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No. 105918
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No. 105920
>>105919"Man gets friendzoned by his own waifu"
that is just perfect
No. 105921
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No. 105923
>>105918I went to college this guy.
Same hat, same ring, same neckbeard. The text isn't his, that was added by someone else, but someone must have pulled this from his deviantart.
He's super Jesus-y AND a fedora, so it's a double whammy of judgey.
No. 105925
File: 1405833327815.jpg (27.86 KB, 400x303, desperado 1.jpg)

I have no idea if you guys have seen this yet, but here is a fedora trying to ask out a girl from Israel.
No. 105926
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No. 105927
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>I'm intelligent unlike those Neanderthal jerky hot guys
No. 105928
File: 1405833724442.jpg (43.64 KB, 400x319, desperado 4.jpg)

>If you want to wake up with any self respect in a few months, you'll take a leap of faith with me.
No. 105929
File: 1405833842811.jpg (37.81 KB, 400x319, desperado 5.jpg)

>Don't go through life as a slut. You need a guy like me in your life.
No. 105930
>>105925>>105926>>105927>>105928>>105929I don't know whether to laugh or be disgusted.
How can anyone be this socially retarded, and PROUD of it?
No. 105931
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>>105925>>105926>>105927>>105928>>105929>dat "gal">dat "sweetie">dat "you're an angel on earth">dat "I'm not hot but I'm totally intelligent, because it's impossible for a guy to be both hot and intelligent">dat false dichotomy everywhereI don't know what to say. Are you sure this is a real person and not a troll? No one can be this autistic. did Chrischan start up his galpal quest again?
No. 105933
>>105928>I don't know how it works in Israel, but here when a man asks you out on a nice date, you're expected to give him a chanceBy "here" does he mean the United States of Fedoralalaland?
>I saw you speak the other day>we're both undergradsSomeone save that poor woman before he finds her again! At least you can block creepy neckbeards when it's just an online thing, but this could turn into a legit stalking.
No. 105937
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It looks like someone updated the ED article on loveshy to focus on specific aspies. This Mikey guy is pretty scary.
No. 105940
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No. 105941
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No. 105943
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What is the purpose of a sperg?
No. 105946
File: 1406176027163.jpg (93.19 KB, 757x600, 757px-coby11[1].jpg)

>>Considering the hell men have to go through in the feminised world today where everything is skewed to favour women in all areas of life, but especially in the dating scene, then the new system would have to be one which would quickly and swiftly reverse the damage done to our societies by the incessant terrorism of men by feminism and it's policies propped p by governments and institutions. So I'd propose of system of male choice in the dating game. All I'd recommend is one law and one law only with regards to male-female relationships. No matter what a man says to or asks of a woman, a woman cannot say no. A no from a woman could be reported as easily to the Police as a current day rape, and would also be punishable by a jail sentence.
Call me a misogynist, or call me angry from perceived mistreatment of ordinary men under the hammer of feminism, but it's the only way for society to make up for years of torment and give ordinary men not only the chance to date a woman without the fear of ever hearing a no, but also the chance to date out of their league and the chance to produce better-looking offspring.
A woman saying no to a man under the new system could be classed as equivalent to raping the man. You may think this is misoginist and harsh, but wake up guys, ugly men are going to prison daily in feminised countries for even looking at women, when the women will claim is that she was raped, only in actual fact to only be looked at by the wrong type of guy for her in the wrong way.
The only system that would work is one where the dating minefield would be pushed to the female side of the battleground.
No. 105949
>>105945This is a complete lie you pulled out your ass.
Most of them are college educated and employed. Which is a big problem. If they were thugs who got drunk and cracked the skulls of "their" women every day they'd achieve massive success.
No. 105954
>>105950>not knowing what natural selection isYou really
are stupid. You always boast about your non-existent intelligence yet don't understand what real science is, but claim your made-up bullshit of "co-alpha" exists. Name
one place where that uber loser sci-fi society actually exists and works.
No. 105957
>>105953What do you mean by "Eastern women"? Anyway, yeah, you're quite right. I simply don't have the means to go abroad and be a good provider there so this is true. I don't live in a wealthy country and that's the main problem.
>>105954Ok, so what is real science? Show me how natural selection always improves the species?
Regarding the science of terms I use read the article. NOTE 1 explains this very well - I am not trying to be scientific.And neither are you, dear.
>>105956Except you mentioned me. Oh, and he did "ban me for life". I just changed my IP, which took around 10 seconds.
Gee, it would almost seem as a better idea would be to… you know, stop mentioning me?
No. 105958
>>105957"Gee, it would almost seem as a better idea would be to… you know, stop mentioning me?"
Surely the ancestors of those who built cathedrals and sent a guy to the Moon are able to do that… It's what the natural selection is all about !
No. 105970
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There going to be another documentary about these fuggers?
No. 105984
>>105981Amen to that. I'd love to see a female kick one of these entitled losers ass. Just imagine the look on their face when they're trying to be a pushy superior pig and she puts him in his little piggy place.
Man, these guys bring the feminist out in me. (Even though it should just be common sense that no one has to give anything up to anyone they're uncomfortable with…)
No. 105985
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>>105963lmao what the fuck is this site even
No. 105986
Old news, but I had to reply to this
>>105941>Since those genes [that repress narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy] are on the X chromosome, it stands to reason that the lack of them would also be related to the X chromosomeHe's basically saying that being a heartless asshole is recessively X-linked, and under the mistaken impression that recessive X-linked traits are more common in females. The opposite is actually true because, since human females have two X-chromosomes, the healthy chromosome can "rescue" the genes on the broken one. It's like colour blindness. Women can definitely have it but it's rare, and it's much more common in men.
I love it when people try to use pseudoscience to prove their point and shoot themselves in the foot instead.
No. 105988
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From redpill.
No. 105989
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No. 105990
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No. 105991
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No. 105992
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No. 105997
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No. 105998
File: 1406769870082.png (36.29 KB, 582x191, reddit redpill mod.png)

No. 105999
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What is projection?
No. 106001
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>>105999>>rightfully complains about the aloof and disinterested nature of most girls >>fit, clean, groomed and healthyHAHAHAHA
Anyhow, have some female neckbeard.
No. 106002
>>105997What sort of high school movie is this faggot living in? I swear, in real life, this does not happen. And why do they complain about girls who don't value what they value? Oh yeah, because they're most likely aiming for super beautiful.
Meanwhile their obese female counterparts are off playing some obscure RPG wondering why they're so lonely.
No. 106004
>>106002Most of the time when I see this kind of thing (though not to this extent, but the male "friendzoned" bff relationship) is usually with not necessarily super beautiful, but super extroverted girls who are generally open, chatty, and friendly to a lot of people, and likely confide in more than one person.
And I guess beta guys don't really understand being open to a bunch of people, or puts themselves in the position of the "listener" so actually all the girl does is complain to him about her problems, instead of doing something fun or productive.
No. 106006
>>106004Beautiful is subjective I suppose and I half way agree. They aren't necessarily going for victoria secret models, but when going for a cute bubbly girl while being a greasy fat triple chinned loser, I tend to think that they're going for a girl way out of their league. Only my experience, anon.
One of my friends was completely obsessed with a small time wedding dress model. She hung out with nerds that all worshiped her and would complain about her boyfriend being a bit of a whore. Meanwhile, some really sweet, yet fat girl (and mind you, she was like half his size still) was 100% interested in him and he told her straight to her face that he wasn't attracted to her. He often complains that women don't like "nice guys" they want "bad boys." Sometimes he has BO problems (something the fat girl DID NOT HAVE), is balding and is super obese.
No. 106008
>>106006>They aren't necessarily going for victoria secret models, but when going for a cute bubbly girl while being a greasy fat triple chinned loser, I tend to think that they're going for a girl way out of their league.Uh that's pretty much what I meant. The girls aren't always 10/10s but usually they're way out of the neckbeard's league appearance-wise. And at the same time, the neckbeard doesn't have the personality or disposition to do anything besides listen to the girl complain. Which I don't understand how they can stand that, I would go crazy if all I did while interacting with a person was listen to them bitch.
Though, the lack of self-awareness with these kinds of people is astounding.
No. 106010
>>106009In some cases the beta guys actually INITIATE the conversation about the "asshole jerk boyfriend" in question, under the guise of being understanding and concerned for you when all they're concerned about is getting their dick wet. Then they turn around and whine to their other neckbeard beta friends that all the girl talks about is how much of a jerk her boyfriend is and how she friendzoned them. In my experience with one of these neckbeards, the conversation would start out normally, about video games or whatnot, and then out of the blue he'd ask me about how my boyfriend was treating me, if he's taken me out recently, if he's bought me anything recently, etc. This particular neckbeard would also ask me creepy shit like my masturbation habits ("lol i share u share xDDD"). I dropped this creep from my life two weeks later and he spent the next two /years/ going on about it.
Another thing, these guys 80% of the time go after taken girls. In which case obviously she'd have to "friendzone" you, which is actually pretty nice of her to do instead of never talking to you again.
These guys don't give a shit about you as a person. They only care that you have a vagina that they can put their tiny dicks in. If it's not sex/relationship related, they're not interested.
No. 106011
>>105929do these guys honestly think they are doing the girl a favour when they ask her on a date?
why do fedoras end up so narcissistic? does the fedora and neckbeard come before or after the narcissism.
No. 106013
>>105997>it works in anime and real lifebest quote ever.
someone caption every neckbeard photo on the interbutts with this. i'll wait.
No. 106018
I have a story about a guy I used to date that turned into a fedora over time. And a huge weeb but that part's just a bonus.
When I was 14, I got my first boyfriend. He wasn't anything to look at (in fact now that I look at it, he was hideous) but he was really nice to me, shared similar interests, so I went "Sure, why not?" Everything went well for the first several months until he tried to convince me to have sex with him. I basically said, "Hell no. I'm 14, don't want to get pregnant, and am not ready for that" plus he was 16. This is where he began to turn into a major weeb… Then he started listing after an older woman because she was white, had blue eyes, and blonde hair. Basically, he fetishizes white women which I found creepy since well, it's not fucking cool to be fetished upon for your race and hair color. So he felt this woman was better so he emotionally cheated on me by going on about how much he "loved" her and even had the nerve to say, "Yeah, I fell in love with her. So what? I still love you too." So what happens next? Nasty breakup.
Then during this time he starts shit talking about me to all my friends and his just because I had had enough of everything and was hurt. He kept going psycho, remained emotionally abusive, and kept trying to get me to give him my virginity despite me constantly saying, "HELL NO." That and we were no longer in a relationship which made him even creepier. The fedora just kept getting stronger and stronger as he kept giving me gifts (which I refused) to get me to spread my legs. Most of his friends saw his shitty fedora-ism and got pissed. They even said that I was too nice to be treated that way and could do better. Hell, they even said I was too pretty for him anyway and was surprised I have him my time. Of course, he kept getting worse… He started to sound like a rapist at one point so I avoided him at all costs and broke off contact.
When I moved onto a guy who was more on my level emotionally and physically (this dude was smoking hot), Fedora-San finds out and gets creepy jealous. He keeps trying to get me to give him my then boyfriends phone number so he could harass him, kept saying shit like he "missed me", and other desperate shit. All because he was threatened by me moving on and stupidly thought I was going to just be down to fuck this guy anytime. The relationship ended because I simply didn't like him all that much in the end. Fedora-San STILL KEPT STALKING ME FOR 8 YEARS LATER.
That was the worst first boyfriend experience I could have ever had. 8 years of fucking annoyance because he kept crying, trying to get me to take him back, and other manipulative shit. I'm married to someone amazing now and Fedora seems to have finally fucked off. It's been 2 years and I haven't heard about him since. He's probably still weebing out over anime loli porn, the newest shit-tier pedo bait series, and buying bad hentai.
No. 106020
>>106017Lol. Fucking really?
Back to unichan, plz.
No. 106021
>>106018God, that's awful. I'm glad you didn't sleep with that fuck.
>>fetishizes white women What race is he?
No. 106022
>>106021I'm glad I didn't either. I would've regretted that shit for the rest of my life. My self-esteem improved
greatly after I got rid of him. He was the ugliest black guy I've seen in my life to this day.
No. 106023
I'll greentext my story, might be easier to read that way.
> Be 14
> Junior high graduation/dance is coming up, I have a bf who I plan to go with
> Have this friend, "A", whom I bonded with over this forum we both visited
> Physically, A is a stereotypical creeper. Tall, lanky, greasy, acne everywhere, you get it. However he seemed nice, a bit clingy but I ignored the warning signs.
> A asks me to the grad dance, I say I'm most likely going with bf, sorry.
> A says alright, no problem but you owe me a dance
> "Heh alright sure, no problem"
> Dance comes up, other than me dancing with him nothing big happens
> After this, he gets really clingy and weird
> Says shit like "oh you were so nice to dance with me, you would've been the only girl that would've done so", "you truly changed my life that night, "you're the goddess of my life"
> Confide in friends about what a creep he is
> We all confront him (four of us), after this happened only me and my other friend continued to be tentative friends with him because we're retarded
> He clings onto us harder than ever, specifically me for god knows why, says psychotic sounding shit along the lines of "you're the angel destined for me, I'm a demon but you can save my soul"
> I get really fucking creeped out, ditch him, think it's no big deal because it's summer so I won't see him at school anyway
> He goes fucking apeshit
> He fucking went to my dad's workplace and asked to see me. Left ~60-70 texts on my phone and god knows how many calls for the next few weeks. I blocked him on Facebook and he made a new one to contact me under the guise of being my sister. Left things at my fucking doorstep. Called my home phone and just fucking listened without saying anything, the list goes on. All stuff straight out of horror movies.
> He's still friends with my other friend, "J". For the next two or so years, he continually harasses her about me and whines about how I "friendzoned" him, how he's such a nice guy, etcetc.
> There's been developments but he still stalks me, it's been ~five years now.
Fuck this is too long. There's like a saga of creepy stalker things he did. I'll post if anyone's interested.
No. 106025
>>106020Not from Unichan.
All I really meant was jfc man, who cares who coined the term? It doesn't mean it isn't fitting. Calm down.
No. 106026
>>106023>"you're the angel destined for me, I'm a demon but you can save my soul"Christ. I'm the poster of
>>106018 and that sounds creepily a lot like what my psycho ex would say. He'd say creepy shit like, "You're a goddess and I'm the prince of darkness" when I was getting the fuck out. What the fuck is up with fedora's obsession with devils and the like? They'll be sexless for life and fall under the "involuntary celibacy" label.
No. 106029
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wimminz are such bullies ;_;
What I don't understand about these people is why they always want renewed traditionalism/ gender roles, yet complain about said gender roles when they aren't beneficial to them.
>>Woman should remain virgins until marriage, have kids, and stay out of the work force, like in the old days. What ever happened to honer?
Like, dudes. If you want a traditionally feminine woman, then you need to be a traditionally masculine man.
No. 106030
File: 1406861281772.jpg (23.68 KB, 400x280, Feminazi.preview.jpg)

