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No. 1174281
Blow off some steam.
>>>/ot/1166876 No. 1174301
File: 1652130441616.jpg (15.58 KB, 408x406, 1652098438550.jpg)

i want to kill, devour and annihilate any moid who opposes me. no moid shall ever look down upon me. no moid will ever raise his hand against me, or speak over or interrupt me. i will extinguish the life force of any moid who dares disrupt the sanctity of this website. i will rip his soul from this mortal coil and punish him for all eternity. do not come for my lolcor - you have been warned. you may troll the janitor and you may fuck the janitor but you will not get past me, cretin. you have been warned.
No. 1174357
>>1174318That's a good idea and part of why I'm learning web dev is because I want to make my own imageboard for women. It'll be very niche, though.
>>1174352I hope someone archived it.
No. 1174379
>>1174358I still hate men
nonny please I'm sorry
No. 1174396
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No. 1174414
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>>1174301that's it. you inbred retarded pea-dicked motherfucker. i warned you. castration is imminent, death approaches.
No. 1174420
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>>1174300 at least I don’t smell like armpit
No. 1174442
nonny, you see, when moids see something out in the open that they don't like, they post gore and cp.
I'm so fucking sick of anons saying "we shouldn't care about the moid feelings!!" but then turn around and complain about moid raids. I thought you didn't care? As long as this is a website that is anonymous and you don't need to sign up to post, it might as well be a public fucking toilet. If people read a sign that says "shit here" they'll shit. That "sign" being GC/pp stuff
No. 1174450
>>1174442>"we shouldn't care about the moid feelings!!" but then turn around and complain about moid raids.First of all, how is it our fault that they come here to post their disgusting shit? Do not
victim blame women who just want to post in peace. We shouldn't be hiding and caping for moids, even if we didn't have any kind of manhate thread they would still come here and raid us because they hate women. They want us to be smaller and let them win. Next you or someone else will say that it's our fault for being a women only board.
>Inb4 men used to be here too!USED to. When these comments appear after a raid I always think it is suspicious.
No. 1174459
>>1174450It's like it went in one ear and out the other. this is an anonymous, public website. wishing and praying that moids don't spam here is retarded. "don't
victim blame" shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of the "i'm just a smol bean i want to post about my lolita in peace" attitude. the origin of this website was to talk shit about people. you will get that and then some. scrotes are attracted to it for every reason you think that they are. even the website ovarit which is supposed to be for GC/PP has gotten breached a few times by trannies. There's no way to prevent it from happening, but it makes sense to hide the threads that will draw MORE scrotes in.,
>Amber and Johnny thread? scrote raid>russia/ukraine thread? /pol/ scrote raid>gc/pp thread? scrote raidnotice how 2X is barely even targeted by moids, if at all.
No. 1174472
>>1174451Moids raided the site over other moids going on /w/ to shit on their anime jpeg streamers. Scrotes have one move and it’s posting abuse over every little thing. We will never appease them no matter how much
certain individuals want to make us believe that.
No. 1174474
>>1174459Where did I say I was a smol bean or wanted to post lolita shit?
>There's no way to prevent it from happeningThere is
>the origin of this website was to talk shit about people. You said it: was. /ot/ (previously /b/) is older than 6 years old. The time we have been anti male is now greater than the time stamina rose was even alive. If you dislike /ot/ stick to the cow boards, no one is forcing you to be here.
No. 1174482
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>>1174471Have you considered taking your fuckin meds
No. 1174516
>>1174508Ok. Thank you for the clarification. I may ‘seek help’ now.
>>1174502I would rather take cbd than a weird antipsychotic. But if that’s true and i can carry on with my life whilst getting help i will.
>>1174511No genetics. No one i know in my family has this.
No. 1174560
>>1174547Schizos really need their meds though, since they get worse over time until their brains are nothing but mush without them. Their meds have shitty side effects too, but they're not as bad as not taking meds for most people.
The question is whether that
Nonnie has schizophrenia, hallucinations and what not can be caused by various things. So yeah seeing a doctor is important, and not stopping meds because symptoms reduce is important too. So many schizos go off the deep end because they keep stopping their meds and ruin their life while in the grip of delusions.
No. 1174649
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I was sexually assaulted while drunk at a friends after party about a year ago, nobody knew because they were all asleep and I decided only to tell a few people I’m pretty sure the guy that did it don’t consider what happened an assault but this situation obviously wrecked my life anyways so this guy kept going to the same parties and hanging out with the same group of friends i hang out with and I decided to be polite and “diplomatc” about this particular situation, I didn’t want it to become an “issue” the thing is he was at the same house party I went to about a month ago, I was blackout drunk and before my boyfriend arrived I was kissing another guy I went to university with, at the end of the party I kissed this guy from uni (I know I’m a cheater, it was horrible that I did that to my boyfriend) and obviously my bf got really mad with me the thing is the guy that assaulted me says I kissed HIM and not this other guy, I checked with everyone else that was at that party and they all said I was kissing the guy from uni, I feel like this situation is setting me back as if what I perceive is not real what if a really kissed my abuser? what if everyone was just as drunk as I was and they couldn’t tell who I was kissing?what does that even mean ?
No. 1174696
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i'm blessed in many ways, but i do hate being an ugly autist. it makes me understand how troons feel, sometimes. i look at pictures like this and realize i'll never have this experience, ever, and it's just a basic thing – going out with your girlfriend (or friend, i don't know) for a smoke – but i've never felt it and i probably never will.
in the next life i need to be born as a stacy.
No. 1174717
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i fortunately wasnt around for the raid before but i came across cp on twitter earlier today, i wish all males died horribly and painfully. how the fuck twitter doesnt ban shit like the entire subsection of nsfw twitter filled with minors is beyond me and it makes me want to kill myself and i wish all of the grown adult men interacting with those accounts all got locked into one room filled with nothing but sandpaper until they all rot to death
No. 1174736
I can't wait to move out of my
abusive parents house, to another state, and get a name change. I can't stand that last name.
>>1174730Same. All of my dreams require money to get there. I can't be happy unless I get enough money for it.
No. 1174789
>>1174780when my cat used to pee everywhere i would make a mix of hot water and laundry detergent and scrub the surfaces with a sponge
i hope your friend compensates you for this, that's really crappy, sorry nonna
No. 1174790
>>1174788a hot bath might help too! that and some bland food like crackers
hope your pain meds kick in soon
No. 1174814
>>1174804I'm sorry you're dealing with it too. It's just so strange.
>complains it smells and that it makes me seem like a foreignerThat's terrible. I'd give you a hug if I could.
No. 1174867
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I've been trying to figure out my health problems. My general doctor gave up on my health and told me to go to private doctors. I paid so much money to go to private doctors who would have sneaky ways to suck the money out of me more. Now I am back to my general doctor and he FINALLY sent me to a doctor who I need. I stand in a queue for an hour. Turns out you have to pay them in order to get a quick schedule or wait two weeks, from a ramn free healthcare doctor. I am so tired but I am not willing to spend any more money, my health insurance itself is a mess because it's price got increased this year twice alone. Same goes with grocery. I am so tired. I can barely exist and finishing commissions takes years as I am preparing for my language exams. I'm so tired. I dropped all of my content creator projects because of health and me drowning in having to pay money for everything. Why can't I be healthy? Why can't I be happy?
No. 1174880
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I hate that this keeps happening every day
No. 1175011
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Kek everyday I’m glad I’m not male
No. 1175013
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i don't know how to exist in this country
No. 1175020
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After yesterday’s raid I feel always on alert on this site and couldn’t stop thinking about it, I didn’t even eat for most of the day, I just felt sick and sad. And now I just saw animal cruelty on /pt/ which has been up for a while.
I know this is what the scrotes want but it feels like using this site is becoming borderline traumatizing for me. I already have enough shit irl, and a mental illness that loves messing with me with intrusive thoughts doesn’t help…
I think that for my own well being it’s best I stay away from Lolcow for a long time, and in the future just visit every now and then a little but. I’ll just play Fortnite instead or something. Ily nonas and I’m sorry for my shitty English
No. 1175106
>>1175076No problem
nonny, I used this a few times kek
No. 1175166
>>1175154Tomato sauce, cheese, hot pepperoni, black olives, way too much jalapeno peppers
My stomach is still hurting and rumbling, I've been to many trips to the toilet and more are still to come.
It's the jalapenos, that plant is just not edible.
No. 1175216
>>1175065As somebody that has to document bodies like that as a job, you get used to it. It took me about a month or two, but you find ways to cope. It does get easier. I used to be unable to eat for days, but I don’t have that issue anymore.
I also wish you could focus more on a specialty while in college too, would make things easier. It’s too generalized and can be vague.
No. 1175235
>>1175223nta but it's not
should it's just how it is. you have to make do.
No. 1175263
>>1175259I wish I could have that with you.
>>1175231And I feel this too
No. 1175271
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I can't stop obsessing over people who achieved/did more in their life than I ever did. And I only have myself to blame for achieving nothing
No. 1175277
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I hate being a guest in stranger's houses even though they're really nice I just want to get da fuck oudda here! Also I miss my computer.
No. 1175282
Recently I can't stop thinking about how old my dog is and how every day together might be our last. I love her so much nonnies. She can be a really annoying, yappy menace, but I love her so much. We got her when I was young, so I have more memories with her than without. She's been with me through literally every school graduation and milestone of my life. Having a pet is so great until the end comes, and then it's the most unimaginable heartbreak. I know I should be grateful, to be able to live with her and take care of her well into her senior years, but it's heartbreaking to see old videos of her zooming around and even just walking normally, to now, where she just shuffles around the floor and can barely stand without falling over. My days now are mostly feeding her when she demands it, cleaning her up after she pisses on herself, and petting her as much as she'll let me because I never want to forget the feeling of her soft, warm fur. She is my sunshine, the absolute love of my life.
No. 1175285
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>stopped talking to my ex-boyfriend a couple of weeks ago in order to get over him sooner
>it only got worse
No. 1175296
>>1175285Like the other anon said, it will get worse before it gets better. Shit sucks, it really does, but you need to take this time to focus on yourself. Don't indulge in straight up escapism, but distracting yourself by hanging out with friends or picking up new hobbies is something you can do to take your mind off of things. Continuing to talk to him will only make things even worse long term. There will be a moment in the future when you look back and think "why was I even upset?" Really, it will come. I wish you the best
No. 1175299
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I wish my “brothers” would drop dead
No. 1175340
File: 1652193884569.png (135.72 KB, 1662x776, scrotes are subhuman.png)

just want to remind anons that there is this great userscript for use with greasemonkey, stylus, userstyles etc add ons will blur images until you hover over them. just make sure you add the 'urls on this domain' as I also edited the opacity to .005 to completey obscure the image, instead of just blurring. safe safe!
No. 1175402
>>1175397I'm talking about older women being labeled as Karens for just
existing as older women, not your fucking internet compilation videos of shitty people having public freak outs. Fuck off with your racebaiting.
No. 1175427
>>1175418This conversation had nothing to do with you! You just saw the word "Karen" and immediately shit your pants and called me a liar and that I pretend that racism doesn't exist. Now you're telling me to kill myself. You're actually a psychopath. I'm here clearly talking about women hating other women and you are sitting here telling another woman to kill herself over some made up argument in your own mind.
Nonny. Turn the computer off.
No. 1175462
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Why does infighting between 'old women vs young women' always break out in this thread? Not complaining though, it's entertaining how some anons can argue about the same retarded topic/likely bait for the 576442th time kek.
No. 1175478
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I'll put this in vent because for two days I lived in anger, thinking "wow, he's cheating on me."
My boyfriend had been texting someone feverishly the entire time we were at my mum's for easter, which is semi-strange but it's his work phone and it didn't wave any red flags until I noticed that the person he's texting wasn't saved as anyone. I had to wait until he fell asleep and then snuck his phone out from his pillow to read it. Unfortunately the message wasn't opened, and there were three unseen texts in it. But if I had opened the text thread, he would have known/noticed. So I had to try and sleep and the entire next day had to just keep my heartrate from exploding while he was at work. I kept my cool. He called me a bunch just to say "I love you" and I just kept thinking "How typical probably of a cheater."
Well last night he got into the shower but left his phone charging in the bedroom, so I got to peek again. He had actually SPOKEN to this person over the phone for about a half hour now in his call logs. And this time he had opened the texts so I was able to read the entire chain of messages… anddd it was his 92 year old legally blind grandmother. She had written "play" instead of "pls" but the entire convo was from his grandma, dating back to a long time. Oh my god I just about started laughing. I'm so glad I just waited it out and didn't say anything until I had evidence (hence this photo kek) but holy shit. I literally had a sore stomach the entire day yesterday from thinking "wow, it's all over just like that."
Just feels relieving and good to tell someone while I laugh about it today.
No. 1175484
nonnie I needed to read something like this, I'm glad everything is okay and that you can giggle about this now.
No. 1175521
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No. 1175523
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>>1175517I can’t bait a racist into saying something racist. It’s just too EZ nowadays
No. 1175536
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Everyone look at the funny dancing goths.
No. 1175553
>>1175537>why do you stupid bitches think that everytime some racist tradthot comes here it's actually a scrote.This is the second time I've seen you push this narrative in a separate thread.
You really seem to have a pressed agenda to make us "stupid bitches" believe there's a woman behind this post. It's strange and defensive considering "Hi scrote" has been a meme here for years.
>Just accept that there are batshit insane women or racist women. No.
>Also, I still think gore is getting posted on here by a womanTrannies aren't women.
No. 1175554
>>1175536I unironically wish I was their friends. Will you dress up in fishnets and dance with me like that
No. 1175555
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>>1175543>>1175533you wish I was a stinky scrote, anon. realistically the only scrotes that come on here are only pedos, simps that defend for their favorite pornstars and sex cosplayers in /w/ or try to have an argument with someone and then have a tantrum and start spamming gore. i’m sadly a woman
No. 1175576
>>1175571>>1175537>>1175545No one was calling anons who are against the word Karen a scrote. They’re calling YOU a scrote. Nice try attempting to obfuscate tho kek
No. 1175578
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trannies spamming gore in vent let’s play chav or Slav. I’m going with chav based on the cans. (Buck’s Fizz and strongbow)
No. 1175626
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This isn't really even much of a vent, since I don't think asexuals are persecuted or anything. I'm not even asexual, just someone who basically gave up sex because it doesn't seem worth it.
I'm just annoyed that even though societies got so far, even some men will admit women carry the burden of contraception and how having hetero sex is a compromise, in the end they assume you're supposed to take the risk anyway. I don't find sex important enough to take pills, get surgery and whatever, but I absolutely do not want to risk pregnancy and be forced to panic about abortion deadlines, and anything less than getting cut open does not guarantee 100% safety. Or maybe I meet a cutie with a vasectomy.
No. 1175633
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>>1175615Let’s prove this anon wrong
Chav or Slav?
(derailing) No. 1175659
>>1175478i am so glad this had a positive ending
No. 1175741
>>1175478So glad this had a happy ending
nonnie, the picrel scared me
No. 1175838
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I ran myself a nice hot bath and just got ready to read some cow drama when my friend's message pops up panicking that she forgot to prepare her presentation for tomorrow and asks for my help. I cut my bath short after swiftly cleaning myself, go to the computer where after 20 minutes she says she's too sleepy to continue even though she's nowhere near done.
No. 1175876
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Nonnas how to be good at lying and wearing a mask, I need to learn to be a bitch now
No. 1175911
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I'm currently doing my bachelor's degree and OH MY GOD I AM SO FUCKING FED UP. Thanks to my fuck ass art school I need to create something that's useful AND write a long ass text AND design the shit cunt book for the stupid piss text. Due in TEN days and jesus christ the workload NEVER ends. My boyfriend tries to be supportive and sweet and I appreciate it a lot but it drives me INSANE when he's like
>You've come so far and done sooo much, you're nearly finished!
>Just ten days, and you'll be free!
>You will make it! I'm sure!
when he doesn't know SHIT about the dumb thing I'm designing right now. He seriously doesn't and usually it's okay because I know NOTHING about his job either and it's fun to explain each other stuff you would never have thought about. BUT fuck ass honey pie STOP with this stupid crap because THIS thing is A SHITTY MESS. It took six years for my current bachelor's degree (THANK GOD you can pull shit like this in my country without being in debt for 300 years) and I had a million reasons for this, some truly legitimate and some were just dumb decisions I made. And even before THAT I have studied for some time but changed the subject. It feels like an eternity and I KNOW it took me so long because of my mento ilness luv x but how did everything take FOREVER and suddenly this cunt ass thesis is due in TEN FUCKING DAYS???
No. 1175937
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How did you guys cope with failing a really important exam that takes up the majority of your final grade? I feel like I have no options left and I'm doomed to be one of those permanent retail wagies.
No. 1176086
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I'm gonna have to start telling myself "If he wanted to, he would" every day. I need to remind myself of this about men…I feel like a fucking buffoon every time I catch myself ASKING for this mans physical affection or attention. Why are you asking him you dumb bitch, do you not respect yourself? Clearly not if I'm having to ask for something that should be given to me already. I'm fucking stupid. If he wanted to, he would. Please can my stupid fucking brain just remember that?
No. 1176109
>>1176086men don't have brains
they sometimes they NEED to be directed.
don't ask; DEMAND!
women work differently and use their own intiution to give to their partner.
No. 1176215
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>>1176203No no it's fine anon. Just go back to your /r9k/ buddies. You think you know a
nonny and then they go to other IBs for advice…
No. 1176282
>>1176231Life saving (hopefully) medical one, thank you
nonny. I have another one or two coming up and it's really annoying to keep worrying about those, recovery for this one and the way if I get covid, everything will be fucked even more so I just stay home 247 for what seems like the 3rd year now kek. I hope you're doing well too!
