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No. 1122088
Live, laugh, love
>>>/ot/1100647 No. 1122123
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Having a husbando has helped me a lot with my body image issues, he motivates me to get healthy but he also loves me unconditionally, when I imagine myself with my husbando, I imagine myself as how I am, I don’t need to apply a beauty filter in my daydreams because he will love me regardless of how I look.
No. 1122281
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i feel absolutely nothing seeing the gorespam, since i've seen much worse.
No. 1122289
>>1122281I don't know why men think gore will
trigger women. My periods are bloodier than the images posted. It's good that anons are saying this because it only proves gorespammer is wasting his time. Kek.
No. 1123504
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All that talk about semen texture in the sex advice thread genuinely almost made me throw up jesus christ. I'm definitely staying a virgin forever.
No. 1123751
I hate troons with all my heart but don't really have a problem with transvestites. If a man wants to wear makeup, dresses, whatever the hell at home but KNOWS he will never be a woman and doesn't force others to call him 'her', 'ma'am', or whatever the hell, it does not bother me at all. It's a retarded fetish but if you keep it to yourself, maybe share it with your transvestite friends, good for you. If it's just for fun, whatever. It's too bad most of them are creeps though, the ones who wear it outside freak me out. I will say a lot of this comes from me wanting children, and if I ever have them I would let them wear whatever they wanted. I'd teach them to like whatever they like and not give a shit about what people think of them, or how others see them. I want them to know that liking pink and dresses as a boy does not make you a girl, it just means you like pink and dresses. If my daughter liked her hair short, wore boy's clothes and only played soccer I'd never stop them. But if they ever trooned out, they would never set foot in my house again.
No. 1123759
>>1123751I don't entirely know why but I guess as a short haired woman I seem to attract men who are closet crossdressers. I don't mean I date them, I mean that married or attached men look at me and think
>ah yes I think I'll tell this gender nc woman about my xdressing secret and ask if she wants to have ongoing secret sex with me, I'll tell her a sob story about how my gf just doesn't understand my fantasies about stockings and pegging, she'll feel so sorry for me that we'll totally fuck and bond over my crossdressing being cool and my gf being a bitch for not getting itNo joke this has happened to me more than once. My short hair is all I can link it to. They see me as being some kind of gender exploring woman who wants to top men? What a vibe to give off.
No. 1123883
>>1123869i was repeatedly molested by a classmate (at 10 years old). that, and other sexual trauma (like losing my hymen to an incompetent nurse at age 13) is why i can't truly enjoy sex. i disassociate during it. i never had an orgasm in my life. i am not asexual and i want to be able to enjoy it. i just physically cant. my mind doesnt let me. the closest i came to enjoying it physically was while drunk or otherwise intoxicated, where my mind couldnt put up the defenses.
i hope your
victims arent too affected by what you did to them
(don’t reply to bait) No. 1123902
my confession is that I had a child when I was 21 and I love the kid but I regret going through with it
mostly but not exclusively because of sick fucks like this >>1123869. I'm a fucking idiot for bring life into this world.
No. 1124030
>>1124020Can you really blame them for being paranoid though? We've had a lot of confirmed tranny baiters and moids like st*ven
At any rate, some of those anons might be annoying, I can kinda see where you're coming from even though I admit I hardly use the MTF thread. But siding with the troons will not fix anything or make it better.
No. 1124567
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a couple of years ago one of my classmates was going to use my mac to show me something but she, a windows user, pressed the wrong combo of keys and somehow managed to open a south park fan fic on ao3 that i had bookmarked
No. 1124620
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I have such a crush on Brendan Fraser and deep down I think it’s cause he reminds me of my mom. Both him and my mom are Flamboyant Naturals, and she’s tall and she’s got these huge doe eyes. I have mommy issues from hell and she’s a drug addict but she used to really be a knockout with wavey long hair and a nice frame, then she gained weight and got addicted to meth so she looks sullen and flabby, she also always looks scared and she’s always yelling at me and my sisters about random shit she is paranoid about. She was never a great mom, she always made us feel dumb, I remember this one time we decorated our room and she said it looked stupid, it did but cmon, who says that to a kid? She would always tell me I stank but she never even taught me how to wash, I didn’t properly even learn til I was a teenager, she always called my clothes ugly, she would laugh at our selfies on Facebook when we were like 15. Sometimes when I try to fantasize about him I feel wrong or something, he goes beyond a crush I just adore him so much and idek anymore. I need someone who will care for me and hold me and Brendan Fraser is my top pick, but idk if I would actually lump him with my other hot dude husbandos, I see him as a gorgeous man who is so innocent seeming
No. 1124635
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>>1124620I think young brendan fraser was super hot and while I have no sexual desire for current brendan fraser, I want to fix him, I want to help him get fit, clean up and get out of his rut and maybe set him up with an age appropriate acquaintance
No. 1124640
>>1124636*he could pass for my father
good lord shit my typing is in the gutter with my will to live
No. 1124948
>>1124645I was about to post something similar kek.
When I was a child I used to bite them. I would do it outside in front of everyone. My feet were often muddy and I'd still do it, it was really crunchy cause of the dirt, I fucking loved it. But now, I moved on to picking at them with my fingers or with a toe clipper. I barely have any nail left on most of my toes. Also, wathever manage to grow back is very thick and brittle. I sometimes let it grow a little, because those that grow back like that are the best to pick at. I also pick the skin around. I can't stop. I really enjoy it in a way, even more when it hurts. The satisfaction you get when you rip off a big piece and then the blood.
It sometimes hurts to walk. I don't know, I am really ashamed of it. It really is a compulsion, I don't even notice I do it most of the time. I go crazy if I can't do it. Even when I am wearing socks I have to do it. I am really surprised I've never gotten an infection.
I also used to bite my finger nails but I havn't relapsed in three years (if you don't count picking at the skin). I've been doing it since I was a very young child. One of my oldest memory is me around three years old biting my pinky nail.
No. 1124960
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I really want to become a vtuber. If I had the space, time and technology to do it, I'd do it. I don't care about creating a lore or a persona for the avatar, I just want to stream art (maybe some casual games) without showing my face, but still having a "face" to interact with people and whatnot.
No. 1124979
>>1124953The trying not to bite them to keep my manicure looking nice actually worked for me. At first I would try to only pick at the polish and just redo it every day and I eventually stopped. For a while there was only my favorite nail (this sounds so dumb to say kek) left and it took me a few months to leave it alone. I broke the habit after maybe a year. I also always carry a nail kit (clipper and filer) for whenever a nail breaks so you are not tempted to tear it off (this is one my biggest
trigger). This is the longest I've managed to not do it. I relapsed many times before. Now I can let them grow long and do not need to always wear nail polish.
Don't give up anon, you can do it too!
No. 1125838
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I just lost my anal virginity to my nigel of three years. I am beyond saving.
No. 1126149
>>1122281I wish anons would stop saying this. It could inspire worse pics to be posted and they may favor the cp if they know anons are unfazed by the gore.
>>1122301Please don't call their bluff like this nona.
No. 1126193
>>1125838He's not a Nigel and he doesn't like you. Only men who don't like you want anal.
speakinf from personal experience. It only gets worse from here, you better dump him before he tries to throat fuck you until you vomit or starts threatening to cheat on you if you don't do anal because you're only going to hate yourself and him, and sex with him more and more now.
No. 1126215
>>1126211Omg anom you can't gossip behind my back like this!
Seriously though I feel so called out, kek. What does she usually dress like?
No. 1126228
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>>1126215don't worry, if you have any self-awareness about it you're probably not as bad. she just wears a random mish-mash of trendy clothes, with no consideration of shape, colour, or whether they go together at all. someone posted this in the fashion thread and she dresses kinda like a slightly less insane version of the girl on the right.
No. 1127011
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How do I know if I still sound robotic? I’m still self-conscious about that one time someone told me in Uni that I didn’t have any emotion in my voice, how do I sound more excited or natural?
No. 1127658
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>be me, 15
>try a tampon for the first and last time
>put it in the wrong way OW
>my dad starts yelling at me in front of all the family visiting the small bungalow, why am i taking so long?
>have to wait for my eyes to stop watering and take the tampon out
>there's no bin
>decide to throw the tampon out the window out of shame, right into the road, full on strawberry jam coated and everything
>stuff toilet paper into my undies
I still wonder how passers by reacted to that mysterious obstacle. Maybe someone found it. Maybe someone tripped over it. Regardless, that was the last time I tried a tampon. Posting because I only just remembered this particular piece of tomfoolery and had to get it off my chest.
No. 1127679
>>1127673I heard from Galko (that anime with the girl with the boob) that when you go in water the vagina closes up anyway. And I think you can bathe on your period…
Anyway I am definitely glad someone mature is also scared of tampons, I feel a lot less babyish now kek
No. 1127783
>>1127679That series was made by a scrote.
>>1127658I’m either a moron or 90% sure a hotel pool closed and tested the water because my tampon came out while I was swimming at a birthday party (also never wore a tampon again after that as well)
No. 1128019
>>1127993It's incredibly dumb, kek, but I like your advice, I might have to do something of the sort.
>>1127998He's sometimes confused with my "poor memory" in regards to their lyrics and which songs are on which albums, but he's more than happy to remind me and if we talk about anything deeper in regards to the band's history, I let him do the talking anyway. He just thinks I'm a bit scatterbrained and finds it charming.
No. 1128073
>>1128037I'm too paranoid of people hating me and telling others any secrets they might know about me. That's also part of why I don't want to be rude to him.
I dropped out of the university he's in, so he knows people who know me. I wish I could just cut him out of my life.
No. 1128384
>>1128376I have the remastered PS3 version, and I'm strongly considering getting the PS4 remake because of the damn camera. The controls are pretty intuitive until the colossus shit happens, then somehow they quantum teleport to either be right around the corner of the field of view or on top of me at all times.
>>1128367I'm glad I'm not the only one. Games are something I play to relax, not stress myself out further. I much prefer Ico, the other game that came with Shadow of the Colossus.
No. 1128427
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i miss homestuck a lot. it's to the point where i'm reading about ships and situations i never once considered while the fandom was at its peak – porrim and gamzee arguing in an abandoned church, anyone? – just to get my fix. and it's wild because the writing is so fucking baller, wherever i look, because homestucks (used) be so talented.
the modern version of the fandom is such a shitfest, it makes me genuinely kind of sad. yeah bucket jokes and tentabulges were bad – now every character is trans and they're crying about how ~pwobamawtic uwu~ their supposed favorite series is. ugh.
wish i hadn't been so shy back in the day, and had made a greater effort to connect with people so i could maybe have some old homestuck boomer friends to speak on it now. then again a LOT of the people i admired back in the day have either
>trooned out
>renounced all the awesome shit they made because it's "problematic"
or, the worse one imo:
>speak and reminisce of the comic in a guilty-minded way like it's a dirty secret or something
No. 1128459
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>>1128427I feel you anon, I loved seeing all the cosplays people would churn out too.
I recently was reminded of the existence of the DMMD shitposts and it really takes me back especially with how dated some of the jokes are lol
Also reminded me that Tumblr was a fun place at one point and everyone wasn’t fucking insane.
