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No. 1098435
ITT: post uneventful and mundane as fuck events in your life
Previous thread:
>>1018367 No. 1098458
File: 1647338835226.jpg (12.03 KB, 217x300, Yuri Knorozov.jpg)

I have a burn blister on my finger and it's taking a lot of willpower to not pop it.
No. 1098696
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I bought a disposable analog camera and I'm excited to try it out. I have really good memories of coming back from vacations and picking up a developed film from a photostore to then go through all the photos we took with my family, remembering how nice time we had; looking through photos on the phone is nothing like it. Hope it will feel the same now as it did then.
No. 1099158
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>>1099133you shouldn’t have shared this information with me, anon
No. 1099276
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I finally know how to trim my eyebrows perfectly for my face, I look great.
No. 1099850
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For the past three weeks, my eyebrow starts twitching really hard whenever I'm annoyed or thinking about something unpleasant. At first I thought it was just some coincidence, but I tried it out just now and it legitimately started right in the moment I on purpose started to think about something annoying.
No. 1100062
>>1100033Good luck
Nonnie! Nice of you to give her another chance.
No. 1100184
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Trying so desperately to hold myself off from going on a massive yarn shopping spree today
No. 1100373
>>1100332Please don't meet her at some lazy bum's house that's she's been mooching from
nonnie, esp alone. They might put you in an awkward position and ask for money or worse… trust me I've delt with people like this recontacting me and they always wanted something it wasn't just to be friends like we used to again.
No. 1100739
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My ex-army husband really liked the new Batman film, which is weird for him since I'm the comicfag who drags him along to these movies, usually his complain is always against things being "unrealistic" and not tactical enough but he really liked this version of Batman, especially the cowl which he kept on referring to as a helmet
so this was the one comic book that he actually liked
No. 1101158
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There's a winter storm out and I've been drinking hot teas and creamy coffee. I feel so relaxed since I drink coffee like twice a week. I'm also thinking about how my boyfriend wants me to stop drinking teas and coffee because he thinks it's a type of drug
No. 1101587
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whenever I dim those slidey light switches this image replaces everything going on in my mind
No. 1102109
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i just found out what midsize is and im very pleased to find it while I was scrolling through pinterest. its good to see someone who has the same body type as me for once.
No. 1102324
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I've been taking pictures with shitty old point and shoot digital cameras from 15+ years ago and it's been so much fun! I used to take pictures on film but it got too expensive, so this has become my replacement activity lol.
No. 1102350
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For some reason my cat has taken to sleeping on my dad's car roof. He won't sleep on any other family member's cars, just my dad's.
No. 1102426
>>1102416Same here
nonnie! I wanted to go on a picnic but figured it would lonely just by myself. It feels very wasteful when it's a nice day outside yet you're just spending it inside. I can't even open a window unless I want to listen to my neighbour's horrible music taste either. I hope you find someone who'll hang out with you!
No. 1102658
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Listening to Anita Baker and getting ready to go buy some shit.
No. 1102876
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I'm living the life, eating pumpkin bread rn. I fucking love bread, I wish I could live off of plain bread for the rest of my life.
No. 1102976
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>>1102951Apparently they're regional to here in Atlantic Canada, wow. Accidentally doxxed myself.
They're basically baked pizza dough with melted cheese, garlic butter, and parsley. Dip in donair sauce (which as another regional thing, comes from "doner" kebab.) They're so yummy
No. 1103080
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>>1100184Anons…I failed. I spent about $80 (give or take) on yarn today, but this is Big Crafts fault not mine! I know it's not a crazy amount, but I still feel a little ashamed. I just couldn't resist. Anyway, picrel is just some that I bought, aren't they beautiful? Pictures don't do them justice. I bought some knitting needles so I could try my hand at knitting some stuff.
No. 1103087
>>1103080I LOVE knitting. Just make sure your gauge is correct for the stripes, or alternatively you can use this website. I love it{%22nColors%22:2,%22colorChoices%22:[%22#BF5FFF%22,%22#2A1DDE%22],%22numStitchesChoices%22:[4,9],%22unitsWide%22:51,%22type%22:%22flat%22}Sorry for such an ugly link but its fucking incredible
No. 1103102
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>>1103097Fair enough! Crochet is the same rules, it'll make such a neat project. What are you planning with it? Here's kinda how planned pooling looks with the same yarn but different guages in crochet
No. 1103112
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>>1103102That's amazing, I really should start considering my gauges more. I bought it to make a small African flower animal. Either using black and the purple-green-blue yarn or white and the pink-purple yarn. When I started crocheting I thought I wouldn't make any stuffed animals, but I've completely fallen in love with these.
No. 1103121
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It's only anecodotal, but yesterday I had 80% meat. I had two large marinated lamb chops and a good 500g of sweet and sour pork that I cooked up. There were a few bullshit veges and shallots mixed in with the pork, but it was negligible.
I woke up this morning, just, not hungry. I started work at 4am, and breezed through that without my morning breakfast pie, then I had a bullshit tiny bridge pie at the family breakfast this morning to save appearances. And for the rest of the day, I've eaten nothing, apart from that bridge pie, I haven't had anything to eat in a good 26 hours and I barely feel hungry.
Is eating 80% meat the secret?
No. 1103519
>>1103096peak trans? I peaked my mum sometime last year. I'll tell her about trans related things and she agrees with me. I'll then tell her she'd be labelled a
TERF if anyone knew she felt that way and she says she doesn't care kek
No. 1103568
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In 13.5 hours I'm going to sit on my living room floor and blast picrel whilst getting silly high I CAN'T WAIT
No. 1104357
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I saw my best friend yesterday and gave her her birthday gift, she loves it! I’m glad my aunt helped me with it and with the money to have lunch with my best friend.
Since we were with her mom we only got to hold hands for a while, so that was nice, we usually hug and basically cuddle if nobody is watching though.
Her family really likes me so that makes me happy, I would mostly feel awkward around them, but not anymore.
Life would be perfect if my family was living close by and if I had a job.
No. 1104494
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Bumping to block out child pornography, just another day on
No. 1104557
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I've managed to make my market-bought basil survive and thrive for over 4 months so today I've took a few cuttings and set them up for a comfy growth, if it works out they will be my first homegrown herbs, somehow I'm very excited for it! Feels like some sort of milestone
No. 1104603
nonnie that is awesome!! I tried growing my herbs as well but so far I failed, they always died on me. I might try again though
No. 1104705
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>>1104603I got lucky with my survivor basil but overall you have much higher chance for your herbs to do well if you buy them in a garden shop (not sure if it's the right name? I mean place specializing and selling only plants and gardening related supplies), market-sold herbs are kept in bad environment and undergo a lot of drastic temperature changes in a short time, which makes them look good in the store but die soon after being brought home.
>>1104686I don't have any specifically strict schedule but usually I'd water about 2 times a week, few times it happened to be less but it was still ok. And it's best if you water it by pouring it to the "base" of the pot, I mean a setup like picrel but in my case it's just a pot being put in a shallow bowl where the water would go. I didn't know that earlier, so I wonder if me watering my previous basils straight to the soil contributed to killing them…
>>1104644Good luck! I've just made pesto with the leaves I had co crop preparing the cutting and I'm honestly surprised how easy and delicious it was. Also the feeling of preparing something like that from scratch is the best; hope you will get to do it too soon!
No. 1104815
i'm an obsessive daydreamer. at this point i have like an entire secret, 2nd life within my daydreams. i'm 30, khhv, forever alone, etc, but in my daydreams everything works out with my cute boyfriend. his appearance changes but right now it's adam driver and in my daydreams people often comment on how he looks and sounds exactly like adam driver, but obviously he's not adam driver.
>meetcute in a home goods store, i buy plates, he buys mugs
>i randomly tell him that he should go for the mugs he's looking at since i have them and i like how they feel in my hand
