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No. 1298164
Last thread
>>1280311>>1280508 ,
>>1280608 Rumors that Prince William likes to be pegged.
>>1280528 The Wendy williams show has been cancelled and youtube channel deleted.
>>1280593 ,
>>1280777 ,
>>1282397 ,
>>1285986 the new marilyn monroe movie.
>>1280722 ,
>>1290810 People losing their minds because Doja Cat shaved her head.
>>1281499 ,
>>1281516 ,
>>1281732 Beyonce's styling for her new album.
>>1282309 Shakira is facing 8 years in jail over 14.5 mil tax fraud. She decided to go to trial instead of accepting plea offered by spanish prosecutors.
>>1282618 Elon Musk accused of having a affair with a billionaires wife.
>>1283296 Jameela Jamil casted in a new marvel movie.
>>1283791 Taylor Swift was ranked number one in a list of private jet CO2 pollution emissions.
>>1284635 Jennifer Lopez has now officially changed her name to Jennifer Affleck.
>>1285213 Emrata confirms her husband was cheating on her.
>>1285394 Nichelle Nicols passed away on the 31st at 89.
>>1286435 Elon musk trying to subtweet his exes.
>>1286611 Recent selfie of how Zayn Malik looks.>>1287013 Themi era is over and now she is back to Demi again.
>>1287028 ,
>>1294326 creepy gross has-been comedian.
>>1287342 ,
>>1287343 Bella Hadid spotted looking sickly and corpse-like.
>>1290826 ,
>>1290643 ,
>>1287517 ,
>>1290822 People unsealed court documents which unveiled alot of bad things about Johhny depp.
>>1287519 Megan fox and Kourtney Kardashian queerbaiting.
>>1288296 ,
>>1288308 ,
>>1288313 Beyonce removes a sample of ''milkshake'' from her song ''energy'' after Kelis calls her out for song theft, turns out Kelis doesnt even own the credits to Milkshake and its not her song anymore.
>>1289063 Bill Skarsgard and FKA Twigs set to Star in ‘The Crow’ Reboot, with Rupert Sanders Directing.
>>1289498 ,
>>1290385 ,
>>1294732 ,
>>1294740 More Ezra Miller news.
>>1290632 Jennete McCurdy claims Nickelodeon offered her 300k as long as she doesn't speak publicly about her experiences with Nickelodeaon.
>>1290747 Austin Butlers ex-gf meeting his future girlfriend….
>>1291049 boyega-chan is back?
>>1291300 Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson break up.
>>1291372 Anne Heche crashed into a garage, fled the scene and crashed again into someone's house. She's severely burned and in critical condition.
>>1292342 ,
>>1293413 ,
>>1292407 People still losing their minds because Doja is now bald and not wearing makeup.
>>1292377 Messages between Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp were published.
>>1294599 Olivia Newton-John dies at 73.
>>1294608 Kanye West still threatening Pete.
>>1294839 ,
>>1294861 ,
>>1294845 ,
>>1294867 Orange Mans home got raided by the FBI.
>>1294982 Lana Del rey tried to photoshop her rolls away.
>>1296395 Rita Ora and Taika Waititi get married.
>>1296816 ,
>>1296818 ,
>>1296889 Bella Thorne current appearance.
-This is the celebricows thread
not the tinfoil one, so take all retarded schizo tinfoil conspiracies to other threads.
-Report bait/racebait/tinfoil instead of responding to them since it leads to derailing and infighting.
No. 1298176
File: 1660235806342.jpeg (70 KB, 872x1280, brit tmz.jpeg)

Britney Spear's kids (unauthorized) filmed her arguing with them so their father could post on the internet. Keven's intention again to show she would not be a capable mother because she is arguing they need to protect themselves against the cold.
Pretty normal discussion among a mom and her teen sons. I know they are still teenagers and all, but they are just growing up to be two leeches of her.
link: No. 1298181
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To the anons talking about how #based their relationship is, this is him at 18 and her at 42. She’s known him since he was 8.
No. 1298182
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>>1298176The misogyny is hideous. I hate K Fed. He's a fucking hypocrite. He fucked a porn star in his kids' playroom, he smokes weed and is around strippers, but oh, that isn't embarrassing or bad parenting. Not to mention Britney being naked in
Toxic was fine or in any application that makes them money, but not on her own terms.
No. 1298190
>>1298185lol how defensive , retarded pickme/scrote got
triggered because she cant spam the same old milk everytime.
No. 1298191
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>>1298182Kevin openly with weed (account is his brother). There is a photo of his brother hugging Sean and Jayden right next to this photos in the same post so it was more than likely at the same event.
No. 1298198
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I cannot believe this sack of leathered dust is about to star in a period piece.
No. 1298199
>>1298191Kacey Jordan talking about fucking Federline in his kids' playroom: Jordan also babysat Jayden under Federline's direction. I can't find the YouTube links for these yet, I will keep on looking.
No. 1298210
File: 1660237242260.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.07 KB, 1020x2207, Snapchat-1491718835.jpg)

Tommy Lee posted this on his Instagram. His wife commented laughing at it, he deleted it minutes later. I wonder if she posted it from his phone?
No. 1298220
>>1298210so many of these has-been rockstars never grew up, they are still stuck in their early 20's phase of shock value content and posting their private parts.
Reminds me of how Howie Mandel posting that prolapse butthole on tiktok.
No. 1298222
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>>1298181and ? she wasn't molesting him when he was a minor and you know what I unironically believe that it would be better for society if younger men sleeping with older women was the norm
Think about it for a minute
>men in their early 20s are stronger>they have healthy sex drives and a peepee that works>they look their best at this age>women live longer than men on average>a younger man will probably not die before you>if they want to be the provider, they have longer time to do it during your companionship>they still have a zest for life and some goals>younger men are not yet bitter from divorce>by taking the younger hotties while they still have potential we may train a generation of men to be of value, instead of squandering their life away on weed, videogames and pornon the other hand there's not much an older man can offer a younger woman, I mean at most they can offer money but that's not a key for a healthy or meaningful relationship
No. 1298225
>>1298222not this shit again.
>>1298221you didnt know it was posted yet know that anons said it was based,ok, go eat dog shit you oxymoron spergs i swear.
No. 1298230
>>1298205im seeing people say she has graves disease but i dont know how true that is.
She started spiralling around the time her husband cheated on her and got his mistress pregnant and then used wendys money to finance his mistress, wendys mom also died around that time.
No. 1298232
>>1298222Nta ok but not 18? I'd agree with you if it was the case that he was like 25 or something but 18 really is too young. What can a teenager bring to the table for an adult woman? At least wait until he's an actual adult with relationship skills first.
And on the topic, has she groomed him? Like is this another one of those "oop they started dating a week after he turned 18" type of things where you know something sketchy has been going on for a while?
No. 1298235
>>1298229anon she just gossiped the only difference between us here and her was that she was doing it publicly. Do you really think she deserved karma because of that.
Also she was entertaining and funny.
No. 1298236
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>>1298181every britbong will know him from this movie. angus, thongs and perfect snogging
No. 1298265
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Jennette talking about the hush money nickelodean tried to offer her.
to the newfag refuges here webm is a video format so you have to click on it to view the video, its not a picture
No. 1298277
>>1298255i find you more retarded than those ''gays''.
britney-chan who posts all the time how britney deserves to be in a conservatorship and gets mad at others and accuses them of being fans or fags if they disagree with you.
No. 1298304
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Didnt see anon post the full thing in the previous thread so posting this here.
Jennette explaining why she was jealous of ariana grande.
No. 1298311
>>1298279god I hate k fed. Anyone who were in hs in 2000's remember his cheating, lying scumbag ass. He used to be married to shar jackson who he has a daughter with, rumored to have cheated on her with britney, and his daughter literally gets ignored. There was a reality show that played a long time ago where his daughter talks about how he basically abadoned her and doesn't even really talk to her anymore, it's fucking sad. The fact that ANYONE trusts ANYTHING coming from him is disgusting, he's a scrote thru and thru.
If you're curious at all do watch this show. It also has some other interesting people in it.
No. 1298313
>>1298301you can just talk about it here anon but if it gets too derailing then you can post about it in the book thread
>>>/m/186682 or in the child abuse one
>>1298305 No. 1298331
>>1296816anon she's destroyed her face. when her injections and surgeries were brand new they were soooort of okay, in photos, but now she's a fucking latex mask muppet.
idc if some dumbass who never learned a sport or how to cook gets fat after age 25, it seems to be a normal part of life in her country, but the face destroying is unforgivable.
>>1296889>kill to have a body like herhaha WOW you must be fucking ugly as shit. she looks like she's had 3 kids and a cheap tummy tuck
No. 1298353
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Camilla Cabello has a new boyfriend.
No. 1298377
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im seeing people say this looks low-budget and i agree, it looks like she is wearing a 20$ wig.
No. 1298382
>>1298331>haha WOW you must be fucking ugly as shit. she looks like she's had 3 kids and a cheap tummy tuckYou were waiting several days to be able to say that huh.
>>1298255Mothers yell at their kids when they’re misbehaving all of the time. It’s what theyre saying and how they say it that dictates whether it’s abuse or not. Don’t be melodramatic over a mundane clip. Show that you’re never actually around kids a little harder.
No. 1298386
>>1298377Not a root or scalp in sight
No. 1298393
There is going to be a documentary about Armie Hammer with his exes, family and
victims speaking out.
>>1298388can you all just stop responding to crapchan, it is obviously her with her obsession with calling people ''low iq subhumans''. So maybe just ignore the ban evader instead of being just as retarded and giving her attention.
No. 1298410
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Pete davidson is going to therapy because Kanye is saying mean things about him on the internet.
No. 1298461
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So im guessing Kim ended things with Pete based on this.
>They said: 'They had tons of chemistry, and still do, but she kind of wants to be single and date.
>'Kim still adores Pete and will always be friends with him. She still thinks he's the nicest and sweetest guy in the world and there's no drama or anything weird between them now,' it was also shared.
>Pete is bummed things didn't work out with Kim, but he is focused on the future in terms of his career and personal life.'
No. 1298467
>>1298353He’s foine I don’t care
>>1298461The whole thing orchestrated to give them attention and keep people from talking about Khloes surrogacy and the fact that people fucking died at the Travis Scott concert. Boring.
No. 1298487
>>1298480>i thought she primarily or only hated black female rappers.No she sometimes goes after women/men of different races too.
She seems terminally online especially with her ''subhuman'' obsession, crapchan is like a failure neet version of doja cat kek.
No. 1298586
>>1298210dudes iq is 50 at most
i once saw an interview around 5 years ago in which he asked a serious news reporter what color her panties are
the other members of the band all looked like they wanted to die
No. 1298732
>>1298729yes. that is kind of always how society has been. i know numerous males who have had
abusive fathers but blame and hate their meek mothers for being like "please put on your coat", while they adore their
abusive fathers. they're all fucked up and so is society. to have children in this society as a woman is a losing game and is playing into the hands of the patriarchy.
No. 1298808
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would best dressed count as a celeb now that she gets fashion collabs and red carpet appearances? she's basically zoomer alexa chung now kek
No. 1298811
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>Ezra's saying he doesn't know where Ana Rosa is
>his other girlfriend makes post saying business insider is lying
No. 1299007
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>>1298377who is making this series, those infinite typewriter monkeys?
No. 1299021
>>1298722"help i dished it out and then someone tried to make me take it!!"
No. 1299082
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No. 1299129
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>>1299121>starvation muscle wastageanon she's huge. i'm 35. you don't have to blow up like this especially if, like her, you don't have kids.
No. 1299133
>>1299034> I feel like a successful runway model wouldn't have the time or interest to keep up to date with lolcow threadsNot that anon but you’d be surprised
>>1299129She looks perfectly normal on the left, she’s not too thin, anyone who thinks that’s what “anachan” looks like must be a burger
No. 1299141
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>>1299133she is anachan there on the left, she has said she was too stressed to eat. you can see the loss of muscle in her legs and how she looks more topheavy in her shoulders and arms because of the muscle and fat loss in her legs. her more normal sustained weight through working out and staying healthy looked like this and made her look more balanced, albeit still thin and fit. the analook started coming when you can tell she was losing muscle and looked like she was just eating less. the left is yes, still a perfectly normal body but you can tell she started losing muscle and fat quite a bit, and was sustaining that weight likely due to her restricting instead of staying fit and healthy as she did previously. she looks fine in both pictures.
>>1299136that isn't her "normal weight", she looked comparatively sickly because she wasn't sustaining that weight healthily, as she admitted. throughout most of her career you could tell she was well nourished and worked out, but was slim. she admitted that she went through periods where she was too skinny from not eating from stress.
No. 1299148
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>>1299141samefag but eventually it got to this point, where you see the muscle and fat particularly in her legs and hips were totally gone and she had very little muscle at all. she has really great fat distribution and muscle definition when she is staying healthy and eating. there's a reason why she says she's proud of going from picrel to being slightly heavier now, because she was struggling. she's not a "blimp" now at all and she, along with every other female celeb, is entitled to not always be as perfectly attractive as society wants them to be.
No. 1299160
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please….. no weightsperging……… i beg…………….
No. 1299168
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nonnie. maybe for once we can not sperg about weight or race. a girl wants to dream
No. 1299171
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No. 1299173
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picrel are the nonnies itt
honestly the first thing I noticed about those bella thorne pics is the fact that her face has the alcohol bloat, can't all be fillers
No. 1299174
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>>1299171picrel stolen from the chins but kek
No. 1299182
>>1298811Is Ezra dating a troon? Has a man face
>>1299133>Not that anon but you’d be surprisedBELLA HADID IS THAT YOU???
No. 1299198
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>>1298236God Aaron Johnson was really one of the few incredibly attractive men. Like his features are seriously perfect. Past tense not because he’s aged badly but I just hate his current styling with the long hair and beard/mustache thing whatever he’s got going on now. I never see guys that good looking with women who look like a horse. Sam taylor is genuinely very ugly in the face and also looks emaciated, it’s not about her age, someone like Monica belluci or Winona Ryder looks like who I’d expect him to date if he prefers older women.
My theory is he’s either an incredibly unshallow man who just so happens to be genetically blessed (this is so rare) or he cucks her and she doesn’t mind. Orrrr she really did groom him.
No. 1299237
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>>1299202Lmao yeah I was kinda thinking the same thing actually anon but back when he had that style it was cooler cause not associated with TikTok eboys and anything is better than his current mess
No. 1299249
>>1299133>anyone who thinks that’s what “anachan” looks like must be a burgerbased
nonnie>>1299129I have no idea who the fuck this is but google tells me she's 24 and she's already getting fat holy shit
I'm in my 30s too and at a normal weight, but I'm also from europe,like to stay healthy and being fat around here is disgusting
No. 1299264
>>1299249Ikr, in my culture being overweight is heavily chastised too, I feel like bullshit woketard “body positivity” and “fat phobia” fuckery is endemic to anglophone countries/cultures as a cope for the fact that so many people are just lazy, greedy slobs and wish to “normalise” their grossness
>>1299259Fucking this, nona. It’s what the hmara deserves
No. 1299275
File: 1660303424545.jpeg (Spoiler Image,362.72 KB, 1125x1428, 2B8C8DA5-A935-416B-BD37-566A7D…)

