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No. 268920
Yumi King is a former lolita/cosplay/lifestyle youtuber turned single mommy vlogger after her divorce from a cranky stingy white man ~20 years her senior named Splenda (real name Scott).
Last thread
She originally got attention for her DIY lolita/cosplay videos. Eventually she started including her voice and image in videos, and then began lifestyle vlogging with Splenda, who at the time was her boyfriend. In these videos she comes across as very childish and giddy despite being in her mid 20's. Meanwhile Splenda always seemed miserable and scolded Yumi a lot. Their relationship was like some bizarre age play/race fetishism that they both took part in.
Last thread
Yumi eventually got pregnant and had a baby. Splenda left her some months after this, and now they're divorced. There has been some speculation that Yumi actually cheated on Splenda and the baby is not his, due to public court records. She was living with her family and making low effort sponsor content and mommy content.
More recently (Gap between this thread and old thread)
Yumi was living with her family for a time, but they kicked her out a couple months ago for unknown reasons. Since then she has been bouncing around between friends, airbnb's and homeless shelters. She even had her son taken away at one point. She has been making videos throughout this time, sometimes they are normal videos and sometimes she is venting or crying about things happening in her life. Most recently she is finally renting an apartment with her son. She has also posted a cryptic video where she says she won't be commenting on the cheating and father rumors to protect her sons privacy.
Since leaving Splenda she has dropped the cutesy act and comes across as more mature, although some of her decisions are still questionable. Her channel is mostly mommy vlogging and venting now, with a little e begging on the side.
Main channel: No. 268946
>>268923Everyone assumes it is CPS that took her son away. Ffs, does no one understands how the system works? It's not that easy unless you had tremendous proof like bruises or several witnesses. Often, it takes a court order to separate a child from their parents. It's a process to get them taken away and given back. It's at least a 2 week process. You don't just pick them up. Yumi is lying.
Notice, Yumi never actually said CPS or any governing body in that video. It's likely her parents did not want their grandchildren homeless so they kicked her out, not him. If she cared about her son, she would leave him in a stable home with grandma and grandpa.
Yumi never one time said CPS or child protective services etc, she just said taken away vaguely. Pretty manipulative word play.
No. 268947
>>268946This. Her parents were absolutely taking care of her son while her living situation was so unstable. I can’t believe now she’s apparently considering leaving this new place because other tenets in the building are smoking and the odor is carrying over to her room- almost everything she’s been saying during this homeless saga makes me think of a teenager who thinks they’re making up clever lies and stories but they’re easily seen through by other people. Tbh I do root for her and want her to be able to do well for herself and her son but I think there’s things going on off camera that are contributing to her situation that she needs to address.
Also thanks to the
nonny who put this thread together, I found this site during Yumi’s Splenda fueled DDLG arc so her threads hold a special place in my heart kek
No. 269000
>>268989glad you and others are seeing the light. she's refusing to give up any luxuries. i won't buy into her lip service anymore. i'm actually starting to wonder of this baby is a result of her trying to marriage hop when she realized splenda wouldn't give her the princess life she imagined. i really don't trust her word on anything, and these kinds of trad leaning women do this kind of crazy shit, especially sheltered ones who think the new guy is their prince charming who will save them from their bad marriage. it's more and more obvious now that she doesn't want to work and splenda seems pretty cheap and already didn't really seem to like her, so he probably wanted her to work. it seems really plausible that she cheated with someone, got pregnant and told splenda it was his when the other guy rejected her. and
the other guy is probably who took the paternity test, which is why splenda didn't need one. it also accounts for why her parents kicked her out, she's refusing to work. she's not extremely attractive and is super sheltered so she probably meets tons of men trying to fuck a "demure asian woman" and telling her whatever she wants to hear.
