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No. 715663
Deerhoof/Keeley Reed/Kiki Reed/Kiko Grasa
>Ex-tumblr-famous scammer that made a run for it when people started asking for their money back>Compulsively lies and steals money from everyone (Past online store scams include Datura Clothing, Nectarine Clothing, NeverNotGood)>Pretends to be hafu when she's admitted in the past to being 100% white>Routinely (and falsely) accuses others of sexual and verbal for victim points>Obligatory ~smol genderless bpd and queer bean uwu~ Recent milk:
>Possibly pregnant ??>Puts on a french accent to "professionally" pierce people in her grody apartment>Faked cancer for GoFundMe money>Financially abuses her ex, still somehow plays victim>Publicly accuses coffee shop anon of "transphobic abuse" because he didn't want to be her bffLINKS Clothing scam saga: No. 715700
File: 1539835398640.png (697.07 KB, 900x658, transmodel.png)

>>715687According to the tags she uses, her new dude is a "transmodel"? But looking at his personal fb account, he clearly has pics of him as a very male child?
No. 715720
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>>715700>>715706>>715707His last activity in April on FB still shows his pronouns as he and older interactions definitely seem to point towards this being a very recent thing. No shift in appearance/persona/name either?
No. 715729
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More milk from interaction of my friend who investigated with me who pretended to be her friend.
No. 715730
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No. 715732
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No. 715734
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No. 715754
>>715740Wait, so is she living in Uptown then? That definitely fits her vibe, and it wouldn’t surprise me if she couldn’t afford a studio apt over there.
But also with like St Sabrina’s and all the other piercing/tat places in Uptown she’s gonna get a terrible rep pretty quick. kek.
No. 715790
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Found these from one of her clients. The place looks like the first floor of an old house? Also, she seems to pierce her clients on a dirty old couch, and provides them with a handmade saline/witch hazel/rose water/willow bark extract mixture. Calls herself a witch and uses the hashtag "transwitchs unite".
No. 715791
>>715790So it’s diluted Thayers toner. Very witchy.
Ugh, that couch.
No. 715792
File: 1539842894618.png (1.48 MB, 1166x658, studio.png)

>>715790more pics of the "studio". Max also has multiple pinterest boards titled "our house" that have similar decor to this. They might be having such a difficult time affording the space if they're trying to rent the entire first floor of some old house.
No. 715794
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>>715792One last post. Sorry for the image dump. Here's a phone number provided for the "studio", no address though.
No. 715808
>using forceps for a septum piercingGo ahead and crush that cartilage! Has she not heard of a needle receiving tube?
>plastic wrap instead of medical tray covers
>latex glovesPlease, risk your own and your clients' allergic reaction.
>a blue spray bottle which is probably used on every client in what is supposed to be the sterile fieldIs she unaware of cross-contamination?
I would like to see her OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens certification.
I can't look any more.
Sage for former APP member rage.
The regulations in Minnesota: that couch: No. 715818
File: 1539845916979.jpg (52.19 KB, 960x720, 000.jpg)

