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No. 110177
File: 1458846391441.png (283.6 KB, 280x585, models.png)

and dont forget to suck in that tum!
No. 110369
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No. 110372
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No. 110402
>>110399I did hostessing for a month while I was waiting for my new job to start and it was actually really fun - I don't see anything wrong with it
Is the only reason you people are mad because it's illegal? Like who the fuck made you guys the visa police
I bet most of you have smoked weed or drank underage or something illegal yet here you all are pointing fingers
These girls on the Internet in a different country did something illegal!!!!111!! I am
triggered!!!! How DARE
No. 110409
>>110399>These girls always gotta go down the trashy lingerie model, hostess or sugar daddy path in Japan when it all fails for them in any other job.So, what would you rather them do? It's like when people get mad at someone for becoming a stripper. They're making money, and that's fine. Would you rather they not make any money and go around begging via gofundme and their social media pages?
>trashy lingerie modelHow is that necessarily trashy? Do you feel that way about VS models?
I'm sure there are better things to come at them about than their jobs. Like not taking care of their kids or doing something shady like drug dealing or scamming people. Lingerie modeling, being hostess, or being a sugar baby isn't that scandalous.
>>110406Now the visa thing is interesting.
No. 110412
>>110402Bless, must of hit a raw nerve.
>>110409Oh I don't know, they can find work in retail, a cafe, restaurant, be a translator, teaching assistant or something that doesn't involve catering to or fucking Japanese men who'll pay for such shit and having Japan think that's all gaijin girls are capable of doing once they become settled there because they have no other skills to fall back on in order to stay in the great Nippon.
No. 110413
>>110412lots of
triggered ones itt
I'm not too butt blasted over these girls escorting and sucking dick; it's their lives. though I'm tickled that they use that as their only way of getting and having a life in nippon (asides from Amina since at least she's trying to get her education as well) when they are not interested in cultivating skills they could use to get jobs when they aren't able to live off their bodies.
No. 110421
>>110418that's aminyan
Gr8 b8 m8
No. 110423
>>110421Oops…thankies! And is the other one Shani? She has the same donkey face at least.
>>110422I ment the face, dumbfag
No. 110432
>>110431I'm not new. But I barely know anything about murrican black idols/prostitutes, since they'll get kicked out easily anyway.
I prefer people like gaya, sere, shiena, kisu and the rest of that squad. They produce wayyyy more milk
No. 110458
>>110412Are you angry because japanese men have treated you badly, and you're blaming these girls for it?
Maybe go cry somewhere else about that, and get yourself a band aid for your booboo :')
No. 110459
>>110412Did you actually read what you put?
>when it all fails for them in any other job.
>Oh I don't know, they can find work in retail, a cafe, restaurant, be a translator, teaching assistant or something Which is it? As I said before, they have jobs. Just because you don't personally agree with it doesn't make it any less of a job.
>>110413>lots of triggered ones ittNot even close.I just think it's dumb to get mad at them for having a job. Unless they're being or doing something fucked up, drop it.
>they could use to get jobs when they aren't able to live off their bodies.Did it ever occur to you they enjoy that line of work? And why do they absolutely need to get a different job if the one they have is providing them with decent living?
>>110449Amina made the decision to be a sugar baby on her own. She didn't want to be a burden on her mom, so she took the route most people would go when in dire straits.
No. 110464
>>110406Again. Again with the holy moralfagging
Wahhhhhhhhh this girls is doing a bad thingggggg Waaaahhhh!!! Her visa says she needs to do this…..but she's nooooootttt!!! Waaaahhhhh!!!
If the blonde girl has a teaching visa through a company, she must still be with them otherwise she would lose the visa altogether
It's not uncommon for teachers to teach during the day and bartend/hostess at night since the salary isn't that amazing. Literally, loads of gaijin do this. Next!
No. 110503
>>110487Unless they get happily married and committed in future, one or two of them is bound to end up in porn eventually. They always do. When the aidoru or modelling career fails and when no other normalfag job is good enough, there's always porn. Degrading yes, but it is Japan, the most wonderful kawaii land in the world worth whoring yourself out for.
Imagine if VenusAngelic went down that route lol. Better yet, what if her mother did instead as she's not leaving Japan anytime soon due to being still obsessed with her daughter, bet that bitch is a escort.
No. 110532
>>110503Very true anon. Japan is worthy, it is indeed magical and the best place in the entire universe!
Her mother…. probably. She'll end up married or in porn. Venus? Hmm… Well she has Manaki. If it goes tits up in the future (not sayin it will but if) maybe. But she seems too… it isn't her style. I don't even like Venus much but I can't picture her riding some old jap. Maybe idk.
No. 111207
>>110176>>110506Oh my god he send me private messages on insta three weeks ago even though i am married ew doctor samaaa
Im sure arisucookie is not on working visa anymore,no kaisha here would allow that kind of nails etc at work. Prob she quit after getting married if she did get married for visa. But i bet she is there legally anyway
No. 111211
File: 1459080510779.jpeg (96.09 KB, 814x814, image.jpeg)

Gaya is so dumb.
He doesn't love her at all lol
No. 111214
>>111207Yes! He is also on badoo and interpals flirting with every gaijin he can find.
Well he finally seemed to find one who isn't disgusted by his approaching. He got his dream gaijin and she her spouse visa.
No. 111311
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No. 111313
File: 1459115118010.png (860.95 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Who is that weeaboo?
No. 111488
>>111311>>111313Non of these in Japan dumbass.
>Not relevant to this thread at all.Are you new here?
No. 111492
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Look who i found
No. 111493
>>111490Where do you get your information from kek
She's living in Germany and only visited Japan once 3years back.
No. 111495
Has Huge debt at host club
Fled to osaka
No. 111501
>>111496Don't know
She fled with her former host boyfriend
No. 111532
>>111525I know that but if thats the case it doesnt download in Japanese and I just further investigated the account which in turn led me to her twitter where shes posting screencaps of her being in the top rated pics of gyaruru style in japan and of her conversations with japanese people in japan.
No. 111540
>>111532How much of a retard are you even? Are you new to the internet in general?
There are a ton of other foreigners using gyaruru who don't live in Japan either.
>just because someone knows a little moonspeak doesn't automatically make them live in glorious nippon No. 111545
>>111532I downloaded gyaruru and most of the text posts and app prompts are in Japanese. Also, you know people are capable of speaking foreign languages without having to be in said country, right? And as I said before, if you check her IG, you can see she's in Germany.
>>111531>Someone seems to have a vendetta against that girlIt seems that way to me too.
>>111540I think they're just trying to cover up their obvious vendetta.
No. 111554
File: 1459171000598.jpeg (115.99 KB, 640x972, image.jpeg)

New half?? Whut
Does she know the meaning?
No. 111557
>>111554好きな物 ギャル 女装 ニューハーフ lv shiseido
>things that I like, gyaru, crossdressers, newhalfs, lv, shiseido No. 111558
>>111556Or just completely leave her alone. She's not into any kind of scene and keeping herself out of drama as good as possible.
Keep your vendetta private or to your friends and stop spaming a the internet
>>111554 No. 111636
Did gaya and vika delete all over their public sns? And is someone here still following kisu and provide screens?
Kisu was known to be the manager of 'seres' shitty bar, but sere bragged about how shitty the previous manager was and she's happy that now shiena is doing the job. So was kisu too lazy to prostitute her nasty ass for the queen?
No. 111854
>>111850>>111851Is it ot if I say she looks good, mature, but good. Far more beautiful than sere and gaya could ever achieve woth surgery.
Where's she from?
No. 111855
>>111854>>111852she's from the UK
like someone else said, she used to live in tokyo, as a ratchet gyaru spending way too much time and money on hosts and being super destructive to herself and others.
ran away to osaka sometime last year. seems to be doing better now
No. 111859
>>111857That's great.
Sometimes I wish I had some self confidence and could flee away from my parents to live a glorious life in Japan, from kyabajo, model to student and housewife. But I can't escape, I'm not strong enough
No. 112501
File: 1459290091941.jpg (122.12 KB, 640x640, 11005197_1552876194971041_1035…)

a Finnish lunatic with a visa hubby
No. 112825
>>112505Duchess of shinjuku
No. 112984
File: 1459354711393.jpg (314.46 KB, 1001x635, model.jpg)

