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No. 1249634
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1225693board rules apply. no racebait. ignore & report bait
No. 1249667
>>1249647My friend has a fbw relationship, she wants sex but doesn't want to deal with the rest of the man lol
>>1249650It's a stale moid bait nonna
No. 1249687
>>1249647Not speaking of het relationships, but honestly it feels childish to set rules for each other like you're a parent and having to give up your privacy and own personhood and alonetime for the sake of a relationship. The ideal relationship to me is a friendship with benefits, like an actual friendship and there are benefits and you're monogamous because you feel like it and not because you have become the official prop of your girlfriend on TikTok and now constantly have to be loyalty tested and watched. Like this new obsession with wanting an official relationship asap bugs the fuck out of me. No getting to know each other, straight to being on a texting and call schedule from the first week on Tinder, then plans for moving in after 2 months probably. You want anything less or you're not glued to your phone and you don't post photos on Instagram or Snapchat of what you're constantly doing so everyone can keep an eye on you? You're such a fuckgirl! Even though they're the one going through a "committed relationship" a year which blows up and causes lots of drama. It's like having to live up to standards from American romcom movies or TikTok relationships.
Despite all this invading of each other's privacy and not giving any space, somehow everyone managed to find time to cheat on each other. Like whenever I actually hear of what happens in the community it's either weird trans shit, weird kink shit or all the fucking cheating. Sounds more neurotic, dramatic and childish than my years long situationship/relationship with my ex, both still positive about it, only non-
toxic experience we've had. It was simple and uncomplicated, just felt natural. I really don't get why trying to commit asap and jumping into the deep, moving as fast as possible, is seen as a good idea. Yeah if you're male attracted and dealing with men, I get it, but why does this have to be with samesex relations too? It's also like the uhaul and 10 hour long date memes have gone from being ironic to now having become legit expectations or else you don't really care about her. So yeah if that is what the modern relationship is, I do prefer friends with benefits, like actual friends not just casual hook up partner. Or situationship. And if that makes me sus, so be it. And I'm not femme so it's not like I can actually be in the closet, so it's not about that either. Sorry for the rant.
No. 1249970
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The only good part of summer is watermelon. Everything else can fuck off
No. 1250047
>>1249995I'm fine with the texture but I find watermelon bland compared to other fruits. I'm with this anon
>>1250002 although I'm also really fond of nectarines.
No. 1250372
>>1250035>bananasGood flavor but sometimes the texture is too off putting
>applesNothing wrong with the flavor or texture I just don’t really like them for some reason. And even though I hate sour things I prefer green apples.
No. 1250637
>>1250277You don't sound like a boomer. I am 32 and I uninstalled TikTok after a few days of using it because I can feel it affect MY brain and attentionspan, too.
It's an awful social media, giving too quick of a dopamine fix and stealing hours from you at a blink of an eye. I really don't think ANYONE should be using it.
No. 1251066
>>1250644Which weirdo? You got to be a little more specific than that, but probably not. I don't think I've contributed in recent threads.
>>1250678You get what I mean.
No. 1251079
>>1251072I'm average and I posted a pic of myself once (with everything important censored naturally). One
nonnie said I'm obese and should apply myself, other nonnies told her I just look average so that made me feel better kek. But I have seen a twitter cow post her full face on /g/ (before people found out she's a cow).
No. 1251179
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The single most superior way of organizing a bookshelf isn't by author or name or volume or genre or color or height. It's by date bought. Just stacking them right next together, even if there's eight books smacked between volume 2 and volume 3 of books of the same series. It's just the right amount of chaotic and cozy. Everything listed from author to genre are too library-ish, which I can appreciate I guess, but isn't for me. Color and height is very ikea-bookletish, and if that's your kind of aesthetic, then, anon-chan, please, tell me, what went wrong in your life?
No. 1251342
>>1250678I'm going to counter this as someone seeking a fwb relationship atm, but aren't friendship breakups significantly more painful than relationship ones? Sure I agree with what you said about how friendships feel vs romantic relationships, but when things go wrong in a friendship they really impact you a whole lot more than a relationship.
>>1251047Based, pressing tofu is unnecessary
No. 1251534
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>>1251445You are not only wrong but >>1251501 this.
>>1251531Shayna is a pedopandering weirdo there was never any hope to begin with
No. 1251536
>>1251534you’re all so full of shit if she were to be some scrote-hating
terf who came out denouncing twitter trannies you would all be kissing her ass and calling her gorgeous, beautiful, all of that fluff compliments you give exclusively to women who fit your insane standards of eurocentric feminine beauty
No. 1251558
>>1251551t. probably a guilty white woman
Anyway, what should they do? Become transracial for you? Kek
No. 1251651
>>1250277In a memorial for the
victims of the recent school shooting in Texas, I remember one write up for a 10-year-old girl was like “She always loved making TikToks and hoped to have a viral video someday”
No. 1251687
>>1251678>>1251681My only skincare routine is:
-sleep well
-eat well
-drink plenty of water
No. 1251842
>>1251678There is way too much fear around aging in general imo. I think the narrative that once you turn 30 you’re an elderly crone is incredibly
toxic because all things considered, it’s still pretty early in life. Some people don’t work things out until then and most people in the early 30s don’t even look much different from how they did in their twenties. I realize eternal youth has always been the desire but it is weird to me that people focus so hard on numbers, like when incels say the moment a woman turns 30 she hits the wall. I don’t understand this, but I feel like having friendships with older women has helped me get over my own fear of aging because they usually really know what they’re about. I will say I get annoyed at the ones who are like 40 or 50 though and obsessed with finding “cures” for wrinkles or aging or whatever. Like it’s embarrassing for them, just accept that everyone gets older, including yourself. Nothing wrong with it and if anything, it’s a success to live a long life.
No. 1251874
>>1251867I've only once seen an anon say
>meh, brown eyes are boringand it provoked a ton of replies, kek
No. 1251891
>>1251886Reminds me how someone posted in the celebricows thread how Jordan Peterson called a supermodel ugly and the responses were agreeing with him and calling her obese when she looked normal,
No. 1251901
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>>1251898She is definitely overweight, but I see fatter people in public who I would call obese. (Not a murrican, I live in Europe)
No. 1251949
>>1251891She is obese. Fuck, I am obese, and I am smaller than that.
Her face is beautiful, yes, but she is not "normal".
No. 1252245
>>1252240And it is not up to you to decide whether it makes someone happy or not. Rhinoplasties are also harmless when done by a skilled doctor that cares about their patients. The problem is that this is rarely the case, both for elective mastectomies and for rhinoplasties. No one deserves to be botched for being mentally ill. Doctors should be held accountable, moneyfarm clinics should be shut down, and there should be stringent education for those seeking either. If it isn’t a rash decision and is done carefully and makes them feel better, so be it. It isn’t our bodies to govern. Again (broken record I know) if we had more education and it wasn’t so kneejerk taboo to talk about the horrors of detrans there would probably be a lot less rash surgerical procedures being done. We need to improve the whole system yeah but taking it away or being upset at Paige for removing some technically non-functional tissue doesn’t really change anything.
>inb4 seethe cope dialate or whateverI think bottom surgery is a horrible way to butcher people because it isn’t benign and the effects it leaves behind are cruel and awful
No. 1252254
>>1252245Imagine caring so much about male opinions that you feel the need to mutilate yourself over them. Rhinoplasties and elective mastectomies are the two sides of the same internalized male gaze coin. Whether you mutilate yourself to appeal to moids or to repel the moids, in the end it still means that moids live rentfree in your head.
>And it is not up to you to decide whether it makes someone happy or notCocaine also makes people happy, should it be legal and widely available in a ~safe environment~?
>No one deserves to be botched for being mentally illExactly. They deserve proper therapy for their mental illness not physical butchery.
No. 1252264
>>1252245>I think bottom surgery is a horrible way to butcher people because it isn’t benign and the effects it leaves behind are cruel and awfulBut it makes them happy, so what's your problem? Why is it up to you to decide what's cruel for another person? Maybe they like the pain? How can you define "butchery"?
Seriously, stop this delusion. "Umm well if (this obviously self-destructive act, born out of self-hatred and mental illnesses) makes you happy, who is anyone to judge???" is how we ended up with troonacy in the first place.
No. 1252276
>>1249663I agree except for
>anti psichotics I don't think you have any sort of grasp on what psychosis is or what psychiatric medications are.
No. 1252315
>>1252306It's called sarcasm. I'm using your own retard logic against you. "I want to do it, so it's okay" is never an excuse to defend fucked up shit. Use your brain, you delusional fuck. If anyone's a pathetic cunt, it's you for trying to defend depressed, mentally battered women mutilating themselves with the aid of money-hungry doctors and calling it "freedom". You cannot separate these things, they stem from the same problem, and that's women's bodies being pathologized and shamed, coupled with dysphoria (a literal brain problem). Mutilation is not a cure for shit, and neither is destroying your hormones. I'd say "seek help" if "help" in the western world wasn't a million-dollar industry paved with women's blood. In the meantime, stop shilling that horseshit here, we see enough of this grooming on Twitter
No. 1252339
>>1252325What hatred? What dehumanization? All I've seen anons say here is that it's a bad thing to do. It is bad, from every standpoint but the weakest "But it makes me happy" (just like getting high would make a drug addict happy). If your defense for something is "You might not regret it" and you champion that, the door is wide open for literally anything else, I don't understand how you don't see that. Ironically, by claiming it's hatred for those who do it when all we've said is that "chopping off your breasts is bad", you're actually reducing those women to breast tissue. You're just reducing them to the act of removing said breast tissue, like that's their whole identity. If you're actually complaining about the fakeboi thread in /snow/'s entire existence, that's because some FtMs also act like cows online on top of the existing self-destructive and/or coerced decisions, that's just life. There are no sacred cows on Many of them post misogynistic and hateful BS aimed not only at themselves, but all women, but we shouldn't say anything? Fuck that
No. 1252491
>>1252481I’m not ftm I’m just not melodramatic about breast tissue.
>>1252487I believe it, don’t care either. You’re different sides of the same coin.
>>1252489Yes everyone who disagrees with you in the unpopular opinions thread must be twannies.
No. 1252492
>>1252489NTA but
>participating in delusions>respectfulNo, it's patronizing and enabling. The exact thing people do when they don't give a fuck and just want you to fuck off and 41% so they can live in their happy little bubble without questioning society
No. 1252498
>>1252493Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, truth is very subjective. I could be a man, a woman, anything, and there really is nobody stopping that fact because reality is different for everyone. You will never be a truth crusader, you are just on the other extreme end of braindead zealotry where you don’t think, you just respond to the primitive signals in your mind that hates anything different from muh white, skinny, lana del rey, no-wokie guud me guud my whiteness guud i’m a stupid white bitch that cries and weaponized human emotions to get what I want. White women are absolute repulsive robotic demons who scream at innocent women in public and when reinforcements are called you break down in fake alligator tears to shift the attention on you, that’s what you do and your incessant bitching and whining about aidens is exactly that. White women will never have power or responsibility all you do is just sit on your ass and terrorize other women for their decisions or only care once shit hits the fan for you. Die in a fire anon
No. 1252505
>>1252496But my take isn’t about transgenderism and is literally just about the cosmetic act of breast removal. Women get breast reductions all of the time, I don’t see the big deal, I really truly don’t. You keep saying it
harms them but that only happens if they regret it later (most who go to a reputable surgeon don’t) and they aren’t botched with like, rotting nipples that aren’t falling off.
No. 1252506
>>1252504I’m the original anon and
>>1252498 is not me
No. 1252508
>>1252506Sorry samefag I meant to say that
>>1252498is me
No. 1252515
>>1252509And you know I’m right. What is the most difficult thing that a normal white woman has experienced in her life? The slightest mention of struggle, strife, suffering that does not relate to her very experience flips their Ice Age neurons into anger mode and tell people to fuck off and start calling random anons trannies and scrotes for not agreeing with them. Not everyone is a
terf and many people don’t care about radical politics and it will remain that way for a very long time. You aren’t going to change the entire world into what you think is correct, it’s only YOUR truth that your little free-thinker brain believes in. So fucking autistic, the only thing you read is /pol/ politics because the only connection you have is to image boards while you hypocritically call trans men “terminally online”. What the fuck are you then? A sane person? You smelly bitch? Get it right, you are exactly like them you’re just a smelly bitch with the political leanings of a 13 year old boy
>>1252505Bitch you
know anons aren’t mad about breast reduction, imagine trying to gaslight on a Chilean felting forum.
