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No. 1413258
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How am I supposed to build a portfolio when everything I create fucking blows
No. 1413265
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Damn Quick-Hands Nonnie made this thread before me, and I spent so long finding a cool picture, TCHE. damn these quick-drawin' rootin/-tootin' Cowboy Nonnies
No. 1413269
Did anybody else's youtube recommendations turn to shit few years ago?
I only used it to find music and back in the day it would actually recommend me new songs. Now it just shows and auto-plays the shit I have most commonly listened to recently. What's the point? I don't want playlists (there is a function for that), I want recommendations.
I always want to listen to things, choose a new song while drawing and then it annoys with the same three songs I cannot hear anymore.
>>1413258OT but this dog is really cute I hope it will be happy. Think dogs with these fur dots have some genetic issues IIRC, but still cute.
No. 1413304
>>1413261NTA, but some people who call the suicide are just absolute assholes. There are people who are so
toxic that they have pushed every single person in their life away, so the only people left in the world they have to talk to, are the people on the crisis/suicide hotline. We actually have callers who have been calling since the 80s, so we limit them to two twenty minute calls per day. These people know that I always have to pick up the phone to incoming calls but there's only me available that night, so they'll be talking at me, a suicidal teen will call and the talker will get so mad that I have to put them on hold to answer the incoming call that they'll hang up and call again so I have to put the suicidal teen on hold and continue to listen to them. I really do want to help them, but we get so few volunteers that I would rather be there for someone who is actually going through a crisis that has a chance of being resolved, rather them listen them tell me the same feud story they've told me around a 120 times.
Also, sometimes men just call because they want to scream abuse at women and we're not allowed to hang up. They'll hang up and call again until they get a woman answering. Fuck those guys, hope they die.
No. 1413335
>>1413310I have no idea. I think she was faking or she had taken more but realized she had fucked up when she realized we were serious about calling EMS. Either way the story doesn't add up.
>>1413307Thanks for being understanding. I appreciate the support.
>>1413304It makes sense you want to prioritize the people who actually do need support. Hang in there
No. 1413346
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>>1413269Yeah, hate how it keeps recommending me shit i've already watched
>>1413327Happy birthday nona!
No. 1413348
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>>1413327Happy Birthday, Anon! I wish you all the best of luck and success for your future! May you get blessed with tons of money and amazing friend!
No. 1413350
>>1413327Most people will automatically wish you happy birthday if you remind them it's your birthday. It's okay to tell people it's your birthday. If you're worried about embarrassing them and them getting mad then just make it one of the first things you say, so they can save face by pretending they didn't have time to say happy birthday before you reminded them.
It would be nicer if your friends remembered on their own, but when you want something so small and easy to give you should not be afraid to just ask them to give it to you.
No. 1413353
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>>1413327Happy birthday sweet anon. Fuck it go in the gc and tell them it’s your bday lol Do something nice for yourself today!
No. 1413385
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I recently made friends with another girl and a dude in my uni class. We usually have our lunches together and went to a bar to have some drinks last night. I suspect the dude has a crush on her and for some reason…I am jealous of the moid. I'm straight and I've never had feelings for a girl before. I keep getting excited when I see that she's sent me a text and I get upset when he clings onto her. I've been daydreaming about holding her hands and kissing her for the past three weeks or so. I don't want to call myself bi because it's the first time I've ever felt like this and I've never been involved with women. I have no idea what this is and I feel stupid for being upset at the thought of them getting together.
No. 1413387
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I'm actually really tired of people thinking they know what's best for me when they clearly don't. I'm introverted, enjoy my own company 95% of the time and very selective with friendships (not as in I'm a snob, but I don't see the point in forcing myself into social situations if I don't want to especially if I don't click with the person). I have a lot of financial and mental struggles I'm trying to work past right now, so tbh the last thing on my mind is trying to make new friends. Still, people around me keep trying to push me to do this shit when I'm telling them that I'm really not bothered and I'm not lonely - if I was, I'd put myself out there. Instead I'm just being patronized and told shit like "oh it's just been a while since you saw your current friends nonna…" yeah because I'm fucking broke and busy, I live hours away from them now and I'm in a position where there are more important things than making myself even more broke trying to see them - I have real struggles and real priorities and it feels like people are just trying to force me into a mold that I will never fit in.
The worst thing is, when I answer honestly and say "I'm not interested in socialising with this person, and I don't appreciate being persuaded to. I have more important things to do that need to be done before I think about being more social again" they look at me like I'm fucking retarded or just some sort of quivering shy insecure freak, and they expect me to force friendship and conversation with people that I know I already won't get along or even relate to at all. Why can't people just accept my answers and the way I live my life? I'm not hurting anyone: I work, I try and get my life in order, I feed and look after my cat and pay the bills every month, I mind my business and don't harm anyone. Why can't that just be enough for these retards? It feels like whatever I say is just considered "negotiable" to some people and then they look at me like I'm an evil antisocial witch when I finally snap because I'm sick of being pushed into shit I don't want to do. I'm not doing it, fuck off.
No. 1413412
i am tired of living at home and after a lot of rehabilitation and self growth, i realize a change of environment is a huge factor necessary for my growth and productivity. i can be content here, yes, but it is easy to slip back into depression. my mother and her boyfriend argue often and sometimes treat me unkindly, i feel too sheltered and held back at 21. the biggest pro is not having to pay rent or work much and im thankful for that, but the comfort at this point (and this is only recent since i got my associates) is detrimental.
my issue is id like to finish a degree, which would take over 2 years, but my heart and even brain keep going back to the idea of moving. i know i could always finish college in the future, hopefully with the ability to get financial aid still, but i do think id rather move now and finish later.
now i wonder if i should just keep saving up to move? im worried i wont be able to find a job to support myself with no degree, and it makes me fearful and i begin to want to hide away and not follow through. i can handle more shifts at the job i hate right now to save up more for this. i am also open to living in a new country, so long as i can get a job and afford things. currently i am in an expensive state.
id just like some input, if thats okay nonnies. how much i should save perhaps, and if this is even possible. i have given this thought and it will not be impulsive since saving takes time, but it is something i keep going back to really feeling is necessary even if it will be hard.
No. 1413420
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Troon IT workers need to get a tailor made ass cancer virus this is getting ridiculous. Can't even fucking commiserate on an eating Disorder forum without getting dick swing in the face.
No. 1413434
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I fucking hate Chad Michael Murray. He is a smug ugly douche bag has been who needs to give up anything to do with the spotlight. More than anything I hate his nose so fucking much. It is an ugly, weak nose. My wife is making me watch One Tree Hill with her for nostalgia (we were both in junior high/high school when it first aired) and I HATED HIM THEN TOO. He got to make out with not one but TWO women who were so beautiful, as well as being in movies that should have had a CUTE male love interest (Freaky Friday, A Cinderella Story) to play off the adorable female leads. Also a friend of mine boned him once and she said he was horrible in bed. His “”””graphic novel””” arc was so cringe. I am totally sperging rn but I fucking cannot stand this man. HIS FUCKING NOSEEEEE REEEEEE
No. 1413451
>>1413440The fact you can go to the store is great though. Give yourself credit for that. Are there things that would make the store easier that aren’t self medicating with wine? Would bringing headphones or glasses help? Setting up a music playlist of things you find soothing or good to listen to while you do things that aren’t comfortable?
I know the larders make it hard, but try to remove yourself from that. You’re working inside a different set of rules to other people. Don’t punish yourself for your needs. Work with them to get the things you need done done. Work to break things down to easy simple steps that are digestible.
What is happening with the car if you’re okay to talk about it and it won’t stress you out?
No. 1413491
>>1413473You’re welcome. Sometimes we all need someone to listen and bounce ideas off of to think of a new approach to a difficult situation. If it’s the rim or wheel. It’s probably one of two things; either the rim is bent and needs to be replaced or if you’re driving and the car is pulling to one side it could be that you knocked the frame underneath out of alignment and it needs to be readjusted. Maybe knowing that will help you. Mechanics most of the time don’t care. They want to get your car fixed and get paid. Just like any business. You’re the customer. A doctor wouldn’t expect you to know how to do your own surgery. Your mechanic won’t expect you to know how to fix your own car. When you have the mental space for it maybe sit down and look at mechanics in your area and find one with good reviews and give them a call. You can tell them just what you told me and say something like
>>I had a flat tire a little bit ago but something still isn’t driving right. I think may be a problem with the wheel or rim, but I’m not sure. Could I bring it in and have someone look at and how much would it be? If you have a friend or family member or even a neighbor you’re friendly with you can ask them where they take their cars too for a recommendation.
If headphones make you nervous what if you do something like a single earbud in your non dominant ear. It’s what I do most of the time. So I can still hear what’s going on but listen to music I like. Having two different audios can also help ground you as it makes your brain work to combine the different audios between the ears. They recommend it to Vets at the VA near me for ptsd.
There might be other little things that help too. Like maybe carrying a long umbrella if you’re worried about someone bothering you. Long ranged items make most men leave you alone and it gives you something to defend yourself. You could even hang it on the cart at the store to free your hands if you use one. It sounds like you have a lot of anxiety and what ifs. Maybe work to establish a routine that gives you an advantage over the things you’re worried about so you can reassure yourself easier in those situations. Instead of saying of course no one will bother me. Use one earbud instead of headphones. Park close to the store so you don’t have to park far away and walk across the parking lot. Then when the anxiety starts tell yourself I have done this and this and this so I can handle if anything happens. Then work to focus on something else and distract yourself from the thought pattern.
Cutting down on the wine is good though and it sounds like you’re making progress even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. Anxiety is our nervous systems over reacting so every time you get out of your comfort zone it takes desensitizing yourself to the new situation or stimulus.
Think of similarly to how in martial arts they break their hands over and over again to make them stronger when they strike. Right form and skill and the pain helps you grow stronger with hairline fractures, but that doesn’t mean to smash your hands with a rock and be done that will just break your bones.
No. 1413506
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weird coworker insinuated penises at me. he's been hinting at flirting (can't call it flirting because it was pathetic) now i'm positive he's autistic, i reacted to his message with two judgmental reaction gifs, hope gets what those mean, freaky little man, leave me alone! why do i always attract weirdos
No. 1413509
>>1413491all that is good advice tysm and it's just good to vent right here in the vent thread. I do think things are getting better for me my new therapist seems great just everything went to shit at once in my previous therapy and meds and marriage so it is a long way back up I think, currently living in a hotel and spending too much time online, but I am talking with my therapist too about little exposure stuff like starting to take even a walk around the block. it means a lot to talk it out here too though.
> Long ranged items make most men leave you alone and it gives you something to defend yourself. thats what the 9mm is for lol
No. 1413518
>>1413506also fucking weird that a week or so ago another male coworker said something creepy and misogynistic about some women's names, and i went off on him and this guy was standing right there so wHYY did he think that i would find his penis ''joke'' funny? autist.
>>1413511okay i'm not denying i'm a bit weird and you did make me laugh but i'm not
that kind of weirdo
No. 1413523
>>1413504It was always like this with all my previous relationships too. She always questioned the way I interacted with other people, when she hasn’t had a relationship that lasted more than two months (not that I care, it’s just a fact).
Even when I started hanging with my girlfriend at first she kept telling me how she couldn’t do this “fuck buddy” thing because she’s just not that kind of person. Nine years later, she’s still treating her as if she’s nothing serious to me, while also questioning if someday we will have children and such.
I feel pretty pressured because at first I kept thinking she wanted the best for me but after all this time I’m getting pretty fed up with all of this nonsense.
No. 1413525
>>1413511i just learned a new term.
>>1413506cut him off, not totally but make it known that you want nothing to do with him off work or that not work related. You letting him message you in the first place is letting him cross a boundary.
No. 1413534
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I finally reached my goal weight and my tummy is flat…. but now I wanna eat all the sweets. I have some sweets… But I want ALL of them
No. 1413557

ok i know this is like bleeding heart of me but i really cant get over it, tw animal abuse if you dont wanna read about that, i was reading random shit on amusement parks and it led me to read about marineland, a really really shitty amusement park in canada, which has a bunch of deseased deers who are constantly dying and being replaced, bears who you can throw marshmellows to and seals and whales and dolphins and a single orca called kiska. the orca there is totally alone, it lived free in the ocean until it was captured in 1979 at three years old when they killed a bunch of them and stole their babies. it used to have other orcas it lived with but they all died cause of neglect and its been alone since 2011, and it just swims around in circles or floats on its side near the surface or bangs it head against the walls, their extremely intelligient social animals and its showing pathological behaviour and is obviously depressed and miserable in a tiny fucking tank, it used to call out constantly for its family and its babies, its 48 fucking years old and they can live to be 80, and orcas in the wild are so social that if they lose their pods they will seek out humans just to interact with something, its literally considered torture for human beings to be placed in solitary confinement and this orca has been in a tiny fucking tank alone since 2011. this orca is only interacted with when it is fed and no other times, its in too poor of health to do shows anymore. it bled out of its tail on and off for months. i sincerely understand why people are vegan and think im going to do it tbh, like, i cannot understand how this is happening and its continued to happen, in stupid fucking canada that is supposed to be civilized for this long, people have been trying to get the park shut down for over 10 years and noone cares, its in corrupt as fuck niagara falls and makes enough tourist money to stay afloat. and the owner was a fucking evil man who was horrible to his employees and shot his neighbors dogs. anyways i know this is kinda late i havent seen blackfish or whatever i know its about the same stuff but i just read about this and watched videos all night and i am so so horribly fucking disturbed at the world we live in and how wrong it is. why cant they let it go in the wild and it can starve to death or whatever but at least die free? why cant they just shoot it if their not going to do basic medical care or find it a companion animal. i feel so so sad also like ive at times been neet and horribly depressed and felt trapped in a small room with no friends and noone to see and its so so horrible that humans do the things they do to animals. anyways vid rel, killer whales rub on eachother to bond and the babies stay close to their mothers side and here is this whale alone hiding in the corner of its tank gently rubbing its head on a concrete wall.
No. 1413588
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our new cat keeps messing with charging cables, boxes, cords, computers, equipment, my hair, where are our socks, that $59 pair of earrings i never got to wear, my favorite underwear, cracked my laptop etc. and my boyfriend keeps thinking i did it and it's giving me flashbacks to when i was 12. to preface this i used to have a poop phobia where i had to be completely naked to poop so i would go a long time without pooping as it's not easy to get naked in public (flashback to being asked at disneyworld by my babysitter "why are you naked?" why the fuck do you poop with clothes on you disgusting heathen) so i would regularly clog the toilet. but anyway i was 14 and had gotten over my poop issues, but one day the toilet in my bathroom wouldn't flush. i tried for hours to unclog it, to no avail. i asked my dad to help me because i told him "there's no way my poop was that big" and he accused me of "using too much toilet paper." okay
ff TWO AND HALF YEARS LATER. I had numerous friends stay over FOR 2.5 YEARS where I had to tell them "you can't pee here, go downstairs, the toilet doesn't work" but most of the time my brothers would still piss in it anyway, so the bathroom reeked like a urinal. finally i got fed up because it was too fucking gross to be getting ready in the morning and having to shower next to a fucking pit toilet and went full meltdown at my parents. next day, dad starts with snaking (didn't work, but why didn't he do that after i had told him i tried unsuccessfully doing it multiple times), then gets the industrial snake, then takes the whole toilet off, then has to pull out half the pipes in the wall.
IT WAS MY THREE YEAR OLD BROTHER WHO FLUSHED DOWN A FUCKING FLOATING SHIP TOY AFTER HE GOT OUT OF THE BATH BECAUSE HE "liked to see the boat swim." the only time i have, and probably will ever, hear my father apologize was when he pulled out that fucking boat
No. 1413592
>>1413561I have to avoid seeing shit like this much because I spiral into anti civ rage. I love animals, I have a white hot burning rage about how people disrespect them. I can't even bring myself to eat them for the most part because I feel so bad for how our relationship as predator and prey has become so grotesque and sadistic. Let alone our fucked up,
abusive dominance over the intelligent ones such as orcas. I feel you, anon. It's incredibly painful to empathize with animals in a day and age where people not only exploit their suffering for money, which is historically traditional, but have the video and photo evidence plastered all over the internet where we are inevitably exposed to it yet remain helpless to stop it. There are not harsh enough consequences for this disgusting shit.
No. 1413600
>>1413557humans are awful honestly. human overgrowth and pollution have destroyed so many environments and decimated animal and plant populations as well as permanently destroyed beautiful natural formations and waterways. cars are especially awful becuase they squash so many animals and they constantly kick off trash, shredded tires, oil leakage, coolant leaks, etc.
the human population needs to be reduced by like 80%.
of course humans are ust as cruel to other humans as we are to animals. i have such depression because i'm forced to live in a tiny shoebox apartment, all i do all day is sit around and work, and then when i'm done work there is nothing to do so i'm on my laptop until bed. i can't afford land or a garden or anything, i feel like a slave living in a prison. i ust want to go outside and enjoy life but all the nature areas are destroyed into crappy suburbs and giant highways. i don't even want to live like this but unless i strike it rich i dont see another choice if i want to afford healthcare (which i cant afford anyway). we've really turned this planet into hell.
No. 1413608
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>>1413258I basically came in here to post this, Im glad someone else feels it too
No. 1413616
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I want to kill myself I can't eat or drink fucking anything because of bladder inflammation and my retarded moid doctor didn't tell me how to fix the inflammation I just want to eat some spicy hotpot and drink a ton of kombucha and alcohol
No. 1413617
>>1413611last thing sorry i really needed to get this out. one of the brothers came home and completely trashed the room i spent two weeks cleaning out and meticulously boxing and labeling their stuff, filling in the 10000 holes in the walls because men don't understand tape or putty, re painting, stripping out the carpet, putting in new flooring, then putting back in his bed and 'creature comfort' stuff.
one week home from basic and he fucking TRASHED IT. like, was still throwing trash under the bed, rancid food bowls, cups, stuff strewn everywhere. men are fucking mistakes
No. 1413618
I sort of have friends but I often feel like they don't like me much. We rather grew apart with one of them, she got much closer with her newer friend, and we don't have that much in common now except just a couple of things and memories. The second one, I feel like, uses me for emotional dumping, and is not very interested in me in overall. I actually feel like she needs more attention than I can or want to give and that it makes her kind of annoyed with me and dismissive. I also know how negative she can be about our mutual friends so I wonder if she vents about me in the same way. The third one is living too far away and too busy with her life. Some of the older friends I cut off long time ago. There was my ex, but he just suddenly stopped talking to me and unfriended in social media.
I'm not the greatest friend btw, it's hard for me to maintain relationships, and I've been also pretty boring and uninteresting, so it's only fair people don't really want to talk with me and maybe don't care that much as well. Makes me feel bad anyways. I probably dramatize it in my mind and also kind of sabotage these friendships anyway, idk, but it's hard to perceive it some other way. I've felt like this my whole life, that I'm not really needed and likable. Right now I feel like only my parents want to keep in regular contact, but in the past they were also the ones who made me feel unworthy of attention. I used to have some good friendships or I could be friends with some good people but I fucked it up and was friends with narcissists and other shitty people instead, it was really long ago though. I just wonder what'd be if I wasn't so stupid.
No. 1413626
>>1413621Oh thanks
nonnie but I'm not in too much pain currently, it's only if I eat/drink certain things or when I
have sex. I had recurring UTIs for 2 months that left me with bladder inflammation basically
No. 1413630
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>>1413611>>1413603Don't forget be expected to smooth all conflicts and soothe all egos. To be invested in younger male family as if youre their mommy (or else you get treated like a literal reincarnation of Satan). And lay down & take all abuse by family especially younger male family, or else you're a hysterical heartless bitch for having any boundaries or "selfishness".
