File: 1479484970885.jpg (43.97 KB, 480x480, 14915223_1771392056446444_3373…)

No. 118124
File: 1479509153745.jpg (118.13 KB, 600x714, girl-from-high-school.jpg)

No. 118144
File: 1479537608953.jpg (90.03 KB, 788x763, JgR7qAG.jpg)

>>118124I feel like you could combine it with this as well
No. 118182
File: 1479574064507.jpg (202.23 KB, 717x592, a0c.jpg)

No. 118249
File: 1479618615318.png (41.94 KB, 400x502, sizzle-album-starter-packs-6fy…)

No. 118250
File: 1479620609689.jpg (215.19 KB, 1280x1282, 76567890876.jpg)

No. 118277
>>118249where are the gunnars
>>118250lmao that hairstyle and colour is spot on
No. 118280
File: 1479660576492.jpg (79.93 KB, 750x722, 54.jpg)

I'm not even mad about this one,it's accurate and I love these ladies.
No. 118286
File: 1479661960086.jpg (53.78 KB, 588x406, 3aa.jpg)

>>118250That fucking hair though, they all had it. Yes,
No. 118290
File: 1479662808196.jpg (121.15 KB, 1175x820, 076.jpg)

That squat is pretty comfortable though.
No. 118301
File: 1479667222378.png (78.6 KB, 400x435, 43534534.png)

No. 118307
File: 1479670260108.png (640.7 KB, 1000x720, tumblr_obyykiFjJq1uqq258o1_128…)

No. 118356
>>118352Get with the times, grandma.
Seriously, though, creepers were a huge trend among the pastel goth crowd years ago, but died out
No. 118371
File: 1479713488697.jpg (94.15 KB, 540x684, tumblr_oeydqm0Sph1vs9ctzo1_540…)

No. 118386
File: 1479738185165.jpg (108.55 KB, 581x600, 857377.jpg)

For any Hungarian anons
No. 118404
File: 1479749175347.jpg (96.88 KB, 749x925, CqSwSzxWgAULYyU.jpg)

>>118307>>118336>>118337>>118339Well actually..
But this is a topkek image either way. And I guess it's safe to say these girls are a large proportion of tumblr.
No. 118408
File: 1479749697760.jpg (118.26 KB, 640x756, tumblr_nf7cko4cWk1ty0z61o1_128…)

No. 118421
File: 1479763498962.jpg (26.44 KB, 370x480, 2e5fa424af68ce5da5585700317a26…)

No. 118434
File: 1479767603605.png (72.68 KB, 250x250, tumblr_nff3yph8lL1u411zxo1_250…)

No. 118440
File: 1479769698230.png (2.71 MB, 2104x1524, OnionStarterPack.png)

Not sure if I should post this here or in the Onision Thread
No. 118447
File: 1479774747564.jpg (87.57 KB, 593x557, starte.jpg)

No. 118468
File: 1479782707029.png (83.99 KB, 337x376, truuuu.png)

No. 118475
File: 1479784679792.png (629.5 KB, 1366x934, creepyindstarterpack.png)

I swear I'm not racist, I even have an indian friend!
Come on, you know this starter pack is legit.
No. 118499
File: 1479800245419.jpg (91.07 KB, 469x471, tumblr_ogamhdqOn01sxck1io1_500…)

No. 118500
File: 1479800621221.jpg (98.45 KB, 960x852, FjMUwWl.jpg)

No. 118505
File: 1479804542187.jpg (2.37 MB, 3300x2550, 3p7cpj8l9iox.jpg)

No. 118507
File: 1479804682476.png (572.67 KB, 817x623, 08svcvy8tnox.png)

No. 118508
File: 1479804916747.jpeg (158.24 KB, 747x776, b3ab73e4df6245e6a446dac9d0af5c…)

No. 118509
File: 1479805090797.png (1008.93 KB, 1522x980, nPbO0js.png)

No. 118510
File: 1479805267633.png (848.94 KB, 1048x644, R1AEvE5.png)

No. 118511
File: 1479805394394.png (278.85 KB, 640x480, SadxD45.png)

No. 118512
File: 1479805597731.png (511.27 KB, 724x490, bUfsQkZ.png)

No. 118513
File: 1479805752842.png (727.92 KB, 1742x1040, LbvxRUs.png)

No. 118530
>>118506Don't worry anon, I like em too.
>>118508I grew up in a rodeo town and I still get flashbacks when I see grown women wearing jeans with rhinestones on the butt.
>>118523I was waiting behind two girls that looked like
>>118447 who were chatting at a vending machine and taking their damn time getting food and they gave me this super sideways look and started whispering lol. Idk what they were even doing in a university library, they looked like they were 15. That might've been the poorly applied makeup and Uggs thought.
No. 118543
File: 1479852106927.png (94.52 KB, 750x694, IMG_4710.PNG)

>>118092They need to add a smiley piercing and manic panic hair dye to this and it would be 10/10
No. 118547
File: 1479853282583.jpg (196.47 KB, 961x969, i hope i'm not the only…)

