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No. 1277091>>1277341>>1277370
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There's this woman with SM who says I'm healthy and I should be happy instead of being sad and depressed all the time and I'm just making excuses. Except I'm not healthy, I was diagnosed with C-PTSD and autism spectrum and I've been suffering from depression since I was 11 and I took like 6 different kinds of medication that, in the long run, didn't help me. Autistic people, especially those who are not high functioning, are not healthy people. Besides not being able to socialize with others, I suffered from a couple of seizures, I developed later than other kids my age, I have problems with motor skills, my immune system has always been very weak too, probably partly because I was a premature baby. I'm sick of people who think only "physical" illnesses like cancer or SM are legit, and no other disorder/illness can break your life and force you into a state beyond your control. It's simply not true. I never, ever downplayed her illness, even though she basically doesn't have any symptoms besides head aches from time to time. She's perfectly able to work, function, make friends, drive a car. I can't do that. Not to mention before that she had a 20+ years of a great life with loving family and a boyfriend and just everything I never had. What's funnier, her life espectancy since the diagnosis isn't really shorter than mine since autists usually die in their 40s or early 50s, either because of coexisting disorders or because of suicide (in the case of "higher" functioning ones), which is also more common than in average population. I know this is not suffering olympics, but she was the one who started it, downplaying my disorder and my suffering. I can just as well say her illness isn't real and the demyelinating changes in her brain can be caused by a couple of different disorders, not just SM, and doctors just choose to diagnose her with SM because that's the most profitable option for them; she even suggested that at first, but then she got scared by doctors. But how shitty it would be of me, to suggest that now? I would feel like an asshole, but she has no problem with denying my experiences. I think one day I will just break and say it to her and watch her being like "I will never speak to you again, you're heartless and tasteless" or something like that. She will tell everyone how cruel I am and they will turn away from me lmao
No. 1277102>>1277108
>>1277099that is not a loving relationship. he’s forcing you to stay with him. it’s
abusive. if he’s like that at 6 months he will keep getting worse and worse and eventually the violence won’t be towards himself. this is abuse. you are being held hostage in a relationship you want out of by force with threats. it’s manipulative bastard 101 and you need to go fully no contact and make yourself inaccessible as possible so he can’t try to threaten it anymore when you break up.
i know how nerve wracking it is. you need to prioritize your well-being here. he is sucking the life out of you. life can be so much better, and he’s not actually going to kill himself. it’s manipulation. please stay safe and don’t blame yourself for his outbursts.
No. 1277287
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I was right all along and I would laugh hard if children weren't involved. The creepy ex-army moid I've ranted about before is brainwashing his two tween girls. He has told his oldest she's old soul since a young child. She's acting like she is an old soul and literally has said she likes sleeping. It's nauseating because I'm pretty sure she's depressed. He has made them extremely dependent on him and they mimic his likes including food. I don't think they have friends because he bad mouths kids their age to them. He acts like only he gets them. He's extremely misogynistic and it shows. He is divorced from their mother but does bad mouth her in subtle ways to them. He has been depressed around them before when they were very young girls and acted terribly too (discharged due to injury, ptsd, and his behavior before army is actually alarming). He has gotten into a verbal fight with my mom and said he didn't want to unleash the monster. I would have called the police but my cell was in another room and I didn't want to escalate the situation.I think they think acting the way he wants them too won't bring back those times. I feel so bad for them and I know it'll get worse as they become teens. All they do when they see him is watch streaming channels or play video games. There's a park and a pool that isn't far away. I hate him so much and he's ruining them because they apparently don't have their own thoughts and feelings.
No. 1277409>>1277414>>1277427>>1277431>>1277593>>1277647
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I feel like I'm becoming like Ted Kaczynski. I cannot stand being around people anymore and feel like nobody has ever cared about me and that I have to constantly put on a facade to please people and when it drops they lose all empathy for me.I feel like a clown bound to always entertain people in order to not lose their love and empathy and when I dont entertain them anymore they have a mental breakdown calling me narcissistic and unempathetic when they didn't even have any empathy to begin with for me and only fostered bits of sympathy as long as I entertained them. I hate society and the internet. I want to pull the plug. I feel the internet has ruined me even more. Pulling the plug on this shit now. I dont wanna live in the 5d dimension. I dont want my brain hooked to this machinery with all these fucking losers that worship technology. I hate technology. I want a real life and children and friends and a lover, not fake 5D internet shit for losers. Fuck the internet. It's for losers and narcs I hate what the internet has done to me. If I dont pull the plug now I will be gone forever in the 5D. I want to live in the 3D world not in the 5D. I want real shit in my life.
No. 1277412>>1277417>>1277419
>>1277397Because moids will literally always relate to a man over a woman no matter what the man did, I think they have stronger class consciousness than any other group because of this. When they hear about a rape they find it easier to relate to the rapist than the
victim, so they instantly jump to his defense and come up with whatever excuses they can because they're imagining themselves in his position.
No. 1277417>>1277420
>>1277412Yes but even if the rape
victim is a man/boy, they will relentlessly defend the rapist.
No. 1277418
>>1277411Kirsten is like breh
>>1277413I am not even surprised but damn, I really liked
Love. Why do men
No. 1277419
>>1277412you’re so right. im kinda starting to tear up. sucks that women will probably always be second tier citizens barely categorized as human in their eyes. i can’t tell you how many times even with genuinely good men who are very kind and not remotely consciously woman hating have STILL reflexively defended men out of pure instinct. because they immediately ask themselves “what if that man were me?” and another thing i notice a lot from men is “that can’t be true, because i’m a man, and it’s not true of me.” (even pure raw statistical facts illicit this reaction, even from men who are allies to feminism will claim “uhhh i don’t think it’s true that most men do that… i don’t at least….” no matter empirical or anecdotal evidence
it’s like narcissistic empathy or something
No. 1277420
>>1277417that’s also true, when women are convicted of sexual assault against men, almost all men immediately say the man must’ve been gay to not want it, they wish it were them, etc. even weirder when it’s a student teacher thing.
the few men who don’t have this reaction just make it about how women get away with everything lmao
No. 1277630>>1277633>>1277635
>>1277627nta but
>surpressing depressed womencritizing anon for suicide baiting isn't surpressing her come on kek
No. 1277640>>1277642>>1277645>>1277649>>1277901
>>1277632Because it's enabling their mindset that they get attention if they threaten suicide by positive affirmation. Cry about how you're going to kill yourself, anons will come to comfort you. None of the anons who come here to suicide bait will ever do it, they're the kind of people who will scream suicide as a manipulation tactic every time their friends or acquaintances confront them about their
abusive behavior to avoid all blame and shift the focus on their own mental illness. Even according to studies legitimately suicidal people don't talk about it and suicide is often a spontaneous decision, not something you plan for literally years.
No. 1277691>>1277696
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the older I become, the harder it is to keep workplaces. I just fuck everything up, forget processes and misunderstand tasks. I have been here for 2 months and I already feel my managers are not happy with me. I genuinely want to go back to college and just write essays for the rest of my life without having to work ever again
No. 1277704
>>1277425be a bitch and draw boundaries with these beepeedees
>>1277445schizos never miss
No. 1277734>>1277999>>1278194>>1279454
I need to vent about this becasue it's been on my mind for days now. I'm in my mid 20's and regret losing my V card at 24. I did it out of desperation and societal pressure. It's been 2 years since I started having sex and dating moids and honestly, I regret it so much. In those two years the amout of time i have absolutely WASTED on trying to look hyperfeminine, worried about what men think about me, if they find me attractive or not, shaving (omfg shaving has ruined my fucking skin I havent shaved in 3 months down there, legs, arms, etc and it's the best thing Ive ever done for myself), buying lingere, wasting money on hair and makeup…. and not to mention being paranoid about what your scrote is up to, whether he's cheating, why he isnt responding to texts, stalking his social media. The list is too fucking long. Honestly, I cant remember one interesting thing I've done, accomplished or experienced these past 2 years. I've been single for 3 months and never felt better. I feel like my old self again. Looking back to when I was a virgin, I never worried about my looks, compared myself to women (to this extent) and was insecure (to this extent). The rate at which I accomplished my goals were so good, like there were no interferances or anything. In late May, I missed a really important deadline at work and I almost lost my job, all for what? a scrote…?! Like I almost missed my rent payment back in Feb too. I honestly can't imagine dealing with men in my teens. I know it's not the same for all women and girls but I'm lucky I was that old when I lost it. Maybe it's a good thing to have early experience to moids but still, I was so fucking happy before and I can't imagine getting married with a scrote. Something I also noticed is that these 2 years I wasted went by very quick. I didn't gain anything positive at all, just negative experiences.
No. 1277764>>1277770
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Finding it hard to sympathise with my bf right now.
Months ago, before he found a better-paying job, he was on benefits for a little bit and when he came off them and got back into work he received a letter about how he owed the benefits people some money. I also received the same letter but I knew it was bs considering we were always on time with everything, so me being the sensible person I am I rang them up, explained the situation and they confirmed it was a system error and that I had nothing to pay back at all. Nice.
I told him to do the exact same thing, gave him the letter and number and get it sorted out regardless of whether he owed them money or not - they are a government system so if it's genuinely an error they can't just lie to him about it.
Months pass, he doesn't do shit. Doesn't even try to ring them up or contact them despite them being pretty fair and sending ANOTHER 2 letters out to him in regards to what he "owes".
Now today he is seething and malding over the fact it caught up to him and he has had £170 deducted from his payslip. His words were "I know I'm not a victim BUT…" I cut him off and told him straight that it was his fault- he had all the time in the world to ring these people up and either explain it was an error or just sort out a suitable payment plan, the people on the phones are pretty nice and can arrange something to suit individual circumstances. He didn't do any of that, and now he is pulling the "yeah i'm at fault BUT…" and it's like a cheesegrater to my eardrums. I cannot fucking stand it. It's not "owning up to your mistakes" if you have to say "but" at the end of it, and when I told him to stop crying about shit he can't control he went in a mood.
Good luck with that, I guess. Victimising yourself and trying to worm out of situations isn't gonna give you the £170 back, keep malding holy fuck.
No. 1277811
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I don't want to work on my art. I don't want to do anything. Im emotionally tired from my loneliness. I still can't find a job in this country. I wish I could have a normal job so I could stop being so useless. The prices here increased x4 times more, to a point that a pack of period pads costs 9€. I feel so petty looking at my mutuals twitter sometimes, all because they can afford their 2500€ and more worth commissions while I'm sitting here like a pathetic, useless statue. I want to work on my project so badly yet I feel so miserable.
No. 1277861>>1277880>>1277885>>1277917
>>1277841Thanks, I don't do drugs nor do people in my circles so I don't know what level of usage is still within realms of healthy.
>>1277851Doing weed is illegal and not all that common here beyond festivals. I don't think I have my "head in my ass" when one guy smoking weed inconvieniences a lot of people and gives me a headache. You seem very personally attacked when all I said is it smells.
No. 1277888
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I feel and act like a complete idiot today. I had to broken up my locker at work because I closed it with the keys for it inside. Then I said goodbye to a co-worker after he gave me something I needed instead of thank you wtf. Then I forget things and just act confused, let things drop all the time and do other annoying things, I just fucking hate it ugh.
No. 1277915>>1277941
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Quit my old job where I was an employee to go into a contract gig. Higher pay, less bullshit, better prospects, but of course no benefits like health insurance. I still work two jobs for money so the system treats me like a middling wealthy fuck in spite of the fact that I have to work 4x as long and hard to earn it and that the majority of it goes to paying back debt.
Healthcare marketplace aka Obamacare wants to fuck me and give me no credit because I gross over 50k and haven't popped out kids yet. So I went for some minimum coverage shit through the contracting agency for preventative care and hopefully some coverage for my medications. I had a hell of a time trying to look up providers and seeing what was covered under my benefits, because despite "no surprises" they wanna ensure the information is obfuscated as much as possible so they won't have to worry about pesky cunts like me maximizing our care for what we fucking pay.
But nah, that's not even what's most upsetting.
What got me is that I fucking fell for entering my information into a mcfucking website DISGUISED as the official marketplace offering plan quotes. So now I've got cold caller assholes blowing up my phone and unbox trying to sell me their scam insurances. As if the system could not get more manipulative. As if it could not get more predatory.
My peace is one of the last things I have and even then I cannot have it.
No. 1277941>>1277945>>1278038
>>1277915When you say you work 2 jobs, what do you mean by that? i was debating on doing 2 remote jobs at once because I'm in the same situation, contractor with 0 benefits, no health insurance, no PTO, no paid holidays. I feel damned mean about it. I'm good enough to do their work but not good enough to actually hire and afford medical care to. I don't know why businesses do this. When you treat employees like shit guess how much of a shit they give about your company and their work quality? Zero.
I gave up on health insurance. I just don't go to the doctor. America is a third world country. I'll probably die of cancer at age 35. I resent being born here.
No. 1277952
>>1277277I've been handwashing my clothes in my bathtub for 18 months because the apartment washing machines are always full of doghair. I never considered people washing shitrags.
>>1277289Firing someone for caring for their ill SO… They need a crowbar to the temple. At least your bf can work for someone who is less of a skeezy ingrate
toxic shitbag. What company? Also contact a news company. With the current antiwork vibes you could drum up a lot of pitchforks with that story.
No. 1277978
>>1277954you'll die eventually either way nonna, no need to go out of your way for it
>>1277967I have this and i'm still mad because it doesn't pay enough. hedonistic treadmill is real i guess. i slept in until 9 today. i used to have to throw myself out the door at 6;30.
No. 1278038
>>1277941>When you say you work 2 jobs, what do you mean by that? I'm psychotic and have 12-16 hour weekdays not including commute.
My first day job is the typical 8.5 shift, but my second job where I supervise is part time and ranges between 4-8 hours. Sometimes more depending if my staff wanna act like chucklefucks, and the workload required.
Worked 19 hours straight recently, 21 if you count commute and the small break I got driving to my second job. I must be manic because I'm not tired yet despite doing this shit for half a year so far.
>i was debating on doing 2 remote jobs at once because I'm in the same situationDo it–in fact, double dip! Work two remote jobs at once if they're a light workload, just make sure to keep em separated on your work devices and do not let anyone catch on. If my industry was one where I could wfh, I would do the same and cheat my way to the bank. Fuck companies, bleed em dry if you are able.
>I don't know why businesses do this. It's cheap as fuck for them to hire you cause they save money by not giving you benefits like insurance or PTO. Also you are disposable, as a contract hire all they have to do is not renew your contract if you are a problem. At least when you are an employee, you have some rights and severances. Then, they make you do the overperformance dance for the direct hire offer which they most often never give so they profit even more from manupulating–er, "managing" you.
>I gave up on health insurance. I just don't go to the doctor. I'm really sorry anon, no one should be forced into these predicaments. Our system is shite and either seems to reward either the very privileged or–dare I say–the willingly lazy.
Us working folk are meat for the machine, kept on the treadmill lest we lose everything that we worked so hard for.
>>1277945>America wants to force us to give birth but at the same time refuses to provide affordable, accessible healthcare.I may be a trite biased because I come from a rough hood, but being turbo poor and popping out kids is not the worst situation imaginable.
I know because I have people from high school who had kids young but who also never left hometown and have never obtained consistent, meaningful employment. Do they get to go out, go on elaborate vacations, and overspend? No, but their social media lets me know that they get subsidized housing, free (or income-adjusted) healthcare, free education for their kids as long as the kids try in school, and a fuckton of free time to consoom all the media and whatever cheap to free activities they can muster.
The only problem with becoming co-dependent on government is that you always gotta vote a certain way, and you gotta keep yourself in poverty because even a penny over the line will bump you from the free shit pool. It's not stupid, I mean, why would anyone wanna be low paid and struggle when they can go a little without for way less stress.
But yes, working women absolutely are getting shafted hard.
No. 1278062
>>1278054Report her to the IRS
nonnie. The best revenge is giving your enemy a surprise audit.
No. 1278071
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My fucking cat sliced open my palm with her back foot while jumping around. Can’t even be mad cause she didn’t do it on purpose. Still hurts tho
No. 1278083>>1278092
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This week, 4 of the guys I used to talk to 6 months to a year ago suddenly contacted me and wanna hang out. What the hell happened. Do people get lonely this time of year or something?
Three of them I'm okay with meeting, one straight up ghosted me the day we were supposed to have out third date after two months of talking and came back apologising like hell 'I'm not usually like that, I'm so sorry, I was going through a rough time and I understand if you don't wanna talk' (kek fuck off).
The thing is, at this point I don't wanna start liking someone and get hurt again. When I don't care, they want me but when I start liking them, the manipulatively slowed down texts and put off meetings start and it just feels like prolonged torture. And it hurts because at that stage I actually care about them. And this shit happens every single fucking time to me. I'm so fucking tired of relationships and talking stages. The guy I like now started to treat me like that, his messages are slow, he doesn't wanna hang out anymore but I'm 80% sure that after I get over him in few months he'll come back. It really feels like they always come back.
No. 1278098
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It's been a long time ago, but whenever I read facts about how much porn out there even on "regular" porn sites is non-consensual and often of minors despite the title stating them to be 18+, I am reminded of the fact that out there somewhere are pictures of teenage me after a man abducted me in his car, brought me to his home and would not let me go until he had taken several photos of me naked. Normally I'm able to not think about it, but tonight it really dawned on me for some reason. Those photos will always be out there, and there's nothing I can do about it. All I hope is that I never ever have to see them, and that I've grown enough that no one would recognise my face. I fucking hate men.
No. 1278164>>1278169>>1278170>>1278171>>1278179>>1278183>>1278190>>1278558
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ordering heroin so i can overdose. im excited to finally be at peace but im wondering what to do for my last hoorah? the little things made this life a good run but at least i will be preserved in my youth!
No. 1278169>>1278177
>>1278164Don't do it
nonnie I promise life is worth it
No. 1278170>>1278177
>>1278164i suspect this is a teen larping/baiting for a few different reasons which i’m not going to explain because if my hunch is right it would just make you more likely to act out.
with that said i do hope you’re baiting and didn’t actually buy shitty heroin from some darknet market. if you did, just know that’s a bad idea and you’re probably going to just feel physically fucked and wake up. but that would be better than dying. don’t die goofy-chan.
No. 1278176>>1278184>>1278504
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Living with my mother is driving me clinically insane
No. 1278177>>1278205
>>1278170>>1278169there is nothing i could ever gain from larping nor baiting on an anonymous imageboard, truth be told. i wont ramble or go into detail as we all have our reasons but i have tried very hard and done ALL of the right things to do well by myself, and mainly others. but i'm exhausted and can't imagine having to deal with my mental illness the rest of m ylife. those who love me should be happy that i will be at peace. if it is selfish to take my life, how is it not selfish for them to hate me for it, if they loved me they would respect it. ihave nowhere else to obtain heroin, but i could however obtain a gun much easier if you think the heroin will end up being shit kek. oh well, its worth a shot either way, pun intended. the only hard part is patience. i have been sleeping as much as i can to make time go faster.
thank you nonnies for being sweet i didnt think anyone would respond. i wish i could have done more to help others but knowing i at least made an impact in the lives of people i knew overtime is nice. i hope the world will get better for you all.
No. 1278184>>1278204
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>>1278176Same. I wish I was making enough money to leave. Pretty sure I'd be off half my meds if I moved out
No. 1278190>>1278192
>>1278164just spend a shitload of money that you don't have
that's what i'd do
No. 1278194>>1279454
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>>1277734God I really needed to read this. I lost my virginity at 23, now about to turn 25 and just got out of a relationship with the same guy I lost it to. I'm absolutely devastated being alone again, but now I think about all the time and money I wasted worrying about that man, trying to impress him and keep him interested, all the gas I wasted driving to his place (IN THIS ECONOMY, AM I CRAZY??), the obsessive comparing and nitpicking of my own appearance, the nights I cried worrying I wasn't good enough. He wasn't even that bad a bf and did a lot for me, all things considered, but god I wish I'd been spending all that time and energy on myself, and kept the money in my damn bank account.
No. 1278204
>>1278184We’ll get there one day
nonnie. Hang in there.
No. 1278205
>>1278177How about instead of killing yourself you go out and live a completely different life? Move to another country, do something you've always wanted to do
nonnie trust me its better than living in the dark forever.
No. 1278258
>>1278185you should post and embrace that this is a silly outlet. sometimes people feel exactly like you do before an epiphany or a change they are supposed to face. stay away from drugs and the government that wants to bleed all your money and the money they can make off of your body, as slowly as they can. don’t buy into the perspective that you have lived enough to make that decision, it’s not about you being ignorant or stupid, life is far more coincidental than you think. sometimes to prepare to accept beautiful things, you have to suffer and build your character more to earn those gifts.
the world has been in a pandemic and its effects for a couple years now, don’t go now and waste your life on a low note like this, refuse to give into that. do something reckless like fall in love or volunteer on some farm with cute animals. make art about things you felt and loved, leave something beautiful for those you love at least. you’re going to be ok, trust your will to live.
>>1278238this is beautiful and i love your mother
No. 1278359>>1278404
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It’s so interesting to me that none of these people can sense or prefer to ignore what an abusive freak you are and just eat up the things you do and say when you genuinely unironically believe voyeuring women is okay and a normal human behavior. The lengths you go to in order to stalk, lie, and alog are not in any way justifiable but yet you persevere. Nobody who is sane, happy, or has anything of merit going on in their lives think this is normal. Your hobbies are genuinely no different from a rapists or sex offenders. I don’t even need to say “you’re going to hell” at this point you’re going to have several restraining orders and a nice communal cell in jail.
No. 1278433
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Just got a call from a nurse telling me the results from the HIV part of my blood test 'looks a bit funny' so come back in a few weeks and get retested maybe? Not concerned since I do nothing that could lead me to infection, but her following it up with 'from your history the HIV portion of the tests always comes back a bit funny for you so we just want to be sure"
Just not be sure for any of the other times I had bloods taken over the years? comeonnow.jpg
No. 1278480>>1278503
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I hate living in a shitty apartment next to shitty neighbors. I keep hearing loud bangs from slamming doors or somethign below us and it's making my heart race and chest tighten even if I know I'm ok. They've only had one really ibg fight but it was really really awful to hear the lady sobbing for so long. They have a baby too and it makes me worry and so angry. They moved in after the girl next door, who would scream at her boyfriend like a wild creature (there was no other audible abuse from him. BF was always very quiet and timid) finally left. I wish the rent wasn't fucking insane and we could afford something better than a one bed shit apartment with paper walls. I've had fans and white noise machines playing to cover all of this crap up before but I've developed extreme auditory paradolia that manifests as……. people arguing and screaming for help LOL fucking end me.
No. 1278503
>>1278480You should call non-emergency police and report it, or call emergency while it happens. having a witness who reported can make it possible for
victims to get justice when they otherwise probably couldn’t.
No. 1278504>>1278513
>>1278176I feel this. I hate having a boymom. The universe has a messed up sense of humor. Sending you good vibes,
No. 1278531
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Using women as pawns and manipulating them into falling for your soft boy larp iktr
No. 1278542
>>1278513I think society just treats all women like "diseased pieces of porcelain that have to be hidden away in a cupboard with no agency." It has nothing to do with whether they have sons as well or not. Women are maltreated from infancy. It's just easier to notice when you can compare a sister directly to a brother.
Not only are parents more likely to be resentful of a daughter, sexualize her and act creepy, be hysteric and overcontrolling, but they also use the female children as household slaves while the men are excused due to the assumption that men cannot do "women's work" or weaponized incompetence from the husband being projected onto the sons. Women are second class citizens. If the government won't oppress us, our parents certainly will.
No. 1278557
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>>1278555Boy moms I feel like I'm gonna VENGEANCE
No. 1278627
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>>1278622You are replying to the troon in question.
No. 1278639
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I like watching horror movies (they’re fake + distracting + the adrenaline is fun) and I was bored today and randomly remembered watching one when I was a teen that was a few years old at the time called Deadgirl (2008.) I remembered thinking the main guy was cute and that I was terrified at the time so I decided to find it and rewatch it since I’m bored. Huge mistake, remembered that I wasn’t terrified because it was a mindnumbing thriller but because they find a naked woman that can’t die in the basement of an asylum and repeatedly gang rape and torture her for weeks. Even the main guy never tells anyone even though he acts like it’s horrible and he would never do that. Not once, in the entirety of the whole film do they acknowledge that it’s rape. Then in the ending, the “morally superior” protag takes his crush there and ties her up to (what is implied) continually rape her for months. Why was this film allowed to be made I hate men so much.
No. 1278748
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Tomorrow I will get drunk and watch a cheesy early 00s movie.
I can't deal with the fact how I can't see my family and its been more than a few years. The only safe way for me to meet my grandma is by making both of us travel to a different country, and it costs so much with inflation going on, but even worse is that I do not know how my grandma could afford it because the government gives them only 110 a month. I am so scared and worried for them, i miss my grandparents so much. Fuck the president we always hated him, over 10 years of protests didn't do shit and thats why I ran out of there. First its covid, now its the war. Ever since its started people here started treating me badly, blaming me for everything, even once some man wanted to attack me. I am so tired.
No. 1278891>>1278895>>1278911
File (hide): 1658920616469.jpeg (Spoiler Image,170.88 KB, 828x691, F205BB0B-267A-4E70-B6A5-D8A9E0…)

