File: 1662061820002.jpg (495.46 KB, 1000x800, Seragaki.Aoba.full.1816280.jpg)

No. 1323436
Thread pic is the same anime faggot as anons requested
>>>/ot/1316468 No. 1323455
>>1323448Well there is a reason why he ends up as a sex slave in more than one ending.
Also why does it have to be so fucking hard to find translated dark yaoi games to download? I don't wanna pay for this shit.
No. 1323466
File: 1662063068398.jpg (149.65 KB, 1242x1222, 25fa6758ff09cb2b48c1b3cf55189d…)

I'll take komaeda over Aoba because all I can think about is his little bitch face when hes getting fucked from the anon who posted all the images.
No. 1323488
File: 1662064903132.jpeg (368.39 KB, 1280x718, 93CE040A-BFF6-4F0C-8D0D-0EFE53…)

Damn I was too late, I wanted to use this as an op pic kek
No. 1323528
>>1323494You might have anterior pelvic tilt
nonnie, when was the last time you worked out your core muscles?
No. 1323553
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>>1323436would unironically do Aoba
No. 1323689
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>>1323657I don’t even want kids at all, not even a little bit and it’s getting to me too. I don’t want to be lonely. Also every year past 30 I get more bitter and depressed and angry and hopeless. Not about moids—never had much hope there—just about how much being alive in general is a curse.
Also I hate anime/manga/weebshit. Kinda wish I could still enjoy it actually though, but after I turned 17 my brain flipped a switch and I despised it?
No. 1323705
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Recently I noticed that I'm a fan of being a fan, I often don't even care that much about the things I'm a fan of, I just love the connection, the part where I meet new people learn new inside jokes. I just love fixating itself, not the things I fixate on
No. 1323753
File: 1662091249331.png (68.27 KB, 500x380, 1485330877241.png)

the guy I'm in a fake greencard marriage with was telling me about a girl he had sex with. we've known each other for like 3 years and he never talked about girls before. idk why because our "relationship" is totally platonic, but I feel kind of heartbroken and jealous?? I don't even have feelings for him either. I'm surprised he even got so into detail.
No. 1323778
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The only thing that's keeping me alive is my husbandos, they're the only therapy I can afford, I don't want to inconvenience anyone, I wish I was unhinged like the average person so I could just do whatever I want, I could wake up one day and just say fuck it, then I could grab someone's money and take a taxi to go to a psychologist or something.
I'm just so tired, I can't do anything without wishing I was dead or thinking that I want to kill myself, I workout, I have a healthy diet and I will graduate soon from uni, but I still spend the day wishing I was dead or that I could kill myself.
Everything makes me want to die, whatever I do, whatever I say, I just want to die, I've been like this for years already, I don't know what's making me think like this, I could be having a great time and I would still think of killing myself.
No. 1323781
File: 1662094559654.jpeg (2.61 MB, 1359x1997, A37D7B63-1797-4EA6-A305-86696D…)

>>1323778Based. Keep waking up every day for cute anime boys
No. 1323827
File: 1662099701461.jpg (52.99 KB, 496x372, 90sPopUpAds.jpg)

God damn, are we really back to popup hell?
"SIGN UP FOR $5 OFF of orders over $50 but we won't tell you that until you sign up for our spam emails/texts"
It wasn't so long ago that adblock eliminated every single popup. I've tried installing browser extensions on my PC that eliminate all that shit but have yet to find one that actually works; I've given up trying to find something that works on mobile.
Unrelated but I hate when I'm typing a post on mobile and open another tab or two to look up something related to my post and come back to finish my post and it's fucking deleted reeee
No. 1323868
>>1323647I hope you managed to sleep, I hate spiders too (though I never threw up from it).
>>1323686I bet that's not true. You're probably just overthinking.
No. 1323884
Jfc I am fucking raging!
Its 4am and I cant fucking sleep and this just put me threw the fucking roof. Ok, no more swearing.
My favorite video game gets a sequel. I, like any normal person, become completely obsessed with it. I fall in love with a pairing and end up finding a neat Discord that also loves the pairing. Great, funny people. Talk about the game as a whole. Reading wonderful fan fics. Having really interesting and in-depth conversations about characters and themes. Great. Perfect for someone that struggles talking to people.
Small problem. It is, of course, just a pretty SJW place. Never had much of a problem. Never had anyone yell at me for not including trans people every time I say male/female. You know the bullshit. It is like entirely bio women too. Couple of themies. Just have to look out for pronouns which are easy to find.
Now for why I am fucking losing it. They would tear someone apart for saying anything anti lgbt/trans or racist. But the great part is that they are like super cool with, idk, FUCKING RAPE FICTION. Some dumb piece of shit was bitching about someone elsewhere on the internet being upset that rape, grooming, and incest being on a smutty fic prompt calender. So I speak up and say, hey um that actually is super fucked up to be writing about people being raped. And, oh boy, did I get a talking to. Apparently, I am the monster here. I need to just not look at it. Its like free speech, you know. I need to be more accepting of everyone. Um, acktusally, rape victims use it for coping and healing, so kill yourself. I did give them an inch and said its a bit fucked to be into rape fantasies with consensual parties but I didnt care about that. No, no they were saying it is completely fine and healthy to be literally writing fan fiction about violent rape.
So that's neat.
No. 1323951
I don't even like DMMD but I can't help but laugh at OP putting Aoba as the thread pic despite everyone having a meltdown at it in the previous thread kek, hilariously petty
>>1323931As a Genshinfag I saw this happening years before it hit the Genshin fandom, it's just what goes down with every popular franchise now. Most of them don't even play the game/watch the anime and instead of just see a character they like and force their headcanon on it. With Genshin it's extra insufferable because the female characters are obvious coombait yet troons and the 15-year old wuhluhwuhs who will grow up into heterosexuals thinking that being gay is a phase just like they had are seriously claiming it's great lesbian rep and people thinking otherwise are misogynists.
No. 1323953
File: 1662118605660.jpeg (320.88 KB, 828x557, 9E799FB2-FED1-4930-A0D6-537CC1…)

>walked out of my job midshift after warning my boss Id quit if shit was not handled
>text owner of the business “if you want me to come back in, I am getting a raise.”
>no reply, but calls my friend to get them to tell me to come in for a meeting to discuss it.
My reply because I dont play mind games and dont deal indirectly;
No. 1324004
File: 1662124029300.jpg (37.09 KB, 500x493, 43ef51c49439f467d0cb739fb5bf02…)

Are people so socially retarded these days that they can't seem to notice when someone doesn't want to be bothered? I've been really stressed and visibly angry lately yet people seem to be eager to chat with me/ask me out/ask me for things when all I want is to be left the fuck alone. I swear people never do that shit when I'm trying to socialize but oh noowwww everyone suddenly remembers that I exist.
No. 1324026
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I sometimes wish it was easier for me to have friends, its always the same for me: I make a friend, we talk for a couple days and then they forget about me, I always thought that it was because I was just boring, but idk i just reread the conversation trying to find what i said that maybe was weird/boring but I just never find it.
Maybe im just totally autistic and lack self awareness /shrug but im so tired of being by myself and i wish i had someone to talk to
No. 1324042
File: 1662127460329.jpeg (30.24 KB, 858x725, hateporn.jpeg)

My boyfriend think it's okay to watch porn because he only watches solo female masturbation. Am I insane or is that even worst than regular people having sex ? He's focusing his whole attention on a random hot girl while she's pleasuring herself I fucking hate it.
He knows I hate porn.
No. 1324051
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>>1324042you know what to do anon…
No. 1324056
>>1324055dump him
nonnie hes not worth it
No. 1324059
>>1324017Oh yeah, it’s weird how some people have all these official certificates and power over you, supposed to care for you when they haven’t gone through what you have. And male therapists are definitely not the best. Females can suck too, but the ones who understand and help the most are usually female, specifically older females. And yeah, I hate how they can access your medical records and whole life story. They can gaslight you, talk over you, put words in your mouth, and dismiss your words, as if you’re infantile. Honestly some therapists just suck ass, sorry nonna
No. 1324154
File: 1662133109373.jpeg (106.82 KB, 851x677, E9644B7E-9BE3-44D0-BB2D-D59AD0…)

I’ve been speaking with a guy, super hot, touches grass, really thought I was punching above my weight here. Supposed to go on a date next week. Accidentally let it slip I’m a bit of a TERF, he says he doesn’t care what people do with themselves but then sends me long paragraph after paragraph telling me I’m wrong for thinking transwomen shouldn’t partake in women’s sport and how letting transwomen in female prisons is “so rare” I shouldn’t be worried about it.
This isn’t the issue.
I check out of interest who he is following on instagram to see if I’m his type, realise they are all tanned bleach blonde women with bolt ons, not like me at all… decides to google one of the women, it’s a chick with a dick. Notices a good portion of the women he follows are trannies. M’guy is a tranny chaser? Idk what to think, its funny but I feel grossed out.
No. 1324174
>>1324136I hate BTS fans because they are incredibly stupid women who are being taken advantage by companies whose only goal is to capitalize on their loneliness. You might think it's not that deep but I swear it is. Remember how in 2018 BTS did that survey to gauge what fans wanted to hear. Of course this survey found that BTS fans are losers who hate themselves, and then BTS put out a whole Love Yourself series right after, because they know they can get their insecure fanbase to buy into it. I hate how Kpop companies purposefully create obsessive fans. Like the type and amount of content they produce is there to make parasocial fans. Also the dating bans?? There is no other purpose for those other than to farm obsessive fans. And then the companies act shocked when their fans are obsessive losers lmao.
And I hate the women that fall for it. Have some more self respect. BTS does not know you they do not care about you. They only care about your money. That's all you are to them. They are profiting off lonely women. And their songs suck so bad. I cannot believe people actually argued that Dynamite deserved a Grammy. Please have some self respect I'm begging. BTS are literally a scam and it infuriates me to see so many women falling for it.
No. 1324203
>>1324174is that really you're reasoning for saying they're ugly and that you hope they all die? people fall
victim to predatory marketing that preys on their loneliness and psychological issues all of the time. why does this group of women who are just insecure deserve so much hate that you want them to all choke to death? bizarre
No. 1324204
>>1324177I'm sorry things are so difficult for you nona. It sounds like you're trying to get help with therapy and meds and even trying a new haircut, plus you have a job too! so I'm really proud of you for trying to keep it together and do right by yourself even though it's not easy. Maybe you won't be able to have the exact haircut you want, but if you're unsatisfied with the way it is now then you can definitely get it cut again.
Whoever your kin is, I'm sure you're the coolest/best/most canon one kek I hope that you have a good day and that things look up for you soon. Don't give up!
No. 1324232
File: 1662136794053.png (185.07 KB, 640x494, B8C17EC4-40D7-4EEC-90ED-D4FC18…)

>>1324204Anon this made my whole week
especially the kinnie part kek. Thank you so much, you are a kind sweet
nonny and I wish you big happiness
No. 1324262
File: 1662139542125.jpg (59.29 KB, 594x243, 1662139271516.jpg)

I've been comparing myself for years to pixielocks because I would like to see her as an example of what not to follow but this post in particular just hurt me the most right now. This is exactly what is happening to me. I can't hold a fucking job because I am afraid of going outside. I want to die, honestly.
No. 1324329
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>>1324272>>1324226>>1324105jannies becoming more based… ty jannies.
No. 1324331
File: 1662141996693.jpeg (Spoiler Image,494.43 KB, 1546x1229, 13FB9561-FB6F-4AE9-9F29-321333…)

Ok don’t get grossed out at me for posting this but i bit through both sides of my tongue yesterday while I was having a seizure and this shit hurts so bad
No. 1324338
>>1324331I thought you were a moid who was gore or porn posting but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the fuck I was looking at.
Damn, I'm sorry though. Hope your tongue heals soon nona.
No. 1324342
Sorry for not spoilering
>>1324331>>1324338 Thank you!! My mom said tongues heal pretty well on their own so I’m hoping that’s true kek
No. 1324349
>>1324346Thankfully I was in bed with my mom when it started! She just held me on my side but when she saw all the blood dripping out of my face she thought it was coming from my nose and that I was having an aneurysm, can’t imagine how scary that was for her.
I’ve been having seizures periodically for the last few years, but I’m hoping they die down soon kek. Thank you for the well wishes nonita!
No. 1324432
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>>1321534I took your advice and I said this to my manager and I tried to sound as dyplomatic as I could and she said you should never bring others when talking about yourself and compare yourself to others because that makes you sound stupid. I want to die. She also said she liked our first conversation better kek. I broke and I bringed something else she told me during our first talk (she basically said she's afraid that if she gives me a legit employment contract - now I'm working through an agency - and some more responsibility, I will break because I'm shy and anxious and she will have to find and excuse to fire me and she wouldn't want that). So I said I never ever took days off except when I had a terrible stomach flu and a high fever and I was always at work despite feeling terribly depressed and what she said is quite baseless and making up a hypothetical situation like that was quite offensive to me, and that if I ever had some kind of a mental breakdown that would prevent me from coming to work - which never happened before - I would just fire myself and go back to my home country and she wouldn't have to even think what to do with me. And she responded with saying that she can't rely on my promises and she can only think what's best for the company. So yeah that's it. She still said that I should give myself more time and "open up" more and I have a chance in the future. Fuck even my coworkers assume I'm getting a contract, one of them asked me today which team leader I will be assigned to when I get the contract, and I just lied I don't know yet. My manager told me she would prefer if I would not talk to anyone in our team about our conversation and the actual reasons why I'm not getting a contract. If any of my coworkers asked me about it, she said I can just say it was
my own decision not to take it yet. Fuck I'm so sad I feel like a total fool
No. 1324615
>>1324067i know this is a few hours old but
nonnie it's never too late.
i've had ARFID from a very young age, and failed treatment for over 20 years (in part bc my parents were negligent but irrelevant) until i started getting very ill. i had to commute to college. i never thought i would be able to leave home, but living alone in a new comfortable environment gave me the nerve to try to get better.
i'm nowhere near completely cured but i've made so much progress in a year, and you will too someday because i believe in you. the first steps are the hardest, i recommend trying to make the environment around you as comfortable as possible and try to avoid putting pressure on yourself.
side note, even if you like the taste of something you try, you may feel sick afterwards, because the new food is a shock to your microbiome. this goes away for me after trying something 5-7 times give or take.
No. 1324666
>>1324432>should never bring others when talking about yourself and compare yourself to others because that makes you sound stupidLol I hope you realize this is complete bullshit. It's just an excuse because you have a
valid point and she has no way to refute it. I had a manager who was like this. Whenever you would point out some stupid decision he made, he would try to flip it over and make it seem like you're the one being stupid. Needless to say, nobody liked him very much.
She also wants you to keep quiet because she doesn't want others to find out she's fucking you over. If your coworkers found out, they wouldn't agree and this could cause problems for HER for being biased and unfair.
Anyway you have the power now. You can choose to expose her and make her look bad, maybe lose your job I guess, or shut up and keep your job. If you're gonna expose her remember to secretly record her.
No. 1324730
File: 1662160222995.png (1.75 MB, 2284x1298, fixthisshitrightnow.png)

can someone tell me why my shits all backwards?
No. 1324817
>>1324628>>1324387Komachan, you're not ugly, you're just going through a rough patch. I know taking care of ourselves is fucking difficult when we're depressed, but when you feel motivated again, please try taking care of yourself. You will be the most beautiful and
valid komaeda out there, I promise.
No. 1324833
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I just found out that one of my posts got deleted, I'm so mad.
No. 1324865
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shameful that all you girls disappear the minute it hits Friday night!!! board is so DEAD on the weekends despite you guys claiming to be such shut-ins. it's time you girls get on the actual level of those of us who don't utilize the weekend. it's pitiful. stop having lives and start shitposting goddamnit
No. 1324872
>>1324842Why do you need to make so much until November?
>>1324862I traveled with someone obese before as thier interpreter and was the worst experience of my life. They left the hotel in a disgusting manner and it was so awful. They left massive shitstains on the toilet and rags were left black.
>>1324865I'm here just watching tarot videos to fuel my delusions of my love returning to me.
No. 1324917
File: 1662177635117.jpeg (156.45 KB, 1080x1080, 2828202.jpeg)

