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No. 696862
16-year old cringefest that desperately wants to be a "kawaii idol like in love live desuuu!".
She's known to have her sister come in to defend the "bullies" on her Tellonym page that are trying to tell her that she can't dance and that she should maybe listen to the advice given to her, even to the point of threatening to murder them (
She's completely delusional about becoming a successful idol in Japan and runs her own fan page. Her dancing and cosplays are beyond terrible; a good example is her performance at MechaCon (
Her Website: Instagram: Tellonym: Facebook: YouTube Channel: Amino: No. 696934
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>>696862omg a teenager doing inoffensive dumb shit? thank fuck you're here to make a thread anon!!! Tell us all about how this chick is so awful. Did she tell you not to sit with her during lunch at school?
No. 697357
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>>696862Even though what OP did was shitty, don’t cowtip. She doesn’t deserve to get upset over this.
No. 697363
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>>697357Exactly my point.
No. 697452
>>697443exactly? what 16 year old wasnt cringe? we all had something back then we obsessed over and got all weeby with be it music, dancing, anime or Tommy from down the road with the cute hair flip who turned out to be gay
this is a dumb thread and everyone should just shhh, if when she turns 18 and she's only gotten worse, then she can grace the lovely pages of lolcow
until then leave the literal child alone?
No. 697537
>>697438You’re retarded
Lurk more newfag and read the fucking rules
16 is fair game here
Kekek do we have white knight in here
No. 697548
>>696902>>696904>>696934>>696995>>697162>>697226>>697353>>697422>>697438>>697452>>697524>>697525>>697532Literally wtf is this hugbox bullshit. The thread just started a few hours ago, nothing was even posted yet, you all clearly didn’t read the rules, and no farmers say 90% of this cringy shit your commenting and half of them are using the same words and phrases and grammar. Stop derailing, if admins don’t like it they’ll take it down.
This shit has been happening a lot recently, someone will start a thread with an organized format summary or go through thread requests, and before the
first post in the thread they’ll be someone/some people commenting over and over the same thing (saying weird cringe shit) trying to shit up the thread and derail it, samefagging and commenting on anyone saying otherwise claiming they’re ~boooliesss~ When normal farmers would post once and then ignore or report the thread, because y’know… that’s in the rules. It’s getting so godamn annoying.
>>697538Nice try samefag that was my first post in this thread, literally no1curr that much about this girl, chill the fuck out autismo annie
No. 697550
>>697548And to add again, 16 is yet again ALLOWED on here, where are you people from srsly
If you don’t like it hide the thread, report the thread, or move the fuck on, the thread went to shit before a single receipt could even be posted jfc
No. 697555
>>697548>literally no1curr that much about this girlThat's why you made a post linking to a dozen other posts and wrote an essay.
This chick is boring. Someone like Beckii Cruel is a thousand times more milky.
No. 697565
>>697555>samefag and non farmers posting tons of times in a few hours>shitting up a fresh thread with cringe>pointing out the suspected offending posts>2 short paragraphs, >3 sentences each, 1 sentence at the bottom>U WROTE A WHOLE ESSAY!!1110/10 that’s some mental gymnastics there
Nigga what special ed school did you go to where that’s an essay kek
Tfw you don’t know that we don’t use character limits here
Why does it bother you so much? Unless, of course, your posts were tagged in there? Lol
>trying to convince people to end the thread>you all are boolies to uwu 16 yr old idol>”but you should make a thread on this other person!1”[cough] whiteknight [cough]
No. 697577
>>697571I’m sus as fuck now
There are cgl threads were anons say she googled her name/alerts and will jump in wherever she’s mentioned to wk herself/send people/send family/pretend to be multiple users whenever she’s criticized.