>>1298210He still has it on Twitter posted, his washed up vine “star” wife is posting about how totally funny and unbothered she is about it on TT because she’s cool girl, yet constantly making TikTok’s of how insanely jealous and absolutely obsessive she is with this decrepit moid
No. 1299290
File: 1660304855307.jpeg (156.98 KB, 1570x1046, 2345678908765432.jpeg)

Can you faggots shut the fuck up about Bella it's been 3 fucking days. The belly flab isn't even hers it's a pattern on the dress you fucking retards. No one cares how much you bitches weigh or how old you are, stop fucking blog posting.
No. 1299292
>>1299264Body positivity is a direct counter movement to the idea that heroin chic and ultra thin models were the standard for beauty. There are people out there who go to unhealthy lengths and do drugs on the weekend just to stay tiny even if it makes them miserable. Its better to have "everyone should be happy and not feel like killing themselves because of a standard" than having a culture where people breathe down your neck about your body. The reason we have them in anglophonic countries (and most of europe) is because we're trying to develop past the idea that women need to be petite.
Inb4 anyone calls me a fatty, I'm an athlete and my sport requires muscle which leads to an alarming amount of women on my team dropping out or developing EDs because people chastise them for not being skinny despite being healthy
No. 1299303
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Demi Lovato mentions her ex Wilmer in her new song.
No. 1299313
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>>1299305That's because Iggy's body is photoshopped to absolute fuck and her ass and hips are fake.
No. 1299314
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No. 1299321
>>1299314Oh God, please don't tell me he's Patches on to a new
victim? Who is this unfortunate soul?
No. 1299328
>>1299303oh she really makes it blatant that its about him lol, i wonder if he will respond.
also for newfriends, webm is a video so you can click on it.
No. 1299334
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>>1298657>>1299109my grandfather's family were war refugees and his brother died and so my grandfather had to marry his wife, it was a tradition in my ethnic group(that Jatts) that when a man dies his closest living male relative(usually his youngest unmarried brother) marry his wife and become the father of his children, believe me this was better then how most moids in south asia treated widowed women, where they were abandoned or forced to become prostitutes, my family last practiced this tradition up until the 70's, where one my distant uncles who was 16 married a widowed 40 year old and had 2 children with her before she passed, it wasn't perfect and looked down upon but compared to the alternatives it was far better
(derailing ) No. 1299343
>>1298205I know she has some type of disease, but is she also abusing drugs? A lot of people claim so.
In other news, Anne Heche is expected to die from her injuries.
No. 1299354
File: 1660311049371.png (3.14 MB, 996x1502, burgers stfu.png)

>>1299173you really think the girl on the left is anachan? no one's bone rattling. we're saying that bella is fucking fat. "obese" starts a lot sooner than amberlynn territory.
No. 1299369
>>1299275Why does it look like a hot dog
>>1299287>almost 29What??? Ok I have heard the 'mutts are fat' joke but 29 is something your doctor mentions. It should not be a "average".
No. 1299370
File: 1660311809551.jpeg (511.94 KB, 2048x1360, 3D2FE1A4-FD4B-49B6-BD26-0016D4…)

>>1299198He was perfect in Nowhere boy.
No. 1299383
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No. 1299384
>>1299378you're really gonna shit on her for being a redneck who just now got the chance to speak to the wider world, huh
she didn't invent the traditions that have been drilled into her brain for 18 years. maybe act normal instead of attacking and driving her away
No. 1299417
>>1299403kekek no I'm the france-chan who called you all at last time as well. honestly you people, you are all fat.
The tranny doesn't sage and also sadposts in the monkeypox thread.
(le rattle-rattle ) No. 1299420
>>1299400ayrt im
>>1299389 and maybe USA people don't pay attention because the east in general is far away from them? i still think they're all very stupid, but in singapore or turkey or serbia i guess things that happen in palestine are probably less "distant" and "foreign" than they are to americans.
No. 1299434
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>>1299417Also samefag but
No. 1299470
>>1299449>you can't enjoy life unless you are obeseguys you think cindy crawford and heidi klum don't enjoy life? why must you only think in extremes? look at all the ranges of bodies up to BMI 25. you DO NOT get bella's fatbody from "a glass of wine" or "dinner" good lord.
also, your very specific example tells me that you are a recovering anachan who just has no ability to do anything in moderation.
No. 1299481
>>1299466Oh… I thought you were supposed to claim samefag when you post something right after you already posted or when you reply to someone's post twice. I've been here like 6 years have I been doing it wrong this whole time?
>>1299449Thank you and I agree completely lol, I don't know why anachans think everyone wants to be underweight or very low bmi like them. I used to be closer to Bella's weight and was very happy and confident with how I looked but then I got hyperthyroidism and lost a bunch of weight and then got covid and lost even more. My metabolism and appetite has been messed up ever since but I'm trying to get back to my initial weight before the loss, I was quite happy with my belly pooch. The anachans will take a 180 on their stance when they get a bit older and they're hormones start dropping and they get that saggy plastic bag look lol.
No. 1299496
File: 1660316750483.png (9.61 MB, 1242x2688, 91CE0260-09EB-44BE-A36D-727987…)

