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No. 169314
Kelly Eden (n.) is an infamous narcissistic skin-walking trend-squatter who is a self-proclaimed mental health advocate. She severely shoops all of her frequently posted, same-faced modeling images despite multiple cosmetic surgery procedures. Cannot handle any criticism and blocks and deletes any "haters", refusing to apologize for any of her cow antics.
> The epitome of an airhead “has-been” e-cow who has never really been anything> Entire aesthetic/home decor lifted/skin-walked from previous roommate Tilly Dinmore (Tillywinkle/Amelia Nightmare/Demonpuff) and Audrey Kitching> Has breast implants, botched lip-injections/fillers, botox, and is poorly liposuctioned> Lays claim to several mental and physical illnesses including depression, anxiety, BDD, bipolar disorder, and Hashimoto’s; none of which are known to be legitimately diagnosed (often throws self-pity parties on Twitter, crying about said illnesses)> Is anti call-out culture, yet publicly calls out fans constantly> Has unsuccessfully attempted to join communities such as emo/scene, goth, Lolita, otaku, gamer/nerd, BDSM, and table-top gaming; was a LARP thot and is a fake gamer girl; recently trying to weasel way into cottagecore> Has penchant for "collecting" accessory friends (with rainbow hair); dubbed former friend group the "Fellowship of the Rainbow"> Known to lurk, possibly post on threads> Doesn’t shower/claims consistent dirty feet are her “brand”/wears wigs to cover dirty unfixed hair> Claims to be “financially stable” despite constant whining about student loans/how poor she is for sympathy/money to spend on shopping trips, vacations, plastic surgery, etc.> Known to sell sponsored items she got for free at a large markup> Can’t be bothered to properly promote brands sponsoring her> Didn’t address lipo for months, let fans believe weight loss/new body was due to “hard work” at gym, until video about lipo experience was posted; now offers promo codes for lipo/other plastic surgery procedures, (I.e. laser tattoo removal)> Has a Society6 store where mugs/other merch with stolen art are sold; has been called out for it and refuses to acknowledge itRECENTLY:
> Set Twitch money goal to help pay her rent; then one to get her dog groomed for $240; then one for a new laptop> Continued to vague-post and complain about FotR’s “betrayal”> Anons discovered that she did, in fact, date pedophile/rapist Dahvie Vanity> Tweeted against Dolls Kill, despite working with/receiving free PR boxes from them numerous times in the past, then Dolls Kill ads came up that were recently filmed in her apartment> Casually made up a rape story in a tweet> Keeps selling nasty, dirty, chewed up items on Depop page; selling overpriced items she keeps wearing in pictures and claiming they’re “never worn”> Anon came in claiming that Kelly’s former roommate Dre told them Kelly used to eat all of Dre’s food (take with grain of salt)> Claimed she was cottagecore before it was a “thing”, now attempting cottagecore themes poorly then complaining about the cottagecore community “rejecting” her> Gained liposuction weight back> Constant complaining about “big tiddies”, said she plans to get smaller implants> Skinwalked Azusa Barbie for a bit with newly dyed magenta straight hair and blunt bangs> Poorly spray painted TV, remotes, etc. and advised other “mentally ill” people to do the same> Looking to buy a home with Stefan while complaining about home market; claimed to have “baby fever”> Claimed botched lipo was because of scar tissue, blamed WAVE plastic surgery center; few months later is at WAVE again> Called out former fan for bringing up her alcoholic father, said “Karen mad because I moved on and won’t talk about old relationships from two years ago” (referring to FotR); continues to constantly bitch and moan about FotR without directly mentioning them> Made ridiculous Patreon goal of $500 to revive a dead character from her doll skits> Suddenly selling most pastel clothing, removed pink dye from hair, dressing more matronly; seemingly influenced by her bland boyfriend> Begging for expensive barbie items for doll skits produced with poorly spray-painted cardboard items> Review for renting out her apartment claimed it was dirty, her bf talked crazy to them, and they tried to charge more than was originally asked> Claimed one of her former friends is running a “smear campaign” against her> Went to Rome with boyfriend and his family; made it all about herself again> Got interviewed for Auxiliary Magazine, said that sanding “isn’t needed” for DIY furniture and claimed she wasn’t told they’d be putting a picture of her in the magazine (where she looks haggard with greasy, messy hair in a hoodie with no makeup)> Continues to bitch about student loans and her bf not being able to afford hospital care despite getting brows tatted, scheduling breast implant reduction, taking a trip to Rome during a pandemic and often removing her mask all while not workingBEFORE:
> Spray painted grandmother's old tea set heirloom shitty pastel colors> New Swedish roommate moved in; moved out; spare bedroom was converted into an “office” for her bf> New boyfriend Stefan moved in, has been lurking/posting/WKing in thread> Made fake happy video about FoTR downfall while continuing to bitch about them at any chance gotten> Got DBZ friendship tattoo removed; claimed it was for “aesthetic” sake, while sister Madi bitchily confirmed otherwise in comments> Made cringy Instagram stories/TikToks with dolls about own traumas while subtly shading others> Badly dyed hair patchy purple; immediately went back to pink right after Courtney went pink> Claimed to be making a Team Rocket skit, begged for costumes; never happened; continues to scam people on Patreon> Selling expired makeup on Depop> Made shitty art piece that featured stolen design (Hysteria Machine)> Endorsed scammy claw machine app; got mostly negative feedback, then removed video> Complained about being dropped by company for being "too sexy"> Continued to tweet, complain about being severely depressed> Tried to sell busted trashworthy boots for huge markup on Depop (and eventually sold them)> Commissioned $5,000+ pink stove while continuing to complain about student loans; haphazardly spray painted around it> Has been posting poorly slapped together uninteresting videos on YouTube with overly saturated ads on them for money> Listed severely overpriced multiple horribly done new paintings and overpriced printsPAST:
> Turned 30, roommate Phi moved out> Did ex-boyfriend tag video, had ex-fiancé Davey Suicide shade former FotR friends despite asking people to stop asking about them; deleted old ex-bf tag video with him> Deleted/privated all videos featuring former friends, sanded down/painted over portraits she did of them> Posted ads looking for new roommate, severely overcharging for one room ($1,260)> Posted ads on AirBnB, rents out bunk beds in apartment for $270/night> Rented apartment out for shoots on Giggster for $125/hour with a 4 hour minimum> Got a new greasy suck-up fanboy boyfriend, Skeletor Stefan> Had been hanging out with/sticking up for serial cheater Leo Camacho/Leo Zombie> Tweeted essentially telling people to buy a home instead of pay for college; got lots of backlash for it> Posted (horrible) severely shopped photoshoot photos on Instagram, blurring botched stomach> Continued to wear wigs, beginning to bald> Built an obnoxious pillow fort with boyfriend in parking lot of apartment building; hung up period stained sheets, both slept in it for multiple days> Had a very short lived semi-racist Spanish accent mostly in videos with boyfriend> Drama with DavedScissorhands; Kelly claimed she herself dyed a wig with Splat, Dave actually made wig himself and dyed it with Overtone; Dave called out Kelly, Kelly never apologized, removed any trace of him from her social media> Continued to beg for video ideas on social media> Continued to claim she just naturally has a “fat ass”, despite getting lipo on thighs> Continued to post several work out videos at gym, suspiciously right after posting about visiting her plastic surgeron's office> Continued to post (dirty) items she got for free from sponsors at large markup on Depop/Poshmark> Continued to pity-seek by tweeting about depression/vague-tweeting about betrayal from FotR> Continued to scrape bottom of barrel for “friends”/content (see: Leo Zombie, forgotten Azusa Barbie, Tiffie Starchild, Cherry Dollface, Davey Suicide)> Went to Japan for two weeks, caused drama with group of “friends” there, got “sick” and stayed at home; walked around in underwear in front of friend’s and their boyfriends; complained about being single and alone, constantly hit on new friend Jamie’s boyfriend Taylor, threw tantrum over Lindsay’s boyfriend not buying her pink beer, went entire trip with tits practically hanging out, brought down the general mood of trip with constant whining and obnoxiousness> Sudden obsession with Pokemon despite claiming to not like it in the past> Went on Depop selling spree to make money for useless items from Japan trip (that will end up on Depop anyway like previous Japan trip); sold lots of free PR items at huge markup (from Dolls Kill, Chotronette, Black Milk, Doe Deere, cosplay clothing companies)> “Quit” cosplay, claimed “cosplay brings up bad memories”; listed old cosplays/unused cosplays on Depop> In attempt to be “edgy”, started wearing fake nose ring and painted bloody “meme” pentagram behind fridge> Dyed Toshi pink (again) in a bath after being called out here for keeping him dirty and matted> Posted Happy Birthday video for childhood friend, is shamelessly monetized> Rumored bedbugs in the home, spent a lot/all of her day in studio around this time> Latched on to new (now forgotten) “friend” Azusa Barbie, suddenly was obsessed with Barbie again for a short time> Profile found on Japanese dating and "like" apps> Adopted new “picnic” pastel vomit color scheme following her minty pastel vomit color scheme> Covered fridge at home with tacky wallpaper, covered Twitch setup in studio room with tacky gingham wallpaper> Spray painted entire Twitch setup (including computer monitors, cords) as form of “OCD from childhood trauma”; recently obsessed with spray painting everything in studio room including sink and fridge, never uses mask for protection, complains about feeling sick/tired the next day> Streamed on Twitch for a week, dropped it despite adding Twitch as employer on Facebook> No time to LARP anymore because she “can't find a dogsitter”; goes to LARP for 12 hours anyway, hides then leaves early (potentially related to multiple former friends being active LARPers/ex LARPer “boyfriend” Sekril)> Put Amazon Wishlist in bio; wishlist features very expensive streaming items amongst other things (i.e. candles, toys, etc.); claims they are equipment/tools she “needs” for streaming/art, despite having all streaming equipment needed (that she got for free); made pity-seeking depressed post right after> Advertised Smile Sciences, claimed “yes I use it”; meanwhile frequently sells Smile Sciences Kits on Depop> Listed new, overpriced flower crowns for sale; previously known for horrible quality> Listed marked-up items on Depop as “new” despite being clearly shown being used in previous videos/posts; listed Betsey Johnson dress she “traded” for with an antler crown from previous fan (that she blocked) for $400> Listed sponsored Technisport chair (received for free) for sale on Facebook for $200> Posted video sponsored by Splat hair dye ft. a patchy blue-green dye job using Pulp Riot dye; Splat only used poorly on extensions; immediately posted after about “missing pink hair”, still wears full wigs anyway> Hairdressers asked not to be shown in Splat video, Kelly still left a ton of shots of hairdressers in video; appeared to destroy hairdresser’s sink with Splat for her extensions> Posted happy Instagram stories with Molly McIsaac’s chickens/baby chicks; animals visibly stressed in videos/photos> Got lipo on thighs, subsequently wouldn’t shut up about how “big” her pancake butt looks; posted gross butt photos on Instagram> Got more fat-burning injections on areas that were already lipo’d> Revamped Patreon after not delivering on any promises for two years+ (most notably skit videos); no more physical rewards> Whined about wanting pink stove because black stove “doesn’t fit dollhouse aesthetic”; made Ko-Fi for sheep to donate to (instead of just buying one herself); later changed Ko-Fi to “art supply funding” (has only spray painted studio fridge ugly pastel colors since then)> Posted new, overpriced poorly done art for sale on bigcartel; titles of art seemingly shading FotR> Tweeted then deleted about being “betrayed and abandoned six times in a row”; referencing FotR> Had been scraping bottom of barrel for friends (see: hanging out with seamstress Lindsay, Claire Max, Molly McIsaac, LARP randos, and continuing support for controversial ex-Lime Crime CEO Doe Deere); rest of FoTR hanging out together, sans Kelly> Made lighthearted/“fun” video exploring abandoned Nazi camp with cousin Jimmy who was sporting red arm bandana while she cracked Nazi jokes> Friends/fans flamed her for insensitivity; eventually took video down after deleting all negative comments about it on any posts> Posted “apology” on Twitter typed up in notes, which doesn’t feature an apology whatsoever> Little sister Madi poorly WKed her on Twitter and made it worse; is just as bad as Kelly, if not worse> Went completely dark on social media for a week, came back as though nothing happened; still won’t apologize/acknowledge the fiasco> Had been wearing awful wigs instead of dyeing hair again/investing in good wigs because “it’s easier”; too lazy to fix or wash hair> Claimed Bob Ross isn’t considered “fine art”/his techniques are “cheating”; was using same techniques in new painting and makeup videos> Went from being an “empath” to a “psychic”> Hopped on Michael Jackson documentary trend by claiming abuse by “someone famous”> Was pushing LARP/D&D videos until recently; fans greatly expressed they do not enjoy those> Was spamming videos with empty content in light of drop in views/engagement on YouTube (didn't improve viewership at all)> Lifted traits from Jillian Vessey/Pixielocks (milk bath photos, attempting to create word for her stolen “style”, etc.)> Posted cringey "thirst" videos/stories on Instagram/YouTube, where she listens/gets turned on to kidnapping ASMR videos> Had fetish for clowns (most notably Pennywise from IT); seems to have disappeared, mostly due to falling out of trend> Posted a lot of poorly done shibari; often features poorly donned undergarments and severe chestne> Made “Ask Kelly” videos where she talks about herself and her problems disguised as “giving advice” for 20+ minutes> Got free expensive computer equipment from companies; would never stream on Twitch despite repeatedly promising to> Removed stretched/faded tattoo of mother on arm, replaced with a poorly done tattoo of Sailor Moon fanart of Human Luna (by a Chinese artist which she never received permission from to use)> Lost a cousin to suicide and milked it for all it was worth; $10,000 GoFundMe to fund funeral (which was also used on shopping/lip fillers/vacation to Mexico after his death), made monetized videos to garner sympathy in his room where he died, etc.; has now turned his room into mini-version of her home for when she visits family in Colorado> Got liposuction after not “seeing results” after one week of working out and still eating junk; never corrects fans who praise her for “looking great after working out so hard”> Claims to have been going to therapy and being on meds, despite bashing meds as treatment in past> Made a (now deleted/privatized) video with her ex-boyfriend/fiancé Davey Suicide; skreeeeee'd at him for 50 minutes/demonized him at every turn> Tweeted anti-Semitic meme then played dumb after being called out on it> Was featured in Splat campaign ad wearing dyed wig not dyed with Splat> Former roommate Dre got start on Kelly's channel, moved out after drama; Kelly shaded Dre, threw fit over not getting “credit” for Dre’s success> Lost ex-boyfriend Kyle Pavone to accidental overdose, sad-tweeted/milked loss in Labyrinth of Jareth video; Kyle's girlfriend Allie reportedly livid about Kelly's Tweets> Constant flirting with Jake Munro in front of girlfriend Kaya Lili/Toxic Tears when they were visiting the U.S./staying with Kelly and Dre> Regularly sends sheeple to harass professionals into sponsoring/collaborating with her (see: Gallery Nucleus Final Fantasy art exhibit fiasco)> Former Kawaii Ambassador, despite pronouncing words such as “kawaii” incorrectly> Major debacle with attempt (and eventual success) in returning $1000+ Angelic Pretty dress in Japan (that she was too stupid to read the price of); didn’t apologize and in turn accused the store of “doing poorly”, pushing sales> Dyed accessory designer dog Toshi pink to fit her “aesthetic”> Used sign sent by fan as a ramp for dog> Sold art in tacky "shabby chic" frames for $500+> Bought her Secret Santa an air horn while she got a pair of Angelic Pretty boots> Threw self-pity party for being single/lonely at (former) best friend Stephanie’s wedding; couldn’t fake being happy for one day> Got (now former) friends to babysit her for a week straight at home after getting elective liposuction for the first time> Whinefest over Hello Kitty for not sponsoring/partnering with her; listed all HK merch on Depop (marked as sold despite still being seen in background of videos)> Stole dad's ashes from family to mix into self-portrait painting> Had reputation for selling horrible quality antler crowns that would break easily/reviewed as selling dirty items on eBay (username edenromance); swapped an antler crown for a Betsy Johnson dress with a fan, fan never received crown after mailing dress, was blocked after complaining> Whines about “wasted” time in art school/as a tattoo apprentice> Previously(?) friends with/dated dubious characters such as Dahvie Vanity> Posed smiling, flashing a thumbs up in front of homeless person sleeping on ground in L.A for a photo on Tumblr> Used to claim she’s a “gypsy”RELEVANT LINKS: THREAD:
>>87873 No. 169642
>>169626I don’t know what image the above anon is talking about so I’m asking them to post the photo they are talking about instead of just describing it since this is an image board
Learn to sage
No. 169664
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Lol you guys are funny. Different anon here with the pic!
No. 169668
>>169664Holy photoshop Batman
She looks like a middle aged mom trying to relive her glory days.
No. 169728
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>>169678Yup. She talks about the shoot in the caption. And then of course rambles about her depression and anxiety. Because that needs to go under a pic of her tits, rather than in a seperate post.
No. 169757
Having trouble posting a screengrab again but have you guys seen the recent crap she put up on her depop? She's selling more free PR stuff and a bunch of disgusting ratty extensions (including the ones she fucked up her hairdresser's sink with) and the set from
>>169664 this shoot, with the panties. I wouldn't trust buying from her knowing how filthy she is. Noticed also how a lot of the stuff she sells she labels as "only worn once!" and other crap like that. Either she's super wasteful with her spending or she's bullshitting like crazy.
No. 169758
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>>169757She's really selling this nasty pit stained top for $110?! She's delusional.
No. 169801
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>>169773An original AP blouse ranges somewhere between $150 and $200. This one has quite some details, so will be on the pricier end. However, you can buy blouses like this, that are not soaked in stale swear and grease, for significantly less on the secondhand market.
Also this description is hilarious. We all know she has no intention of having this drycleaned. But if she did, why not wait to list it till afterwards?
No. 169802
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>>169774>>169773>>169764>>169758Her depop is so nasty. I know the platform can be sketchy, but she makes me want to never buy anything there.
>Like new! Barely used! >Includes photos of items riding up her crotch and extensions in her armpit, same armpit that produced those stains. No. 170069
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Lol! I came on to comment about that blouse too. She says she's going to update it later once cleaned, but why even bother posting it then? Just clean it then post it after rather than having an embarassing armpit stained pic surely?
This is from a couple of years ago on thread XI but anyone remember when she traded a flower crown for a BJ dress she supposedly desperately wanted, and then sold it on for $400? All the whilst telling other people on depop that their BJ dresses weren't worth that much and making really low offers on stuff…
She always overprices her things on Depop, often she sells things for more than retail price eventhough they're used.
No. 170304
>>169844kinda tinfoil but am I the only one that thinks maybe its a fetish thing? Like how people sell sweaty socks/worn underwear. There are absolutely perverts on depop who will pay a lot for sweat-stained stuff and idk her description is so weird and seems like its playing to that kind of fetish ("I was so hot and sweating for hours! this is unwashed!")
But she's also grody as fuck so its so hard to tell, maybe she is just genuinely nasty and clueless.
No. 171593
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>>169758They came after her ass on tiktok kek
No. 171704
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She sent a self-inflicted suicide threat to OP of the Armpit Tik Tok on a no name account after OP blocked her. OP decided it wasn’t worth the drama over a stupid Depop reaction video so OP privated the video.
No. 171717
>>171704>I want to kill myselfSounds like a
you problem, Kelly. How is she in her 30s?
No. 171719
>>171718Hey anon, no one wants your self-post and how does
>>171704 confirm this is Kelly at all and not you sending yourself another message to post here?
No. 171726
>>171704Tbf I can hundo p see Kelly writing this. The "brutal things" part and the manipulation tactics are totally Kelly's brand. And she removed the listing so we know she saw them.
I'm surprised she hasn't removed comments from her chewed up shoes listing. They go 80 weeks or so back and are more "brootal"
No. 171730
>>171728She probably thought she could make more money off some schmuck who would buy it after there was more traffic to her depop. Gross
>>171718Don't be shy OP unprivate it or post it here, we want to see
>>171719Go away skeletor
No. 171732
>>171731Considering "OP" keeps pretending like they aren't self posting, I honestly don't trust this is Kelly and instead is just the same anon sending themselves this from a new made account. I tried looking for
>>171593 yesterday the second this was posted and couldn't find it anywhere. Pretty sure anon posted this then took it down and then sent themselves a message to post here that "LOOK ITS KELLY SHES SUICIDAL I DID IT!" If this doesn't sound like manufactured milk, then okay.
No. 171742
>>171732It was on reddit by that point though, and it looks like it had 45k likes. It's not terribly farfetched to say somebody who watched the video looked her up and was led here.
Don't want to self blog here but I'm the anon who first said a few boards back that the fellowship were looking for a way out of friendship with Kelly. From the things she's told me that Kelly has said to her and the others, this does sound like typical Kelly behind closed doors. You can believe me or not, your choice. I'm just sharing what I've heard from someone who knows her personally off socials.
Don't doubt that the OP has posted here before, but I doubt all of the posts are from them. Idk just the way you're convinced on every reply being from one person reminds me of Kelly's tweet claiming that one person has a personal vendetta against her and is out to destroy her.
No. 171787
>>171726She has very manipulative tactics when it comes to getting her way, remember when she set her Instagram followers on some random girl who made a comment she didn't like, admittedly a nasty comment but setting 100k people on someone with a tiny account is shitty however you look at it. In this case she went for suicide-baiting in the Tiktokers dms, very classy not manipulative at all. she also talks like a child
I hate you like you are 30, Kelly, only kids communicate like this.
No. 171788
>>171750>it's all self posting>they outed themselvesThey didn't cowtip and there are and have been many different anons in this thread, nice delusion that
it's all self posting not like Kelly's antics could attract interest from more than one (1) person. That anon posting their tiktok doesn't break any rules, it has 45k likes in the screenshot so we can assume a lot of people saw it prior anon posting it here, ergo it was not made to attract Kelly's attention but just the kind of shitposting that happens every day on TikTok. People use it a bit like Twitter where they react to things and keep a conversation going, it's understandable someone would react to this weird fetishy
well worn listing especially as Lolitas absolutely hate fetishists invading their community.
tl;dr take the tinfoil cap off anon
No. 171810
>>171788>>171787Seconding all of this.
>>171750I wasn't referring to the DM post, I meant more like how they keep thinking the OP is constantly the one posting here. I do believe the DM one is obviously from the OP.
No. 171861
>>171788No one said anything about breaking rules or cowtipping. Anon posted their DM and they said here
>I just removed it myself.Saying 2 posts in 2 days are the same person when they do that isn't somehow out of left field. Still doesn't confirm
>>171704 is Kelly either. How would this random lolcow anon have this person's
>>171593 DMs? lol
No. 172184
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Kelly got some free shit. How quickly will it end on depop.
No. 172270
>>172184>>172220She has to wear them out to something and damage them first,
then list them as brand new with tags, never worn.
No. 173924
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Looks nothing like her.
No. 174052
File: 1632460652748.jpeg (276.18 KB, 1125x2142, 1C6E927F-F66D-4EAA-AD3B-DFDB86…)