>>106025>>Calm downI'm not the one getting worked up here, bro. It's a stupid over dramatic term, and you get pissy that I said so. Hush.
>>Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of societyYa, whenever I hear someone using that term, I'm judging them negatively.
No. 106031
>>106030And how did I get pissy? You're just making yourself sound angrier.
It's fine if you don't like the term, but you have to realize that nobody really cares. People will still use it.
Nobody said anything about 'unattractive women', etc. Where are you even getting that from?
No. 106033
>>106032Just because someone uses a word coined by him doesn't mean they agree with everything he says. Wow.
Pretty sure
>>106015 was using "feminazi" to refer to radical feminists/tumblr feminists, to differentiate them from the ones that just believe in equality.
>Nah, you're posting on a site, so people are going to reply to you.???? Great??? How is that relevant to anything I said?????
No. 106040
File: 1406932983424.png (182.56 KB, 545x494, SSvF8Jv.png)

What is worse? ~Gamergurlz~ or fedoras?
No. 106041
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No. 106042
>>106040Lol Busted. I fucking hate gamergurls but I think fedoras are even worse. At least gamergurls don't harass and stalk like fedoras do. That's their
ONLY saving grace.
But please, by all means post more gamergurls. They're in the same division imo.
No. 106043
>>106040Is this her faking being a "gamer" or him just being pushy? I don't like "gamer girls" but is this really a thing where they are 100% fake and haven't even played the game?
Goddamn, I hate even saying the term "gamer". Nobody called themselves that until 4-5 years ago.
No. 106044
>>106040Fedoras because actual *~gamer grills~* rarely exist in the context in which they;re described.
I know neckbeards and beta bitches are always going on about fake nerd girls, but I in my entire 23 years of life have never once encountered a girl like that.
What I HAVE encountered on Steam is a load of men pretending to be "gamer gurlz" using images of scene girls in their profile pics.
I think the majority of this stereotype is actually perpetuated by the very men that whine and bitch about it.
No. 106045
>>106044I've run into quite a few "gamergurls".
I think there's really two definitions.
1) "Girl gamers" which go as far back as the 90s (KillCreek) and tend to be in all girl clans and so on. They're not bad at games but neither are they good enough to deserve any attention.
2) The more recent (~5 year) "gamer girls" which are basically any that own an Xbox but don't know shit about games. On a plus side I'd say 90% of these turn into regular gamers (fuck I hate that term) within 1-2 years just by the process of actually playing games. (e.g. did anyone ever see iJustines's Portal 2 play through before she deleted it? It was hilariously bad. Here's some highlights:
My 55 year old mum has played so many classic games on Amstrad/Commodore/Amiga/PC but would never consider herself a "gamer". Yet some girl who played Pokemon on a hand me down Gameboy never shuts up about it.
No. 106047
File: 1407089942758.jpg (125.25 KB, 511x611, 3523.jpg)

Can be used as drinking game too.
No. 106048
>>106040Gamur Grrrlz can be obnoxious and irritating (I'm looking at you Michelle Phan) but they're not nearly as bad as fedoras. I've never heard of a ~gamergurl~ threatening, harassing, stalking, assaulting or raping anyone or, you know, shooting up a campus.
The only "harm" they do is make it sliiiightly harder for women and girls who are truly enthusiastic about games to find female friends with similar interests or be taken seriously by men in the hobby. But that's more due to the intolerance of these men than due to a handful of attention-starved girls. I mean c'mon, who has the real power in the gaming industry? Teenage girls? No. If ~gamergurls~ are 'ruining' videogames for anyone then that is because people are allowing them to.
No. 106049
File: 1407286230733.jpg (58.35 KB, 350x750, 139990777633.jpg)

It's the earbuds' fault that this guy can't approach women.
No. 106050
>>106049>why do you women wear these all the time in publicIt's funny because him and people like him are exactly why a lot of women wear earbuds conspicuously in public.
and him saying he's had a crush on her for six months but hadn't approached her once is so fucking creepy. I just imagine him watching her through eyeholes in a newspaper like it's some kind of shitty spy film.
No. 106053
>>Fschmidt on Love-shy posts his Co-Alpha Brotherhood bullshit, which links to his time at NexTag, which matches up to him living in a swank $500,000 townhouse in downtown San Francisco, with enough money to blow on weekly hooker visits and $2300 donations to Ron Paul's political campaign. Franklin Richard Schmidt is the only employee of Nabble, where the Co-Alpha Brotherhood forums are hosted and the group leader posts under the name "Fscmidt". Oh, and I don't think I, as a non-member of his secret rape forums, was supposed to be able to read the thing where he mentioned his time at NexTag. Um, thanks, Google. I just have to wonder why Franklin Schmidt, a successful businessman, would go onto a forum full of frustrated virgins and risk his career by posting highly disturbing, violent and misogynistic essays that could be linked back to his real identity with several hours of spare time and a few cups of coffee? He even used his real name. I mean, couldn't have he just commissioned a marble statue of him hating all women? I mean, what the fuck.
No. 106054
>>106053Fschmidt on Love-shy posts his Co-Alpha Brotherhood bullshit, which links to his time at NexTag, which matches up to him living in a swank $500,000 townhouse in downtown San Francisco, with enough money to blow on weekly hooker visits and $2300 donations to Ron Paul's political campaign.
Franklin Richard Schmidt is the only employee of Nabble, where the Co-Alpha Brotherhood forums are hosted and the group leader posts under the name "Fscmidt". Oh, and I don't think I, as a non-member of his secret rape forums, was supposed to be able to read the thing where he mentioned his time at NexTag. Um, thanks, Google.
I just have to wonder why Franklin Schmidt, a successful businessman, would go onto a forum full of frustrated virgins and risk his career by posting highly disturbing, violent and misogynistic essays that could be linked back to his real identity with several hours of spare time and a few cups of coffee? He even used his real name. I mean, couldn't have he just commissioned a marble statue of him hating all women? I mean, what the fuck.
>>That green text wall was hurting my eyes, sorry for the duplicate post. No. 106055
>>106054Wow, I've actually talked to Fschmidt before back in 2008 or so and completely forgot about him until now.
He never hid the fact that he founded Nabble or NexTag and he's a Java programmer I think? I don't think he's super rich and $500k is not a lot for a townhouse.
I used to be involved in MRA stuff before it was even called "MRA" and he never struck me as crazy, just a passerby.
Early MRA stuff was just a different world. This was back when Fathers 4 Justice were pulling their stunts and any mention of being sympathetic to them would get you banned from half the internet. It's so different now that you can actually have a public subreddit and not get spammed to hell by feminists and "offended" women.
>I just have to wonder why Franklin Schmidt, a successful businessman, would go onto a forum full of frustrated virginsThe original "MRA" forums were mostly divorced men who had lost their kids and houses so I would assume that's how he got involved. This whole virgin nice guy crap is a more recent development.
I'm not involved with any MRA stuff anymore and haven't been for 5+ years. Gender politics is full of too many self defeating crazies for my tastes.
No. 106056
>>106053Some lovely Fschmidt posts,
"Any well educated person can survive on their own. But I don't want my daughter going into a marriage with the attitude that she doesn't really need her husband and that she can dump him whenever she is unhappy with him. Her attitude should be that she is making a lifetime choice and that she will do what she can to make it work. If the guy turns out to be abusive, then it is at least half her fault for choosing the wrong guy. There are so many good men to choose from. In that case, she should leave the guy but she well deserves to suffer from this mistake, including suffering financially."
No. 106059
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No. 106060
File: 1407528036075.jpg (35.17 KB, 540x400, fedoras.jpg)

>>106059Oh my god. Heaven forbid a woman like a handsome guy that she shares common interests with and treats her like a human being. Fat entitled douchebags only get appropriate head gear.
No. 106065
>>106064holy shit
I would've dropped him the moment that "film yourself showering for me" bullshit came up.
No. 106066
>>106060>this hat existsthis. hat. exists.
some people have a head so fat that this hat has a place on the market.
I don't even…
No. 106067
how did you get rid of him?
No. 106070
File: 1407611755337.jpg (27.48 KB, 391x120, ohmygod.jpg)

Shit like this is why I stay away from MMOs
No. 106077
>>106064JFC, praying for him getting socked in the balls. Hope it's a happy ending along the lines of that.
>>106070Lol, Dragon Nest is full of horny weebs that think one day SAO will happen. There's only like 2 guy characters you can choose from and the other 6 or so are all females so 8/10 of the time that qt3.14 archer you're talking to is a dude.
No. 106080
>>106072Fuck u bish.
Srsly though, Wow in it's golden years (Vanilla + BC) was INCREDIBLE.
Since it began pandering to casuals however, I cannot express my disgust for how far they've allowed it to degrade.
I started playing FFXIV: ARR recently ad it's bretty gud.
No. 106082
>>106080Your virginity is showing.
>>106064God. Kill it with fire, anon.
No. 106087
And wtf. I deleted my post to fix a small spelling error and you screen capped it and reposted it in under a minute. Virgins everywhere.
No. 106088
>>106087Er, you do realise that the thread auto-updates? Both of your posts were on the thread at the same time.
>virgins everywhereYou sound a little insecure about something. Care to share?
No. 106089
No. I'm just waiting for Anon to finish her fedora story.
No. 106090
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The is too funny for me.
I don't think I have ever had somebody attempt to insult me by calling me a virgin before kek
At 23 I am too old for this shit, oh my lawd.
No. 106091
sigh The autism here is strong.
Back to topic:
Please update, anon. This guy can't be real…Is there any way you can post a pic of this guy and blot out his face?
No. 106095
File: 1407643992391.png (Spoiler Image,6.46 MB, 3699x2774, ok.png)

