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File: 1727918544383.png (992.88 KB, 1024x643, badart.png)

No. 420192

ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique

Do not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children
>Post porn or fetish material. Shitty fetish art now has its own dedicated thread ( >>>/m/166120 )
>Post AI-generated images. ( >>>/m/385404 )

Remember that there are other threads for art feedback ( >>>/m/373122 ), art trades/requests ( >>>/m/383598 ), artist salt ( >>>/ot/2116126 ), and shitty comics >>>/m/390554

Previous Thread:

First Pre-Wipe Thread

First Post-Wipe Thread:

No. 420195

File: 1727918803051.jpg (Spoiler Image,332.75 KB, 2048x1678, GY1kOTbWoAAnTzO.jpg)

Made the new thread as soon as I came across this kek

No. 420197

File: 1727919006348.png (8.18 KB, 845x800, tumblr_32365043fdc30b1f90ce316…)

Why is trans Peppino a thing??

No. 420198

File: 1727919275719.gif (748.85 KB, 352x198, kingcobrajfs-boglim.gif)

Looks like KingCobraJFS' dirty ass chair. Also how does a dog have pubes?

No. 420203

File: 1727919679392.jpg (270.31 KB, 1582x1951, GY1kOTmW4AAbX66.jpg)

I have no clue but she(?) really loves drawing pubes on animals

No. 420207

File: 1727923621491.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.57 KB, 720x432, Screenshot_20241002_224454.jpg)

No. 420233


No. 420243

File: 1727935182860.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.4 KB, 828x920, boys_by_kasanemichael_dgunfvo-…)

KEKKK I just came here to post her

No. 420244

File: 1727935261916.jpg (126.66 KB, 828x828, jojo_fans_dni_by_kasanemichael…)

No. 420245

“We have yukaman at home”

No. 420247

This looks cool besides the retarded text

No. 420253

Kek reminds me of that one horrible BNHA fanart

No. 420258

I feel like this same question is asked every thread. You need to stop looking that ugly man up

No. 420261

I love her art

No. 420276

File: 1727956496832.jpeg (289.53 KB, 1280x1778, tumblr_o3fl8coBBN1r6a1vco1_128…)

It started like this

No. 420277

File: 1727956536127.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.74 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_7a2bfb4a9126fe656c85b2f…)

Then ended like this

No. 420280

Glad Tomato at least snapped out the Tumblr artstyle. Last year or so I stumbled upon her Instagram and barely recognized it was her.

No. 420283

Honestly kasanemichael is kind of a personal cow lmao her art is so tryhard edgy 2000s vkei and she gets triggered if someone has a similar oc or is inspired by her work despite her oc just being a dio rip off.

No. 420292

File: 1727960065080.png (Spoiler Image,4.74 MB, 3536x4504, 86127476_tLZG2xjcN.png)

funny to think her friend casin0s got bullied off the internet for drawing "nazi uniforms" that were actually gakuran
but here's she, drawing kawaii nazi not like other girls with rape and mutilation

No. 420309

>jojo fans dni in the file name

No. 420318

File: 1727965543299.webp (52.15 KB, 635x767, clscj44blesd1.webp)

torso for days

No. 420320

Casin0s was bullied off for making sex jokes to/in a server with minors

No. 420323

She got those Lara Croft boobs

No. 420327

Aw come on, casin0s made so much money off of furry gendie autists by selling overpriced colorvomit adopts on deviantart. She was a huge sperg though, I remember her throwing fits over people saying her art style resembled funamusea's when she kept actively copying it.

No. 420349

File: 1727972561143.jpeg (Spoiler Image,361.91 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_2020.jpeg)

I hate this account so much,it’s not even his worst shit

No. 420353

They both suck, but I'd take her Tumblr style over generic coom any day.

No. 420474

File: 1727996578686.jpg (248.3 KB, 2000x1765, bafkreie7inbfcejktux7by3siwqr3…)

I get this but no

No. 420475

Isn’t Patamon supposed to be a weird Guinea pig hamster thing? What the hell is this?

No. 420478

I remember it was because a minor was vividly talking about how she was rubbing her genitals on a pillow or some shit like that, and casin0s would respond back and let her keep going on about it in their server where there were other adults. When people pointed it out, she was like “I was held back in school, so I still think kids talking raunchy is normal!” despite her being in her 20s when this was all happening, with other adult TIF groomers present too. I think the kid was 14 while this happened. While some may consider it as not a big deal since teens are prone to be vulgar, it’s still weird as fuck to be in your 20s and enable kids talking like that amongst other adults. She should have either shut it down or walked away from it. Instead, she doubled down and mentioned that bit about being held back. Looking back, a lot of her OCs were middle to high school kids too.

Not sure about this. Funamusea’s art is somewhat generic chibi-ish style on super plain gijinkas. It just looks like Puyo Puyo, Popn Music, or Panty and Stocking imo. Not to mention everyone and their mom drew gijinkas or angel/devil shit way before in general. Don’t know too much about adopt culture, but casin0s put a lot more detail and color into her stuff likely because adopts tend to sell more if they’re busy-looking while keeping a generic form. She also drew actual anatomically normal looking figures with actual hands and feet quite often instead of cankles square-finger bobblehead people. IIRC similar thing happened to another artist who went by pyohato, where people claimed she drew like funamusea, but if you go back to her old art, she just drew a ton of Popn Music/Puyo Puyo fanart, so I’m willing to give casin0s the benefit of the doubt here a bit.

No. 420527

I kinda like this as a parody kek it looks like a hideous 90s american adaptation of Digimon

No. 420645

File: 1728048202700.jpg (123.86 KB, 850x1231, 1720374279263.jpg)

Same reason why the TF2 men have troon art. Many TIFs love edgy and gross media made by men for men that don't overdo the edge and gross out factor.

Not even Nonas with ugly husbandos are safe. Maybe they are the least safe of all.

No. 420653

I'll be honest I really like her art but the "muh original art style donut steel" sperging and generally off-putting behavior is what sours me on her. I hope somebody who's a lot more tolerable copies her kek

No. 420712

File: 1728060362160.png (1.45 MB, 1079x1199, 1000001770.png)

This artist is so fucking annoying

No. 420718

File: 1728061150401.jpg (87.12 KB, 870x1024, 20241004_183817.jpg)

>draw a girl, call it a guy

No. 420720

>have fun with her!
A larp so bad even she forgot

No. 420723

>don't do any nsfw/suggestive/gory art of my character if you are underage it makes me uncomfortable!!!
100% asking minors to draw porn of their character

No. 420725

Why is this phrased as if there are people lining up to draw this generic oc?

No. 420726

the space channel clones are popping up like crazy now

No. 420728

the new tranny art style kek

No. 420731

File: 1728064646978.jpg (291.05 KB, 1558x1668, 20241004_195618.jpg)

No. 420732

i’m going to keel over at these shit KEKKKKK

No. 420733

why do their characters always have some like dirty, grimy cum sock overlay on it kek

No. 420738

File: 1728065440349.jpg (73.46 KB, 862x1076, d4359bfe1bd55a26010a8364ad914f…)

This is really old but I'm glad this art style isn't as popular as it was anymore.

No. 420742

File: 1728065876380.png (1.41 MB, 1051x1253, creepyface.png)

Honestly looks like AI but it isn't this artist has over 90,000 followers.

No. 420748

it’s either stolen or ai art that’s been altered and photoshopped because there’s no way. it kind of looks like that samdoesart guy’s paintings with the attractive but generic glass-eyed women

No. 420753

File: 1728067137382.png (367.77 KB, 1080x1971, lol.png)

She also blocks anyone who dares says it's AI kek what a retard she is.

No. 420754

File: 1728067227745.png (981.57 KB, 1080x1918, notantiAi.png)

The funny thing is that she is not even anti AI and actually gets inspiration from AI art on Pinterest which is suspicious of course.

