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No. 1187415
Confess without fear of judgement, for God hates only the sin, not the sinner, my
>>>/ot/1153807 No. 1187501
>>1187433Anon I used to cry by myself for years and try to end it all but now I'm living my best life, I swear things will improve
nonnie and patience is key. Much love
No. 1188090
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I was going to post this into the Unpopular Opinions thread, but this isn't exactly an opinion, and I'm not sure how unpopular it really is.
Her cooking videos are interesting, she seems super nice and respectful of everyone's cuisine and tries to find something good in any dish. Despite all of that, she comes across as a bit "off" to me. I think her mannerisms and personality really remind me of my stepmother who would act friendly and positive in public or with her friends/guests and then snarl and berate me for not doing everything the way she wanted me to in private. Maybe as a very stoic and pessimistic person i don't understand the amount of energy and positivity these people have, but it also seems to me like some people overcompensate for their actions or 'bad side' in private by being very welcoming people on the outside. Of course, every person in the public spotlight has some sort of separate persona and that may not be very close to their real personality, but it feels like she's hiding something unsavory. I wonder if any anon can relate or even say she gets the same vibe off of her.
No. 1188195
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A couple of years ago I stumbled on studytube recommended because of journalling videos. I started to think I would quite like to make some cute notes not all of the time, just for the stuff I’ll most likely need to reference often. Then one day I zoomed in and it was some “mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” shit and I felt so much shame and embarrassment I stopped looking at any content like it. I was about to copy middle and high schoolers kek. I still cringe about it sometimes.
No. 1188215
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My confession is that I eat corn to track what meal I am pooping and how long it took to get out of my body.
No. 1188311
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>>1187769Thank you anon!
So I'll take this chance to make the confession that I love getting the chance to make a new thread, because I like to go looking for a cute thread pic and I always get giddy when someone else likes them.
No. 1188558
I had a friend that fucked up their life with a bad decision and I've been very supportive, everyone else abandoned them, and they're very aware their choice was a mistake, but I feel so drained. Like I have my own problems, which aren't as bad as this friend's, but still.
I feel just guilty because I don't even want to talk to them anymore. Also their choice fucked up someone else's life so I'm just losing sympathy. Not entirely, but still, I'm just like "why". They're trying their best to fix everything but the mistake was still done.
I dont actually have anything against them, I still care for them, I just feel so drained of empathy, it makes me hate everything.
Does anyone else have similar experiences? Sorry if this is too vague.
No. 1189541
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I get turned on by the idea of any of my exes at some point in the future deep googling (?) me to see what I’m up to, then finding out I’m married, finding out to who via public records, then finding out what the man looks like via photos of us together, finding out what he does for a living, etc. and then feeling their stomachs sink into their balls.
No. 1189663
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I fantasize about being a vampire and drinking/tasting this one guys blood nearly everyday. I just stare at his neck/arms in class and dream about sinking my teeth in. I fantasize about him accidentally cutting himself and me jumping onto him uncontrollably. Or I think about luring him somewhere and draining him, watching him grow weak and limp. He probably thinks I'm extremely weird, I'm sure some traces of my deranged thoughts are evident in my autistic staring, and when he talks to me I stutter and go full sperg mode. I will literally start cold sweating in class and feel nauseous if he even glances at me. I feel like my recurring desire to eat men should be examined closer.
No. 1190328
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I consume a consistent diet of small british "children" and sewer-dwelling rodents
No. 1190520
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>>1190510i feel at peace already…
No. 1190533
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>>1190523you know what must be done
No. 1191939
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I'm so glad that I was a teenager in the 00s and 10s, because if I had been a teenager today, I 100% would have trooned out.
I was a weeb. Not a terribly embarrassing one though. I didn't talk about anime to anyone who didn't care and I didn't actually want to be Japanese. I was totally fine being Mexican. But, I watched a significant amount of anime, went to cons, cosplayed (only at cons). I exclusively crossplayed my favourite gay ships with internet friends.
I was into the whole Victorian goth shit for a couple years and would wear men's Victorian/vintage fashion. I was in love with Valentin Perrin (picrel), dyed my hair bright red, and got it cut like his. But I knew that I was a woman and would never be a man.
I'm so glad that there weren't people grooming me in my tumblr days and telling me that I was an "egg". My best friend in high school was an HSTS (he detransitioned recently, but we're no longer friends). I never viewed him as anything but a gay boy in a skirt. I knew that if i transitioned, I'd never be a "real" man.
Anyway, I don't know what happened, but I turned 18 and I no longer wanted to be a boy. I suppose it's because I discovered feminism and realized it was all internalized misogyny. I was a handmaiden for most of my early/mid twenties before really getting into radical feminism and seeing through the online cult. Idk, I just think about how I would have been a fakeboi or an enby if I was born a little later. Probably helped that I quit watching anime and going to cons, because I was more interested in travelling and not being a NEET.
No. 1191981
>>1191939As a teen I used to be really immersed in SJW tumblr in the early 10's, I guess this is when enbys were just a tumblr thing and there wasn't active grooming happening online yet. I remember having a couple moments of wondering if I was enby myself, I definitely think I could've decided to go enby if I was a teen today.
In college I knew a couple other tumblr girls who at one point were enby but since have dropped it, kek
No. 1192136
>>1191939I'm also very very glad. I was super into the tomboy thing ala Coffee Prince and Ouran Host Club. I had anime hair caked in Gatsby wax and binded my chest. My god I would have been trooming
victim numero uno. I love modern andro looks but I wish it wasn't so entrenched in themby shit.
No. 1192382
>>1192139Gross. Where do you work?
(Without doxing yourself of course. Just give a vague note)
No. 1192599
>>1192374im sorry
nonnie. it must be really hard to lose someone you grew up with. hope you take it easy today.
No. 1192616
>>1192374It's a pretty common thing that young people with mental illness will say
> "I won't live to be 18, 21, 25, 30" etc and they keep moving the age up and up again convinced death is coming soon. If you're dealing with suicidal feelings then you figure you'll give in eventually. I've known mentally ill people and addicts who all talked that way because realistically the risk of early death was there. Someone living with bpd would be right up there as the type of person to feel that way.
No. 1192715
I called 311 at my last job because it was at the height of covid (post lockdown) because the big boss was coming into town but refusing to at least get tested. The cops dropped by the office and there was a huge fuss about 'whodunnit?' but I never revealed it was me. A lot of people, including management, thought it was one of my coworkers. Everyone was pretty upset and loudly talking amongst themselves that they didn't like that the boss was refusing to get tested/masked up/etc but no one knew what to do, so I called 311. Everyone was then really mad that someone called but I played dumb like 'wow holy shit can't believe someone called them'. I left that job now, but I'm still close with a few people and we get dinner every few months. I still haven't told them that I was the one that called and probably never will.
Last night, I went to see them, and one girl said that the coworker everyone thinks did it, told her that he thinks it was me kek. Since I was talking about how my parents are elderly and high risk and was very worried, but honestly everyone else had similar complaints too! He wasn't wrong though lol. But pretty much no one believes him and everyone thinks it was him because he lies about a bunch of other shit and, by coincidence, the cop who dropped by the office was a friend of his. I'm a major bitch for making him take the fall for it but I kind of don't care lol.
No. 1192722
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I used to wish I had thin lips when I was a kid. because I'd see racist comments online about big lips being ugly. Now I actually wish I had thicker ones, I almost feel like mine are too thin. Never getting lip fillers though, that shit is a meme
No. 1192727
>>1192718Do it for yourself, not the algorithm or a bunch of kids. Nobody has to see.
>>1192722You got the last laugh. Over exaggeration may make you feel like yours aren’t up to par but I bet they’re fine and since you already have full lips you can overline a little to feel your fantasy without looking like a clown.
No. 1192760
>>1192722Are you me? kek I used to be jealous of Venus' lips and thought they're were sooooo pretty and thin, but now big lips are all the rage. I don't have super plump lips, but all its taught me is that this shit is a farce and everything you hate about yourself one day will be all the rage the next, so I'm just gonna wait my turn til my natural body features are hailed as the next big thing. I'm not getting no plastic surgery or fillers for some shit people are gonna rag on in a few years!
I've learned to love my lips and I genuinely think they are a nice shape and size.
No. 1192781
>>1192774Thank you nona! We hired an exterminator who used Apprehend (a biochemical so it was safer than straight up chemical treatment and has residual effect for 3 months) and it's been working really well so far, but I will bookmark this for future use. We did the first two treatments just fine but I had to pay for a third follow up treatment and I'd like to avoid doing that in the future because it's so fucking expensive. My parents live like hoarders so it makes this exponentially more difficult.
>>1192776I have Cimexa (like DE but need not replace as often) and it worked in my bedroom! I'll also most likely be laying down some more after our current treatment wears off (using any treatment now will go on top of the Apprehend and render the 3 month residual effect useless).
No. 1192939
>>1192795I hope to be where you are about my body mentally.
>>1190333I can't believe i used to think people who waifu/husbando fagged were lowlives. I don't think I could ever love a r/l man more than I love 2d men.
No. 1193056
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I think the tiny little beetle that I found crawling on my bed bit an area around my coochie
No. 1193106
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want to steal this guy who has a gf lol. its his fault he was the one who started liking my posts first. didn't care for him at all idk why he had to bother me. never posts about his gf anyways. sounds trashy but its the first time ive attempted to try this. if it doesnt work out ill give you guys an update and you guys can laugh at me
No. 1193112
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>>1193106>its his fault he was the one who started liking my posts first>never posts about his gf anywaysAlready coping and abandoning personal accountability.
No. 1193115
>>1193109Low self esteem. She'll embarrass herself.
>>1193106Don't do it. He'll come out of it and no one will blame him but you'll be seen as a whore. Good way to embarrass yourself and gets stds. He also won't dump his gf, these types cheat but never leave.
No. 1193165
>>1192795Sounds like me
before I had a baby working back towards my old self tho
No. 1193183
>>1192795I do this too. Glad to know I'm not alone.
>>1193165I'm sure you already look beautiful, anon. No matter how tired mothers are, I find they have a glow to them.
No. 1194172
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I’m so so so so horny wtf
No. 1194291
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I wouldn’t consider myself someone who judges others appearances but tonight as got me doubting that. Went to a local drag show with some uni friends and I’ve never seen so many ugly buglys in one place. Not to mention the stench. Those gender specials making me feel like a 10.
No. 1194372
>>1194291you know what, I felt the exact same way when I saw the photos from the company event I skipped. I work with a lot of boomer males and the amount of
white moids with dad bods/moobs in thin T-shirts, "creative" hairlines, and reddit faces made me recoil. they made the
indian manlets look fit and cute it was wild.
No. 1194388
>>1194363I really feel like the vast majority of women are terfs and they just don't have the language to describe it because they just aren't exposed enough to online tranny discourse. I remember in high school we had some teachers who forced everyone to say they pronouns and not a single person besides the genderspecials didn't roll their eyes. I don't really consider myself a closeted
terf as much as it just never comes up in conversation, none of my friends or coworkers or family members are trannies so there's never a reason to talk about it.
>>1194384This is the type of spicy hard hitting confession I love to read on here
No. 1194410
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>>1194380Pls take a bath stinky ily
No. 1194957
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My confession is that I'm a pathetic autist who can't seem to keep or make friends.
I want to be the person people invite to a group chat or on an outing together for once. My therapist tells me that I have a hard time opening up to people and that's why I don't make any connections, but the truth is that I don't know how. I give people my best but it just isn't enough.
No. 1194974
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>>1194957literally the same
No. 1195033
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for the first time in my life I have fangirl feelings about some random moid band i found on youtube. I'm literally designing some elaborate gift to send to them. daydreaming about giving it to them in person and shit.
No. 1195469
>>1195446> i still went to work and school and was more hardworking than any of them judging me.I’ve been in their situation, it’s hard to focus on your schoolwork when the person next to you smells so bad you can’t even think.
(Eventually asked the teacher to move me because it was legitimately affecting my performance in that class.)
No. 1195517
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When i was in elementary school, I was out with my babysitter somewhere and we were standing in line. Eventually she looks in her bag and doesn't find my phone (one of those older button ones), and i burst into tears. She saw that I was upset and offered me to take her phone. I didn't tell her that I was upset because I used to record myself pretending to have sex on the voice message app as some kind of sexual outlet since i haven't figured out masturbation yet. Not only does that fact makes me feel severely ashamed, it was that someone would probably crack the phone and find those recordings. Someone might still have literal cp of me somewhere…
No. 1195547
>>1195446Dear god I am grateful to not have gotten a whiff of you.. How did your manage though? I only wash my hair once a week and if I got another week it gets matted and stinks really bad. I don't have straight hair so I don't ever have to deal with the appearance of oily hair, it just stays on my scalp and it incredibly itchy.
I am one of those annoying people who are anal about showering everyday because I HAVE to because of KP. I sometimes feel like not showering, but having a massive break out and they fact that my armpits stink so bad from not showering even after one day to the point where it offend me and ruins my nice pyjamas is enough to force me into the shower.
No. 1196619
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I went and got my nails done with my bfs mom and I feel like a clown with.. sns ? Idk how people do it. I hated the whole experience and just wanted to wrap it up.
Now i have these for how long? Why?
(But she is sweet and i was happy to spend time with her)
No. 1197146
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I went to radfem spaces to feel accepted because of all the "we accept butches" thing, but I ended up developing dysphoria I didn't even have before. While at the same time being told dysphoria doesn't exist (which is bullshit, you never heard of BDD?).
>Aggressively being called "sis" constantly, never realized it bothers me until it happened SO MUCH
>"You type like a man anon"
>"Real women are never mistaken for a man"
>"Real women easily fit in women's clothes"
>"Real women only get uwu feminine TONED muscle, not big muscles, it's impossible without steroids"
>Me: "Can I have some advise on gnc fashion?" Them: "Sure!" [shows picture from Lost]
>"Female socialization is a good thing, men just need to get on with the program" meanwhile I didn't fully get it nor internalize it due to being a sperg
etc. It really sparked an old worry of me that I'm secretly intersex, because people would often ask me about it while growing up. I used to be worried about that already when I was 13, even though I've gotten my period before. It's never been regular and only like twice a year, but I did get it, so I assume I can't be intersex. Afaik I don't have PCOS either, but my ovaries are shriveled up on ultrasounds. I failed female socialization due to sperginess without mimicking and family being retarded, I have an insanely broad skeleton and not in the hot Amazonian way, I've never had feminine fat gain patterns, never grew breasts, built like a shit brick house and even at sports they tell me I'm a genetic freak (but then it's a good thing). Coaches and male athletes tell me I punch and kick just as hard as a man, that they've not seen this before etc. I still agree with the broad political points of RF's, but I really dislike RF's and GC's personally. Not all, I have found some good friends, but I only left with more brainworms than I entered. I now feel completely disconnected from womanhood, which I do see separate from being female. Simone de Beauvoir was right "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." and I've not been sufficiently memed or socialized into womanhood. I don't actually feel like or want to be a true man either, because I hate them too much for that and I'd like to believe I'm still more empathetic and harmless than actual men. I'm female, but not a woman. I think this is what I asked that psychiatrist for years ago, if I could be socialized female properly later in life, without having the words for it. She said no, it's probably impossible at this stage. Whenever I see people trying to tell TiFs they're not men because of remnants of female socialization, it just reminds me of how I'm such a sperg and how my family was too retarded to teach me these things. I relate to MtFs and look like one when I try to perform femininity, because it's so foreign to me. To the point people would "clock" me as MtF, I am a natural Kikomi. Please kill me, put me out of my misery. I'm not actually suicidal, just being hyperbolic. Please don't try the "that never happens", "real women xyz" thing again, because it really only distresses me further and people always manage to only confirm I'm fucked up beyond most people's comprehension. Don't try to gaslight me saying it's not that bad or just completely online brainworms, when people irl notice my weirdness. I'm also actively avoiding mental health professionals, because I'm a prime candidate to be forced into transitioning fully.
