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No. 28484
>>28480We don't really have a lot of memes beside things like Dante from the Aly threads.
A lot of our humour is simply light meta.
No. 28487
>>28484Pixiteri memes.
Post queen right nao
No. 28488
>>28479Basically, we played a show, and both of us had a few mistakes. She messed up on some of her lyrics and her chords, and I messed up in our final song, where I didn't hold the chord.
I used to be very perfectionist with music, but she pushed forward the idea that we should be okay with mistakes, so I felt pretty good about the show. Keep in mind she did have a headache during the show.
Once we got off stage, I asked her what she thought, and she said "Really? You couldn't hold the last chord?", and I just said sorry. Then she went outside to cry because she thought it was the worst show we ever had. She came back in 20 minutes later and was fine.
After the show, I told her that how she was acting was really hurting my feelings, at which point she told me that she was tired of babying me, that I need to grow up, that I need to learn how to tune a guitar and to handle my own shit. The last two got to me because I can hold my own musically and half of the stuff she was mentioning was stuff I let her pick (how we dress for shows, etc.). It really got to me, but a lot of the oversensitivity is just due to my OCD. It makes me read into things a lot. I just apologized and went home
No. 28531
>>28518We love and accept you Anon.
Join us, we're fragrant.
No. 28543
>>28484why would anyone want to browse this board then
there arnt even many nigger hate threads
No. 28553
>>28539We need to exterminate women, Jews, and any savages from all other races.
Then life will be better.
No. 28556
>>28553niggers cause the most rapes so if we get rid of them women dont need to be scared in public
lolcow should jump on board with us
No. 28567
>>28558 still some Africans can become civilized
true but many of them are ghetto niggers or stupid african niggers
No. 28569
>>28568no im starting a nigger hate general soon on here
for now you can come to my nazi thread
>>>/b/28564 No. 28582
>>28580We're all from /r9k/ in this thread. This website feels like some kind of bizaro /r9k/.
I want to wake up.
No. 28586
>>28579this is random though
i can separate one into a nazi thread and another into a nigger hate thread
they're separate things so they deserve separate threads
No. 28675
>>28543I browse lolcow cause this is one of the few female chans (well, the only one that I know of). It's just nice to have a place to post things without all that "tits or gtfo roastie" any time you post anything that could even lightly hint at not being male.
I never browsed PULL, I don't know nor care for all the white weeaboos trying to make it in Japan, I've no idea who half ofthese people mentioned here are. I just like girltalk in general
No. 28682
File: 1440127171554.gif (479.59 KB, 500x346, Mr.-Krabs-Squidward-Spongebob-…)

Lmfao 8chan banned your admin.
The coding on this site is fucking sick though. Good job
No. 28687
>>28684Do you have to wave your dick fucking everywhere? We know you post, just take off your
##ADMINLOOKATME tag already
No. 28694
>>28687I don't publicly post much on boards here outside of /meta/. Anyone could impersonate me easily without the capcode, which is why I use it.
But you're right in that I really had no need to write anything in this thread or reply to
>>28682. I'm just tired and on edge from cleaning up spam all day. I generally try not to attention whore.
No. 28785
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Dear god, is this what passes for a channel?
There is zero OC here, nothing but a circlejerk over degenerates on the internet who don't matter outside of the blog they own.
I expected no less.
No. 28792
>>28785Yeah, it's so much better to have your 21619222th thread about Eggman or not having a girlfriend or some overdone, unfunny maymay.
You're miles ahead of us. You should go back to your obviously superior venue. We wouldn't want to waste your precious shitpost time, anon.
No. 28812
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>>28792>You're miles ahead of us.We know.
No. 28816
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>>28813It's always interesting observing the mentally ill.
No. 28819
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If women want to be taken seriously, they need to start detaching themselves from the emotions that drive every action they make.
Work longer and harder.
Take bigger risks.
I'm about as a normalfag as you can get, and It's clear the man handicap for women are your "feelings"
No. 28824
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>>28820What resides here is not numbness or emptiness, but a hatred for ones self so deep it is oozing from the seams.
>>28821(Here is a classic example) No. 28830
File: 1440135668584.jpg (122.81 KB, 477x615, 1385770392895.jpg)

>>28825I have never visited or posted on /r9k/ on either half or full channel.
We can understand you have been unfairly treated on untreated by those close to you(Father, Mother, Sisters, Brothers, Friends or lack of) but it's time to get over that silly stuff and be happy, you deserve it.
No. 28842
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>>28838>haha we are so much better than them cuz we were raped by daddy and r pretty nothings my faultYOU ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME FUCKING COIN
You and pretty much every other person who posts on this board is a garbage human being. You people are the epitome of basic bitches, except with more mental disorders. That's not what makes you garbage tho, what makes you garbage is you never take responsibility for your fucking problems long enough to actually fucking change.
No. 28845
>>28844I would bet my right fucking lung that 60% of the cosplay community has a cluster B personality disorder, and that 30% have bipolar or schizophrenia. The main hobby focused on here is based on vanity, but keep spinning yourself lies.
Top fucking kek m8, keep clinging to your pathetic delusions.
I've seen a shit ton of people blame everyone but themselves for their problems, obsess over stupid pointless identity politics, and bitch about the pettiest fucking things. Most of you probably have shitty vindictive personalities, just like robots would if they had friends. Not to mention your memes fucking suck bruh.
No. 28849
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>>28842I agree with the picture only
No. 28867
>>28864Robots, socially akward guys.
We are here to find gfs.
P-pls be my gf
No. 28871
>>28870Je n'ai jamais voulu quitter ce monde seul
Je n'ai jamais voulu faire de mal à ceux qui m'entourent
No. 28873
oh btw are you french or canadian
No. 28877
why are you a robot? D:
No. 28878
>>28871Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir
Voulez vous coucher avec moi
No. 28883
>>28882ummm lol ok
do you have any hobbies besides r9k though
No. 28885
>>28883Yes, video games
I also play guitar
So are you my gf now?
No. 28886
File: 1440146638587.jpg (726.38 KB, 1080x1920, tmp_10092-Snapchat--7827182915…)

I'd date any girl on here who wasn't extremely overnight honestly
No. 28891
Pourquoi vivre?
No. 28893
>>28891wait can you space out the picture name
google translate only works if the words are spaced out LOL
No. 28894
toujours tout seul -> foreveralone
No. 28895
i'm sure you'll find a girl somehow
No. 28896
>>28895I don't think so, i lost all hope
But thanks
No. 28910
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>>28903>coming here to find m'ladystay pleb, tad/pol/
No. 28914
>>28912i am already myself
now what
No. 28916
>>28915I have litteraly none of it
Any advice?
No. 28918
File: 1440164078949.png (230.95 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-08-21-16-31-00…)

What are you listening people?
No. 28925
>>28923To have love?
No. 28928
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>>28925>>28924>>28926You're being dishonest with me and with yourselves. You can find companionship with other men or with animals. I really want you to dig deep and find the real answer here.
No. 28930
>>28928>You can find companionship with other men or with animals.except for the fact I'm not gay and I can't share thoughts or feelings with animals
>the real answer hereloneliness
No. 28938
File: 1440168749022.jpg (20.22 KB, 396x347, id hit it.JPG)

If this is any of you, I'll give you more heterosexual sex you could ever desire. Even backdoor.
No. 28949
>>28947Dating sites don't work for men. You send hundred of messages, a few girls answer, and suddenly stop talking to you
Still a mystery for me
No. 28956
>>28949Let me spell it out for you:
>you're unfortunately ugly/creepy looking>you're painfully uninteresting or autismo>you have no meaningful life goals and are a leech>you're all of the aboveMy source to back it up?
>took a picture of a skinny, yet attractive, ex guy friend with long hair>worded an interesting profile with a couple hobbies>said he was in college studying (and it was true)Girls still message that fake profile and favorite it to this day in notifications I get inside my spam folder. Never responded to them once and they still flock to it.
Face it, you suck at being a man and that's why women don't want you. Accept your genetic and personal failure and get a dog.
No. 28977
>>28934I think we're making progress.
Why do you "need" sex? Why do women have to supply it? Is there anything about them that makes them a necessity besides having a hole you can fuck?
>>28932I don't go that far. I see relationships as being for people whose lives are so good and easy that they have to create additional problems for themselves just to spice things up. /r9k/ is putting the cart before the horse.
No. 28980
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No. 28981
>>28976>>28978Wow, I completely missed those. I guess that's a decent excuse for still needing a containment thread.
So now a question for the original residents of this site; have you seen a noticeable change in the level of quality of activity on here outside of the containment threads since we first checked this place out?
No. 28984
>>28982He really did. The first time his nudes leaked I sent him an encouraging email and suggested taking a break from the internet, and above all stop trusting strangers on the internet.
Years later I was browsing and learned that hundreds of people have done that and he ignored every last one of them.
No. 28985
The irony is delicious, though.
No. 28995
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>>28992now why would you lie to the poor guy like that?
pic related it's you
No. 28996
>>28992b-but I want to get big and then get cut
>>28993I'm not a robot. Someone linked this site on 8chan and I didn't want to diminish post quality here so I posted in the containment thread.
No. 29005
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pls be my gf, femanon
No. 29051
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>tfw no gf to get high while cuddling under milky way while listening space ambient
No. 29103
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>tfw having a panic attack after two weeks
Just when I think I'm okay, it comes back.I can't take it anymore, I'm about to go insane because of this shit, I'm always on and off on meds and they don't Do shit for it. I used to be a positive, normal guy but this fucking shit ruined my life, made up me in to the shell of a men I am today. I just can't take it anymore, when is this shit gonna go away?
No. 29105
>>29103drugs r only good used recreationally tbh
every day is bad
too much of ANYTHING is bad
No. 29123
>>29107some people are shit tbh
you might have to accept there's nothing you can do
but dont listen to me
i dont even know you
this is just some random cunt (me i mean)
No. 29126
>>28977>Why do you "need" sex?That's just the way humans evolved, to need sex.
>Why do women have to supply it?They need not, just as none need to supply food, clothing, shelter, social activity or anything else to anyone. What is your point?
>Is there anything about them that makes them a necessity besides having a hole you can fuck?I'd imagine that the factor is more psychological, and this is the reason that most people are not voluntarily celibate (as priests and nuns are), and why they develop mental illnesses when deprived of sex.
No. 29134
>>28825I came here because I was surprised that such a space as this existed. That there existed women who seriously believed that they faced similar challenges to those that robots face. Reading your boards showed me that it was just that, a belief, with their own confessions contradicting it. This place is just another tumblr, and it reminds me of how feminists like to paint themselves as victims, even as they victimise others. That this board was created to torment Chris-chan, as another mentioned earlier, does not surprise me. The persistent harassment from the GOON swarm, Tumblr, Twitter feminists and other similar agents, even as their users claimed to be innocent little women who are in a pitiable situation, does not seem very unlike what happened/is happening here. Ultimately, this place is just another Tumblr, in chan layout and anonymous posting.
No. 29135
>>29126If you do not get sex, you will not die. Now, it's alright to crave it, we all have urges.
But I wanted you to really think about specifically what needs you think are not being met and specifically how a woman is going to meet them.
Again, not passing judgement, just asking for a little soul-searching here. I don't think you guys will ever be happy as long as you aren't honest with yourselves.
No. 29146
>>29137they dont fucking know me
im a moderately attractive man
No. 29153
>post picture on a board full of womenyeah get fucked
im not taking the first step in such hostile territory
No. 29163
>>29143Do we care? About as much as anybody wise 4chan does.
Why should we?
No. 29164
>>29162I want the one true permanent christian girlfriend/wife in my life and I don't want to be a degenerate manwhore who sleeps around for fun
I'm in my 20s
No. 29165
>>29162Me personally, I don't exactly want a harem. Just one girl.
In my teens, 18 to be exact.
No. 29166
>>29135>If you do not get sex, you will not die.This is the same about everything in life except air, food and water.
>Now, it's alright to crave it, we all have urges. Just like people who have no clothes crave for clothes, those who have no home crave for a roof over their heads, those who have no money crave for just enough money for the next day.
>But I wanted you to really think about specifically what needs you think are not being met and specifically how a woman is going to meet them.For me, specifically? None. I am in the class of people I mentioned before, like priests and nuns, and I can go on being a virgin for my entire life. I can also completely isolate myself from human contact for several months (which I have done before), seeing literally no human beings, with no perceived negative effects at all. But this resilience is not usual. Just like social contact and sex are normal things, lack of these is abnormal. Very abnormal. And the average person is going to go literally crazy when deprived of such.
>I don't think you guys will ever be happy as long as you aren't honest with yourselves.If it is involuntary celibacy that is making someone's life miserable, then of course sex will make them happy. Just like if crippling debt is what makes someone miserable, then enough money to pay off the debt and buy enough food will make such a person happy. Someone like you saying that a robot is going to be unhappy and does not really need sex is like if I went to a homeless beggar and told him that he does not really need money and he would be unhappy regardless.
No. 29170
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Good night people, dont let your hate swallow you.
No. 29171
>>29135Not him, but I want a woman so I can experience life with someone else. My existence as a pretend normalfag is incredibly lonely, because none of my friends can understand the way I think and perceive the world. There used to be one girl who did but it's incredibly complicated and I had to move on from her.
I want a gf like that. One who gets me, one that I can talk to about my feelings.
Maybe if I got a gf I could have a reason to live. Day to day I go to class or get shitfaced, but for what purpose? I feel like a character Edward Norton would play. My existence is empty and devoid of real drive for a higher achievement.
If having kids is the ultimate purpose in life then getting into a relationship with a girl is a step in the right direction.
>>29153I did it >>28986
Do it you fag.
No. 29172
>>29169oh boy the "cyberbulling isn't real" argument. It's very real and I've just been affected by that very harassment. You can't just block it out. And now my week has been fucking ruined
Get out moron
No. 29174
>>29168To be fair they probably have a reason for feeling that way.
I recall that thread about a girl in uk that had a series of shit experiences, the last one being a guy dragging her away to be raped, barely managing to escape.
Its a pity they cant carry guns as i said in that thread.
Its hard to have sympathy after these kinds of events even if they logically understand otherwise.
Just human nature.
Though i suspect the majority of it is not that serious and instead just got pumped and dumped by chads lol
No. 29177
>>29171Because you're retarded
>>29173I'm a boy
No. 29184
>>29166>Just like social contact and sex are normal things, lack of these is abnormal.It sounds like you want a girlfriend to prove that you're normal and not inferior to other guys.
>If having kids is the ultimate purpose in life then getting into a relationship with a girl is a step in the right direction.Do you actually want children, or is this something you think about because a lot of other people have children and you want to fit in? Did you maybe watch a wholesome TV show like Little House on the Prairie and wish you had a family like that?
No. 29190
>>29188I cannot and as you love and care for me you should take my feelings into consideration also.
We will continue to communicate here for the next 2-3 months before I reveal a physically identifying image of myself. Then we may each do that.
No. 29194
>>29184I hate children, but I want to continue my family's bloodline and keep my race alive.
That said, I'd love to have a daughter and teach her to shoot and stuff when she's a teenager.
No. 29201
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>>29194You know, Cass is my waifu too but I don't know if I'd want her as a daughter.
No. 29235
File: 1440206786961.jpg (12.61 KB, 235x192, 1362820842343.jpg)