No. 1176296
>>1176276I admire you,
nonnie. ♥
No. 1176298
>>1174281i got a contact lens stuck in my eye… i think. i can't really tell. i've been clawing at it for 2 h now and its all red and puffy. i really don't want to go to bed tonight with it stuck in my eyeball. i can't find it at all! and i have to get up early tomorrow to let the mattress delivery guys in.
the lens i use i can't even tell if i have it in my eyeball or not, like there isn't a blue ring around the lens so it's so tough to tell, especially when my eye is all red and swollen.
No. 1176305
I don't think there's anyone as pathetic as me. I feel like an imposter because I'm 27 but I look much younger, my coworkers are either 20-22 or 40-50, no one knows my actual age and everyone assumes I'm in the 20-22 range and I'm too ashamed to admit they're wrong because I know I'm too immature and inexperienced for my age. I don't have any actual friends but the people I hang out with are also 20-22. I have no idea where could I meet people my age and I don't know if there's even anything we could talk about. They're probably in stable relationships and preparing for creating a family with someone. I'm socially stunted, I think I might be on the spectrum. I never had friends and never kissed or dated anyone. I don't have any social life besides work and talking to my housemates. I really missed out so much in life because I was a neet for years after graduating highschool and now I'm so behind everyone it seems impossible to catch up. Even before hs I could never socialize with other kids. I don't feel like I belong in any group. I'm not mature enough for people my age, but I also feel weird around 20 year olds and I'm scared they would think I'm a pathetic weirdo if they knew my actual age. Only very young guys hit on me. There's one guy that appears to be more mature than the others, he's barely 22, I know he's been crushing on me for almost a year and recently he admitted he has feelings for me and wants to date me. He thinks I'm beautiful, he admires my personality and weird interests and humor, he didn't want to believe me when I told him I never kissed anyone, and he wanted to kiss me but I didn't want that and it was awkward as fuck. See, this is the kind of stuff I should be going through as a teenager. I'm fucking 27. Men tried to hit on me many times but no man tried to become my friend and no one ever told me they loved me. He was the first and only one. Now I don't know what to do. I like this guy, but I'm scared to tell him my age. People usually find it hard to believe I could spent so many years in isolation from others, and that's another thing I'm scared to tell him about. I don't know what to do with my life, should I fuck around or look for someone to have a family with? If I decided to have a child in like 3 years, the guy would be only 25 and who knows if he would be ready to be a dad. I'm fucking starving for human touch, I'm horny as fuck, but I don't feel ready for sex, especially piv, I just want to touch someone and cuddle and maybe kiss, that's enough to make me aroused and satisfied. I had a cuddle session with this guy and it was like the best thing ever, I never experienced something like this, it felt like all that muscle tension and heavy emotional build up from years of isolation and parental abuse just dissappeared and my blood pressure went down, and for once I stopped worrying about everything. I never felt like this. My body got attached to him already and it craves his warmth constantly, we can only see each other on the weekends and it makes me crazy. But then again, I'm scared what will happen when the novelty of this feeling wears off. Will I still want to be with him? I'm a total mess and I feel like I'm just going through puberty, this is too cringe to share with a therapist
No. 1176341
File: 1652238907046.png (181.87 KB, 373x414, 1619372787890.png)

i've always been "one of the boys" not because im a handmaiden, but because im too autistic to understand female socialization and growing up with an only big brother definetely didn't help. i find myself befriending men too easily despite how much i hate them. some of them also hate me or find me repulsive, because i literally look like the femcel phenotype and i don't play into their wishes or expectations. however, its always the nerdy type of men that i befriend. so i kind of understand their retarded hierarchies play and hobbies, but i don't share them.
despite this, i can't fucking understand the fakeboi mentality. i made friends with an LGBT group of my uni and surprise, it's full of fakebois. last week a fakeboi was telling us how she met this cosplayer moid and how much she idealized him, exactly like in yaoi mangas, but this week she was telling us how much the moid has dissapointed her. obviously, the moid started asking for sex or implying it by sending memes, while she expected a fully romantic relationship. you just have to be retarded to expect too much for a person you met a week ago, without even talking about intentions. this was like the third time hearing the fucking same story from a different fakeboi. if they find themselves to be soooo "masc" and a REAL BOY, how they can't understand that men only act interested because of sex?
also this is why i only date or meet shy/introverted moids. exploiting them for free things is way too easy and they won't tell you how much they want to fuck you until you piss them off.
No. 1176364
>>1176346Anon I'm so sorry. I was used by a scrote for sex and he gets to live a happy married life too while my mental health and life are shattered.
What makes you think it won't be taken seriously? Do you have any friends acquainted with him or know him that would believe you? You may haven't been the only one. Is there any way you can leave an anonymous message to his wife? You deserve justice and this isn't fair
No. 1176393
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>be me
>get sudden crippling depression and identity crisis and a shit ton of flashbacks that intensify said depression at the beginning of the year
>stop doing college assignments
>stop entertaining hobbies and lose track of progress
>plan suicide but fail to go along with it anyway
>finals a few weeks away
>suddenly realize and wake up from this depressive episode
>repeat every year
No. 1176404
>>1176381Quit and say exactly why
Sounds like a typical hellish wagie job, you can find another
No. 1176413
>>1176397i understand how you feel. society disgusts me. when i strike up conversations about this with normals they always say, but society is as advanced now as can be! fucking assholes have no idea what is it like to live with a disability, or a chronic illness. like ahh yess, just because i don't get beaten to death for having it more difficult than others, i must rejoice! because there are some expensive meds that sort of work, but with awful life ruining side effects, i must be happy and turn a blind eye to the hypocrisy of others. everything is some competition. people are selfish and sadistic and do not seem to feel any guilt. this is normal to them. but if someone is a bit socially awkward from being a autist that must be bullied to hell. the quiet person must be taken advantage of. how can they look in the mirror i don't get it. i want to fucking run away to a forest. if i were to retaliate i would be honest and straightup, and punch them square in the face. but, society is too advanced for that, yes. it "advanced to" social powerplays, stepping on people for your own gain, and valuing objects over human connections.
No. 1176416
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>>1176393>losing months of your life to this shit while younger people begin to run laps around you>not accessing your full potential because of this illness>people getting sick of waiting on you>getting a period of energy where you think it's back to normal, but it's too latenonnie i feel like life hates me. i have been on meds and they took away any happiness i felt. so i stopped. and now it's this shit again. i try to do everything with that period of energy while i can. vitamins and sports help but when it's the lowest… we mustn't give up
No. 1176426
>>1176331i had the same thought. thanks for calming me lol! i checked the floor and didn't find anything though. i also drowned my eyeball in dry eye drops. like i seriously used half the bottle.
it's gotta be out right? my eyes still burning and red and angry, shit hurts. i hope i don't wake up tomorrow with an irritated blood-shot dry eye but at least then i know it WAS stuck in there. hope i don't go blind
No. 1176429
>>1176407I got ousted from a friend group by someone who did just this even though I explained a million times what my intentions were over a misunderstanding. Not the first time they've done it and I wasn't the first
victim either, but look who is paying for it? Kek. They invent their own reality in their heads that trumps any truth of your own. I'm convinced this person was BPD in some way. I have my own bpd fag behavior at times so I kind of get it but this was the most infuriating thing ever. It's the key to insanity too because they continuously deny your reality and nothing you say ever sticks, even with evidence. Because they just go "the way they see it". Fucking insane.
No. 1176459
>>1176413NTA, but same. Even though depression is sky high, everyone is burned out and we have crisis after crisis, recession after recession, people will fucking nearly attack you if you suggest things aren't perfect and it could be much better. It's the neoliberal lie, they believe they have found the perfect economical system and that if you're still screwed over an not happy, it's your own problem and you just need to pull harder at your bootstraps. They have no sympathy for how big pharma squeezes people, they have no sympathy for how the medical system has completely gone for-profit and you're just used like a big cow to milk. Normies can stick their head in the sand and get off to being fake positive and pretending that their life is wonderful, even though they secretly want to kill themselves because of their soulsucking job, how they don't have any real friends, but at least they get the satisfaction of pretending that they're better than others. Now the normies even come to here and screech and complain about the existence of spergs, they don't let us have anything, they want to colonize it all. They only care about how much you serve the capitalist patriarchal overlord, they only care whether you hit your KPI's and whether you're a hustling bustling girlboss, while pretending to like people you don't. They only care whether you were socialized female properly and perform femininity like you're auditioning for Euphoria. It doesn't matter how based they think they are and how they're totally feminists, they just think female socialization is the best thing and the rest just has to get on with the program. They acknowledge that scrotes are shit, but just think the problem is that they weren't socialized female, so then they project that onto spergs who you cannot socialize properly. Literally no sympathy for spergs. If you even want to punch someone and you're not submissive uwu to scrotes, you have failed and you're a disgrace. You don't feel shame for not shaving your legs? Ew. You didn't spend your entire teens painstakingly learning how to put on make-up and developing a sense of style so you wouldn't incur the wrath of your peers? "Please go kill yourself!" Female friendships with other weeby spergs don't count, you have to want to participate in the popularity contest and compete over retarded scrotes as a way to bond! Doesn't matter that you're not attracted to them! Then when nobody is looking they all come to tell about the secret interests they have, which they hide from other women and even their friends, because your personality has to be perfectly curated and secretly being a weeb or liking to play video games in the weekend just doesn't fit with the perfect feminine stereotype! Then they all come to you telling about how they think the others hate them, if only they knew that all of them are sick and tired of the popularity contest and are deadly afraid that other women dislike them, when they DON'T. They're too obsessed with how they come across themselves, to even begin disliking others, as long as they're not spergs or overtly gnc. Oh and no I don't feel protected by the government. You can keep that fucking bullshit. Like no I wish I could just beat the scrotes who harm me and others to a pulp, instead of begging the police to do something and they only punish women and objectify women further. It almost never goes to trial and if it does, it's extremely difficult to prove anything because everything is skewed into men's favour. Normies just assume everything works correctly, because it HAS TO, right? They sure wouldn't allow us to just live in such a broken society? The SLOW GRUELING PROGRESS, is all worth it right? You know how fucking advanced we could've been, if there weren't handmaidens at every wave who wanted to quit after every tiny victory? Like even the suffragettes claimed they wanted the vote to better serve god and their husbands, then the moment they got the vote, they fucked off and said that now society is as advanced as can be. They told fuck you to the women who wanted to continue, YES THERE WERE WOMEN WHO WANTED TO CONTINUE FIGHTING FOR OUR RIGHTS. Instead they were ignored and we had to wait until another breaking point in the 70's. This happens every fucking time and we never learn. In general it feels like tweaking shit, because those constitutions and laws are seeped with misogyny, you don't even know how deep this runs, you would fucking throw up from distress if you knew. You would have to get rid of it all, wipe the slate clean to truly advance, but people just want to REFORM. Slow tiny progress, as if they're working towards going to heaven and praying to a god, they don't care that things won't change in their lifetime or for the next to come. Or how the system is so rigged, that if you change one thing in women's favour, scrotes come up with 20 new ways to screw us over. Just fucking admit you normies don't want things to get better, because you like the hierarchy whatever it is (patriarchy, capitalism, state etc.), you like the competition, the idea to trample on others and advance. You wouldn't know where to get your feelings of satisfaction from if it didn't exist. Then you shit on the spergs for being the broken ones, because they don't fit in this sawlike torturechamber we're all in.
No. 1176470
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i am finally committing to ed recovery after 10 years of anorexia but im so alone and literally have no one by my side which makes everything a thousand times harder, im at a new place i dont know anyone and it seems like theres no one that would be a good fit for a friend for me here, all i have are the street cats i feed everyday
i feel bad because recovering from eating disorders is so hard and its such an vile disease, its like im losing my mind because im holding a lot of heavy things at once and i dont know how much longer i can take it.
today i was walking around feeding the cats while i was crying and couldnt stop, i tried to get my shit together but the tears wouldnt stop and i felt so alone and empty inside, i cant take all this changes alone, i can no longer take any of this but if i kill myself the cats will go hungry because im the only one feeding them so i cant even end myself because i dont want them to suffer and they are my only friends
to make everything worse ive been missing my parents a lot, i live too far from them and we dont have a good relationship
they're hella toxic and the cause of many of my disorders today, so on top of everything i feel guilty for missing them
last week i went grocery shopping and while i was at the bus coming back home i realized the driver looked just like my father and i started crying right there and it was so embarrassing and awkward lol i literally hate how broken i am
i just wish there was this magic button i would push and it would be like i never existed at all, nothing of value would be lost and i wouldnt suffer because i wouldnt even exist aaaaaaaaaa
No. 1176473
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I had to let a tranny into the women’s bathroom at work the other day. On instinct I headed to open the men’s but I didn’t want this hulking troon to body me out of anger (he was at least a foot taller than me) so I opened the women’s. I’m so pissed off.
No. 1176474
>>1176459the same thing happened to me in classrooms and social clubs, the girls would never admit they have some nerdy, non-girly interests, because of the fear that others would think they are a loser. that explained why some avoided me for expressing my interests in scrotey shit like video games and japanese cartoons. they viewed my non-expressiveness as cool, or a quirky trait, but as soon as i did not want to fit into their mold, they dipped. they don't actually form friendships, they form mobs. the popularity contest, that is spot on. they force themselves a front face to fit in with everyone. they collect friends like they are building an army. because to normies this is what community means. they need armies, their social groups, to feel safe. so ironic that they are the ones claiming society is so nice as it is. they are afraid of each other, which is why they avoid conflict. they can not have true trust. in anybody. everything is overly emotional and they can not logically explain viewpoints. i am not from the usa but it fucking sucks there. the constitution is a dusty old paper from hundreds of years ago, that the most misogynist and racist, literally a slaver scrotes wrote, why are things still based on that shit?
No. 1176489
>>1176473First, I'm glad you're okay. I don't trust any of these creeps especially when they can tower over you. Second, I would have had thought the same thing. I hate how we have to give in to these creeps. For your anger, do you have a baseball bat or golf club? I like to hit cardboard boxes with either. It helps especially if you draw a crude face. I'm sorry,
No. 1176490
>>1176474Exactly! They're so afraid of conflict, that they never want to even try to improve things, so they would rather claim that things can't get any better anyways. It's a massive cope.
>>1176483They're not brave enough to actually want friends who share the same interests, maybe in secret if they can hide you from the rest. Most prefer to have friends who look good in the popularity contest and would create a halo effect for them. Also I'm talking about the kind of woman who looks like an Instagram baddie, but secretly is a massive fan of COD, shooters and curses like a sailor when nobody is looking. I think this bullshit hiding of interests just creates more pickme tendencies, because they end up believing that only scrotes have these interests and constantly hangout with their boyfriends, because they don't form a true bond with any female friends because of the hiding. People love calling the unapologetic sperg or gnc woman who complains about this shit a NLOG, but the true NLOGs are those who hide who they really are, because they believe no other woman could be like that and instead start to spend all their time with scrotes because of it.
>>1176486Yeah same, I don't necessarily judge people for not having hobbies. Society has been set up so that after all the stress of everything, soulsucking jobs, horrible commute, procedures and bureaucracy everywhere, then also having to cook and take care of yourself and probably family, they don't have any energy left to do anything but bingewatch tv or Netflix. I just wish they didn't judge those who do unapologetically get really into hobbies.
No. 1176503
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>>1176470from one recovering spoop to another, you got this anon. it's super hard and lonely at first because anorexia really has to be experienced to be understood outside of a clinical context, and most people do not and will not ever have that experience. i can relate a lot to the feelings of guilt and wanting to disappear, but those feelings and the insane brain fog and mood swings really do start to go away once you start meeting your body's nutritional needs. you have value and i think it's lovely that you look after all those street kitties, and i wish you good luck in your recovery.
No. 1176520
>>1176500NTA and lifting and doing sports is surely scroteish too and not a hobby? Better go on the stairmaster for 10 minutes and do the bootylicious 1000 workout from Instagram, with no real weights, even though that influencer got implants and didn't workout a day in her life. Take 20 pics for instagram. Then go to kfc with your friends, buy a barbell and secretly do weightlifting at home, because you don't want others at the gym to see that you a woman omg gasp what a shock, actually likes to lift weights. Most normies use gym memberships to socialize and use it as a wateringhole, instead of actually exercise (scrotes do that too which is why most never improve and look dyel). It's just fucking sad, but I'm the broken one for never having been to a club and not enjoying drinking alcohol? Going to KFC is the most bonding thing you can do with friends, it's never fun to go cook a dish together and maybe experiment with recipes, noooo, we want KFC KFC KFC KFC KFC KFC! Doing a sport? Ew, cringe, let's make fun of you! Painting for fun and not for profit? CRRIIIIIIINGGEEEEEE! Everything is fucking cringe except vegging out, bingewatching and eating junkfood, while trying to fit into shapewear, spend a shit ton of money on getting injections and eyelash extensions, heavy teeth bleaching, constantly starving yourself, just to get the attention of a scrote who you're not even really attracted to, but you feel like you're worthless if you don't have some sort of scrote attached to you. Then cry when you don't look like the influencers on Instagram, whose fulltime job it is to look like that. Hide that when you do vegout, you actually play video games or watch something weeby, just lie that you watched the same show as everyone else and read the synopsis online so you can keep the pretense up. Hide your true personality and interests at every turn, then complain that no women like these things and that you have to spend all your time with scrotes and you're one of the guys, because no other woman could ever be going through the same exact fucking thing. And definitely go shame the women who unapologetically like things, while secretly going behind your "friends" backs to go to talk to the cringe sperg.
No. 1176529
>>1176407I had an (ex)-friend who sounded somewhat like this. She was convinced that I was lesbian and always assumed that was the main motive for me doing anything at all. Like if I mentioned I watched a movie, she immediately assumed that I did it because I liked the main actress, or if I looked at someone on the street because I liked their outfit, she assumed I was checking them out. She also had these weird random comments about me being like 'a man' or a 'child' but never specified what she meant by it
But at the same time, thinking about it. Like I tend to feel that people hate me for no reason
No. 1176536
>>1176526There are terfy anarchists with a stickerprinter around. I just would send them an email for an order.