man my life is shit and i'm a miserable fuck who just makes things worse for myself
>extremely maladaptive daydreamer
>current maladaptive daydream is based on an ongoing toon and if it ends (i know it won't for as long it remains a cash cow) i might actually kms
>the only people i have to talk to semi-regularly are a fujo, a depressed mtf neet, and a guy who used to pursue me as a gf
(i love them for their kindness and i think they're better than i ever could be but maybe my attachment is because i know they won't ever leave me)
>isolated at work because i'm a borderline schizo and i'm sure everyone thinks i'm annoying
>isolated from my family because i mistake their compassion for contemptuous pity
>broke off from my former IRL bestie of 10+ years because she's a bitch who romanticizes melancholic solitude and i don't like seeing myself in others
>too retarded and too ugly to get anywhere in life
the only reason why i don't end it all is because i know it'll hurt my family bad. i want to think things will get better, but i keep regressing.
No. 1324927
>>1324886 Mine is the regular Waite deck but im looking for oracles and etc to give free readings in the tarot threads.
>>1324903What type of hobbies did you both have? I'm not an 'ex' yet since my relationship is in limbo but I'm bracing any day for that text.
No. 1324933
>>1324726I don’t know if you’re still here nona but my first thought is panic attack or some kind of inner ear problem. Hopefully things have calmed down a bit for you since you posted, but try stopping and focusing hard on one thing (look at a vase, note colour, texture, imagine touching it, etc.), try “box breathing” (inhale 4 secs, hold 4 secs, exhale 4 secs, hold 4 secs, repeat).
Are you eating enough? If you’re restricting, please reevaluate your intake. You might be low on some vits and mins.
Does it get worse the more you move your head? Please rest and contact a doctor if you can, and consider calling a friend or family member to help you for a little while in case it gets worse.
Hope you’re okay anon. You’re doing well you’re not crazy, just slow down and try to look after yourself.
No. 1324981
>>1324931Nah, must be fake, I read for people and it's all good and fun (artist /g/ anon I will do yours soon I swear)
>>1324977I only get tarot readings from people who know what they're doing tbh. I hate people pleasers
No. 1324982
File: 1662180707998.png (368.69 KB, 594x596, C5795292-2706-4DBC-BC01-93B3F5…)

I cannot do this anymore nonnas i need to scissor someone’s daughter right now or i’ll go insane
No. 1325040
File: 1662182047203.jpg (222.92 KB, 1460x2048, SHII595^^ on Twitter.jpg)

how tolerant of this type of art are you
No. 1325071
File: 1662182698411.gif (6.42 MB, 774x691, ffffffff.gif)

>>1324865i made plenty of posts in the shitpost thread but it's during the daytime i'm too tired at night. just scroll up and reply to them
No. 1325074
What are your 10/10 subjects?
>>1325071kek nonna
No. 1325117
File: 1662184266361.gif (328.11 KB, 100x100, 1656374130908.gif)

>>1325071i don't mean literal shitposts in the shitpost thread. i need consistent anon sourced content of any kind on a regular basis friday through sunday. it's cruel to leave these sacred grounds barren and cold for so long, making it subject to dickposting deeply closeted homos and the tranny warthogs in polyester dresses just because you all have nonsensical things like "lives" and "obligations"
No. 1325120
>>1325117Agreed. I just want my cheap lolcow
nonny fun
No. 1325145
File: 1662186193248.jpg (24.79 KB, 680x405, 20220829_210202.jpg)

I hate that my boyfriend is gaslighting me into letting him be friends with a female coworker because he would never cheat and just really wants to experience having friends because of his sob story of how he had 0 friends through high school. And I should stop being "insecure" and "overly jealous" since he allows me to check his phone also. I'm actually so fucking retarded. God please help me.
No. 1325150
>>1325145He sounds like a huge faggot
nonnie empower yourself to leave him now instead of later, don't let him shit up your life any further
No. 1325170
>>1325146Sorry for asking to be spoonfed I wouldn't normally do this but what are you talking about? I know admin is allegedly working on some site changes, is it finally happening?
t. praying for a paywall
No. 1325171
File: 1662188296419.jpg (91.77 KB, 547x420, 1605838192072.jpg)

I didn't realize I had my camera on slow-mo instead of photo and just gave myself the most body dysmorphia inducing look at myself I've had in a long time jfc. The rational part of my mind knows about posing, focal lengths, and all that stuff but that is not helping the fact that what I just saw was clearly a monster
No. 1325209
File: 1662190731629.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.26 KB, 1196x630, fw9lZ1zbHMw45v9jyklBASAvo0Z9on…)

Zelda from Pet Sematary lookin' ass
No. 1325294
File: 1662197204343.jpg (17.77 KB, 240x300, bfc9295c303c635dd639ab68da6e62…)

I'm so happy to have finished a project of mine that I've been working on for 7 months now but I'm so afraid of showing to people and doing the work to send it to festivals and stuff aaaaahh
No. 1325307
>>1325299I don't think I agree. Sure the right style and colours can make you look the best you can for your age but an obvious adult in teen clothes is still going to look like an adult in teen clothes. Anon's probably just very young looking in the face, like a small round face with babyfat.
>>1325285Maybe look into a haircut that ages up your face.
No. 1325372
File: 1662207133759.jpeg (15.6 KB, 541x566, images.jpeg)

Goddamnit I hate waking up during the night. This is like the third-ish(?) time this week what the fuck.
No. 1325508
>>1324821Anon don't be afraid to get aggressive in these situations, I know just the kind of guy you're talking about, kind of person who wants attention through annoying people and gets some weird power kick from it. I'd personally physically stop him and firmly tell him "Just ask me to move next time" or "don't touch me again" at the risk of seeming like a feminazi or a stuck up girl, if I get a nasty reply I just reiterate what I said in a calm but firm way, don't allow them to disrespect you, grey-rock and act mature and they'll have nothing to say.
Show your anger but stay calm, it generally works with these types and if not at the very least you'll feel better than if you did nothing.
Much love though
No. 1325660
>>1325646You may not feel the need to date, but instead the need to be part of a family. That's why it sucks when all your friends and family are making new families.
You have to make your own. If that's with a boyfriend or girlfriend, fine. If not, that's also fine, your new family could be you and some close friends, or you and some non-human family members.
No. 1325662
>>1325646If it's any comfort, I'm 33, I already have a failed marriage behind me. I've lost all desire to ever go down that route again and I kinda feel like a shat out failure in 'the eyes of society' because a divorce is so much bigger than just a break up. It so common but still feels like theres a lil bit of stigma there.
Sometimes the people who look like they're ahead in life end up crashing into issues anyway. Anyone getting married right now stands a higher chance of divorcing than of lasting forever. That's the gamble.
No. 1325669
File: 1662223059361.jpeg (137.54 KB, 900x1200, 3402DD5C-04F5-4EAB-B3CD-4BE518…)

