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No. 1207004
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1174977Ignore & report bait
No. 1207049
Its amazing and so interesting how the body just knows if someone is genetically compatible or not. I also find it interesting that my ex smelled bad and nauseating to me when he just sat on his ass and ate sugary crap, but when he cut out that shit and started working out he started smelling intoxicating. Just shows how good the body is at picking up beneficial and non beneficial partners.
No. 1207743
>>1207664any idea to govern or legislate the internet, or hide it behind paywalls or make it for a select few, is fucking retarded. any thinking on how the government or whoever is mandating the internet would try to implement that quickly reveals how utterly retarded the thought is. hell, you're making this retarded statement on an anonymous imageboard. thinking critically about that alone unravels any logic behind it.
its cute you think making the internet inaccessible to anyone who doesn't want to share their payment info, their identity/maintain theiry anonynimity, or who simply cannot afford to shill out whatever you deem a "small fee" is to whoever the internet overlords in this scenario is anything close to a good idea.
the majority of people who make dumb statements on the internet and steal art/content anyways are typically rich fucks with 0 respect for others. the majority of great, free, and widely accessible content able to be used on the internet is made for free and for public use and consumption. hiding that behind a paywall so only those who care to sell their data/anonymity/or can afford a fee is naive to say the least, purposefully harmful to the point of the internet and exploitative at worst.
No. 1207845
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>>1207805Adding to this half human half dogs are so hot and I would fuck an animu cutie demon with a tail and ears
No. 1207940
>>1207743I said posting should be a paid thing, like a very small amount of money with a subscription like streaming services, I was thinking more about these payment or gift cards you can buy at any store that don't require giving any of you personal info. Maybe make it like Crunchyroll, you get the bare minimum and a shit ton of ads and your data is stolen away from you for free, or you pay and you have more options, no more ads and you can control what companies do with you data directly and efficiently.
And I'm ONLY talking about social media. Small forums, imageboards, actual blogs and personal websites aren't concerned, although I guess having to pay for your own server and domain kind of fits what I described already anyway.
No. 1208139
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>>1208126I see, choosing to stand tall with your lolicon brothers
No. 1208153
>>1208122>loliconsDeserve to die
>fujoismThey're just cucks, nothing bad
>waifu/husbando cultureJust cringey, nothing bad
No. 1208166
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>>1207845I'll never forgive trannies for co-opting cat boys.
No. 1208199
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>>1207845My spiciest take is that octopus boys are hot
No. 1208226
>>1208122You posted this shit so many times before, it's getting boring. You posted it while trying to say that women into husbandos are pedophiles (even though the video talks about males) and then you went on to sperg about children and how japanese anime characters look like white children and acshually we're all pedophiles yada yada.
Now get your fat ass hands off that computer and try to lose weight, while you're at it you can also tell your little brother you used to take pictures to stop posting shit on that absolutely rancid Twitter account. Go. Outside. And. Lose. Weight.
No. 1208250
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>>1208229call it the beauty of ignorance, imagine how better your life would be it you weren't exposed to the fucked up shit from the internet, weird ideologies, fetishes and their communities, clown world epiphanies and gazillion other things, Like I wish I could go back to a time I didn't even know what a furry or a brony even was, I remember how it seemed like the most fucked up thing in the world for me to discover and that was so long ago
No. 1209084
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Radical feminism is a meme ideology, by "meme ideology" I mean shit like anarcho-monarchism, its never ever gonna be a thing and neither is us ever gonna real world impact, its exists in books, articles, speeches and in the minds of the very "idealistic" people who choose to believe in it. literally every meme ideology has all this stuff btw
I think they should try to rethink their approach to somethin that actually works and brings about change rather then being idealistic morons who faff about mostly
No. 1209095
>>1208246No, of course not. In fact, straight/bi women feel the heat more. It's just funny to see a farmer talk about the man who they are romantic with, remember his birthdays, give gifts, show affection to, whatever, come here to call him "my scrote" or "my moid" is really funny. It's like a man going "I gave my roastie an anniversary gift today and she's not as enthusiastic about it as I hoped, ugh I feel like I made a mistake" or something. Like, you clearly like the person enough to fuck them, so the posturing is cringe. Just say boyfriend kek, no one is gonna jump you.
No. 1209183
>>1209143This. Especially when the excuse is "I want to look good in clothes so I got a BBL/ Boob job"
Like… You mean to tell me you spent thousands with an excruciating recovery process, for the sake of wearing clothes when you could easily get padding instead?
No. 1209241
>>1209143I had a breast reduction back in 2019, best decision I have ever made. I have body dysmorphia and many other mental health and self esteem issues. Having bigger boobs only made these worse. I don't regret my surgery and encourage anyone who feels the same as i did to have it too.
Idk if this is what you mean, but sometimes surgery like nose jobs etc are done due to girls loathing how they look and I don't think there is anything wrong with having procedures like mine and others.
No. 1209796
>>1209709I always hated that saying. As a kid I would get sick to my stomach every time I heard "beating a dead horse," and
especially if someone said "throwing the baby out with the bathwater." I would always imagine the poor baby getting thrown out into the stream and left behind and pretty sure when I was really young I even cried over it.
No. 1209820
>>1209143I can only understand it if it's for medical reasons, for example if you don't have breasts because of cancer or on the other hand, of your have back pain and need a reduction.
Other than that, people that have cosmetic surgery while saying they loved their body as it was before are just lying to themselves.
No. 1209911
>>1209084You are the anon that has kept sperging about this same topic in past threads and the secret board, right? You keep saying "meme ideology". Why do you have such a vendetta against radfems specifically? I'm not even a radfem but I don't understand you and your autism about this. You literally have a whole thread to yourself back there, why must you bring your shit here? Also IIRC libfems also started off as rich white women and feminism only got more intersectional later on. Good activism is dependent on freedom of speech, committment, amount of support and the cause being palatable enough. So naturally many activists will have significant privilege as they have the time and means to do so.
Radical feminism is like the Malcolm X of feminism and libfems are like the MLK. One is more based and helps people take pride in their identity but more exclusive and aggressive and doesn't appeal to many of those it's supposed to help and the other has a diffused message but has a wider reach and more publicity. That's oversimplified but you get it. However feminism get hijacked by moids and pickmes a lot and the oppressions happen for different reasons so the race comparison isn't entirely apt. Do I think radical feminism is perfect and will change the world? No. Is it completely useless though? Not in my opinion. What should feminism look like then anon?
No. 1210114
>>1209143Ah yes, because YOU personally have no desire to get elective surgeries means that it’s automatically a terrible thing that should be banned. Let me guess, you have your ears pierced, maybe even a tattoo? Did you cut yourself as a teenager? Have you lost or gained weight at any point? Gotten your teeth whitened or your hair colored?
Body modification is a vain and frivolous act that is perfectly fine and often harmless if done properly. Elective surgeries are body modifications that are a personal choice of those who own the body. We don’t need to ban them altogether, we need more skill, research, and education to prevent harm or regretted impulsivity. Who the fuck are you to say that it’s a personal failure to want to modify a fat and flesh covered cage of organs? So dumb and also boring.
No. 1210195
>>1210178Are you lost? Hentai can still induce porn sickness and escalating behavior, just like with people porn. Hentai still gives men fucked up views of sex and female anatomy. Not mentioning its role in troon delusions, in male and female.
Tasteful hentai is exceedingly rare, unless you're counting a handful of doujin of shoujo couples that are for women. Hentai made by women for women are nonexistent compared to male gaze coomer shit.
No. 1210200
>Elective surgeries are body modifications that are a personal choice of those who own the bodyEhhhhh I get your point anon but I think it's foolish to ignore the reasons WHY a lot of people make those choices. I just saw a news story the other day about an 18 year old girl who went and got a boob job shortly after graduating high school and ended up brain dead due to complications during the procedure. Her whole life ruined just because she wanted bigger tits. Not saying it's her fault and obviously stuff like that is rare but let's not pretend that main reason she mostly likely wanted the procedure is because she wanted to fit a certain image that society was shoving down her throat. Same with those women who die/getting health complications getting bbls because that's the trend. Like anon
>>1210180said, you really can't compare the two when elective surgeries are way more dangerous. I wouldn't say ban them but it's gonna take more than skill, research and education to address the real issue of way people go to extreme measures to "fix" their bodies.
No. 1210218
>>1210195Hentai is even more damaging imo since they feature bizarre, bodily impossible stuff and give men weird views on anatomy. I knew so many moids who legit thought a virgin woman would just magically cum and lactate and expected it during sex and porn sick women try to mimic hentai. Hentai culture is melting people's brains
>Inb4 well they're just stupidYeah you're right but we should try to contain the stupidity at least. Refusing to do anything about men becoming
abusive towards women's appearance and ruining their brain when it comes to anatomy is pretty enabling
No. 1210235
>>1210228>i'm not reading hardcore or tentacle shit that depicts women with exaggerated proportionsNo one thought they'd be watching that when they first got into porn/hentai either.
Vanilla loving consensual stuff is already a small category in hentai. Even in those ones, it's always female bodies that are on displayed and sexualized. Even in those ones, men rarely perform oral sex but the girl always always suck dick. Just refer to your smut as erotica or doujin. When you just say "hentai is cool" it conveys very different message.
No. 1210237
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>>1210178>cute hentaiI thought that to…until I stopped kidding myself. I guess yaoi can be hot, but 99% of straight porn, including hentai, is male-gaze shit. I don't care if they 'act like a couple' it's coomer shit. Also using '~' gives faggot male vibes
No. 1210316
>>1210306Her… what? Grabbed his what? Are you for real? I didn't think even redditors were
that retarded
No. 1210322
>>1209911NTA but I think many modern radfems do nearly 0 praxis and act more like libfems. At best they push legislation
(reforming within a liberal framework isn't very grabbing by the root, you know..), at worst whining online that nobody can do anything. Previous radfems set up shelters, ran soup kitchens, set up communes, sabotaged patriarchy, created zines, helped homeless women, created community gardens etc. Currently the height of praxis is constantly whining about troons, while twiddling thumbs waiting for others to lobby the government (or as Solanas calls it, "Big Daddy", reference to Big Brother). Yes the AGPs are annoying and a danger, but we can't just be paralyzed in fear permanently. It doesn't help that all the radfems from back then who are still alive are bottom of the barrel polilez, who now just hold talks and livestreams about choosing lesbianism and who weren't a part of the group of radfems who actually did shit.
No. 1210373
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The show Scooby Doo never appealed to me as a child. Meanwhile all the other kids considered it as one of their favs.
No. 1210381
>>1210328Uh yeah of course hentai is less evil than actual porn. Unrealistic body standards vs actual real, living women being abused and violated, doesn't seem comparable??
No woman should subject herself to hentai but it's still better than some poor woman getting a prolapsed asshole on film
No. 1210428
>>1210381Hentai addicts are horribly
abusive towards women, porn addicts are also horribly
abusive towards women. While the actual process of making porn is a lot worse than hentai what anons mean is that the effects it has on people's minds are on par with each other
No. 1210444
>>1210114> should be banned> ban them altogetherDidn't say it should be banned. I said elective plastic surgery shouldn't be normalized.
> Who the fuck are you to say that it’s a personal failure to want to modify I didn't say that.
Sounds like there is a lot of projection here and a chord was obviously struck. Go ahead and cut yourself and get a BBL if that's what you want. The fact that the entire elective cosmetic surgery industry is built upon misogyny and sexism against women is still going to stand. To reiterate what other anons have said: you are not immune to a lifetime of social conditioning and it's always sexist ass expectations that people defend the most.
No. 1210496
>>1210484You want to gossip and nitpick and talk shit but pointing out that trans women are men is off limits? You're funny,
No. 1210514
>>1210484samefag but i felt the same way when i started browsing lc, at least about the transphobia. it was so persistent that eventually i stopped getting instinctively angry over it and started actually listening to what anons had to say… i peaked almost immediately after that lol. not trying to change your mind but maybe spend a little time in the mtf thread on /snow/ it’s eye opening for sure.
the racism is a whole separate issue. but racebait posts are against the rules so you can report them at least.
No. 1210519
>>1210484I wonder how you define racism. I think here people are free to be more real about race/culture which can lead to discomfort if you're only ever used to the "ypipo bad
poc good" kind of racial discussions that are all that's allowed on most of the mainstream internet. I mean even here I feel like discussions tend to only be marked racebait when it's something
poc may not like
At the same time some of the race stuff here is downright spergy and annoying to read (celebricows thread)
No. 1210520
>>1210484Anon I have the perfect place for you… it’s called Twitter.
Report the Racebait it’s against the rules and happy peaking jokes aside.
No. 1210542
>>1210528I don't think anons hating trannies is the same as anons being racist. Both of the anons in this scenario
>It's like seeing some black women here racebaiting and white women responding with a curt "nigger"Would be racebaiting and rightfully banned and told off by other anons. It's not acceptable behavior on this site like other imageboards.