No. 1128477
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bump porn on front page
No. 1128479
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I wish I had her facial proportions
No. 1128480
>>1128472Oh I miss being into my little ponies, I used to hang out on a forum and have so much fun, a lot of the people were as old as me (15) and some were a bit older but everyone was nice and family friendly.
I used to draw ponies for the people, and sometimes they would draw for me too, there was a kind of a jerk person who would ask everyone for a drawing and would maybe say thank you for it, he had six baby dragon characters so I drew them all together and he was amazed and put them in his forum signature, I was so proud but I don't know why I spent so much time on a gift for a person I don't know and didn't really like
No. 1128487
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>>1128479she reminds me of a strawberry
No. 1128572
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>>1128479she also dated pete davidson
No. 1129030
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I sometimes make shitty collages on my phone of guys that I find on Pinterest that I think are cute
No. 1129174
>>1128928I feel turned off when sex acts have connotations of power automatically attached to them. I've gone through different phases over the years where initially I would only receive oral. Now I'm interested in the opposite. Haven't acted on it because I've turned hermit since covid but my fantasies only surround that right now. I don't attach power on either end but I'm aware plenty do. I just want what I want whenever I happen to want it.
Come to think of it, maybe I'm odd. I go through phases where one specific sex act appeals to me and everything else is off the menu for a while.
No. 1129231
>>1128928Come on anon, i'm into blowjobs too but it definitely has some inherent power dynamics, and not in your favor.
It's fucking annoying too because once any partners I have find out I like blowjobs it's like a switch flips in their brain and they whine for blowjobs. Doesn't matter if we've fucked for months, them giving me oral always and my mouth nowhere near their dick (because I know what happens). As SOON as it's obvious I enjoy oral and savor it during the act, they think it means bjs on tap, a lot of "come onnnn, why not, you like them cmon". They can be the most gracious, generous and respectful sex partners but soon as they know I like bjs it's fucking monkey brain time.
No. 1129339
>>1128928ayrt I just like things in my mouth a lot idk
>>1128970this is refreshing to read in a way, although I understand anons who are disgusted by blowjobs it's nice to come across a neutral opinion. I think how much I like them is the unusual bit
No. 1129382
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I'm not sure if this is exactly a confession, but alas.
Today I learned that PCOS has other names such as "Hyperandrogenic anovulation" and "Stein-Leventhal syndrome" and I think I might start using it. Usually I just say that I have "metabolic issues" because I've came to the very harsh conclusion that people simply don't take PCOS seriously. When they see a lot of the external symptoms for PCOS they just think the woman is lazy and don't care about her appearance (a lot of body hair, weight gain, acne, thinning hair, etc) and I think that since it's a very under researched female-only disorder, people just brush it off in general.
Maybe I'll come across as a bit of a munchie at first, but I think it's the only way that people won't instantly judge me for my appearance.
No. 1129569
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When i feel tired mentally i put myself into bed and i think about my cool ocs and their cool adventures
No. 1129575
nonny, if you ever wanna talk about the intermission, give me a holler. it's been ages. i see what you mean and i miss those days too.
No. 1129581
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i’m going to kill myself next month and i’m quite lost on what to do like do i leave a note or not so i leave instructions on what i want to happen to my body do i clean up my loose end relationships do i have one last big bender before i die. I’m not sure. I’m pretty detached and calm about the whole situation, it wasn’t really an emotional decision at all. it feels weird to be so calm planning my own death.
No. 1129585
I feel terrible for having these thoughts but I am honestly so tired of Asian people moving into my neighborhood. I feel like if people knew me and my family they would say we should be happy that our neighborhood is becoming more “diverse” since we’re black, but all I can think everytime another house goes up for sale is if the new owners are going to be Asian. To give some background, we live in California in a once shitty semi-rural town with really big homes that have become “exclusive”, for lack of a better term, since the houses are on half-acre plots. When my family moved out here way back in the 1960’s, it was nothing but dirt, oil fields, and Walmart, but now everybody and their fucking mother wants to live in this tract. The house right across from us recently went up for sale due to the death of the old owner, and another right on the side of us just got sold as that owner moved to a senior living center, and of course the first house got bought by some Asians and I am already dreading discovering who might be in the next one. I get tired of them because the first thing they all seem to due when they buy homes in our tract, is tear up the fucking yard. I know it is a cultural thing with them, but it’s like they totally desecrate these family homes and turn them into shacks. They cut down all the beautiful trees, tear up the shrubs, and pull up all the grass except for the front because they’re all so fucking materialistic and shallow. Then here they come with the big white gaudy Mercedes Benz and the brand new $50k Beemers for their entitled, spoilt kids to do wheelies in the cul-de-sac, while Grandma waddles around out front for hours with her soup spoon bent ass back picking weeds and staring at you like you’re nuts whenever you go to get the mail. I know I am being prejudiced as fuck but it really irked me watching the new neighbors destroy this old lady’s yard today like it was nothing; now it’s just bare fucking dirt and twigs and I can see the husband watching our home like a hawk since it is the largest out of the 3 biggest houses in the neighborhood. Some of them are nice though and I do genuinely appreciate when they actually take the effort to speak to us, but it often ends up being the same crap we dealt with when the neighborhood was majority white where they end up either ignoring us or treating us badly because we’re black. I am in no way proud of how I feel, but I would rather confess my sins here than carry this shit around in my heart. I accept too I will probably get banned for racebait but whatever.
No. 1129610
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Even though it fucked my family up in a different way, part of me feels like it was for the best my rageful, slightly abusive father died when I was a teenager. It feels weird to admit that, but
No. 1129641
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I think I actually like the new MGK album
No. 1129869
>>1129581Nonny pls don't kill yourself! Post in the friend finder or vent thread, I promise we will listen to everything. I love my nonnies and I don't want to lose you! I've done the same thing(more than once) and followed through on plan as well and years later, I am much happier that I am still able to make new and good memories. Lots of love
(Tldr;hahaha you're so pretty don't kill yourself !)
No. 1129907
>>1129585it's ok, i'm tired of black people moving into my apartment complex. not all of them are bad though- some of them are really lovely (particularly just the single women- all the families/men have been shitty) but there are certain ones who won't stop screaming at each other or playing loud music at 3 AM on a thursday night. i understand it's a cultural thing for them and they can't help being loud and rude.
it's mostly just the black moids that bug me though- i'm kind of sick of being sexually harassed by black guys when men of literally every other ethnicity hasn't given me shit. and in every recent shooting in my area the perpetrator has- of course- been a black guy. i know they're not all like that but i'm seriously sick of it
No. 1129996
nonnie, what the fuck?
No. 1130013
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I don't know how to tickle and this is legitimately upsetting me.
No. 1130396
>>1130367I've learnt alot of this shit the hard way. I'm here for you when the time comes
nonnie lol
No. 1130516
>>1130063You have to catch people off guard go for right under the armpit area, works every time unless they're lame and not ticklish. Try doing it on your friends kids but don't tell the kid you're going to, just say "TICKLE TIME!" and start tickling right then.
Source: I'm a daycare nona
No. 1131049
>>1131043My roommate's parents prop up her bills
>>1131033How is working for scrotes not deserving of scorn?
>>1131021What's the point of working if you're going to be making minimum wage? That's hardly a career. And no we aren't friends.
No. 1131091
>>1131075I clicked on the wrong post
nonnie kek
No. 1131098
>>1131059It's very hard to live alone in NYC without increasing my commute drastically. And it's normal to have roommates here.
>>1131056Yes but most homeless are scrotes. Work for a different organization if you don't want to serve scrotes
>>1131051I work in PR
No. 1131103
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>>1131091Oh sorry. That should have been obvious.
No. 1131156
>>1128670Same. I just have an oral fixation I guess. I like every sex act involving the mouth, except anything involving the anus, or anything more disgusting than that, of course. Kissing, sucking on fingers (him or me), oral (giving or receiving), licking the neck, licking nipples, etc.
>>1128928>I tell myself that although it may seem like a submissive act I am still very much the one in controlI agree with this, actually, but it depends on the situation. I believe that most vanilla sex acts could have power dynamics that can go either way, or have no power dynamics at all but it all depends on both partners. They're not acts of dominance by default (unless you believe shit like "deep down women are always being raped in every single heterosexual sex act"). It's very subjective. And no, I'm not claiming that giving bjs is a "feminist act" like some retard assumed, neither is it a LARP like another retard said.
No. 1131239
>>1129953>>1129917>>1129912Did this actually fly over your heads?
>>1129907Anon kek
No. 1131274
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>my close best friend gets a bf. they seem fine. things get serious. i met him few times and we talked online sparingly. he seemed fine.
>she breaks up with him after a year
>explains some of her reasoning but not everything. the guy was an abusive jerk who was creepy and controlling and. she didnt tell anyone (including me) cause she was afraid people were going to hate him. its sad, but i get it cuz i was in a similar relationship once.
>last time i saw her she told me everything finally. her ex bf admitted to having cp, masturbating to it, wanting to rape (he made it very clear this was necessary to him in the texts she showed me) and kill her ex gf for dumping him, and the worst of all…
>he raped his sister when she was a child. he is six years older than her, initiated the grooming and sex obviously yet blamed her and said she "also enjoyed it and asked for it at times". then complained that when she was growing up she would sometimes tell him he was going to tell their parents what he had done to her as a kid. he also said that her sister (18 now) has a huge fear of intimacy/men and he assumes its his fault. he willingly texted this.
>the ex bf and his sister were very very very close (even i got to talk to her) and my best friend wanted to die whenever she saw her
>when best friend told me this i didnt know how to react, i tried to comfort her cuz she was really distraught and hated that she stayed with him
>I didnt tell her this, cause only my ex psychiatrist and my ex gf know. But i was raped the exact same way his ex bf raped his sister. My brother who is also a lot older than me groomed me and abused me when since i was 5 years old. It literally ruined my life in so many ways. Everything that the guy did to his sister was shit that my brother did to me. Im having a breakdown just thinking about it. I know my friend really loved this guy and she regrets all of this but i feel so sick.
>i literally interacted and befriended a fucking child rapist.
>I want to tell my best friend, but i also dont want to tell her who my rapist is. She knows i was abused, but if i tell her it was my own brother i think shes gonna understand better why her situation is fucking me up mentally. I dont know. I still dont want to tell her who did it cause its so shameful and i hate it and ive been trying to just move on for years. Plus, she left him months ago now. I feel so sick knowing all of this.
tl;dr my bff gets a bf, tells me hes perfect. they break up. he turned out to be a pedo. i cant believe i talked to and became casual friends with him and that my friend didnt tell me. he has raped before and the shit he did was the same shit that left me traumatized most of my adult life. i hate everything.
Im just gonna keep this forever in my head now, uh? god i hate everyone
No. 1131296
>>1131274The true number of people who have suffered incestuous abuse will never be even close to reported on. It has to be the most covered up abuse.
Victims carry the weight of it their entire lives and don't want to rock the boat because half the time families don't believe them for coming forward. You run a high risk when even thinking about spilling the beans. You walk an emotional tightrope afterwards and then part of you questions if they've gone on to abuse others. All that weighs on the fucking
victim and not on the offender.
I cut off contact with my whole family years ago and nobody knows or cares to ask why. Golden son. Damaged daughter. Can only imagine what number of women have the same life story.
