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No. 704751
>>>/snow/333727 for Mike Towers, and all his BS!
Claims to fame:
>runs AnimeLeague, a cringey weebfest forums, and equally cringey cons which feature cosplay slave auctions, deplorable hygiene and public makeouts between obeasts in cat ears>advertised his cons as MCM-affiliated events on the MCM facebook page and subsequently received a lifetime ban from all MCM events in the UK>has recently been accused of date rape and grooming underage girls, with evidence apparently being given to the police>public clashes with MCM resident shitposter Obayed Khan, leading to Michael samefagging constantly on /cgl/ claiming that Obayed is a paedophile himself and threatening to 'see him at mcm' (which he is banned from)>has used to cgl to try and spread rumours that Kita is cancelled and the MCM heads are under investigation for grooming and child abuseThere's a whole lot of milk here. Will add archive references next post
No. 705658
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More bad news. lel
No. 706688
File: 1539014009879.jpg (119.33 KB, 362x757, alshit.JPG)

This isn't Bristol-related but was posted today, triggered vendor in a thread about bootlegs!
No. 706843
>>706833He only went to the London ones cause of his cafe. I've heard ex maids and Mel say they hate the cafe and Andre is a mess. It wouldn't surprise me if he isn't at any cons next year.
I also heard he was on medication, living with his parents and wants to top himself. This is from his best mate who drives him everywhere.
No. 707811
>>707359may as well keep it on the AL thread, it's all the same shit in the ends, just delusional perverts abusing their power and thinking it makes them successful when in fact becoming a cult leader isn't historically a good way to become well-remembered
in new news: if anyone bothered to post feedback on the Bristol AL forum thread or Facebook status it was swiftly deleted
either back to their usual tricks or people have stopped thinking it's worth doing
No. 707850
>>707067How can you sue an idiot? I know he isn't part of AL anymore he got fired after Alcon. Which is why he deleted his facebook and everything.
>>707811From what I've seen as a mod of AL no one has put any feedback in the thread. Do you have proof it got deleted?
No. 708727
>>707850of course not if it got deleted you inbred potato looking towers arselicker
but you're missing the point
No. 708912
>>708830the point is, people don't care any more, there's no reason to post because nothing every happens, there are plenty of shitty reviews all over facebook (just not AL facebook where you can just delete whatever you like)
the point is, whenever AL has a 'clean' thread, people assume it's because the really bad shit has been deleted, not that it was in any way a good event.
but carry on arguing about my points in here while there's a big fat 'worst event ever' review at the top to ignore
No. 711923
I am so fucking glad Mike is going to prison for his bullshit.
I'm about to dump some fucking old but pretty goddamn funny milk. Take it with a grain of salt because i unfortunately cannot obtain the logs anymore, but i just feel like i gotta fucking talk about this because FUCK MIKE.
When i was 12-15 (so yeah this is over ten years ago in the early-mid 2000s but bear with me) i joined AL.
Mike and another fucking bastard DJ Battousai were the first creeps to start grooming me sexually online.
Yeah i was a dumb kid and curious, and lying about my age, but the difference between 12 and 14 isn't anything to the law.
Anyway so Mike and DJ would cyber me and convince me to get on webcam. Mike in particular has a fetish for young preteens or teens that develop early and have large breasts. Mike had his gf Mewski at the time so while he tried pretty hard he didn't like try to be my bf or anything. DJ on the other hand was a romantic, i guess. He convinced me we were the truest love and all this shit. But of course, turns out dude was the man slut of AL, like Mike he was cybering or trying to cyber with like half the site. So this other teenage girl and i got in this huge fight, she threatened to commit suicide, drama exploded in the journals section where she dropped it all. So Mike found out. Mike got jealous. Wicked jealous.
Mike banned DJ Battousai, ostensibly for preying on teenage girls and causing drama by cybering half the forum and not being honest about it. Holy shit the drama. Everyone saw through it, i remember Blah (who is also a creep but this isn't about him) a head admin was calling mike out heavily for also cybering half the forum, particularly the underage girls.
