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No. 1301753
I so desperately want to go back to the person I was like 3-4 years ago. I was a loner but I was somehow content with life? Like I'd study, get stuff done, explore new music and hobbies, eat things I liked, watch weird shows, and I wasn't seeking male attention back then. Now whenever I'm around a man I find attractive I think about if he finds be attractive, then I obsess over the way I look and obsess about clothes that make men attracted, not clothes I think are cute. Back then I'd just ignore them. I remember I had an ethics class with marine biologists (I was a chem major) and this very attractive guy (I mean a 10/10) with tan skin, very fit body, cute face, nice clothing would try to flirt with me and I'd ignore him. He sat next to me during a discussion activity and sat with his legs spread so it touched my legs (he had really nice thighs), then he joined me and 2 of my friends as a lab partner (which was weird becasue everyone were grouped with thier own classmates) and stod behind/next to me the whole time, and he kept looking at me. I kid you not I did not give a shit and I ignored him. Now I'd crumble at his presence. Anyone else can relate? I had a joan of arc kind of vibe back then, I miss her.
No. 1301805
>>1301796Do it. I’m
>>1301769 and that’s what I’m doing. Making sure I have shit tons of pics, recording, messages etc and also gathering contact info from his life and work. No peace for pedos.
No. 1301821
>>1301797would if I was in a country with legal access
>>1301769>>1301805hope you get some justice anon, but speaking as someone who has been through this process and didn't best not to get your hopes up in this world they turn a blind eye to subhuman Moids like that mostly because they indulge in that behaviour themselves or simply do not care about women. if you can't get justice in this situation it's best to make burner accounts via VPN with carefully (legally sound) worded warnings so he can't gain access to more
victims or like I'm doing have a document with all the info to drop online
and please prioritise your safety whilst you are doing this you can't expose this utter freak if you are incapacitated I do understand your rage and I have been there myself but don't put yourself in danger you can't handle for this waste of skin
No. 1301856
>>1301845i originally only thought it was just a new england thing, but it's all over the country and i was actually surprised when it was brought up as a talking point during the 2016 elections. a girl i know recently died from it, and so did her boyfriend, so now their kids have two dead parents. so fucked.
tbh, the only solution i can think of is very harsh prison sentences for anyone found with it, maybe that will prevent people dabbling with their lives.
No. 1301866
>>1301861Get therapy and rethink your life, that way the ego is healthy and can't be shattered by a moment of painful lucidity. I believe in your ability to change of you realize this.
It's very big to admit you were the worse partner in a relationship, and that's what you can be proud of for sure. No cap, just my feelings on the matter.
No. 1301882
>>1301877Feeling schizo, bugs around?
Burn some sage to be safe nonna.
No. 1301884
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>be me
>sit down at airport
>french geezer shows up a few minutes later and orders me out of ‘his’ seat
>tell him this ain’t the ritz, there’s no reservations for public seating
>mfw a grown man is freaking out in front of his wife and kids because i won’t get up for him
>old mother hubbard next to me tells me i’m a very rude young lady
>wanted to ask her ‘why not give up your seat if you care so much’ but didn’t want to engage with a related so just blow her a kiss
>she looks horrified
>man huffs and puffs, swearing in french
>plops next to me on the table next to me between the seats, borderline sexually assaulting me and firmly rubbing his legs up against mine to intimidate me out of my seat
>know full well he would never try this shit if i was a man
>in front of his fucking WIFE and KIDS
do men REALLY?
No. 1301892
>>1301887thank you, i started to doubt my decision when some old bitch tried to throw in her two cents
bite me old mother hubbard grr why do some women not understand solidarity? room temp IQ
No. 1301908
>>1301865cars are outrageously dangerous. if there was, say, a beverage or a consumer electronic device that killed 40,000 americans a year, there is no question it would be banned immediately. but people turn their brain off about how insanely lethal cars are. i mean, everyone knows someone who has been in a crash, or has been in one themselves. if we can do 2 years of lockdowns for corona i think we can put in traffic calming and tram lines to reduce car speed/use. at one point every city in this country was perfectly walkable and had streetcar and national passenger rail. then it was all ripped out and destroyed and inner city mega-highways and 12 lane stroads were put everywhere.
car drivers kill cyclists and pedestrians every single day. people work themselves into a frenzy over 2 school shootings a year but don't give a damn that thousands of children are murdered by car drivers a year and tens of thousands more injured or crippled, and it's 100% preventable if we ban cars.
No. 1301912
>>1301884the other day i had a scrote in a brodozer aggro on my bf and i for taking "his" parking spot at a local beach. he sat there idling his engine waiting for us to get out of the car and staged a huge confrontation. in front of his young son who looked mortified.
aggro scrotes need a basebat ball to the teeth. they're tard-strength six-foot toddlers with bank accounts.
>>1301892you should have gotten them all arrested and deported.
No. 1301922
>>1301917funny that people in europe and japan can get to all their destinations without driving
cars are less convenient than having functional public transit. they are not necessary. cars kill children, destroy the planet, and ruin cities.
No. 1301933
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Jesus fuck I went with the guy I'm seeing right now to the beach, I had only one drink and that was enough for me since I never drink alcohol and my tolerance is extremely low, he had three super strong drinks, one of them had fucking absinthe and three different kinds of rum in it, I told him it might be too much for him but he didn't listen. Then he bought the fourth one, I left him for 5 minutes to buy us some waffles and when I came back he was throwing up INTO his backpack. I had no idea how to react, he had no other place to throw up, the toilet was too far. He was just sitting and throwing up like three times. It was literally pouring out of him, into the fucking backpack. I was fucking embaressed and worried. No idea how to help him. Then I got pissed off. Because of this incident we missed our last train and we had no other way of transportation directly to our town. So we had to change trains 3 times, I wasted money for more tickets which are pretty expensive in this area. As we were walking town the street he was saying some ironic shit which was funny maybe the first time but not the 100th time and he was basically screaming those words and people were staring at us. We've been together for only like a month, he's my first bf. He gave me some redflags before, but after this incident I just can't see him the same way
No. 1301941
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i want an entj bf/gf to fix me and to make them worse
No. 1301991
>>1301955How are you going to say "just ride a bike because that's what this place that is different from America does!" and then proceed to explain why Americans can't just ride a bike?
>>1301865No one denies that driving is dangerous. How important it is to be careful is literally the first thing you learn about driving.
No. 1301993
i can't fucking stand my brother, i swear to god how someone can act that arrogant while being so stupid and dumb at the same time. yelling at my parents, cursing and swearing at them. of course, neither of them can do anything about it now that he's bigger, and stronger than both of them. as well as me, doing this fake punching thing towards my face when i try to tell him to stop. telling me to kill myself etc. he's thinks hes always right about everything, and acts like a wigger, despite being from one of the wealthiest and whitest parts of our city. which is so weird bc then he says, as if i or my parents care: "i know people from the hood, what do you know, i've seen people get shot, i can get people to come over and beat your ass"
LIKE wtf? where does he even learn this shit? and why does he think me or my parents care, or would even consider it a threat?
i swear to god, when i finally leave this house/or he leaves (god i hope), i'm never speaking to him again. he will not be apart of my life into middle age/old age and so on. it will not happen, i don't care for him, any of his redeeming qualities were lost sometime before his adolescence.
No. 1301997
>>1301993and my parents still believe he'll grow out of this "phase", he's almost 23, didn't go to college, barely passed high school, doesn't want to get a job, does literally nothing all day. he's not growing out of it. i wish they would just kick him out, but they're too much of pushovers for that.
its why he ended up the way he did.
No. 1302005
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>>1302000Manifesting for anon's good health and that it's nothing
No. 1302011
>>1302005I really appreciate your kindness,
nonnie. Thank you so much!
No. 1302027
>>1301982moids are sweaty and stinky all the time though?
>>1301990hilarious thing is LA used to have the best streetcar network in the country before boomer-boomers ripped it all out so big oil could make a profit.
No. 1302150
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I used to go to SeaWorld a LOT with my family as a young child, it was honestly one of my favorite places on Earth. I loved seeing the animals, I even dreamed of becoming a marine biologist after spending so much time there. It absolutely breaks my heart to be a fully grown adult now and know all the dark sides of those parks. I don’t blame myself as a child because I know I didn’t understand and the park tried to make everything seem super nice, but I do feel a strange sense of guilt for enjoying so much time there and encouraging my family to go so often (my other sibling much preferred parks with more rides.) I’m not a super sensitive person nor a huge animal rights type, but reflecting back on how many Shamu dolls I had, what it felt like as a kid to see those trainers and want to do something similar when I grew up, and mentally juxtaposing that with the cruelty I now knew has always been involved with those parks makes me want to cry.
No. 1302199
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The guy I’m hooking up with fucks me so good, but he’s very non-verbal. I guess he’s just an easygoing, simple type of dude who is better at practical things. In a way it’s great because I’m not worried about him running around fucking other girls because his personality is so.. under-stimulating for lack of better words, and he’s always very kind and helpful and happy to be with me. But I’m in a different town right now super horny and trying to text him letting him know how much something he did turned me on a couple of days ago, hoping he will maybe text something dirty back and he’s like «ok I’ll try to remember that (sweatdrop emoji)». Come on man. It’s like our bodies speak the same language when we're together, but our brains don’t kek. On the other hand I guess it's sweet that he seems a bit shy but goes full caveman when we hook up.
No. 1302203
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>mfw when customer has a screaming sperg out in line
What is it about scrotes, white ones in particular, that are fucking insane and ruin everyone’s day?
No. 1302345
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>>1302059Nona, this will probably be me in a few years since I just got out of a LDR with an internet ex. I'm just thinking I probably wouldn't handle it if I check her socials one day and she got into a relationship with another girl. Let's drink together.
No. 1302360
>>1302359>>>1302350>I was serious about itNTA but that's why it's worth making fun of. You were serious about someone you literally didn't know. Think about it,
nonny. What happened to women's self-preservation skills?
No. 1302364
My boyfriend has always had a tendency to be controlling of the clothes I wear or how I present myself to the public. I oscillate between modest and revealing fashion, I simply like both. I'm not one to encourage women to demean themselves in the lense of empowerment or "being trendy", but I do think a miniskirt or croptop can be cute at times. I also enjoy sunbathing and don't always wear a bra. My boyfriend has an issue with a lot of this. He generally doesn't mind my outfits, but he will always tell me to correct my shirt if the sleeve is slipping off. I appreciate his intent to keep me decent, because I don't want any malfunctions either. But when I just want to sunbathe briefly without a top or walk from the bathroom to the toilet without a shirt on, I don't need his criticism. Those are moments of relaxation or simply life for me. The latter scenario just transpired. I was about to take a shower and he was in the bathroom with me. I was half undressed when I felt I had to use the toilet, which is essentially across from the shower. Again, I appreciate him caring about me and my safety around men, but I felt he went too far. I wasn't even upset at him wanting to protect me, I just couldn't stand his method. He was physically not letting me exit the bathroom. He told me I had to put on my shirt or break up with him. The entire time, he kept telling me to break up with him if I couldn't choose to "put on the shirt". Obviously I said I wouldn't do any of that. I kept trying to go past him to the toilet, but he was holding me back. I told him to stop, to let me go, and I tried pushing or scratching him to make him quit. I grew up with an "abusive" mother and the situation made me feel like a child again. She would have sudden burst of anger and direct it all to me, throwing things at me, dragging me around, ignoring my feelings and personhood whilst demanding I listen to and respect her. This situation with my boyfriend gave me the same feelings I had when my mother would get mad at me and physically express it. Eventually he forced the shirt over my body and I let him so I could use the restroom. I told him that it wasn't even about the shirt anymore to me. I don't care about wearing one or not. Rather, it was about him trying to control me and then physically restraining me. I told him it was not okay. Overall I am not a doormat person and never blindly follow authority. He isn't any exception: nobody is. I told him I don't listen to anybody. In our relationship, nobody has authority over the other. I want to be able to choose to wear a shirt or not in my own home. He said I should respect his wishes. I asked him, what about my wishes? How do we decide whose wish is the most important? He said something about him being the man, protecting me from other men as me being his woman. I get it, but I also don't. It was unreasonable. I'm in the house, he is not allowed to physically restrain me like that. I'm not a child and I'm not below him. I feel conflicted, because I wouldn't like him walking around with his privates out when the curtains are open. So maybe I am in the wrong after all? I really can't tell. Following this situation, I felt really terrible and worried. What's worse is that I can't tell if it's just my trauma making me paranoid, or genuine wisdom from my intuition and knowledge of the nature of males. I just had this moment of "is it really true that all men are like what I was told? That they all have this switch that can be flipped and turn them into an abusive monster?" I don't want to speak poorly of my boyfriend. I would never expect him to be abusive and he is always respectful, gentlemanly, kind to me. He always goes the extra mile, loves me so much and I truly feel a connection with him. But I don't want to be married to him, have a family, then be hit by him when I don't properly "obey" and realise I'm way too far in. I don't want to bring my children into a situation like that, and if this is a warning sign, I want to learn from it. Walking to the closet to get dressed, I felt this full-body fear that I always felt around my mother growing up. Scared of him suddenly getting mad at me, exploding, hitting me. I'm not scared to fight back and stand up for myself, I'm more scared that a person I love so much might be another monster after all. I want a future with him. I don't know how I'd recover after finding out that even a man like him can become a monster. How could I ever fall in love again if the person I see as my soulmate has abusive traits embedded in his personality? I'm going to bring up these points to him so he can understand how seriously I take this behaviour. I trust him to be reasonable and mature enough to learn from it.
No. 1302372
>>1302369>I knew everything about this person. My only regret is that it didn't last long enough to meet irl. You don't know anyone until you see them every day in real life. You certainly don't know "everything" about them.
>My feelings were as real as it was in an irl relationship.This is why LDRs get made fun of. This is a naive and immature way to think.
No. 1302373
>>1302371Samefag, just to add that the fact you're spotting parallels between him and your
abusive family isn't you overreacting, that's pattern recognition, that's your survival instinct spotting danger. I know it's scary to make decisions like this, but trust me when I say you'll be better off out of this situation than staying in it. Good luck.
No. 1302389
>>1302371>>1302373Thank you for your input. He is more protective of it because he doesn't want creeps ogling me or having the chance to take pictures of me. He also said "they're not even your boyfriend, yet they get to see my woman". I suppose that is about ownership. And I appreciate, but yeah… Anyway… I tried to talk to him about it. I didn't get the chance yet to bring up how hurtful it was due to my past. I just started by telling him that it is not acceptable for him to treat me like that unless the situation is life-threatening. He cannot restrain me like that or force me to make such an extreme decision in normal circumstances. He kept insisting it wasn't in the privacy of the home because there was a man on the balcony and he could see in through the window from the kitchen which is open to the hallway where the bathroom is. I said it was such an insignificant situation, it wasn't worth that reaction. But he felt very strongly about that man on the balcony. He really, really didn't want that man to be able to be creepy to me. But I told him I just didn't believe it was reasonable enough to restrain me the way he did. We should be able to assess situations maturely and with nuance, and this absolutely didn't warrant his extreme reaction. He was very offended, stood up from the couch we were both sitting on, made himself big (in my eyes it looked like he was going to hit me but again I think that's just my traumatised brain expecting it) and said in an agressive tone (I know all too well from my mother) "there was a FUCKING man on the balcony! why won't you just FUCKING listen to me!) whilst going to the other room with loud footsteps (which scare me). I felt really terrified and small, like a child again. I know I keep repeating it, but that's exactly how I felt. Like I had done something to anger my mother again. My whole stomach turned and I felt warm. I decided to grab my things and now I'm at my mom's home. I will chat with her when she's back from work. I know it seems weird but she and I can talk like adults to each other, it's just in our past or when we are together for too long that things get heated. But I can come to her for things like this, because she knows. It's a weird situation, I just hope you understand. Anyway, before I left, my boyfriend said "I want to go home". He's actually currently living abroad and was coming back here for the holidays. But so his house I abroad now. I felt hurt by that. But I left the house to him for now. I just don't want any of this to be true. I pray this is a one time only thing. Just thinking back to how he was holding me back, not letting me exit the bathroom, not giving me any autonomy, not respecting me as a person, forcing me into this hostile situation… It makes me scared and sad. I cried a little bit on my way here, I couldn't help it.
No. 1302390
>You don't know anyone until you see them every day in real life. Actually anon maybe you're right. My dynamic would have been different with them irl than online and we'd have more ways to spend time with each other that involve going outside. But I know they're the same person I fell in love with and I'd still like them. I've never tried irl dating before so I can't compare the two. (I do want to try and date irl but I'm too scared).
>naive and immature way to thinkHow so? I knew what her values were and what she wants in life. Most irl relationships don't even get to know that about their partners until much later.
No. 1302399
I already know that I am going to get scalped for this but I have to vent about it
I started talking to this guy a while back who I’ve been friends with online for years, but never really pursued because my relationship status has been complicated.
He instantly engaged and seemed interested.
We flirt, openly admit we one another attractive, and giggle over how much we have in common.
We joke about getting married and me moving in with him, but are totally on the same page with it being a joke.
