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No. 504458
19 year old Glaswegian NEET with a collection of body mods including (among many others) a split tongue, reshaped ears, stretched labret, retired stretched philtrum that looks like an anus, failed facial scarification and crappy hand tattoos.
Other fun facts:
- Wears hilariously bad makeup
- Obnoxious vegan
- Fucks any tattooed unemployed guy that will let her call him daddy, is surprised when they inevitably turn out to be dickheads.
- Has recently started tying to make money through a NSFW Tumblr. The content mainly consists of her shoving things in her butt.
- Does this under her real name because she's obviously not planning on ever getting a real job.
IG: Tumblr: No. 505127
>>504465jesus, not only is this so tryhard edgy because it's a burning bible and it's on her hand to make sure everyone sees it, but it's so fucking shittily done. legit looks like clipart
thanks for the thread btw OP!
No. 506669
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Imagine paying $42 for this tacky piece of plastic
No. 506722
On her story she's always showing off that she's going over to random tinder guys' places to fuck. Gross.
One of them oh so surprisingly turned out to be a dick (who thought a greasy tattooed fuck you met on tinder could have a bad personality) and burnt his favourite shirt. IIRC it was an Overwatch shirt. Classy.
>>506689I didn't know she got injections. I thought her lips looked big because of her stretched lip piercing.
No. 506771
>>506722 I was referring to Kylie Jenner getting injection. Poor sentence structure on my end.
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if this girl eventually did get injections. After she got her philtrum stretched, her lip was fat and swollen and she was like “omg I hope the swelling never goes down my lip looks so fat I love it”. She was saying she wished she could get lip fillers. Last I knew she was just using one of those lip sucker plumpers.
Maybe shoving things in her butt got her enough money for the procedure.
No. 507262
I've followed skye on instagram for more than a year now, I remember when she came to Manchester to get her head moon done and she was so proud of it, massively bigging up the tattoo shop that did it (holier than thou) - and then within weeks she said she hated it and it didn't turn out the way she wanted. Her burning bible tattoo (>>504465) was done by an apprentice and looks shit as a result, the shirt incident that
>>506722 talks about was actually her on/off boyfriend who was a druggie and she met off tinder. Her mum is completely aware of her lifestyle and even encourages her at times. She was supposed to be a tattoo apprentice a while ago but dropped out, was going to a local college iirc but gave up pretty quick into it. She's been bald for a while but recently wearing wigs that she's got from sponsors. Her stories showing her after tinder hook ups/filming videos are revolting. Her tongue split didn't actually work that well, a lot of it rejoined so she was talking about fixing it. Sorry for the essay, I hate how she overdraws her lips to look like slugs as well lmao
No. 507263
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No. 507382
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I have some dumb tattoos but I feel like a mockingjay one is next level for some reason
No. 507394
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Gotta admit she does have nice boobies.
No. 507474
>>504620underrated post.
>>506669Even worse, imagine waking up next to this.
Seriously, "cruelty free"? What is she doing with her face then??
No. 508347
>>507263Like I said this on the thread request suggestion for her but if anyone here has stretched ears you know how gross they get
She used to post vids of her popping out her philtrum jewelry and licking the hole euuugghhh
Does anyone have more details on the shirt burning guy? One of her exes who used to pose with her follows me on IG, I'm wondering if it's the same guy, or also if it's the same guy she did boy/girl porn on her blog with
Her nsfw blog doesn't seem to have many followers at all so I'm surprised at how she's doing her content. Most people would big it up and tease way before doing a boygirl anything bc that way there's a higher demand, people are anticipating it and you'd make more money etc
Her blog is kind of like a free for all and she seems fairly easy to get content out of for little money
No. 508666
>>507395because she's an idiot. she posted some guy's belongings in her story earlier so no doubt it's another tinder hook up who she'll make ~content~ with
>>508347she's vile. regarding the guy, she definitely has a type, scummy alt gamer boy. she constantly posts free pics on her tumblr anyway
No. 508699
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>>508694I think it’s the curvy line with a bump alongside, it almost looks like a music note. The one that looks like this, but I don’t know what it stands for.
No. 508704
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>>508662she also has two harry potter tattoos
>>508699>>508701she has talked about body issues in the past, but these days seems to be more comfortable with her body
No. 508713
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>>508707>>508704actually i lied, she has three harry potter tattoos
No. 508717
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one of her body checks from september 2016
No. 509402
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She really went hard on getting a lot of bland, empty and likely dirt cheap tattoos just to be covered in tattoos asap.
No. 509653
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>>509402Her newest one is ok. I mean, it's hideous but it's well done.
No. 510059
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>>508704that drool leaking down her chin tho.
this is the most nauseating thing i've seen all week. i bet her whole face utterly reeks.
No. 510672
Cannot stand this cunt. I'm really into mods (subtly done ones that look grown up and sleek, not one that makes it look like someone has had a shrapnel accident) and this little sweat thinks she speaks for all people with mods/tattoos. She's forever posting pic of herself in her underwear with stupid captions like 'I ate this today teehee'.
>>507262These guys are my local studio and they did my nostril punches a few years back. They're good, but my feelings for them went declined when I saw them cut massive parts of this girl's face/ears off all for street cred. Really disappointed with HTT.
No. 510711
>>510677 I remember them too. I used to email them as a 14 year old and ask them the dumbest questions!
>>510704I know mate, I completely get that. But I also think there should be some sort of thought for this girl's future much in the way that tattoo artists will often to refuse to tattoo necks/hands/faces unless you're already heavily tattooed.
I just think it was poor judgement on their behalf because yeah, she's of legal age to get that shit done, but cutting half of a young girl's ear off at the age of 18? I dunno.
No. 510724
>>510723Nahh I get you. I think it's just because I did things to my body similar-ish to what she's done and I dunno, something just doesn't settle right though. Saying that, I do love HTT, they're lovely people and their jewellery is ace.
P.S I had no idea there were fellow Manchester anons on here.
Sage'd for blogposting etc.
No. 510734
>>510672yeah i was horrified when i realised she came all the way to my town to get this stuff done, whenever i've gone to htt for advice they've always been great.
she posted more pics of herself in free promo stuff today and pics of a random guy again, no doubt making new material for her tumblr.
>>509693she lives with her mum and she seems pretty supportive, she used to claim to have a part time job but i think she was lying
No. 510742
>>510724Yah I always kind of internally wince when I see teenagers doing shit like this because I’m permanently heavily modded now and sometimes I regret it haha.
I don’t live in Manchester anymore but still up North!
No. 510752
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>>510724manc anons unite~
No. 510885
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She was a piercing apprentice for about two months. Not sure why she stopped but posting shit like this probably didn't help
No. 517670
>>517109Please share, anon!!
I was in a group with her. I'll dig up some stuff when I get home
No. 524737
>> 517109hi this me again
Some more juicy shit for y'all, sorry I took so long, been busy with work n shit innit.
• Hated her scarification the day she got it because it was so badly done and thin, doesn't speak to Hollier than thou anymore because of how fucked up it is.
• All her tattoos - she doesn't take care of them properly, which is why nearly all of them are faded and look like trash. She goes to places that do them cheap as shit and tries to get discounts by showing her tits / offering to suck their dick after they've tattooed her. She did this once while we were together, where she offered to suck the tattoo artists dick for a 50% discount on the tattoo.
• Claims her ex (overwatch dude) forced her to delete her Tumblr because he didn't want people seeing her naked, when in reality she deleted it herself because she had a mid life crisis mental break down and tried to get a real job, but was declined because of how she looked (good) which is why she now sells her nudes online, because she can't get a real job.
• Spends money on body modifications, tattoos etc to make herself feel better about her body but won't get her crooked as teeth fixed because "she's a female that doesn't need to attend to beauty standards", while buying wigs to attend… to beauty standards…
• Meets guy's on Tinder for 1 night stands, gets annoyed when they won't shag her again and accuses them of abuse / rape.
I can't really think of much more, we stopped dating after a while because she went full scale psycho and I had better things to do. I can post proof of us dating/being together, but don't want to as she'll probably find this, call me out and I cba with that shit anymore. I did used to her on her tumblr page though, but I can't post that link as she deleted her
https://skyepurdon.tumblr account, rip us all.
No. 524742
The overwatch cut/burning t-shirt guy was: him was was a recent guy as well that she sucked off in a "public place" but I can't seem to find his account anymore.
No. 529093
>>524737i love you pls come back with more if you think of any
Was her scarification actually objectively shittily done or did she not comunicate properly how she wanted? I'm modded myself and don't hate scarification by any means, it's just so
unreliable on how it will both turn out and heal
do you have any links to said overwatch guy? I seem to have missed that drama
No. 529097
>>524742fuck I legit just responded asking for details about the exes and overwatch guy is the guy that follows me, weird. He seems quiet and nice especially in comparison to her, although I haven't spoken to him directly
So she accused him of rape? She really seems like a trainwreck. The choices she has made with her appearance are not normally ones I would judge as I have some similar and know a lot of others who do. It's fine if you have a cushy place in a job, work in a non-customer facing customer service environment as they usually dont care, or primarily if you work in tattooing or piercing. She has done all of this to herself so young with no career set up for herself and then resorted to doing sex work with no clear cut goals or business structure, which will make her situation so much worse. hope she at least stays away from hard drugs.
No. 530849
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>>529006what the actual fuck is going on here
No. 531006
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No. 531018
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When you start a new RPG and hit the "Randomise" button on the character creation screen.
No. 531800
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>>531798Oh christ she's in to ddlg. She couldn't get worse
No. 535229
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>>529006>>527653>>527127>>524832she spoke more on her story today, spoilered for the size of image
No. 535320
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>>535241manny's lipsticks. imo the shades are quite crap to start with
No. 535670
>>535635ayrt, shit i confused the two due to that entire logo drama, sorry!
and idk hazel and cider are literally baby food/diarrhoea colour lol
No. 535908
>>530257I can confirm she is not straight edge. She claims she is, but she definitely drinks. I have a text messages from her drunk (or acting drunk) somewhere.
>>529044Yeah so that happened while I was with her because she kept sticking her tongue through it. The only way she'll ever be able to fix it is plastic surgery, but considering the fact she blows her money on stupid shit I doubt that'll ever happen.
>>529097Hello fren.
So, the accusations where to both guys, overwatch dude and the lyeuhm guy from what I recall, I'd have to look at my DM's on instagram to confirm that though because I did speak to them both when she dated them because they seemed like cool guys.
But for y'all who like hearing about new shit, here ya go:
* Dumb bitch just tattooed her fingers today ( it looks like she tattooed “striaghtedge vegan” (XVX) on her fingers, but considering the fact she drinks alcohol and definitely smokes weed with her mum, she’s far from straight edge but w/e.
* She appears to have started selling vids on a tickling fetish website? Which is odd considering the fact that when we were together she claimed she’d never sell herself in that way because she was against porn but look at her now lmao.
* She’s recently been doing heavy DDLG stuff, but the fucking kicker to this is a lot of the photos if you look at her tumblr she’s holding a pink teddy bear, she got that pink teddy from her ex (I believe the lyeuhm) guy and claimed she burned it after they broke up - on her instagram story - but appears to have lied about that like everything else she lies about.
* Her mum was recently arrested for selling pot and being caught, she doesn’t appear to have posted online about it (wonder why) but that is why her mum hasn’t been in her instagram a lot lately. I’m not 100% sure this is genuine, but a few mutual friends have confirmed it as true.
She doesn’t actually make that much money from her snapchat / nudes. No one appears to be buying them becuase of the way she looks and the weird noises she makes, that arent even remotely attractive (i have a video plowing her, she makes weird noises)
Anyway, hmu if you want more. I’ll reply whenever I have the chance my dudes.
No. 536005
>>535908I checked out the tattoo studio that she went to and they offer buy one get one free tattoos and £10 nipple piercings. Classy.
Ex anon, what's the extent of her mum's coke habit, and how does she pay for it?
No. 544521
[[I'm the ex guy with the big posts from above]]
>>544450Genuine question here - are you a male? When we were together she used to block people, guys specifically, just because she didn't like the fact they weren't vegan or they had an opinion she didn't agree with.
It's probably increased a lot now, but her Facebook Blocklist is about 3,000+ people, her instagram blocklist was just ridiculous because she blocks people that leave any form of negative or opinionated comment on her posts, which is why she turns comments off sometimes.
No. 544527
>>536005Yeah that place is trashy as hell. My friend went to get a piercing there and it just seemed really, unhygienic.
It was pretty bad at the time we were together, I'm unsure of how much it's escalated or decreased now, but when we were together she spent most of her money on it.
IIRC - Their rent is hella cheap because they live in Govan, which we all know is a shit hole if you're from Scotland [It's not the kind of place you'd walk through after dark basically], it was only a few hundred a month. They don't have much in their house that they really need to pay for other than food, electric and general crap, so their monthly outgoings only really added up to about £600, give or take. Her mum work(ed)s in telecoms, aka a call centre for some company making just above minimum wage full-time, so her general intake of money wasn't too bad. Anything that was left over from the general bills went to drugs, so minimum would've been about £400-500 a month.
Skye get's an allowance from her mum and gran, so that's how she affords all her tattoos, piercings etc. I think they get money off her dad as well, but she never really brought him up much because apparently he was "abusive", but considering she says every guy that she doesn't like is abusive in some form, I wouldn't take that as honest.
No. 545277
>>544542Yeah she’s trash. Govan / just
outside govan in Linthouse, basically Govan tho.
No. 545501
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"model" lol ok
No. 546101
>>545792>but i can say 100% without a shadow of a doubt 95% of everything that has been said in this threat is either totally false, out of context, or twisted Okay so… not a vegan with a lot of piercings, never done porn and the piercings don't have blowout holes?
Sure, Jan.
No. 546296
>>546101read the last 5 words you fucking spastic
>>546037so even if she turned out to be mental, it still wouldnt make most of the things said here true. a lot of what is said here is just TOTALLY fabricated and false. then there are toher things that i cant prove are false but given how much of what is said here IS totally false it really doesnt lend well to their stories at all
im going to make a second post after this one going over the stuff people have said
No. 546490
>>531800so my personal experience with skye has been NOTHING but lovely, we arnt going out but we have seen each other quite a lot since november. not once has any weirdness or mental episodes happened. the comments here would suggest that would be a common thing but with me ive had nothing a nice time with her, shes honestly really smart, cute and funny and generally great and fun to hang out with.
now granted she MIGHT HAVE been quite difficult to be with in the past, she fully admits openly to struggling with mental health and when her annorexia was bad she even tells me it really fucked with her emotions which honestly i feel is understandable to some extent. the tattoo people were questioning is a recovery tattoo, she is totally over her ana now (which should be obvious really) she doesnt body check and shes very against pro-ana pages
im going to go down the thread and address things as i see them now
>>506669she idnt pay for this, dollskill or goodbye bread (cant remember what brand it is) sends her loads of this stuff for free, as youd expect anyone with 70k+ insta followers
>>506689she does have a lot of self harm scars, but shes changed a lot from a few years ago, she very very rarely does it anymore which is down to her mental health getting better i guess, she has not had lip injections. (i know this wasnt about skye but just to confirm it) she does want lip fillers though, but soo many girls do its not even a strange thing.
>>506722any post since november has been about me. skye told me her side about the overwatch guy and he really wasnt too great it seems, i dont wanna start slating him for stuff i dont 100% know the truth on but given some of the things that 100% happened (such as the fact he just moved his stuff into her house and didnt leave, and was phoning her months after they broke up) im inclined to be on her side with things. they broke up because he was incredibly paranoid about her shagging other people, a classic case of suffocation in a relationship really. i dont agree with destroying his shirt though at all. frankly i cannot believe how sound her mum was about the whole thing.
>>507262she does like her scarification actually, but obviously admits to the colour not setting evenly over the full thing, not her fault but it was done pretty well its totally on center and the lines are clean.
he wsnt a druggie unless you count weed as druggie?
her mum is a literal angel, and isnt ACTUALLY aware of her sex work or if she is shes not letting on anyway. the only thing she knows is her instagram popularity so skye just says she gets sent stuff from sponsors. again any posts since november are about me, so sorry about that lol. its common for tongues to heal up a bit after a split, honestly it just seems weird to me to even comment on that specifically.
>>507382even she doesnt like the mocking jay one
>>507394i mean, she really does lets be fair
>>508347right this is fucking dumb, my ears are 42mm they dont get dross AT ALL, funnily enough if you just wash them like any other part of your body its fine. i take mine out in the shower and they dont smell AT ALL, they dont get slimey or crusty or anything else, playing about with the philtrum piercing is totally fine.
her nsfw blog has 13k followers, and its been growing pretty rapidly recently it was under 10k a month or so ago. she has a fuckton of people requesting content everyday, you might be right with the teasing it out thing but ultimately meh who cares. her prices id say fall in line with other people doing similar things, reasonable not not cheap, like say a fiver. she makes A LOT, between 2/3k a month easy
>>508666only person shes made content with is me. since starting to sell content, shes censored all pictures on her tumblr, i mean sure it doesnt leave MUCH to the imagination but you gotta advertise your new material in some way or another.
>>508704replying to this and the replies of this post. yeah its the recovery symbol, i mean she definitely has recovered at this point.
i dont know why you seem to think shes drooling all over herself or something at all times. i know its just my word for it but shes actually super fucking hygenic, showers every day, shaves every day, cleans her piercings every day. she actually smells pretty good overall, a lot more hygienic than some people ive seen in the past.
>>509367this is her obviously, but just to reiterate she 100% does not hold this mindset any longer. like i said she even admits to the ana fucking with her, she told me anyway that she doesnt even understand her thought processes back then, when she thinks back to it.
>>509402i dont think this is really all that bad tbh, but me and her both agree the colours and shading could do with a touch up, overall i like the art style though
>>509445again, she does like it
>>509693a lot of these places have sent her full sets of jewelry for free just due to the amount of exposure she gives them, pretty incredible tbh she has 1000s of pounds worth. again though she does make a fucking killing with her content, she gives me a cut on the videos we have done together also
>>510401this couldnt be further from the truth, its quite funny because when you compile all the things said about her in this thread shes, an entitled rich cunt, whos mum is also a coke addict and a drug dealer but they live in govan also and her mum works in a call center. you cant have all of that.
the truth is, she gets her money from her content, before that she never had any money really she wasnt on benefits either, so at least she wasnt being a sponge? they arnt rich, they live in a (fairly nice tbh) flat in govan. her mum works in a call center and is certainly not a druggie, her mum is lovely, legit a fucking angel. we would all be lucky to have a mum as supportive as she is honestly.
>>510672she has literally NEVER posted shit like that, so i dont get this. like legit, she does post pics of her food, like fucking ANYONE but not under the context of this post.
>>510711something to consider is that shes been into mods for years, at least since she was 14 and is showing no signs of her regretting them or wanting to go back, you might be right that it is questionable that they would do that but at the same time its what shes wanted for years.
>>510734any "random guy" is me.
she worked as a piercing apprentice in town somewhere. she left (along with most of the other staff) because they wernt paying their staff what they were due.
>>517109so this is the anon that keeps posting straight up lies.
she wasnt fired, she left.
she gets no money at all from her mum, her mum is most certainly not a fucking coke addict! its insane that youd just make that up, especially bringing her mum into this just seems a bit odd.
she never accused him of rape, anything relating to rape was her other ex (that fat one) who was supposed to go to court for raping his ex that wasnt her. there was 1 sketchy situation relating to him, but she doesnt class it as rape just…well sketchy.
SHE DOES ACTUALLY block a lot of people, this is one of the few things thats true in this thread. but if you saw the amount of messages and shit she gets not even daily, HOURLY. she just cant be fucked getting harassed off folk. i personally wouldnt but its hardly not-unerstandable
she doesnt claim to hate guys at all
she most certainly IS vegan, she doesnt even LIKE jelly, and you can get vegan jelly?!
like i get that if youre just put off by a person yeah sure youre gonna talk about them, and thats fine i dont actually care about that, hence why im not really replying to anything thats subjective
but to just make blatant lies up is fucking crazier than what you claim her to be really, at least if youre going to have something on her, let it be true!!
>>524737-thats just not true
-she takes very good care of her tattoos, and her skin in general tbh (she has a full skincare ritual she does every night). this also doesnt happen, she does to people she knows/likes price isnt an issue and i know how much they cost because she doesnt have a bank account (lol i know) so she gets me to lift the money by paypaling me it, so i know this isnt true.
-this never happened she deleted it because he was paranoid and wouldnt stop going on about it, she wasnt making money from nudes back then so she had to real qualms about deleting it.
-from what i can tell she hasnt gotten dental work done because shes scared of the dentist nothing to do with beauty standards or whatever
-we went a while before our first and second meeting (like over a year) so it seemed like we wernt going to again, nothing like this never happened. shes one of the people that advocates for being against fake rape accusations anyway
>>529044its not blow outs, it does LOOK like that though i will admit, but its just kind of i dunno, raw? ive seen it out and i know what a blowout is, although fair enough its easily mistaken as such.
>>529097its actualy me that encouraged her to do sex work, she has a load of people ask her but she didnt really do it. a few things for a few people but i said to start advertising herself and show its available, floods of people right off the bat. drugs are definitely not her thing, shes never even smoked. and drank very little anyway, so just decided to become edge as it wasnt something shes ever been interested in.
>>530257>>530643gee thanks lmao, i met her on tinder and we just spoke and got on so we deided to hang out and stuff, really that simple
>>531798she deleted all the non-censored stuff, or as much as she could anyway.
>>532190dunno where the fuck you got that from, shes always been openly bi though
>>535908she is edge now, last time she drank was new years iirc. again she drank very little anyway and hasnt touched drugs before at all.
sticking your tongue through it wouldnt blow it out what a dumb thing to say
as i said earlier, she hasnt accused anyone of rape, its her ex (lyeuhm) that was supposed to go
to court for raping his ex, i dont know the high specifics but she never claimed he raped her, there was just 1 very sketchy situation involving him and her.
she definitely doesnt do either of those things.
i cant confirm this burning thing, but she really loves both of the stuffed toys he got her.
her mum was MOST CERTAINLY NOT arrested for anything!!
she does make that much money, fs ive made a nice little bit on the side just from the cut of MY stuff alone.
>>535923she definitely doesnt smell bad, and tons of folk buy it
>>544521as ive said this IS actually true, she blocks loads of people
>>536005there is no extent of any coke habit
>>544527again i dont know why youre making a coke habit up. she also doesnt get an allowance.
>>544542im not ashamed at all to have filmed with her, even if we stopped talking. but as we arnt going out and are really good friends i dont see any reason for us to stop talking
>>545534no she isnt a lesbian and doesnt claim to be
No. 548326
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>>546490The Lyeuhm guy posted this on twitter a few months ago. Her number was in it, and he has others with her NAME in it as well. you might want to reevaluate your friendship with her, she’s clearly pulled some shit over your eyes.
The whole “case reopened” thing is bull shit she started after they broke up because she CHEATED on him with a guy from tumblr, he has receipts for that too which I’ll try find on his twitter. There was also a MASSIVE post he did on Facebook afterwards stating how mentally abusifs she was with screenshots of conversations with her trying to blame him for things he never did, and then said later that he never did them and apologised.
She’s done content with more than you, but she deleted her old blog while she was with the Overwatch guy so that doesn’t make sense either.
No. 549196
>>548381Yeah she’s been posting nudes well before she was 18, I remmeber seeing them in 2015 or so. She’s had so many accounts though that they’re probably gone now (good)
All her old instagrams and twitters are there though if you just search her name, the most common one being “skyebones” which is just full fledged ANA advertisement.
No. 550040
File: 1523227935894.png (167.3 KB, 1080x508, Screenshot_20180408-235131.png)