>>28460just came here from /r9k/ to say that you women are being too lenient here. Ban them all before it becomes unsalvageable.
Protect what you have before there's nothing left to protect. Learn from our example
>>29198That is absolutely not true. Why would I want to fuck my own children? That's gross.
>>29201Having a daughter to shape into a tomboy just seems like fun to me.
No. 29277
>>28886why do guys not understand that most girls dont like just seeing naked guys like this
it's so weird and skeevy and out of place why would you do this
No. 29289
>>29285Perhaps not. But women tend to be hypergamous sluts anyways, no offense, so I thought this would be the best way to appeal to them. In all honesty, no woman is truly worth dating for the sake of companionship. I've given up the hopes of finding a pure companion at this point.
I just want to be able to get fugged by some whore tbh.
No. 29291
>>29290While I haven't spoken to them, I've seen them. Seen what they do.
Actions speak louder than words, sir reddit.
They aren't companions.
No. 29293
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Cool your jets there, NEGaduck.
No. 29305
File: 1440235700331.jpg (49.9 KB, 441x413, krytenski.jpg)

>>29294>literally whiteknighting a niggerk
No. 29335
File: 1440255622810.jpg (53.14 KB, 400x400, 1436006651985.jpg)

>started talking to one of you robots privately
>must be malfunctioning because he went on about how he likes obese women only
>describes how he's obese and blames it on women bullying him, so he wants a fat woman so she won't leave him
Are there any lumberjack robots and not just sloppy baby bots who knock over their piss bottles?
No. 29359
>>29335Robots are broken people. You know how guys say "don't stick your dick in crazy"? It works both ways. I should know, I made the mistake of loving a crazy girl and it was a terrible ride.
Anyone who goes on /r9k/ is putting themselves in an extremely toxic environment for their mental health. The lowest point in my life was when I browsed there in 2013.
They aren't your average neurotic person, their antisocial behavior is constantly reinforced by their fellow robots, and they return to their board because it's all they feel they have left.
That said I'm >>28986 so not lumberjack but not fat either and I'd be willing to have some adult horseplay given you're average/above and not a landwhale. I live in Florida.
No. 29371
>>29367I don't doubt a fair number of lolcow users are sociopaths. The confessions thread was a little gut-wrenching to be honest.
I wish we would just slather this whole continent with napalm and light a match. It would be much faster.
No. 29375
>>29370More just melancholy and slightly narcissistic/sociopathic i.e. the average chan user.
I'd be more worried about femanons tbh because all of them that I've met irl so far have been autismo or something is seriously wrong with them.
>>29372I've only assaulted someone once and it was because of a very heated argument about gumbo.
No. 29384
>>29335Robots are fucked up people. Among the most fucked are those who trip, though tripfags are less common there now. I actually used a trip there at some point, too, but I was literally a mentally ill 14 year old shut-in who made shitpost on top of shitpost, which says even more about how retarded and sick in the head you have to be to use a handle on an anonymous board.
>added some "popular" tripfag on Skype (he was actually well respected by robots, if anyone remembers him, he was that guy who used ":3" all the time and circlejerked in the IanBrady/Ricky threads) >he acts nice at first, but gets overbearing very quickly>spergs out if I don't respond to his messages within 2 minutes>pretends to be mad at me for retarded reasons, then laughs at me when I apologize because I "fell for it">pressures me into talking to him in Skype calls, then video chat even though I tell him I'm not comfortable>admits later on that he took screencaps of my face and had them all saved in a folder (this should have been a red flag, but I was dumb and fourteen and he gave me attention. he was fully aware of my age during all this, too)>says things like "I know you don't owe me anything", but acts as if I do anyway>one time he tells me he bought a music box and that he wants to send it to me as a gift>say no because 1)I'm not allowed to give out information like that and 2)I don't like the idea of people just giving me gifts>he actually gets angry about this>he makes all these promises to come visit me and travel with me and shit>says some weird shit about wanting me to "stay innocent" >tries to coerce me into cybering with him/sending nudes (he'd pull shit like saying "brb one sec"/"ok"/"im back"/"ok"/"i'll come right out and say it - i was masturbating"/"ok"/"what? you don't like talking about sex?", telling me about his fetishes/porn habits and trying to get me to talk about mine, tells me inappropriate shit like some retarded fantasy about fucking me in a hotel room, etc) but I never did (thankfully)>get too scared to tell him to fuck off, go with whatever he says and just pretend he isn't a massive creep because he's the only online friend I actually have who talks to me frequently>I reason that I must be the problem for disliking how he acts, and he doesn't do anything wrong because he's ""nice"" to me>stop using Skype for half a year>go back to school in this time, stop tripfagging and become less retarded>all this weighs on me and I finally tell someone >they confirm this guy is a fucking creep and it's not just me, then advise me to block his ass>that's literally all I needed to hear>blocked/10>selfpost in one thread some months later>"[SkypeName]? Is that you? I see how it is.">lmao fuck offtl;dr: even the most "normal" people on that hellhole of a board tend to be mentally ill fucks and/or pedophiles, stay the hell away
No. 29386
>>29384You're fucked up for contactfagging with men. Lol are you that desperate?
No. 29403
File: 1440270964653.jpg (11.12 KB, 251x242, 1417039428000.jpg)

I tried contacting robots a few times but shit always goes to shit. They either immediately go "what do you look like" and obsess about physical stuff, dump all their problems on me like I'm a therapist, or the conversations are just overall awkward
Ehh, but serves me right for trying to bother
No. 29425
>>29413>I guess I want to make a tulpa to fall in love withwhat
No. 29445
>>29423some more questions: if you go outside, what for, therapy? Do you have to help your parents with chores? Do they cook for you? Are you parents mad at your for being a neet? How often do you have conversations with them? Are they mostly serious (about you being a neet and your life) or not(like asking what kind of meal you want to have)? Do you have pets? do you go to sleep at set times or is it random(like do you sometimes wake up at evening and spend the whole night awake, then go to bed in the morning)?
What does your average day look like(something like video games, eat, take a break, sleep, shower, imageboards, sleep, video games and whether there are any consistent patterns or not)? Do you do anything productive or creative on your pc or do you just "leech" and "consume"(do you make any music, do you learn anything via pc like programming, do you draw pictures, or do you just play video games and nothing else etc.)?
sorry if this is creepy, I'm genuinely curious
No. 29469
File: 1440286182101.jpg (32.88 KB, 500x500, 1423933814247.jpg)

Anyone from France aka the best country in the world here
No. 29472
>>29445I go outside for fast food sometimes or occasionally to buy something for video games. I help with chores and my room is clean. Mom cooks for me. My parents aren't too thrilled but they are coddling and have spoiled me most of my life. I talk to them several times a day, usually small talk, nothing super serious.
I have one cat. My sleep schedule is going to bed at roughly 3-5 AM, get up at 11-12. Average day is wake up, wander around the house for a bit, shower, get on computer, eat and play video games all day while getting up frequently to wander the house or talk to parents. Depending on the games I play I usually alternate between browsing the internet and focusing on a game, I'm still slumming it up with one monitor. I've practiced programming a bit and I've contributed to The Cutting Room Floor website a bit. I also go on Amazon Mechanical Turk to make a little money some days. I typically stay on the computer all day though.
Is that about what you expected? My life's pretty plain.
No. 29482
>>29469>France>bestpick one
Bent over for nazis
Bending over for niggers
Also fathernity tests are illegal.
No. 29496
Looking for gf
>weight156 pounds
>height5'8 (and a half)
>job/careerWork as a waiter as a restaurant. Otherwise, play shows as a musician and have a few musical projects going on. One semester away from finishing my Bachelor's degree
>locationBritish Columbia, Canada
>Impress sexual attributesI've been told I have a nice ass, and have been told the same about abs, but I want to work on it as well and get into slightly better shape
>amount of friends you haveClose friends? Maybe 6
>racePakistani (born in Canada, however)
>hobbiesListening to music, playing music, reading interesting articles, writing/pursuing comedy
>skills/talentsThe biggest thing is probably my musical ability. I've spent the most amount of time cultivating it
>eye colorThe color everyone else has
>hygiene levelSuper clean. Shower every day, take care of myself, etc.
>hair styleMy hair is usually how it is in this video of mine: [Embed]
No. 29512
File: 1440293932270.jpg (167.89 KB, 634x850, 2A6AFA4E00000578-0-image-a-17_…)