>somehow start talking about coffee before we move on with our shopping
>he approaches me as i leave the store, asks for a coffee date, i say yes
>we end up going to mcdonalds because i'm sooo quirky and tell him that i don't care where we go, we could even just go to mcdonalds since i like cheeseburgers
>start talking daily, i work a lot, he has a wellpaying office job too so we meet in person like once a week
>he eventually picks me up after work sometimes, even just to drive me home because i live on the other side of town
>relationship progresses into me staying over at his place a lot because shorter commute to work
>eventually move in with him
>everyone has their own bedroom so we don't annoy each other with different sleep times, evening rituals, sleep behavior, etc - everything is perfect
>entire arc about him having a cancer scare and my life being a mess, but eventually it turns out it's not cancer
>get closer to his mom during that time who teaches me how to cook and treats me like a daughter
>we go to disneyland because i always wanted to go
>happened to watch safiya nyagaard's proposal video shortly before that and cried because it was so cute
>he proposes to me like in safiya's video
>tweet about getting married on semi-abandoned twitter account, all my terminally online friends are jealous and envy me for finding a cool normie guy and getting married
>AD lookalike bf is very normal indeed, likes things a normal amount, plays videogames but like a normal amount, cleans up after himself, buys groceries, etc.
>also doesn't want any kids so we decide to get pets
>we eventually get married and have a small wedding, only my parents and his parents plus siblings, since i don't have any siblings at all
>entire arc about him wanting to move for a job and me being against it, even though i don't like our city but i can't imagine myself finding a job that pays this well since my degree is very useless and my skills are very specific for my current job
>eventually we move, he gets a huge promotion and i'm just unemployed for a while until i find a job thanks to a friend of a friend's gf of my AD lookalike husband
>settle into new city, life is good
i'm running out of ideas…
No. 1105711
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Went shooting today at a gun range. I forgot about the ear ringing and it smells like fireworks after. It was kinda fun but it doesn't make me feel as gun obsessed as moids are. But now I kind of want my own gun kek
No. 1105764
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I’ve been living with my parents for the last year and saved so much money but I’ve missed living my life because we live in the middle of nowhere. I just got a job in the city which is going to cost me more to live in but I’ll be glad to be able to hang out with people my own age again. And hopefully my previous job experience will give me a good leg to stand on when it comes to negotiations.
No. 1106162
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I always want to have drama in my Sims game, but I'm way too lazy and impatient (I think this is a relict from playing it on an old af WinXP computer) to send my sim to a community lot and have them start shit there like flirting with married sims, so I'm on the like third romance sim in my family that's withering away from loneliness and horniness in its house.
No. 1106184
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>>1106162Reminds me of the vampire dude I had in the sims 2. I had so many romances and it was so hard to keep them all (they called all the time), so one day I choose one of my girlfriends to marry and invited all the others to the wedding. I thought it was genius idea, just break up with all of them at once.. I can still hear the sound of hearts breaking. Also I had lots of roaches for the rest of my vampire life because all the exes started kicking my trash can and at some point I gave up fixing it.
No. 1107113
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I made 1 cup of rice, and fuck it's so much rice. Idk what I'm going to do with all of this shit. This is why I don't eat rice often.
No. 1107531
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Had a pleasant philosophical conversation today. Maybe life ain't bad and people aren't assholes. Also, I need to poop.
No. 1107676
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recent years have ruined colorful hair
everyone who has it besides musicians seems to be a:
>a hypersexual libfem pickme with an onlyfans and drug addictions
>an autistic perma online bpd-chan nlog munchie with delusions of grandeur
i have so many cool colours on my shelf but i don't want to be associated and hate crimed with these types of women. maybe i'll dye my pubes.
No. 1107689
>>1107676IDK I work in art/entertainment related industry and it seems like a common thing to do for artsy / geeky people that are more outgoing than usual basement dweller geek; I know the two types you're talking about but I think there are enough people of that third type to not necessarily have a bad association. At least for my Euro country. Also, to some extent, belonging to these two types you've mentioned is also defined by the way a person carry herself, fashion, accessorizing etc. If I saw a girl with colorful hair, and idk, shitload of support this and that pins, ofc I'd have an assumption of raging woke nlog, but if not, there would be no reason to think she's one. Ultimately, if this is something you want to do, you shouldn't let someone else's negative association stop you - if someone has enough bad will to judge you without talking to you, they will do it regardless of hair color.
No. 1108179
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When i came home from work and poured tea from a thermos it was still hot. This tea was made 10 hours ago. Despite a rubber band missing from the cap its at perfect temp… what is this sorcery???
No. 1108595
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I saw a nun in sunglasses driving an SUV today. Idk why I thought it was cool bc I never thought about them going around in public in the robes and veil. Sorry for stock photo thought it was funny
No. 1108721
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>>1108595>>1108675>>1108701Me in the gothic movie night considering becoming a nun for community and wearing cool draping clothes but I know I'll never bow down to misogynistic moid religion so it will stay a far off dream. Probably will volunteer just to get myself involved and out there.
Women's land self sustaining community and nunnery of the great Saint Solanas when?
No. 1108726
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>>1108721I mean, you could still dress as a badass gothic nun if you want to, no one's gonna care about religious appropriation for Christians (cept other Christians kek)
No. 1108733
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>>1108726Yeah but I don't want to be some cow ready to be posted on /snow/ or perform an a purity or goth aesthetic for likes and compliments from strangers. I genuinely like the clothes as daily wear and the sense of sisterhood, if only it were in a different circumstance. Also don't want to be sexualized "OMG THIS GIRL I SAW IS SUCH A GOTH MOMMIE DOM NUN OMG I BET SHE LIKES BEEDEEESSEMM MILKEEEEEE EE IS SHE A PRUDE OR PERVERT LETS POST HER ON OUR TOTALLY NOT CREEPY AND INSANE COLLECTION OF STRANGERS EXISTING COLLEGE PAGE?" I was born to wear non-sexualized tasteful slightly frilly or gothic or regal or ready for farmwork nun clothes depending on the day. No I'm not autistic lmao.
No. 1108798
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>>1108738NONNIE you don't understand. I want the whole habit. The entire habit. The black draping dress and the cowl with a little bit of hair or bangs hanging out. I want to be a nun in a gothic movie without the manufactured moid religion or racism or expectation of purity while priests are molesting 5 little boys at a time. I want to feel the wind move my clothes and caress my face side by side with my sister's. Different colored habits on different days. The veil swishing behind me like a huge ponytail or down my shoulders like thick hair without constant upkeep. A gothic habit with flowing lace sleeves that don't emphasize your breasts with stupid harnesses and fetish libfem shit. Then instead of worshipping some guy that popped out of a "pure virginal maid" we acknowledge and love our bodies and ancient goddesses without religious commodification like drive-through ash Wednesdays. Do prayers and rituals in the forest naked and sing songs to our ancestors in harmonies. Do some creepy shit to scare moids and pick me infiltrators away. No libfem sex-positive they-them pandering for members simping for gay men tradwife buzzword of the week nonsense. I fucking love habits and I need a community of sane moral maybe a little evil girlboss female centering women kek I may be a little autistic.
No. 1108826
>>1108738The head part is so that you don't have to think about how your hair looks throughout the day. Unironically. Also nice when you're gardening with the sun on top of your head, no burning scalp.
>>1108798We can be like the Sisters of the Valley you posted. Just need to find enough people and a place for it.
No. 1109095
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I gained weight! I lost about 6-7 kilos while being sick (I'm quite short so it was pretty noticeable). I was 57kg after losing weight, now I'm 61kg and even though it's not the same weight I used to be I already look so much better and healthier. My cheeks came back, skin cleared up, my boobs aren't so saggy and I have hips again! Also I can sit comfortably, when I was at a lower weight it felt like I was always sitting on my bones. I love being a fattychan.
No. 1109100
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>>1109095Proud of you
No. 1109177
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I made instant tapioca it was eh, I'll take the brown sugar version (picrel) next time
No. 1109469
File: 1648149018248.jpg (64.59 KB, 519x571, BMI.JPG)

