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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1453650351197.png (1 MB, 750x566, exotic.png)

No. 85141


She insists on doing her makeup like this everyday

Links: https://www.instagram.com/exoticcandyfloss/

No. 85142


No. 85143

File: 1453650431279.png (1.1 MB, 672x701, why.png)


No. 85145

living cancer

No. 85149

What a waste.. She looks like she is pretty qt

No. 85152

File: 1453651266595.jpg (242.45 KB, 640x480, matryoshka_miku_by_qrullgx13-d…)

Just your average weeb.

No. 85159

who is this
why should we care
who gives a shit about some quacky broad if all she has going for her is hideous makeup

No. 85170


No. 85190

that's it? that's all the info?

>she inists on doing her makeup like this everyday

that's lulzy to you?

oh my god I pray for the day that /snow/ is deleted. these bitches just self post here for the infamy and it's giving me cancer.

No. 85193

The samefagging is strong in this thread

No. 85194

plz stop

No. 85199

Why could this not just be posted in the attention whores on instagram thread????? >>83974
I'm so sick of you people wasting entire threads on this type of shit.

No. 85203

that thread has reached its limit

No. 85216

So make a new one?

No. 85224

Okay.. fuck this. Fuck lolcow. I'm leaving this board and never looking back because it's turned to pure fucking trash because of you morons posting random ass lazy shit with absolute 0 amount of milk. What a way to completely misuse lolcow. Nice job, fucking idiots. It's ruined.

No. 85233

Admin, please delete /snow/.

No. 85240

It will just spill over to /pt

No. 85245

Lol no it hasn't, are you a fucking idiot?

No. 85249


please remember to sage this thread

No. 85360

Admin, please make /trash/ a real thing. /snow/ is a good and useful place but is currently being shit up by these endless threads.

We need /trash/ as a place to park them.

No. 85625

/snow/ is essentially /trash/. It is all of the garbage threads that weren't good enough for /pt/.

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