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No. 1284026
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All i want is to make art. Friends don't make me happy, I hate my family, I hate having to draw for others. I wish the modern art community wasn't filled with people that hate art. You can't draw this, you can't draw that, oh, you drew something inspired by a culture you aren't part of? FETISHIST, CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!! Drew an anime teen? PEDO!!. Oh, and don't get me started on how you always have to be walking on eggshells if you have followers, you have to kneel and suck tranny cock even if their art is fucking repulsive looking because otherwise you are the enemy. Also, you can't criticize an objectively terrible drawing because ''that's muh style!!1'', holy fucking shit stop being lazy and pick up Loomis. All I want is to win the lottery, become a hermit and focus on making art for myself.
No. 1284053
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Terminally online people are always in some imaginary competition with everyone else. Just in a state of extreme arrested development, making up fictitious enemies in their head, aggressive about the stupidest shit and gatekeeping literally everything. Don’t get me started on millennials and elder zoomers that used tumblr in its day, they genuinely believe that them spending hours reblogging and reposting niche or obscure pictures makes them some sort of aesthetic authority. I was forced to confront my own illness and delusions and now I have to bear witness to moids getting away with it freely all while pretending they’re bearing some heavy cross.
No. 1284108
>>1284053I completely get what you mean I've been really navel-gazing about the state of chronically online teens and adults and this obsession with "curated aesthetic/identity" when it's all just media consumption lol
Although if you follow cool people on tumblr, they've picked on this and have been giving great commentary
No. 1284136
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No. 1284165
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I drunkenly told my friend I am terf, why tf did I do that
No. 1284167
>>1284130I cope with it by taking the money she can give me and otherwise not really talking to or thinking about her. She's always been
abusive to me and has never apologized or anything, just acted like everything was normal and that her getting mad at the smallest things and hitting me is somehow my fault. Just cut yours out as much as possible, her attention or affection aren't necessary to you anymore. What she does or feels doesn't mean anything, just focus on other aspects of your life
No. 1284170
>>1284086If your friends are really your friends or even just people with half a brain, ask them what's more likely; a lying dude deleting his messages to cover his ass or you having a conversation with yourself? If anyone buys his bullshit they're a retard or being ignorant on purpose because the truth about him is too inconvenient for them. Fuck absolutely anyone who believes him. Also, he's not going to give you what you want if you talk to him, in my experience, moids like him will do anything to avoid responsibility. Circumvent him and go to the people he's been talking to and set them straight, unless you think they're the aforementioned ignorant people, in which case learn witchcraft and curse them all or something because Jesus Christ people can be gross.
And, I'm sorry that happened to you,
nonnie. Please take care of yourself and stay safe.
No. 1284189
>>1284053yes i hate it so much! You just can't talk with these people about anything without them making you your enemy for the day and then bully you the rest of your existence in that online space. Any sightly controversial theme, like for example there was a report in the news lately that some activists protested a concert because the musicians had dreadlocks. You just send the link to the article, wanna chat about it, listen to all the opinions and maybe think about all the ways it affects people on all sides but no matter your openminded approach you are still the enemy of the terminally online group of fuckers because their opinion is set and anybody who wants to just peacefully chat about it is an evil conspiracy theorist.
It's like they think everybody on the internet is about to get them so they hurt everyone first just in case, but in fact people just want to peacefully talk.
>>1284165I think we all gonna have to tell people at some point
No. 1284201
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I don't know why I'm still reading youtube comments of any general videos involving women, it's self harm at this point. I fucking hate men and now I want to learn several martial arts, just to punch kidneys of retarded gymbros and incels into mush.
No. 1284217
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Edited out more info sorry for delete+ repost
>>1284199He (American white male) taught in a second world country where he was revered just for being a white teacher. He stayed in many families' homes on holidays and it was an "honor" to host him. I'm sure he molested little boys there. Should I email the university? He's not in that country/teaching anymore.
>>1284215Google is free my nona
No. 1284228
>>1284217I've seen people misuse the terms first, second and third world here a lot, so just googling it may not be enough to know what
you mean by that.
Anyway, I don't know how you're so sure that your father molested children, but I hope he burns in hell for it. It's always nice to see child molesters being told by their family to kts.
No. 1284229
>>1284217>should i email the universityIf something can come out of that at this point, then go for it.
I hope he sees it and it drives him to kill himself soon
No. 1284231
>>1284228Ah sorry for the bitchy reply. The main point I was trying to make (without giving out too much info) is that it is a poorer country with less education among rural citizens.
nonnie, me too. I literally feel better after sending the e-mail. I have the audio of the conversation in which he admits his pedophilia and I for some reason have always wanted to share it but ofc I can't do that.
No. 1284262
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I fucking hate when the guy I'm dating wakes me up at night by groping me, and the moment I'm half-awake he tries to choke me, kiss me, spank me etc. He's too rough when he's aroused, we haven't actually had sex yet and I'm afraid I won't even get to that part, because the way he touches me seems to be inspired by porn. I also hate the fact he does it when I sleep. He woke me up TWICE that night even though he knew I'm going to work on sunday. I just wanted him to jerk off so he could leave me alone. He even had the audacity to ask me what's wrong when I didn't want to cuddle with him afterwards. Now I'm tired and angry because I have a hard time going back to sleep after something like this, especially when it's basically morning already and I know I would only have like an hour of sleep
No. 1284267
>>1284262why are women willing to put upwith this
are you really so afraid of being alone?
No. 1284268
>>1284262Funny how men are ALL the same. I thought waking me up multiple times in the middle of the night by groping me, putting my hand on his dick, opening up my pajama shirt to touch my boobs, etc, was just another crazy thing about my ex. Turns out i've read similar stories from so many women since i've left his ass, i'm always shocked how exactly the same they all are.
The blatant disrespect, the total inconsiderate nature of just using a woman's body when she tries to sleep (an important organic activity needed for functioning healthily, but no, peepee feeling good is more important!) and has things to do in the morning. And then the morning after this, you're all groggy and exhausted and you feel used and they don't even acknowledge it like everything's good with the world. If i had the audacity to complain he would tell me "but you should love how i'm obsessed with your body! sad!" or something condescending like "women am i right lol always complaining lol why are you so moody today lol"
No. 1284270
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>>1284262Noni please learn to love yourself and dump that shitsack.
No. 1284274
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>>1284262Nonna what the fuck?? What is he gonna do once you have sex, start raping you in your sleep?! On top of that he is a porn addict (no wonder). He doesnt even understand how wrong everything he does is while also being a selfish asshole. Dump this retard as soon as possible, what are you doing to yourself? Are you lonely or desperate? Why do you find him attractive?
No. 1284278
>>1284262stop being a doormat and putting up with that shit. refusing to cuddle afterwards isn't standing up for yourself like you seem to think it is.
>>1284267also this. never ceases to astonish me how many women are willing to put up with so much shit from a man or even a life that's objectively worse just to have a partner. I don't know if so many of you just don't realize that being single if you can't find a man who treats you well is an option or if you're simply too scared to have standards and being single if those aren't met.
No. 1284282
>>1284262There is just some kind of anger inside of me when anons post these kinds of stories. I’m not saying you deserve the creepy behavior, but you have every chance to dump his ass, get a restraining order, or if he tries anything grab a knife or gun and impale him/shoot him. You have some kind of free will hon, you aren’t completely merciless to the gigantic coomer retard, it really fucking pisses me off when anons vent with such impotence about the men they date or marry it’s oozing of hapless fear and lack of self-esteem to even bed with a molesting shithead like that. And I know for a fact with your very weird and odd passive language with nothing that tells us that you’re going to dump him or take action means you still think there is something of value beyond his intense need to go through your boundaries.
>oh tehe he might have nearly raped me in my sleep but i’m still going to stay because i don’t even like or love him i’m just very isolated and lonely like most women are Are you actually going to continue complaining or are you actually going to try to defend yourself? This scrote shit is never going to stop, it’s time to be like Amber Heard and beat and bash the ever loving shit out of him. You are exhausting your energy trying to reason with a man you have no time for that, you need to protect yourself anon.
No. 1284288
>>1284267I never dated a guy, I thought this is how all men behave or the majority of them, how am I supposed to know what's normal for a guy? How I am supposed to find some normal, non porn sick scrote? Yes other anons are right for shitting on me, I know that.
After I confroted him about it he apologized and said some bullshit about having weird dreams at night and that he's not fully aware of what he's doing after he wakes up from them. What the fuck?
No. 1284311
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>>1284288>>1284262We will never be liberated will we anons. There are so many women like this. I want to be angry with OP but I’m just depressed.
No. 1284322
>>1284313I never touched his dick and I'm not going to
>>1284311I feel disgusted with myself, when I was in high school I was deep in radfem stuff and I thought I would never let a guy do something like this to me, but a few years of being a mentally ill neet with no friends or any outside support made me desperate, I feel so lonely, I have no parents, no friends, no one to talk to, just nobody. Not to mention I never dated, and he was the first guy who showed me genuine interest, at least it seemed like it, he actually wanted to talk to me about various topics etc. And I was just curious, what it's like to hug someone, to be close with someone. And now I feel even more ruined
No. 1284327
>>1284322Bitch nothing is ruined. Literally you can choose to be different
right now. Like I feel you, mental illness and loneliness can lead us down the wrong paths without us even noticing. But you deserve better and you always have the option to choose differently from this point on.
No. 1284348
>>1284330Alot of the strong willed women that I've met went through some shit before they built that up over time. They used to be that meek girl getting trampled on too. That's why it bugs me whenever people tear a woman apart for being strong willed or too set in her ways. There's often a serious backstory there but people don't care to examine why women would ever grow a crazy strong backbone that they refuse to let go of again.
I feel like I'm entering that stage of life lately, too old to repeat the same old passive behaviours. You're seen as a rude bitch for setting any boundaries as you get older. Shit that should be normal.
No. 1284370
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>>1284339>>1284351It's the vent thread, why should some things be off limit? I agree other boards than /ot/ and cow ones should get more traction, but anyway.
No. 1284404
>>1284370nah but even in ot there some specific rules in ceratin threads to be followed. Like the anons who take their politics and serious discussions in threads like dumbass or retarded shitposting which are supposed to be fun threads. Or the anons who cant stop posting weird alt-right tinfoils in the celebricow threads.
This is not what those threads are for, there are rules even in ot/
No. 1284412
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In a period of self-isolation and shock horror I am not enjoying myself, I miss my friends and family horrendously, and I’m getting even more depressed. Will I stop? No probably not until I have a break down.
No. 1284423
>>1284414When I was 13 a boy in my class hung himself, he succeeded but the mom went on to dedicate her whole life to telling and retelling his story a million times. Over the years her version of events on what happened that night would change a lil. There were initially some interviews where she admitted they had fought that night and that she refused to come home when he begged her to leave a party and make up with him. She hung up the phone on him.
My whole country thinks shes a saint but local people don't know what to think. If you look at her too closely its fishy. I don't think she harmed him but her coping mechanism is all about herself and not really that respectful to his memory.
No. 1284426
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I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired. Why does everyone points out my front teeth gap whenever I open my mouth? I get that I look ugly because of them but still… people, I didn't spend my whole life unaware of the fact that I have a teeth gap SO WHY DO YOU KEEP POINTING IT OUT?
Please just listen to me, listen to what I'm saying, stop focusing on my teeth and 'suggesting' me to get braces. I can't afford that. Hell I can't even afford to eat everyday, I'm fucking broke and my family wants me to marry and suck a rich abusive moid's cock instead of pursuing a dream so they don't pay for my studies. Fixing my teeth gap is NOT the priority right now. I hate that I don't even know how it's like to smile widely with all your teeth out, I could never do that since I grew up with everyone around me making fun of my teeth gap (which wasn't even that big as a kid). I hate that nowadays, I can't even bear to speak lest anyone notice my teeth gap again. I'm so tired. I just want someone to listen to me without their eyes wandering to my teeth.
No. 1284432
>>1284428Samefag but oh shit I didn’t see
>>1284426 above me. Personally I think front teeth gaps are cute (and not in a condescending way). All the girls who have them that I know of model on the side and are really pretty. And they might close with age anyway when your wisdom teeth fully grow in if they haven’t grown in yet.
I don’t have money as well (this was a gift), and it’s already hard to buy stuff, so I know the struggle. And people looking at your teeth, too. Just tell them to fuck off and that it isn’t a priority of yours. I think you should focus on your studies and being healthy as much as you can and that’s it. And people projecting their own neurosis regarding their looks/teeth says way more about them than it says about you. This shit is always memetic, I swear. Spreads like wildfire.
No. 1284459
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>>1284451 said. Even if you eat nothing that stains you still have to be very careful with braces or else your teeth will get white splotches just as a result of having plaque buildup, since braces make teeth much harder to clean thoroughly. They’re permanent, I have it a little and wish my orthodontist would have told me. Picrel.
No. 1284460
>>1284451 and the fact that coffee and tea are acidic drinks. Basically, in order for your teeth to mineralize and be healthy, your salvia has to have a healthy pH balance. Your body won’t be able to keep up with mineralization unless you’re giving it vitamin D and mk7, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in the right amounts. Nutrients through food.
Remineralization helps replace the minerals lost by eating acidic foods. If you have more demineralization than mineralization, that’s when cavities happen. I am staying away from coffee and tea until I make sure my vitamin and mineral profiles are optimal and my mouth’s pH is fine. Until then drinking coffee will just wear away my teeth’s enamel.
No. 1284469
>>1284459Those are from braces??? Wow I have been wondering what those are for YEARS.
I had my teeth straighted as a kid-teen, they could have done a better job as now I have a bit of overbite (my bottom teeth row is smaller than the top row so they kind of "tuck under" the top teeth). I also had metal wire installed to the back of my front teeth but it ripped off years ago, now there's just the adhesive bumps in there.
No. 1284529
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>>1284487>complains about twitter but has reddit spacing in your post opinion invalidated, nonners
No. 1284586
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>>1284579>Guy I know told me that he thought I'd turn into a "big booty goth" after my breakupwtf did he meant by that
No. 1284613
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reminder to ignore this schizotranny
No. 1284645
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I haaaaaaate dropping the "oh I'm taken!" bit of information into a conversation with a guy. I genuinely can't tell if he's friendly or into me, but I'd rather be safe than sorry later on down the road.
It's not that I deliberately want to hide that information, it just never feels natural for some reason when it comes up.
He asked to hang out and I said sure, but that I also had plans with my partner later to do something and I wasn't sure when I would need to leave to do that - technically a completely normal thing to say in response! But I just feel insane and anxious about it.
No. 1284660
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>look for animal specific documentaries on youtube
>get results upon results of animals getting killed by other animals
No. 1284677
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i used to be a tif and i peaked earlier this year, went off testosterone but my depression returned in full force & i was unable to move or do any of my hobbies or work for weeks/months. like my depression was so bad i couldn't move. im back on T now and i can finally function again but i know how bad it is for my system & my hopes of being a normal butch lesbian are kinda destroyed. i feel like shit but at least im not suicidal anymore :((:()
No. 1284729
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I've been trying to get over my avoidant personality traits, but between covid, monkeypox, and general rise in mental illness / people acting crazy asf it sure is hard
No. 1284745
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>>1284620nona you are not alone, i understand. in fact i was thinking the same just today. im okay with my arms but teenage me decided to start out with giant gashes on my thighs first so now i have men's shorts length sleeve of keloid scars on my thighs.
>it makes me want to cry knowing how there’s some outfits i don’t have the confidence to wear because of the too. it makes me feel even worse when its my mother saying it to me and telling me how ( not to make you feel worse )
i will never be loved/married because of how ugly i made myself look and that im a disgusting monster. she's right in my case because i really went overbroad but in my defense being alive past that point was not my concern at all and i did not expect to stay this long. she actually contacted a laser removal doctor once in my teens but i got so scared of the price i begged her to just forget about it because i knew we couldnt afford such a thing and i would feel even worse for her than i already did.
i dont even care about my arms, its just my hideous diseased looking thighs that creep me out so i cant imagine other people. the sight of them really grosses me out and makes me sad so i just wear tights all the time to cover them up and forget about them, that and for sensory issues.