a female """friend""" of my fwb is coming to our city and its obvious that is already over for me. you can't trust moids. but i don't want to be outplayed like this, i feel the urge to find another person as soon as possible, while at the same time im starting to miss the feeling of being loved, and i know im unlovable. anyways, fuck moids
No. 1325672
>>1325660You're right anon. It's the feeling of being a less important person in my siblings and friends' life that gets me down. I guess I have to start looking for new friends that are single like me or get a pet.
>>1325662Oh dang. Sorry to hear that Anon. Yea, I guess marriage is a huge gamble in life. It works or it doesn't. Even if you think you know your partner 110%, shit can happen and everything falls apart. Yes, my culture also has a huge stigma with regard to divorce. They always blame women for it most of the time, which I hate. Thanks for sharing your perspective though Anon and I wish you all the happiness in life.
No. 1325702
>>1325694I just turned 30 but for some reason it feels awful and wrong.
I just don’t like it.
I think I’ve been called lady the most now, idk if people refer to me as “girl” anymore
No. 1325705
>>1325704Call the cops
now, he shouldnt be following you, thats a huge red flag, men who are rejected and civil will not follow you as its awkward.
No. 1325715
>>1325712Autistic men would not follow after, they would be super awkward about
not following, that is how a predator who can't take no for an answer acts
No. 1325750
>>1325740I’m not a single mother, just usually on the go with her all over on the trains here. It’s totally fine if you wave at kids especially as a woman. Idgaf I am skeptical of men especially since they won’t leave us alone and I live in a ‘safer’ country. I usually don’t have a problem with others if my daughter is smiling at people or whatever and they interact, but she usually keeps to herself so idk why men target us constantly.
>>1325736Me either because I’m scared they’ll harm us. It’s hard to raise a daughter because of this at times.
No. 1325822
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Don't cha love it when bfs pick fights because you HAVE to be wrong after you call them out for something?
>woke up early am, went to laptop to window shop and browse around minding my own business
>bf waddles out of bedroom and comes to kiss me with his stinky morning breath
>know if I reject him he will act butthurt
>give him a quick peck and then put attention back on what I was doing
>"What kinda kiss was that? I want a better one!"
>oblidge but I am visibly annoyed, my ex did that shit and it's not cute
>he asks me what's wrong so I tell him
>"…I was only trying to playfully get another kiss from you…"
>k so just say that instead of insulting how I kiss to pest for more? but you still need to go brush your teeth.
>he's mad and mopey
>he takes a shower and comes out of the bathroom bringing up a bunch of legal shit about my ex that I was not in the mood to talk about
>don't even know why he's bringing it up
>clearly I'm not engaging with his wisdom in the way he wants so he gets a victim complex again
>"I'm only trying to give you advice…"
>I ignore bc seriously it's 5am dude and no one asked
>notices I am shopping for a skater dress on laptop and makes dumb comments
>show him what I'm looking at since he's hovering near me anyway
>"You already have a dress like that!"
>no I don't though?
>he proceeds to go into the closet and pulls a top and a full sleeve a line dress that he considers "the same"
>tell him they're not the same but that's ok bc guys are retarded about fashion (playfully, of course!)
>he isn't backing off which makes me irritated so I just start brushing him off bc he is being a faggot
>he turns this entire thing into a fucking argument bc he feels I belittled him and how dare I not consider his intentions except when I need to mindread when I should take things at face value and btw HIS TRAUMA THO!!!
>"So is this how things end? Is this the way it's gonna go?"
What the fuck! I literally did NOTHING and this fool found a way to spin me into some uncaring hag.
No. 1325851
>>1325751nah this legit happens to me and my daughter lmfao? go be a handmaiden somewhere else
>>1325832yeah they definitely just want to talk to me or her which is fucking creepy
No. 1325855
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My narcissistic grandmother is tainting the food she gives my mother and I. There's really no way it can't be, even my mother's boyfriend said once before that the stew veggies tasted bad. To me they tasted like they were stewed with dirty dishwater. It tastes how a dishcloth smells that's been left sitting wet without rinsing food out of it. We never said anything and just ate the meat but it happened again. She sent us a peach crisp saying passive aggressively that we "make sure we eat it" but after the first bite hit my tongue my mind was screaming NO NO Don't eat it! It tasted even stronger like dirty dishwater this time. I can't think of what we've done to deserve this but she doesn't really like us and has made it very very obvious that she dislikes me by acting put off by anything positive I say, reveling in bad luck, and pointing out negatives in situations and if there are none that are obvious you can tell she's taking a second to think of some. Legit feel like picrel what do I do nonnies? My mother is in denial and actually shares a lot of her traits so maybe she's in on it. Not sure yet but I'm not paranoid, probably just triangulated
No. 1325863
>>1325822He’s demeaning you and being a manipulative
toxic moid. That last question is intended to make you feel bad and make the expectation you need to fix his man tantrum. Leave
No. 1325892
>>1325812I'm so sorry anon. I felt scared reading your post because I'm on a so called 'break' from our relationship but I got the feeling she's with her bisexual friend who she recently met.
I understand how it feels like being stuck on someone who has moved on. It feels awful. I'm sorry.
No. 1325904
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>>1325892I'm sorry you're going through this as well anon. I hope things get better soon for the both of us.
No. 1325907
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Roomate had their pc set up in the spare bedroom but because the wifi signal was shit it’s all in the living room now
>”I…I…I increased the wifi and I’ll probably get a wifi router for the room!”
But I still have to live with a full on desktop pc on the coffee table blocking the TV for a week. It’s been one day and I’m over it. It’s a shared space girl go be autistic somewhere else. And she has the audacity to give me an attitude because the shit is in the way. Also she tried using my back brace and got stuck in it so I got woken up to help her take it off. I fucking hate hardcore gamers so much. I’m increasing her rent next month.
No. 1325949
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I hate the intrusive thoughts in my head. I hate how I uncontrollably cry in the wee hours of the morning. I hate waking up in a panic thinking my dream was real. I hate being depressed with suicide ideation. I hate that my parents try to live vicariously through me. I hate that my mother doesn't respect my boundaries and instead tells me that I hate touch or I don't have a "sense of humor". I hate that I get told I'm a bitch by my mother for not blindly simping for a guy she pretends is a great person/dad. I hate that if I'm not "smiley and watching my 'tone'" my parents think I'm being "cold". It's frustrating as hell and I'm tired of fighting the insanity. I'd rather just go insane because I already feel insane.
No. 1326000
nonnie, you have been brainwashed into thinking your reaction to women being exploited and objectified is unnatural. Do not worry Nonna, your feelings are correct and what you are feeling is betrayal over the idea that someone you trust would pay to get a hard on. Men are losers
nonnie. Use this energy to reconsider your morals and values before you were together and how you would stand for this if you weren't. Do not hesitate.
No. 1326070
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Soo many men think they’re Don Draper when they’re not. Not even close. Lightyears away.
No. 1326074
>>1325973>>1326000>you have been brainwashed into thinking your reaction to women being exploited and objectified is unnatural.This.
A man going to strippers or watching porn in a relationship is cheating and I will die on that hill.
No. 1326102
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being a closeted atheist in a family of devoted muslims fucking sucks, i am sick and tired of pretending i believe in this bullshit religion, if i have to sit thru another preaching session i will kill myself
No. 1326107
>>1325973I have a tinfoil that men intentionally sabotage other men's relationships out of jealousy, scrotefriend may have been lying about it. You are right to be upset, the idea of celebrating an upcoming marriage by leering at, touching or fucking strange women is absolutely retarded caveman thinking. Like starting a 'diet' with chocolate cake, the behavior itself suggests something which is doomed to fail. Hence my first line: male friend sabotage.
You can ask him or see photos or whatever afterwards and decide if you want to go ahead because crying and feeling you were/actually being cheated on, is not a good start to a marriage.
No. 1326115
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relationships seem like such a waste tbh. I'm not even a femcel, I consider myself good looking and could get a bf/husband if I wanted, but .. why would I?
I can't imagine sharing a bed with someone, spending all your time with them, getting emotionally attached to the point where you are suicidal if they cheat on you (which many men would do if they think they can get away with it)
If I was religious I'd become a nun so I could live with other women and just pray/meditate/garden/volunteer/etc. I think I'll buy land to homestead in alaska (it's almost all pure nature) and build a nice cottage and travel and then become a hermit there in old age with books maybe. I tried to explain this on reddit to men and they're like "hurhur you're just gonna be a lonely cat lady". why is it that when men voluntarily turn to a life of celibacy, they're considered noble, but when women do it, we're the butt of jokes? and then the common trope is "yeah but if you're childless, how will you be remembered?" do these motherfuckers think their great grandchildren will give a fuck about them?
No. 1326118
>>1326115Because they try to frighten, shame and manipulate women into being their lifepartners. That's literally it, they HATE women deliberately rejecting partnering with men and staying single because they realized that's the better option. Seriously, it's a 100% about shaming women into not choosing the single life.
>I think I'll buy land to homestead in alaska (it's almost all pure nature) and build a nice cottage and travel and then become a hermit there in old age with books maybe.Sounds great, good luck if you go through with it.
No. 1326126
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i wish my dad would stop drinking and smoking. it's bad for his health and he fucking reeks. i want to clean the kitchen a bit or even start cooking more but he's always in the damn living room and is so unpleasant to be around.
No. 1326132
>>1326118thank you, I am waging hard rn to afford all this, but I would love to come back and have this same convo with the same scrotes a few years down the line when I'm totally self sufficient, since they're always the ones larping as the home builders and whatnot despite living in cookie cutter suburban sprawl.
>>1326124this made me realize how much better it is to be single lol, I haven't had a depressive episode in years since I don't trouble myself with men anymore.
No. 1326139
I have severe (literally) combined ADHD. I found out at the age of 24 and I've always had horrible grades at school (barely graduated), poor job performance due to lack of concentration, people calling me stupid for being slower, arc.
I could technically apply for disability, but I haven't done because it's incredibly hard for anyone. I know people with severe mental illness or physical disabilities who barely managed to get it.
There are very little resources for it in my country and I haven't started meds yet because the legal process is super long. I waited a year for my 1st doctor visit, not all meds are legal, I'll have to go to group therapy or I will forever be banned from taking them. (Never had any drug issues and I don't even drink, it's just required by law for anyone).
I find it incredibly frustrating and I feel pessimistic because I feel like I will never get better. I'm scared that I will never be able to hold down a job and become fully independent due to my disability. My mental health has gotten worse since I received my diagnosis, because there's almost no help for ADHD adults. IDK what to do and finding a new jobs is scary to me because I've gotten body shamed, yelled at, insulted, etc in my other jobs. I've worked for free and only once had a salary but it was very low. Being an adult is super hard.
No. 1326140
>>1326102nonna, how does your religious household work? i heard rumors about arranged marriages and hatred towards people from different nationalities or races. just curious about how different it is from reality.
>>1326115i feel horrible that the media brainwashed people into believing that their only life goal is to find 'the one' and stick to him, whether the relationship is
abusive or not. i met a lot of people who think that they cannot live without dating someone, it's tragic.
No. 1326148
>>1326145Yes you will be loved
Yes you will be loved
Yes you will be loved
Yes you will be loved
Yes you will be loved
No. 1326153
>>1326145Not true. I don't know you, but everyone can be loved and deserves to be loved, platonically or romantically. Fuck the people who told you otherwise, there's a 99% chance they're
abusive cunts who have told that to other people.
No. 1326194
>>1326180Me and other anons are on the same boat Iavoidance? She won't even tell me she loves me anymore. I feel like an idiot. 7 years…
>>1326188What if they are avoidant?
No. 1326196
>>1326189>black church >catholicdamn they exist?
but yeah black/southern churches are always tacky to me, especially when they jump around and hump their air for jesus' sake. people make fun of boring white churches, but church should be quiet and thoughful.
No. 1326209
>>1326189>>1326196I've never heard of a catholic church being this way in my life and I have been to catholic churches in Africa, they were just as boring as any white church.
>but church should be quiet and thoughtfulI agree, i know a lot of people i went to school with (a catholic school) who converted from evangelist to catholic because of this very reason.
No. 1326215
>>1326196>>1326209It's just two different ways of showing devotion to me. Growing up and going to one, it kinda seemed like they were celebrating him and there'd still be quiet moments and all that.
Even as a kid though, church was always boring and I mostly looked forward to all the grannies and aunties making food afterwards lol
No. 1326230
>>1326196Yes it is a douchey white people catholic church with big plaque on the front stating what year the pope came to visit them blah blah. And yes the music is your typical screechy PRAISE DAH LORD gospel music, I don't know, maybe they are trying to be "diverse" or some shit. This is in NYC.
>>1326209I have no stake on how they conduct their services and whatever because I will never go there or any other church. I want them to stop literally raping my ears every hour with their shitty music and noice pollution, it's literally impossible not to hear it even with all my windows closed. If it was at least old church bells I would be probably cool with it, but it's literally some cellphone ringtone shit blasted out of huge loudspeakers.There have been several high profile old/historical churchs/synagouges catching fire in the last 10 years, why the fuck can't it happen here, or why can't the any of the luxury high rises sue them into oblivion for attracting crackheads into the same park area their precious babbees come at night to smoke weed and listen to shitty rap music (also under my window)
No. 1326242
>>1326235there have literally been scientific studies done on people meditation or being deep in prayer, it basically slows your brain waves down and you are in total euphoria, and thus the feeling of being closer to god.
if you wanna jump around and twerk because the holy spirit is making you feel some type of way, like go for it, but don't drag christianity into it.
No. 1326260
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I've been doing good with my diet, but then these past few days I've been completely fucking up. And it's Fall now as well, which means my eating habits are going to get worse.
I honestly think I may be eating too little which may be leading me to overconsume.
No. 1326285
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God help me I've been so horny for the past two weeks and I'm yearning to touch someone and be touched but I don't want to have sex with a moid (masturbation doesn't feel the same, I want skin on skin contact, kissing and things like that). I've been staring at my coworker's arms for the past couple of days even though it's the only part of his body that I find even remotely attractive. Can't wait for when this is finally over omg.
No. 1326308
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i just wanna emulate ps1 games but my fucking controller keeps disconnecting and (somehow) disconnecting EVERYTHING ELSE that I have plugged into my laptop I fucking hate the DualShock 4 so much please I just wanna play shitty minigame compilations
No. 1326312
>>1325533I agree with you nona
>>The only thing super about it is how super disappointing it is.This made me laugh though
I don't know what you're trying to fix, but that glue where you mix two tubes together is the only glue I've ever used which actually works. It's fiddly, but worth it.
No. 1326330
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I've been feeling mania creeping up on me the last few days and I am kinda scared because it's been almost a year since my last episode and I have no meds and no doctor because they always say I am doing so well, I am managing so well, such an ideal case wow!! I don't get frisky, or crazy but for me even spending a bit of money is reckless and I only bought stuff I needed today, but also ordered 2 makeup products, nothing too expensive, 30e total but I hate this. I try to keep all lights and noises down but it feels like an itch almost, I feel hot and I wanna talk to anyone who listen but even with me keeping it down, I can see people notice I am talking way too fast and usually I can filter the dumb shit like obscure history facts and seeing connections with dumb shit like a bad wikihole, now I can't filter to my liking. I wish any fucking doctor would take me seriously but as I don't drink or fuck around or think I can fly or shit like that, they don't even wanna try meds or therapy. I don't have any money for private therapy and it's all a bit too much, I haven't been sleeping a lot but I keep trying to drink and eat, I take my regular meds, I am trying. This shit fucking sucks I wanna know if it's just my head that was broken from the beginning or was it all the trauma and shit childhood like could there be a me that wasn't this messed up, like I would wanna feel relaxed just once, I am always 247 just doing my best to not be a bipolar cliché and always stay mellow and normal, the golden middle. I'm not call anywhere because I have a doctors appointment coming up and I am physically fucked, I need to focus on that, I can't call or go somewhere before that, that would mess up all my plans and all my energy would be gone before that appointments, and them shits are hard to get. Sorry for the absolute novel.
No. 1326353
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No. 1326412
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He would talk about wanting to have sex with other women, threesomes and his exes from the very beginning. He would bring them up when I didn't want to show him my body. I would come home after 10 hour shifts with my body in pain and some bruising and he would berate me while being in love with women I could never be. He was using me as his punching bag because I was never the girls he wanted. He lied to me the whole time and I believed him because I had no one else. I isolated myself further for him. I lost so much and he leaves whenever he wants. I always let him in no matter how hurt I feel. Everyone hated me and he was all I had. He would say things like "you think this is about you? It isn't," when talking about his ex. He denies it now. He lied about so much. He never calls and would ask me why I wouldn't text or call him. He thinks playing with me like that is a game.
No. 1326434
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>Be me
>Post on vent account
>Feeling really depressed
>Some unknown guy comments on my vent
>He comments a meme
>Reply back with another meme, trying to play along and be nice
>He gets defensive and doesn't understand the joke
>Try to explain it to him, again, just to be nice
>"That's a pretty cringe sense of humor"
Bitch, you were the one who began to joke around on my vent post. I'm sorry for not coming up with the best jokes while I'm sad.
No. 1326458
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i made a playlist for my friend and they ended up sharing it with a person they're hooking up with… it was part of a going away gift and i meant for it to be between us and now i can't even fucking listen to it. probably being too autistic about this but i feel really hurt. it's filled with gooey sappy songs. somehow i ended up third wheeling a playlist
