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No. 1260637
In an ideal matriarchy, how do you propose that we deal with the low value males? The ones who become unhinged & dangerous due to lack of strong male role models & not getting their dicks wet?
Some ideas to start things off:
1. Bring back gladiators. Draft men above age 25 who have less than 3 females vouching for their good character. Mandatory death games for them. Obviously this includes rapists, predators etc by default regardless of if they have a woman to vouch for them or not. The voucher is more to help separate the sexist incels (most of them) from the ones who just got nerfed by genetics but aren't necessarily bad people.
2. I remember a post from a while ago about how in Ancient Greece, there were post-menopausal druid women who preferred to live alone in the temple, but they would take in teenaged men for short-term companionship & show them how to please a woman. The men get to lose their virginity to a milf (which would hopefully nip some of the crazy in the bud, but probably not tbh) and the women get a constant supply of pre-wall men to pump & dump. No more incels.
3. Keep the male population at ~25% of the total world population by killing off the low value ones. This would require that women share husbands, go lesbian, or just live alone. But those shared husbands would be selected to be only the most perfect, docile Nigels so…
4. Reverse harems. Like in those South American tribes where the women will sleep with as many men as possible because they believe that kids are made up of all of their potential fathers instead of just one. Partible paternity. So you end up with 5 different dads helping to raise a child - one dad a fisherman, one a builder, one a scholar etc. It would solve the problem of men turning out rotten because of daddy abandonment issues. It takes a village to raise a child kinda thing. The trouble with this approach though is that the modern man is completely ruined by selfish individualism, so this would take some kinda psy-op.
Idk the solution, but we all know the problem. Let's brainstorm nonnies!
No. 1260661
>>1260643They have guns & are unable to control their emotions though. Men have been taking their anger out on women since the beginning of time. If we took their neopoints away, there would probably be an uptick in family annihilation & femicide. Imo we need to eliminate them first.
>>1260650No! That's why we gotta figure out what to do with them kek
>>1260639>>1260656Bless you nonnies, I should have realized this is a common post topic.
No. 1260675
>>1260670Ok true, but I guess I'm talking more about the transitional period of how do we get to that ideal? Do we just kill them all? If so, how do we weed them out? How do we deal with them with the least amount of pushback?
Hypothetically of course. In minecraft.
No. 1260687
>>1260674Hmm true. The ideal matriarchy would obviously be worldwide, but in order to get to that point it would require warring with violent patriarchal countries. And war is made by men for men…
We could take a page from the books of venomous insects & reptiles? They say that poison is a woman's weapon kek. War doesn't have to be hand-to-hand combat. I think that it would be possible to theoretically win a war using technology, chemicals etc as biological equalizers.
I would say to use the incels as cannon fodder but they would just defect.
No. 1260704
>>1260701I think they would just spend all their time in the male city plotting on how to infiltrate the female one. Tale as old as time wrt female spaces.
Labour camps could work. Run by Boston Robotics type robo guards maybe? So that they can't take their violent male urges out on real humans.
No. 1260711
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>>1260701It's no good to have them congregate and potentially create another incel movement.
I think we just need to keep them separate
No. 1260720
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They are already ripe to start cannibalizing their own. They are already alienating normie men from seeing their POV when they hate on "Chads" aka non-virgin men. We need to further sow this divide. Incel killers will still go after men if they view them as Chads. It has happened before. We need to make it clear to normie men that they are not safe & are being targeted.
Also, further sow the divide between infighting subdivisions of incels. In some ways, ALL of them can be called volcels. After all, if you're really that desperate you can just pay a prostitute for sex. Ergo, all incels are volcel.
Get them to start turning on each other.
No. 1260732
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>>1260720Scrolled by and thought the person in the green shirt was Shaggy. What if this is a royal alternate universe where Scooby Doo is a king and Shaggy is his royal advisor? Is Shaggy a "himbo" or is he not hot enough to qualify as one?
No. 1260886
>>1260818I think extreme/violent porn with trannies could help a lot, because moids would focus their more bizarre instincts among themselves, and maybe they would stop objectifying and hypersexualizing women.
(there is a possibility of a 41% increase in trannies as well)
No. 1261508
In a patriarchy, male value is defined by money, power, accomplishments, and women as objects (how many women they slept with, if they have a wife, etc). So unsuccessful males are low value males who in turn, blame women for playing their part in this patriarchal system. So in theory, in a matriarchy, the male value system does not exist as we know it. The new LVM would be defined by the new societal constructs, perhaps how quick he is to anger, ability to communicate, and looks–as defined by the female lens not the male power fantasy lens.
