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No. 97980
After reading some of the posts in the vent threads and elsewhere, and looking to examples in my own life, I had a question.
What is it that makes some 20s-30s year old males so… I guess you can say (co)dependent. Has no goals, ambitions, or sense of purpose in life. Or maybe he does, but doesn't do much to work towards it. Might rely on family/parents/girlfriends for support. Might even be self-centered and entitled for no reason.
An example:
>my brother, 26
>graduated college and moved back in at home
>had some trouble finding a job but has been employed for years now
>the housing market in our city is garbage so it is very difficult to find something affordable
>for some reason is completely incapable of compromising and moving to a less expensive suburb or town nearby that he can afford but still accessible to the city
>continues to live at home under the guise of "saving up money" but goes out often and takes nice trips to Las Vegas, Hawaii, Japan
>doesn't bother to pay our parents rent or anything (even though he offered at first)
>doesn't help around the house, doesn't even know where we keep the bread in the kitchen and needs to be told these things constantly
>doesn't assess the situation outside of himself (he is playing video games, while I'm cooking dinner and whine at me to take the dog out even though I'm wrist deep in fish guts)
Just recently he told me to find him a recipe for cornbread so he can make it for his work's potluck. Even though we have many traditional cookbooks in the kitchen and he can literally just google it.
I thought he was just a prick, but I talked to my mom about this and she seems to agree. Her mid-20s male co-workers have to be constantly reminded to do, or how to do things, and the women of the same age are much more reliable and consistent.
Why do you think that is? Is it because women reportedly mature faster than men? A result of the patriarchal society that enables men to become manchildren and pushes women to do more? Sorry if this is similar to another thread that's been made already.
No. 97985
>>97982Not really. In much of southern and eastern Europe men are incompetent slobs who don't know how to wipe their own ass because they've been told all their lives they can get a wife to do it for them so men shouldn't learn how to cook, clean and wash their clothes. Now that the economy is shit, they just live with their parents and say they can't get a job if anyone asks and nobody thinks twice about it.
Unsurprisingly women here are a million times more ambitious because it's either work or get hitched to some mamma's piccolo bambino loser and pop out kids and babysit your husband in poverty.
Lately they've been BAWWing how women are moving out of small towns and villages and calling those who do sluts lol.
No. 98006
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>>97980A part of my family lives in Israel, where both genders are conscripted and the dudes there generally seem to have their shit together, when people have drill sergeants shouting at you in your formative years people tend to grow up quickly. I think it honestly jas something to do with disciple, which women either inherently have more of it or they're specialised to be the more responsible and less risk-taking gender.
Most men suck, so this shit really doesn't surprise me.
No. 98017
>>97985I think the wife/husband dynamic is a big part of the reason.
When you fail as a man, you can still hope to get yourself a wife who does all your shit for you. After all, all the pop culture movies and songs and comics and books tell you that's how it works, r-right? Joke aside, there's a reason the "fat ugly moron finds a beautiful wife/gf" and manic pixie dream girl still exist. And somehow, these guys often seem to end up with women at their side, who get pushed or push themselves into the mommy/caretaker role. So why bother?
Also in my experience, men have a
much bigger tendency to blame literally everything on someone else. Can't find a job? Blame all these greedy evil bosses who won't employ you simply for being awesome! Can't find an appartment? Goddamn these high prices in the trendy upper class district! Can't get a gf? All these womens who are sluts that only like Chads with twelve inch dicks are to blame! Someone's pissed at you for being a complete useless moron who can't do anything else on his own? All these evil normies who can't understand your deep soul!
With a victim mindset like this, it is much easier to stay a manchhild forever, because it is toally not your fault, and it's everyone else who is making your poor life miserable! :(((
I can't pin point exactly what and why else, but to me it seems like the genders are brought up with a different outlook in life, which is why men fall more easily into the NEET trap, and why shit like the /r9k/ subculture is a thing amongst males without any real female equivalent.
No. 98020
you want that? Why would you expect women to want a literal piece of shit when you would never deign to have the female equivalent?
No. 98023
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>>98020>Why would you expect women to want a literal piece of shit when you would never deign to have the female equivalent?Exactly. I just hope for undeserved, sheer luck fam
No. 98027
>>98020Because men are retarded and delusional. About on par with the 400 pound SJW fatties on tumblr, except they hide it behind self pity and a woe is me attitude instead of sassy catchphrases. See
>>98023>>98023Why would you hope for sheer luck when all it takes is a little bit of effort? Seriously, it would take little time and effort to just work out a bit and sort your personal bullshit and characteristics out, maybe talk to some therapist, and your chances would increase a lot. Honestly, why would you rather waste your time on imageboards whining about yourself and hoping that one day,
one day the perfect girl will fall in love with you for no reasons?
No. 98029
>>98027>when all it takes is a little bit of effort?Fuck if I know, I'm convinced that being a selfish, useless asswipe is just an ingrained part of me and that's why I can't do anything for myself, others have to.
>maybe talk to some therapistI've been talking to - and my mommy has been paying for - my therapists for ~4 years
No. 98031
>>98029these posts are really offputting dude, no one on this forum wants to be your therapist
go to 4chan /adv/ or a support group on reddit
No. 98038
>>97980"Patriarchy" and "society" are my
trigger words.
No. 98055
>>98017>>98037OP here–these posts made me think a bit.
I'm starting to think my brother and I turned out this way is because, we were raised differently. But the opposite from
>>98037I'm younger than him by 4 years so for a lot of the time I had to watch him go out with his friends and do whatever, whenever, basically. My parents were pretty strict, and kind of conservative traditionalists. So there were many things I couldn't do, or got in trouble for because I was a girl. I couldn't go hang out at the mall with my friends at 14 because there would be no adult supervision. Even in high school my mom started feeling bad for me and let me secretly go home by myself from school as long as I went straight home and called her from the home phone. Things like that building up overtime made me really want to work hard and become independent. When my brother came back from college initially, our dad was a real baby boomer hardass always nagging him about getting a job and moving out because he had his own apartment at 18. That made my brother really try to move out, and he did for a time. Now that somethings have changed, he is back home and no one is nagging him so I guess he feels comfortable to stay and leech.
Still, there are still some things I can't place that makes me want to be more self-reliant and conscientious and my brother more self-serving and lazy
No. 98064
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>my brother, 27
>went to college for 5 years, double majored, but never graduated nor got any sort of degree
>during those 5 years, took a 1.5 year break of doing nothing, not work or school, just sitting at his apartment (that my parents paid for) playing poker online
>didn't work for 4/5 of the years he was away at college
>got fired as a bar cook at the one job he worked at during that time
>was unemployed for 6 months after he quit college
>now works as a car salesman
>moved in with hambeast girlfriend (in picture) he met off tinder
>my brother is not a small man, but this girl makes him look small
>my parents paid over $200,000 for his rent, tuition, food plans, car, insurance, cell phone, etc.
>to this day he has maybe paid my parents back about $1000 of the $200,000 they spent on him
>still does not pay any bills, between the hambeast and my parents
meanwhile, I paid for my school, car, everything. I'm not bitter or anything.
No. 98094
>>97980Mid-twenties men are much more efficient workers than their female counterparts by the numbers. The men who stay with their mothers far into their twenties could be explained by higher mental illness rates among men, more below average IQ men than women, or the higher bar set for men in achieving social competency.
>>98020She was pointing out the double standard. Unattractive bloodsucking women are still valued by tons of men.
>>98064Tell your brother to get a new haircut and that melange-patterned shirts look even worse on fat people than they do on everybody else. Maybe he's into thicc women, don't keep tabs on his love life if it bothers you to see him happy.
>>98066Wash your towels with tabasco sauce or itch powder. It's your fault for not dealing with this earlier.
>>98069Psych is a very soft and unscientific field. Your near-useless adolescent therapy degree hardly qualifies you to manage spectrum-diagnosed children, let alone try and diagnose your adult brother.
No. 98098
>>98094> It's your fault for not dealing with this earlier.Anon has tried to talk to him multiple times. If someone is so disgustingly unhygienic and lacking in self awareness that they wipe their ass on a towel, they are probably mentally fucked up and nobody can be expected to convince them.
You sound like a mad male NEET, so it's unsurprising that you want to shift the blame.
No. 98099
>>98098And talking to him obviously isn't working. If my neighbor pissed on my lawn every morning, no matter how many times I told him not to, I'd do something about it. Nobody would pity me for letting him piss on my lawn because I continued to let it happen. Being passive obviously hasn't been working for all those years and it's pretty obvious that he isn't going to "mature out of it" at the age of twenty-two.
I'm a college sophmore, work mid-level foodservice bitch work, and live in a shared apartment. Not everybody with a level head on their shoulders fits your charicture.
No. 98102
>>98101What's up?
I in no way support people lazing around their parents' house any longer than is necessary to get a job and get the hell out. To clarify, I try not to make a habit of wiping my ass on towels either.
No. 98103
>>98018Your chart has actually given me new stuff to watch/read.
So glad to see the ausence of moeshit in one of these for once tbh.
No. 98106
>>98099I'm the sister to a 25 year old slob who failed to launch, and I couldn't make him do anything if I tried. In my brother's case, I think he is so used to the "world" at home, because life is easy and he gets everything he wants. I think he is afraid of the real world, because he will have to relearn basically everything to survive. He is mentally a teenager. He throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
It isn't as simple as walking up to someone like that, and saying "you need to stop that, it is gross". What if they literally don't care? And they have never had a reason to care in their entire life?
Lucky for me, I don't live with my brother anymore, so I have been able to enforce boundaries over time. Like he literally showed up at my apartment one day, out of the fucking blue, and I made him leave. He knows I work at home, and he didn't even text me before he came over. Instead of calling me, he just rang a bunch of random people on my building's buzzer until someone opened the door. Starting to enforce boundaries with someone like that isn't easy, and it would be even harder if anon is living with her brother.
No. 98108
>>98106Exactly, people who get their lives in a rut often disassociate speech from intent. The only way to effectively reinforce the association between the two is to discipline him physically whenever he disobeys a verbal command. I'm referring to corporal punishment, but the principle's the same in kicking him out of your apartment. It's as simple as re-teaching somebody the idea "do bad, get bad".
Fewer and fewer parents are willing to throw their children out of the nest after a certain age and because it's becoming harder to get by on their own, kids are becoming more dependent on their parents.
No. 98110
My cousins are in the same boat. Funnily enough they switched off in being useless sacks of shit.
Basically they were never good in school (my aunt never enforced anything and was a complete pushover, would let them not do HW and would call the teacher to tell her "they were too tired :^(" to work or do it herself) so when they finished they had abysmal grades. One started college after some major loopholes and begging and became a normal student, went out a lot, etc. And the other became a NEET shutin. After a year, the one who went to college found an older GF, completely flunked out of college and is now living at home with his gf, it's been about 5 years and he hasn't gotten a job, thinks he's too good for menial labour and his gf and mother still cater to his every whim (he can't cook or clean and basically spergs out if something he wants isn't done).
The other one realized he was in a shit situation and tried to get a traineeship at a hospital and it worked out so he's been working for like 4 years there making ok money and living like a normal person. He's still kind of a shut-in, but he has his 3 friends that he hangs out with so that's good.
I've noticed it typically happens when parents have some sort of guilt/don't want the kids to leave. It won't be both parents, but one will convince the other. It's also typical with multiple siblings. And obviously if you can get away with it I think most of these guys think it's great to live at home for free and do fuckall. If you have no sense of shame you can get away with it.
It happens to girls to, but they get away with it because of the whole "princess syndrome". Where it's normal for an older girl to live at home and get money because she is being 'protected'/'taken care of'.
I'm hispanic and I see way too much of both at a ridiculously large level, especially the manchildren who will eventually just find a gf who will continue to cater to him like his mom does.
No. 98171
>>98134I already follow otoyome, it's one of my favorite mangas currently. Also thanks for the recommendation anon, I remember hearing a lot about Emma time ago but just by now I realize it's from the same author lol. I'll check it out.
I also like cute stuff like almost everyone else in this planet but I'm just so used to see mal charts from waifufags and such that it felt strange when I opened yours and it had titles that weren't cute girls doing cute stuff or seasonals lmao
No. 98175
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>>98171I watch too many stuff really, it's a mix of old anime and seasonal stuff. My job is really busy lately so I can only watch seasonal stuff. Really enjoying Flying Witch this season, so comfy. is my profile if you wanna take a look.
No. 98182
>>98178>>98176Woah cool, now that my mango feed was starting to run out of stuff, thank you guys.'ll just leave this one here in exchange, it turns out to be nothing like what you expect at the beginning.
No. 98187
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>shounen aiI'm a bit skeptical.
No. 98190
>>98187its about 3 traps and friends who have tons of drama and issues. A friend show it to me the other day and it turned to be quite entertaining where I just spected a bunch of traps doing traps things in a very messy and sketchy style.
It could be just me that I dig this kind of soft/girly stuff tho ¯_(ツ)_/¯
No. 98196
>>98194Balls, I just happen to enjoy good juicy drama. Oh welp.
Also about
>>98175 I don't have a mal account myself but I'll check your stuff when I'll find myself without nothing to watch to spare time. Thanks anon.
No. 98207
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>>98206It's my favorite "science fiction" show tbh, always wanted to have a job tied to space but ended being an English teacher.
No. 98223
>>98198Ouch, sorry to hear that. Hope you are doing well.
Just read the synopsis of yyk at mal, damn that looks comfy as fuck. I feel I'm gonna enjoy that. That op sounds pretty cool as well, I'll write down Yamato to watch.
No. 98225
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>>98223Watch the Gundams too if you like mech sci-fi.
No. 98226
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>>98223Also thanks, I'm getting by and suppressing it with meds but it's still eating me from inside.
No. 98235
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>>97980 Men tend to be raised to be kings. They are told to compete and dominate. As another anon said, they will blame others for their own faults so as not to appear weak. Women tend to try to cooperate and harmonize among others.
So look at your useless brother through another lens. He's doing great! His needs are taken care of and he is able to play video games and tell his little sister to do menial tasks for him, because he is the king. He's just killing time until a) he saves up enough to move out b) wins lottery c) gets "discovered" d) moves in with hottie gf e) parents suddenly die and leave inheritance f) bernie gets elected and everyone gets neetbux. All things that will never happen, but seem realistic enough that there is no need to worry about them not.
You can't blame these types for what they are because they are surrounded by enablers. Humans tend to take the path of least resistance. Try not to think about them, it's a draining waste of your time. Allow yourself to feel pride for standing on your own two feet and feel nothing but pity for those who cannot.
No. 98273
Can you guys please take your anime discussion to a different thread? My brother in law is one of the useless, lacking-in-ambition 20-30-something males described in this thread.
>is 31, lives with me and my husband, has been doing so for 2 years now
>their parents are totally normal white middle-class Americans, he brothers had a good childhood, my husband has a 2 BAs and a full time job
>his brother did a 2-year acting college, moved to LA to try and become an actor, couldn't find steady acting work so he became a waiter and then a production assistant, started smoking weed erryday and doing molly
>got burned out on drugs, burned a lot of personal and professional bridges, moved back in with his parents because he was broke - in debt, in fact. He moved out owing his landlord for like 4 months of rent
>moved in with my husband and I because we're close to a metro area. He used to go through long stretches of not paying us rent and not having a job but he's had a part-time job these last few months
>he does help out by cleaning up around the house sometimes and he's not socially autistic around women
I just wish he had some ambition in life beyond smoking weed and drinking every day, living off the generosity of his family, and working a shitty part-time job 2 days a week.
No. 98274
>>98237pic not really related. i just get really
triggered when i see clothes with the shoulders ruined by hangers like that (i took that pic) and this thread is sort of about being
triggered by fucked up things that are external to yourself as well..
No. 98282
>>98273>I just wish he had some ambition in life beyond smoking weed and drinking every day, living off the generosity of his family, and working a shitty part-time job 2 days a week.Why should he? As another Anon here
>>98235 mentioned, try seeing it from his POV:
>he's living cheap>can spend money on drugs, and appareantly can smoke weed/alcohol without limitations >doesn't really need to have steady income because you will tolerate that he cannot pay rent for several months>doesn't need stable job because you guarentee him that he has a place to live no matter is he has a job or steady income>only needs to do minimal work around the house (it's always easier when there are more people; it would be more work if he had to live on his own)Not only are you tolerating his behaviour, you are also actively enabling him to be a drug abusing lazy manchild. Why should he have ambitions to change when life is so much more easier being a needy, lazy ass?
I don't know how you tolerate this, especially for a longer time. I know it's family but there's a limit for everything, and tbh I'd throw him out. Not only for myself but also to show him that he cannot leech off other people forever.
No. 98294
>>98282it's easy to take a hard line on the internet, against someone who isn't kin. These situations are complex.
> allowing them to stay doesn't inconvenience you that much, it's mostly just annoying.> you can afford it, financially> you are afraid of what will happen to them if you did kick them out, since you think they cannot survive without you> you feel an obligation as the "successful" sibling to care for family members in need.> don't want to deal with blowback from the rest of the family if you kicked them out. "he just needs some time to get his shit together"> kicking them out can leave to long-held resentmentI think the only way out is like in that movie "Stepbrothers". The hosts have to change their whole living situation and tell the leech "sorry, we're moving into a boat and there's no room"
No. 98303
>>98299- why are you posting here and not on /r9k/
- why do you think anyone cares
No. 98304
>>98303>- why are you posting here and not on /r9k/They are pretty delusional in my opinion. Sometimes they can be funny but it's usually a depressing board.
>- why do you think anyone caresIt's the topic of the thread and you responded.
I've opened up and shared information about myself, but if no one gives a fuck I'll just delete my posts and get on with my day tbh.
No. 98312
>>98310Not that anon, but I would assume these things
>Basic respect in terms of how men were treated before, not how they are now which is like trash.>Finding a good partner, being able to provide for your family. If divorce happens, men are usually fucked. >Women being pushed ahead not based on their merit but because of progressive agenda>Men taking all the brunt for everything wrong with societyI'm not some r9k fag or MRA. I just do notice the difference compared to my third world home country where men are in a way more so respected due to the fact that take on a more responsibility to raise family and provide for them as appose to western countries.
No. 98313
>>98294>>98282There are times when my husband and I would prefer to have the house to ourselves and back when he was unemployed we were planning to eventually tell him to leave if he didn't get a job after a while. If we kick him out he'd move back in with his parents in a small town where there are fewer job opportunities, and obviously his parents would never kick him out and make him be homeless, so if he lived with them he'd probably feel like he could be even lazier and not even need to get a job and just leech off of them until they die and he inherits their house and their money. It would be unfair to my in-laws to make them have to look after their manchild son for the rest of their lives when they're trying to enjoy their retirement.
My husband and I were hoping that since he lives near a big metro area with us, and he lives with 2 adults with full time jobs it would encourage him to want to do better.
No. 98317
>>98306This, why play a game where the odds are against you and there's little to no gain out of it?
It's bad enough they have to live up to the expectations of being a "real man" now modern day society demonizes them simply for being born a gender they didn't choose.
>>98294 >>98313I acknowledge that this is a complicated situation, and that some stranger on the internet like me of course can neither grasp the whole situation nor give any good advice/opinions.
I just think it's unfair that one lazy manchild in the family affects basically everyone, and to their disadvantage. (Tbh this is not only limited to manchild, I could imagine having an alcoholic/similar drug abuser etc causes toruble in similar manners.)
No. 98322
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>>98306This is utter trash.
Arguments based on gender-specific reasoning for 'self-success' are reflected back onto themselves through the pathetically ambivalent recognition of the basis for their criticism, see:
>>98313>>98294>>98282Men are not disabled by some lack of tribal role or need to be a 'man', but the despondency of others to change the circumstance of their conditions. Unsurprisingly, almost every description on this site of young males will, masochistically, fetishize the (poor) appearance of their financial position out of the wellspring of personal contradictions which are informed by contemporary views of sexuality, gender, and role performance.
Even if half these posts are bait, they reflect the pathetic self-aggrievement of the posters who make them.
No. 98323
>>98322Don't respond to obvious bait/r9k posts, Anon. To argue with these people is absolutely useless. It's been said in this thread earlier: These pathetic creatures would rather blame
the whole fucking world and
muh tribal genetics and other bullshit than to admit that maybe their shitty personality might be the problem.
Imagine how big your ego must be if you'd rather write a long rant on an anonymous imageboard about le evil society and muh evil women reigned sheeple world!!1, and blame literally everyone else for your problems just so you can justify leeching off your parents and play vidya all day. There's probably no help for these people.
No. 98337
>Arguments based on gender-specific reasoning for 'self-success' are reflected back onto themselves through the pathetically ambivalent recognition of the basis for their criticism, Are you trying to be criptic on purpose or does it come natural?
>Men are not disabled by some lack of tribal role or need to be a 'man'Did I say so? Nope. There's no incentive for them to do what OTHERS want them to do. They still do what they can and want to do.
There is no functional model of mundane life anymore, the old one was "delegalized" and nothing beyond hedonism was substituted for it. Meanwhile the changes introduced rely on people going through the motions indefinitely as if the original lifestyle was still in tact.
>appearance of their financial position out of the wellspring of personal contradictions which are informed by contemporary views of sexuality, gender, and role performance. Okay, now you're just slapping random words together. It's not even clear what is the object or the subject of what you "describe" is.
>>98310Like having kids. Men for the most part can't really be considered to have full parental rights unless the mother dies or they already were granted full custody through a freak court accident AND no government agency latches on to them, making inspections, dictating parenting methods and so on. Otherwise they're just an additional pair of hands and a wallet but their offspring isn't tethered to them in any meaningful way (besides one way financially ofc). Divorces happen fairly often, men usually get shafted, getting to see their kids is in practice fully optional from the mother's standpoint since she can deny it pretty much forever. That affects perception of marriage, affects culture. Kids growing up not knowing what a father is affects culture. Not very surprisingly marriage isn't as highly regarded anymore and instead of stability that'd allow for raising kids is now replaced by a very real possibility of financial suicide. As an institution it's just a rag now you wave to signal "comittment" which now means:we expect to stick otgether for quite a long time.
Since a huge portion of young men don't look forward to marrying and in fact only do so when pressured by thier partner why would they act as if they did? Why build a career that'll eat your life away, break your back or fuck with your nerves?
Another thing - the workplace became a heavily moderated hell a long while ago and this orwellian micro-dystopia also found it's way into the collective consciousness. So work as a source of validation is for the vast majority out of the window as well. I don't know, maybe women like to be in a kindergarten for their whole lives, men loathe it.
Then you have respect in general. No matter what you do you're still a man and if your ethnic background or sexuality isn't something politically relevant that means you're relegated to the very bottom of the regressive stack. Meaning you carry a plethora of original sins passed on to you genetically, damning you in a lot of social interactions. Why then try to be respectable and well regarded? Or want to contribute, for that matter? You're still to blame for a ton of shit. This especially visible for those who went through higher education. They've seen the future and they'd rather have no part in it.
Men can still be motivated, but by themselves alone. Reading a lot of their ambitions, it's usually an image of early retirement and a wood cabin in the middle of wilderness or a distant desolate shore. That itself ought to tell you a lot.
No. 98344
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>>98306>remove the prior mechanisms that formed young men>>98337>Men are not disabled by some lack of tribal role or need to be a 'man'
>Did I say so? Nope […]The fact that you criticize someone for being incomprehensible yet can't spell cryptic sums up your entire post.
No. 98345
>>98344What I meant was "socialize". Something as characteristic of advanced societies as tribal ones. Were not exactly equipped with the exact instincts to handle the specific society were born into.
>muh orthography/grabs crotchI wonder how you handle foreign languages yourself.
No. 98366
I have no idea but to be perfectly honest, I'm getting real tired of male bullshit. My bf got into college two years before I did and now I'm graduating and he is doing absolutely nothing whilst maintaining the delusion that he is smarter and more educated than I am, acting condescending all the fucking time. Similar major too, but not exactly the same and he still insists he knows more about the shit I actually focused on and he didn't.
>all these robot posts>i-it's da femisisnits!! i wanted a pure waifu but da wymin aint no pure no mo' so imma stay at mom's ;_;Then I have to hear you shits go on and on about how everything women do is for male attention while men do things because they're ~actually driven. Which is it?
>>98039>I'm a lazy piece of shit who thinks that not spending all my daily ~16 waking hours watching animu and playing games in order to be a decent human being is way too much work>women who expect me to quit doritos are delusional!>>98337>calling that post crypticYou're dumb and everything you say should be ignored as you're clearly incapable of thought.
Please kill self.
No. 98374
>Then I have to hear you shits go on and on about how everything women do is for male attention while men do things because they're ~actually driven. Which is it?What are you gonna get driven by doing an office job or waving a shovel around? Do you even know what the word stands for or do you assume conforming is an universal drive of all people?
There needs to be an object of a drive first. It can even be something nebulous like self-improvement, but then society actively discredits the notion of that. Instead you get cult of self-indulgence, yolololo and genius worship. Self-reliance ain't what it used to be either.
>You're dumb and everything you say should be ignored as you're clearly incapable of thought.>Please kill self.I can see why your cockfriend treats you like a halfwit.
No. 98386
>>98366>I'm getting tired of bullshit>still drags idiotic boyfriend aroundDump him and go get someone who isn't acting like a complete asshole. Even if he finishes his degree he still sounds like a major asshole with all the "I'm so much smarter than you!!!" attitude. Being condescending and putting others down in order to feel better is not a good sign at all, ever. He will drag that attitude with him into every new life situation and it will cause you nothing but misery. So dump him and find someone who's a decent human being.
>>98355I doubt everyone here is from America. Also, what about the Japanese equivalent, the hikikomoris? I think Japan's culture shames people a lot more and puts a lot more pressure on them than in many Western countries, and they still have fucked up NEETs.
No. 98391
>>98329You would be right if it wasn't by the fact that women who come to shit on men here are ranting about bullshit they had to eat directly from men they know, unlike most of "bawww women are such x and y because i say so! (I've been a long while without any kind of sex and I feel so so frustrated)" that can be seen mostly when men are doing the rant.
Nice try tho. Let me tell you as well that if you come into a thread sitting on robots and you take their side, you'll be treated like one of them, if you hadn't think of it sweetie.