I was pretty mad at Mike, and disgustingly he came to me being all "I'm just protecting you from him :( noods now?" so yeah for awhile we had a falling out.
There were some users that quit and i think some that started threatening to call the authorities. This freaked Mike out. So i think eventually he let it go and DJ was unbanned, i think after like an apology or something. The people wanting to get Mike in trouble had nothing though, because that satisfied me enough that i didn't come forward. Though i had started realizing this was all pretty fucked up.
Of course when i was 15-16 i wanna say? I think we kinda started up again. Mike had a habit as demonstrated with Mewski of being a giant fucking malignant narcissist that had to have a harem of girls to pick and choose. So he was really good at figuring out insecurities, gently negging the girls, and then making them feel really special and wanted. This did not last long though. I'd moved on from AL and cut Mike off. I'd still hear about him being a creep though and never officially blocked him.
Anyway when I'm 17-18 he finds me again. At this point i know he's a creep, but i wanna mess with him and get dirt. So he tells me about like how he was trying to get into the con circuit, that he had gained a fuckload of weight, and had type2 diabetes. I honestly dunno why? He still would use old pics where he was a skinny bean pole.
Anyway i can't remember how exactly it came to this but i was indulging him cause he was being hilarious and pathetic. He started telling me about his supposed last hookup and that she had called him a "raging bull in the sack." i was laughing so hard you guys, because the way he described it it was totally obvious to everyone but him that such a statement was more of a complaint than a compliment.
Anyway idk if he's still a lardass, everyone seems to be using pics where he looks like his old bean pole self so i guess he either started managing it or uses really old pics still.
Anyway this is all to say he's always been a sociopath doing this shit and then projecting into others that may or may not be predators to deflect.
I actually at one time tried to report him…i was able to send a tip but nothing came of it because i can't get the evidence. The device this all happened on is long gone, and i seriously doubt msn still has the logs? Doesn't matter though, if it's true the police are looking into it.
The alleged date rape is new and horrifying though. When i still talked to a couple people from the old days we kinda assumed he was too much of a coward. He would collect CP and cyber and cam all day long but he'd never actually do it.
I really hate that we were apparently wrong.
No. 712334
>>711923>>712038Okay so I hate to be the jerk, but this has effectively come out of nowhere (either that or I've been super-behind on the tabloid gossip in AL), and so if you have anything to back up this "he's going to prison", then we as the mysterious anons might have to call bullshit on this.
Don't get me wrong; we all want that pleasure of reading that the police are arresting/questioning him, but considering fuck all has happened despite people saying so much about AL, him, and his harem, I find this "prison" stuff a little hard to believe.
…unless you're just jebaiting us.
No. 712345
>>712334Ack sorry I made a couple mistakes on a couple previous attempts and forgot to sage…lets try this again.
I'm sorry if it sounds like I have some SUPER SECRET INSIDER INFO from the police because I don't. You and I both know if the police ARE involved they are mum about it.
My ultimate point here is that this is 10+ years of grooming and a pattern. And he is not as smart as he pretends to be. I know it can seem like the justice system and the fact for years everyone has excused him with "mike being mike" makes it all hopeless.
But its not. I mean maybe I'm wrong and he's not an impulsive dumbass like he used to be and he's careful, but if he's still just as fucking pseudointellectual he's got all kinds of illegal material and evidence in his devices, in addition to the allegations.
If its all indeed true there's been evidence given to the police, well, I'm not as familiar with UK law, but Mike definitely about shit himself in the past thinking JUST online grooming and webcamming would get him in hot water. So I have to assume its a pretty big deal.