Talk on the phone a few times, and post songs to one another back and forth on insta.
Then he mentions this girl who tried to kiss him, and he says he’s telling me because he figures I’d like to know.
He’d barely talked to me the night it happened but it felt weird.
I ignore it, but feel slightly jealous.
He then tells me that she has returned his hoodie to him a few days later.
Again, jealous but play it cool.
And then he slowly seems to fade out, but insists he likes me. He keeps telling me “I really like you” “you’re so hot” but it leaves me feeling slight confused.
He also really loves talking about himself. He’s aware he does it, but he hasn’t really asked a whole lot about me?
Then tells me he’s gone to a strip club?
And I finally tell him that this kinda hurts, but we’re not in a relationship so I don’t feel like I have a right to complain.
He tries calling me multiple times which I ignore, and go to bed. We talk this morning and he apologizes and says he won’t do it, and that it’s not his thing, it’s his friends.
Also, he keeps following girls on insta.
And all of these things are pretty small, but I am so confused.
I keep telling myself to just quit because his head is very obviously in a different place but also I feel like I don’t have a right to feel this way because we are not exclusive
I know he probably doesn’t like me. I know he’s probably talking to other girls. But I wish that wasn’t the case because I really actually like him.
Oh well.
No. 1302407
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>>1302370Yeah I'm sure it's meant to be funny and not just moid retardation anon
No. 1302422
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Bitch, you're not Punk or Rebelious for still masking every day. Your coworkers think you're a dorky hypochondriac not a Demon Cyberpunk or what the fuck ever. You want to mask? Go ahead, but this fanfic cope of what others think of you is pathetic.
No. 1302423
>>1302390Sorry if my post came off harsh, nonna. I think we might have some similar experiences since I was also once very scared of dating and did a few LDRs as a "safer" option. It's why I am so critical of them now, I really don't think it's the same kind of feelings at all and now that I've done a fair share of real life dating, it's laughable to me looking back at my LDRs and how serious I was about them. The trick is, when you're doing LDRs it can seem like you know more about the person than you would IRL because you have to communicate every day and people often get more personal faster. But it's kind of an illusion. E-dating makes it scarily easy to put on a persona even if you're video-chatting or calling and red flags that would be instantly obvious in reality can be hidden.
I guess it's really difficult to see the difference when someone doesn't know what real dating is like, though. I wish I had some better advice for getting over that fear but all I can say is that if you do want to date and don't just feel more comfortable alone, the longer you wait to make that jump, the scarier it will be. All sorts of hang-ups about lack of experience and being a late bloomer only get worse with time and people do start looking at you weird at some point if you wait too long. It might look scary now but it will only look scarier in the future. Good luck, nonna.
No. 1302466
>>1302423>The trick is, when you're doing LDRs it can seem like you know more about the person than you would IRL because you have to communicate every day and people often get more personal faster. But it's kind of an illusion. This is an eye opener because me and my ex really did become close so fast and in some way I probably did put on some persona to make her like me. She didn't really know me at all and I never had a chance to show her what my real self is like.
I really appreciate the kind words and advice nona. The longer I wait, the harder it would be to find people my age whom would already be establishing their place in life. I'm 25 now and I feel like my clock is ticking fast. How did you get into real dating? Did you use dating apps?
No. 1302468
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I'm not sure there are any guys my age that aren't ourdoors-y or workaholic but also are not manchildren.
No. 1302493
I want someone to give me attention, is it really so bad? Years and years and years of everyone downplaying my feelings, years of fulfilling others expectations and now I have no value besides being someone's efficient employee, I'm not a person to anyone and my feelings don't matter. I'm supposed to put up with everything. Why are you sad someone lied to you, why are you upset you got treated badly, this is nothing, it's all nothing, you should be grateful, you should be happy, stop overthinking, why are you feeling bad, you were ok before, behave, stop being dramatic, you're an embarrassment, you're doing it to yourself, just stop feeling like this, this is nothing. I was always so suppressed, took the blame for everything, caused no problems to anyone until there suddenly was a breaking point and now I'm spiraling, I don't want to be hurt anymore, I want someone to care, why does it all feel so lonely
No. 1302499
>>1302466I started out with dating apps but, at least that was my experience, it helps to view them as sort of "training wheels". Using them kind of sucks and it's rare to find anyone worthwhile. But they help getting over the fear of putting yourself out there and also the fear of rejection. because, well, getting ghosted will happen. A lot. Even when you didn't do anything "wrong" and it seemed like you clicked. But after a while you accept that it's not you but just the nature of the dating game and stop taking it to heart so much. If you stick around long enough, you might get lucky and find someone worth it. And even if you don't, the experience can help you take advantage of IRL opportunities - become more outgoing, join stuff related to your hobbies, go out more, learn to flirt etc. Or at least that's how it worked for me. I started with dating apps, the dates were unexciting but they helped me be less afraid of dating. I eventually had a friend of a friend introduce me to someone and had the confidence to go through with it when in the past I would have freaked out and self-sabotaged.
No. 1302558
>>1302544I wouldn't judge an employee for being forced to wear it. I am judging the shit out of the perfectly healthy person out for a walk wearing it on the sidewalk, or the person wearing it inside their own car with all the windows up, or wearing a mask on a boat on a lake with 0 other people around for an entire mile. That I judge.
if you're rosacea anon seriously dont take it so personally, you're hiding a skin condition, okay, at least you have a
valid reason. there are an enormous number of people who now have their entire identity enmeshed with masking. Most of them even admit they wear it so people know they "aren't a republican". don't pretend half my city has a medical issue suddenly when 3 years ago they sure didn't. it's political theater at this point and i'm tired of it. virtue signalling is obnoxious and cringe.
it's also causing an epidemic of children with delayed speech ability which will cripple them for life, because turns out kids need to see the lips move to learn how to speak! oopsies! now these kids are fucked because their mommy can't get off twitter. there are people who wear masks on zoom meetings. sitting in their own house, for a zoom meeting, they put on a mask. it isn't about
valid medical reasons. stop pretending it is.
No. 1302572
>>1302558 >if you're rosacea anon seriously dont take it so personally, you're hiding a skin conditionred faced/rosacea anon here. I'm not in the US and I thought you were discussing politics that are very specific to there so I wasn't following your convo and didn't think it was about me anyway. I'm not offended.
I never said this in my post because it's long winded but right before covid happened I was freaking out because my doctor thought I might actually have the 'butterfly rash' that signifies Lupus. I spent the height of covid thinking I could very well have lupus and Im still in limbo waiting to get answers. The rosacea might be more so a symptom of something bigger. Right now I just dont know. So obviously I dont agree with the black and white thinking of assuming something negative about either a persons looks or their mental health all because of a mask.
No. 1302651
>>1302625Agreed. Don't understand the snarky responses you're getting
unless it's the tranny spammer shitting up the vent thread as usual again. I am strongly predicting that we'll see a generation of socially stunted autist kids 10 years into the future. Their social skills and anxiety will be even worse than the zoomers.
No. 1302670
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>>1302625>despondent parents raising their children with screensAlready happened with already observable consequences since the mass availability of internet access or even far back as television. Damn go outside Nostradamus.
No. 1302679
>>1302675where do middle class young children typically spend a third of their day?
No. 1302695
>>1302679the sad thing is that the damage could be mitigated with sufficient face to face speech with their parents. mitigated–not completely resolved, but mitigated. but parents are not willing to sit and speak with their child for an hour or more a day after working 8 hours of soul-crushing office work. in reality the parent comes home and turns the TV on and tells the kid to go play quietly with their ipad.
mark my words these kids are fucked. the best that "fact checkers" can come up with is "there is NOT YET evidence (that we are willing to accept as sufficient) that masks cause harm" and not that is not the equivalent of "we heard your concerns and have undergone studies with an open mind and no premeditated bias, and we have sought the answers to your question with honest academic interest and a rigid application of a fair and wholesale scientific method basis, and here is the result of these studies." there is a huge difference there. if people can't understand it's because they're too emotionally invested in using the issue as a political identity. prolonged mask mandates harm children. it's that simple.
the corona generation will grow up into autistic little retards with so much social anxiety they're housebound for life. the brains of these kids are absolutely fried by the fear mongering hysterics. people who were at risk should have just stayed home or wore their own mask took their own vaccine and shut up. mask mandates were always bad policy.
remember there was "not yet evidence" that the vaccines had a risk of heart inflammation (myocarditis) until suddenly there was.
No. 1302698
>>1302692mods can view my IP address. i haven't responded to your accusation because it's untrue, and there is more than one user criticising masks here.
it's cute that you don't want to care about children but these are going to be the entry level workers when you're in your 40s and 50s. child welfare affects all of us.
No. 1302700
>>1302364Today in town what occurred this morning came to light again. We could not come to an agreement. He was constantly talking about how I had to choose between putting on the shirt, or breaking up. He said a lot of things I did not deem acceptable and overall we just did not come to an agreement. The conversation stopped when he told me to stop making a scene, despite me talking at a normal volume. I told him not to treat me like a child. He said he would stop walking if I kept going, and apparently I was, since he stopped. I just left him behind because it was his strange decision, but I felt heartbroken. All of this is happening so suddenly. I don't know what happened to the guy who was so in love with me, and whom I fell in love with back. The guy who wrote me love letters, pulled over the car on a long ride home because I was feeling sad and played the guitar for me whilst professing his love for me, caressed and tickled me so lovingly, treated me like a true lady, showed so much sacrifice and effort for me. This is completely unprecedented behaviour, I am so shocked. He probably is acting this way because I chose to delay traveling back to his country and house abroad with him in exchange for furthering my education here. It was a very abrupt change and I would be upset too, so I understand his feelings. My mother says he is trying to find any reason to break up or to coerce me into breaking up, and that is why he is acting out. He kept talking about breaking up immediately after I mentioned I would stay for another year for school. I feel like somehow he is already "logged off", since guys have the tendency to dismiss women easily when they no longer suit their preference. But in my eyes, we can work on it together and stay strong. I never want to break up with him. What he is doing is not achieving anything at all. I understand how he feels and I want to be there for him if that is truly why he is being so cruel. There is no reason for this behaviour at all and it is just breaking my heart. We genuinely were so in love. Our relationship was so romantic and everybody I met was always jealous or impressed by it. I never expected this to happen and especially not so early on.
No. 1302709
>>1302364I'm guessing that given your history of
abusive dynamics you're more vulnerable to putting up with this and not being able to trust your own gut about where the line is. He does sound way too controlling.
I was in a relationship before where the guy gave me ultimatums over some petty shit here and there. I really wish I had taken the power back and been the one to say fuck you and to leave him for all his shortcomings. In reality he was the one who was lucky I tolerated his demands for so long. He had no right to be lording power over anyone.. not with his set of problems and his baggage he brought along.
No. 1302740
>>1302390>>1302373 > spotting parallels between him and your abusive familyPeople also have a subconscious habit of being drawn to
abusive situations after they're experienced abuse at a young age. Not saying that in a blamey way but it's a thing and scrotes tend to take advantage of that.
Its part of why disclosing abuse or trauma to bfs is such a risk. On some level they know they can use that to suit themselves.
No. 1302779
>>1302750I cried on the first anniversary of my moms death. One single few minute long crying session. Nothing more than that. He saw that as sign that I needed meds and gave me an ultimatum right there on the spot to go get on meds or we're done. He pushed and pushed and drove me to a doc to get some ssris. He wouldn't even let me see the doctor alone. He sat in on the appointment and spoke for me. I took them, I had a dip in my sex drive while on them and then that turned into an ultimatum too. The meds I didn't even need were now the cause of the next ultimatum. Wonderful. I was dumb as hell for staying through even half of his shit. Sexual ultimatums were the biggest blazing red flags I ignored. More than once. I knew it was fucked up but I've so much abuse in my childhood that it made it hard for me to truly believe that I deserved better and to act like I did.
He also turned holiday plans into ultimatums every year. Either I agreed to go exactly where he wants or he'd freak out and threaten to go anyway and maybe meet someone else while hes there. The last time this happened I stood my ground and he went alone. His threat wasn't an empty one and he did just that. Cheated and gloated when he got back. I was already done by that point, the love was long gone. I was at my lowest point and this man was gloating about something that I didn't even register as mattering all that much. To this day the cheating seems like such a non thing in the grand scheme of what he did to me. It was the thing that actually brought me my freedom again. I put up with controlling shit and
abusive shit and yet cheating.. that set me free.
No. 1302798
>>1302466You're young as hell but I still get you in a way. Every now and then I'll have a moment where I'm still a lil bitter that I wasted my twenties on flakey guys that weren't worth the time investment I gave them. I used to think of it as
> I wasted my best years on you! But I stopped that shit. My twenties were not my best years. They were my naive as hell and making bad decisions.. years lol. At any age it still sucks to waste your time on the wrong person. It never stops being a thing to try and watch out for.
No. 1302804
Just had the most annoying interaction with the owner of a coffeeshop. While I start ordering, he asks me, what nationality am I. (I'm Asian) Kind of weird, but I thought he just being curious so I brush it off.
He asks me where I'm from. I tell him which city, and he says he has heard all of these bad things about it and it's a shame. I ask him what's wrong, and he says he's heard there's so much crime. Personally, I've never felt unsafe there, and I think it's just a super rude thing to bring up in America in general.
Then he keeps talking about how he thinks my home city is full of problems and then talking about how the place he was at was ruined by Defund the Police. Not that I support defund the police, but I'm trying to enjoy myself and not talk politics so I'm super pissed off by now.
I try to talk the owner's girlfriend in Chinese because she's an immigrant and not familiar with American culture. I say it's bad customer service to talk about politics with strangers in cafes and that I don't want to hear about his right wing views. She says she doesn't believe he's right wing and just wants to speak his mind. Bitch, I don't know this guy and don't want to talk about politics with stranger when I have to deal with this all of the time at my fucking job. Left wing, right wing, I don't want to hear your fucking political beliefs as a customer.
I'm super mad at this point, so I comment that she's been with her boyfriend for six years, why hasn't he married her. She says it's not my business. Bitch now it's my time to speak my fucking mind. Seriously why do Asian women marry the most obnoxious white scrotes? It's really embarassing
No. 1302847
>>1302823She's not even a girl. The owner was in his late fifties and I'm guessing she was in her 40s-50s. I am hoping she is just cluless. But bitch, when people in the service industry talk about politics, it definitely takes away money from your business. Oh wait, it's not even your business because you're not fucking married to him.
>>1302825Yeah I think so
No. 1302915
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had to take this orientation test for my grad program, tumblr is so mainstream i can't believe it.
i did my undergrad starting in 2016, and did not see any of this stuff back then, swear.
clown world
No. 1302941
>>1302925Your sister sounds strangely cute
Do you ever try and talk to her?
No. 1302952
>>1302364Read your post over and over again. Imagine if your friend told you this. Detach the feelings you have for the person he pretended to be all this time. Read your post and imagine your daughter, his kid, wondering to herself why her mom is so stupid to breed with such an
abusive man. How was she so stupid to not see through his act? There must have been warning signs before they procreated. What he did, that's the warning sign. He's a manipulative asshole ("Do X or it's over!!!"). News flash, "gentlemanly" men don't manipulate and use their physical strength to overpower women. Get out now, it's better to be alone or possibly find a man who is actually good than be stuck with a man who isn't worth your time
No. 1302956
I want to rope myself i feel so worthless, what's the point of creating things if everyone does their best to remind me how much they hate them? i see no point on living further: useless degree, traumatic memories, mental illnesses, no friends, completely isolated from the world, my dreams will never come true not even the realistic ones. I'm a loser, a fucking freak and a depressed sack of shit, that's it, i'm a worthless, pathetic idiot who will not accomplish shit in her miserable life, no one believes in me and i have 0 opportunities, i'm barely functional and i don't think they understand how close i am to do it, i have no reason to stay here and suffer further, its like they're mocking me
>>1302951I was in your place months ago, i couldn't even sleep nor walk, did you eat something that could
trigger this episode?
No. 1302961
>>1302946Misogyny in general is so deeply rooted it’s depressing. Women will handmaid the same people who do nothing but shit on women for being built like women and pretend it’s some sort of noble allyship. They want everyone to be rail-thin and willowy and any woman who looks any different from this isn’t
valid apparently. It’s very gross. They’ll also criticize build-a-bitches as well so you can’t win regardless of what you do. If you don’t starve yourself and get ps you’re not
valid to these mentally ill, terminally online faggots.
No. 1302963
>>1302364>That they all have this switch that can be flipped and turn them into an abusive monster?">But I don't want to be married to him, have a family, then be hit by him when I don't properly "obey" and realise I'm way too far in. Girl, RUN! This is exactly what it is! Many cases of men acting loving and gentlemanly towards their partners and then once they trap them in, the mask falls off and becomes an
abusive monster! You can talk to him about it but if he acts defensive and pissy then you know his controlling behaviour is just the start.
Also, as I was reading your post and imagining myself in your situation I actually felt anxious. He's reminding you of his strength and what he can do to you. Think carefully about this!
