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No. 1055890
Try not to infight,
try, pretty please
>>1044567 No. 1055951
>>1055943making oc is one thing, posting it on instagram and prinitng it out on a tapestry to hang it up in your room is terminal autism.
and she's really obvious when she posts, bordering in avatarfagging
i'll admit im partial since (like another anon said last thread) she's always shitting up the french lc server
No. 1055973
>>1055958spams seal pics in every channel, hijacks convos to make them about seals, the whole autistic nine yards
she's clearly an edgelord attention whore
No. 1055980
>>1055894Good idea
nonnie. I'm only really interested in male cows myself because they're always milkier and more hateable. Doxxing Corpse Husband is still one of lolcow's greatest moments to me.
No. 1056191
>>1056185i feel the same but on top of all of that I always get intrusive thoughts about pushing them over or something
the fragility freaks me out
No. 1056196
>>1056188Did you have kids?
>>1056191Yeah, they look fragile. The stomach with the skin stretched, the hard belly, it’s like it could burst from any force.
No. 1056222
nonnie, my point exactly.
No. 1056226
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>>1056219Delusional and insane. How do people not get redflags from retards who start raving off like this? I honestly believe people like you would strangle a baby out of rage with these deranged diatribes.
No. 1056236
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>>1056203>men aren’t that bad the men:
>spams gore>created 4chan and kiwifarms >created capitalism, communism, anarchism, everything bad basically >spreads downstream incel and porn culture>has a penis that doesn’t self-clean like a vagina >only has one X chromosome, one of the building blocks of life the y-chromosome is only essential to create sexually dimorphic traits attributed to most men >responsible for 98% of sexual assault and murder >responsible for human trafficking and child sexual abuse >made jordan peterson a relevant person >sleeps on a mattress with no bed frame >be entirely useless and emotionally bankrupt “people” who only exist to ruin other people’s lives No. 1056238
>>1056219flowers reproduce sexually
>>1056223And force everyone to walk on eggshells for fearing of causing a spergeout by accidentally offending them
No. 1056241
>>1056202>projecting your shame about being alive thoughThis is exactly it. Part of me thinks they're trying to be edgy and "shock the trads", but they just sound like defective, broken human beings. It is literal mental illness to unironically type this kind of shit
>>1056219. Have kids, or don't have kids. Just don't be a fucking weirdo
No. 1056248
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>>1056243Nta, but no because he's actually acting on it. Those aren't even intrusive thoughts. Not that I agree with that anon, but as someone who has intrusive thoughts
though not about hurting others or myself I really don't think you understand what they are.
No. 1056254
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>>1056230So instead of women actually having a life and developing their own personhood you want them to sit their asses at home taking care of a bunch of kids? What is so fucking wrong with women being disgusted and freaked out by pregnancy or even anti-natalist? You’re not gonna like hearing this but maybe stop having sex with so much men, just stop having sex with scrotes in general, practice safe sex. It’s not a necessity to be pregnant because you’re so afraid of white demographic replacement pol-chan
No. 1056266
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>You lost me at the last line
Why anon? Are you afraid of “muzzies” having a more enriched culture than you? Because that’s exactly what it is tbh, a lot of the misogyny in countries that largely believe in Islam are cultural and based on false interpretations of the religion. You’re basing your xenophobia on mistranslations and /pol/ bait I’m afraid
No. 1056290
>>1056282Nah. Delete this nonsense right here
>>1056219 before you claim to not be defective or an edgelord
>W-Wasn't meNo1curr
No. 1056313
>>1056311What a reach lol
Your anti natal sperging isn’t well received and shit-fitting over it won’t help ya
No. 1056314
>>1056303That’s fair advice, unfortunately you’re misrepresenting the argument. They don’t like the fact you’re calling them gross, disgusting, annoying, you can’t be around them, you want to push them over, they’re annoying, they’re a burden to society, they’re stupid animalistic slags, etc etc etc. You are so fucking BORING. You aren’t special or interesting just because you aggressively put forward your narrow minded and jaded opinions. Nobody is desperate for you to have kids I can promise you. Also, we can fuck as much as we want and as many people as we want, thank you very much scrote.
No. 1056338
>>1056312It's not about your comfort with pregnancy. It's about sounding deranged and misogynistic, which you people do when you type sperg rants like that. I'm sorry you can't tell the difference. It's not too late to abort yourself if you can't help but smear these threads with putrid revelries about parasites, alien puss and causing physical harm to other women if you see that they're pregant. Seriously, wtf is this thread right now?
>psychotic rants about pregnant woman>"BTW I DON'T THINK MEN ARE THAT BAD"?????
No. 1056361
>>1056351Lol it's the "w-wasn't me". I already said no1curr. Maybe don't defend her, because no one was talking to you or
all people who don't want to be pregnant, just the literal schizos writing guro fics about pregnant women and thinking it's #feminism
No. 1056379
>>1056366You had a go at me in the first place complaining that I called a defective human being post what it was, numbnuts. No one worded it like shit, I said "Have kids, or don't have kids". You just didn't understand and took offense over nothing
You really are a scrotette with this bullshit. Don't get pregnant or enter any pregnant woman's club. No one cares, a lot of users here also won't, and this is not a tradthot board. Just keep the gross fantasies private. The funny part is you're probably all straight
No. 1056381
>>1056375Back to insanely reaching cause your feelings are hurt by strangers not applauding you lmao
Really showed those women didn’t ya
No. 1056410
>>1056383I'm personally insulted by anon being upset at sleeping on a mattress with no bedframe. Bedframelets are people too.
Are you a bedframe supremecist, anon?
I have a bedframe now No. 1056438
>>1056435When it’s not a choice, you do what you gotta do and that’s all anybody could expect.
It’s scrote shit to choose no bed frame when one could have one but just doesn’t.
Like people who own duvet covers but sleep under the naked duvet.
No. 1056494
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>>1056434Agreed. I might enjoy the Japan-style tubs you sit in that are small and deep, essentially mini jacuzzis, but I’ve never been able to try one.
No. 1056506
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>Dalits in India watching upper castes Indians in the west complain about white privilege
No upper caste indian can ever complain about white privilege.
No. 1056515
>>1056512How tardpilled are you?
Marriage is just a contract now. Tax benefits and someone to pull the plug on life support if you want em to. Modern marriage in the west has been hugely separated from the traditional model of marriage for alliance and property.
No. 1056523
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>>1056510Maybe I just need to embrace my inner octogenarian and install one of these puppies.
No. 1056532
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>>1056524Awww you think crying on lolcow is gonna save little Nepalese girls from being sold to old men? You reckon you’re crusading for the girls of Burundi by complaining on an niche American imageboard to western women who largely know about the problem already?
You want western women to quit marriage and pretend it will change anything in India?
No. 1056542
>>1056538You don’t have to think oh she’s so oppressed.
Do you recognise that women have been socially sanctioned or devalued for not doing it?
No. 1056579
>>1056542Yeah i do, I'm a tomboy so i get it. If someone feels bad while using femenine clothes and shit i think they should be able to just not do it, but if they like it its okay for me
>>1056556Same, women are not all the same and have different sensibilities, i think some "femenine" aesthetics would still be created even if men didn't exist
No. 1056591
>>1056583Probably because it looks like obvious bait to the tiny online community of women who are bothered by the expectation of femininity.
Radfem groups get one or two posts like that a day and there’s zero discussion to have about someone liking something.
No. 1056620
>>1056538I dislike the expectation of femininity too but at least there's the conventionally attractive/feminine woman privilege from it. I used to present androgynous but at the end of the day it's just more beneficial in most cases to not do it. It's hard for me to feel bad for feminine presenting women. Like, if you hate it so much, look andro or masc if you want. I've been there so I get it. People won't be as helpful or kind but no one's stopping you. I've traded authenticity for privilege and idgaf. Better off being strategic. Complaining about the state of things gets you nothing.
>>1056559I always thought the shitposting threads should have an emoji exception.
No. 1056852
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This person is unironically based and truthpilled and nobody can convince me otherwise. Exactly why I can't get into femdom.
No. 1056871
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Certain people shouldn't be allowed to breed and procreate
Take Nick Cannon for e.g, he doesn't deserves to breathes the same air as human beings let alone pass down his weak, low IQ-Subhuman genes to 8 children
saying Nick Cannon the low-IQ subhuman shouldn't be allowed to breed, should not be controversial statement, same with ASAP rocky, another low IQ Subhuman
why do we let humanity suffer by letting these "men" recreate
No. 1057003
>>1056871ok fine I'll bite because your autism is
triggering mine. What do you mean by "subhuman"?
No. 1057586
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Idk if this dude is even well-known but I really don't like King Critical -or at least, his format of making videos is starting to make me annoyed!!!
I watched a few of his videos and most of it seems to be him waffling on for like 2 hours about the intricate detailed meanings behind individual words instead of actually getting to the point of the video response or whatever he's doing. He'll pause every five seconds, go on like a five minute sperg about whatever, then do it again twenty times in the video.
I agree with his views overall but half of the time I just can't understand what the fuck he's talking about because he just goes on tangents and spergs about some very specific minor detail for like 20 minutes and then does that repeatedly for like every single video. It's not even a detailed response anymore so much as just blabbing on about shit for an hour?
Every woman GC/anti-trans youtuber I watch is detailed yet manages to get straight to the point without sperging or talking shit for ages.
Or maybe I'm just rarted and can't pay attention. I just sort of get the vibe he really likes the sound of his own voice.
No. 1057719
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With frequent discussion of clothing as societal armor and mimetic performance, I can not help but think that the most interesting anons are Lolita-anons.
Unlike the Billie Eilish tomboy, a Lolitanon does not shy away from frivolous, feminine tropes distilled into clothing. In fact, one look at Angelic Pretty Lolita might make you feel uneasy and full: it seems to be a parody of feminine, girlish clothing, layered with excess upon excess until it become a moving, breathing, ribboned monster of fabric and frills. There is a joke in there, somewhere, but ignorant on-lookers are not in on it; they can not comprehend the attractiveness of visually compelling clothing, only conventionally pretty clothing. The latter is always boring and uninteresting and always, always doomed to be fixed in time and dated. In this way, Lolita will always be superior, because it is unstuck in time. It optimizes for endurance. The silhouette is the same (pulled at the waist, A line, full, swishy skirt), and its tropes are the same (the surreal feminine prints, fairy tale-based clothing, the frills and ribbons and nods to Victorian femininity imagined through a Lolita lens), and even its shoes are the same (strappy Mary Janes with 3-4 straps, ribboned block heels, frilled leather boots).
The most interesting thing is about a Lolitanon invites ire from on-lookers by how she chooses to represent herself. You can not walk on the street, as a woman, without rekindling the wrath of someone, and it is the most active, the most assertive, the most tall and proud Lolita who subverts the notion of passiveness as an inherent facet of femininity by going grocery shopping in a fucking Mary Magdalene dress. It's incongruent: you can not dress like this while performing passiveness and meekness, the frills on your dress are quite literally visually violent. And so to choose to present as so is inherently twinned with immediate assertiveness, self-will, and unruliness. It is ironic that when choosing to arm your body with an excess parody-like of femininity, you are automatically conjuring spirit which is socially-coded as extremely unfeminine. You see this with women who dress in oversized garb to avoid attention, who make themselves smaller and purposefully drab to not risk the male eye, they are the most socially-coded feminine of all. A Lolita does not shrink herself to allay her paranoia of a wandering eye; a Lolita challenges it.
No. 1057784
>>1057719Lolitafags fantasy view of themselves:
>based radfem scaring away men>cute and envied>badass confident queen in public>refined taste normies just can’t grasp>totally not a consoombrained autistLolitafags in reality:
>dorky ass frump looking like a fetishist genderhair into ddlg >anxious about people looking at them>hand in hand with greasy boyfie>meekly pointing at a stuffed animal and bouncing up and down like they imagine an excited child would>accidental animu autist expressions and gestures No. 1057798
>>1057785What's a pedomorphism? I'm
>>1057761 and I thought neotont just meant childlike, which I guess I should've used pedomorphic instead.
>>1057790You're right and even then, they dont dress like vidtorian women but rather Victorian children or girls. It doesnt look good on an adult unless they spend hours preparing their looks like they would for a "cosplay".