Men are so fucking stupid lmaooo
No. 1278911>>1278916
>>1278891Once again when males do something stupid it’s that humans/kids/people are dumb but if it was a girl the comments would be full of ‘women (tea emoji)’
>>1278904When gore is posted isn’t it usually spammed in every board anyway? It’s also surprising and very Reddit like to me that we have a dog hate board (not that I give a shit about someone hating dogs)
No. 1278934>>1278946>>1278947
File (hide): 1658923353124.gif (1.65 MB, 498x280, I_feel-sorry-for_that_XY_bitch…)

Anons are absolutely right about gore being awful, HOWEVER I once saw a video of a man getting his junk mauled off by a dog because he was a rapist and I don't don't feel any empathy/ 100% deserved and they should do this to every single rapist moid
No. 1278944>>1279024
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My boyfriend took me aside last week and had a talk with me that he thinks I might be autistic. And I trust his judgement, as we’ve been together a long time, he knows me very well, he knows the condition, and he has no ulterior motive to bringing it up. As I’ve been doing more serious research into the condition, it’s both relieving and upsetting to see how much the symptoms apply to things I’ve been struggling with my whole life; behaviors I’ve had literally beaten out of me, or have had to suppress. It’s harrowing.
My mom is very kind, and I’ve tried to speak with her about it, and that I’m going to pursue diagnosis to know for certain. And she got very defensive, and said that I’m just “gifted”. Don’t know about you, but that’s a major cop-out to me. Being “gifted” as a child is one thing—and maybe I was, though all it meant was I could do basic math faster than other kids. But I’m the same as any other adult now with regard to intelligence. I’m not gifted. And she keeps sending me articles about it, on every platform she can find me on (messaging, email, Insta, etc.). It’s actually kind of scary, how upset this is making her, though I think I understand. It’s not like I was arguing with her though, just saying what I felt and then bearing the brunt of an uncharacteristically aggressive response.
Tried to speak with my one friend about it, and got the stock “everybody’s a little autistic” response. That hurt as well. It’s amazing; autism is in people’s vocabulary now, but they don’t grasp its detriment.
That’s all. I’m going to talk to a specialist and get things sorted. I’m scared of how I’ll react if I am autistic. I also feel like a malingerer because of all the TikTok-type folks who say and do silly things and are like, “#actuallyautistic”. It feels like the label is too convenient to explain away my fuck-up-edness. If I’m not autistic, then I guess I’m just an anxious sensitive alien woman who has to have something soft nearby to touch or I’ll be nervous as shit, only cares about 2 things, can’t focus, can’t do loud or crowded, needs regimented routine and to eat the same things every day, can’t tell how anyone is feeling, and feels like an ape mimicking other peoples facial expressions. Fuck. If this is being “gifted” then they need to change the term to something more accurate, like “challenged” or “stunted.”
No. 1279024
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>>1278944Same anon but a nonnacita responded to me with something very nice and then deleted it. If you are checking the thread thank you for the nice response; what you said about thinking in “orange and blue” instead of black and white resonated with me really strongly. I delete things in the vent thread all the time so I get it lol. Have a nice day!
No. 1279038>>1279558
File (hide): 1658931462004.jpg (94.04 KB, 991x1012, IMG_20190727_184031.jpg)

i have a retarded scrote stalker who uses a vpn to create new instagram/twitter accs every other day to spam harass me (over 50+ accounts I can actually track, thousands of messages and comments)
Stupid fucking instagram never deletes his accounts, at least twitter does.
I have never interacted with this guy beyond 5~ very cut and dry comments and banning him, and somehow that's caused this waste of oxygen to be disgustingly obsessed with me for the last 3 years.
He sends novel length revolting fetish fanfiction to my dms, comments, and to any woman with any sort of relation to me.
He has admitted to living in his family's basement. Recently he sent a message detailing how he would murder my girlfriend, then rape me. I wish i could fucking bash his head in with a lead pipe. He is a fucking scourge on this earth and I want to dox him so badly, but he obviously pays for a vpn. I want to send everything he's sent me to his parents and family.
If any nonnies have any ideas I can use to get his name and information pls tell
No. 1279137>>1279143>>1279144
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>>1279109He admitted to spamming cp here in the past, tried to falseflag rule changes to make calling out scrotes and troons bannable for months, spammed nikado's disgusting nudes here, aggressively samefags constantly, aggressively ban evades constantly and larps as mother, having a period etc like the usual utter creep troons. I truly hope he 41% soon.
No. 1279181
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what the fuck is happening itt why are there so many rapid fire posts what is happeninggggggg. troons gtfo.
No. 1279182
>>1279168That post wasn't the tranny dumbass,
>>1279160was mine. Not every woman wants every male to be raped and murdered. Maybe like 50% of them but damn calm the fuck down.
>>1279177>>1279174That was me too weirdos. Thanks for proving my fucking point.
No. 1279185
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This is so embarrassing… it's not even entertaining anymore. This tranny is literally gonna commit sudoku with these levels of pathetic. I'm out.
No. 1279187>>1279211
File (hide): 1658934525746.jpg (76.8 KB, 900x852, 1652001040664.jpg)

>>1279170kek, pulling the same gaslighting shit as in the 'what happened to lolcow' thread again. You will never accepted here and we'll always call you out. Cope, seethe and dilate.
No. 1279234
>>1279067> casting himself again as the defender of womenyou should be killed
>>1279179he deadass can't call himself by male pronouns it's hilarious, that and the overuse of ingroup lingo here
No. 1279273>>1279495
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What happened to ignoring bait and not engaging with moids? I know he's samefagging to Hell and back but I hate seeing my nonnies mad.
No. 1279300>>1279310
>>1279289Long comment here.
No idea what's going on itt. Bad timing to cry about my mom I guess.
No. 1279310
>>1279300lol the tranny is gaslighting anon don't worry
>>1279294> I was homecoming kingif this is true which it's probably not it's just proof that schizophrenia is a really sad illness to take what must have been a popular and outgoing young man into a degenerate CSAM-hoarding autogynephiliac
No. 1279343>>1279348
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>You are the female 4chan.
Holy kek so that sperg was the tranny too.
No. 1279362>>1279366>>1279373>>1279377
>>1279351>>1279354You can think I'm a man or tranny I really don't care, again you're just smug in your retardation. NEET losers all of you, sorry you've never met a man who didn't treat you like the subhuman filth you are, try not acting like a stuck up cunt and maybe you won't be alone forever. You guys are always sperging about being 30 year old virgins it's so fucking sad, enjoy crying yourself to sleep while hugging your body pillow lol
>>1279356I appreciate you and I really don't care if you are a tranny or a moid, my best friend is a gay moid and he's my favorite person ever. Check IP's janny cunts, I'm not the tranny.
No. 1279373
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>>1279362>c-check my ip>all that moid ragekekkedy kek, please keep going, this feels like the climax to some massive sperg opera
No. 1279377>>1279385
File (hide): 1658938447345.jpg (8.92 KB, 320x180, 1658882237510.jpg)

>>1279362>sorry you've never met a man who didn't treat you like the subhuman filth you are, try not acting like a stuck up cunt and maybe you won't be alone forever. You guys are always sperging about being 30 year old virgins it's so fucking sad, enjoy crying yourself to sleep while hugging your body pillow lolYour XY is showing. Fucking kill yourself, you're a pox on this site.
No. 1279399>>1279403>>1279408
>>1279355>>1279347Lol this is the shit I'm talking about, you bitches make shit up and then reconfirm it so everyone thinks it's true. I was the woman calling lolcow as bad as 4chan and I stand by it, he was being nice to me in the replies so I was nice back. But again you won't believe it because it doesn't fit whatever brain dead narrative you've cooked up that woman can't be as angry and vitriolic as scrotes or whatever.
The tranny nona is my favorite so far and I don't believe he's posted any fucking cp or gore cause all you bitches do is lie
No. 1279419
Everything fucking sucks and I don't know what else to do except be incredibly hyper-vigilant, push people away, and engage in self-destructive behaviors. It makes me feel even more like a loser. I want to fucking kill myself. I want to hurt myself. I want to drown in a shallow pool of water. I just want to suffocate and die. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I hate it. I want to go back to when i was happy and confident and self-assured. That was iust a few months ago. Every single thing has gone to shit. I'm becoming a shell of myself. I thought I was changing for the better. I was talking to people. Now I want to scream and slam my head into the wall if I see people looking at me. I literally feel like I'd rather just kill myself than make eye contact. What's the fucking point. Life goes on without good people every day. What's the harm in losing a mediocre underachieving sack of self-absorbed shit. God I feel like such a loser. I want to fucking rope myself so bad. I'm not on any meds this time, this is all coming from my unmedicated brain and that fucking hurts. It stings so bad. I thought I was just an idiot because of the meds. Turns out I'm whiny, self-pitying, and suicidal even off of the meds for a year. God I just want to fucking die and be done with it all. The fact that I still have people in my life that like me makes me sick. They don't understand. They don't know how pathetic I truly am. I wish they could see it. I wish they'd all just let me be and leave me to kill myself and just look the other way. I want to be free from everything, every attachment and responsibility and insecurity and all the pain. I just want it to fucking end already. The most hilarious part of all this shit is that it will never end. Ever. I will be made to walk and talk and perform these pointless menial tasks at work and in social gatherings. Asking questions, making appropriate comments and jokes, giving and taking in equal measure, going home and feeling numb and wanting to slit my fucking wrists in the bath. It will never fucking end. It will go on forever and ever and ever. Just some half-alive cunt dancing like some circus monkey for the rest of her miserable, pitiful life. Never making real connections, never saying how I really feel, showing up for appearances. I'm normal and I love being around people. I'm normal and I'm human and I'm a social creature, I love being around other humans. I love life. I love living. I love my job. I love the state of the world as it is today. I love conversation. I just adore being a human fucking being.
What a miserable fucking joke it all is.
No. 1279421
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What is happening in this thread? Is the CP spamming tranny back?
No. 1279440
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No. 1279454>>1280263
>>1277734>>1277999>>1278194 at least you guys figured it out before you ended up over 30, with no partner AND no career like I did
wasted over a decade trying to find "love" and when I finally was able to realize men aren't capable of it, I was already old
No. 1279455
>>1279447> transgender> womanPick one
No. 1279477
>>1279463calling what Mike does 'doxing' is incredibly generous when all he does is gaslight mentally ill people such as yourself into giving him their own dox
No. 1279495>>1279498>>1279506
File (hide): 1658940995817.jpeg (439.44 KB, 1140x882, ADDF333E-E426-4799-B358-8E7067…)

>>1279273Most of these angry replies are still him and the friends he’s recruited to make his spamming seem more legitimate. He’s completely taken over this thread along with those other tards. The site is going to be worthless as long as VPNs are allowed and this guy and his friends want to keep posting while hopping from device to device. It’s safe to assume 99% of posts ITT are the tran for as long as he’s here unless they’re sincere and formatted like yours. Luckily he’s too autistic to actually integrate and always shows his ass.
No. 1279506
>>1279493So is it cool if I dox the tranny's sister and/or cousins then? Good to know you're willing to throw your female family members under the bus.
>>1279495yeah see
>>1279498He has multiple sock accounts on the metokur forums to praise himself and there's no reason not to think that he's not doing it all the more so here. Zero evidence he has any friends, at least not for long given how ready he is to betray people, he was e-friends with fellow pedophile Naught but then snaked on him and leaked caps of Naught talking about being sexually abused as a child because that is apparently how much he values friendship.
No. 1279519>>1279522>>1279555
File (hide): 1658941813574.jpg (65.23 KB, 750x734, tumblr_e680eff0ce68307566733cf…)

>search for band's song on yt
>Search results give me video about "SEX CLUB BUKAKKE NIGHT LOUNGE DIRTIEST STORIES"
>Entire woman's channel is about sex sex sex
>Only male comments on how short her skirt is, how much they want to fuck
And to think I thought I'd seen the worst with blurred porn ads and screamers of beaten animals on yt shorts and the hentai thumbnail videos. How tf do I block all that stupid shit without being forced to click on and report?
No. 1279530>>1279534>>1279545
File (hide): 1658942495248.jpg (107.51 KB, 500x487, weaah.jpg)

i hate bugs why do they all feel the need to fly into my room during the summer
No. 1279555>>1279557
>>1279519A few years ago I found a YouTube channel of a guy who walks around 3rd world countries red light alleys. He never said anything, just filmed the streets, how he entered the establishment, and his grubby hand pointing at the prostitute he picked (some looked 12).
That channel never shut down ( at least not back then when I was reporting all the time) but so many normal videos get auto removed for music.
No. 1279557
>>1279555For a second I was going to say I probably saw the same channel once but I realized there are probably countless guys doing the same thing. Reading about Thailand sex trafficking makes me sick.
No man who goes to Thailand can be trusted. They just can’t. I knew a guy for years who was very interested in Thai culture and art so I made the mistake of thinking his multiple visits would be perfectly innocent. Nope, he fucked any prostitute he could and admitting to fucking the underage ones as well to his buddies. Got mad at me when I was upset over this. Overall a really unwell man who is below scum, makes me sick to think there are so many just like him.
No. 1279595
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No. 1279608
>>1279604No hope, you’re right. Unless he’s a nigel in every other respect and never watched too much porn to begin with (in that case it wouldn’t be an addiction, while still bad it’s at least potentially redeemable). Clearly that’s not the case with this guy though. Even if he wasn’t a coomer you shouldn’t be with ANYONE who makes fun of your body. His being a porn addict just makes it a billion times worse. You will feel a lot better without this guy around. Don’t have sex with him or anyone else like this!
I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I know the pain.
No. 1279621
>>1279604Nonna, there is NO hope. I dealt with that in the past, crying and begging for my ex to stop, cringe shit like getting on my knees sobbing and he literally just answered with "Well, I don't want to stop."
Leave him. No moid is worth the pain. He won't ever change. Please do this oldfag a favor and run!!
No. 1279649
>>1279628Are you able to take a moment and drink a cup of hot tea
nonnie? I know it won't fix how you're feeling, but breathing in some nice chai or peppermint tea is one of the few reliable ways I can force my anxiety brain to slow down for one second. I hope you feel better soon.
No. 1279783>>1279911
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>currently live with extremely unstable parents
>mom called saying I have to take specific item out of the fridge because it has to be room temperature
>let her know I did it before conversation ends
>dad just came home and is flipping the fuck out because of what she had me do
>screaming that I’m an asshole, fucking cunt, that he’s going to punch me in the face, that I’m retarded with my head shoved up my ass
>have a class zoom meeting in less than two hours and the library closes too early to go there for it
No. 1279964>>1279974
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i am at a crossroads right now. i get my associates degree next month but from there, i dont know what i want to do between working and college. i wouldn't do both, since if i do continue school it will just be for some dental assistant degree so i can have stability in a job. but that doesn't feel right.
i love the arts, but i would never waste time in school for a degree with it. what feels right in my heart is dropping school to be frank. i love to learn but i also need to make money, and it is important to me that i start to live a real life and move out and expand my horizons because i have felt horribly suicidal, suffocated, and depressed being at home.
i have a part time job right now but i am debating between getting another part time job or going for a full time job. the goal would be to save up and move to a new state since this one is not at all affordable. i just worry ill make the wrong decision, because there is also the idea of transferring college and getting a degree that would allow me to study abroad a semester. i wish i didn't ruminate like this…
i guess im just stuck between staying at home and finishing my education, or living my life, saving up and moving out and just working. i struggle to handle work but there really is no option in life so id just do my best to suck it up and hope the freedom would be worth it. i could have my own place, explore new areas, have a little kitty, go new places, and in my free time id hopefully still be able to continue with my hobbies. i just want to do what feels right in my heart and i dont care if my family thinks im a loser for not finishing college. fuck. iwish i knew what the right decision was. but i think im going to do it. i think i will get a new job or a second job and just save up and start a new plan for myself. maybe i will be ready to move within a year or less. ill weigh out the pros and cons between school and a job though.
No. 1279970
File (hide): 1658966795218.jpeg (100.28 KB, 976x1091, 1656875784079.jpeg)

I dropped out in 2021 because I couldn't get financial aid from any one and I've been living as part time NEET ever since. I feel so embarrassed an disgusted.
I tried to do some review and I hate how much I've forgot. I feel like I'll never get this degree.
No. 1279972>>1279984>>1279985>>1280025>>1280029>>1280049
File (hide): 1658967060034.jpg (40.43 KB, 452x678, r0_0_3543_5315_w1200_h678_fmax…)