>>1176534>Wow you really hate people who exercise huh kekDid you even read what I wrote? Going on the stairmaster for 10 minutes can barely called exercises. I do powerlifting and kickboxing, but apparently that's CRIIIINGGEEEEEE. Painting, learning languages and playing an instrument is too CRIIINGGEEEE for everyone nowadays, I constantly get shit for doing those things, because I don't do it for productive reasons to get a raise or to make money, but just because I enjoy it. I only watch anime occasionally and play video games when I actually have the time for it, but I don't hide my interest in them, I just listed it because it's what most normie women confess to me liking too in secret, but they hide from the rest of the world. They constantly vegout, which is fine, but then lie to their friends about watching the latest popular tv shows, when they actually watch more anime than me and play video games more often.
No. 1176538
>>1176500but it's just true that most people don't have hobbies. in general, most people are low wage or low to middle so they definitely don't have energy or money to take a class or buy supplies and get into something. vidya and animu are not my only hobbies, but they were considered boyish and taboo in the girl groups in my country, which is why i mentioned them. generally you need a generous amount of disposable income to not go broke and go learn karate, yoga, spin class, or violin, etc. when i'm broke or ill i don't have the energy to do much besides press key combos for the dopamine hit after pirating the newest game. but for some advice, things i've done as hobbies without having the riches are drawing, painting, singing, writing, yoga from youtube, and reading pirated books.
No. 1176540
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“I don’t care” is such a freeing thought also “i don’t want to” and the infamous… “no” wowww Is this what everyone has been doing this whole time? Wish someone clued me in earlier in life
No. 1176548
>>1176544Because you assume it's just about anime, when it's about any fucking hobby. Normies just generally veg out all the time, so the only secret interests they have and confess could be something like anime or video games. I literally already explained myself here
>>1176536 Why the fuck am I the one being called a misogynist for complaining that everyone thinks it's cringe and scroteish because I actually lift weights and do sports and that women are literally avoiding lifting weights because it's seen as scroteish and will totally turn you into the Hulk. That a woman I know is literally lifting in secret at home, because she's afraid of being made fun of by other women at the gym, who also just go to be 10 minutes on the stairmaster and then take pictures for Instagram for 20 minutes. She just uses her gymsubscription for socializing and as a wateringhole and then ACTUALLY works out in her cramped apartment, trying to also keep an eye on a toddler.
>>1176545Exactly you get it.
No. 1176550
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im letting myself be a second choice bc my lonely ass likes playing pretend bf-gf
No. 1176553
>>1176539I am literally just socially anxious around men and have an avoidant attachment style. I also grew up in a conservative household so I also have an irrational fear of sex. So whenever there was a chance to form a relationship with a guy, I noped out of it, despite being attracted to them and fantasizing about them. My first sexual experience was also really unpleasant.
The funny thing is that this 'friend' maintained her opinion even though I told her about my complicated feelings towards guys I liked and despite her having seen me me make out with a guy once when we were in a club. I'm 100% sure she's projecting because once she even told me that if she didn't want a family, she'd live with a woman
No. 1176559
>>1176536>>1176545Nonas where are you from? It's so weird to me what you're experiencing.
It's the opposite in my social groups since I was a kid. You're supposed to have two jobs while studying uni and have million hobbies including nerdy ones and sporty ones. It makes me perpetually exhausted and I'm deeply ashamed when I don't do as many things as people around me. I think people must be embellishing it a bit about having so many hobbies because it just isn't possible.
No. 1176561
>>1176548my gym also haven't a single female weightlifter lol it's so sad, they always just use the stairs or the treadmill. if you only come in for the treadmill, it would be cheaper and more sensible to run through the park, or around your streets, for free. but it counts calories, and sadly that's what matters to the average woman. that fear of looking roided is so cringe honestly, not even olympic athletes look like that, the extreme examples scrotes bring up on facebook are doing steroids. i saw one of those posts when i was a teen, it said "real women don't look like men. ladies, this is unattractive. i like curvy women." and i fucking commented kek "this makes me want to become like that woman so i could easily beat up stupid commenters like you." funnily the strongest women i met were practicing pole dancing, which is known for "some slutty female dance", and people say dancing is easy and not a sport. each of those high level dancers could kick flip their heads off without effort kek. i am lucky to earn enough to stay out of my home town,
nonnie, it is classist but the bigger the city and higher living the area is, the more chances of meeting based women are.
No. 1176566
>>1176559are you from the united states or australia? that active lifestyle expectation seems like the hustle culture of those countries, which is
toxic too. to me those cultures look like they are trying to emulate movie characters.
No. 1176571
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i have not slept a wink because i had too much caffeine and not enough food yesterday and i'm afraid that if i fall asleep i will literally die. i think coldbrew induces temporary amnesia because every time i have it i'm surprised when i inevitably feel awful, can't sleep, and obsess over dying. at this point i am probably just too dumb to live.
No. 1176577
>>1176407I had a couple ex's like this. One was deeply autistic and would never ask me to clarify my intentions, instead jumping to conclusions about how I felt and stating them as absolute fact. It was so fucking frustrating and I'm glad to be done with that.
The other one was just deeply traumatised and insecure. He'd never had any loving, caring relationships in his life and his parents were awful, so it's no wonder he always assumed everything I did had some sort of malicious attempt behind it. He's mostly fixed that through therapy now.
No. 1176582
>>1176559I'm from the biblebelt, while my generation is generally atheist, they just replaced god with patriarchy in general, or it feels like that. You're only allowed to have hobbies if you can monetize them and if they're productive. If you learn a language just because you like it, it's cringe. You paint or do art for the fun of it and don't care about progress all the time and don't want to do commissions and earn money? Cringe. The only hobbies which are allowed are if they fit into hustling pull yourself up by your bootstraps culture or are about spending money on your looks to appeal to scrotes. They are embellishing, because once they get into the gym, it's just 10 minutes of stairmaster and then going home. Their learning languages is doing Duolingo 10 minutes per day (there are better apps and programs for learning languages, Duolingo is notoriously bad).
>>1176561>it would be cheaper and more sensible to run through the park, or around your streets, for free. but it counts calories, and sadly that's what matters to the average womanEXACTLY. When I was scoping out for a new gym and asked an employee for a tour, they legit joked and said that the cardio section is the women's section and where I will be spending most of my time. I was so fucking offended, but like I get why so many women because of that think that proper weightlifting is not for them. I didn't sign up to that gym obviously.
>that fear of looking roided is so cringe honestly, not even olympic athletes look like that, the extreme examples scrotes bring up on facebook are doing steroids.Ironically enough a lot of the very skinny fitness influencers with barely any muscles on Instagram are on Anavar, because of the fat burning properties and to keep a very low bodyfat percentage.
>funnily the strongest women i met were practicing pole dancing, which is known for "some slutty female dance", and people say dancing is easy and not a sport.Oh yeah it's basically feminine coded calisthenics and acrobatics. I'm just dumb cavewoman, I pick heavy things up and put them down, punch scrote in face, kick his leg kek. I have a lot of respect for how they manage to do basically high level calisthenics and making it look graceful and effortless.
>it is classist but the bigger the city and higher living the area is, the more chances of meeting based women are.Oh man, with the housing crisis I feel like I'm going to be stuck here forever. Every time I earn more money, everything else also gets more expensive, so I'm back to square one kek. Glad you got out though.
>>1176576This. You either have to participate in the hustling shit or you have to go out drinking and spending money. Or go watch Netflix all day, but specifically watch what everyone is watching. It's the same shit when we were growing up and it feels so childish to all have to watch the same show so you have something to talk about. Solitary hobbies are cringe and make you a lonely loser, so even if others do it, they will hide it. THEN GO PAINT OR WORKOUT WITH ME.
No. 1176612
>>1176565>>1176566I'm from Central Europe too, probably a different country than you though. We are expected to be really sporty while also being smart and having a lot of hobbies.
But it might be just my and my family's social bubble. I think living in a capital city is a big factor of this - weird amalgamation of progressive and traditional social expectations (expectation to be a career woman with many hobbies but still have children and husband and look good).
When I go on tinder it's literally people trying to impress you with million hobbies they have (both men and women) and irl I sadly am also surrounded by overachievers. At this point I wish my friends would be just lifeless consoomers and we'd get to chill for a bit.
No. 1176639
>>1176619I'm your neighbour (Czech), interesting to hear it's similar there. I feel exactly like you. It really just might be my social circle though.
I'm trying my best to also do a lot, develop a lot of hobbies but after long day of working and studying I just lack the energy. They seem to do it all while also being engaged/soon to be married, very socially accomplished and having a well paid jobs while also studying (most of my friends are in IT or medicine fields).
But tbh I know many of my friends are medicated for mental issues so it's probably taking its toll (copium for me).
No. 1176763
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>>1176748Nona, hang in there. Even if you fail, go eat something sweet like a parfait, watch some netflix or YouTube, pop some sleeping pills if you have trouble sleeping and just sleep on it. If you have a bf or nice parents vent to them relentlessly and watch some movie you like with them and go on a walk. You'll feel like shit for some time but it's gonna pass eventually. Don't think of an hero just because education system is shit designed to suck our souls out, it's not your fault or weakness. Wish you a lot of mental strength.
No. 1176766
>>1176764nta but what i don't understand is why she suddenly could no longer move
she had the strength to rip off pieces of the couch but could no longer get herself off the couch, how?
No. 1176768
>>1176305You don't have to have children yet, I'd say go for the young guy. It hasn't worked out for me (they were too immature) but my friend has a bf 5/6 years younger (started dating 19 and 24 or so) and he is absolutely heads over heels for her even though she had him open up the relationship a few times and actually told him she's looking for a better boyfriend. She didn't find anyone better so she's settling for him. He still stayed with her and they're planning to marry and have children now (28 and 23). What a simp.
Your guy might be a bit turned off by your real age though if he assumes you're 22.
No. 1176781
>>1176716This is insane, how does that even happen? How can someone live with another person and not even try to talk with that person even out of spite? I’m pretty sure that they could’ve even asked for someone in the church for help, it’s the fucking first world, these bitches could’ve done something to help her, there’s so many resources and shit for autistic people that they have access to, and they did nothing.
This is just miserable, and scary too, like what the fuck? Someone just can become non-verbal? The parents must’ve done something horrifying to her because I seriously doubt she just sat there and decided she didn’t want to move from there anymore.
Like if you think about it, wouldn’t it have been more logical for her to lay in her room? Since the TV is loud, people are loud, so it would’ve made more sense for her to just be in her room.
I also wouldn’t believe if the parents said that she was violent because a 30 years old woman who is wasting away can’t do anything, even after a few weeks of her sitting there, doing nothing, would’ve let them move her to her room.
This is just extremely bizarre.
No. 1176785
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Visited a new psychiatrist.
>several doctors diagnosed me with OCD and depression
>starting to show progress, medication is helping with my sleep and intrusive thoughts
>waiting list for the good doc that helped me is 4 months
>since I'm in another town, decide to visit the clinic there for my check up
>doc there tells me I'm just spoiled, it's all my fault, how my family won't tolerate me for much longer so I should get myself together
>dimisses my plans for suicide as "lol just push those thoughts away you're too young for that"
Haha what the fuck
I don't think I'm another pixielocks because other doctors diagnosed me, but this chick was an assistant professor of psychology and an expert in psychotherapy?
No. 1176810
>>1176785don't give up anon!
i only started therapy recently (after having been in a bad state for years) and while i of course still don't know if or how it will work out, just having somebody do vent to, to congratulate you for small steps you managed to do (and maybe hold you accountable a tiny little bit?), feels relieving.
i got diagnosed and then had to search for a therapist myself. i called 20-25 who all declined, saying they have too many patients already, then i went to 2 who were ok but it wasn't working out, then i went to some weirdo who just talked all the time by herself and wanted to push me into group therapy, and then i finally met my current therapist who's more of a nice grandpa type. maybe not perfect but still good.
it does take patience but afterall this is for our next 60, 70 years or so.
No. 1176820
nonnie, I appreciate that a lot
No. 1176822
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>>1176818People just don't give a fuck about neurologically disabled women
No. 1176834
>>1176748hmmm pragmatically, you could prepare for the worst. apply for jobs, internships, or try upworks.
im going to sound like a shill but at one point i was earning $80 per article lolbut remember that this final doesn’t define who you are. yes, failing it could close one path, still it’s just one of many out there. i believe in you nona!
No. 1176899
I wish I had my laptop, since I feel like writing. However, I know I should study for my finals. I simply don’t feel like it, and have plenty of excuses not to. I’m aware this is ultimately trivial though: I enjoy mathematics and studying. If I really want a successful life that incorporates mathematics on a daily level, I should act like it. But if I don’t even feel like solving some basic problems, that communicates the opposite. I either want to study mathematics, or I don’t want to study mathematics; I either do, or I do not. It isn’t about attaining a well paying job, or more precisely, financial freedom and security. It isn’t about status or expectations from others either. I know, deep in my heart, that mathematics, and science in general, simply enthralls me. It lifts my spirits and I thrive when interacting with it. This is something that benefits me and serves my soul. Yet, it is such a challenge to act accordingly in the simplest of ways. Sometimes we are deeply repulsed by the things we really want, because we are not used to acting from the enlightened state our desires and passions stimulate. It is a very foreign concept to many of us, so we struggle to imagine how following our dreams could possibly be a good experience. We begin to fear opening a book, starting an essay, constructing a resume, going for a walk, putting down the phone and getting out of bed. We’ve become so deluded by distraction and excess that we fear the potential of discomfort accompanying the very things that make us happy, healthy humans. It is no longer the default state of humans to act with the sheer power and love we truly embody, by virtue of belonging to this universe. Instead, we have reached a place where it is our responsibility to take conscious steps toward a flourishing life. The first step is to unveil our eyes and never cease uncovering the many layers of fear we’ve inherited over the centuries, then passing on the responsibility to our offspring. There is a bright future ahead of all of us, and I am even extremely optimistic for what this day holds for me. I know that every worry I hold right now ultimately reduces to an inconsequential fleck of dust. These worries are transparent monsters, sculpted out of ice and relying on our faith in the clouds for their survival. But I know of the power of the sun and its loyalty to Earth. The skies will slowly clear and allow for sunlight to transform those glacial demons into beautiful oceans, lakes and rivers. Even worry isn’t a foe to battle. It is simply a perversion of beautiful love; a symptom of an unbalanced world. Anyway, what I mean to say is, everything will be okay, but it is our responsibility to show our faith in this through or actions. Our decisions should reflect our beliefs, and it is therefore sensible to act in spite of the fear, since fear opposes faith in the good.
No. 1176946
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>see AI image generating tool posted on /m/
>looks fun
>enter "pretty black fairy girl"
>it says my prompt is "probably NSFW" and has been blocked
>same thing happens with just "black fairy girl"
>enter "asian fairy girl" (pic related), "pretty asian fairy girl", "white fairy girl" and "pretty white fairy girl"
>all four get results
Kek, I really hate scrote-made technology. I'm sure this is the fault of coomers somehow
No. 1177033
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I'm either obsessively checking MyChart or throwing away my phone, there's no in between.
No. 1177055
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Sigh, I ruined another opportunity to make a friend and expand my hobby with my social retardation.
I can't wait to watch Eurovision with nonnas again tomorrow, at least I can pretend to have friends this way and have some fun, even for just two hours.
No. 1177061
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I still fucking think about him
No. 1177064
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>>1177033I looked, like three different physicians looked at my files yesterday and a nurse from the inpatient department where I was after surgery more than a month ago looked too. Is this good, bad, do I need to have another surgery?
No. 1177100
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>>1177094Anon, buy a jumping rope, it's seriously the best form of exercise, you can do it anyplace and 15 mins burns more calories than jogging for the same amount of time
No. 1177202
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i miss my father so much. everytime i see an old asian man i immediately start crying really hard. i saw pic related this morning of my favorite movie and i kept holding back my tears this whole day
No. 1177224
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So, to be able to get out of the abusive situation I’m in, I need to be able to get a WFH job to save money. How can I get started in tech? Seems like that’d be the only way for me to make enough to get out and support myself. I’m in somewhat of a hostage situation. Isolated from family and I have no friends. I haven’t been able to work outside of our house in years because he sabotages it. He clearly doesn’t want me around other people or for me to have my own money. I don’t specify all of this for pity, really just to vent, but also explain why I’m looking at tech jobs. I have my own PC at least and I know there are nonnies in tech here too. I’m honestly so pissed that I somehow allowed myself to get into such a fucked situation with a moid.
No. 1177231
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I didn't know what edtwit was like so I checked it out out of curiosity, and man. I don't know, I suppose I never really saw how skinny people could get while still being alive. fuck. and there is so much meanness to fat/chubby girls, specifically to the ones who are miserable and insecure about how they look, and then they're just posted in a "Fat people being sad and ugly: a thread" like, I get that whatever you post online is open to any kind of response, but wow it's just cruel. And the fucking 14/15 year olds in the comments saying shit like "I can't wait until I'm skinny so I don't feel like this anymore" fuck!
I'm not really a sensitive person when it comes to the internet, but knowing that specifically young kids are being basically skinny-groomed by these pro-ana accounts just makes my heart ache. I think of my little sister.
No. 1177273
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I'm so addicted to McDonald's. Ever since quarantine me and my friends would go to McDonald's since it was the only place open & close by. I suffer with ARFID (tldr an ED where I'm basically super selective in what I eat & scared of food) and McDonald's is somewhere where I could always eat, anyways, it's been a year since then but I still go once a week. It used to be almost daily, sometimes going multiple times a day. I always get fries no matter what, usually putting extra salt on, I can feel the fat clog my arteries, I get shit loads of random pains, I don't gain any weight from this since I don't get hungry or eat much at home so I basically starve myself after which probably does me off worse. I want to get better and live normally but if I cut out McDonald's I will be worse off since what I eat at home is chocolate bars, cookies and about 5 vitamin pills. I tried protein shakes at one point, the premade ones from shops but they taste like shit and made me feel sick, every year it gets worse my foods have been getting less and less and I feel so suicidal when I eat but McDonald's in a way makes me feel so happy, maybe that's bc I'm with friends but I know one day it'll wear off
No. 1177339
i have two huge finals back to back tomorrow and its important that i do well on both but i absolutely cannot focus enough to study
>>1177242the catalog i entered on required me to take like 2 years of foreign language, but they removed the requirement for later years. so i just talked to an advisor and they changed my catalog. i don't know what year you are or your major, but might be worth a shot?
