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No. 1075202
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Today's mood
No. 1075208
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European man in 2022
No. 1075214
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So Toadface chaired an emergency economic meeting and the ridiculously long table made a comeback No. 1075218
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>>1075215the troons today are the glam rockers of yesterday
No. 1075220
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Wide pants and hoodies should be outlawed for men
No. 1075226
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>>1075214the economists attending looked mighty fed up with him
No. 1075249
>>1075214Wtf. It looks like a photoshopped parody.
>>1075241Yeah it signals "I trust no one"
No. 1075255
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Ukraine is delusional.
It's like these retards want war.
No. 1075264
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>>1075256>>1075257It's real retards. The source doesn't matter.
No. 1075282
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serb or moid
No. 1075302
>>1075287Thats the point. They won't retreat. Ukraine knows Russia will never agree to these demands.
That's how we know Ukraine and the US wants this war.
No. 1075317
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>>1075305Are you retarded?
No. 1075332
>>1075311Nobody is shilling Putin.
Just pointing out that Ukraine is escalating the situation.
No. 1075356
>>1075345Wait I’m
>>1075317 and that’s literally what I was saying. Idgaf about US involvement but NATO issues are eu issues. NATO is forced to be involved with what US does but it is not at that point yet so it’s irrelevant.
No. 1075359
>>1075351honestly I would still prefer the British had still colonized this country
would prefer it over the Mullah
No. 1075366
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U wot? Square up yeah, I'll kick ur Grandad's head in and then lick ur grans punani, ur a wasteman blud. I swear on me mom lad. That potnoodle u sorted me last week was rank fam, try getting me a chicken and mushroom next time, not the bbq one, this isn't a game m8. Yeah fisher price fisherman's friend meal deal with the garlic mayo dip you get me chum? Yeah i didn't think you'd wanna square up, you're a pussyhole fam, i bet you had one of those shit pencil cases at school where it looked like a 7up can but it was actually a pencil case… you're a fucking idiot lad, I'll knock u the fuck out if you step in my ends again is that clear?
>>1075378okay I find them annoying as well but permaban is a bit too much and as said here
>>1075386 these permabans contribute to overall lesser genuine users
No. 1075400
>>1075386i agree with this permabans for stupid posts is very strange.
Permabans are ok if its breaking a global rule,is moid and the poster is a repeat offender, but giving it out like this is weird.
>>1075378Are you a new farmhand?
(replying to bait) No. 1075403
So farmhand are you going to ban
>>1075396 and
>>1075393 or are you only going to focus on silly posts that call you fat.
Because i see so much moid bait here go unscathed…….
No. 1075410
>>1075400The permanent bans are being given out to users who go out of their way to spam this thread, not every derailing comment.
>>1075403Those were already redtexted by the time you wrote your comment. Please refresh to see redtexts.
No. 1075413
>>1075400No, permabans are never appropriate because most people use a VPN and can just switch to a different IP. All that permabans accomplish is to permanently block that IP for OTHER INNOCENT POSTERS TO USE. No permabans should be handed out, I don't care about long bans cause they will eventually expire but I already live in an area where there are not many IPs available and some retards are hellbent on getting all of them permanently blocked.
I said this in /meta/ a million times, but they still hand out permabans. Because they don't read /meta/.
No. 1075417
>>1075410i see thanks for replying. We also hope to see /m/ back again.
>>1075409Putin is a botoxed freak and his people live in poverty despite russia being a rich resource country. I only see alt right moids shilling for him.
No. 1075436
>>1075428>>1075424i think the eurofag thread is a good containment thread for now and we dont need a million of nationality threads or that moid infested board.
Also since its one thread jannys can keep a watch better.
No. 1075477
>>1075457Check for the general explanation if you wanna dig deeper.
I wish I could pin point what he did exactly but there's so much I can't remember half of it. Long story short, he's a super creepy pick up artist, a sex tourist and an actual sex predator
No. 1075496
>>1075477also samefagging to add that he is known for tracking and putting down every videos or links outting him as a predator. If you want to get angry, just look at the moid comments under vidrel
>Authentic, loud, bold. Doesn’t care what people care about him. Making jokes. Complimenting women… the sexist he is. How dare he how dare he. Nice insight into political correct ideologyand much more that'll make you want to gas all scrotes
No. 1075498
>>1075255why are ppl shitting on this anon? objectively a correct take. under what circumstance would russia ever concede crimea back to ukraine in peace talks? lol never gonna happen.
the whole meeting just affirmed that ukraine will fight to the end for no reason and end up with more casualties. it's not even a question that russia will
"win" mathematically it's impossible for ukraine to stop them unless the west actually wants to get involved and send troops in to help. but that would start WW3.
No. 1075515
>>1075477>>1075457So out of curiosity, I did some digging and holy fuck, now I feel sick:
>hung out on PUA forums and distributed reports of his city visits that included naked photos of girls asleep taken clearly without their consent, what score they rank that girl out of 10 and additional information such as where and how girls can be found whilst in that city>he boasted about forcing a young hitchhiker to give him a blowjob in exchange for $6>also boasted about one time where he "struggled to enter" an 18yr old virgin he had arranged to meet in London that was, in his words, "going to be in some considerable pain" at the time. But as he describes, he "ploughed on regardless and used lube and viagra">he also said in an older video that most of the time women don't deserve to be raped, but sometimes, they are…and I'm done reading about this creep. Also, a small correction, he's an English rapist, not an American one
No. 1075516
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Russian people who got credits in euros are probably rolling in their graves, ouch.
No. 1075554
>>1075531Ukraine is not in the EU or NATO, they are a developing country that hasn't caught up with some other eastern european countries. They are struggling and torn because they're a strategical bridge between Europe and Russia, the reason everyone is enraged is because Putinvs administration keeps pointlessly attacking another country instead of strengthening Russia, making this a huge loss for everyone.
Although it's horrible, it's better to take this step by step and let some Ukrainian territory fall thaan risking an actual nuke and possibly millions of people dying.
No. 1075568
>>1075531literally none of the numbers coming out right now can be trusted. we won’t know the real count until everything is over
the only thing that is accurate is the refugee count
No. 1075573
>>1075498Something is going on in Ukraine that is very different from what is being shown on Western media. I am in no way saying that what Putin is doing is right, it's clear that he has his own agenda in the conflict but the Ukraine government is far from innocent.
The coup in 2014, was backed by George Soros and the US. Ever since Ukraine has been in a state of civil war. The origins of the nazi brigades that the western media deny exist is the coup in Kiev. The country is divided between Ukrainians that speak Russian and Ukrainians that speak Ukrainian as primary languages. The nazi brigades have been terrorizing and comitting war crimes against Russian speaking Ukrainians. This is why Donbass wants to be closer to Russia. Initially after 2014 the region asked for guarantees of peace from Kiev and it never got them. The choice these people are presented with is rejoin Russia or continue to shelled, raped and tortured as part of Ukraine. Crimea voted to rejoin Russia. It could have all been rigged and fake, Putin has done the same in Russia so this wouldn't surprise anyone, yet it begins to make more sense if Russian speakers in Crimea were being terrorized by Ukrainian nazis.
There is also a massive amount of criminal activity in Ukraine such organ havesting, sex trafficking and drug trading that the Ukraine government does nothing about. There's evidence that the US is hiding biological warfare labs inside Ukraine. It mirrors what has been happening in Afghanistan and the Middle East thanks to the US. The Ukrainian government has basically handed Putin a reason to invade by not dealing with the human rights issues in the country. Putin gives zero fucks and just wants the natural resources but now he come and take them claiming it's because humanitarian issues caused by nazi brigades and criminal gangs. It's basically another US foreign policy fuck up only this time it's worse because the person they pissed off wasn't Iran or a jihadi group, it was another country armed with nuclear weapons.
No. 1075596
>>1075591What is tinfoiling about
>>1075580? I live in a fucking European country and am just stating the struggles candidates for joining have had since the Greek economic crisis.
No. 1075629
>>1075620it’s literally just symbolic. zelensky is just aligning himself with the west as much as he can.
issue is it probably will provoke putin even more. but since the peace talks failed, i guess it doesn’t matter anyway
No. 1075631
>>1075588Euromaidan was backed by the US who used neo nazi groups to cause violence>The driver of this violence was largely the Ukrainian far right, which, while a minority of the protesters, served as a kind of revolutionary vanguard. Looking outside Kyiv, a systematic analysis of more than 3,000 Maidan protests found that members of the far-right Svoboda party — whose leader once complained Ukraine was run by a “Muscovite-Jewish mafia” and which includes a politician who admires Joseph Goebbels — were the most active agents in the protests>While it may be a long time before we know its full extent, Washington took an even more direct role once the turmoil started. Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy met with Svoboda’s fascist leader, standing shoulder to shoulder with him as they announced their support to the protesters, while US assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland handed out sandwiches to them.>Nuland there and then abandoned the EU’s hope for a still democratic but less corrupt future government for Ukraine, and Nuland famously said, on that call “Fuck the EU,” and she instructed Pyatt to choose instead the rabidly anti-Russian, and far-right, Arseniy Yatsenyuk. This key event occurred 24 days before Ukraine’s President Victor Yanukovych was overthrown on February 20th, and 30 days before the new person to head Ukraine’s Government, Yatsenyuk, became officially appointed to rule the now clearly fascist country. He won that official designation on February 26th. However, this was only a formality: Obama’s agent had already chosen him, on January 27th. No. 1075703
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What's Ukraine's endgame?
