File: 1554931167233.jpeg (430.83 KB, 601x923, 9E004071-6AFF-4FAA-BBD6-640231…)

No. 796693
File: 1554933738186.jpg (137.25 KB, 560x520, -4061835620984507227.jpg)

>>795624fucking lol, she looks like she's wearing one of those hot topic sweatbands you'd see on the kid who wore a naruto headband to school. She could've just bought one of those and hid some barbed wire under it to get that pain fix
also her violin hips are gross. It's weird to see the flabby abdomen of a mother on such a young and apparently childless woman, but I guess that's what happens when you choose not to take care of your skin. Looking good is literally her job and she doesn't have the discipline to do some squats or even slap on some lotion? A cheap work ethic makes a cheap whore
No. 796719
>>796693>violin hips are gross>the flabby abdomen of a mother on such a young and apparently childless womanI seriously hope you're just a misogynist scrot because if you're a girl this level of hatred for a pretty normal figure is even more fucked up
A thread died so you could nitpick some cam girls stomach
No. 796761
>>796719>this level of hatred for a pretty normal figure>hatredif you say so anon but you'd feel more strongly about it than I do.
sorry for
triggering some insecurity you have with dip hips and flab, but if it helps, remember that anyone can earn a nice butt with exercise. It's just muscle. Maybe start with squats. I believe in you.
Regarding Skye, if you don't moisturize your skin after poking it full of ink and metal multiple times a month, it's gonna age. If you don't tone the musculature of your body, you're gonna look flabby and unfit even if you don't weigh that much. If you're a sex worker and you're not taking care of your assets, you're losing money. Her poor self care is damaging to her career and I'm not criticizing anything she can't improve on.
No. 796832
>>796678You should trim the extraneous code off the Facebook URL.
No summary of the last thread?
And why such a hurry? The last thread had only 1114 comments and her milk is slow.
No. 796836
>>796719It's definitely an ex boyfriend, including the usual complete zero knowledge about how women's bodies work. Apparently having wide hips means you've birthed a child? Seems like the usual male logic where our bodies get "stretched" from our prior child proportions via sexual activity
begone scrot, and at least try and blend with the forum a little better should you return
No. 796876
>>796836You can tell it's a horribly bitter ex or at the very least a bitter male by the "a cheap work ethic makes a cheap whore". Like
>>796782 said, this girl is a fucking mess, but her ugliness is mostly self-inflicted. Her body is fine, she just chooses to ruin it.
>>796805No, anon, they just haven't been doing enough squats! Let the males flood in and explain female biology to you, silly female.
No. 796888
>>796876>>796693 might just be an American farmer rather than an ex of Skye. Either way their sensibilities are out of whack
The exes do post though and it's hilarious that they think they're somehow any better than her themselves
No. 796973
File: 1554992808574.png (Spoiler Image,112.63 KB, 234x360, vegan;_;.png)

Looks like she's making progress on that wooly-looking armband, and she graciously showed us her stomach on twitter looking way better than it does on instagram. Good for her. Who knows, maybe it's her camera doing her dirty, maybe it's shoop, but I think it might be the way she poses by arching her lower back that makes her stomach look so saggy in standing photos despite looking good on video. But I don't buy her porn so my access is limited, sorry
>>796888 bingo, American. But even among Americans, I get overexcited and speak too aggressively, then get confused when people think I'm mad. It's not a good look but I'm working on it.
>>796782>i think the "whole butchering herself and her potential with hideous body mods" would take priority.It did, in the last thread, but I don't see her as just some hopeless, hideous gremlin with no future. Cows are people too, farmer. I figured telling her to stop mutilating herself at the height of her addiction would be asking too much, but things like skincare and fitness should be fair territory for a camgirl.
>>796836>It's definitely an ex boyfriendIt's definitely not.
>Apparently having wide hips means you've birthed a child?You are confused, farmer. Why would you say something so silly?
No. 797002
File: 1554999746303.jpg (181.19 KB, 1080x502, PSX_20190411_172149.jpg)

You guys made her sad
No. 797042
File: 1555003577016.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, 5E2EC53E-B436-4485-9A79-4F3554…)

well this is tragic. does she think she isn’t going to regret this also?
No. 797047
>>796755>>796832Well. You made it here didn’t you? You know who she is. Why waste even more of my time writing out a whole essay when anybody interested can just look at the old thread for more details.
Piss off.
No. 797092
>>797044I think she has a deeper hate for the heart tattoo because she had it done at the tattoo parlor who talked shit about her/her tattoos/her modifications and he ex man-friend was there who ever years and told her.
>>796973Is it just me or does her blackout look like a grey out? I've seen new blackouts before but for something done super recent, it's very faded/grey…
Also, when people post stupid shit y'all can just report it and the person will get banned. No need to clug up the thread bitching at a newfag/male anon.
No. 798004
>>796836Yep, an ex boyfriend. He cheated on the girl in the picture and thats why she broke up with him.
And wow! Skye is also a cheater!
No. 798304
>>798169Not surprising. It’s pretty normal to rebound with random slags or hire a hooker to get over your ex.
I pity the ex for all the messages she probably received alerting her to this.
No. 798464
File: 1555509629335.jpg (986.04 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190417_085606.jpg)

Back at the tattoo parlor. It's been what, a little over a week since she was last there? I'm glad she doesn't do any drugs (that we've seen) because she has an addictive personality. Like stop, let your body heal from the two pervious block of black you've had done in less than a month…
Also, with Instagrams new "lite" shadow banning of provocative instagram accounts, I think her followers are going to flatline.
No. 798523
File: 1555525816936.jpg (573.25 KB, 1080x2066, Screenshot_20190417-142902_Ins…)

Did she not finish it all the way around at least? The other sections she seemed to.
No. 798528
>>798525Half of this thread is maleposting.
Skye is not very bright: why not get these tats removed with laser treatment rather than be stuck with black patches which will be much harder to remove? It's a pity there is no responsibility for the mental health of your clients when you're a tattoo artist.
No. 798546
>>798528She's fully blacking out her arm so I don't know why she's doing it bit by bit covering the tattoos individually when she can just get one part done, let it heal and then continue.
Also when you get tatted, you sign a consent form that says you're of sane body and mind, but who knows with Skye
No. 798686
File: 1555591968613.png (19.41 KB, 607x176, chest tattoo.PNG)

apparently the sad vegan area is getting an update soon
No. 798687
File: 1555592030125.jpg (120.93 KB, 1080x2160, D2_1u1xXcAM8aVq.jpg)

>>798686also found her vid pricing for anyone curious abt how much she earns
No. 798746
>>798687Great find!
I’d love to know how many people buy this stuff, because she’s constantly on shopping sprees and there’s got to be a way to finance it!
No. 798747
Her arm looks ridiculous now- with the messy, separated blacked out bands.
>>798546Also, there’s no fucking way this woman is all fine mentally.
No. 798751
File: 1555612478145.png (50.22 KB, 380x394, same tits.PNG)

>>798746if she sold her vids through a 3rd party website we'd be able to find out the number of sales but as she's distributing them through her DM's we can only ponder.
as a regular Shayna lurker it is almost refreshing that she at least knows how to price things in a logical manner (but maybe Shayna has knocked my expectations bar very low kek)while trying to find if she has ever bragged about sales, i did notice that she is mutuals with the chick (>>>/snow/795642) who originally got the atrocious tit tats and they do interact a fair bit so i think it's fair to say she was Skye's inspo.
No. 798961
File: 1555697250527.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190419-122127_Ins…)

I can't wait to witness this, after all her other horrible modifications.
No. 799189
File: 1555779705658.png (4.4 MB, 750x1334, 5920E870-FF99-41CB-B5A2-A48FF8…)

Seems like our girl is falling for this Ross creature. Anyone wanna place bets on how soon she’s gonna hate him?
No. 799344
File: 1555864760234.jpeg (315.16 KB, 750x1021, 04679B1F-3BCA-4559-9623-273582…)

is cutting fingers a thing?
No. 799352
>>799344Definitely just wrinkles like the other Anon said.
>>799189 I think he'll see how unstable she. Dating someone for 7 years and then dating Jodie is a giant change. His ex went to university, works in a medical field… Jodie begs people to buy her boring and stagnant "content". She's not someone growing and maturing like people in their age group.
But, he does work at Vans and does stick and poke tattoos. Maybe this will work for a while.
No. 799461
File: 1555933950762.jpeg (606.36 KB, 1242x1547, 985CF734-E0ED-4211-B3B5-4EBCA9…)

