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No. 1420848
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mother and I didn't attend the narcsgiving dinner and mysteriously my mailbox and my narcousin's friend's mailbox were the only ones on our street that got smashed with a bat or something.. huh. strange!
No. 1420870
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I am getting tired of the LGBT. I am tired of every fucking piece of media i enjoy having tranny and fag flags and having gendie or forced gay characters on it, and i am specially tired of all the tomboy characters getting trooned out. Also tired of how the lgbt refuses to force pedos and abusers out of their community and how they glorify myisogyny. I only have symphaty left for lesbians.
No. 1420884
>>1420870This 100%. It is not good nor helping anyone. Just simple annoying. I do not even have a problem with lgb but in media it is always so bad implemented and overused.
Also love this image AVGN is still a fond memory for me.
No. 1420920
>>1420832nonny, cameras are not reality, they cannot capture your true form I don't care what anyone says.
I feel the same way and the flipped version of myself in cameras makes me look horrific, I try not to think about it because what does a picture matter?
No. 1420940
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It took me about 2 decades but we’re here. I’m losing the last bit of interest in even the “ideal” man I’ve got in my head bc we all know not even the most decent real live moid can go beyond the bare minimum like many long suffering mothers we all know too well.
Every moid distraction I’ve ever had in life always led to the worst concocted fuckery ever and I think 22 is a good place to start fresh, get my degree before 30, save up for a house after that, and just eat healthy and work out in between so I will be presentable to a female partner when I’m ready to delve into situationships again
No. 1420963
I've been especially emotional lately and it feels like I can't do anything. I just really miss my cat, he died a few months ago and I haven't been able to get over it. I still dream of him and cry when I'm alone because I miss him. We were super close and I basically knew him all my life. I can't be open about how gutted I am because my family members think I'm weird or disturbed for being this close to an animal. Nobody seems to understand how much this hurts for me, he meant everything to me. I haven't really gone out with friends or really anywhere just for fun and have only socialized the bare minimum since he died. I just don't want to be around anyone anymore. My psychiatrist asked me if I could be depressed but I doubt that's the case since I don't want to hurt myself and don't have a history of depression, and I think this will pass eventually. Even my psychiatrist must have thought it was weird how upset I was over this. I've been spending a lot of time with my other cat, who was also really close to him before he died. She's been really comforting to be around. I wish I could spend all day with her but I've been told I sound too clingy when I say that, which I kinda agree with, I give her space and let her approach me. I always feel this deep sadness and try not to cry whenever I dream about him, which I have been for a while now, usually dream about him once or twice a week. Always about getting to see him again, which is just cruel because I know I never will. I looked at the box with his ashes and felt so alone. My mom and her boyfriend have been relatively supportive of me even if they think I'm strange. They can't really say much to comfort me, which is understandable. I just wish people would understand how painful it is. He was so loyal and loving and stuck with me through everything in my life. Everyone knew we were super close and they certainly weren't surprised with how I reacted but they still tell me it's not right to feel this much grief for an animal. I've just been trying to play video games or distract myself so I don't get emotional. I guess distracting myself is fine, helps me avoid crying. I don't know when the grieving process will end.
No. 1420974
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I always feel bad because I didn't academically excel. Growing up in an environment where people value your academic achievements as part of who you are as a person and often obsess over your grades can do a number on you if you aren't good at school.
It was quite brutal, your grades can literally define how other people treated you in an educational setting. It was a lot getting through school as a quiet kid, but I'm glad that it's over now.
I know that I shouldn't let my grades define me for who I am, and I am very confident about my skills but sometimes I just can't shake the thought of me under-achieving at school/uni. Even though I am the type to never academically excel but I tried my best, and that's what matters.
No. 1420984
I got diagnosed with BPD and I’m so ashamed. I associate BPD with raging, promiscuous, attention seeking, dramatic, abusive, and addictive personalities.
Not to NLOBPD kek but I’m not like that, I just want to be left alone and I want to die, I cut myself but I keep it hidden. I avoid relationships with people, and I’m in control of my emotions and actions in public. I was diagnosed at 28 after I tried to kill myself and was found. Bad things happened to me growing up, but they didn’t turn me into a nightmare human. DBT didn’t help me, it made me worse. I can’t relate to other people with BPD, in group therapy I thought their problems are ridiculous and easily fixed if they would just behave like an adult for five minutes.
Yet I can’t escape my own diagnosis. What does this mean for me? Is there any hope that the loneliness and hatred for the world and the anhedonia will be fixed? Mood stabilisers aren’t helping. Is this all there is anons I’m scared
No. 1420989
>>1420984Anon, there are a lot of people with BPD who live normal lives, it's possible, just much harder than for a person with zero issues. There's a podcast called Back From The Borderline, specifically an episode called "Anyone who says borderline is incurable is dead wrong" from January 28th, where the author talks with dr Daniel Fox (another good source of knowledge and hope), can't find it on youtube but you'll find it on spotify; give it a listen. If you put work into it you don't have to let BPD define you.
I'm a NLOBPD like you, I'm managing, I know how much it hurts and how hopeless it feels sometimes, especially when you look online and first things you see is 1) people saying BPDs are the worst and have to be avoided at all costs, and 2) BPDs who just let their disorder go feral and all they want is pat on the back from other bpds that will just pull them into self-pity circle. But it's not hopeless, and we're not stuck in this circle.
No. 1421012
>>1421010Exactly! It's like they eexpect swarms of beautiful girls to do emotional labour for them when they say they're depressed…
Yesterday I saw a screenshot of a man commenting on a FB meme page post that it's his birthday and no one replied and then a girl said the same and it had 20+ comments from men. And I kept thinking.. Okay, why don't you go make your fellow dude happy then and wish him happy birthday? Men cause their own problems and then blame it on women
No. 1421019
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2022 was such a shit year for me. Lost my grandma, my great aunt and my great grandma. Got into a relationship with a scrote that used me for sex. Lost my job and had to go from short contracts to short contracts all with super shitty bosses. The only good thing was finally getting a diagnosis and medication for my narcolepsy after battling for years trying to prove it wasn't depression. Also i tried weed.
At least i learnt 99% of men are shit and your boss don't care about you especially if you're at the end of the food chain. Mistakes i won't repeat for 2023.
No. 1421053
>>1420962Maybe it helps when you think why she makes you angry. Not only i am depressed but why, what is she doing. Is it the way she talks, what she says, etc.
are you in therapy?
Did you talked with your mother about this?
depression sucks. I hope it will get better for you.
No. 1421058
>>1420972You should seriously contemplate if this kind of man is someone you want to be in a long-term relationship with. Either he lacks fundamental social skills, or he's a cruel, spiteful, potentially
abusive person who's actively trying to drive a wedge between you and your friend for no reason. He sounds like the kind of person who projects his own misery and sense of isolation onto others
No. 1421059
>>1421057Like… they thought 9/11 and other terrorism is okay because people have trauma from the British? Did they skip over the entire Islamic Golden Age in history class?
That sounds miserable
nonnie. Hope you're doing better now that you're back.
No. 1421122
>>1421106Did you happen to lose weight?
It might just be natural though. When I turned 24 I noticed my face looked a lot older. I lost a lot of my baby fat in my face, and my jaw looked somewhat sharper but it was from the loss of fat. Also, I started to notice wrinkles around my mouth. "nasolabial folds", kek. Freaked me out the first day I noticed but got used to it pretty quickly. I actually like the change now because it made me look more mature. Maybe you're going through the same thing?
No. 1421223
>>1420972I wouldn’t break up over something as dumb as this if you’re actually like,
in love with him to the point of wanting to get married, and he actually actively takes care of you and treats you well and puts effort into your relationship outside of this little spat. However if he’s just some scrote who you have sex with, you should just kick him to the curb. Your friend will get over it. I’m pretty sure if you and your friend have a real, close relationship; something as stupid as “your artwork is ugly” isn’t gonna suddenly make her not love you anymore or want to distance herself from you. But if it does, then that would prove her ego likely needed to hear that.
No. 1421231
>>1421223Sorry for samefag but kek all the nonnies with
>YOU KNOW YOU HAVE TO BREAK UP RIGHT? It’s ok to choose flight instead of fight for your own personal situations but not everyone is a weak bitch who runs away when faced with petty un-comfortability
No. 1421260
>>1421026that sucks
nonnie. Hope you will be able to celebrate Christmas this year
No. 1421263
>>1421262Is it abuser behavior if the attempt to sabotage her personal relationships fails? No kek. It’s some weak scrote trying to pull down his female counterpart who clearly just needs to be put in his place, and running away from the relationship isn’t gonna do that. She can either exercise her power over him and make him understand that she’ll kill him if he tries to fuck with her personal life anymore, OR she can run off like a deer in the woods and let him relish in his own laughter, feeling like he was successful in making her life worse.
She can either fuck him up or allow herself to get fucked up, choice is all hers. Women in male/female relationships have much more power than they ever allow themselves to exercise.
No. 1421270
>>1421266If you didn't want to be told to dump your
abusive scrote you shouldn't have come here to complain about him.
No. 1421291
>>1421245this. It is a petty act and revealing of character. Unless it is a super, super, super isolated incident she should GTFO and dump him, it's not even a question, and I highly doubt it is isolated.
>>1421263he's not going to relish her leaving him lol, he'll lose his shit probably because his gambit failed. staying with him despite him giving her this shit is what he would relish.
No. 1421293
>>1421289My post didn’t say he can’t be that bad…my post said that
she clearly
wants to be with him kek. Please learn to read before responding, also if he’s
abusive and there’s context that she’s purposefully leaving out in order to make this issue look less harmless, then that’s her own decision. There are plenty of people who are aware that they’re in
abusive relationships and don’t even want to leave them, they just want the validation of being considered a “
victim” and being fawned over by strangers online giving them advice and affirming that they’re “the
victim” when they could easily raise their voice and exercise their autonomy and power. I know this because I see this in
many chronically online kids (not kids but like 18+).
tl;dr if she didn’t want the validation/affirmation that she’s a
victim and should break up with him she wouldn’t have come here, but if she actually wanted to do something to punish him for what he did to her, she would ask us how she should get back at him. Sorry for all the words kek
No. 1421307
>>1421305This isn't twitter,
No. 1421308
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The problem with men is that they dehumanize women. The problem with women is that we humanize men
No. 1421319
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Nobody tells you the post damage depression does to your body
probably the worst one for me, i was so depressed my only food used to be coffe, and of course i didnt brush my teeth after like the dirty slob i was, so i broke my enamel and now my teeth are spotty and translucent aside from yellowish.
i used to lose and gain weight in a very short span, go between binging and not wanting to eat so i developed some serious stretch marks aside from weight problems. Now i am chubby and i hate it.
>lack of vitamins
I have a vitamin D deficiency thanks to not leaving my room for 4 years which makes me feel sluggish all the time
the second worst one, i used to pop my zits out of stress and thanks to that i developed a lot of skin marks
went from wearing no glasses to not being able to see further than my arm stretching
It's so tiring, i didnt care at the time because i was sure i was going to kms(tried but failed), but now that i feel better and i am looking towards something i have to deal with all of that crap. Right now the thing that causes me the most anxiety is my appearence, i hate it, and i have no money to fix all my problems.
No. 1421327
>>1421303most of the tifs are into bara because they consider yaoi ''homophobic'' because its written by women, yet nobody blames bara.
>>1421305god i wish western fujos were this based. I wonder how many
terf japanese fujos are going to pop up now that Japan is being invaded by the troony looneys.
No. 1421333
>>14213322/10 made me reply
We've been getting a lot of bait vents lately
No. 1421341
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>>1421303>>1421329>>1421336Fujos who are happy being female are the most oppressed group of our time
No. 1421344
>>1421319>teethPut your money into getting a check up to see if there are any rotten teeth. You can do a routine cleaning/scaling, it’ll make it a bit better. In the mean time try to eat as much protein and nutrient-rich foods as you can; your teeth need iron, zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin K2 to remineralize. Coffee is high in acidity anon and it wears down your teeth enamel. Try doing baking soda rinses to balance your pH balance.
>vitamin DSupplement! Or get a shot, and ask about getting K2 with it to avoid calcification.
>eyesThere are eye exercises you do to better your vision everyday. You need the sunlight on your eyes as well, anon. And eat carrots, one everyday possibly. And beef liver weekly (about 4 oz) if you can, I think it’s affordable. I know someone who improved their vision this way.
>acneIf you can use tretinoin for acne marks, then I 100% advise you to do so. It works really well. Look for products that have it. I also hear the La Roche Posay acne products work really well for spots, but nothing tops tretinoin. You might also want to take notice if dairy or processed sugar
triggers your acne.
>weightThis one will come with its time. Don’t rush it. When you start eating protein and nutrient-rich vegetables and reduce (if not give up) coffee, it’ll get better. All in all, it’ll take anything from 6 months up to a year and a half. It’s a gradual process anon and you don’t do it all at once, so don’t feel overwhelmed. Good luck!
No. 1421414
>>1421400Yeah, the subject is a small one but it makes me wonder if she goes around saying this for worse situations. "Weak bitch" is so weirdly loaded.
>>1420972is there other signs of him not respecting your boundaries or having resentment? Him going behind your back was a breach of trust, though it seems weirder than anything, like there must be something more to it. Or he just has a low EQ…there's no way he thought it'd end well or fix anything.
No. 1421416
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>>1421397Based homophobic anon
No. 1421418
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I fucking hate the majority of my coworkers and my manager. I hate the fact that despite working better than others I'm treated worse simply because I'm not sociable enough. My manager literally told me she's satisfied with my work but I should be more open to people and that she won't give me a promotion only because she's scared that I will break under more responsibility and I will stop coming to work and she will have to pay for me; apparently she had this one employee in the past who got such bad depression she didn't want to come to work and they had to pay her. She told me this bullshit despite the fact there was not a single instance of me not coming to work because of my mental health, and during my 1,5 years of working there, the only time when I took sick days was when I got an infection so bad I ended up in a hospital. Even my therapist said my work environment is toxic and I could report my manager for discrimination but I'm too afraid of getting fired. I can't change job right now. I didn't tell my manager I'm an autist because I know that would made things even worse. This is so unfair. I think that the only thing that should matter at a manual job is that you're doing your work fast and good, not the level of your extraversion. I'm so fast they never had to check my ratio, unlike with my coworkers who got promoted, and I never commited any mistakes, unlike my coworkers. One of the only people I talk to at work admits I'm right and that I'm the fastest and she also doesn't understand why my manager treats me this way while promoting others. But I know why. My promoted coworkers are two faced cunts who act all friendly and talkative with our manager and shiftleaders and then call them bitches behind their back. One of them openly told me that you need to know how and when to act. You can think what you want to think, but you need to learn to say what they want to hear. I can't be this two faced, even if I wanted to. I can't be this fake. And for this I will always pay by being the at the bottom of the food chain
No. 1421424
>>1421395iktf. i keep doing konmari purges but there's just so much stuff. i look through my cabinets and find crap i haven't used in 2 years and still cant get rid of it. i want to just go apeshit and throw everything away but i can't afford to rebuy anything i get rid of and then figure out i actually need. i literally have clothes that do not and have never fit me and i still keep them
wtf is my problem i hate myself
i'll probably do another purge soon. i just bought items for a new hobby and now i'm feeling irritated at how hoardery it looks in here
No. 1421432
>>1421319Holy shit same anon, I'm like a completely different human physically
The thing that annoys me the most is my weak muscles/sluggishness. I can't carry anything lightweight around for long
No. 1421438
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>>1421433>probablyliterally just throwing shit hoping it sticks. Go slander fujos somewhere else, where people have a hateboner and 0 thinking skills like you.
No. 1421467
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>>1421464I'm sorry for the prognosis, but there's a
nonny out there that's probably sexualizing him even more now.
No. 1421468
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My bf is away on a work trip and is sharing a hotel room with his friend who is a promiscuous bisexual. I am afraid of them doing homosexual things together. Also a little bit turned on by the idea of it. Idk if I am being irrational, all I know is his friend is kind of a slut and I don't wanna get cucked nonas.
No. 1421470
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i need to suit-up and enter the closed off room in my house that is full of rat shit and reeks of hot decomposition but i dont wanna so im gonna get drunk and then do it
No. 1421483
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I just suddenly started feeling guilty because I was never able to give childhood me the adulthood she always dreamed of. I'm somewhat content with where I am despite everything but I never had any high expectations for adulthood but even those extremely low expectations where too difficult for me.
If I where to travel back in time and meet a younger me I know she would become so terrified of growing up
No. 1421489
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>starts insulting and making fun of people who deliberately ignore me and my messages out of no where
>goes from sweet to extremely sour
>feels extremely bad afterwards even though I know they deserved it
thought this was normal until recently I started researching BPD and I might just be undiagnosed with it kek. strangest thing is I’ve never been technically abandoned as a child, unless you count emotionally than maybe because there was only one parent in the household and I personally don’t consider men as competent parents/caregivers. I just know there is a pattern in my life where people suddenly drop or abandon me and I guess my brain can’t stand it anymore, if you can’t stay in my life and invest in me then what’s the point of even having self-esteem? or loving yourself? if other people can’t love you, then there is nothing to love about yourself, the “love yourself before others love you” is bullshit, the way others treat is you is clearly how you should be treated, i’ve been treated like shit and dumped for most of my life and i can’t have one single thing for me, I can’t get people to care, stay, find the beauty in me besides looking at my skin, race, natural body, i’m tired of it. call me BPDette, crazy, lunatic, sociopath, I’m only returning the energy that this world has clearly given to me
No. 1421502
>>1421485thank you, anon. i’m glad to know you feel the same way.
do you have any tips on how to deal with the overwhelming repulsion? i just feel like it’s starting to make me hate my friends, and i don’t know what to do. i will witness my friends making sexual jokes with or towards other people, in contexts that didn’t involve me or address me whatsoever, and i still feel this startling bitter rage. it feels like a very unhealthy mental state to be in, as i shouldn’t have any issues with my friends having sex lives and discussing the subject. i feel like my sex repulsion is tainting everything around me.