No. 1075740
>>1075700>It’s just irrelevant because Russia’s war of liberation is a farce.I don't disagree that Russia is lying about the war being necessary for liberation. What Putin is after in Ukraine is gas and oil reserves which he probably wants for his own enrichment through Gazprom. My point is that the US by interfering in Ukrainian politics has made the situation worse and has given Putin the opportunity to invade Ukraine under the pretext of stopping neo-nazo militias that were directly funded and armed by the American government.
>Democracy/freeze peach allow for neo-fascist groups to exist.So you support the rights of groups such as the Rise Above Movement, Vanguard America and the National Socialist Legion to exist in America?
>Violence is not the same as “war crimes,” it’s just violence.They are committing war crimes against civilians in the Donbass region. Several articles and reports by human rights groups have already been posted in these threads.
No. 1075747
>>1075731Putin won't nuke his largest trading partner. About 70 percent of Russian gas exports and half of its oil exports go to Europe.
Stop this mad warmongering propaganda.
No. 1075817
>>1075779The west isn't the world. Countries outside the west are watching events with interest. What has happened is a failure of US foreign policy that the US has lost control over. For decades America has used the excuse of expanding democracy and liberation to invade other countries, now Putin is using the same tactic and the US is powerless to stop it without
triggering a direct confrontation with Russia. If America can't defend it's interests in Ukraine, then how can it defend it's interests anywhere else? The consequences of this are huge and of historical significance.
No. 1075822
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New Spanish General thread
>>>/ot/1075805 No. 1075918
>>1075883how is it not comparable? both countries invaded under the pretense of liberation.
US similarly reacted because they felt threatened by the region after 9/11, as russia felt threatened by continued NATO encroachment
No. 1075926
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I'm aware they might be bluffing and grabbing at straws, but I am still nervous. No sleep for me tonight either nonas.
No. 1075931
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did he actually say this or is it fake idk, but if its real then damn maybe he was warning us
No. 1075940
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Bulgarians sacked a politician because he said the attack on Ukraine isn't a war, meanwhile Serbia is still the only European country that hasn't condemned Putin and their president says how everyone is using this political situation as an excuse to attack Serbia, lol wtf they just shat on their candidacy for the EU
No. 1075951
>>1075926….what the fuck. It's like he WANTS a nuclear winter
Also I love you my Swedish* vän
*…I never can tell from a short text if it's Swedish/Norwegian/Danish, sorry if I'm wrong kek
No. 1075958
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>>1075829Nonna, do you really fell for US propaganda? Ukraine doesn't stand a chance.
No. 1076011
>>1076005Oh because of the
>your mods suck dick?
Oki maybe
No. 1076021
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>>1076004burgers got jealous
No. 1076024
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No. 1076035
>>1076026To jest ATAK na polską SUWERENNOŚĆ
no but seriously it was so nice to have that little place with you polish nonnas, even if just for a few hours, ILY
No. 1076058
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>>1076035i mean, jeśli kazały nam z naszą rozmową wracać do /euro/ no to wracamy tutaj kek jeśli wystarczająco wkurwimy modziary i inne anonetki to prędzej czy później osobne wątki dla każdego kraju wrócą
No. 1076069
>>1076058No jak kazały nam się tu przenieść to wszystkie dyskusje na legalu, nie widzę żadnych podstaw prawnych na bany, możemy działać lolol
Ale tak serio to tu sie nie da gadać nawet po angielsku ostatnio, takie ciągłe inby w tym temacie że normalne posty się gubią. Pewnie z czasem sie uspokoi ale już widzę te potężne Wieża Babel vibes jak każda europejka wjedzie ze swoim językiem (inb4 "aren't all european countries the same??")
No. 1076096
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No. 1076102
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No. 1076105
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jannies - co tam? google translate nie zadziałał z polskim?
No. 1076108
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>>1076102No to teraz to już serio kupuje ten kubek ku pamięci pięknego polskiego threadu, śpieszmy sie kochać, tak szybko odchodzą…
No. 1076109
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No. 1076112
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>>1076108chciałabym powiedzieć, że nie rzucim ziemi skąd nasz ród ale już nami rzucili pierwsi więc to nic ne zmieni - całe szczęscie że robert kubica to nadal driver błyskawica
No. 1076116
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>>1076109słodkich snów nona, skolonizujemy ten thread w sumie to nam kazali
No. 1076120
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po lewej ja kiedy thread otwarty - po prawej ja kiedy thread zamkniety
No. 1076125
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I stand with the Polish nonnies
No. 1076127
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>>1076109Śpij dobrze nonka, jutro przejmujemy ten thread jak to polacy mają zwyczaj w internecie
No. 1076129
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>>1076117nie wiedziałam, że to aż tak zaboli ale moje serduszko krwawi szczególnie, że tyle nas się jednak odnalazło
No. 1076140
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>>1076128byłam na cc kilka razy i trochę creepy, ale jestem na tak skoro JANNIES TO NAJWYRAŹNIEJ RUSKA ONUCA, PAPIEŻ NIGDY BY TEGO NIE ZROBIŁ
No. 1076150
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>>1076141docenia twoje poświęcenie nona love you
No. 1076156
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>>1076153to ma tą samą energie co burger z polskiego threadu chcący tłmaczyć nas sobie w google translate
No. 1076157
>>1076129kekked. wysypiański gdyby żył w obecnych czasach udzielałby się na /snow/ i kradł pomysły na dramy z /vent/.
>>1076128o kurka. ostatni raz na cc byłam jak zbanowali nam kpc z 2 lata temu. tamta strona nie jest przypadkiem oblężona transami i 4chanersami?
>>1076149bad google translate ale popieram. dla naszego pięknego narodu trzeba skolonizować ten thread. w przeciągu max 24h dojdziemy do ki-, to znaczy, do serwerów admina.
No. 1076161
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>>1076152nonnie it's okay to write english google translate completely butchered whatever you were writing
>>1076150>>1076143Też nigdy nie byłam na CC, jedynie słyszałam narzekańsko, ale warto spróbować
No. 1076168
>>1076160byłam na spacerku fajnym więc nie jest źle, męcze sie z założeniem konta ale chyba to pierdolę.
Ale tak, odpoczełam ogólnie.
co u ciebie anonka?
No. 1076169
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>>1076164bo napisałyśmy, że przynajmniej się nie będą wtrącać niepotrzebnie jak w euro threadzie i próbował cos chyba udowodnić xddd
No. 1076172
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>>1076168Wreszcie wiosna chyba się robi, jakieś ptaszory nawet słyszałam dziś w drodze do pracy, bedzie można zacząć wychodzić z naszych jam na poważniejsze spacerki niedlugo
No. 1076181
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>>1076168to najważniejsze, że trochę odpoczywałaś. U mnie nic ciekawego, pogoda ładna i trochę mniej stresu niż przez ostatnie kilka dni mimo tego wszystkiego. Popsuła mi się już niestety całkowicie suszarka na pranie, ale improwizuje i przynajmniej nie mam tej depresyjnej góry ubrań, na którą nie miałam czasu ostatnio.
No. 1076183
>>1075573>The country is divided between Ukrainians that speak Russian and Ukrainians that speak Ukrainian as primary languages. The nazi brigades have been terrorizing and comitting war crimes against Russian speaking Ukrainians. It's all just Russian propaganda. You have no idea how powerful it is. I'm a Russian speaking Ukrainian living in Kyiv, my father is actually Russian whose parents fled First Chechen war . Believe me: NO ONE terrorizes Russian-speaking people here. They're just required to use Ukrainian by default when talking to a customer in the shop, for example (not everyone does that), education has to be in Ukrainian, documents too. You'll be surprised, but Ukrainian is the national language of Ukraine. Mind blowing, huh? So people might as well just use it a little. To understand why it's important, you have to know the whole history of Russian-Ukrainian relationships and cultural context of it all. Not everyone in Donbass wants to live in Russia. Crimea was illegally annexed. Russian soldiers walked around there even before that and DENIED it. Look up "little green men". Life in Crimea is shit now, btw, just like in any other city or region "saved" by Russia. Many people I know from there left it after it's been annexed.
>The Ukrainian government has basically handed Putin a reason to invade by not dealing with the human rights issues in the country.Oh yeah, Putin hates it when the human rights aren't respected. Suuuuuure. Were you born yesterday?
You have no idea how scary it is here. I hope you'll never know. I'm Russian speaking and not a nazi and I hide in my fucking bathroom lying on the floor. No, not from an evil Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians but from fucking Russian and Belarus missiles. You stupid bitch, educate yourself
No. 1076185
>>1076172ja osobiście wolę jak jest zima i jest zimno. smutno mi że lato idzie.
zimą dużo wychodziłam na spacery, latem będzie ludzi pełno i hałasu fuj.
No. 1076192
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>>1076172u mnie to samo anonka - i w nocy słychać już bardziej i rano i nwm czy jest coś piękniejszego niż wizja odrobiny ciepła i szczęścia po tylu miesiącach zimy.
No. 1076195
>>1076181cieszę się anonka, dobrze że pranie zrobiłaś, sama gacie co dopiero poprałam.
mam nadzieję że sytuacja z ukrainą się poprawi i będziemy mogły mentalnie odpoczać
No. 1076198
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>>1076189tak bo go skolonizowałyśmy, nawet to grzecznie zapowiedziałyśmy zanim zaczęłyśmy więc nie ma w tym nic złego. Poza tym to nam kazano.
No. 1076203
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>>1076185Balans we wszechswiecie, ja wypełzam latem a ty zimą♥ Jeszcze na pewno masz parę tygodni spokoju, no i są ploty że znowu śnieg w kwietniu będzie ale to już nic nie wiadomo. Może zima nuklearna bedzie (ale to raczej nie)
No. 1076214
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>>1076207same nonka, top jakość czekolady albo pawełka z adwokatem czy innego sękacza
No. 1076216
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nony ważne pytanie - lidl czy biedronka?
