No. 899110
25 year old Julia Zelg is married to a 62 year old, pink haired, heifer who has an extensive criminal past and is currently going by the name Eileen De Freest Zelg (Sellge). This is one of many name that Eileen has been known to use over the years.
Eileen's Wrap Sheet
Dob: 2 oct 1957
Known Aliases: Eileen Rita Defreest / Eileen Rita De Freest / Eileen Defreest / Aileen Defreest, Eileen Grey, Eileen Braden / Eileen Rita Braden, Eileen Vanarden / Eileen Van Arden, Eileen Ashton-Ryder and very likely: Eileen King.
Current name: Eileen De Freest-Sellge (in her IG)
1990 - married “Alastair king”, a man in NY - LIC # 22701 (possible nationality fraud)
1998 - 22 may 98 her company in NY go Bancrupt, chapter 7, case# 98043700
1999 - arrested in London for credit abuse (most likely sent to Holloway prison)
2001 - warrant for a bounced check NJ (TBD)
2004 - evicted case 09R03615 - CA (Centinela MotorXEileen)
2004 - 9/04/2004 case SS012534 - CA - Eileen Defreest petitioned to change her name
2004 - arrested NY for the “car thing”, Arrest # M05604094
2004 - 6/12/2004 - Eileen Braden incorporated Idea Lab ltd in uk - company# 05304994 - accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/05304994/IDEA-LAB-LTD/companies-house-data2005 - 20/04/2005 warrant NY for the “car thing”, case 2005NY021068
2005 - 26/7/2005 case SS013637 - CA - Eileen Braden petitioned to change her name
2005 - 28/7/2005 case 05CS1464 CA - debt collection $13k
2006 - evicted CA Case 06R01648 (Jour-mohammadiXEileen)
2006 - Eileen Van Arden incorporated Devon Media in uk - company # 05944005 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/05944005/DEVON-MEDIA-LIMITED/companies-house-data2006 - Eileen Van Arden incorporated RiotMedia Ltd in uk - company # 05912906 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/05912906/RIOTMEDIA-LIMITED/companies-house-data2007 - 3/2/2007 case SS15149 - CA - Eileen Van Arden petitioned to change her name
2007 - 22/06/2007 Eileen Van arden incorporated Prologiks Ltd in uk - company # 06290376 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/06290376/PROLOGIKS-LTD/companies-house-data2008 - Eileen Van Arden incorporated Oslab in uk - company # 06470211 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/06470211/OSLAB-LIMITED/companies-house-data2009 - 20/07/2009 case 09V02462 - CA - Evicted (KeeneyXEileen).
2009 - moved to London
2009 - Eileen Ashton-Ryder incorporated E-Grey Design in uk - company # 07005139 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/07005139/E-GREY-DESIGN-LTD/companies-house-datanote: The fillings docs of this company are from another planet
1. Eileen Grey and Eileen Ashton-Ryder (same person), are business partners!
2. One request is to change Ms Eileen Grey to Mrs Eileen Grey… lol
2011 - 25 oct 2011 her brother, Kevin A Defreest, passed away and she did not attended the funeral. Maybe was too risky and no idiot to bail her out at that time.
2011/2014 - incorporated multiples companies with different aliases at same time in uk - all accounts not filed/struck off.
Eileen Ashton-Ryder
Capital £273k
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/07508911/ASHTON-RYDER-LTD/companies-house-dataEileen De Freest
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/07870360/COPYWRITER-PRO-LTD/companies-house-dataEileen Grey (incorporate) and transfer to Eileen Defrest
Capital £250k
https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/07919257/filing-historyEileen Grey
https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08266331/filing-history2018 - Set the 1st Tinder date in her flat bc of a “knee problem” and 3 months later Married a woman 37 years younger, dye her hair pink and state: “Im a youtuber”.
2019 - Fly to USA only after “be ready financially” to deal with the warrants (Julia paid), got arrested bc of the open warrants and released bc the plantiff withdrew the case.
Eileen was arrested in london with 42 years old. I d like to know what surprises the Timeline during the 80’s and 90’s are reserved for us.
She opened at least 10 companies in UK with different names after be arrested for credit abuse and never filled any account!
