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No. 75902
Has there ever been a
Kiko/Deerhoof thread?
-Has scammed hundreds of dollars from people through her store "Nectarine Clothing"
-When her shop started getting bad reviews and people demanded to know where their money/items were she closed down the store and never replied to anyone.
-started a Paypal account so people could send her money.
-Started an Amazon wishlist so she could get gifts
-Started a Patreon so she could do her own radio show
-thinks her life is really hard because she's attractive.
-Vegan who looks down on others who eat meat
-Claimed to have suffered from anorexia No. 75903
File: 1450044654001.jpg (107.29 KB, 1000x811, ven25_ja_08nov_deerhoof.jpg)

idk who the person in the OP is, but for a moment I thought there was drama about the girl from the band Deerhoof
that would have been interesting
No. 75904
>>75902oh, you mean like literally every 18 year old girl on the internet?
these usernames are so common that I feel like I've seen them literally thousands of times before. I'd actually be surprised if we don't already have several threads about other girls who go by 'deerhoof' or 'witchbabie'. self obsessed liberal arts student white girls who occasionally scam people on the internet and emulate adventure time aesthetics do not a lolcow make. This belongs in snow.
No. 75906
File: 1450062434996.jpg (84.4 KB, 535x567, asexualcamgirl.JPG)

she claimed to do well as an asexual camgirl, while simultaneously begging tumblr for money any time her car broke down
No. 75907
File: 1450062558528.jpg (87.04 KB, 600x847, donation1.JPG)

i've been gathering info on this person for about year now, and now that they deleted their tumblr it INFURIATES me that they refuse to acknowledge their shitty store history and their constant need for donations
No. 75908
File: 1450062727268.jpg (82.27 KB, 561x908, donation2.JPG)

eg. 2
also i misgendered them here
>>75906 they id as nonbinary
No. 75909
File: 1450062784058.jpg (103.17 KB, 711x912, donation3.JPG)

afaik i have NEVER seen them deliver their fake little gifts for donating
No. 75910
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mind you these are the ones she didn't delete from tumblr. i know of at least 1 car donation post and 1 new laptop post that she deleted.
No. 75912
File: 1450062956624.png (432.52 KB, 1440x2560, sucks.png)

also wtf is this
No. 75914
File: 1450063311204.jpg (110.67 KB, 783x806, ok.JPG)

ALWAYS looking for a quick buck
No. 75915
File: 1450063338230.jpg (115.83 KB, 896x898, patreon.JPG)

quick buck #2, the show is defunct
No. 75916
File: 1450063446697.jpg (102.47 KB, 570x919, zine.JPG)

quick buck again, defunct zine
No. 75918
File: 1450063896170.jpg (62.24 KB, 517x420, comm2.JPG)

tries to make customers feel bad, every single store communication has excuses and passive aggressive bullshit
No. 75919
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No. 75920
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No. 75922
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No. 75923
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>>75921there was some lulzy shit about her defending this, saying she had a Japanese grandma and all
meanwhile i recall one post of hers where she talked about all the people who flirted with her, not mentioning their race, until she mentioned some "KOREAN BOYS" who chatted her up. KOREAN BOYS. so my weeb senses went ping
No. 75924
File: 1450064421234.jpg (41.32 KB, 822x405, comm7.JPG)

No. 75930
>>75929nah, she just did playlists..
>>75906her username on mfc was shikahime, there was a few xvideo recordings of her sessions iirc?
also she did the store thing twice, once in 2012? has some stuff regarding both stores, but they look inactive now
No. 75932
File: 1450078710673.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.29 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mu9ow689g71qa3scmo1_500…)

I also remember she posted this. I'm surprised I found it.. Anyways she got pissed when porn blogs were re-posting it. What did she expect honestly?
No. 75933
>>75910>$700>for a used 3-4 year old laptop off CraigslistThis bitch
can't be serious.
No. 75934
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OMG I used to follow her, read about her life and swoon over her stupid selfies. I always thought something fishy was going on about her, her shop and her 'love myself-vegan-queer-nonbinary' bullshit. I mean, she looked like a girl (makeup, hair, clothes), had a boyfriend and was constantly making profit of her looks and fans. I was fascinated to say at least, because even then I liked her playlists and her pics and her talk about her like grew on me, IDK. I'm glad to see this thread lol.
No. 75936
File: 1450085362511.jpg (91.52 KB, 983x758, image.jpg)

>>75932>dem titties Fuck, that is the last straw. I'm maximum jelly here.
No. 75938
>>75907>this person>theyit's a girl
No. 75939
>>75938are you
triggered, anon?
No. 75941
>>75903same, i was very confused anon
>>75907>i can give eerily accurate tarot card readings (even over the internet!)oh ffs.
>>75910go to the library like the rest of us, cunt
like other people have said; it's a shame she's so cute, and yet such a failure.
No. 75943
File: 1450093195401.jpg (102.71 KB, 720x960, 11873432_154546171547513_33410…)

Saw this on her Facebook, for a split second I thought she'd posted a photo of Ryden Armani.
No. 75946
File: 1450099521763.png (509.59 KB, 382x575, witchbabie.png)

>>75914"non smoker"
also she's posted pictures of her parents before and she's not mixed at all
No. 75950
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>>75948no, she used to talk about how smoking made her sick though.
>>75949she accepts everyone on her instagram i'm fairly sure
No. 75951
File: 1450119746804.png (5.22 MB, 1080x1688, Screenshot_2014-12-24-08-07-57…)

not sure how plausible it is but she would say she has scoliosis. fairly certain i have more random caps of her posts since she always deleted them which i found odd.
No. 75952
didnt she have a store where she had a bunch of overpriced vegan carepackages and vegan makeup that was basically just elf and tolymoly she resold?
>>75951ehh… i believe her. scoliosis isn't uncommon and she probably just has really minor scoliosis and doesn't do the proper exercises/stretches to strengthen her back.
No. 75956
File: 1450128765548.gif (794.24 KB, 400x300, avtr_86e3e5768bc83c765c70c6ffd…)

for some reason I really don't like this picture of her, it looks really odd.
No. 75957
File: 1450135457798.gif (987.75 KB, 294x224, ein-outofhere.gif)

>>75912WHAT THE FUCK. is this real? 'Sucks' is not a slur. dear lord, I'm done.
No. 75971
File: 1450194030421.jpg (14.36 KB, 599x337, 1446141892642.jpg)

>>75968Even the undisputed king of autism (Chris-chan) has claimed on multiple occasions that they have native american blood
You'd think these people would have a fucking clue
No. 75973
>>75970That's so annoying. On Tumblr I literally witnessed some white kids publicly list themselves as cis, neurotypical, allistic, white, able-bodied etc. (in their about, sidebar, whatever) for like 2 years and then when they start getting more active in SJ shit they immediately change all of it. Change their name to something retarded like Aspen or Echo or Ghost (all of which I've seen, multiple times), self-diagnosed BPD and autism, mixed White/Native American/Jewish so don't invalidate them uwu, and they're now disabled because sometimes they get tired after walking up a few flights of stairs.
No. 75974
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I honestly dislike this chick so much, If anyone wants updates/screenshots of stuff she's done just reply. I'm one of the people she's scammed & i can't believe i stuck with her this far after the shit i've seen her pull. The pic is off her & this type of shit is how shed get new followers
No. 75983
>>75982just spill the milk
no one wants to know specific shit could just make a list of what you know.
i used to think she was pretty as hell and love her bob short hair cut but other then that i started getting pretty fucking annoyed with her
No. 75986
File: 1451352729294.jpg (63.49 KB, 606x523, cust1.JPG)

original milk anon here with more receipts
angry customers edition
No. 75987
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No. 75988
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No. 75989
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No. 75990
File: 1451352860195.jpg (66.48 KB, 613x504, cust5.JPG)

No. 75991
File: 1451352933894.jpg (64.92 KB, 610x426, cust6.JPG)

also here are ALL her paypal emails
No. 75992
File: 1451353012321.jpg (130.64 KB, 618x868, cust7.JPG)

lol the emails
but you can see, why would a GOOD seller need a different email for every scam?
No. 75993
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No. 75994
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No. 75995
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#10 & #11
No. 75996
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No. 75998
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No. 75999
File: 1451353771497.png (382.93 KB, 1440x2560, cust14.png)

No. 76000
File: 1451353774045.jpg (43.09 KB, 640x640, 12346084_862393813873676_13760…)

>>75997& the WORST PART is that Kiko doesn't give a damn, I got an update from Melissa (someone who was helping Kiko) & she said that she hasn't even seen Kiko since working with her & apparently doesn't know why she hasn't gotten back to people's refunds. Kiko is just laughing it up/smoking cigs everyday (if she really has an illness idk why you'd smoke so much) I have access to her insta. Here's her most recent thing. She's moved into another apt with all her scammed money!!!
No. 76001
File: 1451354842796.png (54.29 KB, 513x337, proof.png)

From Melissa when I asked her about kiko
No. 76002
File: 1451355063468.png (115.13 KB, 532x640, result.png)

Kiko is so stupid, making someone else look like the bad guy for accidentally misgendering them vs Kiko making off with their money & not thinking twice about it
No. 76003
File: 1451355442177.jpg (39.03 KB, 640x640, 12269713_978392698884773_67022…)

This is her new boyfriend. After being cheated on, she sure moved quick
No. 76004
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Her/her new dude
No. 76005
File: 1451356597294.jpg (41.74 KB, 524x767, cust16.JPG)

this pic was deleted off kiko's insta immediately after this comment
No. 76039
>>76022It was Justin (i don't remember what his Tumblr name was) & Tomkittens.
An anon asked Deerhoof (kiki) if they were related to Tomkittens because they looked similar. & Kiki word for word said, "No they just decided to copy me/do their hair exactly like mine and their makeup exactly like mine." her fans basically started attacking Tomkittens saying she should kill herself for "copying" someone she didn't even follow. Kiki to my understand addressed her follows but never actually apologized for her statement accusing Tomkittens of copying her. She deleted that ask so no one could see but I remember it.
No. 76052
File: 1451367655223.png (374.16 KB, 1440x2560, cust17.png)

#17 sorry got interrupted
No. 76053
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No. 76054
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#19 last one
No. 76055
File: 1451367762301.jpg (42.59 KB, 515x368, taobao.JPG)

their fudging of where they got their products
No. 76057
File: 1451367833558.jpg (213.72 KB, 1795x948, taobao2.JPG)

also i tend to use "they" interchangeably for pronouns, english is not my first language and it's easier sorry
anyway look at all this taobao shit she won't even photograph an actual product for because she doesn't ever have any on hand
No. 76058
File: 1451367871421.jpg (68.2 KB, 540x885, tracking_eth_sourced.JPG)

meanwhile, claims to be ethically sourced
yup, chinese sweatshops sure are ethical
No. 76059
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surprise, they don't have time to take photos of their products
No. 76061
File: 1451368003816.png (291.05 KB, 1440x2560, notmarkedshipped.png)