No. 1076220
>>1076203>no i są ploty że znowu śnieg w kwietniu będzie ale to już nic nie wiadomoooo super
>>1076208>W kwietniu to się trzeba wyczołgać poza blok i być hot poza domem NA SŁONECZKUnieee, no chyba że nad wodą to popływać można. największy plus lata hehe.
No. 1076222
yaaaaaas queen slaaay.
>>1076216lidl bo mają zajebiste podróby ben&jerry
No. 1076225
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No. 1076233
>>1076214oh anonka ale bym JADŁA, ale kuźwa jestem na diecie.
Tylko sałate wpierdalam chlip.
>>1076221Sorki anonka że ci o nich przypomniałam. Ale smaczne są, trzeba przyznać.
>>1076216Biedronka bo ma kase samoobsługową. Im mniej wchodzę w kontakt z ludźmi tym lepiej kek.
No. 1076234
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>>1076229mężczyźni są po to żeby ci powiedzieć że reklamówki się skończyły przy samoobsługowych i że zaraz podejdzie naprawić
No. 1076238
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jak jest azjatycki tydzień w lidlu to jest to święto narodowe
No. 1076240
>>1076237ssij moje suteczki
No. 1076243
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>>1076235Wgl widziałyście że ostatnio żabka zainstalowała w niektórych sklepach kasy samoobsługowe? Dziwne vibe jak baberka kasjerka stoi i sie patrzy jak ją mijam i ogarniam skanowanie sama ale fajnie nie musieć być wystawionym na pokuszenie pytaniem czy mam ochotę na hot doga
No. 1076247
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>>1076237yeah, you can tell for sure
No. 1076253
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>>1076238zawsze biorę największy plecak i kupuję tyle pudełek picrel ile wcisne bo zajebiście sobie później losowego dnia w nocy o północy przypomnieć że mam zachomikowane pyszne sajgoneczki i w każdej chwili mogę spałaszować♥
No. 1076265
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>>1076243Jo, szczęśliwie mogłam skorzystać gdy była kolejka, unikając wyrzutów sumienia.
>>1076248Gdzie mieszkasz
No. 1076270
Can we give Poland their thread back? As much as I would like to learn Polish, I think I can't at the moment, because my brain is filled with other things, and I hate that it's been taking away from them
>>1076253those are really nice and now I want some, kek
>>1076261unser deutscher Thread wurde ja nicht gesperrt, oder?
No. 1076272
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>>1076252IKR jak to wprowadzili to miałam potężny boomer moment, myślałam że wszystkie technologie to o tak ogarniam bez tlumaczenia ale ta mnie skołowała na kilka sekund
No. 1076279
>>1076237I looked it up and watched vidrel to see if you were right and yeah it really is dissonant
Croatian on the other hand sounds surprisingly good
No. 1076280
>>1076265południe polzgi, tyle powiem
czekam aż lidl wprowadzi samoobsługowe kurde
No. 1076281
ale studiowałam w Gdańsku przez 3 lata i jeszcze mieszkałam z dziewczynami z Chojnic więc to mi wypaliło jo na zawsze
No. 1076283
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>>1076277ciekawa teoria w sumie, ale nwm może jeszcze się z nimi kiedyś spotkam
No. 1076293
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>>1076279scrote leel desperation posting becouse you can't understand something, just use google translate ifyou are so fascinated
No. 1076298
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No. 1076304
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Why the fuck are some specific nationality threads allowed and others not? I just created the Spanish thread and it's locked now, the Polish one is locked too, but the Finnish, German, Brazilian, Canadian, Greek and American threads are open. If we can only make continental threads shouldn't the American and Canadian threads be together? What's allowed and what's not?
No. 1076305
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>>1076298white and red polish kura
No. 1076311
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Local img boards anons went on a Google Translate trip to 2ch to find the most depressing shit
No. 1076317
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kupcie sobie coś za to
No. 1076333
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>>1076312Us when that happens
No. 1076339
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Oh like doll repaints? hehe
No. 1076344
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>>1076333Amado mío, creemos juntos un lugar lleno de amor y paz. Los anónimos polacos y ustedes no pueden someterse a esta injusticia.
No. 1076350
>>1076311>2chimagine believing these moids' sobstories, 2ch moids are known for being extremely misogynistic trash, this coming from a rusanon
if you want some sanity from that board go to their /dev/ at least it's female only
No. 1076357
>>1076350Oh I had no no idea (though, how the fuck am I surprised lul). I was today years old to find out that of course /dev/ is for devushka, I thought it was like some code developing…. how is the female only thing enforced?
And how are you doing anon? How are things there?
No. 1076361
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>>1076356love you spanish nonna
No. 1076364
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>visit /dev/
>one of first posts is about hetalia
russian anons…
No. 1076370
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>>1076364Russki nonna…. no…
Picrel is my Russian best friend
No. 1076371
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Dobra polskie nonki, trzymam kciuki żeby nasz thread do jutra powrócił a póki co idę grać w grę
No. 1076374
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>>1076371miłego grania nona
No. 1076378
>>1076353>were you not able to catch a ride?not an ukranon but according to radfem&femsolidarity tg channels right now there's a huge chance any "ride" from ukraine will be a straight road to sex trafficking (it escalated to the point they'd fake "evacuation messages" for the whole towns and ride buses of women and children to whoknowswhere) so please for the love of dear goddess don't do that
>>1076357>how is the female only thing enforced?any moid from bordering boards (since 2ch is a ""mixed gender"" IB) will be banned on sight if he states his sex or attempts to troll femanons, pretty much like on here/cc but their mods have to deal with more shit. since i don't visit 2ch often (i used to but it'd put me into unhealthy shit) i can't say there are no CSAM/gore raids but 2chmoids certainly can do that.
>And how are you doing anon? How are things there?the prices on everything are rising every day by the numbers because of sanctions & ruble crisis, but gov officials say "we'll live through this" and even attempt tasteless jokes about comparing sanctions to excrements. just yesterday i've been to a store and while online shopping in the same store today i've noticed an increase in prices. good thing we don't have that much panic buying here but i still made supplies incase something happens or the prices continue to rise. i also live near moscow and if NATO/ukrainian armed forces will do a step in moscows direction i'll try to flee the country immediately (it would be hard since almost every european country closed their skies for russian airplanes, the only way to get out would be through serbia. getting visas and shit, on the other hand, is a different story). thanks for asking nona
No. 1076380
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>>1076371>oczekiwanie że burgery nie czekają tylko aż pójdziemy spać by sypnąć banhammerami miłej gry nonna
No. 1076385
I don’t understand anything you’re posting but based polish anons ily
>>1076376You misspelled Finns
No. 1076388
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Anonki ale będzie mi jutro przykro jak będą już bany, wiem że wszyscy tu lurkują regularnie ale będzie mi brakować tego
No. 1076391
the active pizzapasta thread adds insult to the injury. japrdl cholerne burgery
>>1076388ale za co te bany? przecież miałyśmy się tu przenieść z całym naszym polskim gównem?
Haha kogo ja oszukuję, mówimy tu o moderacji która se zaczęła nagle banować za zakazanego mężczyznę, bo tak. Nie ma sprawiedliwości, są tylko widzimisie
No. 1076401
>>1076183I am not in anyway condoning anything Putin has done and I am not saying that the Ukrainian people are to blame for any of this. I am trying to discover what is really going on. I do not believe either western media or Russian media because both are known to intentionally lie and are basically broadcasting straight up propaganda either through intention or in the case of western media, outright stupidity. I apologize if anything I've said is inaccurate or offensive.
Regardless of any of that, I appreciate your input and I'm glad to see that you are alive. All I can do is pray and hope that you stay safe and people of Ukraine aren't harmed anymore.
No. 1076410
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Anti abortion ban movement has been appropriated by troons and genderspecials to push their agenda so I'm on the verge of not giving a shit anymore. Polish libtards can't do anything right and the right will win. Fuck Polish politics, it's all cancer.
No. 1076421
>>1076409he predicted everything. EVERYTHING, even minor details 1 year ago.
The man is a former media killer from the 90s.
It's in Russian but you can translate and read new comments and enjoy.
Russia is doomed unless they quickly kill Putin. And I agree with that point.
A little bit about Nevzorov
>Nevzorov worked as a reporter in the Yugoslav wars and the War of Transnistria in 1992–1993.[7] In 1994 he was a vocal supporter of the initiation of the First Chechen War.[2] In 1997 he wrote and directed the TV film Chistilishche ("Purgatory") about the Chechen war, co-produced with Boris Berezovsky and released in March 1998.,engaged%20in%20criticism%20of%20religion.
No. 1076422
>>1076378>there's a huge chance any "ride" from ukraine will be a straight road to sex traffickingThat's so fucking revolting holy shit. What the fuck. I'm naive and never even considered that. I hate moids so much it's unreal jesus christ
Thanks for answering my questions anon! Jesus, the jokes sound very funny, I'm sure you are all rolling on the floor from laughing so much!
Sorry that you have to suffer due to that crazy old man. I wish I could help somehow, I do live in Finland but it's quite far away from Moscow.
No. 1076451
>>1076438They are. Putin has basically sent in conscripted boys with shit tier soviet equipment to be massacred. Now why he has done that is a question to be discussed, but this is what is happening. I actually feel bad about these boys, they are also
victims in all of this and the moids on 4chan and reddit are celebrating seeing them burn alive or having their faces caved in. They are just boys, don't even have mustaches yet.