>i wish the doctor could just cut them out and stitch the skin up because i’d much prefer to have some faint scars from plastic surgery stitches then whatever the results of laser treatment will be.i have had this exact same thought before as well, but in my case i dont think my skin can be stretched like that.
god i was such a retard too and i regret doing that to myself deeply but i have been getting over it a significant amount since i know there is not much that can be done really. i just have to live with this and maybe this way i can weed out people i dont want in my life.
im sorry if my reply doesnt make you feel any better about this i hope you find a solution suited for you very soon. best of luck and have a good day or evening wherever you are
No. 1284815
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my upstairs neighbors are so fucking loud
seriously her kid bounces a basketball at like 1 am and she has the nerve to call my mom and I karens when we call security
it makes me understand suburbanites a bit more. apartment living fucking sucks sometimes.
No. 1284871
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this annoying guy i know irl won't stop messaging me and trying to guilt trip me into talking to him or meeting up at his farm. he's so creepy and he lives with his pothead mom and like 12 cousins in the middle of fucking nowhere i just wish he would take a hint and leave me alone. he's way older than me and has told me twice that he's interested in me romantically and every time i feel so disgusted with myself i want to crawl out of my own skin and curl into a ball and die. i'll ghost him for a couple weeks and then he'll message me out of nowhere about how he's soooo depressed and some creepy shit about how i once made him so happy and how i'm the only person who brings him joy and i feel so terrible because i know he's going through a really hard time in his life right now, but he is such an unlikable person i can't bring myself to like him. i just want him to move on from me and find somebody else to fixate on. he can go get some swamp farm gf or something and live happily ever after far away from me.
No. 1284915
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Self-respect means nothing when you’re a woman. If you have self-respect, you’re just going to be lonely for your entire life and I’m tired of being lonely.
No. 1284969
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>>1284963WHEN ARE THE FUCKING MODS GOING TO WAKE UP AND DEAL WITH THIS SHIT I actually can’t stand this, I might actually hop off and go to if they can’t be bothered to control this shit.
No. 1284986
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Killing and violence and fucking destruction
No. 1284997
>>1284989My last partner had some weird sleep disorder where he'd get alot of sleep paralysis episodes and would sometimes moan for help because he thought he was in danger. You'd have to reassure him afterwards as if he were a child who had a night terror. He was on meds for a different problem and blamed the meds for it all. They weren't meds he could come off of though. Just had to live with it as a side effect. Weird shit but damn am I glad he never used it as an excuse to get gropey with me and claim innocence.
Legit crazy sleep disorder and yet he never sleep-groped in years and years of sleeping next to him during these episodes. Even at times when his sex drive was higher than mine and he was a bit frustrated by that.. he still would always just think some monster was attacking him lol. No sex, just monsters. Now that's a real sleep disorder in action.
No. 1285016
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>coworker keeps randomly checking in on me asking if i'm okay
i know he only means well by it but it makes me feel pathetic as fuck. it's because i had a breakdown at work the other week, and i'm having a hard time masking that i'm depressed…
No. 1285082
>>1285054Lmao nona i ugly cackled at this.
You're a poet.
No. 1285102
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My class is currently working on designing healthcare product packaging. One of my classmates is designing a package for menstrual cups and had the word "woman" on her box design. Three classmates have suggested for her to replace the word "woman" so that it can be "inclusive" to trannies and enbies. I CAN'T. I JUST FUCKING CAN'T WITH THESE PEOPLE. FUCKING HELL
No. 1285147
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These last few days have been so irritating for me lately, I feel like a fish that’s in an aquarium that’s always getting tapped. My brother keeps talking to me about video games and controllers and its ok, but after a while I just can’t bear it anymore. He gets me to play them but blows the biggest fucking gasket when I do things wrong. I just make a wrong choice or move and he starts going on about how I’m not human and how games are designed for apes to play and that I can’t even do that. I mess something up and its to blowing and huffing as if it’s some grave thing. I’ve loved silent hill for so long but never got to play, and he offered for me to play but it ended up being a sour experience for me so after the first time we played I just refuse to finish it unless I could do it alone. It’s not so bad now, but he still gets mad when I do things wrong, and I get it, I do things wrong a lot, but why is it so dire? And even besides vidya shit when I defend myself he gets so fucking mad and says that people can’t tell me anything because I’m pissy and I manipulate people because I scratch myself when I’m nervous. He tells me to choose shit, like what to do, and I always say “I don’t know” because I usually get told said choice is stupid. I get called an idiot, and how not human I am for not being able to communicate properly. O woe is me, how can I have such a school smart sister who’s such a fucking retard in every other aspect of life? I just have a block now when it comes to things, I know its dumb but it’s that I can’t answer properly. So he’s right, it’s weird behavior, but he does’t help. And then, I have this thing where I hate when people see my screen so when he’s close by I go to the home screen or turn it off and he always says he’s not looking, or even that I’m self centered for thinking anyone cares. But sometimes he comments on what’s on my screen when he walks behind me. He sees me on here and immediately tells me to be careful posting because he sees I’m on an imageboard, so he clearly looks at times.
We’re both just so fucking retarded but I hate being the runt. I hate always feeling stupid, and when I say that he says I have a weird complex. But then he viciously belittles me at times. Gah.
No. 1285191
maybe it’s because i’m having a bad day, but the profound disappointment i have in myself is rotting me like a cavity. my life is shitty, and not in a kind of earnest, excusable, lack of opportunity way, but in the loathsome, “wow that person has absolutely no sense of initiative or discipline” way. i don’t do anything besides the very bare minimum, and even then it’s usually too little too late, so now i’m nearing 25 and have practically zero friends, relationships, experiences, accomplishments, ambitions, or even genuine interests. i listen to other people talk about the things they like, don’t like, do, tried, etc and i feel dumbfounded as to how they manage to do that. and i know this sounds like depression but i can’t remember ever not being like this. just a bystander in my own life. i wish i knew what makes me so immobile. i understand in theory the answer is to just try? or do? but i don’t even know how to do that.
No. 1285203
>>1285192wtf i’m so sorry. try to clarify things with your ex if you can, chew the fuck out of the other guy without letting him get any word in, then just never speak to either of them again. i’ve had men lie to each other about me for literally no reason, making up the most bizarre stories, and none ever gave me any explanation. just pathetic lines like “im so sorry. i’m shit i’m so shitty. i’m awful.” liars are not worth keeping around ever and they don’t deserve your attention. remember not to grovel or beg for explanations because really there isn’t any
seriously i had a moid tell another moid that i had been his gf for months and that i keyed his car for no reason and that i stole his stash of cash from his bed. i literally never met the guy irl!
No. 1285332
>>1285331that's what i thought, the sea is dark unlike a swimming pool so even if i bleed people won't notice
but surely it will stain my bikini?
i will feel so ashamed with blood stains on it
No. 1285334
>>1285330do you have some sort of medical condition or are you just too scared to put one in/never have before?
if there’s change rooms maybe you could put on a pad, take it off and then put on your swim suit then get out and put on shorts or something?
No. 1285340
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i feel so lonely and like it is too late to make friends. when i think it's been going good, i end up doing something embarrassing or upsetting. i don't want to be this way but the only way out is taking way too strong medication to band-aid a problem that ironically only presents itself when socializing. so i can either be myself and friendless, or depressed, slowly losing my intellectual and kinetic abilities and destroying my organs and possibly making a friend or two.
No. 1285437
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Ugh sometimes I feel like the only reason I was born, was to take care of everyone around me. Mostly my family. They all use me as an emotional crutch and I am drained. Last friday my mom had a depressive episode, so my dad asked me to come over (a three hour drive) and calm her down because she was hysterical and threatening to kill herself if he called an amulance or something and would only calm down if I came over. Yesterday I went to play soccer with my little cousin for a bit because my uncle said he's worried for him because he's been more intoverted since covid hit and never leaves his room anymore. This morning I got a bunch of texts from my aunt (not the mom of the cousin I just mentioned), saying she's struggling with bills, her divorce and her depression and asked me if I was free to come over in the next couple of days because she needs some "hope". Man, I'm dealing with my own depression too ffs. I can never catch a break.
No. 1285442
>>1285437God damn
nonnie, you really do need a break. You MUST start setting and keeping boundaries. Your grown-ass parents calling you for help of that magnitude is inappropriate. It must be a very difficult position to be in. I'm angry now for you. Keep your head up darlin'
No. 1285464
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My partners mother uses him and his younger sister for monetary gain and I have no way of helping him. Earlier this year, his mother told him she had an infectious illness - one that has been largely eradicated due to vaccination. If you do contract it, you're sent to a special quarantine facility and have specialised doctors treat you. She said she had just been told to quarantine in the group home (where she room shares with other people) and told to take antibiotics. We both knew she was lying, his dad told him she was telling him that just to scare him and get money from him, and my partner agreed. She claimed she was better and could now see them. We go out for the day, and she asks to be taken out for dinner. When the tab comes she starts talking about how ill she was and that she doesn't have money to pay for it because she had to take time off of work. His sister ends up paying and I give her the cash for my own meal.
This was the most recent incident. Multiple situations like this have happened before and I don't want to bore you recounting each one. I just can't keep going on seeing him have to eat into his savings to pay for his mother and seeing his younger teenage sister be taken advantage of too is heart breaking. She knows exactly how to manipulate them both into getting what she wants. He knows what she is doing, he has told me himself the things she's done to him but he says he has no option as he loves her and doesn't want to lose her.
I know that I can't control it as he loves her unconditionally. He never asks me to contribute, when I offer to pay he always outright refuses. He provides for his mother (and has done so since 17) by himself. There is no solution to this issue but I don't know how to cope with seeing someone who has such genuine intentions be used by the person who is meant to care for him.
No. 1285492
I really wish I was infertile, the thought of getting pregnant, suffering through its symptoms, and then being responsible of another human being as a deeply mentally ill person with childhood trauma, sounds like an absolute nightmare. The fact a random scrote could just rape me and ruin my life (further) with a baby haunts me to no end, all my dreams, goals, happiness and peace would vanish. Something that really disturbs me is the thought of accidentally hurting my child, i was abused trough all my childhood and I don't want my demons to get the best of me, I would actually kill myself if I ever hurt a child much less my own blood, i also don't want a kid (specially a girl) to suffer after realizing how horrible this world is
No. 1285503
>>1285102In college about 2 years ago I had a weird healthcare related class and the teacher was a very big tranny-worshiping lesbian and we were trying to write papers about making healthcare more inclusive for gender specials and I was nearly forced to write about how I might make treating a woman with prostate cancer feel more at ease getting up on the table to prepare them for having their treatment. Anyone that tried to write papers on topics related to women such as different approaches for sexual assault
victims during exams, wasn't docked points but she definitely tried to get them to choose tranny comfort related topics. Horrible class. I passed with an easy A but I felt disgusted.
No. 1285517
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I met my partner's family for the first time. It really drove home how much of your life is decided for you before you're even born.
My parents tried and all that, but I didn't stand a chance against all the bullshit I was born into. I'm surprisingly well-adjusted considering that I was born on the rez to a couple of boomers with personal issues they never resolved between themselves.
Her parents raised her with encouragement and gave her lots of praise, mine constantly shamed me or mocked whatever I wanted to do. She was raised in an upper middle class neighborhood and given all the resources for learning, I'm entirely self-taught and had to withstand years of bullying due to everyone in my immediate surroundings having anger issues, weird insecurities and the whole town festering with a toxic crabs in a bucket mentality so that you got pushed down and mocked whenever you tried to make your way out of mediocrity and poverty.
Even today, I'm still catching up in order to come close to where she is now, and I fear I may never get there. Some days I want to go back and just start doing meth instead, at least that way I'll be equal to those around me.
No. 1285586
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My social anxiety makes me want to roll my eyes like 10x over. I just did a final presentation for a chill class and my sudden stage fright took the best of me and I sounded like a dumb robotic mess. I thought this would be resolved through age like a normal person but throughout the months I feel like my anxiety has really become a plague on my life. When I was still in high school I was called childish for my social anxiety by a dumbfuck counselor. It’s so embarrassing because depression is really easy to hide, all you have to do is continuously grit and smile and no one suspects a thing, with anxiety that shit makes you shake and crack open like mom’s spaghetti. I’m such an idiot
No. 1285593
>>1285569Also from the UK. Studied at a uni for a few months, my dad cut me out of his life and I had no friends. I felt like i was tied down because I had saved up to learn how to drive and was enrolled at a good university. My mum sat me down and told me to do what I felt would be most fulfilling so I dropped out and I'm now in the process of a complete change of career.
You might feel as though you have these obligations but it's never too late to pull a U turn and take another route. Don't let a relationship entrap you. Acting in your own self interest is not selfish - you're ensuring you lead the life you want to live. Please don't make the mistake of feeling you have any obligation to stay or serve a certain purpose in life.
No. 1285622
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a girl i knew from some virulent discord circles recently jumped off of a building while high on meth. we weren't close, but we spoke a couple of times and i didn't even know she lived so close to me until recently. i also didn't know that her boyfriend was the same degenerate junkie faggot that used to run in the same circles too–i knew him when he was much more of an innocent kid, literally years ago. i feel sick knowing i could have just reached out to her, but i knew nothing of what was going on. my stomach turns knowing discord males were egging on her suicide. i dont have a savior complex, i just wish i could have been a friend or even hung out with her and been there for her, she was only a year younger than me. maybe she could have felt cared about, but i know that probably wouldnt have been the case. i just wish she knew that it never had to be this way, that it wasnt a fate she deserved. she was a very sweet girl. i definitely blame these circles and her boyfriend for what became of her, because she started to follow a very dark path of heavy drug use.
in a way i am inspired that she had such guts to commit an act i have been putting off out of hope that things will get better, and fear that i will ruin the life of my mother, even if she hurts me with her bipolar actions fairly often. this isnt about me of course, but i cant say i did not have a moment of reflection, thinking i should follow in her footsteps because she might be so much more at peace now.
on the other hand, my heart breaks for her. maybe she could have healed, had a shot at a life much lovelier than the hand she was dealt recently, the battles she was facing….even if just for a bit longer, you know? to take advantage of a life that is so cruel to us is something i think we ought to try to do more. but its never easy. i just feel so awful. she is gone now. many other girls will follow this same fate. i often think i will one day, too, when i no longer have the will to keep pushing. but i see how it hurts people, how it changes them forever, but that is not a thought during suicidal ideation. it is a selfish act, but inadvertently. i just want to carry such a bleak reality with me in a positive way though. that is not to make it about me, but i feel compelled to try to be strong for the girls who hurt so terribly. i hope i can live for them, i hope there is a place where they can look down on earth and be shielded from the true nature of it all. i want them to see happiness, i do not want them to be punished for the pain they had to endure. i feel so sorry. i am so guilty of being jealous of the peace they get to have, but i cant help but cry at the thought of hurting people around me. i just want to love. i just want to be strong. whether those girls who hurt exist here or elsewhere, i just want to be there for them. it is something i stuck by in the past, as a little girl while healing from trauma, but growing up i just…lost it. i adored my friends, i helped them…but i guess what im saying is: im older now. i can actually help become a part of something greater to help girls like this. i dont mean through art, or music, that feels too selfishly cathartic and hedonistic, but maybe im wrong. but maybe it is important for me to pursue a career or start an organization that can make some good change. maybe a documentary for awareness. maybe im just being dumb. i just dont want other girls my age, or even younger, hell, or older, to meet this fate. especially at the hands of such disgusting males and vile drugs. nobody except pedophiles and gruesome moids deserve this.
No. 1285649
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Annoyed because due to medical reasons I am basically bedbound at the moment so my husband has to do all of the chores by himself and it frustrates me to no end because I have to keep nagging him to do things and he doesn't do anything right or up to my standard. I wish so much that I could just do it myself, it is unbearable. I wish I could just relax and take care of myself, but I can't when I have to keep nagging him to get things done so the house doesn't turn into a trash-heap while I can't do anything.
No. 1285661
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If I think about the fact I fell into a pit of health hell a week before the pandemic, touring between 4 hospitals all through the pandemic, my head just goes almost numb and I feel like I need to kill myself. I'm never gonna recover from the mental toll this shit has taken, I feel absolutely dead inside, I haven't gotten to do anything or see almost anyone because I seriously cannot get sick, otherwise my appointments would be moved or I would like hehe die with my luck yano, and this isn't even over yet. I have no energy for this, like I can feel my body giving up, it's not about my mentality, I am trying so hard but what the fuck is my luck? Every fucking other week I go to a shitty hospital where shitty men walk around sans masks and I wanna just go berserk and scream cry, full tard mode and chomp on walls or some shit.