No. 712799
>>712345Webcaming? That's never been a thing with anyone's story, confused? Tbh I don't see Mike as the webcam type. Also how do you know the police are involved? Have you asked them yourself because looking at everything it seems no one has contacted them despite people saying they have
>>712567He's been like that for 2 weeks now like someone said before wouldn't surprise me if he topped himself
No. 712935
>>712799First of all this was a pretty long time ago. One of the reasons i know he was freaking out about getting caught is this came up between us about the camming.
We did it infrequently because he was so afraid of that crossing one too many lines. But he couldn't really help himself at the time, this was before getting that kinda material would be really easy and just require hopping on Tor.
He tried not to save images or ask for them, just infrequent cam sessions, tons of cybering and grooming. Idk, maybe he thought they couldn't prove he was looking at underage titty if the logs got looked into. I'm not 100% on where the lines are in UK law. Just know they take CP as seriously as we do.
He did emphasize he would not meet a minor unless they were 16 because that's age of consent. Not that i would've managed to get to the UK lol. Maybe that's part of why we all kinda excused/ignored a lot of this.
It was gross and wrong but like me a lot of the girls he was talking to at that time didn't live anywhere near him. He would groom them but play double speak like oh but i wouldn't really fuck you unless you were 16, darling. I know that because i talked to a few of the others when i started wising up that maybe Mike isn't a good guy and you are right that thinking now can't recall them mentioning camming, maybe i was the only one or one of a rare few. but the patterns and other behavior was the same.
No. 712941
>>712799I don't know why people are asking me "how i know" the cops are involved either. I regret assuming the information in the fucking OP was right. So just to fucking end this weird assumption I'm in contact with authorities, what i should have said is "I'm happy mike is likely going to prison, based on what the op claimed."
I reported a tip once, years ago (2014 i think?) when i thought i should. The problem was my device this all happened on was destroyed in a flood and thrown away. They can't exactly go on some anonymous hearsay about shit that happened years ago. I would think date rape allegation would do it but idk, police work slow and are not always the best at investigating sexual assault. Color me too optimistic.
And this is why there is even a disclaimer in my post. If i could get the goods i would.
No. 713718
>>713695Yeah this is my problem too. And further research reveals the UK has some gray area about grooming which takes place online. If you can prove there was CP being exchanged they might be bothered to get off their asses but its not like the u.s.
Even in the u.s. shit gets thrown out because hurr i was never going to actually meet them and there's insufficient evidence to suggest otherwise. Probably why mike back then had a habit of emphasizing that he'd have to wait.
No. 718602
So, for those in the UK at least, the two videos by Tim Nur have been taken down due to defamation complaints.
Video 1: 2: All three videos are no longer available to watch in the UK. With a proxy, I was able to watch both of them. Michael can't handle criticism and sees it as "defamation". What a little bitch.
No. 723365
>>723361On Friday, there was basically a "bomb scare" which led to the Green, Novotel and Ibis being evacuated. Whole area was sectioned off, and armed police arrived.
Turned out to apparently be a lasagne left in a bag in an Uber. Someone looked inside the car and apparently screamed: "BOMB" to create a commotion.
No. 723427
>>723365This is legitimately one of the funniest things I've ever heard. A bag with leftover lasagne? Really?
I get the sense MT is probably kinda of quiet about it because, much as he tends to not know when to quit, a few too many public enemies often elicits his true cowardice and then finally (thankfully) he kinda shuts up and just mulls privately. Just something I've observed over the years.
Optimistic but i do think if anything more serious were going on with him being investigated, we would be clued in by that cowardice showing up. He might huff n puff a little vaguely about going through something, but i think what to watch for will be when he does the opposite of a seasoned lolcow and shuts up, for once.
No. 723877
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AL has had a website overhaul, I do love this little lie about working with other companies, I don't think that's true, You're banned from mcm, Showmasters hates you, You bitch at kenny for his cosexpo you've bitched and tried to fuck up everyone else who runs events even that new Anime Connect con you tried to shutdown, Work with other companies and events, Fuck off
No. 725897
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No. 725898
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No. 726719
>>725898Lmfao 'defamation'. AL are a treat.