No. 1076459
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>>1076426Sveika!! I'm so excited to see a Latvian anon, I was there as an exchange student a few years ago, I love you. Also Lulu Pica, my Latvian lover…. last time I visited there was some new buildings built around Riga to replace the old Soviet blocks, it seemed like your country is doing a bit better but I might be wrong?
Those policies do seem a bit hurried though, I get the nice thought behind it but maybe a bit more thinking is required
No. 1076504
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>>1076459Labs vakars! Kā iet?
Lulu pizza is still as active as ever, waiting for you.. funny thing is, I have one of their pizzerias 5 minute walk away from my job. :)
Sadly, the situation with buildings is bad. During the time you've been away (I assume more than 2 years), the buildings built in old, sleepy parts of the town look even more out of place. Many people in places like Ķengarags and Vecmīlgrāvis have given up on taking care/renovating old buildings, instead choosing to build new apartment complexes. At least those look good, like picrel.
The policies are very worrying to me, because I simply do not see them working out well, considering that we were also told that if a child does not attend without warning, we are not allowed to remove them from the papers. In Latvian there is a saying "gribējām kā labāk, sanāca kā vienmēr" which means "[we] wanted what's best, but [we] got the usual" and it really applies here..
(:) ) No. 1076508
>>1076490nie zaglądam na cc ale dla polskiego tematu zacznę…
coś jannie spergowała, że będą permabany za zaśmiecanie tematu - ale może to dotyczy tylko nieproszonych burgerów
No. 1076522
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jest temat polski na crystal cafe (/b/), możemy tam rozmawiać póki nie ma tematu na lc.
Proponuje żeby nie pisać tam nic o lolcow żeby polskie moidy nie odkryły tej strony i naszego tematu na lc (jeśli zostanie ponownie otworzony)
Postanowiłam jednak otworzyć temat na cc bo się niepokoiłam że was stracę.
No. 1076528
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>>1076522dziękuję kochana anonko, mam nadzieję, że tym razem nam się uda
No. 1076530
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>>1076522>>1076528Good luck polish nonnies
No. 1076536
>>1076528spoko! ale i tak nie poddam się i temat polski na lc musi być kuźwa.
hugs>>1076532yes, i hope they won't find us. fuck moids.
No. 1076537
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>>1076530thank you nona, we hope not to get banned for life here but were really eager to get a thread of our own somewhere since we really enjoyed it
No. 1076539
>>1076327>>1076340>>1076348Thanks for support sweet nonnas! I was just really tired when I read it, and I got sick after a night in the shelter, never again.
>>1076353My parents stayed because of grandma, she's really old and not well, and I wouldn't leave them.
>>1076354We're safe, at least for now. Fortunately there's nothing important near us to bomb so something can only hit us by chance I think. You'll never know for sure though so we hide every time there's a possible threat, frantically stuffing our poor cats into the carriers. Staying/sleeping in the shelter would be much worse though. No battles going on in our district. It's tough on the outskirts and in some of the cities like Kharkiv for example. I got used to distant blasts and don't get nervous anymore just alert but today there was a louder noise and we got pretty scared here hence my angry post. Most of my friends and relatives stayed in the city or near, everyone's safe, we stay in contact and support each other.
>>1076378It sucks you have to go through all this shit, nonna, I hope somehow it'll get better in the end.
>>1076401Yeah, I suppose it can be pretty confusing for a bystander, I overreacted. Just know that Russian government cannot be trusted, their lies are just outrageous.
No. 1076545
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>>1076539Kyiv nonna! I've been thinking of you for the past few days! So glad you're okay.
No. 1076570
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>>1076504Labi! Un tev?
I am pretty ashamed to admit that's about it, 99% of my communication was looking like a deer in headlights at the cashier, saying paldies and hurrying away kekGod I miss that fucking pizzeria, I have never had better pizza ever again than the 4 cheese pesto bbq pizza lul
Thanks for answering my questions nonna! Honestly though, building new is sometimes better than renovating old - the RTRIT building I lived in was one of the renovated ones and it had some issues. Like a fire alarm system going off FULL FUCKING VOLUME at least weekly from like a tea kettle, always in the middle of the night too. That UZMANIBU lady voice will haunt me to my death bed lmao. I am glad things are getting better though?
I love that saying, I feel the cynicism of baltic/slavic people have deeply (even though my country never had to join USSR so I know nothing of the struggles). God I hope the old bat doesn't get any ideas to bring back the old family, at least you are part of NATO.
No. 1076581
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And your cats!! I saw a picture of a lady with a cat in her handbag and THAT was the pic that made me cry. I hope not too many pets have had to be left behind or suffer.
You are so strong and brave jesus christ, thanks for checking in to this stupid little forum. Now would be an excellent time for all the thoughts and prayers and likes and shares uwu to do something. Please stay safe we love you
No. 1076588
>>1076539>I hope somehow it'll get better in the too
nonnie, me too.
no one sane here likes putler or condones what he's doing (save for a few braindead boomer moids putting the letter "Z" on their cars to mimic that letter being put on russian military vehicles sent to ukraine) but sadly, many of our anti-war protesters get temporarily (for 15 days) jailed for merely standing at a protest. there's been over 3,000 jailed protesters on sunday alone.
sadly, myself i haven't been to one (as i live in a small town, i try to "silently picket" though by putting anti-war symbols and stuff all over myself when i go outside) but itt i've seen at least 2 russian anons who's gone to them (if you're still here please report if you're not in jail).
No. 1076594
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>braindead boomer moids putting the letter "Z" on their cars to mimic that letter being put on russian military vehicles sent to ukraine
Holy hell that is quite cringe. Well, I guess every country has those types
No. 1076618
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>Vladmira Putinova pushes past you in the school lunch line and calls you a сука
wat do
No. 1076624
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Thoughts on Europe in 1765?
No. 1076636
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>>1076618>>1076620He was like 12 in that photo
No. 1076645
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>>1076539>>1076539>Yeah, I suppose it can be pretty confusing for a bystander, I overreacted.No worries. I can't even begin to imagine how much stress your under. Again I apologize for being insensitive.
>frantically stuffing our poor cats into the carriersA tip I got from a vet was that if you need to get a cat into carrier quickly without upsetting it too much was to put a sock over their head first. The cat's body will go limp and they won't try and scratch you or resist being put in the carrier because they are too busy trying to remove the sock. This worked when I had to rescue a semi-feral farm cat from an out building. I bribed the cat close enough to me with food, put the sock over it's head and then placed in the carrier.
>>1076542>In this case, wouldn’t it be Putin lying about WMD?This is what I've been trying to say.
No. 1076651
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>>1076648That's his real head
No. 1076655
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>>1076611I don't understand whats going on with the jets.
No jets for Ukraine?
No. 1076660
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>>1076651Who looking ass.
No. 1076670
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No. 1076674
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>>1076652>>1076656Not to make things worse but Wikipedia says he was actually 8 (photo from 1960)
No. 1076679
>>1076521… so Bush
lied (that is: lying, not telling the truth, making shit up) about WMD in the Middle East so he could wage an unjustified, imperialistic war for Middle Eastern oil and power in the region, therefore… Putin saying Ukraine has bioweapon labs means he can wage a JUSTIFIED™ and RATIONAL™ war on Ukraine
for Ukraine land and power over the region? Following your own logic Putin is lying (that is: lying, not telling the truth, making shit up).
No. 1076704
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No. 1076737
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Zelenskyy has appealed for foreign volunteers to help fight against Russia. This is gonna end in disaster. Praying for the women and children of Ukraine be protected from the filthy violent moids who will answer this call.
No. 1076747
>>1076737I know exactly the people who will sign up to this. Complete psychos.
Zelensky is truly a clown, I worry about ukranian civilians.
No. 1076759
>>1076722afaik, not really (i don't know if anyone is trying to actively save them instead of just spreading awareness about it/local cooperation); an anon also corrected me that not everyone is a sex trafficker
>>1076444 but still, it's best to co-operate with local women and send the car numbers/location/etc to your trusted ones if you're going (basic security measures).
No. 1076844
>>1076833As soon as I saw the stories about them handing out weapons to civilians and
>>1076737, I had flashbacks to when the Americans armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan during their war with Russia and how thanks to them we now have the Taliban. Ukraine is about to be even more of a war-torn mess than it has been for the past eight years.
No. 1076857
>>1076679The Americans did eventually find the biological and chemical warfare labs they were looking for. Only they were derelict and had been shut down in accordance with international law after the Gulf War over a decade ago. So the Americans weren't technically lying when they said that there was evidence of illegal weapon production sites in Iraq, it was more of a distortion of the truth for propaganda purposes to justify the invasion. What is in Ukraine? Old Soviet military sites. I wonder if some of them are former biological and chemical weapons labs that are now derelict? So the statement "there is evidence of biological warfare labs" in Ukraine is probably true but like in Iraq it's not the whole truth and is a distortion that is being used as justification of an invasion.
The biological weapons labs is something I keep coming across and there's even maps circulating on social media about the locations but the sources being used are probably referring to what was in Ukraine from when it was part of the Soviet Union, or are propaganda. Kyivanon says there's nothing like that going on so I'll take her word over whatever bullshit is being passed around the internet.
>>1076796It's my fault as I'm not explaining myself very well. I look into conflicts to try and have a better understanding of what is happening in the world, yet I have never seen anything on this scale. It's not only that there is disinformation, it's that there is so much information in general. This is a known tactic of one of Putin's aides, Vladislav Surkov.