>>76058 This post said tracking numbers on the house. now look at this image here
oh wow looks like the free tracking means nothing if you can't even mark things as shipped
No. 76062
File: 1451368057372.jpg (46.62 KB, 544x374, stealing.JPG)

>pretends packages were stolen
>martyrs self trying to replace them
>blames customers for making her do her job
No. 76064
File: 1451368921294.jpg (84.98 KB, 578x550, veganproblems.JPG)

list of illnesses that veganism cured
No. 76065
File: 1451369035840.jpg (106.03 KB, 714x677, veganethics.JPG)

yes…veganism is for the greater good!!!
>posts on insta saying she's thankful for American Spirits
i'll tell you this, smoking is immediately more harmful than meat eating and it has ZERO POSSIBLE BENEFIT
No. 76066
File: 1451369115825.jpg (88.76 KB, 665x939, veganbuns.JPG)

>>76064if you have a gluten intolerance how did you test this recipe? gluten-free baking is very technical and requires lots of testing
also, nice stealing this poor woman's image and not linking to her
No. 76070
File: 1451369531488.jpg (159.47 KB, 1415x685, vegantheft.JPG)

>>76066nvm i guess she stole this woman's dough recipe and just changed out the animal products for half-assed vegan substitutions
i highlighted the similar ingredients
also, this is so STUPID. you CANNOT just 1-to-1 replace animal products in baking like that. you NEED to adjust the rest of the ingredients because baking is chemistry!
even in COOKING she is a lazy thief
No. 76075
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Anyone know details on the rape accusations?
No. 76079
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This is from my favorite era of theirs, cutest imo I wish I had more pics
No. 76091
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>>76082ty ty I was trying to find images on google but all that was coming up was shroom hair or nudes.
No. 76104
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>>76092I don't really care but my bf thinks I'm obsessed because I've been looking for pics hah.
I've been following them since I was 15 (they were 16 I think) and I just remember always being really captivated by their appearance like I would pretty much only check their selfie tag. My parents compared me to them once and I was so flattered otl. Towards the end of their tumblr they would constantly post about issues with the store, the posts were probably there mostly to keep the followers who hadn't ordered from them under the impression that they were fixing it. They've done a bunch of shitty things but they're still attractive even if I don't like their current hairstyle so I'll continue to follow their insta lol
No. 76105
File: 1451383490156.jpg (57.43 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mxk1bm7DFt1qa3scmo1_500…)

>>76104Here's a super old pic for you.
Yeah, they're trying to become super edgy now/"witch" like i guess?
No. 76106
File: 1451383557548.jpg (72.92 KB, 640x640, 11887091_1132413676776721_5927…)

Her new look
No. 76109
>>76104>>76105please stop calling her a 'them', ffs. This isn't tumblr. There's two genders. There's two pronouns. End of.
Fuck off.
No. 76110
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Wonder if she edits her photos cause she looks so unattractive here
No. 76116
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>>76110She looks like that animal crossing dog
No. 76230
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Candid, her & her bro. She looks thin, but hair/face are average as fuck
No. 76242
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>>76225Same anon here, now i won't reveal who told me this, these are just caps of their opinion of Kiki. AGAIN this blogger knew her irl.
No. 76247
>>75902Ha, I actually ordered from her store once! Took months to get to me, and when it arrived it was shoddily wrapped and missing several pieces.
>Paypal account>Amazon wishlistEh. Everyone on tumblr has those. It works if you have enough followers. Some people are just really nice and like sending other people gifts.
No. 76259
File: 1451423702372.jpg (41.07 KB, 640x640, 12135459_155720624775397_20683…)

Her shitty/ugly tats she was getting/posting on Tumblr/IG WHILE a shit ton of her supporters were emailing constantly about their 5+ months old orders/refunds????
No. 76282
File: 1451431669279.png (48.38 KB, 530x292, 1.png)

Posting pics of angry Kiki customers. There are WAY more BAD things to say about this bitch than good
No. 76283
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No. 76284
File: 1451431744817.png (61.9 KB, 282x633, 3.png)

I seriously wonder how she still considers herself a good person
No. 76305
File: 1451435133481.jpg (42.21 KB, 640x640, 11254471_753673294761853_15258…)

Photo of Kiki "casting spell" was her caption on IG. She's taking this, "I am a witch" thing a lil too seriously.
No. 76307
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I hope she realizes that SMOKING IS NOT VEGAN!!!! They don't contain animal ingredients (obviously) But tobacco companies INCLUDING American Spirits TEST ON ANIMALS. She also used to talk about herself not being about to hand cigs because "My body is too small/i can't handle them" I also don't understand why she feels the need to constantly mention how "small" she is
No. 76350
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I honestly wish I could tell Kiko how much of a scum she is
No. 76537
>>76535i also remember how hard kiki tried to market herself with her tastes in cult tv/movies.
she stressed the personal significance of triangles to her and that she intended to get a triangle tattoo because triangles are symbolic and beck used a triangle, also twin peaks? unsurprisingly nobody had to even ask for her to gush about this
No. 77018
File: 1451735728032.jpg (112.56 KB, 1000x750, tumblr_mkvhnaBdM71qh8ptoo1_128…)

did anyone follow her ex boyfriend Dan?
What a pretentious fuck. Like Kiki is really pretentious but this guy goes overboard and he backed Kiki up when she lied through her teeth. They were perfect for each other.
Anyway, he ended up cheating on her because she claimed to be asexual or something and wouldn't have sex with him
No. 77019
>>77012she always got upset when porn blogs reblogged her nudes.
She thinks showing her tits like this isn't sexual.
No. 77569
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Her face is so round. This is her maybe her new date friend?
No. 77570
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Up close shot
No. 77699
File: 1451931371954.png (48.21 KB, 295x419, Screen Shot 2016-01-04 at 10.1…)

Sh scammed this person a couple years back i guess
No. 77705
File: 1451932975315.jpg (14.88 KB, 273x81, 11.JPG)

>>77699So fucking spot on.
No. 78012
>>77996Well, there's not shaving your pits, and then there's looking like you don't shave your pits.
I should have just said she seemed greasy.
No. 81470
File: 1452963783934.jpg (28.31 KB, 688x359, 1447910847186.jpg)

>>75902So she's deleted her tumblr entirely and made her instagram private
Person who took over the deerhoof url just has one post asking her to answer about the scamming accusations
It'd be funny if her behavior wasn't so fucking pathetic
No. 84567
File: 1453496109371.jpg (21.07 KB, 300x250, superthumb.jpg)

omg this is so validating to read… i used 2 idolize kiki so much because they seemed like "goals" to me ugh. her dark long hair era was definitely her best look imo. like this pic
No. 84786
File: 1453535025144.png (88.18 KB, 557x446, Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 11.3…)

Something Dan posted when a lot of people (i guess mutual friends/followers were mad at Kiki and this is what he put up in her defense lmfao) Nah dude, people were probably mad because she never actually sold those self care packages but instead took people's hard earned money and did other shit for herself with it. I love how Kiki always wanted to stress the fuck out of being ethically correct, but then does this bs. Fucking dumb.
No. 84903
>>84786laughing my fucking ass off at
>distribute self-defense packages in their store to help decrease rape statisticsthat is literally the funniest thing i have ever read on this website
>distribute>help decrease rape statistics No. 84957
File: 1453580110805.jpg (66.46 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n2o42jKNEi1qh8ptoo1_500…)

LOL @ this pic i found
No. 85046
File: 1453600171667.jpg (36.03 KB, 338x600, tumblr_n8avdwwqEQ1qh8ptoo1_400…)

The power of makeup and angles are real lol
No. 85047
File: 1453600498633.jpg (64.03 KB, 400x533, tumblr_n9y8yq6S8V1qa3scmo1_400…)

This is the shirt i ordered from Kiki's website way before any of the scam shit came out. I waiting 5 months before asking Kiki wtf was up. She replied saying, "sorry blah blah i'll send you a new one" Sent me a tracking number and a month later still never received the shirt, the tracking number finally updated and showed that she sent my fucking shirt to TX. I told her about it and all she said was, "I'm sorry i'll try to fix it" Never heard from her again and her stupid intern Kyle made it seem like it ending up in TX was my fault. Kiki is one unethical self absorbed cunt. It's so fucking easy to refund through paypal or idk, resend the fucking shirt and actually do your job???
No. 85053
>>85047I'm sorry you went through this, anon, but honestly I have to say you were way too generous with her. Five months? I would give someone a month tops, before I start hassling them for my money back. And if they start giving me bullshit, I would have just opened a dispute on Paypal. They usually side with the buyer.
Like I get some people really want a certain item, but I don't get why people let these type of things drag on for months.
No. 85065
>>85061Yeah, she's a huge bitch for scamming people. I never really idolized an Internet personality enough to be willing to tolerate such blatant poor treatment of fans/paying customers, so I guess that's where the confusion is coming from on my part. I am definitely not the trusting type when it comes to money. That all doesn't change the fact that she had no right to take advantage of her fans and steal their money, of course.
Sorry again, anon.
No. 85134
File: 1453649192502.jpg (140.34 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nl0tkeGwbn1qh8ptoo1_128…)

I hated this hair cut
No. 85136
File: 1453649287085.jpg (30.97 KB, 640x426, 7a07ce99a9fbe2086ffee37de5d25c…)

Those over sized glasses were the worst. I don't even think she needed glasses
No. 85137
File: 1453649335068.gif (990.35 KB, 450x337, tumblr_m3d8tfuyFY1qzmngq.gif)

Then we have whatever the fuck this hairstyle was
No. 85268
File: 1453672844917.gif (869.17 KB, 450x337, wtf4.gif)

Some of the shit she's posted is so cringey. Like wtf is this gif
No. 85919
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Bipolar II
No. 85920
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No. 85922
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No. 93477
>>88544I have access to her insta. I can confirm that all comments about orders go ignored if they aren't deleted swiftly.
But yeah like many others, I ordered from her store and waited months hearing nothing but lame excuses from her via email. It got to the point where I had graduated high school and already spent a semester at college and had still not received my order lmfao. So finally I reblogged one of her posts and put her on blast for what she did.. and what do you know. I got a paypal refund sent to my phone within minutes coupled with an apology tumblr message. amazing.
I'm happy that the info about what she does to people exists somewhere but I wish more people (esp her internet friends) knew about the situation.
No. 98351
File: 1456480257464.png (526.12 KB, 918x532, kikkiokiokio.PNG)