Innocently browsing Tiktok and saw a girl using house paint to paint her damn sofa. It turned into this! several more users outed Kelly as a bitch/shitty friend, and someone even linked this board, lol.
Didn’t know if I should reveal the person who had issue with Kelly. I do have an unedited screen shot of that.
No. 174053
>>174052Don't reveal who since all that will happen is Kelly will send her a message like this:
>>171704Tiktok seems to not be a good platform for Kelly considering how many callouts she's been getting there. I guess because it's harder to search, people feel more comfortable expressing themselves there without summoning the people they're discussing.
Also hope OP enjoys her crunchy sofa.
No. 174195
>>174106I'm saying that because strangers always have some weird story about how this influencer scorned them. I didn't say it's not plausible, I said the amount of people with first hand connections seems a little much. Kelly is a shitbrain, but for all these people to have met with her IRL, I doubt it. Anon who posted
>>174052 can go ahead and post all these
>several more users outed KellyShe's only showing one, but if she means people are just dragging her with random stories because they came here and are linking the board, its not the first time people have said they've had head-on collisions with a cow for asspats and coddle likes.
No. 174205
>>174195Sorry you don't read the threads. Idk what to tell you. You could post caps of people paraphrasing or posting copypasta that directly from here instead of discounting that lots of people have had bad experiences with her IRL.
Remember conventions? Remember her screeching in public with her friends or "stalking" a Sepiroth cosplayer for content or using a fan gift as a ramp for her dog? Her years of nasty depop listings and patreon fraud? Her losing entire multiple friend groups? But yeah, it's probably some sour grapes cowtippers stalking TikTok for mentions of her for clout.
No. 174223
>>174205>>174206Not wking Kelly at all, she should have made sure the sign/ramp was not seen or painted over or something, but the uproar over the sign was a little much. Wtf was she supposed to do with something so weird as a big wooden sign that a fan made? Keep it for ever and ever, just bc someone made it? Bfd. Hang it on the wall like a poster in a teenage bedroom? At least it got turned into something kind of useful instead of being straight thrown away. Why the pressure to make this into a precious object?
Do you guys send handmade stuff to influencers and celebrities and cows too? Unhinged teenage shit
No. 174228
>>174223Never sent anything to an e-celeb or otherwise, but let's say you got a gift for someone and they immediately start using it for their dog instead, you wouldn't be pleased would you?
>Hang it on the wall like a poster in a teenage bedroom?Well they did actually have a wall of fanart at the time which is probably why people were surprised. Probably Dre's idea considering how Kelly is.
No. 174234
>>174223It wasn't that big of a sign, come on. It's also called tact, which is something Kelly seems to lack entirely.
I think at the time the "uproar" was justified considering it was a recently sent in sign. I myself know a couple of influencers personally and some of them actually do, surprise surprise, keep all of the letters and whatnot that fans send to them in their filing systems or in a box. Not all, but most. The ones who don't keep them are more up their own ass, so there's that too (Kelly fits right in with that). Even then, they still keep it for a bit and are not stupid enough to show it in posts or videos like Kelly did.
Calling it 'unhinged teenage shit' is fucking stupid too. Fan letters go way back to when humans first started to read and write. Poets and authors would get them. Actors have always gotten them. Don't act like it's something new or something that necessarily makes people unhinged, maybe they look up to them or admire their craft and wanted to express that. There are grown ass women sending fan letters to rapists and murderers in jail, it makes sense to call those the unhinged ones. Not an impressionable teenager looking up to some moron online.
I'm sure there are unhinged teens sending fan mail, but this one seemed like they were just expressing gratitude to Kelly, for whatever reasons I wouldn't understand. She treated it and handled it poorly, it's not a big wonder why she practically has no more fans aside from troony Lina and is friendless now.
It's not really so much about the sign specifically but more of how she handled it all. And in typical Kelly fashion, she never addressed it or apologized for it either. That's what you do if you want to stay in good graces with your fans.
No. 174252
>>174247No one is WKing her. It's ridiculous to say someone should keep all fanmail and even if it was monetized, that's no reason why they should be forced to keep it. That's such a
toxic mentality and adds fuel to crazed fans who think they have some kind of kinning connection to someone they watch online. That's incel mentality.
No. 174273
>>174252I think we have a wk here who invented a strawman of "keep all fanmail" which is not what anyone said. Clearly people sent in items specifically back then because they wanted to see them in a video, she does still get some fanmail now but I'm sure much less now she's not broadcasting it.
I think it was just the first sign (pun unintended) people noticed that the uwu persona was not what it seemed. No fan is entitled to anything, but too, a little decorum goes a long way.
No. 174284
>>174247>>174273Seconding both of these. Why is there always a WK on Kelly's boards that has to somehow justify her behaviour?
>>174252This whole post is a huge fucking reach, get some help.
No. 175496
>>175409This happened with the guy who dyed or styled her aqua wig too, I remember the drama on their ig stories
>>175433Go away wk. Maybe some people don't want their identities known. This wouldn't be the first time and there have been tons of public receipts from people not involved with these boards having issues with Kelly before. It's not far fetched for her to act like a pos. Why are you so concerned with defending her anyway? You're always here
No. 176321
File: 1633695633646.jpg (1.6 MB, 1302x2316, 21-10-08-05-19-57-686_deco.jpg)

>>176318Image board. This is an image board. Why does no one know how to use this website anymore fr
No. 176324
File: 1633696953634.png (594.29 KB, 1440x1155, icon change.png)

>>176321She's used the same pink profile pic for years and years and now it's this, bio is simply "artist living in Los Angeles" without any links. There's definitely been a change. Also looks like she deleted the photos from Rome (a weirdly undocumented vacation to take during a pandemic, what was the point of that trip?)
No. 176325
File: 1633698285655.png (966.69 KB, 1220x564, shoes.png)

>>175726This looks like most of her shoes from her shoe collection video, no takers though so I assume they are overpriced. Plus selling her kawaii hair accessories and a Sailor Moon pullip doll, a few of them have sold.
No. 176327
File: 1633698495715.png (637.94 KB, 1060x548, used microwave.png)

>>176325Someone bought the well used, even says used for years in the description, Hello Kitty microwave she's been trying to sell for years.
No. 176329
File: 1633698669147.jpg (277.4 KB, 960x961, P0.jpg)

>>176327Gonna have to drop pics because this is revolting, she didn't even clean these before listing. Hope you enjoy your disgusting used kitchen appliances, depop shopper.
No. 176331
File: 1633698889740.jpg (239.49 KB, 961x960, 884e.jpg)

>>176330Where is the collector value in such well used appliances? hardly a display piece, her buyers must be just weirdos who want anything Kelly touched, regardless of it being on its last legs.
No. 177914
File: 1634786277032.png (2.78 MB, 750x1334, 1D08C8A0-1725-48CB-92D6-6FC2EC…)

Her prints are so overpriced at $100. They’re not even decent sizes. Her originals aren’t much more (and in some cases actually cheaper( than her prints. Such a weird way of pricing stuff. Does she really think a print is worth as much as a one of a kind original?!
No. 178634
File: 1635173473427.jpg (735.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20211025-164907_Ins…)

Is anybody still willing to work with her?
No. 180205
>>176321I still need to know what uncanny valley filter she used to get her face to look like the photo in the middle of the fourth row. It legitimately doesn’t look like her.
Anyone think she took liberties with Snow like her ex friend used to?
No. 180240
File: 1635972951297.png (203.67 KB, 1075x1267, Screenshot_20211103-165337~2.p…)

How the hell do you larp and not own at least one tent?! Also you have two days to prepare, just run over to the camping section at Wal-Mart Kelly….it takes two seconds to buy a $30-$40 tent big enough for two people instead of trying to mooch off other people
No. 180511
>>180504It's because she was fucking Dave Navarro and Skrillex.
They got her connections
>>180506If you want a horrific portrait of your face then go for it kek
>>180509She doesn't, that's why they're all on sale on her depop. She buys em small then can't fit into them then sells em
No. 181681
File: 1636728561423.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20211112-154744_Ins…)

This looks like a nasty jaw infection. You might want to see a doctor.
No. 182222
File: 1636916838074.png (13.75 MB, 1640x2360, 8802AB5F-B27C-4B1A-84C7-537F26…)

Ok and? I don’t understand her point in posting this. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her lol BRB lemme dump my next Sephora haul and take a photo of what $250 in makeup looks like… literally no1curr
No. 183372
>>183062I used to enjoy watching her content too, especially around the Fellowship era when Dre lived with her. Just nice relaxing cute videos. Now she seems to do nothing at all, I agree entirely, like not even her crazy rambling Twitch streams.
The doll stuff isn't interesting to me either and I like dolls.
I know it's a pandemic too so it's harder to make vlogs, but she could make painting videos and talk about her process, or just a life update or something. She went to Rome and didn't make any content there either, despite visiting some interesting locations.
She's basically semi-retired at this point, which is something I've seen many content creators do, just kinda drop off for whatever reason.
No. 183835
File: 1637468774107.png (2.13 MB, 750x1334, 7D3B4909-EDC4-4B40-9C52-9115F3…)

Gonna get dragged for filth for saying this, but for once her painting actually doesn’t seem to look that bad imo. There’s still something left to be desired about the shading but the colours are looking a lot brighter than the dark muddy palette she usually goes for
No. 183891
File: 1637503116118.png (952.68 KB, 750x1334, 80C51238-2259-4D7C-8FE0-8AFF07…)

>>183888It’s Sammi Doll. Supposedly Kelly had booked a nobody model to come in and pose for her but they pulled out and Sammi had to replace them last minute, which I find unlikely since her ad on Facebook pulled in 30+ replies and she easily could have picked a replacement from them, but she just had to go for another barely famous person with an IG following to boost Kelly’s street cred as per usual
No. 191814
File: 1641429423655.jpg (992.3 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220106-013321_Ins…)

