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No. 1198591
Be bold, be dumb
Previously on Channel Estúpido:
>>>/ot/1180691 No. 1198805
File: 1653660515927.jpg (114.06 KB, 750x384, 1638019085134.jpg)

>>1198789What am I supposed to expand my music taste to when I have listened to literally everything from mongolian throat singing to sevdahs? Fun things are fun and I have a musical education, no idea why people are snobs when there's actual badly sung and performed music in the world.
No. 1198818
>>1198786>>1198800thank you!
honestly i'm into anything and everything, but i don't have a google acc so i rely on the random algorithm. lately youtube has been really dry though and it's hard to find even mildly interesting stuff to watch in the background
No. 1198820
>>1198805nta but his music is just glorified emo rap and bitching about women.
He has a nice flow and rapping style but his actual lyrics are meh and nothing impressive and he relied on shock factor and being le edgy white man rapper to become relevant.
No. 1198835
>>1198677I agree
nonnie, the marshall mathers LP is a lot of fun to listen to
No. 1198916
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Got my x box 360 fixed and will be playing resident evil 6 for weeks now nothing will stop me until I get that S rank on all difficulties
No. 1198964
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>>1198963it's true and you know it
No. 1199103
aaaaagh i wanna eat brekkie but my dad is video calling work from the kitchen
>>1199075post the videos anon
No. 1199115
>>1199110>seethingI legit don't know where you got that from? Point to me where I'm seething.
>>1199103Here you go anon. Cringe to your heart's content!
>>1199113The ones online yes, I'm sure the ones who don't are barely online.
No. 1199130
>>1199122I made a dumb joke in the dumbass thread and I'm accused of seething. No fun allowed today! Sorry anon, maybe next time!
>>1199126It's an accident, no idea why or how that happened.
No. 1199131
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Why does this type of cold coffee always looks appetizing but it always tastes like watered down shit?
No. 1199193
>>1199172I had sex for all the wrong reasons when I was younger so now that I know that.. I wouldn't fuck younger me. Would feel wrong.
My sex drive is only getting more and more intense with age now and my desire isn't just me looking for validation… no brainer, I'd fuck older me.
No. 1199204
>>1199172Of course, I have very specific desires that I’m p sure no one else but me can act out satisfactorily. I’d rather fuck my current and future self (I suppose that means I’m also down to fuck past selves, well as long as it’s 22 year old and older me, I would have been too cringe before that).
The bigger concern is if I have a clone of myself we would end up executed for our Aileen Wuornos era for sure. If we get caught of course, it would be much easier to evade the law if a woman can be in two places at once.
No. 1199212
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After taking a look at my bank account: "HELLLL YEAAAH I'M GONNA STAY AT HOME"
No. 1199215
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>>1199172I'm not my type at all regardless of how fit, no offense to myself but I only date up
No. 1199222
who the fuck willingly watches tiktok videos
>>1199172past and future me are exactly the same tho, i haven't changed. wouldn't fuck regardless cause i'm not my type.
No. 1199314
>>1199307I'll be female Elvis
But yeah I am concerned and I might take a laxative but I'm afraid I'll get champagne cork problem
No. 1199399
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I wish I could have mango sticky rice. It's looks good and I love mangos but I simply cannot enjoy sweet rice dishes.
No. 1199722
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after writing 7000 words of fanfiction yesterday, i've written a new one today. 3000 words. i'm mentally ill but i actually like this one…
No. 1199811
>>1199802I feel you
nonnie, I’m Latina and way paler than a lot of people in my family. We both could probably do to get out in the sun a little more but as long as you’re taking vitamin D supplements, meh what does it matter?
No. 1199918
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I wonder what she’s doing rn
No. 1200014
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>>1198591guys remember the alleged tranny hand fiasco? i dont remember the picture in detail, but i came across this instagram account and thought hey this looks almost like it (the insta is a woman lmao)
No. 1200018
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>>1200014>>1200016case in point. also it's not nearly as boney
No. 1200027
>>1200018Even if it was a woman’s hand it’s still an ugly hand. 3 years ago y’all would have made fun of it for being ugly and now y’all make fun of it for looking like a man’s hand to be LeSs
ToXiC. All in the name of this radfem culture which is so
toxic to real women with pcos. Maybe it’s a troon’s hand but there’s plenty of real women that have hands like that.
No. 1200036
>>1200032I have PCOS and that's one of the only things
not ugly on me
No. 1200058
>>1200014Why are we still talking about nthe ugly hand? No one fucking cares
>>1200027>Y'allHere's your bullying that you miss so much: shut the fuck up.
No. 1200155
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There have been a lot of obvious troon posters here lately and I just want to get this off my chest. Before I peaked and was an uber left wing libfem commie TRA ally I would hang out around liberal spaces in my university, so I was constantly surrounded by troons, especially in the nerdier and computer adjacent clubs. I remember I would always be super pro trans rights even had a trans flag pin on my bag and shit and I would always spout about how trans women are totally women and respect everyone’s pronouns and even compliment trannies to affirm them because I felt bad. Even back then with my super woke mindset and outlook I didn’t perceive troons as women, I had to constantly fight against my instinct and what I clearly saw to use their stupid pronouns because even being such a mega woke retard I could see they were men playing dress up and failing miserably at it. This is how everyone perceives you, even those who affirm you and are always yasss queening and telling you how brave you are see you as males in skirts and are probably creeped out by you but lie to themselves because they don’t want to seem like a bigot but inside in their minds and hearts they know what you really are and it takes every single muscle in their entire body and constant mental reminders for them to call you “women” and “she/her” out loud. Even my super libfem friend “misgenders” trannies when we talk about them alone, she of course apologizes and corrects herself but men are even more ruthless and straight up laugh at you behind your back when you’re not around, even the so called “woke” ones.
No. 1200156
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We always had anachans on this site but I can't take the posts seriously where somebody posts a chubby model/actress and instantly someone replies
Like jeez, there's plenty of skinny women in hollywood, some can be average.
No. 1200159
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I don't usually look at the main page on youtube but it it always this full of half naked women? Why does youtube think I want to watch some women putting on a show for men
No. 1200170
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Gaslighting myself into believing I am a mysterious and cold woman with no emotions so I don't have a massive meltdown.
No. 1200174
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There’s this female YouTuber that I’d like to post on the female creators thread because some of her content is interesting, even though I’ve watched like 3 videos of her’s. That being said, I’m feeling conflicted about actually posting her there. It’s because she’s an anituber, so she sometimes covers coomer-ish topics in her videos. There was this one video in her catalog, judging by the thumbnail, made it seem she was just another pickme anituber being like ‘uwu I’m not like those normie women who are squicked out shitty, Moid coomer fantasies. I’m a cool girls who’s okay and enjoys that even though I’m 100% straight’ , but I watched the video anyway and she seemed to actually be disapproving of the coomer shit, and I actually liked the videos. Though she has some videos where she seems okay with coomer content, like ‘ero comedy’ anime that aren’t any better than any shitty American 2000s sex comedy movies
No. 1200212
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Seeing the wojaks an anon posted reminded me of this image….
No. 1200303
>>1200286They were two different ones kek and I feel kind of bad for talking about them on a gossip site, they have plenty of good qualities and are intelligent, sweet women just a bit autistic but so am I. I just can't get these out of my head, like I love you both but what the fuck lmao.
>>1200299She's not even a troon and not stupid either so I have no clue. She's a little gullible and has a lot of "woke" friends, I guess it stems from that lol.
No. 1200374
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I threw away so much "forgotten" food while everyone was gone I don't give a fuck if they even guilt trip me that I'm wasting them if they ever notice, don't let them rot in the first place.
No. 1200429
>>1200392Can we take this time to acknowledge how gross moid legs are? Especially when they're white milk bottles. I do NOT want to see your gross hairy legs in shorts.
Just last week some moid classmate sat next to me with his leg propped up on the other and his gross densely packed dark hairy sunless white leg was in my direct line of sight and it grossed me out but more than anything it pissed me off that I had strategically showered the evening before to shave my legs to remove barely there, light sparse hair because I was worried I'd get comments about it and he could just sit around waving his gross hairy legs that are 20 times darker and denser packed than mine to the world.
Sorry for hijacking your post anon, moids with hairy legs with the guts to show their disgusting legs to the world piss me off so much. Fuuuuuuuuuuck your ugly moid legs, moids need to be bullied into shaving or suffering in full length jeans all summer.
No. 1200479
>>1200451They want to gawk at women and they're the ones creating the demand.. but if a woman leans into it and seems ok with that type of attention then it stops being fun for them. It's kinda fucky because the difference is what… consenting to that type of attention? That's what bothers them. The woman having an ounce of control over whether she invites it or not.
Meanwhile women who don't lean into still get gross pervs after them and they're told to just be flattered or suck it up.
No. 1200498
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>>1200495Just get a 2D idol husband before the k-poop man gets exposed as a rapist
No. 1200509
>>1200498I can't get into 2D anymore, I know I'm saying this as a kpopper of all things but yes… I tried to, it didn't happen. He got me out of my self-destructive ways, I still have miles to go to get better but as long as he is with me during the journey, I'm happy, when it is time to let go, I will let go. Even typing this is making me cry. I don't even feel a sexual way towards him which I think makes it weirder.
>>1200505What do you suggest I do? How do I 'wake up and get out'? Perhaps it's a coincidence but when I was into kpopshit as a teen, I was doing good and as soon as I lost interest, I lived through the absolutely awful shit I put myself through, then I randomly found myself getting into kpop again and just got better. Just like that. Like, I'm probably seeing patterns where they aren't but still.
No. 1200533
>>1200495nona i used to be like you
with shinee's onew until he got that sexual harassment case which wrecked me because I made my whole life revolve around the group and I suddenly had nothing leftfind something more meaningful to obsess over, i beg you
No. 1200564
>>1200525I was watching Hannah the Horrible and she was talking about some woman who abused women and filmed it, then went on a rant about how she doesn't allow "Kink shaming" and not to "kink shame" blah blah blah" So I assume they just gloss over that shit, OR start going, "Well just because he happens to be addicted to porn and into extreme bondage doesn't mean we should kink shame. Don't kink shame"
Just like how Shayna started feeling uncomfortable when she was watching a true crime show/doc and the guy/guys had the same "kinks" she claimed to have.