No. 1421504
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i’m 20 but i feel 90 and 10 at the same time. and don’t tell me it’s normal growing pains i’m a bpd retard depressive with no friends and anger problems. i hope someone murders me soon so i don’t have to do it myself
No. 1421511
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how do i escape this fast food job if the money is decent compared to other part-time entry level jobs and its really flexible with hours but its so draining and caused me to have a drug addiction which i now quit and im scared ill be here forever its only been 10 months but i dont know if i should try to ride out the next two years until i get a degree, or ride out 6 months and save up and leave…is there even anything else out there without a degree? i just cant take the understaffing and terrible treatment from customers. i used to have to take xanax scripts to get through the day without breaking down along with my coworkers…
i really do want to just persevere the next two years and maybe work minimal hours part time but i cant help but think this isnt worth it for 17/hr, but it seems theres nothing else out there when i search. im really beside myself, and all the work on my mental health gets defeated. how do i cope? or quit? where elsecan i work? dogsitting? if this is my fucking life to be, sobriety is useless.
No. 1421518
>>1421464Damn my bad, then tell your dad he aint shit
>>1421490That's literally like my dad too, I am so sorry
No. 1421519
>>1421511Branch out and look for something in a different setting. You need to think outside the box nonna, you have customer service skills AND experience working in a kitchen AND experience working in a fast-paced environment. Twist that into something that'll get you a slightly less shit job. Look for work in restaurants, get a retail job that's decently flexible, or try for a promotion to manager at your current job for like a month then use that to get the fuck out. Rinse and repeat until you get a job that doesn't make you Luna your way through life.
It's perfectly possible to work your way up to a not-shit job from where you are now. Fake confidence in yourself and your skills, don't come across as desperate or spineless in interviews, and you'll be fine.
No. 1421527
>>1421513Considering the need to pit lesbian and straight women together I assume this is also the troon samefagging.
What gay women would blame women for mens degenerate actions while reeing about democrats on lc of all places kek. Do not take the troon bait and just report.
No. 1421528
>you het girlsDefinitely how women refer to themselves as girls and not more common with troons. Men be coping about committing 90% of violent crime and retard rapeapes until the day they die. Men never take responsibility for their actions.
No. 1421540
>>1421519is it okay to ask for further advice nonna? part of me has been hesitant to leave this job again because of the flexibility and money but whether i move in half a year or not, i just dont want to be miserable here any longer. do you have ideas of work places i could search for? i really dont want a factory job or another food industry job but thats all that comes up, or receptionist jobs for 12 dollars an hour its so criminal.
i dont mean to be a brat im ok working while i continue college but gosh i just cnat do this specific shit anymore. ive thought about freelancing with the dog sitting but thats going to take time. i just dont know the types of jobs i should even be looking for? again 6 months or 2 years, i really dont think its good for my mental state to stay with this shit show of a place!
No. 1421571
>>1421514Ayrt. I don't think he is gay, but bisexuality is not unheard of?? I don't get gay vibes from him but idk how to explain this. It's probably completely delusional thinking and because I used to be a fujoshi and wannabe male when I was younger. But I think he is literally so manly that he is irresistible to homo-leaning men and I could totally see him doing something gay in a "no homo" way. Idk if I am just objectifying him after spending so many of my formative years reading yaoi and wishing I could be a man.
>>1421517I'm sorry it's a disease of my brain
No. 1421580
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Why is everyone trying to be a sped these days
No. 1421615
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Me when I keep falling in love with my straight friends over and over again. I can't take this shit any more, I'm seriously at the point where I wish I was a moid so that I could possibly have a chance with them
No. 1421639
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>>1421634dont hate fashion because of stupid moids nonna. I am not girly either yet i love fashion, women look so much better in 'masculine' clothes than moids do.
No. 1421738
>>1421731…chin? she got lipo on her CHIN? how the fuck fat are you if even your chin is obese holy shit
meanwhile i eat cheese and chocolate all day, never exercise, and wear size 28 (US 4) jeans. not being fat is the easiest thing in the world. just stop at 2 pieces of chocolate instead of 20.
No. 1421741
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>>1421504ffs stop with the awkward self-pity posts.
No. 1421769
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>>1421766samefag nevermind i'm replying to a newfag
No. 1421781
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feels like the longer i go single and the firmer i am in my standards the more everyone is unable to deal with it
my mother assumes I’ll have a new man in a month and my closest friend is telling me how worried she is about me and scolding me for judging dudes our age who are fucking anything with a pulse regardless of how it might fuck up their own social spheres
really eye opening but also really frustrating that now that I’ve at last removed scrotes from a pedestal and embraced singlehood that now everyone suddenly cares about my love life
No. 1421783
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My favourite youtuber started dating a TiF 10 years younger than him and she's so obnoxious, she sounds like a 12yo which is incredibly creepy. His ex gf was crazy too but they complemented each other and she was funny. I hope they never collab again, i feel like once he leaves her she's gonna try to call him out, kek.
No. 1421809
>>1421786i guess the smaller lesbian dating pool makes things just as difficult, huh. blows.
i’m also very frustrated with my friend in that she’d join me in agreeing there’s little hope for men and backed me up in my decision post breakup but now that i’m applying my standards to dudes she knows and not just my ex she hates and boyfriends of friends she hates i’m being too judgy. she’s married so maybe it’s just typical nigelism i dunno.
i just want to be alone and frown at dumbass scrotes in peace. thank god for lolcow.
No. 1421837
I just bought Lebanese bread from a shop, mentioned to someone of my family that I once made it myself and I'm happy it's in shops now. They lost their fucking shit and went ranting at me how much money I'm costing with use of the oven and how nobody is cooking anymore, we're the only family in the entire world cooking and HAVING LIGHTS ON IN THE EVENING, nobody has a computer anymore since the energy crisis was announced, this is the only family supposedly where anyone has a computer. I didn't say I wanted to bake bread, I literally showed how I got it from a shop and I just mentioned that like 2 years ago I made it myself. Why is that such a huge problem? I have never used their oven, only my own at my place, because their oven has never worked. So how can you even accuse me of planning on using their oven? Also people still turn on lights and people haven't actually gotten rid of their computer in Europe en masse? I get accused of gaming until late in the night, meanwhile they're the ones literally gaming when I've gone to bed already. They always go to bed past midnight, meanwhile I'm in bed by 10 or 11 pm. I sometimes go years without buying any clothes or shoes, my phone is incredibly cheap, meanwhile they will buy 400 euro plastic raincoats they never wear, 30 euros socks their pig feet cannot fit in, 900 euro phone every year, shitty expensive cars which they claim they will "fix up" one day etc. Why the fuck do I keep getting blamed for things other people themselves do and then they say I'm no fun when I call them out for it and tell them to knock it off? Of course I'm going to isolate myself and withdraw when if I dare to show my face, it's like they think they see a screen they can project all day on.
No. 1421877
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>>1421738I have unfortunate genes that give me a double chin no matter what my weight is. I wouldn't go for it myself but I've seen women of a normal weight get chin lipo. Linda Evangelista got this fat freezing lipo (coolsculpting?) on her chin and it did the total opposite to what she wanted. Her body had some weird reaction to it.
No. 1421900
>>1421894I don't think that really plays a role in it for me. I just store a weird amount of fat in that area. One side of my family all has it going on. My face is round too, the fat in my cheeks and neck are just above what you'd expect for my wieght.
You know how sometimes larger women will share a face pic and look thin as long as you can't see the rest of them.. I'm the opposite to that lol
No. 1421940
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I hate hate HATE seeing casual misogyny on every fucking social media platform from the same people that suddenly jump to being woke hero allies any time something regarding religion or race or trannies is mentioned. You braindead freaks literally shit on and degrade women day in day out, you police our lifestyle and our boundaries, our appearance and our health and think you know shit about being a woman. You think our history of suffering is a funny joke and something to meme about like it didn't actually happen and isn't still happening to this day. What's worse, you know this shit was real and you STILL joke about it because you are disgusting scrotes.
They joke about the scold's bridle and say "we need to bring it back fr on god bruh skull emoji female female" and some of these comments were from non-white men (relevant it's not racebait): Okay scrote, I bet if women made a joke about your race or your culture you'd suddenly release the hounds on them and call them privileged racist karens for doing the same shit you're already doing to us. You shit and cry and kick up a fuss if any woman even dares to criticise your shitty misogynist religions and cultures and the fact that you hate the women of your own race so you can fetishize other women based off what you've seen in the barely-legal porn you watch.
You are spineless high body-fat low-testosterone toads and I would crush you all under my boot if I could. You are sad excuses for males to think that women's real suffering is funny and then suddenly start crying every time someone mentions that islam is actually not feminist or that a certain race hates its own women and actively contributes to their suffering. You're all disgusting hypocrites and your mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives and the women around you deserve better than to be forced to tolerate your disgusting miasmic shit-stained holes-in-boxers unemployed presence. You're a plague upon this earth like any other scrote who jokes about this shit, make yourself useful like your grandfathers did and go die in a war or actually contribute something to society you fat porn-addicted retards.
No. 1421952
>>1421947Yeah, heart. They don’t tell you anything about the donor other than age, that they have a similar haplotype (race matters in transplant) and risk factors. According to the donor heart’s risk factors, I chalked up their death to overdose. You can reach out to the donor’s family through the foundation…. but I think it would make it worse for myself and the family. The family would have their wound reopened and then
I would be their closure and idk if I want that weight on myself. I already feel like I’ve taken a life sometimes and I can live with that, but not after seeing the donor’s mother sobbing while putting her head to my chest. None of us should go through that. It’s okay to be curious, I should probably talk about the whole ordeal more anyway.
No. 1421964
>>1421956Cult brainwashing is
abusive and traumatizing, a lot of forced ritualistic and obsessive compulsive behaviors, so yeah they’re likely to have real brain damage
No. 1422024
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I feel like I have completely lost control over myself. The last time I felt this depressed, I was a young teenager with no control. Now, I live on my own and have a lot of freedom, which I thought would prevent me from feeling this way. I have just become so hopeless. I feel like the cat in picture attached all the time. I can barely get out of bed unless I have class or work. My uni has been on vacation for a week and I just don't get out of bed at all, unless it is to see a friend for a few hours, which has been good. When I go to the grocery store I get so frustrated and angry to the point of tears. I know that my constant frustration is unjustified but I have no way to stop it. I'm constantly in a state of paranoia and anxiety if I am not in my bed.
I celebrated thanksgiving with my family on thursday. At first I had a lot of fun, but then I just kept feeling so hurt. The men in my family wouldn't lift a finger and all the women (especially my mom) had no time to sit down. When it came time to eat dinner, the men didn't even bother sitting at the dinner table. They complained about the food even though they didn't contribute in any way, not even by washing a dish. As the night progressed, I kept noticing the men being complete dicks to their wives. At one point I tried to stick up for my mom, and I was dismissed and told to shut up without him even looking over at me.
I just didn't have it in me to keep trying to fight and I went in the bathroom and cried, like I was a 15-year-old with no control again. I started to blame myself for being drunk (I had 3 drinks) and getting emotional, but I think this was just an extension of being in a really bad state to begin with. I couldn't stop thinking about this casual sexism, it made me feel very dirty. All I could think was that my standards are too high and that I should settle, which I know isn't true. I just don't see how my dad can speak to women like that in front of me. It just made me think that he would be okay with somebody treating me like that. I slept with my mom in her bed and cried the whole night. If I hadn't been drinking and hadn't been afraid of speaking up and causing a scene I would have driven the 5 hours back to my apartment that night. I'm dreading going back there in a month for Christmas.
I have been crying so much that my face is constantly swollen. Every time I cry it is really unsatisfying because I can just feel the hurt inside of me and I don't know how to release it.
I've been spending time with my friends but as the night progresses I get gloomy and I don't want to let it slip that I am struggling and bring the mood down. I have tried to subtly let people know that I have been really unwell but I don't want to burden them, so I end up isolating myself.
With some friends I'm not as close with, this has caused some offense on their end that I am constantly rejecting plans and I have been trying to be honest with them that I am unwell, but I don't blame them for being upset with me.
I just don't know what to do. You know how when you take ayahuasca you throw up and shit for like 6 hours and they call it "purging" the negativity out of your body? I need that. I need an exorcism or something. I'm so overwhelmed and ready to live my life again. I don't think theres anything wrong with crying, but I wish I could see a finish line! I think I'm going to try and make a routine and stick to it. My biggest fear is that whatever I do I will just be masking these feelings and they will resurface again.
No. 1422036
Tepid NLOG take incoming: I really, really do not get along with women, and I wish I could. Even in my turbonerd STEM grad program the other women dress much nicer and seem so much more put together than me, and I literally confuse them whenever I try to relate to them. I have a lot of stereotypical male interests, sure, but also plenty of stereotypical female ones too - just not any of the popular/common ones. I don't even like men that much but it seems like I have more in common with them: I'm arrogant, stubborn, kind of a slob, quick to anger, outspoken, competitive, and so on. My question is why are these traits acceptable in men but pariah-status in women?
No. 1422157
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I'm ashamed of growing up poor, I have a mentality of a poorfag, I feel guilty when I buy something for myself, and I get exremely angry when one of my coworkers makes comments about me being 'obsessed with money', but I still think those kinds of comments are idiotic in a time of economic crisis and our company giving us less hours of work than usual because people don't order as much stuff as before. Last time I expressed my fear of having only 4 days of work in a week, my coworker said something like
>durrr why are you so obsessed with money
And I reacted with anger because it was something really retarded to say, especially coming from her, when she has a living partner, thus two incomes, and supporting parents and she didn't grow up with the trauma of not having enough money for food or to pay the bills. I'm a lonely person with no close family and if something happes the only thing that may help me is the money I saved. She would never understand that. Still, I hate myself for feeling the shame, both from being poor as a child and from dysfunctional mentality of my family, hiding abuse under the rug, not even considering abuse abuse, neglect, constantly violating each other's privacy, and all other kinds of stuff, like denying every kind of pain, be it mental or physical (they still do it to this day, that's why I don't want to contact them. Last time my aunt asked how I was and I told her my MRI scan showed that I have an inflammation of the bone marrow in my spine and discopathy and that's why my spine hurts so much at work she literally said my doctors are just making this up and scamming me for money and I should get myself together, the same was with my depression, total denial). They think I'm a bad person because I don't want to visit my mother's and my grandfather's grave. They were also traumatized by their own parents but they still take care of their graves because 'parents are always parents'. I can't think like that, going there would be like abusing myself all over again. I feel so ashamed for coming from such background. I'm scared I'm destined to commit shitty life decisions like my parents, I'm scared I have poor shitty genes and my mental illness will never let me overcome them
No. 1422182
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Being a woman in STEM who sucks at it doesn't make me feel as much guilt as it probably should. I make lots of mistakes, I ask dumb questions, I got no clue what I'm doing — I keep it moving. Helps that our courses are online so it's mainly me interacting with no-one but my professor, I guess.
Anyway here's to hoping my professor takes pity on me for having a terrible fucking group for my final project. Will be so pissed if I have to retake this single course and flag in graduating because of other people's mistakes. Basically how it's going is (and I'd love advice on how to handle this):
>Group of 3, project recommended to be done with 3-4 people.
>One guy does absolutely nothing; we get him kicked out halfway through.
>Second guy kind of useless too, but at least he's attentive…
>But he also has no idea what he's doing. And is actually, not that helpful. Will link me random things from Google when I ask a question, and I don't realize it's useless until I go through it and the week is over.
>And now we're at the end of the semester and he has gone radio silent (says he's doing work, never shows anything that he's done, claimed he'd be doing work this Thanksgiving break, I've seen nothing from him…)
How do I handle this? Meeting with the professor this evening, I plan to ask if we can have another concession (even with that concession, it's a lot of work for just me) but I dunno.
No. 1422223
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>no counter culture
>everyone has extreme black/white thinking
>everything is political
>female spaces taken over by troons
>fashion is boring and gender restrictive
>ugly artstyles
i fucking hate being a zoomer FREE MEEEEEEE
No. 1422247
>>1422242You do realize that when a man threatens a woman with rape and murder he can easily be publicly ostracized or reported to various womens safety services? I’m not a troon, kek. I’m actually a woman who has successfully and confidently kicked those clockable fucks out of my work spaces/living area/the BATHROOM of all places…So interesting of you to assume that a
woman who can defend herself must be a man. You sound like one of those gnc nose bridge piercing xe/xem cucks who’s too scared to do anything other than cry. Get up or cower in the corner, no one cares!
No. 1422268
>>1422262I don’t understand why you’re bitter enough to call me a troon just because you don’t have the ability to take matters into your own hands. Also “rape threats” literally mean nothing though? Yeah it can be gross but it’s the fucking internet. People have sent me dm requests threatening to do disgusting things to me for what I say, but you block them. Simple. And if one of them confronts you in real life, you make him regret it. It’s really not that hard at all. It’s about whether or not you’re willing to put yourself into a position where you could control what happens next. A lot of women think that they don’t have the capability to do that, because of their own shitty
victim complexes that they grow up having. I myself used to be one of those women, and I got the fuck over it and learned how to buzz a taser in a trannys ribs. it is so strange to me how there are so many women on this website who are so taken aback at the idea of a woman standing up against a tranny that it’s easier for you to cling to the idea that I’d be a moid.
No. 1422269
>>1422262Since the other poster is probably a troon, I'll respond to you kek. The only one who could get sued is me, because trans shit is protected even by the human rights court. They know I have no arguments to win with, I would get laughed out of the court.
I have no evidence exactly for the money being spent on prostitutes either, it's not like they gave me a receipt. Just that I asked how they spent 15k in one night for a business dinner and they 'joked' that they got prostitutes afterwards. I reported lots of shit to conduct authorities as part of my job description at the time, but nothing has ever come of it. They can just get away with it, easy peasy. Even without it being related to prostitution, it's not been legal since the financial crisis to to provide excessive remuneration or create possibly dangerous incentives by spending 15k as a gift basically to another company, potentially disadvantaging clients. Conduct authority doesn't care, courts don't care. I tried journalists tentatively, but even they generally don't give a shit since it's all old news. Everyone knows it happens.