Since we’re weight sperging, Mindy looks healthy and happy.
No. 1299497
>>1299490I am 35. Those are both women who are older, had kids, and eat at many great restaurants and bakeries. They don't look like bella thorne or the piggies I see at gen z concerts where I work.
also, I give celebrities as an example because anon isn't going to know who "my neighbour kelsey" or "professer bentley" are.
No. 1299517
File: 1660317416814.jpg (368.4 KB, 1440x2160, heidi-klum-gntm.jpg)

>>1299497You're 35 and you're acting like a teenage anachan sperg? Damn that is not the flex you think it is lol, I don't believe for one second you're truly happy and confident with your life and appearance. Also celebrities are poor examples compared to normies because they have the money, time, and professionals that keep them looking as nice as possible for as long as possible. It's so naive that at 35 you're comparing a famous model to your neighbors, and thinking you know how Heidi Klum eats on a daily basis lol. Besides you're argument is redundant because she has the same tummy as Bella now.
No. 1299533
File: 1660318210801.jpg (76.47 KB, 634x824, 57923555-10825359-image-a-10_1…)

Ana chans are cranky because they're starving. Go say some affirmations and eat a steak, you'll feel better.
No. 1299546
File: 1660318726500.jpg (3.25 MB, 3925x2944, ap22216570430921-2dceca1166ed5…)

Alex Jones continues to show how much of a piece of shit he is by saying he isn't losing any sleep over what he did, that the media blew everything out of proportion and misinterpreted him, and that he won't be paying any of the money to the families because "he can't afford it" despite staying at one of the most expensive hotels in Omaha. Nothing surprising. No. 1299576
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Ezra Miller chilling with his mom.(Ezra has his own thread)
No. 1299581
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>>1299576idk why people are lying that he is on the run when is openly showing his face and chilling.
No. 1299590
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>>1299366>this new body is in no way "average"Stop capping kek. Most of you guys are fat as well as gay
No. 1299598
>>1299353I think you're still confused anon kek. Her grandma was 23. Anyway I'm not sure why anon told us that weird shit but I guess anything goes in this thread right now.
>>1299290I love these dresses, I've being seeing them around more recently.
No. 1299599
>>1299595I'm not the 35 year old anachan anon, I'm literally tired of reading the weight sperging. There's nothing abnormal about Bella Thorne's body, Americans in this thread have just brainrotted themselves with media industries that force women and young girls to starve themselves, and now they're suffering from delusions.
Her body is average for her country of origin, maybe even a bit thinner than average. I don't understand the reeeing.
No. 1299601
>>1299477>>1299470The funny thing is nowhere did I say she had to be obese to enjoy life. I said she would look ok with a bit of weight on her, in the same way Bella looks ok with a bit of weight on her. Is Bella obese? No. She just has a
bit (translation for anachans: a small piece) of weight on her. The fact either of you immediately interpreted "a bit of weight" as me advocating for obesity says a lot more about you two thinking in extremes. Moreover, tell me how an occasional glass of wine or a nice dinner is in any way an extreme unhealthy act for the obese?
No. 1299634
>>1299576So it looks like the mods are active, I never would have guessed considering the tranny, racebait thread and other posts that are still up, I guess this is where the janny draw the line.
So were not allowed to mention Ezra who is a a celeb anymore or milk related to him? but i guess sperging about weight or what your grandmother did is approved…
No. 1299635
>>1299598Omg I'm sorry I completely botched the reading comprehension on that one, sorry esl anon if you're still lurking. I thought you were defending pedophilia and I sperged, I've seen too much on these threads but I need to reel it in and take a minute to fully read each post before I reply, sorry nonna's.
Also I really like that dress too
No. 1299638
File: 1660322748360.jpg (125.46 KB, 1080x1025, y5xn3ny8f8a81.jpg)

>fatty fat chan this
>haggard Ana chan that
>poo poo pee pee waaah
Stfu both of you and get some muscle. Pic related Silje Torp at 47.(derailing weight sperg)
No. 1299646
File: 1660323048363.png (1.06 MB, 906x1372, Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 9.30…)

I went ahead and made a thread to discuss "I'm Glad My Mom Died" in case anyone wants to chime in:
>>>/m/230043 No. 1299647
File: 1660323074414.jpg (140.61 KB, 600x432, shut-up-the-both-of-yas-303707…)

stop with the weight sperging reee
No. 1299656
File: 1660323316265.png (1.28 MB, 1206x938, Screenshot 2022-08-12 205542.p…)

>>1299638No thank you, retarded gymbros brainwashed women into believing right is healthy and better looking the the left. You can fall their propaganda as much as you want but don't shill it on us.
>>1299650Thanks anon, this thread is infested with the most room temparture iq retards.
Nice to see that mentioning ezra js the biggest priority to the mods though.
No. 1299664
>>1299528because you don't have to "hit the wall" at 25 like you all believe. there are many old chans who do not go to seed
>>1299536i am froggychan and agree with
>>1299536 No. 1299665
>>1299541why do you think the only options are lana potato or anorexia?
>>1299561>35 is middle agedhow is this less insane than thinking you can only be eugenia ana or lithium weight gain lana? moderation, healthy body type, middle ground. this is the way
No. 1299670
That containment thread was made by a janny and
>>1299587 is probably a janny too especially with how fast that anon got that ban, so because that one janny has made that snow thread about ezra now we are not allowed to talk about him here because thats what she wants, who the fuck do you think you are onky the fucking admin to command new rules like that.
shitty janny kiss my ass.
No. 1299673
>>1299599her body is abnormal and americans have brainrotted into thinking it's normal
she's fucking gigantic. her legs are the size of a 5'3" woman's waist.
No. 1299674
>>1299672oooh so offended that anonymous poster who hates fat girls put words in your mouth
so inappropriate for this serious political debate
you think 35 year olds ar emiddle aged because you eat twinkies and drink faygo then go surprised pikachu face when you lose everything at age 25
>>1299674Nta but if you think putting in weight is the same as "losing everything" then you're really telling on yourself
Pack it in girls it's just the anachans
No. 1299757
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Anne heche just died
No. 1299767
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Armie Hammer vibes
No. 1299788
>>1299757>>1299082Is there a chance she knew something she wasn't supposed to know?
I'm asking because "car crashes" have been used in the past to get rid of witnesses of crime and pedo rings.
No. 1299794
>>1299780be careful when mentioning him kek.
>>1299789anon what zoomers this is more like millennial shit, i say this is a millennial and all the edgy shit men would do then and the creaming their pants reactions.
No. 1299798
Nonna I just meant that they also like that kind of stuff/glorify weird shit like this. You didn't have to take it so seriously.
No. 1299803
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I’m probably the only person here who cares but this is a bit shit and frankly more upsetting than someone who incinerates themselves while driving under the influence
No. 1299828
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Gaga botched
No. 1299834
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>>1299767>>1299773tbh I get what he's saying, see I used to work with children and I felt a sense of power that's really hard to describe, I would never ever hurt them but I had the power too and the idea never left my mind, for someone like Jocob whose naturally bigger and stronger then most adult men I'm sure that's how he feels all the time, like he's in a world made of cardboard, I'm sure he imagines how he easily could kill others if he wanted too
No. 1299835
>>1299354honestly I think you guys arguing about her body are just getting thrown off by how unfortunately unflattering those shorts are.
its tragic you'd think rich famous people would have, like, a stylist or someone to stop them from wearing something that doesn't fit or flatter at all.
No. 1299841
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who could this be
No. 1299845
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>>1299828should have posted her trying to sell those new lipsticks, it's uncanny. can't wait to see her tho
No. 1299876
>>1299837nta but
>His 1988 novel “The Satanic Verses” was viewed as blasphemous by many Muslims, who saw a character as an insult to the Prophet Muhammad, among other objections. Around the world, often-violent protests erupted against Rushdie, who was born in India to a Muslim family. One riot killed 12 people in his hometown of Mumbai.>The book was banned in Iran, where the late leader Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a 1989 fatwa, or edict, calling for Rushdie’s death.>The death threats and bounty led Rushdie to go into hiding under a British government protection program, which included a round-the-clock armed guard. Rushdie emerged after nine years of seclusion and cautiously resumed more public appearances, maintaining his outspoken criticism of religious extremism overall.>Police said a state trooper was assigned to Rushdie’s lecture and made the arrest. But after the attack, some longtime visitors to the center questioned why there wasn’t tighter security for the event, given the decades of threats against Rushdie and a bounty on his head in the Muslim world offering more than $3 million for anyone who kills him. No. 1299923
>>1299546Why would the families agree to rehash painful memories to sue him? All that happened is what anyone with a brain knew was going to:
1. he didn't "learn his lesson" and doesn't give a shit. Any followers he still has also don't give a shit.
2. He will never pay the money back.
3. Lawyers get richer
What a waste of time
No. 1299948
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>>1299915>trying to act as though this is an islam only thing is laughable at bestIslam is very clearly the worst in the world right now though. It's like comparing a broken leg to a leg that's been hacked off by a machete. Islam is a fucking cancer. Not racebaiting, brown people are great but there is no ideology in the world right now that's as dangerous and retarded as conservative Islam.
No. 1299981
how is this whole country even real
No. 1299988
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Lizzo keeps posting
No. 1300051
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>>1299988She’s also alluding to getting married for attention
No. 1300056
>>1299497I'm a oldfag as well but what are you trying to prove, want to be a cool momma coquette wannabe dearie. Embarrassing behavior.
>>1299590I´m gay,not American an probably also thinner than you. Stop being a stupid hoe.
>>1299899She sounds hot.
No. 1300111
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Lmao Kim broke up with Pete when he tried to propose to her.
No. 1300144
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No. 1300199
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Britney's kids are devil spawns
- the kids are KGB agents, they secretly film her when she's in her bad moments and send the recordings to their father, Kevin Federline
- Kevin Federaline posted these illegally recorded videos online
- kid says he’d tell the whole story about his mom in exchange of 5k followers
- says in the future he will tell the story and become really popular
- Britney was considering retiring from music, he was like: what? what are you saying? like you know how much bank you make off of that stuff?
No. 1300216
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>>1300199The leaked videos contain:
>Britney giving her sons lotion for his skin>Britney scolding her kids not to be bare feet in public and cold weather>Britney telling her kids to respect women>Britney teaching her kids about skating No. 1300223
File: 1660351251654.png (609.15 KB, 674x539, asdfghtrgdfsvfgd.png)