No. 1302967
>>1302941We used to be best friends, she’s very funny and we used to spend every night watching shitty horror movies and laughing, Pool or amusement park every weekend. We’d draw our cats and sing together. She always struggled with depression but one day a flip switched and wouldn’t come out of her room. Every time I try to offer help now she yells at me and looks at me with disgust. I’ve tried speaking about it to her (acts like I’m not there or responds like I’m annoying her), signing her up for classes she used to said she’d absolutely love to take (but didn’t attend), I took us to a trip to her favourite cities and she just… sighed and rolled her eyes and ignored me the whole time. I one day came from hip surgery and she saw me limping and crying in pain and after my grandma asked “aren’t you going to ask her how it went?”, she groaned and with a sarcastic smile she snarkily said “well, how’d it go?” I literally start bawling whenever I remember how full of venom that was.
I miss who she was and I wish she’d let me help her. She’s what I love the most. I don’t know what to do.
No. 1302976
>>1302844>>1302952>>1302959Thank you so much for your replies. I didn't mean that I would rather stick with him than be alone and confused. Rather, I am afraid of what this means for the world that I almost
want to hide from it. If he is like this after all, and I already know what my father was like when he wasn't a sweet daddy to me… Just such a wretched realisation. I also explained in a later post that he probably is acting this way because he's looking for ways to break up with me as I abruptly changed our plans and decided to postpone moving to his country with him to further my education for a year. I understand he would be hurt by that but again his expectations are unreasonable. Now that I've read your posts and am thinking about it, he tends to use ultimatums a lot. I'm so sad to think about all of this. He's a young guy, he is normal. There's no reason for any of this whatsoever. I'm just so confused. In the past I knew from the start that somebody was bad news but associated with them regardless because I struggled with setting boundaries and self-worth. This time I just didn't see it coming whatsoever. He still can't see my POV, keeps reacting very emotionally and agressive when I stick by my opinion and say it's unacceptable what he did. I am just trying to be patient. I am communicating to him (and have from the start) that I want to stick by his side, that we are in this together, that I won't give up on us, that I'll help him, and that I want him to do this too, as a team. I know you all will repeat that I should leave him, and you are likely right. But I'm not there yet, I have to try just a few more times until he leaves for home again anyway. But he did apologise for the ultimatums and for his agressive behaviour, he didn't know how to deal with the situation because usually there are curtains so he can simply close them. It's a step forward but next he needs to respond normally to my opinion of his agressive behaviour.
No. 1302977
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Some people really, really tell on themselves with the Freudian complaints and criticisms they make on their social media.
No. 1303003
>>1302951I'm sorry nona I have ibs too and it sucks, makes it hard to do anything and have to be near a bathroom at all times
strong peppermint tea helps me with the cramps but idk if it will do anything for you, worth a try though
No. 1303042
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>>1303016Dr. Google says it is something very concerning. Perhaps consider an Urgent Care visit, especially if you can't drink water?
No. 1303088
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Men genuinely just cannot fathom that woman are allowed to exist without revolving their lives around being desired by them so much so that they are in flat-out denial that we exist. If you aren’t bending over backwards to fit a beauty standard and you’re vocal about the disconnect it automatically makes you a lesbian in their eyes because they cannot envision women being real people and not performers. It’s so funny because it really shows just how they’re emotionally retarded black holes.
No. 1303121
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>>1303088idk but he gives off British vibes and this proves your picrel right
No. 1303137
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>>1303131I'm sorry anon, I hope you get well soon. That paramedic should be more careful
No. 1303167
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>>1303057Calm down Patrick Bateman
No. 1303178
>>1303057Then wouldn't your angry rant make you schizo by
your logic? You're letting your anger cloud your judgment therefore being
consumed by your emotions. Step away from the screen and detox.
No. 1303315
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I was reading the fakeboi thread because the current discourse there was mentioned elsewhere and I hate how unempathetic some anons are to this post that explains the issue some women have with their breasts in such a comprehensible way. Despite being a terf I still can't stand the "how can any woman hate their breasts, they're the source of MILK for the BABIES we're all supposed to be BIRTHING from our FEMALE VAGINAS". For women who aren't interested in reproducing the thought of pregnancy isn't some peak empowering female ritual but a nightmare of being a prisoner in your own body completely living for another human being that you don't even know while hormones drive your behavior to the point you're surviving on your primal instincts. I respect our ability to give life and think it's a miracle of nature, but the reducing of women into their reproductive parts is literally what troons accuse gendercrits of doing. It's great that some anons feel comfortable in their bodies and love and cherish their breasts but for so many women they're only a source of unwanted sexual attention, pain, discomfort and hindered self confidence. Dismissing those feelings is ultimately dismissing another essential experience in growing up female.
No. 1303328
>>1303315How strange, people in the dysphoria hate thread hate a type of dysphoria
Who woulda thought, eh
No. 1303352
>>1303315I wouldn't post that type of post in that thread. I just think its predictable that it'll cause fighting. But I think posts like that should be able to be met with calm enough discussion in ot. Lately even that's on the way out too. What I find annoying is how the anons who claim to just want to laugh at aidens.. are often on the edge of tipping over into a rage at the slightest thing that they (oh so wrongly) interpret as someone taking the trannies side. Like learn to tell the difference. They think anons are loving on trannies even when they're not.
g and ot have a few detrans women floating around (we have enough to have a whole thread in g for them) and as much as they're obviously years past their delusion phase… there's no room for them to discuss how they fell down that route anymore. Because anons will picture them as an aiden in current day and have a go at them 10 years too late, for what? Did you even read the post? They're on your side and have the experience to speak on this more than you do. Its a bit much lately. Some anons are def not laughing, theres this unnecessary seething that happens whenever people mention the circumstances that lead to woman going trans. That's not the same thing as supporting their choice.
No. 1303385
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I love when someone exerts a lot of effort, energy, and free time into trying to be your internet boogeyman and then when you finally see them there’s literally nothing special about them and it’s barely a step above friendly fire. It’s like yes, you are exactly the kind of person I would expect to spend so much free time doing this. Exactly that.
No. 1303408
>>1303404. It wasn't the right place to post at all. I'm not the unhinged anon from the thread but I do understand her/them a little. Hating breasts is very common for women. There is a subreddit with 127k members on reddit for women struggling with their big boobs. Some women do have health problems because their breasts are too big but most of the time the problem is how men treat those women. At one point women need to realize that the answer really is to love oneself and just to be. Men aren't going to change magically and tormenting oneself isn't going to help anyone.
No. 1303410
>>1303404It's one thing for anons to blog about what made them peak in the MTF thread or just to sperg about some random tranny they saw on the street but another when anons in the Fakeboi thread start with their polarized armchairing over how all FTMs just coomed themselves into some yaoi fantasy to feel special but then accuse other anons of "blogging" when they make an attempt at explaining why so many women feel alienated from their bodies. It circles back to that dehumanization aspect as in wanting to see a bunch of fakebois as something comparable to narcissistic sex addicted AGPs and not preventable tragedies and the personalization of the still rampant misogyny all around the world.
>>1303408A lot of the anons in that discussion said they didn't even have big boobs but still didn't like their breasts. While the answer is to "get over it", it's a complex issue and most women don't have a chance to sort out those feelings in order to "get over it" because they're told that they're unhinged lunatics for not liking something that's so "essential" to being a woman. That's what causes women to troon out, because they're just told to suck it up and not talk about it whether it be the disliking of their body, sexual assault and overall being a second class citizen.
No. 1303413
>>1303411What are you talking about? She was implying that women are seen as comparable to cows when they're expected to just breed and feed more babies as their primary function. That's a
valid point and you're taking it out of context to concern troll.
No. 1303414
I'm so done with this shit. I got back from my re-sit exam and honestly I'm so livid at the teachers. This class coveres a huge area and I have to memorize lifecycles, both in animals, fungi, bacteria, plants (I counted to like 198) and every little detail about the animal(s) past and present, including reproduction, how they behave, their ancestry etc. Last time I failed (and many others did too) becasue it's such a large fucking area and it's all facts, literally no logic to it at all. I took a class about evolution and we had to learn logical ways of thinking about animals etc. This class literally has no focus. It's all over the place. The teacher who taught us about fungi only put up 2 power point presentations online about 2 groups of fungi, she literally didn't even put all the material online like teachers are supposed to. Guess what, todays questions (each like 5-10 points each ffs) was about a small nieche of fungi that she talked about for like 10 minutes out of like 5 classes. In our book it's like a paragraph long, and the questions werent even varied. It was about the same thing. So if I didnt focus on that specific fungi type, I lose like 20 points out of the whole exam. Then the animal part this teacher didnt ask about logical shit just "fun facts" about animals, like rank the most abundant insect to the least, and he only included LATIN names. Like what kind of shit is this?!?!? I have never struggled with exams before, like sure, I can fail one but I study again and it's a piece of cake, becasue it has FOCUS. for insance I studied so much I got heart palpitations and cramps in my legs, memorized all this shit for what? only for the teacher to ask weird random questions that you can find on google in 2 seconds? or memorize in 10 minutes? I'm so fucking done with this shit sorry for the rant I hate these people like just cancel this stupid class and make like 3 classes out of it. My brain and body can't take it anymore. The funny part is that it's not even difficult stuff, I've taken advanced bio and chemistry classes and they had logic to them, not this stupid 5th grade "what color is the bears poop" shit. Fuckoff
No. 1303417
>>1303410If you clicked on the link you would have seen that the size of their breasts isn't the problem most of the time. The problem is how men treat those women.
>because they're told that they're unhinged lunatics for not liking something that's so "essential" to being a woman.That's the thing. Having breasts is "essential" to being a woman as in it's the same as having a head, arms and legs for a female human being. It's just body parts. The idea of removing a part of oneself is extremely disturbing and can only be motivated by hatred. Hating oneself isn't helping and is an extremely patriarchal way of thinking. Also breasts aren't only made to feed babies. Mammals don't have boobs like us.
No. 1303419
>>1303410Nice shitty comparisons. The other examples you gave are still somewhat linked to MTFs and FTMs even if they slightly deviate from the main topics. The anon you're defending from the FTM thread was just talking about herself and her own breasts, started sperging hard, went pretty off-topic fast, and should have posted that shit somewhere else. She didn't provide milk, she was just annoying. At least someone posting about seeing a ridiculous looking troon doing embarrassing shit in the wild can potentially provide some funny anecdotes or information.
>It circles back to that dehumanization aspect as in wanting to see a bunch of fakebois as something comparable to narcissistic sex addicted AGPs and not preventable tragedies and the personalization of the still rampant misogyny all around the world.I don't think any anons here agree that FTM and MTF are completely equivalent, but that doesn't mean some FTMs aren't laughable. And the FTM thread is to laugh at stupid and ridiculous women who are delusional enough to want to become guys. That doesn't mean anons should start sperging about their own breasts, how they want plastic surgery, and how they personally think women look like cows if they have breasts.
No. 1303422
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This might make some anons mad because people love to say that children are "the most precious and innocent things on Earth", but I greatly dislike children and teenagers. Teenagers go around to different areas and act like they own the place by leaving their trash around, acting rowdy or loudly catty, and even with harassing random people who are just trying to get by. Even in their setting (like school), they're fucking awful. Several times, I witnessed teenage moids straight up bullying their teachers, and reveling in ruining their days. Adolescent and teenage moids have a raging audacity to treat their own mothers like pestering dogs. From that, teenage moids do even worse things, like sexual assault, physical assault, or straight up murder. Then teenagers get online, and they talk about major topics they clearly haven't even researched, let alone understand. From politics, to mental health, to relationships, to how jobs work, teenagers will give you the most retarded takes but will genuinely believe and act as if they mastered the subject's knowledge. It's the stupidity and arrogance that truly gets on my nerves. As I mentioned, what also doesn't help is that they're big enough to put their stupidity, and young malice to a dangerous level (take car crashes and crime rates for example). From the way they act, to the things they believe, teenagers are very insufferable to me. Children? I don't like them because of how annoyingly behave. From how they eat, to their voices, to how they run everywhere, children are just annoying as fuck all around. Of course, they're even more primal behaved than teenagers, and that has to do with their little brains not being very grown. It's not their fault but I still find children very aggravating and with that, I don't like them. Thought I'd post this here since it's the new vent thread.
No. 1303448
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Men are so fucking stupid. They always keke that when they ask what’s wrong to a woman who is clearly annoyed, she always says “nothing”, but that’s probably because we’ve fucking told them how many times what the issue is and they just unga bunga me no understand why lady mad. I’ve berated this asswipe for flaking on me twice which is 2 times too many and ug no understand why lady mad, only understand disappoint, no mad. I’m mad because you tell me after the fact, never before so I can make other arrangements then have the audacity to say I should be considerate as I don’t know what’s going on in your life whilst also never communicating anything and simultaneously wasting mine. Why do men always want to be handled with kid gloves.
No. 1303453
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No news but all men are pornsick and I can't fucking stand it. They will look at women like a piece of meat, even if the woman is invested or interested. The only men I can think of who don't do this shit are the overly religious ones and I'm not pretending to believe in something I don't, just to get some guy. Then again a lot of religions are very sexist as well. We can't fucking win, can we? I know I shouldn't let men affect me this way, but every guy nowadays seems 10 years behind in maturity. Never forget the guy who asked me to send nudes but shave my legs first because it was 'ugly'. I told him no and he ignored me for a week kek, this man was 20 and had just graduated his bachelors degree btw. And he had a girlfriend, got mad when I told him off and to stop sending pics. Retarded.
hence the pic, sorry about the tradwife lol I think I'm just going the Christian larp way (not literally kek, value wise in this aspect) and 'saving' my virginity for a man who I know actually cares about me as a person.
>>1303448I feel you nonna.
No. 1303463
>>1303453There’s no hope with religious men nonna, they have skeletons in the closet and sometimes are the biggest creeps going because they are either deprived of sex or depraved and trying to pray their sins away, they are the same as any other moid but in denial and will never practice what they preach.
On the subject of body hair I’m sick of shaving the entirety of my vahooha and looking like a frozen turkey because of porn sick coomers. I don’t want a 70s bush, but even a landing strip is considered vom worthy to modern day scrotes. I am a woman not a prepubescent child.
No. 1303538
>>1303521Answer the question.
>>1303522I got lost in the leap between this basic as fuck observation and making that observation being something a porn addict would do. Some mammals don't even have nipples.
No. 1303600
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Didn’t know where to put this and felt like a vent. I don’t understand why so many users on ovarit are just always looking to start argument about things that barely matter. Woman posted a meme she said she got from radblr, other women start pointing our issues when the comic is not hard to understand with how it was reworked imo. This shit happens so consistently it’s why I deleted my account there, though I still check the site once a week or so to see what’s happening. There was a thread not too long ago about male circumcision vs FGM and in the comments people just ended up fighting over the cleanliness of dicks and bringing up Nigel’s. It’s like, who the fuck cares about Nigel’s dick? OP made a giant edit defending him after she said she got repeated yeast infections bc of him. Here’s that thread if anyone wants to see the absolute state of things. No. 1303640
>>1303600i love how a 4chan meme eventually filters down to the rest of the internet like a game of chinese whispers and the end result is some far left academic gobbledy-goop trying to justify troons by cramming an essay into a text box
or i think that's what they're saying, honestly have no clue
No. 1303654
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>>1303600IMO, Ovarit ladies stay losing because their community has no sense of humor, no sauce, no flavor. There's definitely value in having a "serious", more careful/cautious face to
TERF spaces, but things like what you posted are just tiring. The Reddit format of the site just makes it feel even weirder that there's zero fun to be had on Ovarit, no sense of irony. Don't get me wrong, the chaotic radblr types can be cringy (especially when they get into crazy infights), but at least they're funny and can get buck when they need to.
I literally only ever go to Ovarit to read crumbs of sanity when I see some bullshit on other sites, but trying to build an earnest sense of community there if you're not an uptight older woman with a husband seems like a losing game. They really need to get on some "Live, laugh, love (or log the fuck off lmao)" shit and have some fun, because more and more young women are getting disillusioned with the TRA shit. If all these young women read are dry, semantics-arguing posts that look and feel like their judgmental, crabby aunts wrote them, they'll remain alienated for a long time
No. 1303664
>>1303646An anon said "engorged breasts are a sexual trait" which they are, the male sex doesn't have it (unless there is something wrong with the male). Then the other anon doesn't understand what first anon meant by "engorged" and I explain,then whoever the fuck comments on it as if I am said they are "engorged sexually" as if they were it was related to sexual interactions or something, which I did not.
>>1303659It doesn't imply anything, it is an objective way of describing human breasts.
No. 1303693
>>1303688They don’t get it lol to be engorged is:
> cause to swell with blood, water, or another fluidThat happens when women are sexually aroused or actively pregnant / breastfeeding. They’re ignoring the fact that other animals do indeed have fat breasts that hang out.
No. 1303694
>>1303685That's not milk but galactorrhea
We should start saying this when someone posts nonmilk about a cow.
No. 1303698
>>1303693other animals do indeed have fat breasts that hang out.
no they don't, are you retarded? humans and some primates are the only species that do.
