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No. 1146126
Burnt my toast.
previous thread:
>>1139601 No. 1146216
>>1146195tbh those anons just seem very low iq and keep on making any excuse they can to only direct their anger at women.
like the majority of depp defenders here are males yet that one anon keeps on calling imaginary depp pickmes here ''ugly,fat,bitches,whores'' and if you tell them that's wrong then you get attacked by them and the other idiot anons.
No. 1146221
>>1146195Like I said, pickmes don't get insulted if you point out they're enabling
abusive men but they only care if you insult their looks. The male posters are another story but they also get annoyed when you point out ugly incels who are jealous they'll never get a pretty womam to like them are the only ones supporting depp.
No. 1146236
>>1146221>>The male posters are another story but they also get annoyed when you point out ugly incels who are jealous they'll never get a pretty womam to like them are the only ones supporting depp.and yet i only saw you going after these imaginary pickmes here because of twitter that has nothing to do with this site.
Just say that you want to call women ugly whores and get it over with.
No. 1146405
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>>1146347I don’t think you deserve nothing out of life. I think fat women who are making an effort to take care of themselves are fine. Some anachans have overt reactions due to fat-positivity and anons in general are more hostile toward fatness of cows. It’s great that you’re trying again and focus on the goods that will come off it, instead of doing it to avoid some irrational fear of being unlovable. You can do it anon, losing weight is so fucking worth it.
No. 1146412
>>1146347Good luck on your journey
No. 1146445
>>1146240I know you're right. I feel like I keep going for the same type of guy subconsciously that just reinforces my unhealthy behavior/reactions. This one seemed better in that he said he was always happy to see me, eager to hang out, but his behaviour gives the same outcome as an avoidant attachment type.
If you're the codependent type, how's it going with you?
No. 1146454
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>>1146441Girl please supplements if you're going to carry on with this mental illness AT LEAST
No. 1146493
>>1146469Think two years ago
>>1146468 >>1146473
Damn I was just venting
No. 1146503
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My new coworker is so fucking stupid, some nosy bitch complained to my boss I don't train her correctly but I showed her how to do this 20 times and she did it herself 19 times with me watching and only telling her what to do when she gets stuck, I started to try to use questions to guide her but she doesn't fuck get any hints "look at this, compare with the other that is already done, do you see a difference?" - "No???"). Same with other shit, she makes a mistake and then says she didn't know but I told her half a dozen times and she said she understands. I already made lists for her but I can't make lists for everything, some things you have to fucking know ARGHHH She also never remembers any tricks and tips I tell her, but I gave up on that, do it in ten times as many steps I don't care anymore, just fucking do it somehow.
She's such a weirdo too, she showed up without make up on and I at first thought she was sick because she has that chemical burn face people who wear make up all the time get after a decade plus, but then she put on light make up go smoke because the men are there and she loves talking to them but she also doesn't want to make smoke dates with them??????? I suggested that several times but she just looks at me like I'm retarded and says she doesn't want to do that???? Anyway after she comes back she is suddenly back to zero make up and then after she showers at the end of the work day she puts on her full make up to go hang out with friends or whatever? Maybe actually sleep and show up on time and maybe you'll remember what I tell you?
Apparently her friends are all degenerate white trash. They walk around with children and pet dogs and speak and laugh loudly.
I said "huh it smells like mowed grass here", because there's no mowed grass anywhere near us, and she was baffled and thought I'm talking about cannabis, I had to gesture at the grass on the ground to make her click. But then she said yeah, it does smell like mowed grass, so why was that such a hard connection to make?
No. 1146518
>>1146503reading this is a bit like having a stroke. maybe im too esl and tired. also
>her friends are all degenerate white trash>They walk around with children and pet dogs and speak and laugh loudlysooo they're like normal humans?
No. 1146523
>>1146518> reading this is a bit like having a strokeSo I communicated my lived experience accurately, thank you. (I'm ESL too)
>sooo they're like normal humans?It's considered rude to act in a way that makes you stand out in public. You talk in hushed tones and don't gesticulate wildly and you don't bring your pets and small children to social outings with friends.
>>1146519> maybe you do need to smoke some grassI wish, I can't. I don't know whether she smokes either, she said she's afraid of the Africans who sell it in the park.
No. 1146528
>>1146503Your coworker just sounds like she's kinda autistic
>said huh it smells like mowed grass here>there isn't mowed grass>girl thought you meant cannibas>you point at the unmowed grassEither you wrote with wrong and you're just an idiot expecting others to smell your hallucinations.
No. 1146546
>>1146526That anon is not me
>>1146535It’s a mix of both
No. 1146555
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I’m eating my stress but it won’t go away.
No. 1146599
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i just feel so empty inside. havent graduated high school i am a total failure. cant put myself out there so i can get married and at least be pf use serving as a housewife of sorts. i am so depressed i dont have the energy to try and kill myself. i dont even have friends, not even people i am friend-ly with, no acquaintances, the only person i speak to is my mother, and she barely likes me. every night i pray that i die. i feel terribly guilty for wasting money and food on myself when it could go on somebody with much more potential who could become somebody great but instead its wasted on me. when i feel happiness i interrupt it immediately because i know it wont last and i dont deserve it so i feel uncomfortable and its better off if i stop it. i dont deserve anything and i hope tonight will be my last although i know it wont be.
No. 1146743
Don't expect anyone to read or understand my feelings or where I'm coming from with so little context but this is a vent thread and I feel like shit right now. I don't expect to be making any sense since the discussion literally just happened so just ignore.
am I wrong for feeling upset your male friends keeping hitting on you while you're away visiting your parents? I never said you couldn't hang with them, hell, I never even got upset at you for it, I simply voiced my dislike for them a couple of times, I wouldn't let something so miniscule get in the way of our relationship as I believe we were made to last. but…I'm your friend, yes, but I'm also your girlfriend, I'm glad you are open with me and tell me everything but i can't be all chirp and happy knowing a guy you keep hanging out with and told me you dated a couple of times is voicing his interest for you and even getting jealous of you hanging with other guys, I'm glad you tell me these things and tell me you have rejected them, I do believe you. but he's always around and I never say anything because I understand he's your friend and I do trust you a lot (even if I don't know I'm being a fool) but then you said you hang out with this other dude that you also has history with? so much so the other moid got jealous? you said it in passing as if I'm just a buddy you're telling some gossip but right now we are away, I can't see you and is not that easy to hear you're surrounded by these people. and now you ask me to stop talking until you comeback on (maybe) wenesday as if I'm wrong for letting the subject get to me? just for being a bit off for literally a day? funny thing is you know why I got down without me telling you.
if some anon is reading this…am I wrong for feeling a tad left out and disrespected? I never made a big deal out of it just something I thought before sleeping. even so I never really made a big deal out of it deciding on focusing on the good things.
maybe I am being immature but that's also why I never told you anything about it and only said I don't like these dudes in passing, that's all, and that I trust you and what you feel for me. I never touch the subject and only talk about us, your day and my day.
But now you want some days…how am I supposed to feel about that? what I'm supposed to think? how is silence is going to help?
I truly believe I was being very understanding, open and supportive of you, telling you how much I want us to see each other again and how much I love you and you said the same with feeling and hopefulness, I know you're saying the truth because I know you the most. I don't care when you can't reach me because I'm not a child and understand sometimes life gets in the way, even if you don't believe and say it does, I never said anything negative yet because sometimes my mood isn't at 100% when I hear some of your stories with your group as if I'm not human and I can't feel a bit of jealousy for how much you name them and hint at them asking more of you, more than once.
now I'm here thinking what these days off mean and if maybe I should take them too and rethink everything, because right now it feels as if you don't care for me as much as you said and as much as I do.
when I hung out with a girl you don't like in a friend setting that was out of my hands, because it was something to do with uni, you accused me of so much, of liking her more than you, and other hurtful things although we're not friends and only saw each other for literally less than 3 hours with other people present. yet when I mentioned your friend you said it was different… because you knew each other since you were kids completely glossing over the fact he keeps showing interest in you and the fact you dated. as if this girl I saw the other day isn't a random girl I don't talk with or known for long and haven't dated, she hasn't made a move on me and only talked about her current relationship with me. unlike these dudes that keep hinting you for a hook up.
are you maybe projecting? I don't want to think like that.
I'll give you your days off if that's what you want, i won't think you want a free pass or want to tey anything, I'd like you believe in what you have told me, and what we promised, I'll believe in every conversation. with that said I can't promise I'll be here waiting with the same excitement I had yesterday, ready to fix everything like I always end up doing every time you threaten to break up because of your own insecurities and desire to run away when anything gets difficult.
believe it or not i do have some dignity.
No. 1146758
>>1146743samefag here and wow this is a mess, I'm sorry
I'll focus my sadness and anger into my dream of becoming leanbeefpatty hot
No. 1146783
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I wanna live rent free in someone's head. I want to be someone they constantly think about, even if we are apart. I have no irl friends in contact anymore and I often think about whether they think of me as often as I do. I imagine they are living better lives than I am right now, still at home in the same town. It pains me I can never know who is thinking about me or if I mattered that much to someone's life.
No. 1146924
>>1146918Ugh I feel you
nonny and these dudes are on every platform unfortunately. I once made friends with a scrote on Twitch and he already told me he "developed feelings" within the second week of talking to each other, even though it wasn nothing personal, just music taste and video games and was so eager to voice/video chat and send pictures of each other.
No. 1147041
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No matter how hard i tried i am always the villian.
It seems like everything isnt on my side when i tried to be better, no one would believe me. Its always my fault, I am the thing that people put the blame on when the time is convenient.
I hate my family so much, someone save me from this nightmare
No. 1147062
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I was going to post this in the relevant subject thread it's about but its more of a vent anyway and doesn't include any new info to the amber/johnny case, but anyway it's actually exhausting trying to have a bit of faith or hope in moids to be my friends and not echo misogynistic shit without them even realising or having an ounce of critical thought. I give up on considering males "friends" because they all reveal themselves to be fucking weirdos who think talking about rape or necrophilia against an ex-wife is just the equivalent of "dark banter" or "he was angry and was abused so its fine for him to vent"???? bitch WHAT?
I can get behind wishing your abuser was dead or just disappeared but no one has ever committed an act of rape or sexual violence in self-defense, and moids don't understand the fucking difference here between saying "i wish my abuser was dead" vs "i would like to rape their dead body" they think it's exactly the same and it's SO telling to me about what type of moid they are when they consider rape or sex as a punishment against someone. My now ex-friend who I thought was reasonable on this shit just completely revealed his true colours after dismissing it as "dark banter" like it's just a quirky little joke to them.
I'm fucking tired, they always give me their sob stories about being married to an abusive woman too as if it suddenly makes the rates of domestic violence or spouse abuse suddenly equal. I don't give a fuck about you or your ex-wife, you're clearly just as bad as her if you think making rape "jokes" or threats is something acceptable to do you degenerate disgusting pig, your words and thoughts don't exist in a vacuum when it comes to misogyny, and it doesn't make you a "good guy" either if you found those rape jokes "cringe". It's not just "cringe", it's fucking evil, it's misogynistic, it's part of the reason women don't come forward about rape because cunts like you think rape is just a funny little joke when discussed verbally. Fuck off.
No. 1147066
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>>1147062If someone dares to cape for Depp in front of me irl, they are going to suplex city. I've absolutely lost it, I'm sick and tired of people trying to come up with stupid excuses as to why a woman would deserve all of this
>she dated old rich men>she dates older women>she has bpd>her networth is $8 million>she's famous>she used a surrogate>she had an argument with her ex>Milani said the pallet came out in 2017, even though it was already being sold in 2016>she was an adultI DON'T FUCKING CARE. It still isn't a good enough reason as to why he wants to literally kill her and rape her body. It's still not a good enough reason to abuse a woman, isolate her and put your hands on her friends. There are no perfect
victims, they don't exist, I swear you can make such a list of any woman who has been abused, because we're not one dimensional fucking angels who either fall into the madonna or whore category like scrotes think. I don't care what she has done at this point, but everyone who fucking defends this, is worse than whatever she might have done and they should think about the retarded fucking shit they say and how horrifying they are. You know that women in court literally tell themselves this shit while their own daughters reported the abuse? That they must've deserved it because of xyz? It's fucking heartbreaking and then you have these fucking retards on every fucking website and irl saying that's right, if you're not perfect, you deserved it. I don't even want to go back to the office, I just know that everyone is following this case and I just know what the scrote attorneys are saying and I will want to throw them out of the fucking window.
(go to the containment thread) No. 1147101
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cp don't scroll
No. 1147114
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I just feel so fucking helpless and my executive dysfunction is making my life hell. I've decided to create an online business on Etsy during my unemployment. In the beginning I could organize things relatively well, did my research, decided on the niche, decided on the look, then started creating things. For a week I was razerfocused and excited. I could motivate myself by watching Youtube videos while I was creating the designs and I felt hopeful although I was progressing really slowly because I had to relearn Photoshop and Indesign. After only a week, doubts started to rise. Is my niche good enough? What if people won't buy it? Maybe I should switch to something else? Then the engative thoughts came. My stuff suck. I am slower than a lobotomized sloth. I'll never make this a full time-thing. And this is where I am now. I feel burnt out and I HAVEN'T EVEN LAUNCHED THE SHOP. And my brain is always on and going with the doubtful thoughts, wht if I get a regular job and I won't be able to work on the business and I'll always be stuck in the rat wheel and having to do what I'm told and even if anyone employed me I would fuck things up as I did before and I'll be inevitably fired so I'm better off working on this business anyway, blahbahblah and so on. There's never a resolution.
I just cannot do things. I can come up with a million ideas and imagine the possible outcomes but I just cannot commit to one idea and do it. And God, to think that the first time I came up with the idea of creating a business was in fucking 2015 and only now did I actually get down to work on it is insane.
No. 1147123
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Can my online exam start already I WANT TO GET IT OVER WITH and it takes an hour and a half too eeeechhh
No. 1147134
>>1147093Obviously I wasn’t there so I don’t know if the entire vibe was off, but at least if the first issue you had was with a tranny, it was a mixed sex group rather than an actual female environment. So don’t be too discouraged
nonny, you will find a good place eventually. I wouldn’t recommend joining the lolcow discord though, apparently it’s full of male trolls and they have strange drama unrelated to the site. It’s probably like highlighting the difference between the casual and cow boards.
No. 1147214
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older woman friend of my boyfriend is a bitch i want gone. i think she is manipulating and wants him on the back burner. she seems to desperately befriend socially awkward nerds like him because she is near that age where it is embarrassing to be single. i am all for women pursuing their dreams and careers and staying single, but she is not that independent. hypersexualizing herself by talking about nudity and sex all the time is a tell that she is not happy single, and needs all scraps of validation she can get. on top of this she is the type of woman to think it's special to be dying her hair unnatural colours. she shared not like other girls type of memes to my bf, and she is in her 30s. we are like 6 years younger. how can a woman go through 8+ years of college education and still be so immature is beyond me. she sends "i'm so quirky" memes and yoga pictures to him. and he said she was his best friend, because he is a pure autist who doesn't see through her forming him into a simp. i don't mind when other women do this because fuck most men are useless assholes but not this time. i am tired of dating scrotes. i finally found a cute guy to chill and laugh with, and this bitch is trying to screw it up. makes me fume because he is not even that hot. if she wanted to date him she would have had all the time in the world for 2 years before he even knew i existed. i tried befriending her but she even tried hitting on me. she fucking put on jewelry and a push up bra when we went to the gym together. i can't trust my moid around a bitch that is so desperate she seeks validation from anyone around her.
No. 1147230
>>1147132Thank you
nonny! It was torture but I can finally relax a bit now.
No. 1147320
>>1147244Older women as a sign of status in places I grew up did. They were also the women that you would never catch out of the house with makeup.
I’ve also noticed a rise in young girls doing it. I think because of “that girl” culture in TikTok etc.
No. 1147396
>>1147243You're definitely projecting because you know your autistic boyfriend is acting up. I "flirt" with my girl friends too all the time, call them pretty or joke around because I think women doing that isn't sexual and it's nice to tell women they're beautiful, msot of us feel crushed under beauty standards and even a compliment from a friend can help us in those times. Maybe she saw you were insecure?
Also you gave so many details in your first post, ti how she dyes her hair, your age, your bf's age, her age, your bfs medical history, etc. If she saw your original post she'd definitely know it was about her. I feel like you're back pedaling.
>>1147244I know a few girls my age who always wear jewelry and in twenty, it might e a cultural thing though and that's why I thought anon was weird for assuming jewelery=flirting.
No. 1147403
>>1147395Sorry anon, we love them but they are vile little animals lol.
Advice incoming, feel free to skip
>don't free feed>my cat would throw up almost daily but I switched from free feeding to feeding 3 times a day and she only pukes on special occasions now, like when I'm late for a meeting>I keep a towel on my work chair for this exact pukey reason, any soft furnishings get a throw over them >use a de-shedding tool like Equigroomer instead of a normal brush. This stopped hairballs with another one of my cats, and they tolerate it much better than brushing>I also have tissues or paper towels in every room of the house. If I hear telltale hacking I grab a paper towel and half of the time I can put it in front of them and cleanup is less terrible No. 1147431
>>1147395What about a big litter mat Noni? I love my Siamese but he’s a dumbass. He kicks litter and shit everywhere. Could a big silicon litter mat over the area they throw up? Make it easier to clean since you could pull it up and hose it off outside?
Also make sure there’s no artificial scents or essential oils causing the vomiting. Not saying you are but I knew a lady that kept using air fresheners by the litter box and kitties are sensitive.
No. 1147432
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Nonas I'm so tired. I am a med student and it's just been so exhausting lately. I only have one year left but it's just endless studying, studying shit I won't even use. Why? Why do I have to know everything when I'm gonna specialise? It's 6 years of hell and it's so demotivating, it's like they're making it as difficult as possible for us. Classes every day, unpaid work in hospitals (so we'd 'get experience'), oral exams every month or more plus 6 huge oral state exams from like 8 subjects each. If I fail the state exam three times (which does happen to some people because the examinators can be pieces of shit and fail you just because they slept wrong), my whole studies get annulled.
Hours spent just commuting between hospitals and university. Our schedule changes every week and we can't miss it so I can't keep a proper job. After I graduate I have 2 more years of internship in general medicine shit, chirurgy and pediatry and so on even though I won't do it and we already had enough of it during uni. And then 3 more years before I'm gonna be a proper doctor and get paid like a proper doctor.
I'm looking forward to being a doctor but I wish I chose programming, which I also liked I high school, instead. Just three years of school and you're able to work because the school's only like one or two days a week. My friends did that, they're the same age and already make good money and afford to live on their own. I'm late 20s, stuck with parents, broken up with no partner and no proper chance to meet a new one. I do meet with some of my friends and make free time for myself but I can't ever properly relax because I always have at least 600 pages of some bullshit I haven't studied yet. And I need to learn German ASAP because doctors are paid so hilariously little here (central Europe) I'm gonna spent at least a few years working somewhere else so the years of pain are worth it. I won't even have proper summer holidays because we have a month + a few weeks of required unpaid hospital jobs. I hate that I was memed into going into medicine by my parents because I liked biology. I want to finish it now but I don't think it was worth it.
If there are some younger nonnies thinking about med school, choose wisely if you're in a country with shitty healthcare system and needlessly difficult and old medical schooling. There are other ways you can help people while also not throwing so much of your life away spent studying stuff you won't ever need.
No. 1147440
>>1147403>>1147422Thank you both kindly! Neither of my cats free eat, and are fed at strict times a measured amount that they have to get out of a rolling device, so it dispenses sooo slowly. But the grooming tips and ideas with towels, thank you! I also have one of those sickass carpet cleaners that clean the couch really well. Works wonders. The vet just told me "some cats are pukers" and gave me feeding advice which I had already utilized.
>>1147431The litter mat is a good idea! And oh shit, I've never considered using scented sprays but now I definitely never will. Thank you
No. 1147516
>>1147214Tbh it feels like you're really jealous of her and the only thing you 'have' over her is being younger. You even say in other post how she's way more achieved and you envy her career. Women shaming other women for age or being single is the most scrotebrained pickme shit.