No. 1210548
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>>1210520Right? Like why can’t you be a catty bitch on twitter? Fucking retards loveeee the aesthetic of using an imageboard, makes them feel cool and alt or something. But like every vapid faggot obsessed with the appearance, the aesthetic, the varnish, they don’t care about the authenticity of anything. Anonymous imageboards are counterculture spaces. Suddenly real women having real conversations are too real for their algorithm curated brains.
No. 1210740
>>1210376I didn't say unlike the libs, they do jackshit either. The problem is that radfems nowadays act like the libs. Volunteering and donating to charity is also more on the lib side. Nobody is actually interested in starting new things, new shelters, new ways to help women. Whenever I tried to convince any to actually do something, they would say "but muh AGPs" and use that as an excuse to never do anything. Volunteering at an existing shelter is nice, but nobody is interested in starting new ones together, more beds are needed. Nobody is interested in permablitzing, or helping with self defense classes. People just want to donate to lobby groups, whine about troons and that is that. Rote Zora hangs around radfem meetings, I wonder what they think of the lack of praxis. Terfy anarcha feminists have been way more interested in doing praxis and actually DOING something and creating something new. Instead of libby radfems who just want to donate to organizations which lobby the government and cooperate with conservatives, then pat themselves on the back. Maybe have volunteered at a shelter once or twice, but will balk at the idea of starting a new one and whine about what happened to the one in Canada and want to be paralyzed in fear of doing anything.
No. 1211035
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The Weeknd's music is extremely mediocre and boring. It sounds like something you'd hear in the background at a mall. I swear you need to be brainwashed/MK Ultra'd to think it's anything interesting or unique
Musicians who make very bland work (but have insanely devoted fans) honestly make me wonder if all the things about celebrities selling their souls to Satan for instant fame are true. Like, this shit has to be botted somehow. There's no fucking way people are worshiping that man and calling him a genius organically
Pic related, average fan of The Weeknd
No. 1211092
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>>1211090croptop aside, what's lewd about this? are you that male identified? if you're wearing extremely tight, paper thin leggings, maybe, but thicker leggings that aren't pressed up against your vagina aren't "lewd"
No. 1211104
>>1211084What're you talking about? Most men like it when women wear leggings unless the woman in question is morbidly obese. They even have legging fetish stuff and I've heard a lot of guys try to get their gfs to wear them cause they like how sexualized it looks.
Trust me if what you're doing is getting a man hard, he doesn't hate it. It's not a gotcha.
No. 1211105
>>1211099and just as comfortable, another reason to wear leggings!
>>1211104and another reason, since i'm also fat, yet i keep wearing leggings wherever i go.
No. 1211113
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>>1211006Anon, most people wear it to lounge around at home. As the other anon said, they are like pyjamas
No. 1211143
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>>1211137This is how I imagine you going shopping anon.
No. 1211147
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>>1211143That's exactly what I look like.
No. 1211419
>>1211377Yeah breastfeeding is literally the best thing ever.
>helps you bond with baby emotionally>boosts their immune system (all the germs you encounter, you get antibodies and they pass through your breast milk.)>natural>cheap>helps mom heal >helps with (some) weight lossDo I have saggy boobs now? Mildly but it’s a small price to pay for a healthy kid in one of the most fragile parts of their life. Besides my biggest upset isn’t my boobs it’s mostly my tummy it looks like an oatmeal cream pie I kinda miss having a smooth flat tummy. I’ve always had big knockers with big ass pepperoni nipples that point to the floor. Not much of a loss there
No. 1211425
>>12114180/10 not
triggering as I was saying lovebombing strangers is bizarre. Please say “kys retard” like everybody else and move on.
No. 1211448
>>1211425Nta but I love you
nonnie and I agree.
No. 1211455
>>1211448To elaborate, I don’t mean this kind of thing makes me seethe, it’s just really juvenile and doesn’t mean anything at all to see someone make a big post or something in the vent thread that’s very bleak and the generic response is “I love you
nonnie I wish I could hug you” or something. If you can’t think of anything to say that’s actually constructive, you’re just being disingenuous and it’s so copy/paste here now. Like someone expressing being in a dark place does not give a fuck that you “love” her, it’s just weird.
No. 1211521
>>1211498Yes? I'm the anon she's replying to and I'm a mom who EBF. Why would I depend on something there's a literal shortage of?
>>1211492What are you trying to prove? You're willing to rely on an extremely unreliable source, putting your baby at risk of starvation, when you could easily have a more reliable and healthier source just because…? Sorry I'm heavily judging you
No. 1211590
>>1211577Every single woman ikr I know who uses this excuse has gotten CPS called on her multiple times kek. If you make shit decisions when raising your kids you deserve to be judged
>>1211578Why take away formula from people who need it? I know moms who are legitimately scared that they may not be able to find formula to feed their kids next week all so someone else can have formula "just because it's my decision" when they're perfectly capable of breastfeeding. You're making shit decisions for your own child and putting other women's children at risk. It has nothing to do with "formula shaming" if we didn't have a fucking crisis, it has to do with the fact their selfishness is putting their own child and others at risk. Do you understand that?
No. 1211635
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>quit mom shaming me
>Only moids judge how other women raise their kids
No. 1211654
>>1211586why has everyone suddenly forgot that they make tiddy pumps to get the milk out of your breasts to put in a bottle
why are people so easily herded into 2 opposite extremes. are any of you people even real
No. 1211668
>>1211654They'll insist breast pumps are too uncomfortable and take too much time lol (even if they've never used them)
I'm definitely approaching schizo mode these days, but I'm convinced North Americans are part of the largest brainwashing operation known to mankind to date. The things they believe wholeheartedly, the mindless aggression toward anyone who doesn't suck their shitty corporations' dicks, the devotion to the blandest shit known to man. It's all too much. Their companies and governments don't even need automated bots anymore, the citizens function almost like a hivemind constantly shilling the same things that harm them, and making you into the problem if you suggest anything better
No. 1211700
>>1211684Samefag, but to clarify
>basically just a bunch of botsNot
those kind of bots, but beep boop robots. That's why this thread is always active, bots don't sleep and they don't adhere to timezones. In fact, you might be a robot and the AI is just getting so good that I didn't realize.
Anyway fools, please keep going or we will have to feed you to a pit of snakes or throw tomatoes at you (or however jesters were punished in medieval times).
No. 1211777
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university isn't for learning, it's for proving what you already know before going to university. this is why sat and tests like that are a thing in the united states. it is to show your level of intelligence beyond the expected courses, and also to weed out regular and poor people.
i went straight from high school into computer science. i knew 0 coding before going. most of my classmates have already done programming courses in community college, or another university before coming here.
not only were the students and professors stuck up, refusing to clarify things, they were downright disgusted that i went in clueless, expecting to learn in college. i ended up dropping out because they expected me to already build my own programs perfectly for the assignments, while just starting to learn the codes. then when i did build my first projects they accused me of plagiarism for following tutorials. whereas before that, they turned me away from getting advice from the teachers themselves, telling me the course is self study. i swear some of them had a sadistic pleasure from seeing me fail. i hate scrotes, and academia.
No. 1211794
>>1211782i went in the netherlands and the university enrolled people based on a lottery selection so my previous schooling did not affect it like it would have in other universities, or for example in the united states. i thought that is why this school would be feminist in values. it was also international and i came from a worse, european country. thing is, in the netherlands i could not get student loans without working. so i ended up working exploitative minimum wage jobs to be allowed for the loan, and with all of that shit i was not able to keep up with the courses. i was also bi-in-denial so i was afraid of talking with other girls, and did not have support from my male "friends" of course. i wish i knew i was supposed to take a gap year or another course before this because as another
nonnie said, i still wasted a couple of extra years trying to catch up. the most vile thing is, they did not let me keep my credits after dropping out, so if i wanted to take the course again, i would have had to go through all 4 years without having any credits previously counted.
>>1211787it sucks so much and with the sexism gives us so much shame and stress. some scrotes were already flexing bachelors and industry jobs, and would still gatekeep and refuse to explain their code in group projects.
people love parroting how everyone can graduate college with enough hard work, but they don't talk about how shitty you are treated as a woman if you are not autistically obsessed with the major and gender nonconforming at the same time.
No. 1211795
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>>1211450I can (did) but it has stretch marks and looks like an oatmeal cream pie cookie on the literal skin I am so sad desu saving for some coolsculpting
No. 1211796
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>>1211794looking even slightly feminine to start with has likely ruined my chances of any basic sympathy from many of these cs incels. if my parents did not have pushed me to go right after graduating high school, i could have larped as a glasses and hoodies nerd, while having accumulated basic knowledge and some savings. lesson learned to not listen to my boomer parents about major life decisions. saged for ranting
No. 1211903
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>>1211862I feel like boymoms is a thing I keep on hearing about on the Internet, like people talk about as their a common occurrence but I have never actually seen one IRL, Its like this fucking meme, its a nebulas idea that internet made up, sure there are women who favor their sons over daughters, they definitely exist but I like they have been corelated with other cringy mom stuff, like soccer moms and karens
No. 1211913
>>1211787I had a similar issue when studying law in France for my first year, I changed my major the next year because me being poor and never having help for anything during my whole life at schools, worrying about losing my scholarship, worrying about my declining health (unrelated to all of this), worrying about how isolates I was from the rest of the students because they were all rich, white and spoiled by their parents who payed them tutors who were passive aggressive to me all the time, etc. was too much to handle. It's supposedly specific to the university I went to, I've been told, because the teachers gave us fake info all the time, like telling us that we didn't need to learn penal and civil codes by heart and we'd get open books tests because we'd be tested on our reasoning yet the exact reverse happened each time. One guy would, during each of his 2h long classes, talk about football and his lovely wife for 30min, shit talk another city for 10min (because football rot his brain), and he'd leave like 15min early to catch his train.
No. 1211914
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I feel like this website has gotten worse with regards to the incidence of incel tier posts about men. The most braindead takes that offer no insight and aren't based on anything but seething. It's gotten to the point where behaviour that is overwhelmingly displayed by women is pointed out as something that only a man would ever do. Scores of posts that read like the poster has never talked to a woman or been around women ever.
When I was young I spent time around r9k incels and these posts read the exact same way. I can only assume the people behind it are the same. I'm actually pretty sure some of them are literally men who come here to yell at women using deranged man hate as a shield. Many of the posts about male dating preferences seem to be sourced straight from that incel wiki website.
If I had to boil the essence of these posts down, I would say they embody these words: Dumb, hateful, empty.
I can't imagine the people posting them are actual human beings. They don't seem to have hobbies, interests or friendship. They know nothing, are incapable of normal social interaction even on a website such as this.
I'm interested in radical feminism, but the threads about it are just mindless seething and yass queen cringe larping. Is that really what that community is on lolcow? These people are nothing like the well spoken feminists that get banned off social media for speaking truth to power, they're just speds.
And I hate how it affects this site. Posters get horrendous advice, completely ass backwards and wrong explanations, and more and more I've seen people apologize for not having a psychotic hatred of men, prefacing completely fine posts with disclaimers. Don't apologize for your opinion! That's toxic feminity! The speds are big fans of it, but they're bad people.
This is poorly written, but I'm tired and I'll get shit for it no matter how I phrase it, so here I go.
No. 1211926
>>1211923When I was 13-15 or so I spent a lot of time on r9k and incel sites, I know these people better than they know themselves.
>reddit spacingI can't tell whether this is a troll, do you never write posts with more than one sentence?
No. 1211936
>>1211931You are a retard if you can't tell it is the mindset and the way of thinking that unites both types of posters. The men have violent and rape fantasies thrown in, as is their wont, but the underlying attitude is a perfect mirror.
If your way of life is seething with hatred while being utterly ignorant of the thing you hate and basically every other thing in the world too, you need to check yourself and cease reinforcing your dysfunctional thought patterns by spending your days yelling at people on the internet and being a big nuisance.
No. 1211979
>The men have violent and rape fantasies thrown in, as is their wontnullifies this
>but the underlying attitude is a perfect mirrorbecause no
Nonnie, those who complain about experiencing oppression are not the same to people who complain about not being able to oppress others more.
if you think that anons posting on the internet is "a big nuisance", maybe you should log off or don't come to lc?
No. 1212002
>>1211952That’s literally what the site is for. Saying “I’m a lesbian it’s not the same” when you make scrote-tier annoying comments that would get moids banned is retarded.
>>1211966Absolutely not but the “I am telling you all repeatedly that I am sexualizing the same women we come here to criticize but it is okay because I do so respectfully” is dumb asf. Like please go be a pariah somewhere else.
No. 1212053
>>1212032There used to be one annoying lesbo thirstposting in the gimpgirl thread, I was complaining about her at the time
>>730665It's definitely annoying. I find Momokun sexually attractive, but I'd never go into her thread to thirstpost, thirstposting is not milk and is limited to the off-topic boards.
