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No. 634342
Thread for calves and skinwalkers of June Laporta/Shoe0nHead and Gregory Fluhrer/Armored Skeptic.
>>630225Maya/Mayu is June's most notable skinwalker, revolving an entire online presence around copying June's gig, talking about June, and trying desperately to get her attention.
Links: thread is open to all other calves and skinwalkers, as June and Sebptic attract all kinds of cringey kinksters, camgirls, and neckbeards.
No. 634383
File: 1531406838449.png (43.14 KB, 543x437, mayu.png)

Thanks for making the thread, anon.
Mayu seems to have an extremely unhealthy obsession with Shoe, excluding the obvious skinwalking. When Shoe took her "break" from twitter for a few days he acted like Shoe needed to have her face plastered on milk cartons and the world was ending.
Going through some of his curious cat asks, you can tell he's trying to emulate how Shoe would write and respond.
The creepy asks about Laci are gross, too. Especially when you factor in he was hanging around Chris during vidcon.
No. 634407
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Some caps from Mayu's now suspended twitter account
No. 634431
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Nothing new but this gem definitely belongs in this thread as well. Just in case someone hasn't seen it before.
No. 634499
>>634415You can see he looks like his candid on the bottom picture here
>>634412I think he uses angles+makeup+hella airbrush and jaw slimming shoop
No. 634518
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Some curious cat asks
No. 634543
>>634518>naming Germany, Japan and Italy as his favourite countriesTrying to fish for /pol/, I see…
>>634431Is this supposed to be irony?
No. 634569
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>>634557Well that explains why one of his twitter alts got canned. The other alt and his original account were most likely suspended for similar reasons. I'm surprised he hasn't had his HiyaMisMaya account suspended yet. Pic reposted from shoe thread.
No. 634622
>>634589But anon, he found it on google when he was self diagnosing with gender dysphoria, so it must be true!
>>634518>all three pairs of my thigh highsHe's such a stereotype
No. 634627
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No. 634636
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No. 634640
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This dudes tilts his head down and uses the myspace/fatgirl angle in just about every picture he posts of himself excluding the candid.
Guy is a trapfish. This is some Inception levels of deception.
No. 634703
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>top country is Israel>"somewhere without too much brown"He's in for a shock if he ever goes there. What an idiot.
No. 634945
File: 1531438565488.jpg (236.41 KB, 477x641, 02.jpg) screenshots from this page, some have been posted in the shuwu's thread probably
No. 634981
>>634622I think he just said the thigh high thing to sound like an uwu cute trap boi stereotype. You could get 3 pairs of cheap weeb thigh highs for probably under $5.
None of his responses seem like serious answers, just weird sad attempts to emulate June.
No. 635321
File: 1531484191091.png (250.15 KB, 963x629, Screenshot Hiya it's Maya.png)

>>634947>>634945>634518He says stuff like this:
>Slavs needs to stop pretending to be white>Africa is a shithole because of "negros">somewhere without too much brownBut also:
>Lauren Southern is way too cozy with the alt-right>fascism is a very disagreeable ideology to meKek. The only reason he "dislikes" alt-righters is because he's a Jewish tranny and they tend to hate Jews and trannies. Hating on dark-skinned people though? It's perfectly fine! But don't go thinking he's alt-right uwu~~, just like June he's way too smol and a soft-bun and not a racist (unlike Lauren's followers u_u' uwu) to be close to the alt-right~~
No. 635503
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No. 635682
File: 1531516605832.png (173.21 KB, 311x317, mayu.PNG)

>>635584In some pics Mayu looks so much like Remilia, which is just depressing considering how much money Remilia shelled out to look like that.
No. 635683
>>634518germanfag here…and "germany, japan and italy" had me fucking burst from laughing
what is this, like is he trying to put on an edgy persona like ~shuwu~ or is he really that amazingly ignorant when it comes to alt-right-mindsets and their opinion on people who are exactly like Mayu?
No. 635713
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>>635699he's obviously thirsty for preg's dick, maybe its his way to try and make preg notice him or something
No. 635746
>>635713pseudo bisexuality is common in troons
has anyone posted his videos yet? I remember one of his most misogynistic ones got posted in one of the old man hate threads a few months ago, forgot what it was about. if someone does post more, use hooktube so we don't give him views/ad revenue.
>>635732what's he majoring in? compsci? he sure looks and acts like he is
No. 635775
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for a stalker he for sure gets easily creeped out lol
No. 635779
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>>635746>what's he majoring in? compsci? he sure looks and acts like he isIdk but he likes mlp apparently, doesn't that say a lot
No. 635784
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No. 635792
File: 1531526075023.gif (1.83 MB, 275x154, 1413711271268.gif)