No. 1326479
>>1326434Men who say stuff like that are usually stuck in 2016-2019 humor. I wouldn't let him get to you.
>>1326458That's so sad. I'm sorry, anon.
No. 1326501
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It's silly but I want to try actually celebrating my birthday, but I have no idea how. I really miss my family, not seen them in 3 years now and there is no way I can visit them because of the politics. I want to at least try making it feel a bit special, after all I have been doing nothing but trying to recover my health this whole year (and as far as i can tell, i am miserably failing, so bad that i am just going to ask for money to get a full health check-up).
No. 1326503
>>1326458I'm sorry to hear that
nonniesome ppl are just so insensitive unless you directly tell them directly this is something personal and have a lot of meaning to you, they don't understand the importance
No. 1326519
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kiwifarms hasn’t even been gone 24 hours and lolcow has already turned into their shit pen. threads are getting derailed more than usual, the site is so fucking slow because of all the extra traffic. I wish kiwifarmers would go be an invasive tumour in reddit or twitter or anywhere else but here. I am BEGGING you cancerous incels to fuck off
No. 1326521
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This is absolutely retarded but I feel """dysphoric""" about being in a relationship with a man. Seeing lesbians makes my chest feel tight remembering how it was with my ex gf and how much I miss her, and all the things I miss about being with a woman. I get a sense of dread and desperation this is my life now. My stomach hurts thinking about it. I like him well enough and he is good for a moid, I do care about him. I just hate feeling like this. Maybe it's just me wanting to feel like a speshul gay snowflake and being a boring straightie makes my inner attention whore hurt or something
No. 1326559
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I put my hamster in my polly pocket town and he immediately blasted it with piss
No. 1326605
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Swear to god a woman will say some nasty shit like i want to suck the plaque off of x moid's teeth and people will be like omg yass based unhinged girlie speak your truth but if another alludes to anything beyond uwu sapphic handholding kissing OMG hehe about a woman there's always that one person or multiple like WTF YOU'RE SOOO WEIRD WTF WTF SO WOMEN ARE JUST OBJECTS OF SEXUAL GRATIFICATION TO YOU and then if its said on here ARE YOU A TRANNY ARE YOU A SCROTE MODS BAN THIS MOID XY DEFECT like i dont know about you nonnettes but when i say im a lesbian i mean i like boobs and vagina and having sex with a boobs ( optional ) and vagina haver ( obligatory ) and therefore i feel attraction to those who have these features. Like i mean in real life i get weird looks talking about my sexual attraction to women and people will look at me as if i got two heads made of poop but other women can say the craziest things about a guy and everybody laughs it off or agrees or encourages the behavior.
This sexual puritan crap is not even a zoomer thing but it is more prevalent within the generation i suppose. Like sorry im a lesbian? Obviously im going to feel horny for women and as an adult im free to express that.
And btw i have nothing against women saying nasty shit about moids in fact you can be even nastier if you want, its none of my business and it honestly does make me laugh, just wonder why its not acceptable for lesbians to say the same here or anywhere really. or if we are its always the same lame shit like zomg step on me queen !!!! like is this a buzzfeed article
No. 1326630
>>1326607nta but imagine being one of the nonas who go to the vent thread just to give useless responses and outing that you do not care about context ie "not gonna read the rest"
LC aside, what anon mentions is a legitimate issue in alot of spheres cause people do have a weird reaction if you express actual sexual attraction to a woman without it being sanitized to hell and back cause if youre a woman who expresses that you have sexual urges for
gasp other women youre treated like a predator whose one woman away from assault if you dont format it in "uwu hand holding princesses" speech.
No. 1326637
>>1326605genuinely agree with this, from experience. I keep my mouth shut. men run a sick twisted monopoly on sexuality and I hate them a lot for it. to the point I SMELL a moid in my shop and I feel like invisible armor goes up. with women it melts away. we really are not the same, XY are mutants.
>>1326613apparently if you eat bananas you attract them, or have low vitamin z? but some people attract them more, like bed bugs. one can move into a house where the other occupants were unaware of mosquitoes or bed bugs until the new tenant is ravaged. also only female mosquitoes bite apparently! supreme in the insect world, bless saint praying mantis amen
No. 1326644
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>>1326641A hankering for the zoo
No. 1326655
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I am beyond mad, I am beyond seething and beyond giving moids the benefit of the doubt anymore. I'm cutting off any sort of friendship I have with moids and the ones that are exempt are always kept at arm's length - I cannot trust these degenerates.
I was at the gym the other day and the place was pretty much empty with plenty of space to work out but a disgusting moid came up right next to me (literally within breathing space) and started working out. Didn't say anything or touch me but started working out next to me for 5 minutes then left. I felt uncomfortable as shit, my instincts kicked in and I was like fuck this I am going to report it, there was absolutely no reason for him to be that close to me as I was in the corner of the gym on my own minding my business and whenever I'm in a space with moids I try my best to look and seem unapproachable. For so many fucking years I've just laughed off or ignored when men have done small things to make me feel uncomfortable but not anymore, thankfully the guy at the gym reception looked on cctv and said not to worry (as in I was right to feel uncomfortable) and to leave it with him. I always second guess my instincts because I'm fucking retarded and grew up around misogyny where none of your boundaries matter unless you were physically attacked but whatever I felt super proud of actually reporting a scrote for once.
So I get home and then mention it to a moid friend (not a friend anymore thankfully) and even send a pic - literal evidence of this guy literally right next to me with the context. I was just looking to vent and was like this is fucking annoying why do men do this. And he immediately just makes a joke saying "that was me lol im chillin" why the fuck would you joke about this when you already know it makes me uncomfortable? I told him that the guy had been reported and that tbh I hope he dies (why should we entertain creeps who ruin women's quality of life) and he starts crying saying that it's too far and that I need to chill because it's not acceptable to wish death on him bc all he did was "sit next to me". Bitch I bet if it was your mom or sister in the same situation you'd be puffing your chest out trying to act as if you'd fight him off but because it's just another female to you you don't give a fuck. If he stood right next to you in the urinals when there was space everywhere else then you'd fucking understand how it feels you fat balding scrote. "He should get called out but don't wish death upon him wah wah" ok then I'll wish death upon you considering you want to suck the dick of perverts so much.
I made it known that it's not funny to joke about shit like that and he didn't even bother to apologise, just told me to chill and then later on send some dogshit meme to me. Nah xy, you are fucking blocked and for all I care you can die alongside those creeps considering you want to defend them so much and act like it was too far to wish death upon a man that has now made me extremely hyper aware in the one place I thought I could feel comfortable in public. I cannot fucking stand it, spent my entire life trying to speak up about men treating me like shit and I always get told to chill or that "it's not that deep" because at least he didn't physically touch you!! I fucking hate moids, at least now I know not to bother befriending them anymore bc they just turn shit around on me and make jokes about other moids invading my personal space.
No. 1326660
nonnie I wanna be friends
No. 1326672
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I was here last month to complain about my period pains, and I'm here this month again. Cheers.
No. 1326698
>>1326251are you a tall
nonnie? I know this feel.
No. 1326707
>>1326251That scrote never deserved you,
nonnie. None of them do. Embrace your Amazonian stature and flex on moids. There is nothing more satisfying than than looking down your nose at them and smiling, in a predatory sense. Letting them know you're undaunted and could probably kick their ass. Watching them shrink a bit, the confusion in their eyes paired with a bit of panic…. delicious.
No. 1326715
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Where tf do y’all buy essential clothes from? I need bras/panties and sweatpants, so I’ve looked at both Aerie and Pink and found troons on both of them. I don’t want to buy from them when they’re pushing this shit. Tired of seeing a tiny percentage of ugly, degenerate moids being catered to at the expense of women.
No. 1326719
>>1326715I was about to buy undies from Aerie so your vent is appreciated
nonny. I hope someone responds because it will help the both of us.
No. 1326779
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>>1326771Ohhh it was in /snow/? All other country threads are in /ot/, locally produced milk is dicussed in them too. I would make a new one here and link the /snow/ one
No. 1326780
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Not to suicide bait but I thought about ending it too many times. Because my brain is fucked. Sometimes my life feels unbearable and I’m in a lot of pain I just cry and cry and cry. It’s just in my mind though. I can be quite content with my life and making plans how to be better in the future and accepting that I’m fucked up but that it’s ok. And then something happens that upsets me and the same life feels so bad that it’d be best to throw it away. I’m astonished that I managed to have a few friends despite being like that. But still it’s like why keep trying it will get bad again and someday I’m maybe not able to keep myself from killing me. Those feelings and thoughts are so overwhelming I forget every good thing I have. I’m tired nonas…
No. 1326851
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I'm a little jealous of those who are part of discord groups. My dashboard is so barren and inactive. I wish I had online buddies. kek i'm so lonely
No. 1326869
>>1326858It gave me acne on my forehead, chin, and near my ears despite keeping my head back while wasing. I was trying a new one for 2 months with the softest my hair had ever been but it had 2 acne ingredients I didnt know about. My previous one wasnt as hydrating but didnt really contribute to acne with 1 bad ingredient. I found a very basic unscented hair set I'll be trying with the dandruff shampoo only once a week now.
>>1326866Its nizoral shampoo, amazing for my acne not so much my hair.
No. 1326885
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>>1326851I'd be your friend, nona. I've found that I prefer one-on-one communication rather than group anyway.
No. 1326890
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I almost got chased by a group of men all because I went to a store to buy two cans of alcohol and a snack.
>standing in a cashier behind them
>they keep looking at me, notice my phone got turned off
>they start trying to have a convo with me, I just say that I don't understand their language (which is bs but whatever), then start ignoring them and taking a few steps away from them
>they start staring at me from behind to see if i am going to the same exit as them, i am the only person left in a store
>kept staring at me at a parking lot when im the only person here
>i had to go from a different exit
>end up running across a road and then run tf home
If that is not a motivation to get stronger and fitter then I do not know what else. I can't even open a bottle of ketchup without help. I don't want to go to a grocery store anymore at least for a week, i am scared as hell.
The worst thing is that i tried blaming myself for the way i am dressed when I am wearing a long-sleeved dress and braids with ribbons. Fuck this fucking crap. I just wanted to grab a drink after a stressful meetup.
No. 1326893
>>1326890I'm really sorry
nonnie, you did nothing wrong, what time of the day was it ?
No. 1326900
>>1326893It's 6PM, that's when people usually come back from work here, but I guess considering it's the weekend, eh… Thank you
>>1326894Thank you
nonny. I think the other terrible part about it is they looked like they were close to 40s when I am 22. It's disgusting.
No. 1326907
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nonnie come here and give me a kiss
No. 1326943
got a little too heated by something i saw today
I live in a predominantly immigrant area and went to the corner store to buy some fruit and inside there are like 10 clearly first year PASSION 4 FASHION students having a photoshoot of their god awful what I assume to be assignments on one another. All white, all adults, classic pink mullet type vibes, filming each other film each other, taking up the entire fucking shop, giving looks to people who 'get in the way'. I take my sweet ass time and really try to ruin every shot, but maybe that adds to their weird sense of 'authenticity'.
One bitch takes a pair of purple plastic sunglasses and arranges them on some bottles of olive oil, a woman who's actually shopping has to wait for this ARTIST to finish taking a photo before getting her bottle.
Wow eThNiC grocers, so unique and different, so edgy and diverse! Fuck outta here, you look like a joke, you're taking up space, every single person that actually uses this shop as intended hates you. I thought this trend of 'im in da hood! take a photo but quick before we get jumped teehee' died a while back?? Also you'd think the special little girls and boys of the art world were 'woke' enough to realize how garrish and corny they look using normal immigrant life as a prop?
No. 1326947
>>1326943You should have said something. Even just a mean-ass
excuse me. You should have stared and made them uncomfortable. Start coughing all wet around them. Be a nuisance back. I hate people who don't give a fuck about being polite. I definitely understand Hannibal Lector. I'd cook their asses up if I were him top fucking kek.
No. 1326999
I'm ugly stupid boring dumb empty hollow I want to die I want to DIE, I hate being lonely but I feel vulnerable around other people, I'm disposable to everyone. I'm ok on the surface but when they get close they see how empty and soulless I am and leave. Who wouldn't? I hate being alive, hate having been born. I've always hated it. I'm old and decrepit, and so so so so lonely. I'm so fucking lonely. I wish I didn't care about being lonely. I wish I had the courage to kill myself but what if I fail and I'm bedridden for the rest of my very long and miserable life? If I had access to a gun I would have blown my brain out already.
Im sorry for r writing this and that you had to read it, but I need to vent. I'm crying rn. I'm definitely one of those people who will die in their apartment and no one will notice until my corpse starts putrefying because no one cares. It's not othe rpeoples fault either, I'm just fundamentally broken and useless, joyless, retarded, uninteresting, abrasive, annoying. I hate myself.
No. 1327038
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>>1326999Sorry you are feeling like that. You are not alone, I wish I could do something to comfort you just a little bit.
No. 1327055
i am going to go CRAZY, it's partially my fault for letting it drag on, but i'm done with moids and i'm done with my sister
>3 or 4 years ago, random moid adds me on snapchat
>claims I gave him my snapchat on tinder but I literally don't remember his face or name at all
>he also once said he got my @ on a boba shop wall or something. so which is it?
>flirted and sent my nudes ONCE, it was the peak of my hoe phase, since then I have literally not been interested in men at all and have been volcel for 3-ish years
>he still has my 1 nude that kind of shows my face, albeit very grainy
>agreed to meet once but he stood me up, this is partially because I wanted to know who I was interacting with for years and it was a public space
>this is all very sketchy
>block his snap but he has my number and spammed my phone, getting a new number every single time I blocked him. fortunately I explained this to my service provider and they let me change my number for free.
>he's still adding my snap with different accounts, except for some reason his new snapchat is MY FULL NAME, FIRST AND LAST
>???? how ????
>ask him wtf is going on and that I'm willing to be his friend but he needs to chill out and stop asking to fuck me and just be normal, no weird shit
>it's normal for a while
>he goes back to being an obnoxious coomer
>still haven't met btw
>try to do my own research and look him up on linkedin, using the name and job that he gave me
>the guy on linkedin doesn't look like him AT ALL (he sent me 2 selfies)
>also the linkedin guy is WAYYYY too hot to be obsessed with me, and he actually has a life based on his instagram, so he doesn't strike me as the type to come up with hundred burners all to stalk me for years
the worst part
>the fucking psychotic moid messaged my sister on facebook via a fake account asking for my number, I ask my sister to block him, and she fucking won't for some reason. my sister has always been a bitch to me, but wtf? how hard is it to block a random person? her ex-bf once tried messaging me but I immediately blocked him and also never brought it up, because I didn't want to embarrass her. meanwhile she is telling my parents that my "boyfriend" is trying to get in touch with me.
i'm so fucking angry rn, sorry for the wall of text, pls don't ban
No. 1327062
>>1327055this guy seems fucking insane and his behavior could escalate. this is how women get murdered by their stalkers. you need to cut all contact, go to the police and tell your family and friends that you have a crazy moid who is obsessed with you.
it's just as well that your sister is talking to him so when he throws your lifeless body into a ditch the police will have a lead to follow.
No. 1327070
>>1327062i thought about going to the police, but honestly idk what they can do, since all the information I have on him is really just him pretending to be the linkedin guy
I thought about messaging the linkedin guy (i found his insta) and showing him a picture of the moid (that I think is real), and asking if he knows him. best case scenario, he knows him and he has information that can help me, worst case scenario he either doesn't know him OR he will go back to his friend, the insane moid, and the insane moid will try to ruin my life further
No. 1327107
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>Suspect I have ADHD after thinking about it since highschool
>Dropped out of that hs, started another online
>Procrastinated for months and completed all assignments in about a month after being confronted+ the consequences
>Just scrolled YT and internet mindlessly for 99% of those months bc I felt guilty if I played games
>Pretend to apply for jobs for 2 years, apply successfully but don't get it bc "Dad" doesn't help me find bus routes/ plan what times he can take me
>"You don't have to work just stay close to me!" Meanwhile he fights with me almost every day
>Covid hits, don't work 1st job until late 2021 for less than 1 1/2 weeks
This Year:
>Spend days mostly mindlessly scrolling YT and the internet again
>Enroll in Community College!!!
>Enroll late, classes start in 3 days,still not registered because money needs to be processed
>Don't have my books yet, emailed teachers asking if I can use earlier ebook editions (pirated pdf's kek)
>Talked a week ago with sister how I can't focus, feel in a daze, get headaches and overwhelmed by noise
>She thinks she might have ADHD too
>Talk with mom about it, tell her everything, how it might really help me
>"No, you were just being lazy. I feel disorganized too sometimes! I have depression, not ADHD. No teacher/counsellor ever told me you might have it! You said even if you get pills, you won't use them anyway!"
Because little freshman year me was scared and I'm still scared of being called insane or crazy. I know my dad and other sister will make fun of me and use it against me eventually. I said I would prefer not to get pills or whatever because I literally can not take pills without shoving it down my throat and gagging.
I have no idea what to do because I get resistance every time I try to ask for help and have no money. I've felt like I have to try and kill myself like my sister to get help like she does for years, but I'm too paranoid of things going wrong and fucking dying. I guess all I can do now is keep leeching off them until I get myself and finances settled in 5/10/20/100+ years.
No. 1327134
my mom has a very comfortable life and it annoys me how she wants me to be a wage slave and demand more hours
