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No. 851294
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1.Make being male illegal
No. 851307
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> implement the nordic model> pimps caught get life in prison or public execution> johns who get caught get 5 years> women killing their rapist at most get 1 year in prison and 1 year doing public service > tax the 1%, if they refuse they’ll be forced to go on live television and fight other 1%ers, the loser has all of their money taken away, the winner has has all of their money taken away except for $100> universal basic income of $200 monthlythis and what
>>851304 says
No. 851420
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>all men who are below 172 cm and/or have chicken legs will be purged
>the remaining men must dress like picrel
No. 851577
>>851293I'm a burger so these are all for Murica
Regarding Public Health
>Put large tax on unhealthy foods.>Tight restrictions on how much sugar is allowed in beverages and candies.>Make full sugar soda an 18+ beverage.>Letting your child become obese is now considered child abuse.>More rigorous P.E. programs in the US for able-bodied students. (no more lazy jumping jacks and 20 minute miles) >Require convenience stores to stock a specified amount of healthy, affordable foods.>Calorie count laws become federal, not just California and New York (food establishments are required to display calorie amounts on menus nationwide, failure to comply results in fines)>Health insurance benefits for non-smokers, vaccinated persons, etc. Other:
>Rehabilitation over punishment for prisoners>Solitary confinement no longer legal>100% of porn is behind a paywall. Impossible to find porn on the internet unless you are an adult using a credit card (this is to protect children from pornography)>Must be 16 or older to use any social media>No more tax exemption for churches, unless they are providing certain free services such as day care, food banking or otherwise meeting certain charitable requirements.>Complete reset on the foster system. Shit is fucked.Environment:
>Copy-paste green new deal>Limit how many flights one person is allowed per year, especially regarding private flightsI got tired of writing but there is a lot more of course.
No. 851631
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I would immediately become a tyrant dictator.
>televised injections for all pimps, traffickers, pedos, rapists, male batterers, male murderers. Even ones that have been released
>literally that Black Mirror social rating database for yelp-ing scrotes
>prohibit religious teaching from children under the age of 17
>schools will offer self-defense, weapon training to girls and women
>redistribute at least 50% of the 1% wealth
>fine environmentally destructive industries into the fucking ground
>fundings for environmental science, sustainable agriculture, limited human genetic engineering
>reform child protective service, foster homes, adoption practices
>ugly, retarded, criminal-record-having scrotes get sterilized and branded
>twitter trannies exiled to remote island
No. 851679
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No. 851688
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>>851683Ohhh noooo won't somebody think of the trannies and pedos whatever would we do without them aside from be significantly safer with more rights
No. 851698
>>851690Smooth brain
>>851691I meant I was more
triggered by the pedo comments than anything concerning women's issues.
No. 851710
>>851709IMO I'd cut off the salaries of the senate and even the president's salary. These people get too much money for doing nothing that's actually helping lol.
And then tax the 1%. Also, I'm not from burgerland but we have an illegal chinese online gambling industry that the government refuses to tax for some fucking reason. They make millions off of chinese gambling addiction I'd tax the fuck out of them
No. 851715
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Give all politicians the minimum wage, with no bonus or subsidies (travel, food, whatever) allowed, and no accumulation of functions.
I was thinking about this, because giving the minimun salary for this kind of job makes it that so only people with money behind could afford to pursue it. But then again only rich people with trust funds go to politics so it would be the same. At least the expenses with those parasites would drop like a rock.
No. 851744
first act would probably be get me out of there, no clue what i'm doing. what i would like to do is end political lobbying and beef up the IRS to tax the shit out of the 0.1% and consider a negative income tax.
nonny, you need to ration some beanpoles for the anons into them!
No. 851763
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>>851727For me, it would be suits and cute school uniforms
I am charmed by the good heart of the nonnies. I just want to be cruel dictator that inflicts pain upon their subordinates, just like a real politician.
No. 851933
terf island alone.
