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No. 12010
he's just rude as fuck.
he definitely should be considered a cow, he's so far up his own ass because of all his FMA fangirls but he hasn't actually done anything noteworthy in years.
he likes to act like he's celebrity and treats the staff/guest aides that cons provide him with like shit.
There are three stories that I can remember about him right now that I found noteworthy:
>Vic is booked for a signing session at a local dinky anime con
>kids start lining up with their merch like a half-hour before the signing session even STARTS
>Vic is up partying with other guests in the green room
>time for signing session
>Vic won't come down
>line builds until it literally starts snaking around the building, people are crammed in the halls like sardines, foot traffic is a nightmare
>Vic still won't come down because, get this: he needs his bottled water. Not just any bottled water will do for Vic, only ~DASANI~, and the hotel doesn't carry that brand of bottled water.
>aides have to run out and get it for him before he'll do the signing session, at which point the time slot is already 50% over.
>Sunday of convention weekend
>Vic insists on doing his church service thing
>shows up in the main event room with a gaggle of fangirls while another event is going on
>completely disrupts their programming by hauling his entourage around doing impressions and giving an impromptu Q&A
>eventually the other panelist just shuts down their lecture because he's being so distracting
>Vic runs his church service at least 15 minutes over the time limit and fucks with the scheduling for the next panel, too
>staff lets him get away with this shit because he's vic mangina
>my friend is a guest aide
>Vic's hosting a panel and demands that the guest aide go out and bring him back a very specific order for a fast-food sandwich or some shit.
>my friend goes through the drive through, gives them this super-specific order, gets the food, goes back to the con
>when he delivers the food, they open the bag to find out that the fast food place fucked up Vic's very specific order.
>Vic refuses to eat any of the food
>my friend apologizes profusely and offers to go back and get the right order
>Vic refuses to let him fix the mistake
>later complains to head of staff about the mix-up and blames his aide for letting him ~starve~
fucking vic mangina.
No. 12012
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Probably my favorite story from /cgl/
>>12005He did the voice of Fai/Fay/Faye/whatever from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle which CLAMP wrote as pretty fruity in the booty. I don't know the details, but most of the Tsubasa fans knew this, but he refused to acknowledge it.
No. 12023
>>12012he took a bite out of my friend's sandwich at a con meet and greet, haha
what a douche
No. 12027
>>12026vic talking to some weeb dressed as haruhi from ourah high school animu
fuckin hell no wonder he's classed as a perv
all close and shit
No. 12028
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The worst thing about him is that fact that he wears tacky fucking pants like these in public
so embarrassing
here's his fan wiki if someone wants to see if there's anything good in it No. 12029
File: 1457660283905.png (13.29 KB, 502x142, amazing.png)

>>11999I've been waiting for Vic to finally show up here.
>>12028I love how he desperately clings on to the last shreds of "looks" and """style""" he so desperately believe he has (though he does look decent for 53).
No. 12031
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what is up with his nose btw?????
No. 12035
This creep is deserves to be in /cow/
>>12023I had a friend of a friend who was one of these
>>12030 rangers.
She posted millions of pics of herself following him around at cons and flirting with him in a very adult way.
She was about 29 years old and had a son so your story reminded me of her. She claimed to have done more with him than just flirt though.
No. 12040
Vic is just pathetic. I've encountered him once back in the day when I went to anime conventions annually. Here's my story.
As I waited for two of my friends for an elevator, the next one was super crowded with people. I looked onward and asked outloud, "Oh… Um… do you think we can fit in there?" and a woman who appeared to be in her 40s says, "Sure, there's room. Come on in" so they kindly made room for us despite it being super crowded. Then this is where the awkward part happened. It was silent, everyone was minding their own business waiting for their floor until she asks, "Honey, when's your panel?" I then realized that she is Vic's wife. I knew I recognized her from a photo floating around.
He then goes into great detail about what date his panel will be, the time, which hall it'll be in, the room and goes on about what he's going to cover from the beginning, middle to the end. That huge ego and annoying voice could only belong to one person so I slightly turn my head to find out who the owner is. Out of the corner of my eye, I see it's Vic. The one and only. Who else's ego could suffocate everyone in a crowded elevator? And why does his wife have to ask about something she should've known about well in advance?!
Then everyone got off at the ground floor, it felt like forever because of how much rambling he did about himself. I suppose because none of us gave a shit about who any of them were and we sure as hell didn't care about him, he felt the need to use his wife as his wingman to get more people to attend his panel which already knew would be packed with gross, ugly underaged weeaboo girls. Unfortunately for him, there was only one person in our group that could be seen as a weeaboo (apparently the definition of the word has changed in the past 6 years?), and it was a guy. None of us gave a fuck. We especially didn't give a fuck because we were out of his preferred age range and one was a fat man. I suppose he thought the two women in our group (including myself) would give a shit about him because we didn't look like we had even hit our 20s yet. None of us were wearing cosplay and only fat man was wearing a badge. I guess that's why Vic assumed we'd give a shit and I couldn't help but laugh.
Long and awkward story short, Vic craves attention way too much. He'll make up, or get someone to, talk about himself just to stroke his ego. He's too damn old for that shit.
No. 12041
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This is pretty telling.
No. 12042
>>12021Not knowing who he is, is kind of like not knowing who pt is
He was a literal meme in cgl days past
But he hasn't done much for years and most of his shit, as you're reading here, is word of mouth. Your best bet is probably searching his name in cgl archives, assuming any go back far enough still
No. 12043
>>12040>crowded elevator>magically has room for 3 people>You also magically didnt see Vic who would be pretty visible since he's taller than the average con goer>One of the three people you magically fit into a 'crowded' elevator was a fat guy?Bullshit
Vic is shitty but dont make up stories. There's enough existing cringe about him
No. 12051
>>12049I was in the Risembool Rangers, shameful I know, but I can only say from my perspective that I was into it because of the fan-fun with "The Miniskirt Army" v us, the fact that we could have dinner with, "Edowardo Eluricu," and how Aaron would hang around just as much. We got to hear stories from when they were recording, get personal autographs, get insight into the "job," and feel… superior? over other congoers.
Hope that helps.
No. 12053
>>12049>because they're retarded and in love with the characters he voicesThat's pretty much why. It's probably because his voice is the most real aspect of the character they're attracted to.
Also, came across this old tumblr that people submitted their experiences and whatnot regarding Dick Lasagna. No. 12054
Okay, so I saw Vic at Hal-con a few years ago, and it was a super cringey affair. Where do I even start? He had two panels: one for his animu voice acting shit, one for his Star Trek fuckery. I go to the animu one, I love Ouran Host Club, so why not? So the second he steps iut, the fangirls start screaming obnoxiously and yellow quotes from his voice charactors. He is super smug and starts talking about… his Christmas album. A LOT. And encouraging everyone to buy it. He then starts talking about his love for the Elric brothers. He goes on and on. He also graces us with a "beautfiul" song he has written about them called "Brotherly Love", which he sings while a fan-made tribute video plays in the background screens. The song seems to go on forever. Thankfully, at this point he stops talking about himself and goes right into q&a with fans. This actually just ends up with him acting out inappropriate scenes he has voiced with underage fans. The "what if you drank it…from my mouth?" from Ouran was especially horrifying. The whole time all the fans are squealing and jumping up and down in hysterics. This goes on for who knows how long. So eventually it gets to the end and the room was supposed to clear so his next panel (the star trek one), can start. The star trek fans are waiting outside the room to be let in. But the crazy anime fans don't want to leave their preious Vic, and they start going NO WE WANT TO STAY, and Vic, being the adult he is, starts baby voice begging staff PWEESE JUST LET THEM STAYYYYYYYY, to the delighted cheers of the delusional Vic fans. Staff just lets everyone stay, which means almost none of the actual start trek fans were let in. Vic then goes on to talk about how amazing he and his Star Trek production is (he of course is playing Kirk), at which point I leave.
Later my friends and I are walking by the photo ops, and see that Vic's photos are only 20$. So we decide that I'm going to queue and get my picture taken with him. Everyone in the line is insane and I get hit on by a neckbeard who has painted himself green and is "impressing" me with all his Vic knowledge. The girl in front of me says she has flown all the way from Toronto for this. She has flown to all his North American appearances apparently. I finally get to my turn and Vic is laying it on thick, telling me how beautiful I am, and how "creative" my outfit is and asking me about it (like bitch, you make your living at anime conventions, you know what lolita is). So Vic motions me in for a hug, his hands get VERY low , and my picture is essentially me looking horrified with Vic's hands hoovering above my ass.
My friends who volunteered at the con said that he was rude as hell to staff and his own assistant.
Good times.
No. 12055
>>12053Yeah, I'm going to call bullshit on some of these stories, like him grabbing a girls ass. He teases those young girls that throw themselves at him, but he's always been really frank about having a girlfriend and/or being married and being the ultimate Jesus freak.
Stuff like this actually makes me sad when I have to read it because it's just written out of sheer loathing for some weeby VA. Like, I enjoy milk as much as the next person, but people should know that faux milk (???) is just the worst. Almond milk or something for the lactose intolerant. There's just no substitutes for real stories where he's kind of narcissic, stupidly religious, and generally and awful.
No. 12056
>>12053Some of these sound believable but quite a few don't. I
know that Vic gets kinda grabby (seeing photos of how closely he hugs his fan girls) but I don't think he'd grab their butts. That's pretty out in the open.
No. 12058
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>>12054>I get hit on by a neckbeard who has painted himself green That's the funniest part
No. 12060
>>12059Actually laughing
Arguing about fucking god in the street… and here in the UK it's arabs kicking off about Islam or w/e
No. 12066
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Since this thread got bumped I decided to check for MigMilkma. Guis you can pay him for a personal message…
No. 12068
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No. 12070
I saw Vic Mignogna at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
No. 12087
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Ancient thread, but Vic’s recent role in the Broly movie led to people on twitter discussing and calling out his shitty behavior and creepiness. took notice of the rise of people tweeting about the allegations, and actually addressed it on his twitter account:, twitter user RWBY_Fan10000 is trying to start a #IStandWithVic movement, and posted screen caps of Vic discussing and taking questions about the “unsubstantiated rumors” in a (RWBY related?) discord server: screenshots were posted before Vic’s twitter post. Interestingly, Vic claims he has names of people instigating the rumors and he’s “not going to stand still for this any longer.”
No. 12088
>>12087that statement is bullshit. The whole Tsubasa/Faye incident was clear as day he wasnt comfortable with gay characters and felt very uncomfortable even wanting to admit he voiced Faye because of it.
And i will believe every account for girls who have been made to feel uncomfortable or worse by him. he's scum. the worst part are the people (children and autistics) who believe his shit on twitter
No. 12090
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>>12087>I also elected to not autograph Yaoi, not because I am homophobic but because I didn't wish to sign material that was not canon>creates entire non-canon FMA fan movie, starring himself>creates entire non-canon Star Trek series, starring himself>sells fan created non-canon FMA cookbook on his websiteLook, no shade at all to actors/VAs who don't want to sign weird fanfic porn bullshit of their work from cringey fans, but come on Vic…..come up with something better than that. That all being said, I do think the landscape of 2005ish-2010ish anime fandom and convention culture was wild and no one was proud of anything they did or said in that time. Vic's always been a notorious creep, but his day in the sun of being fawned over by underage weebs at cons seems to have come and gone long ago. I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers those years where you couldn't go to a single con anywhere, without seeing a mile-long line for Vic. Last time I saw him anywhere was a small remote con in NC years ago, and I was surprised to see he was now
that desperate for attention.
He should absolutely apologize for his behavior with underage fans and con-staff in the past, everyone knows that. Not trying to defend Mcnuggies (he's still a running punchline to anyone who lived through those days) but I think some context is important. As far as the ant-semitic thing goes…..I mean let's not forget the fucking nightmare that Hetalia was. People were literally cosplaying and shipping the WWII Axis of Powers. It's not right or ok at all but some idiot despite for attention making a holocaust joke is on the milder end of "offensive things people did related to WWII at that time".
For the rest of the shit he could have just said "Look I'm not anti-LGBTQ but the word "yaoi" still sends a chill down my spine and I can't see anything that looks like a paddle without breaking into a cold sweat. No one better fucking say the word "pasta" to me or I'll have a panic attack" and I'd be like "Yeah dude I know exactly what you mean, what a nightmare time for everyone. Let's never speak of it again".
No. 12093
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>>12091There's a story going around on Twitter of him groping a 16 year old girl in an elevator, and this is not the only evidence. Just search his name on twitter and plenty more stories come up. I even remember hearing about him doing inappropriate shit with teen fans when I was a teen at cons back in the day.
Cap 1 of 2
No. 12096
>>11999How the mighty have fallen
I remember how all the funimation fangirls squealed about him being a cool and sexy voice actor when he's old and crusty
my how the world changes
No. 12098
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What happened to Vic? it looks like his wax face is melting from all the plastic surgery
No. 12099
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>>12087Ah yes the "I come from an affectionate family" defense.
>I'm so sorry for kissing 16 year old girls, it's just that I'm so use to kissing literally anything that moves TEEHEE ITS A FAMILY THINGalso love after he "apologizes", then blames whoever he might have made uncomfortable by telling his fans he'll no longer give hugs ): like he literally can't tell the difference between giving a hug vs kissing on the cheek/forehead, fucken creep.
No. 12101
>>12093there's also a story where a seagull fell asleep under a table because they didnt have a room and vic gave him a footrub.
it was a huge meme and now its crossed the line
No. 12103
>>12049>I hear a shitty voice, even worse than the others and who do I see in the credits? Vic LasagnaI cringe so hard whenever I get curious and watch an english dub and one of the supposedly cool characters opens his mouth and the Mignogna voice comes out.
Does he have influental friends or what? How else would someone so untalented continue to get anime roles while randomly preaching about Jesus and acting creepy towards teenage girls?
No. 12108
His voice type isn't good for the new dub standards
No. 12109
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>>12104oh god the audience reaction to him flirting on that poor 5 year old. I hope her parents/guardians filed a complaint for that shit, that's just wrong even if it was a joke.
How is anyone defending him? You have people who've been working at cons for years hate his fucking guts for doing shit like this but, then someone pops out and is like "but he was nice to me for the 5 seconds I got to be with him! How dare you!".
No. 12111
>>12094Maybe this is a nitpick but
>uwu 8 year olds can ride the bus but I can't because I look so young!>10 years later I totes look like a middle school studentSure Jan. None the less, I feel sorry for her if she really was molested by Mangina.
No. 12117
>>12109lmao forget vic, why the fuck are parents putting a 5 year old in that skimpy outfit???
everyones full blown retarded here
No. 12124
>>12115UM, what….
you were in the room with Vic what the fuck is going on
No. 12126
>>12125This. It's worse that almost none of them are even acknowledging his bad press with con workers, which Vic even backed up in his shitty apology. You can find stories from all over about how inappropriate he is, it sounds very similar to what Jewwario did with his underage fans. Creepy old guys at cons who have fangirls always end up trying to use their position to be gross and the fact no one wants to do anything about it is fucked. Just because your experience taking a quick photo with him was good, doesn't mean someone else isn't valid when it was the opposite for them.
From what I've seen on twitter, the people defending him just think bring together a bunch of their "positive stories about Vic!" cancels out the sexual assault and harassment claims. They are literally retarded. But I guess he voice their favorite anime character or some shit, oh the humanity!
No. 12129
>>12128Ntayrt but lmao wow overreaction much? Did anon hurt your feelings?
You have to be stupid to blindly believe an allegation like that without any evidence. The last time someone came here with rape, pedophilia, and sexual abuse allegations it was confirmed she was a giant cow and made it up to get back at her ex(einshine fiasco). Are you tried being a sheeple yet?
No. 12130
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>>12122Because conventions are a business. They make a contract for a reason. I don't know how long ago this is, but there was a staff purge that made people unaware if they were gonna get taken to the airport. There are countless issues with Youmacon not having hotels, transportation, or fees ready (or being six months to years late; JelloApocalypse had to call them out on Twitter to get paid a year later). When you're treated like shit, you should talk about it instead of hiding cause you're worried of getting banned (picture attached for example).
As for the Twitter thread, I understand some valid complaints, but some of them are asinine. He greeted my fully grown mother by kissing her on the cheek? He called me sweetie or honey? He tried to get my attention by touching my shoulder and that scared me?
The kissing underage girls, I get it, but he touched my shoulder and scared me? Like Jesus, at least ruin his career for more concrete things.
Like if there's really an issue, fucking take the guy to court. If he's truly been doing this for 15 years, why hasn't someone done… anything?
No. 12131
>>12130Without being too OT this was early 2000's and it was a while before they "expanded" to another building. Youmacon seemed like it was handling itself well when I volunteered the first time but the second time with Vic in the green room was when I saw how desperate they were.
Yes, they are a business and have contracts with people they hire in as guests, volunteers, etc. but it was ridiculous how escalated he got about something that was out of the volunteer's control.
No. 12132
>>12131>someone was assertive to get paid for meeting a bunch of filthy weebs for entire weekend>b-but they were trying their best what a meanie UwU!!youre losing me
>>770308if anyone is stupid enough to take copy pasta seriously they need to kill themselves
No. 12133
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>>12115I knew I recognized this post from somewhere…
It’s from May 30th, 2011. It was sent as an ask on the bitch lasagna’s expose tumblr, in fact, it was the very first real post on that tumblr, the first story ever posted, 4th post ever (previous 3 were introductions to the blog). It was a repost of a deactivated account.
*reposted for full screencap
No. 12136
>>12087i fucking hate this creep. when i was 16 i went to see him at a convention in florida and was so starstruck because of how much i loved fullmetal alchemist. i called him handsome and he said something like "you're not so bad yourself!", tipped my chin up with his fingertips and kissed me ON THE MOUTH.
as a young teen with a stupid celeb crush i was over the moon, but as an adult remembering these events i physically recoil with disgust every single time. there's absolutely no excuse for a grown married man to be kissing a 16-year-old girl, and i don't give a sopping wet fuck how "affectionately expressive" he or his family is.
fuck this pedo. i hope these stories ruin him.
No. 29722
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More people are speaking out under their real name.
I want to know who that untouchable voice actor guy is. And how the fuck you can be untouchable when you all you do is making shitty english voice-overs for japanese cartoons.
No. 29723
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No. 29740
>>29728There's actually some troll campaign going on now where people are saying this is all because of the DBZ movie he's in, and at the same time fake "feminist" accounts by channers are claiming how DBZ needs to be banned.
The DBZ insecure masculinity retards are eating it hook, line and sinker and think this is all a campaign to tarnish it.
No. 30450
I saw Vic Mignogna at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
No. 30463
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>>30450Inb4 newfag spotted
No. 31136
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>>30569Take that back, va anon. Vic Mangina was god tier playing the slimy creep in PASWG
No. 31157
>>29722>>29723Did she delete this? I checked her page to find it after reading
>>31146 to cross reference details and the only thing appearing on her page is cosplay stuff for Alita
No. 31163
>>31157It looks like she did but it doesn't help that she initially stated something along the lines that she knew the person in question would try to attack her, should she name them.
And it happened without her naming anyone. She hasn't deleted all her twitter posts about it yet, however. It is also kind of weird? creepy? that he saved a conversation from years ago, but that's just an opinion.
No. 31169
>>31168I find this post hilarious because: The Adam guy Todd outed just posted a PM he had with Todd and he said pretty much what you just did. Not saying you're Todd, just finding it ironic.
The Adam guy called Todd out, by the way, for excluding events leading up to the hotel room situation and is not on TOdd of Vic's side.
Also no one has yet to deny that Todd bragged about sleeping with Jessie or that her Vic story is, in itself, false. No. 31181
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>>31163Honestly the chat logs looked like Skype chats and as long as you don't clear the conversation history you can go back as far as the first conversation.
Back on topic though, Todd should've said more on Vic considering Adam now has posted private conversations of Todd being a little more than critical toward Vic (and confirms Vic is definitely a creep). I wish there was a timestamp on this convo in particular. Quick Google search shows Vic is still married to Michele Specht
No. 31184
>>31181So he is not only a creep but a cheating one.
No. 31185
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Found this on Twitter. Also various other voice actors (primarily from Funimation) are silently liking tweets speaking up against Vic
No. 31206
>>30561This is probably the biggest issue I've had with him aside from his physical behavior with fans. I admit being a part of the Rangers for a brief time in high school and not really understanding how weird it was that the fanbase was so close to him, so finding out that fans were given access to his email and personal number that led into this shit was a nice stab to the noggin and I'm so fucking glad that I left the club when I did.
>>31185Kami-Con has also cancelled his appearance. Anime Matsuri is back under fire for not kicking him off the guest list as well alongside their shitty owners still running the con.
No. 31307
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Going through Twitter some more and I'm starting to think
>>31181 is recent, Vic's current wife is liking tweets against him
No. 31318
>>31307I was just discussing this with a close friend who was raped by someone she knew a few years ago. Most , if not all rapists are usually people who are able to that horrible act to someone while simutanously being kind to others. they hide in plain sight. Vic is exactly that.
People who want to defend him because he shook their hand at an anime con are disgusting
No. 31350
>>31307This is gold.
>>31329Makes you wonder what she's seen, heard, and experienced whilst they were together. I wonder if he abused her as well.
No. 31374
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Someone replied to Monica Rial's (Funimation VA, been with them just as long if not longer than Vic) tweets/Insta post about believing survivors and her fiancee (Ron Toye) has been replying to them. He's practically attached to Monica's hip so I feel like he's a reliable source
No. 31381
>>30450Jesus fuck I remember reading this on cgl years ago. How time flies
I do believe Vic is a creep since stories about his shit behavior have been around forever.
No. 31473
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>>31407Deleted my prior post because I made a rookie mistake and didn't check the announcement on the con's Instagram page. I only found out he was coming the day before the con thanks to a reddit post (which also mentioned he was a creep) but since someone else brought it up in the Instagram comments and were hit with this reply, it doesn't seem like they care too much about how they look. I haven't heard of any stories from here so hopefully he kept himself in check since he's been more on everyone's radar lately. I don't doubt others at the con are aware of what he's been up to either. One of the first pages that pops up in a google search of just his name brings up an article that mentions sexual harassment in the title. I just want this gross pig out of my town. Not sure if I have to censor other's icons and names so I did it anyway to be safe.
No. 31482
>>31480I was literally about to post this as well, but I reupped it to youtube because fuck facebook. I'll include it anyway in case other anons don't want to watch it there.
It doesn't seem very genuine if you ask me. I feel like it boiled down to basically "I'm very sorry, I didn't think it was wrong, I just assumed everyone wanted physical contact because a lot of other people did. I'm an old man, I'm sorry uwu"
Not surprised his fans here "forgave" him even though it is not their place to do so on behalf of the victims. The comments on the original fb post saying they were crying with him were gross and cringe as fuck. Maybe I'm biased, but I just don't feel sorry for him at all.
No. 31497
>>31482Notice how this "apology" came AFTER his appearances started getting cancelled left and right.
Before that, he was denying everything and trying to defend himself while having his mom sending his minions out
No. 31511
>>31501 No kidding. He probably would have carried on if nobody called him out on his shit.
>>31509He sounded like he was trying to sound younger than he is, or "cute" and "hurt" for sympathy from his fangirls but ended up sounding vaguely feminine and extremely creepy.
No. 31541
File: 1549244216973.jpg (160.21 KB, 364x546, strider.jpg)

