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No. 1225693
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1207004Ignore & report bait
No. 1225722
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Just found my old folders from 2007
No. 1225724
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Zoomers WISH they could google "anime girl" and get 600+ images of this as a result.
No. 1225792
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>>1225786I wasn't trying to disprove your retarded /pol/tard take I just thought it was appropriate because that statue is known for having beautiful buttocks
No. 1225815
>>1225809That for some reason conquered men seem to be obesseded with big butts and there likely is some level of relation
>>1225809I never said that women who have larger buttocks aren't real women, rather male obsession with asses(twerking and shit) are likely some level of homosexual
No. 1226359
>>1226314is this a joke? The chance of anime causing anorexla is extremely rare.
There are alot of problems with anime but this isnt one of them.
No. 1226463
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>>1226364I don't remember writing this post
No. 1226814
>>1226757This is dumb because there are so many unproductive retards, hamplanets, supremacists, and other unsavory dipshits who can deal the same amount of damage, and worse, on an individual and societal level than some schizoid. Agreed about the physical deformities part, with the Hartley Hooligans and Empathic Mamahood/Luna cows in mind
>>1226778That anon was asking about mental illness, even though they often do have genetic components. Doctors just can't screen for them the same way that they can for physical disorders
No. 1227411
>>1227089Over the years I've gathered that he was
victim turned predator. I'll add my unpopular opinion: anyone who says their favorite book is Lolita is suspect. "But the writing! The unreliable narrator!! It's soooo deep!" Okay and? There are MANY books, especially now, that do the same thing without pedophila, kidnapping, and rape being the storyline.
No. 1227979
>>1227675Regardless of the cultural appropriation stuff, it looks awful and ridiculous on people who don't have the proper texture for it
I'm saying "proper texture", because it's really not for all of them as another anon above pointed out. Sure you can wear it, but it looks stupid.
No. 1228053
>>1228046jokes on you nonna i have a trashcan next to my toilet bc i live in an old ass house and we can’t flush tp either. into the trash it all goes.
bidets still suck ass.
No. 1228064
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>>1227675caucasian hair is too fine for dreadlocks to be clean for a long duration. doesn't help that the crusties and wooks who usually wear them take biannual showers. i'm mixed black/white and even my hair is too fine for healthy locs. pic rel is a loc with mould inside….gag.
No. 1228106
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If someone smokes in public, it should be legal to snatch their cigarette and maybe burn it on them. I can't imagine knowingly poisoning people and giving them cancer because of your own bad habits
No. 1228128
nonnie, it looks like everyone missed my point too.
No. 1228551
>>1228392Ah, anon! you mean to say that whale blubber buried in the ground and left to
rot I mean ferment, and unsalted cod soaked in lye DOESN’T sound appealing??
No. 1228628
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putting a child in a situation where they might be alone with a male/males makes you a pimp
No. 1228670
>>1228392IT'S TRUE AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT t. a finn
My relatives always fucking whine when I use more spices than one (1) uncrushed black pepper
No. 1228741
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>>1227102Your “great works of Western civilization” used men as female models because women for a certain period of time were not permitted to be nude models. The very sparse female artists in Western canon were always upper-class/encouraged by other family members to pursue the craft. I hate Western art gang gang gang gang ganggggg it’s ugly and tacky as shit
No. 1228947
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Tyga has such a little nerd voice whenever I hear him in songs I just see pic rel
No. 1228959
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No. 1228978
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Then perish.
No. 1228983
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That would require women wanting to have sex with you in the first place and we both know you don’t get any KEK
No. 1228996
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>>1228991They get bored if no one respond or reacts. Which will never fucking happen apparently.
No. 1229004
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>dumb roast
No. 1229009
>>1228974Jannies will slam the ban button as soon as you rightfully call another anon a retard but leave cringy attention whoring spam up for hours
>>1229001Piggybacking off your opinion;
Pizza sucks and is an overrated meme food
No. 1229019
>>1229007hot damn
nonnie that sounds amazing
No. 1229387
>>1229280Idk anon… You're posting on lolcow.
I also think that some people are too cruel but I won't go out of my way to call them out, it's not the right place.
No. 1230280
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fluent speakers of languages who shit on duolingo are snobs and miss the point of it entirely. it wasn't made for you, it's a casual language learning app marketed to beginners. to be fair i only see online language teachers shit on it, probably because they're buttmad about possible customers being pulled away.
No. 1230877
>>1230861>Gen z thinks being young is a personality trait and I've never seen this in generations previously.Idk, my friends were weird when they turned 18. Literally were acting like they were old. I turned 18 before them, got angry, and said "does that make me ancient?". They snapped out of it when we were in uni. Most of them weren't terminally online either however they did use fb/insta and one was into tumblr. She was the terminally online one.
>>1230868Do you think it'll get to the point that turning 14 will be considered old because you're in high school now?
No. 1230897
>>1230884I know covid
feels like it lasted 15 years but 2020 was only two years ago, nonners.
No. 1230960
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I get tired of being a woman because I'm tired of seeing us the L's day after day. Even this fat slob can get a decent looking woman. I'm a part of the cringe gender no wonder scrotes see is as a joke.
No. 1230976
>>1230960Tbf a lot of women who settle for men like this usually have something wrong with them too.
You’d have to be insane to want to date a death fat when you’re decent looking
No. 1231318
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>>1231138sorry nonna, I just really like the feeling. It's the freest I will ever feel.
No. 1231391
>>1231138funny how cars think bikes are an inconvenience when the entire car infrastructure is a major inconvenience to literally everyone and everything else. shitty roads, ugly highways and interchanges, noise pollution, air and particle pollution, many can't even drive properly or care enough to. drunk/high drivers and road ragers. Kills animals, children, adults. Expensive parts (catalytic converters) or valuables inside them attracts criminals and opportunists to otherwise safe neighborhoods. Nuisance side shows and drag/street races. used as a PP extension for tiny dicked assholes. parking lots instead of anything useful or interesting or attractive. waste of money, constantly have to watch out if you're getting scammed by mechanics.
most people into cars are obnoxious moids and pickmes, so as a hobby it sucks too.
No. 1231394
>>1231391Kek yeah it’s not
bikes that kill wildlife, bikers, and pedestrians in droves.
No. 1231508
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>>1231469Tell me you’ve never commuted by bike without telling me you’ve never commuted by bike. Bikers will only refuse to use bike lanes when they’re outright dangerous, and in America they often are because they’re built as an afterthought. Better to mildly inconvenience a pedestrian now and then than to end up as picrel.
No. 1231685
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>>1231391>most people into cars are obnoxious moids and pickmes, so as a hobby it sucks too.Very true, it's hard to find people who are just cool spergs about cars, everyone in my city who likes cars has to speed through the streets in them/race, even after a kid got killed on Christmas by a dude who was speeding so fast he dismembered the kid on impact, everyone is selfish and nobody learns fucking anything. Nobody is impressed by you weaving in and out of traffic in your fucked-up Impreza, dumbass. I was watching a dude drift in an empty parking lot one night after work and this college-age girl leaving a nearby store was like "OMG THAT'S SO HOT" to impress the dudes she was with, like oh is it?? Is it really hot, you idiot? You can't see the driver. Is it the car that's hot? You wanna fuck a BMW with ugly rims?? You just told everyone that you're either a pick-me or a carfucker. Those guys you're with are gonna pick a girl who calls cars by their color and doesn't know how to put air in her tires and then you're gonna feel really fucking stupid for calling a car hot. I'm sick of cars tbh and I think it should be illegal to drive one lmao. If you want to drive one as a hobby you have to drive on tracks only and take multiple tests to prove you aren't a retard.
No. 1232012
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anyone who says this woman is cute is just an ugly girl desperately coping, she's deformed and downright hideous.
No. 1232049
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>>1232043can't tell them apart
No. 1232056
>>1232051i'd fuck both but that doesn't make either attractive, just fuckable.
>>1232053shut up faggot, bag my 7/11 pizza and marble reds lmaoo.
No. 1232061
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>>1232012>posting an old picture of her where she’s chubby, pre-ED and doesn’t look the best that she can lookYou’re being completely unfair and dishonest. I don’t find her beautiful at all but she doesn’t look that extremely horrible and there are plenty of worse examples of female actresses, there’s also plenty of celebrimoids that have the same unconventional/borderline ugly facial traits but you chose this actress as bait.. git gud anon.
No. 1232069
>>1232053I would rather kill myself than be with a brown Indian moid.
>>1232012It's funny how you choose the most unflattering photo you could for this
No. 1232072
>>1232061>>1232069i just took the one from the celeb thread that urged me into making the post. if you need an ED to be attractive you're ugly btw, but it really doesn't change her deformed face anyway.
yea plenty of famous moids are fucking ugly too, what of it. doesn't change the fact that this alien is ugly girl inspo fodder and saying anything to the contrary gets you dogpiled by coping ugly girls.
No. 1232091
>>1232078ye kinda
>>1232080aw anon, i don't mean it towards you it's just the best way to make him mald
No. 1232109
some of you are forgetting that we get raided by men of all races here and we get raided by bitter white incels alot too, so lets not covert racebait, because some of the ''white men are better'' posts are obviously made by people with unwashed balls.
>>1232104im pretty sure theyre a racebaiter trying to cause a divide, lets just ignore all men and report their posts.