not with that body
>>112501 No. 113055
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No. 113244
>>113233>>113070>>113055This photo is old though, as in the caption said it's from march 2015. I don't think ash had much contact with sere from then.
Shiena and katie had though. I wonder how much in contact she actually IS with katie by now, since she sere isn't that stupid as we all might think, she knows what part of her life to keep in secret. Remember when last year Halloween she posted the little video from katie on her insta and nearly immediately deleted it again?
No. 113383
>>113055Trying to post a photo from almost a year ago lol
Not relevant
No. 113420
>>113244She would have deleted it because Katie told her to. Katie would have been embarrassed as hell to be seen 1: as drunk as she was, when she tries to keep up her 'perfect innocent girl' aesthetic.
And 2: Associated with Sere.
I don't think Katie would associate with her after Sere screwed her and her friends over at Katie's birthday by making them pay a ton at the bar she's renting.
Katie isn't stupid either, she knows who she needs and who she doesn't to keep up a good public appearance.
No. 113557
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No. 113878
File: 1459502737529.png (1.04 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

i can't stand this quasimoto. tho
Oh god
No. 114080
File: 1459549495506.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

god look at those sausage fingers tho
Girl cant pose for shit ffs
Why are literally half of these gaijin chicks horsefaces ?
No. 114221
File: 1459605175509.png (219.16 KB, 349x512, image.png)

omg what a fucking wrinkly two faced snowflake
No. 114389
I used to really like Keekihime but this is so disappointing't expect this from her tbh
No. 114561
>>114466>Fucks it up for everyoneUm no it doesn't. If you have a bachelor's basic degree you essentially can easily get a visa to Japan. Japan is pretty open and lenient to Westerners and as long as they have money, none westerners too. If they were selling drugs I would agree with you, but you guys are A-logging the fuck out of these girls.
Most of them aren't with an agency or with a club or a ring or something so the police doesn't care. Nobody cares if one girl is independently having sex for an "allowance" especially since deai cafes and hookup apps are legal for anyone even foreigners. Get a grip you fucktards.
No. 114959
File: 1459798174802.png (177.4 KB, 308x463, image.png)

i'm gonna pay every month. Who wants to marry me? Lmao
No. 114975
Guess he didn't become a model
No. 114988
>>114985Wouldn't provide him a visa though.
But I mean, how desperate (and also unpopular) must he be that he wants/needs to pay a Japanese woman in order to get a spouse visa?
No. 115167
>>115146I feel a tiny little bit sorry for hosts.
They always show me a photo if gaya and lorena and ask me if i know them.
No. 115185
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>>115175Look for audition
No. 115188
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>>115175I forgot how excellent couple they are, now I have to share
No. 115190
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>>115186Potato looking moderu
the one that op of this thread asked for, if I read correctly. It's quite laughable and I feel this thread needs some laughs
>>115189She is in Tokyo
I'm leaving how she became a model, because it's funny. Not a vendetta, never met her or anyone from her. She is just funny
No. 115195
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Gayas "husband"
No. 115241
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>>115234Brb laughing at your desperate vendetta and samefagging.
Trying hard to create milk where is none
No. 115253
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Who knows this ugly thing? Hope she left japan
No. 116449
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Porn shernise
No. 116511
>>116478Ok Shani
>5 years agoWhy haven't you finished school yet? Your going to get b& soon from nipland
No. 116518
>>116511Didn't she go to uni?
And now language school?
No. 116757
>>116692Well, she's now the 'manager' of Seres shitty bar.
>Means Sere kicked out Kisu and that gay guy So since she's working with Sere now, she probably earns her money as a prostitute as well
No. 116790
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Lol from vantan design school
Yukapee is going there now too
No. 116793
>>116790So fucking full of herself. Spent all that time going to school, and yet refused to take criticism and suggestions. Is too much of a unique special snowflake with her permanent stuck in 2007 style that she could never work with others in a creative capacity.
So works at a girls bar (aka sad step down from kyaba)
No. 116802
>>116793haha ikr
and yuka will be her kouhai i bet
yuka is going for makeup btw. i wonder if she is doing the full 3 year program (probably. gotta milk the japan visa for all its worth)
No. 116803
File: 1460210694478.png (408.4 KB, 293x542, ningyomyass.PNG)

you could land a plane on that forehead
No. 116804
File: 1460210749408.png (731.55 KB, 976x492, topgyaru.PNG)

top gyaru posts kek
No. 116897
File: 1460231169179.png (345.77 KB, 828x383, modeldesu.PNG)

real talk. is this a man?
No. 117930
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This midget bitch is so ugly holy shit
No. 117954
>>117953Handicapped? What's the right word?
But I like her! She hates sere. Everyone who hates sere is welcome
No. 118078
>>118007She's getting quiet enough of it. But she knows when to keep silent kek
Also, as you said, she's on vacation unlike sere who's now an illegal immigrant without a proper visa cravong for a third baby and second marriage to a Japanese for spouse visa in order to keep up her whole prostitution buiz
No. 118113
File: 1460484054846.jpeg (123.11 KB, 640x886, image.jpeg)

Bitch spent all her money on hosts and had debt at a few host clubs. She fled back to england
No. 119053
>>119014Which one's Dania? Short girl? You're just a bitter vendetta anon or something tbh. Even the ugliest of foreigners I was exchanging with had Japnese guys propositioning sex with them simply because they were foreigners and they wanted to mark it off their bucket list. She's had sex with Japanese guys sorry.
This thread is legit all just vendetta, pitiful
No. 119189
>>119143You sound like Jrcock
"All Japanese men liekz _____"
Probably because it's all they ever see in Japan. The basic foreign edition of white weeb with the same features or the typical Russian thrown in. I'd rather go for the Russian, at least they're somewhat prettier.
Small is Japan tho. Their own woman are small as fuck. It's all they know.
Anyway… why are we all desperate to appeal to those fuckers anyway? Japanese men aren't that exciting nor than good looking. I can't wait until the weeb trend dies.
No. 119193
>>119053Why are we all obsessed about who has shagged a bunch of Japanese guys?
Why are Japanese men special? Most I have ever spoken to are perverted wankers.
No. 119219
>>119189I didn't say all Japanese like but there are popular features. If you live here you will constantly hear about how small someones face is, how big their eyes are and how tall someones nose is as flattering features.
Japanese people often can't tell what's a good looking foreigner just like how most foreigners can't tell what's a good looking asian. [For example, that high cheekbone with small eyes and square jaw is considered ugly over here]
No. 119228
>>119219It's just trend anon, still people do have preferences. But I get it.
To me I think it's what they've seen the most of, the more they see it then probably find it more attractive.
Asians are weird in general anon.
No. 119237
>>119189 I didn't say all Japanese men. She doesn't even like "normal" Japanese guys.
>>119183lmao have you seen the guys she's into? they wouldn't fuck her when they can fuck better looking people with more money. Also she is wrinkly af
No. 119242
>>119237now dont be jelly ur not tiny and kawaii anon
some day you will too have your fill of small yellow cock
azn spunk packs a good whopping 10X more than the usual spunk btw so you'll be in for some luck
lotsa hafu babies for u
so very kawaii
No. 119266
>>119254I always laugh when anons assume you're someone else
calm it
No. 119516
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She married her ugly boyfriend?
No. 119657
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>>119472imagine waking up next to it
No. 119733
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Why do u wanna meet guys gaya?
No. 121004
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>>110177She looks like a horse in makeup
No. 121005
>>119890because she had literally 0 spotlight in her idol group lmfao
kind of sad how even as a token white girl, the camera never focused on her for more than 3 seconds
No. 121059
File: 1460898440109.png (1013.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160417-150447.png)

Part 1
>>121005Her group members bullied her calling her too fat even if she was already very thin. Really sad that Japanese people in the entertainment industry think that being too thin to the point of being anorexic is a beauty ideal.
No. 121060
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Part 2
No. 121061
File: 1460898606065.png (306.68 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160417-150509.png)

Part 3
No. 121072
File: 1460904139956.jpeg (238.62 KB, 744x1102, image.jpeg)

Idk why she bothers me
Maybe because she did like 3 indie photoshoots so she is totes a model now
No. 121073
>>121005Yea because the idol industry is veryyy japan centric. The young girl idol scene is a uniquely japan thing, so of course they only
Wanna see japanese girls in it. How did tia even get in anyway
No. 121142
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> im a boy tho
No. 121179
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No. 121520
Yeah she is crazy too. Married for visa and doesn't live with him because she doesn't like him
No. 121546
>>121544She is working at a girls bar atm.
I think she is still living in a guesthouse
No. 121547
>>121060Girl doesn't know that in Japan, it's normal for friends and family to comment on your weight. It's not a sensitive topic like in America or other countries. Suck it up.
>>121343Japanese girls are way more likely to suck up to you if you're a foreigner and pay you tons of compliments. Many of them have a huge inferiority complex.
No. 121556
File: 1460978387489.jpeg (144.87 KB, 800x600, image.jpeg)

