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No. 1255904
the dumbest chatroom of the internet
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1245249 No. 1255908
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No. 1256001
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I want to be a female Chad so bad!!!!!!! SO BAD!!! I just want to be Cool
No. 1256093
Watching Yara's (from 90 day fiance kek) youtube channel makes me happy I still find her annoying but the videos with her child are so cute and she's actually a good mom.
>>1255908Love you too nonna ♥
No. 1256261
among other things, bees are also sexual organs
No. 1256294
>>1255908What a beautiful picture anon.
I just came across this and felt a need to share it.
No. 1256396
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This tiktok account I found is so weird, she showed her 8 year old daughters room and it looked like a BPD 19 year old's room first of all kek, crystals miku nonbinary flag squishmallows, etc. and then I go to her account and supposedly all 3 of her kids are autistic, and she's mad because none of them fit the dx criteria? This like a weird version of autism mom where your kids dont have autism but you wish they did, fucking weird
It's like those troon parents except forcing gendershit she's also forcing them to become autistic.
No. 1256408
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A friend of mine joked that I should stream video games because she likes seeing my stupid reactions to some bosses or plot lines and now I almost want to actually do it for real.
No. 1256417
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Copic recently had a collab with Miku. I don't draw anymore and I don't need markers so it would be a waste of money to buy these, but man the temptation is strong.
No. 1256452
>>1256280I spent a obsurd amount of time trying to find the name of a Prision Documentary I watched, or shit maybe it was multiple pieces of different Prision Docs.
I know for sure it was on a DVD I got in a box in random DVDs years ago from a friend. Anyway, I remember there was a section that talked about "relationships" in prision and it touched on "prision gay".Using men and women prisioners.
I remember how EVERY man they interviewed claimed to be "Straight" but had sex with men and they made it seem like they "had too" because, "there's no women in here". They all talked about sex and how they basically coped, with having gay sex, by closing their eyes, only getting head, or only messing with feminine gay men. Regardless, the ones who were "In relationships" were with Feminine gay men, who they basically treated like how they treated women. It was like childern playing "Mommy and Daddy" except, it's too scrotes. One is pretending to be the "housewife" in a jail cell, to an
abusive bisexual moid, who beats, shit talks and hates them, but feels he has no "Choice".They'd Have them clean their cells and that kind of thing.
They never talked about love or anything. Just sex.
The women admitted they were bisexual but would'nt date a woman if they weren't in jail and the ones who said they were "straight" barely talked about sex, they talked about how the woman they were dating made them feel and how intense the relationship could be.
I also remember a scrote saying something like, "Some men don't even have to be in jail/prision long and they'll be fucking other men".
It just made me realize how men see relationship between women and men at it's core. Just someone to fuck, clean and control.
No. 1256528
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Kate Bush kind of looks like Grimes
No. 1256543
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>>1256528Don't ever say anything like that about Kate again.
No. 1256583
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give me one good reason as to why i should not buy this hat for my dog
No. 1256598
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in my honest opinion
No. 1256790
>>1256774She hasn’t uploaded a new yt vid in a year, and all her socials have been dead too she was kinda known for not having the most consistent release schedule only posting like a few times a year/getting really active for a few months but i think this is the longest shes been gone and the last post on her patreon was in September of 2021 , shes posted on patreon when shed pause donations because of periods of inactivity before but she hasn’t at all also might be caught in a weird bdsm relationship , the guy that shes been linked to just gives off that energy, they moved to the netherlands together and in more recent vids over the past year in there she has had various sh/bruises/marks on her and in a comment she related them into mental health issues/bdsm play
I dunno i really just hope shes well
No. 1256807
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>>1256790Just check her instagram tagged. This was the most recent one.
No. 1256997
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They truly are two sides of the same coin, down to the BPD.
No. 1257009
>>1256103I prefer the term "prostate haver", it's less likely to be re-appropriated and will probably make moids seethe because it'd make them feel gay
>>1255921Other than the unnecessary procedures and meds, it's actually easier and less painful for the woman to give birth at home with only a midwife to help her. Did you know that just seeing men (even the husband) makes women more stressed by reflex when giving birth?
No. 1257214
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In love with this old cat painting
No. 1257235
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>>1257214Her cats really are on a mission to DESTROY things.
No. 1257244
>>1257114Sounds like the guy just had agoraphobia. I developed it pretty much overnight as a teen too, in my early teens. I'm still a nervous person rn in my thirties but I'm managing to work, live alone and shop etc so those basic tasks are being met.
When I explain my past to people they tend to assume I was attacked or even raped and that I just don't want to go into detail… nothing like that happened. It just kicked in overnight and I suspect hormones didn't help but there's no dramatic origin story for me to tell lol
No. 1257245
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No. 1257258
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I just looked at dresses and mugs on Etsy, why are they recommending me "sheep"? Are they telling me to become a real farmer?
No. 1257283
>>1257245sounds like degenerate fantasy not actual things that happened, like come on, no one saw a kid groping and stuffing his hand down an adult's throat? or how likely is a babysitter leaving her meds for a kid she takes care of to take without her notice?
Still, doesn't change the fact men are disgusting and the thought of having a son that even has thoughts like that is unbearable.
No. 1257364
>>1257359I often have discussions about not men related topics with other anons here but it's tough if you're like that nonna
>god other women can be so patheticUltimately, be the change you want to see.
No. 1257388
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I've been contemplating making a post in the friend finder thread but haven't done it bc I'm afraid too many people will contact me or that no one will. Also I've noticed there are people into the same thing as me on the farms but idk if I should put it in the post bc maybe everyone will think I'm retarded if I do.
No. 1257390
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>>1257380I’m not but go off I guess
No. 1257476
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Sweet sweet Sunday anxiety. I'm gonna prepare some chamomile tea.
I wish I didn't dread work this much.
No. 1257527
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A-anynonny wanna play Green Hell with me? I’ve never tried it before…
No. 1257554
>>1256243No, bees are a different organism than plants, and they have their own reproductive system just like plants do.
Flowers are plants' genitals. You could say the bees act as "artificial inseminators" in that they take the male genital's "sperm" and deposit it in the female genital. Or maybe bees = sex in this comparison.
No. 1257597
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Get your cows!
No. 1257789
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>need to ask for relationship advice
>that thread has been non stop sperging for days and now any posts asking for advice are getting ignored and quickly buried amongst all the petty fighting
I've got deja vu. Pretty sure I went to ask for advice this time last year and the exact same fight was happening back then. No really.. the exact same fight. When did it resume?
No. 1257809
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Today I randomly remembered one of the most disgusting movies I've ever seen. Might have been tolerable if it was played as straight horror, instead the third act is a random outside threat where the man "redeems" himself. Should've been shot by her for a more satisfying end.
No. 1257833
>>1257789Most advice threads on /g/ are either constant spergery or it's just multiple unanswered posts asking about xyz over a period of a few days kek it feels dry as hell in there sometimes. I hope you get good advice soon
No. 1257863
>>1257855In the future a new human settlement travels in cryosleep, because the journey takes like 9k years or whatever. Main character, Jim, has a cryopod malfunction, wakes up, fucks around on the ship, has an android for company. Then gets lonely and sad since he'll die alone long before anyone else wakes up. Notices one of the cryopods has a hot girl, so since he obviously only wants to ruin the life of someone he wants to bone. Stalks her files then wakes her up and tells her her pod malfunctioned too. Uses the info on her and his "charms" to make her fall in love with him.
Down the line after they're a couple, droid reveals the truth. Woman hates him, but oh no, there's a whole system malfunction, captain died, so main man needs to go out and save the day, almost dies, so the woman "realizes" she doesn't want to die alone and loves him. He gets saved by some magical healing pod, realizes it also functions as a cryopod and one of them has a chance to return. Offers it to the woman, but she rejects, because she wouldn't get to see him again.
No. 1257868
>>1257863Also forgot to add that it has a very rom-comlike "falling in love montage" as if it were a typical movie about a guy hiding his wealth status or some misunderstanding as the "secret"… not dooming her to either live with him or kill herself.
No. 1257907
>>1257886I am free. Danke
No. 1257986
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Idk if this is normal but my little 4 year old nephew grabbed my neck and say to me i'm going to kill you and then started to choke me. he was probably playing but it kinda scared me.
No. 1258017
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When people say they hate dog culture, this is what they're referring to
No. 1258022
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>>1256543Why is her left eye slipping off her face!
No. 1258030
>>1256452Homosexual men that act like women in prison are called boys
The boys hang out with other boys, their "men" hang out with other "men" that mess with boys. All of them are shunned by the rest of the population
Rape and homosexuality is not as common as you think
t. Corrections officer
No. 1258120
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i didn’t want to bump the lsa thread if this turned out to be a nothing burger, but lipstick alley went down earlier this evening 10 EST, and supposedly some of the “fonts” were calling cps on rihanna cause she was out last night with asap 6 months postpartum.
if you go to the site, it brings back a 522 host error.
could be some funny light milk if you’re bored.
No. 1258221
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My fiancé and I are getting gym memberships this week and I am too excited for words, I’ve been non-stop researching about what to do and looking at women’s physiques I admire. I want to go full muscle girl, I think my frame leans towards that look naturally and I just can’t wait to get started LET’S GOOOOOOOOO
No. 1258230
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the year isn't even over yet and i'm already nostalgic over pre-february 14th lolcow. i miss the driverfags, komaedafags, and whoever man i just miss fun posters the whole atmosphere is different now
No. 1258242
>>1258236Also samefag but I think the bulk of men’s humour is to antagonise those weaker than themselves and then to play the
victim when the person gets angry and insults/antagonises back. Moids get so offended and hurt when you don’t chortle with delight at their “dark and edgy” humour.
No. 1258301
>>1258236Literally what do you lose from saying ‘dude, you’re almost 30 grow up’ are you going to become a social outcast for telling a grown male to stop spamming porn to a bunch of women? Or making mm bacon jokes vegans mad like a boomer? Why are you even in this group chat with this male when none of you even seem to like him? Is this even linked to your irl? No offence
nonnie but how do you all (in group chat) not see you’re being walked all over because you’re women?
No. 1258440