They have another anime con next weekend in some city which actually hates them right? They're so tragic.
No. 730545
>>730075Saw a post on Twitter that is now gone that they played the online party game Jackbox and alot of the answers were about Towers before the staff got
triggered and cut the screen off for 'inappropriate content that has ruined it for everyone else' despite they had weebs on stage screaming and swearing during some voice dub shit apparently.
No. 731165
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Gee, the new Sims DLC looks great
(yes, this is the NAGC afterparty)
No. 731442
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No. 731443
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No. 731444
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No. 731460
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>>731444Probs trying to get more moneys off attendees hoping they wouldn’t take notice, esp since they were asking everyone to “donate” extra and to give more moneys to “help the con”.
No. 731532
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AL think they held a fantastic event only because underaged and brainless weebs got their animu fix for the weekend. Another post fount, sounds worse than LAGC.
No. 731553
>>731532I will admit, the Jackbox stuff would be a lot to take in if you've never heard about AL and the allegations behind the scenes.
Skeletons in the closet doesn't even come close to it
No. 732099
>>731532>>731553Holy shit, this only just occurred to me, how parents could suddenly look at this jackbox stuff, and think that this was the best place to take their kids.
It doesn't even matter if the allegations are true or not; the fact that they are actually poking fun at something like this is braindead alone.
No. 732109
>>732099They've always been inappropriate and edgy, since before the convention days. Always been a sick "open joke" that Mike is a pedophile. I feel so bad for unwitting parents that brought their little kids or let their teens go, only to experience this shit.
Does not surprise me in the least that the only real clout they get comes in the form of edgy tweens that don't know what a good convention or community looks like. And those tweens are probably severely neglected or abused to begin with, any reasonable parent would look into this and go hell nope, even if they allowed it at first.
That's what makes this really sick to me and why i really want Mike taken down tbh. :/
No. 735755
>>732224Towers lets it happen,
1) Good or Bad PR is still PR
2) If something goes wrong you can sack the person off and blame them and use their bad PR as a scapegoat (See Andre)
No. 740407
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No. 744176
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Anybody going to the Manchester mini-con by AL on the 15th to cause a scene?
No. 744545
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No, she still fat and ugly cow. lel
No. 745737
>>725898RIP Tim Nur
press F to pay respects
No. 746411
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Seems Mike has legal'd up on Google search results…
No. 746412
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No. 746413
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No. 746414
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No. 746798
>>746417Technically no. Back before YouTube and gmail forcefully connected, I signed into my YouTube at a friends house, and then somewhere down the line, Google forcefully linked my YouTube to my friends mums gmail. Can't unlink it, and I don't touch the gmail account anyway.
I wouldn't have been ok with posting the screenshot if I did use the account.
No. 751271
File: 1545257847093.png (670.67 KB, 1854x864, AL fail.png)

"Oi, Mike! How are we gonna make Anime League look good again?"
"I got it! Let's rebrand ourselves using the banner of one of the most genocidal regimes in history!"
No. 751320
>>751271Is that all you could find? Well done!
They are using a national flag that is still used today as a symbol of good fortune, and is incorporated into products and advertisements. Clearly someone doesn't know their Japanese history.
If anything they haven't announced anything, so waiting to see if littlekuriboh is on their lists or if he's finally given up
No. 751336
>>751323Wait. So your reason to attack an ANIME convention which is Japanese-focused is because Japan is shitty?
No. 751338
>>751323>>751336While you two were bickering, I found this little gem on the website:
"Double Ensuite – £49 per night. Two person occupancy. You will need to bring a second pillow for the second person, as an additional pillow isn’t provided."
So AlCon Revival is not only MakeYourOwnFunCon, but also BringYourOwnPillowCon.