No. 269063
>>268944only one parent is Chinese, her stepdad is white.
it is also possible her parents are fucked up, kicking out a woman and her baby for trivial reasons (including oooh you had an affair or w/e) is a mark of shitty character. If she were stealing, selling drugs, violent… ok, sure. But I doubt it was anything like that, so even though I don't love Yumi or her choices, her parents also come across badly here. You just don't do shit like this when the kid is not old enough to go to school. When he is old enough, then lay down the law if you must. But why fuck with them when he's not old enough to be in kindergarten yet?
No. 269073
>>269063Yumi's parents likely did take their grandson in, and kicked her out. Read the timeline, rewatch the videos. That's why Yumi had to make up some BS story about her son "being taken away" but she knows "he's safe".
Not defending shitty parenting, they are questionable parents, but it's obvious Yumi is extremely sheltered so I believe her son was staying with his grandparents until Yumi can prove she found a stable home.
No. 269074
>>268987I can't believe she, a single woman living alone with a small child downtown, was stupid enough to go knock on stranger's door at night and interrogate each one about smoking policies.
"I already texted the manager, I'm going to talk to the manager about this."
I hate smokers too but, fuck, she sounds like a KAREN.
No. 269075
I am getting so frustrated with her ignoring the comments that possess sound advice. Getting a job and applying for food stamps and welfare should be the very next things she does. There is remote work she could do on the computer so she wouldn’t need childcare, and those three things (job, welfare, food stamps) would put her on the path to solving this. And if she breaks her lease, the lease breaking fee is gonna be insane. And to do it over smoking? I get it sucks but it’s a luxury she cannot afford at the moment. In the future, yes. She can report them, yes, and that’s the best option she has. Moving should NOT be an option. I truly, truly think she wants things to come easy and thinks that one day, she’ll get a donation that’s in the thousands, and “then she’ll be set.” She’s not living in reality.
Idk, it’s just kinda like GAH to see someone who has the means and the capability to do something good for their child, but simply won’t because they don’t want to. My mother lost us all to CPS and was too selfish to do what it took to get us back. It strikes a chord, man.
No. 269086
>>269083how did she qualify for that 7 month lease w/o income then? shes obviously is getting help of some kind from somewhere
>>269032you mean the sperm donor? at this point that's all he is. wtf was she fucking thinking. like you can fuck over splenda…sure but do it with a better plan and backup plan
she really wanted a daughter. there's still unused baby girl clothes shes selling on poshmark >w>
(>w>) No. 269091
>>269087she is leaving a ton of info out to get maximum sympathy from her viewers. i wouldn’t be surprised if her parents or someone else is giving her money and cosigned on her lease. plus the place she is in looks weird, like i am wondering this apartment is even meant to be leased to a single mother as it looks like a glorified halfway house. i have a feeling she is going to get “kicked out” again as she is already bitching about her neighbors and being overly controlling.
>>269075it is just going to get worse as time goes on as she doesn’t want to be on welfare or work. she can’t even pick a decent place for her and her son since they are sharing a kitchen. that is not the kind of apartment/studio a single mom should be living in. she would do better renting out a room with a family as opposed to whatever this sketchy place she is in if she is going to be sharing some of her living space with others.
No. 269134
>>269028Agreed. You're allowed to get nice things too even when buying cheap. The example of her shopping with Splenda is terrible because thats big income that anon is comparing. I think she has a 'need' or 'want' problem. She did hauls before, she likes shopoing and knows how to get a lot for cheap. She's not greedy, but is fine with using $20 out of $100 for a nice meal than gas.
Yumi absolutely knows how to buy cheap. She's not being manipulative like
>>269031 says. She's just dumb and I think uses buying things as quick feel goods or buying things for others, like her baby, does the same thing. She's not a shopaholic, but she just would rather be in a pinch than actually pinch.
No. 269146
>>269140Not to mention if she isn't telling people because of the embarrassment that comes with being on these assistant, like anons apparently
needing to know she's on them, she might be getting help from one of them to subsidize some rent cost. I don't it because she's talking about moving, but theres a lot that goes into these programs. You don't just walk in and say, "I need help, single, with baby" and they slap a stack of cash and give you a card right away for WIC. Anons literally know nothing outside of Google searches because most of them probably haven't had to deal with this.