Is Skye Purdon not her real name?
No. 550041
File: 1523228067687.png (607.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180408-235401.png)

No. 550042
File: 1523228085870.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180408-235407.png)

No. 550977
File: 1523308680248.png (5.51 MB, 1242x2208, 92B2D3CE-A1B3-4119-9835-A0ED94…)

Such class
No. 550998
>>550979That doesn’t make their point any less valid. Most of the emo/scene/alt start off as such in middle school (since it’s sort of pathetic to start “being emo” any later in life) where they get all the OTT cringe angsty teen shit out of their system. As they mature their style does too and they learn to tone it down.
>Erm…Pls go.
No. 551073
>>550979Other Anon is right, most "genuine" alternative folk try and integrate it into their ordinary lives and thus arent exceptionally obnoxious about it like the ones who converted yesterday. There are phases, office goth for example, in that integration. People who are alternative for fame/clicks usually have zero subtlety as their goal is to shock and get attention, rather than express themselves.
Also Goths etc were usually nerds prior being Goth, whereas the fakers were usually standard popular bitches/bastards prior their sudden conversion into Extreme Alternative. There's also the more extreme teen phase as
>>550998 mentioned, but that usually occurs at 14-17 and not older as with the fakers.
No. 551149
>>550979i'm the anon that said that and yeah a lot of adult alt people were into it since middle school, even if they weren't allowed to have full on body mods and crazy hair as
>>550998 touched on. Both Lilith and Skye's style before what they are now was so completely opposite, not even remotely edgy. Body mods aren't the issue.
But it doesn't matter at the end of the day, don't worry. If you were wearing the north face and vineyard vines and then did a full 180 at 22 that's not a crime. It just looks a little weird to people who have at least had some interest in this stuff since early teens, but only you know your motivations.
No. 551516
File: 1523357813621.png (611.38 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180410-055412.png)