No. 420758

File: 1728068374767.jpg (237.4 KB, 1793x1521, GW18OpTXUAAJuIP.jpg)

Rose and Jade aren't in this picture because Dave ate them

No. 420759

Looks like a painted-over photo to me.

No. 420798

File: 1728076543921.jpg (270.85 KB, 1715x2000, bafkreidk44vdkc3zeuefdkcofwqbq…)

Who the hell would buy an ugly adopt like this?

No. 420815

File: 1728080714750.png (1.01 MB, 780x1005, IMG_5549.png)


No. 420819

idk why this specific artist is obsessed with drawing dave morbidly obese, but its pretty funny

No. 420835

She's a hamplanet who self-inserts as him.

No. 420873

File: 1728096065335.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 1791x2047, tumblr_37a8767afdaec45b9b99c61…)

Nah the artist is alternating between using she and he for the character which is apparently something people do. I've even seen it being used in fanfics. So they refer to one character as both she and he within the same paragraph. It pisses me off so badly.

No. 420884

File: 1728098927441.png (3.36 MB, 1589x1230, lol always.png)

i hate this artist, she constantly spergs about other artists taking inspiration from her ugly sparkle dog tier ocs meanwhile she steals from other artists without giving credit

No. 420885

This girl gives me hope not gonna lie.

No. 420886

her becoming a shitty coom artist makes you feel hope?

No. 420888

File: 1728100088434.jpg (231.09 KB, 850x1212, sample_66765d779bfc9b77fa9d725…)

Her non coom art is really good, and its impressive she went from THE tumblr artist to being able to mimick japanese artists without a trace of her tumblery past. I like how she imitates the look of gacha cards and promotional anime art.

No. 420889

soulless shit

No. 420893

I like it, it's cute.

No. 420894

Oh damn. Coom aside, she really got so good. It’s crazy, like it really is nice to see artists shed that ugly performative tumblr style Steven Universe infected everyone with. Seeing her old weird Love Live stuff versus this is like night and day. Both are stylistically simplistic, but the latest non-coomslop is legitimately very cute and doesn’t wanna make me retract my eyeballs into my head like an offended snail. Didn’t know she drew Uma Musume stuff too. Vodka is my fav and she drew her really well here.

No. 420896

Actual gay kemo/furry dudes, or the TIFs that wanna skinwalk them for brownie points despite the husbandos that make their clits genuinely twitch being twinks like Komaeda and Kaworu.

No. 420915

You weebs are a terrible judge of quality. While the animu shit is better than the Tumblr crap, it's completely soulless, and mediocre on a technical level. The shading in the drawing of the girl with the Switch is pretty amateurish, and her back foot is atrocious. It's not even a good drawing by animu standards. It seems like the artist just swapped one overused style for another overused style.

No. 420916

This drawing looks like it smells bad.

No. 420921

File: 1728112360547.jpg (298.81 KB, 2048x1689, 1000014366.jpg)

Hey! My post made the threadpic kek, loved the replies from nonas in the last thread.

Here's threadtax, note the watermark.

No. 420926

You have never picked up a pencil and it shows.

No. 420927

nta but shes right though?

No. 420928

File: 1728115248772.jpg (1.1 MB, 1382x969, jenny wakeman.jpg)

2020 vs 2022, what a downgrade, i think it's funny how these two particular drawings are missing from her art archive and deleted from all her accounts, it's like she knows she'd get compared to puppychan

mr beast fujoshi jumpscare

No. 420929

It looks great. Nothing amazing, but it's pretty good for animu standards, and it's very appealing which is the most important part. I prefeer the simplistic cell shading over the disgusting over rendered turds that are so popular nowadays in animu art.

No. 420930

Her anatomy definitely got better, but like you said, it's still mediocre because most anime art (which is what she's emulating, quite succesfully I might add) is mediocre. Although that pic shouldn't probably be here, its subject matter isn't offensively bad or autistic, and it's decent on a technical level, regardless of whether you think it's soulless and generic or not (we don't post generic non-coomer anime art here, do we?).

No. 420932

this artist annoys me because shes your run-of-the-mill gender conforming straight woman yet she identifies as a "trans man" for some bizarre fucking reason. what's the point????

No. 420934

>we don't post generic non-coomer anime art here, do we?
are you new? sure you can the artist in question has a feeder fetish

No. 420936

File: 1728116521686.jpeg (377.12 KB, 2048x1819, F6ECsgeWUAAr_RO.jpeg)

Yeah I guess she's pretty good at mimicking other anime artist

No. 420937

kekkk like clockwork. former sjw artists always tend to be more degenerate.

No. 420948

You can pick a better source of inspiration I promise. You don't have to respect her.
They hate you because you speak the truth.

No. 420954

this artist is so retarded i'm sick of her ugh

No. 420955

why does every single tranny oc have tubular boobs? please tell me i'm not the only one to notice this kek

No. 420965

>are you new? sure you can the artist in question has a feeder fetish
The pic in itself doesn't reflect any of that so it doesn't fit this thread as opposed to her actual fetish art, and most of us who didn't know that wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at >>420888 which is the pic I was talking about

No. 420967

She's good at imitating artstyles, but that's also because she was never particularly bad to begin with, it was the subject matter that made it look bad.
Her anatomy and compositions weren't full of distracting errors in this >>420276 and if you don't know the source material it just looks like a western cartoon instead of an off model vitiligo monster like most tumblr style atrocities.

It makes me wonder how many people did the whole tumblr fat blackwashing vitiligo shit just to get more attention on that website. That Spirou yaoi artist Terry apparently also drew tumblr style Homestuck fanart before going edgy.

No. 420971

Would you feel better if she drew animu boys? Be honest, nonna.

No. 420974

This is lolcow, the land of the double standards. She’s probably just mad that it’s a woman drawing anime girls from notoriously himejoshi-filled fandoms, instead of little shota boys and anime twinks. It’s similar to the reaction other nonnas got with that “Get Pregnant” meme in the bad comics thread, where they absolutely detested when it was two women, but found it funny with two men despite no change in art style. That bit aside, really hate to break it to people here, but there’s a reason why weeb stuff is more appealing than ugly fat vitiligo art when it comes to marketing to the general public. She can call it ‘soulless’ all she wants, but the fact of the matter is that if this artist just drew her regular animu fanart, she would have never become widely made fun of to begin with. You can make the most “soulful” fugly Steven Universe the sequel art, but nobody would want that shit on a global scale unless they didn’t care for media to begin with. Meanwhile, an animu that looks generic with ok-ish writing can be seen as decent and widely appeal to more people. Let’s be real, when it comes to something ugly versus something visually appealing, with both having OK writing, people would choose the latter. This is literally the site with a ton of generic anime man husbando/yumejoshi/VN game threads, where people think a slightly realistic normal-looking man is an ugly man psyop and losing their minds over not having enough of generic skinny pale anime boys to have as husbandos. Unless I see the same seething happening over generic pretty boys, I don’t think the vitriol towards this artist is coming from a genuine place. I think she’s genuinely decent at drawing, simple as.

No. 420989

get their hypocritical asses

No. 421001

File: 1728139473411.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.85 KB, 1556x2048, IMG_6802.jpeg)

Decided to check out her more recent art and goodness, I like anime but this is so boring and bad. I’d say that she needs to add her own flare but if it makes her successful then whatever.

No. 421002

she’s one of the artists that will get sublimated by ai tbh

No. 421008

File: 1728141243958.png (Spoiler Image,684.84 KB, 1200x1200, pedoshit.png)

thats not even the worse one..spoiler for lolishit apparently this is a "loli" vtuber who also has comm'd a pissing art of this child character its clear shes copying the love lives anime style.

No. 421009

I have a BFA in illustration anon

You aren't even mad at me, you're mad at an imaginary person you made up in your head. None of the opinions you assume I have are things I actually think. For instance I have no idea why you concluded that I must be a shotafag who finds Steven Universe "soulful."