No. 1212056
>>1212051>Jealous that scrotey-ass comments are popping up again like flies on shitYeah that’s definitely what it is. I want them to sexualize
me instead, on a basket-weaving forum for Tibetan priests.
No. 1212067
>>1212063Also see
>>1211939 and
>>1212002 where she says how being a lesbian is same as being a male. It's a bit weird and I'd have agreed if it was in the original thread but some random anon shitposting in the honest opinions thread really isn't worth the fuss.
>>1212064Sorry I thought it was the same because of the replies. Though why are you ok with participating in camwhore threads but think it's only objectification when some anon says one of the cows is attractive? Even if you think they're ugly and mock them, that's still objectifying them like
>>1212058 said.
No. 1212077
>>1212063It’s just an accumulation of multiple posts I’ve been seeing across threads for the past couple months. The moo thing was just a recent example and wasn’t meant to be deep or anything. The accusation that I must be jealous about retarded scrote-lvl drivel about women just because it’s prefaced with I’m a girl btw is lame though and very male, ironically.
>>1212067It’s fine, I didn’t see that anons opinion or read it until after I got a confusing reply. I think r9k is repulsive and I do not agree with anything they were saying at all.
Also yeah, nitpicking and objectifying is the name of the game here and I luckily don’t dehumanize a lot of these women the way some anons do but sharing your sexual attraction to them is creepy and always will be. We get enough of that from moids. It wasn’t specifically the moo comment, just an accumulation of a few odd behaviors I’ve been picking up on lately that are a bit hypocritical. That said lolcow is inherently hypocritical, I’m very aware. I did make the post in unpopular opinions. I’ve seen several similar comments over the span of months and I was momentarily annoyed, nothing more.
No. 1212125
>>1212077A lesbian saying a cow is hot isn't the same as men objectifying and harassing women. I'm sure a camwhore won't care if a lesbian thinks she's cute or whatever, stop making this into a fehmunist issue when you clearly dislike lesbians only and think they're equal to scrotes therefore shouldn't be allowed to post their feelings.
I also dislike weird posts in cow threads but as long as it's done in the right thread, you shouldn't complain about it to this extent. You clearly have some homophobia and you can choose to work on it or just learn to ignore lesbians. There is a weird wave of lesbophobia lately which is why I overreacted to your posts. I'm sorry for that but please don't compare lesbians to actual straight men who do much worse.
No. 1212141
>>1212111I had made five posts on the matter. Just five; and this is the sixth technically, and they were replies so that’s not really “a bunch.” None of them were long, never have I brought it up before. None of them were seething either, you just decided to read them that way?
>jealous So painfully male to say kek. I literally just thought it was gross, just how I think it’s gross when men do it. Very simple concept.
>>1212125I agree straight men do way worse. I wasn’t expressing through the lense of irl and just thinking in terms of lolcow. Had I seen the other post ranting about r9k and other bullshit I wouldn’t have posted at all likely. Any scrote-tier comment makes me gag however, dunno why that would ever be interpreted as jealousy. I absolutely do not want to be desired by the demographic of this board and I’d say most anons don’t either because that’s not even what it’s for? It’s not r/rateme.
No. 1212364
>>1212361Her r9k incel bf dumped her so now she reeees to us, kek.
No. 1212369
>>1212363*white women are angry at injustice
Corrected your statement.
(racebait) No. 1212372
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>>1212370Fuck off scrote, drag your limp dick elsewhere.
No. 1212377
The scrote has outed himself. Remember not to reply to it and report its posts. It feeds on attention so ignoring and continuing on a different conversation is the best
>>1212372>>1212374Please don't reply to it.
No. 1212381
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Remember to not reply to the scrote. Just ignore his low-effort posts
No. 1212421
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I feel like anons should put more effort into ‘just ignoring and reporting’ racebaiters and male posters. It sucks that we have to deal with them shit-stirring but we can’t just let them derail threads. This is especially because they constantly repeat the same arguments/tactics to cause infighting, like the ‘Lolcow is a bunch of femcels and your misandrist is just as bad as /r9k/‘ ,which is something no woman here believes
No. 1212425
It was men who set their own unrealistic expectations when it comes to appearances, careers, etc. They bashed women who were attracted to men like Robert Pattinson because he wasn't buff enough/too feminine looking, twice since they did it in his twilight days and now they're mad again that women are thirsting over him in Batman. They're probably online screaming their damn heads off about how "women ONLY want 6 figures, 6 foot, 6 inch dicked buff millionaires and won't accept anything less!!", But like, it was them who wanted to enforce that sort of attraction on women when women just wanted realistically attractive men with average bodies, it was men who wanted women to like tall, buff and rich guys and then they get mad at the idea even of it even though they made it all up themselves
It's so weird to think about since you'd never see women bash men for liking realistic looking women like Jennifer Lawrence when men thirsted after her in hunger games, or else they'd immediately get marked as bitter and ugly, and women sure as fuck wouldn run around screaming how women like Kim k "actually looked like women" and men should thirst after her instead of celebrities with normal bodies, just to complain about standards
No. 1212442
>>1212398>most women of color really want white men as much as white men trick themselves.They really don't. I knew a guy irl who had an Asian gf who would rave about how "Asian women would do anything for white men". Until he found out she was cheating on him with buff Latino dudes kek. Where does this stereotype even come from? It's usually white men thirsting after
WOC and very rarely
WOC thirsting after them
No. 1212509
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Sanrio official art isn't cute. It can only induce a response of pure apathy in me. I guess purin, my melody and kuromi are kind of cute, but only fan art that goes a little off-model really makes them cute
No. 1212623
>>1211914I'm not autistic enough to read everything that you wrote and everything else the anons after you responded with but I wanted to highlight this part of your post
>radical feminismI honestly don't believe most people on this website are radfem. From what I read on the farms, it's pretty obvious that most anons have never read a single piece of feminist literature a day in their lives. They believe in a caricatured version of radical feminism that rests solely on the principles of transphobia and misandry. Not to say that these concepts don't play a large role in the ideology, but it's a lot more complicated/nuanced than
>KILL ALL MEN>FUCK TRANNIESHowever, I don't expect users on any non-academic website to be particularly well-read or intellectual (no offense, but there isn't much incentive to be so on a site where people regularly call each other faggots and retards kek), so I don't really bother with/care for people who espouse these beliefs. Anyway, older farmers tend to be more neutral about these things while newer ones are a mixed bag. I have the suspicion that some anons don't actually believe in what they say and are only pretending to be 'radfems' for the purpose of integrating on the farms.
No. 1212634
>>1212623I think that anon is one of those retards who get upset when this site doesn't let dudes roam freelancer as it used to or cuddle men like other online spaces do. Also most users aren't feminists, this is a website that started off as a a gossipsite about women. Though anon is definitely much more offended that we don't coddle man than how users act hypothetical time to time.
>>1212077I'm sorry for lashing out I agree with your points. You posting after the r9k pickme made the situation worse.
No. 1212654
>>1212644I agree. I've had so many
straight girls who tell me they got turned on by women or literally checked women out like how Cara did to Meghan, kek. I've also read on a female forum that most women agreed that seeing another woman's cleavage turned them on.
I'm not saying all of those women are bi but I think a lot of straight women sexualize their own bodies so much they learn to get turned on by seeing sexualized female bodies, as that's all that's expected in a straight relationship. An average ungroomed man and a super hot woman who always dresses up to appeal to the male gaze, after a certain point their gaze literally becomes the male gaze.
No. 1212660
>>1212649Gonna samefag here, but even on Ovarit I get the sense that many users are not actually radfem but only visit for the transphobic discourse that is banned on other platforms. The amount of people who think that feminists should start aligning themselves with Republicans/right-wingers simply because they are against the inclusion of troons in women's sports is frankly startling. They see it as a single-issue website and it's pretty obvious that Ovarit is slowly being taken over by users with ideologies that are otherwise hostile to the goals of radical feminism (such as those of tradthots). I just wish there were another website where women could discuss feminism/female separatism without these influences (and maybe a bit more intersectional), but sadly I feel like this isn't possible.
>>1212658I agree
No. 1212667
>>1212654this only proves that "bisexual" is only a word used by attention seekers with
victim complexes. a lot of straight-identifying women fit the definition for it and they don't go around talking about how "oppressed" they are for it, nor do they try to shove themselves in the gay community even though materially they are more "bisexual" than self-identifying "bisexuals"
No. 1212673
>>1212623>>1212649I think this is where you're going wrong: Assuming anons identify as
TERF because they vent about men/trannies on a website that generally allows
TERF ideology, just like twittards who accuse someone of being a
TERF because they dare not hate JK Rowling. But I've seen very few anons actually actively claim to be
TERF. We get a disproportionate amount of venting about men and trannies because it's not allowed nearly anywhere else on the (mainstream) web anymore. But those things in itself doesn't make a woman a
TERF and I don't think most anons here claim to be a
TERF in the first place.
But that's just my two cents on what I've experienced on /ot/.
No. 1212690
>>1212673You make a good point. Sometimes I do see some anons (usually the most vocal/aggressive ones) claim to be radfems so I guess it's just an instinct to apply that claim onto anyone else who holds those same opinions, especially since we're on an anonymous website.
>>1212682Pretty sad knowing how true this is.
No. 1212698
>>1212667Tayrt and I'm bi, although I don't date men and haven't done anything serious with one I could if I wanted to but relationships with men just don't feel fulfilling.
I don't really talk about my sexuality to anyone as I don't think its a useful information or a part of your personality. I think this is true especially if you already have a partner, I've always felt iffy about women and men who say they're bi when they already have partners, though I think the non-chronically online bi people know it's weird as fuck to broadcast who you wanna fuck when you're not actively searching for a partner, you can see a lot of those types online. Hope it makes sense.
I also do try to hide stuff when I'm around straight women as I've found most will have no issue acting gay themselves when it's just for fun, like how dudes do between themselves, but they still majorly view lesbian relationships as wrong. Some also think all lesbians/bi women wanna fuck or oppress them which is super weird.
No. 1212716
>>1212698>I've always felt iffy about women and men who say they're bi when they already have partners, though I think the non-chronically online bi people know it's weird as fuck to broadcast who you wanna fuck when you're not actively searchingI've never ever understand this line of thinking. You're still bisexual regardless of who you're with, and saying you're bisexual doesn't mean you want to fuck other people. I think the problem is that people have this idea that bi women are just these sex-crazed individuals, and so you see "I'm bisexual" as something that it's not
and maybe there's also the expectation for bisexuals to eventually "pick a side", but that's a whole different thing. I understand why people may choose to say they are something else if they're in a relationship, but I don't think it's a problem for bi women in relationships to still publicly be bisexual.
No. 1212820
>>1212716It's weird that you feel the need to state who you're attracted to when you already have a partner. You're the type I was talking about and your behavior will always be a redflag no matter what.
I also think this is worse for men. A bi woman will only say she's bi because she sees it as a part of her identity but bi men going around parading isn't a good look when you take into consideration that most men cheat, that might just be him signaling to men.
No. 1212824
>>1212786See what I wrote here
>>1212654 I agree with you. A lot of women have internilazed male gaze to the point they've become bisexuals - only until it actually gets to dating or being intimate with a woman and they get disgusted.
No. 1212831
>>1212820NTA but it's still relevant even if they have a partner? She'd be lying if someone asked her her sexuality and she said she's straight. So you think if people aren't lying but openly state they're bi they have to actually
be lying and if they're lying as saying they're straight they're bi? What the actual fuck is this brainrot
No. 1212868
>>1212417Where's the connection between
>complain about neurotypicals being confusing or alienand HPD? Genuinely curious, it just seems like someone being confused/having no social skills to me.
No. 1212888
>>1212885Samefag, I can't delete but I mean *anons.
Also, I completely agree about the popcorn. I don't even get popcorn at theaters, and if I want that popcorn smell then I just make butter.
No. 1212890
>>1212883Finally, someone who agrees with me. I always preferred vanilla over chocolate and never understood why people use the word vanilla to mean something boring. I also dislike popcorn funny enough.
>>1212764Kek true
No. 1212894
>>1212836Straight or lesbian woman with a partner doesn't need to state her sexuality because everyone can see. Bi people who talk about their sexuality when they already have partners are redflags and how mad you are just further proves it. Sexuality only matters when you're looking to date, why would you want to announce that you also want to fuck women? Or why would a bi man announce he also likes to get fucked by dudes when he has a gf?
>>1212880No, you're right I worded it wrong. They're not bi but think they are because they're so used to looking at women in a sexual light that they confuse that as attraction to women. That's why those women can't have relationships or sex with women without getting uncomfortable. There are bi and lesbian women and then there are confused straight girls. I was with one that's how I know.