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when did men turn into such whinging fucking pussies
No. 1258732
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I just saw Paul Dano's pale doughy body on my screen against my will
No. 1258855
>>1258816The drunk thread
because recently, as in past few months, I came to terms with my alcoholism. I used to have a lot of fun drunk posting in that thread and honestly it makes me nostalgic in a non-helpful way. I know for some people it can be hard for their sobriety being in a bar or something for me it’s seeing the drunk nonnies having a good ol’ time kek I do hope they’re having fun still over there though >>1258832 I’m close to hiding the Reddit hate thread too, some of the posts in there have me even more suspicious of every moid I see than usual. Like seeing some of the open goings on of that site makes me feel like I need a total break from the internet to make me like humanity again kek
No. 1259149
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>>1259147Ready when you are, my dear.
No. 1259218
I just want a family with one or two kids and be a housewife, take care of my children (job of it's own!) and have my husband be at work all day funding everything. I wouldn't mind doing housework, I don't hate cleaning, I love cooking. Call me retarded but it seems like the dream life, being with my kids, making my kids and moid happy just by cooking a nice meal for them, get a side job when they get to kindergarten and just enjoy family life (I know it's not all like in the movies, but living in a house away from society and just appreciating life as is seems like my dream life). I want kids so I can watch them grow, play with them, see what kind of people they become. I would love kids right now but being a single mother is just too hard, especially with my studies right now. My dad often says he's proud of me, it is so meaningful to me and I want to be that parent to my future children. May god send me a Nigel with a good job so I can have kids and the time to take care of them and bond with them without worrying about finances. Yes women can be successful in their jobs obviously! I just don't want to work for some stupid company I don't care about, I want to make something meaningful of my life and having a family would be that for me.
No. 1259305
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No. 1259347
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>>1259331Here's another one for ya
No. 1259351
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how would you feel if this was your mother
No. 1259361
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>>1259351>>1259358she doesn't deserve to be anybody's mother though, she still posts thirst traps of herself on Instagram and twitter
No. 1259367
>>1259361Ok? Is she selling onlyfans or sucking
abusive moids or what’s the problem?
No. 1259662
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>>1259623To be honest, is there other options than wagie or neet (either living on neetbux or supported by some poor woman) for men either? You can start your own business as either (of course it's harder as woman, especially if you live in a shithole country), or do that crypto/landlord/stockbro shit too. The world is depressing, but not even trying because you are a woman is khindering your success yourself. Kind of keeping yourself "in the kitchen".
No. 1259668
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>>1259663shane from the L word, kate moennig is the actress. she's gorgeous
No. 1259680
>>1256010you're officially hot and cool
nonnie. Id be into it
No. 1259904
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I'm rewatching Strawberry Panic out of an impulse to indulge in nostalgia (I last watched it way too young) and, while I still appreciate the visual and sound atmosphere of the series I guess (minus the characters screeching all the damn time), I can't help but go weww at the fact that I apparently mostly grew up with all kinds of scrote-pandering media which probably still affects me as of today. I'm 100% sure Strawberry Panic has been one of the many pieces that have inspired AGP kinda shit in some weeby male viewers. A lot of the scenes feel off, like friendship and crushes just… don't look that way. It's funny y'know. I'm pretty sure there aren't guys that grew up watching shounen-ai or other soft gay romance geared primarily towards women. Oh well, back to enjoying the soundtrack.
No. 1260041
>>1259218Unless you're hot and trad enough to get a man that earns enough so you can stay home and still have enough to feed the 2 kids - never happening. Also sahm are always miserable because the man just starts cheating and treating them like crap the moment they give birth to the babies, men resent sahm because they think cooking, cleaning and taking care of kids is much easier than working so he'll always think you're lazing around while he's at work.
I hate tradhoes, especially the ones who pretend to be trad while acting like pseudo-incels like you. Do you think any trad guy would want a woman who used lolcow considering the contents of this website?
No. 1260092
>>1260041>the man just starts cheating and treating them like crap the moment they give birth to the babies>men resent sahm because they think cooking, cleaning and taking care of kids is much easier than working so he'll always think you're lazing around while he's at workYou're not even wrong. This absolutely seems to be the case, whether men bitching about their lack of a housewife want to admit it or not. "He'll respect me for doing my part and taking care of him-" No. A man will take his wife for granted, get angry at her for expressing any moment of emotional vulnerability and then go on to act like he's a brilliant person because he's
only abusing her verbally instead of escalating into physical violence. Women who marry absolutely need to make sure they can take care of themselves if all else fails, because if a man gets the idea that she has no option but to stay, it's going to be a power tripping hell from that moment on. Men aren't kings. Kings don't exist in this world.
No. 1260151
nonnie… totally not a vibrator
No. 1260231
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It annoys me when gen z tries to claim the old school ganguro look is black face/racist and I say this is a black person. I'm sure the fashion had very little to do with black people.
No. 1260262
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Hello, it's
>>1259904 again. This garbage really rots the brain, the skirt-go-spinny energy is real with this one; it's hard to pick where to start dissecting. The silver lining though is that the 'plot' has ceased to move me in any way at all, which I'll take as a sign of having had enough of a healthy distance to otaku moid brainwashing for a while now. The soundtrack is still pretty nice and the outfit design works out well in the anime at least, but that's about all I have to say about it. I'm glad to be able to say that my affection for one of these relics from my past has dismantled itself without me even noticing. Thank God I also had Sailor Moon, Moomin and Ghibli in my life, I feel double the love for those now. The point of posting about this again? I'm a dumbass who looked at horny men's anime as a kid, that's the point.
No. 1260271
>>1260254I live alone but my post orgasm flush lately is.. alot. And it lasts. I dread anyone knocking on my front door afterwards.
My neighbour offered to help me with something and he's the kind of guy to promise to show up tomorrow when he actually means "i'll show up whenever I show up" I need him to hurry up because I can't flick it under these conditions.
No. 1260273
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>>1260231Honestly I feel like gyaru is like a satire of blonde american/UK girl style and culture with the ridiculous donald trump fake tans and heavy makeup that resembles a bimbofied barbie, like early 2000s mcbling clothes. Everytime I look at gyaru it kind of looks so ridiculous it feels weirdly wholesome. It offends me that people would equate that to blackface because it almost has nothing identical to african-american/black aesthetics as a whole.
No. 1260279
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oh nvm… I just saw this and…
No. 1260332
>>1260315Idk, they loved Lil Kim back in the early 2000s, check vid related. I think Gyaru fashion just took influence from lots western pop culture while working from their own creativity/local fashion. It's a blend of many things. I see local fashion and vibes mixed in with shades of Britney, Beyonce, Lil Kim, Spice Girls, beach tans, RnB, hip-hop, the Japanese "mountain hags" of legend, Koda Kumi, Sanrio and other "cute" brands, schoolgirls, etc. It's truly "diverse" aesthetically while still maintaining a Japanese spirit. It's wrong for any one group to try and fully "claim" it, IMO. It's something young women who loved fashion/pop culture and hated feeling boxed in created for themselves.
Of course, nowadays moids in both the Japan and the west aren't really shocked anymore, they just think it's necessarily slutty and develop fetishes for it, so whatever No. 1260340
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>>1260315Huh? Black women popularized the drag style/Bratz lookin makeup and there’s black brands
still making that metallic lipstick
No. 1260342
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>>1260332Samefag, the gyaru brand Baby Shoop has also always taken massive influence from black fashion/pop culture, the staff had black hairstyles often too. They literally advertised Fifth Harmony using a picture of Normani at the front kek
I think it'd be kind of disingenuous to claim black style has had no or insignificant footing in gyaru, but I also don't agree with the TikTokers who don't seem to get what it's "about", how many influences and substyles it has or that think gyarus tanning is somehow "blackface" (it's not lol)
No. 1260344
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Speaking of the Japanese, I'm Mexican and I honestly find the ones who are into "Chicano culture" amusing kek. I don't know if they still exist to this day, but if they do I wish I could meet some.
No. 1260373
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>>1260360NTA, but I don't think a heavily western inspired subculture like gyaru is the hill to die on for this, though kek. If it was about the Chicano style, you'd have a point
No. 1260377
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>>1260344Honestly nona I'm from South America and the Chicano aesthetic is also fascinating to me, the makeup, hair, the big earrings, I love it
No. 1260388
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>>1260315Samefag but the more I look back on old gyaru pics
>Those girls had never even seen a black person,The more this seems cringy and almost insulting, like you really thought Japanese people weren't exposed to other cultures up until the mid-to-late 2000s or something. Please, anon
No. 1260389
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>>1260344Same, I think it suits them. I love jfash and a lot of mexicans love anime/cosplay in general so it balances out
No. 1260395
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>>1260388All of these styles are a riff off of american black culture, sorry kek. They wish they could be the originators.
No. 1260401
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>>1260400KEK WHAT
what is this bait
No. 1260404
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>>1260397Do you remember the early 2000s? It was not a proud moment for American trends on hair, makeup, or the tan obsession. Dismiss the timer, I'm making quiche.
No. 1260406
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>>1260366B-style is a substyle of gyaru, anyway. Also, unpopular opinion, but I think b-style is kind of cute and there's nothing inherently wrong with it. Taking the whole "cultural appropriation" argument international without more nuance is kind of misguided on Americans' part. There are a lot of black gyaru who are very into kogyaru and other more "Japanese-looking" sub-styles, too. People are just vibing and enjoying looks, it just kills the mood to insert angry politics into things
>>1260394My point in posting that picture was to bring attention to the braids, not even the skintone. It obviously takes inspiration from both black and very tanned white women's hair/fashion, alt/club vibes, etc. Like I really don't get the fight. You're all correct, but no one really "owns" it. It's not a competition
No. 1260419
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>>1260402Yes and no. Gyaru was most of all about violating Japanese school rules in any way imaginable. The easiest way to do that was just emulating what was in fashion worldwide (of which Black aesthetics are obviously prominent) instead of Japan among the dying and 1980s-leaning idol culture. That was the point of the tweezed eyebrows, tans, matte lipstick, blond streaked straight hair etc.
But the original stuff like the knee socks was specifically to shit on school rules. And from 1999 it just became more insane. The original style was quite subdued, kind of like whatever 'clean girl' aesthetic is being pushed now
No. 1260425
File: 1657664282530.jpg (49.41 KB, 369x500, s-l500.jpg)