It holds a mirror up to their face and instead of looking, they close their eyes or turn their head. Shayna probably felt called out that the only people who share her "kinks" aren't normal people and considered the scum of the earth.
No. 1200605
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NOOO she kicked me off her hulu
No. 1200687
>>1200642Yeah you're right, but I wouldn't have expect such an obvious difference in behavior if it didn't happen to me. I went from being a walking male repellent to being flirted with once when I was very obviously looking like I had food poisoning the night before, I had greasy hair and couldn't wash it before running an errand, and forgetting to wax off my peach fuzz on top of my lips.
>>1200649I never really got to know any of these guys enough to know if they were bf material. I just gave them my line id and ignored them, I was way too intimidated and shocked that anyone could be into me.
No. 1200690
A guy said I look nice today why did I blush and say "thank you" he's fucking retarded. I hate that I like him.
>>1200320I just said "oh uhh that sucks" and changed the subject kek. Didn't feel like picking a fight, specially because her girlfriend and her seem very happy together. I have my opinions but I'm not going to be a bitch about it, she can date who she wants.
No. 1200752
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It genuinely doesn't make sense that everything isn't in pink. When I see an item and there's no pink version of it, it breaks my heart. Other colors are nice, but none of them are as good as pink. If I was a dictator, instead of doing stupid shit like cutting off people's access to the rest of the world, I would just make them all wear at least one pink clothing item at all times. The American flag would be changed to picrel. Every restaurant would be forced to serve birthday cake flavored pink ice cream. If someone wants to own a bird then they can only have something like a rose-breasted cockatoo or a Bourke's parakeet. If someone wants to have flowers in their garden, they must be pink. Cherry blossoms will be planted everywhere. The tap water will be dyed pinked. If anyone said that any other color is better than pink, I would take it as an act of rebellion and they would be killed on site. Evil needs to be cleansed from this world, starting with people who hate the color pink. Wreak havoc on pink haters.
I've been needing to get this off of my chest.
No. 1200756
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>>1200752I forgot to mention that all the money would be printed pink as well.
No. 1200762
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>>1200758It's called Baker-Miller pink (picrel) but there is no actual evidence that it has any calming effect. However, I think this color would look great in hospitals. Latex gloves and scrubs would be great in pink, and it would be more friendly to look at than the sterile blue. It might look too close to blood though…
No. 1200776
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>>1200767>Can OP make an exception in this case? Maybe they can still wear pink as long as they're not headed into surgery.Fine, but only because they're saving lives. Since blue and green are necessary in hospitals, I say that instead all hospitals must use pink paper. Any type of medical record, form, bill etc., must be on pink paper.
No. 1200803
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Surprise! I'm Dijon Quejehonesnes, you've been on camera this whole time and now I'm going to join your table while you're eating. Why do you think sex before marriage is bad? Oh sorry, people usually recognize me, I promise this is a TV show, now tell me more of your thoughts on that random couple loudly arguing about their sex life
No. 1200833
>>1200811KEK serves you right
>>1200828I was watching some travel documentary recently and the host of it stayed with some sherpas as he was traveling past Mt. Everest. During a break, the sherpas were serving chhaang, and the translator did this cool thing where he dipped his finger in it three times, and would flick it a different direction each time. He said it was their way of giving thanks, by sharing some of the drink with the earth, Buddha, and their ancestors. That turned me into a Tibetboo.
No. 1200840
>>1200811>>>/m/209665Here you go,
nonnie. Mine is also shit but hopefully it stays up (mods pls spare me)
No. 1200845
>>1200833omg kek, i'm not the only one!
i was originally only a chinaboo but then saw a bit about tibet on a tv show and immediately was fascinated. i'm not a buddhist but nevertheless find their religiousness really nice, it seems to be genuinely good(?), unlike some other really religious folks
i also love the music so so much
No. 1200850
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I was in a store lately looking at period shit when a guy and his gf passed by and I swear the guy said something to her about me (as I stood there with muh super nighttime pads in hand) Our eyes even met for a second as I heard him but there was a small part of me that couldn't be certain so I didn't say anything back.
When I go to queue up with my shopping they're right ahead of me in the queue. I happily stand right behind this guy and he keeps nervously half looking back but he's being very careful not to fully look at me. The person in front of them is taking ages and I'm loving it because he is not comfortable. I'm just watching this guy sweat as I stand tall with my pads on the conveyor belt lol. Eventually they're served and they're buying a bottle of cheap wine. You can't buy wine here before a certain time and they're too early so there's an awkward moment as they can't buy the one thing they queued up so long for and they look embarrassed. Satisfying.
No. 1200887
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No. 1200904
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>>1200896They're thinking "ooooooo she has a VAGINA"
No. 1200907
>>1200896I had a random man lurk and then say hello to me once while I was looking at tampons. I ignored him and he just walked off again
This was before I knew about shit like yaniv and men who have turned periods into a whole fetish. Kinda glad I didn't know back then. I was creeped out enough.
No. 1200994
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i find the british accent really endearing but as a rule they are too ugly for me to date
No. 1201012
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I always read "cishet" as "cis shit" like if it was an insult and it gives me the impression that the meaning is something like "you're straight and were born in the right body, you are scum" and I roll my eyes everytime I see it but it's literally just my mind making up shit
No. 1201024
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im fucking dying, my mom is drunk texting me and this is too funny
No. 1201107
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accidentally made a very ominous image of komaeda on ms paint
No. 1201122
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frantz fanon was an Incel
he believed black/brown women who were relationships with white men were mentally colonized and supporting white supremacy and oppressing the black/brown man, at the same same time he marries white woman also he seethed for most of his life over one incident where Italian women didn't want to dance with him or other black soldiers after being "liberated" and preferred to dance with Italian POWs, white women not being interested in him was defining moment of European racism
No. 1201141
>>1201135This doesn't have to do with socialization but honestly I've never seen Nikkie as a troon, even after he (they, she, whatever) was exposed (by Jeffree I think?). I really did think he was just a really tall woman. Even now, I know it's a man but it's like I can't see him that way. If more troons were able to be normal, or at least appear normal, like Nikkie then I would honestly probably accept more of them. I don't pay much attention to the makeup world now but I've never seen him flaunt it like other trannys.
I heard they lied to their partner about being trans. I don't know if it's true, but if so that is very scummy. Iirc, the whole thing about Nikkie being trans happened during a lot of other, more juicy, drama so I wasn't paying much attention to it.
No. 1201147
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getting pulled into incel terminology and feel my mind rotting, the new autistic term their now obesseded now is called "slayers face"
No. 1201150
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>>1201147Like what the hell is this? NOSECEL? SPERGCEL? TURKCEL?
No. 1201178
A lot of bullshit but I think stuff like 'locationcel' has merit
No. 1201201
>>1201150>turkcellTurkish men often complain about their women preferring foreign mostly taller and whiter men than themselves. In reality most turkish men are shitty and misogynistic that's why turkish women try to date foreign men if they can, even if the foreigner isn't that great, chances are he's less likely to beat and hurt her.
There are countless turkish incels in 4chan and similar sites, mostly because turkish women don't sleep around as much as turkish men see in western shows, they seem to think all western women fuck around (they don't) and get mad when their own women behave differently.
They also get mad that western women don't want to sleep with them but turkish women don't have as much issue dating interracially because Muslim men are seen as dangerous while women aren't seen that way.
No. 1201202
>>1201194I knew people (female) that lived in very obviously terrible locations in respect to dating. They lived in a fracking boomtown. There were simply not
nearly enough women for all the men so even if you were otherwise good looking and wealthy the competition for the few available women was. That same person later on lived in a very small and isolated small town, there were very few people to pick from. Incels often state that this is a good thing because it forces people to settle down fast but in practice places like this are often not viable for a lot of reasons, young people will move away and this drastically limits the dating pool of the people left behind. Another friend lived near a military base and the sex ratios were likewise deeply imbalanced.
No. 1201226
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>>1200027i've seen this comment like three times now, what are you on about? i've never seen a radfem be
toxic to women with PCOS, the only toxicity i've seen is cringe TiFs trying to co-opt it and call it an "intersex disorder" (which is retarded because the self imposed,
desired effects of T are not the same as a metabolic disorder we know sweet fuck all about) or whatever the fuck and shut down conversations between other women about it because they say stuff like "hey ladies" when addressing each other.
No. 1201252
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>>1201228There's been a study that shows that men generally only become friends with women who they want to fuck and would take the opportunity if given. They also perceive the friendship radically different from the woman.
No. 1201256
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The farmer who posted this unironically deserve the nobel prize in litterature. It's absolute perfection.
No. 1201278
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>>1201276nightnight, nona! sleep tight!
No. 1201290
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>>1201276good night nona, don't let the bedbugs bite!
No. 1201334
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Seeing so many people from the west and other countries thirst after Paul Dano, maybe kinda proves what some non-white Incels say, that its impossible being an incel when your a tall white man
No. 1201356
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me trying to find the attractive woman thread because 39daph is so cute but /g/ is just full of scrote worship threads. maybe you guys were right about that board after all kek
No. 1201690
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>>1201159>un francel (or une francelle in the case of a femcel)I'm going to lose my fucking mind kek this is too much for my stomach
No. 1201710
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>>1201150They’re so retarded it’s almost pathetic. Bless their retarded little souls
No. 1201743
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>>1201453well, if you insult me, why would I tell you ?!
No. 1201758
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No…save her…
No. 1201812
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I was looking for ASMR videos to fall asleep to and this came up. Wtf is wrong with the algorhythm
No. 1201839
>>1201836I toasted my sandwiches
No. 1201911
File: 1653861509243.jpg (163.59 KB, 1200x628, Breakfast20Sandwiches-1200x628…)