>>98024Not the same anon, can post the rest of the text if wanted
No. 98786
File: 1456627537130.png (577.35 KB, 934x596, kiki.png)

>>98024she doesn't post too often but here's the latest selfie.
she's also already making "tfw ur bipolar" type posts which i can't help but eyeroll at
No. 99071
File: 1456717488737.jpg (67.38 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mwmwj0Auxv1qa3scmo1_500…)

uwu queen's best era
No. 99083
File: 1456720847368.png (419.89 KB, 631x472, nipnapz.png)

>>99071>>75906nah the real best era is the "asexual" camgirl uwu phase
No. 100021
File: 1456964046240.png (759.53 KB, 924x594, t.png)

new tattoo. Sew Posi
No. 100061
File: 1456971541158.jpg (69.46 KB, 400x533, tumblr_muqnmiwHRY1qa3scmo1_400…)

her hair makes me feel bad about the thin limp spaghetti on my head
No. 100065
>>100061don't feel bad anon. u can fix hair
but u can't fix a sketchy / manipulative personality
No. 100259
>>100242like i said earlier in the thread, she was considering purchasing a kotatsu but actually
asked her followers if it was appropriation
No. 100378
>>100259It's a fucking table.
If that were the case, no one in America would be driving cars or owning their flat screen tvs.
No. 100607
File: 1457107035470.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.51 KB, 640x426, 1422094360687.jpg)

actual photo of her vagina that she posted on her blog lol…
srry for double post but i found a bunch of cringey shit
No. 100882
File: 1457159252890.jpg (64.39 KB, 500x375, kikunt.jpg)

No. 100892
File: 1457163000651.png (653.65 KB, 438x640, wtf.png)

Anyone remember these brows?
No. 100925
File: 1457172865271.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.74 KB, 640x480, kikunt.jpg)

No. 101012
File: 1457200373526.png (275.38 KB, 505x351, kv.png)

does anyone remember when she randomly went bald and never talked about it again
vid: No. 101144
File: 1457216220214.png (461.82 KB, 677x617, Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 2.11…)

>>101073i mean she did make up ridiculous stories like this…. that being said having and ed when you're young can really fuck up your health so it's possible
No. 101265
File: 1457232470129.jpg (52.77 KB, 500x333, tumblr_natr1jmxAg1qa3scmo1_500…)

>>101194around 2012/2013 seemed to be when she had an ED, in 2014 she blogged a lot about recovery and gaining weight, but i've never seen a discernible different in her weight.
No. 101269
File: 1457232978526.jpg (56.18 KB, 601x385, lb.jpg)

>>101267this is the only real picture of her at a higher weight, probably when she was 14 or 15.
No. 101315
File: 1457242003312.jpg (28.76 KB, 492x326, 122.JPG)

>>101309She lightened her hair with photoshop here to pull this off as an old photo.
No. 101669
File: 1457301496340.png (622.78 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-06-16-55-46…)

I swear she said at some point that she was 1/4 Japanese because of her gma, NOT her bio dad. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with this bitch's lies
No. 101724
>>101677i thought the japanese blood was from her grandpa?
honestly, i'm 99% sure she's making it all up. she's probably some trashy german irish mix.
No. 101727
File: 1457319028367.jpg (109.37 KB, 630x1200, MV5BNjU4ODI0MjQ2M15BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>101724i could definitely believe that she was mostly irish, she looks irish-american as fuck
>pic related, black irish No. 101730
>>101669she didn't say her dad was full japanese tho if her grandma (his mom) was japanese, her dad would be too. and she 1/4
omg you guys are looking way too far into this
No. 101925
File: 1457370117609.jpg (462.96 KB, 960x1280, hair.jpg)

She's claimed for a few years that her hair is it's natural color, but in a lot of pictures it's solid jet black and in some it's dark brown. idk maybe it's the lighting. I always thought she dyed her hair black to look more ~azn~
No. 101938
>>101669Why are some people, especially Americans, so obsessed with being 1/4 this or 1/64 that and flaunt it around?
Even if someone
was a little Japanese, it doesn't actually mean anything if they don't speak the language, didn't grew up with cultural traditions at home and/or don't look Japanese at all. I don't get how it's something to be proud of then.
No. 101988
File: 1457381338760.jpg (261.2 KB, 539x798, 747672_rm8sg8.jpg)

>>101942her natural hair color is brown w/ a slightly copper tones. her hair was bleached for a couple years but i didn't know she claimed to be a natural blonde? on her she says her natural hair color is dark brown.
No. 102001
File: 1457383573148.png (19.09 KB, 529x464, aubrism.png)

Idk if anyone has posted this yet but this is a testimonial from someone who used to be her friend about her lying/scamming.
No. 102323
File: 1457426775291.jpg (22.6 KB, 341x512, faggot.jpg)

>>102314She always has an ugly ass dopey expression on her face.
No. 102471
>>102412it's because her teeth are messed up, she's said she's insecure about them.
>>102274there's a blog that pointed out (albeit late)at her past and presents scams, but the admin accuses her in this passive aggressive way. someone should make a new blog so her lameo tumblr friends see it.
No. 102640
File: 1457484303762.png (1.33 MB, 1179x1109, 2.png)

>>102471>>102495bf's instagram is @614_808_nova
No. 102659
>>102186oh it is him
he's some neo nazi around 30 that brags about how br00tal he is
beat his ex (not kiki) with a chair leg when she was drunk, bragged about it etc etc
theres more out there if you look up his handle
i never really liked kiki but it feels as if there is truth to this
No. 102696
>>102659he's a neo-nazi?
jeez, how'd she find this total charmer?
No. 103205
>>102659yeah but the person who made all these claims was…
drumroll… Kiki.
I've actually talked to this dude and he really just said a lot of offensive shit to troll people, he's not really a nazi. he did this kind of stuff when he was an addict but he's sober now. who knows the truth tbh
No. 103233
>>102659none of the stuff in that post about me being a rapist is remotely true.
I have a lot more information for this topic if people want it.
No. 103251
>>103248tumblr user nohighs and I found keely reed (the name on her birth cert) when she was 16 and only listened to dubstep and wore native headdresses and called herself a bass addict lol.
since then she has uhhh
lying about rape (my friend was not the first OR the last who was accused under extremely similar circumstances)
excessive cheating (she had flings with that Tom guy, her first bf for years and fucked 2 of her exes at the same time while dating my friend)
drinking/doing drugs when she was publicly against both
smoking WHILE lying about having lupus
her datura clothing line: she made 2-3 pieces of each article of clothing but didnt stop orders after she sold out and kept taking orders and just never made more pieces. 2 people got each item (the third ones were for her to "model" in) and then she moved on 2 the next ponzi scheme, and would spend most of the money on hallucinogens, alcohol (she likes 211 steel reserve besuto) and clothing/goods from japan.
No. 103262
>>103257I am looking for old pictures and stuff idk what hard drive things are on offhand and I got banned from tumblr a lot.
if you look at the deerhoof tag on the aubrism tumblr (which I got ghostbanned from for Being A Piece Of Shit) there should be various posts calling her out about stuff but I always get ignored because someone made a post about how I raped a girl with a chair leg (lmfao what)
a lot of the rape misinformation about me is FROM kiki too, fwiw. she makes up tall tales about everyone she doesnt like and people always believed her because tumblr genderqueer royalty or smth
No. 103745
File: 1457571857663.jpg (138.78 KB, 1280x720, 1370495878798.jpg)

No. 103773
>>102731that about-to-poop pose is so unflattering and that other one too with the lacy shorts that i can't be arsed to link
she was kind of cute, shame she's awful
No. 103788
>>103262i posted about the rape stuff and i don't like kiki either because i was around for those narcissistic posts about her own routine or how twelve imaginary korean boys fell head over heels for her, people calling bullshit and her saying everyone was so full of hate, etc etc
i just wondered if that could by part of why she's fucked up. i knew of somebody that acted like a fuckin caricacture of bpd and only when i started recontextualizing everything and it made more sense i guess? there could actually be a reason why she's a pathological liar
No. 103814
>>103811n-no I have not directly spoken to kiki in a long time and idk where that came from. I am formerly user aubrism and currently user aubrophonia on tumblr. I knew kiki and was friends with her for brief periods of time during 2009-2013. she long distance dated one of my friends who moved in with her and later she accused him of raping her. I told several stories already in this topic.
I have never and would never in my entire whole gotdam life date keely "kiki" reed.
No. 104173
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No. 104174
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No. 104176
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No. 104177
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No. 104178
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No. 104179
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No. 104181
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No. 104182
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No. 104183
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No. 104185
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No. 104186
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No. 104187
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No. 104188
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No. 104189
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No. 104190
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No. 104191
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No. 104192
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No. 104193
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No. 104212
File: 1457703458178.jpg (20.68 KB, 633x158, nope.JPG)

>young father trying his best
T-that's not even funny.. just odd.
No. 104315
File: 1457727342359.jpg (20.26 KB, 649x165, lol.JPG)

She's JUST changed it. She definitely lurks here. This fucking confirms it.
Fuck you, Kiki. You're a stupid selfish asshole.
No. 104326
File: 1457730569480.jpg (18.41 KB, 240x318, 214124.JPG)

>i'm small!
you're annoying!
No. 104339
File: 1457733527486.jpg (325.97 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nj4lh2Z7i31u71sk1o1_128…)

No. 104340
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No. 104342
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No. 104343
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No. 104344
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No. 104346
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No. 104382
File: 1457741556654.png (330.26 KB, 497x402, Screen Shot 2016-03-11 at 4.10…)

No. 104551
>>104507I was arrested several times over the years but never actually ran from the police.
I have narcissistic personality disorder and much of what was on livejournal was immature lies to get attention on the internet. I was one of the gurochan founding members so those stories fit the image I was trying to portray at the time and my 17-23 year old self didnt realize the ramifications of words on the internet.
If you notice my livejournal is all private/deleted now because it embarrasses me.
>>104455lmfao I remember this. I made a post abt how selling cdrs of music she downloaded from doesnt fall under fair use iirc.
No. 104848
>>104690its past the 180 days that anyone can get a refund. keeks has escaped w/ everyones money and there is no real recourse lol
ppl on tumblr clearly never understood what a chargeback is.
No. 105540
File: 1457995944599.png (436.07 KB, 745x1155, 022.PNG)