No. 1232124
>>1232109the “white men are better” anons are always strangely non-white women too and admit they aren’t white, the most
toxic forms of racism and self-hatred honestly come from people like c(rap)-chan and pakichan
No. 1232151
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No. 1232167
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Save yourself anon, you don't have to cope so hard for these moids
No. 1232171
>>1232148I never voice my opinion on this because the women who pickme for ~racial minority~ moids will be the ultimate
victims of any bs that comes their way.
No. 1232209
>>1232202Can we not do oppression points like, at all? I don't care what you are or claim to be, use arguments or stfu.
If I wanted to deal with the parnopticon that's twitter I'd be there.
No. 1232221
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No. 1232263
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Only because I have a test to study to and lc has been affecting my productivity~
No. 1232269
>>1232263Why is his dick defying gravity
also spoil that shit
No. 1232274
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how would the bike type tho
No. 1232277
>>1232269The point is to get mod attention and I really do need an intervention away from this site
How is it defying gravity, when they're horny they stay up ..? I'm sure this is traced gay porn anyway, she's lazy
No. 1232323
>>1231010>>1230976its called insecurities anons, the women who do this are not feeders unlike men.
She probably has very low self-esteem, i say this from experience.
No. 1232348
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No. 1232351
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stfu manlet
No. 1232586
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I dont like stranger things and the big hype around it. I've seen season 1 and really dont get why people like it so much. Dark is a much better show anyways. Everywhere I look right now I see stranger things, it's so annoying. The fandom really sucks too, whenever I say it's not my thing I get shit on.
Also I'm a synthwave fan and hate how suddenly all synthwave is called "music from stranger things" while the show has nothing synthwave besides some of the music.
No. 1233058
>>1233045 >leads you to a 5 hour long questionaire that ends up with you not being qualifiedI used to do online surveys for a lil extra cash and I do mean 'a lil' but this reminds me of how much time I sunk into it for fuck all in return.
One of the sites I worked with had a bad rep but it worked for me for a while and I got my payouts.. til one day it was time to apply for my latest payout and it accused me of having two accounts.. I didn't. They insisted that I HAD been the one scamming them so that was that. Account gone, hours of work down the drain and I found thousands of others reporting the exact same thing when I googled their name again. The guy I talked to when I sought assistance had to know he was talking out his ass given how many people I found reporting the same shit. I confronted him with plenty of sources on it and he got pretty rude with me. This was a real company getting paid by some very popular brands to conduct research?
No. 1233343
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Men who don't try to look at least somewhat attractive shouldn't ever be allowed to have sex, much less reproduce. In fact, if a man has decided that he isn't the least bit dedicated to being handsome, he should castrate himself so that no foolish woman like the one described in
>>1232464 can prosper
Moreover, attractiveness for a man must be based on female standards and preferences, not male ones. We've seen men destroy their faces and bodies (Zac Efron) from pushing male-invented standards. It's an abomination, shouldn't be allowed
No. 1233362
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>>1233343Nature never intended for this many males to reproduce that's something even the most diehard incels can't disagree with. Every generation we keep letting uggos breed, we evolve backwards.
No. 1233457
>>1233343Holy based. So many men pride themselves in being slobs who don't care about their appearance and it's abominable. I've seen men straight up say they don't give a shit about their appearance because they don't need to and it makes me want to a-log.
>attractiveness for a man must be based on female standards and preferences, not male onesThis especially is based, I fucking hate how men try to dictate what we should be attracted to when they completely miss the mark. Like
>>1233368 and
>>1233431 there's a huge disconnect between what men think we're attracted to and what we're actually into, and whenever you tell men this they chimp out. According to these retards, a roided up moid who appears shirtless in an action flick (or any form of media geared towards men, really) is totally an example of the female gaze and proof that men are ackshually just as objectified as women are in the media. And some of them don't even think there's a difference between a male vs female gaze. Sigh.
No. 1233480
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Usually I understand that when an actress/model/celebrity is not to my taste and I don't find them attractive that they still are usually to at least some degree of above average attractiveness like a 6-7, but in the case of Emma Stone, I truly don't see it. She looks to be a 5, even a 4 at times to me genuinely and I wonder why exactly this is. I feel as though her cheeks are too large and her mouth is too small in proportion to her other features and her teeth are odd. I couldn't find the unattractive persons thread in /g/ hence why this is posted here.
No. 1233753
>>1233748Girl it’s not about jews it’s about the men. Know your real enemy, you’re getting distracted. All abrahamic religions are conspiring against us. Jewish women are just like you and me. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Zoroastrians… all of them.
I understand what you’re saying though, westerners are scared of criticising the Hebrew religion because of their history with anti-semitism. I’m mid eastern so I’m used to saying whatever I want but I can see how it might be annoying over there where you have to suck rabbi cock.
(racebait) No. 1234248
>>1234238I have bigger boobs (32DD) and used to wear a pushup in highschool because I thought "bigger is better" and was convinced guys wouldn't like me otherwise- I now enjoy a nice lace underwire and my back has never thanked me more.
I also used to think I HAD to have cleavage in shirts but I prefer being comfortable now and happy. I will only put on a slight pushup if it fills my top better too but I don't understand push-up bras very much either. I think they can also make women look more " proportional " but that's about it.
No. 1234264
>>1234075i'm a perpetually grumpy person who just wants to be left alone, but it's surprisingly hard. there's no good way to communicate "leave me alone, its for both our benefit" without people getting
triggered. even just flat out avoiding them
triggers them into trying to get more near to you see wtf is up. its very annoying for us too.
No. 1234302
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>>1234284They've screamed for decades that it's about music, and it is, yet a big chunk now get mad when a blondie normie has better knowledge and a bigger collection than them. Meanwhile their precious Joy Division is pure normcore kek
No. 1234304
>>1234299ive found that people who cling like this to subcultures and gatekeep typically have no actual identity or personality of their own and i say this as someone who used to do this too.
Lets say someone is into vamipiric goth or victorian/romantic goth and is highly interested in theo literature,history, fashion and even architecture..does that mean they are not real goths because they don't listen to some crappy music from the 80's?
>>1234302you know they arent even goth right, they are considered of the punk genre.
No. 1234322
>>1234320the male coomers thing with goth women has existed since the 90's though, its not a new thing.
>punks or goths or emos/scene etcemos are horrible though, do you remember when the majority of them decided to ruin the life of a 10 year old so they can protect their creep musician and dont get me started on the glorification on cutting.
Emos have always been a hated shitty subculture.
No. 1234437
>>1234435You're kind of right but back then not even a powerful or famous woman was brave enough to talk about being raped or harassed.
Though Things have not changed for the average woman who work regular jobs sadly, for the average woman there is only fake virtue signaling and
toxic positivity now but when something actually happens to her then all of those virtue signalers ignore it or take the abusers side just like how they did in the past.
No. 1234769
>>1234765“the quality or nature of the female sex”
It’s not a color. It’s not a type of style.
No. 1234782
>>1234776ntayrt- absolutely awful take. He was found to have had a longstanding pattern of speeding at dangerous, reckless speeds. It wasn't a one-time accident or mistake- he was a selfish brat who didn't care about other people.
Also the "whataboutism's?" argument is such a copout. You can advocate for both Cameron Heron AS WELL AS rapists and killers to get longer sentences. Just because some rapists and killers get let off easily doesn't mean Cameron doesn't deserve his sentence. Killing a woman, her infant (who suffered profusely before dying), and causing immense harm to their families is not worth only 5 years of jail- the 24 year sentence is perfect for him.
No. 1234783
>>1234777You can still be considered really feminine while wearing only black and white.
Anyway, I just disagree with saying every woman is the same amount of feminine. Some women don't like to look "girly" and prefer a more masculine style. That's not to say they are less of a woman, but I think women
can acquire femininity on an appearance level.
No. 1234794
>>1234754Femininity and femaleness aren't the same concept nona. Femininity is a social construct and femaleness is a biological reality. The line between the two is blurred because men believe in gender essentialism. Femininity is learned, you learn to associate femininity to femaleness.
>>1234769 Who do you think write dictionaries? Men. Don't let scrotes define reality.
No. 1234817
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>>1234801I 100% get what you mean when it comes to the hyperfeminity trend because it’s been bugging me as well. The ones online that follow this list off all these things that are supposedly hyperfemme but they’ve dug themselves into a hole because their whole identity relies on those things being mainly pink and white. The name was a bad choice because both women in picrel are hyperfeminine but you’ll only see copies of the right online being accepted as so. Which is actually funny because the left has more traditionally feminine things going on than most of the girls calling themselves hyperfemme online because they chose to wear a white dress with puffy sleeves and some flats one day kek
No. 1235143
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the word 'bitch' should be red texted
No. 1235390
Though PIV is still not the only way to have sex for me. Oral or just mutual masturbation, what people call "foreplay" is so much more satisfying than "real" sex.