No. 1131306
I dislike my bestfriend's religious beliefs. she is borderline retarded for believing the things she does. she suffers immense guilt and shame while preaching about how I should love myself more. also, she's studying psychology and wants to be a psych lady, aka teaching people how to change their ways of thinking while she herself is perfectly happy and fine in a cycle of self hate, shame and guilt! she genuinely dislikes herself since she is not perfect like gawd or jeysus. she tells me i can love myself and still work on myself, which is good advice and i love her for it. when i ask her why she doesn't love herself, she says "it doesn't work like that with my beliefs, you wont get it." She is dating a guy that shows red flags because she is convinced "nobody understands how she feels". honestly, idk the man but she settled down by the looks of it. no dick is good enough to have a guy want to control your movements and actions, gets pissy when u wanna have fun as a 20 year old etc. when i'm drunk i shit on it all and call her a hypocrite (without using the word) about how i work my ass off to improve my self esteem while she simmers in guilt, fear and retardation because "i need to be better like gawd". her beliefs are soooo retarded. also, she is convinced i will go to hell since i "live in sin" but doesn't have the balls to admit it. I just want my friend back, i wish she could leave the rules and realize "gawd" would love her even if she loved herself. she can always improve while loving herself, just like what she tells me. I love her so so so so so much, just hate how retarded her culty beliefs are.
No. 1131362
nonnie, I'm sorry about this
No. 1131459
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>>1131296>>1131308>>1131274how the fuck are we supposed to deal with this. when do I get to sleep? when am I gonna stop worrying about his kid? literal hell world.
No. 1131599
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>>1131580Was a two-liner, I'm apologize for my mistake. Such a simple reply, but it really did lots for me lol.
No. 1131834
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When I was 15 or so I was baby sitting my neighbors 4 month old for the whole day by myself. Around noon after I fed her she started falling asleep and I decided to nap next to her. We both fall asleep on the couch like pic rel and sleep for an hour. I didn't learn until a few years later how dangerous co-sleeping is, especially on a couch, especially with such a young infant. I still think back on it and feel so guilty for what could have gone wrong.
It's something I probably wouldn't do with my own future child, definitely not precariously on a couch like that, but especially thinking that I did that with someone elses child feels horrible.
No. 1131871
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>date a guy
>be on and off for like 8 months
>he moves oversees
>we never officially end it but there’s no way we can keep it up so I treat it like it’s over
>keep watching each other’s ig stories
>he has covid
>I message him to see if he’s okay
>we get to chatting
>he wants to video call
I can’t do this again nonnies I really cant
No. 1132006
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with in me there are two wolves, one is tradfem that wants to live off my husband and have many children so I can assure my genetic legacy gets passed on and the other is a radfem who wants to destroy the current world order with revolution, I am both at the same time
No. 1132074
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Someone in the bisexual tread was talking about physical attraction and what we find attractive in a partner. So it got me thinking and began wandering through pinterest and came to the realisation that… I find skinheads very attractive, I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe is because they create community through baseless hate and scapegoating but don't do tacky shit like the KKK do. I don't know, I'm from latam so it really has nothing to do with me or my culture but oh well. That is my confession.
No. 1132270
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>>1132078>I don't understand skinheads because they're apparently racist, but the original roots of the whole thing included Jamaican fashion and music.Simply put, nazoids tried to appropriate the movement and the term "skinhead" ended up being forever associated with racists to people outside the subculture, more or less like it happened to the black metal scene. Not all skinheads are right-wing or even into politics.
No. 1132273
>>1132270Oh god it's you again with the Not All Skinheads shit. AcKsHuAlLy they're misunderstood yadda yadda
Nobody cares. Racism is an actual life and death issue, subculture bands are a teenage pastime.
No. 1132302
>>1132300I'm from the country where they murdered the gypsy child.
No skinhead apologists like you will ever apologise that away.
No. 1132345
>>1132337I'm sick and even before that, shit was fucked. I'm just incredibly tired by this point.
>>1132342I got my nifty eu health card, anon. My health is already fucked and won't ever be unfucked, but I do see your point and it's nice of you to make it.
No. 1132380
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>>1132340I keep coming back to laugh about this, this was a great story to wake up to
No. 1132407
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I discovered masturbation with the PS2 game Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
>Casting the protego charm made the controller vibrate
>You could perma cast it by maintaining R1 and the right joystick up
I was addicted to it, sometimes I’d boot the game at 1am just to do it. Seeing picrel even makes my brain go SEXSEXSEX. The impact of JKR upon my girlhood and adulthood truly is amazing
No. 1132413
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NONNIE. I swear kids really do the darnest things.
No. 1132478
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>>1132407lmao similar story as far as jkr and exploration but i had the broomstick that they recalled and well, yeah…
No. 1132512
>>1132478I saw this on the show superstore and I thought it was a joke OMG. I can't believe someone thought this was a good design
>>1132407LMAO I did this with Halo
No. 1132660
>>1132566>>1132583Hope you read this nonna, qutting porn takes effort but it is doable and you can fix yourself, you have to basically realign your brain, start reading vanilla erotica and vanilla porn(have it pre-downloaded) over the course of some months
go from periods of no porn usage to vanilla porn, eventually your brain rot will be healed, when I tried quitting porn, It never worked long term
by replacing my urges with vanilla porn, I fixed myself
I'd go from periods of not watching porn at all(3 days) then mastrubate to my pre-downloaded vanilla porn once a day for 5 days total, then I'd stop watching for 9 days and repeated the same schedule with 5 days, even when I'd fail, I would still always use the vanilla porn
eventually 9 goes to 12, then to 15, to 20, then to 30, then 40 and finally after 45 I was finally healed
No. 1132787
>>1132755>are the scrotes in the room with us right now?Some women watch porn,
nonnie. I'm sorry you're finding that out on LOLCOR, but it's true
No. 1132846
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>>1132566Im trying really hard to quit permanently. I don’t want to believe that I’m permanently broken by porn. But I still get
triggered randomly by intrusive thoughts then it’s like I go into a trance and I have no control over myself until I relapsed.
No. 1132967
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I hate how obsessive I get when I have a crush on someone and I don’t know how to stop.
I’ve found multiple people’s workplaces and even their ex’s accounts from years ago. I’d never be insane enough to show up or to contact them but still.
How do I not be like this
No. 1133059
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Was stalking people from school on Twitter and I found a guy I had a couple classes with. In his bio he had his second account linked which is his art/posting about being a tranny account and he even posted a screenshot of him shitposting on /tttt/. I wouldn't be surprised if he has been one of the freaks posting gore, etc. here. I no longer feel bad about when I would sometimes silently rip ass when I sat in front of him so I'm glad I can finally let one of my last remaining guilts go.
No. 1133262
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I'm finishing up my BA degree at 29 and yet still people usually meet me in the context of me being an undergrad student or or looking for class material they mistakenly think I'm gen Z. I kept correcting people at the start, now I just roll with it. I've got invited to a workshop and the woman who invited me told me how it'll be important to get the perspective of gen Z since she's the youngest one there but she's already 33. Awkward.
No. 1133314
>>1133008Might be. I am lesbian with short hair, but yarn to be male.
>>1133013Having breasts and basic female anatomy does not sit well with me. It feels like I am playing house, but I got assigned the role of a dog because it was the only one left.
>>1133016I kek'd
No. 1133347
>>1133331I was on T for a while. I've always been a tomboy and grew up to be a weirdly butch woman considering I'm straight.. that confused me and I thought I was a deeply closeted gay for a while.. then switched to thinking I must be trans. It's dumb as hell to jump to that conclusion but it's a thought trap that plenty seem to be falling into. I had more friends while trans than I've ever had before or since. Women loved having a token tran friend and leaving the tran part behind cost me friendships.
>a moid, actually sexualized me more as a fakeboy and infantilized me, calling me a cute boy and the likeWhen you take T and reach the point of passing you'll often look quite a bit younger. I was 25 but at the point where I started to pass I was passing as.. a teen and not an adult. It probably would've only gotten creepier if you had gotten your hands on T.
No. 1133357
>>1133293Thank you,
No. 1133369
>>1132990>>1131941But why not just keep being a masculine woman? I understand you don't identify with your body, but you'll still have the same body even if you transition. I'm not trying to be judgemental here because I think we all understand the struggle if being a woman, and the feeling of not liking your own body (in general, not necessarily because of gender shit). I just wanna understand.
I've heard of lesbians saying they wanted to be boys when they were younger because they thought that only men could love women, do you think you experienced something similar?
No. 1133380
>>1133355Not any of those anons, legit question: Why are you so preoccupied with your body/genitals?
>>1133367NTA but kek, it's true. Women are generally more decent human beings.
"Guys make better girls" only means "I want women to cater to all my fetishes so I'd rather fuck a fake woman that is a porn addicted as me"
No. 1133413
>>1133380>>1133390Anon it is not that deep. English is not my first language.
>>1133380I know I will never have functioning penis in my lifetime.
>>1133372>>1133376Is there really a difference between man and woman mentally, other than how society expects you to behave. I want a physical male body and live my life as a man. I will never seed my own offspring.
I love the female form but it does not suit my own desires when it comes to my flesh. Second I am not going on T ever. It is not worth it. I won't change my DNA.
No. 1133421
nonnie, when you start your transition, post it all on the internet, maybe self-post a bit, we need more milk at the fakeboi’s thread.
No. 1133441
>>1133413That's the thing though, no matter how many surgeries you have you will never have a male body. No one will see you as a man and you won't be able to see yourself as a man either.
What do you dislike about "being a woman"? The roles we are assigned by males? The physical disagvantage? To you, what is a woman?
No. 1133451
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I think this world is turning me into someone I really would not like to be. I want the world to be soft and comfortable especially for women, not fucking rushing and expending your own life force for everyone but giving in. Some anons like that rush but I would nonnies to have a breather a very long break, I keep seeing the vent thread of nonnas being suicidal and their jobs and men consuming their lives. I wish everyone could achieve their ambitions, I’m tired of being called childish for having such lofty dreams. I do hate some of you but I genuinely do want everyone here (except for romanianon and her pet moid rest in piss) to be able to reform back to their greatest selves. Deep down when you sift through my black and bitter soul there is one desire that I have and it is that, I want nonnies to feel better about anything they choose
No. 1133457
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>>1133451I love you,
No. 1133459
nonny. I feel similar. Hope you and other nonnies here achieve your dreams.
No. 1133464
>>1133441I never said that.
>>1133423I can't talk about this with my girlfriends, because I don't want to influence them. Everything started as confession and others started asking questions.
>>1133427>>1133429>>1133422Don't watch anime or porn. I've desired male anatomy as long as I can remember. I will never have flat chest or penis. Never will have them male experience of being some girls first crush or support my wife thru a pregnancy to birth of my first child.
I am gonna leave the thread now before farmhands band me.
No. 1133561
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>>1133515If it makes you feel better I majored in something I love and the job still ended up being boring corporate number punching. I think you should remember that most jobs just aren’t fun, and even if they are, being forced to do them all day every day will often kill any passion you might have had.
No. 1133565
>>1133315I was waiting to grow a tail and get letter to hogwarts. Your childhood delusions aren’t pathological, get a grip.