>>1260409You're being unreasonable about things, just calm the fuck down. It's not racist. Most gyaru don't even do their hair like that in 2022. This is a cover for the gyaru magazine EGG in 2022. Do you understand what it means for styles to mix and influence each other?
No. 1260429
File: 1657664376543.jpeg (87.75 KB, 1309x818, 3153B9D4-2FDC-4C5E-BA28-84708E…)

>wow look at this really cool outfits they’re wearing, it very rebellious, i’m sure it has no outside influence whatsoever…
I swear it must be that insane japanese anon from a few months ago posting stats and infographics about how you’re the greatest country and people alive. Unhinged, hope amerifags do it a third time too btw if you catch my drift <3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1260439
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>>1260427That’s not even disrespectful it’s the truth, every woman wears extensions but certain black groups style their hair with weave that looks very close to that example. That’s why it looks so ugly and tacky because it’s a derivation and a heavy mix of influence that has no specific roots. I mean the microbraids ffs anon
No. 1260442
File: 1657664759466.png (786.73 KB, 879x604, gyaru-sock.png)

>>1260419I also want to add, even in 1994 when the style was the most subdued imaginable, scrotes associated gyaru with prostitution and imagined them as horny sex beasts for rejecting cutesy pale-skinned idol aesthetics. They even made shitty films about gangs of gyaru raping scrotes. Japanese moids are crazy No. 1260448
>>1260443I mean that
>>1260231 looks like Bratz cosplay you can’t deny it
No. 1260449
File: 1657664931851.jpeg (129.79 KB, 640x960, 661BF299-F6F6-4689-9AC2-285112…)

>>1260443I know you did not just say that anon KEK. Honestly you could argue this looks like a mishmash of gyaru and the end-off of y2k.
No. 1260454
>>1260416>because you know it’s true that japan has been heavily influenced by european/american culture for a long time due to many factors like trade, military, war and imperialismYes, and? You're gonna travel through time to arrive in Japan in the year 1600 and tell Dutch diplomats and soldiers to fuck off from Japan and turn back with their ships so Japan from open up their borders of the world and so some teenage girls in the 2000s won't use spray tan?
>without giving creditWe don't care, unless you're personally a famous fashion designer or supermodel on par with Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum. If you're actually a fashion designer and you make clothes my size I'm willing to buy your stuff if it's in my budget though.
No. 1260465
File: 1657665211841.jpeg (228.93 KB, 750x937, 8B9C30C6-B01D-452C-B3EC-3F1BC9…)

Gyaru is atrocious anyways, looks like a toddler got ahold of their mom’s makeup bag and went crazy. This reminds me of scene girls who try their hardest to look like a peacock in public, god
No. 1260467
File: 1657665220880.jpg (54.97 KB, 400x299, 1490672810566.jpg)

>>1260429And here I thought I was safe from twitter/neo-cgl schizoposters
No. 1260468
>>1260400>>1260405And what about it? Modern Black American aesthetics are rooted in rebellion to the norm due to America's history. If you want to lash out at someone for the current state of things, target your capitalist CEOs and record companies for popularizing it and making other people see, think "Wow, this looks so cool, I hate this feeling of being trapped too, I want to be free" and style themselves like that. The Japanese girls and random Disney stars didn't do shit to you lmao
While you're at it, ask your government about Ronald Reagan and the crack epidemic. Also ask record companies why drug addiction, crime, misogyny and sexual exploitation are praised in black music and why Jay-Z hasn't done shit for black people as a community, but is trying to make it so that him and other scrote musicians don't go to jail for bragging about doing illegal things. I'm so tired of girls online pretending to care about politics and then unleashing their rage on the most insignificant things. No one will get it, it just makes everyone think you're emotionally scattered. Go to the source
File: 1657665401810.jpeg (137.11 KB, 368x473, 86C74166-5C4F-49CA-81DE-F8BB3F…)

>>1260465samefag but it reminds me of this just add the obnoxious tan and bright lipstick and it’s complete
No. 1260480
File: 1657665651925.jpg (563.49 KB, 1280x1440, lk.jpg)

>>1260450>black girls didn't wear bright ass wigs and lipstick until 2010s.NTA but this isn't true kek
No. 1260481
File: 1657665661694.jpg (50.66 KB, 480x348, fml.jpg)

my moid doordasher got pissed that i reported that my order never arrived even though he delivered it to the wrong place… the picture he took has the wrong door number in it as well so it's not like i'm lying… and now i'm super anxious because some angry stranger now knows where i live
No. 1260495
File: 1657665958743.png (1.98 MB, 1188x591, Screenshot_4.png)

>>1260486ntayrt but girl cmon just give it up LOL
lil kim was known for this
No. 1260497
>>1260478Some anons seem to not know that a shit ton of Japanese people tan super easily and since the beauty standard for women is to be pale, being tan is logically the reverse of that. A lot of women there use umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, wear long sleeves and accessories to cover their arms (no idea what they're called, the same that Sasuke wears in Naruto, I wish I were joking), necks and faces, just to not tan. Not even because they could potentially be sunburnt, but because they could healthily tan and have brown skin. When I was there my roommates were all East Asians but not Japanese, and they were super careful to not tan as well. It has more to do with colorism imo, and while Japanese young women are often inspired by fashion trends from different countries and eras, so what? What would that change to your life?
No. 1260500
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>>1260493>think nikki minaj and her fluorescent shit.Anon, Nicki Minaj literally ripped off Lil Kim…
No. 1260519
File: 1657666461644.png (145.23 KB, 409x442, bedtime.png)

this is me every hour
No. 1260527
>>1260522No, worse I'm the
Kirby anon
No. 1260530
File: 1657666633279.jpg (856 KB, 1400x1000, lilkim-ff88e73a-5c3b-46d9-8b01…)

>>1260516it's legit heartbreaking
No. 1260550
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>>1260539I feel bad for Bom when you learn about all the horrible things that happened to her. Her surgery only started getting really bad around 2015, picrel. The only thing wrong with her face before she became a celebrity was that it was kind of rectangular-ish.
No. 1260554
File: 1657667175715.jpg (118.5 KB, 950x1143, 1643613729480.jpg)

>>1260520>>1260527Cedricfag became Cedric
fags Just post him, be like parappaanon although not the racist side but the passionate for your husbando
Kirbyhave been to moonrune insta? a lot of kirbyfags there No. 1260560
File: 1657667310662.jpeg (401.73 KB, 750x885, 4256ADDA-206E-47EC-9185-4A7624…)