Also, you're bf is the one who's taken, not her. It's his issue.
No. 1147546
>>1147134Dang, that sucks. Figures that the discord is full of men, it’s just sitting right out there in the open. Maybe I should lurk the friend finder threads for a server. I simply don’t know enough women in real life (read: 0) who are invested this thing with me to start my own community. Have you ever tried doing lolcow movie night? If so, how did it go?
>>1147486>he would give himself a boner while kneading themN-
No. 1147570
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I feel like my status as a hipster is justified. Genuinely hate 99% of what's "popular", because it's boring.
FFXIV? Played that for five months – the Awesome Plot everyone raved about was trash. Gameplay was boring. Genshin Impact? Played for a few days, just to try it out. Boring, one note characters; boring, boring story-line, and I think the only thing that makes it popular is the fact it so closely mirrors BOTW. It's all style and no substance. Batman (2022)? I don't get the hype. None of the actors were worth shit, barring the main detective guy who helped Batman out and the Riddler.
Why do normies have such shit taste in everything?
No. 1147586
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>>1147547This dread game bs ended my relationship of 6 years. I know because his YouTube and reddit habits were 100% manosphere. He was always leaning towards "redpill" in the last few years but ironically the more he threw my emotions for a loop for no reason the more I realized everything changed and I was over it. So in the end he listened to a forum of single miserable men and ended up just like them.
No. 1147595
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I don't understand how moids can talk at me for a literal hour while I stand there obviously disinterested, fidgeting, visibly tapping my foot and contributing barely 2 words to the entire conversation. Literally rambling, repeating the same stories I've heard before, including ones he told just 10 minutes ago. I'm so exhausted. At least he got to sit/lean on something but I had to stand the whole time. (I was testing to see if my highly obvious physical discomfort would prompt him to talk less, but it seems not. If anything I feel like he rambled even longer.) I know this specific guy's conversation style is painful even for extroverts, so it's doubly excruciating for me. I have to hide somewhere quiet and isolated to recharge.
No. 1147596
>>1147496i agree with a part of your post. i don't think of it as a "wamen evul temptress" way but rather as anti-hookup culture and supporting modesty but not in the tradconshit way.
>>1147557wanted to add that *not a hater of women. only this one for fucking me off, which i have the right to.
to other anon calling me a pickme. that woman posts nlog memes about her hobby and style. she is almost only friends with guys.
i didn't seek out my bf for being an autist he was actually funny and sweet which made me not care about his looks, and thought would make him more loyal. did you misread the post
No. 1147705
I have a friend and I am tired of hearing about her boyfriend, like if I have to hear his name one more time. At first I was okay with it because she was in a bad relationship and this one seems good, and she seemed happier but now that's all I hear about. Complaints, complaints vents asking me and my partner to try to change this guy. If he won't change, and you dislike it, just break it. Do yourself a favour and break up. It's always the same complaints. Guy is not even a bad human either, but you guys just have different goals/opinions/thoughts/whatever so it results in constant arguments.
Please, we sometimes just want to hang out and have fun, but then when you dismiss what people have to say just to go back to complaints about moid, I want to scream.
Just, no more. I am overemotional right now, but god
No. 1147717
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i need ibuprofen so bad but i have to wait at least 4 hours or else I'll od and i'm already getting heart problems since i already took a lot earlier but god it feels like my pussy is gonna explode maybe oding will be worth it
No. 1147759
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>mother constantly insults, badmouths and makes fun of her younger sister to me, or even to her face
>they arent even on speaking terms anymore
>compares me to her incessantly and has all my childhood
what did she mean by this
No. 1147783
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>>1147749Paracetamol is the kind of less effective painkiller that doesn't risk stomach issues, that said ibuprofen is usually fine within the doses in my screenshot (though you should stick to 1200mg max, a little more won't kill you), and if you eat properly with it I really don't see the issue, as people take much larger doses more consistently over years.
Personally maybe following
>>1147756 can help, I found ginger, pineapple and camomile to help me a lot. Also exercise, when I've built up decent abdominal muscles (or something, I do yoga so I build muscles everywhere around there) my cramps aren't so bad, and it's to the point that if I don't exercise for a month I really pay for it in period pain.
No. 1147794
>>1147752if you think ibuprofen is bad, don't ever take naproxen, that shit burns your throat, holy fucking shit. I took it as Aleve Feminax, without any water and omg I regret it
>>1147756this might be a bit weird but
when I have my period I try to masturbate a lot to keep the contractions going and it unironically works to shorten it by quite a bit No. 1147922
I'm quite old but still live with parents and can't move out rn. Since I was a kid, whenever I'd get upset, my mom would stonewall me. She still does this. Now we don't fight that often but when it happens it's terrible. She'd say something that hurts me (knowingly or unknowingly) and I articulate why it hurt me calmly or I'd get upset but the moment I do, she goes away, stops responding, turns the TV all the way up, goes to close the door in hallway so I don't embarrass us in front of neighbours (as if my voice would reach them, I'm not screaming…). It's so humiliating. It genuinely makes me want to chase her like a little kid just so she would respond. She'd go around and start cleaning, moving things around while I'm desperately trying to talk to her. I feel like it's making me fucking mental. When I sit her down to please talk it out like adults she'd blankly stare at something (doesn't look at me) and ignore me. I ask her something and she'd stay silent for many minutes until I repeatedly ask and then she'd tell me she's afraid to respond. It always ends up in me crying in my room feeling like a monster or her also crying and/or fighting with my dad. I never in my life heard her apologise after a fight. She told me people admit they're wrong if they apologise and she isn't wrong. And that it's better and mature to walk away from a fight and that's what she does.
Today my parents fought because of me. My dad said something about her acting badly when she did her stonewall shtick I heard her saying to him 'you've always been the nastiest, most evil man, always only thinking about how much you can hurt me, you never helped me with anything' and now she's loudly sobbing.
I think I genuinely am over-sensitive and I'm trying to work it out. But usually just saying 'oh no I didn't mean it that way' and a reassurance is absolutely enough to calm me down but that never happened. Since I was a little kid me being hurt over something would always end up in me being even more upset and left alone to cry. I even self-harmed around 10 yo in secret because I felt like I deserve it for being a shit person after we fought (I don't do that anymore).
I know she loves me, she does so much for me and sacrificed a lot for me and my brother but this sucks. I feel like I really am ungrateful and should control myself more. But nonnies don't ever stonewall your children it fucks them up.
No. 1148001
>>1147998I'm glad you were at least able to re-connect with her before her passing. So sorry
No. 1148008
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>>1147998I'm so sorry for your loss nonna. At least you got to spend some time together before she passed.
No. 1148031
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Ending a 5 year relationship that lasted the best years of my twenties because my boyfriend’s mom is a narcissistic abuser and he refuses to stand up to her or even not let her abuse me in turn. Feels really bad right now even though it’s dumb to be sad when it’s the right choice. I wish he would grow a spine and fight for our future but alas.
No. 1148102
>>1148091nta but I'm a sick neet too, let's be sick neets together
No. 1148119
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I shouldn’t be so worried about job interviews at fast food places but here I am panicking. I wish I didn’t have social anxiety reeee
No. 1148127
>>1148091Same… I used to initiate conversations all the time and would try to keep up a fun extroverted persona and while the people I was talking to seemed to consider me a friend as well, they had no issues dropping me and prioritising their other friends once the site we were talking on closed down and I was just left alone again. It seems like nothing can help me out of this situation, not even pretending to be less boring or sad than I am. I hope your health problems get better though, sending love
>>1148105I do try to go outside as much as possible, but once I get back to my empty flat and go online to see other people having fun together I start to feel sad again. Hopefully things will get better for you
No. 1148133
>>1148119Fast food jobs will literally hire anyone with pulse. you'll be fine
>>1148120Sending you positive vibes, anon!
No. 1148146
>>1148134Anon just shaving your head won’t fix the problem. I’m not sure what you detailed on your initial post but diet can absolutely fuck your hair up.
I looked into thyroid issues, specifically with the reas watch that Ray Peat did and I’m finally growing back my hair. Nutrition is such a clusterfuck. Try looking into that if you haven’t and keep experimenting.
No. 1148193
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>TFW you're trapped in a boring and pointless wage slave life, instead of being a witch in Ghibli's world
I hate it here
No. 1148365
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>>1148348they say violence isn't the answer, but nay violence towards scrotes is always the answer, amen, good luck to nonna
No. 1148428
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>forum rp as a hobby (the side of forum rp where anime/manga/drawn images are used for character reference)
>no good forum is up.
reeeeee i'm so mad. it's all pokemon, panfandom shit, and etc. sol/shonen combat sites i really don't care for.
No. 1148472
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Pic related got recommended to me a while ago and I’m still so confused as to how this thumbnail is even allowed on YouTube??
I didn’t click on it because I’m a coward but I’m still curious as to what the hell is going on
No. 1148557
>>1148515Don't worry nonna, these relationships never work out and the people involved know it deep down. You probably keep thinking about it because it's pushed as the new quirky ~so kewl and progressive~ thing. I've never met a normal couple with a successful poly relationship. You're cool for not buying into this shit. They're the weird ones. Let them be ~free-spirited~ and then they'll see how it all turns into a dumpster fire down the line while you save yourself from all this mess.
Honestly, to me these are just harems and not proper relatonships.
No. 1148748
>>1148448Nona are you also autistic or had an
abusive childhood preceding
abusive relationships? I'm extremely naive and tend to instinctively accept things people say to be indicative of the truth/correct way of the situation, including my reactions to "punishment" like you're describing. Only in my late 20s I came to realize and accept that most people (men really) are horribly, intentionally selfish and
abusive, especially to women, in my cultural surroundings, rather than
victim blaming myself for not regulating mens inappropriate emotional reactions. I always just assumed if something I did upset someone, I'm automatically wrong, and would beat myself up endlessly over why I couldn't ever be a good person and also not be treated like shit. That last part is cptsd specific, but there is a lot of overlap in autism in women and cptsd for a reason.
No. 1148750
>>1148428I've got an RP site in mind that you may want to try out but kek I'm going to half vent about it. It's more of a directory to find active games than a big game in itself, the most popular format is multipara one-to-ones where users seek others out for PMs. There are very skilled writers on that place and I enjoy seeing other women being able to write freely, there's all kinds of personalities and styles on there that aren't fandom/anime shit.
…Except it's very woke and extremely transfriendly so there are a ton of snowflake types, especially under 18 zoomers with ugly picrews and pronouns in the bio coming in as new blood, that sort of thing. I also really hate that the site coddles its users because they're so sensitive, if I were to find a writing partner I'd give them a direct link to my profile instead of one for the site because all the help pages read like they're written for middle schoolers. "Don't yuck other people's yum" is literally on one of those pages. Think that speaks for itself. The character settings let you pick from 40+ (FUCKING FORTY) genders; you literally have to scroll to get to male/female because of the letter they begin with and several of them are redundant (female and cisgender female for example).
The place is overwhelmingly female in a way you can just feel, like LC, so it's such a shame that the staff and admin are all supportive of current day identity politics. You could probably ignore it but seeing it everywhere when I've been there for over a decade to see the politics seep in is pretty damn irritating. Still, if you can tell me what kind of RP you're looking for I can easily say if you'll find that there.
No. 1148756
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I'm in a pickle… I'm on my way to pick up something from my old place of work and I'm trying not to run into my old manager and it's giving me so much anxiety.
I left in kind of a bad way after being bullied and I hate this
No. 1148776
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I hate all the fucking scrotoids in the femporn threads, they're a fucking plague, they're cancer that refuses to die. I hate this fucking retard baiting for women to reply with fap material for him while he pretends to contribute to the thread posting these shit tier pictures that have the ugliest fucking male bodies because scrotes can't draw attractive men no matter how hard they try, he fucked off for a while when I and another based nona shat on him every time he tried it, but it looks like he has come back since I stopped posting there. I hate all the faggots asking their fucking braindead questions like "DO GIRLS REALLY LIKE MUSCLES???" or "WHERE DO I GET A GENTLE FEMDOM GF LIKE YOU ALL??" and I hate how so many female posters feed those imbeciles attention.
I can't visit those threads regularly anymore, the more time I spend on lolcow the more intolerant I grow towards males shitting up our threads and the 4chan pickmes that reply to them with anything other than "kill yourself".
No. 1148817
>>1148811I’ve seen it in other threads as well but I was talking about this message
>>1148104Yes he got banned but I want their messages deleted as well. I don’t wanna see this at all, it’s annoying.
No. 1148862
>>1148839I wish I didn't understand you. I used to feel all days blurring into one. Everything was pointless, I was decaying, I couldn't be bothered to eat or get outside. In fact it was because I was so dead inside that I was able to make a series of rash life decisions, talk to new people, do crazy stuff, that I felt alive again.
It sounds like you work a lot and don't have much reward from it. Surviving but not living. I think some of us want to believe we're above human contact and love but it's not true. Humans need connections, romance, family. And I get that the abuse you went through will make it very hard to reach out and start those connections. And in this day and age it's especially hard to form connections with people. I would suggest using Church or websites like so you can go on a hike/run/sea swim with people, or even just talking to strangers as practice. If you're awkward, remember that there are awkward people out there to- what worked for me was explicitly
not thinking, but just jumping into social situations, and being an open book- yeah, you're awkward, so what? Focus on other people, find them genuinely interesting because they are. Keep a diary so you can analyse your destructive behaviours, and trust the process, and try new things every week, leave a little bit of yourself childlike. Stay up all night, or get up before sunrise. Get a pen pal to learn another language, write stories.
I really hope you stick around. Not to live the same day again and again. But to grow, and make the you of the past proud, to make connections and to open doors for yourself. I know it's hard, I had a really unfair start in life, but it's going to make you stronger and wiser, I promise, just please look after yourself.
No. 1148900
>>1148839I was literally going to write a similar post just now about work. I just feel burnt out from the whole WORKING - BEING FIRED - LOOKING FOR ANOTHER JOB - GET EMPLOYED - PRETENDING TO BE INTERESTED IN IT - AFTER INITIAL EXCITEMENT DIES, START MAKING BIG MISTAKES - BE AN ANXIOUS WRECK AND LOSE SLEEP OVER FEAR OF BEING FIRED - BEING INEVITABLY FIRED - LOOK FOR A JOB AGAIN, etc. cycle. And now I feel this on a macro level, like right after uni I still had no concept of work so it seemed exciting, there was still the potential of I could maybe find something interesting, then job after job I realized it's the same old thing with a different setting and I just cannot pretend to get interested or excited about anything related to it. I cannot fucking pretend I want to do something when I do not.
I also get ridiculous anxiety about everything related to working, my previous job was relatively low stress save for some deadlines and I still developed insomnia and sometimes couldn't eat from the stress.
And the whole interviewing process is such bullshit. They do not want to know who you really are, they just want to hear the right (cliche) answers to their questions. Yes, I resigned from my last job because there weren't enough challenges. Yes, I am an outgoing, extroverted sunshine of a person who goes hiking with their friends every weekend. Yes, I love learning new things, etc.
I also cannot help but feel stupidly envious of those people who just strip and earn millions on Onlyfans, whereas I could barely my rent at my previous place from my office job with a degree. Ridiculous times we live in.
No. 1148941
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This is so stupid. I was enjoying reading Golden Kamuy, but his last chapter unironically triggered my depression. For some reason I've always stirred up antipathy in people. And I'm so used to this, that I'm sure if I get myself a pet, even it wouldn't love me. I'm becoming a better person, positive people started to annoy me. I've lost trust in therapy long time ago.
No. 1148943
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>>1148900Yea, thanks. This post is at least more relatable than the other or I feel like it shares a similar sentiment to mine. My problem is not being awkward or unable to make friends. My problem is being unable to secure basic needs or somehow manage to synchronize securing basic needs with my life purpose or passions. It's absolutely hellish to work something that you hate and barely offers you enough money to cover basic expenses. I don't even get to work something that I enjoy and my mind is too lost in my interests to even fake basic functionality and others end up taking advantage of me since I am not only willing to help but posses a lot of information of certain subjects, but this effort is not being paid back. Often times those that earn the most money and acknowledgement were born into the right life situation and everything alligned for them. In society very often times things are just power play. You have to obey those richer than you both ideologically and physically. You have to bend their way and not offend them. I am nothing but a slave that is enslaved by my situation. You cannot escape your situation. What is given to you is given to you and that's about it.
Even if I were to be an onlyfans hoe I would be deeply depressed. Competing with photoshopped women and finally still playing a social character like in a video game being an NPC that is molded on satisfying the desires of an audience. I am tired of being a performer. I have never been able to freely express myself. Fuck this society. It's all about opportunity. I didn't choose to have this genetical predisposition or to be born in the socio financial situation I was born in. Everything in my life is resulted from things outside of myself. That I never had a choice over. Often times intelligence is a burden or truth seeking is a burden or maybe it is when you are born poor. If I wasn't born poor I'd be able to pursue my dreams and be happy.
No. 1148958
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I gotta have autism or ADHD or something because I lose my train of thought so quickly and get distracted by the littlest things. I was calling with my boyfriend last night and switched between five different games in the span of an hour because I would start one and immediately remember another, and before that I was trying to show him something and every time I saw something unrelated that caught my interest I would stop talking and go "whoa, look at that!"
I think I've always been like this but now that I talk to people regularly I've begun to realize it's a problem.
No. 1148981
>>1148967That part is probably just because I have no friends and somehow came to the conclusion that the art I make is like an extension of me or something.
Yeah, I decided against a job like that for the same reason, but while I'm free I can't seem to find a way to monetize anything or do something worthwhile with it. I'll try taking a break and I hope you can figure your situation out as well!
No. 1148982
>>1146126My grandmother abused me for over 10 years, ruined my life, took away everything from me. And still, everybody acts like a servant to her, licks her asshole, does everything for her. She's a disgusting piece of shit narcissist yet no one believes me when I talk about the things she did to me.
I tried killing myself 2 years ago, that was the worst year of my life. I felt like it was pointless to continue living if all there is to life is constant suffering, with no possible release. I wasn't allowed to do anything, go anywhere. I couldn't even express my emotions. I still can't, even after years of therapy. I'm a wreck and still, no one believes me.
She broke her leg recently, my last hope was that she dies from it but noooo more attention, more sympathy, more more more. People have this stupid idea that an innocent looking granny can do no wrong because she was so nice to them at church!! Yeah, 10 minutes once a week.
I recently applied for a job in hopes of leaving this shithole, but i'm terrified of people. They hurt me so many times. They are so cruel. I'm autistic so i'm always made fun of at laughed at. Life is shit. xoxo
No. 1148990
>>1148986I'm also very angry about this because I saw a relative of mine get beaten up so bad she had to be hospitalized after a very longlasting
abusive relationship. Everyone still cheered for the man and told him she deserved it. Why? She talked to him too much that day. Thats it. I'm now scared of getting into relationships because even my own mother was one of those women and she told me all raped and abused women deserved it. She'd read the news of femicides while laughing about the women and then about me if I told her it was wrong.
No. 1149010
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If one more moid tries to chat me up about the male domestic abuse shit, I'm gonna lose my mind. "Why does no one care about male abuse victims/suicides/whatever reeeeeee" or "I hope Johnny wins the case and I hope It'll finally shine light on…" oh fuck off and help yourselves, you lazy idiots. Men are so dense, they don't even realize they create their own problems. All of their problems are based around competing with other men. Everything is a big dick-measuring contest to them about finances, looks, relationships, achievements or whatever else. No one is keeping them from making male support groups/charities/whatever for their "issues" and treating other men better when they are among themselves, but they don't, because they don't even give a fuck about their own sex. I remember my dad telling me about how his colleagues always take new apprentices out for drinks, just so that they get plastered and the older co-workers could laugh at and make fun of them. Most of these apprentices are barely 18 too. Men are so disgustingly vile. I can't even imagine women ever doing such things and gossiping doesn't even compare.
Imagine being a moid, living in a world where you aren't suppressed by default because of your gender yet still acting like the victim. Pathetic. Men may have more bodily strength than women but they're mentally fragile babies.