No. 421015

File: 1728143911899.png (197.69 KB, 1386x1558, media_GD6a66Na4AAW0yH.png)

I thought that was Dio at first lmao

Thread tax or smth (pls don't look at nsfw art of this OP ok?)

No. 421016

is it just me or does she have t-rex arms

No. 421018

It's not just you kek she disregards anatomy for the coom

No. 421025

No. 421033

NAYRT why would you type all that to defend a cow who draws loli shit and feeder fetish garbage? Her art's just plain uninteresting. I usually love anime/manga inspired art but this is basically the Aliexpress massproduced side of it.

No. 421035

File: 1728153740253.png (1.1 MB, 1833x980, image (15).png)

I also thought that she improved a lot, but a second into her streams you would realize that all her drawings are traced from 3D models.

No. 421038


wasn't this the artist that said artistic nudity is sfw?? kekkk

No. 421039

File: 1728157202797.jpg (239.56 KB, 720x941, Screenshot_20241005_153749_edi…)

No. 421040

File: 1728158675187.jpeg (288.6 KB, 1280x1778, 1727956496832.jpeg)

life imitates art

No. 421041

Is the blond one a troon?

No. 421046

KEK you're being too kind to the trannies nonna

No. 421055

No, but she does look a bit like one in that drawing

No. 421059

how so

No. 421087

File: 1728174670992.png (222.57 KB, 848x1200, GZI6knNbYAA8JxG.png)

the proportions kek i love gojofags

No. 421103

File: 1728180870931.jpg (276.69 KB, 1170x1295, 1221.jpg)

the OP literally said that steven universe style is ugly too, what in the schizophrenia

No. 421106

File: 1728182162285.jpeg (447.83 KB, 1440x1440, 451024538_474089442006446_5756…)

This is so cursed dear goodness why would anyone make something like this?

No. 421107

File: 1728182219309.png (785.71 KB, 1280x1230, tumblr_static_filename_2048_v2…)

Sausage Party fanart is so embarrassingly bad (this is old but still)

No. 421108

This isn’t bad at all though? It’s Bratz Doll style

No. 421114

Kek I love this.

No. 421116

honestly every time i see one of those gangly pans labyrinth ass mtfs with a girlfriend (aka an actual woman) its a poor fat lady with no self esteem

No. 421118

peak female autism

No. 421119

File: 1728184285308.jpeg (158.47 KB, 1845x2048, GQY0fcvWoAAA2nq.jpeg)

No. 421120

I was the one defending her because her art is good, but take your meds schizo.

No. 421121

>I have a BFA in illustration anon
So does Fanny and a bunch of artists that can't draw kek

No. 421134

literally me

No. 421172

whats so bad about this one? are they supposed to be characters they don't look like?

No. 421219

>You weebs are a terrible judge of quality. While the animu shit is better than the Tumblr crap, it's completely soulless, and mediocre on a technical level
You’ve said nothing wrong but you’re never going to convince ani/m/u shits that their trash is trash, it makes them feel better that they like something uuuneek~ and foreign compared to normies kek

No. 421238

Why are argentinians the most annoying people on planet earth

No. 421246

File: 1728236460860.jpg (105.18 KB, 1080x1080, ç.jpg)

No. 421248

> gangly pans labyrinth ass mtfs
Is it just me or is the lower body really long and the arms really small?

No. 421251

Not even my hypermobile ass can do this shit.

No. 421273

Look at the image

No. 421274

One thing anime art gets right over tumblr style is the way anime artists draw clothing. The way the clothing folds and drapes on the body is more realistic and appealing than cartoon styles where the clothes are just stuck onto the body like a skin. But everything else sucks. The tumblr drawing has better character interaction, more appealing silhouette, a life and spark to it that's missing in soulless-eyed anime girl art.

No. 421287

File: 1728244805031.jpg (261.8 KB, 1302x2000, bafkreifuaijvxa2yyrtsjevw3zwcg…)

This is so badly drawn even the perspective is weird

No. 421290

The upper body looks MASSIVE compared to the lower half.

No. 421291

thats the artist who draws the oppai lolishit isnt it? im sure he was posted here before years ago

No. 421292

File: 1728245715164.jpg (276.17 KB, 1026x720, plhk0.jpg)

I was giving her the benefit of doubt since in your screencap it seemed she wasn't fully following the model, so I went to check her stream (another one, all those vtubers look the same god) and yeah she is following the models 1:1. There's still skill needed for drawing hair and clothing, but getting the base well lifts most of your art's hard work alone.

Is tracing so much that common nowadays? People has always done it, but for small things like an arm on a tricky perspective or to get the eye position right, tracing the whole body is wild to me. I don't even know why she does it when her artistic base is pretty good.

No. 421294

Nta but she also used the 3D models to draw chibis kek.. Completely hopeless.

No. 421309

So, 3D models are the equivalent of sugary fast food for artists? As in, once you try you can't stop using them even if you can draw whatever you're trace

No. 421310

It screams "poor grasp of fundamentals" to me. They wouldn't need to use 3D models if they had a solid grasp on anatomy.

No. 421325

It’s supposed to be Tom Riddle and Harry Potter

No. 421329

it doesn't look much like the characters but it's also techically bad. front facing eyes on a side profile and all

No. 421337

Except I actually paid attention in college and have done actual work as an illustrator. Jfc I can't believe how hard you retards are white-knighting this random weeb artist, especially when she traces and draws lolibait. At this point, I'm beginning to wonder if she self-posted, or if one of her followers posted, because I've seen better female artists be critiqued more harshly without this much pushback from anons.

No. 421389

File: 1728270023235.jpg (272.51 KB, 1292x1806, creepy.jpg)

tif art is too easy

No. 421403

Lots of people that cant draw get jobs kek look at how ugly the official FNAF comic are

No. 421409

Do you do this with literally everybody who claims to have expertise on something? Do you try to debate people with law degrees, then tell them they're wrong about law because a handful of retards like Rudy Juliani and Sidney Powell passed their bar exams? Do you refuse medical treatment because Dr. Oz is a quack, therefore a medical doctorate is worthless? No, you fucking idiot. You're just nitpicking my credentials to distract from the fact that you made an ass of yourself defending a no-talent tracer.

Let's say I run into one of the drawing threads and post something, just to prove to you that I actually know what the hell I'm talking about. You've already demonstrated that you have shit judgement, so what value would your opinion of my artwork even have?

No. 421416

You can claim all you want but unless you post your work it will all be bluff. I have been here long enough to remember all the crabs trying to fix holly brown's art and getting laughed at because they somehow managed to be worse.

No. 421466

At that point just download the Marine MMD model and take screenshots. What is the point of this, it's not like she's adding unique artstyle or coloring

No. 421495

File: 1728291884246.jpg (215.88 KB, 1374x817, Untitled.jpg)

guess the character (hard mode)

No. 421496


No. 421497

That good omens moid?

No. 421498

That's actually so fucking creepy kek. The difference between the face and the hands. It's definitely an edited photograph.

No. 421501

hint: from a video game

No. 421505

Lucifer from Obey Me?

No. 421506

The protagonist from Deus Ex Machina?

No. 421513

File: 1728297716549.jpeg (Spoiler Image,869.98 KB, 1448x2048, M7CqR38.jpeg)

No. 421515

this image smells like infected piercings, cigarettes and sweat. barf

No. 421553

Nah come on you'd know he'd rock up to a beach still wearing that leather trenchcoat.
Are they measuring their clits

No. 421559

It looks like William Afton

No. 421568

The G-Man from Half-Life?

No. 421616

another hint: british

No. 421627

File: 1728330284778.jpg (333.13 KB, 1516x2000, bafkreigbfj5m2dlluuarxw6ivlsm2…)

No. 421645

Yes the male gaze in lesbian porn is bad, but we didn't have to suck out every last bit of sexual appeal from lesbianism

No. 421646

before you said it was from a videogame i thought it was a hotel transylvania character kek

No. 421650

…human Wheatley?