Girls! I'm so happy I reached a healthy BMI! I gained around 10+ kilograms during the lock-down and I'm finally back to a healthy weight I'm just so happy I can't believe it.
No. 1109651
No. 1109688
>>1109563I actually began doing portion control! so I would limit my carb intake to 1 cup, protein to 1-1/2 cup, fruit 1 cup and veggies 2 cups for lunch and dinner!
>>1109651thank u
nonny! <3
No. 1109746
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One of my friends is peaking and linked me a gender crit video. So happy for her
No. 1110378
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I want to share that I browse lolcow exclusively after afternoon dog walk, while eating my lunch.
No. 1110479
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i heavily decluttered my life a few months ago but now that i have to move in a few weeks and i have a total of 10 moving boxes, i'm tempted to declutter even more. like just get rid of all the technically useful but completely unused stuff i have, like legal pads or paperclips. in the sims i always liked it more when my sims only had the bare necessities and their rooms looked sort of empty?
No. 1111248
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My glasses finally shipped
No. 1111256
>>1111248I recently got new glasses too it’s the best feeling, hope they’ll arrive soon
No. 1112142
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Ordered a My Melody phone stand as a treat, i worry women im attracted to will come into my home spot shit like my sanrio wares and immediately think im a stunted uwu type woman kek I just have to hope they stay attracted to me i guess lmao
No. 1112415
File: 1648330242468.jpg (101.35 KB, 522x918, 81NIVC9UvrL._AC_SX522_.jpg)

>>1112236Good idea. She should get this one, the skull and headstones combined with the dragon (does it hoard…
graves? THAT IS SCARY!) will be an effective neutralizer of the 'stunted uwu' vibe that any sanrio merch could possibly give off. Literally foolproof.
No. 1112425
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nonnie, try to make it match with the rest of the decoration.
No. 1112507
>>1112428You are the tumblr DREAM!
Are they itchy? I get sun rashes or something on my arms but I'm so white I get burned if I go out for one second so maybe it's different. Or maybe it's just the same kind of sun freckles white people get in summers, they usually get fainter in winter afaik
No. 1112512
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>>1112415>>1112425I want a thread full of dragon figurines now.
No. 1112592
>>1112507No no they're not itchy, they're very tiny and tbh I wouldn't even notice them if I didn't spend so much time observing my body. I definitely want to wait and see if they get lighter during the colder months.
>You are the tumblr DREAM!Kek
No. 1112625
File: 1648347337653.jpg (109.37 KB, 540x960, 7f14c55f_2565f544_640.jpg)

I want more react pics with women in them. I'm tired of men and want to be exposed to more women memes
No. 1112734
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>>1112625i like using men as reaction images. Do your little dance for me little scrote
No. 1112736
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>>1112721>>1112731>>1112734kek I'm not a scrote, I genuinely thought the image was silly but I guess anons always gotta jump straight into the sexual shit
No. 1112767
File: 1648361595267.jpg (1.16 MB, 1500x1101, stock-photo-shirtless-man-lyin…)

>>1112754>Lying in the snow wearing a mini skirt and short sleevesanon ffs that's part of the joke, that's how you know they're not dead and are memeing
Moids run out into the snow shirtless all the time
No. 1112807
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>Want to complain about something stupid in things you hate thread
>Go to thread
>Inevitably read horrific discussion about moids getting off to beastiality
>Day ruined
Not anons' fault for discussing it, but goddamn I wish I didn't read the replies
No. 1113997
File: 1648438986254.gif (372.38 KB, 640x640, 1648239999763.gif)

>>1112608Just had my scalp tortured for over 5 hours and my hair still isn't done. It's times like this where I hate having 4c hair.
No. 1114022
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did the most musical little fart of my life
No. 1114807
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I walked sorta close behind a guy on my way home from work and kept coming closer and closer at one point because I was about to head towards my apartment building and he kept looking over his shoulder and walking faster like I was going to rob or stab him. Ngl it felt kinda good kek.
No. 1114891
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>>1114807You made me ugüu, I hope I can do that someday.
No. 1115561
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It's 3 am and I really want to eat again. Though I know its bad for you and I will make a ton of noise just going to the kitchen. I have been craving late night foods since I've been staying up later and not being tired at all, it might be boredom tbh
No. 1116179
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I've been trying to make latte art at home but I don't have a milk steamer and it's so frustrating… so many things can go awry!!
No. 1116255
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Just learned about male fire ants
>"When they mate with queens, they somehow eliminate the maternal genetic contribution in the fertilized eggs that give rise to W. auropunctata males. Because the males are getting their only set of genes from their fathers, they, like the queens, are clones of their parent.
>The clonality seen in queens and males results in a unique system where genes are passed down only to individuals of the same sex, keeping male and female gene pools separate"
>"Now you have an extreme example of sexual antagonism, where the male has taken it to a new level, essentially parasitizing the female to make his own offspring"
Even aggressive 99.9% female ant species has parasitic males.
No. 1117415
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Just before i got of work i cried because a customer was mean to me
I hate going home on a sour note!!!
No. 1117446
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>>1117423>>1117427Ty nonnies i hope you both have wonderful day. the guinea piggies cheered me right up!!!
No. 1117806
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>>1117795She might have the fawn color gene, which is like a blondeish orange. Tri-coloring is rarer in rats, but common in guinea pigs as far as I've seen. She might be a rare girl indeed!
No. 1117977
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I hate the taste of coffee but I love the smell of coffee. So I bought some skincare products that smell like coffee. Now I smell like coffee and I still don't have to drink it. I think that's pretty cool.
No. 1119179
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>>1119160Anon please, have mercy I'm dying over here…
No. 1119591
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I found messages from someone who died recently while deleting stuff from my phone and it made me tear up today. I can look at photos of them without issue but the messages felt more personal to me. I know it's useless to keep it on my phone since they will never text me again but I can't bear to delete them
No. 1119595
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bought some strawberry mochi ice cream today, i think it's my new favorite. it's sweet but not as addicting as some other flavors so I can eat one and stop without eating the whole tray in one sitting.
No. 1119776
>>1119595I want to eat more mochi ice cream this year. Sesame and peanut mochi are ♥ so good
>not as addicting as some other flavourstell me about these crack mochis so i can try them nonnette
No. 1120369
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I hope every farmer has a great week
No. 1120382
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>>1120369god i wish this were real. we all need giant oranges in our lives.
No. 1120469
nonnie your iq is too high for this 'website'
>>1120409i recently got stabbed, as a british female i feel it's a true coming of age
also french nonnette what do you put on your crepes? i want to cook french food in 2022
No. 1120644
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I found my old Postcrossing cards from 8-10 years ago, I forgot I had them. There's some really cute ones. I wish stamps hadn't become so ridiculous expensive because I'd love to send them again.
No. 1120653
>>1120535It's not GERD, I don't even get acid reflux. I can cough the mucus out, I just don't usually do it unless it's
really irritating me.
No. 1120775
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bumping but i bought "citrus vodka" (not like patron citronage or anything decent) but "citrus vodka"… girls i am suffering pouring straight pine-sol down my gullet. lord help me until i can get industrial floor cleaner out of my life and some delicious peach or mango into it
No. 1121398
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Had a dream about getting in a car crash with my ex and knocking him off him motorcycle, but somehow he was completely fine, just lost his shirt in the crash kek, and even after two minutes of ripping me out for hitting him with a car the only thing he wanted to know was when I was gonna text him again
No. 1121407
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>>1120984Okay I didn't want to because I know we have at least one person who makes stuffed animals as a pro, but I found a shred of confidence, you may see it
No. 1122998
>>1122508That's awesome
nonnie! Wear them with pride.
No. 1123032
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this shit again
No. 1123040
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No. 1123041
File: 1649047020245.png (2.42 MB, 2000x2500, BUMP DON'T SCROLL.png)