No. 1285668
>>1285664I thought I didn't have cramps that bad, I've had friends with worse ones and all that, then I ended up getting diagnosed with late stage endometriosis. I know male gyros suck ass, it's vile almost, but I had one actually ok one
it was an emergency and I really hope you get this looked into.
No. 1285681
>>1285664I'm sorry anon, that sounds awful. Have you taken painkillers? And could you possibly see another gyno?
I don't know if it's just my luck but all the female gynos I saw were horrible. One of them dismissed my suicidal PMS thoughts with a 'It's perfectly normal to feel sad a week before your period, every woman experiences that', I got the same vibes from what you wrote
No. 1285787
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I miss the rain. It's been so long since we had proper rain here, it does rain from time to time but it's only a very short one for a few moments and then it's gone for another week or two. The plants really need it here but I also love how calming it is, but nope. Looking up the weather for the upcoming days and months says nothing but sunshine and heat. The promised thunder storms never come as well.
No. 1285825
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Tell me if I'm overreacting. I had to finish work ealier because after 2 months of not having a period my period hit me like a truck and I had severe pain in my stomach, my back and my legs and my painkillers didn't help me. I got home and after 2 hours I had to go to the grocery store bc I had no more pads and toilet paper. I was unlucky enough to pass by my coworker who had a first shift and finished much ealier than me but he saw me at work and he knew I had a second shift. Now I'm scared that tomorrow he will mention that to someone and they will be like durr she leaves work after 3 hours and claims she feels ill but she wanders around the city or something. I'm always very anxious, but situations like this, when someone can possibly accuse me of something like skipping school/work on purpose, make it even worse
No. 1285868
>>1285825>I was going to the store to get medicineNot that hard, anon. If you really want to go all out you could just be completely honest and say something like, “I went home because I was suddenly hit with menstrual cramps that made it hard to stand up let alone think. Then when I got home I realized I had no pads or tampons so I was forced to go to the store otherwise I would leave big blood stains all over the furniture as my blood clots seeped through my clothes.”
Most moids can’t handle period talk and will shrivel up like raisins if you describe it in a frank way.
No. 1285891
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My friends were being so flaky and overall just unpleasant, and I started to feel like I had outgrown them in many ways. I love them but decided to detach myself from them and focus more on my studies, home building, and my relationship while hoping to meet new people. Well, I feel even weirder than before. It feels good to not be so worried about them but I miss talking to them, even if they did constantly burn me and lie and have strange bpd fits where they’d need constant reassurance that they’re not fat and ugly for a solid hour otherwise they’d threaten suicide. Bah. I prefer being alone to having crappy friends but it’s weighing on me. I’ve been spending too much time here in /ot/ because it feels like a groupchat. I already hadn’t hung out with my friends in a long time because the constant flaking but now I feel even lonelier. I tried using Bumble BFF and every woman I was interested in talking to would end up deleting the app. I don’t want internet friends either because I spent far too much time investing in e-friendships as a teenager just for them to amount to very little, even if they were experiences that helped me grow as a person.
I miss going out with people, dancing with them, reading to each other in the park, sharing pastries, having long conversations. I don’t want to have to continue being lonely or otherwise begrudgingly accept that I should just be friends with people I’m not all that compatible with. The most compatible friendships I’ve had have all been online and eventually fizzled out because it’s hard to maintain that kind of connection once school and jobs become big parts of everyone’s lives, not to mention most people get an irl friend group of their own which (rightfully) has priority. It doesn’t help that I live in a shitty business city in the worst part of the country. No artists around, not many interesting people. I have no problem being friends with average non artistic types but they tend to find me odd and I don’t get as much out of those friendships. I should probably move.
No. 1285917
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I will when you get banned. Anyway, I'm just relaxing.
No. 1285935
>>1285929Do you know anyone in Germany or is it hosted on an EU site? I need more context to give you ideas. Is it posted to image boards other than here?
For here definitely email the admin and it should come down anon
No. 1285958
>>1285955Similar concept on social media owned by the tranny lovers anon. If it’s a place that saying a man is a man gets you banned then assume the algorithm is fucking you. Those people are also media boxed in and their opinions are based off their curated timelines. People who’s opinions are based in social media sites are the most uninformed “informed” people.
Reddit right now is promoting an article about the GOP that fits the right “narrative” that’s actually just wrong. I hate the GOP but it’s actually like illegally wrong.
No. 1286014
>>1286013because most people want to uphold the status quo of gender role stereotyping, not because you’re actually abnormal or a freak. defying the expectations of womanhood will be seen as weird but it doesn’t make
you weird by nature.
No. 1286101
>>1286011Holyshit, how annoying. Most girls dont play with barbies. I grew up with Xmen and videogames and I'm still very much a woman. You do realize the whole reason why transgenderism is bullshit is because all it does is put girls vs boys in tiny gendered boxes of what they should like as hobbies.
It becomes dangerous when it leaks into adult jobs like how women 'shouldn't be doctors' or 'engineers.' It makes only women suffer to have this mind set. Not men.
No. 1286105
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Apparently the momlife comic that was posted a couple of days ago is being exposed and moids are losing their minds
No. 1286119
>>1286013>>1286011Nonny there are countless girls around the world who feel or have felt exactly the same as you, and they accept or reject the gender roles that are imposed on them to varying degrees. You're not abnormal, there's nothing wrong or different about you, it's not your fault that society decided that girls must wear pink and skirts and not blue or pants (which anyone who actually uses their brain could see is extremely retarded and nonsensical, and has nothing to do with biology). In some places, being a "tomboy", a girl who prefers things that are more strongly associated with boys at a given period and place, is a worse crime than in others, so it's possible that you were unlucky to have been born in a place and in a family that judges you more harshly for (naturally) going against gender sterotypes, and they made you feel like a freak when in reality they are the ones who are wrong.
If you believe in the existence of the patriarchy, it shouldn't be difficult to see that you feeling abnormal for having what is considered an "unfeminine" personality is ultimately a symptom of said patriarchy: moids in power said that women are this and that, and people believed it, now everyone shames you for not fitting that oppressive image of what women "should" be. They make you feel bad for not fitting into an impossible mold, which some individuals try to fit as much as possible while sacrificing their actual self or even their own freedom (women who go to extreme lengths to be more "feminine" like those who get a lot of plastic surgery, or tradtards, for example), while others simply reject it while enduring the social pressure.
Even little and seemingly inoffensive comments like "you look like a man when you wear that/walk like that! haha", if repeated a lot over time and especially during her formative years and adolescence, can contribute to making a woman feel uncomfortable with herself and believe that she's not doing a good job at being female. Some women then start to believe that if they cannot be themselves while being women (according to society), that if their personality and (society's idea of) what a woman must be are incompatible, their only option to be free, comfortable and accepted as their true selves (personality-wise) is to attempt to become men in the eyes of society, because society says that only men can be what you're like, even though that's not true at all and no personality trait is unique to men or women. Thus, Aidens exist.
Although I did have female friends and liked Barbie when I was little, I also loved playing with the boys and loved "boy" toys like cars or trains. Blue has been my favorite color since I was at least 6. Sometimes I rebelled against the adults who were trying to condition me into liking things I did not like or wear things I didn't want to wear. Isn't it normal for a kid to not want to wear something they don't feel comfortable in? Like I said, dresses are not "for girls" because of any biological reason, and for kids, gender roles don't make any sense, so some kids rebel against them, while others blindly accept them without understanding why and then bully other kids for not fitting the mold. Tbh since I've been reading about the origins of shounen and shoujo manga, I've started to believe that
most of "femininity" is an artificial construct that is only enforced in a patriarchal society and that women are naturally more like "tomboys" than this fake idea of hyperfeminine "woman". The vast majority of women like a mix of "feminine" and "masculine" things.
You don't have a "boy brain", you just have preferences that might "deviate" a little from that of the average woman's, but that does not make you male or less female. Society automatically assumes that just because the average woman has long hair and likes/is taught to like pink and dresses and make up, or because the average girl likes/is taught to like dolls, unicorns and fairy tale princesses, then that's what all women are like and those things are exclusively for women so they're "girly" things, and interests that are similarly associated with men and boys are assumed to be "boyish" or "manly" (gender sterotypes). But stereotypes don't tell the truth about
all members of a group. The average woman doesn't represent every woman, and there's a huge percentage of women whose tastes could be considered "manly" or "unfeminine" compared to the sterotype.
Of course, gendertards will tell you that you must identify as something other than female just because you happen to be a normal woman that does't fit the nonsensical expectations for your sex, and it's no coincidence that the creation of new unnecessary, artificial identities opens a new market of enbies and other weird "genders" to take advantage of, and that convincing confused teens that they're the wrong sex en masse also expands the market for hormone replacement therapy and sex change surgery (which IMO is closely tied to the plastic surgery industry, the one that profits off women's insecurity that is a result of failing to meet the same expectations that leads to adolescent girls trooning out).
sage for wall of text, i would've posted it on 2X but it's a vent as well. No. 1286125
>>1286120100% this this this this. thank you so much for writing this so coherently lol. i HATE hearing people (especially gcs) that female and male brains are fundamentally different and that our differences are entirely based in biology. completely ignoring that humans are social creatures that uphold the status quo until it’s eventually disrupted on a mass scale.
but yeah you’re so on the nose with women being more expected to give into men’s whims and female socialization in other ways, doesn’t help that moids love saying “erm we achieved
equality a long time ago, what more do you want, ugh women really expect special treatment now” just for saying you don’t want to be seen as a sex object fucktoy machine or a capitalist girlboss or a housewife or whatever else they impose on us
No. 1286145
>>1286119Thank you for exhausting reply anon, you're right about a lot of stuff, I also believe there's way more naturally "tomboyish" girls out there than it appears to be, I think I'm simply frustrated by the fact they're just conforming to societal expectations instead of being their actual selves and being an example for younger generations. I've seen too many mothers, including my own, being either verbally or physically
abusive towards their daughters simply because they didn't "behave like girls" and didn't want to perform femininty. It was so bad I grew to hate women who perform femininity. I don't believe it makes me a NLOG because I don't hate them because I want male approval. I despise males. I hate those women simply because they take part in the brainwashing, the ritualistic breaking of young girls' spirits.
No. 1286150
>>1286145i feel you nonna, i’ve let go of the resentment but it was similar for me too, i hated them for sending the idea to other women that these rituals are necessary. i’ve learned to relax but only because i’ve become complicit in it myself. i was such a shithead little 11 year old distraught over girls wearing makeup kek, i never said anything to their faces at least.
but as an adult who performs femininity a lot more, i approach conversations about how we shouldn’t feel obligated to do these things with women quite often, and they usually become immediately defensive no matter how i bring it up, claiming it’s
their hobby to spend hours on their hair and spend all their paychecks on makeup that they wouldn’t feel the need to wear without other people around. it makes me genuinely sad. i wish i could at least get everyone to understand it, they wouldn’t even have to change anything, i just want them to know that these things aren’t necessary and are often harmful. i play the game now because i recognize it influences how i’m seen. i resent that but lean into it because it makes life easier. so i understand them, and i wish their cognitive dissonance didn’t make it so hard for them to see the truth. with that said i’ve still been able to pinkpill quite a number of women and it warms my heart seeing them encourage their little sisters to not wear makeup and so on, with many of these women dropping it themselves as well. i still only wear makeup half the time, they take me more seriously when i do wear it lol.
No. 1286169
>>1286145It’s getting better, societal-scale changes just take time. My grandpa refused to so much as give his daughters middle names because he believed the only middle name a woman should have is her husband’s last name. His daughter (my mom) ended up still being very gender-stereotype-conforming but she never discouraged me from collecting bugs or using the table saw, even if she would sometimes tut-tut as I continually refused to wear makeup. Meanwhile I would never keep my kids from expressing themselves how they want or doing what they want as long as it doesn’t hurt themselves or others.
This sort of trend can be easier to see with smaller-scale topics and communities. For instance, whenever some groundbreaking new theory comes along and creates a paradigm shift, the older researchers never fully accept it and you have to wait till the older generations to die off before you really have consensus, even if the evidence is overwhelming. It happened with the idea of human evolution, it happened with the idea of plate tectonics, it’ll keep happening.
No. 1286212
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>>1286183Was it THIS sweater by any chance
No. 1286242
I'm worried I'm an empty person. I have some of my own interests, hobbies, skills, and I know personality-wise I'm not that bad, but I feel like a fraud and a copycat. When I get attached to someone, I try to like the things they like so we have things to talk about. I consider it basic empathy to engage with others interests, let them show me things the they make/enjoy, listen when they sperg out, etc. Thats just one way I show my friendship. I truly enjoy that! But then at the same time… I never share anything myself, and in the rare times I try it, I do such poor job of talking/explaining that I even bore myself. I do it like once every 2 years, never more than once with the same person, and then shut up forever. And when I have online friends I'm never the one streaming or picking things to watch/do. Sometimes I will suggest things if someone else is bored, but only within the realms of their interests, something they've been known to enjoy in the past. Never anything new that I would want to introduce them to.
It's not like I'm frustrated that I never get to choose. I'm worried by the fact that I've been passive like this for years, absorbing others interests, having little to show for myself. I think it's normal to get into things because someone else recommended it, but I rarely ever happen upon and enjoy things organically. It's always because someone else showed me, and they liked it, and we have similar tastes so I guess I like it too? To be fair I did have a brief obsession (1-2 months long; nothing compared to my usual years-long autistic deep dive) that was totally independent, BUT I was completely isolated at the time and as soon as I got new friends, I pretty much immediately dropped it.
It's embarrassing. I feel empty inside. I feel like I have nothing original to offer, at least in this avenue. I must be so boring… Thankfully people seem to enjoy having me around because I'm a good listener and I'll let almost anyone talk at me for hours, no matter how much I want to get away. Idk I guess I'm just having a crisis where I don't really know what I like, or what I'm about, or who I am at all.
It's hard to be defined by hobbies alone because I'm fucking depressed and hardly produce much of anything. And yeah I'm a nice person but that's not memorable. I wish I had things to attach myself to and get really into, even if it's just a video game or a type of plant or something, that I could show to others without feeling shameful or boring. And maybe my friends would see that thing and think of me and be happy to see it! But I don't have anything. I'm empty.
No. 1286248
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>houseplant wasn't doing well at my place
>bf says he can revive it
>give it to him to care for
>1 month passes
>find out he killed it
every last leaf shriveled and fell off.
No. 1286260
>>1284469>>1284459nta. not all white splotches are from braces. i never had braces but have them from my absolutely retarded self absorbed negligent asshole parents giving me a medicine incorrectly when i was a kid.
>>1284478so the teeth that are pulled like, what happened now? you can't grow new teeth so are there just huge gaps at the back or spaces or implants or what? i mean that sounds like lobotomy anon. pretty sure having crooked teeth is preferable to a treatment that if it gets even slightly messed up means you have to pull out 3 fucking teeth…
No. 1286264
>>1284815that sucks. i have a fat woman living above me who apparently has insomnia. she used to clop around at 1am until i left her a note. i tried really hard to write it so i would get the result i want (quietness after 10pm) so i didn't just mindlessly vent or be accusatory and aggressive, but was super cunning about how i phrased it. and it worked, she stopped being loud as fuck. i also reported her to management twice for smoking on the balcony and she mostly stopped that too.
i hate that i have to police every other resident. not once in my entire life has anyone ever filed a noise complaint against me. in my last building i would reguarly have to report people at least once a week, and would go out and give the knock twice a month and ask them to shut up. no one has ever done that with me. it's 10pm. it's quiet hour start. you know you have to shut up. just??? like shut up?!!?! i dont understand how it's that hard for people to fucking understand.
i live in a very small studio so only crazy people would have a kid here, luckily.
