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No. 687916
Brianna Slaughter is a 19 year old "jvlogger" youtuber going to Doshisha University in japan and has recently gotten a growing following due to "hoeing 101" in japan video's that blew up on worldstar.
Instagram link: link: link:
*Constantly begging/guilting fans for money and then spending it on mcdonalds and things she doesn't need like, ya know groceries. Has gotten $1300 from followers to go back to america for the summer recently
*Claims to be genderfluid and pansexual all of a sudden even though all she talks about is dick.
*Fetishes japanese men to an extreme extent.This girl has claimed she slept with "50" japanese men in the year she's been there. Also reinforcing harmful and hateful sterotypes about them.
*Talks about how she seems to"hate" japan despite going to college there.
*Uses her mental illnesses she diagnosed herself with as excuses for such bitchy,selfish behaviour and to make her followers feel bad and give her $$$
*had the nerve to wear a see through shirt in Kyoto and complain when stared at lmao
No. 687948
>>687916>*Fetishes japanese men to an extreme extent.This girl has claimed she slept with "50" japanese men in the year she's been there. I don't think she does. She made it pretty clear the dick is mediocre, and she's talked about fucking plenty of other races. I think she just sleeps around wherever she is, with whoever is around.
What she clearly is doing, though, is taking advantage of the western weebs who DO fetishize asian men and want to hear validating stories of how easily she gets them. She blew up because of that video, that's what gets her clicks. Guys of other races wouldn't.
No. 687949
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>>687948I disagree, she definitely does.
The funny thing about her is, that she's actually a law student kek. Good luck trying to find a job after putting that on the internet.
>had the nerve to wear a see through shirtThat doesn't even qualify for a shirt, not even a bra, she's basically completely naked. Also, despite dressing like this, she also claims to suffer from anxiety.
No. 687952
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She's also an oppressed poc who deserves to get free shit from whitie.
No. 687969
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No. 688026
>>688003Lmao, what? That's got nothing to do with sexism, where do you live that it's okay to run around naked, upload disgusting shit with your name and face in it, and then want to get a professional job? Especially lawyers have an image to uphold.
>>688006 Losing a part retail job because of videos however does't really make that much sense.
No. 688073
>>688003Are you that anon from Shayna's threads? The one who infights with people who acknowledge that degenerate fetish shit and camwhoring is… well, degenerate? "Cos" you sure do remind me of her.
Anyways, employing a literal whore (male or female) isn't good for business unless that business is, like, Hooters. Men do get fired over this shit too.
No. 688094
>>688073Camwhoring and fetish shit is degenerate. Definitely not that anon.
>Anyways, employing a literal whore (male or female) isn't good for business unless that business is, like, Hooters. Men do get fired over this shit too.k. I'm sure.
No. 688149
>>688003You think it's professional for a man to do something like this? What kind of world do you live in lmao
>>687952omg i hate people like this
No. 688301
File: 1536957657104.jpg (51.39 KB, 800x533, 19450314_1491429009.2883.jpg), if they knew…
Help Brianna Internationally
I began studying Japanese as my third language in order to gain a perspective of cultures unlike my own. I was raised in a traditional Mexican household in Southern California where Japanese culture was never introduced. While already being fluent in English and Spanish, I mastered Hiragana and Katakana in a matter of two weeks. Then, I paved my way towards understanding Kanji and the grammatical structure of the Japanese language.
As a Black woman, I understand that I will face many challenges in an Asian country where the color of my skin is not widely seen nor appreciated. It may seem incredibly gutsy to go to a foreign country at age 18 to earn a degree, but I am dedicated to generating change on a global scale and feel I have the potential to do so.
I was a research intern for the WorldLink program at the University of San Diego’s Joan B. Kroc School Institute For Peace and Justice. For over three months, I contributed to the extensive research on the gender spectrum, the importance of leadership and participation, the magnitude of gender-based violence, the value of sustainable development, and the priority of peace and security.
I was given the opportunity to speak to over 700 high school students from San Diego and Mexico. As an opening speaker, I discussed global affairs and international concerns and issues with these students.