I work an 8-5, but I work far away so I'm basically out of the house from 7am/6pm. I'm off on fri/sat/sun, but she's all "anon why aren't you working more???" like bitch you don't even work AT ALL. I tried to lightly say this to her, and then she complains about how hard SHE has it, which is absurd to me. she stopped working in her early 40's and collects disability. she wakes up at like 12 pm, will walk the dog at 2 pm, make dinner (by make dinner, I mean boiling pasta and sauce lmao), and lurk facebook until bedtime. This is her life, fine, but wtf how is someone like THAT going to demand more hours from me?
I know I am grateful that I still get to live with her instead of being thrown on the street, but I'm working rn to get away from her. I haven't spent any of the money I earned, only in rent.
No. 1327201
>>1327166linkedin is hell
>horrible userbase culture>tells on you when you visit someones page>tons of emails>invasive as fuck>you can be easely search by a simple google search unless you go in the parameters>for some reason my city is still visible from google by everyone even when I deleted the parameter for it>rare name so everyone can find me super easely without any doubts>people repost the most random and obscure and boring articlefuck it I want to kill it with fire! I understand your pain
nonnie No. 1327319
>>1327055babe you're being literally stalked holy shit. contact law enforcement if you can. please stay safe what the actual fuck
(p.s. your sister is an asshole)
No. 1327349
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If I’m to suppose there are really women on lolcow I gotta say that it’s a sad state of affairs
Because I am so tired of people calling each other and masculine looking women “trannies”. Masculine looking women exist.
Tomboys are still a thing
It makes me think there’s just a bunch of insecure self hating bitches that have taken up the most active posting and the obsession with transgender people makes every single thread a slog to scroll through
I hope that if newer generations fill up LC it is filled with women who aren’t utterly obsessed to the point that they’re misogynists. Yeah, I know, what did I expect going on an anonymous forum. But if we were just here to pick on masculine women, there wouldn’t be a point to this site. My favorite threads and developments in LCs have nothing to do with gender and ironically the people who are vocal about “genderspecials” shit up every fucking thread with petty ass dry criticisms of how a bitch looks. Yes, I do hide the saged posts, but sometimes I actually like to look at discussions.
No. 1327358
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Every selfie I take is so fucking creepy. I didn't realize it until going back through. I take them to privately have as reference since I'm still figuring out what look to go for, but, I look like I am not mentally present. A friend once compared the look to a frightened animal or a ghost. To me it's like I bum adderall off high schoolers or whatever it was kirdedeanon said. The roasts are endless. How do you even clean that up when it's mainly your face and expression? I sincerely hope I don't look like this in real life and it's just because I suck at selfies or I'm gonna cry nonas
No. 1327364
I really don't feel comfortable going to my doctor no more, he twitted some vile, misogynistic shit, which is very disappointing to say the least. Living as a woman in this shithole is awful, I feel bad for the girl on that tweet, she was clearly young and attractive yet that's not enough, everyone just assumes she's a worthless whore which is unsettling. I hope she is safe, at least. I fucking hate men here, bunch of gross, brute assholes, they deserve no sympathy
No. 1327375
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as media has undoubtedly been regressing socially for women in the past 15 years or so (as noted by critics, media watchdogs, older feminists, and those with a brain) i’m starting to think that the gen z influence that’s been entering this board over the past two years in particular has aided in the open internally misogynistic posting i keep seeing.
don’t get me wrong, shit posters have always been shitting, but something lately has felt so much more… genuinely dumb?
like these girls are motivated by male approval to their entire core and i genuinely feel bad for them. they can’t maintain friends, every girl is a potentially enemy, they can’t criticize a woman without criticizing her for things only a man would care about and some of them openly comment about how they think it’s normal that they’ve never experienced the unadulterated joy of feminine proximity and intuitive bonding.
when i see the anime rec list from the average 15 year old girl and half of it is male centered or coomer romance shounen. while the 15 yo girls i knew all watched nana, tokyo mew mew, Cardcaptor Sakura, Kodacha, or other based shows/mangas FOR AND ABOUT GIRLS! Hell, even american campy comedy romance movies have died! we will never get something as amazing as legally blonde again !!!
these youngins annoy me, but i feel sad for them first and foremost. i didn’t grow up with social media during middle school, i was allowed to be a weird kid. now even being a weird kid can be a perfected aesthetic… if ur a girl.
No. 1327380
>>1327055your sister is part of this generation right here
>>1327055speaking as a stalking
victim, document EVERYTHING, and save everything. people like this are not ok in the head. you might get to take him to civil court one day and get money out of it like i did kek.
younger girls i feel like will let their own blood suffer for moids. i’d go silent on her/stonewall her because she needs to suffer consequences in life. you don’t get a rosy relationship with your big sis if you refuse to block her stalker and then lie and call him a bf. im sorry nonna
No. 1327381
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>>1327375what did you expect from kids that grew up with porn, everything is pornified and male gaze based now.
No. 1327423
>>1327409I went through something like this several times in my life. You may continue to have relapses but, I suggest therapy. I went to therapy and they helped go through with me techniques to help anxiety. Not only that, but during that time I realized what set that
trigger off and the reason why I had thoughts like that. I was unhappy with my life and I wanted to change it but I felt I had no control and I was scared of everything. Does this sound like something you should consider and take a closer look at your life to see what is the true cause? It is inevitable we will all die, but it seems you're choosing to focus on this because it is something you can't change.
>>1327417I'm sorry thats going on anon. Why do you feel so bad? It's good you told your mom.
No. 1327436
>>1327432 Ah, I understand. I think loneliness in adults who are working is a silent killer and so prevalent in out generation. There are so many people out there that wish they had friends to share thier life with but I argue that people who have less friends are actually because they prefer to choose thier friends carefully, so in a way you're doing this in a smart way.
It sounds like you just wanted to vent because you were overwhelmed.i hope you can destress by walking in a park or by even taking a few minutes to feel beautiful by wearing a different lipstick or doing your hair differently. The small things turn out to be the biggest things. I'm sorry I can't offer more.
No. 1327471
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i wish i could know what it's like to be an enjoyable person for someone (that isn't either of my parents). i'm either ignored or disliked. it gets really lonely.
No. 1327479
>>1327471I like you
nonny, you'll find someone who likes you irl as well
No. 1327550
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No. 1327551
>>1327545Fucking clocked of course the retard is the troon who’s also currently posting in the Keffals/Lucas thread.
>bitches>bro Men cannot fucking blend in kek.
No. 1327552
>>1327545I hate ugly guys too, I said it in my post.
>>1327551Sorry for being ESL I guess.
No. 1327556
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Excuse the moid language but using Paypal feels like getting cucked. I am currently paying 15 dollars in transaction fees, just so they can hold my money hostage for 3 weeks and use it to invest and fund their loans. I have been their customer for over 8 years and they still hold almost any payment over 50 Euros.
I wish nothing but tanking stocks for their shitty scammer business.
No. 1327558
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I feel like I'll never truly fit in anywhere. I'm too weird for my normie friends, too straight for my stoner friends, too introverted for my friends who go out clubbing, too novice for my friends in my university classes, too normie for my friends in the local gothic/alternative scene… The interests and hobbies I'm really into aren't shared by any of my friends, and I can't get into any of their hobbies or interests on a deep level. I've never been able to engage in online communities either so internet friends aren't really a thing for me. It's like my whole life exists just on a surface level. Idk it's probably just imposter syndrome and I am still young but I really can't ever see myself connecting with anyone and will probably die alone via drug-induced suicide out of sheer boredom
No. 1327568
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>>1327475>a beee gut They need to stop guzzling so much nectar
No. 1327573
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“People” who hate cats are retards. I wish I could crush the skeletons of those who wish harm on a kot.
No. 1327585
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>>1327573Same. Long live the kets. "people" who unironically hate cats to a degree are usually entitled and have no patience for the cats they encounter to get used to them. Plus, I cant deal with people who tell me about their hatred for cats and then describe ways on how they wish to inflict harm on them. It's so unhinged.
No. 1327595
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Tbh NLOGS who openly support predators and abusers despite knowing what they’re doing and genuinely brainwash themselves into thinking it is ever in any way justifiable are just as bad as they are. Not to mention that they’re always very delusional and condescending people and never the meek “they knew no better” trope they’re often sold as.
No. 1327681
>>1327638why would they refuse because you have vitiligo? you better get a refund at least. i'm sorry
nonny. i can relate due to my own, different experience wanting a cosmetic procedure. it's so hard to fixate on something so much and be unable to get it fixed.
my completely unrelated vent? i feel so disgusted and heartbroken witnessing the erosion of free speech & thought on the internet, in real time. browsing the kiwi vs keffals thread, it gives me a bit of hope that i'm not so alone, many nonas seem to realize the ramifications of this autistic slapfight. it's not about protecting racist scrotes. it's not about the insufferable troons. i do wanna believe the common person will wake up & realize the govt is literally funding the mutilation of children now, but IMO, it's 50/50. the propaganda - it's so much. & not only in regards to the troonshit. the MSM obfuscates the truth, and outright lies all the time now. journalism has 0 integrity. i don't know who to trust with the truth, so i just don't trust any news. it's a very isolating existence. and soon, nowhere will we be able to gather and voice our dissent.
No. 1327694
>>1327690I seriously hate how when you agree to hang out with someone, you're actually agreeing to possibly hang out with five people. Great. Awesome. Never in my fucking life have I ever been asked to hang out or asked a friend to hang out thinking
I sure hope they bring along maybe three or four random mutual friends oh boy I sure hope so! and YET. The fucking walk of shame to their car when they pick you up.
>Ah, no, anon, don't sit on that side because someone's already sitting there, sit on the other side, with all the garbage and trash and finished joints>and no, I will never ever clean this fucking car just in case I invite other people to this 1v1 friend hangout again, bitch, so start shovingIt genuinely makes my blood boil. When I get in that beat up fucking car I'm not quiet because MUH ANXIETY, I'm quiet because I am hoping and praying that a giant fucking meteor crashes into the car and sets us all ablaze and we all die screaming in agony.
I'm angry about it, is what I'm saying.
No. 1327703
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My uncle is going crazy in a dangerous way and no one else in my family thinks it's a problem. My uncle, who I haven't seen since before the pandemic came over last Sunday morning, more like bardged in. He had a bible in his hand and said that he came to see my sister (and me by extension because I opened the door) he demanded that I be "saved". I was making breakfast at the time but that didn't matter to him. He makes me read two passages then, admit that I'm a sinner and swore my allegiance to Jesus. Kept calling me an unbaptized sinner the whole time (I was baptized as a child, though I'm not religious now). The whole situation freaked me out so I yesanded him until he left. I talk to my sister about it and she thinks that I'm crazy for questioning this. All she tells me is that he's trying to save as many people as he can and that he's been a little weird since his heart attack. She sees it as him making amends and becoming a good person.
As some backstory, my uncle spent most of his life as an irresponsible player. Gambling, drinking, fucking around, being a shitty father to my cousin who is now in jail. This is a complete 180 and the fact that he's being so demanding and aggressive about saving people is worrying. I don't doubt that this will escalate. If he wanted to be a good person, just be a good person. Don't go around to others, make them admit how bad they are theyn 'save them'. Its bullshit and sounds like he's projecting.
I don't know what to do incase he comes around again. No one else sees this as strange
No. 1327775
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Just spent an hour scrubbing the floor and cleaning the bathroom. Really made me think about why I am so unhappy and what the fuck am i doing with my life.
No. 1327783
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My room is a cluttered mess. At this point I just want to throw everything out. I have a uniform for work and I barely wear anything more than hoodies and leggings. Everything else needs to go. I feel like it adds to my depression.
No. 1327815
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There are no cute bags in my country, everything is so expensive and I can’t afford anything remotely nice. If I started making more money I still couldn’t afford them because inflation would keep getting worse anyway. Everything I own is ugly. I can’t have anything beautiful to compensate for the misogyny I face… like what’s the point of being a woman if I’m not even allowed to own a cute bag to make up for the fact I will never be paid as much as my male coworkers even when I put my big girl pants on and stop being a neet. I’m literally in hell, except in hell there is peace in utter helplessness. I live my life knowing I had the freedom to escape from this shithole but didn’t. The little free will I have is my prison.
No. 1327853
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I feel like the easiest distinction between a zoomer and millennial online, specifically the millennials that got very self-important on tumblr as teens, is the way gen z does not care if they are perceived as cool but millennials have to make a thousand posts justifying why their fakealoof-complicated-performanceart-irony style is just sooo carefully crafted but like artfully tongue in cheek. It’s such loser behavior. So many millennials that thought they were going to one day be celebrities when they were blogging are now doing the exact same things they did as teens just in a new format on twitter. If you “dgaf” you wouldn’t constantly be trying to drop hints via tweet that you’re so aloof and not-caring and effortlessly dry etc. at least zoomers are weird and retarded with zero explanation or justification, no the ex tumblr bedroom socialites have to constantly allude to how they’re ahead of everyone else while being the opposite. Like shut up. At least the cringe unicorn mermaid so random don’t speak to me til I had my coffee girlies aren’t cunts that spend their entire day in their own head reacting to anything and everything like it’s a tiktok reel and pretending they aren’t terminally online just because they limit their archives to appear far more well-adjusted than they actually are. Like not a single person thinks you’re cooler for being annoying and retarded on purpose ironically. Nobody thinks you’re admirable or funny for being tactless and rude. What is the point, you aren’t avant garde you’re just autistic.
No. 1327874
>>1327847First one sounds like a petty cunt.
For the last two moid friends you had, the trash just took itself out and I'm sure you're better off without them.
No. 1327908
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Last week I found an abandoned kitten and I am taking care of it until its completely weaned and ready for adoption.
That being said, its making me crazy. The kitten is insanely desperate for comfort all the time and it's make me overwhelmed. He can't be alone for 2 minutes, cries like crazy when not handled.
I am counting the days for him to be weaned and gtfo into his forever home. Hope I am not evil for this.
I think he's 4w old going to 5w
No. 1327912
>>1327908Aw poor baby, it’s understandable why you’re annoyed
nonny but just hang in there for a few more weeks and I’m sure he’ll find a lovely home
No. 1327919
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I swear to god I have almost been memed into wanting a wolf cut because I keep getting recommended videos about it. It's not even that great of a hairstyle, they just named the hairstyle all the former emos and scene kids had when they were starting to grow out their super layered hair and phase into hipsters/indie poppers idk maybe I'm mad because I expected something more fun and wild with a name like WOLF CUT
No. 1328002
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Two weekends ago I showed how crazy I am to my bf calling him drunk and crying after a silly fight (I was very sad that day) and now I'm feeling like a failure for showing that awful part of me which I hate BTW.
Also I feel like he loves me like you love a pet? Idk
No. 1328064
>>1328052Was this your first time being late on rent?
If the email said business hours, typically holidays aren't considered business hours. Sent them an email with a timestamp of the transaction that you did process online and say it should be processed tomorrow. If you have any documentation showing your autopay was wiped, give them to that as well.
You'll be fine as long as this is your first time being late on rent. If you were late before, good luck sista.
No. 1328073
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>>1328058>>1328059>>1328064Thank you nonas. This is my first time my rent bill was late.
No. 1328085
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Everything was so much easier when I stayed isolated. I didnt have to worry about who likes me, who has time for me, who's going to leave me and when. There was security in knowing for sure that I was already completely alone, instead of this limbo state where I constantly fear abandonment. I cannot control who cares about me, how much, or in what ways, and regardless nothing ever feels like it's enough, nobody ever does it "right". Starting to feel everyone would be better off without me, and I without them. I won't do anything rash but I want to run away again. I wish I lived somewhere quieter too. Fuck it is way too loud…
No. 1328089
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My coworkers… I tried really hard to make friends but they don’t like or respect me. I think a big part of that is my mental illness and self harm, I had to reveal it because of our summer uniform. They said at the time that they had my back but they talk shit about me for it constantly, to the point that I think I’m being bullied.
I know my self harm is my fault, and I can’t control how they react to it. I just hate myself trusting them with something so tender.
I regret being honest and open about who I am and my feelings and my past. I can never take it back now. It hurts to be rejected for who you really are.
No. 1328096
>>1328079Then maybe it's for the best you drop it. Hang in there
No. 1328159
>>1328155i was going to therapy for about a year, therapist told me that i may have adhd. psychiatrist never got me any meds just "uhh eat nuts those are good for staying focused!"
left because all my feelings felt invalid.
No. 1328177
>>1328167You can learn to do that too I guess?
Nonny your feelings are
valid. I wish I could help more, the truth is I don't know what to do. But I want you to be alive and well. Please do not die.
No. 1328181
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>>1328155Nonny please don't hurt yourself, showing your emotions is okay and is a way to heal,sending love your way.
No. 1328182
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All of my drawings are obnoxiously horny and I have to show them to a counsellor soon. Nothing explicit, but something about the way shirts clench on pecs is enough to let everyone know a deeply horny person created them. The subject of the drawing doesn’t matter either, I’m giving that 82 year old veteran chloe cherry lips and I can’t be stopped. I literally just fucking can’t. My weak orgasm chasing psyche reeks onto the paper, so so transparent. I will be doing the equivalent of a show & tell where I point to the meticulous crosshatching work in a picture of a man showing the viewer his puffy hole with my dad present. I wish I could care but I have absolutely no shame left in my anymore. The only reason I’m writing this here is to pretend I care a little bit at least, but I don’t. I just think it’s funny.