Is it me or his her house sadder and even shabbier now?
No. 192986
>>192903She did, she's been cleaning up her online image for a bit. Branding herself solely as an artist, not posting her face anymore, etcetera
She doesn't have any more eccentric friends to latch onto the personalities of so she's been latching onto bland stickman's personality and it really shows
No. 193024
File: 1642133552451.png (253.81 KB, 523x736, kek.png)

KEK this is fucking rich coming from Miss Anti-Semite herself
>>>/snow/642213>>39456>>39491>>39501 No. 193762
>>193633Vaguely remember her replying to someone somewhere saying that she's just getting smaller implants. She's not really getting them fully removed.
How much do you all want to bet she claims that she's removed them completely while maintaining smaller implants. Like when she was lying about her lipo kek
No. 194100
File: 1642709038994.png (4.87 MB, 828x1792, F11B1E7F-B4D3-4464-92BB-D8E8AD…)

She somehow ended up on my FYP. Someone asked her about her Sephiroth collection and she pointed out this one that had real clothes that can be removed and he’s “flat like a ken doll” and that she “already checked”. Wtf was she gonna do if he wasn’t? Also, she has way too many Sephiroth dolls.
No. 194303
>>194100Did she and Stickman break up? She's been posting a bunch of shit like this lately and has been tweeting up a storm suddenly, while she wasn't active for a very long time. Was she checked in somewhere for a while?
>>194208Don't worry, she's clearly manic again and is already starting up her regular
problematic shit. See here
>>193024>>194209She's going to be stuck because she's either going to have to own up to getting smaller implants or have to say that her tits are bigger than before because of weight gain. Or she'll just stay completely silent like she did with her lipo.
No. 194350
File: 1642821479688.jpg (194.71 KB, 1080x2294, Screenshot_20220121-191644_Ins…)

Painting the counter
No. 194971
File: 1643160728208.png (934.59 KB, 1079x1730, Screenshot_20220125-193055.png)

>>194906She said she's getting them done at Wave. I can't wait to see her botched chest. As an aside, why is she trying to use medical terms such as mastoplexy? Is she trying to make it sound fancier than a breast lift to fix her sag?
No. 195110
File: 1643245138155.jpeg (478.75 KB, 1640x2038, 78839610-6660-4FA5-9898-773FE2…)

Holy hell she looks just like her mom… she looks 45,
No. 195829
>>195781KEK. I'm not even going to say it.
We all know she latches on to the flavor of the year person in her life and changes her whole personality and looks for them. She has no substance under that.
Also learn to sage
No. 196062
File: 1643850033927.png (2.16 MB, 1425x1902, 65755.png)

>>195110I can't tell if they're reduced or natural, they look a bit firm on the video so could just be a lower cc.
If they were completely out she might find an improvement in her mystery health problems that started after she got the implants; implant related immune problems and illnesses are a known problem for many women.
No. 196125
File: 1643871116896.png (72.23 KB, 497x353, ccs.png)

>>196062They're reduced. Her vanity isn't going to be able to let them go completely.
No. 196701
File: 1644343640801.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1125x2199, 7A033C48-7911-4DA7-98B4-428B75…)

Stay classy, Kelly.
Selling a painting with your dad’s stolen ashes.
No. 197372
File: 1644775612558.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1762, 64313B42-BBE2-43C0-80D5-AC2D3F…)

>>197321I love how her man hovers over her is he a professional photographer?
No. 198248
File: 1645457497125.jpeg (602.14 KB, 1640x2047, CB8A0F8D-D213-4DAF-8D7A-95873F…)

Still trying to shill the piece w her dads ashes. Even fans are disturbed. 1/2
No. 198249
File: 1645457522741.jpeg (298.45 KB, 1640x1832, FD5DA0F2-2B5A-4CDC-89CA-6ABB4B…)

No. 198341
>>198249I screenshot the same comments earlier.
Also the post itself is misleading since some/all of the pieces marked sold sold ages ago, the owner of the lemonade one is in the comments saying it's in their son's room. She only launched the website recently (and we know from her depop she doesn't rush to mail anything) so obviously a prior puchase. She needs to drop her prices imo if she wants to shift these old pieces.
No. 198352
>>198341Nobody wants to buy her massively overpriced uncanny valley art anyway. She should stick to inanimate object art and work on improving that area. She should just donate these or paint over them. They're hideous.
Still in disgusting and distasteful Kelly Eden fashion to try to sell her painting with her dad's ashes though. Her brand 100% to be an awful person.
No. 201020
File: 1647265466453.png (677.65 KB, 478x853, Capture d’écran, le 2022-03-1…)

I don't know if she has lost weight or it's just the boobs gone but she look slim
No. 209817
File: 1651255508927.png (177.02 KB, 750x1334, C233428C-0757-4BC0-B326-D5CB4C…)

Tried to watch one of Kelly’s videos today only to find out that she’s basically nuked the entire channel. What was even the point?
No. 210005
>>209817Wait she only has
one video up now?
So weird how nuking her Youtube coincides with skeletor being around, wonder what his problem is. He seems like an /iamverysmart faux intellectual whose opinions would be laughed out of the room by anyone who's read a book. (I can tell because Kelly now posts these attempts at sounding intelligent on Twitter, things that sound very unlike her)
I'm sure he has some #deepthoughts about the ills of Youtube.
Bring your content back, Kelly, there was nothing wrong with it.
Taking all her stuff down is extra dumb because now all you see is other people's videos if you search her name on Youtube, the top being the stupid "critique" video from some skinwalker, and the lolita one. It looks like she has something to hide when that isn't the case.
No. 210626
File: 1651569794991.png (663.98 KB, 1440x1904, tone policing.png)

>>210624I'll post a bunch of them, here's Kelly tone-policing someone in the comments, guess she forgot in all her activism to learn about why tone policing is a bad; it's a technique used by people in power to silence marginalised people (esp women and
poc: you're not saying it the "right way" so I won't listen to you and just focus on how you said it, despite the fact downtrodden and abused people are obviously more likely to be upset about their scenario and express themselves accordingly)
It's worth noting most of the replies are polite and lengthy and she still dismisses, ignores and talks over them.
No. 210628
File: 1651571581970.png (726.13 KB, 1440x1538, People who know what they're t…)

>>210626People who know what they're talking about vs Youtube brainwashed woman, who will win.
No. 210629
File: 1651573990607.jpg (292.34 KB, 1080x955, Hugochavez.jpg)

Her twitter is hilarious.
No. 210631
File: 1651575571644.png (1.06 MB, 1440x1977, Your lived experience is wrong…)

>>210628Kelly coming swinging out of the pandemic with
checks notes opinions about the CIA, how everytime communism went wrong it was the fault of the US government(?) and not the governments of the countries themselves, and most importantly: your lived experience is wrong, may I interest you in a Youtube video to learn more?
Kelly unironically needs Jesus, as at least if she channeled her (very evident here) conspiracy theorist cult member side into religion, she wouldn't be actively shitting on innocent people like she is here. Get a bible, go to church, sing, don't ignore people when they are telling you about oppression they have personally experienced.
No. 210632
>>210631Lol is she really trying to explain how people that have lived in Venezuela don't really understand what it was like living in Venezuela?
The cognitive dissonance she must be living in to be her. Imagine living in a pastel plastic puke bucket dripping with baroque/rocco inspiration all while espousing the superiority of communism. A libertine communist… make that make sense.
No. 210657
>>210631“The only people capitalism hurts are billionaires (which sounds good to me!)”
Kelly, they benefit from it.
No. 210660
File: 1651592951621.png (110.3 KB, 1956x542, commie kelly.png)

>>210657Screencap anon, that was a typo I think and she meant to say the only people
communism hurts are billionaires, which is still wrong as evidenced by: absolutely everyone in the comments. Bear in mind she wrote that
after reading and replying to a lot of people with her shitass Youtube and book recommendations, like she saw everything they had to say and was still stuck on her bullshit regardless.
I do blame Stefan for this, since when was she political? One comment she even espoused support for homeless people, this is the same woman who took a WaCky photo in front of a sleeping homeless man (evidenced way back in one of these threads I believe)
No. 210675
>>210631It’s fine to have an opinion but to go to about it this way is just tacky and overbearing. I agree with
>>210660 and feel like she is just parroting whatever Stefan says to her because he uses big words and is, like, so woke.
No. 210717
>>210619I just saw this post on insta and the way I ran to lolcow to see the updates, especially after reading her say in the comments she 'deleted' her channel
Holy hell she's really burning up.
Why would you nuke a passive income, even if you don't want to make new content anymore. It might not be much, but any dollar is a dollar right?
Also her stating she's "not an influencer anymore" because she deleted her YT.
Like girl you still have a following.. it would be more because she's become even more insufferable than before
No. 210740
File: 1651611239043.jpg (675.74 KB, 3840x2160, 20220503_135350.jpg)

Just some gems from the comment section.
Bitch really said Cubans love Castro, is salty she's "poor" (stop living above your means Kelly, move out of LA and stop wasting money on shit)
And the old tried and true, rich people bad for not throwing their fortunes at social problems that our elected governments should be solving instead.
No. 210813
>>210628Wow. I am glad people are speaking up because her comments about this are wild. Especially considering she is a spoiled womanchild who hasn't needed to work a real job in years (or ever?), who can take months off from doing anything because of her "mental health" and probably isn't even paying her own rent in one of the most expensive cities in the US. (Let's not even get into how she buys tons of expensive shit instead of paying off her debts.)
Dollars to donuts she is peddling this take because her narc income has dried up and she doesn't want to have to get an actual job for once in her life. Blaming the economy like her unemployed boyfriend is a lot easier, never mind the fact that right now there are more jobs than workers available.
No. 210970
File: 1651749999242.png (220.01 KB, 1440x801, kelly takes.png)

Racial bias can and does affect medical outcomes, but being refused care outright affects everyone equally, to make this a race issue is as inane as trying to make it a trans issue.
No. 210972
>>210970Samefag, I have a longer rant about this which I'm trying to cut down, but we
just experienced what happens when you get refused medical care due to the pandemic where covid patients were favored. In short, people die.
This affects everyone with a womb. People will suffer, some people will die, regardless of their race. Bleeding out, being refused post miscarriage care, or even being refused contraception in the first place affects
everyone - to claim it only affects
POC is inane and flat wrong. Plus she just spent the last few days talking over
POC in her comments and telling them their lived experiences were wrong and they need to "educate" themselves via Youtube. But now apparently she cares about
No. 211933
>>210972>to claim it only affects POC is inane and flat wrong.Um but 1. she didn't say that and 2. they are way more likely to be poor and therefore lack access to abortion? Also mortality rates for
WOC during pregnancy and birth are astronomically higher than that of white women. Some of you want to be angry at someone or have an SJW punching bag so badly. Yes Kelly is being obnoxious as shit lately but you sound unhinged ranting about shit she didn't even say.
No. 212465
File: 1652409263972.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1125x2045, 47C68E99-C409-466D-BEA6-BE5939…)

No. 213486
File: 1652926279683.jpg (171.74 KB, 540x665, 20220518_220245.jpg)

Cowly sure is desperate for the attention this time putting on the fake feminist hat to cry about how poor Amber's a victim of the Patriarchy and the evil addicts hurt all women. Funny wasn't she gushing about her father despite him being an addict? Ready for the "no he was an evil addict too arc because shes always the victim of others until they confront her face to face.
No. 213489
>>210970Can you say white savior complex, unsurprising why all her token
POC friends left her ass behind. Oh wait all her friends left, funny how the ones screaming about how they care so much about women constantly treats other women like shit. She 100% gives off the vibe of someone who attacks all their boyfriends exs because they were so evil to son- er "man"
No. 213523
>>213486This from the girl who said on tumblr that she'll keep working with Dahvie Vanity until he's proven guilty? No wonder she deleted her tumblr prior to her newly deranged tweets. Skeletor is really influencing her. I wouldn't be surprised if she eventually came out and called him controlling and
No. 213646
>>213536>>213596Do as I say, not as I do - Kelly
Kelly falls under the bracket of "people nobody wanted to be a voice for social justice and don't want to hear opinions from" like if you market yourself as a pinkhaired artist living in a dollhouse, that's it, your work is done. Nobody wants or expects more.
There are people I follow who I would never expect to comment on politics due to their kinda otherworldly or artistic personas. Kelly would do just fine sticking to the kawaii hustle and not trying to share her newfound wisdom.
Genuinely this is a bad career move for her and is quite jarring.
No. 213681
File: 1653001651271.png (767.6 KB, 1366x665, kekk.png)

>>213486KEK I find it hard to believe that attention-whore-Kelly wouldn't have spoken up during the whole Dahvie being exposed era if she was really abused.
No. 213686
>>213681>This is why victims don't come forwardThe whole cow JUMPED out! It would almost be funny if she wasn't a lying, gaslighting hypocrite trying desperately trying to make herself look like a brave
victim standing up to boolies harassing her with
triggering photos.
No. 213703
>>213681I was following kelly only until the fiasco with her cousin's suicide (and how she made it all about her,) and I remember people bringing up stuff about dahvie and she was defending him and it wasn't that long ago so how is it that she is now a
victim of his abuse???
Fucking cunt will do anything not to admit she was in the wrong.
People told her he was a piece of shit and she defended him. I cant believe I EVER looked up to this narc cunt.
No. 213761
>>213718Yes. She vehemently denied having any knowledge of his personal life as she only worked with him onna professional basis and that people basically shouldn't believe everything there hear anyway.
I'm lost for words that shes claiming he's now her abuser. I thought she couldn't stoop any lower but I guess when narcissists are backed in to a corner- they spew more lies.
No. 213863
File: 1653076067552.jpeg (24.11 KB, 445x393, FTJR4xyaMAA3nPF.jpeg)

Her ex fans coming out to call out that she didn't just do this in the Dahvie situation
No. 213864
File: 1653076091317.jpeg (24.05 KB, 420x301, FTJR4xpUsAE6YGl.jpeg)

No. 213891
File: 1653083008422.png (1.06 MB, 1640x2360, 3A57415E-36FC-47EF-80A1-2F85EF…)

>>213887Probably because her “bully” used an archive site to show her choosing to side with dahvie over the
victims directly from her now deleted tumblr… she basically spit in every
victims face with this asshole comment. She thought deleting her tumblr would erase pages like this so she could now cry
victim but apparently the cow doesn’t know how archives work so that blew up in her face real quick.
No. 214149
File: 1653164937636.png (196.53 KB, 1440x977, groundbreaking.png)

This particular take (which everyone else on Twitter is clowning on) Kelly thinks is groundbreaking.
Today in cows being inconsistent and hypocritical, said take basically sympathises with the shooter (remember what you wrote yesterday about not siding with abusers? nah?) because he wrote, among many insane discord ramblings, that he (spoiler for scrote madness) had a toothache, and its lack of treatment was the fault of the jews and maybe he would get medical care in prison.
While there is a point to be made about lack of medical care leading to bad outcomes, most people with medical ailments do not go and then shoot ten people, you shouldn't take a crazed psycho's word for anything, and, Kelly, taking a sympathetic stance toward a white murderer is the opposite of groundbreaking, it's the way every white murderer is always reported if at all possible "uwu he was a loving family man" etc.
No. 214273
>>214207It’s believe all
victims unless it’s a celebrity Kelly Eden worships or financially gains from, apparently. Once the money stops all of a sudden she is now a
No. 214426
>>210726Good. My in-laws actually lived through communism “real” communism even. They lived in the Soviet Union, and fled to the US -taking many risks along the way - to
gasp escape communism. Because it’s BAD. Jesus fucking Christ every time I think this girl has made a turn somewhere and isn’t going to be any more of an idiot, she pulls an ultra-cunt card like this.
Kelly and I have clashed before but I was about to straight up beat her ass with knowledge, and have my in-laws tell me what they’d say to a white ignorant privileged shit like her.
But of course she deleted it so she’s back to mUH sHiTtY aRt and is trying to sound fake smart about things on Twitter?? About Politics of all things?
Girl not that long ago you were reeeing and sounding airhorns and dabbing in public for attention. We know there’s nothing between those ears but the sound of the wind. Sit down .
No. 214429
>>213681Oh my god. First of all notice how her argument about him being “innocent” is because he isn’t on a sex offender list or registry?
He’s innocent and he’ll keep paying me!
-fast forward-
I was one of his
victims. (Bitch where?)
Please be respectful and delete this. (Oh like she was so respectful and kept on posting content about her cousin’s suicide - going so far as to describe how he died? She sure didn’t care about anyones
triggers then did she?)
TL;DR: fuck her “I’m a
victim” statement and fuck her “this is extremely
triggering for me”.
What a complete fucking narc.
No. 214476
File: 1653270134727.jpg (124.82 KB, 828x739, IMG_8976.jpg)