No. 269156
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>>269139Here I am posting it yet again lol. Censored for doxing.
No. 269190
>>269170Wtf do you even know what's going on? It proves a lot, that's the Georgia house they sold. She lied, she was living with her parents for a while and they were helping her.
Her parents downsized to an 2 bed 1 bath condo in WA now, and during that time she got kicked out. Probably couldn't hide and film in the bathroom anymore if it's a SINGLE bath. I think it's worth around $350k. They have no other property besides the condo now.
No. 269243
>>269190nah man, just because her parents sold a place didn't mean she was living there while pretending to be homeless. I have been halfheartedly keeping tabs on yumi but I honestly don't follow this argument because it's a bunch of assumptions with no actual proof. That doesn't make me a WK. Did you compare the bathrooms or something, that would convince me actually.
All these people whining for details about the divorce just come across poorly imho. Just don't give her money if you don't believe her! Troons grift all the time and no one asks them to explain their situations in detail with documents, why does Yumi have to do that? She's a single mom with some parental issues, just don't donate, let her YT channel die, and terrorize another grifter. She isn't raking in dough, that much is clear.
No. 269244
>>269200also this post
>>269134wasn't mine
No. 269301
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>>269254nice try but none of us who actually knows how to google is going to risk doxxing to prove what we already know
>>269243holy shit can you actually be this dumb and blind. i guess mommy has to draw a fucking picture
No. 269303
>>269301For 4-5 months, she filmed in their WA condo using a cheap curtain and plain walls as backdrop. Not once did she ever mention being supported by her parents EVEN THO she was living with them for OVER 1 year.
She finally did something to piss off her parents and now she's homeless.
Homeless with help probably.
No. 269307
>>269304agreed. jobless, begging online, living on parents dime and probably welfare already. still playing
victim after cheating on scrote and making her parents move across country twice. sounds about right.
and that's why she can't be honest. it just doesn't sound as good as tough single mom w/o support raising a son.
No. 269403
>>269354Might get chew up but… yes they are both terrible people. But Yumi is
worst When you go along with this disgusting old man with a working brain, you're not only condoning this behavior but also supporting its practice. Annnnd again she's the one that cheated and had another rando's baby.
No. 269480
>>269448i think she really wanted to be a mom and youtuber and nothing else. since that didn't happen its hard for her accept reality and give up the dream of being a stay at home mom / "fashion" influencer
her parents condo's worth more than $400k and the step dad is 71. just give it a decade and she'll inherit everything, no need to work
No. 269514
>>269448you stil haven't proven how involved her parents were. I know it's crazy, but parents aren't robots who do everything you want or need in life. You people sound deranged. Yumi isn't milky rn. Mikan has donation links on everything too, and no one gives a shit about that! She got donations to move because of a stalker and then moved in with boyfriendo number 1. I mean, where were you people then?
Wanting a single mother, or anyone, to suffer forever because you believe she is the absolute worst… out of all the shitheads and Munchies and addicts and violent abusers raising kids… there's something really off about you people. LC isn't interested in shitting on a single mother for "cheating on a scrote" or whatever moral line you're drawing, especially since Corn denied it and there are other imaginable scenarios for her situation. but hey, go on calling us stupid and retarded and lol and kek and whatever. seems like you have one misogynist opinion and are eager to vomit it again and again.
No. 269751
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>>269725"she has NO EXCUSE for not looking for work if she was living with her parents who would obviously then be able to make sure her son was safe and taken care of while she worked."+1. someone has a brain here. can't these other idiots add it up?
that's why she had to lie. and underplay her parent supporting her for almost 2 years. her parents eventually got tired of her shit. freeloading off retirees with a bastard kid from a random sperm donor. even her parents smelled the coffee and kicked her out.
like i said, she wanted to be a pampered housewife and full time mommie. she says it twenty times every video she takes care of her son 24/7. Which btw, with her son, i suspect its not a
healthy relationship, it's a dependency. he's an excuse she needs to make her narrative work.
shes not pretty enough to land a half decent man. annoying personality. her face still looks like a jack o lantern under all the editing and filters. even harder now as a single mom.