No. 1076865
>>1076737 I wish I could help in a more hands on way but my mother literally threatened to lock me away for even bringing up the idea of going. Sorry for the Ukraine women and children hopefully the moids who do show up mean well.
I hope more women volunteer instead of men but it's unlikely.
No. 1076882
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russia bypassing swift effectively
No. 1076883
>>1076882new world order alert
the US dollar is fucked!
No. 1076895
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>>1076890makes me wonder if the whole ukraine invasion under the pretense of "liberation" was actually under the pretense of china and russia making a move to undermine US hegemony and the dollar. i mean, they did have that highly publicized meeting during the olympics.
did anyone actually believe putin went into ukraine without the hindsight of massive sanctions and getting kicked off SWIFT? and that out of the kindness of china's heart, decided on a whim to buy russia's gas and grain and let them use their CIPS system?
definitely a massive power shift happening
No. 1076905
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I predicted this some time, Putin knew this was gonna happen
Russia and Iran have had a looking east policy for the past half decade and are now fully implementing it
No. 1076939
>>1076936Trump is
trigger happy. He would have made shit much worse. We would probably be in WWIII by now.
No. 1076944
>>1076939the opposite, it would only be worse for ukranians.
trump was a putin ally, isolationist and made multiple anti-nato statements. he pushed for pulling out of every ongoing conflict because he was against intervening overseas. he would've let putin take ukraine and they would be no sanctions.
No. 1076965
>>1076936do nothing and get impeached
get replaced by pence who orders wwiii
No. 1076983
>>1076958>random Iranian general okay regardless whether you agree with the attack or not, Soleimani wasn't some random general
he was the leader of the QUDS force and had hand made militia groups around the middle east and beyond, established on ethno-religious and tribal lines, helped coordinate the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, as well as establish Iranian backed groups around Afghanistan and Pakistan
he literally changed the dynamics of the middle east for decades to come, so no he wasn't just some random general No. 1077031
>>1077025I live in a Muslim country and never came across one aside from the transvestites
>>1077029That's so weird. My language doesn't have gendered words maybe that's why there's no genderfuckery I've witnessed irl?
No. 1077037
Been having nightmares and barely sleeping because of my doomer mom, I’m sweanon that posted this
>>1075926 and can’t stop thinking about it since.
But if Russia takes over Ukraine it’s not a 100% done deal, it’s not a game of capture the flag where one side wins and it’s “okay we’re done everybody go home”. Keeping the country occupied is also going to take resources, men and money, and the Ukrainian people have shown they won’t take this lying down and will continue to fight tooth and nail no matter what.
So what I’m trying to ask is if we don’t take the giant “prez here für nukez lmao x3” button everyone thinks the poot has into account (not doubting he would use them, but there are more to it than a shiny red button), would Russia even be able to afford attacking another country? Especially if countries like Sweden and Finland are now looking to join NATO despite threats now that Russia is busy keeping their attention elsewhere at the moment. On top of morale among the troops wouldn’t be especially high I imagine. Sorry if this doesn’t make a lot of sense, I’m running on no sleep and late for work.
No. 1077060
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>>1076992>>1077053Miłego dnia i smacznej kawusi
No. 1077072
File: 1646122343518.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1190x1972, 924D5E17-B54A-4304-8A54-2B79FA…)

Shouldn’t be too surprised since deserters during war isn’t something new, but I hope this will be a growing trend
No. 1077081
>>1077007>fortune tellersKek
nonnie, I can't tell if it's metaphor that I don't get or if you're talking about literal fortune tellers
No. 1077162
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>>1076992dzień dobry nona, jeśli jeszcze nie jesteś mamy thread na c.c
No. 1077173
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>>1077106I thought you were kidding but Googled it and omg. 'I made stupid choices and now I have to deal with the consequences, waaa'
No. 1077199
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>>1077192petty to mogłybyśmy być jakbyśmy zaczęły całą tą sytuację. Na euro threadzie ludzie mówili w swoich językach i było ok - my napisałysmy coś kilka razy i to głównie na temat i cieszyłyśmy się że tu jesteśmy więc chciałyśmy własny thread bo takie istnieją ii nikomu nie przeszkadzały plus od razu się zaczęło że mamy tu nie pisać xddddd tylko w swoim własnym więc założyłyśmy. Thread był przez chwilę i kazali nam tu wrócić to wróciłyśmy -też problem z jakiegoś powodu. Nikt nie komentuje natomiast że burgery wybrały sobie wojnę która ich nie dotyka jako temat na tydzień i sobie piszą jak to na florydzie dosięgnie ich putin pewnie za trzy dni, eurofag był dla europejczyków i już nie jest, ale to my jesteśmy petty bo sboie piszemy i chcemy się kounikować xd tak samo mówienie że my mamy infighting i to że hiszpańskiego threadu też nie może być, jannies sobie nie radzą i tyle
No. 1077201
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I'd recommend everyone to check out the documentary Icarus, illustrates Russian gov madness quite well and how far they're willing to go just to make Russia win.
It starts off with the cycling world and then quickly evolves into a spy documentary where you fear for a russian whistleblower's life as it shows him being actively hunted down
No. 1077217
>>1077073moje podejście jest proste: jakie, kurwa, domy?
>>1077173zajebac sukinsyna, i to już
>>1077175nie przez doomposting, tylko widzimisię tranny janny
>>1077199jebać niesubordynowane burgery
>>1077201thx, will check out probably
No. 1077235
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Pretty gay of Putin to copy the tactics of woke SJWs and trannies in the west. Just call your enemy a Nazi and everything you do to them is justified.
No. 1077244
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>>1077236I can't believe people were really dumb enough to fall for a /pol/ gay op.
No. 1077269
>>1077249>Literally every war has been startedNo that's retarded. Wars start from the people in power, who historically have been men because patriarchy. When women are in charge they are just as likely to start wars.
>and waged by menThat is not a gotcha, that is a legit (really one of the only ones) issues men actually face in society that I am willing to recognize and stand for.
>Men unironically are the mentally unstable hysterical sex, they just refuse to acknowledge that they are overly emotional and anger is the emotion.This is just facts though.
No. 1077291
>>1077283I also heard what anon here said
>>1077285. Apparently a lot of them are trying to contact their families because they have been cut off from the because the army took away their phones and won't let them talk to them.
No. 1077293
>>1077286I really hope so anon.
>>1077288Anon, christian nobles (knights,etc) literally beat up peasants near death if they found them doing sth they didn't like. The aristocracy were largely brutes with access to weapons and training. This really only changed with the invention of gunpowder and the disappearance of an armed military aristocracy. Being violent was very much celebrated in Christian countries. Hell it's celebrated even today, as long as you are violent to the ones society deems acceptable.
No. 1077303
>>1077284this, fuck thatcher
>>1077281I think you're mixing up absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy; first one is autocratic, it's therefore totalitarian. It is as bad
No. 1077305
>>1077269>No that's retarded. Wars start from the people in power, who historically have been men because patriarchy. When women are in charge they are just as likely to start wars.No one care about your fanfic about hypothetical female Hitler.
>This is just facts though.No, the only fact is that men have decided for centuries to oppress women. Masculinity is a social construct. What you call masculinity is a fantasy, a belief, an embarrassing attempt to rise above female superiority. Women are genetically superior to men. Womb envy is a reality. You are a walking abortion whose only purpose in life is to produce sperm.
No. 1077309
>>1077289Prepping is actually fun so yeah try it
Look up some survival skills especially medical too and practice your knots
No. 1077312
>>1077305>Hitler is the only person who ever started a warI am not at fault for the American education system.
>No, the only fact is that men have decided for centuries to oppress women. Masculinity is a social construct. What you call masculinity is a fantasy, a belief, an embarrassing attempt to rise above female superiority. Women are genetically superior to men. Womb envy is a reality. You are a walking abortion whose only purpose in life is to produce sperm.Not sure if I should blame the American education system again or your eyesight, but I never defended men. I literally believe in female supremacy you moron. Reread what I wrote and feel bad about your stupidity. Also fu for >hey moiding me not even for disagreeing with you but because you are too illiterate to read that I literally think men are fucked in the head.
No. 1077313
>>1077308NTA but
>middle age>lot of documented conflict between peasants and aristocracyWhere are you from nonna? Because in my country, I've always heard that documentation about peasants in medieval times are near non-existent. Reports were written by the elite and the truth was often twisted or glamourized to be made into ballads
No. 1077326
>>1077314It's bloodthirsty moids using alt-right crap to be edgy.
They aren't exactly following Nazism as it was, they apply it to their country. For example - Russian "nazis" will consiser a white orthodox pureblood Russian as ideal and worth more than everyone else - and will consider Jews, Muslims, other races etc their enemy.
No. 1077332
>>1077312>the American education systemI'm from one of your favorite rich, white and nationalist country where you fantasize to live. Die mad about it.
>>1077314Simple, everyone want to feel special, validated and being born white isn't difficult in most European countries.
No. 1077337
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It's funny how I was joking with my partner about Russia invading France (not out of legit concern) and we see this on the news. I doubt anything will happen but that's still kinda scary No. 1077364
>>1077344Thanks for the answer anon, you seem to know what you are talking about. I will look more into it!
>>1077356So you mean that because the average man had to work and later fight, the ideal of the more aloof man as the desirable model changed due to these men being unfit for the realities of daily work and the violence of the world wars? That is an interesting interpretation if I am understanding you correctly.
No. 1077379
>>1077376Hey anon, I answered here
>>1077374But yeah, I guess I still don't know what an alternative is. If you socialize men like women then they won't be able to fight and then you have a weak nation that is ripe for conquest.