>>1299803He was married to Olivia Wilde, one of the drivers who helped "collect" women for Weinstein. No way he's not somehow involved with that or at least aware of it and turning a blind eye.
Sorry but my sympathy lies with mentally ill abuse victims not old pervy scrotes No. 1300332
>>1299788I heard she had an accident before the big crash, but she refused to get out of the car and continued driving. So I doubt it
>>1299757I heard she had a troubled past but I wonder why she couldn't have just done the coke at home or just taken a cab. This isn't some teen making a mistake.
I feel like at that age you have to know that you can't drive under the influence like that. I don't think she deserve to die or anything but I do feel bad for the lady who lost her house as a result of the crash.
No. 1300367
>>1300353I don't see any proof that Anne had bipolar or mania. I think she walked into that person's house because she was super high on ecstacy at the time.
It sucks that she was abused but so were millions of people. I don't see why I have to be very sad for her when she has millions of people grieving for her already and her actions affected others negatively. It would be great if we could be super understanding of everyone's situation but it's not possible.
I also had never heard of her until this week. kek
No. 1300456
>>1300367Agree. She was 53. Whether she had some sort of personality disorder or not, she knows at this age when she is getting a certain way.
>>1300353is ridiculous, we don't excuse people with BPD doing crazy shit because a lone thing set them off, so why excuse this older woman? She knew how she was at this point in her life.
No. 1300552
>>1299837Do you live under a rock or are you just an illiterate sped?
>>1300332Anyone who drives under the influence is a piece of shit, at least she only physically harmed her own selfish ass and not anyone else. Absolutely no sympathy here.
No. 1300592
Everyone with an interest in literature knows him
No. 1300600
>>1299449Anon this is so accurate, I had a period of my life where I was stuck in the ana way of thinking brainloop, and it was 100% self harm, I couldn’t truly enjoy things because I’d feel like passing out or be so cold and it made me cranky. I had a bf at the time who said he doesn’t like when I diet because I act like a bitch— but that meant nothing to me because most men would prefer a woman as thin as possible before looking sickly, in fact when I gained just a couple pounds he started making a big deal out of how I was getting close to his weight (he was super skinny).
You can be sick before you appear sickly on the outside. I hate that people see someone like Taylor swift at her thinnest as “healthy fitness goals” when she admitted herself she was starving. An anon said we don’t have a proper idea of what a healthy body looks like and I actually totally agree, but not in the way they were implying, it’s the opposite. Extreme thinness to the point of a woman losing her period is seen as goals as long as she still has tits. Whereas people who are obviously in the healthy weight range, someone like Bella for example or Ariel Winter, are considered flat for being jiggly and soft… how most women naturally look due to carrying more fat.
And no I did not go from Ana Chan to fattychan I’m a healthy weight now but still dated a guy who told me I was overweight, in a simple matter of fact way, then pulled up an old pic of me with an ED and asked if I can look like that again lmao anyway fuck scrotes bc they’re the ones who actually drive anorexia imo, angry rattlers in this thread are hungry and dizzy and cold just trying to cope.
No. 1300601
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>>1298176Someone pointed out that her scolding her kids for being barefoot in public may have had something to do with picrel (when Britney went into a gas station bathroom barefoot). Obviously it would be a normal thing to tell them off for even if this hadn't happened, but something to consider I guess.
No. 1300602
>>1300600Holy fuck sorry for the blog anons but maybe other past ed havers will find it helpful
I’m currently on my phone while having period shits and guess I needed an outlet
No. 1300603
>>1300592Not even that, he is an acclaimed writer who had a bounty placed on him by a head of state. There’s a reason why it’s headline news. On actual legitimate news outlets.
>>1300580You have to be 18 to post here
No. 1300614
>>1300603Yeah, you're right. Anyway, since recently we have an actual news thread
>>1254738Maybe better to post such updates there so illiterate celebfags don't whine
No. 1300627
File: 1660365421642.png (964.47 KB, 1013x1741, B0A70F37-B40A-49EF-96CE-ACAFB1…)

>>1300106This is the image I’m talking about anon not the other set kek
No. 1300715
>>1300600so you're not fat but the thinnest you got was still bigger than a man
"really skinny" men weigh 140-150 pounds kek
I hope you're 6 feet tall because KEK
No. 1300717
>>1300625this body positive sperging makes me laugh because in every single thread on this site people are calling the woman in it fat or ugly (except for eugenia cooney)
you should see what happens whenever someone tries to post like you did in arrow de wilde's thread
No. 1300718
>>1300715not true, my ex was 125 lbs at 5'10, some men are even thinner. i dont even see anon mentioning her weight there but i'm only skimming
>>1300717ot =/= snow but for some reason you retards refuse to understand this
No. 1300885
File: 1660381208543.jpeg (167.71 KB, 1080x1350, CF07F373-9D58-49BA-9C4C-C21E7E…)

She looks good.
No. 1300901
>>1300899really not much to tinfoil, kfed is the exact type of white trash
abusive liar that feels vindicated by johnny depp's smear campaign against his "crazy female ex". mind you, even though britney hasn't said a fucking thing about k-fed and has been a wonderful ex considering all that he put her through
No. 1300902
File: 1660382975405.png (241.74 KB, 396x258, lily rose.PNG)

>>1300895wow, it's really apparent how much she injected her cheeks for no reason. granted she was considerably younger here and has always had very pretty cheeks but she really has been looking like the Jigsaw with those clown-like oversized cheekbones. girl simply does not need it, she's pretty enough
No. 1300910
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>>1299803It was predictable
No. 1300925
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No. 1301240
File: 1660400315718.png (531.65 KB, 1080x1920, meiotic ass phase.png)

>>1301188It's all I can think of
No. 1301339
>>1300902I don't get it, she looked so cute naturally
>>1300906fucking this, in this day and age you're asked why aren't you getting surgery
it's wild
No. 1301360
>>1301160Stop blogposting, no1curr.
>>1300627>>1300635That looks like a rock indeed lmao
No. 1301431
>>1301270Fuck Amber Heard she should get fucked by a soldier
However fuck federline more. Britney spears is a mentally ill sweetheart who should be protected by all costs.
No. 1301486
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Britney's ex-husband Jason Allen Alexander, who was married to her for 55 hours, tried to enter her locked bedroom as she prepared to marry Asghari. No. 1301507
File: 1660412738462.jpg (297.04 KB, 720x1026, 20220813_190159.jpg)

I was explaining why Pete Davidson was weird with Ariana (never forget that he got 10+ tattoos dedicated to her during the whole 4 months they were together, got engaged after 24 days, and started going out with Ariana a day after breaking up with Cazzie David with a text message after a 2 and a half year relationship) and found this. It's kind of weird to think they were friendly enough to text back and foward about their personal lives but still hated eachother
No. 1301564
File: 1660415237641.jpeg (47.12 KB, 270x360, 3E9CDDCD-F775-4F47-8632-04192D…)

>>1298377Looks like a drag queen, why the hell does she wear those stupid split bangs in everything? Did she demand it in her contract? Lol
No. 1301591
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>>1301564She would look much better without the ugly ass fringe. Picrel is ofc an edit someone else made because she would never let go of “muh signature hair” ig.
No. 1301704
>>1300955yeah can a janny get in here and remove the kpop faggot shit
>>1301233i don't get how anon's boyfriend who weighed 125 is okay but 130lb women calling bella thorne a ham (she is) are bone rattlers
No. 1301786
>>1300153IMO it's because she looks like a human dessicated packet you get with medicine or whatever. Her skin looks really unhealthy and weirdly taut? I personally think her lipo belly looks the freakiest because it's technically skinny but the shade of her skin looks sickly and she has loose skin.
What has she done to herself? Is it a byproduct of her drug use or something else?
No. 1301800
File: 1660427953444.gif (1.48 MB, 632x304, 166035168034211550 (1).gif)

>>1300290Her son is looking to play stupid games & play stupid games-win stupid prizes, I guess.
No. 1301896
>>1301239except that's not true. you can't just say a woman who isn't 100% fit still looks good or cute without anons sperging about how she doesn't, how she's a blimp and disgusting, comparing them to fat mother of 3s, animals, etc. come on. there's a very one sided problem here and it's the persistent ana-chans who refuse to allow women to not look like movie stars every minute of their lives and insist that anons who offhandedly say they look alright are "wrong" and or must be fat (at least untrue in my case). i posted that i thought lizzo looked cute and numerous anons were upset. i think she does look cute. she's also obese. she can be both. it's not healthy or ideal to be obese, but she still looks cute to me. some anons just don't have an interest in policing women's figures.
>>1301786it's the lipo. you see that lipo problem happen a lot in the stomach area or upper arms in particular. many plastic surgeons are butchers.
No. 1301969
>>1301431Amber heard is a piece of shit but wishing harm on her is scrote tier fuckery. A woman can be a garbage person and still be a
victim of abuse, the two aren’t mutually exclusive
No. 1301989
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Timothée Chalamet screenshot from his new movie Bones & All. He looks like Machine Gun Kelly.
No. 1302049
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Michelle Branch's husband, Patrick Carney from the Black Keys, called the cops on her for slapping him after she found out he was cheating on her while she was at home with the baby. She's out on bail already since she's breastfeeding.
No. 1302053
File: 1660446863265.jpeg (638.7 KB, 2048x1709, C5F00B36-EAD7-465A-9BAE-BB5764…)

>>1302049Imagine cheating on your wife and then being such a prick you press charges when she finds out. This man is hideous btw.
No. 1302073
>>1302049she wrote this whole long article about his cheating and psycho moidery back in 2011 that stuck with me ever since because of how much he fucking sucks. (that video for tighten up is god damn disgusting too). I can't remember the title and am having trouble finding it on google, but he's been a cow this whole fucking time and I can't believe she's stayed with him.
Anyway, maybe someone smarter than me can find the old article? i think it was linked on gawker and stuff but it was 11 years ago kek
No. 1302130
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>>1301763I'm between being sad because AnnaSophia Robb never made it big because she is super cute and so much better looking than Lily Rose Depp. And Elle Fanning. Elle looks like she has a hairy face from putting on her foundation wrong.
No. 1302131
>>1302130I agree, I've always loved Annasophia Robb. She's beautiful
also lol >uglysister
No. 1302133
>>1302053>>1302057He looks like he's about to tell her he's trooning out in real time.
Run, Michelle, run. You are so much better than this.
No. 1302138
File: 1660453037371.jpg (13.12 KB, 218x280, annasophia.jpg)

