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No. 756627
Previous thread
>>>>>/snow/564575Stell Bell/ Stella Sundrop/ Prairie Faerie/ Stella Lawson is goth alternative girl from Virginia turned “trad”, Stella is a narcissist who has turned to fringe nazi niches to garner attention from males many years her senior.
>known for denying her eyes are brown, trying to pass them off as pure green, not even hazel>claimed to be a natural coppery blonde>clearly has dark brown eyes and hair>obsessed with looking pale, average fail caucasian complexion>serial dater>dated neo nazi who leaked her bra pics and other suggestive (not child porn) images>said nazi broke up with her since she allegedly let another man grope her breasts>posted anti semitic comic with pepe the frog in it unironically>obsessed with her “pure German” ancestry, looks like Anne Frank>mostly British, ignores that >calls out sister for being 6% Cherokee (supposedly), retarded alt right fanboys follow along>Stella is 2% non white but gets to ignore that (mostly African)>name will forever be tied to Red Ice interview>posted view of her bending over in see through leggings, revealing her traditional and modest thong>fakes heavy southern accent, excuses the fact it wasn’t in 90% of her old videos because she was “embarrassed” and “toning it down”>her southern accent is ever-changing>claims science is a masculine subject to excuse her failing high school level chemistry>believes women are miserable in college since she can’t handle non challenging academia >has posted multiple shoe videos including her walking in 6 inch heels, as well as many pictures of her bare feet, and not deleting any sexual comments>told women to not wear shirts shorter than finger length or spaghetti straps>now wears spaghetti straps, shows her entire midriff, cleavage, wears mini skirts and short shorts>obsessed with slut shaming, lost her virginity at 13 to a 17 year old>does private skype sessions with beta orbiters>friends with Evalion, a known nazi who lives in her autistic husband’s parents’ basement>known for wearing heavy makeup at school>doesn’t wear a bra to school with tight shirts>shames women for wearing makeupYoutube: with her in them from other uploaders can be found by searching “Stell Bell”)
Instagram: Videos:
>An Inconvenient Bell Curve
>White Nationalism is the Answer>The Art of the Heel
>The Gene Pool is Being Polluted
>Friday Evening Chats (long but usually very milky) No. 756629
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No. 756630
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No. 756631
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No. 756632
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No. 756633
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when she threw her sister under the bus for being 6% nonwhite when Stella herself is 2% nonwhite. Where is the purity line drawn?
No. 756636
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No. 756637
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No. 756638
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obsessed with being pale
No. 756641
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No. 756642
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No. 756649
>>756625something something "muh 100% pure german aryan ancestry!!!1"
>>756644to be fair, that picture is from right before the start of her tradthot phase, i believe. still wears a face full of makeup, though.
No. 756650
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>>756649This is her usual look
No. 756651
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No. 756673
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>>756651She literally has the lookism meme witch skull
No. 756691
I tried searching for anything I could find about her on youtube and instead found some other trad youtuber. I’m watching her videos now and does anyone else have a morbid fascination with these types? Sorry for going off topic but I could watch these kinds of channels all day. There’s something about them.
>>756631Also lol @ Other Side’s comment
No. 756706
Lol my picture made it as the OP pic.
Is there really any recent milk though? From this post (
>>738711 ) it seems like she became somewhat self aware and probably won’t be as milky anymore.
No. 756910
>>756835>>756849i am friends with her "friends", although i was closer to her in the past. while revealing what she specifically did to me would reveal my identity (ive already revealed too much info about myself tbh), i will say that she loves to turn people against each other through rumors and lies and just act petty in general. earlier in the previous thread, someone mentioned she pulled some "spiritual healing" shit or something on their friend. i have no idea who that person is or if that's true, ive never heard anything about that incident, but i wouldn't put it past her. she likes to get boys to fall for her and then reject them, throwing them out like yesterday's rotting trash.
i am aware that i probably just fucked her over. but if she's going to spout racist, harmful shit over the internet, she should suffer the consequences. it was bound to come out eventually, and even if it didn't get leaked, if she ever bothered to get a job, her employer would find out sometime or another. (besides, she's kind of already fucking herself over by not going to college. can't get anywhere these days without at least a bachelors.)
No. 756973
>>756910on board with
>>756971 those anons didn't sage either, smells fishy
No. 757409
>>757377Yeah, she filled the first thread because she was active, you fuckwit., I questioned this second thread because as others pointed out, she's barely active.
And what milk? this milk-like product from some random saying 'yeah, she's a bitch'? wow. amazing.
but sure, go off.
No. 757489
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No. 757491
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No. 759017
>>756650>>756651>>756673I know people on lolcow harp on looks a lot but this bitch has to be the ugliest cow I've ever seen, the fact that she's a nazi/sympathizer doesn't help her case.
>>756849Good. She's old enough not to be larping as a trad uwu nazi. I hope this shit haunts her dumb ass forever.
Also, to the anons saying she's a dead cow, she's a self-hating tradthot, she's bound to get bored and seek attention, therefore getting a lot milkier.
No. 759364
I'm not sure how to start this off at I've never posted here before but I read the rules over so I hope I'm not breaking any. I'm a senior in high school with Stella. A friend in my class linked me this and told me I have some information people would be interested in.
