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No. 1292245
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My stupid ass undid so many of my self improvements over a single summer and it only hit me just now. What do you even do with that? It's going to take SO LONG JUST TO FIX IT AGAIN. All it took was overworking myself to death, summer classes, and the most persistent depression that basically fist fights my pills. I will return to uni looking like a bloated corpse with horrid self esteem issues once again. Doesn't help that everyone there are rich gym bros that are carbon copies of each other. Its kind of difficult to fit in, but maybe seeing them all work out and loving their bodies will encourage me to get back on my shit. Anyway, im off to drink myself to death and consume an ungodly amount of calories after this shift hehehe.
No. 1292253
>>1292238congrats on the sobriety!
it sounds like you're doing well keeping occupied with friends and hobbies, cooking and oil painting are fun and rewarding
sorry you have to deal with ocd too
No. 1292286
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Reading makes me so depressed. I try to keep myself informed on various subjetcts, I'm interested in history and try to keep up with politics and news around the world and it's all too much for me. I'm already dissatisfied with my own life and have my own issues and then I read about fgm, child brides, pollution, the violent porn scrotes get off to. I get those random waves of suicidal thoughts when I think too much about the world around me and my own life too, but I'd rather not talk about my life. Even hearing about how moids around me treat their gfs/wives is just… Idk, I think I'm too weak to handle all this information but at the same time I can't stop researching those things and don't want to become ignorant
No. 1292334
God I hate my fucking family. Today, My mom wanted me to go to a festival with the family, but I already went yesterday with my friends. I went at night when it wasn’t so hot, so it wasn’t that bad. They forced me to go with them. gaslighting me that I don’t want to go with them, but I run when my friends invite me out. It’s hot as shit today, and I’m tired as hell. I already knew that if I didn’t go with them, my mom would be pissy with me when she got home. Fuck, I honestly shouldn’tve gone with them. They’re so goddamn embarrassing to be around. They complained about the smell, the people , the food. Fuck it was so goddamn draining I wanted to kill myself the whole time I was fucking there. To top it off, my dad doesn’t fucking know how to act in public, so he handled the food like a fucking caveman. Sauce was all over his face and hands, it was so goddamn messy. People were staring at us from how disgusting he was handling that food. My brother wanted to eat something, so I got their money to buy it for him. He didn’t end up eating all of it, and she kept complaining about that shit the whole time. I really wish To never go out with them ever again. The mental, physical, and emotional stress took a whole fucking toll on me.
No. 1292489
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is asexuality becoming a mainstream thing now ? i keep seeing things about it when i dont even interact with anything related to that only cooking and animal videos, so i dont understand. a few days ago older my brother in his late twenties "came out" to me telling me that he is asexual and while i appreciate that he trusted me enough to tell me- and i know its going to sound that way but i really dont mean to be condescending- what he thought was scandalous and important. but like who cares, who's out there figuratively crucifying people for not being sexually attracted to anybody ? like its not as big of a deal as same sex attraction to me, that and i dont want to know if my brother is capable of being sexually attracted in general. i might be wrong and im probably biased because im a lesbian and i dont plan on ever coming out because it is simply not anybody's business even if i lived in a society where i would be accepted. i could be considered asexual too to a degree i suppose but is it really worth making it out to be that huge ? its okay and fine and sincerely nobody cares, to me its almost like what demisexuality is except a little less normal i guess. i still love my brother very much and respect him but really… it feels like TMI to me almost, but that might just be me
No. 1292510
>>1292489Demisexuality and Asexuality are dumbass memes made by boring ass people with negative numbers of personality that wish they could be special but won't even touch a person of their same sex because they're not gay or bisexual.
But being Demisexual is basically: "look at me I'm so special for not having one night stands" okay? Congratulations? Not everyone is out there having one night stands, so I don't see how that means someone should be protected by the LGB group.
I at least understand asexual snowflakes because sometimes they got abused and got trauma related to sex, so they identify as asexual because they got fucked up by something or someone.
Maybe make sure your brother wasn't molested or raped by some moid.
No. 1292519
>>1292507>>1292510idk, he's older than me, and he used to be your average dirty minded teenaged boy with like dating apps on his phone and such. i once caught glimpses here and there of anime porn and before that when he was younger pictures of women's boobs or something like that, i dont really want to remember. moids are gonna moid. i dont want to talk about being molested because i was molested and i dont want to think about it.
in general i avoid having sexual conversations with him and would rather blow my head in, we are not close enough for that or at least i dont think we are.
>however your brother is probably worried about moids thinking he's gay, since they usually think anyone who isn't a pornsick retard is gay.yeah this is what i think is really going on here, plus he's really depressed and apparently suicidal so no wonder he feels that way. well either way i believe him and im not the type of person to be like its just a phase or whatever because i dont care and its not my business.
No. 1292523
>>1292507>because it usually implies you can't experience sexual arousal, which is a problemHow is this different from the arguments against gay people? I've never experienced sexual arousal/attraction and have never had any physical or sexual abuse, had normal puberty, and in taking ~40 separate types of blood tests the only thing that came up was a vitamin D deficiency that I've since corrected.
That being said, I also never call myself "asexual" because I don't want to be associated with the typical zoomer type who still loves porn and just wants to use sexuality as a foundation for their (otherwise flimsy at best) personality.
No. 1292528
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>>1292360>fantasy will never be as good as realityMfw I fucked that up and I meant the other way around KEK never post to lolcow high!
>>1292383No, she just has had very shitty experiences with men in her family and in relationships. Her dad was a psycho deadbeat loser and her ex was also
abusive. She also has her 3D husbandos that she thinks are cute. I can only recall one moid she's ever recalled fondly and called cute.
>>1292387Thank you for this response nona. This was a very helpful read. You are so right about the game being set up in a very male-centric way. I just personally cannot wrap my head around having sex with a rando or having sex after 1-2 dates, but that's how I hear everyone talk about it. That's like all of my friends' experience. Meet someone on app, go on date, have sex/fool around. Then it falls apart, either very quickly or very slowly and painfully. It makes me anxious just to think about doing all of that kek. I've even caught myself thinking that I'd probably do really well in the dating scene when the moid had to court you and woo you before anything intimate happened lol.
I also think maybe I feel this pressure too much because I'm not taking time to focus it on hobbies or enjoyables, so thank you for reminding me to enrich my life!
and I guess "moid musician" would have been more apt because he's not just a singer… girl do not make fun of me but it's 90's Thom Yorke TOPKEKKKKK I just think he looks so cute and also v fashionable when he was younger. He's got a Look and I dig it. I've never thought "wow he looks fashionable/cool" about any irl moid lel.I hope you and your musician husbandos are very happy ♥
>>1292430Very true, especially the part about them being chat-bots, holy shit. When I can out-random them that's when I can see them nod sagely in their minds and go "SHE'S ONE OF THE GOOD ONES", they're VERY predictable.
No. 1292535
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Please help me, I seriously need emotional advice:
How do you grin and bare it when you know you’ll have to go to a party with a cunt you currently hate?
I hate to say such a thing about my sister but I’m really tired of her.
I know she’s pissed at me and I’m pissed at her but I want to go to the same party with my family as her because she is moving tbere states away and I love her kids, and more importantly my own kid loves her kids and is going to be sad if he can’t see them one more time before they move. He also just doesn’t understand why adults are so petty like this, and I don’t want to make him feel like the world sucks by contributing to that pettiness.
The details are retarded and stupid but basically she is a huge liar and manipulator and tried to lie about me to our family. She is also moving her kids away from their father and our whole family for her third baby daddy. She is very good at burning bridges. Idk she is bipolar perhaps she is histrionic or BPDette or something.
I need to just grin and bare it for our kids.
A few days ago she asked me to do her a favor, which I did, but I didn’t do it exactly how she wanted me to so she flew off the handle and said a bunch of lies about me to our family. I reacted badly and called her a liar and manipulator and ranted and vented about her to my mom and dad right in front of her kids. I was really trying to be patient and hold everything in but it just flew out in that moment and her kids witnessed me bad mouthing her. I understand why she would be mad about that, and I wish I could say sorry but how am I supposed to when she talks shit about me behind my back to my other family members? I can’t say sorry because I am only sorry for what I did, not all this other random shit she’s accused me of.
This is all so stupid.
I had a really good relationship with her kids but I know they probably hate me now too.
We have another sister, and when THEY got in a fight she told her kids not to talk to our other sister anymore and they didn’t talk for three years. We would go to family events and when Sister 3 would see them they would say “mom said I’m not allowed to talk to you”
No. 1292538
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>>1292534you don't see them do it, but she was recording herself when it happened
No. 1292541
>>1292534it's kind of hilarious how europeans act like white americans are all racist white trash but you see this behavior among them way more
why do they hate asians so much??? i could understand (not saying it's good) why they'd hate arabs/muslims, but asians?????
No. 1292557
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>>1292528Of course, nona! I think feeling the anxiety and pressure to date is really normal and I'm still struggling myself with figuring out what the "right" way is to go about the situation. I think it's a great idea to enrich your life with hobbies and friendships and in my personal experience that has helped to lessen my anxiety about dating or finding a partner. Right now, I try to maintain a balance of meeting irl guys occasionally so I'm not completely blocking myself off from potentially meeting someone (I was full separatist for a few years kek) but I'm also reminding myself that I'm not going to settle just because I'm afraid I won't be able to get what I want. I think it's possible that my ideas for what I want might not be realistically achievable, but I've come to accept that I don't think I could be happy with anything less. Personally when it comes to romantic relationships, I think it's better to constantly try to get what I want and fail than to settle with something that isn't what I'm looking for. And if your single life is already satisfying- it doesn't really seem like a big deal when things don't work out. I'm not saying that you have to do this because I think everyone has to find their own solution- just felt that I'd offer my personal experiences since I can really relate to everything you've said! And in the end, it always helps to know that you aren't abnormal for feeling that way and that this predicament is definitely more common than you think. We might not be the majority of women, but we definitely aren't a tiny minority either.
kek I think I might have seen you around /g/. Don't worry all of my moid musician husbandos are from the 80s so I know how you feel. I daydream about how happy I would be to have a boyfriend or even just a male friend who is as cute and fashionable as my 80s husbandos and not fucking cringe when I'm around them, which is how most irl moids I interact with make me feel No. 1292558
>>1292541I love when Euros forget that Americans ARE them. American colonialism is European colonialism. Americans didn’t just pop up out of the ground with a gun in one hand and a Big Mac in the other. Brits especially (and Americans themselves) seem to forget this.
Pilgrims weren’t “early Americans”, they were British (and French and Spanish and Dutch etc) citizens sent to extract resources for their respective Empires. All of America is a product of racist European colonialism and brutality.
No. 1292594
>>1292232I think it’s normal to feel a bit odd about it, but as someone who’s been assaulted I absolutely feel violated often and I chalk it up to various traumas, including SA. Currently I just don’t masturbate at all. I also definitely felt worse when not solely using my imagination, even using pics of people I dated made me feel disgusted. I’m sorry
nonnie. I think this is very normal for SA
victims. Sending love.
No. 1292635
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>really like sadboi aesthetic
>favorite sadboi singer explicitly said he hates the term "sadboi" and everything about the aesthetic, is resentful of being labeled it
No. 1292677
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I said mean things that were true.
I said this about someone who was already suffering from crippling low self esteem.
However this person’s answer to their shitty self esteem is being a liar and a hoe.
However I realize I did not improve our environment and our circumstances by reminding her of what a dumb hoe she is.
What do nonnies?
No. 1292779
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I miss the old internet 'fangirl' times when people would obsess over some actor/actress or a fictional character, happily gush over the content together and live their silly little lives. I don't have friends to do that with and I don't think Tumblr is doing that anymore either. It's so difficult to find any place to do that anyway, when back in the days you could find so many various communities and forums, but now, everyone is having their own circlejerk on Twitter now. I think Twitter is the most soulless website.
No. 1292780
>>1292704I'd leave any guy who came home drunk in any case because I can't stand guys who as grown men should be able to consume alcohol without getting drunk. That aside, you should leave him if you don't feel safe anymore. Being drunk is no excuse to cross your boundaries and act disgusting.
If you can't bring yourself to leave him right now, at least let him know, without censoring yourself, how much he's hurt you and especially let him know that you no longer feel safe. If he tries to make excuses or undermines your emotions even a little bit, leave. He should be shattered and disgusted by his own behaviour and offer to do whatever he can to regain your trust, no matter how long it would take. I sincerely doubt he's gonna do that, though. Breakup seems inevitable once he's shown his true colours.
No. 1292865
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I have really bulgy veins on my arms and legs and was trying to find out if there's something I can do to minimize it so I googled and the first reason that came up was "being AsSiGnEd female at birth." What is this dumb language everyone is endorsing now? I guess it's my parents doctors fault I have bulgy veins they should've just assigned me male at birth so I'd have smooth vein-less looking limbs. So fucking stupid lol, I hate the world.
No. 1292905
>>1292899They always start arguments when someone is venting about getting covid, saying stuff like "it's just a cold!" As if it wouldn't be justified for Anon's to be pissed about getting a cold from some bitch too, lol. I had it about a month ago and still can't taste coffee or chocolate properly, I've had worse flu's but it's different for everyone.
>>1292890I'm sorry Nona, I hope it's not too bad for you and passes quickly.
No. 1292912
>>1292596thanks for explaining it for me anon, i was too out of it on lyrica to respond yesterday lol. i'm really glad u stayed away from benzos unlike me, and i'm so sorry u gotta deal with ocd as well. we got this
>>1292555i was abusing benzos for almost 10 years, at one point i didn't even feel anything from them. for years. i just took them so i dont become sick. but the long term health effects of benzo abuse can be pretty horrible, it can affect ur heart function and increases ur chances of alzheimers by 84%. i didn't have money and resources last year to go to rehab or even an outpatient program so i went off benzos cold turkey and almost died. i wish benzos would be taken more seriously
No. 1292934
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My bf wants me to choke him when I jerk him off. He's my first bf, we haven'f had sex yet. I tried to give him a handjob like 10 or 15 times but he could never came from it and I thought maybe he has ED from porn or I'm doing it wrong. Sometimes he squeezes my throat when we cuddle and I don't like it, he did it again when I was giving him a handjob last night, he also spanked me and I got pissed off, pushed him on his back and grabbed his throat, and after a while he was like "squeeze harder" and I was like wtf, he completely stopped moving and just told me to squeeze his throat as hard as I could and then he came for the first time. Not sure what to think about it
No. 1292946
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>>1292934damn this post is a wild ride
No. 1292953
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No. 1292955
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>>1292934kek you got yourself a purely masochistic bf it seems. I'm stunned.
No. 1292965
>>1292955not really
purely masochistic since he choked her first
No. 1292978
>>1292934He chokes you when youre cuddling and keeps being violent when you tell him no and needs pain to orgasm?
Girl get away before he kills you seriosly. Like this is isn't funny at all i dont get why other anons are making a joke, this is gonna escalate and you will get hurt.
No. 1292991
>>1292978Honestly, I'm still in the stage of denial and being dumbfounded by how much different he is than he seemed at first. Shy and timid, he was in love with me for a year but rarely talked to me, seemed more mature than other guys in his 20s, not a social butterfly, he liked me partly because he thought we're similar to each other etc. But then he confessed his love for me and the moment we got closer he started saying some weird shit and getting too rough sometimes
Also, yesterday we were at the beach and I got drunk for the first time in my life. I never drank alcohol except one beer, and yesterday I had that drink called sex on the beach and I literally got so dizzy I couldn't walk straight, I could only sit and laugh. At first he got worried and thought that maybe the bartender added something to my drink bc he couldn't believe I could get such a reaction after just one drink. But then we started lauhging at this together and making edgy jokes about people around us. And then he said something like "I could rape you haha but only if you deserve it XD" and I laughed it off too, but now I'm thinking about it and like, even if it was just a retarded male joke with no truly malicious intent, it was still inappropiate
No. 1292999
I wish people who love me would just be honest with me and tell me I look bad, but my parents think the sun shines out of my ass and my bf/friends could never.
I used to hate having my picture taken and still do. I thought I was an ugly child but my mom screamed at me whenever I told her that, as if it's a personal offense to her that I think I'm ugly.
My then-bf saw my childhood pictures, told me I was an ugly baby and that I looked like an old man. The dad of my bf at the time took pictures of us at some point. I looked like shit but they both gushed over how cute I was in them.
Several years later, my new bf sees those photos and says I used to look bad, "but you're so gorgeous now!" We take pictures together, too.
Several years later, my current bf looks at the photos I took with my second ex and says I used to look bad but that I'm "super pretty now". He takes some photos of me, I still hate how I look in them, still think I'm ugly. Some years down the line I'll be told yet again how I used to look like shit but am totally super gorgeous now. I just wish it didn't take them several years to unknowingly admit that I'm ugly, it's an insult to my intelligence and I feel gaslit. Just fucking tell me, it's ok.
No. 1293002
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>>1292994I am standing alone with you anon. It’s rough out there for people who don’t feel they fit anywhere but if you were born into this world then it’s just as much yours as anyone else’s.
No. 1293048
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can someone PLEASE remove this banner I hate it so much and have to refresh every time I see it
No. 1293077
>>1293060and then they hit you with the 'how could a pretty girl like you be single?'
meanwhile all moids say i’m a 5/10
No. 1293095
>>1293086ntayrt but she’s right, how do you find a boyfriend if you never leave your house
unless we’re counting discord boyfriends as real
No. 1293150
>>1293079The most reclusive women I've known all had boyfriends. Kind of like
>>1293086, they get a bf by chance and he ends up being their only friend and eventually ends up funding their reclusive lifestyle.
No. 1293200
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>>1292895I am a batfag myself but Twitter doesn't feel as good as Tumblr, because Twitter usually contains already existing circlejerk and people are even more obsessed with drama there than on Tumblr. Maybe it's just me but I don't find Twitter as genuine as Tumblr. Tumblr is not as active when it comes to fangirlism anymore unless its an ongoing media that's so popular that everyone's mom knows it (eg stranger things had massive pr campaign all over Europe, id see the buses with ads of it in Germany, and even Slovenia).
No. 1293247
>>1293120>>1293124"wtf you have to keep erasing your work for free to remake the entire project for your client? this is EXACTLY like working at a grocery story or office, SUCK IT UP!"
nta, you two sound like moid boomers.
No. 1293323
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>>1293222I'm sure they'd be the ones most understanding and appreciative even. Don't stress. You'll be just fine either way.
No. 1293376
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The world needs to end.
