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No. 752004

Endigo, a cringy 27 year old man who dresses like a girl and acts as if he's SO FAMOUS in Japan (Basically the next Visual Kei super star)

>Makes Youtube videos clickbaiting different Youtubers every day

>Dresses like a fucking 16 year old emo chick while his girlfriend hates it
>Pretends to know Japanese when really doesn't know shit
>Begs for money on Patreon to keep dressing up like this
>Hasn't had a job in years and leeches of his family and friends
>Sings in a "visual kei" (COUGH) band called BatAAr, basically the absolute worst case of weeb metal.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/endigoskyborn/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/endigoskyborn
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/endigo(shit thread)

No. 752012


a bigger description about him in this old thread

I liked a few of the songs he has(like the one in tekken and a couple of the mixes he makes)but his band's music isn't my thing overall.The make up and styling is shitty and he is try hard and annoying with the clickbait bs.I actually like his voice it's a shame he is an annoying weeb.Haven't followed him in a while so i have no idea if there's any milk or not

No. 752020

Why start a thread without posting any milk in it to get it rolling?
Not your personal army

No. 752071

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he’s deserves his own thread for a while, since I got a buttload of milk on him, but he’s so fat up his own ass and thirsty for attention he’d probably consider it a compliment. And since and his former butt buddy kitcha has a history of selfposting on 4chan it would not surprise me if it’s tobias himself that made this, especially considering op didn’t even mention his insane amount of shooping

No. 752140


You should have used the existing thread. GTFO.

No. 752281

I'm not OP, a part of my post disappeared for some reason it's supposed to start with "I've been thinking he deserves his own thread for a while". I think the rest of my post makes it painfully obvious I'm not the one that made this thread anyway considering I'm calling this a selfpost, and the fact that there apparently is one from a year ago makes this thread smell EVEN MORE like a selfpost.

No. 752283

Samefag but FUCK I forgot to sage, sorry for being even more retarded than the thread itself

No. 752294


Sorry, I tagged the wrong post!

No. 752362

>a bigger description about him in this old thread
the thread from a year ago didn't even work

No. 752469


so what's the milk on him then?

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