>>1260520anon I think tears are coming out of my eyes the last few days have been horrible for me but this actually made me laugh so hard though. isn’t kirby a child? what about meta knight?
No. 1260568
File: 1657667520218.jpeg (77.08 KB, 1000x750, AA2FF0FE-1266-474F-9049-58B2E6…)

tears flowing out of my eyes right now like what is this?
No. 1260581
File: 1657667983322.jpg (57.74 KB, 1280x1280, 291958106_718061875918110_5263…)

>>1260571The first Kirby game came out on April 1992 which is 25+ years and I only knew Kirby from games not the anime so I can see what you mean.
No. 1260584
File: 1657668040639.png (55.17 KB, 171x161, mk.png)

>>1260571written out like this i guess i could understand, but then i look at him and i just can't see how one gets aroused from this
No. 1260596
File: 1657668386181.png (616.25 KB, 483x782, 58a20c6dc8dd3432c6fa8224.png)

>>1260584Who gives a shit,
nonny is happy maybe embarrassed but happy
No. 1260607
>>1260581The thing is, it's not even
if someone only knows Kirby from the anime first or the games first. The problem is that the anime has become the equivalent of cannon for some people, specifically how people characterize and portray Kirby. Y'know how you see tons of Kirby art, usually english, and they always have Kirby speaking in "poyo", that was caused by the anime and because of that people think game-verse Kirby is a baby/child despite beating multiple god-like entities, clearly shown to be on the same level as her friends, and such etc. so ships that contain Kirby are instantly labeled as pedophilia/proship when that isn't close to the fucking case. Kirby (game-verse) isn't a child, even the novels show that Kirby isn't even close to being a child. I've said this once, and I'll say it again. Fuck the Kirby anime, it is a pox on the eng Kirby fandom
No. 1260618
File: 1657668846796.gif (84.32 KB, 100x100, kirbussy.gif)

Tuesday evening kirby husbando pussy discourse has started
No. 1260636
File: 1657669645157.jpg (104.03 KB, 540x540, Momo.jpg)

>>1260631I can say with 99.9% confidence you're talking about Peach Girl
No. 1260646
>>1260636nta but oh yeah, then why is she eating
strawberries? riddle me this anon
No. 1260652
File: 1657670699558.gif (75.34 KB, 352x408, strawberry-wink.gif)

>>1260646Don't ask questions you're not prepared to hear the answers to.
No. 1260659
File: 1657670870518.jpeg (41.28 KB, 500x375, 1656393328876.jpeg)

>>1260649take it back NOW
No. 1260688
File: 1657672367763.jpeg (508.93 KB, 1686x2048, kirplates.jpeg)

in related news, holy shit these are cute. i want the plates.
No. 1260696
>>1260609SAME! I think it's far more fitting and I love the idea of Kirby being this whimsical ultra powerful woman.
>>1260638>I'm pretty sure kirbyanon here was the one who posted that kekI did not post that. I like the artist but I hate people who post porn in non-porn places for shits and giggles.
No. 1260713
>>1260520If it makes you feel better, I've seen other Meta Knight husbandofags
on 4chan also I think at least people would get the attraction to him. As long as you don't bring up Kirby genitals kek
No. 1260730
File: 1657674412494.gif (213.66 KB, 400x320, 803259694_787485.gif)

>>1260520Just admit that Shadow the Hedgehog is one of your husbandos ffs
No. 1260731
>>1260703If it makes you feel better, I'm sure they'll be opening up on in NYC.
>>1260717Simple answer would be 'why not?' but if I had to be more detailed it's for selfish reasons. I think it's cooler for Galacta Knight to be female, I like amazonian warriors and Galacta sounds perfect. Plus, Galacta or a shorten name to Gala sound more feminine. That, and when I ship Galacta Knight with Meta Knight I prefer M/F shipping over M/M shipping and I like the dynamic of a strong man with an even stronger woman.
No. 1260743
>>1260734>>1260738…A lot of pictures of far out space
are artistic rendition based on way more boring looking infrared imaging and scientist imagination. They
do tell you that.
No. 1260751
File: 1657676415270.png (246.62 KB, 354x351, 57DF3E13-D447-4B41-B22F-7BE86E…)

i wanna shoplift again but now that i’m an adult with a career the consequences would be worse i were to ever get caught. oh well i guess
No. 1260802
File: 1657680928393.jpg (675.98 KB, 1028x1427, nocomment.jpg)

Jill's cousin's wedding dress reveal absolutely blew me away. There's so much to say that can go unsaid because just look at it. God damn.
No. 1260825
File: 1657683754466.jpeg (70.65 KB, 640x641, 60D74B3F-0F92-4055-A748-056647…)

>>1260519I hope you sleep well nonna
No. 1260867
File: 1657688902505.png (27.3 KB, 1798x156, 890.png)

>>1260468How was posting something that's essentially saying "Stop racebaiting, focus on actual politics" worthy of a racebait ban, but pic related and other actual racebait that's been posted in multiple threads are/were just left alone with no redtext? The mods are painfully inconsistent kek
No. 1260903
File: 1657691124110.jpg (158.15 KB, 750x1001, 279f332cb21275bdf55c5c111e7ce1…)

My craving for smothered chicken or pork or beef right now is crazy
No. 1260935
File: 1657693486268.jpg (331.04 KB, 603x679, 20220713_082323.jpg)

the haircut is so hideous i knew immediately it was a troon who posted this. my trannydar is unmatched
No. 1260951
>>1260935Yeah that haircut is basic as fuck too and easy to get like
>>1260942said. Only a tranny would look at it and think that it's great and that he wants it in 2022.
Also kek can't this scrote just google it to find a real photo of the hairstyle? Maybe he just wanted to make a shitty coomer joke which only confirms that it's a tranny.
No. 1260974
File: 1657696006458.png (149.41 KB, 408x374, 424135454.png)

I used to obsess over this girl who lived in a neighboring city (a friend of my ex's before he was with me) – I had never seen her in person, just knew about her from stories my ex told and from how cool she looked on instagram. Today I saw her completely by coincidence shopping at the store I work at, and she was very spergy, had a loud voice, and was hanging out with a fat troon. Very humbling experience, hopefully I never obsess over someone on social media again.
No. 1261016
>>1260998Sometimes ducking is an accident, I’m a dirty phoneposter these days.
>>1261003They are stupid. We will not excuse faggot behavior.
No. 1261044
File: 1657702854470.png (3.38 KB, 150x23, blinkie on her site.png)

>>1259351>>1259361Oh, gross I didn't know she liked troons. No. 1261078
>>1259351>>1259361The only cringy part for me is the social media image she's trying to curate. Just being a tatted up "cool" mom is whatever.
I only know one girl whose mother was a tryhard cool mom, I can imagine it's a bit rough in the teenage years, but I think by adulthood most people learn to just see their parents as just flawed humans, and learn to like/dislike them as a person.
No. 1261081
File: 1657705236052.jpg (105.36 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Osthyvel_20050723_001.j…)

Does your country have this? If not, what do you use to make cheese slices for your sandwich?
No. 1261131
File: 1657707169449.gif (271.01 KB, 238x179, 0y324551134.gif)

today is wednesday you just KNOW there's gonna be a good infight coming on, i can feel it. it's always wednesdays and sundays.
No. 1261143
File: 1657707582232.jpg (108.95 KB, 736x1098, db78e2ef85082f708e2cac9119a7fb…)

Is it petty to purposely annoy trannoids in fandom spaces? Nothing too big, but some time ago, I decided to get back into Kuroshitsuji, and I have done this thing a couple of times.
>Find some fanart of Grell Sutcliff
>Leave a comment
>"He looks so cute in this picture. I really like how the artist draws his clothes. Man, he was a funny guy"
>Troons have a melt down on my replies for a few hours
Now I have done it with more fanbases just to see what happens.
No. 1261214
>>1261176Mine looked surprisingly legit. Had the HQ address and everything, and the email address wasn't like or anything.
But just the sheer fact you got one too definitely makes me think something is up, so thanks for that
nonnie No. 1261373
File: 1657723183928.jpeg (81.46 KB, 626x626, F264EEB2-F9C2-4142-8376-4C15F9…)

So many things on sale on Prime day and what do I buy?
No. 1261403
File: 1657725122110.jpg (72.8 KB, 828x1013, comesitdown.jpg)

I'm reading over some of the toilet/hand washing/hygiene posts that I missed from lastnight. They almost sound fetishistic in how detailed they are while talking about poop and grime and it being rubbed into the faces of 'cute, perfect make up wearing girls' Like are you disgusted or a lil turned on?
>>1261373I'll take a couple of these.
No. 1261436
>>1261430Are you retarded? I was "actively" making fun of that retard who was actually accusing people of being one person
>Swear to god it's just one anon tooGo back to /2x/, you're too deranged for the normal boards.
No. 1261453
>>1261446>You're actually schizophrenic. Please point to what thread you're referring to so I can meet this doppelgä literally posted
>Do you not see the constant "go back to twitter" shitposts as or are you just playing dumb? here
>>1261438too stupid to keep up with your posts from 2 minutes ago or what?
No. 1261534
File: 1657731563993.jpg (30.51 KB, 480x581, 1655455274627.jpg)