My story is from our junior year. Let me start off by saying Stella is known for being extravagant and wearing big heels, lots of makeup to school, and big hair. She isn't known for being interested in academics or talking to people very much. That's just her general reputation. I had English class with her junior year. She complimented my eye color, I said thank you, not much else happened. My sister was a freshman (sophomore now) at the time Stella and I were juniors. While waiting to leave school one day she asked my sister "why don't you have pretty blue eyes like your sister?". My sister was shocked and didn't say anything, and Stella just laughed. I never said anything to Stella after my sister told me, but it made me very upset and it didn't help that after that Stella would wear blue contacts to school. I also remember seeing her doodling herself in the margins of her paper, down to the hairstyle and hair accessories she would wear that day. She also asked me if my hair was natural, after saying yes she remarked "no one can have hair that light". She also asked about my ethnicity, and when I wasn't sure she gave me a confused look. I'm just white, and never taken any sort of test to know what I am ethically. I'm shy and insecure and the way she asked me strange questions and talked so loudly did make me uncomfortable, but most of all implying my sister's brown eyes weren't as pretty made me angry. I've heard some more things about her, however I'm not sure if they are lies. I decided to tell this since I know it's true.
No. 759403
>>759399Does she have any friends or boyfriends? It seems like everyone who knows her in person thinks she's hard to take, but online she has a lot of orbiters. I've always wondered if that translates into real life.
Also, it doesn't surprise me at all that she was fetishizing your blonde hair and blue eyes. It's very creepy.
No. 759410
>>759364she's like a whiteaboo. I never understood her obsession with race and eye color. it's cringy and sad.
she definetely has some deep self esteem issues.
sorry you and your sister had to experience her harrasment.
No. 759559
>>759364agree with
>>759499show us a yearbook, school ID with your name and face blacked out or something
I really want to believe this is true lol
No. 759601
>>759589How would we be the opposite of penis havers yet also have small penises?
Alt right nen are the dumbest. The people coming forward are white than she is lol.
>>759600Hmmm… no school ID?
No. 759676
>>759612Thread for an inactive cow with at least one rabid vendetta-chan, and now we get these anons that totally knew her in school bumping it along. Don't know what you're talking about anon, this seems totally legit
rolleyes>>759632Oh wow, me too. This whole thread is just one big school reunion.
No. 759814
>>759632This is obviously untrue.
>>759676The other two anons seem credible
No. 761314
>>761162I think it was funny when she tried to cover the whole thing up lol.
Isn't he a pedophile or something?
No. 773901
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fellas, how much older than stell do you think this guy is? (this isn't her boytoy from school btw)
No. 773990
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>>773901Found this pic that looks like it could be him on her other account. He has to at least be in his 30s?
No. 773995
>>773901"Yay! I just got my
ARYAN daddy uwu*~" The sad thing is, this shit is most likely ~*legal*~ wherever the fuck she is. This creep probably has CP of children way younger than her on his computer. This almost makes me sad, she's literally living out a Lolita fanfiction and thinks this is romantic. And how typical of her hick mother to think this is cute and is taking pics of them, ew. (real talk, dude look like a bootleg Jeremy Irons)
No. 774136
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>>773901I honestly thought that dude's her dad. But no, he's definitely not her dad…freaking ew.
No. 774237
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Not milky, but I thought this picture where she shows off her black friend is funny.
No. 774632
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>>773901This is how I wrote fanfics at 16 but they were about fictional characters. It depresses me deeply that she posts this cringe all over for everyone to remember for ever. Girl I destroyed all my fanfics, no one needs to see this. Also what is wrong with her mother???
No. 774721
>>774636Yup! Her mom is 100% okay with it. Not to mention this creep is around Stell’s sisters. Hopefully he isn’t left around them. It seems some people have an issue with their “relationship” but Stell doesn’t care, she’s in luv.
>>774712Y’all remember when this nigga ran when anon pulled up his YouTube? “I’m a revolutionary nigger killin neonazi, w-wait don’t pull up my stuff, man!” It was already too late, the moron posted his own pictures.
No. 774774
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No. 774781
>>774712>God you people are fucking pathetic, I’m going to release this anyways since at least then I’ll have gotten my message out and you will see how mistreated I have been. None of you deserve your ethnostate. Fuck all of you.My sides.
Otherwise, this whole text is quite an autistic mess. This kid needs help. IMO he probably released it for that reason, as a cry for help - otherwise why include all those the pathetic/humiliating details of your life and post about your plans to bomb something. He probably subconsciously wanted to be arrested. I wonder how dysfunctional his family is that they didn't do anything and didn't care about what was happening. If it's true that he was starving himself, self-mutilating, etc., then wew.
No. 774798
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>>774712OH NO NO NO
I'm cackling, but this is actually kind of sad
No. 774822
>>774819I'm pretty sure the guy's being completely sincere. This is what happens when parents let their kids be raised by the internet.
Imagine being so deranged that you make a cheating tradthot look sympathetic.
No. 774909
>>774737THis guy is cute. I would fuck him with a strapon. I guess the roleplay would be I'm disciplining him for his Nazi war crimes.
>>774857> I’ve seen the picture of him in an atomwaffen skull mask with his asshole and all that showing with his feet. Is that like nazi goatse? That sounds hilarious
No. 774983
>>774798@ These anons trying to save this him, this fag need to go to jail now before he shoots up a school. I bet he's autistic and has been sheltered his entire life, pls arrest him.
>>774775I told y'all those alt-right niggas are gay. Judging from his obsession with traps and the fact that he is obviously male and can't be mistaken as female, I see him going the tranny route (if he doesn't shoot up a school any time soon). I predict in a few years he'll become a tranny pornstar drinkin gallons of cum. Will probably die a horrible death from AIDS like the true high IQ Aryan king he is.
No. 775075
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>>774798>His reply was a simple “OWO” but it meant the world at the time.>>774909Okay, anon. Thanks for letting us know you'd fuck a literal psychopath who kills animals and have awful taste in men.
No. 778801
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Sorry if this is old milk, but I was revisiting this cow and here she is inadvertently saying she looks a Jew (Lauren Bacall) who was also related to one of the Israeli presidents. I know she isn’t the most well known Jewish actresss or most jewy name but if a basic skim of her wiki will tell you that kek
No. 779071
>>778815Ruh roh… are you sad to find out that Lauren Bacall is Jewish?
It's OK, no one thinks you look like her. You're a dead ringer for Anne Frank instead.
No. 779484