>>715816Might be difficult to do without an address. I tried to do some sleuthing, but came up empty handed.
There are some places around Stevens Square that have very similar layouts and interior to her place, but none are an exact hit. For example this place on Stevens Ave has similar radiators, hardwood floors, walls, and door frame styles, but the layout is off. Same with other places around the area, seems like a lot of the old buildings have those doors, dark painted frames, and old radiators.
No. 715819
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>>715818Definitely not the same, but similar.
No. 715891
>>715790I don't understand why she can't just, I dunno, get a real job and apprentice somewhere or work as a sales associate at an actual legitimate shop. There's fantastic piercing places in every major city. Ah, I know–it's because she tries on professions like hats and always puts in the bare minimum effort. Taking to deliberately mutilating people and exposing them to infection for money.
I'm confused as to how she could afford to rent an apartment AND a "work" space simultaneously if she's drunkenly spilling her financial woes on hapless coffee shop patrons… Seems fishy.
Also, I love that a straight/bi feminine female and a straight/no masculine male in a heterosexual relationship are somehow able to get someone banned from a coffee shop for raising legitimate questions about their queer couple status. Peak hipster bullshit.
No. 716291
>>715891But her getting a real job would decimate the fantasy of living a true "bohemian" lifestyle. You know, at other people's expense.
The funny thing is I didn't even know she had a boyfriend until all of this shit hit the fan. I didn't even have the knowledge to question them. Not to mention, I wouldn't have even continued the dialogue if I knew she had a partner. She legitimately stirred all this bullshit because I rejected her which is insane. Talk about self esteem issues.
No. 716394
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>>716291She likes to cheat and overlap on her relationships. A lot. She probably wasn’t interested in mentioning her current relationship just in case something better comes up. Loyalty has never been in her best interests and I feel like she sincerely views relationships as a way to get ahead in life (giving as she had all three past boyfriends move with her and give her living situations in three different major cities)
Also her last three pets she adopted and owned with her partners died from being sick…first her rabbit, then cat and dog. Depressing.
No. 716397
File: 1539907961511.jpeg (164.16 KB, 1242x1112, E5A6D60F-A1A5-478A-B10C-49DB2C…)