I would post a pic more revealing of what a strange person he was, but I am paranoid about him finding out some way or another. I took this picture (from the ground so he didn't feel short) so I can't show you that we were on a casual outing. I was wearing jeans and a random T-shirt. He was wearing slacks, a dress shirt, a vest, and some Doc Martens. Also, yes, he is wearing a watch as well as a men's bracelet. He went into defense mode about wearing a silver bracelet without me even asking.
I fucking WISH. I WISHHH I could show you this one pic but you have to see his face. I was messing with settings in manual to figure out how to prolong the shutter time. There's a test picture and you can see him in the reflection of a window. Oh my god his creepy expression as he is staring at me in the background gives me shivers. I showed it to my cousin once, and she said it made her feel queasy.
Anyway, I'll type up the rest shortly (I think)
No. 106098
>>106095blur out his face in the reflection as well? Just blur tool the shit out of it, or even half of his face.
Honestly, though, I don't think you have a lot to worry about. If he became a problem, you now know how to handle creeps like that. I hope.
No. 106104
>>106103Isn't 100lbs dangerously underweight for an adult male?
He just sounds hilarious. Are you sure he wasn't like 15?
No. 106105
>>106104He was 23. Looked 15, though.
My family likes to make fun of me all the time. I laugh and cringe at it now. No real harm, just a real fedora. There are so many other stories I could tell. Like how he told me he was super into parkour and demonstrated by hopping off a curb. That's it. I started laughing because I thought it was a joke, and he was really offended by it.
It was so weird how when fedora-wearers turned into an archetype online, I realized I had dated every single one of them by dating this one guy. They're all exactly the same. It's so weird.
No. 106108
>>106102>I pee on his face to stop him from giving oralomg
>>106105It's good to hear that you doing well now, though that fedora seems like a wimpy bitch and was probably never much of a threat to you, once you learned to put your foot down.
No. 106114
>>106113Oh right.
I as the one chatting about WoW and then some anally blasted m'lady came in called me a virgin and an autist kek
Like, where do you think you are m8.
No. 106115
>>106114Do fedora's really accuse each other of being virgins? It's more something that I see women do to guys.
I.e, some guy comments on a fat acceptance article saying he doesn't like obese women and gets flooded with replies along the lines of: "You're obviously just a small dicked virgin that no woman would want. Real men want curves!"
No. 106116
>>106112I could probably come up with a few more greentext stories that go into specific moments from our relationship if you're actually interested.
I just didn't want to shit up the thread by spamming with excessive details. It's weirdly therapeutic typing it all out.
No. 106117
>>106115Those fucking whales… (Some) men like curves, not
a curve.
No. 106118
>>106114Nah, you were just giving your opinion.
(I know this guy IRL who almost exclusively plays Nintendo games and calls everyone else a casual. I was thinking more along those lines)
No. 106120
>>106115>>106117The only people I've seen use "real men like curves" in argument to a preference is by people of very low intelligence aka white trash Maury show fat chicks.
Not classy fat chicks who are cool and well-rounded (pun not intended) and just happen to be overweight.
No. 106121
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Pretty mild compared to the rest of this thread, but I just got this message on OkCupid and just… Ugghhh. Especially since I quite obviously wear a lot of makeup.
No. 106122
>>106121I've noticed a lot of guys don't really know how to tell when you're wearing makeup or not, especially if your eyes aren't overstated.
>>106116 Yes please!
No. 106123
>>106122I always wear minimal makeup. But I haven't realized most guys don't know how real makeup looks on a woman. I guess they assume they all look like Mimi and if they don't, it's 'natural'.
I only know a few people who don't wear makeup and have naturally great skin, but that's because their diet growing up was really strict so they didn't grow up with processed foods and what not and they drink a ton of tea (loose leaf, no sugar) and water.
No. 106125
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>>106123I find this pretty applicable.
No. 106129
>>106128Yeah I got that in the initial viewing but it doesn't help her argument, I think.
You could show small eyes without being super small and slowly decrease them ie natural makeup with slightly smaller eyes and no make up with the same eye size.
It's not that big of a deal but in America I don't think it's that bad to wear makeup or not. I am however reminded of that Japanese split image of a girl with one side of her face in makeup (circle lenses etc) and the other side not. That was crazy.
No. 106130
File: 1407820295372.png (141.38 KB, 500x184, lol asians r so kawaii uguuuuu…)