>>31484here's the post i saw and a sampling of the comments. There are many more comments on the post saying that they had these kinds of experiences with him. Just search "shawn strider" on facebook and scroll past all of Jessie's posts about him, you'll see this post since it's public.
No. 31551
>>31542Guys say this shit all the time when they are busted. there are too many men who say sexual assault is just a mistake and is brushed under the rug. You cannot accidentally assault someone. It stays and affects that person for a long time.
Vic is trash, and he's feeling the heat by being called out.
No. 31602
>>31542The only mistake he made in his eyes was being careless and getting caught.
I can't stand that he's trying to pass it off as a "mistake" to teen/preteen fans and saying things like "We all make mistakes, right?" Yeah teenagers who still have developing brains make mistakes all the time but you're a middle-aged man who should know better. It makes him sound mentally stunted when he's trying to relate to fans on that subject. This has been going on for YEARS and he has been ignoring online stories for years. Even if one fan posted online that they were uncomfortable, he should have immediately stopped. Or at least told fans that he would only hug them if they specifically asked (It makes him sound like those men who can't tell the difference between consensual and unconsensual sex "Ugh you can't even
talk to a girl anymore or it's considered sexual assault!" Talking = okay. Sexual assault = not okay. Hugs that people asked for = okay. Hugs that people didn't ask for = not okay).
Anyway, even if we give him the benefit of the doubt and take his word that he didn't understand it was wrong, that doesn't excuse the information in this
>>30485 article where he
gave his phone number to minors and spoke to them multiple times. That's not a mistake.
No. 31606
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Neil Kaplan of Voltron spoke out against him
No. 32090
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So J. Michael Tatum made this tweet today (cap by someone on PULL). Justin Briner, Brandon McInnis, and Caitlin Glass have all liked or made tweets in ref to the Vic drama. Something to note is that Tatum and McInnis are both gay (and engaged to each other), so if anyone knows about Vic being homophobic, it'd be them. (1/2)
No. 32091
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The other VA's Twitters (2/2)
No. 32128
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VA for Vegeta joins the fray
No. 32167
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bye then
No. 32215
Double post but Vic's been replaced by Ian Sinclair in Funimation's Morose Mononokean simuldub.'s happening, folks. Here's to hoping he gets booted from other shows soon.
No. 32252
>>32240To be fair to them I do not expect any intelligence of the people who supported the Buth Hartman scam because "EsJayDoubleUsss".
You can put all of the members of their group in a room and a rat in another room and the rat would be smarter than their collective group together.
However back to Topic I have seen a petition to bring Vic back to RWBY spread around on twitter
No. 32254
>>32215It would be nice for VizMedia to weigh in.
Any word on if more Chris Niosi milk has come out in all this?
No. 32268
>>32256Always with the sjws
It's shitty is that all you have to say is "SJWS ARE BANNING TOGETHER AND PLOTTING AGAINST VIC" and then all these anti-sjw idiots believe it.
No. 32280
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Nice to see this info.
>>32256People like that either empathise with abusers more and don't want their ability to get away with it taken away, or have seriously crippled understanding of other humans and their behaviour, like Vic's apology.
No. 32285
>>32280>People like that either empathise with abusers more and don't want their ability to get away with it taken away, or have seriously crippled understanding of other humans and their behaviour, like Vic's apology.It is fascinating to observe all of these reactions right now. The predators who feel protective of one of their own. The easily manipulated who feel protective because Vic was hurt and "cried" during his speech.
He has chosen his targets for grooming well. The young, naive often autistic anime fanbase will be less able to see his crocodile tears for what they are.
No. 32301
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He got kicked from another dub, manchildren are
triggered. The anime is some literal who tier, but it's handled by funimation. No. 32313
>>32301People even watched that anime?
>>32311The Risembol Rangers have arrived huh?
No. 32315
>>32314Have you seen the reactions of the IstandwithVic hashtag?
Idiots are gonna start exploding in a few
No. 32317
>>32315I learned that #kickvic is an "SJW war on anime", whatever that means.
I'd say kicking this guy will lead to better dubbed anime.
I always hated his creepy voice.
No. 32324
>>32311Anon plz, this aint the Men You're Ashamed to say You'd Fuck thread.
>>32301And y'know, he could still have a career in Christian music and be faaaaaaaaar away from the anime community. It ain't like he's really jobless unless these exploits affect whatever recording studios he's worked with in recent time.
No. 32364
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>>32215different anon,Posting screengrab because this is an imageboard.
No. 32396
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Monica Rial will tell us when she's ready. She's been through a lot guys.
No. 32425
>>32424grasping at straws, huh?
If all they have to disregard long-term allegations that are growing with a mere excuse like that only shows how fucked up they are. I can't understand how pizzagate took off and then there's this case. Maybe because he's not a satanic politician?
I mean he acts no different than Joe Biden.
No. 32427
>>32424They're stupid. The allegations have existed since 2010 at least. I'd wager they date back even earlier. I remember reading so much shit about him on the OG Weeaboo Stories blog. All women/girls saying to avoid his creepy ass, tales of him being a douchebag guest at cons from assistants, his bible-pushing on impressionable fans, etc. The anime/con community has known him as an eyesore (at best) and a predator (at worst) for ages, but it's just now that things are happening. It's probably a ripple effect of the whole #MeToo movement, honestly.
Trust incels to grasp their hardest to discredit women any chance they get, though.
No. 32437
File: 1549539024363.jpeg (82.6 KB, 720x960, Dym6hhBXQAAndgB.jpeg) victim blaming is depressing. This photo kinda sums up the whole situation with Vic perfectly but the girl is getting some really shitty responses.
No. 32440
>>32438From what I've seen of most people defending Vic on Twitter they seem to believe it's because he is christian or something and he is a good christian man.
Which if that isn't grasping straws I dunno what is
No. 32446
File: 1549546317824.jpg (16.36 KB, 359x477, FB_IMG_1549546140419.jpg)

This person posted in a Ouran Host Club FB group about how Vic is so nice, etc. Then added this picture of them with Vic. Vic is known for molesting teenage girls, not ugly adults with a questionable gender.
No. 32472
>>32451And people in Kiwi think that by being a lolcow you deserve to get Doxxed.
Though if he is proven to be a creepy by law I wanna make an entire collage video with the Vic supporters reaction with "Burn it down in the background" by Awolnation in the background.
Would be hilarious
No. 32489
File: 1549569152566.jpg (4.27 MB, 3000x2155, 1547633537714.jpg)

>>32451Pic related, Hazu was a literal who that posted on twitter and wrote a few articles on the site, he was not an employee.
Those retards believe anything, if it's a man that parades as a feminist there's not a shred of doubt because he's a "traitor", they are defending Vic because they know he's guilty lol. Suddenly he's a "more vocal employee".
The Hazu contributed to kickvic starting because a lot of people were raising awareness and the talks about the safety of cosplayers were going on at the same time.
No. 32518
File: 1549580137465.png (16.66 KB, 1020x106, soooo_religious_gais.png)

Damn it's like these people have never heard about church scandals and molesting priests before. They're religious so it's impossible that a priest could ever have molested children!
No. 32537
>>32512>>32514Yellow dumbass inserting himself huh?
If Vic is proven to be guilty I will very much like to see the dudes reaction.
More than that, the one for all of his fanbase
No. 32553
>>32512>>32513>>32514I find it funny that they had to put Broly and DBZ pictures in the thumbnail and title. It's pretty obvious they want dudes to identify with the character first to defend their precious nostalgic anime re-boot instead of simply putting Vic's name out there otherwise only his fangirls would know who that was.
I remember hearing that Vic hated doing Broly because of all the yelling that whenever he was called to do it, they had to apologize.
No. 32562
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His fan club needs help
No. 32566
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>>32518>People using Vic's religion as a defenseWow, they're reaching for the stars, huh?
No. 32577
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Wtf is wrong with these people?
No. 32578
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There’s a fucking gold mine of these in Yellow’s videos.
No. 32586
>>32578As they say.
Lolcows attract other lolcows.
Yellow is one of those cringeworthy anti SJW youtubers and he even wanted Vic to come into a podcast to defend himself or something
No. 32601
>>32566lol right? As if religious people can't do terrible things. The catholic church literally has a whole scandal of priests molesting children.
>>32577>>32578Amazing. It's been known for YEARS now what a creep Vic is. Why are these dudes defending him? They literally never gave a shit before.
No. 32607
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>>32601>Why are these dudes defending him? They literally never gave a shit beforebecause if this one dude can be fired from jobs because he acts inappropriate and abusive towards others…so can they. And they don't want that, gotta defend their bro.
No. 32608
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Does Amanda browse /lolcow/?
No. 32632
>>32614I can't wait till this backfires. Not like a gun but like a shotgun backfire
>>32608IIRC Amanda was assaulted in College and probably saying that got her angry, her response was edgy tho
No. 32641
>>32512The "NO EVIDENCE" wailers give me a headache. This isn't a court of law. He has not been jailed or sent to a gulag. A creepy guy is finally being dropped from some projects and losing the status he never should've had, because companies don't want his bullshittery following them.
No one cared before, but the #MeToo thing has made it so caping for creeps is actually a bad look. Deal with it. If you're not rubbing your greasy hands on young girls, kissing them randomly and doing other things without consent, I promise you won't be blacklisted. If you just can't help yourself, however, you will be taught through social repercussions. This is how it always should've been.
No. 32654
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>>32607>if a womanit's COUNTLESS people though. Not just one woman. It's tons of fans who had bad experiences with him, and con staff who can also back that up with years of taking his gross bullshit. There is also video evidence. what the fuck is wrong with men??
No. 32668
>>32655Oh yeah and OT but the chick she was responding to retweeted a statement that people celebriting that Mercedes pornstar arrest (Made CP with her own daughter) should not be celebrating it if they are from the left.
Gives you a bad idea doesn't it?
No. 32697
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No. 32698
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No. 32911
>>32901That one tweet: "if I see you as a guest at a con I attend, I won't be seeing you"
Good, I'm sure she'll really appreciate that the guys who support Vic are going to stay away from her now. It's nice to see the trash take themselves out.
No. 32915
>>29722There's this big ass callout post on twitter that said it was Todd Haberkorn, whoever that is (the thing that fucks me up about this whole thing the most is that so many people watch dubs lmao). He posted this so I can only assume it's accurate. Here's the doc btw, No. 32939
File: 1549755550396.gif (1.07 MB, 498x249, tenor.gif)

If that's the case, than she also voiced Junko who I could also see writing that. Either way Jamie is pretty damn awesome and is a better at dubbing anime characters than Vic could ever hope to be.
No. 32949
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>>32901>>32901Different anon here. This is an imageboard.
No. 32973
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Monica is lawyering up, comicsgate scrotes getting increasingly triggered by day and sending death threats, ANN published an article about Jamie.
No. 33073
>>32973>end animeLmao, since when have shitty English dub VAs defined anime, created it or even done anything of real importance for the genre as a whole?
In fact, they sometimes actually shit up perfectly good anime and make them unwatchable. Many people still can't tolerate Evangelion purely because Spike Lee did the shittiest, most obnoxious voice possible for Shinji (because he hates him), and they are too stubborn or new to anime to watch the subbed version.
No. 33074
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>>32973They're contacting Donald Trump, Ben Shapiro, and Milo Yiannopoulos for this. I'm dead.
No. 33119
>>33116Because people aside his fans know about his creepy behavior.
I am no cosplayer but doesn't the cosplayer circle call him a creep or did I read that fact wrong?
No. 33126
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haven't heard that "insult" in years
No. 33136
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>Vic: hey guys please don't harass or send death threats no matter what's happening k ;)
>meanwhile Vic's fans
No. 33156
>>32557>>32514>>32513>>32512It's time to stop Yellow. It's time to stop.
Vic supporters are trying their hardest to protect their sweet bible thumping prince by pretending to be apart of the victims and faking evidence.
No. 33157
>>32973They feel threatened because it's getting serious. They felt safe in believing there was no real evidence but now with someone taking this to court, the evidence is going to be gathered to be evaluated by a judge.
In other words they're going to now become irrelevant because they are not in this case (honestly they never were, it was all about the victims who
DID feel violated not about those who didn't). They know the judge isn't going to read their twitter or YT comments and instead is now going to listen to the victims.
And it's ironic because they were bitching about how these victims weren't taking these actions before but now they are.
No. 33165
Can I just say how cringey it is to call people NPCs? Like really, you ain't no main character fighting for some loser English dub voice actor at your computer on twitter at 2:31 am.
>>33162How disgusting of him, per usual.
No. 33168
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>>33165NPC is just a buzzword ppl use at this point to describe anyone they dont like. kind of like SJW.
>>33162she actually posted in a pull thread a while back about her experience and confirmed the poster was her No. 33211
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>>33168What do we make of this then? Is this guy wrong?
No. 33218
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>>33211I'd screencap Vic's resume but here ya go with this first
No. 33239
>>33168>>33211Who even is this random? I doubt this person knows vic's history like that.
No. 33249
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No. 33254
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No. 33255
>>33249As they should have years ago, but hey.
Excellent fucking news.
No. 33261
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>>33249im so content hearing the beginning of his end. House Funimation has cut all ties and the barron Mignona cult of predators will finally fade into obscurity while being dragged on the carpeted halls of the convention center out to the local cesspool covered in friction burns.
( but forreal after years they finally snatched his primary source of fame and influence, the heavy cream is frothy)
No. 33280
File: 1549942084472.jpg (40.5 KB, 500x400, disgusting.jpg)