No. 799728
File: 1556035697997.jpeg (657.29 KB, 750x1136, 95F97E64-30C7-4E3C-962F-385A80…)

Stay tuned for another mess.
Look at how plump her lips are already, she doesn’t need fillers at all unless she wishes to look like a goldfish!
No. 800393
File: 1556229259008.jpeg (499.32 KB, 750x942, 7DA569A9-F415-466A-A084-4E93D6…)

Not a clue why my drunk brain decided to read her tattoo, in this particular picture, as “me turd”. Lol
No. 800786
File: 1556393212469.png (1.65 MB, 750x1334, E1616C92-9156-4B5F-B244-4EE54B…)

She’s gonna have to get her straight edge tattoos covered eh?
No. 801239
File: 1556570544894.jpeg (514.98 KB, 750x1032, 235A413C-E41E-4896-83C0-327F78…)

This is insane. She’s right up there with all the other insanely obnoxious, cunty vegans. Does she honestly not notice how stupid and downright hypocritical she makes herself look?!
No. 801755
>the ink was vegan friendly my dudesi hear this so often, and not once have i heard a reputable tattoo artist say that they can be a 100% sure the ink they use is sourced fully plant/mineral-based.
purdon, you get 50 quid tats that you pay for with a blow job, i HIGHLY doubt, your "tattoo artist" has verifiably vegan ink in his needles.
No. 802596
>>802188No one takes this board for granted, we all love and appreciate it for the keks that it brings. Not sure why you’d say that or why you think asking for proof is being “full of it” as we ask all parties making claims to have first hand contact for proof.
Or maybe you just don’t know what being taken for granted means.
No. 802663
File: 1557159503942.jpeg (45.04 KB, 750x283, 4498799A-4CA2-408D-959A-0B2A9D…)

This shit is going down tomorrow. Can’t wait to see how fucked up the results are- titty tat level, blowout level, burning bible level or what!
No. 802871
File: 1557239839705.jpg (465.72 KB, 720x1135, 20190507_153619.jpg)

She already had full lips i dont understand why she wanted them bigger
No. 802880
File: 1557243738093.jpg (1.37 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190507_103952.jpg)

>>802871>>802872Upper left is with the fillers and all others are old… I honestly see no difference. Her lips were fine before, she could do with some braces if anything. Or her eyebrows like she claimed was happening in February.
No. 802919
>>802880yeah but who knows how much of the plumpness before was owed to editing, angle, lip plumping, or plain biting her lips before shooting.
she's pretty much the only one (except for her johns) that knows what her lips look like in actuality.
No. 802968
File: 1557259674065.jpeg (94.06 KB, 253x617, 5C19E5F2-26D4-4D5E-894C-8F4BF3…)

Where have the baggy holes in her lower/upper lip gone? This is from a boomerang so won’t have been shopped out
No. 802983
File: 1557262540525.gif (2.98 MB, 269x640, SmartSelect_20190507-215432_In…)

>>802968I take back what I said earlier about the difference being minuscule, they look like raw, over filled cocktail sausages. for her sake I hope they settle down some jfc
No. 803173
File: 1557330837415.jpg (780.33 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190508-111716.jpg)

>>803099These men are pathetic but can't stop reading, if she escorts she will end up being on here. No. 804335
File: 1557462636151.jpg (893.01 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190510-122805_Ins…)

This angle makes her look so different its crazy
No. 805359
File: 1557596966212.png (915.61 KB, 750x1334, 7DB5D778-3ACE-4CAE-861D-F73EA6…)

So talented…
No. 806200
File: 1557750721522.jpg (216.77 KB, 1080x585, Screenshot_20190513-073020_Chr…)

When cows collide… I honestly didn't see this one coming.
No. 806376
File: 1557773524430.jpg (271.01 KB, 537x705, skye.jpg)

Her lips look absolutely awful, she can't even close her mouth.
No. 806427
File: 1557778044113.jpeg (510.78 KB, 2048x2048, FF493176-91B4-42D7-9F4B-D8A5EC…)

The photo posted by the woman that had JUST filled her lips, compared to the one she posted. She’s obviously using one of those lip sucker devices or heavy editing?
In the candid one, her lips look smaller than the ‘non filled’ selfies she was posting of herself last week.
No. 806467
File: 1557783536418.jpg (376.68 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190513-163638_Ins…)

>>806427Swelling and, very possiblity, shitty fillers. There's been a lot of people injecting client's faces with products that shouldn't be used. It's gotten so bad Netflix made a series (Botched Up Bodies). The main issue is in the USA there's only a few approved fillers, and across the pond there are literally thousands. It's interesting, and very graphic. A lot of people getting lips done are having lumps form in latter months.
She'll probably be going back once they're not so swollen. I think her upper lip looks weird because she edited it horribly.
No. 806685
File: 1557815720677.jpeg (88.16 KB, 372x662, C623472D-52D3-491E-B162-C32F2C…)

This is a fucking nightmare! Just look at her lips!
No. 806688
I can’t believe any of you like the result!
No. 806699
File: 1557820390413.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>806467P sure it's been said here, but she's Pete Burns the second. She's botched her body already it's only a matter of time that something major's going to go majorly wrong. Burn's dodgy filler infected his system and I doubt he even visited cheapo places she has her mods done at.
No. 806879
File: 1557851730523.jpg (585.51 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190515-003302_Ins…)

No. 806924
>>806427this picture is a mess, fuuuuuuck. exfoliation is a friend, girl.
she should spend some of her money repairing those stretched out holes in her face. your mouth and lips serve many functions lol why fuck it up with piercings everywhere, it looks shit. she's going to look cheap as if she ever hits thirty.
No. 807187
File: 1557923105406.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1242x2084, 551DD7B9-8EA4-44A2-B139-7E0C73…)

Right, they just gave you a personalised discount code of your actual name out of the goodness of their hearts.
No. 807543
File: 1558010093527.jpg (459.7 KB, 720x1100, 20190516_133427.jpg)

No. 807588
File: 1558020372466.jpg (Spoiler Image,508.28 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190516-232258_Chr…)

Her lips…
No. 807858
>>807543Tbh, I actually don’t mind at all how the heart looks now, compared to that shit it was earlier.
She should consider blacking out the Bible too, which is easily her worst tattoo.
Sensoring the Xs is hilarious though. Stupid girl. Proves more than enough about her state of mind.
No. 811924
File: 1558657062664.jpg (442.18 KB, 1080x1307, Screenshot_20190524_011715.jpg)

Her waist ain't that thin. Photoshop maybe?
No. 812171
File: 1558702973438.jpg (182.62 KB, 1059x1790, _20190524_135825.JPG)

No. 813307
File: 1558923549371.jpg (798.99 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190527-101709_Ins…)

No. 813462
>>813307Damn her lipfillers are botched; her lips look like bumpy inflated sausages and that's not what good fillers look like
Also pretty funny that she tries to cover up her facetats with foundation. Why do you get them if you cover them up?
No. 813484
>>813462she isn't the type to think ahead, she probably got face tats without realising they would look like green splotches under her foundation
most insta models with face tats just go round them with foundation but skye is dumb
No. 814048
>>813876 You can drink with stretched holes in your lip, but sometimes it can dribble. It's not really practical but not the nightmare you'd think it ought to be.
>>813462That's a scarification with ink rubbed into it, so it's not a tattoo in the realest sense. Either way, it was a terrible choice. There's another tattooed woman called lucy molloy who has a massive dagger tattooed over one of her eyes and it looks so bad because she wears a full face of make up but seems to leave out the area the tattoo takes up. These girls really don't think this shit through.
No. 815446
File: 1559227511492.png (858.72 KB, 737x741, w1111111111111111111.png)

she went from looking like she has a hitler moustache to looking like she has an anus on her face.
and she's 17 in the pic on the left. yikes.
No. 815676
>>815446not sure if piercing age is different where she is but still, whoever was doing them is an ass. your anatomy hasn't fully developed yet and that's why reputable shops have an 18 and over policy.
has she said why she's taking out the cheek piercings? not like it matters but what was the point of doing all that to her face just to remove it a few years later.
No. 815677
>>815446not sure if piercing age is different where she is but still, whoever was doing them is an ass. your anatomy hasn't fully developed yet and that's why reputable shops have an 18 and over policy.
has she said why she's taking out the cheek piercings? not like it matters but what was the point of doing all that to her face just to remove it a few years later.
No. 815685
>>815677It's 16 in the UK.
18 for genital/nipple piercings.
No. 815840
>>815677She hasn’t said why, but I have a very strong feeling it’s because she thinks she’ll look cute with dimples or something equally waify and stupid.
Also, her face looks simply awful in the 17 picture, but I still feel like she was far cooler back then. At least she had some balls and character.
No. 816053
>>796678>>815840Yeah she actually looked liked she had some personal tastes. Even if it’s not pretty. Now she’s just a regular « alt girl », which is basically a basic trendy girl but with bodmods (yeah I’m gatekeeping, modern alt fashion is shit and I’ll fight anyone)
Saddest thing is her breasts tho. I was so jealous of her boobs! But that ink is terrible! What a waste lol
No. 816661
File: 1559452080195.jpg (787.24 KB, 1080x1291, 20190602_130556.jpg)