Now he can finally work as host
No. 121557
>>121556Actually he got her pregnant and HAD to marry her lol!!!
congrats to that fucking idiot ruining his life because he wanted some japanese pussy.
ugly 5-head cunt.
No. 121574
It's a guy called daniel from sweden
No. 121593
File: 1460989711868.png (198.21 KB, 336x428, image.png)

Hi sandra
No. 121622
>>121619This IS gyaruru kek
Since I'm not livin in Japan, I use it for the attention you get
No. 121677
>>121673And the circle is
Salary men oh Hostesses → hostesses/kyabajou pay hosts and stupid brands→hosts buy stupid brand shit like chrome heart. Rarely do hosts go to hookers.
No. 121687
>>121680You don't know a thing … poor you
Also, being attracted for certain kind of features in either men or women is, natural though. It's called evolution, well I know, Americans don't hear of that too often
No. 121700
>>121698But you're on here talking shit about hookers
Get the fuck off you fake snitch looking ass whore.
No. 121711
>>121700Nope, I'm not one of those people bashing on hookers. Except maybe for sere, because it's so fun to set her and her squad into rage mode by posting the right stuff on here.
>>121701God save America
>>121709There are her porn links on here, have you seen a dick or a fake pussy in it? Right, me neither
No. 121744
File: 1461008307609.jpeg (143.34 KB, 640x987, image.jpeg)

Nooo she deleted her tumblr blogs :(
Afraid of something ?
No. 121940
File: 1461064121534.png (248.05 KB, 350x422, image.png)

Sandras BF
Also crazy
No. 121942
>>121941Blanka is a rude bitch lol
She is from germany
No. 121944
>>121943Instagram: shiirou
Is in Japan with student visa. And yes. Rude bitch
No. 121991
>>121990It's not helping her in Japan tho. And she got a lot of money from her parents to buy Liz Lisa shit and paying her school.
She is now working the first time after she came to Japan.
No. 121993
>>121991How long is she there already?
God, wish that my parents would support my dreams (with money)
No. 122027
>>122022And this is her first time officially working?? Fml
Why am I not blessed with wealthy parents?
No. 122038
>>121940"Half German and half Venezuelan Girl living in Tokyo, Japan♡"
Ugh, GROSS. She looked fuckin Mexican to me.
No. 122065
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No. 122347
File: 1461174173242.jpg (21.56 KB, 281x395, 12814107_470425556476690_11852…)

Any dirt on this girl? She was staying in Japan for a long time, friend's with Charlie Shoo
No. 122352
>>122335But isnt the density what counts?
Would you rather 6 long thick eyelashes or many eyelashes, lmao
No. 122494
>>122308what the actual fuck. seen him in some harajuku cringe walk pictures.
>mangaka>lolita designer>GenderfluidJeeesus, this is tumblrland
No. 122528
File: 1461227602281.jpeg (113.29 KB, 900x1200, image.jpeg)

Anything about this british girl? Working on sex industry and is pregnant now most likely to a host or a customer..also seems to be meririn's friend
No. 122534
>>122528That nose lol
Shes tried to use filter to hide it but
No. 122536
>>122528She is pretty
Lorena must be jealous lmao
No. 122831
>>122797 her twitter is kyasararin
don't know what kind of job she does, before she got pregnant 風俗 was written on her profile
No. 122845
>>122528Host addict
She talks about buying bottles kek
No. 123757
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No. 123781
>>123757Ew indeed
Where are katies eyebrows what is going on
No. 123783
>>123757inb4 white worship
What do the Japs actually think about the increase of J-fashion foreigners in Japan? The Harajuku walk is full of them, and I see a lot of foreigners posing in these kind of photos.
No. 123856
>>122528some chav DNA
any other brit-fags noticed chavs usually all have that same look about them?
No. 123981
File: 1461534720352.jpeg (166.41 KB, 750x1197, image.jpeg)

That chin tho
No. 124032
>>124016This is a good question.
Maybe because she's embarrased in front of somebody who follows her instagram, or maybe to put an accent on it.
Those are still not good enough reasons to do that though
No. 124034
File: 1461542351223.png (368.82 KB, 764x524, Screen Shot 2016-04-24 at 7.58…)

shes in some calendar contest thing
No. 124038
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also why cant bitches ever touch up their roots in a timely manner
looks gross
No. 124082
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>>124068Yea i cant tell if i think that girl is cute or really weird looking. Her body is ok but her face is so young it reminds me of those creepy baby masks
No. 124114
>>124093I fucked him once greatest life regret. Haha
His apartment is so foul
No. 124138
>>124136That's scary, but I wouldn't have expected sth different from someone like him.
Dumb queation, but is he smelly, he looks smelly
No. 124140
File: 1461575092390.png (216.91 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-04-25-18-02-59…)