No. 1261552
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What the fuck did I just read
No. 1261553
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>>1260866This, first and foremost. Unless you live in a country where you can't, women need to drop the cutesy pepper spray keychains and arm yourself with an actual gun. There are plenty to choose from for everyone's budget.
Plenty of shooting ranges offer classes and womens only days/times where you can shoot for free to practice. In some states, you don't even need a license to carry one, much less just to keep a gun at home. Men would be way less hesitant to try dumb shit if they knew more women were armed 24/7.
I carry at all times, and while I still feel nervous to do some things like walk alone at night, I'm confident in my ability to blow a hole in some moids chest if he tries to fuck with me.
No. 1261568
>>1261558In a world that segregates women and treats them like property, the next
victims are always boys. Misogyny leads to all kinds of fucked up psychosexual shit, and then you have generations of incredibly damaged men who were likely raped as boys, now raping more children. Sexual abuse breaks their brains. Its sad for a society, but don't take this to mean I have any empathy for this man. He's using muh culture because he/his lawyer know its politically wise.
No. 1261582
>>1261569I think it's obvious a lot of this is theoretical, no one on lolcow dot farm is going to be able to pull together the people and resources for any of this, and if they could it would go to shit within a generation. Nevermind that most of the powers in place are unshakeable even by moids. I think most of us will die without the social connections (children, church groups, etc) that women who kowtow to moids have, hopefully in a pile of guns like you, and that's a good thing. Girls will have an example of an alternative; "Remember
nonnie? I want to be like her when I grow up. Armed to the teeth and away from men." Progress is slow.
No. 1261586
>>1261581Thank you, it's been really hard to engage in any of the thread points because they read like incel fanfic
>>1261569The best idea I've had is to change the media landscape. Moids have memed themselves into being incels, trannies, and violent chimps, there's no reason we can't meme women into divestment from moids and community with other women.
No. 1261589
>>1261578I agree. I have stepped back from feminism because too many "feminists" are essentially pimps, handmaidens, or just scared angry women who don't have an actual plan. Ive suggested women all learning how to shoot and getting guns but Get shot down because men can take our guns they say. Like some women really have no faith in themselves whatsoever and it's sad. Are you telling me a woman who has been trained to shoot for 10+ years will be no match for unarmed man? That we should just not even try and should wait around for men to do better? What the fuck?
Then you have "feminists" who want us to put genderspecial men on pedestals even if they don't try to look like a gender blob (like trans dykes lol). And the ones who are essentially madames, encouraging girls to sell their bodies to creepy men like it's somehow empowering. I'm just done trying to help women who don't want help. I think some women who claim to hate men enjoy the patriarchy it's like a weird masochism they have for it
No. 1261607
>>1261581Same honestly, it sounds like a weird moid post by using terms like milf, pump & dump and suggesting that women share a husband (that's not what a reverse harem is btw).
Anyway, you could just solve the problem by aborting males and hitting the ones that are already alive HARD. Discipline them more than women, teach them that they're inferior. Also don't educate them too much, men are autistic and idiotic by nature so they don't need education.
Men should just be allowed to do manual labour and be soldiers (women can do the rest better). These jobs automatically weed out the inferior and inept males, leaving only the fit and healthy ones. Implement a social score for men and allow women around them to influence it, so their behaviour is controlled and only the best behaving sperm-carriers are allowed to breed and pass on their genes. Death penalty or mental ward for any rapist, pedophile and violent sperm-carrier.
Remember that males are a poor mutation of the complete human: the woman. The male sex began as a form of parasitism, technically there isn't even a reason to keep them alive after they've fulfilled their purpose as sperm-carriers.
Though yeah an XY only virus would be nice.
No. 1261613
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>>1261594I absolutely am the main character in my own life, thank you for pointing that out. Stay mad bitch.
No. 1261630
>>1261613I was being light hearted
No. 1261642
>>1261614Right? I think the crutch is arguing god knows everything. He’s Omnipresent in most peoples’ eyes, so… he would have known Eve ate the apple, but chose to do nothing till Adam did? Weird. Eve ate the apple for knowledge and to learn. Adam ate it simply because eve said it was good? Adam sought greed and got them punished. He broke gods word for his own hubris of wanting what another had. That’s not even including Lilith with the snake and the rewrite of genesis I’m piecing and playing with.