Her hip area is so round
No. 817895
File: 1559664565054.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190604-170824.png)

Well this is gonna be a disaster. 50/50 seems like a fucking hefty cut. And any decent tattoo artist has their own equipment.
No. 817908
>>817895I don't get it. Is she trying to let her place? She lives with her mom, what place could she be talking about?
Or is she talking about knowing someone who wants to share their studio?
Skye trying to live with a tattoo artist to get tattoos for blowjobs everyday sounds like her..
No. 817980
File: 1559677203040.jpg (683.63 KB, 810x2364, Screenshot_20190604-143634_Ins…)

>>817915>>817895This is what I was thinking, her boyfriend has horrible designs so I HIGHLY doubt he's had an apprenticeship so they might be trying to make some hoodrat shop out of somewhere. But Jodie doesn't seem like the person to ever leave the house unless she's going with a client or getting food. And he worked at Vans or something similar so he definitely doesn't have the extra income to do it on his own. I think he's just using her for her "following" and hoping to get exposure from her.
No. 818371
File: 1559752656867.jpg (144.68 KB, 1080x626, Screenshot_20190605-113715_Chr…)

>>81824650/50 sounds like an absolutely horrible take-home cut to be honest, even with needles/supplies covered. It sounds like a bad shop.
Also I found this highly assuming. The shop/artists must of took one look at her shitty work and been like nahhhh pass. Kek
No. 819277
File: 1559918983976.png (371.6 KB, 369x721, Capture.PNG)

No. 819279
File: 1559919059819.png (516.61 KB, 373x720, Capture.PNG)

Yet another ugly tattoo wtf is she thinking
No. 819360
>>819327I may be wrong… but as far as I know from tattoo artist friends it isn’t typical in the UK?
I know otherworld had a shop minimum of £50 2 years ago… £25 for the artist doesn’t seem right?
But someone may tell me otherwise!
No. 819361
File: 1559932935611.png (2.15 MB, 750x1334, 73353B0B-3106-4226-86AA-B78771…)

No. 819366
>>819361Omfg are those supposed to be pinkys or thumbs? Because they look like neither.
You know your tattoo artist is shit when they can't even get the simplest hand pose right, but I bet they'd say "it's just the style" or some other dumb excuse like that lol
No. 819423
>>819361I’m guessing it’s supposed to be a Sailor Jerry-style tattoo or Traditional style. But horribly done.
Could have been cute.
No. 819769
File: 1560025958461.png (450.64 KB, 1077x1077, instasize_190608213100.png)

Huh. The girl who did her newest tattoo was talking mad trash about her a few months ago in an Facebook tattoo group. She referenced this forum ffs.
No. 820001
>>819933Another member had made a topic about her. It was during summer last year and Skye was talking about the heat in her Instagram story, the member replied telling her how hot it was where she was living and Skye then was rude to her and blocked her.
I kind of feel bad for her too, she's given someone who trashed her money fgs but Skye is now a member of that Facebook group too and if she searched her name she would see all of this…
No. 820009
File: 1560085116757.png (192.24 KB, 1080x1110, sketch-1560085129104.png)

The artist has gone private. Anyone follow her?
No. 820069
>>820008So clearly jodie and the artist looks at these threads, because only a few hours ago they both had the picture up and the artist was public.
You have to be a certain kind of dumb to talk about someone poorly on social media, tattoo them, and link yourself to these threads. Kek doesn't surprise me that she steals tattoo designs,
>>820019 is right, her lines and shading is horrible and clearly goes with Jodie's crappy collection perfectly.
No. 820164
>>819769this isn't even the first time she's had work done by an artist who goes on to publicly shit-talk her.
funny how charlotte gives a CW for "dodgy tattoos" and then adds another dodgy tattoo to skye's collection less than a year later.
>>820109"this body mod"…? which one? you mean "body modifier"? c'mon Inked
No. 820375
File: 1560146161428.png (16.44 KB, 112x112, 501500506808647687.png)

>>820009>>819769>>820008>>820069charlotte you fucking idiot you could have given us some milk
No. 821442
File: 1560381007639.png (635.52 KB, 475x889, wea.png)

she's letting her new boyfriend scrape one of his hideous doodles into her skin less than a week after her last tat
No. 821447
File: 1560381363978.jpg (851.56 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20190612-181555_Ins…)

Buys a plant once
This is garbage, and was he using a fucking sewing needle??
No. 821485
File: 1560386730046.png (2.41 MB, 1000x1337, waltermolino.png)

>>821447not a very good trace imo
No. 821493
File: 1560387694944.jpg (9.95 KB, 300x260, s-l300.jpg)

>>821447This style reminds me of the really poor Jean Cocteau sketches.>>805359 expecially the ones with eyes here.
No. 821759
File: 1560450611922.png (3.13 MB, 1396x1803, 1560450600905.png)

>>821748We think it's traced because… It is. Surprise surprise.
No. 821766
>>821759they didn't even handle the foreshortening of the lower arm correctly haha
has credit for the "inspiration" popped up at all or nah?
No. 821897
File: 1560466048363.jpeg (Spoiler Image,729.65 KB, 2048x1670, 7C37F3B6-A3DD-427C-B826-E67A88…)

How airbrushed is her vag in this picture tho. Like I’m all for being an “insta thot” but at least be genuine(nitpicking)
No. 821913
>>821897This isn't very milky…
And also,at least she doesn't have giant sores on her ass like Shayna.
No. 823609
File: 1560881889464.jpg (157.85 KB, 1079x703, Screenshot_20190618-201732_Twi…)

More face tattoos….
No. 824796
File: 1561126111160.jpg (629.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190621-150758_Ins…)

It's a yikes from me
No. 824800
File: 1561126385502.png (1.22 MB, 993x903, ttyyttttt.png)

honestly i'm kinda surprised she didn't go with the extremely played out lil peep eyebrow script thing. still shite though.
also worth noting that she waited a whole NINE DAYS between this and that shitty doodle from her new boyfriend.
No. 824803
>>824800I thought that but it would look stupid with the moon being in the centre of her head (I mean those tattoos are ugly as hell anyway)
But she's got 3 clustered tattoos on each cheek and that looks silly
No. 824886
>>824800Is she on some kind of medicine (or should be) as to her acting so fucking manic with tattoos? I don't follow her snap, so I don't know if she posts any personal stuff, but she has been making permanent choices and then shortly after changing/covering them.
-The straight edge knuckle tattoos then covering them.
-Many of her piercings and then taking them out.
-Blacking out her arm, even with a good amount of open skin.
-getting so many tattoos back to back
No. 824940
>>824796It’s just… bad. Placement is awful, font is bad, the actual words are just weird to advertise on your face.
I think her issue is she has no end goal plan for her look? Most people who are heavily tattooed and/or modded have an idea of what the desired outcome is. Minor changes to that aren’t as drastic as, for instance, taking out the bulk of your piercings.. or blacking out your fingers cuz wait alcohol is good?? Idk. The fact that she only has tattoos where they’re super visible for pictures says a lot about how attention seeking it is.
No. 824968
File: 1561152593413.jpeg (231.56 KB, 473x483, 5C4034B1-8D86-4A0C-8321-7354D9…)

Amidst the disaster that she unleashed on her face today, let’s also take a moment to acknowledge how downright fucked up her lips look! Ew!
No. 829218
File: 1561832541449.jpg (605.38 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190630-022012_Ins…)

No. 830641
File: 1562078797963.jpg (641.35 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190702-224423_Ins…)