No. 1149014
>>1148986I got out of an
abusive relationship a few years ago. Some of my posts on here are me just typing out flashback memories here and there because I can't tell anyone irl. 5 years on I still regularly relive the worst fights over and over again in my head. I hinted to my dad once and he was unphased. I think me having a few rough years in my teens has left him thinking that at 30 I must still be like that so.. he doesn't ask what happened and just automatically takes the man's side. My ex was a violent drunk who had a habit of misremembering how fights started… I'd curl up in a ball while being punched repeatedly in the back and head. The next day he'd pretend to remember me giving as good as I got. It was maddening. Looking back my marks and bruises were so significant I probably would've been believed and taken seriously if I'd acted sooner. He made me feel like I wouldn't.
I can't read about dv and not go into a strange headspace. Some people seem to enjoy it like a spicy soap opera.
No. 1149037
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So basically I know that someone i hate is doing illegal dangerous activities and even made death threats in the past toward my friend and me (i just learnt about this), and is fucking schizo and on drug 24/7 but i can't say anything yet to the police because it could be traced back to me and my bff pretty quickly. So I'm waiting 1 month to see how the situation evolves and if it stays the same i'm calling the cops.
But I'm livid rn
No. 1149064
>>1148953>>1148967I feel the same as you about my art. I want to gain a following, but not like a big Twitter artist (I also prefer to dump my art on imageboards first). And if I ever achieve that, I don't want to have an actual job related to this, because that would probably kill my love for the hobby.
But I think I've found a solution, I'm learning web design and when I finish this course they'll hire me, most likely. And with a really good salary. I don't really give a fuck about web design but it's ridiculously easy for me to learn it, so this is probably ideal. I'll still be able to draw during my free time, hopefully.
>>1148947>I feel like killing myself because it feels like any attempt I make at becoming a functioning member of society gets shut down immediately.It's not your fault. That's how employers are. They always seek to replace their workers with someone who can work more hours for less pay. Yes, it is unfair. I'm sorry, anon, you don't deserve it.
No. 1149130
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I'm in love with this scrote, but a platonic sort of love. I despise him but love him simultaneously with all my heart and I swear that it is completely uncanny how similar we are, yet I was never inspired by him. My thoughts formed by themselves, I reached the conclusions that I have naturally. But we are the same person, with the same thoughts. It's uncanny how someone dead has basically written down all of my thoughts.
I am jealous he could at least get recognition for his philosophy or thoughts. He's never had anything in life, never had a career or money or a wife but at least he has gotten recognition for being his authentic self and alligned his inner vision with reality. For me it's impossible to do something like that mainly because I am a woman. As a woman you are inherently seen as a prostitute by society even if you are not one. You are an object of desire and that's where your value begins and ends from the point of view of society. As a woman nobody truly listens to your thoughts or feelings, they only do so with a ulterior motif and that motif is fucking you and all women see you as competition.
No. 1149139
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I work in a call center. This lady calls and says she has no internet. Okay, we do the standard process and the whole thing lasts around 15 minutes.
We have to send out a tehnician to her, no problem… except she doesn't know her customer id number. Without that I'm not allowed to book the guy. I gave her 2 hours to find the number and she couldn't find it. Decided to be nice and do it anyway because having no internet sucks.
When we were done I told her about the text review she will get and if she could please just click on that yes because that means I did something for her that day. She flat out said no, that I didn't do shit and wasn't any help??
Asked if she was sure since I sent out the guy even tho I was not supposed to. She said again that no, I didn't do anything. Okay. We ended the conversation, I went back to the ticket and cancelled the whole thing. Enjoy being without internet for at least a whole week if not more. Fucking bitch
No. 1149149
I cannot comprehend the fact that my younger brother can do whatever the fuck he wants without consequences just because he is 'mamas boy' and I am the oldest daughter in an immigrant household. He is allowed to be a complete fucking deranged lunatic destroying normal furniture, his gaming setup (including things like 3 oder 4 literal screens and uncountable amount of headsets, keyboards and mouses) and two iPhones without facing ANY kind of fucking consequences? How can someone who is too retarded to write, tie his shoes or brush his teeth be THE fucking favored child and get everything shoved up his fucking ass? My mom coddles that motherfucker so much that it could count as fucking emotional incest and the way she fucking talks about him infuriates me the most. 'Oh my god, I will be the worst mother-in-law! She will have to be some kind of super rich supermodel, but I don't think that even that would be enough in order to date my amazing and handsome son!' Like the fuck? That retard can't even brush his fucking teeth or write correctly who the fuck would want to date him in the first place? The fact that my mom is ass kissing him so much is fucking weird because she will be like 'Oh my god! My son is the most handsome guy in the world and will be a true heartbreaker. Just look at him, oh my god you are so handsome and good looking! He only deserves to get the best woman there is and I will make sure to fight everyone who doesn't meet the standard my son deserves!' like who the fuck talks like this about their 12 year old fucking son? Apart from that I of course have to play maid for everyone in the fucking household because 'its the nature of a woman to do so' which is quite funny because my mom is on white trash level of nastiness and can't be bothered to clean the apartment more than twice in a fucking YEAR. No matter how intense and much I clean these people are NEVER satisfied since the second I finish my cleaning session these retards trash the entire apartment again and can't be bothered to clean up after themselves since they expect me to do it for them. My efforts never got appreciated so I stopped doing it and now only clean my room and the bathroom only occasionally because it's a fucking hazard place where my father and brother piss on the carpet in front of the toilette or wipe their shit stains on the fucking tiles It's unbelievable to know that I started doing household chores at the age of 6 and was expected to do even more with each year passing. My parents still abuse me and are starting to fall back into their older abuse habits since I am not doing the things they want (like cleaning the apartment) and scream, shout and cuss at every given occasion even though I just nicely asked them about something. I try to completely avoid interacting with them but even at the rare occasion of talking I am being disrespected, cussed out and sometimes hit and beaten because I am annoying and stressful for them despite mostly just asking nicely about missing items that went missing within the hoarding piles of my mom. On the other hand my parents both love to engage in conversations with my brother despite him being a rude, disrespectful brat that insults them to their face without facing any consequences. He gets all the affection and praise I never got for not even doing the bare minimum and just being a void that swallows huge amounts of money. My entire childhood and life has been just miserable and the abuse and neglect just destroyed me completely. Constantly having to hear how your my own mother wishes she would have aborted, killed or never had me in the first place or that I am an useless parasite living with them will always haunt me. I will always remember crying in my bed wrapped up under my blanket after being beaten up by them. Being thrown on the ground with full force, getting jumped at and thrown off the chair only to get slapped, kicked and spit at are two out of hundred if not thousand situations that made me the broken human I am today. These days I just wonder what I would have been like If I had a normal childhood and family growing up. I just feel numb, unlovable and horrible. I wish I could someday find peace with myself and get out of this place.
No. 1149169
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>>1148759Thank you nonita. It was really stressful but I'm glad I picked it up so I can have some closure now!
No. 1149278
>>1149205My first couple years of being an adult I was randomly propositioned for payed sex a few times. One guy offered to pay to eat me out and do nothing else. I wasn't naive so I had visions of him being a oppurtunistic rapist. I really don't miss that phase. I think it was something to do with being on the edge of being legal I guess. Legal age but could pass for younger. I cut my hair off, bought looser clothing and never looked back. I lived alone, didn't have family around, so feeling safe was more important to me than being pretty.
I moved to a rural town a couple years ago and I guess being feminine isn't as much of a requirement here to get male attention.. I had creeps approaching me again. It's not fun, it's not flattering. We teach girls to strive for being pretty or being sexy and then… that's the big reward you get?
No. 1149284
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I am so angry and stressed and I just want to cry and be left alone.
No. 1149347
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I wish I had the guts to be a cold bitch because people constantly take advantage of me. I'm basically a doormat to my family and all the stress and walking on eggshells caused me to drop too much weight and now they nitpick that about me too.
No. 1149435
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What the fuck am I supposed to do in this situation. God this family is fucking annoying, I can't stand having them as neighbors, with these thin ass walls too. For years I had to listen to this bitch scream at her family over the stupidest shit. Idk what mental disorder she has but it comes in waves and she has a screaming contest with herself until her ugly moid snaps and yells back. Recently the screaming happens every night and then the parents fucking leave and their two sons stay, while one of them kicks a fucking ball for hours. I can't stand the noise it's so fucking loud and annoying and everytime I have to go down and knock. Usually he stops but tonight he threw a hissy fit and kicked it a bunch of times really loud once I had already went back to my apartment. They're not small kids either. And before you come at me for calling a woman a bitch she's been pestering me over the tiniest of noises I made while I was a teen so real ironic her minnie moids are doing this shit rn. Restraining myself from shaming her publicly in the group chat rn. Actually thinking about calling our building supervisors to complain but what the fuck are they gonna do? I was all ready for bed too, and now I don't feel like sleeping at all. God I fucking hate her.
No. 1149440
Just saw some people, I assume scrotes, make a lenghty argument on reddit how "wife bad" jokes are a proof of a systemic domestic abuse of men and how the numbers would be equal if not higher than women being
victims of such if only men were encouraged to report it. The absolute rot of redditor brain is astounding
(pointless to screenshot since it's not in english, I just needed to rant because wtf)
>>1149438I saw it briefly, anon confessed to having pissed in a box (?) during sleepwalking episode or sth like that lmao
No. 1149451
>>1149445I used to live with someone who sleepwalked and they almost pissed in my shoes but I luckily got to stop them and take them to the bathroom.
Their father was worse. He thought there were aliens(?) and tried to stab people or something while screaming about them. He was asleep.
No. 1149507
>>1149465I don't get too wrapped up in this stuff because people switch back and forth and always think their views are permanent att. I've known some young people who were vocal as hell and did a 180 overnight.
I grew up with parents who changed some seemingly solid views at like 50.
No. 1149527
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>>1149465mfw lesbians become he/him
No. 1149589
>>1149529Last summer I had 2/3 weeks of scrotes in my home upgrading the heating system and the energy effeciency of the home in general/the insulation. I was freaking out at the thought. I left the house everyday because they were in every fucking room ripping up pipes and it was alot.
I always made sure no undewear were left in my house, no sex toys, nothing that touches my vagina. I hate that my mind even had to go there.
No. 1149599
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I hate having to pretend I'm fine with my non existent sex drive.
I mean I kinda am but I'd also love companionship…just without sex.
Best part is it's not trauma and I simply never experience sexual attraction.
Talking about it sucks because people either don't get it at all (understandable) or compare it to their trauma/meds induced low sex drive.
tl;Dr I'm fine. Never dating again is ok and cool actually.I love being asked why I'm not looking for a man or why I don't have one. Super excited about feeling increasingly weirder about it as I age as well.
No. 1149614
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I drank WAY too much last night and I’m probably an alcoholic. Ugh. I’m so hungover today I’ve done nothing but lay around and eat ramen and have diarrhea all day, I hate myself
No. 1149623
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>>1149599Me too anon. Don’t even feel like I can use the word “asexual” to describe it because that word’s been co-opted by zoomers who need a non-hetero sexual identity in order to feel like they’re worth something. I tend to prefer just not bringing it up with other people because it’s not worth getting all the confusion and skepticism directed at me. My friends do know about it though, and my BFF has alluded to the idea that maybe someday if she gets married and has a family I could third-wheel with them in a close platonic way. Idk if I’d do it but it’s very sweet of her anyway.
No. 1149630
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I was telling my coworkers about a time one of our customers ""accidentally"" had MILF porn open on his computer while I was working on it, and this chinless newbie idiot chimed in to say if it were him in that situation he would have said "hey man I like em too." I told him to his face that was disgusting and that my respect for him "drastically decreased" yet he continued trying to make shitty jokes as I ignored and talked over him. He wasn't even part of the conversation he was just bored and loitering around my friends and I. Then this one toothed zero tact retard sends me an instant message apologising for his "bad jokes" and when I only gave him a thumbs up react instead of replying in full he physically came to my desk to tell me to check my messages???? Didn't even have the balls to apologise out loud to my face?? Just needed me to say oh no you poor thing it's okay that you outed yourself as sick insensitive freak, it's fine, we're "still cool" !!! Bitch I never liked you in the first place!!! He's so damn annoying, I wish I could quit being polite and just ignore him outright but I'm his supervisor and occupationally obligated to pretend he is worthy of my assistance.
No. 1149638
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i'm finally free to shitpost and lc is dead. i don't want to interact with people or actually do my chores/responsibilities. come back to me, anons!!!
No. 1149642
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All the newfags from lesbian tumblr or whatever taking over the MtF thread as their personal 2X is sucking the life and fun out of it, yeah it's been happening for a while but like c'mon. I feel like I'm the only one there who wants to make fun of the trannies without this weird attitude of pettiness and "tHIS is THe LaST plAcE 4 aDUlt hUmAN feMaLEs tttt" like jesus relax I came to party not to rally gaddamn.
No. 1149670
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>>1149664I'm not ready to let it go anon… I'm not…
No. 1149688
>>1149683yeah is annoying as hell. I remember not long a go a
nonny wanted to obviously laugh at some trannies and proceeded to post selfies of them. I replied to them trying to be funny and literally I was the only one and maybe another
nonny, everyone else was yapping about literal wall texts from twitter/reddit.
No. 1149691
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>>1149688>>1149683>>1149676>>1149664Look at this, this is some female joker shit lmao
No. 1149705
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>>1149700The fact that they're there doing these kind of
retard "jokes" means they should all move to fucking 2X. This is reddit tier shit ffs
No. 1149709
>>1149693Iktf nona. I've had a couple of dreams where my retarded impossible crush tells me that he likes me, or the opposite, I try to go see him but something always gets in the way. It will never happen, and it feels like shit having these dreams. But it's not hard to forget about it.
Imagine I'm giving you a hug
No. 1149717
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>>1149711>>1149706>>1149705but that's why the GC thread should have been left as is. mtf cows could've had their own dedicated thread and general discussion, frustration, blogging, could be limited to the GC thread as it was. if anything, the GC thread could've been moved to /g/ or something, but no, for whatever reason, they
needed to get rid of it for no reason? no one is going to use a board that is inaccessible, hidden, and is only dedicated to one or two topics when you can topic hop on regular boards. it's a normal topic of convo for women, why shouldn't it have been kept as it was for people who want to get into more detailed discussion? per the poll, taking GC away was not even wanted
No. 1149720
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>>1149717>no one is going to use a board that is inaccessible, hidden, and is only dedicated to one or two topicsWell anons
did, but fucking admin…
Picrel is me thinking about how MTF thread could actually mainly be about laughing at trannies if /2X/ was allowed to stay. Sometimes I'm afraid that the shutdown of /2x/ may have done irreparable damage to the site. Whenever newmin decides to show her face all I want to ask her to do is try her best to bring life back to that board (even if it means making it non-hidden and opening mod applications back up). I say all of this as a non-radfem anon.
No. 1149727
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>>1149720true, it was used and appreciated at the time but only because admin was going nuclear for no reason to lie and cater to a minority of users who were weirdly aggro, a lot of repeated posting in the same weirdly aggro style, etc despite users being appreciative and at least taking advantage of the compromise. i still think it's better to keep it on a more accessible board not solely for one or two topics, but anything is better than nothing. admin and the farmhands were legit just haters for no reason and straight up lied. the blatant dishonesty and pettiness made me lose so much respect.
No. 1149753
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I fuckign hate my job and the catty bitches that work there. I want to create fuckign female community or whatever but i hate these bitches. Perhaps I was wrong, i am not a misandrist i just hate people in general (still hate men more though)
No. 1149757
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>>1149709My fellow dreamcel. Those dreams really are the worst. And it's weird because I've never been sexually intimate with anyone, but they feel so real to me. I guess it's more the emotions that feel real compared to anything else, but I've never really felt emotions like that in real life either. Your dreams sound painful. Can't believe your brain would do that to you. Won't even let you guys end up together!
No. 1149801
>>1149792Another Tennessee
nonnie? My city is pretty polarized. The Southern Baptist energy is strong, but most of those people only do church shit to feel like they've got an upper hand on other people and networking.
No. 1150085
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I missed my dissertation deadline, and idk what to do I've been avoiding this topic with everyone so nobody knows yet, and idk how to tell them AAAAAAA I keep ruining my life wtf do I do now nonnies I can't calm down
I've been having this heavy feeling in my heart for like 4 days straight now
normally my plan would be to get a job anyway and what?? start repeating the semester I guess? idk. but WHO is gonna hire me when they ask why I'm not done with my studies a year late and I say what??? IM REALLY BAD WITH DEADLINES AND STRESS? no shit nobody will hire me I stink like a huge red flag to HR now I fucking hate myself please just kill meeeee how could I possibly make an excuse good enough please help me
I'm so fucking dumb I don't want to be the retard child that can't do anything right
No. 1150162
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it fucking sucks having your personal lolcow posted in a thread when you can't spill the silos of milk because only you would know that shit and you don't want to get posted yourself
No. 1150214
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I feel like I won't find love again. Nothing is wrong with me, I'm quite pretty albeit maybe I look tired lately. I'm not the most social person in a big social group but I have enough friends and get invited to things. I don't think I'm particularly broken or something. Just a bit awkward I guess. Yet I just can't find love again… Even though I'm searching. I never click, when they like me they are walking red flags, when I like them, they ghost me. It's been over a year from my LTR and I'm kinda lonely, feel like I'm stuck in one place. My education and career is moving on but my romantic and personal life is stuck in place. I hoped to be living with a partner and having a dog, planning for marriage around this age. I miss hugs. I'm getting older, it's such a shame my last LTR didn't work out. I feel like I have almost no time to find someone now and it's getting more difficult. Yet other people seem to get with someone so easily. I don't wanna end up alone to be honest.
No. 1150267
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>>1150251Here's what I was referring to nona, a lot of us call our bfs nigels as a bit of tongue in cheek
No. 1150279
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Just read some deranged article, and I'm so glad I'm not attracted to older men. Jesus christ "daddy culture" women live a bleak existence
No. 1150283
>>1150279These women are retarded and I fucking hate them. Because of these mentally ill women, the average moid thinks a woman 10 years younger will find him attractive, even more attractive than men her age.
Also these women always date men who pick them for their age so when they age above those men's preferred age, the dumbasses will cry about how women's "value" decrease. Like no. You were just dating a hebe/pedo dude and he lost interest. Date men/women your age instead!
No. 1150292
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>>1150126She just left. Jesus Christ. She gave me a list of places where I should apply. Secretary jobs (which I don't have experience in), 'any kind of position at the EU or the UN or like, embassies or other prestigious places' or 'maid jobs in foreign countries'. Right.
Also she knows that I'm avoidant and have difficulty forming relationships and I've been isolating myself for a bit but every now and then I force myself to go on meetups. She suddenly goes 'if anything happens to you, like a car hits you and you became immobile and I'm already dead, who could the hospital staff contact? You don't even talk to your own cousins!'. When I mention I regularly message with people I met on meetups, she brushes it off because 'messages are impersonal and don't count'.
It's not even the fact that she doesn't see boundaries and just casually orders me to do things. It's not. It's the fact that she never acknowledged what my wants and needs are. She always says that if I wanted to learn anything she will financially support my decision. I told her years ago that I'm interested in UX. She brushed it off because she didn't understand what it was. When I explained to her, she shook her head because she views anything that has to do with technology as evil. 'It'd be a bad decision'. A course in front end development? Also no, because it's just 'sitting in front of a computer all day long'. She only supports me if I do what she wants and she wants me to work in 'diplomacy or something' beccause she sees it as prestigious.
I don't know what to do, how to set boundaries, how to keep the relationship with her. My gut instinct is to ask her to stop inquiring and giving me advice related to my job searching process AND my personal relationships and keep a sterile, 'safe' relationship with her where we discuss neutral things like the weather, news, anything that's not personal. I already feel like there are things I cannot tell her, like right now I have my own schedule for working on launching my Etsy shop and told myself that I'd only start looking for a job with 100% concentration after I launched it. I hadn't told her because years ago when I brought up the idea of starting a business she immediately told me that I am unfit for running a business because it's 'very complex' and I wouldn't be able to do it.