To the person that said her mom was like, literally the sweetest person ever, I'm gonna call bullshit(namefagging)
No. 552540
File: 1523456968319.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1433, Screenshot_20180411-152704.png)

If you really feel the need to put a spike through your septum could you at least choose a colour other than green?!
No. 552656
>>551516wow youre really clutching at straws with this one fucking hell
literally could have done anything, but in your mind she kicked the shit out of the wee lassie
(whiteknighting) No. 552989
>>552882you realise the site you're on, and the specific thread yeah?
literally none of us are going to buy her "content", when we can just go jack it to porn hub or some shit you dumb fuck.
can't believe you fucking paid for her "content" you fag.
No. 553064
>>535908yo i get this is lolcow but you're a straight up low piece of shit for exposing such intimate things as her ex, the fuck is wrong with you. the body mod stuff is funny but exposing her sex stuff?
girl obviously has a lot wrong with her, most disorders can't reliably be diagnosed until 25 and I'm willing to bet money she has some real issues. the fact that she's doing sex stuff she said she never would is a good indicator, and mutilating her body so young.
most of these cows are assholes but she actually seems to have real mental health issues and you're pretty much trying to ruin her life. shit will come back on you my guy.
(no one cares) No. 553539
>>553064You realize I only spoke about stuff that’s she’s PUBLICLY spoken about herself?
Literally the only non-public thing is the fact her mom is an addict, you inbred faggot.
No. 553541
File: 1523554127750.jpeg (346.96 KB, 1125x1716, 33D1CCF3-0962-4114-9B55-80D50C…)

that post description is cringe as fuck.
No. 554430
>>553651not tryna defend skye or anything, but ive had so many clients forget to dress for their tattoos on the day of their appointment and end up shirtless/wearing a makeshift shirt we put together with tape and pb towels.
couldnt she have gone for a smaller script? it'd still be dumb, but she could at least get it covered easier after she grew out of her edgy tumblr phase
No. 557819
File: 1523971851269.jpg (222.98 KB, 1511x2015, FB_IMG_1523971678460.jpg)

Pretty sure she's been vegan for less than a year
No. 558359
File: 1524011373679.png (101.12 KB, 1080x732, Screenshot_20180418-012441.png)

Hi Skye. How's your maw's coke habit?
No. 560213
File: 1524170095266.png (555.02 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20180419-202506.png)

I actually gagged
No. 560790
File: 1524239530038.png (455.49 KB, 486x488, 2018-04-20 16_51_03-(1) Skye P…)

Third tattoo in eight days. I guess someone out there is buying her content.
No. 560922
>>560813Yeah that's spot on. Nothing technically wrong with it, it just might not be to your taste.
She really shouldn't be getting so many in such a short amount of time though. Her body is going to be so exhausting trying to heal this shit all the time.
No. 570436
File: 1525124943135.png (Spoiler Image,66.98 KB, 656x519, Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 22.4…)

apparently she doesn't do hookups? wut.
No. 572602
File: 1525348722620.png (116.43 KB, 1080x1011, 20180503_125801.png)

No. 572622
File: 1525351625246.png (382.39 KB, 309x601, 435256.png)

the text is irrelevant but check out that sweet colour difference betweeen her neck and face, it legit looks like a mask
No. 582362
File: 1526300918973.jpg (106.13 KB, 1440x1393, FB_IMG_1526300891106.jpg)

Here we go
No. 582446
File: 1526306860978.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, 581B30A6-590C-419A-8529-DBE758…)

No. 582482
File: 1526309630819.jpg (114.48 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1526309609500.jpg)

No. 582505
>>582494If she starts to hate the moon or realises it's fucked up she's gonna need to wear wigs with fringes for ever
>>582493The lines don't even joint properly though. Like how can you do that to someone's head
No. 582531
File: 1526312637960.jpeg (237.82 KB, 583x514, C19826A9-3455-4A4A-94F9-B31652…)

Lmao the line work is fucked. Good job it’s on her forehead and not somewhere hideable.
No. 582648
File: 1526319548830.jpeg (612.81 KB, 750x1101, B12FB28D-29AF-4A23-9BDB-D5C72F…)

The guy who went over her moon scarification also did this tattoo of hers
No. 582655
>>582648He's not very good at moons it seems.
Also skye is like posting someone's pic for sharing one of her pics to a 'shaming' group. Bit shitty tbh
No. 582656
File: 1526320105977.png (95.61 KB, 1080x818, 20180514_184814.png)

Dropped pic
No. 583590
>>582906What the hell!?
Why are pages like this even exist?
Your lifes must be boring as hell…
There‘s no other reason besides frustration, which makes ppl write this kind of sh*t! :-/
File: 1526398961504.jpeg (152.55 KB, 749x1037, DC081C4F-CF3C-4DC2-BB20-410225…)

My eyes go straight to the giant wonky moon on her forehead
No. 583657
>>583643I wonder how long it will take for her to admit it was fucked up and go get it fixed?
She's only 19. Way to ruin your life, Skye.
No. 584957
File: 1526489861798.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, 00B8A146-E69E-499F-A46E-3A9693…)

No. 585969
File: 1526554778260.jpg (112.16 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1526554755929.jpg)

No. 586022
>>585969I'm all for the natural aging process of a body but when her tits drop and her silicone face droops, the SAD above her breasts is going to boost that effect
She's only 19, what is she thinking?
No. 588823
File: 1526773442792.png (1.97 MB, 750x1334, D81EFE85-5A5C-4D88-8520-C08EC2…)

The wig already looks like shit like does she not know how to care for a wig
No. 588878
File: 1526778178000.png (314.84 KB, 510x390, Screen-shot-2014-07-07-at-3.16…)

>>586399It also makes her look like she's constantly gurning
No. 592792
File: 1527172728893.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_20180524-153442.png)

Either she had Skye in her 40s or she's lived a rough fucking life. She looks haggered
No. 592845
File: 1527180075148.jpg (122.21 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1527180047773.jpg)

That definetly looks like effective swimwear 10/10
No. 592883
>>592866Is that what makes her a sad vegan?
Which is more distracting: the nose shoop or that arm bruise?
No. 592981
>>592883I vote option 3: the hunger games tattoo that foreshadowed her being a trend follower with no taste who will get anything tattooed
>>582494This entire comment tbh. I love a lot of heavily modded gals and skye thinks the hate must be coming from close minded individuals who don't like her style when in reality she just isn't executing it right at all. I don't think she's ugly or anything, but the majority of her tattoos look god awful to me, the kind apprentices in my old shop would do on each other for free and to have more edgy visible hand tattoos etc. About the only thing I like about skye is her eye makeup, and only sometimes. The moon tattoo is the worst one yet, I wonder was it just a complete fluke or was the scar and purple line actually wonky and they were like "uh so you want us to fill in the scar exactly?
No. 593680
File: 1527268774410.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1342, 20180525_181924.png)

No. 593826
File: 1527280934186.png (71.35 KB, 1080x437, 20180525_214055.png)

Not sure I believe this
No. 593929
File: 1527285931700.png (94.6 KB, 1080x634, Screenshot_20180525-230354.png)

Bitch come on. You know full well that's a bargain basement stripper outfit, not a bathing suit.
No. 601794
File: 1528130655074.jpg (134.95 KB, 288x2048, FB_IMG_1528130144486.jpg)

Her ex-boyfriend posted this on Facebook
No. 606856
File: 1528653938278.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180610-190229.png)

That butthole on her upper lip makes me gag
No. 606879
File: 1528656327742.jpg (16.39 KB, 350x371, YoVEQzW.jpg)

>>606856Jesus Christ what the fuck
I never noticed how prominent that hole is
No. 611208
File: 1529033035894.jpg (64.58 KB, 841x1024, FB_IMG_1529032213330.jpg)

Her hand tattoos have aged sooo poorly, they have to be one of the biggest mistakes she's made. I don't mind hand tattoos when they're done well, but these were just so horrible from the get go. I hope she's learned from this and when she eventually gets them fixed/removed she picks a more experienced artist.
Also, does she have any friends? Besides her mom, gram, and fuckboy? I've only seen one (possible) friend in a picture with her.
No. 611245
>>611208these brows
i cri evrytiem
No. 618096
File: 1529679210362.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1324, Screenshot_20180622-155107.png)

This photo is… unfortunate. In so many ways.
No. 620690
>>611208i like the wig
that's literally the only nice thing i can say about this picture
No. 620708
File: 1529901052438.png (905.06 KB, 936x644, yep.png)

>>620695I don't know if I'd say "really nice", but it's alright. She does shoop though.
No. 621802
File: 1530011174910.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180626-120447.png)

Foolish child
No. 621804
File: 1530011242487.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180626-120458.png)

This dumb bitch has never had a real job and now probably never will. You can't be an IG hoe forever, Skye.
No. 621807
File: 1530011592865.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1705, sketch-1530011512597.png)

Also the artist only posted this flash 12 hours ago. Not like getting face tattoos is something you should give some thought or anything.
No. 621825
>>621807this has been planned for months
this is also toni
No. 621974
File: 1530024994156.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, 7B2186C6-3D45-4DFA-B5E0-941582…)

I’ll never understand why she wears a full face of makeup when getting her face tattooed. Gotta get the bus home like that
No. 622079
File: 1530035708750.jpg (544.46 KB, 1075x1530, 20180626_125239.jpg)

I can't wait to see these straight on. They look too big for her face, and one side goes sooo much farther towards her eyes than the other side.
No. 622158
File: 1530040385839.jpg (484.77 KB, 1075x1080, skye.jpg)

>>622083He did. (Reposted with some colour to make it easier to see)
No. 622169
>>622079Oh my god.. they are so uneven and asymmetrical. She looks horrendous!
Who in the world (besides Charms) would think this is a good idea?
No. 622240
File: 1530046106051.png (506.04 KB, 500x666, tumblr_ovejeuk5ES1wy8oyzo1_500…)

some tumblrina drew fanart of our "darling" skye
No. 622284
File: 1530049153914.jpg (394.39 KB, 1075x996, Jodie Travers young 14 yo.jpg)

Such a shame. She was very beautiful when young.
No. 624234
File: 1530277514327.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1345, 20180629_140508.png)

Nothing about this is cute
No. 625006
File: 1530325122639.jpg (427.95 KB, 1076x1048, 20180629_211544.jpg)

>>624234What is going on with the "freckles"? I understand doing things for art, but make it at least look good and not like ya messed up with your mascara. We already know she shops he face/backgrounds so I don't understand why she'd not shop this out.
No. 628044
File: 1530647050243.jpg (816.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180703-144345_Ins…)

Date night…
No. 628635
>>628044Those spots get darker and more numerous with each pic and has spread to her upper lip and chin. She should get that checked.
Did she mistake a headband for a tube top?
No. 628803
File: 1530730199829.png (Spoiler Image,797.07 KB, 750x1334, 46FAFB6C-A562-495A-80E3-A43DB4…)

>>628635This girl is clearly messed up. Her Tumblr is full of really nasty pictures ..
And what’s she’s supposed to do when the IG and Snapchat fame is over ? Standing in shady corners on the streets ?
No. 629356
File: 1530796951665.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1742, 20180705_142156.png)

>>628861Nope it's from the brand that constantly sends her stuff. I can't see the straps so it looks like she's wearing the one that broke. Which is weird since she got sent a new one for free again.
No. 630252
File: 1530892260620.png (153.08 KB, 1080x907, Screenshot_20180706-164906.png)

>>629356This is the description that this trash brand has for that 'top'.
No. 631771
File: 1531083579009.jpg (287.02 KB, 1080x1324, 20180708_215927.jpg)

>>631770Dropped pic whoops
No. 633825
File: 1531324020561.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1082, Screenshot_20180711-163754.png)