More sleaziness from Vic. I feel sorry for his wife. No. 33293
>>33280>>33292lemme correct my post then
So that would be another non-christian move by Vic. Then again a divorce is allowed if the partner committed adultery and refuses to repent and live faithfully with their spouse so I'm not surprised.
No. 33296
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Lol, he didn't even read the joke she posted.
No. 33318
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I've seen so many people defend Vic and I can't stand seeing any of it.
It makes me want to be sick. To claim he is innocent is to claim every person who has ever come out about him is a liar, and that's hundreds if not over a thousand.
It makes me think about back when the JewWario rapist controversy was a thing, if people were so willing to believe the one who came out that he was a rapist, why are people so unwilling to believe anything that goes against Vic?
I don't understand and it bothers me to no end.
No. 33322
>>33318same, like there's people who i wouldn't expect that usually wait for "official" evidence that surprisingly shunned mcnuggets with ease, even to the point of getting into arguments with #IStandWithVic weirdos.
Like no doubt, his voice is very easy to point out, but that doesn't excuse him from being a sexual predator.
No. 33323
>>33280did I miss something or did he refer to the young girl as a "hot chick"
I mean, even as a joke that's creepy
No. 33326
>>33324I'm just disgusted that people in the audience would cheer for that and people in the youtube comments saying "she's the luckiest girl ever"
where are these girls parents?
anime fans really are fucking trash.
No. 33329
>>33322Same goes for the people who posted on /tv/ about working with Channel Awesome, everyone believed them. But when it comes to Vic? Not a chance in hell.
>I met him for 5 seconds at a con and he was nice to me, he's an angel who can do no wrongAnyone who thinks anyone who can do no wrong is an idiot. Period.
No. 33339
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Is this true about the Discord group? I checked with the facebook group and it's not like that.
No. 33346
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>>33318I really couldn’t believe it when I opened my YouTube recommended and saw 3 videos calling vic preying on younger people, “false allegations exposed”, making the weirdest inferences from the smallest littlest things, claiming “it’s not true bc of _____ tiny detail”, then claiming this tiny detail
really means something completely different that somehow invalidates the allegations, or “well this girl mentioned _____ in the past once, which could
really mean [insert massive reach], so therefore they’re probably exaggerating it!” When I’ve seen the exact same youtubers use the same type of caliber of evidence and less, a million times in other videos to nail other internet predators to the wall or expose them, but somehow vic’s we’re different? The same exact type of evidence has been used in their videos, with similarly written “call out posts”, using those as main evidence and believing them, but then desperately making up inferences to claim the allegations are false. Even saying “they’re proven false allegations! This can ruin his life! It’s horible what they did to him!” …. “not saying I don’t believe the victim, I’m sure they
felt that way, but it’s just not true!” There were some who were making these huge reaches and being extremely nit picky about the victims stories and claiming things like “well she had been sexually harassed by men before, so she already has a strong bias and probably made up her mind that is was sexual harassment before she even got kissed by Vic!” “Well she didn’t like his behavior in the first place, after she said she saw Vic kiss other girls on the mouth, so she made up her mind in advanced!”. Honestly, the most stupidest invalidations. Even using comments like “I once met Vic at a con for 3 minutes, he signed his autograph for me and he was super nice and kissed me on the cheek! So clearly he’s an innocent sweet angel!” as
hard evidence that all the accusations are untrue??? Wat. These same youtubers who’ve even said “just because he didn’t do it to you, doesn’t mean he didn’t do it to others” “fans defending so-and-so only know their persona, not who they really are” “you can’t say they are innocent when you’ve only met him once” in the past with other predators/scammers/creeps/yters in scandals. I couldn’t believe it, they all came out around the same exact time, it was the weirdest thing. Lost so much respect to youtubers that I watch regularly, unsubbed to their channels. Never thought these channels could possibly make this situation even worse and spread misinformation so blatantly. It was disgusting to see all the comments under those videos, agreeing that Vic was innocent based solely off the yters poorly researched mental gymnastics vids.
No. 33347
>>33346Don't forget the putrid rancid youtube comment sections all calling Jamie Marchi and Monica Rial evil psychopaths.
Some are even talking about what if Vic Mignogna commits suicide and all that. Why does he have some kind of sacred cow status?
I met Chris Sabat once and he seems like a real stand up guy and pretty cool in general but I only met him for less than an hour, if something came up about him I wouldn't just immediately deny any of it because I didn't have the time to get to know the whole man did I?
They're straight up deluded.
No. 33355
>>33318It sickening. It's like these pieces of trash want video evidence of vic raping a woman and then they'll still turn around and go, "No, that ain't Vic! that's someone else."
They honestly think a christian white man is incapable of rape? holyfuckingshit. People are fucking disgusting
No. 33360
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No. 33375
>>33372He has the least sexy voice ever.
I notice that some of his defenders do not care about the guy, they just don't want to see a famous man fired for sexual harassment.
No. 33382
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So is this really our timeline?
No. 33385
>>33280Absolute cringe. But really doesn't seem sexual at all?
I'll buy that the guy is scum, VA's are failed actors anyways and they all seem like trash to me. But I find it hard to believe he was having sexual feelings for that girl.
No. 33409
File: 1550011106300.png (44.38 KB, 658x371, vic.png)

This tweet said it all for me.
anyone who has been in the cosplay/con scene for a good amount of years know to stay clear of Vic.
Even here in the UK he's infamous for being a dick/creep. A local con of mine banned him from guesting because of the way he treat staff back in 2012 (long story short he shit talked the entire city the con was hosted in and fucked the con staff over with being late and rude).
These anime dudebros have clearly never stepped foot out of their pit of a bedroom and been to a Con where he was guesting. All of this coming to light was word of mouth just a few months ago. I'm to this day yet to meet any con goer or cosplayer that doesn't show disgust when they hear about Vic being at a con they're going to.
No. 33413
>>33382Best comment
Sage for no contribution
No. 33441
>>33430I am hearing they are calling this Vic thing "Animegate"
And I hope it blows on the face of whatever idiot made that idea
No. 33449
File: 1550025624153.png (255.98 KB, 1316x1052, pensacon.png)

Looks like there's attempts by #IStandWithVic folk to form protests at Pensacon 2019, and perhaps more. are they so dumb?
>I'm not encouraging any form of harassment. That would imply physically harming someone."Harassment doesn't just mean physical harm.
>How did you even find this?Probably searching their fucking con name to engage with/answer people?
No. 33475
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No. 33476
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No. 33489
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>>33211It's real, oh spicy
No. 33513
>>33500In that video where he talks about inviting kids into his house he recounts how the other staff reacted to him doing so and it
completely aligns with how they all react to him now.
No. 33523
File: 1550070523719.png (340.33 KB, 640x720, 1547831821549.png)