>>1261413It's one moid who has been at it all day in multiple threads. I'm glad he's
No. 1261538
File: 1657731754952.jpg (74.5 KB, 1400x700, Jim-Halpert-2.jpg)

This probably belongs in the vent thread but fuck it, here I go. I fucking HATE Jim Halpert from The Office, and I fucking hate that The Office is centered around him and his shitty scrote decisions. Every single time The Office is mentioned, it ALWAYS ends up being about something Jim did or that he's 'mY faVorITe cHaRacTeR' or 'ThE oFFicE wOulDnT bE tHe SaMe wIthOuT hIm' so you can't even bring up the show without being reminded of his smug fucking face. I hate him so much that I wish his existence was erased from acting or literally the earth because I can't see his face without going into a rage. I have to fast forward moments where he's on show now so that I can even bare through the skits. Every other character was well rounded with interesting personalities or character archs and his had no growth besides going behind Pan's back and buying his parents shitty house in buttfuck nowhere after ruining her dreams of living in NYC and persueing an art career but had no problems taking a loan out when it came to his friends and placing bets on sports teams. Like what the fuck? And I know Dwight is a dick but he constantly harrasses him to the point it's violent and suddenly it's all "Dwight is a dick who can't take a joke?" When its literally unprovoked? I'm glad he fucking embarrassed himself over and over and Robert California thought he was a douche and the other boss when he wore a tuxedo to meet him. The worst part is he thinks he's hot as fuck when he's nowhere near attractive at all, he looks so fucking mediocre that I don't even understand why there's a following for him at all. I posted this once in reddit and got bashed because 'muh Jim muh jokester'. Fuck Jim and fuck the office for making him the main character.
No. 1261549
File: 1657732171726.png (657.39 KB, 800x1200, 1597449439901.png)

Is Edith Frances of Crystal Castles a mtf tranny?
No. 1261560
>>1261538There's a characters you hate thread on /m/
But I agree, I always hated that piece of shit and how The Office is about him. I literally couldn't give any less fucks about him or his life. What about the other characters?
Dwight deserved some of the bullying because he's often a prick too but Jim is way worse to him. And iirc doesn't Pam try to justify it at least once saying "he deserves it, he really does" or something along those lines? Jim and Pam are one of the worst couples I've ever seen in TV too kek I felt so bad for her and I can't believe that asshole Jim is actually treated as the main character even after he does that to her. What the fuck. There's so many points in The Office US where nothing is funny anymore nor is it satisfying to watch, it's just retarded decision after retarded decision.
I also despise the actorI've still yet to watch the original The Office but I hope it's better in this regard.
No. 1261600
>>1261565NTA, maybe in the first few seasons, but he leaves for a while and then Jim becomes the MC until the very end
As far as I remember
No. 1261606
>>1261560Thank you for telling me about /m/ nonna, I will post there next time.
But YEAH! Fuck Jim AND Pam. Also fuck everyone on Reddit who glorifies them. I always forget until I remember the time I went on bumble and everyone's fucking bio was "looking for the pam to my Jim" or "pam and jim are my fav couple! goals!". They're one of the most
toxic couples around compared to Bob and Phyllis, hell, even Phyllis's man bought her a million roses for Valentines day to show her off. I just hate that show so much. There's so much more that could've been done by instead it became every hetro couples Madonna
No. 1261609
>>1261549This is her voice, no
I have listened a bit of CC but while googling I stumbled upon all the drama they had, I had no no idea. Why so many artists/band I like shitty wtf. Already happened with Die Antwoord and Mr. Kitty REEE
No. 1261616
File: 1657735003733.jpeg (127.34 KB, 640x552, 5541C4A8-EFD1-4032-A1CD-BDEFE5…)

Ok at this point I am certain that he knows he has a following of spergy girls and is pandering to us.
No. 1261712
File: 1657739595365.jpg (78.08 KB, 665x374, labradoodle-or-fried-chicken_w…)

I really like those small, fluffy, brown, fried chicken dogs. I've always called them teddy bear dogs because I don't know enough about dogs to know the breed or mix. If I ever get a dog (probably not because my lifestyle isn't suit for one and I'm a cat person) I would want a teddy bear dog or a dobie.
No. 1261732
File: 1657740722737.png (247.23 KB, 600x224, zimbabwe.png)

>>1260867>The mods are painfully inconsistentThe mods are painfully obvious self-flagellating white women who try to distance themselves from their own whiteness by siding with anyone who hates on white women for any given reason.
No. 1261831
File: 1657745489106.jpg (64.75 KB, 900x930, EdCJaxkXsAAFQXU.jpg)

Anons who say "non con" for "not milk", I hope you burn in hell
No. 1261877
>>1261861>>1261859You can be racist without killing someone. I think it's honestly more deluded to believe that someone isn't racist just because they didn't kill you if they're otherwise being bigoted.
Anyway, the fact that this all started just because someone dared to criticize Japan and point out that they have flaws is insane to me.
No. 1261883
>>1261862I'm not the original anon and I don't watch anime or fantasize about any specific country but I believe Western European and Americans are the most racist based on my personal experience as an Asian/brown
woc. I haven't seen as disgusting stuff from Asians or Eastern Europeans as I did by white men and even white women who claimed to be radfems especially in online spaces. Ranging from how middle eastern women deserved what happened to them and how slavic/asian/black women are the ones guilty for white men raping/trafficking them.
No. 1261910
nonnie I almost made a post about potatoes earlier today, my favorite food ever. They’re delicious any way you cook them but I love hash browns the most, yummy crispy taters.
No. 1261915
>>1261780lmfao this reminds me of the time that I was camping with an autistic boy and we made some spaghetti in one of those cooking stoves and he dropped the whole spaghetti into fucking wet dirt made muddier from the pot water and I was like fuck and he started to cry and EAT THE SPAGHETTI FROM THE DIRT. How did I forget this. I was like dude stop and he was shovelling, yes shovelling the spaghetti and dirt into his mouth making no effort to parse the dirt (now mud) from the spaghetti. Even smacking him on the back of the head did nothing, I just wanted him to stop the disgusting spectacle but clearly he was having some kind of breakdown kek so I just walked elsewhere and let him be a pig.
He was also into "femdom" wanted to be literally murdered by women. In hindsight it was incredibly dumb to go camping alone with someone so clearly unstable but ah that's youth for you.
kek even writing this down I sort of can't believe it happened, what the fuck.
No. 1261946
>>1261929Unfortunately yes, only before that incident and hearing the extent of his fridges. In my defense he had a massive dick and so far is the only one to have made me squirt. I more or less never saw him again after that. He tried to pull the typical suicide bait and I reminded him I had his mom's number and would call her out of "concern for his wellbeing" and he backed off real quick.
>>1261938When that spilling spaghetti meme was popular I cracked up every time remembering it kek
No. 1261966
File: 1657751044449.gif (243.56 KB, 220x165, 36CCEAAF-AAFA-4930-A1D5-03794C…)

>>1261915fake and gay story. why would you lie like this anon?
No. 1262082
File: 1657756159944.jpg (15.74 KB, 600x311, e77.jpg)

>tfw just downloaded what's probably close to 900-1000 files of CC for the sims
No. 1262125
>>1262102That's so true, I've recently started downloading script mods (drugs, realistic birth, WW, slice of life, even one that's literally called "Have some personality, please!") just because I couldn't stand how boring it is. I even downloaded a new loading screen kek. But if they ever drop a Sims 5, I'm not buying it.
>>1262103Sims 3 is definitely one of the better ones, but the open world made it lag so painfully.
No. 1262130
>>1262095My mod folder is 95GB, mostly CC clothes/hair/make up. I have all the expansion packs (but if I could sell back Eco Living and Snow escape I would). I have all the GP's except for Jungle, Star Wars and that Decorator pack. However, I wish I could get a refund for Vampires (Its a good pack but not for me). I have all the stuff packs except 2 (Bowling and some otherone). I have zero kits and never will buy a kit.
For me and how I play, there's certain packs I don't even use if I don't have a storyline, like I've never played the Get to Work jobs except for the Stores & I barely play them. I just make them.
I haven't even lived in the wedding world or Eco Living world. There's so many features I haven't used in DLC because I stick to family storylines. I think thats the only reason why I'm not bored even though i've been playing since 2016.
Also all the CC I have.
No. 1262139
File: 1657757769427.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x1889, AA534D57-4A52-4640-A53A-EC6C73…)

>He lives in Germany, was born in the United States and claims to be completely straight
No. 1262162
File: 1657758999331.jpeg (3.91 MB, 4032x3024, 6DC73550-65A2-4ED1-9C14-6E787F…)

Find the Froggy
No. 1262188
File: 1657762487288.png (187.19 KB, 1222x1235, 83248725.png)

just a little happiness for you nonnas
No. 1262339
File: 1657787216001.jpg (48.42 KB, 449x588, 1652925629353.jpg)