No. 1252526
>>1252514Again I am not the racebait anon. I’m also not posting anymore just because this actually isn’t like integral to me or anything and I’m genuinely just chatting—I have no desire to alog or write manifestos and I don’t think this
>>1252522 >>1252515 is anything but a troll. I don’t really have actual qualms with people who disagree with me on things that aren’t like, genuinely important rights-wise so sperging like above doesn’t serve me any purpose. Goodnight anons.
No. 1252539
>>1252452On a woman? Aw ty anon I wish I had more people who felt that way. Usually only lesbians appreciate stronger noses on women bc men are too fragile for it
>>1252454Yep not to toot my own horn but I’m actually very good looking and my nose is my one not so cute feature so they were literally nitpicking a screenshot that they took from a video of my side profile bc it has a bump. These losers were actual incels and even had the audacity to say to my ex that I could “get it” if I wasn’t dating my ex. Like uh what happened to me being a bird, are you guys aerosexual/aviansexual now?!
No. 1252560
>>1252554I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them is actually
>>1252508 >>1252522
>>1252515This is such an obvious troll but anons are conveniently responding like this is a real person, I’m assuming to aid their “argument”. Some women think they’re so #pinkpilled that they refuse to care about or think about the bigger picture or what we actually need to do to improve things. I’m an adult and I don’t need to alog or attempt to derail someone by pretending to be a nonwhite liberal to redirect the tone of the discussion, I can literally just close the tab and move on.
No. 1252569
>>1252564Once again, like most of you, I close and open tabs randomly when I’ve got downtime. Scrolled /ot/, replied to that response in passing. Also
>>1252520 wasn’t me, I didn’t even read it or the response to it. I’ve been on lolcow for years, it does not hurt or
trigger me to see differing opinions, and I don’t consider excessive alogging to be productive either.
>Anyway, weird that you're complaining about no one arguing with you nowCan you like really not read? Not once did I complain about responses or wanting an argument, now you’re just making shit up.
No. 1252570
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>>1252569>>1252568>"I won't be posting anymore, goodnight anons, I can literally just close the tab and move on">"But here I come to infight and shit-stir again"Winning hearts and minds with this sort of thing, definitely not seething. Let the thread rest and recover, go to bed. You can start up your next booby butcher brawl in a day or two, everyone's had their fill
No. 1252574
>>1252570Nothing about my tone implies shit-stirring or infighting. Also, you really think you’re doing something by posting a screenshot of the fact that I added that you just completely made up a statement I did not make as an afterthought because it isn’t true.
You are the one stirring up infighting.
No. 1252588
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Minions memes contain unfathomable depth, are absolutely profound and will be known as a key relic of internet archeology one day. On the surface level they are dismissed as nothing more than Facebook-tier middle aged women's shitposts, but the fact that these creatures can transcend appeal through all ages, races and mental capacities is a feat in itself. What other avatar of memery can compare; both zoomers and grandma Tessie love them. In comparison, does grandma Tessie know or give a fuck about Amongus? No. Add to that the grainy compression and retarded chaos of a premise/joke present on most of these images that give a glimpse into the state of mind of its creator; truly a hopeless psychotic soul. A impressively apt glimpse into the current state of the greater human psyche, as we combine that which shouldn't make sense, that which should hold no aesthetic, philosophical meaning or appeal. They are are a cry to our creator, if such a thing exists, that we no longer can stomach reality and have lost the desire to make meaning of this wretched 3d plane. We long to escape out mind and flesh prisons.
No. 1252642
>>1252626For many people breast reduction is necessary, most women who get breast reduction surgery have very large boobs that cause chronic back pain.
I think plastic surgery in general is kind of trashy but breast reduction is one of the surgeries I don't see much of an issue with.
No. 1252646
>>1252642Oh yeah and people get double mastectomies if they are genetically predisposed to breast cancer.
And just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should police what others do with their bodies. I don't like plastic surgery either but I'm not gonna piss and moan online about the women who choose to get it.
No. 1252649
>>1252642Same. Breast reductions are medically necessary since carrying around several pounds of fat is awful for your ligaments and bones, if I hadn't had a breast reduction I'd probably need to get multiple back and neck surgeries a year, I still go to the chiropractor from the damage it did to my neck and back
I remember people on CC will shame women into not getting breast reductions and accuse them of lying about their pain. An anon came in claiming that her breasts were 12% of her body weight and anons called her blessed, hot, etc and praised her for not getting surgery after she complained about her neck and back going numb and years of pain, anyone who said otherwise was "a mad chestlet who wanted her to mutilate herself". It's weird because we can comprehend how extra weight on legs, arms, etc can cause bone and muscle problems but people magically play dumb when it comes to breasts
No. 1252650
>>1252642I just said why full mastectomies amd breast reduction are not comparable. Breast reduction doesn't actually remove the breast tissue, but the fat surrounding it so I'm not at all against breast reductions.
>>1252646Cancer predisposition is still a health concern. And the more plastic surgery is normalized the more it will be expected from every one. People make fun of you for your large hooked nose? Just get a rhinoplasty and stop being ugly! The nose itself is the problem, not the fact that certain nose shapes are needlessly mocked for superficial reasons!
No. 1252658
>>1252653Emotional abuse around breast size can pressure women into getting drastic and unnecessary breast surgeries. Sure the actual problem is the people shitting on women but bashing the woman falling
victim won't do anything until we discuss the people who actually push women into doing these things
No. 1252680
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I low-key love when incels bitch about "western women", using the term western specifically and then going on to describe us being independent and not taking their shit. It makes me feel like a badass femme fatale from an old western movie
No. 1252698
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>>1252680i hope more of them get their lives destroyed by women from other cultures. that's why anfisa is a queen. this fat dude was constantly complaining about women in the "west" being "feminists" and he got his comeuppance so hard from her. love her.
No. 1252753
>>1252680>>1252698And in the "not-west" the men there complain about their women being unattractive prudes while they see "western" women as big breasted sex machines (that are certainly not worth anything else but sex). Moids are worthless and unappreciative all around the world and I thank every woman who fucks them up.
>>1252649One of my friends got actual nerve damage from her breasts being too big and messing up her posture and ended up getting a reduction. It quite honestly makes me fly into a fit of rage seeing people try to make women stop from getting breast reductions just because big booba so hot and gorgeous when they risk severe health issues with them.
No. 1253565
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>>1252538Sorry brakalakalynn, just because you enjoy rubbing your swampy cooch to incest doesn't mean everyone else wants to or that it's mentally healthy
>Inb4 it's just a fantasyI swear to God if you use this defense you're confirming yourself to be a gross moid, only because gross moids always use this defense for pedo and incest porn and then 9/10 times when you check their history they actually do attempt to fulfill their fantasy
No. 1253611
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To me it is so obvious that men are to blame for ethot photoshopping and the evolving beauty standard. I never see anyone talking about it, only blaming the women for editing their waist to be the size of their head and their face to look like a sex doll. Do you really think they enjoy spending time doing that shit, then having to look in the mirror and see their real self? Of course not, but I believe many of them feel they have to because of men's standards, and the fact that so many other girls are doing it so if they don't, they'll look ugly by comparison.
I just was thinking of this cause in the skyleigh momo or whatever thread someone wrote "how can anyone believe her shops are real", that's absolutely right but the truth is unfortunately many men are fucking retarded and do believe it. In a world where men think these insane edits are real, ofc a non edited girl will feel she has no chance at love/relationships.
The other day I showed my bf a screenshot of a video of a girl on ig doing her makeup, I said check this out, she has tape pulling up her eyes. The tape is extremely obvious to me, he kept swearing it's her natural face and she didn't do anything lmfao, I increased the contrast and he finally saw. Why would people even believe someone who isn't asian has this kind of eyes naturally is incredible to me, but men believe women can have anime character proportions too.
No. 1254020
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>>1253896>raisinsGet help
No. 1254060
>>1253969Having a silent X chromosome that holds "superpower" like abilities that sperm deactivates, re typ's blog. Also parthogenisis (certain electrical currants in the body can
trigger it), intuition (fluoride and tech and medicine and pollution and other shit messing with the amygdala & pineal gland deadening our intuition), telepathy (advanced communication, women already have lil convos with just eyes and microexpressions). Controlling nature and faith healing if you want to get woowoo, too.
No. 1254089
>>1254064I'm with you
nonnie, I fucking love chocolate covered raisins
No. 1254163
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I don't find the Ikea shark plush comfortable to sleep with. Mine was second-hand but if I bought it new I'd return it.
No. 1254168
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>>1254163it looks kinda ugly too
i like this one better or the hammerhead sharks that come up on google
No. 1254424
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I’m starting to like Julia Fox because of the moid seethe she causes as she chooses to dress and look like this. Obviously I don’t know if she’s physically healthy or not, but if she is, more power to her for choosing her own vibe even as someone born so stereotypically beautiful
No. 1254450
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>>1254439Yes her stomach is most likely the result of botched lipo
>>1254440Yes she does, moids constantly talk about her ruining her looks, how “washed” she is etc., and hated the avant-garde styles Kanye got for her, since this is probably the first time they saw a woman in fashion that weren’t created for picrel.
Before this, moids were completely obsessed with her thick sexay character in Uncut Gems and coomerposted all over the place with fancams of her ass shots in that movie. She has her issues and was a dominatrix so is more sex positive than I agree with personally, but after vocally supporting Amber Heard, I’ve tried to let go of my own biases over her as I do like seeing women in the public eye openly choose an image for themselves that is contrary to what men expect of them, and doubly so if it’s somebody who they considered a sex symbol
No. 1254451
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>>1254450Samefagging to add a bit more proof of men’s hatred of strange, avant-garde or alt fashion that isn’t sexy egirl goth.
These hairstyles are clearly faked for this Marc Jacobs show, yet there was absurd moid meltdowns about the Hadids on Twitter where they begged for these looks to be fake, talking about how hot they were before and how ruined they were.
This MJ collection was kind of shit tbh and some of the fashion Twitter accounts were way too flattering to it in their defense of these looks, but the bald caps are VISIBLE! Moids are seriously blind. And even if they were really shaved and styled…it’s just hair.
No. 1254972
victim blame-y. Not all cheaters are blatant and dumb about it. It’s like people who blame women for picking men who lie, are emotionally unavailable, who become more controlling over time, watch porn behind their backs, say insensitive things. That’s just
most men and you’re more than likely going to encounter many like that if you’ve dated in general. I only think it’s an issue if women continue to stay with men who repeatedly display those behaviors, because then it’s not being blindsided after finding out a guy’s true colors, it’s just enabling by showing them they will always be forgiven and still get to have a girlfriend after fucking up.
No. 1255015
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>>1254474Not an LSAfag, this is what she looked like a few years ago. I think she looks great here obviously, but I don’t think I need to explain why moids were all over her. I also think it’s cool that she’s embracing a new, avant garde style.
No. 1255020
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>>1254677Fr, ppl will say shit like “he has red flags so he’s hot!!!” and then get surprised when they get cheated on or something bad happens.
No. 1255029
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I don't like how now so many champions have a star guardian skin, it kind of cheapens it for me. I didn't mind that much when they made the second group (though having ezreal as one of the "magical girls" was not the best idea in my opinion), but now it's getting ridiculous.