No. 1077391
>>1077387Well yeah, but they aren't. Like, if Ukrainian men were socialized like women then Ukraine would have fallen in a day. As long as we can't just delete or brainwash all men in the world at the same time, we can't really afford to soften their socialization in regard to their own disposability (I absolutely think we can change how they treat us obviously).
>>1077386>>1077388Yeah, I mean these are all nice traits, but again these aren't men that can fight the terrible wars that a nation might find itself fighting in times of need. They would be lovely to date and socialize with, but in times of need they would be trying to escape with the women and children instead of standing and fighting.
No. 1077409
>>1077391I mean it was also the time of Louis XIV who was constantly at war. Gentlemen need to fight, it's their purpose as a class (literally why they had privileges). It was also after the terrible wars of religion in France the XVIth century, thus the ideal of tolerance.
I approve
>>1077393 and
>>1077399 No. 1077410
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Finnish State Railways VR has granted free travel for a month for anyone with an Ukrainian passport, inside or outside Finland. I have no idea how much they have trains outside of here, so does this even do shit kek. I know they have Allegro trains from Russia
The also said they will "cut any but essential communication with Russia", whatever the fuck that means lmaooo. They said they want to ensure any Finnish citizens get out of Russia, or any Russians that want to flee Putin
No. 1077412
>>1077399I am Greek. Our standards for men have not been peaceful and nice since forever due to the Turks, so I am enjoying this conversation with you anons that are from different countries. Men here connect their masculinity to being tough and we have a conscript army, which brainwashes them into thinking it I believe, although some of my friends don't agree with it and actually even dodged conscription because they knew some doctors.
>>1077402>>1077409You sure like deleting your posts anon. Also really fascinating to hear anon, as I said to the anon above, it's so interesting to hear different perspectives from different countries. But if there was war too, then why did the ideal change with the later wars? Is it because they were different wars in some way?
>>1077407Oh I see. I mean, this sounds like an insane standard to have, no wonder it went away when the aristocrats did. You can't have this standard among the common population.
No. 1077422
>>1077420as a non-European that's strange for me to hear, aren't they a fair bit shorter then northern european men
like as tall as arabs and middle eastern men
No. 1077423
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The russians will air strike the PSO center in Kyiv.
All residents need to leave immediately!
There will be less ukrainian fake news and propaganda (like "the ghost of kyiv") since the PSO center is their media center.
No. 1077431
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>>1077422I don't know, I think arabs are a bit shorter than Mediterranean men? Not that I care, I am a midget mongol
No. 1077432
>>1077420>Greek men have the advantage that they are quite handsome, I have to admit.Kek, you are such a Northern Euro anon, I don't know how you find southern men attractive, especially considering they are much shorter than your guys. I don't know, I am used to them I guess. There are some alright looking ones but most are meh. Especially zoomers my age look like American idiots from TikTok with their dumb haircut and earings. I am not sure about misogynistic, they have a weird traditional view of gender roles that I personally don't like, but it has its positives. Like, there is definitely slut shaming going on, but most of them would stand and fight against Turks to let the women and children run away. I don't think we can say the same thing about Swedes, who in day to day life might be more feminist.
>>1077424Thank you anon, I try to not be
No. 1077443
>>1077432I think we are genetically programmed to like different genes! And like other anon said, height is really not important to me either.
>>1077431>dinaro mediterraneanMmmmmm I'll have one of that please
No. 1077452
"Feminism is one of the few opposition movements in contemporary Russia that has not been destroyed by the waves of persecution launched by Vladimir Putin’s government. [
although there have been calls to government action against radical feminism] At the moment, several dozen grassroots feminist groups are operating in at least thirty Russian cities. In this text, feminists taking part in antiwar demonstrations around the country call on feminists around the world to unite in opposing the military aggression launched by Putin’s government." No. 1077462
>>1077412I'm sleep deprived and I keep fucking up my posts, sorry! I love these discussions, it's taking me back to my medieval fangirl phase when I was reading ASOIAF a decade ago
I'll try to avoid stupid mistakes, bt several points, it's general talking points from French perspective + my ideas :
- wars have changed a lot. It really depends on what you are trying to do (control a territory, destroy an ennemy, religious/civil wars, holy wars etc). The death toll, self-justification, length, intensity of conflicts can vary tremendously. So a fanatic civil war can then prompt an ideal of tolerance, as a tolerant man would find the idea of chimping out and killing a neighbor abhorrent, while being perfectly justified in serving his king's expansionist ideals.
- Monarchies are seen as dumb now, so it's hard to see how important they were in the past in defining basically anything. You weren't part of a nation but a subject of this or that king (and before that, the important of serfdom/vassality but that's more in the Middle Ages). So of course the way to conceptualize war is very different from now. (We French people have a tendency to overstate the Revolution as THE defining turn in modern history, but it really a cataclysm in Europe.)
- Not linked to anything else but I want to talk about it because it's the eurofag thread : there is this idea of the indo-european trifunctional hypothesis, the organisation of indo-eu societies can be classified in three order/classes (warrior, clergy, peasant/tradesmen). This is completely shattered today of course, with the rise of capitalism, but still an interesting way to think about the organization of societies previously, and the role of men today most specifically. We tend to see society as binary a lot (since Hegel/Marx? Maybe?) and also as egalitarian because nation and human rights, so there is often a conflict between the men/women duality and the people are equal way to think about citizens, but I think for a long time men and women were thought as belonging the same order (with some caveats ofc), so there wasn't an ideal of a man, but you would have ideals for every class.
No. 1077464
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>>1077452>>1077458Lmao don't be optimistic. They are cringe libfems. Picrel is Nadya from Pussy Riot.
No. 1077471
>>1077439You wouldn't last a day in Pakistan, you have no Idea how truly horrible looking men around can be
I can assure you that you have no Idea how ugly men can be on a civilizational level
No. 1077472
>>1077460Thr 2020s are crazy. I'm more uncertain about things than ever before
No. 1077474
>>1077462Thank you for your post anon it is really insightful. Also it makes sense that every class would have a different ideal for a man. So I guess today's ideal is that of the lower middle class for some reason?
>>1077464I-is that Jew real or a /pol/ photoshop?
No. 1077477
>>1077472Well at least it will be fast I guess.
>>1077473Are russians legit medieval peasants?
No. 1077488
>>1077486What is wrong with that woman?
>>1077487Beards are pretty cool, as long as they are cared for.
No. 1077494
>>1077480China banned porn, prostitution, pimps, sex buyers.
It's way better for women there. In the US they will ban abortion but prostitution will be legal. A misogynistic hell.
No. 1077495
>>1077491what do you choose
a. being raped by tranny in bathroom
b.returning to more traditional values
No. 1077497
>>1077478Never heard of that happening but afaik, no, they're not even being taken seriously instead with a notable exception of radical feminism which the government deems "extremist" and "threatening traditional family values".
>>1077483Domestic violence is indeed decriminalized here, you just get a small fine or, if the beatings were ""serious"" enough to fall under general law it's punished as usual, though in cases of domestic violence the police are reluctant to help calling it "usual family arguements" or some shit.
No. 1077498
>>1077480AYRT China is communist in name only and Russia is definitely not communist. Neoliberal values don't exist. It's just capitalism trying to profit from everything at once, it'll sell you a trans flag, a communist flag, a nazi flag, whatever earns them money.
>>1077494Yeah it's so amazing for women in China, that they are restricting abortion, because nobody wants to have kids! Who are you kidding?
No. 1077505
>>1077490Ehm, I wouldn't go that far. Like, these are still young boys sent to their death. Even if they were literal criminals I would question it, but they haven't done anything to deserve this other than being Russian. Have you heard them talk to their moms? They are just kids.
>>1077492It holds conservative values, some of which align with communism, that doesn't make a country communist.
>>1077493Why do muslims grow beards anyway?
>>1077494>It's way better for women there.Anon come on now.
>>1077495Can't I just choose equality and that the mentally ill are put in asylums?
>>1077497>Domestic violence is indeed decriminalized here, you just get a small fine or, if the beatings were ""serious"" enough to fall under general law it's punished as usual, though in cases of domestic violence the police are reluctant to help calling it "usual family arguements" or some shit.Yeah, that's what I was remembering.
No. 1077506
>>1077495Hmm. Be the
victim of retard men, or be the
victim of retard men pretending to be women. Hard decision.
No. 1077509
>>1077480Communism is not conservative.
It has nothing to to with the liberal - conservative political dimension.
Educate yourself.
No. 1077511
>>1077492You are retarded.
Russia is capitalistic.
No. 1077524
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>>1077491Fuck off, American neo-liberalism may have been great for western women but it has destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions of women in the global south
we had more rights in freedoms in the 1960's then today, american neo-liberalism allowed Islamists to take power in our nations, it sent back women in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan to 7th century Arabia, It would been the fate of syrian women as well if it weren't Russia
I know all men are bastards but some societies are worse then others and just a choice for some freedom and rights on paper is something women spend their lives praying for and I know there are some western radfems here who will probably go "we should just leave all moids and fight against men" and again that's a delusional fantasy that you get to have, we get beaten and killed if we try, a feminist protest happened in my nation and you what fucking happened, Mullahs threw rocks at them and they had to leave bloodied and beaten
and do you really think ISIS and Taliban members will stop treating women like cattle cause you'll complain about it on twitter, no they will only stop under the barrel of a gun, oppression and patriarchy will still exist but it will better then 7th century Arabia
so again fuck you
No. 1077530
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>>1077513I hate how anons are unable to comprehend the fact that even if a country's economy is capitalistic, the country can culturally still hold more conservative values. Applied communism is conservative in values, but not how you Americans might define "conservative" in the sense of the alt right. Communist countries have offered education, college education for both men and women, but communist countries usually ban prostitution and try to limit corporate/capitalistic abuse.