>>1177336the chemical is batshit insane amounts of sodium fat and sugar but yeah you could actually get pretty close. especially with fries
No. 1177341
I had some friends over recently, and convo came around to the DH trial. I mentioned how D had raped Heard vaginally with a bottle and two of my friends started going on about how there was no proof, and a woman who recorded so much would have recorded that, so it’s obviously a lie, and already her recorded injuries were proven fake etc etc
And I’m still upset a few days later because when I was younger and my dad abused me sometimes I would record it on my tape recorder but often times I’d forget because it’s just so draining in the moment. And later I mentioned that Heard’s testimony sounds so similar to abuse victims’ so I believe her, and one of my friends said “so aren’t you just letting your emotions get the best of you?” One of those friends is a huge libfem (pro-trans, pro SW pro surrogacy etc) so I shouldn’t be surprised and I wish I could end the friendship. Every time I get the confidence to do so she does something extremely nice (recently it was coming to my graduation with flowers, balloons, custom ordered dessert, and a card about how she’ll always be my friend). Usually I can get over our disagreements but I keep thinking about this and feel like choking. All my friends, even in other friend groups are pro-Depp so it’s not like that was a surprise but these comments keep me thinking about them.
No. 1177353
Blogpost sorry, I can't really talk about this with anyone kek
I've been online friends with this guy for a few years now, we met in some meme/trolling gc (yes I know.) and would constantly "jokingly" flirt to the point other people genuinely thought we where a couple. We've had moments where it's like he's genuinely in love with me to the same extent I am, we'd stay on call for hours, he married me in Runescape and would always wait for me whilst questing even though he'd be falling asleep, we'd play ACNH and he'd always say love you before logging off, we talk every day no matter what, he's always been so kind and respectful towards me, he never asks for nudes, we've exchanged twice and those where both instigated by me, he's even bought me stuff on my birthday and for Christmas, on call one night we both sat there looking at each other smiling I had such the urge to kiss him like that magnetic pull which was weird since there's a whole screen and sea between us. Recently though, some stuff has happened and I'm just kind of confused. The other day he was really drunk and I sent him a picture of me in an old wedding dress I thrifted, he said I should marry him and then made a joke about my username which then lead to him saying that he basically treats me as his girlfriend. I was freaking out but then he sent another message saying that I should go for someone else if I want something serious bc he's immature and can't deal with others emotions (true), I said I don't mind blah blah blah and we continued as normal, we haven't really been that coupley of late since we've both been busy with real life, so despite that, things where good. Then last week in a gc with him and his friend they started talking about something that's really triggering to me, I kept asking them to stop but I was ignored. I ended up having an episode that night, naturally I was angry at this guy and was really blunt with him for a few days, one of which he randomly said 'I'm sorry anon for being rude and selfish' which was weird? I was being super rude and bitchy towards him despite him being pretty nice, I didn't address it properly bc I was high off my ass which I regret. Anyways after a few days, I ask him if he even realised why I was mad bc he's pretty fucking autistic and I told him straight, all he could say was "I wasn't thinking about it". No sorry or anything. It really hurt me, he'd always stick up for me when coming to this kind of stuff but then he's somehow now forgot? It's plausible since he has very sever ADHD and has even forgotten my birthday one time, but I ended up just forgetting about it bc I missed him but he's been kind of distant? We've never fought so I'm not sure what's going on, I know he had some exams and maybe that's why, but I don't know if I'm just overthinking it. I love him so much, I was even looking into meeting him next year, I'm hoping this will all blow over and we'll go back to calling everyday, I feel bad for even posting this but I can't stop thinking about it all, he means so much to me I don't even know what I'd do without him, anyways I'm so tiered goodnight nonnies
No. 1177355
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How the fuck did I manage to scratch and scrape my arm on a door handle? How, you say? Well, because I am an autist and a nonce. Every fucking day I walk past this door and the handle traps my tshirt sleeve so I jerk backwards like I just slipped on a banana peel. You think you can take me on you wooden piece of shit? I'll end you.
No. 1177412
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>>1177355am fooking REELING a lolcow user has once again misused the word 'nonce'. I don't even want to correct you. It's hilarious. Let the chaos ensue, keep telling people you're a nonce it's gold.
Hope you sort out whatever beef you have going on with your door nonce nonna ♥
No. 1177473
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I’m on crutches for a month and a half and holy fucking shit I am so bored. If I sit for too long my ankle starts to swell so pretty much all I can do is lay down and hop to the bathroom occasionally. Walking is exhausting and I can only go up and down stairs by crawling on my knees or sliding on my ass.
No. 1177524
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Had a stress full week of work, uni and breaking up with my then long term bf. Decided to let off some steam with my vibrator and it broke seconds before climax. Gonna cry into a tub of Ben and Jerry’s.
No. 1177573
>>1177526Men have such fantasies about us all the time and they see no problem with it. I think how you feel is normal, men always make
victims out of us and we do too little to retaliate in fear for both ruining our own images and in in fear of our lives, especially since so many women would condemn you for having such thoughts because poor little men.
On that note, youtube has given me so many recommendations on manosphere content and i hate it so much. I think it's because i watch black women's divestment content, although their vitriol is mainly focused on the black manosphere rather than white manosphere because i doubt they care about what black women thinks because we are not fuckable to them anyways. Either way, both of these manospheres are so fucking shallow and vapid. All they do is whinge about women not liking them on tinder, an app known for being shallow and nasty in the first place. Also, men make up most of the users on dating apps in the first place and of course nobody is talking to you ugly ass scrotes. And some how this is womens fault. If having no pussy hurts this bad just off yourselves already and fuck off.
No. 1177579
>>1177573anon I’m crying because I always hated that about manosphere/incel/MRA moids they always use tinder as a metric for normal human relationships. i’m pretty sure dating apps are only used by horny people and should never be used as a way to have good relationships ever kek. men are unable to tell the difference between reality and fiction, they seriously believe that celebrities are like an elite society that constantly breeds beautiful,intelligent, worthy people even though these attributes are only there because of heavy PR involvement and beauty standards, every celebrity is the most average or ugly looking person ever that is pretty much forced to adjust their appearance to fit psyoped ‘high society’. the only way i would ever feel bad for an incel is for their gullibility and naivety, only reasons they don’t get girlfriends/husbands is because they don’t go outside, too autistic to function in a cooperative society, and that men know how intrinsically worthless they are by nature so they either cope by building useless fodder that sustain suffering and pain like civilization, capitalism, and technology or if they’re low-status hope that the higher ends of patriarchy shovels down the rest of their power to them and assign them worth, which is what they think are set decorations to their meaningless existence. a housewife, a family, kids, a job, you notice how men keep saying that is the ultimate purpose of life? you realize how that seems more of like a barbie dreamhouse delusion? it amazes me how barbies are catered towards little girls sometimes, those dreams only fit into the womb envy of scrote’s seed oil mind
No. 1177642
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Working 10 days in a row should be fucking illegal.
No. 1177659
>>1176619>>1176639i don't know many people that have a wide range of hobbies, they are usually focused on one sport, or if they are an artist/artsy, they might be very into painting and sometimes do drawing and crafts. don't feel bad
nonnie. a reason they have so much energy left is because they are neurotypical and extroverted. they probably don't have medical issues and mental illnesses either. and another factor is growing up with those hobbies. when they have been into them for so long they basically become an ingrained habit that doesn't even need that much energy to do. i read that a habit like that becomes stronger the longer it is done, and the minimum is 30 days. my depressed ass has a hard time doing something new for 30 consecutive days. idk if it still works if they're not consecutive. also with americans i noticed that they also try many hobbies and they don't care how good they are at them. i saw some atrocious meals and drawings by adults, kek but it's all for fun. i wish i could play music but the consistent practice fucks me over. that's why i like reading and drawing, because there is a bookmark, and the drawing stays on the page no matter how long it's been.
No. 1177690
>>1177653>>1177671Isn't it a generational thing, specifically a zoomer thing? I see it all the time on Youtube, these young guys talking about earning millions with their side hustles.
And I feel like this hustle culture mentality invaded hobbies as well, you cannot do something out of pleasure anymore, you have to be serious about it and improve improve improve
No. 1177738
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I didn't exfoliate my vagina after shaving a few days ago and now I suffer the consequences
No. 1177774
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Have any of you ''fixed'' one of pickmes/NLOGs around you? I wonder if there is still hope for my sister-in-law. She brags about being only around men, loving 'manly (action)' movies the most, vidyas, etc. Always talks shit about other people more successful than her (it could be anything, even something such as art) with her gay LARPing bestie who is a kid in uni that's 7 years younger than her. Lately I've been noticing she started saying that women are always hated, etc. (which surprised me, because when I spoke out about sexual assaluts, topics like that, she always goes 'NOT ALL MEN' instantly without even listening to me). But the problem is, she is incredibly insecure and desperate. So desperate that after her bf kicked her out she started e-dating a kid 4 years younger than her because he listened to her whining and went as far as willingly had sex with him the first time they met. She is desperate of attention, especially male one (after all its the easiest one to get), the other way would be her pretending to be depressed, throwing fits and scenes (that's how she goes with getting attention from the family). She is insecure and bitter, she caused me a lot of trouble over the years, trying to turn one half of the family against me for no reason, excluding me out of things, etc but I still feel like as if there is hope I can get her a bunch of books that would help her realise she doesn't need a man around her, let alone men's attention to exist. She is also a huge tiktok consoomer, buys shit from aliexpess and amazon.
No. 1177784
how do i stop emotionally babysitting my autistic & misogynist brothers? it kills my braincells and soul to listen to and then try to explain why women are not a hivemind, and that there are more things in life that matters other than money and being tall. they talk like an incel and show insecure narcissistic traits. i gotten better at ignoring and gray rocking out of bullshit conversations but it comes back to me time and time again that they are family and i should help. but nothing may help these idiots because they are not self aware of their shitty annoying personality, even after i told them.
just the things they do, to give you an idea:
>makes everything into an argument or mansplains everything
>prioritizes money over empathy, charisma and conversation skills, then whines when things don't go their way
>"it's because i'm shorter than the chad"
yes, they talk like this in real life
>says he will become the most attractive when he is 40
absolute bullshit, he doesn't take care of his skin, does not improve his personality or social skills, and blames everything on the new boogieman/women/immigrants/poor people
>trolls (?) about age of consent and rape, even after telling him it's not funny and he doesn't express it clearly when he says a joke
>jealous when my parents gave me better gifts for christmas, even though forgets and ignores all holidays consistently
>rude to my mom
>doesn't do cleaning except for his room, leaves messes in the kitchen and bathroom
>makes everything negative, even when at a party
>depressing rants about how his party went bad, because people did not eat his patties or praise him enough
>regularly regurgitates incel phrases and ideas, in public, loudly, in front of our parents, in front of his and my friends
i do have more hope for one of them, he is well-rounded in education and does social sports. if he started psychoanalyzing himself instead of some homoerotic hyperfocus on the chad, eventually he might be a pleasant person to have around. as for the other one he thinks a cute girl from church will fall in love and move in with him when he's 40 or something because in his mind he will be rich and a provider. i don't think so bro when all you speak about is low life incel shit, hate women and are racist, and even your friends are bottom tier loser weirdos who are racist or delusional spergs with a superiority complex while on the benefit
No. 1177800
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>has scary dream where it immediately turns into a robbery-hostage situation where a bunch of random ass people and me and some of my family lay on the floor and they’re laying on top of me to protect me from getting shot and immediately the perpetrators start shooting the people in my dream
I never feel safe or protected, anywhere. I always feel like my life is in constant fucking danger and I just gave up trying to even preserve it, it’s like fate if I ever get shot or murdered by one of my male family members. It’s over. I feel like I will never even begin to have a life because I constantly feel like I’m at the edge of life and death anyways. Constantly going back and forth from anxiety and just wanting to die already I had enough of these nightmares.
No. 1177820
>>1177784They need new friends and first of all to stop hanging out in incel and redpill spaces. And therapy probably.
Consider that this is a meme. They got the disease from somewhere and it flourished because it allows them to settle in their pre-existing shitty behavior without needing improvement and integrate among their loser friends. They need to be put in situations where thinking this way is no longer viable. I think it's kind of like peaking trannies but on hard mode lol. They need to be shoehorned into a normal life space like work, where they will have no choice but adapt and face reality or lose. The reason I consider it hard mode is because misogyny, racism and other such things are still very common ideas outside of the incel sphere so even if they got out of this they could still turn out to be regular type assholes.
How old are they and what is your situation ? I kind of assumed the second guy is a stay at home neet because I don't think anyone would hire this kind of person. I don't want to be extreme but I think desperate cases should be given ultimatums, fix yourself or leave. If he doesn't want to contribute to the household and behave decently with those who share it with him, he can go get his own place by himself. It's cruel but a few people do need to get their asses kicked into adaptation. Don't provide anything more than the absolute necessary. I'm sorry this is the shit that landed on you anon. Hopefully they will improve and realize how much free and unrewarded labor you and your family put into their well being.
No. 1177848
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my mother will call me a whore in all the ways if i even insinuate going outside without her and has since i was a child but she has a hysteric meltdown whenever i tell her that i wont take my clothes off in front of her. like she was screaming at the top of her lungs crying on the floor, wtf ? i dont care if i came out of her naked, im not a a literal baby anymore. i dont even see myself naked why would i even trust anybody else to
No. 1177895
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I'm so upset nonnies. The ONE time I find a guy attractive, life has to fuck me over like this. I recently met a guy at my uni and we get along great. A few days ago some friends, him and I went clubbing. The guy and I ended up making out but the day after I found out that he's 20 and I'm 26 and I feel so weird about it. Visually we look fine together since I "don't look 26" but idk I still feel weird being so much older. I talked to him about it and he says that he understands my worries and respects my decision regarding it but he also said that we're both adults and I shouldn't feel weird about it. We both work, go to uni and have our own places but I fear that the age gap will become an issue as we age. Am I thinking too much about it already? I don't plan on starting a family any time soon or anything like that but I still don't know what to do and how people around us would react to the age gap.
No. 1177907
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ignoring the dumb non-binary shit, I looked at the comments of this facebook link and surprise surprise it's full of moids talking about how UNFAIR this is, and how muh men get attacked in taxis too. yes bitch but not at the rate of which women get attacked, assaulted and raped or even murdered by taxi drivers. how the fuck can you even argue against this? is your day really going to be ruined by one female taxi driver rejecting your ride?
i hope they all fucking die, honestly. the comments are full of men joking about them assaulting a female taxi driver and simultaneously crying because what about the men who get harmed wah wah wah fuck off and die. We literally can't have shit, we can't have ANY sort of safety without men trying to tear it down again and make it about themselves and it is so depressing, it makes me incredibly suspicious and skeptical of men in general now.
this is why I don't believe whenever someone pulls the "not all men are this bad" shit to me - okay, you think so? go look at those facebook comments and there's hundreds of men who are joking or mocking this. it's not a tiny minority, it's most of them because they will never understand what it's like to be a woman. all of the fucking pickme's in the comments like "men get attacked too xx" good luck sticking up for these scrotes because they will NEVER keep that energy for you when you get assaulted, attacked or generally harmed by another man - they will never be on your side, they don't fucking care about you or any of us.
No. 1177920
>>1177895>as we ageA 6 year gap relationships becomes less of an issue as people get older actually, dw about it. If you like each other both at the same point of your lives so why not? He’s not an adolescent
>>1177906>this guy can’t manipulate youI mean… why? Lol… men can be manipulative at 18 or 30, don’t think a younger dude won’t fuck you over if you let him that’s dumb nonna
No. 1177980
I hate being a freak of nature and people trying to gaslight me whenever I bring it up myself. Since puberty people have been tinfoiling I'm a scrote or have some sort of endocrine disorder. Clothes shopping has always been a hellish experience, because I don't have tiny shoulders, huge boobs and big hips. I've been all sorts of weights, it's my bone structure, I'm a severe inverted triangle with a frame /fit/ would be jealous of. I look so easily like an AGP, everything looks desperate and like overcompensation. When I try to embrace my masculine features, people freak out and try to force me into a feminine box I'll never fit into. Some people acknowledge that I look better with short hair and that it shows off my cheekbones and Chad jaw, others cry and say I'm offending god, thinking I'm better off with a thin long strangly mop on my head. I prefer to look like a masculine woman than a deranged TiM, I can always keep the latter in mind as a Halloween costume. Let me be proud of being a cavewoman, instead of trying to get me back into the feminine box. If a God exists, I was literally made to kick scrote ass, build shit and lift heavy. The first time I saw someone describe the same thing was in the well of loneliness, but 99% of people don't get it.
No. 1177982
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>>1177972Sure but don't complain when you get burned by this generation of scrotes.
No. 1177994
>>1177895Samefag. I vented here in hopes of getting some input from anons who might have been/ or might know somebody who went through the same thing and since the relationship advice thread on /g/ is a bit dry. Thanks for the replies so far, nonnies.
>>1177949>wanting an older woman for "easy sex" and something similar to a "sugar mommy" (emphasis on mommy) these young men do not want to grow up and provide, would much rather find some older "desperate" woman who will buy them a ps5 and take them out for nuggies after sex. Younger men who seek older women usually see some sort of material benefit for themI can see that for some, but that wouldn't work with me because I make my own money and he makes his. I know you probably didn't direct it towards me necessarily but I'm just gonna put it out there that I am neither desperate to be in a relationship nor that I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my shit If I were in one.