No. 421651

File: 1728334630660.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.78 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

it's micolash from bloodborne

No. 421652

Kekk what did they DO to him?!

No. 421653

the full pic has him squirting his pussy on the beach, i cropped to save your sanity

No. 421661

File: 1728336334136.png (104.72 KB, 286x298, IMG_4833.png)

fucking kek

No. 421662

aside from the fetishism/self insert, i kind of like this

No. 421667

Ot but where is this reaction image from originally. It wipes me out every time.

No. 421671

Take a look at the infight going on in the "rate my art" thread. That clusterfuck is why it's retarded to post your artwork in response to an argument. I could be the fucking reincarnation of Rembrandt and you'd still call my art shit, because that's how you'd "win" the argument. Same applies to when people post their hands: they get berated and called trannies anyway, so what's the point?

I'd like to know why you're caping so hard for someone who traces and draws shitty animu coom. I reiterate: you have horrible taste if that's the sort of shit you defend. Why would I post my artwork to appease someone who clearly has no concept of quality? Your opinion is fucking worthless, and you're going to say my art sucks regardless of what it actually looks like because we're having an argument.(reviving an infight)

No. 421709

It is prob a male because yesterday night some porn/cp(?) link was posted in that thread and I don't think it was posted anywhere else(scrotefoiling)

No. 421735

Yeah, I'm kind of wondering if the coomer crying about Lara Croft and the retard in here defending traced animu coom are the same person.

No. 421737

The mutilated breasts ruin it. There's nothing cute or romantic about a person cutting body parts off solely for the aesthetic.

No. 421754

>you don't know by now that those cp posts are literally bots that advertise on every captchaless board there is
The argument was business as usual for farmers, moidfoil reaching because uwu my sweet terve nonnies would never boolie eachother instead of accepting that lolcow sucks only makes you look like a newfag.

No. 421757

Why don't we have a captcha then?

No. 421759

Admin and other anons prefer having occasional cp bot spam to the minor annoyance of having to type in a captcha everytime they post and admin is most likely too incompetent to add a captcha in the first place. That's unironically the reason.

No. 421791

File: 1728361516106.jpg (153.95 KB, 1178x1361, GFgq6muXwAAR1UB.jpg)

i don't think this is necessarily bad art, but is anyone else disturbed by the way people (usually ftms for SOME REASON) draw big buff manly characters with like… heavy eyeshadow and lashes like this? he looks so trimmed and faggy despite being a huge hairy man

No. 421792

kek this reaction pic

No. 421797

Because they want to meme themselves into gay moid taste(barashit) to blend in with gay moids, but deep down they are just normal women into bishies with sexy lashes and pretty faces.

No. 421800

I don't understand why everything always has to be so exaggerated. Supernormal stimulus, I guess. I enjoy when guys are a little muscular without looking like roidpigs. Sometimes yaoi guys are too scrawny/feminine for my taste, but I definitely prefer that to the kind of stuff you get from bara or American comics. Nick Robles is one of the few gay moid artists who actually draws men in a way I like, although sometimes he also gets carried away with the muscles due to being a cape artist. I must just have really Goldilocks-ass taste.

No. 421801

>nick robles
hate capeshit but damn that shit is gorgeous

No. 421806

I think part of it is JoJo influence tbh

No. 421810

i hate that guy for drawing my boys with gross body hair

No. 421873

File: 1728378451297.jpg (315.38 KB, 1356x1600, Finn icon flat.jpg)

No. 421875

File: 1728378478330.png (794.7 KB, 680x680, ESSp859WoAI5i41.png_small.png)

No. 421939

Right? He worked on some Sandman spinoff, and I literally only read it for his art (the writing was blah). I wish he'd table at a con near me, but it seems like he only goes to cons in the American South.

No. 421940

Which boys? He draws Nightcrawler with like. Weird fur. Lmao

No. 421950

This pedofag has been posting porn of this school girl character with no nose and a baby face for years and no one cares, even dumb bitches with "proship-dni" in their bio. The average Twitter user's tolerance of porn is high.

No. 421977

File: 1728422056683.jpg (67.02 KB, 728x1030, anime-anime-girls-rebuild-of-e…)

Big head

No. 421978

File: 1728422098211.jpg (80.87 KB, 728x1312, makinami-mari-illustrious-asuk…)

No. 422023

nightcrawler is supposed to be fuzzy kek, so probably one of the more normal human characters drawn with chest hair

No. 422118

File: 1728473318479.jpg (163.95 KB, 720x778, 1719066036194_edit_12673572445…)

No. 422171

File: 1728488482949.webp (9.94 MB, 2766x2795, brazilianmiku.webp)

bad anatomy

No. 422197

coomer Miku feels wrong, idk why but Miku doesn't feel like a sexy character to me.

No. 422245

I hate Brazilian Miku so much.

No. 422251

The issue with Brazilian Miku is that she's being drawn by Brazilian scrotes.
Even when they try to make her ~sexy~ in official merch it just feels weird and unnatural.

No. 422272

File: 1728501633708.jpg (175.04 KB, 1342x2000, bafkreiepwvmiv2feh5gifbmlvgu2x…)

Fail, doesn't even look like Disgust.

No. 422276

File: 1728502075149.jpeg (121.58 KB, 1360x1080, F6O0T4XbwAAWgb3.jpeg)

I hate PhilTomato's art so much

No. 422291

File: 1728503275791.jpg (963.67 KB, 1920x2019, philtomato-mistywbg.jpg)

men who draw nothing but shit like this are such fucking faggots i can't explain it

No. 422299

It looks like his workflow is to make violent scribbles with a locked up wrist and then try to pass it off as "line of action".

No. 422301

File: 1728504111241.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1461, shittyart.png)

Look at this,what's with the rubber torso and backwards hand?it's so strange seeing Encantó characters sexualized like this.

No. 422305

This would have been really cool if it wasn't so self hating.

No. 422309

I didn't even noticed the second hand's fingers until you pointed it out, how the fuck would that pose even work? Having some Disney bird or something pick up the dress instead would've worked kek

No. 422368

How is she holding the psyduck like that…

No. 422376

File: 1728516775243.jpg (184.02 KB, 1562x2000, bafkreifih4cwcca5e5yk3nram4xkb…)

Logged in to Bluesky and saw this, definitely belongs here.

No. 422382

Fingers in butthole

No. 422385

They're so obsessed with tanning lines

No. 422391

Ew what? Why does she have tan lines as if her natural skin color is light, but she also has light palms like someone with naturally dark skin

No. 422392

Palms don't really get tan because the skin is so thick. Not to mention that they aren't usually exposed to the sun directly

No. 422393

This looks like utter trash, come on now anon..

No. 422395

we are truly fucked if human beings are seriously considering animeslop to be “peak artsu becausesuuuu itsuuuu foreignsu japan is so kawaii!!!” it’s like these anons are stuck in a cryogenic year of 2011. god help us oh wait god won’t because he’s a giant faggot

No. 422410

File: 1728525245799.jpeg (377.68 KB, 2036x1723, 1ZaFwA5.jpeg)

No. 422418

File: 1728526074186.jpg (460.89 KB, 1600x1018, pinkcorpse-brazilian-miku-1.jp…)

This made me laugh,it's just so awful.

No. 422419

File: 1728526124535.jpg (253.7 KB, 1600x1010, pinkcorpse-artoria-lancer-1.jp…)

Taylor Swift??

No. 422420

File: 1728526197949.jpg (Spoiler Image,416.95 KB, 3234x1793, wallhaven-m3kz51.jpg)

This is absolutely grotesque.

No. 422421

animushit faggots rushing to sexualize ethnic people is always hilarious to me

No. 422426

File: 1728527039623.png (828.79 KB, 850x550, BksyFwT.png)

No. 422432

At this point, might as well call it bimbo Miku. Gross.

No. 422438

miku already even has an official gyaru design but it's not coomer so only girls liked it. not that Brazilian miku is gyaru but gyaru and bimbo are similar vibes

No. 422457

is no one gonna mention how this is such a scrote and disgusting design?