>>106129Did someone say crazy japanese split image makeup? Because I coulda sworn I hearf crazy japanese split image makeup.
Seriously, the amount of difference it makes is astounding, it kind of creeps me out.
No. 106133
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>>106060>>106066Late to the party but I love that it kicks the entire history of fedoras as a status symbol square in the face. They used to be something you had custom made for you, using the highest quality wool and silk lining, to match your nicest suit. This abomination is basically the hat variant of those tuxedo t-shirts but without the irony.
No. 106134
Is anyone interested in more awkward/funny/obnoxious dating site messages? I tend to get a fair amount because my profile is ~popular~.
No. 106136
>>106135Somewhat related made an OKC once, nothing serious, just curious at the kind of people I'd get matched up with. It was just kind of…depressing, I mostly got matched with weird artsy film buffs (even though I don't care about movies–I mean ~films~), kind of aspie seeming guys, or sociopaths. And that's in between getting messages from dudebros saying "ayo gurl u wan sum fuk", or 50+ year old white guys offering to take me out for sushi.
No. 106138
>>106134Met my bf on OKC. Surprised I found him in the sea of messages from sleazy/fedora/ghetto/horny dudes.
It IS a great ego rubber though.
No. 106141
Why are weebs so fedora-ish? I made a gaia account to troll/ make fun of weebs, but all I found was fedora and autism. Take this guy, one in many examples.
>> while 4% of rape accusations are likely true in the present - as little school girls run around screaming it at recess hundreds of times…it is likely true that all the false accusations of modern rape were once actual cases of rape in the past, so I guess it kind of works out.
>>lol wut>>click on his account >>see this is like the sort of thing I would make if I were trying to impersonate fedoras.
No. 106142
I hate that I see myself in some of these guys. Not too much. But just enough that I want to kill myself a little more.
>>106138It's great- for girls. Guys don't get messages. I have gotten one during the whole time I was on okc, and my profile isn't terrible.
>>106141I don't think those are "real" weebs though. They're usually a lot less social and try to blend in rather than stand out. And every truweeb knows gaia a shit. It's full of teenagers and stuff, so that explains why you see some of the stuff you see.
No. 106143
>>106142>It's great- for girls. Guys don't get messages. I have gotten one during the whole time I was on okc, and my profile isn't terrible.Not always true. My boyfriend had an okcupid profile before we started dating (I helped him edit it) and he had girls message him and ask him out.
I do agree in regards to
>>106141, I don't think gaia has a good reputation. Not that you need one for amusement though.
>as little school girls run around screaming it at recess hundreds of timesWhat the fuck.
No. 106144
>>106143>>106142My BF didn't get much SENT to him aside from lady fedora's, but he did end up getting a lot of girls who legit wanted to talk to him after he sent the first message. It's difficult for men but not impossible. You just have to know when not to sound like a douche and how to hold a conversation.
I still use Gaia but man it's full of fedora's and attention whores. (Seriously, the amount of selfies in signatures is hilarious. At least by CBers.)
No. 106145
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Guy hates that there isn't a music genre that doesn't have female fans
No. 106146
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I wonder how what this guy sounds like irl.
>Le beautiful lady, you are le 8/10 cu-tee pie. Me gooseta!
No. 106149
>>106145Hhahaha oh wow. This actually reminds me of a guy I met my senior year of HS who freaked out at me over a Nine Inch Nails shirt. He told me I "wasn't allowed" to like them because GIRLS DON'T LIKE !!GOOD!! MUSIC YOU ALL LIKE AVRIL LAVIGNE AND SHIT (seriously) AND DON'T HAVE ANY REAL PROBLEMS SO YOU CAN'T RELATE!!!
I pretty much told him he sounded super crazy or something along those lines and he told me one of their really negative albums was because of/about dumb cunts like me. top lel
No. 106150
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No. 106151
>>106018when I was 14 I dated a fedora who was 5 years older. Weirdly enough I was basically his mom who he fucked while he pined for his ex girlfriend of like a year. I couldn't get out of it until I was 17 when I met another guy who saw what I dealt with and gave me the courage to walk away.
I'm 22 and he still stalks me even though he was basically persona non grata in the area I live (he owes a lot of people money and rumor is he raped a girl) so he moved to Arizona with a girl he met on the internet. Haven't heard from him since
No. 106156
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>>106152>>106153>>106154>>106155Hey guys, thanks for the support. as weird as it sounds, I do appreciate it, because to be honest I blamed myself a lot for what happened. However, as much as i'd honestly love to dox him, I don't hold enough resentment towards him to ruin his life and having him being over 5000 miles away from me is good enough for me. I'm just glad I don't see him anymore.
His other exes get it far worse than I do. He really is a piece of work and it sucks I couldn't get him out of my life fast enough. He wreaks havoc on every woman he encounters, Only difference between them and I is just that he lasts maybe 3 months with them as opposed to 3 years with me. Kind of embarrassing. first boyfriend etc
pic related, it's him at a "photoshoot" (dude thought he was a model and claimed he was. he was a notorious liar…. shit i fell for because I was dumb at 15)
No. 106157
>>106156I really don't want to defend him but I agree with you that doxing him isn't going to solve anything. If anything it's going to stir shit up and cause you more problems. It sucks that you had to suffer being with him. Just keep blocking and ignoring him, maybe even get a protected identity so that your name doesn't show up in phone catalogs and shit. I experienced something similar with the first girl I was with, only in some weird kind of reverse. She lied to me about her age, I wouldn't have gone near her if I had actually figured out she was just over the AoC (I know I'm a fucking idiot but whhhy would anyone ever lie to someone like me about that I'm not worth that) and hadn't trusted her word for it. But I was stupid and I paid for it pretty badly so ehhh
oh and doing a massive wipe of all your online profiles helps. switch to new ones and don't link them in any way to the old ones. no similar names, keep as much info set to friends-only as possible etc etc.
No. 106158
>>106157he hasn't really attempted to establish contact with me since I was like 20 so I'm not too worried. I did all that stuff. the most he does is whine to my friends about me online who mock him publicly.
He has a lot of shit wrong with him. I feel sorry for him at one point but at another he loves pity parties and attention.
Funny, until I saw this thread I hadn't thought about him in years. I dated… three people since him. Currently in a relationship with a guy I've been with for a year now and it feels great to know what a REAL relationship is like.
No. 106159
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ugh fuck this is kind of embarrassing but he really did dress like this in public. why i ever thought this was attractive is beyond me
No. 106160
>>106159poor girl. is that one of those naruto handmagic things he's doing? did you have to take that photo? … did he ever do one of those CWC-tier curse-ye-hame-ha's in public?
but hey there's worse things you could have been through and done, and he was your first boyfriend so you really shouldn't be blaming yourself like I do. That's not a great place to be in! Just be happy you're in a good relationship now.
No. 106161
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>>106160I am! Believe me, I am. Honestly it's just embarrassing when people still ask me about him in front of my new boyfriend and it's like ugh that was 8 years ago man
No. 106164
I have one helluva fedora story to share.
When I was 14, I had this online friend that lived in the state of the crazies before it was named that. You know, Florida? He ended up pretending to be all the random Japanese and Korean girls that revolved around him and he was somehow adopted by a Japanese family??? I can't see any straight from Japan families adopting white boys in droves the way he made it seem. Despite him being "raised" in a Japanese household, he spoke no Japanese, didn't understand the language, and didn't know shit about any of its cultural aspects. He lied about being his Japanese sister, some girl named Nabiki (RANMA 1/2 MUCH???), and a ton of others with super outdated fake pics that looked like they were from the early 90s when this was the year 2002. He was basically a creepy white guy with serious yellow fever. For some stupid reason he tried dating me and I flat-out rejected because he lives in fucking Florida and I was on the west coast and was dating a jackass at the time. That and he was Christ Chan levels of stupid and autistic.
One day he just goes berserk because he finds out that I am neither white or Japanese. I don't understand why the fuck he thought that just because I liked anime back then??? He reveals he's this gigantic racist and gets angry at me for dumb shit, making up new fake personas when I block him, and so on. I one day blasted him for all the impossible stories he told me and he disappears but comes back under another fake persona, this time being the "real" him and doing MSN video chats to prove he's real (desperation move, obviously). What he forgot is that his dumbass did a voice call with me when he was pretending to be "Angel" and I recognized it right away. He once AGAIN tries to get me to date him and again, I reject. I block him, then he gets super bitchy and sends me an email asking why don't I like him, if it's because of his pathetic looks (he was like Bruno Mars but 10x uglier andolder) or if it's because he knows "Angel" (lol yeah right bitch, it's because you are Angel).
He kept crying about how women on dating sites didn't want to date him after they found out what he looks like, but in reality I think that's only a portion of why they lost interest. This is a guy that's 30 years old, has no education, dropped out of the 10th grade, seems to be genuinely autistic (he gets a monthly retard check for disability), has no job, and zero ambitions other than to get a wife. No woman in their right mind wants that shit but funny enough, there was a female counterpart to him and he rejected her because "she's gross, fat, and ugly" which was stupid since he doesn't exactly have many options. Then he keeps trying to get me to date him and I again, block and say hell no, plus I found someone who later became my husband. Of course, he was livid. A guy constantly changing personas can't get a woman that is out of his league and on the other side of the country to date him. The guy, Lewis was the very definition of a loser.
Back when I was in high school in 2004, I had a Neopets account and I decided to log in recently to see what was up. I see a Neomail from a very familiar username. It's that sick bastard pretending to be a girl named Momo this time around. I wanted to put my suspicions to rest so I laid out a trap for him. Using VPN, I sent an email to his Yahoo! email account. I worded the email so stupid that he would be sure to take the bait. I also sent another one to "Momo". Both of them were dumb enough to reply. I checked the headers, matched up the IP addresses. Thanks to Google Maps, I found a photo of the houses the IPs were from and funny enough, they had the same car parked in front of the house. The towns for the IPs were only about an hour apart by car so it was definitely him logging in from 2 locations (since he told me he has family in that other city). What did I do? Took pictures of the houses, emailed them to him, and basically told him, "Listen here you little bitch, if you're still wondering why you're alone it's because you're some kind of psychopath, worthless as a human being, and need serious help. Don't fucking contact me ever again because I know where your ass lives."
He hasn't tried emailing me again since. Thank god he only knew my throw away emails and defunct messenger handles.
No. 106165
>>106164>getting an adress from an IPI understand that with street view you could check to find his car but how did you get his address? Isn't geolocation very general, only listing munincipalities or the like?
He sounds like a genuine sperg though. Oh and
>crying about how women on dating sites didn't want to date him after they found out what he looks likeThey actually talked to him to begin with? Goddamn. How is that possible?
No. 106166
>>106165I didn't get his exact address, but he was dumb enough to believe I did. I just wanted to scare him away from me and it worked. The houses on that block looked very much the same which helped. It's funny because he acted like he was a computer expert when his knowledge about hardware is outdated back to 2002, knows jack shit about how the internet really works,
and he thinks Alienware are the greatest computers ever and considered buying a $8K one back in the early 2000s if memory serves.
No. 106167
>>106165>Isn't geolocation very general, only listing munincipalities or the like?You can get near 100% at the country and state/region level, and moderate accuracy at the city level. Can't really distinguish them more than that though.
The only exception is if you're able to social engineer the ISP into giving you the information of the customer who that IP is currently being leased to. Which, believe it or not, is sometimes easier than you might think.
No. 106169
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>>106162>>106163I live in Southeastern New England.
He hasn't really attempted to contact me in a solid… 3 years or so, aside from this chick he e-dated for a while who stalked me while they were together and even after they broke up. She was like 17 or so and had an obsession with horses and the mind of a 12 year old so it made perfect sense of him to pursue her. She made comments on a few videos I popped up in on my college youtube channel because I was on the radio there and called me ugly etc but that was the extent of it.
Since then all I've heard from him was shit talking to my friends who have turned around and mocked him publicly for it on facebook but the last I heard of it was two years ago. His other exes get it far worse.
Yeah, I was pretty dumb 8 years ago but I'm free now.
He happened to be a notoriously bad liar (pathological and compulsive seemed to suit him) so anything he said about me after I left was written off by people as being typical bullshit. Probably the reason his last girlfriend left him too. I guess he was dating a somewhat normal albeit chubby alt-model but she probably realized she was dealing with a straight up manchild and fucking ran. Unfortunately, he hung around her and she felt bad so she let him until he started getting possessive and violent and shit because she wanted to be left alone and so he got his ass kicked by her buddies and that's when he moved out of state I guess.
When I first met him he talked often about how he went to Japan and got a girl pregnant and had a daughter who lived there (lel) and he didn't have pictures of the mom or the child. He claimed the mother was in the yakuza or some shit. Also his uncle worked for Xbox etc etc more stupid lies like that. I finally forced him to come clean where he admitted to me he didn't have a japanese daughter MANY years later, but recently I got a text from a friend saying "_____ had a kid?? I didn't know that"
Apparently homie went on Facebook a couple years ago and claimed his daughter and mother of the child died in a car accident in the Tokugawa district. After he got all the sympathy he could get he wound up deleting the post because his grandmother (who he lived with from age 14 on) found out about it and called him out in the comments and probably scolded him for being a creepy shithead.
He fucking loved attention.
No. 106170
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>>106169>>106169He also claims to be a "Medieval Model", whatever the fuck that is, and claimed for many years to do "metal combat" even though in all the years I dated him he never did any of this shit but goddamn could he toot his own horn. He gets random images off the internet of dudes in metal armor with helmets on and he's like THAT'S ME!!!!
He also used to garner attention from me with the stupidest shit. The final straw for me was when he would periodically try to pit me against his harmless ex-girlfriend who was a stripper at a club (she now has a kid but she's never been rude or mean to me in all the years I've known her)
He told me he was "guest singing" in a band on month. (Of course I never met the band or saw a live recording, just heard him singing to a song over the mic) and they would go to many clubs and play. The day after his first performance, he said he performed at his ex-girlfriend Carol's club and that she was there and she tried to sleep with him. I was fucking furious so I sent her a long "fuck you" message on facebook only for her to tell me "uh the club isn't open on Mondays and hasn't been for some time… he's lying to you"
I was humiliated, and I think that's when I dumped him for good. He would make up these huge stories and make everything so believeable. He would get really detailed and make everything come together as to where it made sense even if it was suspicious. That's what scared me the most – I couldn't trust him. At all. I could no longer differentiate truth from lies. He had multiple lives it seemed like. Big con-artist sack of shit.
I could write a book. Should I keep going? I could tell you guys about when he phished his ex's email all the time and got her boyfriend's credit card information and bought tons of shit and I had to convince his ex to not press charges?
Such a fucking child. He feared no consequence and would make everyone else do everything for him but play victim every goddamn time. He hasn't changed either.
No. 106171
>>106170Please do continue. You may possibly want to start a separate thread on /b/, but I want to hear all your stories! I'm so sorry you were in a relationship like this, you deserve so much better.
I was in a relationship with a similar sociopath.. His hobbies included finding 14 year old girls on Myspace and convincing them to start taking drugs and listening to horrible metal music.. And them emotionally abusing them to the high heavens, myself included. I was 13 and babysitting once, and he sent me a text message saying "Good. This is good training for you for our future children." WHAT? STOP. On top of trying to convince me to take drugs, to send naked photographs of myself, telling me I was an idiot constantly, until one day…. He finally decided that I had cheated on him.. Hadn't.. and started an all out hate war against me. Involved all our mutual friends.. It was just lovely. He still tries to find me every few years to ask if we can get back together, to tell me that he "would have cheated on me if given the chance" and lying about MY ETHNICITY?? This man was just full on crazy, but thought he was a genius. He ended up settling down with this poor native juggalo.. I weep for all involved.
No. 106177
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When nice guys stop trying.
No. 106180
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what a dreamboat
No. 106181
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This also happens more often then it ought to
No. 106186
>>106184I disagree. It's always better to just be plain about this sort of shit or these betas will flip out at you "leading them on" or cling to you like glue in hopes that you'll finally notice them.
That guy's probably autistic or something, he seemed to think his behavior was totally normal and didn't once insult, blame or attack her like these guys usually do.
No. 106189
Not sure if anyone here's into the League community, he's old news there but I recently found out about him.
There was a really good player once going by the name XJ9 and he was overall a toxic unstable psycho and posted nudes of his underaged girlfriend because she played a character he didn't like. He claims he was never in the wrong for doing that and that it was "both" their faults (???). This happened about a year ago and apparently he's still sperging out about her to this day. going postal over his ex-girlfriend that dumped his ass (understandably) he'd make a nice addition to this thread.
No. 106190
>>106189Christ, what a freak.
I'll never understand how these idiots can justify their actions to themselves. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
No. 106195
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No. 106203
>>106202Real talk, this "X detected" and "hi X!" shit is getting old.
Having said that, as much as I agree, this isn't exactly the right board for the whole "as long as they're not hurting anyone, what's the problem?" philosophy.
No. 106206
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I really didn't know where to post this so here found him on a fanpage
No. 106207
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>>106206Aw bless him, he's not hurting anybody.
Some people were just born into the wrong era and unfortunately grow old before discovering that they're able to properly express themselves. It's a damn shame.
Not sure why this belongs in the Fedoras & Nice Guys Thread though.
No. 106208
>>106206he reminds me a bit of that guy who was obsessed with Perfume. (what was the story with him, anyway?)
he seems happy though, good for him!
No. 106218