No. 1212917
>>1212894Whenever I think of a bi woman constantly announcing she's bi while dating a man, I don't really think of her wanting to date someone else, at most wanting to find a third who is more for her husband than her. I'm more suspicious of her trying to speak over people in the lgb community who didn't choose the hetlife, trying to drag her husband to lesbian bars, trying to gain oppression points and seem less boring since being lgb(t) is trendy and it's safe to do so from the comfort of a het relationship. Seeing women who are disgusted by the idea of eating pussy, are afraid of boobs, now scream and screech online about how they're soooo bi and how they looooove women, even though they're the types to say they could never date a woman.
>There are bi and lesbian women and then there are confused straight girls. I was with one that's how I know.I sort of hooked up with one, it was super awkward, I stopped it because I noticed she was awkward and uncomfortable. Not long after her new boyfriend messaged me and asked if I wanted a threesome, she obviously talked about our "hookup" with him in fantastical terms and gave him the idea. She still screeches how super uber bi she is. No, she's just into making random men horny with shit she saw in porn once.
No. 1212920
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>>1212704Yeah the most underrepresented of them all. kek
For real, I have nothing against bi women but bi hets suck when they announced uwu, i'm bi and coming out years after dating or marrying a dude. They're always still with them too like they're somehow special.
No. 1212922
>>1212907You called me dumbass and had a little meltdown because I disagreed. You can disagree with me but the moment you insulted me, you made it clear you were personally offended. Also why would someone in a straight or gay relationship even have someone question their orientation? I've never heard of a guy with a gf whose friends asked if he was sorta gay or the other way around. Most people just assume you're straight which shouldn't be
triggering you this much since you chose to get in a straight relationship. Being a bi isn't a personality trait and you need to stop trying to make it into one. It just means you can end up with either a man or woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
No. 1212931
>>1212922I didn't have a meltdown, I called you a dumbass because you keep saying shit like "you're a red flag!" and generally making personal assumptions about me just because I disagreed with you
which I admittedly did too in my last post. There
are bi women who make being "queer" a personality trait, but openly being bisexual doesn't mean you're making it a personality trait.
No. 1213015
>>1212701it's not from here. I saw it on Pinterest that had this link the artist was marypippi and she deactivated her account or the OG artist wasn't linked
No. 1213053
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>>1213029But what about…
him No. 1213079
>>1213056Let people not be bi retard
>>1213059Let people be bi retard
No. 1213093
>>1213079They're allowed. Some anons earlier were insisting bisexuality just isn't real, and I disagree. I actually think it makes sense to be bisexual. Being monosexual seems more peculiar even though it's more common (at least in practice/function)
Case in point, the angry baiter who posted just as I was typing lmao
No. 1213157
>>1213146More shit I didn't say, I don't care about being taken seriously when I don't even know you. I'm really tired of the semantics arguments in general. Misinterpeting random people's statements, and then trying to make it into their fault because you were
triggered when they don't know you, and weren't even talking to you is just dumb. "That's conversion therapy rhetoric!!!", but denying an entire sexuality's existence isn't? You remind me of someone who just got done saying "That's
TERF rhetoric and essentialism!! You're supposed to call yourself a menstruator!!!" because you saw someone talk about having a period as a woman or something (right after ignoring a tranny unironically calling himself being bad at math a "female trait"), but I'm not going to insinuate that you're a tranny or TRA for it.
triggers aren't random people's responsibilities, and you're not committing some act of justice by browbeating people out of your own misaimed rage. You're just being kind of annoying. Go post on your blog, I have nothing to apologize for and I'm not in any monolith or hivemind just because you might be. Another thing: The unity of the LGBT as a "club" is a total myth to me and IDGAF about it, I'm a literal third worlder raised by religious extremists, conversion therapy is an actual threat to me in my part of the world if anyone ever finds out and no one has helped me, but somehow I'm not chimping out at people over muh sexuality like you are. Get therapy, at least it's probably actually available in your country
No. 1213162
>>1213148You literally just randomly threw your post into the thread without responding to anyone. So no, I never denied your sexuality. The only one who implied that there's something wrong with a sexuality, was you, with your "limiting" comment. Funny how you think I sound like a TRA for being upset at you insinuating that homosexuals should "free" themselves and not "limit" themselves so much. That sounds more like a TRA than I do.
>>1213157>conversion therapy is an actual threat to me in my part of the world if anyone ever finds out and no one has helped me, but somehow I'm not chimping out at people over muh sexuality like you are. Get therapy, at least it's probably actually available in your countryI went through conversion therapy and I don't have the option of living an acceptable het life thanks to my oh so "limiting" sexuality.
No. 1213165
>>1213162Was I talking to you? Did I talk about dick even once? Yes or no? The answer to both questions is no, you're just dumping your shit on me because you think these are fucking teams or something. I don't need to give you context when I've already said twice who and what I was talking about, learn to scroll up or just be quiet instead of assuming shit and posting insane rants. I didn't insinuate shit about "freedom", and I really don't care.
>muh acceptable het lifePathetic lol, goodbye
No. 1213182
>>1213174Who's we?
>>1213084>>1212824>>1212667are right there. To me, personally, it makes sense to find both sexes attractive. Unlike others, I don't think that means monosexuality is fake, that's just my opinion. Once again, any "community discussion" means absolutely nothing to me because I'm not a westerner enjoying legal gay clubs and pride parades or whatever, I'm trying to survive and that's it. The denial of bisexuality because the person speaking personally can't relate to it or wrap their heads around it does mean something, though, and that's what I'm reacting to
No. 1213203
>>1213179>why you had to includeBecause I didn't expect some unhinged sperg to come at me with their unresolved issues about other people they argued with?
And the other day? Are you a schizo? This is the first time I've even shared my thoughts on bisexuality and lesbians on LC, or even related to where I'm from in the world. Or what, do you think I'm Pakichan and she's the only third worlder on Lolcow?
The versions of other people you create in your own mind are not their responsibility. Seriously, seek help
No. 1213208
>>1213200What am I not letting people do, exactly? By posting my own opinion without @ing anybody or even denying their existence (a basic respect they refuse to even pay me), I'm blocking people from living their life? News to me, kek.
If a single unpopular opinion in the unpopular opinion thread impedes your comfort in life around your own sexuality, you don't know actual struggle lmao
No. 1213235
>>1213084 and was obviously trolling and I am absolutely not reading any of the tangents that follow
No. 1213260
>>1213257Don't need to strawman when people were actually saying it, and I linked to them.
Anyway, strawmanning about dick and conversion therapy to a complete stranger because you're too cowardly to talk to the people you're actually mad at <<<<<
No. 1213273
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No. 1213287
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>>1213273I don't usually think Lady Gaga is attractive, but she was really cute in this particular scene for some reason. Just nonchalantly eating cereal
No. 1213515
>>1211979> because no Nonnie, those who complain about experiencing oppression are not the same to people who complain about not being able to oppress others more.It's not that, it's "I hate men", "Men are so stupid", "All men are evil", dumb shit over and over, insane takes like that men are jealous of pregnancy, just really bad advice that suckers inexperienced awkward women into joining online cults lead by malignant narcissists, the same shit you see on the incel site. It's a self defeating
toxic mindset that breeds neurosis. There's nothing intellectual about it, no discussion, it's just vomited over the site and posters are expected to bow to these people who contribute nothing.
No. 1213610
>>1211323Genetics is 100% important but lots of lifestyle interventions help. Being at a healthy weight looks younger than being overweight, smoking, tanning and frequent drinking are demonstrably bad for your looks and can be compared in twin studies. The other biggie is whether or not you go on HRT when you are older, which is also a lifestyle intervention. I don't think people can look more than
maybe a decade younger than their real age.
No. 1213628
>>1207265That isn't unusual at all, our ancestral environments meant co-nursing was very common (a woman's milk doesn't come in right away). Wet nursing is an ancient profession and 'baby-bottles' are a somewhat common ancient relic.
The shortage is due to the FDA only approving two facilities to produce it (and only one currently being operational) and because importing formula from other countries (often with stricter standards) is illegal.
No. 1213702
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>>1213694I'm kind of enjoying the derailing. It's funny watching people fight about stuff you don't care about (and without the board being spammed with CP for once) feels like picrel
No. 1213710
>>1213678Breast feeding does not appear to have any long term impacts, neither does formula, if it is any consolation.
>>1213684We should simply legalize and regulate wetnursing tbh. There must be some way to ensure the milk is safe.Some women produce a lot. I get
why it is currently regulated the way it is but it could be better.
No. 1213728
>>1213664The thing you seem to be ignoring is that formula is not a replacement for human milk. It's not the same as co-nursing (which is actually good, and if profit wasn't considered more important than human lives, it would still be common). Nutritionally, it's terrible and the American stuff is pumped with sugar and other bullshit. It's something that should only be resorted to in a literal emergency, a last resort when there are absolutely no other options for a mother and her child
So many people are addicted to raising kids with the absolute least amount of care and effort, then wonder why there are problems down the line
No. 1213744
>>1213717I said 'long term impacts'. It can have good short term benefits that are worthwhile but a woman that can't produce shouldn't worry that her kid will now be retarded and perpetually sickly as adults. You can't differentiate between who was and wasn't breastfed (looking at adults).
>>1213732I highly doubt most of the people buying formula are abundant with milk. Much more likely it is women who cant produce enough or are on medication that won't perfmit breastfeeding.
No. 1213752
>>1213744>I said 'long term impacts'There are studies that claim breast fed children have a higher IQ and it has other impacts in neurological developement. The difference is slight but it's still there.>Results: The breastfed group showed a greater number of above-average IQ test scores (35 vs. 23%; P = 0.479) and better SI [social intelligence] scores (78 vs. 55%; P = 0.066) compared with the bottle-fed group. The number of girls with normal BMIs was significantly higher in the breastfed group than in the bottle-fed (68 vs. 41%; P = 0.045) or mixed-fed groups.
>Conclusion: Exclusively breastfed girls had higher IQ and SI results compared with bottle-fed girls. However, unlike the BMI differences, these results were not statistically significant. This study provides fundamental observational data and can be further modified for use on a larger national-scale level.>Results: 43% women were exclusively breastfeeding at 1 month and an additional 16.8% were engaged in mixed or partial breastfeeding. Both exclusive breastfeeding (B = 2.19; SD = 0.36, p =.00) and mixed feeding (B = 1.59; SD= 0.52; p=.00) were positively associated with IQ at 8 years of age, after adjusting for covariates. Exclusive breastfeeding was negatively associated with hyperactivity/attention deficit at 4 years (B = −.30, SD = .05; p < .01); mixed feeding was related to hyperactivity/attention deficit at age 9 (B = .20; SD = .08; p = .03) after adjustments. There was no association between breastfeeding and emotional or conduct problems. Breastfeeding did not moderate the association between prenatal depression and anxiety and children’s neurodevelopment.
>Conclusions: The selective association between breastfeeding and neurodevelopmental measures suggests a nutritional rather than broader beneficial psychological effect on child neurodevelopment. Breastfeeding did not moderate the associations between prenatal depression and anxiety and child neurodevelopment, suggesting separate mechanisms of action.>>1213744Reposted because I fucked up the formatting
No. 1213754
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If you have blue eyes you are a projecting cave-dwelling freak who thinks that balance on the face which is having a darker eye pigment like brown eyes means that you’re a dirty individual who should be lumped up in the brown-eyed masses. Where does this rhetoric seem familiar? Enjoy your rare, too beautiful to look at~ eyes that are more likely to get damaged by the sun. Also unrelated but picrel looks like a blueprint for a white kpop male
No. 1213755
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really anon.. shitting up the thread because you’re that much of a holistic tradwife?
No. 1214121
>>1214040>>1214052Remind me of that shitty post-ironic whatever song "Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women".
Honestly I've never really got the impression that women were inspired by Ramona Flowers, I don't even think the stereotypical "e-girl" look is inspired by her. I think any imitations of Ramona by women was mainly because men WANTED "ramona 'too cool for school' gfs", not because girls actually connected to the character at all.
No. 1214222
>>1214212Not OP but I think it's less of a literal comparison, and more of what they represent, what role they play in youth culture. Like how another anon said cutting is still around, and isn't comparable to aesthetic-fueled mastectomies on a literal level, but they can both be seen as the extreme expression of discontent with society and a scream for help/attention.
But not like any parent ever encouraged the former while there are parents supporting the latter, so obviously they're not equal.
No. 1214607
>>1214241>>1214253Cutting was usually seen a negative, while ftm surgery scars have this sickening aura of beneficial medial treatment, so I don't think they're entirely equivalent. I don't think people would pose with a big grin on their face while showing off cutting scars to cheering society at any point.
I think the two are similar to each other wrt to social contagion too though. I'd lump anorexia into that too. I wonder whether we'll continue to circle trough not just cutting and starving, but also mutilating breasts from now on.
Binding is nefarious in that it causes breasts to become hideously malformed. The first time I saw the pictures I didn't know what I was looking at, a 20 something yr old with breasts that were stretched and flattened down her belly, almost like those of an 80 yr old mother of many children, but still young. They didn't look like normal sagging breasts, it was disturbing to look at and wonder WTF happened to this body.