No. 1328266
I wish I could say something simple and straight forward without people assuming shit about me and trying to convince me to do or think like them. Like, I'll just say "I don't celebrate Christmas" if someone asks me why I chose the following week for my paid leave and most people's reaction is "oh is it because you're Muslim? It's ok you can definitely celebrate Christmas, it's just a commercial holidays now, nobody actually goes to mass, don't feel constrained or ashamed" etc. Like no, dumbass, I just said I don't celebrate Christmas, not anything about my religion or other habits. Fuck off. Or I'll say I don't want pictures of me being taken and posted online and people, friends included, will say inevitably "no don't say that! you don't have to be embarrassed! You're sure you don't want me to take a (very unflattering) picture of you? Really? I personally love being photographed haha. You're really sure?" and they keep insisting again and again after I say no 10 times. So annoying. I feel like people project their personal habits, tastes or problems into me when I say I like or dislike something just because I like or dislike it.
No. 1328311
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Tomorrow is going to be crazy. It was already going to be crazy, but it’s been raining all day and it’s not expected to stop for almost 24 hours. At first I was worried about my quiz after work but now I’m most concerned about driving to work in the morning, the roads are going to be awful
No. 1328335
Are you happy to see me?
I wrapped my (your) new coat tight
Against biting wind, and your words
the backseat of my mind blinked a light
(it’s like you)
I tug through my blonde dolly hair
So maybe you’ll pick me up briefly
go liquid limp to my own heartbeat
cling onto your pearly words sweetly
(think im a piece of shit)
You kindly found me shiny things
Pulled them over my silly dolly head
Now i can be your favourite toy
Not the bygone model instead
(stuck to your shoe)
My cold water eyes are glazed over
Plastic, so i don’t really remember
When you wanted to see whether
Plastic is hard enough to be thrown but
I do
(I’m so tired)
Other newer dollies, a vibrant melange
Line your shelves, stand to attention
Your gaze like rays of forgiving sun
We all want to be your favourite one
(of you)
But even me, waxy, and janky limbed
My dress sparkles with the tears
From our childhood, when they sinned
Against you, the sweetest girl there is
(so this is)
So you’ll choose me? I was there
I let you cry your pain into my hair
Bejewelled by bruises i took for you
And we laugh and dance to the same tune
I think you’re getting old for dolls
And me, I feel myself gather mould
It’s black, and chokes each breath i take
off the shelf i will step before i flake
(i love you)
No. 1328354
My country has the second highest statistic on infanticide in our continent, child abuse is quite prevalent here. That said, once again I wish every motherfucker that hurts a kid, rapes a girl or hits a child a painful, slow, cruel death, you will rot in hell. Fuck pedophiles, fuck scrotes, words cannot describe the wrath i feel, worthless, failed hellhole.
No. 1328442
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I don't hate being biologically female but being a women on this planet is suffering, I'm constantly paranoid and looking over my shoulder, keeping my blinds shut and double checking my locks, looking at my new male neighbor with suspicion. My sister's home got broken into recently and its made me all the more paranoid, I remember seeing a case about this teenage girl being ATTACKED IN THE BREAK ROOM AT HER JOB all because she decided to reject some creepy ass guy who was hitting on her, and when she went to her management about it, surprise they did jack shit, her blood is on their hands as far as I'm concerned! It's so bleak, I will never marry a man and the only boyfriend I've had, I broke up with was abusive. Maybe It's my daddy issues talking but interacting with men isn't worth the risk, I'll stick with my cat.
No. 1328538
>>1327460holy shit, are you me from a few months ago? i went through 7 therapists the last 4 years. i kept dropping them cause they treated me the exact same: giving me "homework" and then either forgetting about it or just disregarding it and making me feel like i am their lowest priority patient. i currently am with a therapist from a different organization and she's kinda okay, but then again, the bar is very low. she remembers stuff about me and is also honest with me. i just feel that she only knows basic psychology, so i feel that she can't go into the nitty gritty parts of my brain. she is always giving me compliments on how self-aware i am, but then usually gives very basic and predictable coping strategies. i have gained some more awareness and insights with her though which is already more than what all those other 7 therapists combined have done for me, and i feel like she also legitimately wants to help and doesn't make me feel like i am overreacting.
my advice would be to drop your therapist (if you can) and look for someone else. at least find someone that you have a stable foundation with, who can take criticism, is adaptive, and is kind and understanding. i would also suggest to not take a therapist who is specialized in CBT because they always suck. i wish you luck with your therapy journey, nonna<3
No. 1328580
>>1328535I hate trannies but also fuck kiwifarms. I cheered for people I disliked getting doxxed until it was me, and it sucks lmao
not defending him, but strongly hope kf is finally purged
No. 1328587
>>1328586No, it went down here on /snow/
Mods did delete it as it's against the rules, but not before it was seen and spread elsewhere
No. 1328589
I hate admitting this, because it feels like a trope or a stereotype for women but I realised today I dislike my dad and do not want a relationship with him, nothing new has happened for this to be the case. I have just worked really hard to tolerate him because I'm scared if I do not then he will not have anyone, but he's genuinely not nice, he has tantrums, breaks stuff and terrifies his girlfriend, makes her think he's going to kill himself, refuses to deal with his emotions via therapy and instead does this over and over. He has never hit anyone but he throws stuff at her, and probably did the same to me as a child, I never feel like its enough to call him abusive, but its enough to be on guard at all times when near him.
Atop the extreme stuff like him doing this to the people in his life, he's just incredibly annoying. He chews with his mouth open, he is really pushy and a bit shitty towards animals (ignores their boundaries, pushes their buttons, does weird shit like fold their ears even if they show they dislike it, but never outright hurts them) he is loud and has 0 manners, never cleans up after himself (he very obviously delays it when told to clean until someone else gets irritated and cleans for him), fat shames his girlfriend a LOT while himself eating nothing but junk, and so-on.
I do not have to have a relationship with him, I live a long way away from him so we do not need to see each other, but I feel obliged anyway, and it really drains me. I want to cut him off but I worry he will kill himself if I do, so I just try to turn off my emotions when I visit.
No. 1328696 whole sorry saga has made me fucking furious. Scotland appoints a 'period dignity officer' because they're the first country in Europe to make period products free. The period dignity officer is a man, someone who will never ever experience a period, because of course. Women complain and now, rather than give the job to an actual woman, they just scrap the role entirely.
For fuck's sake, Scotland, this is why no one fucking respects you. Enjoy being England's hat.
No. 1328765
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>be me
>look Middle-Eastern
>live in a country with a lot of Middle-Eastern immigrants
>White people barely look at me, Middle-Eastern people are really friendly until they find out I'm white
Granted I'm not the most sociable but this is so annoying. People judge me for what I'm not, the people who don't judge me end up judging me for what I am. Add that I can't start a conversation, rip me.
No. 1328788
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im so fucking sick of theses goddamn spam emails im cc'd or bcc'd on. neither of these emails are even mine so i don't know how the fuck these emails are getting in my inbox and bypassing the spam filter.
legit one just woke me up right now from my phone. i'm so fucking mad
No. 1328805
>>1328589I'm in a similar situation. I also live far from mine. I used to keep contact by text and now I'm pretty much down to just cards on his birthday and xmas. His last birthday he didn't even acknowledge the card I sent so I guess I'll see if I get a card back on mine. He has no room to be annoyed with me at this stage. I've given him more effort and grace than hes owed.
I hate that I tiptoe around the fact that.. I really wish I had just cut him off entirely a decade ago. He brings nothing to my life but a reminder of how shit things were growing up. Its pointless
No. 1328814
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>met a nice woman online who doesn't give a shit about stereotypes, she's really strong and a smart person to be around
>finally glad to get to know a woman who doesn't pander to men
>later comes out as a ftm
>ruins her beautiful voice into sounding like a teen going through puberty
>keeps being aggressive at everyone and everything for no reason whatsoever
>reveals that shes a divorced lesbian who still cant get over her ex cheating on her with a man after she came out as a nb
>is currently wasting her time living with mom and made porn addiction and alcoholism her entire personality
>whenever shes extra aggressive she blames it on "no tranny pill days"
She's in her 30s…
No. 1328829
>>1328800I'm very clearly an adult but
>>1328804 is right, I don't think that would deter them at all.
>>1328813That is true most of the time, but people ask about my dog occasionally and I don't want to appear psycho. Just recently someone had an actual normal question but I immediately told them to fuck off and felt really bad after.
No. 1328831
>>1328823These are injections and she takes them but she is also taking some other MtF pills.
>>1328815I feel horrible because she could have been an amazing woman, but in the end shes out there trying to hide the fact that shes a ftm around her new friend circle (which are porn addicted coomers who jerk off to anime girls on Twitch and throw money at them, hoping a streamer would date them). I do not understand how you can bethat miserable with yourself. The same person always talked about body acceptance with our mutual, a woman who felt insecure about her chest size. The more i think about people who she surrounds herself with, the more i realise its a damn freakshow.
No. 1328875
>>1328866Going through the same thing nona, you aren't alone. My hair has gotten so thin at this point that I can't wait to buzz it off and be done with it. Just remember that you are wonderful you, even if you are losing hair. Even if you lost it all, you're still you and you are still great and amazing and worthy of love. Hope this isn't too corny! Cheers
No. 1328930
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Once again my dumb ass bought tickets to a concert a 4 hour drive away because I thought "I'll be fine that day lol" I AM NOT FINE I AM TIRED I WANT TO REST
No. 1328940
>>1328866If you care for your hair, the loss might come from stress or maybe hormones? Check your health
nonnie, everything will be fine!
No. 1329098
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I am so incredibly dumbfounded by the fact that my MIL is a grown as NLOG with the personality of a blue haired enby DND tenderqueer teenager, despite being a gen Xer. She even has short purple hair. I thought she would be really cool, but she actually just wants to be seen as the smartest person in the room at the expense of someone else.
She is incredibly nihilistic in the most scrotish way possible and loves caitlin doughty of all people. She read her book and saw nothing wrong with it. Her media literacy is ABYSMAL too, she never catches the messages in movies/tv shows and interprets it in the most male way possible. I usually instinctually get on with older women, but she's truly the first i've felt slightly repelled by. I actually get along well with my DIL surprisingly, he treats people like they have feelings/a brain. He mentioned once how he was excited to start reading the book i recommended him, and when she heard which book she laughed and mentioned that it would be best he used an audio book since she knew it would be "too hard" with his dyslexia. I had never felt more embarrassed for another individual in my life. He looked like he wanted to escape but he just smiled and said "yeah you're probably right."
She is generally nice to me, and we are totally civil (in fact I doubt she even thinks I dislike her, and i know she likes me) but her politics are SO shitty and she thinks being condescending to other women is some kind of libfem move. i don't get how she managed to have a very empathetic child and doting husband. neither of them see her cruelness, they just always mention how bad they feel that she had a narc mom growing up.
No. 1329102
>>1328866did you recently give birth/get pregnant? Or are you at an age where it's potentially normal?
I went through a similar episode and turned out I developed alopecia. Luckily i don't have major flare ups anymore, but it happened as an autoimmune response after a virus. I hope you go to a doctor and get some answers anon, you're not alone!
No. 1329113
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No. 1329123
>>1329113Damn, I had
one ear infection once and it was fucking miserable, I'm so sorry, nona. Hope you can heal soon
No. 1329178
>>1329146I could lock my door when I'm in my room, but that would really piss him off and he'd probably try and find some other way to harass me when I'm not in my room. But I'll try it. A mantra of his is "I own this house, therefore I can do whatever I want to you1!!"
Whenever I stand up to him lately he keeps threatening not to drive me to college, I need him to for the next few days because I can't drive yet and I have heavy art supplies to carry in.
>>1329170It's a really hard pill to swallow for me, it's so hard to wrap my head around. But he used to sexually harass me when I was younger. I feel like such shit for saying this because he provides for us and all that, he used to literally slap or pet my ass when I was like 14 and would ignore every demand to stop. Thankfully I'm getting out of here next June. The more I'm aware of how abnormal it is for him to be like this, the more it's becoming impossible to live in this house. I can't fucking stand him anymore
No. 1329181
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I hate that influencers ever became a thing. I don't even know why I bothered but I clicked on this vlog by a woman who just moved out to another city on her own and I was thinking hey, maybe she has interesting thoughts while going through the process. The title was something like "all alone/moving out/productive week in my life" but it was just footage of her going to café's/ having lunch/dinner with friends, going to parks, museums, buying expensive things and networking. I get that they want to show the interesting stuff but there was no mention of other "work" she did. Just a lil influencer in her aesthetic influencer apartment. Her morning routine is as long as the time I need to get ready and commute to work. I don't mind her living her "best life" but the video was also filled with quotes about ~growing up~, ~realising things~, really cliché and maybe I am just bitter while I'm breaking my back trying to make a living while someone like this lives a life many dream of while thinkin they have it oh so hard. Yeah, yeah, "not everything that glitters is gold" and she could be going through stuff behind the scenes but I dislike how these influencers act like they're like us plebs, basically.
No. 1329228
>>1329222I give a shit
nonny. I love reading vents.
No. 1329309
nonny. I'm glad therapy helped you setting boundaries. I know it's painful to realize that you put more effort in than your "friends". I hope you'll find people who appreciate you soon.
No. 1329347
>>1329181You're not bitter you're just seeing the truth that these "influencer" goons are fucking worthless and don't do shit besides act as parasocial shills to get their fans to consoom. They have to embalm themselves with the copium that their work is hard or else face the uncomfortable truth that they live rather meaninglessly albeit with low effort because they are products.
I find them all patronizing at best with their ivory tower perspectives and advice. They're graduated adult toddlers being enabled to play house cause they're real good at selling idiots on disposable plastic goods.
No. 1329354
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whats the big deal if i cut myself holy shit i literally cant wrap my head around it. like so i have them doesnt mean i deserve to be put on suicide watch. i neither did them for attention nor "feel teh pain i am so numb". i just do it because i like it it and it relaxes me and makes me feel better instantly. sometimes i just do it for fun and laughs ive rarely ever done it while crying wtf kek it just gives me the right kind of rush. possibly comparable to say, when people drink or do drugs, its retarded but it works in making you feel a lot better. at least shredding myself is free and additionally does not hurt anybody at all because realistically whats a cut going to do besides scar? i have literal hundreds of fat as shit huge disgusting keloids all over me idgaf i already know whats going to happen. unlike the others this is never doing to kill me unless i decide to which is never.
not my problem they peeped on me and saw something they didnt like on me. i am always so covered up i may as well be a burqa wearing islamist extremist next. wasnt like i was ever showing the scars off at any moment as my skin apart from hands and neck has not seen the sun in a literal decade for reasons completely unrelated to my scars.
im already damaged goods there's no prevention to be had here. its literally the only thing that makes me feel better and im not allowed to do it else ill be thrown in prison or the looney bin which is even worse than prison because im a thirdie and its unregulated with actual real insane or dangerous mentally handicapped people that cant understand and comprehend what theyre doing. like leave me alone. damn.
>wahhh you're being ungrateful
ok idc fuck off i actually liked it more when they didnt pretend to be concerned and made fun of me. i mean they still do and call me disgusting damaged unloveable etc but with this suicide watch bullshit stop fucking watching me all the time. jesus.
No. 1329355
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I triple texted a scrote. Put me down like the sick dog that I am. I crave a lethal injection.
No. 1329369
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I know I'm bisexual but I'd rather die than tell others irl about it. I've never met any people more obnoxious than those tik tok rainbow wearing chicks in my acquaintance group. Every discussion with them revolved around sex, drugs, dildos and cocks and it was just fucking weird. Received lots of sexual harassment too- kept getting my ass groped. I feel like the current day LGBT community isn't for me. I don't have many friends to hang out with tho.
No. 1329374
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I called a crisis line and they told me I should go to hospital after work tomorrow because I'm in a bad place. I don't feel that I'm in enough danger to merit an inpatient stay but I also think a suicide hotline knows what would merit that vs what wouldn't. Idk what to think really. I don't want to go all the way up there and inevitably wait several hours to get seen if I'm just going to be sent off again because I'm not bad enough to need a bed. And I have no idea what I'd do if I actually had to go into inpatient. I wish I could just switch off mental illness.
No. 1329411
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>>1329391I was in a really low state about the climate a couple of weeks ago as well, I sobbed randomly about it more than once even. must have been a culmination of online news that particular week that got overwhelming. can't talk to anyone about this irl where I live or I'd be mocked. I really believe these are the end times but I'm holding it together better this week. All I can do is pretend it isn't happening and continue my earthly pursuits. do you have hope for the future?
No. 1329421
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>>1329417good luck, anon. please stay strong and stay healthy. sending you love.
No. 1329447
>>1329419Why? Because social media and tv shows/movies tell you this?
>>1329445What happened?
No. 1329461
>>1329451Wow jesus ADD much, me? I wrote this shit already.
>>1327727 But I'm still fuming about it. Even though I shouldn't be.
No. 1329481
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I'm starting to lose hope that this 'break' or 'space' im giving her will ever end and she just told me that because she wants to actually dump me to let time pass.
This person told me she wanted to marry, called me pet names and strung me along since 2015. I feel like I have to rework my entire future now after she hurt me so much. I don't think she ever loved me and I feel so bad.