No. 852121
>>852068>Paki muslim grooming gangs abusing/raping British girls including hindu/sikh minorityAnglos sleep
>Ngubu didn't scoreHe is a nigger, I swear on me mum
(polfaggot) No. 852257
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If I where president/leader I would focus entirely on entirely rewilding whatever country I’m president/leader of. I would (in no particular order)
>ban cars, motorbikes and planes (recycle them, import them elsewhere, literally anything as long as they’re gone)
>people have to revert back to carts and mules/horses/camels
>the weak will inevitably be killed by such a decision
>kill all violent and sexual offenders in prisons and everyone on the sex offenders register. Release prisoners in for petty crimes or drug dealing etc
>anyone who resists decision is killed as humanely and efficiently as possible, if they protest or riot they’re shot etc
>put all funding into nature conservation and cultivating a permaculture throughout the country including wild plants and game. >Ensure the ecosystem is intact in a way that predators and prey are balanced and everything has enough food to eat
>wild animals have more rights than people until they’re at the point where people are outnumbered by them and they can be hunted as game.
>cannibalism legal
>get rid of the hospitals and prisons
>no more mass, commercial agriculture, people have to find a way to get/farm/grow their own food or die (this is after conservation targets reached and lots of people dead)
>people encouraged to form small communities
>no more roads, just trees fucking everywhere. Get the fucking seagrass back too
>I expect it to look much the way it did 10,000 years ago before it all got fucked up
>last remaining humans alive will be free to farm on a small, personal scale or hunt/gather
>still have a small military base with guns that I can shoot intruders with, like when other counties come to threaten my leadership or exploit my rewilded country. >Also we can go from place to place ensuring nobody is being a rapist pedo in their small communities/families. If they are they’ll be killed etc
Tl;dr, mandatory return to monke
No. 852527
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>first official act
have some of the people i really hate shot
>how would i enforce it
with pleasure
No. 852630
>>851710said but not tax the 1%. Instead I'd start collecting shit from all the countries who ripped us off, especially China with all its copyright violations and blatant stealing of technology. If it escalated to a cold war, so be it. CCP wants to talk shit, they can get hit.
No. 852698
>>852630nta but I think anons in
>>851709 was referring to what would you cut funds from to do the stuff they want to do, e.g. redirecting funds from the military to education
No. 852702
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>>852698I really don't get why people think the military is this massive moneysink they can fund all sorts of social services with. It really pales in comparison to "mandatory spending", which grows every year. The way people behave, you'd think that the US spent 80% of their budget on defense and not 15-17%.
No. 852711
>>852622Hyperinflation does not go "BRRRR" because in this hypothetical situation I rule the entire world and restructure the way the economy and society works from the base.
Prices don't go up simply because they are not allowed to. I dont allow them to. The reason we relate to money the way we do is because the market is completely unregulated and retarded companies and business owners do whatever they want, when they want and how they want. Money is nothing more than some printed paper and a concept created by us.
No. 852790
Death penalty for anyone that goes to parties in jail regardless of what reasons they got, also death penalty for whoever goes back to jail at least once, pedos and rapists are killed on sight, I prefer getting murdered after a day as a president for cleaning up the jails of my country, than living another day knowing that criminals are holding on more power than a whole ass government.
After that it would be nice to invest in the education of the people so they can think for themselves, no more indoctrination and a tougher grading system than whatever is going on right now, whoever can’t get their high school degree, regardless of it being public or private, might as well jump off a bridge because that would make them legally useless in the society I want for my country.
It would be nice to have lots of fines that are considered normal in functioning countries, like speeding fines or littering fines, of at least half of the minimum wage so everyone can learn their lesson, either litter or eat that month, bitch.
All of the slums will get cleaned up, anyone who has a weapon, drugs or both will get killed on sight.
Make weed explicitly illegal and whoever is in possession of it, unless it’s for obvious medical reasons, will go to jail for at least 4 years.
In case of neglect, the parents of the kids will go to jail and the kids will go to foster care, neglect also includes such things like a kid meeting strangers from the internet without a guardian.
If the kids (anyone under 18 years old) commit a crime the parents will also go to jail and serve the same amount of time as their child, both parties must learn from their mistakes.