No. 1422279
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nonnie above has me thinking
No. 1422280
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>Don't hang out on weekdays
>Don't hang out on weekends
>Eat together once a month, one person always leaves halfway to their room or couch
>No sidewalks, no car, could use sisters bike she used once 4 years ago but it's going to be icy soon
>Basic needs and entertainment are met but no familial connection or closeness, just a mimic of one
>Siblings kids on tablets all day, have to call their name 5 times in front of them for them to listen
>Sister tries to off herself, gets "help" and attention, love, money
>I keep emotions, suicidal thoughts, depression, rage, disappointment with life bottled up for years
>Get pushback with "insulting me back is disrespect, let me call you a jackass with to consequences", "don't fight with me, your sister's here, one bad word might make her pop pills again!", "stop acting childish, let your sisters walk all over you, don't fight or she'll punch you! Oh but there's nothing I can do about that".
>Wonder why I constantly change my room and decorations around to feel something, don't want to go outside after the world rejects me, still stay in my room playing videogames 24/7 at almost 22. 1 more day of Thanksgiving break and I'll go back to college having done almost nothing but play videogames.
No. 1422335
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i live alone and weekends are always shite. but dealing with people is extremely tiring, even with the ones i love, so i chose to keep living alone. i wonder if i'm gonna regret my decision later in life.
No. 1422369
>>1422367>he I’m a grown woman. The jannies know this.
>they are so cool You’re acting like I’m trying to glamorize women being violently confronted by large hostile men. You have to have asperger’s or some shit if that’s how you’re reading my posts about my experiences.
No. 1422381
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I'm done with the "never approach a man" stuff. Popular advice from women is that if he really wants you, he'll approach. But there are lots of males out there who are shy with low self esteem. Not saying I look like a model, but a guy won't approach someone he considers out of his league, usually. I just saw the most awkward looking cute man on the train, visibly nervous, we made eye contact for 0.1 seconds before he stared back at the floor again and I kept staring at him until he got off the train. I wanted to approach so badly but thought about the "if he wanted to he would" stuff. And now I'll never see his nervous little self again. From now on I think I'll approach and then after we exchange contact details, if they don't put in an effort, I'll quit. I won't aggressively pursue them, just give them an opening.
Maybe it's "masculine" or whatever to approach, but it's not like I'm going ayy gimme your number. I've grown to think a lot of FDS tier advice is kinda delusional to be honest. Lotta homely women who think as soon as they glow up "high value males" or whatever are gonna bust their doors down offering to pay for their lives. I WILL get my shy humble boyfriend, screw you Reddit.
No. 1422394
>>1422391look up your local murder solve rate sometime.
>>1422389sorry but you won't have time to dig to the bottom of your purse looking for your knife if the need arises. it needs to be in your pocket accessible in under 5 seconds. my go-to is pepper spray. remember, always wear shoes you can run in. spray or shank and run tf away.
No. 1422397
>>1422367yeah it's not so much about capability and more about whether you want to take the risks. Going to prison or getting a death sentence a la wuornos if you live in a country with capital punishment might not be worth it for everyone. Every country probably has some online spaces discussing tips and local self defense courses should discuss the steps to make it more likely you won't get in trouble. But it's important to keep in mind what the possible consequences are and how difficult it is to get away with self defense as a woman. Just because I'm willing to go to prison, doesn't mean I can recommend the same things I'd be willing to risk or shit on women who aren't willing to.
Unsolved murder rates are mainly regarding scrotes who target people who aren't missed. Women get caught, unless it's some months long poisoning operation, but that's not exactly the same as in the moment impromptu self defense.
No. 1422405
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>>1422397IF you can even kill the fucker in the first place, women die trying to scratch/hurt their attackers and the few women who actually killed in self defense suffered from long term domestic abuse and were mentally ready to kill to save themselves/their children. If a troon attacks you in the bathroom stool its more likely that you will freeze from the shock. We shouldnt be having to discuss how to defend ourselves from moids larping as women, god i hate this fucked up world.
No. 1422406
>>1422405>women die trying to Ah yeah we just drop dead…
>you’ll likely freeze up from shock That’s just natural selection at that point.
No. 1422420
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>I know " "'s not the greatest
>But I'm dating a semi-sadist
>So I've got a black coffee
>And I'm feeling really sad,
>Still, that " "'s a cutie
>Well, if not, he's got inner beauty
>And I dream of a place
>Where we could be together at last…
I literally meme'd myself into a parasocial crush and I fucking hate it. I just want to dip myself in prune juice, scream into a pillow and wake up forgetting everything I know. I hate when this happens, because I have to become obsessed with something else to get myself out of it. Nothing's working though.
I just keep thinking about him.
No. 1422433
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I'm thoroughly exhausted physically and mentally just from doing the bare minimum to not count as a NEET
No. 1422443
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i hate that none of my long distance friends live alone. they all have roommates or still live at home. it's so annoying when you are watching a movie with them or you are gaming and someone barges into their room and you have to pause or wait for them and you don't know for how long and it irritates me. i already am an anxious mess and shit like this does not make me feel any better. i sometimes take week long breaks from the internet and only talk to my LD friends over text for some time which always makes me feel better. i hate it because i love my friends and i love spending time with them. i wish i was rich enough to buy them all their own house. or at least find more responsible/independent internet friends.
No. 1422539
nonny I hope you get it out soon. I remember having a whole panic attack the first I tried one. It was okay for the first couple of hours then I had to pee and the sensation of having to pee with the cup in caused me to freak out IMMEDIATELY. It was so weird. I couldn’t get it out easily either. It’s such a weird sensation for me, I don’t think any insertion devices are for me personally
No. 1422540
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>>1422531I wouldn't have guessed that about you
No. 1422546
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>>1422531>ywn brush your manpunzel hair and help him with his goth make upwhy live nonnas
No. 1422548
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I've been dreaming about making my own comic book for a long time, and I'm not that worried for the art part, but for the writing. I have so many inspirations and ideas I tend to forget some even though I try to write down everything that comes to my mind and it's scattered literally everywhere, on my pc, phone, various notebooks, random stickies at my work etc., but I feel like it's a lot and I made this into this greater than life big scale story with deep lore and twists and philosophy but I actually don't feel competent enough to put that all together and make it public, I'm scared I will never make it real, I'm also scared to end it because I created the kind of conflict and lore that no ending seems fitting to me, and no conclusion is proper for my mc. My ambition is more than my abilities, I feel too small and dumb
No. 1422552
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>>1422546>tfw all the guys with thick hair genes get that short on sides cut that looks like their hair is blending into their neck skinguess I'll fucking die
No. 1422591
>>1422548Oh nona don't give up! I myself have been stewing over a story for a comic for about two years, I ended up mashing together a bunch of tidbits(characters, world building, plot points) and refining them until they make sense. I've only recently plotted my story out from beginning to end and actually liked it. If you're not actively in the process of making the comic, don't worry about the ending now, you'll probably have a better idea of what needs to be wrapped up, and how, after you've started it. If you don't already, it might help you to write down major plot points on small pieces of paper and organize them on a cork board.
Just remember to try your best, write the story that you want to see instead of what you think other people would want. Even if you finish it and it's less than perfect, you've still done way more than all the people who said "I want to write a story" and then never did.
No. 1422631
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I am following a drawing book and i suck so much at it aaaagh, i am scared of wasting so much time and still drawing like shit
No. 1422642
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>>1422631I feel the same way,
nonnie. But don't let your fears & anxiety sabotage you and prevent you from practicing and reaching your full potential. We may suck now, but sucking is just the first step to getting better at something! I believe in you.
No. 1422704
>>1422691seeing that diagram on how to insert it was enough to convince me to
never use one. now this nonna's story gave me another reason kek
No. 1422712
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>>1422705I am a virgin nonna, i dont even use tampons. A giant cup the size of my hand entering my vagina sounds horrifying to me.
No. 1422715
>>1422511push your index finger up the side, and curl your finger in to break the seal. basically make it from an O to a U. This will likely spill some of it out but it is a no-suction way to pull it out. Then pull it down by dragging it down with your finger. I take mine out this way every time, but I have a very flexible one so I barely need to push to break the seal and sit next to a tub so I wash it and my hand immediately while still on the toilet.
sorry about your experience with them. They really helped me since tampons caused me cramps and I dont have to change a cup while at work, but I wont hold it against you if you never wanna try this again
No. 1422724
>>1422705i basically feel the same way as
>>1422712 it looks painful, plus too complicated for my pea brain to use. i'd probably take forever trying to even get it in the first place lol
>>1422719can't get my own pinky in there either.. No. 1422738
>>1422712…the size of your HAND? it fits in the palm of your hand. listen, i don't care if you're a virgin. non virgins dont magically grow giant distended gaping vagina chasms. my cunt is just as tight as your cunt. way to parrot harebrained moid talking points though.
also, tampons give you cancer because you're shoving a bleached wad of chemically treated material up there for hours. menstrual cups are body-safe.
No. 1422805
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>>1422642thank you!! , i tried for the third time to make a head and it looks so much better!! we all GMI
No. 1422811
My dad has always been a deeply disturbed, unstable, violent man but he choose to leash it onto me, his daughter, that's why mom never cared cause she wasn't the target, in fact, he tends to make allegories to "daughter" as being a powerless person who gets abused, even talking about battered wives, he refers to them as "getting treated like a daughter"
Mom never thought he would ever hurt her, for some reason. Two decades later, he's getting old and I am no longer in contact with him, he already tried to jump on her last time, today she flinched at him…I knew this would happen but I still cannot process it, she thought she wouldn't get trapped into the same situation her mom did but I guess her demons are coming back, and I'm not sure if she will get out before shit hits the fan, she has no self-esteem at all and would rather die than leave a cheating scrote she herself brought back countless times.
"I'm so pissed, if you were my daughter…" And I'm his daughter, that's why I know how to avoid his wrath, but mom doesn't, she doesn't know how to avoid pissing him off, she doesn't perceive him as the danger he is, and if she doesn't snap out of this soon she will turn into "daughter": a worthless punchbag.
No. 1422832
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I miss 2001-2014 so much it's unreal.
I was watching the 2004 Grammys on youtube the other night and scrolling the comments, people unaminously agreeing how much better things were then, more authentic in every way.
The internet becoming retard-proof and a capitalistic wasteland, social media and the ensuing polarization of people and politics has killed the soul of the world. I know I'm not the only schizo who sees this. And I know it's not justthe same old boomer sentiment that the past was better. Anything was better than this digital shitland that has been created and all the other effects of late stage capitalism turning the earth into a gigantic bin.
I don't know how to carve out a comfy myself anymore than just retreating into nostalgia and becoming a hermit.
No. 1422837
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>>1422832At least you could experience that time nonna… I was watching Beavis and Butthead/Daria and it makes me so sad that my generation is so anti-fun and anti-rebellion, if they have a problem they cry to daddy social media CEO to ban the mean transphobes or send people to harass them. We have no unique fashion, no unique music, nothing. We are only recognized for two things, pronoun shit and ugly calart styles. Not using social media since i was a child also made me feel so separate of my peers, even people thats older than me but still zoomies. I just wanna sit with my friends and play on my PS2, no Discord shit, no people pulling out their phones to check if their daddy/kitten messaged them, no social media. I just wanna be free.
No. 1422841
>>1422539>>1422681>>1422691>>1422704>>1422715I know about TSS, this is why I'm trying really hard no to freak out and get it out. I went to sleep to relax and calm my vulva down, and tried again after a few hours. Still no luck. I can get to the base easily (it's only one knuckle deep) and I can pinch it but it doesn't break the seal, so it hurts like a motherfuck to pull and it barely moves. If I push again the side with my index to try to break the seal that way, it just pushes the cup up too high and sideways. It's really difficult to bear down, I thought my pelvis was overactive because I had vaginismus (though maybe not anymore after this weekend kek) but maybe it's actually too weak. Somehow I managed to shove my finger up the cup once but the silicon is too stiff and doesn't bend, even when I reach the rim, I can't manage to hook a finger. It's so frustrating, I'm starting to get desperate and I tried with a spoon and with a crochet needle to disloge this thing but it just won't move. I think I need to go to the ER, fuck me. It is an emergency, right ? Or can I wait until tomorrow, because other than the risk of TSS it doesn't hurt and it'll be much easier to find a random gyno to get it out. I should have gone yesterday, I just felt so stupid and every article on the internet tells you it's impossible for it to be stuck
No. 1422862
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I hate when you tell someone that you are depressed/overwhelmed by the current socioeconomic status they just say shit like ''be the change you want to be'' ''you cant change the world but you can change yourself''. Seems like such a stupid, ignorant way of dealing with it and give yourself an endless ''goal''. A therapist friend has been recommending me to watch several ''health care'' youtubers and they say all same the same fucking shit, hurr durr you gotta exercise/have healthy habits. I already do morons, even then i still feel like utter shit because it doesnt matter how much of a gym rat i become to fill the void, they world is still shit and it will die being shit because the whole world is currently plotting against the well being of the people. Why the fuck should i trust ''the science'' that for years told people that couldnt fit in society to get shock therapy or get lobotomized and now tells young gnc girls to cut their tits out? I am so fucking tired.
No. 1422866
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>>1422862I hear you
I ride my bike for hours and go to the gym all the time and still have depression. Who wouldn't in this society (joker moment). I don't trust anyone who says they AREN'T depressed.
No. 1422869
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>>1422866i will never understand the good habits= good mental health thinking. This year i had really good habits and every time i relapses it was because of something outside of my control. I dont even know WHY i am having good habits anyways, i would probably be happier if i didnt even try and spent all my day just watching anime and playing videogames in my autism cave to be honest.
No. 1422876
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>>1422523you sound like you just need friends, anon
No. 1422892
>>1422888I disagree, I think what life is actually about. If you chase big events and big feelings you burn yourself out and end up a crippled wreck. It's far better to find the pleasure in everyday things. A delicious slice of bread, a hot tea, a beautiful tree, a good conversation with a friend, a movie shared with people you love.
That kind of stuff doesn't fit on social media, but it's far more satisfying than checking off some item on a "to-do so I can finally allow myself to feel content" list.
No. 1422906
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>>1422898You should try a filled pita
No. 1422908
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>>1422902havent moved out yet . I dont know, i cant enjoy the little things because i just cant ignore the bigger picture. ''Yeah, i am eating a scrambled egg toast, but i am doing so in Argentina, a shithole. If…''. Maybe i am born a negative person, kek. Kinda wish i could enjoy the little things, i pretty much suffer all the year until i achieve my bigger goals.
No. 1422937
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>>1422930i dont know about other shitholes but in my country there is a very popular quote ''i would rather be poor in America than rich in Argentina''. My country has the absolute WORST of both worlds, the shitty political climate of the USA, we are the very first country with a nonbinary ID(president passed the law to satisfy the whim of his tranny drag queen son), and we also have the economics of venezuela. We have enby(first world problem) IDs in a country with over 60% of poverty. An argie friend of mine that moved to Mexico for a few years, ''moved'' back here after having some economic problems there, then went back in less than a month because he couldn't handle it. He didnt last a fucking month here and would rather go back to Narcoland, lol. I hate it here, there isnt a single fucking day when i am not stressed and my life is perpetually ruined for being born in such a shithole. There is nothing i despise more than first wordlers moving to a shithole to live off daddys money's while everyone else who was born there suffers.
No. 1422938
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Ffs I hate winter all I want to do it wash my hair and shower without having a I huddle against the heater to not freeze
No. 1422947
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My little brother is about to troon out. He's been discord and reddit groomed for 5 years. It's fucking over
No. 1422962
>>1422956I love him though
>>1422958don't live at home, although if I did I might have been able to stop all of this happening before it was too late
>>1422959it's the former
No. 1422969
>>1422946>Never ask for bf advice here lol I'm sorry but people will just tell you you're either stupid or need to dump him or both. Because despite being a "member" of LC some woman get themselves into the most ridiculous situations.
Your bf is acting like a moid and doesnt seem to want to change? The answer was obvious the moment before you started typing
No. 1422971
>>1422827All the time.
There are no worse, more fickle, disrespectful or more
abusive boyfriends than fat ugly men.
No. 1422976
>>1422975I probably should, but this cult is more difficult because it's validated on every level. He'll go to a gender therapist that will tell him it's normal and good. How do you get through at that point? Getting someone to leave a regular cult is hard enough.
also, I don't think that's a strategy that will work. he'd have a meltdown and cut me off if I did that
No. 1423043
>>1422948Depression is a natural reaction to the world we live in. For 30 years doctors were pushing the meme that depression is caused by a chamical imbalance in the brain to sell you more drugs and take more money from you, and now it's obvious there's not enough evidence for this meme theory but the psychiatry forgot to inform public about it years ago, when they should.
My therapist loved to say that depression rates are the lowest during war times, like it proves anything. Of course when we are driven by the lowest instincts, like survival, we have no time to contemplate life. Animals don't do it. But when we have more time and we can further analyze life and its circumstances, many people start to see, or at least feel it subconsciously, that there's no point in life and that life is mostly suffering. Depression rates are getting higher and they will get even higher and that's a good thing, I hope it will lead to people breeding less.
No. 1423066
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Life is drama and trauma. I just want to have fun, not be said or anixious.
No. 1423079
>>1420829I hate my brother so much. He doesn’t do anything. Doesn’t clean up after himself at all. Doesn’t pick up anything. Doesn’t do the dishes. Doesn’t help with the lights. Doesnt do his own laundry. Just sits on his ass and plays video games or browses 4chan. Never lifts a finger to cook for himself or anyone. Doesn’t even go grocery shopping. Has a license but refuses to drive people anywhere, even when parking is impossible at the destination.
Keep in mind this is an adult. A 23 year old who lives at home with my parents.
Because he doesn’t do anything or help out and is just a leech living for free (he doesn’t pay rent),
I have to fly across the country and give up my blooming new adult life to help out my mom, who is the primary caretaker to my disabled father.
I have two other siblings who live in the same state as my parents so I don’t see why I have to give up my new life with my fiancé my physically abled adult brother can do. I mean, he lives at home with them already. Can’t he help out with yard work? With cooking? Doing laundry?
I keep pestering him to find a job or go back to school but he won’t even attempt. Is he going to commit suicide after my parents die and he can no longer leech off them? Like I don’t see why he can’t plan for his future and thinks he can get away with a free ride forever when his babysitters (my parents) are older and will inevitably die before him, especially with the way he treats my elderly mother (ffs, you can’t haul your own heavy laundry and do it yourself??)