>>1302137She has that cute little nymph look
No. 1302148
nonny has obvious brain damage.
No. 1302181
File: 1660456655715.jpg (43.98 KB, 800x500, Untitled-design-2022-04-20T164…)

>>1302146she's quite pretty without the massive amounts of filler that warp her face and make her look bizarre, which she absolutely does not need. you ever seen her brother? he really got unlucky considering his parents. i feel really bad for both the kids given that depp was likely verbally/emotionally
abusive towards them, and at best, neglectful.
No. 1302296
nonnie. I think he looks like Richard Osmand, God damn how are these guys having affairs? Do lanky uggos with premium faces have 10/10 pp skills or something?
>>1302130The girl on the right is adorable. I think it's sad that girls like her are destroyed by plastic surgery, she has a very sweet face and cute smile
No. 1302302
File: 1660468062240.jpg (92.35 KB, 717x865, Fanning.jpg)

>>1302296I think Elle looks better with less obvious make-up
No. 1302331
>>1300885I hate this makeup on her. Her face doesn't match the futuristic baddie vibe they have going on here. Looks like she mutated from Kylie Jenner.
>>1300902She looked basic before but way cuter than she does now.
No. 1302337
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bad news
No. 1302374
>>1302142Interesting article, thanks for posting
nonny. For what it’s worth it sounds like they were both pretty fucked up in this relationship, his first wife admits to being a pretty hardcore alcoholic and vaguely references cheating on him — I looked into the Rolling Stone article she mentions and it turns out she fucked his best friend lol, she left that detail out of her account. Of course he was off on tour cheating on her constantly (he finally admitted to one blow job, a year after she confessed….sure guy) so not saying she’s the villain, just sounds like a fucked relationship all around.
Anyway Michelle Branch should’ve hit him harder and calling the cops on the wife you cheated on and the mother of your nursing child is complete pussy crybully behavior.
nonnie No. 1302385
>>1302181Poor sod looks like Pete Doherty.
I always had some odd familiarity seeing pics of Lily Rose, then I saw a pic of Kate Moss. I find, they look uncanny similar, face wise.
No. 1302387
>>1302298He looks already, like she did.
We have this unconventional male attractions thread, I bet, not even he, had been featured there. I don't mind lanky guys, but this one is too much.
No. 1302563
>>1302508i meant annasophia who is on the left. she looks worse than elle here
i want to squish elle's little cheeks kek
No. 1302693
File: 1660500017803.jpg (54.51 KB, 720x235, 20220814_191745.jpg)

Looks like BPD retard moid dating season is over. Now all we need is Kourtney Kardashian to divorce Tattoos McBaldy and we're good to go
No. 1302819
>>1301591This way she just looks like any other indian woman. I work with dozens of women who look like this. Pretty, absolutely, but doesn't stand out.
Her bangs are her signature, as mild as they are.
No. 1302850
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No. 1302852
File: 1660509192580.jpg (167.71 KB, 1080x1532, 20220814_222815.jpg)

Define breathtaking
No. 1302882
>>1302852You’re just an asshole, they use these kinds of captions for everything.
>>1302874Right. Perfectly good cringe fodder.
No. 1302903
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No. 1302911
>>1302908god who gives a fuck about these cunts
get a hobby celebrity drama dick suckers
No. 1303177
File: 1660533366145.jpeg (193.54 KB, 828x685, 177D19A5-C1A0-4A2D-9F40-6C6E8A…)

She’s right and she should say it.
No. 1303179
File: 1660533396714.jpeg (456.75 KB, 828x1450, EF2E6266-D022-4C75-B4B8-009138…)

>>1303177Meanwhile, this is the shit being pelted at her because men are freaking losers.
No. 1303189
File: 1660534483030.jpeg (66.65 KB, 550x550, 9CF310EF-318F-45D0-9C47-A7B453…)

>>1301989The managers who keep forcing this kid to get jaw filler are only shooting themselves in the foot.
No. 1303190
>>1303186Have you ever watched any of her music videos? Or listened to any of her lyrics? It's fine to have sex appeal and I even enjoy artists who do it, but it's so stupid for her to pretend like she doesn't care about being "fuckable" and doesn't try to appeal to men. At least own it, and not make up a bullshit excuse for why she shaved her hair. She doesn't even need an excuse for that.
But you're right though, her shoving her fingers in her mouth for moids who also probably live in their mom's basement is pretty relevant here.
No. 1303224
>>1303190It’s literally just a tweet in response to the onslaught of rage that her shaving her head
triggered in a lot of scrotes. You know every tweet doesn’t have to be some radical political statement, right?
No. 1303235
>>1303177I’m begging you Doja… pls see the light & enter your
terf era
No. 1303337
>>1300216kek did he delete every post on instagram? The videos backfired so much on them kek. They really thought everyone will say that Britney is abusing them, when she literally tells her spoiled sons normal things. He probably lets them do everything and has no rules. Idk what he told them but they are so stupid for believing taking his side will be better for them. Federline has no money and they soon could move out anyway. Imagine risiking your inheritance just to do what you want for like 2 more years. I wonder how he will treat them when Britney does no longer pay him child support (and if he tries to stick around for the chance that Britney would still give her sons money and that they will pay for him) or if he will ignore him for his other kids Also, wasn't there even a tarot reader or so who said Britney will need to cut out her sons out of her life in the future?
>>1303291he probably did the buccal fat removel thing, which aged him a lot and drugs
No. 1303348
>>1303229You don’t have to act facetious about the word ‘political’ sarcastically thrown in when I obviously didn’t mean it literally.
>>1303220Did you recently start wearing glasses?
No. 1303455
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I don’t know whether this will crop weird on mobile but apparently this unwashed TikTok manchild is gloating about grooming MBB (she was 16 and he was mid 20’s) and getting her to eat his ass. Unclear what his goal was other than outing himself as a disgusting nonce.
No. 1303474
>>1303455Why are they always called 'Hunter'?
If a moid has a dumbass fucking name like that, it should be a red flag in itself. It's like a poisonous tree frog being brightly coloured.
No. 1303482
>>1303474Katie Hopkins got shat on for saying she judges people based on their names, but I have to admit, much as I usually hate her, she was unironically 100% correct in this one instance.
I have never heard of a moid called Hunter who wasn't a complete piece of shit.
See also: Tyler, Taylor, Ryan, Connor, Kyle, Todd and any other name popular with fat Ameriburgers.
No. 1303501
>>1303496She meant city names like Brooklyn and Paris, rather than the names of countries. I can see her point, but she explained it poorly.
She's still awful, though.
No. 1303509
Male celebrities don't need to look fuckable to be successful look at Ed Sheeran, Jay Z, The Weeknd, Jack Harlow, Marilyn Manson, Drake
No. 1303511
>>1303482I saw someone call their kid 'Gunner' the other day.
I think that's the most retarded conservative Ameritard name I've ever heard.
No. 1303583
>>1303189I really thought I was the only one who thought timothee chalamet got so much work done.
He actually got a little bit of work done on his nose too and not just his jaw and chin.
Now his face looks huge (puffy?) and he just looks a mess. I feel like at a certain point, plastic surgery just stops photographing well.
No. 1303637
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“Your face looks like a foot” has me cracking up. I’m glad Michelle has a tour starting. I hope she has fun, makes lots of money and leaves Footface McGee in the dust
No. 1303745
>>1303177She is absolutely right and so many dumbfucks here were roasting her for shaving her head, further propagating the harmful stereotype that women are insane as soon as they do anything in their life that isn't people-pleasing. Mental illness is never instantly brought up when a man does a weird thing, but for a woman it's immediate. It's the whole "women are hysterical" thing that has been harming us for centuries and centuries. And it's not a laughing matter; women literally used to get ostracized from society, harmed or even killed because of this shit.
I don't care about Doja and what she does on the internet, don't like her sense of humor, and i know she used to be a pickme webcaming with 4chan scrotes, which is disgusting. But anyone can grow, all of you act like you were born perfect radfem terfs, but no woman is born deconstructed. We were all socialized to be handmaidens and pickmes, it takes work to change. Start being more humble and let other women grow, cunts.
No. 1303784
>>1303598>>1303511it's supposed to be "Gunnar" a norwegian name pronounced like "good" with out the d, then "nar" pronounced like "far". I knew a mutt with that name and even though it was spelled right, he and his whole family said it wrong. so i think the e-spelling is the next step from that.
so, still fucking stupid, but the kid is not named after literally guns.
No. 1303785
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>>1303637Footface McGee? More like, in the court of the crimson foot.
No. 1303859
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Ugh can we not
No. 1303923
>>1303898I only know actresses, like that Spanish one, that get fetishized for their unconventional looks, and are more of a muse for a specific director.
Or like that one from "Girls" that everyone hates (sorry I have pms brain fog, I can't remember names today), who wrote her own script/show.
No. 1303938
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>>1303923Lena Dunham was the writer for Girls, and are you referring to Paz De La Huerta? I believe her parents were Spanish born, picrel
No. 1303943
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>>1303923are you talking about america ferrera? only reason i think that is because she often gets cast as the ugly/weird looking girl. Duno if shes spanish or not im just kinda assuming here lol
No. 1303994
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Its 2022 and there is still drama between Nicki and Cardi, Nicki still acting like a dumb pickme and enabling her fans unhinged behavior.
The wackiest part is that Cardi saying go stream was about Bella and had nothing to do with Nicki so why did Nicki even insert herself into this.
No. 1304097
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>>1303923paz bogged herself after being repeatedly raped by harvey weinstein.
No. 1304175
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Pop stars are embarrassing
No. 1304284
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>>1303938Nayrt pretty sure she means Rossy de Palma. Paz is still conventionally attractive compared to Rossy.
Rossy was a muse of Pedro Almodovar in the 80s and 90s.
No. 1304306
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>>1303938NTA and off topic but I just watched a movie with her in it last night. She used to be so cute. I hadn't heard of her before so I looked her up. Plastic surgery really fucked her face up. She looks like two entirely different people
No. 1304385
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>>1299082Footage of Anne getting put in an ambulance.
No. 1304457
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>>1304117oh no sorry i just made the dick coment as a general example of ways women fight amongst themselves.
but the first half of my post, whatever tf this insta feud is about, it just looks like that meme of the two kids fighting while the other kid lights up in back.
No. 1304500
>>1304256i didn't know performing meant perform sexually
popstars are embarassing, i agree. every one is vidrel
No. 1304564
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kek Ezra did not write this himself
No. 1304590
>>1303943>>1303938No, I meant Rossy de Palma, a Spanish person, as in Spain, the country.
Paz' mother is US and white, and Paz is conventionally attractive minus the blown up doll lips, her antics are weird, tho.
No. 1304654
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No. 1304732
>>1303455I fucking hate men
>>1304729Me too, nona
No. 1305168
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Zach Braff and Florence Pugh broke up!!
>“We’ve been trying to do this separation without the world knowing, because it’s been a relationship that everybody has an opinion on,” Pugh told the magazine, without specifying at what point this year the couple called it quits.
>“We just felt something like this would really do us the benefit of not having millions of people telling us how happy they are that we’re not together.”
Apparently they stopped dating few months ago and she was caught spending time with on a beach with Will Poulter, people assumed they were dating but they said no. (But eh, who knows.)
No. 1305396
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No. 1305420
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>>1305326There's a conspiracy theory that she got suicide-ed.
>"sex trafficking film anne heche" No. 1305422
File: 1660687292676.jpg (128.66 KB, 1200x630, 0_diananote.jpg)