>>1201875You're so wrong. A lot of sandwiches are cold, but there are plenty of warm ones too. All "sandwich" implies is deliciousness. BLTs, Philly cheesesteaks, chicken, breakfast and pulled pork are all sammiches. You're wrong about burgers too. Turkey burgers and veggie burgers for example. Your own expectation is not the standard. Can't believe you had the nerve to call her ESL and you don't even understand food.
No. 1201913
File: 1653861606272.jpg (116.71 KB, 760x1140, Fried-Chicken-SandwichesIMG_11…)

>>1201911Samefag but even fried chicken sandwiches are technically burgers
No. 1201918
>>1201913You dumbass, burgers have BEEF didn't you read
>>1201875????? Reeee
No. 1201922
>>1201860And ONE MORE THING! A melt is a
type of sandwich. It's a melt because it has melty warm gooey yummy amazing cheese. If you try to say a tuna melt isn't a sandwich, ur retarded.
>A melt sandwich is a type of hot sandwich containing cheese (sometimes grated) and some type of filling such as meat or vegetables. The sandwich is then heated until the cheese is melted. It is the filling that establishes the melt sandwich as a variation of the grilled cheese sandwich. It may be served as an open-face sandwich or a closed-face one. No. 1201997
>>1201991Nope, grilled cheese is its own thing and people more passionate than myself would be very angry at you for suggesting otherwise. It's cheese, bread, and a fat to grill the outside nothing more nothing less.
Also, what is a melt to you if not a heated sandwich with fillings and cheese? If you suggested a hot chicken sandwich with no cheese as a gotcha well congrats you got me that isn't a melt.
No. 1202070
File: 1653868494860.gif (1.78 MB, 350x265, 1620866915097.gif)

>>1202054HEY!! Don't be mean
nonny! Say i love you back!!
No. 1202083
File: 1653869573755.jpg (42.2 KB, 525x420, 201106_CheeseLover_Ecomm-0250-…)

Some time ago I asked if brie cheese was worth it and one anon said that it disgusted them and that it made them want to throw up and I wanted to say that you were wrong, nonnie. I can't get enough of this shit. It's my new favorite cheese.
No. 1202086
File: 1653869675921.gif (5.72 MB, 498x280, my-dress-up-darling.gif)

2020 anime seems to be more vibrant and the eyes are more detailed and shiny, but face shapes seem to follow the 2010's style but more proportional. This is an anime that came out this year called My Dress Up Darling.
No. 1202091
>>1202085Me I lost contact with all my friends and haven't made new ones. I am 'friendly' to people at work but would never call them if I really needed something because I just don't have that bind with them. If I didn't have family support and needed someone I'm truly fucked
>>1202083Brie is amazing especially hot brie on crackers
No. 1202092
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Reposting my question so more nonnies can give me their opinion
What do you think the 2020's anime style is? I really wonder. I want to see examples.
No. 1202095
File: 1653870253319.gif (388.74 KB, 616x460, ezgif-1-73fc466f00.gif)

Grilled Cheese Gang
No. 1202097
>>1202083I don’t care for Brie but if you’re trying fancy cheeses you should try manchego! It’s delicious alone or with crackers and the works.
and if you cut a slice and leave it for a minute the oils come to the surface and make it look like a beetle kek it’s disgusting I think cheese tastes better when you cut it paper thin and bite tiny pieces with your front teeth.
No. 1202098
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No. 1202104
>>1202094nta but I love you
nonny I'm sorry, I want to give you a hug
No. 1202116
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>>1202102>>1202114reminded me of this poor creature
No. 1202121
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>>1202114makes me wanna put them out of their misery
No. 1202127
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>>1202092>>1202102Miyazaki talked about this phenomena
>You see, whether you can draw like this or not, being able to think up this kind of design, it depends on whether or not you can say to yourself, 'Oh, yeah, girls like this exist in real life.' If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t do this, because you’ve never seen it. Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves. Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans. And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!so these are just pale imitations of pale imitations
No. 1202130
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>>1202092here's my take on what 2020's anime style looks like.
No. 1202138
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I’m wondering when average/ugly women will finally get the Dano/Jerma/Depp/Driver treatment. I want to be called hot and cute even though it’s very apparent I’m ugly as sin. I brought this up before but anons told me I needed to stfu and get some self-esteem… so, that’s a no?
No. 1202149
>>1202147I would do it for you
nonnie, you sound cute
No. 1202155
File: 1653872345130.png (1.13 MB, 1180x1088, DC967D2C-63C0-44E0-8960-63A7B2…)

>>1202149nonnie you’ll make me blush
No. 1202156
>>1202138I post about how
Ugly I am Daily and I never rget those kind of comments sorry
Nonnie. However, people don't like average/below average or NORMAL looking women of all shapes and sizes being praised as super hot.
It's not just men, but other women as well. It's okay to like dad bods and with men it's about 'personality" and "vibe" or even money and power.
With women? You can have all of that but if you aren't top tier to a lot of people, then some will have your head for big upping her.
I'm starting to learn more and more, some women have to be extra amazing to get half the praise a man gets. From men and some women.
No. 1202158
File: 1653872394893.jpeg (366.92 KB, 1959x2048, 1653622521971.jpeg)

>>1202147>>1202155be my gf if you look like this
No. 1202159
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>>1202150plain girl summer
No. 1202183
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>>1202180Most scrotes want something similar to picrel. It's so basic.
No. 1202192
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>>1202176I want this so bad, if only they'd go for it with less sexualization more epic troubled flawed complicated women keeping it real. NON-bimbofied. I swear filmmakers just make things to jerk themselves off to, here's hoping that changes because it sucks.
No. 1202197
>>1202183Nta, but I hate when people try to describe women as basic. Both your pic and
>>1202155 look like different types of average women you might see, the femcels are just less well-groomed.
No. 1202210
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Somewhat related to this discussion, there are barely any "loser female" characters in popular media, like I remember people going on and on about fleabag and about how it accurately portrayed a loser woman and I was severely disappointed when I saw the show, she had friends and a string casual relationships, like I hadn't even been kissed by a man till I was 24, =I have never seen a genuine portrayal of a lonely and truly undesirable woman in film or television, cause we do exist going by unnoticed and unloved
No. 1202219
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No. 1202237
File: 1653875878975.jpg (23.94 KB, 391x783, jake muller.jpg)

After playing a few hours of RE6 I dreamed that chris sang me that one direction song, you know the one that goes "everybody wanna steal my girl" and it was very weird, I'm not 1D fan. Also why is jake so ugly I thought he was supposed to be wesker's son and his voice is very annoying why can't he be more like wesker and by that I mean hot
Also also I died 10+ times during that ridiculous 'run from the monster' part in chris campaign, fucking camera and chris died twice for no reason as he was being controlled by the computer like wtf I think he might've got stuck on a wall or something
No. 1202256
File: 1653876788023.png (360 KB, 543x268, 565675767565.png)

>>1202200I guess they like this type of girl better. Sometimes I wonder if men love women, or love a stereotype of women. And then date based on that stereotype. This is why they see us as consumables instead of people.
No. 1202267
File: 1653877866071.png (227.87 KB, 426x484, 1652239073336.png)

>>1202158I feel very guilty about this but I find this type of girl more attractive and cute than mainstream kardashian shit. I saved this pic from the artsalt thread because I felt super flustered just looking at it. I think I'm in love with both female and male riddler but the female one feels just so much more elevated, I wish I met someone like that irl. I'm getting red just imagining it lmao kill me.
No. 1202269
>>1202227I think since she was unconventional looking and wasn't going out with men who wern't tv handsome
>>1202231>>1202261I was technically a femcel up until 2 years ago, but I never even thought even describing myself with the term what so ever
>>1202265any examples, cause I'm looking for actual awkward and ugly loser women recs, cause I have read books where the mc is supposed to be a loser but she's actually just a loner
>>1202259not really fond of the "plain women must hate men" trope, most of us really don't, like we're not pick-me's either
No. 1202272
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>>1202267fern mayo looking ass
No. 1202273
File: 1653878570927.jpg (3.4 MB, 1999x3000, BARRYKEOGHAN.jpg)

>>1202138Been seeing this ugly moid blowing up too. I just don't get it.
>>1202259ngl kinda cute, much more so than actual dano? Confusing. kek
No. 1202293
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>>1202291Get your slushie,
nonnie. Maybe also some lemon drops
No. 1202331
File: 1653883564414.png (337.16 KB, 569x433, 940329403298.png)

>>1202327I get that but you have to be really deep into social media and coomershit to think this is more attractive than a normal slim, well-proportioned body.
No. 1202334
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>>1202324good for you, good for you
No. 1202336
>>1202276The new joker I guess?
>>1202331Regular chubby bodies are more attractive than this tbh. She's straight up deformed.
No. 1202422
File: 1653897345119.png (387.58 KB, 874x1208, @numu_rb.png)

>>1202267Are you me
nonnie ? I made a whole post in crisis mode about the art that you have posted in the fetishes you're ashamed of thread kek. She's so cute, I'm really glad to see I'm not alone lmao
No. 1202434
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Runny eggs look so yummy, but I genuinely cannot stand to eat any kind of egg that isn't cooked through. Even jammy eggs are a hard no for me. Maybe it's because I have a hard time eating eggs in general
No. 1202470
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>>1202434eggs make me nauseous and it sucks they always look so damn tasty
No. 1202486
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>>1202481damn nonna, I had to google that and you're not wrong
No. 1202496
File: 1653907090118.png (1.1 MB, 1051x691, me_and_all_of_you.png)

