File: 1501571244935.png (885.6 KB, 667x889, 1483130766670.png)

No. 12143
>married and has a kid>sexualizes children's cartoon characters>has porn all over her home>posts nudes of her online, for free>made pornhub account with mostly just videos of her slapping her gross ass together in costume>claims she is better than girls who don't do it for free>at the same time has an amazon wishlist for fans to buy her shit>strangely obsessed with hentai artist Shadbase (who has drawn porn based off of real life underage girls among other things)>has photos of Shad's name written on her ass and asshole, presumably written by her husband>asskisses other cosplayers because she is desperate for attention, and they never give it to her>talks shit about casual Mei cosplay on twitter>deletes the tweets and cosplays casual Mei, casual etc.>chimped out when someone made a fart edit of her "famous" D.Va cosplay twerk videolinks: thread
>>>/snow/216440 No. 12144
File: 1501592516136.jpg (732.17 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_9471.JPG)

Had a good laugh at OP's picture. Chel just seems like an aging woman who misses her glory days. I'm more interested in her new friend, the messy haired Satsuki. She goes by "Slowku" on most social media.
No. 12147
File: 1501596315927.jpg (602.08 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_7077.JPG)

>>12144Satsuki's armor looks like a paper mache mess but she's still hotter than chel
No. 12148
File: 1501597675518.jpg (445.27 KB, 692x875, IMG_3439.JPG)

Fucking christ
No. 12150
File: 1501599511957.jpg (317.74 KB, 1242x1533, IMG_7076.JPG)

she is a human fridge
No. 12153
>>12145The armor is meh but the boots and cloth are pretty damn good.
>>12146Slowku seems to have a decent following, she's pretty attractive. I follow her and she seems kind of… misguided? I'm not sure what to make of her behavior. She comes from an abusive home, from what she's talked about on Instagram during live streams. I'm hoping she wises up enough to realize how Chel is,
No. 12160
File: 1501645144523.jpg (132.44 KB, 872x1200, DF2dcCNV0AA8MYY.jpg)

>>12159the pics that anon posted are shooped, but she looks awful anyway
No. 12168
File: 1502190997941.jpg (48.42 KB, 500x495, tiptopkek.jpg)

>>12164ahahaha holy fuck anon you got me good
>>12148i can't tell if it's the camera angle or the proportions are totally fucked on the costume or what, but it genuinely looks like the top half of her body is twice the size of her lower body? like someone's warped the top two corners out wide in photoshop, and then gone back in to make her head tiny, like the the actual fuck is going on here?
No. 12175
>>12171Holy shit, I always assumed she was late 30s/early 40s.
Fat, not even once.
No. 12178
>>12177two things
1) so she's just doing straight up hardcore porn now
2) what the FUCK is that cosplay honestly
No. 12181
File: 1502832142367.gif (480.46 KB, 245x155, IMG_5830.GIF)

>>12180Oh my god. Is this granny porn?
No. 12185
>>12177That ain't even the right wig for god sakes. Plus a 1:45?? How's her fanbase suppose to get off to that? I wonder how her kids feel knowing that mommy is a dime whore who dresses up as cartoon characters naked and is obsessed with a lolicon artist.
I feel bad for them.
No. 12188
>>12187And she is obviously one of those dipshit parents who thinks "my child has nothing to be ashamed of. Doing porn is totally respectable!!"
Her kid is going to get the shit bullied out of him.
No. 12189
File: 1502901325580.jpg (Spoiler Image,236.11 KB, 937x1200, IMG_7483.JPG)

TW for body horror
No. 12191
>>12189>>12190What is this even supposed to be? HQ She only seems to pick the tackiest "cosplays".
Her boobs are forever a nightmare.
No. 12197
>>12196Apparently they've known each other since high school. So it's more like a case of he
married the first girl who he ever got laid with and couldn't do any better and she married the first guy who ever found her attractive. No doubt that neither of them could do better than what they have now. Even Shadman wouldn't touch her stank ass.
No. 12199
File: 1503008017278.png (Spoiler Image,3.56 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5226.PNG)

I don't understand how anyone could get hard from this
She looks like a middle aged man
No. 12200
>>12199silly anon… that's because she IS a middle aged man, the chellbunny thing is clearly a masker…
Sage for drunken posting and inciting night terrors.
No. 12202
File: 1503084088210.gif (1001.44 KB, 200x200, 2r139uyt44.gif)

>>12180>>12199Chel just becomes sadder as the days go on
jesus christ somebody get her off the internet
No. 12203
File: 1506936242799.jpg (196.16 KB, 900x1200, DK7F8S5UMAAFicO.jpg)

Does Chel have the most rectangular ass of all time?
No. 12205
File: 1506973035422.jpg (127.32 KB, 308x560, IMG_8615.JPG)