No. 1413672
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My aunt offered me a job, and now that I'm already at her house (she lives in a city very far away from where I live), I find out someone else is already doing it. She didn't warn me about it. I'm so fucking mad.
No. 1413715
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im going to go fucking insane. how are boomers so fucking clueless about the web i can't understand it the instructions literally could not be any clearer. if the bright button with buy on it says buy then it will probably have something to do with buying the item. where is the mystery ? are they playing dumb on purpose im actually going to pop a fucking blood vessel for real im so fucking mad right now im enraged im sending detailed IMAGE instructions (since they apparently cant understand from detailed instructed speech) on how to do something and they literally are refusing to cooperate. "ummm i only have one phone how am i supposed to work with that with you sending me images when i have to be on the app" by going back and fucking forth? is it really that difficult i swear to god this person already knows how to do that playing card games while texting their senile friends on facebook and doing banking but this is too difficult WHERE IS THE GODDAMN MYSTERY i dont get it at all what is hard i dont get it. if a rectangle says search on it then it will be a search function if it says profile then it sends you to your profile i mean what the fuck am i supposed to do more than showing you DETAILED ANNOTATED pictures like YOU ASKED for im going to rip all my fucking hair out what the fuck. speech doesnt work pictures dont work i cant fly two continents to your country to do it and even when i was there they refused to learn almost, because i was already there to do it so why should they have to i mean just fucking learn ???? just because you're old doesnt mean you're immune to learning sure your ability gets weaker but going to your profile legitimately could not be simpler i swear to christ
i just want their email to buy something using their account since i cant use mine as im two continents away. with MY MONEY before anyone starts with me. i cannot access the account because they dont know what e-mail address they've used and are adamant on another one that ive sent them proof pictures of the system saying that it has never once been used. i just want your fucking e-mail address just go to your goddamn profile and tell me what it is it couldn't be simpler i did everything i could and its still too difficult for them
No. 1413726
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I wish I could make lolcow into a boyfriend. Someone I can dump all my weird theroies, share some truths and be happy with. Sadly this place is the only place where I can be unmistakenbly my weird self. I just want to be free and weird
No. 1413730
>>1413715Recently my aunt has asked me to get her online boarding tickets for a flight. I grabbed her phone and after deleting literally 240 facebook post notifications there was a notif for a new email, I clicked it and it opened the email with the boarding tickets. I downloaded it, TOLD HER WHERE TO FIND IT, even left BOTH, the DOWNLOAD FOLDER and the e-mail OPEN so that she just has to look at her opened apps and see it.
Fast forward an hour.
I am in a train because I have things to do. She calls me and says she doesn't find them anymore.
I tell her "okay, open your e-mail then".
She gets angry and tells me I should open her e-mail and ask me why I would never help other people.
So I asked her for the password and she doesn't fucking know what that is.
I tried for FIVE minutes to explain to her that I need a PASSWORD to access her e-mail from my phone. She didn't get it and hung up and raged against me telling my mother what a little shit I am.
They are dumb as hell. Hell, even young people are often stupid as shit, somehow still getting viruses and somehow too stupid to google or torrent. So if even young people are like this you can imagine or boomers must be.
No. 1413753
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Moids are embarrassing.
No. 1413765
>sick with flu>havent' had any appetite for 5 days>food i bought before i got sick is gonna go badi'm eating fewer calories than an ana-chan and still not hungry, this is so fucking weird. hoping i can swing this cold into dropping a few pounds.
>>1413730lmfao why bother helping the ingrate.
>>1413733>body pillows open portals and cause insomniagive her the schizo meds
No. 1413785
>>1413715Anon, your post made me chuckle but yeah, what you're describing is extremely annoying. What's even more frustrating is when it's evident that a person can actually learn to do new things using technology when he/she needs it but still refuses to do something particular and very SIMPLE. Like downloading something and putting it in a folder. So you can play games on your smartphone with English interface even though you don't speak it, but the simplest commands in your native language make you fall into a stupor? How does it work?
My dad and my ex work at university, and they're always asked to do the stupidest shit, not only by boomers though. At least my dad's job has to do with computers and other equipment, but still, I'm pretty sure they could figure out how to print out some crap themselves, however, sometimes they expect my dad to arrive only to do this when he could work from home. But also guess what, my dad refuses to memorize how to use washing machine. My ex had to make accounts for several teachers on one platform, and they still couldn't use it. I feel like some people are so lazy they intentionally act this dumb.
No. 1413823
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I wanna broke up with my bf. I'm tired of taking care of him, doing the chores and giving him my precious time. I don't think he deserves someone like me. I truly care, he doesn't. I don't wanna be a trophy wife, I need someone who looks after themselves and help me around the house without my begging them to. I’m tired of him already.
No. 1413843
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stupid ass vent but my tummy hurts and I am shitting my guts out in the bathroom my roommate JUSR CLEANED and I feel so bad :-( I can’t control the shits(:-()
No. 1413909
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A customer from my old workplace died in a house fire and I know they were physically disabled, I was the one who showed them how to do pickup orders so they wouldn’t have to walk around as much to get groceries. I’m not sure if they outlived their parent but it sounded like they were living alone when this happened
No. 1413930
I felt so bad about it at first but now that I'm coming to terms with my breakup, I think I'm starting to enjoy all the free time I have now. My ex basically demanded I spend all my free time with her which I of course loved doing but she made me feel bad if I didn't. She didn't have any other hobbies other than sitting all day in front of her computer, playing video games all day, and hanging out with her discord friends (which again is just playing video games together), and because she didn't have something to enrich her life with she must have expected me to be a constant source of entertainment for her. Meanwhile, I have a job and university on top of a 2 hour commute each way everyday so I barely have any free time to spend on myself. The past year since I've known her, I had stagnated on my art and book backlog but now that we're not together anymore I've been making so much more progress on my hobbies and on myself. And yes, this was a long distance, online relationship. The relationship ended before we met each other irl. But typing out all this, I now feel some relief the relationship ended. Her reclusiveness, video game addiction, and lack of self-improvement was kinda moid-like. It turned me off and made me have doubts of seeing her as a long-term life partner. If we did meet each other irl I don't even know what we would do together or if we would even go on dates because she would just prefer to stay in her room. I have no fucking idea how a grown ass adult can be perfectly content sitting in front of their computer all day every day with no real socialization that doesn't involve talking to her mom or her discord friends over the internet. Such a life would quickly make me go insane but I guess for the mentally ill it's fine. Apparently, she's had this lifestyle since she was in high school and it's just sad she is still this way after nearly a decade despite wishing her life was different. I probably sound harsh right now but I'm only so critical because I had also been in the same place years ago but got help and forced myself to be more productive so I can have a more fulfilling life now. I miss her a lot still but we just have different values and maybe it's for the best we're not in each other's lives anymore.
No. 1413950
Well… after all the rheumatology testing I finally got a diagnosis. I have RA, at 28. No wonder I'm so fucking miserable all the time. Secondary diagnosis is Sjogrens and my rheum is running another battery of tests to ensure I don't have Lupus or something else that's causing overlapping symptoms. Next week I start Humira after my hep tests come back negative. So now we enter the real venting. My mother, calls me and leaves an ultra concerned voicemail while I'm in the appointment. Says she's worried and praying for me. Once I finally get out of the hospital I call her to let her know what's up, things ain't great but also not the worst. Hardly before I can finish my last sentence, she launches into her whole story about her spinal stimulator finally going in. Completely turns the convo into her sob story. I spent maybe ten minutes telling her what happened while she went off for forty-five. I was waiting in the drugstore parking lot, nose breathing and saying "uh-huh" while in agony, ready to scream my fucking head off. Here I am, in pain just desperate for the Prednisone to help ease my symptoms until I get the proper medication, and my mother is in literal tears talking about her back AS SHE HAS DONE COUNTLESS TIMES BEFORE. Once my RA became obvious and my PCP ran tests… it's just been a constant one upping from her since. I cut the call off abruptly and went in. Today I received three texts asking about my day and I have yet to respond. Fucking stupid, I can't even stand up to her out of concern I'll hurt her feelings. Even though all I want to do is tell her to shut the hell up, stop dwelling and stop using my illness as a way to shoehorn in her own bullshit. I'm not even all that worried about my diagnosis, I can handle this and come out okay. To be fair, my mother does have a significant back injury which required surgery and she's now hobbled for life. BUT, she fucking did it to herself. This was self inflicted. Ugh… this wasn't even a proper vent… God I'm just so disgusted by this whole situation and the fact I even give two shits about it. FUCK.
No. 1414014
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>>1411458I'm rooting for you, anon.
>>1413052I probably do as well,
nonnie. He got me some yesterday and I just got some again not too long ago. I am completely satisfied.
No. 1414015
I feel so unhappy. I don't remember the last time I felt happy or satisfied with my life. Not even when I was a child. I never learned to take care of myself. As a kid, I was seen as too smart to need to be taken care of. Life isn't fucking Matilda, just because I'm not an idiot like my parents doesn't mean I didn't need to be taken care of.
I grew up poor, and yet somehow I fail to be a success story. I'm always being told how much potential I have, and I know I do, but what good is it if I don't even know how to get out of bed in the morning? How to keep a house clean? I'm fucking nothing. This potential is wasted on somebody like me.
I can't even afford drugs or alcohol since I'm still financially dependent on my parents who barely make enough to support the four fucking children they decided to bring into this world, even knowing they were gonna raise us for years in a roach infested trailer covered in black mold, shit, and pins. And yet somehow the condition of that place was also my fault despite me being a kid.
I want so bad to have a peaceful life. I tried therapy but it didn't do shit and I had to stop anyways because my mom was missing work to accompany me. It's not her fault. We need money to live. I'm thinking now maybe a burden would be lifted off my family's back if I died. One less mouth to feed, right?
The girl I love is across the planet, and its hard for me to even consistently talk to her. I wanted to live, I really did. I thought I could still be normal despite all the circumstances but I was wrong. I just want to be high and numb until my inevitable early end. It was so hard to keep going but it's so pointless.
I need help, I'm screaming and no one can hear me. Please, God, hear me. Whatever. I like lolcor at least. Silly.
No. 1414021
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I’m getting fat and I can’t control myself. I haven’t gained a lot over a short period of time but I’ve only steadily increased in weight my whole life and I hate it. I’m on my period and I binged SO MUCH. My stomach is so bloated and painful I just wanna cry.
No. 1414037
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I wanna go for a walk but I'm tired of all the music I listen to.
No. 1414049
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I'm enjoying the pokémon so far, except for the performance issues they'll fix with a patch, but I absolutely HATE that you can't change your character's outfit. You are forced to only choose between 4 variations of it and only between piss ugly shorts or pants. Why are you giving us the freedom to create our own character but taking away 50% of the fun in making an individual character? If they're worried about upskirts and accidental pantyshots then they could just put bike pants under the skirts - like they've done in previous fucking games.
No. 1414068
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Male gaze and sexualization in weeb media rots my brain. Weeb girls only have three choices
1. Play along and become an e-whore/draw gross porny shit
2. Try to leave the game and pretend to be an uwu smoll nonbinary/fakeboi
3. Avoid this shit like crazy (what I'm trying to do. Anime without fanservice garbage means the world to me)
No. 1414080
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>>1414068imagine not becoming a stacy yumejo/fujoshitter and making gay/female gaze porn of anime for moids like berserk. ngmi
No. 1414083
>>1414026I'm unfortunately with the other anon here, in 5 years he surely became aware of this codependency developing, and knowing about your struggles with interacting with others his goal as a therapist should be to help you find a way to become independent, and more capable to open up to others. The professional way of handling this kind of situation would be him recommending you another therapist to continue your work. I don't think it means that he's a bad therapist overall, or malicious in any way, he's just human as you are and maybe there really is something about your situation that made him feel so personally invested. I think best way of handling it would be kind of a compromise, you finding another therapist and this being your focus - and occasionally reporting your progress to him via mail; but definitely prioritizing your new therapeutic process and not that private "mentorship".
One more thing that stood out to me now that I re-read your post, it sounds like you didn't discuss with him all of these worries and confusions you've listed in your post. In a therapeutic process you should be able to address things like that with your therapist, even if it's not comfortable; please do so next time you see him.
No. 1414097
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>>1414095its not to own the moids, it's a long story but it started as authentic autism and in the process we accidentally ruined EC for the moids. It was a glorious thread and time in /co/, filled with oc content. Nerd abuse threads still pop up sometimes and they always reach max reply limit.
No. 1414120
>>1414083I understand what you're saying. I may be too attached and codependent on him in some ways but he probably doesn't see that, I'm very quiet and shy with him usually. Not because I'm not comfortable with him just because I'm always nervous around people. When he brought this idea up I barely said anything just that I was grateful that he was wanting to help me and he asked me to consider it and said I can take as much time as I need to think it over. He really has been trying to get me to work on my independence and get over the agoraphobia on my own but it's been so many years now and he's worried I won't be able too without someone helping me outside of therapy. It's called "exposure therapy" where I'm supposed to go out and expose myself to the stuff that makes me anxious starting with things that make me the least anxious and working my way up but I haven't even been able to get past the first few steps on my own. I think that's why he wants to help me with that in person by taking me to those places because he knows I'm going to be anxious and panicking and he'd be able to help me with that but also gently push me to challenge myself. But I get what you're saying and I appreciate the advice, also to
>>1414035 I appreciate you both being nice and helpful about it, I should've mentioned that in my first reply. And you're right I'm going to talk about my worries with him in person.
No. 1414127
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God, this felt satisfying to read. A woman completes her dream hike alone because her man wasn't fit enough and had to stay at the campsite. You always hear about woman sacrificing everything for men. To hear that this woman achieved her dream and didn't coddle him and give up on what she set out to do is amazingly based. Good for her! I hope you nonas are also accomplishing your dream!
No. 1414203
>>1414185Sorry anon, that's tough.
>>1414196Would you rather only pickmes and tradthots "breed" so the world raises even more misogynistic little shits? Hold garbage men, husbands and fathers accountable for their actions.
No. 1414208
I'm stupid and have a crush on an online mutual despite having a decent social life offline.
She's disappeared for a bit now and I hope she's okay above all else, but also wonder if she found someone in real life. It would be good for her if she did, but it also makes me feel like I missed a chance. Being a coward, I failed to reach out to her and form a friendship beyond our minimal, public back-and-forth. If she returns I may bite the bullet, I don't know.
In the meantime I should focus on meeting real people close to me. It's just difficult because of where I live and because I want someone who would be a good match.
>>1414200Second this. Sounds like you aren't that into men.
t. Went through this and am not that into men
No. 1414232
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This is making me so fucking mad. Why is this fatfuck with money thinking he is carry bradshaw and needs to flaunt his ugly gut with designer purses
No. 1414280
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My local "oldies" radio played two old pedophile songs about 16 year olds in the past 2 days. I read a thread about father/daughter abuse patterns being like father/mother abuse (yelling, denying, placing blame on us being "crazy, disrespectful, insane" when you speak up, placating him by blaming the other woman). Yup, that's exactly my life and my mother's life over her past 27 years of existence. No wonder I'm obsessed with the idea of a nigel who'll obsess over loving me, fighting annoying scrotes, never leave me, loyal like a dog, etc. And I'm told I'm insane for idealizing that when men get that from pickme tradwhores all the time. I'm feeling pretty radical today after a month of stupid fights ending in blaming and insulting me by my "father". I guess that's the life you get for yourself and kids when you get pregnant and marry a scrote after 3 months.
No. 1414307
>>1414221Do non-dipshit men exist though. I have yet to meet a woman in my personal circles whose partner pulls equal weight in the household and raising the children despite both working more or less equal hours even if they're not as fucking petty as anon's husband.
>>1414251My mom's the same. I asked her why a woman like her (an attractive, wise, hard working, good person all-around) married my father (literally diagnosed autist, views and treats my mom as his personal maid, bad person all-around) and she told me he behaved like a gentleman until they married, the literal day after he had already flipped the switch. My mom's religious so she won't leave and he knows it.
No. 1414344
>>1414318I feel like there have to be tells, though. Not to
victim blame women who get trapped, but men are so fucking emotionally retarded and it's hard for me to believe they have the emotional regulation to keep up the facade without any cracks. Women are too trusting and honest and I think they project that on men too, which causes them to ignore the things that feel "off."
No. 1414353
>>1414127crazy that this is even a headline because men do this to women all the time and it's considered normal. men are such a worthless gender
>>1414129my bf ruined my vacation because he was whiny and miserable and lost his shit whenever it rained. he didn't want to go hiking because there were bugs, he didn't want to go exploring because he wasn't familiar with the roads and driving was uncomfortable, waaah waaah waaaah. only reason i didn't dump him was because he apologized for how he acted when we got back, but it's too little too late. i need a vacation to recover from that "vacation". all he wanted to do was sit around the hotel room drinking and playing video games, which he can do at home. what kind of an asshole drags a giant gaming laptop that weighs 900 lbs on vacation. "b-b-bu-but i want to relax. there are no rules on vacation. i can do whatever i want." playing video games is really your best life? it's something i do only if i have no better prospects or am sick. he kept buying huge quantities of liquor to drink alone. we went to the liquor store like 6 times on a 10 day trip. he tried to buy another entire handle the night before we had to leave for the airport and i put my foot down and said he was being ridiculous. turns out i was right and he coudln't even finish it, then he had a hangover on the plane. fucking idiot.
when i am paying $1000+ to go on vacation i want to maximize my time there. not do things i could do at home anytime. he's always so fucking lazy he won't get up before 10 am and takes forever to get ready. he also refused to do any research. i told him 3 times to buy himself bugspray, and then he gets there and there's mosquitos and he's whining like a baby and ruining my trip because–surprise–the retard didn't bring bug spray and i don't use it because they don't bother me. i told him to buy sunscreen. he didn't, then borrowed my expensive sunscreen, then bitched that it made him "break out" (it doesn't) and insulted it and complained for 20 hours about it. i babied him to the extent that i WROTE A LIST of things he needed to buy for himself before the trip. he ignored it, bought nothing, then spent the whole trip complaining.
honestly if i ever get money to travel i am inclined to go alone and leave him at home where he can be a lazy couch-dwelling goblin.
No. 1414359
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>>1414077>squeals like a piggy in delight over slop when he gets a winkek
No. 1414370
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when i look at this girl's art headcanoning him as trans and reading all the fakeboys in comment loving it, i feel rage, and it's such a shame she's a good artist, her art is eyecandy although empty of sense.
It's maybe about all those girls being so blind about how they literally make self harming procedures look "cute"
I read this art as "hey, you can be cute without being a woman, you could be a femboy/fuckboy if you take t" , "taking testosterone is so sexy and cool!"
Just like many other nonette in this thread who almost fell for the ftm meme, i remember how those sort of messages and comments i'd get online "encouraging" me (i'd say enabling) on those procedures is what fucked so many people up.
it feels like the romantization of self harm scars and suicide of tumblr from 2012 all over again, and for some reason this sort of content makes me afraid i could "relapse" in trannyism.
I remember how i said that i'd most likely troon out if i learn i'm infertile once, and i have an appointment with a gynecologist soon to get my tests soon (my periods got irregular and weird ever since i got vaxxed three times during the pandemic)
No. 1414371
>>1414077It's crazy how fucking disgusting you made him sound with only words
Find someone else lmfaoo
No. 1414384
>>1414379>I just wanna get yelled at and thrown around for once.Why would you want your moid to be
>cant hold a good conversation to save his lifeWhy are you together? Sounds like he doesn't even know how to comfort you.