>>1202475picrel is the three of us having godtier taste.
>Also this makes me feel better about myself bc i kinda look like her myself but saying this now feels so narcissistic lolCongratulations on being cute kek also you shouldn't feel ashamed. I think it's actually normal if you are a nerdy women to be also into other nerdy women! I dress kind of like her in the fanart and I try to not overthink what it means about me kek. I truly wish you to find your dream gf
nonnie No. 1202513
File: 1653908281665.jpg (32.95 KB, 510x500, 8e70825f446af9acb2cad273a8aeb0…)

>>1202511well shit I loved him in sweeney todd!
No. 1202533
File: 1653910026435.jpeg (416.01 KB, 1200x1771, 6B4DA8B9-961B-4358-88D0-B1598D…)

I wish he was still alive to dunk on the trannies.
No. 1202574
File: 1653914368736.jpg (49.54 KB, 610x527, e04b750c6795e7bdd9062af4dcc0f2…)

>>1202568i'm aware their sexualization of a 'type' of woman is not a compliment, what i'm not understanding is a. how glasses have made women "femcels" and how b. they've made a pivot this quick to mainstream fetishizing them using a term exclusively used to shame them in the same breath in .2 seconds. usually the "fuck you, slut" guys aren't talking about how they like sluts, that's the difference, and "slut" is a word that has been used for forever. this is new. there are guys who are like "i love sluts", but that's a totally different type of guy. it's not a compliment exactly, but they're speaking positively about it in the same breath in a way they rarely do with any other thing i've seen. it has only been a short period of time where they've been trying to shill that women are femcels and undesirable for being "femcels", but now they're already on board to make this a mainstream trend that is desirable. i'm really just puzzled as to how glasses and dark hair is now the "femcel phenotype". none of those women are notably non-sexual or unattractive women who didn't sleep with men, so idgi.
No. 1202592
>>1202574"Femcel" is literally just a trendy buzzword for any woman who's "weird" and "quirky", but also negative in some way (whether that be through being withdrawn, depressed, mean or manipulative). Actual femcels (as in "female incels") don't exist, just this bizarre meme, and it's because men are constantly trying to fuck every woman that breathes. The main reason a woman might be lonely/unloved is because all the men that surround her are so undesirable that she couldn't bear to let them in, while a man is lonely because he himself is completely undesirable. Even that same concept of a femcel gets men horny and looking for a "femcel gf", literal proof that such a thing doesn't really exist
I mean, they tried to include Anna Delvey in the Twitter compilation, for fuck's sake lmao. Incels wish that was a female version of themselves. Honestly, every single woman in that pic has been dicked down and/or had her share of orbiters
No. 1202768
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I always thought Andrea Dworkin was one of those uptight, hyper feminine rich ""feminist"", but after seeing how she actually looks like and her material i think i can relate to her much better. I was reading some of her books and it felt like i was talking to a very intimate friend, she died years ago but her words really spoke to me on a very personal level, i didn't think there could be someone who understood my mind and thoughts like that, i'm glad she existed cause in fact, i'm very pissed by scrotes and their existence and she very much understood how rotten and malign they are and how much we have to sacrifice in our personal lives just to be treated decently, thank you Miss Dworkin
No. 1202805
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No. 1202810
File: 1653929826240.jpg (558.13 KB, 828x1472, 1601585760118.jpg)

>>1202768>>1202780you really see a fat jew whose entire career was making dumbass unsourced takes and literally died due to being a fatass and still acted like a dumbass even in her death and somehow think she's anything more then anything then some pretenciiious fatass, I swear radfems have a fetish to be as pathetic and cringe as possible
(infighting ) No. 1202816
>>1202772No, i just like that she literally just presented as she wanted cause she knew men ain't shit, i respect that and i vibe with her much more than those ""feminists"" who can't stop pandering to men
>>1202780Thank you, i will use it wisely
>>1202810She was a legend, cope and seethe
No. 1202827
File: 1653930356589.jpg (58.45 KB, 697x502, Dworkin2.jpg)

>>1202810There are legitimate things you could criticize her for, but all you could think of is fat, Jewish and you don't like her tone? That doesn't discredit any of her arguments. How about that she was a polilez? Or some of her iffy takes on incest and bestiality? It's obvious a lot of people either praise or shit on her, without ever having read her works.
No. 1202841
File: 1653930794634.jpg (4.29 KB, 259x194, 160158576012.jpg)

>>1202813Damn I'm so hurt. I've been utterly defeated, this is me right now
>>1202816can you tell me what did she do in her entire sad and pointless that the lowest speck of this pointless species hasn't, other then write her 'groundbreaking books' cause there are thousands of retards who have written books about their dumbass takes and you what they've never effected the world, other then inspire some other kindred dumbass, like you
>>1202827Fat people bring up a feeling of intense disgust when I see them, but as for her work, Its clear that she was not an intelligent person, considering her idealized and made up view about Joan of Arc(She was totes a proto-radfem who was leading armies and killing men and the catholic church killed her cause they hated seeing a girl boss winning) like the real Joan would have hit Dworkin with the back of her sword and would have called her an infidel scum
No. 1202846
>>1202837No Im not saying that anon posting about Red Scare is pakianon. I mean this
>she hates western radfems for being mostly white and middle class isn't really what crapchan is known for at all. She doesn't even hate white women.
No. 1202886
>>1202814It'd honestly make sense for an anorexic moid with dysphoria to be obsessed with red scare pod and mad about actual women not only opposing his shit, but "wasting" their female bone structure or something
Wasn't that one "trannyhands"/anti-abortion handposter skellymode too? Hmm
No. 1202890
>>1202877so no actual thing and proposed theories
>>1202886are you really doing this, I make fun of dasha and anna almost every day, I just think their funny and I like making fun of fat people
No. 1202892
for anyone wondering this is that ban-evading scarepod poster from the previous celebricows threads (and other offtopic threads too) They also whined about fat people and posted that same dasha pic and then posting some random gay moid saying its their boyfriend.
>>1202886I think they are a tranny too because they posted about that troon hunter in the unpopular thread twice while talking about ''women hitting the wall''.
>>1202890you are a ban evading rat.
No. 1202899
>>1202898babes you want me to link your posts?
You even said you liked scarepod in them and pretended to accidentally post hunter and then claimed you dont know who he is, and then posted him again claiming he is a stacy or some other weird shit.
Hows your fake boyfriend doing by the way?
No. 1202918
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>>1202898samefag, its interesting how some of the misogynistic societies in the world(ancient china, greece, rome, turkey, Japan e.t.c) all independently fetishized young pre-pubescent boys, I mean there are more statues of Antinous then any Roman historical figure or God, he was called "Hadrian's lover" but he was 12 years old when Hadrian made him his beloved
>>1202899I have literally have never talked about him outside the MTF and tinfoil threads
No. 1202920
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what is the topic of the argument itt? i just got here
No. 1202942
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>>1202533My king I love him so much my heart skipped a beat when you posted my dear Pete
No. 1202945
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apparently theres a woke trend of replacing the word marijuana with terms like cannabis because of how it was used during the reefer madness era to promote racism? my guy how are you gonna police an entire word that isn't even in your language, sounds kinda sus to meeeeee
No. 1202977
>>1202945Pothead is a slur, the correct term is people of pot (pop for sure)
White people smoking cannabis is cultural appropriation
Cannabis is pro fat (makes you eat) anti racist (lots of pop are
poc) anti cisheterosexualgendernormativity and pro neurodiversity (makes you think and say lots of dumb shit)
No. 1202984
File: 1653935898917.jpg (22.57 KB, 600x600, images.jpg)

Not as easy as you think it is, is it?
No. 1202995
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>>1202993Good job
nonny! Very cute
No. 1202998
nonnie ♥
No. 1203000
File: 1653936478307.gif (30.72 KB, 220x267, shy-cat.gif)

>>1202998>>1202995Jee whiz thanks nonnies
No. 1203007
File: 1653936676663.jpg (20.01 KB, 400x379, fightme.jpg)

Oi m8 you got a problem with cat pics?
No. 1203041
File: 1653938166482.jpg (131.66 KB, 951x1200, FS7J0-1XoAMDfJx.jpg)

this is the worst anon
No. 1203049
File: 1653938498270.png (210.38 KB, 502x286, catpiclicense.png)

You're gonna be the one to get beat, I'm within my legal rights! I have my cat pic license right here!
No. 1203052
Huh, I just had this moment where I realised how much freedom I have. I get sad because I'm over 30 and not in a stable position yet, but;
- I'm making bank
- Don't have a child
- Don't have a partner
- Not tied to a property
- Don't have literally anything tying me down to one place or occupation
Like on one hand it's kind of depressing because the above statements mean at my age there's nobody THAT important in my life and that can get to me. I don't have friends so close and dear I don't want to leave, and no romantic partner. But like, I have so much potential? It's not like I can retire off my money, but I could be unemployed for 6 months and living off savings before I'd start to worry, and in that time I could look for a good job, or cultivate a skill, or move country again.
And i'm thinking of all the women in the past and present whose family insist they stay close, whose partner won't relocate, who are trapped with a baby or just have too low an income to consider a fesh start or going somewhere nicer. I should be more appreciative of what I have, to be honest.
No. 1203075
File: 1653939533753.png (643.25 KB, 726x544, archeologist.png)

>>1203062>>1203066kek, nonnies excavating 17 layers of post to find the original bait that started everything
No. 1203115
File: 1653941688437.png (662.12 KB, 800x451, moldy popcorn.png)