>>29510Uh, nope, that is her actual boyfriend.
They have a Youtube channel together.
>>29511Here you go, they're a legit couple.
>inb4 DailyfailIt's all over the net if you search their pics, I cba getting more links.
No. 29514
>>29511>>29512oh yeah lol fuck me you guys were right, sorry about that. for some reason i thought i've seen it proven that this guy was like her brother or something but guess not.
anyway i looked her up too
Apparently her youtube name is Dankii909Doll
No. 29550
File: 1440298032143.jpg (82.83 KB, 960x639, 11665743_995679660471807_13535…)

>>29088YES. I am the person you replied to. I will put on a maid dress, etc. Whatever you need. Please return and talk to me :)
Any other takers? Pic related is me on left side
No. 29567
>>29565I'm not a huge fun of sex myself. I really just like cuddling and talking, etc.
So honestly, that just makes you more of a prospect? You really think I'm cute? I would love to talk to you more
No. 29570
File: 1440299974543.jpg (90.69 KB, 420x320, ra_0706_04a.jpg)

All right, farmer here, who wants me
No. 29579
>>29480Wait shit this is actually completely accurate. Like dead on. It's a power fantasy that might not happen but still.
>>29481People say I remind them of a lot of creepy/notorious people.
>>29468>>29479I have abs they're just under a layer of fat. I started working out 2 months ago and am bulking at 3000 calories a day.
No. 29588
>>29586Sorry, I'm about to go to bed and I'm kind of running around getting ready for tomorrow. I made a throwaway e-mail if you'd like to talk after I'm up tomorrow?
Have a nice night!
No. 29593
>>29579I was referring to the retard who posted that pic
>Wait shit this is actually completely accurate. Like dead on. It's a power fantasy that might not happen but still.Why would you admit that now that people know what yu look like lol
No. 29600
Just looking for a lady that know what they are doing in video games that lives in the US don't bite or rage or anything, it's just more fun to play with people who know how to video games.
No. 29601
>>29600oh jesus christ can you get anymore cringeworthy.
Please never befriend some retarded, obnixous meme-spouter who "ironically" greentexts outside of imageboards
No. 29602
File: 1440313833985.webm (Spoiler Image,6.75 MB, 320x240, 1438797802540.webm)

what do you think of FacialAbuse?
No. 29606
File: 1440314591559.webm (Spoiler Image,4.54 MB, 720x480, 1438920332534.webm)

>>29604okay, thanks
anyone else have opinions? I'd appreciate it
posting more content just for people to see what it's like
No. 29619
>>29606Seeing the girl who talked back and left at the end was pretty cathartic. Should've bitten his dick off tbh.
I don't care if it's fake, that guy is fucking irritating and unfunny.
No. 29652
>>29593>Why would you admit that now that people know what yu look like lolYou only know what half of my face looks like. I look very different from the side too. Plus this is a girl dominated version of a meme site for Azerbaijani animated sitcoms. I doubt a lot of people saw me.
>>29595Thank you. Be my Eva Braun?
No. 29660
File: 1440345663504.gif (2.66 MB, 200x113, 1391444860578.gif)

>>29423>>29430Holy shit are you me?
>23yo friendless virgin >live with parents>neet>just play video games, clean and try to look nice despite going out maybe once a month tops>can go months without masturbating >>29445In case you're interested in hearing this from a similar neet
>go out grocery shopping once a month>I do chores without being asked just to keep the house clean>cook for all three of us just because I enjoy it>parents are disappointed in me more than anything>I barely talk to my parents, I spend most of my time in my room>when we talk it's just about meals, or hinting for me to get a job by complaining about money>I have a pet>I sleep like a normie >what I do changes daily, pretty much what your example was except add cleaning and exercise to the list>I'm a piece of shit that doesn't do anything productive, have no talents and don't know what I want to do in life No. 29670
>>29669Dude like more than half of us are bisexual or straight up gay.
Also, yes, surprise, surprise females of our species prefer the physical appearance of men that put a lot of effort into their bodies/aesthetic makeup as opposed to slobs that frequent the likes of /r9k/.
I expect you walk down the street eyefucking landwhales all day right? Because men are like, totally more humble and willing to settle for a 2/10?
No. 29741
>>29738So I can reply now and it won't be weird?
There's stuff like this for dudes: you are told to wait so I just figured I would have to do the same thing - wasn't sure when though.
No. 29752
>>29741You can reply with something acknowledging him, which might remind him he needs to email you.
I personally hate when I have to text/call/email first every time. It makes me feel like the girl doesn't care.
No. 29753
>>29752It has been less than 12 hours. I went to bed and woke up and checked my emails. I don't know if it is ok to respond or not.
I'm guessing I should wait until tonight at least.
No. 29757
>>29754exactly, it's really not that serious
if he's interested he should be happy, if he's not interested he shouldn't care either way
No. 29758
File: 1440364340292.jpeg (13.25 KB, 250x304, eva-braun-1.jpeg)

>>29652I want more than just 40hrs of marriage though.
No. 29770
File: 1440368459083.jpg (46.96 KB, 400x400, 400_F_42170482_dy9Fp00J4dcb7jD…)

>>29766Shhhh they also think by having lots of sex it will loosen the vag. Like lol niggas are dumb as shit its a muscle that contracts back.
No. 29772
>>29768"There is absolutely no way Descartes ever said that in his life"
- Adolf Hitler
No. 29773
>>29768That picture applies to so many facets of 4chan, honestly.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who seriously worship PT non-sarcastically on /cgl/ and here.
No. 29781
>>29770>>29766This is crazy because by the same logic wouldn't every time they masturbated their dicks would get longer and skinnier, like rolling our dough?
I proposed this to them once and I didn't get a single straight reply back kek
No. 29789
>>29787It doesn't sound pathetic at all imo.
At our core males and females are wildly different people with different experiences and characteristics. Nothing wrong with wanting a little change.
No. 29796
File: 1440371939036.jpg (35.75 KB, 512x288, 5f47eb00bdccdd405ffd562c5cc616…)

>>29788You should go on 8chan then, most people there are mid twenties and up.
I mostly browse the lolcow board there, it's pretty good No. 29797
>>29796I used to run the /lgbt/ board on 8chan but than the hype began to die down and I noticed traffic steadily decreasing so I left.
/baph/ getting btfo was a big instigator for my leaving.
No. 29800
>>29798It wasn't like that at all. The reason it didn't get any traffic was because at one point it was a reallllly popular board, but the board owner went fubar and deleted everything.
The board was empty for an extended period and so people left and just never came back. I had trouble getting the word out that it was active again, but the traffic I did have coming in were actually made up of pretty decent people.
No. 29801
>>297884chan's /b/ is composed mainly of 13-17 year olds according to a poll.
>>29797I am /egl/ there but nobody likes my board anymore. I created /jfash/ which I think would be better suited but nobody was interested in that either.
No. 29836
>>29826If there is I feel as though it would require retaliation.
I was talking to a robot earlier today and apparently they consider lolcow to be the female /r9k/.
No. 29871
File: 1440429298743.jpg (109.34 KB, 521x533, 1429041002582.jpg)

I made this eggChad for eggman months ago.
I hope he liked it :>
No. 30144
File: 1440475710323.png (25.25 KB, 180x178, 180px-R9kexplained.png)

r9k in a nutshell
No. 30147
Women need to have big tits, flat stomach, thin legs, big ass, mature attractive face, nice slender nose, hairless, "pure", modest, nice, caring
- get abs
- be charming
- be tall
thats it
No. 30152
>>29660you sound qt.
what do you look like anon?
No. 30154
>>29750>she was the kind to laugh and talk all the time but actually be dead inside as well, just like me.i'm like that too
hi anon
No. 30290
File: 1440479301913.png (338.37 KB, 640x480, 1430564152575.png)

Hi lolcow, I'm a white man with blonde hair and I am very boring.
I have almost nothing about me that is interesting and I don't know why I ever had a single friend online.
I have had relationships with 3 women, one over the internet that lasted for a year, until I broke up with her.
The second woman I lost my virginity to, and the 3rd woman was again, over the internet. She used my affection for her entertainment and I did not appreciate it, so I cut off contact.
I'm so boring I can't even get into video games. All I do is masturbate to cartoons and play video games that I'm bad at, and watch netflix.
Netflix and chill.
No. 30297
>>30294I don't know if I'm ugly because I've had sex once.
I also feel somewhat attractive.
No. 30306
File: 1440479739539.jpg (1.01 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20150825_00_14_33_Selfie[1]…)

>>30299Someone already posted my IP and everything on r9k and no one cared, so I guess it couldn't hurt.
No. 30312
File: 1440479903978.jpg (92.23 KB, 1200x675, image.jpg)

You kind of remind me of Dylan roof. You both have soft features and are dead in the eyes.
No. 30317
>>30312I'm assuming you were talking to me
>>30306Thanks I guess, I like to think my eyes are a bit more lively than that, but overall I think Dylan is quite handsome.
No. 30345
>>30336So true, 4chan males are the ultimate hypocrites
>>30339He'd look average if he got a good haircut
No. 30352
>>28869France kun are you still there
I want to be your gf
No. 30371
>>30370sorry I'm not sure whether that was a serious reply, I was just shitposting because I'm a faggot with nothing better to do
In the event that this is a legit e-mail and post, again sorry
No. 30408
>>30405Happy birthday Mr. Roboto.
I'm in the UK at university too, although I just turned 24 on the second.
Which uni you at?
No. 30417
>>30408I'm at Nottingham University. I think I have improved myself since last year, if I'm being totally honest. It just doesn't feel like I've improved enough when I'm still as r9kesque as I am.
Where are you at?
>>30410I'll try, it's just hard to break through the acquaintance zone and have someone become a genuine friend.
No. 30437
>>30417Oh sweet, I used to live in Nottingham for a time, but I'm at Newcastle University right now.
I think you'll have an amazing time at university, but if I had any advice for you in regards to making friends and extracting the most from your experience, you know when you get asked to do something, hang out, go somewhere, go for a walk, and you know that little voice that appears that goes "Hmm yeah sounds fun but hmmmm… actually, video games, and that movie I wanted to watch tonight, hmm I'm not so sure, I'm kind of worried and nervous".
Shut that shit down. Just shut it down. Don't even think. Just do it.
Seriously though, join some societies and try to stay active, don't allow yourself to stagnate.
No. 30734
File: 1440525302972.jpg (19.48 KB, 494x297, 36734844.jpg)

>>30306>>30290>tfw you're my typeToo bad I'm a chubby virgin neet loser.
No. 30756
File: 1440525984101.jpg (32.2 KB, 409x337, ss (2015-08-25 at 02.05.02).jp…)

Only, what, a few people said you're "cute"? They're probably the type that want a guy to dress up. That doesn't mean everyone finds you attractive.
It's your eyes that make you look that way. You have a Jim Bob Duggar haircut, you don't look like you can grow any facial hair ( the thin moustache, the speckle 'beard' ). You do have nice lips. If you got a different hair cut and either shaved your facial hair, or grew it out then you'd look a bit better.
No. 31328
>>30312>this one bitchNo matter how many times you post Dylan on this site saying he looks like a creepy uggo, it won't make it true. Pretty qt, especially when you look at all the mongs ITT. Doesn't matter how many niggers he kikled, he still looks good and nothing like that ugly fuck you said looks like him.
Rude tbh
No. 31335
>>30838>I thought everyone said I looked cute.>buhbuhbloobloo this is what I look bad!Then take a picture when you're not "depressed". Also, your facial hair isn't long. It's thin/patchy.
This anon
>>30840 is right. Just shave your head, you already have the look for it. Some guys actually look hot with a shaved head. It seems Jim Bob and hipster aren't doing you any favors.
No. 31347
>>31341At least get rid of that weird swoopy thing on your forehead, seriously what are you doing?
Also why has no one mentioned that overbite holy shit.
No. 31355
>>31350lmfao that was mean anon
but he is kind of a race warrior that's confident enough to post his mug onto an imageboard so i guess it evens out?
No. 31364
File: 1440535349861.gif (149.93 KB, 528x209, footface.gif)