Yet another tattoo. At least this one is well done. Also, she mentioned in her stories that she's getting her labret sewn up.
No. 634251
>>633825honestly she is very trashy but i kind of admire how she has the guts to go all the way with her body motifications and general appearance, being alt isn't always an easy decision and she is very extreme.
Very bad decision of hers to tattoo her mother though, she is so young, imagine if they fall out completely later on in her life, lol
No. 634305
File: 1531399216664.png (293.07 KB, 844x542, Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 13.3…)

I got blocked instantly for haha reacting. Well, Skye, I'm sorry that your post on the public forum that is Facebook was subjected to mild criticism.
It's a shitty tattoo that the both of them will regret, I don't see what she's so upset about and it's a little rich that you want to call others 'reprobates' when you're a 20 year old woman who's never had a job, has now totally sabotaged her prospects of ever getting a job, and has to get the bus everywhere. This is Vicky-tier "people just want to be like me!!!1!!!"delusion.
No. 635249
File: 1531470852796.jpg (60.61 KB, 337x470, stock-vector-glitch-vector-art…)

>>634772It's probably just glitch typography she found somewhere.
You can find tons of examples, so it's not really an original idea.
No. 635484
>>635471Post caps then.
I'm in disbelief over how many tats she got in the span of ONE MONTH. There ought to be no more space on her face left.
No. 635555
File: 1531505635720.png (5.18 MB, 1125x2436, 807BDBF6-F117-4A89-94E2-4B5F90…)

>>635484sorry friend, the file didn’t upload ;( - screenshot from her recent post
ironically, dice don’t have a 7 on them.
No. 636579
File: 1531616063145.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20180715-014957.png)

>>635684Seriously though. He's capable of something as beautifully executed as this and yet he shat out that terrible piece on Skye.
She turned comments off for the dice photo, she clearly knows it's trash.
No. 641006
File: 1532005472494.jpg (135.29 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(39).jpg)

Probably because their so shocked at how much damage you've done to yourself in such a short amount of time
No. 642416
File: 1532106927719.jpg (502.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180720-115350_Ins…)

She answered some questions on her IG I'll be putting up. I don't understand because she's always saying you should love your body and everyone is different and perfect, but then says she wants to get her boobs and nose done? I think she has pretty decent sized boobs, and I never noticed her nose. If anything, she needs to get her goddamn teeth fixed.
No. 642419
File: 1532107018241.jpg (527.15 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180720-115400_Ins…)

She already gets stuff from goodbye bread and the wig shops, so what's the difference? I say within a year she'll have a PO box.
No. 642421
File: 1532107087046.jpg (535.49 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180720-115318_Ins…)

It'll be interesting to see if this changes once she runs out of space to tattoo on her body.
No. 643900
File: 1532231245637.png (Spoiler Image,811.16 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6271.PNG)

"best sellers"??????????
No. 643910
File: 1532232095904.png (Spoiler Image,51.99 KB, 640x604, IMG_6272.PNG)

No. 643911
File: 1532232325521.gif (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 299x299, IMG_6273.GIF)

No. 643915
File: 1532232821754.gif (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 327x327, IMG_6275.GIF)

she can't make much money? I mean….
No. 645244
>>645220I wish that were true but it’s not. Depending on the course they won’t let you hahe piercings, and it’s not even just courses for cooking, I did a course in music (!!!!!) and they didn’t want me having my facial piercings in.
Her piercings are also over the top ridiculous compared to what she had when she first applied.
No. 645449
>>645252I live near her, see her in town a lot, so assuming she'd applied to the college near the area, they probably wouldn't accept her unless she took the majority of her piercings out
the face tat doesn't help either, which I completely forgot about until right now
No. 645454
File: 1532382005738.gif (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 364x364, tumblr_p6xzv2omFy1weusgjo1_400…)

her ass is gross wtf
No. 645475
>>645454Ummm, it just looks like a regular arse? What's the issue with it? It's hardly a wart covered rot-ass like Shayna's is. Quit reaching.
On another note, why are a pair of those arms grey/blue?
No. 646859
File: 1532531789144.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1342, 20180725_161333.png)

Shop your damn lace Jesus, also the foundation over the mood is not doing it any favours.
No. 653495
File: 1533136124609.jpg (824.34 KB, 1080x1771, Tattoo bird zomm.jpg)

She got a new tattoo. Again.
No. 655058
File: 1533248599615.png (3.99 MB, 1125x2436, 168C4C32-18F3-401F-917B-E6E53B…)

>>653495She’s updated the info on that post since the last guy posted it - her body is literally fighting for her to stop getting tattoos and she’s just ignoring it, silly girl.
No. 655342
File: 1533273495730.jpg (568.14 KB, 1079x1249, 20180803_071656.jpg)

She claims she is straight edge, but she reblogged a stoner.
No. 655642
File: 1533315094742.png (1.22 MB, 1078x1068, Screenshot_20180803-170449.png)

Finally editing her lace front. Or attempting to.
No. 656092
>>655642Even though this look is objectively ridiculous, she looks beautiful here. I think all these mods+porn+shaved head is a weird form of self harm for her, hope she gets over it one day
Sorry for vague WK, she's a disaster now but I have hope for the future
No. 660482
File: 1533822458558.jpg (155.49 KB, 423x710, edge.jpg)

She's now fucking some edgy soundcloud rapper looking dude
No. 661260
File: 1533906047800.png (1.08 MB, 1242x2208, 61CF7CD7-A93C-43E7-B4F5-D823EC…)

she goes on to say that after the person told her, she contacted the owner of the shop and they banned her friend from the shop lmao.
Anyone know what tattoo shop she’s talking about?
No. 661321
File: 1533913319055.jpeg (494.84 KB, 750x846, 1D816DDB-4882-4286-8D1D-5CF782…)

>>660800it’s actually not that impossible, most modification artists close up stretched piercings all the time and they heal pretty good. She’s probably just to lazy to do it
No. 661446
>>661260I know someone that does modifications that has told me that she’s literally the worst person (Skye) to work with and that her appearance is horrendous, so I’m
not surprised.
No. 662242
File: 1534009066552.png (658.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180811-183446.png)

If she doesn't know what size she is then how can she know what size she wants to be? She's quite possibly already a D cup.
No. 662401
File: 1534025956987.jpg (673.2 KB, 1080x1842, 20180811_171834.jpg)

>>660578I find it funny he's a trimmer and a vegan. There's nothing vegan about that job.
No. 662473
File: 1534034033455.jpg (944.92 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180811_192347.jpg)

>>662467Someone asked her that before and she said it was easier not dealing with hair/it gets caught in everything/it's hot and they don't have AC in her flat. It's so funny with her, if you just ask something she blocks you, but if you put 'i luv u ur so pretty!!' at the end she doesn't. She has super thin skin, even if it was worded just as a question if you don't validate her in someway she sees it as a dig at her.
Also, the Josh guy has been to her flat before, back in February, so is this an off/on fuck buddy? He has a newish born which is maybe why there was a gap between when they last hungout. She's said multiple times she doesn't want kids so this should be interesting.
No. 662500
File: 1534037416266.jpeg (447.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-08-11-18-56-57…)

>>662202Apparently, according to her it was fucking up her teeth.
Also, I got the whole story on the tattoo shop drama screenshoted, anyone interested?
No. 662518
>>662502Okay, I'd swear to god I took screenshots but for some reason I've looked at all my folders in my phone and I can't seem to find them. Sorry for the dissapointment anon.
From what I remember, she mentioned that everything you guys saw in the screenshot the other anon posted and the rest was her saying how unprofessional it was of them and also how hypocritical because "they are in an industry that's based off looking different and unique" or something. A fair point tbh but she still looks busted lmao.
No. 662550
File: 1534042908514.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1578, Screenshot_20180812-035922.png)

Very likely that it was Josh who overheard people talking about Skye at Holier Than Thou.
No. 662553
File: 1534043112528.jpg (368.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180810-101453_Ins…)

>>662500I think these are the SS you were referring to.
No. 662554
File: 1534043179781.jpg (822.86 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180810-101458_Ins…)

No. 662556
File: 1534043325881.jpg (817.86 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180810-101502_Ins…)

>>662550The lines on that look like shit.
No. 662558
File: 1534043421881.jpg (476.84 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180810-101506_Ins…)

One more
No. 662559
File: 1534043675744.jpg (466.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180810-101511_Ins…)

I think she doesn't get that fact that everyone talks shit about ANYBODY. Sure they shouldn't have done it around clients, but it happens. Especially in a shop atmosphere people are going to talk shit about her horrendous hand tattoos. (Which I'm assuming a group of tattoo artists would do.)
No. 663113
>>662698>>661816To be fair to the shop, it's entirely up to them what they say about their clients. If they want to shit talk them, fair enough to them, it just means less people will go.
But at the same time, she got a mod done at that shop, and then tattooed over it and shit talked about Holly a few weeks later saying she did a really shit job (It was on her story, I'm sure someone on here will have a screenshot of it)
No. 663117
>>662175Are you retarded? Of course they wouldn't decline you from your application, they'd decline you at the interview you have to get on the course. Certain courses, specifically the ones she would want to go into (MAU, Cookery) will 100% decline her for her piercings and hand tattoos. She could
maybe get into college for MAU if she went to the right one, but no one will accept her for cookery.
>>662176Wrong. Are you just sucking him to her to get some brownie points? You're probably one of the guys she's fucked lately (and by gosh, there's a load of them anyway). Doing sex work is 100% wonderful way of getting kicked out of college/university, and if anyone ever found her pictures online if she ever got a real job, she'd likely get fired as well as it looks bad on the business. You're mentally retarded if you think otherwise.
No. 663971
File: 1534207425869.png (924.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180814-013421.png)

No. 664003
File: 1534210782732.jpg (481.84 KB, 1000x570, skye.jpg)

Tattoos so far this year
No. 664442
File: 1534270282829.png (115.92 KB, 750x1334, B75AD99B-9289-4D86-8072-E7F1CA…)

Got blocked for suggesting she watch the Jeffree star series that has come out haaaaa
No. 664502
>>664173Her name is definitely jodie, stands for travers, IIRC her dads name.
No. 665263
File: 1534350955417.png (763.61 KB, 750x1334, 572962F9-9F63-4847-8836-BF2D1C…)

oh noooo the cringe
No. 665314
File: 1534354627471.jpg (701.63 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180815-193618_Ins…)

She cuts herself. Look at her right upper leg.
No. 665329
File: 1534355561574.jpg (696.64 KB, 1077x1699, 20180815_124834.jpg)

>>665314I was just about to post that. It also seems like she was dating the Josh guy for weekend and now it's over. Or he was using her as a booty call and she took it to serious.
No. 665388
>>662500the regret is setting in! lol.
>>665263she identifies with not smoking weed soooo hard that she got that lifestyle choice branded on her.
No. 665635
File: 1534374592937.jpg (328.28 KB, 1511x2015, FB_IMG_1534373805409.jpg)

Dont know if its just me but something feels off about the tattoo
No. 665730
File: 1534377977591.png (597.91 KB, 1006x1045, Screenshot_20180816-010355.png)

>>665670Some spiderweb tattoos are shaded and don't look like trash. She just chose to go back to the dude who did her shitty forehead moon.
No. 666063
>>665635this….this is just bad. Imagine giving blowjobs for tattoos and this is what you get.
She just wants to fill her body with so many tattoos. If she were thinking carefully and let herself heal for each one I'd support it but it just feels like she is doing it on a whim and I can't comprehend how someone can tattoo themselves on a whim that often.
No. 666069
>>504458>>666063I have a few tattoos and the rule has always been, get your design or idea or whatever and wait 6 months. If you still like it after 6 months, then you're good to go.
Just going and getting so many on a whim is a bad idea. Of my tattoos, three were not thought out and guess which ones I really don't like anymore? She's going to end up regretting this. God knows what a 50 year old woman with dobby ears and a moon on her face is going to look like. Just sad.
No. 666104
File: 1534410940786.jpeg (170.36 KB, 750x1334, 3062083C-6F96-41C7-A5A2-1A9A67…)

No. 666137
>>666104It literally makes her sound like she has no financial awareness living check by check because thinking ahead is too far for her.
She would be more happy somebody gave her a 100$ in her hand than 1000$ in momthly installments.
should be worried how the money comes in, jfc it has alot of importance but god forbid you peer into the future besides online dick appointments & tattoo sessions.
No. 666179
File: 1534421494417.jpg (39.02 KB, 430x662, Capture.JPG)