Eileen Braden Amazon wishlist:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/ls/ref=?ie=UTF8&%2AVersion%2A=1&%2Aentries%2A=0&lid=2U6BL572G5AOK&ty=wishlistEileen had a 14 year old warrant out for her arrest and was arrested for car theft the moment the couple landed in New York. The whole sorry saga was planned of course because "it really helps the channel" to post sob stories and try to gain sympathy from your viewers. Julia is fond of playing the
victim card and is can now officially be deemed as the poor man's (well, woman's in this case) Trisha Paytas (who happens to be Julia's idol).
Arrest and baying for sympathy aside. Eileen and Julia deserve stick for their repulsive videos together in which they kiss and declare their love every two seconds, followed by moans and "oh baby. Then proceeding to over share about their sex life.
"Let's also not forget the infamous smash and pass video in which Eileen criticized the bodies of young healthy women despite being an obese old lady with pink hair and a drug problem. No young woman would touch Eileen other than Julia, who has mommy issues and a suspected case of severe Histrionic Personality Disorder. Their trip to the US saw them collab with notorious Transphobe, Arielle Scarcelle and afforded Eileen the opportunity to reveal that she can squirt.
Julia is generally delusional and believes that moving to LA will "really help the channel." Sure yes, because the whole world is waiting for her high quality content consisting of make overs in which Eileen is featured half naked.
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Thought this was some kind of female sugar daddy thing but since she’s a criminal and a druggie how the deuce does a 60yo obese hag marry a decently attractive young female if money isn’t involved? Is it a fetish? Visa fraud?
No. 899333
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Jesus Christ! Imagine how desperate you'd have to be for a US visa.
No. 899360
>>899110The OP was culled from the Altcows #15 thread
>>>/snow/872515Discussion of Eileen began with this video posted in
>>>/snow/891305Anon commented:
Okay so Julia Zelg and her much older wife Eileen went to NYC and Eileen got arrested. According to this video, the last time Eileen was in NYC she rented a car but kept it 2 weeks longer than she was supposed to so there was a warrant out for her arrest but she left NYC before they could arrest her. But when she and Julia went back to NYC they arrested Eileen.
No. 899361
>>899111Im guessing julia has some kind of fetish…care giver fetish or something?
I know that Julia is younger but basically she is the one who is the sugar daddy in the relationship and actually the mature one which is embarrassing.
>>899333Julia already lives in a stable decent country and has money so i dont see why she would even have to use someone for a visa.
Also please read the rules before posting here because of the name newfaggotry.
No. 899363
>>899360>>>/snow/891410Anon commented:
I don't remember absolutely everything in detail, but basically she has a record in both the US and the UK, and has arrest warrants in various states. She LIES about everything. Constantly. For years.
Also be warned that some of these are assumptions, but looking online through court records using Eileen's multiple names, anyone can find these and make determinations. Besides her warrant for her arrest on the bounced check of the rental car in NY, she also had another warrant back then but it was dropped. She probably knew about the bounced check and has lived in the UK and avoided going to the US to avoid dealing with the consequences/getting arrested. she accumulated $9K in debt for the warrant. She was arrested for credit abuse (I forget where, I believe she made a video about it), opened multiple businesses in the UK under different aliases using $250K given to her by her brother (this was assumed to avoid taxes) and all were shut down after a short amount of time because she didnt pay taxes. This may be how she gets money now (go under a new name and get credit). She was evicted twice in California in the early 2000s because she didn't pay $6k in rent.
She released this video that I never really watched (and I believe part 1 was deleted) that explains that she was addicted to drugs (mb pills?) and was homeless in an airport in a few weeks:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UavoXXshXmMShe blamed some of her record on her past drug use. She was married to a man in the 90s while saying she was never married and only dated men earlier in her life. People suspect it was a marriage out of pure benefit, because he is married to a man and living in NY now (I believe he was from the UK) and users suspected she got married to change her name and move to the UK to start a new life.
Delfos_oracle on this page provides a summary of Eileen's records:
https://prettyuglylittleliar.net/topic/11589-julia-zelg/?page=76When she and Julia met on Tinder, she also told Julia to meet at her apartment for their first date because of a "knee industry," and then later tells Julia to never do that with anyone again. She made creepy, sexually-charged comments on Twitter towards other younger women (but I believe before she dated Julia).