Account is now private after she read the thread. Hi Kiko!
No. 716434
>>716416>>716417Any clue on when or why or what is up with him suddenly identifying as trans? Has he ever gone by feminine pronouns or anything before meeting Kiko? Seems super out of the blue.
>>716417>Marriage was not realNot surprising. Poor person who fell for it, now that she's moved halfway across the country it'll probably be hell to get that divorce.
No. 716436
>>715790>>715792tbh this is what every apartment in Minneapolis/St Paul looks like that isn't a brand new overpriced complex, and there's a lot of artsy old timey buildings/apartments especially in Uptown (the area she's in)
Speaking from personal experience, my old fucken radiators just started turning on not to long ago, so I assume hers are too. They make everything feel/smell musty and moldy and smothering, which is def the opposite of making somewhere feel "sterile and medical and clean"
No. 716449
>>716436 OP here, just saw this one. Are you local or just guessing at trying to find the location? Because you'll never find it just going off of Minneapolis/the look, every single apartment here looks like that, and this place is huge. ESPECIALLY in Uptown. As someone who spent probably 4 months apartment hunting here, I can guarantee if you look at craigslist/any apartment site for Twin Cities in a certain price range (probably <$1200ish a month) 95% of them will look identical to that. My apartment looks like that and I don't live anywhere near Uptown.
No. 716471
>>716435coffee shop dude here.
I have to echo
>>716436 , >> 716449 and say this is accurate. Nearly every apartment looks like this in Minneapolis. Your best bet is to reach out to Max individually in order to get your concerns across.
No. 716472
holy shit never seen a cow in my city before. i just went to her ig and my fucking roommate of all ppl is following her. have a pretty good idea of what coffee shop it is she probably hangs out at.
>>716449can confirm there's a TON of apartments around mpls/st paul that look exactly like that
No. 716498
I was involved in 2012-2015 Tumblr and was a longtime friend of kiki, we messaged each other from time to time and were mutuals for years before they were called out on their scams. I remember when all of the drama started, and it was really fucking crazy being in the middle of that circle! and in hindsight, there were a lot of red flags in their old tumblr posts, just the way they communicated with people seemed calculated, as if they were a persona. Scamming people for hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars was not unusual on tumblr and instagram back then from "model"-esque social personalities, but it was really shocking when this all came out, especially for those who were familiar and friendly with them. i remember what little response they gave being wishy washy and sounding like they were resigning from presidency. They manipulated their massive following–mostly impressionable young gay people who trusted and wanted to support them– they were one of the most popular art thotties on the platform. everything about the situation became so embarrassing. there are so many people who like actually need money but you can tell this person is highly entitled and snobbish, their new instagram following IS rather pitiful to witness… at what point do you vanquish yourself from the internet, for your own sake? i guess Kiki never fucked a dog or was a massive freak apart from being a liar– and i don't really believe the coffee shop thing they said happened, even if there was an instigation at a coffee shop with an angry cis man i can't shake the feeling that social opportunists and scammers crave attention, specifically sympathy. i really wish they'd stop giving a bad name to gender non conforming type people by being an absolute shithead, because a lot of the people they fucked over were good people.
kick my dick for this, but i hope the horny nerds who used to jerk off to their selfies on tumblr stop trying to like, soft dox them or whatever this thread has devolved into. like holy fuck, yall need to take a shower and its making me feel like i need to take one too! they did really shitty things and never refunded the orders they accepted, they're manipulative and they're a textbook cringelord uwu opportunist. i wish they'd just leave the internet. i will never understand how people like this who were exiled for stealing and lying stay on social media.. but when you try to fuck with someone like this, years after the fact nonetheless, it's not really proving anything about the morality standpoints you're trying to take against them. like, yeah they stole a couple hundred dollers of little fags money, the bitch had to get shitty tattoos, sephora and eat chipotle! there are a million skeevy little weirdos like this all across the peaks and valleys of the internet, i don't consider them special in any way but yall think she's hot so you want tooooo… harass her? if an ugly bitch stole tumblr money from rich little gays 5 years ago nobody would be posting about it today but MMFFPHFHHF she looks like my anime waifu!!!! im just saying because the points made are valid, its interesting and they're a fucked up human being, but its so transparent with you scummy bottomfeeders sometimes(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 716601
>>716590SHE. SHE. SHE.
I don't know why you guys are humoring her bullshit "they/them" schtick.
No. 717087
>>716498>them>theyThis needs to stop. Keely is a woman. Not only is she a woman, but she's like every bad stereotype about women rolled into one.
>>716520There's a large gap in severity between misdeeds like sticking a doorknob in your ass(?) and serial grifting/lying/cheating. 'But other people do bad things!' is never a valid defense for doing something wrong either way.
No. 717454
>>715663>>717433i also had a hearty kek at
>but to deny max their pronouns !!!the epitome of first world problems
No. 717653
>>717640You may or may not accept the distinction between sex and gender. But claiming the reason you reject the distinction is neurological is begging the question.
>>717523The human species is depressing.
No. 717675
The issue behind all of this is not gender identity nor queerness. Kiko simply does not act in good faith. Nothing she has done, from relationships to businesses, has ever been sincere. She lies, takes shortcuts, and steals to make money and "friends," with no regard for other peoples' feelings or wellbeing. Kiko's gender identity does not come down to some larger, macro-level discussion of sex, gender, and pronoun usage: she just generally doesn't tell the truth and habitually manipulates everyone around her. We have no reason, regardless of our personal beliefs on the subject of gender, to trust that she is being honest with herself when she says that she is queer, nb, or gender non-conforming.
Frankly, I think that for anyone in the queer community it should be obvious that Kiko is 100% toxic, insincere, and worst of all only professing queerness for money and social capital. Gender and sexuality have always been tools to Kiko, used to enrich herself and to ensure that she is never fully held accountable for the harm she does to others.
tl;dr: don't play into Kiko's bullshit by getting distracted with large-scale ideological issues her. She's a liar about absolutely everything in her life (name, ethnicity, personal background…). We have no reason to trust she is acting in good faith.
No. 717693
>>717675 This anon gets it. Let's not forget Kiko is a SCAMMER and is SCAMMING other people with their gender / sexual identity. It's false leverage to get social capital as this anon says.
On top of that, don't take the bait as far as ideological arguments. This thread is for Kiki solely.
No. 717768
Oh man, I got curious and looked up Kiki for the first time in like three years, and this thread plus the previous one were a heck of a read. Followed Kiki for a very long time, was in semi-frequent contact on tumblr (up to and including being the very first person to call her out when she posted nudes as a 17 year old!). I was one of the handful of people who got a successful order from Nectarine (I think my sister has that sweater now), and I kinda felt awful because it put me in a position of good faith and defense toward Kiki/Kiko/whatever the fuck noun/pronoun they're using, up until the whole Datura clothing line fell through. I didn't actually order any Datura because I missed the preorder period (I was 20 years old and extremely broke woo), but the whole thing falling through was extremely disappointing to me.
It's crazy to see the same narcissistic, self-destructive patterns coming up over and over again since 2015. Like, this thread goes some ~places~ that I wouldn't be bored enough to go myself (lolcow farms culture is pretty alien to me besides the times I dabbled in some old encyclopedia dramatica drama circa 2009) but the whole thing with her discarding fiances every 6 months, running a shitty amateur "piercing shop", and being just generally abusive is like a flashback to the "good ol' days" falling apart.
Kiko, if you're reading this, I'm disappointed in your actions. I hope you get some therapy. Build some self-awareness, and stop cutting corners. Treat people better. You might actually achieve some success if you just give people some effort, and seeing you make the same mistakes over and over again in three years of this thread just makes me and my nostalgic ass sad.
This post ended up a lot longer than I though it'd be, but dammit, it's a bummer to see someone I held as a peer on social media become a consistent abuser.
No. 717781
>>717775Ah woops, dropping the tripcode. More used to vintage 4chan than here, haha.
But yes, all of this thread puts a lot of 2013-14 era self-righteousness on Kiki's part into a much darker context. Curious to see where it all goes, perhaps morbidly so.
No. 717793
>>717784Of all of these I think it's the French accent that surprises me most because the ~*^Hapanese soft-queer-deer-witch aesthetica^*~ thing worked just fine for years as a substitute for a real personality, no corny accent required. But I guess sometimes ya feel like ya gotta keep digging that hole down?
Kinda surprised Kiki/o left the PNW, but I suppose that there must just be no bridges left to burn out there.
No. 717962
>>717951Oly and Kiko are still friends.
Elliot’s twitter is private now but before it went private I saw a tweet making fun of Kiko’s infamous “sucks is a slur” post in their likes so I think it’s a safe bet to say they saw through Kiko’s bullshit LOL.
No. 718146
>>717653>You may or may not accept the distinction between sex and gender. But claiming the reason you reject the distinction is neurological is begging the question. There is a distinction between sex and gender identity, but gender identity as defined by actual researchers is the low-level inherent feeling of being male or female. It is when this feeling is incongruent with somebody's body that gender dysmorphia arises. All of you tumblr losers have completely lost the distinction between gender identity, gender norms, gender roles, etc. Sure, you can identify as a demigirl or genderqueer or whatever because you want to wear a skirt sometimes and wear pants other times, but it only holds as much legitimacy as any other label you decide to make up and give yourself. Real LGBT has a neurological basis. This tumblr gender shit does not. Take some time from your busy reblogging schedule to read some actual brain sciences research, dumbass.
Sage for neurofag sperging
>>717784It's going to be interesting to see how long she gets away with grifting. Now that social media is ubiquitous, it can only happen for so long before people start catching on immediately, right? Are there any recent examples of grifters like Kiki that we can compare this to?
No. 718527
Kiko, whoever dude she ends up with, and their aspiring archetype.
Sage for nonsense. No. 719301
>>718956As one of the people in this thread who's been a contact of Kiki's in the past, and as mentioned one of the few people who actually got their Nectarine orders, yeah honestly if Kiki had just kept up the ~*^smol witchy deer queer pixie bean^*~ shtick, actually delivered packages as promised, cut out the drugs, apologized for mistakes, kept the same social media accounts running, and averted the consistent partner abuse, she'd probably be rather successful at this point.
There was a reason Kiki was tumblr famous at the point in time immediately prior to Nectarine/Datura falling apart. A lot of tumblr people back then would have readily said "dude, you're like 19, we'll pardon your mistakes and keep associating with you", given a modicum of honest self-awareness and stablity. I mean, an apology and owning up to fuckups even now would go a long way. Plus just, y'know, keeping consistent social media and not running away from this thread. I've had to do it over the last couple years on a much smaller scale with things like anime convention and nerd friend drama (though I never stole anyone's money), and hey wouldn't ya know, I'm mostly fine now. Self-awareness and kindness go a long way. I somehow doubt that'll ever happen with our dear Keeks though - just too little willingness to face that right now.
But shit, if an apology ever happens at the scale I wish it would, I'd actually be kinda okay with it.
No. 723369
File: 1540827782260.png (166.48 KB, 1968x628, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 11.4…)