>"pup prince"
No. 109674
File: 1458753655968.png (3.45 KB, 275x134, authorbio.png)

>>109670this is so cringey.
>no works posted No. 109733
>>109670she deleted her nanowrimo. she's watching this thread, without a doubt.
hey kiki!
No. 113653
>>101012apparently she has lupis?
It would be a pretty fucked up thing to lie about and her hair was falling out so I guess it's true?
No. 113658
File: 1459453058739.png (28.28 KB, 536x419, quantum mechanics.png)

this reads like a bad copypasta, amazing
No. 113665
>>113658>every time i accomplished something people would tell me how lovely i looked instead of congratulating methat didn't happen though did it
nobody does that
No. 114744
File: 1459741155802.png (436.85 KB, 935x600, Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 7.13…)

You know, I get the same feeling when I've been scammed by someone. Also I have no idea what ex she's referring (most recent Dan or someone else) but she suuuuure likes to throw that shade.
No. 115065
>>114744I'm sure she got cheated on again. she had boyfriends after dan.
>>115057yeah i think it's shady she just used the cheating to derail from her scams but in real life they're cool with each other. she made him look like a douche then swept everything under the rug.
No. 115429
File: 1459890169754.gif (11.32 MB, 640x640, kd.gif)

it's super weird how she's moving in this IG video. very calculated and robotic
No. 120635
File: 1460835409621.jpg (66.8 KB, 540x692, lkjmnhbvc.jpg)

>>116186youre not missing much. just relentless dog filters
No. 123157
File: 1461371318181.jpg (314.57 KB, 1280x720, Pride and Prejudice [1995] 720…)

>>120635i have the same haircut as her and i look so ugly
File: 1461525677046.jpg (156.65 KB, 640x774, coachella.jpg)

No. 123919
File: 1461525751298.jpg (130.38 KB, 603x827, bmgjkl.jpg)

This picture is very un-Kikilike because it's capped from a video.
No. 123920
File: 1461525764266.jpg (127.86 KB, 640x817, ,mklojuhjklo,.jpg)

No. 124674
>>123992nah, pathetic is:
scamming hundreds of people out of their money to fund an unnecessary lifestyle
ignoring the people you scammed and deleting their comments off instagram and blocking them
pretending to be of mixed heritage
making up mental illnesses for attention and making a mockery of people who really are really ill
No. 124838
File: 1461716133542.gif (951.77 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m6ifgqmVov1qa3scmo1_500…)

she posted this back when she was running datura. looks like there's maybe four med and two large shirts in each color at most. someone upthread said she only made a couple of each item so it looks like that was true.
No. 129346
File: 1462936343201.png (340.92 KB, 638x480, w2e3w4ery.png)

No. 129347
File: 1462936365572.png (415.36 KB, 742x358, bssdfvasd.png)

No. 130325
>>104192Lmfao fuckkk this bitch
I never heard of this specimen before. What a narcissistic cunt. I love when someone is so self absorbed with such a dogshit personality that they are completely unaware of the reality around them. That is literally this bitch.
Shes also looks like a potato. Her face is chubby and round, and without makeup shes like a 6. Shes thin but at the same time she looks frumpy, untoned and doughy. Gross
No. 131143
File: 1463430287567.png (510.52 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

So she's on super good terms with her ex that she framed as an abuser or whatever as a way to scam people of their money. -_-
No. 133005
File: 1463857132517.png (295.98 KB, 510x478, w.png)

the iconic double d's
No. 136665
>>133926You have no idea how bra sizes work.
>>133461 is right.
A DD is NOT a big cup size necessarily it has more to do with relative difference between the bust and underbust. however, I totally can kiki being the retard that she is not knowing this and just saying she has a d cup to try to seem like she has large b breasts.
No. 149669
File: 1467335305708.png (341.84 KB, 544x475, Untitled.png)

No. 149705
File: 1467350928678.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Did she copy Ceildh? I have a hard time thinking its just a coincidence.
No. 157145
>>76583>>77012>>77015>>77637>>77635>>77730>>100061>>77863>>98857>>101010>>103773>>104347>>104364 >>108912>>113658>>123157>>123922>>150562Jesus fucking Christ, Keeks. Won't rest will you? I thought in my previous 3 posts I'd caught all of them, but they just keep on coming. I'm assuming that anyone here complimenting her looks/cockstrokers are Kiki.
You're such a chubby little cunt, aren't you Kikunt. Fucking hilarious how hard you'll try to convince people that you're attractive, when really you're a photoshopped lil fatass.
Bitch needs to get a job and earn money like normal people instead of using sock accounts to kiss her cellulite-ridden, ugly, photoshopped ass.
>>150759 No. 157191
File: 1468943335336.png (521.64 KB, 783x609, kr.png)

keely "sucks is a slur" reed everybody
No. 157333
File: 1468967326758.png (307.87 KB, 308x456, Untitled.png)

No. 157382
>>157333>"I guess it's cause other people think I'm 'pretty' or whatever">"I'm so tiny">"People only worship me for my bone structure"Jesus Christ she is so fucking arrogant to be the ugly, unfortunate-looking little chubbo that she is.
Such a deluded little turd to think she's anything other than below average-looking.
No. 157393
>>157138>>157139>>157140>>157145>>157191>>157222>>157225>>157227>>157300>>157301>>157306these are all by the same person???
im one of the people who has been dumping and its to show the history of her blog(because it was so popular/most things were reblogged/easy to track down/because of the scams) not to be a nit picky freak
No. 157694
>>157687this thread is boring because all we have is some old tumblr screenshots from years ago and an occasional instagram screenshot. i wish kiki would make another tumblr, i need some new material.
i guess this is the weird sort of drama that happens when a lolcow is desperate for attention but doesn't want to make it obvious.
No. 158075
>>157813I reckon all of them. Her facial structure is inconsistent and I agree, she appears to be somewhat unattractive or quite plain.
She's screaming out for a tan. Skin that pale looks disgusting. Why the fuck doesn't she just get a bottle of self tanner for like $6 from a drugstore?? People who don't groom themselves properly disgust me honestly
No. 158111
>>158109Anon said "natural skin tone" not bleached, let's not jump to conclusions.
I agree that a fake tan usually looks bad. Natural tans are beautiful but unless you're buying the good stuff, fake tans on pale people look terrible. Nothing wrong with being pasty, she'll age better for it.
No. 158113
>>158109>pale skin makes u look like a kkk memberSomebody should tell them their hoods are unnecessary then. They can just identify each other by a skin colour they have no control over.
>>158111I've seen fake tan look good on people, but those are generally the professionally done ones. I think the better ones are brownish and a lot of the cheap ones are orange, which looks awful because it's so blatantly fake.
No. 158117
>>158111According to research, the glow you get from beta carotene (the vitamin in vegetables like carrots) is more attractive than a tan.
So no need for sun damage or a fake tan, some vegetables would make her look healthier already.
No. 163415
File: 1470439277870.png (1.67 MB, 1618x1154, dh.png)

medusa piercing!
No. 164129
>>157138>>157139>>157140>>157145>>157222>>157225>>157227>>157300>>157301>>157304>>157306>>157320>>157382>>157422All of these posts were made by the same IP. User does seem to post a little on other threads, but this one seems to have the most posts (as far as I can see).
No. 172563
File: 1473438126409.jpeg (362.87 KB, 1242x1526, image.jpeg)

No. 172765
>>172563oh shit so much for queer cutie lmao! if her followers could see her now. looks like her appearance finally caught up with her actions. this is the look of a compulsive liar with no dedication who scams hundreds of strangers out of their cash.
i love karma
No. 172936
>>172563literally what the fuck she blew up like a balloon
is she on benzos or something? i can't even conceive of how this would happen outside of heavy drug use
No. 172975
File: 1473561218334.jpeg (130.19 KB, 1242x945, image.jpeg)

She lives in NYC now
No. 177039
File: 1474865473583.gif (383.05 KB, 500x400, 2010blink.gif)

YouTube channel circa 2008: from 2008 under her real name, Keely: found this, Daniel Blue (whalebiology) is under "related voters": was a video of Keely/Kiki/Kiko from around 2008 where she says her name is Keely Suzette Reed and she's "wapanese", or "white/wannabe Japanese". It was uploaded directly to her Tumblr, so it's gone now. I have lots of shit (mostly pictures) saved from her blog; I'll keep 'em coming.
No. 177040
File: 1474866116032.png (450.54 KB, 643x556, holla.png)

Before she became a scammer. This was the kind of persona she had built. Oh, and this was when she still identified as a "she", kek.
No. 177043
File: 1474866498871.jpg (51.06 KB, 640x480, 038098203840.jpg)

She later claimed (vaguely) that this guy sexually abused her. His name is Jarred. Iirc, she was 14 and he was 21 when they dated.
No. 177044
File: 1474866764068.jpg (54.82 KB, 500x375, 29808982190.jpg)

Last one for now. This picture is from 2013. She used to be a lot thinner. I can't confirm or deny if she ever had anorexia, but sometime in 2011 she posted a picture where she had an IV and was in a hospital gown, with the caption "oops". Later, she said she had been hospitalized for dehydration.
No. 177849
>>177833I buy it, she was in a community of bloggers on tumblr that were all being schooled outside of highschool, in western WA.
She was prob just doing running start full time.
No. 178589
>>172563She looks like an 80s mexican chola what the fuck
The bag under her eye is a nice tough, and the gaudy jewellery
No. 180798
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No. 181393
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She used to have a rabbit, but I don't know what happened to it.
No. 181436
File: 1476077457398.jpg (51.2 KB, 400x400, tumblr_no7vswSuyE1qh8ptoo1_400…)

I think her and Dan adopted two new rabbits. These are from his tumblr a few months before they broke up. No. 186577
>>186406 According to google
>majority of students have GPAs of 3.70 or higher>31% acceptance rate>$11k per semester plus 25k for room & boardAnd even though they're going for graphic design the school doesn't appear to be accredited with NASAD
No. 186645
File: 1477102534694.png (577.62 KB, 1017x661, family.png)

