in real life.
I regret not living until I found out I was dying.
Do whatever makes you happy because eventually that shit will be taken from you.
No. 1435256
>>1435226Go out with a bang
nonnie. Go fucking crazy, you deserve to live life to the fullest right now. Be a stacy, you will make us all so proud. Ly nonna
No. 1435261
>>1435216It says a lot about you that you are offended lmao.
>>1435206>This is not true you are still a targetNo, they do back off, especially when they have plenty of options. If they are still targeting you then you are not ugly, you just have body dysmorphia. Being masculine doesn't equal ugly either, Megan the Stallion is pretty but she gets called masculine all the time. If they are still talking to you despite being ugly it's probably because they are trying to get to your friends.
No. 1435268
>>1435261why are you spreading the ''ugly girls dont get raped'' myth. You do realize men are degenerates and will rape animals, toddlers, put their dicks in expired food or plants etc. So ugly women getting targeted is not a stretch.
There are moids who are down bad enough that they will defile anything.
Someone post that reddit post of that moid who targeted ugly women pls.
No. 1435271
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>>1435226We're living in your world, nonita.
No. 1435272
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>>1435261You reminded me, first man to swallow my machete is gonna be the scumfuck piece of human shit that raped my best friend in high school.
Kill all rapists.
Also yu dumb as fuck if you think men wouldn't rape literally anything that isn't strong enough to fend them off.
I'm behind a vpn and 7 proxies ,non't worry
>>1435268This bitch gets it.
No. 1435280
>>1435277god damn there is so much to unpack here, I'm just not going to
You need to fucking be more careful you fuckign nut
No. 1435288
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So I got COVID, yes I know getting COVID hasn't been the end of the world in the last couple of months and sure using a mask everywhere I go isn't unbearable but I have been doing some thinking, what if this was it? What if after graduating at 22 and feeling complete in life this is my final illness? I made my parents proud and I can't say I didn't do anything with my life, if I die in the following days, I'll be okay if my life ended on such a high note.
But my family has already planned to spend the holidays on Disney world and I'll be pissed if I missed that, so see you soon nonnies
No. 1435305
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i’m the biggest most useless idiot ever. my one responsibility is going to therapy and my anxious ass can’t even manage that. it’s the best therapy i’ve ever had access to after 10+ years of being in the mental health system and i STILL make excuses not to go. every session has just been trying to manage thoughts that arise when i don’t end up coming. today, i was excited to come, i was motivated. i think sub-consciously i intentionally had a nap just as I was meant to leave for it, I woke up ten minutes after I was supposed to be there and I feel sick. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t i fulfil the ONE most simple thing that I have to do right now. im incredibly disappointed in myself
No. 1435318
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HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT. Has anyone else had a girl's husband/boyfriend be jealous of you seemingly on her behalf? this shit was so weird. TLDR I get attention, girl that is bombshell practically getting ignored, boyfriend's feathers ruffled, meanwhile she doesn't even care about being center of attention. Reminds me of when moids fight other moids for not finding the same type of women attractive or for finding a woman they think is ugly attractive. Was this what this was?
No. 1435387
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I relapsed so many times that I can't even count it. I don't think I'll ever overcome this addiction. It's like I enjoy self-sabotage. I hate myself so much.
No. 1435404
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>>1435252I'll come back to this post in a year to remember you,
nonnie, know that we will all follow you some day to shitpost on the imageboard in the sky.
No. 1435448
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>>1435101I agree I hate it too
No. 1435535
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i just spent my evening trying out a recipe one of my coworkers shared with me because when she did it it turned out really tasty. well when i did it i messed up and it came out totally wrong, not inedible but a completely different kind of treat (hers were cookies, mine were basically cupcakes). my mom assured me she thought they were tasty and i didn't have to throw them out, but i feel like she was totally lying. even though she reassured me she wasn't. i was looking forward to having a little treat all day and now… i have a pan full of chocolate chip pumpkin disappointments and wasted groceries. is it retarded that this has completely ruined my night?
No. 1435572
>>1435535yeah it's kinda retarded but it happens. no joke I would suspect PMSing if an edible but subpar baking project outcome ruined my night.
you should troubleshoot and try the recipe over soon so you can feel the sweet taste of victory once again. maybe not tonight though.