No, someone asked you to post your picture once, not pluck your lip hair and post another.
>I personally think my eyes look less dead.
They look EXACTLY the same as before.
Even if you are rich, not everyone gives a shit about that. You look like a foot and the fact you want to be a chad is laughable. Stop attention whoring and fuck off.
No. 31370
>>31363I was laughing at this post so hard and then
>>31365Wait, people actually think this is rich? If so, I am so fucking rich.
No. 31390
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No. 31391
File: 1440536952816.jpg (49.7 KB, 468x600, xpmf-10-183-253-49-553339-mag.…)

i like this one the best i think
No. 31392
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No. 31400
>>31394>I feel when I'm invested in conversation or actually smiling they stop looking lifeless.Kind of hard to believe that after your "I personally think my eyes look less dead." comment. As you can tell by the gif, the only difference is your eyelashes look like they grew.
Find a video to laugh at, or something that makes you smile then and take a picture of that?
>>31397This. Most peoples parents do this, unfortunately.
No. 31402
File: 1440537358907.jpg (174.52 KB, 634x1024, image.jpg)

>>31390He looks like shailane woodly
No. 31404
>>31402he really does
i say he calls it a day and gets the snipsnip
No. 31425
>>31354this looks like a nightmare
>>31356funnily enough a lot of rich people don't dress like this, pretentious people do
No. 31429
>>31412Honestly this. I don't really care about face (his is good enough for me but I usually date guys with blue eyes).
I would date any guy here as long as they weren't fat or a shitskin as long as they were over 6'. Fucking love tall guys tbh.
No. 31430
File: 1440539321399.jpg (1.32 KB, 131x87, visually similar image.jpg)

Google thinks he looks like a little dolly
No. 31455
File: 1440540549014.jpg (16.14 KB, 280x325, shithole.jpg)

Who Louisiana here?
No. 31479
>>31478>implying that is a bad thingYou must be one of those dumb cunts that goes after alphas that treat them like shit and are so ~manly~.
>b-but betas don't make my pussy wetThey do if you don't have weird daddy issues. Betas are awesome and do whatever you want.
No. 31532
File: 1440553991456.jpg (23.81 KB, 392x500, 1384994082601.jpg)

white power :3
No. 31538
File: 1440554320497.gif (953.92 KB, 400x300, 1369324761705.gif)

Burn in white nationalist hell, transfag
No. 31565
File: 1440556973603.jpg (126.92 KB, 516x713, mrs.whitenationalist.jpg)

>>31558Because he'd be so cute!
No. 31570
File: 1440558292522.png (366.3 KB, 411x543, dwed.png)

she kind of looks like rachel from rachel and jun
No. 31580
File: 1440559503191.jpg (294.52 KB, 1200x1600, 1440533526856_meitu_1.jpg)

I reccomend you to transition.
I mean you have a girly prep face.
at least if you transition you could be a fuckable woman
No. 31582
>>31580also, go get a nose surgery.
im sorry but your nose makes you look like a jew
No. 31631
File: 1440568353349.gif (74.89 KB, 537x352, 1341790099667.gif)

lmao did he delete some of his posts and pictures after we made him the woman he wanted to be, or did admin-sama blast him for some reason?
No. 31661
File: 1440575383943.png (195.36 KB, 522x359, cwc gold account.png)

Someone linked me to this site long ago and at the time I thought it was just a bunch of people circlejerking around pixyteri.
At times I wonder if lolcow-centric chan boards such as this would have even existed had I not created /cwc/ waaayy back in the day.
No. 31671
>>29550ty guys for not being too mean.
Can still feel free to call me an uglier version of Kumail Nanjiani- one of the insults I have become desensitized to
No. 31701
>>31699I appreciate the music compliment.
>>31700The stereotype exists for a reason
No. 32204
>>31993>how many times did you get gang banged tho?>in India, noneSo you have outside of india?
>even if you're a single white girl, you can travel alone as long as you're careful.Kek no one is stupid enough to fall for this
Curry detected. Laughably bad attempt at pretending to be a white girl that fucks Indians.
No. 32215
Just looking for a lady that know what they are doing in video games that lives in NA (It's shitty playing with people when one or the other has high ping) don't bite or rage or anything, it's just more fun to play with people who know how to video games.
No. 32248
File: 1440637212603.png (39.25 KB, 200x200, 138282095859s.png)

>>32244I'm craving for female attention like I clearly am
No. 32250
>>32248theres nothing wrong with that
I crave male attention. its normal and healthy
No. 32257
>>32255it's not sjw but maybe SOME cringe. I like that subreddit, I like participating and talking to other women about things because you get to share a similar viewpoint/experiences
also he looks sweet and talented
No. 32259
>>32257oh jesus you are fucking cancer. This fucking subreddit is 100% full-blown fucking SJW garbage. What the hell is wrong with you.
Also that guy is a selfish, utter fucking normalfag who probably gets all the compliments in the world already and yet even with that in mind he still feels the need to attentionwhore on a femanon board and SJW hive both at the same time, just because he fucking can. I just wished he killed himself, this guy is worthless garbage who deserves nothing in his life
No. 32262
>>32259How am I cancer? I just like to talk to other girls about things. sure, some posts are weird but I just like to interact with other women lmao. I'm such cancer for that /s
Also I don't get where you got all of that about him. I can see the attention whore part but thats really it.
No. 32342
File: 1440672403521.jpg (1.28 MB, 3840x2160, b-r_Image_3.jpg)

Is anyone here into EVE? I've been wanting to start playing again but it's boring as shit alone. Don't really care if you're a guy or a gurl. Just that you'd be into it.
No. 32345
File: 1440674576267.jpg (80.31 KB, 598x516, 1411941809175.jpg)

>>28924tfw you're at the top of the pyramid
No. 32355
>>32294that sounds lame. if someone is scared off so easily then they're not worth the effort.
im bored and looking for some guys to talk to, how do i get in contact with you guys? lol
No. 32430
>>32306I'm not Pakistanian and it was just her. She asked me for my email, actually.
>>32355I'd gladly make the effort if only I had the chance. Not much I can do when she seems to have dropped off the face of the planet, though.
No. 32492
Earlier this thread had some discussion involving FacialAbuse. Kinda late for it but here's an interesting link.
NSFW obviously.!.html No. 32502
File: 1440711831413.jpg (51.89 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nr4km866ZB1tpdteqo1_540…)

>every robot ever.
No. 32547
File: 1440727569967.jpg (103.05 KB, 800x666, 1376584498923.jpg)

>>32360You, yes you, person who is reading this post, join the chat now! That goes for anyone else reading this too! At the moment we're watching Gunbuster together!
No. 32590
>>32588because it's an imageboard. To unironically spout SJW nonsense on an imageboard is betrayal of fucking everything
>>32589yes and I've also seen threads in which women whine about "toxic environments" and using other SJW buzzwords
No. 32593
if the "gender is a 100% social construct and trans women and men are totally fine and okay" is not an utterly leftist/progressive or perhaps SJW viewpoint then I don't fucking know anymore
No. 32600
>>32593I hope you're not coming from 4chan, let's say /r9k/ in particular, obsessed with traps and girlcock and Rose threads and whatnot. Or 8chan, colonized by Gamergaters, who are largely liberal.
You say you're referring to the Remi thread, you see a lot of women there expressing dislike or even hatred for trannies. There isn't a uniform opinion here, or on /pol/, or on /r9k/, or elsewhere.
No. 32635
>>32238Thank you for the helpful words. Wanted to let you know that they've reached me.
>>32239And thank you as well
No. 32638
>>32637I can't really believe you're sorry man.
And the fact that either you, your partner or anyone else posted your videos to this horribly cringeworthy girlgamers subreddit is just the height of fucking cancer man. Please, if you're really sorry, delete all your posts on this website and never come back. Otherwise I'll have to assume the worst about you. There's too many lying, manipulative men who act very innocent and/or possibly play victim in an effort to gain sympathy from others and use this to their advantage
No. 32722
>>32706I've met a bunch of r9k users irl. They've all been alright if I'm being honest.
>Autistic girl geniusShe was someone with genuine autism who turned out to go to the same school as me. She's used to skip school constantly. They're at Cambridge now doing some STEM subject. I believe they're fairly friendless yet they do have a boyfriend, who goes to the same university as me strangely.
>Chubby lesbian A child of incest who felt bad for me. I didn't have any friends to drink and party with after my A-level results so she said 'go to London and go drink with me at a gay bar." I did.
>Guy who goes to same Uni as meHe was just a fairly introverted normie. He had friends and looked normal. We played pool and drank in the student union. Very normal
>/mu/tant cross posterThere's basically a /mu/ society at my university, though they're in denial about it. Regardless, this person was a cross poster who also went to my university. They were obsessed with vikings and pretty funny. They were also in a relationship
>Pitying /cgl/ girlI was complaining on r9k about MUH DEPRESSION and other emotional wank. This /cgl/ crossposter girl felt sorry for me and we started skyping. They were the one who gave me their skype out of no where. I twas very odd. We'd talk to each other about feelings and such. We've met irl a bunch of times and she even led to my losing my virginity. She introduced me to a girl that she thought would like me.
>Transsexual BNP womanMtF transsexual whose father is in a BNP splinter group. They were very interesting if I'm being honest. A very odd character but fundamentally very nice.
There was nothing that autistic about any of the r9k users, the exception being the girl who had legit autism.
No. 32740
>>32259That's great, but i cant see how people like
>>32722>>29505>>29468>>29136>>28819>>28785Could be anything other than insufferable in real life
No. 32977
>>32976>live the fact love*, obviously.
Wait, does this mean like, robot /r9k/ thread? or 'complain about your life as a beta' thread? Because I'm just here from kiwifarms/ /cow/ and you guys talk about fun stuff more often.
No. 33228
File: 1441049810346.jpg (109.71 KB, 600x451, 1418651083465.jpg)

/cow/ here.
Serrious question: why exactly are we fighting? I know it sounds a little naive, but it seems like we actually have a few things in common
(Also we have nothing to do with /r9k/, they're pathetic faggots)
No. 33237
>>33228Because of newfags on /cow/ and/or /r9k/ users who browse /cow/ going "haha let's crash le grrls club guys!!!!!! xDDD".
/cow/ and Lolcow were actually (kind of) civil with each other back in the day.
No. 33238
>>33237I've been coming on and off here since the first peter coffin threads to see if you guys could dig up more info than we could. Unfortunately, the people to most laugh at or troll cows are generally cows themselves, as seen with people like bluespike or clyde cash. Many a lulz has stopped flowing due to their actions. /cow/ has gone through what, like four iterations? Last time someone posted about laurelai bailey and apparently the board owner was a friend of that tranny and shut everything down.
We have our pathetic threads, you have yours. the most plausible theory is that newfags came into the thread that was about /b/s misandry thread and started acting like dweebs.
No. 33239
>>33228I honestly don't think it's "us" fighting, us being /cow/and lolcow. We've always been pretty cool, especially since we'll often post about similar cows (Peter and Ashleigh come to mind) and assist in certain situations (like doxing the lifters).
It's mostly the "Xdddd epic lulz!! We're gonna troll da gurlz!" /pol/ and bitter /r9k/ fags. Which is sad, since there are a few guys who have been here and aren't shitty, but it's hard to tell with all the shit that's been brought to the board recently.
I especially tired of all the /pol/ race baiting derailing. There can't be a single thread without people dealing it by not just ignoring oblivious shitposters, and I doubt that those have come from /cow/. Why are so many /r9k/ users /pol/tards, anyway?
No. 33240
>>33228Echoing what
>>33239 said, it seems to be more /r9k/ than anything. Someone over there advertised us as the female /r9k/ because of the misandry thread which is why we had so many people coming in going "I BET YOU AREN'T REAL LOSERS LIKE US LET'S CHECK YOUR CREDENTIALS"
>Why are so many /r9k/ users /pol/tards, anyway?Having accomplished nothing in their lives, they need to have something to be proud of. What's hilarious is robots worship the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer because he hated women (views he later rescinded), and Schopenhauer said this about nationalism:
>Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.Guys who masturbate endlessly about the honor and bravery and superiority and logic of the white race and men tend to exhibit none of those traits.
No. 33258
I tripfag on r9k and know this guy.
Time to spread some dramu
No. 33280
>>33237Yeah, it is annoying how a lot of people bring PA requests and personal grudges to /cow/
>>33239/pol/ can be funny to lurk because it's such a circus, but I don't take it seriously at all
No. 33331
File: 1441137428845.jpg (91.03 KB, 640x480, Evstafiev-bosnia-serbs-boy.jpg)