Eileen's true colors have been beginning to shine through her false, "nice older lady" persona. She's always on her phone and says she's on it all the time because she's doing "political work." She lied about having her PhD when in reality she only has her bachelor's. Eileen's own ex gf warned Julia about Eileen in youtube comments but it was promptly deleted. Eileen has been more bitchy to Julia (she said Julia's earrings looked like testicles, for example) and her creepiness has shown more. She also didn't attend her own brother's funeral.
No. 899364
>>899363>>>/snow/891412Here is the summary: Eileen Defreest Resumè
Dob: 2 oct 1957
Known Aliases: Eileen Rita Defreest / Eileen Rita De Freest / Eileen Defreest / Aileen Defreest, Eileen Grey, Eileen Braden / Eileen Rita Braden, Eileen Vanarden / Eileen Van Arden, Eileen Ashton-Ryder and very likely: Eileen King.
Current name: Eileen De Freest-Sellge (in her IG)
1990 - married “Alastair king”, a man in NY - LIC # 22701 (possible nationality fraud)
1998 - 22 may 98 her company in NY go Bancrupt, chapter 7, case# 98043700
1999 - arrested in London for credit abuse (most likely sent to Holloway prison) 🏰
2001 - warrant for a bounced check NJ (TBD)
2004 - evicted case 09R03615 - CA (Centinela MotorXEileen)
2004 - 9/04/2004 case SS012534 - CA - Eileen Defreest petitioned to change her name
2004 - arrested NY for the “car thing”, Arrest # M05604094
2004 - 6/12/2004 - Eileen Braden incorporated Idea Lab ltd in uk - company# 05304994 - accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/05304994/IDEA-LAB-LTD/companies-house-data2005 - 20/04/2005 warrant NY for the “car thing”, case 2005NY021068
2005 - 26/7/2005 case SS013637 - CA - Eileen Braden petitioned to change her name
2005 - 28/7/2005 case 05CS1464 CA - debt collection $13k
2006 - evicted CA Case 06R01648 (Jour-mohammadiXEileen)
2006 - Eileen Van Arden incorporated Devon Media in uk - company # 05944005 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/05944005/DEVON-MEDIA-LIMITED/companies-house-data2006 - Eileen Van Arden incorporated RiotMedia Ltd in uk - company # 05912906 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/05912906/RIOTMEDIA-LIMITED/companies-house-data2007 - 3/2/2007 case SS15149 - CA - Eileen Van Arden petitioned to change her name
2007 - 22/06/2007 Eileen Van arden incorporated Prologiks Ltd in uk - company # 06290376 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/06290376/PROLOGIKS-LTD/companies-house-data2008 - Eileen Van Arden incorporated Oslab in uk - company # 06470211 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/06470211/OSLAB-LIMITED/companies-house-data2009 - 20/07/2009 case 09V02462 - CA - Evicted (KeeneyXEileen).
2009 - moved to London
2009 - Eileen Ashton-Ryder incorporated E-Grey Design in uk - company # 07005139 accounts not filed/struck off.
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/07005139/E-GREY-DESIGN-LTD/companies-house-datanote: The fillings docs of this company are from another planet 👽
1. Eileen Grey and Eileen Ashton-Ryder (same person), are business partners!
2. One request is to change Ms Eileen Grey to Mrs Eileen Grey… lol
2011 - 25 oct 2011 her brother, Kevin A Defreest, passed away and she did not attended the funeral. Maybe was too risky and no idiot to bail her out at that time.
2011/2014 - incorporated multiples companies with different aliases at same time in uk - all accounts not filed/struck off.
Eileen Ashton-Ryder
Capital £273k
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/07508911/ASHTON-RYDER-LTD/companies-house-dataEileen De Freest
https://companycheck.co.uk/company/07870360/COPYWRITER-PRO-LTD/companies-house-dataEileen Grey (incorporate) and transfer to Eileen Defrest
Capital £250k
https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/07919257/filing-historyEileen Grey
https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/08266331/filing-history2018 - Set the 1st Tinder date in her flat bc of a “knee problem” and 3 months later Married a woman 37 years younger, dye her hair pink and state: “Im a youtuber”.
2019 - Fly to USA only after “be ready financially” to deal with the warrants (Julia paid), got arrested bc of the open warrants and released bc the plantiff withdrew the case. 🎉
Eileen was arrested in london with 42 years old. I d like to know what surprises the Timeline during the 80’s and 90’s are reserved for us.