No. 830644
File: 1562078823278.jpg (622.64 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190702-224406_Ins…)

No. 830812
File: 1562093528104.jpg (961.22 KB, 1080x1604, PSX_20190702_195142.jpg)

No. 830814
>>830352What did he do to hurt you?
Or is this in reference to Skye's choices in tattoos?
No. 830899
File: 1562101861869.jpeg (272.06 KB, 686x1220, B57B4B84-F525-4D47-86E5-E5E369…)

Her hips look blurred and edited. ♀️ facepalm(emoji)
No. 831851
File: 1562245240217.jpg (611.22 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190704-205809_Ins…)

No. 831871
File: 1562249300861.jpg (388.13 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190704-150811_Ins…)

No. 831888
File: 1562252962669.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, BB507954-A67F-43CD-B659-235AC7…)

sO eDgY
No. 833235
File: 1562496022621.jpg (686.12 KB, 1080x1683, PSX_20190707_114013.jpg)

It's a choice…
No. 833273
File: 1562505602062.jpeg (143.5 KB, 261x465, DDC976BF-AFB2-49FC-9F90-7130A8…)

I genuinely cannot get over how bad her mouth looks now.
>>833235I mean. It’s no secret the girl likes garbage tattoos but Jesus, this is awful!
She’s literally already got the exact same words already on her!
I wonder what she’s gonna do with all of them after “daddy” dumps her.
No. 835594
File: 1562852020473.jpeg (51.75 KB, 750x284, A3C72701-57D7-4694-9AAA-B44007…)

This is basically what she does lmao, crazy how she’s blind to how weird she is.
No. 835744
>>830814Neither, I've just met him a few times, and he's a fucking helmet. He apprenticed with a guy I get tattooed from and the boy is just a fucking penis. Nae cunt seems to have a good word to say about him.
That said, I hope the wee tadger had the presence of mind to at least get a gobble off this wee tart for his trouble.
No. 835904
File: 1562883694526.jpeg (658.73 KB, 750x981, 44FCFAD8-814D-4098-9344-9CFAD5…)

I just can‘t. Why did she do this to her lips?
I‘m afraid of her boob job. Christ…..
No. 836217
File: 1562910212099.jpeg (472.61 KB, 750x657, 96E2D39C-5550-4756-9BA1-DC3ADA…)

Skye is starting to remind me of this chick who also has a poorly blacked out arm and questionable face tattoos… I wonder if Skye follows her
No. 837573
File: 1563061075255.jpeg (133.61 KB, 746x829, EEC95CEF-EF4E-48BC-83C1-C72790…)

Her lobe is beyond disgusting.
No. 837595
File: 1563062478629.jpg (19.6 KB, 640x350, My-eyes.jpg)

>>837573It looks so red, inflamed and irritated! OUCH!
No. 837772
File: 1563077702028.jpeg (Spoiler Image,65 KB, 545x545, D5D48727-FB8D-4A79-BEDB-9DA855…)

>>837573Stretched earfag here, Skye perminatly damaged her ears. Looks like a nasty blowout, with an infected cut and..puss? Skye does not know the proper way to stretched. Usually a person with large lobes like her wrap tape around their plug gradually until they reach the next size. To fuck up your ears THIS bad she either doesn’t use lube, skips sizes or she dead stretches (forcing the jewelry in without gradually taping) The only way she can fix this is taking out her plugs and letting it heal or completely reconstructing her lobe. If she doesn’t take care of this soon her ear could rip even further, or the infection could spread and she could lose her whole damn ear. Image is edited and zoomed in so I spoiled it
Saging for ear sperg, sorry farmers
No. 838150
>>837994It's not her, like was just said a few posts ago.
Speaking of her ears, did she keep the cut off parts or something? Seems like the type of weird shit she'd do.
No. 839458
File: 1563380605099.jpg (568.19 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190718-002010_Ins…)

Her ring fingernail bothers me, the flame isnt fully white like the other nails
No. 839541
>>837772It’s not even just inflamed, it’s actually rotting flesh.
I’ve seen stretched ears like this before. Stretched too quickly and not healing. The thinnest part can sometimes end up being completely dead flesh.
No. 841581
File: 1563719730839.jpg (636.44 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190721-223325_Ins…)

No. 841622
File: 1563727095082.png (1.06 MB, 1209x741, yyyyyyyyyyyy.png)

bitch you were born in '98
No. 842414
>>841622Getting tribal in the year of our lord 2019?
Well, at least compared to some other shit on her the coloring seems solid.
No. 842981
File: 1563917133584.png (2.33 MB, 750x1334, F687898B-86D9-4550-B64D-E690CE…)

The nails are honestly the least of her insanity. LOOK at the state of this hideous palm tattoo of hers! Ew!
No. 842985
File: 1563917359572.jpeg (499.92 KB, 594x830, B32ACF18-C2D6-4F43-AB23-5A6918…)

She probably had her nails redone because she smudged the first lot and people noticed or something. These look kind of better anyway.
Also, look at how messily her straight edge finger stuff was blacked out!
I wonder if she’s gonna just scribble black all over the shitty little tattoos Ross does on her the day after they break up.
No. 845520
File: 1564401154741.jpeg (317.19 KB, 1120x1855, 25FC29B4-8513-4B3A-9542-82C26C…)

Seen this on IG, somebody making a “tacky” necklace, looks very familiar to a certain shitty now black hand tattoo… wonder if it’s a dig apparently this person has beef with SP so it wouldn’t surprise me(don't use emojis)
No. 845591
File: 1564416419173.jpg (675.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190730-000428_Ins…)

Did she get her lips done again??? This is like her 3rd one in short time
No. 845685
>>845520Heart faces are a pretty common tattoo design anon
That pendant or whatever still looks hideous af tho
No. 845878
File: 1564477096644.png (482.02 KB, 882x533, s.png)

>>845591She had them done for the first time on 7th May then again on July 2nd and then again yesterday.
I know they're now fresh (again) but honestly look awful because they're rippling
No. 845977
File: 1564498739875.png (854.93 KB, 631x857, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.png)

oh no no no no no
No. 845983
File: 1564499247812.jpeg (118.63 KB, 1080x810, AEFE189A-ABFF-42EC-9BD1-81FAED…)

>>845977At the rate she's going she will soon be botched. She seems like the type to not know when to stop with lip fillers, or anything really. First it was the piercings, then tattoos, now fillers. I have no doubt she's going to end up looking something like pictured.
No. 845997
>top lip larger than bottomTurning the pic upside down helps a little.
Kek if this impedes her ability to blow her clients.
No. 846243
File: 1564528253213.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1242x1706, 45953D1B-E4B5-4125-B843-0A012A…)

No. 846268
File: 1564533108951.jpg (460.96 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190731-082906_Ins…)

Guess who got a new tattoo
No. 846269
>>846268as far as Skye's tattoos go, that one is actually kinda cute. although she left it, what, two days between this one and her last? girl must just feel like shit all the time
>>846243lmao why
No. 846394
File: 1564551461813.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, 1DA45FFD-4CE8-4D81-B228-981D71…)

No. 846395
File: 1564551495226.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, 7B19B560-B15F-488B-92CC-37AB4B…)

“I’m not angry, just disappointed”
No. 846653
>>846394>>846395she needs to get a fucking grip on what is considered "stealing a design" in tattoo etiquette.
were you the first one to fucking get barbs under your eyes purdon? shut the fuck up.
No. 846665
>>846268Wow, what a shock that she got a new tattoo. It’s only once I two weeks that she does this!
>>845997I’d love to know if she’s still seeing clients even though she seems to be with Ross all the time? I don’t think so. She’s not posting about it much either? Any ideas?
>>845983Also. I CANNOT get over her lips. They’re disgusting.
This is just one in her many addictions that supposedly started with starving and cutting, went to piercings and tattoos and now this, which by far is the most nasty.
Bring back 2016 Skye!
No. 846709
>>796678skye is so pathetic. lydia has under 500 followers and is a nobody from butt fuck canada.
also skye u didnt invent this tattoo concept. chill
No. 847086
File: 1564663784925.jpg (656.17 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190801-204726_Ins…)

No. 847087
File: 1564663863928.jpg (613.57 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190801-204719_Ins…)

No. 847118
File: 1564671480913.jpg (537.68 KB, 1080x1920, 20190801_225602.jpg)

I think she might be getting another tattoo
No. 847124
File: 1564673027732.jpg (999.12 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20190801-102118_Ins…)