Yeah, I'll probably find someone if I choose to dump this guy but I was just asking because we get along really well and have things in common, which doesn't happen often with me and men. That's why I am contemplating the entire thing despite the age gap.
No. 1178000
>>1177994There was an anon lately who was venting after a similar gap like this went wrong. I remember her often posting about it when things were good. I think she said she was bpd and that played a role in her often dating 19/20 year olds into her late twenties. It was amazing.. til it suddenly wasn't.
I'd approach it in a 'lets just see how things go' manner, play it by ear and don't get too wrapped up too quick. He'll either pleasantly surprise you or the gap in maturity will start to present itself. As long as you don't rush in too deep right off the bat I think you'll come out alright either way.
No. 1178027
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i don’t rlly have anywhere else to post this so i’ll just sperg here, it really fucked me up for a while bc it involved someone i treasured as a teen. i was very depressed in late secondary school and sought solace in love live. even if it was scripted, watching the seiyuu joke around and bond gave me hope. eventually i got attached to komiya arisa (dia’s seiyuu, picrel) since she projected the confidence i wish i could have. a few years back there was an anime convention in my country and arisa performed. she dj’d on a somewhat elevated stage behind her mixer. everything was fine the first few sets, then she came up front to mc. at that point i saw basically every guy in the front row lean on the velvet poles. i was wondering why all of them were hunched over, but since many of them were hambeasts i assumed they were tired from fanchants. then i saw them angling their heads upwards and it hit me that ALL of them were trying to upskirt her. i felt sick seeing it firsthand, like a wave of helplessness washed over me knowing i couldn’t do anything to protect the person i idolized so much from a young age. ik she was probably wearing safety shorts and as a former gravure model she was used to it but even so… it got worse bc i bumped into some of those guys shortly after and one was bragging about photos. the worst thing is i couldn’t report bc i had no proof nor way to identify the guys, plus i was an underaged autist. obv the onus wasn’t on me, yet i still hate that i acted weakly for my parasocial source of strength. sometimes i imagine i could have yelled at the guys or something, just anything besides being completely useless.
No. 1178040
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It's so damn hot outside. Fuck this gay earth.
No. 1178060
>>1177995I'm moovienight married, but other than that I'm single kek
>>1177991Before I cut my hair proper short again a couple years ago, we had a Murican visit work and I was explicitly asked whether I'm a TiM. It hasn't happened since I fully embraced being butch. Sometimes I'm mistaken for a teenage boy, but that's probably because I need to get my shit together clotheswise.
No. 1178070
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Investment/trading enthusiasts who got in during the meme stock/crypto craze are the most annoying fucking people ever. Oh no, the market's down for a single day! Oh no, it could be volatile or sideways for a few months to a couple years before picking up again; who could have possibly predicted that we weren't trapped in an infinite bull market? If any of these knuckleheads had a high-school level of knowledge about the economy and invested wisely instead of trying to get rich quick then they'd know about the boom and bust cycle and wait it out (or better yet, buy some long-term investments during the dip).
For any aspiring investors that may be hanging out on /ot/: Managing your own investments is gambling, and even if you make returns they are very unlikely to 'beat the market'. Set up an IRA and put some money into primarily index funds and high-rated ETFs every once in a while, set up automatic dividend reinvestment, sit on them until you're approaching retirement and need to start investing in income-generating (i.e. high dividend yield) stocks, and set aside a modest amount of gambling money in a separate brokerage account if you really want to try your luck.
No. 1178192
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Just found a new place to live in a new (expensive) town with a new (not well paying) job and I’m excited for the move but pretty concerned that inflation’s gonna make it all come crashing down for me.
No. 1178223
Why so many women LOVE man? Ok, I get you can be attracted and have some good moments etc, but LOVE? Love????
All I see is men cheating and abusing women in every way possible, the suck them dry: their finances, their will, their psychological needs always unfulfilled and yet, men simply snap their finger and these women, who love them, run like a dog to its owner after being left home all day.
I can't take it. They (men) never suffer consequences for shit they do, they always hide behind a woman that takes most of the blow.
This world is only this shitty because of these pathetic women who won't honor their womanhood, their acquired rights after their grandmas and grand gradmas suffered so much.
How can they live with themselves? How do they sleep at night, knowing the CHOOSE to love a barbaric subhuman creature????
No. 1178225
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>>1178206Diff anon but which is worse?
No. 1178227
>>1178143Anon I relate to this 100%. I feel like I just can't do anything, be it work related stuff or my hobbies. I was honestly relieved when I was fired because I just didn't have to pretend to be something I'm not. I couldn't organize myself at all. I'm doing job interviews right now and I know I should be happy whenever they go well but all I feel is dread. Dread over the fact that if I'll get a job, I'll lose free time, I'll have to pretend to care about shit I don't care about and I'll have to pay attention to details which I literally can't. I feel like my time of staying at a job literally depends on my superior's patience and nothing else because I'll inevitably start fucking things up and ruin everything.
God knows I try to get organized, I recently downloaded the 6427947th productivity app that I've ever tried and even though I find the planning progress satisfying, I realized that using it is not as easy as I'd like it to be, because I completely misjudge the time that my projects take.
I also think about my hobbies all the time but actually doing them is a whole different thing that mostly doesn't happen.
Sorry I cannot offer you any useful advice, just know that you're not alone with your struggle
No. 1178275
>>1178227>>1178143That makes three of us. Hang in there, nonnies.
Have you tried learning some skill or taking courses online that would let you get a job to work from home?
No. 1178314
>>1178275I'm considering doing A/C repair or becoming an electrician, but that's not working from home. Sometimes I worry about getting lonely with those jobs though. For now I think that's a good way to save money. I also thought about getting into tech, but I'm worried with my ADHD I'll fuck it up, though I haven't tried it.
I can also draw fairly well, so I've considered becoming a tattoo artist. I'm trying to get myself to get my shit together to make finished pieces. I do art studies on my own time, but without stimulants I struggle with finishing any piece. I want help with this, but idk where to start. I feel like if I don't have structure or deadlines with finishing pieces I can't do it. I've started getting into the art community here, and considered making a twitter/instagram just to keep myself motivated to make more art.
No. 1178315
>>1178058>>1178053>>1178030The dumbest thing is that it all started with me saying I wish men still wore skirts and acted maculine like they did for thousands of years. And that I wished I could have been born to see an army of roman soldiers in skirts with their tanned legs.
Then he reeed that men have to act like faggots if they wear skirts and that those totally looks a like a skirt and dress garments weren't dresses bc thats faggy. A man has to actvlike a sissy if he wears a skirt. And that roman soldiers skirts doesn't count bc it was a uniform. Well then I wish all modern uniforms had skirts then you retard.
Moid logic, probably just mad he would look like a ginormous faggot wearing a skirt and tried to cope.
No. 1178434
>>1177895The age gap isn't too bad, mostly it comes down to when you want to have kids. If he wants to wait till he's 35 it might be too late for you. But if he wants to be a young dad it isn't a big deal.
>>1177934there are manipulative men of all ages but that doesn't seem to apply to that nona given how she and him didn't even know each other's ages until later. He wasn't going out of his way to date someone older, they looked close in age and thought they were close in age.
No. 1178466
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Don't scroll
No. 1178546
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Bumpety bump bump
No. 1178688
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ignore this
No. 1178718
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No. 1178737
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Finally broke up with my autistic leech of an ex after 8 years. We've been together since i was 14 and he lived with my family. The faggot is absolutely batshit. Spent all of last night screeching at me for wanting space, grabbed me and shooked me violently and just told me how much he hates me and how nobody will ever love me. My entire family is on his side lmao, they think i was too hard on the kid cuz i apperantly "rushed him" even though ive tried to dump him in February. That didn't work because he said it would be my fault if he becomes homeless and I felt guilty. Im feeling good about not having to see him, just feeling really awful that my family kinda hates me at the moment and my mom is giving me the silent treatment
No. 1178765
Please read The Gift of Fear, it has a section on safely leaving relationships like this.
No. 1178776
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CP above
No. 1178808
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I think I’m entering my villain era and I’m terrified of myself. I can just feel the dark aura surrounding me now
No. 1178851
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My Harry Potter obsessed friend who has never dated a woman (we're both bi women) has been tweeting picrel again. I almost want to ask why she cares so much about HP and acts like JKR's word on the books is word of god when she hates her so much. I don't care about HP personally but can't stand this kind of pathetic behaviour.
No. 1178878
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I JUST WANT TO KNOOOOW. I'm impatient, I can't wait for the test results. I want to know how bad it is, but I don't even know what I would do with that information. I don't have any true longterm plans really, even though I'm not a NEET. I don't even like what I studied, I don't like my field at all, it's depressing af and normies think they know all about it anyway when they DON'T and they're way too fucking optimistic about it. I don't want kids. I'm a sperg so I don't have many friends anyway and add being a lesbian to that and things just fucking suck. I'm not attractive and I could desperately use a glow up and this whole being ill thing will only make the situation worse, even if I recover. Like if I need chemo, you don't just go bald, your teeth get fucked up too and they're already not doing great. I don't even know why so much is already going to shit, probably due to the shit ton of deficiencies. Everyone just says "fight it!!111!" "I hope you'll recover soon anon!", like first of all you fucking assholes didn't even care about me until I got ill. Second of all, what the fuck is there for me even when I do recover? The world is going to shit, wars and fires everywhere, climate change fucking things up, AGP's invaded every lgb(t) space, everything is depressing, I picked the wrong job because I picked what I was good at and makes money instead of some sort of passion, I'm lonely and ugly. I don't know what I can be positive about, I have nothing to look forward to. Maybe I'll never recover and I only have like 5 years left, who the fuck knows. I wish I could just run away from society and go live in the forest in a shack I built myself with a bunch of cats and grow my own food. Being isolated was already bad enough, but normies using me to feel better about themselves and trying to contact me to pat themselves on the back is honestly worse. I can't even believe in a religion, I tried several times, but I just can't make myself do it. I don't have it in me to truly believe, so I don't even have that comfort either. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT and I don't even know what I'm exactly living for. You don't even really need a reason, but it's just difficult to find motivation and to think of what I can tick off my bucketlist without being a complete hedonist and throwing all morals and common sense away. How fast should you even start with ticking things off? Everything is taking so long and I'm constantly being kept in the dark, I fucking hate it, but it's not like the information is going to help me anyway. I don't know. I also can't let my parents back into my life because they're insane drug addicts who would just give me more stress, so I'm not even getting support from them.
No. 1178884
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>be me, artist
>gf is in a new artist discord
>I avoid discords cuz they suck
>the friends she has there like her stories about me and want to meet me
>I give in, they don't know my art twitter handle
>everyone is super friendly and I befriend some people
>decide to randomly search my art handle
>they trash talked me hard like a year ago, especially a girl that's trying hard to be my friend
>they don't even know
What to do with this feel?
No. 1178885
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>>1178865I feel like some people think dogs don’t need to be bathed regularly, just because they lick their assshole and genitals occasionally. Maybe your mums dog just needs a bath? And it’s teeth brushed? Or you can get him a dental stick, something like picrel
No. 1178887
>>1178878Wait do you have cancer? Or are you suspecting you do?
I relate to everything else you're saying. I'm a lesbian, I don't want kids (even if I did I wouldn't since I struggle to take care of myself, idk how to prepare to climate change). Idk what advice to give you other than try to accept you don't have control over many of these things, take things one step at a time, etc.
No. 1178894
>>1178890It was more a general
>lol x is shit, seeing her stuff retweeted annoys meIt could be fun to come out as "hey btw I am x"
No. 1178922
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I feel so disgusted right now. I could actually puke.
I googled a question about pads, saw somebody asked the same thing on quora, clicked and scrolled down, and it's a fucking tranny who answered and posted close ups of their crotch.
(I own underwear btw, but I was just curious ok!!)
No. 1178925
>>1178887The specialists tell me I don't and then an oncologist sends a letter to my GP saying they think I do and that they don't really know what else it could be, so I don't know what to think at this point anymore. Are they trying to protect my feelings? Trying not to have liability until the test results come in? It would make sense because I have fast growing lesions all over the place on scans and already had complications, but I'm waiting for biopsy results. I'm probably fucked either way with how much is going wrong, even if I'm lucky and it's not cancer. They should've taken a biopsy way earlier and I wish they would just be done with the scans and tests and that there's some certainty about what is going on, because now I'm stuck in a limbo anyway and can't plan or think forward anyway. I don't even enjoy my days anymore because I have pain after eating every time, and I can't eat a lot of things anymore or I'll suffer the consequences (pain, throwing up, hearburn), jaundiced, I'm also tired really quickly, but at the same time I can't sleep and just have constant night sweats. I want to attack people who start talking about work or study, because I just can't give a fuck about that shit atm, but it's all normies care about. I might be fucking dying and they want me to go stress some more about stupid shit like that. Maybe I'm being very dramatic, but with the issues I have it has already drastically decreased my quality of life and it does feel like something is deeply wrong. I honestly want to quit and go travel or something if I could. It also just doesn't feel fair because I tried to eat healthily (which might have at least prevented some damage), avoided alcohol, worst I did was smoke weed once in a while, but I probably just have fucked genetics. Now I can't even eat junkfood without being in intense pain not much later. No matter whether it's cancer or not, I'll have to get some resections anyway due to the amount of damage and stuff is being restricted and I'll be more at risk of developing deficiencies the rest of my life. I'll also not be able to eat properly for ages probably, idk how fast that stuff heals. I try to do corny shit like smelling every flower and petting every cat I come by. I try to make the meals I can have as pleasurable as possible. I try to stay strong, still working out a little and trying not to lose too much weight. But some days I just wonder why I'm even trying. I legit prefer hanging out with nonnas, because unless I mention it in a vent like this, you don't know I'm ill and everything is just normal and positive (or infighty, kek) due to the anonymity. Normies take every opportunity to say some platitudes, send a get well card, then don't want to talk until you're magically better, or at least not talk about real shit or just have things be normal. Like actual support is distraction, having fun sometimes, allowing things to be negative sometimes. Normies pat themselves on the back for nothing, meanwhile nonnas don't even know how much they help.
Also sometimes it's very difficult to give a fuck and I've already come close to attacking scrotes and mauling them when they act up. Sorry for the long vent which doesn't make much sense.
No. 1178941
>>1178929>>1178933it's all a fetish to them, fucking disgusting
their bio says "I am a man who has been dressing like a girl"
notice how they don't say woman. nasty pedos.
No. 1178963
>>1178950Gay men have higher testosterone? Really? I associate them as pseudo-feminine, even the bears, who fucked their hormones up with roids and fat cells. Not that gay men are the better scrotes or anything…
Btw I don’t really care about the butch stereotype, who am I to call them manly as I have to remove my hair every morning and wear makeup, but I feel I’d be much happier and straighter if I would have my hormones fixed since I were a child, a lot of problems of back then and now, and my strange hypersexual vivid dreams would have been avoided. Psychologists always thought I was molested when I were a child. I’m neither hypersexual nor molested as a child. I needed to have my hormones fixed ffs.
No. 1179031
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need help nonnies. the moid im trying to hook up with just asked me whats my type of scrote. he's pretty (for a moid) but he doesn't fit any of the checkboxes. only the basics of having a cute face and looking clean. and my type of men is very similar to a close friend of his that i met before this moid. i just can't say the truth because of moid pride
No. 1179041
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>>1179016Same anon. Falling in love feels nice and fluffy until you remember how unrealistic your fantasies are. I really want to forget about it too, it's pointless and I will get hurt eventually
No. 1179043
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>Like male-dominated hobby
>Have to endure scrote posts on every platform "hehe porn hehe big tiddy mommeeee" "what if ____ but WOMAN WITH HUGE BOOBS" "hahaha big goth mommy step on meee"
>Constant weebshit and pedoshit
>Go on retarddit to check a sub for one of these
>"God forbid feminine women get representation in anything!! I wanna play as a big tiddy muscle mommy ecksdee. signed, x__succubusqueenoftehnight__x!1!"
Surprisingly not a troon, its a camgirl
>"Artist" drew porn of a 14 year old Russian girl because she made an innocent gay flag pin tiktok
>"Don't worry comrade we have your back, it's just fiction praise Slaanesh fuck sjws!"
I regret rejoining but there's no place else where everything is easy to find. I've left about 3 subreddits like that. The only good one I've stayed in is an actually funny parody sub popular with women. It's bad enough I have to keep reading "brothel this bordello that" in official books.
No. 1179048
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My fucking back is so uncomfortable all the time. I'm not even Olga-aged yet, it shouldn't be like this.
No. 1179120
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I paid 6000$ to learn my cat has advanced cancer and will probably need to be put down soon. He's only 5
No. 1179329
>>1179285Nah my self esteem is too low. I feel like I have to update my dating app pictures, since they're kinda catfishy with how healthy I used to look. I already wasn't attractive, but now it has gotten really bad, since I lost my muscle and have such a sickly skintone. I'm masc too so like, pick a struggle, you know? I did at least order some new clothes so I don't have to keep walking around in ridiculously oversized ones. Yeah the movieroom is a massive help! I really appreciate all the nonnas there, it's fun when they randomly decide to watch the Moomins or something. It's fine, I wouldn't exactly now how to advice someone in a situation like this either, sometimes shit just sucks.
>>1178958The fucked up part is, I think I would almost be happy with the news, instead of them sneaking around my back tinfoiling to each other about what is going on. Idk I just want to know what's wrong, any diagnosis so they can start treating properly. I already had a surgery they couldn't finish properly, because they had no clue how much to remove, so they just sewed me back up. I've been poked and prodded so much already, I just want it to end. Realistically speaking it wouldn't be a death sentence (good previous fitness level and diet, young age etc.) even though it feels that way. I also already relate to too many of their memes, but at least they're good memes.