No. 1235596
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>>1235445Thank you holy shit, it's always quirky westerners who don't know shit about architecture in general but think post-soviet countries look cool in a "post-apocalyptic way" (I've literally had someone tell me that). There
are some things to like about brutalist architecture (not enough IMO, there are a lot more things to hate) but most of the time it's just people fetishizing ugly/non-functional buildings
I could sperg about this further but idk if this is the right thread
No. 1235781
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>>1235596Your pic is not brutalist though; while communist urban architecture is connected to it, not just because of materials used but also ideologically, it lacks the important aspect of aesthetic which was because of the need of lowering the costs as much as possible as well as from the fact housings were built from prefabricated segments which didn't allow for much creativity with the forms themselves. Actual brutalism is still very polarizing of course, but I really think it has enough of interesting forms going for it to be seen as something with a visual value even if it's not in someone's taste, not something people just "pretend to like". Picrel is Geisel Library which is one of the most known buildings probably when it comes to brutalism, but it's also a perfect example how interesting can it be.
And kinda as a side note, I'm from a country where socialist urban planning was applied pretty much everywhere, spent my childhood in the neighborhood of standardized blocks like that and I really enjoy them visually, I want to believe that it's not in a voyeuristic "uooo evil soviet postapo" way. Some of them are indeed dull and have nothing going for them (but even then there's the interesting aspect of functionality of the entire neighborhood itself - there was a lot of thought put into how to make the area the most convenient to fulfill every resident needs; something that contemporary residential architecture / city planning often lacks); and then there's also plenty of blocks that are almost hypnotic in their form repetition (like the one from
>>1235596) which is just fascinating to look at. Also, after communism was finally gone from my country, a lot of cities tried to do something with the buildings of this kind to make them less imposing (I guess), applying colors, which, while often tacky, gives additional interest to these simplified towering forms.
No. 1235789
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I honestly wish the barbie movie wasn’t going to be some art-film with everyone even barbie herself wearing euphoria shein bimbo retro clothes and I wish they made it as cheesy, charming, chaotic and innocent as the straight-to-dvd animated films that people love for its shittiness. I want this shit but live action pls!!
No. 1235794
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>>1235789Straight to VHS*
nonny. Only real ones remember
No. 1235814
>>1235781>spent my childhood in the neighborhood of standardized blocks like that and I really enjoy them visually, I want to believe that it's not in a voyeuristic "uooo evil soviet postapo" wayOf course it's not, there's nothing wrong with liking brutalism or simple, dull looking architecture. Maybe I like that kind of thing? I'm from a third world country where brutalism had a lot of influence in our architecture, mostly in the 30s and 40s, so I've also gotten used to those buildings since childhood.
These (probably first world) retards don't know what they're talking about.
No. 1235912
>>1235285Agree but
>Men don't respect women who sleep around and these women always end up getting hurt in the end.Men don't respect women either way.
No. 1235925
>>1235285Can only speak for myself when I was having casual sex but it depends on who, a lot of people are stupid and genuinely believe they have a shot at a serious relationships after casual sex and it causes a lot of drama if you're stupid about who you sleep with (sleeping with people you know/men who obviously have gfs). There was some form of pickmeism but for me it was because I wanted easy hookups and I'm heavily autistic and relationships are a chore for me, I can't connect with people but wanted sex so being able to fuck someone and just block them after is ideal for me
Oddly enough it was me who did the cutting off, blocking, etc especially when they wanted to get serious. I never really experienced the "inevitable hurt" you're talking about. I'm not saying this behavior is healthy or anything by all means, I was and still am mentally ill af but sometimes it did feel like a punch in the face to men when you play their own game, they catch feelings and it's you who hurts them
No. 1235963
>>1235952Yep. Brutalism is supposed to be functional, not flashy. Good urban planning can make it look nice.
>>1235955Agreed. Brutalist architecture did solve a lot of housing problems, after all.
No. 1235986
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Jarritos is better than coke, Fanta etc. especially the cola one, my mouth waters just looking at picrel.
Only place I can get them down under is over $5 a bottle at fast food Mexican places which sucks.
No. 1236017
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>>1235986It might be worth trying Red Bull cola. It's made with natural ingredients instead of being chemical slurry like Coca Cola or Pepsi. I don't usually drink coke because I think it tastes like coal tar but I can never resist buying a can of Red Bull cola if I see it for sale.
No. 1236044
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Men are THE petty psycho bitches
They will literally claim they’re drama free then make a rate/scale based on looks and attractiveness which is the most “mean girl” thing ever lol
No. 1236069
>>1236002It's not really a population size question but a race question, but no one wants to admit it.
At the moment Africa is doing its best at disproving basic evolutionary principles and people are starting to wonder why the most backward people are bound to inherit the earth.
No. 1236091
>>1236057Can anons tell me about SA more?
My idiotic sibling is e-dating a moid 5 years younger than her (because she has the same maturity as some 18yo) and he is trying to disconnect her from her family, making her lie, avoid everyone, etc. What do you expect from moids from this shithole? He even made her leave a job so she is wasting her time playing vidyas and being babysitter by her own mother who cooks, works two jobs, cleans and takes care of the garden.
No. 1236092
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>>1236054Reminds me of this article. Many people have drawn this conclusion, that testosterone/males in general are the root cause of the world's problems. No. 1236217
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Mexican snacks were good until they drowned everything in chamoy
No. 1236264
>>1235992The amount of men less than 35 who come to me for their ED makes me feel sorry for all the young women who want children and/or satisfying sex with a moid. And yes all of them wank to porn frequently and it never occurs to them that they did this to themselves.
Good luck to those seeking a non coomer moid.
No. 1236270
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D'Angelo Wallace is an FtM. The soft/rounded facial features, the singsong voice with the slightly froglike tone underneath the deepness, the body language, the eyes, the dainty hands and body, the "soft boy" fashion style. It all seems so obvious, this is a girl on T. I'm surprised no one's ever said anything, I can't unsee it
No. 1236337
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>>1236331nona i am very sorry…
No. 1236424
>>1236321I don't think it's literal CP but I think it can easily turn regular coomers into actual pedos. Coomers love to say that pedos having access to lolicon shit is actually good because it means that 'they won't offend on real kids' but I've never seen any actual support for that at all. If anything, constantly getting off to drawings of children just strengthens the association between children and sexual pleasure so there's more risk that they'll start seeking out actual CP eventually, even if they didn't start out as a pedo.
I've seen this happen before on some 4chan generals I used to go to, with coomers who started as lolicons who hate 3DPD, then they start 'memeing' about the real thing, and then it turns out that it wasn't a joke and they've become actual pedos because they've been obsessing over fucking fictional kids for years (I've seen a similar thing happen with bestiality too). So because of that I think that the shota/loli shit can be really harmful even if it's not on the same level as actual CP, porn seriously rots the brain.
No. 1236538
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>>1236536You missed the discussion on this like 12 hours ago you're right tho
No. 1236548
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I really dislike banners that are just static, images instead of gifs. We have a lot of well done banners that are gifs and they are more often my favourite. However with image banners It's often just a poor quality image, not a properly sized or a stretched out image which just unappealing along with just some text slapped on, sometimes barely visble. Banner rules be dammed. People want low quality banners and out with the cow/ old banners that we had for years because they find them ugly/ inappropriate or just don't know the cow in the banner e.g. pixyteri. Picrel is a banner that some want to be in the banner rotation while we do have one Yotsuba which is fine as it is milk related, I just associate her to 4Chan and honestly the banner is a low effort one compared to other banners admissions
No. 1236557
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>>1236536>most men are terrible in bed I wish this where true but unfortunately I’m still lusting after my dirtbag shithead ex from 6 years ago because he had a huge dick and he fucked like a clairvoyant nymphomaniac on acid. Yes I know I’m pathetic. He dumped me so many times and I’d always come running back like an asshole because my pussy growls at the mere thought of him.
No. 1236588
>>1236536God forbid women want to have sex, it means there’s something wrong with them. Absolutely disgusting for a woman to crave intercourse. Omg you’re an idiot.
>>1236584It’s been 9 years anon you gotta let go
No. 1236601
>>1236536I almost used to do it for that minimum amount of social interaction that comes with it… that's how isolated and poorly socialised I've been and that's me being painfully honest about a low point I'd reached. I'd rather just be a sexless hermit with a dildo now lol. It didn't fulfill me sexually or in any other way really if I'm honest. It was a whole lot of risk for very little pay off. The older I get the more that sinks in.
I mean there were rare exceptions. I had two genuinely good lovers. I lied to myself about the rest att but two stand out as being decently good. I'll keep those memories and use them when needed.
No. 1236619
>>1236594Oh you’re
crazy crazy
No. 1236632
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>>1236621Anyone ever noticed how fat his ass is?
No. 1236644
>>1236636So is that specifically your argument? That the strict parameters of what you’re bitching about are “but
only women who have casual sex with men who are fumbling and take two minutes and then leave.” That’s such a specific scenario. I’m just tired of seeing the same loser anon talk in circles about how inferior anons are for having sex. Like shut up you’re obnoxious.
No. 1236661
>>1236660Take your medication, Roman
Take a short vacation, Roman
You'll be okay
No. 1236666
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>>1236660It’s always the same shit in every thread. I’m just here laughing over my sketty.
No. 1236711
>>1236536 posted almost exacty this post already a few times within the past months. Including with the same responses.
No. 1236749
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No. 1236750
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>>1236743What's so funny about a combo
No. 1236769
>>1236759>subhuman whoreOops, the mask fell off! But I thought you said nobody said those things?