>>33240Not like robots can into philosophy anyways
>try to talk about difference between freedom and licentiousness in /r9k/ chat>instantly gets banned>mfw No. 33380
>>33360Idk what's the problem with this word? I'm not a native english speaker, so I really don't understand. Is that realted to """degeneracy""" or something like that in english?
>>33344If you only want a date from them without having talking to them, you're very likely to fail. See them as human beings first, not as unidimensional QTs only there to provide you sex and affection, ffs.
No. 33383
>>33380but women are not human beings
they are leeching parasites with a juicy hole we cant live without
No. 33389
>>33202Stopped all that shit. Doesn't change much though. Forgive me, I was lost and lonely.
Pls post
No. 33840
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Someone pls be my gf. I have literally 0 standards whatsoever and will go for anyone.
No. 33972
>>33967if you let your kink define your relationship, then of course it's going to be harder. my bf and i have different kinks, we communicate and compromise.
also, it's easy to find guys who are into whatever kink on fetlife
No. 33985
>>33984I'm a 22yo KV, my hobbies are pretty much consuming media such as anime, manga, TV Series, movies, browsing imageboards, youtube and sometimes playing a MMO, I'm poor and I'm a hikki by that I hate going out, I do if I need to for work and shit. People also say I'm really pessimistic, so there's that. I hate most people too. All those things pretty much make me uninteresting and useless to women, but I don't want to change myself because I like myself, and I'm lonely at the same time..
No. 33986
>>33985well, you sound shitty and it is totally understandable if someone doesnt like you, but if you dont want to change it just don't.
you just need to accept that the problem is you and not everyone else, ok?then you will be happier.
No. 34035
>>33988A girl who is all of
>>33985 certainly will also have trouble getting a boyfriend. You're delusional.
No. 34116
Robot thread means complain about life, right?
> undiagnosed emotional disorder (insurance dropped before any testing with a doctor)
>no job and every job either wants me to drive or have experience even for retard labor
> go to a doctor out of pocket (should never do that again, fucking expensive) and she tells me that I shouldn't work any high stress job. I need something mind numbing and repetitive. This is based off old job tests I took.
>basically: holy shit you're a fucking retard, get a job scrubbing rust off boats for the rest of your life
>sadly have to agree, with personal experience. Know there's some jobs I can't do that are hiring
> one of my few hobbies is clothes, I'm not really good at anything but I like admiring craftsmanship in clothing, I can like, sew a button hole, that's it
>My forte is men's shoes
> afraid to spend any of the money I get once in a while
> somehow always come off as a strictly platonic friend instead of an interest with girls, I even try to act interested, they must think I'm joking or something
>up to three rejections and two friends that have distanced themselves from me because of said situations
Christ I'm a beta
No. 34144
>>34143>abusiveno one said anything about abusive
>ugly shut instill a bf. i'd date a girl who was an ugly shut in but they still want chad.
No. 34147
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Is she too much to ask for ;-;
No. 34148
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>>34146Just because a girl is fat doesn't mean she's ugly, I'm sure the pretty ones have standards but you can easily get one of the ugly, mentally ill and obese types but you want the girls with pretty faces.
No. 34171
>>34145Nope, all of them are dating those super betas. Every woman prefers someone else, I'm literally unacceptable in society and I'm not even ugly or fat, I'm just weird
>>33985 I'm pretty sure if a woman had the same qualities and looked average and slim she would get a ton of guys swarming for her.
No. 34186
>>33985I'm the same, but female. No one has ever shown interest in me, and I was far too scared to ever talk to them.
But then I met a guy who is like me and like you. We do exist, we are just hard to find.
You're gonna make it, anon.
No. 34203
>>34189In what way? I can't imagine what kind of abuse you're talking about. The shut-ins I know don't think they're more intelligent, people just assume that they think they are.
>>34186Sure you are, as if a woman is going to accept a 22yo, pessimistic, poor, KV shut-in. I can't offer anything a woman might want.
No. 34274
>>33985>I don't want to change myself because I like myselfWhat's to like, exactly? I think you're just comfortable with yourself, and afraid to be anyone else.
>>33988>That's just unfair.Life's not fair, and anyone who told you it was lied. I'm not sure those women are really so lucky, though. They'll get a bunch of desperate, horny men pumping up their self-esteem and allowing them to keep from changing indefinitely. You have no choice but to face reality, and in the long run you'll probably see that this has kept you from wasting a lot of time.
No. 35640
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bitter, underage failed normie reporting in
Becoming a monk or devoting my life to studying science seems like a better alternative to dealing with millennial females.
I guess you could say the same about a lot of boys as well, though.
No. 35736
Hey, guy here. Not "robot" I think, I never visit r9k. I'm seriously, genuinely, honestly looking for a woman to talk to about.. pretty much anything, in text chat mostly or only.
I would certainly not "require" any pictures or personal information and I'd probably not be willing to give too much personal information about myself.
I'm honestly not 100% sure what I want from this myself, but I'm just very interested in female interaction in general as I haven't had that in a long time (besides my mom and sister maybe).
So yeah.. I'd be incredibly grateful for any girl/woman who considers themselves active on imageboards(including this one) to just chat/e-mail with me for as long as they'd feel comfortable or want to. This could be maybe some hours, a week, or year even, hell I don't know
I don't really have to offer anything in return it'd be just.., really fucking nice of any of you
No. 37900
>>37767Yes, it's the vulnerability and helplessness. As to "why", I really don't know. I ask myself: do I subconsciously want to build myself up by putting others down? But I honestly don't think that's it. I just have a taste for it, for some reason. I can be ice cold, it's like a button has been pushed. In the back of my mind I know that enjoying certain things is morally reprehensible but in the moment I'm too aroused to really care.
What I want to do depends on the person. It's usually all about breaking them down psychologically. That can be by rape, drugs, sensory deprivation, fear,…Describing it makes me feel like a total asshole. It's the only thing that really turns me on like that, though.
No. 37905
>>28915tbh I fucking hate guys with huge social circles.
They are too dependent on friends and their social status.
I've dated 3 guys, first one was pretty autistic, very small circles, and was very bitter about it. Dumped.
Second guy was a male version of myself, he was pretty social but had small circles, so we enjoyed company of others but could still focus on our own lives. Went off to army, too stressful. Dumped.
then the third guy was also pretty good. He was shy but had to validate himself through constant social activites (bars, sports, drinking nights) and it got pretty tiring since I like to party but I like to have some alone time. I dumped him because I just wanted some peace and a guy who can focus on the big picture and not his social status.
I think the 2nd guy is what most women want.
Don't be autistic and bitter. Don't be dependent on your social image. Have a few good friends and it'll keep her satisfied to have some social activity.
No. 38072
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I heard about this site through /r9k/ a month or so ago. I haven't posted here before this, as things seemed pretty tense because of the onslaught of posters only trying to start arguments on both sides. I have friends irl, but they're all men (except a friend's sister), and I honestly find it extremely difficult to make friends at all (terrible social anxiety), so meeting new people hasn't really worked for me. I have had a girlfriend before, several years ago, but things went poorly because I was pretty immature when I got into that relationship. I would be happy to make new female friends or even a girlfriend here.
I really like cosplay and lolita-type fashions even though I don't know much about them aside from a few brands, but I think the threads about them on this board are interesting. I don't really want to argue with anyone or cause issues here. I know that this place is pretty negative overall in its response to the kind of person who would post in this thread, but I also feel like many people are much more kind in reality and when unprovoked than when posting anonymously, so I hope that we can have positive and mutually respectful conversations despite the overall tone of this thread.
I've attached an image that describes myself a bit more and some stuff I generally like - it's something I already have made as a result of various /r9k/ threads, but I am happy to talk to many different kinds of people, since I don't talk to many right now, and I don't really care what you look like unless you want to start a more intimate relationship. I don't really think anyone will find this worth responding to at all, because it's not like I have any special value you can't easily find somewhere else, but I am tired of browsing the same boards and talking to the same people every day and thought maybe I could find interesting people here that I wouldn't have met otherwise.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text and posting as a relative newfag.
No. 38106
>>38079Anon don't be a bitch, guy is reaching out.
>>38072I'd be interested to chat. Not bf hunting tho, sorry.
No. 38107
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Will I ever have gf or my hobbies and shit too autistic?
No. 38111
>>38107I also think you should set sights on 18-20, and lower max age to 26-28. Because if you have 'interesting hobbies' younger girls are more accepting and older women usually don't want younger men especially if they're overweight and have interesting qualities.
My one friend is an absolute qt at 18 and her husband is an overweight oddball (but he has a lovely personality) and he is 23. I just think you're more likely to attract younger girls.
No. 38113
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>>38111I'm trying, I stopped being a whiny bitch and started to work towards the stuff I wanted last year but seems like I can't find girls like that. There was one in my astronomy club last year but she's going out with a super turbo frat boy, I basically had no chance but to give up. Guess I'm just gonna weight until I lose weight.
No. 38117
>>38113Sometimes I feel the lonely men are the most picky. I have no ideal man, and I've had three happy relationships (Until the breakup point of course) They were all different.
First guy was 2 years older, major fedora chubby weeb. 2nd was 4 years older and an tall ripped army nut.
3rd was 7 years older baby faced shortie studying to become an engineer.
I liked them all equally, their hobbies, age and appearance were all drastically different. But I got something out of each relationship. To be honest most relationships fail until you find 'the one' and are in the right place in your life. So just test the waters. Don't build up a dream qt because she probably doesn't exist, and even if she did the likelihood of the first relationship failing is large. I'm sure you'll find someone, just don't build an idealistic picture because you'll be disappointed.
I've never had an ideal man, so I've had a diversity and it really was lovely with each of them
No. 38119
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I'm not picky though, I just started to talk to girls again last year since high school. I just never had one that seemed interested in my hobbies or stuff I do. I just don't like the "shopping, gossiping, clubbing" kind because I can't keep up with that kind of social life. I guess Americans and Europeans are more lucky about different kinds of people, here in Turkey you are absolutely fucked if you are even a bit different than the populace specially as a man. If you are not a turbo alpha loudmouth macho guy with a bursting wallet they won't even consider you human.
No. 38251
>>38211That's his IDEAL qt.
I'm sure if he made an ideal self he'd be a lower weight.
I think thin girls are more likely to go out with chubby/fat guys than thin dudes going out with chubby/at girls.
>>38226Proud of you anon. How do you describe your dressing style?
No. 38272
>>38262 You don't wear a fedora? That's good. That's key.
Your style sound nice. I hate over stylized metro-sexual guys. Having your own style is nice, but not so much that you shop for clothes and spend as much time getting an outfit together as me.
No. 38278
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>>38262I like to dress casual cute.
it's a two piece outfit. So I want a guy that has his own style, but isn't obsessed.
No. 38286
>>38281Well it's just a turn-off of my own. Not much I can do about it. I like when a guy can go shopping with me and find things he likes, that is unique to his own style. But I don't want him to follow men's fashion inspo on IG. There is a fine line
>>38280I'd like that more if you had a nice colored shirt and maybe a bit looser.
It's not even because of your weight. I think tight clothing on men isn't cute.
No. 38694
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The faces of /r9k/.
What is wrong with them?
No. 38717
>>38694Okay, so listing people that I'd think have normal social lives. (Like I can imagine them at a bar with their friends)
I'm ignoring their stupid frowning or whatever faces they're making and looking at their features. Sooo:
11,19,24,25,27,32,76, 114 (looks like he'd be at some pretentious bar, being a dick).
So 8/155 don't have their social retardation written on their faces. The rest of them would just strike me as friendless if I saw them somewhere.
121 looks like a finn
>>38708ew no. I hate thin lips and beady eyes.
No. 38802
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>>38794Well I'm just talking for myself but I think most of us also suffer from this. I have too many mental shit for a functioning relationship, I get 2-3 panic attacks everyday end up in ER to get sedated most of the time, I have severe fear for rejection and criticism, I can't get close to people because I'm afraid they'll just reject or ridicule because of my weaknesses, I also got kidnapped and buttraped when I was a kid I have severe trust issues because of this. Mix this with getting cheated on two times and mild paranoia, you'll get a socially dysfunctional man child.
No. 38827
>>38790>>38789you guys are wrong
t. robot
No. 38833
>>38794We don't even try. I never made an effort to befriend people or get a girlfriend, or even finish my education and get a job. For the last decade of my life (some of the most crucial years of my development) I have lived for video games, drugs, fapping, and trolling the internet.
>>38794Nice is nice but it alone won't get you anywhere as a man. You need initiative and the self-confidence to impose your will on the world or you will NEVER get what you want.
No. 38995
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>>38980I can pretend pretty alright but once other person gets a bit close I start to sperg out and think they are after something, I have a really low opinion of myself so I always think they have some ulterior motive to get close to me.
No. 39053
>>39027Not interesting ones.
I shouldn't have worded it like that tbh.
No. 39661
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Anyone else feel like killing themselves tonight?
No. 39725
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Why does Chad hurt /r9k/ so?
No. 40372
>>40371Which 15?
>>40366I'm a true robot in every sense of the word friend.
No. 40378
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>>28854Says the asshole who's whining on this board.
No. 40388
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>>38694>Number 73Holy shit
No. 40396
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>people on /r9k/ getting angry in cringe threads
No. 40425
>>40416I did already actually
>>38280 No. 40433
>>40425No face, doesn't count.
Nice gynecomastia btw.
No. 40441
>>40433you could always black out your faces too if it made you feel more safe, like I did.
I wouldn't mind.
No. 40444
>>40415not going to happen.
farmers are paranoid. we spend our time on this board either actively ripping other girls and their appearance apart, or watching it happen. self-posts are frowned upon and seen as attention-whoring, so a rate or selfie thread is just going to languish in the pasture if you try to force it.
besides, self-posting in a thread like this would only be seen as encouraging you guys in your futile quests for online girlfriends.
No. 40451
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What do you guys think of Elliot Rodger, martyr of virginity and patron saint of /r9k/?
No. 40461
>>40451You know how there are movies that are just mediocre and forgettable-tier bad, and then there are movies that are "so bad they're good," and then there are movies that are so bad you wonder how the fuck a single person, let alone
multiple people, thought it would be a good idea to green-light them? Elliot Rodger is like a human incarnation of that third type of movie. How the fuck does a human being even manage to go that wrong? I mean, that manifesto…part of me is still cringing to this day.
No. 40462
>>40456>He quoted WoW in his video whilst trying to make it sound le so hardcoreHe really was hardcore though, that makes it kind of cool that he quoted WoW.
>>40461This person gets it.
No. 40521
>>40483>No he wasn't. He couldn't even carry out the plan he originally intended to do because he was too much of a pussy to do it.His original plan was pretty fanciful. Anyway, taking on his three roommates in close-quarters combat is pretty hardcore by my standards, I don't know what kind of life you live that you're not moved by it.
>Quoting WoW is fedora pleb tier and pathetic.Nice buzzwords. What should the raging beta about to take his anger out on the world have quoted? WoW is perfect, nothing could be more appropriate for the context. Elliot Rodger was a true man of our times and I'm sorry that you can't appreciate that.
No. 40532
>>40521as metal as stabbing three people to death sounds, the guy killed his nerdy ass asian roommates who probably got as much sex as he did.
Fucking idiot was a total fail.
No. 40548
>>40532>the guy killed his nerdy ass asian roommates who probably got as much sex as he did.Elliot was so far gone that he had little more in common with them than with an archetypal Chad. That he and is roommates were in a similar situation relationship wise was not important.
>>40547I was talking about the comments on the vimeo page.
>ex boyfriend>forever alone>he's had some girls interested in him>forever aloneI guess one of us doesn't understand the term.
Also, what does your ex boyfriend look like? It must be bad if you think that he might end up alone forever.
No. 40550
>>40521>Nice buzzwords>raging betaNice buzzwords yourself, moron.
>What should the raging beta about to take his anger out on the world have quoted?Something intellectual to make himself at least a bit more respectful. Instead, he quoted a video game that 12 year old suburban kids play. He couldn't even quote anything from a book.
Your posts increasingly become as idiotic as Elliot was. Like I said, kill yourself. I'm done with you.
No. 40750
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>>40748Okay, thats pretty fucking good
No. 40773
>>40591And I appreciate that. Thank you. I thought you looked very cute. But I'd like to see other farmers too, post pictures of themselves.
sage because don't feel like bumping right now
No. 40809
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I just came here bc I figured robots would post their best memes when there were girls to impress
i was wrong
No. 40859
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Do you farmers have any experience with Eggs?
No. 40864
>>40863Did I mention his level of ugly? No.
Or are you a fembot?
No. 40868
>>40865Okay then.
Do you have long or short hair?
No. 40874
>>38694A lot of these are pretty much what I imagined robots would look like. 24 and 125 are actually quite the lookers, IMO. 81 needs to take that shit off of his face so I can get a better look. Seems like he could potentially cosplay as Thor. 101 looks like someone I'd want to hang out with, 47 looks like he'd be super sweet IRL, and both 16 and 114 look eerily like people I know. I don't like that.
No idea who the person posting in this thread would be, though.
No. 40882
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I got doxxed fair and^2 to be on that list.
Quit undermining anons haxor abilities please.
No. 40887
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>>40884not that person, but I care enough to deliberate…
There is an important distinction to be made between failed normies and true robots.
A failed normie is rejected by society
while a robot rejects society.
ie. one is the product of projected hate and apathy,the other projects hate and apathy.
No. 40895
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>>40888I can't speak for others, but i never even tried…
It just never looked fulfilling from and outside perspective.
Maybe one of these days I'll put on a persona and try my hand at seeking happiness through validation and success through making others fail.
But I wont be 'coming the fuck on' today… probably not tomorrow either.
No. 41074
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>>33239Hey now, as a non-r9k /pol/ack, I resent that.
I would like to say though that whites and asians should not be mixing with shitskins like guptas, niggers, and mexifilth. Pray tell how it's not wrong to mix with animals such as those I listed.
No. 41080
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>>41075I'm not into bestiality and I do have SOME degree of standards (ie no ham planets).
No. 41088
>>41087Not swarms thankfully. It's just something thats happened here & there. Disgusting creatures, honestly.
The world would be a better place if mexicannots and negroids were wiped out.
No. 41090
>>41088I find that hard to believe. if white women don't want you, I can't imagine anyone else wanting you either.
No one wants someone else's trash.
No. 41094
>>41092There's no point in lying online. You're here which means very few women(if any at all) want you.
You really expect me to believe people find you desirable?
No. 41097
>>41095I'm sure the reason you're single is because you have many options but you're just picky lol
Ok then.
No. 41098
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>>41097To put it in perspective, I'd only date a female version of Zyklon Ben Garrison.
No. 41102
>>41100Yes I've had sex and dated numerous men from difference races and backgrounds.
Does it surprise you that a black girl gets more sex and dates then you?
No. 41105
>>41104I see the chimp has learned to project.
>I've had sex and dated numerous men from difference races and backgrounds.It is said that a key capable of opening any door is a very good and useful key, but a lock that can be opened by just about any key is an incredibly shitty lock. Take that as you will.
No. 41108
>>41105How does it make you feel to know I've been in many serious relationships and all of them were with upper middle class white and East Asian men?
Also, most people don't stay with the same guys the met in their 20s. At this time we date around, you'd know that if you weren't a loser.
No. 41109
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>How does it make you feel to know I've been in many serious relationships and all of them were with upper middle class white and East Asian men?
>How does it make you feel to know that I'm a parasitic negroid who got with rich white and asian guys
Please do keep shooting yourself in the foot, Laqueeshaneequatoyafonda. Oooga Booga.
No. 41110
>>41109I just go out with guys who like me. I'm a shy person so I don't try to go after guys.
I can't help it if the guys who ask me out are white/Asian.
No. 41113
>>41105Not that anon but…really? that stupid analogy? have this one then:
A pencil sharpener that can sharpen any pencil is a great pencil sharpener, but a pencil that lets itself get sharpened too much becomes useless.
robots so bitter that no one wants to fuck their impotent limp dicks.
No. 41118
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No. 42697
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So, Robots.
Which one are you?
No. 44536
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>>44532pretty please be my gf?
No. 44553
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>>44544I'll die for you bby
No. 44555
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>>44553what are u waiting for. off yourself then, pussy
No. 44557
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>>44555I'm waiting for a sloppy kiss
Then I'll do it
come here cutie pie
kissy kiss
No. 44560
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>>44557ok but just 1. give grammy a big ol smooch. r u satisfied faggot
No. 45340
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I made this
No. 45341
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hi can i get a 3dpd gf too?
No. 45346
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all female users this board have hepatitis
No. 45347
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>>45342I just came from 8chan, saw this.. I wasn't gonna post but meh, whatever.
Idunno what the fuck this place is but as far as I can tell it seems like this is literally a fucking chan full of chicks talking shit about other chicks, and you can tell its legit because its full of bullshit you'd expect from bitches lmao this whole place is rediculous.
Anyway, what you did wasn't cringe man, you're just asking for companionship but in like really nerdy way, most bitches don't like that kind of interaction. They want to be controlled, fucked in the ass and used. You need to up your game /b/ro
what the fuck is this place even rofl
No. 45349
File: 1446735156578.jpg (81.29 KB, 720x530, 3641646fdf2bb595db57cf39d30dca…)