>>98366>Then I have to hear you shits go on and on about how everything women do is for male attention while men do things because they're ~actually drivenThey are projecting. It's pretty much the average male bullshit. Is pretty much obvious this kind of individuals mostly without any kind of hobbies or aspirations further than getting laid do EVERYTHING for female attention. Pretty much everything. When they see women, they try to understand the why of their actions from their wrapped perspective they got that are focused on their dicks. Thus, "women do stuff for male attention, that's all!".
It also has to do with how if you take a peek, you see how most of these robots won't stop trying to get laid throught dating sites like okcupid and such. I never haven't used one of those myself but I imagine those are full of basic bitches who won't take any shit from most of sex-starved males on there. Something tells me that interaction with women as in a normal work relationship or simply and pure friendship for them is very, very scarce…. I bet they see women as complete alien beings.
No. 98402
>>98391I think the majority of men who have trouble with women do so because they treat them as some inhuman beings, no matter whether it's unapproachable incomprehensible goddesses or instinct-driven walking vaginas. They cannot fathom just talking to a girl without having an ulterior motive and usually project that onto female behavior as well.
I got reminded of a greasy wannabe NEET in my life. I have some very nerdy circles that I meet with 2 or 3 times a month and sometimes somehow HE tags along. Nobody's too keen on inviting him, especially girls, but he just sometimes finds out through facebook or common acquaintances (he's got a ton, somehow) and shows up anyway. He literally looks like humpty dumpty due to his round protruding stomach and round face paired with regular sized legs. Sweaty, greasy and often reeky to boot. This has never stopped him from commenting on women's looks, often in a creepy way. "She gained weight but that's ok, her boobs are way bigger now" and "you should be wearing shorter skirts" are things he actually said. Sees no shame in spamming anime lolis and curvy girls (often from pages like body positivity or haes which adds a layer of creepiness) on his fb wall non-stop. I unfriended him after a few days.
He's about 26 but has never worked a day in his life. In my country public college is free but also grants you right to free public healthcare, so it's beneficial to stay a student as long as you can. He apparently strives to be studying until he's 30 but has only ever finished a single course. Just jumps through the least popular ones that always have vacancies. Never moved out of the house, has very little money so it's not uncommon for him to just bum food and beer off people.
But what truly makes this is his cynical approach to this. You see, it's not that he's a fat lazy slob with no direction in life. No, he's just living the perfect socialist life! He ain't no slave of capitalists and will always remain a free man. That relies on handouts from other people of course. He would constantly reblog thinkpieces that often go beyond socialism into straight communism. Nobody should own anything since that just isn't fair, a man who works for others is a modern-day slave, the government should grant EVERYBODY the monetary freedom to just purse their dreams! Posts about how anyone who owns any company is basically a THIEVING SCUM sucking the little man's blood and how it's SUPER UNFAIR to the workers that a mine has to close down due to a total bankruptcy so it should be prohibited. (Still owns a brand-name smartphone and a laptop though, of course)
But you know, he knows all this to be true despite never having been employed and leeching off his parents all his live. Oh, and living in a country that got thoroughly screwed over by communism and is still paying back the debts 30 years later, just a tiny unimportant detail.
No. 98419
>>98417Knew it from the moment you said he was fat, God Irish men are gross
I had a friend from primary school who was a fedora and got beat up by some fleggers at a concert (U2, as it were) because he couldn't keep his hot opinions to himself. Also fat and disgusting, still somehow had a gf.
No. 98425
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>working two and a half jobs to take care of family with dad
>still living with my family
>26 year old virgin with only one gf that cheated on me
>college on hold because no money
>no luck with ladies because I'm fat(keep eating like shit because of my schedule) and depressed/tired as hell from working and have no time to take care of myself, also ugly
>neck deep in denbts thanks to dad
>lost all my drive to do anything
>feel like this'll be my whole life
>love my family too much to leave and start over
Am I a loser?
No. 98427
>>98425Did you even read the thread? Literally all people posted here were jobless losers eating cheetos whilst whining about useless shit.
If you work two jobs and even take care of someone other than yourself you're automatically disqualified from being a disgusting loser.
No. 98429
>>98374>but then society actively discredits the notion of that. Instead you get cult of self-indulgence, yolololo and genius worshipIf you mean what I think you do by genius worship then I take that back, you're not stupid. And I agree, it's just that by driven I did not think of conformity, but rather actually having hobbies and things to like (but English is not my first language so maybe there's a connotation I'm not aware of). I've read too much MRA stuff and a common belief is that women have no interests in life beyond catching a man and any indication that they do is just pretend to attract a mate (so, for example, a woman into literature does not really like literature, she just wants to impress men).
I don't value conformity tbh, but supporting oneself and not being a leech is not conforming, it's being a proper autonomous person.
>>98386>>98394That's the thing, he was supposed to be working with the things he actually likes, but the economy is in the shitter and he can't get a job. Which is fine, but doing nothing in the meanwhile is… well, lazy. And he can't deal with his "failure" so I end up being the only support for his self worth. If he admits he isn't better than me he'll crash and burn fast. I want to help him back to his feet before breaking up.
And woah, yes, I started learning languages for the same reason, that's why I'm in college in the first place. Things eventually gained momentum and next thing I knew I was far from the anxiety ridden NEET lifestyle I led.
>>98391>projectionPrcisely! Treating women as special beings who exist solely to be their waifus is terrible too. They are already attention and affection starved, seeing women under that light only increases their distancing and lowers their chances. It makes them even more socially retarded because if you can't talk to any one woman without thinking she's a potential waifu you simply won't learn how to talk to females without dropping your spaghetti.
No. 98434
>>98425>Am I a loser?Yeah probably tbqh, but you were forced into being a loser (maybe), by probably having to work with circumstances outside of your basic control.
I made this thread thinking of guys who live lazy, unambitious lives, and if they thought about it one day could very feasibly change something to become a more independent, self-reliant person. I wasn't actually thinking of robots, NEETs, or being a fat virgin but, I suppose those can fall on the more extreme end of the spectrum and I guess it was inevitable for the topic to come up.
No. 98439
>>98425>>98428What truly disqualifies a man is feeling of entitlement. It's the hardest thing to weed out, honestly. You don't seem to feel entitled to girls attention, gaming time, handouts or anything else.
I hope life gets better for you, you deserve it.
No. 98443
>>98437Well more like auto piloting, I used to try getting out of this situation but I gave up. I just accepted that it'll be my life for decades.
>>98439Well I'm pretty worthless so I don't feel entitled to anything. I'm not that bad looking for a fat guy, maybe I could get a girlfriend if I try but it's impossible to be happy with me right now and I don't want to cause misery for the poor girl. I have like 3 sets of clothes I change every two days, heard people gossiping about it at work lol, so not like I can make myself more attractive unless I can afford some healthy stuff and a normal person schedule.
No. 98446
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>>98444oh well just wanted to talk about it a bit sorry
No. 98450
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>>98447Hey I'm using weight, not just fast as I want to. I'm not going full muh genetics muh chads.
No. 98458
>>98453You seem like the
triggered one here anon. "I don't have the time" is what every fattie that doesn't want to lose weight says, it's nearly impossible to tell which is which until the thread gets derailed. If you like talking to them that much you can go bump the dick thread again.
>>98450Good on you then. Again if you need any help or somewhere to rant about it those other threads are perfectly fine. I just don't want this thread to get derailed like all the others.
No. 98461
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>>98458Oh well, let's try it again there then.
No. 100394
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While I certainly know negligent mothers, I think that there's a difference in some of this because women have this desire to nurture and etc conditioned from a young age.
So, a NEET woman is not really a NEET by society's standards if she has a child and is fully involved in its care.
And if you've ever been fully involved in a child's care, its definitely not the NEET life, especially if you value your kid and don't want them watching TV all the time.
Men, on the other hand, are very disconnected from the desire to have children and nurture, because they tend to have a lot of breadwinner pressure put on them with a contradictory helping of non-accountability for whatever shitty thing they do.
So, they move back in with parents or gf and try to avoid the societal pressures that have been doled on them by any means necessary.
Its clear that the pressure by women to afford them opportunities in society by having more equal partnerships with child care duties shared and what not quite intimidates the man who has been conditioned to have all needs met by mommy.
In my experience, men that grow a bond of closeness with their mothers and their mothers DON'T enable them, having them help with chores and learn to cook and etc, they are a lot more into an equal splitting of the breadwinner/child care image, and not desiring to avoid these progressive events by NEETing.
No. 100485
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So from what I read in this thread it seems like it is something like this.
Society sucks, everything sucks, you girls have it easy, girls do not even look at me
No you are just lazy and have no goals, you are not entitled to anything.
I still feel like this is a bait thread but I am going to offer some of my unwanted 2 cents into this.
Women have to understand that in the first world country men do have some disadvantages. They are less likely to get hired, less likely to get custody of their children, less likely to graduate college or a university, more likely to have mental disorders, more likely to lose everything in a marriage, more likely to be screwed over at work. There is a reason why in recent years articles and studies have been popping up saying men are "checking out of society", which has some grounds. Men don't see society as something to be a part of, they feel running away or not partaking is the more viable solution. They are not fully wrong.
Men have to understand that if they choose this route the consequences it will lead to. Checking out means you will be a burden on someone, most likely a family member or friend, you will be viewed as someone who has no goals, you can strain your relationships with those around you, you will be less appealing to practically all women. What the women are saying is that this isn't right you are full grown men with no ability to do anything in this world, and this holds water to it.
The argument keeps going round and round, with men saying there is no point society sucks and that women have it easy, and women saying that they are being leeches and not actually trying. Let us come to a middle ground.
Yes there will be banshee women who take advantage of the system and destroy men, and yes there will be men who are just fat lazy slobs who will sit at home and not do anything causing strain on their family. Should men get some more respect in the first world and be shown they are worth more, defiantly. Should men also know that sitting at home and checking out can be a very toxic lifestyle, defiantly. There is my 2 cents hopefully it is worth a little.
No. 100491
>>100485The thing is, aside from the very obvious disadvantages (such as custody and alimony) men are not really oppressed (not exactçy the right word, pardon my english as 2nd language).
All other listed problems stem from the same place, that is that women are now competition and no longer a prize to claim. Men are merely starting to be deprived of their privilege (yeah I know >tumblr, but it was a legit concept before it became a buzzword) and pouting and whining like the entitled babies they were taught to be. These slobs are analogous to a beautiful woman who heard that she was beautiful and could just marry up and never work a day in her life finding out that's not how it works anymore and that she'll have to adjust herself.
Men don't want to give up the social configuration they learned was right, because it was good for them. Women want the change because for them it was hell. We just have to wait a generation or two until boys born into this grow up and things adjust. Until then, I couldn't care less what men want, think, or feel. We could definitely use an overall populational decrease.
No. 100495
>>100491Men dont actually have disdvantages in custody. Usually the women end up getting custody because both parents agree on it, and many cases are not even settled by the court but privately.
If a man actually wants custody he has pretty much an even chance of getting custody than the woman.
>'m too lazy to get other sources but if you research and look at statistics it becomes very clear that the gender bias in court in favour of women is mostly a myth.
/sage for OT
No. 100500
Phew, when I hear some of the replies in this thread, I get the feeling men are just horny monsters that want everything to be put on their laps with no effort and that they really care about nothing else but their own asses. Which is just a crazy thing to say.
I think its simply that this society offers little to nothing to men anymore. Our society simply puts women before men. Ever wondered how muslims get so much new members? Ever wondered why nationalism is on the rise everywhere? Guess what, in these ideologies the young man is seen as the most important part. He is the worker, the warrior, the "hero" of the nation.
Here on the other hand he is expected to be the traditional hard, working husband for absolutely no adequate reward. While at the same time he is to be expected to be the silent, emanzipated, little boy only waiting for his female companion to give him orders.
Mix that in with masculinity being frowned upon in the whole west, teachers being mostly female and very harsh punishments for inadequate behavior.
And you really wonder why real men are dying out here in the west? We're not giving them a clear message anymore what we expect from them. The only message we actually give them is something along the line, we don't need you. That's it.
You know what the worst thing is though? You get more then enough of those NEETS who with a little effort could learn to cook, clean take care of children and so on. So I wonder dear farmers, why not simply switch places? Robot at home waiting for you, preparing you a nice meal and whatever else. You can concentrate solely on work and your career, while he takes care of the rest. Sounds tempting? Probably not.
Here a short video that underlines what I just say:, we don't need you) No. 100519
>>100500What is it with you fucking losers and your conspiratard cousins and whoever else, and youtube videos? Think about it for a minute. You are literally too retarded to read, let alone write an actual book. Some shitty ebooks at most.
Ffs get the hell out.
No. 100534
>>100485>>100500You can twist your view of the reality, but you can't actually change it. You're under a false assumption: that every girl gets everything just thrown under her feet, when in reality this is what happens, maybe, to a very small, very attractive minority. Most girls are average - surprising, I know! They do not get a job because vagina, they do not get a promotion because vagina, they don't get to swim in suitors because vagina. Or are all men really such horny desperate beasts that they'll go out of their way even for the ugliest ass, hm? Even to get a shit job as a waitress or a hostess you usually still need to be at least somewhat attractive.
But please tell me why exactly "society has nothing to offer to men"? Is it that you have to compete much more, not only with other men but also women? That you don't get praise for simply having a job and won't be made partner for just being there 15 years? Or because without the prior artificial restrictions women actually start becoming more educated, ambitious, passionate then men so they won't be as willing to settle anymore?
Because all of that only tells me that robots have incredibly fragile egos (yet of course want to be unbreakable warriors of the past, smh) and when the traditional bar has been raised and they're no longer told they all can be kings of the world they'd rather just give up completely. But the thing is, the world is more open than ever, there's so many possibilities and passions to pursue and many different paths yet you're all just stuck on that bygone 50s lifestyle.
No. 100536
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>>100534How am I twisting my view of reality? Twisting my view would be only looking at this one-sided. I considered both sides and looked at them, both have some truth. The harsh reality is that jobs are becoming harder to find for both genders, everything is being outsourced, education is getting more expensive and also getting worse, jobs pay less, and politics are getting worse.
I agree with you that attractive people do get off better than most that is true;however, women in some situations have it better. Look at education it favors women heavily. To answer your question about ugly people, yes, usually women in all of history have had a lot more reproductive success than men even if you are unattractive.
As for "Society has nothing to offer to men" I think the argument that can be made there is that any sane person would like their work rewarded at some point, it gives satisfaction and drives them forward, but now your work is not even rewarded, actually it can punish you. I agree competition has become much more fierce, and I am okay with that, and settling for less than you deserve is not something anyone should do, but if the competition is skewed so some people have an edge, such as in school, that's not really fair.
Look I agree with you somewhat, but you have to see it from the other side of the fence as well. Yes you should put in more effort now more then ever, especially with such competition in this world I am not arguing that. What I am saying is that if there is competition it should be fair to most people, but nowadays males have disadvantages in certain areas(like education). That's why some males do not want to try, if they put in 20 hours of work, and someone puts in 5 hours and gets the job or whatever while they do not, it can leave a sour taste in their mouth…
But honestly, reality doesn't really give a fuck, unless you are gifted with some talent or edge from birth the competition will always be skewed one way or another.
No. 100537
>>100536>sociey has nothing to offer for men! :((>no1 values my workYeah sure. I'd like to hear the appreciation all the housewives or STAHM get for decades of sacrificing their life to bearing children, raising them, cleaning, cooking, and all the other stuff. But that's not the same as "real work" I guess.
And I still don't get where robots get this impression that women get everything handed to them? Even if they have a slight advantage in some fields (though for example I'd argue that women in STEM don't get treated very well) most of the time they still get les paid, shittier jobs and less promotions than men.
Please, really, tell me where women have all the advantages in life that make poor men just wanna give up aside from that time in thrid grade where Stacey got an A while you only got a C :((
No. 100544
>>100536You're still mixing two different aspects of life - unattractive women still have a better chance for a relationship (if they settle ofc) than unattractive men, that much is true. But in no way does this correlate with career opportunities, especially considering that the jobs that do favor women over men, such as teaching, cleaning, basic office work are all low-level and poorly paid. Women on average still earn less and rarely hold important well-paying positions. The higher you go, the less women there are. It seems you only see the efforts to remedy that situation such as parities, stipends etc. but not the actual problem they try to solve and therefore hold the skewed view. For the record, I'm no fan of those solutions myself, but I do understand why were they conceived in the first place.
Kinda like with MRAs complaining how girls get free drinks at bars - it's not because everyone thinks they're so special and important, it's because they're thought of as entertainment and incentive for other men.
And as for, "but now your work is not even rewarded, actually it can punish you" that is a point of view I can't understand. What is supposed to be this reward? A social status? Love and admiration? Constant climb upon a career ladder? A work in itself holds no value, you can be pushing soil from one pile to another and it sure is work but it doesn't actually accomplish anything. Nobody is going to constantly praise you for simply doing a job you were hired to do, to think otherwise is childish and arrogant. But I somehow doubt most of the whiners actually go above and beyond with their stellar performance only to get shut down.
I'll repeat what I said, you (and many other robots I suspect) are still expecting to live a life the old way and get pouty that the world has already moved forward. You have the knowledge of the entire humankind at your fingertips now yet you're here complaining how it's unfair that someone had better grades in school?
No. 100560
>>100543What sickens me is that there seems to be no self-sufficiency with these kinds of men? I don't usually knock guys who don't know how to do shit like this if their mommy has just done it for them their entire lives, but they don't even try? They ask the nearest lady to handhold them through the process or just give up entirely.
I wanted to use my mom's sewing machine the other week, but realized I didn't know how to string the thread through it. …So I got out the parts manual and figured it out… Took about 2 minutes to do. Every appliance has easy instructions included these days, if not you can also just google the model number and see exactly how it works…
No. 100567
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>>100566You're assuming a lot of women don't also work long hours? Like 60% of women have jobs in the USA. There's only like 10k more guys in the workforce than women now. My mom worked 12 hours a day and made more money than my dad but still he sat around like a fungus while she took care of kids, cooked, and cleaned. And I'd say that's a pretty typical situation, sadly.
What's unfair is both the husband and wife working, but the woman gets 99% of the house work, while the husband will do lawn care like once a month if she's lucky. Now that is unfair.
No. 100584
>>100575there were some (probably hugely flawed) studies that concluded females get more personal instruction and attention than their male classmates and that as of recently more females go on to attend college than men and the MRAs haven't stopped bitching about how it means there's a REAL PROBLEM ever since.
Other studies concluded that whether or not females really did get more attention or personal instruction depended on factors like the subject matter and sociability of the student. In other words, if you were a girl that needed help with a "non-girl" subject or were not as well liked due to having social or learning disability, you're as fucked or more so than the little boys needing help in those subjects or help addressing learning/social disabilities.
No. 100633
>>100560Guys like that are beyond pathetic. It's not like women are born out of the womb knowing how to cook, clean , do chores, etc etc.
everyone has to learn their skills of trade. I don't cook as well as my girlfriend does (i'm gay) but I was still taught as a kid to do my own laundry as a teen. I don't understand men who grow up with their mothers doing everything them and then move on to find wives to care for them. And the women who enable these kind of man children are even worse imo.
My dad hems his own pants (cuz he's short with a small waist) and sews on his own buttons. Hell, he even made a messenger bag from leather because it's cheaper that way and he likes the personal touch. Everyone has to learn. The whole women are natural born [insert gender role here] is garbage.
No. 100684
Why do you guys keep replying to this gigantic faggot?
Is the same bullshit as always: "bawww its not my fault I'm disgusting, lazy and a gigantic incompetent, its the SYSTEM THAT HATES ME!!1" Fucking men, I swear to god. And then they bitch about how feminists whine about how fucking everything is "oppressive" while doing exactly the same and seeing attacks against them where there are not, just fucking ignore them, they want validation and attention. Stop taking r9k's bait.
>>100575This was a dank mra meme where they explain males having a borderline learning retardation in the average by saying there was some kind of conspiration against them going on at the educational system. Seriously just ignore them.
No. 100685
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So at this point I attempted to argue for and see both sides because the actual truth is somewhere in the middle of this whole argument, but no one takes it seriously. Apparently just thinking someway even slightly about men automatically makes you "disgusting, lazy, and a gigantic incompetent". I hate this giant stereotype being pointed at men being slobs, just as much as I hate the meme that all women are whores. I'm sorry to have wasted all of your times', Iam going to just go back to lurking. Have a wallpaper for your troubles.
No. 100687
>>100685>much both sides>y u bash men?We are literally having a discussion about a certain subset of men who have a history of being lazy to a child like degree. We aren't ~bashing all men, or saying all men are lazy.
Seriously, if that's what you're getting from this thread, then maybe you just have some baggage about being a lazy manchild.
>inb4 b-but I am a feeeemale No. 100689
>>100684I won't lie, they rustle me, man.
Like even the way they type their little five paragraph essays annoys me. It is so pretentious, and they always act like they're playing their cards close to their vest like "I can understand both sides…
I'm always like "Jesus Christ shut uppppp!" How many times do we have to hear it?
No. 100691
>>100689Fucking this. They always play the "i'm mister right neutral listen to ME listen to THE TRUTH" card and end up losing their shit anyway in some more paragraphs. It's just so fucking ridiculous and it makes me cringe, it's like listening to some tryhard edgy 12 years old who has some kind of MC/hero/victim complex, with the difference these faggots are GROWN UP ADULTS. They are not debating with arguments they are debating with M-MUH FEELZ, Y NO ONE CARES ABOUT MUH FEELZ!? And when they manage to show you some kind of actual argument is usually based on debunked bullshit or pseudoscience.
What fucks me the most is that then you go to their cesspools and they are always circlejerking about how rational and righteous men are and how emotional and stupid women are in comparation. B-u-l-l-s-h-i-t. Dirty fucking BULLSHIT. Gigantic hugboxes for garbage full of inferiority complexes and compulsive lying. The internet is truly making me lose any respect left towards men.
>>100685Awww so cute!! Look guys look how right and high he is! He even left a super ~elegant~ and ~classy~ picture to show us how sophisticated he is!! A true gentleman isn't he?
Thank you for enlightening us with your sole presence!! This dumb lady forum doesn't deserve your CAREFULLY PICKED and REASONED ARGUMENTS after all…! The true uessence of TRUTH has finally been revealed to me and will surely show me in my lowly gossiping lifestyle the RIGHT WAY from now on…!! Shit, I'm going to cry.
No. 100692
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>>100685Man you're making me cringe as a man, just stop posting.
No. 100702
So, from what I can understand, the argument is that these days society has effectively made it much more difficult for these men to succeed? Okay, there is more competition overall, in education, work, dating, etc. This disillusions the man from participating in regular society, so the only course of action now is to hole away in your room and become a burden on others? I'm not getting recognition for my work = I will not learn how to do the laundry on my own with no handholding? Girls did better/had more advantages in school than me = I refuse to move out of my parents' home despite having stable employment and income? Maybe I'm not getting it, but that sounds super pathetic.
Western men live in a time and place where they can reject the social standard, without literally checking out of life. Why don't robots become that 'bachelor' kind of man where they can live exactly as they do now without being a burden on anyone? It's not because of women expecting this or that, or society having this and that disadvantages, or 'social messages'.
I think the real problem is other men. Stop blaming women and society and look among yourselves to try to find change. I mean look at the difference: on lolcow a woman vents her problems and generally gets replies with support, advice, etc. The tone might be gentle or harsh, but its basically something like that. A robot vents on /r9k/ and other robots, no better off than he, immediately ridicule him. A man cannot live independently and do whatever he wants because other men will ridicule him (unless it's because he's very wealthy and fucks a lot of attractive women). Face it, in the same way that women dress up and obsess over their appearance for other women, men are constantly seeking validation from other men.
Men perpetuate the damaging ideals and stereotypes that create robots and NEETs and these failed loser manchildren far more, and with much more ferocity and maliciousness than any woman EVER can.
No. 100718
>>100702You're so fucking wrong.
>Stop blaming women and society and look among yourselves to try to find change.Inferring society doesn't need to drastically change and isn't the main contributor to creating these kinds of people. The society we have at the moment has created an extremely unnatural social reality to exist in, this can be overwhelming for people, especially for men, leads to apathy.
>I think the real problem is other men.FUCKING L.O.L
>on lolcow a woman vents her problems and generally gets replies with support, advice, etc.this is a hate website where women congregate to pick apart every last petty thing about someone. The fact that this website exists disproves your point and I think it's hilarious you used it as example of women being supportive.
>A robot vents on /r9k/ and other robots, no better off than he, immediately ridicule himno that's just 4chan
Is your point really that women don't play an equal role to men in the creation of NEETs? Somehow women are not complacent to a system that discards people on a shallow basis?
No. 100730
>>100718>Is your point really that women don't play an equal role to men in the creation of NEETs?I'm not the anon you were responding to, but ya. That's exactly what I think.
My successes are not taking away the successes of some man. My successes have nothing to do with the successes or failures of men.
Can parents have a hand in creating NEETS by raising entitled, lazy, and maladapted children? Yes. But "women' in general have nothing to do with NEETS. I don't know these fuckers. How am I responsible for their situation?
No. 100740
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>>100730>My successes are not taking away the successes of some man. My successes have nothing to do with the successes or failures of men.What has something so subjective got to do with it?
Think about what you're saying. You're basically saying women have contributed nothing in the creation and perpetuation of the social reality in which we exist, a social reality people like NEETs have rejected and are unable to function in.
NEETS aren't necessarily lazy and entitled as you have put it but genuinely disillusioned, depressed, socially anxious people. Funnily enough, you talk of success, there will be NEETS out there who are the way they are because in public they feel surrounded by people who's perception of success is retrieved from a cultural hierarchy that is totally illegitimate to them.
I'm not saying women are more responsible than men at all but they are on equal footing fucking hell.
No. 100757
>>100740Bullshit. You're talking about NEETs like they are some socially neglected part of society, but mental health care is out there, welfare (from that society that they "rejected") puts food on their tables, group therapy exists, cognitive behavioral therapy exists, life coaches exist, job centers exist, the internet exists and can be used to meet new people and join groups.
Have women set up this evil society that ~rejected these poor neetlets? Or are there several safety nets already in place (in most areas of the world, in some form) to treat the individual life difficulties that NEETs complain about? Just because you can't go to the "NEET and Robot Rehabilitation Center" doesn't mean that society is stacked against them. There are entire sectors of government dedicated to making mental health care accessible. There are all kinds of schools around the world that can be attended in person and online.
