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No. 139046
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>>139036At least bring some milk if you're going to start a thread. JJ has literally 10+ years worth of it.
Recent milk:
>Is in her mid 30s but is obsessed with becoming a TikTok famous influencer and living the life of a teen boy.>Now cosplays almost exclusively with minors in teen-heavy fandoms to perpetuate her teen boy roleplay fantasy>Films shipping videos with those minors (Deku cosplayer in this screengrab is 18)>Runs a JJ fanclub discord and hosts Meet JJ meet and greets at cons>Constantly complains about other cosplayers but deleted her twitter posts earlier this year to clean house and delete receipts. TikTok Cosplay Twitter Second Twitter Youtube Instagram
No. 139047
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>>139046She also jumps on SJW political bandwagons but then uses them for for clout or personal gain.
Last March she started a GoFundMe to 3D print Covid face shields and raised over $5000. She tried getting Buzzfeed and NPR to pick the story up, failed, and then she only printed 80 shields. She never updated again and now has deleted all the original GoFundMe tweets, so presumably all of that
money went into her pocket and not into masks for hospitals.
No. 139106
>>139101Are you actually retarded?
>18 year old>18>Eighteen>Teen
>Uses tiktok, a platform mostly used by teenagers while in her 30s dressing up like a teenager kissing teenagers>>139046Yup, totally normal socially acceptable behavior. It's definitely not predatory at all to simulate intimacy with people half your age on a platform full of minors.
No. 139136
>>139135Oh so you're using the classic "She's mentally a child, so it's no big deal" like Michael Jackson defenders. I don't know anyone in their 30s that is friendly with teens they aren't related to. Maybe casually through fandom, but most well adjusted adults would be grossed out by the idea of kissing teens or having a social circle of mostly teens.
I never expected her to turn out this way, but something's not right. If she was a man, would you be WKing this hard?
No. 139139
>>139135JJ to my knowledge does not live with her parents. She has age appropriate friends as well but mainly make tiktoks with the barely 18 year olds.
Ive seen plenty of people have a decade age gap friendship in fandom spaces, but making out with the on video wtf?
No. 139149
>>139047this is the real milk. Is this posted anywhere else? I fucking hate people like this. I don't believe in hell but there should be a place for people exploiting tragedies and trying to make a name for themselves on the backs of actual workers.
The money this scum got could have been given to someone who was actually providing a service to frontline workers.
No. 139210
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>>139200What minimum wage job? Her last tweet is about hustling through zoom meetings while on her vacation getaway. Do you know something we don't or are you wking for no reason?
No. 139397
>>139105Were you dropped on your head or something?
>anons this cosplayer is a PEDO who MAKES OUT PUBLICALLY with MINORS!!!!! here's a picture of her kissing a 18-year old>so where's the minor?>HUFF PUFF I'M NOT GOING TO POST LITERAL CHILDREN ON LOLCOW YALL JUST HAVE TO TAKE MY WORD FOR IT!!!!! BESIDES IT'S STILL CREEPY THAT A 30 YEAR OLD, A LITERAL OLD ASS NASTY GRANNY, IS KISSING A 18-YEAR OLD!!!!!Jesus, grow up.
Maybe if it was a seedy neckbeard in his 30s making out with a 18-year old e-thot taking advantage of her daddy issues it would be gross but a bunch of legally adult fujos cosplay larping is yesterday's news. Twitterfags need to fuck off with their "21-year old minor" meme.
No. 139491
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>>139485Hate to tell you but most adults don't like looking at teens in positions like this. It's skeevy to approve of it and worse to be the 30+ year old who's participating.
Some of her TikToks are already gone. JJ has a history of deleting anything incriminating so I expect her to purge more soon.
No. 139497
>>139149I tried searching and can't find it posted anywhere except the GoFundMe page itself and one hospital thanking her (presumably for the one and only shipment in her update). Like
>>139047 said she's deleted any reference to the fundraiser or her mask making so it's like it never existed.
Cosplay morals aside, stealing $5000 from covid wards during a pandemic is fucking disgusting.
No. 139523
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>>139112Here's your vintage milk since you can't stop fighting over whether a 30 yr old licking a teenager's neck is okay.
Some of this already came up in the old Usagi Kou thread.
>She was one of Usagi Kou's (Sailor Moon skinwalker) Cool Kou Klan friends back in the day
>Then had a falling out with the group and their other friends. Some anceint milk that wasn't deleted:
>In the late 2000s she was a constant topic on CGL. She'd self-post and feud with other cosplayers. One of her blow ups happened after she posted a photo of herself wearing a Naruto headband as a shirt.
>She later dated Mostflogged (another cow) and had another public falling out. They accused each other of being psychopaths and attacked each other with their online fans and friends. Mostflogged is actually insane and shameless so the fault was never clear.
>Re-surfaced in Homestuck years later with a new nameThis is the oldest archived CGL thread on her I could find, from 2012. It's mostly about how she's narcisistic and blows through cosplay friends every few years. It makes perfect sense she picked up a new group in the 20 and under TikTok crowd since that's where she cosplays now. No. 139530
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>One of her blow ups happened after she posted a photo of herself wearing a Naruto headband as a shirt.
No. 139555
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>>139554The lolcow link in the instapost is the OP lmao