Breaking news: Jesus Christ himself was a communist, according to Kelly. I wish she was still making videos cause this would be a riot.
>>214463thanks for the heads up
nonnie i found it before she deletes it
No. 214477
File: 1653270270410.jpg (76.73 KB, 828x467, IMG_8977.jpg)

>>214476nvm this tweet is worse.
so the bible is pro minorities but the constitution isnt? interesting.
No. 214494
>>214477Can't wait until she learns a bit about history outside of America! Because women and minorities are considered lesser in every country in the world, it ain't a white supremacy thing it's a dominant male supremacy thing. But since she has her resident scrote feeding her this bullshit she's never gonna admit it's a problem with
men not specifically white American men (ffs)
No. 214928
File: 1653475298059.png (1.57 MB, 1242x2688, B68E2056-AC96-4B93-93B2-38264C…)

I can’t even
No. 214930
>>214928I meeeean this post makes
valid points vs her ones claiming Jesus was a communist and sympathizing w an active shooter lmao
No. 215209
>>214704Thirding this.
>>214476>>214928>>214477Never imagined her on this path, fucking insane how much she's changed
No. 216431
>>214477I think a lot of people have gotten more vocal about inequality etc since the pandemic and I support using your platform blah blah. But these tweets all really read like a 13 year old on reddit for the first time kek. It’s so bizarre when her social brand is still all very cutesy and manufactured.
>>215778Hopefully (but very doubtful if it was all on like a friends helping friends basis) all her collaborators have saved copies of the content and agreements in writing that they can use it non-commercially. Wiping her channel is another bizarre decision. I think she probably feels jaded because of ~the algorithm~ and losing all her friends from the time where she was trying to make it big. I actually really enjoyed some of her old vids so it sucks.
No. 216785
File: 1654136239191.jpeg (281.37 KB, 1284x982, D1E40F93-33BA-4598-9CF3-9AFF89…)

Totally lost it.
No. 216813
>>216810Sounds like something she's done at some point.
>>216785This doesn't even make grammatical sense. Rich of her to pretend to be a
victim in an emotionally expensive one sided relationship when she has done shit like attention seeking at her ex friends weddings and making them take care of her after repeated unnecessary plastic surgery.
No. 216816
File: 1654144120085.jpg (700.89 KB, 4000x2810, uwuempath.jpg)

>>216813found the caps. Seems like she said stuff about it in now deleted videos as well based on what anons we're saying.
No. 217160
File: 1654256594830.jpeg (302.5 KB, 750x915, EAC97AF7-2C61-4C1E-9D1A-8BDC8A…)

Kelly has plans to move to Portland, Oregon apparently
No. 217377
File: 1654304829663.jpeg (417.71 KB, 822x1314, D67B8406-8131-47F6-A5B5-0B2E74…)

brb grabbing the popcorn
No. 217513
File: 1654377605236.jpeg (141.51 KB, 1351x590, 4E0492A5-805D-4EAE-903F-1A8C4C…)

I’m a retard but wasn’t America at odds with Russia during the time period stranger things takes place? Kelly types big and hard like she knows everything but somehow can’t connect the dots that maybe that’s why there is “anti Russian “ propaganda ~* in the plot??
No. 217678
File: 1654451874867.jpeg (362.06 KB, 1640x2033, 60783B7C-F9DA-407C-BB4E-5AA553…)

>>217553Notice they’re all years old? Even her Portland post was accompanied by a decade old photo.
Also Kelly’s YouTube channel has another video public along with the timex ad. It’s her plain tour and review of cakeland, probably since she is really pushing the “I’m an artist” personality recently. I honestly don’t think Kelly truly knows who she is at this point.
No. 218556
File: 1654710844544.jpeg (66.92 KB, 827x446, 29D088D6-839C-4866-AA6B-6CAB39…)

Welp now we know why she is so unhinged lately, she’s tokkin the devils lettuce.
No. 219171

seems like she came back on youtube to rehash her terribly proportioned art.
I can't get over the part where she says "you're painting a face you've known for years" while showing how she made her boyfriend look like a bird. Then the description where she makes a batshit crazy monologue about a bar fight with her art hanging in the back KEK.
here's the description for the people who don't want to give her a view but want to know what Kelly's shitty pot induced ravings:
"The feeling I get from unwrapping an Artefex panel goes much deeper than just another fleeting hit of dopamine for my insatiable consumer appetite. Artefex is more than just a brand name I’ve acquired for its status. For an artist, this is the foundation of my work; a base for the very process and expression that gives my life meaning. I suppose I would consider Artefex as more of a partner than a producer of products. Even when my work sucks (lol), my materials, my process, the time and thought devoted to each piece are all a part of one whole that is “the work”, and as an artist, I view that work as sacred.
Artefex just may be leading an art movement that people will appreciate centuries from now, provided the earth supports human life that far into the future… cuz I have my doubts with this global warming crisis, AM I RIIITE? And even if it doesn’t, at least I know the foundation I’ve chosen for my work, Artefex panels, will preserve the integrity of my work long after this manmade apocalypse destroys our species’ most treasured works on canvas.
Ok ok ok, so hear me out. Let’s say a small percentage of humanity has survived the climate catastrophe, say, 200 years from now. It’s the year 2222, the planet has entirely flooded, and the fraction of humanity surviving lives a post-apocalyptic waterworld-type existence. Ok, so let’s say my painting is hanging in a brothel-casino-bar bad-guy-type hideout, where all the kingpins play cards for stockpiled hoards of wealth. Let’s also say my painting is a relic of “the before times” and very valuable, therefore, this bad guy hideout is the closest thing we have to an art museum in these new dark ages. You with me so far? Ok. So, a fight breaks out, some bastard jumps across the bar and takes my painting off the wall to smash over his rival’s head. The bastard has done this move before- it’s always hilarious- his opponent’s head would predictably rip through the canvas and appear on the other side in place of the fancy lady painted on the front. Kind of like those kitschy face-cutout cardboard photo-ops you see on road trips. But SIKE!! The painting is on an AMC panel and doesn’t break! The bastard knocks his rival out cold and the fight ends. The crowd goes wild and the bartender hangs my painting back on the wall with loving care. He’s the only one left who remembers the deep love and respect humanity once had for fine art. A single tear falls from his cheek and he takes a swig of whiskey to numb the pain…….. anyways yeah, AMC panels won’t break, crack, warp, or rot! And if you need an improvised blunt object for a theoretical dystopian future barfight, they’re surprisingly light weight, so go for it!"
No. 225806
File: 1656950933271.png (3.13 MB, 1125x2436, A77C0935-AB02-4395-BDE3-9A5DB6…)

Looks like Kelly is changing her home to suit stick man. Can’t wait to see the crazy inflation on her items on Depop!
No. 226011
>>225913The bed's still there, in the clip she takes the draping and lights off from the top and changes it for a new one.
The video is a bit clickbait because half the comments think she's moving to Oregon when in fact the captions state that they can't afford it (capitalism, inflated prices etc) so she's gonna redo her dollhouse instead.
Weird thing for me considering we know Kelly wants to get married, it starts off saying she wants to buy a house with her partner, like surely you should marry before purchasing a house together.
Think he just spins lies for her and he has no intention of marrying or buying a house. idk I think most of us have always felt something was a bit off about stickboy.
No. 226687
File: 1657187185260.png (5.47 MB, 1284x2778, C49B6E49-D862-4F5B-BBB4-6984D0…)

So this is part of her “new” look
No. 227061
>>226735>>226687Her icon is now the granny floral wallpaper, I feel like she's on manic mode right now like when she spraypaints everything pink.
I'm not sure about the excessive use of drapery, that's gonna be a dust magnet.
No. 229107
>>229044Bets on how long it takes for her to sand this one down?
Also judging from when this was painted, the girl was about 2 months pregnant here. Kek.
No. 229455
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>>229107Oh wow I didn't know this. Posted 16 days ago, wonder if this is what sparked Kelly's current home renovation. She doesn't mention Davey in the caption, but obviously there he is in the photo.
No. 229514
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No. 229560
>>229514>We are moving!>Not sure when yetShe literally has no plans to move and no money to do so, as she said in the now-deleted reel
>>225806Like does she think
wanting to move and planning to move is the same thing as actually moving?
No. 230707
>>230705Suck my nut.
Kelly won’t thank you for coming here, it’s the only thing keeping her relevant. Look at poor Lina, chased Kelly for years wanting her senpai to notice her and Kelly just took and took and reacted with the bare minimum.
Ever wonder why Kelly is so friends and alone, it’s because she’s a cunt dear reader!
No. 230716
>>230714If I wanted to be a washed up old cum dustbin, I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard.
I’m watching from the sidelines because I hate that Kelly gets away with hanging around with molesters and being complicit in the Dahvie Vanity mess. Maybe take the moral high if you hate this page so much and leave. All though you must have had to willingly Google something along the lines of ‘Kelly eden hate’ to get here, to pick an unsolicited argument. So who is the one wasting their time?
No. 230728
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>>230709Welcome to the chat, Kelly wannabe.
No. 230745
>>230740Allowing deranged men to rape minors whilst be his tour girlfriend but not speaking up, Being anti-Semitic on YouTube videos, racist, faux bi and a general cunt. Wouldn’t want to be anything like Kelly Eden, let’s hope she fucks off with skeletor and stays there.
Ps. Heard she’s selling shit on Depop soon, maybe you could huff the dead skin sells out of her crusty ass closet.
No. 230752
>>230751Can’t too busy sitting on Kelly’s.
Night night xx
No. 230758
>>230756If you post without writing sage (as in the word sage) in the email box, you bump this thread to the top of the page every time you reply.
It's sweet you want to stand up for Kelly but, she has done some shitty things, I remember when she sicced her followers on someone who trolled her in the comments and the girl either got deleted by Insta or deleted herself. She could've just blocked the girl but instead this girl got dozens (hundreds?) of troll comments and lost her account.
Most people here used to be fans too until they saw some problems emerge, even recently there have been issues when she announced she was a communist and ignored everyone in the replies who had actually lived through/currently are living under communism and could confirm it sucked.
She doesn't care about her fans nor anything you have to say, unfortunately.
No. 232109
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This isn't true at all. They have a right to charge you for DAMAGE…including a spray painted sink etc. Landlords must paint in la before a new tenant moves in, but you don't have a right to do whatever you want.
No. 232155
>>232109>landlords legally cannot stop youKelly you privileged dumbass every landlord writes up their leases differently, not every lease is the same and most keep
legal clauses in there dictating what you can and cannot do to the home. Sure they cannot go into your home and physically stop you but they will take your deposit and bill you for every single difference between the apartment now and what it was like before you moved in.
Your landlords most likely has pictures of the apartment from before you moved in and will compare them to when you move out, i also bet a cow she didn’t photograph the apartment to document any pre-existing issues or bad conditions before she started moving her shit in so the landlord has extra room to be a cunt (which they deserve cause she wrecked that apartment with babies first diy’s)
For how long shes lived there i wouldn’t be surprised if the landlord makes her pay for fixing the floor considering its been atleast a decade of thots in teaser heels running on it and her charcoal feet let us know she never cleans it.
No. 232290
>>230728Holy shit, I looked at the profile because I was skeptical thinking "Oh well, she has pink hair too, so what?".
But wow, that is skinwalking to the max. She has everything, the Disney TV, the wooden heart on the wall, the Tarina Tarantino barbie, the tarnished antiques, those creepy ceramic lamb things. the barbie display shelf, the fake taxidermy, the cardboard stars, the frosting licking photo, the hello kitty fixation, the star clips in the space buns, the painted kitchen, the flower crowns, the carousel shit, all of the lime crime and sailor moon shit. Restraining order NOW.
No. 232317
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>>232290It’s honestly fucking terrifying. This isn’t “inspiration”. It’s straight up psychotic. Usagikou levels of deranged.
No. 232395
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Who wants to bet this won't go through considering american student loan interests and Kelly will start crying in 2 months over it
No. 232473
File: 1658761520264.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 914x1226, put that shit away.png)

>>232472sorry for samefagging and i know this is Kelly's thread, but I found the skinwalking whiteknight's tumblr and the insanely awkward pictures she posts are hilarious (not nsfw but spoilered for irrelevancy)
>fugly out of focus photo sticking her tongue out>thank you for all the support and love>1 note No. 232893
>>232395Looooooooool. Sorry for blogpost, but my partner and I are both gainfully employed in Portland and still can't afford a house out here. The market is absurdly expensive and absolutely cut-throat, ESPECIALLY if you want a cute house in a desirable/walkable area.
Lurch2&Luna!Pink will never make it to Portland. Also
I think it's super suspicious that of all the places they could move to on the west coast they're picking the city that's working to decriminalize opiods because the drug abuse in the area is out of control.
No. 233106
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The dust is going to be horrific!
No. 233179
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Not milk but she is posting her drapery in Facebook decor groups.
No. 234978
>>233106>>233179She doesn’t bother to iron the fabric, measure out the right lengths so it doesn’t drag all over the floor that always cakes her feet in dirt, and doesn’t hem the raw edges of the fabric so it’s fraying everywhere.
I suppose stick man didn’t bother to change her half assed attitude towards starting projects and properly finishing them. This reeks of manic episode.
No. 235325
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>>232394 same anon, saging since this isn't real milk
No. 236788
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Wow I didn’t even recognize her
No. 236848
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I wonder if she dyed this entire rug cause she made it so damn dirty and didnt want to clean it
No. 237003
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Spotted in the wild on a video of a proposal at a Harry Styles concert. Lol she’s actually insufferable
No. 237722
File: 1659900944869.png (3.21 MB, 828x1792, 35DBCA14-3A62-4DFA-A265-575444…)

LOL this was a gift from Lina Scott. She made a whole unboxing video when she sent it to her. What a fucking cunt.
No. 237985
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Is Kelly so broke she has to sell pictures of her with her old friends?
No. 238238
File: 1659995608832.png (1.17 MB, 828x1792, 1F5E1164-0EDE-468E-8306-686A46…)

I’ve been debating on sharing my most recent happening on her depop. She’s gonna know exactly who I am but I want to warn potential buyers so I guess oh well.
I saw her post that she was selling her sailor moon collection, so I clicked the link and saw she had listed her proplica moon kaleidoscope wand for $89. Total came to $101-something. I paid and got the depop confirmation as well as paypal (see invoice image). Moments later I refreshed her depop to look at the other items listed. I noticed she relisted the wand I had just bought but the price was now $300. I checked my purchases tab and it still showed I had made a purchase for $100 but the listing was greyed out and empty now. I’m like wtf?? I messaged her right away and she had no idea what I was talking about until she ‘checked her receipts’ then claimed I must have bought the item while she was “updating prices” which didn’t make sense because the original listing was now BLANK in my purchases section, the money left my account and showed in my history, and there was now a brand new second listing of the item I had already supposedly purchased. If she were editing the post like she claims, that exact listing would show in my purchases and not still available to buy. She made a brand new post for $300 to price gouge WITHOUT refunding me or communicating with me whatsoever… I truly feel if I did not catch this I’d be out $100 with no wand. I was clearly super upset with her and she messaged me saying “I’m sorry you’re taking this personally”. which came off as a backhanded apology. The whole messaging back and forth was draining and she just kept lying to me. Eventually she gave me a refund after trying to haggle with me further for more money and at this point I’m not comfortable making purchases from her going forward. Please be on your toes if you buy from her shop.
No. 238240
File: 1659995788441.jpeg (200.93 KB, 1448x1745, 51A8BF18-85D4-42E2-A8F1-16C8D3…)

My depop purchase history after she cleared everything still showing I paid $100 for apparently nothing lol
No. 238241
>>238238everyone knew not to buy from her shop. It's your L you gotta take,
No. 238242
File: 1659995863825.jpeg (562.77 KB, 1640x2360, FABBD986-B559-4DC0-9447-3FF518…)

The second listing price gouging after I already bought it and had receipts to prove it.
No. 238272
>>238242TBH that’s not even a bad price considering I usually see it listed for around $500.
It’s messed up that she did that but $100 for a proplica wand in good condition (besides maybe the Moon Stick) is too good to be true; especially coming from someone who’s shown that she often misrepresents her items. I’m sure it sucked but you did get a refund so there’s really no harm done.
No. 238405
>>238238Kelly treating a fan/follower like shit: evidence 546658
You're probably better off, she's been known to not send, send much worse condition items, or stall for weeks iirc from her past depop escapades.
I saw the stan from upthread in her Instagram replies, I bet she'll buy a ton of stuff since she's already recreated half of her house, hope Kelly doesn't screw her over too much.
No. 238454
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people change and grow but this genuinely surprised me… her husbando!?!?!?
No. 238516
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>>238454You can't be serious
No. 238521
File: 1660073427354.png (1.03 MB, 1203x1620, 765754333.png)