>one dedicated schizo with a severe scat addiction
No. 1123641
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I sneezed so well and with so much power just now, it's such a relief, I'm feeling weirdly proud. Is this the feeling mothers get when their newborns manage to burp properly?
No. 1123910
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Just found out Annie cat fucking died this morning and I'm about to start bawling. Rip Annie cat..
No. 1125118
>>1125099The cup might just not be a good fit. The first cup I bought fit me perfectly, and would only ever barely leak if the cup was very full. I then bought a cup with the same size, but from another brand, and it kept leaking no matter what. Cups are kinda like jeans, in my experience, kek.
It might also be a heavy flow that makes the cup fill much quicker. In that case you could try to check the cup every one or two hours to see how quickly it fills to find the best rate to switch it at. It's some trial and error, but it's insane how little of an issue my period has become after getting comfortable with a cup!
No. 1125974
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Nonnies its fucking started, I fucking found one on the wall. A huge one too. I hate summer I hate killing I hate them so much but I need this fucker gone I can't leave the room. Send help
No. 1126022
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>>1126005I know that's why
this dude showed up but other times it'll not rained for weeks and they still creep in
TW Roach funeral
No. 1126814
Nonna's the unthinkable has happened! A scrote was actually not an asshole for once! I sort of bullied him off a forum (started a witchhunt, didn't really mean to), he said he felt hurt and actually stopped posting for about 3 months when he posted 24/7 usually. I didn't really feel any type of way about it but today I saw him post a lot again and didn't want some kind of vendetta so I DM'ed him saying I didn't mean to start shit, glad you're back and whatever (he helped me a few times before with personal shit, listened to my crytyping and gave me advice). You know what he said? 'Witchhunt? Why didn't you invite me, I'm missing out on all the fun around here! I know I can be a dick, no need to apologize.' I thought it was stupid he took it so hard cyberbullying?? just walk away from the screen nigga hahhaha but I felt a little bit shit about it so I didn't leave it for once in my life, and he basically said it's all good! I'm so used to people holding grudges it actually surprised me. He annoyed me a little bit before but this is kind of cool, I'm not used to people acting mature on the internet because.. Well, it's the internet. This is coming from a NEET btw lol, it's really no big deal but I feel kind of good about it. I'm glad not every scrote is a shitstain. The whole thing, even though it's really about nothing, it left me with kind of a warm glow.
No. 1127002
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>>1126873I need to get geck
No. 1127008
>>1125974Roaches are the fucking worst and I hate to say it but I'm a little desensitized to them.
Last summer I had 2 flying roaches in my living room. Thankfully at different times. It was terrifying knowing they could have landed on my head.
No. 1127122
>>1127105That's awesome anon. She's probably so proud of you.
I'm so glad I've had so many strong female figures in my life. I hope one day I can have a daughter of my own to raise to be kick ass and independent and know she is beautiful.
My mom is the also the dominant one in the relationship. She also hates men kek.
No. 1127759
There's this weirdly sweet smell coming from this one and only spot in my room, just above my sofa, where I usually rest my arm and head on whenever I'm sitting instead of lying. I can't exactly place the smell, but I think it reminds me of corn sugar. I can't smell it all the time, it's just a few times an hour for like four or five seconds, and the more I try to focus on it, the less I can smell it. It basically disappears when I do just as much as move my head slightly, so I can't follow it to find out where it comes from or what it is, either, and this is driving me crazy. I know that's not what it is, but I'm starting to grow paranoid something died in my room and now it's decomposing. on the other hand, i might have lost a blueberry or two under my sofa, so maybe it's them starting to mold
No. 1127918
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last night i went to applebees with my grandmother and i’m almost certain that the only other diners there were my gender studies teacher from last semester and her boyfriend (?). i really admired her but i think she didn’t like me because i’m a terf or whatever. tried to hard not to make eye contact. their food is actually pretty alright.
No. 1127921
>>1127772The smell of death is specific but it’s not unbearable in small amounts. I used to work at an awful sloppy place and my boss would poison the mice, who would then crawl into the walls and die. You had to sit out the stench for a few weeks until they finished rotting. Not necessarily fun but I could still work, and customers seemed oblivious beyond maybe thinking it smelled a little weird.
It definitely does have a touch of sweetness to it, in a sickly sort of way.
No. 1128112
Gonna see Sanic 2 with friends and I'm going to do either a small bright blue cat eyeliner look or maybe a shimmery dark blue smoky eye. I'm very excited to see my friends!
>>1128108Agreed, I love taking makeup off at the end of the day.
No. 1128248
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I'm going to keep it pushing and all the haters can suck my clit
No. 1128476
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CP on front page CP in OT carefull scrolling
No. 1128649
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today I saw CP on lolcow for the first time. I also neutered my cat l, well, the vet did. Picrel for bump
No. 1128696
>>1128660All the nonnas did the same for me so now I must carry on the legacy. We're stronger together like this
nonny, ily!
No. 1129154
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Finally applied for some jobs and also opened up commissions woo!
No. 1129326
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I remembered MTG cards I got in a magazine when I was a kid and I spent a long time looking for them on the internet and I found them! I would always laugh at this description.
No. 1130359
>>1130307does tomoko ever get less… gross? idk what word to use for her
i got like two episodes in then had to quit becuase her attitude pissed me off so much
No. 1130402
>>1130385a day off isnt going to ruin your progress
go rest, feel better soon
No. 1130403
>>1130398aaww wholesome
nonnie moment
No. 1130780
>>1130307It's really funny but embarrassingly
relatable to the point I had to pause it and get up for a while and rethink some life choices. Props to you if you can sit through it without secondhand cringing. I'm sad there might not be a season 2 because people found so horribly relatable it got poor reception
No. 1131431
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I'm once again going to try to give myself a brasilian wax. I'm too poor to go to the extetician to do that and have never been to one, I tried some months ago with a messy result. I'm using one of those wax roll-ons you plug in the electricity and it has melted , I have no more excuses to procrastinate. It seems so difficoult to me. How do I even reach the inner ass cheecks? Do you nonnies have some secret waxing position for the complicated spots? Any general tips in general?
No. 1131458
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>browsing the MTF thread
>Free bleeding senses start tingling
>gets period
The irony
No. 1131582
File: 1649700125593.jpg (254.16 KB, 1200x1500, beads.jpg)

>>1129446I got the string and I've finally started making them. It's gonna take a little while cause I have to put the beads on one by one, but I'm super excited to wear it once it's finished! I have to stop myself from buying a bunch of beads lol.
I'm making this pair for weight loss, but I also want to make more just for fashion.
No. 1131592
>>1131583Sorry for reposting nonna. It's been a traditional accessory in some African countries for years, according to the internet they're used to track the growth of girls and they also symbolize femininity. I've never worn them before because I'm American, but I thought they were super cute so I decided to make some.
>>1131588The ones I'm making now will stay on me 24/7 because I'm using them to track weight loss (the beads move down as you lose weight). You can wear them anywhere!
No. 1131610
>>1131431I've been putting off the same thing, noonie.
My family used to run a beauty salon but we closed a while ago and I still keep some of the equiptment. For a Brazillian either get a melting pot and heat up a can of wax or get bootled wax and melt it in hot water by submerging the tubes and dab it on your tool every time you use it. For a Brazillian you have to put the wax on with a wooden or plastic spatula or any butterknife-like tool (a metal one can burn you because it heats up fast). I would advice against using the roll-ons on your private area - they are for legs and arms but they can hurt delicate places like the armpits and bikini zone. If you end up using them, try first rolling the wax on a sheet and then waxing with it. This wastes more product but it's less brutal on the skin. Also - use baby power before applying the wax to remove moisture and get a post-wax lotion to soothe the skin after waxing, most drugstores have them. Other general rules and tips - pull against the growth (!!!), don't do it on an empty stomach or before your period (it'll hurt more), don't take a shower for at least an hour after waxing.
No. 1131623
>>1131600Ah I don't think I can anon! I'm a little shy when it comes to posting pictures on here kek
>>1131619Nta, but it can irritate the skin.
No. 1131653
>>1131644i just wanted slightly thinned out pubes. i didn't think it'd be so effective wherever i lasered. it got rid of probably 70% of the hair in each spot which i did not expect. i expected maybe 20% for an at home laser (not IPL), so my now patchy pubes are not at all ideal. i highly underestimated its effectiveness but if you for sure do not want to deal with asscrack hair for example, i would say this is perfect for it.
>>1131646it's an at home portable laser. it's like the only actual at home laser on the market. it's not IPL or anything.
No. 1131722
File: 1649709119310.gif (2.6 MB, 498x280, nervous-laugh-retsuko.gif)