That she runs her own fan page
Sends herself asks
WKs herself everywhere
Has her sister send her asks and post on her behalf
And send herself asks victimizing herself
Pretend like she has never heard of the site/posted there
A) they found this thread fast for a thread with no post (google alerts)
B) farmers don’t cowtip
C) your post would make sense, if “anons” had waited until
after receipts were posted, when they start posting before the first comment or receipt, it’s a dead give away
literally every timeC) this thread
would have died and been ignored in the back of the catalog and no one would’ve ever seen it, if all these unsaged newfags didn’t shit up the thread, effectively bumping it to the first page, whoops
Naw homie, report and move on if you don’t find it “so interesting”. You are not everyone. All this cringey wk derailing has made this flake more interesting.
No. 697580
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No. 697583
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No. 697584
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No. 697592
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Lel this chick
>idol protection squad
pic very related
>wk who aren’t farmers run to a thread with no posts
>posts the same things over and over
>”I’m an idol too!”
>”I sent her supportive dms!”
>”her sister, which I’m totes not, was just being supportive!”
>”OP is a bully!”
>”OP is a guy (on an ALL FEMALE SITE) that got turned down by her!”
>”b-b-but she’s 16!”
>has a long history of saying the exact same things and flooding any criticism with derailment and WKs
No. 697596
>>697363Doublepost, but apparently she threats do this regularly whenever any threads or conversation happen that she doesn’t like
Spoiler: she doesn’t actually leave
I don’t even know her, and I found all this out in several minutes, she seems to do this often, then send her sister and friends to guilt people into shutting down the criticism of her, using her age as a shield, and multiple people are saying this.
No. 697705
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Get ready to square up, OP.
No. 697762
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I’d like to thank every person who stuck up for me. Seeing this has made my entire day hard and the fact that you all came and supported me warns my heart. Here’s a picture that hasn’t been posted to prove that I am the real Sakura. OP please remove the thread. Thank you! 💕🌸
No. 697773
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>>697762Nah, but keep the milk coming!
No. 697831
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>>697577>All this cringey wk derailing has made this flake more interesting.These niggas gay, I bet she cowtipped her damn self and before that sent all her ugly ass underage stans here.
No. 697858
>everyone who says something I don't like is SakuraIt's really sad that you care this much about this thread, anon…
No. 697890
>>697855>>697853While it's not that hard to change your typing style from "cutesy animoo gurl" to a big meany on lolcow saying mean words about you. If it's not her it's probably another 16 yo who hate follows her.
>>697871>i dont understand why people are so defensive when she chose to present herself this way on the internet. sakura should learn from this experience.I mean, I think some anons here are being too WKish myself. Especially when you use age as an exucuse. Using the same excuse, Stell Bell shouldn't be on here because she's 16, which would make her a child. I guess it's different because she's raycis and is lying about her heritage and her values? Who's to say that isn't "just a phase" that she'll delete in say, 1-3 years from now?
>hoshi terukoHoshi Teruko didn't resemble Chris-Chan, tho.
Sakura kinda does, which leads me to think she's probably autistic. Autists will seem milky in general, but it'll get boring eventually. (Unless she's Chris-Chan, of course)
No. 697906
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So it's confirmed that she sent WKs.
No. 697989
>>697906I’m not a white knight, but I do think the anons on here are much more cringe and creepy for trying to keep a gossip thread going about a very milkless underaged girl,
Y’all sad
No. 698058
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>>697831Whats with the video of autistic high school girl anon?
No. 698201
>>697548I wasn't samefagging either, how narcissistic do you have to be to be unable to believe that more than one person disagrees with you lol
Though I agree with the other statement, she doesn't look milky/interesting but most of the threads here are equally just cringe-centered, whenever you like it or not
>>697858 this
>>697584>Her name is Perfume>implying this is not bait>thinking she's op>also unironically using kek in 2018jesus christ you're fucking computer illiterate
No. 698212
>>697773Cringe. Someone thanking people is hardly "milk". Definitely vendetta, and boring. Like
>>697880 said, there's nothing to be milked here.