No. 853025
>>853001What? It’s not everyone, it’s just basically anyone who commits a crime and acts retarded in public, would you honestly expect anything from a repeat offender or a shit parent who won’t be hold accountable for what their kid has done? What about the people that are not respecting their time in jail by having huge quinceañeras and hiring prostitutes?
Sometimes a country needs harsh repercussions so their people can understand civilization.
No. 853027
>>852711The hypothetical situation was if you became the president of your country.
Try again.
No. 853104
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Return to monke or die
No. 853138
>>853124They don’t have boarders, they have territory.
We fight wars by flinging shit at each other.
No. 853446
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>>853029I was like you once.
No. 853922
I would have the ruling class purged. All of them removed and or put down. Not because I think it would help the country any- it would be a spite thing, that's all.
>>852263man fuck the natives.
No. 950827
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Because the dictator thread got locked:
Kill off all men until only 25% are left per ethnicity or country
Reword the laws so that men/moids/scrotes are only now known as defectives (seriously, they only have one whole chromosome; they only exsist because women exist. There are even studies that claim that homo sapiens only came to be through a female hominid)
Run propaganda that tells most women to prioritize their daughters and not have sons (because let's face it, as much as the radfems love to throw the "we don't need men to reproduce - we have enough sperm banks" excuse and even if nature give us the mercy of pulling a "Y: the Last Man" on us there will still be enough weak male-identified women left to try to rebirth the patriarchal systems rendering everything moot.)
Immediate death penalty to any moid that harms and/or rapes a woman or girl. Hell, I'd even shame the mother for giving birth to these scrotes (see above; how many times have you hear a mother of a rapist say that they've never saw this coming or that their son could never hurt a fly?)
Revamp "Womens history" (witch burnings, mass rapes, violations, etc.) so that future girls could never forget what moids have and can do to us if given any power.
No. 950840
>>950827the only problem I see with this is male victimization and how they're going to become
victims and martyrs and everyone will go "aww poor men!! lets be nice to them" etc
No. 950859
>>950840Welp, since I'd be dictator I would just lock those pick-mes and handmaiden together along with their beloved scrotes. We've all seen even on this website what "rewards" the shoeonheads and Lauren Southerns get pandering to males.
Yes, I realize this sounds cruel as all hell but to be honest with you I'm at a time and age in my life where not only am I tired of dealing with men but also the women that cater and therefore empower them.
No. 950868
>>950859>lock those pick-mes and handmaiden together along with their beloved scrotes.But anon that's exactly what they want, and then they'll claim to be "happy" because they'll be brainwashed by those manipulative scrotes and they'll be like "see??? men aren't so bad at all!! we can love each other!!" or stuff like that
Why not educate and reform them instead?
No. 950892
>>950868Could they be though? How many times do women as a whole have to see the statistics that say its men - by a vast vast margin - that do the beating, raping, killing, before finally realizing the problem is in fact - regarless of ethnicity or race - men? How many boys do feminists need to raise before they realize that even the fruit of their own womb will have the madonna-whore complex no matter what values they instill?
Even now, after being censored and ridiculed for even using the softest terms in the most agreeable tone to describe our collective brutalizations do we still find other women NAMALTing and siding with them even when they have their own bruises themselves, even telling us that being and object (emphasis on object) of desire is something to take pride in.At that point would they even be worth reforming?
Or maybe I'm letting my tthought get the better of me…
No. 950897
>>950892Oh, I understand your train of thought. There's women who will always side with men no matter what. Just because one man was good to them at some point. They'll be like "they can't be so bad!!! this one guy was nice to me so maybe not all men" and maybe, maybe they might had run into a very rare instance of a man acting like a caring person. But even those are flawed and have mysogynistic attitudes, they're wolves in sheep clothes, it does not matter if one of them was "nice" they're men after all.
As women we are told to care about others and always forgive… I say this is one of the many things wrong with how society teaches us to behave. If we could only teach women to just never trust a man, no matter how "nice" the man might be… but even then, men are manipulative. They'll do some fucking stupid shit to gain women on their side.
It's always so dumb. You let someone who is xy in your life, even as a friend, and sooner or later they'll reveal their true selves. It takes so little, too. But we are told to be patient with their ways… bullcrap.