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Well now that the thread is active again… I thought I’d share her new persona. Her side insta is primrosepeachfield and she’s going for a ~uwu feminine Victorian nostalgia aesthetic. She is also selling a lot of her stuff online now, purging some of her 50s dresses and goth girl and Bowie stuff from her Styxx phase I guess?
Idk but whatever prairie girl vintage shop seller phase she is going through right now, I hope it leads to a productive life and keeps her grounded. It’s just a shame that her cringey white power tradthot phase will forever be immortalized on the internet.
No. 779509
>>779496At first her new look made me chuckle but it's growing on me. It's very elegant and relaxed and blends in well with her rural setting, unlike the pin-up phase which looked so forced.
>>779498White power isn't the worse thing ever, and I agree that the real milk was Stell being a hypocrite regarding her beliefs about women's roles versus her own actions. I just mean't that even if she reinvents herself there is still content floating around that would upset a future employer for example. Also no one on this thread hates white people, we just hate cows. And her Nazi moment was the cherry on top of the ice cream.
No. 780411
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what is wrong with her body? repost from previous thread
No. 782645
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>>778815LMAO she was def trying to link herself to Lauren Bacall, since the latter was known for her deep voice and strong features but still considered attractive.
Speaking of, does anyone know the extent of her relationship with styx? Don't they live in totally different parts of the US?
No. 783007
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Nice arm hair.(nitpicking)
No. 783127
>>783117this prairie girl style she is going for is super cute but sweet jesus, how much money is she making (or getting from her family
or sugar daddy) that she is able to buy gunne sax dresses on a weekly basis?? (btw she's posted a lot more on her instagram over the last couple of months but keeps deleting them)
also maybe it's just me, but her style now reminds me a bit of natural kei… idk man, but what if her next "phase" is j-fashion? like she slowly transitions out of vintage americana then into a huge weeb phase? that would be the most ironic thing ever.
No. 783181
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She hasn't posted anything about politics or white supremacy for years. Mostly she just post family, clothes and guys
No. 783192
>>783181It looks like this confirms that the edgy nazi phase was indeed just a phase. I hope stell does actually change for the better tbh, she doesn't seem like a truly awful person so much as someone with a very messed up life.
I will miss her milk though.
No. 783932
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>>783192do you think she's actually changed though, or is she just trying to sound remorseful so she can be accepted by the boho thrift fairy community?
No. 787975
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i don't even know what to say
No. 788113
>>787975A sexually liberated nazi hippie Trad thot…
Now that would be a sight!
No. 789373
>>785444wait, evalion is still around? holy shit I thought that bitch disappeared years ago after she was publicly shamed to hell and back
sage for ot
No. 791488
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>>773901Loli for her 40 year old man hehe
No. 791490
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>>791488She's 18. This act is cringy
No. 791500
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So, what’s the deal with her and this guy? And does this have anything to do with why that Styxhexenhammer666 guy has been so upset lately? I noticed she was posting Marilyn Manson photos the other day and Styx has been writing and posting youtube songs trying to win back some “mystery girl” with cringe lyrics like:
Stellar chorus sound aloud
Pick you out in any crowd
Your need is my command
Because you need a better man
Is he all heartbroken she found her a new aryan daddy?? Hahaha! The audio is so bad it sounds like he’s shouting down a toilet bowl. And “stellar” chorus? Pretty stupid to put the chicks name in there your dog whistling to. Can anyone confirm if true?
No. 791506
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>>791500He’s still obsessed with her? I thought happened ages ago and over with and the chick he was upset about was someone else.
I never thought I’d say this but Styx …can do better then this. At the very least, he could get a gf with less body hair then him.
No. 791607
>>791586 Lol idk each to their own but I too have dark thick hair (Armenian..maybe she is too? Lol) and that coarse arm hair just
triggered me specifically out of everything that’s wrong with her. I can’t believe he doesn’t have any other fangirls that aren’t even slightly more attractive, and maybe less slutty/dumb. He’s one of the most popular alt lite youtubers.
No. 791792
Damn, just when I thought she calmed down and found her place trying to collect every Gunne Sax dress on the planet… she gets back into that Lolita shit haha. Any clues as to who she is seeing at the moment, or is it a mystery?
No. 797112
>>797094Mods I know you wanna but please don't ban
>>797109I second this.
No. 797142
>>797139Double posting but another thing
What about her upbringing would lead her down that path? Is her family known to be racist?
Also it's hard to believe someone intelligent would go on and on about how wonderful it is she's terrible at anything beyond literature (and even then talk about how the literature in school is terrible basically indicating she suffers in that subject too). Intelligence isn't necessarily tied to grades but most intelligent people don't advertise and sabotage themselves into being a dumb Trad waifu. And wouldn't do most the things she said, did, and advertised herself as
No. 797145
>>797135 Okay anon, please explain then (If you can) why Styx is still talking about her, making veiled allusions to the fact that he was planning a future with her, and trying to get her attention by dropping a mixtape about her.
I can imagine a scenario where he is just delusional and she hasn’t interacted with him for years, but he isn’t that much of a cow from what I’ve seen and seems relatively level headed.
No. 797179
>>797149There's a difference between being a basic racist and pretending to be a pure Aryan trad wife who idolizes nazis and fascists. And not anti-fa fascists but actual historical ones. There are probably tons of brown haired girls in her town so I doubt she would have needed to pretend to have blond hair and green eyes for them for example. If she were just an ordinary racist no one would give a shit in the first place about her
Also the impression we got from people was that she made her classmates uncomfortable so she entered beyond typical redneck territory
No. 797224
>>797222That's great, I hope she sticks to it and stops being a cringey white pride whore who sluts it up for bugman styxhexenhammer types. I mean she should just get off the internet completely or make her profiles private because there are so many anons who absolutely despise her.
I think the vintage stuff is cool and she isn't a bad person but that's just me
No. 797232
>>797224She has a strange relationship with her biological father and I think that has something to do with her