Basically what I'm saying is that they should have stopped with the star guardian skins after the first group, maybe with the second one if we exclude Ez
No. 1255095
>>1254677Men getting cheated on? Yes. Women getting cheated on? No
When women cheat it's usually because the male is emotionally neglectful or they don't bother putting in the energy to be a good partner. If men cheat most of the time it's due to their own selfishness regardless of how good a partner is. I've met amazing and beautiful women who've been cheated on by moids and I've also met homely trailer trash who manage to find faithful men
No. 1255699
>>1255684Hearing old white grandmothers at my job (baby clothes store) gushing about how a baby has blue eyes and fair hair, how cute the baby is, oh and don't forget those blue eyes!
So what?…
No. 1255733
>>1255702How am I supposed to know what people's families are like
>>1255699It also makes me sad since white people gush about mixed babies and then post a picture of a baby with 100% white features, big blue/green eyes and only slightly tan skin
No. 1255799
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People who throw tantrums or whine about gay ships or gay headcanons in fandom specifically, never het ships, are usually unironically homophobic at least to a degree no matter how hard they try to sugarcoat it. They're the kind that once left alone with someone they think to be "one of them" they'll start with the "now I'm not homophobic or anything but gay people just shouldn't be so gay all the time" rant, being a cryptolesbian myself I can confirm this is based on experience. If you get so fucking mad over people shipping characters or consider someone explaining why the ship works from an objective perspective as "forcing it down your throat" it's pretty clear what cards you are playing with. Especially seeing how your precious hetships probably are going to be canon either way since heterosexuality is always considered the status quo everything defaults to so why the fuck do you even care.
No. 1255993
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>>1255893I can’t believe they said colorism exists within white people KEK. They want to be oppressed so bad for being born an ugly duckling with brunette hair
No. 1256003
>>1255996Preference for blue eyes and blonde hair and general fair features has always been pervasive cross culturally. It's a struggle black women, latinas, Med, and Middle Eastern women all have to deal with, or white Americans who have any bit of that heritage mix up, because they tend to. Stop making this about
you, for fuck's sake.
No. 1256009
>>1255996What part of "not how people think" do you don't understand?
>No one cares how you feelObviously you do and the fact there's an entire discussion relating to my post? What was even the point of throwing this in there?
>having brown eyes and brown hair doesn’t constitute as colorism you fucking moronIt may not be the traditional form of colorism but it still instills the idea that the whiter/more European you appear = the better.
Anyway your biggest issue seems to be the fact that you're foaming at the mouth all because I called it colorism and said it could affect kids self esteem, I even mentioned that this train of thought considered non-white babies ugly/"less than" by default but nope because I talked about white kids somehow it's all about me making white people oppressed
No. 1256015
>>1255999Lol this. Twitter anon is so unbearable and lost considering she seems to have forgotten she's in the unpopular opinion thread.
>>1256003You're right but it's definitely more common among white people only because it's more likely for white people to have blonde hair and blue eyes, where as Latinos, middle eastern, blacks, etc your baby is practically expected to have dark hair and dark eyes unless your partner is white, which sucks even more since people will obsess about the baby having blonde hair or blue eyes and both brown hair and brown eyes tend to be dominant traits
No. 1256023
>>1256020Yes but no one is denying colorism exists in those cultures, the entire point of my post was that colorism/obsession with being as white as possible exists among white people themselves and could affect the self esteem of white kids.
PROMISE you, nothing I have ever posted, said or thought on the face of this earth ever said anything close colorism not existing or being as bad as it is to women who aren't white. I even mentioned my own family being comparatively colorist but that still doesn't seem good enough since I didn't make a novel beforehand about how bad and oppressed women are who aren't white
No. 1256036
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>>1256029One click of this button and all of women’s problems would sort itself out overnight
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>>1256036white wimminz bad
No. 1256051
>>1256046In your puny little mind you think that’s really going to do shit kek.
>they’re angry, they’re telling the truth about how they feel about white people and instead of trying to understand this festering hatred I need to do exactly what my genetics tell me to do, act like a barbaric racist and claim it’s in self offense they were racist first!! Hating white people will never be racism, it’s the response of years upon years of living in the conglomerate hellhole your ancestors have created and what you continue to benefit off of and force us all to live in. Keep spamming your trash ass memes calling me a black tranny, the n-word, because I simply don’t care because I hate you and your people and will always and the mods banning me to enforce the rules will never stop that.
No. 1256055
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>>1256051No1curr or agree with you here. Either integrate or go back to twitter. Nobody believes the "I'm not from Twitter" either. Sorry you got butthurt from an unpopular opinion in an unpopular opinion thread, a hivemind like twitter will protect your feefees
No. 1256063
>>1256051I read this thread like three times where did someone say the n-word
Also if you hate the majority userbase here so much, leave? LSA is right around the corner.
No. 1256077
>>1256051Simmer down, Frank. I know it’s upsetting that black men keep choosing
cis white women over you, but that’s no reason to sperg the fuck out.
No. 1256147
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>>1256143here you go nonna
No. 1256177
>>1256157Also black women are real women and face actual problems so it would give trannies oppression points
they constantly compare themselves to black women on the basis that "they're just like men! but they're women, so they're just like me!"
No. 1256473
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>>1256470It’s all cope. I have an athletic body type so I’m rather envious of small dainty figures and curvy romantic bodies alike
No. 1256516
>>1256496You seriously have no clue what you're talking about. The "god knows what" is GLUTATHIONE for crying out loud. It's perfectly safe in small quantities and used to protect the liver. Plenty of white women go to IV bars or take it in pill form to get it. I promise you there's not hoards of dark skinned women injecting themselves with mystery fluid in the streets to get whiter skin
As for skin whitening products plenty of white women use them too for discoloration and acne spots. In fact one of the places I learned about things like ambi was from white women.
You also fail to mention white women are using mystery eye drops and getting legitimately dangerous surgeries to lighten their eyes. Why can't we acknowledge we all face struggles with not appearing "white enough" instead of turning it into the oppression Olympics
No. 1256530
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>>1256519Always loved the twins.
No. 1256550
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>>1256493they don’t realize they were shitheads to them because they think the slightest tinge of skin color (anything that’s black, brown, or dark) is tainting their “pure” nordic white race. they really think that’s tantamount to being abused and neglected by your in-laws and other vicious white people specifically because you were not born white enough, and being white enough is always the standard in colorism but these people are ALREADY categorized as white so it makes no fucking sense? kek… it’s like complaining that you were treated differently because you pissed in the same toilet but your pee happened to be blue. you’re so right they can just dye their fucking hair or stay out of the sun or something
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>>1256558You are literally a white man sperging daily about white women, black women, Asian women, Latina women, Indian women, MENA women, etc. You don't get to decide who's oppressed or not, gtfo
No. 1256595
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>>1256592Jannies right now
No. 1256604
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>>1256600picrel is your momma
No. 1256605
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Can you both shut up no one cares damn
No. 1256606
>>1256599You're the same person who posted this shit:
>>1251536>>1251551>>1252498>>1252515>>1252522 All you do is racebait and try to suck on Ellen Page's enlarged clitoris
No. 1256612
>>1256606Her words:
>Because I’m so tired of having my life dictated by other white women and I’m pretty sure I absolutely fucking hate them. She's a self-hating white woman who thinks only other white women use this board
No. 1256625
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I'm gonna post my own colorism opinion here between the tard fight. Jpop and kpop were healthier when they briefly had tan people. I love seeing people like TRF or Namie Amuro or the 'trashy' orange-brown kpop idols abusing bronzer of 15 years ago like Lee Hyori or Rainbow more than the weird aesthetic since. I honestly even miss ganguro
The BTS softboi aesthetic and the anemic looking shit pushed onto female idols for incel scrotes to think they are cutesy and child-like isn't sexy, it's horrendous and looks like a joke. Red Velvet and Aespa look like they're about to fucking drop dead, this shit looks like gray post-mortem skin wtf???
No. 1256636
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>>1256625On the j-pop side, I unironically miss spray-tanned bronze goddess
problematic queen koda kumi
No. 1256649
>>1256647At least anime is related to imageboard culture. Also, funny how none of the groups you mentioned are 1% as autistic as kpopfags and don't shit up every single thread with their fixation. You guys used to have a kpop general and even a critical, but those came to an end because unlike weebs/fujoshi and general movie/TV watchers, you couldn't act normal or keep it in your multiple containment zones
Again, you have an entire board:'s literally no reason for you to force yourselves here
No. 1256659
>>1256654>But I see fujos spamming naked men all the time? That's only ever happened in moid-infested threads that ultimately got deleted or locked. If there ever comes a time I have to see naked cartoon man drawings, gifs and fujoshi sperging about their ships every single time I scroll down on /ot/, that'll be the day that their "fujo" thread is clearly a space they can't keep themselves to, and I'll tell them to fuck off to fujochan just like I'm telling you, don't worry
>normal fixation>but I must infest and derail every space on the internet with it, even when I'm politely asked to stopNot adding up
No. 1256672
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dont mind kpoppers
'ate troons
'ate twitterfags
'ate 3d moids
simple as
No. 1256678
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My unpopular opinion is that minimodding on an imageboard is really sad.
No. 1256689
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>>1256677Gin & akai from detective conan
No. 1256733
problematic things did she do? I was too young to understand, I was just jamming
No. 1256764
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>>1256636Is she ded or something? Why you missing her?
She is naturally tan btw, I remember she was heavily bullied over it as a child. People use artifical bronzers but that’s fine, black people use bronzer too. And I don’t understand why people hated on her so much, she’s literally the Japanese Ariane Grande. I wish people would leave women alone.
No. 1257111
>>1256797What she said verbatim:
>"When women turn 35, their amniotic fluid goes rotten, so I'd like them to have a child by 35"A horrible statement to make and she was like 26 during that time so not a dumbass teenager either. I love her music and style but the backlash she got was entirely deserved.
No. 1257785
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Drive-in movie theatres suck
No. 1257807
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>>1257801> she isn't a cowYeah okay kek picrel
No. 1257846
>>1257845>She panders to wealthy New Yorkers.You mean wealthy men who like to exploit women?
NTA but I don't think it's "hating women" to not support that kind of thing, sorry
No. 1257873
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>>1257704No! It’s real, Legoshi really does rub my feet and give me piggyback rides.
No. 1257918
>>1257901last time i checked, there’s no rule that forbids anyone from only using /ot/. i don’t know why you’re
triggered by people frequenting a board they enjoy, i’d rather everyone stay in their respective lanes than shit up various threads for no reason because anons will bitch about that also
No. 1257957
>>1257888I think anons just don't want to be redtext-ed lol
nonnie is still cute
No. 1258404
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Rock band 3 fucking sucks, it is NOT better than rb2. The characters are too shiny and the males have really fucked proportions. The tour mode also isn’t as fun, I like that in 2 you start out in your home town and sometimes get local shirts. The most annoying thing is clothes not being buyable!! You can only get some from unlocking challenges, yeah I’m not gonna buy all the instruments AND the pro versions to unlock all the clothes that’s so retarded. And it’s annoying having to scroll through all the clothes every single time, there’s no way to favorite clothes or add them to a closet like in 2. The only thing that’s better is more customization for the face I guess but that’s really it, I fucking hate rock band 3.
No. 1258453
Actually I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but going to the store > online shopping.
Online shopping sucks. Yeah I can buy literally anything and everything I want and it's great for items that aren't available in my region or near me, but for most things I hate it. Great, I've bought and paid for something. Now I have to wait, at minimum, one day for it. Even if I paid for overnight shipping, and that's assuming everything is packed up immediately, there's no shipping delays, and the mailman doesn't make me play cat and mouse for it. People shit on going to the store but I like going out to buy things! I like feeling it in my hands, and I like being able to leave the store with it. Even if it's a particularly busy day and spend a few hours waiting on line, that's still less than a whole day waiting for my package to get to me. Shopping is always a leisurely activity to me, so I think it's fun to get outside and walk around. Even when I go to the grocery store I like to dilly dally around and walk around even if I've been to the store thousands of times.