What are the reasons people really have to doubt all the accusations anyway?
There's plenty talk about "photoshop" usually said for images that don't even seem like they would be incriminating.
Also there's YouTube videos that say the "KickVic movement was built on lies" or others that spout "sjw" or "npc" but I'm never watching any of them, ever.
No. 33528
>>33523Basically gamergate style incels jumped in to defend vic from the evil sjws.
It's a bunch of dudes that never gave a shit about him, it's all about "us vs them" and "we can't let a man get fired just because women complained about his behaviour". There's also people from his fanclub defending him, but I've personally seen less of them, the dude who made one of these "vic is innocent" videos uploaded a video of himself stabbing comics that featured female superheroes.
No. 33537
>>33503Oh my goddd I knew it.
>>33523Plain misogyny. How dare women speak up about being raped and molested
No. 33554
>>33523alt righters are misogynists for one, and for two they'll take any chance they can get to defend a straight white man who's a Christian even if he's obviously creepy as shit and a pedophile, couple that with Shounenfags who are known for being a bunch of autists who will defend anything relating to FMA or dwagon ball and you've got a cocktail of autism and 'ESS JAY DOUBLE UUUUS'
I've actually watched some of the 'KickVic movement was built on lies' videos, it's literally just a bunch of clips of Vic visiting girls in the hospital and Vic crying on camera because 'BAAAWWWW IT WAS JUST A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD'.
I suspect a lot of Vic's defenders are pedophiles themselves anyway since the anime community is (sadly) kind of known for that. One Vicfag that I talk to is a proud lolicon no surprise who claims 'I NEED A POLICE REPORT TO PROVE THAT VIC RAPED SOMEONE' even though I've explained multiple times to him the difference between sexual assault and rape full on rape and then if I show him videos of Vic being creepy he'll just say they're out of context, yeah I don't know how Vic flirting with a 5 year old is out of context either but I think a lot of Vicfags are in the 'final stages' of realizing that Vic is a pedophile since they can't debunk anything anymore so instead they just talk about Monica.
No. 33556
>>33554I'll say it now
Monica did nothing wrong
No. 33557
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>>33528>gamergaters are going to become 'animegaters' because of them realizing that they were completely wrong about Vic and defending a pedophile made them look like shitty people I really am not looking forward to 'ethics in anime journalism', heck it seems like it's already kind of started with the Crunchyroll anime thing, it mirrors Gamergate since it was a thing that no one should really give a shit about (why would you have a crunchyroll account in the first place? Just stream/torrent retards) and people made a big deal over it because some chicks with colored hair worked on it.
No. 33568
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If we could find a story that matches well along with a video we could make for an even stronger case of legitimacy
Not that it isn't already obvious he's guilty of course
No. 33579
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No. 33580
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No. 33584
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No. 33681
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Here we go again
No. 33686
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I'm so tired of Vic supporters using his religion as defense. Being Christian does not mean you are immune from doing bad. This comment was capped on a vid against Monica
No. 33705
>>33621>>33603People are really trying to use this to go against her
Vicsuckers are hypocrites
No. 33715
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No. 33729
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Holy shit I can't believe Funimation really fired their cash cow. I'm honestly shocked lmao
No. 33732
>>33729How is he a cash cow to anyone besides NEETs over 27 lol
His most prominent roles were for shows that ended years ago. Someone said this upthread but his style of voice acting just really doesn’t work anymore. Bad dubs of the mid 2000s have been out of fashion for quite a while.
No. 33734
>>33729Is Vic really their "cash cow"?
I wouldn't put him anywhere close to the likes of Sabat or Schemmel in terms of being iconic.
(Learn to sage) No. 33774
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>"""people""" STILL think the allegations are just about Vic hugging people
No. 33775 it turns out one of Vic's defenders/Monica's haters is just some slanderous attention whore who is also a pedophile?
No. 34988
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Lurking through some of my followers's Twitter accounts, i found some idiot who posted their thoughts siding with Vic.
>"he didnt do anything bad, if you think being himself is a crime then you are part of the problem,"
Uhh, what?
>"he just grew up with a affectionate family, i did too really."
So… being touchy with minors without their consent is okay in your book?
This guy more then likely hasn't looked at any of the victims testimonies and he's siding with Vic cause he's voiced some of his favorite animes. Plus, this guy is a self-admitted Otaku (No joke, he wrote that on his profile).
No. 35077
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Yellowflash 2 has made a dozen videos on the matter. This is just pure autism.
No. 35082
>>34988Yeah, not wanting to sign yaoi fanart is not homophobic, but denying a canonically gay character is actually gay because you dont like it is pretty homophobic, Voc.
>he's from an affectionate familyWhat the FUCK does that have to do with not touching people without their consent?
No. 35124
Sorry, can't take screenshots on this device but those defending Vic and harassing the female VAs who spoke out against him really are obsessed with Shield Hero.
Comment about Jamie Marchi:
>if the rising of the shield hero has taught me anything karma will come (sorry this is probably an innopropriate time to joke but might as well try beinging light into darkness)The anime series is actually a co-production with Crunchyroll. of all things CR chooses this misogynist incel fantasy, and look at the consequences.
No. 35152
File: 1550334194762.png (694.42 KB, 1260x2160, marchisex.png)>NO ACCUSATIONS ARENT PROOF>this gets posted >everyone believes it blindly and keeps talking about Vic>profile full of talk about hacking and cryptocurrency and these tweets being incredibly sudden in general along with clickbaity use of CAPITAL LETTERS Hmmm…. this couldn't possibly be SUSPICIOUS could it? No. 36032
>>35124>>35140There is one evil woman in the show. It’s not some “incel fantasy” where he goes on a “woman hating crusade” shield hero was actually written by a woman. Japan’s culture is so different from the wests, why should they not explore those themes? There are multiple other strong women characters in the show, old and young.
OT as fuck but if you haven’t actually watched the anime, don’t let obviously retarded incels sway your opinion on it. It wasn’t “made” for autistic pigs in the west
No. 36035
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Lasagna made a statement about going back to god and getting counseling in a bid to save his reputation badly are the Vic supporting breaking down right now? Vic seems like the type of person who is super religious because he believes that people will think highly of him or think that he's a good person
No. 36036
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No. 36041
>>35152Even if it were true……(cough)
How would that change anything regarding Vic?
Are these people retarded?
No. 36042
File: 1550342806807.png (998.24 KB, 1268x1264, 135.png) any of these true? (I know some are utter horse shit). Serious question here
No. 36043
>>35152Again, even if it is, their all trash, INCLUDING Vic.
Do these morons thin "THEY ALL DID IT TOO" that somehow discounts Vic? lmao
No. 36044
>>36035he just needs to die or disappear. He's trash. In a real world of justice, they'd gather all the evidence and arrest his ass for statutory rape and assault.
>>36042A lot of this sounds like made up bullshit. wishing for someone to 'get raped' is trash but it doesnt make someone the same an an actual rapists or assaulter
No. 36046
>>36044It wasn't even that, it was an edgy comment but she said "I hope
when it happens to you** and then saying they hope they have the courage to come out
No. 36049
>>36035More like he seems like the type that believes he can do anything because he has the "power of god" on his side.
That's why he's so obsessed with religion and abuses his own power. That would also explain why he's "recommitting to god" in hopes that him praying or whatever the fuck will magically fix everything and uphold his reputation. The whole thing is disgusting.
No. 36058
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>>36054Sometimes I forget
No. 36092
>>36042I know at least as someone who follows DC Douglas that the mentioned video in there was taken out of context, he got lost in the Denver airport and wandered into the wrong bathroom. yeah it was kind of a lowbrow joke to film a video of him farting in there but I don't think he meant harm
sage for ot
No. 36099
>>36047D.C is just an old man who likes to make perverted jokes, he can come off as cringy but I have never seen him getting physical with a fan, He makes sexual jokes but never seen him make advances
>>36042>Taking over Vic jobsNo idea how bad Monica voice is but I am sure that she cannot do the "Stoner dumbass guy" voice
No. 36293
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No. 36304
>>36048Zarkon really was the true villain after all.
sorry for OT / sage
No. 36348
>>36304Shut the fuck up Lotor
No. 36356
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No. 36369
>>36356>Swatting someone because your shitty va idol got his feefees hurt.God that's pathetic.
If it was Yellowflash 2 I will not be shocked
No. 36397
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>>36381This is the one that comes to mind. sure dogs have also been killed in swattings.
No. 36398
>>36379 According to his own twitter posts, he does not condone this behaviour whatsoever
Not like his defenders listen to him anyway
No. 36442
I'm all for kicking Vic but the behavior of VAs like Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi, and Inoue-Hart is fucking embarrassing
No. 36444
>>36442Are we so sure that's faked if the timestamp for that isn't from long ago?
I don't understand the "2016 in that other image"
No. 36446
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No. 36449
>>36444It looks like Samantha took the images from this post
>>36425 originally from 2016 and made a fake post that was screencapped here
>>36440 claiming the damage was from a Vic supporter swatting her house
No. 36450
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No. 36451
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>>36444It looks like she reused pictures from an unrelated incident in 2016 to make it look like her home was swatted recently (pic attached is seen here
It could have faked (someone could have taken her old photos and made a fake facebook post screenshot) but given that she deleted her facebook afterwords… eh
No. 36453
>>36451If this really is faked, we'll never hear the end of it.
For gods sake
No. 36470
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No. 36529
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>>36515>she's the one who did the investigationJesus Christ this could make things so much god damn worse
No. 36564
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>>36369the incels are rioting for their pedo daddy and they got projection on their side!
>Why the fuck would they lie about it?pic is answer
So apparently getting harrased by angry gamer boi incels is what she wanted, what great attention it is having people threathen you and stalk you to real events you are attending, #GOALS
They are legit retarded
No. 36568
>>36564If people truly believe that people want to be harassed then I hope to god that what goes around comes round
>>36532But anonnnn, she mentioned giving a testimony it means she investigated it of course (Obvious sarcasm)
No. 36581
>>36579Ha ha figures, i think its the mental gymnastics of "The victims are lying they arent pressing charges, daddy viccu is innocent!", well since he is "innocent" why isnt he pressing charges?
Then they start making shit up, because they dug their own hole, since Vic ISNT pressing charges as far as we know so, by their OWN logic, he did do it.
No. 36601
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>if there's been 10+ years of stories about him WHERE'S THE POLICE REPORT
No. 36603
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>>36581Vic did imply he would do something about "the people who are instigating and pushing" the allegations before the bigger VAs like Monica Rial spoke up against him. Discord ss from
>>12087, which were posted in January 20.
It makes me wonder who he had in mind at the time.
No. 36616
>>36603I don't think he realized that his co-workers would go after him then. I bet he would have gone after Jessie and ANN.
He could still go for it, but I would bet an formal lawsuit would unearth a lot of skeletons, like with Weinstein.
No. 36635
File: 1550613580142.png (280.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-02-19-15-58-13…) has released an article covering the situation, featuring a statement from Michele Specht.
No. 36653
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>>36635Is this supposed to be funny or sad
No. 36678
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>>36635Upcoming image dump, starting with Michele's statement from the article then Monica Rial's newest statement from Twitter.
Also notable parts from the article: Various anonymous voice actors from Funimation and con goers generally confirm Vic frequently grabs women by their hair and either whispers into their ears or kisses them, every statement Vic deflects with "I don't remember it that way, she was enjoying it!", Vic and Michele were never married (engaged but didn't tie the knot) and split up May 2018, around the time Funimation VAs were asking to recast Broly due to Vic's past behavior
No. 36681
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Monica Rial's newest statement crom Twitter. Also seems to confirm Monica is Charlotte in the article
No. 36682
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No. 36684
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No. 36839
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No. 36889
>>36886Honestly Monica and the other VA’s have been acting more like cows than Vic, can’t wait to see them get sued lmao
Keep the milk going
No. 36890
>>36889Both sides are equally cows.
But Vic's fans have been so damn milky it's not even funny to see and more so those Anti SJWs who have been hopping to the situation because they wanna seem cool
No. 36902
>>36884This is going to be the next Gamer Gate isn't it.
Fucking hell and I hoped Vic was going under.
No. 36911
>>36902It is going to be exactly that. Gamergaters have been trying to revive it with obscure shit for a while and they finally found something that’s not obscure and gives them a reason to bitch about women.
Ironic though since gamergate started with a blogpost with no evidence and they’re now saying several blogposts with evidence and videos are fake.
No. 36913 guy who thinks Vic should sue seems like one of the biggest Vicfag cows out there. Seeing as how he has clips of him drinking in his intro I’m alreadt convinced he’s one of those alcoholics who drinks for attention so 14 year old boys (aka Vic’s biggest fans) think he’s cool.
(this is an imageboard) No. 36935
>>36911Oh yeah they are calling it Animegate or something.
All I hope is that the movement implodes for such a stupid name
No. 37056
>>37050Huh, guess we gotta see 3 cows together.
Like in MK:Deception intro but with more stupidity
No. 37076
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>>36635A person (YellowFlashGuy) supposedly was able to obtain the emails between io9 and Vic and thinks that the article "twist's Vic's words". Though, looking over the screenshots and video, it seemed that the article didn't detail the aftermath of situations (though it does touch on it) and doesn't address one of the accusations that Vic was asked about in the interview (the one he kept asking to be casted?) I think. vs article
>Mignogna acknowledged this event happened but said he remembered it “very differently.” He said the two of them went out to a private dinner, after which they “mutually and consensually” kissed, and he invited her to his room. According to Mignogna, Diana responded that she wanted to, but “shouldn’t since we were both involved with someone else at the time,” after which they parted ways. Diana denied Mignogna’s version of events, saying “it wasn’t nearly as simple as he makes it seem—telling him we were both taken was not the end of it.”
>Most of Mignogna’s responses to these women’s stories included some mention of how, from his viewpoint, the women seemed fine with their interactions—and even acted friendly toward him later. He mentioned that he and Diana “flirted quite a bit both times” they saw each other and noted how both Gretchen and Rachel were cordial or friendly with him during their interactions after the events took place. All three of them rejected this notion as being proof that they weren’t upset with Mignogna for his behavior.Also, the guy got it in his dms from a "very good source" – lmao, the only person I expect to have given it to him is either whoever io9 had email him or Vic himself.
No. 37128
>>37109What did you wanted say?
>>37076His very good source is probably "Bullshitting evidence to make a creep look innocent"
No. 37217
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>>37128I don't think the document is fake – I do think it's funny that so few questioned who the "good source" is. It's either io9 or Vic. And I don't think it was io9. Why would Vic need to leak the interview questions and not address them himself? Is it, perhaps, because he wants his fans to do the work while it appears he's doing nothing and seem more professional?
>>37213>so far they have 16 thousand raisedlol
No. 37219
>>37192Honestly she is the biggest
victim of this for how it must have been dealing with a narcissistic manchild who likes younger women for 12 years.
No. 37225
>>37219So she was with this dude for 12 years and she had NO idea? Yea that sounds legit.
She probably knew a bout his sleazebag ways but loved the $$ so stayed quiet and looked the other way. No way she didn't know.
No. 37230
>>37225I am pretty sure she knew and I am sure anon never said she didn't knew.
But she probably had the worst deal becaus she had to deal with sleazebags ways for 12 years.
I'd prefer to not know how Bitch Mangina is at home
No. 37372
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No. 37402
>>37247because these dumb bitches love to a professional
victim. It's sadly what's happening when you have to look like you're in a worse situation. Vic is a creep, always has been, but these stupid women made it all 1,000 harder to believe actual
victims by staging /lying about swatting.
No. 37635
Current livestream whiteknighting Vic from a bigger yter. Calling him a
victim and saying he should sue
victims. Kinda making my blood boil. ESP the random MRA’s defending him who know nothing about the accusations in the chat bc “muh fake rape accusations happen all the time!!!!” No. 37867
>>37635that guy who came on to defend the girls and women was painfully and embarrassingly stupid tho. he also admitted on air to doing shady shit twenty years back in some kind of weird assed confessional. i watched the whole thing and it was pretty bad. non-lawyers shouldn't debate the law with people who are lawyers, it's almost always a bad idea.
in other news, vic has retained a very aggressive law group to defend him, nothing filed yet as far as i can tell.
one thing that did happen as a result of shane the dummy coming on to nicky rackets' show was that in all the fallout, mister metokur aka internet aristocrat aka jim got involved. so now you have the sweetie squad all in, which is the last thing you could actually want.
this numbnuts doodlebrain twitter nobody made matters worse for the va's and fans speaking up imo.
catching jim's eye is never a good idea.
No. 37922
>>37918I hope the meltdown is so bad it drags Nick too.
As I see, he is getting an ego and he will slip up.
Not Jim though, He seems like a chill fella
No. 37956
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>>36453>>36505>>36529wow are you guys out of the loop, funimation and ANN haven't been just shooting themselves in the foot, they've practically blown their own legs off.
No. 37971
>>37930eh, nick is sperging about his interpretation of the law, which is a big diff i think, but mileage may vary. he's always careful with his speech, as most lawyers are, so he doesn't say vic dindu, he says here's how and why i believe vic should sue their asses. which, it's what lawyers do.
but that stream with drunken fatty mcboomboom in his filthy hovel was both cringe inducing and super funny. i love this weirdo timeline.
No. 38175
>>38009yeah, I totally agree with that, but that doesn't necessarily mean he went past that. I don't think it justifies him at all, but anyone who was around for older cons realize that, that was very much the kind of atmosphere there. is he inappropriate and stuck in the past? 10000%
but calling someone out on creep behavior is a far cry from what some people are making it out to be. I just think people need to be accurate with what we're accusing him of, so his actual offenses aren't pushed under the rug because people are slandering much more serious things which are then proven false
No. 38180
>>38175It's not about what he "went past". All the things I listed in my post are not okay for him to do with minors. Period. I've also been to many cons and have seen him in the mid 2000s and I wouldn't say the atmosphere around him is kind nor does that excuse his predatory behavior, past or present.
I genuinely want to know where you came from but you stanning him here won't make the unsettling and questionable shit he's done go away.
No. 38208
>>38180Fuck off, no one is stanning him but throwing in more, VERY serious allegations only detracts from the real convo, which is this behaviour wasnt OK in the first place.
We should be able to reflect and discuss why it’s bad WITHOUT needing to include the allegtaions of physical sexual assault on a minor. The point is, the reg behaviour was shady and shitty, we dont need to dramatize it to make it seem more serious and it only overshadows the real problem.
No. 38232
>>38118Seriously, now people are even doubting the issue and people are starting to support Vic while calling it an #AnimeGate
Fucking annoying
No. 38359
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>>38232Because you can go back in time on the internet, and learn when and where the rumors began.
No. 38397
>>38359Jesus so now you must be 100% gaayyy everyday, you can't have personal reservations or say you personally aren't gay.
He's shit but he never said he hated gays FFS
No. 38415
>>38406I think the homophobia count comes with him stating that Fai was straight without a doubt cause CLAMP supposedly told him so. He also stated Yaoi fans are desperate for attention.There's a rumor from years ago that he called a fan and his BF a disappointment from God.
It's a bunch of shit that has added up.
No. 38420
>>38415>supposedly>rumorso a bunch of shit that hasn't been certified and relates nothing to the sexual harassment case.
This is really starting to look like a witch hunt, fuck.
No. 38446
>>38420>>38445Yeeeaaah. Some links are broken or comments regarding the BF thing are gone because of how long it's been since those accusations came out. There IS video evidence of him saying Yaoi fans are desperate for attention. Haven't watched the whole video but it looks like it's from the same one that he 'cleared up' the Fai information from. Plenty of a mess he made for himself there. Wouldn't say it's a witch hunt as much as he got smart after testing the waters.
Plenty of accounts, regardless, of him messing with underage fangirls with working links tho over the last decade. Wouldn't say it's a witch hunt on that end, either.
No. 38449
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No. 38474
>>38452>>38451>>38450>>38449So more SJW vendatta tier shit having NOTHING to do with sexual harassment.
He's going to win in court isn't he.
No. 38494
>>38474uh, yeah, this entire thing has just been 'i hate vic because /personal reasons/ or /vendetta/' so he deserves to be taken down for /sexual harassment
don't think he sexually harassed any one and too many people got their panties in a knot all because the current
victim/call out culture
this entire thing has been retarded, not sorry
i feel like the people in this thread witch hunting him are the same ones who thought the fucking vicpasta's from old /cgl/ days were legit accounts lmao
No. 38517
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No. 38623
>>38618Calling them unsubtle is far too kind to such shit tier tactics.
Of course with my tinfoil hat they could either be Risembol Rangers, Rekieta law fans or Yellowflash fans.
No. 38626
>>38507uh, yeah, sorry I don't live in PC hugbox land where giving people hugs or cheek kisses is considered sexual harassment. yes, it's fucking creepy and outside of most people's normal comfort zone, but there's nothing inherently sexual about anything I've read here (other than the made up fanfic stories and copy pastas).
and the 'flirted with a 5 year old girl on camera' thing is so beyond retarded. it's very obvious he was 'flirting' with them as part of the show/joke, lots of people would 'flirt' with a child in the sense that it should be obvious it's a joke because they would never actually do that and certainly not PUBLICALLY do it if they were actually a pedo. if this were 10 years ago none of this shit would be considered 'sexual harassment' - he's guilty of being an asshole, making people feel uncomfortable and living in the past, that there's all very clear evidence of. but I've yet to see any concrete evidence of legitimate sexual harassment. even shit like him climbing on that guys shoulders - yes, that's SUPER uncalled for/rude/dick behavior, but he obviously wasn't thinking about it in a sexual sense where he's putting his crotch against the guy's neck. retard mangina obviously thought he was king of the world and this was quirky/funny show for the fans, in his mind. with context none of what you're claiming is proof is really proof at all. so sick of all you tumblr-tier people jumping on the tiniest of shit with any cow on here and acting like they've raped and murdered someone
No. 38673
>>38627I'm not saying it's funny, I'm saying it's obviously what he was going for (a joke). sorry I'm not autistic enough to vendetta after mangina over something that contextually is not necessarily a sign of sexual harassment?
I've been around since /cgl/ and I've heard countless stories/encounters/copypastas involving him, I'm not some imaginary neckbeard invasion or whatever you seem to have in your mind for people who have two brain cells to rub together.
let's think for two, TWO seconds: if mangina
was a sexual predator/pedophile (hell, if
anyone was one), would it be logical to hit on your target in a room full of people/with the parents standing right there, present? he might be a creepy asshole/with little social sense, but I don't think he's so far gone he'd think that flies if he didn't think it was, well, A JOKE?
is it really that hard to fathom what another person's mindset is, even if you disagree with them/dislike them?
I've said it in posts before and I'll say it again: anyone hate him for being socially awkward, rude, an asshole, creepy, whatever, but none of that proves these sexual allegations. I'm all for milk and call outs but it means diddly squat when you're just over-exaggerating these things. was the bulma VA faking the squat thing after ranting on about her personal vendetta against vic not damning enough? if you want to go after him, find the right reasons for your pitch forks, because this is just going to make his actual offenses seem trivial after all the false flags.
No. 38684
>>38673Everything you listed in description about him is a
valid reason to accuse him of sexual assault & harassment. Stop trying to sugar coat it because there's no actual proof that you can view right before your eyes of him committing the act on someone. This claim you've been around since the /cgl/ Mangina days when stories like these were always appearing is embarrassing, you're clearly way too far up Vic's ass and can't comprehend anything that's been said about him over the last decade. Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt and excusing his shitty perverted self.
No. 38688
>>38673>let's think for two, TWO seconds: if mangina was a sexual predator/pedophile (hell, if anyone was one), would it be logical to hit on your target in a room full of people/with the parents standing right there, present? As someone who's been around predators, that's exactly how they act when they feel secure and comfortable in their surroundings. They rely on the benefit of the doubt given by naive people like yourself, and those "in the know" laugh along with a wink and a nudge. It's a double-handed joke. It's not only at the expense of the child, but "normies" who think "Oh well that's an off-colour joke haha wew" and let it slide.
Only a pedophile would even get the idea of asking a kid "So…what're you doing after the show?". They would've already had to have sexualized that child in their mind to connect the two. It's that simple.
No. 38702
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I'm sure getting flashbacks
No. 38704
>>38703i didn't even know english dub voiceactors had fanclubs before this began. I'm just sitting back and enjoying the ride.
I'm just wondering how many people from tumblr they can get to testify under oath.
No. 38706
>>38673long time /cgl/ poster piping up to say that i also think this is a case of a handsy guy getting punished for being handsy in a time when that's verboten. does vic treat con staffers poorly? you bet. worked with him. but poorly means diva, not rapist. he's a stupid snotrag in a fandom full of
GLOMPing retards who have next to no social awareness, turned into useful idiots for the outrage factor, told that it's cool and a moral obligation to jump on this bandwagon and bitch him out.
there are a lot of people who will avoid threads because they don't want to start fights. we're not in here fighting the useless fight - face it, no one is going to change their mind- but it doesn't mean that when we show up, we were sent by someone, or that we're part of his fan club, or that we're russian bots. some of us believe in innocent until proven guilty and are sick of all the recent media fuckups caused by too many people dogpiling without all the information. those of us in the middle don't listen and believe any more and the only people to blame for that are zealots. on either side.
if vic is a sexual predator, let him get busted in court. if that's the case, i want to see him be tried.
No. 38723
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>>38706> in a fandom full of GLOMPing retards who have next to no social awareness, turned into useful idiots for the outrage factYes. This.
No. 38730
>>38706anon you're quoting here, fucking thank you; you put it in much better words than I could. I'm really starting to question who the actual 'samefags' are in this thread.
there's been a consistent issue with people like this popping up around the site for over a year now, so I believe fully there are multiple, but god do I wish I had the power to check IPs. I am absolutely convinced there is a couple dedicated anons who project their past negative experience with sexual trauma on cows, it reads the same every time, they reply to pick a fight, never see the other side of the story even when it's brought up logically, just victimvictimvictim - everyones a predator, everyones a sexual harasser. you see it a ton in moo and onion's threads, for any little thing. slays me. I really hope mods look into it if my hunch is right and it is a loud minority who keep doing this mindless accusation garbage against cows.
No. 38758
>>38706If poor little misunderstood Vic just wanted to glomp fangirls (and never boys, it should be noted) - then why have other VAs spoken out against him and saying they believe the stories?
There is even a story from a woman he tried to groom when he worked at her school. All signs points to him having a long history of preying on girls and women. If it ever went as far as rape is unknown.
It's just sad that anons can't or don't want to notice gigantic red warning signs about a man.
No. 38796
>>38758And it's sad that you don't understand that legally, if none of the people involved press charges, then they will get done for defamation. That's literally it. Vic being a douchebag is nothing to ruin his life over, unless you want the same rules applied to everyone. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you do want the same rules applied to everyone, but in that case, everything stays the same. Guy is tried and found guilty in court of public opinion. Guy retains juggernaut insane legal team to defend him. People who think they can ruin a person's livelihood using social media to do so are held accountable.
If you think this is bs or I'm somehow lying or whatever, I'm sorry because I genuinely think Vic is a tard. But you actually can't fuck with a person's jobs to the extent that they lose said jobs. This is separate from what he's been accused of. Again, if these people want to press charges, of course they should do exactly that. At this stage, they're not. I don't know why.
There are legal ramifications for public actions taken by a bunch of idiots on Twitter, and they apply equally to all of us. This is a good thing. I'm out.
No. 38803
>>38769I don't think he raped anyone either, though i don't think any of the accusers said rape anyway, just claimed sexual assault. Vic did admit that he didn't consider asking for consent to hug/kiss his fans, or instances like tickling his coworker and stepping over her boundaries.
I don't think it's big leap to believe that his behavior could be carried over to when he was seeking out relationships/sex and cheating on his wife.
No. 38820
>>38803I am 99% sure that it was anti sjws trying to make Vic seem more like a
victim that they used rape.
Pathetic if you ask me
No. 38832
>>38820This is exactly what happened. Sexual Misconduct and Harassment were mostly thrown around until people decided they needed to make accusations sound WORSE to prove Vic's innocence.
Very few if any people /against/ Vic used/use rape as a term because grabbing an ass and giving kisses on the cheek is Misconduct/Harassment which is, in fact, what he did.
I can't believe they even found this thread, tbh.
No. 38916
>>38904The momokunt thread has always been full of vendetta tier samefags. And when that entire thing went down it was pretty clear that select group of girls were there cheering themselves on being like 'ya bunny u slaaay yass' and such out of regular board speech garbage
I stopped going to momokunts thread for the same reason I'm complaining about anons in this one: select loud minority overflowing a person's unintentionally rude actions to the point they think lives deserve to be ruined over it.
Momokunt doesn't deserve to be beat up over being handsy and neither does mangina deserve to lose his work over it. Hated? Go right ahead. Should they apologize to the
victims and reform their behaviors? Hell yes. But internet warriors take things too personally and too far time and time again.
I said the same shit in momos thread but it was overshadowed by the she's a pedo molester sperg as per usual because I sincerely feel we have a few dedicated misguided anons who project their negative past experiences on to cows and go pants on head retarded about it
(derailing) No. 38921
>>38918You mean like bulmas VA who was sending witch hunts after him and then faked being swatted to try to make things look worse than they are? Sure.
Or the people saying he's a pedo sexual predator and should lose work or be in jail for making a joke on stage by asking a 5 year old what she's doing after the show? Yeah, I'll accept throwing out those accusations. I mean i can scroll up a few posts and see it in action. Though you'd be putting words in my mouth if you were to blanket statement my concern and say that there aren't
valid complaints about general behavior or treatment of coworkers or staff. Not once have I tried to imply that isn't the case; encouraged it, even, in contrast to the more radical mindsets which undermine those real issues.
No. 38923
>>38921Do you mean Monica Rial, who has done nothing of that?
I have been reading her twitter for drama and she is as nicey nice about it as it gets. you get all your "info" from MRA youtube videos or what?
No. 38929
>>38921>the people saying he's a pedo sexual predator and should lose work or be in jail for making a joke on stage by asking a 5 year old what she's doing after the show? No one said he should "be in jail", just that he's a pedophile after you stupidly claimed the joke was meaningless because "a REAL pedo wouldn't make a joke like that in front of so many people!".
No. 38938
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>>38673>>38921>bulma's VA>faked being swatted>Samantha Inoue-Harte is Monica RialMonica did some hilariously dumb shit but not that dumb.
In other news: has published an interview with Vic's lawyer (haven't watched it yet, but will talk about what to expect from the lawsuit): I don't think any Vic's fans or whatever are posting in this thread aside from the twitter screenshots from absolute randos, but I'm sure someone affiliated with Vic has stumbled upon this board but we haven't said anything dumb yet about the law to warrant posting i guess lol No. 39066
>>38938Nick searches his own name?
For someone who tries to come off as cool that seems, oddly insecure
No. 39167
>>39158I IMAGINE if he's going to court it would be for defamation. If he's suing any of the women who have called him out on his behavior which led to him losing jobs, he can file libel charges against them for monetary compensation of the work he’s lost. However, if he sues for slander of his name/reputation, he has to prove that what is being said against him is false.
In the US it’s really tough to sue for libel because as the plantiff you have to prove the defendant is lying, so he has to provide evidence he’s never harassed anyone. (This is exactly why Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard in the UK instead, because their defamation laws are the opposite and are easier for the plantiff to win: Heard, as the defendant, has to prove she was abused.)
No. 39182
>>39167wait so you can say someone is a pedophile racist satan worshipping baby killer then use your position to spread that around. And the person defending themselves have to somehow prove they aren't a pedophile racist satan worshipping babykiller?
How the hell do you prove that other than filming your entire life until that point?
No. 39202
>>39182Yeah, that's basically the problem. As the plaintiff you can have witnesses that can come in and comment on your character to disprove claims against you, or have witnesses comment on your relationship with the witness, to try and prove to the jury that you merely have a professional working relationship.
Hence why it's easier to sue someone overseas for defamation, because then the defendant will have to prove you (the plaintiff bringing up the charges) were
abusive, hostile, or a pedophile racist satan worshipping babykiller. (*though racist comments and satan-worshipping are protected by the first amendment in the US) In turn, the defendant must present their case, showing proof the plantiff has in fact sexually assaulted/harassed you, diddled kids then murdered babies – whether through documented physical evidence (police reports, photos, video etc), or through fellow eye-witness testimony that can back up the statements and persuade a jury or judge the plaintiff is at fault.
Follow up to my initial post: If Vic takes any of his accusers to court he's going to have a hell of a time trying to persuade a jury his innocence because there's a lot of room for doubt. So if he wants an easy lawsuit to get some cash, that won't necessarily clear his name of the crimes, he can sue for contract disputes with companies dropping him, or tie the women up in legal battles by suing them for one-off situations (IE: "one time she stepped on my toe and I had to go to the hospital and I want her to pay my bills and for pain and suffering" - bullshit lawsuits to keep them busy and to waste their time and money).
No. 39324
>>39255Did some research last night, came across this site which explains libel and media laws in Texas: only restrictions on libel lawsuits in Texas is the time period for action – lawsuits must be opened within a year of the publication. So if that's what Vic is suing for, sounds like he's on his way.
However, he may not be suing for defamation or libel based on the following information:
>A person may not successfully sue for libel based on a communication to which he or she has consented.>The basic example of consent is the publication of what someone says about himself or herself. If the person says something that is self-incriminating and does so knowing the statement or statements might be published, he or she consents.Because Vic made a public apology he has acknowledged some sort of wrong-doing, thus shooting himself in the foot for any sort of successful defamation lawsuit in his favor.
No. 40176
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Vic dick-suckers piece together the people from the io9 article (>>36635) sure why they consider any of the allegations "debunked" (aside from not believing Inoue-Harte, who lied about getting swatted, which I get being apprehensive of). Nothing has been gathered that said their allegations are false.
No. 40180
>>40176Oh wow they used their detective skills to know who accused someone when they used anonymity.
That's not creepy at all.
Nope not at all
No. 40185
>>40176Yeah that is just creepy. Those people are going to have harassment unleashed on them.
By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if that "supergirl" turned out to not be a girl, this persons twitter is full of nothing but calling women lying thots.
No. 40189
>>40185As I believe in, If you do something shitty the world is gonna make you sure it bites your ass violently.
How much do you bet that Supergirl and Jordan Eshelman have alot of shit under their rugs?
No. 40261
>>40190Apparently: Jessie Pridemore has a witness that Vic accosted her at least. No one is actually saying he raped anyone. Sometimes say rape in he heat of the arguments but those people are dumb.
Plenty of first hand accounts of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, video evidence of offensive "comedy" material he never apologized for, video evidence creepily flirting with underage girls "in-character" which I mean I don't care if they asked for that specifically or just for him to be in-character. Some people are speaking out against that bit, as well, saying they didn't ask for him to flirt/come off as sexual. He should know better either way. Underage is underage.
No. 40411
>>40190Tbh a lot of the footage of Vic feeling up girls during that "what if you drank it…from my mouth?" skit he did over and over again during cons over the years fits the bill for me.
Like, I don't care if the 7 year old "wanted it". If a stranger had grabbed my young daughter and held him against her body while he whispered sexual things into her ear, I would have yanked her out of his fucking arms. Screw worrying about causing a scene, it's a disgrace her parents didn't do the same.
No. 40528
>>40190he sexually harassed people and grabbed them without consent. He treated his female fans in a creepy manner, with touching and saying sexual things. Even his coworkers hated working with him.
>>40411That's so creepy. holy shit.
No. 40755
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Vic Stans are fucking lame
No. 40761
>>40758Seems so.
Not to circlejerk Steve Blum but how do both come from the same ear of dubbing yet Steve delivers quality?
No. 40889
>>40886I can't wait for the super sperg out if Vic is proven guilty.
You know how bad it's gonna get
No. 40972
>>40909Who gives a shit about Monica anymore, it's about Vic not her stupid ass.
Vic's the pedophile who's defended purely for voicing anime characters while Monica is just some attention whore at this rate.
No. 40973
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>>40886Almost all Dragon ball fans have some form of autism so it doesn't surprise me that they think spamming a twitter page and drawing E-celebs as super saiyans will somehow make Funi rehire Vic.
We're talking about the same people who defend a guy with their life solely because he voiced some shounen characters in shitty dubs.
No. 40976
>>40973The dub ain't even shitty but Broly never really said any lines iirc.
I didn't even realized Vic was Broly because all Broly does is yell.
Which reminds me of Vic fans
No. 41020
>>41019should know*
My bad
No. 41029
>>41023He does need the other 100K because he wants to scam idiots to help his shitty business.
I mean help an ""innocent"" man and help free speech of course
No. 41031
>>41029These people are braindead not to see that Rekieta was a scammer from the start. A fool and their money soon part separate ways. I kind of wish that someone had gotten the gofundme successfully taken down in the first place, assuming there was a way to report him for scamming. At this point it's not even about Vic, it's about him
If there's even a chance this makes it to court a good chunk of that "legal fee money" is probably going to be pocketed. Vic could probably afford his own attorney in the first place, Rekieta's greedy for money and a massive attention whore. He's a cow on his own for still managing to have drooling fans worship him after he went on a stream and drunkenly threatened to get Monica rial's fiancée fired from his job
No. 41074
>>41044He didn't of course.
Nick is funding his shit tier business and lemme tell you something about the right and anime fans crowd.
You know what pisses them off the most?
And if they learn that Nick is scamming then him and people who promoted him are getting ripped to shreds in the internet way
No. 41097
>>41044maybe he's profiting off it too? or he doesn't know. I know that Racketeer and the other "lawyer" involved who's Vic's "official" lawyer (Ty Beard I think) are probably pocketing the money for themselves but no idea about Vic himself because the guy is quiet by comparison to the rest of these blathering idiots. That doesn't mean he's not pocketing the money, he could easily be lying about donating excess to charity to appease his fans. Big tinfoil though.
Either way I can't see this holding up in court, internet shit probably doesn't ever hold up in court unless it's very explicitly threatening but I don't think anything Monica, Jamie, any of the other VA's or the news outlets said would hold up in a court of law and lean in his favor, if anything I can imagine Vic and his pompous gaggle of idiots getting laughed off the stand in a legit court of law. I feel like a court of law would see this whole ordeal as a waste of time. Then again ppl have sued for more retarded things than this and won so maybe I'm wrong…
No. 41300
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apparently a few guests and people holding panels have canceled due to Kamehacon inviting Vic. What an idiotic move.
allegations true or false to invite him in the middle of all of this is retarded, they clearly have no care for safeguarding.
No. 41321
>>41300But anoooonnnnn, they care about fansssss and when the female cosplayers come maybe just maybe Istandwithvic and animegate dudebros will realize how handsy he is.
Or they will complain about it being false like always.
No. 41325
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They found us….
No. 41327
>>40411That's what I find so baffling about all this. Even if we ignore the legitimate sexual assault allegations made by other VAs even just the sensual hugs and kisses were fuckin' weird for this over 60+ year old man to be doing. Apparently he's had people tell him it's creepy AND he's been aware of the rumors for a while, yet didn't once stop to think, like a responsible adult, that perhaps he should tone it down?
If he can turn down signing Yaoi he can turn down recreating romance scenes/ whispering shit in people's ear. It's not hard so I don't really have much sympathy for him even if he IS innocent of sexual assault because he should have learned the line between professional and fan long ago yet chose to ignore it. Giving his personal number to underage girls? I'd have had the cops on his ass the second I learned he'd given such to my underage daughter.
Still a creep and this fact was known for years yet because these dudes want some points over the SJWs all of a sudden that doesn't matter. . . he's some saint that belongs in the Anime community because he voiced like . . three major roles - two of which aren't even relevant anymore because the series are over. Outside of Edward Elric, Tamaki, and now Broly I honestly thought he'd gone dark with VA because I never heard much of him. Sure as hell don't recognize his voice if it comes up. He's not as famous nor important as they want him to be so all this hullabaloo is just sad and embarrassing to watch.
No. 41328
>>41327He actually appears in alot of dubs and it's so damn annoying.
Like, You'd think someone who is supposed to be an emotionless teenage idol would not sound as nasal as he does.
Most recent role was in Baki or Fate/Extra Last Encore iirc
No. 41334
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Not putting the username out of respect but.
Leave the dead man alone you lunatic bastards
No. 41340
>>41327 I must be lucky, then, as I never recognize his voice if I've heard it in what I've watched. The only recent major role I can think of off the top of my head is Rin in Free! but I watched that subbed. Even then, it's just a voice. It's not that serious.
There are definitely some out there that I'd be sad to hear replaced, but if the VA was outed as a creep amongst the community - not an assaulter, just a creep - it's not something I'd defend over people's security- certainly not for a fucking cartoon character. Rumors don't come from nowhere and these are grown-a adults should be facing the consequences of their actions, not have fans hold their hands through all the hate and throw them legal fees.
It's no different than delusional Youtuber stanners. Embarrassing.
(would also like to correct the typo in my previous post - he's 56 not 60+)
No. 41360
>>41325Some dumbass on PULL linked this thread recently
I'm sure some were aware but PULL has been in the spotlight since that lawyer linked their vic thread earlier, so you can thank the dipshits there
No. 41381
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>>41325decided to search mentions on twitter and came across this older tweet
oof No. 41438
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>>41381actual full autism from this one holy kek
No. 41439
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>>41438I guess we're an underground website thats been planning to take Vic down for years, even though not 1 anon here has specifically went out of their way to press charges or start a man hunt.
Logging experiences with how creepy he is awful apparently.
No. 41447
>>41444it is.
If she had half a brain cell and looked at what this website is she'd find that out right away/ lc is very strict, and if anons in this thread were "conspiring" it would be considered cowtipping which would result in an auto ban.
No. 41448
>>41447(Same anon you're answering to so sorry for off topic)
And wouldn't the thread be locked for conspiring too or other rules cause threads to be locked?
No. 41623
>>41549didn't you hear anon? everyone who said Vic was a predator before kickvic was just conspiring to get him for years before, including his own fellow VA's! /s
Seriously though, this YouTube video in particular being uploaded by a Vic supporter and swarmed with comments claiming defamation and conspiracy against him is a goldmine of cringe.
His fellow VA's were mocking him years before KickVic even happened.
No. 41625
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>>41623a choice cap of the video's top pinned comment. better adjust that tinfoil hat.
No. 41647
>>41640Vic stans
>call everyone who dislikes Vic even slightly a slew of buzzwords and slurs>SJW, NPC, misandrist, man hater, bitch, whore etc also vic stans
>YOU CAN'T CALL US AUTISTIC! THAT OFFENDS USself awareness level is at 110% guise
No. 41662
>>41628Off topic but what did her brother do?
Also people seriously comparing a hard time for to Vic?
Ngl them lacking some sort of compassion makes their anger over the Autism comment come off less of "That's offensive because it mocks others" to "That's offensive because it's true"
No. 41664
>>41662Her brother bought computer parts and the hard drive for his PC just so happen to have some CP on it.
Comparing this to Vic's situation is the downest of the syndrome.
No. 41665
>>41658I'm not shocked that a lot of pro-Vic people have no relevant experience with sexual harassment other than completely fictional power fantasies
It's just ironic (and a little dismaying) that they think they're woke as hell for denying something that a lot of entertainment subcultures have already owned up to. If a grown man is setting himself up as a sex symbol for underage girls, he probably wants to bone them. No one cares when pop punk band #3925085 gets cancelled because they already know it's true.
No. 41667
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>>41628What did he mean by this? What do Vic and this girl's brother have to do with "you asked for equal rights if you don't like it get back in the kitchen xd"
His fans are so unhinged
No. 41668
>>41667They're assuming they think she believes her brother is innocent because she said from her experience with him that she thinks he would never hurt kids.
Even if he was downloading the CP for himself she probably didn't know about it. It's also very typical of family members in situations like these, especially where it's not completely expected, for them to be shocked and react accordingly, wanting to deny that their family member could ever be capable of partaking heinous acts like child molestation or even distributing pictures of child molestation.
Vic's fans probably didn't give that many hoots when Scott Freeman was arrested for CP. Although I do remember some people arguing that they thought Freeman was caught with loli hentai and not physical child porn- although most people called those allegations out as BS. At least under US jurisdiction I believe possessing loli/shota/underage hentai, versus child porn where real children are being abused are not considered to be interchangeable charges, the latter carries a far heftier sentence. I wonder how the Scott Freeman situation would go over in today's climate. Probably not well. Even though there was irrefutable evidence against him, and he'd been arrested, the fact that people were trying to insist that he'd been arrested for loli hentai still squicks me out to this day, I can't imagine how bad the reaches would be to defend someone like that now in this deluded, incel ridden hell that is the current state of many anime fandoms.
No. 41679
>>41668Can you honestly imagine thinking that someone's grief and shock at their brother being arrested for CP is comparable to, or even less important than, someone's feelings about a Z-list actor
Vic stans need to step off the manufactured outrage machine
No. 41706
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>>41444Considering that half of these tards thought that she was screencapping stuff from /a/, are you really surprised that they would instantly jump to 'hacker group'?
No. 41712
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Gotta say I love the leaps in logic with these people, funny how he went straight to MAINSTREAM METEOR.
No. 41718
>>41715Vic's Lawyer is probably gonna end up in a bigger shit pile than Vic himself for announcing that he's going to defend him on twitter. Even worse is the other lawyer who sits around getting drunk all day and making youtube videos instead of doing his actual job.
Anyone who defends daddy Vic is pure and can do no wrong I suppose.
No. 41719
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>Lolcow is one person
No. 41728
>>41665They think what he's been doing is completely fine in their eyes and it shows. Them playing it off as being "harassed by a hug" is their way is saying he's not doing anything wrong with anyone with a brain knows that isn't the case.
I had a teacher in school who was close and was all buddy buddy with the girls in my class, always putting their hands on their shoulders and shit. He later went on to molest someone. I'm not saying you can't be nice to young girls, just don't try to buddy up with them if you're gonna be a pedophile cause it won't help you at all.
No. 41734
>>41698>>41701I love how it portrays Rekieta the whole way around that he would be in fiction.
Rekieta as Superman is really funny because he is supposed to be a symbol of hope and someone who willingly helps others even if not related to him.
Rekieta is the type of asshole to sell out his friends only to get killed inmediately after.
>>41719Lolcow is Ermac hacking cousin
No. 41739
>>41712Early on when the tag had recently started… I remember there was some guy claiming that he thought "minority groups" were responsible for the kickvic movement like it was some kind of massive conspiracy and he was insisting that he'd seen multiple kickers who had joe biden headers, which was utter insanity. He also proceeded to call marginalized groups "cults".
Chicken tendie dwellers are a strong group in Vic's fanbase overall, some of them were there from the beginning but most of them bandwagoned when they saw it as an opportunity to spread misogyny. they probably get disability handouts and allowances from their parents, sink it all into the gofundme campaign for their scumbag shield hero fag, rinse, repeat.
No. 41840
File: 1553789324691.jpeg (23.24 KB, 200x252, 9BCA82CE-D497-4803-B554-ED8854…)