>>12203It looks like a legit box. Lmao at her trying to cosplay this character when she's built like a Dad
No. 12206
File: 1509898599452.jpeg (Spoiler Image,596.16 KB, 750x1161, 48224228-F9B4-425F-8551-1197BB…)

Vomit inducing
No. 12209
File: 1509899897526.png (Spoiler Image,2.77 MB, 2648x736, christ.png)

These may be posted before… but jesus christ..
Spoiler even though I tried to hide the full horror.
No. 12210
>>12206I've never laughed at nudes before now
just the idea behind that photo makes me shake my head laughing
that balloon lmao
No. 12211
>>12148Christ, I can't get over her body proportions in this picture. She has the upper body of a quarter backer but also a midget with big ass feet. What also gets me is that that she ripped the skirt to make the slit wider, though I can't tell if it's because she was trying to make it sluttier or if she genuinely needed it bigger to fit her refrigerator body.
It's also unnerving how her face doesn't look the same in any of her pictures.
No. 12213
File: 1510118623433.jpeg (413.74 KB, 617x770, 3C4EADAA-0C5D-479B-AC37-5AEB53…)

>>12212Here’s the thread if anyone was curious. posted this photo of her as the OP pic and just…what. the. fuck.
No. 12217
File: 1510198919770.jpeg (Spoiler Image,165.32 KB, 900x1200, DNhCTNOVwAAp9mR.jpeg)

>>12213I'm screaming, lmao.
This is actually shooped (albeit slightly.) Here's the original, which is still unsurprisingly dogshit. Spoilered because of clown cooch.
No. 12218
File: 1513909202139.png (Spoiler Image,679.65 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171221-211727.png)

Poor girl is built like a fridge
No. 12224
File: 1514680628639.jpeg (288.13 KB, 750x998, B36FDBBC-A282-46F3-95D6-315D07…)

This is fucking rich coming from the cow who shit talks sex workers who make actual money and blocks/attacks girls who get more attention than her like that casual mei cosplayer.
No. 12225
File: 1514680682782.jpeg (107.55 KB, 826x1200, 668ED908-F1BE-497A-8D3C-AF7605…)

>>12224The full screenshot chel posted. Hilarious she puts this girl on blast when men say worse shit to her all the time. Typical insecure far bitch behavior.
No. 12228
File: 1514705114151.jpg (Spoiler Image,421.81 KB, 1207x2048, IMG_0804.JPG)

Happy holidays from our favorite saggy grandma!!!
No. 12230
File: 1514743260619.jpeg (Spoiler Image,245.14 KB, 859x1200, 617B8CA3-42E3-4F95-A096-D811E5…)

I am appalled at how horrid her tits are. They look like they’re melting.
No. 12235
>>12234>>12232Seriously though, as the previous anon said, get your eyesight checked. It's not unusual for a woman with kids to have some loss of volume or even
slight sagging but honey, those things are pointing towards the floor and she clearly has a tubular breast deformity
No. 12236
>>12232Don't you know the go to insult on here is ugly tits? Duh. Ugly tits and "she looks mature".
Tbh sometimes i cant tell the difference between petty women on here and asshole males who dont realize that porn isn't necessarily how all women look. Its a shame, bc there is plenty to critique about Chel, her personality is ugly enough on its own.
No. 12237
>>12236Her ugly ass personality is why we make fun of her gross exterior. Also someone just posted screenshots of her being a fool, her looks isn’t all we discuss. It just so happens this sow always flaunts herself so her looks get brought up.
>>12224 >>457565
No. 12238
File: 1515854032872.png (1.05 MB, 728x1105, im poopin.png)

No. 12241
File: 1515903844512.jpeg (30.7 KB, 234x360, 441A7023-D6A5-4BC0-B898-40BDBA…)

No. 12242
>>12241On Christmas I looked at how shitty my Christmas day was going and realized, at least I didn't stick a fucking candy cane up my ass and twerk. For free.
And now this… her hair pulled so tightly back like that does her now favors
No. 12243
File: 1515947102691.jpeg (Spoiler Image,792.02 KB, 750x1058, 1D8BBB32-B956-454D-9A25-30D632…)

>>12241Her vagina looks so terrible. I can’t believe people even want to look at this for free.
TW for body horror
No. 12244
File: 1515947184174.jpeg (140.37 KB, 750x295, 6FAC4562-7D90-44B3-95E5-D5757C…)

For someone who tries so hard to put up a tough edgy front she sure is a huge pussy. This is that time two children trolled her on overwatch all over again.
No. 12245
File: 1515947660550.jpeg (148.7 KB, 750x320, E7360AF9-F411-4926-A66A-231F06…)