No. 118611
File: 1479912604868.jpg (432.62 KB, 1650x1275, l0repi86pdzx.jpg)

One for the upcoming holiday.
No. 118822
File: 1480060962320.jpg (589.65 KB, 1990x3072, musty son.jpg)

No. 118824
>>118822the following into every room bit
No. 118857
File: 1480103325836.jpg (554 KB, 1076x1118, 2016-11-25_12.45.39.jpg)

Someone needs to make an anarcho-capitalist counterpart.
No. 118858
File: 1480103361435.jpg (312.24 KB, 1080x1062, 2016-11-25_12.46.25.jpg)

No. 118871
File: 1480112031647.jpg (176.07 KB, 637x816, tumblr_nno84i6xOz1r3mhn1o1_128…)

No. 118872
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No. 118876
that reminds me, there's probably a lularoe one of these roaming around somewhere.
No. 118884
File: 1480115845149.png (1.93 MB, 1668x1039, ozmWoUM.png)

No. 118888
File: 1480118679749.jpg (131.93 KB, 805x711, eK9zA-KxgwvL79muAomH41VjnjFCm1…)

No. 118894
File: 1480122420286.png (383.84 KB, 511x1067, bmasd.png)

>>118890lol, look at all these scared straight people
No. 118920
File: 1480139637921.png (3.29 MB, 1619x2327, being generic is so kawaii.png)

>>118307Had a go at making one of these myself
No. 118923
File: 1480143161128.jpg (62.64 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1927.JPG)

>>118507My cousin named her son kayden noooo
No. 118933
File: 1480159960299.jpg (28.22 KB, 450x338, 6a00d834515b6369e200e550798686…)

>>118923a girl I know named her daughter Daenerys
No. 118939
File: 1480164147111.png (236.57 KB, 1242x1171, IMG_5322.PNG)

No. 118942
>>118822I get this one mostly, but what's with the random guy on the bottom center?
Surely there could be a better photo for ungroomed hair than that? Because that just looks styled to give a shaggy look more than anything.
Or am I misunderstanding it completely?
No. 118998
>>118920Not savage enough, anon. I like the
>It Will Make Your Eyes Appear Wider though
No. 119022
File: 1480214507825.jpg (85.94 KB, 700x688, transmanstarterpack.jpg)

>>119008i'm sure it's been done already but here, i just made one
No. 119030
>>118939Gargoyle would love to his face stamped on anything "emo"
>>119023They definitely were, I will never understand that. Probably because they think they're sooo emo they have to bring em up
No. 119034
>>119022I know a nonbinary pansexual fakeboi who goes by ash at my college. Shes 21 and mentally ill/kind of an addict, doesn't help her family enable her. I also knew these two girls who did the whole "nonbinary gay/nonbinary lesbian" thing (aged 16 and 21 when i knew them in 2014) and I recently logged onto my old tumblr and saw they were still enabeling eachother with it as well as being each others "queer platonic partners" (lol). I had to block someone on twitter earlier this year as well because she kept saying she was "ALLOWED to say [she] was gay for cullen from dragon age because [she] was NONBINARY and that means BOTH GENDERS!!!!! :)))" and claimed to be a lesbian as well like… what.. do these people not get it's about sex and not gender lol? Idiots. IIRC she was 18 when i unfollowed her but would continuously post about wanting to have sex with cullen on her private account lmfao. There was another nonbinary gay, she was 22 but she had long hair and was into DDLG and set up a nsfw twitter which she just rted ass spanking gifs and Lewd Anime Girls onto kek. If it helps they are/were all heavily depressed and I think two were on meds.
Anyone who describes themselves as nonbinary now is an instant redflag and i avoid them as much as i can lest they have some kind of breakdown from being tipped over the edge lol.
Like I get feeling dysphoric/dysmorphic/uncomfortable with your body but c'mon.. I honestly feel sorry for these people over the age of 19/20 who still ID as this shit because it's like they never progressed beyond their illness.
No. 119049
File: 1480224517494.jpg (102.36 KB, 600x650, 1848484848.jpg)

No. 119050
File: 1480224948354.jpg (173.3 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_nv54rpNe701uhpnomo1_128…)

No. 119052
File: 1480225776225.png (437.88 KB, 854x890, IMG_4772.PNG)

Some of these guys actually made it into my games dev class and just drew bad anime all the time and looked up big titty girls on deviantart. One of them actually called me over to look at the big titty girls on deviantart and asked me my opinion on them. I was the only girl in the class at that time without a boyfriend. I could feel all their eyes on me.
>>119049>btsI'm cringing at how accurate this is.
No. 119055
File: 1480226199433.png (213.84 KB, 444x449, 1457997163200.png)

>>118939I'm actually upset how accurate this is. hahaha
(Don't forget they're all born in 2000 and are someone hardcore fans of the bands)
No. 119059
File: 1480227114555.jpg (82.49 KB, 750x606, IMG_4773.JPG)