No. 269777
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I wish Yumi got her hair cut into fringe and curled bob. It would look so cute on her without pandering to Asian obsessed scrotes.
>>269751Jesus Christ somebody puts it into words on what we mean.
No. 269989
>>269777Literally every single photo hides those super size hamster cheeks is why. She can't angle herself like that in videos sadly. Surgery for cheeks and teeth would be a good investment. Why didn't she get Splenda to pay for it when she had the chance?
Her son got her cheeks and big head too remember
>>269822>>269448Our "broke" single mom yumi just bought a air purifier. Rofl
No. 269992
Ooooooohhhhh new thread
>>269301Hot shit, I remember those videos, so she was living with her parents. That was when she started selling off all her stuff on Posh "to help her move" lol she didn't mention her parents are rich and didn't need the help. Fuxing fraud jfc…..
Did she move back in with her parents when she was still pregnant? Was splenda there for baby's birth? How did splenda know the baby wasn't his? I have so many questions what did I miss
No. 270191
>>269751And the kid is still with her parents, right? If so, that means they do take care of him and were thus obviously involved in his care earlier, or
would have been if Yumi decided to get a job. She has shown time and time again that she does not want to work a real job. She likely expected to get rich off YT and was even willing to tolerate Splenda for years as long as she had a caretaker so she didn't have to work. She probably also feels too "proud" to work some entry-level job, and until she does that and becomes independent instead of using grimy old men, she's shit.
No. 270194
>>270110I'm glad she cheated. Sometimes cheating is a good thing and in this instance, it was a good idea. Splenda was going to make her a 2nd or 3rd ex because she wasn't going to stay in the uwu dress-up dolly phase and she was slowly transitioning away from that anyway. A long time ago I thought she was just keeping up the act because that's what brought in her original views when lolita wasn't so accessible and normies were hearing about it, so the whole easy sewing stuff and lolita style clothing was the gimmick she could milk. When she got married and got older, it honestly seemed so beyond forced that she was still into the aesthetic as much as she used to be. Splenda wasn't going to go for that, her bought her frilly clothes before and her never said anything good about the more tight fitted stuff she'd buy. His reactions were be "Yeah.. That's sexy." but when she wore frills "Oh yeah, that's looks so nice, do a twirl, so pretty, you look like a doll".
Dude was an absolute red flag. Thank god she cheated, unfortunately probably not soon enough to not make it Splenda's kid.
No. 270494
>>270426okay? this is her thread, the mystery guy isn't here to bitch at. she is one of the two people who brought a baby into this mess. stop
trying to make this a misogyny thing. she is doing the wrong thing for herself and her child by being selfish and childish.
>>270445i mean chinese lolitas and kawaii vloggers, i never mentioned costhots. the internet has grown past her relevancy so she's trying something different.
No. 270654
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>>270445Yumi used to dress very skimpy for YouTube views though. She knew what she was doing.
No. 270711
>>270686Thats you being creepy. The shoes are fine and so is the hair. Pigtails are weeb shit. Can't believe anon used a real child as an example and basically making it look like the child is creeping an an adult women and the woman, at a water park, can't even wear a more than enough coverage bikini.
>>270654 This whole post is fucking dumb and makes no sense to context we are discussing. Anon called that skimpy, but now it's the shoes/hair/ears that's the problem and not the bikini? Make up your minds.
No. 270774
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>>270711I found the image on a 4chan thread archive where even scrotes had a problem with her outfit. You’re so desensitized that you don’t even see the problem with her obvious pedo pandering.
No. 272050
>>272001Temu is basically the same as Shein.