Like what do you want?
No. 100774
>>100718>The society we have at the moment has created an extremely unnatural social reality to exist in, this can be overwhelming for people, especially for men, leads to apathy. Lel
Shit has been "unnatural" for long enough for humans to adapt, actually. Current society is not too different from what it was 100, 200, 500 years ago. The only change is that men no longer stand at the top of the food chain.
Welcome to being a regular citizen, enjoy having to actuallly put some effort.
No. 100803
>>100757>You're talking about NEETs like they are some socially neglected part of societyDuh.
> group therapy exists, cognitive behavioral therapy exists, life coaches existlol
>job centers existlol
>Just because you can't go to the "NEET and Robot Rehabilitation Center" Wait I thought you just said I could go to group therapy?
>doesn't mean that society is stacked against them.Society is stacked against everybody it's called capitalism.
>Have women set up this evil society that ~rejected these poor neetlets?Yes, and so have men…that was my point. What's your point?
You have though about this broadly enough and you're putting all the blame on the individual. Are you ACTUALLY trying to deny that women have played a role in the creation of a society with the highest rates of depression, mental health, and suicide rates in history? That would be the dumbest thing ever.
Oh not wait that's this comment
>>100774>Current society is not too different from what it was 100, 200, 500 years ago.What an ignorant thing to say! Why would you think that!?
No. 100809
>>100803>Are you ACTUALLY trying to deny that women have played a role in the creation of a society with the highest rates of depression, mental health, and suicide rates in history? That would be the dumbest thing everYes, because they also play a role in a society that has several safety nets to help people who struggle with mental illness, unemployment, and poverty. Just because you "lol" at those safety nets doesn't mean that they aren't out there to help you. You're looking at NEETs like they are these unique cases that society cast out, but that isn't true. The fact that they live off their "NEET bux" shows that society must care about them in some sense, because these NEETs can live off welfare, and not die in the streets.
Like, I'm sorry that you lol'd at the concept of accessible mental health care and jobs programs, but they are out there to help people like NEETs.
No. 100812
>>100803>What an ignorant thing to say! Why would you think that!?Because it's true. Technology and other such things are certainly very different but the overall configuration has not changed much. There's still a crapload of ways to measure success that are entirely artificial (and by "still" I mean they were already here hundreds of years ago), religion is still very important (and btw, blind belief in science is considered religion by many people), procreation is still a major life goal, as is affluence (capitalism is relatively new, but being well off isn't), as is fitting in and following what most believe is right and good and beautiful, and so on and so forth.
The fact that morals and standards changed slightly doesn't change the fact that we still have morals and standards, and it doesn't change the fact that failing to follow/meet those result in punishment/negative reinforcement.
You can go on and on over how these particular new rules are terrible, but don't say the problem is that they're unnatural. Shit's been that way for a long time, to the point that biologists are starting to believe we're already genetically adapted to function as an "unnatural" society. I'll say it again, the only reason you think that is because you were raised in a certain environment and said environment has now changed and thus feels unnatural to you (and all the other poor babby depressed suicidal males). Doesn't mean it is.
No. 100815
>>100812And when most people realize that life is unfair, they usually do something about it. Think of all the social causes you've seen in the news, because of coverage of protestors. Some people do things like change their diets when they are upset about the way the food industry treats animals. People who feel for the homeless donate to shelters or volunteer. Community groups petition members of government in an effort to change laws.
But these NEETs just wallow in their own misery, and we're supposed to believe that they're doing it in glorious protest against society? Come on!
No. 100824
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>>100809So your deny all female contribution to negative aspects of society but give them the credit for what you deem to be the positive? I don't think you're actually thinking about what you're saying.
Mental health programs, cognitive therapy, and job programs infer someone is sick or needs to conform to society that in actuality is itself sick. Just because there are health programs available doesn't mean someone can automatically fix themselves. Society in its current form is still going to be there. I'm not condoning NEETs behaviour but, unlike some anon here, I am empathetic enough to understand the existing social conditions that might lead one to total apathy and hermitic depression. For some reason you want to alleviate any female responsibility from creating an atmosphere where these situations are epidemic. Women make up 50% of society so it's a no-brainer that what you're saying is totally ignorant even at its basis. Let alone the fact that you think NEETs should be grateful for welfare, or the option to go down the job centre and get work at the dog meat factory, when actually everybody deserves a living wage.
>>100812you're confused.
>>100815>we're supposed to believe that they're doing it in glorious protest against societyNo one said that
>And when most people realize that life is unfair, they usually do something about it. Think of all the social causes you've seen in the news, because of coverage of protestors.I kind of understand what you're saying but resistance to hegemonic cultural norms, the establishment etc. has a long history of being futile, hence why I'm talking about an apathy epidemic. I'm not condoning the apathetic NEET stance but if people are reaching this condition we should be empathetic and, rather than condemn them, we should condemn the society that makes them so.
>>100822Probably won't because I have a really nice life. But you probably should since your list of unrealistic, unachievable-for-the-average-person, and not to mention, FUCKING MUNDANE list of reasons to be alive reveal you to be either clinically retarded or about thirteen years old.
No. 100825
>>100824Also I didn't go on 4chan for years. When I was online as a kid it was all Anonymous and fighting for justice etc.
When I returned, mention of Anonymous was nowhere to be seen and everything was about Nationalism and NEETs. Wtf happened!?
When you consider the CIA have been logging IPs and posting there it makes it a bit creepy.
No. 100826
>>100824I'm not denying women's contributions to society as a whole. I was pointing out that, even our ~unfair society has options out there to help people who are struggling. So, if they are a part of creating this evil, evil society, they (women) have just as much of a hand in the parts of society that want to help others.
I guess I don't really understand what you're arguing. You say that NEETs are the way they are, because society is unfair. However, they don't want the help that society offers to try to achieve a better life. So are they happy with themselves?
I don't think NEETs are suffering from "apathy depression", I think they struggle with a variety of undiagnosed and untreated mental illnesses, have narcissistic tendencies, low self esteem, low self image, and at times, they live with family members who enable their maladaptive behaviours.
And if they also don't want help, because then they'd be acting the way society wants them, then they are welcome to continue to struggle with their unhappiness. Like, I don't know what they want.
No. 100829
>>100826>I'm not denying women's contributions to society as a wholeDunno if it was you but the reason i started posting in this thread is that someone was arguing that women had nothing to do with the creation of NEETs.
>they don't want the help that society offers to try to achieve a better lifeRight because (I'm not saying all of them but a fair few of them I gather just from browsing /r9k/) a 'better life' as defined by society, is taken from a cultural hierarchy they feel is illegitimate.
>I don't think NEETs are suffering from "apathy depression"As we're talking about 'NEETs' we're talking in a very generalised away about a large group of people. Every individual case is different and it therefor becomes extremely complicated to remedy any kind of solution to something as varied as a mental health epidemic. Ernest Becker's book The Birth and Death of Meaning has a really good chapter exploring how if society is so nuts and so immoral then how does one even define what's normal or healthy. This makes the everyday functioning man the one that is mentally sick, the person they'd describe as a 'Chad'.
I'm just expressing I don't think NEETs are going away unless society changes drastically. As drastic as entire swathes of industry need to be dissolved, public space freed up, branding and advertising needs to disappear completely, media technology needs undergo a paradigm shift to turn us from mere spectators to active participators. Unless this happens NEETs and the mental health crisis is only going to grow.
>Like, I don't know what they want.Same as everyone else I guess? To find love and be accepted. I think they feel in order to do this they have to participate in a society they deem to be illegitimate, they have to adopt a set of values, and perform in a certain way they deem to be artificial, something the 'chads' all shamelessly do.
You can argue that NEETs should get off their arses and help make a change to the society they've rejected but it's more complicated than just blaming the individual for failure. They just represent a growing number of people who are so overwhelmed by a lack of power that they have retreated into some kind of domestic, hermitic, masturbatory bliss.
No. 100832
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No. 100837
>>100829I think you're making it way more complicated than it is. I hardly think that NEETs are the way they are, to reject modern society.
I think they are simply a collection of undiagnosed and untreated mental illnesses, living with enabling family members.
No. 100843
>>100837Sure, I've lurked there a bit and have the opinion that a large portion of them do consciously reject it.
If the rest are mentally ill its still caused by the way society requires one to function. It's not to do with men being inherently critical of each other like some weaner here suggested.
No. 100847
>>100837My penis was mutilated at birth, my mother cheated on my dad leading to their divorce when I was 6, when I was 11 I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder which I received 'treatment' for throughout my adolescence.
I deliberately reject the idea of participating in this society, my only desire is to participate in a genocide.
No. 100851
>>100847Wew lad.
Clearly, you have had a rough unbringing. But why can't you lay the blame for that on your parents for being shitty people, abusing you, and having a painful divorce?
Like who do you want to genocide? Because tons of people have divorced parents, or parents who have cheated, and they don't decide to become NEETs and dream of genoside.
You fuckers are so overdramatic.
No. 100853
>>100849I think it would be really cathartic.
>>100851I just want to kill indiscriminately lol, like imagine me and a few thousand other faggots from /pol/ just blowing everybody that crossed our path the fuck out, unloading my VZ. 58 into lolita cosplayers and interracial couples
simply epic
>>100852Pretty much kek
No. 100855
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As an ugly 2/10 girl who has had to fight tooth and nail all her life, suffer and work my ass off, I love this thread.
These type of men always tell me that I could "never understand" how they feel because I was born with a vagina, and therefore can get easy sex on tap. They don't understand that isn't something I want, that I don't even like sex. That my life is hard and lonely anyway. I don't have a mommy and daddy like they all do to coast through life on. Sex isn't the most important thing on the planet, nor is it even in my personal top 10.
20-30 year old losers like the ones described itt have always been the worst to deal with, the biggest abusers, the worst bullies. I take immense pleasure knowing they'll rot alone, never knowing love outside of their flavour-of-the-month waifu.
Sorry for the blogpost. I just hate these type of self-absorbed prats so much. They all go "woe is me, i can't get a 10/10 gf" and act like their lives are the hardest out of everyones. When in reality they're just entitled and stupid and failing life on tutorial mode.
Get rekt robots.
No. 100858
>>100843Men are pretty critical with each other though, you see it everywhere. Virgin at 15 gets made fun of, effemminate men get called faggot and such, can't get a girl to talk to you get called a loser. It's definitely being perpetuated by social notions of masculinity and the male role, but it's probably evolutionary for men to be critical of each other due to natural competition. I think it is because of this natural need to compete that make men more likely to want to adhere to male social roles.
Robots are weak and failed "normal" society so they turn a similarly critical eye to the "chad lifestyle" and reject the symptoms of that, and make themselves feel more superior by thinking they are rejecting society. I'd be hardpressed to say that they actually are rejecting it, because they feed into and perpetuate what created the hedonistic world we live in today by fantasizing about returning to a nuclear family structure and old world staunchly traditional values.
You would have to convince me to believe that most robots (not suffering from undiagnosed/treated mental and personality disorders) would refuse an opportunity to live a "normal" life if given. And I'm not talking about the "chad" lifestyle either. But average decent paying job, decent social skills and group of friends, an average gf, etc.
No. 100860
>>100858>Men are pretty critical with each other thoughStfu you sexist generalising femfaggot
women can be just as bigger cunts as men
No. 100861
>>100858>because they feed into and perpetuate what created the hedonistic world we live in today by fantasizing about returning to a nuclear family structure and old world staunchly traditional values?????
are you somehow trying to say that traditional values and nuclear families engender hedonism
how the fuck
No. 100864
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>>100863thanks, I'm writing a thesis
No. 100871
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>>100829>NEETs want to find love and be accepted.A big question is "what do these young men know of love or acceptance?". The problems that turn them inwards are things which form the foundation of their attitudes towards themselves and their relationships to the world itself. There is certainly enough wrong with society that they can come to the conclusion that it is an illegitimate structure, but the dissociative character they develop at such an early stage of development gives me the impression that there is something flawed in making even the most basic assumption that moving towards 'authenticity' (if it can be determined what that is for them) is a desired action to take.
To determine for themselves what they want would require looking inwards and questioning, but instead that is the one place that many (and we can definitely look beyond NEETs here to men as a whole) will go to all lengths to avoid looking. Cue tape playing the phenomenological view of schizophrenia.
Anyway, I'm off to bed now, but wanted to say something because this topic is one I'm very invested in.
>>100866>Its not like they're ever in a position of power or anything to make everything worse. Anon, I…
No. 100882
>>100878I agree in this case, but I don't think many parents have issues taking care of a child that needs it, that can't support themselves, whether they're 13 or 30. You can retire and still support your kid, too.
Is it possible to rely on superannuation and still get carer payments, too, or would the parents be better off having the child apply for disability?
No. 100926
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Why can't these robots just accept that not everyone deserves love/sex/whatever it is they pine over? Get over it. Some people just don't have anything worthwhile to give to a partner. There isn't someone out there for anyone, especially not degenerates like them. That they actually believe they, some NEET loser, deserve a waifu is pretty funn actually and reeks of entitlement. These guys turn down any girl that don't meet their delusional standards because they know even those girls would turn them down for being so impotent. It's self sabotage.
No. 100934
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>>100931It's in women's best interest to not reproduce with a substandard male, across practically all species, women have developed evolutionary measures to select good mates. It's not women's fault that a lot of men are substandard and get sent to the genetic garbage can.
>>100932I'd say you're an anomaly then, lots of robots blame women for their lack of success, as if they are deserving of women's affection/attention/sex/whatever it is they except them.
No. 100942
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>>100926not everyone deserves love
No. 100955
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>>100952you're right women are our future
No. 100978
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>>100974Umm, having a job from home doesn't make one a shut-in, you stupid moron. If you cannot even comprehend this, you really are worthless.
No. 100992
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No. 100999
>>100567>numbers in thousands>there are only 10k more guys in the workforceThe united states workforce isn't a measly 150k people total.
10k thousand is 10 million. There are 10 million more men in the workforce than women.
No. 101015
You guys don't understand your brothers. They're like that because they're depressed or have no goals. I know because I used to be like that. Its sad to say, but men need group approval and to be useful. We're goal oriented. When a man goes through his teen years and never develops an attatchment to a person, group or cause, they don't want to do anything because nothing feels worth it. And yes, its fucking stupid, but that's how men are. And there's some trigger out there that will make him realize it. But its different to everyone. Mine was a Latvian lapdancer on my 22nd birthday. Its was first time I saw a women naked, and she was really pretty and I was some fat loser who played Minecraft. I really enjoyed it but the next day I was crippled by how disgusted she must have felt and started crying. Then I just snapped and started eating well, working out and now I'm in college studying physics. My goal in life became to get a women like that to like me. A year on and I've lost a lot of weight, eat well, I'm back in college studying Physics and I only play games when its too late at night for me to go out and do something else. Games became moderated entertainment again rather than a regular thing. Its a terrible reason to only improve yourself to get women's approval but that's what it took for me.
Just talk to your brothers and ask them what's up. They probably won't tell you, but just show them you're there for them. Most of all, they need to find something to replace their video game addictions with. They probably feel empty and scared like I did.(no boys allowed)
No. 101031
>>101019Not in this thread no.
>You guys don't understand your brothersThis is why you're not allowed here, this shit doesn't belong here.
No. 101068
>>101050Oh boo hoo, life as an noncontributing drain on society is so hard! Approval from women is the only thing that gives me worth as a person!
Nobody cares about your problems. Stop trying to get people to pity you and give you asspats by being self-deprecating and dramatic. Either kys and stop making vague threats about it, or commit to living and get your shit together. Continuing on as a directionless parasite is only burdening everyone around you and polluting the world with degeneracy.
Dig within yourself for a shred self-respect and use it to pull yourself together. Or just kill yourself if that's really the better option. But either way, quit fucking wafting through life as an indecisive, energy-sucking waste of space.
No. 101071
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As a NEET myself there have been a few factors which pop up consistently when talking to other NEETs.
>raised by over protective parents (in most cases an overprotective single mother)>no father figure in life.>socially retarded.>multiple undiagnosed mental issues.>stupider then the average person.>usually bullied at school and treated poorly at home.Personally I don't care enough about life to change but for those that say they want to help what are you doing to try?
>talk to him.>don't give handouts give a hand UP.>invite him to simple social events (he has hobbies, google some local events that might interest him and tag along)>introduce him to your some of your guy friends.>find him a workout buddy. No. 101073
>>101071>stupider then the average person.That much is clear.
>but for those that say they want to help what are you doing to try?NEETs don't want help at all. I looked through /r9k/ and the threads encouraging productivity or trying to help each other has dismally low post counts compared to shitty threads and obvious bait. You just want to rage against the machine for problems that can be fixed yourselves with a bit of effort.
>>101068>Approval from women is the only thing that gives me worth as a person!I am starting to believe that this is how robots operate. As much as they disparage women and hate us and blame us for whatever problem, they still come crawling back here. I know we were posted as a female /r9k/ but anyone with half a brain could see that we aren't really. A lot of the posters are normies or trying to be normies, completely different personage.
They get so buttflustered just by this site existing and come here instead of ignoring us if we were such "roasties" and "cumdumpsters"
No. 101122
>>98018What's your mal?
Or post your top rated. You have similar taste to me as far as what you've posted and I want to know more
No. 101145
>>101071>multiple undiagnosed mental issues.I don't think this is really an excuse. You can't rely on something we don't even know is there as a reason for someones behaviour, and especially not on their own self-diagnosis or our e-diagnosis of them.
If people have these disorders and are left disabled by them, that's different, but it's rare that people who're disabled by mental illness stay out of the system.
And as to wanting to help, what
>>101073 said is really accurate. You can't force someone to improve, they need to really want it. And most of the issues that these people have are ones they could fix themselves if they put in the effort. It's just less scary to blame everything else for your failures than it is to admit responsibility.
No. 101149
>>101145Dude, go and read our robot containment thread. There are numerous robots who admit to having crippling anxiety, autism, suicidal depression, and even auditory/visual hallucinations, and they had to be convinced to get treatment.
One robot couldn't look in mirrors because of the visual hallucinations that he experienced. And he was basically like "ya, but I'm fine."
No. 101153
>>101149Shocker, people lie on the internet. People who're so psychotic they're hallucinating severely and regularly that much don't even realise what's going on with them isn't real.
You're trusting people looking for attention to give accurate reports on what's going on with them, let alone to use medical terms accurately. Do you think tumblr is full of people with DID and other severe mental illness too?
No. 101163
>>101153Dude, he was describing hallucinating with certain stimulation, not that he was completely cut off from reality.
>w-what about tumblr?There is a huge difference between a random blog saying they are the reincarnation of a video game character or whatever the fuck, and someone describing a visual hallucination. His description of his depression, anxiety, and the build up to his hallucinations sounds way more believable than a fucking 15 year olds blog where they are "seeing" their past life from Steven universe.
Like, sorry for having empathy for someone on the internet? First robots come here, and shit their pants because this board isn't sympathetic enough to NEETs. Then, i post about an example that stood out for me, and honestly made me feel really bad for the robot. I really hope he got the help he needs. And apparently you think I shouldn't believe it, because people lie sometimes.
So, should I not show empathy to these mentally I'll NEETs?
No. 101184
>>101163>Dude, he was describing hallucinating with certain stimulation, not that he was completely cut off from realityIf you're so psychotic you can't look in a mirror because of hallucinations, you're cut off from reality pretty much completely, unless he had a traumatic brain injury or tumor or something, there's no other way it could happen. That's just how psychosis works. You don't go "Oh yeah it's just hallucinations though so I'm all good", not unless you've been in treatment for the issues for a long, long time and have learned to reality test. Even then it doesn't always work.
>There is a huge difference between a random blog saying they are the reincarnation of a video game character or whatever the fuck, and someone describing a visual hallucination. His description of his depression, anxiety, and the build up to his hallucinations sounds way more believable than a fucking 15 year olds blog where they are "seeing" their past life from Steven universe.Sure, because one's a real disorder and one isn't. My point was that you're trusting some random person on the internet, telling a story that's not in keeping with how these symptoms work, to use it as an excuse for why we should just go around going "Yeah they probably have undiagnosed problems so it's not their fault". Yet you wouldn't trust some random tumblr poster that put "Yeah I have DID/schizophrenia/whatever the fuck" to be telling the truth if they used it as an excuse for their behaviour.
Your point was never "Oh, that's generally true but in this one case he sounded really unwell", it was "Look, robots all have mental illnesses because they said so".
Note, I never said don't show empathy to the mentally ill, I simply said that we shouldn't assume people are actually dealing with those issues because they said so, and we especially shouldn't go "Yeah but it's okay because they have undiagnosed issues", because we have no way of knowing that. If you want to buy into some robot looking for a bit of attention from the opposite gender here, go ahead, but it's not relevant to what I said at all.
No. 101185
Isn't it obvious? It's not like places where men talk about this are hidden away in some dark corner of the Internet. If you guys took even 5 seconds to look, you'd see clearly that the perception that the quality of an average member of the opposite sex has gone down significantly is by no means limited to women. I fully expect to get roasted for the rest of this post but oh well.
We wish they were more competent, capable, masculine, productive, emotionally intelligent, not autistic, not gross, independent, motivated, etc. They wish we were less slutty, haughty, gold diggerish, unfeminine, entitled, domineering, bitchy, fat (rates of obesity are higher for women), stupid/uninterested in intellectual matters or unique hobbies, addicted to social media, attention whorish, etc. (Keeping in mind that I'm only saying that both genders have trended in the direction specified, not trying to stereotype everybody on the planet. Obviously most men aren't worthless pissbottle shut-ins and most women aren't obese slampigs, it's just that the average has gone more towards those things than not.) And female promiscuity ("free love") and bra-burning misandrist feminism came before NEEThood, hikkikomoridom, and other forms of male dumbassery, so if we're being honest with ourselves then we fired the first shot.
Lower quality carrots, slower running hare
Obviously men aren't entirely motivated by women, but we know they are at least partially, which means that an X% reduction in the quality of women is an (X * percentage of male motivation that comes from women)% reduction in the motivation to be productive of your average man, and based on what I've read (and on talking to my formerly NEET boyfriend), I'd say this accounts for at least 50% of modern men's fuckupery (with a lot of the rest coming from their mother's parenting which is another issue caused by women). And it doesn't help when you add in porn which are basically women that do whatever men want without expectations. A woman in a porn video does the same routine every time whether it's a hot guy or a greasy neckbeard looking back at her. And then you get into sexbots and virtual reality waifus and the whole thing has the potential to really spiral out of control. Meanwhile we have social media which is basically our version of pornography (sometimes literally as we all know at least one girl who gets off at least a little bit posting lewd or semi-lewd selfies online).
IMO if you want a man then go make one. I'm not saying go for complete 500 pound neckbeards drenched in sweat and Doritos dust, but broaden your horizons a bit. My boyfriend was a virgin NEET and a bit of a fuckup/momma's boy when I met him (though pretty attractive and intelligent too) but with a little encouragement and support I was able to fix him up pretty easily. Now he's healthier, decently ripped, and making enough money to support a family if we want one. In return he helped me lose weight, pushed me toward better habits, accepted some of the "darker" parts of my past, and helped me get into college. I mean, I would've preferred the finished version of him but in actuality the finished version of him probably just would have pumped and dumped the initial version of me at best. Working through our problems together made our relationship stronger. If you're complaining about how all you can get is meaningless sex then your standards are too high.
And then robots won't be able to propagandize that women only date 6'5'' billionaire Chad Thundercocks, and even the 500 pound neckbeards might work on getting to a point where some woman will at least give them a chance. It's all about compromise, men and women helping to improve each other. Or men can fap to hentai and women can schlick to their Instagram follower count.
Sorry for breaking up the circlejerk but it's not just one side at fault.
No. 101193
>>101189No, hallucination does mean seeing things that aren't real, that's entirely the definition of it, you're just perceiving something to be there that actually isn't.
The term pseudohallucination does exist, and does refer to what you're talking about, but it's not on topic at all, as it only ever really occurs in the presence of drugs.
Here's source for what I'm saying a quote
>We performed a literature review, which shows that pseudohallucinations and related symptoms have low construct validity and are, accordingly, clinically ambiguous.Psychiatrically speaking, it's not a term that is really used. And it certainly doesn't happen with someone experiencing hallucinations so severe and distressing he can't bear to look in a mirror.
But this is a pointless discussion. You can believe what you want about this particular robot, it doesn't change the fact that simply assuming individuals have undiagnosed mental illnesses is ridiculous. People can just be lazy, shit people, by going "It's because of this", you give them an excuse.
No. 101218
>>101185this is also quite true, why am i working or doing something i do not like?
to get more money? i will not have time to waste it.
To get recognised? why i would care?
pornography was god's send to these people, at least for me.
now i do not need to be arrested to fuck whores nor i need to be a slave to women.
i would like to feel love and have an other one to live besides me but all women i find are turbo sluts.
does not help me being a virgin, i should started looking for a nice girl when i was 16.
No. 101227
>>101225yeah people work to get food and a roof. but why do it if you already got that?
most """arguments""" is shaming people into doing it and how is unfair.
No. 101241
>>101163>There is a huge difference between a random tumblr blog [and a NEET]No, there really isn't. Robots collect self-diagnoses just like tumblrinas do and both refuse to do anything about them. They're two sides of the same pathetic coin. Only for some reason, robots feel comfortable laughing at tumbltards for their laundry list of excuse-diagnoses when they rely even more heavily on their untreated, undiagnosed mental health issues to get them out of everything.
NEWSFLASH: Everybody is fucking depressed. Everybody is fucking suicidal. I'm so sick of special snowflakes feeling like the rest of us should coddle them their whole lives and let them stay leeches because wahhh depression so hard.
No. 101253
>>101185>It's not their fault, it's those slutty Western feminist womyn!!>a small percentage of the degenerate female population is the sole cause of the degeneracy in the male populationSure Jan.jpeg
So why exactly are men incapable of ambition or self-improvement without women? Because we're all supposed to be perfect little virgin waifus as a prize for these literal failures when they manage to pull together a basic level of decency? You're right that I wish NEETs were competent and independent (for the sake of their parents mostly), but if the solution to that is being some submissive male fantasy then they can just go die in a hole and take themselves out of the gene pool for all I care.