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Has anyone ever heard of Happier Abroad?, it's filled with a bunch of spergs who idealize other countries based on over the top steryotypes.
No. 106221
>>106070HOLY SHIT.
I know this post is hella months old, but was that a castanic in a superhero costume? I forgot his IGN, but I know he was from Mount Tyrannas server (obviously Tera). Met him during an Alliance run.
He asked me if I was a virgin too and kept begging me to be his girlfriend and to listen to him play me a song on skype. I deleted him off so fucking quick and he whispered me QQ'ing, but I was like NOPE. SORRY. YOU'RE CREEPY DUDE. and blocked him..then proceeded to tell anyone I could to stay clear of him.
No. 106226
>>106221Poster of that screencap here, it was actually a dude playing a baraka, also it was Tera EU (don't judge, my internet connection is shit slow so I can't really play US), but yeah, I'd imagine there are a lot of creepy tards on MMOs anyway
Hahahaha good on you though
No. 106227
I find these people simultaneously horrifying and fascinating.
I'm 23, and I've had a few girlfriends in my time and have had sexual relationships with several women. Overall though I'm not very good with women, or people in general - at this point in my life I have a grand total of about 3 friends/acquaintances. I don't really 'get' how people work and I never have, and it honestly wouldn't surprise me if I perhaps have a touch of the tism. The thing is though, I'm at least somewhat self-aware. I recognise that I don't understand people or sometimes misinterpret them, and I'm aware that my mannerisms and personality are probably a bit odd and off-putting. I know that the problem isn't everyone else, the problem is me. I can accept this and I can accept that I'm probably going to be lonely for most of my life. I'm alright with that.
I think that's the main issue with a lot of these guys and is part of why they're so unhappy - just a total and utter lack of self-awareness. They don't realise how fucking weird they appear to other people, and they don't realise just how weird they appear to women. They're ultimately kind of shallow, with no ability for introspection. Everything is everyone's fault but theirs. Plus they do the whole 'pussy on a pedestal' thing and are
way too focused on sex.
I'm lucky, despite my difficulties with personal interaction I've managed to have a lot of sex with women I was close with and honestly, while it is good fun it's not the be-all end-all of existence. There is so much more to life than fucking, but these guys don't realise it. They've hit puberty and then seem to have never been able to mature past it.
It's kind of sad really.
But then I read stories like
>>106169 and
>>106064 and my sympathy very quickly disappears.
No. 106229
MRAs, loveshys, etc. keep bringing up the stereotype that women don't want to date short guys, guys who don't make much of an income, fat guys, whatever BS they are trying to believe to make themselves feel better.
Maybe I'm the only one, but I've seen short guys, house-husbands or guys with minimum wage jobs, paraplegics, and even fat guys who have had successful relationships and marriages.
I'm starting to wonder if that is some kind of maladaptive coping mechanism to protect their own egos. "It's not me that has to change, it's everybody else!" It reminds me of those tumblrinas that spout "Bones are for dogs!" while remaining glued to their couches or computer chairs being bitter over their female classmates getting married and having babies. The neckbeards who spout "reasons" why women wouldn't go out with them are not very self-aware and are overlooking the huge glaring flaw within themselves: their own rotten personalities.
tl:dr: Neckbeards use whatever excuses they can to make excuses for themselves.
No. 106230
>>106229>MRAs, loveshys, etc. keep bringing up the stereotype that women don't want to date short guys, guys who don't make much of an income, fat guys, whatever BS they are trying to believe to make themselves feel better. The thing is that they are right - to a point. These issues do leave some men at a disadvantage and it does make it harder for them to find women who are interested in them. Harder, but definitely nowhere near impossible. Like you said, I've seen guys with plenty of problems who have managed to find a partner who loves them dearly.
I used to catch the train to work and one of the other commuters I noticed was this guy in his 40s - he was about 5'2, flabby, balding, very socially awkward and possibly a bit autistic. Spoke in a monotone voice and had a weird sense of humour. I think he was an engineer of some sort, possibly a computer engineer. After a year or so of catching this train I finally saw one day that he actually had an incredibly hot wife who seemed to genuinely care for him and 2 young kids that looked up to him. Colour me surprised.
I suspect our fedora'd friends and other nice guys have seen the disadvantages wrought upon some men by these problems and have latched onto them as an excuse for why women don't like them, so then they can accuse women of being vain, shallow, narcissistic, or whatever. They do this because it's a good way of not having to acknowledge any glaring personality deficits of their own.
Your description of it as a maladaptive coping mechanism is quite appropriate, and as I said in
>>106227 it's indicative of a total lack of self-awareness or introspection. They can look everywhere and at everyone for problems, but they won't look at themselves.
No. 106231
>>106229>Maybe I'm the only one, but I've seen short guys, house-husbands or guys with minimum wage jobs, paraplegics, and even fat guys who have had successful relationships and marriages.Most house-husbands I've met in my lifetime have actually had pretty good marriages. They stay at home because they're more maternal than their wife or because their wife has a really great job or something. They're not staying at home because they're lazy. The only fuck-up one I know of can't be bothered to get a job because he has delusions that he's a successful Juggalo rapper when all he does all day is sit around and get high (with young kids in the house btw) and post on Facebook about how he's a warrior against GMOs. His fiancee has a minimum wage job, too.
Also, I can't be the only one who prefers short guys, can I? I just feel like I'm on more equal ground with someone my own height.
No. 106233
>>106232Okay my kinda fedora story. This happens in around the span of two days.
Some guy friends me on Facebook. We have a few mutual friends, and his profile says that he attends the community college in our area, so I add him. From what I saw of his photos, he looked like a normal dude. Kinda awkward and stuff, but normal.
Anyway, he starts messaging me and shit. At first he seems fairly nice. So I'm like okay, whatever, make a new friend, should be cool.
Then things start getting awkward. He asks me if I know why he added me. I have no clue, and he says that it was because of my eyes, which are apparently so beautiful that it's "like seeing the face of gawd".
(Yeah, he spelled it gawd.)
Then I fell asleep for about 2 hours and then woke up to his butthurt. When I told him it was the jet lag and that I was sorry, he spent a good ten minutes still whining and feeling sorry for himself.
He starts slipping in hints about how he likes short girls and thinks short girls are cute and that shtick. Then come the heart-eyes emojis. Calls me cute and perfect and repeatedly says that I'm his favorite person.
Then he starts in on the relationship talk and all the alarms go off in my head like NOPE NOPE NOPE.
And I try not to go into much detail, just say that oh relationships really aren't my thing had a couple jerk exes.
Then he goes like:
"I've shot, stabbed, set on fire, thrown out a 3rd story window, run over by my ex, drowned, at one point I think I was poisoned, stabbed again, both of the sides of my head stiched up, and electrocuted, twice. It's fine, I'm not perfect either."
Some other choice tidbits:
"I've just seen some horrible things that's all I can't ever forget. People I know die. People I care about being taken
Things no one should ever have to see."
"You know, all my life I've felt nothing but anger and pain. Been betrayed by so many. Been abandoned, beaten.But I never let it get to me. I've seen things that would been even the most normal of person mind would bend.But I'm okay, I just can never smile, or feel, or cry. I just can't. But I'll be alright."
After I stop responding, he kinda gets the message, and decides to dramatically send me a goodbye message in Chinese that basically means, "Whatever the outcome is, I hope I don't remember you."
lol what
tl;dr: I friend some batshit guy on Facebook who likes short girls and melodrama.
No. 106234
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>>106232Here's my shameful fedora story.
>16~17ish years old>play a lot on private Ragnarok Online servers>join a guild and meet a guy "Chung" who said he was mid twenties>there's a guild forum where we posted our photos>"Chung" had a super sexy photoSide note: yes I was too fucking stupid to reverse image search him or anything like that. fucking highschool naivety. jesus.
>I decide to post my pic in the thread>"Chung" gets super into me and I'm flattered because he's cute>He starts emailing me everyday, getting kinda obsessed>Every email gets progressively creepier until eventually he is proclaiming his undying love for me and how he is going to move cross country to be with me, were soul mates, etc etc etc…>I eventually ask him for another photo because hey this guy may not actually be who he says he is?>mfw he goes into a huge fucking rant about how he can't send me another photo yet because his ex gf broke up with him and so he got drunk and tried to commit suicide by driving into a wall so he was hospitalized and disfigured and he cant show me until he is sure i am serious about "us">NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE>quit RO server, change email, never log into chat messengers for over a year No. 106236
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I guess no pretty girls were willing to get as down with the clown as he is.
No. 106237
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No. 106238
>>106237 "neurotypical"? I love how fedoras try to play around with large words to seem intelligent yet they manage to butcher actual semantic relevance.
When speaking about neurological issues you don't use them in the sense of the "mind," but as the physical system. But I guess this guy got his cardiac strings in a bundle.
tips fedora I lol every time.
No. 106243
>>106232I went to high school with a fedora lord a couple years back.
>Tall, gangling skinny type guy>Greasiest jewfro in the world, face covered in white heads, potato nose, and wispy white boy goatee>Wore fedora literally every day of school, when teachers told him to take it off, he kept it on his desk at all times>Couldn't stop bragging about his dick size and how many girls he's fucked>Said "giggity" every other sentence>Extreme republican views, always piped up and threw a fit when someone mentioned Obama>Went on rants about how stupid Christians were, how stupid women were, etcI had a couple classes with him and they were all super uncomfortable. We also had an after school club together where he would try and set me up with his greasy friends and even made a bet on when I would lose my virginity with another dude.
He graduated before me, and I remember him visiting school every morning the year after so he could walk his gf to class. Which was also trespassing because he would just waltz in to the school…he eventually got banned from school grounds during school hours.
He wasn't super wild, but definitely one of the creepiest dudes I've met.
No. 106247
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No. 106248
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>>106247Kinda unrelated, but your picture reminded me of those old okcupid gold and fedorasofokc blogs
I laugh every time I see this
No. 106250
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No. 106251
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I made an OK Cupid about of myself for the lols once. This was what I got. No joke - I'll post them all if you like but there's lots
No. 106252
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Yep I am a shy now leave
No. 106253
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No. 106254
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Wow you dumped an A lister
No. 106255
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I'll stop for now but I literally have a lot more of these
No. 106256
please tell me that you got some genuinely not gross people on here.
No. 106257
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>>106256About 5% of the messages were non creeps the rest were sadly
Not sure if this guy was a troll or not
No. 106258
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No. 106261
>>17-18 year old boy from my college.
>>Used to wear a full suit and fedora every non-uniform day back in secondary school.
>>Is about 7foot tall and walks like Frankenstien because he has dodgy cripple feet.
>>Fat neckbeard who stinks to high heaven of B.O and piss. Imagine the worst smelling person you have ever encountered x1000. I literally spend my whole media lessons gipping, ten minutes after he has left the room his stench is still in full force.
>>Is loud and obnoxious, lectures people on how 'WWE is a NOT FAKE, it is SCRIPTED!!!' all whilst shouting in his Winnie The Pooh like voice.
>>Is 'deeply sorry to all the females in the class for how the media represents women' and that he is ashamed of his gender.
>>Is well known for boasting about watching rape and torture porn (wow such a gentleman and respects women.)
>>If a girl is walking quite a bit behind him and he walks through a door, he will hold it open for her, whilst standing in the doorway so she will feel forced to go through it and squeeze past his fat hairy sweaty body. He tried to do this to me once even though I was a good 30 seconds behind him, he still stood there for ages holding it 'ladies first' he said 'naa thanks you go' and gave him my most disapproving look.
>>Is the hairiest mother fucker I have ever met. Always has his trousers with his hairy werewolf arse crack hanging out, an image that haunts my nightmares.
>>Has a panini for break, a bottle of coke and a chocolate bar. Has a tray of chips, another panini (sometimes even two) another bottle of cola and another chocolate bar for lunch. Each day. Let me just total that cost from the school meals up for you: Panini's are £1.50 each, chips £1 and drinks £1.10, chocolate 60p. He spends £7.80 a day, £35 a week Jesusss no wonder he is fat.
>>Sits on the school computers every free period and surfs 4Chan and plays Doom. Got banned from using these sites on the school system and had a massive rant to the head on how it is oppressing his rights of doing what he wants in his spare time.
>>Never stops telling people even random people about his 'anxiety problems' and that he had to quit school last year because it was so bad (this is a lie, school chucked him out because he kept giving death threats to other students and teachers e.g 'I will cut off your head and shit down your neck'. He uses the anxiety card as an excuse of not having done his homework. I bet you he will turn out to be a serial killer or a rapist.
No. 106268
>>106267lol and :(
Fedora type story? Nah, but I do have a Nice Guy story I posted on Stamina Rose.
>Second year in college>Dorky dude sitting across from me is talking>Guy starts sitting with me every day>Finds out I have a boyfriend and seems disappointed>Sorta friends with him for a year>Break up with boyfriend>He becomes my best friend>Always brings me around family like I'm his gf>I choose to ignore this >Switches all his classes to match my schedule, even signs up for a class he's already completed>Starts asking me weird shit like why I don't answer my phone even though I'm home>Ask him how he knows>Says he drives by my place when I don't pick up and sees my bedroom light on>Watch movies together and then falls asleep on my bed on purpose>I sleep on the couch when he does >Offered to go on road trip with group of friends >Everyone backs out mysteriously except him>Stay at grandparents house>He falls asleep on the bed I'm in>Nowhere to go>Wake up to him rubbing my back>Don't say anything because terrified of hurting his feelings >Tries to make out with me when I'm drunk later that night>Say we're just friends and spend rest of night puking>After trip tells me he had molested his two younger sisters during their childhood, but made it seem like it was mutual incest>Tried to empathize but secretly dying inside>After graduation, move back home>He still visits me and we remain friends >Become good friends with his roommate >He goes insane, becomes jealous and possessive >Drunkenly pours beer on me, threatens me and leaves my arms full of bruises from throwing me around>Find out friends he was living a double life. He was constantly having random sexual encounters with drunk girls. Had a complete distaste for women and was probably a 180 from the person I had thought was my best friendsI never talked to him again. However, I don't deserve the sympathy most girls here deserve. I tried to stay friends with him despite knowing what he did to his sisters. I deluded myself into thinking it was kids experimenting, but by the age difference alone, I should have known it was rape. I just really didn't want to lose my best friend. Lots of other shit happened and the guy was an honest to god sociopath. Not the type that we've been talking about here, but the Ted Bundy type. The super charming dude. In fact, I lost a lot of friends because they refused to believe he was a bad guy. "HE'D NEVER DO THAT!" "YOU MUST HAVE LED HIM ON" Umm…I told him several times we were just friends and it was going to stay that way. I let a lot of shit slide because I'm a natural doormat but I was always clear that I didn't want him as a boyfriend.
^This isn't a really good story, but I thought I'd try and share since everyone else has awesome fedora stories.
No. 106269
>>106268Muh friend
I can relate to part of that story.
More so the incest.
Turns out the asshole who took my v-card had touch his little niece more than once,but told me it was all a misunderstanding that was cleared up in the family.
No. 106270
>>106269Yup. I feel super shitty about it now. His sisters were awesome people. One was some super smart engineer and the other was this lively, beautiful, funny girl. I suck.
And jesus, that's horrible! How did you find out?
No. 106271
>>106270Good to see that they were able to do something after that.
He went about it all I have a super dark secret to tell promise you won't freak out???? Don't forget you love me bs. And he just flat out told me that he was "helping her bathe" when he was baby sitting her. I wasn't sure how to take it I was really fucking dumb and feel bad about it, but once he "dumped me for not being his princess he thought I was" I told his mom. The mom had no idea and thanked me. Mom kicked him out lived in his car for a week till the gf he was cheating on me with let him live with her.
Fuck I should do a green text about this dick one day.
No. 106273
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No. 106279
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>>106271Okay, guess I'll do a small back story before I get into us going out. I had just turned eighteen, and I'm really ignorant/innocent about a lot of things when it comes to relationships (not sex though know the basics.) Also never kissed/been kissed. I had low self-esteem in a way.
While I'm up at my Dads (to help out, family things) for a few months. I get a message on my Gaia account from my best friend S. She tells me about this guy she works with from Game Stop and how she thinks we would hit it off. I say okay, and the next day I get a message from him on Gaia. I remember it be a long ass PM talking about himself and how he would like to get to know me better, and what S. told him. I eventually say yes to going out with him because I've never been treated, and fawned over like this before from any guy.
Things move really fast in a week. I get a lot of long cheese poems and how I'm such a cool geek gurl gamer anime princess, and his other girlfriend was a crazy bitch that wouldn't let him play his video games or watch his animus.
Green Text (Is over a month)
>Tells me he loves me after only talking for 2 weeks.>Always talks shit about his ex to me when we chat.>Tells me how his ex was trying to trap him with her being pregnant. (It was his)>Ask for some pictures of me. (Thought it was harmless)>Asked for noods, tell him no. He then goes on to talk about how big his dick is.>Sends pic of his dick next to a lighter to show size. It’s no bigger than the lighter. >I don’t reply for a few minutes, he thinks I’m in shock from how big it is.>Finally meet him in person he tries to shove his tongue down my throat. (First kissed ruined)>Our 2nd date if you can call it that was watching anime meeting the parents and him trying to sex me.(His parents are really nice.) He hates them ofc