The permanent disfigurement of breasts into these obviously mutilated forms is something I see talked about very little. Maybe the cope "I will have them cut off anyway" doesn't sell as much to people who aren't sure they want to do that. I can imagine realizing you will look like this from now on will give you breast dysphoria even if you didn't have it before.
No. 1214638
>>1214624Point proven
You're gonna be a "geriatric" woman soon yourself, kek, I love it when girls who look down on olded women realise they will also age and it always hits then faster than expected
No. 1214647
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>>1214638You need to chill out, grandma. I was being sarcastic calling 97-99'ers geriatric. How can you be so sensitive when you're literally on a gossip website/imageboard???
No. 1214680
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I saw this exchange and I think Nonnies were being kinda…nitpicky
No. 1214690
>>1214687Og anon-I agree with you, I just knew what
nonnie meant and I felt it was all kinda doing too much
No. 1214728
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I'm an AJ apologist. AMA
No. 1214759
>>1214755yeah, I do know that and maybe I just am overreacting. I’m just sick of comedy nowadays being so snide and hateful. I called out the British jokes because they come across so stupid irl, but in reality so much of burger comedy for the past 15-odd years is just lazy, bitter hate towards “the out group”. Who that is changes with political tide, of course.
I guess I’m just seething myself because I am a leftist and I’m sick of seeing other supposed leftists sublimate their hatred towards everything and anything besides the shitty system that traps them in these false equivalencies. The brits might make fun of us for school shootings but no one is less patriotic than a typical liberal to left burger, so why would they care? britfags are only saying exactly what we say about America every day lol… The American left is deader than a doornail though, so I guess hating amerikkka and spending your day ruining your mind agonizing over whether or not the CIA is behind ron desantis, then adopting nationalistic thinking to own the ebil britfags is par for the course
No. 1214837
>>1214764Most anorexic women are often
victims of sexual and relationship abuse.
No. 1214876
>>1214874side note, i fucking LOATHE attention seekers, an eating disorder is a great scapegoat for these people, i think it's because the mortality rate is so high, i swear it makes them feel superior because they can larp as if their life is on the line.
No. 1215185
>>1215099Most autistic/ADHD kids are born due to parents own degeneracy when it came to the breeding process (getting pregnant with an old fat man twice their age, acting careless while pregnant, taking the easy way out such as getting an elective c section two weeks before the due date, not breastfeeding despite being capable to, etc)
It makes sense that the same people act like retards when it comes to breeding, have a retarded kid, and choose to be too retarded to actually raise and care for them so it becomes the rest of the worlds burden all because they wanted a kid
No. 1215244
>>1215185i think there are more desperate women having children with old men (40-60) than ever before.
In the past age gaps also used to exist and were gross but the men were not old or middle aged having children.
There are studies showing that the older the father the higher chance of a baby being born with autism and other disorders yet these coquette women still breed with these men despite the fact that their child may be born with health issues, disabilities or autism.
No. 1215358
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Jiraikei and ryousangata are ugly weeb styles. It's tacky as fuck. Looks like something a person obsessed with anime without any sense of style would buy very cheap from aliexpress. Mismatched and not in a fashionable way. I know ryousangata is meant to be about fast basic fashion in a way but it just looks so tacky. It also seems to me, which I admit is subjective, kinda pedo-pandering in a way lolita isn't.
No. 1215412
>>1215071Parents with autistic kids are usually the worst and don't even try to train their little shits. I have never seen a parent handle an autisic kid well in public.
No. 1215465
>>1215384Women don't murder the same way. It's usually for self defense or actual extreme mental distress like post partum depression or the man repeatedly abused and cheated on her.
Men murder innocents when a woman rejects him or he's feeling 'sad'
No. 1215522
>>1215516I hear you anon but I have seen people act super disgusted about hair outside of restaurant settings too. I remember my friend in high school threw out an entire grilled cheese because there was a really tiny hair in it. Once when I cooked for my bf and I accidentally shed and he acted like I took a dump in his meal.
I've also seen people do the same about sharing hats. Just the assumption other people have lice or that hair is unhygienic.
No. 1215737
>>1215555There's a supposed "spectrum" that everyone can technically be on but I honestly just feel like it's just become an attempt for families to blame "nature" rather than shitty parenting being the norm
We have the daycare generation and a lot of kids that go to daycare often come from messed up families and will get abused or molested by other kids there, the people who run daycares often have no clue that it even goes on because they have like 6 other infants to take care of due to shit maternity leave. A lot of parents are choosing to only have one child that they often spoil due to infertility issues and just laziness, these children often have shit tier socialization skills and are obsessed with making up stories since their daily lives are often boring and miserable, which is why it seems like so many kids nowadays never grow out of their "I'm a vampire who talks to demons" phase until they're literally in their 20s. Nobody knows how to socialize anymore because in regular families people would easily get called out for lying, pretending to be shy, etc but now they have no one but neglectful parents that just throw them whatever bing bing wahoo thing they want. Every parenting skill is criticized, sexism among parents is becoming increasingly common especially since they grew out of it decades ago (parents being disappointed if their child is a girl as if this was China or something). I also notice among my own people that a lot of parents simply don't question doctors enough and doctors push a lot of unnecessary medical procedures/items, my own husband even had his tonsils removed as a child without having any sort of illness to "prevent tonsillitis" that he didn't even have and now he gets like 5 throat colds a year and has bad allergies. Kids are also surrounded by pervs and fed weird TV content that melts their minds. I can only imagine how bad it is now for parents who didn't reject the 2000s ways of parenting
No. 1215751
>>1214971The truth is people don't have empathy for social or mental differences unless our modern gods (doctors/the government) give it a name.
Social anxiety as an example. Society does not have patience for a very shy and anxious persons behavior unless the government gives it a name and tells the public "they have a mental disease, they can't help it". Same with autism. Society will not have patience for someone highly sensitive, who needs a lot of quiet, who is easily overwhelmed. So the government tells them this person has a disorder of the mind. We're definitely being trained to believe that any abnormal, awkward people (most autistics) have "wrong" brains. Anyone socially anxious. Anyone who gets hung up on little details or is a mega perfectionist. Anyone who is very emotional and experiences strong moods.
Apologies for bad explanation but I'll try to sum it up clearly: Any behavior that steers too far away from the perfect work drone have "mental diseases".
No. 1215905
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I love the Joker movie and am excited a sequel was just announced. I wish more Bonnie’s likes it but for some reason they hate seeing themselves on the big screen
No. 1216016
>>1215852People have been telling me I'm maybe intersex since I started puberty, because my armpits got hairy fast, I'm an inverted triangle and got small boobs. Technically I'm not even really flat, but by western standards I've got "no boobs". I got my testosterone tested at some point. Guess what? Normal af, smack dab in the middle of what is normal, it can't get more normal than that. I do feel deformed, because I don't see any women online or irl who look like me. Just soviet propaganda posters, renaissance paintings and some Greek statues are relatable. But people insist men stood model for them, because "women could never have muscle!" "they look too burly, women are pretty and dainty" and I'm back at square one. Even though logically I know women were probably stronger and healthier looking back then because of physical activity. Meanwhile many women today were kept sedentary from childhood, which probably did affect skeletal development.
>>1215905Nonna I liked it too!
No. 1216071
>>1216016I'm like you. Inverted triangle to the point I've had men tell me they were jealous of my wide shoulders or ask me if I was a swimmer even though I'm just a basic thin girl who doesn't work out. I'm also very very hairy and shave even my arms, even though I'm blonde and everyone around me believes I'm hairless because they never see it.
You're a woman and like you I've had all these masculine features, also a big nose and big forehead, but I never got mistaken for a man, intersex or tranny. If anyone told you that they just did it out of spite. Don't take them seriously.
No. 1216079
>>1216071>but I never got mistaken for a man, intersex or tranny. If anyone told you that they just did it out of spite. Don't take them seriously.I sadly enough don't think it's out of spite with how often it has happened. In my culture it's normal to say whatever retarded thing pops into your head. I think it's because I do look so different from other women in my country and because everyone is so obsessed with conformity and normality, it stands out more. I'm either asked whether I'm intersex or whether I'm foreign, even though afaik I have no foreign blood in me. I think they also mention intersex and tranny shit faster, because of how common they are in the capital. I haven't had these issues in other countries. When I wore women's clothes and tried to be feminine they would ask whether I'm intersex or a tranny. When I'm gnc people either mistake me for a man (anything is better than being mistaken for a TiM) or accurately see I'm female. I think the contrast of broad frame, masculine features and feminine clothes and hair just makes thing worse and makes the masculine stuff stand out.
>>1216073>But I always hated how wide my shoulders were and how big my ribcage was.Same, though I'm happier since I've leaned into it and just decided to gain as much muscle as possible. It actually started balancing things out and a big frame was basically made for it. It actually made my ribcage stand out less.
>I had a male friend years ago ask me if I was a transwoman and insisted that if I was, it was “totally ok.” He’s not my friend anymore lmao.Oof, people thinking they can "clock" someone when really they're just being misogynistic and harassing actual females is the bane of my existence. Meanwhile if they saw an Asian TiM with drag make up, they wouldn't be able to tell.
No. 1216104
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Gay moids are insufferable and even worse than straight moids.
Gay moids are terminally online as no one irl stands them and can scream "homophobia" when someone points out their shitty behaviour.
They're misogynistic as fuck and yet want to wear our skin and their whole personality is dick.
I feel more comfortable around my straight friends than gay moids.
No. 1216127
>>1216126The difference between a gay male and a ‘straight’ male is that the straight guy will rape you himself and a gay one will wait for you to get blackout drunk at a party so he can phone his straight buddies and
they can come rape you.
No. 1216141
>>1216073Your friend was most likely a fag that was into trannies and fantasized about you being one. A lot of men like imagining women with dicks for some reason and they wrongly think a tranny is a tall woman with a dick, although none of the trannies look the way they see online.
>>1216079Yeah dressing overly feminine makes women look more masculine unless it fits their aesthetic which is rare. People around you sound so weird though, I've been called a lesbian and stuff but I've never seen anyone accuse a woman of being a tranny, they're very common in my country too.
No. 1216155
>>1216151I wouldn't? There are lesbian women who get forced to marry and have sex with men in several strict countries. Do you think a lesbian in muslim country won't be given away to marry a random man unless she's rich enough to live on her own?
Those gay men are worse though because they're not forced into those relationships, they only trick women because it's convenient and helps them pass as straight.
No. 1216159
>>1216141Third time is the charm
>Yeah dressing overly feminine makes women look more masculine unless it fits their aesthetic which is rare.I've found that any traditional femininity just makes me look weird. I can't wear any make-up either and have to keep my hair short. The more feminine stuff I do, the more I look like a man to me. Most people have a femininity fetish and don't even notice what actually looks good, because they think femininity = goodness. So they will try to shill femininity to everyone when they claim that they look (naturally) masculine. A hot pink men's poloshirt is fine, but a women's poloshirt in any color would be a disaster and would tear at the seams around my ribcage and shoulders while I'm swimming in fabric at the waist.
>I've been called a lesbian and stuff but I've never seen anyone accuse a woman of being a tranny, they're very common in my country too.It only happened when I dressed in women's clothes and had long hair. They just fit me so oddly, because the industry assumes everyone is pearshaped with a lot of boobage. Inverted triangles don't exist in their book. I have a longish face and strong features, my hair when long was AGP stringy straw tier, but people insist that long hair is always so beautiful and feminine uwu. Meanwhile when I cut my hair short, first comment I got was that I look like a model. I also don't move or act very ladylike and I looked very unnatural and uncomfortable in anything feminine. I could probably look okay in an OTT costume or something, because I have the frame for it, but even muted femininity looks alien on me. Kinda like with Tilda Swinton, she looks best with shortish hair and no make-up, even adding lipstick throws things off. Though she can look good in some of the weird fashion stuff. Now I get mistaken for a boy in conservative areas and a TiF in progressive areas, because people don't really know of masculine lesbians anymore, kinda an extinct species. I used to be called the equivalent of dyke when I was a teenager, but that kinda stopped when trans stuff got more popular I guess.
No. 1216172
>>1216159Ah we're so similar it's weirdd, though I don't think short hair suits me because of my longer face, what's your hairstyle at the moment?
I've also always thought I looked like a woman in a greek painting/sculpture and my hair's similar too although I want a little bit of a change and that's why I'm asking how you style your hair.
By the way are you straight or? No. 1216216
>>1211411>>1211425Does anyone else feel annoyed that there seems to be a kind of pressure to engage in this kind of male hostility there is on 4chan and other male spaces? I mean we don’t have to all hold hands and be friends but nonnies like this that seem to really not like us showing affection and niceness to each other, why?