No. 1057811
>>1057784 is proven right.
No. 1057812
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>>1057802Mother Hubbard dress vibes. Main feature is that it annoys men.
No. 1057830
>>1057784I don't have much of an opinion on lolita fashion either way (I like gothic lolita and pirate lolita, not a huge fan of most other lolita styles, but that is totally irrelevant here).
I just think it's funny/sad how lolita was created to be "dressing for yourself" or to not be appealing to men yet so many coomers love it. My ex was a turbo coomer lolicon and would say how he wanted me to wear lolita dresses cause he thought they were sexy.
No. 1057831
>>1057818You can romanticize masculinity just like femininity, its actually what fakeboys do and even before them, the prince charming little girls are taught to dream about or the strong soldier/police/etc boys dream of when masculinity is brought up. Femininity isn't fragility, it's beauty and the diligent care it needs to be brought, fragility is something I added on because lolita almost looks like something a Victorian child or some creepy porcelain doll would wear, which both reminded me of fragility. The childlike aspect is closely linked to that too. I just explained my thoughts, didn't mean to offend anyone.
>>1057819They're attracted to it because it's hyperfeminine and childlike. Also weebish.
No. 1057868
>>1057847I don't like him because he was
abusive and imo his aesthetics didn't look good, that's all
besides, i hate those idiots too>>1057859this
>>1057862>Music is music so judging an artist based on their personal life to diss their talent is kinda tackyI can admit Michael Jackson was very exceptional but he was pretty crazy too. I just don't like Prince's aesthetic, too tacky, and as i said, he looked greasy
No. 1057870
>>1057868I'm just curious what aesthetics you personally like since I think Prince and MJ's aesthetics look great. Honestly can't understand how you can think it's ugly at all but I love flashiness and romanticism influenced fashion.
>thinking MJ is way better than PrinceLol, did you just listen to one or two Prince songs and gave up?
No. 1057926
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>>1057761>it almost tries to appeal to scrotes.It does the opposite, IMP. It's disconcerting and extreme. Society tries to enforce neoteny on adult women, and Lolita is the most uncomfortable (and yet, desexualized and decidedly "pretty"/female-gaze) response to that. It's almost like a parody of it, it's no surprise that it attracts all kinds of women and girls, including gender-confused ones. Like all extremes, you can also expect perverts to be drawn to it (because they're social deviants too)
I think Courtney Love's kinderwhore fashion was like the lazy, scuzzy tomboy's version of the same concept until it got eaten by mainstream fashion. I do think Lolita has gone through a similar sort of sanitation process, as it doesn't have as much of the punk/"don't give a fuck" edge you see in photos from the 90s and early 2000s magazines, or the gothic music/subcultural associations. Now it's much more about consooming and trying to look pretty like a doll. At the same time, its staunch lack of sexuality and extreme attention to detail keeps it at the extreme end, unpalatable to "normie" tastes
No. 1057944
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>>1057938Kinderwhore puts men off? I honestly feel it's the opposite. Brands like Dolls Kill and garden variety OF girls/e-girl/ddlg types and their coomer simps seem to love it because it gives ageplay vibes (though the intent isn't that) and is simple enough for the moid mind to imagine, while Lolita is still associated with being "deviant" in a way that's off-putting to all but the most degenerate lolicon scrotes. Like I've seen moids associate it with genderqueer/BPD/autistic/horse girl/weeb types, and they also attach the dd/lg stigma to it, but in a more derisive tone than with kinderwhore
No. 1057954
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>>1057948What scrote thinks about this in his porno fantasies?
No. 1057960
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A more mature version of this with a larger bust and hipline and an optional longer skirt would be amazing
No. 1057963
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>>1057938Ah yes, a moid's worst nightmare. Much less sexually gratifying than 10 lbs of lace and long fabric
No. 1057965
>>1057954How’s your boyfriend doing,
nonnie? Were you able to convince him to wash his ass today?
No. 1057969
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>>1057963you're right it should be like this instead
No. 1057978
>>1057965NTA but this is such a weak response. You have to choose: Either
>>1057784 is right and Lolita is not considered sexy, just dorky, or Lolita wearers are the ones running Belle Delphine clone accounts with 6700000 horny scrotes worshiping them and trying to sell foot pics/nudes on IG. You cannot have both
No. 1057987
>>1057954loli wearing lolita is a whole ass anime fetish genre but at the time this was first popularized? Probably not in any scrotes mind. But like scrotes are known to do, they sexualized it.
>>1057963At the time this was popular it was definitely a scrote nightmare. They're not confirming to the fashion norms, the silhouettes of the dresses aren't made to emphasize curves. They're loose. The girls aren't putting on ~flattering~ hair and makeup, it's made to repulse the male gaze. But of course, as scrotes do, they sexualized it. Scrotes will sexualize anything on a woman, that's what they do. Hijabi fetish is a thing. There's a scrote out there with a fetish for any fashion genre you can think of. But the more alternative you go, the smaller the scrote fetish population gets.
No. 1058010
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>>1057996Lolita has been around since the 90s, 80s even so that doesn't make sense. Most zoomers can't afford lolita or will buy shitty cosplay from amazon and pass it off as lolita for tiktok likes. But funnily enough, brands have collaborated with disney and everybody shits on the dresses constantly.
>>1057989I don't think that's the case with the anons who are incessant with shitting on lolita, it's more that they think they are better than other women for not liking an outlandish fashion they find ugly because it doesn't attract scrotes like their ugly kinderwhore outfits do. I've also noticed an uptick in anons incessantly trying to prove to "normie" they are on a fucking website designed to bully cosplayers with eating disorders, you are just as psychotic as us frilly fiends. Sorry about it.
No. 1058017
>>1058005That goes for the Lolita fan side too. Just say you want to wear frilly girly shit and go, I wouldn’t bag on it so much if they stopped trying to act like they’re enlightened uber feminists. Deterring scrotes isn’t even the major factor in what makes a way of dress “more feminist”. It is comfort, not contorting or hurting the body, as well as range of movement/practicality, temperature control, etc. all of which Lolita fails in.
It’s also just funny watching Lolita anons reee about muh Japanese context when most of them are in the west
No. 1058081
>>1056559Same tbh, even outside of here I only ever use
(: pls no ban me as it can be used smugly as well as genuinely.
No. 1058214
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We need more sexy politicians, not just ones that are attractive when they're young and grow up to look like disgusting geriatric scrotes. It might be hard to find men that don't age like milk, but I think it could really improve, not just America, but every country around the world. They're supposed to be the best people to represent our nations, right? As for female politicians, they can keep doing their thing.
No. 1058218
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>>1058214Politicians are sexiest when directly under a guillotine
No. 1058282
>>1058010I'm the anon who said Lolita is appealing to men and really, you're telling me I'm mad it's not appealing to men, when it literally is?.. Lolita is feminine, fragile and childlike. That's why weebish men or pedos adore it. Im sorry but it's the truth, I don't hate Lolita or whatever because it's kinda cute but I find it stupid when you wear these weebish childlike outfits and pretend it doesn't appeal to men and only empowers you like you're some revolutionary feminist for dressing like an overgrown toddler - when most people either think it's weird or will sexualize you for wearing those outfits.
>>1058024Gets what I was trying to convey.
No. 1058394
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Welfare queens are legit a good portion of NEETs and I'm tired of pretending they're not. Reagan was right.
No. 1058484
>>1058394neet incel convicted rapists getting our mothers tax dollars with no op-out, that is a lot more frustrating in my opinion. money, shiny cars, all that shit is meaningless and might as well be burned, but directly sustaining the existence of a
real and known parasite is a torment
No. 1058672
>>1058671i used those mods back in the day but that was when i was a teen and watched way too much reality tv.
it looks really creepy when adults do the teen pregnancy playthroughs…why don't you just have two Young Adult sims go at it instead like the rest of us ugh
No. 1058702
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I think super faded hair dye looks nicer than when it's vibrant, especially if the person doesn't have a bright wardrobe. It gives me the same kind of comfort an overcast day does
No. 1058730
>>1058706I understand where they come from as i've felt like this too but I also have to agree tbh, there is a limit to things like this before you just start becoming miserable and unable to act upon your own genuine interests and desires for fear of the response from men. i completely get them, but it honestly isn't a way to live and can spiral into deep anxiety about anything at all. for example i went through a long period of being afraid of even going to the local store in the evening because i had convinced myself there could be men out there who could quite easily just snatch me up into a car. that fear is totally justified, but it shouldn't stop us doing what we need to, i do think women who experience this deserve support and help of course (something we never seem to fucking get kek)
regardless of how we dress and act, what we enjoy and are curious about sexually or when we're intimate with someone, or how we speak and display mannerisms, men are going to find a way to pick it apart and fetishize it regardless. i disagree in that many of them 'pretend not to care' though i think a lot of the women on here are very vocal about their completely justified worries. i just wish we could all speak up about our worries in general society without being called drama queens, dramatic or paranoid.
No. 1058813
>>1058721“Pretending not to care” as in pretending not to care about the preferences of other men; but by actively and purposefully going against them you are caring. You are caring a whole lot. It’s not “empowering” or whatever to let some imaginary male figure steer you left and right.
>>1058730I do agree but a lot of them think this comes from a palace of intelligence or “having been peaked” but no, it comes from a palace of paranoia and deep-seated fear. There is a man’s eye inside your head and you cannot stop viewing and evaluating everything you might enjoy or like through it. It’s not a way to live and it’s not a way to teach other people.
>>1058747Why is living in someone’s imagination a cause of fear? There’s no immediate danger. You do not have to enhance anyone’s understanding of you by merely existing. You can’t go around and correct everyone’s false projection of you. They can think whatever they like, and the fact that you care or even begin to twist yourself to shy away from that is hilarious because you’re catering to them in the end too. Just in the opposite direction. You do not even own your own actions. I get it, but this is not a way to live. It’s not healthy to constantly set yourself up from a place of utter and complete helplessness, and you can not do that and expect anyone to treat you as self-reliant, because self-reliant people aren’t typically helpless. Just tear out that eye inside your head and enjoy yourself. It doesn’t matter in the end.
No. 1058816
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>>1058706Yeah, I've distanced myself away from that kind of thinking. As a result, I feel like I have more control now! But I love it here. It's weird because I used to be as intense as some of the nonas here and they helped me realize how powerless I felt talking like that.
No. 1058869
>>1058706I feel like you got a point there but you articulated it in a way that sounds like it's inviting people to infight
What I took out of your post is: women should be careful about men because men are assholes, but not let them live rent free inside their mind 24/7. Like, yes be careful but be the stronger person and don't be afraid of them constantly (because living in constant anxiety is awful), be more powerful than them. Or something
No. 1058881
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>>1058852Yes, and a pretty one at that.
No. 1058909
>>1058476>>1058477I got pulled over once and busted for weed and the cop kept asking me “why are you so calm? Aren’t you going to cry? This could ruin your life”
It wasn’t even that much weed. Definitely didn’t warrant more than a ticket. It was like less than 1/4 oz.
Anyway, made me realize how sick and sadistic cops are. It was like he wanted me to beg him and cry so he could get off. Fuck scrotes.
No. 1058963
>>1058942>Criticizing other women instead of working on yourselfI can't help but agree with this to be honest. It's fair enough if the woman is a genuine cow or a shit person but sometimes I've seen comments that are straight up body shaming or overall insulting women who haven't even done anything wrong, "she is built like a brick, she's so ugly, she looks like this and that and is acting like this and that and she deserves to get herpes because she made a decision I don't agree with"
For my own sanity i'm going to assume the people behind those comments are moids because if not I'd be pretty ashamed to make comments like that against just regular women. What's the point in complaining about scrotes all day long if you're engaging in exactly the same behaviour as them? We shouldn't stoop to their level honestly and it makes you a very bitter person overall.
No. 1058982
File: 1644433477328.gif (449.37 KB, 498x347, 984F190A-4D4C-416B-807D-C71514…)