There is a bug or something inside my wall, few times a day it says "bzz bzz" and then it's silent again for hours. I can't understand where it is, that's a stone wall?? Stupid bug, why don't you go to another corner, don't "bzz bzz" behind my back!
Argh again bz bz to yourself!
No. 1262348
File: 1657787700531.jpg (114.14 KB, 960x960, 5f56d7aefea710f5.jpg)

>>1262344Go to someone elses wall please
No. 1262479
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Lots of physical pain and a lot to do, how is everyone else’s radical day?
No. 1262492
File: 1657812083289.jpg (18.67 KB, 330x330, Tumblr_l_83968387801706.jpg)

>see cute long haired guy posting videos of him playing the guitar
>look at his profile
>"transgender woman"
No. 1262495
File: 1657812279271.jpg (92.42 KB, 1280x720, epigenetics-tea-1280x720.jpg)

>someone posts a video of themselves spinning to show off a dress
>lolcow anons nervously hovers their hands over the tranny alarm button
troons really ruined spinning around for some of you, same with how a group of anons starts foaming at their mouths whenever someone uses y'all
No. 1262504
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>>1262495I do associate 'Y'all' with some of the dumbest takes I've seen posted on here. I judge it for that reason.
Solution.. start posting y'all in the middle of posts that aren't dumb.
No. 1262508
nonnie this happens to me too. we should open a support group
No. 1262543
>>1262517As a teen I was waiting in an accident and emergency department when I noticed the woman next to me in a long skirt had hairy ankles. I saw it and didn't think much of it. I'm in pain. Waiting time are long. I'm desperate to be seen already. A few mins later some middle aged scrote in the room looks at me and then nods his head like he's trying to get me to notive her legs and silently take part in judging her. If it happened today I'd be more likely to say something to him but I was a pretty meek teen.
Just thought the whole scenario was ridiculous. His big age, my small age… the setting we were in. Like grow up man.
No. 1262549
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Been crushing on a not so well known actor and i wanted to watch somw of his old movies but all the torrents are dead, i can only find shit quality with russian dubs
No. 1262604
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>>1262495I made one for you
No. 1262673
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Men are soulless creatures.
No. 1262700
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Can we start calling shaynafag admin "shaymin"? she's nowhere to be seen just like the pokemon kek
No. 1262741
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>>1262738Who cares, it is easier to write out shaymin versus shanya admin or shanyafag admin.
No. 1262815
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>>1262492kek this kind of reminds me of something I saw in a CVS one time a year or two ago. I was there with my mom and when we went to check out as we approached the cash register I thought the cashier was a woman, but then he turned and I saw that it was a guy around my age (who happened to be skinny and had long healthy hear). Ngl I thought he was really cute but then we got closer and I saw that he was wearing a fucking transbian (lesbian flag + trans symbol) pin on his shirt as well as an asexual flag one. Why must cute guys troon out…
No. 1263021
>>1258221 reporting back in to say I finally joined the gym and had my first workout….I did not realize this gym was mainly a body building/power lifting gym. I have never felt more like a fish out of water kek, I stood out like a sore thumb compared to all these guys built like Conan the barbarian. I’m going to stick to my goals and keep going but man I do wish there was a more “normie” gym less than 45 min away from me to start out in. Truly felt like I walked into the salty spittoon when I first got there.
No. 1263032
>>1262322>>1262332I've set my google options to not give me personalized search suggestions and to not keep my search history.
Not to mention that I've never ever googled anything related to poly shit or anything like it.
Also my search results are not based on my actual location and language, but on the US and in English.
No. 1263054
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I've been seeing these jesus sandals (much like picrel) in my local thrift store for about two months and I keep contemplating if I should get them. They're a slight bit worn down but with the climate I live in I will be wearing them for maybe 2 months anyway, they're cheap and suit my style. You know what I think I just convinced myself.
No. 1263139
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Whenever I see one of the Sprouse twins in media, I wonder how people choose which twin they want to act in their movie/show. Like how did the directors and producers of Riverdale decide they want Cole and not Dylan?
Also, TIL that picrel from The Quarry is not played by Dylan Sprouse.
No. 1263147
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All the body hair talk got me thinking of how all the women I’ve known who were okay going out unshaved were fucking blondes with barely any body hair to begin with and what they do have isn’t even noticeable unless you really look. So unless you have dark, actually visible body hair shut up.
No. 1263156
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dunno what the fuck this means but I thought it was funny
No. 1263182
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When I'm studying, I love listening to rap/hip hop and upbeat pop music. I know it sounds counterintuitive but it keeps me hype and energized whereas more calming music feels too boring and ultimately distracts me more. I do the same thing with cleaning. I'm so calm all day, I need music to invigorate me to stay productive. Dancing in my chair increases my efficiency, I swear.
No. 1263186
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>>1263182I do that to. But I also play chill music sometimes. Depends on the task at hand really.
No. 1263195
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>>1263182can't focus on reading with any noise at all..
No. 1263244
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Killer Mike giving a self-flagellating speech about "social equality, police brutality, and systemic racism" while sitting in a strip club. Also lobbied agaibst the closure of strip clubs in Atlanta. Faaaaaaaaggot
No. 1263303
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That’s right I don’t give a fuck and I love it. Did not like the original meme.
No. 1263477
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>>1263303Based, I wanna be Mrs Mac
No. 1263530
File: 1657899361947.gif (132.46 KB, 117x125, 1645333952400.gif)

kinda wish basic psychology was mandatory teaching in school or at least more encouraged to find interest in in your teens. it bothers me how many people don't know about any of it, that so many people end up coming to their own often silly conclusions and theories about the world and their interactions. i feel like a lot of people would benefit from looking into research surrounding social influence and things like attachment theory, what they suggest is common sense for many people but still not enough. the most that people attach themselves to psychology seems to be through personality tests which is a shame as there's not much to them besides getting your result and seeing if you agree with it and get to use it as a label.
i sort of feel the same about sociology as i see so many people hold such extreme misconceptions about our societies and how they function. there's always going to be a bias in terms of what gets taught academically and how it's taught but maybe a lot of conversations would be less retarded if people absorbed some of this stuff
No. 1263759
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>>1255904I am going to the pan-Asian grocery store tonight or tomorrow because I am running out of food. When I go I like to try a treat I’ve never tried before. Please list your favorite(s) Asian treats/desserts and I will look for them.
No. 1263761
File: 1657911173570.png (743.63 KB, 797x527, longlifeshoutaobuns.PNG)

>>1263759Shoutao (long life) buns! Especially if they have adzuki bean paste inside, but lotus seed paste-filled is also tasty.
No. 1263772
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>>1263759These have like, negative nutritional value, but I've been craving it for days anon pls…
No. 1263776
File: 1657911908759.png (1.96 MB, 1271x714, mooncake.PNG)

>>1263759Sameanon but also mooncakes if you can find them. They're a bit dense but such a treat.
No. 1263787
I think god cursed me by giving me the most coily hair pattern possible and also making it super thick.
>>1263778I will watch this later, thanks. I don't worry that I have dementia now, but I'm very worried that I will develop it in old age. It's my biggest fear. I think my bad memory and forgetfulness is probably because of trauma and vitamin/mineral deficiency.
No. 1263797
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>>1263759definitely roasted chestnuts in a pouch like picrel, theyre sweet and a little soft and are just good
additionally, chinese style cakes are lovely as they tend to be very light and fluffy overall and less diabetes flavored than what you will usually find in a western store
other special mentions include: walnut cookies/核桃酥, vitasoy
>>1263772these are so good its not fair because i feel so unhealthy afterwards lol
No. 1263860
nonny did your get this in your recommended too? tbh I'd been worried about my mom who's almost in her 50s now but this video made me feel so relieved because now I know she's healthy (me too since I've been getting more forgetful but obviously for reasons unrelated to age or Alzheimer's)
No. 1263916
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So tired of shit like picrel.
No. 1263940
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This popped up on my twitter today and I went to go look for it and possibly buy it but it's fucking sold out UGHH. I'm not even into lolita, I just love spider lilies.
No. 1263944
>>1263911I straight up go commando once I'm at home. I wear loose cotton shorts so my bits aren't fully out on display, but when I'm in bed I usually just wear a shirt. I started doing it over lockdown but now I just hate wearing underwear at home.
>>1263914I used to have a lot of discharge but it turns out it was less than I thought. I'll get discharge on the inside of my cotton shorts but I don't care. They're already stained with period blood. Discharge doesn't leave a stain anyway.
No. 1263966
>>1263952i'm just thinking of a "what if" situation, since i move around in bed a lot. i'm still not doing it regardless tho because
>>1263926. tried it and it felt uncomfortable, same with shorts without underwear
No. 1264004
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>>1263980based, you are doing the community a service
No. 1264049
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This is what anons who use jungle theme look like
No. 1264056
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>>1264049So we look cute but damaged? What do nonnies who use this theme look like? Asking for a friend but I don't personally use this disgusting theme.
No. 1264065
File: 1657929010996.png (17.44 KB, 621x568, helpmenonnies.png)