I wonder when cancer patients are going to be cancelled by TRA's, because they call normies "cancer muggles" and compare getting the diagnosis letter to getting a letter from Hogwarts kek. They already complain that breast cancer patients get mastectomies before they do, so I could see it happening.>>1178965Sorry for the medical lingo, but I'm translating from the specialist letters
>diffuse restriction throughout my small intestine, from the duodenum into my jejunum>recurrent intussusception (telescoping of the intestines)This blockage basically starts right outside of my stomach, so whenever food leaves my stomach it HURTS A FUCKTON. Like I'm being stabbed. I've not had appendicitis before, but from what I read the pain is similar, to give an idea. Sometimes it causes things to backup and causes severe heartburn and acid reflux as a result. The duodenum and jejunum is where a large part of vitamins are being absorbed, they seem to be damaged enough to easily cause me deficiencies, since I do have a list of them, mostly the fat soluble ones.
>Fast growing lesions in my liver, one is benign, but the others are mystery ones>Liver enyzmes are elevated, causing the mild jaundice. I have trouble digesting fat and I've never eaten much fat in the first place, but whenever I go above 15 grams, things uh start to look weird out of the other end, yellow or pitch-black are common colors I see. I'm trying to get enough calories, but
>I dropped almost 1/4th of my bodyweight in just a couple months, it feels like nothing is being absorbed. I know a lot of people think weightloss is good, but I lost a shit ton of muscle, because I was a powerlifter/strongwoman before. Even before I went through the tests or went to a doctor, I had insomnia and this sense of dread, I knew something was deeply wrong. I was blowing off going to the doctor, because I'm used to them not taking me seriously and just throwing fiber sachets at me, even though I'm part of the 5% who eats enough fiber. Or saying it's just anxiety or that the abdominal pain is either from menstrual cramps or psychosomatic. My GP was already blowing me off when I called her several times to complain about how
>I lost my period for 2 years after quitting bc, because I was told it could shrink the first liver lesion they found (I went on bc in the first place due to painful irregular periods, I'm not interested in scrotes). I started wondering whether I had HIV or some shit like that (I don't, btw), because of how fast I was deteriorating and how shit my immune system seems to have gotten. The first month I had
projectile vomiting and I thought that I maybe just have a bad case of food poisoning, but deep down I knew more was going on.
>inb4 why didn't you go see a secondopinion?The bureaucracy has made it so that you can only see a GP who lives within your postcode, like a 15 minute walk radius. Which doesn't leave you with many options unless you move. Second of all, doctors are like a cabal who protect each other from liability. They're not going to snitch and say another doctor did something wrong, so they don't do real second opinions. They get paid for every registered patient even if they never visit, so they don't actually have to properly do their work. You also need to get your hands on your files to go get a second opinion or switch GPs and your old GP tends to block that. It's a widespread problem and I'm not just being retarded. You also can't go to a hospital directly, because then it's not covered by insurance. Another risk is being labeled a hysterical bitch and having no doctors ever take you seriously again, it's a tightrope you got to walk. The specialists at the hospital said it's common for GP's to be misogynistic assholes, including female GP's. They have a fairly cushy job and 99% of the time people visit and there's genuinely nothing wrong, so it's easy to dismiss the 1% who needs to be referred to the hospital. Add being female to that and nobody takes your pain seriously and assumes it must be psychosomatic. If I were a man, I would've been helped a lot faster. Despite it being a first world country, foreigners often complain about our healthcare system because of that and go back to their own second or thirdworld country for healthcare, where they don't act like tylenol/paracetamol is a panacea. People who were born here have their head too far up their asses to acknowledge the problems and how our healthcare system has deteriorated over the last couple decades, because they have a superiority complex and think you should be grateful for having even been born here. So many of our doctors are fucking off to Canada, it's that bad.
No. 1179367
>>1179329Its only temporary but I wonder if you'd feel better with fake tan?
I hope they figure something out quickly.
We should throw a thread roleplay party for you and all the other disabled nonas>>1179363You could book a massage or manicure, it might help.
No. 1179383
>>1178936>>1178947You're not completely insane. People will gaslight you about it, because they desperately want to distance themselves from that idea and it's not like every lesbian or bi woman is more masculine and has higher testosterone, but there are definitely women who did feel somewhat like this. People love to act like dysphoria doesn't even exist, because they are too obsessed with dunking on the troons to realize that these feelings date back much further. I want to remind everyone that BDD is supposed to be body dysphoric disorder, dysmorphia indicates that there's something genuinely wrong with your body, dysphoria indicates it's just a feeling. So if you believe BDD is a thing, you believe in dysphoria already.
>Anne Lister complained about how even when she wore a completely feminine dress in Paris, people called her a man. >How her girlfriends were ashamed of her looking mannish, no matter what she would wear. >Radclyffe Hall wrote in the Well of Loneliness, after describing how since childhood people called both her behavior and body mannish, a climactic scene where Stephen inspects her body for how masculine it is. >She only feels more at peace once she finds out about "sexual inverts". Mind you that even back then they acknowledged hundreds of different kinds of sexualities and didn't think that you have to be masculine to be interested in women, just that it's a category which you can definitely observe. It was the first time society acknowledged SSA as an actual sexual thing, not just asexual romantic friendships. Nowadays you get gaslit and told that you can still be feminine and that you should try to femme it up to not give the rest a bad name, but some of us have so many traits that yes it does look masculine. It's not that just being tall or having a deep voice is unwomanly, but we all know DAMN FUCKING WELL, how it is interpreted in society. Maybe it won't be in a perfect radfem utopia, but we're not living in that now. In this world, being tall, having linebacker shoulders, a barrel ribcage, a caveman browbone, big square jawline, thick straight eyebrows, sharp features, flat broad chest, straight narrow hips etc. is seen as unwomanly. Many women have one or two of these traits, but not many understand what it's like when you have most of these traits, at some point the scale does tip towards being seen as unwomanly by most of society. The gaslighting and pretending it doesn't happen and it doesn't affect how you're viewed in society and even within the lgb(t) community doesn't make the problem go away. I will dare to say that because polilez rejected even the possibility of a category of women whose SSA is a form of sexual inversion, they have doomed female masculinity and pushed many women into the arms of bigpharma and the medical industry. Instead of being seen as a
valid subsection of SSA women, it became an impossibility, instead saying that SSA is the highest form of femininity. All to hide the mythical mannish lesbian, they even went back to saying SSA is just asexual romantic friendships. Challenging and critiquing the idea of SSA and gendernonconformity into obscurity and out of mainstream media, all in the name of feminism kek. Mainstream media happily obliges, because they gladly hide female masculinity's existence, but everyone celebrated it at the time as a feminist win. Then everyone is surprised that there are so many fakebois nowadays, when female masculinity (in body, dress and behavior) is censored out of existence in the name of feminism, including by radical feminism, even though they will claim they totally didn't promote that. I recommend reading Jack Halberstam's book on female masculinity. She also says you cannot call women like Anne Lister or Radclyffe Hall "pretranssexuals", but it's just a very complicated topic. I think it can definitely be possible for bisexual women too. Maybe female masculinity is hormonal or innate in some way, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing or needs to be "fixed" in either direction. Society just still hasn't gotten on with the program. We're a century later and people still want to swear up and down that masculine women don't exist or they try to reframe it, because they think female masculinity is the highest form of insult. Even female athletes are expected to overcompensate with hyperfemininity, or insist and prove how they're still feminine, because the worst thing is female masculinity. One side wants you to transition, the other side wants you to become a pretty feminine woman and overcompensate for your traits, even though that's just not in the cards for you. Several butch authors tried to tackle this topic and all TRA's have done is misinterpret them and cause trouble. Which has resulted in everyone slightly gc vilifying these authors and saying you're not allowed to read them, even though not even TRA's like them when they properly read what they wrote. Let handsome women be handsome women.
No. 1179392
>>1177804from cringing too hard
>>1177820>How old are they and what is your situation?they are barely 20. we live with my parents since the rona. one of them is moved out but we chat often and he visits us. the one that moved out has a degree and a job, and normal friends. he is not as doomer mentality as the other. low to regular level of misogyny and not that racist but laughs at shitty jokes about it… hyper focuses on small things like hair cuts and height and whines about his exes.
the one i live with, he is a workaholic dropout, studying again and working some wagie job. has a lot of money because he never left my parent's home and does not have full college debt. unaware how easy it was for him, he thinks we are >not good investers. insufferable.
only does housework if asked multiple times but he cooks sometimes. he watches the trashest content, and even among his autist friend group is the most misogynistic. at least he has good hobbies i think my older brother got him into. he does sports too and looks down on neet behaviour, even despising video games. maybe once he moves out he won't have anymore time for reddit shit and realize how cringe his views and jokes were. he jokes too much about women. attends hobby and religious meetings.
>>1177829maybe. he is paranoid enough though that he will not go that way, as far as i know. there were some older women actually he got crushes on. generally he is too afraid to even say hi to a girl he likes at work. if he turns out to be a creep i will relentlessly bully him before cutting his completely off.
No. 1179462
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A raging NPD who used to be my roommate posted this on her facebook and I can't stop laughing. She was evicted because of her behavior and drinking kek.
No. 1179517
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>>1179509Seeing death up close has a way of
triggering something instinctual in us. Very sad your cousin didn’t get to live a full life. I hope the family stays strong together.
No. 1179523
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I am so tired.
I don't have a day off for 3 weeks now and there still so much to do. I've been like this for months now and there is no prospect of it ending soon. I am doing this out of necessity so there is no option to just "take a break" and even when I consider taking a break I feel so exhausted that nothing appeals to me. I am just constantly scared and tired. I just want to get this out, I can't say this to anyone since they'll either give empty advice or just make this their own problem and make it even worse.
No. 1179524
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I may have gone a little too far in my revenge scheme sperg out and screwed myself over. Lord-chan, if you let out of this one with no consequences I swear I'll never be a petty bitch again
No. 1179546
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I hate my life when I’m being ignored by everyone. No one ever listens to meee
No. 1179562
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I wanna draw fujo art of my ocs and post it on twitter but i have no followers or reach or anything, so I feel stupid just posting it into the void. I feel like people are gonna look at it and think "wtf this retard really thought she was doing something when she posted this to NO ONE LMAO". Do not u guys feel this same shame at putting yourself out there for absolutely no one? It's like throwing a party and no one shows up… Idk am I retarded?
No. 1179563
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I've been feeling so poorly and just "off" this week, needing insane amounts of sleep and then still being exhausted all day…plus I have only worked out once instead of four times. What is wrong with me, I just want to be normal and full of energy and have a routine, I'm trying but it's like I am just so tired…
No. 1179568
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today is my birthday and my 'bestie' ruined it lol
i wish i didn't feel bad about it, but i'm glad that it made me realize that i'm emotionally dependent on her and that i put her on a pedestal she doesn't deserve to be on
No. 1179572
>>1179561You're not retarded nona, I know how you feel. It used to happen to me all the time, to the point where conversations got awkward when I opened my mouth. For me it only got better after a lot of exposure and practice. But you're not alone, and you
are funny and insightful.
No. 1179598
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I just failed a college exam because I forgot to sign it at the end. It's not like it didn't have my name on it, I just forgot the fucking signature.
I can still have a passing grade but that test would have increased my chances since I was already doing bad at the subject and now even my scholarship is at risk.
I'm really bitter right now.
I can't even vent to my closest friend because she will be like "yeah well that was your fault" and I know that's right but I don't feel like hearing it right now
No. 1179684
>>1179570Oh good I’m not the only one who does this. Then I feel like a smug dumbass for a while until later on I see someone else repeat my point, sometimes word for word, later in the same thread or even on another website (looking at you
ovarit) and I feel smart again.
No. 1179692
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i'm so sad today due to a breakup i'm not sure when will i recover from this but it hurts so bad gosh darnit i hate being in love
No. 1179693
>>1176207They sexualize themselves as much as they can, so that attracts chasers. But also, everyone knows people are just being extra nice to troons. They force themselves to believe that men in dresses are stunningly beautiful women, while perpetuating misogynistic stereotypes against women (who are naturally prettier and more feminine than said men in dresses) that don't wear makeup or don't want to advertise themselves to men.
>>1176204I know that feel too well. Maybe we should try to stop having such high expectations or stop coming up with ideas that are way beyond our capabilities. It only makes us feel bad.
>>1179043I'm sorry you feel so lonely and have to see that annoying shit all the time,
nonny. If I didn't have so many hobbies already I would get into yours and be your friend.
>>1178315>probably just mad he would look like a ginormous faggot wearing a skirt and tried to cope.He either felt you were disrespecting the masculinity of those manly men who used to wear skirts and are his role models (logic is: woman openly lusts after man or expresses an opinion about what she considers an attractive man = attack on masculinity, because only other men are allowed to say what is and isn't masculine or attractive to straight women) or he got so jealous of you lusting after manly men that he tried to gatekeep you from ancient man skirts and dresses by trying to make a distinction between those and "girly" clothes. Most probably both.
The first one is the same logic behind weeb scrotes hating on "fujos" and blaming them for pretty boy protagonists in shonen and such. They just can't tolerate women sexualizing their masculine role models in any way, it makes them seethe so much it's hilarious.
Either way, your friend is childish as fuck.
No. 1179696
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This is a really really really retarded post because if anything, I should be happy about this. After looking really leisurely for a job for one and a half month of being unemployed, I was offered one for a higher salary that I've ever earned but it just…gives me anxiety more than anything. I have ADHD so I have to start worrying about making mistakes and supervisors noticing them. I have to attempt to get organized. I have to pay attention. The last time I was employed I just couldn't stop worrying about my mistakes or the stupid things I said and the entire months I was employed for I was an anxious mess, barely sleeping and constantly wondering when they will fire me. And then the mistakes piled up and I was fired. I don't want to fucking go through this cycle again. Also it's a job that doesn't really interests me and it's in a field that I've never worked in before (finance).
Additionally, I promised myself that in the time I'm looking for a job, I'll put together a UX portfolio (which would be a dream job for me I guess) or at least learn something new that would benefit me. Did I want to do it? Yes. Did I actually sit down and do it? No. I fucking didn't. I had all the time in the world but I just couldn't make myself do it. And it's not because I wasn't interested in it, I cannot even make myself watch movies that interest me. I just feel so inadequate at life. And I know I SHOULD feel happy about this job, but I'm literally in tears now, I know it's ridiculous. I just cannot do things. I feel like my career so far is like a timed game where if the hourglass runs out of sand, I am kicked out. It's literally inevitable and beyond control.
No. 1179725
Guy I matched with in tinder sent me a first message like
>"Hey, please answer me these questions, one word is okay, to know if it's even worth it to communicate.
>Ideal evening
>Etc (I can't remember)
>Please be normal, so far I've only met weird individuals from this city"
I only said "What an inviting and tempting first message smileyface Good luck, see you."
And unmatched.
Does he seriously think he'd get women like this? Could this even ever work??
Like no bro I don't have time to write you essays about my opinions to be 'worthy' of you , you should converse and ask naturally ffs, show some effort. And how charming it is to be welcomed with 'please be normal' and insulting people of my city lmao.
One guy did this to me before 'please don't be crazy', I said something similar 'Wow what a tempting first message' and he tried to save it with 'No, you're so hot I'd go out with you even if you were crazy'.
Jesus christ. Is that negging? Or just stupidly admitting they have baggage, will shit on their exes and berate your opinions before even interacting with you?
No. 1179762
>>1179631Yep. It's honestly still better than Tinder, which shows you straight women, no matter which setting you have.
>>1179635I was at a party a couple months ago and this woman said "I'm asexual" and "I went down on this stranger last week" in the same sentence. She also talked about receiving hickeys and doing choking games with her friends, so she seemed more hypersexual than asexual to me. And I thought I'm hypersexual for being a bit of a simp.
>>1179725Sending first messages is admittedly difficult and I don't have the complete hang of it myself, but that sounds like a weird list. What happened to just picking something from a profile you like and giving a compliment or trying to start a conversation about a common interest? Maybe a joke which doesn't include some sort of -phobia or -ism? Even a corny pickup line sounds better than that list. Sounds 100% like negging, but also a lot of scrotes are bitter because they feel like nobody responds to them, but how they deal with that only lowers the chance of anyone responding to them. Dating apps suck for everyone, not just for straight scrotes, but they don't get that. Main character syndrome. Sounds like they're looking for some tradtard pickme and you're dodging bullets like you're in the Matrix.
No. 1179765
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Out of all the bad things I could have inhereted from my father, did anger issues really have to be one?? I got fustrated last night and punched the table, and I've just realised now there's is a fist sized dent in it. I need to learn healthy coping mechanisms, sigh
No. 1179793
>>1179773Tbf the message he sent was longer and had some extra word vomit, I don't remember it exactly.
Also why should the work be on me? He could write his opinions and ask me if I agree or disagree with anything if he wants to do it this weirdo way and not naturally in a conversation.
I just don't feel good about the first message being 'all the women here are crazy, prove me wrong and win my approval' style.
No. 1179838
>>1179568happy birthday
nonnie! would you like to share what happened?
No. 1179863
>>1179832>>1179838nah i'm ok i'm fine i took a nap and now i'm watching weird niche videos on yt
but thanks for replying and your wishes nonas, i really appreciate it. also you're invited to my party too. we're gonna eat so much cake and pizza you won't even believe
No. 1179939
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wtf i am actually retarded it’s not even funny anymore. just like how shatna conditioned herself into being degenerate i made myself retarded
No. 1179962
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I had to throw away my delta 8 gummies because I'm on a diet and can't stop eating uncontrollably when I'm high
No. 1179969
>>1179809Thank you nonna!! I love this kek
>Don't let your brains be a goblin for your gains!This is gonna be my new motto from now on lol. I've gotten better with my relationship with food over the years but I still struggle with it sometimes.
No. 1180062
>>1180052Honestly same
nonnie. I'm a judgemental bitch and too bitter for people. And I judge you too.