Just posted this on her story, if she's not actively picking at the scabs (which shouldn't even be fully formed after less than 24 hours) then that's just an open graze/wound D:
No. 666223
>>666179This can happen though. Different areas of the skin heal/scab differently, plus it's on her knee, so with movement comes potential for skin to split or slough off. It does look quite dry though which in general isn't a good again as again - knee = high frequency of movement. She should either be keeping that thing slightly moistened with appropriate aftercare ointment or wet healing it. If I had my knees or elbows done then I would definitely opt for wet healing.
In relation to her basically living paycheck to paycheck, she needs to stop that right now before she gets much older and all that is on her CV is 'worked in a body piercing studio for a month and then quit to choke on dicks for a living'. I know there is always a way around these things and not everyone absolutely needs to have a decent working history, but it really fucking helps, especially if you are heavily modified or tattooed. Reality will hit her hard when someone out outdoes her in the levels of physical change of she's put herself through the last few years and she's no longer a point of interest. It's sad, as I wouldn't wish that on anyone no matter how much I disliked them, but in cases like this and at her age, she really should know better and grow the fuck up. Time to stop spending all that money on absolutely dog shit tattoos and start saving.
No. 667721
File: 1534616299823.png (865.85 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180818-191738.png)

Those boobs look sad
No. 667736
File: 1534617731351.png (6.22 MB, 1125x2436, C08967A4-3006-4273-BF21-2B6496…)

>>667721You can actually see where she has tried to shop the straggly bits of her wig out LOL.
No. 667776
>>665380I know this is three days old when I was younger I was a major cutter and when I turned 18 I started getting piercings because I just liked the pain, without realizing. Looking back that exactly why I got so many in such a short time. At her age I'm sure that's why shes doing this shit like
>>665585 said
sage for blogpost
No. 668283
File: 1534695030869.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, sketch-1534695004958.png)

No. 668723
File: 1534747797469.png (831.42 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180820-012134.png)

No. 668724
File: 1534747822529.png (761.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180820-012141.png)

No. 668725
File: 1534747874403.png (672.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180820-012209.png)

Nice job wasting NHS time, dumbass.
No. 668863
>>667734agreed. She splurges a lot of money on her look and could invest it better. Clothes don't fit, colours are always mismatched and everything is over the top and unbalanced. I don't think she realises how much it all clashes. She could do so much better.
find her more cringy than milky though.
No. 668888
File: 1534783182305.png (Spoiler Image,792.9 KB, 750x1334, 4DCFFE42-DFC9-49DE-BD80-A5C9AD…)

Does she just stand and stank herself? Can’t think of anything less sexy…
No. 671310
File: 1535039658672.png (1.4 MB, 750x1334, E6D62E0F-A62E-4802-AD80-7C8A73…)

No. 671672
File: 1535066140618.jpg (205.93 KB, 517x592, lol.jpg)

Why does she not grow out her eyebrows instead of drawing them on?? They'd look so much better.
Also gurl, that eyelash, is u ok
No. 671777
File: 1535072772391.png (1.18 MB, 800x1051, Screenshot_2018-08-23-18-03-15…)

No. 672257
File: 1535131053512.png (533.68 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180824-180118.png)

Possible lurking?
No. 672278
>>672257I thought the same thing when I saw this.
Isn't microblading really expensive? I've heard ladies in my area say it's almost 350USD the first time they went, and you have to keep getting it done. Should we take bets on how they'll look?
No. 672888
File: 1535205573006.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 16F31572-4DC7-4353-AE42-C76F63…)

I wonder if the jeans already had a cut on the knee… or if she ripped a brand new pair of jeans just to shoe off her sIcK KnEe tAt
No. 672894
>>672888She was so desperate to show off the tattoo that her knee looks like an amputee stump here tbh
>>672257She totally lurks anyway, and at least some people she knows. It consistently sounds like there is one same person in here defending her or asking where we are getting info etc.
With regard to her microblading plans, it is expensive and requires retouching. If she hasn't been a total dumbass and has been shaving her brows like that instead of plucking or waxing, then she could be planning to grow them out when they've been microbladed. With how little of a shit she gave about ensuring her middle of her forehead facial tattoo looking symmetrical and decent, god knows she'll go to someone shit for her eyebrows and not take care of them either.
No. 673216
File: 1535231122787.png (696.56 KB, 1080x1920, sketch-1535231063002.png)

Explains a lot
No. 673218
File: 1535231262338.png (802.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180824-233714.png)

Both of her hand tattoos are trash but the burning Bible is waaaay worse than the heart.
No. 673236
File: 1535232962390.png (889.68 KB, 606x916, Screen Shot 2018-08-25 at 2.35…)

Oldie but goodie
That hole above her lip tho..
No. 673367
>>673216Anyone who asks that should not be getting a tattoo.
>black outOr, "How to disguise your regrettable ink with something even more regrettable."
No. 676967
File: 1535694801750.png (Spoiler Image,794.7 KB, 750x1334, B3984A6F-900E-4DA8-AB5C-E3A960…)

She’s fucking so rude like she ignores any messages you send her she only cares about herself not her followers and she only ever replies with tysm. Also she fucking things depression is a joke like she said she isn’t actually depressed but uses it to address her mood I’m so mad ugh why idolise it it’s not cool at all it’s a fucking
mental illness
No. 676970
File: 1535694976121.png (Spoiler Image,147.06 KB, 750x1334, 5D93E22E-2B94-4DEC-B677-13E947…)

Preparing to be blocked looooo
No. 677217
File: 1535738575230.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, 27123EBB-C49D-493F-B819-876867…)

… is she looking for a job!?
No. 677750
File: 1535790926396.png (238.8 KB, 1080x1641, Screenshot_20180901-093349.png)

>>677217Looks like it was for this job. Does she seriously think a bank would hire her, even in a call center?
No. 677782
>>677750That’s the contact centre her mom works in, she’s probably trying to get in so she can work with her precious mother.
But considering during the interview process you can’t have piercings or dyed hair for
some companies, I don’t imagine she’ll get close to having that job.
No. 679879
File: 1535991501881.jpg (195.82 KB, 1511x2015, FB_IMG_1535991428319.jpg)

Her eyes look like spiders are coming out of them. Might be one of her worst photos yet
No. 680320
File: 1536028213185.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.41 KB, 750x1334, Image-1(52).jpg)

So gross and tragic, do you think food leaks out of it?
No. 684149
File: 1536447279051.png (121.71 KB, 750x1334, A3E18D58-D8BF-4801-B9FB-368BD4…)

She must be desperate for subscribers
No. 684151
File: 1536447322014.png (Spoiler Image,216.8 KB, 750x1334, 4539B731-B755-47E9-B98E-72DDAA…)

That josh lad must be back on the scene?
No. 684501
>>684457share pics please
>>684485yeah holier than thou have a great reputation locally and having been pierced there i cant imagine anyone criticising her for her appearance or whatever (also you don't need to type in a username or email on here, you've made it pretty obvious who you are by doing so)
No. 684702
>>684523How much are you paying for her snapchat?
She’s always super secretive about pricing!
No. 685260
>>684702I think it was £10? It was maybe a year ago, before her sad vegan tattoos definitely. She had it on her instagram that she had it on "sale" so I don't know if she normally charges more?
Sage not really milky
No. 685293
>>685260So like a 1 off payment?
How the fuck does she afford to buy stuff with that
(emojis) No. 685373
File: 1536609106030.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, F655437E-ED38-4898-8C87-A813F4…)

Does she do “freckles” to try and cover up how bad the moon is?
It just draws more attention to it imo
No. 685375
>>685332Do you know them?
Just curious as to where you got this info!
No. 686290
File: 1536721653238.jpg (658.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180911-183213_Ins…)

No. 686522
>>686312Leave the name and email fields blank and write "sage" in the email field if you don't want to bump the thread. If you want to reply to a post then click that posts number while writing in the text box of your own post. I appreciate you bringing info and don't want you to get banned for these things. You can find more info in the rules.
How do you know her mother has spent money on her mods? Has her mother ever said anything remotely critical of her lifestyle? I'm an alternative weird bitch myself but even if my kid was making such terrible choices I wouldn't be able to be quiet on it let alone encourage it
>>684149She really is throwing it all out on the table with her sex work. She didn't work to build a following specifically interested in that side of her rather than just mods, and she doesn't build up her posts or videos and isn't leaving a teasing kind of market for certain acts, like How most porn stars won't do anal straight away because if they strictly don't do anal for ages and then release an anal vid the want for it will be so much bigger. That kind of thing.
No. 686870
File: 1536794591816.jpg (607.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180912-122356_Ins…)

>>686673Gauged ears without their gauges are disgusting.
No. 688815
File: 1537024663511.jpg (912.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180915-091654_Ins…)

somehow she still gets sent things. cant wait to see my fav influencer in this getup.
No. 690113
>>689641Same anon here, I've tried the airplane mode thing and it's been
problematic, my phone is pretty derpy. I'll see what I can do
No. 692845
File: 1537471226775.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, FD41E25B-AF29-46F2-A851-1929CF…)

„I need friends“
Well…really seems problematic.
No. 693289
File: 1537508670496.jpg (749.31 KB, 1075x1778, Screenshot_20180921-074410_Ins…)

No. 693361
>>693289Do you know how she turned from proana to a vegan bodypos fat ass? Is it her therapy, medication or being hit by a van? Sure she was average, but definitely better looking than now.
Speaking of which, I'm still not following what this
being hit by a van story is all about, can somebody elaborate?
No. 693900
>>693361Coming to her senses and wanting to be healthy and not be fucking hungry all the time anymore? Seriously what kind of question is that? Are you actually retarded? Like you're now digging up shite from like 2/3 years ago when she was in a bad place then going WOW LOOK HOW SHE CHANGED HER MIND!!
So you've never changed your mind on anything in your life then? You've never grown or attempted to do 1 positive fucking thing, what a fucking idiot you are
No. 693932
>>693929>>693900Doublepost, but see also:
Filming porn and putting it on Tumblr
Wow she sure turned over a new leaf. What a mentally healthy life she now leads. Just a different type of body obsession and online attention seeking, but ok anon.
No. 693958
>>693929>>693932Thank you anon for speaking with the fools. This is exactly what I meant, and it's not even that she eats a lot better, 60 cent instant noodle soups, which are not even (sad) vegan by the way. Are those WKs denying that she caused herself way more damage recently than she dealt with ED? Now she cannot even find a job with all that shit on her face and body and porn online. She still self harms but on another level.
So yeah, think twice before posting and don't forget to sage.
No. 697023
File: 1537932285341.jpg (399.05 KB, 1080x1861, girl.jpg)

I wish she would get off my explore page.
No. 697273
File: 1537958699475.png (4.06 MB, 1242x2208, AA830B9F-4C4E-4B7D-BC5C-CB9A04…)

i’m pretty sure she’s at blancolo which is a shitty piercing/tattoo place that does piercings for £10
No. 697347
>>697273Did she say what she was getting pierced? Blancolo's a bit of a downgrade from her usual places, no?
That being said I've never had any problems going there when I didn't know any better, it's always been clean and the piercers have been nice etc
No. 697426
File: 1537975244864.jpg (470.47 KB, 1069x1718, 20180926_101855.jpg)

>>697347Same anon as above, not sure why she had to have someone do this? I changed mine out all this time and it's easy.
No. 697509
>>697426Different anon. I prefer to go to a shop because i don't have to bend my nose in weird ways to make sure I got my jewelry in correct. I also don't wear nostril screws, only labrets so..
I usually recommend people going to a shop if they can, it's clean and you don't have to put extra stress on the pierce site since you're not trying to see up your own nostril.
No. 697691
>>697426Your piercer will usually do this for free if you purchased your jewelry at their shop. I like to change mine at my piercer's because a lot of the jewelry is internally threaded and difficult to manage myself.
Still, I would never go somewhere that had piercings priced so low… Yikes!
Sage for piercing autism
No. 702347
File: 1538466759079.png (667.29 KB, 812x600, Capture.PNG)

No. 702348
File: 1538466802185.png (206.59 KB, 407x699, Capture.PNG)

Not cute
No. 703197
File: 1538571122626.jpg (663.58 KB, 1080x1328, 20181003_135103.jpg)

Oh no
No. 704530
>>702347>>703197Her eyes look so dead empty and derpy in every photo, I just can't. She still sits in her room covered in makeup because of no friends?
Her pupils are also super small, wild guessing but is she on fentanyl or something?
>>702348This looks like a traced photo, maybe with manually adjusted eyes/lips/nose. Lazy and not pretty.
No. 704803
>>704530Fentanyl??? What planet are you on
It’s probably because she’s standing in front of a window with light in her eyes you gimp
(emojis) No. 704847
File: 1538752474903.jpg (Spoiler Image,739.68 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181003-081946_Ins…)