>>119054I found them kinda hot because I'm a lesbian lel but the guys didn't know that so I said "isn't this misogynistic?" and they looked so disappointed and said "but it was drawn by a girl!" "You should support it if its made by a girl because its not objectifying!" "You probably dont understand because you're a girl."
No. 119061
>>118939Huh, I guess this is what 80s Siouxie goths must've felt like when the young romantic goth babybats started popping up.
Never thought emo and scene were on that level though
No. 119064
File: 1480231130259.png (329.87 KB, 640x480, v8sfdoG.png)

No. 119066
>>119065there's nothing wrong with it, i assume the issue/meme is because kids try to play it off as if these oldish bands are new/relevant. beethoven is probably a bit of a bad analogy…unless you think mcr is on beethoven's level…
>>119064needs more zooey deschanel
No. 119070
>>119069i know, but in terms of timelessness. beethoven has proven himself to write timeless music, otherwise people wouldn't listen to him today, centuries later. people like old bands because the music they've made is good enough to stand the passage of time.
i was just suggesting that maybe people were surprised that bands like mcr were being thrown around by 2016 emos like they're gods were surprised because mcr may not be that kind of timeless band
No. 119081
File: 1480243240527.png (1.35 MB, 1402x664, jnigs.png)

No. 119099
>>119081You motherfucker anon, I was just about to make the cosfame starter pack with the exact "making a breastplate with worbla's black art"
laughing too much at the flat ass though
No. 119107
File: 1480266454127.png (1.08 MB, 1037x927, W2kOkLW.png)

>flood detected
No. 119109
File: 1480267095440.jpg (63.13 KB, 600x622, a5N5rRV_700b.jpg)

No. 119113
File: 1480269335485.jpg (149.4 KB, 1500x1500, 04d682_5610647.jpg)

No. 119119
File: 1480275295194.jpg (162.95 KB, 1024x652, b7BHMTnZgakrM3jg3dBGfaEcnYwJHk…)

No. 119128
File: 1480276105861.png (679.58 KB, 877x768, llR7CsUGtk6_Ibqpyj9iPU3YDUoKRq…)

No. 119135
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No. 119146
File: 1480281990951.jpg (200.47 KB, 850x850, vrbtizmmo6yx.jpg)

Knew a girl who studied in Denmark for a year in high school and thought she was the fucking shit when she came back.
No. 119154
>>119146I used to follow a blogger who posted twee Modcloth outfits and wrote really flowery blog posts about her study exchange in Europe.
Then she jumped on the first Irish dick she could procure and moved to Europe with him. Now she never fails to mention how she lives in Ireland, in every single fucking blog post. And she's started calling everything 'wee'.
Jesus Christ.
No. 119158
>>119154Reminds me of the American woman who runs She talks about her husband all the time yet the only thing she refers to him as is "her Irishman" and even named her kids these really obscure Irish names.
Her blog is great otherwise, but it's annoying as hell after awhile. I don't know why she doesn't seem to have an identity outside of her husbands heritage.
No. 119162
>>119158>I don't know why she doesn't seem to have an identity outside of her husbands heritage.No shit some people are just blank slates. You're on lolcow. You should know this by now. Look at people like Venus and Taylor and Kota. They're exactly the same.
Some people just have no pride in their own background and seek out surrogate identities through boyfriends or husbands who they perceive as belonging to more desirable groups.
No. 119165
>>119154>jumped on the first Irish dick she could procureI lol'ed.
>>119158This is a pretty good blog, had not heard of it. I can't cook for shit so the 5-ingredient thing will be great
No. 119174
File: 1480290680836.jpg (343.36 KB, 1790x912, 1464220810917.jpg)

No. 119176
File: 1480291535201.png (874.95 KB, 768x768, yHXxcZewB6SE-gpHCXqPm3sSE3RcTl…)

Best one I've ever fucking seen
No. 119197
File: 1480296400726.png (350.91 KB, 610x610, IMG_5327.PNG)

No. 119199
File: 1480296743323.jpg (88.19 KB, 720x700, a66.jpg)

No. 119202
File: 1480297144068.jpg (94.54 KB, 700x700, a66793-21.jpg)

No. 119207
File: 1480297805748.jpg (1014.31 KB, 1920x1920, img_20141210_015724-548fbe6510…)

too many of these fuckers near me.
No. 119208
File: 1480297849960.png (373.26 KB, 499x458, Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 7.45…)

No. 119209
File: 1480297955734.png (269.75 KB, 494x378, Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 7.46…)

sorry i couldn't find bigger of this…
No. 119217
File: 1480299666889.jpg (256.49 KB, 1683x1085, OtCqKUI.jpg)

No. 119227
File: 1480301909975.png (668.51 KB, 887x736, moomoo.png)

These are incredibly fun to make.
No. 119240
File: 1480307965601.png (767.14 KB, 1200x1135, mommyblogger.png)