to be honest fam
i think chicks are the worst anons, they can be 10x as cold and "bitchy" as dudes when they're anonymous. Just take this site as an example. Look at a couple of threads, its nothing but bitching and talk straight smack about other bitches, like for real tho
No. 45352
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>>45350chicks can't be funny, its really fucking hard for them to understand how to be funny.
this is why this site is just people talking shit about other similar people to them.
No. 45359
>>45352Yeah, I bet people laugh at you all the time anon.
Y'know, cause you're such a funny guy :^)
No. 45364
>>45356This 100%
me and my girls may be bitchy and even vendetta-chans at times but that does not even hold a candle to the shit men do on chan boards
fucking male entitlement man :^)
No. 45374
Even IRL I have been threatened with being held down and raped or murdered on two separate occasions for the crime of spurning their advances.
Men are total drama queens.
No. 45382
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>>45359>absolutely triggeredMission accomplished.
No. 45388
File: 1446752791648.jpeg (163.64 KB, 1252x1252, SuperDoge3.jpeg)

>>45374>>45356You guys say that like if everyones a fucking stalker. Yes, I'm a stalker too. I'm gonna rape your vagina bitch. You better hope I don't see you on the street bitch, I'm gonna fuck you right in the pussy.
No. 45960
File: 1446852343540.png (151.21 KB, 892x590, 1446849243740.png)