I was looking at some gourmet popcorn, and picrel made me want some good blue cheese. Maybe I'll make wings with blue cheese dip
No. 1203116
>>1203055A very boring job, but it's niche, requires a degree and is short term so it's well paid. I can get similar in the future but it's not fulfilling.
>>1203095Unironically lolcow and my hometown besties if i'm feeling existential. I don't have my blood family around me but that suits me fine, and i've got a low tolerance for being around other people much and have always been at least content alone so it's only holidays that I feel it. I wouldn't recommend it if you're really family oriented! Don't get me wrong I have a kind of surface support system. Not super compatible friends who are in a similar situation as me, so if sick we've supported each other and advised on beaurocratic processes and stuff. If you really have no choice about it just remember that being an outsider is a subgroup in itself and you can find plenty of people to befriend. When others are actively looking for friends too, it can happen fast.
No. 1203117
File: 1653941792371.jpg (2.98 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20220530093552.jpg)

i found this little guy in the middle of the road and I was like dude you're gonna get run over by car so I took him and put him on the grass and it was the only nice thing that happened to me today
No. 1203151
File: 1653943260342.jpg (102.66 KB, 736x736, 20211230_132045.jpg)

Some of you find the silliest things to judge on a cow and that's both funny and a tiny bit sad
No. 1203172
File: 1653944708235.gif (24.09 KB, 60x95, 1647378847561.gif)

I mixed strawberry and vanilla flavored tea together and now I'm enjoying my diy strawberry shortcake tea with some milk and honey. Lyfhaxx
No. 1203184
File: 1653945163170.jpeg (Spoiler Image,226.19 KB, 828x684, C03A9DF8-29CE-4EA6-9599-03E587…)

Gerard lost all that weight and Im so happy and proud of him ok
No. 1203219
File: 1653947608295.gif (1.41 MB, 400x294, download (22).gif)

>>1203214That's nice. I am glad that you found a taurus man also of venus. I agree libra men are of flighty whore. I like how if life was tv show marry at first sight is to run to him!
No. 1203241
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anons I feel so bad but i’m almost crying laughing at the service storytime thread god this world fucking sucks so bad KEK
No. 1203324
File: 1653956903660.jpg (319.61 KB, 1536x1904, FTzY4twWAAMJiZv.jpg)

>>1202155I think the image would work better without the ugly chris chan girl
Also Can anons tell me who are all the other women are? Besides the japanese girl?
No. 1203363
File: 1653961899997.jpg (55 KB, 1200x1680, demon.jpg)

One time I saw baby geese at my local park and thought they were adorable (they looked like chicks but gray) so I took out my phone to take pics, and I got a bit closer so I could get a better picture and all of a sudden I was met with picrel coming at me and hissing (yes you read that right, hissing). I'll never trust geese again.
No. 1203403
File: 1653965955236.jpg (225.83 KB, 1280x1036, monster_high_skullector_collec…)

>>1203395I'm really excited for the reproductions too! I haven't owned a single MH doll in years, but they still make me so giddy. They're already in stores here, but I have yet to buy them. I hope they release Cleo, Ghoulia and Abby next time around. As much as I love Cleo, I think her picture day doll is one of her more boring ones compared to the others.
Side note, but I also really love these collector dolls that were released before the reproductions. I'm happy that the other recent collector dolls they did of Draculaura, Frankie and Clawdeen still have that Monster High clothing style. I feel like other brands like Bratz feel so different from how they used to.
No. 1203404
File: 1653966089450.jpg (208.32 KB, 1080x1080, FLzbr_-X0AMepXb.jpg)

>>1203403>I'm happy that the other recent collector dolls they did of Draculaura, Frankie and Clawdeen still have that Monster High clothing styleSamefag but I mean these.
No. 1203426
>>1203363That happened to me some months ago, I was in some park with artificial lakes with a friend and my dog, waiting my mom to finish using the restroom, in a spot near a group of geese.
Meanwhile my dog had the smart idea of approaching them (to sniff, he's a dog lol) and one of them got super pissed, hissed at him and showed his creepy looking teeth.
Of course I grabbed the dog and walked away because it was obvious that they feeled intimidated (by an old small toy poodle) and wanted to bite him, also because they were making a fuss.
So we sat on a bench a bit far from them, and these mfs started slowing approaching while staring at us. At this point we were cornered and didn't know what to do, we were really lucky that a child came to give them food so they leaved us immediately.
Fuck geese, I never knew they were so creepy and intimidating. Also idk why they acted like that with my dog, it's a park and people go there with dogs all the time. Aren't they supposed to be accustomed to them?
No. 1203438
File: 1653970145851.jpeg (265.14 KB, 1536x2048, C056AF64-47BF-431F-ADCF-09FF4D…)

>>1202810if you’re going to post a red scare girl, at least post the attractive one
No. 1203475
>>1203471I guess she thinks ciggies will help give her a 16 bmi
i enjoy my delicious food
No. 1203476
File: 1653974574524.jpeg (518.1 KB, 828x787, E6BDFEAC-A59F-4832-B2A3-D5CF5F…)

>goodnight to gerard you make me feel the feelings ok emochan out
No. 1203478
File: 1653974839545.jpg (36.16 KB, 720x960, EhTAuJCUYAAldZQ.jpg)

>>1203460I'm just going to tell myself it's not up there. The part that the nail was in is on the back of my teeth, so there's no way I can floss it out.
I have a dentist appointment soon but I honestly think I would be too embarrassed to explain that I got a nail stuck in my teeth that may not even be there anymore.
No. 1203497
File: 1653976725083.gif (2.89 MB, 400x275, tumblr_3107b46dce7f9385631dfff…)

look at her anons
No. 1203563
File: 1653984515408.jpg (102.13 KB, 981x787, FT0KuIVXoAEqPj3.jpg)

i don't agree but this made me kek
No. 1203585
File: 1653988049478.gif (466.85 KB, 500x268, 9B2FBA3E-A5D2-4715-8694-4CD8AE…)

>>1202210May is a loser woman, but it’s overshadowed by her weirdness. Can’t really think of any others right now.
No. 1203605
File: 1653990982196.jpeg (Spoiler Image,45.82 KB, 750x724, 06FFB0B4-00D9-4B4C-86F9-4F7DC3…)

>she doesn’t keep an scp monster in her pocket
Get on my level nonnies
No. 1203641
File: 1653993524335.png (448.48 KB, 720x483, 1653993519870.png)

>>1203616there's a difference between gay male art and fujo art, no way in a hell could a scrote ever even imitate something like picrel
No. 1203646
File: 1653994139453.png (537.48 KB, 1080x761, 1653994128633.png)

>>1203643I have others as well, but their mostly nsfw so I don't post them
>>1203642she also draws cuntboy porn, LITERALLY the most female fetish someone could ever have.
No. 1203650
>>1203613I was literally thinking this yesterday when I saw that fanart. You have to be woefully naive to think this female artist is a man. If you can't tell from the art style alone, her username is literally a reference to a fucking Nicole Dollanganger song (with "boy" tacked on at the end like every fakeboi on the internet does/calls herself) kek
Someday, anons will just need to accept that some women are just extremely perverted. Maybe not to the exact same level as scrotes, but it still exists
No. 1203690
>>1203669I'm not even a fan, it's just an obvious woman. I'm not about to go looking for a stream, but T can deepen your voice significantly, and some women just have deep voices to begin with (especially if they're intentionally trying to sound male). Honestly, it seems more like a mix of her fans (LGBTQ) and very naive anons who are so sure she's male. She's a "man" if you're dedicated to the tranny LARP or dream of having a bf that draws girly yaoi I guess
Also, if she is on T, it's worth noting that increased testosterone is associated with a higher sex drive. A lot of FtMs are into really extreme fetishes as well (see Boyfriend to Death, which was made by two biological women, one of them an FtM)
No. 1203695
File: 1653998583732.jpg (34.67 KB, 474x367, th-963011177.jpg)

I don't know or care what the content is or where or what this thing is. It's fucking creepy. I do not like it. Scrolling through /ot/ and seeing that creepy white thing fucking sends shivers down my spine. What's the most scary thing is I cannot pin point WHY.
It's so plain but at the same time so sinster. Why is its eyes like that? The snout? It's just gross and I fucking hate it. I wish I never saw it. There's something so scary about being scared but not knowing exactly why. What I'm feeling is real. It's not made up, yet I cannot tell you why.
I hate it.
No. 1203709
File: 1653999741410.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.62 KB, 650x650, MoominPlaquette_Gauche.jpg)

>>1203695Is it just that specific photo/costume, or Moomins in general?
No. 1203760
>>1203709What the actual fuck. They are disgusting. I'm sorry, I just cannot and will not like them. I don't like them.
Nonnie i'm trying hard to explain this.
I can't. They are scary seeing and seeing the little wrinkles and those "Things" wearing clothes, just makes it worse for me. It's like a a serial killer putting on a cutesy outfit before he kills you. It's like, I know who you are and you aren't friendly. You are scary.
>>1203701It's 100% about picrel. I'm sick of hiding it. That thing is scary.
>>1203719They are very cute
No. 1203768
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>>1203764Yuck, it's not even a hippo it's a weird mixture of horror.
No. 1203774
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>>1203764>>1203768Moomins are not hippos grr!!! They are cute moomins
No. 1203782
File: 1654004631731.jpg (153.36 KB, 1920x1080, Falconrylady1920.jpg)