No. 1435606
>>1435601It was a smaller company outside of the US. They were taking applicants, I got through tons of auditions, meetings, paperwork, was accepted into the company - and they retracted their offer with no warning leaving me to deal with picking up the pieces. I’ve been an indie vtuber for awhile now, but my goal was always corpo because truly making it as an indie is 99% luck or who you know, and I have yet to be lucky and I don’t know any bigger vtubers. Anyone who believes otherwise (in regard to indie VTubers that gain popularity) is full of shit. The company hurt me on a level I can’t really’s just not fair, that’s all there is to makes me so sad haha I really cannot stop crying I can’t wait to have a 2 week long migraine!!! It’s just so fucked up too bc the lady (main interviewer) and those in the background were so interested in me, they were so engaged and seemed genuinely excited for me to be a part of their team…and then they just said lol jk bye
Out of nowhere.
Yeah. Idk what to say
I’m just broken and shocked. Hurt beyond belief. Don’t even want to stream anymore. Feel like I wasted 2 years of my life, so much money on assets, for what? For this to happen? To feel like it was all for nothing..
I thought I had it, I thought I was good enough for once in my life hahahaha what a joke. It’s like the universes most cruel joke, knowing I’d be so happy to actually feel like I’ve done something right for once in my fucking life only for it to be ripped from my hands and it was not even for a reason that was related to me!!!!! It had nothing to do with me…it was their fault that this happened..why?? How can they do this to’s so soul crushing
No. 1435655
>>1435644the problem is you're using a dull blade
but seriously
nonny I get you, covid effed up my college plans and the last six months I verged on dropping out and have to now retake my final semester. I feel no joy in anything knowing how awful the job market will be for my desired field
of entertainment No. 1435799
>>1434969i feel the same, but it helps to realize those are all irrational thoughts. this might sound dumb but talking back to yourself helps me break out of that negative train of thought. when i'm scrutinizing myself for mundane shit i'll try to snap out of it and tell myself "wtf, no ones looking at you, this is dumb, no one cares about how you look". not sure if it's a good cope though.
but really, when do you ever look around on the bus and shit on the way someone looks/behaves/the look on their face? probably close to never. and others don't do that too.
sorry if that's rambly or unhelpful
also there's always someone who's less put together and/or weird than you and they don't get shit for it either
No. 1435804
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Run-down, my disgusting narcissistic, pedophile of an ex has this e-girl persona online and a lot of people believe "she" is real, it even has few orbiters. Not a troon, it was a persona that he used to cope with for the past decade that I've known him.
Recently through a mutual we reunited and my ex then invited me to this /s4s/-esque discord server of his, it's like mental illness and a possible FED cesspool. With recent news from this mutual (that my ex is blackmailing people both online and IRL and getting them to an-hero), I'm kind of worried and very ill to my stomach with the thought that he's actually doing this to the very vulnerable in that server– you know, textbook "teenagers" (they are actually 20+) who actually post their self harm cuts, OC pictures of dead animals and are obviously on the verge of suicide at any point; he's telling them that it's okay, cute, funny, etc while larping as this woman.
At the end of the day what he does online in a chatroom is none of my business but it's fucked up and I feel like vomiting everytime I remember that I loved this sick cunt to death at one point. The disgust and anger is eating me up inside.
No. 1435806
>>1435535how did you get cupcakes from a cookie recipe? if you mean the texture, you probably used too much flour or stirred the batter too long. make sure to mix the ingredients just until everything is combined and no longer.
if you mean that they domed like cupcakes you need less baking powder.
also does the recipe use cups or grams?
No. 1435846
>>1435277I doubt you are ugly. I don't know anybody who got targeted at night or anywhere and I live in a huge ass city. This is a meme coming from people who either never fucking leave their apartments or live in shitholes.
Unless you literally walk around half-naked and signal that you might be interested in encounters and "fun" nobody will ever talk to you. It's most likely not because you were ugly. Also, the people that claim that no place was safe also claim that the look didn't matter, so by that logic you would get groped regardless even if you were ugly so it's not that, no matter what logic you go by.
No. 1435849
>>1435816What? I don't get it. What is a trans shark? And what does it have to do with a taxidermy fish?
Also, why do you even have such friends? None of my friends even know what trans stuff even is, to them it's just drag queens or something.
No. 1435858
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>>1435816keep your shark plush, it's not theirs
No. 1435920
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>>1435849When they taxidermy fish they hang them on the wall as trophies (pic related). That's how I hung her. All my other fish stuff is on counters or in display cabinets. Except for my sun catchers, those are hung up too.