>>1236690 I’m sorry that you despise other women who are more attractive than you. We always knew that this is what it was all about so thanks for the confirmation. Can you stop with the weekly spergfests now? I know you’d love us to all be inside dildoing ourselves so that you can feel better about being a socially defunct virgin.
No. 1236773
>>1236769>taking shitposts seriouslyI was parodying your unhinged sperg post from earlier here:
>>1236660. I thought you were just joking, were you serious this whole time with the "getting dick" and seething about other women? Damn, I'm actually sorry if so. You have problems that I don't know how to address or approach, but not chimping out at online strangers might help you significantly
No. 1236789
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>>1236773I was just trying to bait you and it worked kek. Why don’t you fuck off now? You’re obviously seething because nobody agrees with you.
No. 1236795
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>>1236789I'm not seething, though. If you didn't like the words "subhuman whore" in our little ERP, even though you used them first, you should've let me know and I would've just avoided it you silly thing. You do seem to have been genuinely angry these past few posts if I'm to take
>>1236769 at face value, so I'm sorry to have hurt you, though I don't understand where you're coming from. I hope we can be friendly next thread, ily
No. 1236800
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I thought you guys were in love what happened
No. 1236809
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Beds need too much fabric! Bedskirts, mattress covers, fitted sheet, top sheet, duvet, duvet cover, pillow cases, shams, comforter. Why so much for something so simple?
No. 1236841
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>>1236829Reeee virgin, use a dildo you lesbian
No. 1237024
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>>1236231It's not even just white people, it's Hispanics catering to what they think white people like. there's a Mexican dessert place not far from me that makes these puke inducing mango chamoy smoothies, on top of that someone gave me what I thought was going to be some awesome watermelon candy just to have the fucking bag drowned in chamoy, lo and behold cheap processed chamoy covered sugary garbage seems to be the only sweet stuff available at Mexican grocery stores now. I actually liked chamoy but it's so overplayed now and is making everything inedible
No. 1237100
>>1236474Oh fuck yes.
I love the taste of hot tap water.
You have to stop drinking it though nonna
You’re only supposed to consume cold water cause hot tap water picks up all the metals and lead and stuff in the pipes and then you drink that
No. 1237112
>>1237024>it's Hispanics catering to what they think white people like. This might be one of the most retarded takes I've read here.
t. Mexican
No. 1237425
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When nonas say whore/cunt/bitch as an insult you sound like a scrote. I realize these words have been so normalized and in use for who knows how long but you’re degrading your own body and gender, just stop.
No. 1237686
>>1237611Fair enough,
nonny. Sorry if I was an asshole but it's hard to tell between people who genuinely believe in gender and sex as separate entities and people who just get them confused.
I'm an autist so that doesn't help matters, kek. No. 1239270
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I hate demure, cutsey, pure, shy girls. I don’t know how else to describe them. People, especially guys (but girls too) simp over these types of women and it’s cringe
They always act all oblivious to the fact that they have a bunch of orbiters but in reality I think they are acting overly coy on purpose and are just doing it to stir up all the attention.
No. 1240245
i like the idea of 4chan hate threads. i know it’s low bar and would probably attract more of their native moids, but the reddit hate thread is too quiet for my tastes and a lot of it is internalized misogyny from women which is just sad. i want to mock vitriolic failscrotes more often.
>>1240231i agree with this nonna i hate seeing women vs women.
No. 1240266
>>1240231Its not just feminists, from my time online in various leftist online spaces, It seems many western leftists, communists and anarchists seem to have massive delusions of insurgency and battle, like literally the inbred ans illiterate goat shaggers of my nation aren't as retarded to just go to the capital and try to change things with a gun, cause they'd know they would be shot and killed at worse and arrested and beaten half to death at best
Its perplexing just how delusional these people can seem to be, its not even comical at a point, its just cringe inducing
No. 1240270
>>1240231I agree. I hate how callous everyone in that thread is being and how they seem to not really understand much of anything. All the horrible "solutions" being posted there
"just stop working!".
If you want to have a discussion about women's rights or feminism, lolcow isn't the place for it.
No. 1240324
>>1240266They're not telling you to literally go, grab a gun and shoot random people like an incel, you dumbass. They're trying to get the point across that you can't have big changes without violence, and eventually (not necessarily now) there'll be a point where our only option for positive change will be revolution. They're basically telling people not to be afraid of using violence to fight back against the state, if necessary, they're trying to agitate and radicalize. It's not delusional to say that you can't get shit done if you just ask nicely to the people who hold all the power and money, it's being realistic. All your life you've been brainwashed to think that voting is the only thing you need to have the government give you what you want or need, but naturally that's bullshit made up to keep people from taking their rights by force (as they should). You've been brainwashed to think that violence is always bad and that only someone stupid would suggest revolting against the government.
>like literally the inbred ans illiterate goat shaggers of my nation aren't as retarded to just go to the capital and try to change things with a gun, cause they'd know they would be shot and killed at worse and arrested and beaten half to death at best Because being afraid of state repression (which is used by governments even at peaceful protests) is natural. It's one of the many ways in which the state keeps common people submissive and not agressive. Besides, a single retard with a gun won't change shit, obviously, people need to organize and prepare a lot for a revolution big and strong enough to topple a government.
It's been proven time and time again that the threat of physical violence is an effective method to get what the people want. Much more effective than just waiting forever for politicians to do things that go against their interests.
No. 1240339
>>1240330You brought up the poster in the roe v wade thread that was telling everyone to go get a gun and march down to Washington to shoot up the place , to which I responded that person is a male shill trying to persuade nonnies and stir up emotions. Those tactics are used on 4chins and other psyop forums. Even here in this post
>>1240324 the shill is trying to persuade you and even admits that poster is just wanting to "agitate" everyone and radicalize them
No. 1240348
>>1240326>There was an anon in here who called you out for coming this thread and trying to start your grassroots bullshit againIf you mean me
>>1240324 that was literally my first post ever on this site talking about revolution and violence. Also I literally said that isolated acts of terrorism are retarded and do nothing but affect innocent people. Surprise surprise more than one person agrees that violence is not always bad and is justified sometimes, such as when a revolution happens (and it won't happen again anytime soon).
However I also know that encouraging potential shooters would be bad for the site, so I usually don't say anything about it and stay out of related discusisons, not to mention that lolcow is a terrible place to discuss politics.
>>1240339>even admits that poster is just wanting to "agitate" everyone and radicalize themNo, I was talking specifically about the kind of people that
>>1240266 was talking about, not about the poster that was telling everyone to commit a mass shooting, who I agree needs to shut up and fuck off.
No. 1240350
>>1240339I got that part. What confused me was when you said
>There was an anon in here who called you out for coming this thread and trying to start your grassroots bullshit againbecause this is the first time I have ever mentioned feminism in this thread. But looking at
>>1240348I assume you were referring to them and not me. Regardless, anyone who falls for these "radicalization" efforts is either too young or too gullible to be using the Internet. I guess this speaks to the larger society and how easy it is to divide and conquer.
No. 1240356
>>1240324again can you give me at least 2 specific violent and radical actions cause you western radicals continuously give vauge platitudes of stuff that never gives anywhere
Also I assure you that will never have to go though a revolution, revolutions happens when your nations military incompetent and stupid and can get crashed by a bunch of goat shaggers ans tribesmen with d hunting rifles, any nation with a real army doesn't have to worry that shit
My nation is a Frankenstein abomination ans there laterally hundreds of thousands of Individuals in groups that want to disband it and its never gonna happen cause our nation has a good army
Revolutions happen with shitty arab and African countries that have shit militaries
No. 1240367
>>1240356NTA It's not that a revolution in the US is impossible
theoretically but you would need at least several hundreds of
thousands of people,
armed and willing to fight, in order to pose a serious revolutionary threat. This is not very practical for the time being, and that is why those who advocate for violence are out of touch with reality.
No. 1240482
>>1240399I think you underestimate some of the difficulties, logistical and tactical, that the US military would have fighting within its own country. They spent over fifteen years fighting rice farmers in Vietnam and
still couldn't stop the flow of communism, which was their objective. We couldn't stop the Taliban from taking over Afghanistan without throwing billions of dollars away. So imagine a populace that is among the most armed citizenry (and we've got
good arms) in the world and so adamantly defends its right to own firearms that it lets moids commit mass shootings with upwards of 60
victims without making any considerable changes (they did recently, but not as a direct effect of the events that I'm referring to). Then they have to deal with the vastness of the country and the diversity of climates and geography that not every member in the armed forces would be familiar with. These factors alone would make squashing a rebellion of hundreds of thousands of armed guerrilla fighters a fairly formidable task. I'm not saying that it
can't be done, but in doing so, the residues of the ideology which spurred the motion would leave the country volatile for decades. But I digress, the closest thing we've had to a revolution in America was 160 years ago, so any chance of a repeat event occurring is
exceedingly small, but not zero.
No. 1240485
>>1240482Samefagging, before any
nonny assumes I am pro-violence, I agree that a bunch of terminally online communists, femcels, and /pol/tards could never initiate a revolution.