I stopped drawing because she made a comment about it once, up until that point I wanted to be an illustrator. I am taking the language exam because she made me give her a deposit of money (around 800 in USD) and she will only give it back to me if I successfully pass the exam. There are other things that I also did for her sake, because she just wouldn't stop pestering me about it. My point is, I feel like I do a lot of things for her but at the same time I cannot be myself around her at all.
No. 1150311
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Decided to skip uni today because I'm absolutely not in the mental state to leave my apartment and suddenly someone I've befriended in a class texts me "Where are you today??" Aaaahhhh leave me alone! I'm just so burnt out and sick of people and I feel insecure all of a sudden. And now I have to come up with a lie because we're not that close that I could tell her that I'm feeling like shit.
No. 1150347
I moved recently and my new neighbours have this enormous
direwolf German Shepherd that barks at everyone and doesn’t seem very well trained. Its owners primary way of dealing with misbehaviour seems to be to scream at it. It’s also very strong and I’ve already seen it pull on its leash hard enough that its 6’+ male owner faceplanted on the ground. Why do people get dogs they can’t control?
>>1150279Was this really written by a woman? It smells like a roleplaying scrote.
No. 1150356
>>1150279The only time I dated someone with an age gap it was because I was in a bad spot and didn't have family to fall back on.. free rent was what I needed. I was sleeping on the street for months. I got back on my feet and those couple years of free board were the difference between me being homeless in a more long term way and me now owning a home and having some financial security as a single woman again. It was worth it under my very specific circumstances with some planning in place on my end. I always planned on moving on.
Thing is, when we split he ended up with a woman his own age, she's bigger than me, older than me, has 4 kids from her previous relationships, has baggage from the dads, has health problems, needs alot of help because of a chronic fatigue problem, two of her kids are autistic I think… he really had to come back to reality when he started dating again. I think he knows our relationship was a farce, that my feelings weren't there and that it was just convenient. I hope him and the 'more appropriate match' gf are in a legit relationship that amounts to something now. We both got a little something out of each other and gave a lil something and now he's living on planet earth again. I think that's closer to reality than that articles idea of endless young women lining up til the day you die of old age.
No. 1150370
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>Be me
>Complain about having no social life
>Someone tries to befriend me and invites me to things
>Push them away and find excuses for not socializing
Is this a birth defect or why am I like this????
No. 1150380
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>>1150370You have fearful-avoidant attachment style, there's a few of us here
No. 1150381
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I feel so discouraged I was supposed to have a job interview but showed up at the wrong location and they basically told me 'fuck yourself'. I hate being a neet but all jobs I can find require some kind of degree or experience (the only experience I have is a few months of cashier work). Some in the food service sector and I'd rather kill myself. I'll continue my job hunt but all I want is a simple job for a few months to get up my work ethic and social skills in preparation fro school in half a year. Why is this so hard for me, why am I so bad at managing things?
No. 1150390
Learned this from a podcast It's christian oriented though
No. 1150396
I just posted that I passed my road test but I just have to vent because this is still boiling my blood even after 2 days and venting to basically everyone I know.
I requested off for my road test date a month ago. My boss is lenient and lets me work from home whenever I want but I typically come into the office and am okay with that. I debated just asking to work from home but decided that I didn't want to risk becoming stressed or swamped with work related things on the day of my road test so I requested the whole day off, and my boss promptly approved it. I figured I'd have to remind him because he typically does forget whenever my off days happen.
Come monday, the day before my road test, and I know he's miffed that I have the day off but I don't say anything. I work in news and there was an important press briefing happening and I saw the notice for it at the end of last week but thought "well, I requested off and it was approved, so whatever, tough luck." As I'm leaving, before I can even remind my boss that I'm off the next day, he asks, "are you sure you can't come in tomorrow?" and I said, "no, it's actually my road test tomorrow" and I leave. Actually! I even had an assignment that he assigned last week that was due on tuesday, but I said "hey, I'm off on tuesday, I'll actually get it done to you EVEN EARLIER, by monday" and I did.
I get home and I was playing games on my work phone when he called. I picked it up. Don't ask me why, I don't fucking know why. At first I thought "fuck, did he want me to edit the report I submitted today? was it not good enough?" No, I WISH it was something about the report I submitted. Instead he just straight up says "I need you to come into work tomorrow." and I emphasize that it's my road test, but if he really needs me to cover the press briefing, I can do it from home. It's literally livestreamed and I just watch the livestream in my office anyway. He says that that isn't good enough, and I need to come in, and then says "the company paid for your driving lessons" which really set me off. You're really going to hang that shit over my head now? Are you fucking kidding me? It's the day before my road test, I requested this day off A MONTH AGO which is MORE than enough notice and that he approved already! He won't accept that I can't just move my road test date and makes me call the school so I call them and they said the next road test date is two whole fucking months from now, and I forfeit practicing time with my instructor before my test. I call my boss back and said I'm not rescheduling it, it's way too far out and I'm a new driver so that much time between my lessons and road test is going to royally fuck me over. I propose that I watch whatever I can in the morning, leave to do my lesson and road test, then come into the office, is that fine? He says "well I don't know, the schedule can change." Like, it's fucking livestreamed on youtube. I can literally just jump to the beginning and rewatch it. What's so fucking hard about that? That's literally what I currently do when we cover these press briefings anyway. But I leave it at that and passed my road test anyway but I'm still fucking mad because I was so chill before it and then he has to throw that shit on me AND hold the fact that my company paid for our driving lessons.
Good to know that me requesting off means absolute fuck all! I didn't ask off the day before, or a week before, I gave more than enough notice time. Of course if I knew we were going to have this briefing I wouldn't have taken that date, but I didn't know! No one knew! I barely get paid above minimum wage. I know that me compromising is already generous. I simply don't get paid the salary of someone who can be expected to drop everything for work and I refuse to become that person. No one else in this entire office gives that much of a fuck except him.
Anyway, I've talked to the accounting department and am paying them back for the lessons. Fuck holding that shit over my head, that was so fucking rude and uncalled for. It's one day that I asked for with ample notice. Stupid fuck head.
No. 1150406
I'm an autist so please explain this to me. A shy guy who's my housemate asked me out for a dinner a few months ago, I know from others he was very happy about it, but I didn't feel any chemistry honestly, the conversation was nice at first but then my battery ran out and it was just awkward silence. After that we rarely spoke, partly because we had different shifts and I spent most of my time in my room, partly because I later changed locations for some time, and also because I just felt so awkward. But I knew from others he was asking about me a few times, he wanted to know if I'm fine etc. Now we're living at the same place again and I'm trying to talk to him more and just be around him, even though I suck at it, and he seems to not be as interested as he was before? I don't know if he's just shy or he's reallly not interested in even being friends with me. But I think his behavior shows he somewhat cares? We have a really terrible new hosuemate now, she's crazy and narcissistic, talks about magic and energy, shows agression if you disagree with her etc. I committed a mistake and I admitted to her I never had a bf when she asked about it, and after that she got drunk and told me it's pathetic that I'm still a virgin at this age and she told me she talked to my shy housemate and told him some bullshit about me being in love with him and me being a "pure virgin with pure energy" and everyone at our house heard that. Then for the whole night she was telling me he doesn't want me and I need to stop lying to myself, even though I didn't engage with her in any way at this point, then she was talking about her mother and energy and how almost all women are whores jealous of her energy and looks, and you know, just crazy person talk. I was so tired of this I basically started crying. Next morning I told my shy housemate about all that and at first it seemed like he didn't care much and he only said to me not to worry about it and then he left, but I found out that right after that he called our landlord and basically got this crazy woman removed from here and she has to leave tomorrow. Today he also told me he found a woman who can rent me a single room in a better place. So I think it looks like he cares about me, at least in a friendly way, because his actions show it, even if he doesn't talk much to me. What do you think?
No. 1150440
>>1150406It reads as him accepting that there wasn't a spark and him taking that reasonably well and backing off so as not to bug you. He seems to care about you but not in a creepy or overbearing way.
Does he know about the autism? Could be that he feels protective because of that.
No. 1150477
>>1150440>Does he knows about the autism?I never told him directly, our coworker knows and maybe she told him but I don't know.
I forgot to mention that before this whole situation with the psycho he told me we can go out together if I ever want to, but again, I don't know if he meant it just like that or something more, idk
>>1150446But I didn't even tell this crazy baboon that I liked him. The only thing I said is that we knew each other for almost a year and I treated him as a friend or a brother. Also everyone, including him, already knew she's crazy at this point so I don't think he took anything she said to him seriously
No. 1150553
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One of my coworkers 'came out' as a bisexual, even though she's married to a man. It's the most annoying shit because now she's posting bisexual memes on IG , etc. I dont know why bi hets annoy me so much and it doesnt invalid you being a bisexual, but what is with women in straight relationships coming out as bi and then going crazy with bis and their queerness?
No. 1150577
>>1150553i have no idea but i've seen this happen myself, except with a friend. she's dating a guy she plans to marry and now she's suddenly crazy for "wuluwuh" (when prior to that she was a fujo also into hetero ships).
for me personally it's an annoyance because i'm still dealing with internalized homo/biphobia and to see them glamorize lesbian sex(uality) as a "girlboss xD" thing or treat it as an aesthetic gets on my last nerves.
No. 1150581
>>1150553The women who have the most to say about being "so queer" or bi are always the ones in long-term relationships with men and zero experience with women. They would never even touch another pussy, but do all this talking about how "bi" they are because they cuff their pants and shit like that. Or because they're that desperate for male attention (á la Shoe0nHead).
I feel for actual bi women. They must be so fucking over it.
No. 1150641
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I made the mistake of agreeing to go out for drinks with my boyfriend, his parents and their friends this weekend. Tbh I felt pressured to say yes because they "joked" and said "are you actually going to come and drink because you never do" despite pretty much everyone knowing I dislike drinking, 1. because I'm watching my health and calories and 2. I just don't enjoy drinking alcohol around people who aren't my boyfriend or my very close friends. I really don't want to go, to be honest, they just put us on the spot and i said yes in the rush of the moment.
I'm fucking stupid for just not asserting a boundary and saying "no I won't do that because xyz" but these people don't understand anything about dieting, about good health and not drinking alcohol or just watching your intake - I'm also extremely short so it's not like I have caloric leeway to just "have a few drinks" cos that shit adds up fast. They're just old people who don't do any exercise nor healthy eating and their only hobby is going out and drinking really, I don't blame them for that but neither me or my bf enjoy it anymore.
I think they think I'm some sort of recluse who never leaves the house or something and I think that's why I'm pressured to say yes. The truth is, I enjoy spending time with my friends or boyfriend, or just enjoy spending time alone at the gym, that's it. When I first met them, his mum called me "boring" because I wasn't comfortable going out drinking every night on holiday, she later said she was joking but honestly I think she was just speaking her mind under the disguise of a joke. People like them don't really understand introverts or people who just enjoy a quieter lifestyle that doesn't constantly surround being around other drunk people, I find it irritating and I don't enjoy it. They will probably expect me to come for food too, which I'm not keen on because I seriously need to watch what I eat as I am significantly overweight - again, something they don't take seriously because I don't really "look" morbidly obese. I just wish I had said no from the start kek, but I hate being put on the spot and my sperg self automatically drifts towards the socially easiest option/answer first.
No. 1150649
I never thought I would feel this way again, but a moid I was seeing made me feel bad about my dark hair and dark brown eyes. I'm not claiming racism or anything, I'm white, but just venting abt my personal experiences. Anyways, he told me his type is redheads, and all his celebrity crushes are blonde (Elle Fanning). This made me so jealous of redheads lol. I am of Mediterranean descent, so pale +dark hair and eyes. So I feel like I don't get the ''complete package'' of having brown skin (I always try to tan but my skin is shit at it) and dark features or the blue eyes and light colored hair. So sometimes I feel so plain or that I can't be anyone's type (I know it's kinda irrational and retarded to want to fit into a specific fetish but I'm growing out of it) Growing up, I wanted so bad to be like barbies or princesses, which were mostly blonde, but as an adult, I had really accepted myself and learned to love my hair and eyes, but that experience with the moid brought all that back for a while. Hard to know that even a beautiful face with darker features will be seen as less than a normal face with blue eyes or blond/red hair. In my country, someone with those features really gets attention. Anyways, venting bc it was horrible and I understand many women go through much worse than this but I don't want to want to change myself for retarded moids.
No. 1150655
>>1150641I’m sorry nonni. It sounds like they’re soft pushing your boundaries. Can you order water or tea or stick to a light calorie drink if you want one like vodka with soda water a splash of lime and cranberry. If you go for food just get a side or a salad or make up an excuse to head out if you don’t feel comfortable.
I have a gene mutation that means I shouldn’t drink and people still push all the time.
No. 1150659
>>1150649Noni I have red hair and moids tell me I’m batshit crazy. I’m soulless. I’ve been bulllied my entire life. There’s really not a reason to be jealous of other women because of a scrote. Your hair and eyes are yours and fit you.
Your brown eyes protect your vision. You will have less sight problems than blue, green, or my own hazel-amber. Our eyes a genetic defect that are actually hurting us.
Embrace your hair. It matches your undertones and skin. If you want to add some life to the brown maybe try coffee rinses. My mothers brown loved it and it got so shiny. Combined with the highlights from the sun. It was beautiful.
No. 1150682
>>1150659Diff anon but I slept with a guy a few years ago, I was only his second sexual partner. The first woman had been a red haired girl at a party and.. that's it. He talked about liking red hair like it was a whole fetish. His only description of her was hair color and he'd randomly start talking about red haired women out of nowhere. Felt very similar to a guy I knew who had previously dated and asian womand talked a lil too much about that..
Now we weren't anything serious so idc his preference or that I'm brunette but.. it was odd to listen to. First comes the childhood bullying and then comes the fethishizing as a young woman apparently.
No. 1150691
>>1150655That's what I suspected too thanks
nonnie, I know they're old and "set in their ways" but I wish I had the spine to stick up for them, I work for them too so It's kind of like I don't want to say or assert anything because it might paint be as ungrateful, even though I'm not at all.
I'll probably order a coffee and just a side maybe and I'll try to eat most of my calories before I go so they don't end up pressuring me to get a big burger or something and start acting as if I have an eating disorder for simply wanting to not be fat - which his mum has done in the past, too.
I have a genetic disorder which makes me sensitive to alcohol too so I know exactly what you mean - even if you say no I can't drink this they try and say "oh just have a little bit" and try and fucking interrogate you about your health. I hate it so much, I live in UK too so alcoholism is like our culture here, you can't do shit without expecting to get drunk alongside it and if you don't like drinking you're considered a freak.
No. 1150703
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Bump CP don't scroll
Kill all moids
No. 1150710
>>1150691It can make a lot of people feel called out for their own choices when you don’t go along with the group, but that responsibility isn’t on you. It’s very frustrating when the culture around social has started leaning once again so hard into food and alcohol. A lot of adults want to do alcohol and an activity, not just the activity.
That’s what I would do. I eat a solid dinner or snack first. Make sure I’m hydrated and go expecting to have a snack and a water. Back when I still had the occasional maybe I’d have one or two id nurse. If you go out and they push really hard. Maybe afterwards trying talking your bf gently. “A hey i like your parents, but when they do these things it makes uncomfortable, would you be willing to talk to them for me?”
Good luck Noni
No. 1150774
My grandma is having her worst manic episode yet and she just keeps spiraling. She’s been texting everyone- me, my sister, my mother, brother, father, cousins, aunts, brothers girlfriend, her sisters EVERYONE saying awful and horrible shit to them!! She’s even talking shit about my cousin who is not even a year old to my aunt. I’m so fucking sick of her bipolar ass and her alcoholism. She has single handedly torn this family apart again and again and again and it’s so frustrating. She has been fully grown for so long and is in therapy, why has she never gotten better a single bit? We suspect she’s lying to her therapist about everything and that may be why. And it’s so infuriating when she goes “well my therapist says you should be nicer to me” “my therapist taught me how important it is to be able to apologize first, I think you should work on that”. FUCKING PSYCHOPATH. Destroying my parents and aunts mental health. I hope she goes senile soon so we can stick her in a nursing home and have her be someone else’s problem.
No. 1150783
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>>1150778calf size has nothing to do with horsegirl status. give your hair an actual style. like, if your hair is long, add layers and an actual cut while keeping it long if you feel you must keep it long. frizziness can contribute to horsegirl status but horsegirls are usually pigeonholed because their hair is long with no style of cut.
No. 1150796
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>>1150790this starter pack is only half true because a lot of horsegirls never wore camo or farmtype gear but this hair is like horsegirl 101. horsegirls are a phenomenon in schools in america, there are some girls who are obsessed with horses and don't stop talking about them, about their horses, they tended to be odd and "nerdy" but basically only nerdy with regard to their autistic obsession with horses.
No. 1150810
>>1150800it's fine, it's wholesome, but they were annoying in school because it doesn't matter how much you explained or gave off social cues that you did not care about horses or want to constantly talk about horses. they also were typically the "remind the teacher about homework" type that pissed off the rest of the class. there's nothing hugely negative about them but to be an adult and be perceived as a horsegirl still is probably not great. i wouldn't want to be perceived as a horsegirl if i was not a horsegirl. it's seen as juvenile or unprofessional. can be
problematic for work or career purposes. also ime just the way they were generally socially consumed with themselves was a little annoying. you couldn't talk about anything without them relating it back to themselves or horses.
No. 1150816
>>1150796This is literally my hair kek
I guess that is why people assume I am a horse girl. Do I need to get a perm? Deep conditioning doesn't really do anything.
>>1150791I don't really wear makeup
No. 1150827
>>1150818how am i spewing shit? you obviously are trying to find an issue with what i'm saying despite having no experience with the way people have an "idea" of what a type of person is. it's a school joke and why you guys are making a huge deal about a silly starerpack is weird. i only said it could be
problematic because people might assume you are juvenile or, to a degree, socially inept, by assuming you're an adult horsegirl. how is that not easy to see why people might make preconceived notions about you and that it might affect how people see your competence? i personally don't like to fit into any kind of "style" for the sake of being pigeonholed. it's not a huge deal and i never said it would have massive consequences in any professional setting but your appearance and preconceived notions, first impressions, matter in work. maybe not MASSIVELY in most instances, but it can have consequence. it depends on how invested you are to make sure you put the best foot forward or whatever in being perceived positively. i'm just saying, if i'm not a horsegirl, i wouldn't want to be pigeonholed as one as an adult. obviously anon is getting assumed to be one on a regular basis so it's having some consequence on her life.
No. 1150837
>>1150827>it's a school jokeexactly my point
The rest you write is bullshit
No. 1150838
>>1150816just get a styled cut like a layered long cut if you want to keep it long. i have layered long hair and i don't
need to style it, but it does look better when i use a heated barrel brush and style it like in the pic i posted or blow it out but it's definitely not necessary. honestly, imo, unstyled layered hair is still better than unshaped long hair. it kind of gives the impression of a religious fundie (or horsegirl in this case) something if you have butt or waist length unshaped hair. you can do something like a keratin treatment or brazilian blowout if you want it straight and unfrizzy but that might not be necessary. try something like Aphogee and see if it helps, or Olaplex treatments. if not, i'd move on to a brazilian blowout or keratin treatment. try to see if you can keep it formaldehyde free because that shit is
No. 1150847
>>1150800When you're in school, if you don't try to get validation from moids you will quickly be bullied because you spend your time on your personal interests instead. And moids hate when women like animals and spend more time on taking care of them than trying to get validation from men.
These days I think it's the "equestrians" who don't want to be associated with horse girls, because they find themselves sexier and more appealing while horse girls are just these crazy girls who are obsessed with horses.
No. 1150858
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Hey mods, hey mods!