>>124134Him telling another girl to kill herself haha
His tanuki thread is gold
No. 124141
Hiroro before surgery : so hot and vkei. I love the gaijin puss puss
No. 124143
>>124141Tbh he looks better like that than now.
He's a try hard with all his kawaii uguu my melody harajuku pink hair shit and all them ugly piercings.
In the photos from the link he at least looked decent, like a man/average host.
How old is he btw? Since in those photos he looks like 30 somewhat. Nowadays he looks like 20 somewhat, acting like 13.
No. 124148
>>124143AAAAHHHHHH hiroro tried to fuck me too omg he's so gross
Giving him my line was the worst mistake ever he'd blow up my phone in the middle of the night jesus fuck the thirst
Has anyone else thought he's obsessed with taking purikura with gaijin? I've heard it from about 3 other people
No. 124150
>>124148Yes! He always asked me to take puri with him sadly I have a lot of it. Ew
>>124149I just vomited
No. 124152
>>124149Really? It was him??
Then…has he fucked sere as well? Kek
No. 124192
>>124171She came as a teacher but i think she quit because she couldnt keep up her crazy style, i wonder which visa she is using now but it was said before that she goes to date cafes to earn money
Hiroro also asked me to lick his asshole, he is so gross!
No. 124238
>>124236As if these fuckers were honest!
I tried this question with some I knew were gaijin hunter and only one out of 8 i asked answered with a vague 'well, gaijin have nice pink nipples, I like that'
No. 124252
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katie can't draw
No. 124480
>>124479So true. There's a fetish for every kind of gaijin in Japan and even the non white will get approached if they're at least nicely shaped and have a decent cute face.
You must be reaally ugly girl
No. 124941
>>124940Student visa can only be expired on a max of 2years.
Shiena might have a working visa, but since she quit the job which provided her that visa she's obviously staying illegally right now
No. 124942
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this is super sad On her blog the Japanese guy she was with would not even take a picture with him because he was embarrassed. she looks aweful and for someone who does porn and spends thousands of dollars on shitty 109 and makeup stuff she can't afford real bundles of hair?She's way too tall to being doing this shit. No wonder she has to fuck scouts and people confuse her for Barbie kek
No. 124943
>>124941Not true because some people go to four year university in Japan or grad school in Japan. Language school is only two years tho so she only has 4 months left. She has no degree and her Japanese is too shitty to go to vantan so she'll probably visa hop. Not to mention she got kicked out of Japan for a year because of shoplifting.
>inb4 "if you're banned from Japan its for 5 years"Not true. For petty crimes you can get a one year ban and my friend who use to like shanny tells me she stole from donkihote(kek) and got kicked for a year and just came back on a tourist visa then whored herself for money for language school. she honestly looks like a trans drag queen street hooker. she might have better luck in Greenwich village , NY…..
No. 124948
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and Katie was smart enough to manipulate a boy almost half her age into moving in with each other and fulfill her delusional harajuku doriiimu and she can't even speak japanese. pic related its Katie and her lover.
No. 124949
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Besides Katie all of these bitches are too fat to be wearing J clothes. How are you even fat in Japan? when I visited I lost 5 pounds in two weeks normally.
No. 124950
>>124949Tbf ksara isn't fat either, she's just hanging out with the wrong people (katie, vika) and does deai
>>124948Don't tell me that this anorexic faggot isn't gay
No. 124957
>>124955Katie is 25 and Leo is 18.
And whenever someone mentions Shani Katie and her helicopter here. it's obvious because they also crayon can look at her old blog for evidence.
And that Italian guy and Katie fucked.
No. 124982
>>124949You honestly think having a bit of pudge on your arms and legs make you fat?
I think you belong in the proana scumbags thread my frond
No. 125021
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Shani's ass is so fat and disgusting in this picture even puri couldn't make her look attractive and she had to cover it up with a shitty writing. She wears clothes meant for a 152cm 45kg Japanese girl on a 175cm 80kg black girl. It doesn't look good at all. Ksara at least has a cute face but her body is chubby and ebunny girl has a pretty decent face but again her body is horrible. I don't understand how someone can be a fat ass in Japan. They must be eating at Makudo a bit much.
No. 125025
>>125023ok, what happened between this decent looking photo and the weeb pastel decora trash thing he's now?
I wonder if this was katies influence cuz Shiena is dressing up in this pastel trash too recently
No. 125052
>>124479They'll go for anybody. Most of the weebs with milk are mostly white so they have this delusional thinking that they are more precious than Japanese women in Japan. Whereas gaijin hunters will just fuck anything with a foreign fanny. They don't care, you're foreign and regardless of race: you will do.
Same as Turkish men. I've been there and lived there enough times growing up to see how they are with British holiday party goers. They fuck and propose to dumb ditsy British girls (or whatever as long as she's foreign) so they can get visa. Girls are so stupid they believe them.
Then in about three months later you see a crying blonde on the front cover of friggin' Take a break magazine here in the UK about how Asam or Mohammed used her for marriage and was actually a married man all along to some cloth head in the mountains with seven kids.
No. 125057
>>125046He's bi
>>125038no milk for her she has her life together she's just too fat for Liz lisa
No. 125065
>>125061Most of the time it's easier for whites in Japan because Japanese seem to have this image that white people are safer. Plus you've got that whole shit about pale skin being the best and "kawaii" where it's probably easier to round girls up like Dakota/Taylor who are white, have blonde hair which Japanese girls don't have and bigger eyes giving off the dolly image.
But the majority do seem to be white girls doing this shit.
No. 125073
>>125067>>125065Ok, it's true that the worst always stick out the most, put pulling out the race card on this? Ever heard of the black drug sellers in Japan (or being grabbed by them ew) or barbie or ari? The turkish kebab guys who don't speak a single word of Japanese?
Anyway there are tons of black girls doing decent jobs, as well as tons of white girls and tons of any other race doing decent jobs. We only have these fags here as example of the worst and only because of what? Because they're/were into some kind of jfashion comm.
There are tons of girls over in japan whoring themselves for brand, no matter of which race, and we don't discuss on them, because guess what? They've never dressed up like a unicorn puked over them, that's it
No. 125079
>>125076Well that's tru. But if there's only one women of color causing drama in japan, she'll cause drama for at least 5 white weaboo trashes
cough barbie
cough Actually I think it's pretty cool how much self esteem women of color usually have.
No. 125127
>>125057Real talk about Ebunny. I saw her IRL the other day. Pretty girl buuuuut it was clear that the clothes were too small for her :(
Love her aesthetic though.
No. 125433
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Gaya looking ragged as always at kirari
No. 125434
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Dont forget sandra
No. 125435
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What's she doing these days
No. 125443
>>125441Which host was this?
I heard that shani stole money from her and then blockd her lulz
>>125442Lol do you know club is the debt in?
No. 125446
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No. 125450
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Better looking than most of the cows on here with no surgery and at least she seems to turn her life around.. Maybe
No. 125459
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I dont think her family is poor
No. 125462
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>>125145kirari never forgets
No. 125473
>>125467Literally noone white knigted them?
People jumped on the fact anon accused katie of sleeping with someone who's obviously not into women. If you make up obvious lies then ppl will call you out on it.
I'm guessing anon is no_identity. Ex best friend of shany and probably mad shany has friends and she has noone
No. 125494
>>125446lol her ex host bf beat her up so bad she was in hospital ! ? Her face looks so swollen
These girls are fucking ridiculous just go home
No. 125564
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Lol private
She also shittalked about her former best friend
No. 125566
>>125558Who is lala
>>125564Shani came here shit talking Lara
No. 125754
>>125554You heArd that from her!?
Was she like suicidal or some shit?
No. 125759
>>125564It's been private for a couple months yo
She probs wanted to stay on the dl from weird abusive ex host boy
No. 126834
>>126820Her husband is a scout
He agreed to marry her if she works for him
No. 127185
>>127176It's the name of the deai cafe every foreigner and old single Japanese lady goes to get layed for some bucks.
Anyway, why keep all these foreigners going to kirari? There must be other deai companies, locations whatever. But everyone keeps going to kirari and then whines about getting posted on here or somewhere else
No. 127211
>>127210Woops posted twice!
>>127185Yeah ive seen others, but everybody in the weeb community is a dumb bitch and cant figure out that maybe they shouldn't go there if they dont want to be outed
No. 127291
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Still going to host clubs now aren't we
Just die already
Sad it didnt work out 4 u last time, try harder.
No. 127293
>>127291Don't wish other people to die (except for sere, who'd deserve since she ruined the live of a man amd two children and probably some more people whom she lured into prostitution and whatever)
>>127211Damn it can't be THAT difficult to find sth else then kirari kek
I think I'd never use deai, I'm ok with just the web, or getting nanpat for money
No. 127339
>>127291didnt she write on facebook that "gyaru" etc wasnt her thing? That shes been pretending to like it (so ppl would like her?) for years and she came clean.
looks like shes back to whorin so she can go to host clubs LOL
No. 127380
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Sandra is also blowing money on hosts it seems. Why are these girls so dumb to spend money on them?
No. 127384
>>127298Different anon here. She ran away from Tokyo cause she fucked up her life prostituting for 150$
For hosts. Racking up debt to the point yakuza were looking for her. Youd think shed learn, maybe dont go to hosts? But no shes an idiot