Don't we already have a cringe idoru thread, though? Why couldn't OP just post her in that?
No. 699859
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>>698201You literally said
>op, literally everyone knows it's you and your posts scream "I'm 17 already and totally not insecure"and didn’t even sage your bs
So your offended I called you a samefag…. in response to you, incorrectly, calling me a samefag and OP
Gurl plz idk why your wasting your time WKing if your not interested in the thread
Do you not consider bullying others, pretending to be others, sending your personal army after anyone who you don’t like, pretending to be other people, sending family members to harass others (including other underage girls), lying, WK themselves, telling people to kill themselves, sending themselves asks, running their own fan page, WK themselves on cgl, bullying other underage girl idols/having their sister bully other idols, sending themselves post supporting themselves, thanking themselves for sending messages to themselves, and frequently saying your going to quit the internet bc of someone calling them out, and then not? Not even including this shitstorm of a thread that has their paw prints all over it? Not even including the things she’s done to further her career that are shady af?
Yeah lol no milk here, nothing to see here, just move along
We’ve had threads for cows with barely half of the reason she has hers
If you don’t like it leave, but your complaining is just contributing to derailment and sage your bs bc you haven’t, when you posted, multiple times, in this thread, fyi it bumps it to the first page every time you don’t.
No. 743186
>>743163She’s been obsessed with 4chan and lolcow since she found out about them. I doubt she’ll get bored anytime soon.
She’ll probably kick off again when nobody wants to be a part of her OIC rip off.
No. 760557
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>>743186she’s bitching in the cosplay help thread now
No. 760742
>>760733I don’t think there should be a thread on her, since she is just a kid, but honestly this thread and the times she has been brought up in the idol thread on cgl have been super tame really.
So she has a shitty abusive at home life, but guess what? It doesn’t give her a right to be really hateful and rude towards every last person who tries to help her or give her constructive criticism. Even when she ASKS for it she either blows the responses off or gets defensive and rude.
No. 760743
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I don’t think she has a disability, I think she’s just very, very naïve. She doesn’t even realize that a lot of the people telling her she’s not going to become an idol aren’t “haters”, just people telling her the truth. So many weebs have that dream, and 1% of them make it. And I’m not trying to nitpick, but out of all these weebs chasing that dream, so many of them are beautiful, extremely talented and great with costumes, and she can’t really compete. She can’t even do makeup. I hope she grows up one day and pursues something that isn’t crazy. If she wants to be an entertainer so desperately, she could just go into theatre, or study the arts. That being said I don’t really think she’s that different from every other young weeaboo, so I don’t see why she deserves a thread.
>>760733When you don’t sage your posts you are only helping to bump the thread so more people see it and come on here to make fun of her.
No. 760748
>>760742Double posting AND sage because I accidentally sent this before I was finished… newfag I know….
She honestly is never going to learn how to be stronger than the abuse, put more honest effort into her passions, and learn to stop being a bitch and lying about everyone who tries to help her until she has nothing left.
I’m speaking all from experience here as someone who was an insufferable annoying weeb from an abusive household who blamed all my issues on everything and everyone else but myself. So don’t make excuses for her.
Who knows though, maybe she won’t learn, I mean Jesus, she has already been like removed from 2 other fandoms and communities……
No. 760779
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>>someone revives a month old thread
>>instant white knights
No. 760782
>>760769>>760772Nobody’s treating her like she’s the worst person on the planet you fucking idiot. Do you want to see someone getting their shot handed to them? Hop over to Onision’s thread. Momokun’s thread. Shayla’s thread.
If you hate this thread so much stop fucking bumping it and sage your shit, or get off of this board.
No. 761903
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She’s holding auditions for an idol showcase. Saging because I don’t want to bump this thread and bring a ton of hate but Sakura, if you’re reading, I don’t know who’s going to want to work with you after the way you’ve been acting online. It’s hard to draw people to yourself when you’ve been so erratic online with the way you respond to people.