No. 1197159
>>1197151"gender dysphoria" as most people describe it really is not real, no one is born with a "male brain in a female body" or viceversa. what is commonly called "gender dysphoria" can be caused by one or more of several factors, including but not limited to, yes, bdd, also internalized misogyny, internalized homophobia, low self esteem, ptsd, poor understanding of social norms including gender because of the tism, or even post nut clarity after jacking off to sissy porn. the "gender dysphoria" label only distracts from getting to the root of the problem in favor of unnecessarily turning the sufferer into a lifelong medical patient.
No. 1197160
>>1197146I don’t see anything wrong with you feeling dysphoric or not identifying with women in the ways you are expected to. I don’t see any reason to change anything about yourself or that you should be ashamed of your body in any way. You don’t have to change your pronouns or go on hormones or anything or express yourself any differently just because some overtly critical women are
triggered by what they perceive as your masculinity. Not that you didn’t already know all of this. I’m quite frankly tired of women being ridiculed for being bricks. Like so? Okay? Since when did any of us owe you Barbie looks wtf
No. 1197184
>>1197159I was talking to a moid the other day (he is in my friend group and he -had- to join the vc). Into sissy stuff, a self-proclaimed MtF that hates women… I was talking about how
toxic the media is towards women (and always has been), making them experience forced body dysmorphia so women would need to spend money on shit they don't need, being convinced that there is only one body type while staring at photoshopped pictures, etc. He thought that
only trannies have body dysmorphia and it's totez-created-by-trannies.
No. 1197200
>>1197146Yeah this is why I stopped associating with them. They claim to be for female liberation but their manhate is more akin to hate of masculinity, not men per se. For example I hate looking like a woman including having breasts and I like to bind them every now and then for a more androgynous look but
never think I'm anything else but a woman with XX chromosomes, yet even this is a surefire way to get yourself branded as a cringey tranny gender traitor. The lack of empathy for FTM troons and the aggressive gaslighting of them just being misogynist/pornsick while ignoring the societal pressure they're put under is legitimately disturbing, even on Lolcow.
It's been said a billion times by now but on places like ovarit butches literally apologize for existing and feel bad for using the women's bathroom because they might scare a tradwife and make her feel unsafe. There's no place for us and we're not accepted anywhere and it's a black pill being forced down my throat every day.
No. 1197201
>>1197179Oh okay, true. Though it would also be fair to point out my probable main character syndrome.
>>1197184My condolences that he's part of your friend group.
>>1197191Sperg anon here, being seen as a regular man or boy by randos? Fine. Being seen as a MtF AGP? No, that is horrifying and not trivial. Being seen that way by people who swear up and down that they accept you and totally understand and supposedly are against enforced femininity on women? Depressing.
No. 1197221
>>1197212>Does everyone walk around in full glam makeup, dressed to the neck in pink and hair done up every day where you live?Thanks to Instagram, that is the case for my age demographic, basically yes. Though it also has to do with how most women move, walk, talk and behave. You learn that through mimicking or because it's taught to you. It's largely a subconscious process and it looks very uncanny when someone didn't learn those things. Also while the women around me are tall, they're more elegant like an elf or like an Amazonian, not lumbering ogre like me.
>Your interviewer was disrespectful and it reflects more on them than you.Nona I wish it were just the interviewers, multiple btw, not just one. It also was the accountant I worked with to go over financial statements, the IT consultant, three representatives of institutional clients etc. People in my country are very direct and say whatever they're thinking, they aren't polite even though they think they are. Sometimes I feel like they're more autistic than me. Sometimes it's funny because they will call fat American tourists fat to their faces, but it's not fun when you're something you can't help or change.
>You're a woman because you're born one.I'm female, but becoming a woman is done through female socialization and I didn't get that fully due to retarded family and because I didn't internalize it due to sperginess. If I'm a woman, I'm a bad one, I'm a failed one, according to every standard you can come up with. I received some male socialization actually, due to retarded parent raising me as a son because that's all he understands or maybe he wanted a son and I think he really fucked me up. Due to looking like a boy I got treated that way in school too. I don't think people understand how that can psychologically mess with someone, when society is so dimorphic with socialization and women and men are raised radically different. I got the socialization which makes men insufferable and I hate it.
>The main thing is you are manly, like, alright?It's not just "a little bit" manly. I can pass as a man no matter what I wear or do, that isn't normal. I would have liked to be a normal woman, who can do everything women do, but instead I'm this in-between freak. I want to relate to other women, I want to be a proper woman, because that is what women who are into women are attracted to and love.
No. 1197229
>>1197221>it also has to do with how most women move, walk, talk and behave.Exactly and it is not a constant. Female socialization probably looks very different where you live versus where I live. Which one is the normal woman then? I know how women here behave have no effect on your livelihood, I'm just saying there is no such thing as a universal normal woman, except core tenents that upkeep patriarchy like being weak and submissive to men. Is that what is a proper woman in your eyes? Is that what you want to be?
I get it, you're autistic, you have said that at least twenty times in your posts. Are you europoean, since you mentioned women being tall on average? I never realized they were this blunt with calling people intersex. And them calling burgers fat to their face isn't funny either. I get offhand comments all the time, like I'm the man of the group or I will protect other women (I mean, I'm very weak but I'll try) and men are impolite to me. It just doesn't matter if they aren't the ones who are paying my bills, as I said. I am not trying to compare my bs experiences with yours, however. You are allowed to feel how you feel about people having been unkind to you. It's just dumb to me to waste energy on things that ultimately do not matter at all. Do you not relate to any posts on lc, for example? Do you relate more to male posters on 4chan? Every work written by women, do they feel foreign to you?
No. 1197242
>>1197229>except core tenents that upkeep patriarchy like being weak and submissive to men. Is that what is a proper woman in your eyes? Is that what you want to be?No, but even RF's freak out at how aggressive I am and talk about beating up boys when I was a kid or how I treat men nowadays still. They assume I treat women like that too.
>Are you europoean, since you mentioned women being tall on average? I never realized they were this blunt with calling people intersex.Yes, my people are notorious for being extremely blunt assholes. You hate autists? Imagine an entire country of them, it's horrible.
>It's just dumb to me to waste energy on things that ultimately do not matter at all.What does matter in life? Isn't it friendship and love? The way I am makes it very difficult to make friends or find love. It's easier to make friends with men, but I don't want to be friends with them. I only have friends who live in a different country and are spergy and gnc like me (not just online, we met irl).
>Do you not relate to any posts on lc, for example?Only to some of the other butches and spergs posting and when the poster isn't obviously straight.
>Do you relate more to male posters on 4chan?Sadly enough, yes, but I hate how misogynistic they are. There are things that suck about being perceived as a man or being an incel, but they don't understand that men are treated that way because of how dangerous they are and if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Or how most problems men have are caused by other men. Women are just trying to survive. I sometimes even relate to TiMs, because I would secretly dress in women's clothes and try to put make-up on when I was a teenager and secretly go to school like that. But my parent wanted me to shave my head and wear boy's clothes he wanted to wear when he was growing up. Until he changed his mind, sent me to conversion therapy for being a lesbian and suddenly wanted me to act like a woman when he treated me like a boy this whole time. Family members commented before that I should be sent to their home country to a sort of femininity school, because they were concerned I wasn't being taught anything. Sometimes I wonder if it would've been better if they actually did that.
>Every work written by women, do they feel foreign to you?Majority yes, except for Les Belles Images by Simone de Beauvoir and stuff like that. I do often relate to books written by butches, TiFs and unironically Judith Butler, but those fall under "queer theory" (even though if TRA's actually knew how to read, they would hate those books). I can't even really relate to books written by gender conforming lesbians, because the experience is so different.
No. 1197277
>>1197242>talk about beating up boys when I was a kid or how I treat men nowadays stillThat's based, imo. I hope you don't stop because of comments from radfems who think it's unbecoming of a lady to be aggressive. Too many times rage is internalized. The role or the idea of a woman is very narrow while men are given a broader range of space, I think.
At least the fact that you have women who are like you and with whom you can relate to in some way is proof you are capable of forming meaningful relationships with women, even if the type of woman is not conventionally feminine or 'normal'. But that there are female humans with whom you can relate to. I hope you all can meet irl often, a sense of community. And that you can relate to female writers with familiar thoughts, or issues or whathaveyou means you aren't a failure, even if you deviate from the norm. I'm sorry about your parent who must've instilled so many issues you have with all this (sorry if i'm assuming things). Sending someone to a conversion camp, for fuck's sake, is bound to fuck someone up and then to blame the person for it. Are you still in contact with them? Being brought into a 'male role' then also being told you're abnormal and need correction for it. Who wouldn't feel like a failure. Definitely not the only source though, since girls are bombarded with this from every direction. It's ultimately on you to decide for yourself if you are okay with yourself how you are, or do you want to be more feminine in looks or manners, there are probably a huge catalog of videos and stuff for it on the internet, if you are okay with putting on a show to be treated better by the people around you. And I apologize if I was being dismissive, just because our experiences do not line up doesn't mean yours are any lesser and you're not allowed to like, feel. And I'm sure there are many more gnc women very similar to you.
No. 1197333
>>1197242As another sperg I've had a lot of the issues you're describing (parents raising me to be the boy they never had then suddenly changing their mind and wanted me to be feminine, not understanding female socialisation, relating to the male experience because the female experience just seemed so alien, being mocked when I wore makeup/dresses because my very body language is so unfeminine it looks ridiculous, women being put off by my being aggressive/dominant). A thing that has helped my outlook on this is understanding that I experience sex-based oppression, and that this gives me an understanding of other women/an inherent empathy for them that no one can take away. I may be treated differently to other women due to my gender presentation but there are some fundamental experiences we all have that have shaped how we approach the world.
This might sound silly but I go out of my way to be nice to women/help them with things (like give directions to a woman who seems lost, help them lift something, etc) and the feeling of solidarity really makes me feel better about my own womanhood. I'm a woman even if I'm a weird, masculine one.
I hope you can find IRL female friends (online friends are great too but I feel like IRL friendships are better for your self-esteem and mental health, humans are social creatures who get excited being around each other). Friends will be willing to teach you things about female socialisation that confuse you, and won't hold you to a standard of feminine performance you don't feel comfortable with. You honestly sound like a nice, thoughtful person and I'd never think you write like a man. The very way you view yourself and consider other women is inherently feminine (even very feminine women are concerned about performing femininity properly and how they should interact with other women; society pressures us all to feel this stress), you just need some time and help to learn the specifics of how women interact. I think you should be hard less hard on yourself and give yourself time to learn.
No. 1197340
>>1197277>I hope you all can meet irl often, a sense of community. And that you can relate to female writers with familiar thoughts, or issues or whathaveyou means you aren't a failure, even if you deviate from the norm.Yeah at this point I'm even considering moving closer to them.
>Are you still in contact with them?Only when I absolutely have to.
>It's ultimately on you to decide for yourself if you are okay with yourself how you are, or do you want to be more feminine in looks or manners, there are probably a huge catalog of videos and stuff for it on the internet, if you are okay with putting on a show to be treated better by the people around youOn one hand I'm happy to be like this, because men leave me alone more and I scare them off. I can safely walk alone at night, construction workers give me "the nod" instead of commenting on how I look. Meanwhile someone who is obviously identifiable as a woman would get harassed by them even if she were to wear sweatpants and a messy bun. So in a sense I'm almost grateful for being raised for a while like a boy, but that probably comes across like internalized misogyny. I don't like how it alienates me from women though. Just because I know how to speak men's language and can emasculate them in a way they understand, doesn't mean I want to be "one of the bros" or a NLOG, but that is what it looks like. Men test people when you're somewhere new. They either act extra misogynistic and make gross comments and jokes to women or if you're in the masculine category your masculinity gets tested. They as an example ask me to punch or kick them or want to spar after they hear about my hobbies and I oblige. Afterwards they want to be friends, and end up starting to try to include me in their misogyny and objectifying women and I shut them down. To women looking on though, they end up seeing me as "one of the guys", so things get weird. I already tried to be more feminine by watching videos online and all that, but that is how I got the MtF comments in the first place, so I stopped doing that. People can tell when it's artificial and not natural to you and in my case even a psychiatrist thinks I'm hopeless and can't resocialize myself. When I'm just myself there are at least some people who do realize I'm a woman and it feels pretty good to be the designated purse and bag guardian in the train when women have to go to the bathroom. Or being asked to help find a lost phone or lift something.
>And I apologize if I was being dismissiveIt's okay, dw about it
>>1197333>is understanding that I experience sex-based oppression, and that this gives me an understanding of other women/an inherent empathy for them that no one can take away. I may be treated differently to other women due to my gender presentation but there are some fundamental experiences we all have that have shaped how we approach the world.Yeah you're right.
>This might sound silly but I go out of my way to be nice to women/help them with things (like give directions to a woman who seems lost, help them lift something, etc) and the feeling of solidarity really makes me feel better about my own womanhood. I'm a woman even if I'm a weird, masculine one.Lol was just writing about that when you posted that.
>I hope you can find IRL female friends (online friends are great too but I feel like IRL friendships are better for your self-esteem and mental health, humans are social creatures who get excited being around each other). Friends will be willing to teach you things about female socialisation that confuse you, and won't hold you to a standard of feminine performance you don't feel comfortable with. You honestly sound like a nice, thoughtful person and I'd never think you write like a man. The very way you view yourself and consider other women is inherently feminine (even very feminine women are concerned about performing femininity properly and how they should interact with other women; society pressures us all to feel this stress), you just need some time and help to learn the specifics of how women interact. I think you should be hard less hard on yourself and give yourself time to learn.Yeah I probably need to put myself out there again and try to make friends. I've really been isolating myself more since the pandemic, of course everyone has by force, but I haven't bounced back. I feel like being social is almost like a muscle and I've let it get weaker and need to train it again? Thank you though for your thoughtful and empathizing post.