No. 119241
>>119162I guess I just didn't expect it from a married woman with a child who runs a successful website and has a published book. You're right though.
>>119165Yeah, I like it a lot. I can cook but I'm always too depressed to do anything that requires real effort. Most of her recipes are super easy and healthy, so there's my go-to when I feel like shit.
No. 119244
>>119241I like that she lists ingredient substitutes. I have a redonkulous GI, so dairy and most sugars are out lol.
>didn't expect it from a married woman with a child who runs a successful website and has a published bookIf life has taught me one thing, it's to never be surprised at how dumb smart/successful people can be
No. 119253
File: 1480313269173.jpg (568.48 KB, 1240x927, wiggerkit.jpg)

Dedicated to one of the most insufferable group of people.
No. 119255
>>119158Ugh, she's one of those American immigrants who treat everything in their host country like it's some big inside joke and post things on social media with the hashtag #Just(Country)Things or #onlyin(country).
Irish people do the same except the other way around, they never shut up about OIRELAND.
It's like a roided up version of the study abroad girl.
No. 119257
>>119099Please do it.
I'd love to see more cow packs, hope someone makes!
No. 119259
File: 1480320571898.png (1.12 MB, 1125x787, ddlg autism taken too far.png)

sad bbydoll
No. 119273
File: 1480345100701.png (1.84 MB, 1758x938, vickysjuahshus.png)

>I'd love to see more cow packs, hope someone makes!sure.
Victoria Bella Morte / Murder / Shingles
No. 119280
>>119049i came out to have a good time and honestly i'm feeling so attacked right now.
… nah but it's tough coming to terms with being so basic
No. 119299
>>119234But a majority in this thread does, apparently.
Don't be so salty.
No. 119335
File: 1480380850115.png (410.41 KB, 850x588, mirastarterpack.png)

I made one for Mira but sort of ran out of room
No. 119362
>>119360>>119359>>119357found the /r/childfree posters
enjoy your toxoplasmosis
No. 119371
>>119362>toxoplasmosisActually pregnant women need to watch their shit with this more than anybody else because they can pass the condition to their fetuses and offspring via congenial condition. Mostly it comes from people eating poorly cooked food, or fruits and vegetables that are contaminated with it.
#proudmoms proving their ignorance.
No. 119377
>>119375Not sure if it will link properly but you can find it over in the Venus thread that got moved to /snow/
>>205354For some reason this poster thinks we all care about azn guys.
>>119376Don't own a cat, just know how to google something.
No. 119378
File: 1480388771260.png (66 KB, 1336x272, japanon.png)

>>119375>>119377Cap if anyone cares. Anon got
triggered about people talking about Venus' ugly teeth and then accused anyone saying so of being jealous of her asian husbando.
I just don't understand why anon thinks we all want azns.
No. 119381
File: 1480389182496.png (30.13 KB, 534x523, harrypotter.PNG)

No. 119394
File: 1480391488512.png (394.76 KB, 827x681, image.png)

>>119393Even if you switch it and make it to be about a child under the age of 7 the argument still applies sweetpea. And way to post this so you can distract everyone from the fact that you're the samebitch getting
triggered at posts about Venus, ugly teeth, being an overbearing parent, and thinking you need an asian husbando/boyfriend to be a validated female.
Anything else we should know about you?
No. 119395
>>119394You're funny, anon.
Keep digging yourself deeper.
No. 119403
File: 1480392811833.png (477.25 KB, 800x600, stfualready.png)

I have work tomorrow and yet here I am up late making memes, why am I doing this to myself?
No. 119410
File: 1480395697293.png (4.3 MB, 2776x1332, venusangelic1111.png)

>>119403 you genius, kek.
i dont want to start a new drama, but I made tons of starter packs since OP created this thread, including several cow SP, heh (Ive been sick at home so yeah I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY).
Im just going to post this here because cows and snowflakes SP are fun. not trying to make you guys argue and derail everything again.
No. 119413
File: 1480397468710.jpg (58.94 KB, 470x481, childish.JPG)

This is kind of me tbh
No. 119417
File: 1480399097010.jpg (523.61 KB, 849x565, iStock_000010677562Small.jpg)

>tfw one of these girls in college asked me "hi anoN! you like k-pop right?". a complete stranger. i've literally never listened to k-pop, why do i look like that fuuck. for the past year or so these type of girls always try to be my friends. i hate them so much.
No. 119426
>>119255I have met one of those in real life because, of course, being an ex-pat in a different country people love to introduce you to people from where you're from for some reason.
She was typical overweight teaboo 'doctor who, harry potter, sherlock' fangirl type who just had utter disdain of my presence and kept saying things like 'It's a Brit thing. You wouldn't really understand' until i informed her I'd lived here almost ten years and am married to a Brit. She shut up after that. But yeah. I meet those types of American girls ALL the time in London and I don't get it. I understand you wanna embrace your new 'home' or whatever but fuck me. You don't need to be an utter insufferable cunt about it.
No. 119432
File: 1480422034321.png (783.21 KB, 1200x630, suzy.png)