>>635784>PewdiepieWhat's with him wanting to date those who are already taken? Just adds to creepy/stalker vibe.
I dislike shuwu and preg but, I honestly hope they watch their backs each time they are around this…thing.
No. 635814
File: 1531527914975.png (214.26 KB, 495x623, Screenshot_2018-07-13_at_5.21.…)

Enjoy this one of Mayuwu shitting on another tranny's makeup. :^)
No. 635843
I think what gets me the most is after miss mayo met preg he unfollowed their twitter.
He got catfish thinking he was grooming a tranny to be their 3 some go to and found out mayu was ugly so he bounce hard.
No. 635844
>>635843You know when Mayew goes to Mythcon he's gonna ask Shreg why he unfollowed him.
No. 635868
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>>635843God I hope that's why he did it.
No. 635879
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>>635814>calls women ugly and even "non-passing" every chance he gets>willingly calls some obvious dude in eyeliner "her"The audacity of this incel
No. 635901
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does this guy own a mirror
No. 635971
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I'm not sure how relevant it is, but I think it wasn't posted before - Mayu has patreon with 2 (!) people paying her for making videos with great perk at 5$ tier - you can see her videos 4 hours earlier and I assume chat with her on discord.
Maybe I don't understand so maybe one of you can explain that - she earns 9 dollars from 2 patrons, but both of them are in 5$ tier somehow? how so?
>>635879>"non-passing cis people"wtf
No. 636054
>>635784Peep that transphobia regarding Derrick not having a real dick as an FtM. That’s not very uwu of you Maya~
>>635901Well he doesn’t pass and nobody likes him so he’s not entirely wrong.
No. 636067
>>636054Derrick does have a pseudo dick though doesn't he? The state of his forearm at shoe's sad engagement party says yes
>>635879>non-passing cisAt least she's an actual woman. What a gross, creepy, jealous little incel
No. 636111
>>635885you're probably right. I'll think of some manly insults to call them. haha
>>636067Seriously. That woman looks fine to me. She just needs better hair and makeup, but nothing can save Mayu.
No. 636298
>>636054Clocky shims are perpetually buttmad about trans men because trans men usually pass better with less effort, and are generally more well liked and mentally stable.
That and deep down they put trans men in the same category as real women due to their biology, which only adds to the whole pussy envy thing.
No. 636408
>>635901Holy fuck lmao
Really goes to show how delusional he is, and probably the same for other trannies that get complimented on their shooped or angled photos
No. 637539
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>>635503Calling it soon but next thread pic please
No. 637956
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No. 638215
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Aaaaaand the reward for creepiest and most fetishistic view of womanhood goes to…
No. 638229
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>>638215they all have bimbofication fetishes, this is why they don't mind or like to call themselves dumb and shit. they think it's hot/means they're dumb but hot and more like women
also, what boobs?? he thinks he's thicc now lmao despite this being the same build as literally every fat guy i see outside
No. 638571
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>>635879I sense a theme with him
No. 638979
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>>635901tried to expand a little on your (already stellar btw) work anon, hope you don't mind
No. 638993
He has an older brother who looks like your typical neckbeard and they're not friends on fb for some reason. He has a selfie with TJ Kirk on his page and also this link Their mother is a feminist apparently, I wonder where she did them so wrong.
No. 640518
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why is this so scary
No. 641546
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No. 641547
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No. 641552
File: 1532040823607.png (184.33 KB, 572x680, IFVm7rB.png)

of course this weirdo would defend this shit.
No. 641594
File: 1532042762559.png (Spoiler Image,344.67 KB, 800x329, absv6shovdjzhyyhj7d5.png)

>>641546> i look animeMaybe the pic related one because the filters and angles.
No. 642136
Gonna post some links to his videos since no one has yet.
henlo prez plz no nucc - video is about Trump's tweets in response to the Syrian chemical attacks while Maya/Daniel's wearing a cheap aliexpress chocker and has a mlp toy in the background.
Everyday Feminism can't debunk female privilege - might be what the anon earlier in the thread was talking about. He's going after some low hanging fruit just like shoe here. You can see some empty bottles in the frame, one being a 2 liter coke bottle and what looks to be a beer bottle (this one might be half empty, it's kinda hard to tell), as well as just random stuff on his dresser.
Steven Crowder's Transgender Confusion - doesn't factor in that Austin, where the story discussed took place, is incredibly liberal despite it being in a conservative state like Texas. Just something I noticed since his only point in the video is "it happened in Texas, therefore conservative."
#CreateBlackHistory - he had his twitter account restricted for calling someone a normal fag. He then says colored people some point early on (around the 50 second mark). Since he would like to live somewhere without too much brown and how he says it, I think I can safely say it's not in reference to that one joke Shoe made that no one laughed at. He later goes on to call himself a Shoe clone and praises some tweet she made.
No. 642817
File: 1532131380645.png (13.08 KB, 588x123, 55.png)