>>1058942I think we should stop criticizing female lolcows and start criticizing male lolcows for being rapists, pedos, or embarrassing people to be around so I agree with that I think it’s ironic that everyone hates scrotes here yet scrotes are never the topic of ridicule and we should change that.
No. 1058983
>>1058942>"Handmaidens/tradwives/sluts are ruining it for everybodyOut of everything you listed, this is the only logical point that connects with "bitter hag woman said this."
Everything else is super reasonable. The majority of sex workers are
victims or are too naive. Women are objectively valued for their appearances. Lots of porn is misogynistic.
No. 1059024
>>1058982The problem is that discussing men is infuriating and depressing, not funny and entertaining. A male lolcow most likely is some form of rapist or pedo or abuser, wtf is fun about that? I read enough about them in the news, I don't need to spend my leisure time 'ridiculing' them for being genuinely awful human beings.
I'm not on board with nitpicking female cows but I see why anons would gravitate towards them, it's more lighthearted milk that won't seriously upset you like moids will.
No. 1059100
>>1059024>lighthearted milkMost female cows here don't even give milk. They're boring as fuck and their thread is just a bunch of Reginas bullying them for their appearance. There's nothing fun about that either.
No. 1059176
>>1059104>I used to follow the ProJared threads but he made me so angry that I make a point to avoid cows like himI admit I really enjoyed those threads, I know it's not fair or feminist but most of the time it was Holly vs Heidi instead of just being about Jared so I never thought about it as his thread.
I think I got invested more because I like Heidi than hate Holly or Jared though. They were total trash no doubt but I got joy from Heidi's eloquent, rational way of standing up for herself. She seems to be thriving now, I love to see it so it's not all about hating on women. Sometimes you have a cow to root for kek.
No. 1059332
File: 1644449647193.jpg (57.32 KB, 500x309, c37c650cad1a4b0be8da77e26544ac…)