No. 1414387
>>1414377I was diaged with NPD and BPD and i honestly think that tifs are as narcs as tims, it's just that they're the different side of the same coin, since you know, surprise surprise – our socialization made us insecure whereas males' make them feel insecure too, but in another manner
look at ads for perfume, the woman will want to be the victoria secret's girl and can grow to hate herself and other women because she can't meet that standards, whereas men will look at the buff man from the Axe or Azzaro video and will want to look like him.
No. 1414389
>>1414384>abusiveI was exaggerating
>>1414385Fair, definitely not an entirely sexual thing. I've been warped by retard moids and need help.
No. 1414432
>>1414353Girl why are you even still with him in the first place if you're bitching about him this much Jesus christ
>>1414379Ok tranny
No. 1414452
>>1414438There are a lot more older women on this site some even are mothers. However since there has been a influx of younger and idiotic newfags that instantly start to dogpile on the older nonnies.
>OMG you're 25 GTFO hag>Mothers can't be on here, get a life!1!!And etc. with that I think they just lurk or posts without including their age.
No. 1414481
>>1414452Yeah, I get it, but whenever someone posts age number, it's
always 28. I was literally wondering if it was a meme, because, what are the odds?
No. 1414513
>>1414497 said and if you can and want to, try building muscle! You have to eat food to build it which is nice to encourage yourself to get nutrients, and even with some fat on top it can generally make your body firmer, and it might help you feel healthier that way.
No. 1414534
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Nonnies with anxiety and shitty family members or toxic people IRL, i need an advice.
Tomorrow, I am going to a meeting with an uncomfortable grandmother-in-law. She is a lovely lady, but the topic she speaks about, her personality, manner of speech, everything just makes me uncomfortable because she is that kind of a woman who snarkily gossips 24/7 and is a petty lady.
But the thing is, i am not even going for lunch to her alone. We had to also invite partners sister-in-law, who has been troubling my life here for over 2 years, causing hell back and fourth by trying to turn everyone against me (i thankfully knew all of the family members before she showed up), but generally she is an extremely uncomfortable person and i can't stand being around her, as i become extremely anxious. She always tries luring the most uncomfortable info as possible which i always try to dodge, but every fucking time i know i have to encounter her i have panic attacks before going there.
I hate how we have to tag her along, because her, depsite being a 29yo woman, always ignores this grandmas calls for 2 years now, but no, this grandma had to ask my partner to beg this retard to come.
I am gonna be a shakey, anxious trainwreck tomorrow and i really want to do my best to chill the fuck out tomorrow despite it being the most uncomfortable 'circle of people' i will spend whatever hours around. I don't have any meds prescribed against that, and i cant take anything that has the same stuff as sleeping pills otherwise id fall into a coma. I wish i could convince my brain to stop freaking out. I hate it so much.
No. 1414565
>>1414534if you don't want to go don't go.
i ghosted my entire
toxic family and regret nothing. i think you can check out of an unpleasant dinner.
>>1414549self checkout
No. 1414592
>>1414570good, enjoy your social anxiety. more self check machines for me.
>i deserve a discountwith creative scanning you can get a discount.
No. 1414593
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I have made retarded mistakes at my workplace again and yet again I have to worry about being fired
No. 1414651
One thing I think about often is how I saw this guy talking about being really poor in college, as in he sometimes couldn’t afford public transport, and how he said he was lucky he wasn’t a woman because he didn’t have to worry about “clothes” and “his appearance”. That didn’t weigh on him. What was important to him was food and bus money, and other basic stuff. Ever since that I just can’t look at beauty bloggers who do promo without being a little ill. Video after video, post after post, purchase after purchase…you know, if everything works perfect, you’d think they’d found the right products and stopped posting by now. It seems so innocuous but how much money goes into shit like this, monthly? And how many young girls get tricked into it, like they need to have a budget for it? How much of that money could go into other things, like classes, trips, experiences? Beauty is money: affording accutane, the right hair products and tools, good quality clothes with fit cuts. Taste and aesthetics are mostly shaped by economic status - you can glean how well off is someone by their dye job, hair cut, even style. But life costs money: real, healthy, good quality food that has a noticeable effect on your quality of life costs a shit ton of money; hell, satisfying your recommended daily vitamin and mineral requirements a shit ton of money. And if you cut back on it, it affects you. You’re foggy, you’re losing hair, you don’t sleep well, you’re irritated. And then you have to go to the doctor, and it costs money, and the supplements they’ll prescribe you (which will only mitigate the problem) costs money. Joining that really fun activity where you might finally meet some new people costs money; finding a teacher to learn that instrument costs about 70-100 dollars per class. Not to mention the price of the instrument itself. Taking Uber instead of a bus late at night to feel a bit safer costs money. It’s not just lost opportunity cost. It’s your whole life.
No. 1414680
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I hate that I'm allergic to longhair cats
No. 1414723
>>1414714you know what, fuck it, i'm going to say it. nurses and teachers are both more than adequately compensated. if anything they make too much. teachers in my state start at 80k a year. literally no one else is making that, not even engineers. what do teachers do? they're glorified babysitters. sure, pay college professors well–they actually have expertise on subjects and are well educated. elementary and high school teachers are dumb as fuck and don't provide any value to children, and their "education" is worthless and forgotten. they exist to keep children corraled while their parents work. that's it. they don't deserve the pay they get, they deserve 50k not 80k+. same with nurses. most of the time they're wiping asses and distributing meds a doctor prescribed. even doctors are mostly useless and are glorified search engines/medical dictionaries. have you ever been to a doctor? they never do their fucking job correctly, never correctly diagnose you. you have to go in there with your own diagnosis from your own research in hand, fight the doctor to believe you, then fight him to get a treatment that isn't "wait 3 weeks and if it isn't better come back". the only good doctors are surgeons. the rest don't deserve good money, and nurses deserve 30k given how often their medical fuckups end up killing people. the students who went to school to become nurses were the DUMBEST FUCKERS outside of education majors. they can't even keep THEMSELVES in good health, they're all obese as shit.
>but a bloo bloo grandma's nurse when she had cancer played cards with her once and made her happy before she dieda minimum wage sitter could do that.
how about someone else gets a fucking raise for once in their lives.
No. 1414866
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>>1414734There's several of us and we're never leaving.
No. 1414935
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I used to think i wanted to make art/games for the female gaze, but after realizing what kind of fictional guys women lust after i think they have shit taste. That Audrey Plaza video where she talked about wanting to get stabbed and other crazy shit made me realize most women are too insecure and i dont want to pander to them. Its probably the reason why i want to make my own stuff in the first place, never related to crap like shojo, twilight, whatever was the popular female thing at the time and to this day i havent found anything that scratches my itch that was made by women. I seriously wish women werent memed into ddlg tier shit, its fine to like assertive/dominant guys but they are always ugly and abusive. Like seriously get some self steem.
No. 1414937
>>1414089i know how you feel
nonny. stop by the dysphoria thread some time if you feel like it, it will get better
No. 1414943
>>1414936speak for yourself. milk is delicious and has been a staple food for my ancestors for tens of thousands of years. all the most delicious things are made from milk. lactlets can't compete.
>>1414939oof. something like 95% of africans are lactose intolerant. it's really just europeans, persians, and indians who can drink milk. it was probably inevitable for you, i don't think going without for 2 months caused it.
try goat cheese though i heard it's different
No. 1414950
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fucking moid i work with is jealous of my skill. I'm an experienced barista - hes a waiter who played barista during covid before they could hire a real separate barista (me). he's poorly trained, which is forgivable, except he's got that moidtard overconfidence and is SURE he's doing things the right way. he's not. he's doing all the things that would be in a "top ten things NOT to do as a barista" list and he has zero attention to detail or understanding of espresso. he gets defensive when i train the backup barista and dont do any of his methods/counter his information. his drinks are mediocre on a good day. i have literally had regular customers pull me aside and tell me i should train him because my drinks are that much better. tbh, while i dont do crazy latte art or anything (just simple graceful rosettas like picrel) I get multiple compliments per shift and i just know im really good with my particular beans and methods. why cant he just be happy in his role and not be jealous? or try to learn from me like i did when i worked with better baristas instead of bragging about totally incorrect information to me trying to show off but just making himself look ignorant…
today he butted in while the backup barista (female, humble, intelligent) was practicing a latte, took over her shot pulling, gave her totally incorrect information and fucked up her shot. i came behind them and shut off the shot and remade it and i dont even care if it hurt his little sensitive scrote feelings anymore. she's already better at pulling shots than him and did not need his help anyway. fucking moids, always in the way being stupid as fuck!!!!!
No. 1415011
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Oh no nonas, I woke up with my stomach hurting really bad today (I figured I was just still having a hard time recovering from a hangover 2 days ago) and now I have a fever and body aches. Negative Covid test so far. I'm worried that I might have the flu. Fuck!
No. 1415012
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>>1414935I love dumb submissive anime guys who get taken advantage of by tomboyish domineering women and that content is virtually nonexistent.
Most femdom content is made by men and it’s either the soulless coomer leather queen shit or pathetic male ego soothing mommy issues bait.
Sometimes I read f/m fan fiction with a male character who is canonically pathetic and weak and they always end up writing him like some daddy dom once romance happens. The only content with the type of men I like is yaoi. Why can’t there be content for women who want to be the seme? I’m tired of reading gay shit I just for a crumb of my type of cute anime boys.
No. 1415074
I'm sick of my siblings thinking I'm miserable because I tell them some real stuff like dating isnt what I want right now, i dont care about sex, and that "people being behind" is retarded considering every single person grows up in different economic classes, may change classes, have health or sudden awful life events, and of course fuck up on their own. My siblings all moved out with each other so they cut costs together. I dont live with them because they smoke, are getting into harder drugs than just weed, and practically hoard 5+ animals in a small unit. It's disgusting. So i guess living alone working my ass off to make ends meet while being single means theres something wrong with me. Sick of them bringing it up. I dont feel that I need a gf or she would enhance my life. My oldest sister seems to think being fucked by a man equals being happy with value so I guess me who I'm 99% sure is lesbian means I'm some lonely bitter woman. Feels like every time I talk to them I get brain worms. I love the anons here who say it all very honestly. Sick of the fake "everything is amazing in life because god, live, laugh, love men, and have fun" forced cheeriness. I'm allowed to be "me" who can also feel sad about my shitty economic life outside work. The me with make up and a half smile are a facade to bring in money so I can eat under a roof. It's now how I am every waking minute.
No. 1415214
>>1415169i hate those cystic pimples the most. they take a week to become poppable. hurt like bruises and shards of glass the entire time. then once you try to pop them it's as if you're being stabbed, it bleeds for way too long, and takes another week to become poppable again, then it still doesn't fucking go away despite squeezing it from every angle!
free food can fuck off when i am on the diet. all of it has some shit. gluten, dairy or traces of nuts. it really does make you hate eating. then having to deal with the comments from everyone asking and egging you on about how you should try this and why are you not eating pisses me off too. when my period is about to start i tend to give in and it ruins the entire progress. the only time i had consistently clear skin was when i worked a secular job and obsessed over "clean eating".
No. 1415223
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I feel dead but it's better than crying. I don't miss the before dawn crying sessions especially. Still sucks to wake up from vivid nightmares and take 10 minutes to realize it's not real. My trich has gotten worse too.
No. 1415259
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I think I'm too tired to function properly. It's like when I was a kid and then teenager, my health issues made me so tired despite receiving a treatment I could barely focus on anything, my grades dropped, my memory turned to shit. Now these issues have been solved s well as my physical symptoms for years except I'm still constantly tired. I've been told before by my doctor to just take some vitamin D but it never worked. It's so annoying. My family treats me like a lazy bitch for mostly spending my time at home sleeping when I work 40h a week and sometimes more and when I try to go outside to socialize with my friends, when I told my mother that the gynecologist very recently confirmed that I'm tired as a symptom of my health issues after other specialists confirmed it for now two decades in a row she pretended to not hear that.
No. 1415267
>>1413412You can't stand your parents? Imagine trying your luck with strangers and now having less money. Suck it up and don't lose focus of your end goal. Save up all you can now so you have money to move out when you graduate and focus on securing a job with your uni before you graduate.
Find a club, volunteer at your uni/community so you can avoid being at home. Keep yourself busy. You feel too sheltered because you probably have no friends and haven't met different people at school to interact with. Get involved, even if you've never left your city, meeting and working with new people and on your own interests/hobbies will help you grow.
If you choose to move, remember that you will have to work more hours to pay for rent. Can you balance work and uni? Cooking for yourself? Will you get paid enough to have a little left over for you to enjoy or will you be living paycheck to paycheck?
I know trying to finish school while living in an unsupportive, shitty environment can be frustrating but time will fly if you keep focused and stay busy. I wish you the best nonna, power through.
No. 1415296
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I’m on holiday and i hate that everything needs to be bought. Im cold and i want warmth and i need to buy something. My hotel is awful with disgusting snorting coughing men, there’s a cute mouse there and i caught it eating my cookies last night and good for it to be honest. Sorry for the mess but heres a pic. I also started my period when on the flight here so sucks extra hard.
No. 1415298
>>1415296What's your blanket,
No. 1415308
>>1415296Get a nice warm blanket
nonny. Where are you on holiday?
No. 1415326
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I complained about it once, I'll complain about it twice, why do my sex dreams always end up being deeply disturbing? I'd rather have dreamless nights than that
No. 1415331
>>1415326I'm sorry nona, I understand. hope waking up wasn't as bad as vidrel but sometimes it just is.
would a gentle morning shitpost help?
No. 1415333
>>1415298Its one of those snoodies so you wear it, I bought it just yesterday and it’s extremely warm.
>>1415308The issue is that I don't feel comfortable in the hotel because there’s so many loud men and the walls are so thin, i came back to my room and wore it because i was cold but was driven out. Why are men so full of phlegm all the time?
I’m in Amsterdam which is lovely despite the rampant commercialism and have currently found what I was looking for in the tropical area of the botanical gardens. Its warm and i don’t have to actively consume to exist here.
No. 1415342
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my nigel accusing me of watching something just because the girl "is obviously cute" sorry you only dated nlogs before me who treat other women as fodder for your ego. sorry I love and appreciate women after growing out of my nlog phase. not sorry, actually. women are amazing, sorry that's so gay to you.
jfc "if jeff buckley was alive I'd be bi" says why you watch so many cool talented women? speak for yourself only please men. leave us out of it.
I've laughed harder than I have on these boards than I have with male friends, try and tell me women aren't hilarious and gorgeous.
male gaze gtfo
No. 1415343
>>1414372lmao no, other topics. I gave up on the celebricows ages ago because of the chris-chan level retardation going on there. But so many anons are unable to understand nuanced thinking, or that one or more thing can be true at once, and it aggravates me sometimes to the point I can't tell if it's bait or they're really that retarded. They are usually so fueled by their hateboner either for the cow or a moid that any other opinion that isn't one extreme way or the other is moot to them. Everything is rarely black/white, even with the most annoying cows and flakes, but lolcow have gotten so invaded by both twittertards with brainrot and zoomers that are strangers to critical thinking that it's lost on them. You can hate someone but still believe their story up to a certain point and you can like someone but still question their actions and intentions, it's not a hard concept to grasp. Lolcow has always been pretty autistic but I miss the time when there wasn't quite as many nonnies screeching moid or tranny (or the new favorite
trigger word, handmaiden) as a gotcha the moment someone has a hot take or disagree with their opinion as if we are all supposed to have the exact same thoughts and opinions on everything. It's tiring and I wonder how some of these people function in reality, do they sperg out the same way when someone wants to open up a casual debate about a subject?
No. 1415346
>>1415342(samefag, sorry) this one goes out to my nigel.
I'm not a musician let me love my cute girly "trash" it makes me HAPPY, I wanna go on a roattrip with Bean and take all the polaroids she ever wants
No. 1415368
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America you make me so tired. Another fucking gay club shooting, a club I visited because homo lady over here and now I’m just ready to never leave my house.
No. 1415386
>>1415350ayrt me too tbh. less -core bullshit, flowercrowns were the worst it got now every e-girl and troon wears collars. we didn't know how good we had it
>>1415352it's when I'm watching anything on youtube or listening to music. he calls my stuff trash cause sometimes I don't want to watch fucken the methods of Tool and what pedals they use or how we're living in a simulation/platos cave. like I'm down for that but if I have work tomorrow and I'm trying to chill and find levity he treats me like I'm dumb and tasteless.
motherfucker will only read fantasy where as me reading anything I find interesting (aka anything he doesn't) I'm dumbdumb. same with his music, sorry I like shit you don't cause I'm not measuring it by the technician in my head I'm enjoying myself? I feel like me being haplessly joyful when it comes to something he "knows better" I can never win.
I'm smarter than him when it comes to a lot of things but the music flex wins out every time
I like my trash. if you loved me, you'd let me like my trash. I never play it around you…ever. your trash is worse and more wanky
I'm mad nonas
No. 1415451
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I blame video games and anime for setting my unrealistic standards for masculine and cute autistic himbos who are also sexually inexperienced. There's nothing more hot than an attractive masculine guy who's still a virgin. Who would want a male whore? In all seriousness, if you had a choince between two equally attractive guys, one being sexually experienced and one being a virgin, would you really, really choose the experienced one? Because I wouldn't even consider him. Assuming the virgin wasn't ruined by porn (like my husbandos), you can shape him the way you want in terms of pleasuring you, he's more eager to learn, and what's very important, it's way safer to have sex with him bc you're not in danger of catchig some high risk HPV or other diseases that a condom won't protect you from. Fucking a guy who had sex before you is a literal health hazard. I know so many stories from women who caught shit from men, no matter if it was their very first boyfriend or their husband. It's so sad men like my husbandos don't exist. All attractive men are whores and the only 21+ virgin men are ugly. 3D pigs were a mistake…
No. 1415540
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I hate images like picrel, I know that the woman making these has ADHD and likes to liken herself as some kind of alien or maybe a giraffe hybrid for some bizarre reason. Learning disabilities are often invisible to the untrained eye and the person with it are often struggling with themselves as to why they can't accomplish something like others around them or comprehend things that others grasps easily like a duckling to water. I myself have dyslexia which people automatically think is the words and letters flying away from the pages as I try to read however it is not like that for me. I have trouble with starting to read and comprehending what it says, the words are just there on page I try to read and it is just a bunch of letters with context that I can't seem to grasp. When I start to actually read and understand bit by bit I however night skip sentences without realizing and lose the context of the text even if I manage to read something don't expect that I can remember all of the context after awhile since my long-term and short-term memory is rather awful. Reading and writing for takes 4x more time compared to others because I need to think what I need to write and how I will write it along with making sure that my writing is legible, correctly spelled and that I complete my sentences when writing. I hate using the phone because I forget what people say to me as soon the call is finished I would not be able to recall what you said which is something that affects my ability to comprehend what people say to me face to face if it is something important I need to repeat it a couple time so that it sticks to my mind. When I younger I used to think to myself why couldn't I grasp the subject like others seem to, why do I need to study so much more then the others, why can't I be like the other, why do I have to be so stupid compared to others, they don't even need to try and I have to think so much just to be able to get it. In the end I just got overwhelmed and made fun of by other that I genuinely thought was I was too stupid to be in school and I tried my best to be smart like the other students so that I wouldn't be alienated because who wants to be different, I want be able to do things with out having to think too much, I want people to understand what I am saying, I want to be normal.
No. 1415554
Is there a "my friends being abused but it's me having the burnout now" word?