Honestly I don’t know why my mom hasn’t kicked him out so he can grow tf up and live like an adult instead of a perpetual man child
I love my parents and all but I have to leave them for my own sanity and my own growth. I don’t want to end up like my brother. His attitude is sickening and makes me so
angry - I can barely stomach the thought of being around him. I hate how when I cook dinner for my parents he nonchalantly grabs a plate, eats it and doesn’t even wash it
No. 1423095
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This is the most retarded vent I've posted but my friend's moid is driving me insane with the most petty and dumb ways!!
Last night I was at a party where my friend and her moid were also at, the moid is foreign and so were some other people as well, but nowhere near where my friend's moid is from.
We got to add songs to the playlist but some metal song started playing and everyone felt like adding more heavier songs, mostly stuff we found nostalgic, most of us have a background in heavy metal/punk/shit and it's pretty common here. This goddamn moid had to act so bewildered whenever people would sing along to songs, but especially when it was foreign, non english songs like rammstein for example.
>what language is this, it sounds ugly
>do you all know German, why would you listen to German music
>do you only listen to Korean and English music?
>we can learn and know the lyrics to a song even if we don't speak the language
>I don't need to listen to other countries' music
like okay you fucking scrote, this is not the first time he tries to fuck up the mood, he also has some general retardation over esc,cannot understand why we care about foreign countries songs or bother to learn to sing along, I swear to god it's so petty but it's such a rotten vibe to put out?
He also looked up lyrics to one song in my language and had to comment how it seemed to be a religious song, bitch what the fuck it was about consumerism and how depressed the people are shut the fuuuuck he always fucks up the vibes and then my friend has to apologise for him or say it's because he is Korean, idk if it's nationalism or what but he acts like we are stupid for speaking, understanding or even singing other languages, this isn't the first time but I am still so annoyed.
He also kept telling me how I must not be from this country "really" because I look the way I do and have a foreign last name. What in the world, one day soon I will deck this scrote.
No. 1423098
Everything is fucking depressing, why my home country's government is a bunch of retards and why, even though i escaped it, i've never met anyone somewhere closer. Like, all my friends and my girlfriend lives there and we were hoping one day we could live together, working so hard for years to make it happen, just when we were almost there covid happened and it became impossible! Then, okay, it became a bit better, should we try again? Fuck no, because now there is a fucking war! And no sane country lets people from my home country in. All we fucking wanted is to get married and move her in to be with me here, even both of our families approved of this and everything was so perfect. But no, fuck everything, because now it's impossible for her to come to me, because only closest family members can come and marriage isn't a valid reason to visit. We can't marry anywhere else, only countries where we could meet are not the ones where we can marry. I've been living alone for too long, nonnas, all i want is her to be here, we are just so perfect together, i don't want anyone else at all. Like where the fuck can i find a person to browse this website with and laugh at troons, she is too perfect. But looking at how everything is right now, how being lesbian is getting more and more outlawed there because THIS COUNTRY DOESN'T HAVE ANY OTHER PROBLEMS, RIGHT? how this war is getting worse and worse, i'm so fucking sad for ukrainian people also. It seems nothing will ever get better, even if the war stops, borders won't open soon after that and i just don't know how to continue living like this, i don't know if there is a point even. Everything fucking sucks.
No. 1423099
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>>1423095samefag because I just remembered he also got annoyed when someone said some kpop song he was playing was a cover or sample or whatever from old ass pop song from my country, it wasn't even me who told him that yet he looked so annoyed
No. 1423110
>>1423095what an idiot. Why would he be bothered by people listening to music in a language they don't speak? Is there something deeper going on or is he just stupid?
No. 1423133
>>1423119Holy shit I never thought of it as being controlling but you're right? He moved into my friend's apartment and thank god my friend is very head strong because he did try to make some ugly ass decoration changes but Holy shit anon, I never realised, I need to stay alert.
>>1423123He is relatively okay otherwise but yeah, I have no idea why he even moved here if he hates euroshit so much
No. 1423135
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>>1423116so he travels to another country and dates someone from another country yet he refuses to watch foreign media that isn't capeshit. I know I'm not in a position to say this but I hope your friend dumps him
No. 1423141
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Everyone in my family talks to me in my native language and I respond in the language of the country we're living in, but for the past few months, I've been really wanting to start speaking in my native language with everyone again, after I think almost 20 years of not speaking it at all. Problem is, while I understand everything I hear, my own grammar and vocabulary is horrid and I lost pretty much all ability to speak freely. I'm probably better at speaking English and the other language I've been actively learning for the past ten years than speaking in my native language. Also, the relationship between my family and me is really fucking awkward, so I have no idea how to even breach the topic. Even my friends make fun of how stiff and distanced all our interactions are lol. I don't know where I suddenly got the idea from, my native country sucks ass anyways.
No. 1423173
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Anyone else fall for the whole sharing your emotions/thoughts thing and it just makes things worse, makes people call you retarded, misunderstand you more, and start telling you what to do in life etc. I should just close up again like I used to be, and never tell anyone my aspirations/dreams/hobbies/interests/feelings/opinions/ or anything because it always backfires. I thought I was improving in life and learning how to emote and communicate how I feel because everyone always told me to do that, but when I do, it just makes everything more complicated. I just want to be honest. I just wanted to create stronger bonds with my family. I don't want to be called a retard anymore or told what to do when I already have hobbies. I guess I'm too introverted. I thought I was making progress in life but I don't think I am anymore. I just feel so lost. I don't want to speak to anyone about myself anymore. This is why I wish to be alone.
No. 1423209
>>1423186My parents don't give af what I do, it's mostly outsiders that do this to me. Well honestly I feel like family just doesn't care either way.. which is depressing but … meh. I also kind of like it.
But I started getting aggressively stalked (doxxed?) by someone .. or a group of controlling af people in 2014 and it turned my personality inside out. I became extremely disgusted by men and turned off by them. Ruthlessly tuned out. It's really strange. I feel like I live to piss people off now. weirdly I have zero anxiety over it now. It's like after that I fear nothing after being stalked. The people that did it were complete psychopaths and freaks.
I got lots of death threats and blackmail years ago but it turns out they're full of shit.
I don't do a whole lot of extreme things I just journal, go to work, I'm a creative. But my life is a fishbowl. I guess I kinda got a kick out of it people could be that hatefully obsessed with me. What else can I do,? God theyre dead to me and that's about it
No. 1423231
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My new roommate invited her boyfriend to our house and she didn't even ask anyone if we're ok with it, I came to the kitchen to make something to eat and she and her bf were literally lying on the couch there, touching and kissing. they left when I came and they went to our room. I came back to our room with food and they were standing in front of a mirror, she was only in her bra and thanking him for the present (the bra). Dude this is like really uncomfortable, why some people don't have any boundaries. Our room is really small so it was especially cringe to sneak behind her bf so I can get to my bed and she in her underwear standing next to my bed
No. 1423245
>>1423238I've tried various kinds of therapy and drugs and nothing ever helped. Focusing on "nice things" is a cope, and I'm too truthpilled to take that. I face the truth. Also dogs are trash, mutated mutts spreading diseases and mauling children. I would respect your post more if you wrote about a cat or something. Also, it's not that I don't
notice pretty, simple things. I see them and I can enjoy them for a few minutes. But I know they will never be enough to shift the attention from all the shitty stuff and pain and the good will never even get close to the bad shit in life.
No. 1423282
>>1423240But is true. Jesus fuck women are equally as bad. The internalized misogyny is raging. It is real and it its like it goes to their bones (why?????). I will never get it so I don't try.
It's the worst in the way they get huffy over trivial meaningless shallow things, as opposed to meaningful deep things. Rage over appearances in the most misogynistic frothing rage. I mean appearance matters but not if you're miserable internally and truly just hate your life to the bone I won't waste my breath over anything that feels like that misogynistic kind of horse shit. Who do you think you are kidding??
Wierdly the hivemind obsession/ perfectionism is why so many of the kind I describe are so easy to control and manipulate to a fault.
No. 1423295
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No. 1423301
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>>1423296>girls being mean in highschool is just as damaging as rapenevermind it's just more bait again
No. 1423309
>>1423296>Their mental games and abuse can be just as damaging in the long term as rape though.i pray you are never the
victim of male sexual violence because this is the most retarded shit i've ever seen. some women/girls being mean and manipulative to you is not even anywhere remotely near the level of trauma that comes with being sexually assaulted or raped.
>>1423307yeah but not even near to the level of sexual abuse you fucking retard, it's a whole different beast to being bullied by other women or girls? how are you this retarded
No. 1423326
>>1423319no one is forcing you to be around or enjoy other women you fucking nlog you're not being held at gunpoint, people are mad cos you equated being bullied or having bad experiences with women on the similar level as rape and now you're trying to backtrack because you're rightfully getting called out for the dumb shit you say.
>predominately suffocating themselves to death>Meh have a cow over it I guess. People in general are filth though.i can't even address this cringe
No. 1423330
>>1423321Well i don't give a fuck about anything in a way that always pisses women off, not to mention men.. though much less so, so yeah? I really suppose so
I think men are different in that they don't get high strung. They have random acts of violence.
I think being miserably high strung is patriarchal manipulation though. It's imposed on women, to keep them from being truly happy.
No. 1423333
>>1423307the point is that it's not the same as being bullied
>>1423317>it's easily as's not. that's what we're trying to tell you
No. 1423336
>>1423255if you're that poor go to a fucking food bank. and frankly, you should fix your finances if you have subscriptions you don't even know about. why can't you just get a coffee or waitressing job? $16 is 1 fucking hour of pay.
>>1423295i love judgemental dog. i can't even read a book anymore without the author inserting graphic and egregious sodomy into it. moids are barely tolerable as it is, them sticking dicks in each other's poop chute is repulsive, they need to be tossed into an active volcano. only women can be bisexual or homosexual because lesbians can never defile each other like shit-pounders do. anal sex is unnatural and causes disease and incontinence. and gay men are nothing but sex addicts and products of child molestation. gays go to weekly orgies and screw dozens of randoms at once, that's why they all have AIDS. I've never seen lesbians with AIDS. it's pretty clear–God says male homosexuality is an abomination. Every time you turn around God is giving those sodomites a new disease. Women, meanwhile, are always clean and pure. Women can only get diseases from sex with men who slept around, especially bisexual men, who carry plague from homosexual men over to infect womenkind.
I just want to read a book without having sodomy shoved in my face. Go die of monkeypox already, faggots. Women who sexualize male faggotry are pornsick. Imagine two scruffy, hairy, stinking moids rubbing their hairy faces together. Men don't even wash their asshole. Imagine how disgusting two sweaty fornicating moids would be. They'd smear sweat and shit all over the bedding. I want to barf. All gay men are misogynists anyway. You should hear the way they talk about women. Every woman would grab a hammer out of her toolbox and run into the streets to end the sodomites if she knew. I hate men and I especially hate gay men. And don't think they won't rape you just because they're gay. When it comes to a chance to hurt a woman they can suddenly get it up for tits and pussy. They can't love a woman, but they can certainly abuse and destroy her.
No. 1423337
>>1423330i struggle with the exact same thing, i always get accused of being an nlog when i talk about this but it's true, we need to just chill the fuck out. men don't try to tear each other down for being "
problematic" or whatever the fuck, they just laugh everything off. i guess i'm just moidbrained or autistic or something idk most of the shit women get offended about or outraged over i just can't bring myself to care about.
No. 1423338
>>1423319I don't agree that getting bullied is as bad as rape but it's true women can treat you just as terrible in places like work, if not worse than men. At my work women were the most
toxic and
abusive ones. I don't trust straight women by deafult because they would throw me or you under the buss for their shit stained nigel, and they will compete and shit on each other for the sake of male attention. Pointing that out doesn't make me a NLOG and anyone who says otherwise is a pathetic handmaiden.
No. 1423353
>>1423345Samefag who thinks both women and men suck. I wouldn't believe that either, I would think the husband threatened the woman if she squealed.
But why in the fuck have a kid with a pugfucker moid anyway lol
They are vampires
No. 1423359
>>1423338I have experienced more workplace abuse by women than by men. But I do take into consideration that those womens behavior are direct consequences of males bullshit. Moid bosses don’t bully me at work because they don’t give a shit about me, they let their handmaids do that. Those men are creating an environment where women compete for their approval. Girlboss culture is just rebranded queen bee autism.
That anon isn’t interested in nuance though.
No. 1423383
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>>1423206Update: I barfed!
No. 1423384
>>1423375i avoid them irl but every single LGBT club ive been to has named lesbians as a common enemy for the sheer horror of having - wait for it - fucking boundaries.
>>1423377I wish there was a way other than the internet to come together, I would really put so much of my time and effort into this. I am so sick of saying I am a lesbian in spaces that imply this information is met with understanding and trust and being told most lesbians are 'mean' and 'are terfy'. sorry not wanting to be sexually assaulted yet again by an unwashed moid is terfy. im sending you strength nona.
No. 1423389
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>>1423376Same, i hope everything gets better for both of us soon. Being born as a girl to a person who thinks women are some kind of disease and evil itself is draining as hell to say the least, i didn't even do shit but he just automatically assumes there's a
chance i could be a whore or a poisonous bitch, he's too deranged to perceive me as the individual i am and not just a mix of everything he hates about his mothe- i mean women
No. 1423390
>>1423372Play the game and get promoted or stay nice and stay cucked? If a man is morally dubious and trample on others in order to climb the ladder, he is celebrated. You have a problem with sociopathic opportunists, not women.
>>1423373Yes I know I’ve had them too. I’m saying in hostile workplaces it goes all the way to the top and favors certain personalities.
No. 1423394
>>1423387>plenty of people hold women to higher standards so they take small ethical errors from women more seriously than they do from menTrue, but then you have liberal and sometimes even radical feminists who only see women as
victims and no matter what they do they justify it by 'muh patriarchy'. And here you ofte get called a nlog for pointing something bad that women do. I even remember that an anon who said that a mother who sold her daughter to a pedo shouldn't be put in jail if it was proved she lived in poverty kek
No. 1423395
>>1423389samefag, i'm sick of hearing him rant about random, innocent women who didn't even hurt him:
>She's ugly>She's doing too much>She's fat>She looks like a stickOver and over, bitchass motherfucker, is not our fault mommy didn't love you, you dick
No. 1423396
>>1423376My dad is a closet misogynist. Thinks hes one of the good ones but he also thinks women are these weird alien creatures. He was married to a woman for decades. He raised a daughter. He still acts like women are this mystery to him. This 'other' category
He doesn't even try to get to know me. We feel like strangers purely because I'm female. I turned out to be pretty butch and yet.. in his head I'm this caricature. Just another weird women who he'll never understand. D'urr women are so strange and mysterious. Guess I shouldn't even try to get to know who my daughter is.
No. 1423402
>>1423345i believe it, because some people will take any chance to exert power over others. men
or women. and group mentalities can do that to you. there was a case where a girl was abused by her female caretaker who got the entire neighborhood in on doing it. and historically women were more
abusive to children they probably didn't want with men who basically considered them as property. that's not to say this isn't still men's fault though. women wouldn't feel like they need to be like men if men left us alone.
No. 1423407
>>1423389 >he's too deranged to perceive me as the individual i amThis is my dad. I lost my mom at a young age. Thought I'd become closer to my dad after that. Nope. He's close to my brother and once every few years I'll get a gift of something thats so total opposite to anything that I'd ever like. Some token super feminine gift. Anyone whose met me one time would know my better than he does
I grew up always hearing him talk about how 'women are so hyper emotional' so I now can't ever have a conversation with im that goes anywhere near emotions. With my own parent. My only living parent.
No. 1423428
UGHHHHH BLEGHHHH…. MOIDS ARE SO FUCKING DISGUSTING…. UGH FUCKKKK. theres this guy at work who is interested in me, and my dumbass was trauma dumping on this guy because he was also doing the same, there was also another coworker there that kinda initiated this whole thing. It was kinda like funny banter bcs i dont actually give a fuck about my trauma. then, this guy suddenly tries to get my number, and my dumbass gives it to him because idk how to say no to people. Also, I never really liked this guy because there was something about him that really scared me, but I could never put my finger on it. my other coworker tries to get me to drop him off because he has to walk home, so I was peer pressured into dropping him off. And you know what I found in my car? His fucking redbull in the small storage area. Who the FUCK puts their belongings there, especially if its in a car of someone you dont know? Thats fucking manipulative. When i saw that, I fucking threw up, and I started crying. ik its probably an overreaction, but I felt really disgusted when i found it. I took it out of my car and left it outside of my house lmao. now i have to work with him tomorrow, and idk what to do. I just want to cry everytime i think of having to see him.
No. 1423443
>>1423394Stories like the mother selling her daughter are extremely rare and I'm not sure if it should be brought up as if it is. It's an example, yeah, but there's more consistent ways that women fail other women and their children. Me? I'm exhausted with the pettiest things being considered a grave grievance and I wish there was more class solidarity among women in general, if only a tiny bit. It'd lead to less women throwing one another under the bus, less women blindly appeasing men, less women coupling with men, etc. Also keep in mind this thread started with someone literally saying men only get "retarded/bad in relationships" and that women are way more likely to be constantly terrible so this discussion was doomed to be ridiculous, kek.
Also, for anyone else, there's some promising research on the subject of how intrasexual friendships affect and benefit women (as opposed to men) that is worth looking into as well.
No. 1423452
>>1423443Kek yeah
>If you are asexual you will probably never even get in trouble with men they only get retarded in relationships.Wait until she realises that moids don't give a fuck if you're asexual or not, they aren't less likely to give you trouble if you say "oh I'm asexual or a lesbian or not interested in general" if anything it fuels their xy rage and violence even more because you had the audacity to not adhere to their demands
No. 1423480
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Am I cruel for this? I fell out with some guy because he couldn't stay loyal to me. We parted on okay terms, but didn't talk much after that. One of our mutual friends later found out he has a Grindr account, and we both laughed about it. I was glad we never fucked, just went on a couple IRL dates and kissed. Often, I see his username posted on a website from our country looking for women to have sex and watch porn with. It put me off from him even more, and now I pretty much don't miss him at all.