Indomie mi goreng isn't that good. I only eat it if there's literally nothing else in my house and I mean nothing, like not a single morsel of food.
No. 1059336
>>1059307I feel like with male attraction, the only thing that can seriously stunt them is having a tiny frame. The midget sickly men seem to never do well. Men having a tiny frame is the equivalent of being ugly.
Size is basically everything with men. I've seen disgusting ogres dating beautiful women.
No. 1059358
File: 1644451197901.gif (1.21 MB, 220x231, DAD0F50A-8CF1-4E9D-83CB-1EE3C2…)

>>1059332how dare you, it’s literally the best of all instant ramen out there.
No. 1059417
File: 1644455467224.jpeg (197.13 KB, 1007x1269, 1644053814170.jpeg)

>>1058942>We get it, you couldn't bag a worthwhile man in time and now you're mad at other women for it/mad that you got stuck with shit men because either you were too ugly to bag a good man or your shitty personality fucked everything are you able to type with your lips fused to your man's taint?
No. 1059502
File: 1644460486407.gif (972.92 KB, 500x216, yojimbonothappy.gif)

>>1059358I'M WITH YOU ANON
No. 1059842
File: 1644498706470.jpg (26.25 KB, 540x545, cry for help.jpg)

mothers are disregarded/fucked over by the family court system, mainstream society, liberal feminist, and even radical feminist
family courts takes men's side
mainstream society makes mothers into martyrs
liberal feminist expect women to fulfill traditional roles and girl boss
radical feminist see motherhood as a trap
No. 1059864
>>1059842This is all true
nonnyThe only thing I disagree with is the court thing, I think they favor mothers over fathers
No. 1059866
>>1059859World isn't black and white. Calling it a trap won't change the fact that a huge majority of women will go through with it and then get fucked over, not because babies ruin your body, make you dumb, waste your time, etc. but because society takes mothers and pregnant women for granted. Single mothers are literally blamed for when their child does anything wrong even though they raised a child all on their own while single fathers are celebrated for doing small things like brushing child's hair or spending time one hour with it.
No. 1059868
>>1059864the courts haven't favored mothers since the 70s.
don't buy into the scrote lies. read lundy barncroft.
>>1059859not to sound like a libfem but it can be rewarding for some women and also be a trap. as long as the woman gets what she wants and has consistent support it can be worthwhile
No. 1060513
>>1060511It’s just about 1.
Triggering the trannies and 2. The principal of accomplished women getting canceled or fired for being sane
No. 1060695
>>1060511>All she did was say that there are 2 sexes.I mean that
is enough to get you cancelled these days. Name me one other person with her worldwide recognition and popularity who has done the same instead of bending the knee to trannies. (And no, Chapelle is not even close.)
No. 1060751
File: 1644537298449.gif (1.93 MB, 480x243, pinkpilled.gif)