A young crow came down my chimney today. It was bashing into things in its attempts to escape so I opened the door, put rubber gloves on and figured it'd be better to try and pick her up or guide her out. I picked her up with no hassle. I took her just outside the door with me and held out my hand to let her fly. Adult crows nearby were cawwing and she replied. Took her a minute to get her bearings and actually leave my hand to join em. Kinda felt like a falcon trainer. Just standing out on my road with a wild bird in hand.
No. 1203793
File: 1654005303152.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.85 KB, 255x197, moomin.jpg)

>>1203760But they're so cute, anon wtf. I wish I could see what you're seeing, kek. Do you dislike "cutesy" characters in general, or is it just something about Moomins?
No. 1203859
File: 1654008804480.png (1.13 MB, 1500x1500, HGK10_W_22_0004.png)

>>1203719I know right? Honestly, if they made her shoes IRL I would probably buy them.
No. 1204020
File: 1654017039232.png (923.99 KB, 895x810, 77012FAE-8F53-4C3C-A623-5FF7D5…)

genderbent paul dano looks like fucking elita harkov
No. 1204070
File: 1654019213092.png (57.93 KB, 678x761, johnny stans.png)

I don't wanna shit up /m/ with my shitty vent doodles so here you go
No. 1204085
File: 1654020001617.png (11.08 KB, 379x568, 1646535038_1640022581_hypnospa…)

She said lolcow is like reddit
No. 1204107
>>1204100Thing is I'm open to facing my fear. Where can I watch this show? Maybe I motion it's better. Maybe it was just seeing that disgusting mascot costume wearing a human freaked me out.
They do look kinda gross in cartoon form but…I'm willing to try
No. 1204121
File: 1654021584996.jpg (7.16 KB, 134x157, muumimamma.jpg)

>>1204108take that back this instant!!!
No. 1204132
File: 1654021870799.jpg (13.7 KB, 244x258, 213103.jpg)

>>1204131rude, it's right there!!
No. 1204166
File: 1654023315533.jpg (41.28 KB, 587x265, 1649698470690.jpg)

Swiping left on almost every guy on tinder like I get paid to do it, guys talk about how women hit the wall at 30 but holy shit do they age like spoiled milk themselves the moment they hit the big three oh
No. 1204221
File: 1654025056296.jpg (26.86 KB, 474x260, OIP.mbgBGfACPSxCmTEBp-NLowHaEE…)

My family is shit and I will probably just see my friends, but I want to do treat myself to something extra nice for surviving another year. Nonas do you buy yourself something or do something special for yourself on your birthday?
No. 1204240
File: 1654025832479.jpg (61.38 KB, 732x477, zillow.JPG)

I do not live in the US nor do I plan to move their but I could spend the entire day scrolling through zillow, looking through houses in random cities that pop up when I type random letters in the search field or when I I hear a town tame somewhere in a yt vid, so I stop and look at zillow how the houses look there. Idk It's fun to see how people live. I wish I would've saved the photo of the bathroom in a Detroin Mansion that had a picture of jesus christ across the toilette.
No. 1204394
File: 1654030484334.jpg (132.22 KB, 1280x960, 20760859347419.jpg)

/w/ is a very interesting cow board because there are obvious moids posting and some actual anons are handmaiden libfems but there are also enough gc/radfem(?) anons there for it to result in very intriguing interactions. If one anon makes a post going something like "there's really nothing wrong with trans people and transphobes are losers" there are like four additional anons ready to post gc/radfem memes in response. I just think it's fun because I feel like the tranny defending happens on that board the most (on average) and so seeing gc/radfem/transphobic memes and responses feels more prevalent there. If it happens on any other board, it's a whole entire deal and you know people will get banned in three hours when the jannies wake up. But /w/ feels pretty lawless in that regard. Don't know why I rambled so much about this but have a cute kitty pic.
No. 1204407
>>1204397Most of the threads are kind of milkless and full of nitpicking. The Belle Delphine thread is full of obvious moids and all they do is repost her pictures and then nitpick the fuck out of them. They even admit that she's boring as hell now
so why keep posting her nudes if there's no fucking milk aughhh The Jill thread is probably where'd you would find most of the gc/radfem replies since I believe it's one of the more active /w/ threads.
No. 1204421
File: 1654031472744.jpeg (304.58 KB, 828x398, 6746F12C-7820-43BA-9048-D46A8A…)

>>1204397Kek I’m just there for Jillian. Love you too noni
No. 1204470
File: 1654032816505.jpg (27.1 KB, 218x226, 20211204_112614.jpg)

The worst dirt someone could dig up on me is that I shitpost on lolcow and 4chan, and yet I feel like that's too dirty because I was raised to be super polite
No. 1204542
>>1204470same. I don't want people to know how mean and (relatively) unhinged I can actually get on imageboards, because I am so quiet and polite otherwise.
>>1204394very cute cat
No. 1204565
File: 1654036352671.jpeg (21.37 KB, 495x619, images (42).jpeg)

TFW my boss is so depressed he's listening to Disney songs
No. 1204809
>>1204801I agree scrotes are digusting. However, i'm very aware and
im depressed and drunk so my hygiene isn't the best and I feel everything about me is abnormal.
Not in the cute way either. In the "if i saw you in Walmart i'd stare and tell my grandma later" kinda way. I don't hate the normal female body, I just hate my own weird fat female body. Maybe it's just in my head
No. 1204819
>>1204809Me too. My hygiene has improved, but I'm still aware that it's not as good as the average person's.
I'm not fat tho.
No. 1204822
>>1204819I hope I approve and happy you have improved
nonnie. I love how honest we can be on here. Nonnies are great
No. 1204825
>>1204822>I love how honest we can be on hereActually, what I've seen is that sometimes when you talk about having a shit hygiene you get shat on, get called gross, a failure, a moid, a tranny, or whatever, and that sucks. Which is why I rarely talk about it here.Still I feel better about being cleaner than before, what helped the most was going to swimming classes because I have to shower before and after, so showering often has become sort of a habit (almost, but not really yet). Thinking about how gross (and dangerous) it is to have a lot of dirt on your body or to subject your genitals to dirty underwear can motivate you to take care of your body (infections are nasty).
My dental hygiene has improved, too. I even use dental floss sometimes. I'm really lucky that my teeth haven't fallen off yet kek. But at least I'm taking care of them better now. Thinking about how gross it is to have food in your teeth all the time motivates me to brush them more often. Feeling clean really helps your mind feel cleaner, too.
I hope your hygiene improves, as well, and that I've at least given you some ideas for how to deal with it.
No. 1204971
>>1204964You can and people often do sage in ot especially when you’re bumping a thread with something retarded
>summerfagI don’t think you know what that means kek
No. 1205098
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>>1205097>only exist to provide women with food, shelter, protection and worship. That's their natural role on this earth.But I want to provide that to other women
No. 1205171
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Helikopter Helikopter
No. 1205174
File: 1654074472788.jpg (23.41 KB, 320x320, a833a93555cf9ad8c66d2943fcb536…)

>>1205116You're trapped IN the website? How can I rescue you?
No. 1205205
File: 1654076031603.webm (1.73 MB, 1024x576, james_the_english.webm)

I want a bri'ish bf to bully
I want a bri'ish bf to bully
I want a bri'ish bf to bully
I want a bri'ish bf to bully
I want a bri'ish bf to bully
No. 1205330
File: 1654085143142.jpeg (72.44 KB, 600x409, 40B97AEE-F700-49BD-8C45-742DB8…)

Men’s shoes are so fucking ugly, they look like the shoemakers were constantly cursing them from the moment they thought about them.
>damn shoes making me think about them
>damn shoes that I’m drawing are so fucking ugly
>I hate these damn shoes I just drew I want to kill myself
>fucking damnit someone wants me to make these damn shoes
>I hate gathering the materials to make these damn ugly shoes
>setting everything up to make the damn shoes makes me hate being alive
>making these damn shoes feels like a waste of time
>waiting for these damn shoes to dry makes me wish I could burn down this workshop of mine
>I have to take pictures of these damn shoes
>I can’t believe this retard will buy my damn shoes
>I accepted the money for the damn shoes I made, dammit
No. 1205367
File: 1654087442203.png (1.1 MB, 791x701, catadoadi9a.png)

Look, it was generated by ai
No. 1205417
File: 1654091340906.gif (141.54 KB, 220x220, sudando-nervioso.gif)

>"anon you're the only one in this company I can count on! I swear to god the others don't even do half the work you do"
>has actually been on lolcow and doodling all day
I think I probably laze around a lot more than the others, but I'm also crazy efficent when I do work so I always end up with a lot of dead time but my boss doesn't need to know that
No. 1205720
File: 1654105249272.jpg (139.24 KB, 500x667, tumblr_2f358b4e97cbdf79d2be7ac…)

please for the love of god i'm begging you nonnies. does anyone have the tweet screencap of the thread where 2 kpop fans were arguing and one of them responds with something like "marc lee will never care about you, in 10 years he'll be happily married to some celebrity and you'll still be wondering what the fuck marc lee is up to"
idk if thats the right name (not a kpop fan) but i cant find the original
No. 1205755
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>>1205735Well hello there Anon…are you ready for your checkup?
No. 1206087
File: 1654112123777.gif (668.35 KB, 498x498, panic-cat.gif)

Sorry to sperg about this again, but I I think I got something stuck under my teeth so I'm been picking at my gums to get it out, but now I can't tell if my gums are irritated from me picking at them or if it's from what is possibly stuck under them. I hate being retarded
No. 1206270
>>1206230If you don't wanna adopt them don't, no one is forcing you to take in kids. People just want IVF users to have good intentions instead of just treating children like accessories (looking at you "IVF is like buying cute clothes" anon). If that's enough to offend you then maybe that should tell you something.
That's also not to say every single person who gets IVF is like that or people who have kids naturally don't, it's just more prominent with people who get IVF, especially among the rich
No. 1206334
File: 1654114042308.jpg (189.67 KB, 1430x822, rendition (important).jpg)