No. 752917
>>751486I wonder if MT got permission to use the song in this video? (It's 'Neptune' by Arc North btw)
If you feel adventurous to contact the artist and tell him his music is being used to promote an event like this, then be my guest.
No. 758960
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No. 760160
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>>760140>They have a whole new websiteThis is the website
No. 786636
AlCon is officially dying, it's downsized to little more than a typical shitty AGC event. No more Thursdays, and the entire con is now in one single building on campus.
Also, they've reverted to old ways by removing any trace of a guest (i.e. Octopimp) who cancelled appearing at their con. No. 786794
>>786636I don’t really see why everyone’s complaining about the one building. One of people’s complaints was the walking between buildings and low suddenly one building is bad?
I don’t think this is them dying. I think they can actually turn it around with these changes
No. 789956
>>789924>>789951Did you actually read the update? Although they’re only using one building now, they were only using half of the building last year. They’re not actually going to have much less space. The only real difference is that they’re not doing Thursday anymore but that’s probably just because most people can’t do Thursdays anyway?
Like above anon said, whether you hate them or not, you’re blind if you think this is them dying. A failing company would not announce two new events. And don’t forget that the winter London this year was literally packed, and got really good feedback online.
No. 799785
>>799777They were doing these claims right after Alcon, so this claim was probs made 5 months ago and only now has been looked at by youtube?
So really if youtube is taking it down then shouldn't you be moaning at youtube itself? AL doesn't have control over whats to be take down from a website they don't own???
No. 799806
>>799458If that really is true maybe this is why mel felt the need to add Queen to her name. She knows she’s getting replaced lel
>>799785It doesn’t take youtube five months to look at reports
No. 799817
>>799785why are AL autists infesting everything board that talks about them reeeing "justice"
fuck off man its boring
No. 799975
>>799941wrong about that one mate, i have no idea who Jack is.
I want to know the tea on Grace, she really porking Micheal?
No. 800482
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no one is jealous of you. you look like a very ugly and fat man.
No. 801608
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No. 801609
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No. 801610
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No. 801611
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No. 843831
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fresh dramu
No. 863731
File: 1567590398006.png (1.23 MB, 1920x1696, received_2935136746515985.png)

Grace Mellody doing a dirty delete because someone showed her evidence that they did go to the police about Towers on her post where she claimed all the victims are liars.
No. 863790
>>863731shit attempt at Obayed thread pops up 3 hours after this is posted.
Grace/Mel doing their dirty work for master pedo himself.
Also thank god someone shut that ogre down. she needed it.
No. 864258
>>863790That thread is straight up bullying, stalking and harassment. He could go to the police about it. Especially when they're so obviously letting everyone know who they are. The one who commented about his kid is Mike England B Frost, people told him he was a shit dad for wasting time bullying and harassing Obayed online instead of taking care of his kids and he went full
victim mode and cried that people were bullying his child.
No. 866876
File: 1568116211453.jpg (434.57 KB, 1080x2034, Screenshot_20190910_124815_com…)

An archived post from mike's old site. He's a confirmed nonce, literally admitted to sex with a 12 year old.
No. 866986
>>866975Fuck off AL shill. None of these comments are even to do with rape, hence why I posted them. Mike's scumminess extends to his business practices beyond his noncing.
Also nobody gives a shit if Beth didn't touch your weewee, this is an AL thread.
No. 869604
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The week before Minamicon, the next town over. Why is Mike so delusional and antagonistic towards other events? He's not going to take attendees from an established and wildly better con.
No. 869639
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No. 869705
>>869698bumping both threads which are related to each other with the same timso comment
uwu stalker
No. 869709
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>>869639Apart from sage anon. Obayed is liable now considering this is pretty much evidence they gave the money to charity. I wonder what Obayed has next on crusade against Towers
No. 871595
File: 1569167175720.jpeg (126.47 KB, 1080x1525, received_381892259171628.jpeg)

Looks like Towers isn't the only AL staff member who thinks being trans is just a trend, a transgender guest is also speaking out on Facebook against Grace rn because they were repeatedly musgendered by staff at the very con AL were raising money for Mind lmaooo
No. 871628
>>871620I think they were just making the point of it not being fresh milk
Are we really stuck reposting old shit now?