>>1211455I don’t see those comments as disingenuous, even though they’re just simple statements of support, us randos on lolcow might be the only people they hear those words from.
No. 1216241
>>1216233the environment used to be so much better but thats because back then the mods and admin used to be active and infighting was banable .
Now its just continuous derailing and infighting in every thread that lasts until the janny wakes up.
No. 1216259
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>>1216216Yes. I actually like being nice to nonnas and posting cute pictures at them. There's enough sadness and hostility in the world, sometimes nonnas are adorable or really awesome and I want them to know that!
No. 1216264
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>>1215810> tons of fluoride in those pills, has been shown to reduce IQ and make ppl complacent, Nozis experimented with it firstWhy did nobody comment on this???
No. 1216300
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>>1216276>"too much body hair for a white girl"Damn I heard that one too. I knew several girls who would shave their arms. I never really got properly into shaving, I just felt bad and people gave me shit for it, but I did very little about it. I don't know why I didn't, maybe because I also had a family medicine book from the 70's with pictures of hairy women in it? So that book was good for something other than just extreme lesbophobia kek. Now I actually like being hairy. Others maybe don't, but I like the look of it.
>porn made me insecure about my labia and when i looked anything upI'm glad I was scared off by porn, every time I came across it, it was something really fucking weird. The one time I looked it up voluntarily was "lesbian" and I freaked out at the sight of long nails and closed the laptop in a panic kek. It did make me think I couldn't be a lesbian.
>>1216289I tried to ignore my vulva/vagina/etc until I turned 16
No. 1216303
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>>1216281>Your balls are NOT supposed to be longer than your dickoh my god does this really happen? i’m scared
No. 1216326
>>1216216I think it’s a mix because you’ll always get edgelords and hyper hostile nonnies but now we have a lot of people that won’t even use “fag”. I just don’t engage. I think a lot of MTFs post because they’re so self loathing so they try to blend in but their maleness shines through.
Honestly the vent thread has always been so nice and supportive
No. 1216339
>>1216185>>1216276Kek I’m glad I’m not alone. I remember seeing a female body hair chart when I was like 13 and being horrified that I had more body hair than the picture, seriously thought I was some kind of bearded woman circus freak because I have light body hair lmao.
>>1216016I knew someone who genuinely thought she was intersex simply because she was tall and “had a masculine body” even though she looked totally normal, like not having a natural hourglass means you must be a dude. I seriously hate female beauty standards. We think we’re deformed if we don’t look like shooped magazine covers kek.
No. 1216343
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I actually have trouble telling the sex of some anorexic asian men crossdressing and of some fat people
No. 1216495
>>1216274Bitch I love you.
>>1216186I hate fags and I hate faghags. Die mad.
No. 1216517
>>1216514I'd be fine sharing a communal bath or shower with other women but
>post in the fakeboi thread about wishing for a women's only gym where you could go toplessWhat the fuck? That would be terrible if you have anything other than A cup boobs, there's a reason why compression bras exist.
No. 1216578
>>1216561>I saw some anons today on some /ot/ thread saying they thought they were intersex because they had hairy legs or large shoulders but I never thought about any of this because when you're all naked in the same room and most of the women are average, normal people, old or have a bunch of kids and have very saggy breasts and hairy legs and armpits you just see it as normal.AYRT I'm one of those anons, but I haven't been able to even be in changingrooms with others since primary school
because I'm not straight and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or subject them to my body either. I would change in the bathroom or have my gym clothes or bathingsuit on underneath my regular clothes already.
No. 1216802
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This post is misguided, but noble in nature and intent. This person is trying to protect fellow fujoshi from being abused by the woke mob through playing along with their games
The same way she shields herself through assimilation, she shields her sisters, that they may all relax once the pronoun storm is over. I may not agree with these tactics, but I understand the driving force behind them
No. 1217086
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>>1217057Not gonna lie, I find it kinda depressing so many women would rather look at gay porn than hetero porn (and we are talking about the idealized scenario here, not scroteshit). I think it says a lot about how women avoid their own sexuality, the idea of being pleased is so foreign to many and they expect sex to inherently be painful or insulting. So it's much more enjoyable to watch a man get penetrated and humiliated by another man.
inb4 someone replies with "unga bunga it's just hotter with more guys", fair enuff, but you have to notice how porn for men is completely centered on the man being the protagonist and his pleasure, while women in our own porn are often objects or spectators
No. 1217099
>>1217086While I get what you're implying, I have to ask. Why is it ultimately depressing that women enjoy it? What I find more depressing is that it's being scrutinized and seen as a tragedy that so many women enjoy exploring sexuality via these fictional paper dolls that are so far detached from their own being that they feel safe to play around with. Why does the endgame
need to be that women should ditch their anime men altogether and just enjoy good christian hetero porn that might be female gaze but unavoidably palatable to men? If anything I'd rather have the stigma from it removed entirely and become mainstream along with other female-centric options. I don't want to self insert and I don't consider these men in any way comparable to real life moids, I have absolutely zero interest in straight dynamics even if it
was made for women. Men get to like their bullshit fantasy lesbian comics and porn all they want, I don't understand why women doing it is something that needs to be remedied instead of being allowed as an alternative form of self-expression especially seeing how women are much less likely to be influenced to commit sexual crimes than men.
No. 1217408
>>1217402Please explain how I'm a pickme? If you think I'm saying it's not ok for anons to talk shit about men, that's not what I'm saying and not the point of my post.
I'm also not interested in men and purposefully don't date them so yeah, not a pickme.
No. 1217412
>>1217411It's a newfags gotcha
>>1217389I see more posts complaining about about anons talking about men negatively than I see anons hating men and that's something because every anon hates men.
No. 1217480
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befriending the shy, autistic, awkward, quiet, weird girls could help prevent them from dating ugly, stupid, sexist scrotes. too many girls i see from my highschool marrying older obese men, balding mouthbreathers and dating serial cheaters. i wonder if we were to band together like a herd, could we have avoided such tragedies? while some girls are insufferable
>tradwomen, pickmes, bpd nlogs, munchies
i was the anxious autistic kid, and ended up dating sex obsessed scrotes in highschool. from my point of view and thinking back then, if i wasn't lonely, if i had girl friends, i would not have put up with those scrotoids. the media brainwashes us from a young age that other girls are mean, and so i was afraid of disappointing them.
No. 1217488
>>1217480I feel this hard
nonnie. I was weird and autistic as a teenager and was preyed on by older scrotes and instead of the girls in my school befriending me and offering support I was written off as a whore for being groomed into adult relationships. As an adult I have female friends and find I'm in a much healthier spot and don't feel the need to run to awful moids for closeness.
No. 1217501
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>>1217488i am sorry that happened. so degenerate of the scrotes and so sad from the girls. i was warned by a coworker once that an older boyfriend is not going to turn out right. and my 2 friends in middle school thought it was weird that i was talking with teenagers and adults. but i liked the attention from older, "wiser" people and i believed my peers were just immature, and the girl warning me was jealous. all because i was online so much with no social interaction in real life to balance it out. i believed all the
toxic misogynist shit about how i am perceived, from magazines and smelly neets.
i am happy we befriended women in the end. and, i want to help the misguided girls. hopefully they can learn some good influence before falling for onlyfans and pickme crap.
No. 1217502
>>1217500God, the fujo copers are insane. No one is saying fujos are bad for "muh poor fetishizing of gay men", you want to be a
victim so bad. No one wants to correct you, anons are just saying how it's sad female focused porn in anime circles is almost never focused on a woman being pleased.
No. 1217509
>>1217507Then ignore and don't reply? My original post literally says
>I said it's sad because fujos don't put the focus on the pleasure of their own bodyI keep seeing those
>wah wah they think we fujos are as bad as menfake
victim posts.
No. 1217543
>>1216802Seeing fujoshi and yaoi going from a niche thing in shipping that started off as "oh these women/girls are just horny" to people (mostly women obviously) writing essays to "actually it's more progressive than shipping m/f you hettie" and then tearing it apart because "it fetishizes gay men" to it's current form of "it helped me figure out my sexuality (how the fuck?) and gender" has been a wild ride that I want off of. Everyone into yaoi now pretends there's some higher purpose ever since fandoms got politicized. I accepted the argument of "women in media are badly written which is why I ship m/m" despite the biggest and most popular ships centering around men with little to no chemistry.
A few days ago on a discord server I'm on this argument about yaoi and ftms was brought up and even lesbians went "oh well you see it's because f/m relationships have power imbalances, m/m is just more interesting because it's made by women for women" well why do you keep writing m/m stories? I'm not saying that you have to enjoy romantic stories that fit your sexual orientation I just find it really weird how everyone defends yaoi as some form of activism and refuses to try and writer better f/m stories. I ran into an old thread about yaoi and fujoshis most of the responses from fujoshis were basically saying "2 men = hot", no one would ever say that nowadays their reasoning has to be wrapped around in as many arguments as possible in order to appear morally superior.
It's obviously exclusively online as well or it's just a western thing, my friends that are into yaoi haven't shown anything remotely similar to that mentality it's always just been "they're cute/hot together". I hope it stays that way. I'm just somewhat concerned that lonely fangirls getting into fandom will be bullied relentlessly and have their minds spun around to make sense of this shit. I'm also so tired of how politicized fandom is nowadays in every space and you're offered two extremes, either crying because there's a black woman or tumblr's progressivism.
Sorry for the rant I just keep seeing yaoi discourse the past few days.
No. 1217680
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>>1217601>Sounds like you're all just part of shitty big fandoms with lots of genderspecials and mentally ills lolAlways happens, I hate it.
No. 1217764

>>1217749I agree. I, and everyone else, was once a child. It feels nostalgic in a way. I do not condone pedo shit in any shape or form but this opinion seems adjacent to the "ANY adult should not EVER talk to ANY child periodT!!!1" posts you see from the opposite end lmao. Actually thirsting after the kids is fucked up though and they can all kys. The predatory Hollywood scene is a fair point, but "anyone watching Stranger Things is a weirdo" is a bit of a reach. Plus the kid plot lines are like 30-50% of the whole show iirc? It does not seem very sexualized show either, EXCEPT that one kiss scene when the kids were a bit older, it was uncomfy as fuck.
>>1217751>>1217690Adults playing teens has HUGE issues too, I think it was this video that explained some of them (like giving unrealistic expectations to teens). I am glad not actual teen actors have to go through some Euphoria shit, but the characters are still supposed to be underage which is fucked too.
No. 1217790
>>1217783its way more unethical or worse to be a child actor who is sexualized and has remarks about their growing body and has to be on their ''right'' behavior all the time because if they dare act like a normal rowdy teenager or wear something short then people will say that they deserve to be sexualized.
Having young adults (18-22) play underage characters is way better and it wards of pedos from being interested in the show.
No. 1218507
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Not an unpopular opinion here, but among “normies.”
Males should be put on offender lists for visiting “strip clubs.” It drives me insane how normal it is to treat us like cows… I wouldn’t feel an ounce of empathy if some folk hero shot up a hooters after the women left. Males will do anything to make our lives hell.
No. 1219222
>>1217690Going off of this, is it pedo-y if you find any of the characters in the show hot if the actors playing them are actually your age?
Steve big hair guy is 29 irl but maybe 19 in the show? and I think hes kinda hot
No. 1219226
>>1217480One of my bffs was autistic and she really was manipulated and objectified to hell and back.
We really tried to tell her all of her bfs were gross and weird through the years (as light heartedly as possible to not be mean) but that just taught her not to talk about her relationships to us anymore, sadly
We probably weren’t as effective in talking her out of It and we didn’t know how to get through to her, and she was really brainwashed by a disgusting coomer dad and all her coomer boyfriends and coom media
No. 1219274
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>>1219267Bonobos are degenerate ugly mini gorillas. Pygmy marmosets are better
No. 1219287
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>>1219262Only the moid monkeys of this species have that freakish nose. The females have a comparatively cuter upturned penelope nose
No. 1219296
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>>1219293That's a myth. They're matrilineal but not matriarchal, the moids of the species are pedophilic violent little shits and the older female monkeys abuse the younger female ones. There was even a book debunking this myth No. 1219298
>>1219267lol ntayrt but those are the only ones I like. I like orangutans too, whenever I see them in a show they’re always chill but I’m sure they chimp out sometimes.
>>1219296 okay I guess I don’t like bonobos anymore.
No. 1219327
>>1219296Kek the way this review is written comes across as unintentionally funny to me because it sounds like it's trying to cancel bonobos for being
problematic. It reminds me of a story from a teacher of mine about a group of researchers who got viciously attacked by bonobos, but they only targeted the male researchers. Hopefully that one wasn't a myth because I want to believe
No. 1219362
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>>1219353Don't worry he's in hell now
No. 1219392
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>>1219280Checks out. What the fuck is wrong with those people?