>>272002She has said she plans to move to a bigger place once he is a few years old. As of right now, he should be fine. She also appears to take him out quite a bit.
No. 272110
>>272013Must be nice being so gullible..
1. her son is young and at the cute stage. when they get older and start talking back, it will not always be hugs and storytime. having no father figure or support system is harder on boys development
2. yumi has a codependent relationship with her son, it's not healthy. she seems incapable of healthy relationships (see splenda) likely since she has never had a father growing up.
3. she went to china to get pregnant by an ex bf / random guy. someone she could probably never be with. then she lost everything after having a son…so her son is all she has. this is a possible Jocasta complex in the making -barf-
No. 272127
>>272110got any proof for #3? or any of your tinfoil?
#2 is laughable. and now you want to psychoanalyze Corn? Jocasta complex with a toddler? Get help.
No. 272131
>>272127Seconding this, anon is doing some crazy projecting and tinfoil (and is definitely male with
muh father figure)
>>272110Anon, you're a weirdo, seek help. How the fuck anyone can call a young mother's communication with her
baby codependent, you're fucked in the head
No. 272140
>>272131you're right, I missed this:
>her son is young and at the cute stage. when they get older and start talking back, it will not always be hugs and storytime. having no father figure or support system is harder on boys developmentno shit, sherlock, kids grow up. don't care to debate the father issue thing but that role can be filled by someone other than the sperm donor or a worthless boyfriend. i'm sure he'll be fine without a Scott-like scrote around!
No. 272235
>>272185Umm anon, most men would not stick around to raise another man's kid after their wife cheated. I would have a hard time believing
any man would do that at all. Has nothing to do with him being a creep, which he still is but yeah.
No. 275781
>>275675>>275686you both need mental help if you think that's acceptable behavior that serves to teach toddlers lessons. that's why adults need to watch kids and prevent shit like that from happening. Hate on Yuhan all you want, yes maybe she is overreacting, but stop bullshitting that being pushed and roughed up and having shit thrown at you by gangs of older kids (as anon above said) is some kind of rite of passage. It isn't. Kids get seriously hurt by other kids every single day.
>>275675 you know nothing about it, I see. Advocating for physical alterations, being bullied and shoved, as a means for a toddler to "learn"? I hope you don't have children.
This is the only thread here where you psychos get away with saying shit like this. You are so blinded by your hate for Yuhan that it produces these utterly fucked up pronouncements about how she's a whore, how kids should beat up other kids to teach them life lessons, how a couple of bucks on hooks is a luxury purchase.
No. 275875
>>275781No one here said that her kid should get beaten up or that violence is an acceptable rite of passage. Parents should teach their kids to be gentle, but the fact is that conflict (physical or not) among children is unavoidable and they literally DO learn something from experiencing it. It's not really something worth twisting to an extreme and arguing about.
The reality we're talking about is her kid getting pushed out of the way 3-4 times. It sucks, and I'm glad he's not getting the shit kicked out of him. All of that aside, daycares are separated by age group, so he'd be around other toddlers all day — the likelihood of him getting shoved around by bigger kids when Yumi isn't around is minimal at this point.
No. 277849
>>275675 replies to a 3-day old comment trying to infight
>>277829 replies to a 7-day old comment trying to infight
Scrotes and chan losers have posted in this thread to call Yuhan a whore (now deleted >>274824) and worse than Scott(>>269307), who has abandoned wives + kids before, and say she only has a future as a submissive wife to an old widower. This thread needs serious moderation.
No. 278679
>>278605 Yumi certainly has the ability to create a darling handmade wardrobe for her son, and the platform to make money doing so. Lots of moms struggle to find time for hobbies while their kids are very young, so this kind of content would be sympathetic and highly relatable.
but no, it's so much easier to dress the poor little dude in temu-sponsored sweatshop shit, all clownishly oversized so she can brag about fitting in the same clothes as a literal toddler. this lazy self-centered crap is why many people find their sympathy for Yumi is quickly exhausted
No. 279100
>>278926setting aside opinions about how she makes money on her channel, recall that Yumi only rose to this board's attention by putting her dd/lg kink on display to the underage audience of her arts and crafts videos. now she keeps ordering clothes that are much too big for her toddler while mentioning how she also likes to dress up in his cute little vests and jackets.
weird milk, indeed.