>>238454I think this is skelly's doing, he probably glares jealously every time he walks past the hotboi shrine, and after the 100th time Kelly finally got the message and has suddenly "grown out" of this franchise and character she loves. (screenshot from a couple of days ago)
No. 238528
>>238454what happened between last fall and now that she decided she can no longer love the "childish" hobbies she's had her whole life? i'm super confused. she actually hit a bit of success with her dollhouse series and suddenly stopped posting it last fall. she was also making tiktoks about her anime collection and doll accessories like 8 months ago
here we are in august and suddenly she's "grown out of it"? i mean i wont begrudge anyone changing their taste but it seems SO sudden. i'm reluctant to blame skeletor because he's lived with her for like 3 years and is seemingly helping with the weird curtain designs she's doing. so it's probably all kelly. but what
triggered it? super bizarre.
No. 238668
>>238528>what triggered itI think she's in a hurry to hit those 'milestones' like marriage, home buying etc and probably her ex boyfriend knocking someone up (see
>>229455 ) was actually the
trigger, you're right it seems too sudden to blame on skeletor (I previously thought it was him until you pointed out the timeline)
Davey is someone she wanted to marry before, even appeared in a bridal show while dating and did a bridal photoshoot, and never really got over, despite him looking like shit in unshooped images/film. Honestly skeletor is more attractive though they are both busted. Anyway, gonna put it down to that pregnancy announcement.
No. 238671
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>>238668Samefag, how's this for a caption, I think
having the right partner would be instrumental surely would wind up an ex, especially an insecure one like Kelly since it implies the past partners weren't "right" even though this is blatantly a surprise accidental pregnancy kek
No. 238848
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I have no words
No. 238850
File: 1660168482892.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1125x1847, 6E4A4919-B066-43DD-AE2A-462F09…)

She’s completely overdoing it now with the drapes, soon the house is going to be one big fire hazard. I had to imagine all of the dust she will inhale from having all these drapes around.
No. 238862
>>238848I thought when she posted this
>>226687 that she was bullshitting, because why would anyone with half a brain do this? It's gotta be one of the ugliest combinations I've ever seen. But lo and behold, Kelly did it. Just further proof that her own "style" is garbage compared to when she's skinwalking someone else.
No. 238951
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Selling her old dirty bag for $200 just cause it has Tetsuya Nomura's signature on it… the Sephiroth bag. Actually a bit concerned
No. 238952
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>>238850 it gets worse when the ceiling is included
No. 238986
>>238912Portlandia is just a TV show. Go to Portland, the only "quirky" things you'll see are like…more coffee shops and food carts with cute graphic design and slightly more people with tattoos than your average city.
LA is an actual home to the entertainment industry so I think it's safe to say there a lot more desperate weirdos, like Kelly and her old friends. Obviously there are going to be mostly normal working people in every city, but the myth that Portland is some lolrandom weirdo utopia needs to die yesterday.
>>238954Probably this. She sees drapery as a way to pivot into a serious adult career but even in interior design this has to be an extremely niche field. Maybe it could work for like wedding or event installation but I can't see Kelly willing to work in the wedding industry lmao.
In any case I don't think she has the drive to follow through on anything where people aren't actively licking her ass and telling her she's the best. While she might actually genuinely enjoy painting, she has to have realized her generic fantasy paintings aren't getting her the worshipping she feels entitled to so now she's flailing trying to find a new super special aesthetic thing only she is good at.
No. 238993
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The house is such a cluttered mess, I can’t imagine how annoying it would be to move drapes out the way of doorways and wardrobes everytime you want to go somewhere or get something. Also note the half wallpapered wall. It looks a state.
No. 239020
>>237722Blatantly selling gifts like this is so tacky.
Also classic kelly for scalping it so high when she treats her things like garbage.
No. 239073
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Is this Kelly with one of the Victims?
No. 239083
>>239073HDU Kelly is a
victim herself! So much so that she will get on a soapbox and speak out against anything and everyone but these fugly fossil peaked in the late 2000s scene moids!
No. 239087
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>>239083wasn’t she also speculated to be the “pink haired roommate” mentioned in the article on metalsucks with his
The same
victim also wasn’t legally allowed to drink (she was 18 not 21) but he gave her wine and brought her back to his place to party with them all. Wouldn’t this make Kelly sole type of complicit in his shit since she lived there too (if it was her) and the girl was drinking in her home underage?
No. 239098
>>239083“He’s not on the sex offender registry so I’ll keep taking my paychecks from him ya dig?
Pepperidge farm remembers
No. 239298
>>239087It would make her fully complicit in his actions. But then again Kelly can’t paint herself as a
victim of life if she has to actually take ownership of her wrong doings. ‘the Pink haired girl’ came up a few times during the Chris Hanson investigations, I wonder if Mal Levy ever reached out to her?
No. 239518
File: 1660377407716.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x2202, 9FFA12EC-BC17-4A09-B9AD-E32DB5…)

It looks worse now!
No. 239795
File: 1660465150557.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1125x1923, 774822EC-DF3C-434B-9C50-E67F63…)

Who would want this? It’s shit. Maybe should could paint some drapes next time
No. 239961
File: 1660517192999.jpeg (693.05 KB, 1125x2285, 51EB0EE2-56B9-476A-BDD0-CDADE7…)

How much will the over priced, crap quality drapes be on Depop?
No. 239964
>>239912Anon, if you look on Depop at the listing from the previous 3 days (which have sold) Kelly has made $770 (that’s without any shipping mark ups)
$70 for one Furby.
No. 239970
File: 1660519891102.jpeg (682.61 KB, 1125x1397, A48F07A1-6CE5-4845-AB75-E1C725…)

I had to see her Depop for myself. On the left is the original price she paid for some hairdryer and on the right is her markup price. The Kelly Eden tax is real
No. 240141
File: 1660585478476.png (477.55 KB, 1125x2436, 8B604921-7D20-4270-BD1D-4FE4B5…)

Kelly’s IG now is monetized too. Didn’t subscribe.
No. 240166
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Holy shit
No. 240176
File: 1660593188659.jpg (383.77 KB, 960x1410, 22-08-15-12-52-34-608_deco.jpg)

>>233179Doesn't look very commie. What happened to Comrade Kelly? Hopefully that arc isn't over yet!
No. 240291
>>240167>Someone do free labor for me! Here have some crap pizza and shitty cookies as payment.Oh Kelly, you never change.
Does anyone know if she ever shared her earnings with her friends? Since she made youtube money and patreon money off them being in her videos, I'm curious about if she ever paid them their share or if the free cup of noodles is all they got.
No. 240377
File: 1660672228101.jpeg (462.3 KB, 1125x952, 3B33CBDF-17F3-4B78-95C4-C939FE…)

So basically just pay Kelly for no reason?
No. 240398
File: 1660682469039.jpeg (208.61 KB, 827x1121, 378626F8-8820-4981-92B1-FE7839…)

You can buy these on eBay for $20 a piece sealed in the box.
No. 240439
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Ok kelly
No. 240467
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>>240439Waking up to that ceiling would make me nauseous, funny that she's vacuuming the thing already. Also a terrible fire hazard…
No. 240515
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This is a lot of undoing and redoing for a supposed move
No. 240592
File: 1660755373481.jpg (1.34 MB, 1315x2340, skeletor1.jpg)

Skeletor's ig gives off major red flags to me. He hasn't updated in a year, which is fine and social media breaks are allowed, but his last 10 post are Kelly over the course of 2019 to 2021 becoming progressively less colorful and more normie.
It looks less of like "look at me an my gf doing stuff over the course of a couple of years" and more like creepy documentation of his progress when he literally posts nothing else, used to be fairly active on ig, and completely purged all evidence of his last relationship with a woman he compulsively photographed. Serious weirdo vibes. Even people in their honeymoon phase don't completely devote their sm to pics of the person they are dating with long doting captions every post. For years
No. 240593
File: 1660755606139.jpg (4.07 MB, 4096x3072, skeletor2.jpg)

Summer 2019 to summer 2021. Kelly's aesthetic was tacky but completely remolding yourself and your living space to please a sickly scarecrow looking moid? Couldn't be me. Looks like he visited Portland and the pnw in the past too which is probably why they feel entitled to a house here like every other goddamn California transplant.
No. 240692
>>240676It's all self inflicted unfortunately. If she wasn't so selfish and self absorbed she may still have a friend or two. But she clearly doesn't want to change.
I am still so curious about the "talks" they had with her before dumping her. Oh to be a fly on that wall.
No. 241709
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No. 241896
>>241894Could be a reach but that could be possible anon. They were rumoured to be in a relationship around that time following on from a Brian Stars interview.
To save time going back over old topics maybe look up the thread. Kelly is known to bed hop when it comes to ‘famous’ guys.
No. 242006
File: 1661232895392.jpeg (274.67 KB, 1125x1764, 2F590044-E850-4710-BEC8-B335E9…)

Undoing the dollhouse for a move so taking down the bunk bed to then build a heart doorway arch… I don’t get it
No. 242077
>>242006Y’all let’s be honest. Kelly isn’t moving. Her saying she is but she doesn’t know when is just like every other person who says “yeah I want to move”. She just had to make it sound dramatic as a sick burn to her ex? That’s the only reasonable explanation. Her saying she was moving was just another scream for attention.
She would NOT be putting that much effort into redecorating if she actually moving at ANY point in the foreseeable future.
Personally her saying she’s moving simply sounds like an excuse for why she’s tearing apart her house when in reality she’s just ditching the trashy kawaii screaming in public personality and style but KNOWS anyone who still is delusional enough to like her will criticize her/decide they’re done with her for getting rid of the only thing that made her interesting: that tacky house with the absolutely filthy floors.
No. 242089
>>242077>Y’all let’s be honest. Kelly isn’t moving. Her saying she is but she doesn’t know when is just like every other person who says “yeah I want to move”.She reminds me of people I worked with, the specific ones who claimed to want a new job and be applying for new jobs every week are still there and everyone else left kek.
After seeing her latest reel I can't see her moving at all, those plyboard sheets are huge, you will not be able to fit all that on a moving truck and she obviously paid that guy Leo a fair bit for his draping and DIY work, and paid a lot for fabric.
I think she's just renovating since her main income is actually renting out her home by the hour for photoshoots, she just doesn't implicitly state that on her socials since it's of questionable legality (tbh her landlord probably doesn't care, at least she's not making it a crackhouse or a tip in there, I have seen much worse)
No. 242279
File: 1661368301769.png (7.76 MB, 1125x2436, 6BDB0FCA-B3A8-4F4D-B043-710F9E…)

The room looks so cluttered now. It’s actually quite ugly.
No. 242395
File: 1661415127433.png (7.54 MB, 1125x2436, 94947DD7-AB4F-4B35-B714-1F50B4…)

Oh hell no! Is she about to start piping silicone onto the walls to make it look like cake kek
No. 242427
File: 1661434865170.png (4.92 MB, 1125x2436, 7ED4C18D-51CB-4F0B-B491-BE7CD4…)

Big fire hazard, let’s hope the lights don’t over heat the fabric. Yikes Kelly
No. 242548
File: 1661474055518.png (104.91 KB, 216x324, candles.png)

>>242502 yup, these can't be fake. What an idiot
No. 242609
>>242552Kelly Eden, The insurance payout era!
She’s so dumb.
No. 242610
File: 1661496656672.jpeg (287.85 KB, 1125x1135, FE9C06B1-51C2-40F2-BD72-5D67D7…)

Poor child
No. 243017
File: 1661632176141.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1125x1956, 01770E3D-B399-4D4F-87BD-FBC55C…)

The drapes aren’t even evenly spaced.
No. 243271
File: 1661723781101.jpg (272.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220828-175145_Twi…)

Official before and after video of the bedroom has come out, screenshot of the before
No. 243273
File: 1661723932426.jpg (815.33 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220828_175623.jpg)

>>243272 same nonna as the last 2, the goddamn candles. Wouldnt be shocked to hear a fire happening and I doubt the carpet in the room will be cleaned ever. Entire room is going to get filthy so fast
No. 243342
>>243272My throat hurts looking at this! Drapes and carpet? it's a dust trap
>>243273This is so dangerous. Doesnt she have neighbors? this is so risky to burning down her unit and others. holyshit
No. 244917
File: 1662277201053.png (2.34 MB, 750x1334, 6472A404-B8BF-4C0F-8748-8275D0…)

Here’s the new Aunt Kelly
No. 244951
File: 1662292666721.png (125.86 KB, 475x538, Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 18-05…)

Is she trying to Karen Anonymous?
No. 244953
>>244917Her expression
how could you?? but maybe that's my imagination kek. God that must be awkward, holding the baby of your ex boyfriend who wouldn't marry you despite marriage photoshoots and bridal reality tv show appearances? idk why she would even get involved honestly, just gonna be painful surely
No. 246504
File: 1662706321282.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x2055, 3C6CCA40-859E-4768-9BA0-885D1A…)

Wtf Kelly!
No. 247308
File: 1662886581446.jpg (152.2 KB, 1080x1920, img (6).jpg)

She's really selling it all, wonder if she'll regret it since she's obviously on a prolonged manic phase. As a figure and doll collector I have read many other collectors who regret selling special pieces and not being able to buy them again/them being too expensive to buy again.
Also shouldn't she get her student debt canceled or partly paid off due to the new thing in the US? So she doesn't need to do this?
No. 247355
File: 1662899741861.jpeg (107.28 KB, 723x847, 242A87D1-4B9C-4D9E-BF4E-AB159D…)

Seriously? You could make this at home for $10 tops. She’s inhaled too many paint fumes. The back isn’t even nicely done and still has the price tag from whatever hobby lobby type place she bought it from.
No. 247356
File: 1662899820447.jpeg (298.32 KB, 1506x1605, F0C6D266-68CE-4D88-A113-40BFC6…)

No. 247416
File: 1662910483216.jpg (748.3 KB, 1080x1866, Screenshot_20220910_143701.jpg)

>>247308>>247335 its almost gone, wonder when we're going to have to hear about her regretting all this
>>247356 i can literally hear my old art major teacher absolutely screaming rn
No. 248749
File: 1663154356298.jpg (56.66 KB, 500x448, sephiroth_eau.jpg)

>>248276 holy crap I forgot about that perfume, she could easily scalp that on depop since it goes for more than $100+ USD. But also I wonder if shes keeping it since it can be fairly subtle
No. 249530
File: 1663342436987.jpg (17.93 KB, 320x320, 306435625_570075011523145_2948…)

Kelly Eden new profile pic just dropped
No. 249533
File: 1663342748129.jpg (127.89 KB, 1125x2000, 306963890_377208187950017_5117…)

>>249530She's replying on stories right now, basically several variations of this question and answer regarding youtube, twitch etc
No. 249535
File: 1663342812227.jpg (145.97 KB, 1125x2000, 307242415_819553882552310_6110…)

>>249533About the Seph purge
No. 249559
>>249535are we
sure she's not downsizing her place?
No. 249582
File: 1663359658826.jpg (686.5 KB, 1079x1881, Screenshot_20220916_161839_Ins…)

Some of you already beat me to some of the q&a stuff lol. I know we like to clown on Kelly but at least she's doing something with herself even if it means shes bland now. (She could be Jill aka pixielocks rn)
No. 249928
File: 1663656359980.jpeg (927.46 KB, 1125x1959, 74503E50-594C-4281-8402-6D7DA8…)

Kelly is so fake deep, trying to appear intelligent on Twitter. Must still be smoking the weed with her pet skeleton.
No. 251360
>>249582The majority of cows that say they’re happy and at peace or whatever are usually lying and coping. If you’re truly happy you’re not going around online announcing it to strangers and selling your supposed prized belongings like someone who’s about to off themselves. She’s whittling away at many things she held on to for many years as parts of her identity and that seems pretty grim.
I know Kelly is too much of a narc to ever kill herself but the sudden purging of her hoard and mania remind me of people who get super chipper right when they’re about to Kermit.
Even though all her colorful aspects were blatant attempts at skinwalking they at least looked more lively idk.
I guess her outside is matching her inside which is a vacant soulless person with no real identity besides the ones other people and trends gave her.
I can’t think of any actual distinctive traits she has besides being an unhygienic attention whore narc with pink hair and big fake boobs. Now without that she’s just an unhygienic husk that parrots stick man like he’s some kind of guru.
No. 251892
>>251853This and I think the final
trigger for it was her ex having a baby with the woman she painted. The woman who was pregnant with her ex's baby at the time too topkek
No. 252053
File: 1664433402265.jpg (522.35 KB, 1080x2670, Screenshot_20220929-073618_Gma…)