""This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous — my husband is planning an accident in my car. "Brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for him to marry Tiggy."
No. 1305517
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>>1305260he even looks like her actual dad…its so creepy
No. 1305772
>>1305734Ayrt. Lots of moids brag about 'integrating' here and totally going undercover at, it's probably them. Normally I wouldn't respond to a day old comment, but I think we should all point and jeer at this kind of behavior. Some moid is literally bragging about grooming MBB and somehow it's her fault, cool, so rule one of misogyny. Women are responsible for what men do, and she was a fucking 16 year old.
>>1305736She does, & I like her less since finding that out. He was a known freak by the time she signed, there's no way she didn't know.
No. 1305774
>>1305168Good he’s nasty and old and liver spotted and looks like he’s perpetually smelling his own farts. Hope he breaks a hip.
>>1305409Courtney Love got plastic surgery before she became famous, idk what you’re talking about. She got a nose job right off the bat.
No. 1305847
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I have to vent about Princess Nokia. I'm fully aware and thoroughly intrigued by her larping antics and have been following her since her Wavy Spice days on Tumblr. A cow through and through but imo she's also a magnetic performer and I have seen her live twice before.
This weekends performance at Flow Festival was really weird, however. She was wearing picrel, which didn't really surprise me seeing her new sex kitten persona, but even then it was half assed. At one point she explained it away by the airline having lost her luggage, but she was also looking generally disheveled. Also, she had no backup dancers or any visuals for the stage, apart from one shitty unrelated graphic loop of a favela-esque building. This makes no sense to me, since in her 2017 show at Flow Festival she had local talent collaborate in her show and they meshed well together, and from what I've gathered they have had some form of contact still.
Truly the most unnerving part of the show was Destiny herself. I was so uncomfortable listening to her rap about her "little titties and fat belly" on stage while sporting her new lipoed bod with bolt-ons. The whole show was also way more sexual than the two previous ones, in a way that didn't really suit the music. It felt like she was in the sunken place tbh.
No. 1305955
>>1305168I was certain they already broke up when someone posted about it a while back and the photos of her and Will followed, but I guess it must have still been speculation at the time - which could have turned out to be right anyway
>"it's been a relationship that everybody has an opinion on," Pugh told the magazineTbf when you're in the public eye anyone can voice an opinion on what you say or do regardless of who you choose to be with, they might not like to hear the people's opinions on their relationship and tbh idrc much about these two but it just didn't seem right. He looks like he could be her dad.
No. 1306013
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No. 1306014
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>>1305912“My small breasts. And my little frame. And my sweet, little girl voice. It exudes something in people that is extremely passionate and tantalizing. I swear to God all of your men fantasize about me and probably wonder what it is like to be with someone that is as small as I am.”
No. 1306055
File: 1660743376000.jpeg (74.3 KB, 749x689, E5532705-AEE2-4A4B-A7E9-49CF99…)

>>1306013This bitch can't be serious. Someone please come tell me I've missed the joke.
No. 1306081
>>1305847Yeah I also still like her music, but she's a total cow and her male gaze-y sex kitten aesthetic isn't doing it for me at all. She used to be cute in Tomboy MV and whatnot. But nowadays I find it ironic how she talks about being a tomboy and loving "boys' clothes" in her songs, yet if you look at her IG a lot of it is full of pretty sexual imagery. I used to follow her on IG but it started to feel like such moid pandering I got tired and unfollowed kek
>>1306014Omfg I had never seen this quote before and this is the most embarrasing thing ever
No. 1306095
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New Addams Family
No. 1306107
>>1306105This is a recent pic so…
>>1305847 gaze upon the beautiful nymphette
No. 1306167
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>>1306014>Princess NokiaI have no idea who the fuck this is but there's only ONE Nokia princess and that bitch ain't it
pic related
No. 1306181
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>>1306095Maybe an unpopular opinion but I guess it could have been worse. To me it seems like at least with Gomez they made him look more like he did in the original cartoon. I would have to see the TV series when it comes out to pass any further judgement on it though
No. 1306195
>>1306109So she's actually a bit above average in terms of height then. Why am I not surprised?
>>1305847She looks completely normal here. She has much bigger breasts than I have, does that mean I should become a singer?
No. 1306222
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>>1306095wow, they did gomez dirty. nobody can top raul julia though, rip
No. 1306262
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>>1305847didn't she get "soft" blacklisted for not paying producers/dancers she was working with awhile back? plus when she was accusing Ariana Grande of stealing music from her several artist came out pointing out that she had stolen beats from them including the one used on her song "Mine" she deleted everything related to the so called "theft" when people started calling her out, from what I remember she's known to be hard to work with on top of this shit
No. 1306280
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>>1304605don't be weird, she's fun!
No. 1306319
>>1306013soooo fake "oh i made an appointment as a JOKE like two years ago lol haha well you know what would be so funny? if i like, ACTUALLY show up and get a surgery. i'm such a 4chanz trololol i sooo don't know ANEETHING about this stuff"
who tf has been inflating your lips and cheeks, asshole? elon put money down for the nosejob he wanted and you've lost his attention enough that you're giving in now.
No. 1306332
>>1306181he looks like a goth ricky gervais in the comic. the new guy is lumpy, not chubby. he doesn't look "fun and bubbly" as an earlier anon said
and new morticia looks fucking botched and bogged, like ezra miller did her surgery.
No. 1306336
>>1306095Morticia looks more like a Desperate Housewife of New Jersey.
And Gomez like some paedo from the Nickelodeon channel.
Wednesday definitely is just a shy emokid (like the anon in
>>1306203 suggested) that everyone picks on at school.
And Pugsley looks like someone who’s escaped from the Umbrella Academy.
Sad and unfortunate. And pathetic. The Addams Family is such a classic, not some edgy cosplay nor a low-effort sitcom.
No. 1306351
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Scrotes can't deal with her new haircut
No. 1306377
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>>1306351It’s so funny when a moid’s entire world falls apart just because a woman he was into isn’t as fuckable to him anymore. they are so sensitive
>>1306319She doesn’t even want a nose job. Idk what other options she has, like fucking with her eyes or jaw just for the sake of getting plastic surgery to fulfill her transhumanism fantasies would be dumb but rich people are, so maybe she’ll go for a fox eye look or whatever will make her look less humanoid
No. 1306469
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>>1306391Yeah I never understood why moids like sleek ponytails so much when from most angles the head looks basically like the girl is bald. But absolutely foam at moath at shaved head that looks the same. Like what's the cognitive dissonance there.
No. 1306559
>>1306203>>1306392that's what I fear, not the charming stuff that it's okay to be weird and just go outside taking a moon bath and stuff like that. Sure, we will have to wait and see, but it might be true, that Wednesday will just have a roll where in the end she finds a normal boyfriend and changes to be with him.
>>1306222personally, I always preferred John Astin as Gomez, I just think that he and Carolyn Jones as Morticia have a nice dynamic.
No. 1306669
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>>1306534No see the first anon didn't post all the pictures, heres the second one
No. 1306679
No. 1306692
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>>1303511sage but are you sure about that?
No. 1306697
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>>1306673Ok how about now?
No. 1306703
>>1306095I didn't see the teaser posted. I'm gonna be honest the addams family just doesn't have the same charm as they do back when they first aired. This isn't because of the reboots, it's because the addams family was supposed to be a subversion of the american nuclear family sitcoms. they were different at the time.
but now being gothic is more mainstream it doesn't feel quirky and weird, it just feels try hard.
i genuinely do not buy teenagers calling wednesday a freak when her style got highjacked by mall goths and then e-girls. and now having a dark humor is considered cool not freakish.
if anything she would actually be popular kek.
No. 1306712
>>1306695>Wednesday as a character is a mean girl. Not originally but she has been for awhile. The fact that in 2022 they’re still trying to make her out to be the weird outcast that nobody likes doesn’t work anymore lol she would 100% be popular in an e-girl way.kek
nonnie i thought the same thing here
>>1306703she is 100% a mean girl. one thing i'll give this reboot credit for is putting her in a school full of other edgy kids, instead sticking her in a highschool with outdated tropes and pretending it applies today.
their still playing up the outcast thing but now it's not because she's an nlog but because she's the new girl. other than that she's a drop in the water there.
tbh her new schools feels like a play on pretentious dark academia zoomers.
No. 1306749
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>>1304654he looks like a character from a bug's life
No. 1306786
>>1306481That is something I didn't think of, but you have awakened something in me,
nonnie.I always though Daisy Ridley was endearing and didn't get men that would poo-poo on her looks. She would rock tomboy/butch fashion.
No. 1306825
>>1306683kek go back to the leftcow thread
>>1306753Im aware but no sage and tRuSt mE, humble brag(ew) if I’ve ever seen one, is weird. A rando would’ve been like “haha yea get chlamydia.” Everyone knows, like you and I said and probably anon when she fucked him
No. 1306861
>>1306850Most likely
>>1306852Context clues.
No. 1306863
>>1306861 and got chlamydia kek
No. 1306941
>>1306872Anon said verbatim
>make sure you wear a condom trust MEit’s not that hard to decipher, she’s an nyu student that got chlamydia from him. I’m also 90% sure when it first came out there was an anon that said she got it from him in these threads.
>>1306869It’s not autism, it’s critical thinking. Like I said it could’ve just been “you better wear a condom or you’ll be nyu alumni” or something along those lines, not a personal reference.
No. 1306956
>>1306947I am that anon or else I would’ve said
ntayrt >>1306948I am so very aware of the lore as I said there was an anon who said she got it from him.
If you don’t understand nuance there’s no explanation for you at this point, you all obviously haven’t read everything or cannot comprehend.
I really can’t believe some of you, especially lately. There’s almost 100% a chalamet fucker amongst us and you all just want to call me out for saying the obvious check me was obvious instead of getting some real milk and grilling the girl that should’ve worn a condom and was making joke. I’ll admit I was a little harsh when calling it out but there’s no denying the implications of the post.
some of you may need to cope harder because you didn’t fuck him even if it meant the clap. or you’re the nyu babe tryna save face when this is anonymous. spill deets or shut up, if you’re not her then just shut up No. 1306999
>>1306988>>1306991I was not the person you replied to in the first place or I would’ve stated it. I am not attracted to him. But yeah, okay.. Sure, if that’s the truth then next time be a little more clear.
”Trust me on that” is an expression used when you’ve had the experience of whatever you’re referring to
No. 1307050
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>>1306279She was hideous, picrel from Sid and Nancy. Face like a smashed crab.
No. 1307072
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Not a fan of this outfit or any sort of 2000’s comeback look
No. 1307090
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>>1307086Remember we used to make fun of these trends
No. 1307163
>>1306825You are so stupid. You need to go back to elementary school and learn to read from the beginning.
No one said that they slept with him.
Would be the same if I would deduct from your statement, that you have been with him at NYU, just because you know that he attended there.
No. 1307164
File: 1660820253116.png (794.63 KB, 1164x665, gross.png)