Women don't need a man anymore. We no longer are financially required to find a man, so the power-dynamic of the relationship playing field is now even. Dating is now about love and compatibility instead of how much money the man can bring to the table. Really, it's a better situation than ever in the dating world. They need to get used to that and start taking responsibility for their own personal success instead of expecting their random perfect dream girl to come lift them out of degeneracy.
>IMO if you want a man then go make one.If they want a woman, they can go make one. Tell them to go find some tumbltard that's on their level to change into a good person. Why would a normal, educated, functioning member of society like myself waste time trying to love a boring, directionless shut-in when I can just talk to one of the many functioning adults in the world?
Anyway, you're acting like personal success is majorly dependent to romantic success when it's really not. Plenty of successful scientists and mathematicians are loveless shutins that actually contribute something to society and do something respectable with themselves. Women not liking them is just an excuse for their lack of independence and personal success. Either that or it's a poor attempt at manipulating whatever women will listen to them into pity-fucking their lazy asses.
I work hard for my shit and I expect everyone else to as well. It has nothing to do with *~gender relations~* or societal expectations and everything to do with failure on a personal level.
No. 101263
>>101218gtfo useless robot. And stop leeching off your parents and making excuses for your degeneracy.
If you want to be loved by a decent woman then get some fucking self-respect and contribute something to the world instead of being a waste of life. Nobody can love a lazy, sex-crazed basement-dweller with no goals. It's your own fault for turning yourself into such a disgusting thing and expecting love to fall in your lap. Of course the only women who'll fuck you are turbo sluts. Why would a normal woman want someone so boring, dependent and directionless?
Either take responsibility for yourself or stop complaining about your self-inflicted repulsiveness.
No. 101287
>>101263>>101269soo relationships are not about love and compatibility like other anon said?
i do not treat women like whores why do you assume that?
it is about me getting a job and my potential of giving money and status to other people?
to the other anons that are calling me parasite, why i should not be one? because it is wrong? it is bad? why?
>>101266a goal in my life? of course i have but they cannot be made, soo i have to settle with lesser ones.
>pridewhy would i care?
>self-worthwhy you think i have not?
please aswers with logical sentences instead of feelings.
No. 101289
>>101283>>101283>Women will always pick their mates with social status and with that money in mindSpeak for yourself. Social status, sure, because that indicates character. But why would any woman care about a man's money unless one of them is leeching off the other and can't pull their own financial weight? Most women I know split everything they share with their partners 50-50 financially. If everyone can keep up with their 50% then it's irrelevant how much extra the man has to spend on himself. I don't deny that golddiggers exist, but you're acting like being rich is a huge deal to a financially independent woman. Having control of your own finances means that that's no longer something you have to look for in a partner.
>men will always be attracted to youthful womenThat's a different point completely. Youth is physically attractive. People are drawn to aesthetically pleasing humans.
No. 101293
>>101287I am both
>>101263 and
>>101253 and that's exactly what I'm fucking saying. NEETs are not compatible with anyone but other NEETs because of what they've made themselves into. Somebody who stays at home all day playing video games and is incapable of doing anything for themselves is clearly incompatible with a functioning, contributing member of society. It is a difference of character. If you want a nice girl with a good personality, then you need to work on your shit personality in order to become compatible. Love isn't some predefined, unbreakable connection. You can stop loving someone because they change in negative ways, and you can develop a new love for someone because they've changed in positive ways.
When you stay in bed all day, refuse to grow, revel in dependence and don't contribute to the world in any way, you make yourself impossible to love. I would assume that even your parents are growing tired of it.
No. 101294
>>101287>please aswers with logical sentences instead of feelings.You are so pretentious. You have zero life experience, and you are using your insecurities as a convenient excuse for being a NEET.
>d-do you really expect me to get a job for money and status???Money, yes. That's generally why people work. Money can be used to purchase goods and services. No one gives a shit about your status. They're giving you a hard time because you sound like a pretentious asshole, trying to hide behind pseudo-intellectualism so he doesn't have to face what he is doing to his family.
No. 101298
>>101295>nature still dictates our behavior.Okay, I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again, we aren't slaves to our ~natural impluses~ as much as you like to think.
I mean, just the fact that women take birth control proves that. I'm on the pill. I don't give a shit about your fitness or how many precious offspring we could make. I don't want kids. I'm not going to have any.
No. 101299
>>101297>muh human natureSo, I'm going to assume that you shit and piss yourself quite often, right?
I mean, the need to expel waste is a natural human urge. You can't help human nature.
I mean, it isn't like humans have evolved past their base instincts, or anything.
No. 101303
>>101287If you can't even see the value or impact of collective responsibility then you're beyond help. Most people are simply born with an innate sense of connectedness and responsibility because that's how humans get things done. We make progress by using teamwork, so our brains tend towards it, like dogs do. If you're so selfish and lazy that you can't even make personal progress then you're pretty much a broken person.
Why should you not be a parasite? Are you fucking kidding me? Because you provide nothing of value to the world when the world has so generously given you a life that many would kill for. Not to mention, being a parasite is a great way to ensure that you die alone, whinging about women not loving you when all you do is suck the positivity from those around you. The level of selfishness and entitlement in you is baffling. And no, I'm not going to explain to you why being selfish is a bad thing.
No. 101316
>>101311And their arguments are always the same!
>I'm not lazy, I'm rejecting society!>I can't compete with chad!>women don't like me!Like we knowwwwwwwww.
No. 101332
>>101291>>101292>>101293>You are so pretentious. You have zero life experience, and you are using your insecurities as a convenient excuse for being a NEET.most of you are assuming i am a neet and i am not.
i am currently studying at uni.
i do not know if i say that but i tought my life did not matter to this discussion.
yes i am just 19 but from what i am insecure? i am just stating my point.
all the ""reasons" you give against me are "pride" and "shame" both things from emotional plane.
women do not care about status?
well then why the most popular guy at school got the girls?
why i was abused and bullied?
>my shit personalitywhy do you think i have shit personality?
No. 101337
>>101316i am currently doing good on uni soo i think i am not lazy, at least in the grades i like.
the other two things about chad and womens i did not said a thing about it.
could care less about chad since i really could do nothing about it same with women.
It is a mistake to care for things out of your control.
>>101319why he is does not have motivation?
No. 101340
>>101332>i tought my life did not matter to this discussion.Maybe it's the language barrier, but you're talking in first person every time you talk about NEETs as if you personally are one. Are you defending them or just trying to reconcile what their reasoning might be?
>all the ""reasons" you give against me are "pride" and "shame" both things from emotional plane.You left out the basic requirement of responsibility that comes with living in a shared environment. Oh, and also the fact that you will die alone and unloved because of your selfishness, which seems to be what most of these NEETs complain about anyway.
>women do not care about status?Where do any of these 3 posts say that? Status is an indicator of character. Usually, but not always. The most popular guy gets a lot of girls because he's popular for a reason, dimwit. There's something likeable about his personality, demonstrated by the fact that you're describing him as popular. Of course he's going to be popular to ladies as well, that's just common sense.
>why i was abused and bullied?Not your therapist
No. 101341
>>101332You're only 19, but the adult world is a lot different than high school.
I've also seen nerdy guys get girls. The band class trips were known for all the band nerds always hooking up. At my school, there was always one couple that emerged from the fucking band trips.
Stop letting high school drama color your experiences.
No. 101350
>>101340i can understand and relate to neets, but i am not one.
>selfishwell i can also call selfish to people who pops babys can i?
they just want another thing to love not thinking about the baby's decision.
but if the baby who cannot find motivation to keep the hamster wheel rolling does not do it, he is the selfish one?
>popular peoplethey were all assholes with me.
now on uni i treat those popular people like they treated me and they are far more restrained.
>>101341>nerdyi do not consider myself that since i really do not like anime/manga and i really do not play much vidya, i use my high school experience and uni experience.
No. 101353
>>101349That guy is popular because he plays good football and not because he has "something likeable about his personality". Many consider him a borderline narcissist.
High social status in general doesn't have much to do with personality.
No. 101361
>>101353>Many consider him a borderline narcissistSo he's not really popular then. He's well-known, but not liked.
>High social status in general doesn't have much to do with personality.It depends on what you define status as. I would agree with you that being a celebrity is generally not indicative of being a good person, but status also means having a well-respected profession or being outstanding in one's field. Doctors are more attractive for their status. Scientists have status. An artist on its own might not be considered "high-status", but if you're a universally acclaimed artist, that's high-status & makes one more attractive. I think that you're thinking of status in a different way than I am.
Also, of course not literally every single high-status person is a good person. It's just a general indicator. Similar to assuming that a person is a good person for owning a pet.
No. 101381
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no gf => no motivation
no motivation => no performance
no performance => no gf
autistic interests don't help
over the course of years I've shifted my interests to be intrinsically passioned about workout and fashion so I don't look like the guy in OP, at least
No. 101441
>>101435That isn't related to the fact that relationships are for enjoying the connection you feel with another person.
If you are so lonley that without a gf you don't have the motivation to live, then you need therapy asap.
No. 101453
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>>98017Those pop culture pieces were essentially aimed at deconstructing masculinity. It was a general goal in most western societies to empower women (for both ideological and economic reasons, businesses wanted a larger workforce to depress wages, people often overlook this aspect of the rise of women) which is why literally every sitcom has the niburu-lite font of wisdom as the wife and some oaf who works a shit job and provides nothing but a paycheck towards raising his kids and a handy butt of many a joke at his expense. Guys don't see that as something to aspire to, btw. Guys see that and think holy shit that guy is miserable, why in god's name would I get lost in the rat race if THAT is what I get for it?
The base of the educational system has been essentially feminized since the 80s. Very, very few males teach in elementary schools. PE, recess and free play hours were repeatedly cut up until the 2010s. Boys simply don't do as well in a rigorously structured environment as women do. I recall spending probably 1/3rd to 1/2 of my time in elementary school sitting in the hallway, locked in a supply closet or shut in a room near the principal's office which was basically a solitary confinement cell. They'd even leave me in there for recesses and lunches. Usually wasn't for anything that bad either, I once got a week of ISS for eating with chopsticks I was given on a school fieldtrip, I got two days for throwing a kool-aid bottle 5 feet into a trashcan. I got sent out of class on some days for 2-3 hours for laughing too loud or even for reading quietly when the teacher was providing instruction. She'd even take my book away before sending me out. I still remember that the ceiling in the B-2 unit at Pinewood elementary had approximately 112,800 divots in it.
That was my elementary school experience, alright? And I was the lucky one, my parents refused to put me on ADHD medication. My cousins were drugged up the assholes, one's a highschool drop out now and the other hasn't done anything since graduating two years ago. Boys are being medicated at several times the rate that girls are because typical male childhood behavior has been pathologized. The massive increase in single motherhood is like a self reinforcing cycle at this point, single mothers just aren't very good at raising functional males. All of the statistics show it, go to /r9k/ and I'd bet you that 75% of the guys there were raised by one. These guys try to seek answers, they go to shit like artofmanliness, rotk, puahate or whatever to be instructed on what manliness is by another bunch of losers who have no idea what it is. They sell the imagery, the beards, the bacon, the booze, the crass misogyny, but without the philosophy behind it. I was lucky, I had a father and a good one who taught me what being a man is about (namely stoically putting up with everything, fixing shit when it breaks without whining about whodunit or who's job it technically is to fix it).
I'm not placing blame on anyone because my life isn't bad. I'm a lv25 NEET living with my parents but that's because I've just finished my masters degree while accruing no debt, mostly on money I made doing manual labor and investing. I should be able to find a job despite the job market still sucking ass. I'm just trying to provide some perspective here. When I see someone posting with #masculinitysofragile I just have to think that yeah, I agree, it's fragile because it has been undermined. Would you like to break it and see what happens?
No. 101470
>>101458It's not a force to be unleashed so much as it is a weight to be ejected. To be a man is a weight on your back and men are increasingly dropping it. If all men drop it society is flat out fucked and everyone knows that. Governments are just now catching on to the issue that half of the young population is massively underperforming relative to expectations and no matter how well things go for women they're not going to make up for the losses society is incurring due to that.
The 'death of men' has extreme economic implications that aren't good for anyone.
No. 101471
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People are a product of the environment in which they grew up. Take a baby born in the 30s and raise him today and he will be the same as any other current male. There are larger societal factors in play than just men being lazy. Look at the destruction of marriage as an institution, a low-wage economy based on mass immigration and globalisation, the utter disdain and scorn practising Christians are treated with, the rampant sexualisation of every aspect of modern society. Women weren't freed by the sexual revolution, they were taken advantage of by men who just want to sleep around without the confines of a committed relationship, and forced into wage-slavery in the aforementioned low wage economy.
No. 101526
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>>101453Oooh snap you got tagged with the little robot!
Look at the loser! LOSER LOSER!
No. 101546
>Provides an interesting point on motivation and denial and their influence on a life of individual, providing example on how the one can be snapped out from denial and regain motivation to change himself. Also, provides quite accurate description of a mind of human being facing addition and what fuels it
>lolcow hivemind only grabs the moment about lap dancer, makes fun of it and dismisses the rest, banning him in the processYeah, stonk independent womyn surely are the most rational, empathetic, smart and reasonable beings that will bring our world forward to progress from ebil patriarchy.
Get dunked.
No. 101583
>>101564in wizchan you can't talk about bleaching your ass, current media and trends and what onisin does.
it is heresy comparing this fine site to wizchan
No. 101587
>>101563>geneticsWhy are you fucks so obsessed with genetics?
Spoiler alert: I don't want kids.
No. 101598
Isn't asking a socially functional, responsible lady to be the gf-motivation to help a robot jumpstart his life not unlike asking some decent income white guy to settle down with a nigress and take care of her 3 kids from 3 different men and help out her life?
If you want to argue that its a series of disadvantages from society, birth and upbringing, and feminism and the deconstruction of traditional values, that's fine. It's not your fault, you were dealt a shitty hand. Teachers throw out young boys from the classroom and their dumb parents hop them up on ADD medication. Feminist movements work hard to empower women and give them more opportunities in education, work, life. For all this "male privilege" thrown around, there certainly isn't any privilege.
You might find this hard to believe, and that's fine. Believe what you want. But young nigger kids go to school and are immediately treated like they're stupid, incapable, with zero future outside of the ghetto unless they gangbang, or become a famous rapper or sportsman. Their own families encourage nothing more than cheating the system and becoming welfare leeches. For all the efforts stuff nigger kids with affirmative actions and special privileges, they don't change. And why should they? They're propped up by fine white people and taxpayer money, they can say and do whatever they want and cower under "das racis".
Robots are the niggers of men and that's why no one wants you.
>>101563Not sure why you think that line of thinking is justified when you're finding gossip on a site created for gossip.
No. 101643
>>101642>I'm not depressed or suicidal and never have been, nor have/are most of the people I knowThat's just a flat out lie, or you've lived a very pampered life. Not everyone intends to kill themselves at some point, but if you're saying you've never though "I wish I was dead", then I honestly don't believe you.
And most of the people bitching in these threads are only like that, they don't have any intent of actually offing themselves.
No. 101652
>>101650>Like a person saying "Everyone is suicidal" while using a definition of suicidal that's so broad it's useless? Well when someone refers to one crowd of people showing mild suicidal ideation, and then says that that's a normal thing and everyone gets that, it seems pretty clear what the definition being used is.
I never said that was my definition of suicidal, suicidal to me is you're showing clear intentions of killing yourself, as in you have a plan and are working towards it.
There's no reason to be so aggressive about this, no-one's dumb for misunderstanding anything.
No. 101694
>>101663we are here to please m'lady and to make the world better because that is the duty of every people right?
even if i did not get nothing from the world because what matters is to give we cannot be greedy
No. 101725
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>>101699>if I was a male>posts the same shit that robots have been being debunked for claiming for the whole thread nowNice try.
No. 101735
>>101732Why should we? If we're talking the type that's neet just out of laziness, they don't have anything respectable about them.
There's also a big spot in between of "working all day" and "be a neet, never work". Most people sit in the middle, and that's all that's ever asked.
If you're neet and living with family, at least be helpful around the house, don't just be a drain on them.
No. 101740
>>101698neets leeching off of government welfare are even more pathetic than those leeching off enabling family members
just because you live alone doesn't make you any less of scum
No. 101764
>>101740I'd agree with this. The only way you could be worse is if you're lying to get on disability payments so you can be NEET, and making it harder for people who do need them to get them.
At least with family they're choosing to pay for you, they can kick you out whenever they want. By leeching from the government you're just stopping things that will benefit everyone in the country (including you) from getting done.
No. 101814
>>101764>>101740That's a fallacy. Government paying me NEET money is a zero sum game, because I spend it all on goods that in turn have taxes on them and make a profit for those involved in producing them.
A millionaire squirreling his money away in an offshore account does far greater damage to society by withholding funds from circulation than I ever could.
No. 101816
>>101814I don't think you know what a fallacy is, first off.
And secondly, you're ignoring that your money is tax payers money. You spending it and them ending up with a tiny portion of it back from that sale doesn't actually mean they get it all back, it's still a net loss, whereas it could have been spent on healthcare or something important.
Tax evasion is hardly an argument for why what you're doing is good, either.
No. 101818
>>101816I pay taxes as well, so your argument is moot :3
Also healthcare here is free for everyone.
No. 101820
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Good god, my brain hurts due to the amounts of sheer stupidity and denial manifested by cunts in this thread.
And having struggled for years with suicidal-tier depression (someone found me under 25cm of snow while having >4g of alcohol for liter of blood and called the ambulance), being a shut-in I managed to become a psychiatrist (in Europe it's 11 years) while paying back the mortgage to my parents (they guaranteed for me and I lived renting rooms to other students) yet I sistematically got surpassed by others due to rampant lunacy like affirmative action or "pink quotes" basically stating that "He/she's not white/male so he gets the place/job even with a score 30% lower than yours." at the same time busting my ass to stay afloat yet being rejected because cunts SAYS that personality counts but really caring only for appearance and "charisma" that we all know that's bullshit because, as someone stated before in this thread "Popular people must have qualities to be popular" in a magnificent example of circular thinking, and all my toil was in vain due to being 1.90 and quite muscular, but not having time to waste in gym I'll never be lean as the skinny fuckers that gets all the females, add that thanks to genetic I had totally white hair by the age of 28 and that further curbs the pool of women I could hope to induce something akin to desire or romantic interest, let's say almost nothing, leading me to be more and more embittered in the course of the last 12 years.
So I think you should do a big reality check and listen to
>>101185 when she says that yes most NEETs are debased sloths lacking even the basic willpower to attempt an escape from their miserable existence, but at least try to give a think to the reasons behind that resignation and forfeiture of hopes for any improvement.
Sorry for the tones of my intervention but as an ex-pariah that kind of discussions still manage to upset me a lot, and the same for the english used, not being my native language.
Sincerely, your ex-underdog who managed to become a better human and now holds the upper hand.
P.S.: I want the robot sticker :3
No. 101822
>>101818>I pay taxes as well, so your argument is moot :3 How do you pay taxes while also living off welfare?
>Also healthcare here is free for everyone.Do you think that healthcare is just magically free, that the doctors on it don't need to be paid? Free healthcare costs money, just not to the patient.
No. 101825
>>101820Honestly, all I got out of your post is concern for your patients, there really should be some sort of testing to make sure that psychiatrists aren't so obviously biased in their views of society.
Seriously, how do you manage to spend years studying the human mind, and still not even understand the basics of attraction? Are you just making up the psychiatrist part?
No. 101835
>>101831I don't think anyone was arguing that neets who're legitimately disabled by mental illness and can't work are bad people, just that there's a big difference between assuming people must have mental illness if they're neet, and giving up because you failed a few times doesn't make you depressed and mentally ill, it just means you give up easily.
Neet's, to me are people that voluntarily are just refusing to work, and I don't really have much sympathy for that. Empathy, sure, I can get why they're doing it and understand it, but when they act like morons on /r9k/ and other forums about it and blame everyone else in the world for their issues, it's hard to sympathise.
No. 101841
>>101822There are taxes on a lot of things, not just income.
> Do you think that healthcare is just magically free, that the doctors on it don't need to be paid? Free healthcare costs money, just not to the patient.And that gets paid for by the state, which collects all the taxes from everyone, and pools them together, so even the poorest of the poor, like me, can get adequate healthcare.
No. 101842
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No. 101850
>>101820The bitterness you hold for life probably shows when you try to connect with normal women making them think you have a shit personality btw. Not saying you don't have a reason to be bitter, but you probably exude it in more ways than one to people you interact with.
Might also be why you get passed up a lot, beyond affirmative actions.
>>101831Ideally, people would learn from their failures and improve upon their method, not try to ignore them and pretend they didn't fail. That being said, I agree with
>>101835>>101842Uh, I mean sure, but NEETs aren't even in school either, so
No. 101854
>>101842it is human nature to want more and more.
most people cannot enjoy the ride they need to think they are better than their peers by getting that shiny car or marrying that woman.
No. 101857
>>101854Also that there's nothing that says the being in the workforce means you have to result to "drudgery". And I think that's what that anon above talking about being a streamer or opening an online store was trying to get at. Not everyone is suited for the 9-5 office drag/retail hell, but there are many ways these days to start up your own business doing whatever it is you actually like doing and support yourself that way.
Unfortunately it will be difficult and the neets won't do it. But it is the reason why we haven't moved onto some kind of workless utopia where the one in ten thousand support the rest of the world.
No. 101863
>>101820If any of this is true, the saddest thing is that you're someone's psychiatrist.
Like fucking imagine walking I to your appointment, and having some fucking robot who bitches about "pink quotas" being the person you're supposed to spill your guts to.
No. 101866
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>>101823>Affirmative action does not work in EuropeRight, I used the US name for the thing because it's called "quota" but in the end it's the same crap, with me scoring 139 points on a maximum of 150 and seeing pass before me 9 women because half of the participants in that course/seminar had to be female even if the highest scoring of those nine did a meager 102 points (2 women scored higher than me and I have absolutely no problem with that) and 5 "foreigner" because they had an entirely separated ranking list reserving them 5 of the 20 total available.
I was utterly mad for a couple of months.
On the other hand the NEETs blaming of women is half bullshit and half resentment born from focusing on what they see as a kind of "easy mode" while ignoring the other disadvantages women have to experience for being female, yet the truth lies far away from the polarization summarized in this thread "Bitter NEETs Vs. Salty Cunts", or at least I see this way.
>>101825Tell me it's a joke and not really the same "You don't agree with me, so it's obvious you're insane and maybe dangerous." because I'm not going to bait…nah, let's go forth in this and tell me what it is that you see wrong. And please, do it in the most straighforward and plain form and not in some absurd and superstructure-ridden jargon like someone else did here
>>98322 because that kind of galimatias makes sense only inside the departments of cultural anthropology and hysteria studies.
>>101827I've come to blows a couple of times (they started it tough, I'm not violent by any means but my sharp tongue seems to
trigger a lot of people) with some whiteknights/nu-males/cuntslaves stating that as a white-cis-male I could not experience depression, that's beyond retarded.
>>101829Yeah but I lived almost half my adult life in the most abject misery and had to undertake radical measures to gain a foothold on the downward spiral it was. And I mean not only meds for depression (they usually gorge you on one serotonine upper and tell you to fuck off and become "normal as everyone else" so I lost years of life for that crap) but cutting off sources of stress and dissatisfaction trough heavy cognitive restructuring. And in the end it teached me that it's not like NEETs says "Women are all whores craving for Chad" nor on the other side "Males are entitled and they have it the easy way" but a way more terrifying realization, namely that the majority of mankind utterly sucks because "we" are all entitled more or less and cannot compromise nor even try to think in someone else shoes for a moment, and here lies the problem.
Ok, maybe I'm a little drastic, let's say 80% sucks, but the heart of the matter does not change, one side thinks the other to be wrong because it's not willing to analize itself. (And because being mostly heterosexual we have to manage the "others" flaws and not that of our side. But that's a personal caveat.)
>>101831Pretty much this, if after efforts over efforts you only get shit it start to seem legit to give up.
>>101835Prevalence and incidence of mental illness statistics points to a 85% of neets to be effectively under some mental condition.
Some papers even speculates that being a NEET is itself a pathologic condition "per se" yet I see as a bit overstretched.
>>101842We are making ourselves obsolete and superfluous, first in the fields, then in the factories, now in the services. The joke is on us all.
>>101850I'm introverted and disenchanted yet I managed to have my 20-so friends and couple of very good friends, of both sexes, yet it seems I'm not going to elicit a romantic response in the women, sex yes and even with a handful of the aforementioned female friends, but nothing more than that.
Indeed there were two women who had something similar to romantic interest towards me, but it was out of pure naivety for the first one, being an expat from an oppressive society by just 3 months and so jumped on me as the first one who acted interested and kindly towards her, and for abysmal low standard the second one. In both cases I tried for some time (two months and six months) to establish a connection of some sort with them but it was moot and after realizing that I wasn't going to feel anything more than mild attraction for them and that on every other aspects we were completely incompatible, I did "the right thing" letting them go find someone able to make them happy because I wasn't going to (yeah it's convoluted but it's something on the "You have to be happy to be with someone to be able to make them happy" or along the same line, or not?) and I don't know sometimes I think it was good for them, other times I regret that as self-sabotaging, I'll never know for sure.
>Might also be the reason for being passed upNah, it's just points on tests and general rules…or at least I hope nobody is so great a piece of shit to tamper an official act just out of resentment or antipathy.
>>101854It's the very nature of induced desires to be never satisfied, and that's why well-being should be kept in higher value over wealth, but the brain is tricked easily on that subject.
>>101857Because it means to subsist on leftovers while everything retains the very same price, giving the top players an even more bigger margin of profit.
On the other side the workless utopia is kept unfeasible because it means no sybaritic luxury for the ones at the top, and more committment from those at the bottom (no waste of resources, single child policy, etc.) and sadly most people seems unable to think on the long span, preferring to wast resource to rob others (someone said free market, liberalism and capitalism?) instead of a shared toil from which everyone is going to profit a lot more in the long run. But hey I already said that 80% of human beings are irresponsible, selfish, egotistical brats.
No. 101873
>>101863Are you really complaining against half of the working positions being assigned to people with lower scores just because of their sex/ethnicity?
Get your shit together because that's some serious issue with reality nonacceptance.
>Imagine walking I to your appointment>walking INot to grammarnazi around but tell me that english is not your main language.
>>101867She's deliberately throwing shit. And I'm pretty sure that she's already pissed about having to split the inheritance when the time will come.