No. 1303703
>>1303700It has two
1. cause to swell with blood, water, or another fluid
2. eat to excess
Neither of those apply to non-pregnant or breastfeeding females unless they are sexually aroused
No. 1303720
>>1303713> anons care about tits and mammalsAnd I care a lot.
>>1303714The plural of species is species.
No. 1303723
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>>1303677>>1303713nooooo dont cheer me up youre so sexy haha
No. 1303734
>>1303724This anons
>>1303698 said "humans (a species) and some primates (a group of species) are the only species that do". How is her usage of species wrong? Unless you are trying to say "all animals have fat breasts that hang out" which no.
No. 1303735
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So I usually buy this tinted gloss but I get the copper color because my hair is light brown with copper undertones and the result is a little more coppery but rather subtle. For some reason none of the stores I went to was carrying copper so I decided to try a new color. I got picrel cool brown thinking maybe it will make my hair look a little auburn at “worst”. It made me hair darker than the woman in the pic, like so dark brown it’s nearly black kek. The change was so dramatic that my skin tone now looks off too and while I think it might otherwise be pretty it looks gross on me. It can look kinda pretty in direct sunlight when you can still see the copper hairs sparkle through but ugh. What’s worse is my best friend didn’t even notice. I am telling you it was not a subtle change, I’m side-eyeing them now.
Anyway if you haven’t tried a hair gloss before I recommend picrel, especially if you have dry hair. Just make sure to get a good color or pic clear.
No. 1303768
>>1303749I will get clowned on but I swear
SOME blackpill/doomer radfems are just looking for an excuse to hate women. They love to talk about how there is no hope for women and how men are always going to oppress us and etc but then they will gleefully generalize all women aside from themselves into either pickmes or handmaidens. At some point it becomes a giant purist pissing contest that no woman can ever win because even though she may read feminist literature and refuses to wear makeup and shave and etc, she still has to talk to men at her job so she's not
THAT committed to feminism or some retarded shit like that. Blackpill radfems are definitely terminal internet users. Like shut the fuck up about men for once in your life and try to uplift women for once. They always talk about women like they know absolutely 0 irl.
No. 1303775
>>1303600Every time I hear about ovarit it sounds like a bunch of tradfems who hate trannies only due to their association with homosexuality and are looking for opportunities to brand butch lesbians as potential rapists and defend their Nigels.
>>1303654It's true, a lot of them have zero sense of humor and act extremely uptight and fake outrage about everything they can. Like you said, the twitter zoomer radfem types are cringe but their memes tend to be extremely funny because they aren't completely devoid of charisma unlike some preachy ovarit lady who's only there because she thinks globohomo is out to get her children. The best they can do is boomer on facebook tier "memes" and that's simply not good enough to be appealing to a wider audience. Comedy is one of the most powerful tools there is to win people over and it torments me that so many "GC" communities don't realize it, being able to laugh at the situation strips the opposing side of their power.
No. 1303786
>>1303738Yeah basically. My vent is that most anons on this website are too retarded to be worth arguing with instead of doing something more productive like going outside or something
> The possession of permanent, adipose breasts in women is a uniquely human trait that develops during puberty, well in advance of the first pregnancy. The adaptive role and developmental pattern of this breast morphology, unusual among primates, remains an unresolved conundrum.> Furthermore, it is also plausible that after enlarged breasts appeared, they were co-opted for other functions, such as attracting mates and indicating biological condition. breasts are permanently
enlarged and unique among primates. Whoever started it wasn't wrong in thought, just in language kek.
>>1303749It really is. I don't like the idea of transgenderism either, but I couldn't devote my entire day to hating on a group of individuals just because of their lifestyle. Seems like it would attract bad energy to me. Besides, there are so many other ideas in radical feminism that I think are worth devoting more time to (like female separatism).
No. 1303789
>>1303768I started to get annoyed by Lisa Michelle she is supposedly blackpill but she lives with her dad. I think she might be a rich kid. But what really annoys me is that I don’t remember her ever mentioning any kind of activist work or even having real life female friends. Most of her content is about trannies and celebrity shit. Also claiming to be blackpill but then caping hard for Johnny Depp like lmao what. She made a whole ass video about Themi Lovato holy shit who
cares Demi being a themlet is the most irrelevant thing I could possibly think of, use that energy on something constructive.
No. 1303792
sorry if this sounds ignorant or racist, but every single time I use the metro and there’s some kind of incident (which is usually a couple times a week, as I use it to commute), it’s always a black person who is at the center of the incident. Whether it’s screaming in the metro car for no apparently reason, talking loud and arguing with each other, running around back and forth up and down the car, using the metro to sleep and taking up seats for commuters. And just now I was simply waiting for the train and a woman lunged at me, while i was next to the tracks for no reason.
and in every single incident it’s a black person. It’s never latinos, it’s never white people, it’s never asians. I say this as a latina. I really don’t understand it. I will say that not many people use the metro system in my city because it’s so car centric (LA), but i’ve used public transport regularly throughout my life, not just here but in DC, Paris, London, and there were no incidents as common as this or with the same people.
No. 1303815
>>1303791Well the point is that I don't care enough about troons to dedicate my entire viewpoint to them.
>>1303792>>1303805Racebaiting comments are never productive. They are only going to attract spergs to this thread like flies to shit. I would consider removing these comments before another wave of infighting hits.
No. 1303819
>>1303756i was on the bus yesterday and the window was sketched with "i hate gangstalkers"
these schizos are in the wild
No. 1303825

>>1303818Are you the
nonnie who asked about mass report bots for Instragam?
I don't have an answer for you, so here is a gif of Felix from Stray Kids
No. 1303847
>>1303823I had like norovirus or something like that a few years ago.. I had no idea stomach bugs could stretch out quite as long but it was a viral thing. I have a history of ibs so when I texted my partner att he thought I was being dramatic about an ibs flare up. I puked so hard I felt like I tore something. It went on for days with both ends affected and then my ex came home and brought his kid over (against my wishes!) and the kid caught it which confirmed it being viral. I'll never forget the whole series of terrible events and people not taking it seriously cause 'but you have ibs'
My stomach felt raw and acidic and just unhappy for months afterwards. You can really destroy the lining of your stomach when this stuff hits. There's certain food and drinks that are recommend as you recover. I couldn't tolerate dairy as a side effect. Found out that a temporary lactose issue can be
triggered after a bug. Fingers crossed for you but look into 'post gastroenteritis diet' when you start to feel better.
No. 1303849
>>1303847I'm very sorry for your experience anon. I hope it won't spread from me to someone else, I live with three housemates. Thank you for the advice on the diet.
I think there's something really really wrong with my immune system, because I get strong infections literally every 4-5 weeks. From bacterial inner ear infections like labyrinthitis, for which I had to take antibiotics 4 weeks ago, to stomach flu and UTIs and vaginal infections. I've been in this circle of hell for months.
No. 1303869
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>>1303819I saw someone do this and I'm doing it to every single bill I use now. Gangstalked people are the best online schizos imo, the self-importance is so entertaining.
No. 1303929
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>>1303463I cannot stress this enough. Pubic hair is not gross, one just has to wash their genitals regularly. IIRC, pubic hair decreases the chance of contracting an STI, as it acts like a fence to foreign bacteria. Adult women come in different breast sizes, different heights, and etc. But an adult woman will always have reached the physical milestone of growing her pubic hair, unless something is wrong with her hair growth. So pubic hair is biologically useful, and it's a milestone in physical development. How is it that there are men who want women to have NO pubic hair? From what I've seen, scrotes who prefer women to be bald at their vaginas are probably pedos, or at least have pedophilic tendencies. I've gone on male-dominated forums. I've seen it again, and again of scrotes admitting that they like girls who haven't really reached puberty yet. From ogling at random stock photos of middle school-looking girls, and conversations on how much "better" beginning teens were to have as "partners" over "boring, nagging grown women", scrotes have shown their sick attraction to girls and the underdeveloped features they have. I made the mistake of having a senior boyfriend when I was a freshman in high school. When I stupidly gave in to being naked around him, he told me that he was happy to see the way my vagina looked because my pubes were little in amount, signifying that I was "fresh meat". He proceeded to tell me that it was fucked that he liked how "fresh" and ungrown I was, but "couldn't help" his "preference". Not only have I seen the gross tendencies of scrotes though online, but I hate to know that I even experienced it. From that experience, however, I learned that scrotes like that seem to KNOW it's wrong to be attracted to such young girls. Their brains are so twisted, they try to justify it with feeble excuses instead of being honest with themselves and working on having less predatory feelings. Even if a scrote prefers the woman to have no pubic hair because of porn consumption, it's still disgusting because of the fact that he's getting his attraction from PORN instead of reality. That humiliating memory was something hard for me to admit because I was so stupid for not rejecting and ignoring the scrote, but I truly fucking hate this trend of women shaving their vaginas completely bald for men with questionable reasons as to why they like it.
No. 1303939
>>1303929I love anon and your right. I’m at the point I’ll shame men who say they like women hairless openly.
>>Why do you want women to look like preteens? Why do you not like sexually mature women? Oh and what about you are you hairless? So you expect her to and not you wow you’re selfish? Same thing with men who make references in real life with porn
>>you know pornhub got busted with a bunch of child porn? How are you sure you didn’t see it? Man that’s really gross! You’re a creep and that’s not appropriate No. 1303952
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I like myself but I do worry that I'm not…cool enough to date the sorts of people I find attractive.
My life is stable and I'm steadily strengthening my mental health, but I don't have a bank of skills, abilities, and knowledge to draw on to impress anyone. I consistently draw self indulgent things and pick up silly little hobbies on the side, but I'm an expert in nothing and am of average intelligence and athleticism. I'm also quite dull and stay in a lot due to being sensitive to crowds and a non-drinker/non-smoker. Anything that's interesting about me is because I'm cringe and weird from too much time alone. Which is just unattractive, although it entertains my pals.
This all makes it difficult to make new friends let alone flirt with the sorts of people I actually like. If their perception of me became a bit higher than what I actually am I'd die on the spot, so I often just act quiet, private, and humble.
Realistically I have to wait a bit to date anyway (a fully confirmed career would be nice so I could give a partner gifts and support). But it makes me sad sometimes. I love my own company but I know I have little to offer another person.
No. 1303977
>>1303968Don't bother holding your breath sweetie, you need to apply to at least 100 jobs to get so much as an interview with 1.
But the stock market is higher than ever! Yay!
No. 1303988
I’m in a really good mood right now girls! For the last few days I’ve been thinking about how the licorice pizza actress is so fucking unattractive to the point where it literally looks like one of her ancestors skull was stepped on at auschwitz and that’s why her eyes are set so fucking close together. I was in the kitchen last night and my mom brought up licorice pizza to me out of the blue, so I told her my honest thoughts that I’d been having and she very kindly and very concerning my asked me if I was racist (I’m not racist it’s not my fault she’s ugly) so I assured her that I’m not racist just because I think she’s ugly and even if I was anti-semitic I’d be allowed to feel that way because I can’t do anything to anybody, and the conversation was dying down until her fat fuck limp wristed seed oil brained boyfriend decided to shove his ass into the conversation and tell me that I sounded racist so I told him that I’m pretty sure only the person I was speaking to directly is who can have an opinion on whatever I was saying, so he was like “well I’m not gonna bite my tongue around a racist who shouldn’t be in my house” so I tried to take my stuff and leave but my mom made me come back inside. I could hear them arguing and he was complaining about me being “too proud of my German roots” (wtf) and then started crying about how I “don’t do anything and don’t have any chores”…
1) I’m literally a teacher. My apologies for not having work right now in the middle of summer
2) Why would someone who’s visiting for the summer need to do chores in a clean house you bloated retard?
3) He thought that he had the right to say this while he: ignores his intellectually disabled son, doesn’t make his son attend any kind of school or even do it online, doesn’t make his son shower, doesn’t make his son brush his teeth, lets the child play video games 18 hours a day in a filthy microwave of a room, and also purposefully doesn’t give his son the medication he needs to be able to function like a normal person.
Of course, I’m the problem because I don’t want to see Alana Haims unattractive face though kek. Anyways this whole thing has caused them to break up, not because of what I did but because it’s revealed how dissonant he really is to his own behavior, and also one time he admitted that his son was an FAS baby by saying that he “didn’t know you can’t drink while pregnant” because his plastic surgeon ex-wife drank while pregnant, apparently. So there’s just a lot of issues with him and I’m really glad my mom is freeing herself from him now. I have hundreds of other stories about that fat milky retard, they were together for a decade! It’s worth getting treated like Mel Gibson for a little while
No. 1304016
>>1303922Anon I am sorry this is happening to you. I'd suggest looking for a job that is will help you gain experience or is at least partially relevant to the field you want to work in. Meanwhile look for a college where you could possibly transfer credits? Employers nowadays value relevant work experience a lot so getting a degree a bit later in life doesn't mean you are doomed.
t. someone who due to family pressure chose a wrong degree, dragged it out only to drop out due to depression and then went on to get work experience while working on a different part time degree and graduated in late 20s. I already had a decent pay before I graduated.
No. 1304126
>>1304033I first went for a shitty call center job but the content of the job was related to the field I was interested in. I was there for a year but meanwhile started studying for the degree I was actually interested in.
In the meanwhile I volunteered for projects, again related to the field I was studying for, and with these experiences on my CV, I managed to get a way better entry level job at a small company, but this time my job had planned career progression. My career did progress and by the time I was finishing up my degree I was already earning decently enough. Nowadays when getting interviewed, nobody really that much about my degree (other than if I have it) and questions are usually related to my work experience.
So from my experience, it is going to be hard at first, but what is important (and actually hardest)is to clearly define what you want to do. Then motivation will carry you through tough times.
No. 1304147
>>1304011Do you know what emotionally/verbally
abusive parents are like? How they gaslight you constantly and play games with you?
That's what the average US employer is like.
No. 1304154
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Picked up a book second hand for 50 cents that sounded interesting, synopsis was something about being an outsider from society and how that effects creatives and philosophers. First 3-4 pages are just the scrote talking about the scrote libido being unquenchable. Discussing women essentially as objects to be conquered, consumed and then forgotten as soon as the next one comes along. How sad it is for men that they will never be content because their peepees control their entire lives and make them rage out because peepee never satisfied.
Yeah, needless to say I wasn't interested in reading anymore of what he had to say about society, art or philosophy or anything else. Scrotes should be banned from writing or sharing their thoughts.
No. 1304161
>>1304125Are wall of texts not allowed in the vent thread? Because I dont believe that
>>1304139I think you either skimmed what I said poorly or didnt read it at all, my mom didnt complain about me "not helping", her boyfriend got upset that i don't clean and she disagreed with him about it because there's no reason for me to since i dont dirty the house the way he does. I never once even alluded to "being opressed" I said i was happy and ok with being treated like mel gibson because i'm glad they finally broke up kek. my life is fun i'm white i've never been opreesed
No. 1304164
>For the last few days I’ve been thinking about how the licorice pizza actress is so fucking unattractive to the point where it literally looks like one of her ancestors skull was stepped on at auschwitz and that’s why her eyes are set so fucking close not unhinged to you then idk what to tell you
No. 1304199
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>>1304163Oh boy did I ever. We were one big medicated povertous
toxic family, just like back with ma and pa. I really felt welcomed into such a nostalgic environment.
Lie on your resume. Steal company property. Waste their time. Falsify your timesheets. Ghost without notice. Leave a bad Glassdoor review.
No. 1304202
>>1304192>>13041921) I didn't know she was actually jewish, I said she looked like a descendent of a mangled semite
2) Close set beady eyes cramping on the sides of a hooked nose is actually the stereotypical semitic look, and it's also the only types of jews i've ever seen
3) Do autistic people really think that someone just thinking about something casually for passing moments over the course of like 2 days is a "hyperfixation"?
No. 1304215
>>1304207>stop venting in the vent threadNo
>>1304208Thinking "oh her skull looks ancestrally fucked up" for less than 2 seconds and then moving on isnt fantasizing
No. 1304220
>>1304215You said you though about for
days how her ancestors skulls were stepped on at auschwitz. And being that bothered about some random actress being ugly, jewish or not, is fucking weird too.
No. 1304232
>>1304203>wondering if its because of the ''tbp'' spammer scrote that now all the racebaiters feel more confident baitingProbably not? I'm not sure if there are indeed more racebaiters than usual to start with, but the tbp threads have kinda become white noise to me.
>only imagine how bad anons who are brown/black/semitic feel likePersonally, with the usual contempt.
No. 1304234
>>1304215>>1304219Same goes to you. I know it's ironic since we're on fucking lolcow but being as obsessed with looks as you are is not healthy for anyone including you and those around you. You literally were asked by your mother if you're racist because you focus so much on looks you actually told her that actress looks too jewish for your taste. The fuck
>>1304225This place being an imageboard doesn't necessarily mean that we have to be the same as edgy 4chan scrotes. Edginess is allowed here of course, but there are things we just won't tolerate such as pickmes and handmaidens, which is different from other imageboards. Retarded argument.
Also being aware that someone is unhinged and sounds racist for making a /pol/tard tier comment is not a "woke" thing, it's something most normal people would do, and also racebaiting is against the rules so are you gonna call that "wokeness" too?