Pic related is my unpopular opinion
No. 1061018
Not really sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but at least I think there's some controversy regarding this.
You know, I believe that I just like reading from anons who have "unconventional" husbandos because hearing about "conventional" ones all the time is so boring and the reason why people like those is obvious (physically attractive, pretty anime boy face, muscles, popular franchise… yawn). Seeing posts about generically attractive anime boy #109827059 and their generic, soulless or horny fanart is uninteresting as fuck. Not saying I don't find them attractive myself (usually not enough to sperg about it though), but it's just so commonplace that I can't bring myself to give a fuck about them, usually.
On the other hand, I would love to know how someone finds a character with a strange design attractive. I want to know what made those posters like a funny cartoon character on a sexual level (a personality trait? a particular quirk? his voice? his backstory?), and I think it's pretty cool because they know what they like and (usually) aren't afraid to admit it. I also love learning about relatively obscure characters that have a small but dedicated fanbase, those fanbases tend to be pretty comfy, fun and supportive as well as free of drama or other awful shit. Seeing stuff like that (call it "autism" or whatever, idgaf) brings me joy.
The people who seethe every time an "ugly" or "weird" husbando is posted can keep seething, sometimes it seems like they're fucking obsessed or something, or maybe they forget that there's more to a character than their physical appearance. A lot of conventionally attractive characters that get posted are absolute trash in terms of personality and/or writing and are pretty boring and unappealing outside of having pretty face. Besides, they're most often stylized a lot, is there an "acceptable" amount of stylization that you can like or what? There are people who literally want to fuck robots, but I never see those get any hate.
In short, shout-out to the nonas who have unconventional cartoon husbandos and don't care.
No. 1061029
>>1061018I used to be one of those when I liked 2d men and now I have outgrown 2d and like weird 3d men, it's amazing how across mediums it never changed.
The way I'd explain it is something being too safe, pretty, or somehow without quirks was bothersome to me?
No. 1061219
>>1061049My thoughts exactly. The people who unironically gush over how hot John Silver from the Treasure Planet is definitely sound like they memed themselves into being not like those other shallow bitches who like only pretty boys from popular franchises, often they even say it out loud by acting like
victims over not being taken seriously for finding Felonious Gru and Waluigi the sexiest 2D man on the planet.
No. 1061256
File: 1644573698259.jpg (57.42 KB, 400x400, u-5769.jpg)

>>1061049i have a friend who calls herself an old men fucker and she always likes shit like picrel. like, at least she's consistent i guess but then she tweets stuff like "lol everyone is drooling over this twink, but i find him so ugly, give me a sexy old man." it just sounds very NLOG-y to me.
No. 1061266
>>1061219I have to disagree with you on that, I feel like with characters like John silver, its more that you feel some sort of emotional connection with the character
I don't think it would have mattered what John silver looked like, as long as he was still the same character and had the same role then these girls would still gush over him
No. 1061278
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>>1061262anon wtf, that sounds exactly like my friend! how?! she's 30, never had a bf, claims to be asexy (ofc), constantly crushes on her coworkers (who aren't interested in her because she's also super snappy and judgmental). wears extremely outdated clothes, is very insecure about her body (she's probably towards the higher end of her BMI and/or slightly overweight) and constantly talks shit about her coworkers' love life and how their relationships aren't going to work out because (insert reasons). mind that she never had a relationship so i always wonder where all that wisdom is coming from.
No. 1061371
File: 1644582719401.png (29.42 KB, 602x311, 1642919656676.png)

>>1061356from the handful of girls I know who use the meme, It's only "funny" for them when their white bf's are uncomeatable with it, If the bf's where into it then they would break up with them
or so they claim, I still think its offensive and cringe in all variations
No. 1061383
>>1061375that's what I mean, It's a retarded and unfunny joke, it does however have a target demographic
the bland normie-ish liberal white guys and the woke
woc who are dating them,
I'm from the latter groupthat said I have seen some people(just 2) expression the opinion that by being in inter-racial relationships with white they are increasing tolerance by creating more
POC's instead of white babies and they were dead serious about
>>1061382no one has a specific attraction towards the american aspect of them, these women are all american themselves and so will date other americans and as stated its usually between kinda bland normie white guys and liberal
WOC No. 1061397
>>1061387>>1061395why would they be dating slavs or Italians, these girls are mostly americans and are dating other americans
the thing is these girls from what I've seen are mostly liberal and date other liberal dudes who have their values, this is the average type of guy these women are dating
No. 1061399
I'm so happy when I see an asian guy with a white or black girl.
But especially white, since it's white men who take pleasure in "colonizing" their women. yuck.
No. 1061406
>>1061403that's what I mean, very generic and bland-ish white dudes is honey to hyper woke
wocthe blander the white guy the more woker the girl will end up being
>"I'm a tri-racial ADOs whose mono-gender with semi-Latinax characteristics and this is my white boyfriend Steve, he's tall and thinks kevin hart is funny"that's are more or less interaction I've had with these "types" in college
No. 1061415
File: 1644585847411.png (288.83 KB, 604x818, Banter Birthday.png)

I really dislike these 'rude' kind of cards that seem to be really popular these days, at least here in the UK. Looking for a birthday card and I've come across so many like this that just say things like 'another year closer to wearing velcro shoes and smelling of piss' and I just think they're really distasteful and crude. I think people find them funny and just a part of banter humour but what happened to just wishing someone a happy birthday without insulting them? People will say 'you sound like you're really fun at parties.' I like a joke and a bit of friendly ribbing among friends but banter cultre and crudeness for the sake of crudeness has just gone too far. If I got a rude card like this I'd just bin it.
No. 1061425
>>1061018Look last time i posted that i wanted to fuck a literal car i got nothing but love and encouragement
Nonnies know I’m too far gone
No. 1061647
>>1061256I've seen so many people like this kek. Women who go out of their way to be attracted to the grossest, hairiest, ugliest, oldest men out there in media just to prove something to everyone, usually that they're not like other girls who have generic tastes and how they like
real men and not "girly twinks". It's such a useless thing to have a superiority complex about, congrats for having unconventional standards I guess?
No. 1061664
>>1061340kek i like their dynamic too, especially because connor takes no shit from hank and just keeps blabbing about cholesterol, dogs and death metal and hank just has to deal with it.
>>1061622she's fun to hang out with but she's sooo snappy and judgmental. one time i told her that a show she liked was on disney+ and she snapped at me about how disney+ was evil and what kind of capitalist pig would have disney+??? and i didn't say anything anymore, but i actually wanted to offer her my disney+ login data so she could watch the show she likes on there…
>>1061647i can understand liking a clean looking older fictional man, but they always go for the moids who look extremely unwashed and you just know they haven't washed their ass crack in years. for the same reason i don't understand women who like fat hairy moids and say their nigels are like big cuddly teddy bears. it just grosses me out.
No. 1061691
>>1061664Oh ok, sounds like your friend spends too much time online lol. She should go outside sometime.
>>1061674Nothing in that post sounds like she's pornsick. If she said worse things about a younger, prettier character you probably wouldn't say shit because you'd agree.
>>1061676This. So what if I like fictional men who are about 10 or 20 years older than me? I don't like guys who are more immature than me or look kinda girly, but if others are into that I don't really give a fuck. Why do they care so much about people liking older men (and worse,
fictional ones)? And they'll call them "ugly" as if that meant anything anymore, because to them, "ugly" is anything that doesn't perfectly conform to their own standard (which is, again, pretty younger twinks with no body hair whatsoever). That kind of people is so annoying, it's not like we like men with literal facial deformities or something.
On the other hand, insult those people's tastes as if yours were objectively superior is also dumb.
No. 1061699
File: 1644603152873.png (225.38 KB, 500x500, 1644603007660.png)

>>1061676>>1061676well how would you feel If I told you that I'm attracted to men who like picrel
he's thin and bones but not baby faced and I find him attractive and I also find buff men attractive as well
No. 1061748
>>1061715Kpop looks hotter than this
>>1061699>>1061256and I don't have yellow fever. Probably find white and black men commonly the most attractive if anything
No. 1061817
>>1061792>Usually they consider pretty much anything that doesn't look like a hideous grandpa troll as a "twink" too.Now this is just being disingenuous. I've never seen this happen. Rather, I've realized that what some people consider "hideous grandpa troll" are men who are literally in their 30s or at most 40s who look just fine.
>>1061748>Kpop looks hotter than this >>1061699Yes, in your opinion. Clearly many others disagree.
No. 1061833
>>1060751Based. Really tired of all those reel wimmin support reel wimmin parroting how giving women a leave from work due to muh pms is very important. Self-sabotage your work capacity all you want, but don't drag everyone else down with you. You are not the majority.
>>1061227Then those genetic failure femlets should speak up about those issues they have as failedwomen and not as women as a group. It's like assigning all the issues people with vaginismus have on female sex as a whole.
No. 1061878
File: 1644612321204.png (76.18 KB, 399x661, 20220211_204158.png)

Get back to work, uterus-owning femlet.
No. 1061912
I get really pissed when people say that rape is about power, not sex. I understand why people say that: generally it's a good intentioned thing to keep women from believing that their sexuality is at fault (which is true) and that sex itself is ONLY good and should be embraced by society (debatable)
But when people say sex is about power and/or control, they are also absolving scrotes of their fucked up sex problems, imo. Sex and the assumption that it is a male's right to ejaculate when he chooses is not a social good. Rape is about men believing they deserve to come, however violently, and can take it without consent. Date rape is the clearest example of this, and rape-by-coercion. Are you telling me that when some horny frat boy gets a girl drunk and then nags the shit out of her to suck his dick that it's about…power? Do men get hard when they get promotions? It's about sex, not power, but men see having sex as gaining dominion. Long story short, as a society we should acknowledge that rape is often if not always about "sex", and stop treating sex so lightly and straight and gay moids' fucked up sex drives with kiddygloves.
No. 1061927
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>>1061651He has a new picture book with captions he wrote himself, they're kind of funny like his tweets
No. 1062086
>>1061950Yeah you're a retard. Just stop.
>>1062029This, can both of those idiots shut the fuck up already? I don't even care who started it, you don't have to act like a dumbass to counter the other dumbass, you both will just be annoying the rest of us. Both of them shit up every thread they're in.
>>1061994Tbf you never know if the same anon has criticized men for that behavior on another thread, and practically everyone on this site knows and agrees that men are pedophiles so that would just be preaching to the choir.
No. 1062104
>>1062093Yeah maybe not on lolcow but it seems like most women wear them and I just don't get why. I'm team boyshort and granny panties all day every day
>>1062089The WHAT
No. 1062118
File: 1644631476296.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.66 KB, 420x560, laser cut.jpg)