being drawn to older men. She looks for a father figure in the men she dates.
No. 797439
>>797433Lmao, if this is the "friend" still then wow, you showed your true colours fast
Anyways, while I wouldn't go as far as that anon I do agree, she can't just casually stick to the old timey aesthetic and hope people forget she's got a past in the alt right. Her alt right following won't think she's changed and neither will any of us honestly. If she's found god and is suddenly not racist or a nazi lover then good for her. But we're going to need a bit of proof honestly. We're not going to believe a random anon who claims to be a friend. If she's worried about the backlash from the alt right then she should delete her social media. She deleted her Pinterest real fast the moment it was found last thread with her pins after pins glorifying nazis taking over countries and their ~aesthetic~.
As for her daddy issues honestly I really hope she gets help on that one and hope her dad doesn't continue their relationship in inappropriate ways. Regardless of me not believing she's changed I can see there's something fucked up there and no one deserves that
No. 800839
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My guess is that the anon is referring to the girl who posts under the youtube name xernue. Styx has been creeping all her vids within the past few weeks and posting flirty comments. If you read her twitter feed, it's obvious she's still in high school.
No. 800868
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>>800857thats the my pillow guy, you can order a cut out of him. the guy is known for supporting trump
No. 813834
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This is the almost 100% german girl with green eyes and dirty blonde hair who begs to be called aryan online :))
No. 813835
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Still with her 36 year old boyfriend while she is underage
No. 815278
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No. 815310
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So I think I might have found Stell's old ass boyfriend through her follows…similar hair and features to
>>773990Oh and yes yes, he is a father. Kid appears to be 3
No. 815311
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She's posted pictures of a kid that looks like his on her FB profile too
No. 815312
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gotta be at least what, 30?
No. 815632
>>815312I'd say older than 30. Assuming he's divorced, considering the 3 year old kid? What happened to his wife?
I know Stella has sunk pretty low but she seems to be setting the bar lower and lower with each new boyfriend, and she's not even an adult yet. She's going to look back and cringe so much in a few years
No. 816000
>>815655>now she's just your basic run of the mill thothow so? outside of the older boyfriend thing she seems somewhat boring. the fact that she's underage and so open about dating a 30 year old, but then puts up this front that she's a pure farmgirl because she lives in a rural town and takes care of little kids and animals and wears prairie dresses, is weird. it's not thotty, just weird.
also, does she seriously think that suddenly switching over to being a virtuous vintage seller is going to help cover up the online reputation she built for herself? oh sweetie…
No. 819343
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A bent over back view with these sort of tags… sexy school girl is so trad now. So is being a nymphet.
No. 819636
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Instead of working or planning college she just spends money on dresses all day… and she's not gaining any money, either.
She also pretends her family isn't wealthy and that they didn't just move into a nicer home.
No. 820228
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>>820223She didn't dox herself.
I can't see shit and I doubt anyone else can see anything either!
No. 820256
>>820223wow, that school is so fucking white
there are like two black dudes on the whole football team
she’s an ignorant idiot
No. 820310
>>820256do you want her school to be full of black dudes or
No. 820340
>>820310my point is that her racism is based completely on ignorance because everyone she knows is white
and a school that uniformly white is weird as hell in the us
No. 820477
>>820422While removing pics of her black friend as well
Pretty disgusting
No. 820895
>>820429She lives in McGaheysville, nor Elkton. She went to school in Elkton.
Sadly she's gone from fucking up her life with nazis to eventually eloping with a man twice her age who already has a kid. She probably should have just stayed a nazi.
And if you knew anything about her you'd be sad for her- most of this is the fault of her
abusive father and a few other men who have taken advantage of her, much like her current partner is.
No. 820948
>>820947>>820941>>820936No she hasn't, she's with a man twice her age, with a kid. One that isn't exactly a looker. If you think that's normal, I don't know what to tell you.
>>820941There's an ex. Not sure if it's an ex wife.
>>820947I am sad to report that it's definitely at least a partially
abusive situation. I wish it wasn't true but it is.
No. 820949
>>820936she has indeed mellowed out and apologized and that's fine and dandy, but we are still concerned about her well being if she is dating an older guy who might use her/put her back in a cycle of abuse that she previously experienced, like
>>820941 is stating.
she has 0 milk anymore as far as her politics go, but we can't help but be curious about her relationship or discuss now that it's public.
No. 820965
>>820948I know there's an ex because there's a kid. That's what I was saying is I don't think it's an ex wife because typically men don't switch from preferring women their own age- to suddenly going for teens.
like I said my money's on the ex either being a ex girlfriend, or (not as likely) an ex wife who's like 25 max.
No. 820972
>>820965I have no idea how old the ex was. I agree though- probably a very young girl.
And if Stella should be impregnated by him with a daughter I assume she's pretty much giving birth to his next
victim, to continue the same treatment she suffered by her own father.
No. 821030
>>821027I do, too. Sadly I doubt it.
No. 821037
>>821030I really hope I don't get put out to pasture for saying this, but this milk is sour and sad. Stell just graduated high school, she did so much of this when she was (and still is) a young stupid teenager.
Yea, she's done some stupid shit like her trad thot phase,I'm not excusing anything she's done. but I feel….IDK this isn't like poking fun at one of those lolcows who are close to thirty and still all milky (Baylee Jae, Heather Sparkles ext..or hell even some of the older trad thots)
All I'm saying is that I hope the next update we get on Stell is her leaving her boyfriend and going to therapy or using some of her parents money to go to college or a trade school. Not, her announcing she's pregnant while attempting to parent her boyfriend's 3 year old while he's out stalking the local high school parking lots looking for underage jailbait behind her back. :S
(learn 2 integrate) No. 822153
File: 1560520633430.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190614-095637_Ins…)