No. 1304238
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I want the scrotes and troons to leave. Sure, the constant infighting is annoying and some of you are sick in the head but I love it here. I remember an anon once posted that she was going to sleep and didn't want to sleep alone and I said I'd nap with her and I actually did. Sweet moments like that keep me coming back. These males are doing more to blackpill me against them then anything else.
No. 1304249
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So many upset oven dodgers. Let’s take a look at your guys spiritual texts, from the creators of ethnonarcisissim and real racism, shall we?(racebait)
No. 1304262
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Report and ignore the anti-Semite/TBP poster
No. 1304263
>>1304260If you see an ugly person and your first thought is a /pol/fag joke then you might have some issues
(And no, this isn't just about you finding people ugly, although you seem to care way too much about that too)
No. 1304265
Last year one of my friends was abused by her ex. She was pretty reserved so I asked her if she wanted me to kick him out of the friend group and uninvite him from all our reunions. She said no, and I figured she maybe didn't want anyone else to know.
Turns out not it she wanted everyone to know, but she told them at the last party I had in my house, the last one the guy who abused her went. The guy went nuts and left the house on the middle of the night, apparently tried to kill himself.
My partner yelled at him cause is he actually killed himself, it would have gotten us on a big problem, since the house is leased. The girl has also went onto giving other people the wrong idea that I "supported" the guy for "still talking to him" (how is calling him out for wanting to off himself in other people's houses supporting him?) and whatnot. Since then multiple people have gone 0 contact with me, and when I tried to stop talking to her, she acted like a victim, and more people started blocking me.
Bitch I waa on your side, I tried to protect you, and look at what you did.
I'm also on the legal process of suing my own sexual abuser so this hit me pretty fucking bad. I really thought she was my friend, and she threw me under the bus for a gram of symphaty, that's fucked up
No. 1304266
>>1304263I care about it because apparently most people hear
>ugly jewish looking and immediately think there’s racist undertones instead of just description
No. 1304337
>>1304331Nta but sesame oil is so good. It doesn't add too much flavor when you cook stuff in it but the smell is beautiful.
Anyway, I think some people are a little dramatic about seed oil. I way prefer butter over any oil but just like with any food, eat seed oils in moderation. Some of them are also good for your skin and hair, like shea butter, argan oil, castor oil, jojoba, etc…
No. 1304338
Tbh I think that haim-haterchan was just trying to be edgy with the Auschwitz comment but it has spectacularly backfired.
No. 1304368
>>1304338No i meant what I said, I actually had thought about her a few times after people brought her up
>>1304330Yeah they’re just not healthy for you. They’re calorie dense but offer no real nutrients and aren’t heart healthy. Unnecessary calories basically
>>1304337Ok yeah I can respect using dabs of cold pressed oils in moderation but I feel like raw butters/duck fats are superior and much healthier
>>1304340Recovered* tradthot thank you very much!
No. 1304395
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I miss my ex so fucking much, just want her back
No. 1304420
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>>1304407Don't worry that's probably not happening right now. But I can make it happen with you baby. When it comes to that girl let's give you amnesia. Meet me in Second Life.
No. 1304518
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How much of nothing can I, a do-nothing, do if I decide not to do nothing? Literally - How much of nothing will be left if I don't do any? An infinite amount. I can do nothing whenever. Nothing isn't going anywhere.
How much money would I, a do-nothing, make if I, a do-nothing, did all the things that I wished to? If I only wish to do nothing, then nothing.
No. 1304521
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>>1304422so is biden wiping them loans off or what
i'm not paying them either way, just wondering if i won't pay them the easy way or the hard way.
No. 1304529
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Been a few days since I took my meds so I guess it's kind of my fault I feel like trash. Fighting the urge to consoom because I know it won't actually fill the void. My depression is mostly a body feeling rather than bad thoughts but recently it's been super thought heavy. I just keep thinking about how grateful I am for my friends but that I might end up losing them. They try to include me and reach out to me every now and then and it makes me really happy, but I can never bring myself to reach out and talk to them on my own. I have issues staying in n contact with my own family and I'm just frustrated with how difficult it feels. I feel like it shouldn't be this hard but I don't feel a connection to anything anymore other than anymore. Considering dropping off the grid at some point in my life so I can die alone in the mountains. I really wonder if I will ever be able to maintain my relationships and build a sense of belonging like I could before my depressive episodes started.
No. 1304559
>>1304521THIS. can someone let me know? we must have at least one government
nonnie here who knows insider information. 15 days until the loans are supposed to restart…biden is silent.
No. 1304566
File: 1660623352738.png (243.61 KB, 1300x524, troon cope seethe and deny sci…)

>trying to shitpost about how moids are genetic waste products
>need that XX XY comparison image that shows Y is a wonky scrappy waste product
>find this
troons will sit there and straight up deny reality so they can keep masturbating to putting on rainbow striped socks. First fucking page of results.
Ladies hoard old biology textbooks, we're heading to the dark ages. Pre-2010s biology textbooks will be the next bitcoin.
No. 1304598
>>1304591theres definitely small ring of redness/puffiness around the wound, but also a red scab(?) forming and this yellowish color around the red scab thing. no leaking
my mom told me not to wear a bandaid because it needs to "air out" but i think i kind of have to when im walking around cuz it hurts in my shoes without one
No. 1304779
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If god don’t bring me a man soon I’m gonna start frothing at the mouth and climbing up the walls and levitating and tearing up couch cushions with my teeth. I should be swallowing dick off the bone rn. Why lord why
No. 1304859
>>1304203sorry for bringing up something that has already been gone over but
>i can only imagine how bad anons who are brown/black/semitic feel be honest it makes me feel horrible. i know its only the internet and i can just shut off my screen walk away and do something else but it just makes me feel bad that thats how people really think about people like me, especially teachers. i didnt choose to be born this way and i am not denouncing my race and i do recognize the average people of it do horrible things everywhere so i understand the mindset in a way but i dont know. i guess i feel powerless and ashamed of myself in a way. and even if anons werent being racist/intolerant about my race specifically it still makes me feel sick
i dont know how to express myself very clearly but it makes me really sad that we cant look past things like this even now and there is nothing i can ever do about it
No. 1304870
>>1304859Me too, anon. I visited the /clg/ on /lgbt/ the other day and was a bit taken back by anons being demeaning towards black women, calling them ugly and slurs.
I'm not black but am also not white, and it just reminded me that this space isn't really for me. Not that chans should cater to anyone because half the fun is that everyone is demented and filled with hatred, but some places do start to feel friendly and it's as if the rug is pulled out from under my feet when I'm reminded "ah yes, this is an imageboard after all."
Anyway, there's nothing wrong with you anon. I hope the shame doesn't last since you're more than your race and some anons are just shitheads. They should also be just as prepared for us to be pissed and upset as we are for them to hate us.
No. 1304886
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I am furious. I strictly wrote that I am not looking for anything more than a damn FRIENDSHIP in a letter app, hoping to find a friend that lives nearby, and guess what…
A stupid moid decides to hit on my digital avatar (which is not even a downloaded PNG file, it's something like a customized avatar on reddit) and tell me that we can become good friends and ''who now maybe something more…..'' (yes, this man is shit is even worse at English than I am despite being my age).
I am so tired of this. Why can't I find people to talk to without them being thirsty.
No. 1304899
i hate how my anxiety comes up in big waves then goes away. all i can think about is how fake and pretentious everyone is. i start fantasizing about behaving in a destructive way or getting hurt by others. had it not been for covid and then monkey pox i would've probably gone to a club and done something stupid now. but my fear of getting hurt is just as big my desire to get hurt.
it sucks because i start talking to people and suddenly all the resentment i have while thinking is gone. i hate how unpredictable it is, the only thing that i can do to cope with it is sleep, cry, listen to music and read.
>>1304870>>1304859anon if it makes you feel better those people are deeply self loathing. their only saving grace is thinking "well at least i'm still better than black/brown/jews" (you know damn well they're not kek). i find people like that insufferable they expect pity but go out of their way to put others down to feel better. just bullies with low self esteem.
No. 1304901
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Nonnies who chatted with me through e-mail and my mail was ending with (picrelated was related to my nickname there, it started with b), please e-mail me your last letter again at
I am really sorry, I have never used that email service before and for some reason, it logged me out and doesn't let me log in again. I really enjoyed talking and receiving e-mails from you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
No. 1304923
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Nonas, my mother is high-key delusional.
She bookeed herself a holiday in Crimea a day before the war started and NOTHING anyone's saying to her is able to dissuade her from still going.
She got two planes in a row cancelled, now she's going by a train (it's a long haul from where we are and she's going alone and she's somewhat disabled, but has no concerns for how she's going to handle the trip at all)
Crimea is getting bombed recently and she's actually LAUGHING at all the concern for her wellbeing. Like nothing bad will ever happen to her because she believes it's all lies and propaganda, because her brain has gotten replaced with state-sanctioned TV recently.
Not to mention we're hurting for money in this crisis and she'd rather spend it on a holiday in what is probably soon going to be an active warzone. I swear, if this bitch is going to get herself killed, I will come spit on her grave, because genuinely, how fucking braindead you have to be to pull that shit?
I don't want her to die or suffer, because I still have some respect for her, but recently, it's been evaporating quickly because all she spouts is pro-putin shit and she is completely divorced from the reality of living in a country that is waging a war.
I wish you could disown your mother, but if I disconnect from her, she would be living in absolute filth and squalor (as I said, she's disabled) and I can not in good conscience do that. I still wish I could slap some sense in her.
No. 1304929
>>1304838Please get treated asap anon. You’re lucky you even got the telltale rash. Plus you could have co-infections.
I was treated a year late. Too late. Kissed my healthy younger years goodbye.
No. 1304947
>>1304938That is genuinely a good idea, thank you, nona.
She basically laughed at me and said "whatever happens, happens", I fully can't comprehend how can someone be this braindead. Really eye-opening for me as well on how I actually feel about her, ha.
How can you disregard the damage it would do to people that love her if she just goes on a fun trip for recreation and dies? Of her own volition? Does she have a fucking deathwish? Does she care SO LITTLE about her child and her brother and mother that she would risk her life for some weird ego-trip?
What is even that good in Crimea? Ever since she went a couple years ago she's been obsessed, but all she talks about is the sea and the wine. Is that wine so good you'd risk dying for it? Believe me, she brought some back and it's fucking shit as is most wine.
I'm just. Fuming.
No. 1304961
>>1304923Nonna, is your mother gigarich because everything in Crimea down to tomatoes costs at least 100€?
She is plain stupid for wanting to go there in a first place because it's the most overpriced location. Why can't she visit other cities at least?
No. 1304966
>>1304961It's not as expensive as you think, but it's still more expensive than most of Russia, true.
No, she is not rich, she just skimped on everything in her everyday life to fund this bullshit idea. She's also going to a fairly budget location with all the food and shit included (basically like a vacation house for multiple people? Sorry, I do not know the proper word and I'd be lying if I called it a resort)
I wonder why. She's become obsessed with politics and Putin ever since she started getting some pension money from the government. She was a staunch commie before that, but now basically sucks the government's dick. She's watching some right political bullshit on the tv right now, I'm just sitting here in headphones because I can not tolerate even a second of these mouthbreathers yapping at each other.
>>1304964God, you might just be right. She's probably doing this to prove her newfound political ideology which is "dickride Putin as hard as you can and God will be on your side and save you from harm", barf.
No. 1304972
>>1304967Nonnie, I wonder if I can pretend tbh. I am quite mentally ill myself (as such I have OCD and deep deep paranoia because of it) and the ideas of the worst outcomes are swarming in my head.
I used to play along with her ideas, or pretend to, but this is absolutely bonkers insane. I wonder if she's having some episode or is going loopy because of her age already.
Like, usually her narc shit isn't actively detrimental to me, because I grew older and learned to separate it from myself, also because she became fairly tame in it herself as I grew older. But now that she's radicalized, it's just been one insane thing after another.
On one hand I probably won't miss her as she is. I can't even see myself getting emotional if she actually dies. On another hand, I thought she recovered at least a bit from a destructive mess she was when I was a kid. I miss her when she was relatively normal so much, even if we were never able to have a loving relationship because of her antics.
Like, how can you not think of anyone but your own twisted fantasies.
No. 1304975
>>1304966You know it well yourself how much work the govt and Putain put into brainwashing and censoring everything for more than 10 years now. Old esp normie people only use the tv and russian social media where (lets not forget) people get thrown to jail for liking a post or posting a meme that showes the government in a negative light. All i can do is wish you all the best,
nonnie. I migrated a long time ago and I already had to face mistreatment for being born in russia (i hate either being talked shit at for being russian or fetishized by moids) long before the war started, now it's even worse.
No. 1304983
>>1304975It absolutely breaks my heart how my mother, culture-loving atheist commie became radicalized before my own eyes in the last years.
It breaks my heart for other russians as well, because, god damn it, you are absolutely not immune to propaganda no matter who you are.
Seeing a person you've learnt to love begrudgingly with so much effort despite all the shit they've put you through become a right-wing racist idiot bigot is just… too much for me.
I'm sad you're facing mistreatment, I wish things were better for you too. I have thought of eventually leaving myself, but with how things are in the word right now, it seems like a pipe dream.
No. 1304988
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>>1304779I'm trying to take a break from lolcow but it's hard so I'm only checking it for like half an hour before bed and of course this is like the first post I read coming back lol
but like honestly girl, same No. 1304996
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SAMEFAGGING is when you reply to yourself allegedly as someone else agreeing with you
What that anon did was DOUBLEPOSTING. REEE
No. 1305009
>>1304991There are people out there anon. My boyfriend doesn’t drink or smoke. You just have to find sober people and they aren’t the same as straight edge or ex addicts so you have to socialize in public in non alcohol based environments to find them.
It’s bullshit drinking is such a part of our culture. In the words of lily allen when will we tire of putting shit up our noses.
No. 1305017
nonnie i hope you get a nice long bath tonight, honestly it’s the colleagues that ruin the job. I started my period today too and day 1 is always the worst.
No. 1305022
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I was in class with only a few other people and the instructor started quizzing me for some reason (I think it's because he thought I wasn't supposed to be in the class because of my major, but I am.) and I got so nervous about being quizzed (I have bad social anxiety and was already nervous about the class in general) that I gave a retarded answer to the simplest entry-level question. I'm not embarrassed that other people witnessed it, just by by my own stupidity.
No. 1305081
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I didn't notice how bleak it feels like to eat while hungry. It's just so miserable, you're not enjoying the food, you're just desperately trying to keep your body going.
No. 1305108
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>>1304988I’ve been doing nothing but doomscrolling and I don’t even like the shit I’m looking at I’m pissing myself off so bad.
No. 1305113
>>1304997If she actually called you old you can file a complaint with HR and get her fired. I would. She sounds like an utter fucking bitch.
She'll have a bad life so don't worry too much.
>>1305011try magnesium for cramping.
No. 1305144
>>1305139Nonna, I share the same pain. I've been on hiatus for so long but the world news, my health and worries about my family drive me insane. I want to do nothing but cope by playing mindless videogames and sit in the dark. Gave up on finding a job too. I really hope you will be okay,
nonny. Sometimes we all need some good rest, some time to clear our head out. Both art and streaming are tideous thing despite some people not understanding that. I wish I could commission someone but I'm too much of a poorfag.
No. 1305155
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nonnie. I've been on hiatus for some months now and seeing my friends and peers incline while I'm continuing to not stream is killing me, but I can barely get out of bed right now. I don't know what to do.
I can't even play games anymore. I just lay in bed.
Aslo a poorfag so my stream assets and my model are all drawn by me and I learned to draw just to do it, but I can't find it in myself to just do it now. I didn't have money to commission in the first place and now it's even worse, but I go to sleep everyday hoping I can push myself to just do what I need to do to tomorrow.
I hope things get better for you. Well, for us.
No. 1305164
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>>1303600Why are they such huge pick-mes holy shit. Imagine defending Nigel this hard. He doesn’t watch porn and sometimes he EVEN helps with housework. Isn’t he just the pinnacle of men??
No. 1305170
when i learn a person is trans i just lose all trust in them and their interests. if i see a tif that's into obscure rock bands i auto-assume they're only "interested" in them because they want to seem more masculine.
on this note i get so tired of tifs on tiktok (i know, i know, my own fault for going there) making jokes about lesbians wanting to sex them up/having to fend off lesbians because they're ~ackshully gay men~. just kill yourselves god damn
>>1305169yeah. or that them liking bugs as a woman makes them more special than other women who also like bugs
No. 1305177
>>1305115You're either a bitch or the troid spammer who keeps shitting up the vent thread. I was also 12 at that time and with my mom so of course I'm going to be scared, BITCH.
>>1305112Yeah this was in a large city that's known for one of the highest crime rates in the country. Also, he didn't look to be homeless or a drug addict. He just looked very normal which made the situation odd.
No. 1305181
>>1305177>calls me a bitch twicewow yeah you've showed us how mature you are. keep acting like a
No. 1305220
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>Make lewd joke about anime husbando on Twitter.