She did. And she's also trying to move out. 1/2
No. 847126
File: 1564673139713.jpg (363.16 KB, 1080x1317, Screenshot_20190801-102150_Chr…)

2/2 so she's moving in with her new guy? I'm pretty sure he works at Vans, and seems kinda soon for someone like her to be moving in with a guy.
No. 847134
>>846395She needs to get over herself.
Not everyone with the same tattoo as her, is copying her.
I'm sure that she has tattoos that other people had before her and they're not claiming that she copied them.
No. 847184
>>847134This. PlasticAndProud/Alice Amor had those titty tats before her and CrystalLindy has that broken mesh tattoo on her knee.
I can agree it's extra embarrassing sharing a face tattoo with someone though, tbf… like if you're gonna cover your entire body in tattoos that's probably where you'd be most worried about keeping them unique.
No. 847186
File: 1564683352518.jpg (777.74 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190801-191324.jpg)

She really went on that rant about someone copying her tattoos, and then went and did the same. Same placement, same tattoo that a YouTube has
No. 847281
Her lips look so gross!
>>847186I’d love it if this girl shamed her in public like she did the face barb girl!
>>847130Downright insanity, this. Her body will begin to rebel sooner or later.
>>847126Whaaaat! About time to, although I have a feeling she’s probably gonna get the cash and then waste it on more terrible mods and fake nails.
No. 847285
>>847126When has waiting for anything to take due course of time being this bitches strong suit?
This is the girl that gets lip fillers and gives blowjobs a couple of hours later and gets three tattoos within a week!
No. 848144
>>847966Pls sage
Everything is a copy, nothing is original I'm sure every insta thot before her saw it somewhere else
No. 848510
File: 1564931961163.jpeg (261.78 KB, 750x1260, C576F0B2-2F6E-433A-A198-6AAD92…)

She got acrylics done 12 days ago… and has already taken them off and is using stick ons. Her nails are gonna be fuuucked from having 2 sets of acrylics in under a month and now putting these on…
No. 849018
File: 1565015119734.jpeg (154.3 KB, 750x736, B7B5AE17-53FF-4C7F-B7F3-DC405F…)

She went Private?! What’s this about?
No. 849145
File: 1565027871908.jpg (854 KB, 1078x1749, Screenshot_20190805-125418_Ins…)

>>849018Looks like it. But here, enjoy her giant anus lips since you can't see it. She really should have gotten her teeth fixed before her lips. 1/2
No. 849147
File: 1565028108703.gif (17.14 MB, 575x640, SmartSelect_20190805-130201_Ch…)

2/2 no guys are gunna want to get their dicks sucked by this.
No. 849158
File: 1565029343969.jpeg (117.44 KB, 661x1176, 0FE7EC7C-BEFF-4455-8E08-84B23D…)

How can these disgusting lips possibly be considered attractive?!
No. 849159
File: 1565029577025.jpeg (308.81 KB, 602x609, B6F5B81D-E11A-47F7-823F-986C37…)

>>849157She’s always seemed sorta trashy. Apparently she’s from Govan?
An ex of hers said so on the original thread.
No. 849410
>>849147Perhaps not regular guys, but I doubt the denigrates she’s made a habit of fucking will care about her lips much either way.
To each their own I suppose.
No. 849467
>>849147Her teeth are disgusting but typical british (sorry british anons)
Well she's a hoe and looks very.. different. There's always gonna be a lot of guys willing to fuck her.
No. 849969
File: 1565184830648.jpeg (97.86 KB, 750x688, FA777115-36F4-4C60-B0C8-D626A2…)

Oh dear..
No. 849976
File: 1565187977558.jpg (860.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190807-222401_Ins…)

Her eyebrows and lips upset me
No. 850059
>>849969What even is this? Don't some people use rewards charts for like… toddlers or in kindergartens?
>>850008Could be to make her waist look thinner/her thighs thicker, many thots do that. Unfortunately it just accentuates her double hips.
No. 850060
>>850008 To make herself look curvier. It pushes your hip fat down and give the illusion of wider hips.
Not related but anyone know why she turned her comments off?
No. 850321
>>849147Her teeth are actually really cute and there is literally no milk besides a bunch of dumb asses who want a communal experience bitching about what background items in a cam girl/sex worker/whatever's pictures and being cunts about things that she obviously either can’t immediately change about her appearance, does not want to and you guys can’t let go of that for some ungodly reason while she just feels like shit so she copes in the same unhealthy ways fucking obviously.
She doesn’t have milk all her literally brain damaged exes all came to this site to repair their fragile loser egos and you bitches ate it up so you could protect your right to archive the fuck ups of what, a teenager? Some low income sex worker in her early twenties who seems to act in reactionary and short sighted ways that will just get so much worse with a group of anonymous people permanently attach their rage issues to her legal name???
No one cares about this girl. Every other thread has legit milk, there’s nothing this girl does that is even bad the only issue is she’s really pretty and makes poor decisions so people with personality disorders can fuck up her life. She’s so fucking random there has never been a coherent argument that wouldn’t apply to literally every girl on the planet to gang up on.
None of this has been funny for a long ass time all that’s been detailed is how shitty her life is and when you post images of flaws that actually are unique and beautiful and try to say they’re ugly because they don’t fit your personal beauty standards is fucking embarrassing and sexist
(k) No. 850346
File: 1565271321440.gif (1.26 MB, 320x240, lXPI2YT.gif)

>>850321Sounds like you care a bit too much anon
No. 851231
File: 1565432774052.jpg (448.48 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190810-182342_Chr…)

No. 851232
File: 1565432892297.jpg (430.58 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190810-182405_Chr…)

2/2 i think shes going to try attempt to do acrylic nails on herself, her wishlist is full of nail things including nail drill and nail tips
No. 851233
>>850321By your very essay complaint i guess we have to shut down the shay thread, PNP thread, basically any camwhore or other sexwurker adjacent thread, /PT would have to be shut down full time etc,
You sound like a butthurt friend of hers at best lul.
No. 851653
File: 1565543995293.jpeg (338.93 KB, 750x703, 074B3DAC-1EEE-4675-8BB5-C0A97F…)

Dem lips, tho.
No. 851986
File: 1565626303717.jpg (477.19 KB, 1080x1079, PSX_20190812_170911.jpg)

gapey stretched lip game is still strong..
No. 852027
File: 1565632003124.jpeg (317.69 KB, 1125x1103, F160D189-1C96-41FA-AEDA-EBA842…)

Messed up already.
No. 852038
File: 1565633319591.jpg (553.46 KB, 808x1726, Screenshot_20190812-130802_Ins…)

Since other Anon didn't post everything. 1/3
No. 852039
File: 1565633343531.jpg (532.2 KB, 1080x1408, Screenshot_20190812-130813_Ins…)

No. 852041
File: 1565633452312.jpg (251.72 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20190812-130827_Ins…)

It came as no surprise she'd not do her research and had lumpy lips. And it probably didn't help she was sucking dick right after having them done.
No. 852785
>>852721So gross! I only just noticed.
Maybe he’s a scar? Or maybe she just doesn’t clean her piercings out properly or something. Either way, she’s vile.
No. 852788
File: 1565764181164.jpeg (639.5 KB, 746x935, 0B6528BD-EF7C-41C2-9379-BF88AA…)

I think it’s sad she deleted her whole transformation, because she’s gotten constantly lamer.
But even this photo is so much better than she looks now! At least the lips are normal/nice seized, her mouth piercings (I actually liked those) are in and she doesn’t have all the shit face tattoos her.
No. 853641
File: 1565901350024.jpeg (100.85 KB, 635x785, FBA1AFF0-7973-4291-9306-C8B789…)

>>852788I might need to read old stuff more but what is going on with her ear?? Poor edit or ripped to shreds?
Shame to see this woman literally destroy herself in every way possible.
No. 853654
>>853645Thanks, anon.
Something to frown at while I drink my tea
No. 853946
File: 1565971208471.png (2.24 MB, 1080x2148,…)

Found Skye's male equivalent
No. 853947
File: 1565971275352.png (2.24 MB, 1080x2148,…)

Found Skye's male equivalent
No. 854040
File: 1565982485139.png (1.44 MB, 1125x2436, 1D121B40-82BF-495B-BB65-F1D507…)