>/r9k/ always complains about "fembots"
>come to a female dominated board
>shitpost everywhere
>make it known they're from /r9k/ and therefore male
>go into threads and ask women out
>always talk about their dicks
>beg for female attention
>beg for us to talk to them
Male hypocrisy knows no bounds.
No. 45971
>>45970Men don't know what they want, they say they hate bitches, yet all the bitchy girls are the ones who get the best boyfriends.
Aside from that, giving that you're from /r9k/ you're probably a shitty asshole.
No. 45974
>>45344>ur on a board apparently run by a genuine faggotWait I missed that, admin is homosexual?
Now it's finally starting to make sense.
No. 45988
File: 1446860288833.png (2.69 MB, 1484x1011, leftwing.png)

SJW's act like shit, yet they get rewarded for it by getting the best men.
No. 47817
File: 1448235025968.jpg (96.54 KB, 600x450, trunk.jpg)

hello ladies
No. 47835
File: 1448238494545.gif (301.42 KB, 500x281, 880ade8fca9a5a0f8311b005fc0525…)

>there are girls watching this thread right now
No. 47856
File: 1448241015351.jpg (16.51 KB, 400x400, 1322615842122.jpg)

>>45960But this is a thread made for robots
No. 47858
File: 1448241638969.png (1.39 MB, 1037x1481, 1442533008239.png)

So this is where I can find a gf?
Can I post an application?
No. 47868
File: 1448243951234.png (146.96 KB, 1287x306, fuck u robots.png)

I was wondering what was with all the thread spam
No. 47879
File: 1448246515692.gif (476.11 KB, 210x105, mfw-bitchy-customers-at-work-a…)

>things I like
>looking for: slightly crazy girls
>I want to get to know you
>"I'm not trying to fish for a gf your bar is low!"
No. 47892
File: 1448254398689.gif (871.4 KB, 245x230, 1420143275791.gif)

Gotta love how the robots keep coming over to the girl's fort.
No. 49026
File: 1449110028781.webm (Spoiler Image,4.34 MB, 502x240, 2353810-u3gQn7e6bSY.alice.webm)

would any of you do this for your boyfriends?
No. 49134
>>49086anon why would you ever want that
I don't want no puke on my dick, I love my dick and I want him to be clean and happy.
No. 49142
>>49086The act itself, have done.
Never to the point of blowing chunks though. That's just unsanitary (and gross all around) for both parties. (I also don't reckon stomach acid to be particularly pleasant in the urethra.)
No. 49157
>>49145Don't puke at all as in I don't push myself to that extent; stopping when I feel like I'm going to puke.
Dick* and I'd assume normal-sized? I don't know, I've only been with my boyfriend and I don't look for dick pics.
Not entirely sure whether I do or don't like it tbpf. I guess I regard it as a change of pace from the same old.
No. 49182
>>49145different anon but i've done it for my current bf. tbh he's a sadist and wanted me to do it so i did.
i hate the feeling of puking so i drank tons of water beforehand and it made it liquid-y and easy. and the only thing i ate that day was vanilla ice-cream which actually tastes good puked up.
i let him facefuck me on the reg but not to the point of puking. i'm disgustingly masochistic and love it but i'm also a outlier. most girls don't like facefucking and definitely not to the point of puking.
he's about 7 in btw (also damn i wrote a novel srry)
No. 49486
File: 1449530954205.jpg (316.12 KB, 754x800, tmp_3813-1444847571943-7760198…)

Can someone give me a no bs answer about how much dick size matters?
No. 49487
>>42697I'm not on there, but I've been most of those things at one point.
Now I just have accepted it and I don't care anymore.
I suggest all of the actual "robots" here do the same; you're only hurting yourself with these delusions
No. 49489
>>49486the cervix sensitive and it actually hurts for them to be hit, however the g-spot is usually right underneath it, so it's actually better for dicks to be smaller.
source -a slut who likes average/smaller dicks
No. 49492
>>49486KEK this is a complete bait image and you've completely fallen for it.
Just having the cervix touched/poked let alone jabbed with a cock is excruciatingly painful for women and the female equivalent of being kicked in the balls.
I had to go to A&E one night because my boyfriend thrusted too deep/hard during sex, whammed my cervix sent my uterus/cervix into spasms that made me puke, left me in agonising pain for like 9 hours and made it so I couldn't straighten my torso/abdomen out for some reason. The pain was unbelievable.
How is it that sex education is so bad that there are guys that actually fall for this…. I would understand if this was like the 17th century but it's 2015 and you have the entire internet at your disposal jesus christ.
It has never ONCE occurred to you to close down the porn and actually research female sexual anatomy?
Why is virtually all adult women know the male sexual anatomy back to front but so many men still believe that your urinary tract is your vaginal opening and that it's pleasurable to have the inside of the vaginal wall rammed up into your organs?
Did you even think when you first looked at that image that something want quite adding up here?
I'm in complete disbelief…
No. 49493
>>49489I know I'm not exactly a woman, but I can't imagine wanting a smaller dick over a larger one. Bragging rights and more to play with I guess
I'm pretty self concious anout my size (5.5") and it's even worse because I'm a blackbot. Not that i think I'll be having sex anytime soon, but I feel like if I ever do she'll be sorely disappointed I don't have a foot long like most other blacks do
>>49492I asked around on 4chan and the answers were mixed so i thought I'd ask here
No. 49494
>>49493Big dicks hurt man. Men don't know shit about what feels good in a vagina, because they only listen to other men (for some fucking reason).
Plus girth is better than length anyway. I don't want no long skinny dick poking my cervix as he mistakes my cries of pain for pleasure.
No. 49496
>>49493And that thing about black dick is a retarded myth. Not every black guy hase a huge dick (trust me). And only a completely stupid whore is going to be disappointed (so long as you don't lie about your dick size)
Also size doesn't matter as much as skill. If you have a huge dick and don't know what you're doing I'd kick you out to be honest, shits painful.
No. 49500
>>49499Oh from what I've seen on 4chan it seems like every woman has one tbh
What are some better sources for this sort of thing?
No. 49502
>taking 4chan seriously Sweetie… most of them are virgins who have never even talked to a woman. And a problem i see with y'all is that you don't try and think of individuals, just populations.
Not every woman has a rape fantasy (i actually think that rape fantasies come from trauma, but don't quote me)
No. 49503
File: 1449533827362.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.05 KB, 520x614, 1449211434190.jpg)

>>49498I ask because some of the porn dicks I've seen dont even seem humanly possible. How can this guy ehen get that much blood flow down their let alone store it in his pants?
No. 49504
>>49502Well so am I tbh
>>49501Again 4chan as a source, but apparently most women think 6" is 8".
No. 49507
>>49503Dude that shit would literally disembowel you. If that guy isn't shooped he's a fucking freak
You seriously couldn't even have sex with something like that, it'd be like reenacting Mr. Hands.
No. 49510
>>49506Why is it that we keep telling you this over and over and you're ignoring everything?
Also yes girth trumps length. The longer it is the greater chance of him touching my cervix which just fucking sucks.
No. 49511
>>49510Its because they think women can't possibly tell a man what they prefer. Only men can understand that somehow.
Everytime some dude from /r9k/ asks us a question, they do this. They keep insisting that 4chan is always right and its like.. why even ask us then.
Polite sage for impolite rage
No. 49512
File: 1449534633307.jpg (55.12 KB, 750x280, acc48e6262da4bc5d101f3a85f9ce5…)

>>49506Nigger do you know what a dick sleeve is.
It's a giant, plastic cock that sheaths over the original like a sock.
No way
>>49503 is real.
No. 49515
>>49512No I do appreciate getting both sides of this. And ya 4chan really hammers home that women either dobt know what they want or lie about it for whatever reason. Just asking
>>49513Jesus dude. Take care of yourself
No. 49516
>>49514It's the only photo I had of myself at the moment. I took it when I was looking into skincare earlier this year but that kind of fell through
I don't want a hooker either. I can't think of anything I'd hate doing more. I really do emphasize that I've accepted it and I don't care anymore
No. 49518
>>49515If you ever wanna get laid just know 4chan is wrong though. Your height doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Your penis size doesn't matter as much as you think it does.
So long as you aren't hideous with a microwang you're on the right path. Get some self esteem and try not to act like a channer irl and you could probably get a gf that's as attractive as you are. Or you could just get a hooker, whatever floats your boat.
No. 49519
>>49518I'm 5'9 and despite manlet memes I dont really care. Only thing I'm self consiois about myself physically is my dick
Socially I'm fucked because I'm a huge sperg and cant look people in the eyes let alone start a conversation
No. 49520
>>49519Then target the awkward girl in class. You know, the one who sits alone and shit. You're both awkward and weird, so you have that in common.
And stop worrying about dick size! Most women wouldn't enjoy sex if you're over like 6" anyway.
No. 49521
>>49515I'm gonna lay out down for you truthfully.
Honestly, aesthetically, a larger penis looks nicer (not
>>49503 that's disgusting), just the same way that a big, firm, bouncy pair of tits blatantly looks nicer than some sad, saggy, spaniels ears titties. It's just fact.
Just because something is aesthetically pleasing though doesn't make it functionally pleasing.
My boyfriend is 8.4".
We've been together since we were 15 and he was a lot smaller then but ended up with a late puberty and even his dick had this crazy growth spurt over the next 3 years.
Is his dick nice to look at? Hell yeah it is, but it's really not that functional.
Sometimes sex really hurts, especially in some positions, and and although I love him sometimes I find myself rejecting sex because I'm scared he might jab cervix again and it really is such an unpleasant feeling.
Sometimes when we make love he can't even go all the way in because my vaginal canal just doesn't have the length.
Honestly if I could remove even an inch off his dick, maybe more, I would.
Sure it wouldn't look as "powerful" but at least then I could actually have sex with him without anticipating pain with every thrust.
No. 49523
>>49521Actually 8.4" or does he say he is? Must be black
Also just to calm some nerves of mine and a lot of other guys, are you "stretched out" (sorry cant think of another way to put this")? Like do you think you'd be abel to have sex with a man who was 6" or less after being with a guy who is 8.4"?
No. 49524
>>49523… oh lawd.
The vagina returns to around normal size after a woman gives birth, so like, let that answer your question.
No. 49526
>>49523Uh no, I've measured personally, multiple times over the 9 years we've been together.
>must be black No he's Caucasian, Scottish if you must know.
>are you stretched out Jesus christ you've fallen for every piece of 4chan bait haven't you…
I'll answer you with a similar question:
How thin has your penis become over the years from the constant applied pressure of masturbation?
Jesus he believes the stretched vagina meme. I actually give up.
No. 49527
>>49525Oooh okay well disregard my previous post then.
I've only ever been with one guy so honestly I don't know. I think if I were to break up with him and partner with a man with a shorter penis that the pain-free sex would quickly make up for any physical shortcomings I might have.
What a dream that would be…
No. 49552
>>49521My dude is 8 inches or so and I agree about the cervix thing. You never know when it'll happen, and it's such a scary uncomfortable pain ughh
He also never touches me down there, never ate me out etc. Because he thinks being big is all that matters. I don't mind but it's a bit shit. If he were smaller he would be more insecure and would actually care about getting me off, instead of just using me as a masturbatory aid fml
No. 49557
File: 1449544035607.jpeg (83.49 KB, 700x490, photo-my-little-pony-cosplay-f…)