No. 127429
>>127384I've been with her to clubs before… She didn't have debt and she didn't seem hard up for cash either. And I stayed in her house like a week before she left and no yakuza?
But the fact that she still Gos to host clubs is fucking stupid. I only tagged along for the free shit whilst on holiday lol
No. 127432
>>127384I dont like this girl, she always had an issue with me for 0 reason. But her parents are wealthy, I doubt she ever ran up a debt.
She left Tokyo most likely because all her friendships burned out.
No. 127528
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>>127380Her tanto is so ugly
No. 127542
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Any one got any dirt on this fug?
She lives in Osaka and works as a hostess (or did?) but her Japanese is complete shit. She used her ugly ass ex for a visa and now only dates hosts (or tries to because of her shit language skills). She also uses people to try to gain popularity. Also a known thief.
No. 127564
>>127535No degree despite being in college for many many year.
And she's tourist visa!
No. 127760
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>>127542>>127756All the different guys she takes pikura with ahha
Shes always trying to take to vkei or host looking guys on the internet, even when shes in a relationship.
No. 127780
>>127760WOW your green is showing. She's been with the same dude for a long time. Have you never stopped to think maybe they're his friends??? Jeez.
Her BF is hot, no wonder you're green !!!
No. 127811
>>127721You do realize that she was no babythestarsshinebright on tumblr right
She was nandemo_dekiru or something and then kabuki scandal now she's lalalandjapan
Get your shit straight dumbass
No. 127824
>>127811What are you talking about
Anon talked about that mia girl not lara
No. 127857
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I wonder how much these champagne calls cost. Why would you spend so much on some ugly ass dude?
If you prostitute yourself spend it at least on something useful instead of on a money sucking bastard.
No. 127859
>>127857She made an all-call after one month, how dumb
Let's wait for the tower
Equally you could also flush your money in the toilet
No. 127883
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She deleted almost all her pictures and kicked followers and now the description that she doesn't use Instagram much anymore. Hello Sandra! You must be so paranoid that you are lurking here.
No. 127980
>>127883イースター = easter
インスター = insta
Why are so many of these girls Japanese such shit!?
No. 127982
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who wants to buy shit?
No. 129028
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Uglies going to hosts together. Fun in osaka selling the pussy.
No. 129378
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No. 129393
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Anyone know her?
> inb4 selfposter!!!!!
Nah im just always curious about girls that work at bars/clubs… I want that money
No. 129427
>>129378Not a host. He said it was his birthday so he got a bear cake and a host-style champagne bottle.
At least bother to fully translate the milk !!!
No. 129428
>>129393Are you dumb? She is half Japanese. To her its probably just a normal accessible job.
How many barmaids do YOU know that make a lot of money? Moron.
Obvious self post from an ugly piece of unworthy shit.
No. 129619
>>129435>>129428 > what a loser > ugly worthyless piece of shitWhoah have you had your rabies shot? Settle the fuck down. You are hella mad for something so trite.
And yea she may be half but she wasnt raised in nippon. So she is a foreigner.
No. 129707
>>129619She still clearly self-posted.
Whoever posts themselves to this site has mad issues.
No. 129718
>>129577Not if its sales based and you call in your own customers and you get a percentage from what your customers spend you call in. Yeah, no tips. But the difference between Japanese bars and Western bars is that customers come to see the staff rather than to mingle with other customers they don't know. At least in Kabukicho style bars. Also if you are Tencho or Manager you often get a higher base. Alot of ex-kyabajo do this sort of job because its similar but not as stressful mentally.
If it is a girls bar then it's on average 1500-2000yen an hour. But I've also seen some places at up to 3000yen an hour. (areas like NishiAzabu)
No. 129722
>>129427No shit. The post implied that he thinks he's a host. I have no idea why he does that since he can't speak Japanese and is married lol….
"Yay! Birthday! Turned 24.
Bear cake and hostish's bottle awesome lol"
No. 129723
>>129577But yeah, if you're the type who just coasts on hourly wage you won't make more much more than 120,000yen~200,000yen a month. However if you go for high commission percentage, even if you only lets say have a base of 60,000yen a month (approx 3000yen a day at 5 days a week) at about 40%-50% commission, you can get 300,000-600,000yen if you're good at what you do.
Another thing thats different from the west and Japan is that the bar staff also drink too so that jacks up bills a lot too.
No. 129756
>>129742To be fair, a lot of people on here consider any form of night work including just bar or just kyabakura (in contrary to what the general opinion of kyabajos are on this form, a lot of them don't sleep with their customers) to be shady.
Day work in Japan is suffocating for the average western mind. With all the reigi (Japanese unwritten rules of edicate that are complex and stressful even to the native Japanese) and service over-time etc.
No. 129784
>Jav nameKek
Just look in Shani's thread. Multiple links are there.
No. 129806
>>129718Let's be honest though, girls "bars" and kyaba are hardly 'bar maid' jobs though.
You don't see girls at the HUB getting tips and making more than minimum wage.
One hell of a big difference!
No. 130809
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do you think manon is cute
No. 130944
>>130818 said she's known for badmouthing most of the other fashion idol wannabe gaijin like Katie. So it is kind of lulzy she's been now trying to become closer with them. She's not a sex worker or on that side of the lolcows here but just like the other delusional try hard fashion messes that get posted here I see no difference. She has a bad attitude in person and always tries to flaunt that she works at Doki but she honesty isn't that great a worker. I'll admit she's pretty so is good for their promos but her customer service and Japanese is terrible. My one friend was so disappointed at Monster Cafe when she lazily
seated their group and mumbled some memorized rules and then spent most of the time sucking up to another group that came in.
No. 131006
>>130949Untwist your panties. She's not a lolcow.
She's working two legit jobs, minding her business and as a result all we've got is some nitpicky bitches bashing her fashion sense and a couple of obviously made-up rumors.
Can we get back to talking about actual ridiculous lolcows and all their daily life fuckery? this shit is boring.
No. 131054
>>131041'switch alliances' what is this, some kind of kawaii military tactics?
More like Manon is just really naive and a bit dumb and too ~kindess is cute uwu~ to notice people's crazy until it's too late.
No. 131343
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didn't this fat bitch "buy" a house? Maybe she's getting some extra cash to pay for her loan then
No. 132480
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one of the more creepy purikura ive seen lately
No. 132542
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No drama i dont think but her doofy bird face annoys me and her husband is kinda hot
No. 132632
>>132542Here let me write what you really wanted to say:
Omg how DARE this ugly plain bitch marry a Japanese guy I am so personally butthurt about it …. like, how does she think she deserves such a gloriously hot Japanese man over someone like ME? Ugh, I'm so bitter I wonder if I can get people hating on her to make myself feel a little better …
No. 132866
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Wow this dumb weeb is pregnant but is still working as a prostitute, does she have any regard to the safety of her unborn child?! If you get stds while pregnant. Is she a retard
Translation of first tweet down
I cried so much and now feel better
Today was also exhausting.graduating from fuzoku (prostitution) in 3wks.
They said the baby is very healthy. I also got to hear its heart for the first time it was touching.
No. 132887
>>132880Of course I have dickhead. Condoms arent 100%
And all fuzoku joints here in japan offer bareback blowjobs -high risk right there. Think before you reply k thx bye
No. 132918
File: 1463834390545.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Shanis former best friend. Married since she is 19.
Claims to be half asian
Somebody knows what she is up to atm?
No. 133001
>>133000can you spill some drama?
and cool that you managed to leave this shit behind you! Just because your life is 'normal' now I wouldn't consider it as boring! you had some fun before and now I bet you still have some fun as well
No. 133003
>>133001Well, I never got too close to any of the "cows". I only did prostitution to pay bills and buy all the gyaru shit I wanted, but I didn't share their hobbies of fucking scouts for free(wtf) and host clubs
Back then me and my bf were like the only gaijin at kirari, and now it seems to be full of them haha
It was a crazy life….and now I see way crazier girls like Gaya etc
Hmm idk….I've been working a normal full time job since leaving Japan, and it's actually more stressful than selling pussy :( thats the dangerous part of it, you lose sight of what money is worth and what actual hard work is -_- I shouldnt miss thisssss
No. 133009
>>133003you got an interesting story there. Thanks for sharing.
Since I left japan, and i was only there for an exchange program, I still feel delusional about money, love and stuff like that. I didn'T prostitute myself but I had a like 3 bfs who spend shit tons of money on me. and now? I had like only one bf since coming back and he did nothing for me except for reeeaaaaaally bad sex…wow.
I wanna be a spoiled gf again kek
No. 133022
>>132918Another white claiming to be hafu again
No. 133024
>>132813Cos Japanese males are the alpha asian anon and all women who are not Japanese are ugly weebs who don't deserve them.
Lol but srsly I know what you mean and it's boring as fuck. Some of these girls are alright looking but majority are basic girls and the guys aren't that much cop either tbh. Just average.
If it was some fucker like Haruma Miura for e.g then I could understand. But the jelly is mostly cos they've bagged a nip and that's it.
If you're all so desperate for a Japanese guy go sell pussy, hello talk or some dodgy exchange site. Charm the bastard and you'll be married within a year or less if you're truly desperate.
No. 133075
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Oh fuchigami katarina with her host and debt husband made a new facebook account