No. 422472

File: 1728534782639.jpg (216.57 KB, 800x1123, chris_sanders_puzzle_piece_by_…)

I give it to him that he's at least slightly better than chris sanders

No. 422478

no he’s not, his art is literally just a copy of chris sanders’ with a pinch of anime

No. 422479

chris sanders art is just butt ugly, even the animu face from the copycat is better than saunders down faces

No. 422482

File: 1728536450261.png (280.33 KB, 335x298, Untitled.png)

is this a self portrait? creepy old man all by himself constantly gazing at young women who want nothing to do with him.

No. 422484

the fact that all of his girls always look exactly the same always cracks me up. It's such an autistic turbo specific look too.

No. 422492

File: 1728537424824.png (392.27 KB, 531x709, sodycropped.png)

john k does the same thing, men who draw like this are predators

No. 422494

I dont know how anyone can like this super cartoony stylized coom shit. I like a few male artists that draw coom but their women are actually more realistic and dont look like worms having a seizure.

No. 422497

What design is that?

No. 422498

>I dont know how anyone can like this super cartoony stylized coom shit.
they are men who don't interact with women and who just want to be able to fuck underage teen girls and 20 year olds all day so they find it appealing.

No. 422508

File: 1728540868538.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.92 KB, 820x1072, 215.jpg)

that's all men tbh. I just dont understand how anyone can get off to something so cartoony and weird looking, i get it when moids draw coom like pic rel. But you needto be mentally challenged to get off to >>422492 or >>422472

No. 422511

I'm ashamed to say that I really dig that drawing and I kinda want to see more.

No. 422513

File: 1728542187786.jpg (248.59 KB, 820x1072, 307.jpg)

Its from Kim Jung gi. Amazing artist but also a massive coomer. Thankfully his autism drove him to draw a lot of cool shit outside of coom. He was very talented, but died very young. Rest in piss autism king.

No. 422514

i think it's pretty too except you can tell a ma drew it bc of the heels lmao

No. 422519

Is that woman fucking a hippo??

No. 422520

Yes kek his drawings can get so wild sometimes

No. 422522

it's a troon ladyboy raping a hippo with his girldick
i literally have always had 0 respect for him as an artist because he draws gross shit like that, so much so that i lose the respect for any artist who likes or respects him too

No. 422524

It's funny, it's not that deep. He's really good at drawing, so i dont understand why you lose respect for artists when they admire his skills. Literally all male artists are degens, he just happens to be actually skilled for once.

No. 422525

>his drawings can get so wild sometimes
yeah wild as in drawing zooshit and pedo shit. i wouldnt recommend him to anyone he was just overhyped because of his freehand. have some respect and find better artists

No. 422527

I hope i can become as good as him and make people seethe too kek. For every weird coomer drawing he's done he has 100 more that are just cool mechas, studies or landscapes with amazing perspective. He's one of a kind sadly, i cant think of any other artist who's genuinely just good at drawing everything and doesn't stay in their comfort zone. Most artists just specialize in drawing one thing, but his sketchbooks are filled with absolutely everything and they are a blast to skim through. All male artists are coomers anyways, so it feels weird to hyper focus on the only one that draws things outside coom.

No. 422528

kek imagine being this pathetic and defending a korean coomer pedo moid

No. 422530

so you dont follow or like any moid artist, right? because literally all male artists are coomers. I also dont remember him drawing little girls, i have skimmed through all his sketchbooks and i havent seen it but idk he's also a moid.

No. 422532

Nta but you can appreciate someone's technique while disapproving of the subject matter they choose. You can also learn from them by looking at their influences and such.

No. 422535

just because all moids might be coomers it doesnt make you consuming their porn negligible and fine and atleast im not the one following a open pedo zoophile.

No. 422536

File: 1728548393025.jpg (258.86 KB, 820x1072, 306.jpg)

But i dont follow him for the coom though(and he's also dead), have you ever looked at one of his sketchbooks? most of it is things unrelated to coom. His older sketchbooks are the best for that, too.

No. 422540

>But i dont follow him for the coom though
why should i believe you when you chosen to overlook his degeneracy by declaring every moid is a coomer anyways? so why shouldn't you be keep consuming his art and taking inspiration from it because it doesnt matter anyways right? so pedoshit and zooshit is fine as along its drawn good and the artists sometimes throws in a few mechs and landscapes? gotcha, following a moid who draws naked women vs a moid drawing zooshit and pedoshit is very telling.

No. 422541

It's very hard to take people like you seriously because you are always moralfagging about what others should and shouldnt do but i doubt you hold yourself to the same standards. I doubt you stopped watching movies or listening to music despite knowing how those indutrys work, and you probably watch anime too which would make this all the more ironic. I also doubt you only follow female artists considering you seem offended by me saying all male artists are coomers(which is true because all men are coomers).

No. 422542

Nta. You're being ridiculous and puritanical.

No. 422546

>pointing out liking a moid artist who draws zoo and pedo shit is weird and gross is puritanical now
the state of lc…

No. 422547

but you are literally sperging about people liking his non coom shit art though. I also cant find any instance of kjg drawing loli.

No. 422549

It's retarded to claim that it's verboten to enjoy the non-fetish pieces of art drawn by a guy who's dead anyway. It isn't as though anon is defending the coom art itself, she's just saying that she likes his other work. What harm is being caused here, seriously?

>waaah lc sucks now

This is how I know you joined in the last few years. Lolcow was not originally like this, with all this zealotry over how evil moids are, or moralfagging about anime. This site was founded by /cgl/ anons, lest we forget.

No. 422554

Nta, I do agree but I also don't get why anons are going so hard to defend him kek. If you know he's a degenerate then why care when people say they don't like him for being a POS. Like making posts like this saying it's just comedy

No. 422557

If you know his art you can tell the difference between his actual coomery drawings and his retarded moid humor drawings, there is a woman with weird ass tits in the same page too. No one is denying he's a coomer, like all men, but he's got tons of non coomery drawings one can appreciate for the skill alone. If he was your run of the mill coomer artist like chris sanders i would get it, but he's one of those rare coomers that also puts his skill to good use to draw actually cool stuff. He's also dead, so it's not like you can support him anymore.

No. 422558

>Lolcow was not originally like this, with all this zealotry over how evil moids
Didn't know pointing out degenerate males was zealotry

No. 422568

I hate the proportions of the character but just the colours and composition are already a thousand times better than the other coomer

No. 422572

the colors werent done by him, it was done by some female artist

No. 422573

Well, I'm much less impressed then

No. 422605

She's not wrong. Browse threads from six years ago and manhate wasn't as strong.

No. 422628

Ntayrt but was this site always anti-troon? Just wondering

No. 422653

Ntayrt, yes and no, it was never pro-troon but it's gotten a lot more anti-troon over the years. It shows if you look at very old threads about tifs or tims especially. I remember an old thread about a tif fujo where people mostly respected her pronouns iirc, but it was more than seven years ago now. I feel like both of the tif and tim lolcows general threads also got more popular; again, I might not remember correctly, but we could go through long weeks or months of drought, but now we get a new thread every few weeks. It makes sense, both normies and terminally online people are getting fed up with troons, who have gotten worse and worse and are documented more thoroughly nowadays.

No. 422690

This kinda looks like if you forced the WITCH artist to draw a DC comic kek.
Wouldn't look that bad if it weren't for that weird line on his cheek. The mismatched pseudo-anime eyes on the superman(?) guy look worse.

No. 422707

We're getting off-topic, but in the early days Lolcor had more of a transmedicalist bent, where most troons were viewed as "faking," but anons believed that there was a small percentage of "real" ones. For instance, the fakeboi threads were originally about trenders and women who pretend to be male online, but was eventually expanded to include all TiFs.