No. 1293385
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God I want to fucking kill myself. I know stoners and potheads are all losers and retards I GET ITTTT but I took one hit of my vape at work because I was getting so frustrated and anxious I felt sick… I felt better after the one hit but when I'm even the slightest bit high I like to look at the people around me. Every fucking time I thought "I'll just steal a quick glance at someone walking by" THEY'D ALWAYS NOTICE I WAS LOOKING WITHIN LIKE A FUCKING SECOND AND WOULD LOOK BACK AND THEN I'D GET ANXIOUS AND LOOK AWAY REALLY QUICK. SO FUCKING STUPID AND RETARDED AND AWKWARD STOP LOOKING BACK AT MEEEEEE JUST LET ME FUCKING LOOOOOOOK I ALREADY HAVE A RESTING BITCH FACE AND I'M QUIET ASF THEY'RE GONNA THINK I'M WEEEIIIRRRDDDDDDD FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU I'M GONNA BE SICK FUCK FUCK FUCK.
No. 1293397
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Honestly, do you think it's possible to find a normal, decent looking guy at 27? I'm still a virgin and due to 'tism and other problems I only recently entered the dating market, and every normal and not-ugly guy seems to be taken
No. 1293424
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i hate people who dont value friendships so goddamn much. fuck you you ungrateful retard honestly just kill yourself if friendship is not enough for you. if you say you have "only" x amount of friends like its something to be sad about or if you share those shitty loneliness "memes" whilst having friends ( and have multiple pictures or videos with said friends ! ) sincerely i hope your mental condition gets worse. i know that is a really online thing to say but its one of those things that pisses me off most since for example my sibling goes out every single night for hours and he still has the audacity to repost those shitty as hell memes about depression and being ALONE not even loneliness. like no you fucking arent. i am so fucking pissed off.
just getting frustrated right now because i just went out with my friend and only friend and had an absolute blast and the most fun i have had all year. she didnt do anything im not mad at her at all i just love her so much it just pisses me off how having one friend is not enough for them. this was the first time i even hung out with her in months. i love her so much im so mad at people who cant see their friend or friendS plural the same way. just fuck you bitch you deserve nothing
>bawwww people have different needs wahhh
i dont give a damn. you are an ungrateful worthless human being. fuck off
>ummm some people have fake friends
then they arent your friends and you should just stop talking to them then. simple as. like who is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to hang out with people you dont like and have nothing to do with. and what makes you so sure they're a fake friend even? thats another possibility you should think about. like if its about connections they were never your friend and you're selfish. when i say friend i mean friend. i mean somebody you actually like to hang out with and feels the same with you. people you have fun with and people you turn to when you are sad and likewise with them.
i just dont understand these people. ive never experienced it personally but if i had a friend stop being my friend for a significant other idk what i would do. im absolute fuming thinking of all the ungrateful people in this world. there is more than one type of love other than romantic and the best one just happens to be platonic love, which you need to have a good longlasting romantic relationship.
No. 1293488
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No. 1293491
nonnie I feel you. I'm really going through it this week too.
No. 1293537
>>1293534that would be such a humiliating way to die
dying so a moid could get his rocks off, sad!
No. 1293544
>>1293534You're probably fine, but anon if you're going to do that you need to make sure you're doing it properly. Jesus.
>I'm aloneWhere is your bf?
No. 1293555
>>1293544Where is your bf?
We don't live together, I was at his place a few hours ago
>>1293548Yeah I'm definitely not eager to do it again. Especially that I often had moments with him when he clearly couldn't tell how much stronger he is than me, and when we were playfully fighting on the bed for example, he didn't get the fact that something he did hurt me, like he doesn't know how much force he can put into something without hurting me. At least I hope he didn't do it on purpose
No. 1293569
I'm only 18 but I've had a very late start in life, I have absolutely no friends which bothers me extremely I also have a hard time making and keeping them, I have really no life experience whatsoever I just feel so terribly lonely and bad about all the mistakes I've made in my life, I've made so many wrong turns in my life it just makes me want to cry typing this because of all the ways I've fucked up my family and other shit blah blah.
In a few months I will going to study horticulture, I had two days where I could get a 'taster' and it was honestly such a beautiful place
This is an opportunity to make friends I figured but I was surprised by the amount of scrotes there, there were only 2 women out of about 20 people, I got along with the girls but they wont even be in my class next year and might not even do the course.
I wont be able to make friends, how am I supposed to make friends with scrotes? I tried talking to one in my class but he was so shy it was impossible. I just want to experience life, make mistakes, make my mum think I'm normal human, she already makes little quips about my lifestyle and although it hurts its true.
Pray things will work out for me nonnies
No. 1293571
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>>1293564It's literally so weirdly common it was a joke on family guy in 1999 when the show first started lol
No. 1293589
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i swear i'm not trying to racebait. it's just so fucking annoying to be looking for housing and seeing shit like this in the descriptions when you know if a white person put 'resident citizens preferred' there'd be a huge uproar. there's a massive uptick in places being bought by rich indian/chinese investors only to be rented out with requirements like that and for so much money that it's raising rent everywhere else. it's so fucking disgusting, i hate it so much.
No. 1293686
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i dont know what my sexuality is. idgaf if im bi but i keep flipflopping on what it is that i want. i feel both hypersexual at times and completely and utterly disgusted with myself. im way too old to be a virgin to boot as well. sometimes all i want is to just dom a moid or just have whoever have me to get rid of it but in both scenarios im concerned about looking ugly and fat. its like my body is a cage and i cant form any relationships because i am so obsessed with my deformed appearance.
No. 1293711
>>1293686you kinda sound like me but I've realized once again recently that there is a difference between sexual attraction and romantic attraction.
And if you like men, there will always be a sad incel that would kill to be with you for one night, no matter what you look like. That keeps me confident enough when I feel disgusting.
No. 1293733
>>1293589>paying hundreds of dollars a month so some self-righteous asshole can tell you what you're allowed to eatHonestly this is why I hate all vegans and vegetarians. I've seen more than one ad like this and it's like, if you don't like meat don't eat it you fucking control freak. If they're like that about your dietary choices imagine what it is like to live there. "Uhhh you can't wear jeans in this house, I'm charging you a $500 fine for wearing non-organic-hemp clothing. Um oh my god is that an android phone? You need to get rid of that immediately. Hurr durr I accessed your internet history and you can't visit lolcow, that's a HaTe SiTe, I reported you to the FBI and am confiscating your first and last deposit. You owe me $200,000,000,000 for being a
TERF in 2022!!!!! Also I called your job and said you're a pedophile and got you fired, bigot."
No. 1293781
>>1293733Oh but when I privately slaughter my own golden retrievers that I own and breed them myself in the privacy of my own farm, without shoving it into anyones throats and forcing others to try my known delicious family recipe of dachshund sausages, now it’s a problem.
Cmon now.
>>1293703Anon, what kind of stuff are you into? There must be other people who can bring joy into your life. I believe In you.
No. 1293829
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>>1293378update my mom made me take this antiallergy pill and it felt like I was roofied, it was so scary
knocked me out for a bit then woke up and chugged redbull and was fine the rest of the day with no more swelling or numbness
still never figured out what caused the reaction but maybe I should not pet anymore cats… sad because I love cats
No. 1293875
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being a kissless virgin at 25, almost 26. used to not bother me until recently, and now i'm at that age where most people would think it's weird, if not a red flag. i'd rather kms than admit to anyone irl at this point. idk i just don't like anyone or my body that much. blows my mind that just before covid i felt so young, but now i think that looking back i will always regret losing it after 25 like a loser lol
No. 1293945
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>>1293941Nta but the zoomer male haircut.
No. 1293959
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>extremely messed up by covid
>bpd and bipolarfag
>almost kms in march and officially hit rock bottom in april
>struggle throughout may and early june to get back up
>do this alone without even the assistance of my therapist knowing my family might institutionalize me
>immensely damaged
>went through hell and don't want to spill it to my current friends or else I'll seem like a lying attention whore
>begrudgingly take summer classes to finish up degree by end of year
>make friends with girl from summer class so we can help one another throughout five weeks
>become incredibly close
>spend hours chattering on the phone
>she's not perf and she talks about herself a lot but i figure it's nice to have a friend who'll listen to me
>but don't want to tell her too much
>after week five class ends and we still hang out
>still have trust issues from lost friendships
>she learns some about me and my background
>we're both traumatized with asshole parents
>couple weeks later she celebrates my bday and all is well seemingly until the end of the night
>she forces us to meet up at these annoying ugly guys she met apartment "because it'll make the uber cheaper"
>start getting irked by little things about her like her desire for male attention
>days prior to our next planned club outing I have dream where someone raped me at a club
>my trauma upswells sometimes and there's nothing I can do
>try not to let it affect me
>next time we go out clubbing she drags us away from the club we want to go to
>cover is too high and she's still in contact with uggo stupid dudes
>I'm miserable even though they're paying for our drinks
>not having fun
>I hate men
>she doesn't seem to be enjoying it either
>we lose them after awhile and then start wandering the streets
>I have a flashback to the dream where I got raped and start crying on the street
>horribly inebriated, desperately begging her for a ride home
>no we have to reunite with the guys and send them off
>I tell her the moids can fuck off for all I care, I'm gonna puke, and she continues to ignore me
>once we find them again I go into the bathroom and nearly fall over
>one of the guys is groping her, and then the nicest one drags me away from the group to find an uber
>I end up trauma dumping to mr nice guy even though I hate moids
>we reunite at the apartment and gropey guy is chiding me to my friends face
>"why is she over emotional and ungrateful that we paid for drinks blah blah"
>my friend explodes in the uber home
>even though she blatantly ignored me pleading
>there were so many signs I was going to lose it and she shafted me for the men every single time
>the next day she says I'm too mentally ill for her and that she needs her friends to "be stable"
>after she knew weeks ago I had mental and family issues, the only thing is I didn't tell her I was bipolar
>you're not stable either bitch stfu
>apparently being bipolar makes me a crazy bitch, adhd was fiiiine but not bipolority
>angry at me for crying
>she cried at ME on the phone the other week
>my feelings don't matter, she's uncomfortable with them
>start to wonder if I even fucking matter to her
>or if I'm just the dumb ugly fat friend she recruited to make herself look better at the club
>tell myself I don't think I can see her for at least a week without wanting to punch her in the face
>she texts me yesterday
>I've left her message unread for 24hrs
>I feel used and ended up crying
I wonder if we just escalated too fast and bombed hard. or if she never cared about me in the first place
I met one other friend this semester who knows I went through hell and she doesn't judge me like this. Nor do any other friends I have, after I finally let my truth out that I had been through a lot and fought my hell alone mentally. This is why I don't tell people things who I sense will just judge me for it.
No. 1294029
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My dad instilled in me a defeatist victim mentality and I hate myself for it so much.
I don't remember him ever fighting in my corner, he always
put me down and tried to lower my already shit self-esteem because his dad did the same to him to 'teach him humility and manners'. It only taught him how to be a loser and now I'm a loser, too, because of his bullshit.
>When I was being bullied he seriously asked me what I did to invite the bullying
>When I wrote online that I spoke Russian (I speak another Slavic language super close to Russian so I can communicate with Russians near flawlessly, but it's technically not Russian itself), he chewed me out for lying and exaggerating my skills. I was like 9
>He reprimanded me for talking to an elderly neighbor who was like my grandmother and whom I loved very much, using the familiar 'you' and not formal/polite 'you'. I was 4 and so mortified afterwards that I started dreading seeing her even though she didn't care and loved me a lot
>When I got fucked over by a boss and when my corrupt as fuck uni prof asked for bribes in order to give students good grades they worked hard for, he only says that's life/life isn't fair, sweetie/suck it up, buttercup/that's the country we live in, nothing you can do but comply
>Anything bad happens to me as a result of a choice I had to make, he'll rub it in my face and say this is what I get for doing xyz, what did I expect etc
I hate it I hate it I hate it, wish he wasn't such a miserable worm
No. 1294038
>>1294029Work hard for yourself and only yourself, you don't have to prove shit to him. You know the cause of one of your problems, so now you know his opinions are totally worthless. I can somewhat relate to this, now I never, ever listen to my parents and I'm way more willing to listen to constructive advice from my very close friends.
>>1294029>using the familiar 'you' and not formal/polite 'you'I legit had no clue that was even a thing in my first language, I only learned about it when I was like 9 or 10 at school. I thought my classmates where using the formal "you" as a plural "you" to talk about all our teachers in general and not to talk to our specific teacher for years. Nobody yelled at me or told me I was being a rude bitch over this, so your father shouldn't have yelled at you when you were 4 years old.
No. 1294044
>>1293959Wow what a shitty human she is.
Nonnie I pray you find someone better as friends. I had a friend like you, who basically left me alone drunk as fuck in club so she can go with some guys after I pleaded to go home. I never trusted her again. She goes to therapist for bpd now and got better but is still very selfish. But I found better friends, they don't drink and they are reliable. I'm sure you will find someone else, life is long. She isn't a good friend at all.
No. 1294060
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All these new nonnies that doesn't understand what milk is and keeps arguing that their favorite cows doing as much as breathing is TOTES NEW MILK
No. 1294113
>>1294076i hated uni too and i quit in the 3rd year. Then my parents manipualted me into another uni and i had to quit in the 3rd year also. Lotta years and energy wasted because i tried so hard living their dream. I had a meltdown and it was horrible with my parents but i just had to quit. Mother still makes me feel bad about it years after. I had ambitions though, working as a commission artist which i do now and it's pretty much like doing nothing because i can listen to podcasts and manage my time.
The first uni was full of pretenscious art teachers who first sweettalked me into choosing the uni, lied to me that i'll be able to go to Finland for a year and after i started going there they didn't even pay the people to pose for us for drawing. We did nothing, we learned nothing and then they expected us to do some epic conceptual piece with 20 pages of text explaning it. I really didn't choose art school TO WRITE SHIT. Our head teacher called me a child when i said i'm quitting. Motherfucker went to the school 3 days a year, he didn't give a fuck.
Other uni was an Artteacher uni and it was somewhat ok, very time consuming and hard but at least we actually did something. Had to quit because covid came and nobody answered my emails about my degree work, libraries were clsoed, and i was pushed into something i didn't know anything about anyways. The stress caused me everyday panick attacks so i had to quit or i'd seriously kill myself from all the stress and i knew deep down it's not worth it. I will never ever be somebody's puppet they push into corners anymore.
My dad told me one time "once you finnish high school you are a complete human being" and i feel that. In uni, at least where i'm from, they still treat you like you are inferior and a child and it really grinds my gears. I think you can get through uni only when you don't have an authority probelm and i always had a big one. Why should i respect somebody who doesn't even go here and gets soild money just for being a smug powertripping ahole? University it just a big egowanking system. You sacrifice your youth, your time and energy, you almost give yourself cancer with that stress and all that for a paper that might get you a better payed job someday. No.
No. 1294120
>>1292934>>1294050I know I should drop him in the end but I don't know how to handle this, I would like to confront him about this and see his reaction before I openly break up with him. The worst thing is, I'm still very confused about his personality. He jumps between being totally chill, sometimes almost unresponsive during the day, and very agitated and sometimes rough during the night. He never ever tried to initiate actual intercourse with me and I told him I'm not ready for sex and he said we can wait a year or more, just how much I need. But the choking, spanking, the rough way he handles my body when we just "wrestle" on the bed and the edgy jokes, it's all unsettling. Also last night, shortly before I gave him a handjob, he didn't want to touch me much besides cuddling because, as he said, he "can't control himself". I asked him many times if he watches porn and he said no, but it seems like he's already so fucked up from past porn watching he won't cum from a handjob without some violent impulse like me choking him. I'm just so disappointed and sad. At first he seemed completely normal and vanilla and was so sensitive and responsive to my touch I thought he would cum any moment just from me touching him through his pants. This is my first ever bf and it had to be someone like this
No. 1294130
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KEK at all the hypocrites who claim that they always knew that Johnny Depp's "clean" image was all fake after all of that shit about the court documents got leaked. Now they're acting as if they were born yesterday and it's the first time they've heard of PR. It was clear as fuck that the media was paid to make him look like a saint. Oh how I hate people. Shut the fuck up. They were all kissing his ass like "but Johnny visits kids in hospitals, how can anyone like this be abusive??? He's an honest man and she's a witch who wants to ruin his reputation and steal his money" and now they're like "Yeah, I always knew there was something off about him" while they were shitting on anyone and harassing them if they claimed that he was abusive towards Amber and that they were just too misogynystic to see that because "meN cAn bE vIcTiMs tOo". But oh noooow everyone suddenly remembers again that he got called out for being a raging alcoholic in the past? Bleh I hate people. Sorry for the long ass rant about this whole issue but holy fuck I hate men, basically.
No. 1294139
>>1294120Nonnie, this
>The worst thing is, I'm still very confused about his personality. He jumps between being totally chill, sometimes almost unresponsive during the day, and very agitated and sometimes rough during the night.>Also last night, shortly before I gave him a handjob, he didn't want to touch me much besides cuddling because, as he said, he "can't control himself".and him choking and spanking you doesn't sound good. Please take all of these things as warning signs, especially the "can't control himself". I know you mean well and it's your first relationship, but please don't bother with men like this, especially if they don't care about your boundaries. He 100% has a problem with (past) porn use because that kind of shit is porn-tier and not normal. The ealier you leave him, the better. Do yourself the favor before you find yourself neck deep in a
abusive relationship where it's even harder for you to leave.
No. 1294143
>>1294139Same anon here but holy shit I just read your earlier responses. Joking about rape?
Nonnie, leave him
now or I'll come over and whoop his ass myself.
No. 1294188
>>1294168That sounds okay, but I feel like it'd be so weird. I once met up with an online friend and it was so awkward, we realized we had barely anything in common because we mostly just sent each other stupid pictures and talked a little in between. Too bad, we're still in contact though.
>>1294158Depends on how close we are. If it's someone I've talked to very much for years and years it's a different story and I do consider them friends, but this guy I'm talking about I've 'known' for not even 3 months and he already wants to hang out irl. You never know who someone really is especially online. I just want to go offline completely but I know one guy with a flip phone and I'm his only friend, he's a perfectly cool guy just hard to stay in contact with.
No. 1294194
>>1294188Guys who want to meet up so soon is a major red flag. Most likely they only want to get in your pants.
>>1294156Yeah I see this a lot from terminally online losers. I find it weird when they think of meeting up when I've only known them for 2 months. Kinda makes me feel uncomfortable because I find it hard to say no. Like, I'm still figuring out my dynamic with you online, it's going to be difficult doing it irl too you know?