>So those picture that I gave him he printed out and taped them to his anime wall scrolls over Kagomes face. (I should have ran)>While watching anime he pushes me down on the bed and does this weird dry humping thing I ask for him to stop he then turns it on me like I don’t love him. (he didn’t stop )>We chat that night He talks about how he wants to make me his perverted princess>Tell him I’m not ready for sex and want to wait.>Flips it on me that I don’t love him and that I’m just like his ex. (Feel like shit and don’t want to be like his ex) I cave in and say yes (biggest mistake of my life)>Next day takes me to his place (his parents house they also weren’t home) and pushes me onto the bed. Freaking out and telling him I change my mind. Tells me not to worry princess this will be great.>He takes my clothes off and sticks it in and never felt it, and if I didn’t see him thrusting I would have never known he was in me. (I tried fighting back for a bit but him being 6’5 and almost 400 made it hard as fuck)>Get dressed and ask to go home, in the car he ask for me to move in with him, tell him my mom wouldn’t allow that. He gets pissy and threatens to not take me home. (took me home anyways)>Didn’t take his calls/see him for 2 days.>Did chat with him after the two days(was trying to break up with him/he was having none of that) and he come out of the blue telling me he had this really dark secret that he needs to tell me.>Dark secret is he touched his niece more than once, but it was just a misunderstanding.>Tells me If I love him it won’t be a big deal and that its natural>Freaked out and never bring it up >Shows up to my house the next day asking if I wanted to go out, tell him I’m not feeling well. He ends up talking me to go out anyways. Ate some food went back to his place pulls me on his bed laid there while he had sex.(last time we had sex)>Last date he brought his “friend” from school who really he was dating while we were still going out. ( I was clueless to it)>Dumps me the next day over myspace and Gaia>Ask him why, he says I am no longer his special princess that he thought I was.>Feeling like shit for giving away my virginity to the fist dickwad that shows me fake affection>After a week of self-loathing go out to store run into his mom >Mom says how sorry she is about the breakup, and hopes I’m okay >Tell her about what he did to his niece, told me she didn't know and thanked me. Last I ever saw of her>Still look at his myspace and see that he made a post about getting thrown out of his house and living in his car.>Week later he updates that he is staying with his loving princess.(And her mom and dad)>Got a PM on Gaia that said “I know it was you bitch”>Delete all his messages stay offline for months Start to hang out with friends again turns out he told all our friends that I begged for him to fuck me. S. and N didn't take the bait never did tell them what he did just that he was a dick. I should also note that he came off as a really chill guy when we were in front of friends and family but when we were alone or chatting he was someone completely different.
Hes a dad now with two kids hes also back with the girlfriend that he was dating before me.The picture of him is more recent and hes lost about a 100lbs.
I regret being such a fucking pushover and not telling my mom sooner as to what happened. I know if I would have told her I would have never gotten into my second relationship, but that’s another story.
Sorry it’s long and may be difficult to keep along.
No. 106281
I've really grown from the whole thing.In a great relationship too.
No. 106283
>>106277Yeah I've never run into a fedora or a brony or anything like that while others seem to attract them. I wonder if it's a specific hobby or an age thing? Kids these days seem far too willing to meet strangers from the internet which people were much more cautious of pre social media.
Also a lot of the outrageous OKC messages are probably guys just scatter gunning and messaging ten girls at once. They know their messages are stupid but if you actually reply to them (even to insult them) then at least you're talking to them which is a step forward.
No. 106285
>>106279I remember when I lost my v-card. It was about the same. I said I changed my mind and no and he told me "don't worry. its okay. we can stop any time." And continued anyways.
I thought all men were douchebags like that until I met my current BF. Early in the relationship he asked if we should take it further and I said I wasn't sure so he stopped. Imagine that!!!
No. 106286
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>>106279 I've ran into a few here and there. I think it comes down to where I go,and whats happening. When I've gone to our larger comic shop you don't see as many of them unless its TTG night, or cockmagic/any other card game. We also have a small anime/collectible shop(haven't gone) and all the pics you see of the people are greasy fedoras. I've found if you don't make eye contact they don't seem to talk to you.
>>106282>>106285I feel for you guys.
I'm not gonna say all guys are assholes, but I feel when you're into some hobbies and stuff you get some really shitty guys that outweigh the decent ones.
No. 106288
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>>106287That's really freaky anon.
Well as far as I know hes still in Florida with the baby mama.
Not sure how old this picture is just snagged it off his fb. Most of the ones that are public have him and his kids in them.
No. 106291
>>106279Sorry about what happened anon :(
Being pressured into sex like that sucks. I have a sort of similar story of when I was abroad in Japan, but he's not exactly a neckbeard though. But I just feel like sharing asshole stories too.
>Know Japanese guy "S" for about a month, just friends. He apparently has an online 16 year old German GF. But whatever>S's birthday, says he wants to meet up with me, because his parents don't do much for his birthday and friends are in Uni.>I like another guy, and don't really want to spend all day out. Politely decline. S starts writing depressing texts about how he's never happy on his birthdays blahblahblah.>FucknowIfeelbad.jpg>Say fine, but you can't stay the night because of reasons. He agrees.>We meet at the Subway station. I offer to buy him dinner and some drinks.>Drink way to much>Drunk me lets S into my apartment. Where we were innocently talking about normal shit.>S talks about how "hard long distance is!" and that he just needs something physical.>Keeps trying to make out with me and touch my boobs (all while texting this 16 year old on and off)>I refuse>Please x 100>No x 100>PLEASE?>Agree to sleep with him if he promises to not sleep here>We sex(mistake 1) >he insists on pull out method (mistake 2) and doesn't exactly make it out in time. Mind you, before all of this, during dinner he was completely rude. Saying "Why did you wear that shirt? It looks kind of ugly on you" and constantly commenting on how my apartment stank (it did…I had just gotten rid of bathroom mold. WHICH IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT COMPANY!) Just one of those assholes that have you counting down the time until they leave.
>1 month later; No period>shit fuck fuck shit shit shit fuck>Learns new Japanese word (妊娠判定テスト)>2 lines>shit fuck shit fuck fuck>Hadn't had sex with anyone since that night>Calls him and tells him that he's knocked me up.>"Why would you do this to me?">What. Whatever. Asks him what I should do>Abortions obvs. (what I wanted anyways)>Ask him to pay for half because it's fucking expensive>He refuses. Says it's my responsibility to make sure I don't get pregnant. Tells me I'm fucked and that I should just leave Japan at this point.>Tells him that it's 1/2 his responsibility, he should pay, blahblahblah.>Refuses to pay. Accuses me of "using him for money!">What. Ask him to at least take me to see a doctor, because hospital japanese is fucking hard, etc.>"Abortion is technically illegal, I could get in trouble! I'm not going!">Fight some more. Decide never to talk again.His last words to me that day, after telling him that I was pregnant, were "HAHA your pussy was so loose I couldn't even feel anything!" Of course, I got the abortion. Had a weird otaku-type Japanese guy try to marry me and claim my kid as his after only knowing me for 1 week. That is a different story however. This all happened about 5 months ago. On a night I was feeling depressed, I sent him a message. It was pretty vague like, "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" Just wanting to tell him some of my feelings.
His reply was something along the lines of "I have nothing to talk to you about" and blocked me. Hahaha fucking prick.
Sorry for the block of text. I just fucking hate the asshole :/
No. 106294
>>106291>Agree to sleep with him if he promises to not sleep herewtf
>I sent him a message. It was pretty vague like, "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" Just wanting to tell him some of my feelings.Why would you do this?
This is like one of those stories from that host club blog.
No. 106299
>>106297Not only was he my first boyfriend, but my first kiss etc. I had an abusive brother who tore me down every day and beat the shit outta me. I wasn't going to start up an abusive relationship with my boyfriend by screaming, biting him and punching him. Hell I didn't even push him away and just closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands.
And he wasn't raping me, you dumb fuck. Did I ever say that? He was just an asshole. I said he was a douchebag, not a rapist.
>>106298We're all willing to admit we're idiots and feel bad about it. Not like any of girls in these stories were beyond their teens. Who else would assholes prey upon other than naive, stupid girls with no self-esteem? The only reason we have neckbeard stories is because some dumb girl bought into their fucking violin story and ma'lady bullshit. What are you even expecting, anon?
No. 106301
>>106299Yeah, sorry for being so harsh. I guess it just reminded me of those girls who decry every sexual encounter they regret as rape etc. which lessens the experiences of women that have REALLY been raped.
I'm really sorry about what happened to you. It sucks that a lot of young women go through this, it's largely why these neckbeards go for v young women instead of women their age or slightly younger, they're not naive enough and see through their bullshit.
No. 106302
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The friend of my friend is a major weeaboo/neckbeard combo, and it's so cringe-worthy. He has this weird obsession with samurai, and always talks about living in Japan to find a 'nice quite, non-aggressive' Japanese girl. He's usually seen sporting a long sleeve shirt under a short sleeve button-down.
Last time I saw him, he was trying to convince a group of people that each individual piece of corn was a fruit, so corn isn't bad for you.
No. 106304
>>106300… sorry for over reacting, but don't worry, you're not the first person to have that reaction. I've told previous friends as a "isn't this a pathetic story" when we're all sharing stuff like first boyfriends/girlfriends etc and it never fails to either have "so what did you do to stop him?!" or "rappe!!!" I either feel horrified they imply that I was raped or guilty that I was so spineless.
We're all angry about women who cry wolf, but I'm not a person to take rape lightly. One of my best friends at 11 years old was pregnant by her uncle due to rape and had to have a stillborn because abortion wasn't an option for her family. I love Catholics.
It really isn't something I regret. Just puts into perspective that he was a piece of crap for not listening to a girl who was honestly scared. I share that story because I think it's sad that I didn't have the confidence to push him away and say "yeah I'm not ready. We're done here." As for life scarring event? Not really. Just a pathetic one.
>>106300You know, letting a guy pull out isn't a genius decision, but maybe it's because I empathize too much with my gender that I feel bad she had to get an abortion alone. Stupid or not, it sucks to be treated that way.
No. 106306
>>106305I kind of wonder what "feminism" is starting to mean in the minds of these idiots. It's like they attribute all this weird shit to it, some giant imaginary conspiracy that can be manipulated to whatever they want to claim persecution.
The mental gymnastics these people go through, Christ.
No. 106307
>>106306FEMINAZIS!!! is to these people what JEWS!!! are to fat wannabe aryan supremacists
They've never really met one but they just know that "they" run the whole world
No. 106309
>>106308There's still a pretty stark difference between tumblr whining and "feminism causes racism and violence because [some irrational bullshit]."
Quite frankly I wouldn't worry about some tumblr user shooting shit up. These guys? Maybe.
No. 106312
>>106302Corn is a grain LMAO.
He wants a nice, quiet, non-aggressive girl? Why is that? Is it because most girls don't accept the sexual harassment that he probably did to make them react aggressively? Lol I think he'll find that many Japanese girls are not like that.
No. 106319
>>106309they all feed into each other. tumblr whiners complain about and ostracize guys like that and those guys complain about and ostracize women until someone commits suicide or shoots up a church.
different reasons, but it's all anti-social behaviour in the end.
No. 106320
A couple neckbeard stories…
In college
>I fall in with the nerdy group
>There are a couple neckbeards
>This one in particular tho
>Would watch amvs and hentai on his laptop in the cafeteria like it was nbd
>Would also brag about his sex toy collection that he had at home, in case he had a "female" over to keep her occupied while he played xbox
>Always refers to women as "females"
>He's nice to me though
>We made out once, but then spring break happened
>He never calls or anything over spring break
>I'm not thinking anything serious of it tbh, thought we just made out once, that was it, and that's ok
>Get back from break
>He just totally ignores me like I did something wrong
>I disconnect from the group
>Start dating a girl
>Him when he finds out "so you'd rather date another female than me, huh?"
>I tell him to sod off
>Next year, the "group" as they call themselves, forms an anime club
>It's basically all the same clique tho, centered by one really spoiled snowflake girl
>I get a job at a supermarket, transfer to uni, and just fuck off from all of it
>See him at the supermarket a few years later with his parents, looking miserable
>Me and some other coworkers lol about it in the breakroom later. That's about it.
And then in uni
>Meet your bog standard dweeb who is in the same clubs as me
>We hang out a bit, sometimes go for lunch or to TRU or somebullshit
>I'm not seeing anyone at this point, so he probs thinks it's a lot more serious than it actually is for us
>He gets into MLP. Tags pictures of me as ponies a lot on facebook
>gets into Dr. Who as well
>follows me around school because he's bored
>one day at anime club, we're all invited to barbecue at a member's house. with steak. and beer.
>Him "I thought we were going to go to lunch together though."
>Me "Yeah but just this one time would be cool to hang out with the rest of the club."
>I go with anime club, and enjoy steak and beer. He stays behind and pouts probably
>starts posting loveshy bullshit on facebook
>I tell him there's someone else I like
>I unfriend him. "just friends" can go out to lunch together too, right? But he thought it was more than that. He stops going to clubs. oh well
>Several months later, me and my bro are at the ren faire.
>Bro: "Isn't that that weird guy from your school?"
>Looks around. He's there, dressed as Dr. Who. Thankfully doesn't see us.
>Me and bro lol about it over turkey legs later.
That's about it.
No. 106321
>>106229>MRAs, loveshys, etc. keep bringing up the stereotype that women don't want to date short guys, guys who don't make much of an income, fat guys, whatever BS they are trying to believe to make themselves feel better. It's funny because guys like these usually have the highest standards for women themselves. Like you can't be fat or even chubby, you have to be at least 8/10, you have to be submissive, you have to take care of him, you have to have your own income, a good degree etc. Basically be a lot more balanced than they are. And if you fill their criteria, they feel you are obligated to fall in love with them because you have what they want. It's like they're shopping for a girlfriend, not trying to meet one. You fit their requirements so they want to grab you off the shelf like a cereal box.
Anyway, my story, I'll try to keep it short but its time span is a couple of years:
>Background: Have had a lot of misfortune with men, a lot of cheating bastards and mental abuse, been "the other woman" without myself knowing about it so putting on my defense all the time when a guy tries to get too comfortable and try my best not to seem like I'm interested unless I really am>Meet a guy>He's really funny and witty and I enjoy his company a lot, open up about my past with shitty relationships at some point after knowing him for a while>Be happy that I made a good friend>He seems to be developing a crush on me but keeps his distance because he knows what I've been through>He starts getting a bit too comfortable around myself, talking about sexual subjects and joking about having sex with me but hey it's a very obvious joke>He suddenly gets a girlfriend, starts ignoring me so we kind of drift apart>They break up, he starts talking to me again>He suddenly buys me a present, an expensive present, something that I had been saving up for and planning to buy myself>At the same time I'm taken but mostly I'm kind of shaken because I feel like accepting it means that I'm in debt to him and the thought makes me uncomfortable>He gets me another present, also expensive shit I was going to buy myself but I was a broke as fuck student so it took me time to save up for things>This is starting to make me feel really uncomfortable>The final straw was when he actually found out where I lived and appeared on my doorstep without any warning and wanted to get in since "he was in the neighborhood so he figured he'd stop for a visit">How. the. fuck. did you get my address. I was so shocked that I just let him stay for a couple of hours because he wasn't on a touchy-feely creeper level anyway and we just talked about this and that until I grew the balls to ask him to leave.>Later found out that he wanted to have sex. Of course. He knew well how insecure I am about sex so I don't know how he thought I'd just fuck him without any trouble.>He starts talking about having explicit sex with me.>Holy shit no this is getting way too weird. >Give him the cold shoulder>Finally piss him off, he goes on a long-winded rant about friend zone, calls me a whore multiple times and cuts off all ties. Writing this made me realize how much the whole experience actually traumatized me because I haven't reflected on it before. He was a very close, good friend of mine that turned out to be a creep and after severing contact, it felt like a piece of my life was removed. It subconsciously made me fear men even more and nowadays I avoid making friends with them because I'm always afraid of the day they develop an obsessive crush on me yet again.
No. 106322
>>106321>It's funny because guys like these usually have the highest standards for women themselves. Like you can't be fat or even chubby, you have to be at least 8/10, you have to be submissive, you have to take care of him, you have to have your own income, a good degree etc. Basically be a lot more balanced than they are. And if you fill their criteria, they feel you are obligated to fall in love with them because you have what they want. It's like they're shopping for a girlfriend, not trying to meet one. You fit their requirements so they want to grab you off the shelf like a cereal box. I agree, they have ridiculous standards, especially since none of them are anything special themselves. What I think is especially odd is how they always say women have it so easy but then make a big deal about how they would never touch a woman that is "ugly" in even the most mild of ways.
And unlike normal guys they get all pissy and obsessive over little details like fashion, styling, hair, etc. I've known plenty of these guys and they'll get pissed and refuse to date (or so they claim, not that they'd get the chance) girls who do stuff like have bangs, wear certain types of glasses, wear flip flops, tank tops, paint their nails, etc.
I get the feeling they see women as sex dolls, I don't know why they don't just save up and buy one of those real dolls and save themselves the trouble.
>>106319Yeah, it may be antisocial, but tumblr users never encourage violence and they can sit around in their hug box, I can ignore them easily. You can't ignore these assholes, they make themselves known.
No. 106323
>>106322>tumblr users never encourage violencetop kek. but, yeah, at least they do just sit and cry in their hugbox without doing anything. But then again, there are the pro-ana communities and people like Skeleton Ashley who are actively destroying the lives of young girls online. tumblr seems to cannibalize their own instead of taking it out on the larger society.
I guess the scary thing about the tumblr brand of psycho is that it's mostly downplayed or finds its way into the social stratum, like those guys who are getting fined and arrested for "manspreading".
for the most part you can ignore guys like this too, if it weren't for lolcow these people wouldn't even be on my radar. The ones who do take violent action are always made out to be some kind of anomaly and rightfully vilified.
No. 106324
>>106323Trust me, if only these guys could be ignored. I've had many a run in and I wasn't seeking them out. A nice forum I used to be on was overrun and a bunch of people basically forced out if they didn't go along with the popular party line. Obviously that's small stuff but it does leak over.
And stereotypical tumblr is not pro-ana, they're pro-HAES, at least that's what I thought. Again though, if someone wants to sit around whining about getting
triggered or eating/not eating themselves to death I don't care.
The MRA/nice guy communities do cause violence though (Elliot Roger is a big case example of that). To give a smaller scale example, the new MRA guys in the forum I mentioned above started encouraging each other to push/slap the hands of women trying to get people to sign petitions. It's a low scale "violence" but it's still dickish behavior. Or just read this thread, people have their own stories.
No. 106325
File: 1435378231738.png (43.72 KB, 589x824, 1435367594439-0.png)