No. 1435922
have early onset dementia and it's getting bad now. I'm waking up outside of town again and can't secure the house enough to keep me inside at night. My parents won't take my car keys because they don't want to be responsible for me anymore and nigel doesn't live with me so he can't do anything. I just want him to go away already so I can drive myself off the mountain and end this but he won't leave.
I just want to die before I can't drive safely anymore is that so much to ask? I'm still together enough to notice everything slipping away, but gone enough that I can't do anything about it myself. I hate all of this. I hate how much vocabulary I've lost, I hate how hard it is to talk and sometimes write, I hate losing control of body functions, I'm just so mad. I haven't told my parents how bad it is because I don't want them to stay with me out of obligation, but I miss them.
I just want to die before they have to see me any worse than I already am.I love all of you nonnies and I'm really sorry when the writing in my posts doesn't always make sense. You're all wonderful and reading your posts has helped me stave off a lot of decline. Thank you, and I'm sorry this vent went so long. I hope you all have a better day then you're already having and stay based. ilysm
No. 1435926
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I'm so fucking pissed at my bosses jfc
I haven't been reaching my kip's and I'm trying to better myself, but I keep getting different answers from the two idiots. One tells me that there's improvement and that I should keep it up, it's okay, the other straight up told me that shit still sucks and that if it doesn't get better asap I'm out.
Which one is it?
I'm fully bracing to get kicked out but the other one pisses me off so much. NONE of them dare to say "fired/let go" for some fucking reason, they just say "it'll get worse". Like just say I'll be fired and be done with it? We're all fucking adults jfc.
What's worse it's all about the fucking sales. The compay pulled a bait and switch while hiring, we were told that sales are NOT mandatory, the a month later it suddenly was. I told them even during the INTERVIEW that I suck at sales and asked like THREE TIMES of there was going to be any sales shit. They said no. And to top it all off, I DO reach m sales target, you just need to sell 17 of anything that month and you're fine, but now they're giving me hell for not selling that one specific shit.
Just fucking fuck them all the way. I was fucking honest with them from the start and I don't care about their guilt tripping shit "you are being paid to do xy", well fuckers your HR told me something else, it's not even DIRECTLY written in the CONTRACT. They covered their ass with "and do any other jobs the employer asks to do". Fucking shit.
I just want to know how long I still have so I can prepare for other shit.
No. 1435955
>>1435922Anon, this is so tough. I don't know what to say but I just need to tell you that I see your post and hope you can harvest as much happiness from life as possible, and stay safe despite all.
But also your stupid nigel should live with you, if we were dating I would always want to be around for whenever you need me.
No. 1435969
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I’m still so upset that my parents knew that I was on the autism spectrum and refused to get me tested because they just “wanted me to have a normal life” as if they didn’t witness me suffer through school, barely graduate, be relentlessly bullied because of my lack of social skills, have no friends, and hurt myself during breakdowns where I though I was going crazy. My mom recently confessed that since elementary school teachers had recommended me getting diagnosed but her and my dad would get pissed, yell at the teacher, and tell me to grow up and be better. Why? Why would you treat your own daughter like this? I am finally learning that I am smart and capable but I wish I had received help sooner.
No. 1436001
>>1435926You need to tell them what you did here, that you did exactly what you signed up for and asked about several times in the interview and were told you would NOT be doing sales. I wish you got THAT in a contract so you could hold them to it. You are not entitled to do what isn't in the job description. I know many companies put a disclaimer there is "more" that isn't listed, but I honestly think it should be illegal. At some point as a safety manager, my dad was doing the equivalent of 10 peoples jobs that included contracting work COMPLETELY unrelated to his job that he wasn't qualified to do. He was working 12-14 hour days.
Same thing happened to be but I left not too long after. I went above their quotas by 33% as well, and I'm an actual autist who is terrible with people. Ungrateful pigs. Start looking for another job. Never be loyal, ever. You lose money after 1-3 years anyway. Richfags need to eat it in their pockets and learn.
No. 1436022
>>1436001I did tell them that and they don't give a fuck. They just say "well, it's part of your job, if you don't like it leave". But if I quit I have no right to claim unemployment benefits so I can't quit, I have to wait it out.
They fucked over 10 of us, 6 quit, the rest of us can't afford to not have job.
>>1436010Nope, I'm 27, I just don't have an education (just high school) so I don't get to be picky and the place where I live doesn't have much of a work variety/choice.
It's monthly salary + bonus. The pay is actually really good, one of the best you can get in this town.