The west literally wants to make all women onlyfans whores that are traumatized by extreme abuse since childhood because of the gender bullshit. The west literally wants an absolutely dystopian world for women. If the west takes over it's gonna be so bad for women believe me
No. 1077532
>>1077518>I am a trad fag because I feel bad about young boys being burned alive and mutilated.No anon, you are the one who is fucked up. You assume that these boys are shit without knowing anything about them and then are fine with their suffering. If you can't see how this is insanely wrong, I can't help you.
>>1077520>Feeling bad about boys being sent to war is not all men.Are you for real?
>>1077526How do you know that they didn't? Also again, do you have any idea how young most of these soldiers are? You are being extremely insensitive to human suffering.
No. 1077537
>>1077523Don’t you realise that trad values means that women get to wear cute dresses while we walk around barefoot in wheat fields and don’t have to work
Tradmeme suht is just opposite retardation of fully automated luxury space communism
No. 1077551
>>1077541Thank you anon. You can dislike men in general all you want, but if you don't feel bad about what you are seeing then there is sth wrong with you.
>>1077547You don't even know those boys!
No. 1077555
USA imperialism literally created the taliban.
No. 1077559
>>1077523Wait which country amongst China/SK/Japan is supposed to be the conservative misogyny one?
>>1077524Makes me scared for the NATO loving moment everybody is having. Can the EU gets its head out of its own ass and become self reliant already? That won't make it perfect (Libya is dead in part because of France) but I'm hoping we would be less likely to go liberate countries all over the world. UK even left, we can have an American-free army.
>>1077519Yes the preference for men in rural areas, which the communists were fighting! China is still hugely sexist despite its communist past, not because of it.
>>1077530It's hard to see the world in things other than binaries I guess.
>>1077533What would you think if Russia used female soldiers like Israel then dumbass?
No. 1077561
>>1077544>>1077556literally not what I'm saying, I'm trying to say that a Soviet/Russian dominated world would still be better for womankind as a whole
better then what the vast majority of women suffer today
No. 1077570
>>1077530>>1077548>The west literally wants to make all women onlyfans whores that are traumatized by extreme abuse since childhood because of the gender bullshit. The west literally wants an absolutely dystopian world for women. If the west takes over it's gonna be so bad for women believe meI don't agree with promotion of onlyfans, pornography, trans bullshit etc. But even though it does get promoted in west, you still have FREE WILL to not participate in it. You can educate other women and not be censored. You can start a movement and you are allowed to.
Meanwhile in your great China, if government decides to do something that directly harms women, it's over amd you can't do shit about it, other than end up in a prison or a labour camp where moids are free to harrass and rape.
No. 1077582
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No. 1077586
>>107756literally every immigrant and child of immigrants i know from ex soviet countries has a told me they had an
abusive husband or father but ok
No. 1077588
>>107756613 countries in the world where you get stoned to death, we had more rights in the colonial days then what we have today
>>1077576I'm saying womankind as a whole, not just the west
would you rather all non-western women in the world be treated like chattel and just women in the west have rights and freedoms, or all women in the world have the same basic human rights on paper and on par with russian/ee today
between those choices I would pick the latter, for womankind as a whole
No. 1077596
>>1077570>you still have FREE WILL to not participate in it. not if you are brainwashed and groomed into it since childhood
>You can educate other women and not be censored. You can start a movement and you are allowed to.Does not matter. If a billionaire scrote decides to promote something degenerate and misogynistic it will get normalized because he has money and you don't.
No. 1077603
>>1077583Anon I am saying you don't even know them, not that they are good boys. You are not being against women's mistreatment when you psychopathically don't give a shit don't give a shit about these soldiers dying, I don't even know how you make that connection.
>>1077594Nah, men are legit uglier on average (although they also don't try on top of it). There were just not really selected for appearance, at least after the agricultural revolution.
No. 1077608
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>>1077452Thanks for sharing nonna. I love women.
>>1077464As if every feminist was the same. Stop thinking like a moid.
No. 1077620
>>1077584AYRT, the only thing I'll give anon is that I do like Slavic people more than western Europeans. I'm not sure if it has to do with communist past, but I feel like they're a lot more hospitable, friendly, less greedy, more helpful. Obviously misogyny, racism and antisemitism can be a bit of a problem, but western Europeans still have a good dose of that too. Just less of an individualistic attitude of 'everyone on their own'. I might be biased though, since I only get small doses through family, visits, friends etc. But that attitude doesn't have to be spread through force.
No. 1077621
>>1077611No??? Many of them are literal conscripts, have you watched the news at all? I wouldn't give two shits about professional soldiers, I only care because they are conscripted.
>>1077615Hey, some of them definitely exist. I meant on average. Good for your mom.
No. 1077630
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>>1077610I wonder what happened to young Putin to end up as a Putler? Was he always like that. Is it the y chromosome that turns them all into ego chimps?
No. 1077636
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>>1077610>>1077630Plastic surgery, he still look ok emaciated
No. 1077637
>>1077628>>1077632Cause male beauty is distinct from female beauty
a beautiful man never become a man and vice versa a masculine woman can never become a man
No. 1077664
>>1077632This doesn't make sense at all. Men who are balding are seen as unattractive and women in Europe have their first child in their thirty. Men are ugly because they have an unfortunate fat distribution. It makes them look older and uglier than women. They age like milk, see
>>1077636 for an example.
No. 1077667
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>>1077640Commie women were always encouraged to work and have their own income. In the USSR it was mandatory to work and the USSR was the first country ever to legalize abortion.
No. 1077673
>>1077648I have a little boy yeah. Not sure if this is some effort to discredit me, since if anything it makes me know more about men and the way they are raised than you or someone who doesn't have a son.
Also I clearly said I care about THE CONSCRIPTS, not the professionals. Professionals can get buried as far as I am concerned. And I don't think only women should be caring, I think the same of men and it is what I am teaching my son who is a beautiful and sensitive little boy.
>>1077652Actually the Y chromosome does mean they don't have a second X as I said above, so imperfections are more common to occur.
>>1077664I didn't say they are not looked as unattractive, I said women still get together with them and have children with them, so the genes pass. Also fatness is very common yeah.
No. 1077681
>>1077495It's more an issue of a woman being for the use of a single man under the right and women being for public use under the left. Men on both sides hate women and view us their property, they just disagree about how we should be shared between them.
>>1077524Exactly and now thanks to neo-liberalism European women face the same fate. The current elite give zero fucks about women and will use us as they want. Just look at the state of feminism and who is promoted by the media.
>>1077530Stalin sent whores, pimps and sex traffickers to die in gulags. It's hilarious to see OF whores and their coomers with the hammer and sickle in their twatter profiles.
No. 1077682
>>1077673Sorry nonna
a lot of western radfems who read the theories of a Idiot fat ass are gonna talk about how much a loser pick-me you are, having basic human dignity and patriotic pride is a no-go for western radfems who aren't aware about the real world
No. 1077687
>>1077660Yeah "the men are uglier" saying never sat right with me. I've seen it used by moids who don't want to make an effort (women aren't visual like men so they don't care), raging lesbos (understable), fake-bi posers and everyone that wants to deny the amount of work women are expected to put in their looks since birth.
>>1077673Second X is useful for diseases, that's true. Women are healthier than men, and that plays in beauty. But healthy guys should be as beautiful as women if they took care of themselves.
No. 1077694
>>1077640>western American neoliberal and free market capitalism culture is causing millions of women to be sexually trafficked yearly for brothels in Germany and such.Agreed
>Communist states always ban prostitution and make sex trafficking almost impossible and communist states do not want you to be a tradwife, they actually encourage women to get higher education and join the work forces.This was the case in the early years of the USSR, but quickly it turned into women being expected to stay at home and that mothering is their job. The early years of the USSR cannot be compared to modern day capitalist Russia and China, like you keep doing.
>communist states aren't conservative in the American sense of right wingers. They just reject neoliberal free market capitalism values like sex work and LGBT+ bullshit, but they want for everyone to work, go to school, have jobsNeoliberalism doesn't have any values. That is what makes it difficult to identify. It just picks whatever is profitable at the moment. Also I'll have to inform you that the USSR was warming up to LGB being natural, up until Stalin. They used their anti sex trafficking policies to accuse women of being prostitutes and putting them into prison labor camps. After the civil war, lots of women ended up in prostitution because of the lack of jobs. It was blamed on the women for "living a parasitic existence", not because they actually cared about women's safety. Men will always abuse their power, even when it's 'communist'.
No. 1077696
>>1077680Thank you anon, it is nice to hear some reason.
>>1077682I am not even really patriotic tbh, although I appreciate I don't live in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Thank you for the nice comment anon, I appreciate it.
>>1077687Oh yeah, I did say above that I think a part is nature but another part is obviously their lack of care and grooming.
>>1077690You called what? That I have a male child? Oh no how terrible of me, the Y chromosome has poisoned my brain, I now don't ignore men's suffering as I should to be a good radfem comrade. If that's what you demand then I don't care to be your ally.
No. 1077705
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No. 1077714
>>1077677I agree with you about prostitution but you sound ignorant and sheltered and have a very black and white view of women's conditions. 2 million German women were raped by soviet soldiers
>Western nations are more oppressive towards womenthan more conservative nations like China, Russia or Eastern Europe
you are extremely wrong, you're either a moid or a retarded tradthot who thinks domestic abuse isn't oppression
No. 1077719
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Ukraine wants to strike Belarus.