Tradthot confirmed
No. 822170
>>822157>>822169Her idea of a joke.
Although it would be pretty funny if she got pregnant fresh out of high school. Living the dream I guess.
No. 822430
>>822428No they aren't.
>>82237640 year old.
No. 822560
File: 1560595226734.jpg (402.08 KB, 720x1116, 20190615_063911.jpg)

Looks as if she made serious changes in her life.
No. 822576
>>822562>>822563>>822560how is it y'all can call out MooMoo any day of the fucking week for her gross existence but fall for this "iVe GrOwN sO mUcH" bullshite when it comes from the former nazi-aboo because she's 17?
she's as much cow as anyone else, how does this read as a sincere post to you and not as what it is, her LARPing as yet another trad-waifu
No. 823160
File: 1560719054994.jpg (330.42 KB, 1080x1356, IMG_20190616_165923.jpg)

Spending her old ass bf's money on expensive vintage dresses
No. 823194
File: 1560772236818.png (5.41 MB, 1125x2001, 3B798453-A30D-4C5B-9F81-47DBD7…)

She posted a weird image of herself and her (dad? boyfriend?) with zero clarification. Whoever he is, he’s wearing the crusaders cross, and some commenter got excited about. So, she’s still probably a racist idiot, or at the very least dating one.
No. 823196
>>823160>had to beg my bf for the money to get itHomegirl better naturalize that if she thinks having a career is despicable.
I find amusement in the fact that one very usual outcome of this sort of dependence is the husband treating his wife as something they own and pay for, feeling entitled to cheat/be shirty in general and the wife having to take every turd of shit without complaining because they have nowhere to go and no job experience aside from thoting.
No. 823236
>>823194That's her daddy.
Whether it's her dad or her other dad remains to be seen. Probably the latter.
No. 823273
File: 1560797634310.jpg (458.09 KB, 720x995, 20190617_145113.jpg)

And I passionately whispered in his ear "tonight I will swallow your fat cock".
No. 823558
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"PMs"… like she's not lurking here hahaha
No. 824756
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No. 824870
>>824756How many times are we going to go back to this old ass photo
>>774237New milk, or let it die
No. 824947
File: 1561148309989.jpg (346.67 KB, 720x540, 20190621_161711.jpg)

Best friends
No. 829320
File: 1561846880357.jpg (520.05 KB, 1078x1176, Screenshot_20190629-171933_Ins…)

Why is her chin so morphed? Did she edit it to make it smaller?
No. 830366
File: 1562030718897.jpg (292 KB, 1080x2031, Screenshot_20190701-201952_Ins…)

She's not working, she's not going to go to college. She's literally a NEET who just spends all of her 35 year old boyfriend's money, jesus.
No. 831479
File: 1562186182031.jpg (232.39 KB, 720x677, 20190703_163415.jpg)

After taking care of children Stella starts to doubt if she would make a good Mother.
No. 831481
>>831476She said in a previous post that she only gets paid $20 a day. My guess is she's watching a friend's kid or her own siblings. She doesn't work at a daycare. I can't find it, she might have deleted it.
>>831479She is only fresh out of high school, she needs to stop being so baby crazy.
No. 831511
File: 1562189370531.png (648.55 KB, 1336x609, listing.PNG)

>>830366 Oh wow. I just came here to post how a listing for a Gunne Sax dress was on my Ebay front page. The girl modelling the dress looked to be Stell - lo and behold, I was right. If you go to her other listings, she's selling a few other pieces. I wonder if her boyfriend is making her do this.
No. 832491
>>832341One is her "daddys" kid.
>>832344No. She was known to be 16 less than two years ago.
I sense damage control.
No. 832505
File: 1562356454908.png (413.71 KB, 404x693, mushrooms.png)

She posted about her hamster's cage having mushrooms in it. I figured she's clean it out like a responsible pet owner.
No. 832506
File: 1562356564474.png (425.44 KB, 377x686, eatenmushrooms.png)