vic did nothing wrong(whitenight)
No. 41854
>>41850Vic fans always do this dumb shit of making their side looks worse.
It's like watching a fireman put gasoline instead of water to a fire
No. 41863
>>41858>>41860realistically what would the court evidence even be?
won't this just be hearsay and character statements or what not?
at least I haven't seen anything other than that in the thread, so would the trial even make a difference in what there is to confirm/deny?
also, doesn't it still depend on what the lawsuit is about? like, we're assuming (we don't know) that vic is sueing for slander/character assassination or wrongful job dismissal or something like that, right? so wouldn't the defending parties have to countersue for sexual harassment etc?
and no matter what his fanbase does or says, if he can show he hasn't directly encouraged their behavior, he's not responsible for their harassment, right?
sincerely curious not trying to start a fight or anything, want to know what the realistic likelihood of anything even happening in a court of law is
because things like his co-VAs not liking him, or him giving hugs to his fanbase, giving his phone number to his fanbase, or making bad jokes with young girls in videos or something – they might look bad, but none of those things will really 'hold up' in a court of law, right? like they aren't 'technically' illegal, even if they might look skeevey, yeah?
No. 41867
>>41863Isn't he suing for wrongful termination? In which case all funi has to do is show that no, they carried out the proper investigations required by law and that the
victims and their witnesses were determined to be credible.
No. 41915
Vic hasn't said much (publicly) but the people he's associating himself with sure have lol
Vic willing associates with Rekieta, and I'll leave this absolute cringe fest here: (from
His lawyer has joined Rekieta streams twice to discuss certain aspects of the case
Todd Haberkorn (who OUTED HIMSELF as being the unnamed rapist in Pridemore's story
>>29722) is also being represented by Vic's lawyer: No. 41929
>>41915the fact that Todd is getting involved is hilarious
he didn't need to open his fat mouth and admit he was the guy involved in Jessie's story. he did it on his own merit. how the fuck he thinks he can sue her when he was responsible for his own outing is beyond me,
she wasn't trying to provoke him by posting the story, she had to talk about what'd happened with him in order to explain Vic's behavior towards her and why Vic's remarks were inappropriate…
No. 41930
>>41869he lives in a right to work state and he isn't officially tied to funimation, he's a freelancer who's not officially associated with the company. ergo, he's a contractor. contractors are even more disposable than low tier employees, companies can drop them like hotcakes if they think they're being
problematic. unlike the VA's who are funimation exclusive he doesn't have the advantage of being bound to them as an employee so it was undoubtedly legal to fire him much more easily than firing a legit funi employee. at least to my knowledge. also as a right to work state tx basically has no unions and they can fire you for virtually anything. even unionized companies in the state really can't guarantee you won't be fired for something stupid, unions in tx are notoriously shitty and lazy.
No. 41948
>>41943lmao i wonder if he'll faint
don't feel like giving sperg the views, hoping someone will recap it or record the highlights
No. 41950
>>41943I know I'm the faggot who's been going to this thread a few times a day lately, but what the fuck can he talk about for 24 hours on this topic that isn't repeating what every Vic supporter has said "where's the evidence I'd deny even if I was shown it."
If he goes on some rant about how he hates this VA or that accuser it won't make his point, it'll just some he's some cunt who's sad sexual assualt ends their career.
I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if this guy has done shit in the past.
No. 42000
>>41978Putting my tinfoil hat on but.
With how much of an opportunist and how it seems nobody is hiring him because he has to go for online edgelords for revenue I think he might have fucked up something financially instead of roofying or fondling someone.
No. 42020
>>41920He responded to the Pridemore's post (>>31146)
stating it was a consensual encounter. He mentions another person being with them while they were flirting, Adam, who later came out against him
Todd is just incredibly dumb. Whether or not he did it, he should have stayed quiet and consulted someone for legal advice instead of writing "I'm the rapist she's talking about but I'm not a rapist"
No. 42023
>>42017Ray Chase, Max Mittelman and Robbie Daymond seem decent enough of male voice actors and so does Troy Baker.
>>42005Question is why so cheap, Usually lawyers have a pretty good reason to ask for such high prices, I dunno if it's the sea or him that smells fishy to me
No. 42052
>>42024Previous anon here, same person who said they found his record said that he supposedly helped a girl who was a CSA
victim (impregnated by her father) sue the guy and win (yeah, the situation is disgusting, I know, I'm just parroting what I was told. that's the one case they claimed that he was involved in?), but I have zero proof of that and the user who said that provided zero proof of the case's existence.
While it could be true it seems awfully unlikely that someone as seemingly misogynistic as Rekieta would help a CSA
victim, even for money.
No. 42054
>>42052I don't think he'd go as far refusing a CSA
victim… he lives in the middle of nowhere in MN, opened his office in 2015. Job's a job. He does have a wife and 5 kids. I'm not sure if the whole cuck/soye/general internet behavior makes that fact better or worse though.
No. 42055
>>42052He's a lawyer who did his job. I'm sure someone as shitty as him could put aside being a woman hater if a case like that was that fucked up.
Of course, take this with a grain of salt. It would be hypocritical to not believe a story about something like that.
No. 42056
>>42054There is no goddamn way he has five kids. He is doing a 24 hour livestream as of writing this.
How long until he's divorced?
No. 42059
>>42058I'd rather watch him bury himself than provoke him into saying dumb shit. Not like he can do that on his own.
Plus that live stream is undoubtedly heavily moderated, only people giving him money will be noticed.
I do hear that Ty Beard will show up 3 am Central time. Do with that what you will.
No. 42095
>>42061Usually when a lawyer is awake at 3 am it means the fucker has alot of work to give before an early morning deadling.
Ty Beard being awake at 3 am means either.
A) There is an early morning deadline
B) He is not working
No. 42222
File: 1554065360492.png (60.86 KB, 609x255, 673532DB-BF68-4EC9-98C7-7A3085…)