No. 1294197
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It's so hard to keep up a diet. I've always had a healthy BMI so never had to do it before and naturally, being young and retarded hearing people struggle to stick to diets I felt all smug about it because how hard can it be? Well, now I see and lesson learned. Hoping for strength for me and every other anon working on fixing their eating habits.
No. 1294207
>>1294194Jesus thank you nonna, what's up with the nonna's upthread? Most of the time it's fucking moids who want to see you irl too. I have two guys on my ass about meeting right now, this sounds really mean but I just want to tell them I'm perfectly fine without their company, especially considering they live hours away and I don't even know if I can trust them. I find it hard to say no too for some other reasons
childhood grooming reasons, I don't trust online people much anymore but I don't want to share that with really anyone (though here it's anonymous so I don't really care), let alone people I 'kind of' know from shady forums. I know it's probably just terminally online people or moids who think they can get you in bed as soon as you're there. This is the last time I make an internet friend, it only turns into a fucking hassle in the end.
No. 1294219
>>1294200Eh. Diets aren’t bullshit, just the conversations around them are. It’s not that they don’t “work” necessarily (depends on the diet and goals of course) it’s that people don’t know how to maintain their results. For example, if you eat mounds on shit on the regular then change up your diet for a couple months to lose weight, and then decide once you’ve lost your 10lbs or whatever your goal was to go back to eating mounds of shit, of course the weight will come back on. This seems to be the main thing people can’t get through their thick heads.
Don’t listen to my anachan ass though. I’ll refrain from sharing my bmi lmao you guys would either freak out or make fun of me.
No. 1294221
>>1294213Lol same.
Ironically enough I got more fucked up from watching gore recently than I did when I was younger. The recent gore made me depressed and wanting to kill myself. Gore back then was "just cool" but made me super desensitized.
No. 1294234
>>1294213Same with me anon, except I was 'friends' with this older scrote who used to watch them with me, he was a degen obsessed with animal torture too and he used to send me them, they were so hard to watch but for some reason I kept making myself watch it all the way through, some of the shit is just so horrific I still remember some specific videos and it just makes me want to cry like the video's were all extremely high quality, I don't even want to describe them because it was so bad, and he used to know some of the abusers, I think I was like 14 I just don't understand what was going through my head honestly, the scrote died from an OD though.
There is this one specific video that still fucks me up to this day
Kids do things that just don't make sense sometimes, and with the internet it can be extremely harmful I'm genuinely worried for a lot of young people on discord especially
No. 1294245
>>1294228My tip: change wheat to whole wheat. Whole wheat pasta for example and add a source of protein and some vegetables.
Compare normal pasta with canned sauce and cheese with whole wheat pasta, fresh bolognese sauce (super simple to make), cheese and a side salad.
Another tip: Cut out cow meat and pork and substitute it with vegan protein, such as fake meat (if you can afford it). Maybe it's placebo, but they make me feel more satisfied and less fatigued than steak or pork.
Nothing wrong with dairy, I sometimes drink/ eat "protein" yoghurt and "milkshakes" you can get at the store. Leaves me full when I'm too busy working to cook.
What also helped me cut down on my sugar intake is eating fruit. I do still get the sugar I crave but because of how much water it has it leaves me feeling full. Compare two mandarins with a fist full of gummy bears or a cookie.
Lol I'm just rambling but my diet change the past two years has been nothing but positive and I wish teenager me had the money and support to do this.
No. 1294255
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Pathethic and petty vent but when I watch Extraordinary Attorney Woo it makes me sad. My ex looks like a white potato version of the love interest. Except he never loved my autistic ass as much as Junho loves Woo. Heck I even wish my parents took care of me as much as Woo's dad does for her. Watching it is really bittersweet for me.
No. 1294286
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>>1294273Smell trees
Listen to bees
Look at the snow
Taste the rainbow
No. 1294311
>>1294289No, I am not from US. This was a long time ago and I was stupid. I should have had a restraining order back then. Part of my trauma was people not believing in me because he only showed up when I was alone. It's hard to describe. Only one person believed in my, but they told me way after it happened.
It makes me crazy that people would say "Oh, maybe he just want to be friends". Like, what friend would literally follow you up close from school to home whispering things behind you? Taking unauthorized pictures? Men can do really anything.
>>1294297yeah, I am not that stupid girl from before. Also I am still rooting for someone else get the job…
No. 1294483
>>1294361this is not offensive. most people do in fact end up with people of the same background as them, it's a logical conclusion. his hotness wasn't even questioned, why do you keep focusing on that?
end of the day, whether her mediocre white husband is less hot than your husband, you both still work in housekeeping, so they're both probably male losers who can't provide.
No. 1294527
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>>1294498Oh shit, I wonder what this is about kek
No. 1294564
>>1294559another thing that sucks about it is that i have to wake up at like 6:30-ish am to do it. but sometimes she doesn't come at the time she said she would so i end up losing sleep
would be based if I had enough cash to just buy her a nice house but it is tough enough surviving on my own lol (I love my mother btw and I don't hate her for this. It is just kind of an annoying situation)
No. 1294620
>>1294037nah I definitely get that vibe. she knows I'm not fond of moids. I'm not going to mention to her that I was sexually assaulted and it's part of my trauma, but I think she can insinuate I experienced it in the past. i was trying to convince us to talk with girls and befriend them, we kept not getting their numbers.
I told her before I left her house that my pickme phase wasn't worth it, and that men suck. I hope she takes it to heart.
>>1294044my other friends drink and we would never ignore one another's feelings like this.
i hate how she's always been the first friend to respond when I respond to her, I just want to do stuff with my other friends instead. I need at least a few weeks break from her after I finally responded to her unread message and she's acting all chummy again. I have bpd myself, I can't handle another untreated energy vampire sucking me dry
No. 1294636
I work at a chain of pizza restaurants and there's a guy at my work, not sure how old he is exactly, mid 30's at the youngest but probably at least 40, he has a kid in highschool. a girl started about 2 months ago, she was 18 going on 19, and on like her second day he started hitting on her and trying to get her to go smoke weed with him and whatnot. it was making her visibly uncomfortable, I offered to tell him she's not interested but she told me not to. I told our boss at the time and she said she'd talk to him about it, but I don't know if she ever did or if it would even do anything.
fast forward to now and I find out he's been harassing our other female coworkers. one of them said she's uncomfortable working with him and had to tell him she was gay to get him to leave her alone, and honestly I'm surprised that even worked. he was hitting on a manager who quit (for unrelated reasons, although she had been sexually harassed by other higher up managers in the past too). he's harassing another coworker as well, he didn't take kindly to her turning him down so he threatened to tell her boyfriend, who is a manager at another store, that he was gonna go tell him she's being a hoe or whatever.
finally the higher ups talked to him I guess and said he needed to start acting more professional.. I really wish they'd just fire his ass already. he is only a part time worker anyway, it's not like we'd suffer much without him.
No. 1294654
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Today I made a joke. Nobody laughed.
No. 1294655
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I tanked another job interview today. I prepared, I researched the role and familiarised myself with the policies and procedures I would potentially working with but I left the interview feeling like such a dumb fuck. Some of the questions I didn’t even understand and I felt humiliated. I feel like I’m never going to get away from minimum wage jobs and I’m going to be a barista with a masters degree forever gathering dust. It sucks when all your colleagues are in their late teens/early 20s and you’re approaching 30. I guess I’m not made out for anything else.
No. 1294674
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I hate how fucked the future is. I'm supposed to work until 70 (or more, they keep rising the age), and then? Once I finally get to retire and my body isn't completely broken, can I even travel and finally enjoy the next 10 or so years until I drop dead, or will petrol and flying be too expensive and too "climate damaging" so that only the ultra rich can afford it? And if my body is broken, will there even be enough space to let me have some peaceful last years, or will I be squeezed between the calculated majority of elders in the population and left to rot in my own feces by overworked nurses?
At this point I seriously can't blame neets, tax evaders and other criminal activities anymore, I'd do the same if I had the choice. I fucking wish the current elders would know how good they had it.
No. 1294706
>>1294527holy shit?? fuck her. if she's weak enough to allow an incel to convince her to hate black people, than she shouldn't be larping as some kind of social philosopher on youtube.
>>1294553i went into terrible online forums when i was a kid too and i also never believed that edgy conservative shit, because it's also combined with the hatred of women. the only women who fall for it are idiots
No. 1294825
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Everything about this poem by Phillip Larkin fucks me up
“They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.”
No. 1294865
>>1294718so sorry admin assistant nonna, keep up the good work for your super hot poor husband!
again, not offensive, you just want to be mad some random woman's innocuous comment and say your husband is hot (which is totally not a thing a person with an ugly husband would say to cope, nooo)
No. 1294893
>>1294886same here anon, "I was afraid to talk to you because you looked like a bitch teehee!" wow what a bitchy thing to say to me, thanks!
for years i overcompensated for my angry looking face by being too friendly and trying to not say anything too intimidating. all it did was cause people to think I'm weak and stupid and walk all over me. now i just dont care if people think that or like me. theyve proven themselves to be shallow and retarded so why would i care about their approval? i lean into my angry looks now and if anyone brings it up? i will confirm their assumption. i will be mean.
No. 1295091
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The whole birth rate concerns are so annoying. Why the fuck would women have kids in a world that hates women and children and where scrotes are trying to sexualize & kill everything bc of their retarded degrading y chromosome? Cope and seethe scrotes world is falling apart, you can only go against nature for so long until you go extinct. Karma is coming.
No. 1295114
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I've been crying over wondering how I'm supposed to pay my bills for the next years for the past two days. I go to uni and work part time but I don't qualify for any sort of "aid" because I'm not "poor enough" by the government's standards. I recently also had to pay some medical bills that were not covered by universal health care, so much to the point where I only had 80 euros left for food last month. Everything seems so bleak to me. I bust my ass working and studying, I hate having to measure to society's norms. Measuring up to what a "productive member of society" is. Measuring up to what "success" is. Measuring up to beauty standards and many other things. I have no support system. I'm depressed and thus don't seek out contact to other people anymore. All I do is crawl into bed after work and uni and cry myself to sleep. Rinse repeat every day. Can't afford therapy because I don't have the money and waiting lists are long. I wish we had guns here so I could just kill myself.
No. 1295133
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Men will dedicate hours to describing how they want to physically abuse a woman together with total camaraderie but then scream and cry and throw up when women display any signs of mental illness. May all men like this die of prostate cancer.
No. 1295139
abusive moids will get prostrate cancer or die in a car crash All
abusive moids will get prostrate cancer or die in a car crash All
abusive moids will get prostrate cancer or die in a car crash All
abusive moids will get prostrate cancer or die in a car crash All
abusive moids will get prostrate cancer or die in a car crash
No. 1295222
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still continues despite being clockable and egocentric to the point of pathology… males simply cannot be helped.
No. 1295240
nonnie, love your dedication to either renaming this file each time you post or finding the same pic but different versions every time so you aren't prevented from reposting the pic
No. 1295243
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>>1295232It's interesting how I usually met only passive-aggressive 'high on their horse' types of British men before but after COVID all I see are
>depressed virgins that jerk off to anime streamers and would bang any random underage discord girl that would be willing to edate them>toxic normie 'gay' larpers that love stirring up drama in any social circle they are in No. 1295274
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sick of hypersexuality being accepted nowadays. If you don't agree with it, you're a bigot. I have no hope for future generations.
No. 1295276
nonnie I'm so sorry please distance yourself from him asap
No. 1295296
I supervise janitorial and lab cleanings as a side gig. At this one research facility last night, I just let the place stay filthy on the janitor side because it wasn't worth my time to once again have to clean up after adult babies. My staffing there is stretched thin and with the level of filth I would need two more heads per night just to keep up with the janitorial stuff, the prior company that serviced them got so frustrated they up and quit. I have to go back there tonight to do a major clean in their labs per the schedule so I saved my energy. I work doubles every single day, and this account drives me nuts because it's the one site where I get no cooperation nor feedback on any of my suggestions to help keep the site clean (per governmental regulations BTW). We don't get paid a penny more at this point to go the extra mile and I hurt the budget to staff extra, all because these scientists are piggies in labcoats.
So, fuck it.
The bitches who work there are nasty. It isn't a big place with a lot of traffic at all and yet somehow they use one roll (or both) of toilet paper in each stall per day, leave used toilet paper on the toilet seats, and shed their nasty hair all over the bathroom. I can tell the latter is from the same bitch every time too. This is only the bathrooms, we aren't even talking about their individual office cubicles which is a whole other level of unprofessionalism.
Some smart bitch decided to take pictures of their uncleaned filth last night to post in the leadership group chat asking ~wHoOoO WaSs In ChArGe oF TEh BaTahrOoooOms LaSt NiGhT~ but idc, we're not caretakers and I don't have to pick up poopy tp at a facility where people want to larp that they're geniuses.
I'm getting a male to do the janitorial work tonight so he can be in charge of that. These fucks went several months without their facility being cleaned before we came here, and now that we cleaned it they think they can declare benchmarks while they've got no standards themselves.
I'm so sick of this shitty account and I'm tired of their bitching, they can get their useless interns to pick up like before if it's so urgent.
No. 1295309
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>>1295239pouring one out for all the nonnies who've been forced to have extra male members of their family, especially brothers. it's already pointless and difficult enough having fathers in our lives. male humans basically only serve to harm or destroy. hope your family disowns him soon but they're retarded if they haven't gotten a clue about his status as a liability yet
No. 1295314
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>one chance at life
>born at the fucking worst timeline possible
fuuuuuuuuuuuuck, whyyyyyy I could have been a myspace emo or a goth but noooooooooo I had to be born in the tranny, reboots, social media, corporations-owning-my-soul era. Fuck everything, at least I have art to cleanse my soul but I can't find any sane art space so i just draw for myself. This is possibly the worst time to be a teen/young adult, everything is so fucking depressing I want to die, I feel like i got robbed out of my youth and my generation got robbed of an identity.
No. 1295316
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>>1295315at least people will be nostalgic about the 00's. Absolutely fucking no one will miss the 2010's, I can't even remember anything from it other than every hobby I liked getting ruined and everyone becoming political.
I just want my youth back nonnies, I can't even find any sane person around my age to hang out with, all my friends are so fucking old some of them are even married or ready to have kids, kek.
No. 1295338
>>1295319I am 20, my oldest friend is 35 and the youngest is 24 I think. Dunno what people will be nostalgic about, all I can remember is the antisjw community on youtube and racist memes. I don't use social media so maybe there is a huge fashion trend I have no idea about.
>>1295320never used tumble so no idea what the fashion is like, but I can't remember any subculture when I was in high school and I just dressed in anime t-shirts so IDK.
I am mostly sad there isn't a subculture to be part of, both the ''normie'' and niche spaces are infested with the same people that ruin everything. The only place I find some form of community is in the model kit community and it's because it's mostly normie moids and dads.
No. 1295353
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i don't want to care about this asshole and i want to get out of here.
>autistic brother can't even mask and refuses to acknowledge and change this
>randomly ignores us completely when being talked to
>says misogynist and racist bullshit
>now pretends to not be misogynist and racist because our father also noticed it was too much…
>think his life will magically change once he is rich
>"there are no traditional feminine women anymore"
>bases opinion of all of women on 1 bad experience in his teens
>reddit and 4chan and incel forum user
>admitted to enjoying gore
>didn't shower or wash hair for weeks because he worked full time or more hours
>resentfully buzzcuts all of his hair instead of just washing it
>only wants to talk about money
>hates all of his friends, refuses to make new friends
>friend he likes most he refers to as "okay"
>"there is this girl at work but i won't talk to her lest she complain to hr lol"
>acts friendly 1 day out of a month, usually to get somebody to cook for him
>sociopathic tendencies like that manipulate my mother to buy stuff for him
>she thinks he's "just so shy, he needs to keep putting himself out there"
that won't ever work if he is acting like a creepy sociopath. he wants to larp as one because he read the incel theory that psychopaths are attractive. except the reason they are attractive is because of catering their apperance to current trends, looking conventionally attractive and learning charming traits which none of the unmasked autistic naturally has. he has convinced people to do stuff for him out of intimidation, or concern. i am so over it and i hate how i feel bad when he ignores me. will this always be like that because he is my family?
No. 1295371
>>1295362they seriously excuse every antisocial and unhygenic thing he does because he went on antidepressants for a little while and did drugs in his teens.
>"nooo, he can't continue like this, my poor baaaby"meanwhile i survived sexual assault, resuscitation from organ failure as a child, life long bullying for my ptsd, and still moved abroad completely by myself and lived fine. this scrote never even left the family nest. sons like this really get coddled, because the family subconsciously fears he will chimp out and kill himself, or them.
No. 1295373
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>>1295370i mean, this. has this website taught anons nothing?
No. 1295389
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>>1295381idk the 00's had really a cool style, especially in videogames and cartoons. meanwhile, we have calarts and fat troons with vitiligo lmao
No. 1295413
>>1295371They should make euthanasia for failsons a thing. Putting them down is the most humane option. We could have clinics disguised as brothels and an assassin-doctor hiding behind a corner would jump out & inject him in the ass with air.
They immediately take him to the morgue and recycle the organs he would’ve destroyed anyway by gulping down monster energy drinks and give them to mothers of talented daughters. He’s skinned for the sake of burn
victims, and his leathery pizza-face gets turned into a leather bag by shein.
A great loss for the e-sports community, and a great victory for humanity.
No. 1295434
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>>1295314Don't be sad nonna, while media, art and fashion was.. something back then, the mindset of people were absolute ultra trash. Just remembering how vicious women were talked about, even by other women, leaves a really bitter taste in my nostalgia. It's like everybody was collectively sociopathic, I still to this day remember all the headlines in my mom's gossip magazines about Britney and wonder what kind of brain damage we had to think this was okay and she even deserved it.
It's good your generation is more educated on mental health and generally awful behavior.
No. 1295450
>>1295428>Alternative clothes of any kind are super expensive where I live, and dyeing your hair pink in 2011 would've cost a fortunei forgot about this, and i thought it was easier in cities. sperg incoming. hair extensions were rare and expensive back then. it was just a few years past the recession. the most alternative hair dye i could find at the store at that time was blueish black and purpleish red. keeping up any bright hair colour would have cost at least 2 monthly redying, multiple cartons if they had long hair. straightening hair, putting on accessories and heavy makeup, takes at least 30 minutes, to do that before going to school they would've had to live close to a well-off area around the school bc there was no way a depressed emo teenager would have woken up that early to do all that. huge bows with skulls on them, striped hand warmers, hairspray to make hair stiff and stand up, and white foundation was all expensive and not readily available in small town stores. it always irked me how scene and emo were called creative, when they were all copying each other from social media, and had hot topic and spencer's in their city to buy full outfits from.