>>832505Then later she posted this, saying OMG he ate the mushrooms. Why the fuck did she leave him in there with probably poisonous mushrooms? She posted video and he's making weird squeaking noises. Why couldn't she have at least scooped out the mushrooms overnight? I hope it doesn't die. Glad she had time to film it instead of taking him to a vet.
No. 832532
>>832522Maybe so but the children in her posts are definitely not daycare charges- since she's posted about one of them (her relative) and the other is the apparent offspring of her far-older boyfriend/daddy/whatever he is.
Nice buzzterm whiteknight.
No. 832986
File: 1562439499436.jpg (14.35 KB, 300x300, 26667.jpg)

I know many of you live in diverse areas, but this is Elkton.
No. 833131
File: 1562457195108.jpg (314.68 KB, 720x935, 20190706_195208.jpg)

Fresh out of fucks forever.
No. 835940
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No. 835941
File: 1562886865558.jpg (332.94 KB, 678x956, 20190711_191407.jpg)

No. 836826
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No. 840061
File: 1563493170081.jpg (132.05 KB, 1024x1820, 2031703564392367234.jpg)

No. 841743
File: 1563743511469.jpg (3.08 MB, 1960x1601, 20190721_170716.jpg)

Sorry to put you through hell for the past 14 days. One last bridge to burn. In the event you somehow manage to want to contact me after all this go to (me)n(pet).com See ya
No. 841744
File: 1563743736914.jpg (6.2 MB, 4032x1960, 20190721_163326.jpg)

No. 841746
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No. 851367
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No. 851368
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All the missing names w the payment are to her friend
No. 851369
File: 1565467025190.jpg (425.7 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190810-154312_Gal…)

And she cant help?
No. 851370
File: 1565467049940.jpg (419.88 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190810-154500_Gal…)

But I'm the bad guy?
No. 851371
File: 1565467083565.jpg (451.77 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190810-154816_Gal…)

And I never do anything?
No. 856547
Happy Birthday Stella.
Congratulations on your pornhub debut Stell Bell at work you're enjoying their side. Here's some fun reading as well.
Sex With Stell Bell No. 857230
>>856547>>857027>>857183I actually agree, there's no way to really know if it's her or not. I watched the vid and from that distance and angle it's impossible to tell. Could be anybody. And yeah, a voice verification would have helped (with her deep accent, even more so.)
I read through "Sex with Stell Bell." It's easy to fake IG convos and Idek who her friend is (but I suppose we have nudes of her now.) And who was the naked little girl crying??? O_o
Sorry, but I won't really believe anything until I see either nude pictures or a nude/sex video where you can clearly see her face.
No. 857232
>>856547Bullshit my guy lemmie see her face. Shit video
U finna have to do better than that
No. 857297
>>857270>>857258I just wanna see her naked!!!
Does noone have any nude images of her?? C'mon! I'm desperate to see her. I've had a crush on her for two years now!
>>857295I'm someone who cant do anything that matters for anyone and who no one should care about.
If she ever comes to me for any reason then you all fucked up massively.
No. 861522
File: 1567281831045.png (78.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190831-160311.png)

>>861516>>861155This is all that appears. Can someone please just post either a working link or the pictures/videos directly here.
No. 862168
To Stella,
Remember how you were so scared of these people for all these years? They were given 2 documents. The first with everything you were afraid they'd ever find out. The second with everything they'd need.
You remember all those times you felt ugly? Do you see now how beautiful you really are? No one cares about anything other than how beautiful you are.
They're so desperate to see the real deal, complete and unedited in all it's wonderous beauty. So here it is :) Do me a favor and talk to Liz about this thread and how much you've enjoyed your life for the past 8 weeks because of her. Imagine just how much better everything would have been for everyone involved if she just stopped believing that she is going to replace you. Oh well.
The password for stuff right now is No1Cares4U. Part of my mantra and a reminder. No one cares for you, No one ever cared for you, No one will ever care for you, So care for no one.
Elizabeth is somehow convinced she could give me faith in these people or convince me they're actually worth something. Well they were given about 18 hours of my time and everything they could ever ask for except her nudes and this is all they are capable of. I baited the thread and they were all so active and yet, this is them. At least 3 years of their lives spent pursuing the destruction of her compared to the 3 days I decided to see if I was wrong about them. I wasn't. They're all irrelevant.
She also thinks she's not one of them. You know how I warned you not to become obsessed with money and how it ruins people? There you go.
For the rest of you, I hope you don't feel to disappointed or used. It's been hilarious proving my point about how little you matter and how trivial you all are.
Still find it hard to believe you choose these people lol. Anyways this is my last post. Was fun but I got stuff to do. Fuck you all and good night.
No. 862243
>>862235>>862168It… it was never her? Fuck…
No. 864610
File: 1567726090986.jpg (445.61 KB, 900x900, 20190905_192314.jpg)