No. 279883
>>279821Don't be so dense. Codependency in parenthood is where the parent/guardian creates an unhealthy attachment towards their child, creating an emotional enmeshment between the two. This kind of relationship stunts the emotional and mental development of the infant, creating behavioral issues down the road.
The word you were looking for is attachment, which is a HEALTHY emotional bond developed between a child and their caregiver.
>>279821>>279821i think op means it's normal right now but
longterm as her son gets older she will get batshit crazier. and project her problems onto him. codependency does not have to be a one way street. that's why she doesn't want to get a job despite being broke
No. 279896
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>>279812It's really unclear when he left. But she says he took her to the hospital for the birth (picrel)
No. 279898
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>>279896literally the only shot of Scott holding the baby is right after birth.
No. 280032
>>280023yeah, I never understood the people who claimed she hides her kid's face because it "doesn't look like scott." imho babies all look pretty much the same unless they have deformities. And even kids often don't show similarities until puberty. There's no way scott would have known anything based on the look of the baby.
maybe I'm the only one who was an uggo potato child with little resemblance to my parents. tbh I still don't even look like my parents. I resemble my grandparents (both sides) more than my parents.
No. 285653
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>>285553I hope she got a real job but as far as I know she didn't have one before
>>285533Fuck you farmhand, this is actually something to talk about in this dead ass thread on this dead ass board. Do you just want this board to die?
No. 285659
>>285655Go back to sperging about Venus's teeth then idc
This board sucks anyway, I'll post this email I sent to the farmhands so y'all can laugh at me or have some food for thought or whatever before some azz deletes it in a few minutes
W is a slow board. I don't know who did this but I think the last thing w needs is nitpicking over what is and isn't milky enough to leave unsage'd. I find often people sage minor milk which hurts the board because most people don't have the autism to check threads by hand to see if something actually happened. Eventually people just stop reading it unless it's the kind of thread that really bring out spergs. Sage is a tool and it would help to not overuse it
(take your complaints to meta retard) No. 286944
>>286935I mean I hope she got a job and not a man but I think if it was a job she would just say that. But if it's a man she needs time to think about how to introduce that to her audience.
A few months ago she mentioned she had a new part time job, so maybe it did turn into something bigger. Or like the other anon said maybe the divorce has been finished and she's getting child support now or something
No. 286980
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>>286750The farmhands have lost their minds
(take it to /meta/) No. 286987
>>286965a 1-bed apt is no luxury, at least most of the time it isn't. idk what you're on about. It's not normal for a single mom to share an apartment with other unrelated people - great way to endanger a child, actually. There are things like housing subsidies and shit but you're just hell-bent on making this development into something negative even though you don't know what happened.
>She doesn't even have a college degree IIRC and would only qualify for min wage jobs, which would never be enough for that.She literally has a video of her graduating from college years ago on her channel. Lurk more.
No. 287000
>>286965>a 1 bedroom is a luxury in the us!anon, are you even from north america??? this isn’t hong kong. granted things are hard in the united states for poorfags but a 1 bedroom is hardly a luxury, unless you’re living in someplace like manhattan or west la.
>she doesn’t even have a degreeyes, she does. go back a few threads. we have pics of her in a cap and gown with her diploma and even her snippets from her thesis/paper. if you’re going to come into the thread at least do a quick read up or even a 10 minute google search before you start going off on a tangent. where do you people come from anyway?
No. 289385
>>287000I'm from the west coast, you know, where Yumi also is and a 1bd here is absolutely a luxury and costs two or three times as much as anywhere else in the country.
Sorry, I should have specified "no
useful degree." Interactive Media BAs are not exactly in high demand.