No. 1286269
>we don't need women we're better off without them, we're going to mgtow, haha women are going to be sooooo mad when they find outalso scrotes:
>a stranger told me my ex gf cheated on me with no proof or substantiation, i'm going to sudoku>i haven't eaten anything but cup ramen for 3 years>all the towels smell like mildew and my socks are crusty and turned brown>every surface in home is grimy and i stay up until 5 am watching hardcore pornography and now cannot hold a job>i spent my life savings on onlyfans and now have to choose between living in a van or doing meth under the bridgewomen thrive without men. men go to seed, fall into squalor and hermit conditions, and suicide without women. pathetic. yet they act so arrogant and aggressive like they have a superiority complex, but time and time again, a man wihtout a woman to care for him and wipe his ass for him is just a retarded widdle baby who can't function as an adult.
No. 1286270
>>1286242Anon, I think that's a great quality to have and I'm sure your friends are really grateful that they're able to share their interests with you and you actually engage with them and pick up on them. In a way, we're all an amalgamation of our friends and influences from other people and if you're interested in something then I don't think it matters if you found it yourself organically or if someone else showed it to you first. As long as you're genuinely interested in something, I don't think it matters how you found it- it still counts as your own interest too! I miss when my friends and I shared interests and it feels really good when I sperg about something I really like and I can see my friend picking up on it, although that rarely happens anymore. I don't think your friends would find you boring, and on the contrary, you must be a great friend to have for being so open-minded toward what your friends are into.
That being said, feeling depressed and empty is never a great feeling. It's kind of hard when you're in a rut and want to figure out things like who you are or what you're about. Maybe you could try some imaginative exercises, like try to imagine someone who would be your 'ideal' self or a person you'd think was really cool and interesting. What kinds of stuff would they be into? Could you try looking into that stuff and seeing if maybe some of it sticks? Or imagine if you had a completely free day where you didn't have to worry about money, time commitments, etc. Imagine what sorts of activities and things you'd do to fill up that day. Maybe that could give you a small idea of what kinds of things you enjoy.
No. 1286285
>>1286275what i mean is do you have fewer teeth now? if several teeth got pulled then are there large spaces at the back of your teeth behind your molars? or what?
>>1286278cheap chinese junk is reason enough. no matter what i buy, if it's made in china it will break in a year or less. fuck that country, i hope japan sends a gundam army to stomp them all and their shitty chinesium junk.
No. 1286349
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>>1286303read the fanfic, maybe it will boost your mood
No. 1286442
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I hate that I'm crying about missing a manipulative scrote that I cut contact with 2 years ago. I'm so lonely it's pathetic. He was my only person I ever trusted. All I was in the end was another name added to his list of sad, broken girls.
No. 1286445
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I'm so anxious when I'm driving that my whole body is shaking, I keep making stupid mistake, especially with the shifter because my movement is so rigid. My whole head is in full panic mode because I'm so afraid of killing someone or driving into a wall. I just freeze, and brake with full force every time I have the slightest hesitation. I'm already 22, I really need this driving license. Every lesson is so expensive, so it stresses me even more to waste time by being an idiot. Why am I so fucking bad at driving, everyone seems to be able to do it ? I've literally regressed between the two last driving lesson reeeeee
No. 1286495
>>1286476well they always seemed like good people before randomly ditching me, 2 of them had bpd so maybe had something to do with it (the 10 year friendship was with one of the bpd ones, the other bpd was my college roommate) and my childhood best friend stopped hanging out with me and wouldn't make time for me after switching schools but before that she was always really kind caring nice and a reliable friend same as the others
I just feel like being ditched by 3 best friends no explanation must be because I'm at fault, and now whenever I try and form a new friendship or progress behind acquaintances it's like the other person is never interested
maybe my autism really is too much and nobody wants to deal with it
No. 1286517
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Posted some time ago about being unable to trust people and make friends after last female friend I made only pretended to be my friend so i dont suspect her while she's having sex with my now-ex; So in that post I've said that there was co-worker in the picture that seems friendly but I'm afraid to get closer to her because of fear of being hurt again; after our last conversation she initiated she basically left me on read in the middle of it despite my last message being a question so the convo definitely didn't die off naturally. It's been 4 days, she's been active online a lot since then; now I'm unable to worry it's yet another person playing some mind games with me. Especially since she messaged me on the day I was leaving for the weekend with my current bf staying in town, so of course my mind is running crazy she was in some way trying to make sure I'll be gone or whatever. Can anyone think of any innocent reason of why she would do that to me? Especially after initiating the conversation?
No. 1286524
>>1286497well it's entirely possible I'm just so bad at reading social cues and social situations that I cannot even spot red flags without someone pointing them out…
the college roommate I think was nothing personal and she just got busy with her husband and a full time job and moving across the county after graduation so I guess it was too much for her to manage all at once
dunno about the other 2 really maybe it's better if I not think too hard about it since it makes me sad
No. 1286531
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No. 1286537
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>>1286531I feel so stupid for not even understanding WHY it's so common. Is it nothing but inner jealousy that leads them into thinking life is a competition? It's disturbing. I really hope that you will be able to cut off this person.
No. 1286550
>>1286537>>1286535It would be way too long to explain but the only contact we now have after being "besties" even 4 years ago is being Instagram mutuals. It's just insanity, I have learned not to post certain stuff that's of any significance to me but she actually just went and got the same custom order earrings I did, those weren't cheap and I'm wondering wtf was the jeweller thinking, maybe she just thought someone saw them online and liked them, that's ok but it's so creepy. I don't wanna powerlevel but we have such different tones and body types that her skin walking looks insane at times, she did quot for a while but somehow it started back up again. I don't wanna just block her because we still have friends in common but even some of them have noticed, it's so bizarre, she is seriously pretty and okay as herself, I wouldn't have been friends with her if she completely sucked in the first place. This turned into a real damn vent, sorry, it's just so unexplainable to me, I need to block my stories from her, we're almost 30 for crying outloud.
No. 1286574
nonny love you
No. 1286604
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The "non-binary" moid at work is concern trolling about Beyoncé being ableist for including a no-no word in one of her songs when just a few weeks ago he was quizzing me on if I'm "truly disabled" because I was able to stop using my wheelchair after intensive physio and use a walking stick instead. He also implied that the fact I can still stay in shape and exercise suggests I'm "practically able bodied" (typical fat westerner logic that I should just give up on staying in shape after a setback) and a while before that he complained about my walking stick making too much noise on the floor because he had a hangover headache and asked me to either stay seated or "just hobble about" for the rest of the day. I really hope karma strikes and cripples this faggot.
No. 1286615
>>1286569please. do yourself a favour and ignore her. all I read are excuses why you allegedly "can't do it bc reasons", but at the same time she is robbing you of your sanity.
do your mutual friends notice her skinwalking? it has to be very obvious to everybody. what do they say about that?
No. 1286631
>>1285839super late but
>It's hotter than Satan's asshole hereThank you for the laugh, anon! Really needed this.
>>1286604Damn, what an asshole. I'm sorry you have to deal with this nutjob. But you got this anon, sounds like you made amazing progress already Wishing you the best.
No. 1286709
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Men love to dedicate their lives to trying to humiliate and degrade women at any and all cost of their time, resources, and means so they never have to develop any sort of emotional intelligence or ability to process reality or empathize. Overpowering women is the only real capability they have to fuel their egos and self esteem and they will justify it in any way they possibly can. They will lie, manipulate, and bend the will to anything possible and revolve their entire lives around it without any sign of moving on until they finally die or develop dementia.
No. 1286718
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I hate that I still simp men. I hate them and I am aware they are a disgrace and nothing good comes from them.
But still I yearn for a relationship. I resent myself for this and I resent men because I know I am nothing they want: not pretty, not tender.
How the fuck do I escape this hell? I have everything to be happy: I am well paid, I had a good education and probably a good financial future.
I could invest in several beauty things to improve my appearance, but this is a humiliation tbh. Like I have to get fillers and what not so maybe a man will take a second look at me.
Yet I still feel fucking lonely.
No. 1286720
>>1286713This is pathetic. If someone bought every single thing you personally wore, went out of their way to act like you, adopted your mannerisms, all very suddenly, you
wouldnt be extremely uncomfortable? All the posters replying to the original anon telling her she’s full of herself have clearly never been skinwalked online or irl. Besides, being unique isn’t required to be copied or skinwalked. Most cows we see here get skinwalked despite being boring people too. All it takes is an obsessive insecure woman and someone for her to latch onto. It has nothing to do with the person being copied and everything to do with the person who’s copying. It’s not something a secure person does, and it’s a lot more than just “omg i like her purse, i might get the same one, it’s so cute!”
No. 1286728
>>1286337This is why I hate modern old people. In the past old people were legitimately poor and starving, so that's why we set up social benefits and things like senior discounts. Now they all took advantage of it, have millions of dollars of assets but cry that they're poor and starving, and make young people who can't even afford healthcare for themselves pay for 90 year old secretaries to go to 7 doctor appointments a month. I get pissed off just thinking about it. People who work for a living cannot afford a house or family or healthcare. But there's a class of old people with millions of dollars of assets who get FREE healthcare and discount 55+ community housing, and then still act like
Don't give her money but humor her and remind her to put you on that will.
No. 1286742
>>1286561I mean, Nona, if you don't have skills that employers value I don't know what you expect. Data entry is all you really qualify for. I have a wfh job with no phonecalls (do have daily standup though) but I worked my ass off to get a good degree. Job market now is so competitive that people with legitimate engineering and finance degrees can't find work. Arguably zoom calls (required for all remote jobs) are worse than phonecalls because it has video as well as audio. You just gotta get over it. I, too, wish I had a job that paid me a million a year for zero qualifications or interaction where I could just sleep all day.
I think I'm jaded from seeing a bunch of retarded moids with no work history and no skills demanding wfh jobs that pay 50k+ and don't require a degree, and negging everyone who says that is unreasonable to expect. In your case I get that you have social anxiety but you know what, so do I. Gotta work anyway.
No. 1286744
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>>1286718You cant really force your sexuality without being miserable, that in itself is nothing to be ashamed of but yeah it’s hard when you can’t trust the vast majority of them to be any form of a semi-decent human being.
No. 1286746
>>1286739> I am aware how insufferable it sounds to claim you're somehow so fucking great someone wants to copy youi have seen skinwalkers gaslight people in real time with this exact thing lmao, “oh you think you’re so special i’d actually care enough to copy
you? ha as if…” even when they’re the more severe cases that steal names, copy and paste things their target wrote, etc. just crazy. these people exist and there are far too many of them. almost always women in their teens and early twenties. i have yet to see anyone over 25 do it so i assume most of them grow up and realize how harmful it was of them not just to others but themselves
No. 1286771
>>1286752I understand how you feel anon. I am 23 and this 30 year old woman started being obsessed with me after I met her irl. The moment we met she started asking me if she can dye her hair color to mine, fast forward it went from her just trying to change her fashion style to mone by buying chinese rip offs of my clothing (while being a different body type) to later then changing her internet personality to match mine (mind you, before that I knew her online for 3 years). She started copypasting and mimicing something as silly as my stupid bios on social media, claimed that she found the secret of my "cuteness" because all i do is use emotes in my messages and bought nitro for the first time, whatever, but then she started even mimicing my food tastes, all of the sudden the food she loved and eaten since she was a kid sucks now (i said i dont eat this meat, etc). Then she started trying to take the same pictures of the places where I go to and is now, bought the same console i posted on social media and the same game few days after i took a picture of both… i could go on. Reading the /w/ thread about a skinwalker really made me relate to its
victim, and i thought i was the only one.
The sad part is that, i know she is an extremely insecure person and i actually did tried helping her, i suggested her books, etc but she didn't bother checking them.
The only thing that helped me is trying to avoid half of the events when we might meet, and creating a different social media accounts that won't track me down by a number and give it only to a few close friends. I also ended up starting to openly being pink-pilled around her, hoping she would fuck off (her only friends are men (that are at least 4 years younger than her)and she brags about it all the time. Maybe it will fix her, hell do i know. She started becoming obsessed with me because all i did was got married, which is for some reason her only goal in life, despite not doing shit irl. Refuses to get a job and uni, claiming shes a traditional woman. Meh.
No. 1286797
>>1286771Why the fuck is it with them and the body type thing, I don’t think people who haven’t been subjected to this get how the body type or skintone stuff makes it so much more clearer and insane. Your case is scary though, I also know the food thing and bios, captions etc. my walker also realized I didn’t have the best relationship with my family, so she started telling people she’s estranged from hers. Jesus christ, a trad skinwalker sounds hellish though, mine is a wanna be woke lesbian and I think my radfem shit was what initially made her back out for a long while.
>>1286786Thanks nona, but it’s always fucking difficult and I am already feeling nervous about blocking her, she has been extremely nasty from far less but she doesn’t have any easy ways to contact me rn so I may be ok for now, what can she do really. It’s also way harder if it’s irl, but I hope you can ghost the skinwalker soon!
No. 1286820
>>1286797a genderist skinwalking a
TERF? that is too fucking funny.
No. 1286845
>>1286806your mom is very emotionally
abusive. how old are you?
No. 1286867
>>1286806god i’m sorry. you’re a grown woman, her daughter, not her bestie. she needs to learn boundaries. you’re your own person. don’t let her take that away.
my mother is the same way. i stopped answering her calls more and more and now all she does is text me “why do you hate me.” i’m a lot happier without talking to her consistently but now she guilt trips me all the time. tbh nonna, i just hope you don’t let it get to you. moms like that are self obsessed and usually
abusive, i know mine was/is at least. i’m sorry you’re dealing with that.
No. 1286869
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No. 1286873
>>1286871Thank you lol
Yes I'm trying, but it's not fast enough to be very useful.
I just wish we weren't slaves to telecom company collusion. They're all actual scum of the earth.
No. 1286900
>>1286867>her daughter, not her bestietbf though you can be besties with your mom, but her mom is legitimately emotionally
abusive and seems like a bully. there's nothing wrong with being best friends with your mom if she actually respects you as a person.
No. 1286903
>>1286895>she blows up my bfs phoneyou have no many idea how many times my mom has asked for my bfs phone number. she has a different absurd reason for asking every time. i’m never letting her know it for exactly this reason, i know she’d be spamming him lmao. she asked for his address and i refused to give it to her and she FOUND HIS ADDRESS ANYWAY thanks to public voting records kek. so now she sends him shit in the mail and i’m always afraid she’s gonna show up.
>>1286900you’re right, it’s possible and quite frankly i’m kind of jealous of people who can be so close with their moms. it was just obvious in that anon’s case they’re not best friends and shouldn’t be talking so much in the first place. my mom loves telling me how much she wishes we were best friends even though she’s the one that acts so insane and pushes me away.
No. 1286908
>>1286901agreed, i was actually wondering if those were
by a skinwalker herself samefagging because anon touched a nerve or something.
No. 1286916
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My fiance of 7 years dumped me and now I have to move out in a really expensive city with a cat where I was living paycheck to paycheck with almost no savings (like one month's pay worth)
He chose to do this right after I got back from a great job interview and was in a good mood. I guess in his mind that meant it was time even though it actually makes things like moving a lot more precarious because I haven't received an offer yet.
If I don't get the job I guess I'm moving back to my bumfuck hometown with my mom. I also have been graciously given permission to stay until November so that's good.
No. 1286918
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What the FUCK this shit is the worst litter in existence! It formed into one massive slab of a clump and I had to throw out the whole thing instead of being able to scoop it. Plus it smells weird like someone sprayed febreeze on vomit, and that’s before the cat shits in it. So it smells like vomit poorly covered up with febreeze and then shat on. I have to try not to barf when walking past. And it makes more mess than the super cheap litter.
No. 1286919
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i feel bad for judging my friends so much but their liberal feminism is cancerous. i say things that i worry might come across as preachy in hopes of persuading them against doing the most anti feminist shit ever. they all claim to hate men but whenever i say anything valerie solanas influenced they don’t give me the same energy back. i know i can’t fix them but we’re all pretty young and i wish i could get these girls to snap out of it somehow. please don’t tell me to just find better friends because idk how and i love my friends, they just make me sad sometimes.
No. 1287026
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>>1287021ntayrt but damn
nonny, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you get the job offer and you and your cat get a nice place to stay. Sending you hugs.