>>1436016I already am looking, it's just a bit difficult to find something new that doesn't pay low af
No. 1436024
>>1435986I’m a USAfag from a very progressive state but I understand what you’re saying like what
>>1436012 pointed out. Thank you for putting it into perspective. I’m still bitter and wish they weren’t so cruel about my short comings but I think it was a fear response on their part.
No. 1436058
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Just had an extensive/intensive psychological assessment and I'm scared to hear the results. I've been told my whole life just get over it/deal with it, stop exaggerating/being dramatic, stop being lazy and just try harder, but have ended up burnt out with nothing to show after trying my absolute best the entire time. I'm scared they'll say the same thing, even though I talked to my therapist afterward and she reassured me the results should be helpful and not hurtful even if they are surprising. I think I accidentally lied on some answers because my moods and perspective change. I'm so nervous, I just want to get the feedback over with and hide. I've been sticking to a plan but now I want to quit it all and go back to struggling alone and hide. I hate being vulnerable.
No. 1436068
>>1436058*Not hurtful as in unproductively critical, my feelings are
valid or whatever so I may feel bad anyway
No. 1436199
>>1435969Similar story here. It took me over 20 years to put it together that both myself and my sister have the 'tism. My parents were adamant that "mental health is psuedoscience and shrinks are predators". I found out that our teachers and babysitters had talked to my parents about our autistic behavior but they chose to ignore it.
My sister continues to parrot them whenever I try to bring it up. "Mental health is stupid and anyone who says they have issues is making it up for attention!" She's pretty miserable, can't make friends, lives in filth, and is an alcoholic. But she won't admit that there is anything wrong. I wish my parents hadn't pushed that ridiculous bullshit on us.
No. 1436538
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>>1436500Anon it is time for u to snap
No. 1436586
>>1436584Read this again.
>It's like you guys know how men can manipulate women but then when you actually see someone posting about being manipulated by a man, you turn into huge bitches with 0 compassion.Him not being passive aggressive doesn't change anything.
No. 1436602
>>1436592He was very straightforward in how much he doesn't like her, and instead of leaving him to find the BBW of his dreams, she changed and now he hates her even more. She even admitted she's a doormat. She hasn't come back which means she only came here to vent and will be staying with him, we're being "mean" in hopes that she'll realize that the issue isn't the way she looks, he just doesn't like her and is too much of a bitch to just break up with her and be done with it.
It can be manipulative to say how you prefer a body type that isn't your partners, but the fact that he laughed at her skinniness and is now laughing at her fatness tells me he knows he doesn't even have to respect her enough to make his manipulation more palatable and easier to overlook. He's blatant and bold with it.
No. 1436604
>>1436602Anon, it doesn't matter how bold he is about it, manipulation is manipulation
and that is if what was in the post was word-for-word what he said and not just shortened and paraphrased for the post.
>we're being "mean" in hopes that she'll realize that the issue isn't the way she looksIf you read the story and her self-loathing then common sense should tell you that being an asshole and saying shit like
>>1436539 is not going to help her at all.
No. 1436614
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I cut myself last week into the muscle and fat of my arm and it’s not healing. It’s about 12 inches long and at least 2 or 3 inches wide. I stuff the chasm in my arm with wadding before I wrap it up otherwise it fills up with thick rancid slime. I’m leaking lymph constantly and it seeps through my dressings, ruining my clothes. I feel so tired nonnies. I remember writing about wounds like this two years ago, believing that they would be my cause of death, but they’ve just become commonplace. The feeling is gone in my left arm. I feel dizzy and weak a lot. I always hope it will kill me but it never does. I don’t look in the mirror much anymore; I have lost interest.
I don’t waste medical staff’s time with this, so don’t hate me.
No. 1436623
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>>1436614Me taking you to the hospital ASAP.
Seriously nonna, please go. Amputation is gonna be far more annoying than whatever happened before that
No. 1436638
>>1436614Nonny hospital
NOW None of us know you and can't get you there ourselves, so I'm begging you to love yourself long enough to save your life.
No. 1436678
>>1436614This is what medical personnel is for,
nonnie. We work in health care because we want to help people, and you need help right now. Please go to the ER. Nobody is going to judge you and nurses have always seen worse.