What’s the issue with this?
It seems like a pretty standard query to a sex worker?
Maybe she’s not into scat but her profile doesn’t say that.
She claims to be an escort but then always posts as though she’s offended at people asking her to.. do her job?
No. 854064
File: 1565984712933.jpg (876.51 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190817-034140_Ins…)

I think this is her first nail art attempt
No. 854086
valid, anon. She keeps asking to get paid, this seems like a legit enough query. Probably just worried it’s one of us and we’ll make it public or some shit. Kinda foolish to turn down £10k when it’s your literal, self demanded job. She could just say that she isn’t into it too!
No. 854088
File: 1565987474919.png (3.12 MB, 750x1334, D072A1CA-B88B-4419-8170-77918B…)

Such a pathetic “rant”.
No. 854096
>>854086Yes, but also, she hasn’t turned it down and also hid all the details. Maybe she’ll negotiate or something? Yet she’s also shaming the willing client and that’s not a great way to go about business!
This post seems like it’s pretty much to protect her in case it’s a joke.
No. 854317
File: 1566023284944.jpeg (340.33 KB, 750x1033, 0EA9D390-4C4C-45E2-AF32-0C7B47…)

In case anybody what’s to hear her reason for turning off her comments. Lol sure.
No. 854319
File: 1566023464856.jpeg (103.21 KB, 750x622, E37849DE-BB58-44AA-A8B0-E0C060…)

Correct me if I’m wrong, but does it seem like she’s trying to sell “little vials of drool!”?! EW!
No. 854924
>>854317“because you’re insecure”
and then she proceeds to turn off comments because she’s afraid of other people commenting on her insecurities
No. 855188
File: 1566219665145.jpg (751.15 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190819-205901_Ins…)

She already messed up her finger trying to do her own nails
No. 855834
File: 1566336982572.png (2.55 MB, 750x1334, 5D46251E-7495-4167-BC4F-981EAF…)

Bitch is attention seeking and secretly flattered.
No. 855837
File: 1566337071335.png (3.94 MB, 750x1334, D3DCBF94-34F6-4CB0-BF67-B4563A…)

There’s nothing amazing about keeping some plants alive when you’re literally home all the time.
No. 855838
File: 1566337163544.png (3.8 MB, 750x1334, 406D1A3F-2A0A-4EF8-A606-92F0DE…)

Are nails going to be her new form of body abuse and self harm?
No. 855839
File: 1566337321188.jpeg (37.55 KB, 142x253, 709B8B0D-4FCE-47A2-88B1-AB5B61…)

Pls stop, they’re disgusting and you look like shit, Skye. (Yes, we all know you obsessively read this thread.
No. 856041
File: 1566390524208.png (5.83 MB, 1125x2436, D16A6996-A607-452F-8BE8-A776D0…)

Lol why is she acting like it’s some sort of PR deal where they’ve given her special free stuff, they literally put that in every candy coat start up kit it even has it in the description on the site when you buy it 😂
No. 856179
>>856040She’s bought branded though? Candy coat & naio nails are good brands afaik???
She just doesn’t know what she’s doing. THATS the issue here.
No. 856230
File: 1566419824775.png (3.41 MB, 750x1334, 9F741E4E-C501-49CF-B67A-E69C7F…)

She spent three hours creating this mess apparently, wow.
No. 856494
>>856486I give it 3 days lol
>>856179And yes of course,
rolls eyes since I’ve posed that comment she’s shown the branded gels. BUT I was referring to all her equipment, sterilising stuff, tips, glue, dehydrator, base gel, top gel etc etc. They’re all from wish but ok go off x
No. 856548
>>856494not wking, but gels are legit the only thing that matters (other than getting a low powered drill) in that equation. every good salon will still have cheap af equip from china, because that's what is available, and people in the business know tips and glues are all re-branded chinese shit. you also don't need sterilizer at home, salons use it because you can't share equipment between multiple people without it.
don't act like you know about nails just cause you want to rag on her, her nails look like babby's first try after all this time, that's more than enough to work with.
No. 856694
>>856548Couldn’t have put it better myself.
She’s got enough snow without inventing inane rubbish like this.
No. 856698
File: 1566499760183.jpeg (111.95 KB, 750x1290, 93F91492-B332-405D-A32F-6CF69D…)

So, I’m not sure how I’ve not shared this before but I scrolled way back on my Instagram chat and realised that I’d messaged S like a year ago, asking about prices. Never commented on anything or sent her any other messages. Somehow though, I was blocked for these messages.
I would have paid too- lol great business sense.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 857007
File: 1566564895284.jpg (46.49 KB, 407x238, 20190823_205256.jpg)

God her face…
No. 857128
File: 1566589317576.jpeg (360.03 KB, 508x714, 464FBF4B-DC77-4248-955E-8AA27D…)

Whoever told her eye rolling was a good look on her fish lipped face was lying.
No. 857129
>>857041Also, doesn’t being an “scrote” mean deviating from the topic/cow at hand?
Wut is this lingo!
No. 857257
File: 1566606276567.jpg (575.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190824-082246_Ins…)

Is that meant to be skye
No. 857410
File: 1566638792735.jpeg (253.55 KB, 727x751, E6CF0E8A-E605-4F8A-9687-366803…)

>>857257I think so. And I think the following one is too, based on the blacked out bits on the arms. truluvv
No. 857604
File: 1566682340670.png (1018.44 KB, 750x1334, 88278AEB-B5F9-475C-9724-10FC05…)

it’s been two days and her nails are already gone
No. 857652
File: 1566687842113.png (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 1008x1767, Screenshot_20190825-000155.png)

I know that she's not subtle about her use of filters but this is just lazy.
No. 857921
File: 1566756229626.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, 62ED2BC8-E2BD-4BF0-B6E5-82FF97…)

If she’s a sex worker and does meet ups and stuff, I really fail to understand how she gets business with this attitude. I mean sure it’s creepy but she legit has a business email for the purpose- how is she going to get any clients if she just does this all the time?
No. 857922
File: 1566756308841.png (2.37 MB, 750x1334, 741DCA19-22E7-4A96-ADB7-95669E…)

>>857921Ps. There’s literally nothing about him loving her?
No. 858242
>>857975She’s just a ridiculous girl- it’s not like she doesnt block people for far less!
Also. I only just noticed his last message to her. Men are wiiild.
No. 858684
File: 1566890769858.jpeg (656.05 KB, 1097x2168, 3C8583FC-F825-4CBD-B2F2-3B4664…)

Is this supposed to be Skye who sits at
Home all day and praises herself for watering a few plants?
No. 860861
File: 1567197877265.png (2.25 MB, 750x1334, 770ED2F2-12D3-46F5-A9E2-587B1A…)

“Uhhhhhhh” her writing is getting incredibly annoying and all her posts are more boring over time.
No. 863830
>>860861why post it then if it's not milky?
let her have a hobby that may reduce her need to destroy her body any further.
No. 863934
File: 1567619559734.jpeg (163.31 KB, 679x598, 3F047BA1-B608-443C-9D71-B6ED59…)

Her lips legit look like they’d pop soon. So much wrong with this photo.
No. 864801
File: 1567774617976.jpeg (558.66 KB, 750x793, 38E7EB5A-37E2-42FE-86F1-0C6642…)

For gods sake, what is that with this stupid face? Are some men really into that?
Get a grip!(nitpicking)
No. 865214
File: 1567843190213.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, 62170ADE-85D7-4D45-A16F-EC5511…)

Degenerates Unite.
No. 865438
File: 1567889513666.jpg (910.47 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190908-044951_Ins…)

Why does she take such unflattering pictures of him
No. 865444
File: 1567889719354.jpeg (661.62 KB, 1536x2048, ED42LtYX4AIRR9b.jpeg)

Her lip is almost touching her nose
No. 865849
>>865214I know this bitch. Got a pig on her stomach and a royally botched scarification on her chest that she had to tattoo over despite having firmly insisted that chest tattoos are too “manly” for girls to get.
They’re alike.
No. 865851
>>865438He’s not exactly good looking to begin with.
She’s probably just trying to prove that he’s still sticking around.
No. 868501
File: 1568450238316.jpeg (169.63 KB, 1104x1126, 0AD68F96-04EE-479D-91E4-35BA0F…)

She’s not pretending to be an escort anymore
Now she has a boyfriend
And I doubt she ever has been. Maybe seemed like a good idea until she realised she wouldn’t just get to sleep with people she was attracted to.
No. 868519
>>868501The truth finally comes out!
I think you’re completely correct and she’s never done a meet up.
No. 868520
File: 1568456286788.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.79 KB, 750x228, 9BE9B705-A815-4833-A03A-5C505A…)