>male experience of being some girls first crush or support my wife thru a pregnancy to birth of my first childLmao exclusively male things btw
No. 1133608
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I’ve had sadistic fantasies since I was a little kid. im not saying pornsickness isn’t a big part of it, but I definitely had these weird fantasies about hurting people even before puberty and definitely before I knew what porn was.
I’m moid-tier with it too, it’s not even sexy soft-sadist mostly masochistic that I’m into, I genuinely find men crying extremely hot and make stupid shit like this and laugh at off but the idea of beating a man stupid and treating him in a stereotypically misogynistic way is what gets me off.
Luckily I don’t ever inflict pain or hurt anyone irl or anything like that, I may be a degenerate but I’m not a scrote
No. 1133908
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i'm only a terf towards white mtfs
No. 1133998
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>>1133661I’m definitely not proud of it. I just wouldn’t do anything in real life, a rl moid would actually enjoy it and that would totally ruin it.
>>1133653It’s always women assisting men to torture and harm other women, too. I guess any females who wants to brutalize males don’t actually act on it because we’re not rapists.
Do kinda wish i knew why though, like why I’ve been this way for literally as long as I can remember. I was a sadistic degen even before I had the capability to be horny, why? My parents weren’t violent or anything.
No. 1134011
>>1133998 developing a kind of proto-sexuality very early is common. i guess some kids daydream about kissing and holding hands with characters/people they like and other kids fantasise about torturing the shit out of them.
also lmao i’m sorry anon, i’m a sadist as well but it’s so fucking funny to see it visually represented in such a turbo autist way, keep it up
No. 1134023
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I want friends but I only want to interact with them on my time, it really is a selfish thing to do but it's true. I'm very introverted and need time for myself but feel the loneliness creeping in when I self isolate again. I've tried to make friends on discord but whenever no one was online I'd be sad and do something else. It's my fault I am where i am again
No. 1134024
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>>1134020eh it opens me up to being predated upon by people who want to take advantage of me because I don't like to be heavy handed. I've become a lot more assertive in my personal life in effort to abandon my poor pitiful baby self. it's still a long and winding road. sometimes I snap in a horrendous way without meaning to and that gives people the misconception I must be some purposeful sadist, no, I'm just insane. get it right
No. 1134025
>>1133998it's probably just disposition? same for me tbh, and it only amplified when i accumulated resentment for the people who hurt me. anyways it's fine, we can be sadistic spergs together on lc
>>1134023go on the friend finder thread!!
No. 1134031
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Told a guy im interested in im straight to hopefully curb his thoughts about trooning out. Dude has a crossdressing fetish. I need to be put down like a dog
No. 1134035
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>>1134011Yeah Ill admit it’s deviantart tier, especially with such a silly character but the “worse” a male is (not sexy cool villain worse, I mean pathetic and shitty) the more appeal there is to breaking him down.
>>1134009Sure why not. Spoilered for blood (not gore, just a bit)
No. 1134144
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I don't wanna do the work of makeup… styling my hair… buying clothes… but I do wanna look a certain way so I have to. If only I'd learned young. I hate spending time on getting ready when I know it can be a breeze. Moments like this I wish I was born male but jk not really. JUST
No. 1134181
>>1134176Is it that you are viewing lolcow threads where they constantly nitpick girls for "looking old" over minutiae? Or shooped pics on social media? If it is something like that then you should cut it out of your time entirely, it
can affect your self image (and view of others too)
No. 1134252
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I miss Ko-chan. Goodnight nonaedas
No. 1134269
File: 1649923152878.jpg (37.76 KB, 861x488, is time.JPG)

Aileen said she'll be back on june 6, in the summer, with jesus for some reason but that's okay. I made a hole in the backyard, if I fill it with the blood of six different men I bet she'll be reborn right then and there. She needs to come back. her favourite food was KFC and black coffee. what did she mean by the mother ship? I don't believe in aliens but i don't want her to come back as an alien. can I ship the blood hole across the US just to see if one newborn babygirl is Aileen? I need help this is kinda urgent
No. 1134650
>>1134597Brush your teeth while you shower. Just don't store your toothbrush
in the shower, it grows bacteria there.
No. 1134688
I semi related to anon
>>1134035 and I wanna confess. Since childhood I've had this pseudo-sexual fantasy of a moid being tortured by other moids where I imagine myself as either of the parties in the situation. I usually pick a scenario from pop culture and just add onto it more shit from my imagination. I thought it was a fetish because it's weirdly specific (i.e. the moid being tortured has to be a criminal of some sort, and preferrably the whole thing should be some kind of over exaggerated punishment for his actions. It doesn't have to be graphic torture, just the moid being made helpless works). But then again, I can't really masturbate to it, it doesn't feel right to me. I usually just imagine these scenarios before going to sleep, and sometimes I wait for bedtime due to wanting to dream up this shit. It stimulates me and feels calming at the same time.
After seeing the right type of movie or reading a book that feeds these fantasies I might temporarily get lost in a scenario even in the middle of the day, but usually only when I'm bored. Since watching the batman a while ago I've imagined in great detail how the prisoners get treated at Arkham, like forcibly medicated and restrained and stuff.
I feel like a fucking deranged sicko because of this.
No. 1134818
>>1134735Me too, they always have the most interesting lives
>>1134739Please do
No. 1134974
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I love McDonald's fries more than any other fry.
No. 1135034
>>1134974I remember years ago burger king had these skinny and really crispy fries with this addictive coating on them. Then they changed them completely.. total downgrade. imo those were the best and I'll never get to have them again. It was such a weird choice to change them for the worse.
Anyone else remember the old fries? Was it an international switchover to them?
No. 1135103
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>>1135065Based and lifepilled. I love you and am proud of you anon!
No. 1135207
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>>1135065That’s amazing, nona. I’m so happy for you!!
No. 1135375
File: 1649976753904.jpeg (Spoiler Image,279.48 KB, 2160x2160, A29535BC-A1E6-4BDF-8A06-94155A…)

>>1134344It’s a backhand from a female hand.
No. 1135433
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>>1132478kek this reminds me of when I had these nano bug toys as a kid. It's a little vibrating bug and you can guess how that went…
No. 1136308
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After puberty every choice I make and every interest I have is based on my libido and sexual/romantic fantasies.
My main inspiration for art is a drive to draw people I want to fuck, I mainly pursue friendships if I find the person hot, I follow hot people on social media, when I leave the house to study I pick strategic places so that I can stare at attractive people and get a small endorphin rush during my breaks, and recently I'm considering moving to a new city to increase my chances of finding someone attractive and compatible. Even my career is chosen based on a fantasy I have regarding a future partner (it's a house spouse fantasy).
This is all so retarded. Luckily I have self-control and have avoided sex since very few people are actually compatible and my ideals are to fuck one person forever, but holy fuck.
I'm genuinely afraid that if I actually get sex or lose my libido I'll fall into a depression or something. I'm no one without horniness.
No. 1136357
Lolcows hatred of women who date older is really annoying. I mean, I get it, 90% of the time the scrote is gross and wants a young cute girl and the power to manipulate, but it feels like that's correlation and not causation. I've been dating a man 15+ years older than me for over 5 years. I've always felt so much disgust around men my age and repeatedly had so many issues with them that felt directly related to their lack of life experience. Maybe I just grew up too quickly or I'm the weird one but damn, I don't know how you put up with it. They don't know how to cook or clean, they're not making any money, they don't know what they're doing, etc. Not saying every young guy doesn't or that every older guy does, but I'd rather date someone who has already been scolded 100s of times by previous gfs to get his shit together than have to do it myself. The guy I'm dating now had never dated younger before (had actually only dated older) and I pursued him first, set the boundaries first, made the dates. I just can't find anything wrong with our relationship if we're both making money, have equal decision making and can't feel the gap in our interests or socially whatsoever. I found a bigger power imbalance dating a wealthy guy than I've found in dating an older guy. Also my friends who were initially weirded out by the age gap met him and adore him and genuinely root for us.
No. 1136371
>>1136357I dated someone 12 years my senior and in the end it was like reliving my childhood with an overbearing father who scared the shit out of me and used fear to get what he wanted from me. He met me at a vulnerable time in my life and he was smart in how he played the game during our early days.
Much as I hate young guys and their ways too… I feel comfort in knowing most don't have the life experience to really manipulate someone all that well. They tend to be transparent if they're asses.
No. 1136481
>>1136403My mother had a Le Crueset cookware so I grew up learning to cook with cast iron. When I moved out I bought myself cheaper non-stick pans. Then I found out how
toxic teflon is and how it can cause breast cancer so I bought myself my own Lodge cast iron skillet and threw away anything teflon. Now I would never go back to non-stick cookware. Cast iron is better in every way. Once the initial seasoning phase is over it's easier to care for, never needs to be replaced and it makes anything you cook taste better. I'm not a chef I just enjoy cooking.
As for recommendations it depends on what you're looking for. For frying or dry roasting meat then I would recommend a Lodge dutch oven. The lid is designed to be used as a skillet or oven dish independent from the pot. For pot roasting and one pot meals I'd recommend a Le Crueset casserole pot. It's enameled inside and out so you don't have to worry about acidic ingredients like vinegar or tomatoes dissolving the seasoning during cooking.
No. 1136509
>>1136489If you don't cook meat then it's probably better to get enameled cast iron or if you just want to move away from
toxic cookware coatings Ozeri are a German company that make stoneware and ceramic non-stick coatings that don't contain any
toxic ingredients or carcinogens. I use a few of their skillets in addition to cast iron.
>it seems intimidatingIt can be at first. Cast iron has certain quirks that you need to know about. You need to use much lower temperatures when cooking with it because it transfers heat much more efficiently than aluminium or steel. A lot of people make this mistake and then assume that cast iron is bad because they've burnt something in the pan and ruined the seasoning. The other major difference is how you clean a cast iron pan. You can't use dish soap or put it in the dishwasher. It needs to be washed by hand with warm water and a scrubbing brush. Cast iron can also suffer thermal shock and crack if you transfer it between temperatures too quickly, such as taking it off a hot stove and then washing it with cold water. The positive side of this is that you learn to care for it, a cast iron pan will last a lifetime.
No. 1136646
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>>1136618What Ciara does she mean if not 1,2step Ciara
No. 1137067
>>1136943I had a whole retarded troon phase myself about 10 years ago but I was a "well not everyone agrees with trans stuff and that's fine" kind of troon. I think the moment when you start to truly feel persecuted is when you're just done for. That's the main shift I've seen in that decade. When you start to put people in boxes of 'good' or 'evil' based on their trans views alone.. that's a hard line to walk back from.
Part of me can imagine detransition rates soaring in the next few years but then people would have to abandon their whole world view in order to do that so maybe not. They've no identity or views outside of that.
No. 1137149
>>1137095It's because trans ideologoy functions like a cult/religion. The only difference is there is no defined leader/god and you instead worship transness and your own trans soul. They suck even the most normal people in.
1. you have to submit and fully believe that every person has a mystical spirit(gender) completely separate from your physical body(sex), all without any kind of evidence. All you go by is your faith that this is the One Only Truth. (even when "cis" people say they don't have a gender you must dimiss them as ignorant non-believers)
2. Questioning transness is a Sin, even if you're trans you'll be ostracized and called truscum if you don't accept that "a penis can be female". Always accept and never question.