WTF nonnas
No. 1077723
>>1077703NTA, but Rojava seems pretty based.
>>1077719That escalated quickly WTF
No. 1077724
>>1077702in communism the culture is defined by the state mostly and by what the 1 party state decides to make legal and illegal, but since applied communism has roots in Marxism they oppose capitalistic exploitation, so they ban prostitution and usually try to give more equal opportunities to the average work class person. They offer both men and women free college education and want both men and women to join the work forces.
On the other hand, in free market capitalism the most profitable corporations take over the government and also establish the cultural movements which benefit them financially. Democratic, free market capitalism states are hypocritical and dont care about what people want and they only want to make money for their corporations at the expense of your suffering. Have you observed that in America any movement that goes against corporations and the government is banned or completely manipulated by media into becoming non aggressive towards the power. In the past, in America liberal leftists were the ones rioting against the governmental establishment and the system. Now nobody truly does that.
Free market capitalism has caught onto and even contributed to the creation of LGBT+, tranny, gender bla bla bla shit because it keeps people dumb, hedonistic and they watered down the only political spectrum that would have been of revolutionaries. Revolutionaries are dead. They are developing technology more and more and American free market capitalists which for some reason in America they side with leftism and consider themselves communists although they have nothing to do with communism. They want to instaurate a capitalistic dictatorship in which humans are all addicted to machines and the internet and develop very extreme mental illness. They want women to be onlyfans whores and for women to not even exist as a gender anymore and you might think you have a choice now but American
democratic dictatorship is becoming more and more extreme and they want to allow humans no freedoms besides being slaves to their mega corporations
(moid) No. 1077766
>>1077751it's a male who doesn't actually understand misogyny and women's conditions, only cares that his women aren't whores and aren't being raped by
foreign men. same type of braindead men who were praising the Taliban because "at least their women won't become onlyfans thots!1!"
No. 1077772
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Biggest leftist newspaper in France takes the brave decision to change the name it uses for Kyiv because of 15 tweets. Fuck this world.
No. 1077799
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I'm in tears, he's literally crying about this site not having free speech, knowing we don't give free speech to males here.
No. 1077805
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I can't deal with fake news anymore.
This picture was circulating on the internet since forever but normies fell for it and think it's a recent Ukraine pic.
No. 1077822
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>>1077805Learn to edit. No one care about transgenderism in the middle of a war.
No. 1077832
>>1077471Fuck off Paki-chan, WE KNOW
>>1077582Cringe, but I hope it makes scrotes seethe
>>1077638Such a shame, he used to be so cute. He is hit the wall like damn. No wonder he's been putin not only his own country, but the whole world through retarded histrionics for years now
>>1077705>Putin>knows enough about numerology and astrologyI'm deceased. Though to be fair, that one anon mentioned Putin attacking on 22/02/22 being a sure thing because he likes such dates…
>>1077719>>1077723I'm so exhausted by following that circus
No. 1077847
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Zelenskyy just called out the world.
No. 1077861
>>1077555This is a false and lazy claim I always see spouted off on soshul medja. I won’t get too much into a autistic tirade but during the Soviet - Afghan war the US did help fund opposition groups to the communist gov. The money, weapons and training for these efforts were then funneled to mujahadeen groups and pretty much any other groups who opposed the Soviet Union. China also helped to fund and train these anti Soviet groups as they felt threatened by the presence of another pro-Soviet government on its border. Other right wing governments bordering Afghanistan and other western countries such as the UK also sent aid and funds to the mujahadeen. While the US and the countries I mentioned previously never directly gave funds to the Taliban, it did back the Pakistani ISI which DID use those funds to give to future Taliban leaders. While elements of the mujahadeen were part of the future Taliban they were not one homogenous anti Islamic extremist group.
So Burgerland and friends have weapons/aid/money sent to Pakistan and Pakistan in turn distributed those to who ever they wanted like future members of the Taliban. This is a very condensed version of events but the lazy take I see of “The US/CIA/West/NATO actually created the Taliban/Al-Qaeda/ISIS” are people just playing fast and loose with history and not wanting to understand a very complex chunk of time in the Middle East and I guess it easily feeds into the America Bad sentiment nicely lol
No. 1077862
>>1077835Hm, maybe you are right. The dude does seem pretty cool though and certainly better than most reddit moids.
>>1077844Yes, I thought so! I can imagine astrology lunatics running wild with it
No. 1077863
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holy shit this dude looks like a pelican/pigeon hybrid. please get taste you guys. i know times are tough but SHIT
No. 1077869
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>>1077863Simping for this ugly 4/10 moid is a crime against beauty and taste.
No. 1077875
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>>1077863His wife is cute and looks amazing at 44 years old. They are the same age and I kinda like him now knowing that.
No. 1077876
>>1077847the problem is, many people that remembered a World War are dead by now. My grandma is 91 now and she was a child during WWII, she is the last of my ancestors being alive during that time. My parents never experienced terror or war, and they won't care as long as no one destroys their lawn.
I think he is tired and desperate and I know that non of the politicians in my country would have stayed so long, the would have been gone after the first threat from Putin.
No. 1077879
>>1077863He looks healthy, clean and youthful for his age. Post your country's president,
No. 1077881
>>1077871>>1077872>>1077874Didn't realized this board is full of normie retards that simp for politicians.
Character? Arming untrained civilians to use them as meat shields and encouraging them to pick fights with the second most powerful military of the world. And for what? To get headlines of russia being bad and killing civilians?
No. 1077884
File: 1646155161972.png (542.74 KB, 966x832, Untitled.png)

WTF?! All this will accomplish is making Russian men stronger. Instead they should drop supply crates full of boobie mags into Russian territories to Russian soldiers will be too busy cooming and too weak to fight,(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1077898
>>1077890lmao I bet he is some bunker in New Zealand by now.
Can't believe you nonnas chugging down war propaganda. He created a myth around himself so Putin won't assassinate him.
No. 1077903
>>1077886let me have my shred of optimism in those hellish times
>>1077890this, plus the fuck is he supposed to do? give up?
>>1077891everyone is trying to help out, its incredible
>>1077898ehh, i will take it for now. hope putin seeths over people loving Zelenskyy while laughing at the bald scrote's impotence
No. 1077904
>>1077866I'm sorry but I'll be rooting against you, for the betterment of womankind as a whole the current world order has to end and some blood has to be spilt
I'm sorry but it has to be this way
No. 1077909
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>>1077879nta and not our president, because that guy doesn't matter, so have our chancellor. Look how cute he is, he would never give you up, he would never let you down and he would never make you cry. Also, he never had anything to do with Wirecard and he can't remember anything, he can't even remember that he is our chancellor.
(Sry, wanted to distract you all from the horrors in the world)
No. 1077913
>>1077865This has me thinking .. what do fellow eurononnas think of Ukraine potentially becoming a part of the EU thorough fast track application? I hear that people are split on that matter.
>>1077909>(Sry, wanted to distract you all from the horrors in the world) And yet you present us Scholz? Kek
No. 1077917
>>1077493I wouldn't recommend this to anyone. I'm from a med country we're most if not all men have thick beards and it's so unpleasant to kiss someone and have the constant feeling of deep exfoliation with emery paper.
Sex can also be uncomfortable if he kisses/sucks some places. My bf joked about getting laser on his face and sometimes I wish he would do it. And beards look gross anyway. Girls with moustaches is cool tho.
No. 1077928
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>>1077879kek he looks like a Christmas elf who's up to no good. Although still better than our fat pig of a prime minister
No. 1077930
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>>1077881What's wrong with using moids for what they are useful?
No. 1077945
File: 1646157345509.jpg (Spoiler Image,262.31 KB, 865x1515, IMG_20220301_185423.jpg)

>>1077931>schlapschwanzBehold, the Serbian president beats every other man at being a schlapschwanz. Imagine getting lip fillers but not getting a chin liposuction.
No. 1077952
>>1077944Europe =/= Middle East
Kind of funny I'm asking about women's rights and your link has irag isis and Afghanistan in the hyperlink. Anyway
No. 1077955
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>>1077948Do open if you want to get temporary bulimia
No. 1077956
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are there actually any hot prime ministers/presidents? I swear being mediocre looking or ugly is a requirement to get into politics although I think Sánchez can look somewhat decent at times
No. 1077962
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>tfw had a female president
>everything people did was post her swimsuit pics on 4chan and mommy post about her
No. 1077966
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>>1077879Way hotter i fear but sadly a POS but he was the hottest president we ever got. jfk had a lazy eye so shutup if anyone says that!
>>1077875she looks like shes been injected with filler in the face. wtf also the bar is in hell if you like a guy just because they date women their age lol. at least other nonnies excuse his pigeon face because they like his politics. your reasoning is just bleak.
No. 1077974
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>>1077966Post your actual current president, the fucking crypt keeper
No. 1077976
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>>1077962and we had merkel with this dress …
No. 1077980
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>>1077976sometimes I am no better than a man
No. 1077985
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>>1077956not a baguette but I've heard many, many times that people find macron attractive.
No. 1077986
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Hubba hubba.
No. 1077996
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>>1077992Finland's president and apparently one of the people whose had the most experience with Putin being a little bitch. Google images of them, the expressions are killing me.
No. 1077998
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Kosovo’s prime minister sort of looks like Zelensky (inb4 “Kosovo isn’t a real country”)
No. 1078008
>>1077989Eh, I am kinda meh about it. I hate Australia more.
>>1077995Well yeah, because before Russia was not literally attacking Ukraine proper. This is an insane escalation.
No. 1078013
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>>1078010they're an absolute treat in these dark times