I do work on a japanese association and the president is japanese. We had a meeting recently and she asked me if it was okay for her to proceed in japanese which I thought was a bit weird cause she knows I can understand it but anyway no matter, and I said it was okay. The other 3 people in the room said it was no shame if I didn't understand, and I replied it was good because I am studying to get the JLPT N2 certificate. They all said "Oooh" and started lightly clapping in admiration/playfulness, and I tried to dismiss it but I got really nervous. Just because I am studying for it, it doesn't mean I'll pass! But now I feel extra pressured to pass lmao else it will just look like I was trying to boast without even having the skills to back it up - Especially since there is a girl there that is fluent in japanese. Manifest it for me nonnas
No. 1131829
>>1131610ty so much
nonnie, this sounds like great advice. I will try your way, I did read your post just before starting all wrong . Tomorrow Ill get the other wax, the baby powder and the lotion! love you
No. 1131838
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>>1131722nona, don’t worry!! you said outright you’re studying for n2 so i doubt it will be an issue. and the overly eager cheering is just typical japanese mannerisms. plus, as long as you have textbooks like 新完全マスター, all of which are available online w/ the cds, you should be fine. when are you taking n2 btw? good luck ♥
No. 1131905
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>>1131623Samefag, I've decided to stop being a pussy. Here's how they look so far. They're not exactly how I wanted, but I'm still happy!
No. 1132443
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>>1131838Thanks, anon! I do have the sou matome and the shinkanzen master books! I've been studying a little everyday but I fear it won't be enough. But so far I've been doing decently on mock tests, I just need to step up my dokkai game.
I'll be doing it on July! If it was the December exam, I'd be more sure of my self, but hopefully my efforts will pay off nonetheless!
No. 1132634
>>1132557Isn't habitual journaling seen as something desirable and cool nowadays? Like "that girl" got my life together kinda shit. I've definitely never heard
>haha silly women are so childish and superstitious that they write words in a bookthis sentiment regardless
No. 1132648
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Look how comfy we are
No. 1132743
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>>1128246If this was any other medium, I'd resolutely disagree, but nobody is ever going to sub or scanlate books, so this is a really good argument lol.
>>1128452The one in my native language really is way prettier lol… It's the original of Howl's Moving Castle. I saw the Ghibli movie last week again, and then came upon this gifset on my dash, tagged #shithowlsaysinthebook, and now I'm wanting to read it lol. There were two more but I for the life of mine can't manage to merge them onto this, and I don't wanna just link it because
No. 1132785
>>1132778Nope! Im on number #4 now!
I will go put my bonnet on to hide my shame. Then I will make whipped cream and eat ice cream and decompress.
No. 1132831
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>>1132446>the summer exam is easier than the winter examI really never heard this before, but I hope it's accurate! Thanks, anon ♥
No. 1132838
>>1132785I cut #5. I was joking before, but I think I will just cut all of my hair off.
I love how long hair looks, but I hate having it. I've actually shaved my head multiple times before because I thought it would help me escape judgement from other people (it didn't). I can't properly say what I want to because I'm getting emotional and feel insecure right now. Goodnight anons.
No. 1132852
>>1132443ofc! i believe in you!! honestly if you’re scoring well for mock tests already you’ll be fine even without studying everyday.
>>1132831there is a 10% higher pass rate for summer exams but i did the winter exam and still passed n2 without being what i would consider fully prepared kek
No. 1133633
It's 4pm and the only thing I've ate today was a few pieces of Lindt chocolate (both milk and dark). I think I will go get some leftover bean curd and bland ass rice I got from a Chinese place.
>>1133362That sounds so nice anon, enjoy yourself! I wish I did stuff like this. Hope to see some animal pics!
No. 1133662
File: 1649881557192.jpg (1.26 MB, 1862x3222, Nuttina McEats.jpg)

>>1133477>>1133633I'm back from my walk nonnies! I didn't see any ducks or any salamanders today unfortunately. But I did see two squirrels and I shared some nuts with one of them! I wasn't sure she'd grab them if I chucked them over to her but she went for it! We snacked together. The other one I tried to give nuts to as well but she just chittered at me so I left them on the ground for her.
No. 1133667
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>>1133662Also check out this humongous mossy glacier rock, there are lots of big ass rocks around here but today this one was my fav
No. 1133681
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I just had some green, it tastes just like how green used to taste like when I was a kid, good to know that green will always taste green regardless of the brand.
Of course, apple green tastes differently, specially the apple green sold in those little jello packages, that apple green tastes particularly green, not too dark green, but not too light green either, just a nice touch of green.
No. 1133971
>>1133745That sounds lovely,
nonnie. I will make sure try lighter blue in the future.
No. 1134797
>>1134152Thank you
nonnie, I was finally able to take a nap in the afternoon and felt much less like a zombie. Sharing the bedroom wall with a zoomer family with young kids in the middle of a divorce is… Intense
No. 1135079
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>>1135067do those even work? ot but for a couple of weeks i wanted a lip gloss in a tube, like the one in picrel. my first lipgloss was like that but sadly they don't make em in tubes nowadays, or at least i haven't found one
No. 1135264
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>>1135079Burts bees has lipgloss in squeeze tubes, but a bit pricier than other drugstore stuff and sadly no sparkly ones. Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen tube lipgloss other than like Lancôme juicy tubes in a few years. Elf and NYC used to have a lot. You can find “lip oil” in tubes, though. I used to have picrel and I loved it so much but I lost it.
No. 1135273
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>>1135079You should try the beauty supply store, they probably sell what anon posted here
>>1135264Colorpop also sell that kind of lipgloss
No. 1135324
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>>1135316If you ever get pantry moths you’ll learn to drop the pacifism real quick.
No. 1135437
>>1135079>do those even work?Idk, honestly. I usually just avoid them because I don't think
Regarding the rest of your post, like the anon above said, find a beauty supply store! They're definitely still around. I also know that there are "small businesses" online that sell lipgloss in squeeze tubes so search around for that if you can trust it. I was gifted a tube lipgloss that had butterflies and glitter in it a couple years ago.
No. 1135443
File: 1649981576224.png (96.69 KB, 269x448, jelly pop gloss.PNG)

>>1135437Samefag, but have you been looking online anon? Idk what country you're in but I took a quick peek and elf's website and saw picrel. It's not plain like your pic but it has the same tube.
Also, I've realized that I didn't finish my first sentence. I was trying to say that I don't think my lips need to be bigger.
No. 1135870
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>>1135443>>1135437>>1135273>>1135264hi anons, thank you for your suggestions i didn't think my post would gain so much traction but i guess there is something about those little squeeze tube lipglosses. i have tried looking online, unfortunately i'm from a europoor country and we don't get many american products and when we do it's a very limited range. i did look online though a bit and i found picrel in one drug store chain. not a glittery one but it's super cheap like one buck so i'll go look for it later today. you're right about checking smaller make-up stores, i tried one, but my work hours are so awkward, they're all closed by the time i'm done with work. sorry for blogposting. i will try and check out some smaller businesses on the weekend!
No. 1135987
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Old pokemon shading is so nice. I wish it was easier to draw nice.
No. 1136347
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Time to grind
No. 1136847
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>>1136437That's great,
nonny. You're a good person. Love your family like this all your life.
No. 1136931
>>1136929Thank you
nonnie! Ill try this. i hope ur meals always delicious
No. 1136945
>>1136929elaborating on this nona's advice, after you give them the flea tablet (capstar is the brand I've used), start obsessively vacuuming your house every day until you don't find any fleas in the bag/cannister. Also comb the cats daily with a flea comb. If you're not a britbong, Get a box of borax and mash it into any carpet or rugs you have, then vacuum it up, daily. Borax isn't poisonous like flea powder, but it kills by dehydrating them. Lint rollers are really good at picking up eggs from bedding. The eggs are very distinct on the surface of the roller because they're so round. If the infestation persists and you're desperate, get an IGR (insect growth regulator) and spray it all over your house. It's expensive, but non-
toxic, and it stops the life cycle. Constant vacuuming is really important though. Unfortunately they've probably laid eggs in your house already so it takes a while to stop them. Good luck and fuck all blood sucking parasites to hell.
No. 1137092
>>1136945Borax? Like the shit they make slime with??
Also I'm gonna take your advice with the lint rollers ive been obsessively vacuuming my room for 3 days now. My mother adviced me to lay my mattress out in the sun to try and kill them
No. 1137259
File: 1650131258942.jpg (354.23 KB, 895x555, Olivia-Donaldson-Perth-portfol…)