No. 1240608
>>1240367Only that those who advocate for violence are trying to make it happen sooner, is what I was trying to say. They're not calling for a revolution literally tomorrow (although there are some delusional ones who truly think it's that easy)
No. 1240816
>>1240810What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Youre fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 1241319
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Not sure if unpopular but super baby kittens are ugly, then they get extremely cute for a few weeks at picrel stage and still a bit wobbly, then they get meh and finally go back to being really cute as adults
No. 1241334
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>>1241319all cats are cute
No. 1241427
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>>1241334>>1241322Sorry nonni I’m just not seeing it
No. 1241504
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I feel like some pro choice people make those of us who have had abortions look like we're irresponsible and heartless. The way they talk about getting an abortion like it's this fun, easy thing to do- you would think it's easier than getting a flu shot. It's funny because a lot of people who advocate for it so aggressively never even had one. And I'm not a doctor but I feel like if there's forms of birth control, plan Bs, and surrogacy that can leave you with health problems what makes these people think abortions won't harm your body in any way? Is there even research being done on this? Do they even give a fuck if a woman who got an abortion will want a child eventually? These are questions I really want answers to as I had to abort my baby because it was a high risk pregnancy (my abusive ex socked me in the stomach and I started to bleed). Will I be able to have a kid if I want? I feel like if I ask this though I will told that I am saying right wing propaganda about abortions but genuinely I am just concerned about effects it will have on my body. Why not advocate for men to save their sperm and get vasectomies? They can fuck all they want and decide exactly who they want to impregnate but for some reason all that responsibility falls on the woman according to libfems AND conservatives. Awesome. I just want these aggressively pro choice people who never even gotten abortions to shut the fuck up. Please. Let those of us who went through speak on it. Make support groups for us because this shit isn't some cute fun experience like it seems to be painted like.
These pro choice people always show how they really feel too when they discover a pro life woman had one or if a woman is pro choice only in cases of rape or incest. They will say how she is a hypocritical slut who is going to keep getting abortions in foreign countries like WTF? I thought we were all rape victims now it's mainly rich conservative sluts getting them? I just really wish people who never got one would shut the fuck up. You make us look bad. You make what we went through look like a joke. Some people believe life begins at conception. I'm not talking about sexist men who want women to carry their baby but actual people who think that fetus is a life. Saying "it's just a clump of cells" doesn't help anybody, it just makes us look like cold blooded baby killers. Because if two women are pregnant at 10 weeks, one has an abortion and the other has a miscarriage, we understand that the miscarried baby was not just a "clump of cells" but will act like the woman who got the abortion is just fine. Like they are suffering similarly mentally and physically why try to act like theyre not? Dehumanizing the fetus doesn't make abortion easier on the woman getting it. When pro choice people talk about it in such crass ways it just makes me feel more ashamed of myself. When ur pregnant there is a tiny life growing inside you, you get all these mommy hormones that make you attached to this "thing" even if you can't take care of it or won't be able to carry it to term. It fucking hurts. I have 3 friends who opened up to me about their abortions and it's a similar consensus that it's a difficult thing to go through. I'm for abortion in cases of teen/child pregnancy, rape, incest, medical reasons, and if the woman simply does not want or can't care for it. Nobody should have babies they don't want. We need better sex ED desperately. I just want pro choice people who never had one to sit down and stop putting their foots in their mouths. I'd rather a psychopath who had 10 abortions speak on it than some idiot who has never got one. Theyre very uncouth in their approach and don't seem to actually care about women at all. I especially can't stand men on either side of the issue. Like I said vasectomies and sperm saving are an option but they are too entitled and would rather make decisions over women and our bodies. Like of course pro choice dudes want to be able to make any girl they knock up get an abortion, of course pro life dudes want to force women to have babies. They're one in the same because if that pro choice man finds a woman he wants to trap you bet he will force her to keep it, that pro life man will definitely force a woman who is not his wife to get one. But "men can have babies" now so I'm not surprised at all things are turning out the way they are. Kinda hard to give a fuck about abortion if it's a bunch of mentally cross dressers and women who never had one yelling over each other (and over women who have had one).
No. 1241618
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>>1241504I agree. I also hate the women making it all about themselves even though they will never get or need an abortion in their life. I've had an abortion before but I cringe hard at things like picrel of women acting like they were stripped of every single human right in the book, even though they obviously don't understand how the bill works at all
No. 1241686
>>1241631Tbh her response is pretty common among women who've had abortions where they didn't really have much choice. I've seen it before. They become either staunchly anti abortion or they become this weird mix of 50/50 views where they skate the line in ways that don't make sense.
It's hard to tell a traumatized woman to step back and see her own trauma being projected onto everyone and everthing else
No. 1241750
>>1241666He started being
abusive when I got pregnant. I was totally blindsided because we were friends for a few years, our parents were friends back in the day, and he was never even
toxic to me beforehand. But I know it's kinda common for men to become
abusive during pregnancy because the attention isn't on them
Anyways he still hit me after the abortion. My family lived on the other side of the country but when they found out what was happening they came and got me and my dad almost killed him. So I'm ok now.
>>1241631I know that but would you say it to a woman who miscarried? "It's just a clump of cells" and honestly do you think women who have had abortions wanna hear that? Some of us actually felt attached to that "clump" and hearing shit like that can kinda make it feel like your shame is for a legit reason. Because you killed a baby. Dehumanizing language just makes you sound cold and barbaric to people. If you had one and if that type of rhetoric makes you feel better than go for it but I'm sick of men and women who never went through it telling me it was just a clump of cells like I know it couldn't feel anything that doesn't mean it doesn't fucking hurt mentally to grow attached to something but know you can't care for it. People aren't robots.
No. 1241753
>>1241640The oppression Olympics is strong af and the snowflakes of reddit and Twitter really can't make every little thing about how everything effects them. It wouldn't even surprise me that the flakes crying about how the roe vs wade overturn is literally murdering them are infertile, gay or not even having sex at all. Abortion is already extremely, extremely rare and you can still get plan c in the mail, plan b in the store and birth control is very easily accessible for crying out loud.
I've also been seeing women on Reddit claim that the law would make D&Cs illegal and that D&Cs are the exact same thing as an abortion, which also simply isn't true
i was easily able to get a D&C for a miscarriage in a state where abortion was highly illegalEveryone is just assuming the absolute worse of the bill and then making it about how "scared" they are since somehow the bill would…prevent medical care from a miscarriage?
No. 1241756
>>1241750> I'm sick of men and women who never went through it Nta and I get why you feel this way but
nonnie this is all about you needing to process something very personal to you. Stop thinking women who havent been through the exact same shit as you (yet) need to shut up and not speak on these matters. Sorry life handed some shit to you but this isn't how to cope with it.
No. 1241767
>>1241750>People aren't robots.I think that's why it's important to speak factually about these things. It's not a child, it's not a person, it's not a baby. There's no emotions or thoughts in there. It quite literally is a collection of cells without anything that makes someone a someone in the first place.
The questions is how we want to weigh the rights of this entity against the rights of the mother, who is a human being with a personality and thoughts and emotions and a life.
I think the point of talking about a lump of cells is not to minimize the experiences of women who have abortions or miscarriages, but to focus the discussion on what the real objective stakes are, so a rational discourse can be had about what to do about the situation.
No. 1241769
>>1241756This is why people don't give a fuck about abortion though. It's just women who never even had one saying crude shit and LGBTQ people screaming that men need abortions. Then people stop focusing on the original message that women and girls who have been raped or
victims of incest need one. That some women can't care for their children and how horrible the quality of life would be. No all people hear is some girl joking about yeeting a fetus and some nonbinary idiot crying about how trans men can have babies. Like nobody's even focusing on the original message anymore. That's why I'm saying women who went through it need to speak up. I'm allowed to cringe at these retards who made this issue look like a joke. I think they need to shut up. I'm allowed to feel that way
No. 1241778
>>1241768That’s really naive of you to think. Do you know what Texas had in place
before Roe was overturned? This is most likely the beginning, the floodgates opening.
No. 1241794
>>1241786NTA but one of what? She literally said abortions should be available for all women.
>I'm for abortion in cases of teen/child pregnancy, rape, incest, medical reasons, and if the woman simply does not want or can't care for it. Nobody should have babies they don't want.Women who've never had a single abortion in their life and think it means nothing, and narcissistic trannies making everything about themselves just makes all pro-choice people look like shitheads, and it ultimately harms women who've actually gotten them or are pregnant
No. 1241816
>>1241808"Men can get pregnant too (because I'm a woman but I really want to be a man pls don't ruin this for me)" doesn't help anyone. It's pure narcissism.
>holding your abortion above other women and telling them to shut up… how many women have had abortions and never told a soul? How the fuck can you tell?When did she do this, and what do you mean "How can you tell"? It's not a philosophical question. If you haven't had an abortion, your voice shouldn't overpower women who actually have that experience. It's that simple
No. 1241818
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>>1241769This. It feels like those women aren't even speaking about abortion. They just want to antagonize moids and refuse to help other women. No. 1241870
>>1241850Not OP but she is right that terminally online takes and transgenderism are making women abandon feminist activism. But
>>1241859 is right. Let's all hate men together.
No. 1242448
>>1242421my last relationship to a T. When we were breaking up he said he didn't get enough attention from me LMAO. Also his excuse for cheating. Modern young men have brainrot from cooming/simping for ethots. They have no understanding of loyalty, or delayed gratification. Even men with no history of cheating, who are vocally against it and know what it feels like to be cheated on or even just undervalued, will immediately cave when any woman besides their gf gives them attention, because it
triggers the rat-lever in their brains formed by years of constantly shoving their hands down their pants every time they see an image of a woman online. They are so defective that whatever moral code they think they might have is easily overwritten. I compared them to rats in a Skinner box, but that's unfair to rats, because rats didn't build the box themselves.