No. 101879
>>101873Lol I was typing fast and missed one letter. Calm down.
My point still stands. If my shrink was a fucking robot I would walk out.
No. 101896
>>101879>If my shrink was a fucking robot I would walk out.You're assuming that people can't keep the professional and personal spheres separated. It's very pretentious of you.
And apart of that the point is not standing at all, have a second look with me
>lower score than other competitors>get the job anywayGot it now?
>>101881I don't know how it works in the US (at least I suppose you're from the other side of the Atlantic) but to get a trust/tutor you need to be declared unfit to plead, so it involves your brother suffering from a real mental illness.
>>101880Where are you from? I thought it was only a thing said in my homeland.
No. 101903
>>101900It's just a different mindset and it's necessary to do the work without burning out in a couple of month, after all mental illnesses are sor of "contagious" if you let me use the term in that way.
>>101901It's public to avoid clientelism and other forms of corruption, so you just have to sum the exam score to the points given for publications and the degree evaluation and you have the total.
>>101902So he needs not to be declared inept?
No. 101906
>>101905No need to be upset, I asked just for the sake of curiosity.
Anyway think of your brother as a human being suffering from flaws not his fault, it's a very heavy deterministic point of view but hey it is completely possible to be fucked up toroughly by a combination of "bad" genetics, lassist upbringing and merciless societal competition.
No. 101909
>>101906I'm not upset wtf are you talking about?
Don't worry, in know exactly what to think about my brother's situation. Thanks for the unsolicited advice tho bby.
No. 101926
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>waah, men don't want to strive for good career, respect and other stuff like in the old days, they just want to sit in their mancaves and play games
>waah, I don't want to have kids, especially in young age like women had in the old days, I just want to have lots of money and travel
>b-but there are girls who are positive about childreen in that thread
Just like not every man is a fast, useless slob.
Why should they keep their typically manly traits besides XY chromosomes if women aren't keeping theirs? The only reason I see is keeping system up because most of the low end jobs still require physical strength and without those jobs there is no clean high end jobs. And I don't see women collecting the trash or working in the mines to supply power plants with coal and uranium, build buildings, bridges, roads or even lift stuff to the trucks and screw those giant ass industrial screws tight. But the sooner system faces real crisis, the sooner men regain their old, better position so why would they even try to prevent partial collapse?
As some anon said, women are huge motivator for men. You might not understand it because, probably surprisingly for some of you, women and men aren't the same. Even brain wiring is different. If two people of the same sex can have different values, people differing even more, like man and woman can have even bigger values difference. Maybe some people don't need big house, travel to foreign countries etc to feel happy? Maybe vidya is enough to satisfy them?
Even those who only care about sex, why should they try hard when there're so many sluts and prostitutes these days and getting just sex with no responsibility is easier than ever.
>times changed, they didn't adapt
Considering stuff above, they adapted pretty well. Just like welfare immigrants choosing to abuse the naive system and leech insetad of working because obviously getting money for free is more pleasurable than hard work.
>I work so I woldn't be dependant on a man!
>I have good job so I don't need a man!
>times changed, sorry boys
Then why the fuck do you even care what are they doing? You don't need them so stick to your business.
Their parents? They aren't your parents, it isn't really your business, just like you don't think that your abortion is other peoples business. Maybe they don't find it as tragic as you? Maybe they don't mind having big family in the house? If they still coddle them, apparently it isn't that big of a deal for them. No one is preventing them to kick those slobs out.
Drain on society? Just like old women who didn't have childreen to contribute to future young people supporting old people who aren't able to work anymore I guess. Just like blacks and sluts having more childreen they can afford, leeching off welfare. Just like "refugees" in europe running to the wealthy countries to leech off welfare insetad of working, invited by socialists which most women vote for? Just like people so fat they are unable to work.
/r9k/ and various MGTOWs are the same shit: claiming they don't give a fuck while bitching and moaning.
Really, lolcow is /r9k/, society as a whole is dropping, both men and women are getting worse and insetad of patching each other holes they egoistically try to drag everything to their side without knowing the other side and sometimes even without realizing there is actual difference between them so they try to apply their own point of view to others.
No. 101933
I'm sorry. I'm drunk and I broke down. My brother is too much, I don't know what to do anymore.
I cried a bit too loudly, so my mom got concerned and has been talking to him about my frustrations. What did he have to say? To clean up in the bathroom. I get it. I know it's gross, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll do it. I'll do it all, I just don't want to hear his smug voice telling me to do things I've already got on my mind to do.
He's got a job so he's tired. I've got a job too, but that's whatever. I should be the one helping out our tired parents. I should be doing my job and helping out our parents. I'll walk the dog like I've been doing, I'll do the housework, live I've been doing, it's all my fault. I'm taking away time for his games. He needs to relax after work, I get it. I understand. It's all my fault for being too whiny so now our mom has to try to tell my 26 year old brother to be more responsible. Life has disadvantaged him, it's not his fault, it's mine.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
No. 101939
>>101866>Tell me it's a joke and not really the same "You don't agree with me, so it's obvious you're insane and maybe dangerous." because I'm not going to bait…nah, let's go forth in this and tell me what it is that you see wrong.For one, you acting like women are only able to like attractive men. Attractiveness isn't purely looks based, you can be attracted to someone for almost any reason.
And secondly, I'm not going to get into it with you, my concern came from your obvious bitterness with the world. I find it very hard to believe that with this attitude, you're giving appropriate care to your patients, in particular the female ones.
>Prevalence and incidence of mental illness statistics points to a 85% of neets to be effectively under some mental condition. Source? And if your source is just going to be "Yeah they have some traits of anxiety and depression", that's not in any way mental illness, depression in that situation is a normal reaction to your circumstance, and anyone that's out of society for an extended period of time will become less comfortable with it.
I don't believe at all that 85% are diagnosed with any sort of mental illness, and I also don't believe there's reliable data that just assumes they are.
>Some papers even speculates that being a NEET is itself a pathologic condition "per se" yet I see as a bit overstretched.I doubt this very much, neetdom doesn't imply any sort of mentality, it's simply an employment state.
No. 101942
>>101926>As some anon said, women are huge motivator for men.But as a woman, you have to understand how creepy that is. So, these NEETs aren't guaranteed their government issued wife, so they're opting out of society? Like, I for one am happy that I can live my own life and now be used as a fucking carrot on a stick for some loser.
Are you really augesting that if they were "guaranteed" a woman that they'd not be a burden to others?
>I've never seen a woman construction workerBut aren't we talking about NEETs, who famously don't work and live off their families/welfare?
It is totally fine of NEETs want to act like they are sticking it to the man and rejecting society by NEETing, but no one is going to buy it. I do care about the families that are struggling to support their adult children. I couldn't imagine it. My brother barely helps around the house and doesn't pay rent. My mom is always struggling, and I feel bad for her.
No. 101944
>>101926The problem with men is not that you're leaving your traditional roles, it's that you're incapable of looking after yourselves. You could sit in your man cave all day for all we care, as long as you paid your rent and didn't believe the world owes you, you'd deserve respect.
You don't have to be traditionally manly. That's not what we're talking about, and bringing it up says more about you than us. Women aren't declining, we're doing better than ever before.
If that bothers you and robs your life of purpose, kill yourself, or opt out, whatever you like. If you're comfortable knowing you're a low parasite then by all means be a parasite. You can pretend you're being smart and abusing the naive system if that makes you feel better about how humiliating your condition is.
No. 101945
>>101944Omg I couldn't agree more. If you boil down that long winded comment, his complaint seems to be that since traditional lifestyles aren't as common, then there's no point in him trying in life. Like, if he isn't guaranteed a spot in the company, and a pretty wife, then there's no point.
I really don't think NEETs are that pretentiously complicated. If they are truly NEETing in glorious protest against competing against women or women being able to get divorced or whatever the fuck, then they are more fucked than I originally thought.
Many of the robot in our past containment threads explained their situations as a combo of untreated mental illness (ex: serious depression), low self esteem, low self image, participation in antisocial communities (r9k, trp), and dysfunctional families. That, I can have sympathy for. I will always encourage people struggling with those issues to get help, and there were a few robots in the containment threads who sounded like they were ready to get some help.
But what do robots want us to say when they start going on and on about how women are creating NEETs by not continuing traditional values, and how women aren't providing the right "motivation" for them to succeed? Like "oh I'm so sorry, please contact my father to arrange a marriage for me so I can even things out for you".
No. 101958
>>101939Attractiveness is profoundly subjective, I couldn't agree more. Yet somehow it seems that female standards go towards a narrower range than male ones, ie. extremely extroverted, lean and fit, big money, charismatic to almost swindler-level…ok I'm generalizing a lot but it's indisputable that male could fall for poor, introverted, chubby and awkward women, while the opposite case is almost nonexistent.
I'll return on this poin no more, so please heed me one last time…can you really imagine a woman going after a low-income, slightly overweight, shy bookworm guy? So let's avoid that hypocritical "love is blind" thing because it's not true.
And about the professional field I can keep personal matter out of the doctor-patient rapport, if not for personal ethics at least for the sake of not being accused of misconduit or negligence, and in fact I put even more effort on them for that reason.
Yet I must admit that my butthurt reaches epic level when I see otherwise excellent women, waste their life running after the scum of the earth cheaters, partner-beaters, gamblers, drunkard/junkies and overall utter failures of men "but hey they're so charismatic, they surely gonna change for me/I'll make them change"…so it's not only NEETs that lack the stimuli for improvement nor they're the only ones full of shit yet the same flaws that on someone else are pardoned, on them are an indelible scarlet letter, same old double standards.
>>101954You have a point in criticizing the objectification of other human beings, but don't forget that sexual motivation is deeply ingrained in the very brain structures and in the genetic code, more or less in the same way female mind is honed toward childbirth and offspring care. Not everyone of course, but nature-wise those who don't feel that instincts are pretty much evolutionary failures (unselfish genetic behaviour such as relatives/pack/tribe caring of progeny is a too complex thing to discuss here) so be careful when you call human out of their animal nature.
No. 101966
>>101958>yet somehow it seems that female standards go towards a narrower range than male ones, ie. extremely extroverted, lean and fit, big money, charismatic to almost swindler-levelThose aren't a narrow range of things at all, it's literally just saying "If you have all these traits generally considered attractive, you will be attractive. This isn't some groundbreaking discovery.
>can you really imagine a woman going after a low-income, slightly overweight, shy bookworm guy?Seeing as people like that generally aren't virgins and have families, yes, I could.
How did you manage to spend what, 8 years in med school, a good amount studying the human mind, yet you still don't understand the difference between a fantasy and what will attract you in real life? Do you think that because guys fantasise about meeting this perfect 10/10 chick with a perfect body who shares all their interests and will always stand by them and support them no matter what, as well as also being able to bring in a good amount of money to the household, that that's the only thing they're interested in dating, and anything less is just settling?
>And about the professional field I can keep personal matter out of the doctor-patient rapport, if not for personal ethics at least for the sake of not being accused of misconduit or negligence, and in fact I put even more effort on them for that reason.I'm honestly doubting that you're a psychiatrist at all with the shit you're spouting, not least of which the "85% of neets are mentally ill" shit.
No. 101969
>>101966This guy can't be real. If he truly believes this shit could you imagine how he treats his female patients?
And am I really supposed to believe that in the world he lives in, overweight or low income people are all walking around single? This dude is pulling that classic robot bullshit where he starts off trying to sound objective, and then his next 17 paragraphs are just a summary of the r9k conspiracies that we have heard a million times over.
No. 101971
>>101969Yeah, I don't believe he's what he's claiming to be at all honestly, it's just a normal robots ramblings with "I'm a professional btw so you can't argue with me" chucked on at the start, and his wording is a bit more pretentious than average, like he's trying to sound like what he imagines a doctor would talk like.
Especially when half the shit he says just goes completely against our understanding of the human mind, and the rest is just completely ignoring any logic at all.
No. 101975
>>101971I don't think he has met many humans, let alone doctors.
Once I got to "heed me one last time" I cackled.
No. 101986
>>101959No, he's not me. Yet brain activity and neural pathways indeed manifests radical differences between sexes. Still not enough data to infer a definitive theory about it but the clues are strongly pointing in one direction.
The fact that he's spouting nonsense to justify his reactionary point of view is a different matter tough.
>>101966>Those aren't a narrow range of thingsYes, it is.
>it's literally just saying "If you have all these traits generally considered attractive, you will be attractive. Circular thinking ma'am, and It's a game I shall not play.
>Seeing as people like that generally aren't virgins and have families, yes, I could.Maybe until 10-15 years ago.
What i see now are people like them that after reaching 35-40 years of age become engaged with women 5-10 year younger that after rejecting them for "more attractive guys" (whatever that means), in the process reaching so low to become the third-line reserve lover or accepting to be cheated over and over, them find themselves shunned in favour of younger women and rush to take remedial action.
Be wary that I'm perfectly aware that this doesn't apply to everyone, but as said before, a good 80% of human beings are such pieces of shit and behave in that execrable way and that's enough to statistically validate the reasoning.
>you still don't understand the difference between a fantasy and what will attract you in real life?I know that, yet I'm not seeing the point of your accusation.
>Do you think that because guys fantasise about meeting this perfect 10/10 chick […] that that's the only thing they're interested in dating, and anything less is just settling?Not exactly that but the cut-off threshold is by far narrower in the female population, and the same goes for the percentage of mental NEETs, it's not flour from my mill, but research from Pubmed that determinates this wiew.
>>101967>You disagree with me, so you're wrong.>Ad hominemYou have to do better than this to rebut my points.
>>101969>This guy disagree with me so he must be evil.Nice ad hominem but it won't work.
And for the other thing, I never stated that all people are suffering from "incel" (god how i hate redpill jargon) just that is extremely harder for those who incur in that category of people to find a partner, more often than not getting only one night stands interspersed between dry spells of months or even years.
>>101970>Mistaking on purpose dumb self-centeredness and petty egocentrism of regular assholes with true wickedness.I see your ruse and raise by a redpill. :3
>>101971Free to believe whatever you want, but the only thing I got in this thread are rebuttal based on feelings and ideological stances, nothing even close to facts nor research data.
What we do now? Should I take the pain of linking sources from Lancet and other scientific journals or I kan skip the chore because you're going to tell me anyway that those studies are biased?
>>101974Same as above.
>>101975I've already told that I'm not a native english speaker. Is that use so bizarre or just outdated?
>>101978>He speaks in a polished way, he couldn't be so educated because he belongs to the opposing faction, so let's go bashing him.Ok, now that you delegitimated the opponent where are the facts that's supposed to validate your stance?
No. 101988
>>101986>Yes, it is. No it's not? Those things can look extremely different person to person. That's like saying "Long hair" on women is a narrow range.
>Circular thinking ma'am, and It's a game I shall not play.I don't think you know what that word means.
>Maybe until 10-15 years ago.You're delusional.
>I know that, yet I'm not seeing the point of your accusation.If you honestly don't see what I'm saying, then there's no fucking way you're a psychiatrist, because that's basic logic to follow. You're acting like people only are attracted to what they fantasise about. This isn't the case.
>Not exactly that but the cut-off threshold is by far narrower in the female populationSure it is. Just ignore all the studies that point towards us finding individuals closer to our own level of attractiveness generally more attractive, right? A 3/10 person will find a 3/10 attractive, and more likely to end up with them. A 10/10 is still good looking, but they don't go for them. It's called matching theory, though you'd know this already if you were what you claimed you are.
>research from Pubmed that determinates this wiew. First off
>determinatesYou know the word is determined, right? Determinate is a word, but doesn't make any sense in the context you used it.
And secondly
[citation needed]
>He speaks in a polished way, he couldn't be so educated because he belongs to the opposing faction, so let's go bashing him.You don't speak in a polished way, you speak like this
> half the words you use aren't even words, or don't make any sense in context.
No. 101990
>>101977Can sort of confirm.
>>101980I don't know for me it seems natural to want to do things for a woman. I'm not a useless NEET (anymore), but I had to totally change my thought patterns for that and start doing things just for myself. It still feels wrong though, like narcissism. Maybe I'm just fucked in the head.
No. 102007
>>101990Honestly, that is fucked in the head. Isn't it exhausting to conststantly be doing things only for the approval of other people? It isn't narcissistic at all to want to do things for yourself, or have personal goals for your life. That is 100% normal and healthy.
Like, the idea that their only motivation in life is the possible approval of women. Since women and what they are attracted to carries by person-to-person, it is impossible to please everyone. You will never be guaranteed anything in life, so the idea that they just decided to stop trying is so fucking sad.
No. 102013
>>101990nah, dude. you gotta look at it like, 'if i was a complete stranger with no personal bias, would I want to date myself?'
and if the answer is 'no', then try to imagine how you could become the kind of person that you
would want to date.
the only time that this model fails is if you have such abysmally low standards for a partner such as 'does it have a pulse? yes? would smash.'
it can be something as simple as reading more books, or cultivating a hobby that you enjoy. people like to be with others who invest effort in themselves. that's not narcissism, it's self-improvement.
No. 102014
>>102011So you're just going to give up and be a NEET?
Get a therapist.
No. 102016
>>102011you gotta keep trying, man. you can't just give up on yourself, you'll never get anywhere like that. Even if it feels like you're not making progress, putting forth the effort is half of the battle.
think about it like you're obese, and this is the first day at the gym. even if you don't see results immediately, you don't just go home and give up. you keep going back. in the back of your head, maybe it feels futile, but the people around you would so much rather see you
trying than just giving up and festering in your own self-pity and self-loathing without ever trying to do anything about it. Even if you feel like you're at a low point, you gotta respect yourself for trying, too. if you don't care about yourself, you can't expect others to come along and pick up the slack. other people can help along the way, but you have to take the first steps yourself.
No. 102017
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>>101942>But as a woman, you have to understand how creepy that is.>>101954>Ugh please just resign from society if you see women as "motivators" for men. Fucking NEETs keep seeing women as objects and not actual people, with goals and dreams of their own. But that's just how it works and you can't do shit about it. Just like you can't magically prevent all the people from various stuff, even committing a crime. I cannot change criminal's mind if he decided to rob my house. I can only defend it. I can't change his thoughts or get into his brain. I can not change your perception of how creepy you find men having women as motivators.
I can only guess you look at it from different point of view. It's not seeing someone as piece of meat to fuck, but as someone to care for, protect and support. But when you see divorce rates, men getting screwed over, no more comfy home making up for hardships of physical labor, when all the media bomb you with "be CEO, be big, be wealthy as fuck" despite no physical possibility for everyone to be so, and women talking about men having "career path" like they expect you to change job and promote every fucking year and become fucking CEO after 10 years. It just looks like expectations are rising with no end in sight, and benefits are dropping down. At some point it simply doesn't look like it's worth all the trouble, like risks are too big and it gets very depressing and you just settle for vidya which gives you some entertainment with no troubles attached. All motivation is lost.
Really, men, as the sex for harsher stuff often doesn't need that much. They don't get grossed out by not having clean clothes. They don't feel bad about hermiting in their basements. If there is no incentive they can easily fall back to simple entertainment like TV series and vidya. They just don't see it as awful as you see it.
Lack of father figure is also problem. I know it from my experience. I was fucking pathetic for like 20 yers until I got mad at myself and decided to change to something I found ideal. But how many people get tot hat point? What guarantees that my ideal is in demand? What if I become bitter sociopath that will easily handle himself, but still will be seen as scary or creepy?
But demand is entirely different topic. So many people don't realize that what they find attractive doesn't have to be attractive to others. Think that having degree as a women makes you more desireable? Well, too bad for you then. Many men don't care about your education. They don't see it as something good or bad, just as addition that doesn't matter. You can regulate supply, but you cannot regulate demand. There is simply no demand for some stuff. Same with fedoras trying to act classy, failing at this, but still believing they are mora attractive this way and should be in demand. They can't change your perception. They can't change your demands.
>But aren't we talking about NEETs, who famously don't work and live off their families/welfare?See above, if you want someone to work, he needs incentive. Low needs coupled with enabling by parents or government look much better to them than high expectations with little to no benefit. I can understand them because I myself have low needs and don't need high paying job. I can pass higher pay for job with less hours because free time to pursue my hobbies is more valuable to me. I only need enough money to afford myself and future family. Of course life is made of compromises so people like me could work more for the sake of family but there still needs to be balance. No one is wotking 3 jobs just so you could travel to foreign countries every month or two.
>It is totally fine of NEETs want to act like they are sticking it to the man and rejecting society by NEETing, but no one is going to buy it.Well, they don't care. Why should they expect you to buy it? if I was NEET, I wouldn't.
>>101944Why change when living like this is possible? You can't expect decency from people, whether it's criminal or NEET. Just because we have laws and police doesn't change the fact that all rules from outiside of our civilization box still apply and you can abuse systems. Both animals and people were abusing stuff since the start. It's natural. Just stop enabling them. Some artificial laws don't excuse you to stop thinking. If you leave your door open and you get robbed, sure robber is someone bad, but you are also stupid for not caring about your own safety. As I've said, you can not isolate yourself from the nature.
I see working hard, striving for respect and being reliable as traditionally manly traits. That's because in the history these things were always applying to men, but not always to women.
>Women aren't declining, we're doing better than ever before.In your eyes. Once again, you can change supply, but you can't change demand.
>how humiliating your condition isWell, if they saw it as humiliating, I guess it wouldn't be growing and more people would be trying to get out of the NEETdom. Looks like they don't see it the way you see it. Your perspective and shaming them won't solve anything.
And if they can do this for all you care, why bitch about it?
>>101959I am not. You could say I'm working in education field.
>pseudoscientific shit like "women's brains are wired differently" many others. Google does not bite.
Stop believing everything tumblr or any other feels safe group tells you and look at actual science. Truth isn't always pleasurable, but no one advances based on false.
There are differences in male and female brain which affect our performance, perception and tendency towards certain views whether you like it or not.
No. 102019
>>102014Not a NEET no but I gave up on romance and a normal fulfilling life.
>>102016I took hundreds of steps man, I'm just a flawed human being. I can't be normal.
No. 102026
>>102019maybe it's hard to believe, but the rest of us have days like this, too. there are lots of times that I think that there's something just fundamentally wrong with me, but I have to remind myself that yes, there is, it's called depression, and it's skewing my POV. it sounds like you're in the same situation.
during times like that, the only thing that drags me out of my own head is getting up and finding ways to be productive. even if it's just cleaning, at the end of the day, it makes me feel better than if I had just sat in front of the computer and played vidya with all my waking hours. maybe it's not as fun or immediately gratifying, but I think it's important to find activities IRL that you can take pride in, and those activities are what defines us and makes us interesting, you know? Even if it's just to play Pokemon Go, it's good to get outside.
No. 102027
>>102017Look man, its never going to not be creepy to use women as your only motivation in life.
>something something divorce ratesI'd rather be happy and divorced than miserable and married. Just because people get divorced doesn't mean that they aren't living happy and fulfilling lives.
No. 102029
>>101988>You're acting like people only are attracted to what they fantasise about. Ok, now I understand the point and no, I never said that people are attracted exclusiverly to people matching their fantasies.
>Matching theoryIf you're talking about McDowell's theory of the late eighties he retracted his own work in 2015.
>Determinates False friend from my language, sorry.
You could substitute the word with "defined" and it'll work fine.
For the sources: apart from that, the discussion was not about what people says they want, but about they do due to subconscious reasons.
Sort of related is: Where (surprise surprise) it comes out that man have to be tall, being even a little overweight is a big drawback but if the income is high enough it solves the problem.
Not picky at all those females, isn't it? :^)
>half the words you use aren't even words, or don't make any sense in context.Tell me and I'll fix the sentences.
>>102008>Redpill is shitIf you couldn't catch the sarcasm it's not my fault.
>You're an assAnd so what? It is advantageous and everything went definitely better since I quit being "too nice and kind" and while I get into a lot more arguments, people stopped deliberately shitting into my life.
>>102011Go find help of a professional, seriously.
Even extreme ugliness can be fixed, at least if you're not poor. In civilized world you can get plastic surgery from the NHS even for psicological reasons so you could give it a shot.
>>102017>The linksI have the feeling that nobody's going to read them.
>>102021>ambition is an attractive trait, but it doesn't make up for a bad personality. But in most cases the gains from ambition are enough for many to give a blind eye to the shitty part, while the opposite seems not going to happen ever.
>you have to cultivate the traits attractive to othersI'm not so convinced in that narrative of "Bust your ass and you can be/do/reach whatever you want and if you fail you don't have toiled enough" it smells like calvinism on steroids and completeli ignores that we are all different human beings, with different talents and inclinations, and if someone's "not made for X" he can work himself to death but in the end those "talented for X" will outperform him with a tenth of the effort.
No. 102034
>>102029Dude did you even look at the sample size or conclusions of even your first study?
>Forty elderly, 20 middle-aged, and 20 adolescent individuals served as voluntary participants in this study. Come on now.
No. 102038
>>102029>Ok, now I understand the point and no, I never said that people are attracted exclusiverly to people matching their fantasies.No, but you clearly implied it by saying that women only find people with a select few features as attractive.
See here
>Attractiveness is profoundly subjective, I couldn't agree more. Yet somehow it seems that female standards go towards a narrower range than male ones, ie. extremely extroverted, lean and fit, big money, charismatic to almost swindler-level
>If you're talking about McDowell's theory of the late eighties he retracted his own work in 2015.I'm not. It was first proposed in 1966 by elaine hatfield, and studies supporting it have been done frequently since.
> does this act as a source for what I asked you to cite at all? It's not even on the same topic as neets being mentally ill, or even attraction in women. Also, what
>>102034 said.
>Where (surprise surprise) it comes out that man have to be tall, being even a little overweight is a big drawback but if the income is high enough it solves the problem. I'm really not sure how you managed to misinterpret it this much. Literally all this study says is that if you're physically attractive, you're more likely to get married than someone that isn't, but that looks are actually less important than education and income. It also never says that these are the factors that cause success, just that there's some correlation. Once again though, not even slightly on topic.
>Tell me and I'll fix the sentences.You did better in this post, but you really came across as trying way too hard in your old ones. If your native language isn't english and you're not completely comfortable with english, stick to the basics.
The reason you're getting laughed at is because you're just spouting the same shit as every other robot, and trying to hide it behind "But I have an education".