No. 1295458
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i love my older brother but i despise his habit of literally escaping whenever trouble arises in the house. he just leaves and has since he was like in middle school. i understand getting overwhelmed but i wonder if he ever thought about how all those times he has left i had to face the wrath of my parents and suffer his consequences on my own and walk on eggshells ten times more fragile. ive never even been given the option to really do that and honestly im glad in hindsight because im a thirdie female so… i mean he probably does care but doesnt want to think about it or something because he is already overwhelmed. i dont know. like as soon as somebody gets tense he leaves now and i remember ever since i was 8 or younger i would be sweating bullets thinking about how he could have killed himself or gotten himself killed etc. even more now that i know he's suicidal because he (re)posts "funny videos" about it and i really doubt its for attention because i have been informed, the last person to be i formed in fact, that his friend caught him about to hang himself. he's not even the only person that does this in my house my mom used to bait us into thinking she was going to kill herself all the time and flee from the house when i was a kid. now everytime somebody leaves angry or upset or just leaves for a prolonged amount i feel the worst feeling of dread and anxiety i have ever felt and it just keeps getting worse. i remember my dad getting angry and going to the bathroom and 7 year old me screaming crying banging at the door for him to come out because i thought he would hang himself in there.
right now my brother just left because my mom and dad got in an argument on the phone and i dont know what to do, i dont know if i should call him or if that would make things worse. i dont know. im just really worried and i feell like i should act in this critical time but i have no idea what to do
No. 1295497
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My cat is a senior now and I am so paranoid over her health. I am terrified of the day she dies and it scares me that it will be sooner than later. She has been my best friend since I was a child.
I am also scared to cremate her after her death because what if I am denying her some sort of cat heaven or afterlife?
No. 1295500
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I am feeling distressed over something stupid.
We were at a dinner table, I said I love eating meat a lot and for some reason an obese person and grandma decided to tell me that the older I get the more difficult it will be for me to lose weight, implying I will be as big as them. I am only turning 22 and I don't eat three plates of pure meat or something… Now i am sitting here and having this comment stuck in my head. Why?
No. 1295645
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I'm unfortunately a bpd-chan with severe abandonment issues. I always go out of my way and sway away oppurtunities to please others. Today I learned that I got accepted into a programme that is literally my dream job with full scholarship. But going there would mean my long distance relationship will stay long distance instead of me and my bf's dreams of moving out together as he cannot find a new job and I don't qualify for things above minwage (economic crisis). I still accepted the programme's offer despite it would mean I'd be away from my boyfriend for longer and it is quiet possibly the first big thing I've done for myself and not for someone else (parents, lovers etc). I know this is a good thing but I'm freaking out. In my heart I know that if he leaves me for chasing my dream we were not soulmates and it's ok that he leaves me. He also tells me he won't leave me. But my irrational mind is so loud. I don't know how to deal with this, I haven't felt an ounce of happiness due to abandonment anxiety. I am sick of being codependent but I can't stop it.
No. 1295664
>>1295645I had a similar relationship where I moved to attend school. We did break up, which I'm grateful for because I only liked the fact that someone liked me, I didn't actually like him. I was just addicted to texting someone 24/7. In my experience those relationships don't usually last. When we broke up I got so depressed and lonely I ended up dropping out of school and gave up my dream career.
People change A LOT during their late teens early twenties. In hindsight he was a disgusting scrote and I cringe so hard. You'll probably try the long distance thing for awhile and then you'll both fizzle out. Just PLEASE don't do what I did and drop out, because it's likely you won't get the same opportunity again.
No. 1295757
>>1295708Bless and thank you
nonnie, I've been feeling this for so long and you put words to it perfectly. It sucks losing loved ones like this, when they're still here but so unreachable.
No. 1295780
>>1295754>>1295755Yes I know,you don't need to be snarky. I just can't live with the guilt that the only person I ever cared about hates me now. Why am I like this? Why am I such a
toxic person? I really hate myself
No. 1295790
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>submitted my final for class at the required time
>left out citations but I was going to add them all in and resubmit it late
>opened my document and realized 1/3 of one section I made in another program didn’t even get pasted in, so it’s missing
Aaah fuck now I’m going to look even worse when I submit the new document. I’ll add a note about what happened but I don’t think the professor will believe it that much since I left out the citations
No. 1295808
>>1295672It's unfortunate but your BMR literally shrinks almost an entire meal's worth as you get older.
People who eat like they're 25 at 60 years old will gain weight if they don't account for their tighter calorie budget.
No. 1295838
>>1295833>>1295816Why are you even asking what to do if you're just going to bother her anyway? And then you wonder why you're
toxic. Just don't do it and let her live in peace without you instead of literally acting like a moid who's just going to break boundaries anyway because it makes him feel better.
No. 1295847
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It's been 15+ years, I've seen multiple mental health professionals and tried medication but I still feel like shit daily. I feel so broken and hopeless because nothing has "fixed" me and I'm not experiencing the "it gets better" thing everyone promises. I'm letting people down, I just want to be normal for them.
No. 1295856
>>1295853dingus cunnilingus bejeebus you're still the one cowering in fear as an adult acting like a child
why did you bother posting if you don't want us to state the obvious. you're losing your mind that we told you you don't HAVE TO go. "aaaaa nooooooo i want to be made miserable and a
victim even though i chose to go stop stating common sense i'm trying to wallow in self pity while drowning myself in a puddle"
go and be miserable then dumb dumb face
No. 1295859
>>1295856Nta, but you're making a lot of assumptions when we don't even have the full picture of this situation or
why anon is going despite not wanting to (and we don't need to know why either). People like you should stay out of the vent thread.
No. 1295860
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>>1295856>why did you bother postingTo vent in the vent thread
No. 1295877
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In October my mom is marrying a manipulative man who is using her for money. He caused her to divorce my dad after 26 years of marriage. I can't tell her how I feel about it because she will be super offended and swear up and down I have it all wrong, but from the outside it's so obvious. He was a 45 year old man living with his parents before he met her, and now she supports him with the divorce settlement and a full time job so he can be a "free lance musician."
My mom and I used to be best friends and now we hardly talk. I miss her so much, but I just can't stand to hear about her new life after all the damage she did to our entire family under the guise of "self care."
Part of me doesn't believe she could be so dumb to be taken advantage of like that, given she is the smartest person I know with a masters in English, a published author and a history buff
I miss my mom. I miss my family.
No. 1295885
>>1295877This is so awful, can't imagine how difficult it must be for you anon. Unfortunately even the smartest people can be manipulated, and it's a classic especially in cases of men manipulating women for them to isolate
victims from family and friends. I think other anon's advice is a good idea, a note listing your worries and assuring you'll always want her back in her life, maybe she will keep it, have doubts someday, re-read and it will help her move away from that man. I hope things will be back to best can be for you someday, even though some damage can never be undone.
No. 1296041
>>1295877>45>musicianAnon I’m so sorry. My honest advice to you: talk to the faggot yourself. Tell him you know what he’s doing, that he’s a lazy money hungry whore that’s good for nothing and how much your mom means to you, and if
anything, anything happens to her you will fucking kill him. Be as loud and vile as you can. You’re in a situation where your mother definitely won’t listen to you, so be nice and accepting of him when she’s around. If he ever brings up what happened to your mother, deny deny deny. You love him and don’t know why he totally has it out for you. He’s accusing you of all sorts of crazy stuff, maybe that’s because he wants to replace you in her will. What can you do to let your mother know she’s dealing with a gold digger?
No. 1296143
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I'm unemployed again. Been trying to find steady work for years, but I always end up back where I started due to budget cuts, poor management or just being ghosted by my employer for no reason.
No. 1296144
>>1295856KEK people like you are why people like her are scared dumbass.
>Hurr durr you vented in the vent thread about something I don't like! That's not allowed! Did someone let you up past your bedtime
nonnie? Jfc like close the tab and go you unhinged cuck, touch some grass while you're at it too.
No. 1296151
>>1296066Sounds like your mom is decently forgiving nona, I would ask her to clarify the days so you can "prepare" for her and figure out whether weekend or hotel. Or you could also offer to pay part of the hotel visit and tell her "Mom, I love you and I'm sorry, I don't want to fight anymore and think having more space would benefit our relationship, is it possible I could pay for part of the hotel when you visit? I would love to see you again."
I always (apology)(solution)(ack. Feelings) has helped me in every customer service job and relationships.
No. 1296233
My parents both have had careers behind the scenes at all sorts of events, including alternative ones. They're both eccentric types who enjoy interesting music, art and people. It has never been a secret to me that they'd attend events centered fetish. But my mother has been a single mother for many years now. She has a lot of trouble surrounding herself with people who treat her right. A lot of her traits are attention-seeking and insecure. She's recently been hanging around some people whom I personally don't approve of. She deserves better. Even though she's essentially middle-aged, I feel protective over her. She developed enough responsibility over her years as a mother to avoid parties and immature people. Like I said, this made it difficult for her to make friends, but it helped her follow a responsible life. She has the personality that makes it dangerous for her to be under the influence around immature people. She does things she regrets (I've taken care of her after a rare night out and know that she has a lot of trauma from her younger years). Like I said, it's not uncharacteristic of her to attend events with fetish or something due to her interests. That doesn't shock me. But I saw on her calendar she will be attending something like it in a few months. It concerns me, because I feel she is too old for it now. She is not a young bachelorette who can still get away with dumb decisions. She is a middle-aged mother and she knows this environment is not good for her. She has had plenty of experiences to teach her this. Or maybe she really doesn't know. I don't think she realises a lot of her own insecure, immature behaviour that is for the validation of men. I want to talk to her about it, advise her not to go. Just because she is a grown woman who can make her own decisions doesn't mean I shouldn't help her. I often tell her that certain things she posts online make me really uncomfortable, like suggestive pictures. I think she is aware of it but doesn't do it to be suggestive, but just because she knows it's what gets attention. She knows better, but she still does it. I understand, I just want to help her with it. Recently she really has been hanging around the wrong people and doing things she swore off, like drinking and staying out late. She has been at a stage in her life where it is time to find a mature, responsible long-term partner and just continue to focus on her career. She has been doing relatively well in this regard, so I hate to see her slowly throwing it away without maybe realising it or caring enough. I've been becoming more and more independent myself and have been having success in places she didn't when she was my age (relationship, career, mindset). Since I am in the process of moving out, a lot of it has been right under her nose. I wonder if part of her behaviour is a reaction to both me moving out and me having things I know beneath it all are still sensitive topics to her. She simply isn't twenty anymore, what is she looking for at this gross fetish event..!!!
No. 1296261
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I'm addicted to sugar but today I haven't had any candy and there's not a single sweet or chocolate bar laying around. I'm going crazy.
No. 1296299
>>1296291I have no social media presence and don't want to manage the marketing myself. Unfortunately self publishing is just millions of people screaming into the void now. I just want something to happen already, it feels like I'm drowning, or invisible. I'm so tired of being poor. I didn't get the good job right out of collge so I can't get hired for anything decent now. I just get underpaying crappy jobs that treat me like trash.
Maybe it's just burnout but all the ways to address that cost money. I have an overwhelming, frustrating sense of stagnation and none of my efforts have been rewarded.
No. 1296383
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My seasonal job is ending, gotta look for a new one, I can't move out of my parents house until I pay off my student debt. Today I came home from work and they were both really angry and I don't even care enough to ask what's going on anymore. I have two friends and both of them left my hometown. One I haven't seen in person since before covid. Days like this where I have nothing to look forward to I wish I could just drive to her apartment and do literally nothing. I got over my oh-shit-I'm almost-30-I-wasted-my-life shit but I still feel too fucking old to live like this.
I guess this vent is a bit disjointed, I'm starting a trade course next month so I'm working towards a job that will pay well in 1-2 years at least. I know things will get better it's just hard for me to get out of bed in the morning to live the life I currently have.
No. 1296406
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I barely remember high school because it was extremely traumatic (sucks that this word has become some sort of mockery of its actual meaning) home-wise and so I guess I wiped the majority of it. It really does make me happy to know though from bits and pieces shared with me occasionally from the time that I was nice to everyone and stuck up for people who were treated poorly. I don’t remember any of it at all but an old friend shared some stuff with me the other day I have no recollection of. And it sucks to know I was a more dignified person with a stronger sense of conviction then and now I’m just so unbelievably pathetic that she would hate me LOL. I also apparently forced all my friends to listen to the entirety of trapped in the closet on YouTube which I to this day fully support, like I wish I could go back and not be a broken schizoid.
No. 1296414
>>1293945>>1293946I hate this ugly-ass broccoli haircut.
>>1295353Reason number 102749492925757 on why I unapologetically hate mentally disordered moids.
>>1294650Don't feed bad, you did the right thing.
No. 1296439
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>>1296430>learning Cyrillic means that you support Putin's actionsIs that moid your brother, a friend, or a boyfriend? If the last two, why are you having a relationship with a scrote that's THIS fucking retarded?
No. 1296441
>>1296430maybe he's just angry because his shriveled scrote brain doesn't have the capacity to learn another language
fuck what he thinks, now you've opened up a whole new world of communication and media so try not to let his tantrums make you feel bad
No. 1296455
>>1296439Online 'friend'. We became acquaintances because we're both depressed. He's autistic, and with this he's made it abundantly clear.
>>1296441>>1296448>>1296449I feel like crying, he knows me (somewhat), how can he think of me like this? Anyway thank you nonna's, I'm going to confront him tomorrow and if he throws a shitfit I'll block him.
No. 1296463
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>>1296455Don't cry,
nonny. Don't let an autistic dipshit ruin your desire to learn another language, okay? He's a retarded scrote, so he's probably jealous that you have the brain to be bilingual while he doesn't.
No. 1296469
>>1296462He said he was pro-Ukraine, like anyone in the West isn't. I tried to tell why the war was so close to my heart (long story, family history) but he kept fucking poking me. I thought he was okay but he's shown his true colors.
>>1296463Thank you nonna ♥ That's very sweet. I haven't lost my interest for the language, culture and history but I have for him. Imagine saying this to someone and hammering on even after a lengthy explanation, I find it unbelievable how narrow-minded some people can be.
No. 1296582
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>>1296430Nonna, screw your friend!! I got accused of being a pro-war, racist and many other things by simply writing "russkie konfeti #name#" on a public Discord server because someone had troubles googling the candies I was gushing about. He tried convincing me that writing a word russian with english letters means that you are all the bad things in this world which is ridiculous??? He was a western person too. Then again I have no idea whether this man was a /pol/tard or not… I have noticed that a lot of western men are just seeing the war as an entertainment which is disgusting. People also forget that at least 5 countries happen to speak and know russian.
Anyway, nonna, what I wanted to tell is thank you for not generalising everything (just like they do). I could write a book about how terrible and rigged our country is, and how no one deserves this war, but I know I will not be heard because I was born in the wrong country.. I can recommend you a lot of books, writers and poets with an extremely interesting biography and some of the bands, old or new. I hope you will find lots of fun learning the language!
No. 1296590
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99% sure I'm gonna be fired from my job after I train the newcomer even though I've been here only for 2 monhts, so I'm a 'newcomer' myself. I cannot seem to be able to keep a job anymore, my last 3 jobs all lasted for just months. I'm getting an appointment soon with a therapist specializing in ADHD to find out why I am so retarded at work. I just feel so fucking inadequate and I'm thinking about switching to cleaning jobs from office jobs because I feel like it's the only type of work that I potentially wouldn't fuck up although I would earn much less.
I just want the 'fucking things up - forgetting how things work - missing deadlines - work overtime to fix mistakes - feel exhausted - make more mistakes, forget even more things -eventually get fired for 'not trying hard enough' cycle to fucking end, I'm exhausted and want to stop having this foreboding feeling that I will never find anything I will feel even vaguely adequate at
No. 1296594
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>>1296063this shit reminds me of my boyfriend. i am also a skeptic, while he sings odes about anyone with a slightly strange hobby. i tell him, okay, that's cool johnymcjoe does that, but i don't care about that thing, and i will never do. he says johnymcjoe or janesmithdoe are, i am not exaggerating, amazing. i ask him, are you into their hobbies too? he says no, and i ask then why are you so amazed by it? people can learn anything nowadays with a wifi connection and enough disposable income to spend on a new hobby. it pisses me off because the world is so numb and media addicted that now anyone actually spending time on a hobby is interesting, when in my opinion it should just be normal. if i had tons of money i could also decide to just make my own custom belt buckle gun holder on a whim. or practice multiple niche sports simultaneously if my job didn't already break my back. the people he praised were at high earning, low effort jobs and from rich families. of course they would have the time to try and get into "rare" interests. i think what would actually be amazing is someone creating something despite scarcity of materials.
No. 1296600
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>>1296271diabetic ketoacidosis?
No. 1296635
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I hate my body dyspmorphia. Why does this shit have to be a thing?? I weighed a bit more around this time last year than I do now (visually you can't tell a difference at all) yet I feel so damn uncomfortable in my body. It's 30°C outside today and here I am, walking around in long sleeves and jeans.
>>1296631My condolences
nonny!Losing a pet is hard but take all the time you need to cry it out and mourn. Maybe it helps a bit to remember that you were on her side and gave her a happy life despite the cancer. All the best to you!
No. 1296695
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I broke my phone in a drunken BPD rage
No. 1296704
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>>1296673you know reading these that the boyfriends don't believe in their girlfriend's dreams or act enthusiastic about their girlfriend's hobbies, as much as they do for some random scrotoid they see themselves in, or another attractive-woman-they-have-not-fucked, that is why they complained.
the situation depends on the severity of the "positive outlook" too, the boyfriends could be psychotic, obsessive or manic. my bipolar friend, whenever he was manic, would become infatuated with every living being, had delusions of grandeur and savior complex, kept white knighting and simping and acting like he just took acid and smoked weed for the first time.
the bfs could be bpd too with new fps in the form of the people they gas up to their partners.
No. 1296727
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>>1296708I am a bit busy right now, so it would probably be better for me if you emailed me (from a throwaway email) about it, so I could send a list but I understand if you wouldn't feel comfortable with that, so if thats the case I cab just make pastebin link and post it here later once I'm done. You don't have to send me your email, i will be the first to do that to make sure it'll be safe. Hope you are having a good day.