No. 1197667
>>1197633I feel for you anon. Mourn the childhood you couldn’t have. When i meet women like that now, it makes me happier that at least someone had stability.
>>1197659For me it’s more so the jealousy that I couldn’t have that when I really needed it and couldn’t help myself. I got therapy as an adult but it really makes one wonder how well off I could’ve been if it came earlier.
No. 1197678
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>>1197667Eh, I had a similar situation but I know you don’t get anything out of spending your time mulling over what-ifs. Instead I just channel that energy into standing up and fighting for myself in the way that other people should have fought for kid-me.
No. 1197719
>>1197659I get thinking like this. It was a pet peeve of mine for years. I spent my twenties telling everyone my childhood was fine and my dads tough love was totally not a bad thing. I was a fan of tough love.. In my thirties I had a breakdown and spilled my guts about feelings I'd no idea were there. A therapist pointed out neglect and it went from there.
Sometimes it just hits you in its own time and you have to process it as it comes. I think part of why I hated 'muh bad childhood whingers' was because I couldn't bare to hear about certain things. For a reason.
I cut off my one surviving parent. I'm suspicious of people who claim childhood abuse and never cut the parents off though. Cut contact and you'll start to see actual growth.
No. 1197758
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I work in a call center for one of the biggest telekom companies in Europe. Part of my job is booking appointments for a tehnician with customers.
Sometimes I book the appointments for free in case the customer is very old/disabled even when they don't fully identify themselves, which is something that could get me fired in case the higher ups find out.
And sometimes if the customer is being a giant cunt, especially if they refuse to identify themselves fully, I'll do the whole booking process with them and then once they hang up, I write in the ticket they were a cunt, remove their contact number and jist close the ticket. If they scream or are way over the line I put them on the junk list so they can't call the hotline for a week.
No. 1197789
>>1197779Sorry for doubleposting, forgot to reply
This reminds me of how a coworker got a call from a lady who wanted him to help her with installing her fucking washing machine. Another coworker had a drunk guy throw up during the call after struggling to give him his customer id for 10 full minutes kek
It's no boring job some days
No. 1197976
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I have a big crush a semi-famous youtuber that lives in my city. I don't think I could pursue him without looking very creepy but I daydream we'll cross paths one day
No. 1198312
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I think she's funny and don't get why her personality causes such a shitstorm, she's not even shilled that much. And no I'm not one of those anons who has a crush on her nor do I want to skin-walk her.
No. 1198500
As a teen I used to think people who got annoyed and “victimized themselves” because their family member has terrible depression or bad autism were being selfish and heartless. I’d read on tumblr, “you think it’s hard for you to put up with a mentally ill sibling? Imagine how hard it’s for THEM! it’s not about you!” And repeat it. “Suicide isn’t selfish, what is selfish is forcing someone to live just because you love them!” I’d parrot.
Now that I got a shut in sibling who gets violently angry at my dad for being concerned about them, who ignores my texts and goes days without eating unless my mom and I bring them food, who is on the verge of suicide the whole time and cuts everywhere, I’m just so fucking exhausted and it’s making me so, so miserable as well.
I can’t move out because the guilt of something happening to that sibling or letting the burden on my parents eats me. Isn’t that selfish and unfair towards me? Maybe not but that’s what it feels like. I know it’s not my sibling’s fault but fuck, I’m starting to think they ARE selfish for making me go through this and dragging me in their misery. Not putting it the effort to contact psychologists, torturing us with the fear of them cutting and dying. I’m also mentally I’ll and had it rough, but do I get the privilege of shutting myself in? there’s a point it feels like a selfish choice.
I don’t think anymore that people are selfish or heartless for being fucking exhausted of being around constant depressors, and as much as I feel for fellow depressed people, I also feel for the people who have to carry with this stress, fear and utter sadness of having people they love in such a state. I don’t want her to be miserable and I’m sad that she is, but she’s making me miserable and sad as well. Am I selfish? Is this ~ableist~ of me? I don’t think I care anymore,
No. 1198701
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An anon in /w/ expressed that she likes Sharla and her content precisely because she's boring and it made me realize that I'm the same way, but with Bronwyn. There's something really comforting about watching a superficial person being content with their life and finding joy in simple things like decorating their home and looking pretty
No. 1198757
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>>1189557This post is a week old but right on, anon! Proud of you
No. 1198823
>>1197758Kek, I had the same job, best thing was we were allowed to hang up if a customer was rude, so I got some rich moid calling being really irate a couple times because the queue was so long and I'd just boot him out and he got to requeue again.
Best thing is if you ask them to ID and they are already mad so they refuse and you just click them away.
One time I had a woman who was a literal schizophrenic who thought her ex was gangstalking her and monitoring all her telecommunications, breaking into our backbone infrastructure to install bugs and what not. I bounced it to higher level support, idk what you're supposed to do with something like that.
Another time some apparently autistic woman who had a question about the HTTPS symbol or something but she started to read me one of those links that is like 50 letters and numbers in sequence and she read me the entire thing one letter at a time. I didn't have the heart to tell her it's pointless so I just listened for two minutes as she rattled the URL down. The answer was literally just "That's normal, it means the website is secured in a certain way".
>junk list so they can't call the hotline for a weekAmazing, that's good trolling.
No. 1198870
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My boyfriend made a joke about killing himself and then I made a joke about me killing myself first (it made sense in context, we're not just edgy lol), and then he said it would make sense because I'm generally a sadder person, as in, I am usually more down. Tbh he is right, and it's been getting worse on these last couple of years, but I genuinely thought I masked it well. Like, I only cry when he's asleep or not in the room. I know wonder how does he or others perceive me.
No. 1198886
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>>1198875Thanks for the empathy, nona. But now that you put it like that, I wonder if he actually does know or if I just misinterpreted because I know it to be true? Usually when I joke about stuff like that when we banter or whatnot, he discourages me from saying bad stuff about myself. I also try to not let it show because it genuinely embarrasses me, even though I know I shouldn't be ashamed of being sad or whatever. I don't know now lol but have another cute teapot
No. 1198905
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>>1198889Thank you so much, nona. That actually made me shed a few tears because I'm not in the best place right now. I hope the very same for you, and everyone deserves cute teapots even if they don't drink tea! This one is especially for all farmers.
No. 1198946
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>>1198927Thank you! Holy shit I didn't know there was so much cute cow stuff out there.
No. 1198977
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It's pretty rare for me to meet a guy and feel a real attraction to him. Even in my two long term relationships it started with me liking them as a person and not exactly a raw physical attraction. It grew in time but only because I liked them and they were nice to me and the relationship worked well in other areas. Idk if that's depressing to admit. It'd be nice to have a more full on attraction too tbh. In both relationships sex slowed down at the 3 year mark and it was hard to tackle the issue when I was on one hand trying to save their feelings by not saying the harsh thing.. but then I was also getting it in the neck because it didn't make sense to them that we even had an issue.
Last year I got talking to a guy and within a minute of us making small talk I wanted to rip his clothes off. I think it was the first time in my life I'd felt anything so intense. I was over thirty already. I went home giddy over this guy and for a while afterwards I was hoping to bump into him again. I would think about it a lil too much. We've passed by each other a few times since. We've stopped and talked for a min or two but it never turned into anything because I didn't want to lead things there and he didn't go there either. I feel like he was dropping hints during the first meet and like I could've reacted better. Now I don't have the guts to say what I'd like to say to him. Maybe it's just one-sided and I'm kidding myself.
Last time we talked it was a hot day and he was keenly showing me a couple of tattoos that he'd been telling me about. He was wearing summer clothes so it was easy for him to finally show me what he'd been talking about. Without getting too specific, one of his tatts is of an item and the name of that item also happens to be a slang word for penis in my country. I was telling him how much I like it and he smirked and then I realised what it sounded like I'd just said. Part of me feels dumb, cringey, like a teenager. But I'm also sad I went so long never feeling this giddy over a person before. It's not a deep thing but this is the shit songs are about. All those "you make me feel" songs. This is the feeling. I sacrificed true attraction for all of my twenties as if it's no big deal. My sex drive feels like it's at its peak right now and Im rambling here lol
No. 1199345
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Idk that this is a confession per se but I had the most vile dream and feel so dirty. I dreamt I had an incestuous relationship with my father and in the dream I knew I was being abused and had no idea how it happened or had been going on for any amount of time. I was crying and felt so awful and when I finally woke up, I was afraid to go back to sleep in case it resumed. Idk if this occurred because I think about Twin Peaks a lot or what but I hope it doesn’t mean anything dark.
No. 1199432
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i sometimes look up stories of people that are in similar situations to me – but aren't doing well – to make myself feel better about my life trajectory. specifically: uni dropouts. my major is fun, but relatively useless, my future is unsteady for that reason, but at least i have a degree. but also: people i went to hs with that are living kind of mediocre lives. it's nice to see my stacy bullies fat and married to ugly men with two, three sons, idk. i've won in some respects i guess.
No. 1199522
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Remembering when I was 18 and considered to have autism during the outpatient ward saga all because I don't understand emojis. Also I refused to participate in the 'musical expression' therapy with the terminally barefoot instructor.
No. 1199612
>>1199522>terminally barefoot instructorkek
nonnie, that's a great way to describe those type of people
No. 1199672
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I love being selfish and refuse to take meds
No. 1199737
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i am responsible for most of the replies under a certain thread. i tell myself that at least it is not on /snow/ as a way to make myself feel better…
No. 1199793
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>>1199766I was just thinking this! Miku was my favorite but I liked them all.
I guess this could fit as a confession, but I used to have a fetish as a teenager for male crossdressing… Especially kimonos and maid outfits. Now I feel nothing when I see it, absolutely indifferent. It's weird cause I still like a lot of the same stuff from that time, but not crossdressing, and I lost interest way before I knew about TRA bullshit
No. 1199809
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I have been using my skills for evil and drawing an irl male I know in lewd positions and situations. The likeness is solid enough that they are undeniably drawings of him, so if anyone who knew him actually saw them I'd be fucked. On top of that, I carry the sketchbook with me and draw on "clean" pages even when he's around. A small part of me wants him to see, as I am partially delusional and fantasize about him finding it flattering and hot, but reality would be he'd think I'm gross and creepy and probably report me or something, especially considering he doesn't really know me.
No. 1199813
>>1199809Based if you ask me. Men should be objectified and made uncomfortable more
>>1199794Oof I haven’t watched his videos in a long time, he’s approaching the wall at an alarming speed
No. 1199814
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>>1199522I got into a big argument with my ex over this emoji and he ended up calling me autistic. I swear that this is a laughing emoji. Nothing about it conveys actual distress or sadness to me. This is someone hollering with uncontrollable laughter, maybe mixed with some pity. It can also be used to show some sort of sarcastic disappointment, like, if someone texted you, "sorry, I couldn't find your favorite crisps at the store", this emoji would be a funny response. I am convinced that my ex is the retarded one in this situation.
No. 1199972
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>>1199814To me that's obviously sad and using it as a funny laughing emoji would be as weird as using the laughing crying one as a sad one like some old people do on facebook.
No. 1199991
>>1199984Unlikely. There are different kinds of skin cancers and many will not kill you they'll just be painful and ugly. This is a really shitty way to die.
>>1199809you're a weirdo
>>1199617I will never understand these people, shoes are based
No. 1200502
>>1200423I use ear defenders that muffle sounds but I can still hear important stuff. I can have a conversation easily with them on. I think mine are rated around 33db and they're generally marketed to construction workers. You can get in-ear versions of this too if you don't want to look like a sperg. Other than that I don't know what to say, this has been one of the banes of my life and it's really hard to deal with. I did look into it at one point and apparently there's some therapy you can get to desensitize your hearing.
Also depending on your living situation and the climate you could keep your windows closed in the day and open at night. I think I read that as advice on how to keep your house cooler in summer (we don't have air conditioning either).
No. 1200503
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>>1200502>ear defendersHehe, this makes me imagine little knights that protect your ears from soundwaves.
No. 1200610
>>1199814That's a sad emoji, but it looks kinda goofy, so people mostly use it as "ironic sad".
"My food fell on the ground" kind of posts.
It doesn't look like laughing at all, the face of the shape and eyebrows and mouth are not what you would see in a happy face.
nonnie, but your boyfriend was right and you may be autistic.
No. 1200613
>>1200610> face of the shape*shape of the eyes
I too am retarded.
No. 1200705
>>1199814Nonny it's literally called the "loudly crying" or "sob" emoji.
>Loudly Crying Face conveys uncontrollable feelings and overwhelming sentiments, ranging from grief and disappointment to hilarity and joy. Its tone is often meant to be hyperbolic.Loudly Crying Face conveys uncontrollable feelings and overwhelming sentiments, ranging from grief and disappointment to hilarity and joy. Its tone is often meant to be hyperbolic.While it could also mean "uncontrollable laughter", it's mainly intended to convey sad crying and sobbing, or alternatively overwhelming feelings in general.
No. 1201900
>>1201552I'm with you
nonnie. at this point I don't believe female autism is even a thing. the male autists I know are all dustin hoffman-tier who can't wipe their ass, while the female ones are social butterflies compared to me. probably the next mass hysteria after split personality in the 80s/90s and rogd, same demographic and same countries too. mental health professionals just love having fun.
No. 1203248
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For about 2 years now I've been really interested in military stuff, a bit more than what I was in the past (I like history, but I was never focusing on military history in particular), and now I'm kinda obsessed with the idea of joining the military in my country. I can't shake it off of mind, even though I don't think I would be particularly super happy with it due to its strictness. But even so, the idea of becoming ultra disciplined, learning gun and combat skills, being very fit and becoming part of "something bigger" is really appealing to me right now.
I wouldn't be able to build a military career with my age and I wouldn't be a combatant soldier (which is better imo), I'd work as an armed forces technician. If they open up positions in my grad area, I think I'll just do it, even if my family isn't very favorable to this idea.
No. 1203327
>>1203318Ahaha, I actually do have quite a few, but thank you! I always loved being artistic
and now autistic, it seems, and making people upset sparks so much more joy than anything else.
I just don't have any online friends, for…
obvious reasons. Tysm again, kind nona!
No. 1203346
>>1203248Same, I think I've always been on-and-off wanting to join the military, and I think this year would be my last chance, but rececntly I've considered it more seriously because I'm desperate to fix my shit discipline/ADD and
my husbando is a soldier so right now I'm more autistic about military stuff.