>>1062104I think these (picrel), they’re laser cut and usually seamless
(Spoilered the image just in case someone didn’t want to see the underwear, but it’s just two pairs of laser cut panties in a white background)
No. 1062124
>>1062088Nah, I hate underwear lines. It’s usually okay for certain clothing unless they don’t fit quite right which happens a lot for me. I
love VS cotton thong, the most comfy underwear I’ve ever worn. I haven’t bought a pair in years tho so idek if they still have it
No. 1062133
File: 1644632271924.jpeg (Spoiler Image,202.94 KB, 764x720, FC4A3429-AC5F-4D4E-A81F-259AF1…)

AOT spoiler but I thought this was actually cute. Sue me okay!! I don't even like the fucker.
No. 1062137
>>1062130I don't think he's cute but it makes me sad when people bully him over his looks. I shouldn't feel sad because he's a very rich man, but wtf do people expect him to do about the way he looks? He can't help it.
What he should do is stop making shit music though.
No. 1062264
>>1061937I feel like you can post any subjective opinion on here about the men you're attracted to and you're just attracting infighting at this point. Do anons on here really not see that different women can be attracted to different men? I agree that society pushes us towards glorifying a certain "type" of man, but that tends to change with the seasons and who certain celebs are dating (e.g. the rise of under-nourished tattooed men a la Pete Davidson).
Age is going to be a huge factor in that too, I know I was attracted to very different men at 18 then I am now at 25, and that's likely to shift again as I get older.
No. 1062289
File: 1644641761789.png (422.57 KB, 603x712, F003E8C9-DB35-4CEC-8FB4-8278FC…)

>>1061833>genetic failure femlets >femlets>no one here uses the word femlets or obsesses about genetic virility unless they’re one of the tinfoils thread spergs >men never fail to not give away their own identity because they are fail at everything Die already scrote. Go make your parents happy for once in their lives and die, do it I dare you
No. 1062306
File: 1644643144447.jpg (72.74 KB, 540x720, 1505411930916.jpg)

I don't even know why this is an argument, I'm attracted to both buff looking masc guys and good thin looking guys
I am not attracted to steroid gym freaks or narc "femboys" who try to hard to be feminine and end up looking ridiculous
No. 1062307
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>>1062299>Canadian>whining about Native Americans I agree land acknowledgement is useless entirely useless canadians should be genocided instead for having the shittiest political takes ever. Never type again, maple shit.
File: 1644669546313.jpg (122.78 KB, 349x500, UoNn5xv.jpg)

>>1062549Literal crackhead dwarf elf
No. 1062559
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>>1062556you know you're not supposed to doublepost to add an image right? also.. dwarf elf sounds qt. as for the crackhead part thousands of celebrities are cocaine addicts so again who cares
No. 1062568
>>1062567>>1062564right here, lol
but I mostly see it on lipstickalley. however that site has a certain "squick" towards men who don't look like the classical 50s hollywood starlet type tho
No. 1062584
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>>1062583I mean his face is ugly too
No. 1062645
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>>1062556Hawaiian Punch man stays losing
No. 1062651
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>>1062646Using a mugshot to prove your point isn't necessarily proof that something is pig disgusting ugly uwu uwu either
No. 1062808
>>1062806I think it's because American women are just taller. I'm
>>1062807 and like I said, I think it depends on where you're from and the average height.
No. 1062957
>>1056561The men would seek to make an issue instantly if only they had the power and resources. Any time a larger, militarily stronger group of men commits rapes and killings, the only thing that really bothers the losing side of men is that they didn't get to be the ones doing it. Look no further than revolutions and uprisings in countries that have had a civil war.
When you give a poor oppressed peasant man a gun, what is the first thing he does with that power? He goes in the first house that's nicer than his and assaults the women as "revenge" thinking "finally, it's my turn".
Next time you listen to a "downtrodden", revolutionary type man speak, see how many sentences it takes for that sentiment to seep through.
No. 1063007
Also, it was only when I started to see incels and their "Chad" counterparts (two sides of the same coin since they feed off eachh other kek) discuss men's height and call "short" (below 6 ft) men manlets that I started to notice those things. And then I discovered CC and LC and it turned out that they were wrong,
obviously, since lots of women think short men are cute or just don't care if a man isn't tall because there's much more to take into account than height, but it seems that some of the women who do care repeat the same bullshit that the scrotes do.
No. 1063030
>>1063022>I didnt say that, more like since when is their race so defining that there needs to be a category for that as well? Race has been defining in the west for an extremely long time. That's just how it is, just like gender.
>Movies are about different things, I think every role is different and I dont see how whether the movie was more to do with white people or x race matters, theyre both movies and the focus is the performance the person gave.Actors of specific races are purposely chosen for stories, even if the story itself isn't about race. Most movies aren't about gender, but the lead will be a male or female, and that (along with other factors, eg the actor or actress's talent) have an obvious effect on how the story is received. I don't see anything wrong with assigning awards based on that
It's not an award for being a race or for being a woman, it's an award for one's delivery/performance in a film, especially compared to the rest of the representation and other actor's performances. It's not all the same, otherwise we wouldn't separate any of them
No. 1063064
>>1063014I never said anything that contradicted that. When I said "tall" I didn't mean "relatively taller than you", I meant a specific standard. So I actually meant "lots of women don't care if a man isn't above 6 feet tall" which is what people who are obsessed with height (mostly incels) don't understand, most of us just want a man who is at least slightly tall
in relation to our own height, which is different. Also calling anyone who isn't 6 ft tall "short" is stupid, like the other anon said 5'8 is average (not short) to a lot of people who aren't Americans or Europeans.
No. 1063084
File: 1644694916435.jpg (305.75 KB, 1055x1238, dracula idk.jpg)

>>1063075This looks better than most generic hot girl characters
No. 1063099
File: 1644695270715.jpg (684.4 KB, 1292x611, bridgmanart.jpg)

>>1063026Completely 100% agree. I went to school with so many people who would exclusively draw just women. They also sucked ass in figure drawing because it'd be a mixture of models and very rarely did we get someone "beautiful".
No. 1063101
File: 1644695306521.jpg (285.66 KB, 1159x2048, 61ee8407b9bd6f33947def1fc0d790…)

>>1063084Excuse you that's a human, Hector, not Dracula.
No. 1063107
What's your favorite castlevania game?
No. 1063111
File: 1644695464159.jpg (113.19 KB, 475x600, 4977971805_047709913e_z.jpg)

>>1063107Lament of Innocence because of this cutie.
No. 1063124
>>1063091Go suck a cock challenge
>>1063095Go draw them then and stop whining about artists that choose to depict the superior female form
No. 1063205
>>1063198I agree, people who say they hate men and love women but then continue to draw art of men and not any at all of women are weird
>>1063203The incelbians are at it again, poor straight women!
No. 1063214
>>1063208I can't vent my frustration against male in art to people who generally agree?
>>1063208It's a joke dumbass
>>1063209Wtf are you talking about?
No. 1063246
File: 1644697944585.gif (1.25 MB, 540x286, a1420920162f91b06420313722175f…)

This is the ideal male physiognomy. This does not exist in real life. What do?
No. 1063249
File: 1644697969307.jpg (74.14 KB, 700x935, Italian-writer-Waltz-Molina-19…)

I hope all men get drafted this century and will be too busy killing eachother to shit up lolcow.
No. 1063271
I'm on the verge of changing my mind about disliking the autistic, anime-hating radfems. Maybe they were right, and we really should start calling all these drawings "tranime", because the enthusiasts can clearly never shut the fuck up about the gender and gender identity of their masturbatory aids. No one cares
You have a containment thread for your cartoonfucking wars:
>>>/ot/1034608 No. 1063278
It's hilarious that "straight women" can admit that they draw 2D men to look nothing like any man that exists irl, to the point that they look like women, and even some can admit it
>>1063266 , some will still deny it like it's not true and cling to moids for no reason lmao. The absolute state of straight women, seethe and vet.
No. 1063280
File: 1644698350303.jpg (40.48 KB, 650x650, c11a4c764e2416344d5975b81f9ad4…)

>>1063246this, though i'm partial to '97
No. 1063281
File: 1644698352008.jpg (42.23 KB, 500x375, 1638454068035.jpg)

This is a sexy man
No. 1063284
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>>1063280What about manga?
No. 1063286
File: 1644698470378.png (3.18 MB, 983x1209, man long hair.png)

>>1063278You could argue old school bishies just look like a very idealized version of this
No. 1063294
File: 1644698648265.jpg (124.27 KB, 736x920, 1643481415963.jpg)