3. But it's ok if you don't fully understand transness… as long as you believe that it's the One Only Truth. (If a bearded muscle builder says he is female you must believe it even if you don't really get it)
4. Sinners and non-believers are all evil and deserve to be punished. They can only be pardoned if they admit that the One Only Truth is correct.
5. Strong emphasis on the own group VS the non-believers
6. Strong emphasis on gender roles ("i'm a demiboy because i like cars and hate dresses on some days")
7. You can ONLY reach true happiness if you accept the One Only Truth and start a journey to become your True Self
8. You're born "wrong"/as a sinner and must change your body to please your True Self Gender Spirit
9. Lots of symbols paraded around: flags, pronouns, chest scars, slogans
10. Very extreme body modification rituals to please your True Self Gender Spirit
11. A strong distrust of science and therapy (because they disprove transness, which is a Sin)
12. Aims to alienate your from friends and family who are Sinners and Non-believers
13. Is constatnly trying to enforce their believes into the mainstream and laws so that everyone must follow them.
14. Weird sexual deviancy (agp, euphoria boners, fujoshis, furries etc)
15. The belief that children are Small Holy Adults who are capable of understanding the world better than even adults araound them. You must worship the True Gender Spirit of the child or you're a sinner who must have your child taken away from you.
Always believe and you shall reach happiness! Never question the One Only Truth.
No. 1137183
>>1137159It's maybe a longer post than it needed to be but tbh I nearly posted myself saying troonism is like a weird modern replacement for religion.
Where I live I feel like I'm caught in the middle between old religious people and then young gender obsessed people.
No. 1137860
>>1137189People aren't calling it a cult to be dramatic anon, it has literal markers of a cult and the dude who came up with the BITE model, which describes methods to recruit/control cult members, agrees on that
>> are good reads
No. 1137867
>>1137864I'm terrible + my confession
nonnie but I don't think a woman should be monogamous even if agreed upon by a man because by default men will always be poly and terrible towards them unless they believe a woman is dedicated to them so you can see how hard he'll pursue you and also woman shouldn't have to limit her options before marriage with a man. That's my short version of it but don't feel bad
nonnie, unless a man can provide for something more than I can myself- then I'll get married but don't let any man own you or trick you into thinking dating should be exclusive.
No. 1138376
>>1138237Woohoo! It feels so good to find a sister in crime ♥ well done on your socialism nonni
>>1138364Dw anon, I used to use the sims 4 when I was in heat. Customise the thiccest sims in the smallest dresses YUMMY
As you can guess I had to uninstall the sims 4 for my own sake
No. 1138408
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As a burger, I’m well aware that the antebellum south was an awful place and definitely the darkest point in our history so far. Yet I find their style of plantation houses to be absolutely beautiful. Almost to the point that I almost forget that a lot of horrible shit went down in these places. I feel like if I ever admit this to anyone, they would probably twist my words around and think I’m racist.
No. 1138416
>>1138364Writing porn is not the same as watching it since fanfiction is not the same as exploitation of irl women. You're fine,
No. 1138654
>>1138646Thank you nonna ♥ I was pretty much sober for a few weeks from everything except a small daily dose of benzo's (it didn't get me high, just made me sleep 'cause I couldn't without). I felt much happier and more creative during that time but I relapsed a few weeks ago and I felt so much worse during the day but the night was like heaven. I've quit painkillers now, still drink daily and am tapering the benzo's. I should get a different type in a week or so which will make me go sober the easy way (in my experience it's usually a week or two of being sick as a dog, then it's fine. I've only been using daily for a few weeks, so shouldn't be too bad.) I can't wait to feel normal again, and not constantly be sick so I can get more hours at my job (I'm stocking shelves two days a week, it's doable lol). I don't want 'success' or some bullshit, just a regular life like all other people my age. I'm 19 and been a druggie since a tear or something, it's pathetic really. I hope this is just a small part of my life I will laugh at one day, and not the rest of my life. I have enough luck to have parents that let me stay with them (they don't know I use, but they don't throw me out). I tried many times, I hope it works out someday.
No. 1138731
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I was given up at birth for a totally closed adoption (no contact with my birth parents/family, 0 information on them) and now, in my mid 20’s,I found them. I can’t believe it honestly. I have wonderful adoptive parents I consider to be my “real” parents 100% and don’t want to contact them at all really, but man the sense of smug satisfaction I have right now is unreal. I don’t think I will ever find an answer to anything like this in my life again that will leave me with such a completed feeling. It feels like something I have to confess because I always wondered if this moment would be touching or somehow emotional and beautiful and for some reason I just feel weirdly self righteous. Like I won or something.
No. 1138929
>>1138671Anon please, just do it and learn all the physics you want
You gotta start somewhere
Make me proud
No. 1138945
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I have this overwhelming desire to pluck my eyebrows super thin
No. 1139067
>>1138884Same. Likewise with being upset about infertility. It took me until I was in my very late teens, think 17 or 18, until I realized this is even something people get legitimately depressed over instead of just some "Well, shucks now, doesn't it? colonslashshlash", and while I nowadays know what the appropriate reaction to someone struggling with it is, I can't say I really
understand it, still. But I'm chalking this one up to my absolute and complete aversion to change, and my train of thought being no children = no change = good.
No. 1139484
>>1139460>I don't care if that makes me look like a race traitorMOC are mostly racists, anyway. Women don't owe them anything. It's stupid how leftist women believe there's some kind of of fraternity going on between
POC women and men. Males buy white trophies the second they become rich, they don't give a fuck about their female peers.
No. 1139503
>>1139489i probably should’ve said “i’m into any other race than mine tho” lol. i’m not looking for a white savior
No. 1139901
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Ok call me a cheapskate but here are the things I scrounge off my housemate
>bog roll
>tea bags
I don't even buy these things myself, I just share in her stock of them. It's actually kind of devious. On the other hand, I wash all her dishes and dry them when I get the opportunity.
No. 1140349
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>>1140020Death penalty is based. Subhumans who committed sex/power/schizo motivated violence lack the part of the brain that makes one capable of change and remorse. Dispose of them.
The only real argument against it is wrongful conviction. A few broken eggs to me. Chances are if a man close enough to a capital crime that evidence can be sufficiently held against him, then hes probably dirty even if he didn’t do the thing directly.
Women, especially mission killers or spree killers, may be judged on a case to case basis.
No. 1140425
>>1140398Personally i'm against it, bc it would just encourage rapists to kill their
victims since they'd have nothing to lose.
No. 1140485
>>1140090ayrt and I'm not a scrote, my feelings about it are more in line with
>>1140226 because the death penalty is not only for the sick scrotes but can be leveraged against severely traumatized women who ended up criminals due to a lack of social safety nets, who might have even killed men who harmed them. and that's while not even all the ones who would actually be better off dead are actually sentenced to death. But yeah, in general the other anons have made me see that there's probably less point in being against the penalty than just thinking it should be improved upon so it actually does what it should do.
No. 1140542
>>1140504yes, most rapists do it opportunistically often with either or both parties being drunk. most cases of violent rape occur in
abusive relationships rather than randomly. most men aren't as crazed and woman hating as incels would make you believe. is it simply because of social repercussions? maybe.
No. 1140651
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When I was 18 my bf at the time cheated on me and I found out through his Facebook messages. The entire relationship was emotionally abusive but not physical, I was persuaded and pressured into sex and he was addicted to rape porn etc etc…
I was such a Cool Girl at the time and also like 16/17 that I just went with it and thought it was kinky or that I somehow enjoyed this. Part of it was because I felt that if I was "boring" that he would go and fuck his female friends- he probably did that anyway but I'm not sure.
So I broke up with him once I started my second year of university and around 6 months later everything hit me a bit delayed. I found out that sexual coercion was a thing and that it was sexual assault of course.
I was in a pretty dark place and in a fit of rage, I messaged his mother about everything that was done to me by him. I even typed it in broken swedish for her too because she wasn't great at reading english. I thought, at the time, that she would read it and just take it in because she knew he had cheated on me. They were always nice to me so my judgement was misplaced.
She blocked me after that and none of them ever contacted me about it, not even to ask if we were still together or how I was feeling after he cheated. I immediately felt regret because I knew they were thinking "this girl is a psycho and making up lies about our son" but none of it was lies, not a single one. The porn addiction, the sexual coercion, the calling me a slut because I wore a knee length dress with goth boots for a university party. They probably all think I'm just talking shit or jealous (of what? Kek)
But yeah I wanted to say this because part of me just feels bad for telling his mother this, although part of me thinks she will be one of those mothers who relentlessly defends her son. I do confess that I feel guilty, although I can't pinpoint why.
Maybe I was in the wrong for describing everything…idk, but recently i found out that he is still addicted to porn and still messages his exes (included me but i blocked him) about if they miss having sex with him. I told his current gf all of this and she was very understanding and nice to me but she is trapped. I feel so fucking bad for her but she's in another country and she says she moved across the country to live with him. I wish I could help her or ideally just kill him.
No. 1140673
>>1140523They're whores who dance for money and shouldnt be allowed to date. Chen from Exo is the worst, secretly having two kids with his secret now wife and expecting people to accept it. And if you disagree, you're a shit person, but i guess you vote with your money. I gave that shit up a few years ago, but idols opening dating makes it feel like a job violation. kek
>>1140635I used to work with this crazy bitch obsessed with zodiac signs and would make a friends group based on that. It ended up isolating some people at work because they were 'omg a scorpio' and couldnt talk to her on the floor. It was ridiculous.
No. 1140955
>>11408491D fans would get mad, esp over Harry and Louis. But they dgaf and didn't hide their relationships.
Idols in asian countries are a bit different, they actively sell a fantasy and know their fans don't want the illusion broken. They make enough money with so little talent I think it's a fair exchange tbh and once they're old enough fans tend to support their relationships, as long as they aren't shady about it. My fav got married and nobody said a bad word about it.
No. 1140957
>>1140955yes. i think when idols are younger there is more room for delusional y/ns and shippers but at a certain point most people grow up. being an idol isn’t even a be all end all for most kpop idols - most want to either be “real” musical artists or use it as a stepping stone to acting/tv show hosting/being a socialite/celebrity.
i think anyone who seriously ships like shinee members or big bang in the year 2022 is beyond help, and the same goes for fans who seriously think they have a chance with their faves.
No. 1141065
>>1141013You know what that means
nonnie, you gotta turn him into your waifu
No. 1141301
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Use to go to the fictional husbando thread to have a laugh because I swore to myself I'd never turn out crazy like some of the nonnas are.
Well turns out I am just as crazy. I fucked myself crazy with a dildo to wild fantasies of my fictional favorite of right now/also imagining it was him. And maybe the nonnas are on to something because it was great. But also I feel so fucking mad at myself for doing that, its fucking insane and delusional because this dude is fucking fake kek. Again, I feel insane
No. 1141323
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>>1141141yes, all kpop stans are retarded, we know this but boy group stans take the retarded cake
No. 1141328
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>>1141319KEK nonna you're hilarious and I promise your 3D fictional husbando isn't so bad. Live your dreams!
But okay, I'll post him. I'll cope with fanart but as you see there is nothing fuckable about this guy and yet.
No. 1141348
>>1141329Thank you, and great point. I'm hoping for some sort of closure but knowing Gamefreak..