All I say is, if we can SOMEHOW educate women and tell them to open their eyes… I'm sure pickmeism will go down. I'm sure we can go so low as to almost erradicate it.
The question is… can this be even done?
No. 951061
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Putting aside the male genocide option…
My first act would be to create a completely digitally accessible and transparent system to show the public what every government worker is doing at all times. This will eliminate corruption and ensure accountability. Once that is in place, a good old fashioned mass firing of everyone inhereted from the old regime, not just leaders but down to the clerks and security staff. They can reapply for the jobs but must prove they are qualified and haven't been caught in corruption before. Corruption is now seen as treason against the state.
Yes there are loads of quick wins I could do first like increasing resources for women and UBI, but all of that needs a strong, transparent government to a) unlock funds that were usually funneled to corruption and b) actually implement the measures well without incompetence and sabotage.
No. 951096
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>>951076Cope harder you can't have a good world with over powered genetic defects running around
No. 951104
>>951096nta but
nonnie this picture made me laugh for a minute or so i wasn't expecting this
No. 951182
Men's role would be physical labour and reproduction while women are left to handle economy, education, medicine and everything that needs to be done to nurture and advance society. Men cannot stay in positions of power, can't vote and a system is implemented where some sort of social score for them is kept (introduced during puberty), and only the best ones (behaviour, looks and health-wise) are allowed to reproduce while the others are chemically castrated. Male children are taught to respect women as better, more empathic, more intelligent and stable version of themselves, and as creators. Occasionally men are allowed to be close servants of women as eunuchs. Marriage doesn't exist and fathers may only be around to serve the mother and child, then go back to labour. Males are shamed for their animalistic features and their past actions. Gender roles and stereotypes for women don't exist because they're not needed, men don't have them either however they are encouraged to be phisically fit in order to work.
Basis for this system is that women have value even if they don't have strenght, they are more emotionally intelligent and stable, generally they can reproduce and allow humanity to continue and if they cannot reproduce, then they can still have great intellect and again, emotional intelligence to raise youth and advance society. Men's only purpose in to provide sperm and do physical labour because their behaviour and wants are too simple and unstable (they only want to eat, sleep and fuck, but tend to be stupid and violent by nature).
No. 951248
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>>951076Do you think scrotes would stand up for you like this? Pathetic. Plenty of straight women have chosen to live a scrote free life style. That's the thing that makes women superior to men, our needs to have a good life triumphs our need for romance, that's why we get called gold diggers and are naturally programmed for hypogamy. No more will women rely on scrotes to live a good life, the middle man has been eradicated. Women who put scrotes first over wealth and resources are doomed to an existence of misery. Let the girlies have our fun and seethe to r9k and see if they will give you your good girl points.
No. 951318
>>951242holy shit you are right only black
women and little girls the men just gonna have to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and figure it out LMAO.
>>951232nuh uh how is it worthless? maybe in like a homogenous african or carribean country. But in america thats like less than 13% of the population getting it (Im now exluding men). LMAO
No. 951924
>>951248Exactly, we are better than men, hence we can be empathetic towards them despite their many weaknesses.
>>951114Do we get to have multiple husbandos?
No. 953407
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>>951924>Do we get to have multiple husbandos?Of course. Enjoy your harem.
No. 2066928
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We're putting a warrant out and sentencing these men to death with the exception of the already dead creep in the center
No. 2066970
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>>2066939For all the meds I had to try, most of which failed, that completely wrecked my body and mind for the better part of half a year (finally think I've found one that works) my opinion on the sex offender and his repulsive cohorts somehow remains unchanged, and that's me "stable"… I really hope top centre and his reputation croak
♥ No. 2067945
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I would solve the male loneliness epidemic by executing all of them. Pedos, murders, and rapists will also be automatically sentenced to death including males under age 18. Trannies will be forced into mental institutions and porn involving real people will be banned. Being bald will also be illegal and punishable by death
No. 2067978
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>>2067972Boo does not sound fun or productive
No. 2068096
Wouldn't get the chance to do anything. I'd be assassinated for my anti-pedo misandrist views.