I got breast implants and now thanks to nerve fuckery when I drink something cold it feels like the cold liquid runs through my whole breast. I feel like a camel storing fruit punch in my hump to enjoy later. Sip sip
No. 1138426
File: 1650232370714.webm (3.85 MB, 640x480, 1612436220555.webm)

I kind of want to make a dating profile but I don't have any pictures of myself. I don't particularly like taking pictures of myself, especially when I'm enjoying myself. I don't really know how to take decent photos either and I don't like wearing makeup, yet alone 'photo makeup'
No. 1138645
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I just ate 12 vanilla oreo cookies. I regret it deeply.
No. 1139156
>>1138674At my old job, i had two people whom i worked with constantly who never stopped on their phone. they'd take an order and then immediately pulled out their phone to text. like wtf.
Making tik toks at work should be a firable offense. i'm so sick of working twice as hard because zoomers cant stop with their phones for a few hours a day.
No. 1139299
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I hate how spinahc makes everything green. I'm making broccoli cheddar soup and decided to throw spinach in there since it's going bad, but I just realized that it's gonna be green when I put the cheese in.
No. 1139315
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>>1139310My bad, it's not a sweatshirt, just a top being worn over a sweater so it looked like a sweatshirt to me in some pictures. But yeah, idk. Why adidas.
No. 1139564
File: 1650331045294.gif (1.28 MB, 498x368, ew-patrick.gif)

I was watching a tutorial on how to cook something and the lady in the vid was massaging raw meat with painted nails and rings on her fingers… please tell me I'm not the only one grossed put by that
No. 1139576
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>>1139567Do you not use these? I go through them like crazy
No. 1139660
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Doing knotless braids on myself with yarn. Easiest shit ever, I don't know why I wasn't doing it before.
No. 1140599
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>>1140586Mushroom risotto with cream sauce (from a packet of course i'm fake Italian) Didn't burn it this time like I did previously, came out pretty good
No. 1141083
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>>1140111>>1140121>>1140457Thank you so much nonnies, I'm so blessed. Saved up for years and it paid off. Hope you guys have a good week
>>1140113I'm afraid I'm not her, hope she is doing alright
No. 1141107
>>1141106Like late autumn
Cold and rainy
I'd never guess it's Easter time if someone hid my calendar
No. 1141112
>>1141107That sounds nice nona. Some of my favorite weather is when the sky is grey and gloomy with a bit of rain.
I'm trying to enjoy the last few days of cool mornings before it becomes hot as sweaty ballsacks here
No. 1141227
Just came back from vacation and now I chill with a cup of coffee and catch up with what you all have been up to. Can confirm what
>>1141105 said though, weather is shit.
No. 1141283
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Gonna watch some anime and go to sleep at eight in the morning.
No. 1141355
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>>1131984Samefag, I went that night and beaded me a waist band with my huge collection of seed beads. I was worried that it would cut into my stomach as I moved around and stuff but it didn’t, it just rolled up my torso which is very nice. I used the smallest beads I have cause I was worried about it bothering me while sleeping, and it doesn’t. I wore it for about a day until I accidentally popped it off at the clasp when I was trying to adjust my shirt. I set it on my desk and after about a week I decided to give it another try. During that time I had actually lost a few pounds, and I was really surprised to see that i could tell in the waistband. It sat a finger’s length above my belly button and now sits about two knuckles’ length. Since then I’ve been wearing it and it’s crazy how sensitive it is on me—I can tell the difference between when I first wake up and when my tummy is full of food and water at the end of the day. I love it!
No. 1141441
>>1141431Woah I get that on
my pubes I didn't know it could happen to your legs. Do they pull on your pants/shoes?
No. 1141449
>>1141441Yeah, they feel very uncomfortable when I'm wearing pants. I was scratching my legs super hard last night because of the feelings. I don't let my pubes get long anymore for person reasons, but strangely enough even when I was rocking a full bush my underwear never pulled on it.
>>1141446I don't see hair removal as torturing myself. Completely getting rid of the hair is easier and will stay shorter longer.
No. 1141701
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I regret buying oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. The texture of the chocolate chips and the oatmeal don't go together. I really should have just stuck to oatmeal raisin.
No. 1142259
File: 1650548097679.gif (8.46 MB, 300x224, Tumblr_l_298029081245315.gif)

>>1136920Reporting back with the fleas im going crazy here but luckily the borax came in and i already spread it in my room to test it out. Anyway, ive been using a lice comb for my cats but istg everytime i think ive combed everything off after a few hours they come back im starting to think theyre coming from our floors and jumping onto my boys. Thinking about heating up the comb a bit to kill the eggs for extra measure. I think the flea infestation is getting worse since me and cousin wake up with mad flea bites.
No. 1142315
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She killed da mous
No. 1142327
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i've been here before
No. 1142336
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>>1142327All this needs are these
No. 1142517
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bump because of CP
No. 1142611
File: 1650570048990.jpeg (6.16 KB, 225x225, download.jpeg)

I ate a shameful amount of crisps today.
Also, I miss pizza pringles. They haven't sold them in my country for years now. Do other coutries still have them?
No. 1142653
File: 1650571702147.gif (2.81 MB, 570x640, orangejustice.gif)

I listened to too much techno music and now I can hear it when I'm not listening too. Untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz
No. 1142695
File: 1650574165361.gif (476.94 KB, 498x403, usagy-usagyuuun.gif)

>>1142687If you think about it we are partying together
>>1142671Well done!
No. 1143011
NONNY YES my grandmother used to sing that to me all the time when I was little you just brought back so many memories
No. 1143077
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>>1143043go to sleep anon, we'll be here when you get back.
No. 1144092
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I’m so excited to finally start my new life, i’m going to do my best and be happy.
No. 1144210
>>1144165I’m moving abroad for a new job, so yes!
>>1144175Thank you so much
nonnie No. 1144986
>>1144128Idk, the texture is never right. Like it always comes out too gummy. I will find a recipe and try again today though. I want breakfast sausages so pancakes would be nice to eat with them.
>>1144786Kek this is cute but from the first sentence I thought this was gonna end badly.
No. 1145425
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>>1145396This shit gave me a fucking heart attack. The food I was cooking was fine, but I just threw it out because it killed my entire appetite. I'm eating cereal for dinner tonight, staying away from stoves forever.
before anyone asks why my first instinct was to post about this on lolcow, I was waiting for the fire to go out by itself. There's nothing I could have done anyway. It went out about a minute after I posted. No. 1145447
File: 1650771115973.jpg (30.46 KB, 500x281, MV5BYzcxYjlhMGYtNjBhOS00NmU4LT…)

I'm spending my Saturday night watching a Netflix documentary about birds of paradise and all the things they do to attract a mate. I can't tell if this documentary is for children, but I am getting so much joy watching these colorful, tiny birds build towers out of sticks and doing silly little dances so they can get laid lol. This one bird built this seven foot tower of sticks and his rival came over and vandalized it and I was so emotional for him.
No. 1145448
>>1145436Thank you anon, the cereal was great.
No. 1145796
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The crowds at Coachella looks insane, I don’t think I could handle being around that many people
No. 1145808
File: 1650803215973.jpg (47.59 KB, 1024x262, 22.jpg)