I guess she's not as estranged from her family as she pretends to be (her and her brother, picture taken by her mom)
No. 186672
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?? who knows if this is true or not
No. 186716
>>186577A GPA of 3.70 is not that great, a GPA of 3.70 would put you around the 60-64% range of a C+ to a B- hardly laudable and the bare minimum in many STEM and some Law and economics papers at my Uni. I'd expect a high GPA for arts and graphic design majors seriously at least 6-7 B+ to A- range, arts is a hack but graphic design requires some knowledge of programming mainly Javascript programming language for web-design for example. A large chunk of graphics design students are required to take computer science papers within the introductory 1st year. There's hardly any females interested in programming only graphic design because of this there's an influx of graphic design students at my uni most of which are female it's become a played stereotype of the "fickle and superficial" comp science paper because so many graphics design students enroll in it. Pretty much looked down on amongst the software design and computer engineering groups.
>31% acceptance rateWhat absolute bullocks it seems fairly achievable to get into that institution based on this bare info alone.
>$11k per semester plus 25k for room & boardfor fuck sake all the token minority/female in STEM scholarships in the world won't save you from this overpriced accommodation. What a joke this system bankrupts students, punishing them for attempting to get higher educations.
American Universities/Colleges are disappoint.
>>172563Though this chick is asinine she used to be so gorgeous I can't help but lament what became of her looks alone.
No. 186862
File: 1477173107924.png (471.42 KB, 817x588, mystery beef.png)

>>186787It just seems a little too on the nose, but if it's really happening, I'm all in favor of her making an honest living.
What's up with this, though?
No. 186895
>>186791New Zealand
>>186791The GPA system seems to be based on differing relative scales nvm lol
No. 188105
>>76110this is actually shocking.
she looks like a model when she takes her own photo. This picture makes her look so gross. her hair!
No. 196783
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rare kik
No. 197059
>>196783nice, I love how candids break that polished look she always wants to present
wow breasts so big she has to bind herself, totally DD's
No. 197063
such DD
very bust
No. 199401
>>196783Her tits look like pikelets kek
What is this even supposed to be protesting?
No. 200748
File: 1479452471455.jpg (64.06 KB, 540x960, 0099099099909.jpg)

from a few months ago…the classic bowl cut
No. 201008
File: 1479508235161.png (276.58 KB, 1241x1874, IMG_1211.PNG)

>>200906She lived with him in Seattle/moved with him to NY so its safe to assume so. Glad he took his IG off private so we can see all of her dumpy candids lol
No. 201435
>>200906what is with that outfit, glasses and hair
she look like a 60 year old
No. 220353
File: 1482491112804.jpg (61.83 KB, 524x600, 1481088469003.jpg)

>>157191sage for salt and blogpost but
i briefly dated a guy from seattle a couple of years ago who was like at one point a weird beta-orbiter of this chick. he was still creepily obsessed w her when we were dating (red flag) and would talk about how she basically lead him on and used him and it was annoying as fuck
dont have anything else besides that though, but tbh i'm glad to see she's fat now kek
No. 227743
File: 1483590535515.png (545.4 KB, 816x596, Screen Shot 2017-01-04 at 8.27…)

No. 227964
>>227943I love how they included Lainey (Onision's wife) in this meme.
Also I know a girl who got suddenly interested in 1970's motorcycle culture and that hairstyle is 100% accurate.
No. 228050
File: 1483648729244.png (248.49 KB, 1242x1997, IMG_1685.PNG)

>>228041she posted the same thing to her snapchat so it's probably more "uwu i'm so mentally ill" attention seeking bs since she's constantly been mentioning her health (emergency room, lithium overdose, anxiety, etc.) in every other post. Looks like moving to brooklyn with all that stolen money wasn't such a good idea afterall lmao.
No. 228307
>>227943i'm honestly surprised that this didn't
trigger kiko at all in the UH I'M NOT A GIRL way
No. 228358
File: 1483672465907.jpg (324.95 KB, 1242x1546, Scam photo.jpg)

She swiftly deleted this but luckily I was able to catch it. She's still trying to hide her scamming past from the follows who don't know about it.
No. 237268
>>236838Was gonna say the same thing, but honestly they do have a point.
In b4 Aubrey comes back in to defend himself because he has nothing better to do with his life.
No. 237783
>>75902Anyone familiar with deerhoof and kingcheddarkxvii dating or something? I swear I read rumors they did. Anyway it's odd she went by "Kiko" and he goes by Kiko now, but could very well be a coincidence. Also had no idea she was involved in the confusedtree incidents No. 239204
File: 1485271691293.png (655.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-24-13-25-46…)

No. 239753
File: 1485360624221.jpg (37.12 KB, 516x483, sgf.JPG)

Look guys
No. 241541
>>241534You probably did abuse her lol
And now you're stalking her on the internet. Creepy.
No. 242513
File: 1485846170052.png (74.24 KB, 1084x522, aubrey.PNG)

>>234965If you mean the forum from my screenshot then I don't know how the fuck you found it considering it's a private invite only site but ok.
No. 244515
kiki (or i guess keely, why did she change it? keely is a cute name) is the reason i went vegetarian, something i wanted to do for a really long time and have stuck to for a few years now, so i can't say i totally resent the enormous role she played in my life back when she still had a tumblr.
but i have to say, her commitment to veganism was/is a total joke. she must not give that many shits about it bc she used tonymoly products - which, first of all, i could only find one source online from a random blogspot that said they were cf (and never explained how they knew or cited their sources), and second, when i went to study abroad in china a couple years ago, i found real tonymoly products here (and a quick google search will also tell you the products are sold in china too). i thought it was important to her so i mentioned it in an ask, that fact certainly made me stop using the brand myself, but she (gently) responded that china'd recently relaxed its animal testing laws and that not everything had to be tested on animals anymore. i'd heard about that too, but i knew that the new laws only extended to domestic products, NOT anything imported; all imported products have always been required to undergo animal testing to be sold here. so tonymoly was still not cf and again, that information was easy to find, she was just too lazy / into her kbeauty aesthetic to truly give a shit i guess. i wouldn't be surprised if she ate pizza on the regs and just never posted pics like she did of the copied pork buns and weird / complicated tofu noodle dishes.
No. 246749
File: 1486506365955.jpg (199.14 KB, 640x908, IMG_2933.JPG)

anyone remember this instagram testimony ?
No. 247305
>>246752since when is she a baker
what does she have ptsd from?
No. 247443
File: 1486582958678.png (208.91 KB, 1242x1284, IMG_2042.PNG)

She apparently emotionally abused Dan when they were together. Incoming dump 1/5
No. 247447
File: 1486583173453.png (132.59 KB, 1242x1080, IMG_2046.PNG)

Lol @ "no patience for thievery"
No. 249050
File: 1486822646573.png (320.89 KB, 1440x2448, 20170211_071535.png)

She posted these on peach last night 1/2
No. 249052
File: 1486822668325.png (276.66 KB, 1440x2182, 20170211_071550.png)

No. 255067
File: 1487639171424.png (153.69 KB, 1242x1129, IMG_2140.PNG)

She made a vegan insta page (which isn't private) and is looking extra rough these days
No. 255090
File: 1487641148451.png (398.12 KB, 1242x989, IMG_2141.PNG)

>>255073Capped it as well. Keeping up with her weird lies is a headache.
No. 255464
File: 1487698962067.png (222.5 KB, 1242x756, IMG_2143.PNG)

This sounds so manic. Also a six mile walk?? Whatever happened to her diagnosed scoliosis lmao
No. 255491
File: 1487700978333.png (1.45 MB, 1440x2248, 20170221_131336.png)

This is clearly a prepackaged granola bar. Her recipe has no binding agents and no, bananas won't work. You need dates or peanut butter. She's such a scam artist
No. 255513
>>255507regarding the fourth link - did she actually end up getting an intern for her store? look at everything she promised:
Products from the store
Free vegan (and/or whatever else diet limitation you may have) meals during work hours (and baked goods to take home)
Free transportation (if you live in Seattle/once you are in Seattle city limits, if you’re bussing from a suburb)
Glowing letters of recommendation & resume padding out the butt
Bunny cuddles
Minimum wage once the store is in full swing again (1-3 months from August)
Free clothing modification (hemming/altering)
~~trade secrets and adventure~~ (ever wanted to learn design/sewing/pattern making/haggling/where all the best deals are/traipse all over the area hunting for vintage treasures?)
did she end up following through? i want to hear the intern's story.
No. 255656
>>255513hshahahahahahahaah no she never did any of this, for anyone
her "intern" was some dude she was dating
Why is she remaking her stupid "kikoeats" blog? it was dumb on tumblr and it's dumb on instagram. no one wants to see a bunch of regurgitated pro-ana recipes
No. 255731
>>255507wtf at her answer to the anon that sent the ed question to her in the first link.
A LB A DAY. WUT. for 4 weeks?!?
i'm sorry but no. people don't gain that much weight that fast for that long, unless they have some serious edema. also, i know she's not super small, but if she had gained 30 lbs she would look way chubbier seeing as she was never even underweight to start with
No. 266176
File: 1489083468912.png (347.82 KB, 1242x1790, IMG_2228.PNG)

Oh kiko, never change. Even without a tumblr platform she's still doing the same narcissistic bullshit
No. 266177
File: 1489083595393.png (342.63 KB, 1242x1771, IMG_2229.PNG)

Another gem, appreciation post for her bf that sounds like every other white guy in brooklyn while she trashes him in private for not accepting her fakeboi pronouns.
No. 266258
>>266176Also, don't forget about how she was complaining a couple weeks ago about being catfished lmao
Like her priorities are SO FUCKED, it's not that big of a deal to be catfished, what Is a big deal is stealing other people's money over years. Kiki is so fucking stupid smh
No. 273827
File: 1490046327682.png (390.17 KB, 1242x1803, IMG_2335.PNG)

Looking like a middle aged "cool mom" lol
No. 274493
>>273827Did she shoop her lips?
Ah Kiko. You are depressingly ugly.
No. 274596
File: 1490140355331.png (296.6 KB, 1242x1869, IMG_2348.PNG)

>>273827Nah just overlining them. This is capped from a vid
She did post something about not wearing foundation for a year and it shows…like girl you can't pull that off with these dark circles smh
No. 274599
File: 1490140551884.png (610.04 KB, 1242x1881, IMG_2349.PNG)

>>274596Her fashion sense has also gone down the shitter along with her makeup skills
Smh she used to be so cute too but "ty god for these cheekbones" amirite
No. 274632
File: 1490141891254.png (226.84 KB, 1238x1229, IMG_6238.PNG)

>>273827Don't forget this
No. 274753
>>274632This haircolor is not doing her any favors.
Also where is this from? Doesn't look like it's on any of her public accounts
No. 278005
>>241534 This creep coming on here trying to act like the 16/20 year olds dating isn't creepy and then justify himself with trying to pull a "man she must've been the problem not me."
Date girls your own age, stay away from teens.
Stop stalking your ex girlfriend 7 years after you started dating.
God Kiki is gross but you're even worse, you probably did abuse her. The age of consent being 16 in WA doesn't make it not creepy and manipulative by default. I bet you called yourself an "ephebophile" too.
No. 300842
File: 1493445716824.jpg (9.14 KB, 247x248, oh no.jpg)