🔫 She opened at least 10 companies in UK with different names after be arrested for credit abuse and never filled any account!
🔫 Eileen Braden Amazon wishlist:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/ls/ref=?ie=UTF8&%2AVersion%2A=1&%2Aentries%2A=0&lid=2U6BL572G5AOK&ty=wishlist No. 899366
>>899364>>>/snow/891415Full company list to date:
Dec 2004 - Idea Lab Ltd - Eileen Braden as Director - 145-157 St John Street, London, EC1V (Idea Media Lab was registered at the same address by someone else in 2012)
Aug 2006 - Riotmedia Ltd - Eileen Van Arden - 196 High Road, Wood Green, London, N22
Sep 2006 - Devon Media Ltd - Eileen Van Arden - 29 Harley Street, London, W1G
Jun 2007 - Prologiks Ltd - Eileen Van Arden as Director - 94 London Road, Oxford, OX3
Jan 2008 - Oslab Ltd - Eileen Van Arden as Secretary - Manchester House, Bangor Street, Y Felinheli, Gwynedd LL56
Apr 2008 - Abby Media Ltd - Eileen De Freest as Director - Coborn House, 3 Coborn Road, London, E3
Oct 2008 - Inter Euro Data - Eillen Vanarden as Secretary - Manchester House, Bangor Street, Y Felinheli, Gwynedd LL56
Sep 2009 - E Grey Design Ltd - Eileen Grey + Eileen Ashton-Ryder as Directors - 26 Cleveland Road, London E18
Jan 2011 - Ashton-Ryder Ltd - Eileen Ashton-Ryder as Director - 26 Cleveland Road, London, E18
Dec 2011 - Copywriter Pro Ltd - Eileen De Freest as Director - Ixworth Place, London, SW3
Jan 2012 - Varso Ltd - Eileen Grey/Eileen De Freest as Director - EBC House, Thornes Lane, Wakefield, WF1
Oct 2012 - Greytech Ltd - Eileen Grey as Director - Kemp House, 152 City Road, London, EC1V
No. 899384
Three collabs with Barcroft TV, they got dragged big time in the comments section on the last video with them.
https://youtu.be/b6U3mwa-a6sEileen now doesn't think they should work with them anymore. Mostly because they can't delete every negative comment under Barcroft's videos. Julia is such a snowflake.
No. 899441
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Disturbing. She struck gold when she met Julia.
No. 899449
>>899441Newfag the ''name'' ''subject'' should be clear and you shouldn't type anything in them unless you are making a topic.
The email field should also be clear unless you are planning on going ''sage''
Are you new to lolcow?
No. 912029
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Her hiding her teeth in every post is so annoying especially when we can see them in a tagged pic. Yes you got your teeth done… along with your lips . Well done. What’s next?(necro)
No. 917175
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I know this thread is dead but Julia has done… this. Not exactly a fan of hers but this honestly makes me really sad. You only get one set of teeth and she's had them hacked up for no reason
No. 917217
>>917212It's in her newest video. People who get veneers are truly deranged. All she needed were braces for a year and teeth whitening.
Destroy your body for instant, tenporary results rather than wait a year for permanent results.
For those who don't know: veneers need to be replaced every ten years the same as breast implants do. It's a racket to create a patient out of a healthy person. All the people who approved her veneers instead of steering her towards braces are bad people.
No. 917262
>>917179She didn't need them whatsoever and she had them done by a shady Turkish clinic who chase influencers for publicity. Her teeth were healthy albeit a tiny bit crooked, but she decided that getting her teeth literally destroyed for life is better than having to wear a retainer at night. She clearly has severe body image issues at this point and Eileen and I guess everyone around her is enabling her to get all these procedures instead of helping her.
Also like anon said they aren't permanent you have to keep having them replaced every decade or so. It's a money making scam for dentists basically
No. 919868
>>917302The problem with veneers is that even when done by expensive, supposedly capable professionals, they have a high chance of giving you serious problems. They shave the healthy teeth which removes the enamel, making teeth super duper vulnerable to decay. A lot of people end up losing their real teeth. I am close with two women who got veneers in the same fashion as julia, I saw them with the pre-veneers stumps and everything. It looked great for like 5 year tops, then their actual teeth started one by one getting inflamed nerves and/or rot so they were in an out of dentists for root canals for years before having all of their upper teeth removed and now have to use dentures.