Aside from that, of course, learning how to fight, getting fit and being able to shoot firearms all sound really appealing. I don't care about "becoming part of something bigger", I don't think joining my country's army and obeying a corrupt government or serving corrupt officials is something to be proud of.
I'm also afraid of them destroying my sense of free will or my ethical/moral code, or me being too mentally weak and
committing suicide or something.
>I'd work as an armed forces technicianthat sounds cool
No. 1203364
>>1203316Topkek my friend and I do the same thing. We love talking to each other about the hate comments and will leave overly supportive comments on each other’s stuff to
trigger people. I’m working on a novel and it’s a good outlet for getting out ideas unfit for the public eye, but it also gives me something to do when I’m bored. I also like to write really, really bad stories to see how far I can go and still get readers and nice comments. If I knew who you were I would read all your stuff.
It is WAY too much fun making people online angry…
No. 1203405
>>1203364You and your friend sound hilarious
nonnie, lmfao. If only this weren’t anonymous, I’d also love to see what you two post as well! Is it also true crime, or different topics?
>>1203386Nothing interesting, unfortunately. I don’t really post on lolcow too much. I posted in a snow thread recently + maybe a few other things a year or so back, but it’s all pretty tame. I’d rather
trigger people on fanfic callout blogs than random users on some anonymous image board.
also, anyone who gets triggered in the comments of my fics have either heard of it and checked it out, or were willingly looking through the tags for a reason to get upset. i don’t force others to look at them. No. 1203493
>>1203405Varies a lot, but We usually larp as people who have the opposite opinions as us and just make really bad takes or cringe stuff. My favorite to do is act like a cringe tiktok 15 year old and give all the characters ridiculous neopronouns and see how far I can take it before people pick up I’m mocking them
>>1203468>>1203441TOPKEK I’m going to start reading every post and try to decipher which is you. I won’t comment, of course. Leave us a sign!
>>1203346As for the military helping treat your adhd- I’ve had the exact same thoughts. A structure and group of people + leader would really help discipline me. Getting in shape would also be an immense confidence booster and would probably get me in the habit of working out for years to come. My boyfriend has thought about enlisting too so we could go together. The only drawback to me is losing individuality and cutting hair. im a bit too attached to my hair (ie. I’m retarded) and I’ve been growing mine out for years and just hit my length goal.
No. 1203536
>>1195523my hair was greasy on the top and dry on the bottom but i brushed the dry front part over the greasy and wore it in a ponytail or bun. it was very cold there so it did not get too oily. when i was too fucked up to brush it though it knotted quite badly because of the texture. at work i wore hats and hoods as a uniform so it was only visible in school.
the bad part was getting a kidney infection because i was too tired to leave bed and go pee and i just held it in. the worst part of finally showering was my privates hurt from the soap. i got an uti. but i washed my pits and privates in the sink sometimes that month but it still wasn't enough.
No. 1203576
>>1203456>>1203544If you ever saw one with the punchline "I'm tired of being sasuke" and it was about cosplay sex then that was my most popular fake story kek
>>1203468I can post something like this, probably involving a dolphin, but whether or not it gains traction depends on if the retarded mods feel like deleting my shit that day. My stories get absurd but I write them so matter-of-fact that sometimes mods will argue with each other over my dumb shit
No. 1203595
>>1203516If any woman did such thing for me I'd love her forever
especially since I'm epileptic too and I know how it feels like to have someone treat the issue seriously and go out of their way to ensure my safety if needed. Do you train a lot to become this strong, anon?
No. 1203788
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>>1203346AYRT, and I guess we're really similar!
>I'm desperate to fix my shit discipline/ADD and my husbando is a soldier so right now I'm more autistic about military stuffYes!!! For both of these things. I haven't been diagnosed with ADD because I have never set foot in a therapist's office, but I highly suspect I have it. I am a bit ashamed to go to therapy for some reason, although I don't think it's bad when people do it.
maybe I'll do it when I get to the military kekAbou the becoming part of "something bigger", I don't care much for my corrupt country's political heads either (that's why the quotation marks), but I really like the humanitarian side of the army - peacemaker soldiers that help countries worse off, or helping our own citizens through health campaigns or other democratic events. I like doing stuff to help people! Most do, I believe.
About the technician thing, at least in my country, the Armed Forces usually don't hire people outside of it to do their jobs, so they have a
a lot of openings. From obvious things like Airplane Mechanics and Health Professionals, to things you wouldn't usually associate with the Military like Web Designers, Librarians, Dog Trainers. It's great because not only you get the job, but you also go through basic combat training, get housing, free pass at military hotels, free access to their hospitals, so on and so forth. The only downside in this case would be not being able to advance in the military career if you'd want, it's available only for 8 years.
That being said, I don't fear losing my ethical and moral code, not even my individuality, because since I'm not fresh out of high school (not even fresh out of college tbh) I'm pretty sure of what I believe in. I think the discipline would even help me get my ideas across better.
Also I've been daydreaming of wearing the Military Uniform to places kek I live next to a military base, and I have seen both male and female soldiers wearing their uniforms while doing groceries and stuff. It's stupid of my part, but it does looks nice.
>>1203493>would probably get me in the habit of working out for years to come. I had a friend that had to do obligatory military service here in my country and he kept running every morning daily even after he left the army and became a lawyer, so this is very true.
>The only drawback to me is losing individuality and cutting hair. I don't know how your country works, but in mine, only men shave their head, for women it's optional. Most don't even trim it. You do have to wear it on a bun for most of the time, though.
No. 1204168
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>Zero girl friends
>but always has a bf
Major redflag, i don't trust no woman like that at all, and some here tried to justify themselves but i just can't buy it, there's something off about the whole situation
No. 1204196
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>>1204168your post wasn't a confession though, but to answer your question its easier to get a romantic partner then make a friend(male or female) with friends there's no incentive that they have to hang out with you, seriously as an adult its almost impossible to make friends, the few friends I have were work colleague that I really connected with and later some people in martial arts classes and even with those people, I can only say I have only 7 actual friends in my life, 2 of those are my brother in law and his wife, its not a choice really, its just making friends is really really hard as an adult
No. 1204207
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lolcow is the only website where I'd be ready to listen to anons when they say X behaviour is abusive or a red flag in a relationship. Every other website I'll default to expecting them to say kink shaming is aboosif, and being uncomfortable with your straight bf having one-on-one sleepovers with his platonical girl friend is [redflagemojix3]. Like, maybe they'll have good reasons for thinking Y is bad and Z is actually a very healthy thing to do in a relationship, and maybe they have arguments that would convince me to change my mind, but I'll never find out because I'll forever refuse to hear them out. lolcow is the only one I'll trust with this.
No. 1204222
>>1204196it is a confession cause i don't really disclose this judgement with nobody
>>1204196>>1204208I though scrotes were hard to handle cause they're in fact awful, are you really telling me is easier for you to hang out 24/7 with some moid than other women? hell nah
No. 1204224
>>1204205>>1204222I mean don't you think we try though, with a romantic partner you can have a date to judge them and it becomes sort of incentive for both parties of try just to see what they can get out of the relationship, friendships are way more complicated, tell me outside of work(which has a limited pool of people) how can you start a friendship with someone. I mean, you can’t just walk up to a cool looking woman at Starbucks and say, “Hey, I see you like your coffee the way I like my coffee, we should be friends” without it being awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved. Not to mention, there are so many things that can go wrong in the formations phases of friendship; personalities clash, values don’t match, and schedules don’t allow for bonding time.
like I'm autistic and even I know how cringy it would be to say "hey can we be friends" to another adult
No. 1204228
>>1204216Honestly this. Being in a relationship is literally as easy as
>stand there>moid desperately hangs around you until one of you asks the other out>move in together because it’s cheaper>now you live in the same house so there is no effort required to be in each other’s presence>even though you never cared or asked, you learn a lot about themMeanwhile with friends you have to have compatible work/school schedules, common hobbies or interests, and put in a lot of time and and effort getting to know each other and having initiating the conversation to go from acquaintances to actual friends. On top of that, women like to be actually compatible with their friends whereas moids don’t give a shit they will go along with whatever because they just want to fuck.
No. 1204319
>>1204228>whereas moids don’t give a shit they will go along with whatever because they just want to fuckIts kind of sad how self-aware you are of your situation yet you act so casual about it, you know men don't value you yet you avoid female friendships that would be arguably healthier for you, its like you guys are self-isolating or something
>>1204294Nta but it is really not
that hard to befriend women, I've lots of girl friends from any type of backgrounds and situations and i'm not even that extroverted nor popular, i actually have a really hard time talking to moids cause, well, they're moids
No. 1204360
>>1204319Maybe you come off as a normie and that's why it's easy. I feel like I'm too weird, "masculine"
people think I'm a themlet because I have short hair and I like to tell jokes I guess?, and have too many stupid and obscure interests to really connect with many of the women in my area. I genuinely get along with thembies and fakebois better than normie women because I've got autismo interests and have autismo tendencies and I am kind of offputting I guess. But of course being friends with thembies and fakebois is a recipe for disaster in my experience.
No. 1204442
>>1204401Anon wtf are you on about? men
are dangerous that's a fact
>>1204404I understand this, at least you are aware that your situation could be unhealthy to an extent
No. 1204469
>>1204355I guess come across that way, I'm just angry the fact some of us don't have friends is that "we aren't trying hard enough" and I guess it made me angry
>>1204351I have 2 male friends(counting my partner) and 5 female friends, and you have no idea how hard it has been for me to take me these friends
No. 1204477
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>>1204459> T@rget is my favorite bc no beepers but I have to be insanely carefulTarget’s policy is that they don’t apprehend shoplifters until they’ve collected enough evidence of you stealing that you can be charged with a felony.
Then they’ll catch you. They’re super hardcore about it too, much more than Walmart. Be careful. I’ve never shoplifted (I had daddy’s money to fund me through young adulthood) but would never turn my nose up against someone stealing food/necessities from a megacorp. I do miss /r/shoplifting through, it was a little window into a different world. The death of the Wild West internet is a tragedy.
No. 1204482
>>1204168I'm also a woman with a lot more male than female friends (I don't have 0 women friends like some here though) and even I agree it's a red flag lol
In my case, I'm just pretty introverted so all of my friends approached me first, and more men than women have tried to both approach me and try to keep in touch with me. I do miss having more female friends though, most of the few ones I have are really busy with life and stuff… It makes me think I should stop being a lazy fuck even towards people and make some effort to make more female friends on my own rather than just "waiting for them to appear out of nowhere" lol
No. 1204513
>>1204319Men are retard cavemen, easy to impress and easy to talk to, but insufferable. I'm not friends with any men and not attracted to them, but they're simple. Normie women are nightmare mode difficulty for me, because I actually give a shit about what women think of me and I can't do the nonverbal communication, social hierarchy, social politics, reading in between the lines, performing enough femininity to even get a foot in the door and be given a chance, dance. Like this
>>1204360 anon I end up having to deal with fakebois or try to find other spergs who are willing to tolerate me.
No. 1204534
>>1204168I would like to defend myself too but honestly I rather dumb and judgemental women like you stay away from me as well.
>>1204205I have more in common with my boyfriend that any female friend I've had, save for one extremely autistic girl friend in high school.
No. 1204568
>>1204541My life isn't dedicated to anyone but myself and my boyfriend happens to be a part of it.
>bf gets to do whatever he wantsAm I supposed to not allow him to have friends just because I can't make any? It isn't as if he's the one stopping me from having friends. He's always been encouraging of any of my attempts to socialize more.
>>1204566You don't know anything about me, take your projection elsewhere.
No. 1204586
>>1204572these women literally get the shittiest easy man who is willing to be with any woman for convenience.
I met the type of easy men these anons talk about in real life and they're all loser shitty men for a reason and would literally date anybody.
Just look at the relationship threads or discord, it shows the behavior of these men who are easy to get into a relationship with with unlike evil womenzzzz.
No. 1204590
>>1204572Yes, he can have friends. So could I if I was capable.
>>1204586Again, you have no idea what you're talking about and are projecting your own fucked up experiences. Being pretty misogynistic too, it's gross.
No. 1204594
>>1204590> projecting your own fucked up experiences. Being pretty misogynistic too, it's gross.I only see projection from you, i would never date a shitty easy man.
Did what i say ring true considering your accusing me of being misogynistic because i said that you date shitty men.
No. 1204599
>>1204594I've only had 3 long term relationships and this is the first time I've had sex. Sex was not the motivator for me falling in love with a good friend who I have a lot in common with.
What am I projecting? You're telling me I date "shitty easy loser men" because I have nothing to offer other than sex. I wouldn't say that about another woman, that's despicable.
If anything you might just be a moid yourself who is upset at a woman being happy in her relationship.
No. 1204606
>>1204599>you might just be a moid yourself. >Sex was not the motivator for me falling in loveum what, well that escalated fast. Where did i mention sex, I see a anon here in many threads lately accuse everyone who criticizes them or disagrees with calling them a male or a sexist. Is that you, are you doing some reverse psychology trolling.
You fit in right with the moids maybe thats why you get along with them better, weird spergy twat.
No. 1204607
>>1204534>I have more in common with my boyfriend that any female friend I've hadThis is so fucking embarrassing
>>1204599Go cry to your nigel
No. 1204614
>>1204606What does this imply then?
>these women literally get the shittiest easy man who is willing to be with any woman for convenience>Convenience No, not everyone is me, schizo. I hardly post in /ot/ because it's become a twitterfag fest. If you can't see that what you're espousing is blatantly misogynistic then you're an idiot.
No. 1204619
>>1204614Convenience can mean many things, it can mean emotional labor, house labor, company, financial and it can also mean sex but its not just that. Interesting that your mind went straight to that.
Truth hurts since you seem to be lashing out especially at those two posts, i guess they hit the hardest.
>I hate twitterfags but im also going to act like a twitterfag by calling everyone a misogynistlmao you hate what you are.
No. 1204621
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>>1204619I can care about misogyny as a woman and not be the unintegrated atrocity that is anons saying "y'all" "bestie" "go off" and posting twitter memes etc unironically.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
No. 1204623
>>1204614>>1204621are you seriously going to deny that men are opportunistic, don't respect their partners and use them in every way they can? you're not an exception to that rule sweetie
>misogyny!!stfu lmao
No. 1204629
>>1204459Kek anon. I worked at target and I’m so tempted to leak all the deets, I’m just paranoid about being tracked down and getting in trouble.
My only warning about shoplifting from target: what the Anon said about how they don’t stop you and just compile the evidence until they have a case is VERY true. They WILL memorize your face and track everywhere you walk on their cameras. Once they have enough evidence and see you come into the store again, they will call the police and they’ll be waiting at the entrance to catch you. It doesn’t matter if you’re stealing that trip- they already have all the evidence they need to charge you. I’ve seen it happen so many times.