No. 133120
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Aww gaya changed her name
No. 133121
>>133080Most of these girls are on student visa.
Work permit 28hrs a week (112hrs a month). average monthly expense in Tokyo 200,000
That means you need roughly a job that pays ¥1800/hr to survive. If you want to be frugal you could survive at ¥1500/hr. Most izakaya or shop-staff are at 800yen~1100yen an hour. Girls bar or maid cafe ranges from 1200~2000yen an hour but yeah thats sorta grey zone.
So unless you luck out in a high paying english teaching job or have some specialty that can land you a higher paying job you either go for grey zone~black work or you go for a normal job who allows you to work over your 28hrs a week limit (which is also technically illegal too). You must have 80% attendance at school so the 2nd option isn’t really the best
Considering most of these girls aren’t lucky enough to have parents to support them this is the reality they have when trying to survive in Japan.
kyaba if you can get in is minimally 250,000~300,000 a month for not so famous clubs for just being there at around 4-6hrs a day. Much more if you’re actually good and sell. Fuzoku can range from 500,000~2,000,000 a month depending how you do it.
Perks of Night work:
-more open minded
-can dress how you want
-less hours higher pay
-don’t have to deal with the service overtime
-don’t have to deal with too much of that Reigi crap
No. 133151
>>133121Most? I thought only Vika/Shani is on student visa?
And aminyan at a reach
No. 133202
>>133201how will you teach english without a degree?
thats like the bare minimum requirement for eikaiwa
No. 133221
>>133218tru, just as
>>133206 said. You don't need a degree, but at least learn a job and THEN go to Japan. You can get the WHV until you reach the age of 30, you still have lots of time to save up some money, go there on holidays a few times and fucking learn a job
No. 133255
>>133254because 99% percent of the weebs and probably also the people on here believe that Japan=Tokyo kek
Just leave Tokyo and go to Saitama, Chiba, KAwasaki or NAgoya or any other more rural area, young girls there still go full gyaru, but most of them will buy there clothes from shimamura, pumpkin, honeys etc
No. 133316
>>133254>>133255You mean go to any backwater town that hasn't caught up to the current trends yet??? Ok.
Gyaru is dead. Get over it.
No. 133323
>>133316Gaijin gyaru should go to inaka
Where gyaru is still alive
No. 133384
>>133201Honestly, putting aside moral omg its illegal for gaijin shame on you people's opinions aside
It is realistic to go for english teaching job
as for bar or hostess, if you are super gaijin looking you might not have a lot of luck. If however, you are asian then you have a chance at this kind of job.. But on the contrary if you are super white looking you have a chance at a job at english teaching even without a degree.
Japan is like this. Depending on how you look the options are completely different.
But yeah, if you can pick up the language quick and are smooth talker you can get by without sex.
No. 133386
>>133376Maybe the reason you can't get a "teacher" job is because your English sucks. I wouldn't give you a teaching job, either.
There are many companies that give jobs if you are a native English speaker. The problem isn't the job. The problem is that they won't support your visa application.
No. 133400
>>133126I was making 2500yen an hour plus percentage back on all my sales working at a foreign club.
I now make almost the same if not less working at a 高級 Japanese club.
It depends on where you work, the popularity of the club, and yourself and also location.
No. 133451
>>133400I was making 3000 an hour but my hourly wage went up depending on my rank at the club
This was a gaijin hostess club in Roppongi
No. 133476
>>133466Keep in mind that you need a lot of money if you want to go to a language school. It costs a fortune and you need to show immigration that you are able to support yourself or your parents have to act as a supporter.
If you want to go to a language school on a tourist visa it's much easier. Just pay for one term and you are good to go. Student visa is much more difficult.
No. 133492
>>133466True this. I did WH 8 years ago, and while living on 120,000 a month or less was no fun at all, it's possible. Not enough money to travel though.
After WH you can always go back to your country, get a degree and then, if you want to return to Japan, return.
No. 133500
>>133466>>133476I personally think only go to Japan and live there if you CAN afford it. So many people seem to be going then struggle when they get there and resort to selling their foreign fanny on the market and cry over bitchy girls. Then you get the ones who are just fame hungry (himezawa) and whine in videos over not being noticed enough. Himezawa is doing it wrong anyway because you should make a name for yourself before moving somewhere, unless you have special connections already and a place to boost your way up once you get there. But otherwise it's just hopeless.
Get a degree, work a few shit jobs or sell online save up a shit ton before moving there and you won't have any issues. Can't? Then don't bother. Just trying to be realistic here guys.
No. 133508
>>133500>only go to Japan if you can afford itSo are you saying most of the Fillipino and Chinese student shouldn't even come to Tokyo for a better life?
How about New York City. Plenty of people who can't afford it move every year for more opportunities. Idk why you guys are obsessed with sex workers.
No. 133517
>>133515It took me a while to catch onto this. A lot of the people on this particular thread are. Especially with sere. There are women like her all over the Internet (women who prostitute and abandon their children) but because she lives in Tokyo people hate her.
I've realised that there seems to be this high school mentality with the gaijin in Japan. So sere and Katie and whoever are the popular mean girls while everyone on here bitches about them. Tbh all I see is people having fun and messing their own lives up. It doesn't really have anything to do with you. This whole your making gaijin look bad is just an excuse to hate.
Some of you are salty that sere and Katie etc have an experience that you can't get even if you tried.
No. 133518
>>133500By degree are you referring to a university degree?
Why would you need that to work on WHV? You can do simple jobs without a degree as well.
No. 133519
>>133508Thank you! And New York is actually more expensive than Tokyo.
this thread is so full of hookers that people believe that it's the only way to live in Japan without a degree. Some of you
>>133500 need to get off lolcow sometimes kek
No. 133559
>>133508> most of the Fillipino and Chinese student shouldn't even come to Tokyo nope they shouldnt
theyre invading
No. 133598
>>133566My first apartment in Japan was 34500yen a month. Tiny as fuck, but a place to eat, sleep and shower. I cooked at home most of the time because it's cheaper here to buy groceries than eat out or buy shit from the convenience store. My salary was about 150000yen a month and I survived and still had a blast.
Key to this, brand shit is retarded. Learn how to finance and you will be fine.
Now I currently make 300000yen a month working at a lounge, have a 2LDK apartment in the city and have sponsors that support me as well. Have I ever fucked customers for money, no. Am I lucky? No, I am honest and smart and it seems to pay off.
The girls that come here and prostitute themselves, that is their lifestyle. This is something that happens everywhere in the world and they happened to chose that path in life. Do I think it's sad, yes BUT it's their life and people do what they can to survive.
I am not sure why you are all hating on these girls. Is it because they have visas, live in Japan, date Japanese men, go to host clubs, are loaded? It all just seems like some jealousy party here. All sitting behind your cellphone and computer screens legit stalking these girls instagrams, facebooks, twitter accounts and then running your mouth like you know something. Is your life really that boring? Were you a victim of bullying and therefore decided to bully someone else?
Think about it.
A bunch of grown ass women acting like little girls. Time to grow up.
No. 133614
>>133598TBH anon a lot of the trash talking comes from robots who are buttmad that white girls sometimes bang Asian guys. They use the worst possible examples (hookers, attention whores, etc) as "proof" that every foreigner who goes to Japan is a delusional weeb.
You know, because normal white girls without a yellow fever never, ever randomly meet an Asian guy they happen to like and want to date.
No. 133616
>>133614tbh as I've mentioned many times before in this thread, I don't think all white girls going to Japan are weebs or have yellow fever and I'd never pic the girls in this thread to 'proof' shit like this, cuz it isn't tru.
I just like to come here to have a good laugh at some desperate actual weeb girls lives going down to shit kek
No. 133634
>>133598Thank you tumblrina feminist who preaches #supportallwimmin
Why do people always say "ya all jelly" though? Come up with a better comeback. Its getting old as fuck.
The surivive thing is a pile of shit. Its their own fault for going to Japan to sell fanny in the first place anyway. They know what theyre getting into. No sympathy.
As if I would feel sorry for slappers like Shani sere or Barbie.
No. 133649
>>133616Original poster here.
Am I white? Mixed, but basically white in the eyes of others.
I have dated Japanese guys and my current bf is Japanese.
Did I struggle while living here? Hell yes I did and still am, but this is the reality of living here. There were times when I could barely afford to eat after paying my bills but never did I think to use my body to "get by" and honestly the thought of ever having to do so makes me cringe.
Everyone is different and functions im different ways. Perhaps due to their upbringing or influence from others.
I have never crossed paths with any of these girls but one, who has become a dear friend of mine and has come a long way from what she was. I have never judged her for what she did during hard times. Like I wrote earlier, we all function differently.
People like Sere, Gaya, Shani, and the list goes on… Let them do them and learn from their own mistakes. For people like them, hate and bullying is only encouraging. Sure they make other foreigners living in Japan look bad, but seriously who gives a fuck? You all got a choice to ignore and look the other way.
No. 134005
>>133971Yeah the
friend is lala the poster is her 1/4 japanese american friend tricia. Instagram @tae12008 is her instagram
No. 134617
>>134494I thought she wrote that this site was pathetic and not worth time
I missed the part where she bitched anyone out because IT DOESNT EXIST
Can we move on now to some real stuff now pls ty
No. 134711
>>134617What are you even talking about anon? You seem like you are deflecting hard for OP.
Feel free to "post some real stuff" then?
No. 134730
File: 1464335054153.jpeg (61.6 KB, 742x768, image.jpeg)