No. 871630
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Raising money for mind doesn't give staff the right to do this shit
No. 871632
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>>869709Adding to the whole charity fraud ALcon did post an official letter from Mind. Though people are calling it fake, what do you think?
No. 871636
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>>871632The first email they showed was just a reply to them saying they will raise funds, they lied and tried to pass if off as confirmation when called out. That confirmation letter they posted was dated the day after they were called out which was two weeks after the money had been raised. Grace and Mel keep posting bull shit excuses like they were trying to phone up and couldn't get through but it only takes one look at their website to find the donation page. Are we supposed to believe that they didn't even see that??
No. 871638
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In fact Grace even admitted they didn't donate it when they should have and is pulling the "they got the money eventually, stop complaining" routine. If people hadn't checked it probably would never have been donated. You can donate directly through their website even as an organisation and it doesn't take two weeks to do it.
No. 871641
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>>871636Working closely with charities before it is always best to ring up and answer any questions people donanting money have. Alot of the time charties don't do confirmation letters like those unless specifically asked for. Most of the time it is just an email saying "thanks for your donation". I think it is better they rang them up than just donated online because then there isn't any real evidence showing the transaction.
Also if you check the Mind Twitter again, it shows they did recieve the money. So why everyone is still complaining about it is beyond me. There's better dirt out there than this repeated mess.
No. 871761
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No. 871793
>>871758Just like
>>871761 is doing. Hmmm…same anons with grudges against both?
No. 873459
>>871641But…He's Still a nonce though.
No. 873869
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I mean… Yeah
No. 874076
>>874069>>874049Now I know who you are because this is pretty hot shit with screen shots widely available.
Hi Mike, Hi Mel. Go ask Grace.
No. 874122
File: 1569693556827.jpg (126.19 KB, 1080x1920, FB_IMG_1569693495061.jpg)

>>874088Taken from the thread, this does indeed look like Mike has shown grace people's photos, which is revenge porn, which as far as I'm aware has been reported now.
Well done Grace.
No. 874124
>>874123Actually no, sharing someone's photo without the person's consent is indeed revenge porn.
She dun goofed
No. 874126
>>874123Sharing someone's photos nude or not, it's still revenge porn, as grave said in the message she's not entirely covered, aka partially nude.
Are you retarded or are you Mel?
No. 874129
>>874126In the screenshot, Karli Rae clearly states to Grace Mellody that it's clothed and so not revenge porn.
In the screenshot.
Seriously, think.
No. 874133
>>874129No actually, you can't read.
Grace said she's partially covered, Rae said so it's not a full on nudes then.
This is still revenge porn, and I know it's being reported.
No. 874146
>>874142I mean, I'm not Karli but I am friends with her and she doesn't realise that I really don't care for her.
Also, did you know that sharing any photos of anyone (nude or not, consent or not) is against the law? I just got told that, interesting.
No. 874148
>>874144Well I for one look forward to this outcome as I know who's side I'm on.
Hint, not the child molester as I believe the evidence given even if you try to delete it
No. 874151
>>874144Yeah this is definitely Grace
We'll done on
victim blaming and saying they lied about what happened
You're a sicko lol
No. 874152
>>874139Actually,fully nude or not, that is indeed considered revenge porn, it's against the law to share someone's photographs with or without their consent.
I think you need to learn a bit before you try to add something
No. 874154
>>874144What does Mike have against her?
The fact that he can cry she was mean and denied she was his GF? R/niceguys
Revenge porn is sick, and people here clearly are too far into the waifu body pillows to check the real world and the laws here.
No. 874155
>>874151But if people didn't suffer the E X A C T same way she did, it's not abuse silly!