No. 1204632
>>1204621its like im talking to brick wall, but i guess this is the most social interaction you've had in a week other than talking to your moid so you have my sympathy.
at first i didnt understand but now its good that loser nlogs like you are doing the favor of not bothering women in real life.
No. 1204675
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I did a astrology compatibility thing and tried it out on many celebs and also tried it out on kpop groups.
What i found out is that me and kanye west, eminem, Jimin from bts and kim taehyung from bts have a high astrological compatibility rating and that me and taehyung would have amazing sex.
How do i feel about this.
No. 1204693
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>>1204678no, babes.
Other people i also tried it on:
Hitler (i got a low/bad rating of 20% and he would have hated me)
Putin (i got 65% which is meh in the middle i guess)
Harry styles…..i am shocked i got the highest astrological compatibility with him its almost 100%.
Johnny depp ( i got a low/bad rating)
Elon musk (i got a low rating of 37% lol)
Timothee Chalamate ( i got a okay rating of 73%)
Robert pattinson (i only got 34%)
IDK how i feel with me and Harry almost being 100%.
>>1204685i dont care since he probably has big dick and is rich.
No. 1204707
>>1204632>its like im talking to brick wallLikewise.
I'm not an nlog, I felt the need to give my 2 cents specifically because I know other women are in my same situation and I feel it's unfair that they are judged and blamed by stupid and narrow-minded people like the op who cannot think beyond their own life experience for a second.
>>1204644I never said that and I wasn't defending moids, they are just as difficult to befriend. I was only talking about my boyfriend. My boyfriend is the first friend I've made outside my church and first time I've dated outside my church, of course he understands me better than bland "Jesus is my life and only interest" women.
No. 1204708
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>>1204693to add i also did a non-celeb astro compatibility and i got a high rating with a insane guy who used to bully and torment me….
No. 1204755
>>1204629I used to steal childrens toys for fun. I feel bad for those children now
I wonder if target kept their case file after I stopped stealing
No. 1204770
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I’m afraid of telling everyone in my family that I call my lounge clothes and pajamas depression clothes because I find the name funny, they would freak out.
No. 1204843
>>1204836 nta but your just throwing random words/insults and seeing which one sticks, step away from the computer/phone and go and clean your trap house.
Surely you must have a life other than being a bore nuisance on lc or only talking to your ''bf''.
No. 1204845
>>1204843No I'm just getting around saying the verboten word I actually want to say, if you don't understand it.. well good for you.
It's 11 pm, what exactly do you want me to do dumb ass.
No. 1204859
>>1204852>sucking 10 men off in the hood at 16 and how you feel oh so guilty and hate all men now or whatever.ok this has me convinced your a moid troll now or a autistic nlog caping for men on lolcow.
Funny how you were previously calling anons misogynist for no reason yet the only one who sounds misogynist here is you.
>>1204854Dont reply to them anymore, they've been infighting for 5 hours.
No. 1204863
>>1204859No, I just hate the LSA and PULL refugees. Intellectual conversation on here has stagnated since these "people" arrived.
I'm sure I'll catch a ban anyway but my long post history speaks for itself. I don't "cape for" moids on here and I am not a male.
>For no reasonLmao.
>for 5 hoursLeft, got drunk, came back. Weird if you sit here for several hours straight but to each their own I guess.
No. 1204872
I used to have edrama with this girl, I got so tired of her that I made a ton of posts with her selfies that were made to seem like obvious selfposts on b and r9k, everyone was calling "me" an ugly whore but I kept doing it and she eventually got extremely hated and known for being "that ugly selfposting whore that doesnt go away" that people used her selfies in memes that I still see occasionally, later on she started e-whoring in incel discord servers, I guess to feel better about being a meme for her looks, but her nudes were just ridiculed.
I found her current social media and she has a tradwife persona and panders to scrotes still (literally brags about being known on 4chan, treats it like an accomplishment, I think she has deluded herself into thinking she was worshipped and not hated, like cracky or boxxy.)
I worry this is all my fault, nonnas, maybe she would've ended up normal by now. To defend myself though I was 14 and she was 18, what fucking 18 year old has ongoing drama with a freshman KEK.
No. 1204886
>>1204880As someone who was forcibly raped as a child I don't feel bad for trashy whores who convince themselves they were "groomed
victims" at 16.
(bait) No. 1204901
>>1204886you made up a whole scenario of a underage girl doing it with 10 men and kept sperging and calling anons misogynists because they said you have a shitty boyfriend, youre a alcholic bum with a loser boyfriend kek. You even sound like one of those discord cows.
>>1204893>did we get a huge amount of new tradwhore users out of somewhere else? im wondering the same thing
No. 1204906
>>1204901Chances are even hee boyfriend only keeps her around to fuck her, kek. He has his own friend group like she admitted and probably spends more time with them as she geyser drunk and posts here about how we're child sex assault
victims who happen to be black and that somehow makes us inferior, kek. Some women really hate black women just like because black women tend to be strong and not take men's bullshit or coddle men.
No. 1204910
>>1204893>Are you x No, I already said I hardly post here.
>tradwhoreNot trad, raised Mormon, left the church. I don't like tradthots.
>Why do you care so much about your bfI love him and he is the only person who has loved me and shown me kindness, idk how you want me to react to people telling me he's a piece of shit and only with me because I'm an easy "convenient" fuck and it's all my fault not the extreme trauma I've suffered and isolation.
>>1204898 > making up stories Literally scroll up. I'm not making anything up.
>>1204902>InshallahDidn't read, opinion discarded.
(infighting) No. 1205005
>>1204996I’m sorry I’m too lazy to rifle through hundreds of posts from the last few days but literally the exact slur when things weren’t going her way and all other post bumps at the time (very late at night for most, very little traffic) were hateful vitriolic autistic garbage and she completely misread everything she was replying to.
>inb4 tinfoil hatShe was losing an argument badly and then resorted to the same slur. Seeing the same kind of posts at the same time as well that’s all.
No. 1205297
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>>1203441>>1205145I occasionally use twitter now and then, mostly reading my mutuals retweets and have I noticed in the past 3 years or so there's been a huge increase of reddit screenshots being posted and shared on twitter and these posts often getting thousands of replies and likes, the thing I find most fascinating about these posts is how many twitter users genuinely seem to believe in them, there's this prelection among them that reddit has more authenticity then twitter, it might also have something to do with rise of youtube channels that just read out posts on reddit with maybe some edited footage, r/nosleep has taken over creepypastas as a genre, I think reddit is being set up to become the new twitter after elon musk acquired it
No. 1205308
>>1205302I love when zoomies on lolcow absolutely lose their mind over 2014 screenshots of scrotes trolling like it’s real, actual content that wasn’t perfectly designed to attempt to
trigger us. You would think the gen that loves to satirize everything would be able to differentiate.
No. 1205801
nonnie. I can’t hide my disdain and I’m one of those women that gives mtf trannies the stink eye whenever they are around me. they are actually repulsive I don’t know how some women can sit there and COMPLIMENT them and befriend them. The degeneracy going on in their brains is so apparent in their demeanor and clothing choices.
No. 1205820
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>>1204981Apparently the surgery went wrong, not sure exactly how, but maybe life is fair sometimes after all.
No. 1205841
>>1205835this is my favorite one
here's the a fan translated subbed version No. 1205888
File: 1654110298439.png (551 B, 68x18, osu.PNG)

I pronounce the full osu link as ousu pepe shy, and have been doing so for the past decade. Only recently I actually cared to look at the actual link (I have autofill activated, so I never had to type it in), and I know now how it's supposed to be pronounced but I like my version better, so I'll keep saying it like that.
No. 1205908
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>>1205835Damn you Zeus, you leave my dog out of this you thirsty creep
No. 1205932
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>>1205888i always pronounce picrel as roach pussy
No. 1206766
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>>1187415Bump, be careful when scrolling
No. 1206777
>>1206755Example one: I stand in front of the candy shelf and picking out goodies for the children on Saturdays. An acquaintance who is very concerned about diet and her own health walks by and says "don't go berserk now". She feels morally obligated to tell me that I am fat and therefore should not eat more sweets.
Example number two: I go to the doctor with my one child. She eats poorly and is thin and pale. An anxiety we struggled with for many years. The doctor asks a little about what she eats. I explain her very limited intake. His advice is to give her more boiled cod and reward her with some chocolate if she eats it. Then he looks at me and says: "You should be happy she is underweight and not overweight like you".
No. 1206840
>>1206804Lol wtf? It's just other people's experiences. No one goes up to you and tells you "that's untrue, you're lying" just because your experience doesn't fit their narrative or whatever. It happens a lot in America, why even bother trying to shut down women who are
victims of body shaming just because it doesn't apply for other countries? I don't see American women shutting up Asian women for talking about the skinny obsession culture, why can't American women talk about the fat obsession culture? Let people vent about shit they experience Jesus fucking Christ it doesn't need to happen everywhere for people to talk about it
>>1206809It's different experiences. I've been fat and skinny and have lived in different countries before. Americans are definitely more shitty towards skinny women, including bitter fat women and the fact there's a lot of self labeled chubby chasers who make it known that they prefer fat girls to skinny women when no one asked. On top of that one thing I learned is that all skinny women are considered "flat" if you have proportional or even large breasts/bum compared to your body, I've had friends who have big boobs for their body become the butt of the small boobs jokes in the workplace. You'll get told you're a stick and need to get meat on your bones even if you're like a 25 BMI, obviously overweight women are called healthy, like when plus sized models became a big thing Americans all agreed "they actually look healthy unlike those stick figures!!" Even if the "healthy" one was obviously overweight or hitting obesity.
Other countries people simply don't care unless you're fat and unhealthy looking and then you'll be shat on and made fun of, European standards for what's fat is a lot lower too since girls who would be considered "a flat skinny bitch" in America would be considered fat in Europe. UK is an exception since UK is just the trashiest parts of America with tea and more government benefits
This is all my experience though so feel free to take what you want with it
No. 1206848
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We can never have any discussion about weight here cause anons just start flinging around "no u!" "fatty" and "anachan"'s everywhere.
No. 1206868
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>>1206849It depends, how fat are we talking?
Unless she's a bedbound infinifat, then it would be obviously the fatty, because they simply have more energy and more strength since they care so much weigh around. Both sides are at high risk of a heart attacks, but the fatty at least has better chance of surviving it when the ambulance arrives. The anachans could just ran away faster, though, but then that wouldn't be "winning the fight", just extreme cowardice (or life preserving instincts? Then again, if they had those, they would be eating)
If it's an infinifat, things get more complicated. I think both sides would die of exhaustion: the anachans for trying to climb the infinifat, and the infinifat for breathing.
No. 1206920
>>1206903Same, some definitely do give the vibes of self-hating fat girls hating on other fat girls.
Like no one cares that your 20lb lighter than some ''fatty'' you hate like trust me both of you are considered fat, it reminds me of the people who are obsessed with amberlyn who are all mostly fat or obese, and think they're so better than her because they are 300-400lb hamplantes meanwhile amber is 500.
No. 1206947
>>1206930>I never said I was skinny or fatthanks for proving my point, the anons who seethe about fat women are not skinny.
I used to be underweight and i never cared about fat people or those toads like amberlyn but every self-hating fatty who thinks they are average weight (almost all fattys are self-hating) are too busy hating on and comparing how ''thin'' they are to other fat girls (notice how they only hate on only fat women too).
No. 1206959
>>1206947I'm athletic/muscley and my biggest problems is shutting down thin women for venting about body shaming and putting in their experiences. If the fat girls came in saying that in their experience, it's thin girls who are usually harsher then it would be a whole different story and I'd actually be defending them against people who shut them down, but instead you just tried to silence women who were relating to each other's struggles for no apparent reason
>>1206951It was one anon who said an anon was a fatty for using a cringey phase, every other anon just got accused of being ana-chan (and not being an ana-chan?) if they didn't join in with shunning women and telling them their experiences didn't happen/don't matter because it doesn't happen to other countries
No. 1206981
>>1206959its not just this thread or these posts why anons are reacting like this, its a culmination weight-sperging by ana-chans and self-hating fattys for a long-time here and anons are tired of it, there are many posts where ana-chans start talking about how uwu dainty underweight they are and seething about fat girls or a woman who dares weigh more than 60kg.
The ana-chans here are always the worst posters here too like the scarepod ana-chans or the trannyhands.
No. 1206994
>>1206956I absolutely 10000000% fucking AGREE. and the thing that ANGERs me the most* about fast fashion and the general decline of clothing quality is the amount of MANBOOBS IN THIN T SHIRTS there are it's UNSIGHTLY.
*hyperbole but kek u get it
No. 1207148
>>1206933>rewriting the entire narrative because you want to assert your dominance over these theoretical fatties on the board that you’re pwning >>1206928>piss-room covered fatty No I don’t know what that means because I’m not an insecure retard projecting all my insecurity over being a
victim of fat lady abuse, can’t say I’ve ever heard that sad attempt at an insult before
No. 1207274
>>1207221This is my third reply in a very long ongoing dumbass battle about how anyone who thinks you’re a psycho is automatically a fatty. We get it. We hear you. You are so
No. 1207710
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I've come to understand that it's hard for me to reconcile with generalizations about straight female sexuality and preferences because I for the large part can't relate to them despite being a heterosexual woman myself. The stereotypes just leave me puzzled and my autistic self has a hard time grasping that women actually may relate to them. I don't like being dominated or bullied into submission, I don't like being the inexperienced small princess. Cuteness doesn't become me. I don't even like being approached; I genuinely like to do the approaching and sweeping him off his feet. I prefer a virgin man (just a virgin, not a raging woman-hating vulnerable narcissist manbaby who thinks he's hot shit once a woman looks at him) who I can teach how to touch me and be with me, I've always gravitated towards clearly inexperienced men irl too so this is not just a power fantasy closet femdom cope, it's more or less how I've always been. He might be short, he might even be ugly by societal standards, he might have a weaker physique– I'd be attracted if his spirit is otherwise intact and he exudes an aura of tenderness. I hate whatever it is that terminally online men call 'chads' and I've never responded to assertive male behavior positively. Not saying this to be a pickme who touts her differences like it's the crux of her personality, just that I've observed that it's maybe only on places like lolcow g where women share their tastes that are at least somewhat similar to mine. I'm genuinely attracted to kind, soft men with minimal to no edge. Not just as in I like the idea of a nice guy taking care of me, but my sexual attraction towards such a person is unrivaled in its intensity. Pic unrelated, just wanted to attach something even remotely stylish even if this is just a confession.