I know nothing about this Youtuber and it just popped up on my recommended but kek I'll never be able to read such a title with a straight face.
No. 1146041
File: 1650816871454.jpg (37.2 KB, 474x473, 4337f3cc0f6df323a2bfffbfeb4408…)

>tfw want to make cookies but can't use oven and don't feel like pulling out any of my other kitchen gadgets to cook them
Guess I'm eating raw cookie dough today
No. 1146193
>>1139660Samefag, it's been like 5 days and I'm still not done with my hair
sigh. I only have two more sections to go. I'm starving and need to piss, but I will not allow myself to eat or use the bathroom until I finish at least one section.
No. 1146770
File: 1650853726030.jpg (192.16 KB, 841x1095, Screenshot_20220424-212836.jpg)

nonny is rocking the strawberry dress huh
No. 1146784
>>1146774Nobody tell
nonnie where fruits and vegetables come from.
No. 1146804
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>>1146716>>1146770>>1146782Thank you nonatella's ♥ It's this knock off vintage dress lol (Hell Bunny though, it was originally 70 euros but I it was on sale for 45! Going to wear it to my grandma's 90th birthdayin a few weeks!). I love the details on the collar and pockets, plus I have a secondhand dress from Hell Bunny so I know the quality is good too! Can't wait for it to arrive, and wear it with combat boots, polkadot tights and some cool accessories ahhh! I'm happy to finally have a nice formal dress to save just for special occasions.
No. 1146818
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>>1146809>won't lick her carIf you loved me you'd kiss my exhaust pipe
No. 1146827
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>>1146818I'm sorry ford-chan. I now realize that I was being immature and stupid. Now, come give me a big smooch.
No. 1146948
File: 1650871581514.jpg (1.42 MB, 4160x2340, moocow.jpg)

>>1146788>>1146790it wasn't very sweet so it was right up my alley.
No. 1147138
I went to class, I realized I don't look at my notes later anyway, I just learn everything from the book so I stopped taking notes and drew a muscular warrior
>>1146804It's beautiful, I don't like the color but I love the shape, I saved this picture so one day when I learn to sew I can make my own in light blue. I wanna sew so bad but my sewing machine cable has still not arrived
>>1146948Daaamn, nice
No. 1147144
File: 1650886975313.jpg (178.42 KB, 1264x1116, luckycow.jpg)

>>1147138I send you lucky vibes for a fast cable delivery.
No. 1147152
>>1147144Thank you for the luck and the image I love it!
>>1147147Thank you, it's okay I'm really cheap, I only buy clothes for peanuts at the second hand store kek. Have fun in your dress, not to sound like a troon but give it a twirl for me
No. 1147406
File: 1650899920543.gif (2.45 MB, 498x278, hamburger-burger.gif)

Did a really tough workout today and had a burger on my way home. It was delicious. My sister wants to come over in the evening to watch a movie so I'm making chicken skewers for us both. Too much food today, but I don't even care. It's a nice day.
No. 1147918
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I love dumplings. They're versatile, cheap, filling and easy to make and I am making some right now. Really looking forward to it.
No. 1148942
>>1137316>>1137321>>1137326No one is forced to get plastic surgery, it's a choice.
Based on insecurity/frivolous wants sometimes.
No. 1149005
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Kinda want to show up at this store I saw this cute cashier at, but I have nothing to get there. They recognize me enough because I go pretty often but usually I have something I actually need to pick up, how weird is it just walk in a browse for a while then leave? And not even to be looking for something but rather someone?
No. 1149057
>>1149022It's a pet store so I have to go often to ask if they have bugs stocked for my animals, so yeah she knows why I frequent the store. Though today I don't really need anything, sometimes I go to look at fish too, maybe I'll see her there
>>1149036It does feel nice but I'll warn you about doing it too often, it can make your skin more flakey. Better use some moisturizer after. Also probably should disinfect the knife before & after doing it, kek
No. 1149155
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>>1149142Was it in the snow? My uncle as a kid found the body of a man while playing in a parking lot snow pile as it was melting. Saw a glove sticking out of the snow, went to pick it up, had a hand inside. Blegh
No. 1149161
File: 1650992890062.gif (292.6 KB, 200x150, received_303343768627499.gif)

>>1142259FLEA ANON REPORTING IN AGAIN. We got frontline and applied it to my baby boys now they're sort of protected. Theyre not there on the neck but theres still small ones on his body and head. Unlike before where the fleas where everywhere, this time its only a few of them. My concern is that theres still more on their bodies, especially the newly adopted one. I read on reddit that if i just keep putting frontline on my cats they'll just be a walking flea trap(?) And the fleas would be gone for 3 months. I bought fipronil spray just in case to spray down the hallways and rooms. Been vacuuming a shitton during my free time
No. 1149420
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After wasting an entire day crying I've had a full meal and will go to sleep in my cozy bed. I hope tomorrow will be better
No. 1151040
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I spent like the last half hour watching videos of cats and dogs saving lives (elderly, babies, kids, other cats and dogs, etc) and I didn't think I'd be crying nonstop. Maybe I am just more sensible in general since I had a death in the family last week. I love animals so much, though. Wishing all animals a great rest of their lives.
No. 1152402
nonnie is it little spottings of blood or like a puddle? Cause you might have some friends in bed with you…
No. 1152431
>>1152402Two big splotches. I do have bedbugs, but most of them are gone. I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but after closer inspection…
I think it might actually be chocolate. Anyway, I'm gonna go wash it.
No. 1154484
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>>1154481i'm happy for you and that you enjoyed your edges, but it's a known fact that the gooey inside is the best part, fight me
No. 1154493
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>>1154484Only when they're freshly baked but I respect your opinion
No. 1154504
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>>1154493you have a point. i respect yours too given consideration to that. have a lolly, nonners.
No. 1154512
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>>1154504Thank you nonnita!
No. 1154717
>>1154643i'm in your trash right now
nonnie, next step is confiscating your eggs
No. 1155015
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I never thought I'd say this about a toothpaste but like….I want to buy this for the packaging ever since I saw this in the store
No. 1155048
File: 1651240932036.png (91.7 KB, 1318x444, Screenshot 2022-04-29 160153.p…)