No. 1258511
>>1258499Its an unpopular opinion among some people who will just try to link this type of sexual degeneracy with caucasians or peoples of Eurasia or 'people not of the faith' (whatever that happens to be) in general. And I guess the point I was making was that a lot of these men I'm referring to dont even use pornography, they're promiscuous with loads of adult female partners irl (aka what society deems to be a normal, charismatic and popular scrote) and STILL making questionable, disgusting comments
>>1258507Yes. That's the type of bs Im talking about. And it always is a cover for abusing Black girls on the edge of menarche
No. 1258647
>>1258635I really can't stand people who dress or style themselves in a loud or outlandish fashion that will Garner attention then act like theyre being harassed for no reason. I have a lot of tattoos because I've been apprenticing to be a tattoo artist. I've had plenty of people give their opinions and sometimes people are dicks but I also understood that my tattoos can grab certain people's attention. So why get upset at those people?
But honestly anon I think those people would complain even if they didn't get attention lol. They just like having people give them their energy constantly. It makes you wonder if they even dress for themselves or for the attention of other people
No. 1258651
>>1258534It honestly depresses me to feel this way because my whole life I've cherished my female friendships deeply and really believed in a "sisterhood". Ive learned these past few years that many women are too far gone. I would try to help these women because I saw them as
victims of the patriarchy (which they are) but I can't ignore that these women will perpetuate and promote misogyny in hopes of finding favor with the men. I feel like many women have been bred to be slaves to men. I know of too many women who put men before even children. It's fucking depressing but I'm grateful for the women in my life who aren't self hating psychopaths
No. 1258969
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baby-buyers should be lynched.
No. 1259016
>>1258635Hard agree. As someone who used to have coloured hair a lot, I absolutely hated being stared at but at the end of the day people are going to look if you have purple or blue hair or outlandish clothes. Yeah it's annoying but it is what it is. If anything I much preferred the annoying questions by normies than the countless autistic weebs and alt subculture people who would try and befriend me solely from the haircolour. Like I watch anime occasionally and don't have any tattoos or piercings nor do I ever want any and I honestly think they stereotyped me more than some of the normies did.
But yeah agreed, don't complain about stares if you have Ronald McDonald hair.
Also unpopular opinion (although probably not here) but I think that people over their mid 20's that are obsessed with a subculture label are some of the biggest losers.
You can wear whatever the hell you like, like wear those demonias at 50 if you please, but if you call yourself a goth when you've been out of highschool for over 5 years you need to go outside.
No. 1259063
>>1258969I'm not one of those "all gay people are pedos" schizos but this headline alone has multiple red flags. First of all to even actually go ahead and use a surrogate is unethical as hell and you need to have some degree of sociopathy to be able to put a woman through it. Secondly, to explicitly demand a son sounds suspicious as hell, after checking out the original news source it gets even weirder.
>Before the couple wed in 2013 they had already chosen the names of their future kids and even created Gmail accounts for them.Like what the fuck were these people planning? If you want to have kids you have to be prepared for a 50% chance for them to not be the gender you want them to be, they're not toys you can customize as you wish.
No. 1259066
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>>1258969This person made a good point. How do they know it's not just an afab boy? Goddamn transphobic TEHMs (this is sarcasm btw in case anyone can't tell)
No. 1259083
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>>1259075I honestly think its an incredibly common mental illness the world over. I mean just look at sex ratios in China or India. Femicide is pure evil, this is why the concept of picking and choosing disturbs me
>>1259077Scrotes (especially adopted neglected adolescent ones) are often dangerous to women, this 22 year old (lying about his age) scrote was adopted and raped two four year old girls in the house (along with 115 other sex-related charges). Gayscrotes dont really have that issue with a girl. It just seems like femicidal bullshit to me
No. 1259177
>>1259063>>1259053My unpopular opinion is that men should not raise children without a woman involved in some way, doesn't matter if homosexual male couple or single male of any orientation. Even worse if they're not even willing to adopt and insist on surrogacy.
>>1259075I think the average man is actually even worse about it than the pageant moms, men are the ones obsessed with "passing on their genes" and such shit.
>>1259077I don't see anything wrong with women of any orientation, single or female-partnered or male-partnered, not wanting to raise a moid.
No. 1259219
>>1259199well it's mostly an old
straight person mindset
No. 1259244
>>1259196It’s fun to be courted by a man it’s fun to date a man especially when it’s passionate puppy love.
its fun banging a man I do not imagine marrying a man is fun tho
No. 1259266
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The whole “you can wing cooking but you can’t wing baking” thing is a absolute lie. I’ve been cooking as a hobby for 10 years now, occasionally trying stuff with baking and desserts, and I’ve “wung” baked goods for myself many times and they’ve came out pretty damn good. Now if I’m trying something for the first time or making something special for an event or something I’ll absolute follow a recipe to the T, usually testing it beforehand even. But in times where I just felt like playing in the kitchen, or if I or a family member just have a sweet craving, I’ve made a bunch of different things successfully by eyeballing it and guesswork. Off the top of my head I’ve made various cookies, cakes, and quick breads like banana bread. If you’re a beginner you should 100% use recipes each time, but if you’ve logged a bunch of hours in the kitchen and know how certain ratios look, can more or less recall certain recipes by memory, you shouldn’t feel tied down to a recipe every single time. I say this all because tonight I had a craving for a dessert and didn’t have exact ingredients for recipes I know on hand, so I improvised a recipe for Nutella brownies and my only regret is not writing down what I did because they’re a solid 8/10.
No. 1259299
>>1259295We need to go back to sex seperate living like in tribes. Send the boy to the men's side when he's 12 and don't let him come to the women's side unless it's to make a baby.
Anyway the vast majority of men aren't fit to care for a pet let alone a whole human being. Their patriarchy made them unable to deal with reality & exist in a survival of the fittest setting.
No. 1259332
>>1259299They would just spend all their time planning raids on the female tribe.
Men unironically need women in their lives to teach them basic concepts like empathy & how not to be a piece of shit. Left on their own, male echo chambers revert to straight up orcs.
No. 1259359
>>1259335Piggybacking on what the other anon said - I think that a lot of women (esp ones who haven't been pregnant before) underestimate the toll that it takes on your body, underestimate the dangers of complications, and the primal attachment that you feel towards the child. It's easy to say "oh yeah, I would do that for a million dollars" when you're not actually in that situation. But to spend 9 months carrying a living being inside of you, spending gruelling hours birthing it, then looking it in the eyes, holding its tiny little hands, and having it taken away to be raised by another "mom"… it's emotionally devastating in a way that's difficult to convey.
It may be consensual, but it's still exploitative.
Like how human hair wigs are technically consensual, but when you view the circumstances that forced these SEA women to sell their hair, you realize that it's not consensual≠ethical.
I do make an exception though in the rare cases where someone wants to be a surrogate for a family member who can't conceive.
No. 1259389
>>1258522I almost agree with you sometimes but then I still feel pity and empathy for women. I just saw a Reddit screenshot on Instagram by an anonymous female poster. She says she has three children, has no income except a small inheritance, husband makes six figures annually but his “condition” is that if she sends the kids to daycare
she has to pay for it. Of course, the woman had to sacrifice a career to have kids with this unworthy man. Moreover, he gives her a monthly allowance of $100-300 and strictly controls her spending. (This money is mostly spent for kids) He also complains that she’s using the inheritance for her education and is not sharing it with the husband. This is financial and emotional abuse at best.
I wonder what makes western women settle for this? Religion? Low self esteem? This is the life that moids and pick me women want for us.
No. 1259463
>>1259335Liberal brainrot. I’m going to assume ignorance instead of malice and tell you what’s actually happening: poor women get turned into literally baby-making livestock and make no money out of it. You can not consent into being a slave. 16 year old Indian girls are found CHAINED to beds like cows so they don’t run away with the baby that they are creating and are monitored 24/7, they don’t even have the right to eat what they want. And after 9 months of torture, the brother (or father, or uncle. Basically any male family member that “owns” her) will steal the money she makes and she will be re-impregnated with another baby that will be stolen from her immediately after birth. This doesn’t happen only to the “poor brown people” either. (It was so widespread in Ukraine the baby-buyers threw fits about not having their babies delivered on time because of the war.) The media image of the surrogate that WANTS to be exploited is not real. This is the reproductive equivalent of being a streetwalker, the type of prostituted woman who gets murdered and dumped in a ditch. What you’re saying is the equivalent of libfems pointing at camgirls and claiming that “consensual sex work” is empowering.
Pregnancy is the most challenging thing the human body can go through, especially back to back pregnancies. My family has suffered from osteoporosis of “if you fall down once after a certain age your hip will be shattered into dust and you will be bedridden until you die” severity for generations because husbands would not stop impregnating them. These girls are quite literally being bred to death. And if you don’t have a problem with that, have a problem with the fact that the technology which can turn YOU into a mere baby-vessel with no rights exists and is being abused all around the world. This could be you.
No. 1259481
>>1259463Fuck anon. I am
>>1259359 and I had no idea about any of this. I just kind of opposed surrogacy on principle, even when under the impression that they really did consent. Can you link me some 101 resources?
No. 1259540
>>1259530>>1259533You gotta come in with receipts irl. I am still waiting.
It's nice that anon assumed ignorance over malice. But nobody is going to want to listen if you just call them pedo slave supporters without showing them the studies & stories that validate it. Ijs.
No. 1259635
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>>1259630you don't think that's supportive of his film?
No. 1259710
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I'm truly tired of uwu games, tv shows and so on that are 'comfy' with natural green environments full of fields or space age Halo-type settings. A cast of supportive characters in flower crowns with all the scrotes acting like weeping TIFs (yawn) or spineless hikiko isekai self-insert twerps (kill them all). Female characters looking like 10 year olds (or ugly troons), random types of glittery shiny furfags making cutesy noises and NPCs who are all kind. I dont hate comfy games but it has a time and a place tbh (things like Harvest Moon or whatever that are MEANT give that 'homey' feeling). I want to be disturbed. I want to be challenged. I want characters that piss me off
I'm not talking about horror. I mean stuff like the first Animal Crossing villagers in the English translation being rude shady motherfuckers. Lara Croft being surrounded by predatory and violent scrotes and blowing their heads off. Sims having NPCs that smack you with a handbag if you show PDA in public or crazy fans that try to stalk you if you become famous. I miss premades like Olive Specter in Sims 2 who were hinted to be murderous gold diggers rather than yet another boring 'queer' fatass fantasy from the Sims team. I miss characters that are straight up annoying guttersnipes by inclination like Blue or treacherous like Ryder (not have every bad character be those just because they have xyz type of bigotry and 'muh terf grandmother', thanks Deadendia). I want POC characters like Catalina who are emotionally complex and capable of evil. I want industrial filthy environments, dingy nightclubs, prisons etc. For fucks sake the Bratz games I played as a little kid have more drama in them due to the Tweevils extra asses than any title in 2022
No. 1260873
>>1260742Damn this is misogynistic, ew. Are you gonna tell her to shove a cock in her mouth to shut her up next anon?
Are you a lesbian? Which group of women on here is it that speak like this? Is this what radfeminism is? Real question.
No. 1261140
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>>1261007NTA but no it doesn't. I'm the one that person chimped out at, and I wasn't in the retarded fight one way or another. I just saw a post attacking women and pinning blame on them for men being shit, thought "This is some shit someone posts when they're a literal cumbrain" and said as much. That poster's unhinged reactions thereafter told me everything I needed to know, I was right. It's probably a failmale or tranny who blames mommy for all his mental problems, and rationalizes it later
All moids have dick and cum in their brains, because they are mindless chimps. If you're a woman and you function like them, then maybe you do too. If you think this is misogynistic (and I'm still convinced this isn't a
valid complaint, but that same scrote swooping into "be himself" after I didn't reply to his sad first attempt to infight by crying misogyny), reorient how you view women
No. 1261170
>>1259710I'm confused by this post. Most of the top AAA titles are gritty with complex characters, and the ones that aren't, aren't like that intentionally (Minecraft, Breath of the Wild and so on). There's a lot of violence and grey morality, I feel kinda icky about this line
>Lara Croft being surrounded by predatory and violent scrotes and blowing their heads off. you miss more sexism and harassment in games? Is that it? It's not like it's nonexistent but even if it was that's a really odd thing to miss esp given we know for a fact gamer scrotes jerk off to this shit and in the past it was often included for that very reason
No. 1261206
>>1260885I have no idea what I read but
>even though I don't like PIV or dating.Good. No one would want to be friends with a schizo like you nevermind date you.