No. 1207756
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I did a tomfoolery at work because I was supposed to pass an object to someone but in that moment it had become a big wild dog from my perspective, and things in front of me kept melting. Yesterday evening I heard a voice again, but mean this time, making fun of my inner monologue, just repeating back to me what I was thinking, the other day it was whispering and crying. I hope it doesn't get worse because I want to live my life to the fullest and I don't want to be seen as crazy/incompetent. At least I know that this is an issue now, when I first started I was convinced I was being haunted and acted very irrationally, which probably made me look like a straight up retard.
No. 1208032
>>1207759Idk, I turned 27 this year and I've been saying I'm 26 all year because I accidentally said it to one person and now everyone thinks that's my age, even my parents. Frankly, I had such a horrifically bad time in my mid twenties that it feels like a huge relief–almost as if I gained a year of myself back a la daylight savings. Also, thinking of myself as "26" while knowing I am 27 has made me realize how arbitrary and stupid all of this is.
I know lying about your age is generally a cope and unhealthy but in my case it genuinely helped me snap out of the fear of aging. I probably won't continue lying, but I am going to focus on the number a lot less from now on.
No. 1208034
>>1207862Zoomer here, can confirm it's true. I'm 18, terrified of turning 20. I feel like my life will end when I stop being a teenager, and I know it's illogical. It's not because of pornography. I am genuinely apathetic about males.
>wanting to be prodigyis exactly it. I remember being a kid and people finding it amazing that I could write music on an instrument, and small things you do are more amazing. But also, especially because of anime and so many movies that put your teenage years on a pedestal, I thought that at our age we're still growing, learning, living life and experiencing things. When you're an adult, you have to provide some service or value. A cog in a machine, people no longer have hope in you, only expectations, and you can no longer just live. I feel like my parents have started to get distant from me and it's my fault for growing up. I don't always want to be 'mature enough to look after herself', i want a hug. So although it's illogical, I always felt that adulthood stopped you from being a character, and made you into a worker. Again, a lot of you here have sticks up your asses so I will reiterate that I KNOW my beliefs are illogical.
No. 1208042
>>1208034I thought like this too for the longest time but growing up made me realize how many of these "prodigies" were just fabrication, if not lying. Not just that but they're starting to base standards for kids and teens off of said prodigies who have a ton of money, time and everything else to do these things, about a decade a go it was completely okay to fail here and there and find things you like, nowadays teens are scared as fuck of failing because even just a single F on your test will diminish your chances of going to a list of universities. There's nothing to learn anymore so zoomers rely on lying about everything and paying people to make up transcripts, lie about them via references, etc since failing is so judged
btw I know this because I'd probably be considered a "prodigy" to other people and know several other kids who were the same. They were all average students but had connections to make it appear like they were over-achievers. I even dated the valedictorian for a bit who cheated on tests and paid to get straight A transcripts to achieve multiple scholarships and get into several colleges, and he was only mediocre on music and other hobbies. It's practically expected to lie nowadays to succeed, some employers even admit that they expect people to lie on resumes before hiring kek
No. 1208043
>>1208034You don’t need to be so defensive. Your tone is going to get you lashed out at, just express yourself without explanation or pointing fingers and if people have an issue with it. It’s not your fault this is anon image board if the opinions get under your skin it’s time to take a break. Just a piece of advice.
Do you spend a lot of time on social media? If so I would stop unless it’s work related and by that I mean directly tied to career and physical income. Also “teens” shows are useful propaganda that push the prodigy boring adult angle. We’re you a gifted or honors kid? There’s a lot of older research from back when I was in school that we especially get pulled into the prodigy shit.
No. 1208058
>>1208054I recommend not hiring you because you tend to take things out of context. Obviously there's a lot to learn, I mean "learning" in terms of life lessons, zoomers are expected to do things perfectly first try instead of living and learning.
>I’m clarifying that this take they themselves are using is bad and will have a lot of young people not able to find work. Young people aren't able to find work because they're expected to have master degrees for jobs that pay less than 20/Hour, not because of the "defeatist" attitude. You know damn well jobs don't give a single shit about zoomers mindsets when they're not working
No. 1208061
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>>1207759I can definitely see a lot of women claiming to be younger due to social-media induced insecurities. Especially these days with easily accesible photoshop and filters.
However, I'm your age but feel like I'm a bit older sometimes. Not in a "I'm a hag" way but in a "holy crap time flies" sort of way. It was especially apparent on one of the threads here when some of the anons did't recognized the goatse pic that was posted. Another thing I see on posts and comments everywhere are people expressing personal short-comings and childhood references that clearly indicate that they're at least in their early twenties. Not to mention all those memey sayings I see pop up every other while.
Honestly, it feels like the average age of internet browsers stays the same as I get older which I find somewhat disappointing considering how widespread it's become. It really starts to feel like I'm reading variations of the same conversations.
Speaking of age, I could've sworn that we have meant for over 25s here but I can't seem to find it.
No. 1208108
>>1207710Like other
nonnie said, that sounds pretty normal and similar to myself. Women are just socially conditioned to believe they want some sailor hunk because they hear their girlfriends say that stuff or they see it advertised somewhere.
No. 1208150
>>1208113This brings me comfort. I was in an
abusive relationship from 14-19 with a man who didn't allow me to do anything to improve myself, including extracurriculars, getting better jobs, advance my education, etc. I feel so set back and compare myself to people who are my age and becoming doctors and stuff. I felt like a complete loser, almost reaching my mid 20s being in a college dorm but all I can really tell myself is that most people do not have the same upbringing as I did therefore it's unfair to compare
No. 1208198
>>1208015I get what you mean. I’m happy for the dog if it’s happy and healthy, but sheesesh the dog moms need a life.
When I was in high school, I lived with a creepy lady obsessed with her two German Shepards. She had photos of them everywhere along with custom artworks she spent hundreds on, plushes of them, and a bunch of ridiculous shit for her dogs. She was obsessed with them and they were her personality. Despite that, she never bothered to train them?? Her dogs attacked me multiple times and once it happened right in front of her. I asked her what I did wrong and she said nothing, her “doggos” were just playful. Bitch I was bruised and bleeding??? How is she going to act like her dogs are perfect angels who do no wrong?? I fucking hate people like this.
No. 1208264
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I feel like there was more discussion about the dumbass shit thread and mundane shit thread vs dumbass shit thread and retarded shitposting thread when they were created in terms of them being redundant, but up to this day the difference between the dst and rst isn't apparent to me, especially whenever a new dst is made, while I know perfectly which post of mine goes into mst and which one in dst.
No. 1208319
>>1208264>but up to this day the difference between the dst and rst isn't apparent to meIt's literally in the OP:
>The dumbass thread is for coherent dumbass thoughts, while this one is for yelling, shitting, and pissing into the voidthe former usually has some semblance of discussion and sentences while the latter is just being random
No. 1208488
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>>1208476>when I hugged my boss he smelled so good and then he said good girl quietly in that accentthis part sounds kind of fanfic-y ngl
No. 1208492
>>1208488Yeah…who tf is hugging their boss? Everyone knows that's inappropriate. I immediately stopped reading after
>IndianBecause all I can think of are those indian guys online who thirst after instagram thots and comment weird shit. Unless she meant he's Native American.
No. 1208526
>>1208492>who tf is hugging their boss?Nta but she said she was hugging all of her coworkers during her last day. Some companies have a chill and friendly atmosphere like that, and if anything it would be weird if you hugged everyone
except your boss at that point.
>>1208476The good girl part is kind of creepy but I support you in your thirst nona
No. 1208646
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I'm glad I never was that much of a weeb. I read manga and watched anime but never had much merch or sperged about anime/manga. I could easily talk to other people and liked hanging around people with different interests. Holy shit, seeing an older millennial ex-military guy be such a weeb is such cringe. He acts like Japan is a great country, he knows absolutely no Japanese/kanji, wants to eat their food (he barely eats veg and is addicted to salt/fat/sugar besides alcohol), wants his two young daughters to go to school in Japan (they only know English), and acts like he'd fit in. I can't help but to laugh at him. It's delusional as hell. I can understand a teen/young 20's but he's in his late 30's. It's wild to watch this.
No. 1208651
>>1208526>>1208492Eh, I think it depends on the environment. I have a really chill job where all the employees are close knit. My shift manager (not actual manager) is like a father to me so I do hug him a lot.
Unrelated sperging about my shift manager- He gives me advice, we exchange gifts, we bond over stuff and joke, plus when I told him I had a crush on a coworker he helped us get together. He’s also has consoled me when im upset/crying a lot. I have a mostly good relationship with my dad but he was always very emotionally distant and he has done a couple of fucked up/dead beat things to me. Guess it left more of a void than I thought it would.
No. 1208814
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amazon delivery guys will sometimes take my package to the wrong apartment – the apartment that's like, five minutes from mine, bc the addresses are similar. usually when this happens i'll walk over, get my package, but still report it missing so i can get a free refund lol.
this only works if they take a picture of the apartment. because the picture they take does not match my delivery instructions at all. lawful evil behavior i guess
No. 1208849
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I get crushes so easily. I'm worried that I'll fall for my friend because she's such a flirt (and I'm flirting back oops). It's fun to have her attention and I truly enjoy her company, we're great in this platonic thing. So I'm worried I will get obsessive or jealous or too horny and wreck everything. I'm really not ready for any kind of romantic relationship right now so I don't want to actually pursue her or rush into anything. It's a bad idea. Intellectually I am so cognisant of this but also I want to touch her and kiss her and eat her out and just show her a good time… She is so intelligent and creative and fun to be around, she deserves it. (Assuming she would even reciprocate of course. Apparently she's like this with everyone.) Ugh I'm such a mess. And I know that if we end up going out or having a fling or whatever, in a moment of giddiness I'll tell her about this post and embarrass the hell out of myself.
No. 1208866
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I'm genuinely sorry for participating in infighting today. Won't happen again.
No. 1208897
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I was dancing poorly in my room and then felt embarrassed and self-conscious that my plushies and anime figures were looking at me while I dance
No. 1208912
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>>1208263>>1208861>>1208865the paint goes hard the city by the bay as movie stars and liquor stars in soft decay the rumbling from distant shores sends me to sleep but the facts of life can sometimes make it hard to dream.
life rocked me like molly,, grabbed me by the ribons in my hair, life rocked me ultrasoftly like the heavy metal that you wear im flying to the moon again dreaming about hroin and how it gave you everything and took your life away. ill put you on an airolaen destined for a foreign land i hoped
No. 1208961
nonnie I didn't read your original confession but I wish I did. I had a huge crush on my indian boss when I worked at a pizza shop and he was always so nice to me. He'd always wear lots of rings and we had a fair bit of playful, flirty banter. It's definitely what awoke me to my attraction to brown men.
No. 1208962
>>1208861You sound male. That's how messed the neet-ism got you. Anon was being honest because most people in that thread are hilariously pathetic. If you don't want someone to laugh at you, don't make posts about how having to work is so hard and totally oppresses you or something as if everyone else doesn't work.
Also wishing a man to do something nasty like that to anon is so weird. You really sound like those antiwork scrotes who feel entitled to treat people like shit because they're paid less. I'm sorry but a min-wage employee will always be more respectable than a neet.
No. 1208964
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>>1208263>>1208908>>1208962isn't the NEET thread about wanting to escape NEETdom, like why are you all trying to make fun of people who want to improve their lives but have a hard time due to various social and mental health issues
No. 1208980
>>1208972Neetdom isn't about mental illness, it's about being lazy and incompetent. My father had a literal downie as his university classmate, he graduated and got an ok job. I also know plenty people like that, I know a man with an intellectual disability who happens to be obsessed with cleanliness so he cleans houses, he works 10+ hours a day and never complains he earns good too because he's really good at it.
Literally none of the neets I know are disabled or mentally ill enough to not work. I'm in a good college and most people have anxiety and some even clinical depression, none of the students here are %100 mentally healthy because the pressure breaks them down but that doesn't mean we can just quit our career before it even starts.
Your mental illness isn't the thing stopping you, your laziness and entitlement is. That's why that neet-chan(kun?) wished anon to get her coffee spit. Neets literally expect us to feel bad for them and treat them better than every actual functioning member of the society. Won't happen as long as you retards keep attacking everyone else.
No. 1209070
>>1209052>someone with severe anxiety and depression that is constantly questioning themselves and is lost in deep thought and questions themselves at every movetopkek
>>1209036i agree, not everything has to be black and white, there can be room for nuance especially for something that can be pretty diverse in it's observations like neetdom.
No. 1209957
>>1209851Are you me nona kek?? I have always had a bunch of stuff on my bed for no reason (my friends have always found it hilarious kek)
>>1209897Same lmao, luckily I usually sleep in the same position/small space all night
No. 1209967
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I took a video of a guy I saw in public without him knowing because I thought he looked cute. It was just him sitting down on a bench. Feel guilty about it, so I'll probably delete it off my phone
No. 1210013
>>1209996Based, Botan is a queen and we stan.
No. 1210036
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>>1210025Botan is the character…
No. 1210239
>>1210036my fucking sides
>>1209967please delete it that's creepy af anon
No. 1210338
>>1210308Report of the week not only looks like a grown man, but a grown ASS man. He also looks older then his age, but not in terms of skin or wrinkles. But his vibes is older then his amazingly aging body.
I'd say his mind age is like 58 but his body age is 25 (one year older than his actual age).
No. 1210339
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>>1210312i'm sorry but he really does look like a 17 yo lorde in a suit just with a gingery complexion. he really doesn't seem like an "obviously grownass man" at all. i know he is an adult but he looks like a kid
No. 1210347
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>>1210342If you never seen a grown ass MAN before it's not my problem. This is 100% a man and a very sexy one at that. Clean your glasses.
No. 1210363
>>1210359Im going to make it very clear, I did not make that post. I'm the OG ROTW
Nonnie but I don't go that far.
No. 1210364
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>>1210349Too far Nonilita
No. 1210676
>>1210551I'm on the same boat
nonnie. Every time I look at a man I find attractive, I wonder what kind of sick porn he's into. I wish I could be with a girl long-term, but honestly I prefer men, which sucks because 90% of them are into some kind of degeneracy.
No. 1211171
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Sorry about impending wall of text. Recently I needed by bathroom mirror changed. One day I am called by a technician who is there to take measurements of the mirror. Measuring takes 30 seconds, but he lingers at my door talking forever. I learn that he is from Lithuania. I don't know if all Lithuanians aret his talkative, but as I am Northern European I don't know how to react to friendly strangers. The guy is funny in a dead-pan nerdy way. Learn that he doesn’t live in my city, and his job is to travel up and down the country fixing bathrooms for this specific company. Eventually I am successful at signalling the conversation is ending and he leaves.
A couple of weeks later he calls me to let me know my new mirror is ready. This time I am prepared and able to successfully make som smalltalk while he is at my apartment. By some freak coincidence we are both travelling to the same city the next day. I jokingly suggest I could hitch a ride with him (which I don’t).