piercing instagram has changed to @kkoneedles. Must be hard to run an underground piercing "business" when you need to keep chnaging your accounts around!
No. 728369
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>>723369>>723471She must lurk pretty regularly because she's already changed her ig again lol. Either that or business is truly booming (but somehow I doubt that)
for anyone googling, @temponhold4now is Kiko and a scam artist
No. 730805
Looks like she’s deleted her ig presence entirely… pretty sure that
>>729135 was her trying to cover her tracks. Hi Kiko!
No. 731234
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Le japanese girl xD
No. 772098
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does anyone think this girl on ig is kiki’s relative? the bathroom wall/towel rack looks familiar. as does everything else(Necro)
No. 790035
>>789687in the last thread, the anon you replied to exposed kiko for (if i remember correctly) making shit up about him and basically ruining his reputation because he didn't want to be her friend or something. i'm gonna guess he doesn't care about being outed and it honestly sounds fucking creepy of her to have just stared him down after all that happened, in that same coffee shop no less
>>789505do you have any new updates at all? like what happened to her "business" or her "illness" or whatever? Usually disappearing on the internet means she'll crop up with a new IG name and move to a new trendy town to manipulate people in, so i'm honestly surprised she's still there considering all that happened the last time she got exposed.
No. 800104
File: 1556156191131.png (7.74 MB, 1242x2208, 3408850B-E887-41FF-A03C-FC4630…)