Christian men are a red flag and should be avoided.
No. 1261697
>>1261613NTA, I have the same viewpoint as you but honestly it feels really resentful towards women and not towards men. I can understand being annoyed by women because they will always run to scrotes, but your idea is rooted in a false sense of superiority and need to be different that’s covering your negative personal experiences of them which isn’t invalid but it can disillusion you from the main point of the cause extremely fast. Women as a whole can achieve solidarity, there are many building blocks in society that prevent that from happening: capitalism, marriage, pregnancy, innate racism and class divide. That’s what radical feminism is, evaluating the causes of female oppression and suffering and realizing the radical change of society could pull women together. The only upsetting thing is that there has barely been much progress towards finalizing these solutions, wow we have voting and we are able to work shitty jobs, and yet we asked for nothing more. The plausible solutions are there, your anger should be directed towards the inaction
No. 1261797
>>1261791Mothers and gfs. So many women cover for their pedo/
abusive male so they get male attention.
No. 1261806
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>>1261795>>1261797so only female incels should be allowed to vote on whether someone is a male incel? kek
No. 1261807
>>1261589Cringe if you think just training in guns will solve it. Get it through your head, men are not predators, they are scavangers and opportunists. They strike when women are vulnerable (mental illness, under anathesia, in care homes/mental hospitals/hospitals, during birth, male family who spy censor betray and rape, etc. Women need to literally recreate the fabric of society into something non woman hating, all the media, medicine, institutions, views, morals, literally everything is made with males interest and catered to males biology in order to ensure women do not get ahead. It's not just some random scrote on the street trying to attack you.
No. 1262391
The following is a small exert from the Science Fiction Novella "Houston, Houston, Do You Read" by Alice Sheldon (written under the pen-name James Tiptree Jr. in 1976 which won both a Nebula and Hugo award for best Novella. It's themes included Feminism, Male Violence, Environmentalism, and Religion.
"I'm a man. By God yes, I'm angry. We gave you all this, we made it all. We built your precious civilization and your knowledge and and comfort and your dreams. All of it. It was hard. It was a fight, a bloody fight all the way. We're tough. We had to be, can't you understand? Can't you for Christ's sake understand that?"
Another silence.
"We're trying," Lady Blue sighs. "We are trying Dr. Lorimer. Of course we enjoy your inventions and we do appreciate your evolutionary role. But you must see there is a problem. As I understand it, what you protected us from was largely other males, wasn't it? … "But the fighting is long over, it ended when you did, I believe."
… "Your problem is," He says, "If you take the risk of giving us equal rights, what could we possibly contribute?"
"Precisely" Says Lady Blue.
… "Just tell me," He says to Lady Blue, who is looking at the bullet gashes, "What do you call yourselves. Woman's World? Liberation? Amazonia?"
"Why we call ourselves human beings," Her eyes twinkle absently at him, go back to the bullet marks. "Humanity, mankind," She shrugs. "The human race."
No. 1262632
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this is the dilbert comic author I posted in in the reddit hate thread along with some reddit comments to it. of course it triggered a moid because some redditor commented that teen girls are worse than teen boys. so lets see what happens with the just the source
No. 1262655
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>>1260637>in Ancient Greece, there were post-menopausal druid women who preferred to live alone in the temple, but they would take in teenaged men for short-term companionship & show them how to please a woman. The men get to lose their virginity to a milf (which would hopefully nip some of the crazy in the bud, but probably not tbh) and the women get a constant supply of pre-wall men to pump & dump.We were born too late, nonnies.
No. 1262669
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>>1262660>postmenopausal>suffering with vaginal atrophy and drynessHow old are you? You do know that women that are over 45 do have sex. Vaginal atrophy?? Kegals isn't a new discovery in this century.
No. 1262679
>>1262669Anon.. the average age for menopause is about 51. You're talking about post-menopausal women, correct? They didn't have HRT back then. Vaginal atrophy isn't something just resolved by doing kegels, it's from a lack of estrogen to the tissue. It loses its integrity and thins out, plus it doesn't lubricate as well anymore. You lose the benefits of having a lower pH vagina, so you're at risk of getting yeast and bacterial infection from some ancient young dude's filthy unwashed dick.
The fact that you just called me a scrote and don't even understand what vaginal atrophy is, that's depressing.