This was fun to make
No. 119439
>>119434yes! what is it with american identity politics?
even when they're in their own country, i hear them saying things like "yah i'm scottish/cherokee/italian, so…" just because their great-great grandfather was.
conveniently ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of your ancestors are the least exotic whitey whitertons ever to white.
is it because it's a relatively newly formed/colonised country? a country entirely made of immigrants and very few natives? i don't get it, genuinely. if somebody feels like educating me i'd be grateful.
No. 119443
>>119426what i hate the most is how people kind of expect you to be like this.
i went to uni in a different country and i swear people get way more excited about it than i ever have been. or treats you as some kind of cultural expert of that country, it's like no? i was only there for a few years in a specific context, google it or ask a native jfc
No. 119449
File: 1480432591573.jpg (24.41 KB, 576x503, b3a.jpg)

No. 119451
File: 1480432969984.png (107.78 KB, 500x450, brexit-starter-pack-i-have-no-…)

No. 119463
File: 1480439757048.jpg (135.71 KB, 800x1067, 18yptzqv5fdd8jpg.jpg)

>>118512The tattoo reminds me of my sister. Left the father of her child, boyfriend since highschool (works in banking, son of a plumber) because he is "boring" (prefers staying at home or having dinner with friends than going to a disco). This was not her idea, but that of her psychiatrist. After putting her on antidepressants. She got in the cock carousel afterwards.
A work acquaintance snatched up the guy a week afterwards.
She will be 40 soon.
No. 119467
>>119461Black and 'mixed' people do it a lot from what I see online.
Though I don't care much about that, you should hear Brits shoehorning their heritage into every single conversation.
>Oh I'm half Irish!>Yeah erm I have Irish relatives>Well you know I'm half English half Welsh!That's nice dear.
Usually in the middle of a completely unrelated conversation as well.
I don't really take issue with yanks doing that, especially since most of them (that I've met) are a lot less obnoxious about it than Brits, but I do hate it when they start a blog about their 'wild adventure' abroad (in another high income English-speaking country that loves sucking American cock because it brings the money in) or start busting out these cringeworthy inside jokes and act like it's a different planet just because our toothpaste has a different name. Christ on a bike would you ever stop.
No. 119481
>>119461That's the point. They talk about their Indian or East Asian heritage and the odd European American occasionally talks about their European heritage.
The real issue here is that you see no issue with the former as you don't really expect non white peoples to do away with ethnic loyalty and concentrate solely on their civic identification.
No. 119483
File: 1480446762034.png (367.11 KB, 640x480, girlgamer.png)

>>118249I made a new one since this one was missing quite a few things.
No. 119485
>>119483Also I fucked up the louis vuitton speedy.
Why does every ~gurl gamer~ have one of those ugly ass, dime-a-dozen, light beige, tiny LV speedy bags? Didn't those stop being a thing in 2002?
No. 119488
>>119486Many of my British professors do it, as do some of my British classmates that got accepted as foreign EU students on a technicality because their A levels/British LC equivalent results were so hilariously bad that no college in the UK wanted to touch them with a ten foot pole.
It's the most prestigious college in the country too, kind of sad that we've become a dumping ground for all English-speaking undesirables in the world.
No. 119491
>>119485my mom has one of those
No. 119496
>>119495You're acting as if all white Americans had this big conference and agreed to oppress everyone who didn't look like them as opposed to being as xenophobic and ignorant as the rest of the world when the country was built and then just sticking with it because they could. I mean they're not exactly acting any differently from Japs and Koreans.
Also, when someone says American I almost always think of 50 Cent and the ghetto, for what it's worth.
No. 119499
>>119496Of course they didn't all agree to it, but I'm pretty sure the majority aren't complaining. It's not some horrible racist/oppressive thing, it's just how they identified themselves, and they're only changing their tune because now being American is super common/bland instead of exotic and fascinating. Japanese and Korean people don't pretend they're anything but Japanese or Korean, either, so I'd say they are acting a bit different.
Hope the thread doesn't fall into racebait over this, I like starter packs.
No. 119517
>>119516>The continent existed*The continent and the people living in it existed
I'm done
No. 119520
File: 1480457680911.jpeg (380.38 KB, 1944x1348, M1Uoiqi.jpeg)

>>119518Chill and post some starter packs
No. 119555
File: 1480472330322.png (165.12 KB, 326x311, coloradostarterpacksmall.png)

oc, but state specific
No. 119558
>>119545GUILTY. I'm American, ethnically Pacific Islander, and I used to brag about my one Japanese ancestor to impress my weeb friends in middle school lmao.
>>119439I hear this kind of thing a lot. I know myself and a lot of other ambiguously ethnic people get the blunt "So what are you?" question a lot (when people bother asking at all, in lieu of assuming I'm Mexican because what other kind of brown person is there, anyway?), and I guess white people that hear that a lot start to think that they have to "be" something, too.
No. 119565
File: 1480491568247.jpg (44.53 KB, 359x410, IMG_5341.JPG)