Looks like she’s abandoned that plan of moving out of her momma’s house, since she’s begging for tattoo money again.
Let’s see what horror she’s got in store for us now.
No. 869539
File: 1568668700779.jpeg (279.23 KB, 1125x1512, FB9B7AAD-85D5-447D-B0AC-A6324E…)

Been reading this and trying to prove something
Still don’t buy it
No. 869606
>>869539>the service you provide is so undervalued by society Kek, because being a whore is something you need to be respected for.
Try to do something actually valuable in life, but I doubt you'll get the change cause you ruined your body and nobody would hire you anywhere.
No. 870651
File: 1568927690243.png (2.1 MB, 750x1334, 7D427CB1-039E-4CCC-9DA9-29E2E8…)

Soo attractive.
No. 870883
File: 1568985596925.jpg (260.49 KB, 1080x1229, Screenshot_20190920_141317.jpg)

Who preferred her when she had all her bodymods?
Now it seems like she's trying way to hard to be something she's not.
No. 871028
>>870887I have no idea who that person is but I think it’s a colleague at her one and only, briefly lasting job.
I did think she was far more interesting, cool and unique back then and it did not at all seem like she’d grow into this pathetic, desperate little shit she is today.
However, as long as I remember she has NEVER had any friends aside from her mother and to some extent her grandmother.
No. 874556
File: 1569780546613.jpg (436.56 KB, 1080x1497, Screenshot_20190929_200804.jpg)

wtf is going on here?
No. 874624
>>874556Blur tool overlapped arm, nothing interesting.
More interested if tit was fucked by angle or edit
No. 874882
File: 1569874664357.png (3.13 MB, 750x1334, A75FD449-353A-4E4E-A362-F414A7…)

>>874874This set is awful. What’s wrong with her?!
That sentence literally makes no sense.
No. 875500
File: 1570002957200.jpg (648.33 KB, 1080x2220, 20191002_155229.jpg)

She really is obsessed with being "goff gf"
No. 876269
File: 1570170602050.jpg (237.39 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191004-071737_Ins…)

Why would you get this tattooed
No. 876771
File: 1570298009463.png (3.77 MB, 750x1334, EF26160C-272B-4B24-8027-10CE06…)

Does she really thing anybody wants to see this sort of crap content?
No. 877558
File: 1570473231396.jpeg (395.43 KB, 1125x1542, BD12E2A0-AE4D-4CE0-A63C-742E37…)

Christ on a bike what has she done to her lips now?!
No. 878475
File: 1570664803235.jpg (583.06 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191010-074239_Ins…)

God i hate this face
No. 878745
File: 1570733157052.jpeg (252.58 KB, 746x1326, E47D8068-2829-4CCD-B5C1-4CC284…)

At least she was sort of interesting a year ago. Fuckin LOOK at her now. Like look at the post above this. Fucking GROSS.
No. 879067
File: 1570804520075.png (2.65 MB, 750x1334, C4467ECD-5C4A-4471-BAE3-0A70EB…)

>>877622Apprently this is when she’s gonna be satisfied with her lips. Ew.
No. 879897
File: 1571058737128.jpg (883.65 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191014-210731_Ins…)

She literally taught herself to do acrylic nails yet she cant paint her nails properly still
No. 880293
File: 1571133122797.jpeg (188.16 KB, 750x511, 3ECB6F98-641C-49DC-B879-099419…)

Makes sense that she likes this word.
No. 884253
File: 1571947120758.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, 6052CFE5-FCFC-4A62-A605-1CA2D0…)

She’s butthurt again. Big surprise. Yawn.
No. 884331
File: 1571960545013.jpg (587.57 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191025-073927_Ins…)

Her labret hole…
No. 885357
File: 1572180047412.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191027-203658_Ins…)

Her brow and liner bout to touch
No. 885480
File: 1572207013640.jpg (1008.66 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20191027_200454.jpg)

>>865444So, for a while I thought her arm here looked very odd… then the background became obvious. It's like she's tried to fake having a bit of muscle in that arm
Nice try, Skye.
No. 886407
>>884331i have a stretched labret myself and i absolutely cannot have it without jewellery for more than like an hour because i find myself dribbling through it. god forbid i try to drink something while there's no jewellery in there. nasty.
and hers, even closed up, looks significantly bigger than mine is. how does she eat or drink without dribbling through it? why wouldn't she spend some of her nails-wigs-and-tattoos money on having it sewn up so it doesn't look so blatantly awful? it would be a ten second procedure and it's obviously something that bothers her because she carefully edits it out of every photo.
>>885480everything in her photos is reshaped in photoshop. its kinda sad, she obviously has such intense body issues that nothing on her body looks right to her without editing it
No. 893815
File: 1573827146940.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_20191115-141256.png)

No. 893818
File: 1573827803883.jpg (177.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191115-142030_Chr…)

I love how awful her foundation looks around her barb tattoo
No. 894212
>>893818same, i don't think i've seen anyone else with face tattoos do this.
did she ever mention why she took out her facial piercings? to each their own etc. but having that many empty holes looks weird. also that new tattoo is dumb.
No. 894331
File: 1573909916409.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191116-131125.png)

No. 894959
File: 1574094780145.jpg (527.48 KB, 1080x1486, IMG_20191118_133229.jpg)

I don't like it. Her only decent tattoo is being overshadowed by the recent ones.
No. 895061
>>894984i agree. her chest tattoos now make no sense at all, like the "SAD" was pretty on its own, the drowning dude made her look like a stupid logo and such awkward placement over the "sad";
and NOW she has basically the clip art of tattoos literally just thrown in around the others. and they arent even finished. her chest now gives me a headache all the random stupid imagery. you can tell she isnt going to the same artist either, the art styles are all different too, which makes it even more off looking. This girl is a tattoo tragedy they all look so dumb smashed together ughhhhh. they arent even remotely pretty or attractive
No. 895108
>>895061samefagging to say she IS going to completely different artists with each tattoo, all three on her chest are done by different people. all their styles are super different from each other. she tags the artists on her insta posts.
She treats tattoos like personality traits, and just wants to be covered as quickly as possible
No. 899866
File: 1575161830818.jpg (406.49 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20191201_015650.jpg)

Does anyone has nudes from her?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 904806
File: 1576167365301.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191211-175850.png)

He is still with her…
No. 909045
File: 1577112293858.jpg (108.53 KB, 1072x1440, FB_IMG_1577112223697.jpg)

The state of her hand tattoos are just sad
No. 910499
(@Jodie_PurdonT): oh and her old Twitter, some questionable things on it
No. 911057
File: 1577569450162.jpg (626.4 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191228-164357_Ins…)

Does she not comprehend that they meant did she have surgery kek
No. 915100
File: 1578465521893.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 790DAEA5-F2B9-49FA-940E-CAF1C2…)

No. 915289
File: 1578515447691.jpg (339.25 KB, 720x874, 20200108_202916.jpg)

Another new terrible tattoo
No. 923739
File: 1579985075257.jpg (497.47 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200126-043955_Ins…)

Her lips…
No. 939759
File: 1583161490709.jpg (631.53 KB, 1079x1925, Screenshot_20200302-100439_Ins…)

Her lips are so uneven and disgusting
No. 939895
File: 1583180778988.jpeg (194.4 KB, 793x1026, 1F377C72-348E-46D9-B0E5-248CFF…)

Okay correct me if I’m wrong but why does it look like she’s sucking her stomach in?
No. 941910
File: 1583507592578.jpg (682.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200306-230833_Ins…)

She got her lips done again, how big does she want them???
No. 942783
File: 1583684693505.png (4.43 MB, 828x1792, 536AD912-B422-4FA2-AE5D-4892B3…)

I swear to gooooood I wish this girl would stop getting these shitty lumpy lip injections and drop a bag on fixing her teeth or sewing up that hole under her lip. Priorities. Like despite everything she could look halfway decent if she wouldn’t open her mouth or just stop filling her lips with that shit and not letting them heal properly(namefag)
No. 950139
File: 1585281127120.png (32.33 KB, 986x452, cscsc.png)

She blocked me on twitter for just praize her in a dm before ask about the prices!!
Can anyone tell me if she does this often? I felt kind of sad about it. I just praised and asked about the content and the price and she blocked me :/
No. 950140
File: 1585281250823.png (261.18 KB, 1118x654, ds.png)