No. 1287056
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I'm still in my late 20s and that's still young of course but it's really fucking weird being hit on by 18 year olds boys
I don't know how scrotes can easily just date girls so much younger but then again I actually have a conscience
No. 1287068
>>1286895stop feeling bad
nonnie that's the abused little child inside you talking. what a sad post to read. set healthy boundaries with your nmom and attend therapy
>>1286916>trusting a scrote to provide for you>not having your own money>not having a good career so you don't have to be dependent and in a position where you can be abused or thrown out like trashngmi. Rest of you nons look at this user as a warning message. Line those bank accounts.
No. 1287083
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>>1287056I like dating a younger guy. He knows I'm smarter and more successful than he is and that I'm probably right and he's probably wrong on any given issue. It's good to have a moid who knows his place is under me. And apparently since the tinder experience in my city is so bad, he knows if I dump him he'll never have another gf, so he's on his best behavior and grateful to have me around. But unlike a moid in my position would do, I don't abuse him. He's my good little pet and I'll give him a nice life. He just has to look good and do what he's told.
No. 1287104
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I do not care what you bitches think I want a boyfriend
No. 1287124
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>>1287104I bet he was eating spaghetti. He's probably gonna have stains in his fur like a plastic container
No. 1287133
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I'm so fucking angry right now. My dad had my grandma take a shower (which she never does on her own btw, my mom is the one that gives her showers because my grandma is too filthy and dumb to do it herself) without warning me first so I'm pretty sure she just used my washcloth (which is always hanging over the shower). When I expressed anger over this and asked my dad why he didn't give me a heads up so I could get my washcloth he yelled at me to quit bitching. I really don't know why the fuck he's acting like I have no right to be mad about that, I sure as hell know he would be mad if it was his stuff getting used by my grandma. Like I said my grandma is filthy, she's literally the dirtiest person I've ever known and has always been extremely unhygienic but it's worse than ever now that she's 80 because now she stays pissing and shitting everywhere despite wearing diapers (her clothes and sheets need to be washed constantly because she's always pissing all over them, and she sprays shit all over the toilet and on the bathroom floor, and since I share the bathroom with her I'm the one who has to fucking clean it up, and no she doesn't have any physical disabilities), I wouldn't be surprised if I walked into the bathroom and I saw shit streaks on that washcloth. also just to clarify it's not a cloth washcloth but a more abrasive one so I'll have to throw it out I mean this particular situation makes me angry but also just living with my grandma really pisses me off in general. It doesn't help that my grandma doesn't have any redeeming qualities, she's nothing like the stereotypical grandma. She's a literal schizo (this alone sucks to deal with), and is extremely loud/obnoxious and kind of rude at times (she doesn't have hearing problems, her default setting is yelling for whatever reason), and is also really stupid, even my dad has said that she's borderline retarded/ a moron. She also doesn't even do anything like cook or clean. At this point she's been living with us for 10 or 11 years and the situation has just gotten worse. It really brings me down tbh. I wish I had a stereotypical grandma with good qualities. Not even my other grandma is like that (tbh I only met her when I was a baby and never again, she was a deadbeat mom and my grandpa had custody of my mom when she grew up).
No. 1287221
I've been crushing on this guy from the distance for almost a year now, I try to talk to him as rarely as possible, only when it's work related stuff, because I know he's taken. I'm still waiting though and hoping they will break up one day, like many couples do. Yesterday I saw his gf for the first time, they were at the grocery store, he looked and waved at me. Like what the fuck, his gf is fat and her face isn't that terrible but she isn't pretty, she's less attractive than him and less attractive than me. I expected his gf to be actually pretty. This is not fair, why a fat girl with meh face can have a guy like him and I can't? He's literally the only tall and semi good looking dude here. Maybe I just live in a shitty town, idk
No. 1287244
>>1287233he kinda is though, women at my job share my opinion that he's one of the few sensible guys we came across. He's very resourceful and helpful, he can fix basically everything (a skill that almost doesn't exist anymore in men in their early 30s), you don't even have to ask him for help because he will notice you need help and come to help you before you think about asking him, he's also very witty, funny, clever, well read, has nice music taste, super chill without any effort, it doesn't feel like he tries to be cool like other men, he just is
No. 1287251
>>1287221This was how I felt when I saw my bfs ex. She was some short dumpy girl who lived in a home where she wouldn't throw away old tampons. I'm pretty sure it's down to self confidence and that he was desperate for a girlfriend.
I feel like what
>>1287233 is saying is true because his ex would only do anal and shit on him one time "by accident"
No. 1287299
>>1287284There was a you before "her", and I promise you'll find "you" after her too
nonnie. My BF broke up with me, no contact, after nearly a decade of friendship- it feels like a divorce and you grieve like a death but I promise time really does heal all wounds. And if things are meant to be, you will meet- and if you think I'm joking, one of my ex-friends (6 years/no contact) said "Hi!" After they spotted me and my family at the biggest hotel- in one of the many ice cream lobbies with a different timezone in ANOTHER COUNTRY!
Miracles really do happen, so stay positive
nonnie. I really promise I am not bullshitting and life is crazy and intense but things will be okay, and there is still a "you" without them.
No. 1287335
>>1287133idk why oldfags are so scared to die when they have to live like that. like fam it's time. i'm going to kms around age 70. bothers me that everyone is gonna project like, 'omg she must have been so depressed that's so sad she must have been looooonely because she never had kids' and whatever crap. i'm already angry about it actually. but i'll be damned if i suffer old age.
>>1287241get a menstrual cup already instead of wearing diapers
No. 1287344
>>1287296Thank you anon, I could really use a big hug and your post made me smile. I know being broken hearted is a universal human experience, but I had no idea it could hurt
this bad. The one thing that's giving me hope is that maybe someday I'll look back at this occurrence and think how trivial it all was and how much more happy I feel at that future moment than now.
>>1287299>There was a you before "her", and I promise you'll find "you" after her too nonnie.Thank you anon, I really, really needed to hear this. This is what makes it so hard because my whole world had revolved around her. It felt like I wasn't living as a person before I met her. I can't remember what I had been doing in the past 10 years, but I can perfectly recall every detail that I've spent with her. She shared so many niche hobbies with me that not many people in this world are into and she was so like me in so many ways. She used to joke that I was a clone of her, and it made me feel so complete that I found someone like me in this world. I realize I spent every moment with her that it made me stop doing my other endeavors, like improving my art. It's going to be difficult forming my identity again.
No. 1287384
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My bf said I have "traditional values" and I don't know what he meant by that. I'm childfree and have a university degree. I think it's because I have long hair and know how to cook and clean, but that's so stupid that it just makes me angry. Now I'm scared that he sees me as a bangmaid.
No. 1287439
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I'm so behind in life it's laughable. I have no friends or relationships, mooch at home, and work a stupid retail job that barely scrapes 13 an hour. My younger adult siblings are more successful than me. Fuck
No. 1287488
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>>1287439Same situation, but at least you're making money. Unlike me
No. 1287499
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>>1287488It's cool same. jealous of that
nonny but I'm gonna believe in us. change is possible it's just real fuckin hard. I am adopting picrel as my new motto while I work on taking baby steps to something resembling normalcy
No. 1287504
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>Leave bangs down overnight
>Bangs get greasy oily
>Clip them backwards onto head with bobby pin
>Not a spot of oil
So my forehead is the culprit…
No. 1287506
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No. 1287510
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I'm so fucking tired of arguing I want to physically fight him and cave his skull in, leave me alone god damn it! If I'm pissed off at you, talking to me isn't going to make the situation better!
No. 1287511
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No. 1287638
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I’ve come to the painful realisation that I don’t miss him, I miss the entirety of the life I lead when we were together. Reconnecting wouldn’t bring back what we had. That time is gone and now all I have are memories and photos to carry me into salary servitude.
No. 1287701
>>1285718My laptop broke down and my father gave me his old one and I suddenly saw (when I was writing something in school back then a few years ago) bookmarks with porn titles (also MILF stuff kek). I noticed it really late and just hoped that the guy, who sat behind me, did not see that, because the bookmarks were rather big on the screen and I didn't notice until like half an hour of writing. It is kind of weird knowing your father's preferences now and it disturbed me a lot back then (tbh it still does, but it was all the more harmless stuff like MILF and anal in our language and my country has more strict laws about employee rights etc. so the being taken advantage off is less of a problem here than in some other countries and it was on a local big porn site. If it was incest or teen it would have made me distance myself, but my father is in general someone, who would never find it good that a woman is being taken advantage of no matter in what way, he also finds age gaps disgusting, so I also did not expect something bad). But it kind of kills me innerly that I know his preferences now, while my older sister, who is way too open about sex and talks to almost everyone about it no matter if you wantt to or not, does not know it, while I am more considered the "prude" one (especially in comparison with her) and know about it
No. 1287739
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I wish i was able to treat myself. Its my upcoming birthday and all I wish for is money or at least a gifting card to somewhere so I could get myself something, instead of always getting useless gifts. The only thing I am thinking of right now is how with the inflation i will be able to afford 10 Christmas gifts… how i would be able to afford a far away trip to meet my grandparents after over 3 years of not seeing them, how i would afford my upcoming sgudy courses, how i would afford a new phone, how i would afford my shitty monthly healthcare, how i would afford a visit to a dermatologist, how i need a new shelf…i wish i could be a silly person who collects her favorite artists artbooks and limited editions of her favorite old games… but no, here i am, a miserable artfag trying to not collapse from eating moslty 0.99 noodles. I have so many projects to work on with a small hope i would get something out of it… at this point im thinking of selling sjw designs for a quick side hustle. I feel so damn useless.
No. 1287756
>>1287739sending love your way
nonnie and i wish i could send money. i have been in the same position so many times and it can feel so utterly helpless. i hate not being able to buy things for people but they are just happy to have you in their lives regardless and most people really do appreciate food and your presence more than anything else!
No. 1287868
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>>1287865PLEASE do it
nonnie. Consider this a sign. Picrel unrelated
No. 1287898
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WHY is the Bluetooth function so shit on Windows 10
No. 1287918
>>1287726are you stupid? I remembered wrong, he did not use his laptop in over a year or two and his memory is not the best either, but he also would have never thought that I would see his bookmarks. He is like me oblivious to technical stuff like that. It was not even turning on and he had to go to work and gave it too me, because I had an important assignment and my laptop died. Stop making him out to be in a monster, when he is not. Lets be honest 99% of the men watch porn and no, while my country does have women who are trafficed into porn etc they were posted (I did not click on it) in the local language (on a local side and this local site is famous for pretty much only Amateur couples posting on it in shitty quality) and it is pretty well regulated here and here is also a welfare system and pretty much all sex traffic
victims here are in the direct prostiution business and don't speak a wordo f the local language most of the time. The porn community is way more regulated here than in a lot of other countries, porn sites get banned if they have disturbing content on it. It was not an eastern european video or so. And I have never said my sister should have been the one to see it so stop twisting my words, she snoops around a lot and it is just weird that usually they are both more talking about sex (when my sister brings it up) than I do, so me knowing, when they are both more open about such stuff, is weird. And where did I say my sister is sluttier? I even refered to myself as prude, which has a negative connection, and never said my sister is slutty. She just can't feel embarrassement and shares too much (she even tells her dentist about her periods, when it was not even asked of her). You have real issues if you think that every man, who watches porn is a horrible man. Men (especially who are not young anymore) are not educated enough about the topic and there are enough women who watch porn too. Grow the hell up and realise that the world is not black and white. I am sure if more men would be told about sex traffic, there would be at least 10%, who try to not consume porn anymore. Wanna bet that men in your enviornment mostly watch porn too? I literally do not know one (even on the internet) man, who does not watch porn. EVen a lot of women think there is nothging wrong with it and still continue to watch it, even if they know there is something wrong with it
No. 1287954
I once had a transgender friend a few years ago. I used to think she was "one of the good ones" and being her friend had made me deny all logic behind the transgender movement despite the rational part of my brain thinking how contradictory and retarded it all was. I considered her as a woman when she talks to me through text but when I talk to her irl, see her manly face, and hear her manly voice the rational part of my brain is just screaming at me "THAT'S A MAN, THAT'S A MAN, THAT'S A MAN" Now that we're no longer friends and since I found this site, I realize all the conflicts we had was a result of his male socialization and the way he aggressively interacted with me. Did you know he wanted to be a woman because of his life-long interest in lesbian romance media? I don't think there was a sexual aspect to it as he is asexual but I always felt like he had a weird complex at the idea of being a lesbian, being around other lesbians, and lesbian culture. He was like a straight HSTS. It all felt like a giant LARP where he's wearing a costume. I have no hope for the tranny movement anymore. Even the mild ones have some sort of weird paraphilia, or some weird complex around the idea of emulating something you're not.
He made me feel like such a bad person for the longest time but now I realize he's just another gaslighting, narcissistic troon like all the rest. FUCK HIM I HOPE HE GETS THE CROTCH WOUND SO HE GETS AN INFECTION AND SUFFERS FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE. IF NOT, I HOPE HE KILLS HIMSELF BEFORE 30.
No. 1287956
>>1287717I don't trust lasik, i heard it fucks your eyes up. If you get it post here and let us know how it went.
t. -9 both, coke bottle glasses. i think mine look good though. try shopping for color and not just frame shape/size.
>>1287713yeah damn i'm scared of that too. wish scientists would stop fucking around with tranny surgery and would make ways to fix people's eyes and teeth.
No. 1288045
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I literally work scooping ice cream and after a child said “thank you” i responded “you’re welcome” and then she goes really rudely and bluntly “not you, lady!” I’m mortified and I want to cry. Cant believe this is my life being shit all over by goddamn children. This is the last time I’m nice to a child.
No. 1288047
>>1285718One time I found "s#black
teenrape##" in the search history of my dad's PC. He was also convinced I was raped as a teen so I'm not sure what to make of that. You're definitely right it could have been worse.
No. 1288089
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when this gendie shit is finally over, those books are going to be so embarrassing.
No. 1288090
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Hate this fucking shithole of a country so much. Both my and my partner work 30+ hours a week each and there is gonna be nothing to show for it come October. Pointless shit like an electric bill putting us into debt after I have an amazing credit score and have NEVER missed a payment or bill…now I will be in debt.
Fuck this country and fuck every single person who says "well it was like this in the 60s you need to sacrifice things" what are we sacrificing for bitch? to line the pockets of billionaires? is this what life has become where we all need to live like oliver twist just to barely survive?
I fucking hate it, and I hate the English mentality even more. Everyone blames eachother as if this country's downfall is just an isolated incident, no one ever wants to stand together and riot anymore because it's much easier to blame poor people as opposed to the government that does fuck all.
I'm fucking tired. I didn't ask to be here, I didn't ask or never wanted to be born and raised in this country. I am working and paying shit and seeing nothing at the end of the tunnel. Last year there was maybe a good point in our lives where we managed to get a good cheap deal on leasing a car, and then finally getting some savings or progress…now it's going to be eaten up by the cost of ONE fucking bill. Fuck this. Why do we even try. I want to see protests on the streets, I want to see riots, I want to see demands from people and I will be one of the first in the street if it even comes to it - but I doubt it because the people of this country are fucking bootlickers who only want to get their own and then step on other people.
No. 1288096
>>1288084yes blame the kids, there is no excuse for kids to be impolite and little shits. even if your parents didn't teach you manners you still learn from social interactions elsewhere that it's good to be polite to people…unless you were a feral child raised in the forest.
my mom didn't teach me shit about manners or politeness but i still learned from viewing interactions that you should always say please and thanks and just generally treat people how you want to be treat in return.
No. 1288132
>>1288089I'm really into literature and it drives me insane that the publishing establishment operates firstly in trends and secondly in risk-averse thinking which means they publish 1,000 nearly identical books and shun anything that is slightly different. you see the same in anime, like the fucking isekai trend, the magical girls trend, the mecha trend, the grimdark trend. why can't people just publish GOOD works. god i hate this shit. and with literature lately all they want to publish is family saga shit with a quirky female protag who "breaks all the rules" except not really. it turns out to be a typical Bella character that's like a self insert for the "quirky" NYC agent who is cookie cutter to all the other agents. Oh, she's so progressive because she…reads books! uhhh…. and uhhhh…. sometimes her dress is too short! or too long! wow! But when you get to the bottom of the character they're a "safe" conventional woman who ultimately ends up married with children to some wealthy duke 10 years her senior and she's a domestic homemaker who loves baking and reading and gardening and does the entire sum of emotional labor for her entire family without question.