Saw this on /cow/, not sure if this has been posted already.
No. 106329
>>106328If this is to be believed, Marjan Siklic the incel/loveshy dude who shat up threads like these about a year ago finally got some psychiatric help. If you scroll up this one you'll see some of his antics. There's also
>>>/b/92 which house a lot of his beliefs about women + society.
For those who aren't aware, talked a lot about
>government should assign people like him gfs>raping women>hates his mom and wants to kill her>etc No. 106332
>>106323>>106322Sorry for being OT butI wish i could find more people like you guys.
Everyone i've seen is either a violent MRA or a whining tumblr feminist. it makes me sad.
No. 106335
File: 1435395410221.jpg (37.25 KB, 1104x229, Lathos_Zan.JPG)

IIRC, this is the same guy that also would regularly talk to anyone that would listen about wanting to fuck his cousin.
No. 106336
File: 1435435732449.jpg (24.85 KB, 510x286, 2013-08-22 Fulgham arraignment…)

A brony-friendzony I knew in high school ended up murdering his grandparents with his juggalo friends
No. 106340
File: 1435459018150.png (34.06 KB, 594x407, 1435458623952-0.png)

No. 106341
>>106246holy shit i fucking hate theamazingathetist
we should have a thread about this dumbass
No. 106346
>>106340I'm dying over here!
>Think of your son! His kind are dying vigins everyday! HELP THE CAUSE!The obviously stolen profile picture is the cherry on top.
No. 106348
>>106338He hasn't been arrested. He is posting as Holden on kiwifarms.
There is nothing about his arrest in Croatian news either and there would be an article about him if an arrest happened, trust me.
No. 106349
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No. 106350
File: 1435703645589.png (42.99 KB, 505x646, good man my ass.png)

I worked at the DMV one summer and this one was one the guys who I worked with. I added him to be nice, and only keep him there so things won't be weird when I have to go back to get shit done. He posts dumb comments on my stuff once in a while, and becomes a tryhard in trying to talk to me about whatever I'm studying.
Most of his posts revolve around him trying to save money, but there's also a pretty large amount of this like this on his page too. I called him a mysogynist once when I got fed up with an older post of his and he was like "ME?? A MYSOGYNIST?? nooo!! I just hate bitches not women!!!" yeah but you also think any women who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after what she wants is a "bitch"
No. 106356
>>106355I lost the status bc I closed the window, but here's a line that I had copied and pasted elsewhere
>You want to date me prove your worth ladies. Prove you are he's fucking disgusting inside and out. my other coworkers told us a story about how once he kept fish in the breakroom fridge and it went rancid and he ATE IT ANYWAY. it's unrelated to him being a douche but gross man, learn some fucking boundaries with your money saving.
No. 106357
>>106356Maybe he did it to punish himself for letting it go bad? Wasting food is one thing I absolutely despise and I've been known to do that.
If his body can take it I fail to see the problem.
No. 106359
>>106327>>106327Certain areas in certain cities have a bunch of people standing around asking to get petitions signed. The petitions are always for random things.
Also I don't believe that Marjan post. Not just the getting arrested but holy shit, he just admitted to rape? Didn't he also admit to something like that before?
No. 106361
File: 1435775938875.gif (708.3 KB, 260x195, dabeastt.gif)

I didn't see the other thread so I don't know if this guy was posted there, but… joseph8276.
Links of interest:
trigger warning: borderline micropenis)
Cliff's notes:
-Women are too picky.
-He needs a relationship because reasons.
-But only hot, and I mean SMOKIN' HOT girls need apply. It's not hypocritical because reasons.
-Ladies, you NEED nice guys.
-Mounting evidence suggests that Pepsi might not be healthier than water after all.
-If a woman sees her boyfriend getting pushed around, she should physically intervene and beat up his attackers.
In all a pretty unfortunate individual. He seems to have lost the genetic lottery on pretty much all fronts.
No. 106362
File: 1435874330146.jpg (52.83 KB, 774x626, 142647670633.jpg)

Remind me to never cosplay again.
No. 106366
File: 1435876140819.png (3.94 KB, 664x154, pervert.png)