Fuck off motherfuckers disgusting pigs retarded cumdrinkers man owner I wanna beat your asses with your liquid spines you think I ain't doing it you tacky lizard Imma end you just with the power of mind you watch your back komodo dragon I'll be in your dreams tonight you shrimped lobster diseased hairy testicles fuck these fucking hatchlings fuck them alright two legged tarantulas if only these liberal expired moldy pop tarts salmonella fuelled imbeciles scrote loving pus filled dickheads would do their fucking jobs instead of banning me and leaving their retarded little uwu messages for absolutely nothing like do I give a fuck what you think nasalis larvatus motherfucker? Yeah I'm a idiot alright I was born that way what you gonna do cus that ain't a crime and guess what that's never going to change I'll be an idiot forever and you can do nothing about it but here's a surprise you're an idiot too everyone here is a fucking idiot you smartass fucking bum you ban me at least tell me to fuck off girl like a proper woman that you ain't fuck you and these dumbass ridiculous powertripping tards used pads donkey mokey roach spoiled milky brats asswipes you keep banning me motherfuckers cocksucking shit stains but I ain't ever stopping being an idiot damn right mothafuckerzz you never getting rid of me
No. 1150861
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>>1150847This is what I mean by "equestrians vs. horse girls".
No. 1150866
>>1150855i never said they were hugely important, ever. anon came here asking how to not look like one because she doesn't want to. and the convo isn't just about "high school stereotypes", i have mentioned personally not wanting to be assumed to be a religious fundie (very much an adult stereotype) by dressing or styling yourself in a certain way. as i said, i personally don't want to be pigeonholed to be any particular stereotype of person when i'm not. really not that hard to understand.
>>1150861weird tiktok.
No. 1150887
>>1150872Horse girls are girls who like horses. They're probably also a bit weird and maybe autistic
Equestrians have horses and use them off as a sign of their wealth afaik.
Ironically, I've actually never heard someone complain about horsegirls aside from them being a bit weird/religious but I heard a lot of people express annoyance about equestrians or rich horsegirls.
No. 1150947
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REEEEE I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A PHONE INTERVIEW 2 HOURS AGO, BUT THEY NEVER CALLED!!! my tarot cards said that i would have a job next month, so i still have a little hope but still
No. 1150958
>>1150796They're not just limited to the US, anon.
>>1150810>>1150818Horsegirls are on a level of tism I can't relate to. It's legit their only special interest, they don't get different hobbies or interests from time to time. It's horses from childhood to adulthood and only horses, it's the only thing they can talk about.
>>1150887I matched with a fairly wealthy (but in denial about it) horsegirl on Tinder before. At first I didn't think much of it, but she had it in her bio that she's autistic and maybe I would do better with a fellow sperg? I was so wrong. It terrified me how easily she could have one of her horses put down, because something was wrong with it which would mean she couldn't ride on them, but they could still have a decent life other than that. Even though she claimed to care so much for them, killing them because they were "useless" to her was normal to her. Just no empathy for the animals she was so fucking obsessed with. Never mind that she was (enthusiastically) part of a crazy strict Christian sect and obviously still struggling with her lesbianism in contrast to that. She also wanted to become a cop if vet assistant didn't work out. I think I dodged a bullet.
No. 1150978
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>>1150958>Never mind that she was (enthusiastically) part of a crazy strict Christian sectNtayrt but hahahaha, some of the Horse Girls(TM) I knew in school overlapped with the Pentecostal Christians, complete with the long denim skirts and curly, dishwater blonde hair down to their butts
No. 1151014
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>>1150997Send him another mean text so he kills himself
No. 1151038
>>1150970Dw nonna, I've also met proper horsegirls, which is why I even considered her in the first place, until I realized I was catfished, idk if you can call it that kek.
>>1150978>dishwater blonde hair down to their buttsI don't think she was Pentecostal specifically, but that look does seem very familiar
No. 1151044
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Second time I've got a temporary ban from twitter because whatever moron flagging bot they have doesn't understand humor.
No. 1151047
>>1151015thank you anon for understanding me.
>>1151014KEK STOP
No. 1151052
>>1151048You're a retard if you're letting a man's choice affect you having kids. Not wanting kids is a good reason to divorce and it's even more scummy if he had lied about it or never brought it up before. Also he donated his sperm but doesn't want kids? Kek. Sounds like he doesn't want actual responsibility of kids.
Don't worry though, unless he's a surgeon or something chances of his sperm getting picked are very slim.
No. 1151055
>>1151048>he donated his sperm even he was younger, so there's a possibility that some random woman has his kidThis is the calling card of a man who doesn't want responsibility.
He gets to procreate without doing any of the legwork of raising a child, yet meanwhile his choice is literally cucking you out of your own progeny and fulfillment because he cannot tolerate the inconvenience.
Nonnie, men leave women who are infertile even if the women desperately want children.
The problem with being socialized as women is thay we're told we have to martyr our own happiness in order to be "good" partners. Whatever you have between you both isn't worth a life of regret, separating over reproductive choices is an act more women should partake with increased frequency.
No. 1151059
>>1151048>If the shoe was on the other foot, he would cry like a baby and been sad/mad for days. But it's okay to do that to me? >I play it off like it doesn't bother me too muchI mean your behaviour is telling him you're not bothered by it.
Why did you marry a man with whom you can't fulfill your desire to have kids?
No. 1151074
>>1150976is it not just thicker discharge due to ovulation?
>>1150778what kind of glasses are you wearing? maybe try to get a different kind or contacts.
No. 1151082
>>1151052>>1151055It's really my fault for making a hasty decision during a stressful and traumatic time. I was in a really
abusive environment and my husband sort of rescued me. Like all things, my relationship started out amazing and we tend to agree on everything, but the children issue. I never brought it up until it was too late, and I moved across the fucking country to be with him.
Im just really scared, because I have no friends, no blood relatives, or any place I can go in this shitty city. His family is great and supportive, but blood is blood, family is family, so I'm not 100% they're willing to help me if shit goes south. I know I deserve better, but I'm lost. I don't see the point of adulthood if all I do is work myself in the grave and I leave nothing, but possessions I can't take with me when I'm dead.
That's the thing that really fucks with me. He's traditional enough to potentially sow his seeds, but I have to give up my eggs for him? Trust assured, I will talk to him about this, because I can't handle it any more.
>>1151059Because I'm dumb and assumed that he would at least be open to the possibility. I was wrong and I regret it. It's also my fault for not being honest about my feelings and opinions.
>>1151060I really don't know. I thought I was cool with it, until I turned 28 and remembered that my mom had me at that age, And I felt and still feel like a failure. I'll talk to him about it and I'll leave or stay depending on his response.
No. 1151096
>>1151082you can't just talk to him, it needs to be the end to your marriage anon. If he has to choose between being childless or saving his marriage, he may just end up a reluctant father. Which is otherwise just going to be shitty for your kids.
Like you said, blood is blood, and being truly alone on your deathbed is one of the saddest things. I had a great grandaunt that went that way. We tried to be with her till the end, but honestly none of us knew her deeply, not the way a child did. And of course, like stats go, her husband died a decade before. She was so sad she didn't have kids, but it was due to her infertility.
You have the gift to give LIFE (as far as I know), that not all women are blessed with, to no fault of their own. If you have a talk with him, he might convince you to forget having kids. No offense of course, but you've put off your desires this far so anything is possible. Also, there's no way he doesn't notice how you don't like those jokes, he's a dick.
ignore the anons bashing you, and stop bashing yourself. You can and will find love again, many people do it. An it won't be a painful love the next time.
No. 1151206
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My boyfriend of over a year now is the sweetest thing, but he texted me something that made me want to soak my brain in bleach. So he actually never knew my middle name, and he was guessing what it was. I told him 'warmer' if it was closer, and 'colder' if he was getting further away from it. He guessed right that there is an 'ana' in it, and he guessed 'Giana'. I asked him 'oh like the pornstar?' and he texted me back 'Yeah, except that Gianna has two 'n's' in her name.
I was like whaaaaaa how do you even know that? How do you know ANY pornstar's names? And he turned the question right around me. Truth is, I did see a masturbation video of hers a while ago, and for some reason the name and actress stuck with me. But I come to find out that he's been jerking off to her and her porn since the mid 2000's apparently? He doesn't actually look at porn now, I know that for a fact, but I started to get dizzy and stressed out that this guy forgets the tea about my friends that I tell him about, but he remembers this giant titted pornstar from when he use to actually look at the stuff.
He didn't end up guessing my middle name, I told him I didn't want to play that game anymore. We moved on, but the vibes feel extremely off and I'm simply at a loss for words.
No. 1151235
>>1151206I feel for you
nonny, even if they’ve abandoned a habit like that you can’t help but wince knowing their history. I swear, men have 0 tact
No. 1151386
>>1146126I don't know why I had hoped my supervisor would help me. I talk to him about the issue I'm having with the new asshole they hired, particularly me doing the SAME SHIT I WAS DOING LAST YEAR in a different position because she keeps dumping her work on me. His solution is to pivot me to a slightly different role, have me continue doing the SAME SHIT I WAS DOING LAST FUCKING YEAR, and for him to work with the asshole to define my position and responsibilities.
There's a new person in my actual dept. that would logically be my direct supervisor, so why is the asshole defining anything related to MY position. I'm fucking exhausted. I feel like punching something. I feel like punching someone. I feel like quitting.
No. 1151737
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I hate it when no one laughs at my retardation like you don’t find my jokes funny? Really? Crushes my heart
No. 1151824
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Mfw I’m getting grey hairs at the tender age of 25.
It’s genetic, but I wouldn’t mind it as much if I didn’t have a round face. Now I’m just gonna look like an elderly infant.
No. 1152312
>>1152031I think you might be projecting and you’ll be fine. Genderspecials tend to give off a sort of vibe and general lack of self awareness.
So long as you don’t walk around with a pronoun pin, you’ll be okay lol.
No. 1152774
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My MIL spent almost 10 grand getting a puppy from Australia to my place and I'm losing it. I told her that it was a waste of money and I don't have the time to take care of a puppy. My husband is autistic and useless so I'm stuck raising her myself while working two stressful jobs. Like that money could have helped so many dogs, but my crazy MIL just loves to get high and waste money. And yes, of course I love the dog, but puppies are so much work! I literally fell asleep at the dog park today. Fuck man I'm this close to sending the dog back to Australia.
No. 1152777
>>1152774Why are you looking after it and not your MIL?? Can't you drop it at her place and let her deal with it? And why is your husband not standing up for you against his mother or at least helping with the dog? Jesus christ he sounds like a lazy piece of shit, I know you're just venting about the dog but your husband sounds like a bigger issue, I hope you don't plan on having kids with him.
Anyway if it was that expensive I'm sure you could sell it where you live, without having to ship it back to Australia.
No. 1152825
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>join tinder while procrastinating uni work
>first time using it, work through the weird profile process, verification etc
>99% weird scrotes
>march with an actual chill guy with a similar music taste to mine who knows about my culture
>enjoy the conversation
>get anxious and delete the app
i don’t know what i was expecting but guys always terrify me. i feel like incapable of having any sort of dating experience. I didn’t even have the app installed for more than two hours and i regret not getting this guys contact info. it sounds stupid i just realised how weird it was to be on tinder and i freaked out. i cant talk to men in real life or online but i feel alone. nonnies i feel stupid. i cant recover from my long term relationship ending. i’m so frustrated
No. 1152833
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i just want to get drunk with my nonnies this Friday night and listen to awful 2010s music with you guys (shots by LMFAO & lil john, tik tok by kesha, your love is my drug by kesha, pitbull, etc) honestly. i feel like i don't like getting drunk with my rl friends as much as i prefer to shitpost with my girls
No. 1152845
>>1152833Let's do it
nonnie, the movie room is free that night! And the night after that is the Lolcow Pizza Party!
No. 1152846
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>>1152845let's, please!!!! it sounds soso fun. will you guys promise to get fucked up w me too? i don't want to act like a drooling retard alone while listening to shit tunes kek. should i post in the dedicated thread asking if others want to plan too?
No. 1152894
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I’ve been binge drinking for about 2 years straight now. I love the feeling when I’m drunk but once I start to sober up I feel so sick and hate myself. I always promise to do better and not indulge but as soon as the feeling hits I’m slamming back shot after shot. My health and appearance has started to deteriorate and I’m pretty sure my partner is catching on to my secretive drinking. I swore I would never follow my families footsteps yet here I am.
No. 1152914
>>1152852>>1152899so glad you guys agree! will post in a few min in the thread to start getting everything set up so we're ready for friday if others seem to agree.
>>1152894have you tried diluting your alcohol? i exclusively drink spirits but never, ever get hungover (never drink wine or dark spirits) because i dilute and drink but still get fucked up on the regular. i know it's not great for me but if you are routinely diluting every drink you have, i promise it will stave off the hangovers and limit how much you end up drinking
No. 1152975
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Don't respond to bait nonnies.
No. 1152977
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I just clapped back at a rude bitch and her scrote for the first time in my life as a typical anxiety ridden AVPD nonny who's never stood up for herself in her life. She actually looked shacked and backed off. I'm still riding the high.
No. 1153071
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>>1152833Oh hell yeah I’m in
No. 1153098
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My mom is such a handmaiden. I'm someone who's very tidy and cleanliness is very important to me and I expect my guests to respect that when they come over. We got into a fight about it, she called me "difficult" and told me to change some of my expectations and what not or else I'll never find a man … so I told her to have some standards and to not be such a pathetic handmaiden and it all blew up from there. I'm so disappointed in her.
No. 1153150
if it's a specific person you know that you're talking about, send sis a copy of scum manifesto kek
Daddy’s Girl, passive, adaptable, respectful of and in awe of the male, allows him to impose his hideously dull chatter on her. This is not too difficult for her, as the tension and anxiety, the lack of cool, the insecurity and self-doubt, the unsureness of her own feelings and sensations that Daddy instilled in her make her perceptions superficial and render her unable to see that the male’s babble is babble; like the aesthete `appreciating’ the blob that’s labeled `Great Art’, she believes she’s grooving on what bores the shit out of her. Not only does she permit his babble to dominate, she adapts her own `conversation’ accordingly.
- SCUM Manifesto, Valerie Solanas"
No. 1153160
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I feel like an NPC lately. I don't feel any strong feelings towards others, not even my friends. My responses to people telling me things is so canned, even if I do care. I'm like a pull string doll with a select few phrases. I feel dull and uninteresting. I am lonely and yet I have no energy to engage in people. I just don't care about anything anymore
No. 1153200
>>1153195I've noticed the same thing where I live. Men just want to be
victims so bad. Here men have all the means to do whatever the fuck they want, they earn more money etc. yet boooo someone must save us from evil women.
No. 1153234
>>1153034Ugh same, hate this shit
>>1153041???? What happened?
No. 1153295
>>1153240%99 people look average and most average uggos could look ok with grooming. Unless you're deformed you're fine, don't try to fit into impossible beauty standards.
>>1153253Back to body dysmorphia thread.
No. 1153353
>>1153295She's right tho, my parents stopped abusing me and my sisters the moment we started to look "conventional", and I would know cause these standards are more obvious and aggressive in conservative, thirdie countries as misogyny and racism are x1000 more prevalent. There's also a study that confirms "cute" children get better grades and treatment by their teachers and are assumed smarter. I don't know why you always pop up to gaslight ugly women into thinking their trauma is not
valid, beauty standards are rooted in a lot of awful things, including misogyny, are you seriously going to imply women don't get treated worse/better for their looks? It's literally misogyny 101
No. 1153378
>>1153353Oh you're right looking conventional means it's easier but I thought you were putting
nonnie downs because you can't change your "natural beauty" easily, you can only style yourself to a certain point. I apologize.
No. 1153405
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I'm absolutely fucking drained. In an hour I have a written exam and I'm just so over it. I couldn't even go home and eat between classes. If I fail it we have to retake it but this time it's gonna be oral. I did study but I got my period two days ago and my brain would just not work and head kept spinning. Even if I did study more the questions are so fucking specific it's gonna be useless. I just wanna go home and play vidya. Friend I was gonna go to gym with in the evening dipped on me so I'm gonna just despair socially today because I kinda hate people from my uni class. They're the 'omg teacher forgot we had homework we have to tell! Omg we have to tell him which people didn't come so they get in trouble!'. In a damn university, we're adults and it's none of your business who comes and doesn't come to class.
I'm so fucking unlucky when it comes to the social groups I am forced to be in. I hate forced social groups so muuuch
No. 1153435
>>1153203yeah i hate how you can't go 10 mins these days without seeing something about it, at least where i live. enjoy your books
nonnie, reading is never a bad thing
No. 1153436
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I'm tired of fucking racist bitches like seal-chan pretending to be asian just because they have beady eyes. It infuriates me so fucking much. I'm not asian myself but I have an asian last name because my great grandfather was japanese, and I don't look japanese, but I like using that last name because well it's my last name. Bitches like seal-chan make it super difficult to accept myself in the eyes of other people who are super judgamental and wonder if you're asianfishing or your name is fake because you don't look like one of their steretypical kawaii cutesy japanese girls. I feel like I will be cancelled too for simply existing.
No. 1153507
>>1153502>I feel like I will literally never fit into society.Same here. As someone who has been in your shoes this is what helped me:
I learnt that society is shit and trying to fit in is cringe. Get away from them and only keep those who truly truly understand and value you close.
And work on that depression, happiness exists and I promise you once you connect to yourself outside of societal standars your whole viewpoint will be different. Life can be happy and you can find happiness your own way. You will do it without masking and everything will improve.
No. 1153531
>be me, like to crack jokes sometimes and can hold a conversation
>wake up and realize it's one of those days
>go to office
>brain refuses to provide thoughts like it did normally
>"nona are you OK? You're so quiet today, did something happen?"
I hate that I have these shifts in personality sometimes, but when someone mentions it, it makes me want to rip my face off. No, there's nothing specifically wrong with me, it just happens sometimes. You asking that makes me feel abnormal,and I can't do anything about it. If I force myself to act normal, it comes off as awkward and forced. I know that everyone has good days and bad days, but when I'm having an off day I feel so fucking inadequate and like it's not like other people's off days, and other people notice and like me less than they did before.
No. 1153552
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>>1152833>i don't like getting drunk with my rl friends as much as i prefer to shitpost with my girlsI'd rather stay in and do whatever I want and talk to muh computer friends. My fav friend is this girl I met on Tumblr years ago, we talk online all the time but only meet up like once a year due to distance. I love the internet and meeting people who have the same niche interests and weird behavior and interacting online feels so much more honest. Like wow we can meet literally whoever we want instead of being restricted to those we meet at work, parties, school.
As a teen I'd neglect my real friends to shitpost and play games with a group of girls I met online. I'm going to be like this forever. When I meet new people in real life I really lack interest to get to know them.
No. 1153582
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Sage because I feel like I post too often in here about my stupid shit. My brain feels completely fried. I'm not able to look into any mirrors or be in the dark at night without feeling absolute terror…I know i'm paranoid I know i'm psychotic but holy hell I can't help but feel this way. I'm an adult woman and I'm fucking scared of the dark how fucking pathetic is that?? There are cameras inside my apartment but I can't try and cover the ones in the kitchen without my roommates thinking im a psycho.
Also, unrelated but related does anyone have any experience with disassociating during therapy? I stopped going because the act of walking into a therapist office alone makes me leave my body and stop feeling emotions. I already have a hard enough talking about the delusions and my paranoia because I fear that i'll be punished for doing so without also feeling completely numb and away from things.
No. 1153603
>>1153582Why are there cameras in your apartment?
On the whole dissociating thing, that sounds like exactly the type of thing you should tell your therapist. From my experience they would try to help you articulate how you feel and why you feel it.
No. 1153639
>>1153608Thank you anon. That's kind but it's simply something I struggle to believe. There's a lot I have pent up inside.
When I was 15, a guy catcalled me in a rather nasty way. He said "I know you're wearing gym clothes, but you look like a slut.". Another time I was wearing a short skirt and I rejected a man's advances and he called me a stupid little slut. I've since got rid of all my short skirts and I only wear leggings under skirts now unless I'm doing an exercise. I hope you don't mind me pouring this all out but it's really weighing on me. I went to a gig a few weeks back, I was wearing gym leggings, obviously, the worst choice. Inevitably a man started groping me. He was with his girlfriend but decided to come to me while she wasn't there.
This may sound weird, but I wonder if I'd be better off if my legs were bone thin. Like literal bones. Or stumps. If I was a skeleton I would be happier.