These pieces of shit publishing houses desperately want to sound like they're breaking the box, except they actually don't, and there is no one more cowardly than the modern publishing establishment. All their books sound like they came out of an AI program, or are another book with the names swapped out. None of their "neurodivergent" characters actually are neurodivergent either, they all have the same interests and opinions as the publishing establishment and are painfully normal, with maybe some superficial quirk like they wash their hands a lot?!!? wowwow so BRAVE to publish that! It drives me up a fucking wall. and now the trend is to throw in trannies and tumblr labels.
No. 1288147
So, I'll preface this by saying that my asian is an international student from Burma. I've lived in canada my whole life and am like, 1/4th eurasian but I am white, blonde haired, pale and blue eyed with semi hooded eyes. My roomate and I spend a lot of time together and she's one of my best friends. But she's started to say alarmingly racist things. I think she tells me because she's not thinking of me as one of those people she generalizes.
She tells me stuff about how "all white people look the same", and "all white guys have yellow fever", "white guys are so ugly", "you used to look like such a white girl" (??), "white people food sucks", but exclusively dates white guys. Her and her sister post a lot of pictures of me online and I'm not sure if it's a status thing because they don't do that as much with their asians friends. It makes me feel kinda uncomfortable.
I don't know if she's facing microaggressions at work (subway), from guys she's dating, or missing home and it's making her want to vent, but she didn't use to do this.. and it's making me feel really self conscious about being white myself..
Obviously I can't really say anything about it because her lived experience is so different from mine. Can someone give me some perspective on this?
No. 1288164
>>1288147this sounds like a bait post…but if not the reason why they are posting you is probably because they see you as a close friend, something that you dont see them as.
And their comments are barely racist, dont get me wrong you can say racist things towards all races including white but there comments were barely that.
Why are you even mad if they said white men are ugly.
No. 1288210
>>1288206Yes exactly. Imagine coming to the vent thread just to tell people they’re coddled and dramatic. Like why are you here? To look down your beaky fucking nose at people and snark at them? “Oh I would handle this situation I know nothing about MUCH better, harhar! You have BEEPEEDEE because you had a bad day and are at your wits end. You are CODDLED”
The SHIT I have to deal with is unbelievable. I’m the rock of my family. I care for disabled relatives with dementia on my only days off, my mum is depressed, my brother is an alcoholic and my dad is a straight up fucking lunatic that can’t be responsible for anything. I don’t deserve to go out into the world and be disrespected by a spoiled child when I already have to suffer the indignity of scooping ice cream for a living. Not only that but I have to take responsibility for way more things than I should at work, because I’ve been there longer than everyone including the manager so while I hug people in the bathroom while they cry because someone was rude to them I have fucking NOBODY to vent to. I have to be responsible for EVERYTHING. I want to Fucking kill myself. I’m also walking around on an injured foot and don’t even have time to go to the fucking doctor.
No. 1288213
>>1288206samefagging heh.
Also what's with the sudden influx of new anons using the word ''cunt'' as a insult. Not surprised that one of them is a dipshit who is losing their mind over getting embarrassed by a child.
No. 1288217
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My sister and I used to be best friends, and then we went to having our own friends but still hanging out, and now that she has a husband she barely talks to me at all despite the fact that we live together. She doesn't even invite me to hang out with her friends like we used to, and if I want to hang out with her I have to set everything up. Just while we were eating today, I tried talking to her and instead of responding to me she turned to her husband and started talking about something else. I just miss her and it hurts so much
No. 1288219
>>1288147To me it sounds like she's just joking. Even if you aren't zoomers, she's doing what non-white zoomers do all the time and it's pretending to hate white people. Most of the time (from my experience) they're just joking, hence the reason they immediately jump on a white man's dick or are actively dating one. However, even if she's joking she shouldn't be doing that shit constantly, especially if you're conscious of the fact that you look more white. I've had friends made to feel like shit by others and cry because all that ever came out of their mouths were "I hate white people, white people are ugly" etc etc when all they were trying to do was interact with them and be friends. Some people just take it too far and believe the words coming out of their mouths.
Again, she's probably joking but if it's really bugging you I'd let her know it makes you feel uncomfortable. Constant berating isn't good for anyone's mentality and no one likes always being the butt of the joke.
No. 1288252
>>1288245dont reply notice how all those posters type the same, same rage unsaged. Its probably the tranny.
Also please stop using black people to make a point unless you are black yourself.
>>1288247It obviously is i mean just look at this reply
>>1288246 , so the person having a breakdown over a child was a moid, lmao how typical.
No. 1288263
>>1288260for a sensitive person who wanted to end their life over a childs comment you sure act like a scrote poltard…….hmmmm
>>1288261>>1288258i see you got tired of derailing meta, tranny.
No. 1288264
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>>1288252Now you’re crying to admin trying to get people banned for being a “Scrote”. Just because you got insulted. You really are a lowly human being. Guarantee that one anon was right about you being a fat basement dweller. That’s why you’re crying to the admins to silence us. I thought it was me that was the fragile coddled one?
No. 1288276
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What is happening to me? I keep having this cycle with drawing where for a while I make great art and enjoy every piece I make to suddenly not being able to draw at all. It's not gradual either. It happens overnight. One day I finish a detailed and fully rendered piece effortlessly, then the next day I'm unable to even make a decent looking sketch. I lose all sense of how to draw. I look at my old pieces and wonder how I even managed to make them. I feel like crying because it's so frustrating to see all my inspiration, motivation and ability slip through my fingers for no reason at all. I've decided to just force myself to keep drawing even if I hate what I see on the canvas, and it's so disappointing to see a piece that looks like I've regressed years back in talent next to so many good ones I did when my brain wasn't broken.
No. 1288277
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Mind if I share part of my day currently?
>have a day off
>decide to wake up early to draw cute things in a paintchat and work on a rendered painting I'm starting to feel proud of.
>overhear brother waking up
>talks loudly to himself about something, probably identity political bullshit
>immediately comes into my room asking why I don't view transwomen as women because of something weeks a-fucking-go.
>look him in the eyes and say "transwomen are transwomen, women are women. Women don't have penises."
>says okay and leaves to brush his teeth but still LOUDLY talks to himself about how that's so weird and so wrong, and how I'm being offensive
>has no internal dialogue whatsoever
>say "I can hear you y'know"
>cue him sputtering before he slinks back into my room and tries to initiates a dialogue about trans rights and lgbtq politics
>repeat my stance multiple times but he won't fucking just accept it and say okay and gets partially upset at my stance and opinions.
>proceeds to waste my morning trying to lecture me and discuss about transwomen, identities, anti-terf, and other lgbt stuff from 9:00am to 12:00am.
>the only reason he does leave is because he needs to take out the dog
>my morning is now gone.
I gotta get out of here. It's constant identity politics and politics with him, I can barely keep up with it and I don't care about it. I engage with him because I don't want him to feel ignored but I can't, just can't. I will be happy to talk about literally anything else but I can't deal with this at times.
No. 1288304
>>1288298To be fair he
is one
which is probably why he's so deep into this shit. Wish he'd get off of twitter and left tube. No. 1288310
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the past 2 months feel like a blur. my medication is turning me into a zombie but if i go off it my anxiety is so bad i can't function like a normal human being. i hate not being able to sleep and staying awake all night and then sleeping all day and feeling like a useless piece of shit. my dreams are so long and vivid and half of the time they're followed by sleep paralysis so when i do manage to sleep it's not actual deep sleep that i need to feel well rested and it only lasts for 2-3 hours before i wake up again. i almost puked yesterday because i felt so exhausted why am i like this
No. 1288316
>>1288310Lemme take that demon off your hands quick, bad sleep demon, go lie down.
There, all better lol.
On the real, try dream therapy.
No. 1288341
>>1284188This. Being more honest with myself has shown me who my real friends are.
No. 1288349
>>1288345samefag but my friends know the full extent of my beliefs and still refuse to call me a term LOL. they say “well you’re not hateful like terfs are.. we have different views but you’re not a
terf at all!” ahahaha.
terf really is just a pejorative to throw around for them.
No. 1288370
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I hate the internet and what it is doing to my illiterate mother and honestly I wish I never taught her how to use a phone or even told her about wifi. I'm so fucking sick of what she has become first she throws multiple real life 100% serious tantrums where she threatens her life because I told her not to make a Youtube channel to which I eventually and begrudgingly agreed to only because she said she would only upload nature and cooking videos. Now she keeps watching these cancerous pieces of shit from my third world country anywhere from ignorant retards that she believes without any proof given (yet used to make fun of my father for doing the same except for him it was just Facebook Whatsapp tier health tips or like religious lies etc.) to these goddamn prostitutes BEEFING WITH X YOUTUBER BEEFING WITH MY STEP MOTHER MARRIED A MINOR this really happened and the minor in question, male btw, got so severely bullied he dropped out from school and life pretty much or whatever the fuck. I'm so sick of it. She forreal gets her news from Instagram and Youtube and stopped watching tv, not that its better or significantly less biased but still.
Now she's having a meltdown again because I wont let her make a "commentary channel" like piss of no way. It's like her hands are permanently itching to make a spectacle of herself and our family. She doesn't even care, no matter how much I explain to her that one way or another we are going to get tied into it she doesn't care and refuses to understand because she lusts for attention this time from the internet. It genuinely makes me sick. this woman seriously starts threatening her life over this stupid shit like she's 13. She is pushing 60. she was already malleable and easily impressionable believing anything people tell her and changing her opinion as soon as somebody that isnt our family says it and now its even worse because now its not just real life people but retards on the internet.
I seriously cannot mother a near senior citizen at 18 years old, no way. I am just so furious I want to throw her phone and smash it with a hammer but she would probably threaten to kill herself again, she literally cut off her actual family because they "wont support her youtube channel" and constantly writes embarrassing shit under youtube lives but thankfully nobody ever engages with her.
And by the by I have to upload and edit her shit for her or she has a meltdown and beats me. I have absolutely had it.
She used to be cool and aware, she used to hate phones that had a touch screen, and now all she wants is that Youtube clout. It sounds like a joke and if I were you I would be laughing too but this is very much a reality I am living and I am sick of it.
I am starting to think anybody over the age of 45 MAX that isn't an educator should be permanently outlawed on the internet until they reach a very senile age and require assistance like children.
No. 1288498
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My parents left on vacation and now my dog went from her heart problems being under control to basically being on her last legs. She keeps having some sort of cardiac event when she gets too excited and goes completely limp for 30 seconds and then comes to and she's exhausted afterwards. When I came home from work tonight I tried to keep her calm and she still went limp in my arms and pissed everywhere. I have the nerve to deal with death but each time it happens I don't know if it will be the last, seeing her like this and then seeing her perk right up and go back to normal knowing that next time she's happy she'll flop over is fucking me up. I'm working 10 hour shifts and my brother is nagging me to do my chore list that mom left me and he goes on a nightshift schedule despite only working 3 days so he's useless. He just sits in his room in the basement and leaves her upstairs alone all day so she's basically sick from loneliness by the time I get home. I want to ask his help but there's no point because he won't anyway. On top of this stress I have two cats meowing for food constantly and I keep forgetting to feed one. I have to be careful when I get up because my dog wants to follow me everywhere even when she can barely walk and I'm trying to get her to conserve her energy. I hope she can hold on until my parents get home, so I don't have to deal with this alone and because she loves my mom so much the thought of her dying thinking my mom abandoned her makes me want to cry. It sounds fucked up but I pray she dies in her sleep soon instead of dying writhing and peeing herself. I hope she can die a natural death at home instead of being euthanized if possible, but if she gets much worse we might not have a choice.
I'm at peace with death and even though it hurts that she has to go, I've accepted it, I just wish it didn't have to be like this
>inb4 parents shouldn't have left the dying dog with separation anxiety with kid who works full time
They're helping my grandma move to another province so it's not like it's a full leisure vacation. I'm trying to not blame my family for things that stress me out anymore.
I love my dog and I'm trying to be strong but this fucking sucks I have much on my plate right now
No. 1288521
>>1288498I'm so sorry you're going through all of this stress. Would you maybe be able to take your dog to the vet and end the suffering? It honestly might be the most humane thing to do if she's hurting that often. Make an alarm on your phone to feed both of your kitties, too. One alarm for each. It's hard as fuck taking care of one sick animal and two others, but make sure they're all getting the stuff they rely on you for. Can you order a timed feeder for the cats on Amazon?
I hope your parents are home soon and take on some of your burdens. Hope you can take it easy soon.
No. 1288599
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>bf gets unfairly fired for taking me to hospital multiple times and refusing to work on his days off
>say thats stupid because he is the only person i know who knows this obscure software/domain and will probably regret it
>ff to 10:30 pm they are calling him into the office because they cannot finish this project with him.
he's stupid for even going, id let them hang dry and struggle
since they fired him, they've been in the red on this project because they had to hire someone at 70$/hr kek. no one's gonna do crazy overtime for free like my bf. don't work for family, anons
No. 1288603
>>1288498You’re a fucking amazing person
nonnie, she loves you and she’s incredibly lucky to have you by her side.
No. 1288626
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No. 1288629
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Why cant I play sims? Nooooooo I had to get fixated on DS3
This fucking area i stg i hate all these mfs
No. 1288666
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My friend rejected me but then recently when I told him according to astrological aspects we're incompatible he turns around and runs to ask his mom for his exact birth time to give to me to try again. He should have been happy the stars were in seeming agreement with his judgement. I wish I could understand how his mind works.
No. 1288686
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Had to close the restaurant today and my last customer left out around $15 short so I had to use cash from the tips to pay off the bastard. It was past closing time too like around 10:05. These customers were two swag-looking guys with their dumb girlfriends. I hate these kind of people. I hope they get into a car crash or get covid. Taking their sweet ass time and left out short while smooching each other.
No. 1288842
I miss roll cakes, devils cake, cinnabon, strudel, milano cookies, amazing lasagna, mac n cheese, gyoza, ramen, store sushi, fluffy variety bread, donuts, smores poptarts, and just eating out without being a burden or skipping it all together. Its been almost 10 years since my stomach started rejecting all wheat or gluten. Then it seemed like dairy gave me the shits. Then tomatoes kept tightening my throat making it hard to breathe as I feel like I need to vomit, for hours. I'm getting an official test this month because I need to know and my last gluten test she ran it incorrect i think resulting in false. I tried to eat all the things I missed years ago when it happened but I still got sick, had muscle problems, a rash, and headache. i try to make my own food both so I feel normal, keep costs low, but I'm at a point where I eat to live only. Really hope the tests clear stuff tired of not enjoying food. also family that doesnt believe in cross contamination resulting in me sick for 2-3 days.
No. 1288868
>>1288864I don't know. I'm in a situation where I'm way less stressed than usual, but I've had some really big problems with public transport and that's the biggest reason why doing groceries is a pain in the ass. I have to walk long distances with heavy bags on ly way home from the closest subway stations because there are no buses anymore until mid-september, even walking is complicated bzcause of construction works. So maybe I was worried my bag would be too heavy to walk comfortably and put down the pack a second time in the store?
As for speech, I sometimes have the same problem, glad to know I'm not the only one. I used to have some big memory problems because of a hormonal disorder and got better after I was done with my treatment and got way more stimulated in university but those weren't exactly the same issues. Back then my biggest problem was that I couldn't remember names and faces, even if I saw my classmates everyday for years. I had a hard time with dates too. I really doubt that specific issue is coming back.
No. 1288872
>>1288847That’s the only plausible explanation anon, or they have a form of ADHD that makes them terminally online and lash out at strangers for no solid reason
Anyway it sucks that when I drop by a few times a week some deranged anon is there to ruin it
No. 1288889
>>1288874Holy cow
Thank you. I appreciate that.
Honestly I won’t go into endless infighting with people and accuse people of being tranny etc like a couple anons did to me. I don’t want to be a schizo myself and accuse people of posting on another thread etc etc it’s meaningless infighting. I’m reporting both of them so the mods can decide for themselves because I’m not a pedophile, tranny etc as they suggested
No. 1288952
>>1288940>There's just too much emotional baggage between us and I can't be in her life with the way that I am now. But I still can't stop entertaining the idea that maybe we can be friends again in the far future. I feel this nona, this was almost exactly how I felt after my break up. Although I miss my ex and we are barely in contact now, I grew up a lot after our relationship ended. I'm a lot happier and doing a lot better, and I wish I could have given this version of myself to her. I don't hold onto the thought that maybe we'll come back into each other lives anymore, and it's sad, but life goes on and I'm doing well enough that I don't have to hold onto that thought anymore.