No. 119644
File: 1480566322701.png (646.11 KB, 959x666, sp.png)

No. 119648
>>118822oh god no, this one hits closest to home. I need to take better care of myself for fuck sake, and clean my fucking room
No. 119664
File: 1480577210978.png (123.62 KB, 600x617, 2214 starter pack.png)

No. 119779
>>119113fucking kek.
Also missing minecraft
No. 119800
>>118509I actually laughed out loud.
t. camgirl
No. 119826
File: 1480681066350.jpg (102.12 KB, 640x640, wicca shit.jpg)

>>118906Fuck, I'm so tired of those, they're literally everywhere and this whole pagan/wicca trend is spreading like the plague.
Honestly, I like the whole aesthetic of it but all those obese tumblr bitches take it to a whole new level.
No. 120644
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No. 120695
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I feel like this one is missing something…
No. 120696
File: 1481382403053.jpg (93.99 KB, 600x600, jrtu12-i.jpg)

>>120695needs high-waisted jean cutoffs
No. 120712
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No. 120881
File: 1481538435727.jpg (58.85 KB, 534x385, basic tumblr bitches.jpg)

These girls all think they're superior because they're "artistic"
No. 120920
>>119518Comparing a state founded in the 5th century to one that is less than 300 years old is silly.
However if you are born snd bred in America, you are American you have never known otherwise. You aren't 1/6th Irish or whatever
No. 120939
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>>120885Oh man, this is my ex.
No. 120954
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this is probably the best one i've found in a long time holy shit
No. 121133
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No. 121162
>>121133I know shitlibs are retarded and all but even then you've got to wonder how anyone can respect Cenk Uyghur given his background as some sweaty Turkish nationalist Armenian genocide denier.
Like. How can you take him seriously as a fellow shitlib knowing that? So much cognitive dissonance among leftists it beggars belief.
No. 121178
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No. 121196
>>121162>you've got to wonder how anyone can respect Cenk Uyghur given his background as some sweaty Turkish nationalist Armenian genocide denier. i only know of TYT but i have never heard this. i'd hazard a guess that it's not common knowledge.
shitlibs are awful at background checking.
No. 172184
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No. 172302
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No. 172303
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No. 172526
>>118939Twenty one pilots is emo?
so confus rite now
No. 172553
>>118939Top fucking kek. It's so accurate I'm almost "
triggered" .
>>172526It's true, they have more of a pop sound imo but every emo kid I've seen now listens to Twenty One Pilots. I think it's their look more than anything.
No. 172837
>>119467sounds like you've never met an American. They're unbearable when they talk about their "heritage". It's particularly bad when it comes to having "Irish heritage" when in reality, they have none.
I've never heard a Brit claiming Irish ancestry (that would be a source of shame) but even if they did, it's probably true anyway? Much more believeable than an American saying it.
You sure you're not just a bitter Eyerish-American, anon?
No. 172840
>>172837Oh look, a defensive Brit…
No, I'm fairly sure I know who I am. And your knowledge of Americans seems to stem from television and internet memes, because while most of them are excitable and clueless they rarely insert random facts about their heritage unless the conversation is heading that way.
>but even if they did, it's probably true anyway?Who gives a toss if it's true? Do you seriously think anyone spends minutes of their precious time pondering whether some yank or brit is telling the truth? You're both annoying in different ways, you're just worse about the heritage thing. Aussies too for that matter.
No. 172842
>>172840Are you living under a rock? Lol I can't tell if you're parodying an annoying "Irish-American" or serious?
Actually I'm Irish and I have to deal with American tourists on a near daily basis thanks to where I work. Americans are to Ireland what weebs are to Japan. No British person would idolise our country or spread shitty misinformation or claim to know more about Ireland than the Irish themselves.
Americans are never happy with being "just American". They're desperate to have some kind of unusual heritage. The fact is many Europeans have very mixed backgrounds but literally nobody brags about it, just Americans.
No. 172844
>>172842I know many Europeans have different backgrounds, I'm half Spanish. I just don't see what your damage is and why you're so bent on shitting on Americans when it's glaringly obvious that you're just dealing with shitty tourists, not all Americans. I've met many Brits and Americans in college and the Americans were usually fine, so it's far from a national trait like you claim it is.
Again, I call bullshit. You honestly sound like a Brit.
No. 172846
>>172844And I don't see why you're defending them when they're notoriously bad? You've never had to experience someone naming their child a name from your country that they can't even pronounce. You don't have to put up with people turning your national holiday into a giant piss-up.
You may have "met someone this one time in college" and now suddenly think you're really knowledgeable (I'm assuming it's some Brit you have a vendetta against, it's okay we all go through bad breakups x). I get it, every American has that attitude. But I genuinely talk to Americans on a daily basis and have been to America multiple times (where I've been hounded down on the street after people heard my accent in order to let me know about their Irish great-great-great grandmother). And I've been to the UK where people dgaf that I'm Irish and go to the trouble of learning to pronounce my name and are in general pretty respectful (I mean, as they should be). I've a much better basis for comparison than someone who "met someone this one time."
I know on your side of the pond, it seems like a meme designed to demonise you but the stereotype exists for a reason. Literally nobody here in Europe cares about what "half" European nationality you are, nobody would even think to mention that here. I've known people who I thought were purely Irish until they get on the phone to their mom and suddenly they're speaking fluent French or German. It's only you Americans that care about this topic and you need to tone it the fuck down because there are people over here laughing at you.
You sound 14 and like you haven't been outside of America.
No. 172914
File: 1482295382058.jpg (449.01 KB, 1536x916, plasticpaddy.jpg)