No. 1153665
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I feel so embarrassed and just "unable" during sexual encounters yet I have a high libido so it's fucking me up. It feels humiliating or just performative to take control/be dominant during sex even though in my brain I know I would like that, or it just feels humiliating to try new things.
I have such a poor image of my body, I'm overweight and working on it but I get so fucking horny especially as I'm exercising now…I can't take it, it's like I have all these thoughts of what I want to do to this guy but when the time comes I just can't - I question if he thinks I look dumb or silly, if my waist and body still looks fat and square like how I perceive it in the mirror, even though he says he likes it and shows it through actions too. I just feel sexless almost, like my brain is naturally and healthily horny but my body is just some sort of unfeminine, fat prison that I can't escape out of until I get down to my goal weight and body fat percentage. It feels pointless trying, I wear an oversized t-shirt and wear baggy modest clothing in general and I have been this way since before lockdown years ago. I feel like I have just slowly conditioned myself into believing that I'm unfeminine, sexless, boring and flat etc…like any sort of sex appeal and charm I had is gone. I don't really know how to work on this besides my weight loss journey, even then I struggle looking in the mirror at the gym because all I see is this fat doughy physique that could never feel or look comfortable during sex or being seen in anything but big hoodies.
No. 1153679
>>1153603You made me lol a little because you're sounding like my psychiatrist (Not in a passive aggressive way), logically I know there are no cameras, my roommates don't notice them and they don't talk about them…It's a delusion but it feels so real to me, I'm just batshit.
And thank you, I know I should have mentioned it when I was actually going but of the three therapists I've had, all have made comments about my disassociation, that I seem 'not present' but they've never really made any actions to combat it. It's why I turn to fucking LC of all places to see if anyone has had a similar experience.
No. 1153737
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My grub hub delivery driver is going on the complete opposite direction from me. he's like twenty minutes away now. I'm so hungry and I can't go outside please just bring me the hamburger
No. 1153744
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Feeling so sad and disappointed today. My bf and I are temporarily long distance (I'm 9 hours ahead) so we do a lot of texting. like yesterday We talked for like 12 hours which is pretty normal for us. He knows I'm sensitive to feeling like he doesn't really like me, and that "little" things give me reason that validate that being true, but he claims that I have a negativity bias and get consumed by emotions 100% that make me always see the 'worst possible outcome always'.
he gets up at 5:00AM his-time and we talk for hours until I have to leave. And then we pick it back up when I get back. He woke like usual today, and I was really excited to talk to him and I asked him to get on his computer so he can type faster because I had a million things to tell him. But he just ignored that and continued messaging me from his phone. I felt completely ignored, mad, and annoyed, and I told him that he can stay in bed after all and that I lost my enthusiasm for talking. So THEN He gets out of bed , and I told him that it feels like my energy and desire is unreciprocated but he says there isn't anything unreciprocated. But how can that be true if he's content with texting me like a slug in bed when he sees I have so much to say and I'm so happy and excited we can finally talk? I feel like I have a right to be disappointed, and he says I do too, but that my emotional response is disproportionate to want to nuke the day completely instead of manage that stress, and trust him. And it's like why trust him when he struggles to reciprocate my feelings, which is the bare minimum? so many times I get let down, like I did today, when I don't detect the same energy coming from him, that I put out.
No. 1153808
>>1153744LDRs aren't real relationships.
You're wasting your time and hurting your own feelings clamoring for interaction with a scrote who needs you for his own validation.
You should break up and get a bf you can actually be with irl.
No. 1153848
>>1153840Loser NEET men are the biggest cheaters of them all though. I've met several "harmless nerd neets" who date women or even hook up irl and have like 3 established LDRs with women online. In fact my past two relationships have been with men who later get revealed to have long distance gfs and my friend also dated and hooked up with a guy who got engaged to his long distance gf the next week
Please be smarter than this
No. 1153865
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I wish i had a good relationship with my mom, but she is cruel and refuses to acknowledge she is not fair on me in the slightest. She doesnt understand why i do not miss my family. I left because they're all terrible people to be around. I dont miss any of them because we never had a strong relationship to begin with. None of them can wrap their heads around why they would ever be so unbearable to avoid all together. We are a first generation of immigrants and i was supposed to be smart daughter that got us out of the struggle with a good career. I dropped out of school because i was sexually assaulted though i never admitted that to them. My reasoning to giving up was because i was being severely bullied except it was true, but was never a big enough reason to drop out. After this, my family started to dislike me even more. I became wasted potential and they let me know how worthless i had become. My mental health went to the gutter and i became a cutter. I then fell for the same old story of dating men who like to hurt women they choose to say they love. Sometimes you lay there motionless thinking about why things fall they way they did in your hands. It was then when i was enlightened that i am not afraid of death and that made me feel more alive. I had nothing to lose, so why choose to waste any more of my life on a man who doesnt love me? So i changed my life for the better with minor hiccups along the way. Its history from a decade ago and today i miss my mother. She was never a nice sunny mom. Her hugs never made me feel safe. I wish we could have a good relationship, but she is not kind for my sanity. Whenever i think there is a chance of pregnancy i think to myself how do i raise them without involving my family? I couldnt let them hurt my kids. I dont even have one to begin with, but i cannot put them through their cruelty of judgements. To hear that grandma said she wants to kill herself again and that their uncle insulted their nationality. At the same time it feels like i would be refraining them from their own blood and their culture. How do you celebrate your own heritage when youre the only one? My last name is that of my husband's. My heritage ends with my children. After that, they are strayed from what their grandmother was and life moves on.
No. 1153875
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Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
Boy moms go to hell
No. 1153876
>>1153850Women need to stop falling for the meme that doomer tier men and NEETs aren't going to cheat because they feel lucky to have a woman give them attention or whatever, men like to fool women with this meme as well by claiming they get zero attention from women or something.same with "sensitive" men who have an army of women they manipulate and cry on. Most women are extremely desperate and accommodating so having no career/only working a dead end job like a call center or something isn't a red flag
>But but they're too lazy to interact with real womenThis is a joke. Tinder and stuff has never made it more easy for even the laziest men to have hook ups, a lot of these women are willing to drive to them and do all the work. If you fall for the loser men don't cheat meme you are beyond gullible
No. 1153897
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I hate how my favorite content to enjoy and draw is cute girls doing mundane things, see picrel. It's been taken over by self inserting troons and femboys and I'm so afraid to post my stuff and either be labeled as a troon or get a bunch of them going omg literally me irl to the stuff I make, when it's about my own lived experiences or comforting memories. Or even being accused of being a troon or fetishizing girl life by paranoid terfs. I know I need to grow a spine and not care about what others think but it's so fucking hard to make anything related to girls, especially nerdy ones, without the troon association now.
No. 1153919
>>1153744…Why you would get
triggered by him writing from phone?
No. 1153942
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I cried at work because a man yelled at me and now I wanna die because I'm embarrassed. I wasn't even upset, crying is just a stress response of mine.
No. 1153963
>>1153911Mentally ill minds cannot comprehend the self-esteem mentally well people have even if they're objectively not attractive.
Or maybe it's just their cope.
No. 1153966
>>1153897Who cares about them
nonny, you can curate the kind of audience you want based on who you interact with. And you're allowed to delete comments or block whoever you want. Don't live your life in fear of baseless criticisms from hypothetical people. You deserve to make the cute art you want to make, and you deserve to share it.
No. 1154013
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i am so lonely. i feel like my heart strings are being pulled apart. i really hate to admit this i feel so ashamed of myself for being so weak but i have to admit it at some point. i feel so empty and miserable but i cant even cry, physically i cant. even my middle aged almost senior mother made herself some friends recently and she will be spending the night with me them tonight. as for me, i will be pacing around my room until i get tired to pass the time. i dont even have one friend, real or online, not one close acquaintance save for my mother, and she doesnt even like me all that much. not even cats like me, and the only ones that did died.
No. 1154030
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>>1154013Have you tried the friend finder here? I'm so sorry nonita I hope this changes for you soon. There are so many other lonely women who would probably love to be your friend. I am in a somewhat similar position right now and I know it isn't easy, especially irl, but maybe online you can still find someone to spend time with. Is there a particular reason you are unable to make friends? If you struggle to speak to others you can try practicing on random people online (omegle/soc helped me but I understand that isn't for everyone). for now please at least know your fellow farmers are here for you!
No. 1154048
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Someone I've been friends with online for a long time has recently got into Harry Potter again and keeps posting things like picrel and JKR hate tweets about how she "doesn't speak for lesbians" etc. I don't care about JKR or HP anymore but this kind of behaviour feels like she's desperately trying to compensate for liking a book series and I guess I always thought she was less pathetic than that. I wish I could vent about this kind of thing outside of imageboards.
No. 1154081
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I'm so nervous around men, but especially the men I like, I want to puke. I want to escape from the situation even if I really want to talk to a guy, but I just don't know how and what to say. I never had any physical or romantic experiences with men. I do have fantasies about them, but sometimes I wonder if I really want them, or is this just my conditioning or something. Sometimes the puke inducing nervousness is so strong I literally question if I'm really straight. It's nice to think about a certain guy but the moment I get close to him and I have to talk to him, I want to escape as far as possible. I really don't know what's wrong with me. I'm in my late 20s and I feel so lonely but I can't get through this.
No. 1154087
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Half a year ago I was assaulted by a man. After that my anxiety has worsened, to the point where I can't deal with it.
My anxiety priority has also changed, from fear of what people will think of me, to fear that man will attack me again.
What's even more frustrating is that he was a manchild who couldn't handle his emotions, he just let all his frustration on me. I hate men who can't handle and process their emotions, and they call women emotional. I hope you die you stupid fagot.
I will start biofeedback therapy because all my therapists have failed, but I don't know how it will help me to trust people again (especially men).
No. 1154163
Due to being insane atm, I gave myself a 2nd degree burn that looks absolutely gnarly and necrotic. Lately, I'll just walk around my room, grab my pocketknife, and cut myself out of pure boredom then moving on to the next thing like that didn't happen. I have to hide everything from my irl friends which is hard
No. 1154170
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i need women to collectively all stop dating men they met off discord or 4chan. i am tired of reading it, i'm tired of it being a thing. thank you for listening.
No. 1154196
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Another night, another moment in which I wish I didn’t wake up the next day. I just want to die in my sleep, is that too much to ask? I’ve had a nice life, end it now.
No. 1154232
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>>1154111I wish I would have trusted group of friends but at least I have supportive mom.
It's hard to live avoiding them, especially when they are everywhere. And I want to live normal life… I hope that biofeedback will work out, if not then I'm fucked.
Thank you
nonny, you too deserve the best in the world. Hugs hugs!
No. 1154274
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My mind and body are ICUP
No. 1154363
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The people I live with constantly have TVs on and I can’t take it anymore. From 7AM-3AM there is at least one TV blaring. They watch shit like Maury and Dr Phil and whatever mess TLC put out. I sit in front of a fan in my room and I still hear it. It’s driving me insane. I just want to live peacefully alone.
No. 1154427
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I'm mentally ill and I occasionally have meltdowns where I go full depression mode. I'd become extremely suicidal and pessimistic and I've taken it out on my bf multiple times. Yesterday he finally had it and sent me a long text about how much it hurts him whenever I take my frustration out on him. This was like a reality check to me, I realized how terrible of a partner I was being, and that I'm in no place for a relationship. I've asked to breakup today, but he's adamant on not wanting to breakup, and thinks that we can work through the issues. I personally don't think I'm getting better anytime soon, and I don't really want to drag him through my problems. What should I do? (I used to go to therapy but I stopped after realizing their response was usually along the lines of 'I can't rly help with that, you should go on meds' which I didn't really want to do. I've self medicated with marijuana for a while but I'm trying to quit.)
No. 1154455
>>1154363Oh my god
nonnie are you me? Fucking same. I live with boomers who need it on all the time in every room in the house even if they aren't even in there watching it. And naturally it's blaring cuz they're so old. And they need it to sleep too. I hate tv so much it's unreal. I just want a peaceful quiet home. Fuck TV!
No. 1154474
>>1154465>UnderratedI'm guessing you meant to say overrated
>Mothers think they're hot shit because they spread their legs and let a guy cum in them and then half assedly raise a brat.I have pretty deep set mommy issues too but this is such a violently cruel and misogynistic thing to say. I hope you find happiness and peace in your life. And I'm not saying this in a passive aggressive way.
No. 1154494
>>1154485There's been a lot of moid bait lately. Guessing it's because of the
Heard/Depp thread.
No. 1154500
>>1154494Nta but the moid in amber depp thread also said his mother was
abusive and that's why he thought Amber was guilty. You might be right.
No. 1154511
>>1154465Even as something who had an
abusive mother, this is kind of insane to say. There are plenty of awful, horrible mothers and women but it's very strange to say this kind of stuff and generalize all mothers. You're a nasty person anon.
No. 1154522
>>1154511Same. You can't really blame all mothers and I think even
abusive mothers are better than average fathers. Most fathers don't even know how old their child is, what they're doing, etc. but mothers doing so would get them accused wuth negligence.
No. 1154535
>>1154522>I think even abusive mothers are better than average fathersI don't really agree with this tbh. I don't think saying "Well this is bad, but at least it's not as bad as this!" to lessen the actions of
abusive parents helps anything. Personally, my father was trash too but my mother did more damage to me overall.
No. 1154569
>>1154518>>1154465I have more understanding for my mother who had post partem psychosis, than my father who chose to be an addict and gets his ass kissed by everyone, because he was a single father "raising" his child
actually he let his mother do it and used me like a puppy to get attention from unsuspecting women. Pickmes, handmaidens, whatever you want to call them are a destructive force who will condemn a child to be abused, neglected or worse and they're teachers, CPS workers, therapists etc. If a woman fucks up, she's ripped a new one and loses her kids. If a man fucks up, it doesn't matter, because it's already so rare that a single father has custody. Father's can hit a lot harder. For my mother I can see based on her past why she turned out the way she did. My father on the other hand has always been a whiny asshole and actually had it the easiest of all his brothers and blamed his own mother for divorcing his
abusive father, because he got the least abused out of the entire family.
No. 1154589
>>1154518>when that maternal trust is broken it can cause severe trauma in a way father absence or abuse can't really compareBecause men and by extension fathers, are expendable and replaceable. They lack any sort of paternal instinct and all they can do is ejaculate, so they need to cope like
>>1154465 to convince themselves that they aren’t biologically inferior and redundant the minute they’ve finished ejaculating inside of a woman.
Women can do anything that men can, but men cannot carry a living thing inside them for 9 months. Making them extremely jealous of us. Their entire life revolves around guarding our wombs.
No. 1154594
>>1154569This is what I meant. Women will be called
abusive for even being single mothers like how your father blamed his mother but society doesn't hold men accountable.
I also don't understand why someone women think single fathers are attractive and it's terrible to hear he treated you the way he's did.
No. 1154663
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Can anons please tell me to stop stressing out over nothing? What the fuck am I so worried about? I’ve had social anxiety my entire life but at this point I’m literally on the verge of tears going in for a simple entry level job interview. And it’s not like anything bad will happen if I don’t get it?
How the fuck do I keep myself from spiraling like this again, it’s so embarrassing that I can’t function like a normal human adult.
No. 1154670
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I love monkeys so much it's unreal
I wish I could have an army of these mischievous imps to spread mayhem in town
No. 1154673
Just date the old ways through friends of friends, like our parents did.
No. 1154685
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>>1154675Dawwwww. She's truly adorable. I love how she closes her eyes when the beans pop, and the little noises she makes.
I don't think it's a good idea to keep a small monkey as a pet, for 2 reasons :
1) they're too smart, which means they are able to turn your life into hell if you don't cater to their every needs
2) they shit everywhere. Notice how all capuchin kept as pets wear diapers? It's because you can't train them to be clean like a cat. They just don't give a shit.
I think it's fine to "tame" a wild one living in your area if you live in South America, similar to how people tame foxes by feeding them. They're still free but you get to interact with them.
No. 1154688
>>1154663It's really, truly going to be okay anon. You'll get through it and in a year, nobody in the room will remember what happened or what anyone said anyway.
It's all just for practice, keep reminding yourself that. This isn't the final pass-fail trial of being a human, it's just a practice round. Whether it goes good or bad, journal about it afterwards and see what you can improve for next time.
Sometimes I imagine life as a VR simulation I could pause and tweak if I wanted to. It feels less serious that way.
Well done on getting an interview anon, that's not easy and I'm proud of you!
No. 1154690
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Jesus christ I tried speeddating event and now the male moderator is having a mental breakdown in my messages.
Speed dating wasn't good, all the men old and ugly, friend bought us a coupon to try it just for fun.
The moderator (one who was provided by the paid agency to organise the event) also talked to me and her. He slipped her a card and to me he sent a message from the number I provided for the agency. He was a lawyer and he was sleazy imo so I didn't reply but my friend met him for a dinner. Apparently he vented about his ex the whole time and them told her he only wanted to meet with her to ask about me. what the fuuuuck
I hope my friend won't resent me for this.
Today he sent me another message apologising for meeting my friend and that he's gonna try to have a female modetator if I ever try speed dating again so we won't meet if it's awkward.
I sent that it's okay, I wanna take a break from relationships, he shouldn't do that to my friend but nevertheless I wish him luck.
Now he's THREE long messages in venting about his heart getting broken again and again, he hating getting to know people, feeling really awkward for inviting me out for coffee, ranting over some bullshit and having a sob fest, jesus christ. Help me.
Men are unhinged.
No. 1154705
>>1154690That is so uncomfortable. He needs to not date for a good long while.
>>1154699I would agree but damn does that sting being socially isolated myself. At least I'm not male.
>>1154702That is heartbreaking nona.
No. 1154706
>>1154699Tbh some weren't that terrible but most were just too ugly.
For some reason the age bracket was lower for women and higher for men. I don't get why. Having a psycho man-baby as the one who organises the event and has access to our data is just the cherry on top.
No. 1154718
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>>1154716No need to worry anon, you're right.
No. 1154736
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I don't deserve this stomach ache. I only ate some oats.
No. 1154742
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I'm kinda sad that the whole home office/quarantine thing is kinda over. I miss not having to face people and putting on a fake smile when I'm having a shitty day. I've been feeling shitty lately and you can definitely see it on my face but I just don't have the energy to pretend that things are fine anymore. I really thought my mood would've inmproved by now, since it's warm and sunny out but I feel way worse than I did in winter. I just want to hide away from everyone constantly.
No. 1154797
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i have to scroll through this nonsense when applying for jobs
No. 1154822
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>>1154797Before being admitted to the hospital recently, they had me fill in something like that too, even asked for pronouns.
No. 1154827
>>1154690He's still going on even though I don't even reply lmao.
After 3 more long monologue messages he just sent me a pic of his work computers in some radio station to prove he's not just a lawyer (I guess friend mentioned I don't like them). He's screaming into a void basically.
No. 1154836
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I'm that anon
>>1150406 So I actually talked to the guy. He got a flu and I made him some tea with honey and we had a conversation in a middle of the night kek. I openly told him I don't know how I feel about him but I care about him, I told him about the autism, he said it's better for me to be honest like this than to give someone fake hope and that I shouldn't force myself to do anything, he said that if I meet someone right for me it will strike me like a lighting, he also admitted he had that strike of lighting moment when he met me for the first time, but later he didn't feel like I reciprocated his feelings so he backed off, but he will always be there if I needed something and he will always help me. He said I'm very unique and special, and I shouldn't feel like I'm worse than other people just because I'm different. We also talked about how we perceive relationships with other people in general. He hugged me and said that everything will be ok. I had so many emotions during our talk I just didn't know how to behave, but I guess I was way more emotive than usual because he even pointed that out. I'm glad that happened, I felt better afterwards. He also said he's sad he's moving out. He will live only like 5 minutes away from the place we're currently at, but it still won't be as easy to see him like when living with him in the same house. But I get it, our current place is slowly turning into a shithole. I hope we can still hang out, we wanted to visit the Van Gogh museum.