No. 1219410
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In regards with the hygiene talk, this should be made mandatory for every men's bathroom all over the globe
No. 1219444
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>>1219386>>1219398op here i lived in the netherlands for 5 years and the shower thing is also true. they say if you didn't get sweaty, and not going to have sex later, it is a waste of water. i sort of agree, unless the person pooped that day, because having those particles in there is going to fess up and that's disgusting. maybe the dutch don't poop much because they don't eat much? i don't know.
teeth brushing though, people do that everyday. still the hand washing pisses me off the most, because i shared food with friends who didn't wash. fingerfood, and stuff they prepared. the only people that had soap there lived in big fancy houses, were half immigrant, or had many children and pets. i was like what, soap is so cheap and is sold in every grocery store like everywhere else. after realizing this common habit i started carrying hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes everywhere.
No. 1219447
>>1219443Because older men on average make more money than younger men and from what I've observed girls care less about pedophilia when they're the
victims of it and/or are conveniently oblivious to its effects/harms when it's centered on them and care more about it when other girls are
victims of it instead
No. 1219508
>>1219500older women are better in bed
I'm 30 and men in my age group are just as porn sick and bad in bed. Younger millennials were raised on the internet/porn as well but I guess men in my age group are less violent in bed. Still horrible at it though.
No. 1219513
>>1219511Men in their 30s don't respect women either lol the only difference is they aren't dumb enough to make it obvious. They do talk shit about women behind their back unlike younger men who will just say
toxic shit upfront.
No. 1219514
>>1219513Oh well, the difference is they respect me when they see me and when I'm around them and that's all that matters, I don't appreciate
toxic emotional abuse no matter how "real" it is.
No. 1219525
>>1219521It sounds like you are just being groomed by your old bf and you're
triggered by the poor mistake you're making lol
No. 1219531
>>1219530>beer bellyOop mine doesn't, he's very fit.
>You're the only one who thinks old scrotes are a prize.Except you since you're the one who wants them so bad you're reaching to try to convince me I'm getting "groomed" and also probably every other girl in a 5+ year age gap relationship bc you're jealous. Like go be a creepy tryhard social engineer somewhere else, maybe one day after enough moralizing you'll convince a guy your age to fuck you
No. 1219534
>>1219519Ignoring the obvious issues about power dynamics and manipulative old creeps who like young women for their naivete, women who date older men are fucking other women and their future selves over. What do you think will happen if men are constantly reassured that they can and should have access to young women at all ages? You wanna be 35 and all the men your age are fully convinced they deserve 20 year olds and you're too old for them? We can't stop them wanting women as young as possible, all we can do is prevent them from getting what they want. And if that's done via shaming and judging so be it, women need to understand how short sighted and self sabotaging it is to be with old men. Most are memed into it by sexist societal bs, many are groomed into it.
ofc none of this applies to older woman/younger man since that's rare and stigmatized while older man/younger woman is encouraged and culturally enforced.
No. 1219567
>>1219541shit take. Shein is the most destructive fashion company on the planet. Not to mention the amount of non FDA approved materials that go into their clothing. I think being anti-shein is the base level of morality you can be when it comes to ethical shopping. Even boohoo isn't as bad.
t. exclusive thrifter
No. 1219574
>>1219514>>1219511Oh boy, you must be underage. I refuse to believe anyone over 18 is this naive.
>"omg he thinks im so mature and respects me, older men are so much better than boys my age!!"kek
No. 1219650
>>1219444Is this legit? I'm sitting here shocked and disgusted.
Re: immigrant friends - locals in (insert northern european country) laughed at me when I told them I used a mini bidet after shitting, the only ones who got it were muslim immigrants and that's when i realized some things.
No. 1219921
>>1219704This legit just reminded me of when this girl I used to be friends with was always complaining of her bf's ex "skinwalking" her when it was just they were fans of big popculture things, like come on they were both geeky tumblr girls who were into marvel and dr who, like that's not skinwalking that's just being a sterotype!
But she did piss me off because I did have a legit skinwalker (copying my exact hair dye job (dark blue to light blue ombre,) my exact tattoo, and hell even copying the special embroidery I had stitched onto my backpack in uni, like she was 5 years old then me so it was creepy af, but when I brought it up I was just told to sit down and be "flattered." Obviously we're not friends anymore now kek
No. 1220185
>>1220172It's the whole logic that putting clothes on girls is "
victim-blaming" because "men are gonna be creepy anyway so why restrict girls bodies/not let them wear the clothes they want" and that covering them up is "sexualizing" them because it normalizes girls as targets for men at a young age. Basically it's a correction from the old logic of "what were you wearing?" and these people have decided that what they're wearing doesn't matter at all
No. 1220280
>>1220213>zoomers and late millennials grow up in a society that increasingly encourages isolation>parents too scared of axe murderers to let you run around town on your own as a kid>too scared to ever let you be alone outside the house, really>live in a society built around cars, things are too far away for a kid to get there on foot anyway>decay of community social constructs means you’re not close with neighbor families>essentially your house is a social and physical island in the middle of the sea. You want to explore but there’s no way to do that and no one to do it with>luckily the family has a computer, there’s lots of things to do and people to talk to on there!>grow up with the computer as your main source of entertainment, main way to satiate the need to explore that’s buried so deep in your nature that maybe you don’t even realize you have it>keyboard is your main source of socialization>grow up locked away at home and school, you don’t get enough opportunities to develop self-confidence by dealing with increasing hard challenges on your own>next thing you know you’re hitting adulthood, you realize there’s all sorts of nuances to in-person human interaction that you don’t understand.>you haven’t had enough experience with socialization to understand those nuances, but maybe you don’t realize that.>boss wants you to dedicate your life to sitting in front of a little glowing box under fluorescent lights, even though this is antithetical to human nature you think it’s an acceptable request because it’s all you’ve ever been told modern humans should do.>you also suddenly go from doing nothing yourself to doing everything yourself. Commutes, bills, relationships. The world suddenly explodes in size, you can’t handle it.>go to doctor, get diagnosed with trifecta of autism, anxiety, depression>don’t worry, we’ll put you on a cocktail of pills and you can add it to your Twitter handle for extra attention online. That’s what you want right? No. 1220496
>>1220458Does anyone know any children who AREN'T ipad kids? How are they compared to their screen loving counterparts?
Also, is there a difference between todays ipad kids and the millennial raised on tv kids?
No. 1220510
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>>1220501Sure does nonners
No. 1220519
>>1220486My bf bought us watermelon toothpaste and it's fucking nasty, runny, and bright green tastes like medicine
I miss when I had lemon crest toothpaste as a kid but nobody sells it anymore. That was truly the supreme flavor sorry.
No. 1220522
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This is the only toothpaste that has ever mattered
No. 1220803
>>1220792Both can be fine, it depends on the recipe. Recipes get adapted for the pre-made cooked tortillas since they have a different flavor, texture and thickness. IME different meals would mean using different sorts of tortillas for them.
>>1220796Store bought hummus is not very good. But as it turned out the delicious, authentic hummus I was used to eating that tasted soooo much better than the store bought stuff . . . was also made with convenience items. We had very friendly Armenian neighbors, sometimes they gave us hummus. It tasted just like the stuff from various restaurants too. I finally asked for the recipe, wondering how it came out so much better than my attempts to follow recipes I had found online. Turns out they used canned chickpea puree, it was cheap and easy to find at the specialty stores they did their grocery shopping from. I'm not going to bother cooking the chickpeas myself again unless I have a pressure cooker. This was a lot easier and very tasty.
I will agree there is a definitely a middle ground, but lots of convenience stuff is just fine especially when you incorporate your own cooking into it. I love my frozen veggies.
No. 1220812
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>>1220804What have you done?
They're now going to come in here saying "that never happens", will call me spoiled for not thinking a cheese sandwich is acceptable for every meal, will tell me to go back to my own country even though I've probably got more ancestry than them here and they're probably going to start complaining about foreigners in general>>1220803Your hummus story does sound like a good mix between homemade and convenience, I do something similar for mine. The frozen veggie selection is kinda sad and small here, except if you go to Makro or something and get the stuff they use in restaurants. Way more options there.
No. 1220822
>>1220806Yep, its the sexism that gets to me. And most people (well, men) don't realize it. Modern online cooking culture/entertainment is biased towards spectacle, most people won't actually make the thing they're watching on youtube or whatever or they will make it now and again. If you're a person that is actually cooking every day, multiple times a day, especially for other people, it stops being fun and you will start to regard it as more of a job or chore that you will want to simplify. You will be biased towards stuff that is easy to find in grocery stores, that can cook fast without dirtying too many dishes and with ingredients that can be reused into another meal for another day. So when people throw shade at convenience items or convenience foods they are disrespecting housewives. Some mommybloggers do make crappy stuff, but often times the food they share online is just fine and slots well into a busy mom's lifestyle. Between the cooking she needs time to clean up and take care of the kids and all this other stuff, she's better off getting recipes from another mom than someone like Kenji or Alton Brown (who make good food but it can be very time consuming). The tortilla example really gets me riled up because these childless men living on their own have never made multiple tortillas for multiple people multiple times a day, day after day after day. For 4 people eating 4 each, one at every meal, having 3 meals a day, (common on a weekend, for example) that is 48 tortillas you need to make a day, and each meal you won't get to eat with your family because you're attending to them. You eat last and eat alone. You will get tired of it at some point.
Every time modern science does something to make a housewife's endless job a little bit easier standards shift to make sure she never gets any peace.
No. 1220844
>>1220787>>1220806My mom died a few years ago and I've often found msyelf going over memories of her.. special occasions and family get togethers in particular, she was stressed the fuck out and not getting to enjoy the day like everyone else and it bugs me looking back that that's my only memory of the 'big days' we all had together. Like I remember helping out but as a kid you can only help so much. And my brother didn't help. He followed my dads lead and did nothing. Annoys the hell out of me now when adults are only too happy to have the same appointed female relative running around pouring their cups of tea out for them and clearing their plates while nobody else lifts a finger.
Some of my dads family had a habit of showing up last minute on a sunday, staying all day and she was their maid all day whenever they pulled that shit. It got old quickly but she couldn't say anything without rocking the boat. I just remember the amount of mess they'd typically leave behind as they went home after a day of free food and service. It was rude. Spilled tea, dirty plates, cigarette butts to clean up. Thay was my moms sunday.
No. 1220847
>>1220844>special occasions and family get togethers in particular, she was stressed the fuck out and not getting to enjoy the day like everyone else and it bugs me looking back that that's my only memory of the 'big days' we all had together. Nonnie this is exactly how it is for me too. I feel so bad about my mom having to worry about 3 kids and spend all these special occasions just taking care of everything because my worthless dad sure didn't help her out. Christmases were filled with stress because my mom had to break her back to create a perfect holiday for the family while getting no help at all. I can't remember us actually spending time together because the memories are just about my mom being overworked with the meta work. I realized it in my late teens and since then I've helped her out every time as much as I can and my lazy ass slacker siblings always bitch about me being "the favorite" for it. I've also chewed out my dad multiple times for not helping her and often straight out command him to do shit on my mom's behalf making him think of me as the "difficult one". I really can't understand how
family can just look at their matriarch be worn out and not offer to take some of the workload for themselves.
No. 1220858
>>1220844>>1220847I think everyone has memories like this unfortunately which is why I'm fine with moms taking shortcuts to make the job easier. It really is something that should be changed though. If any nonnies here give birth to baby moids make sure they help with the cooking and cleanup and all the during-the-meal attending to like getting people extra drinks and napkins and stuff, its only fair. And avoid marrying a guy who is too lazy to help or that gets huffy when you're tired or that demands/expect something complex without knowing how hard it is.
Also makes me think that maybe it just isn't that worthwhile to get people in the habit of expecting meals that are so much trouble, especially on holidays when they're supposed to be enjoying your presence. Kids, you're eating trail mix and cubed cheese tonight.
No. 1220906
Making commentary on current world/political/cultural issues isn't really interesting and revolutionary. It's basically just looking at what's trending on the news for a few minutes, then making up your mind on where you stand (which most people do very quickly anyway) then spouting your opinion. Idc whether it's in a song, movie, tv show, podcast etc, it's all the same at the end of the day. Hell even shows which parody such topics are predictable, like South Park. Now I'm not saying it's inherently bad, I just think it's kinda lazy and boring, because it just comes down to having an opinion and then saying it, which pretty much anyone can do these days. It's not a specialty to fall on a particular side and say what everyone else is saying. It doesn't require any skills, is what I'm getting at. You just wait around for the new thing people are outraged about for a few days and latch onto it before looking for new materiel. That's hardly work, certainly not difficult work
No. 1220932
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Strawberry milk is better than chocolate!
No. 1220943
>>1220865Agree. The only happy relationship I've been in is my current one, where he puts me first and prioritizes me all the time. This is because he genuinely loves me, and not due to some character flaw. I don't think he is even capable of putting himself first in our relationship because his primary goal is making me happy. I've had relationships that were more "equal" and "healthy" but with that also comes more distance and less love.