No. 1436719
I hate my life right now and I'm being a giant baby about resolving it. Ive been at my job for 5 years. Its a shitty workplace and im the only person in my department. Unreasonable demands/"goals", way too many duties for one person, no help, and my main boss (the owner) isn't shy about screaming at, manipulating, belittling, and insulting anyone and especially employees. I tried to leave a year ago and was conned back into staying with less responsibilities and a raise. The responsibility aspect didn't last long. I've been busting my ass for this place working long days, not taking any breaks, coming in on weekends and I'm salary so I'm not compensated for it. I handle, among a ton of other shit, all of our collections and the blame is put on me for our bank account struggling despite watching and having to account for my bosses spending almost my entire salary every month on themselves. My main boss is currently on vacation and I'm seriously fucking dreading him coming back next week. My mental state has completely deteriorated over the last few months because I've also had a lot of shit going on in my personal life this year that i havent dealt with because ive been working at least 50 hours a week. And when I'm not at work, I'm panicking about work! I lost two family members a month apart and when I lost the second to dementia in october, my boss's response was that I could leave work early if I stayed late the next day or came in on the weekend. When his dad died, he took a month off. I hate this place and I feel fucking stupid for getting myself into this situation and not properly knowing how to get out. I could give a notice and risk subjecting myself to being screamed at, I could just leave my keys on the front desk and deal with the ensuing guilt, or I could do what my therapist wants and check myself into a mental hospital and try not to think about it.
No. 1436725
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>>1436715Nona, I think even by posting anonymously in here you are showing that you can ask for help. I know how it feels to be so overwhelmed and hopeless and empty. I'm so sorry you feel like that, it sucks. I don't believe that it needs to be forever, though. Is there anyone in your life that you even trust a little bit to say any of this to? Does your country have mental health care options? Therapy really can be so helpful if you're open/honest in the meetings. Sending you my best wishes and hopes.
No. 1436742
>>1436731What the fuck, this is incredibly
abusive. Please leave him nonna, you don’t deserve to be treated like this.
No. 1436763
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Ugh I just saw the grossest upsetting image on Twitter and now I know it will enter my permanent archive of intrusive thoughts and it makes me sad. Fuck.
No. 1436773
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>>1436756I know it doesn't help but you're one of many people who feel this way, probably most people do. Not sure what we can do to resist it but I have a feeling the answer is offline not on it. Since everyone already airs our grievances but shit only gets worse. Almost seems designed that way if you think about it.
No. 1436823
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I hate depression, I hate how much it drains me, and I especially hate how I get treated because of it. Also fuck my mother for not even attempting to curb her bad temper. Can't even call her out on it because that's who she is. Jesus isn't going to fix your temper because you prayed for him to. Biggest joke is she knows very little of the bible, she grew up Methodist but didn't really go to church, but will throw the bible in your face.
No. 1436919
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My brother hates me so fucking much and I’m starting to crack. Not in an angry way, because I did used to get furious and just bottle it up, but now I’m just baffled at how every single instance of me doing anything or just existing is a cause for his ire. So it kinda rolls off and that initial snap of burning anger lasts for a second, and I’m just left sad and confused instead. I hate being so retarded nonnas. I tend to act out when I’m at home, talking weird and dancing and moving strangely, and it seems that it’s starting to really annoy him. What annoys him most is that I get him in trouble, or constantly cause problems in the family. But on my end I try to do something sensible or try to do good, but it’s never gets understood correctly. Whenever I explain myself I’m mocked and made a fucking fool of. Im a retard forever. I don’t really know why I act so strangely but when I walk up to him he tells me to fuck off every time now. It used to be sometimes but now it’s all the time. Every thing I do makes him mad, because I don’t realize what I’m doing and how I create problems all the time. It’s just like this intense anger when I fuck up, which is all the time. And he would say right now that I’m some conniving bitch exaggerating shit, but then every other second it’s how much I’m messing things up and how I don’t know how to operate on a fundamental human level. I’m just sad because I can tell it’s him channeling personal frustrations into me, but also it’s me just doing things wrong. And I am also realizing that I’ve been doing the same because I’ve been in an awful slump this year, so I’ve been a sad sack all the time. But I honestly don’t like feeling so stupid and unwanted like this. Everything has to revolve around appeasing my parents, everything is about keeping real problems quiet, everything is about how I’m old now and can’t be reckless. I’m always causing problems. It’s hard to explain the gravity of the situation. Just once in my life I want to stop fucking up. I just want things to make sense, because I never fully understand what actions to take in this godforsaken house. It’s always such mixed signals and just nothing makes sense. I do everything wrong and I’m just tired. I used to be frustrated at him because as I’ve started to grow up, I’ve realized he isn’t as perfect as I saw him when I was younger (he’s 12 years older and also a neet). The loathing for me really started 5 years ago when he saw me as a nasty liar and thought he didn’t know who I was anymore. That just started to grow, especially as it seems that I’ve gotten stupider over the past years. He doesn’t even return hugs anymore, for 2 years now, and always pries me off now. If he doesn’t physically pry me off he yells at me. It’s honestly not that bad because I am annoying and not that good of a sister——let’s be real——but I just don’t know why things have to be this way. I think I’m just a little demoralized. I never get to join in family conversations anymore, and when I get to somehow push my way in, everything I say is just clumsy and it makes me feel gross. And now anything do I say is just met with 0 to 60 malaise and anger. I’m really not used to being this at odds with my brother. All my life I’ve been able to say that I get along with my brother, unlike the myth that siblings must always hate each other. But now I need to face that this myth has actually come true. I never thought it would. Never, and that I would take part in the hate and cause so much hate. I don’t like it. This is also the most brutal vent thread I’ve seen so far, I hope we can all prosper nonnas.