So this is the OP. She made her IG private after her IG name was posted here.
She has no followers, looks like her life revolves around no_identityy who is a known prostitute.
Anyone have any dirt on her?
No. 134732
File: 1464336125099.jpg (5.82 KB, 225x225, lala_tricia.jpg)

>>134730No milk atm, but here's a few pics I dug up. Here's her and no_identityyy, aka lala.
No. 134734
File: 1464336190432.jpg (61.42 KB, 640x640, 12269981_1495713704067946_1086…)

>>134733Here's her at Bar Kama Sutra.
No. 134745
>>134737It wasn't private about three days ago, when it was originally posted.
Also she's incredibly basic. I bet she failed as a hostess and it made her bitter.
No. 134747
File: 1464341196298.jpg (152.8 KB, 2048x1151, 10535065_751814908238441_10692…)

>>134745I'd consider this way less than basic.
No. 134755 is her work insta, not currently private but probably will be once she sees this. tumblr.
No. 134757
File: 1464348352873.png (398.24 KB, 896x870, 121.png)

>>134755Didn't she claim to be a teacher earlier in this thread? Yet here she's saying she hasn't been a teacher since 2013. Also loling at her mentioning she's modeled and been on tv. Oh, okay, "Layla". Anyone know how she's stayed in Japan for 7+ years?
No. 134762
File: 1464349481783.png (365.56 KB, 931x573, 77.png)

>>134761Her tumblr is full of milk. Looks like she had a visa husband that cheated on her. She posts about a lawsuit against him at one point. Lots of hostess talk and whining about how life isn't fair. She mentions having friends with addictions too. Still digging.
No. 134765
File: 1464351154324.jpeg (103.26 KB, 731x797, image.jpeg)

Why are all the girls so ugly at this club? Her blog said you can shimei her for 2000yen. That's Walmart prices. No wonder she's so bitter, she's basically ugly as fuck and a fail hostess.
No. 134766
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>>134761Funny considering she has dressed gyaru.
No. 134772
File: 1464352724712.jpeg (134.68 KB, 479x722, image.jpeg)

This rant confirms her -
Foreign models in Japan wahh wahh. She also said she has been on Japanese TV numerous times, like that's a difficult thing. Plot twist: poster on lolcow is biggest lolcow.
No. 134775
Tricia here.
This site was brought to my attention by a friend thay frequent here. Seems I have quite a fan for someone to post so much stuff about me. Bored, obviously.
Here to clarify some things on my behalf since pretty much everything that was saif about me is madeup or wrong.
1st, I have been in Japan for 9 years.
2nd, yes I am married and was with my ex for 6 years. How is that considered a visa marriage? We separated because yes he cheated and has addicion problems. Due to this we are settling our divorce in court.
3rd, I am a quarter Japanese and therefore I qualify for a teijuusha visa so why would I marry my ex for a visa?
4th, I worked many jobs in the past 9 years. Teacher, bartender, company employee. I am currently working as a hostess, so what?
5th, yes I am friends with Lara and we have been for years now. I am well aware of her past but I am not one to judge and people can change and she has and is doing great so I don't see why someone of you still feel the need to make up false comments about her.
6th, I HAVE NEVER LIVED IN TOKYO! Why would I choose to live in a city I can't stand?
7th, me wear gyaru!? Now that's funny for someone that buys jeans at Unqlo and clothes at F21 and rock Doc Martin boots on the regular. I don't give a shit about fashion and hate shoppibg to be honest.
8th, I did do some modelling but I have never stated to be a model. These are just fun sidejobs for me. Much like appearing on tv.
Anyway all is out in the open. My life is really not that interesting to be honest but feel free to talk all you like and post whatever you want. My instagram as well as facebook have always been private and I hardly ever update my tumblr anymore because I can't be bothered. Also laylaylala is me on instagram and it is work related, so what?
So curious about my life and want something clarified, all you gotta do is ask lol. Peace.
No. 134776
File: 1464353003439.png (222.26 KB, 841x446, hermodelingjoblol.png)

>>134772She leaves out the part where her big paying panasonic "modeling" job involved her not shaving. She got the job because she was the hairiest girl there it sounds like.
No. 134777
>>134775"This site was brought to my attention by a friend thay frequent here"
Of course. So funny how fast OP reacted for someone that 'told her' about it. Caught and outed.
No. 134780
File: 1464354123331.png (331.56 KB, 892x644, cheating.png)

"I've been cheated on so many times I can't even count"…one month later… "I've been cheated on twice now".
No. 134792
>>134775"Here to clarify some things on my behalf since pretty much everything that was saif about me is madeup or wrong."
It's screencaps of posts you made. How is that made-up or wrong?
No. 134793
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No. 134795
>>134775> Why would I choose to live in a city I can't standwow so edgy desu
tokyo is not cool enough for thou
No. 134796
File: 1464357861417.png (453.47 KB, 934x789, 0000.png)

>>134795It's funny because most of her tumblr is her bitching about Osaka, Japan being weird, and how she hates Japanese men.
No. 134798
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No. 134799
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No. 134811
>>134810you are right about most parts but no one wants to
>get a Host lmao
No. 134831
File: 1464369221510.jpg (45.54 KB, 720x616, Stupid shit_334aeb_5062382.jpg)

No. 134834
>>110176FOr real. Like why would some of these girls post about themselves to get attention? That is pathetic, i understand jumping in and defending themselves but to bash themselves is rather pathetic and hard to believe.
anyways their lives amount to nothing if all they can do is shit talk about girls they personally dont even know or never met only via internet. Anyways lol they wont have the guts to show themselves who they really are.
No. 134875
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No. 134908
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No. 134929
>>134923It's 100% her.
Love her i know everything better attitude
No. 134930
>>134923True but it's probably not any of them. The OP fits the quiet typical English teacher profile. Not some hostesses bff.
If this person wanted to laugh at Tricia and lala they could have without bringing all this OP shit up. Get some real milk because this is just going rancid quick.
No. 134938
>>134930Tricia was a teacher and seems pretty well spoken in her tumblr posts. It would be an interesting twist if someone pretended to be her while defending lala though.
I don't think there's much more milk to be had. It's funny that the knights came storming to accuse everyone of being jealous. According to Tricia's tumblr she hates her job, just divorced her cheating husband of 6 years, and bitches about wanting to leave Japan. Yeah, I'm totally green with envy. If only I could pay to fuck hosts.
No. 134958
File: 1464394077086.jpg (11.17 KB, 236x197, 01e78ac38f8c1449369654c0e0d013…)

So many bitter bitches here that can't get no Japan dick.
No. 135068
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No. 135097
>>135076Got a better idea, get over it and move the fuck on.
You all ruined this thread by posting meaningless bullshit.
No. 135158
>>135157Yeast infections for life!
I bet Dania is the OP since she has bad blood with Lara and has known Tricia since 2005?6
No. 135163
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No. 135168
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No. 135174
>>135172Her group? Names please. Fro
m what I see, she doesn't hang with a lot of foreigners and the ones that do don't look like they would lurk on a site like this.
I just find it funny how people are so eager to know who the OP is.
No. 135194
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No. 135201
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No. 135389
>>135344Dania, host obsessed. It's obvious.
Where the hell do you see Tricia being host obsessed?
No. 135397
File: 1464533630827.jpeg (113.18 KB, 640x771, image.jpeg)

Ok anyone know anything about this girl who has been hanging out with Alice?? She posted she was married and now has taken it off but on a blog she posted on her link is saying she is in Japan on a holiday visa yet she claims to be married?? I'm confused
No. 135410
>>135399Fix the link, doesn't work.
Also Kansaiboys was ran by two girls named Helena and Amanda who both are no longer in Japan and why the blog has gone dead.
No. 135415
>>135413Must be tricias blog
She immidately deleted the blog after it got mentioned here
No. 135429
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No. 135439
>>135436Your entire life must be based off assumptions.
I know for a fact that Amanda lurks here regularly and the girl has this sick obsession with hosts and the blog went inactive after he exchange was over and she went back to the states.
No. 135499
File: 1464550352409.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1655, 16-05-29-14-30-14-453_deco.jpg)

One of the kansaiboys owners Amanda. No longer in Japan so I guess pretty irrelevant but it's quite obvious why she would seek out host attention.
No. 135577
>>135429Most Japanese people don't associate white non-Russian foreigners with prostitution but with teaching.
It's also not as if we had a bad reputation really, if Japanese people are shitty to you, maybe instead of thinking it's because of those girls in 水商売, look for the fault within yourself.
No. 135644
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No. 136346
>>136344Post that to the gaijin gyaru thread maybe?
But I think that rady and emiria wiz look totally the same repeatedly copying each other
No. 137438
>>137398Lara is a bigger lolcow than Sere. She had countless blogs glorifying prostitution, on gyaru secrets a while ago someone posted a review from tokyoadultguide of her services. Her 'Oiran' profile photo on Facebook was arranged and taken in exchange for sexual services. She used to stalk another gyaru who was dating a host.
She and Tricia probably made this thread. So hi Lara. I hope someone makes a thread about you.
No. 137439
>>137438You say the oiran shoot was
taken in exchange for sexual services? Details etc. Please
No. 137549
File: 1465163065375.jpeg (131.42 KB, 640x868, image.jpeg)