>be me, 21
>traffic controller
>pedestrian watch
>some old man (said he was 68) was chatting with me
>pretty usual about the weather and stuff
>tells me he has to run errands
>"Also I've undressed you 4 times while you've been standing there chatting with me. Haha! Have a good day"
I want to fucking die I can't get rid of moids even at work
No. 1279986
>>1279911Luckily an aunt texted me to ask if I could housesit with her dog for a week, so that will give me some space.
I wound up having a huge argument with my dad before leaving the house while my phone was recording it in my pocket. It used to make me too upset to record the fighting but I’m so fucking over him and his alcoholism ruining everyone’s lives, I want them as a reminder of how much of a shithead he is.
No. 1280048
File (hide): 1658973962859.gif (3.33 KB, 45x135, me.gif)

why does utah exist why are mormons a thing there were THREE women who made it to this godforsaken place and everyone is inbred and related to each other TAKE ME BACK TO NORMALCY PLEASE
No. 1280065>>1280084
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I like people, but I have no idea how to maintain friendships and have chronic social anxiety. I've always loved the idea of having a nice friend group and felt envious seeing nice groups of friends laughing and having fun together. But I've grown up alone and spent most of my life alone. I feel like I'm destined to spend the rest of my life alone. Forever on the fringes, watching other people connect and love one another. It's painful, but I don't know how other people do it, I don't know how they keep friendships going and make connections. At times I feel like an alien in this world.
No. 1280084
>>1280065You aren’t alone
nonny, ever since I hit early puberty and really started to pick up on how social systems/interactions work I’ve always felt as if there was a glass wall between me and the rest of the world. I do take a strange solace knowing there are others who walk a similar path, I hope you can as well.
No. 1280118>>1280130
File (hide): 1658982573336.jpg (43.65 KB, 800x450, Inkedyaslimmy_LI.jpg)

Don't want discord to spy on me anymore so I uninstalled and deleted but cannot find another efficient way to send memes to my bf so I text them to him
No. 1280146>>1280166>>1280169
File (hide): 1658985536365.jpg (89.5 KB, 960x960, seel.jpg)