Am I tripping or is this looking like Kelly's house
No. 252457
File: 1664571580388.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20220930_165600_Ins…)

$280 for pet portrait commissions, and also getting features in galleries. Personally, Im glad she's taking art a bit more seriously.
No. 252458
File: 1664571742023.jpg (1.54 MB, 1073x5154, Screenshot_20220930_170109_Ins…)

>>252457 Wish the text and background colors on her site were different cause this is barely readable (and kek 2021 typo)
No. 254202
File: 1664900888594.jpeg (775.57 KB, 1125x1762, 89851BDD-1D91-4BA3-9FD2-AF88A6…)

Oh to be a ‘woke’ influencer in the first world.
No. 254346
>>254202Shuuuut the fuck uppppp Kelly
Never thought I’d say this but I miss the fake nerd girl shtick. It was waaay more tolerable than this female skeletor skinwalk. It’s insufferable.
No. 254975
File: 1665040412444.jpeg (231.78 KB, 1125x690, A22F061F-CE98-4721-B9CC-D10979…)

Oh my god that’s cringe. Cadet Kelly over here living her best edge lord life.
No. 255332
File: 1665077808967.png (26.19 KB, 480x218, Screenshot 2022-10-06 at 13-31…)

It's like a fetish at this point. Comrade Kelly is such a weird identity to choose to build. Is she overcompensating for people claiming she's selfish all of those years or have those student loans just really sent her off the deep end? I don't think she's Bi-polar, I think she's been BPD this whole time.
I can understand communism in theory being appealing but in practice? Wot? Is extreme poverty her new kink or does she think not being able to Postmates every meal because she literally has no job is the same thing?
No. 255714
>>255555Insane tinfoil incoming, but sometimes I think Skeletor's actually the one tweeting whenever Kelly wants to look deep (like
>>254202) , while she's still responsible for the tweets that look like they were typed by someone at a third grade reading level(like
>>255332). Now, why he'd even do that is a mystery, but maybe he just didn't realize that making Kelly a boring shell of her former self and alienating her from what few fans she had left by getting her to go trad and delete her videos isn't the way to get the word out.
No. 256468
>>255714She has a personality which absorbs and echoes who's around her, it's why the videos with Dre worked so well as the person Kelly became around Dre was quite appealing.
Now she has a boring commie "deep" moid that's all we'll see echoed and it is utterly unappealing. I think she Tweets that stuff herself but it's essentially an echo of whatever boring shit he talks about every day.
No. 256875
File: 1665303359218.jpeg (665.63 KB, 1125x1536, 23E46B58-0643-4090-B347-501823…)

Maybe if you didn’t buy a load of pastel coloured crap you’d of actually had the savings for a house Kelly. UWU such a victim of life.
No. 256878
File: 1665306858610.jpg (48 KB, 828x828, beast.jpg)

CP bump, please scroll with caution.
No. 256939
>>256919I don’t think there’s anything wrong with buying things/doing things you enjoy if you can afford it. Even if you tally up all the anime figures, tattoos, trips etc., it wouldn’t be enough to buy a house in Los Angeles.
The issue is more that she had an inconsistent stream of income as a model/influencer, and in the past couple years it feels like she hasn’t even really been doing that. I’m not sure how she’s been paying her bills, since she doesn’t seem to work. If she had been working a regular job, or appearing to bust her ass as an influencer, I’d feel a little more sympathetic towards a post like this, because it does suck for a lot of people who do work hard and still can’t afford a house. But Kelly doesn’t do anything except fuck around with the house she doesn’t own and complain.
No. 256953
File: 1665336247338.jpeg (760.71 KB, 1125x2209, AF46D6E7-DD6F-4100-8BF6-0D78B6…)

what is it with Kelly accusing companies of not doing well as soon as she has a minor inconvenience with them? She said the same thing about the Angelic Pretty store in Japan when she couldn’t read numbers properly. Kelly the issue isn’t the companies losing business, it’s you being a self entitled brat!
No. 257339
File: 1665436822720.png (42.14 KB, 616x222, liarliar.png)

She's such a liar kek
>>196125 No. 257386
>>257339“Astounding” ok Kelly
Can’t wait to see the identity crisis when they break up
No. 257607
>>257339The fact she even Tweeted it was a reduction and is now saying "removed" is so misleading. Might seem like a nitpick but implants cause autoimmune problems and other assorted health issues, so you won't experience a true benefit unless you
actually remove them.
No. 257608
File: 1665509741827.jpeg (200.09 KB, 1125x1147, C5AF6746-C0CA-44DA-8EDC-740E8B…)

WTF Kelly!
No. 257613
>>257608Assuming she is familiar with the tranny cult and isn't confused here, is she really celebrating a cis woman lopping off her breasts for shits and giggles? Like not even a transgender person or someone recovering from cancer, just a healthy person hacking 'em off?
Kelly have one single good opinion challenge
No. 257640
File: 1665516562611.jpeg (765.29 KB, 1125x2304, E28645EA-9D89-4D26-8714-D63257…)

Oooh! More identity crisis on Twitter
No. 259113
File: 1666026974789.jpeg (705.36 KB, 1125x1515, 787A39FF-1942-42A5-9520-FBEA12…)

But I guess spray paint, frivolous spending and loads of plastic tat from Daiso is ok though Kelly?
No. 259144
File: 1666038162017.jpeg (400.5 KB, 1125x860, 09A5C11E-0BFC-42FF-AFFF-74EBEE…)

Kelly’s Twitter has become rather ridiculous lately.
No. 264016
File: 1667568864778.jpg (252.02 KB, 1077x1914, Screenshot_20221103_230526_Ins…)

Kelly's posted being on a podcast, not sure if anything remotely milky is on it but if another anon has apple music or something to listen
No. 264431
File: 1667687745853.png (1022.25 KB, 750x1334, BE164980-75D7-4B2B-A277-F59D48…)

Kelly posted this to her story. Is it just me or is she virtually unrecognisable with brown hair? I feel like I wouldn’t look twice if I walked past her in the street
No. 264559
File: 1667770233294.jpeg (329.58 KB, 1125x642, FF98BE92-A649-477F-A192-E4658E…)

Sure Kelly. Nice Retweet Skelly!
No. 264583
>>264463Glad someone else said it, what even was the point of breaking up with the ex if you are going to "encourage" the new gf to drop every differing trait?
She did post reels in a pink wig just behaving as before too. And I think that brown hair is a wig. It's kinda like she's trying to be two opposing people at once.
>>264559>retweet about loving partners don't try and change you>has visibly dropped many unique traits to the point followers comment about itCow self awareness challenge: failed
No. 264585
File: 1667780006250.jpg (481.94 KB, 1536x2048, media_Fg2iRdOUYAEXsQj.jpg)

>>264583Photo with wig(?)
Kinda giving lana del rey/coquette dated early 2010s vibes
No. 264748
File: 1667860252426.jpg (654.21 KB, 1080x1881, Screenshot_20221107_172942_Ins…)

If she didn't decide to sell all her shit off to appease her corpse boyfriend you know she would've bought this
No. 264790
>>264748I like that she sold her anime stuff she "grew out of" and then buys selkie dresses and obviously wants this (admittedly very interesting) barbie
If skeletor is reading ths thread, I think she wants you to buy it for her. She posted it on Twitter too and mentioned the price both times.
No. 264798
>>264726It’s from the Selkirk sample sale she went to. I highly doubt she means it to be her wedding dress unless Skeletor will only do a court house wedding and refuses to let her get a real wedding dress.
How do they even make money/pay bills? Kelly doesn’t seem to do… anything and seems like she’s too up her ass to get a day job.
No. 265669
File: 1668373062319.png (6.25 MB, 1125x2436, A3605F43-54C7-498E-A062-70CB07…)

Back to the questionable pink wigs.
No. 265690
>>265669The fucking mood whiplash between this and
>>264431 feels like a cry for help.
No. 265761
File: 1668411040800.jpeg (557.92 KB, 1125x1865, EA24695D-5AF9-4424-BAD7-03E8DF…)

But Kelly, you don’t work!
No. 265769
>>265761The irony of her saying this right after queueing for a $350 barbie (which was sold out before she got to buy it)
Is she just straight up parroting skeletor here because nobody who truly believes they
cannot afford to live would be buying selkie dresses and limited edition barbies
disclaimer I am glad she
has been doing this since this seems more like normal Kelly, but it's at odds with the commie doomer stuff
No. 266156
File: 1668605920299.jpeg (572.69 KB, 1125x2089, 9C0CF2CD-1795-46F6-93B4-FCD396…)

No. 266157
File: 1668606028650.jpeg (241.22 KB, 1125x448, E0E9E3F6-3840-4833-9E62-52F585…)

It’s going to be another bed in her living room area.
No. 266312
>>266286Put sage in the email slot otherwise it needlessly bumps the thread to the top
And idk about the vids kek I don't go to this thread maybe some other anon knows
No. 266354
File: 1668669535609.jpeg (359.6 KB, 1125x2168, B354C17A-ACE7-46C0-B15A-D04824…)

People are dying, Kelly!
No. 266371
File: 1668687116984.jpeg (520.03 KB, 1125x1942, 463B8D35-8CD2-4CEE-B4AB-5DFD9C…)

>>266357No, he’s just an edge lord.
No. 266613
File: 1668809623175.jpeg (603.35 KB, 1125x1203, 65989A16-4F5B-4F90-9529-9CE644…)

No. 267142
File: 1669017684304.jpeg (387.09 KB, 1125x826, 0A52824A-E8E9-434D-950D-E8B373…)

Get a job then Kelly
No. 267203
File: 1669060673625.jpeg (604.76 KB, 1125x2153, A825C964-DAF9-4397-99B1-C19D2F…)

No. 267213
>>267203She's literally larping as a poorfag while still living in her kawaii apartment and painting and buying cute stuff and generally having a nice time.
Btw to anons wondering how she makes money, she rents out the dollhouse for photoshoots, that's her main income source I think.
No. 267310
File: 1669090380856.png (207.64 KB, 2708x418, Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 9.07…)

>>267295Previously people were speculating that Kelly was subletting it, maybe illegally. By renting it out, people mean Kelly was renting it out for the day for photoshoots. I don't think there is anything against that, is there?
No. 267354
File: 1669135523082.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1125x2085, 3A52757E-EFE9-49C7-BD7D-C3E333…)

So ugly
No. 267372
File: 1669144124919.jpg (35.63 KB, 640x640, 282d78e5575b04e58a767dceefedad…)

>>267358It's also not centered, what the fuck did she do?
No. 267376
File: 1669146353937.jpg (301.89 KB, 1017x1079, 4890328598043277.jpg)

>>267354It's beyond off center, the whole thing is a mess. Half-assed and gaudy as per usual.
No. 267393
File: 1669151412444.png (621.04 KB, 1280x719, x37wd2mzh6n31.png)

>>267382Yeah, like this is your home lady… Why not hire a professional to at least cut it out or go online and buy at least half a heart stencil instead of shittily eyeballing it.
No. 267528
File: 1669220800587.jpeg (145.73 KB, 1125x358, CB5E5B4B-D7DE-4E33-B262-524549…)

Ironic really. I wonder if Kelly has been groomed by Skeletor into thinking she’s communist now.
No. 267797
File: 1669261059303.jpeg (108.97 KB, 640x640, 1595611657552.jpeg)

>>267740pros of her not having friends anymore, kek. i wish she could get over her "Backstabbing" drama and talk to other people again. Its obvious she has no one but Skeletor and its killing her slowly
No. 267955
File: 1669356007227.jpg (72 KB, 679x706, yrukel.JPG)

kelly in a yru ad with a bad wig and body looking lumpy
No. 268567
File: 1669584532939.jpeg (190.64 KB, 1125x553, D575C7FF-24A6-4C9C-B3A1-4D0B58…)

Explains a lot
No. 268729
File: 1669646378912.jpeg (775.83 KB, 1125x1737, F4F3CF2C-789D-4334-A097-FB7C00…)

No shoes household, oh wow!
No. 268800
>>268729>>268731I would never step foot into this woman's apartment
Does she think we've forgotten these
>>106180>>100214>>>/snow/429003>>>/snow/427288>>>/snow/426882 No. 270130
File: 1670196862163.png (48.14 KB, 747x231, hypocrite.png)

You could have fooled me with your past, Kelly.
No. 270206
File: 1670226560406.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1750, 58EEB4F9-9A6B-4300-9506-8FFB65…)

Her house is going to look like a cheap brothel
No. 270207
File: 1670226893086.jpeg (793.07 KB, 1125x1403, CADF052F-4210-4353-8DEE-E1FD6F…)

No. 270209
File: 1670227257206.jpeg (657.02 KB, 1125x1443, C75C74EC-F9C5-42A2-ABCE-E1DA24…)

No. 270291
File: 1670266522025.jpeg (818.7 KB, 1125x1769, DA11739F-F857-4493-B0DD-081205…)

No. 270293
File: 1670266562461.jpeg (636.84 KB, 1125x1182, B68D1220-6E86-4E97-96E4-1EE117…)

Cadet Kelly: The NK ARC
No. 270335
>>270293North Korea:
Kelly: absolutely slaying
No. 270347
File: 1670275621541.jpeg (267.78 KB, 1170x579, 16BBA629-7908-49F0-857C-A4E35C…)

Who’s gonna tell her? Go ahead, go to North Korea Kelly.
No. 270348
File: 1670277098793.png (1.08 MB, 1125x2436, 5ADD5C89-931E-44EA-88CE-6C400C…)

What’s this latest identity crisis?
No. 270349
File: 1670277134307.png (779.69 KB, 1125x2436, 3FC6D98E-0653-4218-B163-E0A5DA…)

No. 270350
>>270349Oh no
Honey don't
I feel like we're about to watch a plane crash
No. 270401
>>270271>People have been killed for simply trying to leave. I remember watching a documentary years ago about how these girls basically went through hell and high water to escape from there, travelling on foot, and travel to South Korea. It's a dystopian, authoritarian hellhole.
She has lost it for real.
No. 270405
>>270348Maybe Skeletor has got a deal with someone who wants to buy the pale pinkhaired american, or maybe sell her skin and organs, I can't see any logical reason why even a commie brainwashed fool like him/them would want to
move to North Korea as implied here.
No. 270609
File: 1670358163773.png (45.1 KB, 755x242, bigoof.png)

The hypocrisy train continues kek
No. 270611
File: 1670360406887.jpeg (958.48 KB, 1125x1630, 36A7B2B1-3B10-41F8-9967-05AD08…)

Kelly is going to lose waaaaay more followers if she keeps this up
No. 270625
File: 1670363471824.jpg (324.16 KB, 1080x973, Forkomradekelly.jpg)

Such paradise.
No. 270626
File: 1670364460301.jpeg (923.34 KB, 2704x3605, 54DBA3D7-E9E8-4648-A11C-E71A1B…)

She’s been pro Russia for a couple of months now. I think she’s renewing her ‘edgelord license’ by the sudden love for NK
No. 270632
File: 1670366120809.jpeg (288.89 KB, 1125x710, 5DECD582-5A3B-44A3-B116-C0A7ED…)

No. 270634
File: 1670366173151.jpeg (369.1 KB, 1125x952, 5EA94D7C-E073-4C0B-B993-D9F64B…)

No. 270671
>>270649its definitely a manic phase. she posted on instagram (sorry I didnt save a screengrab) about covering the granite in her apartment kitchen, because it "doesnt go" with her aesthetic. she wanted to know how to do it for cheap.
she always does the most buckwild shit with her house when manic and potentially destroying her granite countertops is up there. she's even admitted you can tell when she needs to up her meds by how much she starts redecorating her house.
didnt she say she was moving? wtf happened to that?
No. 270701
>>270611Sad to see her clearly parroting commie conspiracy theorist moid opinions
>>270626Oh she loves Iran now too, the place where people are killed for not wearing a headscarf, protesting and beeping their car horn. Like you realise you are the fascist if you praise governments who execute innocent civilians?
No. 270746
File: 1670412661440.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1803x3605, 6ADCE034-6308-4314-9D20-0A2E02…)