My independent path has prepared me for a vigorous college life. I believe I can achieve my future goals, which are to have a career in Foreign Service and to promote international awareness among people of all backgrounds. My studies in Japan will provide me with tools to be successful in this ambition.
I hope you will support my aim of generating change on a global scale. Your contributions towards this goal are greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
No. 688673
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>>688102>>688313>>688315So, her behavior is totally normal for every single girl who goes to Japan?
Tell us when you're going, can't wait for the milk lol
Anyways, she said that her family's income is less thn 20k a year and still her moom sends her 500 each month (and if she doesn't she complains).
>Wealth needs to be redistributedbut not to you…
No. 688873
>>688315I don't think Op covered most of the ratchet things she does tbh. Some that I can think of:
Not crediting an artist that she uses for her merch
She thinks of herself as a goddess/deity (super narc)
Talks about being suicidal even thinks it's funny to make her friends worry
Makes it out like she's irresistible and it's easy to get guys lol. On a live stream, she called a guy to hang out with her but he rejected her since it's not for sex.
Went to the USA to surprise her ex but he didn't want her back.
Rude to her fans, didn't thank them for donations until PULL called her out.
No. 688900
>>688873you just proved anon's point. none of this is milky.
>implying it isn't easy as fuck to get male attention for any human female above a 5/10kek
No. 688950
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>>688873Yeah but OP ruined it over stupid ~fetishization~ shit when its obvious that the men shes meeting are from apps like tinder or those weirdo guys who stand outside of stations shouting WHERE FROM?????
Nobody is denying she is a stupid entitled shit who self diagnoses hersef with every mental illness out there, but it stinks of PULL-tier weeabooism when the only thing people care about is how she wants to fuck with asian guys and doesnt eat japanese food and go to traditional tea ceremonies every day kek
Using tinder does not a cow make
No. 689344
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and you guys doubt her fetishizing japanese men? this is just one of the tweets i found
No. 689345
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Pt 2 of the tweets
No. 689412
>>689344>>689345You have truly shown me the light. I'm shedding a tear for all those poor, exploited creepy gaijin-chasers on apps like Tinder, lmao. I'm sure she made all those men feel used and dirty with her impure, non-Asian orifices. :'(((
Just be honest and say you're envious that you're not hoeing around in Japan and living every cringy, western Japanophile's dream right now.
No. 689423
>>689412Lmao exactly
She's no doubt a weeb but she's not some evil Asian fetishist, she just a hoe. Of course she's gonna be fucking Japanese men when she's staying in Japan
No. 691053
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so whats stopping her getting dick in the US…if she was a simple ass hoe, gettin dick in the US or japan shouldn’t matter
No. 691439
>>691149>she's not a japanese fetishist, i don't get why everyone is trying to make it seem that way>well obviously she would only want to sleep with japanese men duhgood logic
anyway this girl is a walking train wreck and i look forward to her continuing to act a fool
No. 735423
>>735407lol I don't believe that for a fucking second. pull is full of shit.
and post caps, this is an imageboard
No. 735446
This is the story, as reposted by a user from PULL. Sorry, too spaced out to screencap. The original poster said they were leaving because they were sent doxxing threats.
Source: a Pastebin for future reference:>"Before I started going to Language School, I was subscribed to a number of Expats living in Japan on YouTube. These Japanese Vloggers (or J-Vloggers) helped me get a good idea of what studying in or even living in a foreign country looked like.
>One of my favorites was a channel called Morena In Japan.Why? Simple: She was a breath of fresh air. I appreciated all the ESL and ALT teachers that posted, as someone who wanted to teach their experiences and advice was so helpful to me, but Morena was lively,fun,and talked about "risque" topics like sex,dating, and was so open with her life an experiences I admit I fell into a bit of hero-worship.
>When I arrived in Japan, it was with a group of mostly white classmates,so I was very happy when I met a like-minded group of black expats. It was through one of these expats that mine and Morena's lives overlapped.
>I was initially anxious to go out without my classmates,we travelled the city,but mostly together. Turning down an invitation seemed rude so I decided with a bit of apprehension to go and party at a "Black Event" at Sauce Boss in Osaka. This was in July.