I have therapy tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.
I have pain from a previous relationship that's a huge saga and I've been too exhausted or triggered to tell my therapist about, plus other topics took priority. She keeps telling me to email her the story but it's really hard for me to go over and I'm rarely in the mood to want to type it all out. The last time I saw her she opened with "Did you forget about me" and asking why I didn't email her. Then she reminded me to do it again at the end of the session.
Wouldn't a therapist say something like, do it if you're ready to do it but no stress if you can't? I feel like I personally offend her when I don't want to open up about something or imply that therapy exhausts me, which it does.
I dunno at this point I'm convinced most therapists are narcs or gossipers so that along with me being paranoid about emails makes me not wanna open up about it at all.
No. 1280250
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I cannot fucking decide if I'm doing retarded shit at work because I have an attention problem or I'm just self-sabotaging because I hate this job
No. 1280263
>>1279454I'm sorry to hear that anon. I don't know your life circumstances but it sucks so hard that women are conditioned to believe that men and relationships are the most important things in life. I'm
>>1277999 and even though I say that I don't think it's gotten through to me yet. I just want my ex back even though I felt terrible. Or some guy to give me validation and hold me in his arms so that I don't feel this lonely.
No. 1280264
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Why are troons so fucking obsessed with infiltrating radfem spaces? It's literally just narcissism isn't it?
I can't ever recall a time where I have thought "hm let me go into this space that directly conflicts with my personal beliefs and then argue with everyone" it's such a MALE thing for them to do. The only people I know that do this are moids and pickmes. They are fucking insufferable.
You will see it on the most simple, easy to read bread-and-butter post of "porn is bad, women are exploited in porn and also trafficked girls are often in porn you see online" and some "kinky slutty lesbian" moid will come in the comments like "UMMMM what does this mean is anyone going to DISCUSS this with me!! Me and my hot super lesbian gf do BDSM all the time and we love it! Let me educate you all!" Can you please actually just fuck off and leave us alone. I already experience and see males trying to infest female conversations, culture and spaces irl and it's exhausting enough. They hate us and they are also obsessed with us, it's so pathetic.
No. 1280265>>1280270
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i'm eating mango with spicy salt rn, this mango is so sweet and the texure is like a thick jelly, so good
No. 1280266
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I hate unpaid internships. I have to spend every summer holiday doing unpaid internship for a month. I just wanna have holidays, man. Get a pert time job and have some money, independence… Yeah I learn stuff and have a window to my future job, they let me go pretty early. But still… It's so much time, effort and early morning and getting ready and concentration. I wish they made us do more work here and paid us. Instead I stand here for around 5 hours, spectate, do easy tasks, put on customer service smile for the patients, answer sudden questions from doctors and come home pretty drained and after that I still have to study for exams. I'm in medicine, just yesterday I met with a finance student, he does pretty much the same type of internship (just spectates, from time to time easy jobs) but gets paid for it. And he gets paid really well. Unfair.
No. 1280276>>1280290
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i have recovered from my ED but my hunger signals are permanently fucked and i'm so hungry holy shit i'M ALWAYS SO FUCKING HUNGRY and i can't take it anymore, everyone tells me to go all in like Stephanie Buttermore but i know isn't the right choice because i don't wanna gain unnecessary fat, i work my ass off in the gym everyday to have a fit and healthy body and becoming obese isn't gonna fix my problem, right now i'm the most healthy i've ever been
i have tried everything else i was told so far, increased protein and fat intake, increased carbs, decreased carbs, got rid of sugar, introduced more sugar, IIFYM, nothing worked and i'm still hungry
i'm literally crying curled up in a ball because i just ate and my stomach can't stop growling, fuck anorexia man
i fucking hate anorexia it has completely ruined my life, even after my recovery my life is hell and i'm constantly miserable
No. 1280312
>>1280290i'm one year and a couple months in, already weight restored (from 81lbs to 110lbs).
ikr??? i had a relapse some time ago and it went on for 3 weeks, i lost weight i shouldn't have and it was mentally scary and exhausting to put it on again, but i knew i needed and proceeded to do so.
i was underweight for 9+ years, so this is a fucking win to me but i'm feeling very emotionally and physically done. Just like you, i still count calories. I don't think demonizing calorie counting is "recovery goals", when weight gain and loss depends on it. We should know and control how much we're taking in to keep a healthy balance on our weight (not too thin and not too fat). I eat a healthy amount for my stats, i'm currently reverse dieting up to 1800 calories and my final goal is 2000 combined with strength training. But i'm ravenous man, feels like theres a damn black hole in my stomach to the point intuitive eating doesn't work for me because i can easily inhale +10000 calories in one single day (believe me, on my bday i decided to let myself eat freely and counted everything just for giggles, i ended the day on 15000 fml). I'm thinking about maybe introducing a weekly cheat day were i eat a surplus of 1000 followed by two days on a 500 deficit but i fear it will be a slippery slope back into anorexia. jfc
Speaking of bloat, mine did went away after i started eating more meals a day. I used to do OMAD so it was probably the cause of my bloat. Have you tried splitting your meals into like at least 3 or 4? it can help a lot
No. 1280321>>1280326>>1280329>>1280330>>1280481
I'm so sick of women being perceived as a "minority", it's literally erasure. Women are not a minority, troons are, gays are. I get that it is said in relation to the oppression, but i strongly believe it's insanely counter-productive for us to accept it and not be a part of something else completely.
I was looking at all the backlash online about GTA6 potentially having a female playable main character and the fucking unhinged scrotes are seething because "hurrdurr it's pushing a political agenda about minorities again", no you retarded piece of shit, women are normal human beings representing half of the world's population, the weird thing was that for years they didn't exist as real well rounded characters in most video games.
We have to argue against being a minority for them to stop this crazy ass argument that women starting to appear more in worlds of fiction is something akin to the troons pushing. Retake that argument from them to show them how stupid it is to think like that about WOMEN, human beings like their mother, sisters, teachers, etc. Why is it controversial for women to exist in GTA, a contemporary world?
I'm going crazy, how is it possible to think like that about half the population, scrotes really think they're the only sentient beings on this planet huh? Kill them all, please, quick.
No. 1280328>>1280333
>>1280326Yup i know, they're against women being perceived as real and complex beings just like men. Which to me means that they're against women existing, because old Lara croft going around killing people with no personality except big polygon titties or old Samus getting naked at the end of the game to reward the player, these are not women existing.
I should stop reading what 4chan has to say about it at this point it's just self harm. Hope all these moids suicide one day, the sooner the better.
No. 1280329>>1280334
>>1280321Those asshats call anything other than white man npc a minority, they just accepted black hair as 'not a faggot' in the 90s, ignore their garbo takes.
Saying women are normal implies you think minorities are not though in the context it was used and I get what you meant. However that is where I am worried the racism starts, truth is being a minority or not doesn't change a thing so why care?
No. 1280333
>>1280328I don't want to see her out of the suit, just a linebacker again. Scrotes are so weird.
>>1280330Bonus points if she outdoes men in the intro to set the salt but acts so awesome they can't help but cope and justify why "she isn't a mary sue just cause she is better than the men, she worked super hard at it, and is a one in a million".
Like clockwork the men try to police in one hand but in the other, they do want you to be in charge. Never forget, so seize it.
No. 1280342>>1280352>>1280414>>1280433
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The only woman (I've thought) that I managed to befriend in my entire adulthood (10+ years), as in get close enough to meet up, open up to and so, turned out to be only doing it to lull me into a false sense of security while she and my now-ex were sleeping with each other. She knew very well that I was hurt by cheating before and I talked to her how afraid I am of it happening again, she even went as far as saying she will look out for me and let me know if he's acting inappropriately towards anyone. It only solidified my fear now and inability to open up to people and build something more than just surface level pleasantries. I've met a really cool person at work and she seems to want to hang out and be in touch in general but every time we make some plans I cant help but have my brain fly into total paranoia mode. Part of me wants to let my walls down, wants to explain to her what happened to me, but then the very idea of it makes me clam up immediately as it seems like the second I show I'm vunerable it will be abused.
I guess it's not much compared to awful things happening to other people but I feel like these few shitty encounters and shitty relationships I went through ruined my chances of happiness for the future. I don't know how people can be so casually cruel. Somehow it hurts more than moid cheating that it was a woman and a friend who did that to me, I want to believe other women would have my back but I can't anymore
No. 1280352>>1280388
>>1280342I'm so sorry
nonnie this is so fucked up i can't believe it. You know, i'm really avoidant myself and can't ever open up and stories like yours really make me think it's the right way to live, although i know it's wrong.
Just know, even if it means nothing because we will never know each other, that i would never ever do that to anyone, and a friend even less, betrayal of trust is the worst thing. I wish you'll find a good girlfriend, and i hope you can overcome this and try to open yourself to this girl at work, because she might be loyal too.
No. 1280374
>>1280360I hate being treated like this by my mother and I don't know how to make her stop. Nothing I ever say to her helps.
Also I just realized that I deprive myself of sleep as a way of self-harm. Just like when I starve myself instead of eating as soon as I'm hungry, which I noticed yesterday, and because of it I'm anemic. I don't self-mutilate or are promiscuous or drink or smoke or do drugs. I thought my internet addiction was the equivalent of those things but I've just realized that I don't do these two things accidentally as a consequence of other things, they're the ways I self-harm. I'm borderline suicidal too so I guess it's really on purpose, deep down. I guess I don't value my life after all.
No. 1280385
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I hate feeling anxious to the point of physical stress symptoms over a mere shift of tone, wondering if I did anything wrong.
This feels like some dumbass version of ptsd at this point, but it has been like this all my life and I think ptsd is supposed to stop after some years.
No. 1280401>>1280411>>1280430
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When you're crying in front of someone and they get up and come back with food for themselves and start eating it in front of you
No. 1280413>>1280474
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Opened social media, saw a retard being retarded, it ruined my fucking mood. I’m so sensitive today. I just want to be with you guys, I can’t believe this gdamned site goes through hell and back, is constantly one fart away from imploding, yet it is still better than every other online space. I’m actually here forever.
No. 1280414>>1280419>>1280431
>>1280342Don't let in pickmes and handmaidens anon. this is a tough pill most of you have to swallow, that most normie women are sadly secretly jealousy driven misogynists who seriously see other women as nothing but competition and can and will fuck over you when you approach them with nothing but good intentions, and I don't fucking understand it myself. I know it sounds very edgy and black pilled but I'm an older woman too and I learnt this the hard way. I have a few female friends and it literally took me a decade to learn to pick them properly and not let myself be sweetalked by bitches who literally will throw you under the boss for the most sociopathic ugly scrote they can come up with. I think they get an ego boost from hurting or ridiculing women they feel threatened by if that makes any sense.
I'm just so sorry this happened to you anon, this post just reminded me of my younger self. I wish you best and that you eventually find decent friends.
No. 1280433>>1280459
>>1280342I am sorry for you
nonnie. I have a problem with finding IRL women to befriend too. I am heartbroken that I still cannot find anyone in this country, let alone trust. I do not want nor need male friends, because both online and IRL they would end up being the types that are waiting for you to break up with your partner and start hitting on you, or try manipulating you into cheating like desperate retards they are. I personally gave up finding friends in general, I am lucky that I have two female friends who are good people, but both of them live in different countries. I was so sad to find out that my partner's sister is a pickme. When I moved in she's been trying to turn his family against me ( I got lucky that I got to know his parents long before she came back to them), been trying to talk shit about me to their siblings and for some weird reason is still trying to skinwalk my style and internet presence throughout this day. All I did was respected her and tried to befriend, too, but she would always have 'the stare'. If her goal was for me to stop interacting with anyone, then she won. I give up. I hope you will find good friends, nonna.
No. 1280464>>1280471>>1280477
>>1280431i think there's a huge learning curve to finding good friends because of the assumption that women will always have eachother's backs honestly. these are some red flags that you can usually see pretty early on.
>goes through a lot of boyfriends in a short timeto me this is pick me behavior. it could be she's unlucky and picks bad men, but if that's the case you wouldn't bounce from relationship to relationship. it's just self destructive.
>talks shit about other womenif it's a one off or she's complaining about something legitimate, that's fine. but if she talks trash about women she knows a lot, chances are she will talk trash about you to them.
>flakythis is just annoying. canceling, postponing or changing plans often, especially early on is a bad sign. i had a friend who would claim she was sick all the time and cancel plans, even with big groups of people.
>excessive male friendshaving one or two is fine, but women who are only friends with moids often claim they "get along better" with them. meaning, there's probably something preventing them from getting along with other women that men don't mind because most of those "friends" just want to fuck them.
>doesn't involve you in the conversation this doesn't mean talking about herself a lot, something that's natural when you first meet someone. it's more about them just talking at you and not really interacting with you.
>not emotionally reciprocativeif she's always venting or asking you for advice but then doesn't want to be bothered by you, that's a bad sign.
>makes you contact her firsti absolutely hate this. the whole idea of "wait till they contact you first or their not worth your time" is stupid. it also suggests that the other person is more important than you. plus, if both people go by that, neither of you would talk to eachother at all. if she doesn't hit you up sometimes, it's not worth it.
>negs younow this would seem obvious, but it's not really. women neg differently than men. things like back handed or passive aggressive compliments or subtle things that make you feel bad. if she shrugs them off when you mention them, it will probably continue.
>wants to bring her boyfriend every time you hang outjust, no. is she a child who needs a chaperone?
>starts talking about your boyfriend oftenthis usually means she wants to fuck him, very bad sign.
i am probably missing some, but these are basic red flags. the main takeaway is friendship is a two way street. make sure you're not giving more than you want to, and make sure you're getting back enough. if you're not satisfied, remember you don't owe someone friendship. hope i helped!
No. 1280477