>>1141336He is very popular but I guess I carry shame with me because again he's just a silly husbando. I appreciate the encouragement you and the others shared, thank you!
No. 1141356
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When I'm feeling down or nervous about something, I stand in front of the mirror and motivate myself. I just look right into my eyes as if I'm another person and firmly tell myself that I can do it, it's what I always wanted and should keep going, stuff like that.
It may appear silly, but it actually works. I feel motivated and full of energy after doing it.
No. 1141623
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>>1141620This post has an energy I liked. Do your best anon.
No. 1141712
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I think I have a para-social saviour complex over a moid. I don't use 4chan that much anymore but I used it this one time and I saw a namefag. He's a below average looking teen who's getting groomed into using HRT to become a femboy and clearly craves online validation from men. He is extremely retarded and does literally anything troons tell him to do even if it goes against what other anons say, and constantly sabotages himself even if people warn him. I know that he's probably a lost cause already but I still think there's hope for him, and I have the urge to 'save' him from his own stupidity or at least keep tabs on him to see if he's okay
No. 1141875
>>1141784>leak and stainhehehehe
you'll get there nonno, get it off your chest to either her or a diary. what you're feeling is completely normal, just don't let your feelings leak out and stain your relationship, a relationship should actually be smooth and creamy.
No. 1141890
everyday I tell myself, "Nonnie, you are going to stop talking shit online. You are going to treat people how you want to be treated in real life" then some shit happens and I'm online talking shit.
Years ago I didn't even feel comfortable lying, I didn't feel comfortable writing rude comments online. I found out about porn my senior year and I had my first orgasm when I was 19, after having more then 10 partners because I went through a horrible phase. Even then I felt a deep shame watching porn.
Now I feel like so much of that has went away. I still feel shame and disgust but I do it. I'm so afraid of Karma. I'm struggling with my alcoholism and because I'm broke I can't even get any. I hope I could get drunk tonight, I just really have to tell myself, "be the person you want others to be towards you and when they aren't? Just pick it up and move on with life".
Summer is coming and i'm terrified, because I'm fat, my skin is horrible, i'm ugly and I don't want to be seen. Sometimes i just pray for a man that'd take pity on me. I don't want to waste a woman's time, mainly because I prefer men (i'm bi) and I respect women too much to waste their time.
I just..gotta be better. I'm a bad person right now.
No. 1141923
>>1141901Some food for thought, Nona.
I used to want the same thing and then when it shifted, I quickly regretted it. I realised after that part of the attraction was that I never felt he was taking me for granted.
No. 1141927
>>1141901Do you feel your life is not exciting enough? Maybe you are looking for problems where there aren't any if everything is going great, your brain could be searching for a problem to solve. If not, is he too clingy and that's the issue? Never wants to give you alone time to relax or something, or feels like he isn't his own person but an extension of you? Dedication isn't a bad thing, like
>>1141923 said, you deserve a dedicated lover if you can return it. Hope things work out and you both are satisfied with the relationship eventually.
No. 1142982
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My friend’s college has a very high population of troons and she even has two in her friend group (one MtF and one FtM) along with a NB “femme presenting” male, and whenever I go visit her I purposely dress in a way which i’ve read online gives troons gender envy or whatever the fuck they call it, I just want to trigger them and remind them that they’ll never be a woman or even effortlessly feminine.
No. 1143020
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>>1142982I love you, nona. Living in their heads 24/7 rent free is great.
No. 1143065
A post here from the "thoughts that changed your life" changed my life. I realized that my passion project was making me miserable. I expended the last 8 years or so orbiting around the thought of writing a story. To the point that it became a part of myself. I used to define myself as the "writer of x" in my lowest points, and the thought of writing was an influence on some life decisions (good decisions, thankfully, if not this would be worse) today i deleted everything i writed so far, im not done because i backed up many things but the "main" archives are gone. You dont have an idea of how much that process delayed me and my growing as a writer, because i wasnt "good enough" to write it, yes i know its retarded on hindsight but this was my belief for almost a decade. Now that im free i realized that it made me more unhappy than happy, almost killed my love for writing and literature a couple times and it was way too ambitious for a novice. I had like 50+ ocs, now i have 9 that i would rewrite in other stories. I didnt "kill my baby" i just got rid of a fucking corpse in the middle of my room that it was making me rot away with it. The "no room for mistakes" was eating me alive. if any creative nonnie is reading me: DON'T BE LIKE ME, no project is worth the horror of felling inadecuate in your own skin. For years i thought i was a shit writer when i was just young and inexperienced and what i was trying to do was very exprimental and unnecessarily complex. Sorry for this long, esl-tard rant, is just that i feel so overwhelmed by everything.
No. 1143171
>>1142982This reminded me of something that happened at a party with my friend and her troon friend. We go invited to a halloween party and my friend invited her tranny friend who was pre-everything and just had long hair, so when we get to the party there's this gay dude handing out fake flowers and he comes up to us and says something like "Flowers for the pretty ladies" and hands my friend and I a flower and looks at the trannoid and says "None for you, pretty
ladies only". My friend had to spend like thirty minutes consoling the troon but I just thought it was hilarious, probably one of the funniest things i've ever witnessed.
No. 1143209
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Had a neighbor who was super creepy, kept trying to get me to go inside his house, and would leave his dog out to entice kids to come over, and I kept thinking to myself “it’s such a shame people like that tend to live a long time, I wish he’d die”
A month later he has heart problems and he croaks. Can’t help but feel like I had something to do with it but now I’m trying the same thing on my rapist.
No. 1143224
nonny i’m sorry, I worked as a greeter for a fancy restaurant and on mother’s day and women’s day we’d hand out red roses and they recently stopped exactly because of this
No. 1143228
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>>1143171I love it when people are based without meaning to be
No. 1143474
>>1143471It's the
>Isn't that incredibly worrying? For me. But assuming it is real, OP should be able to verbally check in with her own sister (leaving out the snooping)
No. 1143495
>>1143489I'm not really sure. I didn't take the time to look through everything. I do know she has a boyfriend but that never stopped a pickme from looking for more attention. But having 80% of your messages be from scrotes is not normal at all.
And no, she doesn't work in a male dominated field. She's unemployed right now.
No. 1143585
>>1143496 said, I'll just leave out the snooping bit and say that I'm worried for her. I just always got the sense that my sister didn't have a lot of female friends but this really confirms it.
No. 1143620
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I cry uncontrollably when I have to pee really bad. I also get a runny nose.
No. 1143704
go. piss. girl.
No. 1143786
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Reddit moid teachers are fuming when they're called out for being the pedos they are kek
No. 1143827
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The only way I could date or marry a woman with a kid was if the dad wasn't around and the child was a girl
No. 1144098
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>>1144067Based I love you anon
I don’t know why trannies on there screech about transphobia when the rules literally says penis/male only. Also actual faggots don’t give a fuck about fujos so you’d think ftms would learn to take a hint lol
No. 1144108
>>1144102/y/ is the 4chan yaoi board. Nu Carnival is an 18+ uncensored fujo gacha game from Taiwan. The troon was basically chimping out by accusing "fujoshits" for fetishizing gay men and how their feelings matter, and how it was wrong and went on and on about the fetish shit, derailing the thread into oblivion. She's trying again in the new thread but people are calling her troonery out and (generally) ignoring her. There's an asshurt handmaiden there too, but whatever. If it
triggers her for me to call out the tranny for the crusty pube-beard that she is, then so be it kek. she shouldn't be on 4chan to begin with
No. 1144151
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>>1144137People who type like this should be executed by firing squad
No. 1145081
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I ate pork.
I moved out by myself and was so hungry I bought something with pork in it. I can't stop thinking about that sausage roll. The first bite tasted like panic, ohshit.jpg i'm eating the cursed meat, and then by the last bite i was relishing it. And my I accidentally confessed it to one of my siblings, and I know it was a one time thing, but I don't want it to be this one time thing. That sausage roll was exquisite, but I feel so ashamed too. But when I think about my mother finding out about me eating pork behind her back, I feel sad. Pork, sausage rolls in particular feel like a lover I have to hide from my family because it's forbidden. Like Romeo and Juliet except Romeo is a sausage roll. I mean what have I become since moving out? First it's pork…maybe next time I will eat marijuana…it's a slippery slope…
No. 1145522
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they put crack in this soap it smells absolutely heavenly to me I just want to sniff it so fucking bad mmm like crystals frack mmmm crack bong dawn I love it I love it I love it best scent idc if it cuts my life in half
No. 1145901
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>>1145892She never came back. Rip
No. 1146076
>>1145596>>1145601>>1145673Nonnys, nonnys….
We fucking won the netto game. I can't believe it. Fucking shit it's so insane. Thank you girls. We had fun and went for "fuck it all" and damn. We won. This is so insane, haha.
No. 1146251
>>1146222It was all your nice and powerful wishes! Had those super drunk moids in front of us.. "haha, you wish you can still make second after watching us".
No. 1146279
>>1146244I remember years ago my brother who worked in security was telling me they had facial recognition on the cameras in the shopping centre he worked in. He said that when someone is banned from the centre for stealing or whatever that they don't need to rely on staff to know their face anymore. I had no idea that retail places had all that a decade ago. Cameras alerting them of a face being picked up.
This centre had a family planning clinic in it too that I visited a couple times afterwards and I did not feel great knowing how much the cameras can zoom in on you. Another time I was in a cafe there feeling pretty upset after a row with my partner and I was holding back tears, all I could think was how everything can be watched like a hawk if they happen to want to hone in on you.
No. 1146280
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My stupid ass had been thinking of the possibility of doing a PhD until I opened PhD proposal templates and funding options and I can barely understand any of it. I'm too dumb for this, I'll just stick to reading about the stuff I like.
No. 1146281
>>1146244>>1146263I love my anonymity like that. Super small villages here. Its a fucking pain.. Leave me alone with my sweats, mask and hoodie. Do not interact, thank you, I appreciate it.
>>1146253 I get it. While so damn aware its horrible, I also get it. What do you think?
No. 1146286
>>1146280chill. you'll be fine. i can only imagine how overwhelming that might be at first. but you've got this. if not, there's older students that have gone through it. else, calm down, take a free day and just look through it. is there an advisor you can call?
we're here for you too.
No. 1146292
>>1146281Ntas but I moved from a heavily populated area to a small ass town to get away from crowds and stress and I mostly acheived that but.. I miss feeling anonymous. Part of me misses the days where I had no idea who the people were in the next apartment.
A lil while into living here I had a man try and chat me up and it was one of those situations where it's like
> oh I've seen you around, you always wear this style of clothing and you always carry a coffee cup and you walk this particular street at this particular time, I've seen you alot and I wanted to talkMeanwhile I'm like.. who the fuck is this? That was so unnerving. I was not ok for months after that. I was looking over my shoulder a bit. He wasn't even from this town but I think he said he drove through the town sometimes.