Nothing really new to post except a mutual friend of mine and Kiko’s Posted this photo of her. Looks like she’s still doing her fake Japanese thing, still doing the good old scamming trick too. Keeping it vague so this person doesn’t block me, I’ll update if I get any actual milk.
No. 801354
>>800104wow she looks awful.
looks like she's back to having an eating disorder
No. 801851
>>800104KEK that chest tattoo…. “You live the surprise results of old plans”
Fitting, no?
No. 803372
>>800809Interesting to see people being so critical.
I think she's intoxicatingly pretty, even in that photo. It's why I check this thread intermittently. There are a million cute people online, but Kiko is my brain's idea of facial perfection.
Real shame she's been driven from the internet, I'd pay just to browse her Snapchat. Maybe I should get my brain checked for parasites.
No. 850432
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No. 850433
File: 1565288326326.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.23 KB, 750x1334, 576DC16A-CEAA-4D7A-93E4-912DCE…)

Most of her MPA are from 2017 but she recently started posting again this month
(June 2017)
No. 850438
File: 1565288793569.jpeg (Spoiler Image,217.96 KB, 1200x1598, 331D3BFD-1964-48AE-B024-65C87E…)

(July 2019)
No. 850441
File: 1565288840026.jpeg (Spoiler Image,145.95 KB, 1199x1600, CF31A7D3-C7BB-4C80-9726-841F16…)