>>1280459Honestly, in the end, I started playing a small game with her (kind of). I just started being open about my opinion toward men, and after that, she started trying to talk pink-pill-y stuff to me whenever she sees me. Maybe there is hope, but I do not think so. She depends on male attention on the internet a lot. I wanted to genuinely help her with her insecurities, but she makes fun of everything that has to do with body positivity and feminism while doing nothing but crying about how she hates herself.
I think I should have seen it coming, because when I and my husband announced our marriage she went on a huge mental breakdown on discord, deleted her account on every social media and a few months later said she will marry her (at that time) bf too. In the end, he dumped her, it turned out she was saying she will kill herself if he won't marry her. She didn't even attend our wedding either, both of them lied (their excuses did not match at all).
She is also a huge manipulator. She never had a job or went to any university because their mother is a 'soft' type of person. The type who you can walk all over. I feel horrible for her because she is a sweet woman, but her own daughter manipulates the fuck out of her. She has to work multiple jobs just to make sure they can at least pay the rent. Because of her mother, she's been sitting in her room, not cooking or cleaning, just playing vidyas.
>>1280464Thank you anon. Numbers 1-6 are literally the person I am talking about. It sucks. I do not understand how women can still depend on male attention and drag other women down in order to get it.
>>1280444I feel like an alien at this point. Is there any explanation why some people are like that? Is that mental illness? Or did the media brainwash people onto doing that?
No. 1280502
>>1280362Fucking incredible
>>1280452nta males are emotionally stunted, selfish and unbelievably dense.
No. 1280544
>>1280041Do it. Those kind of assholes only care once they look as stupid to everyone else as they are inside.
>>1280053Most of them don't even use their trucks for anything useful either! If I had one of those machines I'd have a whole case of hobby tools in the back bed and tow a shed.
>>1280491Bless you nonna, I'm glad there are other rad young women reminding scrotes of their inferior emotional regulation and driving ability. I do the same thing with assholes around here and they lose their shit every time like clockwork. Praying for both of us to avoid the next round of road rage.
>>1280495That's okay nonna, I'll yell extra loud for you next time!
>>1280517That's terrifying. Were you able to get away before he hurt you? Sometimes scrotes like to prey on female socialization and I'll bet you anything he wouldn't have acted the same to another moid.
No. 1280550>>1280557>>1280564>>1280572
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I really hate how the dumbest most cringiest anti-gender woowoo posts gain attention.
No. 1280564>>1280571>>1280602>>1280636
>>1280550agreed, it’s a shame that every vocal mouthpiece that’s critical of the trans movement is always just some reactionary obsessed with owning teh libz. so annoying. they don’t give a shit about deconstructing gender and critiquing the patriarchy, they just think trans people are gross and it stops there. i hate seems radfems ally themselves with these types. nothing feminist or thoughtful about it, just pure retardation and in turn gives people more ways to try to call even the most reasonable and coherent feminists reactionaries themselves.
i wish there were more actual radfems in the west and not just a ton of people obsessed with the same biological essentialism that gets used against women. yes trannies are annoying and misogynistic but that doesn’t mean we make every little thing about them to the point we’re left with no brain cells left for critical thought and discussions about socialization, patriarchy, the sex industry, etc.
i hate seeing supposed radfems parrot bs conservative talking points and brainless slogans.
No. 1280571
>>1280564samefag but i feel like this (very recent) phenomenon just gives more and more space to aspiring tradewife nazis to try to integrate into these spaces. because they also oppose sex work and the trans movement they think they are welcome and have similar goals. except the reason they have these views is rooted in misogyny and hatred of deviation, not actual concern for womens liberation from the patriarchy. they whine about having to have a job and blame jews instead of capitalism, and think being a housewife mommy is the greatest job on earth because at least they’re not a girlboss.
i hate it. i wish nothing more than for these types to be exiled. gender critical communities are overrun with boomers running on pure spite and visceral disgust without any real ideological integrity or feminist concerns beyond “being a woman is so epic and awesome, my womanhood is my vagina and if you oppose that sorry tranny!”
like for christs sake, wasn’t radical feminism about transcending the idea that women are only as good as their vaginas? obviously that doesn’t mean trans women are or can be women, and ofc our physicality is what socialization was based on in the first place, im just sick of the vacuum of reactionary thought currently ravaging feminist communities.
No. 1280602>>1280611>>1280631
>>1280564This might be an unpopular statement but I understand people not caring about the rest of radfem ideology and instead focusing a lot more on trans shit. I entered radfem groups where a good chunk of them would get
triggered if they saw a man in a dress or with makeup (not a transwoman) yet will write essays talking about how the gendies hate gnc people. Most peking are annoyed and angry about gender ideology and rally behind the
terf/radfem label as opposed to creating their own movement. In an idealistic world I would prefer people rallying behind several issues but I understand how that’s unrealistic. I hate how unfocused it is.
Obviously a reactionary conservative movement is doomed to fail but they’re dragging everyone else (radfem/gc/
terf) down with them because they’re so fucking stupid and idiotic
No. 1280631
>>1280602>I entered radfem groups where a good chunk of them would get triggered if they saw a man in a dress or with makeup (not a transwoman) yet will write essays talking about how the gendies hate gnc people.They do that to masc women too and it's retarded. They make posts seething about some random TIF they saw in public but since it's a stranger they have no idea if she even has pronouns. My GNC PCOS ass existing in public has probably
triggered some rant on Ovarit, every time I leave the house without shaving my neck stubble I'm violently grooming good Christian girls into getting on T. I miss how it was before trads infested everything.
No. 1280634>>1280637>>1280638
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Does anyone else have issues with agoraphobia? Feels so embarrassing to tell people that I literally am scared to leave my house and I don't think my therapist even believes me
No. 1280636
>>1280564It's even worse when you see those who would've been shoe0nhead pickmes 7 years ago identify as "radfems" like it was the new edgy trend simply because they hate trannies and thus homosexuals by association. They're the kind who will turn around in two years to write a think piece about how they were "brainwashed into the
TERF cult" when they never believed in any of the ideals to begin with.
No. 1280720
Today i stood up to my shitty cousin i've been complaining about on another thread, but i feel like i need to put this here. He's younger than me, draws obese fetish art, is a major faggot and constantly belittled my boyfriend in a chatgroup we're in. He did it for months to everything my boyfriend wrote, no matter bf was proven right almost every time. My cousin is so brainwashed, it's so fucking sad what he's become. From my childhood friend to everything wrong with this world today… with his faggot daddy constantly saying shit. Today i said he's behaving like a dick. It was hard to do that but i just can't anymore. It's over, family is broken because of one fat faggot who ruined my cousin's brain. I hate my cousin and i don't hate many people, i hope he dies of a heart attack from his fetish, i hope they both poison on something, because he's not going to change. He was always easy to manipulate but now in his 20's his brain in set on being a scum forever.
Our family doesn't even know he's gay, it would break my grandma's heart so i can't tell them. But god i wish i could with a link to his gallery full of the most disgusting shit.
I hope i'll never have to see that bastard again, luckily we live far away so the chances are very small, but it's sad that he'll probably makes his sister hate me because she's also easily manipulated and a emotional wreck. I liked her very much.
No. 1280768>>1280772>>1280785
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i hate how i don't know how to communicate with my older brother, and i want him to know how much i appreciate all that he's done for me. i talk a lot of shit about moids (for valid reasons) but he gives me hope. he practically became a dad for me, and I didn't even realize it.
>he taught me and my little brother how to ride a bike
>taught me how to drive and helped me pass my driver's license test
>gave me rides everywhere when my mom wouldn't let me go out on my own
>defended me in fights against my mom
>has been the second guardian for my little brother throughout his high school years too
>had emergency alerts for the town I lived in for college so that he always knew if something happened, even when i lived hours away.
the list is so long.. and during the time he took care of us in our parent's messy divorce, he flunked high school despite testing well. it's ok now, he went back to community college, got a degree in electrical engineering, and now makes great money, but I can see that he's sad that he missed out on his 20s.
i love him, but he's so stoic and quiet, idk how to show him how much i love him. i feel so guilty that he had to take care of me. i wish i was the older one.
No. 1280769>>1280778>>1280779>>1280786>>1280791>>1280816
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I’m getting a copper IUD inserted soon and I’m so scared. All I read online is horror stories of wrongful insertions, bacterial infections, women still getting pregnant, and horrible cramps. I hate hormonal birth control and condoms so I feel like this is my only option.
No. 1280786>>1280789>>1280790>>1280824
>>1280769You hate the feel of condoms more than the pain and hormonal issues of birth control?
Nonny the fuck
No. 1280789
>>1280786NTA but personally I get a yeast infection every time I used a condom and the lubrication would dry up and chafe in my vag. Not a good time. I have an IUD for this reason as well.
To that anon though, the copper IUD is tried and true I hear but it does cause much heavier flow and I've heard cramps get worse too. I've always responded horribly to oral BC but have had good luck over the years with a low hormone IUD.
No. 1280791>>1280793
>>1280769i was warned against it since I've never had kids, and apparently it hurts like a bitch if that's the case, but I got it anyways..
ngl, worst pain i've experienced in my life, and i've broken my femur. don't wanna scare you, but if you can get your hands on some better painkillers, I'd do it. I also read this article of a woman who actually got sedation! She just asked. I ended up getting it removed because it gave me chronic BV, despite never having it before.
they for real downplay the pain of insertion. they told me it would only slightly cramp, and then right before insertion, a nurse came up next to me and asked me to squeeze her hand and brace..???
No. 1281011
>>1280412Read my replies first. I did say that I try very hard to be productive and succeed for a while, and that I've been improving since last year, but that it's very difficult to control my routine due to whatever mental illness I have and that I have mental breakdowns sometimes, such as the one I had today. It's like asking a recovering alcoholic or drug addict to never have a relapse and getting mad that they find it very challenging to avoid it because their brain is like that. Years or decades of being addicted to something or having terrible habits and thought process aren't easy to undo (but not impossible either).
You don't know me or the details of my life and my mental state, or how I ended up like this. You think I'm not aware of how fucking retarded I act? Of how easy it should be to be a normal functional adult? You think it's stupid and I agree, but how does that help? How will more self-loathing help? I have tried so many ways to fix my habits and almost none have worked. Simply telling me that I should be grateful (which I am) and that I should get a job (which I know) isn't helpful at all. And yes, I AM working on getting a job right now because that's the logical thing to do and I want to move out ASAP, and I HAVE worked before so I know what it's like to be an adult with a job and a salary, I just didn't mention it in my posts.
No. 1281036>>1281039>>1281050>>1281067
>>1280853>Anons, I need a job to buy a car but to have a car I need a job.Typical north american carbrain-nation problems. Gonna namedrop Not Just Bikes. This is an artifical problem created so an oil baron can get rich off your suffering and poverty. At one point in time every city in America had high quality, affordable public transit, rail, and streetcar. Then oil companies ripped them out so they could sell you a car and drain all your money into their pocket.
Move to a civilized city that offers public transit. Car centric infrastructure is exploitation and class warfare. You deserve better. No European has this problem.
No. 1281058
>>1281039Samefag but I have to add
>No European has this problem.This matters why? If anon isn't from Europe then it doesn't really matter what problems Europeans do or do not have. Unless you're trying to say she should move to Europe, which is even worse than suggesting she move to a new city in her country.
No. 1281096
>>1281063>nonnas nonnas nonnasthis strengthens my resolve to only use
nonny No. 1281341
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I’m so fucking tired of being nice to everyone, especially the people who don’t deserve it. I just can’t be mean I fucking hate it.
No. 1281447>>1281455
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>>1281430>mfw 21 yo 2 time NEET entering college next month, currently $200 to my name with no drivers license or even a housekeyYou're doing better than me kek
No. 1281480>>1281491
>>1281462As far as I can tell
this particular tranny has only been coming around a couple months tops so I'm gonna go with "no" but trannies do like to infiltrate shit, don't they?
ObVent: I have a family member who's a 66 year old pickme girl. She lost her husband not so long ago very suddenly and obviously she took this hard although they had a pretty fucked up relationship. But she's latched on to a man hard, he's a very passive sort of guy with his own issues, but she won't leave him alone and has accomodated her entire personality to him. He's a recovering alcoholic (her late husband was an active alcoholic) and she is now obsessed with going to his AA meetings (she is not an alcoholic, some AA meetings welcome outsiders and some don't) and making that her social circle in a way that I think is actually really intrusive towards the people who need to be going to AA, meanwhile she just manages to make everything about her, her, her and how much she is helping people, etc. but it just comes off as narcissistic when it's not her just adopting her man's personality and beliefs as strictly as possible. But she's now letting crazy people sleep over in the house, giving away things, etc. all so she can impress this guy or earn her way into heaven or I don't even know what. It's nuts, to be honest. She's alienating her own family including her adult children for … I don't even know what. Talking to her about this is impossible even if she wasn't with him constantly including having him lurking in the background on speaker if you call her. Pickmeism knows no age or boundaries, anons.
No. 1281491
>>1281480Interesting. It crossed my brain so I was curious someone else’s take. Thanks anon.
It sounds like she’s trying to fill a void or space where her husband was. Did she have a lot of her own hobbies and stuff before he passed? Or did she build her life around him. It also depends on AA I think some of the religious groups wouldn’t mind but any with Addicts is probably not comfortable with it and sometimes AA is for them too.
It sounds like she needs to take care of someone so she feels put together and like a good person regardless of whether she’s doing it for the right reasons. Hopefully time passes and she chills out
No. 1281522>>1281532>>1281749
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My male best friend always picks on me for the dumbest shit ever, I sent him a screenshot of my screen and it had a little notification that I was listening to a Kpop mix.
He hates Kpop so he zoomed in on the notification and started talking about how liking Kpop is an ugly habit, how I should stop listening to Kpop because it's mass media, said I should study more on the Frankfurt school and Theodor Adorno because only counter culture is valid.
The thing is: I only listen to Kpop casually, and I'm into other types of music better. I don't talk to him about it, I don't make him listen to it, I know he hates it so I respect it and only do alone, I don't even fangirl anymore, just casually listen to some girl groups.
I wish he were just kidding but he actually belittled the fuck out of me like I'm not educated enough for liking Kpop. He shamed my education , and treated me like I was stupid for liking to occasionally watch a few girls bounce around and sing about some mundane shit.
No. 1281526>>1281531>>1281545>>1281560>>1281677>>1281875
File (hide): 1659069104250.jpg (34.46 KB, 540x240, 20220728_232544.jpg)