Recently, he messaged me saying he missed me. I didn't reply, but didn't block him either. He messaged me again, and again. I guess I feel guilty for leaving him behind like this, but part of me is sure he's just doing this because he hasn't found another woman, lol. He's literally still making those thirsty "looking for F 18-24" posts, too. Assuming I'm right, it just seems below my own self-respect to even acknowledge him. The more I reflect on what I had with him, the more…self-disgust I even feel? It's like I was a completely different person back then.
I'd feel weird and even more guilty about removing him, but I really don't want to date him either. Even actively being his friend seems out of my interests at this point in time. I'd rather he'd just fade into the background. I can't help but feel I'm being very harsh, even though I'm technically not doing anything at all.
No. 1423505
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I hate how unreliable people are.
First, I want to give an ex-colleague a huge (heavy) chest of persimmons because she told me she loved them and my mother's tree grows too many. So I ask her if she'll be in the office the next day because I will help my mother out in the garden and collect them and would take a subway to get to her. She says yeah.
The next day then I am there and write to her during my 40 minute long trip to her office (that I paid for too) and she isn't answering. Then I am there but wait since I assume that IF she was ill she would have surely told me after agreeing a day before, right?
Well no she doesn't. I make phone calls. At some point and she finally answers "LOL yeah I am sick today my back hurts".
Well fuck man that's what I got for wanting to do something for her. At least fucking tell me.
On the positive side I encountered a dude I know who was homeless till a few years ago. He is super chill and only makes a bit of money selling images of catholic saints in front of a church so I gave him all of my persimmons! If it's too much for him he knows a lot of other poor people, I should have given it to them in the first place!
Another case that happened today:
A friend told me to meet up next week for a christmas market in her city. But I would have to pay 80 euro to get there since it's in another state. I ALMOST bought the damn tickets yesterday and NOW I have been told that she doesn't know if she feels like coming because she visits that place a day before with someone else already. She even adds the stupid comment "You are old enough to go there alone anyway".
BITCH. It's not about me being stupid, I wanted to come to meet you. I have 30 christmas markets in my own city including a gay one and one of the top of a high house. It's not about the market..
Well fuck I sound like a fucking boomer lol but I honestly sometimes prefer being with old people because they are so much more reliable. I am completely fine with a "No", I do it myself. Sometimes you don't feel like it. But please for the love of god don't say "Yes" and then stand your friends up and act as if this was nothing.
Pic related my mother's persimmons, big thank you to anybody who might have read this textwall lol
>>1423495I feel you. I wish people would at least be honest.
No. 1423513
I’m this anon
>>1421703 and I’m still feeling horrible over this. I left it out of the original post for some reason, but I was out for the guy I was with’s birthday, which makes the whole thing even worse. I regret going on a big nonsensical ramble about how “I’m not a lesbian but I prefer women and I’m bisexual but I can’t date men but oh God this exact same thing happened with my ex I kept wishing he was a woman but I swear I really like you and I wish this could work and I want to be friends” etc., and for crying so much in front of him. I have to see him tomorrow to get back something I left at his place and I know it’s going to be unbelievably awkward. I have no idea what to say to him, but I feel like I have to say something.
No. 1423524
>>1423505You sound really cool and I totally understand what you mean. It's like people my age (30s) don't take themselves seriously, as if the people they're talking to won't listen or commit.
It's happened to me a lot, I wonder if it's just a lack of respect thing (though I suppose I'll add the caveat that it seems to happen with mainly French people kek).
No. 1423528
>>1423376I have only one sibling, a sister. My dad was in and out of our lives and my sister was closer to my mom while i was on my own half the time. When my mom passed, i realized how much she did for us. My dad did nothing but show up once a month and take us out for ice cream and concerts as teenagers.
I miss my mother a lot. My dad said some sexist shit when I was a teenager, even though he says he respects women. I look back at his behavior now and glad I cut him out.
No. 1423563
I’m tired of reading that I’m privileged because I live in the UK. All the money in the country is concentrated in London. I’m rural poor and there are no jobs or opportunities to better yourself, no community, no contacts. I get told I’m privileged because I have an education, but I went to a shithole state school and went to a shit art university and worked hard enough to go to a good university for my masters. I was the only one relying on government grants, the rest were privately educated posh people whose parents were paying for them outright to attend. It felt like being an alien, like I was a dirty peasant eavesdropping on the conversations of the elite. I lived in a dangerous part of the city in a real cockroach-infested shithole for £50 a week bills included, while the others swanned about in beautiful trendy loft spaces in the cool parts of town. Fuck. They were nice but the class issue was too much for me to bear. I resented them, hated them, really struggled with money and walked four miles to get to classes because the bus was too expensive. And I worked hard as fuck to get through it, but it’s done nothing for my employability because it seems it was more like a networking event than a degree and I was from dirt with nothing to offer anybody. And now I’m back in my shithole town being called “privileged” for having an education and I think, this is a real crab bucket mentality. Poor fighting poor when there are whole strata of people whose privilege and wealth and opportunities we can’t even begin to conceive of.
You tell me how I, an abused child with a mentally ill mum and an alcoholic schizophrenic father, living in poverty, surviving on free school meals, is privileged just because I grew up have a couple of state-funded toilet paper degrees. You hicks could do it too if you actually tried, I had no more opportunities than the rest of you
No. 1423597
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There are some days where I am just mortified with myself for falling for the hookup culture that was pushed on me in my late teens and early twenties.
I got so used to seeing sex and drugs in media and at parties that I became numb to it and when my friends did something new and encouraged me to try it, I wanted to do it too. Drugs, drinking, sex, queer, polyamorous, leftie/progressive think, hookup culture. All of it. Even though I kinda knew deep down I didn’t conform to it or believe in it, I still went along with it and it ruined my mental state.
Now that I’m older and my life has changed so dramatically I look back and have so much shame.
I try to think that making mistakes is all apart of growing up and living life but some of the shit I’ve seen and experienced keeps me up at night. Maybe I never would have been drugged and raped and beaten repeatedly by piece of shit men while being gaslit into being friends with their piece of shit they/them “queer” girlfriends for years.
I’m better now. I have a loving, stable, healthy relationship with the most wonderful man (who I don’t deserve) and practice morality and stability and patience on a daily basis and we have achieved so much together, I hardly recognise myself some days, but sometimes I feel like I can’t forgive myself regardless of how much I grow and change and achieve in life…
Especially when I hear things like “a girl that’s been ran though, an ex ho, born again virgin”.
I know this isn’t the place to ask for advice but how do I forgive myself for being young and beyond fucking stupid? Or is there just no forgiveness? Is there just shame I have to live with? Sometimes it makes me want to cry.
No. 1423608
>>1423563God I can relate, this country is so shit, it's being destroyed from the top down and the people below are so fucking stupid they refuse to even acknowledge it, constantly deflecting and making excuses.
I'm this close to just trying get a job somewhere in Europe that'll sponsor me a visa, the UK has no future.
No. 1423619
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My grandfather passed away last Tuesday after being diagnosed with colon cancer four days earlier. It's fucked up because he was the only father figure in my life, and he died too soon before I could even begin to process it. I'm lonely, nonnies.
No. 1423620
>>1423563Not even UK but it's soo hard to make people realise that not everybody is a kid from rich academics with a billion connections when you live in central Europe.
Everybody tells me shit was so easy, but they literally got their well-paid jobs from relatives while my parents were cleaners and both of them lost all connection to their families when they came to my state. I studied archeology and no museum took me, then some dude who has never studied anything at all gets the job because the damn uncle is working there. Degrees mean shit if you don't have the luck and the connections.
I am not saying that I have it as bad as poor people from Somalia and the likes, but not everybody in the west is the same. And yeah I agree life in the UK seems to get worse from what I hear and see. But people seem to elect the same idiots because somethingsomething immigrants taking the jobs or something. My country has the same idiots btw and Italy too
No. 1423623
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>mfw males troon out
No. 1423636
>>1423619Wow I fucking hate that shit, sorry nonna.
The father of one of my longtime friends died from the same shit recently and all of a sudden, my father died from cancer too but I had at least time to say goodbye. I hate cancer so much it's a fucking plague.
I don't know if this helps, but some people draw or create something small and pretty to gift it to the dead one once they have a grave. Maybe this will make you feel a bit better. Be aware that you care about him regardless though, so don't feel guilty. It's not your fault and I bet he knows he was important to you (and still is).
No. 1423637
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just saw a post about a guy born without a chin. pic unrelated. he literally has no jaw or chin. can't speak, eat, or breathe. the next thing the video shows is that he is a song writer. i immediately pause and think what would have happened if she was a woman instead. would have anybody cared about her talent at song writing? i doubt it. she probably would be hidden in a "shame room" living off of social assistance, shitposting and thinking about suicide.
i know of a girl who was born with a huge tumor on her face. i heard she wanted and tried to kill herself because of this condition. she was so lonely and depressed. yet completely able and average scrotes are out there whining about having a smaller jaw than their meme chad, believing that it is a reason of some huge oppression. just shut the fuck up. if a literally jawless chinless guy can be a song writer, just shut the fuck up.
No. 1423642
>>1423597You were surrounded by neglectful enablers that wanted to push you into certain situations because they got off of it. Imagine the millions of other girls that used to be in that position and did similar. She knows 0 about the downsides of hook-up culture especially in extreme communities like you found, she hears "agency" and "empowerment" said about it constantly…maybe she's used to feeling disempowered or like other people define her. Peer pressure is powerful. You're just a person and in a lot of these degenerate spaces, the ruthless, greediest people have a way of muddying everything beyond comprehension and creating a
toxic space for normal people like you.
The only way I'd actually think you're stupid is if you repeated it thinking it'd cure your trauma, or encouraged others to do it–emphasis on the latter.
No. 1423652
>>1423620nta but also Europoor from rural area (lived in a trailer as a kid), had to study something I hate and specialize in the most boring and at the same time unethical and fucked up niche, just to have job security. If I had been born just 3 years earlier or later, I would've been able to risk studying something somewhat enjoyable and not be in an unethical niche (cost of education went up just as I started, student loan system introduced, housing shortage, most forms of welfare or assistance disappeared etc). Or of course if I had any connections or status. Yet people act like the whole of Europe is Scandinavia, that the whole country is like the big cities or like my country is still the way it was in the 70's. Sure it could be much worse, but living in a rich country is pretty meaningless with no real social safety net, not enough foodbanks, no affordable housing and being led by politicians with a boner for austerity measures and unhinged tax cuts for big businesses which even make Unilever or oil companies go 'wtf that's not necessary'.
No. 1423654
>>1423597i can relate. i wish i did not even have a boyfriend, or only a boyfriend who was very studious. i fell for the propaganda that if i didn't find the love of my life and marry, settle down and become pregnant IN university, then my life would be over by the time i graduated. that i would be "too old" for those things. so i spent way too much time trying to date, talking to guys, and being a pickme for them while thinking i am sooo independent and cool for not committing and that it would make them want to commit to me. but this shit is
toxic moidsperg, stuck to me through the internet. insane how that affected me so much. it must be even worse for younger zoomers. their social media doesn't even allow disagreements - everything gets labelled as "
toxic", "slut shaming" and "kinkshaming".
No. 1423671
>>1423433>>1423471It's out! I only waited a couple of hours in the ER, the doc used a pair of pincers to get it out. I would have never been able to do it alone. I am so happy to have this thing out! She told me that with a cup stuck for two days I was starting to be in the danger zone for septic shock so big thanks to
>>1422846 for reiterating what I knew to be true but was talking myself out of.
No. 1423698
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when I was 17 I got into relationship with a 31 year old man who convinced me to cope with my childhood sexual trauma by getting into ddlg
Every therapist I've tried won't let me talk about it the way I want to, they always have a list of requirements I have to meet before I'm allowed to just fucking say "hey I got raped a bunch as a kid and then a gross old man who didn't seem old to me at the time because of the aforementioned rapes took advantage of my soupy brain"
or they won't let me tlak about anythign at all because they do "EMDR" and you don't say anything out loud in that type of therapy, you just "Focus on the trauma as hard as you possibly can, feel every sensation you felt at the time, every feeling, every smell every taste"
I puked. EMDR made me vomit on camera and I didn't go back. I hung up. I feel taken advantage of again.
My psychiatrist doesn't believe in the use of sedatives or tranquilizers and says I have to go to therapy and learn to cope and I told her about my experience and she said "I'm just a psychiatry RN, I do not do counseling, you have to see a councilor."
I'm gonna fucking kill myself and see what she says about that.
No. 1423717
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Hello nonnas. Why are people so shouty? It seems like everyone outside can't communicate without shouting. I posted about a month ago about starting a new job I'm terrified of, due to basically being agoraphobic, and so far it's been … okay. I kind of hate it actually. No nervous breakdowns yet. The shouting constantly makes me flinch though because I'm wimpy and have PTSD. At least two people have remarked about how quiet I am even though I feel like I'm yelling when I try to speak.
No. 1423738
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>>1423732I would fucking kill to have a therapist say that to me, god damn that feels better just to read
No. 1423757
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I'm about to graduate college, it feels great that after so many years of being always and school and focus on my studies I will finally be free of that but to be honest I'm absolutely terrified of what's to come, I can't imagine myself looking for a job and being good at it, I can't imagine myself getting paid for what I do, I can't imagine myself paying taxes or bills, I can't imagine living by myself or having a romantic partner.
Im going to Florida a few weeks after my official final day of school and while I'm glad I'll experience a family vacation after school, I'm not sure if theme parks, expensive food and hotel beds will make me forget of what's my life going to be like after I return.
Im so scared.
No. 1423790
>>1423734>Illinoisyou gotta get out of there
it isn't a good place just because it's the only blue island in the midwest, it's still the midwest
No. 1423820
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i’m like a coomer but for romance i keep remembering the great moments from being with my ex and like feeling nice about it and then i remember that he’s my ex. why doesn’t he want to be with me anymore (ok i’m insane but who cares)
No. 1423847
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this character i have a crush on in this tv show started tonguing his hand like he was eating pussy out of nowhere in this episode i'm watching
No. 1423852
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Due to layoffs I’m getting moved to the graveyard shift starting monday night. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didnt have to deal with people but I do, they’re so plastered and obnoxious at that hour.
I hate this job so much sometimes but I need it for the insurance for my daughter.
No. 1423864
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I've never really vented online to anyone before because I always keep things to myself but I feel so incredibly lonely and have no one to talk to.
I'm not a malicious person and never have been but I feel like I'm just so stupid and fuck up so often so I ruin close friendships and relationships where there's no going back. I don't ever leave the house except for when I have to go to class or get groceries. I can barely respond to my family's texts because of how much mental energy it takes out of me. I have no motivation to do anything. I have very few, if any, friends. I genuinely feel so hopeless about everything but I'm a full-grown adult and can't just give up my responsibilities to focus on my mental health. I don't even know what else I could do? I've been on medication since I was a pre-teen and have been hospitalized, what else really is there?
I don't want sympathy, I just want to know if there are others in my position like me. I feel like the only person in the world.
No. 1423872
>>1423862Nah same hourly pay rate. It is a union gig so theres at least that. And Its not permanent luckily just until spring, but I’m still gonna pout about it.
At least I’ll become more familiar with euro nonnies from being awake at that hour.
No. 1423882
>>1423877It really is the worst feeling in the world. I just keep holding on in hopes it gets better and so that I can look back on times I felt this way and know that I won't ever feel it again. But most of all I wish I could just go back and fix so many things that would make my current situation so much more bearable.
Keep holding on!!
No. 1423896
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i recently suffered ectopic pregnancy and i needed surgery for it
meanwhile, my scrote is out getting drunk and watching world cup reruns at the bar
i wish he actually gave a shit about me. i wish he'd come back home and love me
instead i have to suffer alone
No. 1423912
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I think i memed my mentally strongest friend into depressiong, i have that effect i people
No. 1423919
>>1423495He actually ended up coming over after all and brought me food. It ended very well. Maybe he reads this thread and knew I was pissed.
He also brought me a giant plant pot the size of my table that weighs 20 lbs. It seems to have carrots and mint in it… He found it somewhere. I just have it on my floor now and don't really know what to do. I live in a small apartment. His brain is a mystery.
No. 1423933
My mother is dead and I still hate her for neglect, mental abuse, never taking me to a dentist, stealing all my pocket money every time my grandma gave me some because she was so much in debt she claimed she doesn't have the money to pay the bills yet she had the money to spend on useless bullshit like new jewelry, not defending me from my alcoholic father, telling me to kill myself, denying my depression yet shaming me for its symptoms, calling me a retard etc. Fuck her, I will never visit her grave. Because of her I not only have to struggle with emotional trauma, but also my fucked up teeth. I will have to pay for it with pain, money, my self esteem. I'm still too ashamed to smile and it will take me years until I fix this shit. Fuck her.
No. 1423953
>>1423923Damn I think I did this with my ex except I intentionally sabotaged the relationship and ended up hurting her because a deep part of my subconscious wanted her to hate me and break up with me because I couldn't handle the relationship and all the vulnerability that came with it
I'm the worst
No. 1423963
>>1423231Update, they slept on the couch downstairs. My other housemate saw them early in the morning as she's pissed kek.
you pay the rent, not your hypothetical boyfriend. He didn't pay to spent an entire night at our house and use our water etc.
No. 1423969
>>1420963i'm tearing up for you anon. it sucks that everyone around you is downplaying how much you should grieve. your kitty was very important to you and a long part of your life, just because he was a cat doesn't mean you shouldn't grieve less painfully for him.
i know the dreams can suck because you wake up and your cat isn't there anymore, i've had them and i view it as my cats visiting me and letting me know he/she is okay. maybe your cat is doing the same.
i do think you sound depressed, which is normal after a loss. i think you should try seeing your friends even if you feel like you really don't want to, you might feel differently once you're actually out of the house spending time with people you care about. (if not you can always just bail lol). i hope you can find something nice you'd like to do for yourself, at least.
i'm rooting for you anon, and rip to your sweet angel.
No. 1423976
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>>1423892Good luck to you
nonnie, see you on the other side
No. 1423981
>>1423949Stop projecting your issues onto mine
>>1423953>>1423964I’m sorry nonnas, I’ve been on both sides of these types of relationships and it fucking sucks. I get the intimacy I want and bail or I find some closed off loser and just exist next to him for 2 years.