>>1206087One time I felt like something was stuck in my front teeth and when I went to check in front of a mirror, I saw I had one of my hair lodged into my gum, it was peeking out on one of my front tooth.
Pulling that long hair out was one of the most satisfying thing that ever happened to me (yes my life sucks)
No. 1206379
File: 1654114603277.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.21 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1206352It was defo one of my head hair that somehow got lodged under my gums. I don't know if it ever happens to anyone else, but I also get ingrown nose hair piercing my nostril (kek) like picrel. It apparently mostly happens to men
No. 1206482
File: 1654116169667.jpg (65.16 KB, 1380x1104, 61XzSbJ HuL._AC_SR1380,1104_.j…)

>>1205330I love these men's shoes (pic related) but barely any man nowadays wears them and I hate going outside and seeing all the ugly ass shoes that men wear and also their ugly fucking low effort outfits
The ones you posted look funny but also cool in a very flamboyant way
>>1205058>Magical girls are only a few pastel colors and sparkles away from being a witchHave you watched Madoka? That's literally the whole premise
No. 1206642
>>1206497I should rewatch Ojamajo Doremi one of these days, I swear. Also thanks for the recs.
>>1206533Yes, they're Oxfords. I like derby shoes too, as long as they're elegant.
I know it's stupid (dumbass moment) but didn't know that there were Oxfords for women too. Or that they make shoes for women that look like men's formal shoes. I was thinking of buying men's shoes for a crossplay I want to do but I guess that won't be necessary (also kek they would be too big).
No. 1206719
File: 1654120514023.jpg (59.92 KB, 1024x1024, PDP_MrEvans_Walnut_Side_Update…)

>>1206649Thankfully it's easier than ever to find them thanks to the internet. Look at these, they're amazing, although insanely expensive.
No. 1206761
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>>1198591Bump don’t scroll
No. 1206806
File: 1654123349244.png (40.18 KB, 900x506, your big boaters.png)

>>1206802How am I short? I am a bad swimmer though, water sucks. I'm 5'7'' you landfish. You are picrel.
No. 1206837
File: 1654124227543.jpeg (15.19 KB, 273x184, E9E03933-5A5B-4569-A138-7383B8…)

>>1206806I’m sorry for what your parents did to you
No. 1206855
File: 1654124753834.jpeg (40.36 KB, 410x496, 7370B733-DC41-4A65-95CD-C3CC73…)

It's fucked up that any woman who goes without makeup is automatically considered plain. I mean I get it, but it's messed up when you think about it, the absolute state of our self-image. When did we start finding natural faces ugly? Now it looks like bodies are next
No. 1206969
>>1206967You clocked me like a tranny at a lesbian bar in striped socks
Nonnie, kek.
No. 1207021
File: 1654130069849.jpg (513.36 KB, 2048x1365, tumblr_f3876a28d57f5af90b5cabd…)

JFK could never
No. 1207057
>>1206900This, I hate it. I can't listen or reply to WhatsApp voice messages without opening the app (yes, you can reply to texts without opening it, a pop-up shows up if you want). I wish she just sent me text messages, it's easier and faster to read them than to listen to her longer-than-necessary voice messages.
No. 1207086
>>1206906You made that sim, you know it's not supposed to be an APG kek don't worry about itIt has kinda happened to me too. I drew something for a male-dominated community once. Most of them liked it, but one who had a weird nitpick said the character as drawn by me was "a fat sow" and accused me of being a SJW for drawing her like that instead of a super skinny, pornified version of her (he also said some bullshit like "aren't women allowed to be beautiful anymore?"). I didn't even mean to make her look fat, she just had thick legs and her shirt was baggy jfc it looks like that every time someone else draws her, I don't know how the scrote reached that conclusion. But it (and other factors unrelated to the drawing) really discouraged me from creating more original content for them.
One little negative comment by an unhinged retard who missed the intended meaning shouldn't be enough to make you see your creation differently, especially if everyone else liked it and disagreed with the one person who misinterpreted it.
No. 1207147
>>1206906this happened all the time when I used to create OCs. even if I went out of my way to
not make them mary-sues, not make them edgy, etc. they were always seen that way so i quit
No. 1207288
File: 1654141378341.jpeg (204.47 KB, 641x557, F0A79A18-5C28-4A1D-9D70-305F54…)

>mfw when a random post i made about atla forever ago starts gets pivked up by some catholic tumblr and i see prolife retards all over my notifs
No. 1207299
File: 1654142344086.gif (91.99 KB, 113x150, dancin.gif)

I find it really relaxing to listen to old chill acid house and trance dance track type stuff. The repetetive hum and beats of the music for some reason really calms my mind. I often put it on in the background while I'm working or drawing. Sometimes I'll stop and do a little groove dance in my chair for a bit even
No. 1207345
File: 1654147829216.jpeg (35.36 KB, 564x316, AC3B4B76-61FA-4F92-AB89-3038D6…)

>going to Germany tomorrow
>yesterday my coworker suddenly came down with a cold and had to leave early
>heard my boss cough all day as he was walking around the office
>this morning an old lady coughed on me
No. 1207375
File: 1654150479066.jpeg (97.83 KB, 749x500, 57E85D74-2254-4B44-81F5-38DABA…)

happy pride to the female gays
No. 1207429
File: 1654156525747.png (21.46 KB, 200x177, thank.png)

even though growing up with a single mom was tough at times (especially since she could be emotionally unstable sometimes), I'm so happy she raised me and my sister with feminist values and taught us a lot about how fucking stupid and worthless men are, how strong sisterhood can be and the harsh realities of being a woman in today's society without it being intimidating. I have a feeling both of us might have turned into NLOGs if she had raised us with more traditional values, and might also be why I feel so at home here.
No. 1207449
File: 1654158880728.jpg (9.7 KB, 217x232, 231534534.jpg)

I can't decide if this stupid Machine Gun Kelly concert is worth attending for Avril Lavigne or not EGH
No. 1207495
File: 1654161985455.png (853.18 KB, 720x1053, Screenshot_20220427-004151.png)

This is a real book cover but it made me laugh for some reason
No. 1207525
File: 1654165263151.jpg (98.29 KB, 800x570, internet-cats-cat-put-his-paw-…)

writing smut at work and ended up making it femdom + humiliation. idek if i'd actually act out on that fantasy irl but in fiction i must say it is scrumptious
No. 1207595
File: 1654169641625.jpg (51.12 KB, 1078x576, e7f.jpg)

>>1207525I don't get how people can do that irl. One gf of mine wanted to be degraded during sex and I struggled doing it as I really don't like the idea but she yelled at me so I called her a stupid whore impulsively. After I came I immediately started crying because I felt really mean, even though she requested it.
No. 1207629
File: 1654172528186.jpg (140.16 KB, 1433x1540, 20210822_141253.jpg)

I have 2 weeks to learn multivariable calculus, then another chance two weeks after that. But also need to do statistic and number theory and physics. Wonder if I can do it.
No. 1207652
File: 1654174265154.jpg (219.26 KB, 1079x1347, Screenshot_20220602_144844.jpg)

Alright nonnas, hear me out.. The world's ending, but it's a slow ass apocalypse and I've already lost all interest again. Now.. Look at this shit. I could just buy a fucking albino alligator and have it within a few days. I just need to get started on my "get that tranny pity bux" plan first.
No. 1207672
>>1207642Did you turn off all your cookies and ad tracking stuff? Are you the only one in your close vicinity/home wifi network with those hobbies or are there maybe multiple people with similar interests?
Modern websites are good at creating user profiles and interests and figuring out your demographic based on who you like watching. Me and my sisters usually get similar recommendations despite using different devices and accounts, probably because we're on the same home wifi, a similar demographic and sometimes share videos with each other.
No. 1207766
File: 1654180901591.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1080, template (1).png)

love this picture photopea suggested
No. 1207781
>>1207774That's like every privileged,
white first worldie's go-to to beat dissenters in line kek.
No. 1207915
File: 1654186841540.jpg (572.68 KB, 1280x1165, 16359458448.jpg)

>>1207553>>1207564kink really doesn't make sense to me, its really goofy more then anything, like I'd die of cringe of If I had to refer to someone as master/mistress or the opposite if someone called me that and the outfits as well they aren't sexy or intimidating to me they look uncomfortable and again goofy, a woman in an tight fitting leather dominatix dres and six inch highheels looks uncomfortable and ridiculous to me, same with "leather doms" your a fat hairy with a barely grown in mustache, no one is scared of you dude, I'd burst out laughter If I saw these people IRL
No. 1207920
File: 1654187090599.jpg (223.61 KB, 1080x1043, Screenshot_20220602_110644.jpg)

>>1207861Don't have screenshots and sadly most of the videos "exposing her" are all in Spanish but:
>Made a movement on Twitter called "I am not a woman" because she wasn't a "woman" since she's autistic and bisexual and actual feminism doesn't include other women… (Yeah, that doesn't make any sense)>suicidebaits whenever she gets in trouble with a big youtuber.>goes around calling people ableist and thinks she's the autism police>fragile and is always really rude to people, even if what they said is not mean-spirited. Also has said that her being an asshole is just how her fans and her are to each other.>was bulimic and made multiple attention seeking videos about it yet has the nerve to mock other girls bodies>closes her Twitter during arguments And overall is a funny trainwreck, once abandoned mid twitch transmission to cry to her boyfriend because people were being mean and telling her animal crossing island was ugly.
No. 1207973
File: 1654188919979.png (58.67 KB, 1080x692, Screenshot_20220602-095502~2.p…)