Whoa. I just learned of this chick today, also just found this site today. Two new obsessions. Nice.
No. 300905
File: 1493464990626.png (218.55 KB, 750x1174, IMG_4037.PNG)

>>258729Anon I checked your pages, you're quite the cow yourself.
No. 301109
File: 1493495201503.png (364.23 KB, 1242x1551, IMG_2574.PNG)

She got a second (?) job at some coffeehouse. Guess that PR position she was bragging about doesn't pay the bills.
No. 309065
>>308987kek yeah he's still really weird but he was so milky at the end of their relationship since he made angry posts about people messaging him about kikis scamming/ and her emotional abuse towards him after they broke up
Does anyone know who he cheated on her with? I really think this was another of her compulsive lies since he talked way better about her than she ever did about him
No. 316472
File: 1495200620490.png (245.52 KB, 1242x1875, IMG_2754.PNG)

Her ED is/was back
No. 329775
File: 1496705160971.png (50.18 KB, 560x380, dsf.png)

No. 331763
>>331616Husband is a weird term since she used to bitch about him online seen here
>>249052>>249050It's the Ryan guy she's been living with. I highly doubt they got married since she's been dating him for like a year and a half?? And knowing her narcissism she would have made a huge deal about it.
No. 332091
File: 1497046331621.png (2.41 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170609-161044.png)

got a dot tattoo above her mouth
No. 332095
File: 1497046414939.png (342.34 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170609-161053.png)

whoops 1/2
No. 332096
File: 1497046434618.png (353.13 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170609-161103.png)

No. 332099
File: 1497046498097.png (288.88 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170609-161439.png)

No. 332102
File: 1497046670751.png (318.13 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170609-161721.png)

No. 332154
File: 1497053122234.jpg (59.78 KB, 635x435, lmao.JPG)

change your mind kiko?
No. 332167
>>332164that's exactly why you've been stalking and gossiping about me obsessively on here for what, two years..
anyway, inb4 anything says "you scammed!!!11", they haven't spoken to anyone in the last six months, clearly. to my knowledge, everyone's been refunded. comments get deleted because i respond privately and refund them. and i'd be happy to do the same for you if that's the case as well! @kikobau– shoot me a DM.
gn :)
No. 333197
I love that she's using her mental illnesses as a shield. Like she didnt scam mentally ill people too? Like shed feel sympathy for a mentally ill person chasing their hard earned refund?
FACT: She scammed people. FACT: She lied about a ton of things, strung her customers along, dodged and deleted their questions, and so on. Fuck her stupid ass explanation, there would be no need for people to comment on fucking Dan's profile asking for refunds. FACT: She found it a-okay to prey on young followers, talking up her vegan diet as curing allllll her ills when she's wrecked IRL, stole recipes, and smoked like a chimney. FACT: It's her modus operandi to cut and run when found out. Hence all the changing PayPal emails, the constant fake contact info (the store email, the clueless interns, then the fake fucking burner phone). So fuck you Keeley and your dumb scamming ass.
No. 333220
>>333217Right here:
>>246752How embarrassing for her. Kiki, do you have any shame at all about lying so much about your life?
No. 333222
>>333217Oh my God you're right
>Borderline personality disorder involves a longstanding pattern of swings – in moods, relationships, self-image, and behavior (in contrast to distinct episodes of mania or depression in people with bipolar disorder).
>Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is commonly confused with bipolar disorder. Although they do share some similarities, they are very different disorders. BPD is considered an Axis II diagnosis as a personality disorder while bipolar disorder is considered a clinical syndrome, therefore classifying it as Axis I.Did she not google? Is she retarded? I'm surprised she hasn't claimed autism yet. Anything to make it seem righteous she's a fucking loser. I swear every tumblrfag who's a piece of shit cries bpd to justify their behavior. Did the ptsd make you scam Kiko? Were you
triggered into being a lying manipulative egomaniac? Muh persunaliteh dizordurr!!
No. 333720
>>333217>>333222>What is comorbidity It is possible to have both of those conditions. It's actually fairly common for people with BPD to also have a mood disorder.
Not saying she's not lying of course, because well, we all know her.
No. 333735
>>333302It's just an old post about some black guy who died or sth, I'm not American so idk who he is
>>333633it seriously doesn't matter, there's nothing there. Just search her kikoeats account and it's in her following.
No. 334406
God bless the milk gods. I knew she was lurking but not getting assblasted this hard.
"Getting chased off the internet" will be good for you, Keely Reed, because then you will stop wasting money and time overhauling your personality, looks and wardrobe every two years for whatever outdated and contrived "cool girl" looks you think will make you relevant, and actually develop a genuine personality!!
Seriously though, deleting fucking everything just shows how internally guilty she was. She doesn't have the capacity or maturity to own up to this shit because she knows people will stop paying attention to her. Grow up.
>>332165>EDNOS Didn't you say it was anorexia?? Lmfao
>couldn't trust my friendsHave fun explaining to them why you had to delete all your social media to cover your scamming and narcissism because deep down you know everything we say on here is seeing through your "queer nb" vegan mentally ill bullshit.
No. 334770
File: 1497323007789.png (61.86 KB, 1242x520, IMG_3036.PNG)

Her new username/account
No. 335432
>>332165Actually yes. I'd LOVE to see your forg… i mean perfectly legitimate papers.
Also what is the Freedom of Information Act?
No. 341061
>>85137i threw up inside my mouth a little
it looked like she had a beard or smth
No. 341745
kiki if you really are trying to make amends for the past you aren't gonna do that on here. reopen your tumblr and make an effort in seeking out all of your unfulfilled customers and donors. repay your debts on there, not on this anon containment board
>>241534you were a grown man back then and as a 27 year old now you still cant see that its pathetic to date high school teens? you're fucked in the head
No. 341752
I really do still love that sense of style, hair, makeup, fashion. with relative body fitness (not overweight or anorexic), kiki really knew how to combine those elements into looking so great in a minimal way (or at least used to).
all the lies and stealing, spoonie stuff, general victimhood, crafting out such a convoluted identity using vague awkward phrases and terms instead of just being an honest person, its ridiculous.
>>75946I've never been a fan of damaged bleached hair or cigs or anything dangling out of nostrils, but this entire look and feel is very well organized and cohesive. The fashion/styling talent combined with a better managed store could've evolved into an excellent online career by now.
No. 342199
>>341752She had a LOT of potential but her narcissm/combination of all the asskissing on her tumblr probably led her to feel like she could do no wrong as long as she kept up the dumb pc facade. She knew she could live life skating by on her looks and was very open about it looking back on all her posts now.
I really feel like she's leeching off this Ryan guy. He's a lot older, seems to have a steady job and degree, etc. The fact she seems so adamant on marrying him only like a year and a half in is really weird. I also wonder what it is that led her past ex boyfriends to cheat on her.
No. 342254
>>342199And she was complaining about him because he didn't like the idea of her presenting as a guy. I can't see this marriage lasting very long. What's his job?
Is she planning on working in a coffeeshop forever?
No. 343442
>>342914I'm pretty sure she did a thing Washington does where you can go to community college while in high school & get an associates and high school diploma when you graduate.
I'm not certain but a lot of her friends on Tumblr that were local to her also did this
No. 343615
>>343581It's free in my parts of wa I didn't realize they made people pay for it in other parts. We get both an associates and a diploma of you do it all the way through. It's for high school & college credits but like where do you think that all goes? Towards your diploma. You do have to be enrolled in a high school or an alternative high school but you don't have to take any classes at an actual high school after you're 16/legally able to drop out. That's my district tho idk about other parts of wa I know king county is/was pretty similar
Kikos such a liar I might be totally making it up that she did it tho.
No. 360546
File: 1501038365793.png (471.12 KB, 1242x1920, IMG_3380.PNG)

Looks like she left her "husband" already.
No. 425329
File: 1510818389430.png (150.68 KB, 1080x903, 20171116_024450.png)

Never buy from her. Ever.
No. 425331
File: 1510818489933.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1552, 20171116_024507.png)

This is literally the only pic of the sweater. The store is already disgusting.
No. 425332
File: 1510818534591.png (249.97 KB, 1080x1583, 20171116_024522.png)

You can retire from being a music PR intern????
No. 425335
File: 1510818605040.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1413, 20171116_024408.png)

Bonus: Don't fall for her "curated" image again.
No. 425545
>>425329>>425332AHAHAHAHA HERE WE GO AGAIN. She seems to be branding around that gross yuccie aesthetic.
Bonus: she left her “husband” in New York for this guy (male model, you know how shallow she is about looks) had him drive her all the way back to Seattle and is now living with him and referring to herself as his “wife”. Even more fucked is she had the guy she was dating before move out to New York with her and probably left him stranded there along with the stray cat they adopted. Is she even able to live without mooching off a guy? All these years and its just living arrangement to living arrangement with her sameface white, bearded boyfriends.
No. 425579
>>425332Calling her departure/failure to get a job in NYC "retirement" is quite possibly the most eyeroll thing I've seen on this site.
How long was she even in NYC? how long was she even with her "husband"? I need some kind of timeline of this shit. it had to be less than 2 years right?
No. 426007
>>425332Her shop description is the funniest thing I’ve seem in awhile. “For naysayers & packrats.” We get it girl, your parents pay for everything. Literally the most contrived and boring bs on every alt girl’s Etsy from an ~original curator~
Also her bf looks like a way less hot version of my ex
No. 426376
File: 1510929512574.jpeg (304.16 KB, 1242x1548, B968FDFF-A8E7-46D7-AB59-012671…)

Seems like she’s trying to use her looks to sucker people in again. However, this time she’s using way more suggestive photos while modeling the items now.
No. 426380
File: 1510929679052.jpeg (Spoiler Image,231.36 KB, 1242x1338, F47FD317-341F-4526-BB4D-3D7E12…)

Classy. Looks like a bunch of goodwill shit she’s reselling as “vintage”
No. 426520
>>426397lol if you think she's even going to bother shipping those items out
her whole m.o. is just putting things up for sale, pocketing the money, never sending them out, and then deleting the shop once too many people wise up
No. 426597
>>426397I get what you’re saying but this is clearly some BS she found at goodwill that’s questionably vintage, like legit could be from 2005 for all we know, it just looks old because it’s not taken care of. She couldn’t even be assed to make it look nice, the bow is shitty and collar folding over.
There is a way to sell vintage clothes, and clothes in general. Lazily thrifting items and not taking care of them and expecting it to sell bc you put your titty out (which is unprofessional as fuck really) is jusr indicative of her entitlement and id be surprised if this lasts even a year. I have a friend who runs a vintage shop and it’s not just buying shit to throw on Etsy, like all businesses you have to actually give a shit
No. 426611
>>426541"Clothes from goodwill are vintage"
No, they're not automatically vintage just because they're from goodwill.
No. 435476
File: 1512108107469.png (346.29 KB, 385x484, asdfjkl;asdfjkl;djfals;kdfj.PN…)