On a video that had absolutely nothing to do with bathrooms, and no one had brought it up other than someone mentioning bathrooms in a comment. The women who marry these toads absolutely hate themselves. And other women.
No. 1281545>>1281559
>>1281526As a janitor I can confirm the truly horrific toilets are always male public toilets. Urine everywhere, bits of toilet paper all over the floor. Drawings of cocks and phone numbers lining the stalls advertising gay sex, gloryholes drilled into the walls. Some moids get off on trashing public toilets I think, like, sociopathically just peeing over everything.
Women's toilets have graffiti, but only at bars and it's just things like "So and so is a nasty cunt" and "-name- is such a slut-.
No. 1281559
>>1281545Op here.
Its not even a matter of competition that pisses me off. This man came into a random comment section looking to shit all over women and rile people up. Imagine how many seething men I would get if I randomly posted about how they love masturbating to their own ball stink. Yet it's always evil gross wimmin like they're 5 year olds. You're God level insecure making such bullshit accusations about women on a random comment thread on yt.
Legit read comments from men on a yt short where they were trying to claim its "common" for women to screw dogs during puberty. Get off fucking fetlife and put your furry sexdoll away and go outside you fat stinking toad.
Also I'm not disagreeing with you.
No. 1281628>>1281634
>>1277838You just reminded me about how my swimming trip got ruined bc some stoners decided to light one up at the damn swim area in the lake. The wind kept catching their smoke and blowing it right in my damn face.
You just cant blaze at home you have to make a point of going to a public area and smoke with nonconsenting adults and children around. Screw potheads.
No. 1281654
File (hide): 1659073944696.png (1.33 MB, 1047x678, Bridgerton.png)

I've been re-watching Bridgerton, I love season 2 so much but I have an inkling feeling that I can't shake that they might cast a troon as Benedicts future love interest in Season 3/4 especially that they made him Queer-coded in season 1.
I really don't want to start seeing a trend where troons start fetishing regency wear and complain that "one" troon wasn't enough representation in the show
No. 1281677>>1281687>>1281692>>1281694>>1281777
>>1281526I see this claimed SO OFTEN and I strongly doubt it is true but regardless, where the fuck are these people even seeing such disgusting toilets on a regular basis? Any normal public bathroom is cleaned regularly and is going to be decent because otherwise customers would complain. The only gross ones I ever see are super high traffic and in dodgy areas, but those are the exceptions rather than the rule.
Anyway women claiming our bathrooms are gross is a weirdly specific pickmeism and they must have some sort of sucking-up-to-moids agenda to act like we're filthy when any common sense says we aren't.
No. 1281692
>>1281677Ma'am. Three separate employers, 2 of them being larger corporations, and there were unminded pads just casually tossed on the floor, shit left in the toilet, blood/pee on the seat. They clean the bathrooms, but it's once every 30 minutes to an hour. When you have that many employees, you can't just keep everything meticulously clean immediately. Especially when there's repeat offenders, and who is honestly going to say something and start shit at work when they walk in behind someone leaving the stall in a state of ruin?
It's gross, but it's a reality. Just feel blessed that you've never encountered it in whatever pristine place you live where people have manners.
No. 1281749
>>1281522The eternal leftist moid strikes again. There's nothing wrong with still being a bit attached to the media you used to like when you were younger. You can consume "
problematic" media while being critical of it. One person actively avoiding the culture industry as much as possible is not going to destroy capitalism. I bet he himself is also guilty of enjoying some shit media.
Tell him that "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" and that Paul Cockshott uses Windows 10 kek
No. 1281800
>>1281792I feel you nona, I'm actually in a scarily similar situation right now.
All I can tell you is don't stay in that ldr just because you're afraid of being alone. The idea of letting go can be scary but it sounds like the relationship is draining you rather than affecting your life positively. For me a great way to get out of the house without actually having to navigate social situations is to just go a park with a book or drawing supplies. It's just a small outing but makes a world of difference compared to sitting in the same room all day. Good luck!
No. 1281850>>1281870
I am so scared and lost because I can FEEL myself getting ill-er, mentally, going back to a place I really, really thought I had left for good and it's making me so afraid, I don't want to go back to how I was, I even forgot how I used to feel but it's coming back to me. I am starting, building up to, feeling like that again and I want it to stop. It's interfering with my work and my life, I don't want this at all, I don't know what to do, anons I was going on a good, stable path I don't want to ruin this again
No. 1281901>>1281908>>1281912>>1282014>>1282223
File (hide): 1659098994621.jpg (150.39 KB, 1495x1151, Tumblr_l_3692464847801393.jpg)

i think i'm losing my best friend to her boyfriend. we've been friends for so long, we've even gotten caught by the police and got through it together. we've done stuff that'll forever be between us and no one else. now she has a boyfriend and unlike me who still puts her above my relationship with a male she makes excuses and lies to me just to spend time with him. it hurts me that she can't just tell me straight to my face that when it came to choose between what she wants (or lies and says she wants) vs. what he wants she chooses him. he didn't want to go somewhere with us so she decided to lie and not go. he doesn't want to be introduced to me so she doesn't make it known to him how much i matter (or not) to her. he was gone abroad for 2 weeks and we met every 2 days just to hang out. now he's back and she flaked on me instantly by lying that she has to go to grandmas.. when she has no car of her own and no one in her family can take her. hmmm. the only person i can talk to about this irl is my mom and my mom just says "i know how much your friendship means to you, but you have to accept that it's not the same for her. she is not like you, she didn't have your privileged life, she didn't learn to make it known when she doesn't like something. accept that you can't change her." and i've suspected things would be like this, but i didn't know it'd hurt so much.
now she isn't responding to me after i texted her "you didn't have to hide from me that you didn't want to meet up, it would've hurt less if you had just said it as it is from the start not waited until the last minute to lie. and if he (after making a logical conclusion) is taking you to your grandmas, you could've just said so. and you could've apologized too.. we planned to meet less than 5 hours after you texted me this, it was so sudden."
i should've never, ever, in my entire life, have made it even SLIGHTLY known to her that i might not like him and not find him the perfect guy she thinks he is. now i lost my chances to meet with her when he's around and he'll be around for a long, long time. i'm scared, i'm alone, i'm worried, i'm yearning of the past and wishing for the future.
why do i have to wear my stupid heart on my sleeve? why does my face give away even the slightest distaste of mine? why do i say what i think? why couldn't i have acted like her and just suffered through my discomfort in silence?
No. 1281902>>1281905
>>1281870I'm typically a very solitary person, I didn't even realize, I have been distancing from people, from activities that require me to interact with people apart from work. Thank you anon, I'm sorry about your experience, but you have been a help. I didn't even realize… It's not that I share much with people but sometimes even going out and talking about regular things just makes me feel less lost and like, on the brink of just losing it. I don't want that to happen again, last time, I had become extremely withdrawn too, it's probably a common strategy. This will keep me aware, thank you anon. I wish you well.
No. 1281905
>>1281893Please don’t. I went full schizoid and it got incredibly bleak. I genuinely do not think it would have been possible for me to sink that pathetically unhinged if it weren’t for isolating myself from those I loved because the thought of them knowing I was sick was too much + the pandemic happening. It was the stupidest thing I could have possible done and all I did was make everything worse than I could’ve possibly imagined at the time.
>>1281902I think it can be easy to justify isolating yourself by saying you’re doing everyone a favor but you’re genuinely harming yourself if you aren’t in a good or stable place. I swear we lose the ability to communicate, empathize, and process reality when we do that to ourselves at our lows.
No. 1282014>>1282016
>>1281901I just want to say I was in the same exact situation for a year and I eventually just stopped talking to her. It hurts a lot and I hope somehow she dumps him and realizes no moid is worth throwing a friendship away. I really can’t get over losing my friend to men, it became all she wanted to talk about. From one guy to the next, each one became her identity for a while until she moved on to another. And each time she latched into a guy she refused to hang out with me because she wanted to keep her schedule open for the guy just in case. She began lying to me every single day about how busy she was when in reality she was just obsessing over boys in her room alone hoping they’d make plans with her. It got to the point where it had been almost a year since I had seen her in person.
I cut her off. I have no interest in being friends with her again. I tried everything I could and nothing worked. I explained how I saw everything to her eventually and she told me I was right, and that she’s trying to “work on it,” but nothing ever changed. It’s left me at a total and complete loss without any women to be friends with IRL. I really need women in my life but so many will bail the second they get a boyfriend, and the ones with boyfriends tend to make them the center of their lives and talk about little else. It is so bleak. I am sick of women making men their reasons to live.
No. 1282033>>1282036
>>128190819 and yeah, i'm trying, my mom is very wise and she's had this exact same thing happen to her, so i'm trying my best to heed her advice.. i just can't help, but to be so stupid and sad
>>1281912 >>1282014
thank you both, it's bittersweet that other women understand how i feel, i wish we didn't have to feel this way, i wish we could just trust our friends to care about us as much as we care about them. i hope to be wise like you and accept people changing, but i still want to be strong enough to keep putting my female friends above any guy out there. i'm stupid, so i cry over the fact that i always put my girl friends first, like, my motto is "a male best friend is barely as good as a close female acquaintance".
a friend wanting to restart a friendship or saying something like "you are right, i need to work on this" is just like my friend, but the worst part? that's what they say, not what they do. they always do the stupid opposite thing. i feel like an idiot moron, but this is making me cry. why do so many women not love themselves and seek men to be their lifeblood? i want to feel for them, and i do, but it upsets me. jfc, i don't want to cry, but i can't. i'm scared and i love her as a friend so dearly.
No. 1282081>>1282090
>>1282067This is my biggest fear because i'm such a wimp i don't know if i could be able to end its suffering if i were to accidentally fatally hurt an animal. Panic makes me dissociate, i would run and act in denial and then cry for the rest of my life because the guilt would eat me.
Just know, this is the right thing to do, and you're so brave i'm impressed. I am so sorry life threw this experience at you, but you did the only right thing. Big hug,
No. 1282104>>1282116
>>1282090I believe you, after all i've never been in that situation so perhaps instincts kick in and you think about ending their suffering before anything else. I don't know!
In any case take care
nonnie, do something for yourself that you greatly enjoy to soothe yourself, whether it's taking a bath, ordering food, i don't know.
No. 1282110>>1282125>>1282138
>>1282050>>1282063I wanna bully him rn.
He wants to go out for dinner tomorrow and knows I like sushi as a cheat, and wants to treat me after starting my new job this week. However he likes "sushi" that's fried and has all the fatty toppings like cream cheese and does not like actual raw fish. Bogo is his favorite so he can gorge–tends to eat four 8 piece rolls in a sitting. So he's opposed to most traditional (re: healthier and better quality) restaurants that I like.
He suggested a gimmick "sushi" place that serves burgers. I've tried eating there twice before. The service sucks, it's overpriced, the dining area is loud from all the parents hankering for their california rolls while their kids eat sliders, and the food is as mediocre as a burger-sushi restaurant fucking sounds. Seriously every picture looks unappetizing and depressing. It's a hype trap.
I suggest a really nice sushi restaurant I have not been to yet. That way I can have some quality sashimi, and perhaps some salmon belly nigiri and uni if I should feel so bold.
>"But anon the menu is tiny…"Lmao, not really but it must seem so to a fatty bomblatty when there aren't several kinds of deep fried carbs to choose from! And maybe the menu is more focused because it's more specialized and better grade?
He's such a typical fat male.
No. 1282113
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AHHHHHHH this homework assignment I’m doing is so painfully stupid and boring that I am struggling to finish it. It’s not even that it’s hard but I just fucking hate it and it feels fucking insulting my professor is making us do it. I fucking hate my dumbass professor SO MUCH.
No. 1282116
>>1282104Don't feel like it's a necessity either, I'm sorry for making it sound that way. If you can't, you can't and you shouldn't force yourself to. Certain situations will always be a lot to deal with and no-one truly knows how they will handle and even, how they'll cope afterwards. I've now moved on from the ordinary therapist end bosses to the trauma therapists. So close to getting to the last boss.
Yeah, I'm rambling for coping.
No. 1282154
>>1282134Maybe work on that edginess. The only thing you'll do is alienate her forever. Do you believe she won't go through with it because you set some high standards and ultimatums? The thing you could do is make sure she know who to come to if indeed there's trouble.
Else she'll never come to you if she needs help in the end. It's not how it works.
No. 1282170
>>1282168I think she meant
nonny. Maybe you could send your stuff to a friend and if your method fails you can always get them back
No. 1282202>>1282211
File (hide): 1659117547557.jpg (121.98 KB, 748x828, swimsuit.jpg)