There's always been man hate on Lolcow, but it began as the more casual man-hate you see in female communities in general, maybe a little more intense sense /cgl/ anons were personally exposed to some of the worst moid behavior that exists online. It took on more of an overtly political quality here later on.

No. 422710

Lmao I actually know the exact comicbook this came from. I've read it.

>the superman(?) guy
That's Superboy (Conner Kent)

No. 422712

I absolutely love emo Rarity in the threadpic kekk

No. 422752

Is Brazilian Miku so sexualized because dumbass moids associate Brazil with Brazilian wax which obviously equals slutty women ready to have sex? I don't get it. Miku doesn't feel like Miku when she's drawn so "sexy"

No. 422781

File: 1728593588890.jpg (151.26 KB, 900x1200, Miku-Fairy-1.jpg)

it's from a pokemon collab, the design is so cute

No. 422786

>Brazilian wax
Brazilian butt lift

No. 422795

File: 1728596401354.png (826.68 KB, 1080x1409, 1000049994.png)

no this was not drawn by a child, or even the typical male autist but a scrote worshipping anti-feminist woman.

No. 422796

I thought she had self harm scars on her limbs for a second kek

No. 422800

File: 1728597364487.jpg (290.01 KB, 1594x2000, bafkreieieqrbiwie5amivhdgdtbiq…)

A lot of moid artists don't know how to make cyclop girls appealing and it shows.I think she needs some eye drops asap.

No. 422802

File: 1728597885301.jpg (213.18 KB, 1150x2000, bafkreicouzppq6ngg36hhxwzt3lmg…)

Tiny head & huge body

No. 422803

Kekkk look at those tiny ass hands

No. 422831

File: 1728607109848.jpeg (75.86 KB, 1024x668, GZGW2j_WYAAhyYI.jpeg)

>general gendie shit

No. 422835

File: 1728607974444.png (86.4 KB, 187x352, 89987887.png)

Weird porpotions from recent dresden codak.

No. 422839

holy shit the cut scars too

No. 422841

File: 1728610042380.jpg (290.23 KB, 1554x2000, bafkreihljeg3vytaawrw5rhrcodnu…)

>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>incompetent technique

No. 422843

It’s because they’re confused tomboys who like big burly hyper masculine men and are deeply in denial about it or just a faggot worshipping fujo

No. 422848

File: 1728610791903.png (2.86 MB, 1170x1583, IMG_6808.png)

Did everyone stop shitting on the artist for all the women having their tits and ass out now that he's a true and honest woman

No. 422855

Seems like it. Saw someone defending him for it on tumblr, something like "of course woman attracted to woman is going to draw tits!"
that page
>horrible fashion (tit window & nonsencial cardigan)
>Kim staring at the other woman's breasts
>wall moves from being far away in one panel to right next to them so he can have "hot lesbain wall pinning action"
I wish he had his own thread but there's probably not enough milk.

No. 422866

I thought the nipples were a rash at first and wondered why they gave her herpes

No. 422889

File: 1728620875420.png (Spoiler Image,2.29 MB, 1726x1842, 060420b6.png)

No. 422890

File: 1728620897665.png (131.24 KB, 500x674, Cool_feminist_(waifu)_characte…)

I remember when before he transitioned, he got real butthurt over this silly comic that Mary Cagle (a comic creator who knows how to actually write female characters) made making a fun of "feminist" men's waifu OCs.

It wasn't even directed at him but he threw a hissy fit anyway.

No. 422891

File: 1728620927783.png (169.61 KB, 500x640, Cool_feminist_(waifu)_characte…)

No. 422898

File: 1728625938623.jpg (2.55 MB, 2048x2048, tumblr_93287479d17a9a6b166cac8…)

Who the fuck simps for Stanley pines

No. 422901

did you just now discover the concept of tumblr sexymen

No. 422903

fat ugly pickmes with low self esteem

No. 422919

the proportions of this character always look wrong because the boobs are too big by design

No. 422924

I'm jealous that you were never exposed to Stan Pines porn. There's one on an older bad art thread that haunts me and makes me ill.

No. 422927

No, Brazilian women in general are stereotyped as overly sexual not just because of Brazilian wax, but also Brazilian butt lifts or the Rio carnival

No. 422928

wasn't that a CWC-ism

No. 422933

this feels almost too on the nose. is this not a parody?

No. 422942

It's because of porn
>Who the fuck simps for Stanley pines
Anon, I…

No. 423010

File: 1728651544314.png (85.48 KB, 476x302, Senna.png)

No. 423024

File: 1728657877497.png (402.85 KB, 855x552, whoa sked for this.png)

He wants 100k to animate this

No. 423036

File: 1728660366583.png (333.5 KB, 2146x2777, 1728268284999934.png)

Spotted goatfag on /ic/ the other day. The final boss of NGMIs

No. 423047

What did they mean by this…

No. 423050

from her post
>wanted to see if i could redraw someone's submission faster than they did. almost got there
but who knows, maybe shes a secret agent and knows the truth

No. 423052

No. 423061

File: 1728665875813.png (1.29 MB, 1079x1347, 1000016423.png)

No. 423101

Kekkkkk thanks for this one anon. I’ve always disliked the pretentious fucker, he’s even worse now he’s trooned out. People defending his cum stained art because he’s a “””woman””” now is disappointing but entirely unsurprising. He literally reads like he transitioned to escape being the failmoid he is. You will never be an anime lesbian, Aaron

No. 423161

File: 1728701497969.jpg (71.09 KB, 988x1200, da9e1edfb11e7118184b22aa3a8e6c…)

No. 423167

File: 1728703139889.jpg (150.31 KB, 857x1200, F9RH5UTWoAAYtSj.jpg)

No. 423189

File: 1728707840559.jpeg (Spoiler Image,66.14 KB, 894x894, IMG_7774.jpeg)

This is literally the first fanart of this character ever posted to deviant art(possibly the first ever period) KEKKKKKKK.

No. 423200

I will literally never understand the appeal of inflation.

No. 423224

I once saw someone say it's about the loss of control, but it's such an autistic way of showing it

No. 423259

God, I am so upset over finding out how creepy his art is. Of course one of the only remaining male artists I liked would turn out to be a creep when you dig into his portfolio. Sigh

No. 423312

File: 1728748522348.jpeg (202.49 KB, 1481x2048, GWmW3JIawAAsCtW.jpeg)

this is what gets you 152k likes on shitter

No. 423316

File: 1728748627375.jpg (170.02 KB, 1080x768, Screenshot_20241011_184608_Chr…)

here's the artist behind it being a whiny attention whore as a bonus

No. 423322

the hand is backwards, how do you fuck up so badly?

No. 423327

> Plays a support role
> Takes it personally when bullied by other fags instead of just punishing them with no cover/revives

No. 423342

File: 1728750605721.png (1.83 MB, 1200x1169, G80NxL5.png)

No. 423343

why is he fat

No. 423344

No. 423350

File: 1728751177912.jpeg (346.7 KB, 600x543, 041719D8-0E9D-4907-8A38-193583…)

clark is sometimes drawn in ways where he looks kind of fat because of how large he is, but i think this artist probably doesn't know how to draw muscle but has been how artists like tim sale and frank quitely has drawn him, or heard how his design was partially inspired by circus strongmen and wanted to give him a more similar body shape to them. probably just doesn't know how to draw muscular men, though, weird to draw it over the new superman actor when you can just kind of trace over his body

No. 423354

Kek this is what my diary from 6th grade looks like.

No. 423366

average vent thread post

No. 423373

Kek, it needs about three more lines of suicide baiting to truly qualify for the vent thread.

No. 423405

>I'm bad at exercising

No. 423429

File: 1728760913345.jpg (531.64 KB, 840x1350, tumblr_b2dd56263fc3e3766cd777b…)

This is really stiff also her neck must be really long.