No. 1261239
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It always amazes me how blatantly misogynistic and flat out using women as bartering material a lot of 'progressive' rhetoric has evolved into being. Like I'm sorry but some nonnas here act as if its just about troons or porn and its not.
This Afghan man in France raped a 12 year old boy on his way to a playground and sexually assaulted a 17 year old girl a year before, inbetween jerking off on a bench at a beach. But the retards in court are arguing if he just had a wife to rape 24/7 like 'back home', none of this would've have happened. Cool I guess that makes it okay then!
Its a very short slippery slope to say 'due to cultural factors' rape can be prevented by having a wife, to incels demanding government-mandated wives.
No. 1261254
>>1261228you're right
nonnie and this is annoying asf.
No. 1261260
>>1261257I'm not the male that was talked about earlier, but my relationship with my father is fine thank you for asking
nonny, very thoughtful of you.
>>1261253Fair enough, I just saw
>>1261208 and thought the last sentence was retarded
No. 1261299
>>1261271yes, i know,
nonnie. i was explaining that you weren't being misogynistic towards the man/idiot
No. 1261703
>>1261663Maybe my opinion sort of inspired by this is that I think adoption is very difficult in general and people underestimate that. In countries like Japan and in a lot of non-Christian countries it's almost nonexistent as a practice
Even if you take out the trans-racial or international adoption aspect, and you have a wealthy parent adopting a child of the same race and nationality, you can STILL end up with the Joan Crawford scenario (though technically she bought Christina off the mafia and never truly adopted her)
Occasionally you get a child who fits in like a jigsaw piece into their adoptive family or hear weird stories of women who abducted babies from the hospital and the grown up child sides with the abductor more than their bioparent (like Gloria Williams) but it's not that common
No. 1261764
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Homeless people shouldn't be allowed to own pets. They can barely feed themselves what makes them think they can care for the damn animal
No. 1261980
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The glossy look skincare youtubers do for their videos looks so dumb (I tried to pick a flattering screenshot). Another example is the Welsh twins.
No. 1261992
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>>1261980I think it's supposed to be "glass skin" but it looks really bad. Her makeup looks greasy and not like a healthy glow, but if I'm being honest most of the glass skin stuff looks oily to me. Perhaps she isn't doing that on purpose and she genuinely just has oily skin.
No. 1261993
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>>1261671take it back. she was gorgeous
No. 1262280
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Anons that don't simp for the unkempt manlet known as moist critical are based
No. 1262749
>>1262472I fucking hate teenage boys. They'll harass you and act threatening towards you, but the worst part is that you know if you defended yourself against them they'd start crying and acting like the pissbabies they are because they're minors and protected by the law and their mommies will come running to defend them.
The other day I was walking back from the gym and these teenage boys started screaming at me from a schoolbus driving by. They were calling me ratchet and hurling a bunch of other insults at me. Of course those little faggots were too cowardly to say something like that to my face without the protection of being in a schoolbus.
No. 1262788
>>1262472What irks me is the cry to protect “women
and children!” During war times when the ‘child’ is a 17 year old male. I also don’t see why people are so pro teenage boys being allowed into womens refuges with their mothers when they are capable of hurting the women and girls there
No. 1262822
>>1262453Back when I lived in a city and in a rough-ish part too I would dread walking past teen boys in groups because they repeat the same old cringe routine. They won't say shit to you if you pass by one of them alone but in groups they're constantly trying to prove their balls to each other.. by attempting to harass strangers. Lone strangers. So brave! What a display of masculinity!
The thing is they rely on being minors to get away with it. As soon as you don't just ignore them and you get in any way aggressive back they scream that they're not 18 yet. Yeah and? If you're over 6 foot tall, you're in a gang of 5 or 6 fellas and if you're harrassing a lone woman why do you need to hide behind your age to make sure nobody dares dish it back at you? They think being 17 is their do whatever you want card? Bunch of spotty virgins with someting to prove.
I moved to a different area then. Rural-ish. Everyone here kinda knows each other and not one teenager has said a thing to me. I was pretty surprised by it at first but it makes sense not to try people here.
No. 1262846
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>>1262828>People just don't like to admit it because the idea that somebody can commit horrific acts and not have anything medically wrong with their brain is scarier than the alternative.They also don't want to admit that it's always men and that male violence and entitlement is the issue, not necessarily to the point of shooting up a school but just in general. Women want to think it's just a small minority of 'bad apples' and most men are good (so they can keep dating/marrying/procreating with them). Men want to perpetuate that so they can keep women around and take advantage.
No. 1263734
>>1262453You mean specifically when they're shown as sex pests right?
Showing them in sexual contexts but in a neutral way (or even positive
barf) is bad imo because it continues the normalization of them being degenerates in real life.
I honestly think all those 80's highschool sex comedies created real damage to society in that way. We need more media depicting teen boys as a genuine threat to society
No. 1264242
>>1250261I hate it for these reasons too but also because of the chronically online comments. Zoomers are the worst. They pick fights with everyone about menial shit and anything they hate aesthetically they call 'millenial' all the while recycling trends from them.
They are are shitty little Theythems with no work ethic and it's funny how they call everyone Karens and try to be woke and 'tolerant' yet they are the biggest assholes around.
>Let's cancel everyone just because we don't like their opinion and dox them on tiktok, get them fired! No. 1264428
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People should not be inherently sympathetic towards drug addicts and homeless people like they’re all ‘uwu victims of circumstance’ or whatever
No. 1264438
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I could have turned out like that, because I only have (autistic) brothers, was shunned by women and treated like a male by everyone since I'm weird ugly and big. I've lurked 4chan since I was 15 and ED before that, I felt edgy and cool and part of a "club" which is the most retarded pointless one you could EVER want to be in, but there's a ~meme culture~ that's very tempting to enter as an insecure sperg woman on rock bottom, to score points with the only people you think you deserve: psychopathic autistic males (they're barely people though)
The joy I feel when I meet another female autist… Immeasurable. I can't tolerate male autists anymore, not for a lack of trying. Fellow women on the spectrum are so so so much better than men but if you haven't met any you might get stuck in NLOG hell, lest you stop trying to meet girls because you're so alienated. A lot of autistic women are trooning out and become intolerable queerio activists too, but even that's still miles better than /pol/tard pedophiles kek
I feel sorry for some of the women like that but only if they're like me and don't truly enjoy moidchan, just fell into it out of "funny memes" and stayed out of stockholm syndrome autist loneliness. Once you've spent time on moidchan you also start feeling like a piece of shit that won't ever leave, it's sort of a running gag (you're here forever
xDDDD) but very similar to an
abusive relationship especially in how it makes you feel as a woman
If they end up like isabella janke or one of those pickmes repeating rape "jokes" and becoming a nazi they're a lost cause, but some of them might need time to grow up - seeing as they're autists. Parroting scrote memes might be the only way they feel allowed to socialize. It's inexcusable and cringe but I can somewhat relate to the milder cases, as can a lot of lolcow posters (some of y'all dating 4channers for example)
No. 1264455
>>1263950>>1264438Also how do I learn to mask better, I feel awful when I compare myself to some other sperg women who come off as cute well-adjusted old ladies in temperament while I am more like a moid in how I socialize (without the abrasiveness, psychopathy and narcissism. I'm not mean and have never been)
I suck at small talk and at accomodating others, I feel like a retarded man most of the time so I (regrettably) resorted to hanging out with guys for a large part of my life and didn't really learn how to make small talk or ask people about themselves since men don't give a fuck about you
No. 1264471
>>1264428This. homeless men in particular are that way since they're often too stupid to research for help for themselves or spread the lie that "no one wants to help men" when in fact, in some cities it's the complete opposite and there's actually MORE resources for men (in my city there's like 1 women's shelter that only allows in junkies for rehab but the men's shelter always has availability and they don't need any prior requirements, these shelters are owned by the same people)
Some men don't even bother trying since it's like "well some internet randos told me no one wants to help men so why even try".it's also a lot easier for moids to join the military, get good paying blue collar jobs without any prior experience, etc. Also males parents often baby them and let them live with them forever unless they did something extremely messed up, if a moid got kicked from his parents place there's often something extremely wrong with him
As far as drugs go you're completely right, it takes a degenerate mind to get hooked on drugs to the point of it ruining your life. Most people are able to catch addictions forming before they let it go too far, these moids we're probably just too stubborn to listen or care
No. 1265477
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Can't stand artfags who sperg about how you need to jump through hoops before doing something like using art you found on Google for a tattoo or a shirt of your own . If you're not directly profiting off of the art it shouldn't even matter and if you go out your way to sue some nobody for using your design for their own personal thing then you have a stick up your ass
No. 1265485
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Driving without shoes is superior to wearing shoes while driving.
No. 1266505
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Chad hand mixers >>>>>>>>>>>>>> incel retard stand mixers
No. 1267059
>>1267051>Many disabled women use sex work as a way of income because they cannot hold a traditional job, it's fine if women are sexual beings tooDa fuq?
Making sex a job for women isn't about their own female sexuality, it's about serving male sexuality. Those disabled women aren't doing it because they're horny. Holy shit have some empathy.
No. 1267075
>>1267051is this bait. I mean do agree with some part tha you said like the part about some of the anti-sex-work people being misogynists or purists but not all of them are.
Also you do realize that those disabled women that you mentioned are forced to do that to survive, that has nothing to do with sexuality.
No. 1267224
>>1267218Women sell their bodies out of mental illness, retardation(yes literal medical disability), desperation, etc. Men on the other hand knowingly take advantage of these women by either pimping or raping them for money. It's so acceptable for men too, unless men are shamed using porn or seeing prostitutes nothing will change.
Even if women give up sexwork, they'll kidnap and traffic women like they do now.
No. 1267293
>>1267237That's what I think too. Every time I interact with a man it's just like there's nothing inside. Literally emotionally empty. You can't really have a serious discussion with a man, they're all so superficial in every way. Beside fucking they don't have many interests (if they do it's a shallow interest and it's always the same stuff like sports, pretentious movies, pretentious music, cars, videogames) and even fucking is just… empty. They don't even see sex as something intimate with another person, they just go "penis hurt therefore I must stick it into something" which is also why they literally fuck anything.
They truly do seem soulless.
No. 1267436
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the ricky martin situation is so KAWAII SUGOI. It reminds me of my favorite yaoi's. Its just like the yaois but real life. Ah it make my fujo heart go uwu.
Possessive seme ricky stalking his uke nephew.(irl fujo lover)
No. 1267528
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>>1267436>>1267469In this story the nephew Dennis is the naive uke and Ricky is the
abusive seme.
His nephew cant resist him when he starts singing livin la vida loca or doing tango, ricky accidentally dislocates his hip since he is nearing old age.
In the middle of the story they cant help but fall in love with each other and do the naughty with each other secretly.
His husband doesnt know and is oblivious to Ricky cheating on him despite ricky openly inviting his nephew to sleep over with them and share the same bed with ricky.
The story takes a turn when Ricky starts becoming
abusive and possessive towards our uke, bitch-slapping him across the face and forcing his length on his boy bussy. The uke starts crying and the second male lead swoops up to save the uke and that is rickys brother, Eric. Eric and Dennis fall in love and Eric urges our uke to break up with the main male lead.
Dennis leaves Ricky , Ricky does not take that well and goes full on yandere and starts stalking Dennis, contacting him everyday and throwing shit on his house. Dennis is feeling very stressed out but thankfully he has Eric to soothe him, but Dennis cant help but think of Ricky when he goes to sleep.
With the encouragement of his friends and Eric our uke Dennis decides to file a restraining order against Ricky.
Ricky is broken-hearted by this and cries in the rain how his uke could do this to him.