She's hurting for money, which is probably why her filming lad was over last night.
No. 704994
>>704847a like how she says so she can eat this month, implying she doesn't still live with her mother who buys all of her food…
>>704530There's a window directly in front of where she's taking a photo ya mad wank, girls a psycho but she's no a coke head
No. 705494
>>705105fuck up ya mad melt, there’s bound to be scots here considering she is scottish
No. 705576
File: 1538859531871.jpg (980.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181006-155221_Ins…)

Her self harm scars are so big, or is that just me? The one going with her forearm looks like at one point to was a really wide/deep cut. So weird she would swatch over those, but I guess the front of her hands have horrible tattoos and are unusable.
>>704994>>705393(Also, keep on with the Scottish accents!)
No. 705973
>>705931Total self fag but I have really bad scars from school and 10+ years later they're very obvious. It's impossible to hide them unless I wear long sleeves always. And in summer fuck that.
But with Skye she shows fresh/open cuts on her thighs on her snap according to somebody else up the thread which is just attention seeking and dangerous for the young girls who idolise her.
No. 706106
File: 1538938110038.jpg (296.14 KB, 1080x1588, Screenshot_20181007-134309_Fac…)

Since this is an image board…
Anyone know where she's going to get them done? I can't wait to see how bad they look, judging from her hit or miss (more of the later too) with tattoo artists.
Also probably why she was begging people to buy her snap earlier.
No. 706151
File: 1538942783164.jpg (82.5 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f485…)

>>507263>>560213>>508704>>643910>>680320These are images you can practically smell, augh.
No. 706590
File: 1538999782228.png (266.08 KB, 452x677, Capture.PNG)

Oh god they're going to look so horrible
No. 706637
>>705576I've seen wider.
I think the depth of the cut is only one factor. Genetics, weight gain, and skin health play their own roles.
No. 706769
File: 1539021042177.jpeg (186.99 KB, 750x1152, 15C1F7DA-C653-4A49-B01B-1EEB1B…)

I mean…really!?
This is just…unnecessary!
Been removed on snap bc of Screenshots from this horrible stencils..Absolutely regret spending money on it anyway.
It‘s been hella boring and always the same stuff.
I was just curious.
I‘m really starting to dislike her for her arrongant and bitchy attitude more and more!
No. 706771
File: 1539021225458.jpeg (150.05 KB, 750x1068, 4CF49967-442B-4275-8B42-90695E…)

No. 706828
>>706771imagine having such cute boobs and then being SOOO committed to an edgelord aesthetic that you permanently disfigure them with a cheap spiderweb mandala design.
No. 706854
File: 1539028427245.jpg (467.83 KB, 1079x1349, Screenshot_20181008-205312_Ins…)

aaand she has suceeded in ruining a perfectly cute pair if tits, rip
No. 706868
>>706854These are so huge, why?
Extreme and frequent bodymodding like this is probably some form of self-harm. I've heard from people who used to cut that getting a tattoo is a similar release.
No. 707035
File: 1539043306752.jpg (218.4 KB, 1078x1347, sad-vegan-tiddies.jpg)

>>706855I came up with a free concept for her. The evolution of shitty tiddie tattoo. There is no coming back from ruining your body, right?
Not following people calling her tits cute though. They are low, sagging, with stretch marks and possibly scars? Does somebody have a tit jealousy here?
No. 707051
>>706855Tattoos like this make you look like you're wearing clothes (effectively). I think it's a way of de-sexualising yourself (a giant
vegan right under the breasts is not sexy either) so seeing them all together I can see why she got it done. Still, preventing others from seeing and sexualising your body also prevents yourself from seeing it. I know she does porn stuff too which is why I suspect that's the reason.
No. 707078
>>706855LOL was she not begging for money so "she can eat" this month?
Maybe if she stopped getting mediocre tattoos every week she'd be able to afford food.
No. 707084
>>707035Her boobs aren't saggy, obviously heavier breasts will sit differently to a smaller cup size.
And about the stretch marks, I've never in my life encountered a woman who didn't have them unless she was completely flat chested. It's just what happens to people when they grow, dude.
No. 707242
>>706868There's an interesting paper on this, actually. The survey found that 37% of the body-modded people who took it had histories of self harm.
To give you some perspective, only 4% of all Americans have practiced self harm.
Correlation obviously does not equal causation, but with a difference this significant, it's very likely a connection exists.
The paper: No. 708304
>>707035have you ever seen tits that aren’t on a porn star ya fanny? aw titties have stretch marks, and anything above a 32C are gonna “sag”, it’s literally two balls of fat on their chest
Her tits aren’t amazing but they were at least cute to look at, now they’re just shite
No. 711375
>>711089Most of her tats are under £100 cos she goes to shit trainee artists 90% of the time.
She doesn’t have a job, her frequent instagram stories tells everyone she doesn’t have a job - she sells pictures of her messy ham.
No. 711764
>>711375Is her ham messy tho? Or are you being a dick
Anyone got pics?
File: 1539572136523.jpg (707.65 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20181015_035541.jpg)

No. 713159
File: 1539604599475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,188.48 KB, 750x1057, 8E509F00-5111-48FF-AF6A-E7B95B…)

Still cannot believe she ruined her tits like this!
No. 713351
>>713159God this really is exceptionally horrible and unfortunate
>>713164Her tongue is split…
No. 726409
File: 1541324758802.jpg (187.55 KB, 720x1015, IMG_20181104_104353.jpg)

Next tattoo idea
No. 732116
File: 1542223526363.jpg (131.88 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1542223424395.jpg)

Looks like she's still actively cutting like an anon a while ago thought.
No. 732120
File: 1542223794845.jpg (776.29 KB, 1080x1711, 20181114_132741.jpg)

Better than some of her tattoos, but parts of the shading look weird.
If someone came to me to get tattooed and I saw self harm around the area, I'd decline to do the job. Some of these look like they're pretty fresh, why do all that work when the client is just going to ruin it with self harm?
No. 732122
File: 1542223978453.jpg (553.29 KB, 1080x1706, Screenshot_20181114-133236_Fac…)

2 hours later and probably already ruining that tattoo.
No. 732169
>>732120So tattoo artists won’t tattoo over old self harm scars?
I mean, I understand declining to do the job if the scars are still fresh and red/purple. You have no idea how those scars are going to settle and look a year from now. Also, I feel like it’s not an extreme jump from going from cutting as the primary means of self harm to tattooing.
I guess I was just wondering if you, and other, tattoo artists will deny to work on really old scars (I’m talking a decade or more.) I thought that many people were able to cover up their old scars with tattoos so they aren’t as promenient.
No. 732185
>>732120That tattoo is fresh it’s going to look distorted until it fully heals.
>>732152>>732169And no, most tattoo artists have no problems tattooing over scars. It’s actually incredibly common. As long as the scar is fully healed there no reason it can’t be tattooed over even if it may require a slight touch up. I would assume for most people getting tattooed over scars deters them from self harming in that area because tattoos are usually expensive so why ruin it?
No. 732572
>>732169We will tattoo over self harm scar and any other kind of scar, however, if they are of the keloid variety or are excessively damaging to the skin wherein the ink wont sit right in the skin and make the work look poor, that is generally when it will get refused or a work around is figured out until both artist and customer are happy. If the scar is happy and settled, then it's fine.
No. 733380
File: 1542402756150.jpeg (34.4 KB, 439x660, EN_00981535_0526.jpeg)

sage for no new milk but she's 19 iirc and has done irreversable damage to her body… what will she do when it's just a phase and she wants to get rid of all these body mods? what will she look like when she's older? she reminds me of that mexican vampire lady in the pic above who covered her whole body in tattoos, piercings and other modifications
No. 733384
File: 1542403235446.jpg (649.77 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181116-161931_Sam…)

Is it just me or is it weird how her concealer is way too light for her skin? She looks like a reverse panda
No. 734056
>>733384tbh it looks better than if it were darker than her natural color like a lot of girls do
also lol at those bangs covering her moon tattoo, i can't imagine how awful it'd be having that thing permanently stuck on your forehead
No. 734108
>>673241I agree, but at the same time, I sadly believe it’s way too late for her at this point. I followed her for some years (mostly just really shocked/fascinated by her look at the time), and would get a little excited when she grew back her eyebrows, wore wigs and removed some piercings since I thought she was going back to decent. She has a pretty face underneath all that junk.
Buuuuut wow. It’s been at least a year since I last saw this girl online and I’m shook upon discovering this thread lmao. Like I’m horrified. From the massive increase in (terrible) tattoos to her cringe inducing porn, I don’t think there’s any coming back from that. I’m astounded at how far she’s gone and how far gone she’s become.
No. 742962
File: 1543848554246.jpg (356.2 KB, 1511x2015, FB_IMG_1543848469909.jpg)

What's the count at for tattoos this year alone? And what the hell is this supposed to be?
No. 743066
>>664003 plus knees, nips and hand I think.
No. 743102
>>742962classic oldschool/traditional or more like neo trad nail tattoo
really boring design tbh
No. 743111
File: 1543867196392.jpg (158.8 KB, 1080x579, Screenshot_20181203-135947_Tum…)

Starting December 17th Tumblr will no longer allow adult content. And since she's made it clear she doesn't post any where else, I can see her starting to ebeg. Looks like the almost 20 tattoos she got this past year is going to be it for a while.
All the Tumblr thots must be shitting themselves.
No. 743716
File: 1543957952807.jpg (584.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181204-161056_Sam…)

what the hell is this
No. 744012
File: 1543987015011.jpg (47.59 KB, 600x600, 2250716-eyeball-tattoos.jpg)

I want to make a prediction. Img.
No. 745213
>>743716That's obviously a very bad tattoo that is going to age terribly.
Sage for nitpick, but that's not really a nitpick, it's her entire palm.
No. 748341
File: 1544666613281.jpg (Spoiler Image,455.37 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181212-200026_Ins…)

What in the world. I have worn fake nails, and also done my own, I have never had this happen.
No. 748344
File: 1544666711643.jpg (Spoiler Image,552.26 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181212-200030_Ins…)

If she treats the rest of her modifications like she treats her nails, it's no wonder her tattoos are shit and her makeup is a caked on mess.
No. 748903
File: 1544752035703.jpg (670.83 KB, 1080x1720, Screenshot_20181213-194406_Ins…)

Left shoulder has cuts on it, and they weren't there on her picture from two weeks ago when you could see her shoulder.
No. 751114
File: 1545232465720.jpg (Spoiler Image,706.65 KB, 2688x1512, Snapchat-1260977857.jpg)

You're welcome :)(spoiler needed)
No. 751195
>>751114It looks like the points closest to her nipple isn't spaced out properly.
>>751125 kek
No. 752656
File: 1545503044751.jpeg (137.71 KB, 575x1024, D18F1CD7-79B7-43F8-9E1C-8D4B28…)

sorry for the black bars, one of her ex’s sent me this and i don’t want to name drop him, if you know who he is you’ll know these are genuine
they’re from May 2017
No. 752657
File: 1545503094172.jpeg (158.66 KB, 575x1024, 173004BC-7E21-46C3-AEBF-D09F02…)

Pt. 2
No. 752659
File: 1545503193013.jpeg (147.33 KB, 575x1024, FBCA9979-CB4C-4C41-A23E-D0C1E1…)

Pt. 3 - last one i can post without it being super obvious who he is
No. 752874
File: 1545535567755.jpg (280.72 KB, 1488x641, skye.jpg)

Found this after she posted about it on her IG story
No. 754053
someone made that account at some point as a parody and now skye is on twitter they asked if she wanted the username, instead of saying yes please or something she just said what’s in their header, so they blocked her and kept the username lol
No. 754054
someone made that account at some point as a parody and now skye is on twitter they asked if she wanted the username, instead of saying yes please or something she just said what’s in their header, so they blocked her and kept the username lol
No. 754055
someone made that account at some point as a parody and now skye is on twitter they asked if she wanted the username, instead of saying yes please or something she just said what’s in their header, so they blocked her and kept the username lol
No. 755784
File: 1546099210670.jpg (44.1 KB, 433x290, Untitled.jpg)

Works in a Tattoo shop if you believe that.
No. 756792
File: 1546261835100.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, B3A5B720-18EC-488C-BD99-6C431F…)