>>42184Yeah I remember one of Vic's stans early on was insisting they adopt the "Mike Pence rule" of not standing near women.
That's fine by me, no woman wants to stand near you anyway.
No. 42223
File: 1554065502608.png (128.51 KB, 618x519, 56A8949C-630B-46F2-81C6-CFA5FD…)

oh I found the crazy Biden guy buried in my caps as well.
Truly a marvel.
These are the kind of people who are still shoveling money into racketball and Vic's pockets.
No. 42243
>>42223"Ignore Atheist degeneracy"
>The Fedora Meme isn't realWhat the fuck is with Vic stans completely ignoring reality?
No. 42444
>>42240Alex Jones was right all along, the water is gonna turn the frogs gay. Then it's gonna turn us gay.
Also can't forget about the secret zionist agenda because anyone with a nose bigger than a button is part of the Jewish conspiracy.
honestly not at all surprised Vic attracts alt right loonies like flies to feces but I'm more surprised they have $$ to donate to him that somehow amounts to 100k. I guess it's that and a combination of pathetic fangirls who desperately want to suck his dick for some reason.
No. 42728
File: 1554242643888.png (309.26 KB, 1440x1949, Screenshot_2019-04-02-17-55-28…)

>>42726I think they're talking about this
>pic vic has been criticized for a fucking decade, fuck off
No. 42747
>>42728Oh great the opportunists little shits are gonna come here and say we are some sort of "Hate group that's been conspiring against Vic for 3 years".
How long till these clowns get their own threads?
No. 42783
>>40411>>41327>feeling up girls during that "what if you drank it…from my mouth?" skit>If he can turn down signing Yaoi he can turn down recreating romance scenes/ whispering shit in people's ear. Fuck, I'm not usually squeamish but this just gave me the chills of disgust. Jesus christ what a slimy motherfucker. No for gays but yes for creeping on young women and girls, sounds like your regular bible thumper hypocrite allright.
>>42728>>42778>>42780Exactly, I saw the first news of Vic being a creep back in the late 00's. It's not exactly news that he does this sort of stuff, everyone's known it since forever but he has gotten away with it because he's been a big name.
No. 42861
>>42820And now that he's being called out on it, everyone just wants to jump to his defense for a reason I still can't fully understand. It's seems it's mostly men (though let's not exclude the women since it's [current year])
My theory is most of these guys just wish they could have did what Vic did. Give people hugs and then hide behind it with "I was just being affectionate" and ignore all the creepy other shit he's done.
I know someone who thought the accusations were horseshit when they first came out, but once the VA's started speaking out they realized that this was something more. I'm willing to bet Vic's supporters continue to believe his innocence to save themselves the "shame" of admitting their wrong, a sure sign of immaturity.
No. 42884
>>42861It honestly seems Vic supporters are less about defending him and making him look worse.
Like, saying "He never raped anyone" when no one accused him of rape makes it seem creepier.
I remember one who compared recording a video of him being a creep to his kid being born which is a nice way of saying "I hate my son"
And I seriously doubt any Vic supporter even knows how (Annoying) his voice is in dubs most of the time
No. 42905
>>42884sage for ot but I can't believe his voice is so widespread in dubs. his two most memorable performances are Tamaki, Ed, and Junpei and those are probably the only roles of his I actually like. They're also some of his earlier main roles I remember hearing, so it makes sense that his voice wasn't grating to me yet.
Overtime and before I even learnt about the allegations his voice in other series where I heard him was gradually becoming grating to my ears. And I figured out why, I think. His tone got whinier and sounded like a less effort laden copy of his star making roles. In particular his Zero and Rin Matsuoka made me cringe hard. He and Bryce Paperbrook are the two VA's in English whose voices I honestly can't stand at this point (although I didn't like Bryce much from the start)
I fail to see why he got as much work as he did before the scandal even happened. There are lots of male VA's with better voices and tones than his who don't get nearly as much work and whose voices would fit the bishounens he's typecast as to a tee. I guess it's because he's been in both Cali and Texas based dubs that he basically is all over the place, some of the better VA's are either texas or cali exclusive and don't get cast outside of dubs that aren't recorded in those states. It's sad. I hope a male eng va who's actually talented snags some of his previous/future roles.
No. 42925
>>42861>everyone just wants to jump to his defense for a reason I still can't fully understandIt's just good old fashioned misogyny. There's a strange blowback against #metoo that compels men, especially former GGers, to stand on the side of the male accused. No doubt they also perceive this as "females" encroaching on "their thing" (that being DBZ) much like with video games. Add in the "muh libcuck virtue signaling feminist SJW agenda!!" boogeyman and you've got a perfect storm of
triggered manchildren.
No. 42936
>>42925And of course, with anime being such a tight knit community, it would make sense. One Vic supporter in a discord server I'm in pretty much told the story from their belief and convinced someone to be on their side.
It shouldn't be no wonder why there's so many defending him when chances are they've probably did it themselves to cosplayers there.
Look at Momokun. People who are still her fans are just glad she's had to resort to cam whoring to make an income so they could see her tits. They don't care what she did or the kind of person she is, not when they can get their rocks off.
For Vic, it's obvious. The feminist attitudes with his accusers really set them off. Now they're attacking any of his accusers and not taking their word.
Manlets are afraid of women that have had it with their shit, and I do believe voice like this scream loudest when they're dying. No one can truly defend all the Hollywood perverts (though that probably didn't stop them) and a Z-lister like Vic makes for a perfect last stand for loser ass incels to whine online about. With all the con drama lately though, they're putting up one hell of a fight. I'd give them credit but we all know they don't deserve any of that.
No. 43173
>>42936>Look at Momokun. People who are still her fans are just glad she's had to resort to cam whoring to make an income so they could see her tits. They don't care what she did or the kind of person she is, not when they can get their rocks's funny, Vic's fans have brought up Momokun to try and insist that people don't know what she did or turn a blind eye to it, and that their ~precious viccu~ shouldn't be crucified either because of that. No, vic stans, there are plenty of people who hate momokun, and acknowledge that she's a scumbag, she also has a lot of drooling fans as well. so does vic. moo is literally on the equivalent of a con sex offenders list doc alongside a bunch of
problematic photographers and a couple VA's. people know what momokun did, does that mean we should turn a blind eye to Vic's grossness? they reek so much of hypocrisy.
No. 43289
>>43265Haven't they attempted starting AnimeGate?
Iirc some loser tried doing that but that went nowhere
No. 43384
File: 1554694910838.jpeg (235.62 KB, 1125x1847, E7A33205-F4F0-45E2-85FF-506473…)

Kiwifarms doxed both Sean and a cosplayer named Dominique. These people are deranged. No. 43385
File: 1554695093893.jpeg (481.13 KB, 750x1153, B139AEB5-8EA9-4ED3-AA03-D1DEBE…)

>>43384samefag, they've been trying to get her fired as a nurse since February as well. Wouldn't doubt it. Jesus christ, KF, she has a family and she did nothing to fucking Mangina. Leave the woman alone. And leave Sean alone too.
Fucking pigs.
No. 43394
File: 1554700242614.jpg (511.35 KB, 1080x1274, 20190407_220717.jpg)

Guess the anime con equivalent of MAGA hats. Do you love doxing, supposed swatting, harassing sexualbassualt victims, and pretending alcoholic "lawyers" are baddasses. Buy an XL shirt today.
No. 43416
>>43385Including photos of her kid? Jesus fuck, I get hating a dumbass but leave the kids out of petty internet fighting.
Kiwifarms is full of petty idiots it seems
No. 43449
>>43418The circlejerk will have a downfall when they realize how 90% of their "allies" are opportunists
>>43442Isn't doxxing someone's family worthy of permanent ban here?
No. 43461
>>43442Kiwi's always been the drama site that not only actively condones doxing but encourages it. That is how they've been for awhile, Null and his lapdogs are dox happy fuckheads. One of the retard mods was the one who first posted the dox on both Dominique and Sean. And yeah, you can't post any dissenting opinions on KF without getting their equivalent of downvoted to hell and back and harassed by the userbase, it's worthless. They're shilling for Vic so hard it's pathetic. I've been occasionally going back there, skimming the thread and am disgusted with them, this is a new low.
>>43401>>43409That doesn't mean she deserved to be doxed. Posting pics of her daughter is really low.
If they've been harassing her workplace and trying to get her fired from her job for two months that means they've had the dox for that long and haven't publicly posted them, and now they're trying to open the floodgates to more harassment against her. Even if you're using "publicly available" info it's not okay to use it to harass someone in their real life over petty online bullshit.
No. 43463
>>43461Having your family, especially a child of your own, being openly posted as a form of intimidation will set someone off. They will go to great lengths to protect themselves and their family if this gets out of hand. The poor girl probably has to wonder if strangers are gonna show up, if a swat team is gonna kick down her door, or if pizza's keep getting sent to her house.
Vic needs to do something about this. They're taking the kindness he's portrayed and the anger his accusers have and using it to justify their actions. I doubt I'll ever see the day he comes forward and says that everything is true, but hopefully he can tell his fans to stop going after people, which he already has.
He's got convention appearances coming up, maybe he can use it to tell his idiot fans they need to start acting like adults.
No. 43467
>>43463>He's got convention appearances coming up, maybe he can use it to tell his idiot fans they need to start acting like adults.Is it wrong that I’m getting the impression a good number of these people aren’t even his fans…? Rather just rabid incels jumping into something that obviously
triggered them?
No. 43516
>>43467Most of them are in it for two reasons
1) As we all know, white Christian straight men are the most persecuted group in America.
2) Money, money, money.
No. 43586
>>43585Null talking about the dangers of Doxxing is so hilarious once you remember how he doxxes anyone he doesn't like.
I knew Rekieta was an idiot but this is going too far in being stupid.
No. 43606
>>43604Looks like Vic Standers are tripping over themselves to make themselves look good without calling out the actual problem.
Nothing new, it seems.
No. 43613
>>43612>Didn't Beard acknowledge and praise Kiwifarms in a previous stream?Yes.
Kiwi is only useful for information in the case of certain cows, even if it's not necessarily true information. For a lawyer I fail to see how it's useful, nothing there really could hold legal water, so I do not understand what he is trying to derive from the site. He probably praises it for being likeminded to him.
Autistic sperging isn't going to warrant anything legally useful, and that's what most of the KF thread is, autistic incel sperging. For Racketeer it's probably the kinship with your average kiwifarmer, his own status as a drunkard loser who practices "law"'out of a barn, a failure at life, who somehow possesses an overinflated sense of self confidence behind a livestream camera. Combined with the fact that their board fucking worships him even more so now that he has acknowledged their existence.
No. 43674
>>43669Anybody remember the Judgment scandal with the actor who had to be removed from the game due to being found doing drugs?
>>43665Toei has never once mentioned anger over Vic being replaced, Anybody can yell into a mic alot can't they?
No. 43736
>>43384What the fuck is wrong with Vicfags? It's literally never okay to doxx someone.
>>43385>they're trying to get her firedWhat the fuck
No. 43794
File: 1555006274530.png (4.04 KB, 240x200, DViO-ZHWkAA0mw4.png)

>>43789absolutely kekking anon
No. 43817
File: 1555022816527.png (440.51 KB, 720x491, Screenshot_2019-04-05-21-13-04…)

>>43749Why is this reminiscent of overly edgy Vocaloid artwork…
No. 43835
File: 1555034633779.png (107.8 KB, 720x655, Screenshot_2019-04-11-22-00-38…)

Ever see something so bad it causes you to get second hand embarassment?
Cause this screenshot fucking will
No. 43927
>>43914Wasn't this guy exposed as being a sexual creep earlier on in this thread lol?
>>43918Racket either makes up his sources or has someone pretend to give him information.
If any of those two were true his reputation would then plummet so hard it'd make Black Thursday look like a joke in plummeting
No. 43929
>>43927I have half tempted to try to become one of his sources just to see if he'll bite.
Doubt he is THAT retarded though.
No. 43988
>>43914Does this guy have any source that Toei is pissed or even knows whats going on? Also wtf is their agenda exactly? Man Vicfags are beyond autistic thinking that Dragon Ball is literally the only anime out there that matters and just goes to show what newfags they are to anime.
No. 43991
File: 1555200475075.png (464.11 KB, 514x556, neckbeard.PNG)

Classic I met him once so he's an angel who could do no wrong post, though I don't get how Vic wanting the same figure as you makes him a nice guy even if he did pay him back.
No. 43995
>>43994I am going to tell you how their reaction is
"Sir, we got a letter"
"Sir this letter mentions a "Vic Mignogna and him being fired""
"What the fuck is a Vic Mignogna?"
No. 44010
File: 1555220139304.jpeg (208.59 KB, 1170x1080, 3886BA10-CFC7-43D1-9DDB-AA52D5…)

Supposedly they're sending out lawsuits. Ron Toye seems to be here.
No. 44022
>>44011If Rekieta is embarassed during court for this shit,I will be laughing
>>44020And not counter sue them with that but why not use the stories from boards and blogs that talk about Vic's creepy behavior?
Even if anonymous they seem to be more serioud than Meme Tweets
No. 44032
>>44010That looks like Ron Toye, Rial's fiance, lmao. That's the guy Racketball was sperging out on in this webm
Supposedly they're starting off with 4 defendants.
No. 44040
>>44035If he is doing that shit then maybe it makes even more sense why he has to go for internet edgelords for money.
Because he still has the mind of a teen, like them
No. 44076
>>44070If he is Low-cost and has five kids and a wife then he is either overworking (Impossible due to the fact he can stream) or he is a scam/con artist kind of deal.
And even if I hate Kiwifarms I must say, if Nick is really a scammer, they will have quite the info on him.
No. 44088
>>44076>>44070Not trying to defend Rackets and I think GFM thing is pretty shady, but I don't know if he's a scammer. An opportunist? Absolutely. His law firm is located in Spicer, MN according to his site , a town with a pretty low cost of living ( Not sure if his wife works, and I wouldn't be surprised if he had help from his parents getting settled. Granted, a city with a small population probably mean he doesn't too much business. He only started doing YouTube stuff in 2017? And none of his videos ever really kicked off until Vic, though he has gotten into some minor internet drama in the pass.
I peeked at his law firm's Google reviews, which of course has a bunch of recent 5-star reviews because of Vic, not because of his actual business… Going back before 4-5 months ago, he had 8 reviews, most not saying much or anything at all. Of the 8, 2 were 1 start reviews, but he commented that he didn't recognize their name as being a client of his (of course, he won't comment on any of obviously non-client reviews leaving him 5 stars)
No. 44129
File: 1555294936632.png (3.97 KB, 189x279, WOW.png)

kek, Vic hasn't said shit and already won, the amount of salt here is glorious
No. 44144
File: 1555297935440.jpg (324.02 KB, 750x791, KhYsvyV.jpg)