No. 1146326
>>1146281I keep wearing my mask outside purely for health reasons: people in public transport are really fucking disgusting and I had some of my family members catching covid despite being vaccinated, and I don't want to get covid a second time because the first time was at the very beginning of the pandemic and I nearly died. I'd rather be a little too paranoid than not enough. But about anonymity, yes, I love it. I can never see myself living in a small town, I'd rather die than have no privacy whatsoever. I already keep bumping into relatives, ex-classmates I can't even remember, coworkers, etc. in my fairly big city sometimes and it's preventing me from doing some stuff safely like having a bf at 28 in fear of having issues with my family like being disinherited or beaten up enough to be hospitalized, and I know it would be even worse in a small town because on top of that, most people in general kind of know each other and will gossip or stop you on your track for pointless, annoying or even insulting small talk.
No. 1146434
>>1146326That sounds like so much, i'm sorry. Is there anywhere you can put it down for a bit sometimes? Catch a breath?
I can't talk for all small towns and villages. Here we'd keep them looking while looking out for you. I wish I could invite you for a bit.
No. 1146543
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I had a wet dream involving Moses (Prince of Egypt version exclusively) in my teens. In the dream, we were married and he took my virginity in some rural part of the mountains in a cave that he filled with soft blankets and candles. I woke up confused because it felt like I had an orgasm and I really had to pee. Embarrassing to say the least. This is the only wet dream I remember having kek
No. 1146585
>>1146543I had a dream like this recently where I was back in my childhood bedroom and there was an attractive dark skinned woman with soft curly hair sitting on my bed in a tank top and denim shorts saying « i used to belong to your mother » and she said come here (i think she was a prozzie?) and i was tracing letters on her hip bones and kissing as ocean waves danced around us except at that moment i woke up humping the duvet. Very embarrassing.
But do women often get dreams like this ? I thought i was just extra (ahem) as for me this happens like once a month
No. 1146867
>>1146851Chew it. It's very crunchy. I must have a throat of steel, it's never bothered me, although I'd have to ask with that why my gag reflex sucks so much
>>1146854Dried, I think the only fresh raw pasta I've ever had was a little bit of gnocchi. on my bucket list to one day try authentic Italian food from Italy
No. 1146880
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>>1146875Deleted my post by mistake, sorry (Bump/Illegal shit/don't scroll)
No. 1147361
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I actually don't mind the Amberposting
No. 1147976
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>>1147965i woke up yesterday to him giving me a creepy long gaze. He also has a sword under his bed.
He smells stinky.
No. 1147978
>>1147972FUCK YEAH!!!!
I hope he allows Trump back on OR bans the Taliban and other terrorist groups. I also hope he bans porn from the platform.
No. 1147991
>>1147982I don't know but you should probably get your detector checked. I don't want to derail into anything /pol/, but I don't think it's fair to have different standards for some people and don't have them for others.
I said I wanted porn banned from Twitter and people to be held to equal standards on social media. How is that scroteish?
No. 1147992
>>1147978>>1147986thats not ''fuck yeah'' its the complete opposite of that, he will now easily do censorship of any criticism about him (elon) on twitter. Also Elon is a degenerate and he doesnt care and would not ban porn.
No one mentioned /pol/ but you surely come from there.
No. 1148047
>>1148043i was about to say something like ''give me his number'' but then i read the rest of your post.
>>1148045its probably fake.
No. 1148065
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I just spent $300 on ren faire dresses I am probably only going to wear once or twice a year
No. 1148098
>>1148085this just hit me hard
nonny. i never thought about it this way, but it makes so much sense. i guess it must have to do with my autism that i didn't think of it this way. but everyone sort of abandoned me. be it therapists/psychiatrists who put a "can't be treated stamp on me" and just say "oh you can come back for your ritalin prescription every XYZ months" to "friends" (i don't have a friend group really. im friendly to everyone but i never like going out so i kind of just dont get asked and have so many whatsapp chats i havent talked to in 10/8/6/4/2 years….)
i also feel like, as of now, that he would never leave me. even if he would find a wife and have children, i strongly believe he'd try to integrate me and make me a present aunt even if im not the one reaching out. like he always texts me and messages me and is the one starting the conversation (i live in a girls only dorm so i dont really see him that often)
No. 1148103
>>1148097>>1148100you say that but it is so hurtful, even if we're anonymous to read these replies implying im a scrote. it makes me think of primary school where the boys would want to hang around with me because i seemed cool somehow and "not like the other girls" when i was just outcast by other girls for being autistic and clumsy. it seems like something i cant escape, regardless if i present IRL or online but as women we dont have a lot of spaces anyway and being outcast without showing myself just shows me how much my real self is shining through. people have been even trying to label me as a tomboy and lately try to apply some tranny labels on me without me ever asking. i may not feel like doing my hair or wear a short cut because its easier for me to deal with rather than me trying to make stupid statements with my looks.
i also feel pathetic for even speaking up. i could never muster up the courage to do so IRL
No. 1148414
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>>1148108nta but raw pasta enjoyer here too. especially spaghetti. something about that crönch
No. 1148431
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>>1148414I used to eat pinches of raw macaroni as a kid. Hard to crönch on but if you’re bored enough to eat raw macaroni you’ll enjoy the challenge.
I don’t eat raw macaroni anymore, not because I’m grown up but because I don’t buy it so I never have it around. I’ll chow down on a ramen brick like it’s nobody’s business though.
No. 1148458
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I’m a femcel so this may sound a little unhinged, but does anyone else feel like having a son is kind of cucked? The more I think about it, the more perverse it seems to me that every cockflap on the planet who grows to abuse and humiliate women only exists because they were assiduously cared for by their mothers, who sacrificed so much to raise them. And these scrotums from puberty onwards will no doubt propagate the abuse of women too. I think the most pinkpilled thing to do is to refuse to have sons - only daughters if you want children - as refusing to concede your body as a vessel to produce a new male is the most declarative and profound rejection of male existence that could possibly exist.
No. 1148463
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>>1148458It's sad isn't it? The body horror of pregnancy, the pain of motherhood, the youth of the only life you have given into raising what you can best describe as a pest, unsympathetic orc, who wont even respect you for this or respect the women he puts through this.
i agree with your premise. Humans only evolved so well when we bred with 30% of them. So we don't need many, and the ones we keep should be himbos
No. 1148474
>>1148458I was molested by a boy when I was little, and I know that I can never speak about it without people claiming that it was just boys being boys, and making excuses for him. Sadly, some women will never peak about how degenerate scrotes of any age can be, so it makes me happy to see anons express how they refuse to mother a moid. Very based, and I feel the same
There will be no scrote in my life. No partner, or child of mine will be a scrote, and that's a genuine life goal.
No. 1148485
>>1137046I'm agoraphobic too, covid put me back to square one about it. Can really relate to how it only seems to get worse around men these days. I don't have any trauma related to adult men or live in an area where they're so in your face but when they raise their voice (or fucking sneeze loud) I get really upset and spooked. That guy who bugged you was being an attention seeking weirdo, he's got no business yelling like that at a complete stranger.
If you don't mind can you tell me how you improved your agoraphobia? I've already broken it to get two separate jobs but it always seems to come back and it plagues me, any advice would be appreciated.
No. 1148502
>>1148474>>1148490A scrote tried to do that with me too when I was prepubescent, I specifically recall him asking whether I was getting periods yet, but I didn't know about those at that time, so I was confused. He was at least 16, because I saw him buy cigarettes with ID. I started screaming before he could do what he wanted to do, he told me he would kill me and my grandparents if I told anyone. I still told several people and they all called it playing doctor and said boys will be boys, because 16 isn't traditional pedo age, even though I was like a decade younger. It pisses me off when anons insinuate that the only way anyone could hate scrotes this intensely is if they're straight. As if nonces and
abusive fathers don't exist, as if scrotes are great as long as you don't date them, as if they actually ever fucking leave you alone, as if they ever respect any woman's sexuality or wishes. Or they're (everyone, from homophobes irl to anons online) going to say you're only a lesbian because of (almost?) being molested, even though this happens so often, straight women wouldn't even exist if that were the case. I was so happy when I saw on the local news that he fell off stairs and is in a wheelchair now.
No. 1148523
>>1148490>>1148502It makes me so sad that in under an hour there are 2 nonnies responding with the same situation, happening when we were all around the same age too.
This is why I feel I couldn't bring a daughter to this world either. I know I won't be able to protect her from everything that happens to women so commonly, and it makes me angry. Maybe if I think of it from the perspective of adoption it could work, since there is a girl out there that could get more help from me, than she's currently getting with no guardian, but it still makes me feel powerless when I think about it
No. 1148542
>>1148503Pedo's are (usually) absolute cowards and I think that's what saved me. They go after children because they're easy targets and they assume they won't fight back. The moment I became too much of a hassle, he freaked out. They all follow a similar script too, threatening violence to discourage telling anyone. Female socialization specifically discourages fighting back, making a fuss, being loud and makes little girls easy targets for them, but people always only focus on little boys and seem to care more when it happens to them. When it happens to girls it's just seen as practicing for later.
This shit really made me angry at society™, I'm unhinged, violent (to scrotes only) and I feel like I'm going to end up in prison one day after I lose it and go Lorena Bobbitt on a scrote's ass. I don't feel guilty about it either, I lost all empathy for scrotes a long time ago and I learned that the only way to stop them from harming me is to be aggressive. This isn't even the socially acceptable uwu so sad kind of PTSD if it even is something like PTSD.
>>1148523I don't think I could handle adopting anyone, but I would like to do fostering later, maybe after some therapy.
No. 1149146
>>1124031I know this is late but reading this reminded me I used to know a gay dude who thought it was funny to unhook my bra from behind, I didn't think this was more than just annoying because he was 'gay', but I'm feeling stupid bc I just kept letting it happen. Like I'd have to go back to the bathroom and fix my bra every time. Why did I accept a moid touching me like that even though I thought it wasn't sexually motivated?
I don't even wear bras with unhookable straps now.
No. 1149368
>>1149288You're getting your sexual and material needs satisfied by a scrote so driven by his cock that he doesn't even realize or care that you're presenting an NPC version of yourself. Evidently he had no problem with this. You can't have an emotional connection with him, but so what? Plenty of moids fake women out using the emotion angle anyway and very few pickmes ever get sexual gratification and gifts to show for it.
What you're doing isn't pickme behavior. Pickmeism would be hopping on this guy's chode for nothing, him being poor in bed yet blowing smoke up his ass to spare his feelings, and you expecting this guy to turn into husband material. You're self aware and you know the guy is a whore. Take him for all he's got!
The only downside is that since he is a slut, he might be dirty. I hope you're calculating possible exposure to something nasty, scrotes don't give a fuck about spreading diseases even to their wives of many years.
No. 1149389
>>1149288You're the opposite of a pickme and that's why he's trying so hard. Men hate when women love and value them which is why pickmes unfortunately always get used.
Men want to work and work and work to gain the woman's trust and even her attention. Otherwise the woman will be seen as easy and because men are stupid they take those women for granted and find themselves thinking about all the other men those women have been easy for instead of appreciating the said women's efforts.
No. 1149559
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I'm seriously thinking about writing a story. I had OCs since a very long time ago that I would draw and I wanted to draw comics with them but that wasn't possible. I didn't get my own laptop until the end of high school so I could write my own stuff before because I would have had to do this on a notebook or I just didn't have enough free time to do anything anymore. It would be some urban fantasy stuff with young adult characters and I know what I could tell in that story. I'm kind of embarrassed I never did this before despite having so many ideas for over a decade. In the meantime I stopped reading novels for fun because of my lack of free time so I'm not even sure I'd have the right level for this. And since I want to write it in my first language I have no idea where I could post it. I don't want people to still my ideas either, call me paranoid but I've seen so many big artists on social media copying smaller, unknown artists and getting away with it I'd rather avoid something like that. I had this idea of making my own story because I loved reading in middle school. It's retarded. Anyway.