No. 423431

Why does her hair lose all its texture when it goes into the light kek

No. 423432

File: 1728760982077.png (3.16 MB, 1919x1919, 1695847984.baconsama_jrjuk.png)

Dear goodness

No. 423433

Tears in my eyes right now holy SHIT

No. 423444

I don't get it

No. 423508

File: 1728771196136.jpeg (208.54 KB, 710x1280, IMG_9753.jpeg)

I hate this artist kek, all her characters look the same
>big tissues, small waist and fat thighs
>super tall and built
It’s flat, mediocre and the subjects and scenarios in the comics are so fucking boring and porny.

No. 423509

Her panelling/framing is the laziest shit I've ever seen kek

No. 423510

Her or his? Dunno, but I’m getting strong troon vibes anyway. So it’s either a TIF or a TIM.

No. 423511

Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this artist got discussed before and it turned out to be a TIF.

No. 423515

I remember that she was also complaining about some retarded thing on X kek. There are far more deserving artists than this one, but I guess as long as you draw big tits, fat tighs and the same porny scenario with every character you create your rent gets paid generously.

No. 423516

It’s the same recycled 4 panels kek

No. 423528

Is that Nipples the Enchelada?

No. 423530

wow… just wow. every time you examine a detail you can see how low-effort it is
boo hoo. yeah you suck

i KEK'd loudly. that fucking face is killing me. i seriously love how bad it is, since it's making me laugh way too hard it's somehow reversed and become endearing even though it's so terrible… but that face KEK what the fuck

No. 423535

File: 1728774080955.jpg (151.87 KB, 1294x2048, c2615271d337601692f594a7ef4a6a…)

Whoever drew this didn't even try

No. 423537

Victorian beggar child looking bitch

No. 423538

File: 1728774163972.jpeg (309.9 KB, 2048x2048, GZULwvuXMAAKNXp.jpeg)

When you flip the canvas

No. 423557

>Tranny raping a hippo
Men who draw shit like this should have their hands cut off.

No. 423558

Shut up already edgetard he's been dead for years

No. 423575

File: 1728779018999.png (1.41 MB, 1720x2048, JIO14Tv.png)

No. 423577

It’s unskilled but I wouldn’t call it bad.

No. 423585

Thought this was Sangwoo at first and was very confused by the outfit until I enlarged the image.

No. 423591

tbf sangwoo was very clearly based on Erwin

No. 423605

Does that mean Yongbum or whatever his name was is based on Levi……

No. 423668

File: 1728796680861.webp (33.75 KB, 640x766, hot-yaoi-base-v0-07b1j7caq6yb1…)

i'd like to think its just koogis shitty attempt at doing this with her otp

No. 423689

YWNBSC (You Will Never Be Sakimi Chan)

No. 423691

Oh my God, was Killing Stalking just Koogi's schizo edgelord modern AU fanfic all along??

No. 423770

His corpse should be unhanded then and thrown in acid and If he's cremated throw him in farm fertiliser

No. 423806

File: 1728831310826.jpg (238.29 KB, 1007x786, Tumblr_l_19484302479442.jpg)

Guess the character

No. 423810

Xilonen from Genshin?

No. 423811

Mina from mha?

No. 423813

Correct! Maybe that one was too easy kek

No. 423815

I clicked on this thinking it was TIFwashed Bakugou kek

No. 423822

File: 1728832259565.jpeg (19.93 KB, 195x259, IMG_3840.jpeg)

The caption is way funnier than the art.
> "The reason why Reddit hates me is because they always find out that I have a Deviantart account and yell at me, even wanting me banned. I get upset because of this and I really want people to be kind to me. But no, they hate me because I have a vore kink and is developing an inflation kink."
>"To the people of Reddit, stop kink-shaming me and finding that I have a Deviantart full of kinky shit and even wanting me banned from a community. I HAVE AUTISM AND I AM ALLOWED TO HAVE THESE KINKS!"

No. 423823

File: 1728832499363.jpg (85.24 KB, 900x510, my_favorite_predators_updated_…)

Kinda surprised it's neither a tim nor a tif but rather a very autistic 17yo girl whose parents failed her

No. 423824

More context but apparently this person draws vore fanart of Ross from TallyHall(a real person kek), and redditors from the tally hall subreddit are making fun of them.

No. 423825


What shitty taste. I can understand Tumblr sexyman Poof but not him.

No. 423826

Kek can we please turn this into a new lolcow meme format

No. 423831

File: 1728833904591.jpeg (88.65 KB, 750x1250, IMG_3842.jpeg)

Offtopic but i hate moralfagging redditors so much. This person has great milk and the redditors are trying to scare her off the internet because the art makes them "uncomfy" instead of appreciating and laughing at her retarded autism. Reminds of what happened to homunculus(never forget).

No. 423832

these parasocial freaks are worse than the vore autist, the singer or whatever is probably comfy in his mansion with one of his underage groupies he doesnt give a shit nor feels ''uncomfy'' that some literal who 17yo is making shitty art of them

No. 423878

Who is far right on top and bottom?

No. 423912

File: 1728850938644.png (89.46 KB, 563x938, 110224web.png)

I love how my favourite artist sometimes makes the most retarded insane mistakes like pic rel.

No. 423913

Ancient shoujo proportions

No. 423965

It’s like she went through a pasta machine

No. 424024

File: 1728877239373.jpg (183.51 KB, 1414x2000, bafkreidkxstoiu7ep3lbt2svvcyfx…)

No. 424032

almost certain this is ai, nonny. the skirt folds and facial features look off to me.

No. 424047

KEKKKK unironically funny

No. 424049

Doesn't look like AI to me at all. I've seen people draw folds and pleated skirts like that before

No. 424052

Wtf is with these people and adding self harm scars to their designs nowadays?

No. 424056

the tearzah effect

No. 424059

File: 1728884762736.jpg (301.93 KB, 1661x2048, 20241012_070828.jpg)

No. 424121

This was made in 2011 dumbass

No. 424122

File: 1728906868743.png (203.29 KB, 301x371, long ass legs.png)

Another recent fuck up he did. I find it really fascinating when really talented artists fuck up this bad.

No. 424124

>Fuck up
No, anon, she's clearly happy because her broken leg got fixed by professor lockhart

No. 424136

All artists have weaknesses. You often never see them fuck up because the top tier artists stick to what they know how to draw.

No. 424138

Do you think he's a trial-and-error self taught artist? He could have learned what works in his art very well, but still occasionally fucks up because he didn't fully learn fundamentals.

No. 424147

she has thalidomide embryopathy… sad…

No. 424184

File: 1728915230767.jpg (113.45 KB, 644x475, zinntai4.jpg)

Nah Hiro definetly knows fundamentals, there is no way someone on his level doesnt know them. Pic rel from his blog where he used to post his anatomy studies. I think he's under pressure with deadlines and that makes him fuck up a lot, the manga art took a nosedive lately so i feel he's not able to put as much time as he needs onto his art.
Yeah it's endearing, i love his art and knowing how his art started and how it's now always gives me hope. I like to see him fuck up sometimes because it makes me realize even my favourite artists are still learning.

No. 424201

I love spotting small errors or spots where you can tell they just gave up when I'm reading manga (like a hand looking extra scribbly, something clearly having more unstable lines most likely from them having redrawn it several times, etc.). Seeing even successful artists make mistakes is incredibly humbling and endearing when you're trying to learn to draw yourself

No. 424205

NTA but something i noticed from translating Japanese tweets is that a lot of artists i consider to be ''masters'' are extremely humble about their skill level. One of my favourite artists that draws extremely good faces was posting about how his biggest weakness are his faces and how he must keep practicing to improve them. anons in the rate your art thread could learn a thing or two from them tbh(bait)

No. 424242

File: 1728933695148.jpg (229 KB, 1342x2000, bafkreieoplh4xmnftmaotihwr5adz…)

No. 424243

File: 1728933730120.jpg (276.39 KB, 1428x2000, bafkreihtmf52n5hts267miztntqzu…)

That face though

No. 424245

All scrotes who draw like this are either current or future rapists.