No. 102039
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>>102037I don't know, guess my brain is just fucked man. I can't feel joy or happiness, even eating feels like a chore lately. I just go to work, come home, shitpost and sleep.
>>102036I tried getting in to dating again last year every single one of them ended in disaster. Like one of the anons said before some people just aren't meant to be loved and live their life alone.
No. 102041
>>102039Dude, it sounds like you're depressed. Have you ever sought help for that?
Dating is hard. But it is even harder if you have low self esteem and a generally negative view about women and the world.
No. 102046
>>102044Yo, working hard to get yourself out of poverty is something you should be extremely proud of. That takes drive and ambition. That's what gets the respect of others. Other people don't know what your dick looks like, and guaranteed it isn't as bad as you think. If you frequent places like r9k then you have extremely fucked up views about dicks and romance.
Maybe you just haven't found the right help for you. I don't want to seem like I'm disparaging your efforts, because I'm totally not. But I understand how hard it is to find the appropriate help for depression sometimes, especially if you have issues with self esteem. I'm sure any setbacks in your treatment felt like failures to you.
No. 102048
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>>102047I know, I'm just answering the person who replied to me. I told them about these things but we couldn't fix it. Last one just literally gave up on me saying I was just wasting my money and stopped seeing me.
>>102046Don't know what else should I try. Anyways enough derailing I'm out.
No. 102049
>>102038>Hatfield theorySuperseded by the predicted outcome value theory 20 years later due to change in mating interactions.
>You did better in this post, but you really came across as trying way too hardTrust me or not but there wasn't even the slightest attempt at tryhard, apparently I've integrated that unusual lexicon. (I.e. I always used "Pleased to meet you" in stead of "Nice to meet you" because it came more natural to me…that's it.)
Anyway it seems you have some sort of expertise on anthropology, am I wrong?
No. 102050
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>>102021Yet, that's the impression many men have when being bombed by the media, listening to women or reading their posts. Even on lolcow stuff like career path is being brought up every now and then. And do you know how does it sounds to a man? Like something overly ambitious, strictly planned that you have to fulfill or you're failure. And men were always pressured to perform good so if they don't meet the expectations, they're feeling inadequate. Just like women are pressured to look good and have more looks based insecurities.
Basically career path sounds like something professional, high end. And because not everyone can be high end professional, it sounds out of reach. And if your goal is unattainable, why even try? Just think how out of place does "career path of dumptruck driver" sound like when it's legitimate job that can support people.
I think even in one of the links I posted there is something about brain influence on our vocabulary. Men use much more basic and direct vocabulary. Men will respond much more positively to "have a job" insetad of "have a career path", because job sounds like something attainable. Job can be car mechanic, miner, policeman, truck driver, car dealer, builder, farmer, baisaly anything. But now low end jobs are regarded as something you should feel bad about having despite whole society being based on it. Do you even know how much trash city produces daily and how would city look and smell like without men collecting the trash each night?
But whole society slowly turns this way. It simply becomes less and less comfortable place for men who simply are more direct and harsh. Just look at universities basically imposing censorship and shaming the fuck out everything direct. Look at all those people who before saying something claim 10 times that they aren't racists and use pathetic examples like having black friends. This is not environment men want to be, not environment they're suited to be.
>you have to cultivate the kind of traits that are attractive to others rather than expecting others to be attracted to you simply because you exist.Exactly. But from male point of view women don't do this anymore. And if women don't, why should they? Once again it's point of view and demand. There is no more balance.
>>102027>I'd rather be happy and divorced than miserable and married. Just because people get divorced doesn't mean that they aren't living happy and fulfilling lives.Of course. The problem is, men lose in the divorce much more often than women. It's women who fill for divorces more often. Do you think men wouldn't be happy to leave nagging bitches? Of course they would. It's just that now stakes aren't in their favor, aren't even balanced. These laws were made back when women couldn't support themselves alone. Now times have changed, but laws remained. Really, you could say i know it first hand because my father become homeless thanks to divorce. And how do you feel buy feels when suddenly his father, who never did anything bad to him, gets kicked out of the house and he rarely sees him, and when he does, it's on the park bench and his father is wearing 2 sweaters due to cold and always carries plastic bag with his stuff, when you don't even know exact reason because both your parents blame each other. I don't know what husband he was, I don't know what wife my mother was, but I know he wasn't bad father. And how do you think it makes me think about divorce? Do you think I want to end up the same way my father? It's like walking into shady alley that was good in the past, but lately is known for robbers, rapists etc. There is chance that you will walk through it without problem, but chance that you'll end up in trouble is big. As a woman would you risk it knowing you're physically weaker so odds are against you? It's natural to not want to participate in game stacked against you.
No. 102054
>>102048If a therapist says that to you, it's because you either don't need a therapist, or because you were legitimately wasting your time going there, and weren't doing what they were asking of you. They're not going to ditch someone who's doing their absolute best to recover but can't, at worst they'll refer to you someone with more expertise in your field.
>>102049>Superseded by the predicted outcome value theory 20 years later due to change in mating interactions.No? They don't even talk about the same thing. Predicted outcome value theory is essentially saying that people try to find out about a person as much as possible in their first interaction with them to see if there's a point talking with them in the future, and that we're more attracted to those that we see a higher predicted outcome with in the future.
Matching theory says that we're more likely to have relationships with those of a similar social value to ourselves, and that those relationships will likely be happier.
These don't contradict in the slightest, and yours isn't really even on topic to the point at hand.
>Trust me or not but there wasn't even the slightest attempt at tryhard, apparently I've integrated that unusual lexicon.Yeah, it's just the way you write makes you sound kind of pretentious, because some of the words don't really work together, or in context. It's an understandable issue if you're not a native speaker, but you really should work on it if you want to improve your english.
>Anyway it seems you have some sort of expertise on anthropology, am I wrong?Nope, I'm a law student with some interest in the field, clinical psychology was always my second option if I don't succeed here, and I do as much research as possible into the field in my spare time to make this a more attainable goal. Note, by the field I mean psychology in general, not just abnormal psych.
No. 102058
>>102050So because of semantics, you're going to opt out of society?
Spoiler alert: women feel the pressure for job competition as well. That isn't unique to men.
>cultivate what you want in a partner>women don't do this anymore!Don't they?
No. 102059
>>102050Your baggage from your parent's divorce seems to be a convenient excuse to shit on women who get divorced.
In most cases nowadays, alimony is awarded based on income, and can be adjusted if the payee loses their job for example.
No. 102070
>>102029nobody's saying you have to be the next da vinci, man. but the general idea is that you can bond with others over mutual interests & shared hobbies even if you're not the 10/10 sharksuit ceo that you think you have to be to get girls. but also investing time and effort into a hobby & cultivating 'talents' is something that at least personally leaves
me with a self-esteem boost, which it sounds like neet-anons are sorely in need of.
a saying that was ground into me since birth has always been that there's no such thing as talent. it only looks like talent to
you because you don't witness the thousands of hours of practice that goes into it. but again, nobody is said that you have to 'outperform' anybody else, you just have to have interests and goals that other people can relate to.
No. 102071
>>102007I'm the Anon you responded to but not the one who responded to you, although I'm kind of in the same boat. Except I don't think I'm particularly hideous nor am I short or have a small dick, in fact I don't really know what makes me so unattractive but I am.
To answer your post I have plenty of interests of my own (although they're not exactly the sort of thing that would be a hit at parties). But for most people, not just myself, that's not enough for a fulfilling life. Though I might be particularly susceptible to loneliness. To me everything about life just seems pointless without someone to share things with and to hold and care about. So I spent quite a while trying to change myself in various ways to be more attractive, but nothing ever led to anything positive.
I've kind of made my peace with that though, and I probably missed my chance for what I really wanted anyway.
>>102013I probably would date a female me tbh unless I'm completely delusional about myself. Which I might be.
No. 102073
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>>102058>So because of semantics, you're going to opt out of society?Just like girls getting upset due to thinking calling them or their small boobs cute is insulting, even if intention was positive? Sure.
>Don't they?Many men feel like they don't. Once again, different point of view, demands and values.
>>102059>excuse to shit on womenI'm not doing this because I enjoy shitting on women, but because I find it truth. And my experience is just one of the examples. Really, despite girls claiming to not be like the others, they still act in very similar, in my opinion awful way. And if you talk with other men, many share this impression. It took really long time for me to find someone I think is decent enough and our values match to satysfying degree. From male point of view many women are going to shit, they don't meet expectations anymore, so why should men try to meet their expectations? I shit on most people, but for her I'm for some reason always motivated. I couldn't care less if other people have bad moon, but whenever she has, I want to cheer her up. And I can't help it. I like her based on how she is, on her values etc, I think she's someone good, worth caring for and protecting from harm so her being happy makes me happy. It's just how things are. If you think it's insulting objectification, that I'm looking at her like a piece of meat and everything I offer her is creepy then go on. I don't care and will continue.
Well, if making someone homeless and alimony being so high it prevents you from getting shelter (but shitty housing market is another thing) is fair then it just proves my point and I'm not blaming men for not wanting to participate in the game. And the more divorces there will be, the more boys from broken families will have similar opinion. It's vicious cycle that will break when either laws will be changed or when marriage as institution will just collapse due to problem growing too big.
No. 102081
>>102077was in response to
>>102050 by the way, sorry.
No. 102085
>>102077I couldn't agree more.
It almost sounds like the robot is arguing that NEETs are controlled by their base instincts so much that they can't adapt to any society that isn't from the 1950's.
No. 102089
>>102073>Just like girls getting upset due to thinking calling them or their small boobs cute is insulting, even if intention was positive? No matter the intention, a lot of women don't take kindly to any comment on their boobs. Also getting offended by a comment is no where near the same scale as opting out of society.
>despite girls claiming to not be like the othersSounds like you're looking at the wrong girls. Women who say shit like this are always like what they say they aren't.
I get that robots like to say that "women are going to shit" but where are you looking? All you see online are sjws and attention whores but the majority of women I meet in my life are normal, average women with xyz interests, some kind of personality and values. Is it just the circles I run in? Some of these girls have boyfriends, many I talk to do not. To generalize, men also look for narrow traits in women. With the way you claim that men are willing to settle or "take what they can get", that's not quite true either, or else every woman would have trails of potential suitors, regardless of what she looked like or acted like.
>It took really long time for me to find someone I think is decent enough and our values match to satisfying degreeI think this is true for most people looking for a deeper relationship. You see people who jump into relationships quickly that are purely based on things they like (bad idea imo) or based on physical appearance, and they break up because of mismatched values. And a lot of people take the first person they can get.
I have never been good with men. I'm not talkative, I have "strange" interests, I'm pretty solitary (and very comfortable with it). But I put enough effort in my appearance to look neat and presentable, I put effort into the work that I do, I try to be friendly and respectful to people I interact with, despite how I may actually feel about them. But I was never really "dateable" for some reason. I've seen people uglier than me, dumber than me, waaaaay shittier people than me get boyfriends, so I don't see how robots can shit around and say "the quality of women is decreasing so I'm unmotivated" while snatching up the shitty girls and letting the normal friendly girls sit around at home to watch Dr Who.
No. 102102
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>>102077Sure thinking it's nice, but practice shows otherwise. And practics is what matters, not theory.
It's nice to think that we're above all that and nothing bad will ever happen again, but all it takes is economic crisis to bring the worst out of humans. I can't find whole thing right now, but here is part of story some argentinian guy written after surviving such crisis: you have Ukraine and its civil war. Think there were no rapes, no looting, no "getting back" on slightly richer people just because you were poorer? Then you have BLM which doesn't even need big crisis, they loot anyway. Reality is not fairy tale and you could say that homo homini lupus still applies. Can it be changed? If yes, surely not overnight or within one generation. What you want is to change thousands of years of evolution. Of course you can speed it up a little by imposing some dictatorship and force people to take some hormones or psycho meds to acti differently, but is this what you really want?
>false expectationsWhat if your expectations are false as well? Looks like the incentives that farmers listed here aren't considered attractive to these men. Maybe you also have skewed picture of what is good for a man? Maybe they know better what they want and what is better for them, just like you'll probably claim you know better what is good for you.
>10/10That's subjective. For example I consider her 9/10 but for others she's around 5-6/10
>savings account to have familyThis is what I'm saying: you're overcomplicating things. You don't need savings to afford what really matters. You need savings to afford extra, material stuff. And guess what, material stuff isn't the most important. I know what beeing poor and not being able to afford what other have is, but I also know how it is to have broken family and believe me, material abive basic needs like food, simple clothes and shelter aren't as important as lot of other things. Your "savings account" means you aren't devoted enough to sacrifice even a bit of your well being for someone else, in this case your own family. But it isn't surprising, after a while I noticed that lot of farmers are terrible people.
Also I have this impression that this rampant consumption based mentality is one of the reason for divorces. Instead of working things out many people would rather throw their old relationship into the trash and try new one.
>>102084You don't even have to look far for this. Your own image board has posters complaining about this.
>>102089Sure it isn't near the same scale, but you're making up for it with amount of insecurities and other views and words based stuff.
I don't even look at tumblr shits. I can imagine them being these extreme cases of robots with piss bottles, being visible only on the internet due to not leaving basement which means minority. These kinds also almost don't exist in my country. I'm talking about normal girls from university. Fuck, even reading lolcow can be depressing when you hear so many women posting "abort", telling to instantly break up with someone over smallest thing insetad of working things out with him, cheating stories, how many value fucking traveling insetad of family, or even seeing how naive you can be like with this "we're beyond bad stuff".
In fact, the girl I like is similar to your description, with exception of putting effort into everything, but I think I can fill that gap by doing stuff she has problems with or working something out together.
But majority of women? Fuck them.
Also it's kinda hilarious how so many posters think I'm another robot. I am not but I can understand them because we're looking at the situation from the same side of the barricade. The difference is they gave up. Just because some people don't give up doesn't mean problem doesn't exist.
No. 102131
>>102102Why do you people (robot or not, you share their mentality and are for all purposes a robot) always come out with these extreme examples to prove your points?
That person said that in modern society, humans generally manage to overcome their base instincts, then you pointed to complete societal collapse and went "OH YEAH WHAT ABOUT THESE GUYS?" It's not even the same situation at all, no-one's talking about countries where there's no real society to speak of beyond "Get food and water for the next however long".
Then you just start twisting around and fisking the other peoples arguments to make you look smarter and like they didn't actually raise a point at all. It's like fucking clockwork.
No. 102132
>>102102Your devil's advocate posts are getting extremely annoying. You always sound so iamverysmart.jpg
Honestly, if they want to be NEETs to stick it to society, then who gives a shit? They will have to face reality once their caregivers die.
No. 102133
>>102131It is really starting to rustle me. Like, this fool starts randomly bringing up fuckkng unrest in Argentina as a backwards justification for NEETs.
We get it. Life is unfair. You actually have to try now. The 50's have been over for a while now. It is time to move on.
No. 102134
>>102102>your savings account means you aren't willing to sacrifice your own well-being for your family.That's exactly the opposite of what a savings account means. A savings account means that you stopped yourself from spending money on frivolous pleasures for yourself and set your earnings aside for a rainy day–or, for example, the mortgage, or your kid's college fund. Living hand-to-mouth as a parent with kids to look after isn't just irresponsible, it's downright stupid.
Also, the answer to your initial argument is called self-control. Plenty of people are under financial strain, and they still don't turn to looting and raping. You can't tar and feather humanity as a whole based on the actions of a minority, especially when the example is considered as extremist and depraved in public opinion as it is. Nobody looks at those incidents and goes, 'ah, human nature at its finest! how normal and unremarkable', yeah?
No. 102136
>>102104Is that really all you're looking for in a partner? Someone without sexual experience so you'll get to feel special?
There is so much for to relationships than sex. It is really sad that you think it is too late to find someone with your level of sexual experience.
No. 102137
>>102102>food and shelter isn't as important as other thingsLike WHAT
I'm sorry, but have you ever been homeless? Have you ever been on the verge of starvation? What the fuck do you consider more important than your own survival in those situations? Furthermore, WHY? Is getting your dick sucked so crucial to your well-being that you literally cannot survive without it?
No. 102140
>>102132>who gives a shit?apparently you if this thread exists
>>102133>Life is unfair. You actually have to try now. The 50's have been over for a while now. It is time to move on.Life is unfair. You actually have to bear with males dropping out. The 2010's have been going for a while now. It is time to move on.
No. 102143
>>102140Lol let them drop out. I don't need them.
And this thread was pretty interesting before robots showed up.
No. 102145
>>102143Then why moan and complain?
>if everyone agree, it's more interestinglol
No. 102149
>>102145Oh sweet baby. This isn't a "defend why you are a neet and also hate women" thread.
It is a thread about why we think the NEETs in our life failed to launch.
You're acting like these NEETs ~opting out~ of society is going to effect me, but it doesn't. Do you think I want to date someone who only wants me so he has the motivation to not give up on life? So when you're all "NEETs are going to opt out of society, deal with it" I'm like "they're the ones who are going to have to deal with life once their caretakers are gone".
They can only "opt out" for as long as mommy and daddy look after them. So they are in for a rude awakening.
No. 102153
>>102150Well I'm not sure about that anon, but I know that since I will be the "responsible adult" once my mom is gone, I'm already planning on what to do with my NEET brother in the future.
I'm not going to look after him. He treats my mom like garbage and doesn't contribute. I'm going to have to hire him a full time care worker to look after him or put him in a home that can hopefully teach him life skills.
No. 102155
>>102136Of course it's not all I'm looking for, it's mostly other things I miss. But it's still an issue, and yeah it's a bit late, I'm not a teenager anymore.
Anyway it's a moot point, it's not like I'd reject someone just because of that.
No. 102156
>>102150>deal with itlike it affects me in any way? i don't have NEET leech in my life, I just feel sorry for the other anons itt that do.
you guys are the ones who have to deal with it, because it's your life. and you can pretend that you're happy dying alone with your NEETbux and dating sim waifus, but you've also got to take into account that, settling for a life like that, it's no wonder that people alternatively pity and shame your choices.
No. 102159
>>102152That was a different poster. I'm actually pretty sure I could, I think I'm pretty perfectly equipped for that, but it would be extremely awkward at first and basically nobody wants to fuck a virgin.
But like I said, that's not even the main issue.
No. 102167
>>102162I mean, he is mentally ill but he also isn't committed to his treatment. He is selfish like a child. Like, he blocked my number for several months because I wouldn't lend him a 3ds game. He actually tried to guilt trip me with "you'd think my family would want to help me out, but I guess not!"
It is bizarre. My mom won't kick him out. She just wants to help him so badly.
No. 102168
>>102164>size stamina and technique matters IMOYour opinion as a woman who has sex with men? You know just looking at your dick that it won't be enough?
Get a therapist.
No. 102170
>>102161I know, and everyone I know assumes I'm not. But if I got that far with a girl there's a point where it would get very obvious. I mean shit I've never even kissed a girl.
>>102163Main issue is that girls just aren't attracted to me. I can make friends with girls, but at the slightest advance it's unequivocal rejection. Lel once I read someone say girls can smell your virginity, and thought that might explain a few things.
No. 102172
>>102171It's obviously meant figuratively, like they notice it, or pick up on inexperience subconsciously or something and get turned off.
Or maybe I'm just hideous.
No. 102173
>>102169She really is. She is one of those people who always wanted to have kids, and she thinks kicking him out would be too cruel. I love my mom so much, and I hate the way my brother treats her.
My mom cooks every meal, and takes a lot of pride in her cooking skills. My brother refuses to eat 95% of what she makes. If he could eat fast food for every meal, he would. Just today she told me that she made curried shrimp and rice for dinner, and he ate a fucking bagel. It enrages me.
No. 102181
>>102174Maybe. I don’t think so, but I'm definitely broken in some way. It might just be appearance too. Everyone where I live looks about the same, and I don't. Pale skin, shit beard growth, meh face.
>>102176Well that makes perfect sense, natural selection and all.
No. 102182
>>102176>>102180if it is more likely those persons to reproduce then their traits will be passed more often.
i am not saying it will be a notable diference in the next generation but will be in the next 30-50 generations.
No. 102183
>>102182Good thing that it's not actually more likely for those people to reproduce then, isn't it? The only reason human height's increased in the last few generations is nutrition, we've reached max average height we're ever likely to reach.
And do you honestly believe that penis size increases your chance to reproduce? Because if that was the case, average wouldn't be average, it would already be way higher.
No. 102186
>>102181>well that makes perfect senseWhat? Are you joking?
Do only big dicked men have children? Is dick size a trait that gets passed on like that? Are we going to breed a generation of men with monster dongs in 100 years???
Please read a biology book.
No. 102188
>>102183It obviously does, someone with a micropenis will have more trouble holding on to a gf and reproducing.
And this kind of thing only became a factor again recently. 100 years ago women would only see the guy's penis after being locked into marriage, no more backing out then.
This might actually be why Africans have bigger flacid dicks (more prancing around naked) while Chinese are small (longer time spent with enforced monogamy). That part I'm just guessing though.
No. 102189
>>102186Well no to both, but good dick size contributes to attractiveness and thus to chances of reproduction, and there is a point where bigger dicks become a disadvantage, so no it wouldn't keep growing forever.
I've never claimed this though, and I doubt there are already visible effects.
No. 102192
>>102188You know a micropenis is a medical condition, right? It's not just a normal penis but small, it's nearly always caused by something going wrong.
>This might actually be why Africans have bigger flacid dicks (more prancing around naked) while Chinese are small (longer time spent with enforced monogamy). That part I'm just guessing though.This doesn't even make sense, marriage still existed in tribes, you didn't just fuck whoever you wanted.
And as I said, there is no correlation between your dick size and your likelihood to reproduce, whether someone loves someone isn't based on the size of their dick.
No. 102193
>>102192Africans are pretty flexible about monogamy you know, and regardless, the point is that women would already know a man's dick size before marrying him, which wasn't the case in the West until recently but is now.
And unless you really don't care about sex you're being disingenuous if you claim penis size doesn't factor into your choice of dates/bfs at all. I don’t know why so many women claim not to care about that, they clearly do and it's normal.
No. 102200
>>102193>Africans are pretty flexible about monogamy you know, and regardless, the point is that women would already know a man's dick size before marrying himWhat do you base this on? Even today in Africa they're pretty damn traditional, extreme religious beliefs are really prevalent in a lot of their countries. And tribes didn't just breed with whoever they wanted.
>And unless you really don't care about sex you're being disingenuous if you claim penis size doesn't factor into your choice of dates/bfs at all. I don’t know why so many women claim not to care about that, they clearly do and it's normal.Maybe because penis size isn't even the most important thing about good sex, and good sex is far from the most important thing in a good relationship? I don't get why you people always act like you know what an entire opposite gender is thinking, and assume that anyone who disagrees is lying to you.
No. 102206
>>102200I know Africans. They'll be the first to admit that they fuck around and don't care, men don't even stick around with the same woman to raise kids, it's a community thing. Not talking about Muslims here, though they also take that way less seriously. Even African priests are known for having kids, it's the main hurdle to them getting promoted more in the Vatican.
And bad sex can be a deal breaker, and a penis too small can make it impossible to have satisfying sex.
No. 102207
>>102204For every couple I know, they had sex within a few days of meeting.
Maybe you're unusual, or it depends on location.
No. 102210
>>102206>a penis too small can make it impossible to have satisfying sex.But that's the thing: "too small" and "satisfying sex" have different definitions to every person. There isn't a universal chart out there with dick stats.
Do you honestly believe that we are breeding out small dicks? Because that is fucking insane.
No. 102213
>>102202You can be a virgin and still have female friends you know.
Anyway I'm not even pissed or insecure, my dick exactly fits the description I've heard from girls of "the perfect cock". Of course that doesn't matter much if no one ever sees it. But stop pretending women are some kind of pure angels of chastity who don't care about good sex.
No. 102220
>>102218Omfg "nice" is the baseline of being a decent human. Those guys who get dates are "nice and…" With tons of other interesting traits.
Abuse is a complicated issue, and it is completely unfair to suggest that women are somehow lying about wanting "nice" men, and actually want to be abused. Get your head out of your ass and read up about domestic abuse.
No. 102221
>>102206>I know Africans. They'll be the first to admit that they fuck around and don't care, men don't even stick around with the same woman to raise kids, it's a community thing.Wow what a great anecdote that totally disproves that many of these african countries are highly religious and incorporate these values into their punishment systems. 45% of the continents populations are muslim and another 40% are Christian. You're just looking at the shitty people that are involved with gang crime over there and going "yeah that's probably all of them".
The Bahai'i faith, the third most popular religion in those countries also expresses a belief completely contradictory to what you're saying.
>And bad sex can be a deal breaker, and a penis too small can make it impossible to have satisfying sex.This depends entirely on what you consider too small. Sure, a micropenis would be an issue, but not necessarily an insurmountable one if the individual in question made up for it in other aspects of the relationship.
No-one's denying sex is a part of happy relationships, just that it's not the biggest component by far, and dating isn't a situation where you compare peoples stats in certain areas to decide which is the best option for you, you just fall for someone.
No. 102223
>>102213>You can be a virgin and still have female friends you know.Unless you're their gay friend, they're not going to be sharing the intimate details of their sex life with you, no matter how open they are about this. Even then, do you honestly think that if a discussion about sex came up that the average person is throwing out explicit details and going "No, I didn't enjoy sex with them because of x,y and z factors"?
>my dick exactly fits the description I've heard from girls of "the perfect cock"Of course it does. And no-one has denied that people in general care about good sex, simply that having a huge dick doesn't actually mean you're good in bed, nor does having a smaller one mean you're bad.
No. 102224
>>102218I honestly find it hard to express how dumb this sentiment is. What you're complaining about is that you view yourself as a nice guy, and are angry that they aren't choosing you, despite you having spent a fair while now bitching about how bad women are.
Someone getting something you want doesn't make them bad.
And abuse doesn't really ever start off straight away. An abusive relationship generally will seem perfect for months, and then slowly turn into an abusive one. No-one goes into a relationship with the knowledge that the partner is abusive.
No. 102225
>>102215But it's part of it, God. I'm sure you can compensate for a small dick, but most guys don't have the skill or imagination for that, and a lot of girls wouldn't even give it a chance. Shit just as an example, a female friend once told me she was about to have sex with a guy but when she saw his dick she just laughed, said "no way", and left. She felt a little bad later but still told everyone. Ok this may not be most girls but I doubt that guy was ever getting laid in that circle.