>>106364I'm sure she's a pervert too, but that doesn't change the meaning of the word.
No. 106367
Though I would have been annoyed already at the "am I?" bit in itself.
No. 106369
>>106365L-O-fuckin-L and people act like girls are over emotional and prone to hysteria. A 14 year old girl has nothing on these guys.
It's really obvious he keeps getting responces like your's, but instead of trying to figure out what he's doing that provokes it, it's all the evil
females fault for being mean and up themselves.
No. 106373
File: 1436931571705.png (285.21 KB, 1038x2516, bruh.png)

bumping with more of my shitty coworker because this had the unfortunate fate of showing up on my newsfeed when i checked…
tbh I skimmed through most of it but i'm gonna make a short tl;dr based on what i skimmed/what i think most of it consists of
>"wah wah i offered to drive a lady home and she asked me to drive her DIRECTLY TO THE STATION!!!"
>"wah she didnt give me gas money even though i OFFERED TO DRIVE HER"
>wah something about friendzoning
>wah i have so much to offer but thats all women want from me
>wah wah look at how salty i am
>wah women have to prove how worth they are to me bc im great!!!!!!!
I suspect out of all the people he calls out, I'm the Asian he mentions.
My favorite bit is this
>I do not objectify women = Woman pissed LOL. Funny.
>proceeds to objectify women???????
i've given up on the temptation to call him out but at least i know no one will ever have the misfortune of ever having to deal with him.
No. 106375
>>106373>I will not say its nameOh anon, it must be devastating to be shot down by such a stable, charming, intellectual! /s
He gets points for using both "female" and "male" in his rants. Usually the bottom feeders like to only refer to women as females. And I also hate when I give someone a ride and the little shit starts expecting me take them farther at of my way.
That said, this is quite the self-righteous rant. It couldn't be anymore blubbering '
pity me - womenz are all evil' if it had a m'lady and fedora tip. It's been a while since I've seen one of this caliber that wasn't a troll. Thanks for sharing anon, and sorry you have to deal with an actual 'friendzone' whining autist.
No. 106376
I guess I can write up a fedora story. It may be lengthy, so apologies.
>be freshly 18
>play WoW an unhealthy amount
>part of the best raid group on the server
>new balance druid server xfers to play with us
>latches on to me because hurrr girl on WoW durrr
>have low self esteem and take any attention given
>be in vent with him and a few others
>goes off about how lonely he is and how he wants to die
>me being the sucker I am "always wanting to help people!" type, I swoop in
>talk him out of it and become friends
>skype and MSN every day
>watch movies every day together
>he sends me pictures of himself, he's really cute and my type
>i send him some of me (all SFW, may I add for both sides.)
>we pursue a LDR because I'm a shitter that doesn't pick up on red flags
>starts asking for nudes
>I decline as I'm not comfortable
>"come on, i send you pics all the time, why can't you send me any ever? I'm tired of this one sided shit!"
>feel pressured and send a butt shot in underwear, kek
>months later he says I should come visit him in Virginia
>I agree and he pays for everything (he is also 18)
>I arrive at the airport, sending him messages asking where he is.
>No replies, nothing for over an hour
>Call my mom thinking maybe this was a mistake (she knew where I was and what I was doing.)
>receive call, he says he's waiting outside.
>go outside looking for him as I've seen his "pictures"….a 6 ft, black haired typical "emo" looking guy because my taste was shit at the time
>nowhere to be found
>only one person outside, and it's some 400lb greasy emo looking guy with glasses and smells bad
>oh no
>oh god no
>he looks up and says "h-hi"
>my plane ticket doesn't go back home until the following Saturday (6 days from now)
>As if this weren't a big enough red flag, oh boy
>An older man and woman come up to me, introduce themselves as his parents (he told me he had his own apartment in Virginia Beach.)
>they ask for my I.D. to make sure I'm actually 18
>what the actual fuck
>I present it and they accept
>they hand him the car keys, give him their credit card, and tell us to "have fun!"
>he tells me we are going to a hotel next to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg and will stay there
>I am still in total shock of everything, especially "how could someone lie on the internet!"
>we never video chatted as I didn't have a webcam, and he told me his "broke" so I just took his word for everything
>go to hotel, it has 2 beds thank christ
>try to sleep in my own, he pressures me and complains constantly of "why do you want to sleep alone, I don't take up that much room! God girls are such judgmental bitches!"
>it's around halloween so busch gardens has it's own theme going on
>he decides we should dress up
>he buys me some stupid "sexy" freddy kreuger outfit
>I have 0 self esteem so I refuse to wear it without a shirt underneath and pants
>he protests but eventually complies
>we stand in line for a ride, I get on and he sits next to me
>the attendant literally cannot close the hatch over his stomach and politely asks him to get off
>I spend the entire time on the ride thinking of how to jump off without dying and run away
>don't do it because I'm locked in anyway
>spend the entire time bitching about how "all these dumb sluts are wearing practically nothing!!!" meanwhile he bought me a "Sexy" costume but I was his "pure maiden and no one would ever think I was a slut unless I slept with someone that wasn't him
>holy shit man, calm down
>later in the week we are at the hotel, I am counting down the time to when I can leave.
>the dining area has free tea and coffee all hours of the day
>he asks if I want a tea as he wants one, i say sure
>my dumbass should have gotten my own
>drink most of it, notice it's rather cold despite being "hot" tea
>he was down there for a while, I wonder why?
>he mashed up some sleeping medicine, I can't remember the name of it but he had it for himself because he had "sleeping" problems
>I pass out of course
>I wake up to him trying to put his micropenis in my ass, he never succeeded because he's so huge he can't reach any hole
>I finally come to and scream WHAT THE FUCK at him, pull up my pants, grab my wallet, and bolt the fuck out of the room.
>I run down the 6 flights of stairs because I know he'll take the elevator
>I run out and the dude at the lobby is like "wtf"
>I run to the nearest building, which was 7-11 at the time
>I pant, the little indian man at the counter looks at me like I'm retarded
>I ask to use the phone
>"it not work I sorry, manager hasn't replaced yet!!!"
>I walk back to the hotel and the lobby dude is gone
>I run back to my room to grab my phone, hoping to whatever deity this guy isn't there
>he's there and cries, apologizes and says "i was just curious, nothing happened I promise!"
>I believe him because it was physically impossible for him to insert his appendage anywhere
>am too scared to phone my mom or anything as I'm alone in a forest in a hotel with this guy
>next day his parents want to go to D.C. and he complies for us to go with
>we drive up there with them and he is disgusting the entire time trying to make my lie down in his lap, hold his hand, etc
>I say no and he's like "I paid for all this shit and you still decline, WOWW!!"
>d.c. was whatever, saw my first Ikea. Nothing to write home about
>he has to use my phone at one point to ring his mom (his phone died) to ask for directions
>rest of the week is him pitifully trying to get sex out of me
>we go to a shop at one point and he buys Magnum condoms to exclaim how big his dick is
>the cashier laughs at him and looks at me pitifully
>he buys a fedora at one of the shops and wears it everywhere, saying "only classy gents should be around you, my sweet"
>kill me please
>sneak out one night so he can steal alcohol from his parents' house
>he still tries to tell me he has his own Apartment and that his car is at the mechanic
>lies about literally everything
>come back home and still to afraid to tell anyone what happened
>he apparently grabbed my mom's # from my phone during that fiasco
>he looks at apartments and sends me all sorts of links of "oh we should live here together!' "this place looks nice, you'd look good naked on this balcony lol :)"
>I decline and tell him I want nothing to do with him
>he claims he will send my mom the texts and pictures I sent him
>I freak out and tell him not to
>he then threatens to kill himself, saying he's on the roof of his building ready to jump off
>I am still dumb and believe him
>I call the local police for his area, tell him where he said he lived and they agreed
>never hear police sirens in the background of the call
>I ring his mom's # and his dad picks up, I tell him what's going on and he's like "what, I can see him right now at home!"
>so sorry police, I didn't know, to this day I still feel bad
>he sends me threats constantly for over a month
>I get sick of it and he won't fuck off so I ring his mom's #, tell her everything that happened, how he lied, what happened in the room, etc. She says "I understand and I will take action
>find out through some WoW guildies that he was arrested for trying to rape a girl at a party and is now a registered sex offender
No. 106379
>>106373Dear lord, reading this felt like I was being given a speech about "life" by my washed-up, racist uncle who hasn't felt a tiddy in thirty years.
I couldn't imagine having to work with him.
No. 106380
Alright, no fedora, only an asshole and not really that funny. Hope you enjoy anyway.
> get to know a dude
> he seems nice
> fool around for two weeks, nothing serious
> have to go on a business trip on short notice for two days, ask him if he could feed my cats, give him the keys for that purpose
> Come back, he cleaned all my windows and the whole apartement
> okay?
> Tells me how happy he is that I gave him my keys
> uh oh
> better end this sooner than later, for there are no feelings involved and he is kinda boring
> go on a vacation next week, friends are looking after my cats
> don't miss him at all, decide to "dump" him immediately when back
> come back, schedule a meeting with him at a restaurant to give him the talk
> explain that he's too involved, I don't have feelings, this has to end, sorry
> he starts to cry
> awkward
> he insists on bringing me home
> melodramatic "last" hug, more tears
> feel relief
> few weeks later he starts sending me messages on my phone
> ignore
> starts writing inappropriate sexual shit
> tell him that this is not acceptable and block him
> feel relief again
> after some quiet weeks, he sends an email
> how about a last meeting, he wants to tell me something
> don't know why but I agree
> meet in a cafe, tell him I only got an hour
> has nothing to tell me, just wanted to see me, misses me
> tell him I don't want anything to do with him and that this is the last meeting
> get up, he gives me a box
> a present for my birthday
> tell him I cannot accept it
> he insists
> tell him no
> he starts to cry again and the people in the cafe are starting to look at me
> hate him for this manipulative shit
> take the box after all and storm off
> open it at home
> filled with fake rose petals, cat snacks and a card
> on the front of the card there is a photo of him
> on the inside he writes how much he loves me and misses me
> and how he always will "take me back"
> on the back there is a picture of my cats
> feel overwhelmed with disgust
> kick it in the trash furiosly
> tell my friend about it, they agree he is a creepy idiot
> skip some months, another email
> mundane shit
> ignore
> some weeks later, another email
> he misses me
> ignore
> more emails
> starts to ask about a meeting again
> ignore
> writes about his life and shit he does at the moment
> ignore
> starts to send me messages on other social media plattforms
> ignore and block
> starts messaging my friends with shit like he is concerned about me
> they tell me and block him
> one year later, still emails
> sends me a christmas card
> into the trash it goes
> even later, emails me about a trade show he knows I will visit and how we could meet there
> be angry as fuck and use a plug-in so he gets a fake error message everytime he sends me an email cause it turns out I can't block people on my account, wtf
> sends mails from other accounts
> ignore and fake error messages
> trade show, thankfully he doesn't show up
> while on trade show, he sends another email
> to my fucking working adress
> this is it
> call a lawyer while I am still at the trade show and make an appointment
> print all the emails and bring the sender's note I took from the last birthday present I threw away unopened
> lawyer sends him letter as a last warning
> he writes back pretending to be a lawyer, denies being a stalker and threatens to sue my lawyer for libel and slander
> lawyer lols and writes another letter, demolishes his idiotic claims
> never heard from him again but still have an unpleasant feeling when getting email notifications
> this went on for two years after I last met him at the cafe
No. 106384
>>106381Oddly specific MMOs. Why those ones, anon? Do you play any? I play a lot of MMOs, these included, so here's my rundown for you:
Ragnarok Online: The literal stereotypical types that'll shower a female avatar with presents. I'd say it's a joke, but it's very real and still exists here especially. Happens very often when I play, even if I mind my own business.
Dragon Nest: General teenage boy perverts that joke about lolicon and seem like summer kids from 4chan. It's like TERA's community a bit, if you've played that. Most Nexon games have this audience, but some like Mabinogi have improved.
WoW: Warcraft is very mainstream, so it's to be expected you draw from a big pool of people. Community is generally awful, though. No one's a gentleman, just kind of salty and annoyed jerks.
No. 106385
File: 1438384527038.jpg (198.95 KB, 720x480, drew_pritchard_tips_cap_2.JPG)

What's so good about 'Fedoras', anyway? They're overrated as a 'shaming' tactic, certainly overdone to death. Time for something new, eh?
Flat caps are superior.
No. 106386
>>106385The difference is that fedoras haven't been worn normally since like the 60s whereas flat caps were worn by working class men well into the 90s.
Flat caps don't have the "gentleman" appeal and are far too "dad".
No. 106392
File: 1470178447190.jpg (163.5 KB, 720x480, fedora_frank_sinatra_cool.JPG)

Actually its TRILBIES that these so-called 'Gentlemen' wear.
Fedoras are what Frank Sinatra or Indiana Jones wore.
As per
>>106385 and how this is now done to death, time to come up with something new, perhaps?
No. 218870
>>218772grow a pair retard.
also bumping this great thread that is lolcow history and ought to be kept alive.
No. 218886
File: 1514249010917.jpg (90.77 KB, 600x509, 1493239923360.jpg)

>These dudes are my "competition" and I'm still single
No. 218899
>>218886I'm not gay at all, but I find this guy attractive, if I _had_ to fuck a guy I'd choose him.
Do girls really think this guy is ugly? Must be because he's too feminine, I'm seeing him as an ugly girl basically.
>>218899From this pic he looks about 15, super scrawny, has poor style and seems generally awkward.
His face is fine but he'd need a makeover IMO
No. 218930
>>218899I don't think he's ugly either, he just has a very gauche sense of styling himself. He wouldn't look so awkward if he 1. got a better haircut 2. knew how to dress well 3. aged a few years, whoever this is looks kinda young.
>Must be because he's too feminineNope. I like feminine men.