No. 1262685
>>1262682samefag, I meant they outlive them by
50 years lol
No. 1262695
>>1262679I tend to skip over texts when reading but I was think about women that was going through menopause which can start at age 45.
>They didn't have HRT backObviously. however there are herbs that helped with menopause in the olden days such as red clover and chasteberry which is native to europe aka greece. Red clover and chasteberry was often used to treat menopausal symtoms along with eating boron, zink, vitamin E and A rich food
No. 1262712
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>>1261553 again
As with any male-dominated thing, you often don't get taken seriously when it comes to guns. I worry about some of you being steered wrong by some retarded moid while trying to purchase a gun somewhere. Too often, they recommend small "cutesy" guns or ridiculously overpriced shit to women instead of something reliable.
So I just wanted to add that if any of you live in the US and need help choosing a gun, finding a shooting range, learning more about guns, literally anything, I'll be happy to help on discord.
Shoot me a message on discord (void #6962) any time and I'll be happy to help you arm yourselves.
Don't think you can't defend and protect yourself, that's what they want you to think.
No. 1262759
>>1262682This is incredibly touching to watch anon. It’s terrible that, amongst many other species humans are destroying these orcas with their greed.. thank you for sharing.
Moids love to shame women for their age, but early human tribes survived thanks to the experience of the matriarch. That’s why we continue to live after menopause and our opinions, experience, and love for our children matter.
No. 1263088
>>1261595New religion-chan, you should incorporate orca-chan's
>>1262682 point in to your religion. Women living longer than men is because women were supposed to inherit the earth, or because of the lie adam told (you could incorporate that image were a women pointed out that men having adam's apples are because Adam actually ate the fruit first and lied, so god made it that Adam has a piece of the apple stuck in his throat as do all men).
No. 1263358
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the religion talk reminded me that patriarchal religions cause more violence to be done to women snakes used to be linked to women and fertility, so it’s now very transparent why christianity chose to demonize snakes. If women are so weak and stupid why do males need to take our rights away and force us down hmm? Nothing more blood boiling to a scrote than an empowered woman. Continue to uplift and support other women and ignore males ♥
No. 1263367
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Only kind of related but the religion talk reminded me how pre-Christian Finnish people used to believe pussies have strong magical powers lmao No. 1263389
>>1263366Our glorious Matriarch in her wisdom and mercy will, rest assured, anon make every effort to return these lost sisters to the fold. Many no doubt can be re-educated into becoming healthy and productive members of society again once their eyes have been opened to the follies of worshiping at the false alter of man. With the grace and glory of The Matriarch as a beacon of salvation our lost sisters will be returned to us once more.
>>1263372considering it's been pointed out that OP of the thread might have been a LARPing man (anons have pointed out some of the language and scenarios as being very indictive of male fantasies for example) I wouldn't take this thread to seriously (I certainly don't). It's an intriguing kind of "what if" question fun to play with but as other anons have pointed out and discuss regardless of whom made the original post. If there is one thing recent word events have taught us it's that anything is possible.
No. 1263515
>>1263105I like this anon. I think I could incorporate into the rewriting genesis. Religious men twist the word and will of god and destroy his creations. Where we should if we believe in god work to preserve the “perfection” he’s created.
What if Lilith left to care for the world outside of the garden with free will? What if women can create because she’s the mother god chose? Men wrote her out, wrote out a creation of god because she looked bad? How did god take that? How does god take us destroying his earth, his creatures? Every present animal on earth supposedly from his arc where he put two of every animal to save them for what? for the CEO of Jimmy Johns to shoot them for sport? How many times did god bring the wraith of the heavens on those “perfect religious men?”
Eve was offered work and freedom from Lilith as a snake. A sign of fertility and life. Adam wanted the reward with no of the work and so he took what wasn’t his. Adam has an apple for lying about his intentions and blaming eve dodging accountability just like every holy man after him, so they’ve all been marked as liars far from god.
Women and what we should focus on is the earth and gods creations. We love our neighbor and take care of each other. We start feeding the poorer in our parish because one day we too might be poor and it’s why god put us in communities. We hand down toys and clothes from one family to the next. We work on drives. Start baby sitting co-ops. We do gods work which is really just the work unholy men label womens. Healing, cleaning, clothing, feeding. Our own and each other and we push those out who defy god in sin, but it’s never our place as the church to punish. God has angels and himself for that. Why would he send a marked liar of pride to do it?