No. 305895
>>305690Agreed. Just because she doesn't overly exploit her kid, doesn't negate the fact that she was lazy to work and used splenda just as he used her. It doesn't change the fact that she has a history of being shitty and lazy and coddled then playing the
victim and whatnot.
No. 306943
her and her mom have a literal history of finding white dudes. she failed the school of “find a successful white man to create a successful hapa baby and pin him down” university
No. 309505
>>306943Of course he is a fetishist, what the hell is this post? He only goes for women of other races.
Has anyone seen her new video? I can't even call it half-assed because it's that shitty. She went from making at least passionate sewing DIYs to shakey phone videos not even explaining the things she shows. Companies still sending her stuff definitley only go by subscriber count or something. This might be the worst of all her videos and the bar is already so low.
Lmao she has no shame only putting out these worst quality ads every few months.
Sage for non-milk
No. 309931
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>>309505I never realized she has 852k subs, damn. Those must all be dead subs, she usually only gets under 10k or even 5k views on her videos now since this past year. According to her social blade she lost 12,000 subs between now and this time last year.
Looking at how many views her old videos used it get it seems like such a waste. If she just kept going like that she'd be pretty successful…
No. 310471
>>309505Seems like she's so self-hating that she's seriously raising this kid to be English-only? No indication of him knowing any Chinese or getting any cultural exposure. So sad. What happened to Yumi being ~proud~ of her background?
Also this place she's in looks pretty big, like a mid sized house or townhouse rather than an apartment. I wonder who pays for it.
No. 310613
>>310471She used to teach him Chinese, I remember it from older videos. I don't think she dropped that tbh just because we don't here it in this video.
Maybe she lives with her mother again or she found a new splendadaddy.
No. 310669
>>310471He is literally a toddler and these videos are for an english speaking audience. He's rarely in her videos except for toy reviews. Thank god she doesn't whore him out for weird Chinese hapa babby content
Based on her other video it's probably her new boyfriend. I think if her family took her back she would just say that
No. 311227
>>310669The parents condo looks completely different than this from old pics. This is her new boyfriend's place. Hence the sudden fitness interest.
Those skirts are so short. Any shorter it's underpants. So I'm guessing she's whoring for a place to raise her affair offspring.
No. 311431
>>309505It's not a good video, but it's just a shein sponsorship. I can't imagine they care what she does. Anyway I have to say I respect her for not showing her son, and her kid seems smart. Based on the way he interacted with those cards, I wonder if he is starting to read (do not come at me, I was an early reader, they exist). Whatever you think of Yumi, she seems to be very patient and good at educating her child.
>>311227>Those skirts are so short. Any shorter it's underpants. If you watch the other video, you'd see they have shorts underneath the skirt part.
>So I'm guessing she's whoring for a place to raise her affair offspring.What a misogynistic tinfoil, fuck off. She's raising her child, not "affair offspring," you pos.
No. 311949
>>311883fuck off admins and mods. make me bitch
here’s a red text
>>315376She's skinny, early 30s, and does put effort into her appearance. And some guys are specifically into Asian women. I could definitely see a 40+ man who isn't great looking but has a bit of money being into her. Let's just hope he's nicer then Splenda.
On a darker note, a jobless single mom with no family support like Yumi would be easy to lure in and trap for more
abusive guys… I really hope it's not like that
No. 315408
>>315405When she was in her poverty era she made a mysterious video months ago saying that something "really, really good" happened to her but she wouldn't specify what, afterwards she's suddenly in a nicer situation despite no obvious income. Finding Splenda 2.0 and keeping him off camera just makes sense
Speculating is half the fun
nonnie :-)
(tinfoiling, emoji) No. 315440
>>315379Very true and she was an extremely vulnerable mess at that time which makes an easy target. I hope not though.
My personal hope for what happened is that the kid's actual dad decided to step up and take them in. That would be the best environment for the kid to grow up in. Even if the parents are not morally great people, still better to have both around.