I know I will be fine after this hump and I can move on. But I do worry about her. I feel so dumb especially because I believed everything she ever told me. She's probably having lots of fun and having other women when I was faithful and loyal to her.
My dream was to have a house or rent one where I would have a flexible job as an interpreter and I can cook and clean because she was a very career oriented woman. She loved working and was such a workaholic. I don't think she ever saw me more than just a pillow she could cry on when she needed me. I was with her for years when she had no job and encouraged her to apply even though her family didn't support her. As soon as she got her new job she just decided that I could be replaced and started hanging around this bicurious girl who was having issues with her bf. I hope this girl hurts her like she hurt me. I gave her all of my twenties and I was so committed to her and ready to grow old with her. I came out to everyone the moment I had a solid relationship with her. I think I loved her more than she loved me. This picture represents the warm love I had for her and still do unfortunetly. I want to stop loving someone who doesn't love me. It hurts.
I am already focusing on myself and going to the gym and also studying and reading my favorite books. I'm reading Don Quijote again.
No. 1329495
>>1329481Anon, I don't know if you've posted a similar vent like this before as a lot of nonas are also going through a breakup with their gfs but just know I have you in my mind. I'm sorry it did not work out with her and the fantasies you had with her will no longer come true, but if it turned out like this, then it was probably for the best and she was not the right person for you. You deserve someone so much better who will return the same amount of love for you as much as you give them. I know you will find someone like that someday, and you two will have a perfect life together that you've always dreamed of but right now all you can really do is heal. Focus on yourself, your needs, and don't let anyone else use you or take your love for granted. It is hard but I hope you can move on from this eventually and it's good you're taking the first steps already.
Also, as someone who's going through a breakup and focusing on myself as well I relate so much to your post. I've had Don Quixote for the longest time when I bought it from a thrift store, maybe I'll read it alongside you kek
No. 1329501
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It's my first day of community college tomorrow. It's only two classes and one class on one day but it's my first time doing this!!!!! I pirated 3/4 books I needed IF ANY PROFESSOR TRIES TO GIVE ME SHIT FOR THAT OR NOT HAVING A PHYSICAL COPY I'M GONNA REMIND THEM HOW I ENROLLED LATE AND HOW COVID HAS AFFECTED SHIPPING FROM JAPAN. What can they reasonably expect me to do, magically transport it without waiting? I don't even have my ID yet, I have to get it an hour before class starts. I can and will be using a PDF editor and they can not stop me. They will see my messy beginner nail art and deal with it. I will act the role of a girlboss to deal with my anxiety. Cheer me on and wish me luck nonitabitas!!!!!!!!!
No. 1329506
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>>1329495Thank you very much for your kind words. I think im still stuck on her because she hasn't officially broken it off. I still think she's my soulmate…but I want to have hope for myself that I'll see the light and see this connection for what it truly was so I can move on.
You should definently read it. Lots of life lessons and I'm reading it in Spanish too.
>>1329499Is it so bad that I want you guys to work out?
No. 1329511
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>>1329501Good luck,
nonnie, study hard!
No. 1329544
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i just horrifically injured my nail
this is why you should trim your long nails. dont be like me
No. 1329560
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>>1329481oh nonna, i'm going through the same though not nearly as long as a relationship. this doesn't stop the hurt. she told me she never felt anything for me, possibly the worst gut punch i've ever experienced.
people often tell me i deserve better, she told me i deserve better. its hard to think that when what you want is them, when you've already poured your heart into them why would you want anyone else. it's rough for us who are committed and loyal, all we can do is hurt and heal over time. and over time we'll find something new.
i thought she was my soulmate too, she was the one who put so many dreams into our future together and i was strung along. Our dream was to travel the world together, eventually get a place and a dog, her words never held any truth though.
She told me she met at a very lonely time in. her life. now that she has more friends she doesnt need me anymore i guess.
you're in my thoughts and i'll cry with you in spirit. it still hurts but i hope our hearts recover soon!
No. 1329577
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I want to kms I will never achieve my dreams and I'll die fucking poor
No. 1329581
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My cat has fleas. He’s an indoor cat. My cat has fleas and I love him. My cat has fleas and I now can ascertain it wasn’t mosquito bites from walks, it was fleas. My cat has fleas and tomorrow I am consulting the vet about reapplying frontline after the first time I completely fucked it up and had to scrub it off him. My cat has fleas and he is sleeping cutely on my bed, and I am taking sleeping pills so I can sleep and not ravenously claw at myself with imagined and real fits of itchiness
No. 1329590
>>1329133in addition to this.
my dad also spanks my and my sisters ass sometimes and I find it so weird. i guess it is more normalized in our culture?? idk if its a culture thing or exclusive to my dad, but yeah i hate it. i know he has no bad intend but im 22 now. he doesnt do it as much now but he did it a lot when i was in high school.
No. 1329594
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I'm gonna be honest… I think it's time to dip out of the farms. Especially for those who aren't from America or Canada and still want to get a Visa. If they target our website we're all going to a list if you know what I mean
No. 1329601
>>1329598NTA but I agree. No one's gonna care to background check a random person and put them on a list for being edgy or saying "I hate men/troons". Calm down, sweet
>>1329594 nonny.
No. 1329603
>>1329598>>1329601Idk, but I'm paranoid as fuck though
also they banned me for posting that kek sorry farmhands I'm just a poorfag from a 3rd world country being concerned about shit, didn't mean to be retarded
No. 1329674
>>1329673I’m pissed because I’m too lazy/not prepared to find housing in the city since I work 27 days out of the month and I don’t want to move back to my hometown with my
abusive mom and sleeping in the living room. I also don’t want to be seen as a failure either. I’m glad I have other friends here so some support system but this is so embarrassing. fuck
No. 1329679
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>>1329674seeing my other roommate be svengalied into kicking me out for clout purposes then try to pull back while also calling me “a weird little guy” in the process is so affirming. they talked about making a craigslist ad for roommates after oct 1st a couple weeks before this exchange and I don’t see any listings. I’ll wait tho.
No. 1329685
nonnie. I was up for a couple hours thinking about how I should confront them. I know it’s avoidant but I don’t even think it’s worth it. they’ve made up their minds I’m not going to beg to stay where I’m not wanted.
I don’t have any friends with open rooms and I’m not open to couch sitting quite yet. but housing is cheap and relatively abundant here so it’s just a thorn in my side until I can wrap up some business I guess.
aside but I found out thru the texts that his multi millionaire grandma who funds his life thinks like him romantically and was advising him on what to do. telling him to say to me “it’s not working out” and end it at that so I can’t make excuses or anything.
No. 1329706
I get why people hate critics now. I've been warned about people like these but, i mean, it's been DAYS since I've been hired and this uppity tweed twat wants to "train" me to be a competition-level barista apparently, if you can count complaining as training. Every time I make an espresso (imagine drinking that shit from a small dgaf coffee shop) for him, he HAS to give his uneducated non-coffee-making-ass opinion on it. I don't even understand the mindset of people like him. If you want something done right, DO IT YOURSELF, right? Peak moid entitlement to being absolutely coddled.
This wouldn't be even close to an annoyance if he didn't come 3 times a day with his gf and try to explain to me differences between whiskey and scotch. Every time I say SOMETHING this goober mayonnaise sandwich of a warm body turns around, and with a sly, evil-toddler grin hums "Actually…" to the pitch of a male whose mom verbally sucked him off with musings of him being a genius one day. Worst part is, I HAVE to pretend i like this snot-nosed ponce because i need (well, want) the sales cash AND he's a friend of all of my coworkers. And i mean sure, in any case if she's happy with him (it looks like she is), there should be no complaints from others, but I can't imagine kissing this guy on the mouth. I hope she just closes her eyes and thinks of James Hoffman.
Like, come on, he dresses like a limp-wristed attempt of your granddad going to work as a paperboy in the 20's, quite late to the bad male vintage hipster trend of the 10's. If you're going for that look I'd rather you just not put in the effort at all.
I don't care if I sound crazy or just as much of a snob as him, he managed to ignite a fire of hatred inside of me in a few days where i have to write paragraphs of text on this thread. If nothing else, that's pretty impressive.
No. 1329721
>>1329411Anon wtf….i tought i was just dealing with one of these weeks but reading that you also went through that…I think that what led me through that spiral was seeing the video of the enviromental scientist crying from impotence that we are past our time to stop this and no one is doing anything, imho if someone's x told me "I have all you need to stop the operations of this company for at least what it takes them to renew their factory/refinery" I would totally do it, cause sadly ceoc's are like cockroach and no matter how much you kill they will still pop up one after the other.
Anyway I really am not trying to be edgy here, I genuinely think that our only hope is to push back because those in the higher ups are already fantasising on leaving us to die here while they travel to mars or whatever other silly dream they think they can achieve in one lifetime.
No. 1329734
>>1318949Spasm anon with an update
Saw a neurologist today who said for the first 5 minutes of the appointment he agreed and thought I may have Tourette’s (vocal tics have stated in the last 2 days) but after I gave the full story and explained more symptoms like the conscious seizures and inability to walk he’s given a preliminary diagnosis of functional neurological disorder (FND)
I’m really not sure how I’m feeling. Kinda scared, kinda sad, kinda relieved about some sort of answer.
A few days ago I had an outburst in front of my boyfriend where I said if the neurologist diagnoses me with Tourette’s or any other incurable condition causing these tics then I would kill myself because this is no way to live.
I’m still not sure if I meant it but there’s so many thoughts going through my head to even process what this means for my future.
No. 1329758
>>1329706When I was younger I would come across guys like this at work all the time. They seek out younger women to talk down to to boost their own ego. Or pretty much anyone in a position of service who can't walk away. If your ego really needs that much stroking from people who are basically stuck listening to you then that is one delicate ego. They appear full of themselves but right under the surface they're not. Always these uggos trying to prove their worth by sharing every cool lil fact they've ever learnt in their life. Bestowing knowledge and wowing everyone with their smarts. Like stop trying so hard.
I can't tell if I'm a tist or if I just have a short attention span for that shit but as soon as someone goes over their alloted time for making normal small talk I zone out, I've a very hard hiding it and I'd rub these guys up the wrong way because of it. Not that I mind now looking back on it. These men should get parrots to go talk to.
No. 1329787
>>1329768I really appreciate your words. I haven’t spoken to anyone yet since I got back from the doc so I’m really grateful for your positivity.
Thank you
No. 1329809
>>1329771What is even more annoying about those ethical monogamy people, is that they're not any more chill than anyone else. If anything they're even more controlling in the name of "communication". Yes communication is important, but I kinda hoped that the bpd-tier u-haul and crossing boundaries behavior would just be focused on the partner they already have. They act just as unhinged, jealous and
toxic, before you've even ever met them.
No. 1329814
>>1329771Spilling some self cringe here but back when I was like 20 (over a decade ago now) I had a book about "ethnical non monogamy" and was weighing it up as an option. I was in a relationship with a man who I liked as a person, I liked him alot but I never felt any true attraction to him if I'm honest. I was also mad into sex toys at the time and was spending a tonne of money on them. I was in cope mode kek. The guy was pretty ideal in other areas so I was just clinging to this half dead relationship while also being pretty young and horny. We dipped our toes into it, went to a couple of sex parties and I slept with a woman one time at a party but that was it. I met enough poly people in that short time to know that they're a whole other level of mess and just toxicity. All the standards they claim to have aren't put into practice. We left the kinky shit behind and our relationship died a slow death after that.
It was only years later that I met a guy and was like.. oh this is what actual attraction feels like. We fucked every day for years and it never got boring or left me spending my savings on sex toys or looking at other people. A relationship.. with a satisfying sex life attached? Mind blown. I was 25 and only figuring out that you should probably care about attraction while picking out a romantic partner in the first place. I can look back and think of weird messages I got growing up around dating. People talking like attraction is only a one way street and how women shouldn't care about that stuff. But then again I also grew up in an enviroment where people would pass out at the thought of poly shit so idk. My tard years.
No. 1329849
>>1329843Hey nonna, I'm always free to listen to you. Don't feel like you are alone, you have all us nonnies here as your spiritual sisters in arms! I know life can be dark sometimes, but there's always the dawn to look forward to!
Have you thought about maybe reading a new book/watching a new movie or something? Bullet Train is very uplifting I found.
Best regards.
No. 1329855
>>1329563>>1329580There really is no more freedom anywhere else. Literally just got banned off of reddit for harassment for trying to explain the truth of the situation on r/conspiracy of all places… I almost felt hopeful because my comments were heavily upvoted. Tranny mods and trannies in general ruin everything. They need to be knocked down every peg and be treated for what they are- filthy, curdled, perverted males.
If my only option to express these thoughts becomes a diary or something, I may lose it. Fuck this sucks.
No. 1329901
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>>1329843Are u me anon? I came here to say basically the same thing. In a weird way I kinda feel a little less sad knowing that someone else feels the same way.
I'm at work right now and struggling to keep myself together.
No. 1329945
>>1329551>>1329563Oh nonas, you both have expressed exactly how I feel. As sad as it is, I’m glad others understand and relate. ♥ ♥
Has anyone thought of a contingency plan? Fill us in, please.
No. 1329957
>>1329945Build an online chat with a group of females in different time zones and similar hobbies.
Invest in books and media and archives of things you want to carry over.
Prioritize written information and sources over anything on the web.
Start preparing to make more real life connections.
Made a digital journal to post my pretty pics and write about my days to combine journaling and insta or blogging.
Limiting my online time to prepare to leave.
Vpn, cookie blocking, no social accounts. Started using extensions that block adds and comments and shit other places.
That’s some of what I’ve done. I’ve got more.
No. 1329970
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If it's not my co-workers being casually homophobic it's my classmates mods pls no ban again, vocational school being casually racist. I see either of them daily and I'm exhausted.
No. 1330033
>>1329887I really do know that feeling nonna. I was a hikki for 10 years, absolutely depressed to all shite. I'll drop an email of mine if you want some company, I'm very openminded and I'll listen to anything you wanna say without judging like a faggot.
Don't look to the past; all we have is the present! Live in the now, do something you enjoy even if you feel guilty about it. Live a little, take a chance on something, truly engage in something you love even if everyone around you scoffs at you.
Never say it's over til it's over
nonnie! We've all got your back!
No. 1330052
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I used this shit and it did literally nothing, wtf? Inb4 “did you follow the directions?” Yes bitch I did and I tried the suggestions to use less water and leave it on longer too. I used half the can and not a single hair has departed any area of my body
No. 1330090
>>1329679lmao I dropped the bed frame that he was plotting on in an alley a couple blocks away. like nahh no way your dumbass who just got a $500 transfer from your gma for art supplies is gonna get over on me and try to weasel your way into my free bed frame when you kick me out w/o my knowledge. no fucking way. that’s not how this works.
I should've known because he was talking about it like it was already his a few weeks ago when I mentioned I wasn't happy w it.
No. 1330109
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FUCKKKKK junkies, I hope they all overdose and die. Ruining the one strip of green I have in my concrete hellcape city
No. 1330126
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Why is trying to get good medical help with gyno issues so fucking impossible? Three years I've had the same stabbing pain in my left ovary every other month and nobody can figure out shit about what causes it. They thought it was cysts but no, they thought it was endometriosis but no, I guess. All they can do is throw birth control after birth control at me and every three months I get to experience a fresh new hell. What the fuck is this???? Can we not figure out what's causing this hideous pain???? We just have to fuck around with dangerous pills?????? I'm at the end of my fucking rooooopppeeee it hurts so much fuck why is my left ovary trying to fucking kill me in some unseeable wayyyyyy
No. 1330128
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My normie friend just asked me why so much of the witch stuff online seems terfy and I am not doing this, not having it tonight.
No. 1330133
>>1330128I’m sorry
nonny. Men will never be witches. I see you.
No. 1330151
>>1330117ok so I moved into my 1st apartment w my former friend in april. I didn’t move in until apr. 15th bc it’s far from where I am & I had to wrap some shit up at home. meanwhile my ex bff had already met this girl on craigslist a month & a half prior and came to the city ~ march 15 to apartment hunt in person and stay with her. they trauma bonded or some shit apparently and really got along.
I move in and I’m content bc I left an
abusive home but also kinda withdrawing bc I’m so far from home. to be fair sometimes they invited me to watch tv in the living room but I declined bc I didn’t like the show they were watching at the time. I’m not the type to go out every weekend, like I still like to go out but on my time. this is in direct contrast to my bff who is super social and likes to drink nearly everyday. they are drinkers don’t get me wrong I’m not prude but I don’t wanna drink a lot.
long story short my friend starts getting cold towards me in may and I do the same after petty arguments we both started. he says he’s unable to live with me and we have this really sad blow up where I beg him to let me stay. my other roommate mediates a second convo between us and things go semi back to normal.
well I fractured my toe and got a really bad sinus infection where it hurt to talk within a three week period and from the texts I read it seems like he thinks I used that as an excuse to avoid housework and speaking to them. which kek. I do most of the cleaning as is. this was like a month and a half ago and he started getting cold towards me around then. also muttering shit under his breath (& saying I do that when I don’t), making rude comments in front of others to try to embarrass me I guess?
he is extremely type a. he has very domineering personality and thinks he can control and talk to women any type of way. I never witness it 1st hand just heard about it from my old friends and roommates. he cycles thru new friends constantly, like every 6 months. I know I shouldn’t be shocked and I was really hurt this morning but I’m determined to get over this. in the texts they were always talking about what I’m doing. not in a mean way, but not in a nice way either up until a month ago.