shuwu is 5'5, right? so mayu is smaller than her kek
No. 642923
"AS A TRANS PERSON.." he's talking about his adhd and lolcows
No. 642936
>>642923Stopped watching as soon as I saw MLP.
I'm not sure why Shoe is so nice to him, it's creepy how he copies her so why does she pity him?
No. 642996
>>642936I don't really get a pity vibe but more of a way for her to get an ego boost from his skinwalking sort of deal.
>>642923Also, who the hell says "lolcow meat"?
No. 643684
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No. 644852
File: 1532325938813.png (1019.68 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 4.03…)

Fuck this is embarrassing.
No. 644917
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>>640518I couldn't help myself
No. 645036
>>644852His voice is the worst part kek
First vid I watched of him and idk what I was expecting but that voice was hilarious
No. 645902
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No. 646909
File: 1532535338491.png (57.94 KB, 114x315, 20180725_115158.png)

Have we discussed this faggot yet? This is Idiotocin, the one who made the rebuttal video to Brittany. He's obviously sucking Shuwu's clit to launch his own skeptictuber career.
No. 646913
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>>642923Does Mayu have smoller shoulders than June?
No. 647108
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>>646909He looks fucking
disheveled No. 655523
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>too smol a size
No. 655592
>>655523His twitter and curious cat are just full of this "sooo smol" "daddy" "i want a goffic gf" "loli trap here guiz" and various other uwu-isms. It's pathetic.
>>647458I would bet money he had shuwu help him make this video.
There's not too much on idiot's twitter since it's mainly just retweets (most of them are shoe's tweets). No. 674069
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His bio/profile pic sure are… something
No. 674311
File: 1535368073999.png (Spoiler Image,109.79 KB, 200x300, Ao_oni.png)

>>641547I knew this looked familiar.
No. 674788
File: 1535427061182.jpg (146.67 KB, 720x813, 20180827_203024.jpg)

Malnutrition is like so kawaii uwu~
No. 674798
>>674239I don't think they actually care about whether people are vanilla or not, saying that stupid "vanilla normie" shit is just a way for them to deflect criticism while simultaneously humble bragging about how slutty they are.
Essentially they think that all men want what they see in porn and that makes them "better" than other women because they're willing to give them that.
No. 674893
>>674788The fuck is this dick on about? Looking for pity points I guess but anyone with half a brain knows that malnutrition causes health problems and that's an understatement.
Like missing periods, but he wouldn't know about that! And that's just the tip of the iceberg, obviously, since ultimately malnutrition can be fatal.
I hope his hair starts falling out from his supposed malnutrition. Then he can skinwalk his precious shuwuwuwu even more!
But yeah he probably just wants to be as tiny as possible. And idc if he starves himself, it'd make him even more of a cow tbh. But him saying that publicly is promoting disordered eating behaviors to others. So he's pro-ana now, evidently.
No. 676824
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No. 882369
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No. 882370
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Lmao this is rich
No. 882387
File: 1571529707893.jpeg (205.66 KB, 750x1290, FB1ADBB9-9607-49B1-9FE9-7F39B1…)

I know shuwus milk has dried up but holy fuck we need to start posting this obsessed troon again, his IG is full of cringe and he is STILL desperately stalking shoes every move
No. 882389
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>smudged horribly filled in stick brows
No. 882478
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>>882410Thanks but it’s just a pic of Laura Palmer so it’s fine lol
Also here’s a little more blatant skinwalking, I know it’s not news but I find it amazing how mayu just outright copies everything shuwu does down to a t, and has no shame at all
No. 882752
>>882488A little off topic but I just watched Blaire White's new video on his second channel and he talked about how Kim Petras DM'd him once saying he actually loves Blaire and then like 2 days later Kim publicly condemned ever liking Blaire and said fuck him. No doubt Kim probably hates Maya as well.
Why does Maya obsess over his fucking gender? "Why is everyone so unnecessarily weird about it?" because you won't shut up about it, that's why.