Nonnies, I need some help. I plan use CVS's printing services to make a custom sexy calendar with my husbandos. Problem is, I'm drawing blanks for what to have for certain months as there's no common theme associated with them compared to months like December.
No. 1264073
>>1264065August: uniform or school
September: rainy or outside
February: pink, chocolate, winter
May: pool, summer fair
Idk your husbando so I'm not sure what kind of images you can get
No. 1264075
>>1264065April showers being May flowers
So May - flowers
Feb - Valentine’s Day and love
September - Fall and Leaves for the changing seasons.
August - Sun and Beach for Hot Summer
No. 1264080
File: 1657929661177.png (35.94 KB, 300x241, 1657736691524.png)

>>1264073>August: uniform or school>February: pink, chocolate, winterThose are so obvious, I will definitely use those two.
>so I'm not sure what kind of images you can getI plan to draw them myself. "I call it the self-made sexy sketch calendar 2022". I want to replace the miku calendar my ex gave me as it reminds me of him and sticks out like a sore thumb against my merch.
>>1264075Flowers for may sound like a good idea, is there any specific flowers I should keep in mind? September having changing leaves sounds nice, I guess I could do something similar to those images of hot guys covered in roses but replace them with autumn leaves
No. 1264090
File: 1657930288238.jpeg (Spoiler Image,191.64 KB, 1204x1802, 7F7D21F8-ABA6-42B6-B5A4-EF66DF…)

>>1264080Samefag but what if you do something like this with fall looking trees out the window. (Not porn just a Calvin Klein ad)
No. 1264216
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found out my mom smokes weed today. went to go run outside to do my semi-daily "imagines self in anime op related to husbando's series" and my mom was taking a hit. i don't really care, but why does anime lead to me to find so many things in my life. it's like a compass for my autism
No. 1264271
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this album is so nostalgic nonnies i complete forgot about it it was so cute
No. 1264290
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>>1264272especially when she's styled just like this. really like the white wifebeater on her and hat with minimal makeup
No. 1264295
>>1264293You can get high off of those without dying
nonnie? How was it
No. 1264310
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>>1264293Nonny please be careful with this and frankly I recommend never abusing diphenhydramine like this again. There is a huge risk of developing dementia even with normal therapeutic doses of DPH, it’s much worse with larger,
abusive doses. There are safer ways to catch a buzz, and even if you feel you don’t care now you don’t know how your mind might change down the line. I’m saying this for you and for anyone else who reads this thinking it’s an easy way to get high, it’s incredibly dangerous.
No. 1264385
>>1264383You and me both
nonnie. I have ate salt n vinegar chips, ice cream and cheesecake, mac and cheese, and some ham all in the span of a half an hour kek. It's 1.30 and I'm stoned with my Nintendo switch. Oops
No. 1264414
>>1264385I'm eating fruit and pasta, and going to sleep soon. Have fun playing on your switch
No. 1264422
File: 1657962889475.gif (2.8 MB, 498x280, scout-wonder-think-tf2.gif)

>catch mom watching Voice UK clips on youchewbe
>see Tom Jones in the jury
>that's Tom Jones???
>yes, why?
>he's alive???
>of course he is, he's just very old
>didn't he die decades ago?
>no! what makes you think that?
>uh… Mandela effect I guess?
No. 1264485
File: 1657969149883.jpeg (31.98 KB, 669x459, 74248A67-0C03-4C3C-A5DE-704023…)

I interacted with one too many desi bridal makeup/fashion TikToks and now my entire fyp is trying to manipulate me into thinking I want to marry an Indian man.
No. 1264501
File: 1657970904036.jpg (57.84 KB, 750x513, media_FXqCOS3VQAI4v77.jpg)

We don't have a 4chan hate thread, but shit like this makes me want to a-log. I just saw one long-ass post explaining racist scrotes entering "edtwt" looking for "future wives", as if it isn't toxic enough already.
Men really aren't people.
No. 1264504
>>1264501We do have a 4chan Hate Thread, you can revive it
>>>/ot/926266 anon.
No. 1264531
File: 1657974198969.jpeg (349.75 KB, 752x614, 43475EC3-454A-4BB2-A8D0-280C87…)

>>1264528Kek the takes are even worse in that thread, wtf? BPD is crazy
No. 1264625
File: 1657983483732.png (11.25 KB, 1650x113, snoopsnoop.PNG)

>>1264620Being protective of your phone in a relationship is weird imo. I was on the fence regarding this anyways, but after I read picrel I got the final push lol.
No. 1264644
>>1264638You think men and boys have demolished senses of self esteem the way women and girls do? Delusional. Women and girls experience extreme self hatred simply due to body image by 11. It'll never be the same, sorry. Men aren't out here
typically cheating because they feel unloved, unattractive, or unwanted. In fact, they typically have far too high self esteem and an inflated sense of value that isn't rooted in reality. The comparison between a group of people who are systematically told they're worth little from the day they're born will never be the same as men who are told they are the default humans and women exist to take care of them and prop them up and that women are expendable. Men aren't given an auto-expendable role the way women are.
No. 1264661
>>1264652>>1264658>>1264659aw the
unhinged truth comes out. hope that bpd gets better. we all know that you're not even cheating on anyone though lol.
No. 1264665
>>1264531Not everything is BPD you fucking retard
No. 1264679
>>1264669>>1264670None of the reply were even bpd, he's just
triggered we are having a space where we can speak or mind. So whenever his ego is hurt by the truth, he yells out "whore!" "bpd!" and projects ad infinitum like the y-induced retardation commands him to.
No. 1264697
>>1264670I really hope anons stop using it in earnest because honestly the diagnosis has little to no legitimacy anyways, it's almost purely pathologized misogyny meant to weaponize women's trauma against them. Trauma that's generally created by men.
No. 1264701
>>1264695women have it easier than men to get with a new partner. do you know where you are? are you getting your talking points mixed up? men are the desperate ones. you must be one sad ugly bitch if you think what you're saying is true. even ugly women can pull men easily, men will ALWAYS be the desperate crawling ones.
>>1264697if you don't want people announcing your diagnosis directly to you is it better if they just flat out call you crazy?
No. 1264717
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>>1264501I went there the other day for the first time in years and….I don’t want a hate thread, don’t give them any more reason to come here, let them enjoy their fantasy world where men are better looking than women, cave man brow, hairy shoulders and receding hair lines included.
No. 1264736
>>1264720>women shouldn't boohoo if they get cheated on eitherWrong, women are actual people and so it's wrong if they're treated like shit. With men it's okay because they're basically rabid animals.
No. 1264739
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>>1264682>n-ntaPathetic, just as expected.
No. 1264762
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>>1264717They’re all mincers the lot of em. I bloody well knew it.
No. 1264769
File: 1657988978398.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, 1647047032567.png)

>hating on men is degenerated!
>p-please go to 2X so I don't have to read your mean posts or reflect on my failure of a gender
No. 1264810
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At work, cleaning, blasting Hastune Miku in my fucking ears.
No. 1264834
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>>1264717Weak. I don't have a single eyelash rn and I'm walking around feeling fine. Cultivate some self esteem that isn't rooted in your hair follicles. Then you get the W.
No. 1264890
File: 1657996006955.jpg (9.59 KB, 236x404, 0d053e941144b05eeb893acde73daf…)

>paranoid by default, been through some sh*t
>think people will try to walk over me or they all hate me
>therefore i must assert dominance
>housemate is just playing music downstairs and chilling
>i bring out my giant tray of casserole i made yesterday
>i eat and slurp it whilst watching her face like it's the television, unrelenting eye contact
>she seems mildly uncomfortable and we exchange a few words
>she goes upstairs
>i feel mildly guilty
No. 1264922
Hey nonitas, this is a bit of a rant on antis vs. pros so if you don't care just ignore this, but as an elderly fan (90s) the absolute crusades against fanartists and fanfiction writers is vile and it seems like no one has the ability to separate fiction from reality. Of course, I'm not talking about creators who are only creating 1 type of content, but drawing nsfw of anime characters does not a pedo/rapist/racist make, these things kinda need to be a thing in context. Making nsfw content doesn't mean you're getting off to it yourself, and it doesn't mean you condone it irl. Of course if you see an artist who only ever draws lolicon it's gonna be sus, but do you really think most anime characters look their ages? Haikyuu boys are almost identically drawn to 30+ year olds and most fans who are making nsfw content of these types of characters aren't actually pedos, they're just not able to see how toxic beauty standards and the glorification of youth affects character designs and artstyles.
imho everyone needs to take a chill pill because if you exclusively ship/make content of characters in a way that portrays them excessively underage, that's weird, but if you're threatening to rape someone because they're drawing JotaKak nsfw art, you need a reality check.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
No. 1265044
File: 1658001091306.jpg (14.88 KB, 319x240, cat-1537181.jpg)

>Tfw threads are dead because anons are too busy giving attention to the scrote
No. 1265074
File: 1658001609551.gif (975.52 KB, 500x379, 1wgO.gif)