>She was very sweet and energetic per her videos, and I felt we had made a quick connection. It was sort of surreal for me to see someone I had watched on YouTube in person,but I didn't want to creep her out by acting like a typical "fangirl".
>I mingled with people,laughed,and went back to Dormy happy that I had taken a chance and gotten some numbers-Morena's included. We chatted casually for the next few weeks and the good vibes I had gotten off her seemed to be reinforced with our conversations.
>On the day that change my life forever, Morena asked me if I would be busy that night and I said no,she invited me to come see her.I accepted.
>I got carried away drinking. Does that excuse what happened next? No,but it is important for me to note my mind was impaired and even now I feel a bit of internalized blame for it. I told her my head was hurting,and she invited me to lay down. When I closed my eyes,I felt a hand reach out and touch my breast. I was confused but not offened:I am openly bisexual and Morena had told before about her experiences with the "Sexually Submissive" women of Japan. No. 735588
she's throwing a fit on her instagram acting like a retarded five year old
>>735566well shit i didn't know a personal narrative about a rape experience had to read like an academic thesis
No. 735599
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No. 735600
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No. 735601
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No. 735640
>>735635Because Mikan is an obnoxious entitled money-grubber herself.
>>735621Honestly, I think the leeriness comes from the fact that she has a pretty big thread on pull and pulltards are called that for a reason. But hey even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and with Briana, I think they are right that she's trash.
No. 735975
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>>735943She’s disgusting. She’s lucky there are gaijin hunters bc she could get no one bc she looks like a dog. She plays victim but she just stands there smiling and acting friendly with no effort to even learn basic Japanese to reject people.
Anyways pic related, has her Twitter always been suspended ?
No. 736033
>>735992How can you pretend to be woke when you tell black men to stay shot up (Also black men aren’t the only people killing black women????)
Can’t wait for all the milk from this
No. 736131
>>736100How exactly is this a vendetta thread. Please explain. Because I don't see this as any more vendetta-y than any other thread on this site.
Brianna is an asshole, a milky asshole.
The shit she does gets other cows rightly shredded, so what makes her a protected species in your eyes?
Reminder this is a girl who has on more than one occasion threatened suicide in order to get people to give her money. She's deliberately provocative and than whines when people get upset. And her narcissism is through the roof.
Discussing a cow's shitty behavior isn't vendetta.
No. 736179
>>736161Stop breaking the rules, if you don’t like the thread, then hide it and leave. It’s sus af when anons like you post stuff like that. No real farmer would bitch and threaten over a small thread, this much, with no reason why (literally no1curr if there’s some weeb pulltards in here, that doesn’t negate the receipts, is not a reason to report, and is not a reason to shut the thread down) esp when there’s valid milk, unless they’re a WK. Stop being so obvious, “it’s embarrassing” kek.
“Many more than one person ITT can smell the pullshit”
Ironic, since the same could be applied to your posts.
No. 736181
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>>736033No lol. Black men are killing black women.
>According to the FBI’s uniform crime-reporting data for 2016, 90.1 percent of black victims of homicide were killed by other blacks.>Compared to a black male, a black female is far more likely to be killed by her spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member than by a stranger. Where the relationship could be determined, 93 percent of black females killed by males in single victim/single offender incidents knew their killers(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 736232
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No. 736233
File: 1542894732001.jpeg (Spoiler Image,309.49 KB, 640x915, 14B62EE8-E0BA-4A12-B3C6-61DF68…)

Her body quite literally looks like a child's…
No. 736350
>>736131I think it’s mildly vendetta but some entertainment value. Instead of focusing on her being skinny, or week long de-rails on disagreeing with her being a hoe it should be focused more on actual milk like her scams. This thread is primarily black koreaboos so it’s not surprising there’s so much nitpicking about irrelevant shit or arguing about wokeness. lol cow isn’t your political soap box and only posting about how someone isn’t woke is NOT milk. Nobody cares about “self hate”. Focus on the milk, scams and cringe shit instead. I hate how every thread involving a black weeb who has actual cringe turns into rants about how ~
problematic~ they are.