Making 20 appointments a year ago, suddenly doesn't want to go to most, so you call and cancel again, then it goes on and on and on. Every month she's at yours. Rape, abuse, plenty of proof.. Can try and tell them to call the police over and over and over again. He was now out for two months visiting his new girlfriend. The gf wrote my friend to divorce, to leave, to fuck off and die.
He came back to surprise my friend, called the police on her the next day for some scratches. Literally just keeping her in check. The atmosphere shift when I showed up and laid down some facts. I know he despises me. I hated him the first day I ever met him. I knew what he was. It scares him still.
And yet she still doesn't get it. He's all over her with "love you baby, miss you, let's do couple therapy." already dropped all charges..
Psycho 101. And still.. My friend would rather trust him, then the legal system. Lawyers that told her she got an incredibly good case so she can stay despite of him. I'm down to hire them too..
And I'm talking to a brick wall.
I wish I could say "do you even know how much of my life energy you cost me too? I'm an introvert at heart and I am calling people every single day. I've been here for a year and more. I am tired too. I know you will move in with me any way. I fucking love you and want to protect you. And yet here you are.. Talking to your married friends, also getting abused, for advice?
They are literally telling you to stick it out."
No. 1415565
I am.. So tired. So angry. So frustrated. I keep telling her how our legal system works, map it out. She has to make a case. Else my country will not give a shit. Even if she now leaves for a month— her husband can say "my wife ran away, let's annul the marriage" and zjazs it. And she isn't listening to me. She wants to go home, she's distressed, I understand. But if she wants the allowance to stay here, she has to make choices. Those include the truth. Those include consequences.
(she also doesn't fucking listen—that he has the next asian. She wasn't the first. He hit and raped the last too. Now it's her. And he's already got the next.)
Even his mom said "he's a narcissist, I hate him, do you need help with a good lawyer"
Take. The. Fucking. Hint.
>>1415554 No. 1415576
nonnie I'm so sorry.. my condolences
No. 1415588
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>>1415550People with dyslexia, ADHD, asperger's or what ever the fuck it is now, etc. often want to be regarded as normal human beings instead of literal aliens like picrel and
>>1415540 while yes we don't function like others and sometimes need more time do things compared to them. We just want to be treated like others and not as a literal retard or a lesser being. People online have talked about about wearing a symbol or something similar to signify that we have a disorder or disability and the only thing that comes to mind is the yellow badges the Jews were forced to wear which were badges of shame in reality. People see the badge and just sees instead that there is something wrong with you instead of getting to know you.
No. 1415766
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I just got glasses and it sucks. I've been getting headaches ever since I wore them and I can't seem to figure out whether it's because my eyes need to get used to them or my eye doctor gave me glasses of an higher prescription without letting me know (it happened to one of my friends so I wouldn't be surprised tbh). I was also told to stop any screentime but I'm studying programming so I'm fucked. Not to mention, currently my eye prescription is -5 (both eyes) and I hate this already, I'll probably cry if my shitty eyesight got any worse.
No. 1415798
>>1415770>Why were you told to stop screentime?No idea. My eye doctor just said I should completely stop it if I want to avoid ruining my eyesight any further.
>Did you have problems for a long time and just got used to it?Actually, yes kek. I've had problems since I was around 16-17 but I never got them checked because I thought I'll be burdening my parents (healthcare in general is expensive in my country and they were going through financial problems back then)
>>1415771I can't afford it at the moment, but I'll definitely get it done once I can.
>>1415784Thanks nonna, I'll give them a try!
No. 1415822
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>>1415816Remove the word "hijabi" from your post and this could have been about me. I feel you anon. It sucks so much.
No. 1415933
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>>1415920Look at how easy it is to find these slimey moids. They are the stupidest beings. Why the hell would she put it up there herself?
No. 1415949
>>1414698>>1414716precisely this. being a teen i often fantasized about this life after watching those youtubers. i thought i would be tough enough to live in a van even during the winter, and did not consider the cold and humidity that these people did not even talk about. they sound happy about it because it is like a vacation to them, and they are not actually living in their car. if they actually do, it has been built by professionals for thousands of dollars and is basically a tiny house. if it's not a turbo van like that, then they grift from people to people while travelling around, staying at their places when the weather is too shite. why do you think we never see videos from then wearing coats, setting fires, installing heaters, and layering up blankets with actually insulating material? they exaggerate for views or really are such narcissistic hippies that they find it perfectly acceptable to not have a real full time job even if they are capable/pretend they don't have one/are so rich that they don't need one. forever vacation while pretending to be sooo independent (hooking up with other patchouli smelling stoners for winter) and basically living off of our views. this lifestyle they vlog is happy because they are not nearly homeless. they are registered on an address (otherwise it's illegal to own a vehicle or be employed), they have their stuff stored somewhere that they can afford to pay for, and they have a huge circle of friends who would like to smoke it up at their place whenever. they are either already stable and well off, thus it is an elite psyop that they are larping as independent, edgy minimalists, or are slutty, suicidal (parking in the middle of nowhere) hippies with commitment issues.
No. 1415957
The reaction to the looks of that Theif Cyrtpo/bitcoin whatever stealers girlfriend, really is something.
I see scrotes going, "he had that much money and he chose to date/fuck/give money to her?" pay attention to this. I know i'll be told, "Well Nonnie, we know" but if your scrote was picking at her looks and saying, "Why didn't he buy a hot prostitute trophy wife" don't cackle, because yes, you think she's ugly as well and gross.
Nope. It just shows that a lot of men would quickly replace you with some women he barely knows and is being literally PAID to pretend to like him or just open their legs for him. Even women saying this, it's weird.
The dude is ugly as well. Not every single scrote is going to go, "time to buy an upgrade, since I'm rich". A man would take an woman with no true love or warmth towards him, just because she's pretty or will eat his ass or some shit, over a relationship with a woman they are attracted to and mesh with.
A lot of women are meme'd into thinking that, which is why they also pick at her looks becayse, "Why didn't rich man get a upgrade". Stop the brainwashing.
No. 1415963
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it hurts to live
No. 1415976
>>1415968you know what? You are right, however, as someone whose a shut in and lives on lolcow and gossip site, I see this same weird behavior from women, not really on here, but I cannot tell you how many times I've some a scrote who looks like walking dog shit on a stick, but if he dates a woman who isn't some insta-gram baddie or whatever, it'd be all kinds of weird digs at her looks, mainly on Lipstick alley, or twitter etc.
It's this weird, "I don't want him but he's rich so he deserves better… then her because money makes him "deserve" more." then again, I guess you can say thats behavior men started.
Then whenever a rich man does date a woman who doesn't fit that trophy wife type situation, people use her as a "See? Some men with money don't care about looks" and they can't even wrap their fingers around that a man may actually be attracted to the woman he's dating and not find her unattractive like they do.
But again, maybe it's male programmed shit, being installed in Male identifed women.
No. 1415988
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>Record hour of video game
>Go back to sort and rename previous days recordings
>Most recent is showing up stuttery/frozen on one frame per every 30 seconds
Thanks OBS I justed fiddled with settings to get rid of that yellow line and this happens. At least I saved it a good spot to restart from
No. 1415989
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>>1415938Direct your rage towards the nipponese, if you please. It’s part of a multipronged attack on western birthrates, revenge for what America did to them during the war. Hentai/BL, video games, and manga/anime: this unholy trifecta is creating a generation of eunuchs, troons, and autists. Since I started blaming Japan for my bleak sex life, I became much happier. It’s not my fault that I’m so hooked on my husbando that I can no longer look at a man without feeling nauseous, it’s Japan’s fault. The reason I don’t have a good job is that the Japanese created games which are designed to light up all our reward centres so much that they malfunction, and now everyone has ADHD. I’m not undesirable or awkward, everyone else is just addicted to tentacle porn/jujutsu kaisen - we’re all casualties of Japan’s groriusu master pran.
Pixyteri was once again ahead of her time. She was trying to warn us, even as she herself succumbed to the sickness. A true and honest queen.
No. 1416020
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Went to celebrate 2 past celebration days of in-laws.
In the end, i got 3 hours of nothingburger and THEN 3 hours of an old lady crying, being hysterical while her daughter is trying to throw some weird scheme on us because old ladys daughters and a son are fighting for her will. The woman planned all of it like it's some Spanish tv opera, the manipulation and lies were seen by me from the start, people at first believed it until they woke up from the random 3-hour long of emotional damage. It was so damn stupid. I felt like 'why i was even here', i didn't act rude or anything, was sympathetic and polite but i knew it's all bs. Trying to throw your shitty problems at grandchildren because your bro and sis can't give you entirely everything off your moms will because you never had a job in your whole life and leeched off everyone, idk. After that i had to visit the son (also known as my partner and his siblings dad) to figure it all out and get all of the versions, but deep down i didn't give a shit. All i cared about was how fucking isolated i felt there, how i wasn't needed at all and remembering that my in-laws will never give an actual shit about me past my fashion sense and me being able to gift him good gifts. I miss my family so much, have not seen them in 3 damn years, which is also ironic. So many 3s today. I sound like an ass, don't get me wrong, i feel horrible for the elderly woman. But throwing all of this crap because your daughter tried pulling shenanigans, kept shutting her (the old lady) up and do all of this fake sobstory…jesus.
No. 1416042
>>1415504are you unemployed right now nonna? if you are, have you just not had any luck finding a passable job? you need to focus on saving up if your main goal is moving out.
a degree will just get you through hr more easily but try looking for smaller companies and those not listing having a degree as a requirement. but even then, just shoot your shot
i think its important to ask what degree you would study and for how long? is there no way you could fulfill those creative dreams while you study and then some more once youre done?
No. 1416102
>>1416067windows 10 is terrible. i downloaded minecraft and it wants to run through the windows store, which i already long since disabled (i don't need a store "app" on my LAPTOP. if i need something i'll download it.) so i had to grab windows 8 version of minecraft and it's having a conniption and won't recognize my product so i can only play offline (which is fine). i've had nothing but issues with windows 10. they tried to make a laptop function like a phone, which no one asked for. it's just garbage. the worst thing is linux isn't compatible with some component of my laptop so i have no choice but winblows. you can make it functional with classic shell and some other third party software. also my fans have never worked correctly, i have to control them manually.
I DO NOT WANT AN "app" ON MY LAPTOP. I WANT PROGRAMS. IT'S A LAPTOP. IF I WANTED TO USE A PHONE I'D BE USING A PHONE. fuck microsoft. i also never allow it to update because every update breaks 10000 random things. what a garbage company.
No. 1416136
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Does anyone else find it impossible to sleep when they're sad
No. 1416138
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I found out a friend of mine from high school passed away recently through Facebook and I told my boyfriend about it. All he said was “damn” and continued to look at his computer. I was reading more about my friend and found out it was a motorcycle accident and told my boyfriend about that and he says “such many cases”. I’m really sad right now, I’m so upset that I’m also with someone who responds to their partner that way after their friend died. I’m just going to leave this dude, I’m extremely disgusted right now. He’s going to pretend that he’s done nothing wrong too.
No. 1416161
>>1416108I’m a short 20 year old woman and I will be ignorant as hell walking on train tracks and through the streets at all hours of the night and morning not giving a fuck about whomever I may cross paths with because I remain strapped. Whether it be with my gun, a knife, a fully charged tazer; you name it. It’s unnecessary to make yourself a permanent
If a coomer tries to corner you or even comes at you from behind, remember; aim for just under the ribs and arteries!
No. 1416170
>>1416165>you think my unrealistic vapid ideaology that we should just end humanity is childish and reeks of chronically online? I’m gonna dunk on you by calling you a breeder! Look at me! Ah yes, such a valuable and logical argument…it’s definitely better if
you specifically don’t have children kek
No. 1416176
>>1416173usually you at least feign sympathy because it really doesn't matter whether you
think someone should feel sad but the thing that matters is that they do feel sad and they expect a partner to care about that. I think most things are pointless but I realise people around me care and react to shit so I act accordingly, here it would've been nice if anon's scrote would have even asked how she was feeling or maybe even asked about the dead person.
No. 1416181
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I was looking at old photos of myself as a teenager and was overcome with sadness. I was groomed by a moid when I was young and I felt like I had no positive memories of being a kid. I was looking at my baby face in all the photos and wondering how someone could bear to ruin a child's innocence like that. I sometimes wonder what he is doing and how I could totally ruin his life if I wanted to. I wish my parents had done more to save me, they actually encouraged it at the time. I honestly feel like they failed me. I was 14 and he was 20. It ended when I was 17 and he was 23.
No. 1416184
>>1416182Imagine being a woman who relegates other woman to a name like "breeder" and makes them out to be a problem. Can't relate to that
No. 1416190
>>1416184Yeah, imagine holding women accountable for anything instead of pretending we have no agency, ever…
>>1416185Kek you didn't understand anything. Of course is not the women's job. It's the radfems who claim that being with men is still worth it because it's possible to change them. But females and males live in sexual conflict and our strategies are, by nature, different, always were, and always will be. It's not possible for the male to change himself and it's not possible for a woman to change him. I don't get my education from youtube, rather from books like Demonic males, and some cultural background from books like Gyn/ecology, which is also important. I just posted a separatist youtuber for you to listen to something else than the crap you're definitely listen to every day. Good luck putting this woman among reddit smegmoids
No. 1416202
>>1416190Whatever just don't be so cold to struggling mothers, you're not helping anyone that way and you were cruel to the anon that brought this whole conversation about.
Is it now a controversial opinion to think we shouldn't call women struggling with babies breeders??
No. 1416220
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>>1415958ok this isn't the stupid ? thread so I'm sorry, but question for everyone: how the hell do you even manage to physically DATE these men? I have 0 self-worth but the first second anyone has treated me anything like that (didn't have to do with sex but something platonically intimate) I was so repulsed I literally left the room.
No. 1416223
>>1416206Unless you're part of some richfag clan, no one gives a shit that your kid will carry your blood and dni. Blood is also not a guarantee that your child will carry on anything else from you beside that. However, they do care about the teachers, artists, scientists etc who influenced the world and their vision and intend lives on in countless people as they make it part of themselves.
>>1416214You sound like you need to spend less time on pol and more time outside.
No. 1416231
>>1416223Yeah, sounded like someone who gets their idea of feminists from redpillers and cringe comps.
>>1416190Uh. What? Radfems? Where are you getting this from? I've mostly seen radfems say the opposite of that, that women can't change men nor should, with some aggressively promoting separatism. If anything they bring attention to how people EXPECT women to and how it's fucked up. I am so confused, kek.
No. 1416232
>>1416161There’s always the element of surprise though. I used to be very obstinate as an avid walker, id constantly be warned about rapists around every corner as a teen/young adult and I’d be like fuck off its a free country and id walk where i liked with earbuds in. It made me eagle eyed and I think a good judge on how to act, I’m just bitter it’s necessary. It is unfortunate though when i go certain places and realise that it’s just straight up not safe to walk alone there. For example San Francisco.
Im lucky to be in a very safe country right now though, a single rape in the nearby city was in the paper for days and talked about by everyone.
No. 1416237
>>1416234Are you ok,
nonny? It's not really that normal to hyperfixate on a random like that.
No. 1416248
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>>1416104fuck off unfunny scrote
No. 1416249
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Feel like my life is cursed. After high school I was “assigned” to be the main caregiver for my grandparents because everyone else was too busy, now I wish I just said no.
I’ve been diagnosed with depression, pretty sure I have Asperger’s or something (former teachers asked my family to get me formally diagnosed, but it was ignored), and I found out that the moment my grandmother passes away I’ll be basically homeless. I’ll inherit nothing, while my uncle who shows up once every few months will get everything.
If I go out for anything that isn’t related to caregiving, even if it’s to visit other family members, I get scolded. I have to eat cheap shit like 90 cent noodle packets, because the less grocery money is spent on me the better.
I am nicknamed “nurse”, but as far as I know, nurses get paid more than 50€ a month and can go outside.
Everyday I’m more miserable, whatever sperg symptoms I have I’ve always kept relatively under control, but now I find myself having breakdowns at night over small inconveniences like guests using “my mug” or whatever.
I’m 20, I want to study, work, create, I don’t care what it is but I want to do something with my life. I do nothing but care-give, play games until 5am, and sleep in 2 hour naps throughout the day. Before I moved, I used to get art commissions, worked out, ate healthy food, and had some semblance of a social life. I haven’t drawn in so long I’ve genuinely forgot how to do it.
My country has one of the highest unemployment rates in the EU, I can’t even get a job and leave. In two years I’ve been interviewed once, they said I had a position and then ghosted me.
I have multiple citizenships so I’m considering moving to the US just to get a job. Either that, or go back to an ex for a free place and help starting a career (he and his family still like me so much that they offer me that, and he recently gifted me a ps4 for when I need a distraction, but idk).
Can’t say I like my options too much, but I’m so desperate to get out of here. Finding it really hard to not just kms
TLDR: 20 year old depressed caregiver NEET who can’t get a job and leave because no career + southern European economy. Only options are moving to the US, moving in with an ex, or lose what little sanity I have left and kill myself
No. 1416274
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my chronic lack of self confidence is hurting everyone around me. i get that, but it's tough to stop. i try to make things better and i end up making things worse; i believe someone will be happier without me, then learn i've only stressed them out by distancing. and now they're pissed off at me so what's the point of me even coming back. it's all so complicated i wanna wipe our memories clean and just end it
No. 1416278
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>>1416275holy shit you sound just like me. kept to this major because my classes were mostly logic and math (and i'm okay at that) and now i'm at the big shit and crying.
i have a few huge final projects due in a few weeks and i'm totally spinning my wheels on them
i don't think i'll go for a coding job though, probably ui/ux. something like that
god bless both of us nona
No. 1416322
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>>1415958>>1416220In my case, it's because I'm a lonely autist who keeps settling for the first moid who looks my way. I coped hard by telling myself "at least it's TikTok and not porn" until my self esteem crashed. (But it was already very low to begin with)
My dating life hasn't gotten much better since then, my current moid is a fat alcoholic who recently got mad and accused me of cheating on him because I didn't buy him beer this week. He may be completely insane and I may be deeply miserable but at least he lets me be a neet so I don't complain too much.
I don't see myself ever dating a well adjusted normie as a literal autist so I just take whatever I can get. It's not going to get any better in any case.
(Not sure about the other anons here, why they'd date loser men)
No. 1416362
>>1416322Oh I’m there currently too. For me normal guys are either super boring or intimidating. But in dating these men you’re reinforcing the shit self esteem. When i did it i knew on some level i didn’t deserve that treatment, but then if i was being treated that way unapologetically it was like maybe i did? Because if i didn’t these men would recognise my worth and treat me accordingly.
Obviously that’s not true but when your self esteem is already so low it’s easy to fall into that way of thinking. I second the other poster in advising you don’t date and slowly build yourself up. Im on that journey right now and hope to one day have the inner strength to know when to walk away for my own good.
No. 1416368
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>>1416322Don't settle please. I'm sperg, neet, and I even got fat until recently. My Nigel of 5 years is great to me. It's possible!
No. 1416378
>>1416278same I have final projects due soon and even thinking about opening an IDE to work on them makes me miserable
maybe there is non-coding tech jobs available that still pay decently, idk I hope so at least
good luck with your final projects
No. 1416386
>>1416329>>1416362NTA but as someone who is slightly autistic and yet not a visible autist I have this issue as well. What I learned so far is that trying to compensate for my weird personality by dating “nerdy” men just results in me dating generic nerd men who have no real hobbies of their own, just generic male nerd hobbies. These need hobbies never overlap with mine because I don’t like Marvel, anime, or video games but like actual nerdy things like investigative documentaries and conspiracies kek. Even male autists have super generic male autist hobbies like trains and Sonic—moids are a dime a dozen and you should not date relatively uglier men because any quirk to their personality isn’t anything remotely charming, it’s just a generic loser male trait since males don’t have variation in their personalities.