On her new boyfriends insta. I honestly feel a little bad about the other dude. In all honesty the dog is cute tho. But yikes……… I just think it's so unfair that she can continue living her life with out really addressing what all happened.
and i know she posted something on here, but did anything really happen? did anyone even get into contact with her??
No. 443092
File: 1513134296021.jpeg (205.48 KB, 1242x1479, BE65080F-C188-4C93-A42E-452504…)

>>437151>>442618Here’s her ex’s, it looks like Kiko deleted the one on her profile since she lurks and will delete things not screenshotted when they are mentioned. Hers was something like “men are bad, an ongoing and neverending saga” and had one song by the weeknd around the same date they broke up and Ryan made this
No. 445607
>>425332legal partner in crime
they’re married
No. 446037
>>441389>>441965>>442285>>442448I'm definitely NOT Kiko. I just used to be a fan and kinda feel bad for them nowadays. I'm trying to say the only good business venture they ever did was the nectarine shop. They know how to create an appealing style with the wavy black bob red lips pale thin teen girl theme, and market themselves by taking style points from discount sources and reselling that in overpriced bundles.
A few years ago EVERYONE from across different tumblr circles would know of Kiko if only for presentation and style, and Kiko knew exactly how to build that into a client base. They could've had a whole brand like creepyyeha or michelle moe by now if they didn't take off with the money, and I don't think they can ever repeat that same 'cute skinny eurasian teen' formula after bodily/facially maturing so much and so rapidly.
No. 457953
File: 1514734725706.jpeg (629.08 KB, 750x1244, 04243C44-5BF6-4C5A-9255-6E7533…)

>>457924The donation link makes it more realistic haha.
No. 463534
File: 1515262038150.jpeg (194.98 KB, 1242x2067, 4C6EAE62-AD95-4CA8-9136-34F786…)

And it begins
No. 463981
File: 1515306506633.jpg (20.7 KB, 500x375, 2ijqnbm.jpg)

Doing an old Kiki dump.
No. 463982
File: 1515306518922.jpg (16.67 KB, 440x460, 2lj3xpe.jpg)

No. 463983
File: 1515306528899.jpg (24.01 KB, 640x480, 15dxw6q.jpg)

No. 463984
File: 1515306539214.jpg (14.29 KB, 600x450, 1183dli.jpg)

No. 463985
File: 1515306551392.png (385.94 KB, 494x376, 904109a74bff45f6ccd2f5c41d2406…)

No. 463986
File: 1515306564667.jpg (14.46 KB, 427x426, iyiexu.jpg)

No. 463987
File: 1515306576160.jpg (29.88 KB, 640x480, bezor5.jpg)

No. 463988
File: 1515306630103.jpg (50.27 KB, 500x375, redirecdt.php.jpg)

I have a few more if anyone's interested, but I'll stop for now.
No. 465041
>>464588She is in a couple, or at the most she's 14. Pretty sure the age range of those pictures is 13-15, though.
>>463986>>463984Are from late 2009, for example. I don't remember her birth date.
No. 471712
File: 1516073398415.png (61.87 KB, 614x545, text wall.png)

At the momement she's raised $1,250 out of the $4,000 she's asking for
No. 471718
File: 1516073609319.png (409.71 KB, 396x518, kb.png)

>>471712Bonus photo from Youcaring: Keely and her new man that looks exactly like the last 5
No. 471754
File: 1516075774687.png (2.51 MB, 1125x2001, 13BBACEE-FD88-4250-8380-58DB5D…)

not a lot of milk on her fb but some newer photos I’ll upload
No. 471755
File: 1516075822642.png (5.88 MB, 1125x2001, 81BB7F9D-9B53-4899-A7F4-A55060…)

No. 471756
File: 1516075867635.png (4.74 MB, 1125x2001, DB5CB6E6-03B3-4679-8B65-9DEE5E…)

No. 471757
File: 1516075893956.png (2.28 MB, 1125x2001, AE57AA9D-DF82-4F97-844D-567C29…)

No. 471759
File: 1516075940974.png (4.31 MB, 1125x2001, 4B575F7A-C530-4183-8335-024545…)

saved the best for last
No. 471763
>>471744She claimed to have lupus for a few years and it has an increased risk of cancer. Still smoked through that. Still tried to glamorize smoking in a shop…for selling clothes…
She's just disgusting and I'm full of schaudenfraude atm
No. 472145
File: 1516093380025.png (1.86 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2362.PNG)

she says she needs a double mastectomy and partial hysterectomy for her cancerz
No. 472173
>>471712woah do you think she actually has cancer?
She's a nasty person but I would never wish cancer on anyone.
No. 472759
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>>471764Bc she got mad at this thread for calling her fat last year
>>472145New year, same Kiko. I’m calling bullshit. Since her last scheme failed
>>463534 this sounds like a thinly veiled excuse for top surgery
No. 473193
>>473127you guys act like you don’t know how to contact me. you’ve been stalking all my partners and friends for years, ya goofs. i offered to answer questions here a few months ago and y’all ignored me. please feel free to get in contact— you obviously know my Instagram and apparently stalk my mom’s Facebook even (btw… loling at whoever thought my half brother was my bf omfg). don’t really get why you are consumed with devoting all this time and energy to harassing me after years. i’ll answer a few questions ( of course if they are non-violating of personal info of my loved ones or myself! i don’t doubt you guys could start spamming my phone number again or something.)
like I said, happy to clarify, since you guys are really desperate to know what’s going on in my life. hope you’re having a nice night.
No. 473221
>>472759I lost weight because I started a pretty serious medical program. I am a tad underweight now and hope to bounce back to a normal BMI when my appetite comes back.
Errr what else… lying about lupus. This one I can get at for sure: I’ve been diagnosed twice in two different states and been diagnosed with a completely different autoimmune disease at the same time. I don’t think I have it, but I am still being treated for it with steroids (not the beef up kind, the kind that fight your immune system and help with the joint pain). It seems to work, has radically reduced flareups (hair loss, organ damage, etc) and so I’ve stopped trting to find a better answer, as lupus doesn’t cover all my symptoms. But! Autoimmune diseases can only be truly diagnosed as that— an autoimmune disease— and only during flareups (they test for antibodies). This one’s still a mystery for me, folks!
Top surgery and mastectomies are different things. I don’t really know what to tell you. This strikes me as kind of silly. Mastectomies remove ALL the tissue; top surgery makes chests look more “”masculine”” and leaves behind tissue. Top surgery also required a letter that you’re transitioning into being a man and that you’re taking testosterone. I am interested in neither. I am interested in getting any tissue that could become cancerous again removed.
No. 473224
>>473212Omfg me and ry laughed about that when you were stalking his playlists (why, I have no clue). We were making a playlist based on a Led Zepplin song that has a line about taking his car and what a wild concept that was— like, he’s suggesting someone could just drive away with his car and he can’t do anything about it. I think there’s some other good 70s songs on there.
I bought a small shitty truck to move with for next to nothing that promptly died when the deed was done, sadly. Ry still has his little Camry on the other coast. :)
No. 473231
>>473213If I think of something without personal information on it and am moved to convince strangers of it, I’ll try. All my stuff gets submitted to insurance at this point. I’ve only left with paper in hand regarding medication and post treatment warnings.
To the person asking why I haven’t posted photos of myself on the hospital: because the few times I’ve been there for anything other than outpatient care recently have been scary and I suppose it hasn’t occurred to him to snap a pic while I’m throwing up in a bed. If you really need your validation (why?), I’m sure you’ll find the photos my family and partner will put up of me post-op in a hospital bed with a billion stitches in my chest in March. ?♀️
No. 473234
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Ugh also bc I’m sick of the idea that I stole money from people.. I’ve refunded everyone I could thru PayPal and individuals who I missed (emails changing, my straight up human error) have been contacting me for ages to fix it. I included a screen cap from a few days ago. I have never had any desire to hurt anyone or steal. I’ve been making amends for years over the delay— at times I’ve had to be hard and honest with myself and realize when I was making excuses. But I’ve grown a lot in the last few years, and I’m happy to say I’ve been able to refund everyone who’s gotten back to me that I wasn’t able to refund sooner (if you’re reading this and I didn’t get to you, please don’t hesitate! Dm me or hit me up on Etsy! I am happy to right my wrong!)
Ok, very tired. Have a good night and remember: get checked out if you have weird periods, lumps, or ovary pain. Stay safe!
No. 473325
>>473221>>473211>>473193can we stop talking to this person
it's obviously not kiki.
if you're actually kiki upload a picture of you holding a piece of paper with Lolcow, the date and the time on it otherwise stop with the bullshit
No. 473419
>>473234Also assuming this is Kiko, I’ll bite.
Why did you cuck your partner you had move cross country for you for this new guy and head back to Seattle? You got married to him so soon too?
Why did you keep smoking and making it look cutesy on your etsy (“always smells like tobacco and red wine”) even though you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer last year??
Why can you not ship out packages and process orders in a timely manner AGAIN when you got ran off of tumblr for that exact same shit years ago? It’s not that difficult.
We were asking for proof of your hospitalization/diagnosis because it shows a very telling reflection of all the shit you’ve done over the years when something extremely serious like this happens and everyone thinks you’re crying wolf.
And lastly,
>>332099 was this about Dan?
No. 473946
throwback to the lupus balding vid
>>101012 vid
No. 476420
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>>476338She's underage in these pics freak
No. 485527
>>484638Think the guy she moved in with owned the dog before she was in the picture.
Either way she would smoke cigarettes indoors with her cat in the same room in the NY apartment, and has pictures of her smoking indoors in this guy’s house on her etsy…hopefully she didn’t smoke in front of his dog regularly since it died of pneumonia.
No. 501754
>>501187The dog did not look old to me tbh. And pneumonia is kind of weird of a dog to die of. Usually it's the super old or puppies.
Unless Keeley was just blowing smoke in its face, which I don't doubt. Disgusting. What's the point of being vegan if you don't give a shit about an animal YOU OWN?
No. 512457
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What on EARTH would make you think this is a good idea to comment this on her gofundme?
No. 512458
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What on EARTH would make you think this is a good idea to comment this on her gofundme?
No. 545302
Call me stalker if you want. Im interested to know more about her.
Current boyfriend's instagram: Kiki's instagram: Kiki's instagram: be Kiki's current instagram: possible current instagram from Kiki's: facebook of Kiki's: No. 546591
>>545302quietrooftop is another kiki skinwalker account that posts old pics of hers. It’s already been posted.
Anyways the main reason her internet presence is now private (as well as her husband’s account now?) is because of this thread + creepy fucks like you coming to this thread for more info and drooling over the chance to talk to her
No. 558490
>>558057Read the thread before posting please.
That was her old account that she changed the name of before she sperged about this thread and remade.
No. 570955
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Hi, this is my first time writing in this website I want to share what I know maybe it will help someone. I saw one video on instagram in this meme acc @tvfilthy_frank and this account: @quietrooftop is pretending to be her IDK if it's true I'm just helping whoever wants to know about her. I think he/she pretending to be her because in every comment she act like that's me in the video…(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 571235
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Imagine being so pathetic to have to LARP as kiko for attention lmfao
No. 571249
>>570955>>571146"in every comment she act like that's me in the video"
Hi Kiko
No. 572303
>>76109"there's two pronouns" hahahahaha.
I and YOU and no others.
No. 579293
>>579071KEK that’s hilarious if this whole thing you’re saying is true, since they were definitely using the husband/wife thing in sob story posts for sympathy points to scam richer people (like family and friends even, christ) out of donations.
If so that’s completely fucked. Once a scammer always a scammer. But I’m taking this while thing with a grain of salt anon, Spencer had posts on his ig about taking Kiko out for her birthday back in mid-march. So unless he’s enough of a complete cuck to do shit like that and/or she started dating this other guy in late March instead of “months ago” like your first post, this whole thing sounds a little far-fetched.
No. 593798
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>>588656This is the only update she’s posted. Nothing about the partial hysterectomy she mentioned in the youcaring.
>>593164It’s pretty established that she lurks here regularly, so whenever her usernames get posted she changes them asap.
No. 708889
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>>707414Also claiming NB lesbian
I found a thread on twitter I thought was pretty great, but long. She’d be thought of pretty fondly if she didn’t run off with all of that money. (And continue to scam and not ship out orders everytime she opens a damn shop) It’s crazy her online antics are affecting her real life and she’s constantly hopping jobs, personas, partners and CITIES.
No. 708891
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No. 708893
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No. 708898
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No. 709068
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>>708889>>708891>>708893>>708898Ty anon for supplying glorious rich milk itt
No. 709359
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Jesus is Kiko checking this thread everyday? It’s already changed LOL
No. 710105
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>>710094rememeber when Kiki said she was asexual and never had sex with dan? KEK
hope he has better luck with his new girlfriend
No. 710140
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The most recent photos of her from Ryan's account
No. 710142
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No. 710143
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No. 710146
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No. 711544
>>710143she looks really unwell.
pretty sure she was lying about having lupus but seeing her looking this bad I could almost believe it
No. 711854
this photo
>>710105is the only one posted of Ryan's CURRENT GF. All other photos were linked from his account and they are of Kiki! Look closely to both the photos and the fact that the OP said they were of Kiki. c'mon.
No. 711920
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Wonder how he feels about his bean now
No. 711921
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No. 712412
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>>708891Wait holy shit is she really in Mpls now? We never have any cows around here! Any info about how she ended up here?
No. 712509
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>>712193this is Dan's new girlfriend…I mean he obviously has a type
No. 712514
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christ why can't Dan just find a normal girl to date.
you'd think after all the hardships Kiki put him through that he'd avoid people like this
No. 712605
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>>712514She got that Nixon jawline.
No. 712748
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>>712514>>712724I mean he's basically the male version of his taste in women? Sorta edgy artsy hipster type? I don't get why people act like they are surprised a dude who looks like this would date either Kiko or this new one. Just look at him.
No. 712816
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a while back on that app peach Dan had said Kiki still had access to his bank account and stole money from him
No. 712824
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>>712748dan is actually pretty good looking but he's so pretentious it's unbearable
No. 713646
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>>712816LOL holy shit she’s so terrible with money.
>>712617Straight from the cow’s mouth. This comment was on her friend’s post and said gossip might actually be true. Yikes.
No. 713723
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>>713722tried to post both but only posted one oops, this one goes first
No. 714005
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Can confirm currently in MPLS. Met her and had to deal with her triangulation after respectfully telling her we probably wouldn't get along after a few interactions. Lost a few friends due to this nonsense but whatever. Currently runs a bootleg piercing studio. "Business" Instagram and current partner's pages.
Go to town and enjoy. No. 714006
File: 1539675864041.png (1.62 MB, 1156x1466, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at 2.33…)