>>1155040Hyaluronic acid is an acid in name only
No. 1155065
>>1155048Then why would they call it that?
No. 1155173
>>1155065Because it has a low,
acidic PH level
No. 1155232
>>1155215I can only speak for Europe but regarding the first question, apparently because of ~inflation~ because resources are getting more scarce due to 'rona (don't know why that's supposed to be an issue because things have gone back to normal pretty much everywhere) and the Ukraine war thingy (animal feed, idk if that's the proper English term and electricity)
but I think it's bullshit because stuff's been getting more expensive and the packaging smaller for months now (even before the war) and some things that stayed the same price during rona are suddenly 20% more expensive I'm not usually a tinfoil
nonny but I think it's because governments and corporations are getting greedier than they already are and use these things as "justifications" to make us believe that the price increases are justified.
No. 1155306
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>>1155282They would have renamed it anyway in the name of political correctness
No. 1156732
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>>1156709>They're seen most often on male genitaliaWhat are you trying to say about me anon?
No. 1157470
>>1157464I was just about to say brownies
Everybody loves brownies and they're just mix'n'bake
No. 1157544
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>>1157461Thirding brownies. If you wanna spice it up you could make brownies with cookie dough on top (Betty Crocker sells a really cheap box mix that has both the cookie dough and brownie batter so you don't have to buy both separately) or you could even make those brownies that have Oreos in the middle. I've made both multiple times before and they're always a hit with everybody. I'm realizing now that this must sound super American so sorry if you're not a burger kek.
No. 1157586
>>1157533that is interesting, but it sounds more like you’re saying it changed your sense of smell rather than your actual scent in general??
how do the seeds taste? and how much do you need to eat to change the smell?
No. 1157634
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I have a lion documentary running in the background. The lion crouched down, hunting for a gazelle. Then it sneezed. This, of course, caused the gazelle to flee. Loser lion, get rekt kekekek.
No. 1157683
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>>1157668oxes are still beautiful and smart in their own way but there will be no lion slander on this sunday. that anon can't appreciate a near perfect animal.
>>1157662you are nothing but a hater with bad opinions. also everyone knows the lionnesses are the badass smarties who truly bring home the bacon (still feel bad for prey animals tho)
No. 1157691
nonny i want to try it soon! i have hyperhydrosis and bad anxiety and i think the anxiety sweats are particularly strong. very tired of my pits smelling so strongly like onions ahaha
No. 1157919
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It's raining and was sitting on the patio with my dog watching the rain. I offered to let him inside but he didn't want to move he just seemed to content to watch the rain fall like a sad emo boy kek. Does anyone else's pets like the rain?
No. 1157937
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No. 1157993
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I've been watching The Hills again and it's great
No. 1158065
I messed up dyeing my hair. I wanted to have green streaks but it's just green splotches. I don't feel like fixing it today but I have to go to college early tomorrow, oh well nobody is gonna be analyzing my hair anyway because I don't talk to anyone.
>>1157993That reminded me, a few years ago in summer, I was in the tram, and a guy walks into the tram in tall combat boots and leather jacket… I just thought… Damn his socks are gonna smell so bad when he takes off his shoes
No. 1158361
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>>1158298laurens a dumb bitch tbh. i love lo bosworth and heidi montag!! heidi even has come out and said she was diagnosed with autism. also kristin saying MY CAR IS DUNZO is iconic. i've also heard that whitney didn't even know lauren before and was really just there for the internship.
No. 1158450
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I swept my floors earlier. They feel so clean now. Sweep your floors nonas!
No. 1159018
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I took some measurements of my body today and for fun I measured my head too. Turns out I sport a medium size melon!
No. 1159333
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eating rhubarb rn
No. 1159337
>>1159018If you have a big head you don’t need measurements to tell you because hats never fit.
I’m not bitter.
No. 1160521
File: 1651549980241.png (326.55 KB, 375x402, ARCHFEET.png)

FIRST SPIC WOMEN ON EARTH TO INSTALL ARCH LINUX #equalrights #vivemexico #based #kernelpilled #rare
No. 1160571
nonnie (^_-)
No. 1161423
File: 1651595603108.gif (949.43 KB, 220x220, wasted.gif)

Just popped a pill
No. 1162237
File: 1651616472662.gif (2.73 MB, 498x301, F9BDA0C6-BAF0-4933-833A-38F7B2…)

>>1162007At the very least they’re bisexual.
No. 1163834
>>1163564Heyyy that's awesome, I'm happy for you
nonny! ♥
No. 1165085
>>1165084Huge TMI but
I have a UTI and I'm trying to limit how much sugar I eat as much as possible, until I finish the antibiotics. wait for me nonnies! I'm excited to eat it, I really just want to try the texture of the honeycomb.
No. 1165087
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The cherry blossoms in my city are slowly but surely blooming!
No. 1165092
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No. 1165107
File: 1651717584377.jpg (31.37 KB, 1000x667, wax_bottles_4.jpg)

>>1165092not to steal
nonny's thunder, but from what I remember trying it, it's very waxy? Reminds me of those old wax bottle candies except tastier because honey.
No. 1165185
>>1165084 believe in you, Nona.
>>1165100> bee♥
>>1165107I haven’t tried those either! I actually can’t think of any waxy foods. The closest food safe was I’ve seen is Babybel’s seal.
No. 1166434
File: 1651781188440.jpg (107.45 KB, 725x832, d9a2522ec2a446860cd4767c7a665a…)

I knowing I said I wasn't going to, but I ate the honeycomb
No. 1166452
File: 1651781928093.jpg (1.13 MB, 1475x1729, Deluxe-Acacia-Honey.jpg)

>>1166437Not very pleasant tbh. First off, I think there may have been some caps left on the honey because I got some flimsy pieces. The initial bite into the honey felt kinda weird (it's a lot softer than I thought it would be) and once all the honey is gone it has the taste and texture of a beeswax chapstick, but it also feels like chewing gum once all the flavor is gone. After chewing it for a few seconds the beeswax starts to break apart from saliva so it felt like a bunch of tiny pieces swimming around in my mouth
I spat it out. The actual honey was fine. It's acacia honey so the flavor is light, basically like your standard honey and I plan to eat it with ricotta and bread. Picrel was what I bought if anyone is curious.
I am really disappointed, but I don't regret trying it. I'm glad that I'm no longer curious and craving it. I'm thinking that I might be able to drain the honey from the honeycomb and use the wax for some kind of beauty product, but it's not a huge chunk so I don't know.
No. 1166561
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>>1166452you mean you ate your honey like this? My family used to eat this from the farmer's store all the time but the waxy texture and bits and pieces remains with the higher quality stuff too ime.
No. 1166623
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remembering the time my ex "surprised" me with starbucks and it was literally pike place coffee with a splash of nonfat milk and he got mad when I didn't hide my disappointment. What did he mean by that.
No. 1166663
File: 1651786682903.gif (40.37 KB, 80x80, 1651689296128.gif)

>>1166452I memed on your honeycombless journey but the truth is I was craving to try honeycombs all along too. I'm going to try the honey you bought, and I recommend you try walnuts in honey. Delicious.
No. 1166686
File: 1651787039788.png (68.85 KB, 470x595, 1638304144367.png)

Our WiFi is not working right now. My mother and sister don't know that I still have an internet connection because I use LAN with my computer
No. 1166736
File: 1651787915192.jpg (43.22 KB, 500x500, 1651640249095.jpg)

>>1166561Yes, it was like your pic but a way smaller chunk.
>>1166663Kek, thanks for sticking around anon. I will try walnuts in honey asap! I love candied nuts so it sounds great. Do you let the walnuts soak in the honey or just add them whenever you want to eat it?
No. 1166886
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>>1166736Honestly I have never had them myself, but everytime I visit this farm that sells them, they looks so delicious it makes my mouth water. Then I forget because the bees scare me away kek. You're supposed to roast them a bit, fill the honey jar at least halfway, and store for at least 1 month or so. I'd do multiple medium jars at the same time and try one after a week. Dipping them in honey won't get the infused flavor you want for a truly delicious meal.
No. 1166928
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I gotta get up and do stuff. I just don't wanna.
No. 1167040
>>1166452>>1166460♥ Thank you for reporting back, Nona. I’m sorry it didn’t meet your expectations. For what is worth, I
>>1165185understand exactly craving something you have never tasted and getting invested. That’s exactly where I am with honeycomb.
>>1166886Oh, now I want to try this too. Just walnuts or any nut?
No. 1167494
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I got the lowest score in my recent exam. Thanks for pointing it out professor…
No. 1168190
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>>1168121She's adding to her cringe compilation.
No. 1168213
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I have a backlog of otome games and am really in the mood for an unhinged yandere, but I don't like going into routes knowing their endings. Most of the time it's the genki or big brother character anyways, but sometimes there's pleasant surprises. I can't decide whether I should let myself getting spoilered. Struggles…
No. 1168326
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lil bump have a cute drawing
No. 1168440
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>>1168247>I used to already have a routine but it was getting annoying, the important part is to find something that fits you.sounds like something a Harvest Moon character would say for their second daily dialogue.
No. 1168466
>>1168440did you make this
nonnie? I love it
No. 1168479
took me almost two hours bc i'm not a pain(t) master, so i'm glad it's getting appreciated, thank you.
No. 1168527
>>1168508I don't think so, I had it in a syringe and medela milk storage bag, very weird
>was it your breast milk or just breast milk that you owned? Why were you using breast milk for the rabbits and not like..rabbit formula?it was mine, it's technically colostrum and the rescue center said it was better to use than kitten milk/goat milk since in the wild baby rabbits get extra nutrient filled milk twice