No. 1423997
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Not trying to race bait, but I am finally starting to see that I am well liked in this town. Not me personally, but POC. I moved here it's been a year and it is great, then on a town post, a man went on a racist tangent and went off about POC. It hurt, and I cannot help but remember it from time to time.
I do not know where to go. Having an identity crisis I guess.
>Can't go back to my family roots because my grandparents immigrated here
>Can't live here because regardless of how I have lived here, I am not liked by my skin alone.
I want to stay locked in my room forever
No. 1424003
>>1423997I am not well liked, typo my bad.
>>1424000It's depressing
nonny. I wish I can unread and unhear the comments I've dealt with in my life.
No. 1424004
>>1423982It depends on the relationship but this last one I did know I genuinely liked him and saw a future with him even when flipping. This was more because I had a lot more awareness of my own issues though. In previous relationships I would get the ick when my boyfriend was nice to me but my conscious mind couldn’t really put two and two together and I confused the uncomfortableness of genuine kindness with losing attraction. I’d end the relationship but would feel massive regrets and loss and be confused as to why.
>>1423989Yes faggot. And Christmas, and Valentine’s, and just because presents etc.
No. 1424018
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Why is lolcor so dead… i might as well just journal like a ww1 widow at this point where the hell are you nonnas
No. 1424042
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>>1424032now i am curios , are these bullshit or not? can any other anon comfirm? least thing i need is wasting time and energy doing bullshit exercises
No. 1424051
>>1424032yes but you can't say that online because you always get dogpiled. It reminds me of the retarded exercise plans you'd read about in cosmopolitan which were supposed to give you abs. Sure, the 'abs are made in the kitchen' crowd has no nuance either; you first have to build abs to have anything to reveal (else you have to go holocaust mode before you see anything). You don't get abs in 15 days, working out the same muscle group every day without rest days is counterproductive in the first place. The muscle grows and repairs while you rest. If you constantly create tears multiple days in a row, you just get constant catabolism as if you were taking corticosteroids every day and actually end up with less muscle than before.
It takes a longer time than 15 days, you have to increase difficulty and resistance over time, still have rest days every other day, eat enough protein and calories to first increase the amount of muscle, then later decrease to strip away the fat and reveal what you built.
This also doesn't work for spot reduction, some studies do claim that it helps a little, but 99% of fat loss is still all over or in a genetically determined pattern. You'd have a better success rate by reducing stress when it comes to losing belly fat, than by trying spot reduction.
No. 1424060
>>1424051>reducing stressyeah lemme just
snaps fingers get rid of all my stress real quick. like as if i control that shit
No. 1424107
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>>1424098Unfortunately, you are right nonna. I guess it’s time for me to find somewhere else
No. 1424113
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>>1424098i am probably the one making the cringe/unfunny jokes. I swear i am trying my best to keep this place alive.
No. 1424179
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I just wanna lose weight agh, why is it so hard??
No. 1424211
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nonny? i gained 10kg kek
No. 1424224
>>1424221kek nta but you are so sweet
No. 1424256
>>1424249I totally get this even if I don’t feel the same. It’s ok for you to be squicked by the idea nonna. My best friend has these feelings and was not shy about sharing them during my pregnancy kek.
>>1424251This is a based take and ily for it lmao.
No. 1424318
I know I won't last forever with him. Also I know what made me fell out of love. But fuck how it hurts when he ignores me, when he gives me the silent treatment. It’s like it’s a constant in my life, the people who should care and love me giving me the cold shoulder and making me feel like a mistake, a failure in life.
It gets worse when I’m around people and they start complimenting me, about my personality or my skills. I always tear up because I think of him, or my best friend, and how much they belittle me. My mind goes to some dark places and one part of me feels like shit, while the other screams at me telling me that they’re right and I’m worthless, that I always end up alone because no one can’t stand me, and all I have is them.
He even left me alone in a country which I didn’t know, not speaking a word of their language, just because I didn’t took a photo as he wanted. And sure, my mind convinced me in that moment that it was normal (and just five minutes), but part of me thinks there should be anything better, right?
When he gets mad he always screams these horrible things, calling me a retard, telling me how he doesn’t love me anymore, how I make his life worse, so much worse that he would be prefer to be dead. And part of me know it’s not my fault, and I also know he’s cruel like that but then I start hating myself for enabling it, for being this miserable individual who can’t do anything right (because I have nowhere else to go, I have literally no one else).
What a start of the week…
No. 1424327
>>1424326I think even girls and women who want to have kids feel this way, it really is metal and freaky. lol
It scared me shitless too specially thinking of the birth itself and complications, I only gave up on the idea of having kids because the last time I was put into too much stress of living with a man for the first time and having to take care of a small business made me have constant rage attacks and stress related breakdowns and I don't think sacrificing my free time to childrearing would be good for me and the child kek
Like specially baby years when you're sleep deprived. I can't picture a husband that isn't an useless moid either that would really share the burden with me. I think I'd end up killing my children because of my mental issues with rage and stress.
No. 1424332
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i have spent months using most of my free time worrying about the future. today, i decide i am exhausted. i am just going to do what i want rather than be controlled by fear. i eat well, i exercise, i sleep adequately but i am just prone to anxiety and have mental illness that i have been in therapy for. bouts of anhedonia from being two months sober now, some things are just out of my hands and i must learn to cope with stress and anxiety better. i hardly take my ativan now unless i really need my brain to calm down.
there is just so much i can do in the world, so much i want to do, so much responsibilities as an adult and so much i may never do. its hard to choose what is the right thing to do when my brain and heart are never in agreeance, but i think following my brain is following the path of comfort and fear most of the time. id like to listen to my heart more, as silly as it sounds. my goals are simple, they remain the same, but getting there is the hardest part!
i loathe my part time fast food job, but im hoping if i go back to college i can lower the hours and suck up working 2-3 days a week, and make some extra income on the side somehow. but then i think hm, do i really need college? can i just save up and move across the country and find a job? you see, its such a slippery slope for my brain! but i decided im just going to do it. keep working more during the holidays and lower my hours in january, go back to college part time, feel it all out, leave myself enough free time for hobbies and such. then i can see…finish a degree? can i still handle my job? it will be okay. ill emigrate one day and have my own little apartment or even room with a kitty kat and be able to walk everywhere and enjoy a new place. maybe it will take a couple of years…ill get there. i just wish sometimes things were all planned out for me, i knew the risks i was taking, but i never will know the future and im so tired of worrying about it all. most normal people do what they wish to in the moment.
i guess thats my vent…i also hate that work leaves me with so little time for myself, but then i just spent that worrying so perhaps its a me issue! i wish i had more days off now that im feeling motivated again. but maybe soon :) work, do some classes, figure things out in my free time. the good part is i can always stop college again after the spring semester and just focus on saving to move. i think i will be okay.
my heart really just wants to move, but im not ready yet anyway. may as well try going back to college for now. perhaps a tefl on the side. happy to get this off my chest.
No. 1424370
>>1424328thank you kind anon i did what you said about focusing on the situation at hand and not the what ifs,
>>1424362he's currently with me at home right now. i decided to not have the surgery because i didnt want to risk him dying without seeing him one last time and not surrounded by people he feels safe and loved with. thank you so much for your concern nonnies. im going to have to take time off of uni to spend the rest of the days he has left with him. i havent stopped crying since but this is the best solution i feel, i really hope i made the right choice.
for what the first anon asked, i cant really tell whats on the analysis but my doctor basically said that the surgery was too dangerous and there was absolutely no guarantee he would make it out alive with the results from the blood tests.
No. 1424388
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>>1424221>>1424225I live in an Asian country, the average man weighs probably less then 65kg in the region I live in(granted the people are rather short here, that's why I specified my height)
No. 1424420
>>1424380I'm sorry your father was so sexist he couldn't be there to support you. You deserved better.
>Will I catch a break where a man will genuinely have my best interests at heart. Not just use it as a sign of weakness or vulnerability. I'm wasting good years of my life afraid to even try.Dating after being in a
abusive relationship isn't just about being lucky enough to find a good man. It's about being clear what kind of man you want and how you want him to behave and, more importantly, being able to avoid
abusive men. Step 1 in avoiding
abusive men is knowing the signs and behavior that indicate a man is or could be
abusive. And step 2 is being able to drop a man in a heartbeat if he does anything from step 1, no matter how deeply you care for him. No second chances, no maybe it was a bad day, no we can talk it out, no 'we're married, we should try to work it out', no what about the kids. You just leave.
Basically, you should have a list of behaviors that you will never tolerate in man and know that you will leave the second they pop up. This is what makes it safe to date gain. Sometimes it takes women who have a left
abusive relationships a while to get there and that's ok. Everyone heals at their own pace. And if your country has resources for domestic violence
victims, it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone. Sounds like being able to discuss your feeling with someone who is supportive would be helpful.
No. 1424421
>>1422182Bitter ending to this. I got an incomplete, and will be allowed to work on the project past the course due date. I'm sure I can get it done ahead of time (rather than being due next week, I have until the end of December).
I really wish I hadn't been retarded and hopeful concerning my group mate though. When he told me the professor wasn't going to let us split into different groups, WHY did I believe him like a dumbass. Oh well sometimes you must take a L
No. 1424471
>>1424249I just know my grandma lost all her teeth due to pregnancy and the amniotic fluid went out but the baby got stuck and the hospital refused to help her for a fucking week and it was a miracle that the baby survived. First world country my ass.
My mother went insane and has never been the same, giving birth basically
triggered schizophrenia and she lost custody (no visitation rights, nada noppes zilch) within a year.
I don't care whether it comes from internalized misogyny or whatever, I'm not having kids, considering there is a high risk of me just going insane and I don't exactly have genetics that are begging to be passed on, nor am I willing for my body to be leeched from.
No. 1424475
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Sick and fucking tired of being called a femcel or a manson girl for having long brown hair and glasses, which i've had my entire fucking life. Maybe i should get contact lenses again, even though they irritate my eyes. Doesn't help i'm a virgin so that also automatically makes me a femcel. Maybe i should dye my hair and cut it and get colored contacts so i won't coincidentally look like a murderer or whatever.
No. 1424477
>>1424470Nta but she literally said
>I didn't find him attractive at all, he was pretty ugly ngl. In like the 3rd sentence.
No. 1424479
>>1424471honestly we should grow babies in artificial wombs. it's unethical to grow babies inside of women knowing how traumatic and agonizing the birth process is. i would rather spend $8,000 on a vat baby. if that tech existed i probably would actually have kids. but birth? nah.
instead of recognizing our concerns and treating us with respect, men just want to ban abortion to force us to give birth. they've been threatening to make us "obsolete" with artificial wombs for some time. well, where are they? yes, thanks for recognizing that pregnancy and birth are god-awful, let's have the artificial wombs. but as soon as women agree we should have that, the incels all run back to their masturbation dens and drop the subject. men don't care about babies or the birth rate or civilization, they just want to see women being traumatized and crippled.
No. 1424483
I feel ashamed for throwing a fit over the sun going down earlier and feeling like there's no time to do anything. Many things are contributing to me sobbing like a hormonal teen on the weekends.
First, my boyfriend's job is on a month hiatus so his energy levels are high due to him not working this week. His job used to tire him out to be able to have a functioning sleep schedule, now he is sleeping in. The Saturday we got rained out and we planned to go on a hike to get rid of some of the energy he has built up, he didn't get to go to sleep until 5 on Sunday.
Second, my job is stressing me out to the core. I'm in the process of applying to other jobs because I'm already coming home and to work on edge thinking I might get a call or have to stay longer than projected.
Sunday, I paced back and forth in my living room with tears rolling down my face. I was a mess. Trying not to sleep deprive my boyfriend because he didn't get enough sleep and thinking about how it's Sunday and every place closes early. The longer I wait till my boyfriend wakes up, the more chance we have no time to do anything and our plans for the day are ruined. I was thinking really catastrophically. I decided to try cleaning up things around the house, still in tears. My boyfriend wakes up and hears me putting away trash and yells from the bedroom asking if I'm okay. I respond, "I don't know." He runs to the living room and asked me if I fell and I tell him "No. We don't have time to do anything because it's Sunday."
He immediately takes my hand and walks me to the bathroom so I can see him take a quick shower and we can be on our way.
I feel so ashamed. I told my boyfriend I was sorry for freaking out about the time and he said it wasn't something to feel sorry for. I cried even more because I feel like a retard. God, I'm so mentally unstable right now. I wouldn't be this way if my job didn't stress me out and if I didn't get home from work some days at 10pm, things would be fine, we could do things on weekdays. I just hope I get a call from a place I applied to so I can just have a normal schedule.
No. 1424506
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A friend unfriended me on discord after a stupid discourse because I barely come in irl group invitation and somehow that's a problem? Keep in mind that no one DM me not even casually, why should I make an effort. Send me a message if you want to catch-up, if you don't I don't have to either but at least I don't assume shit over that.
No. 1424530
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I'm tired of staying at home for nearly a whole week straight after surgery. I think I'm doing a lot better now and can go outside, but I'm on sick leave which means there are specific hours when I have to be at home in case my employer decides to send a doctor to see if I'm not just pretending. It's very unlikely to happen because I sent them official paper stating I just got surgery so it's not like when some people are on sick leave for mental health issues when employers think their employees are just pretending to have a burnout or whatever but still.
If I go outside tomorrow I'll pig out. I'm going to eat greasy food. Either a big, fat hamburger or ramen, or maybe local specialty because that shit is really good but a bit expensive. I can't see myself cooking anything and carrying pots and pans without injuring myself from the weight of these things unfortunately. I would also like to eat some Korean bbq or yakiniku but restaurants usually offer menus for at least two people and I'll be alone because my friends are working. God I'm so hungry, bored and depressed. But at least I'm in good health now.
No. 1424538
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>>1424475>>1424514i think shes talking about this (picrel)
No. 1424556
>>1424548sis i know about the degreed tearing. it
could push out a baby. the question is how much damage will it cause. i actually don't want to cripple myself just to make a screaming shitbag that will turn into a snotty teenage brat.
you're delusional if you think birth isn't incredibly damaging.
No. 1424564
>>1424548No, her body wasn't made for birth specifically. One's body has so many functions and abilities.
Also people vary and not everyone even is able to give birth or give birth safely. Some women die during childbirth and their children die too. Were they made for childbirth? Your claim about 'your body was made for it' has so many holes when you think about it.
>>1424552NTA and not American but are you pretending women have complications during childbirth only in America?
Overall, you sound like a tradthot or scrote larping.
No. 1424567
>>1424564>One's body has so many functions and abilities.Yeah and one of them is to give birth lol
>tradthotYeah every woman who's ever given birth is a tradthot. Fucking idiot
No. 1424619
>>1424578I never argued that i don't have the "capacity" to reproduce. my problem is the complications from it. which, evolutionarily speaking, as long as it didn't kill too many women it was passable. in the modern world i prefer my clit and labia to be un-ripped and my uterus to be un-prolapsed. whether i could give birth or not is not the question. what kind of pussy am i going to be left with after a newborn baby pushes its way out that? pulled pork.
they can grow these babies in a vat, i'll donate some eggs for it, but it's not going to be growing in my womb and coming out my vagina. it's unethical.
if a man had to rip his dick open to make a baby the human species would have died off as soon as we became bipeds. men wouldn't tolerate this shit. why am i expected to tolerate it?
No. 1424640
>>1424619>if a man had to rip his dick open to make a baby the human species would have died off as soon as we became bipeds. men wouldn't tolerate this shit. why am i expected to tolerate it?i don't agree with all your points nonna especially the vat thing but you are dead right with this. if you're female you're just basically forced to accept pain, discomfort and sacrifice for others as part of your everyday life at this point and it fucking sucks. what's worse is when other women sugar-coat it as ~womanhood~ like ofc we can't help the fact our bodies can birth babies and we have periods but the way we act as if nothing's wrong and as if women's health isn't still to this day dismissed and ignored drives me seriously crazy.
let's not forget that it was male doctors (when they first infested the birthing communities previously occupied by midwives) that forced us to start giving birth on our backs even though it's not the ideal or natural position to birth in - back when we had group midwives and female birthing communities, you'd be standing or squat over a stool because gravity. no mammal rolls over on their fucking back to give birth and it pisses me off to see it. there are some advancements in pregnancy and birth now for sure and it's a lot safer for women to go through that now, but i cannot turn a blind eye at the misogyny that still exists in regards to childbirth/pregnancy. we all know fine well, like you said, if men were the ones pushing babies out that they'd have all the medical advancement and luxuries in the world because men are not expected to go through graft, pain and sacrifice as part of their journey in life.
>>1424629>pussy shredded into taco meat>pulled porkthis is a bit scrote-ish though. yes there are health complications and parts of your body does change but the analogy of post-birth vaginas with food is really disgusting to me. this is coming from someone who has always been childfree btw. better ways to go about this without falling into the same shit that incels say about vaginas.
No. 1424641
>>1424632you sound defensive that i indirectly accused your 2x post-birth pussy of being taco meat. you can shred your sex organs, i don't care, but i'm not shredding mine, and a lot of women don't want theirs shredded. FACT: artificial wombs would reduce human suffering. if you are opposed to that you are a demon. it's that simple. women should not be forced to endure damage and agony if we have the ability to let them escape it. why are you arguing against that? you do sound like a trad thot who thinks women "deserve" to endure childbirth agony to pay for our sins of being female and having had sex.
enjoy your prolapsed uterus.
>>1424641>taco meat againDefinitely a moid lmao
>artificial wombs would reduce human suffering.Except in all the ways I just said they would make it worse… Oh right, you don't care because you bought into "pregnancy is muh horribel" C-section propaganda
>>1424634>trad thotTranny
>enjoy your prolapsed uterus.My uterus is fine, thank you, scrote. Enjoy your future child slaves and femicide when women are harvested for their eggs and then culled by the techno patriarchy lmao.
No. 1424650
>>1424641This is a very naive outlook regarding artificial wombs - it would only be viable in a world where misogyny is nonexistent. You can absolutely guarantee that if artifical wombs were a thing, we would not have any agency or power over them without dismantling patriarchy first. Men will absolutely use the concept of artifical wombs to their advantage - they are already doing it with surrogacy, which is why surrogacy/artifical wombs/anything of that nature is so controversial. You can also reduce the chances of pregnancy and health complications by forcing more studies, funding and overall education/testing regarding womens health.