No. 736503
>>736350When part of a cow's milk is the fact that she says incredibly politically ignorant things, ofc we're going to talk about it.
>black koreaboosWrong country. How come every time a cow is black, anons start saying how everyone posting in the thread is just another black weeb/koreaboo?
I'd be really interested in seeing how much of this thread is actually people samefagging. Brianna has admitted to lurking pull, so it's not hard to believe she'd be reading her thread here and trying to send followers to defend her.
No. 736651
>>735446>>736353Agreed, she only said she was bi after she was accused of fetishizing Japanese men. Interestingly enough, PULL would go on and on about how she is DEFINITELY not gay before this incident.
And as a gay girl, have anons seen her nails? It's a big question mark for me if she's gay.
No. 736776
>>736766>soap box That's the 3rd time you've said that, we get it. Before you started complaining about it there had only been 3 written posts about the black men/black women comment and they were hardly ~sooper political~ Anons can post their opinions and observations on things she's posted publicly that they find milky.
If you don't like it, then contribute milk you're more interested in. but dont tell anons what they can and can not post, it's shitting up the thread. Not trying to be mean, but there's been way too much derailing and infighting. Though I do agree that posting more of the scamming milk would be nice.
>>736503There is obviously a WK or Brianna herself in here, that anon that kept shitting up the thread with "vendetta" started getting pissy in meta too, linked half of all of the posts from the past few days, including all the screenshots (even ones with no text, just straight screenshots) AND linked all the posts asking them to stop derailing or to elaborate on why they keep yelling vendetta, complaining that they were all "vendetta posts" lol
Even complained that Brianna responding to a rape allegation wasn't milk and to post the screencap was "vendetta" itself. Said that the rape allegations was a "fanfic" bc the alleged victim doesn't want her name to be publicly out there/doesn't want to be harassed by briannas followers, and that it's not true just bc it was posted originally on pull. Which is a bit ironic to complain about a victim wanting to stay anonymous or victims coming forward on anon sites, while posting on a site where everyone's anonymous, where previous victims of other cows abuse have come out, anonymously, on this site, many many times. That was the only reasons they gave.
I'd bet money that one of the samefags IPs are coming from japan, esp bc when theyve been posting its usually been around 2am-5am American time, but 7pm-10pm Japanese time. Also at that same time Brianna was posting on her IG.
No. 736815
Apologies if that isn't your post. (Btw never accused you of samefagging?) I just assumed you were doubleposting to add on to the post above yours (which was further elaborating on their previous post and was responding to the same post as you)
>>736350>>>/meta/7336>>736766All these posts…
>use the term "soap box">in same thread/about the same cow>about the same tweet>taking the same stance (ie: saying there was nothing wrong with her tweet, implying anons are pissed/pushing their political opinions)>all posted within the past 21 hoursSorry guess it was just a weird coincidence, this whole thread is just weird af though
No. 736826
>>736820I've only posted twice in this thread before responding to your soap box post just now.
Nice try though
No. 736869
>>736848>This thread is filled with frothing autists. Like the one who wants to the meta thread to cry over it lmaoSo… you, the one who's been calling the anons who
actually see through the shit and frothing autism itt "white knights" and went to ree about them more in /meta/?
>>736859Brianna would probably fit better in the j-vlogger thread anyways. Over half of this thread is infighting, derailing, and nitpicking, not actual milk.
No. 736871
>>736869Stop. You’re the only one who cares this much. Please seek help.
I do agree she would fit in the J vlog thread. Besides her promiscuity and e begging there’s no reason she should have a thread. The sex assault thing is obvious bs.
No. 736874
>>736870Ah yes, lolcow dot farm, the premiere venue to make a sexual assault accusation if you want to be taken seriously…
WKs are in full damage control mode
No. 736894
Half of you need to fucking sage your shit, it just makes you look like a samefag at this point. I agree with anon
>>736776 we should have mods check to see
if any of the WK anons have Japanese IPs
No. 736922
>>736921>when people mentioned how she reacts to black men it's not because she's ~not woke enough~What else could
>>736033 and
>>735995 have meant? Kek not the best excuse.