No. 1436924
>>1436838Samefagging but I was on the train and a tranny (MtF) sat down across from me with his ayyden friend. And he was talking about how he didn't want bottom surgery because he'd rather piss all over the seats because it's more "sanitary that way." Lmao, come the fuck on
Also this tranny had that usual gay annoying falsetto voice where he'd raise every last syllable to a higher pitch at the end of every sentence like he was asking a question. He also had a very loud speaking voice which was loud enough through my headphones and for everyone nearby to hear while I could barely make out what the FtM was saying. Anyway he was talking to his friend about tranny shit like grindr, being t4t, and other gender nonsense. Why are they all like this
No. 1436977
nonny. your sister might be going through some stuff, im sure she has a reason for suddenly changing her behaviour. maybe try gently asking her what's wrong next time you get a chance. im sorry though, i would send a virtual hug if i could
No. 1437029
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I don't know if I'm in the wrong here, but I'm irritated because I live with 4 other people, and I guess there was some agreement that 1. every day (every other day?) someone makes dinner for everyone, and 2. if you don't make dinner, you do the dishes
The thing is, I really can't cook for them, for multiple reasons, such as I work all day, and night, (I'm the only one who's either employed or leaves the house to work, 1 person works from home, 2 other roommates are leeching off unemployment, all of them never leave the house) and I'm a vegetarian with an eating disorder. If I cook for them, they're getting what I eat, which'll be a plate of veggies, and maybe some tofu if I'm feeling generous. They're all very meat, and carb heavy eaters.
So, I'm both stuck nearly always on dish duty, and I also just feel like they're secretly annoyed with me for not ever cooking for them. I get it's nice as a household but I also grew up where once me and my brother were old enough, we usually just made our own food. It's just annoying, and then the kitchen is always filled with dishes because while, sure, I get the whole you cook you don't do dishes, but at least put your grease, sauce, etc encrusted pans in the sink to soak instead of sitting on the stove for hours. I'm sick of playing housekeeper for hikkineets.
No. 1437050
>>1436698i feel you,
nonnie. the people who shit up chat are pure garbage. i ended up turning off shout (and say chat) bc its unbearable otherwise especially in main cities.
No. 1437065
>>1437029Jesus God move out of there
I never cook for my room mate and vice versa. It's perfect that way.
No. 1437144
>>1436936the dentist visit will get worse the longer you put it off. make sure you call today to make an appointment!!
I had a tooth break oddly and a piece of it got wedged into my gums, also delayed it for way too long. the tooth started turning a blue color from the inside after a few months. definitely wouldve saved me pain and money if i went earlier.
most dentists have seen worse cases so there's no need to be afraid, it's literally their job to make fucked teeth work (or to replace them)
No. 1437211
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I feel like I'm not cut out for any workplace. I always have to work overtime to meet the deadline, not becsuse of the quantity of the work, but simply because I'm horribly shit at time management. If I have a series of easy tasks, then I procrastinate because they are easy. If I have a lot on my plate, then I put it off for the opposite reason. I also do retarded things like accidentally deleting folders or documents. I also cannot do details for shit, every time I think I prepared a document just right, it turns out that I forgot about a myriad of small details. If I get X right, I forget about Y, next time I get Y right but forget about X. I just feel like there's genuinely not one thing I'm good at