More screens if gone private.
No. 714007
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Current partner, confirming that she goes by last name "Grasa".
No. 714233
>>714005how does she jump from job to job so easily?
btw anyone can call themselves "licensed" when it comes to piercing. Look at Claires. none of those staff memebrs are actually qualified to pierce anyone but they all do it.
No. 714273
>>714006Holy shit, these idiots are piercing snugs?? Goodbye, ears. Those are piercings usually refused by experienced APP members, let along some janky house studio. Good god, Kiki.
Bonus: That pricing isn't even good–for about $10 more you could go licensed, safe, and sterile elsewhere. Klassic Kiko, over-valuing her shoddy work.
No. 714381
>>714177It was kind of an uncomfortable experience. Those twitter screenshots were similar to my experience and I'm 90% I'm that "friend" this person is talking about.
I met Kiko at this coffee shop that I would normally go to. She ended up just sitting next to me and started talking to me out of nowhere. She looked incredibly dazed and loopy. I thought she was just high on weed, but said that she had a terrible concussion and that was one of the reasons why she moved. She didn't wanna get into it deeper because of trauma she said. I thought I'd give her the benefit of the doubt until she disclosed that she was prescribed like 2 different benzos for heavy anxiety and that she even experienced some withdrawal symptoms in the past. Towards the end of our interaction, she definietly started sluring her words which was like "yeah okay, she's definitely bared out on these benzos".
Looked like she hadn't showered in like 2 days, told me she had worn the same outfit for two days, and told me that she had just moved to MPLS two weeks prior. Immediately put her phone number in my phone and said that we should be close friends. Even told me that she was short on money for her rent, and had like $700 worth of pot and asked if I knew anyone who would wanna buy it. Made me really uncomfortable for someone having such lack of boundaries on first interaction.
So many red flags all in one sitting. I immediately didn't trust but just thought that I should give her the benefit of the doubt. This was my first and only in person interaction. Rest was on Instagram through that "business" page.
I'm willing to try and answer questions if anyone else wants to know anything else.
No. 714446
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tagging her photos w #hafu is so fucking cringey
No. 714458
>>714446She isn’t, is she? I remember her claiming to be hafu on Tumblr years ago, and others refuting it.
Also, her septum has been pierced for years.
No. 714499
>>714381sage for local shit but what coffee shop were yall at just out of curiosity? There's so many hipster breweries/coffeehouses here it could be any of them.
This is so exciting I've never had a cow in my city before or seen one irl. It makes me a lil nervous though cause I have some friends that run in that hipster/art/drug scene and now I'm scared they'll be friends with her without knowing.
No. 714757
>>714444I can confirm that she did have the double mastectomy.
When I interacted with her, she was wearing a pretty roomy sweater, so I didn't really notice. But after talking with a friend, one of the baristas, he confirmed that he saw she had no boobs. She also told a couple of other people that she had her uterus taken out, so her claiming to be pregnant doesn't add up. But then again, nobody knows which things are the lies. Too much crazy making.
No. 714766
>>714499Not willing to disclose which coffee shop for the sake of my privacy, but it's in the Uptown area.
If you or your friends come across her obviously tell them what she is capable of and what her character is like. I wouldn't wish you having any interactions with her at all. I had only like 3 and I left with a shit ton of slander and loss of friends. Can't visit that coffee shop anymore due to the ripple effect of this.
No. 714788
>>714516Thanks for censoring the screens. Well first off as I left the coffee shop after our first interaction with my now previous friend (barista homie), she followed us out and repeatedly offered to give him a ride. She finally left him alone after he agreed to make vegan sushi with her a different day.
We had a couple of interactions on Instagram. I flirted a little bit just to fuck around (before I knew the size of all this) because I mean, she was cute. She ended up telling me that she doesn't like cis dudes. Confused and unsure of the context, I asked why all cis dudes and how thats pretty presumptuous to judge peoples character off of that one thing. I get the reply "dont worry about it". She then goes onto say that shes dated girls most of her life and how she's queer af.
Couple more various interactions on IG. She sends a selfie, I complement it. Couple more exchanges and I end up saying "mmmmm I have a feeling that we're not gonna get along, but I'll definitely say hi to you in passing. Enjoy the rest of your night!". A polite rejection from what I realize now. I ended the conversation on a positive note and made sure to because she was starting to get close to my friends.
Fast forward a couple of days. She comes into the coffee shop crying to one of the baristas saying that I was abusing her and saying slurs to her because she was queer. This barista then tells another barista (my closest homie there at the time) that she is going to refuse service to me for the abuse. Kiko then demands to meet with my homie barista and demands he apologize for ultimately introducing me to her (he didn't really, she just started talking to me and he jumped in). He ended up apologizing and we move forward.
Him and I are now in a rocky situation. Asks me if we can have a conversation, why I interacted that way and how he doesn't know what to do now. I have to defuse that whole situation, and ontop of that get kinda angry at him for letting some random chick who just moved here jeopardize our friendship. After all of this. Me and him ultimately aren't friends, and she was the first influence on that.
Then comes those twitter screens. Me and that person did hours and hours of research on her. Found this thread and the scams. Even ran into her at the coffee shop as we were doing all of this. Felt like I was in a psychological thriller or some shit.
Kiki literally creates craziness in order for people to get close with her and "protect" her. Classic triangulation, creating flying monkeys, victim / control dynamic. I had friends I had to actively convince to come back on my side all after ONE interaction.
Not attempting to armchair and definitely not saying she is this, but it's very reminiscent of my experience of a girl I was friends with who had BPD. Literally made me insane for a week or so.
No. 714820
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she has even…..put on a fake accent… this girl needs serious help. like serious.
No. 714876
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Oh, no.
No. 714877
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This is her x-ray.
No. 714880
>>714791does she have lupus anon?
her hair was falling out in clumps a while back and she was trying to raise money for treatment
No. 731230
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>>714446>hafuKiki you're not half-japanese you're so fucking irish you'd punch an englishman to death while eating a potato and drinking beer you fucking whore