No. 737004
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>>736921Fucking this! Thank you based anon. Can you imagine spending this much time in a thread that you don’t like, posting nothing but complaints about the milk and farmers, while not contributing anything of value yourself? The thread was going along fine until
>>735607 (regular thread anons did not start the infighting) then they started bitching even more (like we didn’t hear it the the first 10 ten times) when the
vast majority became annoyed that they’re turning a morena thread into a complaining, reeeing vendetta, and blindly denying all milk thread. These anons keep claiming they’re not WKs, but have defended her, denied her scandals bc “iT wAs PoStEd On PuLl !! aUtOmAtIcALlY nOt TrUe !!!1” (both sites share many cows, milk, and receipts for years, we’ve had allegations against cow, many times, over years, with less evidence) and make these multiple “150% lie! It’s a troll! Fanfic! I know for sure!!!1” posts, with no proof, over one call out post that was posted barely 72 hours ago. Weirdly, none of them have posted ONE criticism of her. So why are they even here? And when someone suspects there’s a WK in here, the same anons take it as a personal insult (even though no one accused them specifically), and then aggressively deny there’s no WKs ITT. Which is sus af esp this much in a beginner thread about some nobody. They keep telling anons they can’t talk about this or say that or post those screencaps like we’ll actually do what they say kek so let’s just start ignoring them (no matter how infuriating and tempting it is)
We should treat it as bait and ignore it, if we keep responding they’ll get what they want and the thread will lock….Back to our regular scheduled programming.
No. 737005
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Brianna doubling down kek
>I slept at my friends house that night!
No. 737006
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>i was in the hotel room all night! YOU BETTER FUCKING COVER FOR ME AND BACK UP MY STORY
No. 737010
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Threatening to sue the girl
When she’s broke
No. 737011
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>>737010>the work from one of the incels of 4chan>threads are on all females sites>surejan.gif/image dump
Saged all of them except for one bc don’t want to bump too much
No. 737014
File: 1543017709940.jpeg (18.03 KB, 640x115, 4C0A470C-E47B-41FE-B75D-B4F987…)

Forgot this one
Sounds like the desperate bitch is going to try to dox her
No. 737066
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what the fuck she made herself look like one of the hartley hooligans
No. 737109
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>>737023>no one would've accused anyone of having a vendetta in the first place if anons didn't automatically assume they were trueThat’s the exact opposite of what happened. Why are you trying to spread misinformation? Do you really think farmers won’t check these things? It just kinda makes you look more like a white knight, than you already do.
>Pic related is a lovely picture I made for you, debunking your misinformation. You’re welcome lolL U R K M O A R No. 737115
>>737109God, I'm starting to think
you might be the anon trying to get the thread locked or autosaged. If not, you'll probably end up doing it anyways at this rate. The only other explanation for this level of autism and wilful ignorance aside from trolling is a genuine vendetta. The fact that you alone have been posting 90% of these boring caps alongside shit like
>>737004 and the spergout in /meta/ is "sus" too. Does this channel belong to you? The edgy aura it emits is very familiar No. 737150
>>737139Nta you're sperging about so don't go there but what the actual fuck are you talking about?
>>737122 is just reporting milk as it happens. It's done all of the time on this site. Notably anons have done it for Kanadajin3's batshit livestreams in the past.
>dark knightingNo.
No. 737161
>>737084>Sensei Aishitemasu/SerenGod, fuck her. She's a complete pick-me who defends black men that attack black women and commit crime in their own neighborhoods because "none of us are perfect uwu". That, and she's xenophobic as all fuck. 30 years old and still reasons like an angry 15 year old. If LC had more black anons, I tell you her thread would be a Lauren Southern-tier field day.
I find her way more grating and irritating as a person than Brianna (though, if these rape claims aren't just PULL shit-stirring, that's about to change). Sage for OT.
No. 737169
>>737115Ironic, since multiple anons said hours ago that you/other anons complaining of vendetta and no milk are probably trying to get the thread locked. I posted it in a pic so it wouldn’t shit up the thread.
You knowingly posted a lie about other anons to bolster your own opinion. I proved that it wasn’t true. If you have a problem with that, then don’t post misinformation? Easy.