>>270702He’s a very strange individual. Kelly must be a nice push over for him, he practically started living with her as soon as they got together.
No. 270820
File: 1670444707512.jpeg (283.82 KB, 1125x1572, 802D3312-B529-4E00-9266-8E3A2C…)

Won’t be long until more followers give up with it
No. 270822
File: 1670444824004.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1725, 049654E3-AF8C-4623-8C9A-3C47A9…)

No. 270826
File: 1670445009864.jpeg (123.35 KB, 750x766, 7751D14C-C834-4736-BA99-6F94CD…)

There’s no way she’s this deluded. This is in response to someone arguing with her about the NK thing. Notice how she claims that she’s educated herself via books, North Korean people, and summits when she’s literally never said anything about interacting with any of those before and also can’t provide any actual named examples because she doesn’t want to admit that her real sources are just Twitter propaganda accounts.
No. 270831
>>270632>pro-bioticis this a shit joke or something lmao i genuinely cant tell
i think kellys going down the same route as pixie purely in terms of cows that most anons once found vaguely inoffensive and annoying at worst, to straight up going off the deep end and becoming indefensible. every time she tweets something about ukraine or NK i want to a-log so bad
No. 270860
File: 1670449678003.jpeg (871.91 KB, 1125x1530, 95CF275D-2413-4948-B6D4-E433E1…)

No. 270861
File: 1670449782152.jpeg (358.59 KB, 1125x813, FEB480C7-964D-4AF3-877B-888280…)

Mental faculties! Hey Kelly remember when you couldn’t convert yen.
No. 270870
File: 1670450912748.jpeg (207.93 KB, 1125x589, 92C21105-50C8-473A-BB0F-C9F152…)

She’s always been a POS. Idolises rapists both locally and abroad.(
No. 270902
File: 1670457099804.png (180.62 KB, 1440x720, but don't use my appearance ag…)

>>270860And then she posts this, I dream of the day this bitch gets an ounce of self awareness
>pretty people are all actors!! people escaping from authoritarian regimes are fake!! Everyone who sells their story is lying about said story!(blog but coming from the UK where normal people sell their stories constantly, what a moronic line of thought)
>but don't use my appearance against me, only I can do that No. 270903
>>270826>her real sources are just Twitter propaganda accounts.It definitely is, when she first announced she was a commie on Instagram and people asked for sources she linked Youtube videos. Name one summit and post a selfie of you at it, Kelly, I'll wait.
And we already know she disregards the opinions of actual citizens since she shit on absolutely everyone on Instagram who had personal experience with communist living and said it was terrible.
No. 270940
>>270902>i dream of the day i can have a rational debateme too kelly me too,.
legit though all she does is argue with people on twitter, it wouldnt be hard for her to make an account that isnt tied to her name and image . like being realistic, most people arent calling her out for being a woman but bc her takes are fucking insane
No. 271011
>>270933>break up and make up with the same dude that clearly isn't into her.She's so obviously his beard, it's so awkward. I thought she had a job as makeup artist though. Stephanie is a horrorshow, she was manipulated by a moid too since he married her and then obviously encouraged her into bimbo fetishism, surgeries, takes all her photos etc while she's said she's asexual.
Throwing away your entire personality in favour of your moid's fetishes (Steph) or conspiracy theories (Kelly) is tragic.
No. 271027
File: 1670483476717.jpeg (239.83 KB, 1125x527, 85FA23CF-D22A-49F8-B168-E8896F…)

Are people really this deluded and in awe of her?
No. 271028
File: 1670484432050.png (638.75 KB, 1440x2681, untitled.png)

>>271027That's her tranny stan, he used to (probably still does) spend thousands on gifts for her.
Here's how she responds when someone says the truth (in response to her "all NK defectors are paid actors" stance):
No. 271197
File: 1670542964506.jpeg (176.75 KB, 750x1028, 76553AFF-08EF-4291-B5AA-F56ECD…)

Brought to you by the same woman who just hours earlier was criticising Wikipedia for having unverified sources, now would like to share her own sources starting with checks notes a YouTube video
No. 271198
File: 1670543049280.jpeg (174.19 KB, 750x1085, 2B6F2725-CBD3-4641-8DE5-953EBE…)

>>271197Added screenshot of context
No. 271209
>>271197>First, I applaud you she sounds like a male on reddit here jfc. she went off at
>>271028 for being condescending but then says stuff like this
No. 271291
File: 1670577929386.jpeg (330.96 KB, 1125x753, 615797EE-11FD-4DF9-8611-130037…)

Will this be the start of the Kelly Army role play arc?
No. 271304
>>271197Even if she wants to act like defectors from NK are "paid actors" (which sounds a lot like Alex Jones level 'crisis actor" vile bullshit), you'd think someone who seems to think of herself as so smart would know about the many documented cases, such as with Shin Sang-ok and Choi Eun-hee, where people have been abducted and tormented by the North Korean regime (and who can also account for the way the people there have to live).
It's just such a weird combination of hilarious and horrifying seeing people like Kelly having the most insane takes and then acting like people who know more than them are "brainwashed."
No. 271347
File: 1670613517243.jpg (40.02 KB, 361x500, 51dtyBmYRIL._AC_SY780_.jpg)

>>271304Yeah, and if Kelly can't be assed to read, here's a comic book about a guy who actually had to work in North Korea.
No. 271926
File: 1670840855400.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x1796, 463CC507-1122-4711-90EC-96B1CB…)

>>271718You’re right about the yellow fever
No. 272153
File: 1670952776967.jpeg (913.82 KB, 1125x1554, EFB153A8-C247-4442-9E4E-B749AA…)

Kelly’s ‘art’ is on a cover.
No. 272160
File: 1670955846935.jpg (272.5 KB, 1080x1349, 317952351_702147747800654_8849…)

>>272153She was on the back cover of Beautiful Bizarre too, (ad for the Eden Yule art show) it seems aside from the commieshit, the art is going well for her.
No. 272211
File: 1670973890908.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x2334, 2CD570FD-0D8F-422E-82B0-683EF2…)

Well this is worth a good laugh
No. 272212
File: 1670974076778.jpeg (227.99 KB, 1125x650, 4BE81243-B7DB-4728-A825-FCF5D0…)

No. 272269
File: 1671009832282.jpeg (359.11 KB, 1284x1243, F1E759B0-B493-4BA1-B7B5-B30672…)

I can’t post the entire convo with one pic, but this was on a Guillermo Del Toro’s ad for Pinocchio which I clicked out of curiosity only to find fucking Kelly. What the actual fuck is wrong with this airhead
No. 272270
File: 1671009858497.jpeg (353.4 KB, 1284x1195, 2913DB19-6AB8-4FC5-9BA5-2D9D81…)

No. 272283
>>272269She's gone off the edge, what the fuck is this take? I don't care about this movie but there is no correlation between puppets and money whaat
If she's saying the movie industry burn money, what's new? Saying
we want money makes no difference to that industry, and it is not one the common man has any role or power in, aside from buying tickets or subscriptions.
>stop motion puppets rot and deteriorateMuch like your braincells Kelly, put the bong down
No. 272321
File: 1671041224993.jpeg (506.37 KB, 1125x1961, 4C774A27-A234-45F6-94E4-96E031…)

The Kelly Eden Saga: Return to Japan. I bet Angelic Pretty are locking their doors as she types.
No. 272426
File: 1671088659036.jpeg (499.7 KB, 1125x1274, 10A78FC0-6772-46EC-A079-7E4D0C…)

No. 273013
File: 1671373806258.jpeg (592.45 KB, 1125x1917, 13D6EDCE-4424-4846-BF88-DBCDDC…)

No. 273223
File: 1671908379202.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1125x1692, F9D68427-BCFC-4257-AF9E-94F6E9…)

Kelly ‘against consumerism’ Eden
No. 273493
File: 1672209878387.jpg (184.78 KB, 900x1200, FlA7DmbaYAAKJk4.jpg)

Unsettling, claustrophobic circus tent aesthetic
No. 273556
File: 1672344308242.jpeg (248.98 KB, 1125x598, EE3D934C-4339-44F6-A1AD-A3D792…)

Or maybe you could try ‘If he preys on little girls, he’s a nonce’ Kelly
No. 273723
File: 1672520920990.png (994.95 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20221231-120501.png)

>>273709I just came here to post this, lol. Here's a screenshot of it. She's such a hypocrite
No. 273760
File: 1672556922403.png (8.5 MB, 1284x2778, 3B69D59E-D427-4B40-8E26-C0317E…)

And the misogynistic part is relevant because???
No. 273831
File: 1672610172698.png (860.04 KB, 720x1327, Screenshot_20221231-120439.png)

>>273750It was a video with a lot of stuff in it, and there was a lot of clips of girls talking about plastic surgery/injections
No. 273909
File: 1672679980404.jpeg (1.08 MB, 2704x3605, A9327B92-BC7D-43C4-B914-49FB72…)

Just a few of Kelly’s opinions on Plastic Surgery. Guess stickman really wants his Trad Wife.
No. 273911
File: 1672680830131.jpeg (503.14 KB, 1304x1511, C9C91604-9F9E-4B8A-9366-9C68CA…)

She realized she in fact is not someone people want to be friends with. Kelly is a red flag because she thinks people make friends by being pretty and skinny. Maybe she’d still have friends if she worked on her personality and shitty entitled attitude instead.
No. 273990
>>273911“Got implants removed” … that’s a very particular way to say “I got them replaced w smaller implants”.
Can’t even be truthful on a self reflection post.
No. 274051
>>273911>euphoric stage persona What does that even mean? Confirmed Stefan helps her write her tweets because this makes zero sense
>my authentic selfOh sweet, your authentic self is a tankie who praises countries that kill women just for showing their hair or wanting control over their own bodies. Nice.
No. 274064
File: 1672756859273.png (326.25 KB, 1435x435, naturalbeauty.png)

Who did this kek? I was googling her age because this
>>273911Just sounds like anyone going through their mid 30s except for the NK fangirling angle. You're no metamorphized nirvana attaining spirit Kelly, simply a millennial hitting that early midlife crisis.
No. 274705
File: 1673198783273.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1785, 5EFA5047-BE49-4B5C-B083-FE3912…)

That’s because she is a hypocritical twat
No. 274706
File: 1673198880752.jpeg (792.72 KB, 1125x1846, C7D052F1-384E-4E3F-9F7B-2823A8…)

Kelly ‘We must not consoom’ Eden. Sure they love pole dancing in NK
No. 274721
>>274705Edward snowden violated his contract. Violating a government contract can involve jail time. Likenthis shit is common sense to U.S. citizens. Whistle-blower or not, he did what he did. And the u.s. govt. or any state government official can ground a plane. Even pre 9/11. Bitch needs to read instead of talking to one of those sovereign citizen retards. Fuckin' Mayor McCheese can ground a plane.
I'm legit waiting for her to get sprayed or tazed at a protest because she's weapoized stupidity.
No. 274801
>>274705Yeah, totally sucks that "The West" can't be like her precious NK, Russia, and China where everyone totally trusts the government for reasons that definitely aren't isolationism, propaganda, and the fact that critics of the government tend to go missing.
The American government sucks - so do most governments. You don't sound smart and woke for acting like western governments are somehow exceptionally cruel compared to the rest of the world.
No. 275743
>>274705Tag me in coach!!!
Snowden is the reason why usb drives are verboten in government, he stole classified documents & put them in an insecure location that didn’t follow the protocols for top secret classified materials. That ALONE is jail time and it doesn’t matter if you’re trying to expose govt wide spying that’s affecting the public, or if you just brought some classified stuff home from the office so you could finish your work.
In most agencies you actually receive routine emails about whistleblower protection (given that you’re not whistleblowing something that the government will want to black site you for, of course).
For this airhead to make blanket statements about whistleblowers….this is so above her head she really needs to know when to shut up.
What else is she gonna think she’s an overnight expert on?
(Inb4 arguments about validity of this post- actively work in govt. have to have this info hammered into my head at least 2x a year)
No. 276019
File: 1673809614857.jpeg (768.91 KB, 1125x1493, 99A1268F-7E04-4CF4-893F-864F61…)

STFU Kelly.
No. 276107
File: 1673833694077.jpg (1.67 MB, 4629x3035, x.jpg)

>>276099>>276020It's part of the commie buyapersonality to side with Russia as the underdogs even though even a child can see it is an invasion and Ukraine are the underdogs. I followed this commie guy who otherwise had good opinions, but as soon as the Ukraine invasion began he immediately started posting pro-Russia stuff and I had to mute and eventually unfollow. It's so tasteless to me, I swear they do this just for attention. No way anyone actually thinks the invaders are the underdogs.
Also that costume she's replying to is amazing, I recommend looking up the clip. (By this logic the Victoria secret angels are also propaganda?)
No. 276125
File: 1673855010172.jpeg (726.5 KB, 1125x1573, 7C5DFA9D-0ADE-42B6-808C-30D99B…)

I just love that Kelly has been retweeting rants about AI Art and AI’s ruining peoples work and then this happens. She really is lacking in brains cells.
No. 276291
File: 1674069777672.png (266.62 KB, 1440x1131, Normal.png)

Kelly's own subconscious is laughing at her at this point. Like the phrase give you a tour is generally used sarcastically
Tweets brought to you by the For You Twitter setting, she also shitposts under Biden Tweets every day(?)
No. 277647
File: 1674146979925.jpeg (308.43 KB, 1125x1095, 9DC5952E-FC1A-473B-8431-656310…)

It appears Kelly’s political stance changes depending on the man she’s trying to get. So dumb.
No. 277683
>>277569No mention of Kelly, I watched the whole video, but she did address the type of behaviour we can see in those Kaya/Kelly/Jake videos, she said a bit about how Jake would always say really inappropriate things and act inappropriately (sexually, flirting) with her friends which made them not want to hang around with them. And it was obviously true since Kaya is out with her friends every few days now, he literally repelled people. Kelly seems like a pickme so I'm sure she blamed Kaya in the situation, their friendship ended soon after and she uploaded a video some time after with the thumbnail something about removing "toxtic" friends, like she typo'd it (intentionally or not idk since Kelly is dyslexic) to suggest it was about Kaya and Jake. She also uploaded a video about some weird guy in Colorado who dressed similar to jake every day, that kinda beetlejuice type of goth.
Kaya has been quite a lady about all this and she didn't name anyone, the video was mostly about her feelings and experiences.
(sorry for textwall, I am invested in goth cows and weeb cows equally)
No. 277711
>>277683Thank you for summarizing the video.
Although I do have to point out that Kelly isn't dyslexic, she's just uneducated/dumb as all hell. Nothing going on up in that bleach soaked noggin.
No. 277723
File: 1674199691887.jpeg (581.79 KB, 1125x1452, 9E61A2ED-C26E-4567-8EDF-FD591E…)

Must consoooom but not consoom. She’s a walking contradiction
No. 277724
File: 1674199919293.jpeg (385.92 KB, 1125x1180, B2F187D8-EFDA-4D3E-A34D-6C9900…)

Someone tell Kelly she’s not 14 anymore, smoking weed doesn’t make you seem cool to your peers.
No. 279445
File: 1675037886987.jpeg (530.08 KB, 1179x1913, 7B567AE1-12D4-4944-9A5B-44E601…)

Because of Kelly’s new personality and identity on Twitter, I decided to check in on her sister and was surprised (but also not) to see the following tweets. I checked on IG and they both unfollowed each other kek. Seems like Kelly’s family is also sick of her BS and cutting ties.
No. 279493
File: 1675082050044.jpeg (628.11 KB, 1125x1799, 81B2B0CE-0C74-45D8-B85E-1098B8…)

>>279454I think Kelly might start spilling the tea herself
No. 279494
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No. 279519
File: 1675103512820.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1125x2168, 0ECBB491-B990-4563-A6CA-8C7EBE…)

I feel like there’s no way she didn’t hear about Teal Swan being a dangerous cult leader, right? Is she just ignoring that and resposting this anyway?
No. 279542
File: 1675126923053.png (146.57 KB, 518x676, twt.png)

Any guesses as to who she's talking about?
No. 279626
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No. 279647
>>279626You can tell she just parrots opinions and has no idea what she's actually saying. Personally if I had a background in photography, art and weeb shit I wouldn't offer my half-baked political "opinions" to the world as if they are of any use. It's not like we can't search out actual academics and experts, or people with actual real life experience in these areas (e.g ask someone from Ukraine, don't speak for them) rather than get our knowledge from parrot influencers talking out of their ass.
tldr she needs to shut up, this is not making her look clever as she imagines
No. 279698
File: 1675259138642.jpeg (398.04 KB, 1125x1758, EAF4DF1A-DD06-4A47-9E4F-0E7E9D…)