Do yourself a favor and try masking enough to talk to normie guys and figure them out. Most men will not be worth your time so only spend time on ones that you’re attracted to. Do not give moids a chance, that’s a cope fed to us by ugly scrotes and you will have less satisfaction later on knowing you settled. You will learn as you go what you can and can’t tolerate. I’m in grad school and come to the conclusion that I can only date a moid who is grad school educated, otherwise scrotes just talk out of their ass on anything and it infuriates me as someone who has more education than my previous boyfriends. Plus academia moids appeal to me more nowadays as they’re all very autistic anyways albeit very pretentious and somewhat insufferable so you have to dig a bit to find a decent one. But if I don’t find one there then I’m pretty sure I just will live the rest of my life happy alone since I’m intelligent, quirky, and decently attractive to pass as a normie until I open my mouth. Remember that we never need moids and that they are the ones who are obsessed with us. If you treat yourself like you should be treated like shit then your moid will too.
No. 1416534
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Going through bad art block right now. Not art block as in I have no ideas, I have a bunch of ideas that for whatever reason I just can't draw. They're not even complicated. Nothing even changed in my life but all of a sudden I feel incapable of drawing anything and I don't know why. I just feel sorta brain dead. Even when I start it's just not fun right now and it's not going anywhere. Maybe I'm burnt out. Maybe I need to take a break. But I miss drawing…
Makes me feel kind of directionless on what to do with my time now aside from vidya.
Oh actually I did draw one pic but then saw someone upload pretty much exactly what I wanted to draw and then realized if I posted what I did it'd just look lile I copied them lol. Coincidences like that just happen I guess.
No. 1416537
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I have absolutely no motivation to work hard in school, I'm on my way to an exam that I havent read any of the content for at all. I feel like shit going outside lately and I live over 45 minutes away from my university by bus.
Thinking about dropping out but I'm over halfway done my degree and I dont have any other plans other than maybe selling my custom coloring books.
No. 1416588
>>1416573I'm not having kids, I'm lucky enough to be in a big family with siblings/neices/nephews/cousins/friends that have already made agreements with each other to help the older ones out when it gets to the point that we need that. And I don't mean ass wiping I mean making sure we are put in a home that we're happy with and coming to visit so we're not lonely. No one is saying children are only for elder care, but kids that love their parents enough will make sure they're taken care of when it comes time they need it, even if it's just visiting and helping clean up the house a bit. Maybe you have shitty parents and family who you don't care about but not everyone is like that. I've had several aunts and uncles and 2 grandparents die of old age and cancer by now, and they had plenty of people who loved them enough to get them into a care home that did the wiping and food making for them. And I saw people that had burned bridges with all of the family and friends they used to have, ones like the screechy anti natalists, and they were lonely and miserable because anytime someone tried to visit them they just bitched and complained the whole time. Until the people just gave up and stopped visiting, it's sad but it's usually deserved. Even the nice ones that didn't have children had visitors and staff wanting to keep them company because they were pleasant to be around, but the mean ones who made everyone miserable just sat staring at the tv grumbling angrily stuck in their little
victim complex. It's a sad site to see but they did it to themselves.
No. 1416592
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The absolute state of the world makes me so depressed, i know i shouldnt indulge myself by visiting rage inducing threads like the mtf threads, but at this point ignoring it makes me feels like i am part of the problem too. I wish i could travel back in time and live in the 90's, the internet was a mistake.
No. 1416602
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>>1416597i wish i was a cat i want to annoy my owner and shit in a box
No. 1416613
>>1416418I feel like this too. I'm entering my mid thirties. Up until now I just thought I had bad luck with love. Thought I found it twice and then.. sudden break up the first time and an affair the next. Now my friend group (who I was envious of before) are all catching up to me and either divorcing or splitting up after they just had a baby
I don't view love in the same way I did when I was younger. The whole 'one true love' thing seems naive to me. But some lasting power would be nice. Seems like alot of men who are willing to commit.. are just as willing to leave at the first hurdle. Just a pattern I keep seeing. Women who are there through thick and thin and men who are more fickle. Will feed you all these promises but its meaningless.
No. 1416625
>>1416322 > I'm a lonely autist who keeps settling for the first moid who looks my wayThis is past me. My last guy was so bad that it was a wake up call. Now I keep crushing on guys still (anyone who I even have a decent conversation with) but I'm hyper aware of any flaws I pick up on. Thats new.
It annoys me that so many men have this view lately like
> Women are too picky! Dating is impossible because womens standards are set too highWhere? I can't say I see it. Even my non tist friends dated some serious losers in their twenties. And they lied to make them sound better. Getting pickier with age is a good thing.
No. 1416656
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Agoraphobia-anon checking in, not really a vent but a report and kind of a brag. I think my new meds are starting to kick in again because I had a really good morning. I'm exhausted now but I was able to make a couple phone calls about the car and a moid that I trust is going to come over and look at it tomorrow and then we'll take it to the shop (except I'm having trouble finding one that will take me anytime soon). Also went to the store without having any wine and was able to even use the human cashier not the auto checkout. These are small things but I'm feeling really good about it, I was totally broken a week or so ago and barely could make it out of the house at all let alone sober. Thanks to the nonnies who gave good advice, love you, here's some baby borzoi.
No. 1416674
>>1416656I didn't see your original posts but I'm a semi recovered agoraphobic. I still have a limited 'comfort zone' but just repeated exposure is what I found helpful. Going somewhere so often that it becomes routine. Next thing you're doing it on auto pilot and not over thinking it as much. Glad meds are helping you. I never had much luck with meds personally.
Allow yourself to feel proud of the small steps. Small steps are how you get there.
No. 1416684
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nonnie love you. I always hated the "small steps" thing that people would say because my mind doesn't work like that, it rushes too fast, but I think that might be the #1 thing meds are helping with. I also have a new therapist, he's a man which I was kind of struggling with but he is very warm and kind and centered, I think I will stick with him. Everything that could go wrong has in the past few months I feel and I'm holed up in a hotel room to get away from my husband but today was honestly the first day I felt any kind of calm and centeredness sine maybe early summer. I feel optimistic and it's an unfamiliar feeling lol. Finally trying to live that small-steps life.
No. 1416735
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im so fucking depressed and have been drinking or taking benadryl until i dont have to be conscious anymore. i have to clean my whole house and go pick up my cat to bring him back to live with me (i love and miss him so much) but i feel disgusting and just want to blackout. no matter how much caffeine i have i just want to not exist.
No. 1416786
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>>1416749For some reason only now has it really struck me just how bad the internet's gotten. Americans en masse seem genuinely unable to discuss anything without using it as an opportunity to complain about the US or otherwise dragging US politics/social issues into it (including discussion about non-US-related events in developing countries, which usually comes off as extremely insensitive and tone-deaf) and like they're actively searching for reasons to get angry; like people are getting up in arms and accusing the guy who shot up a gay nightclub of receiving preferential treatment for being white because he wasn't charged with domestic terrorism even though that's not even something people can be charged with. People seem miserable and angry all the time and addicted to their anger to the point where they'll manufacture things to get mad about – even in situations where there's already ample grounds for outrage – and it seeps into everything.
Even though there are a lot of farmers with internet poisoning, this feels like the only place where I can reliably avoid being confronted by a mind-numbing wall of politics and outrage. Hope that doesn't change
No. 1416875
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I've been doing ok on my diet, but I feel so disappointed in myself for falling off of it. So frustrating how gaining weight takes nothing but losing it takes so much effort. I feel determined to get through the holidays without over-consuming.
No. 1416938
I feel like a ghost. nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes. I send applications for jobs, I can never get a better job, I can only get hired for the same shitty jobs I've already outgrown that barely pay the bills. I send queries, I never get anything but stock rejections, even though I know my book is great I just can't get even one single person to notice it. I don't have any accounts anywhere, when I try to make any I never fit in, the only people who message me are bots. I don't have family, I don't have friends, I don't go anywhere. I can't afford to travel, I can't afford a house, I can't afford a doctor. I feel dissociated. It's like I'm in a prison and satan is taunting me that I can never find the way out of the box. It's like I'm in a river and no matter how hard the current is gushing or how hard I row, I am always stuck in place, I can't proceed and cannot go back. Every day is the same. Nothing happens, nothing changes, I speak to no one, nothing I try works, no one I try to contact replies to me. I may as well be a ghost. It feels like I'm trapped in hell.
No. 1416940
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i was watching Null's MATI stream and now i want to punch a wall. I hate this world, I want to live in the woods, I am tired of trannies, I am tired of men, I just want the world to crash and burn, it's not safe for children and women anymore.
No. 1416974
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I'm too dumb to talk to anybody I just screw it up or flee like a spooked golem. I'll never fit in
No. 1416992
>>1416970i am only 30 mins in but
>a bunch of troons telling a 15yo girl they want to rape and kill her for blocking a tranny that was sending her sexual messages>guaranteed income program for troons>Ireland wanting to enact a bill criminalizing hateful materialat least the stream switched to Chantal and her muslim prince telling people to kill themselves
No. 1417013
>>1417008you could tell because apparently last week he was doing a cringe scrote "smash or pass" type monologue but you can check the kiwi thread here for how well that went over with the
terf audience lol
No. 1417023
>>1417007I remember clicking 8chan's femdom board once and it was straight up gore of a man getting holes drilled into his stomach and other wild crap, fucking insane. Also reddit mod team is such scum they will leave openly misogynist subs with straight up rape porn but will ban any radfem or women only sub, they suck.
>>1417013i wish people would stop treating null like a political celebrity, but the usa mentality of us vs them is too engrained in people now. He's just an autistic guy who lives in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, likes fat woman and hates trannies. I dont agree with most of what he says but i enjoy his streams because they are fun, it makes me cringe when some nonnas try to paint him as a
terf idol, kek.
No. 1417030
Thanksgiving is so stressful. I'm basically a NEET who still lives with my parents, and basically we host thanksgiving every year. Every year, I help my mother with cooking and cleaning since no one else in this god forsaken house will. I don't really mind, but my mother has to work until thanksgiving day, which means I have to do a lot more than I expect. Normally, this would be fine, except for my dad, who miraculously doesn't have to work for the rest of the week and came home early, is sitting in the kitchen and dining room area making a mess and being gross and just generally being an obstacle. This doesn't really surprise me at all but it's so frustrating. Cause I rely on my parents for money, I can't say shit to him, but god I wish I could. I love when people playing video games for 16 hours straight, drink alcohol, spill salt everywhere and somehow fling egg yolk all over the kitchen!!
God if I could afford to get kicked out of this house…
No. 1417073
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>>1417068one step closer to the edge and I’m about to break
No. 1417080
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I begin my first job tomorrow, as an ex-neet this is a major happening but also scary as fuck. I can already tell main staff thinks i'm retarded as hell, they were already trolling me first time we meet, also my hearing is also shit which probably makes them believe i'm just unfocused. This week was supremely awful and stressing and is going to get so much worse tomorrow i bet my fucking life on it, i bet they will mock me for random mistakes, act sassy and treat me like trash like people always do, i never get taken seriously. I will probably end friendless and miserable but that's just my regular life so might as well get money for it i guess, Christmas is coming and i want to buy me cute stuff so let's get this bread
No. 1417146
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>>1417133I’m not aboriginal, I barely even know what that means
No. 1417170
>>1416726>And I'm 28 right now,How is it possible THAT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IS 28
No. 1417233
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I hate that I don't own these stackable ducks
No. 1417433
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I said “glhf” in Overwatch and got told to fuck off and was harassed the rest of the match. I almost never interact with anyone online because of this shit, why are people so mean
No. 1417440
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i bleached and blowdried my hair and now I look like that anime retard komaeda
No. 1417448
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Everyone in my general vicinity keeps interrupting some very important tasks im trying to accomplish all day, which is sending me in a mixed state of rage and fight or flight because I cant relax or focus. I've told them I do not want to be interrupted, talked to, or bothered yet they persist. What is wrong with people? Can't anybody be still, be quiet, and mind their business these days?
No. 1417449
>>1417436You’re right, I remember some of it from when I was like 10 unfortunately
Usually I just stick to my group of friends and family, but it was 6am here and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to play on my own, and try socializing even if just with a “glhf”… I met another female player who was really nice in a previous match, but then this happened. I think from now on I’ll just avoid the chat, like I’ve been doing for years
And thank you nona, I was hoping I wasn’t just being too sensitive. I just hate how common this unnecessary scrote aggression is. Like, do these people not want to have fun? I don’t get it…
No. 1417454
>>1417223she's aussie (I'm assuming) and mate means "friend"
if you say "look, mate" to someone it can also be offensive.
nothing to do with reproductive mating lmao you associating it with a weird niche type of porn fic is on you, not her. can't believe I actually had to explain that.
No. 1417485
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>>1417465ayrt, I hate it too, and then they’ll act like what we go through is the universal experience because someone told them to “git gud” once or some shit, as if it’s even comparable to actual harassment.
Also I’m completely with you, reminded me of picrel
No. 1417518
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After 2-3 weeks of not calling me, my mother spam calls me all weekend up until Monday and asks for cigarettes. I'm just disappointed because I EXPECTED it. This is common too. I don't mind giving her money for groceries, gas or to help relieve rent pressure because growing up she was always financially struggling and did a lot ofr me- but she always calls for cigs which aren't cheap nor do they last long in that household; it's also why I went starving alot growing up. :I
I'm also living on disability so I am not getting much to begin with- my stepdad makes more than her but doesn't help her with bills at all because he is a selfish prick. It gets annoying.
No. 1417532
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My parents kicked my borderline brother out today after he's refused rehab again. He has been back and forth from the ER 4 times in as many days cos they keep calling an ambulance for his drunken suicidal threats. Yet when he gets to the hospital he acts belligerent towards the staff and refuses help.
He's in a very bad downward spiral and my parents told me today they feel "numb" because they don't think they will ever see him again. I shudder to think if they actually think he's going to die. I'm worried he's going to drink drive.
I love him so much but he's so beyond my help. I live in a foreign country and have for years and we have lost contact a bit (for my own sanity).
No. 1417548
Again I have left my 15 page essay until the very last day, and its not even registering in my head. The last time this was due around a week ago I started from scratch at 3am and ended up almost fainting from how tired I got. Just because my body can't stand being awake for full day because I've been abusing my sleep cycle for years now. I couldn't even keep a single thought straight by 7am and I couldn't stop thinking about that one day I recently had where I woke up feeling rested and I felt so lucid and in high spirits. Instead I had a measly 4 pages and had to confront my professor face to face with something as shameful as this, thankfully its just for a final draft and not the real thing. He gave me an extension and yet here I am, it's due Wednesday and my second chance I felt grateful for I let waste away instead. I used to be able to do tasks fine but now it's like I see the task looming and think yea, at some point I should kick into gear. Yet I never do, it never kicks into gear. Well aware this is all my fault nonnas, it sincerely is. But the apathy, I can logically say it is disgusting and yet I don't really feel it. I don't want to worry, but I want to have a kind of urgency and pride in my work. Ugh nonnas, the worst part is that the subject is something I like, but I've made the thesis so vague. But I don't enjoy anything anymore. I know part of the beauty of discipline is being able to accomplish things you don't want to do, but I just don't feel anything anymore. I'm not even overworked, I think its just immense self loathing and laziness. I don't feel like a person. So many excuses for not wanting to write my fucking thesis ugh.
No. 1417571
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i've recently come to the conclusion that i've been stockholmed into thinking my family and living situation is sustainable for me.
i've always known my family were not normal. my dad's an alcoholic gambler. my mother was very neurodivergent and never assimilated into our country. one of my brother's has a severe development disability. my other brother is psychotic and suspected to be bipolar. all of them have anger issues. i grew out of mine before i turned 18.
i love my parents so much for what they gave and sacrificed for me. they were both refugees and worked minimum wage jobs to give us a better life than they had. but at the same time they both were emotionally and sexually abusive. they were often neglectful to the point where i really had to raise myself at times. to fail so many times with relationships and unlearn the toxic things they taught me to dole out or tolerate. i had to teach myself how to do extremely basic things like cleaning, (cleaning toilets was something i had to learn how to do since i didn't understand why other toilets weren't black like ours) laundry, dishes, self hygiene. MY MOTHER NEVER TOLD ME TO WIPE AFTER PISSING, i only found that out online by accident when i was 15. i understand that my mother never wanted kids (she told me as much when i was younger) and she was just forced into heteronormativity because she got knocked up (she told me it was rape) by someone else so early that she just went for any guy who seemed decent who wasn't turned off by her having a kid. but at the same time i recognize how much she hurt me. she shamed me whenever i'd bleed on bedsheets or my underwear. she made fun of my 80s bush that i grew when i was 10 years old. she over inflated my ego by using me as her prized show pony when i was a kid, dressing me up and giving me photoshoots and then spurning me when i began to refuse, condemning me into hating my reflection for the rest of my life. now she's degenerating in her 50s to an incurable, hereditary illness and there is no nuance or coherence in our conversations. i'll never be able to use her for guidance. and i'll never have the closure i've always wanted.
my dad knows that i won't be staying for long and will be relocating permanently. and its all so fucking bittersweet. i know i can't live like this. but at the same time it's hard to leave my family behind even though they all neglected me my entire life.
No. 1417591
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>>1417433Overwatch community by itself is the worst one I've been to, and i was a challenger in LoL with a girly nickname. OW seems to be full of thirsty normies and pickmes, i have been playing this game since 2018, and whilst i don't give a shit about men barking at me because they hate women, my heart always breaks when a woman will try dragging another woman down for male attention and/or to seem like 'nlog', it's so fucking stupid. It has happened to me and other girls on open mic vc so many times, and for no fucking reason. Even in quick-play games that are the most casual things you'd encounter.
No. 1417615
>>1417532I’m so sorry. That sounds very painful. My sister was very similar and in the end we just had to let go and let her destroy herself. If it gives you any hope at all, that was the point at which she pulled herself back up and she’s been sober for coming up to a year. One of the nurses I spoke to during one of my sister’s hospitalisations said that sometimes doing nothing is the best thing you can do for somebody. Wishing you and your family all the very best, anon.
>>1417571I can relate to a lot of what you’ve written in your post, anon. I also had to learn about wiping after a piss (and a bunch of other basic hygiene stuff) online as a grown woman, kek. I just want to say that you’re very strong and though you may never get closure from your parents, don’t let your past prevent you from building a happy future. You are and always were deserving of care and respect. You will find people who cherish you and who won’t make you walk on eggshells, if you choose to let people into your life. There was never anything wrong with you as a little kid, and I hope you never ever feel shame over your experiences as a child/young person. Good luck with your new life, I’ll be cheering you on.
No. 1417628
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WHY are people so FUCKING pussyfooted when it comes to giving a shit about others in their close vicinity? I swear to god it's not that hard to be there for others. I CAN'T be the only one that at least tries. Self-harmed by cutting your legs? Don't worry, I'll come over to you to help you cleaning out and bandaging those cuts and listen to you. Your boy/girlfriend dumped you? No worries, I'll be there to cry on my shoulder and help you get distracted. Your self-confidence is in the absolute bottom? Gimme a sec and I'll contact my photographer friends to set up a cool photoshoot to hopefully help you feel yourself for a bit. Everything is just shit in general? I can give you some space if you want but I will be checking in on you every now and again just so you know you're not alone.