No. 1296741
>>1296430>>1296733I had a feeling this shit was starting. How are people so dumb? I used to put “some Russian” on my job applications as a language because, well, that’s true. It’s pretty rusty but if a customer came and spoke Russian I might be able to help. Certainly more than anyone else would be, because the locals where I’ve lived typically know 0 Russian. I just so happen to have four siblings who were adopted from there, so of course I know a little Russian…since more than a decade before this war started. I’ve said enough though, they’ve had some government agent watching my internet activity for ages now. That’s not even tinfoil.
>>1296727 yay for Cheburashka pic
No. 1296846
>>1296808You told him to stop, the dog wanted it to stop… but he insisted "oh but he likes it"? And he's the
victim now? Run girl.
No. 1296850
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>>1296826>>1296830>>1296833I agree. My mothers boyfriend always threatened to kill my cat (because she would always urinate on his pillow everytime he had meltdowns towards the kids), so when I moved out and the COVID hit, guess what happened to my cat… mother really tried lying about it by making shit up, first she says she has this, and then doctor said she has that. How the heck do you go from one thing to "doctor scanned her and said she has her hips and all of her bones broken"…?? I hate this man so much, he is a damn pig. He beaten her up when she returned for a holiday after studying abroad and now he went as far as tried asking the bank account where is she getting her money from by lying that he is her husband (??) and then he travelled and paid the police to give him her damn address!!! The worst part is how after a meltdown from him she experienced outside (the police even called the cops but tbh the police where she is dgaf about anything at all, they let a schizophrenic woman that killed a man keep wandering around the streets) she is still thinking whether to return to him!? I'm so angry and disappointed.
No. 1296909
I'm deeply offended and cannot wait to rid myself of this woman once I am able to get a new job (she is currently my boss and offers the flexibility I need, but im beyond fed up with her already). Recently she adopted 6 new kittens from a woman, and when she did I assumed she was planning on raising them briefly to prepare them for future homes. Mind you, she has 6 fucking dogs already and 1 cat (it was 3 cats up until this year but 2 died) in a single-floor home. She attempted to keep 2 male cats after one of her older ones died and they both ran away. Her daughter (we are best friends and I have no issues with her at all obviously) said her mother may consider giving up only 2 for adoption. I've been wanting a second kitten for my cat since she could really use a playmate. She had one before but when we suddenly had to move we had to leave the other cat with my aunt. I went over to my friends house to hang out with her and she let me know that her mom wouldn't be giving me any cats because I'd be going off to college again soon and wouldn't be taking care of her myself. Aka they trust the cat with me but not my own mother and don't think it would be a good environment for the cats. This woman's house is fucking encrusted with piss and has no space to house AT LEAST 13 FUCKING ANIMALS. She is hoarding them and can barely afford to pay their vet bills. 3-4 of the dogs have skin conditions and are losing their fur. They almost lost one because they couldn't afford to pay for her surgery but were lucky that she didn't end up needing it, but still had the nerve to complain that the bill put a big dent in her vacation funds. They work all day and the dogs are kept in crates for the entire time because they are poorly trained and will piss and shit everywhere as well as ruin the furniture. Every fucking cat she's had has died strange deaths except for the last one, and it's probably because she feeds them the shittiest and cheapest cat food she can find. I can only imagine the only reason this bpd bitch sat here and adopted 6 cats was because her best friend died, and I understand how that is really painful, but you just sat here and gave 6 cats shitty fucking homes just to fill the hole in your heart you created yourself (she's always bitching and crying about not having friends, especially to her daughter, but has the world's worst temper and is passive aggressive to anyone she encounters). I hate the feeling of not being able to do anything about it. I just wanted to give at least one of those poor babies a proper home. My mother is so particular about how clean the house needs to be and they'd be able to run around all day wherever they wanted with plenty of hiding space. But no, her disgusting house is a much better home in her eyes. At least my fucking floorboards aren't rotting from my cat pissing everywhere because she's litter trained.
No. 1296924
I just exploded on my dad because I came all the way home (14 hours travel, almost 1k $ out of my own money since I live in a completely different continent) to spend time with him after my mom died earlier this year, and he has such little respect for me that he left the house a complete mess, the fridge disgusting and food rotting in the microwave. He didn't even bother checking the microwave before I got here and now a week since I'm home I found rotting food in there.
I could be with my friends exploring new cities I've never been to in Europe but instead I'm stuck in my childhood bedroom all day waiting for him to come home to we can hangout, and he didn't have the decency to even clean the fridge. He joked how he waited for me to come so I can clean up for him. Not funny. What a fucking retard and asshole.
I love my dad a lot, he's a genuinely good guy and he was there for me when my crazy abusive narc bipolar mom wasn't (thank god she's dead now), but he's such an asshole. I don't think he's a crazy narc like my mom, but he's just too stupid to understand what it means to have respect for others and doesn't understand how I'm an adult now that has different living standards. He thinks because he lives like a slob and eats shit, I should also be okay with that since I'm his daughter. God I even temporary gave up my vegetarian diet for this holiday.
I told him to open his eyes and wake up and see the life he lives. I told him that yesterday already when he complained about being broke. I mentioned how he spends money on nonsense and then complains about 5 cents. Today after my rant he told me to not come back but God I know he doesn't mean it. He looks so happy that I'm here and I want him to be happy as well. He's also low iq and uneducated and I generally can't stand stupid people as soon as they start talking about anything that's not completely stupid.
I made a mistake by coming here. I try to justify it by saying my grandma doesn't have much time left either and especially after my mom died young I realized how valuable time together is. I mean up until now when we just hang out and I don't have to see how messy the house is, I feel fine and enjoy my dad's company. But God I'm so miserable right now and in general here, in my room.
I need perspective, what do you anons think about anything I said. How can I deal with living with a retard for another month? I offered that we clean his house together but after the whole rotting food in the microwave I am so pissed off and I don't want to speak to him or see him and I just want to go back home and hang out with my friends.
No. 1296926
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I'm really glad I'm employed again, but damn I wanna go back to office work so bad. I miss not caring about the expiration date of everything, sitting down and being able to be late by 5 minutes because I don't need to open a store.
No. 1296940
>>1296932You might be onto something. I'm also retarded because I fail to understand other people's perspective and since I hated my
abusive mom I can't understand how someone might actually be sad of her passing for more than two weeks. My sister also barely cried.
However, he told me he's feeling more fine. Apparently he cries less now as well.
Thing is he's always been messy/ forgetful ever since I was a child and I'm also forgetful and feel like this could have happened to me if I never checked the microwave again. That's why I'm so pissed, he didn't bother trying to clean up the few appliances in preparation for me even though I told him weeks in advance.
No. 1296998
>>1296959Thank you. I still love him regardless and I think he's a decent guy. He even paid for my therapy and listened to me yell and scream over my mental illness as a teenager. Mind you, an hour of therapy is worth more than half a day's wage for him. He just failed my by being very retarded and not leaving my mother, but I don't feel like I can be mad at him for being stupid and having backwards beliefs that a child's mom should ALWAYS be in their life. He never intended in hurting me, he just did.
However, living with him is hell. I'm even considering going to my grandma's for a week or so so I can enjoy good cooking and a clean home.
Sadly I can't rearrange my dates since I have a small trip booked with a family member in 3 weeks. My dad is also taking off from work in a week so and he always uses that time to clean up the house. I think I have to just power through this next week before the house is clean and maybe get his mother to talk some sense into him. It's horrible and immature that he will only listen to his mommy but that's how things are I guess. Good thing I live so fucking far away and will not come back anytime soon.
Oh God he's home again…
No. 1297005
>>1296998He looked at me with angry eyes, the same a toddler looks with at their mom who doesn't want to give them a cookie.
What a fucking baby. I can't stand him. God it just feels so double. I want to be here to be with my family before it's too late, but I also hate being here. I feel like I would have regret not coming here. How do you anons cut out all contact with family and not feel guilty? It would kill me if he dies tomorrow and I felt like I didn't spend enough time with him. I still love my dad but I hate how retarded and inconsiderate he is sometimes. I hate being in this miserable country away from everything good about the new place I live in.
I don't have patience. I'm going to get my grandmother to scold the fuck out of him.
No. 1297130
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>Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Just shut up already.
No. 1297134
>>1297128typical male behavior. I’m sorry
nonnie, what type of desert was it?
No. 1297151
>>1297128Anon, I say this out of genuine concern, why are you engaged to such an irresponsible manchild who has absolutely zero respect for you? This is a massive red flag for the future and tells a lot about his character, specifically his massive character
flaws. Reconsider before tying the knot.
No. 1297250
I notice I impulsively check my weight daily or twice a day. I restrict heavily without thinking or if I eat, I think to myself “but you’re doing so well on your weight loss”, which ruins my appetite, and it just hit me today how often this is happening.
I guess my biggest fear about venting is sounding like I’m actively trying to be an anachan, when in reality, this all seems to be just compulsive behavior that feels out of my control. I don’t want to get sick and it makes me sad to realize how my thought process has become warped.
I just want to go back to eating normally and not heavily obsess over my weight/how clothes fit me.
Within the last couple years, I developed hypothyroidism and put on 30 pounds and it was so devastating to me, and I’m incredibly close to getting back to my old weight, albeit it was unhealthy weight loss due to not eating out of stress and now, restricting.
Nonnies , I just want my old life back
No. 1297271
>>1297262Thank you, I teared up at your kind words..
I think my goal is gonna be to force myself to eat small portions throughout the day to almost prove to myself that normal food intake won’t make me gain, and that I’m getting treated for my hypothyroidism.
If anyone else has gone through something similar, I’d appreciate the advice bc I have no idea what I’m doing
No. 1297291
>>1296803If someone
really wants to watch you it’s extremely easy, and they’d be using better attacks than just monitoring your social media from time to time as you say. They’d already have put software on your phone or computer remotely that watches every keystroke and swipe. Are you sure the “government” is watching you and not just some creep from your past? More believable.
No. 1297306
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JFC can't even read an article on fasting without tranny pandering
No. 1297342
>>1297271NTA but I’m sorry. I know it’s hard and it’s not your fault you developed hyperthyroidism and and the weight gain. It’s a medical condition and the weight gain was the initial side effect. It doesn’t mean anything about you or your worth and your body and you matter just as much. I have a different autoimmune and developed food issues due to it and I can relate a lot. Things that helped:
>>weightlighting. Focusing on being healthy and strong and not my size or appeal. I want to climb mountains. My body does that. I need to move my own furniture my body does that. >>focusing on nutrition first. Then enjoyment. If you have macro or micro deficients you’re going to be “hungry” even if you’re full. This triggers obsessive food thoughts which further triggers feeling fat and needing to avoid it. Think carb, protein, veg or two veg for each meal. >>drink enough water. Even on days you find it hard to eat. >>come up with easy foods when you’re too aware to eat a whole meal. I love Korean style banana milk. I can just drink two bananas and a cup of almond milk and have something in my stomach to help me settle. >>avoid triggering shit. Eating disorder recover accounts are bullshit. If they were recovered they wouldn’t start every video publicing it. Take your time and focus on you and your body and your relationship to it. Make it enjoyable. Learn to cook things you like to eat and are good for your body and the lifestyle you need. It’s okay to mess up and make mistakes. Just remember this is you and your body and there’s always tomorrow to get up and try again so there’s no reasons to ever be mean to yourself over it.
No. 1297343
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It's one of the coldest weeks in the last 30 days if not the coldest, I'm starting my period so I'm on the heaviest flow + awful cramps and tomorrow I'll have to wake up even earlier for work cause my boss didn't like that I was 5 minutes late - so now I'll have to be like 30 minutes earlier. Fuck.
No. 1297391
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girls uglier than me have cute bfs but I get hit on only by uggos, usually younger than me at that. People tell me I'm very attractive, even here I've been called beautiful/hot, and I get surprised reactions when people hear I never had a boyfriend. I really don't udnerstand what's wrong. Is this the mix of sending autistic vibes and looking much younger than my actual age? I just don't get it. I want to cry because I started to feel really ugly and disgusting because of the fact that only 4/10 uggos hit on me. Their self confidence makes me sick. Can normal people really sense there's something so wrong with me that non-incels, mentally stable and semi attractive men simply don't want to engage with me? I wish I could change but I simply don't understand how and what to change. All my female coworkers have boyfriends and constantly talk about their relationships, and I'm left behind. I've always developed later and I've always been left behind; at school, at work, at home regarding chores and self care, at handling formalities, at relationships with other people, basically everything. I'm afraid I will never be normal and I will always be alone
No. 1297395
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Patiently waiting for one of the manic days, so I can get the heart to sell parts of my wardrobe again.
No. 1297420
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nonnie, wish I knew how to help, but I'm in the same boat. My uggo fatter than me sister has even had a bf for like 5 years now. Sucks so much feeling like you're left behind, but you're not alone.
No. 1297431
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Sometimes I'm in a good mood and forget to be careful on this site. I was going to find a thread on /g/ and instant gore.
No. 1297435
>>1297432my bf kept leaving wads of toilet tissue in the bowl after he used my bathroom. and i would look at it and wonder what the fuck he was doing. it's a large quantity of paper. i've heard of men jacking off in this manner so i asked him. i finally got out of him that after he shits he flushes the shit and only as much toilet paper as he thinks will make it down. then he continues to wipe and leaves the rest in the bowl for the next person to find.
i still haven't come to a conclusion about what to do about this. my moid leaves shit-covered toilet tissue in the bowl and doesn't feel the need to flush that down. apparently he also uses as much paper in one poo as i would use in a week of shits. i think he has issues with his digestive system because during mealtimes he always disappears to the bathroom for long enough that i now suspect he's shitting. who shits in the middle of eating dinner?
really i just have so many questions.
No. 1297436
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>>1297431That really sucks anon. Here's a palette cleanser for you, take care okay?
No. 1297463
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>>1297446Even cats can be potty trained but not males. You’re living in a fucking zoo, cleaning the crusty shits of a chimp off the toilet because he’s too lazy to push a button. Your life won’t change unless you act out.
No. 1297465
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He broke up with me and then left town. So easily, like the past year meant nothing to him. It would be easier if he was just a sociopath but I know he was incredibly sad and heartbroken for a bit. But he moved on from the pain so fast. He was my shattered pelvis and I was just a splinter in his finger. Am I the defective one? Was I supposed to have moved on by now? The breakup was technically in the end of May, but today (why? masochism I guess???) I helped him load up the U-Haul. Was he just pretending to be okay when we said goodbye for the last time? Did he stand at the doorway after I left, wishing he'd said more? Did his gaze rest there, at least? Did he sit in the moment the way I sat in my car, weeping until I was composed enough to drive away? Or did he shut the door and immediately return to his moving boxes? Is he crying now in the U-Haul? He was anxious behind the wheel, and I was used to driving trucks. Does he wish I was there now? Is he thinking of the times we visited the oldest districts of large cities, him driving anxiously as I reassured him and helped him find his turns? Does he feel my presence in the passenger's side? When will I stop feeling his?
No. 1297508
>>1297491GIRL he doesn’t respect you at all. Expecting men not to ogle over other women in private is a losing game. But to do that in front of you or even leave a digital footprint of liking the tiktoks just shows he has no respect for you or your feelings at all. My pride also thinking of another woman kekeing to herself my boyfriend is liking her posts therefor she must be better than me is always the final straw for me. Dump him.
With these sorts of men I would love to see their reaction when faced with their girlfriends liking thirst traps of topless men in grey sweatpants, bet they would squeal like a banshee
No. 1297523
>>1297491Did you confront him about it?
also dump him
No. 1297583
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added one very small green banana to my smoothie… it completely dwarfs the flavor of the tons of acai and blueberries i added. all i taste is green banana. be careful when adding green bananas nonnies, don't let it be too green or you can't taste shit
No. 1297616
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God is with me and protects me idc and he is not going to let these human pieces of shit live freely after what they did oh no I don’t have to do nothing except report and let the big boys do all the work. Like this skeleton is not staying in your closet. You are getting exactly what is coming to you and it won’t be from me!
No. 1297724
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>>1297627the plane analogy never worked anyways. some of us are but simple razor scooterers and we're having more fun, even if we are taking a little time
No. 1297737
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>>1297724I’m one of these
No. 1297814
>>1297797Thank you
Nonnie, I unfortunately don’t have anyone I can stay with, so shelters are gonna be my best bet. I’ll keep looking until I find one with an open spot for me. I’m taking advantage of McDonalds’ free wifi to search for some around me.
>>1297799Thank you, unfortunately that kind of stuff is illegal here in Australia, but I know how to reasonably defend myself if worst comes to worst. However I am pretty small so a druggie with crackhead strength could maybe probably most likely beat me in a fight. Still though, I’m gonna use these self defense classes if I need to.
>>1297807I understand your concern Nonna and I thank you for that, fortunately the one I went to seemed pretty welcoming, modern and safe. However it was booked out but they told me to return at 6 and it’s 5:16 now so I’ll need to start walking back soon. It’s for youth ages 18-24 I think so I won’t be with like, middle aged addicts, but that’s assuming they magically have a spot for me.
Sorry for sperging, thank you all for your concern, it means a lot to me
No. 1297832
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Anons, I forgot the pw to one of my e-mails. Can anyone comfort me by talking about the time they forgot pws to any account?
No. 1297841
nonnie, i'm in Australia. What state are you in?
No. 1297851
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>>1297841>>1297814manifesting this lolcow link up for safety to happen. it would so warm my heart.
No. 1297859
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>>1297826Thank you Nonna, I appreciate your kind words
>>1297841I’m in Victoria! Thankfully I have an update of sorts. My dad got in contact with me and when I told him that there was no more accomodation at the shelter he said I could come back home because he didn’t want me on the streets either. But to be honest, I really don’t want to be in this house anymore. It’s better than nothing though so I’ll just suck up my mother’s antics and continue the job search to move out. I’d rather be homeless than live here any longer. But thank you Nonnas for all the safety wishes and advice you’ve given me, you all helped me feel a little less alone. (Insert heart emoji because I don’t wanna be redtexted kek)
No. 1297931
>>1297892Coworkers aren't your friends, anon. I'm sorry you had to learn thus way, but it's a good thing to keep in mind for the future.
