No. 8855
>>8854I hate those WatchMojo weeaboo style videos holy shit…
>top 10 annoying characters in anime!they should be on that list tbh… their voices remind me of a bad English dub lmao.
No. 8856
>>8851I love Digibro, personally. He's really pretentious and too arrogant for his own good but his analyses are actually insightful and usually pretty accurate (IMO).
I don't like him as a person but I like his reviews and opinion pieces. I mean, he's an ex-brony and loves horrible moe shit, both things I can't remotely stand, but I still appreciate most of his reviews on their own merits.
No. 8859
>>8856he loves the sound of his voice way too much and thinks he has a hold of the anime comm when
no lad your a fucking weaboo who got big off mlp stop.
Ive been watching him since mlp though and I like his analysis videos. Also his taste in anime is pretty peak, not amazing sometimes but it doesn't feel too hipster.
No. 8861
File: 1490136385453.gif (986.31 KB, 245x245, tumblr_msrsf4WCmk1shia3so1_250…)

>tfw I use to be a part of an anime channel with days of the week for each member
>tfw cringey weebs
>I barely managed to put out maybe a months worth of content before quitting because real job and didn't want to be associated with weebs anymore
The channel pumped out a lot of videos before nearly everyone quit. The channel regularly put out content for SIX YEARS with just the two guys before they stopped all together. To truly grasp the sadness, just look at the fact in a little over half a decade they managed to grab wait for it…650 subscribers. The highest views on a video is a little over 600, but most hover around the 30-40 range. I cringe to think of how many obscure sad anime channels are out there barely getting views despite constantly pushing content. Off topic, why is it that every anime fan on youtube has a weird voice, lisp, or speech impediment? Also the anime man is the worst.
No. 31211
>>29643Clickbait and controversy: the persona
One day he's criticising Incel Hero, the other day he's praising harem and hentai anime.
>>29647Wouldn't surprise me, bitch has been insufferable since her early days, I remember some drama from years ago and an ex-LoL dev who was her friend, I need to dig that up.
No. 31305
File: 1549080693254.png (759.95 KB, 1172x641, reina.png)

>checkout my agehao face yall
Reina must be so happy she was born Japanese. She fetishizes her her own race for attention and validation, she feeds off of the weeb attention. Reina seems like a nice person but everything she does screams HEY MINNA DID U KNOW IM JAPANESE!1! If someone were to call her out on her behavior she would say this is me this is who i am. yes Reina acting like every shitty Japanese stereotype in the book equates to having a personality. Reina would be great and wouldn't be bordering onto snowflake territory if she just cut the weeb bait crap.
No. 136200
>>136056IDK maybe since once you see one ani-tuber you have seen them all because ani-tubers come in 2 flavors, degenerate coomers and pretentious coomers (sometimes a mix of both). Anitubers I feel also rely on memes too much to keep their audience engaged.
The only anituber I watch is Red Bard because I like learning about a bunch of weeaboo shit from years ago and interesting things from anime I never watched and will never bother watching lol.