Keep in mind it wasn't that long ago that women weren't even allowed to participate in medical studies. We still have very little understanding of how to alleviate issues in womens bodies - it's absolutely possible to get pregnancy to a point where it's a hell of a lot safer than it is now.
>women should not be forced to endure damage and agony if we have the ability to let them escape itYou could have just left it at this minus the artificial womb and taco-meat sperging because that shit isn't happening any time soon. I find it really strange how this viewpoint is considered "progressive" and yet it's always coupled with "ugh i dont want my body/my vagina to look like dirty pulled pork taco meat" like it honestly makes you sound very…male.
No. 1424660
>>1424650>i get accused of being a male because i don't want to endure needless agony just to somehow be the police of preventing moids from raping children, which they already dowhat male would even acknowledge that pregnancy and birth are damaging and traumatic? and also you're all ridiculous because no moid would ever voluntarily raise children on his own. have you ever seen a scrote change a diaper? the idea that we can't switch to artificial wombs because "what if the moids–!" therefore women have to keep dying and enduring injury and agony, you're just ridiculous.
>>1424657>i don't like what you're saying ! you must be this other nonna who also said something i don't like!chew on it and swallow.
No. 1424667
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Shaving my whole body later today. I know I'm going to get so exhausted and nearly pass out in the shower.
No. 1424747
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I'm tired of trying to be sweet and funny to my friend who turns out to be a walking nothing burger. I could pour my heart out and say the sweetest thing and she'd text back "lol cool." I don't understand why she's so boring, are the meds she's on fucking with her personality? Just give me something jfc
No. 1424760
>>1424706I don’t think it’s just about finding friends. I think that’s one part of it. Like that thing you derive value from, whatever it is for anybody - it’s not there for me. And with the economy and all, I don’t think I can afford socially-oriented hobbies at the moment. I think I’ll always be somewhat depressed. It just fucks with me that a lot of this stems from stuff I can’t fix. I can’t fix that I’m not smart enough or that I’m not something enough. Anything to make this work. Most of the time I tell myself to shut up and be glad that my basic needs are met.
>>1424717I don’t think it’s too late, anon. I think most people are pleasantly surprised to find out that you’re not a hermit. At least you get to try.
>>1424728Heh, everybody wants something ready to have and take apart. Where do you even start? I mean someone has to build from point 0. Someone has to start recommending following ley lines on weekends or going to flea markets or whatever.
No. 1424838
I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared and want to die, I'm so scared
No. 1424859
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I've been meeting lots of new people recently in an attempt to make friends and I've discovered how many people (including me) are horrible at making conversation. Doesn't have to be small talk, just ANYTHING. I'm a socially retarded introvert myself but so many people I meet are even worse. I just make a fool of myself and desperately try to keep a conversation going, they always seem so disinterested like if I didn't say anything we'd be sitting in silence on our phones instead of actually… socializing, or dancing, or whatever we're doing. And then every time I think "yeah I was too spergy and nervous and annoying, I probably scared them off" I get asked to hang out again so who knows what's going on. It feels like there's a wall between me and everyone I meet, I hope I can get better at being a person and get past it.
No. 1424878
>>1424760>Heh, everybody wants something ready to have and take apart. Where do you even start? I mean someone has to build from point 0. Someone has to start recommending following ley lines on weekends or going to flea markets or whatever.I think it's so ugly and literally don't get it. As a friendless person I don't want to be friends with someone who's got 10 other friends and a busy life. I want a good friend who's like me and we could kinda start over together. Not everything has to be perfect, just having one friend to spend a weekend with once in a while makes a huge difference. Someone who understands what it's like to spend months and years by yourself. People like that are usually kinda weird and spergy anyway and wouldn't even fit into a normie group so why try so damn hard?
The whole social climbing stuff has annoyed me so much ever since I was a kid. So ugly
No. 1424901
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i have a gay crush on a married church girl. the only other time I crushed on a girl was middle school and she was also a church girl from my Christian middle school. I always just thought I was a scumbag bisexual who only liked the idea of sex with women but now I can't stop thinking about becoming her friend and slowly getting closer to her and then eventually we'd be a couple and live cozy somewhere.
No. 1424923
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I'm so nervous and anxious to do my hobby even though I know I'll have fun once I get there I'm screaming I'm going to die. I enjoy it but every single time I have to go there I feel like screaming and crying
No. 1424982
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I wish I had a stronger jawline I hate having a doughy chin
No. 1424997
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men were a mistake and every single one that has a birth / pregnancy fetish needs to die in a fire
No. 1424998
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Feel like pure shit nonnas. I wanted to post here about being an academic fraud a few weeks ago but the site was down, but I’m not feeling much better. The semester is almost over and I feel like a kid asking questions and the adults all say “that’s just how it is.” Does anyone here know why I can’t look at a graph with the same measurements on each axis and say whether one year was different than the other (one graph’s values are different than the other)? Why do I have to run fucking statistics? And why don’t stats have any meaning to me? I was arranging a meeting between like five people in my field that I could have made a good impression on but I forgot to check our when2meet, just checked today, and everyone had filled it out but the meeting was meant to be two weeks ago. So I’m just ghosting them all. the worst part is I got banned almost immediately upon the site’s return so now I feel like even this little bubble, my secret special farm I’ve been on for 6+ years, is somehow displaced from me and doesn’t even want me anymore. I am an abject failure. I don’t even know what abject means, I’m a fraud.
No. 1425030
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There's a few things in my life that are stressing me out rn, but this powerpoint I have to do for work just broke me. I'm sitting here balling my eyes out because ppt was made by dumb monkeys with sticks and I can't figure out why I can't indent a fucking bullet on my master slide. I haven't found a single help thread to fix it. I even worked an hour overtime to try to finish this revision stage but I can't do it. I've been working on this dumb powerpoint for nearly 5 months now because the clients don't care how much revisions it takes to get what they want but can't explain what they want. This is pretty much a $15000 powerpoint now. I'm in-house so they don't know that it's costing the company that much. I'm a designer not a powerpoint maker. Give me a brochure or some adverts. Not this poor excuse of a software
No. 1425041
>>1424926Nonna, I understand your pain. I live alone and work from home. Haven't hung out with any of my real-life friends in over a year and a half. I barely leave the house or get any social interaction. I crave it so much but when it's presented to me, it feels like it's too much to handle. I take weeks to respond to texts, if I even respond at all. I just want to punch my brain sometimes because it really is miserable.
I've been trying to put myself out there more, even if it is just online, such as joining servers where I have mutual interests. I'm reconnecting with old friends as well. Every bit of interaction helps, and I hope that overtime it'll feel less like a chore.
Just want you to know that there's people out there that feel the same as you. It feels so incredibly lonely, but I feel like only we can really break the cycle. Have you tried reaching out to a therapist? As much as I want to fix this problem on my own, I really think that I need professional help, so I've been trying to get in with one.
No. 1425051
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How do you stop yourselves from being complete fucking retards? I do shit that I regret all the time and end up hurting people, but I don't mean to. I'm really not a malicious or vengeful person but so many times I've had people bring up things I said or did and how much it hurt them. My moods flip so quickly too and I find myself being completely obsessed with someone and then ghosting them, which is a reasonable thing to feel bad about. IDK I feel like I have aids in my brain and I need to relearn how to be a normal human being.I isolate myself so much that I have a difficult time separating what's normal and a human mistake versus just being stupid and it being something that I need to work on in my character.
Any recommendations or ways to work on things like this? Don't say therapy pls I'm already working on it. I mean more just things that have worked for people in similar situations or ways to control your behaviors so they aren't so erratic
No. 1425056
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>>1425030oh my god I'm so sorry. I'm sure you are a good person.
No. 1425078
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Im in a situation where I really can’t speak with anybody about experience. I live with people each with their own undealt with trauma. Im the most vulnerable because I was targeted at a toddlers age and time passed even before we had names for it like C-PTSD or behavioural disorder which became comorbid with each other. I don’t mind the word retarded when people want to put it one comfortable box but I’ve had to bottle up so much memories that I get into non-violent autopilot fugue states where when I realise it’s happening, it sends me into a deep depressive episode knowing I’ve wasted time again just to cope with terrible memories. Everyone I live with is aware I’m dealing with trauma from since I was 2 (none of which I blame them for but they tell me otherwise). It’s just become a joke about how slow I am to process negative behaviour from them or how sensitive I am that when I get into these episodes, they don’t really give a shit. I don’t know how I was able to be high functioning for so long to finish college but now that they’re supposed to be helping me with housing and everything while I recover from my shit (most of which was shit they did I was trying to forget) I’m supposed to also tolerate the way they speak and invalidate the things I’m trying to deal with now from all those years trying to be a “good daughter.” I really don’t want to make myself out as some victimised person but I’m sick of being strong. I can count all the good memories I’ve had 22 years I’ve been alive. I’m not looking for pity, I need to live and know I can share my pain without the people I love using it against me when they’re angry.
No. 1425082
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>ask bf to put in his mouth guard because he grinds his teeth all night and keeps interrupting my sleep
>fall asleep before him
>wake up 3 hours later to the sound of teeth grinding
>wake him up and ask him to put the guard in
>massive argument ensues because I woke him up because HE woke me up and actually it's not nice to interrupt your gf sleep over something easily avoidable, who knew
>doesn't even apologise to me
>me, still awake, headache from crying over being misunderstood and made out to be the bad person again, ending up sleep deprived anyway
what did I do to deserve this? I want to runaway from all of this, leave this country and start again. As soon as I get a decent income, I'm disappearing.
No. 1425176
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>>1425147Buy a dildo and get a husbando jesus christ.
No. 1425194
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>>1425147become a vtuber, its what i did
No. 1425201
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>>1425198I know, sometimes i wish i had become a drug addict or an alcoholic instead to cope with the depression
No. 1425226
>>1425014honestly as much as i hate seeing people i care/d for suffer i kind of do enjoy the idea of this. i know it's evil but the history between him and i is like 8 years almost 9 worth of problems, i know him more than i know me. he's a fucking cunt and i genuinely hope scum like him die.
>>1425013last time i did that he actually exploded about it saying i'm projecting. i was like wtf
No. 1425269
>>1425258BPD? I feel this,
nonny. Try to take some deep belly breaths outside and count the number of blue things you can see (I know it sounds stupid) to ground yourself when you get worked up like that, or sticking your face in ice cold water. I wish I could take the neglect away and make it feel better for you (and me and all the other neglected children) but if we can’t fix it we can only try to cope. Keep trying nonna, I love you
No. 1425279
>>1425269Thank you
nonnie, this grounded me a lot. I need to utilize coping methods more in my life.
I don't know if I have BPD or not, but I've considered it as I have some of the symptoms according to the DSM-5. I want to get a professional opinion on it but healthcare is SUCH a joke.
No. 1425303
My future mother in law is insufferable but very subtly so, which makes it more annoying to me.
We wanted to elope because we didn't want to plan a wedding (would be planned on the other side of the country as we recently relocated), and to save costs (my parents are poor), but she made a big scene about it so we decided to acquiesce. We tried to keep it minimal and intimate but it became something larger that we didn't want. Although I was promised help with planning and organization, I ended up doing 95% of the work with my mom doing the remaining 5%. Things MIL has done:
>bought an expensive fancy dress even though we told her the dress code is smart casual, and that my wedding dress is also casual. Had to buy another wedding dress to fit the new dress code she told her family to wear
>pesters me every week or so to ask "do YOU want FIL to wear a blazer? what about a tie? waistcoat? I'm asking because its a wedding is all about what the bride wants" Rinse and repeat with a different family member's attire
>threw a fit when we told her we're not having bridesmaids/groomsmen. She told her other son that he is the best man anyway, leading to much awkwardness
>insisted on sorting out the wedding cake, ignored suggestions for good wedding cake bakers and chose someone going out of business because "she feels sorry for her". I ended up doing all the liaising with the baker (she does make shitty looking cakes)
>refuses to give any input or help on meetings with the venue owner, as the MIL is apparently supposed to "shut up and be quiet" and mother of the bride is supposed to organize everything
>for this reason, she refuses to take on the responsibility of organizing the champagne for the tables (not provided by venue). She is retired btw.
>insists we have to gift a coffee table book of wedding photos to thank her
>is very upset that the venue doesn't offer sugar free tonic water because she is a diabetic (its her biggest personality trait). Venue offers her soda water instead and diet cooldrinks, she insists they specifically purchase the tonic water for her
>now after not contributing to the planning she's trying to organize a family brunch the morning after the wedding that we're expected to attend, even though we have a few days booked at a guesthouse in the wilderness to unwind and have some privacy. She was highly confused when we declined
No. 1425366
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>tell handmaidens in 2016-18 that troons and drag queens are creepy and that it actually supports misogynistic and grooming beliefs
>no one believes me, call me transphobic, use blaire white as ''one of the good troons'', etc
>troons show their true self and start invading women spaces, grooming children, murdering women
>drag children, drags being openly gross and misogynistic, sex offender drags reading stories to children
>tell my mom about the pandemic before it even breaks out of china and how we should start preparing supplies and saving money
>she doesnt listen to me
>years later she agrees with me and tells me she should have listened to me
>tell my friend about how AI 'art' is super fishy and that there are greedy intentions behind
>he doesnt listen to me
>every fucking art page and program starts incorporating it, AI ''artists'' start stealing actual artist spaces at booths, art pages get spammed by low effort AI ''art''
>yesterday he tells me i was right and that he lost motivation in art because of AI
I am so tired of no one listening to me, ever. They always make me feel like a pessimistic schizophrenic but at the end i am always right.
No. 1425375
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I will try and have a pap smear today after years of several unsuccessful ones and I'm freaking out over it. I have vaginismus and while I've been lately successfully having sex with my bf, I'm not sure if I will manage to open up for my gyno. The whole thing is like the 'don't think of the pink elephant!!' thought experiment, you want to not clench up and not experience pain, so you…end up clenching and experiencing pain. I think I will have a shot or something before it although not sure if alcohol affects the results of pap smear
No. 1425419
>>1425394I had both an upper endoscopy (from mouth to stomach and beginning of small intestine) and a lower endoscopy (from below checking all the large intestine) when I was 19-20. I also started crying after the first one (although the sedative knocked me out a bit so I didn't have to go through all the gagging) but afaik being giggly or crying afterwards is normal. When I had the lower endoscopy I was fully awake and it felt violating and painful (aside from the preparation being brutal). The doctor/nurse also got "stuck" for a bit with the tube so that was also pretty bad. After I was done I left really quickly, went to the ER bathroom and started crying there.
Doctors always tell you that endoscopies are easy routine exams but it's bullshit. They're invasive, painful and gross. I hope at least your organs are fine.
No. 1425441
>>1425408Hi anon I haven’t had an endoscopy but can relate to the horrible feeling of going through difficult life stuff and medical shit alone. Procedures like that feel traumatising and invasive at the best of times and knowing that nobody is going to look after you or be there for you adds insult to injury.
If it makes you feel any better, I straight up sob through a lot of my appointments. It’s fucking hard! It’s lonely! But nona, you’ll at least have us here. You’re clearly independent and strong. Wear loose comfy clothes and do something you enjoy today. Get a hot drink and an early night. Watch something funny even if you’re not in the mood. Wishing you all the best and I hope your health improves soon.
No. 1425442
>>1425226I’m the one who said to block him, trust me you will feel better for it. I had to go full cloak on my extremely emotionally
abusive ex and after a short period of caring about his feelings, I realized it was absolutely the right move. Nobody who treats you how your ex does deserves access to any part of your life nonna. They deserve to suffer.
No. 1425450
I hate that my family is so out of touch and isolated that they keep caping for the country's culture, which they don't share and know fuckall about. Nationalists who don't realize they can't speak or write in the country's language. If they actually talked to people from the inland, they'd realize they have the wrong religion, accent, culture etc. The whole family is historically from bordering countries (they didn't really move, the borders did), keeps living on the border, then try to act patriotic. Meanwhile because I actually worked and studied inland I experienced the judgement for having the wrong accent, background, features etc to the point I got interrogated when renewing my passport. I only have fondness for the culture of my specific origin region (which isn't limited to one country), but I don't get the point of caping for a culture they don't know about and which has a long tradition of distrusting us and in the past oppressing us.
No. 1425494
>>1425424What an idiot.
I’m a delivery driver and I’m really surprised sometimes at how rude other drivers are. There’s plenty of stories about drivers stealing customers food, leaving food in weird places, and not speaking to restaurants, just putting their phone in the employee’s face to show what order their picking up. I’m a bit of a recluse so I enjoy the interaction, sometimes I feel like rude drivers are just NPCs.
No. 1425509
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>>1425504I catch myself doing that sometimes but always semi sarcastically. It's just being playful
No. 1425516
>>1425504 > is it like some sort of compulsion?Chances are its just her being playful but I was watching something lately talking about the diffferent ways that adults show signs of abuse in their earlier years. One of them was that women go on to talk in a more high pitched childlike voice than what is their natural voice. It becomes a lifelong habit. That alot of women who get into various forms of 'sex work' in particular do it. I had a moment where it hit me that I've had 2 relationships. One was healthy, one was not. I have a csa past. The unhealthy relationship.. I tended to go into a childish voice whenever I wanted to bring certain things up with him. I guess I felt like it was disarming and like he'd be less likely to get angry with me that way.
Probably not what your friend is doing but I thought it was interesting. I've def noticed that women who in 'sex work' and shit like that have these childish voices.
No. 1425609
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Whoever locked
>>1425575 you suck and I hope you get clit cheese
No. 1425647
>>1425441Thank you, you're kind.
>Watch something funny even if you’re not in the mood.You're right, especially about this. It's nice hearing comfy advice from other anons, that's what I love about this place.
>>1425479Sorry to hear that, especially if you were close friends. It's better just to keep a safe distance from him from now on and not to use up your precious energy trying to change his mind. Imo very 'normie' moids don't care either way out of ignorance but ones who actively support it seem weak minded, the Reddity type who want a purpose in life and end up caping for this awfulness. And yes they're misogynistic on the basis that they think they know womanhood (another case of a man thinking he's an authority on something, typical), it's ridiculous.