This is fucking rich. She’s so butthurt about girls not liking her after she spent so much tome insulting sex workers who make money to appeal to the loser broke incels. Now those girls are networking and making bank while this bitch is sticking candycanes in her ass for free on pornhub and begging for gifts via PO box.
No. 12247
File: 1515947954420.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, 8399BA63-E8B5-4CE7-9DD8-AA2032…)

>>12243Speaking of body horror, i nearly vomited when I saw this video of her flapping her saggy ass in this diseased looking pond. No. 12249
File: 1515949734744.jpg (41.43 KB, 500x500, 1515703944181.jpg)

>>12248Imagine being 17 and finding out your mother did all of that. All of your friends know too, since it's on the internet forever. I'd kms.
>>12241Threw up in my mouth a little.
No. 12250
File: 1515975300573.jpg (103.57 KB, 1280x720, piggu.jpg)

>>12238Shocked she picked The Doll when there's already a Bloodborne character that's just perfect for her.
No. 12251
File: 1515991861357.jpg (257.23 KB, 1920x1080, Merciless_Roller.jpg)

No. 12252
File: 1517341687531.png (376.82 KB, 720x920, 5EC9360F-1EBC-417C-AD21-A3F84B…)

No. 12256
>>12253>shadbase inspiredThis is the easiest way to get attention/and let everyone know that you're desperate for it lmao
Momo tho, she has no place to talk
No. 12261
File: 1521847706982.jpeg (74.07 KB, 740x504, ABCB97DF-3733-4E5E-9AA4-82F658…)

alert alert the cow is becoming self aware
No. 12267
File: 1521906792712.jpeg (776.46 KB, 1242x2136, EE442A8A-9CA5-4433-9140-E2137A…)

I don’t think anyone is aware of this, but Chel seems to have a depop where she sells her old cosplay/weeb items. It’s kind of gross if people buy from her without knowing the item might’ve been used for her ‘lewd’ shoots or otherwise. She actually bought an item from me which is what brought my attention to this account.
No. 12268
File: 1521932476819.jpg (233.89 KB, 801x792, txtxt.jpg)

>>12262he also was fucking pathetic from the beginning, this is a text describing his last job he had - sorry for german.
No. 12269
>>12267I wonder if she also sells the stuff she gets gifted as well?
Making money off those neckbeard gifts, maybe?
No. 12271
>>12270Just use google translate, man …
Gaining experience in the field of graphics and visual design - that was the reason that drew me to finesse. I wanted to be on the front line, in the midst of experienced warriors, in the world of the visual, in order to later be able to embark on my own rambles more confidently. There are some skills that can only be learned by practical application. Many things you want to learn. Much of what you do not even know and where you would not even think of trying it out. What struck me immediately is the positive mood that prevails here. Seems to me unusually positive for a job. My work colleagues are very friendly and I am happy about my excellent work computer with which I am allowed to work. Much more professional than other battlefields, which I once called my place of work. All necessary tools were provided to me, so that I had to carry little from my creative cave to be prepared for the daily front. Already after the first days I realized that the method of working with fineness is very advanced. Designing things like websites and banners is done with the right amount of accuracy and organization. Not like other battlegrounds, where blunt swords are hammered long enough for it to look reasonably satisfying. Here, a sharp dagger is placed in exactly the right place to achieve an effective result.
No. 12275
File: 1523824386089.png (861.46 KB, 617x800, 404.png)

404 sagging tits not found
No. 12276
File: 1524270708176.jpeg (393.29 KB, 740x1011, 5F60B647-ED51-4952-9981-AE7ECC…)

So I’m starting to realize with her posts like these that she really likes to bait anti-SJW/anti-snowflake crowd. Because this picture isn’t even real and she’s try to pass it off as if it is.
No. 12280
File: 1533865838513.jpg (131.83 KB, 789x1200, DdBzO5oVQAA2Izm.jpg)

>>12143Lumpy potato sack lookin ass
(necro) No. 12284
File: 1539791967049.png (58 KB, 640x421, cowpic443.PNG)

No. 12287
File: 1542649375363.jpg (129.89 KB, 1439x1549, roflrofalfdead.jpg)

This is the type of person that follows Chel for anyone that's curious
No. 12289
File: 1543241862667.png (Spoiler Image,1019.58 KB, 750x1334, 1A640686-3167-4057-B88D-89398E…)

I’m sorry y’all
No. 12293
File: 1543411823795.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 76F0B486-6EDF-4F44-A10C-C9E524…)

No. 12294
File: 1543411889323.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, D6A8D543-45BE-4ED7-BD5D-F02D3C…)

No. 12295
File: 1543411925316.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 750x1334, 5EA4D084-47A8-4645-938A-68679E…)

Happy holidays.
No. 12297
>>12293So I was like, hey, she's pretty covered up these days… then
No. 12300
File: 1543430570469.png (Spoiler Image,608.3 KB, 750x1334, B6CAEE3C-5AEF-4220-99A3-2D038A…)