Bitch team
Blanka stopped wearing liz lisa and changed her haircolour. Desperate to get into japanese college.
No. 137577
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No. 137672
>>137670Gyaruru is a deai app just like tinder. Doesn't mean people search customers there.
But isn't that girls family loaded af anyways ?
No. 137674
>>137672Almost everybody uses it for that purpose to get laid for money.
I don't know exactly but she got a job so maybe they cut off some money
No. 137697
>>137438Ok what HAHA
Biggest bullshit ever
Why in the hell would an oiran photoshoot be arranged in exchange for sexual services that's fucking retarded.
Get your head out of your ass and your facts straight cus you're just churning out lies that aren't even believable and are no fun for anyone to read seeing as they're obviously fake.
No. 137724
>>137722She was rude to her former best friend.
Her friend likes kpop and blanka talked all the time how kpop sucks and all men are looking like girls. But blanka likes vkei guys.
Once she met 2 friends. One friend said that she is going home now
Blanka "yeah you better go now"
No. 137793
>>137721Why is a girl's parents being rich suddenly a problem now/ make someone a bad person?
Sounds like someone's butt hurt they're poor and don't have the brains/looks or balls to make some money for themself.
I feel bad for you, really I do.
No. 137879
>>137808It is on the "guys who have fucked gaijin" thread on the men's board. If you can't find it, then you don't have the skillz to read and understand it.
There was the following conversation:
-Please be careful of STDs. Blanka has been with a lot of guys.
-i fucked her
-was she any good?
-no, she was fat and her body was dirty
No. 137885
>>137883Yeah thats what i read to
She bad at sex fat with dirty skin lol
No. 138105
File: 1465332159933.jpeg (53.2 KB, 750x802, image.jpeg)

Lol, learn better English girl. It's embarrassing. And still funny that you come here to look if someone wrote something about you.
No. 138115
>>138105Nothing interesting to see on her ig
Its only about hosts
No. 138519
File: 1465478557027.png (345.61 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-06-09-22-20-13…)

Can we talk about how the queen of fugly inuashley is balding? Ahahaha
No. 138523
>>138519what is wrong with this girls face her eyebrows look like they're trying to slide off and her nose is practically touching her lips
how is it even possible to be so ugly
No. 138695
>>>/pt/71286Useless newfags go there
Stop with the inuashley shit on here
No. 138810
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No. 138981
>>138810Someone jealous of a good time? lol
These girls are nobodies, it's obvious that someone here has grudge of some sort lol.
No. 139196
File: 1465717102394.jpg (397.6 KB, 680x1024, 5548709121_464086ee4a_o.jpg)

>>139190Horse face dated a girl who is a well known lolita from the new york comm. Both were cosers and we have common friends thats what i hear.
No. 139279
>>138688Please tell me you have them saved. When was it around? Not too surprised but wow Idk who would pay money to be with her.
She smells in person because she's apparently allergic to deodorant? Like an ingredient in it? My friend went with her to a live and said it got so bad she was embarrassed because the Japanese girls behind them were giggling about it. She's also hated on Tanuki from her bands fans.
No. 139421
File: 1465797852375.png (276.12 KB, 301x420, 無題.png)

>>139279>>139420found it almost immediately lolol
No. 139461
>>139457I'm not sure either, but someone in this or the sere thread said that you HAVE to let them take a photo.
Though I wonder why they all go to kirari then. There must be shitloads of other deai cafes which DON"T take your photo
No. 139496
File: 1465829253770.jpg (273.96 KB, 1858x916, sereash.jpg)

My favorite Ashley stories are when she "worked" at Sere's bar as a "host" for like 2 weekends and said it was her dream job. I don't think sere even paid her in the end and like told her not to come back?
Another is when Barbie lived with her for like 2 months and they acted like BFFs then Barbie bailed and didn't pay any of the rent.
No. 139498
File: 1465830109077.jpg (180.96 KB, 1846x930, kateash.jpg)

>>139497Also was friends with Katie for a short bit
No. 139527
File: 1465835644750.jpg (222.73 KB, 1848x1056, host1.jpg)

She was also into hosts for awhile like all the rest of these stupid girls. Why are they all so easily tricked and think "this one's different he actually likes me!!" then pay a fucking fortune to go to his bar?
No. 139528
File: 1465835721325.jpg (287.3 KB, 1852x916, host2.jpg)

>>139527 #everythingcomestoanend
No. 139539
File: 1465839165028.jpeg (166.8 KB, 750x1000, image.jpeg)

Even had a lala phase too
No. 139657
File: 1465867272623.jpg (38.85 KB, 1116x148, Untitled 20.jpg)

>>139591Haven't checked recently but she usually pops up in Gajin or AvelCain threads for short bits. A few months ago there was a big discussion about her in an Avelcain thread but I don't have it saved.
But from a kind of recent thread about annoying people at lives, saying basically "Avel Cain's Zen favorite foreigner fan has a really bad smell. Not many foreigners smell?"
didn't discuss her more there but just laughed about it and the same girl said "It was different than other body odors" later on
No. 139707
>>139657Friend confirmed
She really stinks
No. 139718
>>139675Not Google translation I was summarizing and it's not that different from what you wrote lol "really smelly" "really smelly BO" doesn't make a difference of meaning. Waking is slang for BO but it's not needed for the meaning. Tanuki girls always joke she is his "favorite fan" sarcastically so I wrote it that way. Either way you can understand the point is she smells lol
….?/Don't you think….? Meaning is the same. Especially because they were replying to other comments on smell disagreeing with them. You can nitpick me I don't care I can read the juicy gossip fine lol just trying to share some of it
No. 139723
>>139686just sounds like some german euro bitch who can't speak English fluently lol
But the dirt is good. Any other caps?
No. 139724
File: 1465894696074.jpg (99.25 KB, 1219x511, lolwhat.jpg)

No. 139732
File: 1465895703416.jpg (66.63 KB, 800x533, inuashcar.jpg)

No. 139743
File: 1465897016687.jpg (169.34 KB, 1908x1233, 1121243.jpg)

>>139728I stalked her private account ages ago because it was lulzy and she said Ashley tried to rape her but may have been deleted
No. 139746
>>139743She doesn't live in Japan. Her and Ashley dated years ago when Ashley was in America.
What about in Japan didn't Ashley try to rape some other girl I heard? Or like force kissed? Some European girl?
No. 139762
>>139759>>139756Yeah that sounds like Charlotte lol
Her self harm scars are insane
No. 139765
>>110176Might be a long shot but does anyone remember this girl? She used to have a tumblr blog.
All I can remember was she lived in Tokyo with her BF, but they had an open relationship on her side, in which she could date / fuck other guys. Basically, she wrote a lot about wanting to fuck her private English students and how she was using being an English tutor as an excuse to try and date guys … but they never wanted to hit on her, lol. Her boyfriend paid for everything, so she didn't really need to work.
She was American, (I think) and had really, really long brown hair right down to her butt.
She used to post selfies but delete them after like half an hour..
I think when he blog started getting noticed, she panicked and deleted it ….
Maybe she lurks here now? Or someone knows what happened to her? She was a cow, for sure.
No. 139774
>>139762Self harm scars but acts like an egoist
Married for visa
3 guys
1 for money
1 to fuck
1 for visa
No. 139815
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>>139784>>139772>>139752>>139756>>139768The "German" girl was karmabitch but I don't think she's actually german I think Netherlands or something? This was posted about Ashley raping her on fuckyeahbangya tumblr. No other proof except word of mouth I guess
No. 139818
File: 1465924644828.jpg (473.67 KB, 1028x1296, karmabitch.jpg)

>>139816Then karmabitch mailed a response. After this I saw her post about moving to Japan with Ashley but then suddenly deleted everything and changed names.
No. 139837
File: 1465927643924.png (382.18 KB, 1080x1184, Screenshot_2016-06-14-20-04-21…)

Living in Germany now. Still underweight af