>Retard zoomer flies into my DM's (never seen them before, no idea how they found my account) telling me I'm a pedophile.
>Explain to them that I don't see anime boys as real people, and that I've never lusted after a teenaged boy IRL.
>They insist I will eventually and screech about me being a danger to IRL minors, because of a very obvious slippery slope fallacy.
What is this retardation? What is the point of it? Do you want me to be attracted to actual 16 y/o's? I hate the way literal-who strangers act like they're licensed neurologists/psychologists and at all privy to the internal lives of people they don't know because they read a few Tumblr/Twitter posts on "f-fiction not existing in a vacuum!"
I mean. It absolutely does if you're not retarded. I think most people who read like, ASOIAF didn't come out of it thinking horse sex with teens was okay (and unlike the incest, all that shit was very obviously glorified). Christ.
No. 1305227
>>1305220I mean, seriously. Modern fandom has me thinking being able to compartmentalize my weird incest yaoi teacher/student dead dove rape dubcon fanfic from
actual reality is a super power and not like, something anyone with a working brain and moral compass can do. I've been reading degenerate shit since my teens – I'm fine.
If other people aren't then that's them, not me.
No. 1305230
>>1305220Nobody seems to understand that women lusting for anime characters is different to moids lusting for anime characters. You just imagined different things even kek.
I unironically believe that if a woman likes anime boys, specially those from shit like Free, BNHA, Twisted Wonderland, JJBA and so on, are even less likely to be actual pedos than moids watching shit like Love Live, K-on, or literally any shitsekai anime.
That twittard is just retarded, don't pay attention to it.
No. 1305231
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the news articles say she 'died', she was 'euthanized', they call it everything but what it was - MURDER! they murdered her! they killed her for no reason, she has never hurt anyone, she never did anything to anybody except swim and be a walrus, and that's how she's done in. she's murdered 'for her welfare', because it wouldn't be cost-effective to ship her back home. what a fucking joke! this news has devastated me, i loved her, and she's dead due to human incompetence and evil. she didn't have to die
No. 1305256
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>>1305231i was extremely upset and outraged as well when i heard the news. i was going to update nonnies but hadn't gotten the chance to yet. we didn't deserve her. she should've been CHERISHED, not murdered with bullshit excuses. those people are bloodfiends.
No. 1305262
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>>1305237It gets worse. On top of surveyed men and women being interviewed and the results showing that men seem to lie more than women do, men will even lie about loving the women in their lives just to get in between some legs. Men lie so fucking much, I almost feel bad for the male-identified women who think their sons, Nigels, and brothers can do no wrong.
No. 1305286
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Starting to see that trying to date a woman is just as obnoxiously bad as trying to date men. You want the comfortability of a relationship and what comes with it (sex, money, etc) but the moment you are confronted with a question to take things monogamously you’ll have a panic attack and pull the friend card or “I wasn’t looking for anything serious”. I’m done will the lot of you. Men? Women? You’re all the same lol.
No. 1305305
>>1305210Yeah, you really sound like a bitch in every way. I'm sure you have lots of friends if you get this
triggered over a vent post.
No. 1305314
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Why do I have such SHIT luck with customers?!
By that I mean that I'm often the only one in my team that gets formal complaints from customers, get my name written down by them and other shit. What's worse is that I'm actually doing my job right and am not even lying most of the time and yet the shit keeps happening.
The last complaint I got was how I booked something for a customer that he didn't order, except it was an OFFER the retard got per PAPER MAIL and we discussed it all over phone for 20 minutes. My boss even laughed at how retarded that is but had to give me a "verbal warning" because the higher ups pressured him. I could lose my job because people refuse to listen and act like absolute fucking retatds.
I'll start mispronouncing/spelling my last name since those retards can't pronounce slavic last names.
No. 1305330
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>>1305164Lol the one defending her Nigel deleted her account.
No. 1305335
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I was meant to meet up for a couple of drinks with friends tonight, but idk my emotions kinda hit me as I was getting ready, so I told them that I wasn't coming and made up a stupid lie. So now I'm here listening to sad music instead and hating myself for being like this instead of pushing myself to go out. I deserve to be alone when I'm that stupid I guess.
No. 1305381
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>>1305377It's obviously a bitter scrote. Just ignore and report.
No. 1305415
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>>1305405Ikr? The fact that this naked baboon scrote is even wasting his time screeching at a bunch of random women on lolcow, of all places, is a good exhibit of how obsessed men are with women. They want us to wipe their asses, they want us to kiss their ugly thumb-looking dicks, and they even want us to pay attention to their incoherent rage to have their little scrote satisfaction. Men are obsessed with women, because they're human parasites who need us for every worthless ounce of emotion in their primordial brains. Parasites are obsessed with being the "superior" aspect of the human race, while throwing wild tantrums when they can't cheat or prove their delusional sense of self-worth. I'll always have more respect for women or girls over any scrote. A seconds-old infant girl is infinitely more important to this world than any scrote on the face of the Earth. With every scrote that whines about how he can't make it in life and ultimately kills himself, the healthier the universe gets.
No. 1305429
>>1305415Exactly. And kek at the moid telling these women to kill themselves, not realizing that with us women, it doesn't work the way it does with moids.
No, YOU KYS you useless scrotes. Seethe for you will never be loved or appreciated. You are so sad for even coming here and posting this shit. Women would never. No matter how depressed, at least we have dignity. Moids are shameless and pathetic through and through.
No. 1305437
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>>1305417>>1305429According to Google: "Globally, death by suicide occurred about 1.8 times more often among males than among females in 2008, and 1.7 times in 2015. In the Western world, males die by suicide three to four times more often than do females. This greater male frequency is increased in those over the age of 65".
Don't be too mad at the scrote. Smile, nonas. Smile knowing he might kill himself shortly since he's clearly losing his mind.
No. 1305440
>>1305397Samefag, I’m sad you deleted,
nonny. I wanted to add that I can almost see why some women go back. I can’t relate but the whole world turns on the women too even if they didn’t know or even if they are the ones who reported it themselves. And it feels like some special kind of gaslighting because despite the big talk, it’s plainly obvious that the entire world is very ok with pedophilia. The same types making threats will go on and explain away or cover up pedophilia when it’s a moid they know or a celeb they like. It suddenly becomes too real and in the end none of them have a spine.
No. 1305459
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>>1305441>>1305444And you are absolutely based, nonas. Moids project their faults when they're telling others to kill themselves. A few years back, I used to have guilt over hating men. Now I accepted my animosity towards males, and I come here to embrace it.
No. 1305460
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I hate that I get so excited to discover cool/interesting things that were "created by a woman", only to be let down and find out that it was a fucking tranny. A prime example being Vektroid/Macintosh Plus, who did that "Floral Shoppe" song that basically became the theme song for vaporwave. At the time, I hadn't seen photos of this person but I thought it was so cool that a girl made this uniquely weird music and pioneered this entire niche genre on the internet, but nope. Fucking disappointing.
No. 1305471
(sameanon as
>>1305460,) this also happens when I've looked for women-only groups for hobbies, especially in tech or gaming circles. Like 10 years ago I joined a group meant for girls to find other girls to play multiplayer games with, without being hassled by scrotes. Sure enough, it was full of troon "uwu gamer gurls" and I never ended up finding friends to play with and gave up.
No. 1305525
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>explain x to mother
>she brushes it off or doesn’t care about it
>some news show or article mentions x
>”omg daughter have you heard of x? It’s so bad you need to stop doing x or this will happen” etc etc
No. 1305527
So I met this girl at a birthday party and thought that she's pretty cute so I said hey why not befriend her? And so I did, and after talking with her for sometime, guess what. She's actually not a she, but a genderfluid they/them creature, and is making that her whole personality(+ her being ace or something?). Not only that but she's also making her mental illnesses her whole personality. It's like she preaches them in a way, instead of getting help. I mean every time we talked she had to mention how anxious she is and how many breakdowns she had over the past week.(it's okay if you want to vent to someone, but don't bring it up every time there's a non related conversation about it). To give you a more in depth understanding about it, she was talking about true crime and those 2 brothers that killed their parents as a form of defense, and she said something along the lines: I can't hate people that were abused up to the point of revenge, but that's personal. This is just one of the many examples of her bringing this in a non related convo. Listen, I'm sorry for what happened to her(problems at home, with parents and such), and it's a real bummer when this happens to anyone and I'm so sorry for people with abusive parents/parents who neglect them, but this girl really makes this her entire personality. Also, she would mention euphemisms for self harm every now and then, in a serious way. And I don't know if I can keep up with this, I mean we can't talk about anything else without her mentioning her mental illnesses/gender and sexuality/parents or relatives/self harm.
No. 1305533
>>1305525My mom does the same thing. It's such a slap in the face especially if she tells me a moid told her. I guess we're not "credible" enough,
No. 1305550
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The women’s only gym beside my house just announced that they’re switching to a mixed gender gym. I’m so fucking pissed. Women really can’t have shit. One of the things I like most about working out is the joy of weightlifting in a room full of strong ladies. Now I’m being forced to withstand the male gaze. This is complete BULLSHIT, I can’t thrive under these conditions. There’s only two other women’s only gyms in my city and they’re both really far away from my house. I want to scream. The patriarchy wins again
No. 1305581
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>other mothers support their daughters both mentally and financially for their first own apartment
>mine yells at me 24/7 in hopes I'll give her the money I saved up for it, including but not limited to blackmail, threats of physical violence and 9999 forms of manipulation
At this point I'm so disappointed, I'm not even disappointed anymore.
No. 1305597
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I'm finally taking basic steps to improvement like getting a driver's license, taking classes, getting a job, but it still doesn't feel like enough. I wish I never went off the rails to begin with and had stayed in uni for 4 years for a bachelor's degree like everyone else. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with myself and that it was something you can make a living off of instead of what I actually am into. And I wish I at least had confidence in what I'm studying but I don't see myself having a career in this at all. I'm doing the best I can right now but it never feels like enough. I'm still laying the groundwork with no conceivable future career plans in sight and that worries me. Sometimes it is soul crushing but other times I can at least feel proud of my baby steps, just want to know where it's leading and if that's anywhere at all
No. 1305633
>>1305620This is a very American post. No offense, but nothing is 24/7 in Austria except the people selling bad weed near the train station. Stores close at 7:30pm, many much earlier than that. On Saturdays, stores shut by 6pm at the latest. No stores are open on Sundays or holidays, with very very limited exceptions. Yes, all stores, meaning supermarkets are shut too. Pharmacies even have a rotating 'emergency night/sunday' shift, so you have to look that up if you need stuff.
Only in this society would something like a "beer/alcohol delivery service" make any money. It's for people who didn't buy enough or run out of alcohol - a van drives around and delivers alcohol after stores shut. If you run out of an ingredient after hours, too bad so sad. Austria will probably never change these laws about opening hours
No. 1305637
>>1305633samefag but I also did a research trip to Jerusalem. I felt like Austria almost prepared me for that.
Almost nothing is open in Jerusalem on Saturday until after the sun sets. No trains, trams, very very limited busses (only the so-called "arab busses").
Shabbat starts at sundown on Friday night and after that, the city is deserted. People walk in the middle of the streets because there are no cars. Good luck getting a taxi Friday before sundown - pre-Shabbat rush. You have to fight with ultra-orthodox Jews to get one
No. 1305640
>>1305634yeah I agree to an extent that Austria's laws are crazy. I don't think things need to be 24/7 but longer hours and Sunday hours would be great.
It sucks sometimes, especially if you want to cook something and don't have a certain ingredient
No. 1305748
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I was adopted at birth, never knew who my bio relatives were, and just didn’t need to. Finally, out of curiosity, I just recently found pictures of my biological mom for the first time and…fuck, she is so fucking ugly.
The worst part is, I can see some slight resemblances, like our hair texture, lip shape, and her larger, more bulbous version of my same nose shape. It’s like looking at an ugly, lumpy, swollen version of my own facial features and it disgusts me.
I think I’m a pretty good-looking person, but sometimes in certain angles I just see her pictures now. I’m terrified that I’m going to look like her in a few decades. I guess from the stories I heard, I always imagined her being somewhat attractive. I know this is a stupid thing to vent about but it’s been bothering me for a while and I’m starting to really dislike my facial features now. I wish I had never seen what she looks like.
No. 1305758
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I'm not doing well nonnies. I just found out after I got of work that my younger brother attempted to take his own life. He's fine and he's on suicide watch now. This has been devastating to me. I think the most horrifying part about it is that if I expected anyone to attempt first in the family that it would be me. He's a great kid with so much ahead of him. He hasn't even started college yet. How could he be having such thoughts now. I wish I could take whatever is burdening him and place it onto my own shoulders like the good big sister I want to be. This doesn't help with the fact that I'm in a different state than him and can't be with him physically.
No. 1305760
>>1305748Holy shit
nonny I woke up the cat with my laughter that is NOT what I expected. Usually adoption reunion type stories are either total tragic disasters or uwu heartwarming, not . . . not this. Damn, girl. Chin up, you probably don't look as bad as you fear.
No. 1305763
>>1305758sorry to hear it
nonny, when he's out of SW you should call him.
>>1305751I don't think it is bad to cry so long as it isn't excessive. It can help.
No. 1305780
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If I don’t get a bf so I can rub his chest hairs on my face and have my head in his armpit at night I will absolutely burst into flames I can’t do this anymore
No. 1305797
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I'm about to visit my fam in my hometown and I'm dreading it so much. I haven't seen my parents since january and they're getting old, so I want to spend as much time with them as I can but I hate my hometown so fucking much. They can't travel to my city either because it's too far away for them, so I don't have much of a choice. Leaving it was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. My childhood was meh (some shitty experiences, some good ones) but my teens were super shitty and I was suicidal 24/7. I really hope I won't run into any people I knew from back then. I wish I could just cancel and I wish I'd never have to step foot in this damn city again.
No. 1305861
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I don't want to be on the same earth as psychopaths, murderers, rapists, child abusers etc. Why would anyone? Why do we accept that we share this world with horrific people that always get away with their crimes, who never face repercussions? These are the same people with immense wealth and power who control entire countries. Just why. How can I go on knowing everything is hopeless and so many terrible things happen everyday to millions of people, and I can't do a thing to stop it? And to think that it will never change, because human nature never changes, we'll always get stuck in the same mistakes and fallacies, makes me want out. Because seriously, who wants to be in such a place? You might be kind to people, you could help out with a charity or whatever, and still it won't make a difference, because it won't compensate for all the horrible things that go on. It's never-ending. Idk like isn't it such a waste to tell kids in school to be nice to each other and treat others respectfully but nobody does it in the real world? Or at least, the people in power should especially follow those simple ass rules and yet they never do. So idk what the point is. I could enjoy a hot chocolate and a movie and yeah it might relax me, but it's just a distraction at the end of the day. A distraction from the overwhelmingly horrible truth of how the world is. It doesn't actually improve anything. And why should I get to enjoy these pleasures when millions of people can't and they're suffering everyday? It's not fair. This world sucks.
No. 1305936
>>1305920You're totally right that people with dysfunctional background usually perform worse when it comes to relationships, school and work than their peers raised in healthy families, and there are studies to prove that. I'm in my mid/late 20s and I've never even been to uni because of the combination of my family and economic situation and my mental disorder. Over time, I learned not to blame and detest myself for this. I did the best I could to survive, and I'm sure you're also doing your best to survive. Sure, there will be people who will judge you, but they won't understand. We cannot compare ourselves to people who had the chance to develop in stable and safe environment. I'm glad I was able to find a job that allows me to pay my bills. My goal is to be able to work from home one day, since I don't really like going outside, but even if I won't be able to achieve that, my hobby will always give me some extra cash besides my regular job. I would recommend you to find a hobby, something you're good at, if you don't have that yet. The worst part to deal with is loneliness though. I see that people who have friends and partners are usually happier and they function better and I can't make those connections. I don't really have any remedy for that. Also, most men are shit (I never dated men but it's easy to observe) so the probability you will find a nice one is quite low. But it's not impossible, just like it's not impossible for your circumstances to change, so don't treat your current life like something definitive. It's the worst kind of psychological trap.
>>1305924Buying a house in your mid 20s? Where do you live? Who can allow that? Maybe they're some privileged bougies with rich parents.
No. 1305940
>>1305924>>1305936Thank you so much for your replies, nonnas. I always thought whatever but I’m getting older now and all I want is a normal, stable life for myself. It really doesn’t help that I see some friends living their lives by the book and inevitably end up comparing my life to theirs which you are right, it’s stupid. I’m so glad you guys are somewhat content with your life and I wish you the best. I hope life gets better for you nonitas.
>>1305930Lol thank you nonita that’s cute. I never really cared for scrotes which is why I didn’t pursue any relationship when I had the chance to. I had
toxic men around me all my life so I developed a man hating attitude way before I was even really into feminism but it’s just that I feel so lonely and I barely have friends and my family doesn’t provide that love and I care I crave which is why I even think about scrotes in the first place. I see how kind and loving my friends bfs are and I wish I was lucky enough to have that rare dude who isn’t completely fucked up.