Like these things aren't grand gestures that requires much, and I'm someone that suffers from mental illness myself and suicidal ideation so severe my doctors aren't sure whether they should give me meds or not because I have attempted suicide so many times but I still put myself out there when someone needs me, even if it's draining.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I think anyone owes me anything or they should be forced to do something for me if they're in a position where they don't think they can help. But I'm so tired to hear "we are worried about you" those times when I finally crash, WHO are these fucking "we"? And how do you have the fucking gall to talk ABOUT me when you know I am struggling but NONE OF YOU have the BALLS to take five seconds to even ask me how I'm doing. It's just silence until that one. FUCKING. line. And then you guys wonder why I always pretend like everything is fucking fine until I crash and become a wreck like every second year. You don't even take me seriously when I try to reach out before I get fucked up so I feel like I have no choice but to turn it into a joke or sandwich it between two positives.
I know I will let this go when I'm in a better headspace, but whenever I'm in a bad place and think about it I get so full of hate and anger.
No. 1417633
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my browser is too outdated to use nnd and loading up any other browser takes ages reeeeeeeeeeee
No. 1417652
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>>1417615thank you sweet anon, your words really helped me. I'm glad to hear your sister is doing better too.
No. 1417667
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I ran out of meds fuck my stupid life
No. 1417674
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i hate that im feeling jealousy/envy for the people that i care about. I'm so happy for them but also jealous! I HOPE THEY ARE HAPPY AND THAT I AM TOO!
No. 1417698
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Why is my english so bad, i see other ESLs speak eglish for the first time and they sound miles better than me. Meanwhile i spend 1-2 hours daily practicing and i cant even pronounce ''better''. I also have an accent, which i dont mind so much, but i wish i sounded more ''spanish'' instead of indian, kek. I just wanna make yt videos and stream, crap.
No. 1417727
>>1417709 said
having an accent will benefit you in your yt/streaming goals honestly!
No. 1417755
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I feel like I'm having a mid life crisis, currently 29 and trying to get my second degree.
I just feel so old, how do I deal with that. It's not like it's gonna get better with age.
No. 1417776
>>1417755Same here I am 30 and I have genuinely no fucking idea where I should go and what I should do.
There is nothing I really desire, everything is bland and boring to me. I just quit and change my jobs every year or so because everything becomes unbearable dull after a while. I don't understand how other people can be so fucking motivated everyday. I hear them talk to coworkers about stuff that excite them and it's just the most mundane shit in existence and I put on the headphones because listening to it would make be fall asleep.
No. 1417811
>>1417776Yeah feel pretty much the same.
Can't relate to other students in my course since they are 8 yrs younger, but the others 10 yrs older. Everything feels very uneventful. And I'm panicking that I'm missing smth
No. 1418088
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I decided to get the HPV vaccine at an embarrassingly late age (I was horribly afraid of men when I was younger and avoided them) after finally getting a bf and the nurse made a comment that 'it's cute' that I'm getting vaccinated at my age. I know I shouldn't ruminate over it but cannot stop feeling deeply ashamed over the whole situation
No. 1418096
>>1418088I'm an older woman and I never got the vaccine because I never needed to and never had a great chance to. My mom was a psycho antivaxxer and prevented me getting it. There's no shame for you
Nonnie. Idk what the nurse meant, it's just a routine medical procedure.
No. 1418111
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Acceptance is the first step I also know that feel
No. 1418148
my job is really boring and stupid, a monkey could do it. i just pretend to work all day. it's wfh so i've been mostly internet surfing but i'm trying to be productive instead. it's so hard to actually do things. i'm trying to get a better job now, that might end up paying better but it would be actual work instead of pretend-work.
the hilarious thing is they require a uni degree for this, when really a high school kid or clever middle schooler could do this work. our society is buffoonish. we waste our youth studying crap we despise to do work that doesn't require those studies at all. it's a waste of life. i kind of want to be a farmer or something, but my spirit is already dead from make-work jobs and boring studies. they stole my youth and now i'm a lich.
>>1418009clove is great for toothache but it takes a month to make. you put whole cloves into vodka for a month. then it makes magic happy juice.
No. 1418175
>>1418147It's silly to block someone over minor disagreements, when you've been with them for over a year. But yeah, if this shit keeps happening, I'm going to assume we aren't compatible and leave.
>>1418160>wahhh, stop venting in the vent threadI want to spend my life and grow old with someone I love. Do you just give up on something if it doesn't go the way you want the first couple of times? I don't. I only give up on the individual moid, but not the overall goal.
No. 1418186
>>1418165And? Dating is not a necessity
>>1418175>stop venting in the vent threadI never said that. Get a diary if you don't want people to have opinions about the things you post.
No. 1418213
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I HATE, I absolutely HATE the junkie couple that takes the same bus as me after work for the most part during the week. They are loud, smelly and act childish when the do not get a double seat for themselves for a ten minutes ride. They even harass people over this when somebody sits on "their" place because they want to sit down there and tongue with each other in front of everybody. The dude is also super loud and yells across the bus like a maniac. Today the dude even shouted at me bc he thought I would sit on the free double seat, even when I just wanted to get away as far as possible from them. For the whole ride the idiot was watching me with anger over this for whatever reason. Unfortunately they leave the bus at the same stop as me, so I'm cursed with those people for quiet some time because they go to my local supermarkets where I shop as well, in order to beg for money. One time they were there before I went to the store, so they were aggressively asking me and other people for money. Fuck them, fuck those two. Entitled piece of shits. JUst fuck them.
No. 1418258
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>>1418246I have had panic attacks last couple days over this exact same fucking thing. I feel you nonna.
My primary friends have their own friend group and we don't see that often. I try to make friends at uni but I changed majors and people have already formed cliques. I feel sad I will never had friendships that started in middle school or even high school like so many people have.
No. 1418389
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The new pokemon game is hot garbage. So many missed opportunities. But they just went back to adding more to the shit pile instead of building on lore and legends they already have. Example… you're telling me they made a game based around time travel, past and future… and Celebi wasn't even around? Or not even mentioning previous primal pokemon or other time travalers/aliens. But lets be lazy and make future Pokemon be all robots. Also the tera hats are a poor concept and a lot of the pokemon designs and evos are lazy. One pokemon just stands up, that's the evolution. I wont talk about the glitches or the lazy corners they cut to push this money grab out.
No. 1418411
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>>1418389You know one good thing about the game? Rika.
No. 1418462
>>1418457how. were his pants
that unzipped?
No. 1418474
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Quit weed two days ago and I feel like shit. Nauseous and my body aches and my dreams are super fucked up when I can manage to fall asleep. Cannabis withdrawal is a thing nonnies and it sucks, don't think it's okay to become a daily user just because it's not a hard drug.
No. 1418497
there's been blood in my ass crack every time I wake up for the last week, and my left index finger is numb
I don't want to tell a doctor because I already have to go every two-three months normally, and whenever somethign weird like this happens, they just turf me back and forth between specialists until I tell them it isn't happening anymore, I literally never get answers
I think once you get diabetes, everyone just waits for you to die and stop bothering them
a few times per months, my uvula swells up and turns green, and I can't get the ear-nose-throat specialist to take me seriously because you can only go in with an appointment, and I can't just let myself suffocate, so I have to go to the ER, so by the time I see the specialist, he says "Well I don't see any swelling," and I give him the paper work from the ER and he says, "Well the steroid shot looks like it fixed it," and I say there's no way it's good for me to be getting steroid shots multiple times per month, and he just walks out of the room without saying anything else
I also can't wait for me to die and stop bothering everyone
No. 1418565
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>they got rid of not just one, but TWO and the only bus stops that were right in front of our building
>no news or warnings about it either
well how the fuck am i supposed to try travelling around…why would anyone do that anyway?!
No. 1418619
No. 1418673
I'm so fucking sick of it, anons. My friend has been dating someone for about three years but they get into bad fights at least once a month. They fight, breakup, everything is happy for a bit until the next fight. The guy isn't a bad person, but they bring out the worst kind of codependence and push and pull. It's fucking tiring to have to listen to my friend about how the fight's over, that it's okay, and that while she knows it's not a good relationship, she'll stay because it's all she knows. There's a lot of stuff she's been unable to do, like not go to school because she's been put on academic suspension and other general life improvements. I love her, but it's so fucking tiring to never see any improvement or progress in her life. I genuinely do not believe that her life will change in any meaningful, positive way until she breaks up with her boyfriend. Her therapist basically has told her to break up with him so many times, and she won't listen. Though I'm neither her parent nor therapist, I feel like I'm getting too attached to this problem when it isn't even mine. I love her so much, but it's so depressing to watch that it angers me. Irrationally so.
No. 1418696
>>1418689It's a vent thread, anon
>>1418692Yeah. I think I need some time away from her because it's draining me quite a bit.
No. 1418703
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Really hope my lesbian younger sister doesn’t tif out because I wouldn’t want her to go through what I did and mutilate herself. Next time I visit for holidays I’ll make sure to keep telling her its okay to be the way she is without having to be a he/him and that she has reasons to openly manhate like she always does.
No. 1418720
>>1418703I often watch vids made by detrans women (had a phase myself a decade ago but luckily didn't go too far) and it comes up alot that many of them with younger sisters are watching them kinda fall down the same rabbit hole. I don't have younger siblings so I can't imagine the frustration.
Back when I was in that phase I was isolated, had no friends, a dead mom, a disinterested dad and I turned to the internet. I thought I'd found the answer to why I felt so out of place all my life. I'm glad your sister has you.
No. 1418733
>>1413238Tomorrow my university will be celebrating Mental Health Day and as good as it might sound, I learned that there will be a stand of a genderspecials club that was formed some months ago. Well, they call themselves LGBTQ club so you know what it is. It sickens me that the trans thing is getting more vocal here, I don’t even live in a country like USA where it went really far.
Suicide crisis? Ongoing mental health care crisis in my country? Who cares, let’s talk about trannies and “inclusive language” instead!
What also drives me mad is that they included asexuality in their event program. Coming from a woman who had a SJW phase in teenage years I’m guilty of (but I luckily left it and never went too far during it kek) and isn’t interested in sex, it’s sad to see how queers are pushing no distinction between private and public life. Personally I fully accept people who aren’t interested in sex and don’t want it, but why make it an orientation? IMO it doesn’t help them at all, this is a private thing and in case anyone knows, mocking for such a thing is sick… But the representation queer bullshit is what drives many young people now.
What is much worse though is the growing acceptance of not helping traumatized girls. Being someone who saw too many of her irl and online acquaintances troon out (as FTMs or NBs), this is truly depressing.
I don’t want these idiots here.
No. 1418760
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Males can't even go grocery shopping without committing a mass murder and we're supposed to believe they're stable enough to hold jobs. No wonder why the world has become a hellhole.
No. 1418839
>>1418817Or males, but for a different reason. I had a relative whose 12 year son stayed with us some weekends. If we got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night you'd see light coming from under his bedroom door at all hours. Kid hadn't heard of incognito mode so the dad would check from time to time and while he was watching pretty childish content during the day.. he was watching all sorts of incest themed porn during the night. So the dad knew about it but refused to talk to him about it (like explaining boundaries, porn versus reality) and wouldn't consider taking the phone away at bedtime. He thought it was funny. I moved out when my underwear started going missing and again the dad was way too chill about it. Total denial mode. I felt uncomfortable in my own home.
If you met this kid you'd never imagine hes even at that point of puberty yet. Very much a kid in one way and getting his head filled with stepmom/stepsis incest shit at night. Worst part is he has stepsiblings that are female. Dad had one job but stuck his head in the sand instead
No. 1418843
>>1418832>They both mean being online.You can use a screen without being online though
>They know kids are more likely to be unsupervised at night. Timezones exist; and I recall creeps hitting me up on chats during the day when I was a young teen asking if parents are at work and I'm alone; I really dont think a hour changes that much…
No. 1418879
>>1418859You could be right but the timing sucks with this trend atm of people wanting to have totes quirky autism. I've had a professional recommend that I go get assessed. I didn't bring it up, they did. And they asked a few initial questions. There's either a 3 year wait in my country or you pay a high enough price for a private assessment. I believe I have it but I don't tell people for fear that I'll be lumped in with the type of people who're jumping on it like its a trend.
The older I get the more I realize how everything is a sensory nightmare. I didn't really question that before. I thought I just was depressed and irritable
No. 1418895
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There's this girl I know since middle school, pretty mature girl, we had a lot on common and we spent a lot of time together. Now shes a walking contradiction. Claims to be a radfem, is a huge kpop stan and a fujo on top. Kept claiming that she wanted to leave her boyfriend last time I saw her, posts all the time about how her friends should block him on insta and fb so he doesn't check them out, and that if we don't, we're not "true feminists". She also spends all her time talking about something called "pretty privilege", which, based on what she told me, is just her getting mad at other girls for being skinny. Shes so… Changed, and for the worse. Is hasn't even been that much since we distanced, but I remember her as a strong girl that managed to leave an abusive relationship and household, and now is stuck with a hideous scrote that made her insecure to the point she's attacking other women, issue said scrote can't keep it in his pants. And she doesn't budge. She honestly believes it's everybody else's fault. She has good conversation, she has (or at least had) nice hobbies. I just don't understand her. I don't even know if I want to keep being her friend, things being as they are, she will probably accuse me of trying to steal her boyfriend or something, despite the fact I have publicly told her multiple times that I find him disgusting. Just tell me why every single good friendship with girls I have ends up being ruined by scrotes. First friend? Stopped talking to her cause she was convinced I was stealing her "opportunities" with the guys she liked. I'm a lesbian, I have a gf. Next friend? The guy couldn't stop making rape jokes and talk about how he wanted to fuck trannies. "You don't get him nonnie, he's deconstructing himself". He's a fag that's too scared to admit he's a fag. I know cause when you're gay you tend to see them a lot. The other friend? The bf actually cheated on her with a troon. And then he managed to turn it on his favor, and convince her to "open" the relationship. The fuck? Why is it that every girl I befriend ends up ruined by shitty scrotes. According to all of them, they barely had good points, one of them being "he's too socially inadequate to cheat on me". So you'd rather just date a retard, just because no one can "steal" him? I wish sexuality was a choice, there's no way those girls wake up and decide to simp for the lowest scum. Some of them actually say that are bisexual, YET I don't see them dating other girls, they seem pretty happy being stuck to manlets that look like they scaped reddit. Should I just stop talking to her? Is this friendship really not salvageable?? I don't see how I can convince her to dump him, cause honestly I don't think there's gonna be any other way for her to open her damns eyes and realize she's wasting her youth and money.
No. 1418910
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I’ve never really had a problem with not having friends but recently my husband confessed that it bothers him. I’ve always been anti-social and never really had a friend group growing up. I do have pretty bad social anxiety which I think is the main culprit but besides that it just kinda hurt to hear him say that. I feel like a loser.
No. 1418925
>>1418910I've always been a loner. I have an easier time getting into relationships than making friends. So my partner would usually be my best friend and I thought it was all good. That all my needs were easily met like that. I like to spend alot of time in my own company anyway. Looking back now though I think my lack of any other social supports did play a role in the breakdown of my 2 major relationships. One being a marriage. I get why people say its unhealthy to only have your partner to turn to and not friends. It was fine til I was going through some shit. Depression or grief would kick in and thats alot to deal with when you can't spread out the support and its solely your partner trying to be there for you.
I'm still a loner though so idk what my future relationships will look like. Whether I'll repeat the past. The break ups were rough too given I'd no friends to vent to.
No. 1418952
>>1418926anon i understand being annoyed or even feeling betrayed when women aren't aware of scrote bullshit. but this
>I hear she has a boyfriend, I immediately imagine her getting fucked like an animal by her moid and I lose all respectthis is scrote shit. please be better than this
nonnie No. 1418963
>>1418926>>1418941I wouldn’t put it in those exact words but I can grasp the sentiment in your text, nonna. I envision doom like that in the way life continues because men think they’re the pillars but life continues because women lets it. The very compassion that men mock about femininity is the only thing that keeps their crusty fucking oxygenated corpses and this world alive.
I’m as mad about it and can’t fucking figure out why women do this and won’t personally take part in it like that but it’s the beauty and pitfall of being women. Women can’t help but choose life, building communities, families, and all that. Men try to emulate this by taking and conquering because they can’t personally deliver life kek (Which if you’ve experienced SA, I totally understand these strong emotion/sentiments)
At least that’s the way I see it to keep from aheroing. I’m done making women feel invalidated- unless ur a moid hiding in plain text then get fucked die and get fucked again
No. 1418965
>>1418952Why is it scrote shit? A scrote would imagine this and get hard or hate the woman because she doesn't fuck him instead or something like that. I simply feel disgusted because I know she's lowering herself to the male level by fucking the male
>>1418953Is my opinion really that unimaginable to you you have to call it trolling?
>>1418958Women are dehumanizing themselves and their daughters by supprting moids.
No. 1418972
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I'm so sad over something so retarded but I can't help but want to cry over it kek. I mentioned to my sister that I wanted to go to the Distant Worlds concert in NY but couldn't because of the cost and distance. I just really wanted to go to the meet and greet and see Yoko Shimomura and Rikki. The FF music has meant so much to me growing up because I was always a lonely loser kid with no friends in comparison to my normie Stacy sister. Those retarded FF and KH games were all I had. My sister just texted me bragging that she is going to the concert and doing the VIP stuff even though she has never played those games. I don't know why she likes to do this to me. She did the same when we were growing up, I mentioned wanting a drawing tablet back in the day when they were still like $2k..she asked for one for her birthday and never used it because she didn't draw. She would never let me use it either. My parents definitely favor her over me too. I don't know, this is all so retarded but I needed to vent so I don't cry at my work desk kek
No. 1418994
>>1418987>Would you be sympathetic to a woman who learned the hard way after so many years that men ain't shit? Or would you look down on her and imagine her being "fucked like an animal"?If she was already free from men, yeah I would be sympathetic towards her. But most women stay with men no matter how fucking shit they are and they never learn. ALso, it's not my job, or any self-aware women's job, to wake other women up. You either do the shadow work on your own, or you don't do it at all.
>>1418989Please tell me, how did exactly women progress by being with men. I'm waiting. Sisterhood is bullshit and you know it. You're probably the kind of a woman who demands for women to be allowed to keep their teenage sons in female shelters, thus putting in danger teenage female kids kek. You tell me it's not black and white and yet at the same time force this idiotic belief that all women are my sisters just because they're women and no woman is my enemy, just because she's a woman. That's the most black and white thinking imaginable.
No. 1419008
>>1418995>phaseI hated men since I was a kid, and I'm only going stronger in my late 20s. I would say, I'm getting more angry and more anti-male with age. The "be nice to other women and educate them" was actually just a phase when I was 19-21 but I'm over it. It's weird that you tell me that being agry pushes other women away, when it was the opposite for me - I was fascinated by angry women and the more angry they were the more I was into listening to them. At first I was a little shocked by them calling women handmaidens and breeders, but not because I felt sorry for the women they were shitting on, I was rather shocked to hear such honesty and pure, righteous anger from a woman in a society where women are not allowed to show such emotions and are forced to show compassion instead. And this is exactly what is happening in this conversation too - you are pushing stereotypically feminine behavior on me and wanting me to feel compassion towards people who don't deserve it in my opinion.
>>1418998Please, just don't tell me the thousands of first world western college educated women who still choose men are the same as some poor opressed third worlders raped by their uncles. I was born in a catholic family in eastern european country with family pushing traditional shit on me, and all I needed was a PC with access to the internet. Don't tell me to have compassion for western women kek
No. 1419033
>>1419022Please, anon, radfems wouldn't accept this type of scrote behaviour.
No. 1419056
>>1419029Make love, not war, my dearest
nonnie. I'm going to go make my boyfriend eat my pussy right now in honor of you. Please visualize it carefully. Thank you.