Self hating female artist who's previously posted bad Vic/Todd fanart now selling a t-shirt that tries to make 56 year old Mangina look like a 20 year old stereotypical anime villain. Do they have this little self awareness?
No. 44153
File: 1555302104534.jpg (23.98 KB, 500x333, Eiri_Yuki.jpg)

>>44144Looks like the blonde guy from Gravitation, but he's a fag which Vic sama would never be.
Also yes they have absolutely no self awareness, we're talking about the people who get pissed if you call them autistic but call women cunts, thots and whores everyday and then doxx them.
No. 44155
File: 1555303219681.jpeg (74.3 KB, 523x500, classic vic stans post.jpeg)

>Yell Innocent until proven guilty 500 times a day
>Post stupid shit like this
No. 44167
>>44144They photoshopped Vic onto Pagan Min.
So, no.
No. 44227
File: 1555377988103.jpeg (524.15 KB, 2048x2048, 0A8D145F-BC8D-4B04-A413-C8FCFC…)

>>11999Someone posted this to PULL and I can’t unsee
No. 44259
>>44232Wait, one guy is married to
multiple women? Or some woman who's in a lesbian marriage?
No. 44306
Been a while since we had real Vic content. Apparently, he's been holding live streams on a anime-based service called Unlocked. You have to pay a yearly subscription of $65 to get access to VA livestreams. I found uploads of his streams going back to March 5th, 2019. He supposedly streams on Tuesdays at 7PM EST. I haven't watched all of them aside from part of one, not sure how much juicy things are hidden in them. But here's the 7 livestreams currently uploaded:
March 5th: 12th: 19th: 26th: 2nd: 9th: 16th: one from April 9th was the only one I've currently watched a part of, since there was a clip floating around twitter of him talking about his role of Qrow in RWBY. At 12:46 in the video:
>Who would I like to pick to voice Qrow? No, sorry, [user], no. I'm Qrow. And I can't imagine somebody else voicing that character, but, I mean, not that I have any power over it at this point. But, y'know what's really unfortunate is that I love that character so much, and even one of the people at Roosterteeth even told me that they didn't intend for Qrow to become as popular as he did, or to play as big of a role as he did. At the time, they told me that they felt like that, in large part, was because of me and because of my work as the character. So I really don't- can't imagine someone else doing it so I try not to think about that, as you can imagine. But we'll see.Granted, VAs feeling like they are a part of their character isn't unheard of (comes up during recasting drama like NGE's netflix dub and the PPG reboot, though in both cases the drama stemmed from the original actors not reached out to). But, jeez, considering how rough and garbage a lot of early RWBY was (not sure how bad it is still, but recent seasons look like it's improved visually at least), I doubt the fans that have stuck with it would have felt that differently about the character if the role was handed to another mediocre voice actor.
No. 44372
File: 1555551979688.png (185.38 KB, 720x855, Screenshot_2019-04-17-21-44-34…)

When do you think he will spill the beans himself?
No. 44373
>>44372He's going to get his ass sued by Funimation and Sony and so will the whistleblower and Beardfag if he does, but he's cocky enough that he might actually do it.
I say go for it, it'll be pure schadenfreude if Vic's people end up being the ones who get ass blasted in court. Please make that mistake, Nick.
No. 44381
>>44377I skimmed PULL about recent racket's stream since I couldn't be assed to give him views. I'll just copy and paste an explanation I found:
>Nicky Rickets claims he has a 'source' who has gotten access to what is in the Funimation investigation. Btw, he totally admitted that 1) There was an investigation 2) It started before the hashtag was created. But of course Racketfuck doesn't bother to mention all these wild conspiracies he was throwing out about Funimation not doing an investigation.>Anyways, his 'source' revealed 3 of the accounts involved in the investigation. Allegedly, one of Monica's examples took place at a con where she and Vic were at tables near each other. Monica had jelly beans and Vic asked for one. Monica jokingly signed one and threw it to Vic, who then ate it. He said to those watching: "I can't believe I just ate Monica Rial." Now, it doesn't take a genius to see the sexual subtext (especially when coupled with his other questionable behavior) there but, it doesn't fit the VicLickers' agenda. Racketball also made sure to say: "I'm saying this from memory so it may be wrong."Monica confirmed that it was something that was one of the many things brought up during the investigation, that someone is probably leaking Funimation's/Sony's previous investigations on him, and she suspects someone for it (with rackets responding to her claim
No. 44393
>>44370…that doesn't answer the question. WHY are they are waiting to go to court if they keep saying they have proof when it would be cheaper and smarter to release that proof now? Answer: They have fuck all in terms of proof.
They gain nothing from this except lawyer fees if they actually have anything.
>>44373Neither of them would get sued over this, don't be ridiculous. Beard getting an investigation report of what his client is accused of would not be hard and frankly, it would be dumb if he didn't have it
No. 44422
>>44372I don't think he will let anything slide because he seems to be pleased to be in Vic's confidence and wants to stay that way.
He implied that #kickvic knew that what they were doing would 'kill Vic'. Those were his actual words and he said it more than a few times, saying that he had only known Vic for two months and he knew why their actions would kill him; that his co-workers would have to have known why what they were doing would kill him, either that, or that they were never friends to begin with.
I guess I'm out of the loop but what on earth did he mean? It sounded like he thought that information would come out as a result of the proceedings, but their actions would literally kill Vic? Huh?
No. 44439
File: 1555632908441.jpg (54.58 KB, 1139x625, D4ePmTeW4AAp8W3.jpg orig.jpg)