I know palm tattoos don’t stick very easily, but holy shit this is a mess
No. 757679
>>504458>>757678Without having to do real sex work
She doesn't have to pay rent or bills because she lives with her mam. And she won't be young forever. She'll be a skaghead in ten years watch this space
No. 757717
>>707035Her tits were nice, virgin. I can understand disliking the woman for all the dumb shit she does, but she ain't ugly… she just makes her self look ugly with all those god awful body mods.
>>756792MAN, that is a horrible tat in every conceivable way!!
No. 758374
File: 1546529068616.jpg (297.1 KB, 1080x865, 20190103_162417.jpg)

New tat. The cringe is real.
No. 758389
>>758240 People have to pay to see it all.
How is that "not being paid"
No. 758966
>>758395You're right, it looks absolutely terrible.
>>758397Guess that's how she gets those discounts.
No. 759679
File: 1546717003408.jpeg (378.82 KB, 640x792, 620C8F0A-08D1-46FE-9CF3-AD43C4…)

Can she learn to buy clothes that actually fit her? I feel like she thinks she’s skinnier than she actually is. Her tits just look fat and saggy in this pic
No. 759710
>>758937Sex work is an umbrella term, just like "food service." Sex work can be anything from what she does, to stripping, to professional porn or prostitution, just like food service can be anything from cleaning a toilet at McDonalds to a 5-star chef.
She gets paid for her nudes and porn and is therefore a sex worker.
No. 760822
>>758374Ugh, this literally looks like someone smeared some diesel on her thighs. Why did she think this was a good idea?!?
Jokes aside, girl needs help. I'm arm-chairing here, but I assume she started drinking as a way to cope with her issues as well? At the rate she's going, soon she'll have no more skin left to cover up and I wonder what her next step will be. The thought kind of scares me tbh, especially considering the apparent lack of professional help/support. She seems like a decent enough person and I'd hate for her to go that route even further, cow or not.
No. 761475
File: 1547039112020.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190109-130421.png)

Place your bets folks, what's it going to be?
No. 761600
File: 1547058668737.jpg (727.32 KB, 1080x1770, Screenshot_20190109-122910_Ins…)

>>761531>>761535>>761541Why are you all so retarded? Put 'sage'in the email field when you have nothing to contribute.
No. 762025
>>761789>>761796It's a chrysanthemum.Only it's been stretched to fit to a knee so it's long as opposed to being rounder in shape. I can see some wobbly lines and the colour looks patch. Also, check out that lame attempt at filling up the centre of the flower with a bit of scribbly shading and round lines.
I get wanting new tattoos, but with the amount she's spent on getting shit done lately, she could have saved a decent chunk of a house deposit or sommat.
No. 762161
File: 1547122274791.png (816.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190110-121042.png)

She's only just got home. Exchanging sex for tattoos confirmed?
No. 762450
>>762359Press F for this poor soul.
It's trashy if you fuck someone for a tattoo.
Especially a low quality one.
No. 763754
>>7633691. Learn to sage.
2. She changed her name because her dad was an asshole (give or take a lie or two from herself), looks like she changed it c. 2014/2015, but she never actually changed it legally, her bank etc. is still under her old name, so Skye is more like an online name than her legal name.
Purdon is her middle name, Travers is her last name (easily findable online, linked here too), so her name is actually Jodie Purdon Travers, not Skye Purdon.
No. 764885
File: 1547459554048.png (234.48 KB, 330x344, Capture.PNG)

>>764874>>764875>>764876jesus christ someone come get the newfags out of here
No. 766423
File: 1547585785694.png (3.79 MB, 750x1334, 36EE2F1B-EFC0-413C-9B95-F4B4EF…)

No. 766983
File: 1547664630423.jpg (Spoiler Image,339.06 KB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20190116-123114_Chr…)

One day when she's not cute and can't make it as a sex worker, someone will Google her and see her pissing for money. Classy.
No. 766995
File: 1547665683831.png (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 1080x1335, Screenshot_20190116-190239.png)

>>766993Derp, dropped pic
No. 767416
File: 1547787427614.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.47 KB, 576x1024, ayyy.jpg)

>>766995Getting your eyeballs injected with ink is a very bad idea.
No. 767764
>>767416What the fuck is this thing?
I wonder if that's Skye next stage of evolution… or devolution.
No. 768105
File: 1547885577883.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.31 KB, 574x583, sadvegan.jpg)

Looking even more miserable than usually.
No. 768138
File: 1547894162314.png (2.77 MB, 750x1334, B44FDCC0-FE14-4366-B15E-799EEE…)

What the fuck is that red lace thingy?
No. 770173
>>766995Yikes. One of the saddest tat girls I've ever seen.
Look at all those cutting scars on her arms.
No. 772456
File: 1548607681213.jpg (295.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190127-164649_Ins…)

Holy fuck
No. 772479
File: 1548609546492.png (78.07 KB, 1080x555, Screenshot_20190127-171748.png)

>>772477Oh wait. Wishful thinking.
No. 772500
File: 1548612248952.jpg (356 KB, 716x1112, 20190127_180346.jpg)

No. 772537
File: 1548617724387.png (3.31 MB, 750x1334, 32A30C10-F3FE-4EA3-A738-35D3CF…)

aaand she’s fucking another guy.
No. 772547
File: 1548618296479.png (1016.95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190127-171610.png)

Gee, I wonder how she's paying for that tattoo
No. 772842
File: 1548668501186.png (2.96 MB, 750x1334, 336BBA14-2432-4E9D-9C99-6A1A24…)

She’s got to be kidding! They’re awful!
The artist she fucked seems to be a trainee.
Also, why is her tacky nail up her nose, here?
No. 772962
File: 1548705889951.jpeg (Spoiler Image,117.3 KB, 750x782, 20BCAFA2-2C87-4D7A-88F6-998C32…)

Maybe it’s just me, but isn’t this extremely unsexy?
No. 773188
File: 1548751323000.jpg (125.93 KB, 639x742, 1534405968227.jpg)

>>504458>>773182There's an insta "model" called Elizabeth Minto Das who has a bunch of face tattoos and sometimes covers them up with foundation (in this pic she's covered up the "Lucas" across her left cheek, you can just barely see it). I guess maybe Skye is planning to do something similar, either paint around with foundation which will look patchy, or try and block it out with concealer. It will look shit either way.
No. 773250
>>773229>ruined specimenImho someone doing something you don't agree with to their body isn't milk
Someone covering their face in tattoos AND THEN complaining that nobody will hire them or pay for their snapchat nudes would be milk, but just shitting on aesthetic choices is too much like nitpicking
No. 773924
File: 1548958215210.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1813, 5133EEEC-3E05-4211-80B1-FF0B4F…)

Older and wiser? Didn’t she get this last year? I guess she is “older” now but I think that’s a pretty quick turn around to being wise.
No. 774801
File: 1549221970033.jpeg (239.11 KB, 750x743, D9D29C28-ECF4-46B9-B637-4230C1…)

The infinite wisdoms of Skye Purdon continue…
No. 774855
>>772456i really like her hair like this and hope she keeps it. the bangs are really good and the length suits her, makes her look younger. nice color.
everything else is a screaming cry for help but she got a thing right for once.
is there any way she can laser that awful moon or would it interfere with her scarification underneath? i definitely know, considering the fall out, she could laser most of these atrocities off and maybe that's why she's getting tattooed for outrage validation, bc she knows most can be lifted. I feel like she's doing this to compensate/distract from some originally shitty tattoos, and i'm assuming it's her moon or the hands. like bitch get them
lasered the fuck off and chill your body dysmorphia. you got options.
No. 774977
File: 1549283378788.png (3.98 MB, 750x1334, 940DED50-3F84-451D-B8AA-6B92C4…)

It’s beem under a week since the last.
No. 775003
File: 1549295985401.jpg (367.98 KB, 720x996, 20190204_155915.jpg)

No. 775006
>>775003so now it reads "sad vegan hurt me" huh? like one of those sentences where the meaning changes depending on where you put the comma kek.
it's obvious self harm at this point, don't see any other reason she'd be getting new tattoo every week or so
No. 775034
>>775003"he's a mate"
Ok but those underwear are obviously see-through and I dunno about you but I'm pretty close to my mates and my mates haven't seen my entire vag
No. 775227
>>775003She really didn't need to strip down to her underwear…
Also her tattoos are all absolutely hideous, she clearly has no real love for body mods, she just wants attention online.
No. 775297
>>775269bit sus that you happen to come at the moment someone calls you out “toni”
Just cos she lets you piss on her doesn’t make her a nice person x
No. 775627
File: 1549480315276.jpg (148.92 KB, 1511x2015, FB_IMG_1549480069682.jpg)

>>775344Why doesn't she go to good artists with smooth lines? She's had so many shitty tattoos and here she is again, wonky lines and all.
No. 775726
>>773924good to know she's planning on blacking out the arm (wtf) but as with everything else she does, um, why? i don't get how she heals from any of these tattoos, her body must be super run down at this point.
how many has she gotten in the past six months, even? ten? that sounds crazy but i think that's right?
No. 775727
>>775627This is so bad.
I know it's meant to be a rose but…. oof.
No. 775756
File: 1549517817771.jpg (27.39 KB, 300x245, overdone.jpg)

>>775726does she mean she plans on going full Farrah Flawless on her arm?
No. 776450
File: 1549743764328.png (1.61 MB, 750x1334, 52766B8E-9403-46BF-BCC9-450E0B…)

anotha tattoo?(namefagging)
No. 777010
File: 1549893013171.png (Spoiler Image,453.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190211-130621.png)

No. 777137
File: 1549918061606.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, 70950C84-2D6C-47A5-80C0-6F7191…)

Encouraging others to get tattoos as awful as her own ones. Maybe the burning bible guy should execute this.
No. 777764
File: 1550040052921.jpeg (Spoiler Image,256.21 KB, 750x737, E7E6DB3F-3BFE-40B1-83E4-7FE8D4…)

Skye’s next tattoo?
No. 779180
File: 1550509198528.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, 82889DEB-4449-4BBB-AFA6-7543D1…)

really bitch???
No. 779219
File: 1550521552875.png (3.27 MB, 750x1334, 3F32AC07-CE61-4F7C-9981-7B16DD…)

That’s not even a joke, that’s her real plan, if she doesn’t know, I can tell her that much!
Ridiculous woman.
No. 779220
File: 1550521646723.png (3.59 MB, 750x1334, 8AB79530-755F-41FE-AABE-B09C27…)

This is obvs cuz none of them have any real meaning at all and all look like shite!
No. 779223
>>777764This is weird looking, it accentuates the stretch marks or the veins under the skin or something. Like when bodybuilders use oil to make their muscles pop? This level of blackwork just draws attention to those small imperfections and not in a good way. It even makes her areolas look weird.
Skye is def headed in this direction though. She's 100% the female version of Pauly Unstoppable/Farrah Flawless: completely unhappy in her own skin and addicted to mods and tats.
No. 779225
File: 1550521880281.png (2.48 MB, 750x1334, FD94134A-1B0F-46E6-BAFD-58C752…)

I’d be embarrassed to show this off if I were her. I wonder if she’ll redo it or if she’ll cover it up, now that she’s not straight edge anymore
No. 779234
File: 1550525772060.jpeg (28.08 KB, 1080x1350, 0E80C97C-254C-4F14-8F1A-0511FA…)

>>779226Yeah, I don't think it's far off. Maybe we should set up a betting pool?
I want to say she's going to do something
more disfiguring (blackout part of her face/remove another body part) within the next three months. She's ramping up her collection.
I've been trying to keep track of all the work she's had done and it's difficult. I did find an old picture of her with next to nothing done, but I'm not sure when she started, either - pic related
No. 779382
File: 1550552342437.jpeg (Spoiler Image,56.58 KB, 640x640, 7593C4B4-AE24-43C8-A698-93BF1A…)

>>779380If you're not much for body modding, I think the ear reshaping definitely counts as having something chopped off.
No. 779415
>>776009it's been done SO0O0O MANY TIMES on instagram thots i don't understand how she obviously can see it done so much, for literally years, and that's all she can bring to the table when all she does all day is probably troll instagram. I think it's fair to say whatever you spend the majority of your day on should be your passion or be making you a lot of money… she doesn't live far from
extremely talented artists in Europe, I legitimately don't understand how she doesn't just save her money, spend a couple extra actual minutes and lurk up the reputable artists, and travel. An instagram about a supposed "tattoo model" would be so much more interesting if she travelled and got done by great artists that she has access to being where she is.
There's no excuse for being this tattooed and having a
new solid black rose silhouette tattoo in 2019. If she's a sex worker and not making enough to pay for world class tattoos and travel she's just fucking up her damn life because nothing will be worth it.
No. 779494
File: 1550600265295.png (706.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190219-181656.png)