No. 1419069
>>1419044Surpisingly, I was never personally sexually victimized by a man and I always hated men, just by observing them, so I always stayed away from them despite them trying to bother me - because, you know, they're men - and I have no personal male-related trauma. I'm perfectly aware of the collective trauma of being a female in the patriarchy though, and that is my reason. Watch some Black Obsidian instead of shitting on woke women on lolcow. Listen to someone reasonable for once.
>>1419056I don't have to visualize it because you alreade described it. I feel very sorry for you.
No. 1419071
>>1419056I get the sentiment but we don’t do that here,
nonnie. only fart rainbows and glitters
No. 1419090
>>1419069Ngl but i wish me and the people I know can speak the same of our lived experiences as women. I’m just surprised and curious where the anger generally came from because it’s fucked up that we had to be assaulted to learn such hate that inspires a regular 23 year old to stan Aileen Wuornos (she was right to kill those men). I wouldn’t be as ruthless to women and other
victims of patriarchy but anon, I’m at least in awe of that anger that’s just spontaneously in you that is so fiery that it can ultimately raze its whole path with it and transmutating femininity and womanhood into some other form. I can’t speak for your experience and I can’t approve of it personally but damn. I wish I was born with that innate anger and I want it to cling and fight against the compassion and kindness my women ancestors ingrained at my core. It hasn’t made me the most productive person. I just want the kind of anger that motivates rather than denigrates.
TL;DR angry woman cool. angry woman punching down on societally brainwashed women whack in a sad way
No. 1419092
>>1419029Uhh, most radfems I met online aren't against separatism. Obviously not all. Or do you mean that they aren't aggressively advocating for it?
Anyway, off-topic, but is it me or lately there's been a lot more drama about gender discourse? It's suspicious considering that before people were generally based and against male serving behavior without dogpiling women still dating.
Accusations of tranny/male behavior, feeling the need to insult other women constantly (which goes both ways), bizarre posts like
>>1419038 or misplaced intrasexual competition like
>>1418977 like…I am a huge fan of female separatism but I don't understand the violent rage and NLOG-type neuroticism? Do these people think spamming this constantly will do anything? Because extremes don't usually stick. Also, I've been seeing a few sneaky posts that do seem trad-wifey as well. Is it because of twitter/tik-tok runoff or something?
No. 1419098
>>1419096Women can’t help it if it’s in their nature to nurture no matter how unlovable and messed up. If the ice Queen alpha women of your world banded together and succeeded, humanity will end. I’m trying to understand that women already eventually know this but humans as people aren’t at a point where life is depraved enough to really start tapping out. If all women digested how limited the world we live in really is because of patriarchy, it still wouldn’t be the downfall you’re hoping for because many will give into all kinds of denial.
So if it’s your choice to hate on them and exclude them, just don’t think of them because it looks like it’s hurting you mentally more than it is to them who’ve lived through it but keep living anyway. They can’t un-born their sons or un-love these moids. They’re still somewhat people too and we hate knowing this fact just as much as you.
No. 1419104
>>1419096Ayrt, people say one thing to you and you hear something else, that's why it's impossible to form a coherent discussion with you. I didn't say I love patriarchy, I said I'm straight and don't want to be without a relationship. I'm also not stupid and naive enough to believe that the patriarchy will somehow be impacted by me not dating some random middle class scrote. Grow up, get offline a bit, you're completely deluded.
>I'm just angry we have to waste resources on helping women who willingly entered relatiosnhips with men and then had to run away instead of using more resources for building female only spaces.What are you even talking about you complete and utter loon? I don't want a female only space I want to move to the woods with my moid and have kids, not everyone has the same crackpot delusional wishes as you, get over it.
No. 1419109
>>1419104>I didn't say I love patriarchy, I said I'm straight and don't want to be without a relationship. I'm also not stupid and naive enough to believe that the patriarchy will somehow be impacted by me not dating some random middle class scroteAnd I remind you once again, we are where we are because millions of women think like you. And I will rightfully shit on you all.
>I want to live in the woods with my man durrrYeah and then if he treats you like shit you will run to other women to waste their resources on you, be it material or emotional. Trad thots have this male centered mentality but they always need to have a security net made of other women, because women living only with their men, separated from other women, is always a recipe for distaster.
No. 1419110
>>1419069Are you seriously out here thinking you’re better than rape
victims because a random moid didn’t attack you in a dark alley? Predators pick their prey. You’re gross and moid like.
No. 1419125
>>1419119Every woman I know has a mother wound kek. That's something totally normal in this society because women usually choose scrotes over other females and they don't need evil, scary "misogynists" like me to scare them away from other women.
>>1419120You sound like a totally free, not-scared by the patriarchy woman. Is that how my ideological opponents view their lives? I can find other women who don't have close connections with other men, maybe that's shocking to you, but they exist. If women weren't cowards, there would be more of them too. I don't want relationships with women who have men in their lives because I know I can't fully trust them.
No. 1419126
>>1419080>>1419096Stop using male terms like "breeder." You're just using it because you feel like you're losing control.
>>1419104There's a lot of us here do want a womens' only space–especially here on LC. Tone deaf much? Also, keep in mind almost 0 women that have wished for a cute cottagecore life with a man has gotten it even if she spent years trying. In fact, many had to end up becoming "Pickmes" who excuse bad things because otherwise they'd give up the dream…one that women have needed to make way more sacrifices over than her partner in a way that hurts her mental health, a huge reason why single v. married women statistics look as they do. Also "move to the woods" kinda implies that you've been perusing tradwife adjacent content which is based around weaponized wish fulfillment. Also, fuckoff with crackpot. That
nonny is still right about how there are so little female-only spaces and you're bashing wanting more resources/support for them as insane because you want men? Which is STILL what is the most popular and supported decision for women in society? On here of all places? Kek, what even is that?
No. 1419136
>>1419126I wasn't talking about lolcow being a womens only space I was talking about separatism. I obviously want lc to women only. Nothing else in your post is even worth replying too because, like the dumbass throwing around the term "breeder," you've misinterpreted everything I said and set up false arguments. I'm not a tradthot, I live near forestry and would like to own a home with far away neighbors. Stop making dumb assumptions based off online tropes, I just like the woods.
>Also, keep in mind almost 0 women that have wished for a cute cottagecore life with a man has gotten it even if she spent years trying.And you would know based off what exactly? Almost every women I know where I live has achieved this, it's not a pipedream you're just thinking of it in terms of "cottage core." Again stop using dumbass internet tropes as your baseline for real life.
No. 1419144
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No. 1419147
>>1419125I hate that term "mother wound" fuck whoever invented it. my mum was a BITCH, A NASTY BITCHY EVIL
ABUSIVE CUNT. thanks for constantly reminding me, leave me the fuck alone already, i don't need a mother and never did. i wish that bitch would have died when i was 2. i would have been better off with her dead. i ghosted the bitch and my life is better now. frankly when i see women being close and lovey-dovey buddy-buddy with their mom it makes me gag, it's cloying and suffocating and pathetic. people who speak to their parents and love their mommy and daddy are the weird ones. what fucking lion is walking around texting their mommy every day. when a dog grows up it goes off to live, it doesn't keep visiting its mommy every day. you're the weird ones, not me. you're the cognitively deficient ones who hang your life on what your mommy tells you in your damn 30s. when someone texts their parents every week they are a LOSER who never grew up. you neurotypicals should drink gasoline and die. you're the fucked up defects for still sucking your mommy's teats in your 20s. grow the fuck up already and stop projecting.
neurotypical genocide now. families are DISGUSTING. if you text your mommy you're a retarded woman-baby who needs to get a life. there, how the fuck do you all like it?
No. 1419170
>>1419135You’re breaking YOUR cycle. Others are right. You do sound like a scrote. Scrotes look out for themselves over everything. I get you don’t want to feel “duped” by “helping” abused women but the fact that your help is conditional completely detaches it from any sort of feminism. It’s just a version of being a goddamn incel scrote with a vagina. If I felt the same way as you do, I’d be suicidal as fuck. There’s no point of living if I can’t help others and live amongst them. I can be a hermit but even nature would remind me, Gaia Herself that it is Her that permits life and one day She will end it. Until then, I’m okay with whatever coping I gotta do, whether it’s feel like Joan of Arc all my life because at least I get to live a life longer than 19 and I wasn’t born a scrote. Love and war, Nonitas! You’re all
valid, no matter how many of you are DSM-5 bingo winners.
No. 1419175
>>1419170>but the fact that your help is conditional completely detaches it from any sort of feminismI'm not a feminist. Like one very cool blackpilled female once said, "feminism" is just couples therapy for heterosexual people. Nothing more.
I want to help people who want to help themselves. Women who still want to live with men don't want any help.
>>1419172Keep going, it won't change the fact I'm right.
No. 1419195
>>1419175By feminism I mean is maybe general sympathy with another woman. I’m realising now that this is an echo chamber and there’s no point on trying to make you see another woman’s reflection as your own when you’ve dehumanised yourself the same way a scrote would.
De-program yourself and try to see yourself in a kind light. You wouldn’t have these violent images of women and your own likeness if you’re completely free or actively trying to de-condition yourself from the gaze and the mental image of society instilled in you from since you were born.
Porn and exploitation exists but they’re not bigger than the world since you’re lucky enough to not be in a situation where you may be trafficked or doing shit against your own volition. Still, hope you never get assaulted, idk how you’d cope fr
No. 1419197
>>1419170This is well put
nonnie. Thank you ♥
No. 1419200
>>1419091>i'd rather risk my safety than be alonestraightoid moment. and anons call other people misogynists for not caring about this type of retard lmao
(unironically saying ''straightfoid'') No. 1419203
>>1419187One person agreed with me, which is statistically likely, because most women are handmaidens, and only a small group is aware enough.
>>1419188>Stay bitterTruth is always bitter.
>>1419195Feminism doesn't mean whatever you want it to mean, this is some postmodernist logic that trannies pull. I don't know what are you even talking about. Again, you'te imposing on me this stereotypically feminine way of thinking with compassion and seeing yourself in others. I'm first and foremost an individual and I judge other individuals according to their actions. If you behave like a slave, I will call you a slave.
>>1419200They will never learn. Their sex drive is more important than their life and the lives of other women.
No. 1419213
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going back to lolcow every 10 days after bland doomscrolling on ig never fails to satisfy my dopamine needs
co-ed comment sections can neverrrrrr
No. 1419214
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>>1419211>lesbian domestic violence memeGo back to 4chan
No. 1419229
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ugh i accidentally sharted and ruined my new pair of underwear. I need to stop drinking milk.
No. 1419235
>>1419226>>1419218>>1419211>lesbian domestic violenceLol, this has been debunked by radfems already. Don't cite scrotal bullshit for arguments.
>The survey found that same-sex cohabitants reported significantly more intimate partner violence than did opposite-sex cohabitants. Among women, 39.2 percent of the same-sex cohabitants and 21.7 percent of the opposite sex cohabitants reported being raped, physically assaulted, and/or stalked by a marital/cohabiting partner at some time in their lifetime. Among men, the comparable figures are 23.1 percent and 7.4 percent (exhibit 8). At first glance, these findings suggest that both male and female same-sex couples experience more intimate partner violence than do opposite sex couples. However, a comparison of intimate partner victimization rates among same-sex and opposite-sex cohabitants by perpetrator gender produced some interesting findings: 30.4 percent of same-sex cohabiting women reported being victimized by a male partner, whereas 11.4 percent reported being victimized by a female partner. Thus, same-sex cohabiting women were nearly three times more likely to report being victimized by a male partner than by a female partner. Moreover, opposite-sex cohabiting women were nearly twice as likely to report being victimized by a male partner than were same-sex cohabiting women by a female partner(20.3 percent and 11.4 percent)
>Dishonest Journalists have spun this study to suggest that lesbian relationships are more violent than heterosexual or gay male relationships because 39.2% of women who have lived with women have experienced domestic violence. However, 11.4% report being victimized by a female partner, and 30.4% of women who have lived with women report being victimized by a male partner. The difference (20.3% vs 30.4%) suggests that either bisexual women are more likely to experience violence, OR, bisexual women who experience violence are more likely to date women then a bisexual women who has not experienced violence.Quoted from:
Source used for the "Lesbians = extreme DV" claim: No. 1419240
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Got banned from 4chan for two days for a single post "lolicons are the furries of anime, they infest everything." for troll posting. Goddamn it, I wanted to post in my favorite game general about my husbando. Of all the shit that's posted that's ban worthy? Not the amount of off-topic threads not even talking about anime?
No. 1419245
>>1419240its interesting how the lolicon tolerance depends on the board, in /co/ lolishit gets shot on sight, but they give a pass to shota. I agree that lolicons are a pest, its so pathetic how they have such a
victim complex over people finding it gross that they jack off to little girls.
No. 1419246
>>1419218Are you really implying that lesbians are as dangerous as men? Now you're just being obtuse.
>>1419245I've never seen a 4chin board that isn't filled with pedos
No. 1419247
>>1419245Exactly. I hate it so much, I hate that if I find a series I like and want to talk about if it has even ONE little girl discussion can be brought to a screeching halt because everyone goes full coom. They develop a
victim and a superiority complex over the fact that they're jerking it to little girls and are absolutely insufferable. God, I hate them.
>>1419244See, there's a small problem
I live with five other people and I don't think they'll understand that I need to restart the router so that I can post on a columbian basket weaving forum about my bird husbando's pecs. No. 1419258
>>1419246>I've never seen a 4chin board that isn't filled with pedosthe media boards are all filled with them, but the ones about actual hobbies like /toy/ are free from lolitards, thankfully.
>>1419247>Exactly. I hate it so much, I hate that if I find a series I like and want to talk about if it has even ONE little girl discussion can be brought to a screeching halt because everyone goes full coom. They develop a victim and a superiority complex over the fact that they're jerking it to little girls and are absolutely insufferable. God, I hate them.oh god and then when the antiloli tard newfag comes and starts fighting with the lolitard and they derrail the thread, kek. Honestly i have killed SEVERAL shitty threads by either larping as a lolitard or by starting shit with a lolitard because i wanted to derrail the shitty thread, always works because lolifags are low IQ. Its really funny how you can get banned for '''trolling''' but not for infighting in 4chan, or at least i never got banned for starting shit to kill a thread. What game btw nonna? Have you tried checking if there is an active thread on /m/? hopefully you can find a lolifag free space to discuss your husbando.
No. 1419262
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>>1414935>>1415012you might be able to make the kind of content you're looking for with aidungeon. no promises though. it's far from perfect. seems biased toward males, for one. i noticed had to be more involved with it when it was writing about pussy eating, compared to bjs.
No. 1419266
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It's so difficult for me to get over my broken friendship. I spend all my free time alone and I'm trying really hard to make new friends but so far it's not going anywhere. I always get that sinking feeling in my stomach whenever I see her chatting with people she used to avoid. I know it's her way of moving on but it feels awful.
She used to talk shit about these people and now they're going outside the city for a few days together while the only thing that's going on with me rn is that I found a drug dealer. It feels like shit because it all seems like the moment she laid me off everyone started to talk to her more. Which isn't actually true, we just used to spend all our time together so she didn't hang out with so many people. The only thing that comforts me (and it's wrong of me and it shouldn't) is that the girl she spends her time with isn't a real friend to her and is a judgemental normie. Funny because she used to complain about it to me while we were friends, that she feels uncomfortable around her and they have nothing to talk about lol. But now they do everything together. Am I socially retarded? Because to me that's fake and not right. It hurts so much. It'll be okay though. I will move on eventually and find new people. I believe that. I'm strong, I just teared up a bit now when I saw her post where she's going.
No. 1419268
>>1419240Whats the context anon? I shit on lolipedos and self inserters on /a/ all the time and havent gotten that ban, maybe you just
triggered a specific janny.
No. 1419299
>>1419258Honestly, this isn't my first ban. I've been banned on cgl for calling a moid with an Asian fetish a loser. The same /cgl/ with tons of bait and coom threads, those could've been removed but no, me calling a moid a loser was much worse. Ah, Kirby as a whole though KSSU is my favorite. The /m/ thread on here is dead so I prefer the one on /vg/ which is super active already at thread #61.
>>1419268I simply went into a thread posted "lolicons are the furries of /a/ and anime" which was posted on the 21st so I was just banned two days later. Thinking it over, it's probably deserved but I'm still a little mad.
No. 1419314
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Once you experience and learn about fucked up shit it really twists how you see things. It's like finding out there was a ghost haunting you for a long time and you never even realized until it was too late. You never feel safe anymore after that, you felt safe in the past but you weren't, so why feel safe now? I am trying so hard not to get lost in this negative spiral, but some days are really hard.
No. 1419373
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>>1418954Please don’t
nonnie. I know the “there’s so much to live for” meme is retarded but it’s so true. Life is already short so you might as well wait it out and do something entertaining in the mean time.
No. 1419381
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I fell asleep watching AVGN and i dreamed i was watching a female avgn clone sperging about yaoi mango. Now i want her to be real and be friends, i am sad.
No. 1419474
>>1419136I want an idyllic, simple life like that too. I just don't conflate it with being with a man. Also, there's more simply far more women than men suited for a loving relationship. Most long-term relationships don't work out, or neglect/abuse/cheating is involved. You use your small community as the baseline even though it isn't realistic for most women, and only a snapshot in their lives…that, and the "dream" absolutely is unheard of in many countries. Abuse, wife beating, cheating, etc, is normal in some while keeping up "appearances" is expected. People like seeing exceptions as the default too–while discarding the failures. I'm curious, if you had kids, you lived in that forest with a seemingly kind man…what if he cheated or developed a cruel behavior years in and it's a bit late to start over? Or, what if you fail and grow old, childless, and single? Will you be able to thrive? As far as I have seen many end up caping for bad or even
abusive men when they are trying to keep their family together. The last time I saw someone use similar arguments to you, turned out her husband had been cheating on her for years and she needed massive amounts of therapy and pills to cope, but she believed the family was more important than her pain. It was…unsettling. And in fact I've see it a lot. So, excuse me if extreme faith in such things makes me suspicious.
No. 1419523
>>1419240I wish the media boards on 4chan would ban all fucking template threads because they never generate any discussion they only flood the catalog.
But yeah you getting banned for this is ironic, I often try for WEEKS to talk about some cartoons I like and discussion isn't possible if it contains anything gay because there are a bunch of legit shizos who are online 20h a day that will flood the thread with evangelical bullshit and "groomer" shitposting. It's almost never the fans or even actual gays that talk about the gay stuff, it's mostly these idiots but the mods never band them, rendering discussion impossible.
No. 1419527
>>1419377>pestering me about not having anything to say in their absolutely brain dead conversations (and knowing they will try to mock and belittle anything I would contribute anyway, "as a joke"People here don't really celebrate any days but this shit always happened when I was a kid/teen and we went to meet with relatives.
I always sat in the corner and drew cartoons or read books, they mostly ignored me but when they didn't it was always that shit. I was even the only kid of the whole damn clan so it was like 15 people who are 40+ years older than me talking about mundane boomer stuff, what should I say to that as a 14 year old? Man.
And I love my mother but whenever she wanted to stay relevant and didn't know what to say anymore she started talking about mistakes or attitudes of mine to make the others laugh. Didn't really bother me but you don't this and I never did it once with others.
No. 1419539
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I always feel like I’m triangulated against past women when I’m dating some moid. There’s always someone they either leave me for or phantom ex me with. I feel conflicted because I’m pretty sure now IM the phantom ex for some of these scrotes and that it’s not me it’s them but I wish they could see what they had when I was actually around.