Just removed two literal plastic sticks from the sides of my swim top. What ASSHOLE manufacturer puts jabby plastic rods at the side of a garment? I've been going on a rampage removing all kinds of annoying things from my clothing from tags to elastic bands. What the hell is wrong with the clothing industry. pic rel
No. 1282203
>>1282192yes wtf is going on, anon please dont do anything to yourself. please just leave your
abusive family, cut contact and maybe go to a friend, i hope that things will turn better for you
No. 1282219>>1282247>>1282306
File (hide): 1659118325092.jpeg (18.15 KB, 222x222, 5EBF5586-6DD4-41C7-A293-274EE8…)

I’ve already complained in this thread, but oh my God is it even worth seeking a diagnosis for autism if you already know? I’m receiving so many mixed messages.
>Well you’ve gotten this far, why does it matter now?
>There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just gifted!
>You didn’t already know you were autistic? I’ve known you were autistic for years…
>The number of symptoms that line up isn’t coincidence. You are autistic.
>It’s not worth getting hung up on if you are or aren’t.
As someone who thinks in very binary terms, this gray area is fucking hellish for me. It’s complex because I don’t really have much left to “treat” because I’ve developed coping mechanisms for most things/know my comfort zone, so seeking therapy or treatment doesn’t seem all that productive. I just want to KNOW. But then just wanting to know makes me feel like I’m malingering, like I’m one of those people on TikTok who post videos of themselves shaking around #stimming. But I know I’m not lying, and my dad is very clearly moderately autistic, my legs are fucked up and I walk on my tiptoes, I keep a small soft blanket on my person at all times to rub between my fingers so I don’t get stressed out, I didn’t brush my teeth regularly for 18 years because I hate rough bristle textures, all this weird shit that I am not proud of but it’s true (I brush my teeth regularly now I know I was a disgusting goblin woman)
And it’s not like I will do anything with the diagnosis, because I’m capable of working and too bullheaded and prideful to ask for accommodations even if I might need them. I just want to know and it feels stupid and wrong. Also I don’t feel like I can talk about these issues to the few friends I have without knowing for sure or else it will feel like I am malingering/complaining about something I have no right to complain about.
No. 1282240>>1282248
>>1282211It wasn't underwire. It was vertical plastic rods at either side under the armpit. They were extremely uncomfortable. Two snippies and they're gone. Also took the pads out. I'm ordering a better sewing kit and seam ripper and will go at my entire wardrobe removing dumb things and making alterations.
It was a brittle plastic type too. Imagine breaking those and the sharp plastic fragments jabbing you in the armpit. I feel so good now.
No. 1282247
>>1282219most diagnoses are just social categories that make communication and insurance a lot easier to deal with. most autistic people are normal and just kinda sensitive in one way or another with specific passions, sometimes anxiety. don’t fall for the nocebo effect or let yourself be defined by any diagnosis or lack of diagnosis. with or without the diagnosis, you are the same exact person. so it really, seriously doesn’t matter. there’s nothing about you that needs to be validated by a label because that label is made up in the first place and solely used to identify patterns and such, there’s no biological markers for high functioning autism. even different psychiatrists will disagree on if you’re autistic or not. i’ve had plenty of psychiatrists say i’m an obvious case and plenty say i’m just socially anxious and have weird interests. i know you hate grey areas, but psychiatry itself is one huge grey blob. there’s no real science to the diagnostic process.
with that said, if you are in school or struggle to work it would be worth seeking a diagnosis. getting a diagnosis young helped me a lot in school because i was allowed to work from home most of the time and was able to leave classes if i needed to. it’s not of much use as an adult though outside of seeking disability which may or may not be something you want (very hard to get for just autism without a full psych eval anyway). if you have family that struggles to take you seriously or dismisses your concerns as “just not trying hard enough” or “just being difficult” and so on, a diagnosis would also be useful in dealing with them, as it’d be a way of legitimizing your problems in their eyes because an authority figure is involved. you could also find a community with other autistic people if that’s something you’re interested in.
i wish you luck regardless of what you decide to do! for what it’s worth i think you’d be considered autistic, but a lot of psychiatrists are hesitant to even consider women are autistic. women mask a lot and develop all sorts of ways to fit in more and repress the issues, so that doesn’t make the psychiatrist any more willing to see us as people with real problems.
No. 1282273
File (hide): 1659121140717.jpg (27.55 KB, 275x275, 1578842424256.jpg)

I'm so tired of being called "strong", I swear it's the only compliment I ever get anymore, from my coworkers, my mom, my ex during and after our breakup, etc. I know I'm fucking strong, you think I don't know I'm fucking strong??? I am nothing but carapace where a human woman used to be. And I'm tired of it. I want to turn into a puddle of goo.
No. 1282283>>1282323
>>1282274why are you so mad like I said side wire is necessary? lol I was just letting you know why there in there.
and it's mainly for fatties who feel insecure about their side fat spilling out on the sides
No. 1282287>>1282304
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So, I made an account on this app my friends often talk about. I've been having fun, but today something weird happened. I found this guy, who also has a newly made account, he also had a pfp of an anime I like, so I greeted him. He was chill with me but replied too slow, so I ended up answering his message on the next morning. I opened the app again today and found that he sent another message, but when I tried to open it, it appears he deleted his whole account. Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? I thought we were good.
No. 1282306
>>1282219I'm exactly the same
nonnie, I've shown signs of autism ever since childhood and my parents have even admitted that medical professionals suggested that I might have it, but they never carried on with the procedures to get an official diagnosis. I often wonder how different my life would be if I received appropriate support instead of always feeling othered and like a freak for having these traits that affect my everyday life. Now I'm an adult and after years of struggling I have a degree and a job and live on my own so I don't know what benefits I would get from the confirmation since it doesn't matter anymore. My chronic depression and nonexistent self-esteem will be with me for life because they were installed in me during my formative years and it will forever hinder my social life and skills even further than they would be without being a sped. It's tough anon, just know that autism is horribly undiagnosed in women and the average age for female patients to be diagnosed is nearly 30 so you're definitely not alone.
No. 1282323
>>1282283oh shit, that makes sense. damned fatties ruining our clothes.
i'm mad at the plastic rod, not your comment
No. 1282327
>>1282325She actually earned it, is dumb and doesn't troll people for laughs.
Orange man bad but also he based lol.
No. 1282420
>>1282371How can they survive without that cushy NHS healthcare? Kek they bitch about
terf island but it gives them so much.
No. 1282428>>1282434>>1282437
I just need to vent about our dog. I fucking hate our family 3 month old puppy tonight. Not usually but yes tonight. I am drained, absolutely drained from work and she just wouldn't let me do anything this afternoon. Parents left for an event so I'm dogsitting which I usually wouldn't mind but she just wouldn't stop whining for hours, I played with her, trained her, gave her food. She would still go to the door to cry and chew on the door frame which she know she shouldn't do. I desperately needed to study but she just wouldn't go to sleep. She'd cry, cry and cry. Does she fucking hate me or something? Why would she cry the whole time with me? Just the sound of that makes me feel anxious as fuck (I bet you it's probably firing off some worry pathways in my brain because it's a child animal distress cry). I didn't learn shit. She also bites so much, my hands are always scratched. I just want to pet my fucking dog. She bites instead of licking, she welcomes by biting, plays by biting. She'll grow out of it but I just miss how our previous dog was sweet since it was little. She also has puppy anger tantrums which I can manage but it's so tiring. Just calm the fuck down bruh.
She's gonna get professionally trained in around two months but I'm gonna die since than. She's such a difficult puppy. If children are even worse, I'm never having children, this is hell. I actually started crying when she wouldn't even let me brush my teeth in peace and I found out she chewed on my (thankfully old) invisalign. Why are you so fucking dumb. She jumps off high places if we look away just for a moment, last time she'd cry like she's dying when she did it, she'd try to actually eat any plastic she can find. Why?? She's much dumber than our last dog, if we take her off the leash she'll run away. She bites when we lift her up even though we follow the professional advice. I'm just tired.
No. 1282434>>1282435
>>1282428>chew on the door frame>She bites instead of licking>she chewed on my (thankfully old) invisalign>she'd try to actually eat any plastic she can findSounds like she's teething
>which she know she shouldn't do>Why are you so fucking dumbIt's literally a baby animal dude
No. 1282472
>>1282453 . I'm just lactose intolerant.
No. 1282477>>1282481>>1282802
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>>1282473There are so many typos but I don’t care I just keep thinking about double chocolate ice cream. The thick, fudgey, decadent kind. Not the weak and cowardly LARPing as chocolate kind
No. 1282538
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I just started my period and a cold apparently.
No. 1282557>>1282563>>1282564>>1282569
>>1282543No I mean ones that have been up over the 30 minute cut off, I've been here since the Felice Fawn era.
>>1282549Sorry should I delete and post it on meta? I was reading the complaints thread and everyone was saying to not post him there anymore so I didn't want to get red texted. But I'm pretty sure he just hangs out on the homepage and tries to reply to anything, he was even in the Alice Llani thread the other day.
No. 1282589
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I should just go on with my own life because it's their's, and not mine, but I just found out my dad, who I was repairing my relationship with, apparently had cheated on my mom for years. They're in what I thought was an agreed open relationship and obviously mostly just together for mostly my brother, and me, and it's felt kinda weird and I was always in the mindset that my mom was kind of uncomfortable with it all but it was fine. Guess not, my brother thought I knew, told me about how he found old blog posts by our mom talking about how she had no idea what to do finding out my dad had been cheating and was scared for our sake and how it was gonna affect us so they just started an 'open relationship' and he basically lives/spends all his time with his girlfriend who's also like, 30-something vs his 54.
Shit just sucks. My dad tries to be really good to me too, I don't want to hate him for this, and I was becoming happy with how it seemed like my family bonds were becoming good again.
No. 1282630
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>>1277415me too. wish i had a lifting buddy
No. 1282648>>1282670
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It’s nearly impossible to have any fun on /ot/ because the tranny keeps posting and fucking shit up. Sigh
No. 1282666>>1282683>>1282765
>>1282656Shave it in his sleep.
I had a bowlcut warrior ex with slav bangs that I'd gently try to guide but he didn't get it. Moids are absolute retards
No. 1282669
File (hide): 1659139463981.png (2.34 MB, 1086x833, Welcome-to-Hell.png)

Deus ea absente
No. 1282688
>>1282676I think this is the solution. I already cut my own hair and my bf is a cheapskate. If I sell him on the savings I can do his hair myself and prevent further sleeze-ening.
>>1282664he's a completely normal guy. i just dont get it. he started out with a basic short cut like every white guy has and then i convinced him to grow it out. but it got too long so his solution was apparently a mullet.
No. 1282763>>1282766>>1282767>>1282769>>1282771>>1282773
File (hide): 1659141980644.png (1.09 MB, 749x748, 1652854499250.png)

my coworker said my legal given name would be "a great name for a transwoman". he meant this as a compliment. it made me completely sick to my fucking core. for context, i share a name with a certain mythological creature. i hesitate to write more than that because it's a very rare name and im paranoid of someone knowing i wrote this. but i have to tell SOMEONE because i cant tell ANYONE irl!!!
No. 1282769
>>1282763he's going to troon out and skinwalk you
nonnie. i'm so sorry
No. 1282782>>1282784
thanks nonnas it feels good to let it out and you're all making me laugh. also to anon pls no namedox uwu ive been thru enough
>>1282771he's a total appears so i think he was trying to…impress me with how super woke he is? but if trans women are just on his mind like that for no reason he's definitely liable to go full troid soon…
No. 1282906>>1282908>>1282917>>1282921>>1282924
File (hide): 1659156589738.jpg (216.38 KB, 1570x664, tranny meme final copy.jpg)