>>2067945Marry me. I can't do this without you, nonna
No. 2068351
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Twerk on the white house lawn. Throw a beer bottle through the window. Then execute a bunch of rapists.
No. 2068650
>>20686449. Last but not least! Ever one must work 2 years in customer service/food service jobs as an adolescent.
People need to be kinder to service workers.
No. 2069505
nonnie has my vote.
No. 2069617
-only allow women and children to immigrate or at the very least place much higher restrictions on males to make sure they aren't the violent kind and make sure they're monitored
-conduct these same tests on non immigrant males and whip the violent ones into shape or put them in jail for longer periods of time
-death penalty for any crime that involves rape, pedophilia, or murder (intentional and out of ill will). if the killer is a woman, be extra careful with her sentencing since women often kill much more out of self defense and other actually valid reasons. alternatively, make the rapists be raped more frequently by the other inmates as punishment. arsonists should also be set on fire as the penalty for their crimes. if they killed people with their arson, they should be burned to death, if not, just burn off parts of their body proportional to the damage they caused.
-make giving hormones and puberty blockers to kids illegal everywhere. regulate trans stuff much more heavily, don't lean into it in laws like letting them into locker rooms, sports that are meant for women. make their own trans leagues at most and make sure to always state they are not the exact same thing as women since it's factually untrue. protect them and give them rights in so far as they have rights as a human being like anyone else, but not in the troon way where they think them having rights= overriding women's. make gay stuff the focus of pride again rather than troonism and get rid of kink and other retarded shit at pride. be firm on how gncness doesn't equal gayness or being trans as well
-make a curfew for men where they aren't allowed to go outside past a certain time or must be heavily monitored so women can go outside safely
-give every woman the opportunity to own a gun or a self defense weapon but not men. place much higher restrictions on the few men that do own guns since they're far more likely to misuse them
-increase media and cultural pressure on men to be beautiful and fix the birth rate by getting it through their heads that they need to appeal to women. subdue any men that rebel against this natural order and every single incel or man that shows any signs of misogny has to go to a special training camp to fix it or get executed
-outlaw porn and make it so no woman ever needs to prostitute herself again, actively discourage sex work in general
-outlaw all religions
No. 2070109
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>no more internet
>no more men
>no more kids
>no more anyone
>no more anything
>I've nuked everyone
No. 2070150
I’d outlaw trooning out and I’d rescind gay marriage, I’d also make elective plastic surgery illegal, social media would be shut down and I’d be able to enact this immediately with the amount of child porn that’s been shared in the messaging functions of apps like instagram, twitter, facebook over the last 15 years. I’d limit how many assets people can own (cars, houses, businesses) for the purpose of preventing the economy from continuing to become oversaturated with unnecessary businesses that are only a sinkhole for money. I’d enforce a new policy in which if you’re in the public school system, the degree you pursue or field you work in is pre decided by your educational history/aptitude, no more men who are perfectly capable of fighting fires or protecting the cities instead going into retarded shit like art or film or literature. Factory farming would also be outlawed, livestock will have to live in a farm with ample space (which we have in the U.S.). You’d be required to identify with a religion, and attend a regular church service. I’d make it illegal to become fat. You and your children would be subjected to yearly physicals, and if you or your children are above a normal BMI for your height and age, you’ll be subject to fines/potentially jail time if you’re obese/your children are obese. Gluttony is not something that’ll be acceptable in my own country. Of course if you don’t want to do any of this, you can go to Canada. Or Mexico.