Vic is suing Funimation, Jamie, Monica and her fiance
No. 44449
>>44448Poor judge is going to have to deal with 3 manchildren in court.
God, I pity their patience
No. 44453
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>>44442>>44439I for one am ready for how messy this is going to be. I hope Vic gets cucked in court.
No. 44503
>>44458Ugh, trying to parse all this and not sperg. The defendants are being sued for defamation in a civil case. Things don't work along 'innocent until proven guilty' lines in a civil case, but along 'preponderance of evidence'.
They say Vic is a sexual predator, has committed sexual assault, is a rapist. So the burden of proof is on Funimation, Ron, Monica, et al to show the court that what they said on twitter is not, in fact, defamation, but the truth. Then, preponderance of the evidence is needed, on their side (I think) to convince the court that Vic IS in fact a sexual predator.
That's why the filing is asking for all their communications about their claims of sexual assault, etc. to try and see if there's anything in there as to the proof they claim. Because if they do NOT have proof of their claims, then this is a win for Beard and associates on the charge of defamation. If Beard, Harris & etc. thought that any of the three claims we know of (jellybean, kiss, forgetting the other) proved sexual assault, then BHBH would (likely) already have dropped the case.
They are not the ones suing, Vic is. That's why the burden of proof is on Funi, et al, not Vic. They didn't say he was a diva, or hard to work with, they said he sexually assaulted people. Now they have to prove that he assaulted people (they have to prove this, specifically, because it's what they said in public, on twitter) or it's defamation. Vic is the aggrieved party, IN THE COURT'S EYES.
Could that information still come out somehow? Sure. For whatever reason, Beard does not seem concerned.
Just trying to clear things up a bit. Pretty sure the basics of this are correct, but if I've got anything wrong, which I'm also pretty sure I must have, hopefully someone will jump in.
What I'm very unclear on, is whether this case can set any kind of precedent, or how precedent is set. I see a lot of cases coming that are going to be fought this way, if the plaintiffs have time and disposable income.
Anyone know?
No. 44505
>>44504Same guy.
Admittedly, it was a shitty joke.
No. 44528
>>44503Wanted to clear up something that has been confusing almost from the beginning: in a defamation case, the burden of proof is on the defendant when the plaintiff is NOT a public figure. How would a court view Vic as anything BUT a public figure?
I rewatched the stream and they seem to be saying (and arguing?) that Vic is not a public figure in the legal sense. There are involuntary public figures, but Vic doesn't qualify as such either.
Or is it that they have accused him of a crime, which makes the defamation actionable by default, regardless of his being a public figure?
Again, if anyone understands this stuff, please start yelling because I'm still confused.
No. 44546
>>44528My understanding of the issue is that Vic would qualify as a limited public figure, since he's prominent in the anime dubbing industry and nowhere else. That means that statements about his VA career would be treated as defamation against a public individual, and statements about his personal life et al would be defamation against a private individual. The argument hinges on whether his sexual misconduct is considered to be under the scope of his VA career or not (it definitely is IMO).
If the court decides Vic is a public figure for the purpose of this case, that means Vic has to prove that everyone involved was acting out of actual malice. If not, he merely has to prove that they were negligent in validating their evidence. The latter case would be much easier for him.
I don't think Funimation is dumb enough to fire Vic without conducting a proper investigation. Not sure how this #metoo thing and rampant Twitter sperging will be viewed though. God help whatever normal people have to sit through this.
No. 44670
>>44569even tho I'm only vaguely familiar with law shit I still feel like it's not going to be in Vic's favor
that is the case with going up against any corporation, and the individual defendants probably whoop his ass too I imagine, I cannot wrap my head around how these idiots are going to attempt to mentally somersault in a Texas court
Vicfags saying he'll win because it's being filed in Tarrant county and not Dallas or Collin county which is a more conservative county don't seem to understand that republican judges would favor Sony/Funi because Republicans love shilling for big business, and it probably wouldn't be different if there were more liberal judges, so I think he's effectively fucked when courtrooms favor businesses over individuals and there's no way in hell that funimation and Sony are going to settle for a million dollars, assuming they fucking settle for anything and don't countersue him.
I'm betting more on a coutersuit, and who can afford the better lawyers? The corporation conglomerate.
No. 45183
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In new developments, racketeer's twitter has been suspended. he's already made an alt account, I imagine that will be taken down just as quickly.
No. 45190
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>Alignment charts for their Vicy and his white knights
It's official, Vicfags are the cringiest autists on the planet.
No. 45296
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>>45295The YouTube clickbait is already in full swing declaring him a "
victim" of an "unfair" system. His repeatedly crass and unprofessional tweets had it coming, though, you can't really call it "censorship" when you're openly breaking the site's policies and thus going against the agreement that you signed to post there. Too bad so sad, rackets.
No. 45301
>>45296it's super ironic too because some of the vicfags were bragging about reporting #kickvic posts before this
>>45300besides the lawsuit, pretty much the only milk right now is coming from vic's wks. not sure if a separate thread for them is really needed
No. 45304
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I accidentally ended up clicking one of YellowFlash's videos and this was amongst the top comments.
No. 45609
>>44827Lawyer here, it's likely longer than that. There were no POS in the file from what I saw, and the clock starts running from when Defendants have been properly served.
It's also quite likely to take longer. Given these are unsophisticated defendants and they've probably never hired an attorney before, I'd think there is a higher probability for either requests for extension, or failing that motions for extension. Requests are stips with opposing counsel to extend the answer time, usually to accommodate for a party obtaining counsel or said counsel to get up to speed with the case.
Given the comically adversarial nature of this case, I doubt anyone is stipping to anything even to avoid looking like an asshole, so motion it is. Speaking of motion practice, that'll be a good way to run up the incredible amount of fees the GFM alleges will be necessary.
For reference, even with lodestar and fee multipliers, when I've litigated opt-out fraud cases against multi-billion dollar corporations where I've had to engage in extensive discovery because class lawyers were shithead opportunists who took the first 68/42.003/998 offer, I've seen fees hit $300k maybe once when settling on the courthouse steps the day of trial. That one I got lucky on too, judges really like to stomp on your dick when it comes to multipliers.
Obviously, fees skyrocket after you actually get into trying the case. Even with a 10-12 day estimate I've been holed up in Bumfuck, Nowhere for a month trying cases due to the fact you have to "waste" days on jury selection, motions in limine, openings, completing PMK/PMQ depositions mid-trial etc. Trial work is exhausting and I've billed 100 hour work weeks before, but I'm getting into the weeds here. This case is not even remotely comparable to "real" litigation.
The discovery in complex fraud litigation definitely outstrips a civil claim like this one. Maybe if Funi does a huge data dump and drives up Vic's attorneys' document review costs, or if this goes all the way up to and into trial it could cost $300k, but that's unlikely as something like 2-3% of civil claims actually go to trial. I think a lot of people have the mistaken belief that Vic is paying his lawyers $100k up front or something. That's lunacy.
Wow, didn't realize how much I wrote here. Sorry for the book.
No. 45671
>>45666No prob, nice trips. That's my take on it just from my experience in dealing with litigation that actually runs the course into actual trial. My costs are relatively high as well, as the lowest billable rates for an attorney at my firm range around $300 on up many times that, and our work is sufficiently complex in nature that we usually get multipliers for certain line items at our MAF hearings.
I won't pretend to know how recovery of attorneys' fees goes in defamation and tortious interference cases in Texas, but I can certainly do some research into it and report back. No guarantees it'll be anytime soon though, I'm traveling and kind of slammed with taking depositions right now. Generally, though, parties bear the cost of their own attorneys' fees, but when a fee-shifting provision applies, the costs and expenses of the prevailing party are shifted in whole or in part onto the losing party.
Just to clarify my stance on this whole situation, I hate the injection of politics into my Chinese cartoons, I detest the social justice movement and most tech industry giants (I've worked for a couple), and I lean very conservative, but I'm still not in Vic's corner.
I actually agree with a lot of Rekieta's views, but I can't get behind him or Vic when 1) there are blatant misrepresentations being made of the strength of Vic's case, 2) I've personally witnessed Vic do some pretty awful shit at cons over the last decade and 3) this is essentially resulting in weaponizing of a fandom which never ends well, and which we've seen time and time again with Homestuck, Steven Universe, Hetalia etc. I get why Rekieta is doing this though, clout is a huge motivator and his numbers have skyrocketed after he started devoting the majority of his time to running superchats. Getting paid for sitting around and drinking all day while explaining basic legal concepts to normies must be nice.
That said, there are more than a handful of absolutely detestable human beings on the KickVic side too, so I'm just sitting over here enjoying the show.
>>45667Sorry! Let me know if there's anything I missed.
POS = Proof of Service. Proof that a process server or sheriff served the individual in question with documents, be it the initial pleadings, moving papers, notice of deposition etc.
Lodestar = how attorneys' fees are calculated by the court, multipliers are modifications to your presented billable rates based on a variety of completely fucking arbitrary factors. Judges dick us on fees all the time.
PMK/PMQ = Person Most Knowledgeable/Qualified, this is usually the individual that a company will offer up as the custodian of literally everything but who actually knows jack shit. In my experience we usually use this poor fucker to authenticate documents as business records so we can use them at trial.
MAF = Motion for Attorneys' Fees. If you settle a case but you can't reach a settlement on fees in said settlement agreement, you have to itemize literally every minute spent on the case up to that point and present the spreadsheet to the court at an MAF hearing. Then the court will issue a ruling on what fees they think are reasonable for the work you performed. Spoiler: It's usually less than it should be.
No. 45690
>>45671shorthand questioning anon here, thanks for clarifying. i have a feeling about who this might be and if i'm right, you're fucking awesome. even if you're not who i'm thinking of, you're still fucking awesome for giving your perspective. i tend to agree with you in that i don't think that weaponizing fandoms works well and i'm nowhere near as sure of this case as ty and rackets seem to be. i do think it's a good idea to bring some sanity back to things by reminding people that actions can, sometimes, have legal consequences.
i also think that vic is a douche, though i have no idea if the accusations being made against him are true or not. i only know him one-on-one as a fathead diva, from working cons. the case itself is interesting though, and i'm curious to see what comes out in discovery. i like watching rackets, and i think he's smart to make the bank he's making while he can, if i could bring in the whales the way he does i'd most definitely do the same. must be nice to have that kind of supplemental income when you've got a growing family to support.
thanks again!
No. 45886
>>45885And what if the fanbases realize Nick is using them for money?
How fucked would he be from 1 to nuclear?
No. 45895
>>45889I am more concerned of what will happen once they realize.
More so with Kiwifarms since lemme tell ya, Never fuck over users of a site full of angry fuckers
No. 46028
>>45885I concur with this. I've been asked many times why I haven't started a blog or Twitter or YouTube channel to make similar content to his, but I have to weigh $650 an hour in billables vs. the infinitesimally small chance of getting enough subs on YouTube to make ad revenue that even comes close to what I make in my career.
This risk-benefit analysis is why most "YouTube lawyers" are people who are either self-employed with very small caseloads or who don't practice. On top of the fact you're making yourself unemployable, you have to also deal with working two jobs. The adage "those who can't do, teach" also comes to mind.
No. 46029
>>45889Thought I saw a girl vic stan mocking racketeer's first drunken livestream on twitter by transcribing it and making a satirical jab at him by saying "and then rekieta laughed maniacally and slayed all the soyboys and cucks"
I couldn't imagine that would be anything but satire, the stan transcribed the worst part of his drunken copypasta tier rant from that stream
so I think some of them have turned on him after he's made an utter fool of himself, although there's still plenty of them that support him including stupid female stans, which is surprising considering what loaded, hateful language he uses. then again they'd support someone like vic so of course they'd turn a blind eye to rekieta using outright alt right vernacular
No. 46038
>>45889Nick Rekieta is the type of christian who home schools his five kids.
Vic is the type of christian who literally preaches on Sunday mornings at conventions.
Take a wild guess as to type of lawyer Vic was referred to by Nick. It's a church-going lawyer from the bible belt.
I'd say it's a good bet that Nick actually did do all this out of the goodness of his heart to support a good christian man scorned by a jealous woman.
No. 46142
>>45923Lawyer anon here, did they ever state a reason or was it just another shadowban? Odd that it happens around the same time IG and FB start banning "dangerous" people, the usual coordinated effort perhaps.
>>46029When was this? I haven't kept up with his livestreams/twitter or the Vic situation in general because of work, outside what a couple friends tell me, but I don't think I've ever actually seen him totally gone. In addition, can you define or give examples of "alt right vernacular"?
Tangentially related but Nick I know you're reading this thread, or at least what gets reposted elsewhere. I'd be down to hop on stream and drink with you if I can find some time. Currently still away from home for at least another month and a half taking some rapidfire depositions for Fed court but whenever I find a lull in prep work I'm game. Keep an eye on your email. Also "chinese cartoons" is an ironic meme, how did so many people not understand?
No. 46147
>>46142For those unaware, Nick read through lawyer anon's take on the lawsuit and invited them to discuss their point of view on a stream. unironically said that he would love to get a legit counter take. The last guy who offered to oppose him in a discussion about Vic's lawsuit was a complete moron. No. 46149
>>46142@NickRekieta was permanently suspended about a week ago for the following tweet:
"It lifted a fold and found the evidence it needed. Vic loses now. Sorry."
I think the stated reason was for hateful conduct (misgendering with the use of "it"). Apparently, this was all a misunderstanding and Twitter recently instated his account and apologized saying that he got caught up in their banning of spam accounts.
No. 46174
>>46149"Vic loses now"
So, Vic is fucked?
No. 46895
>>46881They don't want to go to court. because who the fuck wants to pay for it?
Also vic is the petty bitch who made this a court case in the first place, Monica / Ron aren't cowardly for wanting this shit to stop, they never wanted a court case, what they're basically saying is that they're not going to allow themselves to be interrogated by Beard at his office, which is what Beard is trying to force on them.
Beard is trying his hardest to paint them into a corner to to incrimate them and force them to settle, which they're not going to do without a very hard fight.
No. 46919
>>46911Then if they really do all this evidence, then they would be happy to move things along as fast as possible. They'd be more than happy to be deposed, prove what they were saying wasn't defamation, and then clean vic and ty the fuck out.
Vic may be an idiot and scumbag, but rial and toye are just as fucking stupid for running their mouths.
>>46895>they're basically saying is that they're not going to allow themselves to be interrogated by Beard at his office, which is what Beard is trying to force on them. being deposed isn't the same as an interrogation nor is it harassment.
No. 46921
>>46903>And are you seriously calling Vic petty for being called a sexual predator and forcing them to back it up?he was already fired and there didn't need to be a court case, so yes he's being petty.
you sound like a pressed vic stan, boo hoo boo hoOO they needed prOOF.
funimation fired him as a contractor after having their own internal investigation and it should've ended there… he is petty for elongating it and trying to sucker so much money out of funi and 3 VAs because he couldn't keep his damn grabby creep hands to himself for 15+ years, what happened to him has been his own unraveling and his own damn fault so pardon me if I dont think he's going to ""win"" anything
fucking vic stans & "both sides are equally in the wrong" fags, he's been a piece of shit for years and years. And honestly while Monica and her fiancée had a few missteps and were too reactionary at times I don't think they deserve to get sued for it, so fuck vic, he doesn't deserve any money from anyone and he should've retreated into the shadows quietly like all the other gross men who got me too'd have, he won't have a career after this guaranteed, because he refuses to shrink away.
egotistical piece of shit keeps unraveling his career even more, whatever shards are left of it, but I still don't want him to try and squeeze money out of anyone that he doesn't deserve, he doesn't deserve any money, so fuck him and I applaud Monica and co for fighting it.
No. 46986
>>46978Most likely one of the IstandwithVic youtubers ppsted a link here or somethin'.
Better hope my tinfoil hat isn't too tight
No. 47082
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Update on Vic's side, regarding Monica and Toye's >>46848:'s lawyer) requested a confidentiality agreement, but Monica and Toye declined.
No. 47111
>>47082What does a confidentiality agreement mean?
(Sorry for OT)
No. 47116
>>47111The way I understand it is, both parties would agree to not release or discuss depositions until a later date. I'm assuming this would also pertain to any other documents and I'm guessing the later date would be when the trial has ended since all that gets made public anyways?
From what is stated in those released documents and what Rekeita said when he talked about those documents, there is a reason for requesting this: If there is no confidentiality agreement, Casey could depose Vic, get even more evidence agains't him spoken BY HIM, file an anti-SLAPP or whatever, release the deposition and air all of Vic's dirty laundry, and because of the pending anti-slapp Monica and Ron wouldn't have to be deposed for something like 90 days (this last bit might not be accurate, it seems like discovery is halted though).
Ty and Nick claim this would just let Monica and Ron continue to defame Vic for 90 days by talking about the deposition. But if Vic is as innocent as they claim then what are they afraid of? Thought he was this paragon of morality who had a solid case against Funi et. al.?
Although it is kind of suspicious waiting until after Vic is deposed to file an anti-SLAPP, apparently you can do it whenever and the court might not like Casey's tactic?
Am I getting this correct re: the above? that's how I have interpreted all the legal shit that's been happening so far.
also lmao, looks like someone compiled a big ol' list of Vic being an idiot. No. 47122
>>47116So from what I can gather.
Rekieta is fucked court wise meaning he might lose the trial?
And if so, What do you think Istandwithvic opportunists will do?
Aside from meltdowns and defending a creep of course
No. 47127
>>47122>Rekieta is fucked court wise meaning he might lose the trial?I think it really depends on the judge in all this? It's definitely not looking good for the ISWV side though.
>And if so, What do you think Istandwithvic opportunists will do?>Aside from meltdowns and defending a creep of courseThey've been saying since the beginning that if Vic really is guilty then he does deserve everything and blah blah blah. We'll see if they actually put their money where their mouths are.
No. 47157
>>47148Nick Rekieta is not a party to the lawsuit.
I don’t understand what he is being accused of in setting up the GoFundMe, referring Vic to legal counsel and interviewing said legal counsel on his show. Yes, he is “involved”, but not in any legal sense so that statement that “Rekieta is fucked court wise meaning he might lose the trial?” makes no fucking sense.
No. 47158
>>47148I think there may be a conflation of personal involvement with legal involvement here. Sure, he is very personally involved with all the commentary and discussions, but he is technically not legally involved, which is what
>>47134 meant by involvement.
That could very well change, but it seems they are being somewhat careful in only discussing things made publicly available through the courts, or being vague and not disclosing actual details.
No. 47167
>>47116- “But if Vic is as innocent as they claim then what are they afraid of?”
To put that another way, if Vic is as guilty as they claim, what are
they afraid of?
Ron and Monica’s lawyer, Casey Erick, refused to provide any dates as to when they could be deposed and didn’t even know what that their availability would be until after Vic had committed to a date because, “your client’s depositions will be first before mine.”
“I added that Mr. Mignogna needed to commit to May 30th, or a date as close as possible to May 30th, before we would know what alternative dates would be open for my clients.”
What happened to their glee in being forced to testify under oath about him? Why is their testimony contingent on when Vic gives his?
One theory is that that Casey Erick intends to collect Vic's statements and then immediately file a TCPA motion which would prevent Ron and Monica from being deposed for 90 days.
@RonToye "I would be happy to go over each one in a deposition or court :) I haven’t lied :)"
So much for that.
No. 47279
>>47236Everyone deserves a defense, even if they've done something wrong.
People who are offended that Anime Matsuri has sought legal aid to combat a concerted effort to destroy their business are showing how rational they really are.
No. 47298
>>47292>Who could barely scrape views with RWBY videos.Not like he has it any better now.
Seriously, his views are low as shit and I don't think he even makes minimum wage monetization wise.
And Yellowflash and TUG are so annoying it's a surprise they have no thread here yey
No. 47302
>>47298Yeah but he's bitching because he can't stream and get superchats because of the strike.
Hell he went to cry about it on rekieta's channel too.
No. 47468
>>47466Maybe cause vic has actually harassed and assaulted people
Unless they're proof that Jamie keeps a bag of severed dicks in her home, and people come forward to say she chopped their dick off, then I'll eat my words.
No. 47656
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"KickVickers are the childish ones!"
No. 47662
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>Hear the case is finally starting to go to court.
>Go to read Rials legal response
No. 47663
>>47657you see the law sees people innocent until proven guilty, the law isn't the twitter rumor brigade.
Now we should see the hundreds of assaulted women come out of the woodwork with con reports, police reports, photos, videos etc… it should all come to light now. If what they said is true.
No. 47668
>>47667you do realize these people stood in a meet and greet line for 30+ minutes to be "inappropriately touched" and as they gradually approached the front of the line they watched.
But I don't even have to bother arguing with you anymore, his accusers are done. Rial already implicated members of PULL and Loveridge in their legal response, so now Vic legal team can serve them, they are all going to point fingers at each other in order to save themselves.
No. 47672
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>>47668sorry elderkin my mistake
No. 47677
>>47667>Nice try, but nope. "Innocent until proven guilty" does not mean "arbitrarily disregard evidence". I've seen people let go for inappropriate comments and touching towards co-workers similar to what's been filmed here, let alone the more serious allegations.You may have and sure, this kind of thing does happen all the time. But there are a few differences from what is happening in this case. In those situations there were: at least one NAMED
victim who if needed would be willing to testify under oath, NAMED witnesses to the act(not always but helps), an investigation done ideally with several other NAMED
victims/witnesses coming forward, and no PUBLIC statements made regarding the matter.
Now, if Funimation comes out and reveals that they did in fact, make an investigation and found actual
victims and witnesses that support their statement of Vic exhibiting "harassing or threatening behavior" (mind you, the legal definitions of these terms), then Vic truly does not have a case. However, there is no evidence to support that this actually occurred. Of course, Funimation hasn't responded yet so that's all very much TBD.
The fact that in Rial and Toye's response, they cited PULL, tumblr, and twitter of all places as sources of evidence is beyond laughable. These are places in which anyone can say anything, I could make an account on any of those sites, craft a story re: Vic, post it, and claim that this is proof of harassment. Or, I could find some picture I took of him hugging someone else from a con, post that, and say "oh wow, look how creepy Vic is being and Vic didn't even ask her/him if Vic could hug them", and then also claim this as evidence. Now, in the eyes of the public, these stories might meet the standard of evidence, but in the court of law they DO NOT. I know you might think they do, but unless those users are willing to be brought fourth, named, testify under oath that these things did in fact happen and they meet the legal definition of harassment, they DON'T count as evidence. The courts only care about actual evidence, and random twitter/tumblr/PULL users with the ability to say anything DO NOT meet the standard of evidence necessary.
>let alone the more serious allegations.Again, these are alleged. If the makers of those allegations can come forward and prove they actually did happen in the court, then great, otherwise, it isn't evidence. Anyone could go through Vic's history and craft some convincing heinous rape story, but unless that
victim comes forward with substantial proof that it did in fact happen. IT IS NOT PROOF.
And then there's the matter of Funimation's public statement. Under most circumstances, the accused would be let go and that's that. But because Funimation made a public statement about the matter accusing Vic of harassment and threatening behavior, which unless they can prove he did under the legal definitions, they defamed him. So they are now being sued and they have to put up or shut up.
Again, until there are verifiable accounts of harassment by actual named
victims and witnesses, there is NO LEGAL EVIDENCE, despite whatever you may think twitter/tumblr/PULL says.
No. 47678
>>47677Now unless you have some brilliant insights into why these reports are actual evidence beyond, "They said it and I believe
victims so he's guilty!" then, as of right now, they are NOT evidence.
No. 47687
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>>47677If you're underage you can't consent end of story. Either way congrats on writing several (many) longwinded posts to defend a z-list cringe VA that apparently diddled you so hard as a child you could never let go of his cock shaped nostalgia glasses. Now fuck off cause you're briging nothing to this thread besides hysterics and "law 4 dummiez"
No. 47696
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>>47677>>47678>Now, if Funimation comes out and reveals that they did in fact, make an investigation and found actual victims and witnesses that support their statement of Vic exhibiting "harassing or threatening behavior" (mind you, the legal definitions of these terms), then Vic truly does not have a case. However, there is no evidence to support that this actually occurred. Of course, Funimation hasn't responded yet so that's all very much TBD.>And then there's the matter of Funimation's public statement. Under most circumstances, the accused would be let go and that's that. But because Funimation made a public statement about the matter accusing Vic of harassment and threatening behavior, which unless they can prove he did under the legal definitions, they defamed him. So they are now being sued and they have to put up or shut up.This is Funimation's statement. They've directly stated that they performed an HR investigation, and as far as I'm aware, the company itself hasn't accused Vic of anything. And, like we've already brought up in this thread, several named individuals have come forward as
victims or witnesses. Even if a couple of people involved with this case are acting like idiots, there are plenty of people who
could testify in court here.
Besides that, you do know that people are allowed to draw their own conclusions, right? I believe that Vic has behaved inappropriately because there's years of similar testimonials from different sources, and I've yet to see anyone explain how they could be faked without resorting to ludicrously inaccurate stereotypes about the con community.
Anyway, sorry about the tl;dr infighting. Moving on.
>>47590The problem is that this isn't even the first defamation lawsuit involving #MeToo allegations. Geoffrey Rush won his case last month and none of them have even heard about it. And this is an Academy Award winner we're talking about, as opposed to some anime guy.
No. 47705

>>47675lol lets see how this plays out in court where the blocklists and the going private doesn't work as a legal strategy.
But still they are hoping it will work in real life.
No. 47706
>>47705Yeah, this was just them being stupid. Had they bothered to check her schedule, they'd have seen she was at a convention for at least one of these days, possibly more, if I recall right. Also,
those hours of the day, to try and serve someone? That's just plain incompetence, let's not sugarcoat it. The only one that should have worked was the first one, period. The rest are all times when it's very likely a person won't be home.
No. 47713
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>>47657as for you then here you go, you know the famous video of vic whispering into a girls ear that people are saying is creepy well this is the girl in said video literally claiming it was consensual and I guess you missed that facebook post about the first pic used in the ANN news article where the person literally stated that it was consensual and her mother was there and even she allowed it.
Vic also only apologized if he made anyone uncomfortable and for nothing else.
No. 47715
>>47713>>47714Cool story, feel free to explain
>>12104 also
No. 47724
>>47717Even Vic's ex-fiancée admitted he was a creep, and they were engaged for years, she probably faced his brunt as well. I guess her word is totally invalidated against Vicfag incels and fangirls who met him in a con line for five minutes and are now his besties now. /s
When even your ex fiancée hates you for more than petty reasons you've probably got problems. In the very least it would be less annoying if he weren't constantly trying to project his obviously fake "goody two shoes" evangelical image, because everyone, everyone with half a remaining brain cell knows that Vic's not the devout Christian "good boi" he claims to be, and has never been. If he'd stop faking for five seconds and actually fess up to being an egotistical douche, even if he never will admit to being a lecher, then maybe, just maybe, people wouldn't disrespect him as much as they do. But as it stands he gets more petty as time goes by, and his true colors unveil themselves, but his stupid stans continually try and defend him to the bitter end no matter how much he contradicts his own fake projections to his fans. He acts like such a big shot though. Of course people are disgusted by his arrogance, there are even no longer supporters of his I've seen who dropped their former (even if honestly stupid) allegiances upon realizing that Racketeer is an attention whoring scammer and Vic is more and more showing himself as the trash he is.
Hard to believe that still devout Vic stans are somehow what I'd even say are comparable to Seungri stans, a k-pop singer whose seedy antics have been unearthed tenfold and spread around the internet, overwhelmingly implicating him as a disgusting creep- yet somehow, some goddamn how, he still has stans. That's who I'd say Vic stans remind me of at this point, retarded seungrifags. Deny, deny, deny.
Can you understand why people are tired of you and your D-list, no name voice actor, Vic stans? He's not even relevant anymore insofar as the VA world goes for any present roles. His "career" was dwindling down a long spiral while other male VAs with far more range and talent rose above him. He can't even get video game jobs anymore except for the shitty Bubzy rewrite, his voice sounds samey in everything, and he desperately clings to his three or four well known roles from years and years past for relevancy's sake, he was evidently never going to be on the level of someone like Laura, Troy, or any of his colleagues who have branched out into gaming or cartoon work. He has limited range and talent in terms of voice acting, aside from a few roles he sounds quite samey, but not in a good way. He wasn't going to ever leave the dungeon that was the dub industry. Why are you people so obsessed with this washed up and pathetic loser, when there's thousands of other English voice actors who surpass him in talent without having completely falsified "personalities" who actually seem like good people? Find another English dub VA to stan, Vicfags. Or go back to Kiwi or whatever echo chamber you came from.
No. 47756
>>47706Stupid would be going on Twitter to tell everyone that you are aware of the lawsuit and that you're going to force the court to go to extreme measures to serve you.
She has that right, but consider what will happen when her lawyer asks the judge for a small favor like granting her an extension in filing some documents.
How considerate do you think the judge will be in granting her lawyer's request when they see that Jamie Marchi has been wasting the court's time by playing stupid games?
will get served at some point, so she is only delaying the inevitable while potentially pissing off the judge. It's as they say, "Not a good look."
No. 48092
>>48077Even funnier because the edit wasn't even edgy.
Just Gotenks from DBFZ
No. 49123
>>47783>>47726she posted the pictures in the video description of her videos showing that those are airsoft guns and not actual guns. so I doubt what she said counts as an actual threat.
>>47724>When even your ex fiancée hates you for more than petty reasons you've probably got problems.given the amount of times peoples ex's have tried to get their significant other jailed for the sake of money or whatever petty reason her word alone without evidence doesn't mean shit.
>Why are you people so obsessed with this washed up and pathetic loserwe aren't obsessed with him we are fighting for a mans right to be innocent until proven guilty and tried in an actual court of law instead of the court of public opinion which is usually shit.
>go back to Kiwi or whatever echo chamber you came from.the only echo chamber is this place,pull and resetera due to how only selective information is being posted.
No. 49155
>>49123/cgl/ old-fag here, and I appreciate you being a voice of logic in this thread. people can sit here and QQ about vic-stans or whatever, but the bottom line is there really hasn't been any evidence presented to show that he's done anything really illegal or disgusting.
all I've seen this entire thread are judgments for things people consider to be in poor taste and heresy. think whatever you want of the guy (I've also heard he's a diva throughout the years), but I've yet to see any legal justifications for this shit.
I really hate how the userbase here seems to be much more emotionally-charged in their opinions than basing them in logic/fact these days. I mean, I'm probably just remembering things with rose tinted glasses anyway, but ugh.
No. 65744
File: 1567892599228.png (30.21 KB, 156x173, 1567787963727.png)

Fucking LMAO, look how sad lil' Nicky Rackets is on almost all of Vic's case getting thrown out.
This whole court thing didn't work out too well for ISWV
No. 90416
File: 1588182106776.png (456.38 KB, 1187x1155, curdled milk.PNG)

>>90415Shit, wouldn't let me include the image as well.
Here it is.