No. 1419608
Saw a family friend the other day who got married 2 years ago. I hadn't seen her since and went up to her and asked how she and her family were doing (they had a kid). She tells me they split because he hit her once, and that they split custody over their daughter. She then said that he "let her down". I said I was sorry to hear that, said some other stuff, and we went our separate ways.
I went home and mentioned it to my cousin and wanted to know if she knew, and she told me she knew way more than that. She told me the guy choked her to the point of passing out, beat the living shit out of her to point of giving her a concussion and sending her to the hospital, and hit her while he was driving , which a driver saw and reported. On top of this the girl has heart issues.
She looked so in love with the guy when they got married, can't believe all this happened since. She says he's a great dad , but I mean… i wouldn't leave him with my child alone after all that. I also wouldn't say he "let me down". Before marrying this guy she was with another who was emotionally abusive so she left.
My mom who was in the room when my cousin updated me on all this had the fucking audacity to say "Two guys abused her, those are rare odds she must have done something to make them want to do that." I honestly can't believe the foul shit that comes out of my mother's mouth.
No. 1419640
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WHY is customer support so fucking useless I woke up at like 5 am and havent been able to fall asleep again because I am just so goddamn pissed. Some store will send me an incomplete order with the missing item being worth almost 40€, and despite spending months sending messages to their customer support and then PayPal, and spending hours getting all the proof they requested I get denied any compensation by PayPal and the store says “lol return the entire package to Korea for a partial refund and shippings on you” when just the shipping alone costs more than the refund they’re offering.
Then Amazon charges me for Music when I canceled during my free trial, then tell me to suck it cause I realized and contacted them a month later, after the second charge, and completely ignore my emails, calls, Twitter DMs (literally made an account just for this shit) I AM SO TIREDDDDD they just take money and then go “tough shit” fuck offff this is what I get for being such a fucking passive doormat because “oh no they’re just employees it’s not their fault, I won’t be angry or anything in front of them”. I always end up getting fucked over because of this
No. 1419643
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Just discovered my hookup doesn’t wash his ass. I want to kill myself.
No. 1419662
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>>1419653He had all fucking day to shower before he saw me and I still had to get a whiff of booboo when I went down on him and see skidmarks in his drawers when was putting them back on. Why does he have to be so fucking dirty? Why is he not bothered by literally living in his own filth? What the fuck is wrong with them????
No. 1419677
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>>1419662you better ghost the fuck out of him, that's so gross.
No. 1419683
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>>1419662Anon, you only have one choice and that's to beat his ass.
No. 1419698
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>>1419670My immune system afterwards
No. 1419703
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I have been trying to draw for the past 3 days but i cant concentrate for more than 10 minutes. I am so angry at myself for my lack of self control, i get bored and distracted so easily and i feel so tired all the times.
No. 1419830
I hate my flatmates with a burning passion, they've used up all my laundry soap without asking, leave open rotting food in the fridge for weeks, leave dishes piled up across all surfaces and when they've used all their space in the communal areas they take mine.
They even started using my toilet roll when they ran out, so I've taken it out of the bathroom and left them with nothing but a few dry wet wipes. If their food goes on my shelf, I bin it. If they leave their clothes in the wash for a week, I throw them on the dirty floor. Talking to them does nothing, because the level of entitlement extends to every inch of their being, and considering they push MY stuff out of the way to use MY space, and act very uneasy when I notice shows enough they know it's wrong.
It's fire v. fire right now, but I've just had enough and asking them to clean/stop never works.
No. 1419843
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There's an asian moid employee at one of my service accounts that I manage and I want nothing more than to box him into quitting. He is a creepy, dead-eyed misogynist who seems to be really fucking pissed that I am a younger woman with authority to tell him what to do at a job he signed up for, and not just give him everything he wants. Also he's in his 40s but looks like a 60 year old ballsack of a person. He often texts me threatening requests ending in "ANSWER ME NOW OR I QUIT!!" out of the blue while gibbering on about impossible/irrational demands to make his worklife cushy–no sympathy from me! His jobs are already easy and I worked way more hours honestly than him to earn where I am. He constantly tries to manipulate me by mentioning his new baby, which his poor wife mostly handles alone no doubt. All I know is, I would NEVER have gotten away with treating my bosses like how this fucker treats me. A selfish, stupid man if that surprises any of you..
He came into my company for part time work because he has a full time day job. Fair, cause I started out in this company with the same circumstances.
But this fuck constantly tries to cheat company time and then is surprised when I don't want to put him at any other accounts so he gets more hours cause he proves he is not trustworthy and does substandard work. So what does he do? Bullshits by clocking anywhere between 5-8 hours of labor per day when he is only scheduled for 4 hours. Then we get hits from the client for things these guys missed so there is not even good quality work for the length of labor put in. Is he thinking a fucking business is gonna let that shit slide? So now I have to make surprise appearances to ensure he isn't gonna keep doing this shit because the site leader is useless and needs to be fired too. Btw I hate micromanaging folks like this.
Anyways, his grudge against me was amplified recently because a month and a half ago he was doing that stereotypical shout-talk asian scrote way of speaking over me while complaining about his lack of hours again during a meeting. Because he was loud and would barely let me get a word in to respond, I raised my voice and called him out for his bullshit in front of everyone so now he's pissed that I embarassed him.
I caught him red-handed the other day as he was seen sitting in his car since punching in at 4:55pm and him only entering the building around 6:30pm when I asked his–equally useless moid–site leader to locate him since their shift began at 6pm. Coincidentally, I was already there to onboard a new hire. He stole company time.
This would have been an easy automatic termination at any company I ever worked at for way less (if the unapproved FT/OT hours wouldn't have triggered that first), but HR insists I do a twelve-step write up program before I can tell this dirtbag to kick rocks.
This fucker had the audacity to ignore me when I tried to politely ask what he had been doing and then yelled at me to leave him alone and not talk to him in front of everyone for no reason other than defensiveness over knowing he was caught doing sneaky shit. Of course I put that fucker in a conference room and set shit straight.
I wrote him up for unprofessionalism and rude conduct, meanwhile I'm saving the fact that he's stealing company time for a separate write up for when he does it again so I can get him out quicker. I wanna do this sooner rather than later so that way this soulless little man doesn't have enough time to stew over his perceived unjust treatment and do some real psycho shit like bringing a gun with him considering his posturing and threats up to this point. HR folks are fucking clowns and have no idea what it's like to be a woman with boots on the ground dealing with unhinged, entitled scrotes all day. I feel like I should write them an email about how uncomfortable he makes me so that way there's a paper trail of their indifferent bullshit for the if/when of this idiot resorting to violence once I fire him.
No. 1419855
>>1419848>Meanwhile men comb their hair once and think they are hot enough to deserve the top tier of women– and unfortunately it works, because pretty women frequently date ugly af men, due to the lack of attractive ones.I forgive it when attractive women date ugly scrotes if they receive some kind of financial gain or otherwise excellent treatment in return.
That is the most common theme whenever I see an attractive woman choosing an uggo.
However, the majority of broke, ugly scrotes will die alone without having sex and that is precisely why males around the world freak out when women have any kind of protected rights and agency. Because being unattractive with nothing else to offer actually doesn't work for the majority of men at any level.
No. 1419857
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>>1419843That’s the only way companies do anything when it come to bullshit, a long ass paper trail. People are lazy and want to do the least work possible so you have to force their hand. Definitely keep a log and I’d honestly take pictures of the time he clocked in, where he is when he’s actually clocked in, and the time he shows up. Also if he continues to be an idiot via text screenshot those too. I’d also bring it up with higher ups whenever he shows up because you having to do all this also costs company time. Bury the fucker. Obviously his child at home doesn’t matter to him if he’s not willing to do the bare minimum to show up on time. If he’s got all that extra time to waste shouldn’t he be taking care of his baby instead of sitting in his car? He’s trying to cheese the system and companies will not have that. Get him girl.
No. 1420012
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How is this transphobic? She speaks to truth and it's nothing transphobic.
No. 1420031
>>1419645Keep in mind it's a double edged sword. I'm sure someone will try disagreeing with me but as far as I can see, men tend to creep on shorter women more on average.
Have you been consuming anachan type content or something?
No. 1420146
WHY DO AUTISTIC MOIDS NEED TO ARGUE OVER EVERYTHING, EVEN THE LITTLEST SHIT. My adult nephew CLEARLY had undiagnosed autism all through his life my family is just in denial. He's the worst and his mother even more so.
>>1420088You're stronger than me Nonna, I cut off my sister from my life but my redneck ass ~gotta love your sister no matter what~ family has her at every gathering because she's insane and will ruin my families lives if they don't.
No. 1420286
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I feel so isolated and stuck. Womanchild with failure to launch syndrome. I spend hundreds of dollars on clothes and makeup because I need to feel something, I need at least those little material things to bring me joy. But then I remember I don't have anywhere to wear them and I get even more depressed.
No. 1420348
nonny they sound like terrible people
No. 1420364
>>1420340I'd hug you if I could nona, those people sound retarded and didn't deserve you in the party.
>>1420341I understand your frustration, sometimes is hard to direct your anger towards what you want. But don't let it ruin your day or your week. Being a man is living on easy mode really. You are self aware and they are NPCs with a dick.
>Yesterday I sat next to a scrote on public transit, he was ugly as fuck, obese and smelled like absolute trash. Yet I would never ever say anything to him.The exact same thing happened to me some years ago, he was hideous and smelled so strongly bad it was absurd. We shouldn't expect this kind of scrote to pass 40.
No. 1420377
>>1419726After waking up no fewer than five times to violently
defecate overnight, and the entire morning failing to keep anything down, I can now say that I am a
little mad for me.
No. 1420385
>>1420377Oh nona I’m
>>1420080 and I’ve been shitting all morning from whatever I ate yesterday too. I hope you feel better soon
No. 1420393
>>1420389Whatever it is I have the same issue.
I was never emotional not even as a kid, but even when the bit of emotions I had and barely could identify grew weaker as a teen I still felt something or desired a friend or two or had fun with a lot of shit, now I cannot even bring myself to engage with my hobbies and talking to people irl does nothing.
No. 1420400
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I want to fucking kms I'm going to lose my job soon and even tho I'm TRYING to keep it it just all goes to shit. What's worse is that it's a fucking CALL CENTRE JOB, but it pays well and I pay all the bills at home.
Part of me is like who gives a shit because I do hate the job but at the same time I'm deeply embarrassed that I can't old down something as simple as a CALL CENTRE JOB. I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone I might get fired and I'm having so much anxiety over it. I'm taking all sorts of supps to keep the stress down, it's working, bht at the end of the day it still all comes crashing down. I feel so pathetic, this isn't even the first shit job I got fired from, I legit can't keep a fucking job loner than a year. What makes it all worse is that everyone else I know already has careers, families etc meanwhile I'm here, at 27, still losing simple shit jobs. I just want to fucking die.
No. 1420406
>>1420399Yeah the worst is to even have a job on top of this.
I cannot even bring myself to do the things I should technically like but I have to do something I actively dislike 8h a day just so that I can live to.. feel nothing I guess.
I dunno it's probably depression or ADHD, but getting a diagnosis hard and takes time and who knows if they can even help or if they suggest one of these stupid therapies and talking sessions that I know won't do anything for me.
And everybody always either calls me lazy or says I should just do even more chores I don't like to "feel better". Like damn, just run for two hours a day, meet with people and cook after coming home half dead from your boring job. I am 30 now believe me I tried everything but sex and drugs (minus alc) and nothing ever helped, not even alcohol makes me feel anything.
No. 1420435
>>1420404I'm honestly not sure anymore what kind of job I even want anymore. I feel like I tried everything low tire possible and failed at all of it. I really have to dig through the ads to see what seems possible.
Sadly working from home isn't an option, I don't live alone and my mother and brother make a fuckton of noise while home + we have pets.
I'm sure I'll find something eventually and it's just my anxiety making me go through hell, it just sucks to constantly have to work shit jobs you're shit at with shit pay despite having years of experience because it doesn't mean shit.
>>1420425I deleted all of my social media because of this. Really eats you up inside, but sadly I can't ignore/avoid the people I know irl, they all usually ask first where you work etc.
No. 1420447
>>1420425Yeah this. I only socialise with losers like me so I don't really care.
I don't even regret anything, I have no desire for a car, much money or a family and especially not a career, it's all materialist shit and I rather spent my teens with my interests and adventures instead of learning for school grades.
No. 1420453
I've been in therapy for a while and am slowly realizing that my upbringing was not the best.
My parents say they wanted me 'so much' - and I was the perfect child, perfectly quiet and obedient, always polite. And all I got in return was ignored in favor of their endless bickering, jobs, their afternoon naps, everything was more important than me. I wasn't a person, I was a decorative plant and a badge of honour to tell the world they were normal and had "made it".
To add insult to injury, I uncovered some old memories from when I was really young (like 4 years old, or so) of my mother telling me how much money she makes and how much my dad makes, and how unfair it was that he was asking her for money. She drew bank notes on a notepad, 3 under "mom" and 15 under "dad", to illustrate it. I was four fucking years old. She's also held everything over my head for the longest time - whenever I disagreed with anything I was sooo ungrateful because we're really poor, she provides everything for me, she feeds me and shelters me, etc. What am I supposed to do about that, did she expect me to get a job at 6 or what? Work in the mines? Sell pussy for cash? You feed and shelter a dog because it's the bare minimum, it's basically what she thinks of me anyway.
Our conversations to this day boil down to whether I've eaten enough fruit, slept, pooped, or lost weight (bad). I'm basically a human Tamagotchi to her. If I have a problem, she yells at me for having a problem. If I'm stressed, she'll tell me to stop being stressed, literally forbid me from feeling bad.
I wish I had been different as a kid, I wish I threw tantrums, shat and pissed myself, the works. I was always too ashamed to even make a peep but with parents like mine I really should have. They didn't deserve a quiet kid who mostly played on her own and got good grades, they deserved a tard raging lunatic for even bringing me into this world. My mom especially.
Just wanted to get that out of my system.
No. 1420495
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I kinda feel grossed out by foundation these days, I haven't worn any for 3 years or something and I feel kinda mean looking at people wearing thick foundation, remembering how awful it felt for me at the end of a winter day. Especially seeing people as pallid colored as me, bitch we never can match that shit well, no winning. I got some serum type of foundation to even out my face for a party I went to but to be honest, it really made no actual difference, my skintype has changed a lot and so has my level of confidence and general lack of interest in how others see me. I had pretty bad acne as a teenager and after that and after getting the scars to fade, it looks rough yeah but fine, why the fuck should my skin have to look a certain way anyways? it's now healthy and I take care of it, I always use a mask anyways so no point in foundation. What a pointless vent, sorry I just had 2 coffees.
No. 1420519
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Met a man online, and sent him a way too flattering picture of myself. My best angle in perfect lighting on a good makeup/hair day. Now we're talking about meeting up and I realize that's not what I look like in real life. What should I do? Gradually send less and less flattering pictures and see if he leaves? I didn't mean to catfish him. And I don't want to act like a 13 year old, reveal my insecurities and be like "omg I'm ugly in real life!!"
Finally met a man who really likes me and I messed it all up because I wanted to make a good first impression with a nice pic. At least I've learned, next man I meet online I'll just send a pic of myself after an 8 hour shift.
No. 1420522
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I hate my stupid chav coworker's responses on our staff chat app. It's like she thinks everything's Facebook. She replies to simple information that's meant for the entire store like it's addressed to her personally. If someone posts asking if anyone can cover their shift she'll reply "no sorry, I can't, I'm working", like they were asking her in particular. If you can't do it, keep fucking quiet and stop shitting up the chat! My manager just posted our amended rotas for next week and her response was "thank you so much no worries hun". It's so minor but it's infuriating; everyone else knows you're just meant to read and not reply to this stuff - maybe react to the post if you're that desperate to interact with someone - but she constantly misses the point and can't read the room. It's bad enough we have to use this piece of shit app in the first place, and her incessant pointless replies only clog it up and make it run even slower.
No. 1420546
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i look like a tranny, i have since i was a child which was no secret to me by all the comments ive gotten throughout my life. it makes me want to rope. i hate looking like a faggot. im not even masculine at least im not truing to be, im just androgynous which i hate with my entire life. please dont say you wish that on yourself because you wouldn't if you got accused of being a gay male or actual tranny in disguise. my hair's even long but i look more like if a metalhead moid were to grow his hair out rather than a normal woman. been this way all my life. i don't even have any masculine interests i hate video games and anime and capeshit. tired of having this attribute imposed on me since i was born, i really dont want people thinking im male in any way or even doubt it. i was born female and want to be female, not once have i ever wanted to troon out. i want to be cute and feminine but it looks so ridiculous on me that its disturbing. as a child the only way i could express that is by dressing up my online avatars the way i wanted because i was too insecure to actually wear dresses and skirts my parents would buy me. even tshirts because i was hairy even in primary school which none of my classmates were save for one other girl but she had a hormonal problem. none of the boys got any body hair until like age 15 if they grew any at all. so i always dressed androgynously against my wishes so as to not make myself and others uncomfortable.
i guess the only moidish things about me is i have autism and i grew up on imageboards.
No. 1420576
>>1420546Same here. I was always slightly underweight since childhood so the face isn't "soft" and looks a bit manly, I hate feminine clothes too and love dark colors so I am wearing comfy clothes that are usually considered to be "male" fashion and since I am skinny I have no tits either. Maybe I wouldn't hate feminine shit as much if I was different no idea, but the way I look I would look terrible in it.
With that the curly dark hair that I cannot grow out I genuinely look like a tranny tbh and people often assumed I was a slightly feminine dude or nowadays trans. I even like muscles and build them up rather easily so I am tempted to train once I have more time but it would make the other issue worse.
I mean the positive side is that I was never harassed or anything, but certain types of women hate me for it and it sucks and I hate all the prejudices. Tbh I don't even hate my look (save for some small issues everybody has I guess), but I hate that I have to walk on eggshells when I am around certain types of people.
Doesn't help that female spaces are obsessed with tranny shit too, so even if I would post a photo here some would probably accuse me of being trans or a man or something as well.
No. 1420605
>>1420599Like in what kind of life situation does someone get “
accused of being a gay man”? It’s not uncommon for gnc woman to be called manly anyway, people go out of their way to neg obviously female persons. It sounds like she posts her face on scrote board and proceeds to internalize their insults because autism.
No. 1420680
>>1419474> I just don't conflate it with being with a man. Also, there's more simply far more women than men suited for a loving relationship.Well that's cool for you but I'm straight and would like a man, why is this so hard to understand for some of you? Also just because something has risk to it doesn't mean it's not worth trying for at all? I'm lucky enough to have a big family that could step in if my moid ends up being
abusive, until then I'm not going to worry about "what if's" and just try for something I want, what's so wrong with that that so many of you feel the need to shit on anyone trying for something you in particular don't want. It's so childish. Just because some relationships turn out to be
abusive doesn't mean all of them are, I'm prepared for that if it happens but again until then I'm going to try for what I want, like everyone does.
No. 1420687
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>>1420680No one cares your lack of self-preservation instincts. Have fun gambling your life and stop derailing the thread.
No. 1420740
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>bf "jokingly" reminds me he expects sex tonight bc we haven't fucked in weeks
>he's gained a lot of weight, binges Pokemon/video games in general, doesn't plan and take me out on any nice dates recently, always cries broke, and certainly doesn't put me in the mood for sex
>his idea of foreplay was talking at me and showing off his childish plastic geek merch which I have already seen and don't care about
Of course I did not fuck him.
He is useless except as a petsitter and free place to stay. Embarrassing.
Working on an exit plan and already hating fun with another guy tomorrow who has been treating me to luxurious things.