>>864343Yes, I am pretty crazy about her. I think she's absolutely beautiful. I would do anything just to see her without any clothes on.
>>864610It's not worth it. The last guy was definitely a psychopath. No wonder she left the internet. I would too if I had all these nutcases chasing me.
I thought my sex life was shit but this is ridiculous. Feel kinda bad for the girl.
But if you do manage it, take pics and post em before you die. Cant wait to read your story lol
No. 864635
>>864631She's just had some bad luck. She can start fresh, clean slate. And if I ever do manage to fuck her, that would be a blessing all on it's own! I think she'd be worth it. All teenagers go through a confused stage but now I think she's starting to accept who she actually is; becoming more stable.
It's honestly hard to believe noone has gotten their hands on any pictures or videos of her considering how much sex she's had since she was 13.
No. 864640
>>864635Bad luck…
5 guys came here to fuck her over. No idea what the last guy got out of it but he had ne fooled with the video. Then he decided to tell us for some reason. Said it was to prove a point but I'm not buying that.
I hope she gets help or protection because that is some scary shit right there.
No. 864646
>>864640All things aside the vid was pretty fucked up. You don't do something like that if it's not true. It was pretty convincing, though. The girl in the vid had a nice body.
The accusation that she was fucking for money and thus being a literal whore was pretty low, too. I never understood the full story. This has been super complicated and noone wants to clearly explain what happened.
Still hard to believe she's been a slut all these years. She always seemed so wholesome and pure. Part of the reason I'm so thirsty for her.
No. 864652
>>864649We don't even really know what she believes at this point but I hope she can settle on a set of principles and a stable lifestyle.
I'd be happy just fucking her a few times but if she's really so unstable and deceptive and it's not just a passing phase than no thanks.
My advice to her: admit your mistake, try to make peace with everyone, burn the bridge behibd you and just start anew. Fact o' the matter is she doesn't even really have anything incriminating leaked out there (that we know of,) not even any lewd pics. Her reputation is salvagable. Though the part of me obsesseed with her obviously hopes there are pics/vids…
No. 865030
>>865017I dont know. I was just pointing out that you were fully in support of women being able to do whatever they wanted without any consequences and seem to believe she didn't deserve any of this.
So I just asked if you felt that guys should be allowed to do whatever they wanted without any consequences either. I mean the majority of the prison population are men.
No. 865046
File: 1567807799498.jpg (120.39 KB, 640x640, d48374d0a86eb03e38ae2307d26788…)

Guys, can we just appreciate how lovely she is? 🌹
No. 865047
File: 1567807891382.png (546.18 KB, 478x599, 24c4934cc8afa4e58308ded220ceeb…)

No. 875705
There were a number of objectives that I had wanted to accomplish by doing all that.
1. Make sure Stella felt better about her decision. (Hopefully Success)
2. Expose people who wouldn't believe or support her at her word and allow her to cut them out of her life. (Immoral if you go by supposed "rights"). (Success)
3. She'd always be afraid I'd screw her over either way (sadly) so I might as well get her the most help and sympathy as I could (Success).
4. Get Elizabeth to stop using her for money. The car thing and other stuff. (Success)
5. Get Styx to move on and eliminate whatever he has on her. (Success)
6. Make this thread into something that would make her smile and feel beautiful. (Probably Success idk)
7. I always told her just be honest with me. She wasn't but that didn't really matter. A bit of payback in that sense. (Success if she learned, failure if not)
8. It was just my way of passing the torch to others. As long as she's happy and safe, then I am ok with things. Just want her to be happy, protected and not have to worry(failure T_T).
9. I wanted less distractions. (Success)
10. In the unlikely event that she ever wants to be with me, first she'd have to fail her current relationship, then her family would be against it, then her friends, I'm pretty sure all of you guys would be, and pretty much anyone else who knows anything about this will be which means if she gets past all of that then I'd believe she's genuine, else she can do whatever she want's. She's perfect in my eyes. (Probably Successful)
I've already said so but no, she was not the girl in the video. Finally, my issue wasn't her, it was Elizabeth claiming she needed money and I was tired of using her as a proxy and not being able to be certain if she was lying or not.
No. 878078
Retard how to search for nudes and leave her alone loser
No. 887782
>>887692Lol, well my advice to you is to get it done within the next year. You never know what could happen. Would be a tragedy if war broke out or the world was destroyed or natural disasters or a freak accident makes it impossible. And really, if the bibles true, then maybe god will destroy humanity and start fresh again. In such a case, I think we'd be better off without trash like you.
Way to exemplify the value of eugenics. You're retardation, desperation and inability to value her for anything other than sex means you have a high chance of being a rapist or an uncle. So why shouldn't you just be shot? You're going to die one day anyway and when you do you'll finally be doing something to make the world a better place.
No. 887809
File: 1572701816004.jpg (51.91 KB, 197x265, 20191102_093257.jpg)

>>887782My beautiful little lolita! I can't wait to just hold her and tell her I how much I love her. I bet it'll feel like Heaven having my cock inside her ass. I can only imagine how soft, tight and warm it feels. She is truly an angel. ❤
File: 1572893840203.jpg (48.09 KB, 270x555, sexyposted.jpg)

>>875766Wanna see something funny?
No. 888801
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No. 888803
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No. 888804
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No. 888805
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No. 888806
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No. 888809
File: 1572894263207.jpg (369.38 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191104-140407_Sam…)

How do you feel about broken promises and lies?
No. 888810
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Looks cute huh
No. 888811
File: 1572894335682.jpg (431.71 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191104-135222_Ins…)

But I think this one is better
No. 888813
File: 1572894388019.jpg (445.63 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191025-084040_Ins…)

I mean it's not like people lie ever
No. 888814
File: 1572894431698.jpg (74.28 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20191005_210312_576.jpg)

Isnt that right?
No. 888816
File: 1572894459987.jpg (115.62 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20191031_194354_196.jpg)

But you do look really good.
No. 888817
File: 1572894492734.jpg (41.49 KB, 542x744, IMG_20191104_130132_348.jpg)