I don’t have a YT channel, not the meta vendetta sperg, and didn’t post 90% the receipts (I posted 5 caps total of Brianna’s IG, texts, and SCs) stop making up shit, you’re really bad at it.
No. 737172
>>737122Doublepost but thank you anon you da real MVP. She’s always pressuring followers for free money and in the same breath insulting them for not giving her more.
>>737087Why would anyone want to be a mod in her chat just to spam to give her money. That’s rock bottom
No. 737176
>>737169Top fucking lol, you didn't prove anything outside of yourself to be an ass. It wasn't misinformation and I never lied, you're just arguing technicalities.
And bullshit you're not
>>>/meta/7332, you have the exact same typing style.
No. 737186
>>737176The vendetta-sperg meta anon is this post
>>>/meta/7330The one who first started sperging in meta about all the posts being “vendetta” airgo the name “vendetta-sperg meta anon” jfc
No. 737272
>>737258honestly, what more proof could she have offered? she opened up about specific dates, events, times, etc. all of which lined up when people started looking into it through bri's fb timeline. since this was female-on-female, it's not like they could have swabbed her for semen or dna. and even then, it's impossible to prove she said 'no' if we weren't physically there. while i agree there is a chance that they may be false, in this case i'm siding more with the possible victim. bri's reaction screams "how dare you come forward!!!" because she's actually directing her 'search' toward people she knows. if this was all entirely fake and coming from outside the house, i feel like bri's reaction would be completely different and be directed at a different group of people. rape allegations are always too hard to concretely prove and i don't think that should mean people shouldn't be allowed to come forward about them. but that's just my two cents.
>>737187this girl spends more time bitching about how much she needs money than she spends working. also i find it hilarious that she thinks as soon as she finishes and releases her book she's going to make it big time. i remember forbes saying sth like on average books sell a total of 250 copies; what makes her think her book is the one in a million that turns into a best seller?
No. 741373
>>740190she's a dumbass and she wanted to move out of the dorm right away so she could do more ~dick appointments~ so people who wanted to see more of that kind of content helped her raise money to move out but now all she does it makes videos about how poor she is.
she could have stayed the full maximum time and saved up but nah, she needs her asian dick and chicken nuggies so it's better to throw a pity party on live.
No. 742929
>>742817You really think it would be a good idea to report her to her university because you don’t like her hoeing around and because she’s ~
problematic~? Really? So much A-logging ITT.
No. 746648
File: 1544409739441.png (1.13 MB, 1134x626, 093840295435069456456.png)

Was gonna make a thread about this cow but it seems I was late and oh boy what a bummer since this thread is a mess.
This bitch is very milky
>Acts like a black person but is actually mexican
>is racist to mexicans because her grandma/mother didn't love her
>thinks she is a god in japan because japanese use her as a free hoe to satisfy all their weird kinks like making out with her armpit
>ask money kanajadin style while claiming to be independant in japan
>recent video of a japanese spitting on her went viral and acts all innocent while having videos of "hoeing in japan" (we know she was hunting for that kind of dick)
>having the typical shameless gaijin attitude
>apparently scams people
No. 759851
>>746648she is actually half black
her mother is mexican but her dad is black
her parents arent together though
No. 2006678
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Not sure if anyone's keeping up with her still, but Brianna started dating this guy in Dec 2023. Since then she's gotten a house with him and was gushing a little bit ago on her Twitter about how they're "family" and how in love they are.
No. 2046099
>>2040474Sorry for necro but how is the thread vendetta? She was a huge cow back in 2018 up until the pandemic and had a long thread on PULL
Looked her up on here from seeing her go viral on Tiktok and Twitter with more or less the similar antics she did at 20
No. 2095854
>>2060189I'm surprised that so many people believe her when all you have is words and no evidence at all. Perhaps it is because they look at Japanese people in a discriminatory way on a daily basis. Just like Johnny Somali, she knows she can make money by insulting and discriminating against the Japanese
Now, just like Johnny Somali, her racism, Japanese hate, and fabrications are a big problem in Japan.