I also think women are way more likely to prioritize their partner than men are. It's almost a given that the woman will do more and love more deeply, so imo if she sees that her moid isn't returning the same energy she should immediately leave.
No. 1221012
>>1220787As usual bc men invaded a female interest and turned it into a jackoff contest. They have no idea what actually goes into cooking bc they only do it once a week and have unlimitedish $ for it. Nutrition, fast to cook, easy cleanup, how long it lasts in the fridge, budget, making use of what you have/what's cheapest, will everyones palate agree with the food, these limits make cooking a chore and I'd love to see a video about a fancy know it all male chef have the responsibilies of a mom and not have a psychotic breakdown. They already get
triggered when food doesn't come out great the first time, they'd off themselves if they had these constraints.
No. 1221345
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>>1221331You mean the words themselves should be switched or do you want maps to look like picrel idgi
No. 1221363
>>1221345Just swap the words so I can stop mixing them up all the time. I just have thought this for a while and thought the thread could use some mundanity.
>>1221344compelling argument against
No. 1221480
>>1221437I agree with this. Pretty women are often isolated and
victim blamed if they get harassed or assaulted, attractive men often have everything handed to them. I've met guys who were as average as can be when it comes to academics, sports, etc but got handed tons of rewards because they were cute. Attractive women on the other hand? Often held to higher standards that were impossible to meet
No. 1221581
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>>1220154Truth. I looked like the right side pic as a kid
No. 1221585
>>1221551>society is becoming more and more lenient with useless, deadbeat menTo be honest my sisters and my female friends all have very high standards, none of us would tolerate a deadbeat.
>I've even heard self-proclaimed feminists saying that childbirth pain is perfectly normal and inevitableI've seen that too, it's also a thing in pop culture, you'll always see pregnant women in pain while they give birth in sitcoms because it's funny to see them threaten to strangle all the other characters or something. I was shocked when my mother told me she never felt pain when giving birth to my sisters and I, I wasn't aware this was even possible. She only had to get an epidural for the last time she gave birth because she became disabled a few years before so it made giving birth a bit more difficult.
No. 1221601
>>1221437OKAY THANK YOU I’ve been saying this for ages.
Also does anyone else remember teachers favoring the popular or “cute” guys in class too? I’m talking as young as 8th grade, I swear I remember teachers like, almost flirting with these boys when they’d act out or try ro be loud and funny.
The teachers would always laugh at their antics when it distracted the rest of the class, the boys seriously got away with everything, as long as they were one of the popular or cute guys. Meanwhile girls would always get yelled at or get in trouble if they talked to a friend in class. It always felt like creepy pickme behavior coming from an adult woman
No. 1221607
>>1221601I got beaten by a teacher because a cute guy flirted with me. Kek. I've also had so many female teachers outright blame me when cute guys harassed me and tell me to ignore them. Some of them are so weird. I don't get it. I've heard of this phenomenon so often and although I think female pedos are uncommon, the ones there are always end up becoming teachers so it makes you think.
There's also a saying in our country that retired teachers are huge perverts. It always proves true too from the instances I've heard.
No. 1221656
>>1221642AYRT, I'm butch and I sometimes gets comments that I have a modellike face, great bone structure and other times I get treated like Frankenstein's monster who should've been put out of her misery ages ago. When I tried to be a bit feminine, I didn't get any compliments, still got treated like I'm fugly. Now there are at least some women who give me compliments. The women around me are getting lash extensions regularly, lip injections, teeth bleaching, getting their nails done regularly, planning procedures, always trying to be up to date on trends, doing insta make-up regularly and it just looks exhausting and wouldn't even suit me. The pressure to keep that stuff up looks daunting and they were already pretty before. I get they do it though, because it does make a difference in how they get treated by many people.
No. 1221657
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I fucking swear there's someone in /w/ and /snow/ who just wants every new thread shut down, they don't even read the OP and keep posting
>no milk!! no milk!!
When the cow does the same shit as others on the board do. I don't encourage newfaggotry and bad OPs but this is almost whiteknighting.
No. 1221712
>>1221690Idk about "summer fags", since those types always also complain about the site being shit now.
My unpopular opinion: summerfags is used as a boogeyman way too often, like this shit starts at spring already lmao. Oldfags can also be schitzos and assholes
No. 1221762
>>12214371000% true. I feel like pretty privilege in women gets overhyped due in part to the fact that for a lot of men, being pretty is the baseline for you to even be noticed, ugly women are invisible to them. However, those men are like that because they still don't view any woman as a full person, it's just you need to be an attractive one for them to care about you in any capacity. But actually looking at the way attractive men and women get treated in comparison to each other, especially with regard to the opposite sex, it is so much more "easy mode" as the scrotes meme, to be a hot guy. Women, unlike the reverse, fully see men as people, and thus not exclusively as something to use. In my experience, if it is clear to a man that he will never actually have access to an attractive woman (she's taken, has made disinterest clear, etc) any extra "niceness" will immediately stop, whereas an attractive man can reap the full benefits of the halo effect from interactions. Additionally, men are much more vigilant about policing their fellow men over simping, while despite the term "pickme" existing it often holds no actual weight. Ime, multiple women clearly fighting for one hot guy is much more common than the reverse. I have an older brother who I was in a few after school activities with growing up and he was always treated much better than I ever was, there would always be multiple girls clearly interested in him acting ultra nice all the time. I would say our looks are on the same level, I've had more than one friend say he looks just like a male version of me, and personality is definitely not the defining factor, he's even more awkward than I am.
No. 1221890
>>1221849Very true, scrotes have cried and pissed their pants over the dating app studies showing the surveyed attractiveness ratings of women on dating apps show a normal bell curve, but the ratings of male attractiveness puts the vast majority as unattractive with only a small few actually good looking, but the truth is, it's not a skewed rating, there are literally less attractive men.
>>1221851Being gnc is obviously going to be a debuff when around those who view it negatively, but I'm sure you could still run all those tests on unconscious biases towards better looking people with exclusively gnc people and still find those who are attractive are treated better. Additionally, makeup certainly helps when it's applied to actually successfully make the person more attractive (hiding skin imperfections, making features appear more symmetrical), but an attractive woman without makeup is still going to be treated better than a well dressed and made-up ugly woman.
No. 1221926
>>1221913This is really dumb. Some of you have convinced yourselves that certain things women naturally do or have must be for men and it's actually a disgusting way of thinking.
>Only American women sound like this tooHmm…I wonder if that's because that is where the accent originates from? Come on anon, I'm begging you to think
No. 1221932
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>>1221927she absolutely looked the best with short hair. she can pull anything off though.
No. 1221980
>>1221970I'm not even going to bother with you, we would just be going in circles because you're convinced that thousands women don't really have a regional accent (because you think like men who think women do innocuous things for them).
>>1221976The Queen's English is an accent.
No. 1221997
>>1221992I honestly think you're just hearing something that's not there because you're not from America. I cannot even tell you the last time I heard a valley girl accent in my home state, so it's definitely not "millions of girls across the US" like you're claiming. I won't even blame you for this though, because the valley girl accent isn't
that far removed from a standard US accent. But like other anons are pointing out, transplants are common and I wouldn't be surprised if California girls are influencing other people with their accent, or if people stay in California for a while and develop that accent over time.
No. 1222129
>>1222119It's my belief that they're overcompensating. It sucks that they're so used to being questioned about it that they justify themselves to that extreme but you're right it is weird and makes them look bad. I might be giving too much benefit of the doubt for some of them, because I've seen some genuinely evil takes from that community.
Even if they just so happen to not like kids, they should have the social awareness to not make a big deal about it like an asshole
No. 1222131
>>1222102We can't reallt confirm it since there hasn't been a time in history where this was the case.
>>1222119I think it's fine to not like kids, not everyone can deal with the balls of energy that kids are, but actively hating them is just cringe and childish, ironically enough. Reeks of immaturity.
No. 1222137
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It’s only ok for women to be unhinged
No. 1222243
>>1222240You mistyped men, retard.
Yeah men who speak all the time should have their vocal cords removed.
No. 1222248
>>1222234I dont want to have to do anything with ana and fatties because being that obsessed over your weight means that you've got a lot of time to spend onto carrying about stupid crap instead of doing something else. They are always people with a huge
victim complex and jealousy.
No. 1222301
>>1222292>deer, cows, pigsThey're considered food, that's why.
>most birds, most fishSame thing for some birds and most fish, some birds are considered pest like pigeons however.
>most insects and most rodentsThat's because they're seen as pests. Having your house invaded by insects that eat wood and ruin your skin or give you allergy reactions or illnesses in not really fun. Don't get me started on how farmers (actual ones) get their crops all fucked up from insects and rodents.
No. 1222422
>>1222409Opportunistic omnivores, it doesn't mean we HAVE to eat meat, it's just an option.
>>1222396Doesn't Asia have vegetarians and vegans for 6000 years now? Some ancient Greeks were interested in vegetarianism too. There's even a deist vegan Arab poet from 1000 years ago. It's just especially unpopular in cold areas where they had to rely more on animal products for survival.
No. 1222468
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>>1222440Oh yeah, I fucking love Ethiopian food, god it's fucking heavenly.
No. 1222809
>>1222803I think some people are better at being single than others. But seeing single parents become addicted to alcohol or games, sometimes I think being single makes you more predisposed to feelings of purposelessness. If you are invested in your hobbies and full of Qi then you are lucky, but for some I think they need to be in relationships so they have a standard to hold themselves up to and dopamine from a human source to motivate them. Maybe I'm scared of becoming my parents. I think they both became better people after getting into relationships again.
>>1222800I get the frustration. I think some people just don't see life as having meaning when things don't go to plan or they go through a lot of pain, despondency you know? Maybe your mother is going through something, but yeah it's hard to watch someone throw their life away.
No. 1223656
>>1223655But polygamous + lesbian = polilez
See, all the math checks out
No. 1223658
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>>1223656But it would be polylez!!
No. 1223686
>>1223679What they really mean is
> women don't fawn over me and spread their legs on sight and that really hurts my ego. I hate that I sometimes have to be a decent person before I can earn a persons admiration, I should just have it for existingIt all comes down to wanting random compliments off of women and easy sexual access. But life isn't porn and that hurts
No. 1223802
>>1214971Apparently, it's the same as being a Virgo. Seriously, read up on it, they share the same traits.
I've always thought the modern "spectrum" take on autism is total bullshit. It takes relatively common traits and pathologies them for no reason. How common you can see from astrology - one in 12 people is supposed to be of this personality archetype.
It's also deliberately vague just like astrology.
So that's why nowadays you have hordes of zoomers claiming they have autism. It's their star sign.
No. 1223889
>>1223802It is much like a horoscope, isn't it?
Maybe I'll make a mental illness zodiac chart. I'm not an astrology fag though kek
Anxiety disorder
Eating disorder
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Bipolar gets to be the 13th zodiac since people don't use that one as often anymore since it's not "sexy" anymore.
No. 1224470
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>>1224341Which psychos think she is faking?
No. 1224521
>>1223920I forgot about OCD!
Do these zoomers glamorize NPD though? That's why I left it out since it (at least to me) sounds unattractive compared to the others
No. 1224524
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>>1224519I have a friend who recently started doing that retarded embarrassed anime girl finger thing and it physically hurts me when she does.
No. 1224534
>>1224519reminds me of the
nonny years ago who walked like a proud confident woman with straight posture amongst a crowd of slumped, pidgeon toed japanese women
No. 1224724
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Crushing on a fictional character isn’t that weird tbh
No. 1225092
>>1224337>>1224341I agree on both points, and wtf like
>>1224470 said do people really think she's faking it? That's just depressing. This is why I avoid her thread like the plague.
No. 1225127
>>1225125Do I really need as a life skill the ability to distinguish homosexuals on the Internet
I think not
No. 1225210
>>1225200If they resort to calling people bitches, whores, dykes.
If they call it a pussy in every reply. They hate saying vagina. It’s very very obvious. One person saying pussy once? Fine. Talking about how the trannies will never have a real pussy? That’s a moid.
If you’re venting about a scrote and someone goes yeah he sucks but what do you bring to the table? That’s a scrote.
You want more anon?
No. 1225450
I know a lot of great MtF people. I don’t get all the hate they get here, they are great people, sweet, supporting, loving, feminists and nurturing. I never felt so welcomed by someone as I was with trans women. Even with me, a full cis women, they are all ready to run to me and help me and help me with everything.
I love cis women, and they are great, but as a latina in a white country, only trans women were empathetic enough to listen and understand my struggles.
I don’t understand why they get so much hate here, and I honestly don’t care. I love my cis women friends and I love my trans women friends the same.
No. 1225490
>>1225484>I’m not new, I’ve been lurking for 6 monthslol,kys.
>>1225485its the same tranny from the ''opinion on cows thread'' from weeks ago, anons shouldnt respond to his bait.