No. 424254

File: 1728938380163.jpg (Spoiler Image,918.97 KB, 2256x2848, 2990398_thegreatburg_patricia-…)

>what's wrong, Jimmy-kun?

No. 424266

why do autists almost always either draw in traditional with fucking markers or in mspaint are they too retarded to pirate SAI?

No. 424276

AInvestigation epic fail

No. 424277

no youre right. i think it's because they only look at hrt-induced moobs as a reference and those always grow in lumpy and tubular

No. 424286

File: 1728947261608.jpg (70.13 KB, 911x1000, bafkreiaa7sg5m6hd3rm37gbz6dd4d…)

No. 424288

Do you have the link to that blog or did he delete it all? I would like to see his evolution and old art

No. 424289

File: 1728947632487.jpg (169.84 KB, 850x1261, __misty_pokemon_and_2_more_dra…)

Long ass fingers and her boobs are flying away, doesn't even look like Misty at all.

No. 424290

File: 1728947715513.jpg (85.59 KB, 540x434, zinntai2.jpg)

No. 424291

File: 1728947873793.jpg (241.8 KB, 832x1200, mh0503_395.jpg)

also if you really want to see his evolution as an artist you gotta go back to his ugly ass doujins from the 90s/00s. Truly inspiring progres.

No. 424336

The hell is her facial expression supposed to be? It looks like she's cringing.

No. 424340

Give 'em the ol' razzle dazzle

No. 424434

File: 1728999822658.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.51 KB, 2016x1767, GZzKtURXIAAePPS.jpg)


No. 424495

File: 1729012252283.jpg (33.9 KB, 609x680, bafkreia4yvt3loxbtvsmwv77k6fbm…)

No. 424499

>Me and my husbando going to the grocery store

No. 424500

Back in the day, people would have blamed the messed up details on tracing.

No. 424504

the skirt doesnt even look traced tbh, probably just referenced

No. 424548

A farmer has two sides
This is honestly fine, the splitscreen effect just makes it look stupid KEKK

No. 424549

nonnie did you miss her weird ass pig nose LOL

No. 424558

File: 1729023148518.jpg (446.04 KB, 1500x1912, bafkreield7kclecfsphjeva5bibbn…)

She's melting

No. 424559

File: 1729023218728.jpg (340.23 KB, 1342x2000, bafkreiho775r6aoc4ty62hxfw7lrj…)

No. 424566

File: 1729026970620.jpg (96.15 KB, 768x1024, bafkreid3ikus7zeeamtjc6u7gwzon…)

What the hell is wrong with the anatomy??

No. 424572

Artist rendition of a cancerous thyroid.

No. 424587

File: 1729038614818.jpg (554.4 KB, 1378x2000, bafkreie6w5yyninimxnlgz2dpkpfg…)

The head doesn't match the body plus the unnecessary retarded thigh gap.

No. 424602

they NEED that tiny little triangle thigh gap

No. 424609

Why do their tits have crop circles

No. 424611

File: 1729053906176.jpg (43.77 KB, 593x1000, bafkreigmby7pz3xyoapetpgkvjwdl…)

No. 424620

Typical hazbin artstyle, nothing to see here tbh
I thought this was AIslop at first

No. 424632

Nice, thanks a lot!

No. 424796

File: 1729113723428.jpg (2.64 MB, 3000x3000, 1000014633.jpg)

No. 424850


His art is absolutely meaningless. Just pure emotionless slop. Once anons here grow up maybe they'll stop being dazzled by some line quality and perspective distortion because otherwise it's nonsensical, homogenous, randomized garbage. There's nothing more to his art than what you see.

No. 424853

Why are you trying to restart an infight from a week ago

No. 424856

File: 1729133134450.jpg (501.59 KB, 1415x2000, bafkreigf7xtgaxu2p5zbly5pn5kkt…)

So much bad Evangelion art from BlueSky! What's with the nipples and the uncanny valley face??

No. 424857

File: 1729133195535.jpg (117.79 KB, 1000x997, bafkreide4jn5xo74t4jje3grrl5eh…)

I wish this was satire but it isn't.this is how the artist draws everyone.

No. 424859

File: 1729134407400.jpg (611.82 KB, 2999x3687, GFiY7UxXgAAQhJC.jpg)

let it go

No. 424865

File: 1729135595551.jpg (379.62 KB, 1536x2048, 1000003383.jpg)

Nothing hurts worse than your favorite character getting Tumblrified

No. 424867

What's even going on here

No. 424873

The joke is that marcille(the right one) is looking at the other girl and smiling when she can her boobs but then frowning when she can't see them.

No. 424879

Nooo autistica chan don't do it!! Crinji isn't worth it!

No. 424902

No. 424919

File: 1729168122455.jpg (901.72 KB, 2048x1449, tumblr.jpg)

I feel so bad posting this, but I saw this yesterday and haven't been able to get it out of my mind. This is Levi from SNK and Michael Jackson

No. 424920

>Nyehehehe, check it out Aspienami, this angel has got three boobs

No. 424931


No. 424933

File: 1729171991231.png (737.72 KB, 1030x725, IMG_5249.png)


No. 424945

Isn’t that the gay wine guy

No. 424955

I thought this was Ross Matthews

No. 424956

falin is proof that retards genuinely believe short hair is boy and long hair is girl.

No. 424957

I thought it was some deep symbolism about her being dissatisfied about eggs because they symbolize womanhood or something

No. 424958

Isn't it her being annoyed that the egg is abnormal? Her shtick is freaking out at monster ingredients and cooking.

What are you trying to say

No. 424963

how the fuck do you manage to draw like a 19yo tranny at 46?

No. 424965

>normal reaction to the egg
>"egg has multiple yolks"
I don't think that's what it's implying nona..

No. 424974

That thing doesn't look like a female to me, not an underaged at very least

No. 424981

its just a drawing of a fat chick, relax

No. 424982

I feel so bad for foxes everywhere.

No. 424984

File: 1729185364013.png (Spoiler Image,465.05 KB, 720x923, Screenshot_20241017_111051_Chr…)

Nta, but this is the original video, sorry I couldn't find the actual Tiktok only the reposted tweet. The joke just seems like she is staring at the other girl's breasts. https://x.com/stolenmylove/status/1844979695315542220

No. 424992

why are pickmes like this

No. 425001

Kek that's why I hate meme redraws like this. Why waste time drawing a joke only those who have seen some video will get

No. 425016

File: 1729194481938.png (114.48 KB, 240x282, Screenshot_20241017-124628-688…)

Funny enough, the artist is a fat ugly pickme

No. 425017

>ugly pickme
Meh cute pickme

No. 425018

too bad you are not a fat ugly balding men so she will never pick you

No. 425025

Ugly, you've just been lolcow psyopped into thinking you're not bihet at most and women can't be ugly

No. 425026

>Thinking his follower count is a life achievement
Apparently his brain hasn't changed since he was 20

No. 425027

Most of her face is covered and her body isn't in the frame. You can't tell either way.

No. 425068

File: 1729210715134.jpg (505.73 KB, 1413x2000, bafkreia3lhv3s3xqyqccdgdkuhtlc…)

No. 425077

File: 1729211423357.jpg (487.35 KB, 1470x1999, bafkreiafseew5h63qwx3wx3ajgum3…)

Looks like a deformed balloon animal

No. 425082

File: 1729212475456.jpg (245.61 KB, 1348x2000, bafkreicltk4fttncwkrrgfkaepbxk…)

Ugly art style

No. 425089

Simultaneously lazy and tryhard. You can tell this artist prioritises finding "muh style" above everything else.

No. 425096

The worst part is that the artist is a coomer/porn artist and it's really really bad lol mostly big boob shit because of course.

No. 425097

If benthelooney learned how to color decently

No. 425107

File: 1729217673130.jpg (363.29 KB, 2259x1631, 1699741014.djsonicgo40_2023111…)


No. 425114

This is how trannies think the average woman dresses

No. 425118

wrong thread

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