>>49551>sour grapesYa no. Only ugly pink haired sluts are into bdsm/kink shit, it's the only thing they can do to get boys to notice them.
No. 49567
>>49560I've gone to imageboard everyday for the past 5 years
Can't really imagine what else I'd do with my time
No. 49569
>>49560This is 100% A+ advice. I stopped going on 4chan, at all, and went from:
socially retarded
into really gross disturbing violent gore porn
depressed and angry
to an actual functioning human. I can meet people now (hell, I'm married now), not into fucked up shit and actually just enjoy nice normal pleasurable sex, emotionally well adjusted, and have hobbies that extend beyond imageboards.
No, 4chan didn't cause all of those problems, but the problem is that it's a place that encourages degeneracy and if you are absorbed into it, it will amplify your problems, and you will feel no real urge to improve your life.
No. 49597
>>49567inb4 I get lynched but reddit.
It's a decent middle ground. 4chan is constantly accusing them of being a bunch of liberal pussies, but sjws accuse them of being the exact opposite. Then again, it's pretty easy to get sucked into less than great subreddits like theredpill or whatever…
No. 49615
>You never know when it'll happen, and it's such a scary uncomfortable pain ughhUrghhhadhiushfasffi; this.
Sometimes I'm so tense during sex because I'm like "OH GOD IS IT COMING? IS IT GOING TO BE THIS THRUST? PLEASE BABY JESUS NO" and it makes me dry up like the Sahara.
I've found the only thing that kind of works for it is a large amount of extended foreplay to get you properly aroused. If you just try to dive in, like a lot of guys do because they can go from 0 to 100 in like, 10 seconds, yeah you're gonna be hitting dat' cervix.
No. 49616
>>49587I was the same as you. I really dislike looking at gore now but I used to be fascinated by it.
I'm turning into a piece of shit again by lurking here but when I cut out toxic places like this from my life I'm much less of a bitter cunt and am pleasantly surprised at how nice people can be.
No. 49651
File: 1449616925306.jpg (452.43 KB, 1280x1556, 1409583900322.jpg)

>tfw 12 hour shifts
>tfw time literally goes slowly
>tfw feet hurts
>tfw feels are intensifying seeing happy people shopping around
>tfw just want to go back home and sleep
>tfw no one waiting for me at home
Be grateful that you are living in a first world country bros, you might have born in a 3rd world shit hole like me.
No. 49684
File: 1449640338065.jpg (269.38 KB, 787x1194, 1449620557427.jpg)

Do women actually talk about their partner's dick size with friends?
No. 49700
its like one of the first things girls ask their friends
No. 49738
File: 1449703113274.png (102.21 KB, 900x950, 1439877092196.png)

>tfw 4chan is down
>robots still post here
Have any of you actually acquired gf?
What about the curly haired guy?
No. 49773
>>49738I've had two gf's in my life.
Still a virgin though.
Pretty bitter about that.
No. 49862
File: 1449784712224.jpg (97.47 KB, 593x960, 1449442867472.jpg)

>tfw getting old
>body is reminding you your age
>started balding
>thinking about all of the things you missed out
>tfw feel left behind
>tfw feel like everything is over
No. 49910
>>49752The reason they spam it is because it's guaranteed (You)s
Stop replying
No. 49915
File: 1449811794977.jpg (181.39 KB, 1038x752, ss (2015-09-08 at 09.28.27).jp…)

Any takers? ;)
No. 50005
>>49957A lot of black men are just more chill. They tend to "go with the flow" better than white guys, IME. They also tend to have sexier voices, more kissable lips, and more passion. They're protective in a different way than white guys are. Depending on their genes, some of them have deep-set/tilted and attractive eyes (that includes the women as well).
I tend to find mixed men the most physically attractive, though.
No. 50007
File: 1449887730476.png (22.36 KB, 633x758, 1432331626977.png)

>>50005I don't know why I even asked this. Now I just feel worthless
No. 50046
>>50044White girls always post on twitter about how they love black men and that white men are lame and can't put out. It's trendy pretty much.
This video has showed up in my newsfeed from female classmates quite a lot. Sucks tbh
No. 50050
>some vapid bitches online posted about how they wanna try black dick>all white girls are like thisDude… no.
They just wanna try the dick out for fun, if they don't get pregnant by tyrone they'll leave after they had their share. The only ones who stay with black men are the ugly ones anyway.
No. 50051
>>50005eugh black men are a plague. Needlessly aggressive, loud, annoying, tend to think they're hot shit, sometimes smell like shit, the list goes on and on.
…they are attractive tho ngl.
No. 50053
File: 1449895314910.png (371.69 KB, 500x376, 1shrek3w.wizardchan.trash feel…)

>>50005>>50050>>50051Well then
I wasn't going to get laid regardless but this is just gross to me. White men shill for white women everywhere. White men have written countless poems and songs about your beauty and kindess and you just completely turn on us and treat us like garbage first chance you get.
No. 50055
>>50053lol im not even a white girl
>>50052Is me
No. 50057
>>50054So are you calling her trashy and slutty?
>>50051I'll have to think on this one. An entire race of women who wants to be with a different race of men…
I don't even get why I care tbh. Can you guys stick to fucking Chads instead of Tyrones? It'll put my mind at ease. All the fucking cuck spam was real fuck
No. 50061
>>50057it's not an entire race. It's just a loud minority. If given the choice most people stick to their own race anyway. Only reason why jungle fever is so rampant is because black guys will actually pursue a woman that catches his eye.
The white girl likes the attention, and the fact that it will probably make her daddy upset and give her cool points with the girls, so she goes for it. A couple months down the line she either realizes tyrone is a plauge and never speaks of dating him, or goes full hoe mode and becomes addicted to black dick.
I don't see why you'd care about a hoe.
Tl;dr: black guys are shiny and cool looking. You too can be shiny and cool looking by not being a push over
No. 50069
>>50065That has nothing to do with his dick though
Feel like there's no point in even trying to get into the dating pool competing with them. If someone wants a smart and kind bf they go asian and if they want some alpha male stud with a 10" dick they go black. White men have zero fucking place in the dating pool anymore and it just sucks to be aware of this yourself. We bring nothing to the table and women have been realizing that for the past several decades
Anyway thanks for convincing me to not get into the dating pool. I'm not even big on virginity but if girls just want to ride black dick throughout their whole teens and 20s then settle down with a white beta who doesn't care then I'm not having any part of that. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not going to be treated like some sort of bank and human garbage
No. 50072
>>50070I'm really not
Explain how I'm wrong. Put yourself in a woman's shoes and ask yourself why you'd even bother with a white man.
No. 50074
>>50069Its not about his dick, its about the thing attached to it you dense motherfucker.
But bow out of the dating pool if you want to, just don't go "oh woe is me, women jist dont like whites :(" because it isn't fucking true.
Most of the women on this website are white, who are attracted to white men, for example. You can listen to some shallow hoes on tumblr and Facebook all you want, but if they're not the type you're going for anyway, why does it matter?
You guys always look at populations when you're fucking individuals. And the worst part is you take the outliers and assume they're general facts, because deep down you know the issue you aren't dateable isn't your race, or your height, or your dick size.
Fucking autistic people have SOs. Deathfats have SOs, hell some people in prison have an SO waiting for them.
The issue is your defeatest attitude.
sorry im kinda high and this triggered my autism No. 50076
>>50074>The issue is your defeatest attitude. I'm 26 and a khv. I'm allowed a defeatist attitude at this point. I don't give a fuck about white women because of the reasons I've listed and I finally came to that realization a year or so ago. Just tried to see things from a woman's perspective and it all made sense. What pisses me off is you all continue to deny this up and down just like with saying height and dick size doesn't matter
No. 50079
>>50069Lel imagine how it feels being a black manlet with an average dick. I bring absolutely nothing to the table. I used to be mad at woman but i came to a similar (albeit truer) realization as you
>>50075Ya maybe if you go to some ghetto about 40% would be confiden because theure not educated and dont know any better. and its an even lower percentage everywhere else.
You're basing this off of popular media which isnt close to reality. Black people are just people and most are scared of girls just like most other guys.
No. 50080
> im in my prime and white girls haven't flocked to me
>i-it must be because I'm whiteno its because you have an annoying and whiney personality.
Dick size and height can and will be overlooked if you have things to make up for it. Like personality. I'm not going to go "he's only 5'7? Byee" to a guy if i actually like being around him.
If he was annoying then I'd definitely not give him the time of day, because i cant justify being around him. And that's the thought process of most women. The ones who only care about looks aren't women you want to be around, yet y'all always insist on listening to them.
No. 50083
>>50080First off my prime is long fucking gone and if you actually read my post you'd see I have no interest in the dating world. I've been to university and I know how women work and it disgusts me that they can't even be truthful about anything. I just want at least one of you to admit ONE TIME what I'm saying is true.
I applaud you for actually admitting bigger is better in terms of dick size. Most women I talk to about this won't even admit this fact. Same with height. Also in modern day america white men are now at the bottom of the desirability chart so to speak while white women are still at the top. Hurts to watch a bit but I've taught myself to not care
No. 50087
>>50083I literally said nothing about dick size? (Bigger fucking hurts in my experience ) I meant height wise as an example? White men aren't at the bottom of the chart either, thats Indian men.
But like you said, you've signed out of the dating scene, I respect it.
No. 50088
>>50082So you think blacks have some sort of genetic thing that makes them confident? Get the fuck out of here. Im also not blaming my social anxiety on not growing up in some ghetto. Its my fault and i was just pointing to me to show youre pretty full of it. I'm the opposite of all black stereotypes anyways. Small supposedly average dick (5.7") and I'm a 5'8 manlet and I'm introvertes asfuck
>>50083Agree with women lying about stuff but you're definitely wrong about being on the bottom of desirability scale. You're right if we're talking about blue eyes and blonde hair type white people but id say spanish/italian is still viewed as pretty attractive by women
No. 50089
>>50087Lol this was a while ago when I was in uni before I dropped out but indians were actually preferred over white men by all races of women. I'd tell online friends about it and they didnt believe me but it was very true. Just throwing that out there
Pay attention to any form of media and whenever there is a nerd/loser archetype to fill its some white guy. Go on any social media platform and its full of every race of women fawning over everyone but whites. Koreans have a larger following of women who find them attractive ffs
No. 50092
>>50090Lel i cant
Night everyone
No. 50093
>>50088what are you saying to me?
Where did i ever say blacks have a genetic thing that makes them more confident? I said confidence doesn't come from being ghetto, and that stereotypes have basis in the truth.
What that means is that people have observed that black men
tend to be more out going. People have experienced this, so it became a stereotype. Does anyone know why this seems to happen more in black men than in others? Not really.
It's along the same lines of asians being smart. Are all asians straight A geniuses? No. Do they tend to get higher scores on standardized tests than other races? Yes. Its a general thing.
I'm sorry that you're an insecure manlet but the fact that you're half black doesn't cancel out observations general populations have made about black men being more out going.
No. 50095
>>50090>>50092It is true though. Night
>>50093White permavirgin back again.One of the only friends I've ever had was also half black and he was as big of a sperg as I am right now. He's not with us anymore though. Did what I couldn't
Answer my other questions please. I'll answer any you have
No. 50102
>>50101>Everywhere I go that's populated by white guys and they have a really shitty way of talking about women in general.This is completely false. White men are beta as fuck and actually still chase white women despite them not being interested at all. It's sad to see
I'm not basing this off of solely twitter. I'm talking real life observations and online shit everywhere.
No. 50103
>>50099>all women have black kidsyou're either such a pussy that you can't open your eyes and look outside for 2 fucking seconds, or you're a complete fucking retard.
Get used to those palms
No. 50107
>>50104>A white woman with half black kids isn't fucking rare.That's exactly what I said…
She's trying to make it out that it's my responsibility to raise those shits
>>50103I look outside quite alot thanks
>>50105That is entirely in response to being abandoned by white women so they have to look other places. It's a petty retaliation. If white women would go back to not fucking everyone who isn't white those posts would not exist
>>50106This is a white guy posting i can tell
No. 50110
>>50107naw you don't. because interracial relationships are fucking rare.
They're just overplayed by the media.
Thanks for failing the game
No. 50111
>>50107*without i meant
I'm a fucking tard but shit dude you're acting like every white girl in the planet wants only PoC penis.
No. 50113
>>50111>you're acting like every white girl in the planet wants only PoC penisThey do
>>50110They really aren't. Sure you can pull up marriage stats but those are girls who are used up and marry some beta for his money
No. 50114
>>50109Nah mate, you have jack fucking shit. White men with their shit together are a different story.
Don't lump your sorry ass with the rest of your race.