(August 2019)
tw uwu spoopy
No. 850791
>>850441Did all these pearl clutching anons forget we have an ana thread and that shes sucking it in like her life depended on her?
Shes not doing anything shocking nor does she look like she has lost any more weight than a broke bitch in their twenties with an addiction issue.
No. 851217
>>850849Doesn't look like there are any scars around her boobs in
>>850441 so it's doubtful. She probably played up how large her chest was before and lost it due to her now much lower body fat.
>>851004She's definitely sucking it in, but she's clearly underweight anon. Her stomach is exaggerated, but her chest/rib area looks all kinds of fucked. Her elbow is pretty spoopy too. Unless there's lots of shoop happening, she's definitely in full blown anachan mode now.
Does anyone know if she's still with the same dude? You'd think whoever she's dating/living with would care enough to interfere with her doing this to herself.
No. 851336
>>851276>>851217Kek she looks gross, not even a hint of the ethereal delicate anachan vibes these kinds try to evoke. Oh how the mighty have fallen…
and her boobs were never that large, see:
>>>/snow/426380>>>/snow/196783>>>/snow/133005 No. 880345
>>851276She is going to die
I can't find any humor in this anymore, she is genuinely ill
No. 880364
>>851276Theres no joy in death, regardless the person. I hope she's involunatarily committed and on a feeding tube asap, its a horrible way to die.
If you read this kiki, please seek or alow help
No. 896163
File: 1574362162388.png (340.75 KB, 577x454, totallymynaturalcolor.png)

So, she tries to pass off the obviously dyed dark brown/black as her natural hair color to seem azn. But this older video reveals that she used Garnier Olia dye in the shade 3.0 Darkest Brown
lol't even be consistent with her lies. She should write her stories down somewhere to keep track and avoid slip ups
No. 896181
>>896173She claimed to be various ethnicities, most often part Japanese. Without any proof ofc.
Can't think of any other reason she'd adamantly swear it's her natural hair color, other than trying to fit what she thinks is a hapa look and "pass." She's a weeb after all
No. 946915
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Does anyone know her new Instagram or anything for that matter?(necro)
No. 948336
File: 1584832057547.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.93 KB, 496x523, 96c477e20984877783692863a30ce8…)

I wonder if she still has an Instagram or Twitter?(necro)
No. 967600
>>967492>Feel like I can’t post them because it will obviously give away who I am lolyou posted your email here
>>967464 olivia
No. 1013339
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>>1010865Found this photo, looks recent
No. 1018617
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>>1018268 I searched the name on Instagram and I found this account which I'm already sure was posted on this tread, like I want new information on her and not just people discussing if she's Asian or not lol
No. 1022170
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>>1022168 if only we could go back
No. 1023080
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>>1022168 wasn't she adorable :)
I wonder if anyone has any of new images of her
No. 1026756
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>>1025874 I found another catfish using her photos
No. 1035328
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>>851276Hi, I’m just a bored person who spent way too long reading this message board thing about this unhinged girl. But I recently googled Kiko’s name, after seeing her name on the Portland PD inmate roster. I thought to myself “I need to see this psycho “Japanese person… we aren’t usually curators of chaos and crazy.” Anyhow, this google search brought me to this thread.
I hate an update about your foe, Kiko, she was arrested during the Portland riots. She looks, to me, to be very much in her addiction(s) still… also looks to me to be very mentally unstable… lastly, as a hapa myself, I don’t see it in her. Maybe she’s a quarter. But I’m still going to say, white as the undriven snow… mostly because I don’t want to claim this crazy as one of my hapa sisters.
No. 1035547
File: 1599599209008.jpg (91.12 KB, 741x462, kiko.jpg)

>>1035524>>1035541Doesn't look the same but the tattoos match up.
No. 1035565
File: 1599601567441.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.13 KB, 615x410, Age-21-and-Age-29.jpg)

People saying it doesn't look like her probably haven't seen the extensive effects of meth and heroin on one's physical features. Someone you've known for years can look 100% different after a year or 2 of meth, pic related. I hope she gets help.
No. 1035797
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No. 1035956
File: 1599670672986.jpg (44.21 KB, 728x960, 67666492_1052380248297402_4626…)