No. 1263997
>>1263932KEK imagine having a Y chromosome?
No. 1264162
I think men will always find a way to subject us to various forms of oppression and blame us for their own nature. Males are way more narcissistic to begin with, and through culture and its patriarchal values and practices they're strongly incentivized to gain self-esteem from playing the role of greek gods who are above women, thus entitled to exert control, manipulate, and assert superiority over us. The definition of being a man of high status in most cultures is to be able to treat people (let's be real, mainly women and workers) like pawns in your own chess game. How comfortable they are playing that role depends on their upbringing and genetics, but I think the large majority of men are at the very least tempted throughout their life to embrace their god complex. Can you imagine what being in that kind of narcissistic positive feedback loop where your mother, who's been brainwashed by her own culture into resenting everything feminine and worshipping all that is phallic, gives you preferential treatment because you might bring more financial stability to the family whilst treating the girlchildren around you like future maids/punching bags/incubators for men? We know that many (if not most) men secretly want to be alphas based on the average guy's obsession with huge dicks in porn and love/envy relationship with black men, and would excuse ANY heinous action made by a man as long he had achieved enough in his life, had a massive cock, and seemed to be a powerful person. How do you undo thousands of years of that kind of conditioning, where a fundamental aspect of ideal masculinity is so intertwined with being able to brutalize, not care about others, and do whatever it takes to feel powerful? That's not to say that there aren't men who are outliers or who don't conform to these values, but I completely disagree with the idea that incels think much differently compared to men of higher status. Incel ideology is what occurs when men of lower status realize that they aren't going to be the top dog. Who do you think men, the superior beings of the world, will blame their lack of alpha status on once they realize that they aren't going to be one of the designated gods of their society? Women, of course.
No. 1264172
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Nothing to contribute rn but I just wanted to say that this thread is adding years to my lifespan. Thank you to all the nonnies who have contributed for your well thought out opinions. I work in a male-dominated field & coming on here helps me to ground myself & not go crazy from all their hypocrisy & constant sexism.
Hail Ishtar. Amen.
No. 1383636
>>1383488What? There's still like 105 men for 100 women in early adulthood in almost all western countries, it only evens out by late 30s or late 40s in most countries.
>>1383555Why? Just curious, I don't want kids personally
No. 1553753
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>>1553724By going into the more enlightened form of Isolatuon: becoming a bog witch
No. 1553874
>>1553724It's baby steps for me (seeing as I'm still here lol) but start building habits that are rooted in the real world. Go for walks at the nearest place connected to nature you can find, a park, the woods, a lake, whatever. Get some hobbies that dont involve a screen, like crafting and creating, gardening, making food. Get involved with your local community in whatever way interests you. It could be going to chat with an elderly neighbor, it can be going to events, volonteering, joining sport or book clubs, whatever. Take it at your own pace but when you see something you think might be fun, go for it. You can join local fb groups or whatever popular social media is there to find out about things going on.
And cherish the people in your life and make sure to stay connected, go out with them when you can, not just chatting online.
No. 1554264
>>1553714Lol, are you trying to say men in pre-war Europe were less misogynistic? That Europe where women didn't have rights to vote or manage their own finances, while men drank, gambled and subjected them to domestic abuse? That feminist paradise?
Or are you trying to imply gays are less misogynistic?
Tell me you're a fujo without saying you're a fujo.
No. 1556868
There's no such thing as "ideal matriarchy". In the matriarchy women are still expected to breed or otherwise the society would die out, most would "have to" have children. Matriarchies irl were always full of fucked up sexually depraved shit: long as women engage with men, sexually, there's no true freedom. It would be nice if women could breed through parthenogenesis but that's not possible in humans. Pointless thread.
No. 1556984
>>1556875lol no they'll just go on about how trannies are better than women and should replace us.
>>1553714>less reason to hate womenlmao they'll just be even more obvious that they see women as incubator maids while fellow men are for "real love"
No. 2227570
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>>1556984>lol no they'll just go on about how trannies are better than women and should replace us.Meanwhile the reality will speak for itself. Relationships with rampant sexual degeneracy, addiction, crime ranging from theft to CP possession and manslaughter, financial woes, because the tranny needs to buy more validation by getting more procedures and more clothes etc.
No. 2227576
>>1556875Incels memeing themselves into being bangmaids for gay groomers will never not be funny, but like
>>1556984 said, they'll just use it as a further excuse to push their baggage on us.