No. 1149568
>>1149565with awards* omfg I need to go to fucking bed right now.
>>1149563Thanks. I really could do it now. I have enough time and a laptop that's not dying on me yet after all.
>i've been wanting to make werewolf OCs and just write a random story about them murdering a village, but also one falls in love with a priest.Would it be more horror or romance or like 50/50?
No. 1149578
>>1149576I'd write in
french because it's my first language. If I ever happen to be extremely motivated maybe I could even provide a translation. I better not write shitty puns in that case.
No. 1149585
>>1149579I remember posting my shitty Naruto fanfics on a Naruto fansite in the mid-2000s
sasusaku, but that was before the timeskip even existed so don't judge me kek and it was super fun to see the comments and befriend girls my age that way. I guess I miss that. I'll write for myself anyway though.
No. 1149593
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>>1149588She discovered the true use for the showerhead
No. 1149752
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I’m an actress/comedian and sometimes I fantasize about burning my career to the ground to finally be an unapologetic terf IRL. I’m sick of every single person in the industry kissing ass for these troons while women are still, as ALWAYS, getting the short end of the stick in the entertainment world. I wish I had JK Rowling’s level of wealth so I could just sit back and laugh while giving my honest opinion and not worry about losing my jobs.
No. 1149864
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>>1149826>>1149830>>1149849funny you mention this, look at my beautiful ban ♥ I appreciate the honesty
No. 1149866
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>>1149849I warned you that I wanted you a great mod
No. 1149983
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I would do anything to be held in his arms, nonas, you don’t understand.
No. 1150017
>>1150006It doesn't matter to me, it's hard to say my favorite song, I'd initially say Crooked Teeth because that's the song that got me really into them but it's not my most played.
If I had to make a list it'd probably be President of What, Ingenue, and We Laugh Indoors. I always find it charming when his voice kinda cracks and squeaks when he says "That no one's ever been here".
Not Death Cab per se, but Farmer Chords also tugs at my heartstrings.
I'm sorry for being a Death Cab autist rn, I don't really have any friends that enjoy them too.
No. 1150028
>>1149752Be like Mads Mikkelsen if you want to be subtle. He was recently asked his opinion on JKR's political views and his answer was basically "don't know, don't care, speaking about things you don't know and care about is pointless, I just work, get my paycheck and go home", but obviously if you come from an English speaking country plagues with tranny shit you'll need to be very subtle. Women are speaking up more as well so maybe you'll be able to publicly be a
terf in the near future, who knows.
No. 1150049
>>1150017Nice. Crooked Teeth holds a special place because it was one of the first songs I heard of Death Cab as a young teen. We Laugh Indoors is a great song especially the line "don't you get me" repeated. His voice cracking and squeaking is great. I like Lowell, Ma and Sound of Settling lately. It's all good. No one likes 'em around me either. Usually just ""oh yeah, that band I heard in middle school"". Shame really.
No. 1150066
>>1150049Yes I love Lowell ma!! Again, the high pitched noise he makes when he says “radio” is my favorite.
I recently got a new job and I’m excited to buy the We Have the Facts mug they currently have listed on their site (I love collecting mugs)
No. 1150068
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My male friend occassionally sends me pics (he moved to another town), including selfies and asks for my thoughts. He doesn't know I think he constantly looks like shit and right now I'm pretending my internet's down so I don't have to reply. Honestly, he's so dumb and crap at dressing himself that when he tells me people look shocked when they meet him I think he doesn't realize that being a 6ft tall scraggly beard guy with a shaved head is pretty frightening to most people and innappropriate in a lot of dress codes, like, he's not punk in the way he thinks he is. I've been working my up to ditching him and another friend anyway because they're going GNC in a tranny way, not a normal way. This morning that friend sent another selfie where he's wearing pink eyeshadow and mascara while looking in two different directions but everything else is typical moid, we're talking balding guy in his gaming chair with headphones, and he doesn't even think to pluck between his eyebrows. I pity him in a condescending way.
No. 1150212
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I was reading the celebrity cows thread and stuff about ezra miller last night. I also started my period during the night when I was asleep which spikes my libido insanely high and the result was a sex dream about him. and to be honest it was back before he looked like a troon and it was kinda hot. HELP!!!
No. 1150253
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>>1150212Did he look like this?
No. 1150261
>>1150253He sure did
nonnie. I'm meant to be working right now but I can't stop thinking about the dream, the Ezra parasite has truly infested my brain
No. 1150451
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I got so used to finding out about random threads of Youtubers online that I used to love, I'm surprised Xiran doesn't have her own.
I really want a thread about her because I crave to see people tearing apart her Woke Approached Arguments. I love seeing people talk about how wrong she is about Chinese society especially since academia and the media is so quick to validate and celebrate everything queer activists say, even it's factually incorrect I think she's cute despite the enby craziness
No. 1150729
Simply because I have nowhere else to write about this and I need to cleanse my thoughts a bit by confessing this shit, none of my friends know about this side of me.
I'm a CSA survivor and was in an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship in my early adulthood, so sex is a very weird subject for me and I slut shame myself all the time for how I am. But idk if it's because the trauma or because I watched a lot of hentai as a curious teen (I was too scared to have intercourse because of the childhood trauma and real porn disgust me, hentai is so over the top I found it stupidly hilarious while still discovering my sexuality in my own way) or a combination of both, but I fantasize a lot about rough sex and I enjoy reading pretty rapey mangas and comics. I enjoy it when it's really intense, and I enjoy being spanked and other kind of sex-related pain, because what turns me on the most is that I have the option to say no and stop it at any time. The more pain I receive and the more I get pushed down, almost emulating my previous abuse, the "cleaner" I feel for a while afterwards. The rougher it is, the longer the feeling of cleanliness stays. It feels almost empowering in my own, twisted way.
I know anons are gonna think I'm a degenerate, and yes I have spoken to a therapist about this while attempting to work through my traumas, but after a bit going back and forth she deemed that since I am (for all it's worth) in control of my sexuality there is no real harm to it for now.
No. 1150749
>>1150729Been through csa and my cope was to go hypersexual and have many one nights stands. It doesn't make sense to some people but there's a part of you trying to take back sex and to relive sex in ways that are similar to your abuse but that feel ok now. You're micking you own abuse and trying to reclaim it as pleasurable.
My abuser was a relative I had just met for the first time. My whole life I've feared strangers becuase of it. But I fucked strangers, we'd meet and hook up all at once. It took me so long piece that together for some reason. I've stopped doing it now but I don't beat myself up over it seeing as it has such serious roots in my past.
Sometimes just reflecting on memories does more than therapy sessions do, in time things just click and make sense.
No. 1150813
>>1150795Nta but I'm
>>1150749 and I was in a kink scene years ago full of csa survivor 'sub women' on top of also having my own behaviours. Ime therapists for whatever reason don't tell people that. idk if it's a 'she needs to figure this out for herself' thing but they don't say anything to lead you in either direction. For or away from it. I got out of those habits in my own time. It's a weird one.
I've wondered about that before.
No. 1150833
>>1150749I'm so sorry you had to go through that anon, it really messes you up in every way possible. Though it is a bit comforting knowing I'm not the only that responded to trauma like this. Until therapy I kept second guessing my rapes because of it, asking myself if it really counts if I now enjoy re-experiencing them like this.
>>1150795I know I know, but idk what to do about it really. I don't actively seek it out, my partners have been few and very far between. But I literally can't enjoy sex in any other way, my ex desperately tried to make me enjoy romantic and passionate sex without it getting rough and borderline violent but I just get uncomfortable and confused when he wanted to just be sweet and make love. Like my brain just goes "something is wrong, why isn't he holding me down?", and I get bored after a bit. I am well aware that I'm fucked up, and I wonder if I'm going to be stuck like this. Or maybe I was born a degenerate and these horrible experiences just happened to line up to form a convenient excuse.
No. 1150927
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i honestly think the 'nonnie', 'nona', 'nonna', 'nonatella', 'nonny' shit is so cute but i have been here for so long and have only called other posters 'anons' or 'farmers'. not that long ago (2 years?) it was highly, highly discouraged that you call other users 'nonnie' or anything of the sort, so i can't bring myself to do it. but secretly i think it's so cute and wholesome. should i try to overcome my hesitancy and embrace the wholesome, anons?
No. 1150929
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I love using the word nonnie, especially if said nonnie is kind and the reply is cute
No. 1150933
>>1150927Nonnies are cute and “
nonnie” is cute and you are cute,
No. 1150934
>>1150833That's a shame
nonny. I like rougher sex but don't indulge in it for the sake of my psyche when sober. One suggestion, maybe he try protective/possessive sex? Fully wrapping you in his arms while fucking and stuff. It's romantic but also holds you down.
No. 1150936
>>1150927No please no please stay with me
I don't want cuteness I want vicious bitches
No. 1150987
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>>1146286Thank you nonna. I took a few days off from thinking about it all, I’m going to see if I can message a few people I know who did PhDs and maybe email my old professor if I can find their details.
No. 1151095
>>1150927It's funny, I don't know when or how it happened but we had a explosion of cute
nonnie nicknames. Embrace it nonatella.
No. 1151099
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I just realized that maybe i'm a yumejoshi. I've self-inserting since i have memory, literally, in all kinds of media. It's rarely sexual, because i'm a sexually repressed lesbian but all the guys on my fantasies are nice and loveable and not degenerates and always help me and want the best for me and even if is not about sex or attraction is still as delusional as it gets kek. Is sort of a platonic husbando, maybe, where the men is emotionally available but doesnt ask for sex. It's certainly wish fullfilament, and seeing some nonnies here talk about their husbandos it reminds me of myself, even if is never a romantic relationship. With girls is more of a "classic" yumejo fantasy, but since is hard to have "waifus" being a women usually i keep my fantasies to myself and never share them. I was never into shipping or fujo media, or attracted to gay ships. It was always about me and what i wanted for me. Now after writing this rant i don't know if "yumejoshi" is what i'm seaching for.I think is close enough thought, it fits me more than "fujo" or "himejoshi" but i know that i'm not going to stop these fantasies any time soon, in fact now i'm going to do it on purpose.
No. 1152366
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>>1151489Ngl I have some male characters that I love their personalities so much but they're male so I genderbend them in my head to cope
No. 1153083
File: 1651129595219.jpeg (10.01 KB, 240x210, I-am-cringe-i-am-free.jpeg)

I've recently decided to cope with my perpetual loneliness and the possibility of being on the spectrum by embracing my inner weeb and collecting pictures of my husbandos. To the point of even considering buying some dakimakuras should I make enough money to be able to live on my own and support myself.
please kill me
No. 1155103
>>1151099I get you, esp on the self-inserting since basically birth. Reading or watching something and
not self-inserting seems so strange to me and up until a few years ago I literally couldn't not self-insert. Nowadays I can, but man, where's the fun in that?