No. 1330194
>>1330187Yes, I'm trying to resolve my issues through diet. I just think not enough time has passed to see improvement. I'm 99% sure I know the cause of my issues anyway
ED. I'd rather not find out what kind of horrible side effects I'll get but I have a feeling she will pressure me into it.
No. 1330246
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excuse my bonerattling but fat girl wrists make me feel legit sick how can people even get to such a weight that their wrists and hands are fat. its disgusting. its just genuinely so gross. how do you even hold fat there. not to mention the lunch lady arms up top but the wrists and hands really get me. its funny when girls act like they have an ed/are starving, or that theyre soooo dainty and smol and kawaii, and then they have these fat fucking wrists and palms of their hands. how. you see it most in squishmallow collectors, tiktok girls with snack carts, and disney adults.
No. 1330256
I think I'm just going to be a perpetual virgin. I'm fine with it. I don't want to engage in sex with any man, I don't want to get close to them, I don't find any of them interesting enough, I don't want to deal with pregnancy scares and birth control, I don't want to deal with them pumping and dumping (if I had to have sex, I'd want it to be with a committed partner, however all men around here are rabid dogs, so).
What kind of makes me sad is that I'll develop crushes on famous guys. Famous guys that nobody around where I am knows or cares about. The more I learn about their lives, the sadder I tend to get. I'm experiencing a crush on a famous guy right now and it really tears me up inside because, and I'm going to sound incredibly fucking dumb but bear with me, it feels like if he was my age and lived in my town, we'd hit it off pretty well. Like, I just relate to him so much. We've gone through a lot of the same things. And it's like I have this weird idea in my head that we'd be soulmates in a different timeline CRINGE. Very deranged, I get it, but it makes me sad because there's really no one like that over here. I start thinking like, if there was then maybe I'd have sex and start dating, and then the thought of being normal sort of trips me up. I know I'm weird, I've made great progress coming to terms with it, but I won't deny that the thought of being normal feels like a kind of salvation or something like that.
It grosses me out when men flirt with me. They don't know me. They see me and decide that I'm sexually attractive to them so they flirt, I just don't want to deal with it. Fuck. I'm fine with being a virgin but I'm just going crazy about this stupid crush and it makes me sad that we'll never meet. I feel stupid just typing that out. Well. It is the vent thread. Whatever.
No. 1330315
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>tired and slightly in pain
>remembers hot husbando from this one show
>wants to look at his full fictional deliciousness to excite some endorphins
>google searches fanart of them on google
>80% of the fanart is bad art clearly drawn by queerio minors who refuse to practice and learn fundamentals
>unironically the character looks way hotter in his original simple style
No. 1330375
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just found out thurston the cat died I'm actually tearing up rn
No. 1330376
>>1330229I don't know what to tell you anon, except that I hope you learn to love yourself one day. I was in your shoes, many of us have. Saying "love yourself" is a lot easier said than done, but I hope you'll get there and realize that you are worthy of being loved and desired.
Men will continue to prey on girls like you, girls who have what they want but they will never admit it because they love seeing pretty girls who will crawl on their hands and knees begging for a crumb of their attention. Men are not worth your time. They are not worth your time. They! Are! Not! Worth! Your! Time!
No. 1330411
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Help! I need to vent or i will simply combust!! So i go to starbucks everyday because i live with my bf and hes got 2 noisy,but lovely little sisters. I go and work on studying japanese or work on art commissions. I get a coffee and just chill out. Usually i manage to get a lot done but one time some old guy from spain began to chat with me. I didn't mind. I talked with him for about maybe 30 minutes and went on with my life. You see i was raised to respect my elders,so even if i was quite bored i just had to withstand it until he left. Usually i dont mind this sort of thing. I saw him a couple of times after that and the conversations only ever got LONGER. At first i didn't mind until i noticed how it was impossible for me to get a word in,and i mean id get maybe 2 opinions in within the 2 HOURS he'd talk to me for! I just started trying to work while he talked to me because otherwise i wouldn't get anything done but anytime i wasn't looking at him as hed speak hed tap my shoulder until i looked at him EVERY 30 SECONDS! It was driving me crazy. The next time i saw him he said some really sexist stuff about women wearing makeup and he told me "women are conniving" and then complain about his ex wife. Anytime i bring up an opinion he'd get quiet or just ignore it. Also when he sees im studying japanese hes SO weirdly critical and insists i should learn spanish instead over and over everytime. When he found out i liked animating he called it "silliness" and went on and on about how painting is REAL art. He also goes full karen mode at the Starbucks employees and drags me into it. He'll go up to them and say "Nonny and i think the music is too loud" or "Nonny and I would like another sample" even when i say to him over and over again that i dont mind or i dont want another fucking sample. Then he'll come up to me and call the workers "Unevolved" for not listening to his stupid complaint. Im so SICK of the guy i cant stand him. He's even taken note of the time i come in and the days im there. Last time i went in i got lucky,it was very crowded. I was able to sit inbetween two people who were staying as long as i was. He had to sit at another table. Whenever he thought one of them were going tp get up he'd light up and grab his water but luckily nobody moved.i was beaming when he left. I find him to be very very very annoying. Of course i feel like an asshole for it he's just a lonely divorced old man but goddamn he doesn't get boundaries. My bf tells me i shoudl just tell him to fuck off but i cant do it,i want to but its too cruel. I don't want to be run out of my spot by some old dude.
No. 1330433
>>1330280Thanks for the solidarity
nonnie. I've always been big on public transit and saving money to but I agree thwt most buses and trains are disgusting germ boxes.
I hope you can get a car or other types of transport
No. 1330436
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I need to stop being so fucking mean to myself all the time
No. 1330439
>>1330436I feel you
nonnie, let's be our own best buds. I love me.
No. 1330496
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>make a delicious honey miso salmon recipe after I come home late from work and fat baby bf won't even try a bite bc he hates cooked fish yet will consume plates of raw fish as long as it's slathered in cream cheese, sauce, and rice a la "sushi"
What a fucking pleb holy shit. Then of course I can't even show a little bit of disappointment and sadness in my face lest he accuse me of "ribbing" him and making it my fault for how he made me feel. It's not my fault you have a pissbaby palate.
No. 1330522
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>>1330496dump him girl. do not fold to mens feelings.
No. 1330622
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logged into my old microsoft account and god i wanna kill myself, i didn’t know how to delete the damned account or log out of it so i wouldn’t see shit from 2017 and i didn’t know how to so i reset my laptop AGAIN. I hope that doesn’t ruin it. How the fuck do i delete it… i want to erase this era from history
No. 1330746
Last night a man called me crazy and I’ve been stressing about it ever since. I just love how men always describe themselves as chilled when they are in fact super argumentative and/or gaslight. TLDR pick up vibes he might not be interested in me as I initiate convo, asked to meet up, wasn’t given a date or time for the date, when I ask what shall we do he says it’s far away to plan even though less than a week, followers and following going up every day with new women, replies less frequently and says he’s been busy, I don’t get mad, I just take a hint and unfollow him to move on. Don’t think he will notice and we will just go our separate paths, he notices almost immediately and messages me why, I tell him I thought he wasn’t that in to me, he tries to convince me I thought wrong and he is interested in me… only to then reject me after I apologised for misinterpreting the situation and blamed myself, saying he doesn’t want to continue speaking to me - Says that me thinking he didn’t like me was judging him unfairly. I said it’s just an unfollow for 2 hours why is it such a big deal if I apologised and the misunderstanding is now cleared up? He said I should have just asked him and accuses me of unfollowing him for a reaction (even though I expected no reaction). Eventually I get mad because I don’t understand if you don’t want to speak to me again anyway over unfollowing why reach out just to make me feel bad if you’re not wanting to resolve it unless to soothe your own ego. Proceeds to call me crazy and he is “super chilled” therefor we aren’t a match. I don’t get what is crazy about me feeling it was best to unfollow and walk away and save myself from any pain chasing a man who wasn’t showing much interest anymore. I just logically don’t get why unfollowing someone is such a make or break, it’s hardly like I blocked him or ignored him - Its just the internet and I wasn’t following for 2 measly hours heaven forbid. It just feels like it further supports my theory he wasn’t interested because to have such a minor thing be a deal breaker when we are not 12. Feeling absolutely headfucked.
No. 1330750
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i've been shitting for almost 2 hours. please stop i'm so tired. I feel like i'm going to collapse. please please please please please please please please please
No. 1330751
>>1330642god i hate it when americans act like their home country is a 3rd world country. you will be fine girl it's better to be stuck at burgerland than to be stuck in a foreign country with a dude that plays wow in 2022.
make sure to not get pregnant.
No. 1330766
>>1330746That spud sounds like the crazy one to me. It's like a low quality male's first response to a woman not acting according to his scrote tier expections. Fuck him
nonnie, you dodged a bullet there. He unironically sounds like Kevin from the Lori thread. The absolutely hilarious breakdown over an unfollow proceeded by a terminally online head fuck, what a massive sperg. I bet the scrote thinks he's hot shit too. But just wait a few years
nonnie you'll still be hot and in demand, probably already with a decent Nigel, and he'll be a balding ex-jock type trying to relive the glory days whilst messaging women half his age on social media. He is a gaslighting retard and the absolute furthest from "chill", only cluster b's care about a women taking the hint and unfollowing. Most would've just gone on with their lives. But no, this scrote wanted attention and to boost his own ego. He couldn't allow you to get away unscathed, "how dare you unfollow me and bruise my ego like that" is how his miniscule mind functioned in that moment.
No. 1330787
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I just want to read half dead blogs on dreamwidth and I can't because of 403 errors.
No. 1330798
>>1330789from what I read weed affects the male sperm quality or something like that. If you want kids you should now this
>>1330777what do you want? I personally would not date a weed user and think it is worse than one beer (but also not as bad as some other drugs), but he knew probably about it from the beginning or did he only learned it later on in your relationship? He probably does not want to talk about his dislike with you because he fears that you will break up with him or be mad at him. Also, maybe you do act a little bit differently or smell like it and he dislikes it? Idk, maybe he is also afraid that you will become a pothead? 2 or 3 times every week is not that casual imo, but it is better than every day though. How is his opionion about other drugs? Just talk to him about it because he will not suddenly change his opinion
No. 1331004
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I've never been to Christopher Street Day (Pride in Germany) and I don't think I ever will. I've always wanted to go - a friend of mine goes every year and always talks about how much fun it is. However, in recent years it seems to be more and more infested with troon and special snowflake bullshit.
This year, 13 year old girls ran up to my friend (wanting to compliment her on her outfit) and proudly told her that they were boys. Something similar happened to another friend of mine from another city. Also, I saw a video (from my hometown, even) of an old mtf troon yelling and chasing 15/16 year old "terfs" while a lot of people watched - not a single one intervened, and they were all adults. At the end of the video you could see the police entering the scene, but still, it's so shameful. Overall, I feel like Pride is becoming more and more of a cringe fest, and both my girlfriend and I couldn't be more annoyed by it. Plus, if I were to go, I'd have to go with a friend group where there's a major handmaiden + her troon/enby friends involved, so why even bother? While I never felt like making a big deal out of my sexuality, I had been interested in going to Pride to have fun, but at this point I'm honestly ashamed to be associated with the community. Not sure if I'm just overreacting, I've never been there to see how bad it really is after all, but each year it seems to get worse anyways.
Does anyone else feel the same way?
By the way, pic related was taken last week here in Germany.
No. 1331100
>>1330144I love when birds do this too. I get up for work early and there are so many birds already up around that time (6 am) and some of them fly just ahead of me in the street sometimes, stopping on a bush and looking at me and then flying some more. really nice. my little morning buddies
>>1330185good for you. I will also never go on that evil shit
No. 1331105
>>1331004>By the way, pic related was taken last week here in Germany.i only saw it on radblr today, i didn't think it was from germany since i didn't notice the guy in the ordnungsamt vest.
war auch klar, dass sowas von der fucking linksjugend gepostet wird. dw nonne, i never go to pride/csd either. i used to be super into the idea of having a kweer social circle irl until i went to university in leipzig and met actual irl enbies and fakebois and realized how cringe they were. pride is just embarrassing and a bunch of degenerates and spicy straights. i understand the feeling of being ashamed to be associated with them. ngl the current climate pushed me back into the closet and i just pretend to be straight because i don't wanna be associated with they/thems for being a lesbian.
No. 1331180
>>1331058This is so evil and seriously my deepest sympathies. I was dating a guy as my dad was in a nursing home (only 62,
problematic type 1 diabetic) I asked him to visit my dad with me. He refused and my dad ended up having a heart attack then dying. I'm so sorry
No. 1331452
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I know she's a snowflake but I wish I looked like Emiru, it's so frustrating, I'm also short and dark-haired and we look pretty similar but I can't not look at her as an even thinner version of me that I wish I was. Please someone slap some sense into me when she probably shoops and uses a lot of makeup I feel weak
No. 1331489
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oh anons… I am extremely depressed. I'm flea person. I read that once you apply the topical treatment, the fleas get hyperactive before they die so it's common to see more of them, so I'm trying to stay positive. But they're biting me. And I want to cry.
I also found out my ex is posting on reddit saying his ex "sexually assaulted him" and I know it's about me and he's a scumbag. Instead of not engaging like I have been, I did, and it only made me feel miserable. Lesson learned. But i'm just wallowing in my despair now. When things get bad I hear his voice in my head berating me or making fun of me for my issues. So seeing my cat suffer with fleas and me suffer with fleas makes me even more anxious as if my ex is actually here berating me.
i honestly want to fuck him up. I want to hurt him. But I know that would benefit nobody and only increase his victimhood status. Piece of shit.
Maybe this is just karma for engaging with him in the first place, but the fleas were around before I knew he was posting about me on the internet.
I just hope things get better. I know they do, i just can't shake the hopelessness feeling right now.
No. 1331555
>>1331489Nona, look at it this way. No one is really going to believe him unless they are a stupid pick me bitch or another retard moid. And even if they do fuck them anyway. Idiots believe in tumors and without proof thats all he has is rumors. As for the fleas,
oof i cant imagine. We used to get lice alot as kids and that was miserable. Im rooting for you and your cat. Your exmoid will end up alone because he will always treat his partners like shit.
No. 1331751
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>>1331674I'm in a similar situation but opposite in what happened.I just want to say I feel similarly to you and I am also feeling sad. You're not in this alone and the collective of anons here lamenting over thier significant other at least helps me or comforts me that we are all going through the same thing. Some of our situations might change, some might not, but the important thing is to get better by doing activities and to do things that make you happy. Something as simple as reading a book or eating yummy cake can make a world of a difference. I still have hope for love, and I have hope for you and for even the person who hurt me.
No. 1331774
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>>1331698You're right, I don't really believe in soulmates or twin flames I use it more in a sense of we really got along well up until recently and it's hard for me to think I'll ever find a connection like that again. I'm not saying I can't live without her though, I definitely can and will I'm just a lonely person.
It's funny you respond so bluntly since she's like that too. I appreciate the response all the same, sometimes a girl needs that slap to the face to break her out of delusions. I actually do feel a lot better after that! Thank you.
>>1331751Thank you
nonnie! I know we can all make it out of this together and for the better. I try to be a positive person but those Bad Thoughts catch up to me sometimes. I'm rooting for you and everyone else going through the same.
No. 1331907
>>1331823Not at all! It feels a bit like closure since I doubt I'll get it from her, it probably sounds like I'm quick to get over it after just venting but I've been mulling over it for weeks now and you kind of gave me the kick to get over it. I absolutely agree with you!
Thank you! I had a lot planned for myself after my move and this issue put me on pause but I think I can go forward now.
No. 1332016
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>>1326266at least we can vent on lolcow
No. 1332127
New thread
>>>/ot/1332126For when this one gets filled out.
No. 1332214
>>1332202Real mental illness always has, and still scares people anon. I have PTSD from an
abusive childhood, I have very depressive intervals in life where I can barely function, and I have panic attacks from time to time. I have one or two friends who get it, but most people either don't believe me/don't care. I will never understand why some people think of it in a romanticised way, because for me it has been ugly and debilitating. That trope about men liking messy women DEFINITELY doesn't apply to me because I don't like sex, and dislike being touched. I have learned to enjoy being alone through necessity, but feel unbearably lonely sometimes. So I feel you, wish I could be of comfort to you.
No. 1332225
>>1332220Ayrt, maybe because when those people meet someone who actually ill, they feel threatened because they are worried that person will expose their phoneyness or something? I dunno, I guess they think being mentally ill means acting like Angelina Jolie in Girl Interrupted and freak out when they see the harsh reality?
I try to keep my shit to myself to avoid adverse reactions, as I know only too well of the harassment you speak of
No. 1332233
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I hate being in that spot of mental illness where it’s like, you “spiral” into a completely different mindset that makes you believe all your insecurities and anxiety are real, and then trying to get out of it but you feel so stuck in it. You know it’s not true but it feels so true in the moment if that makes sense. I also hate being aware of my mental illness and thinking I’m weak and crazy but also knowing it’s not my fault and that there are some things I can do help make myself heal. Just want a day of peace and quiet in my head
No. 1332235
>>1332231>>my entire existence is an offense to those that are fake.Ahhh, well this is what it is
No. 1332284
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Does anyone else get that thing where you go numb when someone else shows emotion. It's helped me handle high-stress situations but I feel like a cycle path