No. 315707
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>>306943I just feel sorry for the kids, wmaf couples are total weirdos 99% of the time
(racebaiting) No. 315712
>>315568The rules don't actually
say that. Rule 7 is a guideline for off-topic discussions not a hardfast rule.
(go to /meta/) No. 315763
>>315712Agree, the rule just says no tinfoiling without reasons to back it up. Apparently it's not enough that yumi has already been a splenda baby before, that she went from broke to comfy, and that she was vague posting about "good things". And she has no real job skills
Did you catch her white knight in the meta thread? crazy
(still not taking it to /meta/) No. 318644
>>318483Looks like the same house from
>>309505 so nothing new. We just don't know who's house it is… and I guess at this point Yumi is never going to reveal anything about the divorce, new boyfriend/sd, or anything else. It's amazing how much she changed after popping out the kid, when she used to put every little detail of her life on the internet.
No. 318725
>>318644She matured overnight after the baby and splenda dumping her, its amazing because it could have easily gone very wrong but she actually seems like a pretty caring mother and much smarter now
>>318655>She was never a cow who openly sperged about private matters anyway.Oh so you never saw her videos from a year ago, they're still up on her channel
No. 318897
>>318725she really isn't any more mature than she was when she was married to splenda. if she was, she would have left the internet entirely and just lived her life in peace with her child and whoever she is with now.
>>318655anon, it's a gossip board, people are going to talk and speculate.
>She was never a cow who openly sperged about private matters, she was very milky in the past. she was not a horrorcow in anyway, but she was definitely very funny and very strange.
No. 318998
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>>318655She constantly posted gross, intimate ddlg shit with Splenda and then about her struggles after the divorce. All of that was private personal stuff.
Speaking of which, I was looking back at her insta reels of the post divorce spergs, and there's one where she says someone threw away all her clothes, while stressing that it was NOT Splenda who did it. Who would bother to do that and why? But it explains why we don't see those cute or cultural outfits that she used to wear all the time anymore, she doesn't have them. No. 340980
>>340549Life really hit her hard and fast. It's surreal to think about how this started from a lolcow who was making mediocre sewing videos for her flat chest using hot glue for the seams, to the DDLG sexpat splenda marriage nightmare, to the cheating turnaround and now single motherhood.
I'm glad she didn't just fade off the internet, she is still one of my favorite cows even if the majority of the milk has been milked.
>>340748Right? It's still not fully over just yet. It depends on where she goes from here.
No. 341014
>>340981Well, her lame-ass stretch-to-fit diys only looked as good as they did because her bust was nonexistent.
But more to the point, Yumi abruptly pivoted from ceating childish craft content for an audience of literal children to making pedo bait, leveraging her appearance to do so. That's why she rose to lolcow's attention in the first place.
No. 341154
>>340981In her old DIYs she basically just didn't bother at all with making bust adjustments because she didn't have any breasts at all, never bothered to teach her audience how to do so yet prided herself of having such "good" and easy tutorials. Obviously more women have more than just a washing board for a chest, so skipping that part entirely doesn't really help anyone but herself. Even if you are flat, most tutorials and patterns accomodate to teach how you measure and make adjustments for yourself but the busts for Corn's dresses were no better than just sewing a tube, or a pillow case.
She also used crafting fleece in some of her makes and some of the cheapest materials possible. She made pillow covers and used HOT GLUE to "sew" the edges.
>>341014>Yumi abruptly pivoted from creating childish craft content for an audience of literal children to making pedo bait, leveraging her appearance to do so. That's why she rose to lolcow's attention in the first place.This, so much. She was already kind of cringe with her mediocre sewing content but then it went from incompetent crafter to lolcow once the Splenda videos rolled out. I still remember when /cgl/ found out because people got really mad that she was worsening the stereotypes of lolita cosplayers being DDLG fetishists/exhibitionists.
No. 341487
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She keeps putting her height and weight in her thumbnails, is she hoping to attract 3.0?