The news hit the media and the identity of the person filing the restraining order is still unknown then, Ricky denies all allegations.
Eric seeing Ricky so smug and boasting about having the best lawyers decides to go public and air out that the person filing the restraining order is his nephew, Now the whole world knows Ricky fucked his nephew in the butt.
Now our uke and the seme are in an on-going legal battle and the distraught uke is confused wherever to give up and get back with seme or stay with eric and win the legal battle.
Now lets wait what will happen in the next chapter. SUGOI~~~
No. 1267548
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>>1267533do u like it, i think its so SUGOI~~ KYAHHHHH
>>1267547thank u~~
No. 1267564
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>>1267528ricky martin and his nephew be like: real life yaou.
No. 1267575
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>>1267528>>1267436kakoi, but also sodoku kudasai
No. 1267652
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>>1267564anon your original post was hilarious but this gif genuinely makes me uncomfortable
No. 1267667
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>>1267653>>1267650lol neither, Im way too creative for the anti-fujo sperg or the scrote. I do enjoy some BL/yaoi content though, dear door was pretty good.
>>1267660author says next month~~~~~~~~~~
No. 1267706
>>1267669For real and moids don't even hide it, every time some woman states that "men and women can be genuine friends" scrotes automatically seethe and rage cause
they, as males, don't see friendship with the opposite sex as we do: if a man is talking to you there's a big chance he wants something out of you which most women seem to not realize or straight up ignore, i don't know why they even try at this point
No. 1267863
>>1267777NTA, but this really isn’t a good justification imo. I’ve heard so many guys justify places like Hooters, “I only go for the wings, the servers make great money, it’s family friendly, they just wear tank tops” and shit, but somehow they have a problem if it’s
their family member or girlfriend working there. Suddenly
then it’s exploitive. It sounds way more like ownership than genuine concern to me, I just don’t buy it.
No. 1267878
>>1267863Ok, well their chicken sandwiches and curly fries used to be really fucking good.
I'm just trying to frame the thought process that could be going into it. Protection is sort of a part of control, and I'm not really disagreeing with you on control playing a part of it. If a woman went to a male strip club (gross, but stay with me), and saw her nephew working there she would probably internally melt from wanting to get out of the situation. It's just sort of humiliating and awkward to see someone you know that you still see as a kid in a situation like that.
>>1267867Because those restaurants are like a safe commodity for them to go windowshop, daydream, and go home. It's there paired with sports programming and occasionally their retarded friends, so it taps all the boxes for feeling like a masculine superstar while they actively gain diabetes. I would guess they don't think about the exploitation of other women because it's not anyone they care about working there, and they can rationalize it as okay or something?
No. 1267940
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Dating is useless because people are too realistic and not the fantasy in my head.
No. 1267999
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>>1267982Moids do this too. I use to follow ED accounts and a lot of them were in chats with moids who "guided" them and a lot had who heavily manipulated them into starvation, would posts chats with their boyfriends too. There was even an issue with moids posing as pro Ana coaches or would fly out heavily anorexic women to do "photoshoots" and write gross fanfics about torturing them. In fact, after seeing a lot of eating disorder groups I'd say a good 80-90% of the time the cause of their eating disorder is because of a moid in their life
No. 1268002
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>>1268000They are IF that's the case but the women you're talking about is rare. Vast majority of women I knew with an eating disorder is because of their shit tier boyfriends. It's definitely not fair to say "ana-chans are just as bad as moids!!" when moids are unarguably guilty of this 10 times more than women. It's like saying female teachers are as bad as moids because some are rapists. It makes no sense because theres shitty awful people in every group but it doesn't make them "just as bad" as moids
No. 1268003
>>1268001Anorexics admit to men influencing their ED all the time, whether it's trying to please a specific moid, enjoying male attention, or having low self esteem because of how moids talk about them (and on the other hand, lots are trying to desexualize themselves and avoid male attention). Pro ana communities tend to be pretty honest about stuff like that since they're happy to try and out-crazy one another and it's meant to be private/personal.
I hate ana chans because of how competitive they are, it makes them nasty and spiteful. But I don't think there's an epidemic of them grooming each other, the last thing they want is other girls being skinnier than they are. They are bad influences and enablers ofc but it's not like they intentionally manipulate younger women into losing weight for their own nefarious purposes the way men do.
No. 1268009
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>>1268003>>1268001but where do they even find these men though? I feel like 90% of scrotes are into thicck bodytypes on women, the only men I can think of who are into anachans are jaded gen-xers
No. 1268012
>>1268002One in a million female teachers are rapists, anorexics are way more likely to groom young girls into anorexia than those numbers, especially when they're behind anonymous accounts in social media platforms. I understand you don't get it because you probably don't know how common ana stuff is in teen girl media and twitter but if you don't believe me, you can just go on twitter and search up and teengirl topic to see how long it takes until you stumbled upon a ED-Cult.
>>1268003Yeah I don't blame the ones who are doing it out of trauma or some other mental illness, of course. I do hope they get better as they're just using this as an unhealthy way to cope with their other issues. Those ones don't tend to be the groomer types either but if you go onto teen tiktok or twitter and spend one hour there, you'll stumble upon multiple 20+ yo women(no they're real women and girls in this case) looking to invite young girls into their private ana-chat/groups etc.
Anorexics in proana forums are actually logical and they're neither stupid nor evil enough to think it's ok to influence other women in unhealthy ways but the ones in twitter and tiktok are a whole different story. They see no issue hosting ED advice chats and helping other girls starve themselves or find ways to purge without getting caught.
If you still don't believe me, there is even an ED thread in /g/ you can check and they do blame women for their issues there. They'll go on about how jealous old fat women are the ones who caused the their issues when in reality, they think they'd be more attractive if they starved just a bit more.
No. 1268014
>>1268009Men don't want skellies. Ideally they want thin women with huge butts or asses, skellies don't have either, so most normie men would be more interested in a chubby or skinnyfat girl than a jarring looking ana-chan.
It's still true that some men get off on negging them to lose weight or find it satisfying to see a woman ruin her health to fit his standards.
In the end, no normal man finds anorexics attractive, if he does it's a huge redflag as ana-fetishizers tend to be pedos or hebephiles. There are so many stories of pedos taking advantage of anorexic girls because they're dumb and small like kids.
No. 1268016
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>>1268009the 2000s were obsessed with thinness, both accusing women who had the tiniest bit of flab to be whales, and shaming EDs.
that's why we have fat positivity now, honestly the former was the lesser evil
No. 1268020
>>1268017i had a lightbulb moment reading your post, maybe men into ana-chans are pedos ?
anas often like words like pure and and dainty ethereal, and pedos thrive on destroying innocence.
No. 1268022
>>1268020Nta but read my reply
>>1268014 where I said anafetishizers are either pedo (interested in kids) or hebephiles(interested in young teens). A lot of pedos knowingly target anorexic women because they have the mind and body of a child, at least that's the closest they can get without it being illegal.
No. 1268026
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>>1268020>>1268020might be, but anachan women tend to look a decade older then their real age, their bodies are harder often then young children, so I don't know why a pedo would be interested, like I can't image a pedo scrote being into someone like picrel
No. 1268032
>>1268014Depends on the culture. I'm slav and when I was at my skelliest (like BMI 17) after coming home from Japan, men made a big deal about it and were into it. When I was studying in Japan for a year, my host families actively tried to make me thinner even though I was already really thin (and that's where I became really skelly and my BMI dropped to 16). I personally don't like it and I'm trying to gain weight to have more energy.
I think some men are into huge boobs but me being thin usually overpowered that and weirdly they'd get upset when I say I wanna gain weight. Huge asses aren't attractive here at all, it's made fun of and considered fat, toned asses are the beauty standard and even skinny people can have that.
But I feel like if I was in America or like Latin America, my body shape wouldn't be attractive.
No. 1268040
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I think it gets lost in translation that most ana-chans strive to be nothing but bone (except for the ones who do this because of trauma/trying to desexualize themselves). Most ana-chans WANT ass and tits, MPA has multiple threads on how to keep T&A while being skinny for crying out loud. In fact most IG models known for being "thick" most likely restrict but just get implants, there's also another subsection of these women who simply just can't get bigger tits and ass no matter how much weight they gain so compensate by just being extremely thin.Most anorexics want to look like playboy models, lingerie models, etc. Being nothing but bone with ass and tits is still being nothing but bone with added artificialness. In fact the whole "men like ass and tits" argument against anorexia not only shows the ignorance but defeats the point and can make some anorexics even worse since these people will just post anorexic women who had surgery anyway
No. 1268072
>>1268040the way her hip bones protrude is strange and comical, also are her pants down to her ankles ?
when you're this rich and pretty you have no excuse for posting bad photos
No. 1268089
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>>1268072She has a fucked up posture I bet she doesn't want to fix because it makes her ass look nicer, it's always so ridiculous to see celebs and influencers who put so much attention into every detail of their look except correct posture lmao
No. 1268115
>>1268082Seeing this disgusts me as well, because breasts cancer isn't unusual in my family and my grandmother died from it. My sister and I also have harmless tumors in our breasts but before we could get a diagnosis, her like 10 years ago and me last winter, we were panicking a lot. When a friend of mine praised """Eliott" Page for her surgery I told her I was disturbed by those pictures, I wonder if she thinks I'm a crypto
terf now.
No. 1268119
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Yesterday a friend confessed she felt nb and wanted to chop her tits off because she hated them… like it's just so bizarre to me that people would intentionally mutilate themselves because of internalized misogyny. As if women's breast are to blame for being sexually harassed and not the scrotes doing the harassing.
I also hate that porn culture and hypersexual imagery cause gender dysphoria and nd that ppl in my circle are sensitive to becoming aidens and trooning out. Yes who would't like to be a strong man in a world that hates women? It doesn't mean that you were supossed to be a man. It means the world is shit and you're unhappy.
No. 1268132
>>1268119It's like young women see two options. Be fine with being objectified by pornaddicted moids; whore yourself out, or chop those bodyparts off. Such a sick society.
How can we make it change?
No. 1268137
>>1268082My mom had breast cancer and had complete mastectomy. It destroyed her, she always put enormous effort into her looks and she thinks she's ruined and mutilated forever now. She's saving up for the plastic surgery so I hope it goes well.
It makes me kinda sad when anons say stuff like 'titmangle scars' and say their bodies are monstrous or grotesque. I know it's because TIFs do it on healthy bodies but the results are the same as from cancer mastectomy. So it just makes me really sad to hear really terrible stuff to describe those bodies.
No. 1268144
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>>1266819The gift of prediction…
No. 1268182
>>1268126Nah “bruh”, nothing I can’t fix myself. Get a fucking job and work on your issues, get a guidance to teach you how to keep a job, or in reversed order. Anyhow I don’t give a shit if you end up in welfare, “sex work” is not the easy way out even if it seems to be. Even people in a wheelchair can keep a job so why can’t mentally disabled people find ways to be functional instead of accepting their mental disability and sitting on their waterbed with a hitachi vibrator all funded with sex “work”? It’s morally just filthy in general to be a lazy bum, but sex work is the worst type of laziness, because above of all it’s raping your soul even if you’re too retarded to know it in the moment. People respect mc donalds workers more than sex workers for a reason, and if this is not true I myself respect a NEET more than a camgirl. Get a fucking job and work on your issues, get a guidance to teach you how to keep a job, “sex work” is not the easy way out even if it seems to be. Even people in a wheelchair can keep a job why can’t mentally disabled people find ways to be functional or better instead of accepting their disability and sitting on their waterbed with a hitachi vibrator all funded with sex work? It’s morally just filthy, lazy, disgusting, retarded, and above of all the most important thing is that it’s raping your soul and teaching little girls that there’s an easy way to get above average income. GROSS. Just kys if you support sexwork.
No. 1268217
>>1268198>and still got fired since awkwardness and shyness are heavily looked down upon on working womenUhm shyness? Stop bullshitting, if you do the job then nobody will care unless it involves working with people directly. And if you have to come over your shyness, you know what to do. Seek help and/or help yourself. Awkwardness? Just don’t be awkward, be awkward on lolcow, at home, just not at your work. Awkwardness is just not an excuse to be unemployed at an adult age. Control yourself.