When I hear Get Busy by Sean Paul I can't control my body
No. 1265200
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>see this on Pinterest, of demi rose who's known to have extreme proportions and obvious plastic surgery, so bad to the point even coomers are able to notice she has surgery
>90% of comments "wow she looks just like me!!"
No. 1265235
I've been browsing a reddit sub for "porn for ladies," and twice I've seen commenters gushing over videos where the couple is sooooo obviously in love, wow they are so connected, and blah blah, but it's like… obvious that the guy is a pornsick scrote not engaged with his partner who is a beautiful but sad woman who is just trying so fucking hard to please, it's kind of pathetic; or another one with this lady who fucking went mad at the end of a crazy session and was devolved into her making the bigass guy put a hand around her throat while she's telling him in a demon voice SHOve IT In her eyes are rolling back in her head and her body is totally tense, to shove his fucking hand inside of her over and over and you can literally tell the guy is like… yeah this scene is fucked up, this is over, lemme grab her and do some hugs and kisses, bc that was intense, etc. etc. and the woman starts crying because she came so many times and she's like in awe and when he tries to awkwardly make conversation (about VIDEO GAMES he's excited to go play lmao) and like, connect with her as a human she like brushes him off and idk. These videos are fascinating to dissect. I wish there was somewhere to sperg about it with other weirdos kek
This is truly "dumbass shit" because I'm almost positive this post doesn't make sense or convey the idea I'm trying to get across. Obviously people who consume porn are going to have different ideas about the behavior on screen. The cognitive dissonance is real. I feel like a fucking alien
No. 1265288
File: 1658014810411.png (353.53 KB, 512x574, 1657883296894.png)

I need to get hot so people think I'm single because no one is good enough and not because I'm a kissless virgin
No. 1265296
File: 1658015451454.png (1.73 MB, 1337x1400, 1657933825598.png)

>tfw nonnies start infighting
No. 1265312
>>1264017yeah, i don't mean other girls doing it lol.
i'd feel disgusting and uncomfortable
>>1264373i do this like every other month, just a ghost a bunch of discord friends and reset and make up a new identity.
>>1264379it's more like retro colors, think of it that way
No. 1265317
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No. 1265318
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>>1264834>I don't have a single eyelash rnhow
No. 1265362
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>>1264890lmao at deleting the original just to add that
No. 1265365
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I know she is (or was) a turbo cow but god am I envious of her hair.
No. 1265369
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>>1265200I would never want to look like this her torso is freakishly long she looks like those pear shaped alien lookin sim guys
No. 1265483
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Ugh why did I forget my sandals at home. My hotel is fine but I forgot my phone charger in the car and now I have to put on my whole ass sneakers just to grab something quick. Also I hate walking around inside foreign places without some sort of slipper or something I can wear after I take my shoes off inside.
No. 1265632
>>1265614It would be a nice idea if they didn't lie all the time. They always lie and show their best days. They'll show a perfect diet day and then a small bowl of chips and a popsicle. As if having a 300 cal snack every day is what made them 350 lbs.
But the idea is fine, maybe they don't want a thousand comments with advice and tips.
No. 1265681
File: 1658066894526.png (787.89 KB, 604x562, whoopi.png)

fart fat fart fat! fart fat fart fat.
No. 1265695
File: 1658067751058.jpg (329.52 KB, 1173x1133, true tbh.jpg)

>>1265668Many of them are self-admitted tiktokfags, and probably their age too as the other anon said.
No. 1265696
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i have the coof
No. 1265735
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I am season 1 Roger that's all I want to say
No. 1265820
>>1263759Samefag, thank you nonnies for the food recommendations! The ones I hadn’t had before were
>>1263761 and
>>1263797. I couldn’t find the buns but I did find the chestnuts! Tried them when I got home and they are super delicious!
No. 1265897
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>>1265879there was just one posted 24 min ago. why anons use it, i will never understand. it must be a newfangled form of healthy self harm, it's so abrasive to the eyes
No. 1265899
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Can someone tell me an interesting fact?
No. 1265907
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>>1265899Koalas eat dirt for minerals because eucalyptus lacks nutrients. Also their poop smells like eucalyptus oil.
No. 1265969
>>1265899yes i can
>>1265919no I havent sorry
No. 1266007
>>1265907>>1265899Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently… Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio… There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury… should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them.
No. 1266066
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me turning on my VPN when MEGA tells me i have exceeded my downlood quota for today
No. 1266104
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My BF called me a femcel and this a 'femcel version of 4chan' because I told him I didn't want him to wear a JOJO BIZZARE ADVENTURE TIE to my friends wedding and that LC would agree. Picrel is tie in question.
No. 1266109
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>>1266104Femcels don't exist. You are the reason why we get raids here.
No. 1266113
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>>1265835tbh this was the shit that got me to stop using Google Chrome and make my default search engine DuckDuckGo. I remember a while back I saw some gc women talking about if you look up the number of women killed this year (or something along those lines) only shit about trannies comes up so I searched and that was indeed the case. Shortly after that I made the switch because I'm not gonna use shit that obfuscates women's issues to the benefit of troons.
No. 1266118
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>>1266104I bet he wears Graphic Tees in public past the age of 17, huh. Can he not be a weeb for a day?
No. 1266124
>>1265668i feel like the anons who use that thread solely post in there
the energy in there is weird and unlike any cow thread or /ot/
>>1266104ur bf is cringe pls tell him i said that
No. 1266140
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I went back to writing, like, actually writing something coherent not just dumb disconnected scenes about my really kool OCs. Have my story mostly planned down and I know how it's going to end and for the first time ever I feel like this is a story I'll be able to finish, I know how everything goes and it's amazing. Good job me, you've finally got something good out of all that trash you wrote these past 3 years.
No. 1266147
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Rewatching Malcolm in the Middle. Forgot how great Cynthia is. Love that she can render Reese useless and her sense of humor is great.
No. 1266154
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>>1265899North America used to have native camel megafauna, larger than any extant camelid, but they were hunted to extinction.
No. 1266163
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>>1266158yeah. hoping not to run into this Fat Ass who wants to square up. They owe Fat Ass some cash.
No. 1266191
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No. 1266200
>>1266191i want to flex that mine barely uses instagram and only follows girls he knows irl but he goes on
4chan regularly which is worse so lol
No. 1266222
>>1266208i really believe he is different but if it turns out i'm wrong i'll let you nonnies know so you can bully me
>>1266212it depends on which boards he uses
No. 1266253
>>1266147I will never stop loving that show tbh
I don't give a fuck if it has "
problematic" shit in it
>>1266109lmao where is this gif from
No. 1266255
>>1266200So you're dating an incel instead of a fuck boy? Both
toxic as fuck but at least the fuckboy would've been hot.
No. 1266321
>>1266316I'm gonna play it soon too
because one of the characters posted in the husbando threads is hot and I'm neither a fakeboy nor a scrote.
No. 1266328
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>ancient greeks had this massive gay statue
lollll why do men worship other men so bad. just fucking be gay and don't force us into spectating you.
No. 1266329
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>>1266104A special announcement to nonnies with moids:
No. 1266355
>>1266316Yes, a lot of the western female fanbase is on places like Twitter and many of them do troon out, but not all. It's different in the Asian fanbase where they're all just normal straight women. Even here there are a bunch of Yakuza fans. So yeah you're wrong
>>1266317>>1266318I seems to remember that at the end of the episode, Lois comes to the conclusion that her sons would be even crueler if they were girls. Or maybe I interpreted it wrong? It's been a while since I watched that episode.
I'm thankful for living in a country where there are MitM reruns from Monday to Thursday, though
No. 1266367
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>takes break from browsing LC
>comes back to /ot/
>finds out I missed the lc drawing game kek
>bored so I click on /m/
>notices video game thread bumped
>i never lurked in there hm let me click!”
>eyes immediately right in front of CP the dumbass mods forgot to delete
>clicks to /meta/ and no one is mentioning it
This website is like a land mine of scrote invasion and autism, I bet has better moderation.
No. 1266383
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Dated a guy who dumped me to “move back home” when in reality, he just never officially
dumped his previous girlfriend and they got back together.
Checked up on him recently and he’s trooning out.
I initially had my suspicions months after we broke up because he hit the MtF bingo (undiagnosed autism, programmer etc) and I’m cackling so hard. I can’t believed I called it, troons are so predictable.
Glad to see I dodged a bullet
No. 1266401
>>1266367It's not actual full on CP so maybe the mods aren't so urgent about it.
And Crystal isn't really better. They get raided all the time too. And there isn't enough of a regular posting force to make the trolling stand out less.
No. 1266415
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Watching supermega's Japan vlogs and remembered how I thought matt was dating that other tucker brother, not the stealing one
No. 1266477
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>finally figure out time and place of birth because apparently that's supposed to give you more accurate astrology results
>still get a bunch of bullshit that's the complete opposite of my personality
i don't fucking get it nobody ever gets it right.
No. 1266478
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>>1266477did you try checking just your decan for your star sign? it's all bullshit but it's sometimes fun when you get an accurate depiction