Anyway I don’t even care about dicks, that's not my issue.
No. 102229
>>102225>Shit just as an example, a female friend once told me she was about to have sex with a guy but when she saw his dick she just laughed, said "no way", and leftIf by "female friend" you mean "bait thread" then sure, I believe you. People don't act this way in real life.
>>102227>You girls are the ones who started talking about dicks.Did you even read the thread? No-one was talking about dicks at all until someone linked here from /r9k/ and then a bunch of you retards came in and started rambling on about all sorts of crap, including dicks.
We were discussing individual people in our lives that were shitty.
No. 102239
>>102229Are you just going to call me a liar every time I say something? You somehow know how every woman in the world acts?
And I didn't read the thread, the first mention of dicks I saw was someone saying robots claim they're growing.
No. 102244
>>102239>Are you just going to call me a liar every time I say something?When things are pretty obviously made up stories, yeah.
>You somehow know how every woman in the world acts?I have literally never met a person who's been walked out of in a hookup, or walked out on anyone in a hookup, nor had anyone I know ever mention that they heard that someone did this to someone else. I've also never even heard anyone mention it online outside of people trying to prove that dick size is the most important thing in sex, though I should add I've also seen people claim that hookers walked out on them because their dick was too small. Which is totally believable.
>And I didn't read the thread, the first mention of dicks I saw was someone saying robots claim they're growing.Maybe don't come in 90% of the way through a thread and then go "You guys started this!" then. That would seem pretty obvious.
No. 102249
>>102244Fine whatever. Every single woman on Earth is a perfectly pure angel of mercy like yourself.
>Maybe don't come in 90% of the way through a thread and then go "You guys started this!" then. That would seem pretty obvious.Meh I don't really feel like reading hundreds of posts of /r9k/ wall of text. You're the ones who brought it up just now, I just commented that it seems possible and then this kept going through mutual autism.
No. 102251
>>102249>Every single woman on Earth is a perfectly pure angel of mercy like yourself. What's with the strawman? That's not what I said in the slightest, what purpose does pretending I was arguing something else serve?
>Meh I don't really feel like reading hundreds of posts of /r9k/ wall of text. You're the ones who brought it up just nowThen as I said, don't make comments about who brought it up originally. You wouldn't skip 90% of a book and then talk about the plot of it, so don't skip 90% of a thread and then talk about what happened in the part you didn't read.
No. 102253
>>102251>That's not what I said in the slightestYou said you know with certainty that the things I told you were lies. This implies you think no woman would ever do those things. I really wonder where you live that you'd find it so unbelievable for friends to talk about sex though.
>Then as I said, don't make comments about who brought it up originally.My sincerest apologies. I just really don't personally care about dick size.
No. 102255
>>102253>You said you know with certainty that the things I told you were lies. This implies you think no woman would ever do those things. No, it says that this doesn't really happen, I've never heard of anyone but people who use these situations as some sort of weird proof for their bizarre theories even mention it happening, and that leads me to believe it doesn't. You can tell how big someones dick is before you're in a room with them naked if it was that big a deal for you anyway.
>I really wonder where you live that you'd find it so unbelievable for friends to talk about sex though.You should read my posts, I didn't claim that people don't talk about sex ever.
>I just really don't personally care about dick size.You've been arguing it for ages now, you clearly do.
No. 102256
>>102255>You can tell how big someones dick is before you're in a room with them nakedHow?
>You should read my posts, I didn't claim that people don't talk about sex ever.You called me a liar for saying a friend of mine described what she considered a perfect dick to me.
>You've been arguing it for ages now, you clearly do.So have you, does that mean you do too? We're just both being autistic about it.
No. 102257
>>102256Look, we are all just tired of robots spewing their conspiracy theories all over the board. We can't even have a thread about NEETs without them coming here to bore us to death with their walls of text.
So stop sounding like a robot and people won't give you a hard time.
No. 102259
>>102257>hardtime>imageboardit is a fuking imageboard on the internet no one gives a fuck about what you think or write here.
in the end of the day nothing really matters. get a grip
and i expect robots to come here more often, most people from here like to show the face of holier than thou but end of the day both of you are shitty people.
No. 102260
>>102256>how?Hard-ons? P. Much every girl has had the experience of feeling a guy get turned on during a smoochfest.
Also not that poster, but I think anonette was referring to your anecdote about the friend who walked out on a microdick as the false tale.
No. 102261
>>102259But she's right. The reason people get so annoyed at neet's here is that it's fucking annoying when they come into otherwise decent threads and start spreading their shit everywhere.
>and i expect robots to come here more often, most people from here like to show the face of holier than thou but end of the day both of you are shitty people.How is telling someone they're wrong about something and should go away or at least stop posting it places it's not on topic or appreciated enough to make you a bad person?
>>102260 is exactly what I meant, thanks.
No. 102263
Actually I just re-read the original post I responded to and
>In that dick size thread there was a guy who though the younger generation has naturally bigger dicks than the one previously. And he meant it.This made it seem like she was bringing that discussion into here from another thread.
>>102260Nah she called me liar over both of those things and other stuff as well.
No. 102264
>>102257>>102263Also here's the thread in question btw:
>>88245That entire thread completely disproves everything you said about women not caring about dick size, just saying.
No. 102265
>>102264Are you serious? Did you even read that thread slightly? Pretty much every reply is "I don't really have a preference, but my boyfriend has a dick this size and I enjoy it" or "Good sex isn't as simple as penis size".
Do you really think that the replies like
>Anything less than 9" is dicklet modeAre serious?
No. 102266
>>102265lol no, but the average answer is something like this one:
>ya. size does matter. when you try to fuck a guy with less than 3 inches, it literally is like "is it in yet?">I would say at least 5 inches, ideally 7.That's pretty much what I've always heard.
No. 102274
>>102272Yeah but I couldn't do that to what little family I have.
But I've given up on all that now. I think not everyone is meant to have those things.
No. 102281
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>>102274>I couldn't do that to what little family I have>every fucking time this excusejust be honest with yourself and everyone around you and admit that you just don't have the spine to go through with it. Family can't worry when you don't exist.
No. 102287
>>102286Oh I've tried, for a long time. But I can only take so much failure before accepting the inevitable conclusion.
And it's obviously not a privileged few, I'm sure most people find love and companionship, but I'm not one of them. I think some people are just broken.
No. 102292
>>102287you keep on saying that like it's some kind of excuse. 'i'm broken, i'm broken, i'm broken'
well, you're starting to sound like a broken record, for sure.
so what is it about you that you think makes you so fundamentally un-lovable that you'll never find companionship? because unless you're just a complete asshole to everyone you meet, odds are that you're not as intolerable as you think. honestly, from where i'm standing, it sounds like your worst enemy is probably all the overwhelming negativity re: your outlook on life. and if you're the anon above-thread whose therapist 'gave up' on you, that might be why. if you won't even try to fix anything about your life because you're too invested in the idea of yourself as this fragile wounded bird of a person, it's not surprising if they told you you were wasting your time and money.
No. 102345
>>102292I'm not the guy whose therapist gave up on him no. And if I sound like a broken record it's because I get asked the same things again. For instance I don't know what it is that makes me unlovable, if I did I'd fix it. I doubt it's negativity though, I act delusionally positive with other people. But why do I need an excuse for not having a gf? I'm not hurting anyone. If I gave up it's because after years of failure I don't see the point of continuing to make myself miserable, I'm happier accepting that it won't happen and moving on.
No. 102364
>>102345well, if you want a girlfriend–and it sounds like you do–making statements like 'i'm broken' or 'there's something fundamentally wrong with me'
is an excuse. maybe you're an essentially decent person, you've just been going about trying to find a relationship the wrong way.
Stop seeking out 'girlfriends' and start off with the basics, like mutually enjoyable friendships, you know? I don't like dating sites for this reason because most guys make it clearly that they're on there exclusively to find some arm candy. no person, whether they're female or not, likes to be used as an ego boost or a status symbol.
>if i gave up it's because after years of failure i don't see the point of continuing to make myself miserableyou definitely don't sound happier now. if anything, your posts are coming across as more than a little bitter.
keep in mind that what you call 'failure', other people call 'practice'. most relationships don't work out. it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you, usually the object of your affections is just looking for something different from their partner. the way i see it, you can either be unhappy because you're lonely and your self-esteem is in the shitter, or you can be unhappy because your latest quest for a date didn't work out. one's for the rest of your days, the other is temporary. either way, you should definitely seek out therapy or something for yourself because going through life thinking 'i'm just broken' isn't a healthy or normal way to live, man. and if that's the kind of thing that you tell yourself every day, that's pretty saddening to hear.
No. 102376
>>102373It's honestly a matter of "what's the alternative". If you just give up, that's a guarantee that you will never succeed. If you fail a couple times and then go "Okay, failure's normal, this happens to everyone, I can learn from this and do better next time", then you're able to improve and hopefully succeed upon your next attempt.
I often find that people who just give up when they fail have massive issues with entitlement in other areas of their life, which sort of says to me that you're letting your ego control your reason in this situation.
>>102375I think you're confused friend, this isn't the sort of farm that needs strawmen.
No. 102384
>>102364Holy shit this advice just keeps getting worse and worse, beyond mom tier.
>>102345I hope you're not taking what she's saying seriously. Women have no fucking clue what they actually want. You won't get laid by being "decent" and sure as fuck not with friendship. You're better off doing the exact opposite of everything they say.
Stop treating women like people. Treat them like dumb children or pets. It's up to you to tell them what they want, not ask them. Read the redpill subreddit for good advice. Every woman here will claim all she cares about in a man is that he be nice to her, and most of them honestly believe it I'm sure, but every one of them will cream her panties when a hot confident guy slaps her ass or uses the right kind of basic mental manipulation.
Give me one of your little robot stickers or whatever I don't care, I just can't let this shit go on.
No. 102386
>>102364I have friends, that's not the issue. And I've never had trouble making female friends.
>you definitely don't sound happier nowYou didn't see me before. Of course I'm not happy, but I'm no longer suicidal, or a drain on society. I never said it was healthy, but it's better than the alternative. Because no it's not temporary. I'm not talking about just getting rejected a couple of times. It's been like this since I was a teenager, that's a decade of trying and getting more and more lonely and miserable. I couldn't just go on like this forever.
No. 102390
>>102384Relax I'm not here looking for advice.
And yeah I know about all of that game/pua/redpill stuff, I obviously looked into it at one point. But the thing is I don't want a pet or a child. This is where me most likely being broken comes in. Maybe I have unrealistically romantic expectations of what a relationship should be like. But if I have to be a manipulative asshole to find someone I don't see the point, and it wouldn't make me happy anyway. To be honest that whole cynical world view makes me feel sick. I just want a girl to be nice to and share things with, not to play sadistic mindgames with.
No. 102393
>>102390Please don't listen to what I can only assume is someone baiting anon, no-one in a healthy relationship subscribes to that game shit, or redpill techniques, all that following that through a relationship does is make you a manipulative dick.
And game isn't how people start relationships, real life isn't a club, and you can't build a meaningful relationship off the same sort of false images that game is based off of.
If you've got plenty of friends, and female friends though, you're not broken or any of that shit, you've just not dated someone.
Honestly though, we can't give you individualised advice as to what you're doing wrong, because no-one here knows you, or knows what you were actually doing or acting like. You need to talk to someone who personally knows you for that sort of stuff.
No. 102395
>>102390>Maybe I have unrealistically romantic expectations of what a relationship should be likeYeah no shit dude.
Life isn't Disney. This is what real women are like. They're not your friends, the cold hard truth is that they're more akin to possessions. That's how successful men see them, and deep down that's how women see themselves. You want a friend, get a male friend, or shit get a dog. It's nobody's fault, just real life.
There's no mystery to your predicament, unless you're hot af or rich or famous you're not getting laid without doing those things.
No. 102396
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>>102395getting laid =/= successful relationship
and it's really telling that you think that you have to 'trick' women into liking you by playing mind games or luring them in with flashy assets.
are you underage or something because jfc i can't imagine anyone who's actually part of the dating pool holding these kind of opinions except for maybe the 'PUAs' that end up foreveralone.jpg by 27.
>deep down that's how women see themselvespic related
No. 102397
>>102393Oh I have. Girls just say I'm great but not their type. Guys tell me to be confident, or witty, or more distant, or less distant, or more of a dick, or be myself, and I've had time to try every combination.
>>102394I already said I'm not a NEET. I was for a while when I was seriously depressed, but I got better by giving up. I see plenty of benefit in having a partner, just not in forever torturing myself by hoping and failing.
>>102395Well, then I guess I don't really want to get laid.
No. 102399
>>102396Some guys are naturally alpha and won't have to give it much thought. This guy obviously isn't. Those techniques are just ways for guys who weren't born doing those things instinctively to study attractive behavior and imitate it.
Of course women don't think they can get "tricked" into liking a guy. That's because when it works they don't think they got tricked. They just think it happened naturally. For women it happens naturally. For men it's a shitload of work.
No. 102401
>>102397>Girls just say I'm great but not their type. Are you actually looking to see if women are interested in you before you ask them out? I just can't imagine that with a good social group, no-one has fallen for you, ever.
>>102399You do realise that the whole "alpha/beta" thing doesn't actually exist in the real world, right? People aren't as simple as that, we aren't pack animals.
And you obviously can trick people into liking you, but you can't build a lasting relationship off tricks.
No. 102403
>>102397Actually not giving a fuck about women is a good starting point. Focus on yourself, improve yourself. That'll make it way easier to get laid later, but even then you'll still need game.
And if you really aren't interested in treating women as what they are (which means you're just plain not interested in real women) that's up to you, no shame in overcoming your base nature if you can. Hopefully we'll see the day when you can design your perfect AI waifu sexbot.
No. 102408
>>102398I really have no idea. /soc/ has rated me anything from 4 to 7. But yeah I do feel like I'm less attractive that most guys around me.
>>102401Sure, but any signs of interest seem to have been just misinterpretations on my part.
>>102403Well like I said, I'd want intimacy rather than just sex, in every sense. Can't have that if I'm playing a character.
No. 102411
I always hated everything about the idea of seeing a prostitute, but maybe it really all is just a stupid mental block I've created for myself. I don’t know, it's just so unappealing to me, I guess I can't rid myself of my fantasy of how it's "supposed to be".
No. 102413
>>102408>Sure, but any signs of interest seem to have been just misinterpretations on my part.That is possible, but if others are saying someone's interested in you, its' generally obvious. Most people are really bad at telling when someone is showing signs they're interested.
>>102410>For health, mentally mostly. You'll always be at least partially depressed without it. This is the least scientific thing I've ever heard. You realise any physical effects that sex would have on his brain he could just get by jerking off, right?
Sex feels good and is important in relationships, but it's not magic. He's not going to be all better once he's had it.
If his issue is just feeling like he has no idea what sex actually is, I get your point, but it's not going to do anything but that.
No. 102422
>>102417Who would even do that without a condom?
Although sex with a condom isn't even real sex.
No. 102433
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>>102414>Especially compared to being a virgin which is just about the worst thing ever.Dude, you need to get a grip.
No. 102439
>>102437Do you honestly believe that anyone cares about who is and isn't a virgin past like the age of 17?
Let alone that people will despise you for being a virgin.
No. 102452
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>>102437Nah, you're just one of those lazy, unmotivated fucks who externalizes your problems onto other people/society, and uses every excuse in the book not to better yourself. Nobody cares that you're a virgin. We don't have sympathy for you because you act like a whiny, sad sack of self-loathing shit, and people are probably less attracted to you because it's impossible not to radiate such a demeanor when you socialize with others.
Fucking grow a pair, dude. Go see a therapist if you genuinely have no idea why you hate yourself so much. Exercise and change your diet if you don't like how you look. Nobody has more power to help you change your shitty perspective than you. You need to take the initiative and do so for yourself, otherwise you will always be unhappy, and that shit attitude will continue to repel anyone who might genuinely want to get to know you on a meaningful level.
No. 102454
>>102452To be fair I've known fat ugly girls (one was an auti) and she got cock by three different guys in three days.
I think it's mostly confidence. She was no looker by the way. Think of the downs girl from Family Guy but with brown hair.
No. 102463
>>102459Bitch please, that was my first post since
>>102231Maybe don't write a novel making up all kinds of cringey shit about random people, makes it seem like you have unresolved issues.
No. 102465
>>102463>Maybe don't write a novel making up all kinds of cringey shit about random people, makes it seem like you have unresolved issues.Sounds like you having reading issues.
Also, spouting shit like "people only want hot guys" is a pretty obvious sign you're detached from reality.
This is obviously an anonymous forum too, if you jump into a discussion where someone else has express opinions and haven't said you're someone else, don't shit on people for assuming you're the same person.
No. 102467
>>102457>>102463I guess that post was meant for me, even though I've already said I'm far from lazy or unmotivated, and already have and am bettering myself in the ways I can. I don’t get why everyone here keeps assuming I'm a lazy out of shape loser, unless it's all just extrapolation from me being a virgin. I haven't actually whined or complained about anything or blamed anyone but me for anything either, I just came in to say that someone made what seemed like an accurate description of the depressive NEET mindset, since I had a phase like that.
But anyway time to stop posting ITT I think.
No. 103890
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>>102390If you genuinely think you need to play 'sadistic mindgames' for a nice romantic relationship then you need to reasses your entire understanding of how humans interact. Stay away from reddit, stay away from whatever people you talk to that spew this garbage, just interact with normal people for a while. Desperation smells, but not as badly as the attitude of a redpiller.
>>102422>sex with a condom isn't real sexThis is one of the dumbest things I've ever read
No. 104112
>>104111The obvious difference between using a dildo and having sex with a condom, is that a penis still enters a vagina in the latter case. As such, it's sex.
How can it be making out or petting anyway, do you know what those terms mean?
No. 104122
>>104114Obviously not, there's no penetration or insertion going on. Also, was that really the best example you could come up with?
No. 104513
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almost an hour to read.
>>97980>What is it that makes some 20s-30s year old males so… I guess you can say (co)dependent. Has no goals, ambitions, or sense of purpose in life. Or maybe he does, but doesn't do much to work towards it. Might rely on family/parents/girlfriends for support. Might even be self-centered and entitled for no reason.Shitty parenting and being delusional, especially blaming problems on other people and trying to escape this by playing vidya
t. male that neeted with parents aged 22-28, thanks internet
No. 104530
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>>104528yet it happens
a lot in the western world
and it explains the situation a lot of young men who lived pampered lifestyles find themselves in through sheer incompetence.
No. 104540
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>>104537I never blamed women for my problems, in most cases i dont really consider women human thanks to modern american feminism, tumblr, sjw, gender fluid faggotry etcetc
No. 104542
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>>104541Sometimes, but why did you assume i blamed women for any of my problems though?
Btw, if you agree to sleep with a guy then change your mind the next day its not rape ;)
No. 104547
triggeredas for retarded points, some dumb cunt claiming someones blaming women for their problems is a huge one
No. 104549
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That feel when I wish I could be a NEET.
t. miss being a neet
>I suffer as a wageslave
No. 104562
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>You have to sacrifice your life to wageslavery like a mindless cog so you can pay for our shopping/alimony/welfare or we wimmyn declare you not a real man!
Get fucked.
No. 104570
>>104528Sorry to go off topic, but what's up with the Bernie hate? I know it seems like it goes with the "lazy millenials" trend, but both sociologists and economists agree that his policies would be the best way to increase economic output by increasing spending, and fix a lot of problems along the way.
It sounds paradoxical, but welfare dependence is caused by TOO little social assistance, not too much. Look up the "Welfare Trap"
No. 104571
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The only reason to work in the current year is to boost your self-steem and enjoy yourself; people need to feel they are accomplishing something.
You can leech your parents/the government/your sisters and gfs, you can have more time to read, watch movies, listen to music, learn languages, etc, you don't get exploited by your boss in this competitive world…
This is a hard pill to swallow (specially for me, an OCD perfectionist), but if hundreds of people died tomorrow in a allahusackbar the actual losers are those who devoted their lifetime to working hard and pleasing others.
No. 104574
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>>104568I just wish I could be a NEET ;_;
No. 104577
>>104562What do you expect, women are designed to be parasites. Already in prehistoric societies it's the females who determine the social hierarchy of the males, who is alpha and who is trash, based on can provide them with the most free shit.
This shaming men into wageslavery follows exactly the same mentality as when women would go around during WW1 handing out white feathers as a mark of cowardice to every man who wasn't getting slaughtered in the trenches.
No. 104578
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>>104577>Already in prehistoric societies it's the females who determine the social hierarchy of the males, who is alpha and who is trash>Be hunter-gatherer>Bash the determined alpha's skull in or get enough support within the tribe to have someone bash his skull in instead>Proceed to take any women you see fitI don't really see how women would determine the social hierarchy of the males neither in prehistoric nor in modern societies.
>not wanting to sit in the trenches with your mates inhaling some mustard gasAhh, sissy…
No. 104580
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>>104579I think some proof is in order.
Personally I know enough young people of both sexes relying on their parents financially.
No. 104581
>>104562>>104577>wage slaveryPeople don't work because of some grand conspiracy against men who are too ~enlightened~ to work. Food, shelter, clothing, and luxuries cost money. People work to get paid, that's basically it.
Don't get rustled because people judge you for taking advantage of your family/whoever the fuck pays for your existence. Lack of ambition, greed, laziness, etc are unattractive traits.
No. 104583
>>104578Because most of the men are idiots who do the women's bidding. You can observe this in great ape societies already. An alpha rarely gets toppled by someone else bashing his skull in, and absolutely never by an alliance of the males. He almost always gets toppled because the females decide to stop supporting him, which is always because they aren't getting enough free shit.
It's no different today, all the power women have comes from manipulating weak-minded men, which is why manipulative tactics like shaming are so important to them.
>>not wanting to sit in the trenches with your mates inhaling some mustard gasIt's not even about that, it's about women (feminists no less) having the gall to shame men into getting killed for them while they sit back comfy at home completely oblivious to the horrors of war.
>>104579No, they're the ones leeching off their parents, then their husbands, and failing that society.
No. 104585
>>104581Men don't need to work nearly as much as they do to live or even live well, the reason they have to dedicate their lives to working is to attract and support lazy women who need tons of money to waste on frivolous status symbols for themselves.
>are unattractive traitsOh no, the women are going to withhold sex from me and degrade my social status if I don't fall in line, I'd better do what I'm told.
No. 104586
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>>104582I have no idea what the meets on r9k are and why they should be representative of anything.
>>104583>An alpha rarely gets toppled by someone else bashing his skull in, and absolutely never by an alliance of the males. He almost always gets toppled because the females decide to stop supporting him, which is always because they aren't getting enough free shit.I have a hard time believing this and I certainly don't think the circulation of elite happens because of women.
No. 104588
>>104585>Men don't need to work nearly as much as they do to live or even live wellCheck your non-bydlo privilege, shitlord.
t. dropout having to work as a burgerflipper/cashier/factory worker on and off
No. 104589
>>104586Well read up on social behaviour among primates.
Here, just a very basic quote from Wikipedia:
>Community female acceptance is necessary for alpha male status; females must ensure that their group visits places that supply them with enough food. A group of dominant females will sometimes oust an alpha male which is not to their preference and back another male, in whom they see potential for leading the group as a successful alpha male. No. 104592
>>104590this is not fair.
beta males are still worthy and might have the opportunity of making girls very happy (not whales).
No. 104594
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>>104589I don't think the quote you posted is indicative of the aformentioned phenomenon being the predominant cause of alpha male rotation.
>>104590>Supporting a womanKek, the bitch got a pair of hands too, just let her go and work, nigga, hahahaha.
No. 104596
>>104562>>104571>>104577>>104585What compels you to come to a forum full of women and complain about women? I honestly don't understand it, why not stay on a forum not full of the people you profess to hate?
Also, to add, humans aren't apes and it's not really comparable.
No. 104603
>>104596Humans actually are apes, we belong to the Hominoidea taxonomic superfamily, also known as "apes".
And the basic behavior is still exactly the same, in fact we had an example of it just a few minutes ago when a woman's first reaction to my posts was trying to shame me for not providing women with resources by calling it "unattractive", literally bargaining sex and status for material resources exactly how female primates always do it. Primate nature is human nature.
For most of civilized history we've had a set of rules like enforced monogamy and male-dominated politics designed to reduce this effect to more reasonable proportions, which is what made civilization possible in the first place, but all of that went flying out the window in the past few decades and we're back to pure primate behavior.
No. 104604
>>104603Humans are obviously more evolved than apes, you know what I meant.
Keep believing in whatever you want though, it doesn't impact me in the slightest, I just don't understand why you feel the need to come over here and do it instead of just staying on /r9k/.
No. 104605
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>>1045961.- Feminism hurts beta males more than alpha males. I feel attacked by feminists.
2.- Women make me feel insecure, my meme career, nogf, etc.
3.- Women have sexual capital that makes their life easier; it's more difficult for males: Therefore in the last decades women have acquired power at expense of males.
>>104603This. No. 104606
>>104605>1.- Feminism hurts beta males more than alpha males. I feel attacked by feminists.This isn't a feminist forum.
>2.- Women make me feel insecure, my meme career, nogf, etc.So you decided to go where there was more of them?
>3.- Women have sexual capital that makes their life easier; it's more difficult for males: Therefore in the last decades women have acquired power at expense of males.Have you considered that maybe sex isn't the most important thing in life? Being able to have sex doesn't make life easier, and most people don't want to go around sleeping with everyone, generally people have sex within a relationship.
No. 104607
>>104604Does it bother you that much when someone disturbs your safe space echo chamber?
All I know about /r9k/ is that it's a 4chan board that's moderated by an algorithm or some shit.
No. 104609
>>104607>Does it bother you that much when someone disturbs your safe space echo chamber? Not really, you'll just get banned anyway, I just don't understand it really. You're trying to convince women that women suck, it makes no sense.
>All I know about /r9k/ is that it's a 4chan board that's moderated by an algorithm or some shit.Sure. If it walks like a robot and talks like a robot, it's pretty obviously a robot.
>>104608>Not to females, but it is to most males, which is what gives women so much power over them.Even if that were true, it sounds like men are the issue there, not women. It's not though, most people don't spend their whole lives obsessing over sex.
No. 104610
>>104603Even if women wanted to trade sex for resources, that doesn't stop you from trading value (in the form of services) for resources, aka a job.