I was sad because I thought they were so young to loose all of their teeth… they were in their late 40s, early 50s. Imagine my shock when I see Julia doing this.
The point is: it's a dangerous, and often unnecessary procedure that mostly only creates you a new problem. Really sad she did this for NO REASON at all other than extreme unfunded insecurity and support from that deranged woman she married. How can a 62 year old blindly support the kind of thing julia has been doing to her body? But what can we expect from someone whose biggest achievement in life is marrying a gullible, extremely mentally ill 25 year old?
No. 919873
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Eileen had a crap-attack on instagram because most of their followers are leaving comments on their videos, instagram, everywhere worried about Julia, I didn't see anyone being mean to her or hating on her anywhere. BUT people are onto Eileen, everyone is commenting how she is manipulative, how she is strange, off, hypocritical, you name it.
So Eileen is terrified that Julia sees the truth about her so she is trying to alienate Julia from her followers, which fits Eileen's personality perfectly: now julia only listens to her and only her. This woman's mask has fallen and she is desperately trying to blame anyone but herself in hopes that Julia stays blind.
Of course, she is deleting comments as her life depended on it. Test it for yourselves,leave a perfectly nice comment but worried or disagreeing with them and you'll see
No. 919877
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So desperate… So many lies and reaches. Only teenagers fall for this, and the most gullible and vunerable of them
Also, Eileen's caricaturesque, erotic mrs Doubtfire way of speaking is suddenly gone.
"Peace out"? Ok boomer
No. 920002
>>919877It's clear she sees Julia as a mealticket rather than actually caring for her. This is why having weird relationships with much older people is not a good idea. She obviously has no common ground with Julia, and if Julia felt secure and confident as she
should in a relationship, she wouldn't get unnecessary cosmetic surgery.
No. 920265
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No. 933027
>>932934>>933020Nta, but here's a link.
https://prettyuglylittleliar.net/topic/11589-julia-zelg/?page=310This shit went down around last week on Julia's PULL thread (I believe? Unless it began beforehand, but I only became aware of it this week).
The user "Kojak" is claiming to be Julia's estranged dad, though I'm very skeptical of the whole situation. If it is Julia's dad, then some of the things he's said about her is, like, red flag city. But I think it's a troll.
He's been waiting for mods to confirm his identity, but we've yet to see any proof. I don't think it's milky until it's 100% confirmed he is her dad, through mod verification or photo evidence or anything similar that could prove he is who he claims he is.
I'd take anything he's said with a grain of salt in the meantime.
No. 1048237
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We get it, you're gay(Necro)
No. 1939400
>>1938230Sage goes in the Email field you peasant named Susie.
Also, if Julia wanted a green card that desperately she could've easily get a moid to marry her for them papers and leave him after, besides the fact that there're bunch of 'murican lesbians available especially online. She's clearly a mom-daughter fetishist who needs an elderly woman by her side no matter the chemistry between them. Eileen manipulated her a lot and fed her with lies she wanted to hear.
>>1936815Anyone else kinda thinks that Julia is slow? Like she's 30 but is talking/behaving like a teen. Mebe she never really let go of her tumblr peak but damn. What an idiot.
No. 1975911
Why is it so cinematic though? It's reminding me of Kenna's "apology" video kek.
No. 1976018
>>1975874Probably because Eileen is a financially
abusive piece of shit?
No. 1976251
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>>1976218I thought they just opened up the relationship? Looked into who Keith is from Reddit.
No. 2005216
>>2001634She doesn't seem to want an equal relationship and dating old and not so good looking people can make them feel like they always owe something to her. It also makes her look better in comparison and doesn't have to worry about cheating. But didn't she cheat Eileen?
>>1982396She also blamed Eileen for not being able to go to his granpas funeral, but how could have Eileen even known because the arrest thing happened earlier. Also the "awwww you're mentally unstable and manipulative liar but you can get therapy" thing was textbook narc behavior.
No. 2085342
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>>2001634The divorce with Eileen has been finalized and now Julia is seen with an engagement ring that Keith got her.
No. 2091384
>>2085779Yay! Congrats to Keith and Julia.
>noticeably more modest dress>necklace tucked under jacket, could be a crossEx-lesbian era incoming