No. 1305996
>>1305968ugly men are always far worse than attractive men
same goes for socially inept or otherwise failed men
they have zero self-awareness and instead grow more delusional the less they're worth
No. 1306002
>>1305996I've always found the biggest assholes are hot but fucked up men. You know, the sort who are physically attractive but haven't had a job in five years and spend their whole life getting high. You find a lot of these types of men in the cosplay scene or in nerd social circles in general these days and I have no idea why.
Hot, mentally healthy men are generally the least misogynistic.
No. 1306004
>>1306002yeah asp/mentally ill hot moids aren't exactly better, they get away with a lot and become machiavellian, but ugly men are not nicer just because they aren't attractive
the ugly ones will point to the kind of man you mentioned's success and seethe at women for it
No. 1306009
>>1306006Samefag but I know one of these women and she recently had a kid with one of these dudes she met through discord. He has a nice body and has a lot of tattoos and all it took for her to drive five hours to meet him (and get pregnant a few months later) was him sending a shirtless picture of himself. He still hasn't gotten a job and still just sits on his couch dreaming about taking a philosophy degree (he's 27) while smoking pot.
These women are an embarrassment to other women tbh.
No. 1306028
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I think I am going to be loveless forever and for once that perspective doesn't frighten me.
I love some people, sure, but they will never love me back or it's improper of me to date them and I could never bring myself to not care about that (there's my best friend who is so very much straight, my other friend whom I fucked as fwb, but she doesn't want a relationship, a very cute girl who fawns over me, but is almost ten years younger than me and I just CAN'T, there's also a guy I am friendly with who is flirty, but he's a guy, so I'm not going to take my chance even if I am technically bi)
I'm 27 and my family wants me to be married and have children already, but even if I do fall in love again, it would be with another woman (which makes marriage/adoption impossible since it's not legal where I live) and most likely hopeless, as no one I was down with loved me back.
And you know what? I am ok with that. I am going to just date myself because I am crazy enough to do that.
Maybe I'll get another cat or something.
No. 1306121
>>1306096Ewww that's icky.
As for my vent, I really fucking hate that there are no bidets in public restrooms here. The USA is so fucking backwards, single ply toilet paper and hardly anyone washes their hands. There's shit everywhere, people. Everywhere. WAKE UP.
No. 1306153
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>>1306143Yeah I'll stick to just toilet paper
No. 1306157
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>>1306154You live in a make believe world where shooting piss water at your cooch is somehow better than learning to wipe properly. Pic unrelated.
No. 1306171
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I always roll my eyes when I see people complaining about being pretty or having pretty privilege. If you hate being pretty so much just be ugly, it's not hard to look ugly.
No. 1306245
>>1305931twisted wonderland
>>1305948they've always been horny nona what're you on. anyway i hate how they've become Tranny Centered, now that isn't funny
No. 1306364
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No. 1306365
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No. 1306366
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No. 1306368
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No. 1306380
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No. 1306395
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>>1306096I'm having flashbacks to that one anon in an old unconventional attractions thread admitting to sending nudes to null.
No. 1306397
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>>1306394It's a scrote who wants attention. Just report and wait for the farm hands to take him away.
I swear males can never leave women alone.
No. 1306415
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>>1306405When moids demand so much attention from women that they can't stay out of our faces, even when they're fags.
No. 1306418
>>1306409thanks for proving my point faggot, keep on beating it to black men though, you will get banned soon.
>>1306415i wonder if he got rejected by a black man.
No. 1306455
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>>1306418>>1306424Faggot porn truly is vomit-inducing. I can practically smell these gifs. This annoying, spammer faggot needs to wear a noose already.
No. 1306514
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when you find a great recipe online but the ingredients are not in metrics
No. 1306523
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>>1306518And this is something I like about lolcow. You nonas are not afraid to dive into the psychology of the people you can't stand.
No. 1306551
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All the AI ''art'' programs are making me depressed, I spent so much time learning to draw for a fucking AI that steals a bunch of pictures and photobashes them together to come and steal my job opportunities, and somehow this make the retarded normies go crazy and fucking praise the trannies that create those shitty AIs. As I grow older I realize how little people care about art, how the art community is utterly corrupted by both companies and artists that just want to crunch out the safest pieces of garbage for mass consumption. I used to think drawing was seen and admired as one of those skills that take years to master, but now I realize that most people just pity the artists and consider them lesser. It's over, being an artist nowadays is just a form of masochism. I guess I still have my weird fetishes to keep me motivated while I draw.
No. 1306563
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Can some of you nonas PLEASE help me understand why moids want everyone to be so overly forgiving? I’ll try to keep this as straightforward as possible. In the past, I’ve let friends vent to me about awful things they’ve experienced in their childhoods. From stuff like physical abuse, to sexual abuse, and other forms of abuse from their own parents or other family members. From those friends venting to me about such horrible things they’ve endured, what also stood out to me was when they brought up how their boyfriends felt about it. Their boyfriends insisted that their trauma wasn’t so bad, and that “forgiveness is the key to happiness” because “everyone can change”…just what the fuck? It’s not just there where I learned that moids are insistent on others forgiving objectively abusive people, I see this on the internet too. Moids on social media will always take up for wife beaters, rapists or murderers with the excuse of “people can change! He learned his lesson, he’s a good person now!”, while practically demanding any victims and families to forgive and forget as if domestic violence, murder and rape are on the same level as a person cutting in a snowcone line. I understand forgiveness when it’s your saved snack being eaten, when someone spills a drink on you, or when someone borrows an item without asking. But children being beaten? Molestation? Parents verbally threatening their teenager’s life over grades? I cannot see how something this serious is deserving of forgiveness. How can someone be expected to go through such awful things and say "whatever, I think my abuser is a great person now!" Can somebody please dissect the psychology of moids to help me understand why they think literal scums of the Earth shouldn’t be held accountable and should be forgiven no matter what? At this point, what the fuck does forgiveness even mean anymore?
No. 1306564
>>1306551People are so dramatic over AI tbh, no, anon, you won't get replaced, human talent will always be considered more interesting, specially in art, because it's human.
Even if all you do is draw anime girls sitting on weird places, someone will like it and pay for you to draw them.
Not only that, but the moment you publish something online someone will grab it and use it to create something different, so other people can fuck up with your stuff as well, not just the evil computers.
If you truly love art just keep going, if you're doing this for the money then get a side job so you don't have to starve.
AI made art will also be only used for stuff like fast fashion and other stuff like, I don't know, Walmart and target. Maybe some cartoons but even then it will need the intervention of a human to make sense of what a computer without true reasoning, empathy or understanding of aesthetics could do.
Technology isn't as advanced as it sounds in the news, most of the times they're talking about what "will" or "could" be done and that "will" only truly turns into "does" after many years, if not decades, and even if it's supposed to be doing amazing art, it's only on either a trial period or it's being used to do other things like studies and projects.
TL;DR: don't be a doomer, you still have art.
No. 1306573
>>1306551AI cannot replicate the meaning and emotions behind art. I understand your frustration tho, corporations are always trying to replace humans as much as possible and people barely value artists to begin with, but don't worry about those AI programs, they ain't worth shit compared to what a single human can create
>>1306563Men are the 98.99999% of all crimes, they ARE the avatars of death and violence, they forgive crimes because one day they will commit atrocities too
No. 1306581
>>1306563Because they picture themselves in the
abusive moids shoes rather than the
victims, they always protect their own knowing they're likely to be in the same position some day.
No. 1306585
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I'll never match the aesthetic I really like because of my face. I've always liked that sharp aggressive look on women, the look that pairs well with a shaved head and tattoos and stuff. But my face is too round, hair is too curly, and my eyes are large and deep set so I always look paranoid or like I'm about to cry. I feel like if i really tried to dress in the style I want it would look bizarre.
No. 1306588
>>1306585you sound cute
nonnie. I have the opposite problem, I'm a shy soft-spoken sperg that looks masc and tall. freaky friday pact?
No. 1306600
>>1306566>>1306573>>1306581Okay, I see moids defending moids so that women become accustomed to taking abuse from scrotes, but why do moids defend
abusive mothers when the
victim is a daughter? Are the moids fine with that just because it's a girl or a woman suffering and not a male? What am I saying, of course they do. I have got to stop expecting humanity from scrotes.
No. 1306605
>>1301815repost now that the gay moid is gone
so we got together the other day and I tried to get more information from him regarding his decision and honestly I could not understand it. He got a bit frustrated and told me "is sex really that important to you?" no dude, I just don't like restrictions on it. The worst is that this is fairly new to him and he's just ruining a relationship because of something that is not even his "new life" or anything. I don't think he had a porn addiction either but I'm not sure. He just kept talking about not wanting to lose the energy he got from not cumming, etc. I just told him that I think we have very different libidos and that I didn't want to force myself to do what he wants and I didn't want to force him to be another person either. If he wants to explore this "self control" it's on him and I won't interfere. Threw the hail mary of "maybe we can connect later in the future" but didn't really mean it. Forget it, I'm so done with men and their weird hangups… I can value him not being a coomer and not watching porn but I don't like when it impacts sex with me.
He stayed the night anyway which was such a bad idea and I felt too shitty to kick him out, it was like 3 AM. He hugged me the whole night, it was reeeally awkward. Now I have a dilemma because before this happened he gifted me a ticket to see him play live tonight (big group, big audience) and I don't know if I should go or not… we haven't spoken in the last two days. For me I would go because I still think he's a sweet guy and I feel kind of bad wasting the gift, but I also know his family and friends are going and I'm really uncomfortable with them seeing me (he had mentioned he shared a photo of me with his family, etc). I feel I should talk to him and tell him I can't go, but like… I just want to avoid it altogether and not go kek what do i do
>>1306459thanks nona, that's what bothers me. I didn't like thinking dude is worrying about getting his "energy drained" everytime we fuck.
No. 1306609
>>1306606Stare at them back, being ugly makes people very uncomfortable, it's a power move. Make them think you're ugly
and crazy. Although I doubt ur ugly.
No. 1306654
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No. 1306659
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No. 1306702
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I really love dogs and cats. Though I don't think we as humans deserve them, I still feel thankful that I live in a world where they exist.
No. 1306756
>>1306654wasn't this one of the sub-plots in Bojack?
that being said, I recall once being younger and dumber and going to lots of shows alone. small crowd that night, and I had walked to the venue by myself. which was generally a bit dangerous to do as a 100lb 18 year old, given the area. some old creep came up to be and says "you come here all alone pussycat?"
the guy really called me pussycat. I stayed for the band I wanted to see, talked to the lead singer, bought their record, but made sure I hightailed it out of there pretty quick. iirc I might have ran across the street to a 24-hour cafe (whose regulars are known to be nuts, but it was a well-lit area) and waited for my uber ride. to my relief, the driver was a woman. I told her about the creepy men and she said "yeah I typically don't pick up anyone over here of weekends, not at night unless it sounds like a girls name." I was so thankful to ride with someone who understood and I felt safe with. I've had too many creepy drivers. One of them found me on facebook. one of the messages he sent said "where are you?"
Later I found out he lived right by my university and someone was asking why the FBI had busted someone's door down. Turns out it was his, after finding the news article. He had a very recognizable name. Anyway! He was found to be cyberstalking/irl stalking multiple women.
No. 1306765
>>1306756NTA but god
nonny, I'm so sorry that something so dangerous happened to you, glad to know you're safe. That kind of shit is why I'm a shut-in. I wonder why people haven't come up with a female-only Uber-type company, I'm sure there'd be enough demand for it. Trannies might make it difficult though.
No. 1306775
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>>1306771here i just got some
No. 1306779
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>>1306760Didn't get the chance to really take it in. I only got to the part where they mentioned their mom dying. Thought they were some poor nona getting bullied. I'll do better next time.
No. 1306798
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fuck nonas im so so so fucking sick of having to be a cool girl in order to engage with my moid-infested hobbies. im tired of having to hear the fifty seventh "lol WOMAN" joke in the last thirty minutes and going "ha ha yeah." i know its such fucking pick-me behaviour but there are literally barely any other actual women who frequent the same online communities as me and the ones that ARE there are always rebuffing my attempts to form some kind of connection with them and "jokingly" put me down in front of the males. makes me feel like im going insane!
No. 1306801
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I can’t recall which thread this was in, but anon who shared that her boyfriend found an obscure photo of her sucking dick—this might be a possibility. Also adding once again that him overlaying the photo to a full-size photo of you in PS was not “harmless” and he’s obviously not stupid.
No. 1306806
>>1306798Back when I had to play nice because of my moid hobbies, it was really the little things that kept me sane. Responding with a "man, haven't heard that one before!" or making the joke about them in reverse, still laughing enough that they don't tard rage, it made it a little more bearable.
Although you'd be surprised how many guy friends/simps I kept when I finally went full man hating bitch, a lot of men really do like being bullied.I really suggest looking for gals on here that have the same interests or seeing if you can get other female friends into your hobbies. Tons of girls turn out to really enjoy stereotypically moidish hobbies when another girl introduces them to it and makes it feel a little safer to try out.
No. 1306809
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>>1306801>>1306802That anon needs to tell us if she dated a conspiracy Trump 4chan moid
No. 1306822
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>>1306819Exactly. Scrotes are fucking barbaric. Literally any other job is better than being a sex worker.
No. 1306840
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>>1306775is it bad that i've never smoked weed at 22?
No. 1306871
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>>1306868In the same boat. Wanna cry together
No. 1306878
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>>1306760>>1306779the post said
her sister was autistic tho, and didn't call anyone a whore. i'm confused.
No. 1306889
>>1306803ayrt, plamo and some autist-y video games are the two that are almost entirely male dominated
>>1306806thank you nona, i really appreciate the advice. i think i might try to rope some of my irls into my hobbies!
No. 1306904
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I want to do bad things to men because they do bad things to us and we never do it back
I’m socialized to not hurt innocent people, but men aren’t innocent
No. 1306922
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>>1306919Based. I love you
No. 1306944
>>1306891i'd maintain a community of my own if i could keep it really small, like a friends-of-friends kind of thing, but that would require having people i know to join first
>>1306933i'd never heard of it until now but it actually looks so fun. i think i might try it out, i love the concept of a player driven world but it always attracts the lamest kind of gamer man possible
No. 1306954
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i am so fucking angry all of the goddamn time every second of the day but i do not express it. seriously think i am going to snap soon hghghhghhhhh
No. 1306983
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>>1306973Based. There should not be this much human males in the first place.
No. 1306995
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>i need to check this one thing from my bank
>bank has updated their user interface again within a year
>interface is cluttered as hell with complex graphics and pop ups and is so slooow
>i don't fucking have 5g in this rural hellhole
>bank asks for my info for some reason
>asks if i am a citizen of US
>fucking never even been to that shit hole and never will is this really necessary
>can't skip so i have to answer
>interface crashes on me 3 times and i can't get in
>reeeeee i wish the industrial society would collapse asap
No. 1307019
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>>1306973>>1306983>>1306996>>1306904>>1306908>>1306911>>1306916>>1306919>>1306922>>1306954>Thinking of all the men alive today that could've been killed in war instead like the old days.Like history has proven time and time again, they would spread their rape ape degenerate std whore disease ridden soulless rot to women and children, even "enemy" men weren't safe. We need to ship them out onto a moid island and let them hunger games themselves to death. Yes your Nigel is going, yes your "protective" boyfriend that calls you a whore for a bra strap existing, yes your father you love but recently learned forced your lost mom into having your siblings and proceeded to emotionally and verbally abuse and make feel crazy for 30 years. Your "feminist" boyfriend can experience catcalling the way women do, fakes can experience real women's real discrimination, rape, and oppression like they want to. Only this time they can't opt out to usurp trophies and women's accomplishments.
Imagine tomorrow all women stopped shaving their legs, pubic hair, armpits, stopped plucking eyebrows and mustaches, slathering layers of makeup to hide our beautiful features passed on from our female ancestors. We don't have to live like this, we can change the world in a week but we need drastic measures and years of planning we're not currently prepared for with the world burning, pandemics, fear of rape, death, retaliation. But it can and will be done and it has to be fucking done or we will repeat the history that was and is being taken from us generation after generation.
Haters will say I'm joking or crazy. These are my genuine 3am thoughts on my period on the waning gibbous moon!!!!!!!!
No. 1307025
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on the topic of timothee chalamet's chlamydia, it's really amazing how men can look like ANYTHING and still be insatiable skanks with no priorities, to the point where having STDs doesn't stop them from fucking randoms all over the place. it's crazy that men can look like anything and they're all just still… the same dude, always the wannabe casanova with no introspection or interest in being real people, no matter how ugly or weird they look. men are literally all the same and yet they talk about women being "NPCs". universe-splitting levels of cope here coming from them constantly
No. 1307038
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>>1307033Woo-hoo, it's a pity party! I brought some balloons, let's goooo
No. 1307076
>>1307071Samefagging but I need to vent.
Last time they came unannounced, they stayed for 3 hours, turned on the TV and put the volume to the max (the walls were shaking), I had to yell at them to stop, my mom didn't do anything and was just laughing about it.
They also like to scare off my cat and touch random objects just to see what happens, make a mess in every room, etc.