I don’t know how old you are or how many degrees you have but if you’re referring to entry level jobs you have no excuse to not better yourself at the basic fundamentals, I’m so sorry. I also struggle keeping a job, I have mental disabilities AND physical ones, but I have a mirror, I know what I do wrong. You cannot tell me just because someone is autistic they can’t keep a job when there are legless and handless people who can. People who fantasize about doing sex work either are ironic about it or plain lazy. life is not easy and it’s not even for normies. I pray you get better at overcoming your shyness and awkwardness and get the best job there is, FUCK SEX WORK AND LAZY BUMS.
No. 1268235
>>1268220Ana chans make millions off their appearance, men's magazines and sites are full of ana chan's. Surely anorexic porn stars and nude models wouldn't make it as far if this was the case? Men will claim they like healthy girls but have fap folders full of Skelly's
Also underweight/ restricting doesn't always mean eugiena cooney. I'm sure most models you'd consider attractive most likely starved
No. 1268256
>>1268119I usually tell these people that I'm a woman and identify as one yet I still want to get rid of my breasts as I hate how they look, how inconvenient they are and how sexualized they are as a body part. And I mean it. It usually short circuits them that you could be a woman
and hate your body instead of literally masturbating to your reflection like all the #bodypos instagram ladies claim they do.
No. 1268275
>>1268266"You can work, just don't work here, here and here. It's your fault though you're just not trying hard enough, just accept you can't work in 90% of jobs"
And then what? Work in a warehouse? I promise you I'd tried getting jobs that don't require social interaction, remote work jobs being advertised are scams most of the time, manual labor jobs laugh at me since I'm super small. CNAs are not that bad when it comes to social interaction, hell RNs can straight up be cunts to their patients, have multiple complaints against them, keep their job, but you know, if I'm slightly awkward I'm a piece of shit person and I need to control myself apparently
>you need to have a mask on at work like everyone else.What are you talking about? Are you accusing me of not wanting to wear a mask and that's why I'm getting fired? The medical field is notorious for keeping the wrong people in and sending the wrong people out
No. 1268281
>>1268217I'm not even a part of this convo but
>just don't be awkwardKek if only there was a switch that unbearably awkward people could turn off.
No. 1268294
No. 1268322
>>1268313Because I clearly don’t want to continue this discussion and I won’t give in because I know my opinion is better. Yes the system is corrupt but that doesn’t mean anti/sex work is going to look irrational when you encourage women to not give a fuck about the system. And your argument is flawed so I won’t bother explaining to you why schooling in modern times is easier. And then you have the muh economy crisis but when wasn’t there an economical crisis? Some argue that precisely because of corona a lot of online businesses were booming.
>>1268306So I take my meds and all is solved, so what?
No. 1268336
>>1267051It's real work I agree, but I don't see that as a positive. Stripping, being a pornstar, camhoeing are legal forms, and flat out selling sex is the illegal form. It's "real work", but I'd consider it the most mentally damaging job you can ever have. Sex workers think they're too good to deal with stuck up Karens at target, but will happily deal with actual dog fuckers/pedos/degenerates and sell them access to their bodies. It doesn't make sense to me.
It does farm more harm to society than good, just look out how sex uped modern western culture is. Now there are people arguing and upset about not being "allowed" to bring their degenerate fetishes out into the open instead of behind closed bedroom doors like they belong, and I blame that partially on the rise of sexwork. Especially E-sexwork, like camming. I personally feel like sex work is one career that no one should ever even consider at this point. And I'm probably more aware than most of you pro-sexwork types of how a person from a poor background would get suckered into it.
If you're disabled there are other options for money. I don't see the disabled moids lining up for onlyfans accounts, and somehow they survive. Same with male autists. Why is this pushed so much towards disadvantaged women? It's predatory and the people touting the "I'm disabled and sex work is all I can do line" are more dangerous than they're aware of.
No. 1268340
>>1268322I agree with you 100%. There are tards in wheel chairs who manage to become Walmart greeters and fold clothes at the salvation army. If you have the ability to formulate pro-sexwork arguments on lolcow, you're intelligent enough to apply for a job at McDonald's.
If you're actually disabled and cannot work, the government will give you money as well. It won't be a lot, but most sex workers don't make much more than minimum wage anyway, so at least you can keep some dignity. The process is flawed, but there is a process and plenty of people use it everyday. Sex work should be the last resort of the last resort, not something that gets promoted as empowering to teenaged girls on Tumblr.
No. 1268341
>>1268322Failing to acknowledge the shit system and constantly repeating "lol I don't care just do it it's all your fault anyway" is indeed irrational. Not everyone has a privileged life and can live off of someone else so you can't really
>Encourage women to not give a fuck about the systemIf you can explain to me about how I'm supposed to not give a fuck about starving and going homeless I'd love to know
>schooling in modern times is easierEasier but expensive and more competitive than ever. Not everyone has a good support system so women who aren't able to pay for their schooling results to sex work too. How are women supposed to tens of thousands of student debt?
>when wasn’t there an economical crisis? It's been worse than ever, inarguably harder to survive for the average young person since the great depression. This is statistically speaking
>Muh online businessGreat. How is this supposed to help women who are struggling to survive? It takes thousands to start a business and it's a big financial risk if you're scraping by even if you're opening a small shop or shopify
No. 1268344
>>1268338exactly. There's more than one way to skin a cat, there's more than one way for a disabled person to earn/have money to survive off of. Anyone who's implying that sex work is the only option, or the best option for a disabled woman is either a predator or dangerously stupid.
Sex workers are always targeted for violence, and so are disabled women. Especially if she's a
PoC. This pro-sex work rhetoric is leading a lot of young women into early graves, and a lot of them won't have anyone come to their funerals. (If they're lucky enough to have a funeral, sex work is a grim path and plenty of sex workers end up dead in ditches, only for their remains to be found later).
No. 1268406
>>1268372Autist. I don’t give a fuck about that bizarre woman, you just sound like you’re a helpless girl living in the anus of the world, it was a bit hard to assume that you live in a first world country like the USA where lots of people would give their leg for was just a bit hard to believe. I heard food stamps were a thing over there? As is obesity? But if you’re starving, I’m sure you could start a gofundme and get rich since sad stories do sell. It’s also a lot better and brave than sexwork, imo. Or are you too good to flip burgers or ask for humanitarian emergencies help? I bet you just wish you had more privilege just like your fellow Americans wish they did because you’re a snowflake. One thing your people can do right is twisting things to fit into a supposed moral “oh woe is me”. There ARE choices and you make them, and if kids can flip burgers, if female and male retards on a global rate are flipping burgers, then why not the intelligent misunderstood discord sadgirl? Because she is far too busy getting into internet lingo instead of normal lingo which as a result gives retardation like:
>>1268126Now if you wanna trade places with the lawyer that lives in an iron lung or with pakichan or romaniachan than be my guest. Otherwise, if I know a young girl who is struggling with keeping a job I’ll just tell her to find another job. Never will I tell her unless I hate her that sexwork is an option. I would rather die than be a whore. End of discussion.
No. 1268431
>>1268419>I have a 9-5 office job. I'm not a sexworker. And I’m romanianchan, now answer my question, what is their disability? Us romanians villagers aren’t very patient
>>1268426What’s your point? Never said that multiple people can’t agree, I just hve a hard time to believe a normal woman that isn’t a sex worker could support it
No. 1268439
>>1268431>>1268434So why are you arguing with me? Are you pro-sexwork or against it because I'm against it. I'm
>>1268415Your mental retardation is giving me a headache either way
No. 1268443
>>1268439You aren’t so against it when you seem to imply “disabled” sexworkers don’t have an option, when they do. And guess what bitch, I can be a literal retard and I still won’t be a sexworker.
>>1268436I do.
No. 1268450
>>1268437I'm not a sex worker but it's not hard to see why girls would, especially those who have harder lives and no parents, friends, boyfriend or anything to rely on for financial support.flipping burgers isn't going to pay for trade school when rent is due next week and it's 1200$ and your day job just fired you to avoid giving you a sign on bonus (amerifags thread also complained about being fired too easily). You don't understand what the constant state of anxiety feels like when your job could just let you go and you could be homeless next week
>Inb4 charitiesTried that. Every single homeless shelter within an hour of me is filled except the men's shelter, most charities won't even bother helping you unless you're a junkie or a mom. No one cares if you're a no one trying to scrape by. Plus the timeliness of situations also count. It would probably months in go fund me to find one months of rent money and by then you're already homeless. Most of you just sound privileged
No. 1268455
I'm pretty empathetic to most first world sex workers. Obviously the privileged women running camshows on social media while calling everyone else "civilians" and making the business attractive towards teenagers is still comtemptible behavior to say the least.
But I understand it as a means to get more.
Women, especially in the US, are an oppressed class of citizens. We've been devalued and taken advantage of in the workforce for far too long, and exacerbated this notion by the fact that we're told that we cannot make legal decisions about our own bodies. Neither will our healthcare system support us as our bodies begin to fall apart, meanwhile men are nannied for every little boo boo.
As someone who works two jobs and 60+ hour weeks just to be able to barely make it in my own, I know that men automatically get the privilege of earning more for less time. Traditionally 'male' professions are automatically respected and net more pay while women are systematically gatekept from those opportunities, and simultaneously, tradionally 'female' industries that happen to be about care, social science, education, or the arts are underpaid. I was promised promotions and told that if I overperformed that I would get the recognition I deserved (sadly, false promises from women in leadership who are embittered towards younger women now that they've got theirs). Meanwhile men are lauded and promoted for the bare minimums or less. When I asked my prior company about the things I was promised, oh I wish I could have recorded it, I was told by female HR and VP to go rely on my ex fiance (who financially abused me), sell my house, or cut back on bare necessities. Society does not give a fuck about women and will grind us down to nubs in the employment machine. I work two jobs because I can and because society has deemed it so far the only way I can make decent money–it's not for lack of trying, being in the wrong field, or not having the education.
I often wondered if my quality of life were to improve if I used sex work as a subsidy on the side.
I'm not arguing that sex work is dignified, or safe, or that it's worth promoting. Just that I understand why it would be an attractive choice to women right now who don't necessarily need it as a last resort, but whose quality of living would see a boost as a result of it. That's all.
No. 1268463
>>1268425in my experience the women that turn to sex work out of desperation lose their job from injury, pregnancy, disease, ect, they apply for dozens of jobs and get nothing back until it gets too close to time to pay rent, or they cannot find a job that works with rearing child. there is always going to be an onlyfans buyer so they resort to online sex work instead of becoming homeless, and it becomes the most stable and hour flexible gig they can find. this is just my experience with 4 women that I've known personally. it is unfortunate for them but I don't think them lazy or pathetic for falling in this position, and you'd have to be inbred to truely believe that.
I don't think opinions derived from lolcow camwhore watching have any merit in these conversations because it destroys any nuance about women's position in poverty.
No. 1268485
>>1268470If me at 16 could ask around and figure out to get help I really don't get why a grown ass woman cant
>>1268472I lived in thay environment around women like that and most of them never want to apply for jobs or make up excuses. They prefer the fast money and the freedom of not having to get up for a job everyday. And idk what country you live in but in mt state you don't need any pay stubs or anything to get food stamps.
No. 1268497
>>1268472That's bullshit, I was on foodstamps in a red state thru the pandemic without a job. They did want me to show proof of working last month but since I left the state and got a job where I'm at now, I decided to not bother.
>>1268489It's cute that you think that's how a prostitute lives. It's not. They're seeing multiple clients a day, and when they're not doing that they're usually getting smacked around by a pimp. When they're not doing that they're getting smacked around by society.