I hope that you'll become the person you want to be in the future, and I hope maybe things will work out differently for you and you'll be able to still be in each other's lives.
No. 1288969
>>1288498I'm so sorry to hear that anon, you sound like such a good owner. Is there any way that you could bring the dog's bed downstairs to the basement before you leave for work each day? Even just laying on the floor next to your brother while he plays games might keep her happy until you get home. Is he letting her out to go to the bathroom?
Find some old clothing from your mom and place it in her bed, it will comfort her a lot to have her smell close. Playing the radio for dogs also helps with loneliness. I have a shitty brother who neglects pets too, so I kind of feel your pain. I hope you can convince him to help out more because you have way too much going on right now and it's not fair on you.
No. 1288971
>>1288498God I am so sorry to hear that. I wish I could offer any sort of advice or support. I'm wishing you nothing but the best. Sometimes dogs find comfort in sleeping somewhere where they can smell/see/hear something they Associate with the person they love. Perhaps a scarf in your dogs bed or even a TV show in the background that your parents like to watch could help.
All the best anon
No. 1288997
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i am afraid he thinks i’m ugly
No. 1289004
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>>1288965I woke up from a two-week coma with short hair, because a nurse cut my whole damn braid and sold the hair. I am still trying to regrow my hair into my old, full length but it's so hard as an adult.
My neuro doctor was still mad at her throughout the day. When I saw this nurse she never apologized to me, but had an awkward guilty smile.
I keep trying to regrow them but they don't look as healthy now, and me living in a different climate affects them too.
No. 1289015
I hate being a fucking pussy bitch baby, "muh anxiety" making me not want to do certain things at work. I hate that "muh anxiety" excuse because I've seen it pulled over the stupidest shit and normally it just fuels me to get over my bitching out of spite and so I can tell myself "well I'm better than XYZ" and feel like I'm better than them kek, but GOD at work it's the worst.
I work for a foreign news company but I have zero journalism background. Don't ask me how I got this job, I don't even fucking know myself. It's easy and most days I do fuck all and spend time on LC, like right now. But occasionally I have to go out to the UN to do work. I've done street interviews before for other things, that shit literally doesn't bother me. I don't care, I can do it. But impromptu interviews with diplomats and other very important politicians? It's fucking scary.
I know there are unwritten rules, but I didn't have my predecessor here to tell me anything. The reporter I report to doesn't even have anything to fucking tell me besides "copy what other people are doing!" I'm afraid of doing something wrong and getting my press badge revoked because I don't see other reporters doing impromptu interviews in the middle of the hallway. They're also buddy-buddy with these diplomats so of course they can freely ask and talk to them about things without it breaking the rules.
I feel like I can't pull the "I didn't know!" excuse because they'll look at me and say "you're a reporter? you're supposed to know." The circle my company works within also has its own unwritten rules, and everyone is tight knit and clique-y but I don't speak the language. So I'm an outsider both in job and culture. I'm uncomfortable talking to people because I feel like there's this expectation to know things as a journalist. My supervisor always says "make connections!" but it's not like I'm some lowly admin and people have very little expectation of me (which makes it easier for me to talk to people), I'm a ~*~reporter~*~ and there's a certain expectation of behavior and knowledge that I simply don't have, and in a professional working environment like the UN, I feel like it's even worse being found out for that. Also even if I managed to interview someone, imagine the fucking embarrassment of asking a diplomat "oh and which country are you with?" because masks make it even more difficult to identify people and everyone here seems to fucking know everyone except me.
No. 1289017
>>1288998Oh yeah, while also asking why you don't try sleeping for a bit longer kek
>>1289004What the actual fuck.
No. 1289059
>>1289023Nonna…isn't that cheating? having a cybersex with some random girl online…?
fuck this guy, I think it's good that you saw his true colors now instead of later. Don't waste your years on this pornsick retard.
No. 1289067
I can't wait for chilly autumn evenings that start at 4pm
No. 1289072
>>1289006So true
nonnie. I'm tired of playing nice and giving a shit about men's feefees. They only give a shit about issues, that have specifically been affecting women for centuries, if it happens to men and you know they wouldn't extend that same sympathy to women.
No. 1289101
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>>1289009There you go
nonnie, have a good evening!
>>1289062>>1289075>>1289081Sorry for making it about myself. I was 16 back then, and I obviously had no idea how messed up it was in the end because I was a naive person who sees only good things in people (back then I felt bad even for a man that almost ran away from the scene after he ran over me).
Probably the worst part of everything is how after winning a million, my parent just gave it to her sociopathic
abusive bf (who kept beating her, degrading her while always spending money on her but cooking only plain oiled pasta to me and my siblings), they wasted it all a week later, i already was suspicious of that because she started telling me how we don't have much money now, so in the end, she lied to me and told me just to get a 12euro handbag. Later they kept telling me how all of the money is saved for the university just to hand out me 110 euros for a whole year of university, for which you can't even pay a month of uni. I am happy I went no contact and ran away. Bless my grandparents for supporting me through it.
No. 1289131
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Other people get better opportunities at work literally because they're socializing and talking a lot. This is not fair. I don't get it. I've been working at this place for over a year now and I still basically don't talk to anyone, simply because I don't know what to talk about with them and I feel very uncomfortable and cringe and like we have completely nothing in common. But just because I don't joke with our shift leaders and I don't sit with everyone outside during breaks and I don't smoke cigarettes with them and shit, doesn't mean I should get worse work to do. I put so much effort and I get nothing in return, others get better opportunitties and even promotions. They say they will teach me something new and then 4 months pass and they still don't show me anything, while others are already there. Maybe I seem dumb to them because I don't talk, I don't know. I'm so tired and sad
No. 1289160
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I was told I might get fired soon. After my vacation even. Honestly I'm so exhausted I can't bring myself to care anymore. Three fucking years giving my all to this damn place and they decide to discard me like that. Well so be it and good luck to who's staying, I guess.
No. 1289189
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What do I do to get my dad to shut the hell up? He is constantly screaming and yelling and playing loud music, he can't even walk across the floor or fucking breathe quietly. I have exhausted all the nice options already.
I will move out anyways in a month or two so I might as well make him hate me. I would do anything to get my peace and quiet.
No. 1289211
>>1289131Sorry that you have to deal with that anon, I really understand where you're coming from. My first job I was quiet and made friends with a handful of people, but prided myself on being a dutiful, hardworking person. Quickly learned that was all for naught when a new girl came in and managers bended over backwards for her despite all the infuriating shit she'd pull because she was extremely friendly with them.
So at my next job I hammed it up and befriended all of my managers right off the bat. I became basically untouchable despite being a lowly employee. It's absolutely unfair and sucks that people who are more extroverted are rewarded (I wouldn't consider myself an extrovert) but you do what you gotta do. I am not ashamed of playing it up, and you need to not be either. That's easier said than done though, and I hope you can work up the courage to socialize more, or find a job better suited for you and will see that you are valuable because of your work ethic.
No. 1289239
>>1289129I love your dumb boomer parents. Imbeciles like that are why I can get free nearly-new furniture from curbsides and goodwill so easily. The same reason people who buy 2-4 year old cars love morons who only buy new cars and "switch them out" every year or two.
I've been making insane scores on craigslist free section. I feel like a fool for ever paying for furniture before.
No. 1289300
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How do you even stop being like this? Are you destined to be a loser for your whole life?
No. 1289360
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>>1289189Lmao i ghostwrote this, i'm literally in your exact same situation and i want to kys cause he recently discovered tiktok and now the autism is out of limits
No. 1289429
>>1289411I opened it 5 months ago it's pretty much brand new… But the other place has a more modern aesthetic, has the appeal of a brand name as a Starbucks wannabe and is constantly featured on influencers instagram and shit, it's a smallish town of 100k people, for mine I went with a more vintage/industrial type of thing, I feel like I have an older public in general, like +30 and older.. idk what I'm doing wrong, I even paid for some business consultation.
Thank you though kind anon, I wish you could come over
No. 1289433
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when will the trend of nyc artist making trash diy clothing end. I’ve seen so many of these people pay their way through art school and start selling patchwork potato sacks that have never seen a pressed seam or straight hemline for about 100bucks to their other homeless larper friends. if any other nonies know what i’m talking let me know I’d vent to my art friends but they don’t believe in any criticism of craftsmanship bc that’s the ‘vibe’
No. 1289438
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people literally cannot let go of "live and learn and grow" with me. i have autism and recently had a meltdown and then had to explain what the issue was and why i am this way and they were all like arent we ALL a little autistic, well i am not just a little.but anyway, and that i should just learn how to not be the way i am and i should just try harder. like i literally am. i am not even angry at them just at myself because clearly i cant do it right if they cant see my efforts. if i could just choose not to be autistic and learn then i would simply not be this way and have changed years ago. its physically impossible for me to just grow out of this by learning. i dont understand why and how they refuse the idea that that is not possible for me to do like it is to them to grow out of like awkwardness and just to adapt to sensory issues etc. i just cant because i have a disability. i didnt choose this and i am not actively choosing to be autistic by laziness. im so tired nonas and i cant stop crying
No. 1289504
>>1289284it's wild because whenever I bring it up (very rarely, like maybe 4 times ever), my mom does the classic "oh boohoo you had it so rough. your generation are a bunch of flakes"
seriously pisses me off so fucking much I wish they'd both die sometimes
No. 1289513
>>1289401>>1289429You've seen it yourself, then. it's all marketing. Messaging influencers in your city and offering free coffee, absolutely ruthless online promo, hell I've even contacted local news agencies and gotten them to come out to my shop because they're usually thirsty for something to film on an average day, then they just blabber about the economy for a bit.
Also, never underestimate the power of coupons.
>>1289489True the first year is the roughest, but it would be hasty and unfocused to revamp now to overhaul your menu. You can introduce one new thing at a time
No. 1289581
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>>1286916Continuing this saga, it's been a few days and how the fuck do I bring up the subject to my family "so haha x dumped me!"
I'm seriously considering making a powerpoint because having no one to confide in is driving me insane
No. 1289582
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>>1289573I have hexes for sale.
No. 1289586
>>1289558I don't think you're actually Romanianon nonna kek. She hasn't even been here in a while, those posts plus this
>>1289548 just reminded me of her.
>>1289566I'm not white
isn't Romanianon white?, not privileged, not upper class, and was born into a bad situation but sure anon. I like how some anons misrepresent the whole Romanianon saga.
No. 1289590
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No. 1289592
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>>1289581Tell them you're the one who dumped him after finding him chatting up 14 year olds online. He deserves to suffer and lose his friend group, hopefully he'll rope. Also that excuse he gave you for breaking up was such bullshit "communication " my ass I hope you don't believe it.
No. 1289622
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I was sick for the past few days. I told the moid I'm seeing that I couldn't meet up for sex and he decided to "jokingly" block me on whatsapp for 2 days, which hurt me more than it should have. It shouldn't but it did. Today I saw him again and he said it was a "joke" and his drunk friend took his phone and blocked me on accident. He said he'd never do such a thing because he's a great guy and he can't live without me (despite us only knowing each other for a few weeks). I don't know why he thinks I believe that. I may be autistic but I'm not a literal retard. He still wants sex though, and I want to die more than ever.
No. 1289623
>>1289618Just give
me a death hex, I am traumatized by her literally. Housing crisis is so terrible, if you get abused by your roommate even if he’s male you can’t do shit.
No. 1289669
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TFW I work right next to an extrovert, and I have to spend the entire day being forced to watch how close he is to people. He has lots of friends, and they're so caring and supportive to each other. He always greet them with a hug. I also have to hear him talking about his birthday plans, and I heard his friends planning to give him a surprise party. This is literally torture, to have it rubbed in my face how much of a unloveable socially awkard loser I am. I feel so jealous.
No. 1289754
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I have demanded a raise and if they cant honor it, then I will take my 5 star work ethic and bounce.
No. 1289800
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Don't talk to the schizo tranny, it will 41% at some point, so don't worry.
No. 1289804
>>1289802Okay esl chan possessed my phone for that one.
Last only should be online*
No. 1289847
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I'm not at home so I just have this one
Man jaw yes but eh
No. 1289852
>>1289847Why do troons never tweeze their eyebrows?
And nice cake-up, faggot
No. 1289854
>>1289847ahahahaha so ugly, even the 100s of layers of cakey makeup can't hide those male features
note the classic tranny headtilt so many scroteoids do and you can see his attempt to cover his male pattern baldness with a weird combover fringe combo
No. 1290139
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I am so motherfucking tired you guys, so tired.
No. 1290159
>>1290130a lot of us here feel the exact same as you do, and most of this I feel can be fixed by more active admin and more mods plus this
>>1290150 vpn ban
No. 1290164
>>1290130You can still post normally, in fact, please continue to do so, as long as you don't address the raid/troon spergout that's happening right now. That way we can test assured that there's still signs of human life and that we're not alone.For real, this fucking site is like a YouTube comments section.
"Oh you don't like something about the site's current culture? Then why are you still here? Don't you know what fucking site are you on?" Leave this site for what? So your kind are the only remaining users and you make this imageboard completely irredeemable? Yes retard, I know what site this is, it doesn't mean that I can't point out what's wrong with it at all. Jesus.
I don't know if they do it on purpose or if they really lack that much reading comprehension. Maybe they're underage.
I wonder if it's possible to have the userbase police the confrontational spergs on our own. Like ignoring their retarded takes and overly aggressive replies, while only giving attention to good posts (because clearly, moderation isn't enough lately). I don't know how well that would work.
No. 1290176
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If you're a spiritual psychic manifestation stones and crystals lady, please fucking manifest that I find this retarded ass earbud charging case. I lost it two days ago, and I swear it vanished into thin air because one moment I knew where it was and the next it was gone. This shit is ridiculous.
Picrel is what I need right now. I feel like I'm blind to where this fucking case is, and I need someone to like open my eyes to it.
No. 1290267
>>1290212no that anon just added an 'S' at the end of the post number kek. this is the post she's responding to
>>1290130>>1290242to be fair the comment sections on those other sites were always like that, i don't ever remember youtube comments being good
No. 1290274
>>1290242 said it's not just Lolcow, it's every interaction on the internet in general. I've also noticed the uptick of weirdly hostile replies for the past year and it just seems like a ton of young people who picked up the behavior elsewhere since social media rewards you for causing outrage by giving you more exposure. They seem to think that the more unnecessarily mean, polarized and combative they are the more likely they are to "win" an argument like it was some retarded street fight with a crowd gathered around you. In the past posters like this got banned and redtexted for infighting pretty fast but the rules have apparently been eased a lot these days.
No. 1290280
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My work is understaffed and it’s the holiday season so horrifically busy and everyone is off with “covid” but instead of arranging cover they just decided to stick me in there by myself. Well this morning I phoned in sick because fuck those slave driving bastards. They can close for all I care. I’m watching better call Saul and eating Doritos.
No. 1290351
>>1290329kek I have these exact same paranoid thoughts, which is why I try not to say too much stuff on here that could come back to haunt me in the event of some sort of mass
nonnie blackmailing scheme
No. 1290450
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Had to wake up at 5am to get tested at 6AM. Yesterday's test didn't work so they made me come today, so i ended up having tubes inside of my body. I feel horrible and the physical pain makes me even more depressed than I am right now. I wish I could be healthy, but I had health issues throughout my whole life. I had so much pain I squished my partner's hand really hard and cried when I came back home. I still have to work on my social media content and find money to pay for my student bills. I am really tired. I only spent one month going outside without being bothered by my health throughout this whole year, and my birthday is not too far away which makes me even more sad. Can't I just exist like a normal person?
No. 1290455
>>1290452>When they ask to hangout I turn them down. It's either an invitation for sex or "dating" which I'm not interested in. It's crazy over how men are like that even during their teenagehood, I had these types of classmates in HS. The only reason why would they invite me to hang out is to try making me date them or straight up hook-up.