No. 1425695
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>make a lot of food
>"oh boy i cant wait to eat leftovers for lunch tomorrow"
>go to eat lunch the next day to find that food was left out all day by people in my house who also made their lunch
>"why did you leave the food out it's bad now"
>"there was only a little left"
>but there was enough for me to have lunch
No. 1425711
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>>1420829I thought it was Wednesday and traveled all the way onto campus on a day I don't have class, again
No. 1425773
>>1425770I'm so confused. "hand"
nonny just got banned rn. are there 2 different anons
No. 1425871
>>1423698I've known people who've either become subs in their relationships (with an age gap) or gotten into ddlg as a cope for csa. I'll never understand the logic of mimicking abuse to heal it. Idk whether they really chose it for themselves or whether shitty bfs talked them into it. Probably the latter. Its gross. I definitely had a hypersexual phase in response to my past but I stayed well away from that stuff. I've often wondered how therapists view it. Whether they get behind that as a cope. With the time we're living in I feel like its possible.
I saw this therapist a few years ago. Talked about not wanting to be a woman anymore (cos I was SAed) and I was almost sent to the gender clinic. They were so on board with just blaming all my issues on 'dysphoria' even though I spelled it out to them that it was an SA thing. I hate the battle thats often involved in trying to find decent therapy. When you already feel like you're worn down and low on hope.. and its an upward battle to find therapy that will actually do more good and not just compound your issues.
No. 1425910
>>1425829NTA but for any scrolling nonnies. Take a stool legs up and apart and bare down so it pushes the cup down and closer. Use your pelvic floor. Then take the cup and pull. You might have an easier time breaking the suction and then pulling if it’s been in a while so just like you fold them to get them in. Pinch the cup inside. It will be messy so probably do it at home. The suction break is uncomfortable in my opinion but should not hurt.
They make cups with longer bottoms so they sit lower and are easier to get out for future reference too. Just in case anyone else’s get stuck.
No. 1425964
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i'm sick of seeing the word "glutes" everywhere. every fucking video i get on youtube regarding fitness, grow your GLUTES, your GLUTES are on fire sis, get bigger GLUTES and a booty and a dump truck. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! can we please just not encourage women to run fast, be strong and have a better chance of fighting off males? what the fuck is wrong with that? what is this obsession with ass??? i want to run for ages without getting out of breath, i want to be able to lift heavy things on my own and have a strong back, arms and legs, i want to know that i would maybe have a slightly better chance fighting off a man if he attacked me. i do not give a fuck about how big my GLUTES can get, if you want to sperg about glutes at least sperg about the benefits of them being strong and not just obsessing over how big they can get so you can replicate women in porn. SHUT UP!!!
No. 1425982
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nonnie, come do body-weight resistance exercises with me and let's become become Giga-Stacey together!
No. 1426070
Please help me understand a certain situation. I have this one co worker who like wants to be my colleague I guess, soemtimes she acts friendly, sometimes she bullies me, I think she's very two faced because she acts nice with people and then talks behind their backs, but she can act so well that basically everyone in our department really likes her (except for one woman who told me she thinks she's fake and two faced). Once she told me you need to know how to play along and you can think what you want to think but you need to say what other people want to hear, especially at work. When I told my therapist about her and described a few situations with her, she also implied she might be a toxic person. But anyways, today I did some overtime, I asked my shift leader if I can stay longer, she agreed but I didn't know yet for how long I was supposed to stay. As my coworker was going home, she came and asked if I'm also going home. I said I'm staying longer. She asked if I'm having a break with others. I said I would prefer to stay for the break and do some work while others are gone. I just didn't want to waste my time for a break. She said 'if you're going to stay for 2 hours you're gonna need to take a break'. I said 'then maybe I'm gonna take the break later', with the emphasis on 'maybe'. And she literally said
>We both know you won't. Don't say something we both know is not true.
And then she put her stuff away and came back to me and was like
>I don't like when you're LYING TO ME LIKE THIS (pause) Oh whatever
And she left. I was dumbfounded by this behavior and I didn't know how to react. She was totally serious and offended, glaring at me. What even was that? I didn't even lied, I said maybe, because I didn't even know for how long I'm staying, like if it was just 1 hour, I'm not gonna take a damn break. I literally don't understand. What was this reaction supposed to mean?
No. 1426094
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I’m sick of trying to stay alive with zero difference it makes for how I really don’t want to stay here anymore. I feel like if I was born a moid and I was still this dysfunctional, I woulda seen the point in kms-ing but having gone through everything I did, with little to no outside help because of abusive family members and guardians throughout the years, I still thrived and received honours. I’ve just finished college but my family somehow threatens to send me to an asylum or the cops because I vape thc to cope with the dysfunctional family setting, the assaults I’ve had from strangers and family members in the past, not having a single good memory since I was like 3. I get that weed shouldn’t be a crutch but it’s gotten me through 5 semesters and suicidal attempts. Everything I’m being judged for by my family is usually because of an event imposed on by an issue of gender. And to be told to keep praying by the same mother who houses you and verbally abuses you for 18 years, pray to another absent father figure. Idk, I’ll probably end up living a few more years and pick up a drug habit when life improves. I’m sick of being constantly told I have a family when each of them judges me for all the ways I try to stop the pain while function still. At the same time, they never let me talk about hard things and what we can do to help each other.
No. 1426147
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That train autist thread forced me to reminiscent of the time this sped at elementary school kept following me and exposing himself to me so at recess I grabbed him by his bobble hat and smashed his face up to a brick wall. I never found out what happened to him but there was a shit tonne of blood but he did manage to run inside but the funny thing is that I had complained about him, cried about him for at least a full year before this, not a single fucking teacher did shit. Someone told me to take it as a compliment because not many boys would like me because I was fat, that seriously was it for me. I did it to two more boys too, never got in trouble, I got maybe one detention and my mom was called to the school for this long ass, maybe 3 hour long discussion from which I was thrown out because my mom wanted to get fully into it and I remember sitting in the hall hearing her yell at these teachers for a long ass time. These boys were so fucked up that I broke a nose and an eye socket, yet got in no trouble because it would've been way too obvious the school was at fault, but at the same time, you let a 9-11 year old girl do that shit and never even offer her counseling? No one besides my mom asked me if I was okay, she just told me to never feel bad about standing up to myself but miss, that kinda fucked me up in a way but so did my dad by being a nut job so a scrote hater since forever I guess, peace out nonas that's my vent.
No. 1426169
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Holy shit can my friends stop asking for my 'advice' whenever they start crushing on a moid? How the fuck I'm supposed to know what a moid might think of you? Do I look like I did masters in this shit? just because I like women doesn't mean I understand or relate to straight moids, I've never dated them nor do I interact with them much. I'm just as clueless as my friends yet they think I'm harbouring a secret or something. And when I say that I genuinely have no fucking idea or so-called 'advice' to give, they act like I'm lying or being petty one of them even 'jokingly' said that I'm not helping her on purpose because I want her for myself… They're usually nice to me, but they seem to have a problem understanding just this one damn thing and it annoys me.
No. 1426183
>>1426147Queen shit. If you were my kids I would have rewarded you for defending yourself.
>not a single fucking teacher did shit.I remember being bullied in primary school because I was super short (turned out it was because of a rare medical condition, lucky me…) and because I was one of the very few non white kids and the teachers told me that it was just banter and everyone just wanted to befriend me. If I tried to push someone into traffic as an adult or beaten up someone until they pass out you know it wouldn't just be me trying to befriend someone but some reason if kids do it then it's perfectly ok. I was punished everytime I wanted to defend myself and I suspect some of the teachers of being racist as well anyway because they always accused me of cheating because I had the best grades and it turned out that they couldn't possibly believe a girl "like me" could be a good student. As soon as it turned out that I was physically ill and that the kids could potentially be seen as "ableist" for making fun of my height the teacher started giving a shit though.
No. 1426212
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>Be bored and procrastinating
>Decide to read fanfic
>Fandom is full of millennial/zoomer tumblrites, exclude tags with their rot on it
>Read first chapter of story, turns out to be a/b/o but it's still good, keep reading
>Legitimately good, read alternate bad-ending fic
>Heartbreaking, cry throughout and after reading
>Look through authors profile
>Almost 100 fics full of rape, age gap, brainwashing, trans headcanon, forced pregnancy, etc.
It was a good tragedy story, but when your entire fic history is full of that shit for ONE SINGLE SERIES, isn't it just an excuse to write horrible shit? Not just referencing or fade to black, but detailed, planned out disgusting shit? Of course its a "I cope through traumaaaaa by writing fix after fic of women/psuedo-women getting their lives destroyed" type too. The only other fandom I know that does this is Transformers with 600+ chapters of characters put through hell. There's no doubt in my mind this was also written by a liberal/progressive/lqbtq+ woman(most likely TIF) in her mid-20s to mid 40s, I've been proven right before.
No. 1426219
>>1426193why are males so evil, even at such a young age? I always think of that case of the two boys
SAing a younger boy and leaving him on train tracks or something like that. It makes me sad.I was also bullied as a child but moreso by other girls who didn't even do anything as bad as what I heard boys do
No. 1426227
>>1426183Really sorry they did that shit to you, and yeah I'm not saying bullying and assault doesn't happen to adults because of course it does but we couldn't do that shit now without 0 consequences. At least I think so, when kids do that it's "just bullying" or "they like you, be grateful" and if an adult did thar, that's a full on crime with the added bonus of you as a
victim defending yourself, you'll get in shit. At least where I'm from, we have such shit self defense laws.
>>1426203My mom wasn't perfect but at least she never tried to tell me I was "mean" or "unfair" for fighting back, see because I was fat I should've thought about these scrawny ass boys well why the fuck would you push a person bigger than you to the edge like that, one was a 6th grader though and that was just stupid on my part, could've ended badly for me
>>1426219Oh god nona, didn't they just steal him from some shopping mall, just took him by the hand and did vile shit? His poor mom, I can't even imagine
No. 1426243
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Fashion girlies always look like shit. They are skinny which is why people think their stupid clothes are chic and edgy.
No. 1426244
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>MFW I realize I've done literally nothing useful in my life since I left high school
No. 1426251
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this talk about nonnas being bullied by males in childhood has brought up some more horrible shit I just want to get out before I think about it too much.
>me aged 10, have to start wearing a bra in primary school and another scrote mentions it and pulls my strap.
>still in primary school, a weird greasy scrote actually manages to find my house and shines one of those red lazer pens through my window at night. Sends me a valentine card with his initials on it and even though I tell my mam I'm creeped out she laughs it off like I'm retarded
>get into secondary school and immediately start feeling different isolated and bullied because I dressed like shit and was quiet. In my first month I get pushed into that steel gate and it hurts my ribs so bad I felt like crying
>slips down the muddy stairs of a school bus and a scrote laughs at me and says I have a big ugly nose
>get called prudish and frigid for my entire time at secondary school because I was too scared of boys and didnt lose my virginity/start doing anal at age 14
>get my skirt lifted up and hair pulled/messed up by a scrote who was meant to "like" me
>start self harming because my school bf cheated on me and made me out to be some weird autist and I never felt comfortable around other girls
>experience what I guess was "gender dysphoria" and beginning of my bdd and try cringe shit like deepening my voice and acting schizo and male to distract people from calling me a frigid prude
>spend most of my days after school online and stuck inside because I was ashamed to let friends over to my shitty council house and was shy in general
>get invited camping at the end of school before college, a fat greasy moid has to sleep next to me in a tent and starts groping my breasts asking if they are real, even after I tell him to stop and try to fawn myself
>get into college and turn into massive nlog pickme retard which ends in me being sexually assaulted by a pornsick bf
I have no idea why I didnt peak earlier because I fucking hate males and I hate teenage males for making a crucial part of my life absolute hell
No. 1426290
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>>1420829someone from my class saw me browse /ot/ today. I hope he doesn't know what this site is…
this is the second time someone from my uni sees me browse lolcow I need to stop visiting imageboards in public it's embarrassing No. 1426297
>>1426261I feel like nobody ever "has enough money/time/etc" for a kid when they have them. You just do it and try to get by as best you can.
The best thing for children is parents who want to be good parents, money won't make people happy.
No. 1426316
nonnie I do feel bad for laughing at this. You do have my deepest sympathies though!
I also once opened fujochan instead of facebook during a break and the people sitting behind me definitely saw No. 1426326
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>>1426254Nonnie please I actually agree but sometimes it's not that serious, you just wanna coom to hot guys.
And kek at this post and the post immediately after connecting.
No. 1426457
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>>1426244If you did something that you enjoyed in that time, no matter how small, it was useful. Life is there to experience it, not to reach a checklist of goals.
So sick and fucking tired of this mindset that our time is only spent well if it involves a career or a set of rigid accomplishments.
No. 1426470
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>>1426243It's not even just the skinny girls now, the fat girls are doing it too now, but instead they blame their poor outfit choices on fatphobia despite their outfits looking like shit no matter what your weight is. Spoiler for one of the worse jessicablair outfits ever. I also hate the layering thing they are doing, it just doesn't look comfortable having all those waistbands on your stomach like that nor does it register as actual clothing to me.
No. 1426532
>>1426470Imagine seeing this irl
>>1426502The fuck are you talking about? I have never even heard of these expressions as being related to trump. Americans are so fucking annoying.
No. 1426539
>>1426120>Once I break up with someone or they dump me they are pretty much dead to meGod I wish that was me
t. loser who still hasn't gotten over a breakup since March
No. 1426584
>>1426553Are you me? I didn't even have a cold for 9 years and now right before my birthday I got it. I don't celebrate but it's annoying. Sounds similar to your issue, dry cough, running nose, groggy head but nothing bad enough to make me stay in bed all day, it's just an annoyance.
On a related note I hate my country for turning home office into a class based bullshit system. After the lockdowns ended every lower worker had to come to the office again because "the pandemic is over", but the brown-nosers and higher ups disappeared and have home office whenever they fucking want. Great. Because worker rights and equality weren't already fucked enough.
No. 1426600
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>>1426576same, we need to go back to the simpler times
No. 1426627
>>1425442blocked and blocked though this is the shittiest thing about sharing mutuals
>>1425495seen what he really is time n time again but idk why i just kept staying. tired of being called a bpd/bipolar/schizowoman whenever he wanted me to describe how i feel and then called it a fucking manic episode
No. 1426732
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I want to make friends in this fandom but holy shit I literally hate everyone in it. I know I'm too old to be really participating in fandoms anyway but I just want to befriend at least ONE person who isn't a retarded teenager, genderspecial, some flavor of coomer or a combination of the above. I just want someone to discuss the story, themes and characters with, is that so wrong? Why are fandoms so SHIT
No. 1426751
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>>1426747no zoomer has the self steem to be truly Y2K
No. 1426760
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>>1426755i think it looks cool, its the ''cringe but free'' mentality. I feel like only other zoomers get me, part of being born in such a coddled, politicized generation that only thinks in black and white and whose form of rebellion is crying and whining, we were robbed of our own subcultures and i feel like even the most gender poisoned zoomies feel like that.
No. 1426767
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I’m not educated enough to really speak on Islam as a subject but the part where they hide women’s bodies only makes sense in the way scrotes will sexualise everything so might as well hide every fucking thing. But then again if they were really for fucking real, they’d segregate a free space for women to be just women lol what a pipe dream esp with what’s happening in Iran but really, I won’t mind seeing little girls in short shorts being gawked at by elderly creeps to be in hazmat suits.
The part I hate the most is knowing no man deserves to see all that effort women put into looking good if we’re going to be completely honest. Yet, most women can’t help but do it for these crusty ass moids. I hate being alive and sentient
No. 1426773
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i cant fucking stand my body im going to be fat forever. after sixish months im catastrophically failing my diet/exercise plan. not that it makes a difference because when i did lose the weight no one could even tell, my coworker even said i still looked 150lb. i know i should just get back on the wagon but it feels like i'm just gonna go through all that and then drop the ball again and again. why not just binge eat to 500lb at this point its not like i go outside anyways
No. 1426781
>>1426773>my coworker even said i still looked 150lbwas your coworker a moid?
I went from 150 lbs to 125 lbs and my moid colleague said he didn't see difference however I got compliments from female colleagues and friends who have not seen me in some time.
No. 1426814
>>1426807the american goverment is literally left wing what do you mean. Its not my fault you retards keep believing in politics when it was shown over and over that they play pretend and the suck each others cock in the back alley.
>>1426812literally never said women were at fault tho? was talking about the whole left wing community. Whenever you see an LGBT person call out a degenerate in their community its ALWAYS a right winger, like Blaire White, and they convinently never talk about their own degenerates. Same coin. Imagine voting nad paying taxes in this day and age, you deserve what you get.
No. 1426816
>>1426815i said
>except for the abortion banlearn to read
No. 1426833
>>1426816>>1426814And the American government was literaly conservative last government around 2 years ago and trannies were still pandered to by companies endorsing conservative candidates because it would be financially beneficial for them, and still the 'lefty' government does non-lefty things. Cope, goal shift, and block your ears to protect the narrative when your claim of muh leftys being pandered to is obviously false kek. How shocking men never take responsibility for their actions. All degenerate left stuff is created and pushed by men, face it (eg. grooming is done by men/women working for men or following male created philosophies like queer theory which yes, infact was created by men if you had the brain to look it up, it's why most the pedos in the lgb community were gay men, not because they were homosexual, but because they were male, as the same behaviour is witnessed in straight men and not in gay women). Men are not left or right, they are born to coom and die and be as hedonistic as possible and vote in line with their degeneracy. By taking this cope approach the problem of societal degenerousy will never be solved and you are part of the problem you claim to hate because the root is not women as moids like to cope to justify their hedonism and lack of humanity in regards to women/anything they percieve as lesser than them including animals and children.
No. 1426920
In top of being a massive pos, my dad is always coughing, always, all. the. time, very loud coughing 24/7, you would think someone is fucking dying at our house but its just him and his stupid, annoying, neverending coughing. He refuses to go to the doctor and gets angry when you ask him why does he cough so much to begin with, he could get treatment for it but apparently is "not mortal" so he doesn't do shit about it, no matter how disruptive it is for himself or everyone else at the house.
Honestly I don't understand how can someone cough so fucking much so loudly every 6 minutes and not get frustrated by it, it has to be something else