>>1063289It was. This type of style is not outside of any realm of reality anyways really makes me wonder why anon is so insistent on it only existing in women.
No. 1063297
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No. 1063298
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I don't know about other people here, but I'm one of the anons who called femboys gross and yeah, I guess there's been a misunderstanding here because in my mind
>>1063280>>1063281are bishies (pretty boys aimed at a female audience, awesome) while picrel is a femboy/trap (commer shit for closeted scrotes, gross).
No. 1063303
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>>1063281Personally I don't think he's "sexy", I would rather call him "beautiful".
This guy, on the other hand.
No. 1063306
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>>1063289>>1063294Yeah, and Bjorn Andresen (pic related) had a huge impact in Japan on bishonen characters/manga in general and how they were designed
No. 1063312
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>>1063303He's pretty handsome.
I also like rubeus from sailor moon
No. 1063323
>>1063246Look's very womanly. I can't picture this character as a man sorry. Maybe the voice…?
>>1063280I could easily see as a man
No. 1063325
>>1063309??? I'm bisexual, so I like both. Androgynous people are hot to me. Tomboys and feminine men are attractive to me. Both sexes have body parts I find pleasing
Enough about me. What is it with you and straight women? It just sounds like you need your pussy eaten really badly lol. Neither the cartoons or the straight women will fuck you. Stop obsessing over both and find a girlfriend, simple as
No. 1063328
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>>1063301yeah, those people should just admit they're drawing girls (nothing wrong with that!) instead of pulling all the mental gymnastics. but i guess regular pretty girls are overdone these days so they gotta have a gimmick to attract an audience, albeit a porn brain-rotten one.
No. 1063331
>>1063326I'm literally a woman and definitely more feminine than you lmao. I'm disgusted by scrotes and so are you, only I can admit it
>>1063325My issue isn't with you then
No. 1063335
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Hahaha… hahahaha ahahaha…
No. 1063339
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No. 1063342
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>>1063335isn't the dude from berserk a rapist
No. 1063343
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No. 1063358
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>>1063301Femboys are always just
>literally just draw a girl, dress her like a girl and claim it's a guy ("Haha it's a trap!!")or
>draw short-haired girl with a flat chest and massive thighsShit's just ugly and lazy. I think Bridget was the only "femboy" character that ever "worked" because his design looked a little boyish
No. 1063364
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>>1063350Who do you think you're fooling, moid?
No. 1063371
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No. 1063382
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>>1063310He grew into a handsome man, I think not enough people talk about that. I kind of wish he kept his long hair, but knowing what happened, I can understand why he didn't and just wanted to be normal
>>1063332>>1063374Because this argument about anime boys always comes up, and one side doesn't seem to realize that the effeminate anime boys are based on an actual, real life moid. Even manga artists (Riyoko Ikeda) have discussed his influence
No. 1063385
>>1063309>you think wanting a man who looks like a woman is having "high standards" but in reality you're literally just a lesbianI like bishies and men with long hair. So according to you, I must be a lesbian in denial, right? Then why is it that despite my best efforts I haven't been able to find real women, whether feminine or butch, as attractive as men, whether pretty or masculine?
We all know the truth here, and it's that you're just insecure.
No. 1063392
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Nintendo is getting disgusting by making all this coombait designs. They know exactly what they're doing kek
No. 1063394
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>>1063392I thought it was pretty bad they were openly sexualizing the Pokemon girls but this looks like furaffinity shit.
No. 1063396
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>>1063392poor kirby, he a coombait now
No. 1063402
>>1063339Hot, who's that?
>>1063371I think his mouth looks too small or maybe it's just because it's half-open, but otherwise I'd find him hot
No. 1063404
>>1062924I'm gonna be very honest, I have no idea what good production means but it seems to not matter cause he's still just very annoying.
>>1063394I'm laughing at those poor tiny feet carrying this aberration
No. 1063413
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>>1063407Yeah, because he grew up lol. When he blew up and inspired them, he was a teenager
No. 1063415
>>1063390I hated the fucking pill
I was insanely irritable like a whole other bitch of a woman. I hated myself for it too the moment I realised I yelled at my siblings. I bled for the entirety of it until I quit after 1-1.5 months, I got the worst acne ever, it didnt do shit for me. I have excessive estrogen already and the smallest 10mg estrogen pill fucked with me so I gave up since I only wanted it to fix my acne not because I have straight sex.
No. 1063419
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>>1063390>>1063401I agree with you anons but how to live if your periods are fucked? The time my emotions got even more unstable than before is coincidentally around when I've started taking the pill regularly; but at the same time all the stress over 8-days long periods that were impossible to predict (up to 7 days +/- difference every next cycle) is gone now and I really don't want to live like this ever again… I feel like I'm just bound to suffer in one way or another.
No. 1063454
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Can someone please make bishies out of these silly moids
No. 1063670
>>1063415Same. I took it for a short while because I was told it would help regulate my periods and help my acne. Didn't help my acne and didn't help regulate my period or help any other hormonal imbalance symptoms
Ironically, the only thing that helped was fixing my diet, lowering stress, and taking spearmint
>Inb4 you're an essential oil mlm Karen!Meh what works for me is what works for me. Anytime I have an issue relating to my health (that isn't an emergency/severe) I use natural stuff and then go to the doctor. It just seems like they slap the birth control band aid on any sort of female problem and then look at you funny if you DONT take unnecessary hormones
No. 1063683
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>>1063394if they don't stop sexualizing cats right fucking now i s2g
No. 1064026
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>>1063289My boyfie Pete Burns was very popular in Japan
No. 1064292
>>1064230>>1064260i guess i did not word myself correctly, im talking about checkups for ovarian and breast cancer. There are also other types of vaginal cancers too to look out for.
>>1064285i think yearly is too long, i think every 3 months is ideal (especially if you are a older woman) but thats my opinion.
>>1064214you do realize ovarian cancer is the most aggressive form of cancer and alot of women lose their life to it…right?
Going to gyno atleast every 3 months minimum is important..
No. 1064327
>>1064292I had hpv and changes in the cells in my cervix before. It was at an early stage where they weren't treating it but were keeping a closer eye on it to see if it would clear itself (the hpv did) My appointments were still spaced out 6 months apart. Even with those results.
For countries with public cervical screening programmes (and other screening programmes) they won't see you that often or recommend it. They recommend that you check your breasts at home if you're under 50. You only go to a doc if you notice a breast change through self-exam. If you have a strong family history of cancer and are on BC that increases the risk then you might get examined at a BC appointment.
No. 1064370
>>1063419Different formulations have different effects on women. One version can make someone a suicidal mess and she will be fine on another.
So try different types to see if one works better.
As an aside, I also could never predict me periods until I started using a period tracker app. After a few months, it was very good at predicting them and giving me notice.
No. 1064379
>>1064370It's borderline pickmeish to play hormone roulette risking negative side effects just so some guy can bust inside you raw. Doctors don't listen to you, either, they say "oh, wait 6 months for things to even out". With multiple brands of birth control that's multiple years of a women's life on the bc merry go round so Brad can cum without a condom
>>1064055I agree, my vagina is not a cancer bomb and I'm not going unless I have a problem
No. 1064402
Get off your hobby horse. They airt said she took birth control because she had unpredictable periods that caused her a lot of stress. Nothing about sex or men.
Sorry you were dumb enough to fuck yourself over with birth control cause you couldn't tell a guy to wear a condom, but all women don't have that problem.
No. 1064425
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>>1064379I deleted my post earlier because it was a bit too off topic, but I want to warn that you can get a liver tumor which can turn malignant over time if you take birth control for over 5 years. I really regret taking it, but I was 13 when it was first prescribed to me for painful periods. If you do take birth control, you should get a check up every 5 years. Pregnant women can get them too, but you don't stay pregnant for years on end, so unlikely to turn malignant.
No. 1064433
>>1064379In my teens my mom brought me to a clinic after I bled for weeks. They went over my family history (my mom had breast cancer att) I'm glad they were so open about the risk it increases for me. I went back other times when dating and again they were open about the fact that spending years on BC would be playing a numbers game that they're not keen to let you play given my risk factors. I was grateful that they focused so much on making me aware of the stats. I grew up in an area with a high rate of not-so-planned pregnancy so usally the focus was just on getting you on BC long term.
My last ex got a vasectomy and I thought I was sorted for life. He cheated and I'm back to square one. I don't plan on taking BC again. I don't know how I'll work around the issue when the time comes. When I was younger I used to at least try to take BC but then the emotional shit would get to me. As I'm getting older the risks are in no way worth it to me. I'd rather be alone than take that gamble, lose and end up blaming myself if I meet the same fate as my mom or aunts did.
No. 1064569
>>1064490Im sorry about your family member, and i see your point. Its so hard to trust much of the medical industry. However, theres just as much lying and misdirection in the herbal supplement/ vitamin business too. Worked at hippie grocery stores that sold “alternative medicine” and they would rely on brand recognition and blind faith that the pills work. They had very little science to back the claims that wasnt paid by the companies.
Its all a money grab and we are the lab rats
No. 1064579
>>1064570I'm with
>>1064577 a fictional characters sexuality doesn't matter, people are just having fun.
No. 1064885
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>>1064448He was cute with long-ish hair in Don't Look Up
No. 1064934
>>1064778I'm in a country where the left vs right thing isn't really that much of a thing. I mostly see it online and so at times I don't follow the ins and outs of where the line is set on certain issues.
A few days ago I was watching turkey tom, he has a new channel where he's just shitting out low effort opinion based vids. One second he was complaining about leftie and the next sentence was him saying he supports trans people and would vote to support them if it came down to a vote tomorrow.
"Damn lefties… I support trans people" In my mind those two don't go together, idk. I'm lost when it comes to the two sides, more lost than ever. I thought I was starting to get it but what now.
No. 1064987
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>>1064952I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna post CBT
No. 1065019
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>>1065016Idk he looks like shit in this shoot but that may have been the point
No. 1065303
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>>1065270I think a lot of weird fat ones are ugly but I like a handful of them.
No. 1065308
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>>1065303Thought this was a tampon for a sec
No. 1065331
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>>1065307I have two kawecos and I like them! I personally like the cap because it gives slight visual distinction from other pens that are all smooth and rounded. The body is short but I always write with the cap shoved on top like in the pic so it doesn't feel that short to me. I really want this pen since it's so cheap too (only $27!) but since I already have two it seems like a waste… I like Sailor because they have pretty colors but they're too expensive.
No. 1068832
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She did nothing wrong
No. 1069042
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>>1069041Mitski, Lana del ray, Joji,
No. 1069048
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>>1069042Aurora, Billie, Florence ATM,
No. 1069175
Joining in on the unpopular skating opinions but I still love Patrick Chan (for his skating skills) and Plushenko (for his programs/choreo), despite them being ugly and widely considered assholes.
>>1069041Ballads are the worst genre of music, luckily the west seems to have done away with them entirely but asian countries still cling to them. I do not have the patience to sit through that shit and hope that maybe the dragged out melody will click with me and I'll end up enjoying it.
No. 1069204
>>1069003Same, obviously he has talent and his body may look graceful but I always thought that his face and expressions weren't so good. I remember being very surprised by Chen and Shoma Uno because they were more creative with their programs and they're cuter kek. Chen can fucking backflip.
A lot of Yuzu fans were also in it to ship him with that other spanish (?) skater.
No. 1070026
>>1069958I was watching one of those 'things that happen during/after birth that you didnt know' vids lately. I thought I knew most of it but I didn't know how painful breastfeeding can be in the first 7-14 days. There was women describing themselves balling crying while feeding the baby. Then my fave bit..
>Your body will build up a callous in about 2 weeksNipple… callous… well the title was right, I def didn't know about that before.
No. 1070597
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Cartoons: female characters "sexually" harassing male characters will never be creepy as the inverse. Fuck off.
No. 1070610
>>1070598Nta, obviously, but I agree, I still haven’t seen any news about a pandemic of women going to Asia for sex tourism, neither news stories about multitudes of women paying to get either mail grooms or male sex slaves (which would be kind of the same) delivered to their doorsteps.
The people trying to treat and view female attractions with the same lens as male attractions are seriously retarded.
No. 1070612
>>1070589Isn't Lolita the novel written for the cause of showing how bad pedophilia affects the
victim? The girl ends up getting trafficked and just when you think things are getting better for her, ultimately dying at the end, it's mostly the pedos fault because if he hadnt come to her life none of that would've happened.
No. 1070973
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I think the suppositions on long-term effects of masks are really overblown, you'd have to be a shut-in loner to have never seen anybody in two years without a mask, and picrel is really fucking dumb, kids see their parents at home and nobody keeps a mask there
No. 1071022
>>1071011dramatic is a stretch. obviously things are different now? but people wore masks consistently months ago for a long while.
>>1071018it's not my intention to act stupid. its my personal opinion that you cant see a smile underneath a mask, unless your wearing a shear,mesh translucent mask. you cannot see a smile with those paper ones.
No. 1071026
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>>1071022maybe you're just autistic and don't get clues like that, but i can recognize people smiling with a mask on just fine. people's smiles reach their eyes.
No. 1071057
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>>1071049oof. i hope your smile one day reaches your eyes, nonna!
No. 1071172
>>1071123It’s funny because when you’re 18-26 you’re expected to somehow know better, but when you reject a shitty moid, you’re a frigid bitch and you will never
gasp get married or have children -Insert ghost emoji and scared emoji-There’s no winning.
No. 1071417
>>1071329I feel like pretty women get nitpicked a lot more though, since average and ugly women are usually invisible where as pretty women are often nitpicked, negged, and there always has to be people who come in saying stuff like "everyone says she's so beautiful but II think she's ugly!". Think of any beautiful woman whether it be an actress, singer, model, influencer, etc. Google her name and "ugly" behind it and there's several forums of people agreeing she's ugly, meanwhile it almost never happens for average looking or unattractive female influencers. I've seen more people have a jerk off fest about how ugly women like Monica bellucci and Judy Garland are than I've seen people call influencers like amberlynn, Whoopi Goldberg, or Lena Dunham, ugly.
No. 1071422
>>1071316this is extremely true, there's even that ''she is too pretty for porn'' saying. Where men feel sympathy for pretty girls in porn and say that they should be models and actresses instead and that they prefer to watch average looking women be degraded in porn.
average and Ugly women are also lees likely to be believed if they are raped and often get blamed compared to pretty women.
>>1071417use your braincells, everyone knows those women are factually ugly meanwhile those pretty women are shilled as universally beautiful and not everyone agrees with that.
Also those beautiful women directly benefit from being beautiful and their careers plummet if they ever drop down in looks, i mean just look at what happened to katy perry once she cut her hair or when camilla gained weight.
No. 1071433