>>172892Sorry, you're right. Here u go, fam.
No. 172953
>>172914The closest bar to me an Irish bar, so it's FULL of 20somethings like this.
Like ok, I get it, your great-great-granddad was from Ireland. So was mine. Oh well.
It's the sort of thing that makes me just walk 4 extra blocks to the bar just full of old people if I'm wanting a drink instead tbh.
No. 173025
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jesus h christ, i hate these women
No. 173026
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No. 173027
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No. 173076
>>173064Utah Mormons in particular are prone to giving their kids ridiculous names, but it's common enough among Mormons in general that there are multiple websites dedicated to cataloguing weird Mormon baby names.
>>173025How is Lakynn even pronounced? It looks like it'd be pronounced like "lackin'", which hopefully isn't correct.
No. 173086
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>>173085I want to fucking punch them
No. 175056
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No. 176891
File: 1484362720499.jpg (35.76 KB, 480x634, 1483136304927.jpg)

i think this was from an onion boy thread, but here let's revive my favorite thread pls
No. 176927
File: 1484395913105.png (526.47 KB, 1098x1038, mtf tranny starter pack.png)

No. 209190
File: 1508227983825.png (467.4 KB, 800x600, starterpackcreator.png)

No. 209194
File: 1508239369790.png (89.18 KB, 500x398, 1504816260338.png)

No. 209283
File: 1508306346026.png (53.4 KB, 156x168, 1507945878225.png)

>>209241By having different priorities, crazy that.
Most people have no idea who the fuck Carnot or Gauss were as people, and I don't especially fault them for it. Because who the fuck would, unless it's something you've studied?
No. 212777
File: 1511650056086.jpeg (63.53 KB, 480x449, 27CD2926-84DF-4A8D-B615-2A421F…)

let’s revive this thread
on the subject of everyone fitting into some starter pack or another, could someone please do a farmer starter pack? or maybe like a series of starter packs summarizing different types of lolcow users?
No. 212805
File: 1511673079970.gif (3.51 MB, 600x450, pearposting.gif)

>>212777here's one specifically for Anisa threads
No. 661636
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No. 661638
File: 1603902906256.png (6.53 MB, 2550x3300, 0B370231-E7F8-48F7-A284-07E943…)

No. 661655
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No. 662857
File: 1604015737986.jpg (238.74 KB, 1078x1088, sssstart.jpg)

>>661638These are some of the most annoying kind of girls in my experience.
>inb4 rich coming from me when i'm pic related No. 662937
File: 1604027640373.png (1.13 MB, 1200x1200, country-wife.png)

No. 668440
File: 1604720353206.png (552.78 KB, 800x600, 6de.png)

No. 668450
File: 1604721200672.jpg (141.54 KB, 1065x1065, 9yzkywjbkre21.jpg)

No. 670291
File: 1604958494442.png (818.34 KB, 1047x845, grad.png)

No. 670311
File: 1604961124435.png (1.22 MB, 1238x925, e.png)

uk represent
No. 670343
File: 1604964676978.png (1.16 MB, 1452x960, ggnore.png)

take a shot every time you see someone with at least 3 of these things on instagram, r.i.p in advance
No. 670351
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No. 670354
File: 1604966284325.jpeg (469.47 KB, 750x884, 9B0664E9-BEEF-4128-98E5-6FF33A…)

No. 670418
File: 1604972985638.png (84.33 KB, 500x1444, john-greens-tumblr-fishingboat…)

>>670409I think it's officially a drumhead, but my first impression was of a potato and I'm sticking with it. It's funnier to me. I hate john green for making it a stock
le obscure album in one of his books reeeee
No. 670423
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No. 670477
File: 1604977066977.jpg (58.08 KB, 522x960, 5d5ec9c18b26ce1df492c99a4aa90b…)

>>670439>>670442 existed, it just wasn't called "emo" at the time, and wasn't associated with pop punk or scene kids.
No. 670914
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No. 670956
File: 1605030983676.png (130.01 KB, 247x244, tired.PNG)

>>670914I hate getting older
No. 670958
File: 1605031429712.png (536.52 KB, 720x540, 81zq5ul300a11.png)

>>670914>2000s nostalgiaallow me to present
No. 670961
File: 1605031950279.png (248.68 KB, 397x366, sillybands.PNG)