No. 1180075
>>1180062I don't think I'm bitter, just too quick to make baseless assumptions about people from minor things. Be honest about me
nonnie, what do you think?
No. 1180156
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Met up with a friend yesterday for a couple of drinks, he was a bit tipsy and suddenly told me he'd love to spend "at least one night" with me. I'm so upset over this. There's seriously no way to be even slightly amicable with moids. I'm starting to be turned off by sex more and more even though I used to enjoy it in the past. I feel like a walking object. Fuck this.
No. 1180209
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I just wanted to say that having a younger bf is literally winning at life. Don't go after older scrotes, men 4-6 years younger than you is where it's at. The best ones are those who are still malleable and respect you and with very little effort you can shape them to be less of a scrote. Of course, a scrote is always a scrote, but finding a decent guy who's open minded and willing to listen to you and actually be your partner is much easier when he's younger than when he's older than you. It's also good when his pussy count isn't higher than like 3 and he only had one or two long term relationships. Younger men also take care of themselves more than the older ones in terms of hygiene, diet and physical activity. And if they don't smoke and don't watch porn like mine for example the dick is even greater. Many young guys think only of smoking weed and partying and hooking up, it's true, but there's also a group of young guys who want to work hard and save money and build a stable long term relationship, it may be hard to find them, but they exist, and they're much better than older scrotes. Just drop older scrotes for real, drop that old wrinkly ballsack with only one sperm alive ready to pass the autism to your child
No. 1180237
>>1180214I guess I just got lucky, we worked at the same place but different departments, we were housemates too, but rarely spoke to each other. He was very shy but once asked me out, and I knew from others he had a crush on me. When I found out about his age (21) I was very hestitant at first and I decided to back off, and it's been like 9 months since then, he helped me with some stuff and we had a few conversations on various topics and I noticed the differences between him and other guys, and I liked him more and more but still didn't make the move, and then one time he just admitted he still had feelings for me after one year and still thinks about me, and I decided to give it a chance, and it's fucking great now
No. 1180251
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My brother keeps leaving empty yoghurt cartons in the fridge and it's driving me insane. Every time I point it out he insists on leaving them there because he things someone will cut them open and scrape out the last sad slivers of remaining yoghurt. But I think it's mostly because he doesn't want to deal with the """hassle""" of having to rinse them out and put them in the proper recycling bin. Also my mom is a damn enabler because she says that she'll deal with it instead, which she shouldn't do imo. I know it's a trivial thing to complain about but it drives me nuts every time I want to enjoy some yoghurt when I see a bunch of cartons in the fridge only to find out they're all empty.
No. 1180264
File: 1652474253967.jpg (58.59 KB, 576x435, “Psychic photographs.” _The pr…)

I'm so tired of seeing lolis and shotas being so casually drawn on twitter. I swear to god it didn't use to be this bad 5 years ago. The constant policing from the "woke crowd" might have pushed degenerates to be even more vocal and disgusting in a weird way
No. 1180272
>>1180251Save them and let them rot somewhere then shove them under his bed Noni. Carpe diem or some shit.
Jokes aside that’s annoying and I’m sorry. He probably doesn’t wipe his ass either.
No. 1180276
>>1180264it's 100% the woke policing. i don't like loli/shota but puriteens screeching about abuse towards fictional children (and, worse,
harrassing japanese/korean/non-american artists) are annoying enough that i'll sometimes like/RT/leave a positive comment just to spite them. more engagement = higher odds it will turn up on someone's timeline
No. 1180280
>>1180278I had no idea that it was possible, that's good to know, thank you
nonnie !
No. 1180300
>>1180298At this point you sound like an obsessed old man or a pickme with an old uggo bf.
No. 1180309
>>1180295Sorry then anon. Seeing the posts about the same thing with the same pictures just struck me as weird. I don't really think age gaps in general are bad, good luck with your relationship.
>>1180305Don't think too much about it nonna. Be grateful you don't know. Stay pure.
No. 1180322
>>1179523I know nobody cares but an update is that I took a nap and ate some sweets as treat and felt much better. Still tired and overworked but praise the sugar rush for fooling me into a better mood.
>>1180264Same nonna, I have never seen so many people comfortable in drawing and retweeting this kind of stuff right next to a picture of their face in any other social media.
No. 1180403
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trying to act normal as if my mother isnt currently possibly permanently destroying her relationship with her family via whatsapp in the next room and i cant do anything about it or she will destroy me physically
No. 1180416
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I hate being the only poor person in my social circle, that I get bitter at my parents for not having high paying jobs. I have to work 5 days a week in order to afford uni, which makes me have to skip social events, classes and gives me less time for school work, yet everyone around me has all the time in the world as international students whose parents just give them money.
I took a week holiday off work and for once I have time to tidy my room, cook, do laundry and do school work on top of that, is this how my friends live all the time? I feel like I could actually be happy if I left my job, but I can't as I'd starve without it. I feel like a entitled brat but God I wish my parents would at least give me something, but I don't even get birthday presents so that would never happen.
No. 1180417
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Teens here as young as 15 have gotten hrt prescription without their parents knowledge from free health clinics with just one appointment, extremely illegal as only one hospital here is allowed to prescribe hrt and only to teens over the age of 16, and only after years of therapy.
No. 1180457
>>1180302Thank you for the suggestion, tbh I'm wondering why I never tried them out. I don't wear bras most of the time because why even, but sometimes I need to because the clothes would look weird or my nipples would show depending on what I'm wearing.
They look very cute, I'll definitely buy a few!
No. 1180476
>>1178922That's gross and I've reported it as inappropriate content.
Absolute fucking state of it.
No. 1180483
>>1180457I don't know how to not feel anger and disgust. At one point, me and my ex went through a rough patch, but were still together. Literally the same day I came over to hang out and we had sex, he made a tiktok saying he was "single". Btw, I found this out months later, because I don't have a tiktok account since I think it's stupid.
We're not in contact anymore and for some reason, I was reading through these old conversations again. I saw the exchange between me finding out and understandably angry, and him apologizing but making up the excuse of "I thought we were done" (HE DIDN'T TELL ME THAT). It's disgusting that he thought it was still okay to sleep with me when apparently we "were done, split split" (his words).
I'm just now realizing just how wrong this was. We dated for years and he knew I would never have sex outside of a relationship. I wouldn't have given myself away if I had known he was proclaiming to be "single". I feel tricked. I want to rip out his sex organs and stomp on them.
I just don't know how to cope. I'm a CSA survivor too, so I hate feeling used like this in any way. I don't think I could even report something like this, or if it's even worth the hassle since he's out-of-state now and it's been nearly a year.
No. 1180534
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>>1180529The probability of an event that occurred having occurred is 100%.
No. 1180538
>>1180156ew, sorry that happened to you
nonnie. Moids cant just be friends with women. i hate them all.
No. 1180580
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I'm so embarrassed over the current state of my life. How the fuck did I end up like this? I'll admit I've been having thoughts like this for several years, since I was 13 (when my depression and anxiety started, and when I started feeling a bit socially isolated) but I think they're now more valid than ever. I'm 21 and have never had a job, have never had a proper bf (the guy friend I had who asked me out in 3rd grade doesn't count kek), have never even had my first kiss, have no social life whatsoever (I had a few friends before but we don't talk anymore, before it was mostly me texting them but I stopped because I felt embarrassed about my situation and didn't want to talk about it, and they never ended up texting me after this, plus they're more outgoing and have other friends so I don't matter that as much to them as they did to me), dropped out of community college (ok I'll admit the pandemic played a role since I was terrible at online classes and preferred in person ones, but I also have no idea what I want to even do with my life and I kept changing majors), am extremely socially inept and anxious in social situations (arguably way worse now than it was in the past), don't even have a driver's license, and spend my days essentially doing nothing since I have no motivation to do anything. I never envisioned myself becoming a maladjusted hikineet loser…it makes me want to jump off a cliff tbh. It's bad enough that I'm like this but like I said I feel deeply ashamed and don't want other people to know. Since I basically don't have any friends anymore the people I have to worry about are my relatives. Not too long ago one of my dad's cousins came over. I stayed in my room so I never talked to him, but days later I was talking with my dad and apparently he started asking about me. He asked my dad if I was in school and my dad said no, he asked if I had a job and my dad said no again, then he asked if I even had any friends and my dad answered that I had some online friends, but the truth is I don't even have any of those. After my dad told me this I broke down crying, the thought of his cousin knowing how pathetic I am made me so fucking embarrassed, also the people on my dad's side of my family have always been judgemental towards me, like growing up they would give me shit for being quiet and not uber extroverted like they are, so I have a feeling that he's gonna tell all of the other relatives my business and they'll all be talking shit about me. And yesterday I overheard my mom talking to her dad and telling him about me and I started breaking down crying again, particularly when she said that she couldn't understand how I've never had a bf at my age. But on the bright side she said it's not like I'm not pretty, and also that she feels sorry for me, which is heartening because it feels like she's way more judgemental about my situation than my dad is (which is surprising, because for most of my life it's been the other way around). I have no idea what I should do or where to even start. I want to get a job but I'm terrified of having to interact with people. I don't know where to meet new people since I dropped out of school (although even when I was still in college I didn't socialize anyway because, you know, social anxiety). When I ask my dad for advice he always gives me some of the most generic advice ever and it doesn't help at all. At times like this I really wish I had stayed in therapy when I was 14 and my mom didn't just blindly accept that I didn't want to do it and say that it's okay because she doesn't like therapy either (my mom has had depression and panic disorder forever and only relies on antidepressants). When I think back on this it just makes me angry, who knows how much better I could've been if I'd stayed, and maybe just found a better therapist. sorry for the long and rambly post, I've been holding this in for a while and just wanted to get this off my chest
No. 1180655
>>1180286Your mom sounds like my mom.
>>1180293Your dad sounds like my mom’s dad.
I barely knew my grandfather but this shit still transferred down to me, only slightly diluted. Even though my mother always tried to encourage and praise me I still picked up on her own anxiety and perfectionism and internalised it. Now that I’m an adult I have trouble believing it when someone praises something I’ve done, especially my mother because she still overcompensates in that speaking-to-a-toddler tone of voice. I feel like I actually suck at everything I do and people are just trying to make me feel better. Every 3-5 years I decide to try and reach out to the world by making a social media account for my craft or joining a group for it, but I always become self-conscious within a few weeks and give up. Fuck you, grandpa.
No. 1180712
>>1180672As someone with the ‘tism myself I agree with the other anon. Reporting him will help establish a pattern of him creeping on women which should at the very least earn him a stern talking to. Being autistic is no excuse to pry into customers’ love lives. Even if he has trouble recognising boundaries, “do not ask customers about their romantic relationships” is a very easy rule to follow and if he oversteps that boundary it’s because he’s a creep, not because he’s autistic. Who wants to bet that he never asks these types of questions when the person he’s wheeling around is a man?
>>1180677lol I wish. My mom is way too nice to be on lolcow.
No. 1180732
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I hate that I still crave a lasting connection with someone I'm mentally and physically attracted to but I'm too traumatized to meet many people and can't ever see myself trusting again. So many men are utterly foul, even the ones who seem decent and successful. I'm trying to take care of my own needs but it's hard. I want to stop caring about relationships at all. I hate how this world conditions us to crave fulfillment through romantic love but it's so rare to find the real deal. I manage fine most of the time but I get so tired doing this all alone. I'm not as strong as everyone makes me out to be.
No. 1180768
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I wish I could get started on my stupid assignments, they're all due in the coming week but I took my meds and still can't focus. I don't want to take due date extensions but I think I'll have to at this rate. I need to practice sticking to a schedule and putting time aside to study. I'm going to follow a weekly plan next semester that has me focusing on a different course each day based on what the last class I had was, I hope it ends up working for me because I can't seem to figure out which course to work on, and I somehow always manage to forget one and focus on the others. That being said, does anyone know any cute weekly planners?
also I kinda want a serious vent thread and a basic vent thread. Seeing that one nonna post about her cancer diagnosis and talk about how people complaining about mundane things makes her wanna scream. I think she was talking about real life, not this thread, but it still makes me feel bad posting my first world problems anyway, sorry nonnas who have worse stuff going on.
No. 1180822
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It's too early and I have to go to a meeting at the building.. I just wanna sleep. I wish it was at least online so I could go to sleep right after and didn't have to commute etc etc
No. 1180847
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why do i still miss the ppl who i thought were my friends that abandoned me and dont give a shit abt me now
No. 1180849
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IM PISSED OFF that I had to get the vax to keep my job and stay enrolled in school. It has to be a human rights violation to threaten my employment and coerce me to take 3+ doses of experimental chemicals that don't help anyone or anything. And I still got sick with ""covid"" later that year anyway so what was the point?? I don't want to take it ever again, but I also need to stay employed. I feel like I was made a lab rat. It's so fucked up that I'm envious of my maladjusted NEET brother who has managed to avoid the vax by living in our moms basement for the past few years. I'm just really upset. I never wanted it in the first place. I never want to compromise my personal values again, especially when I have no idea what the long term consequences will be. Yet I'm expected to submit to it yearly? Fuck. Its not fair!
No. 1180852
>>1180849Next time don't get the vaccine and do like your NEET brother.
No one is going to stop you.
No. 1180860
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Bf and I have talked about getting land and becoming self-sufficient and getting out of this overpriced, suburban/urban shithole we hate but he just got a new job in this area. Seems like when he was looking it would’ve been the best chance to try to get out of town but now I’m forever tied down to this place we will never be able to afford a house in or even dream of getting an acre.
I want to get out of the “system” as much as possible and start my life and now that’s never going to happen. I feel so stagnant. We can’t even progress our relationship and make steps towards having a family. Apartments are all like $1,800+ for shitty 1 bedrooms and studios lol. Maybe I should just go buy my own property in the middle of nowhere and fuck off on my own.
No. 1180866
>>1180849I'm in the same situation. I had to get vaxxed to escape government bullying because I have a job, while my NEET friends could just ignore it.
Maybe it helps to remember the million other ways in which the government fucks you around that hurt far more than the vaxx, like, see it as one of the many annoyances and pains that come with being alive and not as this egregious violation that can't be forgotten.
> Yet I'm expected to submit to it yearlyThe studies that show the real side effects are slowly coming out, as are (presumably) safer vaccines, so hopefully we won't be forced to roll the dice with severe long time vaccination effects much more often. Most people are extremely fed up too.
No. 1181022
>>1181009I tried water only washing now i use a lactic soap and it works better. But i’m still unhappy. Next thing that makes me smell better is hair removal, which i’m too lazy to do. I know it’s probs the hair that does it and my diet.
>>1181015Will cucumbers work? I have some in yhe fridge
No. 1181066
>>1181048u know what m8, it's even more impressive that you graduated and got this far whilst being in so much pain. i hope you celebrate, whether for you that is getting hammered at an event somewhere or having a toasty bath, i hope you feel proud of yourself and know you've just crossed a big hurdle. Congratulations and lots of love to you
nonnie ♥
No. 1181070
>>1181062ive always been too much of a pussy for self harm.
>>1181066>>1181069thanks gyns
No. 1181089
>>1181070Don't ever start self harming. It's a travesty I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Congrats on your graduation and know that all your treacherous time was worth it. You did well
I feel like I want to die all the time too and I'm aiming to graduate by the end of the year if not the end of the summer. One of the only things that keeps me alive is the prospect of graduation, mundanities like friendships, and leaving this shithole
No. 1181122
I am in such a stupid fucking situation over a moid ""friend"" and my best friend I don't even know where to start.
We started hanging out few years ago and while he seemed nice at first, I always had this "off" feeling.
We also hung out with friends on his side but as time passed he started to kind of compartmentalize people. It wasn't bunch of people hanging out, going on concerts anymore, suddenly he would always make it that only my friend and I hang out with him in a coffee shop. He gradually was more passive aggressive with us, playing off insults as "jokes" that were unfunny, then we would call him out and he would suddenly be all sorry and try acting nice again.
Then after that it became even more ridiculous because he started calling us to hang out with him separately and 95% of times I would decline his invitation but it would just make him ask more often. When I would meet him it was again passive aggressive bullshit and few times he even tried to flirt which I would shut down fast. Anyways anytime he was told off he would act like a sad puppy uwu so sowwy and manipulate into feeling sorry for him.
Now what I didn't mention is that this fucker has a girlfriend that he has been dating for 4 years. They see each other maybe once a week and I felt he was always trying to see me and my friend more often than her. It's again, ridiculous. His schedule was basically- Try to meet my friend and I 2-3 times a week for a coffee during weekdays, meet his gf for a date on some random day on weekday and then on weekends he goes out to party with his exclusively male friends (no gf around).
For some time now I was aware that the situation is not normal, finally got sick of his shit, stopped falling for his "pity me my life is hard" acts and cut him off. That was not a "friendship" anymore, it was pretty much a torture. He is a lunatic and what a lunatic does is bomb my phone with "I am so sorry" and pity messages every few days.
Anyways the problem is with my friend. She is my best friend, we share many views and she is trustworthy and generally a great friend but problem is with him. She wants to keep hanging out with him even though she is aware of all the things I've written above and agrees with me. She has this "Oh you so bothered over him while I am so chill, I totally don't care so you should get chill too and forgive him". I explained many times what bothers me and how I don't like it but she is like "Hm, dunno" and then continues how she would feel weird completely cutting him off. I don't know is it because she hangs out with his girlfriend or what?
Now every year we host Eurovision watch party. This year just the two of us planned to watch it at her house, drink and have fun. But suddenly she invited him and started with the whole "cmon just chill". What the fuck? It's gonna be Saturday night and while his gf is home alone he wants to go get drunk with his female friends. Ew ew ew. He already sent a message how he wants to meet with me separately to explain himself before all three of us meet and I showed it to her and she just said "Oh well". What the fuck. I don't want to hang out with him but I don't want to cut off my best friend either over some moidery shit. This whole situation is just fucking stupid.
Anyways sorry for the TLDR, I know this sounds stupidly crazy but I had to vent somewhere.