I have to say, they are both girls and they were abandoned by their mother at a young age, so I suppose this explains why they are fucking hysterical. But I'm tired of having to put up with their behavior
No. 1307158
>>1307148For me it's her passive aggressive demeanor with that cute, quiet and polite voice that is the most annoying. I wouldn't be surprised if she sees any situation in which her views are challenged as picking up fights; like Nathan defending the "eating feces" joke.
Still, she's fascinating in how casually unhinged she is, I'm not surprised Nathan decided to make her a "main character". I wonder what the last ep will be like without her
No. 1307244
>>1307211Men are projecting their OWN romantic standards and desire for protection from a more powerful moid with the 'Chad' bullshit. That's all it is. Even in face preference studies women go for balanced oval faces with balanced ratios of fat, muscle and bone, while 'heterosexual' men go for lug-jawed barbarians with tons of muscles again and again and again.
Its the same shit over and over again, moids are always on some extreme axis and its telling the next popular archetype among that cuckchan crowd after 'Chad' is AGP-femboy shit
No. 1307263
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CP in ot.
No. 1307264
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No. 1307275
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all men deserve chemical castration until they can prove they're fit to be a part of society
No. 1307309
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>>1307211>>1307244Men absolutely fucking are the most shallow humans in existence. Men will leave you as soon as you're bed-ridden. Men lose respect for you if they think you're too ugly for their dicks. Men think you're attractive if other men want you. Men will think you're not as attractive when he looks at other gorgeous women. Men overestimate their own attractiveness so even if you're rated as the most beautiful woman in the world, Gollum-looking scrote sacks will still demand that you be with them. Never, ever give moids the benefit of the doubt. Men. are. SHALLOW.
No. 1307324
>>1307319Like I've experienced it to the point of a guy completely changing his demeanor towards me just for putting my hair up… Yet they'll deny they are like this til they're blue in the face, while projecting everything on women
Why are they like this?
No. 1307367
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>>1307025Ewwww that stache makes him look like such a sleazy skank. Can't wait for him to inevitably age like milk, such is the fate of a moid.
No. 1307437
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KEK why does this black-worshipping faggot have so much bbc porn on his hard drive? He comes here to vent his frustrations of never being able to compete.
No. 1307452
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>>1307442Right? like does he think he's
triggering us or something? That shit is fucking hilarious and the memes are almost funny. Retarded smegoids can't even shitpost right.
No. 1307464
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>>1307452Yeah, I think the goal is to
trigger us. For the past few days, he chimped out and tried to tell everyone in the thread to kill themselves. When that didn't work, he resorted to faggot porn to try and disgust us, when it really just exposed his own faggot tendencies ultimately and failed to stop the point of the thread: for women to vent. Personal theory, but I think he also has a mix of lust and hate for black guys considering his use of the word "nigger" while having a PC full of the same old black faggot porn. Basically, this scrotum is a bitter faggot who's probably gonna slit his own wrists in a few weeks (from the look of his mental health).
No. 1307474
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One can only imagine what this guy looks like. It's insane to think that a real person can be this schizo and have such a a huge lust for black cocks post more shit if you worship black cock
No. 1307488
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>>1307458>>1307474i had no interest in men of any particular color but i think i will fuck a few hot black guys and fall in love. fugly racist men can stay malding and unfuckable. he must be absolutely hideous. imagine having literally nothing in your life to brag about or feel proud of except your skincolor, KEK. the absolute state of failmales.
No. 1307491
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No. 1307494
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>>1307487Like I said before. The dude is chimping the fuck out. When telling us to kill ourselves didn't work, he's trying to "troll" us with his jack material to put on the idea that he's the one in control. But clearly the moid is seething if this is the THIRD time he tried to shit up the same thread.
No. 1307509
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I'm in my first relationship and cannot find peace due to my avoidant nature. He wants to be with me literally all the time, spends half of the week in my apartment and while I obviously like being with him, a part of me just always wants to get away and be alone
No. 1307598
I'm so fucking sick of being neurodivergent AND having severe bpd. I hate it. I hate it so fucking much. I hate struggling to learn basic things, I hate needing people to repeat directions multiple times, I hate struggling to have normal conversations and just be.. normal with people, I hate my outbursts, but most of all right now I'm dealing with horrible tone issues, I think I sound normal but to everyone, especially my boyfriend, I sound rude, snappy, and/or cold. It makes me feel awful, because he thinks I'm mad at him, he confessed last night that it feels like I'm unhappy in our relationship and tired of him, which I'm absolutely not, it's like all my words get put through a google translator that switches it to sounding angry.
No. 1307752
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>>1307722Based. Look here: seem to be in tune with their emotions in a way that'll aid them and the people around them. Scrotes are in tune with their emotions in a way that causes senseless violence, trauma, death, and nothing productive getting done. I can go into details on war and what men do during such events, but I'll bring up something more domesticated. Let's take murder-suicide as an example. The vast majority of perpetrators of this are scrotes. Take a wild guess on who the vast majority of
victims are. That's right, it's women. When men are depressed, angry, or feel double-crossed, they make it the literal end of the world for themselves and the people closest to them. Shit like this is why I had to stop talking to scrotes about equal rights, because even when I brought up every which way with how males make Earth a bigger challenge than it has to be for women and girls, they turn red and point fingers to say "you just hate men!". Well, maybe I do, but as moids LOVE say: "facts don't care about your feelings".
No. 1307788
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Idk if I’m being entitled to other people’s time or if I’m uninteresting but I wish that other people would be the one to text me first. I’m always the one that texts my friends first and even if they’re enjoying the conversation, it feels like I’m holding them hostage or forcing them into having a conversation. Especially when I’m feeling lonely and I want to talk to them but I don’t want to come across as clingy so I know I should wait a few days to talk to them and I need something interesting to say
No. 1307902
Too wordy for the smoker hate thread but I resent my family members for smoking. My mom was allowed 4 cigarettes a day while she was pregnant with me. I probably came out of the womb with a nicotine addiction. Both my parents would smoke indoors, and the pets and I would just be breathing in the haze. In the fourth grade I invited over a Mormon friend and she immediately began coughing, said it smelled weird in my house, and developed a migraine. I learned that the only friends I could have over were other kids with chainsmoking parents who wouldn't notice the smell because we all had minor nicotine addictions due to secondhand smoke. Our parents would hotbox their minivans with us in the backseat, wouldn't even bother with opening a window. Every time I smell someone smoking I am reminded of my childhood, and I hate it.
As a teen my dumb ass thought I could have 1 cigarette just to try it, and that I wouldn't get fully addicted because I saw my parents' mistakes and could avoid being like them. That led to 6 years of smoking about 2 packs a week. I will always crave cigarettes. Any time I see someone smoking in a film I will get a pang of longing. It will never stop, no matter how long it has been since I've quit. But at least I did quit. My lifelong smoker grandma who never even attempted to quit smoking got COPD. She would unhook herself from her oxygen machine, drag herself into the laundry room to sneak cigs, and blow smoke out the window thinking that prevented the room from reeking of tobacco. In nearly 60 years of marriage to my grandfather, she believed she'd kept it a secret from him, but he knew. He always knew. My mom took care of grammy, saw her wither, had her mother die in her arms, and still didn't quit. My mom is now taking care of my dad who has smoking-related stage 4 cancer, and she still won't quit. At least she's smoking outside now because the smoke in the air would make him cough up blood from his tracheostomy. Tobacco is evil, it's right up there with alcohol. It's like it possesses people and makes them not give a shit about anything or anyone.
No. 1307987
>>1302915I can't believe some of the people behind this were spoiled teenagers screaming
op is a terf on Tumblr back then.
No. 1307988
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I’m 27 and probably about to finally move out of my parents’ house and while it feels like I should be excited because I’m older than most still living at home I’m terribly sad. I worry about my parents missing me and about myself missing them and about this not feeling like “home” anymore. I know that’s probably dumb and pathetic but idk how I’m gonna handle this.
No. 1307995
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>>1307989Shit was disgusting at the irl pop up’s
No. 1308028
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>>1307997Went googling and found this
>40000 bodies or partial remains >PARTIAL REMAINSJesus Christ
No. 1308096
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I hope the mosquito that bit me on my butt cheek chokes on my ass blood.
No. 1308118
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>>1308102>I hate animeI love you, and I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one. I swear it's like everyone glorifies the shit out of anime. Anime fanbases are always degenerate, as with the shows themselves. Every big anime fan I met in my life was always an insufferable autist. My art high school teacher loathed anime and Dragon Ball Z because he believed that anime characters generally looked the same (lazy designing), and that the Dragon Ball series was just the same episode copied and pasted. I never watched much Dragon Ball, and it's been ages so I can't really confirm. But I hate anime anyway so I'll stay away from it kek
No. 1308147
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I hate that I feel misunderstood all the time, I feel perpetually judged
No. 1308169
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The way I use the scale multiple times a day, even though I'm a relatively smart, grown ass woman. I will weigh myself first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom and whenever I'm near the scale,then right before bed and every single time I will get this jolt of "ew did I fucking gain 2kg in one day, gotta eat less tomorrow!". You stupid bitch, that's pretty normal, you've drunk over 2L of water, and you haven't even had a shit today, of course there's 2kg extra now wtf. I've lost +50kg so I know this shit, I have done it in a pretty healthy way too, so why in fucks name do I freak over a few kg, when I always end up losing the same amount each month without suffering too much. Insanity, but I keep telling myself yeah I wouldn't tell anyone to weigh themselves daily, that's pointless haha, weekly is okay too, monthly even but not for me!! I am actually losing weight and you know, it's not like an obsession so it's okay when I do it, so… like wtf, that's so stupid. I am maybe actually relatively stupid, nonas.
No. 1308195
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Okay this is the stupidest non-problem ever. My dad just bought me $150 worth of video games tonight on steam out of the blue. Usually this would just be cause for concern or cautious optimism he got an insane bonus, and my birthday's coming up so it wouldn't be THAT weird but still weird. However the thing is we have this Family Situation going on where to sum up my dad is being really selfish and treating my mom badly. It's been a long time that this Situation has been going on and it's just become progressively more upsetting where my dad won't stop lying and gaslighting and condescending to my mom, my siblings and I. Recently, my mom and dad had a huge fight where he threatened 1. divorce and 2. kicking her out of the house and left her crying while saying "now you're gonna go tell the girls I'm the bad guy, right?" As if that isn't the most villainous scrote thing ever. It's pissing me off that he would hurt my mom so much so I've been cold to him lately. I honestly don't know what this massive gift is about - I asked for two (2) very reasonably priced games from my parents and let them know I wouldn't mind if they didn't get me them (I didn't say this but frankly I can just pirate most games..). NEITHER of these two games were ones he bought tonight. If he had just gotten me the games I asked for tonight I would've brushed it off as him being oddly early (my birthday is still a few days off) but this is so out of nowhere. Is he trying to buy me onto "his side"? Idk. Inb4 not a real problem etc etc the situation is just distressing and I want an outside opinion, would it be insane to decline the gifts and ask him why tf he's spending so much money..
No. 1308203
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No. 1308275
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I think I’m being proposed to this weekend during a weekend getaway (hooray!!), but I gained so much weight last year that I don’t fit into any of my dresses anymore. My boyfriend took me shopping for a nice dinner dress, and I ended up crying in the dressing room. I feel like I look like Miss Piggy in everything I try on. I’m so embarrassed, this is supposed to be a fun thing and I completely ruined the mood of the evening. We bought a dress that I felt least-fat in, but I still don’t feel “good” in it and I feel so guilty that he spent money on what feels like a “last resort” option. I also know that I’ll hate how I look in photos we take this weekend, not to mention the nasty comments I’ll inevitably get from my judgmental mother when she sees how I look now. My boyfriend is amazing and he says I look beautiful, but I can’t help but compare myself to my confident, toned dancer/athlete self from a few years ago, who would have been shocked and disgusted by how I look now. I feel like I look like a completely different person. I’m so mad that this is a once-in-a-lifetime event and I let myself get so fat.
I need to work on my self esteem and I wish I could “just own it!!” (like I used to tell other people!), but holy fuck, how the turn tables. It’s hard when you feel like a messy blob.
Tl;dr: I’m a Stacy-turned-Fattychan and cried in a dressing room tonight
No. 1308286
>>1308275My weight has yo-yoed a lot so I can empathize
nonny. There's really nothing I can say to fix it, really you just have to use moments like these as motivation to get back in shape/lose weight (in a healthy way, obviously.) I find that once I see a little progress I start to feel better, and I can make peace with my body in the moment knowing that I'm doing something to make a positive change. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your getaway and that the proposal goes well ♥
No. 1308300
>>1308203Yeah, what the fuck is up with that? I doubt even a fifth of the people who hurt her were female. I hate that society programs us to be blind to what is so obviously
male violence, so much so that even this woman who experienced it firsthand is minimizing it (although the translation could've removed all mentions of the "public's" sex).
If this weren't about humans, but about animals, I doubt they would apply the same logic to them. They would observe the animals and conclude something like "males are more prone to violence", "only males show this behavior", or something like that. But when it comes to humans, we always avoid mentioning sex, implying that both sexes are just as terrible.
No. 1308301
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Made the mistake of going on 4chan and pretty sure I saw an image of CP. Ruined my fucking night.
No. 1308304
>>1308301Sorry that you saw that
nonny. I've been there.
Here's a PDF that says how to deal with the trauma of having seen such material. No. 1308331
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I work an entry level job. On the high end of minimum wage, I love my highest up boss. My other two managers are literally weirdos one of them is a older dude who is trying to fuck me the other is some mom also older who always runs in and out of the place while she's working to do stuff with her kids and shes always on the phone or on smoke breaks it seems. They are both fucking each other, and she hates me because the scrotum always flirts with me, he is kind of insufferable, he's like 30 something I'm only 21, my second manager the lady wants me fired and my coworkers snitch on me for things like wearing ripped jeans which isn't against the dress code and little dumb shit like that, I will quit soon but only after I can find another job. Literally fuck this place it's all people who try to act friendly and then snitch on you or passive aggressive or slutty ass old scrotes idc IDC I just don't even want to go in tomorrow.
No. 1308378
>>1308289Thank you for reassuring me, you're right that that's probably what happened. I've been trying to distract myself but since we have similar interests they just keep reminding me of her and I keep thinking that those are topics we could still talk about together. I know I'm being a weirdo who's too attached to an imageboard acquaintance so I'll force myself to care less but just being in the unknown makes me feel even more uneasy. I almost wish she'd just cut me off completely so I wouldn't have the chance to worry anymore at all but I also know that's not what I actually want. I'll get over it though, thank you
>>1308295I totally get how that can be a bit weird to bring up. I think if you'd still like to talk to them it wouldn't hurt to try. You could just tell them something personal came up and at least most of them should understand. I'm sorry about your grandpa and I hope you're doing better now.
No. 1308419
I'm getting up in the years and I finally had a regrettable "wow, I really resent my mom and hate my life" moment today. I hate it. She did so much worse to me in my youth, but this is it? This was what got me?
She got mad at me over something so small and random that when I was alone I started crying for the first time in, what, months?
She didn't give a shit that my old siblings hadn't met this hyper-specific standard yet she never got pissed at them, not once…not in the past months. The last time it was because they got into a horrible fight. Yeah. That's what it took for her to get mad at them. It wasn't not showering for months, letting trash stay in their room for months, failing to do any chores, among other things. :|
I do all the cooking, cleaning…I am the only one in the house with a job…I am the only one who helps her go places, fix things, etc. When something goes wrong, she'll blame me even if it is unrelated to me. She blames forgetting stuff on me, too. If there is a 1% chance I could have prevented something a bit inconvenient, she'll blame me, with all that seething rage.
I've sat there and took it for so many years.
Want to know that really dumb thing that finally made me cry? The water I put into the fridge not being cold enough and her blaming me and berating me over it. Her logic was that I should have put less in so it cools down quicker (even if I was about to sleep when I put it in and thought it'd be good to have so much chill overnight). Yes. Imagine stuff like that. But in the 100s in such force and rage that you are on edge 24/7.
For some reason today felt like the last straw…
Like. Holy shit. I don't do this to her. She does NOT do this to my siblings, even if they make a mistake or destroy one of her favorite things. Why is it that they get peace and left alone, but not me?
God. I am so tired and I feel so goddamned idiotic for feeling this way. But holy shit, I wish I was never born. Living is just exhausting and that I can't handle this probably means I am not cut out for life. But I can't kill myself yet. I don't know what I can do to just get by because I honestly hate this, I hate this life so much, I can't imagine it getting better.
No. 1308423
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I hate the way I consume media. I hate the way my life is right now. I hate that all I do is doomscroll and I have zero interest in the shit I’m mindlessly looking at. I want a boyfriend again omg I can just feel the vaccine gay frogs chip 5g or whatever pummeling my brain into mush and I am sick of myself. I need a man.
No. 1308496
>>1308423Delete tiktok, reddit, and whatever else you doomscroll. I just did this 2 weeks ago and it was the best thing I did (tho I still get the urge to scroll)
You don't need a man but if you want one go get im.