I’ll pass.
No. 12301
File: 1548081176996.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 750x1334, 7B2BAE58-838F-4310-925E-337E30…)

Every now and then I check in with this dear pork darling and somehow, every time, she amazes me with some new fucked up shit.
This time it was by sexualizing Santa’s elves.
No. 12302
File: 1548081233906.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 750x1334, 4A98ED68-4570-4050-8AA2-2D0594…)

Those bows look like they’re attached to hanging sacks of holiday meat.
No. 12303
File: 1548081322377.png (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 750x1334, 4C5BCD98-091A-4F96-BDCC-58AF23…)

No no sis don’t put it in your mou—
No. 45440
File: 1556455017559.png (157.51 KB, 750x1334, C9EFAF3C-5A7B-42D8-9F56-4A1CE6…)

I don’t know how this cow fell off the radar. She’s a complete trainwreck. In the latest news, she’s destitute. 1/3
No. 45441
File: 1556455061447.png (162.87 KB, 750x1334, B98518B1-9389-499A-A1B9-EF8180…)

No. 45442
File: 1556455140974.png (151.46 KB, 750x1334, B4C758D2-C81C-42CF-8469-E127D1…)

3/3 but wait til you see how she’s been spending her valuable time.
No. 45443
File: 1556455200168.png (249.56 KB, 750x1334, 69AD5041-9179-4E09-B711-A23515…)

This is the top of the gofundme btw
No. 45444
File: 1556455307097.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1624x1319, EDEC9E89-C084-456D-836F-E7556B…)

So no income and no prospects. In an absolutely desperate situation — living in someone else’s house, with one child even! But somehow finds the time to do an Easter bunny photo shoot that I assume took place in aforementioned person’s yard where their neighbors could see.
No. 45445
File: 1556455428654.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1536x2048, 9C807F13-ABE4-475A-AADB-320F43…)

Jesus did not rise from his tomb for this broke bitch to do these things.
No. 45450
>>45442>>45441>>45440kek this is really inconvenient but good luck finding a job when there is all this trash porn of you on the internet. I mean maybe it's the reason why she still does this kind of garbage
>>45444 >>45445 because she can't land a job. But on the other hand I would've imagined that her neckbeard fans pay good money to see this kind of thotery so bills could be at least covered or so idk
No. 52680
File: 1559915970707.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 750x1334, 8BBD7BF2-0564-49CC-A050-FE85D4…)

How lucky to be her friend!!
No. 52681
File: 1559916022237.png (Spoiler Image,1.7 MB, 750x1334, 0189EF2A-1A92-4F4D-BFA7-0162B9…)

It’s like her breast milk coagulated on her nipples and turned pink from the bacteria.
No. 52682
File: 1559916056797.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 750x1334, 40B1693E-BC0B-4AFD-8A0C-665BBB…)

All I want to do after seeing this is hit the gym.
No. 55340
File: 1561706246967.jpeg (Spoiler Image,560.74 KB, 1658x1976, 9E3D6EC7-5D6A-46AD-9BB3-576CE6…)

I’m gonna throw up
No. 55373
>>55340This is probably the least offensive porn picture posted of her and it makes you want to throw up?
Talk about grasping.
No. 57790
File: 1563424496661.jpg (286.75 KB, 1080x960, 20190717_232514.jpg)

Next up on things that TOTALLY happened.
No. 57818
>>55625She's fat and has saggy boobs. Step outside every now and then and you'll realize that not very many women in their 30s have tight bodies and perky Ds.
Try to heal from your internalized misogyny sis.
No. 164035
File: 1627210696632.png (374.34 KB, 582x424, chell.png)

It looks like nowadays she has an OnlyFans, but she's up to the same lazy "thicc" cosplays. don't know anything about OnlyFans and all I see is Subscribe FOR FREE, so I'm not sure if she's actually charging or just using OnlyFans as a dedicated site for her anus. Can you have a free OnlyFans?
No. 164124
File: 1627257480409.jpg (25.04 KB, 592x116, power.jpg)

She's actually not doing a certain cosplay because of her weight. I'm impressed. I mean, she's still doing a butterball impression of tons of other cartoon and video game characters, but here is a true and honest acknowledging that she's so fat.
By the way, she's talking about Power from Chainsaw Man, which she has tweeted about several times before. She's still "hip and with it!"
No. 332031
>>332030Same anon but here is the GFM:’s already met her goal and increased it. Some pay pigs each gave her $1,000. Men are hopeless.
No. 332034
File: 1721171522982.jpeg (428.37 KB, 1170x2018, IMG_1817.jpeg)

>>332031Last screenshot and my apologies; It was
one pay pig that gave her $2,200.