Why do women's desires hinder your own intrinsic motivation to bolster your own standard of living?
By selfishly acquiring resources, you not only live a better life but you also increase your value in the sexual marketplace and increase your odds of getting laid. From a purely biological perspective, women are doing their job: they are removing your useless genes from the gene pool through natural selection.
Prove you aren't actually broken and maybe women will consider you.
No. 104611
>>104609Why does it make no sense? Some women actually have the capacity to understand this. And I don't know what this robot meme is but it doesn't seem relevant.
Of course men are the issue as much as women, I already mentioned that all power women ever have comes from manipulating weak-minded males. Because yes, most men obsess over sex, obviously. They just pretend not to when talking to women because women prefer to believe they're getting all this free shit because they're so special and deserve it, rather than having to face the reality that they're essentially prostitutes.
No. 104612
>>1046061 & 2: What can I say? I can't confront my fears in real life.
3. Sexual needs are on average more important for men than for women. Yet many of us feel unsatisfied for years.
>>104610I'm frustrated, and I have been frustrated for years. That's why I hate.
No. 104613
>>104611>Why does it make no sense? Some women actually have the capacity to understand this.Because you're trying to convince a forum full of people to hate themselves?
>And I don't know what this robot meme is but it doesn't seem relevant.You obviously do, even if you've just lurked this thread alone you'd know what it was.
>Of course men are the issue as much as women, I already mentioned that all power women ever have comes from manipulating weak-minded males. Because yes, most men obsess over sex, obviously. They just pretend not to when talking to women because women prefer to believe they're getting all this free shit because they're so special and deserve it, rather than having to face the reality that they're essentially prostitutes.So let me get this straight? These women aren't consciously manipulating the men to give them shit, which you said here
>women prefer to believe they're getting all this free shit because they're so special and deserve itYet they're somehow at fault for how the men act? If you give someone free shit don't complain when they take it.
>>104612>1 & 2: What can I say? I can't confront my fears in real life.You're namefagging and posting inflammatory shit, you're not "confronting your fears". Confronting your fears would be talking to the people here civilly and becoming comfortable with it.
>3. Sexual needs are on average more important for men than for women. Yet many of us feel unsatisfied for years.And how is that anyones fault but your own? Also, as I said, most men don't spend their whole lives trying to get laid while also hating women.
No. 104614
>>104610Why do you keep threatening me with withholding sex as if I gave a shit?
I don't care about the "sexual marketplace" or any of this disgustingly cynical bullshit. I don't need a flashy car or a mansion or a yacht or millions in brand clothing and jewelry. No man does, all of that shit is only about making women happy. But what's the point? Why would any man actually want that? You want sex, go see an literal whore, one who at least is honest. You want love? Well too bad, become gay or something, because women don't love men, women only love status. Men continue falling into this trap solely out of delusion and conditioning.
No. 104617
>>104613I'm not telling you to hate yourselves, I'm only telling you that I for one am not about to dedicate my whole life to giving free shit to women just because you threaten me with emasculation.
And again I already said men are also at fault, one wouldn't be possible without the other.
No. 104620
>>104617>I'm only telling you that I for one am not about to dedicate my whole life to giving free shit to women just because you threaten me with emasculation.That's great, why should we care though? I don't know you, and you don't sound like someone I'd want anyway. Just so you know, that's not me threatening you and trying to manipulate you, it's just the truth, why would anyone here care they can't date you?
>>104618You're the one who came here to tell us all about you now being unavailable for relationships.
No. 104621
>>104619If reproduction was the point there are other ways of doing that.
>>104620This whole thread (in fact a good chunk of this board) seems to be women complaining about men refusing to provide for you and wondering why so many men nowadays are no longer willing to sacrifice their lives to your comfort. I'm only giving you an answer to your question.
No. 104623
>>104621>This whole thread (in fact a good chunk of this board) seems to be women complaining about men refusing to provide for youCan you not read or something? None of this is about people complaining that men won't provide for them, it's about people leeching off parents or siblings for no reason other than being lazy.
And this is the only thread of this sort I've even seen here.
You're just making shit up to fit a narrative, but in the most retarded way possible, as proof you're doing that is literally in this thread.
No. 104626
>>104622Do you even know what attraction means?
And I'm not a leech, but it's pretty fucking funny for women to call men leeches when you're whole issue with that is that you can no longer leech off quite as many men as before.
Women wanted equality, well you got it, now some men are also leeches like 90% of women. Actually that's not even close equality at all, but eh.
No. 104630
>>104626You know attraction isn't purely sexual, right?
>>104628You find it hard to believe despite it clearly not being what you said it is?
No. 104631
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>>104626You need to get a grip.
No. 104634
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>>104621>If reproduction was the point there are other ways of doing that.Like what? Let me guess, your NEET ass is going to pay someone to carry your babies?
Nah buddy, your genes will die right here, right now unless you somehow manage to start contributing to society. But given your posts, that seems extremely unlikely.
No. 104636
>>104630I find it hard to believe that you're talking about males leeching off you while you all support yourselves, given that I don't know a single woman in real life who supports herself, let alone someone else.
>>104632I don't know Marian.
>>104634Contributing to society =/= buying useless shit for women.
No. 104637
>>104636>I find it hard to believe that you're talking about males leeching off you while you all support yourselvesIt's in the thread you moron.
>given that I don't know a single woman in real life who supports herself, let alone someone else.Well then you must not know like any women. The workforce is pretty equal as far as gender goes, both genders work and can support themselves. Most people don't have live in partners either.
No. 104641
>>104637I know more women than I'd like to, and they're all supported either by their parents or by their boyfriends/husbands, or both. For the unmarried ones, their parents pay for their apartments, and if they have jobs it's only for meeting men and for pocket money for shopping when they don't currently have a man to pay for everything. Past a certain age they get married and quit their hobby-jobs, and just spend their days wasting their husband's money on any kind of pointless shit. More often than not they ditch the husband entirely at some point, and just live off the enormous divorce settlement and alimony.
I don't know a single female who doesn't fit into this.
No. 104645
>>104640Because there's a chance he's just someone who's been confused by robots and their circlejerk bullshit. Also, I honestly don't understand why he's doing this, I don't get the purpose.
>>104641How do you explain that the workforce is pretty much equal gender wise then? This is just so removed from reality that I'm honestly agreeing with
>>104638 though, I don't think you're someone who just doesn't understand, you're pretty obviously just lying at this point, and I don't get it. This is a mostly female website. You're not going to convince us that we aren't actually working jobs and paying rent, but that it's actually our parents and husbands doing it all.
>>104644Like fucking clockwork.
No. 104646
>>104642How about you learn to read you imbecile. This thread isn't about men that decide to not support their gfs/wifes where the fuck does it say? This thread is about men that are leeches and unresponsible adults. So instead of getting your dick
triggered how about you fuck off to whatever cesspool you came from. Bernd or robot gtfo.
No. 104647
>>104636>Contributing to society =/= buying useless shit for women.Contributing to society simply means creating value and being rewarded with capital to sustain your own living, plus a bit of recreation and financial security. Not owning a mansion, a yacht or any of that shit.
Regardless, you are beyond helping. My condolences to your parents for wasting decades of effort on a failed human being. I hope your siblings are smart enough not to follow in your footsteps.
No. 104648
>>104642>I just have no intention of supporting you.Well I never asked you to, you little weasel. I don't want anything from you. Do you think that I want to be your little stay at home wife or something?
No one wants you to support anyone but yourself.
No. 104650
>>104645I just don't believe any of you are actually supporting yourselves because I have literally never seen that in real life.
Protip: if you live with your parents, or your parents pay your rent, or your boyfriend buys all your shit, you're not actually supporting yourself.
>>104647>I don't care about you not supporting women>but you're a failed human being for not supporting womenAmazing.
No. 104651
>>104650>I just don't believe any of you are actually supporting yourselves because I have literally never seen that in real life.Well, despite what you may think, what you believe doesn't actually mean fucking anything. If you want to deny reality be my guest, but you'll still be wrong.
>Protip: if you live with your parents, or your parents pay your rent, or your boyfriend buys all your shit, you're not actually supporting yourself.No shit. Though the last point is dumb, it's not my situation, but if you both earn income and both pay some expenses, you're still supporting yourself, that doesn't make you a leech.
No. 104652
>>104650Lol well I live alone and pay my own way. Now you know a woman who supports herself.
I do my own laundry, too.
No. 104654
>>104651Yeah I'm not talking about sharing expenses (as if that actually ever happened), I'm talking about the guy paying for her daily shopping sprees and restaurants.
Anyway, unless we live in completely different worlds or something, this myth of the independent self-reliant woman who supports herself just doesn't exist in real life. I have never met a woman who didn't expect men to provide for her. Girls my age in their 20s might date a hot broke guy for a short while, but will always just go with the richest guy that's available to them in the end, other factors practically don't even come into account unless there's something seriously wrong with him. When I see married couples in their 30s or 40s it's just depressing, every single time the man is a complete pussywhipped slave who exists only working or trying to please his wife in other ways, and both pretend she's the greatest thing ever simply for existing and spending his money. I'd rather kill myself than live like that. In fact I'd rather kill myself than live like those women too, what an utterly empty existence.
Anyway I'm going to stop posting now since I'm on phone and already got banned for being from two boards I've barely ever heard of.
(What idiot admits to ban evasion?) No. 104656
>>104654Well, you're entitled to be fucking retarded I suppose, but there's still heaps of women across every western country that support themselves.
And honestly, even if you knew a whole heap of women, how the fuck would you know their finances?
No. 104658
>>104650>boyfriend buys all your shitOutside of asian men and asian women, who actually expects this in a relationship?
Seriously. I've never once, even among my couple of friends with very successful boyfriends, seen this. It's pretty equal as far as working and disposable income goes, give or take a few meals.
No. 104679
>>104658I know tonnes of girls that think this and even I've been a bit like that in the past tbh.
Sometimes a guy is just not hot enough and you feel like they should be paying for the privilege of having sex with you. +++ Also if you're hot you can date some total beta who you can tell doesn't even love you they just can't believe they're bedding a 10. AND they literally act the whole time they love you but it's not it's just obsession and they're weak and you're just a trophy
No. 104688
>>104677Please report any rule violations and give reasons on your reports to help us keep the boards clean.
However bans are not always publicly visible, even if there is no red text or label a user may still be banned.
No. 104693
>>104691No anon, it's obvious that only virgin men are really aware of everyone elses mind.
>>104688Is robot crossposting against the rules actually? I always figured it was, or at least the ones who are obviously robots and act really obnoxiously, but rules seem to say that inflammatory posts and shitposting is okay.
No. 104717
>>104712The only place I could imagine this being possible on average is in fucking Dubai or some similarly insanely rich area, who has hundreds of thousands of dollars to just waste away on trivial shit?
If you're going to make up stories at least make them reasonable.
No. 104721
>>104719Hundreds or thousands almost every day ends up being hundreds of thousands a year anon.
Even if it's just 500 a day, that's around 180'000 a year. Thousands could easily end up being millions a year on just shopping.
No. 104728
>>104724>>104725>>104726I guess the American women who come here are better off than average since they can afford to come here? Even the ones who aren't that rich seem to date well-off men.
I'm just speculating but maybe that guy lives around well-off people. Because it sounds like what I've seen with Americans, but I'm not sure of it's an American thing or a wealth thing. Well-off locals aren't really like that.
No. 104731
>>104728Most definitely. Many Americans don't even have a passport, those that do are usually upper middle class white girls going on student exchange or spiritual trips.
Americans also have a massive safety net in Europe and many groups not only cater to them but some companies will hire them just for being American (language schools come to mind). Amongst those are wealthy businessmen.
No. 104733
>>104728This is a great example of why robots need to stop generalizing about the behavior of "all women". They come here and try to argue with us about our actual lives, and they don't know anything.
I'm not even american, and I don't know anyone who can spend hundreds of thousands a year on shopping. My friends and i don't even make that in a year!
No. 104734
>>104728Or maybe he's just making shit up, because as I said, not even people with very high earning jobs have that much spare money to just throw around here. They'd probably struggle with that much even in places like Dubai.
If you're just talking people on vacation, people who go on vacation have a set amount of spending money they use. So they might have (a high estimate here) $10'000 to spend while they're overseas on just buying random stuff, but they're not doing it all year, it's just a part of going on vacation.
You're also just kind of assuming that the women are taking all that from their husbands, and that they didn't contribute just as much.
No. 104737
>>104734Agreed. Why do they assume the money always comes from some dude when they see a woman shopping?
And don't they understand that some people might be saving for a couple of years so they can blow a bunch of money on a vacation? Or, maybe they saved a bunch of money on the flight and hotel, so they have more spending money for other stuff? There are endless reasons why people would spend a lot of money while abroad.
No. 104738
>>104734No I mean people who spend either a year or more here, or several months every year. And it's people I know, and the thing he said about supported either by parents, parents and boyfriend, husband, or divorce is true.
If you want examples most of those I know well are girls studying here (a lot of them, through a friend who's at the American university), and they get everything from parents and also find rich bfs. A few of them actually spend weekends in Dubai occasionally. Two of them even found a rich Arab bf there. Another left the French bf she got here literally because he couldn't afford buying her expensive dinner every night, which she's used to because her family is rich. She's now dating an Arab-Venezuelian 15 years older than her who runs some oil business. Then there's this woman in her 40s they hang out with who is still supported by her parents and who barely even hides that she fucks for Chanel. Then I know a few married or divorced women who spend a few months here, those are the ones that usually spend several thousands a day.
It goes on, but basically no matter if they're rich or middle class, they all seem to only be interested in getting men to buy them stuff. I mean I know some non-American women like that too, but with American ones it seems universal, and also American men seem to just roll with it.
No. 104744
>>104738>No I mean people who spend either a year or more here, or several months every year.Literally no-one but the super rich have that much money to spend on stupid shit like that. And I doubt you're socialising with the Kennedy's.
>the thing he said about supported either by parents, parents and boyfriend, husband, or divorce is true. It's objectively not. Most women work and support themselves to some degree. Sure, students may be reliant on parents, but that's because they're studying and don't have careers yet. Even then most are working to support themselves.
>It goes on, but basically no matter if they're rich or middle class, they all seem to only be interested in getting men to buy them stuff. I mean I know some non-American women like that too, but with American ones it seems universal, and also American men seem to just roll with it.I can honestly say I've met maybe two or three women in my whole life that are just interested in getting people to buy them shit, and they're the most vapid unlikable individuals I've ever met. It's not indicative of normal people at all, and you should stop pretending it is.
No. 104745
>>104744I'm not pretending anything, I'm only telling you my personal experience. I know it's not representative of all women since I know women who support themselves. And I wouldn't claim it's representative of American women since I've never lived in America. I only commented because daily shopping sprees is not at all something unbelievable like you seemed to think, and if there are places in America where everyone is like the American girls I know, then neither is the rest of what he said.
Just as a btw, you don't have to be super rich to have hundreds of thousands in yearly disposable income. There are millions of Americans with that kind of money.
No. 104746
>>104745>I only commented because daily shopping sprees is not at all something unbelievable like you seemed to think, and if there are places in America where everyone is like the American girls I know, then neither is the rest of what he said.But it literally is. No-one has the money to spend that much on trivial shit every day except for the super, super rich, and they're not likely to be socialising with that guy.
And even then, how could he (or you) possibly know the finances of all these women? I have no idea how much money even my closest friends make, or if parents help them with rent or bills, let alone every stranger or person I barely know like you two seem to.
>Just as a btw, you don't have to be super rich to have hundreds of thousands in yearly disposable income. There are millions of Americans with that kind of money.There really isn't, especially if you consider they're not likely to give all their money to their child, they're going to be keeping most, so you're looking at bare minimum millions of dollars disposable income every year. Barely anyone even makes a million a year, specialist doctors make not even half that unless you're head of surgery at a prestigious hospital.
No. 104747
>>104746Your closest friends can't be very close, friends normally know basic things about each other like what they live from…
Lol surgeons, that's not how you make money. I don’t know the details for everyone obviously but for example for the girl who left the French guy for the Venezuelan, her dad is a partner at some law firm in California and made 14 million dollars in bonuses last year. And she considers herself upper middle class. The divorced middle aged woman I know about best has never worked a day in her life, but her husband owned some business or other. It's not hard to figure out where her shopping money came from. And I'm also pretty sure all the girls who live in neighbourhoods with 20k euros/sqm prices and don't have a job aren't supporting themselves.
No. 104748
>>104747>your closest friends can't be very close, friends normally know basic things about each other like what they live from…What sort of friendship relies on knowing the details of each others financial situation? You're not their banker.
>Lol surgeons, that's not how you make money.Surgeons make more than almost every other career in the country anon. There being a very small percentage of people that earn more doesn't change this.
But whatever, believe what you want, it's clear you're just letting emotion decide what's reality for you, and this is pointless.
No. 104752
>>104751Parents only pay housing and basic expenses, and some of the parents are middle class. Bfs pay for shopping. The cases of women buying tons of shit themselves are married or divorced.
I already said several times I know this isn't representative of everyone, but it is of Americans I know, and it is of other people those Americans know. Not everyone lives wherever you live.
No. 104777
>>104752So your European, therefore the Americans you know are the exception. They are exchange students I guess therefore it isn't unusual for young students in a foreign country to be given support from parents and generally exchange students come from wealthy backrounds.
You are delusional if you think the majority of women are completely reliant on their parents and boyfriend for their living costs and shopping sprees! Being a kept woman is increasingly impossible, families need two incomes for living costs now and I doubt any middle or working class man would be fine with his unemployed partner spending "hundreds of thousands of euros" on clothes from his pay cheque
No. 104778
>>104752Okay? Then stop arguing about it?
I'm a different anon, but I'm not even sure what you're trying to prove at this point. An anon above said he didn't know any women who support themselves, and that those women use their husband/bf's money for daily shopping sprees.
So, you bust in here to be all "ya, I know it isn't representative of all women, but all the American women I know blow hundreds of thousands of their husband/bf's money a year, will leave their man for the next richest one, and literally fuck for Chanel…" Like…okay? You know they aren't representative, but you keep giving us more and more unbelievable details. Like, no one believes you (why the hell would these women be telling you this shit about their finances), and you're really just giving people like that anon who started this stupid tangent more ammo for his robot beliefs.
This thread is about NEETs, remember?
No. 104786
>>104777So maybe that Anon isn't middle or working class and thus has a partial view of reality? All I can say is that what he's talking about definitely exists at least in some circles.
>>104778You have issues.
No. 104790
>>104786If you're talking about a very specific group of people, you should say something like "trust fund kids are this way", not "all women are this way".
And they have a point, why did you come into a thread to point out that some very wealthy shallow people exist? No-one's denied that they do.
No. 104839
>>100853Oh my god you're so embarrassing.
Worst thing is that in the future you won't even be able to look back and laugh at this phase, it'll just be something you want to hide.
No. 106589
>>100394I think you need to consider what women want in a relationship and what men get out of one. Consider that men get a lot less than women do in comparison and have very little choice because women are the choosers. I think this is why men don't want relationships. Men have to take care of women the way women take care of children, women are the children of men, that's how society views the male role but women don't want to give up any control to make room for it. Men don't even have their pick of a woman so most men are probably with some girl that they don't care for that much because he really has no option which is why i think men cheat marginally more. For that men want more than the pervasive divorce culture, being nagged and micromanaged all the time, and having the reproductive rights of a sperm donor.
Most men feel inadequate and hopeless.
No. 106594
>>100544>What is supposed to be this reward?A stable marriage where you are respected.
Out side of a marriage or a relationship every girl looks at you suspiciously, you are basically a creep. In side a marriage and relationship you're constantly berated, micromanaged, belittled, and controlled. There is no place for you in the relationship on a place for who she wants you to be. Either way being around women for men is dangerous these days. There are always strings attached to everything, and women ready to destroy your reputation for some mundane thing. I feel women are more social simply to use all her connections to control a man more easily and make sure he can never leave because if he does all his friends leave with her.
No. 106679
>>97980I think some of them are entitled and delusional.
They think attractive women should like them when they have nothing to offer apart from fake niceness. Then accuse them for being shallow for going with people of their league.
No. 106772
>>100952>women choose better partnersThe huge growth in single mother households proves you wrong
>women are not responsible for shitty men todaySingle moms raise the shittiest men society could ask for.
No. 106783
I think honestly its the girls in this thread who are entitled. Men know their place and don't complain but you people constantly whine about cleaning after men. It's your role just do it and be quiet, I don't try to make a girl take my role.
>>101253Dating is now about love and compatibility instead of how much money the man can bring to the table.
>>101298I'm on the pill.
>>101303>We make progress by using teamwork, so our brains tend towards it, like dogs do.I don't think anyones proud of being a robot but as kind of a former neet you're basically like the guys staring at the shadows in the allegory of the cave. You are so personally disconnected from the idea of being of value or a success you cannot see it. Basically these people don't just feel worthless they believe it and they believe completely that they are beyond repair and flawed. The worst thing you can do is shame them because that is their whole reality its like throwing garbage on a garbage pile to fix the fact that you're overrun with garbage. You need to make these people see that they can be worth something and that they may get what they want out of it.
>If you are so lonley that without a gf you don't have the motivation to liveIf you believed that you would never find love would you have the motivation to live?
>>101598>Isn't asking a socially functional, responsible lady to be the gf-motivation to help a robot jumpstart his life not unlike asking some decent income white guy to settle down with a nigress and take care of her 3 kids from 3 different men and help out her life?No because the children don't magically disappear when nigress gets her shit together.
>Robots are the niggers of men and that's why no one wants you.niggers are the niggers of men, and women love niggers with no jobs and a wrap sheet because they are so manly and dangerous.
a man with no job that doesn't harm anyone however is seen as totally unfuckable.
>>101663If you are a female non=virgin and reading this please please please kill yourself.
>>106595>>106595Women are always doing stuff men don't want for them. Men don't want you to bleach your asshole or anything like that. Just don't be a bitch, don't be entitled to get your way right away(be a little vulnerable), and don't try to control everything he does.
>have to be okay with strip clubs and often cheating because "men have needs"you are choosing these men and if that's the case you deserve them and please stay away from good men.
Listen if you want a good guy you have to be good and you can't come up to a guy with stuff men don't generally care about. I think some feminist said once "women are becoming the men they'd want to marry". Sure but that isn't what men want to marry. Gender roles existed as a way for men and women to get what they want out of relationships. Since that has been challenged we've had an epidemic of dysfunctional relationships between men and women.
You have to give value to men. You have to make men feel safe the same way men have to make you feel safe. Getting a lot of attention from men does not mean you are relationship material especially in today's sexual marketplace. Sex will always happen no matter what but sex =/= relationships. Men will care about you when you give him a chance to be vulnerable and don't destroy him for it, if all you do is try to shame and control the guy into your agenda, the more petty you are, the more entitled and disconnected you are the less that man will ever give a shit about you.
No. 106791
>>106783woah woah missy i think you seem lost?? >>>/r/mensrights is that way
or just kill yourself robot scum
No. 106794
>>106783Why do robots always need to pretend they're not robots? This whole post reminds me of that "I'm not an SJW but don't you think that anti-SJW's are worse? We should talk about them instead, because they're the issue here" picture.
>Men know their place and don't complainDid you not even read this thread? It's full of men complaining about just how unfair everything is.
No. 106795
File: 1470563051982.jpg (108.73 KB, 675x899, good thread.jpg)

Good thread.
No. 107755
File: 1471530023191.gif (888.96 KB, 245x219, 944d91e2-4812-4b19-9e95-34b937…)

>>107754Please get a therapist
No. 107804
>>107801It is very bizzare isn't it?
Is it just me, or have there been more posts lately from robots whining about their own memes?
No. 107809
>>107804It does feel like there's been heaps more than usual recently, but I guess it's always come in waves. Someone probably made a thread about this forum over there recently and a few decided to stick around.
Hopefully mods keep on banning them though.
No. 107844
>>107810this is such an accurate way to describe /r9k/ , /pol/ etc…
…and society and life in general
No. 107848
>>107801>>107804>>107810>memeslmao, try talking to women while being a non-hot guy and see how long your self-esteem survives.
This woman did and she finally gained appreciation for female privilege: must go) No. 107887
>>107801It's not an /r9k/ meme, this board tells the same story.
If you're not attractive as a man you basically have two options: either talk to women and creep them out and make them uncomfortable, or, if you don't want to make women feel that way, give up and try to make yourself invisible.
No. 107895
>>107894I would if mods would just remove their shit, but it just sits here and attracts others to join in the circlejerk if no-one points out how retarded it is. If those posts get deleted I would absolutely appreciate mine being deleted too, so there's not half a debate for bots to add onto later on.
Not really sure why this stuff is being allowed to stay honestly.
No. 107896
>>107895quit giving them shit to reply to and they'll get bored and leave
don't respond to their bait
No. 107903
>>107900Yeah, you're just taking shit out of context to try to say something else.
Please stop posting and do what
>>107901 said.
No. 107911
>>107909For what, so I can become delusional enough to creep on girls again?
>>107908It's not my personality, I'm just physically unattractive. There's nothing I can do to fix that. And I have no wish to "trick" anyone anyway.
No. 107917
>>107911Really? Cuz your personality sure is shit in this thread. Your perceived failures in life are the fault of everyone but your own and things outside of your control.
But not really.
If you actually wanted a girlfriend, an emotional and romantic connection to someone, you can find one. But you let insecurity run your life and you place your insecurities as reasons for why XYZ happens. You need to work on yourself before you can get anything true and meaningful in life, just like everybody else who doesn't have wealth to buy and attract relationships and happinesses.
No. 107927
>>107926No shit, they ban everyone who says anything that deviates even slightly from the groupthink.
This is what a female-run society would be like.
No. 107966
>>107848I've talked to non-hot guys as a woman and to be honest, I'm quite nice and warm. None of my boyfriends were particularly hot either.
Maybe you're setting your standards too high and trying to talk to beach blond Stacy?
No. 107971
>>107927Anon, you're entitled to post whatever you want, but when you come in with shit just whining and looking for attention, or baiting by calling all women useless whores or something, you should be banned.
And as for it being some female thing, you realise wizchan outright has a rule going "Don't criticise the wizard lifestyle" and bans anyone they suspect of not being female? People get banned for being retards here, not male.