From straight edge to drinking alone at home on a Tuesday. How long until she starts eating meat?
No. 779529
File: 1550606647130.jpg (675.72 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190219-140210_Gal…)

>>779494Someone's salty she got called out.
People eating meat/using their byproducts doesn't impact her either, but still she bitches.
No. 779547
>>779529her hypocrisy aside,
>INCOMING SPERG: you eating meat does impact the environment, which you and other folks live in and also long-term the planet y'alls children are gon live on so.
No. 779558
File: 1550611078427.png (Spoiler Image,3.42 MB, 1188x1548, sk.png)

>>779400Not the same anon, but here is some.
No. 779563
>>779558Her lower lip looks misshapen because of the plug. She's not pretty, per se, but she would look so much better without all the crap in her face.
That hole in her philtrum
triggers me for some reason.
No. 779572
File: 1550615641391.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 17FFFD39-4D3F-4AFE-B096-DA7269…)

she reads the thread for sure
No. 780150
>>780113Her mum is poor
She fucks the tattoo artists for tattoos/gets 'mates rates'
No. 780187
File: 1550759789713.jpeg (87.76 KB, 1125x497, FAF34787-E1B9-4246-9C94-CFE439…)

So does this mean she’s an escort now?
No. 780306
File: 1550793265439.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1207, Screenshot_20190221-235222.png)

>>780207Nah, she was very plain.
No. 780330
File: 1550801690897.png (Spoiler Image,2.67 MB, 750x1334, 5C502A74-1DE6-49D0-9D34-60DAC0…)

This fucking shit popped up out of nowhere as an ad when I was looking through stories on Instagram and I instantly recognised the degenerate behind the tatts
No. 780929
File: 1551037714297.jpg (86.92 KB, 1079x382, Screenshot_20190224-134221_Chr…)

I can not wait until she botches her lips. I was just watching about how the US has 3-4 approved lip filler brands, but in the UK there's literally thousands and for the most part not regulated. Lumpy lips here Jodie comes!
No. 780971
File: 1551049712618.jpeg (Spoiler Image,159.17 KB, 625x625, 37E192BE-8973-4E94-80E0-42C171…)

she said she is going to finish her chest piece soon and i thought she might go for something like this?
No. 781074
>>781066 Whereas you are in theory right, look at who we are dealing with here. Her tattoos are not quality and she doesn't believe in caring for them.
The majority of her tattoos look aged af even to me, someone who knows nothing about them.
She will manhandle the results.
Just like she will fuck up her lips.
No. 781260
File: 1551165140925.jpeg (257.13 KB, 750x1334, DD216017-202A-4D6C-88A7-EF3DD7…)

So says a woman who goes to tattoo appointments in a fancy thong to get a discount.
No. 781262
File: 1551165316647.png (2.86 MB, 750x1334, 5EAB6A8E-A6AF-488A-8254-C38EBE…)

As opposed to what other job? The only job she’s ever had was the apprenticeship that lasted like a month!
No. 781445
File: 1551239000203.gif (Spoiler Image,3.68 MB, 382x496, ezgif-2-127e4edb2ba0.gif)

I went on her Twitter and this was the first thing I saw aaand now i feel sick. No. 781514
File: 1551272290210.jpeg (228.58 KB, 750x956, C2F5B31C-40E6-4FF3-9D2F-E422E4…)

Ah, the good old days.
No. 781862
File: 1551379521619.jpeg (98.47 KB, 750x1294, BC8F5145-F310-4E27-8861-737F05…)

She’s making it seem like the answer is no rn but I’m sure like her ask account, tables will turn and it’ll become her thing shortly.
No. 782284
File: 1551472388301.jpeg (189.24 KB, 750x736, 9589D2A3-BD73-468C-B1FE-0F9CFB…)

It’s official. She’s become a prostitute. KNEW this was gonna happen.
No. 783020
>>781445Lol she deleted this post.
does she lurk here or is it Tony again
No. 783144
>>783020Really? Lol
Probably both of them- it doesn’t seem like she’s still seeing Toni though does it?
No. 783861
File: 1551891589673.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, CB50677A-4596-41CC-9863-1D24CB…)

Look at the dismal state of her palm tattoo!
No. 785099
File: 1552211683229.png (868.5 KB, 640x1136, 631E0663-5AAC-4AEA-89FA-F89D57…)

Snap of her ma clearly smoking in the house(emojis)
No. 785124
File: 1552227735074.jpg (378.99 KB, 640x1136, 1552211683229.jpg)

>>785115Ntayrt but there is clearly something in her right hand.
No. 785133
File: 1552230752006.jpg (611.52 KB, 1079x1448, Screenshot_20190310-101153_Fac…)

>>785115Yes, it is, and she does it all the time which just means everything about them smells like nasty stale cigarettes.
No. 786343
File: 1552527799049.png (Spoiler Image,999.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190314-013143.png)

No. 786618
>>786405>>786343Revenge porn scrapbook sounds about right, we know ex boyfriends read/post here
This is of no interest to female posters here
No. 786629
>>786618>>786405just something that kind of creeps me out about this thread or the shayna thread or whatever but
not a prude but also don't want to look at straight up porny images of these people. initially it was funny in the shayna thread but that's almost all it turned into.
who are the porn uploads for?
guess board culture is changing to some degree.
No. 786795
>>786739Thanks for replying anon
>>786469ot but even if revenge porn is the wrong word, there have been plenty of girls that posted nudes publicly online at 18-19 but then couldn't escape people re-posting their nudes for years after. I'm not saying that Skye is a
victim right now or that she should be somehow shielded from her own choice to upload, but I think it's fair to question why people are storing her porn here when milk isn't apparent. Like other anon said, her exes make themselves known here, it's gross to think that they might be both insulting her and jerking it on the same thread
No. 787047
>>786868How is it 'moralistic' to not want to see someone sucking dick? I can and do laugh at her stupidity without that particular visual.
Why do you want to look at her sucking dick?
No. 787832
>>787417The poster themselves was hardly given grief, did you read any of the posts? Besides it's a gossip board, you can't pick and choose who gets to have their choices nitpicked
Post some fresh caps yourself if you want to change the conversation topic so bad
No. 788247
File: 1553017614208.jpg (841.45 KB, 810x4877, 20190319_124317.jpg)

Jodie has an Amazon wish list and half of it is just as tacky as you'd expect.'ll have to dig thru my screenshots, but didn't someone ask her if she had a wish list/PO box and she said something along the lines of if she couldn't earn/ buy it herself, she didn't deserve it because she wasn't hussling? She sure has been begging a lot lately.
Is her Tumblr still around? I think her not diversifying herself before Tumblr shut down NSFW content really hurt her.
No. 789100
File: 1553245127135.jpg (667.24 KB, 1079x1490, Screenshot_20190322-095734_Ins…)

Her foundation colour is way off. The longer I look at it, the weirder it gets.
No. 789198
File: 1553278800063.jpg (Spoiler Image,408.48 KB, 1080x1501, 20190322_131721.jpg)

In going to bet she doesn't save that money for a laptop, and instead uses it on tattoos or her eyebrows she was supposed to get done in February.
No. 789418
>>789386You must be new here.
Sage your sperg and nobody cares that you like her, she's a cow.
No. 789473
>>789198Why should any body just give money to somebody like her who has pointedly deprived herself of a real job?
Also, what was she going to do to her eyebrows??
Either way, she’s going to as good as throw that money down the toilet
No. 789628
File: 1553416325866.jpg (807.05 KB, 1079x1485, Screenshot_20190324-093103_Ins…)

She is still cutting herself. There is a fresh cut on her left leg. Don't know why she wont edit it out though..
No. 789642
>>789628god damn. I just feel sad for her. She turned to extreme body mods and prostitution instead of therapy,
Wonder how she'll feel in 10 years.
No. 789808
File: 1553449682858.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190324_124412.jpg)

>>789771I think it might be a new one. She does have a lot of scars on that side of her body, but only recently has this one, this red, been in her photos. But maybe she shops them out usually? Also please sage if you're not adding anything so you don't bump the thread.
No. 790561
>>790379Looool Why am I not surprised!
How did you phrase the request? Maybe she took offence at that?
No. 792687
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No. 792738
File: 1554141623791.jpeg (213.97 KB, 750x1256, 6057EAFD-FFE3-43F9-AADC-4DE4B1…)

Put this masterpiece of a tattoo on display for the first time in a while.
We didn’t think it could look anyworse than it did when she got it but this woman somehow managed to fuck this up as well.
No. 792871
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No. 794548
File: 1554373172113.png (8.55 MB, 1242x2208, D9EAD376-8DF2-4F3F-8426-305146…)

The nails she uses are always too big and it stresses me out … you’d think she’d be able to afford acrylics …
No. 794670
>>794559>>794548>>794607That would involve her actually leaving the house.
And I'm pretty sure she takes them off after she takes photos. She gets them sent in by companies for money/promotions. she's posted pictures on Facebook/instagram/Twitter with nails on, but then her stories she doesn't have them on.
No. 794724
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No. 795044
>>795035 no we won't. especially now that you keep thirst posting.
go pay for your porn if you want it so bad
No. 795624
File: 1554652921123.jpeg (276.85 KB, 750x1019, D1D54CE4-705E-44E6-877B-34D4D4…)

She cannot seriously believe these tattoos look nice.
Forget the hideous heart thing, look at the edges on the blackout.
No. 795642
File: 1554661143855.jpg (407.3 KB, 1122x709, koop.jpg)

I have a feeling she copied this chick when it came to her tit tattoos.
Coincidentally, she gets tattooed by andystewarttattoos as well and also lives in Glasgow.
No. 795732
File: 1554690856494.jpg (784.08 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190407_213313.jpg)

Since no one else is going to bring it up.
She's seeing another "tattoo artist" Ross (his name was included on an IG story she made). She went on a date with him and proceed to get pretty drunk, mentioned on her Twitter about possibly doing boy/girl on her snap.
No. 795733
File: 1554690953302.jpg (909.18 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190407_213403.jpg)

From what I saw, it looks like he's been dating someone for like, 7 years. Not surprising if he said he was single and she was dumb enough to believe it.
No. 795735
File: 1554691064358.jpg (681.96 KB, 1080x1836, 20190407_212434.jpg)

And did I mention he does stick and poke tattoos? Because every guy she sees does shitty tattoos, can't brake that streak!
No. 795736
File: 1554691142235.jpg (289.57 KB, 1080x1407, 20190407_212620.jpg)

And her tweeting about the date.
No. 795775
File: 1554708564450.jpg (87.37 KB, 1080x456, IMG_20190408_082238.jpg)

>>795736did she get drunk last night and then delete those drunk tweets and proceed to say she's getting tattooed again today??
The tattooist is dumb if they do tattoo her as it's dangerous to tattoo someone who has gotten pissed within the last 24hrs.
No. 796127
>>795733>ben together for 7 years>she just turned 23It's either true love or she is a stupid, stupid bitch
How bad can it be to get your bf stolen by
>>795642 ?
No. 796153
>How bad can it be to get your bf stolen by >>795642 ?>>795642 is not Skye.
>>795642 did not steal Ross.
No. 796282
File: 1554843815549.png (3.98 MB, 750x1334, FD5E25A8-7169-4A5D-8825-4BAAEC…)

What are these new squiggly lines supposed to be?
No. 796306
File: 1554846852669.jpg (459.89 KB, 1079x1351, Screenshot_20190409-225311_Ins…)

>>796282og illustration from his ig, still dunno what's it supposed to be, an abstract face of some sort?
No. 796534
>>796306Jeez, I hope not. It’s awful!
>>796338>>796344Tell us when the girlfriend says!
No. 796592
File: 1554920124948.jpg (806.48 KB, 810x2375, Screenshot_20190410-141343_Ins…)

Are you sure that's not his ex-girlfriend ? this post is from a long time ago
No. 796593
File: 1554920278658.jpg (791.34 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190410-141651_Fac…)

Even his Facebook seems old, I think people are reaching trying to say that he's cheating on her with Skye. Kinda feel sorry for his ex gf getting these messages.
No. 1852845
File: 1687700749700.png (188.42 KB, 2004x396, 1655445977087.png)

randomly remembered her so here's an update
seems to have gotten even more tattoos, shaved her head, and now does nails
>>1160127her facebook is still active and picrel is her new insta (private)