Kim's body looks fucked, how is it even possible to move so much fat to an area on the body that doesn't already carry it naturally? And then her skinny little calves poking out, it looks almost cartoonish. It must be horrifically lumpy and probably just looks like lipedema at this point, I guess that's why she's always wearing extremely tight clothing to even it out. Fucking bizarre, I'll never understand the appeal.
No. 1307175
>>1307164just seeing tristan there makes me so irritated. the moid just cheats on khloe 24/7 and she doesnt drop him because….????
and although i understand why they dropped jordyn woods for having kissed him (i’d drop a friend too if she kissed my sister’s husband. specially while my sister was pregnant), it just doesnt make sense when they just didnt drop tristan.
No. 1307181
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>>1307164she had such a beautiful body (and face). i don't understand why when people would constantly praise your body for your already perfect body, that you'd touch it?
No. 1307194
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>>1307171Oh damn she is a lot thinner now, still has that disproportionate diaper butt thing going on though
No. 1307196
File: 1660824404619.jpg (135.73 KB, 800x1200, https___hypebeast.com_wp-conte…)

>>1307194Samefag but wanted to show the side angle for comparison to the previous one I posted:
>>1307164 No. 1307205
File: 1660825553800.jpg (487.54 KB, 2216x1118, awwwwwwww.jpg)

Kanye is so pure when he's with his kids idc what anyone says I love him lol
No. 1307209
>>1306351This scrote is disgusting for sure but all the replies being
>uwu she is so beautiful and perfect, wtf how can someone assume she is no longer attractive???Yet the moment Doja shaved her head many of you nonstop can't stop yapping about her being mental and ugly for it.
I see yall and know what you are.
No. 1307212
>>1307168I ship her and John Boyega.
>>1307167kek I can already imagine this. Bit if the Thimothee fangirl wants to feel reassured a little, I doubt I'll ever meet him irl, I know he has some French family members but I'd be surprised if he visited them on a regular basis to begin with. And there's no way I'd go to the USA, I'm not an ameriboo anymore and I have nothing to do there. So if any other anons want his STD ridden dick you don't have to worrt about me.
No. 1307245
>>1307218Yes! All her sisters are crusty looking too, like they smell of stale BO and bin juice covered up eau de teenage girl’s locker room
>>1307221That anon just wants an excuse to sperg about the mean “yt” women
No. 1307270
>>1307267Blah blah I don't care
Also no one go to the OT catalog there's cp
No. 1307307
>>1306248sage for OT but she's an example of a self hating brown girl with an absent/
abusive black father and a white mother who did not know how to deal with a mixed kid, though most don't ever go as extreme as doja did
No. 1307366
File: 1660838162965.png (7.22 MB, 2000x2400, image.png)

>>1306351I'm so sorry but I have flashbacks whenever I see somebody getting the blonde buzzcut bc it reminds of the time when many of the female celebs had it in order to look "different" yet they all appeared like clones of each other.
No. 1307378
>>1307196wow if it wasn't for the fake tits and fake butt she'd be super skinny now
i wonder if the surgeries are reversible at this point
No. 1307449
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Brad Pitt has some nerve starting a smear campaign on Angelina Jolie. This is what his kids have to say about him
No. 1307485
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>>1307196She looks awful nowadays she looked best just before she met kanye
No. 1307532
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Squirt Gun Kelly smashed another glass on his fave again. This time during a concert. After the edgelord move he declared "I'm rich, bitch!"
No. 1307645
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It's sad to see artists like Kali Uchis, Doja Cat, etc become the biggest pick-me's (maybe that is how they've been this whole time and they are more vocal about it now) and they have gotten a tremendous amount of work done that they seem unrecognizable.
Kali Uchis had a great look and sound in her early days and seemed pretty "chill" for the most part which made her unique in the beginning but now she dates rapist scrotes and has become a major pick me…you can say the same about Doja Cat but she has kind of always been a vocal pick-me who panders to incels and 4chan dwellers and same with Princess Nokia but she's more of a cringe-edge lord who can't choose one ethnicity to stick with.
Once women enter the music industry they are forced to pander to scrotes to stay relevant which it's no secret but still find it disappointing.
No. 1307647
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>>1306095Man, I really like Catherine Zeta-Jones but she just doesn't give off an elegant, spooky air in this pic, like the other anons say it looks like a cosplay for a fun photoshoot. And don't get me started on Luiz Guzman. I know people have argued they're supposed to look like the original Addams family where Gomez is short and fat and ugly, but come on. If they still wanted to cast a Mexican-American actor I'd choose Tony Dalton, hands down.
No. 1307650
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>>1307645I have never understood this, why do you expect celebrities and especially pop-idols(who are often far dumber then even the general public) to act like functioning human beings, they are wealthy and famous that's the only thing that makes them seem above regular people when in truth they are often way more pathetic then the average person, Beyonce is a cuckqueen married to a man who cheated on her 1000 times before and will cheat on her 1000 more, Ariana is married to some scrawny normie chicano, Madonna ha been with every fugly scrote since the 80's, and most female pop Idols end up with loser fugly scrotes, despite the powerful manufactured pop idol image, these women are more often then not sad self hating idiots who go after any man in their social circle who gives them attention, the best they could probably do is some rich normie whose not even the least bit famous
No. 1307654
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>>1307586kek what a face, she was 16 there, i think. i still love hole's music
No. 1307657
>>1307650Thank you for your input nona, my post might have come across in a very confusing manner but you make a very
valid point.
No. 1307686
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>>1306377I could have sworn she already did a thread lift or fox eye thing a while back, this was from January and she looks so weird here
No. 1307697
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>>1307647WAIT. You guys. Mike Wozniak Gomez??
No. 1307741
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Angelina released some document's regarding her divorce with brad
>got into a fight where threatened her and the kids>the fight was started because he said her adopted son looked like a columbine kid and she was ruining the familybrad's response:
A source close to Pitt insisted that all parties had been sent copies of all reports pertaining to the incident, adding: “Angelina and her team have been desperately trying to find something. This is all for show. This is all information that she already had five and a half years ago. There is nothing new here.”
>>1307687>tbh the brother kissing and blood kissing was weird. if angelina wasn't an actress she would've definitely just been the beautiful goth girl who larps as a witch No. 1307749
>>1307687wut? Are you a zoomer? Anyone who was growing up in the 90s/2000's knows angelina is a massive massive cow. She's gotten better at hiding shit but she was always bat shit insane. She made out with her cousin when she won some award that I forgot the name of, was insane with her entire relationship with billy bob thorton (carrying a vial of his blood around her neck), being insanely cringe (the OG MGK/megan edgelord cringe), cheats on almost every relationship shes' been in… Just to name a few. There are hundreds of stories of her being literally batshit insane.
Don't get me wrong, jennifer is boring as shit and has her own lowkey drama, but to say that no one can say bad things about angelina is stupid.
No. 1307750
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>>1307741He also poured beer on her and the kids while they were under a blanket and screamed obscenities at them. What a fucking lunatic
No. 1307764
>>1307749nah i'm pretty old, but she's just actress crazy. i'm saying women don't seethe or REEE about her despite the fact that on paper it seems like she'd be very unlikeable.
fucking an old man and having an edgelord goth blood vial is not even close to cow behaviour for an a-list actress imo
No. 1307768
>>1307767oh did she for real? i thought it was just a closed mouth "obvious children of stage parents who raised them with emotional incest" one time thing
you know, like crazy people do
No. 1307771
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>>1307749angelina would've been in the altcow thread if she was born 2 decades later. she was a weirdo and i get why the brad/jennifer shippers were pissed america's wholesome couple got ruined by the weird goth girl(yes it takes 2 to tango but whatever).
jennifer is was a cow but let it out through seething behind closed doors.
No. 1307773
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>>1307768Idk, how deep it was, if at all. I was just correcting
There are actually multiple pictures of them making out at different times. Attention whoring at it's finest.
No. 1307784
>>1307703I would shit on Jennifer Anniston too. She’s got massive pickme vibes and she liked posts making fun of Amber Heard.
>>1307771I don’t care at all I genuinely don’t. Her being crazy doesn’t cancel out the fact that Brad Pitt was an
abusive cunt and even his children hate his guts.
No. 1307799
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>>1307780Do we know who’s dick Colson took for his 15 minutes?
No. 1307883