Are you attracted to men sexually? Thankfully you can always get toys, at the end of the day they are better than men.
No. 1290507
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I am completely content with being unremarkable and mediocre. It is not my job or duty to impress anyone or try to be attractive for anyone. My only goal is to continue to be better mentally than the year before, and make absolute sure I never neglect myself to the severe extent I have during the pandemic. I will always be sorry to anyone I have ever hurt at any point in my life but I am nobody’s lab rat, experiment, Guinea pig, whatever. I do not exist to be harmed or projected onto or to be anybodys punching bag. I have conquered my delusions and that is progress for me. I don’t have to torture myself for anyone, and I don’t have to be anything at all for my existence to be valid. No amount of socio moids trying to alog me or push me over the edge because I’m not some Barbie bimbo martyr self-flagellating for them will change that. They can put all their time and effort into theorizing about what sort of person I allegedly am based on the boogeyman that they are so desperate to project onto me to justify their heinous actions but I still do not belong to them or have to do anything for them. Let your mental gymnastics beat yourself into the ground because of this one-sided obsession with me all you want scrotes, I will never be as violent, disgusting, and horrible as you are. Congratulations on dedicated so much time to trying to hurt me, you should release yourself from that self-appointed prison.
No. 1290527
>>1289622>it was a "joke" and his drunk friend took his phone and blocked me on accidentlitteral 13 yo excuse, he only wants you for sex,
nonnie run and block him kek. Also don't die for a retard!
No. 1290617
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>>1289499thank you nona. i feel a lot calmer today. i was thinking about it afterwards and im realizing situations where i fear being abandoned bring up memories of my childhood that still make me feel like im 9 in present day. in a way, just letting it out felt really good. i didnt expect anyone to reply, thank you for being kind
No. 1290624
>>1289431isn't there an anticheat in the game that detects cheatengine?
I've always been afraid to use cheats because of that so I just watch walkthroughs for how to cheese everything on youtube and was able to get through it that way, maybe you can get thorough it that way
No. 1290723
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I know young women claiming to look like children is a huge meme and rarely ever accurate but I swear to God I'm 22 and look 14. Of course people believe me when I tell them my age but they're always surprised. I don't wear makeup, I'm very short, I'm a little frumpy, kinda ugly, unkempt, and weird, and I do really enjoy cute/childlike things so it's not like I do myself any favours. At least I try to dress my age, but honestly I'm not willing to put in any extra effort. I've just kind of accepted it.
The only reason I'm venting about all this is……. HOW WILL I MEET WOMEN? Being lesbian is already difficult enough, but women are not going to approach me if I look underage. Like not only am I ugly and perhaps even visibly maladjusted, but I look like a freaking teenager to boot. FML
No. 1290728
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>>1289065Someone's got thick, chunky ketchup-like blood that makes them overheat
No. 1290735
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I love my boyfriend so it's not a serious or big deal, but I'm hoping this year he gets me something I want, but it's a toss-up on whether he gets me a good gift or not. In the past he's given me some amazing gifts, one of which was handmade and clearly had a lot of love put into it, and I cherish it so much, but last year he planned to make me a joke gift, but still semi-serious (think something like a blanket with a stupid image on it or something).
Our 5th anniversary is coming up soon and I've been hinting at a specific set of earnings (not picrel), around the $65usd mark so not crazy expensive or anything. He keeps track of things I've said I want, but It seems like none of these options are ever considered when a gift-giving holiday is coming up. He comes from a rich family and has a high-paying job, so it's not a money issue, but he also never buys anything for himself since he's not a material guy, and I wouldn't say I'm a material girl but I just really love nice gifts. I just want to have a nice item of jewellery that I've gotten from him, something about that is just so romantic and I guess serious? I know this is such a dumb vent but I really have nowhere else to complain.
No. 1290744
>>1290735I find that hinting to men is not enough. At best they are aloof and oblivious to what it is you were "hinting," or at worst it gives the manipulative ones an alibi to say "Oh but you never said you wanted ______!" or "I got you this since it's cheaper but similar cause you never said you wanted ________ specifically!"
Sad but true. They remember anon, they just don't care. Ever notice how men remember the most precise details when it comes to buying things they want?
No. 1290761
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>>1290744>>1290743that's a whole new issue! The times I've actually pressed and said "can you please get me this" he's like "I wish you hadn't asked because I actually planned on buying it for you!" He's not the type to lie so I'm sure "I planned on it" means "I added it to the list of gifts I never pick from" lol
No. 1290863
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>>1290840but he isn't doing anything morally apprehensive so what behavior is she enabling exactly? not being the perfect bf? lmao get a grip also you're allowed not to like everything about your SO, you can still love someone despite their flaws. you're the moron camping the vent thread where anons come to
gasp vent, so you're the real moron, just fyi
No. 1290885
>>1290761LoL anon, he's clearly fucking lying to you oh my god. He was never going to get you that shit.
>He's not the type to lieKek keep dreaming
No. 1290915
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>Be me
>Get constantly sad about being lonely and not having friends or a bf
>Push people away as soon as they initiate contact because I fear intimacy of any kind
Every.single.time. I wasn't meant to live life as a human when I'm this retarded.
No. 1290935
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No. 1290954
>>1290935Holy shit
nonnie this is nuts. Is there anyone you can call? Ask to call and leave messages with your doctor who prescribes you insulin, get really nasty. Do it repeatedly. Tell them that you are having to ration your insulin. Get fucking mean. Call up the pharmacy too and be really mean. Annoy the fuck out of them. I'm so sorry this is happening. I hope they can get off of their pathetic asses and prescribe you more. From one diabetic to another
nonnie I am keeping you in my thoughts.
No. 1290962
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I just want to be independent, I want to help at home with things that my stupid ass, dumbass, neglectful ass brother won't do. I want to have a job, and be able to go to work without having to ask for anyone's help.
I want a job, I'm sick of studying, I'm 27 years old, I need to be independent, I want to stop thinking that I want to kill myself, I'm sure that once I get a stable job and my independence I will stop wishing that I was dead.
No. 1290964
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>>1290954oh baby, I tried, believe me, the first seven times, I was sobbing, the next 23 I was fuming, I'm about to place #31 and tell them I'm gonna do some shit you can only do in minecraft and see if that gets there fucking attention
5th time I've been denied, I just keep getting told to dance in circles, we didn't reject it they did, we didn't reject it they did, we didn't deny it we never got a request
I would never do anything outside of minecraft and I'm behind 7 proxies anyway
Bout to place the next call, I thinkI might start doing fucked up clown voices and see if that gets any attention, maybe they'll think I'm straight losing it over this, which, kind of, yeah
No. 1291032
>>1291006did you miss her replies?
>>1290761 >>1290773
>>1290774The Dude clearly doesn't care to gift her shit and she's in denial about it
No. 1291112
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>>1291090>>1291097I am proud of you,
nonnie. Leaving a person who lied to you especially for so long is the best thing you can do. A lot of women tend to forgive and pander to their partners just to end up being stuck in a loop of disappointment and regret. I wish you all the best. Hopefully other anons will give you some advices, he doesn't deserve anyone. The only thing I can advice is maybe messing up his keyboard?
>>1291110I am surrounded by "not all men" types of people on social media and especially irl and it breaks my heart.
No. 1291119
>>1291090I am so sorry nonita, at least you found out now and not later. Do whatever revenge you have to so you have no regrets and can fully leave him behind asap. I hope you have a good female support system who will understand you. We are here for you!
Sleep well knowing you don't have to live with the guilt and self disgust of a moid
No. 1291122
>>1291090I get you’re upset but isn’t the best form of revenge being absolutely unbothered, showing they meant nothing by walking away and cutting them off completely with radio silence? Such an emotional reaction will only boost his ego that you were so hurt over him and cause him to play the “my ex is crazy” card for pity. Also the last thing I would want is to have my ex boyfriend press charges for damaging his property, not worth it. Keep your dignity
No. 1291129
With the way a lot of men talk about porn stars you'd think they'd hate porn and not watch it.
I don't understand the cognitive dissonance. just know most of the men talking bad about her have gotten off to her. I just don't get it.
Men say they hate whores but they clearly don't.
No. 1291138
>anything genuinely valuableanon you're not getting revenge then you're literally just lashing out. Nothing wrong with that just dont get yourself in trouble. I hate your ex.
No. 1291169
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I wish I could walk into a room or blend into a picture with a bunch of fuckers with the same look and vibe as me.
There must be something really comforting about being generic like that too, like knowing you can go pretty much anywhere and find a lil posse like this to blend into.
No. 1291177
>>1291129men hate that whores make them feel slobbering subhuman cumslaves
>>1291171gag is all of the girls in the picture are natural brunettes
No. 1291180
>>1291169Unrelated but I hate when pictures like this go viral and a bunch of moids suddenly feel entitled to weigh in with misogynistic comments. Always fun to see a comment like “you know none of these bitches has anything resembling a personality” and you click on the profile only to see some sort of humanoid fungal growth whose “personality” is complaining about video games
I feel like only girls should be allowed to poke fun at basicness
No. 1291226
>>1291215It's not even necessarily that they present the same way but I'm too timid to dress like that and I know shit about hair and makeup. You could say it's a failing on my part but it kinda unsettles me to see women who try so hard to be attractive to men. They look good though, they're doing a great job so I guess I'm impressed. But I don't understand it. I don't think women are naturally like this, it feels like selling your soul but maybe they really are this way. When I knew one of these girls most of what she did was watch reality shows and party, it sounds like I'm stereotyping here but I'm not kidding I lived with her. It sounded like fun when she went to football games though, to this day wish I had gone with.
>>1291221This makes them sound pretty based actually, but are a big number actually like that even? It hasn't been my experience but if I met that girl sounds like she'd be a fun friend to have
No. 1291233
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i feel so silly right now for feeling this bad about this but two of my old time tumblr mutuals unfollowed me out of nowhere assumingly because i stopped posting as frequently or idk but i feel so much dread because this coincided with me sending a text to somebody and since i have the read receipts turned off for my sanity i cant tell if they just havent had the time to see it or if they are ignoring me which they have before for days and weeks with some crap excuse which i dont blame them for i understand they are trying to be nice and polite but i wish they didnt feel like they had to do that with me. i feel so embarrassed of myself.
by the way i have no friends so i already feel alone as is. not only that but even when i post here or any imageboard or forum for that matter i kill the threads instantly. its like people can just tell how annoying i am i cant even stand it myself so i cant imagine others. i just want to disappear but not in a suicidal way but i want to be gone so i can stop annoying everybody if not constantly giving them second hand embarrassment i wish i could stop being so repulsive but i sincerely cant tell what im doing wrong. it isnt anybody's fault but mine. when i try to larp to fit in it just seems like i am doing a really bad bit. i wish i was not this weird and not in the quirky way just bitter and embarrassing and creepy if anything. like i said it seems like on the internet people can just sniff it off of me immediately i feel so ashamed of myself i just dont know how to change.
the mutuals thing just set me off yeah i know its only the internet and they dont really know me at all harhar just close your eye and turn off your screen but i still feel so much doom knowing that anyway. oh well.
No. 1291244
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>>1291233Hopefully someone more eloquent gives you a better answer than me but girl you're thinking too hard. When it comes to places like lolcow or social media, these are things you shouldn't sweat over. Now you're likely thinking "I know but how do I turn it off?" It's like you said you have no friends, you need to invest time in healthier things like that so that little things like these upset you less. Best of luck I don't think you're awful or messed up like you may believe. You just need some life changes—which can be hard to achieve, I'm cheering for you. Also guaranteed you're not the only one experience those things and feeling this way, it's plain fact that people can emotionally react to being unfollowed etc just part of being human and probably too online
No. 1291249
>>1291127Just cut him off anon. And you’ll deal with your emotions later. The most important thing rn is your safety and I’m afraid unleashing your anger this way might
trigger him somehow. At least you weren’t married with kids. So many women discover things when they’re already trapped
No. 1291265
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>>1291090What's the point of dating a scrote when they can just lie. Thanks to porn and the internet, not one can be trusted. I wish my mom understood this when she talks about me getting married. I used to want it, too
No. 1291305
>>1291294So, I’m a lot calmer now and feeling much less unhinged and angry than I was earlier. I feel mostly resigned and numb. He saw his room and texted me all kinds of panicked apologies, owning up to being a porn addict, promising to go to therapy for porn addiction, saying he’s hurt the only person he cared about and also hurt other women in the process of watching porn, promising to truly change, telling me he took me for granted, saying I can move in with him, saying he doesn’t deserve me, blah blah. He’s as sensitive and caring as a moid can be, which is to say, still not very much in the grand scheme of things and still capable of things you’d never expect. No anger whatsoever and didn’t even actually comment on his room being totaled. He begged me for another chance but I see through it and know he’s just hysterically trying to prove himself and all these vows will not mean anything once he’s comfortable again. I’d honestly post the texts but there’s a lot and it’s mostly the same thing but reworded a dozen times. I will share this one because it stood out as a good example of men completely missing the point and making everything about themselves:
>Whether you stay with me or not I will work to become the man I should be and a man that is worthy of respect. But I know that I am not that man right now and there is a lot of work to be done. I’m so sorry for everythingIt’s funny because I don’t give a shit if he thinks he’s “worthy of respect,” he sees himself as having been degraded by his own hand, meanwhile he doesn’t give a damn that he was degrading women including me. Where is
my respect?
No. 1291316
>>1291309Absolutely based nona I love you
Unbelievable how this moid thinks he can be in your life while actively and shamelessly lying about something that is so important to you. Those titles sound so gross and digusting, too. What a worthless pig.
No. 1291346
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shit like this is why im terrified of driving
No. 1291380
>>1291346I have chronic pain over a year and a half over one man running a red light and it was nowhere near that speed.
Drunk drivers go to hell
No. 1291405
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>>1291233You sound just like me
nonnie. Don't worry, you probably are a loyal friend and will find your people in time.
No. 1291419
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>>1291414That is one thing people call me yes
No. 1291422
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How do I heal the fact that my mom is extremely stupid towards me even when she's well intentioned and keeps crossing my boundaries? She does not cross my brother's boundaries because he's an asshole, but she infantilizes me
No. 1291503
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I made a thread related to positive images of motherhood on /m/ but the troon kept spamming there, so I had to delete it
No. 1291508
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Men will carry out the most cut-and-dry textbook dogpiling and abuse of women and then gaslight and pretend they aren’t and the most “empathetic” and “aware” of their little sheep following will genuinely unironically eat up every manipulative little lie they tell to keep abusing them. RTing awareness all the time yet completely ignoring actual abuse when it’s right under their nose. So disappointing.
No. 1291708
I don’t know what’s worse, the guilt I feel after I get up for the day for wanting to kick my dog out of my room because I have to keep getting up every 30min to an hr to console her for her crying, or the fact that I haven’t been able to sleep 8 straight hours, let alone 3 straight hours, for the past 5 nights because she’s got the same problem every night that I can’t figure out. Up until 5 nights ago, she usually cried because she was constipated and struggling to poop, or she peed and needed her diaper change. It didn’t bother me to have to get up once or twice a night to rub her belly or change her diaper then go back to sleep. But I’m not getting up 1-2 times a night anymore. I don’t know how many times I’ve gotten out of bed tonight alone to change her diaper, give her some water, just petting and cuddling her because she doesn’t cry when I do. I can’t just sit there for 8 straight hours through the night, I need to sleep so I can go the fuck to work. I’m trying to have patience and I feel awful once it’s the daytime, because she’s an elderly dog and I just want her to be comfortable. But holy shit I just want to fucking sleep!!!!!
Never is there a problem to cry about during the day, only during the middle of the night and all night to boot. She isn’t Jenna Marbles Kermit who just cries all the time. She only cries when something is wrong, and my body will jolt me awake when I hear it and won’t let me go back to sleep until its stopped. And the past two nights, if I try to ignore it, she’s resorted to throwing in some barks. So even if my brain learned to let me sleep through the cries, I have her loud bark to wake me up.
I love my dog, I really do. But I’m losing my mind from the sleep deprivation at this point and wondering if I should just make her sleep outside my room. But I know I wouldn’t be able too, I’d still be too worried if she’s doing ok and comfortable to sleep out there with no one to watch over her if something happened.