No. 1268502
For everyone who's on the "pro sex work"/"it makes perfect sense to do it" team: If selling sex is on the table, what's wrong with just doing…normal streams? There are women on Twitch making money just from playing games, live reacting to things, discussing philosophy or books and talking about whatever. A lot are titty streamers and such, but even that's not really necessary if you have a personality that's considered appealing enough. Hell, if the sex work path is something you want to go down without harming your life, isn't there (essentially) a "sex work" vtuber that's just some CGI avatar? You have to build an audience for all these things, sure, but the same honestly goes for sex work (especially online these days). Plus, you can put the skills you learn doing those things on a resume. Making lots of money certainly isn't easy for women, but I think it's pretty dishonest to push a binary of "struggle in 9 to 5" and "sell pussy". First world nonnies really do have more options than (almost) anyone else in the world
No. 1268504
>>1268485>If me at 16 could ask around and figure out to get help I really don't get why a grown ass woman cantA struggling teenager is vastly different from a struggling "grown ass woman". Teenagers have way more support systems too. Not everyone's experience is your experience. You can call it whatever you want but trying to claim your experience is universal and "if I can do it you can do it" is just plain ignorance. For example you met lazy women who are sex workers, most sex workers I met are women who ARE working those shitty burger flipping jobs, going to school and doing whatever they can but still struggling.
>Muh get a tradeI paid 3k for a certain trade for a community college and half the class including me got booted half way through clinical rotations because "this just isn't for you" for no specific reason, when I BEGGED for a reason they told me "you're just not confident". 3k wasted and I had to drive an hour and back to school 3 days a week while caring for disabled grandparents and working full time, and 3k just went down the drain with nothing to show
Years later I did something similar to jobcorps twice. First time they wrote my name wrong and never informed me until the deadline was too late for financial aid and I ended up having to pay 4k, second time program was completely free but after I completed the class they took 2 months before they had a job for me (which was only 11/hour and an hour away) I ended up getting my electricity turned off because of that.
It is NOT that easy even with help and everyone's experiences with programs are different. I'm glad yours was easy but this wasn't the case
No. 1268510
>>1268455funny enough i was thinking about this lately. You know, anon, i live in a 3rd world shithole that is getting poorer everyday. And if that wasnt enough, i live in a particular zone where the local government is non-existent and simply
there are no jobs. I've seen a lot of women, even women with sons, falling below the poverty line during the last year and a half. You can see it in a rise of shoplifting, street vendors/ beggars, schools making meal plans because families can't feed their own children anymore, ect. With these extreme conditions you would think there is a rise in prostitution too but
no. The women here """""prefer"""""" being poor before """choosing"""" prostitution (is not a choice but you get me) and that made me realize that most of us know that prostitution is fucking evil and a fate worse than death. For me, the only way that a woman can even think of become a prostitute if it she was abused beforehand and even that is questionabl. I think you need an special type of cluster b disorder to actually pursue becoming a prostitute. Most "normal" women would never do it, not even when poverty is the other option. In fact the whole world is getting poorer and you don't see a rising in actual prostitutes, you just see a rising in frist world urbanites thinking that if they sold feet pics and anal videos all the problems in their life will be solved.
No. 1268511
>>1268504And why didn’t you file a complaint? You have a big mouth here but not there? I was in the same position, but had I the will to continue the program I’d have make this a national circus and get my rights. Be a karen when it’s called for you autist. Secondly, life sucks for everybody this isn’t something you may realize now but it really does suck. Regardless of our opinions that may differ I still wish the best for you anon and I can relate to you a lot. I just wish something magical would happen for you and that you’d get rich.
Fuck sexworkers though.
No. 1268515
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>>1268510Touching story, but you suck, because I need to ram in some dragon dildo’s though. Can’t you see, I, American, am starving?
No. 1268517
>>1268511Because no one cares and I would just come off as a failed student first time, second time I filed a complaint and nothing happened, I did for the third time but all I got was a basic "it just be like that sometimes". Honestly? I would have definitely done sex work instead of struggling like that, being forced to live with an
abusive boyfriend, being homeless in a tent while working 80+ hours a week. some people just have shit luck and it's not always "you're just lazy get over it". If I would have thought about it I would have definitely chose being a stripper over living that way
No. 1268528
>>1268515Kek. I've also noticed that when they talk about "sex work" it's always about onlyfans, being a stripper, or being a camgirl aka the forms of "sex work" with less contact. To even think of start in sex work like that is also privileged. You think that you can just walk into an stripper club and say "let me strip here"? And we have discussed already how onlyfans and camgirl sites are mostly pyramid schemes, in both cases you need
contacts* to make it.
No. 1268538
>>1268501>>1268499>>1268509Every single middle class, privileged-by-choice, whore gets off to self-objectification for male sexual enjoyment. They have completely internalized the male gaze and fetishized a woman’s “fuckability”. These women get a dopamine release in their little brains every time a man, no matter how repulsive, finds them good enough for a quick wank. That’s the MAIN allure of modern sexwork, it’s NOT the money, because most make next to nothing, some maybe a pittance after operational costs. In contrast to most actual jobs, where the work itself is seldom fulfilling to the worker and gives no reward beyond actual paycheck. One of the reasons why straight guys don’t do sexwork because they find no enjoyment in being objectified by gay men, even though they would be benefitting from a popular demand.
I think the current baby prostitute e-hoe trend is a manifestation of the pathological, social media-induced, compulsion to perform and to perform sexually.
No. 1268539
>>1268517You won't get shit in tips as a stripper without some form of plastic surgery, so no, you wouldn't have preferred it to the hands life dealt you. Idk y'all live in a fairy tale land and think every new girl shaking a little ass gets tips so big she needs a bag for them.
No. That's for the IG famous build a bitch types. The ones who really need the money do not make it as fast as you think. Plus, most strippers end up as drug addicted prostitutes with gang affiliate moids controlling their movements and money. Plz get real y'all.
No. 1268543
>>1268540Nope walmart workers go in and actually do work. We need cashiers, people who work in the deli and bakers. We have to eat. We don't need sex workers in society.
Also, at least someone at Walmart can move on to better things in life without having to be constantly reminded of nudes they posted at 18.
No. 1268550
>>1268502Samefag bc the more I think about it, the more it just sounds like grooming when I see random popular American Twitter accounts shill sex work. It feels like pimps running these accounts and dumb pickmes going along with it. There ARE all sorts of options, unconventional ones you might not first imagine (only requirement is living in the USA, Canada or Europe), so why does the internet want women to consider becoming strippers, camgirls and prostitutes first thing when the conventional paths aren't working?
Another thing: Why do 99.9% of camgirls and strippers show their faces? You want your whole life to be marked by this? Why is that normal?
No. 1268551
>>1268543>CashiersLiterally automated jobs that will disappear in a few years that require no skill. Pays 9 dollars an hour for a reason
>DeliWalmart food is disgusting and no one needs it
No. 1268559
>>1268526So what is the truth? Is sexwork a
valid resource for poor woman or not? OP suggest that sex work is a
valid alternative to shitty blue-collar jobs, but then other anons told her that in their own situations of poverty they had every reason to become prostitutes but they didn't and i added that even in widespread situations of poverty women aren't becoming whores in mass. So neither poor vulnerable women from 1st world countries or 3rd world countries truly have "becoming a whore" as an option, so sex work is an option for who?
No. 1268566
>>1268556Yes, legalized sex work = Pimps making big money while still trafficking women
I'm really tired of the weirdo privileged first worlders who read or hear about trafficking and think "Ok well that's for other girls, wouldn't happen here, our hookers are happy uwu". No, your "happy hookers" are still the 1% of the 1%, and you are just delusional enough (or have enough internalized misogyny) to believe the claims of the pimps over the actual 99% of women in the industry
No. 1268575
>>1268566pimps holding a fuckin gun to a woman’s head Tell them you’re happy
Impoverished woman addicted to drugs: I’m happy, this is what I’ve known my whole life, abuse is normal to me
Libshit: seeeEEe?
No. 1268580
>>1268565They're selling drugs and pimping kek.
>>1268568Still, the type of woman that applies to a job like that probably wouldn't view sex work as an option. And I'm sure they'd prefer their jobs to sex work
No. 1268581
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>>1268566>>1268575Pimps deserve the death sentence. All of them.
No. 1268585

>>1268551NTA but
>Literally automated jobs that will disappear in a few years that require no skill.A bunch of camgirls were freaking out over their jobs being rendered automated and obsolete because of vid related. It's kind of deluded to think a woman fucking herself or getting fucked on camera for male amusement is some sort of unique skill that can't be automated, especially with DeepFakes, voice changers and filters becoming more and more advanced>Walmart food is disgusting and no one needs itIf I made the comparison to camgirls here, it'd be too easy, cruel and it'd sound like we're in the fucking Shayna thread or something, so I won't. Instead, consider why your first thought is compare female sex workers to food. Not even being the person who sells/serves the food, but the food itself. You already know the truth of this shit, there's no defending it
No. 1268625
>>1268613I don't think they should call themselves whores/sluts/whatever either. If you call a woman a misogynistic term, not to make a point but just to insult her, then yes I will take you less seriously.
>>1268619I don't think it's actually men, I've been here for years and have always seen this type of stuff. I think it's just edgy farmers and "radfems" that aren't really all that feminist.
No. 1268631
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>>1268613What is even your point? You say it's tone policing but then sarcastically (rightfully) imply calling women whores isn't empowering. Then stop doing it?
No. 1268656
>>1268642>I’m not calling trafficked women whores you stupid fuck.Because you can tell who's trafficked and who isn't?
>western privileged retardsAh yes women in the west are so privileged, from having some of the highest maternal morality rates in the world to being denied access to abortions to the still rampant sexual assault and sex trafficking epidemics in our countries. You're retarded and you sound like pakianon with your seething at "western women" as if they're any less oppressed
No. 1268657
>>1268656its not pakianon, she sounds more normal. This sounds like a aggressive scrote.
Scrotes just love sperging about whores for some reason. I guess its due to the fact that's the majority of content they watch.
No. 1268671
>>1268645The definition of whore is basically a woman who exchanges sex/sex acts for money.
Calling a sexworker a whore is like calling a MtF a tranny. Not nice, but accurate. Moids bastardized the term to refer to any women they don't like, regardless of sexual activity, but technically "whore" is the mean way of saying sex worker.
No. 1268688
>>1268675What you said didn't invalidate what I said. Outside of the fact that the word nigger came from the Spanish word for the color black, which isn't really accurate for a black person.
>>1268669It's a part of their cope. The average sex worker would be better off working at Walmart, they truly don't make that much. Strippers only make bank when they get plastic surgery and pander to the fantasies of richer scrotes. The ones that can't afford that don't make shit. And even the ones that can don't always get their money back, there's a lot that goes into truly pandering to a scrotes fantasy. I wish people would wake up and realize that the average sex worker doesn't have the pull or appeal needed to make thousands and millions. Only a selection few girls get to strip on Friday night when the high rollers throw hundreds. The rest of them are shaking ass for bus drivers on Tuesday and getting tipped 3.75. while being abused and explored for it
No. 1268704
>>1268701>I don't think that's what this anon was trying to say at all.She literally said it:
>>1268687>Yeah actually I'd argue it's worse. Don't backpedal for her. No one brought up the n-word except her. I'm sick of white western leftists using black people as a fucking bargaining chip constantly, it's inhuman and disgusting
No. 1268706
>>1268700I agree with this tho. Tired of my black ass getting dragged into every fucking internet slap fight as some epic pwn
>>1268697You couldn't come up with something else?
No. 1268712
>>1268710Their argument wasn't even accurate. Tranny= transexual= MtF
Whore=prostitute=sex worker. Nigger came from negro and negro means the color black, not the race of people. The slur is an inaccurate one. The other slurs are actually accurate, just means and rude ways to refer to another human being.
No. 1268719
>>1268717So, you don't have a problem, but you're offended and crying that you're getting a taste of your own medicine. Too bad.
I know you're just twisting this because you don't want to look at how your trash-tier debate actions, entitlement and concave brain mirrors trannies, but even that is a failure. I'm so glad this thread will lock soon. Remember, use your own fucking slurs, black women aren't your mules and clever ecks-dee argument points, fuck yourself