Angie infamously kissed her brother Jamie at an Oscar's afterparty in 2000, right after she won her first Oscar for Girl, Interrupted. She opened her acceptance speech by telling the world that she's "so in love with her brother right now", vidrel.
The best explanation is drugs, because she's babbling and rambling in the way that people do when they're fucked up and not realizing how weird they sound because no one else can follow. She later walked straight up to him and planted a big kiss on him, here
>>1307773Angie and her brother first attended the Oscars as children, to watch their father win one. So she chose her brother as her date years later, probably for the nostalgia of having previously been the children of a famous actor. There's a weird trend of her crediting him in her acceptance speeches around this time, in over the top ways ("I'm nothing without you Jamie, this award is yours"). I tend to think she was emotionally dependant on him after many years of shitty and unstable relationships with other men, but who knows. The brother reportedly moved in with her after she split from Brad to help raise the kids. So it seems like he's still the only one she really trusts all these years later.
No. 1307893
>>1307890NOOOOO omg anon. we JUST had the conversation about how there is more than one person replying to you. the weirdly invested girl calling you a faghag is not me, the person who still thinks you're a moid. male grammar right here:
>You really wish I was though, evidently. Love how she can call me a faghag for bringing up basic celebrilore but the moment I retaliate I’m a man kekcheck that halfhearted kek at the end trying to sound like le girlposters
No. 1307894
>>1307883>>1307773Forgot to say, at the time I took this photo as proof that Angelina's lips were real because her brother had big lips too. Now I think they just got filler at the same time to help sell it, lol. Both their parents have normal white people lips.
>>1307892Oh I agree. I don't think Angelina is any kind of cow, just messy at the time. I know all this backstory because I'm a fan and found it fascinating.
No. 1307901
>>1307893>male grammar right hereI have been on this god-forsaken board since it’s inception, this is getting genuinely pathetic. If you can’t fathom that women also use the word dyke, I don’t know what to tell you. Newfags get
triggered by the word dyke, by discussing celebrities in celebricows, by literally anything that isn’t apparently gentle agreement with what they’re saying. There’s a reason this site is crumbling.
No. 1307903
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Nonnies am I retarded or does Millie Bobby Brown look old as fuck for no reason? I saw her in my "news" section today and thought she was a grown ass journalist at first glance. I don't know how people could find her attractive for her age because she looks old, like.. early 30s 'old'. I am 21 for reference nonas.. by truly, is it the food? The makeup? Her whole vibe? I really don't know. She still looks youthful in her eyes but her face says different. Not even anachans look so old.
No. 1307905
>>1307901lol ok yes you're one of them e-girls, man you are a pussy. hey
>>1307893 you're wrong, she's crytyping in her plastic smelling shein fishnet shirt
No. 1307911
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>>1307903It’s the makeup and styling they give her. I really really hate to post this extremely unflattering photo her costar posted recently but she still very much looks like a teenager without all the heavy professional makeup and girl boss clothing.
No. 1307942
>>1307901Nta, but
T.Dyke-hater chan from the Depp thread posting fat hand and reeing that everyone believed a druggy moid was
abusive is an evil femcel dyke.
No. 1307957
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Kim posted some weird low quality porn-like video - at the gym at night wearing bikini and stripper boots.
Even the people in the comments are calling her out.
No. 1307962
>>1307951bruh i was
>>1307917 and
>>1307948 is clearly not me. i said you're a man, not a tranny man.
No. 1307979
>>1307969I don’t use a vpn and can easily be traced to my post history which is mostly manhate and innocuous replies and actually very little infighting. Keep up your half-baked theories just because I used the word dyke. I’m sick of the /pol/ racebait and your eagerness to try to tie a one-sentence post in
celebricows to a polfag a.) doesn’t make any sense and b.) proves that you’re relatively new because actual lolcow users aren’t that stupid and understand more than four people post here.
>>1307965I don’t think there’s any lipo that doesn’t look discounted tbh. It always looks odd.
No. 1308005
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not milk but i seriously hate both of these men so much. urge to a-log? rising.
No. 1308037
>>1308005I fucking hate Harry styles for the fact that I can't wear my shitty f21
kindness shirt without stinky gen z's asking me if it's band merch??? From him? For what fucking reason? Because it says kindness? Idfkam
No. 1308044
File: 1660866728433.png (227.24 KB, 600x598, cute shirt.png)

>>1308037ok wait what
My roommate has a shirt that says "kindness" and it has mushrooms and butterflies on it, like picrel but with better colours. Is this a reference to his official merch? I thought I might get one but I don't want a Harry shirt /autism
No. 1308078
>>1308068Part of me thinks that was a blainepost. This
>>1307992 nonsensical, wordsalad reply kind of supports that theory. Whatever though.
>>1308005They look stupid. There’s nothing “empowering” or evolutionary about the way they dress, they just look stupid. I saw a post awhile back where someone straight up said something along the lines of ‘gay men you look ugly when you dress like women, you aren’t a bad bitch, stop doing that’ and it was so right but of course the homos got angry about it. Shoving their stupid definitionless chicken legs and boxy torsos into a bad bitch outfit does not and never will make them look like a bad bitch. They look idiotic. Men don’t even try to look attractive anymore.
No. 1308081
>>1308078hey hey i was
>>1307992 and i just type like that if it's not for school. no idea what
>>1308068 is so mad about or why there is a anti-gay argument happenning. I am not Blade the trannyslayer (who is also a tranny).
No. 1308088
>>1308085Maybe put more effort into integrating then because your posts suck
>>1308082It also explains why they are very, very involved in women’s business. I always think it’s funny that they always have some delusions in their head like “if
I were a woman I’d just do x y or z and it would be so easy” completely disregarding that they have no it factor or anything worth being interested in for that matter. It’s become so easy for straight male celebrities to just queerbait and do the bare minimum for attention because teenage girls don’t know any better, and for whatever reason a portion of women think it makes them uwu soft boys uwu.
No. 1308099
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>>1308089I’m not trying to keep this going because it isn’t like it really improves anyones quality of life here but it’s been circulated for a long time, so it isn’t like it’s some fresh psyop. As an oldfag I’ve been seeing it since like 2012, so it’s just interesting to see it vehemently denied like this.
No. 1308103
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>>1308099Last post, again it’s not like it’s milk, here’s him at a gay bar in 2014. None of this is interesting but I wouldn’t call him “obviously straight” given the prevalence of these rumors at the time.
No. 1308107
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>>1308105This is what the peak straight male form looks like. You may not like it, but it is.
No. 1308121
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>>1308099Farmer in the back shouting that he's gay.
No. 1308132
>>1307837There was an anon who admitted she showed her gay male friend the celebricows threads, and he posts in them frequently without getting spotted.
I doubt a catty gay guy would keep a space like LC to himself, so you can be sure there's tons of fudgepackers lurking these threads. I don't care about Taylor Lautner one way or another, but this argument reminded me of that. Any poster that has clear emotional investment in some celebrity scrote being closeted gay makes me "hmm" and laugh a bit now
No. 1308137
>>1308131Sounding so much like Blaine is not a compliment. You type like you’ve been huffing co2.
>>1308132I am pretty sure the gay moids on here are way more invested in being misogynistic and complaining about pop girls bodies kek
No. 1308153
>>1308143>>1308146i'm seriously not. i just type like shit because i'm lazy. your post is very insane, sorry i don't want to put effort into english late at night but damn. i would definitely stop responding if you stopped replying to my lazyposts with your weirdly intense zoomer rage! but i'm happy to keep posting til we both get banned and then we can both read the troon's posts while unable to reply.
>Are you the tranny himself trying to feel relevant and "reverse psyop" by accusing random people of being you?like legit holy fuck you're insane
No. 1308155
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Emma Watson is the new ambassador for Prada Beauty
No. 1308190
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>>1308179Disagree; I think you're exaggerating how "old" a 32 year old looks in this day and age. Picrel Carrie Brownstein when she was 32 - however she never smoked or did a lot of drugs.
No. 1308246
Taylor Lautner is Native American. Would it be a problem for him to come out as gay with that kind of background? Like I know he's not a fucking cowboy era bow and arrow Indian but some communities/cultures hold their values and a lot of the time homophobia is one of those things a culture will hold on to until the bitter end
>>1307903When twitter started counting down to her being 18 I thought they were talking about a different Millie Bobby Brown because there's no way her kind substitute teacher lookin ass is below 30
No. 1308263
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>>1308246>>1308255tbf he does look pretty native, especially his mom
No. 1308273
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>>1308263the girl in the pic is sara hicks, one of his exes. this is a picture of his family with his mom
No. 1308278
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>>1308263I mean just compare him to Cody Christian, who had a native american mother and grew up in a reservation
No. 1308388
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With the Angelina talk I didn't see this mentioned in case I missed it but they're no longer close, so much for them being super close siblings. More in the article linked. No. 1308446
>>1308438This anon is right
Though I will admit that eyeliner doesn't help the look either
No. 1308447
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>>1308438most people don't look haggard in their 30's, if someone looks like shit its because substance abuse or smoking
No. 1308457
>>1308155J.K. Rowling put a curse on her because she went full handmaiden for the trannies.
Now she is slowly turning into one.
No. 1308510
>>1306956I am EU
nonnie. I think that
nonnie daying "Trust me" was just a figure of speech.
I don't think anynonnie here fucked Timothee, because if they had, they would be sharing the deets. It's an anonymous board and it would be fun to gossip about him. Since we never got the tea, I reckon it doesn't exist.
No. 1308897
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>>1307903She looks like she's seen some shit.
No. 1308921
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>>1307957Here's that vid.
No. 1309050
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>>1307903She looks fine in the show, I just think she has a shitty stylist