I'm fucking starving for human affection and that hug felt good, but I don't want to cross any lines with him just because he's the only guy I feel safe to be around and I know he accepts me. It wouldn't be fair towards him and I don't want to hurt him. Maybe I will just wait and see how it all unfolds, I don't know
No. 1155008
>>1154976>>1154998Thiiiis, everything about this. This would fix society in so many ways too. The only setback is men will immediately want to be paid to be fathers too and blame it on the bad mothers who will only jump in for the money.
Ideas like these are so cool but so far away from becoming reality, it makes me very fucking sad.
No. 1155095
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Ugh I'm so annoyed. Ordered some piercings in an online store at the end of march. I was supposed to get them within 5-7 business days, still didn't arrive after 4 weeks, so I wrote customer service. They sent the parcel, it arrived two days ago AND NOW TWO ITEMS ARE MISSING and I have to contact them again uggghhhhhhhhhhhh.
No. 1155142
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Fuck tradesmen/contractors/whatever these people are called in English!
First a bunch of them make most of our home uninhabitable by fucking up a simple job, then six different guys we contacted to fix it don’t show up on the agreed day and ghost us, then the first guy who does show up after several months of trying tries to overcharge us by five times the normal rate because he can tell we’re desperate (and we probably would have paid him if we could afford it), then the first guy we find who charges a rate we can afford dicks us around for two months by cancelling last minute on at least five separate occasions and the one time he did show up he did subpar work that will probably have to be re-done. Now we have to find someone to replace him and fix his fuckups on top of the initial fuckup which is probably going to take several more months, and then we have to find someone to finish the initial job that started this entire shitshow.
All I want is to live in my home like a normal person instead of camping in a construction zone. Preferably some time in 2022, but I’ve honestly given up hope.
No. 1155159
>>1155136You should change only if your anger is negatively affecting your life or is harming your interactions with people.
>>1155142In my state we call them contractors.
What an awful story. I hope you can find someone. Construction does take a while to do so I hope you get your house fixed soon.
>>1155148What country do you live in? In America, not many people care since a majority of our population are overweight.
No. 1155161
nonny. People just want women to be smiley NPC's. Fuck that. I wish more women would feel comfortable enough to be their grumpy selves.
No. 1155165
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>mfw all the cars that pull up or drive by are here to monitor me and there are entities scratching my skin and i can smell raw rotting meat constantly and flashes like luminescent people are in the corner of the room like aliens or something because i got exactly one hour less of sleep than usual
No. 1155222
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>>1154688Bless u based anon
I needed that
No. 1155247
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i will not unblock my ex and beg him to take me back. i will not unblock my ex and beg him to take me back. i will not unblock my ex and beg him to take me back. i will not unblock my ex and beg him to take me back. i will not unblock my ex and beg him to take me back. i will not unblock my ex and beg him to take me back. i will be a responsible adult and move on with my life. this will happen
No. 1155253
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I want to build a bear but they’re all ugly!!!!
No. 1155255
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>>1155247You will not unblock your ex and beg him to take you back. I believe in you.
No. 1155257
>>1155247Don't do it
nonnie. He's trash and you're better than him. Keep that scrote blocked.
No. 1155327
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forever resenting my parents for having a mixed marriage. i hate my life. had to be the stupidest mix too. arab and asian. what the hell? it should be banned. unwelcome and n the asian side because i did not inherit fair features like my mother's blondish hair hazel eyes and white skin, not welcome in the arab side either because i look too chinky, the rest of the world doesnt want me because i look like an alien. i hate being mixed so much. its like i was made as a joke, came out with all the wrong features. nobody wants me anywhere because i dont fit in in any shape way or form. i hate that i have to live like this, i cant even choose another way because im like this forever no matter what
No. 1155347
> I also hate the fact if I have kids they're going to be mixed too and also grow up confused about their identity.exactly, bow i cant ever get married and have a family myself because no matter who i choose my children will come out mixed themselves and i dont want them to go through what i am. its neverending, from the moment i was born to now. i even got rejected from a kindergarten because they "only accepted their own children" as in, their own people from my country.
its so selfish, why cant people just stick to their own race? why dont they think of their future children? their grandchildren? i cant understand it at all and it makes me cry of frustration just thinking about it. just think about others for once instead of yourself. "true love" please…
No. 1155383
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>>1155347>>1155339Are you two serious?
No. 1155393
>>1155386It must really suck having such stuck up families, but really, if you truly fall in love with someone from another race, and want to have kids you will just say no because you’re mixed? That’s honestly dumb, find a better community maybe, or well, just adopt a kid if the idea of a kid produced with your own genes fucks you up so much.
But caring so much about the opinions of some retrograde faggots is as retarded as believing in them. Be the change you want to see, but don’t stop living your life because some faggot told you that you’re not the waifu he/she wanted you to be.
No. 1155427
>>1155403I’m just picking the part of relationships since you talked about self-eugenicking yourself out of the gene pool.
And while I get that being constantly rejected because of your features and skin color (I was bullied throughout my whole life for having dark skin and curly hair, I’m mixed too) I think it’s tiresome to worry too much about these sorts of things.
Saying that you hate your life is too much, saying that you’re “too chinky” like, no, don’t do that, it’s self-destructive in a really shitty way because you just can’t control how your genes made you look like.
Your families are retarded and I hope you can either cut them off or find a way to make them stop focusing too much on how you look, like downplaying it or faking it ‘till you make it by saying you’re the best looking person ever.
No. 1155446
>>1154976>Having a lot of benefits, high paywe have something like that in our country.
It makes situation worse, they care only for money not for kids.
I agree with op anon but I wouldn't use such harsh words.
No. 1155454
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The optometrist said I have a hemorrhage in the back of my eye and that my retina might become detached. He said it might be linked to my TMJ which is severe and not stablized so I can't actually do anything to prevent it from getting worse. I have spent my life partaking in highly visual hobbies. I really don't know what I'll do with myself when I go blind.
No. 1155528
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I hate myself sometimes for not being able to do simple things, things that I want to do like practice drawing, or even to play a game. I still don't understand what is stopping me, usually feels like exhaustion like I'm experiencing right now, or apathy. Suppose that's depression which I know I have already and get therapy for. It's still a big problem apparently. I seriously hate myself for being like this, why can't I just DO IT just do the things I want, stupidest first world problem ever yet it gives me so much pain and misery, all I want right now is to sleep.
No. 1155531
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Hate it when I'm getting a haircut and the hairstylist just NEED to point out the obvious flaws in my appearance for whatever reason - not because I'm insecure, but because it sounds so dumb. They be like "Omg is that an acne scar?" no bitch, I got it while fighting a tiger. Just do you job and stfu.
No. 1155550
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>>1154969>You've missed the whole part of being pregnant and giving birth before "raising a brat". And those women who yell and beat their kids and then act like they're so selfless etc are like that exactly because giving birth is painful and can be detrimental to your healthMost moms know all this, but they still choose to have kids because they have been brainwashed and delusionally believe having a kid will tie a provider to them, then they realize men are unreliable and they walk around bitterly asking sympathy and neglecting their kids and the ones who do get crumbs of support from their husbands are the biggest pickmes, throwing other women under the bus and defending men.
>>1154535>>1154522My brother lived with my dad for a while because my mother could not handle him and he got straighten out, I sometimes wonder what I could have become if my dad instilled some discipline in my younger self
>>1154518>>1154474>>1154485>>1154511I'm not a moid, I do agree fathers are worse but my post was directed at mothers.
I'm going to rant.
I focus on mothers because I live with my mom and my younger brother, my mom divorced my dad when I was 5 and my whole childhood was them fighting (with punches from both sides and all) and me feeling guilty for it.
I'm not saying my mom is insane or terrible because I had a relatively normal childhood but she lies a lot and made me lie as a child, if I don't lie and cheat, I'm a dumb loser who will miss out on opportunities and I guess I am a dumb loser who missed out on opportunities but it was because I had anxiety and severe depression (because I witnessed all their fights and had to see them both my mom and my dad crying in private). To compensate and alleviate my mom's financial problems I became a good student and never gave her problems but I guess that made me invisible and both my mom and dad focused more on my brother who was a troublemaker and sold weed in high school; they never saw I needed help and my mom never cared about my allergies or health problems and now have chronic conditions that make my life harder. I was a good student and high school was very easy for me, so easy that I could miss days and classes without problems, no one knew I spent my days just walking in the city or at home when I was supposed to be in school and now I'm late to every university class and part time job, I was never corrected or had any discipline, that's why I dropped out of college and its hard to maintain a job. While I was a good kid my stupid moid brother got all the attention acting like an asshole and now he is the good kid while I'm the lonely neet who can't get out of bed. My mom never understood me because according to her life is easy if you get up, lie to others and find a man to provide for you. My mom's and brother relationship is so creepy I sometimes feel they are a couple, he is always gushing at how awesome she is that she managed to punch my dad when she was younger and how beautiful she was and how my cousins used to tell my brother how beautiful my mom was, he cooks and cleans for her and of course I'm an assohole because I don't kiss her ass and don't serve her meals.
I recently got sick with acid reflux, I couldn't eat anything and I lost 15 kilos and all my mom could do was berate me and tell me how ugly I looked now because I was skinny and was always asking when my diet was going to end, she didn't really care how miserable I was feeling.
As you can see, I'm really lonely and depressed, I have all kinds of mental illnesses and insecurities and I have a
victim complex that is really hard to fix and I don't have the tools to do so because both my parents raised my brother and thought I was some kind of perfect genius who could raise herself, hell I even thought that myself at some point that's why I'm sometimes so overconfident and judging of others. I hate living, I hate living in a man's world, I hate humans and I hate mothers because they are the ones who bring humans into this world.
>this is such a violently cruel and misogynistic thing to sayYeah, I meant to write the post as mean as I could to get told by all of you. I don't have any real friends and this is a delicate thing to say so I let the feelings of resentment brew.
>I hope you find happiness and peace in your life. And I'm not saying this in a passive aggressive way.Thanks, I will go to therapy again and try. I hope you too.
No. 1155585
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>>1155545Sending love
nonnie. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
No. 1155616
This is long but I need to vent about my shitty co-worker who's kinda my own personal cow, he's been getting on my nerves for months now and I've had enough of his shit:
>is a compulsive and pathological liar
>is a theythem, but claims he's a hermaphrodite so he's a "valid" nonbinary person and anyone else who uses those pronouns is a poser
>spoiler alert: he doesn't "have both" like he claims, he just wants to feel special and being a cis gay dude doesn't get him enough attention
>apparently had cancer twice but miraculously recovered both time
>claimed to have been one of the first (if not the first)people to have had covid in the USA, says he had it in late 2019 even though that's basically impossible (he likely just had the flu but wants to call it covid)
>says he has lived in multiple states although the timeline of when he lived in these places doesn't match up or make sense
>grew up dirt poor and had an abusive family, but will tell that stories that contradict this narrative
>lived in england and japan although there's no evidence of this. acts like he's a native of these places and like he's not just an annoying american. will randomly talk in a fake british accent or use british slang and be like "oh haha sorry it's because i lived there"
>says he's fluent in multiple language. in reality he just has basic level understanding
>is apparently mixed with every ethnicity under the sun. the type to see 2% native american on his dna results and claim he's a part of a tribe
>claims he was friends with lady gaga before she was famous and that they used to hang out and sing together. is a theater kid so knows tons of celebrities through his travels apparently
>has been shot/stabbed multiple times, for some reason
>allegedly had tons of money (as in damn near millionaire status) and invested in a bunch of property but lost all his fortune when the stock market crashed in 2008
>claims to get into a major car accident every other week (the wreck is never his fault, he always says someone crashed into him). has come to work claiming his ribs are broken but he didn't seek medical attention for whatever reason. has called out sick because he's broken his ribs/back at least four separate times in one month, yet returns to work completely fine in a short amount of time
>is 100% convinced he'll be famous despite have no talent in any of his desired fields of work, says he "has connections" that will help him
>acts like a know-it-all on every subject. doesn't matter what it is, he will act like he knows everything. especially if it's about pop culture. will talk to people like they're stupid because he assumes we all know nothing he is the the expert sent to educate us. will get pissy if you point out that you have the same, if not more, amount of knowledge on the subject as him. and god forbid you try to tell him he's wrong, he'll throw an actual tantrum that include slamming doors and a passive agressive silent treatment
These are just some of the things that pop into my mind off the top of my head, but there's definitely more. The worst part is that he overshares immediately after you meet him, and will talk about himself all day long to anyone who will listen. I know a lot of this stuff because he told it to me against my will. It's gotten to the point where people at work avoid him so they don't have to hear his bullshit. We know he's lying or at least exaggerating but no one really calls him out.
Anyway, he recently got in trouble because he got caught lying about his actually work activities. He constantly messes shit up or acts unprofessional and will lie on me and my other coworkers if he's called out. It escalated to the point that management pulled out video from the security cameras to prove he was lying. He will literally keep lying until he's backed into a corner, even if there's witnesses who can prove he's not being truthful. If you say anything he'll just tell other lie (sometimes contradicting himself midsentence) just so he won't have to take blame. You have to have undeniable proof to get him to even think about telling the truth. He's always the victim, no matter what.
I hate this motherfucker and glad he's on track to getting fired. Good riddance.
No. 1155618
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One of my favorite Picrew creators deactivated. I'm so mad, I loved her art.
No. 1155619
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Im ugly. People like me well enough when I'm a voice on the phone but look disgusted and disappointed when I talk to them in person. Im trying to be more outgoing and less awkward so I like to greet people walking their dogs when we pass each other on the sidewalk. That is the normal, polite, expected behaviour. But I swear they all hate it, everyone makes the same expression. Shocked, disturbed, and trying to quickly cover it with a polite smile. Sorry about my face…
No. 1155656
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It's fucking 3am here and I'm trying to sleep but it seems like my (pretty sure) mentally ill neighbor upstairs has got nothing better to do than to arrange furniture or do whatever the fuck he or she is doing. How is it even possible to be so loud at this time???? Wish I had a cat or a dog so that I could let it shit in front of their door.
No. 1155688
>>1155687If your name starts with a D, you shouldn't have cheated
Otherwise, I'm sorry anon
No. 1155704
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To the nonnie I was talking to about Death Cab and I mentioned I was gonna buy the mug: they sold out when I was finally ready to buy it.
No. 1155725
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I have reached my limit. I am done. I can only see myself going full schizo and becoming Valerie Solanas levels of unhinged. I try to make friends and it doesn’t work. It has never worked, not since I was a kid. People don’t seem to mind me, but that’s it. I am a perpetual NPC. If I go off the script they fast forward. Which makes sense because copying little bits of how people interact is how I got by. It hasn’t been working recently though and I hate normies. I let my guard slip one second (stop trying to perform Bozo the clown, sit on the sidewalk and write in my notebook), and they ask if I’m depressed. My god, my god, just because I decide to drop the act for one second doesn’t mean I have clinical depression. Is it how it is, really? Do you have to be constantly acting like this for people to leave you alone in public? It’s not like it’s working anyways. I’d really like friends, a community. When people I barely know ask me what I’m doing for the evening I freeze. For me it’s normal, most of my activities are solitary in nature and aren’t pro-social at all, but apparently if you’re not going out everyday with multiple people you’re deranged. I’m just so tired of this I want to pull my hair. It’s like there this barrier every one is able to break through but I can’t. Some area of life that has me on mute. I am mostly fine, because my activities keep me busy, but. The amount of times I go out with other people could be count on hand. It just doesn’t happen. And I try, I do all of the things. It just doesn’t work.
No. 1155749
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>>1155725>>1155741Shit, I could have written this. I wish we could be friends irl too, fuck masking for normies.
No. 1155766
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I look like a fucking drug addict and it's none of my fucking fault. I got massive bruises and that red dot still in both of the creases of my elbows and on my forearm. And I'm only going to get more, every fucking week I get a needle in me.
No. 1155767
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>>1155704I'm sorry, nonna. You can check resale shops online (ebay, mercari, poshmark, etc.) to see if maybe someone would sell it. Otherwise you could get a plain mug (check mug first to see if suitable) similar to the diner mug and paint it.
No. 1155781
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No. 1155798
I want to get rid of everyone in my life. My FWB who doesn't text enough and has become less caring recently. My ex who's my closest friend in this country because he always interrupts and talks over me which I just realised last night, my old work friend because she doesn't understand me and my nature at all. My friends back in my home country because they've become more complacent and judgemental and growing into small town mindset adults, my best friend back in my home country because he's become a poser who just shoehorns in references and uses big words to discuss simple topics instead of being the smart man he used to be (or that I thought he was). I don't overlook these are almost all moids, we bonded over mutual autism and it's a bit of a disability for them but I don't hold it against them.
I feel like my resentment for the main characters in my life, whether I'm right in my judgements or not, is bad for me. But i'm bad at making new connections, and if I cut these people off I'd be completely untethered and I am in fact mentally ill, so can only imagine it would lead to my ruin than this butterfly coming out of its cocoon thing i'm imagining.
It's not like they're abusive shitty people, and each one I listed has been a huge support to me at some point in my life and most guaranteed would be if I need support again and it's just some moments that make me go ugh, is that not what all relationships are like? Are my motivations a desperate reach for something better for myself, or is it an insidious attempt of self harm and isolation?
No. 1155803
>>1155769Just went on this and really out of touch I suppose, I thought I knew all the types but what's neutrois? And Gender Variant? Androgyne (that's separate to androgynous?). And Demienby? Is demien something new? There's apparently a difference between trans and transexual? And wtf is transfeminine, And there's transexual (and transgender what's the difference?) male and man, sorry again what's the difference? Is it a gender vs sex thing?
God i'm so confused, I need to find one of thsoe 16 year old weirdoes and quiz them.
No. 1155818
>>1149188>>1155769>>1155758Yeah it is RPRepository, sorry I took a while to reply, I'm not used to the faster lc threads. Dark/High fantasy is VERY popular there, you'll find someone in no time. I'll even friend you there myself if you make an account, I can think of a way to do it without doxing myself (I'm not actively RPing right now though)
>>1155803Ugh, I believe I still know my snowflake speak enough to translate for you (disclaimer: I think this is 100% horseshit)
>neutroisIt's a third gender from male and female. It's like, if male and female are blue and pink, it's green. It turns the 'binary' into a 'ternary' if you don't believe in edge cases or a fluid identity.
>Gender variantI'm not sure if this is another term for someone GNC or if it means the kind of person who says their gender changes each day, or even within a day (i.e they feel more masculine or feminine or something else entirely at times)
>DemienbyThey're only Nonbinary (enby) some of the time; other times they may feel classically male or female. For example, someone who chooses neutrois and only neutrois is not a demienby, but a demienby can be neutrois sometimes if that's how they feel on occasion.
I remember being around before RPR implimented this stupid shit and their intent was to cover as many as possible to feel inclusive.
No. 1155823
>>1155818Oh and one more thing: I've never seen any AGP type perverts there for the years I've been active. There are some male trannies who give off autist vibes, but most of the annoying users are only zoomer snowflake types so you won't run into any degeneracy (and any ERP stuff is behind age gates and warnings anyway).
>transfemininePeople can ID as transfemme or transmasc which is really just a way to say you feel transgender but you won't properly ID yourself as the opposite sex for whatever reason, i.e a transmasculine woman can do stuff like crossdress or claims she feels manlier than the average normal woman but doesn't intend on transitioning physically or claiming the identity of a man.
>transexual/transgenderTransexual has gone out of vogue to the point of being a faux pas, you don't need to alter your sex to be trans anymore so it doesn't include every tranny who hasn't had surgery and for that reason it gives off truscum vibes that upset people.
These options have overlap intentionally (like I said, for inclusive reasons) and many of them are just virtue signalling you aren't cis, the explanations behind what most of them mean are circular, sexist, and entirely based off of feelings instead of any objective truth.
No. 1155837
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My taste in shoes is a bit special. I like those chunky, detailed big shoes like picrel. But I never leave the house, except for buying food. So that's the only time I'd actually wear them, making me weirdly overdressed for grocery shopping. That's why I don't buy them and it makes me sad. But I'd probably be too shy to wear them in public anyways.