Next day I am outside the hotel I’m staying at in that city and lo and behold run into him. Turns out we are staying at the same hotel. Kinda wanna ask him for dinner, just because I like talking to him, but seeing as I have a bf I know better.
Fast forward till now. I have broken up with the bf. Suddenly filled with confidence and horniness, so I cheekily text Lithuanian technichan asking if he wants to meet up next time he is in my town. Get a reply 4 days later saying he would be happy to. Seeing as he took that long to reply, I don't really think he’s too serious about it. Go on a couple of dates with a different guy and catch feelings. I can tell this guy is also into me, although so far things are going frustratingly slow. I get a message today from Lithuanian technician telling me he won’t be able to make it here until a couple of more weeks and that he is sorry as he had been looking forward to seeing me. Tbh I was looking forward to seeing him too, but am now conflicted because I don’t want him to get the idea that I want anything more than just some fun and maybe a hook-up. Also feel guilty about the other guy I’ve developed feelings for. I was in a relationship for 5 years and was kinda looking forward to just being single and having fun, not planning on catching feelings so fast.
No. 1211592
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I work at a call centre. The pay is shit and the benefits don't exist. For the first mornths I tried my best to give our customers the best, but now I don't care. If you are cunt to me I will press F5 to restart our listening's program so the call hung up. Fuck em, screw my shitty job and managers and clients, I'm tired.
No. 1211621
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sometimes when i go up to a mirror i imagine what nonas would say about me if i were a cow over on /snow/, like the nitpicks and such. luckily this would never actually happen as i hate taking pictures of myself and have 0 social media, but i do it to see myself from a third person angle more clearly and to keep me humble. even though i have never been prideful of myself even in childhood but if in the case that i ever start having doubts surely this is going to help
No. 1212419
>>1187415 I serve at a restaurant and it turns out, im making more than any other server there (tip wise, over the first 8 weeks ive been there). I am getting 5 star reviews online, and the owners run into happy customers in town (small town). Some customers call ahead -
to see if Im working. If Im not, they ask when Im back Its not a hard job at all, but it helps to be nice and welcoming. The other servers are busted grumpy bitches who gripe and bitch more than being positive . Infact, both of them got 1star reviews on google this week, and they have worked here for years.
Everyday i come in smiling, and they HATE me. Leave as soon as possible, with one word replies, but they have literally nothing to gripe at me for.
The girl i replaced used to only make $30 bucks in tips a night, because shes a bitch too, fat lazy and couldnt be bothered to work,
I make that in an
hour, easily.
A customer left me a tip, looked at my coworker and said “This is the best service I have ever received here, and I come by once a week for YEARS.”
Love to see bitter mean bitches make a more sour face, i tell ya what
No. 1212588
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>>1211828I quit my call center job almost a year ago now, I was working for cars breaking down and insurance for houses and apartments, I've had a bunch of crazy calls, especially compared to my coworkers, but the most disturbing one was a guy calling me to ask me if we pay for his house cleaning because his tenant died in his apartment 10 days ago, was found just a few hours ago, and was rotting and melting on the floor because of the warm weather (the guy was a doctor like the vast majority of our customers so he went into details) and the guy's cats were starving for these 10 days so they started eating him on a regular basis at some point. My manager told me to handle it myself but to tell him we only pay for the house cleaning in case someone needs to move in or out of a place or if there's been accidents like a fire, so we would barely pay the price asked for by specialists. I was told that this was basically retarded by the customer, and that he'd change his insurance because we didn't cover cleaning body fluid and rotten flesh on top of dusting the floor and we should be ashamed of ourselves.
No. 1212971
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I don't like amusement parks. Mostly because I'm scared to go on the rides
No. 1213061
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>>1213052just put 'drop ride accident' in twitter. A 14 year old boy fell out as the ride dropped down
>>1213057apparently the harness was never checked
No. 1213103
>>1213071I love Theme Parks, they're generally safer than being in a car. Though it's always a good idea to watch whether the employees are actually checking things properly, whether the ride has been inspected recently etc.
>SlingShot GroupFeels like I've heard this name come up more often with accidents like these. It's interesting anyway how I hear of this stuff more often in the US, but not really in the EU. Are inspections stricter in the EU?
>>1213094I'm afraid of heights, I don't trust myself without a harness or being controlled and secured in some way. So I'm fine with theme parks, but you don't see me climbing in trees anymore, I don't want to break more shit.
No. 1213132
>>1213114Ah you answered my
>>1213103 question with that too. More accidents probably happen in the US due to the massive amount of obese people.
No. 1213223
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>>1213206Lets skip the date and get straight to marriage. I'll wear picrel to our wedding.
It's ok and not selfish or anything to want a partner who isn't career-oriented. I hope you find a lady with life goals that match yours anon, don't ever give up ♥ No. 1213242
>>1213106Just fucking marry me already
>soft butchMARRY ME DAMMIT
No. 1213347
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>>1213223Oh nona, my beautiful bride! I could only be so lucky. Something like picrel for me, but with a less ugly tie. Thank you for the kind words.
>>1213242nonnie don't tempt me… if a short haired brunette shows up to your house on a motorcycle, it's me picking you up to go shop for whatever ring you want and then we're riding off into the sunset together.
>>1213254This is why I feel embarrassed about it I guess, I feel like a scrote for wanting a house wife. At least I can afford it though since outperforming men is my guilty pleasure in life.
>>1213266Aidans and troons all around me… Sometimes I consider moving to a less liberal city, but I'm actually from one and I used to get called faggot and dyke all the time there. It's a sad sign that I can't decide if that treatment was better or worse than experiencing the dating cesspool of womanface or lobbed off tits that is my current city.
No. 1213383
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Spoiler for cringy nsfw He wants to fuck me badly, and the feeling is mutual even when I hate him and everything he stands for deeply, there's an intense physical attraction I can't ignore and the sexual tension is very high every time we interact. I'm so confused and I've so many mixed feelings about this, specially as a kisless virgin, is like my conscious mind hates him and wants to ghost him for good but my unconscious realm is sexually obsessed with its own idealized version of him wtf. I've never been with a man who craved me this badly, and I'm trying desperately to convince myself everything he did was wrong but I want more, I want him to get bolder, hell, he only wanted to kiss me but I want to bite him grab him idk what's wrong with me I need a release but I don't want things to get out of control reee this is such a fucking mess!!!!
No. 1214091
>>1213884Do what my old roommate’s mom did and have one kid, then realize you hate raising kids and hire a nanny to raise her for you while you work as a high-power attorney and your husband works as a professor.
Spoiler: the girl grew into an awful and incapable adult
No. 1214194
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>>1214176I don't know if you mean it wasn't racist looking or if it was obviously racist lol I wonder what does this meme say anyway
No. 1214380
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>>1213126>>1213195I hate being with fat people on rides where there's just one lap bar all the way across and their gut stops it from being anywhere near my lap. it's not fair.
No. 1214579
>>1214459I am opposite of you nona as I am completely indifferent to them, people lose body parts or are disfigured for various reasons, it's whatever and doesn't even look that remotely shocking or gross to me. At the end of the day trans people are just one flavor of weak individuals who get memed beyond repair.
While I know my total indifference is also abnormal, I do think you have a bit of a problem if you give that much of a shit about trannies. You seem to be a bit of a "chronically bored" type, am I wrong ?
Then again laughing at miserable people who have nothing to do with us is kind of the purpose of this website, so I probably sound like a retard
No. 1214824
ok, after many a dream, im resigning, for years i thought the pain of intimacy was not worth it as i find it extremely difficult, i feel like hetero relationships are usually one sided in the devotion aspect, at least in my experience. i haven't slept with anyone in 3 and a half years now. last night i had the most painful dream about sleeping with someone from my past and now i feel so sad, and like i'll never be able to experience what its like to be close to another person, i don't have friends to lean on and fill in that part of my life, close contact has been ripped from underneath my feet. i admit it, i don't want to have some sad coping mechanism where i pretend to not have a desire for it anymore, it hurts now and i'm in pain
No. 1214834
>>1214474in the exact same boat, the exact same, down to the interests and all, kinda ot but it's absolutely crazy how the extent of social ostracisation affects women and how we automatically conclude we are beneath humanity, i think female loners are dehumanised moreso than their male counterparts, i thought my only real option to deal with my complete alienation was to adopt a stoic, masculine nature where i pretend im cool with being an outcast, as i think it hurts us on a fundamental level so much more deeply due to women notoriously being highly social. i feel like people tend to diminish your isolation as well, making it seem like it's your choice or something, like you've just got a case of resting bitch face, or even worse push some edgy 14 year old "i probably hate you" mentality on you.
No. 1215803
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I am actually in love with Ian Curtis. I'm actually in love with him and I constantly fantasize about him, I only value males around me based on how much they remind me of Ian. I got butterflies in my stomach earlier today thinking about choking him with my bare hands.
Sometimes I just close my eyes and dream about visiting his grave and just burying my hands in the soil.
No. 1215809
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>>1215719fuck, jesus is tempting me kek
No. 1215961
>>1215784Skill-wise I'm pretty fucking good. But I dumb it down so I can get more shit done in a day.
I don't think skill matters, but if you want people to pay your insane prices then your work better reflect that.
No. 1215973
>>1215820It's all under the rug and done through twitter and furaffinity.
If you can draw decently, I recommend it. You don't even need to draw anything explicitly nsfw, just find a weird niche and draw some example pics and claim they were 'private commissions'. Followers will come, and they'll blow up your DMs asking if your commissions are open. Boom.
No. 1216084
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>>1216080No, then I probably would've had a happier ending and wouldn't have been single for over 4 years now and going through a lot of shit atm.
No. 1216095
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>>1216090I worry lady Fortuna gave me two great chances, I didn't take either of them, so maybe I'm now doomed due to my own retardation.
No. 1216122
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I started to just let my dog chew on my dirty underwear instead of stopping her purely because it keeps her happily occupied while I'm trying to play animal crossing or eat or something and she won't stop being a little devil tearing apart the house. It's really fucking gross but she also eats shit when I take her outside which is arguably more disgusting, rolls in dead birds, and hates most of her toys preferring to chew on my hair clips since they smell like me. At the end of the day she's a dog so while it's weird to us, it's just yummy human flavor snax for her. That's my justification anyway
Also she doesn't try to eat them she just… Mouths the flavor out of them. When I was young my family had a dog who literally swallowed my cousins underwear and puked it out later. Dogs are gross, and I'm gross for allowing it
Picrel not my dog, but basically my dog
No. 1216140
>>1216129Thanks anon, I do know about that but I feed her a really good food and I'm not sure how to figure out exactly what nutrient she's lacking, I honestly think she just does it because she's nasty, I read a lot of posts of ppl saying their dogs are healthy and just like to do it, especially cat poop for some reason, I had a dog before her who never tried to eat dog shit but even he tried to eat the cats shit. Forbidden tootsie rolls
And half the time she just likes rolling in the grass for fun, then the other half I'll notice there's some dead thing or goose poop, I don't want her bringing that stuff in the house either so I don't let her
But I do indulge in her panty fetish, she's hella content and just chills with them so I feel like it's not harnful
Just read a story abt a girl who gave her dog a yeastie that way tho and that's kind of whack…
No. 1216149
>>1216072I’m crying this is my dream where the fuck is my cool sweet girlfriend??!
>>1216114I think you should still at least try reconnecting so you can stop wondering and know for sure. She could be “disappointed” but it sounds like she really liked you so wouldn’t be to harsh about it, she could just not respond, or she could be fine with everything and ecstatic to hear from you. I know it’s hard to do things like this because you’re afraid of getting hurt, but not everything is doom and gloom worst case scenario. Something really great could happen, even for us silly little farmers.
No. 1216150
>>1216129Its normal for dogs to eat shit, especially cat shit. Its full of protein and smells good and tastes good to them.
Eating their own shit however is a sign that something might be wrong.
No. 1216160
>>1216152Oh sweet pure anon, it's much worse than that
At this point I just treat them like a toy for her and hand them over as a distraction when shes playing with something she shouldn't
Also I do have a hamper I just have a habit of putting the days used panties in my pajama pants pocket after showering for some reason
No. 1216173
>>1216149>this is my dream where the fuck is my cool sweet girlfriend??!You'd want to come over and slap me if I told you about my ex and how I fucked that up too kek
>She could be “disappointed” but it sounds like she really liked you so wouldn’t be to harsh about it, she could just not respond, or she could be fine with everything and ecstatic to hear from you. I know it’s hard to do things like this because you’re afraid of getting hurt, but not everything is doom and gloom worst case scenario.Knowing her, she would be happy to hear from me since she's sunshine and rainbows personified, but I'm worried she'll try to convince me I'm sinning and that she's worried about me etc. Which would maybe be worse than her just not responding.
No. 1216180
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>>1216167I just knew there would be an anon out there ready to equate not caring if your dog chews your undies to the literal crime of beastiality, so happy you could join us
No. 1216205
>>1216197i see asexual people being judeged, personally i want to become a actual asexual who never feels any attraction because men are shit but the worst kind, diarrhea.
Sexual attraction has only brought me pain, im expected to compete with women for a ugly moid who will treat me like a replaceable slave and i will never get sexually off from him anyways.
No. 1216399
>>1216250Your cat steps in its own piss and shit and steps it cute little pawsies on your bed and face
I love cats but catsfags acting morally superior is stupis as hell, cats are equally filthy and harbor even worse bacterias. A cst biting you leads to cat scratch fever and amputation, that doesn't happen with dogs.
No. 1216412
>>1216400I’m in the same position, but anytime my boyfriend is like “but your boobs and butt-“ I just snap and tell him that if he likes boobs and butts so much he should see a doctor to get his own set. Boobs are for babies. That is their purpose. They do not exist for male pleasure and even if it’s a joke, the mentality gets old fast. I think guys say this stuff because they have no idea what else to say to make us feel good about our bodies? Like he’s trying to say that you really do look good, he’s just phrasing it autistically.
So long as you are aiming for a healthy weight and are using healthy means, I support you Nona! Guys just don’t understand
No. 1216467
>>1216434Yeah, a chihuahua or a yorkie will totally maul you. The only real danger are pitts.
>>1216449Nta but they "clean" themselves by their standards. Do you think a cat licking itself is the same as actual cleaning? At most he's getting mud off of its fur, but bacteria from dead animals and whatever it steps into are still there. Plus cats also lick their genitals and asses, much more than dogs, but somehow nuzzling them or kissing them on the mouth/nose isn't gross? I've seen people eating food after their cat put its face and paws in it.
And they can get everywhere, because you don't train a cat not to jump on the bed or on the table, but you can easily teach a dog boundaries.