Posting on here feels exactly like this scene now and I hate it. I hope this isn't too obscure a reference for people to appreciate I did this on 3d paint and it took longer than it should have
No. 1282924>>1282928>>1282940>>1282945
>>1282921a schizophrenic pedo tran has been spamming the site with child porn and derailing threads constantly in fact i’m pretty sure
>>1282906is him because he’s addicted to making edits like this. check meta
No. 1282931>>1282940
>>1282917>>1282908Thank you I'm so glad you guys like it ♥ I thought it fit the situation perfectly lol
>>1282921Youtube "the thing 1982 blood test scene" it's basically just a movie where there's an alien lifeform that disguises itself as a person and they have to find out which person is actually "the thing." lol
No. 1282938
My partner of 1 year is slowly turning into a pig. It's upsetting, but I don't know if it's a personal decline or he's just lifting the veil. He's started smoking too much and has a smokers cough and snorts, he pisses into the centre of the bowl so it echoes. His table is covered in tobacco and weed from rolling joints. He is constantly rolling and smoking, takes up maybe 50% of his free time.
And fuck, there was so much sex stuff I wanted to try with him but his sexual behavior is such a turn off that I'm bordering on not wanting to. It's gone from frequent open minded and good, giving sex on both sides to "come on, let's fuck for just a bit", and if I'm horny? Doesn't matter, let's sleep.
And he doesn't even try look attractive anymore, I don't know how to explain it but he used to look more composed, now he's deflated or something.
His demeanour is either conversational or grumpy, which could happen in times of stress but he's 2 weeks into a 3 week vacation. I'm not looking for advice, I know the answer is to end it but I'll wait 3 weeks as it's an inopportune time.
No. 1282940>>1282945>>1283006
>>1282924 I believe it because
>>1282931 that movie does sound like a flick for troons
No. 1282994>>1283066>>1283080>>1283087>>1283099
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I wish there was a way to suck this damn sadness out of me. I'm so tired of it because it's all I've ever known for the most part of my life. I don't know if something happened to me in my childhood to have caused it (I really don't wanna know tbh) but I remember being depressed from the age of 11 up until now (mid 20's). These days it's so hard for me to keep a happy or even just a neutral face in public. I could have an okay day or be with a group of people and then suddenly this feeling of sadness and the urge to retreat will start to set in, for no reason at all. I've tried to go to therapy a couple of times and every time I was told that I wouldn't be able to get an appointment until a few months from then. I went to a "private therapist" ("private" meaning that it's not covered by health insurance) but paying 90-200 (that's the price range for most private therapists where I'm from) euros per session is too much for me to afford. I'm tired. Not sure how much longer I can take it. I'm so drained and to think that I possibly still get to live for another 50 or 60 years this way doesn't make me feel any better.
No. 1283080>>1283094
>>1282994>>1283066to be that nonna try it, you can't lose anything to psychedelics, you can only gain at your point in life. I had long depression episodes since i was 12 and mushrooms really help me. It's not a cure but it's the best tool to work with if you want to get better. For the first time i did it i was happy for a half of a year just thinking back about the experiences i had with the shroom.
I'm not very pro microdosing because you can't enjoy the whole point of what the drug is trying to give you. You'll have some nice feelings but it's nothing that will last in you for months. The strong experience and the change of mind is what helps people get out of the society psychosis we're stuck in.
I wouldn't be worried about bad trips either. For the years i've been doing it i had one sadder trip but it was exactly because the dose was weak and my bad thoughts still stayed stuck in my head. Even if bad trip happens it's not what you want but it's what you need to wake you up and start your journey to get better.
No. 1283087>>1283094
I miss my grandma. I’ve recently started getting back into several hobbies she was into and I regret not being able to share this with her. She was 97 when she died and once told me how lonely it was that even though she had so many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, none of them had any interests in common with her except me, and I lived far away.
>>1282994This sounds like me but I don’t think I have any specific trauma, I’m just autistic. As soon as I became more aware of how badly I fit in (at ~12 years old) I became depressed, and being around groups of people exacerbates it. There’s this vicious cycle of feeling lonely, seeking out people, feeling rejected or like an alien, isolating myself, feeling lonely etc. It took me a long time to understand why I always felt so bad after socialising because people were rarely outright rude to me, they signalled their distaste in more subtle ways so I came away feeling like shit but not knowing why.
No. 1283099
>>1282994Most of what people consider a normal childhood is actually
abusive and children are treated like less than for no reason in most cultures. Not saying you definitely went through shit but just offering my perspective
No. 1283111>>1283116
i hate being from my country. ive never been there but a lot of the immigrants in this european country immigrated from where my parents are from and we are looked down upon in society. ive tried online dating and every time i "reveal" my true ethnicity it always gets werid and the relationship or whatever we had built in the span of weeks or even months just fizzles out into nothingness. it's so frustrating becasue im not even a muslim anymore and i am a liberal through and through, but still interracial dating is what's mostly avaliable for me i dont descriminate and i always see the person for who they are rather where they come from. My only "no" are ginger men, and it has nothing to do with race or ethnicity, it's just their hair color i dont find attractive. But I wouldnt lead them on or go out with a ginger only to say "no, i'm not attracted to you anymore". this rejection has happened to me quite a few times now and it's becasue they initally think i'm from another country other than my own and it's so weird. No, i dont date right wingers or (open) racists, these men are very liberal. ive experienced racism all my life and gotten bullied for being the only immigrant at school (i used to live in a really small town) and i got over it as an adult but those feelings of self-hatred is slowly creeping back up. Ugh. anyway, i know dating is hard but still, i cant change where my parents immigrated from like?? also, i know, i shouldnt be with those men anyway but i still feel ugly and inferior kind of… its weird becasue it's like, we both chose to get to know eachother, its not like some bully you avoid at school or work, or some racist stranger saying harmful shit to you at the busstop… ugh
No. 1283134>>1283139>>1283141>>1283142
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I left an open incognito window with gay porn on my office computer
No. 1283214>>1283223
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No. 1283265
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Scrotes stay losing lmaooo
No. 1283266>>1283270>>1283280>>1283290>>1283336>>1283564
>Start hooking up with guy
>Be very explicit that it's only physical, no feelings
>He starts saying things that imply exclusivity on his part, he doesn't want to see other people
>Remind him that, though he can do that, nothing romantic will happen between us, sorry
>Verbally he agrees but clearly is emotionally attached
>I go full fuckboy and ignore his feelings while still having sex with him often
>He asks me to come over, I tell him I'm seeing someone else that night
>He goes radio silent
>Next day he messages me saying he feels very upset and humiliated
I understand but I don't understand. I was definitely using him for sex, sure, but he's an adult that consented despite his feelings for me. Of course I knew he would be upset about me seeing someone else, but I'm quite shocked he has the audacity to voice it to me like I have done anything wrong. I was completely up front about seeing other people and shutting down his desires to be exclusive . The responsible thing for me to do after noticing his feelings would have been to cut him off, but I wanted to be selfish and have sex. Men are always bragging about how they dont catch feelings, so I was expecting that kind of big boy energy. Why is it so fucking difficult to just sleep with a man, Jesus christ.
No. 1283290
>>1283266You told him straight up that you weren't gonna be exclusive and now he's shitting his pants because you confirmed he isn't fucking special.
Oh wah, this must be the "buyer's remorse" men always mock women over when we're blatantly lied to and have our feelings taken advantage of while scrotes future fake us.
Fuck him. But anon, be careful.
Men are violent when they feel wronged, and I would hate it for you if the situation were to escalate.
Repost cause I forgot to quote reply lol.
No. 1283336
>>1283266If you were upfront and clear time and time again then he should have taken the hint that this isn’t the type of relationship he wants. Like you said he’s an adult.
I don’t think men are completely honest about not caring about romance, i think many have been conditioned to believe or say so because “romance is a woman’s thing”
No. 1283466>>1283474>>1283486>>1283548
I hate when men complain about how long women take to shower, and get ready in general. They think we just sit around singing to ourselves, because they take our appearances for granted and think every woman wakes up naturally with shaved legs, conditioned/oiled hair, clean labia, exfoliated and cleansed skin, dewy skin, perfect brows, painted nails, sunscreen on, all outfits preprepared and ready to hop into, etc.
Next time a man tries complaining about the time I spent in the shower I’m going to ask him if he even washed his balls. Most men just run water over themselves and call it a day. Even gymbros tend to not know how to clean themselves which makes them get nasty rashes and disgusting yeasty scalps.
No. 1283474
>>1283466All this but the type of man who will shower 5 minutes before a leaving for a thing, so they have to get dressed all clammy and then they have the guts to act all pissy about it? Almost worst, like who the fuck told you to shower 12 seconds before you got dressed, and of course all the time they spent on the sofa, they kept telling
you to hurry up.
No. 1283499
>>1283486I met my nigel and started dating him when I was still a lot lower maintenance. He was attracted to me then, but he’s obviously even more attracted to me now that I put more effort into how I look. So now I think about how he must’ve really felt tempted by other women who put more effort into their appearances during that time, since he likes me more when I put a lot of effort in. This is kind of just rambly and slightly irrational, he’s never stated these things explicitly, it’s just something you can essentially intuit over time, except me assuming he was drooling over other women is mostly insecurity and anxiety. Idk, there’s just literally no way to win. Men say they prefer no makeup then look at celebrities with a totally beat face who still pay thousands for laser treatments on a regular basis. So natural.
It’s exhausting and makes me a little resentful because I hate how so much is intrinsically tied to artifices and shallowness. There’s really no way to win. You can’t win!
No. 1283527
>>1283465Does she have implants or aids that make headphones unusable? Hearing impairments suck to have but it's not fair to you that her accommodations are unreasonably loud at night. If closed captions are a thing where you are, can she put them on after bedtime?
Good luck nonna.
No. 1283535>>1283549
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I'm horny and it feels like my uterus is going to fall out
No. 1283561
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>my niche otome games forum decided to return its "text rp" subtopic, someone posted a nice, well built world for everyone to try playing in
>decided to give it a try and spend some time writing a character, after all i am slowly forgetting my native language and i need to keep working on it
>all of the current characters are 17 year olds, one of them is a koreaboo
>mfw feeling too awkward to participate now
>tried finding actually text forums, found a nice one by looking throughout all of the reviews
>its a crossover rp, not a big deal
>half of the characters are genshit impact and arcane
im tired
No. 1283564
>>1283266This was years ago but the last time I had a no-strings set up I ended up catching one sided feelings. I didn't push him. I didn't blame him for my feelings. I didnt accuse him of humiliating me. I just put an end to our thing and took a perma break from casual stuff. It was fun.. til it wasn't but I handled it alright with no mess that spilled out.
He doesn't get to dump this 'im humilated' bs on you. He's embarrassing himself.
No. 1283609
>>1283602this is weird and makes it sound like you’re terrified of being honest with yourself because of codependency or something. it’s an anonymous forum you can vent about anything on and venting doesn’t mean disrespectful vitriol. you’re allowed to be unhappy and struggling because of him, it isn’t just a reflection of your own flaws. are you alright…? this really sounds like how abuse
victims gaslight themselves into thinking they’re the bad ones
No. 1283658
>>1283655you're a
toxic misandrist because you got abused? idk if its your bf or brother you're arguing with but he's retarded
No. 1283701
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Tired of feeling compelled to acquiesce, conform, submit, defer, cry, squeal, immolate, disappear, be subsumed, etc whenever I feel someone slipping away from me. Wanting to be perfect, wanting to be wanted, willing to abandon myself if it means you won't abandon me. I'll apologise and change and be better I promise even if I haven't done anything wrong. What a load a garbage.
No. 1283783>>1283784>>1283790
>>1283778Upper butt. And that’s the thing! I kept asking if I could give it to myself but everybody but like noooo you can’t reach around.
>>1283776I hope so, anon. Too much degeneracy nowadays. It was vitamin D shot, mine was abnormally low. You usually get it at the hospital but I was too lazy and just asked the girl.
No. 1283815
>>1283809oh my god. just awful. he better be amazing in every other way because this is insufferable manbaby behavior. i’m sorry
nonnie. i hope you get to enjoy the eventual dinner!!!!!!!!
No. 1283942
>>1283927for me:
>accumulated job dissatisfaction and lack of enough time to eat and sleep properly>built up over several months, becoming more and more resentful of job>one evening i come home and just can't sleep>lay awake getting more and more irritated that i can't sleep because work in morning>sleeping pill doesn't work, just laying awake feeling angry and miserable>start hysterically crying and can't restrain it anymore>cry all night, pass out around 4am, get up at 7 trying to get ready to go to work>even though i'm still crying i'm getting ready to go and dressed and everything>put hand on doorknob>just can't leave, can't move, stand there 10 minutes like that trying to coax myself out door to go to work>crying intensifies from passive tears to a full blown breakdown>fall to floor and screaming and crying>crawl back to bed and cry until the afternoon, sleep a few hours, wake up, start crying again>continues for 3 days, less than 8 hours of cumulative sleep that entire time>feel like i'm dying, sleeping meds don't work, heart feels like going into cardiac arrest, cant' stop crying, cant' leave apartment>finally pass out and sleep 14 hours straight>quit job a few days later (next time i went back in) after they were shitheads who refused my very reasonable requests to compromise>got a new job 2 months later, pay raise, gave me everything i demanded that previous job denied, better manager better team and far less workloadbasically your subconscious getting fed up with your shit and bringing the issue to the attention of your conscious in a way you cannot ignore
No. 1304008>>1304017
This has been weighing on me for years and is dealing with colorism and some racial undertones so trigger warning on that type of thing.
To make a long story short, my family and my in-laws are Mexican/Hispanic. My husband is tall and dark with long dark hair, he is 60% Native, and so he fits in with them.
Me on the other hand, despite having a similar background ethnically, have very pale skin with dark hair and dark eyes.
People in my own family have made fun of my skin color all growing up. I’m used to that from them, I have never been okay with it but at this point it’s expected so whatever.
What really breaks my heart was learning that my in-laws are no different, and were actually worse about it at one point. My husband and I have been together for nearly 14 years now too and it still happens. It’s a lot more subtle now but it’s there.
I can’t help that I’m this color, and if I did I know they’d comment on that too. Plus I don’t want to pretend to be brown, because I’m not and that’s fine.
I’ve just always felt like the reject daughter in law. Especially now that my new sister in law is actually white but no one makes fun of her skin or anything. (Husband’s brother got married) Like what gives?
It’s not just the skin color thing either, my MIL has said I should never have children because I’m an atheist, her husband is the biggest offender when making comments about my skin or my weight/appearance, they’ve said that my husband, their own son, ruined my life, effectively calling him a loser.
And yet husband is frustrated because I never want to see family or am never excited to visit or see them. I’m like how can you expect me to feel anything even remotely close to that?
Oh but it’s always “just a joke” and everyone makes fun of each other so it’s fine. Except that’s clearly not the case with many things they’ve said to or about me. I’m done pretending to be anyone’s friend. I can’t just forget about it like they want me to.
What’s funny is that now that I guess they’ve figured out after 14 years I’m not going anywhere, my MIL has tried to reach out to me, texts me on my birthday, and occasionally trying to strike up conversation. And it’s so transparent and random.
It’s far too late for us to have any kind of normal relationship, especially since I know they haven’t really changed. The few times I’ve been around them recently they inevitably talk about someone else behind their back to me or around me.
So I know if I fall for it it will just bite me later.
I know if I talked with them about this they’d just call me bitter and that I’m holding a grudge for no reason as well. Should just get over it because it obviously had absolutely no effect on them, and after saying hurtful things to me have slept like babies and have not been bothered by it one little bit.
No. 1304017
>>1304008I had an Indian ex whose family didnt like black people and thought i was ugly and he didn't do much so I dumped him lol
You should have never married him tbh because you'll never be happy and he's always going to side with his family.