Even though it's my money xD
No. 888818
File: 1572894522147.jpg (44.16 KB, 527x846, IMG_20191012_144509_728.jpg)

You're a cutie
No. 888819
File: 1572894576044.jpg (52.01 KB, 518x837, IMG_20191012_141607_581.jpg)

To bad you guys didnt wanna chill
No. 888820
File: 1572894613575.jpg (121.54 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20191104_133011_048.jpg)

But love that twirl you do
No. 888822
File: 1572894640785.jpg (24.4 KB, 540x540, IMG_20191104_133008_988.jpg)

And your beautiful smile
No. 888823
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Sucks huh
No. 888825
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No. 888826
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No. 888827
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Right now it's actually like 6200 ish tbh
No. 888828
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Kind of an annoying question I guess. But she so wants to be your replacement lol
No. 888830
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No. 888832
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No. 888834
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No. 888839
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The answer to her question
No. 888848
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No. 888849
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No. 888851
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No. 888852
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No. 888853
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No. 888854
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No. 888855
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No. 888858
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No. 888860
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No. 888861
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No. 888863
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No. 888865
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No. 888867
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Someone was getting suspicious around this time
No. 888868
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No. 888869
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No. 888870
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No. 888874
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No. 888875
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No. 888876
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No. 888878
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No. 888889
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No. 888890
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No. 888895
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No. 888896
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No. 888897
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No. 888899
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Not gonna show patreon or ebay transfers. Or nudes. She's a good girl after all. She'd never lie to you, or cheat on you, or break promises.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 888901
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Glad you're taking care of her so well.
No. 888906
>>888904Some sloppy retard apparently gave her a lot of cash and she didn't give a shit about him. In a
triggered rage he decided to sperg out and compile instagram messages (which may not even be real) into a pdf among other things.
No. 888909
>>888908No clue, probably just trolls.
Since there's no "lol" to be had here, at this point it's just one hopeless lunatic with a vendetta and a hard on.
No. 888930
>>888920Yeah, I get that. Not like I'd enjoy exploring new horizons or anything. Either way, 93% sure that it definitely didnt matter in the slightest and 60% she faked everything but it was fun while it lasted.
Maybe I just need to hop into an uber and go for a ride and move on. The money's not ever an issue in my case but the whole stella needs money stuff is probably as annoying to me as all of this is to you
No. 889714
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No. 889715
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No. 890083
Soft option
If you take the soft option, you do the thing that is easiest or least likely to cause trouble in a particular situation.
[mainly British]
We take the soft option. I like to keep the crowd happy because that's what they pay for.
The job of chairman can no longer be regarded as a convenient soft option out for her and don't stress over this shit. Enjoy life. None of this matters anyway. She can go back to whatever she wants to do. If money is such an issue then maybe ebay, etsy and social media will help out. Otherwise just take care of her and keep her happy.
Liz will have her 10k by the end of the year unless she decides otherwise.
No. 890412
>>890364From what i can tell there's probably about 6 to 7 people active in this thread. You seem to be someone who views her in a positive enough light to overlook her more controversial aspects though the impression I get from you is that you're only after her sexually. Not much of a barometer and I know it's off topic but you're just gonna fanboy anyways. One person's vehemently opposed to her 2 are tacitly sympathetic but opposed to me for sure and the rest are defending her to the best of there ability.
So do you have any opinions about me and this situation or are you just here for the dream and drama?
I personally think I'm being extremely immature and giving into my more destructive tendencies far to easily. I do want to say I'm sorry but I doubt it matters to her at this point. I hate being reminded of her and being powerless to do anything to make things better for her. She's got every right in the world to hate me and I kinda want her to because I just love that about her but I'm worried I'm hurting her to much (which is egotistical lol, she'd have to have cared about me first).
My biggest concern is that I want her to be safe, happy and looked after. Oh well, get outta your head xD
No. 890498
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>>888920Good times, great price
No. 890753
>>890711"though not showing her face"
So fake. Whatever vendetta you have is getting very, very old.
No. 892035
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No. 892786
>>892738At this point your obsessive posting is more milky than anything else here. You seem infatuated with the idea of being with a person you are throwing under a bus, a train, and a steamroller at the same time. Are you convinced that by debasing her, she will see you as some sort of savior-like figure, or "way out"?
I highly doubt that matters to you, and it definitely doesn't matter to most of the others posting here. Just my two cents.
No. 893062
>>893024So, what's your game plan? I already said for you to leave and that this site can do nothing but hurt her and you're a fool for even being here.
Are you going to defend her honor when the thought to report files or violations of the rules never crossed your mind? Are you just going to say thirsty like the impressionable dumbass you are? Are you going to follow the breadcrumbs of examples like the video until the end of time? What could you possibly gain from being here when you cant assess the situation or grasp how much you have to lose over something as trivial as your ego and a lousy forum thread?
No. 894807
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>>894386You disgusting cretin
No. 895924
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>>895706Not me. Sex is easy to get. Rides are cheap. Relationships however are impossible.
No. 1368179
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She was so beautiful. I miss her so much…(necro)
No. 1623524
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I miss her so much. I had such a huge crush on her. Idc what anyone says, she was pretty and had a cute charm to her. She sometimes reminded me off a younger Dita Von Teese.(Necro )
No. 1633130
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Never. I will never stop loving her. I want to be with her and ask her to marry me. She will make the perfect Aryan wife and mother to my children. I will worship her…