No. 2078592
I would declare all these things at once: leave EU, no more kowtowing to USian econ interests, actually commit to having a strong local industry sector (hard), rebuild the welfare state and transportation system so that it's not in an awkward semi-private situation anymore (or go the china way and make the industry so dynamic you don't rely on welfare anymore (hard, likely impossible)), completely demolish and rebuild foster care, pornographer/pimp manhunt, john manhunt, 3D porn becomes very hard to access online (control access at internet provider level), medical transition is made very hard or near-impossible, troons who have legally changed gender get to keep it but no one is expected to take it seriously, strict enforcement of female-only spaces, uproot paraphilia/pedophilia advocates in medicine, stringent control of doctors and teachers (no relations with pharma companies, yearly report on children's literacy with scores), ban on pseudo-medicine, establishment of a network of mother's communes with helpers to share and diffuse domestic work (with strict state oversight kek don't want to see it turn into cults), totally rethink education (more teachers, small classes, extreme emphasis on literacy and basic maths, emphasis on sports/culture after school), make cities livable and safe for kids again, undo bullshit done by previous leaders re: education/taxes, jail a lot of people from the previous era for their crimes against our people (and others), serious control of the meddling farmer/small owner upper-middle class (go make something in a factory, be useful for once), reeducation of the entire judiciary system so they can finally stop forgiving serial rapists, create a compulsory military service for defense (urgently) and to drown out the old guard, smash the left as it exists now so it can stop being a cult for losers, prolonged anti-corruption efforts, hunt and jail people who employ migrant labor (for the sake of migrants themselves and the people forced to endure the actions of violent male migrants), give incentives to women to enter politics, close surveillance of religious institutions &c.
Bonus: make it illegal to fire a woman for bullshit reasons like 'she might have a baby in 10 years' and cement their status in the workplace as something beyond 'cheap labor force in precarious work'
No. 2078678
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Our president has no powers at all, he just stands and smiles lol. But i presume it'll be more like dictator persident since i have power to do acts.
I FUKCING FINALLY legalize weed the right way! That means: no register of growers so they wouldn't be discriminated by police and hateful people (like our retard commie politicians planned). Taxes on sales of buds are the same as alcohol. Buds will be sold in special designated shops to prevent kids buying it. We'll create amazing market of medication and cosmetics made out of weed as well as reviving czech tradition that we were renowned for in the past - fabric making. Fabric will be out of weed stems and it'll be used for clothes, industrial fabrics and paper. These 3 industries make us rich because europeans will buy our clothes and paper, not from china = Letting China know they aren't as imortant as they think. Europeans will buy it because it's close for shipping, ecological, ethical, trendy and a fuck you to a totalitarion china.
Weed will replace rapseed that ruins our landscape and people's health on the fields and we will start implementing better style of agroculture in the driest areas (inspiration from africa's agroculture that involves trees bushes and plants togerter in a filend for best water retention)
Turism will go up because of weed, we'll have weed spas just like we have beer spas now.
This vision is what will help us finally have some money.
No. 2086607
If I became president, here's what I'd do in no specific order:
>daily briefings where I just share my Spotify daylist>wear ridiculous disguises and try and run away from secret service so I can get lost in a crowd>international prank calls>domestic drone strikes on NSC-131 and those other milquetoast white moids, when confronted about it, say I thought they were ANTIFA just to confuse everyone>take a shit on the floor of the Hague>get drunk as fuck and go to martha's vineyard to harass what's left of the bush family>have random "special reports" where I take over every channel on cable just to let people know that "I'm listening to all of your phone calls and reading all of your raunchy texts, and I can say one thing: we got some bad bitches in this country, we have some real nasty freaks">Invite Governor Abbot over and pull a Big Lebowski on him: "I know spinals, dude, and this guy is faking">start my own Twitch stream where I play Oblivion and that's where future states of the union are aired>Put Null in the FBI's most wanted list just to freak him out>Ask the American people to watch me do a cartwheel>Come back from China and say "it's actually really nice out there, I'm thinking of making some changes after visiting" and freak people out>Call Fox News and rant about the rising cost of Lays Potato Chips>Lower the smoking age to 10>Start a war with Canada No. 2086803
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>>2086792>>2086793answer for both of you : spirulina, it's our ticket out of animal cruelty
No. 2086807
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I promise free delicious steaks to all nonas who vote for me instead! No B12 pills needed.
No. 2086838
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>>2086807LC election victory BBQ party sounds like a dream come true
No. 2086855
>>2086847Fuck you.
Will you at least open more sandwich shops to compensate? I would vote for you if so.