No. 1242463
>>1242459Zoomers take it to a whole new level though. Men were always
abusive and neglectful but at least
abusive and neglectful in the past didn't turn around and give other women the amount of attention their gf is begging for. Zoomer girls deal with their man gawking at other women almost daily it's sad, at least other women were able to go days without their man simping for other women, zoomers can't do that.
No. 1242583
>>1242149For real, I hate that men are treating this as an avenue to try and get laid
No. 1242803
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>>1235781Ayrt, I chose that picture mainly because most people whom I've spoken to and who said they liked brutalism associate brutalism with soviet architecture and panel blocks. But either way, I would argue that brutalism encompasses soviet concrete blocks, they're a direct spawn of the movement and they share a lot of traits, as you've mentioned. There are things to like about brutalism (exploiting the proprieties of concrete in order to create interesting forms) and there are also things to hate about it (horrible environmental impact, the tendency to wear down in a not-so-aesthetically pleasing way).
You seem to be a rare case of someone who does know about architecture and its recent history, I was mainly talking in my original post about uneducated people who think they're cool if they like controversial architecture.
Is there an architecture thread on any of the boards? I feel like it'd be fun to have one
No. 1242902
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Pop culture and high schools might meme it to death, but Shakespeare's "To be or not to be" speech is possibly the greatest literary work
To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
No. 1242917
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>>1242864>the “I’m poopin” poseYou mean slav squatting or what?
No. 1243033
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>>1242917Whatever this shit is
Can’t make a collage right now with the variations but you get the gist
No. 1243038
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>>1243033Another example
I see zoomers do this on Depop and Instagram
No. 1243783
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>>1243765Yeah, because there's like 1000x more of it when it's fresh
No. 1243816
>>1243800I have a health condition that shreds my nails down to the beds when my natural nails get wet a layer of poly gel sealing them. Maintained regularly stops the painful peeling every time I shower.
>>1243801I like the clicking too. They don’t even have to be long since I like to lift. Just the barest edge and click click click.
No. 1244225
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>>1243800A lot of anons say this, but honestly I love having long nails and I love seeing talented nail techs and beautiful nail art. I do my own nails and it's like a hobby for me. I don't have the same view on all cosmetics as the rest of this site though.
Right now my nails are around the length of picrel, which is actually pretty short for me. Spoilered for the anons who are
triggered by fake nails kek
No. 1244230
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>>1244225nta but i wish i could feel more comfortable with longer nails. like picrel looks nice and has a nice length i think (i hate the square shape in your pic kek) but anything longer than a few millimeters feels gross and disgusting to me. i also find it gross when people cut off the entire white part of the nail so the nail digs into their skin, but that's not my problem so whatever. having nails that are just sliiightly too long always makes me feel like some unhinged witch in the woods, or like a werewolf with claws. idk what's wrong with me.
No. 1244251
>>1244248i really mean the white part at the tip that a lot of people cut off completely.
i'm glad i never had to bother with cuticles, so even if i can't have pretty long nails, at least i don't have to worry about that? i guess it all evens out in the end.
No. 1244267
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>>1244225I also love having long nails. Not fake ones, I grow my own out, but there's just something about them that feels so good… doing regular activities and gestures with your hands suddenly feels nicer and I guess more elegant and luxurious? Like you've got fancy elongated hands which couldn't possibly perform manual labour.
I'm not attached to my nails though, I cut them right down and regrow them regularly. There are pros and cons to both lengths, sometimes I've gotta do manual labour after all I'm not actually a chinese concubine.
No. 1244295
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>>1244267As a top I don’t do long fingernails anymore. Wear them in my stead nonna I bet you look gorgeous.
No. 1244299
>doing regular activities and gestures with your hands suddenly feels nicer and I guess more elegant and luxurious? Yes! I just feel more graceful and mindful of how I move. It sounds ridiculous but doing my skincare routine is one of the highlights of my day because, although I hate doing it, I love how my hands look kek.
No. 1244353
>>1244203Agreed so much, I don't judge people for not liking foods, I've known people who will politely eat stuff even though it's extremely miserable for them and I don't think they should have to do that, but people who feel the need to look at what you're eating and go "ewwwww you like that??? that's so gross"
gagging noise. Or they have to go out of their way to read out something on a menu they don't like and say "Definitely not ordering that!!" like bitch who asked? It's so childish.
No. 1244363
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>>1244225>I love seeing talented nail techs and beautiful nail artSame. I follow a good chunk of celebrity nail techs that work with idols and others. It's really cool to see what they can do. Personally, I like designs that range from tacky duck nails to designs such as:
>>1244267>>1244230>>1244225I'd like to try getting mine done one day, but until then I will stick to looking at pretty and unique nails online.
>>1244203My mom is getting pickier as she's getting older and it's kind of a nightmare when it's time to ask what we all want to eat. We try to go based off what my mom wants or is currently craving, but she ends up telling us, "I'll just eat whatever ya'll get." I get so annoyed because that means she won't be happy while she's eating and later on, she's going to end up hungry again because she barely ate whatever it is we had. Sometimes I just want to strangle her and ask, "Why don't you just say what you want the first time so you're full and satisfied!" She's like a child sometimes. It's not always like this though there are times where she will state what she wants so I guess I should at least be grateful for that.
No. 1244427
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I would choose not to act.
I think people who wouldn't hesitate to personally murder one person to rescue 5 unlucky people are mildly sociopathic. By that logic we should have a lottery system where a certain percent of people have their organs forcibly harvested to save people with organ failure. It's just trading one life for five right? No big deal. I think it's dangerous to view human lives as purely a numbers game. I think it's better to have ideals bigger than "beep boop 1<5 time to die because math 001101001".
No. 1244465
>>1244433And then they never stfu about how they were "an abused man" and use it as an excuse to make insane demands and expect accommodations made from women they're currently with. Hell they will literally be cheated on in HIGH SCHOOL and use it as an excuse to be insanely controlling to every woman they're with or just cheat because "I sussed she was the one cheating doe". Once you convinced men they're
victims they believe they'll never be the abuser and always the
victim No. 1244556
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>>1228392what if it was YOU who didn't have any butter for your un seasoned fish and waffle with disgusting brown cheese
No. 1244575
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Extremely unpopular opinion: believe it or not, this was not a pedophile soft core porn movie. It was a well written script by a Senegalese woman about her own experiences growing up.
Men saying this is soft core porn need to just admit they have a Madonna complex and cannot see the female race only falling into two categories: pure females OR sexually available female AKA whores.
I’m going to break this down with many spoilers.
This movie isn’t about dancing. There is probably ten minutes worth of dance scenes. This is about a girl choosing between two worlds: Her ultra conservative religious Senegalese family OR the overly sexualized French society.
The movie starts out with her Muslim mother finding out that her father is marrying a second wife, and how her mother has to bottle up how this is tormenting her. The main character, Amy, grows to hate her father for this, and rebels against her family. She does so by finding a group of girls who are clearly over sexualized by social media. She starts to dress in racey clothing and hang out with them.
At some point, she finds out that her dad is having a wedding and she has to help out and prepare for it. This includes her wearing a traditional Senegalese dress which is more covering that the crop tops she’s been wearing with her friends.
The wedding happens to be the same day as tbe dance competition. Of course she ditches the wedding to do the dance competition but starts crying at the end of
it because she realizes that everything’s been leading up to this point and her acting sexualized isn’t what she wanted or what makes her happy.
She runs home to her mom where here Auntie starts berating her and calling her a whore for dressing like pic related.
Finally, her mom, who has been too busy dealing with the torment of her husband tbe whole movie to help her daughter speaks up and tells the Auntie to shut up and leave her alone. She tells her daughter she doesn’t have to go to her fathers wedding of his second wife.
She looks at the Senegalese dress on the bed and thinks about wearing it, to finally conform to her family’s values. She walks towards her dads wedding but we can’t see what she’s wearing.
She doesn’t wear it, and she walks past his wedding. She’s not wearing the crop top, either.
She’s wearing normal jeans and a regular blouse. She walks over to the kids playing jump rope. She starts to jump rope with them and for the first time looks truly happy.
If you didn’t get it:
This movie is about how and 11 year old is incapable of navigating sexuality, and now there are no reliable guides for them in our society on the matter. They can only see in black and white. All she can see is two options: be treated like an object by her ultra religious conservative family, where men can have two wives and women don’t choose how tbe dress, or choose the other option: be a “liberated sexual being!!”
The final moments in the movie show how she finally figured it out: to go out and PLAY like a CHILD, and to dress how other children dress.
She was able to do so because her mom finally had time to guide her by accepting her and forgiving her for wanting to dress sexually, and admitting that her fathers wedding was wrong.
It’s honestly beautiful and the ending made me cry.
No ones going to know that though because people are perpetuating the problem of the movie: only seeing things in black and white , and acting like all women are sexual objects.
No. 1244637
>>1244634Samefag but
>>1244575 how do you defend the director claiming the movie wasn't aimed at pedos?