No. 967044
File: 1588242136648.png (3.31 MB, 828x1792, 5C1052CB-9FD5-4400-97D3-40984A…)

Drama queen now thinks she’s being attacked???
Wonder what the story is.
No. 971875
File: 1589131531165.jpg (601.14 KB, 1080x2053, Screenshot_20200510-132517_Ins…)

>>968787She's single for sure
No. 985902
File: 1591862849288.png (Spoiler Image,978.3 KB, 807x1600, Screenshot 2020-06-11 at 09.02…)

Looks like she's back to escorting.
No. 989721
File: 1592606472962.jpg (135.66 KB, 522x1336, IMG_20200619_232818.jpg)

Theres a load of people in the alt scene in glasgow being outed. As predators and such. Skye is one of them
No. 990158
File: 1592681675681.png (493.53 KB, 750x1334, F99452B8-3297-4AF6-A088-B80019…)

>>796678>>990082I’ll do the caps for you, anon…
No. 990168
File: 1592682006781.png (633.29 KB, 750x1334, 76C76587-E1D1-4851-A5C5-44BB19…)

>>990162There are way more on her stories…just given some highlights.
She’s basically saying the accusation of abuser is a vendetta started by Laim. She also says he’s the reason there’s a lolcow thread on her, and includes caps of this thread. She also posted this, a harassing email from Laim, which she claims is an example of the shit he’s constantly doing to her. She also admits to being a shitty person in the past.
No. 991859
>>832342It is a nit pick… this entire feed is and if you’re not disgusted by all of the hateful posts that you’re reading, you’re a terrible human being (that’s just to anyone reading who is ok with/joining in on this bullshit)
You’re wondering if she has any hobbies?
You’re wondering why she gets so many tattoos/mods
You’re taking an avid interest in her relationships
Constantly stalking her pages…
Some questions you people need to stop and ask yourselves: “Is this healthy? “Are there better ways that I could be spending my time?” And “why do I care so much?”
Answers: No, Absolutely and go get help, work on your own deep seeded issues and on generally being a better person.
No. 991905
>>991802Good luck with that. You really think they are going to confirm your suspicion?
Also, the ethos of lolcow is pretty fucking simple to understand. Obviously we like discussing the antics of ethots. Perhaps it will make you feel better that yo girl Purdon is getting off lightly here.
No. 992045
>>991905I must give it to you, I really do love that you’re saying “she’s getting off lightly.”, you’re an online troll, who chooses to stay “anonymous” even though some of you actually know her AND so much time has been sunk into making these pathetic posts; You’re not scary, Yo’ just naaaasty.
This behaviour is genuinely very unhealthy, I hope you can just take a moment to appreciate that. Please go speak to someone, seek professional help. I’m rooting ya
No. 994484
File: 1593068717152.jpg (337.17 KB, 1079x1925, Screenshot_20200625-020055_Ins…)

She just uploaded a bunch of stories to her IG.
I can't help but laugh at this one, what job is she talking about?
No. 994602
>>994484I can't believe I sat through that whole crappy story, she even posted one about being at the "mercy of Laim" lmao all because you have a thread on lolcow, poor baby skye
Honestly the manipulation tactics she's trying to pull by posting a whole ass story like this is so funny
No. 1014802
File: 1596124882778.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200730-095327_Ins…)

New tattoo bois, and yes, they're as awful as ever
No. 1014832
>>1014802>>1014804Such shakey line work and the anatomy seems a bit weird.
Also American traditional x tribal. Not a good combo
No. 1016157
File: 1596391154764.png (3.8 MB, 828x1792, C65DC471-5D7B-48C8-BA65-1D1F4E…)

She was on lastnight being crazy and attention seeking as always. Seems to have a new Twitter. Apparently she’s possibly quitting Instagram
No. 1026264
File: 1597958118019.jpg (689.12 KB, 1079x2094, Screenshot_20200820-153425_Ins…)

A new tattoo, seems she can't go a week without craving attention
No. 1026266
File: 1597958179428.jpg (938.56 KB, 1080x2068, Screenshot_20200820-153438_Ins…)

No. 1033041
File: 1599173386575.jpg (926.68 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200903-174745_Ins…)

Not a tattoo person but even I can see that's a cheap sloppy job, wonder if she's even worried about quarantine seeing she's still getting new tattoos
No. 1033412
Agree with
>>1033139 that the back half
>>1033041 looks fine; that's pretty standard american traditional flash, though it kinda looks like it was done by an apprentice.
The face though, holy hell. That's rough.
No. 1042669
No. The name is skyepurdon.
Her twitter and this thread are also hidden on google etc. Weird. No. 1042689
File: 1600710516266.jpg (380.63 KB, 810x2755, 20200921_124806.jpg)

Sounds like she's done with prostitution for the time being. Who would have guessed meeting up with strangers over the internet to have sex would have been bad for her mental health? Kek
No. 1042731
>>1042689"Terrible decision on my end…that's on me bro"
Wow is that actually someone taking accountability for their own actions, and admitting the fucked up reality that fssw isnt all ~uwu so empowered can't stop thriving~
No. 1130432
File: 1610559790936.png (Spoiler Image,5.66 MB, 3169x1625, 1.png)

Goes out in lockdown to get her cafe fix(or getting a tattoo) and ends up falling on her arse and wasting hospital resources. But it's ok she reminds us to wear a mask from time to time. She's a big strong wummen? More like a pretenious self victimising child.(necro)
No. 1131371
File: 1610638072291.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1200x1650, FA03C826-F966-4932-A941-38C03A…)

>>1131312I’m not sure anon.
No. 1176305
File: 1614892997527.png (Spoiler Image,4.01 MB, 828x1792, 72A0D8DC-210A-4A71-95DD-D7B63A…)

Are these ribs I see?
No. 1176306
File: 1614893062868.jpeg (Spoiler Image,759.15 KB, 828x1375, B0D1B1B3-4076-4AA9-9C98-D7CD57…)

Definitely seems like she’s lost some weight.
No. 1203241
File: 1617789555811.jpg (912.52 KB, 1080x1965, 20210407_195747.jpg)

>>1188786She's got a new instagram
No. 1216740
File: 1619422812964.png (1.71 MB, 828x1792, 1EF84FD6-A3EE-4BB1-9EB1-28A9F3…)

These posts really got me feeling like the ED is back! Legit disappointed that I didn’t find this crappy new IG page for this long; always knew she couldn’t curb the attention mongering for this long!
No. 1230214
File: 1621023818727.jpg (Spoiler Image,299.58 KB, 318x468, Skye - Copy.jpg)

New business venture maybe? Or shock horror. A job!
No. 1266405
File: 1624905914826.png (4.56 MB, 828x1792, 9F3EFFB7-D927-4188-A73F-763E46…)

Yawn. Might as well end this thread. This girl is over.
No. 1376749
>>1376633kek i live near this girl, the city is seriously full of this exact same type
theres pics of her at the same bars i go to
No. 1852852
File: 1687701134168.jpg (61.61 KB, 828x828, 1649260573107.jpg)

No. 1852862
File: 1687702310864.png (188.42 KB, 2004x396, 1662164572278.png)

doing nails now
No. 1852881
File: 1687704678751.jpeg (68.56 KB, 1179x1291, IMG_5375.jpeg)

>>1852864Agree. I thought she was just posting her own stuff at first but seems she is actually employed. Locking down her social media is a good sign too.
No. 1852885
File: 1687704877311.jpeg (256.21 KB, 1179x1919, IMG_5376.jpeg)

>>1852881I’m not much of a nail person but these look pretty cute? Better than her first attempts.
No. 1852920
File: 1687707430762.png (310.47 KB, 720x839, IMG_20230625_173724.png)

>>1852885the longer you scroll down the worse it gets. I wouldn't pay for those.
No. 1852923
>>1852885These look decent enough but I won't pay above 40 for this
>>1852920This looks like as if a toddler painted this the paint job and pattern is so sloppy
(sage your shit) No. 1853262
>>1852920I mean, everyone’s gotta start somewhere. Hopefully she’ll get better with more practice. Between stopping oversharing on social media and getting a non sexwork job, perhaps Skye has graduated from cowdom.
Yeah her tattoos are tacky, but whatever. Chicks covered head to toe in ill-conceived tattoos are a dime a dozen these days, I don’t think tattoos alone qualify one for cow status.