No. 2086864
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I would colonize all of europe and then tax the shit out of them to compensate for all the aid we have given them, which they so ungratefully rely on
No. 2086872
>>2086864Nah we should tax Israel instead, we give those kikes billions each year to fund their stupid proxy wars while our own citizens are struggling. I’ll take my ban for racebaiting, Israelis are pathetic rats.
Honestly though I’d minimize foreign aid altogether, we don’t need to send any money to Israel or Ukraine or some other shithole.
(racebaiting) No. 2086885
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NONNIES don’t vote for these fools. They care not for you. If you vote for me, I will enact a global mandate enslaving all those with a Y chromosome to labor camps. All women will live free lives in a loving and supporting community, with all their needs met. A vote for me is a vote for a future worth dreaming of!
No. 2086898
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vote for me, i promise that i will order drone strikes on anyone trying to politisperg in a shitposting thread
No. 2086959
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>>2086911Apparently americans did spread AIDS to europe, kek. Now I feel kinda bad for saying I was going to colonize them. Perhaps we’ve done enough harm…
No. 2087013
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>Fight for my country's sovereignty, try to get the glowies and poms out of my parliament
>Close Pine Gap
>use the unemployed security guards from Pine Gap to put around Uluru because tourists wreck it
>make weed legal because everyone is already smoking it anyways
>reduce logging in rainforests and protect large portions of forests and plains
>fund feral horse, water buffalo, camel, pig, deer, fox, rabbit culling
>kangaroo hunting is illegal without a permit, their meat is full of toxoplasmosis and tastes like shit anyways
>make mushroom farming seem like a appealing industry to work in, could be our next best food export after manuka honey
>make working in the science field more monetarily worthwhile so scientists stay here and not have to emigrate to get actual funding
>fund the trades and restrict overseas employment so people here can actually work
>restrict access to the Great Barrier Reef to reduce pressure on a already sensitive ecosystem
>use the lack of protected free speech to ban Reddit and TRAs. You will not be allowed to emigrate here if you are a troon, similar to how you're not allowed to do that if you have autism
>Also ban Facebook and Instagram, do a China and make our own
>Just be a fucking weirdo, try to one up Abbo and Scomo by acting and talking in a stupid and bizarre manner
No. 2087029
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>>2086948but groke isn't bald, groke has fur all over
No. 2161468
I'm in Europe
>Closed borders for moids
>Since immigrant moids here give fake IDS, he shouldn't be procteted by the law if he gets beaten, assaulted or killed. You lie to us, lose every right.
>Mandatory language and law courses for anyone who moves in, to at least understandable levels. Too many people get around the law by saying that they don't know the language
>Moids have to get a mandatory monthly, public psych evaluation.
>Moids gets double sentence times for crimes
>Basic food necessities (milk, water, bread, eggs) should be given away to those in need every week, paid by taxpayers
>24/7 public transportation. Too many jobs don't hire without a license because what if you're stuck in traffic and get late to work?? While ignoring that Cars are the traffic. This would also eliminate the drunk driver problema and avoid accidents by regulating traffic by time or busy lines.
>Physical castration for sex related crimes, none of that mild self regulated hormone injection to lower the libido, moids still can rape.
>Dogs always on a leash, always with a puzzle, no matter the breed.
>Criminals must have (if caught in the act and with proof of course) their crimes forcibly tattooed on them and people can refuse services to them. Think twice moids.
No. 2161990
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I got some more ideas to push the USA into the 22nd century.
>mandatory margarita Mondays
>get rid of Wednesday
>The Fourth of July is moved to the Fifth, and if people complain, I move it to the sixth
>Public tongue cutting - if you want to talk shit and I find out I'm going to cut your tongue off on Facebook live
>If a man speaks over me during a speech or debate, I personally drone-strike him
>Kill my enemies with fake tunnels and giant anvils
>Demand that Vladimir Putin show us his butthole to prove he isn't a lizard person
>Cancel football
>Cancel baseball
>Cancel men's basketball
>Cancel nascar
>Cancel Young Sheldon
>End the fossil fuel industry and the clean energy industry - we are only left with hamster wheels connected to generators
>Run a $5 billion campaign to cure Ligma