You mean this anon?
No. 279783
File: 1675302598292.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1179x2092, 4836FE25-AC40-413D-A3E0-F5BE4F…)

No. 279804
File: 1675321734358.jpeg (985.34 KB, 1284x1746, 0EE4F97E-D66F-487C-B1F7-DC0BE4…)

She could at least try to look a little more polished, even if she just dyed her hair back to it’s natural colour fully instead of letting the roots grow out with the blonde
No. 279829
File: 1675343298767.jpeg (912.4 KB, 1284x2377, DF468B71-E4CF-43F7-9341-9F7399…)

Facebook audience are not having it.
People are calling her out for the contradiction in her caption and that she is 33 not 30. One comment says ‘communist scum’.
No. 279841
>>279829Lol the thing about communism that every politically informed person understands is that it's a great ideology
on paper but it's never been done on this planet without extreme fascism involved. That's the bad part. You can say you believe in Marxist ideas but most people are going to interpret "I'm a communist" as "I am cool with and love fascism" because that's the only real life reference anyone has. How does she not realize this?
No. 279846
File: 1675356179212.png (122.11 KB, 592x425, kek.png)

The update to her Twitter bio is killing me.
No. 279886
>>279877As horrible as she is I kind of feel bad for her a teensy bit. She's empty, shallow, and insanely feeble minded and everyone walked out on her (rightfully so tbf) leaving her alone with only commie stickman of all people being the person for her to morph into/be manipulated by.. yikess. A recipe for disaster.
>>279868A ring she'll never get let's be real. All of this started when Davey had his kid with the woman she painted. Math being done, she was a few months pregnant already while being painted by her baby daddy's ex. Kek
No. 279907
>>279804Her "new look" is so obviously some millennial male 90s hacker goth babe ideal, a woman didn't devise this look. It's typical dated moid styled fashion, we've seen how MTFs style themselves in a similar dated way.
Honestly depressing to put this much effort in to please such a middling male with a copy paste internet commie personality.
>>279830How the FUCK do you reply to that with "it has its pros and cons" the absolute gall of these assholes
No. 279940
File: 1675408845036.jpeg (641.22 KB, 1125x1248, 73946873-CFF4-44E2-BB8C-AA286E…)

‘Some Lolita girl’ come now Kelly, you know she made you cry and pointed out your self entitled attitude.
No. 279941
File: 1675409023797.jpeg (221.31 KB, 1125x423, 6F3CDD78-F20B-4349-9108-1ED2A9…)

New Arc Alert! Conspiracy Kelly is unlocked
No. 280115
>>280105This. Kelly is shallow. She starts dating someone or makes a new friend, slaps their aesthetic all over her social media, changes the way she looks, and nonstop posts about
insertnewidentityhere. However, if she were to debate with someone she wouldn’t have anything other than the blurbs and catch phrases she’s latched on to. She doesn’t have a deep understanding and I’d bet my life on it. The moment skeletor skidaddles she’s going to have a personality crisis. She’s literally shacked up with her man twig all day everyday- no friends, family or colleagues to help round her out. It’s embarrassing.
No. 280221
File: 1675585776222.jpeg (322.45 KB, 1284x2243, D796F483-0F5C-4861-8ECC-05A47B…)

Honestly though, when was she ever a goth? She’s always raved on about it and the only thing even remotely close i ever saw was maybe her little tumblr/punky/emo thing she did in the early 2010s back when it was a trend anyways
No. 280322
File: 1675626145004.jpg (74.49 KB, 474x711, f5adc108a59e92f845570e1e5092ab…)

>>280221I'm thinking maybe they're confusing her scene phase for goth?
No. 280325
File: 1675626795749.jpeg (453.1 KB, 1125x1289, FF0BBDA3-EE66-4900-AAD9-27C4DD…)

I don’t think she even knows what she’s speaking about
No. 280326
File: 1675627129949.png (2.73 MB, 1383x2069, oldkelly.png)

>>280322Samefag, just found Kelly's old flickr account with lots of interesting past photos of her in costumes, I haven't seen most of these before. No. 280327
>>280325She has no idea, literally hundreds of people have replied to her on Instagram when she first announced she was a commie, to describe what it was personally like for them and their families, and still now like
>>279830and she dismissed it. She strikes me as someone who would have been a religion nut in a past life, don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs
No. 280330
>>280326God her posing is so limited and she doesn’t and never had a face for modeling. Even so, an actual talented model would still be able to make it work regardless. Someone should have told her years and years ago that this just isn’t her field.
Also her tattoos were and still are fucking awful.
No. 280344
File: 1675633902412.jpeg (1.04 MB, 2704x3605, C4F94274-7034-4246-9099-6691FE…)

Interesting. It seems Kelly can’t help but just be offensive(old, spoiled milk)
No. 280356
File: 1675639754280.jpeg (2.06 MB, 3605x3605, D2F1AEC2-F84F-407E-A5F4-A9D94E…)

>>279906 she is starting to pose like his ex in her new pictures. Same facial expression too
No. 280625
File: 1675785100498.jpg (242.82 KB, 800x917, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>280356Did anybody else notice the ex is Russian?
I think the theory she's being slowly molded is more likely correct than her intentionally doing it at this point. I'm wondering if he had his Soviet fetish before he met her or if that's something he developed with her and can't let go of. I feel kind of bad for her at this point tbh, I wish she had someone left to snap her out of it.
It's just strange that she went from always joking around, being extroverted, adventurous and carefree to this super serious commie artist who is so tragic, stoned 24/7 with no friends and doesn't leave the house. You can tell from the tone of her comments too that she's not even happy.
No. 280653
File: 1675793333666.png (10.24 MB, 1125x2436, 74D6FFE1-0B42-4C80-8CDF-1C3352…)

He’s so gross, what do these women see in him?
No. 280795
File: 1675874920391.jpeg (319.61 KB, 1125x744, 02142B35-59C7-4772-95A6-72C1F7…)

What about Dahvie?
No. 280831
File: 1675891801172.jpeg (661.87 KB, 1125x1616, 8775E829-F8EA-4F8D-BB63-29A2CC…)

This has got to be the stickman tweeting from her account.
No. 280906
File: 1675926536729.jpeg (680.49 KB, 1125x1777, E0F40738-DC4E-4480-8E3E-4657C0…)

Of course Kelly couldn’t just quietly delete the videos, she has to tell the whole world. Why doesn’t she just delete her whole Channel at this point?
No. 280907
>>280906As someone who used to follow her back then, there would be 30 dislikes per video (I always wondered who/why) and like one mild conversation in the comments about something like her dying her dog pink or letting him use a fan's literal fansign as a ramp, the mildest thing ever. Only the Lolita dress fiasco was more in depth and she isn't a lolita so it doesn't affect the rest of her channel. Other than that it was 99% approval.
There's some skeletor related reason but I haven't deduced what yet, maybe he was afraid she'd include him in her videos so he talked her out of it idk.
No. 281028
File: 1676015605364.jpeg (535.75 KB, 1125x1252, 98E44C76-71CF-4FA0-9495-183A67…)

Omg an Elevator. She’s so fickle
No. 281302
File: 1676146189091.jpeg (819.72 KB, 1125x1670, 24341691-6FB9-43B5-A0E7-28CB8C…)

Kelly being put in her place after butting in on drama that doesn’t involve her because she’s an ‘artist’
No. 281375
File: 1676177537069.png (405.87 KB, 1440x1960, negging male.png)

>>281302After reading the thread, Kelly's actually right here. The girl is just some rando phrasing the Tweet like she's Yeha's client (the actual client is in fact a celebrity based on Yeha replying to questions about who it's for with "you'll see!") in order to complain about something which isn't her business.
However this one is interesting, an imaginary male voice constantly negging you? #thinkingfaceemoji
No. 281493
File: 1676240080200.jpeg (269.56 KB, 1125x1031, 5C66B0E4-02F4-482A-946D-384816…)

Interesting that her sister is still tweeting things like this
No. 281511
File: 1676245066075.jpeg (224.47 KB, 1284x2533, 05A419FD-E4B9-4AA5-8D15-8E70AC…)

>>281493I’m not sure if they were before, but Madi and Kelly don’t appear to be following each other now
No. 281604
File: 1676287222642.jpeg (375.46 KB, 1125x1029, 377EC965-727C-4951-A629-6C83FE…)

Kelly is seeking sympathy on Twitter for her Flu
No. 281605
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No. 281606
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No. 281632
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‘Lying traitors’ eek, that’s quite a harsh statement to make Kelly.
No. 281774
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Oh good, Tranny Anne is getting in on the comrade shit now.
No. 281784
>>281774As if china wouldn’t be shooting down balloons if we sent them over there.
Secondly, civilians took videos of the balloon being shot down… nowhere have I seen any videos of the Raptor making multiple attempts or articles about it for that matter. Fact check your propaganda Kelly. Or idk, just shut up and stop reposting random false information you stumbled upon on Twitter acting like it’s factual information. The hypocrisy. At least she got the price of the missile right, which is absurd on its own.
No. 281890
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Looks like we’re going to get a Dollhouse ‘up grade’
No. 281927
>>281890Sage 4 huge nitpick but how is she stupid enough to not see it's most likely antique?
No. 282161
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This has to be skeletor tweeting, we all know Kelly would have been all over that pink dress. Also notice how he did nothing for her for valentines?
No. 282162
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Skeletor is disappointing in bed, Kek!
No. 282313
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No. 282581
>>281601So it’s okay for her to rep Netflix and Vogue in her Instagram because her features make her look important, but
>>282161 this type of greed and consumerism is bad and worth lamenting over. No, it’s wrong because she can’t afford it-and is seething as her vapid YouTube career is over, so no more free PR. Very convenient. Kelly, you’d make a
fantastic American politician. Rules for these and not for me. Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, get off Twitter and Instagram, and move to mother Russia? Oh, that wouldn’t be comfortable. Tell us more about how America is the worst place to be while you continue to benefit off of unemployment and selling your scraps on depop while living in one of the most expensive cities in the country.
We know Capitalism is bad, we figured it out probably 15 years before you. You really don’t have to half ass it as your personality all of a sudden because your boyfriend is into it. Why are the biggest retards the most patronizing.
No. 282583
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>>281601>>282581FUCKING KEK nona. shes such a shit larper
>capitalism is bad and immoral also look at ME in Netflix and Vogue and TV sure have a phone and internet you can't work/college without it anymore. but flexing netflix and vogue?? get a fucking grip kelly, modeling one of the most capitalist and sexist industries of all time and netflix is fucking netflix, lmao. skeletor daddy is gonna neg her when she refreshes the thread.
No. 282723
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No. 282724
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I couldn’t find the comment. So she probably took a screenshot and deleted it.
No. 282749
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She’s such a cunt. I said what I said
No. 282777
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>>282749now shes gatekeeping communism from poors?? she literally had rich parents, a fucking art degree from only as status symbol, became even more rich by being a youtuber and giving sob stories to pay for her plastic surgery proceadures. her entire "brand" was built on shit she bought and copied from some alt chic back in the day. she is as privileged as it gets and always has been on easy mode now shes acting like she gets Marxism more than everyone else cause her boyfriend is retarded.
her comfy upper class family is probably cackling at this bullshit, jesus christ. thank you kelly for inventing marxism and being so humble about it.
No. 282781
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…as opposed to a $1500 Lolita dress that you didn’t think would fit because there was no ‘shearing’?
No. 282787
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>>282781i got one! the time she got fake tits and lipo just to keep shooping herself. or the time she begged money from her fans for a funeral but then spent all the money on taking her family and friends to a meet and greet with the backstreet boys in vegas! or when scrote told her to ditch the plastic surgery so she spent more money on nothing. or all the money for her nonexisting sketches that she deleted completely as a big fuck you to all the people who paid money to see her in Mexican beaches with her friends.
No. 282791
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I would love to know what her logic is behind this one
No. 282883
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Kelly forgets that’s she’s just like Jeffree and covered for Dahvie(learn to sage)
No. 283122
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No. 283128
>>283122Can she fuck off to the "best korea" already so we don't have to see her piss poor takes on twitter.
But she won't even move states from LA consumerist paradise.
No. 283335
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Kelly really just doesn’t know how to respond to pure facts.
No. 283385
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small cow crossover
>>283335was this about che Guevara, nona? the tweet kelly responded to is now limited so you cant see it anymore
No. 283433
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Hey look the commie is advertising for a brand deal for a luxury good she is paid to like.
No. 283571
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Wow! So Edgy Kelly
No. 283850
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What the actual fuck
No. 283931
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Kek, Kelly is getting chewed up on Twitter right now
No. 283983
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(learn to sage)
No. 284058
>>283983I've never heard of people getting raped at massage parlours (though it is a genre of porn)
Generally people don't rape you
at work, most rapes and murders are by past or current significant others in residential areas or whatever. No cameras, easy access. She's on a manhate rage right now, can't say she's wrong but it's a bit strange for a former nlog like Kelly, I wonder what sparked it
No. 284196
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(site wont let me upload screen recording, sorry nonnies the screenshot will have to do)
Kelly posted to her stories she wants to put fucking wallpaper on the cement floor and skeletor says no. For once he's right, she should not put fucking wallpaper on a cement floor. Especially if she paints here, we already know it will be ruined in a day (or more like 10 minutes after) by her filthy ass feet
No. 284263
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Kelly’s into shoplifting now
No. 284542
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I wonder which one of the many
No. 284586
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Quirky Moss garden is the latest hobby
No. 284711
>>284705He always seems to be around in the middle of the day when she's in her studio, she's never mentioned him working, and he posts zero of his work online, even though the clickthroughs from Kelly's page would be free advertising and every creative person posts regularly online if they have anything to show, since it's the best place to grow an audience, and I'm sure she'd post/repost his work if there was anything. All we've seen is as above, him helping around the house.
He also moved across the country so he would have lost work contacts. There is absolutely no proof he is working so why are you so sure he is?
No. 285332
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Well it doesn’t look good
No. 285660
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She’s going through another manic stage! This is going to be good
No. 285722
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She looks so fucking crusty
No. 285793
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The slow morth into looking like the ex is so laughable!
No. 285953
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Kelly says her main source of income is painting. Also new Twitter profile picture, she looks miserable
No. 285964
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>>285953She posted this, looks miserable x2 and then next post is showing her dog and calling him her best pal
She is like subtly calling for help imo, may as well say she's miserable with no friends. She should try and reach out to Kota or Katie Rose, both of them seem to be genuinely nice people and not in it for the drama
No. 286022
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No as ugly set up
No. 286023
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But this is U-G-L-Y
No. 286058
>>286022What is with the random fabric just over the edges of the desk. It just looks so out of place.
I'm so confused by the design choices (why is that heart thing by the front door??) and the choices in general by this woman who keeps proclaiming COMMUNISM GREAT DA but invests in bougie DIY stuff for her house that is A) expensive and B) clearly doesn't make her happy. Because she looks miserable.
This house is a nice allegory tbh. You can change the surface level of a house but if the foundations are bad or get rot, then it'll crumble regardless of whatever decoration you've put on it. It's just ultimately very hollow. Like. Idk.
No. 286594
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Screen shot of her showing off her studio…
No. 286595
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Studio 2/3
No. 286596
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And the floor- just as ‘clean’ as you would imagine 3/3
No. 286712
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More Kellyposting on Twitter from Madi. Does anyone know the context of this?
No. 287179
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What does she mean by this?
No. 287824
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The skinwalk of the ex is actually insane, time to grow your own personality Kelly. This seems like a lot of effort for dick that she even said was unsatisfactory.
No. 287841
>>287825Don't post family members on lolcor
>>287824I'm of the mind he just has a type and probably positively affirms the brown hair and such rather than Kelly larping the ex, the commie thing is definitely his fault though
No. 288943
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No. 289180
>>288943Jesus Christ, what do you have to do to make your sister hate you so much? Take a credit card out in her name or something? I'm guessing she's just become snotty, pretentious and combative towards her family and not just on Twitter but she seems a little too angry for it to be just that.
Whatever it is, it's since at least NYE and she hasn't once gone back on it or deleted any of those tweets.
No. 289201
>>288943Kelly lies about the strangest things, like getting smaller implants and saying they got removed but she still has a large bust and back pain. When skimpy pre-boob job modelling photos of her are all over the internet.
Also someone needs to make a new thread, any thread pic suggestions?
No. 289858
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