No. 1244725
>>1244580Kek I used to love it but you're right. One interesting thing is how it shows the difference between male and female depression… Bojack treats everyone horribly and ruins lives but is still an uwu
victim, Diane does far less but gets a ton of hate for being "annoying"
No. 1244897
>>1244876gay men are some of the most openly misogynistic men there are, idk how any woman can think they are an ally.
Sometimes I wonder if women just root for moids (be it gay men in drag or in a case like in Johnny Depp) because doing that is easier than accepting that most males who're all around us are evil and dangerous to us women.
No. 1244941
>>1244911Yep, my dad is a faggot (was closeted until I was 12) and he completely ignored my sister and I growing up but spend thousands of dollars and many many weekends enjoying hobbies with my brother. One day it hit me that my dad's a misogynist. I think it was because he described a woman we know as "disgusting." I was like oh, of course, faggots hate women.
>>1244910I think a lot of gay men seethe because women get the attention of hetero men that they so desperately want but cannot get. Honestly that sounds like it sucks. Kek
No. 1244983
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I kind of like tabis but I hate how yonic they look
No. 1244985
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>>1244947I read 10 volumes and I also thought it was overrated. There was not one moment that got me hooked, I just kept reading and pushing through because everyone kept praising it. I don't mind the violence at grim darkness of it, but it was just kinda boring. I don't like high fantasy that much anyway and I thought the world building was kinda messy; getting into nitpicking territory, I hated how the mixed medieval and baroque clothing (and some industrial horror elements for the cenobite like creatures of the hand) without much rhyme or reason, felt kinda cheap, like a high school play that grabs whatever "period clothes" they can get without any further knowledge.
Also manga Griffith is ugly.
No. 1245046
Berserk is overrated scrote shit and Griffith looks like a frog with Downs.
No. 1245083
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>>1244606I don't know
nonny, I feel like bojack actually gets what he deserves in the last season, spoiler but he actually ends in jail, and everybody is disgusted by his actions. The second to last episode is honestly amazing
I agree tho that the first season is really meh, and anyone who sympathies or relate to bojack (mostly if it's a man) is a walking red flag
No. 1245105
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>>1245087In my opinion yes, but again, the first season is kind of mediocre, but each season it gets better, also it has Princess Carolyn, the best character in the series, I love her so much
And in the beginning it feels like it's excusing bojack, but the more episodes you watch and the more fuck ups he make, the less forgiving the series is of him
Also, characters like Diane have amazing monologues
No. 1245236
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I love minion memes. I actually love boomer memes as long as they're neither scrotey nor Luddite.
No. 1245330
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>>1245307Yeah the American Netflix marketing team proved her point with that shitty poster. Here's the original poster.
No. 1245352
>>1245339Addressed that in first point, why even post your kids somewhere where there are pedos lurking? Does the photo really need to be shared that badly?
>>1245342Why does everyone on the internet think it's "caring too much" to have an opinion on anything? It took me 2 minutes max to type that. I do respect someone who wants to protect their kid's identity online, I just explained why I think that's a dumb way of going about it. "Dramatic" was the wrong word, sorry.
No. 1245361
>>1244941>a lot of gay men seethe because women get the attention of hetero men that they so desperately want but cannot getThis is 100% true
>>1244985>manga Griffith is uglyNot a Berserk reader but I agree. Everyone seems to lust after Griffith, even the manga version, but he just looks so ugly most of the time. Straight male scrotes generally don't know how to draw attractive men.
>>1245083>spoiler butkek
nonnie you could've used the literal
spoiler tags for this
No. 1245398
>>1245390You should be okay as long as it’s a simple image like a JPEG not anything layered like a TIFF. (I don’t even know if the farms supports layered images I’ve never tried) This mostly applies to people who use art programs, PS or expensive cameras with layered file formats. I will say if the meta data doesn’t update, make sure your EXIF data is deleted farmers. That’s a bigger concern and more likely to happen.
The anon earlier is right it’s rare and not likely to happen with photo editing, but I think it’s worth pointing out all the same.
No. 1245429
File: 1656532667405.gif (5.15 MB, 498x281, boobah-funny.gif)

Boo Bah's are better then Teletubbies, Barney and elmo is annoying.
No. 1245431
>>1245403Yes and save it as a jpeg or other compressed file format. That changes the way the image is saved.
>>1245418Windows desktop go to image properties. Click remove properties and personal information. Tell it you want a new copy with all personal data removed.
Mac you’ll need a program to do it on desktop. Only thing you can delete in properties is location.
Phone you’ll also need an app, but you can at least turn off geo tagging and location off your privacy settings.
No. 1245433
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Also this "Big Cheez it Taco" shit Taco bell is doing is gross. Cheez it crackers are disgusting and they won't taste better with more shit piled on top. Sorry Cheez Chan.
No. 1246207
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I don't feel bad about the fujos or yumes or whatever whining about being "bullied by the aidens" for liking anime boys while still acknowledging they're straight women because they "fetishize" or "erase" "MLM". If you're a legal adult and some retarded American zoomer girl's "I'M SO GAY I HATE CISHETS XD" cringe LARP makes you feel so bad about yourself that you feel the need to join in by claiming to be either a "gay trans boy" or a "lesbian struggling with comphet" then you're just a brainless sheep who needs to log off and go touch grass. If anyone tries to give you shit for being "cishet" just block them it's literally just Twiter or Tumblr.
No. 1246335
>>1246294I meant that it shouldn’t be on tv before 9 o’clock, for instance. Like saying “fuck”, But we should be able to freely call them mincers, poofters, flamers or anything else of the sort.
>>1246231I forgot about poofter. I shall add it to my repertoire.
No. 1246550
>>1225693People that make a big song and dance about pineapple on pizza are dumb. Same goes with "omg you like steak well done!?
clutches pearls. Meaningless, boring and void. Also meat and fruit is a thing: pork and apples, meatballs and berry jam, turkey and cranberry sauce.
No. 1247259
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Boobs are not
>just looking at them makes me feel horny
Levels of sexy, people only think they're sexy if the context is sexy, otherwise that person is a fucking degenerate that needs to seek help.
Boobs are just yet another part of the female body, I would even say that only a person is sexy if the context is sexy, otherwise it's just another good or decent looking person.
Being sexy is so subjective that I think sexy doesn't really exist as a fact, it's basically an idea that someone creates after being fed content that was labeled "sexy" that could be food, pictures of balloons, elbows and so much more.
"Sexy" has only made people think they're looking for a mate or something like that, but in reality, sexy is the last thing someone thinks about.
You could ask 50 people what they consider sexy, and I'm pretty sure that most responses would be vague, men don't count as people btw.
No. 1247277
>>1247259Seeing the masectomy represented reminded me. When I was a teen my mom had cancer and so had a mastectomy on one side. I was told I needed to be tested for a gene that greatly increases my own risk too.. so I was barely an adult and was going to maybe get a preventative double mastectomy if the results of the test showed the gene. You can always get a reconstruction done with implants after they take the tissue out but my mom never got one and I wasn't planning on it either. I was ready to throw out my bras and just move on.
In the end I didn't have to do it anyway. My mom actually died of her cancer despite all the treatment she took so I was pretty relieved to not have this fucked up gene. But it was weird how people reacted to any mention that I could give away my breasts to save my life in advance.. and that I wasn't sweating the thought of just not having sexy boobs. In that context like.. it's weird how much everyone else cared and not me. I buried my mom and I just wanted to not meet the same fate as her.. why were people worried about some hypothetical future man who is going to have no have boobs to play with should he date me. Like boo hoo. Don't date me then? It was kind of an eye opening time given they same people worried about my potential loss of sexy points were also mourning the loss of my mom with me.
No. 1247281
>>1247277I’m sorry about your mom anon. A lot of men leave their wives when they get sick in the first place it’s almost as high as 75% in burgerland. Men ain’t shit.
If for some reason this comes again please never get an implant. They increase the risk of returning cancer by 61% and can make it difficult to catch it early.
No. 1247411
>>1247325It's true, nudes can't be sexy out of a sexual context. I think that's also why looking at a random nude can cause a sort of visceral feeling of disgust, because it's a nude body, not something sexy to look at, only a complete degenerate would look at a random nude picture and think that it's sexy.
I still think that that doesn't mean people should go outside while nude though, not because it's sexual but because degenerates think it's sexual and consider it a form of consent when it isn't, being nude outside would also be retarded because men are disgusting so they never wash their asses, mixing that with how dirty is the world already, and all the bugs and stuff that could get under your skin just by walking outside barefoot on the wrong day, it would only result in a bunch of people dying from shit that could've been prevented by wearing some sandals and pants.
No. 1247437
>>1247422There are no "NPCs", but there are certainly people who don't really question anything, don't really have trouble feeling like they fit in wherever they are, and remain unaware (and happily so). I think it's fine to call a spade a spade, in that regard. The problems crop up when some individuals (usually moids) think those people being that way is a good reason to dehumanize them.
To be honest, the moment people started using "NPC" as anything but an insult, things went downhill
No. 1247529
>>1247454The risk of dating women is smaller. A women is a smaller physical threat in a fight. Female socialization makes the abuse different (not discounting the abuse). I was never worried about being raped or beaten to death by an
abusive ex girlfriend. Ex boyfriends absolutely. Picking the wrong woman isn’t nearly as likely to get you killed.