>>1035797 someone on here needs to make a documentary or something about her, now that would be a good way to catch up on this #freekikideerhoof lmfao
No. 1038305
>>1038261 she does. she lurks here for sure. every time lc finds a handle of hers, it changes immediately after posting here
tinfoil, too but she went ana directly after lc was mocking her weight gain lol. not that it would be the sole cause, but it would be a factor
No. 1040169
>>1035797Jesus out of all the places I expected her to resurface it was not on Andy Ngo’s kill lists.
Guess this confirms she got chased out of Minneapolis and fucked off back to the PNW?
No. 1046849
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Has anyone posted this yet? Looks like she was arrested in Olympia on September 16 for driving under the influence, so, two arrests in two weeks?,424?
No. 1101103
File: 1607271059645.png (116.58 KB, 1572x768, 1.png)

Not really milk but I found her LinkedIn No. 1249776
>>1249766I almost feel bad for her some of the pictures of her archived really are closer to a decade old.
I wonder if these weirdos were also a factor in her completely locking down her social media after getting ousted as a scammer
No. 1249798
File: 1623174213466.png (445.73 KB, 720x766, b36a928c98c3a52039f06e128ff1fd…)

The video I'm talking about is this one look that says she was always right about people, that she ripped people off. For what reason? She had reasons to do it(namefagging)
No. 1249801
File: 1623174392702.png (Spoiler Image,53.91 KB, 149x250, 6E73B800-A2F9-4AE2-B181-C21D80…)

That’s cool fast forward to the part where you do this(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1254183
File: 1623528391312.png (178.48 KB, 720x1280, 41230fe16ef2c93b659b963f9bc081…)

I will only give this information, do you see this? Well 342 tumblr that I follow and only from those accounts I have taken 2000 photos but here comes the fun I must not get tired I will do anything I must review each of the publications see the people who shared it about 1000 and find more photos I could follow from above but I know It happened to me not long ago and then I decided to start from the first Tumblr that I followed
No. 1256125
File: 1623669903495.jpeg (50.79 KB, 500x464, 316DBE20-4737-4E27-9231-ED8CF9…)

>>1256096No wonder she ran from social media, you’re fucking scary and need to get a life. I can’t believe I’m saying this but leave the poor girl alone. She wants nothing to do with your micro dick.
No. 1262046
Whatever I do, whatever I say, nothing will change if I just spend my time trusting more and more people, being good, useless with others, I understand, I don't win, I win by saying things here, I started badly, I'll start again, just somewhere, you will see everything about her. I will fill their heads until they explode with information I will remind them why we are here last message(subjectfag)
No. 1387738
File: 1638927913598.jpeg (253.2 KB, 1170x818, 48F0AFA3-F06F-48AA-97AB-89698E…)

Apparently there’s real milk and none of you know shit about it, useless shitters.
No. 1486988
File: 1648658573924.jpg (80.13 KB, 720x971, Screenshot_20220330-104136_Tum…)

New archive
No. 1528237
File: 1652493974759.jpg (388.04 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220513-200041_Tum…)

Someone's catfishing as her on Twitter
No. 1739090
File: 1673074785081.jpeg (824.32 KB, 1125x1387, C3D556AA-30F9-48FE-88B6-941429…) i heard kiki was telling people she died of cancer. seems alive to me
No. 1844313
File: 1686436441900.jpeg (155.84 KB, 1290x2284, IMG_1433.jpeg)

lol i wonder why…
No. 1844348
File: 1686439061207.png (3.55 MB, 1170x2184, igprofile.png)

kiki is back in seattle throwing parties and djing
No. 1884488
File: 1692474311968.png (3.21 MB, 2364x1342, Screenshot 2023-08-19 at 3.44.…)

No. 1884489
File: 1692474338431.png (2.48 MB, 2376x1354, Screenshot 2023-08-19 at 3.45.…)

No. 1891702
File: 1693563564772.jpeg (158.9 KB, 1170x1014, IMG_4128.jpeg)

No. 1905837
File: 1695919133231.jpeg (352.25 KB, 1170x2075, IMG_4527.jpeg)

No. 2028774
File: 1724344034964.jpeg (998.45 KB, 1170x1727, IMG_3836.jpeg)

This is absurd people donating have no idea…