Also fuck her for telling them too, it was none of her business
No. 1297953
>>1297949>>1297950Yeah, that's the plan. I'm also going to look for someone specializing in ADHD because he was not
>>1297951I was actually asked these questions by therapists before but not on the first session, that's bizarre
No. 1297989
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>i will never find a female friend with who i could watch silly romantic or psychological tv shows and dramas with
>i will never go to a cat cafe with her
>i will never bring her my homemade food
>i will never rush to her and lovebomb with comfy sweets, iced tea and a list of comfy tv shows to watch together if she feels down
>we will never play videogames together
>we will never support eachother with our passion in hobbies
>we will never gush over otome games together
>we will never criticise the media for forcing insecurities onto women
I am such an unlucky idiot when it comes to socialisation. I am extremely introverted and shy, used to be doing my own thing. On top of that, I know no one but my partner in this country I moved to. My only experience with finding a female friend turned out to be her seeing me as competition, yelling "not all men" act passive-agressive towards me. Am I an idiot? I don't know, all I know is that I am tired and willing to just make up two OCs and draw small slice of life art with them. I'm done. I am so young but I don't have irl friends, its pathetic. I never could have them during my childhood and teenagehood due to my weak health and family members throwing their babies to babysit. I am free from everything for a long time but all I do all day is draw and study the language. Can't have classmates as friends either, they all are hard working men and women in mid 30s who are here just to study.
No. 1298002
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>>1297997Aw, thank you
nonnie. I am sorry you are facing the same situation. What is your timezone? Maybe we could email eachother! No need to force yourself if you are uncomfortable with the idea, though. I understand.
No. 1298098
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I'm so fucking tired of female socialization. The fact that I, at twenty years old, got schooled by my mom because it might "look rude" that I didn't offer to share my single serving can of soda that had gone flat to close family because no one else was drinking soda is insane to me. Maybe I am rude but honestly I don't care because I'm tired of dealing with having shit confidence and being unnecessarily polite when I don't have to.
No. 1298132
>>1298125>>1298127 here
Thankfully that thing only temporary, but once it's finished, there are gonna be some major (unrelated) changes that are gonna be happening in my life that I wish I could have spent this time focusing on instead. I feel like I'm gonna die.
No. 1298166
>>1297618Well my roomie’s a literal retard, apparently female, and she sighs me as much as a man would indeed.
I still want to find a man. Btw i haven’t seen the 80 year old naked, I’d if I’d date him. I have thankfully ghosted him.
No. 1298177
>>1297931Yeah, I've known this and wouldn't trust them with anything that could harm my reputation in my position, it just sort of happened. Not to sound too naïve but…why cant they be nice? Or at least normal, you know?
I feel like your average very fair-weather friend wouldn't go out of their way to do that. It wasn't even a scandalous secret, just a bit dumb. I could've told the other co-workers myself as an anecdote if I was so inclined. I feel like it was told just because I asked not to. Why is it that each co-worker I've gotten to know has been their own brand of nasty? And then on top of it is this weird sort of go-out-of-your-way friendliness and public offers of help that they hope you won't take them up on.
And right before the whole thing she really did fuck up in the job and I supported and colluded with her to fix it. I wish I could say oh what a cow, but relatively she's probably the best co-worker I've had so far.
No. 1298215
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Unlearning shitty habits that I picked up from my parents is fucking HARD, but I'm trying.
I'm an only child, and my mother is a huge gossip and complainer. Every single conversation with her involves a complaint about my dad, the weather, her health, her weight, politics, her friend said something dumb, etc, etc, the list is endless. I apparently picked up on her complaining too, and used it as a way to try and bond with other girls, without realizing how fucking annoying that must have been and I never realized it until I was called out.I was an intern years ago, and a bunch of us were doing a repetitive task (stuffing envelopes). I remember I made some sarcastic comment to break the silence, along the lines of "wowww, THIS is a great use of our time!" and one girl piped up and said "Oh my gosh [my name], you're ALWAYS complaining!" Boy, that shut me up real quick.
I didn't even mind doing the task that much! But I guess somewhere in my head, I connected "Getting along with my mom = bitching about whatever we're doing" and I assumed that that's just how girls and women bonded.
I also learned that I interrupt people in the middle of their sentences, which I also picked up from my parents and never noticed until I moved away. In my household growing up, you couldn't get a word in unless you interrupt and add what you want to say in the moment, otherwise the conversation will sail right past and my mom and dad will continue to talk right over you. To this day, my mother can talk nonstop for over an hour without pausing for the other person to speak.
I'm so embarrassed and angry at myself in retrospect, I must have missed out on years of potential meaningful friendships because people thought I was rude with my constant complaining and interruptions.
The irony that I’m complaining about this on here isn’t lost on me. And I know, Reddit spacing, I don’t care
No. 1298256
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>watching video about a woman who lives in an old motorhome
>she states in the video that she lives in the motorhome because she can't afford housing, so she embraces the nomad lifestyle
>this comment
why are moids so bitter and full of rage when they see a woman doing what she wants?
No. 1298263
>>1298201Im not on social media (i mean, besides this place) and my roommate will play the same damn tiktok for a few minutes and finally I remind him its playing and he
notices finally. Its an extremely invasive app as well.
No. 1298276
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once my loved ones realize there's no reason why they should spend time with me and i'm just lovebombing them so they'll feel guilty if they leave me it's over for me hoes
No. 1298278
>>1298264>how do their brains not fucking rotBut their brains
are rotting,
nonnie No. 1298309
>>1297297>only man i could match with online was some 80 year old manKEK
nonnie get off tinder or "match" type sites/apps
No. 1298350
>>1298345iktf. Boomers started this shit, they bought cheap made in china crap and started this plastic consoomerism craze. They did away with our artisan markets and inherited crafts and knowledge and just wanted to consoom big company product. Boomers LOVE dollar store plastic junk. Now milennials want to buy real-fabric clothes, durable products, quality goods, but there just are none because production industries were decimated by boomer outsourcing demands for vast quantities of low quality junk.
Just tick one more thing boomers destroyed.
No. 1298424
>>1298350And meanwhile boomers are all “MiLlEnNiAlS dOnT wAnT qUaLiTy ThInGs aNyMoRe!”
>>1298345I fucking hate polyester, my body “runs hot” and polyester plastic crap makes me sweat my ass off even more
No. 1298459
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Men will violate and dehumanize women and strip them entirely of their privacy and basic rights and then have all the audacity to play victim it’s wild
No. 1298488
>>1297458You see a dozen clothing reviews like this: "Order at least one size up because these run very small!"
So you do, and the garment that arrives is at least two sizes too big. Fat ass in denial women need to come to terms with their size already. I just ignore any comments about "runs small" anymore.
No. 1298516
>>1298513Cursed be those who bestow the holy name
nonnie onto scrotes
No. 1298520
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bumping w pic to hide gross dick and happyvent to say i love my mommy so much. she's so based, funny, and strong and truly hates men. she always supports me avoiding men and helps me build my life so i can be free of them and has always done so. i hope nonnies with moms who haven't had the ephiphany to prioritize their daughters yet have a come-to-jesus moment because all farmers deserve a based mom that supports them against this shitty nasty womanhating world
No. 1298550
>>1298256How does living in an old motorhome make anyone rush to think you're a trust fund baby? Like they really try to force "women have it so easy!" into everything. They just make believe this princess backstory.
I once had a guy say to me that homeless women have it easy compared to men because they're sitting on a goldmine (their pussy) That's the first thing he could think to say in reaction to us spotting a homeless woman, who looked pregnant too.
No. 1298622
>>1296076I want to mention I've also been heavily depressed and couldn't even text my boyfriend out of pure shame and guilt over how depressed I was. It was awful and I needed people to call me or show up at my door so I can get out of bed.
However, I did check myself into therapy a few months later.
If she shows no sign of wanting to get better, then I understand where you are coming from.
No. 1298634
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oops forgot image for bumping sorry nonas
No. 1298648
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Lmao @ trannies and men explicitly seeking out women only spaces and seeking female company because they can't cope with being failures, and then spamming them to scare the very same women away.
The Y really is a symptom of damage.
No. 1298682
>>1298622>>1296076This is the same issue I struggle with. Sometimes depression makes it extremely difficult to reach out. I have problems contacting my own parents and siblings and we have a good relationship. I'm not sure why it can cause really bad alienation but it's a possibility. It also sounds really concerning. She's not the suicidal type, is she?
I've had a pretty similar on and off relationship with an old friend but we make it work. We always let each other know that we love each other and our friendship is worth keeping even if we don't talk often.
No. 1298685
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I'm so pissed off. Me and my friend are the only girls in our group. The rest consists of 4 guys. One of the guys fucked some girl who he KNEW was already taken. Her boyfriend found out about it and got his friends to beat up our friend, they also threw his stuff away, like playstation, documents etc. They didn't beat him up that hard, like nothing dangerous happened to him. Me and my female friend are basically laughing at this situation and saying he's also guilty here and he shouldn't have fucked someone's gf and he should've expected the outcome. But the guys claim he did absolutely nothing wrong and gang up on us and say we don't understand and we only say stupid shit because we're women. My bf even said that we're victimblaming him and it's the equivalent of blaming the victim of rape for her own rape, and that her boyfriend should be grateful to our friend because he basically "exposed his girlfriend as a whore". We as women are outnumbered and we can't even have an adult discussion on what happened because guys go apeshit. I'm really disappointed because I always thought they were more mature, but on the other hand, we never had a similar situation before so we couldn't have foreseen their reaction
No. 1298694
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>>1298648Today I saw this meme posted and moids were heckin
triggered. This nigga said
>women can’t comprehend “I JUST DON’T ENJOY PLAYING VIDEOGAMES ANYMORE” m i n s e tI choked on my spit laughing.
No. 1298695
>>1298689I mean, I'm fairly new in the group, the girl is my coworker, but they knew each other for a few years. I feel sorry for the girl bc she basically doesn't have female friends she could talk to on a regular basis, sometimes she meets with the gf of one of the guys and sometimes we talk with each other, but that's it. Her bf seems to be kinda controlling too. They also smoke weed quite a lot, I don't. I just feel sorry for her but they've been a couple since they were 16 and they're like 23-24 now and they're inseparable. Maybe part of me wants to save her even though I know it's futile. As for me, I've been with this guy only for a month, we haven't had sex yet, I fell for him because he seemed mature and chill (funny I know), but now I see more and more redflags in him. The worst thing is, I live in a place with no better options to socialize. Fucking sad
No. 1298700
>i hate women waaahhhhh none of these sluts will fuck me, ugh where is my perfect virgin waifu so i can cheat on her and shove my cock in her asshole with no lube like i saw in pornography, all women are whores they need to be subservient to me! me me me! i want a bangmaid right NOW and she has to be 10/10 and approach ME! i refuse to spend even 1 minute improving myself or approaching women! also i refuse to pay for dates, because all women are just golddiggers after my $35k salary!also moids:
>waaaahhhhh why can't i get a gf i want to have sexxxxx i'm gonna kmssssss No. 1298728
File: 1660256529000.jpg (109.3 KB, 1242x1199, 1654665372299.jpg)

>>1298694>I'm so depressed, I don't even want to play video games anymore :((((Absolutely toppest of keks, and then they say we are the children unable to comprehend real struggle.
Moids do nothing but project nonstop.
No. 1298739
>>1298694What is this "day on the job" video is this useless mong referring to?
If these lazy incels living in their mother's basements had to perform even HALF of the work at my FIRST job, they'd shit their pants and not even last an hour from the aggravation and forget showing up to the second gig. Then just imagine the look on this moid's face to find out that after women get home from our full time jobs, manyperform domestic and mental labor to take care of their families–including their parasitic partners. An adult woman's workday typically doesn't end until late at night or sleeping.
Do they think we all paint our nails at our cushy, overpaid desk jobs with one hand while we have the CEO's chad cock in the other and then come home to spend a paycheck that isn't ours? Male fantasy! They're the ones with no understanding and no fucking clue about the labor women do, typical projection.
No. 1298740
>>1298733if this happens to me i'll honestly kill him
t. planning to move in together in october
why are men so fucking immature and irresponsible
No. 1298752
>>1298685>people beating up their cheating partners and the affair partners because their feefees are hurt that penis went into wrong vagina Betrayal sucks but I don't understand why people endorse acting like violent chimps when shit doesn't go their way. It just shows weakness and desperate overinvestment. And tbh I'm a little scared for the "whore" girl because lord knows what that psychotic scrote is treating her like if he's violent, there's a reason why she cheated and it shows.
But I would never feel bad over men beating up other men lmaoooo.
>>1298733Cancel and never speak to him again.
No. 1298769
>>1298752True. I couldn’t care less about ape on ape violence. The aggressor male is clearly views women as property. He’s 100% up in her shit and being paranoid at all time.
Of course the male friends call the woman a whore “who had to be exposed” instead of worrying for her safety. Even when beefing with other men, moids still manage defend enemy moids over ALL women.
No. 1298779
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Everytime my period is around the corner, I crave my husbando and everytime I am denied. If god is real, why did he put us in seperate dimensions? checkmate atheist
No. 1298795
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Well since this is the vent thread, I guess I'll do my part in venting. Let's see: I fucking hate my period. I heat up and sweat. I get pain-splitting cramps that feel like my innards are getting shredded up. I heavy bleed so much, that I stained many panties even with thick pads. Then the cycle makes me nauseous and prone to vomiting and shitting. If you saw me on my period, you would have assumed I had a stomach bug. So prone to vomiting, I have to avoid certain smells or else I'll empty my stomach. My menstrual cycle makes me feel weak and sick. It began prematurely, right when I was ten. Fucking ten. I've been doing this for ten years. I hate this shit. I have to find a way to start skipping periods.
No. 1298882
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>>1298872I stand by my point, males are worth being aborted. Frankly, I think the world is better off without this many of them. They could use a population trim.
No. 1298884
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> Phone dying outright but I can pair and use it on my laptop with windows
> Need to connect to Outlook email
> Forgot password and password recovery process is literally hell
> Have to enter the normal stuff
> Have to enter any other microsoft accounts you may have and if you ever bought something, your credit details
> You have to enter the last few people you emailed and the subject line
> never used this email, also what the fuck
> I'll just make a new one
> Visual captcha
> Bad eyesight so choose audio option
> Go through 8 audio captchas, before it switches to two different sets of 8 visual captchas
> Spend so much time solving captchas the security window ends and it forces me to restart the email making process over again
> Start over
> Pro at their fucking captchas now
> solve the first set of 8 visual captchas in one go
> page hangs forever
> reloads another set of captchas
I know microsoft sucks but this is unbearable. I really need to get into an account though.
No. 1298939
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My stupid nephew and his mom are pissing me off so much. I make pasta and she comes and gets some for her and her retard because well that's entitlement for you, and then the little brat won't even finish it. Because get this: he doesn't like vegetables! Just eat around the tomatoes you fucking mongrel! I chastised him for it and she got pissed at me, as if I'm some random coming up to a stranger child in a restaurant. No, bestie, you made me raise your child for a year and now you want to come un-abandon him and make him even more spoiled than he was when he got here. For fuck's sake this post barely even makes sense because this situation is so fucking retarded. I wish she would just move out like she said she would half a year ago. Lies on fucking lies. Nonnas, how fucked would I be if I didn't invite them to my birthday outing? I just think I'll have a really shitty time trying to appreciate all the beauty of the aquarium as a toddler-child runs around peeing himself and crying as his mother pretends he doesn't exist.
No. 1299008
i hate my job. i wanted to resign and have started calculating the exact thirty days i have to render service to the company but the manager really pushed my leave to two months all because they had to abide the certain percentages of people staying and leaving the company. they also constantly threatened us with paying liquidated damages despite not seeing it in the contact nor in the handbook, even the meeting concerning the job offer didn't state it. aside from out of the spur moment mention and another contract signing we have done during training concerning the equipments we use in the company, that we only have to pay if we damage it.
i asked my friends who worked there previously but they were shocked to know about the supposed liquidated damages, even the people helping me during nesting was unfamiliar with the threat, and they've been at the company for less than the required six month probationary period.
the people there didn't mention of the Training Fall Out option when applicants decided that the job wasn't for them, even if it was present with the previous waves or groups. either they omitted the concept or just evade using it entirely. i doubt they cancelled the offer entirely either since someone from my group in a different cluster had talked about it with someone who was teaching him during nesting.
but the problem is they only make that option available after nesting and you have to render a thirty day service which is no different to a full-on resignation. when the TFO, as mention by my friend, was an immediate resignation in their group or the previous groups that applied before me.
i don't get why the company is keeping a stronghold on us. it's not our fault we decided to leave for many acceptable reasons. can't they just accept that the plan in being the first in the industry in a sleepy city doesn't automatically mean success, especially when people here never have experienced on the industry or know little of what it is aside from the glamorized salary and 'prestige' it puts them.
many have gone AWOL from the workload or did the resignation after spending little time inside the company. as many have stated, 'the industry is not for everyone'. so ofc curiosity and optimism turns grim from the experience.
i know that the 40+ applicants in my group would decrease in time, heck a few if not more have already planned to leave and it's only been a month since we were first hired. one has already immediately resign and i wish i asked what she and a supervisor have talked about to get that option available. i'm currently on an unpaid leave but it could be my ticket to go AWOL, my friends and family have supported the idea as well.
if they plan to email me of the supposed liquidated damages than im willing to cough up the amount instead of going back. i hate it there.
No. 1299024
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>>1298973It's always amazing seeing how mothers raise their kids, you can see the mental illness in real time being passed down.
>Break womens spirit down and isolate during raising a baby>Too psychologically broken to even raise a child >People call them literal Satan for not shitting out a perfect angel and giving all their energy into the child No. 1299026
>>1297989you sound cool
nonnie I'd be your friend! are you a yumejoshi/husbandofag or do you just enjoy otome games? if you don't mind me asking what is the language you are studying now?
No. 1299041
>>1299031>still, ultimately more moids that are improperly tardwrangled means more abusers/destruction, and society tells women not to properly socialize and discipline their sons but to worship them and break their backs for them while depriving daughters of emotional and financial resourcesLet's be real "society" is just male family/handmaidens harrassing the mothers for not being selfless/caring enough and being "
abusive" for setting boundaries and expectations. Anyway like 80% of ivf patients pick a female child. Women are getting fed up, it's no wonder US tried to ban abortion.
No. 1299073
>>1298952>>1299011>>1299020>>1298973Thank you so much nonnas. There's no way they're coming with me. I avoid them as much as possible just to keep my blood pressure down. And yeah at times like this I really feel like Edna lol
>>1299041I get what you mean and for the record I feel for her that she's a single mom. However she coddles him and lets him get away with everything, and I can't stand it. She's the kind of person who just can't be the "bad guy". And I just know when he grows up he's gonna become an entitled spoiled scrote.