No. 1247531
>>1247494I would if I felt bad about it or it was hindering my life in some way. Like if I really wanted to fit in or had a secret inner personality that was desperate to be validated, that might suck, but I just don't. Like I'm not an asshole about it, I'm polite, try to be nice/helpful where I can, and generally keep a low profile.
Everyone is the "main character" of their stories, but not everyone can be a "main character" in the collective human story. Some people I think are better suited as a "support". (And imo, patriarchy is just the systematic oppression of women into this role, but some people are naturally suited for it).
>>1247511Yeah I can be generally well liked, even though people realize they don't know much about me and don't feel an emotional connection. It's not like I try really hard to befriend them or put myself out there or anything, so it naturally falls somewhere in acquaintanceship, which is fine.
I do find that people think I'm much more mysterious and have this whole inner world, but I don't. What you see is pretty much what you get. Some people appreciate the transparency.
No. 1247557
>>1247259I was just thinking that I wish women's breasts weren't seen as sexual because in summer it gets so hot that I wish I could just take off my shirt and be topless while in the backyard. But I can't do that in my own house because my neighbors might see me. The only place I can be topless is in my own bedroom with the windows closed. Then I thought about that pic of Ellen Page where she's in front of a pool topless, and how I'm kinda jealous of post-op TIFs whose breasts aren't sexualized anymore (which is often one of the reasons they transition, to escape the male gaze). It's not fucking fair how to get poeople to treat your breasts naturally you have to chop them off. Why do males fetishize female chests so much? I wish there was an easy way to change that.
>>1247277>why were people worried about some hypothetical future man who is going to have no have boobs to play with should he date me.Fucking this. It's so fucked up, I can't believe people are that sociopathic.
No. 1247597
>>1247587What do you define as
not soulless?
No. 1247709
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I hate this banner, it reminds me of the porn banners on 4chan.
and before any of you snow retards start yes I know this is from some thot/camgirl/prostitute you have a hate obsession with, still doesn't change that the banner is gross and porny.
No. 1247772
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When it comes to anachans, I really don't get the ones who are in it to pedo-pander (like Belle Delphine wannabes). The fucked up morals of it aside, you are ultimately starving yourself to attract this. Why? How is that a goal? Do you hate yourself so much that you don't think you're worthy of attractive males?
It's even weirder when they project these wants on other women and try to bash them for being "tall and mannish/troonlike/giant" or "short and fat/motherlike/thick" (depending on the pedopandering ana-chan in question's own height and personal insecurities, kek). Is there just some secret, collective goal for certain kinds of male-attracted women that I'm missing? I'm lost
No. 1247779
>>1247772i agree but you and others need to stop with these harmful stereotypes of ped0os only being old or ugly since it hurts
victims, because the person who tried to groom me was a average looking man in his twenties.
No. 1247813
>>1247799that's how you tell who's from twitter or underage.
>>1247802scene/emo shit is like catfishing.
No. 1247831
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I forgot one - Jimmy Urine from MSI. He's just unattractive, always has been, likely on purpose
No. 1248635
>>1248630The gay man thing is dumb as fuck, do you think women are seeking out gay men purposefully.
These men are closeted (aka pretend to be straight) so yes there are going to be women dating them since they dont know they're gay and its not the womans fault.
Instead maybe we should start shaming all the closeted men who lead women on,cheat on them an give them stds.
No. 1248656
>>1248630>The gays went from saying they're born this way to that anybody can change and be like them cus it's fluid for all of usA youtuber (that I hatewatch tbh) was discussing this lately. She announced after years of insisting she's a lesbian that she's actually crushed on men her whole life and had just repressed and denied it. She had always defended her lesbianism harder than anyone I think I've ever seen online so that is some intense denial. Then in the next line she says "well sexuality is fluid anyways so.." ffs you just said you were in denial? Which is it?
Ngl I've had some phases with my own orientation but I don't call it being fluid and I hate that sweeping statement about sexuality being subject to change at any moment. I don't think it really is fluid for anyone.. but I think theres a whole series of reasons why people just can't or wont explore sexual thoughts that were there the whole time.
No. 1248752
>>1248698Diff anon but one of my exes.. our sex life slowed down after a few years together. Part of it was the normal sloing down and part of it was him just not getting me off. He'd gotten real lazy about that. One day he landed me with the bombshell that he likes trannies, xdressers etc. He'd always liked anal and kinda resented us not doing it.. so he was horny for anyone with an asshole basically. Thanks for waiting years to tell me. I'm guessing this guy thought I'd panic and that I'd finally start giving him anal if I thought there was a risk of him leaving me for a tranny, a man or whoever else.. I just left instead. I'd already wasted years of my life on him so I wouldn't waste one more day on him.
His current partner is also a woman. They have a profile together on a swinging site. They are open to meeting up with.. anyone but 'ciswomen' I don't know if that's the gf feeling threatened by women but fuck me.. you're not bothered by all the tranny and man fucking then?
He wants to appear outwardly straight. He wants his family to think he is. He wants his coworkers to think he is. He wants his son (not mine) to think he is. He's one of those guys who'll fuck men but never date men so he's totally not gay… right?
No. 1248824
>>1248809Ok but men are retarded
Look at how many of them rather kill their wives, in the modern age, than divorce them
No. 1248914
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i think that whole central park incident where a woman had her life ruined because she told a black guy to leash his dog is a complete and utter circus and only retarded misogynists think that woman deserved to lose her job over it
this shit even has a wikipedia page so now this woman can literally never have her life and identity separated from a petty civil matter in which she technically committed no crime
No. 1248957
>>1248914I don't disagree that people take these "karen" incidents as an excuse to be misogynistic, but that woman was clearly a racist. And she's borderline strangling her dog in the video too.
Should've just minded her business and walked away or quietly called the cops if it truly concerned her. So she deserves it for being an idiot.
No. 1248985
he approached
her kek. While in Chicago some homeless black woman aggressively approached me and when I said I didn’t speak English she put her hands on me so I walked away. Am I racist for not wanting to deal with a crack addled maniac? Kek
>>1248957 No. 1248999
>>1248979Cornered and afraid in broad daylight at a crowded park? So instead of leaving you confront the threat? Lol.
You sound like a disingenuous troll but I'll respond anyway. Yes I have been harassed by moids, I don't think there's a woman on this planet who hasn't been.
I didn't stand there in front of the harasser, confront them, threaten to call the cops on them, and agitate them further.
She wasn't on the phone with the cops when she said what she said. There was no reason to say "I'm telling the police an African American man is threatening me!" other than clearly alluding to something more sinister.
As I said, if she was genuinely concerned about either an unleashed dog or le scary black man, she could've called the police privately and moved on.
>>1248985No? That's no where near the same, don't be a retard.
No. 1249005
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Nonnies remember not to take racebait, no matter how yummy it may seem.
No. 1249009
>>1248914I don't have a dog in this fight because I think the Karen topic is overdone and tired but
>Amy Cooper's dog was unleashed in the Ramble, an area where leashing is required; she allegedly refused Christian Cooper's request that her dog be leashedNo offense to dog people, but blegh. No idea why he tried to make the dog come towards him though.
No. 1249015
>>1249005I normally don't, I'm not even one of those people who is overly concerned with this topic. Just the issue of "karens" on here always gets so… suspicious…
If you're annoying, nosy, and racist I don't care what happens to you even if you're a woman. Whatever.
No. 1249042
>>1248914She lost me from the harsh, borderline
abusive way she held her dog, then lost me again when she put some weird stress on "African-American" when she said "I'm gonna tell them there's an African-American man threatening my life". She knew what she was doing, she wasn't fearing for her life. Wasn't she previously reported for neglecting/abusing her dog, too? And apparently, she's the one who refused to leash her dog, not the other way around. Sorry, not taking her side, this particular case isn't misogyny. I just feel bad for the dog in all this, he deserves a much more caring and responsible owner
No. 1249052
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Camila Cabelo is pretty and has a nice body
No. 1249061
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It's peh-cahn or pah-cahn, not pee-can.
All the southerners know
No. 1249071
>>1249065You literally tried to defend her using the race card to try and get someone in trouble (ironically, for asking that
she follow the law)
No. 1249382
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>>1249174Nope. I adore how old cars looked. They used to be like a beautiful body, full of curves and angles and not the gay, boring shit we have now.
No. 1249388
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>>1249382Motorbikes are still made with those details and it's easy enough to customize a bike to your own taste.
No. 1249395
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>>1249391Also samefagging for a sec but my dad's big into cars, and he showed me some 1920's car magazines. I was weeping because allthe men in the magazines, ESPECIALLY the drivers, would wear ties and suits and have good hygiene.
No. 1249625
>>1249573I agree that screaming about "asexual pride" is cringe but I still don't find anything wrong with saying you're asexual therefore have no desire for sex if someone asks you about it first.
>>1249616Yeah, asexuality gets the bad rep because of the "kinky asexual sluts" weirdos who are also pretty much the same people who yell at LGB people for being "aphobic" and "exclusionary". Plus the pressure to marry is much harder on women everywhere regardless of orientation because not being a bangmaid incubator is seen as an inherent failure for a woman.
No. 1301980
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>>1232012projection much?
>>1232142very true foreign scrotes like poles and indians are detestable