No. 1216476
>>1216434My 10 pound shihtzu mix will maul me to death? Damn, ok. Enjoy your toxoplasmosis I guess.
(I do like cats fwiw but you motherfuckers really are annoying.)
>>1216449Litterboxes are gross, doggy odor is gross. Outdoor cats spend their days killing parasite ridden wild animals and going god knows where. Animals are gross in general, don't try to act like you're superior. Actual clean freaks don't like pets at all.
No. 1216477
>>1216467Please can you take me along on the journey that you went on to extrapolate all those ideas from my post, I was merely talking about the fact that cats keep themselves clean on the surface whereas dogs walk around with literal layers of grease. No they're not clean to the bacterial level, noone fucking thinks that. Nuzzling animals is a choice, nowhere did I bring that up. People shouldn't eat food that an animal has stepped on.
You can train cats. Mine are trained to not jump on surfaces apart from the sofa and their own tower/beds.
No. 1216521
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>>1216509jeez anon why you gotta be mean to the lunch ladies?
No. 1216523
>>1216509I'll never understand bullied women who proceed to take out their frustrated vindication on other women who literally did them no wrong.
Your lose is that those guys got to act like sexist incels and didn't wind up alone, and yet you've convinced yourself it's a win because you call those women lunchladies and fat receptionists. You learned nothing and you sound full of yourself.
No. 1216526
>>1216509The two roommates in my high school who bullied me got fat. One is obese and husband regularly cheats on her, the other one is so fat I think she is morbidly obese. Husband looks defeated in each photo. I blocked them after a while because they are still nasty and have turned into mini-boomers with their stupid boomer memes.
Another bully got a full head of grey hair in her twenties, had a serious traffic accident. In the meantime I moved to a different country, learned a new language, got really fit and turned into a semi Stacy.
No. 1216542
>>1216523I’m not taking it out on them? Im just amused at the irony of them ripping on me and then their current girlfriends. Im not gonna message their current girlfriends and be like “you’re fat!” I’m glad they don’t have daughters. One of them has a son. and fuck it so what if I’m full of myself I was bullied by a group of men and they’re ruthless and now they all look like fat alcoholic losers. I used to have such low self esteem also
>you’ve learned nothingWhat are you supposed to learn from bullying? That everything they say is true? No.
I have learned that men are even more vicious and catty and fake than they try to make women out to be
>>1216538I don’t see him? He’s in my message requests and makes new accounts to message me cause he’s obsessed.
Their lives are shitty because they’re all welders and construction workers who work like most of the week and never have any down time kek
No. 1216579
>>1216542There is no "irony" as to why those guys do what they did.
Ugly or hot, the universal guarantee is that there will always be some dude around to let a woman know if he finds her fuckable. The biggest deception of all time is men billing themselves as having standards when we all know they'd fuck lukewarm chicken sandwiches, so clearly their game to telling an attractive woman that she's fat and ugly or whatever is lowering her self-esteem enough that she'd give rotten men a chance.
It worked on you in some cases.
The issue is that their grift has got you so good that you're focusing at all on what other women look like. First of all because you're acting like those women deserve to be with those assholes when they're likely ignorant of their behavior or are going through shit themselves–barring the one woman actively being cheated on. Second of all, because you're not better just because you fancy yourself prettier and thin. I know plenty of overweight and homely women who are lovely, intelligent, and genuine people who don't deserve to wind up with repulsive entitled scrotes just because of what they look like. Other women who you find of less value aren't just NPCs in your revenge game, they're people with feelings too.
Meanwhile these shitty dudes still get to fuck and have relationships with women who they take for granted and abuse. But at least you get to feel better about your teenage drama, right?
No. 1216590
>>1216477Then why does that make any difference? A cat cleaning itself is dirty, a dog with grease on its fur is dirty (though what you say is exaggerated because the "layers and layers" of grease depend on the kind of dog). I mentioned the other stuff because that's what the original post and the other replies were about, I simply mentioned some of the cat behaviours that are gross and dirty just like dogs'.
And congrats on training your cat btw! It's a hard thing to do. The vast majority of cat owners don't even know you can train a cat though, so almost no one does it.
No. 1216630
>>1216602Those retards never can keep it in their containment threads
No. 1216643
I once took money from someone for an art commission and I never finished the commission nor gave them a refund. Nonnas are welcome to call me a p.o.s because I agree.
This happened 2 years ago during the thick of covid, and I know I have no excuses for being such a piece of shit but the money did not go on something pointless or a luxury - it was immediately spent on my rent and bills and I was trying to keep on top of everything and both me and my partner were extremely struggling at the time thus I opened my commissions on top of my normal job which paid absolutely fuck all. I even started the commission, and tried my best to finish it and get round to finishing it but I didn't. I had absolutely no time and still no money. I have never done something like that before and regret it every day, but I do not know what came over me to just hide and take money from someone like that. I have always been a person who spoke kindly to others and acted fair, always tipped even if it was a few pence to a pound at a cafe, and I was always the person to finish what I had started. I don't know why this became the exception, but I feel like absolute shit about it almost every day, and tbh I deserve it. I made a choice to be a complete fool that day and I did it, I have to live with the consequences.
The person who commissioned me was pretty wealthy, but I know it's the principle that is important. I was deeply unhappy with everything and it was such a colossal shit dickhead move that I think and regret it every day - I don't and can't even find the contact details of that person anymore, and the commission is lost since it was on my old failing hard drive.
I haven't (and will never) done anything like that since, but I know it doesn't make a difference.
That one failing and breaking the trust of a client has overwritten any good deed I've done, or that's how it feels to me. I feel extreme guilt to the point where I haven't even told anyone about it, even my closest friends or my partner, no one knows. I'm not confessing this for sympathy or for people to agree, but because it's anonymous here and I need to put it down in some sort of format or setting so I can really process what a fucked up thing I did.
No. 1216646
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>>1216602Just take the rodent pill
No. 1216661
>>1216643This happened to me
nonnie. An extremely wealthy furry paid for their commission and I believe they forgot at some point about it because they haven’t inquired about the progress for over 5 years now. They approved of the sketch so I know it’s on me to update, but I’ve also lost the contact and at that time I was fearing eviction and eating once a day. At least it gives me peace of mind that they never forced a chargeback or anything so maybe the guilt just lives in my mind.
Maybe we’re both bad people then, but ily and I know it’s a fucked up thing but I also understand. Its a bad thing, but I don’t actually think you’re a bad person.
No. 1216823
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I must confess! I am currently manipulating my scrote to get a vasectomy by denying any kind of sexual contact whatsoever. He won't cheat (say what you will nonnitas, but I stand by that considering he is quite literally nothing without me and I know him very well). I refuse to be on birth control considering it would be putting my health at risk due to a lot of medical predispositions I have and I'd rather not suffer from something in the long run because of it. Neither of us want children but for some reason a mere 7 minute procedure that only needs to be done one time is oh so scawwy for men. He's supportive of me not being on birth control but had the nerve to ask if we could use condoms instead when I refuse to use anything that isn't nearly as safe as the implant, and I know he'd be the type to stick it in his pocket and mess it up. I have no issue substituting with a dildo in the meantime!
Anyway every other facet of the relationship is wonderful and I wouldn't trade him for anyone else. Manipulation is bad unless you're trying to neuter a guy, in which case it is perfectly acceptable and nothing will change my mind! I'm still open to criticism tho
No. 1216879
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I really want to make a webpage, despite not knowing basic coding or what to talk about. I never had the opportunity to do so, but I might try to make a website on neocities. It seems fun
No. 1216979
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I've liked "curtain hair" I think this is how it's called since the 90's and it's probably one of the only male fashion stuff I am glad zoomers brought back. I never understood the hate for it (but then again, I personally hate Y2K fashion). It flatters a lot of men, imo, you just need to know the right lenght and "fluffiness" for your face. It's miles better than the "paintbrush hair" that had its peak popularity years a go, or the spiked hair of the 00s. I will probably keep loving it when zoomers get tired of it as well. I guess I blame Don Bluth.
No. 1216997
>>1216823He's going to resent you and then turn emotionally
abusive, it always happens. He just thinks you're playing hard to get or something. Sorry heterochan but sex is how men "get back" at women and if he's not 100% non sexual autismo then it's not going to work. Come back in a 1-3 years crying about how he treats you shittily.
No. 1217103
>>1216823He's probably planning your murder with some other scrotes online right now, I do not recommend messing with men. They're crazy and view us as a subspecies, this will not go well.
Also just use a female condom, genius.
No. 1217115
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>>1217103With that kind of failure rate? I don't blame
nonnie for wanting to get her scrotes's scrote snipped.
No. 1217171
>>1216446You radiate fairy vibes, I’m emo and I’ve had guys call me a vampire
even my bf calls me that own it. I bet you’re cute nona
No. 1217235
>>1217201hope things work out for you,
nonnie! what kind of work are you planning to do over there?
No. 1217266
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>>1217206you’re the tard anon
No. 1217275
>>1217235thank you! i’m still not sure what job(s) yet and there is every chance of it being overwhelming as shit, but hopefully it’ll be a fun experience either way
>>1217264weird thread to choose to be a dickhead in
No. 1217494
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I love being mean to men
Especially online. I love watching them struggle
No. 1217560
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i suddenly started feeling really nostalgic about that early 2010s tumblr aesthetic, i miss it
No. 1217588
>>1213005HEY HEY HEY
No. 1217707
>>1217701Literally what? Also it's not early here because timezones exist. Which posts are you attributing to me? I got the paraphilia/fag link from a post on here, but the OP wasn't me.
>>1217700She's so neat, I'm grateful she's so easy to keep up to speed with things.
No. 1217721
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>>1217193> It always feels like they’re bragging, lmaoIt definitely feels like this but I can't lie, I'd probably be humble bragging if I was in their position too kek. It's my own mental illness.
>>1217201I've been wanting to watch Pewdiepie's Japan vlogs (pls no bully I like his vlog content) but I can't bring myself to because damn, feels bad to not be uber rich man who has basically retired in his 30s living out the weeb dream in Japan with cute wife.
I'm already jealous of you for studying Japanese! I took classes in college and learned a lot when I studied abroad, but my language skills aren't that great anymore (not like they were that great even at my peak though, I was N4 at best lmao) and I struggle to learn it again. I'm jealous of my friend who passed her N2 and is going to live there next month through JET, and she plans (and probably will be able to) get a non-teaching job there. I know I shouldn't let my jealousy overtake how happy I am for her that she's gotten where she wants to be but fuck I'm bitter lol.
I hope you'll be able to work and live there next year! Despite my admitted bitterness, being able to live there for even a little while really had an impact on my life. I miss life there. I was in Tokyo and it was just okay, I prefer when I lived in Kyushu in the almost countryside, it was terribly boring but I loved being surrounded by the mountains and it really felt like I was
living there and enjoying all the mundane things that make life special. I only want to visit, the work culture isn't for me! But I'd at least like to be able to know enough Japanese to easily get around the more rural parts I want to visit.
I wish you the best of luck nona, I hope you'll be able to live out your weeb dreams and that its everything you've ever dreamed of! Go to all the conbinis, visit all the onsen, wander in and out of game centers, I hope you'll be able to enjoy it all ♥ I hope if you decide to post your adventures somewhere that I will see it and then be jealous of all your fun adventures kek
No. 1218004
>>1217990I know you want to hear that men are actually kind empathetic angels in reality, but I'm going to tell you the truth, and the truth is that they're exactly as you describe. I'm 40 years old and have grown up with countless men in my life, I had 2 brothers, my dad was present and many male cousins. Of my 6 notable male cousins 2 were rapists, but because one was a respected veteran in my small town it was swept under the rug. He's emotionally and probably physically
abusive towards his wife, and everytime I see her at family functions I cringe a little because she looks terrified everytime he speaks up. Growing up my father was physically
abusive towards me and my two brothers and never let me date until I finally escaped from the house at 19 with my then-boyfriend (who was also
abusive and would hit me). My brothers would harass and terrorize me even though I was older than them just because they were bigger and taller than me. They would claim to treat me like "one of the boys," and shove me around, bend my arm, call me a pussy if I didn't fight back. I've never been married because every man I've been with has either screamed insults at me, accused me of cheating, grabbed my arm, hit me or cheated on me. The male psyche is a disgusting and disturbing maze.
No. 1218527
>>1217713Thank you
nonnie. I'm gonna hug her and give her all the kisses when I get home today!
No. 1219229
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A customer brought me a whole damn cake just because she likes me and I just think the world of her. I cant believe my luck. I have worked several jobs in several fields and serving hot dogs and burgers a) gets me socializing and receiving cake b) make more money than ever before. - even in more formal positions
Pic rel is a hersheys cake and it is DIVINE come get a slice
No. 1219231
>>1217188Were you also
triggered by pewdiepies jvlogs? I was the one coping about the bonsai tree in Unpopular Opinions
I actually love watching them and feel so happy in the moment but an hour later I start depressing and thinking about how pretty and graceful Marzia is and how their relationship is so easy and enjoyable since they’re basically on an eternal vacation with each other
No. 1219264
I’m convinced that my mother isn’t my mother. This woman present in this house right at this moment isn’t my mother. She’s been replaced by some reptilian or demon that possesses her body right at this moment. My mothers real soul died on the day that my brother was born. Once she shot him out of her, her soul also left her, and was replaced. That’s why she has differently colored eyes. Her eyes used to be dark brown, now they’re a light amberish color. You know how they say that eyes are the windows to the soul? Yeah, her windows show that the soul that is present in her body isn’t my mothers soul. The soul present in her body right at this moment hates me. I think it might even be possible that the current soul that possesses her is belongs to the child that she miscarried a few years ago. Apparently that child hated me. That’s why, no matter what I do, she’ll always never believe me, never support me, and always gaslight me. That’s why she has a weird obsession with a voice in her head telling her stuff. In her words “someone came to tell me”. And also has a weird obsession with rules, and following religion. Because this woman isn’t my mother. This woman doesn’t remember anything about my past. We always fight about information related to me, and she doesn’t seem to remember anything at all. She knows jack shit about me, as if she’s a different person. She doesn’t even remember my birthday for gods sake. Call me crazy, delusional, or schizophrenic all you want, but I think this theory of mine is logically sound.
No. 1219284
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>I'm new here
>I also have super thin skin and can't take criticism or insults hardly at all
>comes to
No. 1219295
>>1219285Hey! Op here its a chocolate cake with a creamy frosting. Lil hershey chunks in the cake
>>1219271 sendin you a slice too!
>>1219275 nonna its on the way, keep a look out
No. 1219308
>>1219264I’ve been reading your stuff all day in the discord and I’m concerned about you, if this is you. Am I right?
You really gotta get out of that house
No. 1219613
>>1219264You might be actually mentally ill.
Please get psychiatricnhelp