No. 1299080
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i really do have the most rancid vibes…this loner-ish person i thought i could befriend has recently begun being more outgoing (e.g. interacting with other people) and avoiding me because they know i'm nervous about approaching groups. it's insane, i don't begrudge them for it but it does hurt lol
imagine being so unpleasant that your fellow loners stop being loners just to get away from you. insane
No. 1299191
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I need a place to rant and lolcow seems like the only suitable place, nothing else feels safe anymore. I fucking hate troons so much, I hate them with every fiber of my being and my hate is only getting stronger. By troons I mean disgusting unwashed males pretending to be women. I somewhat still feel for women who were coerced into mutilating their bodies by other troons. They always look so malnourished and dead inside. Men, on the other hand, revel in this shit because they finally found have another way to oppress women. Who would’ve thought that viewing troons who assault and silence as socially acceptable would lead to misogyny.
It’s insane to say but this website has been an eye opener for me. I’m only 20, but thank god I found this website before I became a troon handmaiden in my later years. I was accepting of things like that before, all my friends were and I didn’t want to stick out. How fucking insane that was. It’s not a coincidence that both troons that used to hang around in my social circles turned out to be degenerates. One an autistic basement dweller and the other one a groomer. I fucking hate men and the fact that they try to crawl their way into women’s spaces.
A lesbian saying she doesn’t want to suck dick is suddenly transphobic. It’s absolute fucking insanity. Those ugly horse faced moids will coerce-rape young women who are afraid of getting cancelled by the general public. Where’s the same energy for men saying they won’t fuck a trans man with a vagina. It’s always about including men in women’s spaces and never the other way round. It’s ironic but moids pretending to be women will always be more privileged than women pretending to be men. Then you have these pretenders threatening women with rape, showing that no amount of makeup and surgery will change their violent male brain. No matter what they identify as, a biological male’s goal will always be to be superior to the woman.
I do think some of these people have genuine mental issues, because that’s what gender dysphoria is: a mental illness. It shouldn’t be treated as a fact. I don’t give a shit about those sassy gay twinks who imitate women. It’s annoying that they insert themselves into spaces made for and by women, suck dick all you want but leave me out of it. But now that I think of it, I think I’d rather take that over an unwashed autistic ogre who’s only purpose in life is to abuse and rape women. Both moid species make me angry beyond comprehension.
I apologize for the schizo rant nonnies, but I really needed to get this out of my chest somewhere. Can’t really rant about things to my friends as I’m still on friendly relations with mentally ill (wo)men and enbies, but I’d rather take that than being friends with a poisonous troon. Thank you for opening my eyes.
No. 1299214
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My friend clearly suffers from BDD and idk what to do. She is definitely one of the most beautiful women I know, intelligent, diligent, and has an amazing sense of humour. But her dry spell with women the last few years has really taken a toll on her confidence, she already has a history of anorexia when she was growing up and I know this shit never truly fully leaves you so it shouldn't be that surprising.
She is now saving up to go to south korea for surgery and I feel that it will be a dangerous slippery slope with her current mindset, but I don't have the power to stop her either so I just say what's on my mind but add that it's her decision in the end and I want her to be happy. She seemed to ponder the BDD thing for a bit when I brought it up but didn't really take the subject further but I hope she keeps it in mind at least.
I don't know what to do really. I really want to help her.
No. 1299217
>>1299214I think you should attempt sharing your thoughts one last time in a heartfelt message detailing your concerns, and how you think she should reconsider. Make it clear you're not trying to control her, you're not trying to sound like an expert on her life, and you genuinely want the best for her. Tell her you understand why she may want the surgery, and she can choose that if she wants, but that you don't think she should (because of the reasons you said). Really make it sound like you find her beautiful the way she is, appreciate her as a friend, and that you want to help her, it'll make her feel better about herself, and potentially see that she's perfectly fine the way she is. Add the logical reasons about surgery being potentially addicting with her previous issues, and that it's also expensive.
If she still doesn't change her mind, then just accept that it's her choice, you at least tried.
No. 1299246
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>>1299236Somehow I was surprised by this, but honestly I shouldn’t be as I know how these types are. Weird shit
No. 1299255
nonnie, based. Every gay man I met was a
toxic misogynist or a lying cunt, trying to ruin friend circles just for fun.
No. 1299265
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After year and a half of desperately wanting to be in a relationship and being stressed out by men who wouldn't text me back, being pressed that my ex has found someone and so on… I realised this summer of me being single was the best summer I've had in actual years. My mood overall is great, I feel accomplished because I poured time in my hobbies and getting a degree so my grades improved. Next year I graduate to be a doctor. I learnt how to skate, rollerskate, started drawing and animating again, reading books, got into poetry. I have so many friends now, I was always a cringy anxious loner but now I've repaired my friendships, somehow stopped being anxious around them and we go out to hike, create stuff, movies and various events, sometimes parties together. I work out a lot now too and finally have abs. I started being invited to a lot of things, actually made a friend I consider my best (not sure if she also does kek but I can call her whenever, she invites me to her family events and so on). And I got a dog!
I've been to a lot of dates and the men just don't really interest me lately… Last time I liked someone he turned out to be such a neurotic and straight up mean dick. Most of the men would ghost, trauma dump, neg me or flex on me and stress me out and I'm not even properly attracted to them. I won't desperately search anymore. I somehow don't get lonely at night much anymore. Maybe there's a Nigel waiting for me somewhere, maybe not, but I'm finally enjoying being myself and I won't accept anything less than someone who'd inspire me and make my life better.
No. 1299281
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I'm so tired of hating myself. Pic unrelated.
No. 1299341
>>1299266I'm not really an Aiden (GNC, I had a longer explanation and deleted it because who cares) but I get it so I'll try to offer insight:
his character is basically the "sad boy with beer" archetype. He's not "manly", but not "girly". He acts tough but won't kill a beetle. I know this video is from "The Take" which is probably cringe (idk) but I think it breaks down the character well enough to explain why your ex (and others) might feel some kinship towards him.
No. 1299394
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>going to the local city to visit my friend
>her and our other longtime friend also live in this city which is about an hour away from my house
>send a message the night before to invite our other friend to see if she wants to come along
>we’ve known each other for 15 years but the past few have been a falling out
>left on Read
Fast forward today
>oh fuck oh fuck it was her BIRTHDAY. I sent her a message to hang out and i totally missed that it was going to be her fucking birthday!!!! I’m so retarded, she’s probably so mad at me. I didn’t wish her happy birthday and it’s obvious I forgot
>check to see if she wished me happy birthday this year
>she did not
>in fact I invited her to my birthday party and gave her a months notice to which she promptly replied that she would be working
>I guess I don’t feel guilty but I do feel sad
No. 1299399
>>1299301Disgusting moid
Never get a male therapist
No. 1299464
>>1299404i had a creepy shrink who was like that. but i was 19
uhhh homeschool alum anon for context if that's allowed and a doormat. he was always running late but kicked me out quick. walked out with my diagnosis on the first appointment though. he moved his practice to his house (? one of his houses) and was always very creepy. one day I arrived on time and knocked on the door. heard him fastening his belt and he yelled "ONE MINUTE!" so I waited.
he walked out with a large splotch of green ink on his khakis. he didn't notice that until the end of our appointment. it was a really weird vibe that day. he was very interested in my sexual experience. to be fair, I said I was asexual, but he was REALLY focused on it. and he said I needed to go to Italy for a "sexual awakening", then told me about when he was a young lad and visited the island of Lesbos on a cruise. he couldn't understand why none of the girls would fuck him? it was awkward.
after that I'm pretty sure he tried to kill me. I asked him about the dosages he had put me on (70 mg addi and 20 mg vyvanse per day, and it sounded like a lot for a 100lb. individual). he assured me it was safe but the second time I got my regular pharmacist wouldn't fill it 'cause she thought it would kill me.
the guy boasted to be the designated shrink for the entire local college football team. he's got all these certificates from Ivey league universities but every link to the studies he's participated in on his imbd are dead. he's almost certainly running a pill mill No. 1299563
>>1299550Legit can't tell to what degree you're just mocking me so 2 answers:
Bit taller than average, want to get from 6 days worth of binging above bmi 18 (too scared to weigh) to ~17 (the starving comment was v over dramatic I have no desire to go full skelly)
Alternatively: 'you sound fat kys'
No. 1299568
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Sending a mental slap your momma's way nonnie
No. 1299649
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>>1299632Time to get him a lacefront beard
No. 1299653
>>1299563NTA, I wanna give you few words from a skelly. I usually have similar bmi or less bc of no appetite and even at BMI 17 I look sick, hardly any boobs, have very little energy, any fun exercise tires me out and I suffer from brain fog and have trouble concentrating. I have no doubts my skin is gonna get all wrinkly soon because of my lack of nutrition. Bmi 18-24 or what's the healthy range is absolutely the best. I am gaining weight a bit lately and I celebrate every extra kg because I can feel how much better it makes me feel. Even if you liked the aesthetics of looking sick which in the eyes of normal people isn't attractive anyway, is just aesthetics worth it being energy-less lump of tiredness? It feels like you are pulling an all nighter all the time. Having energy is the best! Seriously being healthy is better than being sick. If you hate your body, exercise and try to build muscle and be cool as fuck athletic woman, you'll feel accomplished and much better than if you just starve. It's gonna take a bit more time but it's gonna feel great, I promise you. And in most people's eyes, you'll look better too. Take care
No. 1299693
>>1299563Pay attention to what
>>1299653 said. Also a skelly, my body may be skinny but my face looks like shit and my skin is so dry it's starting to look like my mom's skin. She's 60. My teeth are like someone's who is 20 years older than what I am. And I never got into the really dangerous zone of bmis either. It's really not worth it.
>Seriously being healthy is better than being sick. If you hate your body, exercise and try to build muscle and be cool as fuck athletic woman, you'll feel accomplished and much better than if you just starve.This is the best thing you could do
No. 1299735
>>1299732or reproduce
A+++ decision
No. 1299769
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I've been frequenting lc way too much lately. I was having a casual conversation with my cousin, who's really into philosophy for some reason, and instead of Socrates I typed… Scrotes. More than once.
No. 1299792
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>Use hot brush>Bangs look great, hair not so much but still good>Wear hat>Bangs become elongated curved slabs>Use herbal essences hair spray to hold bangs in place >Hair becomes greasy, bangs clump togetherCurse my sweaty head. No hairspray, mini hot brush and comb everywhere it is then. If I do absolutely nothing but air dry the end of my bangs curve outward
>>1299752Kek why would you write this
No. 1299796
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No. 1299804
Huge vent incoming. I feel like I'm doxing myself with how detailed it is. I'd appreciate some interactions from nonna's if possible, because I've been feeling ironically lonely in all of this. I just really, really need to vent.
I've been struggling a lot and there's so much on my mind. Certain obstacles I know how to overcome. It simply demands effort I am not used to putting in, resulting in a lot of failures. Other components render me utterly lost. I constantly feel chaotic and uneasy.
My boyfriend lives on another continent. I met him when I lived there for about a year. My visit was intended to be temporary from the beginning, and by the end of it, I was itching to go home. Because we believe in a future together, we haven't broken up and he has come to visit me in my home country for a month.
His visit has been challenging. To preface, I already struggle to lead the balanced, structured and healthy life I aspire to. I am prone to having brainfog as well as becoming overwhelmed or anxious. I sleep poorly and am often distracted, to name a few things. I'm aware of the causes of these symptoms and know how to fix them long-term. Doing so simply takes time, and I fail constantly. It frustrates me when I fail and I hate feeling so miserable all the time. I have made a lot of progress during my year abroad, coming out of a burn out. Now I feel I'm at another turning point where I am to further improve my life. But it is slow, difficult and has a lot of friction. It demands a lot of my energy and time, alongside my career and other endeavours I have no choice but to pursue so as to move forward as a young adult.
Now that my boyfriend is in my home 24/7, his presence bombards me with stimuli I usually wouldn't get. It leads to me being unable to complete simple tasks as usual, let alone the big things I already found challenging. He is not the problem, it is rather my own weaknesses that are triggered more than usual. Moreover, since I often will look for distraction so as to avoid the discomfort of necessary change, it is easy for me to simply laze around with him all day, when really I know I shouldn't and don't want to. His presence is the perfect bait for me to sabotage myself, and I have difficulties with controlling myself. Which is unfair too, since I genuinely love being with and cuddling him. But I can't control it or balance it so I don't lose what is important to me beside him.
So overall, his visit has been super challenging in a lot of ways. Time is ticking and the end of his stay swiftly approaches.
Initially the plan was for me to join him and stay with him for the following year (Plan A). I would probably have to extend my stay to attain everything I want to, though. Ultimately, it would take about three years out of my life. I'd follow classes at a local college and work towards transfering. I made this decision myself, as I thought it was my only option to make up for deficiencies I have in my high school diploma. I want to pursue a degree in stem yet don't have all of the academic requirements as of current. Although I was sad to leave my country again, I thought this was my only choice. I was happy at least to be able to be closer to my love and come closer to my academic goals.
I recently discovered there is another option (Plan B): staying home and making up my deficiencies in less than a year, following the official route. Plan A would not necessarily ensure entry to the registration process of some of the studies I'd want to pursue. Plan B would definitely be accepted, as it is the official path recommended. I was unaware of this before as I hadn't considered the resources detailing this information.
Plan B costs about the same, I wouldn't have to pay rent as I'd still live in my home, I'd be able to keep my job, stay close to my family, wouldn't have to worry about learning to drive, I'd be done in a year, meaning I could enroll in university next year, I would be ensured of education on my level that doesn't involve unnecessary classes and I'd know this would give me access to the universities I like.
I don't know what to choose. Every individual from my country who has known me academically or works in academia recommends Plan B. Even people from the Plan A college aren't sure it's the right choice for me. But I have already made agreements with the people who funded Plan A. I believe this can still be solved, but it makes cancelling more difficult. Furthermore, it would put a strain on my relationship.
I don't want to be the girl who threw away a good opportunity for her passions for a boy who later abandoned her. I would hate that I knew better but didn't listen. Yet my boyfriend really means a lot to me. I know it's frowned upon to think this way, but humor me for a second. My boyfriend and I genuinely have a strong future together. I believe in us and so does he. I don't want to break up or sabotage what we could have. Not seeing him for a year would be awful. I know what relationships between 19 year olds are like, I know. But you will have to trust me on this one. He's not worth tossing aside without any sort of contemplation. He is worth so much more. Perhaps I could visit him in the meantime, but I can't promise it. And what would happen afterwards? Where would I study? In his country, mine? Where will we live to have the life we want, away from the city, free and with our own farm? I'm already so easily overwhelmed, I can't think that far ahead.
The best thing for me to do is just to keep improving those things I already was, that will help give me clarity and strength. But I don't have enough time now. I have basically 0 days to make this choice. It's absurd honestly that I'm considering making such a drastic change. But that's just who I am.
Everything around me is waiting for me to step up and move in the right direction, literally. My work is waiting for me to respond, my family needs confirmation of what I'm going to do, as is the school, as well as the funding, as well as my boyfriend. My clean laundry is waiting to finally be folded again since before my boyfriend arrived, my coach is waiting for me to resume my training seriously, and I am waiting for me to finally stop neglecting MYSELF. I want to become healthier, stronger, happier, studying again, moving without pain, living without constant stress or exhaustion. I know half of what to do, and half I'm utterly lost. + Just because I don't want to neglect myself, doesn't mean it's obvious I should leave my boyfriend. He is part of what brings joy to my life.
On the one hand I think I should just stay home and let him leave too. I would become stronger in the meantime, make my own friends, achieve what I must to commence the next chapter of my life and become more stable so that I won't be as overwhelmed the next time we're together. It could really benefit our future. But thinking about his absence makes me feel sick. I don't want LDR… But I could also become stronger from having to tolerate the pain, and I'd be so focused on myself it'd be better to be alone. But is that realistic, or wise? Besides, in the life of my dreams, I don't need to be single or away from my love to improve myself. Isolation isn't the answer. But is that realistic for right now? I don't know. And I'm not strong enough right now to explore these topics on time for me to make a decision. I also am afraid of living alone with my mother again, since she has always been abusive. But moving out where I live is impossible due to costs + moving out elsewhere wouldn't make sense with the education of Plan B.
I just don't know what to do. I feel like I'm drowning in so much. I know how to avoid this sensation long term, but not short term. Not knowing what to do short term makes me (feel) incapable of doing what I must for the long term. I am just stuck, overwhelmed, sad about the whole situation. I miss my boyfriend already, my family, my home, his home, his touch, my peace and balance, my passions, my joy. Ultimately I suppose the decision doesn't matter. I just need to become healthier and more balanced regardless of where I am. But it's a paradox too…
No. 1299819
>>1299814If I brought up an experience or if I told him I was feeling anxious, my ex would ask further questions about how I felt, reassure things were going to work out/be okay, and would give advice on how to calm down. Generally, he was more supportive and engaging. If I talk to my new boyfriend about anything, it’s “Wow that sucks, I’m sorry you’re going through that”, with no further engagement or attempt to resolve or talk further. Sometimes he’ll just completely change the subject and bring up some completely random topic. He’s told me before he usually “bottles his emotions”, which I told him not to do with me, so I think talking about mental health or any bad feelings makes him uncomfortable. I still love him a lot and he appreciates me. But I guess I was spoiled by my other ex who was a little more empathetic and thoughtful (but also cheated, so there’s that I guess).
No. 1299849
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I posted a keffels thread on /pol/ and got a 3-day ban. why are troons so fragile
No. 1299850
>>1298215Same, I know how it sucks to grow up with socially inept retards. The good thing is that you understand that their behavior is a problem.
In your lifetime you will have what seems to be infinitely many chances to try again, so it's your job now to get up and work on the problem and change the way you speak to others.
Good luck!
No. 1299856
>>12998491. You insulted men on their hive
2. Why on earth do you browse /pol/
No. 1299892
>>1299884Huskies are about as much "part wolf" as any other dog is, but being vocal is a given breed characteristic so I'm not surprised that it's loud and barking all the time. I wouldn't say it's
abusive, or even illegal, to own a dog in a tiny living space, it's all dependent if the dog is given proper enrichment and taken outside regularly to play/walk/enjoy the outdoors. It sounds like he isn't getting what he needs though. I haven't owned a husky before but it's just common knowledge that they're loud and can be difficult to train, those idiots shouldn't have gotten him.