>>670958That image is missing these.
Maaaan, I miss adventure time.
No. 670997
>>670967Oh my god, I forgot about "lumbersexuals". I will kill you for reminding me of it anon.
>>670958To this day I never got the Smosh hype and I still don't know what Happy Wheels is, and I'm very proud of myself for that.
No. 671268
File: 1605053359626.png (1.05 MB, 812x1428, maryland.png)

maryland isn't a personality trait
No. 671309
>>670439>>670442You anons probably think that emo originated with dude with eyeliner kek. Seriously though, check 90's emo out. It's really good. Popular bands in the scene were Braid, American Football, and The Get Up Kids.
>>671268Don't forget the Salt Life bumper sticker for the younger crowd…turns out the CEO just got charged with murdering an 18 year old girl.
No. 671329
File: 1605058444956.png (743.31 KB, 1198x830, releasemefromthishellscape.png)

The only thing missing is being able to feel the mucus shift from one nostril to the other while switching the side you lay on.
No. 671345
>>671341Honestly, I only use tissues when I'm
really down bad. If I'm out of energy, I keep a box of tissues nearby. If I'm able to move around though, I usually just go to the bathroom to grab a handful of toilet paper. I grew up being given a mixture of both. Not sure if it's actually a socioeconomic thing or not.
No. 671385
File: 1605066735813.jpg (768.7 KB, 1278x1989, IMG_5725.jpg)

No. 671431
>>671241Wait until they find out it started in the mid 80s.
>>670423> Entry level bands> discmanFucking plebs. How are going to tape trade?
No. 671443
I swear I cant go two feet in nyc without running into those pants
No. 672021
File: 1605131184268.png (985.32 KB, 1041x864, 205.png)

The types of girls I had a crush on in sixth form college in 2011
No. 672031
>>670936>>671309emo wasn't a thing in the 90s, children.
We just called you guys sad faggots, there was no name yet.
That's like saying Hot Topic was a thing in the 80s because there was like one in New York and one in LA.
Post infographics if you want, I was driving by the 90s, I am aware of which fashions had been coined then ffs
No. 672092
>>672031>That's like saying Hot Topic was a thing in the 80s because there was like one in New York and one in LA.This is dumb anon, if there was a hot topic anywhere in the 80s then by definition then hot topic existed in the 80s. It's true that emo wasn't broadly called emo at that time but it was 'a thing' no matter how niche, a subculture was brewing where nerds were collectively seeking out and forming bands with a similarly emotional focus.
If the first people who all discovered peanutbutter all used different words for it we would still retroactively call what they all made peanutbutter.
I don't even know why I'm arguing, just google 'emo bands' and you will see many of them formed in the 90s.
>>671309>Salt Life founder, 54, is charged with manslaughter after admitting to shooting dead his 18-year-old girlfriend during a 'play gun fight'What the actual fuck
No. 672112
>>672092Oh my god, no one is talking about music, and no one ever called any band emo in the 90s.
Hot Topic existing in 1985 does not make it a thing in the 80s, being a thing is not the same as existing, of course, the fact that I'm having to explain slang to you either means I'm way too old or you're way too young
No one ever said emo in the 90s, the term was literally not coined until the 00s.
No. 672144
>>672112Not to mention that musicians evolve and what their music was considered at one time usually changes with trends and ends up going by the genre they peak at. So a band considered emo in the 2000s was considered a different genre before, since emo wasn't conceptualized as a trend yet, then later takes on that genre's name, blah blah and so on.
This is just my take on it.
No. 676400
>>670351I get some of these things but
>full beard>rugged camping >beer drinkingThese are literally the least softboy things imaginable
No. 676406
>>671341They're thicker and softer than tp and easier to pull out.
>>672021Idg how this is edgy.
No. 692539
>>672112>>672078>>672059>>672053>>672037>>672031>>670442>>670439Maybe actually try to research what true emo is instead of blindly believing the media tells you what emo is. What the mainstream think emo is, actually is more scene plus, true emo is not mainstream. Also get tired of people thinking MAR is emo and Marilyn Manson is goth.>>670451Weezer isn't an emo band.
Real goth isn't mainstream. Real emo isn't and was never mainstream.
No. 739349
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No. 740710
>>1728464 years late but good god are you spot on. Every fucking year I drive a coach full of fat yanks around Scotland on what they term their “clan outing” due to some loose clan connection way back. Furthermore me and a group of internet friends still meme one American user who had a ragefit over us laughing at him telling us his “ancestors fought alongside braveheart”
Also worth noting my dads American friends who named their children macintyre and Mackenzie (fucking Scottish surnames)
Americans are legit notorious for this behaviour. With good reason.
No. 772098
File: 1617040520363.png (2.93 MB, 2826x1552, maleggstan.png)

I made this, I hope someone likes it
No. 772115
>>772098This is so accurate
It’s either 4chan scrotes who are obsessed with their soft korean waifus~ or young twitterfags