No. 1155841
>>1155837>But I never leave the house, except for buying food. So that's the only time I'd actually wear them, making me weirdly overdressed for grocery shoppingNah, just buy them
nonnie. No one knows that you only wear them for grocery shopping.
No. 1155863
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I DESPISE it when I send someone an urgent message and they read it, don't respond for hours and just say "oh sorry I just saw it now" even though they read it hours ago, sometimes even mere minutes after I sent it. Get fucked.
No. 1155870
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My mother is jealous of my relationship, tries using me as her therapist as always, and her newest thing is, trying to trigger me into an eating disorder. (I talked about this two threads prior.) This week, she left a bag of my favorite sweets, that are never in the house except when I am trying to lose weight.
I hardly remember getting actual good advice from her. She complains to me as if expecting I fix her problems, and if I vent she just tells me to ignore my problem. I made the mistake of telling her I had an eating disorder. When I moved out I believed that if I didn't earn enough to save, I did not deserve to eat what I wanted. Also believed I did not deserve to eat if I did not have a job. Then this bitch proceeds to judge and criticize when I buy a snack when we go out. She is trying to sabotage me. She keeps comparing her body to other women, even younger and older. She keeps offering me foods that have dairy in it despite it giving me allergic reactions like cystic acne. It's like she has no soul sometimes.
No. 1155872
>>1151246>he calls her basedusing that word unironically should result in a dumping already
i think your boyfriend is a piece of shit, i'm sorry. how does he now know it is your birthday? does he not have basic social skills and empathy to not start the day with some random gossip? what the hell. men are monkeys. if this was my bf i would think he likes that "friend", and is too excited about her being single to even wish me happy birthday. moid behaviour like this makes me want to vomit. if i can give any advice, be on the lookout for another man. but don't dump him just yet. wait until the other girl is no longer single, or rejects him. then he will have no other girl left to turn to. nobody to look forward to anymore. that's how he may feel regret, while being so utterly alone and rejected, left to wallow in his guilt.
fuck guys and their simp ass behaviours. he called her based.. ok, so they talk in retarded 4chan memes or questionable racist jokes and she keeps him around for attention? i doubt he has the social skills to be a good friend to a girl, or that this girl is a normal one and not a "nlog" gamercel. did you read their messages? what do they even talk about? i will admit, i have snooped on all of my boyfriend's messages. if they are more flirtatious than his baseline personality around everyone (even men), that is a sign that he is a manwhore and shall be kicked to the curb asap.
No. 1155881
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I went on a date and got drunk with a guy yesterday and he kept calling my face aryan-looking as a compliment so many times what the fuck kek
We're both slavs and I'm definitely not aryan-looking, I have brown eyes, dark brows and my hair isn't even blonde what did he even mean. I asked and he said even though my eyes are dark and so on, my face is aryan.
What a weird thing to say, why do I always attract weirdos
No. 1155892
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I hate that it's automatically assumed that I'm in a relationship and sexually active just because I'm a 21 year old woman. I know this is what's normal for my age, but for some strange reason it feels so insulting as if someone was spitting in my face. We were talking about our periods in class, and I mentioned that mine some months doesn't come at all, and someone asked me if this wasn't really stressful, and I didn't understand what she was getting at until she hinted at pregnancy. This was a few days ago and I'm still seething, even though that's probably a completely normal run-of-the-mill question when you hear something like that. Same with when co-workers or classmates ask anything about ~my boyfriend~. And then the following conversations oh my god, "Oh well, you'll surely find someone soon enough!" and "Oh sorry, I didn't mean it like that" NO stop fuck off. With my family I understand it at least, what (grand)parent wants to accept their only child to end up as some loNeLY cat-lady that's running purely on spite and escapism (though my mother actually applauds me for my choice, much love to her), but what's with strangers? "You know how men are haha" I luckily don't, thank fucking god for that.
No. 1155894
>>1151246All men in long distance cheat. This is why you shouldn't do long distance.
>>1155890She's right to feel upset but her jealousy is weird. Long distance isn't ever a good idea and anon is probably staying out of desperation while the bf is there supporting another girl instead of her.
No. 1155896
>>1155892i get you, nona. why does everyone feel like it's mandatory? i was talking to a friend just yesterday and i mentioned in passing still being a virgin and she was so shocked.
>"at 22?!"she made me feel really ashamed which was new because i never used to care.
No. 1155901
>>1155890I remember being this naive
Anyways, a huge sign of a moid caring more about another woman or even testing the boundaries to cheat is having random "sympathy" for the other girl. He will tell you how he feels so bad for her (in her completely mild situation) as a cover for why he's so interested in maintaining contact with her, and as a buffer for scrutiny. You can't get mad at him, he's just supporting a friend! On the other side of it, "uwu my poor situation" is a great way to keep a scrote for attention. "She's been through a lot!!" is something I've definitely heard before in my life…
No. 1155913
>>1151246I'm late to this but my last relationship ended when my partner started talking to me about how he felt so bad for his female friend who was going through a bad break up att and struggling on her own.. I hadn't met this woman before because he knew her through work. All of a sudden he'd start randomly talking about her tough situation all the time and it sat weird with me that he was blurting this stuff out on date night with me. Turns out they were having an affair and now she's not stuck 'struggling on her own' because he promptly moved in with her the day after blindsiding me with news of the affair.
I used to be pretty trusting but that is a weird first message to get on the day of your bday alright. Don't get wrapped up in hate for the woman but don't ignore your gut feeling if he's seeming overly invested in her all of a sudden. Even if he's overly interested you don't know if she's receptive to his feelings or if she's just in a jam right now and venting. He's the one who owes you loyalty and to remember you first on your birthday. If he can't see you on your day then he could at least think of you first before friends.
No. 1155930
>>1155895Im a pick me because i have empathy for women? Sure anon.
Anon was supposed to have empathy but she already doesnt trust her boyfriend so i dont know why shes even with him kek
No. 1155940
>>1155872 and agree with you anons. it seems to me that sadly he has got a crush and is unfiltered about it. just like when children get a crush, they must talk about it all the time. this is how it shows.
also men don't know how to show proper empathy and handle sad situations, so to their guy friends or sisters they would just say "oh, that sucks, want to have a beer", meanwhile to a girl they are interested in, they would follow up with her a lot more. i always ask myself, would this guy be my friend if i was ugly, fat, and unfunny, purely because i am nice or nerdy? and more often than not the answer would be no. i haven't seen a fat or ugly woman with many guy friends unless she completely acts like a guy herself.
lastly, if that anon should feel empathy over a stranger, why wouldn't the person connecting them give her their contact info… then she can comfort her. don't attack that anon, she knows the tone of her boyfriend's text. and it was on her once a year birthday. does she really need to know about some idiot spamming a stranger first thing in the morning? what can she even do in that situation, fucking nothing. her boyfriend is a dumbass.
No. 1155944
>>1155930"Supposed?" Why would being a woman mean you have to have empathy for every other woman? It's not her friend and she doesn't know her situation.
Sending someone's bf your breakup texts and using him as an emotional sponge for specifically your
breakup is weird as fuck. Surely she has female friends but she vents to this guy. And talking about some random girl as a first thing on OP's bday is also weird as fuck. And yeah some girls wanna steal taken moids a lot of them do it.
No. 1155949
>>1155936Can you explain in what way she's being competitive because I don't think anyone is following your logic?
It's not like anon went after the girl her bf was bringing up in any way? She was just upset that for her birthday her scrote decided it was appropriate to bring up the inappropriate topic of another girl's problems whom she doesn't even know.
Anon tried to be cool and let them hang out, and now her good deed gets punished because the scrote has clearly taken interest. Of course she's hurt and betrayed, you'd have to be a blind pickme to not see the intentions.
No. 1155980
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I went in for a colonoscopy Wednesday since I've been bleeding out my ass for months now. Took forever to get in for one because I'm too young to consider cancer, so they assumed it was just some polyps or an internal hemorrhoid. Doctor was sure as Fuck cocky one minute and grave after. He couldn't even do a full exam because I have a lesion so big the endoscope couldn't move past it. He sent me off to a surgeon and I'm scheduled for the 11th to go under. Biopsy results came back yesterday and it confirmed cancer. Right now I'm waiting on the results of CAT scan they did yesterday to see what stage I'm at. Depending on that it may be an more complicated surgery and could involve going through chemo. Why did this have to fucking happen? I've done everything right and I still got cancer. I just wish I knew how bad it is.
No. 1155981
>>1155936I think her concern is more the bf tbh. She didn't go in and start calling the woman anything bad right off the bat, if she did that'd be a different story.
The last few weeks on here it just feels like the term pickme is being rammed down peoples throats at every oppurtunity.
No. 1155996
>>1155980Ass cancer at that. I'm so sorry
nonny, you shouldn't have to deal with this. I just googled and it's a 91% survival rate basically.
No. 1156011
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I wish I even had a crush or something. I don't have anyone in my life irl I have any feelings for, or know if anyone has feelings for me. Someone did a long time ago, but I have no contact with this person. I've resorted to fantasizing about waifus or making up my own OC person in my head. I'm the femcel Kaitlyn was looking for.
No. 1156055
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>trying to live my life with only positive influences
>this means no more tinfoil
>doing okay so far
>google picks route 66 for their doodle
No. 1156225
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>>1156055idk about route 66 but im in the same boat as you anon. i really want to turn my mind off from tinfoiling but at the same time….i want to know. genuinely jealous of people who are unaware of how awful the world is and/or can just stay in their own bubble. i used to make fun of people like that but now i know they'll always be happier then me because they're unaware lmao
No. 1156283
>>1156240ayrt god i wish that were me but im extremely self conscious and im pale with dark hair, my brother makes fun of me and my sister for our body hair i hate this world.
>>1156248Hell yeah
No. 1156305
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My husband has been terribly ill for the past week, and it's because of choices he made despite my protests. I've been caring for him day and night, getting around 3 hours of broken-up sleep a day. I'm stuck on an air mattress and I haven't been able to cook myself any real food. Last night was my second shower all week. This has cost $3,000 in additional moving costs due to timing so far, and $1,500 in various supplies to care for him. I've missed a week of work so far. I'm so tired and I can't talk to him about any of this while he's so frail. He keeps thanking me and apologizing for this, but this has really messed up a lot of our plans and is eating into our savings.
No. 1156344
>>1156193I dont have long hair, I don't own make up, I don't wear anything fussy or uncomfortable.. but body hair is the one lingering thing I grapple with. I want my body hair but I don't want to be given hassle over it. I don't want to stand out.
I was wearing new trousers lately and was sat on a bench in public when I realised that when I sit down and cross my legs the trousers lift up enough to show my hairy ankles. And for a moment I cared about there people being sat next to me and how they mightve noticed it before I did. I had to consciously tell myself not to 'adjust myself' because I shouldn't have to care. I should be able to wear shorts if I want to.
No. 1156383
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This is literally such a petty thing to get mad about but my boyfriend got a haircut recently that didn't grow out the way he liked and I offered to put some layers in it - I've cut my own bangs and trim my own hair with proper tools all the time and it looks good so it's not like I don't know what I doing - and he said no thanks and I just offered to curl it with straighteners instead and he agreed. He has that really fine straight hair type that doesn't hold a curl well at all (same as mine and it takes fucking ages) so it took me ages and tbh the end result wasn't the best kek, but it looked way better than his flat straight hair before and gave it some "flick" and volume I guess.
I made a joke before I finished and said "oh no it looks like shit…well not shit but it's not very curly because your hair is too heavy to hold it" and he just looked in the mirror and completely fucking roasted it lmao. Like he kept saying this "looks like shit,it honestly looks like shit, it just looks flicky, thanks for trying though" like bitch I already told you this and that it could be avoided and ACTUALLY curled if you just let me put in some layers to give it volume, but no. Now I'm just mad because he didn't even say "yeah you're right it's not really curly but thanks for trying anyway" but just went straight to saying it looks like shit immediately. Like idk I tried to help your haircut and even offered to cut it with my proper scissors and you said no so what the fuck do you expect? And why say it in such a manner? If someone does a bad makeup job on me i'm not going to say "this looks like shit its horrible its wrong" I'm at least going to say I don't like it in a nicer manner.
Maybe I just have thin skin or something but I tried to help him and gave him objectively good advice on how to cut it too but he just doesn't trust me to cut it apparently even though it's not like i'm doing a hack job with kitchen scissors.
This bitch, honestly. I don't want to ever hear him complain about his shitty haircut ever again if he's just going to snap at someone who was just trying to help him. Hope the next barber he goes to fucks his shit up so bad again he ends up crawling back to me begging to put some layers in.
No. 1156385
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>>1156174Pretty standard theorizing about it
being used for trafficking, and there's the Isaac Kappy incident. (he did seem crazy though) And the number's association with Satanism, this being the 66th day of the Ukraine invasion. Other stuff too and yes I know it's schizo.
>>1156225The best method is to stay away from sources of it and related content. So even that which
triggers that thinking, like celebrity news. It's mostly been working for me but of course there are blips like this one… I don't know, it still feels important to be aware of certain things but only in the back of my mind, not like I can do much anyway. It just drives you insane and I do think it made me more gullible even when some of it is correct. Thinking of you nonna let's protect our health first and foremost, considering without it we are even less likely to keep ourselves and loved ones safe.
No. 1156398
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Fuck now the cp bots are even spamming in /g/ DIE ALREADY
No. 1156412
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>>1156055Why did google pick route 66? I'm not american so I have no context. It just feels odd
All I see is "the oldest route to travel" and that it has cool spots etc.
No. 1156478
>>1156411>and if a woman is very beautiful she's bombarded with signals that her looks are her most important value and she's amazing just because she exists and she may develop a princess complex (that's how he called it)Ummhhh…i'm getting weird vibes from this, i think he go (rightfully) rejected by a Stacy who knew her worth
>he doesn't fight for anything and he's just a dude standing outside of conflicts so he's not someone to judge. And he didn't say that with any aggression or irony, like he wanted to start a fight, but with a very calm demeanor and honestyHe's so cool, ~relaxed and laidback~ he has an aversion towards
most women kek
No. 1156491
>>1156478I'm actually the one who didn't reciprocate his feelings in the past kek. We hanged out once and then we haven't seen each other for a few months. He's still friendly and helpful if I need something, but doesn't initiate contact besides casual asking what's up, he talks more only if I directly initiate a conversation.
I remember a situation when I got a pretty heavy task from my female team leader, something that usually only men do, and I was really tired afterwards, and he said that she probably gave it to me out of spite towards me because I'm pretty. So I guess he just thinks women are mean towards each other for that reason.
No. 1156558
>>1156540Gonna be honest, nonna, you sound rather like a cow and if so, that's the source of your problems. I thought
I was melodramatic. Your perspective may or may not be true, but even poorfags don't talk like this. Your "controversial ideas" are another brow raising aspect. Sorry if it's harsh, I wish you the best.
No. 1156574
>>1155980It's sad to hear that, I hope you will get better and get rid of cancer completely nonna!
>>1155996>talking about survival rate to a person with cancerare you an autistic by any chance?
No. 1156629
>>1156614 Then maybe you live in some better place but most young men I see these days don't take care of themselves at all, they watch porn and behave like they have no internal dialogue at all.
>>1156619But he never gave me any backhanded compliments, he openly called me pretty, said I'm out of ordinary and different than most people, not just other women. He has female friends and he speaks well of them, I know them too, I work with them, so I'm not the only one tolerable for him to be around. Our conversation on the topic was pretty short and I didn't even ask him what he meant specifically. He doesn't initiate that much contact with me because he knows I'm autistic and I prefer to be alone most of the time and he doesn't want to be overbearing towards me which he said himself, but admitted he cares about me and likes me. To me that doesn't sound like acting noninterrsted and aloof.
No. 1156657
>>1156640>plays sims 4>4The creatures I share this planet with, smh
You deserve all they eyesore you get
I hope it's a pirated version
No. 1156659
>>1156629He actually said he resents women for trying to act strong and that women develop princess complexes. He puts down your gender by saying this - he's negging you. He realises you also are a girl, he isn't dumb.
You say he doesn't act aloof yet you say he doesn't initiate conversations much (however you justify it). So he's at least trying to act a bit uninterested. Yeah guys will call you pretty to sign they're interested. I'm not saying he doesn't want you, I'm just saying he sounds exhausting.
I couldn't ever date sexist guys or guys with very juvenile opinions like he has but if you can bear with that and try to change him, good luck.
No. 1156676
>>1156662It was sarcasm,
No. 1156687
nonnie you do fit in here
No. 1156693
>>1156685Samefag, the anon we were replying to is autistic and also wouldn't have picked it up, so good you said that.
I tried to give her general tools, like always thinking about
motives behind any words, but you had a much better comment on her particular situation.
No. 1156700
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>>1156657nta but I bought sims 4
No. 1156708
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>>1156693I mean good you said it was sarcasm. Even neurotypicals have problems with recognising it over text without a /s
>>1156700Pic related
No. 1156736
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>>1156657nonnieee i’m sorry forgive me i bought the packs and the base game because my ISP noticed that i tried to pirate ts3
No. 1156759
>>1156753Probably. My
abusive parents are also both nurses
No. 1156772
>>1156708I regret that I bought it tho, but it cost me only a few dollars because it was on sale.
I'm not simsfag, mostly played sims 1 as a kid. Sims 4 was disappointing, there wasn't much furniture or hairstyles to choose from. It was like a crap version of sims 3.
No. 1156779
>>1156757Ntayrt, but
>the whole 'foodie' thing is so annoying when it's just based around eating, and not cooking or learning about ingredients or whatever.This fucking irritates me. I love cooking and researching ingredients. I want to tear my eyes out when people try to tell me that something needs more salt because it needs more "flavor" and dump a shit ton of salt on their food. I want to give them a salt lick instead of food. I tend to associate the word "foodie" with salt, sugar, and fat addicts.
No. 1156786
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It just blows my mind how this is still even a thing…
No. 1156804
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>>1156786I want to believe she was forced to marry her husband and hates him and will do anything to get away from him, but muslim pick-mes are SOMETHING.
No. 1156879
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that awesome feeling when all your life anytime any family member of yours goes out of the house you start worrying if they killed themselves. same with angrily locking themselves in a room after an argument
No. 1156911
>>1156897Roger that
>>1156900So 1 email has been pwned but my second email has no data breaches. I have no idea how that one could've been found.
No. 1156960
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is this terue anos
No. 1156979
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>>1156659Holy shit anon I already fucked up. I had another conversation with him and I wanted to be honest and admitted I might have some feelings for him and he said he loves me and has been in love with me for almost a year and sat next to me and hugged me and his hands were trembling as fuck. I was petrified because I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly. Also while being so close with him it got to me that although being hugged feels nice, he's not that physically attractive to me. He wanted to kiss me and I didn't want it and I didn't allow it. It was so fucking awkward I started to laugh and shake. He was like come on we know each other for a year. He touched my ass. I'm such a coward I wasn't even able to tell him that this moment and physical contact with him made me realize I don't actually want him. Then I also started to zone out and dissociate when he was touching me more. This situation didn't have any proper conclusion and he just left fully convinced that we're basically in a relationship now or at least it's heading up there. He suddenly seemed so emotional I got scared. I fucked it up because of my autism and total lack of experience with men and now I don't know how to get out of this. He will probably tell our mutual friends now, and if I cut him off he might still tell his friends I allowed him to touch me in a sexual way. People were already gossiping about us because they knew he's attracted to me. Why did I allow this to happen? Holy shit I'm such a retard
No. 1157208
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i wonder when exactly I ended up becoming this isolated? I have never been the popular kid but I have always had friends, never been completely lonely. I wonder what was the exact turning point that turned me into the bitter bitch that i am
No. 1159720
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my sister told me she was nonbinary after I told her I was scarred for a nonbinary friend who maybe wanted to take T. when I told her most nb I know have body issue or trauma she got all defensive "but- I'm nonbinary and I don't have trauma".That dumb nut would physically abuse me and never emotionally matured past 10yo, needless to say she as raging daddy issues. She as so much body issues and try to cover them under fake self confidence that it's not even funny anymore. God nonnies give me strenght if she ever sperg to me about it ever again