Quoted her
No. 874157
>>874156Okay, keep ignorant.
And I'll be sure to tell her that, and the fact you can't argue back and need to try and add a face to an anon to make it
valid. The wrong face however but I can see psychosis is a running problem with AL attendees.
No. 874160
>>874158ThE MoDs CaN sEe
You sound crazy my dude. How can you tell who is who from a random site? Tell me your wisdom, because it's not very good if you keep getting this wrong and mistaking the people here for this one imaginary girl
No. 874161
>>874160"My dude"
I know who this one is, and if you get it wrong you're retarded.
No. 874162
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Sure you don't. 🤷♀️🤷♀️
You're a joke lmao
No. 874168
>>874163Actually, she never accused him of rape. Just taking advantage, hurting her and being controlling, so evidence of this?
She did indeed report the abuse she sustained and reported the things that were said to her when she was underage.
Grace then went and tried to blackmail Karli to shut up not knowing what she's done is just admit that mike has indeed shared intimate photos of her without her consent, thus revenge porn.
She also included not 1, but 4 screen shots of the whole convo where grace tried to back peddle, but your not part of the thread to see that, are you mikey? I think your upset you can't see the full picture to see how this is looking.
I love you are desperatlytrying to put this girl down when she's untouchable because you have nothing on her.
No. 874173
>>874170Over ONE HUNDERED posts?!?!
I take bullshit for 2000 because she barely posts anything never mind a hundred posts.
She's been the most quiet on this whole thing and if it wasn't for Mel and Grace provoking her, I can assure you she wouldn't have even bothered with any of this.
You have only yourself to blame.
No. 874174
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No. 874178
>>874177I've looked at her profile.
She literally posts stupid rat memes and the occasional song and being annoyed by her neighbours. Are you okay in the head? Because I really want to see these mysterious posts you are on about from her
No. 874183
>>874179Clearly, Grace was the one intimidated when she deleted the post, if not why not argue it out with Karli public?
No. 874185
>>874177I mean, you're clearly counting and that's stalker behaviour my dude.
Where's these receipts you were talking about? If there's so many surely you can just pick anyone to show?
No. 874196
>>874188>>874188Well that's obvious.
She's the only one Mike can't do anything about because what she says is true, so instead him and the crew have to come here to try and damage control.
Because let's be real, he's took legal action against others, why not her if she's been SO vocal?
We all know mike is a little bitch who got a defamation claim , bet his mum got that for him just to shut him up. I feel sorry for her.
No. 874199
>>874198Like confirmed he did take action, and when you search things on Google about it, it tells you a claim has been made.
Don't be stupid, look into it before commenting.
No. 874206
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No. 874207
>>874203You say that but I've barely heard anything from her, apart from the arguments she has with shitheads which everyone joins in with.
You sound like someone she's had a go at. You probably deserved it.
No. 874208
>>874204Inb4 ban.
Also you don't need to link her account, her name is pretty unusual, so congrats on the ban for no reason.
No. 874212
>>874210I am one of the people with her currently, just not her.
You all are desperate for her to come here huh?
No. 874214
>>874213Go ahead and make a thread about her then, you're all the ones who keep dragging her up into a towers thread.
However i will say, the milk on her will be little and stale.
She's boring with nothing really to offer.
No. 874240
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No. 874269
>>874225I highly doubt she slid into your DMs consider she's never out a relationship, and she's asexual.
This is just sad.
No. 874276
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No. 874280
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No. 885375
>>885097I was before all the baker drama, faggot. Security doesn't care. I've strolled in without paying to see the empty ALcon shitshow before and I'll certainly do it again, you guys are a trainwreck.
They don't check bags and if just walk past security they don't even care, much less notice you.
Which AL no-lifer are you, mate?
No. 885727
>>884953As I said on /cgl/, come here if you
have actual screencaps. Without those your post is just some guy bragging about being ex-Al, which is pretty sad.