No. 1181123
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>>1181078WELL not everyone, just myself and the people who matter (like my mother). i hate the idea that i'm the way i am (and have been) simply because i'm a privileged brat growing up in a first world country. bullying and strained relations with my parents aside, i've still been lucky enough to be in relative decent health, i've never gone hungry, never been too hot or cold…etc. i've always had a roof over my head yet i have fucked up so much and continue fucking up.
if i could point to the source of this pain – my "mental illness" – and be able to physically/Visually identify it, i don't know. maybe i could actually talk about it with people. maybe they would understand. like when you have a broken leg everyone can see the cast and nobody expects you to run a marathon, when you're mentally ill most people are like "…okay? have you tried prayer? are you REALLY trying hard enough? you're just lazy, right? you don't want to do any work! everyone is depressed :)! you're being dramatic, you're being a bother, etc. etc. etc." and to a point i'm like "well shit maybe i AM just a terrible lazy pos that needs to get off of her ass more".
sorry for the word vomit/salad
No. 1181216
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No. 1181280
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I had to throw out a bunch of my childhood toys and room decor because sometimes I'd take them out and end up trying to age regress out of stress. I'd put my old Barbie bedding on, watch Disney movies, eat stuff I liked as a kid and ignore all responsibility for days or even weeks. I'd play my old PS2 games and play dress up with dolls, brushing their hair and stuff.
I'm a grown woman and feel like Shayna for admitting it but I was just trying to cope. I still have some items left I'm trying to throw in the garbage. I hate throwing away these things I got so much joy out of. Once they gave me pure happiness now I'm a pathetic grown woman clutching onto plastic barbies trying to squeeze a tiny drop of joy out of life. Anyway cringe and I hate my terrible ways of coping.
No. 1181301
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>>1181130thank you nona! I just saw this
No. 1181306
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lmao when you try to reach out to people that you are struggling mentally and they are either too caught up in their own crap for you to feel it's right to bother them or they completely dismiss you when you try to straight up tell them you feel an emotional crash is coming. Really, always trying to be the optimistic peppy friend that does her best being there for others really doesn't pay off in the end, and honestly idek what kind of support I want or need either right now - I just know I want it from someone close to me in any sort of shape.
The only upside to this is that I have moved since last time I had an emotional breakdown and don't have easy access to a train rail anymore, last time I was in a downward spiral I attempted to go straight onto them with nothing but an ID card in my pocket but pussied out.
>go to therapy
I just finished therapy and they considered that I was doing well enough and developed proper enough coping mechanisms to be on my own without a professional support system for the first time since I was 15, it's really going swell.
No. 1181314
>>1181280Ok but now I want that pillowcase.
Maybe you could direct that energy into collecting new cute shit that you like, watching new animated movies?
I can see how bringing out the exact same items as you had as a child may be unhealthy, but if you find cute shit comforting, I think creating new memories with new interests is a healthy way to direct it.
I am a toy collector/collector of cute shit, to be clear, and I've found I'm happier with it than when trying not to be a weeb toy collector and trying to "adult", also unashamedly enjoying animations and adventure movies. But it's generally all new or new-to-me and not associated with my childhood. If you're not interested in dolls/animations etc in the present than throwing them out is the right choice, or at least only keeping a few special items.
No. 1181345
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>>1181332You're so nice for giving me all this advice for free are you my guardian angel?
No. 1181380
>>1181367I feel your pain
nonny. I guarantee you that it won't feel as bad as your hangover recedes and time passes. Be nice to yourself today.
No. 1181426
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>>1181421Thanks nona
(ban evasion) No. 1181474
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This is ridiculous but I was an actual deathfat before and lost so much weight that now I have 0 decent looking clothes and I have 0 money to get new shit because I am sick and have no job. I can always sew some dresses and shirts smaller but I almost had a panic attack today when I look deranged in all my coats and jackets and normal clothes, even my sports bras are massive on me now. Oversize is cute but I am talking almost 70kg loss, it's insanely awful. I gotta buy some cheap form fitting bottoms, a decent dress shirt, bra and just mod the rest but I have my first neet help employment thing coming up and I don't wanna look like a fucking slob, I need to find a belt to maybe make these fucks work but my life feels like an absurd horror movie rn.
No. 1181479
>>1181475100%. Also feeling shaken after seeing such a graphic and disturbing image is totally normal,
nonnie. I know it’s upsetting but just take that as a sign that you have a normal healthy response to things like that. Not like the disgusting men that saved and still repost the pictures.
No. 1181482
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my boyfriend keeps talking about his loser girl best friend and it makes me want to die everytime. the other day i was talking to him and then he got a message from her and checked his watch and just blurted out "___ is awake!". i feel like my feelings are justified, bc hes literally had feelings for her in the past, and he literally always talks about her. every chance he gets he will talk about her. i can never settle down lmfao . shes his top priority at this point, he always replies to her meanwhile im just left on read all the time. he knows more about her than he knows about me ffs. ive tried expressing my discomfort with it and he just says that im always his #1 and then continues. i just want a fucking conversation without the mention of this woman. his friends have even told him the way he talks about her sounds like hes dating her and that they've even thought we broke up and he started dating her
No. 1181488
I have vented about this in earlier treads but I have a friend who moved abroad, married a dude there and she got so much worse mentally. She got a bunch of new meds and almost no therapy, bunch of new diagnosis too which is cool that she now has names for things I guess but I fucking worry. Today was the eurovision, she loves that shit, i don't know how to explain it, she's the number one superfan. She never cared about the time zones being an obstacle but her husband hates that shit, when he visited one year around this time, he actually asked the tv to be turned off in the middle of the show? I get that he isn't european but it was not only weird, it was so disrespect towards my friend who had already suggested the dude all kinds of ways to spend time away if he really didn't wanna watch it. Now my friend didn't even watch any of the semis, didn't listen to the songs and I am actually worried more than ever, it's like some major idk american football fanatic would just casually miss the super bowl.
No. 1181533
Another annoying thing is that in the kiwifarms thread some user posted pictures of the shooter’s high school class and identified the wrong student as the shooter
No. 1181560
>>1181549no, but I remember him mentioning that he suspects he might me on the spectrum. I'm actually an autist and now I think maybe he was saying this stuff regarding killing myself half-serious?
>>1181552he's in early twenties. I really have a hard time navigating the conversation between us and telling when he's actually serious and when he isn't since we're, probably, both autists
No. 1181564
>>1181438Same situation, I feel you.
I wish I could tell you it gets better, but I don't think it does, you just learn to live with it.
My pa is in a retirement property now, he is very elderly, unwell and alone. I kind of forgave him because I am sick and tired of feeling so fucked up about my shitty childhood but I still feel rage,sadness and resentment on a regular basis.
My mother threw me under the bus for her beloved all the time, thinking it would make him love her but he despised her as much as he did me, and she died in 2018.
I am adopted too, which adds another layer of fuckedupness to the whole thing.
Hugs, kisses and cute fluff kittehs dear noni.
No. 1181566
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So i work at a family restaurant. I have to work with my brother in law (chill dude) and his wife, her sisters and her mother. (Bf works too, BOH while i serve.)
This wife (hailey) is …. A poor man’s mean girl? Her and her sisters gossip like 12 year olds about anyone working. Since ive started back at work, ive noticed her whispering and being secretive towards me.
Is it because….
> i literally grew up in the food industry, so very few errors/problems
>customers ask for me over them, despite having the restaurant for years
>all recent reviews have been based on my service, all great
> business is picking up
>your husband has thanked me for taking over your shifts bc you are so lazy and mean
Yet all these catty fat country women over 35 are gossiping, excluding me after work, trying to get the brother in law involved.
Tonight he told me they dont like me because IM TOO NICE? AND THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT?
Look, im making bank slinging easy food. I could get mean, and verbally cut a bitch, but I choose to not. You see, I didnt get mentally stunted at 17 like this family has been.
Still, your eyebrows suck, your side job is a MLM, and you have the worst genetics and i feel sorry for whoever punched you in the face as a kid. If you spent a 1/4 of the time you bitch on working out, i promise youd actually like yourself. Your husband has said he would have left you if he didnt already commit to adopting your children bc you chose a methhead to be a sperm donor
No. 1181568
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Everyday I want to die, doesn’t matter what happens, I want to die, I don’t get it, I don’t have a rough life, everything is normal, why do I want to die so much? Every tiny little inconvenient makes me want to die, but I don’t feel depressed, I can take showers and brush my teeth, I can change my clothes and go out.
I wish I did have to though, I kind of wish I could die, I just want to die, I’m tired of being alive, I’m not fit to be alive.
I will never do or say anything right, I will always be criticized and seen as someone lowly, I just want to die already, I’m just a hindrance, someone that just exists to bother and disappoint everyone.
No. 1181588
>>1181557A few years ago a woman I worked with was pregnant with her first baby and was all excited. It definitely wasn't a planned baby but her bf and family all got on board and everyone was delighted for her. Then her granny died and a week later she lost the baby. I don't know if it was the shock, upset or grief that played a role or not but she was around 6 months gone or more so had to birth the baby afaik. I didn't want to ask anything invasive when she came back but it was surreal. She'd been heavily showing and had been gifted with so many things in advance. She went through all that and it was painful seeing her return to work after and try to carry on as normal.
Whenever I see people flippantly talk about women 'popping babies out' I'm reminded of that. Years ago my dad told me half of his siblings were stillborn and I was so young att that I didn't take in the magnitude of how horrible that must be.
No. 1181604
I still haven't done my homework. It's been days. And I don't feel like replying to them until I do it, because otherwise I won't feel worthy of using that time for fun things. Also I wouldn't know how to respond to them after so many days, they've already likely moved on entirely from that conversation.
>>1181596Don't worry nona, I'd be annoyed too if my friends dismissed my efforts to keep both of us safe.
No. 1181625
>>1181612Check out knix leak proof underwear, it helps.
Why do vaginas sweat, anyways? Its so irritating.
No. 1181668
>>1181625Thank you anon, I will!
>>1181653No? I'm talking about sweat. Like, perspiration.
>>1181614It's possible that if you sweat a lot and don't air your vagina out or dry it, the moisture may have gave you an infection that's causing a smell. Get a test for yeast infections or BV.
No. 1181717
>>1181306I know exactly how you feel… It's so much easier for someone to dismiss us and our problems as something that another person can fix. They will say that they don't have the capabilities to help, or to go to a professional, but a professional isn't a friend or family member; they're doing it to get paid and maybe once in a while you will find a therapist who cares more than others but it's a completely different dynamic than what someone needs to be happy. I struggle a lot with idealizing suicide, and instead of receiving help and patience from who I thought were my friends and boyfriend, I just got told they can't help even though I told them that spending time with them makes me happy. I don't know why it's considered okay now to avoid these problems when there are real solutions available if people close to us just took the time to listen and spend a little extra time helping with emotions. Instead they abandon you and it turns into a continuous cycle which keeps getting worse each time it happens. It's like when they have those anti-bullying campaigns at schools. They don't help the kids getting mistreated, it just lets the retards feel better about themselves to say they're against bullying while partaking in it themselves. Now people can just say, "go get professional help, call a suicide hotline." They don't actually want to deal with the pain that someone else carries with them because they're too selfish to want to care or understand. I guarantee you that if you had a broken bone or something that they would be there giving you gifts and helping you out in any way they can, but for whatever fucking reason depression and other common mental illnesses are still dismissed as something that isn't as big of a problem because you can't see it. But the minute you start showing that you need help, they care more about their feelings and avoid "getting hurt." It's not easy to help someone, but they don't realize how a little extra patience and attentiveness goes a long way. I feel like this new sort of approach to "fixing" mental health is just causing more problems for the people who need the help. It's easier to get medication, but it's making it harder to form real relationships with people because now you're just seen a dismissible object who should be a patient instead of an actual human. Just my opinion but I'm sure I'm not alone in this way of thinking. I hope you get the real support you need eventually, I wish it was easier to find people who understand what it's like to actually struggle with being alive even if it looks like nothings really wrong.
No. 1181744
>>1181717If you're depressed because of physical illness, people don't help you either and want you to go seek therapy or call a hotline. They just want to use physically ill people as positivity porn. They'll send a get well card and say platitudes like "you got to keep fighting", but they don't want to spend time. They just don't want to see you until treatment is over, even when treatment hasn't even started yet and you don't know if you'll ever get better or will get longterm problems. Sometimes all a person needs is a "damn that shit sucks" and go do something fun with them, not
toxic positivity and dropping you like a hot potato.
No. 1181759
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I recently realized how bad my procrastination habit is and that I can only do things through procrastinating on other things. Like I can only make myself clean the kitchen which has a huge pile of unwashed dishes and just general chaos, if that means procrastinating on an important phonecall I have to make. Or I can only make myself visit my mother if that means calling off another, more challenging social event. How tf do I even exist
No. 1181773
>>1181749I see it's on Zlibrary, thanks for the recommendation! I'm probably really going to need it. Just reading a small excerpt, damn my country really has become America-lite. It can get even worse though, scrote doctors used to say that women caused their own cancer by not being positive enough.
>>1181756Or at least that things will be bearable.
>>1181768Yup, exact same experience. I ended up moving back in with my grandparents temporarily, because at my own place nobody wanted to help me with things which I wasn't even allowed to do after surgery. Like the fuck am I supposed to do when you're not allowed to lift heavier than 5kg the first week and can't reach out far with your arms without pulling a stitch? First night I was stuck in my bed and found out that memory foam really sucks post-surgery and nobody wanted to help me get out. I just got shit for making too much noise while trying to get out of the mattress prison and potentially disturbing the neighbors. I feel even worse for mothers, because in the instructions it said you have to be careful with child care, but I don't see scrotes suddenly caring and actually taking care of their wives and children when she has to get surgery.
No. 1181873
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I don't know if I want to show any part of my genuine, bitchy personality or always hide under a woke perfect uwu veil. I'm somewhere in the middle, I prefer to avoid starting conflict so I won't tell trannies that they're retarded but shotacons and 4chan fags also creep me out.
No. 1181885
>>1181865Where do you get that I find it abhorrent to date women? I just said I never had the opportunity and I'm not used to it. Women I slept with never wanted anything more and I usually get crushes on straight women so it's just difficult. I haven't sorted it in my head properly yet and don't wanna lead someone on. What if I'm just straight but disgusted by men because of their bullshit?
>>1181867I'm in Eastern Europe and the bi/lesbian dating scene here is pretty bad from what I've seen. I tried tinder and there are mostly red flaggy (zoomer alts/fakebois with spastic bios) or masc women on heavier side that show up. I tried it when I was in Germany and it was more what I'm looking for but also a lot of transbians showed up kek
No. 1181919
>>1181907He's an outdoor cat.
The only thing I have to attract him right now is his food. We live in apartment complex which is part of the reason why I didn't take him inside. My plan was to take him with me when I eventually move later this year.
People in my life are actively jealous of this cat because I'm so affectionate towards him.
Like I've been told that I care more about the cat than I do them.
It annoys me greatly.
How could you be jealous of an animal?
Your words are kind. I appreciate your response. I hope he comes back.
No. 1181921
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I wanted to be a Fatty McFatterson today and order a bunch of yummy yummy junk food but the restaurant is closed on the app due to being busy.
No. 1182009
>>1182006Men tend to think they're as attractive as the hottest woman who has ever entertained them for any amount of time. You give an uggo a chance and all it does is grow his ego. Like you said.. two weeks of 'wow I can't belive my luck' and then their ego adjusts and they fuck things up for themselves.
Oh and then they sit single for a decade and wonder what went wrong lol
No. 1182051
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Spent all Saturday cleaning the place and cooking just to waste Sunday on laying down because of back pains. I can't even sit or get up without any pain, but all of this hustle culture and stupid mentality makes me feel like I am the worst person because I am not doing anything today. I can't even touch commissions I am working on, haven't done any uni homework either. I am a miserable plumb, being sad over nothing. My clients thankfully know that my health is barely hanging there and I am waiting in 3 week queue to pay another doctor visit, but the fact over how weak I am makes me feel even worse. I just need to learn to rest.
No. 1182076
>>1182072Everyone thinks this way, especially if you don't take pictures often, as your brain is more used to what you see on the mirror and on pictures, it's the mirrored version, making your asymmetries more apparent.
To take good pictures, use back camera and take pictures from a distance, zoom in if you need to. The image will be less distorted this way and even though it's still mirrored, you'll find you look better.
No. 1182132
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I was a dumbass to think my male friend would keep in contact with me after I spent some time away from most social media and then he got a gf soon after. I was never interested in him like that, idk if he was with me, but I'm starting to think that maybe I was like the "backup option" for him even though I would have rejected him in the first place.
I deleted my twitter and instagram months ago but gave him my number so we could text and I did mention arranging somewhere to meet up when I had time off work - obviously somewhere in public. Barely heard anything from him for months. I purposely don't become friends with moids for a reason and I guess I goofed up thinking he would perhaps be an exception.
I know that people aren't obliged to text me or talk to me but a little "hey what's going on? you doing good?" would be good now and then but I didn't get shit.
Oh well, I'm not upset or hurt over it but it does make me question whether he was just solely talking to me because he thought I would date him if the other woman didn't work out. If that's the case he is very mistaken, but it just further cements my idea that I generally cannot trust moids to just "be friends" with me.
No. 1182173
>>1182165 I’m immune to that. People who are sheltered don’t know how terrible the world is outside. I hope that anon gets good non-
toxic roommates, but unfortunately that’s rare.
No. 1182244
>>1182132So many of my male ‘friends’ completely dropped me once they heard I got a boyfriend. Guys who I never in a million years thought would want to date me suddenly saw no reason to interact with me anymore once dating me was no longer an option. Really puts all your past interactions in a different light, doesn’t it?
>>1182235He probably has 10+ different chats going simultaneously and can’t be bothered to invest too much effort into each one. Like with reproduction itself, women value quality over quantity while many men value quantity over quality.