For entire years I thought in the first lines of the Artic Monkey song 'I wanna be yours' I thought he said 'i wanna be your fart container' which always seemed weird but fitting since on the prior line he says "I wanna be your vacuum cleaner breathing in your dust" so I was like okay he seriously likes this chick so much he'd be a certified and admitted Fart Huffer but just saw the lyrics and it turns out I'm wrong and I feel like a goof
No. 1208124
>>1208079Pretty sure we have an entire thread dedicated to that. And I'm not even talking about the pet ethics thread.
>>1207915>the outfits as well they aren't sexy or intimidating to me they look uncomfortable and again goofy, a woman in an tight fitting leather dominatix dres and six inch highheels looks uncomfortable and ridiculous to me, same with "leather doms" your a fat hairy with a barely grown in mustache, no one is scared of you dude, I'd burst out laughter If I saw these people IRLNot any of those anons but the kind of femdom that women write is rarely the same shit that scrotes are into (what is commonly known as """femdom""" with leather and dominatrixes and shit).
>>1207564NTA but imo it's better if it happens "naturally" and not with careful planning or cringy roleplay. More like using the other person (which for me is always men) how you want, doing what you want to them and making them pleasure you. That's the kind of femdom I'm into in real life. Finding a partner to have sex in real life is boring and too much work though, so I just fantasize about it lmao
No. 1208238
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I couldn't use the catalog and couldn't see any other thread to post beautiful women in /g/ other than the one that says you want to have sex with them but I don't, I'm straight but this woman, Blu DeTiger is so beautiful I had to show her to you, I would have her face plastered in every advertisement so everyone can look at her beauty any time
No. 1208248
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>>1208204I don't want you in this neck of my woods… you dirty arse-lickin' inbred mush-mouthed crybaby little driggle-draggle. Now git! Go!
No. 1208326
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>>1208248Nooooooo I'm sorry
No. 1208345
File: 1654203430201.png (137.22 KB, 316x278, 7489320849032.png)

>>1208326Why are you still here missy!? Go outside and buy yerself an ice cream or some other dastardly deed.
No. 1208352
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No. 1208371
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Guys from wisconsin are fugly and smelly looking. 9/10 times they'll be bottom of the barrel looking fuggos. Feels like men from anywhere in the midwest except wisconsin have an okay chance of being okay looking to good looking but wisconsin moids are almost always fuck ugly.
No. 1208479
File: 1654209934879.png (951.94 KB, 1456x954, steve.png)

watching cringy ass stranger things for him and him alone. don't tease me for my crush anons
No. 1208543
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Just saw this notification on my phone…
No. 1208631
File: 1654214920209.jpg (98.46 KB, 564x775, sugar.jpg)

bring back 1920's bishounens right the fuck now
No. 1208662
File: 1654218131095.png (1.6 MB, 1312x750, BD68356D-EBA1-4D27-81E7-36A584…)

Dudes will wax poetic about how they’ve never fit in with other people and don’t follow the crowd while looking like some version of these
No. 1208714
>>1208701uhm gosh anon that is clearly navy and pale blue
not passé black and white, you just don't understand his depth
No. 1208769
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Jollibee fucking slaps. I literally cry myself to sleep every night thinking about how there aren't any where I live.
No. 1208780
File: 1654227661196.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.67 KB, 1024x1024,…)

Anyone just wanna suck down one of these bois?
No. 1208873
File: 1654232427896.gif (4.12 MB, 320x180, angryblondewoman.gif)

Nonnas I left my icon in a post and the cow in question is a girl who follows me and tries to become friends with me, should I just kill myself KEK
To clarify I followed her thread before she started interacting with me
No. 1208883
File: 1654233215314.jpg (82.1 KB, 836x625, 1648328984721.jpg)

>>1207375This is false. I'm bi and lesbians don't want to date me because they think I will cheat on them with a man. I just want a gf to cuddle and do cute shit with.
No. 1208895
File: 1654233941829.png (3.07 MB, 1326x1344, Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 1.25…)

my ex of 8 months just shared her uber location with me so i can see her getting dropped off at a medical center. bpd people are insane
No. 1208989
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I want this beautiful rich color but I dont trust a salon with my hair because my hair hated even vegan semi permanent dye and I lost strands from it
No. 1209016
File: 1654244736664.jpg (32.13 KB, 421x421, 339.jpg)

does anyone else hate seeing edits of your husbando? (2d or 3d idc). they're just all so embarrassing no matter what and i don't even know why. they're not offensively bad or anything yet it still looks cringe. if it's in a video format the music makes it even worse.
No. 1209120
File: 1654252882642.jpg (37.19 KB, 450x560, 728870cf1d2bc7b4b83e8353a4fc35…)

Such a beautiful day today, wonder what I'm going to do
No. 1209132
File: 1654253390144.gif (1.33 MB, 480x480, giphy.gif)

seeing mcr tomorrow lets fucking goooo
No. 1209249
>>1209243I know
I couldn't resist, at least if he's mean I can finally put these foolish ambitions to rest
No. 1209379
File: 1654264371006.jpg (14.76 KB, 294x211, yujgjhf.JPG)

read a couple of fics by the same author. kinda corny but i liked some parts of her writing.
>mfw i realize she has an unironic tickle fetish
No. 1209439
File: 1654265847386.jpeg (123.96 KB, 640x640, B7F83B45-4D77-4725-8912-223557…)

Would pic rel be appropriate as a thread pic if another fetishes you’re ashamed of or femdom threads was made?
No. 1209659
File: 1654273131111.jpg (175.01 KB, 1024x683, 382460427_1441d73154_b.jpg)

If you don't dim your lights, you need your license revoked.
You also need your license revoked if you don't have a car that's either pink, blue or white.
No. 1209665
File: 1654273344372.jpg (7.7 KB, 246x250, wqf2hbrcblfq.jpg)

>>1209659The dealership info has our car color listed as "dyno blue"
No. 1209681
>>1209659Samefag, I actually think white cars are ugly as fuck but under a pink dictatorship there needs to be options for people who don't like color.
>>1209674Only if you let them
No. 1209729
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I feel like I waste so much time in Stardew Valley cause I have no fucking idea what to do. I know there's a list of shit I need to do, but it's like everyday I just do farm work
and buy furniture.
No. 1209734
File: 1654275829031.jpg (23.72 KB, 540x540, 1648486455623.jpg)

>>1208887Because they're all in open relationships with men
No. 1209794
File: 1654278014000.png (500.12 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20220603-133354.png)

Seems like a place for self diagnosed spoonie munchies to uwu validate each other
No. 1209805
>>1209218Well… It didn't go well. Who would've thought kek. He was nice at first but spiralled into saying that he was 'not angry but horribly disappointed in me' so fuck that. He was the one that was mean to me during our relationship, that's why I ended it. I hoped he'd be a bit regretful. He wasn't. Welp. He's trash than if he didn't do any introspection at all.
What a shame, we had so much in common but he'd throw it away for his ego.
No. 1209947
File: 1654283589044.jpg (159.95 KB, 1280x850, 1650228582905.jpg)

Trying my best to shorten my essay down by like 1,000 words. Removed like 200 words by just changing the way things were phrased, but I'm probably going to cut out some more significant portions of my essay. Got rid of 400 more words by getting rid of 2 important-ish parts
No. 1209952
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I hope the off vibes in /ot/ don't last all day.
No. 1210003
File: 1654285445497.png (4.9 KB, 130x162, Capture.PNG)

Come play the drawing guessing game with me anons! I'm starting at the beginnning of the next hour wherever you are so you have time to customise your character. No. 1210441
File: 1654304333380.jpg (226.75 KB, 679x1224, 1654304038478.jpg)

Mod you're such a dumbass lmao. I already said this on /meta/ but there's a lot more of self infantilizing behaviors women do besides coquettecore shit. In fact, self infantilization in media has existed before coquetrecore and even before Ariana Grande and it's not only about looks but also behaviors.
No. 1210566
File: 1654313185285.png (Spoiler Image,426.04 KB, 480x486, EEA9AB91-5AD0-4400-8E94-0B6FC1…)

These are the only Poly’s I care about, don’t talk to me about any other polys.
No. 1210917
File: 1654341853157.jpg (391.42 KB, 715x1261, 1654341578529.jpg)

The "cat imageboard" that was advertised just now was so painfully male redditor tier brainrot. I was expecting something cuter, creative and wholesome.
No. 1210926
File: 1654343538915.jpg (110.61 KB, 960x544, 1653856601157.jpg)

>>1202155I was about to post that exact image with "Why", see that nonnies discussed it already. Guess having glasses and dark hair is a type now.
No. 1210963
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>>1202155Maybe I’m reacting but I feel like they all have vaguely similar facial features. All of them have relatively narrow (in the sense that they lack horizontal width) and small eyes and kind of similar noses
No. 1210969
File: 1654347321707.jpg (20.99 KB, 286x286, 1633888662433.jpg)

>>1210963Glasses make your eyes look smaller if you're short sighted + make your nose bridge less apparent
No. 1210976
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>>1210975p.s. I always imagine they are goat heads with big bells hanging from their necks
No. 1210987
>>1203646Sorry for picking up a topic from 4 days ago but I also think lacryboy is a woman, probably an Aiden.
Her het porn gives me male vibes due to
>>1203648 (which further implies aidenism, signaling that she's as degen as real men ackshually), but her gay art exhudes woman/fujo.
No. 1210993
File: 1654349654531.jpg (393.14 KB, 1450x2048, FUaNdfzVEAAb4qa.jpg)

Why do so many fujos draw their fave couples as genderbent lesbians
No. 1211091
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Nonnies I think he likes me back
No. 1211127
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>>1211097What about this?
No. 1211342
File: 1654370335855.png (2.55 MB, 2048x1260, 507601.png)

Thread is dead, I'm gonna post my anime harem
No. 1211680
>>1210993This pic is rad
>>1210917We have prettier emotes at the movinights.