>>1071422That doesn't mean it doesn't effect the women. Ugly and average women in the media easily have other qualities praised about them like "wow she's so funny, she's so caring, etc". Beautiful women just get insulted for not being "that" beautiful and people are too caught up in discussing if they themselves find her attractive than to point out any other good qualities about them. Beautiful women have it terrible since they get the whole "she's not that beautiful! I think she's ugly! I like MY women with ass/tits/lips/tan/pale/blonde/whatever!" crowd and then they get non stop creeps. Everyone knows why this happens but what I'm saying is it fucking sucks. Not to mention beautiful women are forced to keep up with their appearance or else they're going to be insulted repeatedly by their team if they decide to do something that their team believes makes them unattractive.
Beautiful women get insulted way more out of every other group, that's all I was saying. We are on the same page
No. 1071461
>>1071433We are not on the same page and you are totally missing your point by trying to erase the shit that ugly/average women go through.
Those ugly women that you speak off had to work twice as hard to get where they are and they constantly get harassed by males for being ugly.
Meanwhile those beautiful women made a career out of being beautiful and thats why they are forced to keep up with their appearance because if they let themselves go and become average then they will get treated accordingly to how average women get treated like.
>>1071450girl stop the shilling, men talk all the time how they use fat or ugly women for sex and how easy they are to get to bed and then ghost, how they want to have sex with fat chicks but they want to marry skinny women.
its literally coming from their own mouth.
No. 1071475
>>1071470stop playing mental gymnastics im not saying this shit doesn't happen to hot girls, im saying that it happens less.
>>1071467you seem low-iq since you cant understand a sentence other anons say, are you that serbian moid from the eurofag thread? Fix your English understanding.
No. 1071491
>>1071480Look at starter wifes (who are mostly average and ugly) who get dumped once the man gets rich and gets a hot wife.
But no point in replying to you since you think hot girl influencers are the most oppressed class of women lol, k bye.
>>1071485i got this strange vibe from them that they're a moid too but didnt want to jump to conclusions.
Also as someone who used to be ugly and then fixed their face and are considered ''pretty'' now let me tell you the hell that society and men put you through for being ugly would make a normie want to kill themselves.
No. 1071562
>>1071559yes women being only valued for their looks and being punished if they dont fit the ideal is totally the same as trannys getting mad for not passing.
Do you realize how retarded you sound.
No. 1071574
>>1071566literally no one even said that, the original conversation was only about ugly women until you started talking about how hot female celebs and influencers are oppressed and getting overly defensive and not properly reading what other anons post.
>>1071569anon is 100% either a moid or a self-hating ugly woman who feels like she has a obligation to defend extremely attractive women.
No. 1071587
>>1071578how is anons just bringing up the shit that ugly women face saying that women are not oppressed, frankly we know that. You seem petty and pressed for now reason and you want to silence anons from talking about things that you dont like in the fucking unpopular opinion thread.
>>1071581>scroll up so i can see anons replies to your butthurt posts.
No. 1071590
>>1071587>no one said that, I mean it’s literally right here in the thread but no one said that and if you point out where they did well you’re just a scrote and-and butthurt !ugly
and retarded I see
No. 1071618
>>1071578there's way more nuance to it though. of course all women are oppressed by men, anyone saying pretty women don't face oppression is a retard. the point is that being an attractive woman really positively affects your life in general, as
>>1071569 pointed out there's been an abundance of research to suggest that people perceive you in a far more favourable way when you're attractive. in general, i don't think that people should give as much value to beauty as they already do, but it's such a pisstake when anons say that pretty privilege (hate this term but what can you do) doesn't exist. when you're perceived as an unattractive woman by most of the people around you, you're essentially invisible or often dismissed. this goes beyond men, it's people in general who don't give much of a shit about you. an attractive woman can just exist and people will want to provide her with positive attention; while this is something that has pros and cons, those pros won't ever be the case for a woman perceived as ugly (unless she majorly alters her appearance in a way that fits the current beauty standard). one has to be really detached or unempathetic to ignore that this is how it is
No. 1071625
>>1071619yeah anon its easy to get your local hobbo, druggie or
abusive moid.
>when any man would fall for a girl that's kind of nice to sorry but this sounds like something a male would say.
No. 1071634
>>1071438All women get harassed, but life's way worse for ugly women. And you make this about men, but even other women will harass and misjudge ugly women. It's scientifically proven that beautiful people have it easier in many aspects of life, so I don't even know what's there to discuss.
>>1071619They absolutely do not "fall" for every girl that's nice, they prey on them to get sex temporarily until they find some prettier woman that's naive enough to get with him. And yeah, it is hard to get a man if men will constantly berate you and talk about how unfuckable you are, because they have standards even if they shouldn't. You sound like you haven't been around men.
No. 1071653
>>1071636the standards for women are getting higher so alot of women who would be considered hot 10 years ago are now considered average. So yeah alot of average (pretty) women are getting married .
average doesn't mean ugly or deformed.
Youre both right and wrong in some points.
>>1071619>when any man would fall for a girl that's kind of nice to him.Translation : as long as you act like his maid, his therapist, accept every bad thing he does, let him cheat he will love you.
No. 1071657
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Is it weird to not want to have relationships/friendships with 18-19 year olds when you're in your mid twenties? I just view them as still being teenagers and it skeves me out when people 22+ are still hanging around like 18 yr old fresh out of highschool. I know you might still have some friends that were a few years younger than you but actively seeking out people straight outta highschool to hang out with if you're already in college gives me weird vibes. I have 19 year old brother but if he wasn't my brother we probably would never interact.
No. 1071673
>>1071667there have been eurofag moids who started baiting there and in other threads but they got deleted and banned by the jannys fast thankfully.
There are certain posts in the tinfoil thread especially the ones that racebait that seem moid-y.
>Also antisemitism isn't allowed, is it?idk but some posts are anti-semitic and even the thread picture is.
No. 1071679
>>1070479Been years since I last navigated this but I remember men playing weird games in almost an attempt to act like they don't care. Playing it too cool and it ruining your ability to just set a day to meet. Falling off the face of the planet for a while. Being stupid late when they were the one suggesting the time you meet up. If you move on tho they suddenly sweat it and start messaging you that they're 5 mins away and free if you want to meet.. panicking and suddenly being very easy to get a hold of any time you might fancy meeting up. Like why couldn't you just be easier to make plans with this whole time? Playing hard to get isn't how nsa works. It's annoying because you're providing a scenario that they claim is the dream set-up and then they get weird and ruin it for themselves the moment they have it. It was a bit of a pattern. Not tooting my own horn here given this was all years ago but I was fit and at my personal prime at the time I was doing this.. it makes no sense to be messing you around and acting so OTT detached that it comes off as disinterest. The moment you ignore them they go into a mode that reminds me of a newly dumped bpder. The act drops.
Eventually I found a guy who did none of that shit. He could make plans in advance, talk to me for a few mins here and there just so that we weren't strangers, he answered messages and not just after midnight. It was a good balance. He would top up my lube and condoms drawer when supplies got low. He'd ask in advance about whether I wanted to do anything new. There was no forced 'I so don't care about you' act. It was refreshing and after it just fizzled out I gave up on searching for another. He was a good note to end that phase of my life on. I'm admittedly not great at reading people so my younger self was perplexed by the push and pull of the men before him. I can see it now. There were no romantic feelings but egos were involved and guards were up. People say women will always fall for a guy they're sleeping with but men have their own emotional/ego shitshow attached to sex
No. 1071863
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>>1071809Those rooms with 100 different cinnamoroll plushies that barely differ from each other.. I mean hoard plushies all you want but it's a weird choice to keep rebuying something as plain and same-ish as that.
No. 1071886
>>1071820How can you say that they have no standards when literally every standard a woman has to live up to is dictated by men, and they're almost unattainable? Their standards are high as fuck, when they get with ugly women they're just desperate enough or they want a cock sleeve/maid/therapist/wallet to abuse and vent their frustrations to while jerking off to prettier women.
>>1071871Agree. Ugly men are the ones who get praised for other qualities.
No. 1072132
>>1071701Uh, you seem to have a couple of wires crossed here.
People want more diversity because they think that they reason there aren't more Xs in C-suite is because of racism/prejudice and because they think having more Xs in C-suite will result in a less prejudiced culture at companies, and, the real reason for the push, because it's much easier than agitating for actual changes to systemic prejudice like free or state subsidized day care.
Nobody is asking for more representation because it's a great job. Have no idea how you made that connection.
And people are totally willing to sacrifice interruption free dinners to get a C-suite job. They think that's a worthwhile tradeoff.
No. 1072966
>>1072893Hmmm sounds pretty racist to me.
>reee you can’t be racist against whites!!! Do what
>>1072951 says or fuck off to Twitter. Guarantee you’re American.
No. 1073063
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Flossing feels great both mentally and physically. but why are most photos when you search "flossing" of women
No. 1073994
>>1073083I can't believe I wanted to watch this retarded anime once just because it was "critically acclaimed"
I forgot how much I fucking hate modern anime and every time a female character makes any sound or moves in any way, it's too disgusting and embarrassing
No. 1074334
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Peter Pan is fucking creepy and an asshole, I don’t get how can anyone like him.
No. 1074397
>>1074391She just accepts whatever shit Peter throws at her, she tries to correct him but then she goes
>oh wellAnd even with her daughter she’s like
>Geez maybe you have to believe harder during fucking war No. 1074451
>>1074409>basing your self-worth of whether males fap or not fap to youJust like yourself and don’t put other women down, saying shit that basically means
>you’re not woman enough Because of shit that you can’t control, it’s honestly retarded and pickme shit, what’s your solution then? Let’s just all cut off our breasts because men fetishize them?
I guess you don’t know that men are also into that, they’re also into thin and prepubescent girls, just like how they can be into obese and geriatric women.
Like, imagine thinking that what you do will make men stop wanting to fap to you, they literally spend their lives trying to make everything sexual, the idea is that you remove it by telling them that they’re being retarded and disgusting, not by nullifying your body.
No. 1074452
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>>1074409eh personally I think picrel is the ideal female body
No. 1074456
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>>1074409Peak female performance
No. 1074529
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>>1074409Crying rn bc I'll never be an ethereal non sexual elegant elf lady… Not.
No. 1074625
>>1074409>>1074439Being thick or curvy doesn't make a woman a sexual object, dumbass. Some people are just born like that and it's so dumb when you people try to compare women like this. Basing your worth off of whether or not men jack off to you is dumb already, but men
do get off to thin women. Scrotes get off to anything, just go on any porn website and see for yourself. Some of you try so hard to be man-haters that you just end up sounding misogynistic.
No. 1074751
>>1074390My headcanon is that the tinkerbell Fanfic MC was before neverland
never watched the whole tinkerbell movies and don’t remember much of them once she meets Peter Pan she becomes unhinged.
No. 1075467
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>>1075462Noooo he is so handsome i mean just look at him.
No. 1075533
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Bump, CP below
No. 1075551
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>>1075511anon….thats the name of the dish and not the mouse.
The mouse is called remy.
No. 1075570
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>>1075562sorry anon its just that he is too cute that i mistook him for a mouse. Unlike Adam driver oppa who looks like a rat.
No. 1075749
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I think male 2X-tan SUCKS!!
No. 1075755
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>>1075749WTF did you say bitch
No. 1075775
>>1075765The real one
is a woman. The male /2x/-tan just came from a drawing that a farmer made that was like, "I got transported into a world of genderbent board husbandos!". It's in the doodle thread.
No. 1075824
>>1075803Yes? I've read and watched about tragedies in other parts of the world that greatly disturbed me and/or made me emotional
Ngl, I cried a little watching a video about the Sewol Ferry Disaster not too long ago.. I think it's normal human behavior to be upset when you hear about people suffering from things that should not be happening, regardless of where they are from.
No. 1075848
>>1075803I'm nowhere near Ukraine but what's happening to Ukrainians right now makes me incredibly sad and worried. Nobody deserves their homes and family being potentially destroyed for… what reason? There is no reason. Is this not just empathy 101?
If the same thing happened to my country I would appreciate support and empathetic people too.
No. 1075896
>>1075789Playing too much sonic causes you to contract autism, that's a fact.
I remember years ago living with an ex, we had a crappy selection of TV channels so we'd always end up playing some true crime channel in the background. A few times there were cases where already sus teenage boys went off the deep end and games were mentioned. Dunno why but my ex who didn't even own a console would lose his shit every time insisting it's bullshit. Never seen him get so passionate. Fully chimped out.
No. 1076166
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>>1076114They didn't even use Barranquillas's Carnival, i was so disappointed, it features so many colorful and fun characters
No. 1076174
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I don't feel bad whatsoever for kids and teens who got "tricked" into having an eating disorders or becoming a tranny by going on social media that are very clearly meant for adults. I just wish they'd fuck off until they turn 18. Same deal for these retarded children who cry and throw up whenever they willingly read a "problematic" fanfic rated M of their favorite pairing on AO3 when everything is tagged properly. Where the fuck are your parents? Fuck off and stop ruining the internet as a whole with your bullshit already. Really, this is the epitome of not having any real problems in your life. Pic related I guess.
No. 1076480
>>1076182No normal person would want to be a fan of an
abusive unhinged retard that is stalking his own wife and threatning to kill her bf.
No. 1076538
>>1076516I never said I don't care about pornsick moids in general. But my view for musicians is that caring about their lifestyles to moralfag about who you should/nt listen to is dumb as fuck since many of them have crazy and
toxic as fuck lifestyles due to the nature of the music industry regardless if they're men or women. It's always been like that and from my knowledge artists from the past were even worse. One of my favorite female artist had bipolar disorder and was arrested for shooting a kid but she's still universally loved as one of the greatest singers in her genre by many.
No. 1076640
>>1076114>>1076166Wow that's pretty cool. What a shame, it could've been a nice addition.
IMO it's because Disney is crap compared to Pixar (though when I was watching Encanto I forgot that Coco is not a Disney movie but a Pixar one lol). Perhaps if Pixar had made a film about Colombia they would've done an infinitely better job researching and depicting Colombian culture and traditions. Maybe it wouldn't have been a perfect movie or a perfect depiction of Colombia but at least they would've put in some more actual effort.
Disney could've taken the easy route, which they're so familiar with, and adapted some Colombian folktale; EVERY country has its own folktales, it doesn't need to be something as big and stereotypical as Día de Muertos. (At least as far as I'm aware, the plot in Encanto wasn't based on any particular story.) That way, they could've avoided religious themes (if they wanted to avoid that kind of controversy), while having a stronger Colombian influence and possibly a more memorable plot.
They did do some research, and the town in which Encanto takes place is based on a real Colombian town (Barichara), but the final product was lackluster, in my opinion. The shitty fast pacing and slightly uncanny CGI didn't help. Also I hate Disney musicals, some of the songs are pretty cringe, though maybe they're better in the original language.
I don't know, I think Encanto was a dumb movie, while Coco was actually enjoyable throughout, and less dumb. Though both are definitely a depiction of Latin American culture through a gringo lens, I feel Coco is "closer" to the culture it's supposed to be representing, or at least it left a better impression, since it almost feels like a homage to the Golden Age of Mexican cinema as well as being a fantastical (though very fun) interpretation of Día de Muertos and its associated beliefs. I mean, I've seen some Mexicans hate on Coco, perhaps for
valid reasons, but I and many others thought it was more than decent and not offensive or inaccurate, as one would expect.
But since I'm not Colombian, I can't really know for sure which of the two feels more accurate. However, based on your posts, it seems that Encanto really was disappointing.