No. 1299925
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I'm so annoyed, I got on dating apps to try and get over my ex and after one day I'm already sick of the attention. I need peace and to focus on myself, not to worry about impressing moids. I already got one guy attached to me and I need to tell him I'm no longer interested but I'm anxious to and honestly I feel a little bad for getting him attached (can't help it, I'm hot and funny), smh nonnies give me strength.
No. 1299996
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Terminally online people who are very militant about their online persona and following are always the most insufferable people who act like complete mentally ill degenerates outside of their platforms and yet always have the delusion to be like this. It’s insufferable.
No. 1300009
>>1296957I did this for years
nonnie, I feel your pain. I finally managed to stop with cognitive behavioural therapy. Maybe you could try this if it's available where you are. Sending love.
No. 1300317
update: i had to put on a kn95 mask, latex gloves, take off my glasses and put on my darkest sunglasses, but i managed to put my plant outside so the mushrooms wont spread to the others. i did fuck up bc you can see the little yellow terrorists from my window. im going to have nightmares for weeks worrying abbout thrm spreadig to my other plants
>>1300254thanks for your kind words
nonny. this is actually a net positive sign that 1) i have emotional response and 2) i can articulate it somewhat. ive beenn working toearfs his for a while, so while my stomach is still turning at lwast i feeeeeeel yknow
No. 1300363
>>1300272Seconding other anon to not buy bad foods. Out of sight, out of mind. Or I would suggest portioning them out into a separate bowl/plate. Nothing stops you from getting a second helping, but I found that it helps me from overeating on snacks because "I'll just eat XY amount" becomes a lot easier than all you want to allow yourself to eat is already all laid out in front of you rather than the whole bag/package being in front of you and you just expect yourself to stop. Also eat more satiating foods, I go back to binging on bad foods/snacks especially when I come home from work/before dinner because I'm just so damn hungry.
Good luck nona!
No. 1300366
>>1300272Don't be si hard on yourself Nonna. Binging can take some time to fix, especially if you have recently recovered. Like
>>1300354 said, you should really limit any bad foods in the house, including foods you would use as an alternative for bad foods during binge episodes. Remind yourself constantly about why you want to stop, like the health risks and all. I did this and I managed to finally hammer into my head that I need to take my eating seriously or I'll keep getting sick or become a balloon. Everytime you get the urge to binge you HAVE to distract yourself completely. I've seen progress in my journey but believe me it took a good bit of time, and even now I'm not completely over it.
TL;DR keep using strategies to prevent binging and don't beat yourself up too hard during setbacks. It's called a disorder for a reason.
No. 1300386
I don't know what to do. I'm basically guaranteed into this post grad program, but I still live with my parents and they want to move to a whole other state in a town like at least 2 hours away from any other uni that would offer my program, and it's an in person one with field work that I wouldn't be able to do onlin, and the certification in that state is a way lower standard than the one I'd get here, and I don't have nearly enough saved up to live on my own here for two years while I go to school especially cause there's no way I could do this program and work at the same time. I don't want to get in the way of their retirement dreams or be a burden but what am I supposed to do when my future is at risk because they're tired of being trumptards in a blue state? That's the main reason they want to retire somewhere else, and they're expecting my sibling to haul the kids on a 10 hour drive every weekend so they can still see their grandkids, and in the end it won't even be cheaper to live there than it is here so what's the fucking point! What do I even do? They're planning to move a month and a half after my program here would start, and I'd have nowhere to go unless I moved with them. I don't want to leave all my friends to live in an even worse state than the one I'm in now, I don't want to drive two hours each way to get a $50,000 degree from a half rate fake accredited private evangelical college, I don't want to be the shitty daughter that made them postpone their retirement dreams although honestly I doubt they even would. They've been telling me not to worry about it for months and then I go to update them on the program I was gonna get into and they tell me I'm gonna have to look for one in the state they're moving to because they won't be here. Just so tired of not knowing what's gonna happen to me and if I'll even have a future.
No. 1300394
same anon as
>>1300386 just forgot to mention they're ALSO planning on spending the whole inheritance they're getting from my grandfather, that he explicitly stated he wanted to also go to me and my sibling, on this stupid fucking house in a state neither of us will or want to live in. I know it's stupid rich girl problems but I've always thought about, you know, using my cut to help me settle down and survive while doing a job I love that isn't super lucrative, and my dad straight up said there isn't going to be anything left of it after they buy this house.
No. 1300488
>>1300473nonnie that's parentification. it is not your job to care for your brother at the expense of your own life. your mother is abusing you by expecting you to do so. if you don't see your bf often enough (once a month is NOT often enough) your relationship will fall apart. you have a right to have a happy life and pursue romance. your mother expecting you to give up your relationship to be a stay-in caregiver is unreasonable and a loving mother wouldn't do that to her daughter, she would want you to be happy, functional, and well adjusted. please rethink your situation. taking care of your brother is NOT your job, you have no obligation to do that, especially to the extent of it ruining your life. set healthy boundaries please. you can care for your brother a reasonable amount if you like, but not an excessive amount to the point it is negatively impacting your ability to live your own life.
it isn't spoken about often enough but many parents "sacrifice" one of their daughters to be a long term caregiver/maid/emotional support plushie. often for their own purposes, but in this case she's using you as a special needs nurse instead of hiring a professional. and it's almost always a daughter not a son who gets this treatment due to gender stereotypes that women are "nurturing." on the minor side this is done by guilt-tripping and emotional manipulation. on the more malevolent side it's accomplished by destroying the daughter's self-esteem, preventing her independence and competence as a functional adult, denying access to education, sabotaguing her relationship with friends and/or romantic partners, and other
abusive behaviors.
No. 1300494
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Some guy in my neighborhood smokes weed in the middle of the night and the smell wakes me up so I have to get up and close the window. Last night I was dreaming I was trying to clean a stinky bathroom before it woke me up. Wasn’t even my bedroom window that was open, it was the bathroom window behind a closed door. It’s 3 AM, why are you smoking??? Why won’t you let me have the window open to get cool fresh air in my room at night?
No. 1300496
Don't feel retarded for not studying medicine. Honestly, medicine does not seem like the path to go unless you really, really, really, truly want to help people. You are paid shit for so fucking long, work absolutely grueling hours, have little semblance of a life outside of the hospital/clinic… Medicine is not pretty at all, both literally and figuratively.
I graduated college with a degree in political science, so basically, a degree even more useless than yours. I am also incredibly stupid, and had a stupid high GPA because it was inflated from all the time I spent abroad. I was too depressed to do anything meaningful (both at home and abroad), so I didn't intern anywhere or really network around. I felt like I was thrown to the sharks after graduation– now what the fuck do I do? I worked retail for two years after I graduated. It sucked, but I earned money to pay off my student loans and my parents didn't bother me because I was working (though I'm sure they were upset that I was just in retail). I learned good work ethic and made lots of friends, before I leveraged my way into office work as an admin, where I am now.
Post grad life is fucking hard. Life really does come at you fast, but you really gotta take a moment to realize that this is the beginning of it all. There's a thread somewhere here about people who have achieved great things later in life, and it gave me hope to keep going because you do not have to have everything figured out immediately. It feels really fucking hard when everyone else seems to know what the fuck they're doing and they're getting paid 6 figures for a job that they went to school for, but you have to look at yourself and only yourself.
Things are going to suck for a while, but I know you can do it anon. If my retarded ass who graduated with a useless degree in fucking politics can work a comfy office job as an admin (requires very little brain power and is easy work, perfect for me kek), you can probably do much better. You have a lot of control over your life and where you want it to go, much more control than you think you have. Sometimes luck plays a role too, but I think I was able to get to a relatively nice place in life because I forced my way in here. You can do it too nona, I know you can.
No. 1300516
>>1300488You're absolutely right. I managed to get a bachelor's in biology, but I haven't been able to do anything with it (or even get an unrelated job) because of my circumstances and she's been yelling at me to get a remote job since we're really strapped on cash but open data entry jobs basically don't exist and call centers understandably require access to a quiet area and my brother is too loud and can't really be made to be quiet.
>instead of hiring a professional I know she wouldn't be able to afford a proper caregiver, which is part of the reason why I've hesitated at the prospect of leaving, since I don't want my brother to suffer for something I did, but also I barely have a life like this and this resume gap (like, since I've graduated college, since I've never had actual job before) is only going to fuck me over more and more as time goes on. It sucks that my brother will probably suffer for this, whenever I figure out how to leave, but he's not even my son and I never asked for this
No. 1300531
>>1300516I don't think you can do anything with bio BS. everyone i knew who got that degree ended up in low paid lab work, and you can't do that remotely because you're, you know, in a lab shaking test tubes. most people who get it are only getting it as premed or for a track like phlebotomy tech or anesthesiologist. and for remote work you can't caretake and work at the same time, she needs to understand that.
it's a shitty situation but it's her problem. there is no need for you to sacrifice yourself to provide free care for him. and after your mom dies, then what? he'll be 100% on you? she needs to be realistic and stop using her daughter to solve her problem for her.
having a special needs kid really fucking sucks and i'll be judgemental here but in 9/10 situations you could have avoided it by aborting messed up fetuses or abandoning the infant if you knew you didn't have resources to care for it. i don't really have pity for her honestly but i'm also an asshole. mostly i'm upset for your sake because you deserve to live your own life. i'm angry because i know a lot of women from college who said they would keep the baby if the prenatal tests showed it was retarded or special needs, because they were "strong". and it's massively egoistic to think that way and purposely create a life that's doomed to requiring intensive lifelong care, as inevitably other people will be affected and have to step in. but idk if your mom had the choice, i'm speaking about a generic case of this.
just think about setting boundaries and pushing back.
No. 1300568
>>1300548>>1300546He has info of me from when I was in middle school I don't know I feel like throwing up, that means he has been watching me for fucking years. Only other thing I can think of is he was an incel I briefly was friends with when I was 13 but there's no fucking way he'd be able to find me now.
I would block but my boyfriend would probably take that as an admission of guilt on my part, things have been really rocky with us lately and I dont want to risk upsetting him
No. 1300596
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I roleplay sometimes, most of my characters are female, both OCs and canon characters, and I often get people tagging me on porn of them. I already told them, I don't like women and even if I did, I don't like the porn they are tagging me in. Today hasn't been a great day but I got a pin, I though it was someone DMing me just to talk, but it was another porn tag.
No. 1300673
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My current class is filled with very loud people who constantly laugh and derail the lesson every chance they get. It’s really starting to get in my nerves because I’m trying to learn and these dumbasses think everything is a joke. Our teacher doesn’t have a very commanding presence so she pretty much gets overwhelmed by them. I’m currently in nocturnal and I can’t switch to daytime because of my job. I wish they dropped out.
No. 1300799
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So much sperging in the threads tonight.
No. 1300834
Lol sure looks like you're the pedo
>>1300821 with how much your friend honeytrap looks at kids irl.
No. 1300853
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>one side is demonstrably betterYou are clearly a politically deaf unaware privileged bitch. The left just like the right is made up by insane capitalists that only put up a facade of being humanitarian and caring about the environment or human rights when they don't. In reality they give no shits but invite trannies to fuck you in the bathroom or beat you in sports. My soulution: reject fake dichotomy. I am not going to lose my precious voting power to vote with 1 out of 2 political movements that hate women as much.
Period. No more sperging. Go back to Twitter and suck some tranny dick. You cannot even offer proper contra arguments to my arguments. Just call me a /pol/tard because I disagreed with you. Letism allows shit like pic related. Now you're gonna get back at me with another strawman and call me a /pol/tard when I have already fucking stated like 3 times I am not interested in voting with either political party because they are both shit for women's rights
No. 1300897
>>1300886What confuses me is yes, he's played plenty, so he claims. But in the time i've watched him he never employs any sort of strategy for fights and just does attack over and over. Doesn't think about elemental weaknesses or anything. He just smashes his way through and doesn't follow other things going on, like party status effects. I'll have to fucking point out if a party member is poisoned and needs to be cured.
Also in all the final fantasy remasters I've watched him play he always has the fast forward button on. Which I mean, I don't blame him, at this age I'd probably have no patience for turn based stuff either but like, goddamn it's hard to watch with everything else he does.
No. 1300939
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This pathetic ass racebaiting moid needs to get a life omg how are you so damn sad for camping on this site and posting every couple of hoursss kekkkkk. Kill yourself, you are so useless to society. You are a waste of cells and your mother should've aborted you. No one will ever love you or care about you and you are destined to be a sad little cave dweller until you rope yourself.
No. 1301143
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today i drank 1 and a half bottle of lemon tea and a mid size cup of peach ice tea. i love drinking tea!!
No. 1301329
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My mother’s skin’s barrier got damaged so we’re putting coconut oil on her face and praying her skin stops being irritated. Glycerin and aloe Vera make her skin feel like it’s burning
No. 1301408
>>1301274No clue really but maybe I was bringing up too much of my personal background? They seemed more activism-focused which I would’ve loved to have contributed to but unfortunately I’ve never been active in any sort of feminist group. They asked about that and it may have been another reason why they decided to ignore me. Not sure what I could’ve done about that since a lot of feminist groups now are really libfem-dominated.
>>1301307I found them advertising themselves on Ovarit. Not sure how to find one otherwise.. I live in a really big city and I was surprised to even find one here. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.
No. 1301420
>>1301408It's alright
nonnie, thanks a lot.
No. 1301536
>>1301533It takes a lot of time and realizing they were probably
toxic but you were too close to notice the co-dependency. Your partner should be your best friend but it happens too much where that develops for me to not suggest it may be the case for you.
I hope things get better sooner for you than they did for me, and again just one viewpoint of many offering what I think of as help, not calling you weak at all.
No. 1301615
>>1301557same, I get
tRiGgeRed by people screaming, so I never do it myself either.
No. 1301635
>>1300744>>1301146>I just fear confrontation, I got it over with and it was not a big dealI'm
>>1299963 and now I want to know how the beans were spilled too lmao.
No. 1301638
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I know it's hard making friends but what's even harder is keeping them. Every time I try to invite them to something I'm just blown off like some freak. I wish I wasn't so autistic
No. 1301666
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>>1301586>You guys sound abusiveYes.
No. 1301702
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>>1301695C-can… Can I see them?
No. 1301718
>>1301703And I can assure you that if you always treated him, he'd start to feel emasculated. You can't win when in comes to money with man. They have the need to pay for you or else they don't feel man enough but than guilt trip you for for it.
Bit OT but I hate how men are always like 'I don't wanna get married, my wife will only see me as a wallet' or 'women objectify men's wallets' when men worked for
millenia to make women absolutely dependent on their money so they'd stay home with children and serve men and even now regularly say shit like 'can't fuck your degree' and whine about birth rates going down. Scrotes just hate women no matter what we do.
No. 1301745
>>1301557The last time I screamed was at my older brother for touching my laundry in the dryer without my permission. I was PMSing hard that week, my hormones must have been out of wack, and I couldn't control myself. But I was in my room with the door closed so I probably didn't sound so psychotic. He didn't say anything. Always makes me feel so guilty when I scream or yell at someone so I try to never ever do it. Also, it
triggers me if someone yells at me so I know how it feels like.
No. 1301774
my parents are kind of retarded and lack both street smarts and nature smarts, so idk how they are still alive. god truly picks favorites idk
No. 1301794
>>1301703Same. I once dated a codebro who made six figs and he was just absolutely retarded. He had $300k in stock but was renting with a roommate, not a cheap place either, it was about 4k a month so 2k for his, that's the price of a normal 1 bd apartment, but he wanted the luxury highrise. and he would spend insane money on total bullshit but then began getting stingy with dates and implied he expected me to earn more money in the future and pay him back, which was shit of him because i was having career issues at the moment but still paid all my own bills. then he began getting random outbursts of anger. finally he started telling me he was going to buy a new car (he already drove a nearly new car) and i casually asked why, and he blew up at me and said, "this is just who i am now!" just acting crazier and crazier and more verbally/emotionally
ironically he's in horrible health despite only being 30, is terrible with money, only lucked into the job to begin with and didn't have any real skills, and didn't have his shit together at all despite having more money than god. he would pinch pennies in retarded places and be super stingy over small things like coffee, but then blow money by the hundreds on absolutely retarded shit. he once paid $50 for a cake and then ended up throwing 3/4 of it away because he doesn't even like cake. he also took his laundry to a wash and fold despite having a washer and dryer in his apt. or buy a $300 coat and then throw it away if a single button fell off. then he started talking about how he was going to make a budget and he was so dramatic sitting down at the computer spending hours of our time together drafting a budget for himself in excel. if you're a single guy making 6 figures and need a budget you're a fucking retard with money.
his mental health was falling apart day by day and all he could think about was trading in his sedan for an SUV. he never went hiking and never left the city. it's like he contracted BPD or something.
No. 1301926
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I hate my damn sister. She has no shame in demanding things from others. She expects everyone to stretch out their neck for her, while she does ZERO in return. Ask her to help her parents, her cousins, or anyone but her in any little way and she'll act like you're asking her for her entire life. She's the type of person to ask for money and for help with her work, while still having it in her to talk to you like you're dirt. With insulting others behind their back and sometimes to their face, it's always projection. If she insults your hair, it's because she can't do her own. If she insults your nails, it's because she just remembered her nail biting problem. Everyone sacrifices so much for her, but to her, everyone else is a "bitch" and "needs to do better". She has no sense of personal space for others, but gets an attitude when extended relatives ask for one goddamn hug. What kills me about this is that my parents, aunts, and uncles all know she's a spoiled brat, but they allow her to act like this because she's the "baby" of the family. It's getting to the point where I actually hate even looking at her. It takes everything in me to not snap and call her a "cunt" when she starts her typical attitude.
No. 1302123
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>>1299191same and the more i listen to trannies the more i fucking hate them. before i was just gender critical, i was like "yeah trans people are wrong and gender is nonsense but i don't HATE them" and now i loathe gender-havers so much it isn't even funny. i can't stand their flawed ideology and how much i have to suffer from seeing them fucking taint and corrupt every piece of media they get into
this was the last straw for me, i'm just gonna start telling trannies to kill themselves idgaf anymore. like you don't come for my childhood crush you fucking filthy trannies
No. 1303050
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I can't stand moids who get whiny and act like it's the end of the world when someone doesn't know about their stupid favorite movie or video game. I don't give a shit about Call of Duty, I don't keep up with what happens in the Star Wars franchise.
I do not care, you annoying fucking heaps of cow dung.